Unidentified subject!

2001-04-12 Thread skdjfh

Re: Hola, necesito recondaciones de software para las sig. tareas:

2001-04-12 Thread Antonio Castro
On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Antonio Castro wrote:

 On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Daniel Payno wrote:
  Hola Antonio...
  decías, el 09:16-10/abr/2001:
   Elige lo que te de la gana pero prueba afio, merece la pena.
  Pues yo prefiero rsync, la verdad
 La verdad es que no das detalles de lo que haces realmente.
 No comentas tipo de soporte usado etc.. pero sinceramente
 dudo que estés haciendo las cosas bien. Es importantísimo

Perdona Daniel y perdón a la lista. Estas cosas me gusta comentarlas 
en privado con el interesado pero veo que por error fué a parar a la 
lista. Además ahora que lo releo tengo que decir que suelo ser más
modesto y considerado.

Un saludo

Antonio Castro

/\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
  \\W// http://www.ciberdroide.com 
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  
|  . . . . . . . . . . | 
| *** 1.700 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en ***Donde_Linux*** |
|  http://www.ciberdroide.com/misc/donde/dondelinux.html |

Herramienta p/debianizar rpms

2001-04-12 Thread Adriel Cardenas G
Que tal amigos...alguine me podria recomendar alguna buena herramienta
para debianizar rpms, he leido en la lista algo al respecto y en este
momento estoy necesitando algo asi.

Gracias anticipadas...

Re: Hola, necesito recondaciones de software para las sig. tareas:

2001-04-12 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Antonio...

decías, el 09:25-12/abr/2001:

 Perdona Daniel y perdón a la lista. Estas cosas me gusta comentarlas 
 en privado con el interesado pero veo que por error fué a parar a la 
 lista. Además ahora que lo releo tengo que decir que suelo ser más
 modesto y considerado.
Va, todos tenemos un mal día... La verdad es que me dejaste un poco flipado,
pero como ya te he leído antes, pues supuse que sería un pronto.. ;)

De todas formas, yo uso rsync para sincronizar datos de varias cuentas con las
que trabajo en la universidad, y no me funciona nada mal... ;)
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Administrador del FTP del GUL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

$ Got a light?
No match.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sustituir gs

2001-04-12 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 11 de abril de 2001 a la(s) 18:23:39 -0300, Christoph Simon 

Puedes instalarlo en /usr/local/bin/. Puede que tengas que ajustar
algún directório, pero normalmente, desde el shell, vas a ejecutar

 ¿Y no se molestarán uno al otro? Bueno yo lo intento, gracias.


 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature


2001-04-12 Thread Cesar


 Una pregunta corta.

 Podríais orientarme hacia alguna utilidad
para grabar música de CDROM a mp3.

 Agradecido y un saludo a todos.


Re: Herramienta p/debianizar rpms

2001-04-12 Thread Jaume Sabater

A Dijous 12 Abril 2001 10:20, Adriel Cardenas G va escriure:
 Que tal amigos...alguine me podria recomendar alguna buena herramienta
 para debianizar rpms, he leido en la lista algo al respecto y en este
 momento estoy necesitando algo asi.

 Gracias anticipadas...


   Jaume Sabater Lleal
   ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics

   Sant Pere, 39 - 08911 Badalona
   Avgda. Marquès de Comillas, s/n 
   (Recinte Poble Espanyol) - 08038 Barcelona

   Tel: 93 292 41 00
   Fax: 93 292 42 25

Konqueror y java

2001-04-12 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Tengo instalado el konqueror, y veo que sugiere java-virtual-machine, que es
un paquete virtual, pero de los propuestos ¿cual seria el mas aconsejable?


Apache error con cgi y html

2001-04-12 Thread José Miguel Sisó Espitia
Estoy intentando crear páginas web dinámicas usando formularios 
y CGI's, segun un articulo de Solo Programadores Linux. Esto consta de dos 
ficheros: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib/cgi-bin/empleados$ ls -a
.  ..  ficha_empleado.cgi
El proceso es el siguiente: arranco el netscape ejecuto el fichero 
ficha.html, introduzco los datos del formulario y pulso en el botón enviar del 
formulario. Todo parece funcionar bien se ejecuta el fichero 
ficha_empleado.cgi, pero cuando me tiene que responder, que todo se ha 
ejecutado satisfactoriamente, me aparece una pantalla de error similar a esto:
Netscape:subprocess diagnostics (stdout/stderr)
una serie de números como:
7 [K [0;40m [37m [0;40n [37m etc ..
Datos dados de alta satisfactoriamente. [0;40m
otra retaila de números. Y en la ultima linea
Read /tmp/MO3AD59F001501B3.cgi, 3 lines, 42 chars [0;40m [37m etc ..

Alguien me puede indicar como puedo corregir esto.
Adjunto los ficheros: ficha_empleados.cgi, y ficha.html
Un saludo y gracias.

Title: Formulario de ejemplo

Datos del


Primer apellido..
Segundo apellido.



Estado Laboral

En activo


Introduzca qui los comentarios


# Script que añade los datos del empleado pasados por la $QUERY_STRING al
# fichero empleados.db si no existe el registro. En caso contrario,
# devuelve un mensaje de error.
echo Content-Type:text/plain
apell1=`echo $QUERY_STRING | cut -f1 -d | cut -f2 -d=`
apell2=`echo $QUERY_STRING | cut -f2 -d | cut -f2 -d=`
nombre=`echo $QUERY_STRING | cut -f3 -d | cut -f2 -d=`
dni=`echo $QUERY_STRING | cut -f4 -d | cut -f2 -d=`
estadocivil=`echo $QUERY_STRING | cut -f5 -d | cut -f2 -d=`
dpto=`echo $QUERY_STRING | cut -f6 -d | cut -f2 -d=`
act=`echo $QUERY_STRING | cut -f7 -d | cut -f2 -d=`
coment=`echo $QUERY_STRING | cut -f8 -d | cut -f2 -d=`
# Miramos si ya existe este empleado
tmp=`cat /usr/lib/cgi-bin/empleados/empleados.db | grep $dni`
if [`echo $tmp` !=]
echo Los datos de este empleado ya han sido dados de alta

# Usaremos el simbolo - para delimitar los campos en el fichero
# El formato será el de una tabla con los campos introducidos tal como
# vienen en la $QUERY_STRING
ficha=`echo $apell1`_`echo $apell2`_`echo $nombre`_`echo $dni`_`echo
$estadocivil`_`echo $dpto`_`echo $act`_`echo $coment`

# Ahora se añaden los datos nuevos al fichero existente (o se crea uno
# nuevo si no existiera)
echo $ficha/usr/lib/cgi-bin/empleados/empleados.db
echo Datos dados de alta satisfactoriamente.

Re: mp3

2001-04-12 Thread Jaime E . Villate
On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 10:25:01AM +0100, Cesar wrote:
  Una pregunta corta.
  Podríais orientarme hacia alguna utilidad
 para grabar música de CDROM a mp3.
  Agradecido y un saludo a todos.

abcde es muy bueno.

lo que te debia

2001-04-12 Thread Carolina Fernandez Campo
me lo pasaron en la oficina en www.signalar.com podes registrar gratis tu 
y te dan hosting y mails sin cargo con dominio propio.
yo puse la pagina ahi!!

miralo y contame!!


Re: Cmo corregir el error de unstable con ssh

2001-04-12 Thread Miguel S. Garrido
Yo he tenido el mismo problema y le he dado otra solucin:

Aqu he encontrado la versin anterior de libssl0.9.6


La he instalado con force-downgrade y me corrigi el problema.

Despus si se usa dselect hay que marcarlo como mantener hasta que compilen
los otros paquetes contra esta nueva versin.

Espero que sirva


- Original Message -
From: Javier Viuales Gutirrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Usuarios Debian Espaol debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:42 AM
Subject: Cmo corregir el error de unstable con ssh

 Hola, como alguno que otro en la lista y otro foro ha tenido en la ltima
 actualizacin de unstable problemas debidos a que no puede entrar en las
 o usar ssh, etc, la forma de resolverlo es de lo ms debianera :)

 fakeroot apt-get source -b ssh

 Y ya slo queda instalar los paquetes ssh_2.5.2p2-1_i386.deb y

 Cual era el problema?, pues muy tonto:
ssh de unstable est actualmente roto debido a que OpenSSH est
compilado contra libssl0.9.6 y en la ltima actualizacin este paquete
se actualiz a libssl0.9.6a-1.
Regenerando los paquetes deb mediante 'apt-get source...' e
problema resuelto.

 Javier Viuales Gutirrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/4EB82468
 1C2A 0241 D350 B43D E027  4FCD F8E8 3454 4EB8 2468

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Konqueror y java

2001-04-12 Thread Francisco Callejo
El jueves, 12 de abril de 2001, Angel Vicente Perez escribió:
 Tengo instalado el konqueror, y veo que sugiere java-virtual-machine, que es
 un paquete virtual, pero de los propuestos ¿cual seria el mas aconsejable?

j2re1.3 (versión de ejecución)
j2sdk1.3 (incluye el compilador)

Yo lo probé con kaffe, pero no funcionaba.

Francisco Callejo Giménez
Bornos, Cádiz, España

Re: Particiones

2001-04-12 Thread Andres Herrera

El Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 05:25:09PM +0200, Andres Seco Hernandez disidio 
 Yo tengo un RAID0 con 6 discos, 4 en dos canales IDE y 2 en un SCSI, 

Los de los canales IDE te deben estar bajando el rendimiento cosa mala, ¿no?

 juntos en amor y compañía, y no ha petado todavía. La verdad es que lo
 monté con urgencia por necesidad de espacio, pensando en cambiarlo, pero
 en dos meses que lleva va genial.

El problema del RAID0 es que cuando peta, peta de verdad. Yo monté uno hace muy
poco con dos disco SCSI y a los pocos días comenzó a fallar uno de los
discos... el desastre fue total (menos mal que lo tenía precisamente para
pruebas) :-))

Andres Herrera  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | N.Reg: 66054
Debian Potato  | bqp/AndresHE
Clave GPG: http://www.escomposlinux.org/aherrerm/aherrerm.gpg

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tildes en KDE arrancando desde KDM

2001-04-12 Thread Carlos Prados Bocos

On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Paco Avila wrote:

 El Mar 10 Abr 2001 02:58, Carlos Prados Bocos escribió:

  Tengo un problemilla con el KDE 2.1.1. No me funcionan las tildes en
  ninguna de las aplicaciones del KDE (knosole, kedit, kwrite...).

 Bien, yo no tengo esos problemas y tengo las mismas versiones. Te paso mi
 fichero de config de XFree pq el de KDM no lo he tocado nunca, o sea, que
 tiene lo que puso el script de instalación.

Ahi va el mio, aunque no creo que tenga mucho que ver. Ya te digo que solo
pasa con las aplicaciones KDE y arrancando desde kdm.

¿Tendra que ver con lo que te pasaba a ti con las fonts TTF? ¿Has probado
a ver si te funcionan arrancanco desde startx?

