Re: Pregunta sobre la Ge Force II (X-window)


segzn entiendo, esa tarjeta esta soportada en el XFree 4.0 ...
ademas, en el sitio de nvidia existe otro server para la tarjeta, q' creo 
q' tb funciona con XFree 4.0 

espero q' te sirva ..
nos leemos,

On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, =?iso-8859-1?q?oliver=20Fornell?= wrote:

 No tengo ni idea de como poner el x-window con la
 tarjeta Ge Force II mx. Logre ponerlo con la S3 virge
 dx que tenia antes pero con esta no se como ponerla,
 si hay alguien que sepa, por favor diganmelo.
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2001-02-17 Thread Hue-Bond
 Repetidas veces  durante el día  me sale  en los logs  un ICMP
 message  type destination  unreachable  - bad  port from  localhost
 [] Le consulto al icmpinfo y me dice:

Feb 17 11:14:23 ICMP_Dest_Unreachable[Port] - sp=64520 dp=512 [nbp] seq=0x002ebae0 sz=74(+20)

 Destination port = 512. Bien:

$ grep 512 /etc/services
biff512/udp comsat

 Anda, pero si es biff. ¿Pero yo no había desactivado eso?

$ grep -i coms .procmailrc

 Pues sí :^). Supongo que ahora es otro programa quien envía ese
 UDP... ¿Quién puede ser?

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

funcion mount y NFS

2001-02-17 Thread Javi Roman
Hola, estoy intentando montar una un directorio por NFS
mediante un programita. Intento usar la funcion mount de
glibc. Segun man 2 mount es posible esta idea pasando una
estructura como ultimo parametro a la funcion:

int  mount(const char *fespecial, const char * dir , const
   char * tiposf, unsigned long le , const void * datos);

No soy capaz de lograrlo, no se si los campos de la estructura
los relleno mal o que. El mensaje obtenido en el perror es:
argumento invalido. El kernel me indica:

 nfs_read_super: missing data argument

Mi codigo es el siguiente: 

#include stdio.h
#include errno.h
#include netdb.h
#include sys/mount.h
#include netinet/in.h
#include arpa/inet.h /* inet_ntoa */
#include linux/nfs.h
#include linux/nfs_mount.h

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  struct nfs_mount_data ServerNFS;
  struct hostent *host_remoto;

  if (argc  2){
printf(Usage: montafs nombre_host\n);

  if ( (host_remoto = gethostbyname(argv[1])) == NULL){
perror(Host no accesible);

  memset(ServerNFS, 0, sizeof(ServerNFS));
  ServerNFS.version = NFS_MOUNT_VERSION;
  ServerNFS.fd = -1;
  ServerNFS.flags = NFS_MOUNT_SOFT;
  ServerNFS.rsize = 8192;
  ServerNFS.wsize = 8192;
  ServerNFS.timeo = 7;
  ServerNFS.retrans = 3;
  ServerNFS.acregmin = 3;
  ServerNFS.acregmax = 60;
  ServerNFS.acdirmin = 30;
  ServerNFS.acdirmax = 60;
  ServerNFS.addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  ServerNFS.addr.sin_port = 0;
  memcpy(ServerNFS.addr.sin_addr, host_remoto-h_addr,
  strcpy(ServerNFS.hostname, argv[1]);
  ServerNFS.namlen = NAME_MAX;
  ServerNFS.bsize =  0;

  printf (direccion estructura: %p\n, ServerNFS);
  if ( mount(HOSTREMOTO:/mnt, /export, nfs, MS_RDONLY, (void *)
ServerNFS) ){
  perror(\nError en montaje);
  return 1;

  return 0;


¿Alguien ha usado la funcion mount para esto?
¿Alguna idea?


Re: problemas de instalacion de argus.1.8.1

2001-02-17 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Podrías darnos más información sobre argus o una dirección URL?
Quizás sirva tambien si detallas los problemas: compilación,
configuración ???


On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 04:09:24PM +0100, Izabela Katerina Kot wrote:
 Hola. Soy Izabela Katerina.Me encuentro con problemas de instalacion de
 argus 1.8.1 sobre Linux Debian,(esto es solo la mitad).A continuacion
 necesito enlazar argus con los servicios de MRTG. Agradezco toda
 colaboracion.Muchas gracias por atenderme. 
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Re: Manual APT

2001-02-17 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

En hay un mini-como sobre apt, sino esta
disponible en


On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 12:29:09PM -0500, David Felipe Arias Ochoa wrote:
 en que lugar puedo encotnra un buen manual, practico teorica de apt-get,
 quiero que explique ademas de su funcionamiento basico, como se usa
 adecuadamenete --force
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Error: isdn_tx_timeout dev ippp0 dialstate 0

2001-02-17 Thread mogas
Hola gente,
Cuando trato de conectar con RDSI con el mandato 'isdnctrl dial ippp0' 
me aparece el mensaje del Asunto, creo tener bien configurado los 
ficheros de /etc/isdn. Alguien me puede orientar en porque sucedo esto y 
como solucionarlo?

Gracias a todos,

Santi Moreno

Cliente y servidor PPP

2001-02-17 Thread José Luis Ayala
Hola a todos...

Acabo de configurar el ordenador de mi casa como servidor PPP (así
puedo conectarme desde el laboratorio) con mgetty. Sin embargo, aunque
éste funciona correctamente, me he cargado la posibilidad de conectarme
como cliente PPP. Ahora, cuando lanzo el pppd, no se conecta y en el  log

Feb 10 01:40:29 einstein pppd[580]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
Feb 10 01:40:31 einstein chat[582]: send (atdtw91xxx^M)
Feb 10 01:40:31 einstein chat[582]: expect (CONNECT)
Feb 10 01:40:43 einstein chat[582]: warning: read() on stdin returned 0
Feb 10 01:40:43 einstein chat[582]: Failed
Feb 10 01:40:44 einstein pppd[580]: Exit.

¿Tenéis alguna idea de qué puede estar pasando? ¡Muchas gracias!




José Luis Ayala Rodrigo e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dpto. Ingeniería Electrónica
E.T.S. Ingenieros Telecomunicación
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Linux Registered User #182215   web:
Teoría es cuando se sabe todo y nada funciona; práctica, cuando todo 
funciona y nadie sabe por qué.

Re: Leer una tubería en perl

2001-02-17 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 16 de febrero de 2001 a la(s) 22:10:50 +0100, Hue-Bond contaba:

 El texto  va por  la tubería  y aparece  en pantalla  porque el
 servidor lo imprime. PERO! desde  este momento, el servidor se pone
 a comsumir  frenéticamente todo el  micro que puede.


open (PIPA, /home/hue/tmp/contador);
do {
read PIPA, $texto, 25;
($texto eq ) || print $texto;
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1);
} until ($texto eq MEPIRO\n);


 Creo que read es más conveniente, y con el select introduzco un
 pequeño retardo  (según vi  en el  man de  perlfunc). Le  he puesto
 retardo de una  centésima de segundo y el impacto  en el sistema ni
 siquiera aparecía entre los primeros del top :^).

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: como desistalo el portmap ?

2001-02-17 Thread aSkAiNeT
On Fri, 16 Feb 2001 16:18:25 +0100
Prosi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hola, en /etc/rc2.d no tengo nada que llame al portmap y este se inicia
 es este nivel...

lo tienes en /etc/rcS.d/S41portmap

 como hago pa que no se inicie?

simplemente renombra el fichero a s41portmap, la s minuscula evitara que se 
si utilizas servicios como nfs no deberias desactivarlo ya que lo necesitarias

 todo lo que se encuentra en /etc/init.d se ejecuta al inicio? hay algo
 mas k se ejecute al inicio aparte de /etc/init.d y /etc/rc2.d?

los scripts en /etc/init.d son los verdaderos scripts de inicio a los que se 
hacen links desde /etc/rc*.d, un catalogo de scripts de inicio por decir asi 
al arrancar el sistema, se ejecutaran todos los que empiecen por Snn en 
/etc/rcS.d y seguidamente los de /etc/rc[runlevel].d

 en que paquete esta el portmap?

el paquete se llama portmap tal cual

 gracias de nuevo

nada, un saludo

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Ivan Lopez de Pedro aSkAiNeT

GNU/Linux Powered (Debian SID)  Linux Reg. User #197657

¿Red com Mulinux como?

2001-02-17 Thread José Miguel Sisó Espitia

Sigo con el problema de red, aunque algo se ha solucionado 
gracias a vuestras contestaciones.
Ahora ya he conseguido hacer ping a la tarjeta de cada equipo, 
pero no puedo hacerlo desde un equipo a otro.
Creo que problema de cable no es pues es coaxial, y hace poco 
tiempo estaba funcionando en una red. Yo diria que el problema es de rutas o 
Si hago un route -n en el amd me contesta:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface   U 0  00 eth0

Si hago lo mismo en el Amstrad 386sx:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS  Windows   Use Iface *   U 1500  01   eth0   *   U 3584  01   lo
default *   UG1500  00   eth0

Viendo esto se me ocurre ¿porque? el Amstrad tiene dos 
interfaces de red si solo tiene una tarjeta.
¿Sabeis si hay algun otro problema para que no funcione al red?
Gracias a todos.

problemas con las librerias y las X

2001-02-17 Thread Oscar Ramos Moreno

Buenas compañeros poetas:

Hace un par de semanas por requerimientos de un programa de cuyo nombre no 
quiero acordarme me vi obligado a actualizar libc6.
La cosa iba bien hasta q enderrepente y por sorpresa el gnome dejo de 
funcionar. Realmente esto ocurrió la siguiente vez q arranque el sistema. La 
cosa siguió así pense q el problema sería del gnome como no sabia q podría 
ser decidí desinstalarlo y volverlo a instalar, cosa q odio pero fué un 
momento desesperación. Despues cuando intente reinstalarlo aprovechando para 
actualizarlo me aparece este precioso mensaje:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
 locales: Depends: libc6 (= 2.1.3-13) but 2.2-6 is to be installed

¿Esto quiere decir q depende en exclusiva de una versión?,
si no es así ¿No debería ser correcta la depencia por eso de q es una 
versión más reciente?.
Supongo q el problema no serádel XFree86 por que he conseguido q funcione el 
Window Maker y sobre el el Sawfish, los problemas vienen porque no está el 
gdm q no me deja instalar.

Bueno un saludo y Hasta la victoria siempre

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para diego

2001-02-17 Thread laura diaz
me lo pasaron en la oficina en podes registrar gratis tu 
y te dan hosting y mails sin cargo con dominio propio.
yo puse la pagina ahi!!

miralo y contame!!


Re: Netscape

2001-02-17 Thread Gerardo Lopez

Asunto: Re: Netscape
Fecha: Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 04:35:55PM +0100

Time to reply!

Citando a  Ricardo Villalba ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 A mi me pasaba lo mismo y lo dejé por imposible. 
 Consejo: usa el kmail.

Una cosilla: ¿que os parece postilion? Yo lo he probado y me ha dejado muy
buena impresión, además de ese look a lo NEXTstep tan chulo :)
Gerardo Lopez  oger(a)
San Valero Informáticos  __  o  glopez(a)  
BOFH excuse #35: /pub/lunch   |\/ o\  o
Registered Linux User:  203884|/\__/ Running Debian Sid , Be OS V.5

Re: ¿Red com Mulinux como?

2001-02-17 Thread Rafa Sánchez
On Sat, 17 Feb 2001, José Miguel Sisó Espitia wrote:

Si hago un route -n en el amd me contesta:
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface   U 0  00 eth0
   Si hago lo mismo en el Amstrad 386sx:
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination   Gateway Genmask Flags MSS  Windows   Use Iface   *   U 1500  01   eth0 *   U 3584  01   lo
 default *   UG1500  00   eth0
 Viendo esto se me ocurre ¿porque? el Amstrad tiene dos interfaces de red
 si solo tiene una tarjeta.

Porque el interfaz lo es el de loopback, que no tiene relacion con el
otro equipo, es decir, es el interfaz que se utiliza para realizar
conexiones a la misma maquina.

Personalmente considero que no tiene nada que hacer en la tabla de
encaminamiento de ninguno de los equipos (solo esta en la del 386sx, ya
lo he visto).

