Re: Sobre les traduccions

2001-07-20 Thread josep . roca
 -. bootstrap -- arrencador? carregador?
  'programa d'arrencada' (termcat)
 Tornem-hi,  carregador.
Despres de llegir aixo, veig que traduir la terminologia se les porta 
(almenys per mi que soc metge). Hi ha algun lloc (a part del 
termcat) on consultar els dubtes? Es que mai hagues caigut que 
bootstrap (que es la tira que porten les botes altes a la part de 
d'alt) s'havia de traduir per carregador.

Per cert, per traduir hardware.sgml, vaig servir wp. Importa i 
exporta en aquest format sense problemes. Pep.

Re: Sobre les traduccions

2001-07-20 Thread Miquel

  -. bootstrap -- arrencador? carregador?
   'programa d'arrencada' (termcat)
  Tornem-hi,  carregador.
 Despres de llegir aixo, veig que traduir la terminologia se les porta 
 (almenys per mi que soc metge). Hi ha algun lloc (a part del 
 termcat) on consultar els dubtes? (en general, segueixen termcat)

el criteri que fem servir es seguir termcat i softcatalà sempre que

També mireu les coses ja traduides per mantenir la consistencia
terminologica: per exemple, hem traduït 'Guidelines' per 'Principis'
(com han fet els francesos) en lloc de 'Directrius' (com han fet els
espanyols). No cal dir que totes dues son vàlides, pero hem triat
'Principis' i per tant cal mantenir una mica la coherencia quan us la
trobeu. Consulteu per aqui els dubtes, ens servirà a tots.

 Es que mai hagues caigut que 
 bootstrap (que es la tira que porten les botes altes a la part de 
 d'alt) s'havia de traduir per carregador.

crec que hem de tractar d'ajustar-nos sempre que puguem a termcat i
softcatala -tret dels casos nous o que siguin errors evidents-, per a no
complicar encara mes la qüestió terminologica... En aquest cas,
softcatalà proposa 'carregador de l'arrencada' per a 'boot loader' i
termcat proposa 'programa d'arrancada' per a 'bootstrap'.

 Per cert, per traduir hardware.sgml, vaig servir wp. Importa i 
 exporta en aquest format sense problemes. Pep.

vigila, sgml no es pas un format, son arxius de text en ascii. O sigui,
feu servir el que vulgueu, fins i tot M$ word :-/ -encara que no us ho
recomano, perque no controla bé el format de text-, pero heu de
assegurar-vos que la sortida es sempre ascii (obriu'l després amb un
editor de veritat com ara vi o emacs per comprovar que no us ha ficat
caracters estranys i passeu el 'dos2unix' per treure els retorns tipics
de ms-dos).



Miquel Vidal|
CSOA el Laboratorio | Using Debian GNU/Linux   | GnuPG public information: pub 1024D/F724244F
Key fingerprint  =  9816 F967 FD3C A4AA DD67  0DF7 8CD0 6F1A F724 244F

Re: Sobre les traduccions

2001-07-20 Thread Miquel
Miquel va dir:

 crec que hem de tractar d'ajustar-nos sempre que puguem a termcat i
 softcatala -tret dels casos nous o que siguin errors evidents-, per a no
 complicar encara mes la qüestió terminologica... En aquest cas,
 softcatalà proposa 'carregador de l'arrencada' per a 'boot loader' i
 termcat proposa 'programa d'arrancada' per a 'bootstrap'.

m'he oblidat de dir que potser es convenient posar l'original entre
parentesi la primera vegada que apareix (vull dir quan es una traducció
nova i que encara no es fa servir i en canvi s'empra normalment
l'anglès).  Per exemple: carregador d'arrancada ('bootstrap').


Miquel Vidal|
CSOA el Laboratorio | Using Debian GNU/Linux   | GnuPG public information: pub 1024D/F724244F
Key fingerprint  =  9816 F967 FD3C A4AA DD67  0DF7 8CD0 6F1A F724 244F

Re: Sobre les traduccions

2001-07-20 Thread Josep Roca
A Divendres 20 Juliol 2001 12:18, Miquel va escriure:
 el criteri que fem servir es seguir termcat i softcatalà sempre que

Quan dius de seguir soft catala, et refereixes a:

 vigila, sgml no es pas un format, son arxius de text en ascii. O sigui,
 feu servir el que vulgueu, fins i tot M$ word :-/ -encara que no us ho
 recomano, perque no controla bé el format de text-, pero heu de
 assegurar-vos que la sortida es sempre ascii (obriu'l després amb un
 editor de veritat com ara vi o emacs per comprovar que no us ha ficat
 caracters estranys i passeu el 'dos2unix' per treure els retorns tipics
 de ms-dos).

Es el wp de linux. No crec que provoqui problemes. Gracies i salutacions. Pep.

Re: Sobre les traduccions

2001-07-20 Thread Miquel Vidal
Josep Roca va dir:

 A Divendres 20 Juliol 2001 12:18, Miquel va escriure:
  el criteri que fem servir es seguir termcat i softcatalà sempre que
 Quan dius de seguir soft catala, et refereixes a:

vull dir més aviat el recull general de termes:

(encara que per alguns casos concrets el glossari d'openoffice també pot
servir d'ajuda, és clar)

i la guia d'estil:

  vigila, sgml no es pas un format, son arxius de text en ascii. O sigui,
  feu servir el que vulgueu, fins i tot M$ word :-/ -encara que no us ho
  recomano, perque no controla bé el format de text-, pero heu de
  assegurar-vos que la sortida es sempre ascii (obriu'l després amb un
  editor de veritat com ara vi o emacs per comprovar que no us ha ficat
  caracters estranys i passeu el 'dos2unix' per treure els retorns tipics
  de ms-dos).
 Es el wp de linux. No crec que provoqui problemes. Gracies i salutacions. Pep.

ok, l'important es que ens assegurem que treballem sempre amb only-text.



Miquel Vidal|
CSOA el Laboratorio | Using Debian GNU/Linux   | GnuPG public information: pub 1024D/F724244F
Key fingerprint  =  9816 F967 FD3C A4AA DD67  0DF7 8CD0 6F1A F724 244F

Re: ISO image

2001-07-20 Thread rado
Tak wypalisz Debiana bez problemu programem nero lub cdrwin. Lepszy jest
cdrwin bo operuje bezposrednio na formacie iso.


- Original Message -
From: Roman Charas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 11:14 PM
Subject: ISO image

 Mam jednoczesnie szybkie łącze do sieci i nagrywarkę tylko pod windą.
 Czy można programem Nero nagrać ISO image Debiana?
 Czy ISO image to to samo co CD image programów windozowych?