Section ServerLayout
Identifier XFree86 Configured
Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard

Section Files
RgbPath  /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb
ModulePath   /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/
FontPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/
FontPath /usr/share/fonts

Section Module
Load  GLcore
Load  dbe
Load  dri
Load  extmod
Load  glx
Load  pex5
Load  record
Load  xie
Load  freetype
Load  speedo
Load  type1

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  keyboard
Option  XKbLayout es

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse0
Driver  mouse
Option  Protocol PS/2
Option  Device /dev/psaux
Option  Emulate3Buttons true

Section Monitor
Identifier   Monitor0
VendorName   Monitor Vendor
ModelNameMonitor Model

Section Device
### Available Driver options are:-
#Option accel
#Option crt_screen
#Option composite_sync
#Option linear
#Option mmio_cache
#Option probe_clocks
#Option reference_clock
#Option shadow_fb
Identifier  Card0
Driver  ati
VendorName  ATI
BoardName   Mach64 LM
ChipSet ati
ChipId  0x4c4d
ChipRev 0x64
BusID   PCI:1:0:0

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Card0
DefaultDepth  16
SubSection Display
Depth 1
SubSection Display
Depth 4
SubSection Display
Depth 8
SubSection Display
Depth 15
SubSection Display
Depth 16
SubSection Display
Depth 24

Section DRI

Problemas al apagar el PC

2001-04-12 Thread David

Tengo el Windows Me y cuando me dirijo a apagar el 
sistema en el menu INICIO hace un amago de apagarse pero se me queda encendido y 
tengo que apagarlo dejando calcado el boton de apagar.Luego al iniciar me hace 
el scandisk por apagarlo mal y no se de que puede ser.Agradeceria mucho que me 
ayudaseis a resolver este problema,un saludo.

Re: Problemas al apagar el PC

2001-04-12 Thread walter

La respuesta es MOCOSOFT::

De que te quejas si tienes productos 

Re: mp3

2001-04-12 Thread José Pérez
El jue, 12 de abr de 2001, a las 10:25:01 +0100, Cesar se expresó así:
  Podríais orientarme hacia alguna utilidad
 para grabar música de CDROM a mp3.

Grip, si no recuerdo mal, para las X.

Saludos. Pepe

Re: Problemas al apagar el PC

2001-04-12 Thread Monkiki
Hash: SHA1

El Jue 12 Abr 2012 19:25, David escribió:

 Tengo el Windows Me y cuando me dirijo a apagar el sistema en el menu
 INICIO hace un amago de apagarse pero se me queda encendido y tengo que
 apagarlo dejando calcado el boton de apagar.Luego al iniciar me hace el
 scandisk por apagarlo mal y no se de que puede ser.Agradeceria mucho que me
 ayudaseis a resolver este problema,un saludo.

Esto... PEDASO DE OFF-TOPIC!!! No estamos en una lista de Debian GNU/Linux? 
Preguntar cosas de esas aquí no es muy inteligente. Suerte ;-)

- -- 
- -

 * Starwars III: El retorno de Linux

- -
  Registered Linux user number 134.596

 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Powered by Debian (2.4.2 on i686)
 Web: http://www.geocities.com/monkiki5/
 ICQ: 89191538
 Yahoo: monkiki5
- -
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: Ya tengo la tostadora... Qué programa usar para quemar?

2001-04-12 Thread José Pérez
El sáb, 31 de mar de 2001, a las 12:07:26 +0200, Paco Avila se expresó así:
 Me dice: mount: /dev/sr0 has wrong major or minor number
 No lo entiendo. Puedo grabar pero no puedo montarla?

Yo sí he visto eso antes (Mandrake primera? Esware?). Bueno, no sé si irán
por ahí los tiros... Has creado enlaces simbólicos de esos dispositivos en
tus aplicaciones? Es decir, tu tienes un icono (en las X) que simboliza el
cdrom, cuando le das busca el /dev/cdrom, si éste apuntaba a /dev/hdd, por
ejemplo, pues no te montará nada y sale algún error. A ver si te pego
algunas cosillas que os ayuden:
En /dev:

lrwxrwxrwx1 root root8 nov 18 15:16 cdrom1 - /dev/sr0
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root8 nov 18 19:30 cdrom3 - /dev/sr8

Lo del /dev/sr8 es que por defecto el kernel tiene la opción esa de
multi-lun activada (a ver si recompilo), pero debería ser sr0, en un caso
Aquí mi /etc/fstab:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  
/dev/hdc1   /   ext2defaults,errors=remount-ro  0   
/dev/hdc5   noneswapsw  0   0
proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
/dev/fd0/floppy autodefaults,user,noauto0   0
/dev/cdrom1 /cdwriter   iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto 
0   0
/dev/cdrom3 /cdrom  iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto 0   0
#/dev/hdc3 /mnt/storm ext2 rw   0   2
/dev/hda6 /mnt/mandrake ext2 rw 0   2
/dev/hda1 /mnt/w98 vfat rw  0   0
/dev/hdc6   /respaldo   ext2defaults1   2
/dev/hda5   /boot   ext2defaults1   2

Y mi lilo.conf:

append= hdb=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi
append= hdb=ide-scsi failsafe
append= hdb=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi
append= hdb=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi

Es un poco raro porque arranco varias distros...

Bueno, a mí me va OK!!!
El Xcdroast graba al vuelo y todo. La pega que le veo es que debes crear un
directorio con todo lo que quieres tostar, en vez de coger algo de aquí algo
de allá...
Otro tostador: gtoaster (gnome-toaster). Prueba a ver si te mola...

Espero haber ayudado en algo...

Saludos. Pepe

Jornadas GNU/Linux, ¡te esperamos!

2001-04-12 Thread Jornadas
¡Hola amigos y amigas!

Los invito a todos a las Jornadas GNU/Linux que estamos organizando para
el 8, 9 y 10 de Junio en la ciudad de Santa Fe, provincia de Santa Fe,

Se darán temas de todos los niveles, con expositores con renombre en
Argentina, se entregarán certificados, para mucha mas información, revisen
este sitio:


No olviden de preinscribirse aquellos que vayan a venir, así la acreditación
 es mas ágil:


Cualquier consulta, haganla a esta direccion: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lucas Di Pentima

Organización de Jornadas
[LUNIX: Soluciones en GNU/Linux]

Re: Podeis ver peliculas de cd-rom en formato divx

2001-04-12 Thread José Pérez
El dom, 01 de abr de 2001, a las 01:46:09 +0200, 31 se expresó así:
 Mucha gracias, ya lo he conseguido, ha sido realmente facil. El problema
 eran las librerias de windows que había que instalar en /usr/lib/win32,
 pero en la web divx.euro.ru, tienen un zip con ellas que simplemente lo
 descomprimes en el directorio y listo. A partir de ahí funciono el
 aviplay (avifile). Luego volví a probar con el xmps y también aunque
 tiene menos calidad de imagen. Y por último le he puesto el plugin al
 xmms y como dios, pongo las piniculas en su lista, play y ya, luego con
 le boton derecho del raton los pongo a plantalla completa o a ventana.
 Creo que la cosa es demasiado facil, como para que alguna persona
 subscrita a esta lista este viendo sus piniculas en windows por no poder
 hacerlo en linux, os animo a todos, en 20 minutos tendreis todo listo.

De qué plugin hablas para el xmms?
De todas formas, a mi me va fatal... El sonido es entrecortado, las imágenes
casi se han de empujar para que salgan...
Qué he hecho mal?
Y que esto del xmps?
Salida de dpkg -l xmps:
No se ha encontrado ningún paquete que corresponda con xmps.

Bueno, a ver si me echáis un cable, please!!!

P.D.: En win lo veo bien y se oye bastante bien (al final, deja que desear,
pero es que aquí ni los títulos!!! y es Matrix!!!)

Gracias por vuestro tiempo y ayuda

Saludos. Pepe

RE: Herramienta p/debianizar rpms

2001-04-12 Thread Carlos Martinez
 -Mensaje original-
 Que tal amigos...alguine me podria recomendar alguna buena herramienta
 para debianizar rpms, he leido en la lista algo al respecto y en este
 momento estoy necesitando algo asi.
 Gracias anticipadas...

Has probado con alien?

Poner la Potato en cristiano

2001-04-12 Thread Carlos Martinez
Bueno, supongo que esto ya se habr comentado alguna vez en la lista, pero
no lo encuentro.
Voy a instalar ahora en vacaciones la Potato 2.2r2 y quiero ponerla lo ms
en espaol que se pueda. A ver si alguien me puede decir dnde hay
documentacin sobre cmo hispanizarlo un poco (man en espaol, kde en
espaol y todo lo que se pueda).
Por cierto, es recomendable la woody para un principiante? (es que tambin
tengo los CD's).
Gracias por vuestra atencin y un saludo.


2001-04-12 Thread Carlos Martinez
Tengo algunas curiosidades (nada importante):
1.- Por qu tienen los correos de esta lista un chorro de nmeros
aparentemente sin sentido con algo como PGP? Es algo de firmar los correos?
2.- Hay veces que veo que llegan por duplicado los correos (y no es que me
respondan a m y a la lista). Es porque quien lo ha mandado le ha dado 2
veces al botn o hay alguna otra explicacin?
3.- Cmo es posible que alguien enve una pregunta como la del amigo David
a esta lista? (Pregunta sobre el apagado de Windows ME). Bueno, por lo menos
me he reido un ratn.

Saludos desde Alicante.

Unidentified subject!

2001-04-12 Thread skdjfh

Re: Cadê Recife-PE??????

2001-04-12 Thread Marcelo Santana

Olá, pessoal de Recife!!

  Cadê vocês para marcarmos nosso encontro?


 Ricardo Melo.

Poi é... aí pessoal de Recife/PE vamos agitar esse encontro!!!

Ricardo Melo...Lucianno A. Ramalho...Rodrigo Morais Araujo...JCláudio...!!!

Ainda tá de pé ou não?  Eu topo ondo for, vamos agitar o nordeste e fazer o
pessoal dar uma banana p/ Bill Gates!!! :)


Marcelo Gomes de Santana
UIN #82824803
Fone: 3271-2331

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Unidentified subject!

2001-04-12 Thread skdjfh

SiS 530

2001-04-12 Thread [ P ]®ØÐ1g[ ¥ ]

Estou co problemas ora configura minha placa SiS 530 no Debain...
alguem pode me sa uma ajuda par instala essa placa ???

Re: SiS 530

2001-04-12 Thread Daniel Confortin
havia pedido isso na lista anteriormente...
o esquema é o seguinte
só baixa o driver no site da sis (acima) e segue as instruções que eles dao
no site ... (pega o arquivo .tgz né...)
com isso resolvi o problema... ou quase...

- Original Message -
From: [ P ]®ØÐ1g[ ¥ ] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 3:26 AM
Subject: SiS 530

 Estou co problemas ora configura minha placa SiS 530 no Debain...
 alguem pode me sa uma ajuda par instala essa placa ???

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

problemas no login do X

2001-04-12 Thread Daniel Confortin

Caras, consegui configurar legal minha placa de 
vídeo, porém...

