Nombres de archivos

2001-05-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
El Wed, May 30, 2001 at 05:51:29AM +0200, October contaba:
 Hola !
 Creo que eso era cosa del charset que se utilizase en el kernel (cp850, etc), 
 porque el código ascii de los caracteres extendidos no es el mismo para 
 diferentes charsets. Digo yo que será por eso. Te acuerdas en el MSDOS cuando 
 se cargaba el mapa del teclado, etc? Aquello de
 mode con codepage prepare=((850) C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\ega.cpi)
 mode con codepage select=850
 pues digo yo que será que está usando el cp850, y que en linux estás usando 
 otro (??)
 Mucha suerte y saludos:

Exáctamente era eso, me fije con el comando
charset G0 cp850 y queda igual a windows, ahora mi duda es cual el
charset se debería usar cp850 o iso01?
Y como lo seteo por defecto?
Muchas gracias y saludos.

   //   Santiago Pastorino   \\
  (   Debian GNU/Linux 2.2   )

escaneo en particiones ext2

2001-05-30 Thread David Ubeda

Pues la pregunta es si alguien sabe como hacer para que no se produzcan
escaneos en las particiones ext2 cuando se reinicia el ordenador tras
un cuelgue o algo asi. 

La razon por la que me gustaria saberlo, es porque tengo un HD de 80 GB y
es una putada cada vez que se produce un corte en el sistema y tengo que
reiniciar con un escaneo de aproximadamente 15 minutos.

En una de las particiones tuve que ponerme reiserfs para eliminar este
problema, pero hacerlo en el raiz parece mas complicado.

Salu2 Ubeda

If you have any great suggestions, feel free to mail me, and I'll probably
feel free to ignore you.

(Linus Torvalds)

Re: escaneo en particiones ext2

2001-05-30 Thread Hue-Bond
David Ubeda, miércoles 30 de mayo de 2001 a la(s) 10:34:35 +0200:

En una de las particiones tuve que ponerme reiserfs para eliminar este
problema, pero hacerlo en el raiz parece mas complicado.

 La partición raíz  tampoco tiene que ser tan  grande. Basta con
 alojar /bin, /dev, /etc, /lib/, /root  y /sbin. Con que la dejes en
 100 Mb vas super sobrado. La mía ocupa ahora 70.

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Netscape 4.77

2001-05-30 Thread Fernando

He instalado la version 4.77 del comunicador via apt.
(Tenía la 4.76 instalada a partir del .tgz de Netscape)

A la hora de iniciarse me da el siguiente mensaje:

  Netscape: Ignoring unsupported format code in mailcap file: %{

  (He mirado en el /etc/mailcap y no he encontrado nada raro)

¿Sabe alguien a que se debe esto ?


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: Debian y ATA100

2001-05-30 Thread Ignacio García Fernández
Yo tengo una placa que reconoce ATA 100 y me reconoce de manera automática
que mi disco es ATA33 :-) Es decir, que si tuviera un disco ATA100 (algún
día me animaré) supongo que me lo reconocería sin problemas. Aparte, al
compilar el kernel tienes una lista de chipsets soportados, pero eso no se
si tiene algo que ver (y la verdad es que me gustaría saberlo).

Por si te sirve de algo, la placa que tengo es una QDI Kinetiz 7algo y con
el kernel 2.4 me configura bien el sonido y todo. Con el 2.2.X no uede hacer
sonar la placa. Es bastante económica y funciona con los K7.

Un saludo.

On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 05:53:32PM +0200, marmolejo wrote:
 Güenas, estoy mirando una placa con ATA100 y un hd, ¿sabe alguien si ya
 hay forma de instalar la Potato directamente pinchado ya el hd al ide de
 100 ? hay que aplicar un parche o algo o alguna manera de instalarla
 ...o alguna url referente al tema...
  Si tuviera un ^ por cada $ que me ha robado Telefónica...¿qué tendría?
 Demasiados ^'s.
   - Debian GNU/Linux Sid Linux User #162799 - 
-  PGP Pub Key en ID:0x320A57C2  -
   - marmolejo at escomposlinux.orgICQ: 65833679 -

Ignacio García Fernández

'Un matemático es un ciego en un cuarto oscuro
buscando un gato negro que no está allí'

C. Darwin.


2001-05-30 Thread A . Ramos
Nas listeros

Que indexadores usais/conoceis/habeis probado, que cumplan:
* Indexar XML
* No sean de pago
* Indexar gran numero de documentos
* Que sea incremental los indices. ( a poder ser)

He probado el swish-e  y no cumple estos requisitos.


A. Ramos mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Existen dos productos importantes que salieron de Berkeley: 
LSD y UNIX. No creemos que esto sea una coincidencia. 
  -- Jeremy Anderson

X no arrancan con usuarios

2001-05-30 Thread Hector Castillo
Tras instalar XFree86 4.0.3 en Debian y haber logrado configurar el
modo gráfico con mi tarjeta ATI no hay problema para arrancar las X...
si eres root.

A cualquier otro usuario no le deja arrancar desde la consola, dando el

(**) FontPath set to
(**) RgbPath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb
(==) ModulePath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
(WW) xf86ReadBIOS: Failed to open /dev/mem (Operation not permitted)

Fatal server error:
xf86OpenConsole: Server must be suid root

En el fichero de configuración Xwrapper.config si que tengo
allowed_users=console, pero no está ahí el error. Además, el
Xsession.options es como sigue (y tampoco parece haber nada mal):

# /etc/X11/Xsession.options
# configuration options for /etc/X11/Xsession
# See Xsession.options(5) for an explanation of the available options.

¿Alguna idea de por qué no consigo arrancar el servidor X?

Re: Netscape 4.77

2001-05-30 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Fernando wrote:
 He instalado la version 4.77 del comunicador via apt.
 (Tenía la 4.76 instalada a partir del .tgz de Netscape)
 A la hora de iniciarse me da el siguiente mensaje:
   Netscape: Ignoring unsupported format code in mailcap file: %{
   (He mirado en el /etc/mailcap y no he encontrado nada raro)
 ¿Sabe alguien a que se debe esto ?

No sé a que se deba, pero a mi me salía en 4.76 y me dejó de salir al
actualizar Netscape y otros paquetes (uso woody).

Linux User #98419 -o)| Esta línea se contradice... bueno,  /\| en realidad no se contradice.  
ICQ 94335020  _\_v   | 
Si quieres ayudarme, ponme de| 
referencia en |

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Sobre el proyecto de traducción de Learning Debian

2001-05-30 Thread Aurelio Díaz-Ufano
Hola... ¿alguien sabe quié paso con ese proyecto de traducción?... Gracias


ICQ Nº 31089968

No es oro todo lo que reluce ni toda la gente errante anda
perdida... J.R.R. Tolkien El Señor de los Anillos

Re: Sobre el proyecto de traducción de Learning Debian

2001-05-30 Thread 8-

Yo traduje la porcion que se me asigno y se la mande a una de las dos
presonas que dirigian la lista. Al cabo de unas semanas, que no vi ninguna
actividad, intente ponerme en contacto con esta persona y no me respondio.

Es una verdadera, pena que no haya salido adelante, pero si ahora que
lo comentas en la lista, la gente se anima a intentarlo de nuevo, me
gustaria colaborar, de hecho, tal mo te he escrito arriba, tengo traducido
uno de los apendices al completo.

Si sabes algo mas me gustaria que lo comentases.   


#   #
## ##  ---
# ###8-   
#   #  ---

RE: C-media CMI 8330

2001-05-30 Thread Alvarez, Angel
DEsde el kernel 2.2.12  viene el modulo para esa placa

  Angel Claudio Alvarez
Investigacion  Desarrollo
  Gerencia de Tecnolgia
   Banco Credicoop C.L.

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Adriel Cardenas G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: Miércoles, 30 de Mayo de 2001 12:40 a.m.
 Asunto: Re: C-media CMI 8330
 [Atención: Este mensaje proviene de Internet - Por favor 
 recuerde que no es posible asegurar que quien lo envía sea 
 realmente quien figura en el mensaje.]
   En el trabajo tengo una pentium 233 mmx con un motherboard
   con placa de
   sonido integrado, la placa es la cmi-8330.
   de sonido pero no me funciona si alguien sabe que tengo que
 A mi me paso algo similar, pero al compilar el kernel 2.4.0, encontre
 que trae una ocion especifica
 para este chipset, lo compile como modulo y me funciono muy bien.
 Adriel Cardenas G | Firma la peticion para LinDrivers
 Usuario Linux: 189050 |
 Storm Linux 2k: 2.4.0 | It's Time to close the Windows
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Nota: La información contenida en el presente correo y en los archivos
adjuntos puede ser confidencial. Si no es el receptor pretendido, o el
responsable de entregar este mensaje, le notificamos por este medio que está
prohibida su copia, distribución, retención o uso de la información que
contiene. Asimismo, rogamos notifique al emisor reenviando este mensaje en
forma inmediata, y elimine el mismo de su computadora.

netscape en Sparc con debian 2.2

2001-05-30 Thread Julio Herrero
Hola a todos!

Ante todo un saludo a todo el mundo ya que es la primera vez que escribo a
esta lista.

Bueno, pues la cosa es que quiero instalar el netscape communicator en una
Sparc con potato, pero todo lo que encuentro es para la serie 2.0 ¿alguien
sabe donde puedo apuntar con apt para descargar un netscape para sparc y
debian 2.2?


Licq 12085235
Linux user 63663
Linux - The choice of a GNU generation

Re: Debian y ATA100

2001-05-30 Thread Eduardo Garcia Cebollero
yo lo consegui despinchando el disco duro de la ATA100 y conectandolo en un 
IDE normal, de  esa forma, el Disco duro es hda y lo instala, luego instalas 
el kernel 2.4.X y le pones las opciones pertinentes, se instala con lilo, 
luego se pincha otra vez en el ATA 100 y cambias todas las referencias a hda 
a hde, pues el kernel coloca la controladora ATA100 como ide2 (o eso creo), 
en fin, el disco duro del ATA100 se convierte en hde. es un  poco mas 
complicado de lo que parece puesto que LILO a veces protesta.

La primera vez que se arranque, hay que pasarle parametros al kernel
creo que le pase root=/dev/hde1, pero no estoy seguro.

Espero haber sido de utilidad.
Un saludo.

l Martes 29 Mayo 2001 17:53, marmolejo escribió:
 Güenas, estoy mirando una placa con ATA100 y un hd, ¿sabe alguien si ya
 hay forma de instalar la Potato directamente pinchado ya el hd al ide de
 100 ? hay que aplicar un parche o algo o alguna manera de instalarla
 ...o alguna url referente al tema...


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Re: Asus v7100

2001-05-30 Thread Eduardo Garcia
Yo la consegui reconocer con las XFree 4.0.3
ademas para aprovechar la aceleracion hay drivers nativos de nvidia 

 Hash: SHA1

 No consigo configurar la tarjeta Asus V7100 Pure en la Debian,
  alguno lo ha instalado ya???


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Instalar Debian por RED

2001-05-30 Thread Jorge Sanchez Pelaez

Hola, trate de instalar debian por red pero nada, 
lo que hice fue lo siguiente, primero configura la servidor, le copie todo los 3 
cd-rom de debian en la carpeta pub, disco1, disco2, disco3, ya que a las 
maquinas tenia que dejarles win2 copie lo base en win2 y arranque install.bat, 
en apt configuraba el servidor ftp que tiene los 3 discos.