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: ISO image

2001-07-20 Thread Paweł Tęcza

 Tak wypalisz Debiana bez problemu programem nero lub cdrwin. Lepszy jest
 cdrwin bo operuje bezposrednio na formacie iso.

cdrwin nie uzywalem, ale pod Nero robi sie tak (z FAQ-a na

For Nero (Ahead Software), this is reported to work:
1) Select Burn Image from the File menu.
2) Select All Files in the file selection window.
3) Select the .iso file, click OK in the this is a foreign file dialogue
4) In the option box that opens, the defaults should be okay:
   Data Mode 1, Block Size 2048, Raw Data, Scrambled, and Swapped NOT
selected, and
   Image Header and Image Trailer left at 0. Click OK.
5) In the Write CD box, use the default options, e.g. Write and
   Determine maximum speed, plus check the Finalize CD option.


Twoja druzyna w I lidze - Pilkarska Ruletka w portalu INTERIA.PL
Strzelasz gole, wygrywasz nagrody! |

Cuestión de seguridad

2001-07-20 Thread Imobach González Sosa

Supongamos un servidor web de una intranet y
supongamos que queremos hacer esa máquina accesible
desde la internet.

¿Es seguro poner simplemente un cortafuegos que,
por ejemplo mediante iptables, desvíe las peticiones
web desde el exterior a esa máquina interna? ¿Hay alguna
forma más segura/eficiente de llevar esto a cabo?

Muchísimas gracias de antemano por su ayuda.

(o_.'   Imobach González Sosa
osoh en irc-hispano
Usuario Linux #201634
Debian GNU/Linux `Woody' con núcleo 2.4.5 sobre AMD K7 Athlon

¿Es todo acto de bondad una demostración de poderío?  
-- Unamuno --

Re: OT: rutas raras con adsl varios y el malditor instalador de la timo

2001-07-20 Thread Jordi Román Mejias
Mensaje citado por: Andres Seco Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 El 19 Jul 2001 a las 04:45PM +0200, Jaume Sabater escribio:
  Tenia hasta ahora una adsl 256kbps fonando perfectamente en un
  Esa adsl tenia una ip externa aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd y otra interna
  las dos visibles desde internet.
 ¿Las dos? ¿segur? por la gloria de mi madre, mi comercial de
 timofónica me juró que no se podía con ADSL (vaya, que no les daba la
 gana...), que si fuera otro tipo de linea si, pero con adsl no.

Si que se puede, es mas es como las montaban al principio, supongo que hasta 
que se dieron cuenta de que se les acababan las ip muy rapido o que existia el 

Jordi Román Mejias  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Manager

Re: OT: rutas raras con adsl varios y el malditor instalador de la timo

2001-07-20 Thread Jaume Sabater
A Divendres 20 Juliol 2001 00:09, Andres Seco Hernandez va escriure:


 El 19 Jul 2001 a las 04:45PM +0200, Jaume Sabater escribio:
  Tenia hasta ahora una adsl 256kbps fonando perfectamente en un
  speedstream. Esa adsl tenia una ip externa aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd y otra interna
  aaa.bbb.eee.fff, las dos visibles desde internet.

 ¿Las dos? ¿segur? por la gloria de mi madre, mi comercial de
 timofónica me juró que no se podía con ADSL (vaya, que no les daba la
 gana...), que si fuera otro tipo de linea si, pero con adsl no.

Si. Tengo las dos ips del router publicas, y la del cortafuegos donde está 
conectado el adsl tambien. Que como es?? Pues no se, lo pusieron asin ya hace 

 ¿Como? ¿Con quien tengo que hablar?

 Por otra parte, ¿han cortado los paquetes icmp que usa traceroute? Puedo
 hacer ping desde un adsl a otro, y fuera a cualquiera, pero no puedo hacer
 traceroute, solo veo a mi router y luego mucho asterisco.

Parece que se me ha solucionado el problema de las rutas, ahora ya fonan 

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Adjunt: 
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Jaume Sabater - Dep. Sistemes - ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
Per escriure aquest mail no s'han maltractat animals ni s'han usat productes 

OT: Tarjeta de sonido USB, soportadas?

2001-07-20 Thread first last
Hola. Me estoy pensando comprarme una tarjeta de
USB para el portatil (que la otra es una caca), ?hay 
alguna soportada por Linux? ?En kernel o Alsa? 
 No me quiero gastar mas de £80 (unas 20.000), aunque
no hay mas remedio...

Mejor me contestais en privado


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2001-07-20 Thread xdeblas

Alguien ha probado la progeny?

Qué tal?

Es que a los que somos novatillos nos gustaría algo más fácil (y estable (no 


Re: Cuestión de seguridad

2001-07-20 Thread lista
Yo te aconsejo hacer NAT, pero la solucion de iptables tambien es valida,
pero en mi caso haria un NAT para que enviara la informacion del puerto
www hacia la intranet.

De nada y daludos.

=El T1r4n0=

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Imobach [iso-8859-1] González Sosa wrote:

 Supongamos un servidor web de una intranet y
 supongamos que queremos hacer esa máquina accesible
 desde la internet.
 ¿Es seguro poner simplemente un cortafuegos que,
 por ejemplo mediante iptables, desvíe las peticiones
 web desde el exterior a esa máquina interna? ¿Hay alguna
 forma más segura/eficiente de llevar esto a cabo?
 Muchísimas gracias de antemano por su ayuda.

Instalacion de DEBIAN

2001-07-20 Thread lista
Estimados amigos de la lista:
Estoy recien iniciandome en debian (antes usaba redhat) y he tenido
problemas con la instalacion, mas especificamente con el mouse y la
tarjeta de video, he intentado en un PC con una tarjeta SIS730S y no me
entra a las X windows y he intentado en un PC con una Tarjeta Gforce 2MX y
tampoco entra, actualize el Xfree a la ultima version y me sigue saliendo
lo mismo, ni el mouse me funciona, alguna idea?
gracias por la ayuda, en realidad redhat da todo super facil de hacer y yo
prefiero aprender mas con otrao distro.

Gracias de nuevo

(problemas)ip route+ipchains+webmin

2001-07-20 Thread Miscevich Pablo
Tengo un problema y voy a intentar describirlo a continuación, espero
hacerlo lo mejor posible y que alguno pueda entenderme. Si no gracias

Estoy trabajando con ip route y en el archivo /etc/network/interfaces defino
los comandos que me apuntan a los scripts que me va a crear las rutas cada
vez que reinicie la maquina o el servicio (up command y down command) (cosa
que consulte en mails anteriores :), por lo que agradezco las respuestas),
todo hasta aquí funciona de pelos, los problemas comienzan cuando instalo el
modulo de webmin para ip chains el cual me da un error en las llamadas a los
scipts, por lo que entiendo si las especificaciones no están en
/etc/network/interfaces no funciona, intente poner las rutas en
/etc/network/interfaces (ip ro add e ip addr add), pero no funciono.
Si alguno conoce alguna solución se lo voy a agradecer..