1) no login gráfico, quando digito meu login e 
senha e dou enter, a tela pisca e volta para a tela de login como se nada 
tivesse acontecido... nao faço ideia doque seja.
2) minha tela virtual é maior que a 

Bem, é isso ai, obrigado pela ajuda...


RE: GNU (Re: Linux na Folha de SP)

2001-04-12 Thread Carlos Laviola
Hash: SHA1

On 12-Apr-2001 Lalo Martins wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 07:24:55PM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
 ? uma quest?o de costume. Al?m disso, nem tudo em meu sistema ? GNU,
 ent?o em vez de falar GNU/BSD/Artistic/.../Linux, eu falo Linux,
 refer?ncia ao kernel.
 Essa história de novo? :-/
 O nome GNU não se refere ao fato de todos os componentes terem
 sido desenvolvidos pelo projeto GNU. O objetivo do projeto era
 criar um sistema inteiro que fosse livre, mesmo que pra isso
 alguns componentes fossem adaptados de outras fontes.


 Esse sistema que nós usamos hoje - principalmente o Debian - é
 praticamente o sistema que vinha sendo reunido e integrado pelo
 projeto GNU há anos, powered by o kernel Linux. Por isso que
 muita gente acha injusto chamar de Linux e não de GNU.

É, isso é um fato interessante que muita gente desconheçe.

 Eu pessoalmente gosto de dizer que uso GNU, ponto. Nem GNU/Linux.
 Senão, quem usa Windows ME teria que dizer que usa DOS, se o
 critério for o kernel ;-)

Ok. Ok. Ok. Gente, vocês sabem que eu entendo a filosofia, e tudo mais.
É só uma questão de costume. É que nem tentar convencer uma criança de
que se deve falar ludopédio em vez de futebol, ela pode saber que
aquilo é o certo, mas quero ver ela falar assim com os amigos :P

Mas é óbvio que a parte que a GNU desempenha no GNU/Linux é tão
importante que realmente mereça todo destaque possível. O único
problema é meu costume em digitar só Linux mesmo. Portanto, quando me
virem escrever Linux apenas, façam um regexp mental, ok?

Aliás o hmh já tinha me avisado ontem que isso ia dar num puta
flamewar, então gente, de uma vez por todas, afirmo - EU RESPEITO E

Obrigado. :)
- -- 
carlos laviola - icq #55799523
$ chown us:us /your_base -R
chown: what you say!!

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: GNU (Re: Linux na Folha de SP)

2001-04-12 Thread Lalo Martins
On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 11:15:37AM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On 12-Apr-2001 Lalo Martins wrote:
  On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 07:24:55PM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
  ? uma quest?o de costume. Al?m disso, nem tudo em meu sistema ? GNU,
  ent?o em vez de falar GNU/BSD/Artistic/.../Linux, eu falo Linux,
  refer?ncia ao kernel.
  Essa hist?ria de novo? :-/
 Ok. Ok. Ok. Gente, voc?s sabem que eu entendo a filosofia, e tudo mais.
 ? s? uma quest?o de costume. ? que nem tentar convencer uma crian?a de
 que se deve falar ludop?dio em vez de futebol, ela pode saber que
 aquilo ? o certo, mas quero ver ela falar assim com os amigos :P

Só pra deixar claro: eu pessoalmente não me importo que os
usuários, principalmente quem divulga e defende como o Laviola,
chamem seu sistema de Linux, GNU/Linux ou sanduíche de
atum especial para capturar tigres. Eu pessoalmente chamo de
GNU, ou no máximo Debian.

O que eu achei que merecia um reply é o argumento incorreto que
você colocou ali em cima sobre GNU/BSD/Artistic/.../Linux.
Isso é uma coisa que me incomoda ler.

   I say a prayer now our love's departed
That you'll come back to stay
  Bring back the perfect day

http://www.laranja.org/mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key: http://www.laranja.org/pessoal/pgp

Brazil of Darkness (RPG)  ---   http://www.BroDar.org/

RE: SiS 530

2001-04-12 Thread Carlos Laviola
Hash: SHA1

On 12-Apr-2001 [ P ]®ØÐ1g[ ¥ ] wrote:
 Estou co problemas ora configura minha placa SiS 530 no Debain...
 alguem pode me sa uma ajuda par instala essa placa ???

Sem você dizer o problema, fica difícil. A SiS tem uma página só para
drivers de GNU/Linux, que fica aqui[1]. Mas você nem precisa pegá-los,
porque, como diz na própria página, o suporte à SiS 530 já está incluso
tanto no X 3.3.6 como nos da série 4.0. Mas há um guia de instalação na
página que vai ser útil para você descobrir como configurar o kernel
para suportar a sua placa propriamente. 

1. http://www.sis.com.tw/support/download/linux.htm

- -- 
carlos laviola - icq #55799523
$ chown us:us /your_base -R
chown: what you say!!

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: GNU (Re: Linux na Folha de SP)

2001-04-12 Thread Carlos Laviola
Hash: SHA1

On 12-Apr-2001 Lalo Martins wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 11:15:37AM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
 Ok. Ok. Ok. Gente, voc?s sabem que eu entendo a filosofia, e tudo
 ? s? uma quest?o de costume. ? que nem tentar convencer uma crian?a
 que se deve falar ludop?dio em vez de futebol, ela pode saber que
 aquilo ? o certo, mas quero ver ela falar assim com os amigos :P
 Só pra deixar claro: eu pessoalmente não me importo que os
 usuários, principalmente quem divulga e defende como o Laviola,
 chamem seu sistema de Linux, GNU/Linux ou sanduíche de
 atum especial para capturar tigres. Eu pessoalmente chamo de
 GNU, ou no máximo Debian.

Isso, Debian é bom. :) (Debian = GNU/Linux, então falando Debian,
estou falando GNU/Linux.)

 O que eu achei que merecia um reply é o argumento incorreto que
 você colocou ali em cima sobre GNU/BSD/Artistic/.../Linux.
 Isso é uma coisa que me incomoda ler.

É, foi uma escolha incorreta de termos. O que eu quis dizer com aquilo
é que existem outros componentes importantes também que não seriam o
que se chama de GNU, e que se falasse apenas GNU, eu também estaria
desmerecendo estes, mesmo que presentes em minoria. É por isso que eu
prefiro dizer simplesmente que eu sou adepto do software livre, sem me
ater a licenças específicas, até porque o Debian não faz discriminação
alguma entre as licenças ao estilo do BSD e a GPL, por exemplo.

- -- 
carlos laviola - icq #55799523
$ chown us:us /your_base -R
chown: what you say!!

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: Kylix

2001-04-12 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Alguém sabe como eu faço para enviar a assinatura pgp via attach ao invés de
colocar no .signature, mas isso usando o mutt?


On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 08:08:15PM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
 On 02-Apr-2001 Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:
  HA! Então é por isso que todo mundo vem me falar do Kylix OpenSource, que
  o Kylix é Open Source... Estratégia inteligente de marketing... ele é
  Gratuito se você o usar para desenvolver aplicações open source ...
  safados! :)
  Agora caiu minha ficha... mas infelizmente não sei onde baixar. Se eu
  fosse programar pascal ia atras do freepascal e do lazarus.
 Nunca ouvi falar neste Lazarus, mas é o FreePascal que vou usar esse semestre,
 porque ele é semanticamente compatível com Turbo Pascal 7.0 (que é o que meu
 professor de Int. ao Processamento de Dados usa/adora).
 Carlos Laviola - ICQ 55799523
 pub  1024D/3516D372 2000-06-05 Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Key fingerprint = 3BE1 6591 C78C 2AA4 31DD  AEEF 6406 0227 3516 D372
  I have a solar vocal ail!

Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mlinuxer.cjb.net MLinuxer
The game of Evolution http://Evolution.sourceforge.net
Clube da Engenharia Elétrica http://www.clubengeletria.f2s.com

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Gnome PGP version 0.4


Re: Kylix

2001-04-12 Thread Carlos Laviola
Hash: SHA1

On 12-Apr-2001 Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
 Alguém sabe como eu faço para enviar a assinatura pgp via attach ao
 invés de
 colocar no .signature, mas isso usando o mutt?

echo set pgp_autosign  ~/.muttrc

O que eu tenho (tinha, agora fica nos headers das minhas mensagens) na
minha assinatura é apenas o fingerprint da minha chave GnuPG.

 Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Gnome PGP version 0.4

Não inclua sua chave pública toda na mensagem, faça upload dela para
keyservers (ex.: wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net) e apenas assine suas mensagens. É
fácil configurar o GPG pra buscar chaves em keyservers quando você
checa assinaturas de pessoas cuja chave pública você não possui em seu

- -- 
carlos laviola - icq #55799523
$ chown us:us /your_base -R
chown: what you say!!

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: Kylix

2001-04-12 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Olá pessoal.

Eu estou meio ausente da lista por falta de tempo, infelizmente, portanto
desculpem a demora por mandar esse comentário, mas eu acho importante...
Pelo que eu fiquei sabendo, a Borland liberou grátis (não sei se open
source, mas creio que não...) as ferramentas de compilação por linha de
comando. Não só para linux, também para windows. 
Contúdo, o construtor de interfaces RAD do delphi/kylix, o IDE e toda
o resto não foi liberado. Muito provavelmente a Imprise irá liberar daqui a
algum tempo, seguindo o mesmo esquema que faz com windows. A cada versão nova
do delphi, a versão com o major number da nova versão menos 2 costuma ou ser
liberada ou vendida a preço de banana (por exemplo, versão nova = 6.0, versao 
free = 4.x), inclusive em revistas de informática que vem com cdrom.
Quanto às implementações open source do pascal, creio que, embora muito
interessantes, não tenham a mesma importância que o kylix tem para a
comunidade linux. Com o kylix, as inúmeras software houses que usam hoje
delphi + windows terão a opção de usar kylix. Elas pagam pelo kylix, mas não
pelo sistema operacional e pelas inúmeras ferramentas que passam a ficar
disponíveis, como gcc, qtez, ddd, kdb, xemacs, etc.
Outro fator importantíssimo é que programas já feitos para windows
podem ser portados de modo muito fácil para linux. Imaginem qual será o
crescimento do número de programas para linux... Se um programa feito em
delphi não tem nenhuma chamada direta para funções da API do windows, basta
abrir o projeto no kylix e compilar...
Não sei como está esse fator no kylix, mas talvez seja possível até
crosscompiling, ou seja, você programa em linux e gera programas para windows.
Eu tenho feito isso aqui em casa usando glade/gtk+, o resultado tem agradado...
Com o kylix, deve estar ainda melhor... Diga-se de passagem, até que enfim
alguém colocou o deb do crosscompiler para windows na dist da debian, o
responsável merece um parabéns!
Eu sei que a maioria de vocês já tem opinião formada sobre isso, mas é
que eu sei que muita gente que assina a lista tem interesse em aprender e não
tem idéia de porque o kylix é importante... Eu acho ele importantíssimo, essa
atitude que a Imprise está tomando, bem ou mal, nunca seria tomada pela
Microsoft com uma ferramenta como Visual Basic.
Acho correto críticarmos quem está dizendo que o kylix é open source,
isso eu creio vir da grande confusão da cabeça das pessoas que não estão
acostumadas com GPL e free software, mas acho correto apoiar o kylix, pois o
linux tende a crescer muito em número de aplicações às quais pode ser aplicado
se o kylix pegar no mercado. 
Espero que começem logo a portar programas delphi para linux.