El problema es que el servidor no me responde bien, 
es un compaq de 566 y 128M de ram, cual puede ser el problema, y si me pueden 
decir como hago los disco de instalación para que puede soportar la red, en caso 
que no tengan un sistema operativo ya instalado, es decir total mente limpio el 
disco duro.

Les agradezco toda la información que me puedan 

Muchas Gracias

Re: konqueror

2001-05-30 Thread Capi
El dia Tue, May 29, 2001 at 05:54:28PM -0300, esteban agulera escribio:
- HOla lista
- no logro poder hacer andar el flash en el konqueror, me eh bajado el 
- shockwave flash 5 y no hay forma de hacerlo andar lo tengo en el mime.
- lo eh puesto en /usr/lib/netscape/plugins y en $HOME/.netscape/plugins

No me acuerdo que cuantos archivos fueron pero tuve que crear enlaces
del estilo :
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
en unos cuantos archivos.
Al lanzar las X con startx en la consola vas viendo los enlaces que
faltan cuando cargues alguna pagina con flash

- y no hay caso. 
- lo tengo en el administrador de plugins. me reconoce las dos posiciones y no 
- anda.
- otra cosa que me tengo que bajar para hacer andar el java ?

para java tengo instalado los paquetes

ii  j2re1.3 1.3.0-2 Blackdown Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, St
ii  java-common 0.2 Base of all Java packages
ii  java-virtual-m 0.2  Dummy Java virtual machine

Description: PGP signature

Re: X no arrancan con usuarios

2001-05-30 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Wed, May 30, 2001 at 03:28:24PM +0200, Hector Castillo dijo:
   Tras instalar XFree86 4.0.3 en Debian y haber logrado configurar el
 modo gráfico con mi tarjeta ATI no hay problema para arrancar las X...
 si eres root.
 A cualquier otro usuario no le deja arrancar desde la consola, dando el
 Fatal server error:
 xf86OpenConsole: Server must be suid root

Talvez esto arregle el problema:
  chmod ug+s /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa  A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 user

Re: Placa de som Via 686a

2001-05-30 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Tue, 29 May 2001, igor vanderlei wrote:

   Alguem pode me ajudar a configurar uma placa de som via 686a on board.
   ja tentei o pndcump mas ele nao encontra


a mb do meu pc usa o chipset da via:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /sbin/lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C693A/694x [Apollo
PRO133x] (rev c4)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C598/694x [Apollo
MVP3/Pro133x AGP]
00:04.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 [Apollo Super South]
(rev 40)
00:04.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
00:04.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB (rev 16)
00:04.3 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB (rev 16)
00:04.4 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 [Apollo Super ACPI]
(rev 40)
00:05.0 Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev
00:08.0 Ethernet controller: 3Com Corporation 3c590 10BaseT [Vortex]
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Vanta [NV6] (rev

no meu caso, a placa de som é da C-Media (CM8738) e não AC'97.
eu utilizo o kernel 2.4.5 mas não uso os drivers do kernel e sim
o ALSA v0.9.0beta3.
portanto, o que você tem que fazer é instalar o pacote com os
módulos ALSA e compilar os mesmos. faça um
# apt-get install alsa-base
# apt-get install alsa-source
# apt-get install alsa-utils

você precisa ter o kernel-source instalado e um .config
adequado, i.e., com a parte de som selecionada; nao precisa selecionar
nenhum módulo especifico, apenas o suporte a som.
para compilar os modulos vá ao diretório do kernel
(/usr/src/linux) e rode:
# make-kpkg modules_image
depois instale o .deb que foi gerado no diretório /usr/src
leia o INSTALL no diretorio /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver para
ver parâmetros específicos e mais detalhes sobre sua placa.

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: Placa de som Via 686a

2001-05-30 Thread Marcelo de M. Barbosa
Utilizo esse mesmo sound, e apenas ativei o modulo cmpci.

Marcelo de M. Barbosa

- Original Message -
From: Mario Olimpio de Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: Placa de som Via 686a

On Tue, 29 May 2001, igor vanderlei wrote:

   Alguem pode me ajudar a configurar uma placa de som via 686a on board.
   ja tentei o pndcump mas ele nao encontra


a mb do meu pc usa o chipset da via:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /sbin/lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C693A/694x [Apollo
PRO133x] (rev c4)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C598/694x [Apollo
MVP3/Pro133x AGP]
00:04.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 [Apollo Super South]
(rev 40)
00:04.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
00:04.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB (rev 16)
00:04.3 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB (rev 16)
00:04.4 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 [Apollo Super ACPI]
(rev 40)
00:05.0 Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev
00:08.0 Ethernet controller: 3Com Corporation 3c590 10BaseT [Vortex]
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Vanta [NV6] (rev

no meu caso, a placa de som é da C-Media (CM8738) e não AC'97.
eu utilizo o kernel 2.4.5 mas não uso os drivers do kernel e sim
o ALSA v0.9.0beta3.
portanto, o que você tem que fazer é instalar o pacote com os
módulos ALSA e compilar os mesmos. faça um
# apt-get install alsa-base
# apt-get install alsa-source
# apt-get install alsa-utils

você precisa ter o kernel-source instalado e um .config
adequado, i.e., com a parte de som selecionada; nao precisa selecionar
nenhum módulo especifico, apenas o suporte a som.
para compilar os modulos vá ao diretório do kernel
(/usr/src/linux) e rode:
# make-kpkg modules_image
depois instale o .deb que foi gerado no diretório /usr/src
leia o INSTALL no diretorio /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver para
ver parâmetros específicos e mais detalhes sobre sua placa.

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: speed - ADSL

2001-05-30 Thread Rogerio Neves Batata

 \ /  Campanha da fita ASCII - contra mail html
  X   ASCII ribbon campaign - against html mail
 / \

On Tue, 29 May 2001, cosmo wrote:

  Para a primeira placa de rede o arquivo /etc/network/interfaces esta 
  # /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
  # The loopback interface
  iface lo inet loopback
  iface eth1 inet static
   address   --- se voce for utilizar o router 812
   address   --- se voce for utilizar o DUal Link
   network  --- 200 ou 157 no lugar do primeiro 0
   broadcast  --- tambem 200 ou 157...

Em principio, eh isso... qualquer duvida, da um grito! :)


IBM RS6000, alguem jah debianizou?

2001-05-30 Thread Mauricio Vieira
Ola lista, tenho lido as msg aqui por algum tempo mas e' a primeira vez que
Gostaria de entrar em contato com alguem que jah instalou o debian em powerpcs
da ibm (rs6000), sei que existe uma lista pra isso (debian-powerpc) mas
gostaria antes de conversar com alguem de minha lingua.
Tenho aqui algumas maquinas modelo:
 7024 (RS/6000 E30),
 7012 (RS/6000 380),
 7006 (RS/6000 410)
e uma 7248 (RS/6000 43P) rodando Red Hat Linux PPC 2000. Tenho muito interesse
em retirar o AIX e colocar Debian pelo fato de eu estar usando o debian em
casa e estar me dando bem com ele.

Obrigado por qualquer ajuda,
Mauricio B. C. Vieira - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Science Student - Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
Estudante de Ciencia da Computacao - UFBA, Salvador - Brasil

(repost) configuracoes p/ Xinerama

2001-05-30 Thread Antonio M. Moreiras
Estou postando novamente, pois da primeira vez
meu endereco estava errado e posso ter perdido uma
eventual resposta dirigida à ele, e não à lista...


 Estou usando uma configuracao dual head
 com xinerama... Ja usava algo parecido antes
 de migrar da RedHat para a Debian... Eu
 usava o Ximian-gnome, com sawfish como gerenciador
 de janelas e as maximizacoes ocorriam da
 maneira mais correta, ou seja, se o programa
 estava com a maior parte da janela em determinado
 monitor, ele maximizava nele...
 Agora, estou usando a mesma versao (acredito) de
 sawfish, instalada a partir do site da ximian,
 mas quando tento maximizar algo, o programa usa
 toda a area dos desktops, ou seja, maximiza usando
 os dois monitores ao mesmo tempo.
 Alguem sabe se e onde posso configurar isso?
 Alguem tem o ximian-gnome instalado no woody? Nao
 consegui fazer a instalacao de tudo...

Re: revisores

2001-05-30 Thread Philipe Gaspar
O byron como assim um grupo de revisores?
Voce pode explicar mais sobre isso?

Philipe Gaspar
Em Domingo 27 Maio 2001 18:50, fabao85 escreveu:
 Como o Kov me pediu pra mim mandar um
 email pra lista estou mandando ..
 E sobre o grupo de revisores debian-br
 eu dei essa ideia pra ele, por que ao
 entrar todos os dias na pagina do
 projeto vi alguns documentos que nao
 estavam sendo revisados; Entao criando
 o grupo terias pessoas para revisar
 assim q o documento estivesse
 traduzido totalmente ; E assim nao
 demoraria tanto para que os documentos
 estivissem em perfeito estavado
 chamaremos assim para outras pessoas
 pegarem e tirarem suas duvidas e talz
 .A ideia e boa pelo o que eu axo ..
 Mais a decisao e de vc .. Estou
 disponivel a cuidar da parte de
 revisores com muito prazer ..
 Pensem na ideia

 Acesso pelo menor preço do mercado! R$ 14,90 nos 3 primeiros meses!

Re: revisores

2001-05-30 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
esse axo não pegou bem para revisores... :)
Quoting Philipe Gaspar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 O byron como assim um grupo de revisores?
 Voce pode explicar mais sobre isso?
 Philipe Gaspar
 Em Domingo 27 Maio 2001 18:50, fabao85 escreveu:
  Como o Kov me pediu pra mim mandar um
  email pra lista estou mandando ..
  E sobre o grupo de revisores debian-br
  eu dei essa ideia pra ele, por que ao
  entrar todos os dias na pagina do
  projeto vi alguns documentos que nao
  estavam sendo revisados; Entao criando
  o grupo terias pessoas para revisar
  assim q o documento estivesse
  traduzido totalmente ; E assim nao
  demoraria tanto para que os documentos
  estivissem em perfeito estavado
  chamaremos assim para outras pessoas
  pegarem e tirarem suas duvidas e talz
  .A ideia e boa pelo o que eu axo ..
  Mais a decisao e de vc .. Estou
  disponivel a cuidar da parte de
  revisores com muito prazer ..
  Pensem na ideia
  Acesso pelo menor preço do mercado! R$ 14,90 nos 3 primeiros meses!
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-05-30 Thread \[ Pr0d1gY cRa5hX \]

Alguem sabe me informa se jah tem uma data aproximada pra lanca o 2.2r4 ???
ia pega o ISO do r3 mas to afim d espera o r4. (se naum for demora muito 
neh... :)

KYLIX e C++ (era Re: (linux-br) kylix --- Onde achar???)

2001-05-30 Thread Fábio Franco de Oliveira
Só uma perguntinha no meio do assunto: alguém pode me responder com certeza
se o Kylix vai permitir que se digite código também em C++ ? Se sim, em qual
versão ? Na versão GPL o jeito vai ser usar só pascal mesmo ???

| Fábio Franco de Oliveira | Age: 17 |  -  Linux user 138973  |
| Cpu:  AMD K6-2 500 | Sound:   Sound Blaster AWE32   |
| MB:   ASUS P5-99VM | Video:   Voodoo 3 3000 PCI 16Mb|
| Ram:  128mb SDRAM  | Modem:   Teles PCI ISDN 128K   |
| HD:   Quantum Fireball Lct 30G | Dist.:   Conectiva Linux 5.0   |
| Software é como sexo: é melhor quando é gratuito, Linus Torvalds  |

Re: KYLIX e C++ (era Re: (linux-br) kylix --- Onde achar???)