Muchas Gracias.

Re: Progeny?

2001-07-20 Thread German Poo Caaman~o
 Alguien ha probado la progeny?
 Qué tal?

Bueno.  El gmc vuela en Progeny (no es que lo hayan modificado, sino
que esta bien configurado).  Tiene algunos dramas menores en la
instalacion, como no reconocer ciertos discos o particiones, pero
es bastante agradable.

De ahi puedes instalar el resto de los paquetes de potato, woody o

German Poo Caaman~o
La historia no se lee, se escribe

no resuelve nombres

2001-07-20 Thread Prosi
Hola, cuando intento entrar en, o en el hispano, me pone el
mensaje este
-tpi4.anillo.adm- *** Checking Ident
-tpi4.anillo.adm- *** Checking Socks
-tpi4.anillo.adm- *** Couldn't resolve your hostname

y se queda asi 5 mn, y edspues entro, como puedo resolver el nombre del
host? estoy con adsl de terra y mi /etc/resolv.conf es correcto.

Tb me pasa que cuando intento enviar algo con el xchat, un dcc send me
sale esto:
 Failed to bind to any address or port.
como puedo enviar cosas??


añadir directorio al sources.list

2001-07-20 Thread Enrique Marcote Peña

Tengo un directorio donde agrupo todos los rpms debianizados.  El
directorio en cuestión es:


¿qué debo hacer para que sea accesible por el apt-get?  Hasta ahora
estaba empleando en dpkg para instalar este tipo de paquetes pero me
pregunto si será más cómoda esta otra opción.

¿La línea del souces.list es deb  file:/mnt/misc/src/debian pkgs/? ¿Me
hace falta también un deb-src?
Y otra cosa, me parece que es necesario crear un archivo donde se
enumeren los paquetes o algo así ¿no? En ese caso, ¿qué nombre y formato
debe tener dicho archivo?

Otra preguntilla más que viene al caso.  El otro día la formulé pero no
obtuve ninguna respuesta, quizás por lo obvia de su respuesta, así que
disculpadme si la cosa es muy evidente.  ¿A dónde debo apuntar el
sources.list para estar seguro de que si existe el paquete debian
correspondiente lo voy a encontrar siempre?  Mi sources.list es el


# See sources.list(5) for more information, especialy
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
# CDROMs are managed through the apt-cdrom tool.
deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable/non-US main contrib
deb stable/updates main contrib non-free

# Uncomment if you want the apt-get source function to work
deb-src stable main contrib non-free
deb-src stable non-US

deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r0 _Potato_ - Official i386 Binary-3
/ unstable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r0 _Potato_ - Official i386 Binary-2
/ unstable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r0 _Potato_ - Official i386 Binary-1
/ unstable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main


que por cierto, el apt-get update me dice que no encuentra el stable/non-US  Sources

o algo así.  ¿A qué se debe esto?

Un saludo y gracias de antemano,


Re: servicio IMAP [ayuda sources.list !!!!!!]

2001-07-20 Thread Alfonso
Hola otra vez,

Gracias por lo del apt-search cache, ahora sé seguro que no tenía ningún
paquete IMAP y ya me parecía raro, era problema de mis sources.list.

Resulta que he cambiado el sources.list que tenía pora ver si instalaba el
servicio IMAP (la fuente principal que tenía era de RedIris porque me iba
mucho más rápido pero ya he visto que me faltaban muchos paquetes, entre
otros los de IMAP). Bien, pues ahora he puesto el este sources.list:

deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable/non-US main contrib
#deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free
deb potato/updates main contrib non-free
deb potato main
deb-src potato main

deb potato main crypto optional

Y ahora me dice esto al hacer dselect opción update y después de probar de
todo y que se haya tragado algunas dependencias no se cómo:

Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  acct alien base-config cvs debconf debget debsums dpkg-dev dpkg-ftp
  dpkg-perl esound esound-common ftpmirror gnome-bin gnome-network
  ipac libesd0 libgnome32 libgnomesupport0 libgnomeui32 libgnorba27
  libgnorbagtk0 libipc-signal-perl libnet-perl libnet-telnet-perl
  libproc-waitstat-perl libterm-readline-gnu-perl libzvt2 logcheck lynx
  lynx-ssl makepasswd mirror perl-5.005 perl-5.005-base perl-5.005-doc
  perl-5.005-suid perl-base rpm setserial suidmanager task-spanish
  tetex-bin user-es xlogmaster xviddetect
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  cyrus-admin cyrus-common cyrus-imapd cyrus-pop3d perl perl-5.004
  perl-5.004-base perl-5.004-doc
WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed
This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!
1 packages upgraded, 8 newly installed, 48 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 4817kB of archives. After unpacking 52.6MB will be freed.
You are about to do something potentially harmful
To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, I understand this may be bad'

Y de ahí ya si que no me atrevo a seguir. Quizá no debería usar dselect.

He intentado borrar los ficheros del directorio /var/cache/apt y poner el
sources.list antiguo, pero es peor, me dá conflicto el perl y no se qué
otras historias y me da conflicto casi todos los paquetes. No sé qué hacer.


- Original Message -
From: Javier Gómez Sierras [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: servicio IMAP

 Debo ser muy torpe, pero no veo el paquete task-imap ni el cyrus ni nungún
 imap desde dselect. Pongo buscar imap y lo único que me encuentra es un
 paquete para acceso imap a través de php.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] apt-cache search imap |grep imap
courier-imap - IMAP daemon with PAM and Maildir support
cyrus-imapd - CMU Cyrus mail system (IMAP support)
imaptool - A tool for creating client-side image maps
libimap-admin-perl - Administer IMAP servers
libmail-imapclient-perl - a perl library for manipulating IMAP mail stores
php3-cgi-imap - IMAP module for PHP3 (cgi)
php3-imap - IMAP module for PHP3 (apache)
php4-imap - IMAP module for php4
uw-imapd - remote mail folder access server for Pine and others
courier-imap-ssl - IMAP daemon with SSL, PAM and Maildir support
uw-imapd-ssl - remote mail folder access server for Pine and others
php4-cgi-imap - IMAP module for php4-cgi
courier-imap-authldap - LDAP authentication support for courier-imap
courier-imap-authmysql - MySQL authentication support for courier-imap
imap - remote mail folder access server for Pine and others

Y hay un montón más... pero los he filtrado.