Até mais,


Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mlinuxer.cjb.net MLinuxer
The game of Evolution http://Evolution.sourceforge.net
Clube da Engenharia Elétrica http://www.clubengeletria.f2s.com

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Gnome PGP version 0.4


Matando processos D

2001-04-12 Thread DephiNit
Olá pessoal,

Estou tendo um problema com o `sg driver'. O cdrecord para no meio da 
gravação e não aborta, nem com CTRL+C nem com `$ kill -9 PID'. O processo 
reporta estar em estado D (uninterruptible sleep (usually IO), segundo 

Há alguma maneira de pará-lo, fora a reinicialização o sistema?


Raphael DephiNit Pereira

Re: Matando processos D

2001-04-12 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Estou tendo um problema com o `sg driver'. O cdrecord para no meio da
 gravação e não aborta, nem com CTRL+C nem com `$ kill -9 PID'. O processo
 reporta estar em estado D (uninterruptible sleep (usually IO), segundo

 Há alguma maneira de pará-lo, fora a reinicialização o sistema?

Se o processo não aceita uma chamada kill(), então não tem como.  Pode 
falha de hardware.  Às vezes, aguardando um pouco, o kernel trata a 
interrupção do sinal kill e termina o processo.  Às vezes, também, o processo 
vira um zombie, daí quem trabalha com estações/servidores que ficam um 
bom tempo em pé costuma achar vários zombies rodando (netscape sempre tem).


Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Tel.: + 55 11 6224-1795
Division Multiservice Networks - First Deployments
Public Key =   http://cipsga.procempa.com.br/oks/pt_BR/
(pgp-i 2.6.3)   http://www.engnux.ufsc.br/helio/identity.pub.txt

\ /  Campanha da fita ASCII - Contra mail HTML
 X   ASCII ribbon campaign  - Against HTML mail
/ \

Erro no X server

2001-04-12 Thread [ P ]®ØÐ1g[ ¥ ]

O erro eh esse:

X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/XF86_SVGA failed
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
xinit: Connection refused (errno 111): Unable to conect to X server
xinit: No such porcess (errno 3): Server error

sera q tem como me da uma ajuda pra resolve isso ???

Re: GNU (Re: Linux na Folha de SP)

2001-04-12 Thread Hilton Fernandes

acho que as flamewars são uma coisa muito antiga: uma das primeiras foi
a discussão sobre o sexo dos anjos em Constantinopla, há mais de 1.000
anos atrás. :-D Além de antiga, totalmente inútil.

Contudo, eu disse que a revista Amanhã, que escreve GNU/Linux o tempo
todo, era mais preciosista que todo mundo nesta lista.  Talvez isso
tenha dado ocasião desta discussão ter começado.

Por isso, tentarei escrever algo outra vez: penso que sanduíche de
atum especial seria mesmo um bom nome para o Linux.  Mesmo que não
fosse para capturar tigres. :-D

Mas também acho importante lembrar que o pessoal do GNU, se não começou
com a história do software livre, foi quem deu o espírito da coisa.  

Mais ou menos como quando se fala linguagem de programação orientada ao
objeto, pensa-se em Smalltalk, em vez de Simula67, que foi a primeira.

Além disso, o pessoal do GNU batalhou politicamente, em mídia escrita
impressa e falada, e batalha muito.  Já ouvi muita gente chamando o
pessoal da GNU -- em especial o Stallman --, de superado, radical etc. 
Mas se não fossem eles, talvez nem houvesse o que hoje chamamos de

Por isso, fiz o comentário.  Pessoalmente digo sempre Linux, em vez de
GNU/Linux.  Em vez até mesmo de sanduíche de atum especial para
capturar tigres. :-)

Uma vez mais, no flamewar intended, please...

Agora, vem a pergunta: quando digo Linux, acentuo o u -- Linuux.
Alguns me corrigem para Liinux, mas eu fico na dúvida: seria
Lainux?  Seria Lainacs?  Como será que é esse nome em finlandês, a
língua do pai da matéria?

[]s, Hilton

P.S.: mas por que sanduíche de atum?  É verdade que os tigres gostam

--- Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On 12-Apr-2001 Lalo Martins wrote:
  On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 11:15:37AM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
  Ok. Ok. Ok. Gente, voc?s sabem que eu entendo a filosofia, e tudo
  ? s? uma quest?o de costume. ? que nem tentar convencer uma
  que se deve falar ludop?dio em vez de futebol, ela pode saber que
  aquilo ? o certo, mas quero ver ela falar assim com os amigos :P
  Só pra deixar claro: eu pessoalmente não me importo que os
  usuários, principalmente quem divulga e defende como o Laviola,
  chamem seu sistema de Linux, GNU/Linux ou sanduíche de
  atum especial para capturar tigres. Eu pessoalmente chamo de
  GNU, ou no máximo Debian.
 Isso, Debian é bom. :) (Debian = GNU/Linux, então falando Debian,
 estou falando GNU/Linux.)
  O que eu achei que merecia um reply é o argumento incorreto que
  você colocou ali em cima sobre GNU/BSD/Artistic/.../Linux.
  Isso é uma coisa que me incomoda ler.
 É, foi uma escolha incorreta de termos. O que eu quis dizer com
 é que existem outros componentes importantes também que não seriam o
 que se chama de GNU, e que se falasse apenas GNU, eu também
 desmerecendo estes, mesmo que presentes em minoria. É por isso que eu
 prefiro dizer simplesmente que eu sou adepto do software livre, sem
 ater a licenças específicas, até porque o Debian não faz
 alguma entre as licenças ao estilo do BSD e a GPL, por exemplo.
 - -- 
 carlos laviola - icq #55799523
 $ chown us:us /your_base -R
 chown: what you say!!
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

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Re: GNU (Re: Linux na Folha de SP)

2001-04-12 Thread Carlos Laviola
Hash: SHA1

On 13-Apr-2001 Hilton Fernandes wrote:
 Agora, vem a pergunta: quando digo Linux, acentuo o u -- Linuux.
 Alguns me corrigem para Liinux, mas eu fico na dúvida: seria
 Lainux?  Seria Lainacs?  Como será que é esse nome em finlandês,

Nenhum dos dois, o Linus é esperto, fala Linux que nem eu: Línux.
Ouça http://www.linuxdevices.com/files/linus.au.

 língua do pai da matéria?

Não é não. A primeira lingua dele é o sueco, porque ele nasceu numa
área da Finlândia em que o sueco é mais popular que o finlandês.
(Ver ítem 6 da FAQ não-oficial sobre Linus Torvalds, em

- -- 
carlos laviola - icq #55799523
$ chown us:us /your_base -R
chown: what you say!!

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: gdm login is broken in unstable(?)

2001-04-12 Thread David Monarres
I had the same problem and it isn't gdm, rather it has to do with a broken
ssh-agent. I just commented out the lines in /etc/gdm/sessions/Gnome that
start ssh-agent and it seemd to work after that. I have attached the
session file on my system. (I don't really know if this was the most
correct way to fix it but it serves me well)
David Monarres

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 18:56:47 Miles Bader wrote:
 As of today I can't login via gdm anymore; it accepts my userid and
 password, restarts X, and then just restarts X again and shows the gdm
 login dialog.
 /var/log/auth.log shows something like:
   Apr 12 10:44:28 mcspd15 PAM_unix[8872]: (gdm) session opened for user
 miles by (uid=0)
   Apr 12 10:44:29 mcspd15 PAM_unix[8864]: (gdm) session closed for user
 /var/log/XFree86.0.log shows nothing unusual (no error messages or
 Another message on this list (subject `startx not working') mentions a
 similar problem, and someone replied that the `libpam0g' package was
 somehow involved; I tried replacing that package with the version from
 testing, but the same problem still occurs.
 Does anyone have any idea how to work around this problem?  I'd really
 like to use X!
 p.s. Please keep me in To/CC; I don't read this mailing list directly.
 Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly it flips over,
 pinning you underneath.  At night the ice weasels come.  --Nietzsche
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Description: Binary data

[OT] kapm-idled takes up 77% of CPU?

2001-04-12 Thread Krzys Majewski
Dig this:

3 root  20   0 00 0 SW  0 74.0  0.0 672:35 kapm-idled
10858 root  10   0 35540 8332  1628 S   0  0.5  6.5   0:03 X
 4208 root   9   0   968  964   744 S   0  0.3  0.7   0:14 dozed
31364 krzys 10   0  1492 1492   692 R   0  0.3  1.1   0:00 top
  167 root   9   096   5252 R   0  0.1  0.0   0:00 gpm
31488 krzys  9   0  6564 6564  2948 S   0  0.1  5.1   0:02 emacs
31638 krzys  9   0   928  924   732 S   0  0.1  0.7   0:00 e
31658 root   9   0   248  248   196 S   0  0.1  0.1   0:00 sleep
1 root   8   0   160  124   104 S   0  0.0  0.0   0:04 init
2 root   9   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0   0:00 keventd
4 root   9   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0   0:00 kswapd
5 root   9   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0   0:00 kreclaimd

This is  a 2.4.2 kernel  on an  i686. I run  a daemon which  relies on
vmstat to put my box in apm --suspend when the CPU is reasonably idle,
and this screws  it up. Anyone got a patch, or  know which APM feature
to disable in the kernel? Note that I need at least basic APM support. 

Re: gdm login is broken in unstable(?)

2001-04-12 Thread Miles Bader
David Monarres [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I had the same problem and it isn't gdm, rather it has to do with a broken
 ssh-agent. I just commented out the lines in /etc/gdm/sessions/Gnome that
 start ssh-agent and it seemd to work after that.

Hey thanks, that fixes things perfectly!

[Did'ya file a bug report?]

Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly it flips over,
pinning you underneath.  At night the ice weasels come.  --Nietzsche

Re: WindowMaker Rocks!! ;-) (Was: FW: OT : GUI Interfaces)

2001-04-12 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 07:51:38PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
 on Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 08:13:22AM +0800, csj ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  You missed my favorite icewm (in 3 flavors - -gnome -lite). The most 
  Windows-like wm (not counting KDE's).
 Legacy MS Windows is not necessarially the Gold Standard® of GUI shell

Amen to that, brother!

 You also have various options for opening menus.  By default,
 right-mouse on root window is apps menu, middle mouse is window list.
 These are bound to F11 and F12 as well.

Yes, I know my wmaker menus fairly well, but I bind hotkeys to everything
common...  F9 for netscape, F10 to bring up an Eterm (What can I say?
I like the flashy stuff sometimes...), Windows-Z (a lot of apps like
to use Alt-foo themselves, so I've got all my wmaker hotkeys bound to
Windows-foo instead) to lock the screen, F12-Up-Right-Enter to log out,
F12-Down-Enter for GIMP.  That's about all I ever use.  (Anything else,
I start from an Eterm.)