2001-05-30 Thread Adriano Freitas
Fábio Franco de Oliveira wrote:
 | Fábio Franco de Oliveira | Age: 17 |  -  Linux user 138973  |
 | Cpu:  AMD K6-2 500 | Sound:   Sound Blaster AWE32   |
 | MB:   ASUS P5-99VM | Video:   Voodoo 3 3000 PCI 16Mb|
 | Ram:  128mb SDRAM  | Modem:   Teles PCI ISDN 128K   |
 | HD:   Quantum Fireball Lct 30G | Dist.:   Conectiva Linux 5.0   |

Isso que eu chamo atirar para tudo o que é lado... 

Correa, Mario Aparecido (Mario)** CTR **
linuxbh [EMAIL PROTECTED], lista debian,

E o pior é que o cara usa conectiva e posta tanto na lista da conectiva
quanto na da debian.

Re: Can't find ssh [Thanks]

2001-05-30 Thread Andy Davidson
Thanks to all who responded.  I now have ssh up and running.  And I clearly
need to learn more about apt-get and friends. :-)

Two additional items: one question and one apology.

The question is: Are the non-USA and non-free packages on the CDs or do I
have to use the internet sites? [Not a huge problem; I only have a 56K
connection, but I was quite impressed with the speed of the download and

Also, several of you sent me email along the lines of:
(Also, please don't post in HTML ...)
I wasn't aware that I was and I'm not too sure how I turn it off. [I am
currently running Eudora 4.0 on a Windows box.  And this is just another
good reason to get off Windows. :-) ] Sometimes it asks me if I want to
send formatted text and sometimes it doesn't. My apologies. [Please let me
know if this shows up in HTML.]


Andy Davidson   --- Pheon Research
   If you know what you're doing, you're not learning anything.

RE: Compile vs. Apt-get(was woody+php+php-nuke)

2001-05-30 Thread techlists
I had under the former subject.

I had originally had Debian (stable) set up with php4 and a site done with
I started working on a new project that, because of certain requirenments,
was better suited for woody.  So, I upgraded.  During the upgrade, it
un-installed php4.  After the upgrade, I went into dselect to add php4 back
in.  When I try, it complains that it needs a version of apache lower than
the one in woody, and won't install. I then installed php3, but have not
been able to get the site back up, because the php3-mysql module will not
talk to mysql.  So I considered just compiling in php4 manually.  Which I do
not want to do if that would mess up apt/dselect.


-Original Message-
From: Dave Carrigan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 4:39 PM
To: Wayne Sitton
Cc: debian-user
Subject: Re: Compile vs. Apt-get(was woody+php+php-nuke)

Wayne Sitton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 So, if I compile some of the packages on my own, will that be recognized
 In other words if I complie php4 manually, then later on I use dselect to
 add a package that requires php4, will apt/dselect recognize that I
 have it installed.

If you got the php4.tar.gz file, untarred it, ran configure, then did a
make install, Debian will not know that you have the php4 package
installed, and it will not upgrade your php4. The only way Debian can
know that you have php4 installed is if you install a .deb using dpkg

What are you doing that you feel you need to compile packages that are
already in the Debian archives? If you give us some more information, we
might be able to point you to the correct procedures.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! A GRAM??  A BRAM...  A
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | GROOM...  A BROOM...  Oh,
Seattle, WA, USA| Wash the ROOM!! |

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

the clip in windowmaker

2001-05-30 Thread Renai LeMay
can anyone tell me how to get the clip in windowmaker back?

I had a crash and for some reason it's now not starting up when wmaker starts.



Re: CPU speed

2001-05-30 Thread Renai LeMay
kernel 2.0.36 running on a cyrix machine.

I can get the cyrix brand name but no actual cpu speed.

On Wednesday 30 May 2001 11:28, you wrote:
 What cases?

 Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Asst Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
   269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA

 On Wed, 30 May 2001, Renai LeMay wrote:
  in some cases catting this file did not produce any information.
  Anything else?
  And offtopic, but is there an equivalent file in FreeBSD?
  On Wednesday 30 May 2001 10:56, Andrew Perrin wrote:
   cat /proc/cpuinfo
   Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
   Asst Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
 269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA
   On Wed, 30 May 2001, Renai LeMay wrote:
can anyone tell me the best way to check CPU speed on a 2.0.36
I tried dmesg but it didn't give me any details about cpu...
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: ~/.Xmodmap (was: Customizing the console key map?)

2001-05-30 Thread Paul D. Smith
%% Mike Pfleger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  mp What keyboard are you using?  I have a PC-104 kbd, and I have been
  mp trying to bind the windoze and menu keys to be Mod3 and Mod4
  mp modifiers, respectively.

  mp What am I doing wrong?

You're trying to use xmodmap directly instead of using JWZ's most
excellent xkeycaps program.

  # apt-get install xkeycaps

and try that... :)

 Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]HASMAT--HA Software Methods  Tools
 Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

Re: Free mail a/c that allows download of mail

2001-05-30 Thread Jürgen A. Erhard
 D == D-Man  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 V == Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:

[Paul Wright confessed his use of]

V What about that crappy newspaper they sent out every week or
V so?  Is there a way to disable it or don't you count that as
V spam?

It's not spam, as you do have a business relationship with them if
you're a user of their service.  Spam is not defined as the stuff I
don't like getting (or mail from the IRS would be spam most of the
time ;-)

D That newspaper probably has some pretty consistent properties,
D like the From or Subject field, right?  Just dump it to
D /dev/null using procmail.

And one mailing a week?  That contains some info about a service
you're using?  I skim every one...  *skim*, not necessarily *read* :-P

Bye, J

Jürgen A. Erhard[EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
 I'm a FIG (
  Windows NT is an acronym for Windows? No thanks. -- Russ McManus

Description: PGP signature


2001-05-30 Thread Wayne Sitton
When I upgraded to woody one of the services that were installed was
What is that?  Plus, now when I'm using dselect, it says that lwresd
recommends libnss_lwres.  But, libnss_lwres is unavailable.  Is there a way
to keep this from coming up?  or, where can I get it to install?


RE: php4 and woody(was woody+php+php-nuke)-SOLVED!!

2001-05-30 Thread techlists

Thank you so much!


-Original Message-
From: Kurylo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 4:09 PM
To: debian-user
Subject: Re: php4 and woody

Unlike php4, to get php3+mysql to work you have to edit the php3.ini file.

php3.ini is in /etc/php3/apache/

I believe its the Dynamic Module section you have to edit - there is a
line to uncomment to load the mysql module.  Its rather silly you have
to do this, but thats the way the package is setup.  Someone did file a
bug report on this, but I don't know the reasoning for leaving it like this.

techlists wrote:

 O.K. so why does the php3 mods refuse to talk to mysql?


 -Original Message-
 From: Colin Watson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
 Of Colin Watson
 Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 1:44 PM
 Subject: Re: php4 and woody

 Wayne Sitton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why that when I upgraded to woody did it un-install my php4?

 When I go to dselect now, it complains about apache, what's the deal?

 Because Apache is very picky about having all the modules that depend on
 it compiled against roughly the same version. I don't think this has
 even quite been finished in unstable yet, so testing hasn't been able to
 get in sync.


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Cron problems

2001-05-30 Thread Kevin Ross
 Hi.  I have problems wih cron from the testing archives.  When I edit a
 file with `crontab -e', I must restart cron before the changes are applied
 (This means that I must `killall cron ; cron' before it works).  I find
this to
 be *VERY* annoying, and I was wondering if any of you had had such a
problem and
 if you did, how did you fix it?

Check the timestamps on the directories /var/spool/cron, /etc/cron.d, etc.,
and the files within them, to make sure none are set to a future time.
There was a bug that was fixed that dealt with that issue:

This is supposed to have been fixed 5 versions prior to the one that's
currently in testing, but you never know...

-- Kevin

Printing to an HP 1220C/PS postscript printer

2001-05-30 Thread Nico De Ranter

I just bought a postscript capable inktjet printer from HP
(HP1220C) which turns out to be a regular PCL3 enhanced printer
with some Windows software that does the conversion from Postscript
to PCL3 enhanced (HP Belgium wasn't even aware this of this software only
feature -( ).
Anyway since my network is mostly Unix based (Debian and Solaris) I need
to find a way to get the bloody thing to print Postscript files. I tried
ghostscript but I only succeeded in getting A4 300x300 dpi (the printer should
be capable of at least A3 600x600 dpi) and that's realy not enough.
I'll settle for a Windows based solution if necessary (and print through
samba, note: I tried the Adobe Pressready Basics software supplied with
the printer which is supposed to be a portscript driver for windows but
it still prints my postscript files as regular ASCII).

Has anybody had any success with printing to an HP 1220C ?

Thanks in advance,


 It has been said that there are only two businesses that
  refer to customers as users: illegal drug trade and
   the computer industry. 
Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SDCE/NEE-B)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

Re: Netscape? how to kill?

2001-05-30 Thread Mario Vukelic
On 30 May 2001 11:57:48 +1000, Steve Kieu wrote:

 killall -9 navigator-smoti
 It says, no process killed. But if I run top or ps -A
 the process name is there, navigator-smoti, i can only
 kill it use its pid use kill (not killall)

You have your process name truncated, ps does this sometimes.
Do a 'ps pid#, you.ll see that that the name is navigator-smotif (note
the f at the end) or maybe even longer


I did not vote for the Austrian government

Strange behavior of HOME and END keys in a bash terminal in Xwindow (Potato)

2001-05-30 Thread Iñaki Martínez

 I recently upgraded my potato (apt-get upgrade) and all is OK but HOME and END 
in a bash terminal in Xwindow DO NOT work only beep. In any other program 
gnumeric, Netscape, etc) the keys work fine.

 What is the problem?

 Bash i do not think so... in console is OK.

 Keyboard in Xwindow i do not think so in other programs is OK

 Any solution


Re: lwresd?

2001-05-30 Thread deb-user
Am 30. May, 2001 schwäzte Wayne Sitton so:

 When I upgraded to woody one of the services that were installed was
 What is that?  Plus, now when I'm using dselect, it says that lwresd

man lwresd

 lwresd is the daemon providing name lookup services to clients that use
 the BIND 9 lightweight resolver library.  It is essentially a stripped-
 down, caching-only name server that answers queries using the BIND 9
 lightweight resolver protocol rather than the DNS protocol.

dns caching daemon.

 recommends eibnss_lwres.  But, libnss_lwres is unavailable.  Is there a way
 to keep this from coming up?  or, where can I get it to install?

It's in unstable, aka sid.

bash-2.05$ apt-cache-uns search libnss-lwres
libnss-lwres - NSS module for using bind9's lwres as a naming service

Note, please don't make typos on package names when asking for help :).