 Este es mi /etc/apt/sources.list

deb testing main contrib non-free
deb testing/non-US main contrib
deb stable/updates main contrib non-free
deb potato evolution gnome kde/main
deb potato main
deb progeny main contrib non-free

 Dónde / cómo busco el paquete imap???

Bueno, ya me contarás como te va... así a ver si configuro el Squirrelmail
de los... arbustos.


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.signature en huelga

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Re: aadir directorio al sources.list

2001-07-20 Thread Carlos Valdivia Yage
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 09:43:08PM +0200, Enrique Marcote Peña wrote:

 Tengo un directorio donde agrupo todos los rpms debianizados.  El
 directorio en cuestión es:
 ¿qué debo hacer para que sea accesible por el apt-get?  Hasta ahora
 estaba empleando en dpkg para instalar este tipo de paquetes pero me
 pregunto si será más cómoda esta otra opción.
 ¿La línea del souces.list es deb  file:/mnt/misc/src/debian pkgs/? ¿Me
 hace falta también un deb-src?
 Y otra cosa, me parece que es necesario crear un archivo donde se
 enumeren los paquetes o algo así ¿no? En ese caso, ¿qué nombre y formato
 debe tener dicho archivo?
Puedes hacer:

cd /mnt/misc/src/debian/pkgs
dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null  Packages
gzip Packages

Y luego hacer que tu sources.list apunte a:
deb file:/mnt/misc/src/debian/pkgs ./


Carlos Valdivia Yagüe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fallo en apt-get dist-upgrade

2001-07-20 Thread Benjamin Encuentra
Sii. A mí me pasa algo parecido, pero con dpkg-preconfigure
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 1:59 AM
Subject: Fallo en apt-get dist-upgrade

 Preparando para reemplazar textutils 2.0-7 (usando
 .../textutils_2.0-8_i386.deb) ...
 install-info: failed to lock dir for editing! No existe el fichero o el
 dpkg: aviso - script de `pre-removal' antiguo devolvió código de error 2
 dpkg - probando el script del nuevo paquete en su lugar...
 install-info: failed to lock dir for editing! No existe el fichero o el
 dpkg: error al procesar /var/cache/apt/archives/textutils_2.0-8_i386.deb
  el subproceso script pre-removal nuevo devolvió el código de salida de
 error 2
 Se encontraron errores al procesar:
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

 ¿Le pasa a alguien mas? ¿Puede alguién ayudarme?
___   ___   ____  _   ___
   | -  /   \ | -\/  / - \
   | _ \ | | | |   \   | | |
  SALUDOS  |___/ \___/ |_|\_\ _/\_ |_|_|

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: prog de correo y kde

2001-07-20 Thread Benjamin Encuentra
Pues a mi no me va la autentificación para enviar correo
- Original Message -
From: jose maria [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 1:05 AM
Subject: prog de correo y kde

 Hash: SHA1

 pues yo uso kmail 1.2 no me ha dado ningun problema y la integracion con
 gpg es insultante, con respecto a otros, un saludo
  Hola Carles:
   Oigo muy bien hablar de KMail
  El problema es que me da la impresion de que es una version
  beta, y me da un poco de miedo. Admas preferia un
  programa independiente del escritorio. Gracias y saludos. Pep.
  Josep Roca
  Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
  Ctra Canyet s/n
  08916 Badalona, Barcelona
  Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
  FAX: +34 93-497-88-43
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


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Re: Instalacion de DEBIAN

2001-07-20 Thread Miguel Angel
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 10:41:40AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [...] he intentado en un PC con una Tarjeta Gforce 2MX y
 tampoco entra, actualize el Xfree a la ultima version y me sigue saliendo
 lo mismo, ni el mouse me funciona, alguna idea?

A ver, con la GeForce 2MX te puedo ayudar porque tengo una y
me funciona de maravilla. Las versiones que estoy usando son
woody, X 4.0.3 y kernel 2.4.6. Para las X no hay más que
actualizarlas a alguna versión 4.0.x (no sé cuál fue la
primera en soportar las NVidia), pero para el kernel la cosa
es un pelín menos trivial. Tienes que compilar el kernel con
soporte para DRI y AGP (apartado de caracter devices, creo).
Luego los drivers del fabricante ( Se trata
de un módulo para el kernel (NVidia) y unas librerías GLX.
Tienes que bajarte dos paquetes: NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-1251.tar.gz,
NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-1251.tar.gz, que contienen los drivers. No
sé cómo estará el server de NVidia últimamente, pero si no
consigues bajar los drivers te los puedo enviar por e-mail
(1.4M + 316K). Una vez compilado en instalado el núcleo haz
'make install' en cada uno de los directorios creados al
descomprimir esos paquetes, si todo va bien tendrás los
drivers instalados y el módulo NVidia cargado en el kernel.
Luego te queda configurar las X 4 (como más te guste)
poniendo el driver nv (con xf86config o xf86xgc -textmode
eliges tu tarjeta en la lista de tarjetas). Una vez que ya
te funcionen las X con el driver nv (de XFree) pasas a
ponerle el driver nvidia (Section Device de la tarjeta,
cambias nv por nvidia). En la Section Module debes
poner (entre otras) las líneas 
Load dri
Load glx

Creo que con eso, reinicias las X y ya está. Cuando funcione
lo sabrás porque cada vez que arranques las X te aparecerá
la pantalla con el logo de NVidia sobre fondo blanco. Por
cierto, no lo he probado pero me han dicho que va de pena;
¿qué tal va el framebuffer con las tarjetas NVidia? Me
interesa concretamente la GeForce 2MX.

Bueno, espero que se me haya entendido y esto sirva de ayuda.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\ Miguel Ángel Vilela /~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
| a.k.a. miguev at IRC-Hispano, Gulic  Barrapunto  |
| Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Islas Canarias   (Spain)  |
| Public  GPG key  at  |
| Web:  ICQ: #72624205 || Nick: miguev  |
| Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias - |
| Powered by Linux 2.4.5 on a Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 woody (testing)  |
| Linux Registered User #184518 ( |
| Linux Registered Box  #105478 (AMD K7 900, 512RAM, 20GB, G-Force) |
| Linux Driver Petition  #73209 (|
| No ePatents Petition   #80354 ( |
   (@ @)
 Lamento de Lofta:

Nadie, por sí mismo, puede hacer las cosas
lo suficientemente bien.

Description: PGP signature

ipchains+ipmasq o iptables ???