Esto no creo que sea el problema por el que no puedes hacer conexiones de
uno a otro, pero tengo curiosidad por saber el motivo que te ha impulsado
a meter esa entrada [...] lo si esa red es para las conexiones
internas del equipo, es decir, si haces un telnet a ese equipo desde si
mismo, el interfaz que utiliza no es eth0, sino lo y no hace falta que
esté incluido en la tabla de encaminamiento.

 ¿Sabeis si hay algun otro problema para que no funcione al red?

En mensajes anteriores citas:

En el amd la tarjeta me funciona perfecta mente una isa, cuando hago ping
a la dirección del ordenador amd, responde bien.

Y eso, has de saber, que no utiliza para nada el interfaz de red eth0,
sino que lo realiza todo por loopback, aunque especifiques claramente una
direccion IP, puesto que en algun sitio debes tener puesto que ESE equipo
tiene como IP para fuera la, con lo que él se conoce a si
mismo y no usa el eth0. De hacerlo (o poder hacerse) sería un desperdicio
de ancho de banda.

Tambien muestras en tus mensajes que la salida de ifconfig es tal o cual y
yo te pregunto: ¿Has cortado la salida de ifconfig que hemos leido o es
que solo tienes puesto como dispositivos de red a la tarjeta
ethernet? Porque de ser lo segundo es normal que te diga que no puede
acceder a la red, puesto que no tiene dispositivo de salida.

Esto es parte de un mensaje anterior tuyo:
eth0Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:6E:44:A0:7C
inet addr:  Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0errors:0dropped:0   overruns:0
TX packets:0errors:0dropped:0   overruns:0
Interrupt:5 Base address:0x300

Si hago un ping a
Me dice que no se puede acceder a la red.

Así pues, si esa es toda la salida de ifconfig, has de saber que para
poder hacerle un ping a (direccion normalmente utilizada para
el dispositivo loopback) debes tener el dispositivo configurado, es decir,
el dispoitivo lo debe estar presente, pero no en la tabla de
encaminamiento, que ahí no sirve para nada.

Piensa que si en tu /etc/hosts tienes algo similar a esto:   localhost

Cuando hagas ping a busca, por ser localhost, el dispositivo
lo y si se lo quitas no funciona, porque las conexiones a si mismo DEBE
realizarlas por loopback.

Espero que esto sirva por lo menos para que puedas hacer ping de una
máquina a esa misma máquina.

Cuando puedas hacer conexiones de una máquina a si misma nos cuentas qué
ocurre cuando intentas hacerlo de una máquina a otra, indicando tanto la
salida de ifconfig, la tabla de encaminamiento, el contenido del fichero
/etc/networks y  los ficheros de la configuración de la red en cada uno
de los equipos (si usas slink = /etc/init.d/network, si usas potato o
posterior = /etc/network/interfaces)

--- Rafael Ángel Sánchez Giménez ---


2001-02-17 Thread Mig
Recuerdo que hace mucho tiempo yo podia ver los errores del kernel cuando
se iniciaba linux con el comando dmesg, pero ahora no lo puedo hacer,
alguien sabe como puedo ver esos errores o donde puedo consultarlos, estoy
intentando ver los errores que me marca con la tarjeta de sonido, al
arrancar pero no puedo verlos cuando inicia por que pasan muy rapido y no
se como consultar estos errores.

Re: Antwort: Rebooting is foolish ....

2001-02-17 Thread Osamu Aoki
I agree with Carel.  As long as X read from /dev/gpmdata (most sane
configuration but too many people disregards...), reboot is not
needed for KB/mouse initialization.

I just unplugged my mouse while in X4, replug -- cant move,
restrted gpm to initialize, there I go again.

By the way, when you have buggy multi-PC KB switcher, and
KB goes crazy, restarting gpm also intialize KB nicely.

I have one occasion which needs reboot. TESTING new LILO/mbr
configuration (booting multiple linux installation with 
multiple kernel images


On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 11:29:46PM +0100, Carel Fellinger wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 05:30:11PM -0500, David B . Harris wrote:
  To quote Carel Fellinger [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  # On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 04:06:03PM -0500, David B . Harris wrote:
  # ...
  #  You also need to re-boot for some hardware re-initialization. See
  #  recent thread on XFree 4.0.2 and an IntelliMouse-compatible mouse.
  # I doubt it.  Any trouble I've had with PS2 mouses not being properly
  # initialized could be solved by /etc/init.d.gpm restart preceded by
TYPO: /etc/init.d/gpm restart
  # the occasionally physical reconnecting of the mouse.  But YMMV:)
  Don't doubt it. I didn't just make it up to prove that a reboot *could*
  be required to re-initialize hardware :)
 But I *do* doubt it:)
 You see, unplugging the mouse and then replugging it resets the mouse,
 restarting gpm redoes the initialisation, so what else could be necessery?
 Ofcourse I could be overlooking something.  I've read that thread you
 refered to, but I don't remember having seen that the really did the above,
 i.e. unplug the mouse, reconnect the mouse, restart gpm.  If they did, and
 the mouse still refused to work, please tell me and I admit you're right.
 groetjes, carel
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+   Fingerprint: 814E BD64 3288 40E7 E88E  3D92 C3F8 EA94 D5DE 453D   +
+   === === Cupertino, CA USA ===   +

Re: Antwort: Rebooting is foolish ....

2001-02-17 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 06:19:29PM -0700, John Galt wrote:
 On Fri, 16 Feb 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 want it active. If you change the partitiontable it might be usefull.
 Linux Fdisk resyncs the disks almost immediately.  DOS fdisk requires a
 reboot to do this.  Did you reboot after running fdisk when installing

I'm quite sure that if you repartition a disk while any partition is
mounted, other utilities such as mke2fs do not see the new
partitioning scheme until a reboot. If there aren't any partitions
mounted on the disk in question then all's well ...

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Inc. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature


2001-02-17 Thread wujf
On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 02:43:57PM +0100, Erich Baur wrote:
 Hi *,
 Since some days I'm able to access the internet through a MS Proxy Server
 (MS Proxy Server 2.0 runs on a NT machine in a network). I just had
 to change to Browser/Proxy settings to the right values. 
 But how is it possible to bring programms like fetchmail, micq, ftp etc. to
 work? Under MS Windows I need to install MS Proxy Client for such things,
 but under Debian?
 Please help, I don't have any ideas (I'm a newcomer).
 Thanks in advance
 PS: Would you please cc your replies to my email-address? At the moment I'm
 not subscribed to the list because of some problems with my mail programm.

M$ proxy supports the SOCKS protocol,
install socks4-client on your linux
box to use it. I had successfully using
CVS, mail, news this way.

Good Luck!

Modules, modprobe, and 2.4.1 kernel

2001-02-17 Thread Dean A. Roman
Hello all,

   I recently configured, compiled, and installed the 2.4.1 kernel.  So
far things are going ok with it.

However, modprobe has stopped working correctly, and can't find any

I looked in /lib/modules/2.4.1/kernel/drivers/net  and found drivers
(3c509.o) for the modules I am trying to load, however modprobe can't
find them.
If I go into the /lib/modules/2.4.1/kernel/drivers/net  directory and
use insmod 3c509.o, then insmod will load the module.

Why can't modprobe find my modules any more?  It worked fine on my older
2.0.36 and 2.2.14 kernels?
What do I need to do to tell modprobe where to find the new modules?

Thanks for any help you can give!

---Dean Roman  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Modules, modprobe, and 2.4.1 kernel

2001-02-17 Thread Dean A. Roman

Hello all,
 I recently configured, compiled, and installed the 2.4.1
kernel. So far things are going ok with it.
However, modprobe has stopped working correctly, and can't find any
I looked in /lib/modules/2.4.1/kernel/drivers/net  and found drivers
(3c509.o) for the modules I am trying to load, however modprobe can't find
If I go into the /lib/modules/2.4.1/kernel/drivers/net directory
and use "insmod 3c509.o", then insmod will load the module.
Why can't modprobe find my modules any more? It worked fine on
my older 2.0.36 and 2.2.14 kernels?
What do I need to do to tell modprobe where to find the new modules?
Thanks for any help you can give!
---Dean Roman (Email - [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Dreamt of Debian ...

2001-02-17 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
Okay, this is too much.  I just dreamed of Debian programming. I don't
know the details anymore, but ithad something to do with a package
being split into others and the resulting dependencies problems.  The 
dream also included my university and high school.  For some reason I
had to go back to school and repeat the last year.

This is way too much.  I liked my school, I like my studies and Debian
is simply great.  But I'd rather *dream* of something else.  I need a
break.  Seriously.


Viktor Rosenfeld
Geek Code (3.1):
  GCS/SS d-@ s+: a20 C++@ UL++$ P+ L+++ E--- W++ N++ o? K? !W O? M? V?
  PS++@ PE+(-) Y+ P?(+++) t+ 5+ X- R? !tv b+ DI+ D- G e+++ h-- r- !y+

RE: Newbie

2001-02-17 Thread #KUNDAN KUMAR#
I am surprised!! What's the TV tuner card doing here? I don't have one. When
might it have seeped into?
How should I remove it. Moreover, there are no modules for my sound-card
snd-ymf-pci. What shoud I do to get my sound card sonfigured?

-Original Message-
From: Jimmy Kaplowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 10:13 AM
Cc: Debian-User (E-mail)
Subject: Re: Newbie

I should answer honestly here; this is over my head. I sincerely hope that
someone on this list will have some idea. I am not familiar with TV tuner
hardware for Linux, since I don't own any.

I wish you good luck. Stick with it, these things usually do get worked out!

- Jimmy Kaplowitz

On Sat, Feb 17, 2001 at 08:38:01AM +0800, #KUNDAN KUMAR# wrote:
 Thanks Jimmy,
  Did the same as you asked. It worked fine, except for I had to give the
 aptget command with -f option, quite a few times.
  However, now I am having some strange problems, the monitor (under X)
 suddenly freezes. Even the keyboard doesn't work. And after sometimes, it
  Is it that my krenel is not well compiled? the kernel version is
 2.2.18pre21. Some interesting things,  get in dmesg are:
 CPU: Intel Pentium III (Coppermine) stepping 01
 Checking 386/387 coupling... OK, FPU using exception 16 error reporting.  
 PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device f9, VID=8086,
 PCI_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
 ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf000-0xf007, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
 ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:DMA
 PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device f9, VID=8086,
 PCI_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
 ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf000-0xf007, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
 ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:DMA 
 for my modules.conf, I have
 # The BTTV module does not load the tuner module automatically,
 # so do that in here
 post-install bttv insmod tuner
 post-remove bttv insmod tuner
 pre-remove serial /etc/init.d/setserial modsave   /dev/null 2 /dev/nulll
 ### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/setserial
 ### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/arch/i386
 alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
 alias char-major-10-144 nvram
 alias binfmt-0064 binfmt_aout
 alias char-major-10-135 rtc  
 Everything on the system is very slow, including telnet etc..
 -Original Message-
 From: Jimmy Kaplowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 6:51 AM
 Cc: Debian-User (E-mail)
 Subject: Re: Newbie
 First change all references to stable in your /etc/apt/sources.list to
 woody. Then
 apt-get update
 apt-get dist-upgrade
 All this is to be done as root. You could also upgrade to unstable instead
 woody/testing by substituting unstable for woody above.
 If you have any questions, write back to the list and if I can help I'll
 do so.
 - Jimmy Kaplowitz
 On Sat, Feb 17, 2001 at 06:28:05AM +0800, #KUNDAN KUMAR# wrote:
  Greetings to all!
   I have just Installed Debian Potato. Delighted to see that it could be
  done. I am extremely new to apt-get and the other debian package
  tools. Had heard a lot of apt-get and thus I came to debian. apt-get is
   I have a small dumb problem. How can I just upgrade to woody. I could
  figure out the exact command??
   apt-get distupgrade woody??
   thanks for help
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HDDs (Re: Rebooting is foolish .... )

2001-02-17 Thread Robert Waldner
On Fri, 16 Feb 2001 18:41:04 +0100, William Leese writes:
..okay, so we have maxtor, seagate, conner (same company as seagate maybe, 
but they still sell HDs under their name) and i think i've heard something 
about samsung.. so, which HD manufacturer makes reliable HDs, anyone? IBM 

I use IBM-hdds almost exclusively since ~ 1996, mainly because they´re 
 almost always the 2nd-cheapest. Not a single one failed me in that 
 time, even though some of them are installed in, well, suboptimal ways 
 (not being fixated with screws, but dangling around...see for examples). This all only 
 counts IDE-drives, for SCSI I use Seagate Cheetah´s, but it seems to 
 me that they´ve got a lifespan of ~ 2 years only, then start slowly 
 dying (but hey, they´re fast).