#  Don't step in front of speeding cars, don't eat explosives
#  and don't use m$ LookOut :). - der.hans

Re: firewall log message question

2001-05-30 Thread deb-user
Am 29. May, 2001 schwäzte will trillich so:

 when i was out of town last week, and nobody was at the house,
 i get this log message from logcheck reflecting some firewall
   Subject: server 05/23/01:13.02 system check
   From: root [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 13:02:02 -0500
   Security Violations
   May 23 12:51:01 server kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 L=56 S=0x00 I=30114 F=0x T=248 (#5)
   May 23 12:51:05 server kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 L=56 S=0x00 I=30125 F=0x T=248 (#5)
   May 23 12:51:11 server kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 L=56 S=0x00 I=30140 F=0x T=248 (#5)
   May 23 12:51:23 server kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 L=56 S=0x00 I=30167 F=0x T=248 (#5)
 192.168.1.* is my local (intra) net, and is my
 public ip number. i don't have any set up, (tho i do
 have .1, .2, .100, .102, .200) and i can't see why
 would be looking for one. port 13, according to /etc/services, is
 normally 'daytime' and i don't know what port 3 would normally

It's ICMP, not TCP or UDP.

bash-2.05$ head -11 /etc/protocols 
# /etc/protocols:
# $Id: protocols,v 1.1 1995/02/24 01:09:41 imurdock Exp $
# Internet (IP) protocols
#   from: @(#)protocols 5.1 (Berkeley) 4/17/89
# Updated for NetBSD based on RFC 1340, Assigned Numbers (July 1992).

ip  0   IP  # internet protocol, pseudo protocol number
icmp1   ICMP# internet control message protocol

Don't know ICMP well enough to tell you the significance of 3 and 13.

Is eth1 your internal or your external interface, e.g. or If it's your external the packet was coming from upstream,
e.g. your ISP connection.

If it's your internal interface then it appears that something was making
requests from from your internal network. Do you use dhcp? Do
you have any machines with multiple IP addies?

Did you ping and traceroute to to make sure it's not out there?


#  C'est la Net - der.hans

[OT?] LaTeX fonts in X?

2001-05-30 Thread Joerg Johannes
Hi List

Aren't the LaTeX fonts scalable post-script fonts? I wonder if it is
possible to use, say, the cm-family font just like normal X-fonts, eg.
for the GIMP. The idea comes from my need for images containing text.
Using these images in Latex looks ugly if they use other fonts than the
So, is it possible to include the ...texmf...fonts... directories in the
X fontpath?



Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Using tar saving Disk-space [was: apt-get offline]

2001-05-30 Thread Joerg Johannes
Hi list

Now that I can transfer my downloaded .debs in a .tar file, I wonder if
I could create this .tar file saving disk space, e.g. in the following

create a tar file (touch packages.tar?)
for *.deb in this directory
   1.) add it to the tar file
   2.) rm this .deb

Is this possible for (non-GNU)-tar?
How would this look for the csh?

Even better: Could this be included in the wget-script?

Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Anyone using Blackmail (anti-spam utility!!)?

2001-05-30 Thread Phillip Deackes
I installed Blackmail on my Progeny Debian box and at the moment I have it
set for passive mode so it warns me if a message would have been blocked.
I use it with fetchmail/exim. It is working well, but it has a problem
with mailing lists, including this one. The problem is that Blackmail will
consider an email as spam if the To: header is not the email address of
the recipient. With all my mailing lists my address is not in the To:

The FAQ mentions using the 'backdoor' - I am not sure how to do this.

Any ideas?


Phillip Deackes
Using Progeny Debian Linux

Re: Using tar saving Disk-space [was: apt-get offline]

2001-05-30 Thread Bart Martens
You can compress all .deb files into one zipped tar file
with only one command. See the manual page of tar. You 
don't need to write code with a for-loop. I think it's
tar czf packages.tar.gz debdir
with debdir the directory containing all your .deb files,
and packages.tar.gz the target zipped tarfile.

On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 10:36:13AM +0200, Joerg Johannes wrote:
 Hi list
 Now that I can transfer my downloaded .debs in a .tar file, I wonder if
 I could create this .tar file saving disk space, e.g. in the following
 create a tar file (touch packages.tar?)
 for *.deb in this directory
1.) add it to the tar file
2.) rm this .deb
 Is this possible for (non-GNU)-tar?
 How would this look for the csh?
 Even better: Could this be included in the wget-script?
 Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
 will hear the voice of Satan?
 That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ~/.Xmodmap (was: Customizing the console key map?)

2001-05-30 Thread John S. J. Anderson
 On Tue, 29 May 2001 15:25:37 -0700, Mike Pfleger [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Mike What am I doing wrong?

Have you tried using a real keysym for the menu key? I don't think
'Menu' is a real keysym -- try 'Multi-key' or 'Super_R' or 'Hyper_R',
and then bind ModN (where N=(1..5)) to that keysym.

My Dvorak xmodmap file is at
URL:; it may be of help.


Re: csh [was: Using tar saving Disk-space]

2001-05-30 Thread Andrew Suffield
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 10:36:13AM +0200, Joerg Johannes wrote:
 How would this look for the csh?

I'm going to assume you're just plain unaware of this:

csh programming Considered Harmful

Somebody can probably provide a link to a copy of the essay. csh
scripts are a majorly Bad Idea[tm]. It has been obsolete for years,
and may it's fetid corpse never surface again. I suggest you try
bash script or perl or something...

Andrew Suffield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Computing, Imperial College, London, UK

Description: PGP signature

is this video-card supported?

2001-05-30 Thread A. Demarteau \(linux rules!\)

are the following 2 cards supported yet:
Matrox MARVEL G450 (card has onboard tv-tuner)
Matrox G450

Andor Demarteau

Re: csh [was: Using tar saving Disk-space]

2001-05-30 Thread Joerg Johannes
Andrew Suffield wrote:
 On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 10:36:13AM +0200, Joerg Johannes wrote:
  How would this look for the csh?
 I'm going to assume you're just plain unaware of this:
 csh programming Considered Harmful
 Somebody can probably provide a link to a copy of the essay. csh
 scripts are a majorly Bad Idea[tm]. It has been obsolete for years,
 and may it's fetid corpse never surface again. I suggest you try
 bash script or perl or something...

The problem is: this box is not my own, in fact, it is not even a debian
one (Sun Solaris) and, the worst of all: It only runs csh because the
admin does not like bash (I hate csh, too) 

Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Re: Using tar saving Disk-space [was: apt-get offline]

2001-05-30 Thread Joerg Johannes

Well, I know how to use tar in general. Zipping the .debs is not
necessary because they are already zipped. What I meant is: The .tar
file takes the same amount of space as the .debs themselves. So after
having tarred them , I need twice the space as before. So I want to
delete each .deb after having it added to the .tar archive (to avoid
exceeding my disk quota ;-) )


Bart Martens wrote:
 You can compress all .deb files into one zipped tar file
 with only one command. See the manual page of tar. You
 don't need to write code with a for-loop. I think it's
 tar czf packages.tar.gz debdir
 with debdir the directory containing all your .deb files,
 and packages.tar.gz the target zipped tarfile.
 On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 10:36:13AM +0200, Joerg Johannes wrote:
  Hi list
  Now that I can transfer my downloaded .debs in a .tar file, I wonder if
  I could create this .tar file saving disk space, e.g. in the following
  create a tar file (touch packages.tar?)
  for *.deb in this directory
 1.) add it to the tar file
 2.) rm this .deb
  Is this possible for (non-GNU)-tar?
  How would this look for the csh?
  Even better: Could this be included in the wget-script?
Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

KDE on stable

2001-05-30 Thread Ian Lee

Why does KDE for potato, depend on 
libssl096 is in woody and sid not potato (according 
to debian package search).

has anybody got KDE to work in potato? if so could 
the apt lines please.

 If possible could you 
email me aswell as the list as this has been sent to two lists, 


---Outgoing mail is certified Virus 
Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( 6.0.255 / 
Virus Database: 128 - Release Date: 17/05/2001

Re: is this video-card supported?

2001-05-30 Thread Ole Marggraf
On Wed, 30 May 2001, A. Demarteau (linux rules!) wrote:
 are the following 2 cards supported yet:
 Matrox MARVEL G450 (card has onboard tv-tuner)
 Matrox G450

The plain G450 works, but you might need to get the X4 drivers from the
Matrox page (at least this was the case for Xfree 4.0.2, maybe they are
now part of the X package in 4.0.3. The original X 4.0.2 MGA drivers
produced invalid frequencies on my monitor.) Also dualhead support is said
to be working, but I did not test it. I don´t know anything about the
Marvel tv tuner under Linux.


 Ole Marggraf email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sternwarte, Universitaet Bonn
 Auf dem Huegel 71WWW:
 D-53121 Bonn, Germany   PGP key on the homepage...

Re: csh [was: Using tar saving Disk-space]

2001-05-30 Thread Roy Culley
 Andrew Suffield wrote:
  On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 10:36:13AM +0200, Joerg Johannes wrote:
   How would this look for the csh?
  I'm going to assume you're just plain unaware of this:
  csh programming Considered Harmful
  Somebody can probably provide a link to a copy of the essay. csh
  scripts are a majorly Bad Idea[tm].


2001-05-30 Thread user


Some sugestions of cheanges

2001-05-30 Thread maniac666
I'm using debian for something about 10 month and 
after that I have a few sugestions :)

1. The Apache web server witch is avaible in 
stable distribution is very old. I've tried to add 
iso-8859-2 charset support to apache, but browser 
still showed that page in iso-8859-1 (not in iso-
8859-2). I've sloved my problem by installing deb 
package from testing distribution. So i sugest You 
to move it from testing to stable. Few of my 
friends had the same problem. Some of them because 
of that turned back from debian. For us it is 
verry important to view our web pages with our 
Polish characters.

2. Problem is in file it is overdated to, 
and doesnt support chcarset directive to add in 
headres (in that part dedicated to browser).

3. In new deb package of apache 1.3.19 every 
configuration is made in one file 
(/etc/apache/httpd.conf). I segest to make it like 
in version 1.3.9

4. In dupendecy is package SSH2, but it has no 
avaible version. I've tried to install SSH2 from 
package designed for unstable version, and it 
works fine. But I vant to use SSH 2 protocol with 
compatibility with SSH 1 protocol. Package SSH 2 
can provide SSH 1 protocol, but only with 
installed SSH1 package. But packages SSH1 and SSH2 
are in conflict in dupendecy tree. I don't know 
why but i sugest to cheange it as soon as possible.

5. Sendmail is in overdated version it is verry 
heavy to configure it for normal work as a 
internet mail server. It is verry dificult to 
add 'Relaing support'. I made it after 3 days of 
wondering what is wrong.

6. Linuxconf is in verry old version and some 
options don't work as they should. (for example 
configuration of interfaces)

7. I don't know why, but Pine is avaible only as 
source to compile. I think that it should be 
avaible as a normal binary package.

8. When installing package pine-src i sugest You 
to add to dupendecy packages witch are needed to 
build pine (make, build, gcc, libc6-dev, and one 
more but for now I don't remember witch one)

9. When new editor is instaled the '/bin/editor' 
symlink doesn't cheanges. I sugest You to add to 
editor packages question If the user wants o make 
installed editor (for example jed) default editor.

I think that will be all for now :)

I'm Looking forward for your answare
Rafal Ramocki

Some sugestions of cheanges

2001-05-30 Thread maniac666
I'm using debian for something about 10 month and 
after that I have a few sugestions :)

1. The Apache web server witch is avaible in 
stable distribution is very old. I've tried to add 
iso-8859-2 charset support to apache, but browser 
still showed that page in iso-8859-1 (not in iso-
8859-2). I've sloved my problem by installing deb 
package from testing distribution. So i sugest You 
to move it from testing to stable. Few of my 
friends had the same problem. Some of them because 
of that turned back from debian. For us it is 
verry important to view our web pages with our 
Polish characters.

2. Problem is in file it is overdated to, 
and doesnt support chcarset directive to add in 
headres (in that part dedicated to browser).