2001-07-20 Thread Gerardo
Hola, me he instalado una red de dos ordenadores, el mio con debian y el de 
mi hijo con W98 (está muy mal educado!!!). He conseguido la conexión 
compartida a internet, que me ha costado un güevo, he instalado un montonazo 
de paquetes, pero creo que me pueden sobrar algunos ... a ver si me podeis 
decir qué paquetes puedo eliminar:

Tengo Woody con kernel 2.4.5. y los paquetes son:

ipchains, ipmasq, ipmasqadm, mident, ifupdown, iptables, netbase, net-tools, 

Utilizo iptables para el firewall y para masquerdading (creo), puedo cargarme 
el ipchains y el ipmasq

Gracias de antemano

Re: servicio IMAP [ayuda sources.list !!!!!!]

2001-07-20 Thread Dios Del Tiempo
 --- Alfonso [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : 
 Y ahora me dice esto al hacer dselect opción update y después de probar de
 todo y que se haya tragado algunas dependencias no se cómo:
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 The following packages will be REMOVED:
   acct alien base-config cvs debconf debget debsums dpkg-dev dpkg-ftp
   dpkg-perl esound esound-common ftpmirror gnome-bin gnome-network
   ipac libesd0 libgnome32 libgnomesupport0 libgnomeui32 libgnorba27
   libgnorbagtk0 libipc-signal-perl libnet-perl libnet-telnet-perl
   libproc-waitstat-perl libterm-readline-gnu-perl libzvt2 logcheck lynx
   lynx-ssl makepasswd mirror perl-5.005 perl-5.005-base perl-5.005-doc
   perl-5.005-suid perl-base rpm setserial suidmanager task-spanish
   tetex-bin user-es xlogmaster xviddetect

Son muchos paquetes, mejor deberías conservarlos todos si no sabes exactamente
lo que hacen y no le dijiste a dselect que los borrara.

 WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed
 This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!

Por lo menos este, el mensaje de

 To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, I understand this may be bad'

Suena feo y solamente sale con paquetes muy importantes.

 Y de ahí ya si que no me atrevo a seguir. Quizá no debería usar dselect.

Dselect está bien, y si no arreglas este problema nunca lo vas a poder usar
otra vez. La forma difícil pero segura (no conozco otra más fácil) es buscar
todos los paquetes que quieras conservar con /, y ya que los encuentres
márcalos con un =.

|   |   |Cronos 
|   |   |No confies en nadie mayor de treinta 
|   | 
|   |Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
|   |WWW:

Do You Yahoo!? -- Vos albums photos en ligne, 
Yahoo! Photos :


2001-07-20 Thread Leonardo

Oi gente. Blz?

Alguém já tentou instalar o kylix no debian potato 
2.2r3? Tem que atualizar muita coisa?


[Fwd: Re: problema com kernel]

2001-07-20 Thread Diego W.A.

  Cópia Alexandre Matos de Araujo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Recentemente comprei um p166, 32MB ram
  Instalei o Potato R2 nele, com kernel 2.2.18!
  Ontem compilei o 2.4.5, apos o boot para verificar se o novo
  kernel estava funcionando o processo parou logo qdo estava
  descompactando o kernel. Coisa muito estranha. Alguem sabe o
  pq desse travamamento?
  Eh recomendado a atualizacao do kernel para uma versao tao recente,
  2.4.X levando em consideracao q quero montar um pequeno servidor
  ou devo utilizar um kernel mais leve?
  Sei q a nova geracao 2.4.X utiliza outros paramentros para
  de firewall, alem disso tem suporte para novos hardware's.
  Entao, se alguem puder compartilhar umas dicas... :]

 Ja passei por isso, voce deve ter errado na configuracao do seu
 processador no kernel, eu uso k-6 500, mais lah eu seto 386 pra
 o boot tranquilo:)


Pessoal, desculpe a demora em responder, estava de ferias e com
acesso limitado a Internet.

Bem, configurei todo o kernel com os elementos que dele necessitava.
Fiz isso na minha maquina mais potente, pouca paciencia para compilar
no 166, :-)
Entao executei o Script %make bzdisk, este criou o disco de boot!
Dei boot no pc 166 sem problemas.
Novamente coloquei na configuracao de processador o tipo do meu,
Pentium-MMX. Como deu certo, acho que eu tinha esquecido alguma coisa
na outra vez q tinha compilado o kernel.
Com relacao a atualizacao do kernel, vou manter a versao mais 
atualizada, levando em consideracao as diversas vantagens da mesma.

De qualquer forma, agradeco a ajuda do Alexandre M. de Araujo, como 
tambem do Andre Luiz de Oliveira.

[]'s Devlware

Progeny vs. debian

2001-07-20 Thread Leonardo
Oi povo. Blz?

Qual é a diferença da distribuição Progeny da Debian? Alguma coisa
substancial fora o instaler?


Re: Super off-topic: Curso rápido para criação de correntes!!!

2001-07-20 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Fri, 20 Jul 2001 00:18:05 -0300
SuperTek [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Espero que ninguém me crucifique por isso mas todo mundo precisa se divertir 
você acha isso bonito?

acho que ninguém exceto você acha... a debian-br-offtopic existe é 
pra isso... putz... vou fingir que nem vi...

Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Icones do icewm

2001-07-20 Thread crashx
Iai pessoal da lista !!!
olha soh, uso o icewm i tal, tenho o icepref isntalado tbm, alias funciona
muito bem, sh q estou tentando muda o diretorio dos icones do menu e dos
programas q ficam na toolbar mas naum ta funcionando, jah adicionei o path
para /etc/pixmaps (axo q eh isso, num vo olha agora naum :), mas num
funciona, jah olhe nos aqruivos od temas (defaul.theme) mas eles naum
apontantam nenhum path pra icones, oq pode tah errado ao na parada 

Aproveitanto o email, kual eh o repositorio pra baixar o Netscape 6.1 
(num tem certeza c eh essa a ultima versaum)

thanx !!!
____ ___  __   ______      _
 /  __) |\ /  \ )  ) \  |   |  / \  \  /  / 
|  /| )   /\   (  (___|  \_/  |   \  \/  /  
| | |/   /  ()  \   \___  \   |   _   |   
|  \__  | |\ \  |   __   |  )  )  |  / \  |   /  /\  \  
_\)_| |_\ \_|  (__)  |_(  (__/  |___|  \_/  /__\  \_

Re: Fw: translated DebConf Translate, search for Translators

2001-07-20 Thread hzi
Esse é um repost meu. Tinha postado via news, e o que é postado via 
news não entra na caixa postal das pessoas (ou seja: lista - news e não news 
- lista).