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   |   DSA key ID: C33A2BC0  / 

Where is tbackup?

2001-02-17 Thread Mark Phillips

A long time ago, back in the days when I used slackware, I used a
backup program called tbackup.  I have been looking for the Debian
package of it and can't find it!  Is it not packaged?  From memory it
was quite a good program.  I can't think why it would not be packaged.
It is released under GPL.  I haven't yet been able to find any other
programs with quite the same functionality.  Is there something else

Probably I will manually compile and install tbackup, but I am
surprised Debian doesn't seem to have it and thought I would point
this out as well as asking why.



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: debian command list

2001-02-17 Thread sc

 On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 08:40:19AM -0800, Mike Egglestone wrote:

 Hi all...
 I'm looking for a web site that would have
 a nice list and basic description of debian commands.
 Anyone know of such a place?

 or even just linux commands for that matter...

I know this isn't what you're looking for, but outside of basic Debian
commands, strolling through dselect is a nice way to get a feel for the
type of programs available to you in certain categories and what they
do.  Always find interesting new stuff there to try out.


Re: A debian-based distro for the New

2001-02-17 Thread sc

 On Tue, 13 Feb 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I got a few friends who are interested in (trying)linux. For TRYING
  purposes I want them to use a debian based Linux. I love using debian
  and I am pretty new my-self(1.5 year). I think it might be a little
  to overwelming for them. I beleive there are three to chose from
  Corel, Storm
  and Libranet.

I guess it depends on your friends.  A friend of mine introduced me to
Debian when I had a dormant P133 w/32MB of RAM.  Only reason I used
Debian was because he introduced it to me.  I had no meaningful UNIX
knowledge, and I'm not a programmer; *every* distribution would've been
overwhelming to me.

2 years later, I STILL have no meaningful UNIX knowledge, but I'm still
with Debian.  Have no real incentive to leave.  The installation /
upgrade features are terrific.  I like what it stands for, and it never
gives me any problems for what I use it for.

I'm not sure why Debian gets such low marks for newbies.  Great for
learning Linux because everything's not hidden behind a control panel.
Not for every newbie, but it now has some reputation of eating every
newbie for breakfast which is too bad.


Re: Modules, modprobe, and 2.4.1 kernel

2001-02-17 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Dean A. Roman [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Hello all,
#I recently configured, compiled, and installed the 2.4.1 kernel. 
# far things are going ok with it.
# However, modprobe has stopped working correctly, and can't find any
# modules.

Chances are, you need a newer version of modutils. Here's a quick way to
get the appropriate version, made for your particular platform(Debian
Potato, I'm guessing).

1) Add a deb-src line in /etc/apt/sources.list pointing to testing, as
opposed to potato or stable. Remove this line when you're done.
2) As root, 'apt-get -b source modutils'.
3) As root, 'dpkg -i modutils.deb, which was created with the previous
command'. There you go :)

If you read /path/to/kernel/sources/Documentation/Changes , you'll see
the versions of all the programs you need to run a 2.4.x kernel.

# Thanks for any help you can give!

No probs. In return for this help, please refrain from posting your
question multiple times to the mailing list.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

libgal2 package missing from mirrors, which have link to libgal2

2001-02-17 Thread Jameson Burt
gnumeric 0.61-1 (sid) requires libgal2, but
while debian's mirrors pretend to serve
libgal2; eg, thru  
those links lead to no such package.

Jameson C. Burt, NJ9L   Fairfax, Virginia, USA
(202) 690-0380 (work)

You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it.
-- G.K. Chesterton

Re: XFree86 4.0.2 - Very low resolution - how to increase?

2001-02-17 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 17 Feb 2001, Martin Albert wrote:
 On Friday 16 February 2001 09:41, Anthony Campbell wrote:
  I'm currently confused about X-4. I've been keeping up to date with
  Testing and now I don't know which version of X I'm running. My
  driver is xserver-svga 3.3.6X. I tried running xf86config and this
  generated a XF86Config-4 file which didn't work. I therefore
  continued with my existing XF86Config.
  Can anyone explain briefly what the present position is with regard
  to X-4?
 I can only explain briefly what your problem is ;-)
 You're actually running the old 3.3.6 server, propably you didn't 
 install a new one. If you dare (no, it works, at least) do 
 apt-get install xserver-xfree86

I've done this but I can't get it to work. I ran xf86config and produced
an XF86Config-4 file, but this refuses to run, with numerous error
messages (various sections should begin with Driver.. etc.).

I'll glady RTFM if there is one.


Anthony Campbell - running Gnu/Debian Linux (Windows-free zone)
For electronic books, skeptical essays, and over 120 book reviews, go to:

The superior man is courteous but not pliable.
The inferior man is pliable but not courteous.

How to compile for debugging (APT)?

2001-02-17 Thread Ross Boylan
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to compile a debian package,
specifically apt, for debugging?  I got curious about some odd apt-get
behavior (posted here previously) and wanted to try to track it down.
Easier said than done!

I think the problem is that I'm linking with my main,
which doesn't have any debug info.  I have tried setting -ggdb in
appropriate places and turning on static linking, but it doesn't seem
to have taken (judging from what happens in debug and the output of

I may be missing some general feature of GNU or debian packages, or it
may be peculiar to apt.  apt has a somewhat non-standard build
architecture in place.

I did apt-get source and then ./configure, make at the top level (the
build tree, or a good part of it, is replicated in
debian/cvs-build--I'm not messing with that).  I'm not trying to build
a deb, and my output files are ending up under the source tree (which
is fine).  I've steadily modified the build files, first with -ggdb
and then with static makes.  I've done make cleans in between.

Aside from apt, I'd like to know if there are some general knobs for
turning debugging on with most packages.

P.S. I would have posted this to the deity (aka apt) list, but it is
apparently limited to apt developers.  I'm not one, though conceivably
I might have a patch at the end of this to get apt to explain itself
better.  I have turned on the documented Debug conf file options.

Re: Rebooting woes ..was.. Rebooting is foolish ....

2001-02-17 Thread Sebastiaan
For my (little home) servers, I always try a reboot after I installed
something regarding to the things it serves. If something goes wrong
(power failure, accicent, etc) I know that the vital parts work directly
100% after reboot.

As for my client/workstation system, I have to reboot when I need to use
winsloze (do not ask me why, it is seldom). But lately, I installed an old
CD WORM, and Linux hangs when I try to mount a disc in it.


On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, SamBozo Debian User wrote:

 Nate Amsden wrote:
  try avoid rebooting whenever possible. i had a bad experience with
  not too long ago. a sun ultra 10..up for about 130 days..shut it down to
  move a UPS, it never came back up. spent the next 15-20 hours rebuilding
 I Have had a simular experience (admitedly as a newbie, so wasn't adapt
 at saving the install) I had a box up for a month ... made many changes.
 Everything was fine.  Had to shutdown for a thunderstorm. On reboot
 install was dorked ... which one of the 100's of changes I made killed
 it ???
 Lesson learned:
 Newbie responce ... 
 even if it is linux ... 
 reboot so you know which change/upgrade killed it ... 
 ie better chance to fix it. 
 I KNOW THIS is NOT the proper way to do things with Linux ... 
 but how else do you know?
 Please tell me?
 I'll change my evil ways...  
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Modules, modprobe, and 2.4.1 kernel

2001-02-17 Thread Sebastiaan
Have you installed the latest modutils?


On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, Dean A. Roman wrote:

 Hello all,
I recently configured, compiled, and installed the 2.4.1 kernel.  So
 far things are going ok with it.
 However, modprobe has stopped working correctly, and can't find any
 I looked in /lib/modules/2.4.1/kernel/drivers/net  and found drivers
 (3c509.o) for the modules I am trying to load, however modprobe can't
 find them.
 If I go into the /lib/modules/2.4.1/kernel/drivers/net  directory and
 use insmod 3c509.o, then insmod will load the module.
 Why can't modprobe find my modules any more?  It worked fine on my older
 2.0.36 and 2.2.14 kernels?
 What do I need to do to tell modprobe where to find the new modules?
 Thanks for any help you can give!
 ---Dean Roman  (Email - [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Modules, modprobe, and 2.4.1 kernel

2001-02-17 Thread Adrian Bunk
On Sat, 17 Feb 2001, David B. Harris wrote:

 To quote Dean A. Roman [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 # Hello all,
 #I recently configured, compiled, and installed the 2.4.1 kernel.
 # far things are going ok with it.
 # However, modprobe has stopped working correctly, and can't find any
 # modules.

 Chances are, you need a newer version of modutils. Here's a quick way to
 get the appropriate version, made for your particular platform(Debian
 Potato, I'm guessing).

 [explanation how to compile modutils yourself]

I have already compiled the packages you may need when runnng kernel 2.4.1
on potato (including modutils). See [1] for more information.

 David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay




Nicht weil die Dinge schwierig sind wagen wir sie nicht,
sondern weil wir sie nicht wagen sind sie schwierig.

library's hiding?

2001-02-17 Thread Sebastiaan

I try to run a program, but it seems that it cannot find the librarys
needed. With ldd, I see that the following librarys can not be found:

They are all present in /usr/X11R6/lib directory.

My /etc/ contains, among others, this directory too.

When I do 'echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH', the string is empty. When I add the
correct paths to it, the program still can not find them.

How do I solve this properly (in stead of copying them to /lib)?

Thanks in advance,

Re: XFree86 agpgart.o

2001-02-17 Thread peter
hi thx for the response...

i solved the problem in another way...
i got me the binaries for xfree86 4.0.2 and installed them over the old 
finally it worked :-)
kde is up and running...

greets peter

Am Freitag, 16. Februar 2001 23:39 schrieben Sie:
 I used the i810gtt-0.2-4.src.rpm and xfcom_i810-1.2-3.i386.rpm files

 from Then I rpm -U i810gtt and alien xfcom_i810.

 Going to /usr/src/redhat/SOURCE I rebuild agpgart.o for my running
 kernel, insmod it, and then dpkg -i xfcom's deb I just alienated. I
 maked sure /etc/X11/X pointed to /usr/X11/bin/XFCom_i810 and ran
 xf86config to reconfigure my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. I reviewed the file,
 and startx worked at last!

 I don't know if this could work for you, but here it did. I can send you
 the files if you like to.

 peter wrote:
  hi there !!
  im recently trying to run an xserver on a fuckin (sorry) i810 intel
  board... all those on-board stuff sucks... but anyways...
  im running potato with a new 2.4.1 kernel ( i also got the new modutils
  and stuff and all works fine )...
  on the xfree site they say to run the server with the i810 chipset i
  would need a agpgart.o - module that comes with the server !?!
  i cant find it anywhere... i got one compiled with the kernel and
  modprobe loads it, but still the server wont start...
  heres what it said =
  XF86Config: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
  (**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
  (**) XKB: keymap: xfree86(de) (overrides other XKB settings)
  (**) Mouse: type: PS/2, device: /dev/psaux, buttons: 3
  (**) Mouse: 3 button emulation (timeout: 50ms)
  (**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: i810
  (**) SVGA: Monitor ID: My Monitor
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 64.25 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 70.24 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 70.88 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 74.59 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 75.00 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 76.01 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 78.86 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 80.21 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 81.13 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 87.50 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 89.62 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 91.15 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 93.75 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 105.77 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 107.16 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1800X1440 needs hsync freq of 96.15 kHz. Deleted.
  (--) SVGA: Mode 1800X1440 needs hsync freq of 104.52 kHz. Deleted.
  (**) FontPath set to
  (--) SVGA: PCI: Intel Unknown chipset (0x7121) rev 3, Memory @
  0xd800, 0xdc10
  (--) SVGA: error doing ioctl(GARTIOCINFO): Invalid argument
  Fatal server error:
  When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send
  the full server output, not just the last messages
  XIO:  fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :0.0
after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
  anyone got an idea ??
  thx a lot...