3. In new deb package of apache 1.3.19 every 
configuration is made in one file 
(/etc/apache/httpd.conf). I segest to make it like 
in version 1.3.9

4. In dupendecy is package SSH2, but it has no 
avaible version. I've tried to install SSH2 from 
package designed for unstable version, and it 
works fine. But I vant to use SSH 2 protocol with 
compatibility with SSH 1 protocol. Package SSH 2 
can provide SSH 1 protocol, but only with 
installed SSH1 package. But packages SSH1 and SSH2 
are in conflict in dupendecy tree. I don't know 
why but i sugest to cheange it as soon as possible.

5. Sendmail is in overdated version it is verry 
heavy to configure it for normal work as a 
internet mail server. It is verry dificult to 
add 'Relaing support'. I made it after 3 days of 
wondering what is wrong.

6. Linuxconf is in verry old version and some 
options don't work as they should. (for example 
configuration of interfaces)

7. I don't know why, but Pine is avaible only as 
source to compile. I think that it should be 
avaible as a normal binary package.

8. When installing package pine-src i sugest You 
to add to dupendecy packages witch are needed to 
build pine (make, build, gcc, libc6-dev, and one 
more but for now I don't remember witch one)

9. When new editor is instaled the '/bin/editor' 
symlink doesn't cheanges. I sugest You to add to 
editor packages question If the user wants o make 
installed editor (for example jed) default editor.

I think that will be all for now :)

I'm Looking forward for your answare
Rafal Ramocki

Re: the clip in windowmaker

2001-05-30 Thread Joel Mayes
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 03:13:21PM +1000, Renai LeMay wrote:
 can anyone tell me how to get the clip in windowmaker back?
 I had a crash and for some reason it's now not starting up when wmaker starts.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
G;day Renai,

Run the wmpref program, the 7th icon will be workspace navigation Features
click on this, and there will be two icons down the right hand side of the box
on of these enables/disable the application dock, the other enables/disables
the Clip. ( probably the one with the big disabled cross though it ;-)



No, Gates always knew the Internet was going to be important, 
just as Oceania has always been at war with East Asia. ;)

Re: Some sugestions of cheanges

2001-05-30 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 01:14:22PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using debian for something about 10 month and 
 after that I have a few sugestions :)
 1. The Apache web server witch is avaible in 

er FYI witch and which mean very different things in english ;-)

 stable distribution is very old. I've tried to add 
 iso-8859-2 charset support to apache, but browser 
 still showed that page in iso-8859-1 (not in iso-
 8859-2). I've sloved my problem by installing deb 
 package from testing distribution. So i sugest You 
 to move it from testing to stable. Few of my 
 friends had the same problem. Some of them because 
 of that turned back from debian. For us it is 
 verry important to view our web pages with our 
 Polish characters.

stable is stable precisly because things don't get randomly updated
with new upstream versions all the time.  thats the way it works.  if
debian just starts adding up upstream versions to stable things will
become broken and unstable just like, well, the unstable dist.  

 2. Problem is in file it is overdated to, 
 and doesnt support chcarset directive to add in 
 headres (in that part dedicated to browser).

see above

 3. In new deb package of apache 1.3.19 every 
 configuration is made in one file 
 (/etc/apache/httpd.conf). I segest to make it like 
 in version 1.3.9

i would agree with that, huge monsterous bloated monolithic
configuration files suck IMO.  file a severity wishlist bug report
against apache.  

 4. In dupendecy is package SSH2, but it has no 
 avaible version. I've tried to install SSH2 from 
 package designed for unstable version, and it 
 works fine. But I vant to use SSH 2 protocol with 
 compatibility with SSH 1 protocol. Package SSH 2 
 can provide SSH 1 protocol, but only with 
 installed SSH1 package. But packages SSH1 and SSH2 
 are in conflict in dupendecy tree. I don't know 
 why but i sugest to cheange it as soon as possible.

use openssh not non-free ssh.  the openssh from woody has support for
both protocols without the kludge of having two binaries.  

potato is ssh protocol 1 only. see above. 

 5. Sendmail is in overdated version it is verry 
 heavy to configure it for normal work as a 
 internet mail server. It is verry dificult to 
 add 'Relaing support'. I made it after 3 days of 
 wondering what is wrong.

try postfix. 

 6. Linuxconf is in verry old version and some 
 options don't work as they should. (for example 
 configuration of interfaces)

it doesn't matter what version of linuxconf you use, it will always
suck and not work right.  the correct way to fix linuxconf is
executing the following command as root:

apt-get --purge remove linuxconf

 7. I don't know why, but Pine is avaible only as 
 source to compile. I think that it should be 
 avaible as a normal binary package.

pine is non-free.  distributing modified binaries is forbidden.  use
mutt instead.

 8. When installing package pine-src i sugest You 
 to add to dupendecy packages witch are needed to 
 build pine (make, build, gcc, libc6-dev, and one 
 more but for now I don't remember witch one)

file wishlist bug against pine-src.  but again use mutt, pine is full
of security holes, is non-free and just generally sucks.  (flames to /dev/null)

 9. When new editor is instaled the '/bin/editor' 
 symlink doesn't cheanges. I sugest You to add to 
 editor packages question If the user wants o make 
 installed editor (for example jed) default editor.

man update-alternatives. 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Using tar saving Disk-space [was: apt-get offline]

2001-05-30 Thread Matthew Gibbins
And yo was Joerg Johannes heard to yodel:
 Well, I know how to use tar in general. Zipping the .debs is not
 necessary because they are already zipped. What I meant is: The .tar
 file takes the same amount of space as the .debs themselves. So after
 having tarred them , I need twice the space as before. So I want to
 delete each .deb after having it added to the .tar archive (to avoid
 exceeding my disk quota ;-) )

   It appears that your problem is one of strategy...IIRC the  --remove-files 
option only effects after the archive is completed..
   However, you could do incremental additions to the archive. 
   i.e. create an archive that fits on the available space, delete the files 
used, then add the next lot to the same archive until
  all files are in the archive.

 I'm not advocating that anyone take up emacs. Not even me: at my age, I'd be 
more likely to try bungee-jumping. It's easier, and has less risk of causing 
permanent brain damage.
**  A posting on ZDNet forum

Re: Some sugestions of cheanges

2001-05-30 Thread ktb
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 01:14:22PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using debian for something about 10 month and 
 after that I have a few sugestions :)
 1. The Apache web server witch is avaible in 
 stable distribution is very old. I've tried to add 
 iso-8859-2 charset support to apache, but browser 
 still showed that page in iso-8859-1 (not in iso-
 8859-2). I've sloved my problem by installing deb 
 package from testing distribution. So i sugest You 
 to move it from testing to stable. Few of my 
 friends had the same problem. Some of them because 
 of that turned back from debian. For us it is 
 verry important to view our web pages with our 
 Polish characters.

I will add to what Ethen has suggested -
Have you tried -
putting a source line for testing or unstable in /etc/apt/sources.list
and -
# apt-get update
# apt-get -b source apache

Doesn't work for every package but it might bring you up to 1.3.19-1

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: Using tar saving Disk-space [was: apt-get offline]

2001-05-30 Thread David Z. Maze
Joerg Johannes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
JJ Now that I can transfer my downloaded .debs in a .tar file, I wonder if
JJ I could create this .tar file saving disk space, e.g. in the following
JJ way
JJ pseudo-code
JJ create a tar file (touch packages.tar?)
JJ for *.deb in this directory
JJ1.) add it to the tar file
JJ2.) rm this .deb
JJ end
JJ /pseudo-code
JJ Is this possible for (non-GNU)-tar?
JJ How would this look for the csh?

In any shell, you'd probably want

tar cvf deb-packages.tar *.deb
rm *.deb

I'm curious why you want to do this, though; the amount of lost disk 
space is negligible (less than 4K per file), and I believe tar
effectively adds this back in with per-block padding (remember, it was 
written to write archives to tapes).  So the amount of disk space
you'd actually save with this is about zero, give-or-take a little;
it's already been noted that compressing the tar file is a lose, since 
Debian packages are ar archives containing a small indicator file and
two gzipped tar files.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: [OT?] LaTeX fonts in X?

2001-05-30 Thread David Z. Maze
Joerg Johannes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
JJ Aren't the LaTeX fonts scalable post-script fonts?

Not generally; they use a meta-language called METAFONT, which
includes much more information than PostScript fonts use.  (For
example, 5-point Computer Modern scaled to 20 points looks much
different from 20-point CM.)  You can use PostScript fonts from within
TeX, but you can't necessarily use TeX fonts in the wider world.

JJ I wonder if it is possible to use, say, the cm-family font just
JJ like normal X-fonts, eg.  for the GIMP. The idea comes from my
JJ need for images containing text.  Using these images in Latex
JJ looks ugly if they use other fonts than the LaTeX-style.

There are a couple of options for this.  I'd suggest using PostScript
fonts in your document (e.g. \usepackage{times})[1]; then you can use
a matching or appropriate font in your figures.  (For example,
Helvetica looks much less odd against other PostScript fonts than
against Computer Modern.)  I'd also suggest using something other than 
the GIMP for most figures, since GIMP only deals with pixelated
images.  Depending on what you're doing, xfig, tgif, and xcircuit are
all good choices that can produce encapsulated PostScript files as

[1] In all honesty, I think the Computer Modern fonts are somewhat
ugly, and kind of like Palatino.  This means that most of my LaTeX 
documents have \usepackage{palatino} somewhere in the preamble.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: apt-get and dists

2001-05-30 Thread Colin Watson
I've got a box running stable with apt 0.5.3 out of testing. It appears that
the lists dir has moved from /var/state/apt/ to /var/lib/apt/.

This version allows apt-getting a specific version of a package as well as a
package from a specific dist, e.g. stable, testing, unstable.

It appears, however, that all of the package lists get shoved into
/var/lib/apt/lists/ so that after adding testing or unstable to sources.list
dist-upgrades will now go to the most recent available packages. This is
actually what dist-upgrade is supposed to do, I think, but it's not my
desired behavior.

What I want is to be able to run stable ( or testing ), yet grab specific
packages from a less stable dist.

Try, for example:

Bug #94061 is a wishlist similar to what I'm looking for, but I want to know
if I'm just overlooking something.

Bug #94061 is requesting that it be possible to update just certain
package lists in order to save bandwidth on slow links, which is
somewhat different.



Re: Some sugestions of cheanges

2001-05-30 Thread Colin Watson
I'm using debian for something about 10 month and after that I have a
few sugestions :)

Most of these should be wishlist bugs rather than posts to debian-user,
so that the maintainers who can actually do something about them see
them. See URL:

3. In new deb package of apache 1.3.19 every configuration is made in
one file (/etc/apache/httpd.conf). I segest to make it like in version

Upstream moved to one big file long ago, so presumably that's why Debian
followed them.

4. In dupendecy is package SSH2, but it has no avaible version. I've
tried to install SSH2 from package designed for unstable version, and
it works fine. But I vant to use SSH 2 protocol with compatibility with
SSH 1 protocol. Package SSH 2 can provide SSH 1 protocol, but only with
installed SSH1 package. But packages SSH1 and SSH2 are in conflict in
dupendecy tree. I don't know why but i sugest to cheange it as soon as

ssh (from unstable) can do ssh2 itself. You're mixing distributions, so
the dependencies aren't guaranteed to be consistent.

5. Sendmail is in overdated version it is verry heavy to configure it
for normal work as a internet mail server. It is verry dificult to add
'Relaing support'. I made it after 3 days of wondering what is wrong.