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 01:05:59AM -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wro
 On Sun, 01 Jul 2001, Andre Luis Lopes wrote:
 Acho que poderia existir algo no site do Debian-BR ou algum outro 
  recomendando quais seriam os templates mais importantes que deveriam 
  considerados para tradução. Algo como uma recomendação de quais templates

 Em ordem de importância:
 O critério é muito bom. Vou tentar fazer uma lista dos pacotes import
 que ainda não foram traduzidos e publicá-la, ou ir traduzindo na ra=E7=
 a mesmo.
  _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _   Debian-BR Project
 (_(_|| |(_)_)  |(_|\/|(_)|(_| uin#: 981913 (icq)
 Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594
 Oi Carlos-
Sua lista já está pronta?
[ ]s

Criada a WikiPage para a tradução de documentos]

2001-07-20 Thread hzi


No intuito de facilitar a cooperação entre as pessoas que querem 
contribuir nas traduções, criei uma página na DebianWiki.

ão sei se agi certo tomando essa atitude. A adesão é, obviamente, 
voluntária. Talvez todo mundo ache a minha idéia uma m***a.

A minha idéia seria proceder à tradução dos templates, assunto que 
já veio à tona na lista. Num segundo momento, quando houvesse consenso 
de que determinada tarefa estivesse concluída, uma força-tarefa se 
(auto)designaria para passar para SGML. Ou seja, a nobre tarefa de 

Se eu não estiver sendo insolente e arrogante, pediria para os 
desenvolvedores postarem as *prioridades* de tradução.
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh postou em que 
as prioridades seriam:
Em ordem de importância:
1.  Templates de quaisquer pacotes prioridade Required ou 
  Templates de quaisquer pacotes no base files (ver pacote 
  Templates de quaisquer outros pacotes que o Gleydson precise 
para os
  boot-floppies em português.  Os pacotes acima devem ser 
congelados em breve. A policy será congelada
  primeiro, provavelmente no dia 21 de Julho. Depois será a vez 
  pacotes no base files.  2.  Templates de quaisquer pacotes 
prioridade standard  Depois destes, fica a cargo da consciência de 

cada um...  
3.  Pacotes prioridade optional mais usados
4.  Pacotes prioridade extra mais usados
5.  Pacotes de prioridade optional e extra menos usados. 
Aprecio quaisquer correções à lista acima.

Pessoalmente, não achei onde estão estes pacotes.

Enfim, é uma WikiWeb, se alguém ficar muito revoltado, pode ir até 
lá e inclusive apagar a página!

[ ]s

PS: Dêem retorno, por favor! Nem que eu tenha que me esconder em 20 cm 
de amianto.
- End forwarded message -

configurar mouse e interfaces gráficas

2001-07-20 Thread Alessandro Humberto Chiodo

Oi pessoal,

Preciso configurar meu mouse, pois meu laptop tem aquele mouse que é um 
pininho no meio do teclado (não é o touch pad) e eu gostaria de colocar o 
mouse para serial na COM1. Não consigo achar o comando no (XF86Setup), eu 
não consigo configurar.

Qual o comando que eu devo usar para configurar o mouse para COM1?

Outra pergunta é , eu instalei o WindowMaker do CD-ROM Debian , quando eu 
executo o wmaker ele diz que não foi possível conectar (achar) com o 

Eu tentei wmaker -display :0.0 (:0.1) mas ele não abre a interface gráfica.
Como eu posso executar o wmaker? Sem ter esse problema com DISPLAY?

Obrigado pela ajuda.


Al Chiodo

Seja avisado de novas mensagens do Hotmail e use o comunique-se com seus 
amigos com o MSN Messenger em

Re: [Samba] Digitar senha 5 vezes para aceitar

2001-07-20 Thread TuxNH
Tem ajudado, e Muito!!!

O problema da senha contínua com algumas estações. a Impressora está Ok. 
alterei as configurações, da uma olhada:

# ===Configuração Rede Samba===
# =1 Servidor Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 - Samba 2.07 - K6III 550 Mhz - 128Mb
# =14 Estações Micro$oft Rwindows98 SE que trabalham com 2 BD M$ Access
# =1 ADSL Router Externo 3com 812 sob Ip
# =Samba Configurado por Gilberto Júnior===

# =Configurações Globais do Samba==
comment = Configurações Globais do Servidor
shared mem size = 30720
domain logons = Yes
os level = 255
security = user
workgroup = QRS
local master = yes
guest account = nobody
preferred master = yes
domain master = yes
logon script = %U.bat  
logon path = \\%L\netlogon
netbios name = servidor
server string = Servidor Samba %v
log file = /var/log/samba/log--%U.%m
max log size = 50
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8129
hosts allow = 192.168.0. 127.
encrypt passwords = yes
default service = homes
load printers = yes
printing = bsd
printcap name = /etc/printcap
admin users = tux root
keep alive = 300
debug level = 3
null passwords = no
netbios scope = QRS
wins support = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
password server = servidor
password level = 8  
username level = 8
preserve case = yes
short preserve case = yes
announce as = NT Server
case sensitive = yes
# =Configuração de Comnpartilhamentos===

comment = Homes de Usuários
public = no
writeable = yes

comment = Diretório de Compartilhamento de Scripts
path =/home/netlogon
public = no
writeable = no

path = /home/diretoria
browseable = yes
writeable = yes
valid users = @diretoria
create mask = 0640
directory mask = 0750
path = /home/alunos
browseable = yes
writeable = yes
valid users = @alunos
create mask = 0640
directory mask = 0750

# =Configuração da Impressora==
comment = Impressora HP 680C Series Printer do Servidor
public = no
browseable = no
printable = yes
read only = yes
create mode = 0700
path = /tmp
admin users = tux

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 07:59:20 -0300 (BRT)
Mario Olimpio de Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, TuxNH wrote:
  Olá Amigo Mario!
  Este problema eu já resolvi , agora estou com outro, que é quanto a
  impressão.  Eu *enxergo a impressora no Windows, instalo, mas ele sá
  um *erro deconhecido do Windows* ao imprimir...
 qual sistema de impressão você está utilizando: lpr ou lprng?
 se estiver utilizando o lprng, então você deve mudar a linha
 correspondente do seu smb.conf:
 printing = lprng
 além disto, na seção da impressora, coloque o path como sendo um lugar
 onde o usuário do samba pode escrever (/tmp); veja o meu exemplo:
 comment = HP Laserjet 4ML
 path = /tmp
 writeable = Yes
 create mask = 0700
 guest ok = Yes
 printable = Yes
 printer = hpljet
 oplocks = No
 share modes = No
 espero que ajude.
 Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
 IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

|   .''`.   ||Gilberto Júnior - Dep. Informática QRS|
|  `. `'`   || Linux User #185987  UIN #84098982|
|`- ||Powered by Debian Gnu/Linux --- Mailer Sylpheed   |
|  Debian   || - |  


2001-07-20 Thread douglas . correa
Bom dia pessoal!
Preciso aqui no meu trabalho, criar um usuário com permissões de root
ou seja um superusuário.

Tenho a senha do root!

Existe como??