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gmc mime-types question

2001-02-17 Thread Bostjan Muller

I am trying gmc (gnome midnight commander) and I find it pretty fast and
usable, but I have one major problem. Whenever I set up a mime type for a mime
type, that allready had a program (to open with) set and change it it makes no
effect, the files still try to be opened with the old programe :( I don't use 
gnome, just gmc and it just won't work for me, so avi files try to open with
xanim, when I wan't them to open with aviplay or xtheater .. is there a way to
make this work?

THX in advance!

For my PGP key finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED], RSA id: 0x90178DBD, ICQ #:7506644
Celular: +386(0)41243189, Powered by Debian GNU/LiNUX , Student of VFUL
perl -e 'print packH*,6e656f6e61747573406e656f6e617475732e6e65740a'

Re: Antwort: Rebooting is foolish ....

2001-02-17 Thread Martin Tanzer
John Galt wrote:
--- snip ---
 Linux Fdisk resyncs the disks almost immediately.  DOS fdisk requires a
 reboot to do this.  Did you reboot after running fdisk when installing

I definitely have to reboot installing my alphas. I don't know if I had
to reboot the machine with the arc-colsole, but for shure the machines
with the srm-conole (fortunytely I have to install very seldom my own
machines, thanx, Linus! ;-) This has something to do that the
SRM-cosoles need partitions with BSD-Labels (what ever this is).
I hate installing my alphas - installation is easy, but making these
beasts boot is painful. But thats another story...


Re: XFree86 4.0.2 and Matrox G400

2001-02-17 Thread Lee Elliott

IIRC, when I first tried X 4 I tried compiling the mga driver into the
kernel and had crashes.  Since then I compiled it as a driver and it's
been ok.

Strange, as it works in 16bpp.  I can't think of anything else to try,
other than checking everything again.  I would have thought that as it
works for you at 16bpp it should only error at 24/32bpp if something's
wrong - it shouldn't crash your system.  Could it be a hardware problem?


Chun Kit Edwin Lau wrote:
 Yeap.. that's exactly what I have.. and exactly when my machine crashed.
 and what I tried Depth of 16, it crashed too... ... just don't know why
 Edwin Lau
 On Thu, 15 Feb 2001 16:48:16 Lee Elliott wrote:
  Have you got a DefaultFbBpp  32 line in your Screen section?  see
  Section Screen
Identifier  Default Screen
Device  MGA
Monitor Generic Monitor
SubSection Display
  Chun Kit Edwin Lau wrote:
   Well 2.4.1 kernel does impress me, but the mga problem is still there.
   32bpp just freeze my system. and I don't even have to XFree log for
   just have 24bpp XFree log attached
   On Wed, 14 Feb 2001 11:05:01 Joris Lambrecht wrote:
I remember reading that kernel 2.4.1(01?) has improved handling of
cards and fixes some (if not all ...) known issues, i'd suggest you'd
take a
look at this kernel. The 2.4.x kernels really impressed me, if the
linux development would have similar level of quality linux would
rule the desktop.
-Original Message-
From: Chun Kit Edwin Lau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 11:49 AM
To: Damon Muller
Cc: User Debian
Subject: Re: XFree86 4.0.2 and Matrox G400
I am using 2.2.18 and have agp, via, dri compiled in the kernel, but
leaving mga as a module and i guess I have the same problem as you.
crashes my machine at 16 and 32bpp. I guess it has to do will drm.
  When i
check the XF86 website, it seems to be that they suggested kernel
kernel. I haven't given it a shot yet. and i also said in the site
disable the dri in the kernel for 2.4.x. (don't know about 2.2.18)
Edwin Lau
On Wed, 14 Feb 2001 01:56:31 Damon Muller wrote:
 Quoth Chun Kit Edwin Lau,
  ok you have the dri working fine? well, for some unknown reason.
  XFree.0.log, it said direct rendering disable. don't know why?
  did you include in the kernel? thanx

 What colour depth are you using? dri/drm only working in 16 and
 If you are using anything else, it will be disabled. This bit me
 originally as I was using 24bpp (which turned out to be a good
 that particular original driver and X4.02 didn't like each other,
 launching into dri/drm mode crashed the machine).

 Other than that, make sure you've got agpgart compiled in or as a
 module, along with the correct motherboard chipset support.



 Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their
 Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket, | And was everybody dancing on the
 PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
   Edwin Lau ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  XFree86.0.logName: XFree86.0.log
   Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Serial ports - how to get them to coexist peacefully...

2001-02-17 Thread John Quirk

hogan wrote:

 Can I make the onboard and oncard ttyS's play nice on same IRQ?
  or should I play musical jumpers until they're on separate IRQs?

What I did when presented with this problem was to do a bit of surgery on the 
ISA board and change its IRQ to a spare in the computer I was using. I cut one
track solder a wire the new interrupt pad to get it to work. With setserial and
this setup I was able to run four Serial Terminals of a two standard ISA cards.

Down side is that you lose IRQ's when you do this.

Hope this helps
John Quirk

Where are the iso images for woody?

2001-02-17 Thread mgriffa
I guess the subject is clear enougth, does woody come with XFree4.0 and

Re: A debian-based distro for the New

2001-02-17 Thread Lute Mullenix
On Sat, Feb 17, 2001 at 01:18:21AM -0600, sc wrote:
 I guess it depends on your friends.  A friend of mine introduced me to
 Debian when I had a dormant P133 w/32MB of RAM.  Only reason I used
 Debian was because he introduced it to me.  I had no meaningful UNIX
 knowledge, and I'm not a programmer; *every* distribution would've been
 overwhelming to me.
 2 years later, I STILL have no meaningful UNIX knowledge, but I'm still
 with Debian.  Have no real incentive to leave.  The installation /
 upgrade features are terrific.  I like what it stands for, and it never
 gives me any problems for what I use it for.
 I'm not sure why Debian gets such low marks for newbies.  Great for
 learning Linux because everything's not hidden behind a control panel.
 Not for every newbie, but it now has some reputation of eating every
 newbie for breakfast which is too bad.

I think that it may come from the present state of reality for computers.
While there are several users out there that came from the command line, set
it up yourself era. The vast majority of current users are used to a
leviathan of an operating system doing all of their thinking for them. It
comes in and sets up their system, then tells them this is how you do this
and that. It's easy and people like that. They don't care that it takes more
hardware horsepower to send an e-mail than early space launches required,
all they know is that it works.

My personal computer experience started with an off white box w/keyboard
on-board, and used color basic as an OS. I soon discovered that it could run a
real OS, OS-9, it would allow me to use the whole 64K of my memory! I still
have flash-backs of starring at a monochrome monitor (which required a
hardware installation including soldering some components.) With a dazed
gaze, drool seeping from the corner of my mouth, and small bald patches on my
head. Trying to get the thing set up.

Compared to that, Debian is a breeze. I see it like the old driving a car
comparison, they just want to turn the key and drive, they don't want to
change the plugs, let alone the water pump. They are just unwilling to expend
the time and energy it takes to do basic system set-up and maintenance. Let
alone the learning curve to become proficient at it.

Just my thoughts on it.


Re: Where are the iso images for woody?

2001-02-17 Thread David B . Harris
# I guess the subject is clear enougth, does woody come with XFree4.0
# kde2?

There are currently no Woody ISOs. Whether Woody will have XFree86 4.0.x
or KDE2 will be determined when Woody is frozen, or when the part of
Woody that those packages are in is frozen.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: ls no longer uses @ when -F is used

2001-02-17 Thread Jim Meyering
John Covici [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Hi.  I am using 4.0.35 (using Debian unstable distribution) and if I
| use ls -1 -F all the links to directories have a slash at the end
| instead of @ .
| Any workaround or is new version coming out to fix this?

Thanks for the report.
However, I can't reproduce that with 4.0.39:

  $ mkdir .j  cd .j  ln -s / link-to-dir  command ls -1 -F

Can you?

Re: A debian-based distro for the New

2001-02-17 Thread Bud Rogers
On Saturday 17 February 2001 07:40, Lute Mullenix wrote:

 Compared to that, Debian is a breeze. I see it like the old driving a
 car comparison, they just want to turn the key and drive, they don't
 want to change the plugs, let alone the water pump. They are just
 unwilling to expend the time and energy it takes to do basic system
 set-up and maintenance. Let alone the learning curve to become
 proficient at it.

Hi Lute,

I did my time with a Coco and OS9 as well.  I can relate utterly to 
what you say.  But I think it is important for people like us, who are 
interested in getting under the hood of the computer so to speak,  to 
keep our interest in perspective. 

We are a minority.  The vast majority of PC users don't care about how 
a computer or OS works.  They aren't interested in the computer or the 
OS or the applications in themselves.  They are only interested in 
accomplishing some task.  They want to surf the web or play a game, 
or cook up a spreadsheet, or write some report that the boss wants on 
his desk by 10:00.  They want the computer to help them accomplish that 
task.  What the computer does or how it works is irrelevant to them.

That does not mean they are lazy or morally deficient.  It just means 
they have different interests and priorities.

 Just my thoughts on it.

And mine.  Freely given, worth what you paid for them...

All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

Re: Serial ports - how to get them to coexist peacefully...

2001-02-17 Thread hogan
 What I did when presented with this problem was to do a bit of surgery on
the old
 ISA board and change its IRQ to a spare in the computer I was using. I cut
 track solder a wire the new interrupt pad to get it to work. With setserial
 this setup I was able to run four Serial Terminals of a two standard ISA

Well - I only have one hard disk, so in the end, I went through my bits box,
found another ISA card, set it to ttyS2, IRQ15 (disabled secondary IDE in
bios) - this seems to have worked... Only problem is, seems one of the UART
chips is missing (unless one 16550 can handle two ports) as there's an empty
socket on the board - a shame as this card is really easy to config for heaps
of different IO/IRQ combos.

Covers current need for three com ports, but might need one more.. Where could
I find info on hacking other cards to use different IRQ/IO combos through
physical alteration?

Re: A debian-based distro for the New

2001-02-17 Thread hogan
 I did my time with a Coco and OS9 as well.  I can relate utterly to

OS9? Geez.. Awhile since I booted the old TRS80 and CoCo3 with that :) - I
should dig them up for old times sake - had fun playing Kings Quest under OS9
on CoCo3 :)

I had to laugh when Apple brought out OS9 :)
... had more cause to chuckle when Sony took to calling first PSX a psOne
and the second one PS2 :) ... ok.. sans slash - still rather amusing - are
we running out of abbreviations? :)

 can you remember Graphicom? Cocopaint? :) Hell I probably still have the
floppies somewhere - frightening. Graphicom talked about connecting casette
modem to phone for 600-1200 baud transfer :)

Re: A debian-based distro for the New

2001-02-17 Thread Cam Ellison
sc wrote:
 I'm not sure why Debian gets such low marks for newbies.  Great for
 learning Linux because everything's not hidden behind a control panel.
 Not for every newbie, but it now has some reputation of eating every
 newbie for breakfast which is too bad.
I have had my problems with it, though mostly it was because the CDs I
got were not as complete as they should have been.  I'm also not immune
to my own occasionally rampant stupidity.  Eaten for breakfast?  Never. 
Moreover, I'm sure most newbies do just fine with it.

Cam Ellison Ph.D. R.Psych.
From Roberts Creek on B.C.'s incomparable Sunshine Coast

news server setup

2001-02-17 Thread John S. J. Anderson
Hash: SHA1

Greetings --

My ISP is once again changing Usenet providers, meaning that I'm going
to have to deal with the whole article renumbering mess. Grrr. (Did I
mention that this has happened before?)

I've decided that enough is enough, and it's time to bite the bullet
and set up a local news server, so that I can pull in my own feeds,
and not have to deal with this in the future.

Is there any relatively-newbie-level guide to setting up a Usenet
server under Debian (or under Linux, period)? I'm looking for
something that discusses the pros and cons of the available options
(inn vs. inn2 vs. leafnode vs. ...)  and how to set each of them up to
support local reading and posting. I'll be pulling in a fairly small
feed (20 to 50 groups, mostly low traffic but a few biggies (rasfw,
clpm, etc.), and the ability to easily post as well as read is a must.