Don't use sendmail then :) exim is a good alternative.

8. When installing package pine-src i sugest You to add to dupendecy
packages witch are needed to build pine (make, build, gcc, libc6-dev,
and one more but for now I don't remember witch one)

Those packages are considered build-essential, and aren't normally
mentioned in build-dependencies.

9. When new editor is instaled the '/bin/editor' 
symlink doesn't cheanges. I sugest You to add to 
editor packages question If the user wants o make 
installed editor (for example jed) default editor.

There's a sequence of priorities for editors, but if you want to change
them try 'update-alternatives'.



Re: CPU speed

2001-05-30 Thread Andrew Perrin
Interesting - I'm afraid I'm out of ideas, unless you can get someting
from the BIOS on startup (some BIOSes allow you to get system information


Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Asst Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Renai LeMay wrote:

 kernel 2.0.36 running on a cyrix machine.
 I can get the cyrix brand name but no actual cpu speed.
 On Wednesday 30 May 2001 11:28, you wrote:
  What cases?
  Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Asst Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA
  On Wed, 30 May 2001, Renai LeMay wrote:
   in some cases catting this file did not produce any information.
   Anything else?
   And offtopic, but is there an equivalent file in FreeBSD?
   On Wednesday 30 May 2001 10:56, Andrew Perrin wrote:
cat /proc/cpuinfo
Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Asst Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA
On Wed, 30 May 2001, Renai LeMay wrote:
 can anyone tell me the best way to check CPU speed on a 2.0.36

 I tried dmesg but it didn't give me any details about cpu...


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
   with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nfs-locking broken in unstable and testing?

2001-05-30 Thread Colin Watson
Dietz Proepper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
that's my first mail to that list - so plz be patient with me ;). Sould
the following be already known - sorry too.

The bug tracking system is your friend :)


Re: getting ps to not display all processes for normal users

2001-05-30 Thread Alwyn Schoeman
Its not the processes in themselves which knowledge must be hidden of, but 
the parameters to processes.  It might contain confidential information like 
encrypted bank pins, etc

On Wednesday 30 May 2001 04:35, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 09:52:55PM -0400, Vlad wrote:
  already done. and download a kernel patch. i would say,
  it is the FIRST thing security-wise you have to do after you install any
  linux distro.

 Why would you say that?  Do you really consider knowledge of other users'
 processes to be the biggest security threat on a *nix system?

 It seems pretty harmless to me, given that `ls /bin` will tell me what's
 installed on a system and `nmap localhost` will tell me what ports
 are listening.  About the only extra information that I can think of
 that would be revealed by `ps a` and would be potentially exploitable is
 which programs that use unix domain sockets or named pipes are running -
 and even that could be derived with `find` or any other sort of recursive
 directory search.

Alwyn Schoeman
Prism Wireless

The Internet will destroy the barriers that are isolating people
 from decent opportunities based on where they happened to have been born, 
and this will be a fundamental transformation of our global society that will 
greatly discomfort a lot of worthless people. Then those same worthless people
 will create new barriers based on access to source code, licenses, 
software permissions, etc. Sigh.
-- Hans Reiser

Re: Some sugestions of cheanges

2001-05-30 Thread Jason Pepas
 1. The Apache web server witch is avaible in
 stable distribution is very old. I've tried to add
 iso-8859-2 charset support to apache, but browser
 still showed that page in iso-8859-1 (not in iso-
 8859-2). I've sloved my problem by installing deb
 package from testing distribution. So i sugest You
 to move it from testing to stable. Few of my
 friends had the same problem. Some of them because
 of that turned back from debian. For us it is
 verry important to view our web pages with our
 Polish characters.

perhaps you should try switching to testing?  It ireally is not as
unstable as you think.  you see, stable has to be just that, and
debian cant compromise that to suit one user.  However, it is very easy
for that user to switch to a more aggressively updated version of

 4. In dupendecy is package SSH2, but it has no
 avaible version. I've tried to install SSH2 from
 package designed for unstable version, and it
 works fine. But I vant to use SSH 2 protocol with
 compatibility with SSH 1 protocol. Package SSH 2
 can provide SSH 1 protocol, but only with
 installed SSH1 package. But packages SSH1 and SSH2
 are in conflict in dupendecy tree. I don't know
 why but i sugest to cheange it as soon as possible.

you might check out Ish, a GPL'ed work in progress implementation of
ssh2 (in testing).

 7. I don't know why, but Pine is avaible only as
 source to compile. I think that it should be
 avaible as a normal binary package.

it is not free software.  the guys who made it for whatever reason
decided they would release it under a restrictive license which didnt
meet the debian definition of free.  perhaps you should try elm, spruce,
mutt, or balsa, which are all free.

good luck, and dont get discouraged!

jason pepas

Re: [ XF86 4.x?]

2001-05-30 Thread Colin Watson
Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
- Forwarded message from MRZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Subject: XF86 4.x?
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 14:34:59 -0700

I understand you're the maintainer of the XFree86 packages on Debian?
I just wanted to ask you what the planned schedule  (is there one ?) is
for X 4.x to become available via apt-get.
Before you ask, yes I am aware that there are pre-official debs
currently available but I've had no luck getting them installed without
losing my system.

Presumably this means you're running potato (X 4 is already in the
testing/unstable distributions). There are no plans to update potato
itself to XFree86 4, as the stable distribution isn't updated except for
security updates and other major bugs. The most recent unofficial apt
archive of X 4 for potato I know of is:

  deb xf403_potato/i386/
  deb xf403_potato/all/

Of course, says
not to bug Branden about them. :)

What problems are you encountering when trying to install these packages
on potato? If you give more details to us on debian-user, maybe somebody
can help.



Re: getting ps to not display all processes for normal users

2001-05-30 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 03:08:18PM +0200, Alwyn Schoeman wrote:
 Its not the processes in themselves which knowledge must be hidden of, but 
 the parameters to processes.  It might contain confidential information like 
 encrypted bank pins, etc

any program that requires sensitive information to be supplied on the
command line is fundementally broken and should be fixed.  

this is why for example gpg only accepts a passphrase via a file
descriptor, not via the command as far as scripting goes. (mutt for
example pipes the passphrase to gpg, pipes are secure, command line
args are not). 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Ximian Gnome Problem

2001-05-30 Thread Thomas H. George

Installation of Ximian Gnome Desktop failed, left problems I can't resolve.

Last week I started download/installation of the full ximian gnome 
desktop from the ximian web site.  The lengthy download timed out at 
about 50%.  When restarted it completed the download of 319 files then 
the installation failed in mid-process.  A subseqent dpkg command found 
many conflicting dependencies and aborted unable to resolve them all.  
The next time I tried to use apt-get it removed 100 files.  After this I 
no longer had mozilla and when I tried apt-get --fix-broken 
--fix-missing install mozilla it reported that this could not be 
installed as an ximian file was to be installed.

Not knowing how to find and remove the conflicting ximian files and 
having no mozilla, I thought to try again to install the ximian gnome 
desktop from the stable distribution (I'm running debian linux 2.2.19) 
with apt-get install task-ximian-gnome (an alternative listed at the 
ximian web site)  There is, however, no such .deb package in the stable 
distribution.  I next looked in where I found a signature 
package for task-ximian-gnome but nothing else.

I have sent a couple of emails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and yesterday 
tried filing a bug report but as yet have received no response. 

Does anyone know how clean up - i.e. remove all the conflicting pieces 
of the ximian installation - other than wiping out my entire debian 
installation and starting over?

Re: Can't find ssh [Thanks]

2001-05-30 Thread Colin Watson
Andy Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks to all who responded.  I now have ssh up and running.  And I clearly
need to learn more about apt-get and friends. :-)

Two additional items: one question and one apology.

The question is: Are the non-USA and non-free packages on the CDs or do I
have to use the internet sites? [Not a huge problem; I only have a 56K
connection, but I was quite impressed with the speed of the download and

It varies depending on your CD vendor. Non-US is often included; a lot
of CD vendors don't include non-free, as many of the licences there
specifically prohibit commercial use, which would include selling CDs.

Also, several of you sent me email along the lines of:
   (Also, please don't post in HTML ...)
I wasn't aware that I was and I'm not too sure how I turn it off. [I am
currently running Eudora 4.0 on a Windows box.  And this is just another
good reason to get off Windows. :-) ] Sometimes it asks me if I want to
send formatted text and sometimes it doesn't. My apologies. [Please let me
know if this shows up in HTML.]

No problem (this one didn't). I only noticed because I almost deleted it
as spam. :) It's a while since I ran Eudora, so I can't really help
there ...



xdm and gdm

2001-05-30 Thread Joseph

 I have been using xdm as my display manager recently on Debian
Potato 2.2. I would like to replace it by gdm. For this I have the
following queries :-
1) Recently I read in this mailing list that to use gdm I have to remove
xdm. Cannot both of them coexist? i.e. both of them are installed. If
yes then what precautions do I have to take?
2) From where can I obtain .deb packages of gdm?
3) Where Can I find good documentation about gdm? What I am looking for
is installation, configuration and maintance.
   I have some experience in linux/unix field. So if the answers are
a little technical in nature are also welcome.
Thanks in Advance to all those who answer

Have a Nice day.
To mail me remove .removethispart. from my email id, including the

Re: gtk-themes not working

2001-05-30 Thread vester

okay, i solved this myself...pretty easy

apt-get install gtk-engines-pixmap

sorry for asking such a dumb question...

On Wed, 30 May 2001, vester wrote:

 hi, it's me again...i still haven't figured this one out:
 problem is that apparently gtk themes aren't working anymore. that is,
 only those using pictures, because the colour scheming seems to work
 correctly. gtk-theme-switch crashes when i attempt to install new themes
 that use pictures...but since i've already had a few installed in
 /usr/share/themes/ i can try to load those with the effect mentioned
 earlier: the colour scheme loads, but no pictures.
 i assume there is a package missing, but i do not know how to find out
 what it is...i've searched through dselect for gtk and themes but that
 didn't really help.
 ideas, anyone?
 thanks in advance,
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm and gdm

2001-05-30 Thread Bart Martens
Hi Joseph,

On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 07:49:46PM +0530, Joseph wrote:
   I have been using xdm as my display manager recently on Debian
 Potato 2.2. I would like to replace it by gdm. For this I have the
 following queries :-
 1) Recently I read in this mailing list that to use gdm I have to remove
 xdm. Cannot both of them coexist? i.e. both of them are installed. If
 yes then what precautions do I have to take?

I wouldn't know why you want them both to coexist. Do you want to login
twice? ;-)

 2) From where can I obtain .deb packages of gdm?

With apt-get. Are you familiar with apt-get? If you are, and you have
sources.list correctly configured in /etc/apt then you just login as
root and type: apt-get install gdm

 3) Where Can I find good documentation about gdm? What I am looking for
 is installation, configuration and maintance.

I would start by installing gdm with apt-get, and then look at the 
manual of gdm, by typing: man gdm
In this manual you may find references to other documents on the web.

 I have some experience in linux/unix field. So if the answers are
 a little technical in nature are also welcome.