 Incidentally, WPrefs is reason #15,835 for loving WindowMaker -- this is
 one slick, well-thought out, and functional configuration utility.
 There's little that I want configured which it doesn't provide for.

Anyhow, the real reason for my reply:  Why do you like WPrefs so much?  I
used it initially, then discovered wmakerconf.  At that point, there were
some things that could only be done in WPrefs, so I used both, but, IIRC,
wmakerconf now does everything that WPrefs does, plus quite a bit more.

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d? s+: a- C++ UL++$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r y+

Re: NFS mount at startup

2001-04-12 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 10:15:45PM -0500, Stephen E. Hargrove wrote:
 How do I prevent NFS filesystems from mounting when I start up my
 computer.  As the system is booting, it attempts to mount them, and I only
 want them mounted when I want them.  Here's one example from my fstab:
 papa:/music/music nfs   rsize=1024,wsize=1024  0 0

Add noauto to the list of mount options.  (If you're using noauto, you'll
probably want to add user also, so that you don't have to be root to mount
or unmount the fs.)

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d? s+: a- C++ UL++$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r y+

download problem

2001-04-12 Thread Rahul Agarwal

I am trying to download the Debian intallation 
files (first time installation) from the website using the ftp ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ the ftp program has already downloaded data more than 
2.4 gigs and is still going on. I was wondering what is the size of the 
installation files and am I doing the right operation. Help in this regard will 
be appreciated.


Unable to locate libpixmap.so

2001-04-12 Thread Stephen E. Hargrove
As a normal user, when I execute xmms, I get the following warnings:

Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate loadable module in module_path:

And then xmms fires up and proceeds to work quite happily.  However, I
don't get this message if/when I execute xmms as root.  dpkg -S libpixmap
doesn't reveal anything, which leads me to wonder (1) why normal users
receive the message, yet root does not; and (2) what package do I need in
order to satisfy the libpixmap request?

Linux : http://exitwound.org
Mozart: http://mozart.sourceforge.net
Buck  : http://www.BuckOwensFan.com

Re: download problem

2001-04-12 Thread ktb
On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 12:40:42AM -0400, Rahul Agarwal wrote:
 I am trying to download the Debian intallation files (first time 
 installation) from the website using the ftp ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/  
 the ftp program has already downloaded data more than 2.4 gigs and is still 
 going on. I was wondering what is the size of the installation files and am I 
 doing the right operation. Help in this regard will be appreciated.

I would strongly suggest you read the installation instructions at -

If your trying to download the iso to burn -

If your trying to do an ftp install you just need 6 floppies.
At any rate it seems to me your downloading everything from the ftp
site.  You don't need to do that.  Read the installation directions and
then post back about what you don't understand.

Also set your mail client to wrap to 72 characters.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: Progeny Debian

2001-04-12 Thread Rob VanFleet
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 08:11:41PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 07:52:44PM -0500, Bud Rogers wrote:
  On Wednesday 11 April 2001 19:37, Rob VanFleet wrote:
   Did you file a bug report with them?  It's the least you could do.
  Good grief, Rob.  Didn't anyone ever teach you how to trim quotes?
 Oh no, another flamewar in the making :)

Heh, I really don't have the time to get involved in flamewar over
quotes.  Normally, yes I do trim quotes.  This particular time, I was

Sue me. : )


Gnome with sawfish gdm

2001-04-12 Thread Stephen Boulet
I downloaded gdm, and it lets met boot into gnome, but gnome defaults to 
window maker. How do I tell gdm to launch gnome with sawfish?

Nice debian-themed background, by the way, that comes up in gnome/window 
maker by default.

-- Stephen

Apache config problem

2001-04-12 Thread Nick
Am I missing a apckage or something, getting this weird message when i run 

Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /usr/sbin/apacheconfig li

quick logitech wheel mouse howto?

2001-04-12 Thread john smith
I would like to know how to enable logitech wheel mouse so I can use it for 
scrolling. right now my configuration in xfree86-4 under input devices

driver mouse
protocol IMPS/2

does not seem to work...

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: FW: OT : GUI Interfaces

2001-04-12 Thread csj
On Thursday 12 April 2001 08:54, John Hasler wrote:
 csj writes:
  To open a new app you have to click at the desktop (or is there
  some abstruse keyboard shortcut?)

 Yes.  Type the name of the app into a terminal.  Suffix a '' if
 you don't want it to take over the terminal.

That begs the question. How then do I jump to the terminal if it's 
behind a number of open windows? I do know there's something like 
grun (with a --persist option) for launching apps. But it doesn't 
provide a quick way to alt-tab to a running but minimized app.

user masquerading with qmail

2001-04-12 Thread Florian Reiser
Hello guys,

where do I have to put MAILHOST and MAILUSER to get user masquerading with
qmail working? In the FAQ they say you should put them in your environment. So
I've put them in the .bashrc of the user, but the user wasn't masqueraded.
So what is the correct place for these variables?



GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

Unidentified subject!

2001-04-12 Thread skdjfh

Re: quick logitech wheel mouse howto?

2001-04-12 Thread Robert Voigt
On Thursday 12 April 2001 07:34, john smith wrote:
 I would like to know how to enable logitech wheel mouse so I can use it for
 scrolling. right now my configuration in xfree86-4 under input devices

Please send all your InputDevice sections and the ServerLayout sections, as 
well as the exact type of mouse.

Re: How do you broadcast a message?

2001-04-12 Thread Joey Hess
Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 11:05:24AM -0700, Known Human Nick Rusnov wrote:
  that is done with the command 'wall'.
 Interesting. I get an error, as root or any other user. 
 wall: /dev/:0: No such file or directory

That bug is fixed in unstable.

see shy jo

Re: Funny Story

2001-04-12 Thread Joey Hess
Steve Witt wrote:
 I don't know if this story is true or not, but I hope it is. A guy who is
 our sys admin said he read on a sys admin type mailing list that the crew
 of the International Space Station are having some computer problems just
 like a lot us down here on earth. It seems that the U.S. provided
 computers running AIX and Win NT. A Win NT computer is being used as an
 SMTP server. Apparently the crew are becoming experienced Win NT sys
 admins because they are having all kinds of problems with the SMTP server.

Yes, you can read all about it in the journal of one of the astronauts.

 The Russians brought computers running Linux. They seem not to be having
 SMTP server problems.

I haven't seen any evidense it's linux though, or any mention of what OS
it is.

OTOH, remember that debian has flown in space before..

see shy jo

Re: FW: OT : GUI Interfaces

2001-04-12 Thread Joey Hess
csj wrote:
 Which brings me to my favorite lite-wm peeve. Why do most of them 
 lack a persistent menu/taskbar? Take Blackbox (a favorite from the 
 posts I have read). To open a new app you have to click at the 
 desktop (or is there some abstruse keyboard shortcut?) to bring up 
 the app-ropriate menu The problem: how do you click at the desktop 
 when you have a maximized app filling the screen? Ditto for 
 WindowMaker (though I have found out there's a keyboard shortcut).

You can pin any of windowmakers menus up, you know. Besides, there's the
dock, and the clip.

see shy jo

Re: outgoing mail header address qyestion

2001-04-12 Thread garyjones
ktb wrote:

On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 10:51:41PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Currently, I am using mutt to access my schools imap server. it's been 
 working great now I have another email account (pop3) and I use fetchmail to 
 retrive it. My problem is that whenever I reply my outgoing email address is 
 always the one with the imap server. (i.e. .edu) what I would like to be 
 able to accomplish is I would like to reply as whoever the mail was sent to.

OK if I get you right you have two email addresses you would like to
have displayed on your From: line.
You can override this by putting a line in your ~/.muttrc file. Here is
the one I use -
my_hdr From: ktb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You could create two files one called ~/.muttrc and one ~./muttrc2
Put a my_hdr line, one for isp1 in one file and one for isp2 in the

I think you can do this with a hook. Have a look at 4.4 (specifically 
the example in 4.4.1...). I'm sure you can come up with something 
more imaginative and appropriate based on this.

Get your own FREE E-mail address at http://www.linuxfreemail.com
Linux FREE Mail is 100% FREE, 100% Linux, and 100% yours!

Re: outgoing mail header address qyestion

2001-04-12 Thread Andre Berger
* ktb [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-04-12 08:40 +0200:
 On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 10:51:41PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Currently, I am using mutt to access my schools imap server. it's
  been working great now I have another email account (pop3) and I use
  fetchmail to retrive it. My problem is that whenever I reply my
  outgoing email address is always the one with the imap server. (i.e.
  .edu) what I would like to be able to accomplish is I would like to
  reply as whoever the mail was sent to. I am using exim as my mta. my
  relevant eximconfig file is attached.
 You could create two files one called ~/.muttrc and one ~./muttrc2
 Put a my_hdr line, one for isp1 in one file and one for isp2 in the
 other.  Then at the command line when you fire up mutt you could source
 which file you want with the following -

 $ mutt -F ~/.muttrc
 respond to mail from isp1

Never personally tried it, but maybe the sections of the mutt manual
6.3.174 reverse_name
6.3.175 reverse_realname
are what you're looking for.

Description: PGP signature

Fujitsu lifebook

2001-04-12 Thread Joris Lambrecht
Does anyone know if this mini-portable is supported with debian ? I'm
looking forward to use it for some admin-tasks ... 


DROPPED: OT : GUI Interfaces

2001-04-12 Thread Joris Lambrecht
oh well, i'll DROP this subject, apparently there is NO reasoning possible
on this subject

-Original Message-
From: Alan Shutko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: woensdag 11 april 2001 22:07
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: OT : GUI Interfaces

Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It [X] IS a fantastic system, indeed, but it weighs on your
 computers resources.

X has run on machines so small and slow they haven't been sold in over
a decade.  X also runs now on machines which can fit in the palm of
your hand.

 Also, what's the use for those strenghts i cannot grasp in a
 stand-alone configuration ? 

Actually, I don't understand the use of a standalone system, since I
don't own any.  They're _all_ connected.  (I suppose some embedded
systems would count, but you're not running 

But in answer to your question:

 on Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 04:20:45PM +0200, Joris Lambrecht

  Does anyone know of a non X GUI interface wich has a number of


* BeOS

* MacOS

* Windows

There's nothing on Linux that has any decent quantities of apps ported
to it.  Easy to check... find the 5 biggest apps you use.  See what
other Unix GUIs they support.  

Alan Shutko [EMAIL PROTECTED] - In a variety of flavors!
You can get *anywhere* in ten minutes if you drive fast enough.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

V4L, Xirlink camera problems

2001-04-12 Thread Dan Berdine
I recently bought a Xirlink (IBM) PC Camera and after reading as much 
documentation as I could find compiled the 2.4.3 kernel with usb support and 
the ibmcam driver.  According to the information at 
http://www.linux-usb.org/ibmcam/ and my /proc/bus/usb/devices, my camera is a 
Model 2, supported by the driver that comes with the kernel.  The module 
loads fine and at least thinks its being used,

niels:/usr/doc/kernel-doc-2.4.3/Documentation/usb# lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
ibmcam 23920   1
pcnet3211536   1
via82cxxx_audio17120   1
ac97_codec  7808   0  [via82cxxx_audio]

when I have xawtv running, but for the life of me I cannot get any images 
from the thing.  I know the computer is talking to the camera because the 
light on the camera lights up every time I try to use it, but I get 
consistent errors no matter what I do.