Thanks for any help,

- -- 
Tcl long ago fell into the Forth trap, and is now trying desperately to
extricate itself (with some help from Sun's marketing department).
 -- Larry Wall in [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Mailcrypt 3.5.5 and Gnu Privacy Guard


Re: upgrade to xfree 4.0.x

2001-02-17 Thread Nils Crefeld
On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 04:05:42PM +0100, peter wrote:
 with apt-get update you receive the package informations (provided by 
 with apt-get install packagename you get the wanted packages...
 but it's usefull (when dealing with woody) to use apt-get -s install 
 then apt-get only shows what it would do...

thanks, exactlly what I needed. Did not cross my mind to use apt-get at the 
console. I searched for an option in dselect.


Re: Antwort: Rebooting is foolish ....

2001-02-17 Thread Cam Ellison
Osamu Aoki wrote:
 I agree with Carel.  As long as X read from /dev/gpmdata (most sane
 configuration but too many people disregards...), reboot is not
 needed for KB/mouse initialization.
 I just unplugged my mouse while in X4, replug -- cant move,
 restrted gpm to initialize, there I go again.
 By the way, when you have buggy multi-PC KB switcher, and
 KB goes crazy, restarting gpm also intialize KB nicely.
OK, I'll offer a test.  I do have a keyboard I want to try, and I don't
want to go through the hassle of shutting down.  How am I to issue a
command if I disconnect the keyboard and the new one doesn't work?

I'm serious -- I am exactly in that position right now, and I'd welcome
the opportunity to try this out.  What do I need to do (please be fairly
explicit, I've still got a lot to learn about this)



Cam Ellison Ph.D. R.Psych.
From Roberts Creek on B.C.'s incomparable Sunshine Coast

Re: XFree86 4.0.2 - Very low resolution - how to increase?

2001-02-17 Thread Osamu Aoki
I have similar problem on ATI mach64 system.

After checking system, I found FB support is enabled only on
Matrox system, if you are using default kernel.

I recompiled kernel with ATI, VGA, SVGA enabled.
Now my boot console screen goes crazy.

I am playing with it now.  (Teleneting from other machine.)

BTW, if you have XF86Config-4, it overides XF86Config.


On Sat, Feb 17, 2001 at 08:33:23AM +, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 17 Feb 2001, Martin Albert wrote:
  On Friday 16 February 2001 09:41, Anthony Campbell wrote:
   I'm currently confused about X-4. I've been keeping up to date with
   Testing and now I don't know which version of X I'm running. My
   driver is xserver-svga 3.3.6X. I tried running xf86config and this
   generated a XF86Config-4 file which didn't work. I therefore
   continued with my existing XF86Config.
   Can anyone explain briefly what the present position is with regard
   to X-4?
  I can only explain briefly what your problem is ;-)
  You're actually running the old 3.3.6 server, propably you didn't 
  install a new one. If you dare (no, it works, at least) do 
  apt-get install xserver-xfree86
 I've done this but I can't get it to work. I ran xf86config and produced
 an XF86Config-4 file, but this refuses to run, with numerous error
 messages (various sections should begin with Driver.. etc.).
 I'll glady RTFM if there is one.
 Anthony Campbell - running Gnu/Debian Linux (Windows-free zone)
 For electronic books, skeptical essays, and over 120 book reviews, go to:
 The superior man is courteous but not pliable.
 The inferior man is pliable but not courteous.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+   Fingerprint: 814E BD64 3288 40E7 E88E  3D92 C3F8 EA94 D5DE 453D   +
+   === === Cupertino, CA USA ===   +

Re: real unsubscribing problems

2001-02-17 Thread USM Bish

I am leaving town for two weeks ... Unsuscribed
about 20 min back using the usual blank message 
as described below all mails.  Confirmation msg
was received within 5 min .. No problems at
the debain-user end .. at least for today. 

Will be with you again ... shortly 

USM Bish
On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 03:25:49AM +, Gary Turner wrote:
 On Thu, 15 Feb 2001 19:17:36 +, you wrote:
 Hi all, been trying to unsubscribe for a while, too much traffic. The unsub
 instructions aren't working after about 6 tries, and i got no response from
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] If anyone can help, please do. Also can't get
 off debian-devel. This would appear to be a real problem with the lists.
 I recently changed ISP's and needed to unsubscribe the old address,
 and subscribe the new.  No prob.  I went to, mailing lists,
 and filled out the form.  I got confirmation and results almost
 immediately (less than 50 more messages at old address).
 So, if the instructions at the bottom of this mail don't work for you,
 try the web site.
 good luck,

Re: how to remove auto start to X

2001-02-17 Thread USM Bish
Indeed ... that sure will work. Uninstalling will
remove everything. As a matter of fact AFAIK  the 
post-removal script of packages call update-rc.d! 

Since the package itself is  not the offender, it
does not seem necessary to remove the package. If
xdm/ gdm (whatever) needs to be reactivated, only
the startup links need re-insertion. To re-insert
package foobar links, all  that  needs to be done

 #update-rc.d foobar defaults
Afterall, update-rc.d is a debian-only tool, and
IMHO is pretty nifty,  and  helpful. Saves a lot
of de-installation/ re-installation cycles.

Just my personal views though.

USM Bish
On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 10:02:03AM -0800, Robin Rowe wrote:
 If you prefer a simpler method simply use dselect to uninstall xdm or
 whatever X login you are using. When you come up in a console mode 
 launch X using startx.
  On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 08:58:34AM -0500, seg wrote:
I know I could probably find this info in HOWTOs or whatnots, 
but I am pretty it's quite simple and one of you nice fellows 
won't mind spending a few lines of text to explain:) I basicly 
want to boot up in the DOS like interface, no fancy stuff 
(just running firewall). Thx
 In Debian if X is installed, by default, boots into xdm
 gdm etc. depending upon your window manager installation.
 To avoid this, use [update-rc.d] program,  meant for chang-
 ing init parameters in Sys-V init process.
 Read man for this.
 #update-rc.d -f xdm remove
 You will boot into tty mode therafter, and would have to
 use startx subsequently to get into X.
 USM Bish

Re: Fetchmail Sendmail

2001-02-17 Thread Nils Crefeld
On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 10:46:10AM -0800, Rob Hudson wrote:
 When fetchmail gets mail, I think it passes it to sendmail which
 checks to make sure the domain exists.  Today, my DNS servers listed
 in /etc/resolv.conf were down, and all the mail I fetched got bounced
 and lost.  I'd like for this not to happen and get any and all mail
 that is in my box no matter if it's spam and has an unresolvable
 domain or not.  How can I set this up?

You can tell sendmail not to try to resolve domains. just put this into your 
and run sendmailconfig. Works for me...


Re: general kernel question

2001-02-17 Thread c-3
Date sent:  Fri, 16 Feb 2001 16:57:59 -0500
From:   Erik van Roode [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: general kernel question
Forwarded by:

 At 10:32 PM 2/16/01 +0100, c-3 wrote:
 I just wondered why the kernel is always compressed. Couldn't you
 save boot time, if it's not???
Depends on the speed of the medium from which you read the kernel,
 and the speed of the processor.
 If the processor can decompress faster than the medium can read, it makes
 sense to compress the image.

And is there a way to compile a non compressed kernel image?

how to use gnapster....more generally...where to find cool music/sounds?

2001-02-17 Thread Walter Tautz
i must confess I just managed to get my sound card
to work. I was wondering how to subscribe to napsterI am guessing
because of the legal case against napster that one can not
subscribe? I notice that newsgroups have a lot of files...
any advice on how to find interesting sounds/music etc.


Re: OT: Use xearth in term window?

2001-02-17 Thread Dave Thayer
On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 09:13:39AM +0100, Jonathan Gift wrote:
 Is there anyway of getting xearth in a terminal window and not the
 default root window?
 The man pages has nothing but I was wondering...

Try xplanet, it has a -window option plus it supports nicer bitmaps,
cloud overlays, other planets

your pal dave

Dave Thayer
Denver, Colorado USA

Re: general kernel question

2001-02-17 Thread Sebastiaan

On Sat, 17 Feb 2001, c-3 wrote:

 Date sent:Fri, 16 Feb 2001 16:57:59 -0500
 From: Erik van Roode [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:  Re: general kernel question
 Forwarded by:
  At 10:32 PM 2/16/01 +0100, c-3 wrote:
  I just wondered why the kernel is always compressed. Couldn't you
  save boot time, if it's not???
 Depends on the speed of the medium from which you read the kernel,
  and the speed of the processor.
  If the processor can decompress faster than the medium can read, it makes
  sense to compress the image.
 And is there a way to compile a non compressed kernel image?
AFAIK it is just: make vmlinux


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: library's hiding?

2001-02-17 Thread Carl Greco
Run the following command and check for errors:
ldconfig -nv /usr/X11R6/lib

Sebastiaan writes:

I try to run a program, but it seems that it cannot find the librarys
needed. With ldd, I see that the following librarys can not be found:

They are all present in /usr/X11R6/lib directory.

My /etc/ contains, among others, this directory too.

When I do 'echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH', the string is empty. When I add the
correct paths to it, the program still can not find them.

How do I solve this properly (in stead of copying them to /lib)?

Thanks in advance,

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Carl Greco

Re: how to use gnapster....more generally...where to find cool music/sounds?

2001-02-17 Thread Hall Stevenson
 i must confess I just managed to get my sound
 card to work. I was wondering how to subscribe to
 napsterI am guessing because of the legal case
 against napster that one can not subscribe? I notice
 that newsgroups have a lot of files... any advice on
 how to find interesting sounds/music etc.

I wasn't aware that they weren't accepting new accounts and/or users.
What happens the first time you run gnapster ?? It should ask for your
username and password. You may have to check the console tab for
messages. Also, unlike the real napster, gnapster allows you to change
your name/password much easier. In the preferences menu, under one of
the tabs, there's a checkbox for New account.


Re: Antwort: Rebooting is foolish ....

2001-02-17 Thread Carel Fellinger
On Sat, Feb 17, 2001 at 07:19:28AM -0800, Cam Ellison wrote:
 Osamu Aoki wrote:
  By the way, when you have buggy multi-PC KB switcher, and
  KB goes crazy, restarting gpm also intialize KB nicely.
 OK, I'll offer a test.  I do have a keyboard I want to try, and I don't
 want to go through the hassle of shutting down.  How am I to issue a
 command if I disconnect the keyboard and the new one doesn't work?
 I'm serious -- I am exactly in that position right now, and I'd welcome
 the opportunity to try this out.  What do I need to do (please be fairly
 explicit, I've still got a lot to learn about this)

Try this long command:

# while true; do
/etc/init.d/gpm stop
echo -n Swap your keyboard...
sleep 30
/etc/init.d/gpm start
echo and try it out...
sleep 300

The sleep 30 will give you time to dis/reconnect the keyboard.
The sleep 300 will give you some time to test the new keyboard
(on a different virtual console that is) And the while will give
several runs to try it.  Stop the while with Ctrl-C.
But don't sue me if it doesn't work:)

groetjes, carel

Re: Back to Windows??

2001-02-17 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 17 Feb 2001, Bud Rogers wrote:
 On Saturday 17 February 2001 10:13, Jan van Veldhuizen wrote:
  Why am I pegging away with Linux? If I start the Windows Setup right
  now, my system will work completely in less than 1 hour
  I'm feeling 20 years in the past, when configuring all peripheral
  hardware was a specialist's job...
  Or have I become dull by Microsoft's Plug'n Play.
 Hi Jan,
 I think you will get some flames for this, but these are valid 
 questions.  Always you have choices and almost always the choices 
 involve a tradeoff.   
 You can pay Microsoft to do all that hard work for you.  Microsoft 
 tries very hard to make it easy for you to choose the Microsoft answer. 
  You pay Microsoft money, Microsoft makes it easy for you.  As long as 
 you choose the Microsoft way.
 You can accept the gift of labor and love of thousands of unpaid 
 volunteers that have made Linux possible.  They offer you not the easy 
 answer, but freedom.  They give you many choices.  They do not promise 
 it will be easy.
 Microsoft says, Here is a black box that is easy to use.  Do not look 
 inside.   The Linux community says, Here is a box full of craftsman's 
 tools.  Learn to use the tools and you can do anything you want.
 Only you can decide which is the right choice for you.
 All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

Well put. But the original poster said he was using *SUSE*. Now, if only
he had been using Debian...