Um abraço

Douglas Silvio Corrêa
Técnico Telecomunicações
Siemens Information and Communication
Técnico Residente HSBC CAVH --

RES: SuperUsuário

2001-07-20 Thread andremac
Olá Douglas,

Já que o usuário vai ter acesso a tudo mesmo, porque não usar o root
ou su?

Recomendo você dar uma olhada no pacote sudo, que através do arquivo
/etc/sudoers configura usuários que podem executar comandos específicos
definidos pelo root.

OBS: Evite crossposting!

André Leão Macedo

 -Mensagem original-
 Bom dia pessoal!
 Preciso aqui no meu trabalho, criar um usuário com permissões de root
 ou seja um superusuário.
 Tenho a senha do root!

Re: SuperUsuário

2001-07-20 Thread Pablo Lorenzzoni

Qualquer usuario com uid=0 (e gid=0) eh o root, independente do 
nome. Se vc tem a senha do root atual, crie um usuario com esse 
perfil com o useradd (man useradd).



Em Sex 20 Jul 2001 11:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
| Bom dia pessoal!
| Preciso aqui no meu trabalho, criar um usuário com permissões de
| root ou seja um superusuário.
| Tenho a senha do root!
| Existe como??
| Um abraço
| --
| Douglas Silvio Corrêa
| Técnico Telecomunicações
| Siemens Information and Communication
| Técnico Residente HSBC CAVH --

Pablo Lorenzzoni (Spectra) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG PubKey at (Key ID: 268A084D)

Re: Encontro dos us?rios pernambucanos

2001-07-20 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Fri, 20 Jul 2001 15:59:46 -0300
Wendell Martins Borges [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Rodrigo, observando o seu email, fiquei com agua na boca.. :)
 Gostaria de sugerir ao pessoal da lista que mora no interior de sao paulo, 
 sera ? byron ? piterpunk ? se manifestem) para tentarmos organizar algo 
 por aqui.. sei la aceito sugestoes
eu aqui em minas é que fico com água na boca... nós somos muito poucos
ainda mas estamos crescendo... né não André? =)

vamo ver se fazemos um Debian Day com encontros de devels e usuários
Debian em todo o brasil, cada um na sua terra, pra fazer alguma coisa =)

fotos e relatos serão bem vindos à página do Debian-BR... assim 
nós deixamos de ser números no contador e passamos a ser mais 
amigos =)


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

RE:get ip from DHCP server

2001-07-20 Thread Andrew Agno
Phil Reardon writes:
  Our mixed windows/linux network got a new router, and now we have
  to get our ip addresses dynamically.  How do I set things up to use
  dhcp during boot up?

Use dselect to grab one of the DHCP clients: dhclient and dhcpcd have
both worked for me (while pump hasn't).

If you have dhclient, you'll get a /etc/dhclient.conf file you can
edit, if needed (usually not).

If you have dhcpcd, there's a config file in /etc/dhcpc, where you can 
do your configuration, if needed (usually not).

Then, in /etc/network/interfaces, just adjust the entry for whatever
interface you need; eg:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp


Re: asp visual basic on linux

2001-07-20 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 You might try asp2php, which is supposed to convert visual basic asp to
 php.  My opinion is that php is superior to asp in almost every respect.

That's a highly subjective statement, but it's also one I have to agree

I've done web programming with ASP, PHP, and perl (cgi scripts, never used
mod_perl); out of all of them PHP is *much* easier to use.  And PHP
scripts very successfully run nearly unchanged across many, many web
server  hardware platforms.  Try *that* with ASP...

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Made with pgp4pine



2001-07-20 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 How do i get iptables to log packets that it DROPs?

No way directly.  When I need log packets I use two nearly identical
iptables statements, like so when I block outgoing NetBIOS packets:

iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 137:139 -j LOG
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 137:139 -j DENY

iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 137:139 -j LOG
iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 137:139 -j DENY

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Made with pgp4pine


Re: CRON - Can you make CRON run faster than every minute

2001-07-20 Thread Robert L. Harris

Don't think you can speed it up, but you can have a script run once a 
min, sleep 15, run, sleep 15, run, etc.  

If you ahve to: 

cron1   * * * * * command
cron2   * * * * * sleep 15; command
cron3   * * * * * sleep 30; command
cron4   * * * * * sleep 45; command

which is real ugly, but will work

Thus spake Ian Perry ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Hi Debianers,
 I need to make CRON run faster than every minute. Every 15 seconds would be
 good. Is this possible ?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :  
Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability 
  at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
\_   that important!
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: exacutables on nfs mounts

2001-07-20 Thread Jor-el

This sounds like the noexec flag is in effect. This would prevent
executing programs on an NFS mount. Do mount and see if the noexec flag
shows up as one of the options listed. 


On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Andrew Dixon wrote:

 Hi All,
 I've got a perl script here that won't run in my home director (which is
 nfs mounted) but will run if I put it in a file on the local disk.
 The /etc/exports file on the server looks like this:
 /home (rw,no_root_squash) 
 and the /etc/fstab on the client looks like this:
 northbridge:/home /home   nfs rw,user 00
 Any ideas?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

simple Q a/b '$HOME', etc.

2001-07-20 Thread R1nso13
i've noticed in a lot of shell scripts for bash items beginning w/ a '$' used 
to refer to things. for example: i'm pretty sure '$1 refers to any arguments 
given to the script. 
so what is this method of referring to things called? and is there somewhere 
i can find a list of all of the $_ things out there?

Re: CRON - Can you make CRON run faster than every minute

2001-07-20 Thread Mike Fedyk
 Thus spake Ian Perry ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Hi Debianers,
  I need to make CRON run faster than every minute. Every 15 seconds would be
  good. Is this possible ?

On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 10:20:48PM -0600, Robert L. Harris wrote:
 Don't think you can speed it up, but you can have a script run once a 
 min, sleep 15, run, sleep 15, run, etc.  
 If you ahve to: 
 cron1   * * * * * command
 cron2   * * * * * sleep 15; command
 cron3   * * * * * sleep 30; command
 cron4   * * * * * sleep 45; command
 which is real ugly, but will work

Yep it is ugly, and you use more resources that way too.

Ian, what exactly are you trying to do?

Whenever I've had a need for something like this, I wrote a little
script that runs in daemon (server or constantly running) mode.

Do you need to process files in a certain directory, but only when
there are files?  Why do you need to run so often?


Re: ipmasq ipchanis; newbie question

2001-07-20 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 07:07:12PM -0500, Robert Matijasec wrote:
 I am using Debian 2.2 (potato) with ipchains 1.3.9

Yep.  Join the club.

 I can ping other computers on my network when ipmasq is
 disabled. But when it's on I get a operation not permitted
 message when I try to ping another machine. So as someone
 hinted before, this is probably something wrong with 
 my firewall rules. 