I'v tried various programs but none work and xawtv gives the most verbose 
errors so I'll give the results of that.  I'v loaded the ibmcam module with 
various videosize settings, and tried to match that with what xawtv expects:

niels:/# modprobe ibmcam videosize=1
niels:/# xawtv -remote -geometry=352x288 -bpp 8
This is xawtv-3.43, running on Linux/i686 (2.4.3)
x11: remote display (overlay disabled)
wmhooks: netwm
/root/.xawtv:1: error: no section
no infrared remote support available
ioctl: VIDIOCMCAPTURE(0,fmt=0,size=0x0): Invalid argument
ioctl: VIDIOCMCAPTURE(0,fmt=5,size=64x48): Invalid argument
v4l: oops: got sigalarm
ioctl: VIDIOCSYNC(0): Interrupted system call
ioctl: VIDIOCMCAPTURE(0,fmt=1,size=64x48): Invalid argument
ioctl: VIDIOCMCAPTURE(0,fmt=7,size=64x48): Invalid argument
grab: no match for: 384x288 32 bit TrueColor (LE: bgr-)
ioctl: VIDIOCMCAPTURE(0,fmt=7,size=64x48): Invalid argument

the -remote option is to turn overlay off which insisted on giving an error 
as well.

It seems that xawtv is stubborly trying to capture images (or video, 
whichever I try once in the program itself) at 384x288 and 32 bit color, 
despite my explicit command line request that it not do so.  Obviously I 
don't understand whats goin on here...  That sigalarm doesn't look friendly 

Any help?



RE: macosX : water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-12 Thread Joris Lambrecht

Linus himself was flaming MacOsX not that long ago ... said the kernel
(mach?) was a *total* piece of crap

-Original Message-
From: csj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 12 april 2001 1:23
To: Debian User List
Subject: Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

On Wednesday 11 April 2001 16:06, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 10:52:54PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
  now MacOS X, which is housetrained Unix, [...]

 thats not what i would call it.  i would call it a neutered Unix
 thats been run over by a truck.

Strong words. What makes you say that? Just curious.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: HELP - CS423x sound config and Debian Potato...

2001-04-12 Thread carl . tan

Hello All Again,

I managed to get the sound up and running. Just in case other people are reading
this, I thought I'd just share what I did (if you know this already, please
SKIP!!! ;-) :

1. downloaded kernel source for the kernel I was running
2. downloaded kernel HEADERS (had to, because version.h exists in that package,
not the first one. ALSA compile needs that)
3. downloaded LATEST ALSA drivers (0.5.10)
4. followed instructions to ./configure
5. make install
6. make sure the kernel sound support is loaded, along with soundcore (though I
have a feeling it would not have been neccessary)
6. run alsaconf
7. selected my card : CS4236B (found out after further hunting on the net)
8. filled in options as given by Win98 Device Manager AND www.alsa-project.org
9. listen to alsa play a test file
10. run xmms and hey presto!

However, I am still uncertain which version of gnome I am using, but the with
the gnome sound server, all sound disappears. But I will leave that for another
day. I am currently disabling all sounds in gnome by disabling its sound server.

freeamp also does not run properly for some reason, but I assume this is also
another program-specific configuration problem, not OS driver related.

I got my mp3's playin' and I'm happy.

Also, alsa-utils did not compile cleanly because it needed ncurses.h from
libncurses4/5-dev. However, I still did not manage to succesfully get it
compiled yet. I assume that since I have sound this package of programs aren't
so critical to getting sound up and running.

Thanks again for the info below. I think it showed me that ALSA was the better
way to go.

Best regards
Carl Tan.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 08:35:42AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any help here to get it started (either ALSA or sndconfig or modprobe I'm
 not fussy :-) would be greatly appreciated.

 I tried google and read many suggestions (all of them reflected by my attempts
 above), but to no avail.

 Could some kind soul please help me? I have looked through debian-user's
 archives till Aug. 2000 but nothing on this was ever mentioned.

Ok, lets see... If you have make-kpkg, gcc and friends installed,
install alsa-source, cd /usr/src ; tar -zxvf alsa-driver.tar.gz ;
cd modules/alsa-driver ; ./configure --with-cards=cs4232 ;
cd /usr/src/linux ;
env MODULES_LOC=/usr/src/modules make-kpkg modules_image ;
cd .. ; dpkg -i alsa-modules-*

Then do /etc/init.d/alsa start.

E-mail dmaziuk at bmrb dot wisc dot edu (@work) or at crosswinds dot net (@home)
http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu/descript/gpgkey.dmaziuk.ascii -- GnuPG 1.0.4 public key
I'm going to exit now since you don't want me to replace the printcap. If you
change your mind later, run  -- magicfilter config script

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: newbiedoc, vim and latex

2001-04-12 Thread Glyn Millington
On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 03:47:10PM -0500, will trillich wrote:

|  Can I write it in LaTeX?  I want to learn to use latex effectively.

Benji Fisher has some nice stuff for writing Latex with Vim on his site



so here we are then
   Running Debian/Gnu Linux  
   9:32am  up  1:32,  2 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.05, 0.16

The reason for Star Office 5.2 breakage

2001-04-12 Thread Samuli Suonpaa
(Posted on both lists since there's active discussion on both lists
concerning this problem.)

Five minutes ago I found the package that breaks Star Office the way
that has been described on numerous emails. The package Star Office
has problems with is sharefont. When sharefont 0.10-9 is installed,
Star Office gives a very informative message stating that an
unrecoverable error has happened every time I try to create a new
document or open an existing one. apt-get remove sharefont solved
the problem.

Since I my knowledge on X fonts can quite accurately described as
none, I wouldnät count on me to find much more information about the
problem. I hope someone more competent with this same problem will
look at the package and file a bug report with more information than
that I could give.


RE: OT : GUI Interfaces

2001-04-12 Thread Joris Lambrecht
well don't mind me, i'm just poking at those who know in order to learn

-Original Message-
From: Karsten M. Self [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 12 april 2001 0:55
To: 'debian-user@lists.debian.org'
Subject: Re: OT : GUI Interfaces

on Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 09:42:30PM +0200, Joris Lambrecht
 -Original Message-
 From: Karsten M. Self [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: woensdag 11 april 2001 20:31
 To: 'debian-user@lists.debian.org'
 Subject: Re: OT : GUI Interfaces
  on Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 04:20:45PM +0200, Joris Lambrecht
  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   Does anyone know of a non X GUI interface wich has a number of
   applications ported to it ? I keep wondering if X is the answer to
   Gui's for linux, it is after all a hefty piece of software to run
   ... This question comes from reading up on AtheOS wich uses a
   proprietary interface wich is reportedly working very well and
   fast ...
   Since X is, after all those years, not the most userfriendly piece
   of software i'm looking for something else, if available.
  X isn't a GUI, it's a network-enabled window management system.  And
  you probably don't grasp its strengths.
  If you mean does anyone know of a GUI development toolkit that's
  not specific to X, the answer becomes: Tcl/Tk and Qt.
  I suspect, however, that the question has some degree of confusion
  over its own identity and direction.

 Although i must admit to have written a somewhat technically confusing
 mail i thought my point would come across, since i was referring to
Problems with your shift key?

 AtheOS wich does NOT use X to build it's interface. Didn't know that
 did ya ! Should you have known this you wouldn't bother pointing out
 someones apparent ignorance wich seems to be a hobby of yours.

AtheOS, as I've since learned from other sources, is a free clone of
BeOS.  I assume its graphics subsystem is similar, though I admit near
total ignorance of BeOS as well.

 Yes, X is a network enabled window managment system wich allows a
 client to run the interface of it's liking and allows remote logins to
 a server over the network and so on wich is very nice for people
 collaborating on projects, you don't believe your eyes the first time
 you see that kind of functionality in action (i didn't), beats M$
 TerminalServer.  But name me more than one or even ONE public service
 that uses these 'strengths'.  

Most public services these days are HTML based.  Future directions may
vary, but you're likely to see a variant of tagged content with
rendering at the client side moving forward.  The public aspect of the
service has nothing, nada, zero, zilch, to do with the display aspect.

OTOH, I can think of many applications I've used which benefit greatly
from the ability to export all display aspects to a remote display

 It IS a fantastic system, indeed, but it weighs on your computers

You are ignorant of what you speak.

 Also, what's the use for those strenghts i cannot grasp  in a
 stand-alone configuration? 

As with others, I have few standalone systems.  I'm typing currently on
my laptop on an rxvt session served out from my desktop, which might be
in the same room, or around the world.

...speaking of which, how do you access these public services of yours
on your standalone systems?

 But that i did not mention, that's true.

 I apparently understand the potential of X but i don't have to grasp
 it's strenghts since i'm working in a stand-alone environment and do
 not work with this type of environment in a . This still is a public
 mailinglist you know, even dumb people can post a mail :) 

Ain't that the truth.

BTW, ignorance is not a crime.  I expect people to make mistakes.  I'd
prefer them to make lots of them.  Very few times each.

 I'm not a developper and thus not interested in Tcl/Tk or Qt to write
 my own Gui, though i would feel tempted if i could. I'm not that a
 talented person.  Don't understand how you came up with this.

Then what the hell are you asking about?

X is a display protocol.  It has problems, none of which have been
identified by you.

Behavior, policy, and appearance of the display is fully independent of
the subsystem itself.  This is where toolkits and the like come it.
You're ignorant of these facts, yet you're advising us on what future
directions for GNU/Linux GUI development.  If you're going to inform us,
seek to be informed first.


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

RE: FW: OT : GUI Interfaces

2001-04-12 Thread Joris Lambrecht
Thanks, i'll look into that so i won't be the dumb ass i'm now

-Original Message-
From: Karsten M. Self [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 12 april 2001 1:44
To: 'debian-user@lists.debian.org'
Subject: Re: FW: OT : GUI Interfaces

on Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 05:05:21PM +0200, Joris Lambrecht
 hmmm, i don't think you're missing anything, X does indeed provide a
 graphicall shell to run a gui on, i'll have to rephrase my question
 to, does anyone know a GOOD desktop that doesn't weigh a TON on an
 older system. Or more precisely, an environment where you don't have
 to manually configure your menu's, that's a plus in the windows os
 desktop you know
 maybe i just need a good read on X and gui's ? any resource would be
 welcome ...

Debian configures most menus for you.

WindowMaker, my preference.  Gratuitous screenshots at
http://kmself.home.netcom.com/Images/Desktop/  It's running very happily
on my PPro 180MHz/256MB system (at 96MB until November 2000).

Other good middlin' options include BlackBox, SawFish (formerly
SawMill).  Purists often tend toward fvwm2.