Anthony Campbell - running Gnu/Debian Linux (Windows-free zone)
For electronic books, skeptical essays, and over 120 book reviews, go to:

Glendower: I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
Hotspur: Aye, so can I, or so can any man 
 But will they come when you do call to them?
 [Shakespeare, I Henry IV]

Re: OT: Use xearth in term window?

2001-02-17 Thread Jonathan Gift
Dave Thayer wrote:
  Is there anyway of getting xearth in a terminal window and not the
  default root window?
  The man pages has nothing but I was wondering...
 Try xplanet, it has a -window option plus it supports nicer bitmaps,
 cloud overlays, other planets
 your pal dave

While the version of xearth which cames with potato only works on root,
the new 1.1 does windows! Yes, xplanet looks nice. Straight compiling?
You have an url handy?




|FADE OUT|  Jonathan Gift
 // |
!!  !

could not autodetect X server: *discover* not found

2001-02-17 Thread MH

Does anybody know where is discover or did anybody experience
a similar  error message in the latest xfree-xserver-update in unstable?


(Dr.) Michael Hummel
fprint = F24D EAC6 E3D7 372C 9122 D510 EB24 01CA 0B56 B518
id: 1024D/0B56B518 key:

Description: PGP signature

ipppd deletes default route

2001-02-17 Thread Jens Müller
I have a Woody system (up-to-date), and isdnutils is set up in the
standard way.

in device.ippp0, the default route is being set, i.e., right after
typing /etc/init.d/restart, a default route to ippp0 is set.

But when I dial out with isdnctrl dial ippp0, the default route is
being deleted. The relevant in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/00-isdnutils, which
re-sets it, exists, but for some reason it does not get executed.

Anybody has any idea?

- Macs sind für die, die nicht wissen wollen, warum Ihr Rechner funzt.
- Linux ist für die, die wissen wollen, warum er funzt.
- DOS ist für die, die wissen wollen, warum er nicht funzt, und
- Windows ist für die, die nicht wissen wollen, warum er nicht funzt.

Re: Back to Windows??

2001-02-17 Thread Bud Rogers
On Saturday 17 February 2001 11:46, Anthony Campbell wrote:

 Well put. But the original poster said he was using *SUSE*. Now, if
 only he had been using Debian...

I have run SuSE as well as Debian.  I went through the learning hurdles 
Jan is talking about with Slackware.  In terms if his question, Linux 
ease of installation and use compared to Microsoft, there is not a 
significant difference between the three distros.

All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

Re: library's hiding?

2001-02-17 Thread Sebastiaan

it gives no errors. It shows all the libs and to which they are linked to.

Perhaps there is a problem because the program is 'old' (1998) and uses
the old
binary format (cannot remember which).


On Sat, 17 Feb 2001, Carl Greco wrote:

 Run the following command and check for errors:
 ldconfig -nv /usr/X11R6/lib
 Sebastiaan writes:
 I try to run a program, but it seems that it cannot find the librarys
 needed. With ldd, I see that the following librarys can not be found:
 They are all present in /usr/X11R6/lib directory.
 My /etc/ contains, among others, this directory too.
 When I do 'echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH', the string is empty. When I add the
 correct paths to it, the program still can not find them.
 How do I solve this properly (in stead of copying them to /lib)?
 Thanks in advance,
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Carl Greco

Suggestions for and comments on trackballs?

2001-02-17 Thread Richard Cobbe
Greetings, all.

Over the last several months, I've been having increasing pain in my
right wrist.  A co-worker suggested that this is due to problems with
standard mice and recommended that I try a trackball instead.

So, I'm looking for a trackball that will work well with potato/X.  My
primary goals:

* at least 3 buttons that work in X.

* I'm using potato and kernel 2.2.18, so I'd need a PS/2 connector.

* the ball should be under my fingers, not my thumb, as it generates the
  most pain.

* Compatibility with gdm is not an issue, as I never use it.

* Other random features, like scroll wheels, extra buttons, and wireless
  connections, are extra.  Ideally, I'd like to avoid these, as they
  probably drive up the price, but I'll take them if I have to.

I'm looking at the Kensington Expert Mouse, Kensington TurboRing,
Kensington TurboBall, and Logitech Cordless Trackman.  (All the other
Logitech trackballs have the ball under the thumb or only 2 buttons.)

What experiences have people had with these devices under Linux?

Do people have any other recommendations for trackballs (or other pointing
devices, for that matter)?

Thanks kindly,


(I'm subscribed, so no need to CC me.)

dmesg size too small

2001-02-17 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls


I'm kind of stumped over the dmesg size. I did a search on it and found some
are considering a patch to provide on the fly dmesg buffer size etc... What I
need to do is find the output of several onboard cards - video and sound. I 
have found the driver for the video (go XF86Setup!) but sndconfig isn't having
much luck with the audio chip :( Right now, I only get about 2 pages of text
output and it doesn't go back far enough to show the chip data.

Is there a way to double the size of dmesg? If so, how - i'm quite willing to
compile a new kernel to try to figure this out.

Thank you.


Jaye Inabnit, ARS ke6sls e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
707-442-6579 h/m 707-268-4074 12741145
This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

Re: Suggestions for and comments on trackballs?

2001-02-17 Thread Bud Rogers
On Saturday 17 February 2001 12:18, Richard Cobbe wrote:

 * the ball should be under my fingers, not my thumb, as it generates
 the most pain.

A pity, that.  I've been using a Logitech Trackman Marble since 
Christmas and I really like it.  Best $40 I've spent in a while. 

All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

Re: Suggestions for and comments on trackballs?

2001-02-17 Thread Sebastiaan

I have been using AlfaData's trackballs almost half my life now. Perhaps
they make them now with PS/2 and the third button enabled, *IF* they are
still in production.

The biggest advanture is that they have a really big ball, so you can
scroll over your screen in notime and retain accurecy.


 On Sat, 17 Feb 2001, Richard Cobbe wrote:

 Greetings, all.
 Over the last several months, I've been having increasing pain in my
 right wrist.  A co-worker suggested that this is due to problems with
 standard mice and recommended that I try a trackball instead.
 So, I'm looking for a trackball that will work well with potato/X.  My
 primary goals:
 * at least 3 buttons that work in X.
 * I'm using potato and kernel 2.2.18, so I'd need a PS/2 connector.
 * the ball should be under my fingers, not my thumb, as it generates the
   most pain.
 * Compatibility with gdm is not an issue, as I never use it.
 * Other random features, like scroll wheels, extra buttons, and wireless
   connections, are extra.  Ideally, I'd like to avoid these, as they
   probably drive up the price, but I'll take them if I have to.
 I'm looking at the Kensington Expert Mouse, Kensington TurboRing,
 Kensington TurboBall, and Logitech Cordless Trackman.  (All the other
 Logitech trackballs have the ball under the thumb or only 2 buttons.)
 What experiences have people had with these devices under Linux?
 Do people have any other recommendations for trackballs (or other pointing
 devices, for that matter)?
 Thanks kindly,
 (I'm subscribed, so no need to CC me.)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: could not autodetect X server: *discover* not found

2001-02-17 Thread Mike McGuire
 Does anybody know where is discover or did anybody experience
 a similar  error message in the latest xfree-xserver-update in unstable?

Apparently, it autodetects the video driver X should use, and apt looks 
for it in the configure part of installing the X packages. You shouldn't 
have to worry about it since you're upgrading and it should be configured 
already. It's been working fine for me.

Mike McGuire

Re: 2 simple questions

2001-02-17 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls

Hi Brad,

Looks like you just need/want to edit the Message Of The Day (/etc/motd)

Don't run gnome here - sri.

On Friday 16 February 2001 06:54, Brad Cramer wrote:
 I am not really new to linux (used Redhat for 3 years) but I am a recent
 Debian convert and I have a coulpe of simple questions. I am running Debian
 Woody and everything is up to date but I want to know how to change the
 type of system or version of Debian that shows up on a console login
 screen. Right now it says testing/unstable I looked at /etc/debian_version
 and it said the same thing there and I changed it to Woody but that didn't
 make any difference, any ideas? The other question may be a little more
 complicated. I am using gdm to login and I normaly run Enlightenment but I
 wanted to try out Gnome but when I selecect it from the gdm menu it starts
 gnome and kde together. I have replaced the /etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome script
 with one that just has exec /usr/bin/gnome-session but that didn't help, if
 I start kde it works fine and it is a script that just has exec
 /usr/bin/startkde, any ideas on this one?
 Brad Cramer


Jaye Inabnit, ARS ke6sls e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
707-442-6579 h/m 707-268-4074 12741145
This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

Re: Trackpoint and serial mouse simultaneously

2001-02-17 Thread Stefan Baums
Sorry to answer my own question, but a bit of research revealed that
while Xfree86 3.3 knows only one pointer, gpm can manage multiple ones
for it.  My /etc/gpm.conf now has:

   append=-M -t mman -m /dev/ttyS0

and the pointer section in /etc/X11/XF86Config is:

   Section Pointer
   Device  /dev/gpmdata


Trackpoint and serial mouse simultaneously

2001-02-17 Thread Stefan Baums
Dear list,

I'm running an HP Omnibook 5500 laptop here, and would like to use,
under X, the internal TrackPoint pointing device and an external
serial mouse at the same time (i. e., without restarting X to make the

More generally, is it possible to have more than one Pointer device
for the same X session under XFree86 3.3?  (As long as 4.0 is in
unstable I prefer not to switch.)


ipppd deletes default route

2001-02-17 Thread Jens Müller
I have a Woody system (up-to-date), and isdnutils is set up in the
standard way.

in device.ippp0, the default route is being set, i.e., right after
typing /etc/init.d/restart, a default route to ippp0 is set.

But when I dial out with isdnctrl dial ippp0, the default route is
being deleted. The relevant in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/00-isdnutils, which
re-sets it, exists, but for some reason it does not get executed.

Anybody has any idea?

A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.
 - Governor George W. Bush

Re: Rebooting is foolish ....

2001-02-17 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls

I have crashed my share of drives too. What I learned is that I get the
very best luck out of Western Digital. Of all the WD drives, I only killed
one - and that was purely my fault - 1500Watts of RF without benefit of
an RF ground = bad/evil/smoke producing things to computers :) Yet WD
warrented the drive!

On Friday 16 February 2001 09:41, William Leese wrote:
 ..okay, so we have maxtor, seagate, conner (same company as seagate maybe,
 but they still sell HDs under their name) and i think i've heard something
 about samsung.. so, which HD manufacturer makes reliable HDs, anyone? IBM

  use vmware..win4lin or something.. i use vmware and it works good. needs
  a lot of ram.. but with 256MB sticks going for under $95 these days
 ...doesn't hurt to get 512MB :)

 mmm, i'll give it a try. Just hope someone will come along with a good
 WYSIWYS-editor for linux (GPL-ed.. ofcourse, unlike Bluefish) some time.



Jaye Inabnit, ARS ke6sls e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
707-442-6579 h/m 707-268-4074 12741145
This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

Re: Suggestions for and comments on trackballs?

2001-02-17 Thread Richard Cobbe
Lo, on Saturday, February 17, Sebastiaan did write:

 I have been using AlfaData's trackballs almost half my life now. Perhaps
 they make them now with PS/2 and the third button enabled, *IF* they are
 still in production.

Is this  If so, it would appear that they no longer make
trackballs of any sort; they appear to have switched exclusively to gaming
input devices.

Or do I have the wrong company?


Re: Suggestions for and comments on trackballs?

2001-02-17 Thread Richard Cobbe
Lo, on Saturday, February 17, Bud Rogers did write:

 On Saturday 17 February 2001 12:18, Richard Cobbe wrote:
  * the ball should be under my fingers, not my thumb, as it generates
  the most pain.
 A pity, that. 