Oh well, if you said that at the beginning of your mail... ;-)

 Thanks in Advance to all those who answer
 Have a Nice day.
 To mail me remove .removethispart. from my email id, including the
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compile vs. Apt-get(was woody+php+php-nuke)

2001-05-30 Thread Dave Carrigan
techlists [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I had originally had Debian (stable) set up with php4 and a site done with
 I started working on a new project that, because of certain requirenments,
 was better suited for woody.  So, I upgraded.  During the upgrade, it
 un-installed php4.  After the upgrade, I went into dselect to add php4 back
 in.  When I try, it complains that it needs a version of apache lower than
 the one in woody, and won't install. I then installed php3, but have not
 been able to get the site back up, because the php3-mysql module will not
 talk to mysql.  So I considered just compiling in php4 manually.  Which I do
 not want to do if that would mess up apt/dselect.

What you want to do is get the debianized source and compile it to a
.deb, then install the .deb. 

Add to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

 deb-src stable main contrib non-free

After doing an apt-get update, you can now do 

  apt-get source php4
  cd php4-x.xx
  debuild binary

You now have a .deb that you can install with dpkg -i, and that will be
treated just like any other Debian package.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! Let's all show human
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | CONCERN for REVEREND MOON's
Seattle, WA, USA| legal difficulties!! | 

Re: csh [was: Using tar saving Disk-space]

2001-05-30 Thread Dave Carrigan
Joerg Johannes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The problem is: this box is not my own, in fact, it is not even a debian
 one (Sun Solaris) and, the worst of all: It only runs csh because the
 admin does not like bash (I hate csh, too) 

Solaris boxes have ksh, which is a pretty solid shell. I like bash
better, but I would still use ksh over csh.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I always have fun because
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | I'm out of my mind!!!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: xdm and gdm

2001-05-30 Thread Dave Carrigan
Bart Martens [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I wouldn't know why you want them both to coexist. Do you want to login
 twice? ;-)

No, but maybe you want to use gdm on the actual console, but use xdm to
serve XDMCP to X servers that are not on the console (i.e., Windows X

I once ran into a situation where wdm would not work with the Windows X
server software we had (wdm needed the shm extension, IIRC).  But, xdm
would work with the windows X servers. Hence, we ran the more functional
wdm on the console, but ran xdm to serve the Windows boxen.

Since there is no technical reason why multiple display managers cannot
run on a single box, I think that the trend to conflict with other
display managers in the {x,w,k,g}dm packages is not such a good idea. It
hasn't yet irritated me enough to get off my ass and file a bug report

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I think my CAREER is
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | RUINED!!
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: is this video-card supported?

2001-05-30 Thread Jeremy Nickurak

On Wed, 30 May 2001 04:17:42 A. Demarteau (linux rules!) wrote:
 are the following 2 cards supported yet:
 Matrox MARVEL G450 (card has onboard tv-tuner)
 Matrox G450
I believe basic support for both these cards is there, although some of it
may be a little bit unstable. (I'm currently using a G400). Last I heard
there was some support for the tv-tuner as well.
For more detailed answers, I'd recommend the Matrox Users Resource Center
In particular the Alternative Lifestyles (alternative OS) portion of
their forums may be helpful.

Jeremy Nickurak -= [EMAIL PROTECTED] =-
You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't
  -- Calvin

Re: invalid PORT command

2001-05-30 Thread Krzysztof Mazurczyk
Hi there,

I don't know the reason of this message but I've had the same if I
mistakenly MASQ'ed
doubly, i. e. packet went throu by two rules with -j MASQ (one from FORWARD
and one from OUTPUT chain).

Regards for all

- Original Message -
From: Gabor Gludovatz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 4:18 PM
Subject: invalid PORT command


 there is an NT FTP server with private IP ( behind a
 Debian, and on the Debian the port 90 is forwarded to the nt's port 21
 with redir. If I try to connect
 to the Debian's port 90, I get connected to the NT, but if my ftp client
 tries to download
 something or even do a directory listing, the nt's ftp servers says:
 'invalid port command'.

 So, the server (the NT) is masquaraded, not the client, that's why I use
 PORT instead of PASV.

 My FTP client (Internet) -- Debian (masq firewall) -- NT FTP server
 (private IP)

 Cmd: PORT 63,112,201,195,4,136
 500: Invalid PORT Command.

 Does someone know, what to do in this case?

 The ftp server is Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

VM problem

2001-05-30 Thread BURLET Frederic

I have installed the Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r1 on my machine. A few days
after the installation I noticed some strange messages from the kernel
(samples below) concerning the virtual memory (do_try_to_free_pages failed
I have a second distribution on my machine (a RedHat GNU/Linux),
I haven't seen these error messages (althought I'm not working a lot with
this distribution). First I thought that there was a problem in the kernel
version (the first one was 2.2.17). My reflex was to recompile a new
kernel (new version : 2.2.18pre21) but the problem seems to endure.
I have already re-formatted my swap partition.

If you have an idea of where the problem comes from please tell me.

Yours sincerely,

Frédéric BURLET.

The first time I have the problem (the day of the installation of Debian
GNU/Linux with pre-compiled kernel 2.2.17):

Sep 27 10:36:42 Glenn kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...
Sep 27 10:36:44 Glenn kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...

Recently (always the same with the new freshly compiled kernel 2.2.18) :

May 29 09:27:55 Glenn kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for rpc.mountd...
May 29 09:27:55 Glenn kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for init...
May 29 09:27:55 Glenn kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for wmsysmon...
May 29 09:27:55 Glenn kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for wmfire...
May 29 09:27:55 Glenn kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for 

Informations about my system (/proc files)


Linux version 2.2.18pre21 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
(gcc version 2.95.2 2220 (Debian GNU/Linux))
#1 Sat May 26 00:55:05 CEST 2001


processor   : 0
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 5
model   : 6
model name  : AMD-K6tm w/ multimedia extensions
stepping: 1
cpu MHz : 233.867
cache size  : 64 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
sep_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 1
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 sep mmx
bogomips: 466.94


/dev/hdb7   partition   72256   17856   -1

Frédéric BURLET
Etudiant IIième Maitrise Info.
Secrétaire Namur-LUG/Linux Kot
url :

Re: Ximian Gnome Problem

2001-05-30 Thread vester

i had some problems with ximian too (on woody though) ...

for the alternative installation (the apt-get one) have you added the
particular ximian server to your sources-list? i don't remember the
address but you can find it at

i remember in the beginning they actually forgot to add the task package,
but i think by now they've added it so basically, when you use potato and
added ximian to your sources list

# apt-get install task-ximian-gnome

should do the job. accordingly it should be easy to get rid of all ximian
packages and start over. i browsed through dselect and marked all packages
with ximian in the version number for deletion and that worked fine.

hope that helps!


On Wed, 30 May 2001, Thomas H. George wrote:

 Installation of Ximian Gnome Desktop failed, left problems I can't resolve.
 Last week I started download/installation of the full ximian gnome 
 desktop from the ximian web site.  The lengthy download timed out at 
 about 50%.  When restarted it completed the download of 319 files then 
 the installation failed in mid-process.  A subseqent dpkg command found 
 many conflicting dependencies and aborted unable to resolve them all.  
 The next time I tried to use apt-get it removed 100 files.  After this I 
 no longer had mozilla and when I tried apt-get --fix-broken 
 --fix-missing install mozilla it reported that this could not be 
 installed as an ximian file was to be installed.
 Not knowing how to find and remove the conflicting ximian files and 
 having no mozilla, I thought to try again to install the ximian gnome 
 desktop from the stable distribution (I'm running debian linux 2.2.19) 
 with apt-get install task-ximian-gnome (an alternative listed at the 
 ximian web site)  There is, however, no such .deb package in the stable 
 distribution.  I next looked in where I found a signature 
 package for task-ximian-gnome but nothing else.
 I have sent a couple of emails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and yesterday 
 tried filing a bug report but as yet have received no response. 
 Does anyone know how clean up - i.e. remove all the conflicting pieces 
 of the ximian installation - other than wiping out my entire debian 
 installation and starting over?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm and gdm

2001-05-30 Thread Dave Carrigan
Joseph [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 1) Recently I read in this mailing list that to use gdm I have to remove
 xdm. Cannot both of them coexist? i.e. both of them are installed. If
 yes then what precautions do I have to take?

The software itself can coexist, but on Debian gdm conflicts with
{w,x,k}dm, so dpkg will not let you have both. There's no technical
reason why both gdm and xdm cannot run at the same time. You just have
to ensure that only one of them is managing a particular X server, by
tweaking xdm's Xservers file, and gdm's gdm.conf file. If you support
XDMCP clients, then you might also tweak Xaccess (and gdm.conf) to
control which DM handles XDMCP requests.

If you just want to run a display manager on your console, gdm offers
everything that xdm offers, and more, so you don't really need xdm.

 2) From where can I obtain .deb packages of gdm?

Add a deb-src for unstable or testing to your sources.list, apt-get
source gdm, debuild...

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! I just had my entire
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | INTESTINAL TRACT coated with
Seattle, WA, USA| TEFLON! | 

Re: VM problem

2001-05-30 Thread D-Man
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 05:28:18PM +0200, BURLET Frederic wrote:
| Hi,
| I have installed the Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r1 on my machine. A few days
| after the installation I noticed some strange messages from the kernel
| (samples below) concerning the virtual memory (do_try_to_free_pages failed
| for...).
| If you have an idea of where the problem comes from please tell me.
| Informations about my system (/proc files)
| --
| /proc/cpuinfo
| processor : 0
| vendor_id : AuthenticAMD
| cpu family: 5
| model : 6
| model name: AMD-K6tm w/ multimedia extensions
| cpu MHz   : 233.867

I don't know what causes this, but I have seen it on one of my boxes
-- the i486 with 8 MB RAM (and 32MB swap).  I haven't seen it on the
AMD Duron (128MB RAM)

How much memory do you have on this K6?

(BTW, good job of including lots of possibly relevant information.
Including the /proc/cpuinfo from my box won't help because it doesn't
say anything -- I don't think the 486 family supports querying)


Re: VM problem

2001-05-30 Thread BURLET Frederic
On Wed, 30 May 2001, D-Man wrote:

 I don't know what causes this, but I have seen it on one of my boxes
 -- the i486 with 8 MB RAM (and 32MB swap).  I haven't seen it on the
 AMD Duron (128MB RAM)

 How much memory do you have on this K6?

I have 32MB RAM and 72MB swap.

 (BTW, good job of including lots of possibly relevant information.
 Including the /proc/cpuinfo from my box won't help because it doesn't
 say anything -- I don't think the 486 family supports querying)


Frédéric BURLET
Etudiant IIième Maitrise Info.
Secrétaire Namur-LUG/Linux Kot
url :

Re: VM problem

2001-05-30 Thread Ilya Martynov

BF Hi,
BF I have installed the Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r1 on my machine. A few days
BF after the installation I noticed some strange messages from the kernel
BF (samples below) concerning the virtual memory (do_try_to_free_pages failed
BF for...).
BF I have a second distribution on my machine (a RedHat GNU/Linux),
BF I haven't seen these error messages (althought I'm not working a lot with
BF this distribution). First I thought that there was a problem in the kernel
BF version (the first one was 2.2.17). My reflex was to recompile a new
BF kernel (new version : 2.2.18pre21) but the problem seems to endure.
BF I have already re-formatted my swap partition.

BF If you have an idea of where the problem comes from please tell me.

AFAIK it is a bug in kernel. 2.2.19 should fix it.

| Ilya Martynov (|
| GnuPG 1024D/323BDEE6 D7F7 561E 4C1D 8A15 8E80  E4AE BE1A 53EB 323B DEE6 |
| AGAVA Software Company (  |

Re: Can't find ssh [Thanks]

2001-05-30 Thread John Galt
On Tue, 29 May 2001, Andy Davidson wrote:

Thanks to all who responded.  I now have ssh up and running.  And I clearly
need to learn more about apt-get and friends. :-)

Two additional items: one question and one apology.