There's a good overview of window managers at the Window Managers for X
page:  http://www.plig.org/xwinman/

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

RE: Funny Story

2001-04-12 Thread Joris Lambrecht
Well, i have another one related to ISS 

Some time ago there was an article over at theregister.co.uk showing a
picture of an astronaut with a portable behind him. The weirdo's over at the
register magnified the screen and there it was c:\ Incredible huh ? First
thought it was a hoax but they had a follow up on the story some time later
reporting the spaceshuttle that was just launched carried a replacement
harddisk for the portable. We might have all been very lucky MIR didn't have
any windows systems on board when it came out of orbit.

Did you know that there are Nuclear Battlecruisers (i'm not a soldier, don't
know the exact name for this type of ship) running on windows NT ? Scary huh



-Original Message-
From: Steve Witt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 12 april 2001 1:44
To: Debian User
Subject: Funny Story

I don't know if this story is true or not, but I hope it is. A guy who is
our sys admin said he read on a sys admin type mailing list that the crew
of the International Space Station are having some computer problems just
like a lot us down here on earth. It seems that the U.S. provided
computers running AIX and Win NT. A Win NT computer is being used as an
SMTP server. Apparently the crew are becoming experienced Win NT sys
admins because they are having all kinds of problems with the SMTP server.

The Russians brought computers running Linux. They seem not to be having
SMTP server problems.

As I said, I heard this third hand and have no idea if its true or not.
It was probably started by a bunch of Linux college geeks, I don't know.
Someone from NASA will probably roast me alive...

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Solved: Staroffice (workaround only)

2001-04-12 Thread Matthias Wieser

Staroffice conflicts with the upto date sharefont package in testing and

solution: eather downgrade or remove sharefont:
dpkg --remove sharefont

and Star office will work properly!

Ciao - mattHias

   __   _   __   *
/\_/\  \ \_/ \_/ /   *  Matthias Wieser  *
   / \  \   /*  ICQ#:  12597522  *
  / /\_/\ \  \_/^\_/ *[EMAIL PROTECTED]   *
  WW WW  *

GPG: connection refused, pgp.ai.mit.edu

2001-04-12 Thread Karsten M. Self
I'm reading messages in queue right now and just got the following
message when trying to retrieve a key from pgp.ai.mit.edu:

[-- PGP output follows (current time: Thu 12 Apr 2001 01:35:58 AM PDT) --]
gpg: Signature made Thu 12 Apr 2001 12:30:19 AM PDT using DSA key ID 
gpg: requesting key 07182FBC from pgp.ai.mit.edu ...
gpg: can't get key from keyserver: Connection refused
gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found

I'm finding I can't connect to the keyserver using gpg from the command
line either.   E.g.: 

$ gpg --send-keys karsten
gpg: can't connect to `pgp.ai.mit.edu': Connection refused

(exit status: 2)

Anyone else seeing this?  I'm also curious as to what port(s) pgp/gpg
uses to communicate with the server, I don't know this myself. 


Package: gnupg
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: non-US
Installed-Size: 1963
Maintainer: James Troup [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 1.0.4-1

...on Sid/Unstable.


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: WindowMaker Rocks!! ;-) (Was: FW: OT : GUI Interfaces)

2001-04-12 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 11:26:01PM -0500, Dave Sherohman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 07:51:38PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
  on Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 08:13:22AM +0800, csj ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:


  You also have various options for opening menus.  By default,
  right-mouse on root window is apps menu, middle mouse is window list.
  These are bound to F11 and F12 as well.
 Yes, I know my wmaker menus fairly well, but I bind hotkeys to everything
 common...  F9 for netscape, F10 to bring up an Eterm (What can I say?
 I like the flashy stuff sometimes...), Windows-Z (a lot of apps like
 to use Alt-foo themselves, so I've got all my wmaker hotkeys bound to
 Windows-foo instead) to lock the screen, F12-Up-Right-Enter to log out,
 F12-Down-Enter for GIMP.  That's about all I ever use.  (Anything else,
 I start from an Eterm.)

I prefer to leave raw function keys to low-level functions -- menus,
etc.  Actually, binding man or info to F1 might be funalt-F# I
somewhat bind to the CUA settings -- alt-F4 kills a window,
ferexample.  Apps I've put on altshift-alpha, though I suppose
winkeyfoo would work as well...  I think Debian maps the Legacy MS
Windows key to Meta or somesuch.

  Incidentally, WPrefs is reason #15,835 for loving WindowMaker -- this is
  one slick, well-thought out, and functional configuration utility.
  There's little that I want configured which it doesn't provide for.
 Anyhow, the real reason for my reply:  Why do you like WPrefs so much?  I
 used it initially, then discovered wmakerconf.  At that point, there were
 some things that could only be done in WPrefs, so I used both, but, IIRC,
 wmakerconf now does everything that WPrefs does, plus quite a bit more.

Well, one reason is that if I try to install wmakerconf, apt tries to
uninstall wmaker.  A config tool without what it configures sorta sucks.
This under Woody.

What's wmakerconf do that WPrefs doesn't?  I have checked both from time
to time  (/me goes and fires up wmakerconf from desktop, which is
running Sid).  OK,  wmakerconf buys you the option to specify titlebar
fonts and apparently a tie-in to some themes websites.  Otherwise, it's
pretty much the same stuff.

One thing WMPrefs *is* is a NeXT-like GNUStep application, using the
GNUStep toolkit.  There's not a lot of these apps, the somewhat broken
filesystem browser fsviewer is one of them.  In the case of WMPrefs v.
wmakerconf, I find WMPref's interface cleaner.


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: Gnome with sawfish gdm

2001-04-12 Thread christophe barbe
You can choose your window manager in the gnome control center.
Gdm has nothing to do with that.


On jeu, 12 avr 2001 07:04:24 Stephen Boulet wrote:
 I downloaded gdm, and it lets met boot into gnome, but gnome defaults to 
 window maker. How do I tell gdm to launch gnome with sawfish?
 Nice debian-themed background, by the way, that comes up in gnome/window 
 maker by default.
 -- Stephen
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Christophe Barbé
Software Engineer
Lineo High Availability Group
42-46, rue Médéric
92110 Clichy - France
phone (33).
fax (33).

Re: xcdroast and devfs

2001-04-12 Thread Damon Muller
Quoth Brian May, 
 Is it possible to copy a CD using command line tools? (for legal
 reasons of course)

If it's a data CD, just create an image with:

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/tmp/image.iso

then write it with cdrecord. I believe it's actually possible to have
the output piped directly to cdrecord, but I don't know the switches off
the top of my head. Also creating the image first is less likely to
result in a coaster.

If it's a music CD, use cdparanoia (from the people who later bought us
ogg vorbis), then cdrecord. Or use cdrao (or something like that).

Personally, when I have used cd burners, usually I'll use gcombust,
which works well. I started off with command line tools, however, and
they work well.



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket,
http://killfilter.com | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

Where to put hdparm to be activated at boot time?

2001-04-12 Thread shaulka

What is the preferred file for hdparm to be activated at boot time?

(/etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh ?) 


Re: user masquerading with qmail

2001-04-12 Thread Damon Muller
Quoth Florian Reiser, 
 where do I have to put MAILHOST and MAILUSER to get user masquerading with
 qmail working? In the FAQ they say you should put them in your environment. So
 I've put them in the .bashrc of the user, but the user wasn't masqueraded.
 So what is the correct place for these variables?

It depends a little on what you're doing. Calling mutt in an Eterm, for
example (like I do), didn't set it, so I just created a little wrapper


export QMAILUSER QMAILHOST http_proxy


which seems to work well. Another alternative is putting them in your
.xinitrc (I do this for my http_proxy environment variable so that the
screensaver which downloads and displays random images uses the proxy

If worst came to worst, I guess you could call your mail program as:

env QMAILUSER=blah QMAILHOST=blah.com mailprog

I guess that'd work.



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket,
http://killfilter.com | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: DROPPED: OT : GUI Interfaces

2001-04-12 Thread Damon Muller
Never used it, so YMMV




Quoth Joris Lambrecht, 
 oh well, i'll DROP this subject, apparently there is NO reasoning possible
 on this subject

Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket,
http://killfilter.com | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: GPG: connection refused, pgp.ai.mit.edu

2001-04-12 Thread Damon Muller
Quoth Karsten M. Self, 
 I'm reading messages in queue right now and just got the following
 message when trying to retrieve a key from pgp.ai.mit.edu:
 [-- PGP output follows (current time: Thu 12 Apr 2001 01:35:58 AM PDT) --]
 gpg: Signature made Thu 12 Apr 2001 12:30:19 AM PDT using DSA key ID 
 gpg: requesting key 07182FBC from pgp.ai.mit.edu ...
 gpg: can't get key from keyserver: Connection refused
 gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found
 I'm finding I can't connect to the keyserver using gpg from the command
 line either.   E.g.: 
 $ gpg --send-keys karsten
 gpg: can't connect to `pgp.ai.mit.edu': Connection refused
 (exit status: 2)
 Anyone else seeing this?  I'm also curious as to what port(s) pgp/gpg
 uses to communicate with the server, I don't know this myself. 

I believe that gpg uses http to communicate with the server, as it's
able to do it without additional assistance over a box-standard http
proxy (squid).

I have the following in my ~/.gnupg/options

keyserver wwwkeys.us.pgp.net
keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net
keyserver search.keyserver.net

I have tried commenting out search.keyserver.net, but that just hangs,
unable to connect to the other servers.

FWIW, I believe that wwwkeys.pgp.net is on a round-robbin DNS, so will
randomly pick one of the keyservers.

When trying to connect over the web to pgp.ai.mit.edu, I get:

The requested URL could not be retrieved

  While trying to retrieve the URL: http://pgp.ai.mit.edu/

  The following error was encountered:

  * Connection Failed

  The system returned:

  (61) Connection refused

  The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request

Maybe their server is down...



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket,
http://killfilter.com | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: Where to put hdparm to be activated at boot time?

2001-04-12 Thread Andre Berger
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-04-12 11:49 +0200:
 What is the preferred file for hdparm to be activated at boot time?
 (/etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh ?) 

Either there, or in the /etc/init.d/ script that comes with the hwtools


Description: PGP signature

Re: mysterious ipchains deny from 192.168.*.* ??

2001-04-12 Thread Donald R. Spoon
On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, will trillich wrote:
 so now here's the BIG mystery --
 Apr  8 17:59:48 server kernel: Packet log:
 input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 L=56 S=0x00 I=12140 F=0x4000 T=240 (#4)
 where did THIS packet come from? ? that's an
 intranet ip, a localnet / lan address, theoretically from
 somewhere inside the building. but all we've got inside here
 is 192.168.1.* !!

I don't know if this applies to you or not, but our local Road Runner
Cable service has packets in the 10.X.Y.Z address space all over the
network.  A friend noticed this after he used part of this space for his
home LAN, and noticed some strange entries in his IPMasq logs.  It
turns out that the local RR has an internal network too...apparently
for monitoring/control of their cable network.  The only real problem
was the numerous entries filling up his logs.  The fix was to narrow
his netmask from to  This effectively blocked
out all the local RR traffic from the logs.  The Deny says your
firwall/IPMasq setup is doing it's job, I think.  I wonder if your cable
service is doing something similar??