Truly---it's starting to cause problems when I write for long stretches at
a time.

 I've been using a Logitech Trackman Marble since Christmas and I really
 like it.  Best $40 I've spent in a while.

Yeah, I saw that one on their web site.  Looks nice, and it appears to be
popular among Linux users, but the ball's in the wrong place for me.  :-(

Ideally, I'd find one of those I could borrow for a couple of weeks to see
what I think of it---I find that I can't really make a good decision about
input devices until I've used them for a while.


Re: library's hiding?

2001-02-17 Thread Carl Greco
Check that the libs actually exist, i.e., my potato (patched to
current release) has the following:

peregrine:/etc/init.d# ldconfig -nv /usr/X11R6/lib
ldconfig: version 1.9.11
/usr/X11R6/lib: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

peregrine:/etc/init.d# ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/
-rw-r--r--1 root root   293100 Feb 11 15:41 
peregrine:/etc/init.d# ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/
-rw-r--r--1 root root44456 Feb 11 15:41 
peregrine:/etc/init.d# ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/
-rw-r--r--1 root root   679148 Feb 11 15:41 

Also, make sure the links have full (executable) permissions, i.e., 
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   13 Feb 16 21:42 -

Sebastiaan writes:

it gives no errors. It shows all the libs and to which they are linked to.

Perhaps there is a problem because the program is 'old' (1998) and uses
the old
binary format (cannot remember which).


On Sat, 17 Feb 2001, Carl Greco wrote:

 Run the following command and check for errors:
 ldconfig -nv /usr/X11R6/lib
 Sebastiaan writes:
 I try to run a program, but it seems that it cannot find the librarys
 needed. With ldd, I see that the following librarys can not be found:
 They are all present in /usr/X11R6/lib directory.
 My /etc/ contains, among others, this directory too.
 When I do 'echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH', the string is empty. When I add the
 correct paths to it, the program still can not find them.
 How do I solve this properly (in stead of copying them to /lib)?
 Thanks in advance,
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Carl Greco

Carl Greco

Re: A debian-based distro for the New

2001-02-17 Thread John Carline
Forrest English wrote:

 On Fri, 16 Feb 2001 03:40:00 +, John Carline whispered to the router:

Ahhh.. 'scuse me, I didn't whisper. I said it loud and clear.

 !!  I got a few friends who are interested in (trying)linux. For TRYING
 purposes I want them to use a debian based Linux. I love using debian 2.2
 !!  and I am pretty new my-self(1.5 year). I think it might be a little
 !!  overwelming for them. I beleive there are three to chose from Corel,
 !!  and Libranet.
 !! Actually there are four good choices. Debian, Debian, Debian and
 Debian. ;-)
 !! Why abuse your friends by starting them out on an inferior product and
 then making them *relearn* how to do things the Debian way. Be a real
 friend and help them start off with the
 !! *right* distribution.
 !! John

 or you could get down off your high horse...

climbing up on my high horse - wasn't really up on it before

 realize that linux, is still linux.

Hu.. linux is linux. What a concept. But is Debian linux? I think of Debian
as a community of  programers/users who support the ideals of the Free Software
Foundation (thank you RMS). That means that Debian *may* be linux, HURD, or any
other system the community decides to support. But whatever system it is, it
will always be *GNU*

 all of those still have a lot of
 debian's good parts there, basicaly with some gui config tools, which are
 good for the handholding that some people need in the begining (although,
 i balk at the idea of corel).   i've gone redhat  mandrake  storm 
 debian.   i like debian a lot.  but, i still recommend mandrake or storm
 to people that i can't personally help all the time to do things the
 right way.

And I no idea why you do that because I haven't found any of those distributions
to be easier - only different.

 what is it about debian that inspires such zealotry?

Quality software, the ideals of  the Free Software Foundation, and the
understanding that if we add to the *myth* that commercial software is easier to
use we're hurting ourselves.

So I'll repeat my statement.  There are four good choices, Debian, Debian,
Debian, and Debian. :-)

climbing down from my high horse now

Now an observation.

There seems to be an inordinate amount of traffic on this list recommending  the
use of other distributions. Why is that? This is a debian users list so IMHO we
should be encouraging  not discouraging the use of Debian.



Powered by the Penguin

Debian floppy images questions

2001-02-17 Thread Eric Richardson
I have CD's 2.2r0 but a machine that doesn't boot from CD's. I have
another machine that I can make the rescue and other floppies. 

The install/doc/ch-install-methods.en.html suggests four disk sets,
vanilla, compact, idepci or udma66.

The cd's have compact, idepci, safe, and udma66 and the base-1...11.bin,
root.bin, rescue.bin, driver-1..3.bin and kernel-config.

The debian site has four drivers instead of three.

Is the vanilla in the docs the rescue, root, and four drivers floating
free in the images directory?

If so what is the recommended set to use if you don't have a clue?

Should I get the newer images from the web site or use the ones from the

Eric :-)

Can't send email from machine configured for DHCP

2001-02-17 Thread idalton

Okay. I have one machine set up as a gateway, and I'm using exim with
some rewriting rules for my email gateway. It's been working fine for
years, but now I set up a machine with DHCP, and I find I can't send
email outside my network from that machine. It looks like this is
happening because the domain name isn't being set somewhere where the
local exim would want it.

'bicycle' is the DHCP client. 'tarot' is my network gateway. My local
domain is ''.

My server's exim.conf is configured to rewrite [EMAIL PROTECTED] into
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I'll attach the entire file.

I expect the problem is on the DHCP client somewhere, but I'm not
groking the problem sufficiently to solve it myself.

Here is a bounce message I received on tarot after sending a test
message from bicycle to my ISP email address:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. The following address(es) failed:

SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
host []:
501 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Sender domain must exist

-- This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. --

Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: from (bicycle) [] (mail)
by with esmtp (Exim 3.12 #1 (Debian))
id 14UD6N-0008OC-00; Sat, 17 Feb 2001 11:33:03 -0800
Received: from root by bicycle with local (Exim 3.12 #1 (Debian))
id 14U3sM-00039j-00
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 17 Feb 2001 01:41:58 -0800
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 01:41:58 -0800
Subject: test message from bicycle
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.12i

Check the full headers
# This is the main exim configuration file.
# It was originally generated by `eximconfig', part of the exim package
# distributed with Debian, but it may edited by the mail system administrator.
# This file originally generated by eximconfig at Fri Dec  3 09:45:29 PST 1999
# See exim info section for details of the things that can be configured here.

# Please see the manual for a complete list
# of all the runtime configuration options that can be included in a
# configuration file.

# This file is divided into several parts, all but the last of which are
# terminated by a line containing the word end. The parts must appear
# in the correct order, and all must be present (even if some of them are
# in fact empty). Blank lines, and lines starting with # are ignored.



# Specify the domain you want to be added to all unqualified addresses
# here. Unqualified addresses are accepted only from local callers by
# default. See the receiver_unqualified_{hosts,nets} options if you want
# to permit unqualified addresses from remote sources. If this option is
# not set, the primary_hostname value is used for qualification.

qualify_domain = ExternalName

# If you want unqualified recipient addresses to be qualified with a different
# domain to unqualified sender addresses, specify the recipient domain here.
# If this option is not set, the qualify_domain value is used.

# qualify_recipient =

# Specify your local domains as a colon-separated list here. If this option
# is not set (i.e. not mentioned in the configuration file), the
# qualify_recipient value is used as the only local domain. If you do not want
# to do any local deliveries, uncomment the following line, but do not supply
# any data for it. This sets local_domains to an empty string, which is not
# the same as not mentioning it at all. An empty string specifies that there
# are no local domains; not setting it at all causes the default value (the
# setting of qualify_recipient) to be used.

local_domains =

# Allow mail addressed to our hostname, or to our IP address.

local_domains_include_host = true
local_domains_include_host_literals = true

# Domains we relay for; that is domains that aren't considered local but we 
# accept mail for them.

relay_domains = *

# If this is uncommented, we accept and relay mail for all domains we are 
# in the DNS as an MX for.

#relay_domains_include_local_mx = true

# No local deliveries will ever be run under the uids of these users (a colon-
# separated list). An attempt to do so gets changed so that it runs under the
# uid of nobody instead. This is a paranoic safety catch. Note the default
# setting means you cannot deliver mail addressed 

Leafnode not getting news

2001-02-17 Thread Glyn Millington

I'm having trouble with Leafnode - moving back from Emacs/Gnus to
Vim/Mutt/Slrn, I wiped out the /var/spool/news folder.  Long
story!  I've replaced the folder (as user news) and leafnode
has donme it's magic and set up subfolder for the groups I want
to read.  But the articles aren't coming in.

/var/log/news says things like

Feb 17 19:02:26 glynthebearded fetchnews[9750]: unable to create article 
/var/spool/news/[EMAIL PROTECTED]: No such file or directory
Feb 17 19:02:26 glynthebearded fetchnews[9750]: Cannot create directory 
/var/spool/news/ No such file or directory
Feb 17 19:02:26 glynthebearded fetchnews[9750]: unable to create article 
/var/spool/news/[EMAIL PROTECTED]: No such file or directory
Feb 17 19:02:26 glynthebearded fetchnews[9750]: Cannot create directory 
/var/spool/news/ No such file or directory
Feb 17 19:02:26 glynthebearded fetchnews[9750]: unable to create article 
/var/spool/news/[EMAIL PROTECTED]: No such file or directory

Except that the directory DOES exist!

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

Glyn M

so here we are then
   Running Debian/Gnu Linux  
   8:20pm  up 12:40,  5 users,  load average: 2.23, 1.05, 0.54

Re: A debian-based distro for the New

2001-02-17 Thread Lute Mullenix
On Sat, Feb 17, 2001 at 07:55:12PM +, John Carline wrote:
 And I no idea why you do that because I haven't found any of those 
 to be easier - only different.
  what is it about debian that inspires such zealotry?
 Quality software, the ideals of  the Free Software Foundation, and the
 understanding that if we add to the *myth* that commercial software is easier 
 use we're hurting ourselves.
 So I'll repeat my statement.  There are four good choices, Debian, Debian,
 Debian, and Debian. :-)
 climbing down from my high horse now
 Now an observation.
 There seems to be an inordinate amount of traffic on this list recommending 
 use of other distributions. Why is that? This is a debian users list so IMHO 
 should be encouraging  not discouraging the use of Debian.
Hmmm. (rubbing stinging wrists) As one of the guilty parties, I have to
agree. This is a Debian Users list, which is why I subscribed in the first
place. Because of my current transistion to Debian from Brand X distro. (for
you John) 

So as one justifiably rebuked, I will endevor to keep my posting on this
list Debian centered.

 Hey! It happens. Well it does...

No panel under KDE

2001-02-17 Thread Daniel Jones
Relative newbie running Debian 2.2.  I've removed and
reinstalled KDE twice via dselect and consistently get the
same situation: I do not get a panel under KDE.  I only get
a desktop with a couple of icons.  I can manually run
kselect, which lets me set the options on the panel but the
panel doesn't show up.  find tells me that I do not have a
file named kpanel on my machine.  dpkg tells me that kdebase
and all the associated packages are installed and configured
properly.  Thanks in advance for any hints or suggestions.

Re: Antwort: Rebooting is foolish ....

2001-02-17 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls

   Hi Cam,

That really sounds like it could be fun! Just thinking here, how to pull
off that ... How about using an 'at'command. give yourself 2 minutes to
change the kb, at will restart gpm then do it again 2 minutes later so
you can see if new stuff works, and if it doesn't gives you time to plug
in your current stuff  ... :) Linux rulez!


On Saturday 17 February 2001 07:19, Cam Ellison wrote:
 Osamu Aoki wrote:
  I agree with Carel.  As long as X read from /dev/gpmdata (most sane
  configuration but too many people disregards...), reboot is not
  needed for KB/mouse initialization.
  I just unplugged my mouse while in X4, replug -- cant move,
  restrted gpm to initialize, there I go again.
  By the way, when you have buggy multi-PC KB switcher, and
  KB goes crazy, restarting gpm also intialize KB nicely.

 OK, I'll offer a test.  I do have a keyboard I want to try, and I don't
 want to go through the hassle of shutting down.  How am I to issue a
 command if I disconnect the keyboard and the new one doesn't work?