The question is: Are the non-USA and non-free packages on the CDs or do I

Sort of.  You CAN get/make non-US CDs and non-free CDs, but nobody in
Debian is holding a gun to anyone's head to make them.  I'm thinking most
CD vendors don't want to sell you a pig in a poke, so ask when you look at
buying: if they don't want to tell you what precisely is on the CDs, you
probably don't want them anyhow.

have to use the internet sites? [Not a huge problem; I only have a 56K
connection, but I was quite impressed with the speed of the download and

Just set up apt is my advice: 56K is better than I have at home, and I do
pretty good keeping up.

Also, several of you sent me email along the lines of:
   (Also, please don't post in HTML ...)
I wasn't aware that I was and I'm not too sure how I turn it off. [I am
currently running Eudora 4.0 on a Windows box.  And this is just another
good reason to get off Windows. :-) ] Sometimes it asks me if I want to
send formatted text and sometimes it doesn't. My apologies. [Please let me
know if this shows up in HTML.]

I didn't see any HTML in this one...


   Andy Davidson   --- Pheon Research
   If you know what you're doing, you're not learning anything.

There is an old saying that if a million monkeys typed on a million
keyboards for a million years, eventually all the works of Shakespeare
would be produced.   Now, thanks to Usenet, we know this is not true.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

Noisy phone line drops connection

2001-05-30 Thread Scott_Patterson

I've got a noisy phone line at home causing dialup problems. I can now connect
successfully by extending the dialup time (chat -t 120...thanks John H.).

The problem now is that my connection drops sometimes after I've connected to my
ISP. Is there some parameter or option I can set that won't cause the connection
to drop when there is some line noise/static?

I plan on calling the phone company today to have this nosiy phone line looked
at, but in the meantime this would help.


duplicating a partition

2001-05-30 Thread Amardeep Singh
i have ext2 but now i want to switch to reiserfs
i have an empty partition, which is not being used
now, i would like to copy the contents of /dev/hda5 (existing ext2
partition) to /dev/hda8 (new empty reiserfs partition). but i donot know
what is the best way to do it.

any hints?


ssh2 (open ssh) compiled for stable?

2001-05-30 Thread Bryan Walton
I have a firewall running Debian stable that I don't want to upgrade to
testing.  I see that Open SSH version 2.5.2 is in testing and unstable and
that 1.2.3 is the version in stable.  Am I correct in thinking that the
version for stable available at has the bug fixes
backportted to it?  Or are there bug fixes only available in the testing and
unstable versions?  If that is the case, is there a version of ssh 2.5.2
built for stable somewhere?


Bryan K. WaltonNetwork Operations Center Analyst
Berbee...putting the E in business
GPG fingerprint: BF68 340D A650 E2D7 86B9  FED5 DDFF 3EEE 3229 7B5D

Re: firewall log message question

2001-05-30 Thread will trillich
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 01:30:54AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am 29. May, 2001 schwäzte will trillich so:
  Security Violations
  May 23 12:51:01 server kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 L=56 S=0x00 I=30114 F=0x T=248 (#5)
  May 23 12:51:05 server kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 L=56 S=0x00 I=30125 F=0x T=248 (#5)
  May 23 12:51:11 server kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 L=56 S=0x00 I=30140 F=0x T=248 (#5)
  May 23 12:51:23 server kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 L=56 S=0x00 I=30167 F=0x T=248 (#5)
 Don't know ICMP well enough to tell you the significance of 3 and 13.
 Is eth1 your internal or your external interface, e.g. or If it's your external the packet was coming from upstream,
 e.g. your ISP connection.

ifconfig reminds me that it's, so it came from Out
There Somewhere.

 Did you ping and traceroute to to make sure it's not out there?

all packets died. no such route, etc.

Console GIBBERISH? Suddenly you're seeing Russian or Korean or
box-like text on your console or xterm (or rxvt) -- probably
after viewing a binary file, right? :) Enter reset at the
command line, or try embedding a control-O (letter oh) into
your command-line prompt string:
export PS1='[EMAIL PROTECTED]: \w$ '

Also see ...

Re: duplicating a partition

2001-05-30 Thread Dave Carrigan
Amardeep Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 i have ext2 but now i want to switch to reiserfs
 i have an empty partition, which is not being used
 now, i would like to copy the contents of /dev/hda5 (existing ext2
 partition) to /dev/hda8 (new empty reiserfs partition). but i donot know
 what is the best way to do it.

Assuming that the /dev/hda partition you want to copy is mounted on /data:

 mount /dev/hda8 /mnt
 cd /data
 find . -xdev -print0 | cpio -pvdm0 /mnt

If you want to move the / partition, do the same thing as above, then cd
to /mnt/etc, and change fstab and lilo.conf to represent the new root
disk. Then, do

 chroot /mnt lilo 

to install a new version of lilo. Alter instructions accordingly if you
use a different boot loader.

Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| Yow! ..  I feel..  JUGULAR..
UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | 
Seattle, WA, USA| | 

Re: *** Newbie Question About PostgreSQL ***

2001-05-30 Thread will trillich
On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 07:49:46PM -0400, Arcadio A. Sincero Jr. wrote:
 Hello list,

wrong list. try instead.

 I'd like to set up Postgresql so that users can have read-only access to a
 database.  Right now, I only know how to set it so a user can have all or
 nothing access by adding something like the following in the pg_hba.conf
 And put the names of all the users I want to allow access to the mydb
 database into the users.mydb file.  But like I said, this only allows all or
 nothing access to the database.  A user can still do a CREATE TABLE and add
 additional tables to the database.  Is there anyway to have it so a user can
 only do SELECTs?  Thanks.

according to /usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc/html/user/sql-grant.htm
(apt-get install postgresql-doc) the objects you can grant and
revoke priviliges from tables, but not databases.

you can specity 'public' meaning everyone at large that's not
specifically mentioned in a contrary access rule but it looks
like you'll need to iterate for each table you've got.

unless i'm wrong, of course.

Ever wonder why Debian stable seems out-of-date? It's because
it's STABLE! When enough testing shows a release to be worthy
of the stable name, it's frozen -- nothing new can be added
to it. Gizmo 57.3 might come out the next day, but it won't
show up in the stable release. If you want to be on the
bleeding edge, try testing or unstable. If you want solid
dependability, stick with stable and use tried-and-true
packages instead of the newfangled ones that might break.

Also see ...

Re: KDE on stable

2001-05-30 Thread will trillich
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 12:04:01PM +0100, Ian Lee wrote:
 Why does KDE for potato, depend on libssl096?
 libssl096 is in woody and sid not potato (according to debian package search).


 has anybody got KDE to work in potato? if so could the apt lines please.

# security stuff for potato
deb potato/updates main contrib 
deb potato/non-US main contrib non-free
deb potato/updates main contrib non-free

# kde stuff for potato
deb stable main crypto optional qt1apps
stable main

SECURITY-CONSCIOUS? Good! Here's how you can use apt-get to keep
your system up-to-date with the latest security patches: in
/etc/apt/sources.list include these lines--
deb potato/updates main 
contrib non-free
deb potato/non-US main contrib 
deb potato/updates main contrib non-free
Thereafter, a quick apt-get update  apt-get upgrade is all
you need to keep the gremlins at bay.

Also see ...

Re: the clip in windowmaker

2001-05-30 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 05:36:47PM +1000, Joel Mayes wrote:
 Run the wmpref program, the 7th icon will be workspace navigation Features
 click on this, and there will be two icons down the right hand side of the box
 on of these enables/disable the application dock, the other enables/disables
 the Clip. ( probably the one with the big disabled cross though it ;-)

If you prefer wmakerconf, it's on the Workspace tab, fourth option.
Open application clip on startup (startup option)

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.12:  GCS d? s+: a C++ UL$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+
o+ !K w--- O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv+ b+ DI D G e* h r y+

Re: VM problem

2001-05-30 Thread Casper Gielen
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 05:28:18PM +0200, BURLET Frederic wrote:
 I have installed the Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r1 on my machine. A few days
 after the installation I noticed some strange messages from the kernel
 (samples below) concerning the virtual memory (do_try_to_free_pages failed

Upgrade to kernel = 2.2.19

Casper Gielen
People just generally like to disagree. 
Bill Joy

Re: Some sugestions of cheanges

2001-05-30 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 04:04:39AM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 01:14:22PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  3. In new deb package of apache 1.3.19 every 
  configuration is made in one file 
  (/etc/apache/httpd.conf). I segest to make it like 
  in version 1.3.9
 i would agree with that, huge monsterous bloated monolithic
 configuration files suck IMO.  file a severity wishlist bug report
 against apache.  

The Apache Group decided to move to a single config file a while ago, so
that's the standard now.  Note that, if you still want multiple config files,
there is an Include directive which can be used to break your configuration
up into as many smaller config files as you want, following any scheme you

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.12:  GCS d? s+: a C++ UL$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+
o+ !K w--- O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv+ b+ DI D G e* h r y+

Re: ~/.Xmodmap (was: Customizing the console key map?)

2001-05-30 Thread Mike Pfleger
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 05:50:44AM -0400, John S. J. Anderson wrote:
 Have you tried using a real keysym for the menu key? I don't think
 'Menu' is a real keysym -- try 'Multi-key' or 'Super_R' or 'Hyper_R',
 and then bind ModN (where N=(1..5)) to that keysym.
 My Dvorak xmodmap file is at
 URL:; it may be of help.

Hi John.

To answer your question, I used xev to grab the information on the 
dreaded menu key.  It reported (among other things):
keycode 117 (keysym 0xff67, Menu)
when the menu key was pressed with the pointer in the Event Tester
window.  Is there something I'm missing here?

I've actually checked a file (where, I can't remember) that lists the
various keycodes and keysyms, and that key wasn't in there (listed by
keycode).  I suppose I am wondering just where does xev get the info
for its interpretation of the keypresses?

I'll see if I can use your dvorak xmodmap file for enlightening my
confused self.

Thanks for the help so far.

Mike Pfleger

There's seventy brilliant people on earth.
Where are they hiding?
Yashar -Cabaret Voltaire (off of 2x45)

Jumpstart install of debian?

2001-05-30 Thread Robert L. Harris

Has anyone got a scripted jumpstart to work?  I.E., for a very
standard config things such as keyboard type, packages, etc are 
pre-configured and install/configure automatically?

Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :  
Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability 
  at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
\_   that important!
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: Jumpstart install of debian?

2001-05-30 Thread Colin Watson
Robert L. Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Has anyone got a scripted jumpstart to work?  I.E., for a very
standard config things such as keyboard type, packages, etc are 
pre-configured and install/configure automatically?

You could try this (although I admit I haven't), available in testing
and unstable:

Package: fai
Priority: extra
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 1064
Maintainer: Thomas Lange [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: all
Version: 2.0
Depends: bootp | dhcp, perl5, nfs-server, netboot
Recommends: tftpd, rsh-server, fai-kernels
Suggests: ssh, wget
Filename: pool/main/f/fai/fai_2.0_all.deb
Size: 283820
MD5sum: bdeeca32054f0447aab5c6de28dcab59
Description: fully automatic installation
 FAI is a non interactive system to install a Debian Linux operating
 system on a PC cluster. You can take one or more virgin PCs, turn on
 the power and after a few minutes Linux is installed, configured and
 running on the whole cluster, without any interaction necessary.


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