In relation to this fix, I noticed in a later post (where you sent
your networking setup) that you are using a netmask of, but
are using a LAN network of 192.168.1.xxx.  I would bet that if you set
your netmask to, these mysterious log entries would go

Appologies offered for these speculations, but you DID ask for

-Don Spoon-

Re: macosX : water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-12 Thread Colin Watson
Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Linus himself was flaming MacOsX not that long ago ... said the kernel
(mach?) was a *total* piece of crap

Linus has widely-known opinions about microkernels. :)


RE: Err: Cannot open display

2001-04-12 Thread Wayne Brown
Hi Thomas,
I too have a Geforce II MX and can help some...
You need to get Xfree ver4.0.2 as the installed ver3.3 does not support this
You also need the NVidia Kernel modules.(support/drivers/linux)
And you will also need the kernel header files installed. 
'apt-get kernel-header-2.2.18pre2'
Install Xfree ver 4. first. follow the instructions and its fairly
Then you will need to install the Nvidia modules from Tar Balls.

Post back if you need more help.

'Don't be suprised if you are playing in Root and the Tree falls off...' 

 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas Wegner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 11 April 2001 20:03
 To: MaRCeL FiGUeRoLa EsTRaDa
 Cc: Debian User List
 Subject: RE: Err: Cannot open display
 Hi Marcel!
 On 11-Apr-2001 MaRCeL FiGUeRoLa EsTRaDa wrote:
  Hi there!
  I'm new to debian and I've just installed Debian Linux 2.2 r2
  During installation Anxious couldn't find a suitable grafic card and
  so it's
  not yet configured properly. When I try to go to the X-Windows the
  error message appears:
  Gtk-WARNING ** : cannot open display
  I have an AGP Graphics Card : Nvidia Geforce2 MX 32 Mby RAM.
  How can I configure Debian to make the graphics work properly?
 When you know your monitor and graphic card parameters you can try
 XF86Setup or xf86config.
 Diese Mail wurde mit XFMail unter Debian 2.2 erstellt
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 


2001-04-12 Thread Ales Jerman
How to disable XDM screensaver?


Re: folder highlightning in Pine ?

2001-04-12 Thread Allan Andersen
Thanks for the suggestion, but which version of Pine are you using ?

The one I'm using is 4.33 ... it's be couse the ';' command doesn't exists
and 'P'/'N' is in my Pine previous/new folder.

Allan Andersen

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Curtis Hogg wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 What you do, is in your folders page, you hit the ; key... then select
 [P]roperties (P key), then hit [N]ew (N key).

 this will check all of your folders for new messages, and put an X next to
 each one that contains new messages.

 - -- Curtis Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - --

 Rule of Life #1 -- Never get separated from your luggage.
 - --
 WWW - [in transit]

 On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Allan Andersen wrote:

  I'm a new user with pine email (Have allways used a graphical program),
  but was impressed to see the program 'simplicity' and speed, so I desided
  to try it out my self.
  I've set up some filters in Pine to control the incoming mails into the
  right folders. But as soon as I got more than a couple of these folders
  it gets a bit confuseble. So I was wondering if it was possible to get
  the folder highlighted when a new mail arrived to it ?
  It's a bit irritating to go though each folder when a new mail arrives.
  Hope anyone could assists, best regards
  Allan Andersen
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
 Charset: noconv


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: GPG: connection refused, pgp.ai.mit.edu

2001-04-12 Thread Bud Rogers
On Thursday 12 April 2001 03:42, Karsten M. Self wrote:

 I'm finding I can't connect to the keyserver using gpg from the command
 line either.   E.g.:

 $ gpg --send-keys karsten
 gpg: can't connect to `pgp.ai.mit.edu': Connection refused

 (exit status: 2)

 Anyone else seeing this?  I'm also curious as to what port(s) pgp/gpg
 uses to communicate with the server, I don't know this myself.

I just re-retrieved my own key without incident.  Couldn't get yours, though.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ gpg --recv-key 07182FBC
gpg: requesting key 07182FBC from pgpkeys.mit.edu ...
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
gpg: Total number processed: 0

System here is more or less stock potato.

/usr/share/doc/gnupg/DETAILS.gz says the keyserver listens on port 11371.  I 
didn't find anything on what port the client might use.

Bud Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.sirinet.net/~budr
All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

Re: Progeny Debian

2001-04-12 Thread Bud Rogers
On Wednesday 11 April 2001 23:53, Rob VanFleet wrote:
 quotes.  Normally, yes I do trim quotes.  This particular time, I was

I can certainly relate to that.  Occasionally my grump quotient spikes for no 
good reason.  Sorry.

Bud Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.sirinet.net/~budr
All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-12 Thread David Raleigh Arnold
   Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To really start a fire here ...
1. In many new packages, maybe most, the developers just press on and
pay attention to stable and unstable until they attain a version 1.x.
What good is it to have a version 0.4 instead of 0.7 of anything in a
distribution? Does stable have to be *so* old? Why not evaluate each
package of pre-1.0 programs according to reality instead of policy?
2. It is unspeakable that I have to use Ctl-leftbutton when I have a
3-button mouse. It is *terrible* ergonomics. *All* non-windows
developers, not just linux, should withdraw support for 1 and 2 button
mice, and force those silly enough not to replace them (for $2.00) to
use meta and ctrl combinations. 7 logical buttons, which is what you
have with a 3-button mouse, should work without menus and configuration
files or any such nonsense. I should be able to configure left handed,
etc., with *one* program. You don't successfully compete with windows
by mindlessly aping its *worst* features. It makes *every* program that
works with a gui *much* less good and some really insane, like emacs.
(and xemacs, presumably because X is pathetic that way too.) 
 DaveA (Debian User)=
   The journey of a thousand miles begins
 with but a single KITA.

RE: alert : water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-12 Thread Joris Lambrecht
This thread is getting REALLY hard to follow. I suggest people start
splitting it up or simply shut it down. This was my last post/read on this

ps : does kita somewhat resemble the meaning of p.i.t.a ? then it's funny,
otherwise it's confusing :))

-Original Message-
From: David Raleigh Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: woensdag 11 april 2001 17:53
To: Joris Lambrecht; 'Kevin Stokes'; debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

   Joris Lambrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To really start a fire here ...
1. In many new packages, maybe most, the developers just press on and
pay attention to stable and unstable until they attain a version 1.x.
What good is it to have a version 0.4 instead of 0.7 of anything in a
distribution? Does stable have to be *so* old? Why not evaluate each
package of pre-1.0 programs according to reality instead of policy?
2. It is unspeakable that I have to use Ctl-leftbutton when I have a
3-button mouse. It is *terrible* ergonomics. *All* non-windows
developers, not just linux, should withdraw support for 1 and 2 button
mice, and force those silly enough not to replace them (for $2.00) to
use meta and ctrl combinations. 7 logical buttons, which is what you
have with a 3-button mouse, should work without menus and configuration
files or any such nonsense. I should be able to configure left handed,
etc., with *one* program. You don't successfully compete with windows
by mindlessly aping its *worst* features. It makes *every* program that
works with a gui *much* less good and some really insane, like emacs.
(and xemacs, presumably because X is pathetic that way too.) 
 DaveA (Debian User)=
   The journey of a thousand miles begins
 with but a single KITA.


2001-04-12 Thread dim
Hello Debian!

  Somebody knows where can I get info about subj?
  If it's not so hard, please answer directly to me too (not only to
the conference).

Thank You!
Best regards,
 dim  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com


2001-04-12 Thread Oliver Drechsler
hi all,

i downloaded from www.intel.com a agp-card driver and i
tryed to install but the makefile returns this error :

agpgart.c:52: linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory

i m sorry about my bad english


xmms plugins

2001-04-12 Thread dim
Hello Debian!

  Don't You know where can I get xmms plugins for playing compressed
wave-files? I have some CDs with wave sound files I need. But I can't
play it with a standart xmms wave-plugin. :(
Please send a carbon copy of Your answers directly to me.

Thank You!
Best regards,
 dim  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: folder highlightning in Pine ?

2001-04-12 Thread Curtis Hogg
Hash: SHA1

I'm using Pine 4.32.

In my settings, i have 'enable-aggregate-command-set' under Advanced
Command Preferences turned on, that might be what turns it on, i know you
have to hit ; before you can use p/n since they are bound to the
previous/next folder commands otherwise... you must do the ; from the menu
that lists all of your folders...

i also have enable-dot-folders on, but i don't know if that helps any.

- -- Curtis Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- --

Rule of Life #1 -- Never get separated from your luggage.
- --
WWW - [in transit]

On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Allan Andersen wrote:

 Thanks for the suggestion, but which version of Pine are you using ?

 The one I'm using is 4.33 ... it's be couse the ';' command doesn't exists
 and 'P'/'N' is in my Pine previous/new folder.

 Allan Andersen

Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
Charset: noconv


Re: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

2001-04-12 Thread John S. J. Anderson
David Raleigh Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It makes *every* program that works with a gui *much* less good and
 some really insane, like emacs.  (and xemacs, presumably because X
 is pathetic that way too.)

Just so you know, XEmacs is perfectly capable of running on the
console (the 'X' in the name has nothing to do with X Windows), and,
in fact, it has some console mode features that the current version of
Emacs does not (frex, syntax coloring)[1]

Other than that, I agree with your mouse button rantings. 8^)=


[1]  Before I get flamed to hell and back for saying that Emacs
 doesn't do syntax coloring, please note we're talking *console
 mode* here.

No matter where you go, there you are.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Where to put hdparm to be activated at boot time?

2001-04-12 Thread David Raeker-Jordan
Andre Berger wrote:
 * [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-04-12 11:49 +0200:
  What is the preferred file for hdparm to be activated at boot time?
  (/etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh ?) 
 Either there, or in the /etc/init.d/ script that comes with the hwtools

If you put the hdparm script in an existing /etc/init.d file, won't the
script be lost if and when the existing file is upgraded? Isn't it better to
create a new file for the script, something like /etc/init.d/local_hdparm?
That way, no package will overwrite it.

David Raeker-Jordan
Harrisburg, PA, USA

bootdisk - via-rhine pb's

2001-04-12 Thread guran

After the third card with rtl8139 went silent I changed to a via-rhine one. I 
could not make my debian2.2r2 see it so I opted for a new install.

According to kernel-config on idepci bootdisks the driver should be compiled 
into the loaded kernel.

From dmesg on an installation that only reached the local base2_2.tgz:

3c59x.c 16Aug00 Donald Becker and others 
via-rhine.c:v1.01 2/27/99  Written by Donald Becker

To me this means that the card is correctly identified. From the 
Ethernet-HOWTO I gathered that I could use 'ether=' as boot parameters to 
this compiled in driver. I have an installation of Mandrake8.0-Cooker and 
from that I got irq=10 and io= d000 - d0ff. 

I thus booted with 'linux ether=10,0xd000,eth0' and got no better.

What am I doing wrong?


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