 I'm serious -- I am exactly in that position right now, and I'd welcome
 the opportunity to try this out.  What do I need to do (please be fairly
 explicit, I've still got a lot to learn about this)




Jaye Inabnit, ARS ke6sls e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
707-442-6579 h/m 707-268-4074 12741145
This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

Re: Suggestions for and comments on trackballs?

2001-02-17 Thread Sebastiaan

On Sat, 17 Feb 2001, Richard Cobbe wrote:

 Lo, on Saturday, February 17, Sebastiaan did write:
  I have been using AlfaData's trackballs almost half my life now. Perhaps
  they make them now with PS/2 and the third button enabled, *IF* they are
  still in production.
 Is this  If so, it would appear that they no longer make
 trackballs of any sort; they appear to have switched exclusively to gaming
 input devices.
 Or do I have the wrong company?
Darmed, you're right. Seems for me that this is the last very good
trackball for me.


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

WindowMaker install trouble

2001-02-17 Thread Debian User
When trying to select wmaker, wmakerconf, wmakerconf-data. A conflict saying
wmakerconf requires a higher level version of wmaker than is available, I use
Debian Woody, and this has a been a problem for some time now. I tried debian's
ftp site and couldn't find a higher version. When will this be fixed, is there 
a wmaker package i could download?


Re: library's hiding?

2001-02-17 Thread Sebastiaan

yes, that is all correct too.


On Sat, 17 Feb 2001, Carl Greco wrote:

 Check that the libs actually exist, i.e., my potato (patched to
 current release) has the following:
 peregrine:/etc/init.d# ldconfig -nv /usr/X11R6/lib
 ldconfig: version 1.9.11
 /usr/X11R6/lib: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
 peregrine:/etc/init.d# ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/
 -rw-r--r--1 root root   293100 Feb 11 15:41 
 peregrine:/etc/init.d# ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/
 -rw-r--r--1 root root44456 Feb 11 15:41 
 peregrine:/etc/init.d# ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/
 -rw-r--r--1 root root   679148 Feb 11 15:41 
 Also, make sure the links have full (executable) permissions, i.e., 
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   13 Feb 16 21:42 -
 Sebastiaan writes:
 it gives no errors. It shows all the libs and to which they are linked to.
 Perhaps there is a problem because the program is 'old' (1998) and uses
 the old
 binary format (cannot remember which).
 On Sat, 17 Feb 2001, Carl Greco wrote:
  Run the following command and check for errors:
  ldconfig -nv /usr/X11R6/lib
  Sebastiaan writes:
  I try to run a program, but it seems that it cannot find the librarys
  needed. With ldd, I see that the following librarys can not be found:
  They are all present in /usr/X11R6/lib directory.
  My /etc/ contains, among others, this directory too.
  When I do 'echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH', the string is empty. When I add the
  correct paths to it, the program still can not find them.
  How do I solve this properly (in stead of copying them to /lib)?
  Thanks in advance,
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Carl Greco
 Carl Greco

Re: No panel under KDE

2001-02-17 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls


I think the .kde dir still lives even if you compltely
remove kde with dselect.. SO, if you want a complete new install
with defualt values, might be a good idea following the removal to
do a locate kde and see what comes up. example: 
locate kde | grep /home/yourusername | less

So far, I started with kde1x then updated to 2.01, then 2.1 and
now using 2.1beta2.. But I have had several problems along the way
with old config files/new config files etc. 

Good luck.

On Saturday 17 February 2001 12:31, Daniel Jones wrote:
 Relative newbie running Debian 2.2.  I've removed and
 reinstalled KDE twice via dselect and consistently get the
 same situation: I do not get a panel under KDE.  I only get
 a desktop with a couple of icons.  I can manually run
 kselect, which lets me set the options on the panel but the
 panel doesn't show up.  find tells me that I do not have a
 file named kpanel on my machine.  dpkg tells me that kdebase
 and all the associated packages are installed and configured
 properly.  Thanks in advance for any hints or suggestions.


Jaye Inabnit, ARS ke6sls e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
707-442-6579 h/m 707-268-4074 12741145
This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

Partitioning a large drive.

2001-02-17 Thread Lute Mullenix
Ok, here's my situation. I was planning on doing the switch to Debian in the
near future, but it came sooner than expected when the HD in my Brand X
distro machine bellied up on me. So I went down and picked up a new 30 gig
unit and it now sits in my Pentium machine eagerly awaiting a new OS. I am
going to install Debian on it, that's a given, but with all that space sort
of figured I would break it up into 3, 10 gig partitions, and try the
multi-boot thing. Have been using single boot setups up to this point.

Well, got cfdisk up on the screen and started out by putting 3 10 gig
primary partitions on there. But quickly realized I don't have a clue as to
what I'm doing. Up to this point I have always used the following scheme.


But the largest drive has been a 1.7 gig, so it made sense. 

I did a test install on an old 486, which I'm using for this message, using
the above set up. And during the install, I selected newbe docs, but can't
find anything on here in the line of HOW-TOs or that sort of stuff.

Could someone get me started on this, or at least direct me to the proper
docs? Also, if I use more than one Linux install, can I get by with just one
/swap partition, or would I need one for each install?

What I have in mind is a stable, the Potato disks I have now, a testing,
Woody I believe it is at this point, and then FreeBSD, just because I have
it laying around here. I'll leave the unstable to those more stout of heart
than myself.

Would the following work?

/boot (5 meg primary)
/ (10240 meg logical)
/swap (64 meg primary)

Just leaving the rest open until I get ready to install the other OSs.

 Hey! It happens. Well it does...

Re: Linux Professional Institute

2001-02-17 Thread Gary Jones
On 16 Feb 2001, another spammer wrote:

 P.S.: This is not spam mail.

It is Unsolicited.
It is Commercial (and Bulk)
It is Email.

It is spam, QED.

Send complaints as normal, folks.

Debian 2.1r4 (kernel v2.0.39); XFree86 3.3.6
Ghastly .sigs, have they no ending?

How do I get X configured and get rid of vga16fb console mode?

2001-02-17 Thread FBacon197
A few days ago, I made my leap into Linux world by installing
Debian 2.2r0 onto my 400 MHz AMD K6-2 system.  Things have gone
fairly well, but there were a couple of things that got fouled
up that I can't seem to fix:

[1] The X Window system didn't get configured properly.  The
xviddetect utility failed to recognize my video card (it
has a Trident 3DImage975/9750 chipset).

The xviddetect video.ids database actually contains the
card, but with a slightly different label: 3DImage vs.
the 3DIm`age reported by the PCI query.

I got xvidetect to finally report the appropriate svga
server by editing the video.ids file.  What do I do now
to get X configured?

[2] When I boot up (using the compact kernel), the system
(kernel?) changes the console into vga16fb frame buffer
mode, blowing away the text mode that I selected using a
vga=1 or vga=9 bootprompt argument.  I *hate* this frame-
buffer mode.  80x30 characters is a major underutilization
of my 17-inch monitor.

How can I get the consoles back into true text mode?  If
that's not possible (or merely too painful), can I change
into a higher resolution graphics mode?  I tried messing
with the fbset utility, but I got unknown video mode or
ioctl FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO: invalid argument for my

Any hints would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Suggestions for and comments on trackballs?

2001-02-17 Thread Mike
Richard Cobbe wrote:
 So, I'm looking for a trackball that will work well with potato/X.  My
 primary goals:
snip requirements
 Do people have any other recommendations for trackballs (or other pointing
 devices, for that matter)?

I've got a Belkin Trackmaster (model F8E189) here.  It's a PS/2 device,
three button, with the ball under the fingers.  It's also got two wheels on
it, but I've never gotten them to work.  It was the cheapest three-button
PS/2 trackball at the local Office Depot - sorry, it was long enough ago
that I don't remember the price.

Other than the two wheels, it works perfectly under both X and console,
being read as a straight PS/2 device.  No tricks needed.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: RPC call returned error 111

2001-02-17 Thread Norman Walsh
Sorry to be a pest. Are there really no other suggestions for fixing
this problem? Upgrading net-tools didn't help...

/ Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| I recently did and update/upgrade for the latest unstable (yeah, yeah,
| silly me :-), and now I get the following messages when I attempt to
| start an nfs server on that machine:
|   portmap: RPC call returned error 111
|   RPC: task of released request still queued!
|   RPC: (task is on xprt_pending)
|   lockd_up: makesock failed, error=-111!
|   ...
|   lockdsvc: Connection refused
| Can anyone point me in the right direction to resolve these? I'd
| really like to mount those drives again :-)

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Nothing is more depressing than| consolations based on the necessity of
  | evil, the uselessness of remedies, the
  | inevitability of fate, the order of
  | Providence, or the misery of the human
  | condition. It is ridiculous to try to
  | alleviate misfortune by observing that
  | we are born to be
  | miserable.--Montesquieu

annoying modules.dep message

2001-02-17 Thread Dave Bresson


Just a quick question that shouldn't be too hard to answer.  Since rolling
my own 2.4.1 kernel, I'm getting this annoying message during bootup that
i can't get to go away:

modprobe:  Note:  /etc/modules.conf is more recent than 

i tried doing a 'depmod -a' to redo the modules.dep file, and then reboot,
however i still got this message.  Somewhere during the bootup process
something must be doing a touch on modules.conf or something to cause
this.  Perhaps it's the modprobe call in /etc/init.d/modutils ?  I looked
at that script, but couldn't figure it out.  Could anyone tell me how to
fix this?



Re: apt-get via firewall

2001-02-17 Thread hanasaki
I have squid proxying ftp/http on my firewall.  Thus, I cna see web pages
from behind a firewall.  I do not want to put a hole in the firewall to
let people on the instide directly communicate with the outside via http
or ftp.

My netscape browser has a place to configure ftp/http/https firewalls and
directs all http / ftp requests THROUGH the firewall.  therefore, I
believe apt-get would need to be configured to talk through the firewall
as well.

Do you have some specific advise on how to configure things?

Thank you.

On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, Osamu Aoki wrote:

 Can you see web page from behind firewall?
 If so, you can use http apt-get for sure.
 For ftp apt-get and ipmasqarade firewall, you may need to
 activate ftp module to get it run. 
 On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 09:55:32AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there a way to run apt-get through a ftp/http firewall?
  Thank you
 +  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
 +   Fingerprint: 814E BD64 3288 40E7 E88E  3D92 C3F8 EA94 D5DE 453D   +
 +   === === Cupertino, CA USA ===   +

Re: news server setup

2001-02-17 Thread Joey Hess
John S. J. Anderson wrote:
 Is there any relatively-newbie-level guide to setting up a Usenet
 server under Debian (or under Linux, period)? I'm looking for
 something that discusses the pros and cons of the available options
 (inn vs. inn2 vs. leafnode vs. ...)  and how to set each of them up to
 support local reading and posting. I'll be pulling in a fairly small
 feed (20 to 50 groups, mostly low traffic but a few biggies (rasfw,
 clpm, etc.), and the ability to easily post as well as read is a must.

Leafnode will work right out of the box, no real configuration should be
needed except telling it where to pull news from.

see shy jo

Re: apt-get via firewall

2001-02-17 Thread David Z Maze
hanasaki  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
h I have squid proxying ftp/http on my firewall.  Thus, I cna see web pages
h from behind a firewall.  I do not want to put a hole in the firewall to
h let people on the instide directly communicate with the outside via http
h or ftp.
h My netscape browser has a place to configure ftp/http/https firewalls and
h directs all http / ftp requests THROUGH the firewall.  therefore, I
h believe apt-get would need to be configured to talk through the firewall
h as well.
h Do you have some specific advise on how to configure things?

Certainly, the APT maintainer did; the APT users' guide
(/usr/share/doc/apt/guide.text.gz) has a pointer to sources.list(5),
which contains the following stanza:

   http   The  http  scheme  specifies an HTTP server for the
  archive. If an environment variable $http_proxy  is
  set  with the format http://server:port/, the proxy
  server specified in $http_proxy will be used. Users
  of  authenticated HTTP/1.1 proxies may use a string
  of the  format  http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port/  Note
  that  this is an insecure method of authentication.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

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