I do not understand you.  Which machine run ipmasq?  What are the source
and destination of ping.

 First of all do I need to recompile kernel to get masq 
 to work w/my version of Debian ? 

As far as you use default kernel, No.  It works as is.

 I followed config file for 2.2.x kernels in the masq
 HOWTO, but I must not be doing something right. 

 in any case this is what ipchains -L gives me : 
 target prot optsource destination ports
 ACCEPT udp  -- anywhere   anywherebootps - bootpc

??? Does this allow reply from bootpc -bootps ?
Mine has both.

ACCEPT udp --  anywhere  anywhere any - bootpc
ACCEPT udp l- anywhere bootpc -   any

 Chain forward (policy DENY):
 target prot optsource destination ports
 MASQ   all  -- anywheren/a
 Chain output (policy DENY):
 I am connecting to my provider with dhcpcd, and that
 works as well when ipmasq is not engaged. 
Did you check examples in /usr/share/doc/ipmasq?
 I noticed that some docs use 192.168.0.* for class C 
 networked machines while the masq pages use
 192.168.1.* for machines on the network, does this
 matter at all ?  

Which ever works as long as you assign them consistently.

check /etc/network/interfaces

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  My debian quick-reference,

Re: simple Q a/b '$HOME', etc.

2001-07-20 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 12:21:58AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 so what is this method of referring to things called? and is there somewhere 
 i can find a list of all of the $_ things out there?

$ set |less

will print all environment values and functions.

Good luck with linux :-)

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  My debian quick-reference,

Re: simple Q a/b '$HOME', etc.

2001-07-20 Thread Mike Fedyk
On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 09:32:41PM -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 12:21:58AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  so what is this method of referring to things called? and is there 
  i can find a list of all of the $_ things out there?
 $ set |less
 will print all environment values and functions.
 Good luck with linux :-)

You should also read the bash manual, it will detail what you are
asking about.

Be aware that the $whatever you are referring to are called variables.


running out of room on root system

2001-07-20 Thread Paul Campbell
First post to this list so bear with me

hard drive partitions

hda1root   50meg
hda2swap 100meg
hda3usr2 gig
hda5home 2 gig
hda6fat32storage for transferred win docs etc

My problem is a lot of files like to go into root directory. Is there a way
to do symbolic linking on directories

eg   at the moment /var is in root directory on hda1 . Is there a way to
move /var to /usr/var on hda5 and not effect all config files looking for

Thanks in advance

Paul Campbell

Re: running out of room on root system

2001-07-20 Thread Mike Fedyk
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 02:00:49PM +0930, Paul Campbell wrote:
 First post to this list so bear with me
 hard drive partitions
 hda1root   50meg
 hda2swap 100meg
 hda3usr2 gig
 hda5home 2 gig
 hda6fat32storage for transferred win docs etc
 My problem is a lot of files like to go into root directory. Is there a way
 to do symbolic linking on directories
 eg   at the moment /var is in root directory on hda1 . Is there a way to
 move /var to /usr/var on hda5 and not effect all config files looking for


Do this, but make sure you don't reboot before this has completed.

mv /var /vr

mv /vr /usr/var

ln -s /usr/var /var

There you go.

Read the manual pages for these commands and make sure you know what
is happening before you run those three commands, like with all
commands you see anywhere...


debian: gnome is slower with testing distro

2001-07-20 Thread Brendan J Simon
I've been using testing for a while now on my Apple G4 laptop.  I also 
use some unstable packages but the apt defaults are set to testing.  I 
am using GNOME and Sawmill and I do an apt update/upgrade everyday.  In 
the last month or so I have noticed that GNOME is *really* slow when 
invoking apps.  eg. clicking on the gnome-terminal icon in the 
gnome-panel.  Also, when saving the current session via the gnome menus, 
the message box that confirms the settings have been saved takes a long 
time to appear.  I'm talking multiple seconds which is eons in computer 

Has anyone else noticed this problem ?
Any solutions or suggestions ?

Brendan Simon.

RE: CRON - Can you make CRON run faster than every minute

2001-07-20 Thread Ian Perry
What I need to do is to check the second channel of an ISDN link to ensure
that it is always up.
I have a script running in CRON every minute.  This came as part of the
utilities with the ISDN card.  One minute is not so much of a problem.  I
was just curious.

sydney:/usr/local/bin# less
#file: /usr/local/bin/

UPCOUNT=`imontty  |  awk  '/Out/{print $2}'  |  wc  -l`
if [ ! $UPCOUNT = 2 ]; then
isdnctrl addlink ippp0
/bin/date  /etc/ppp/addlink.log

We have 2 different cases.

On the server here, the primary channel comes up by itself but wont bring
the secondary up, so we have to run the script in CRON.

On the server in our branch offices, the primary channel does not come up
automatically (there is no secondary), and the only difference is that the
cards are slightly different, although they are from the same manufacturer.
I have had to modify and compile my own version of pppupd to handle this.
This should probably be a separate topic.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Fedyk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mike Fedyk
 Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 2:27 PM
 To: 'Debian Users'
 Subject: Re: CRON - Can you make CRON run faster than every minute

  Thus spake Ian Perry ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Hi Debianers,
   I need to make CRON run faster than every minute. Every
 15 seconds would be
   good. Is this possible ?

 On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 10:20:48PM -0600, Robert L. Harris wrote:
  Don't think you can speed it up, but you can have a script
 run once a
  min, sleep 15, run, sleep 15, run, etc.
  If you ahve to:
  cron1   * * * * * command
  cron2   * * * * * sleep 15; command
  cron3   * * * * * sleep 30; command
  cron4   * * * * * sleep 45; command
  which is real ugly, but will work

 Yep it is ugly, and you use more resources that way too.

 Ian, what exactly are you trying to do?

 Whenever I've had a need for something like this, I wrote a little
 script that runs in daemon (server or constantly running) mode.

 Do you need to process files in a certain directory, but only when
 there are files?  Why do you need to run so often?


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Re: Real Player

2001-07-20 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Jesper Holmberg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010718 08:05]:
 I am trying to install Real Player, and I have downloaded the package
 from However, as I install the realplayer deb with:
 apt-get install realplayer
 it crashes after the first dialogue with this message: 
 dpkg: error processing realplayer (--configure):
  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Is this the only error message you receive? Did the install process
ask where you downloaded the file from (IIRC, it looks for
/tmp/rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs2_rpm and asks you where else it might
be if it doesn't find it.) Do you have any indication that it found
the package? Did you download the correct package? Try dpkg -p
realplayer to see the actual filename it's looking for.

Description: PGP signature

Re: CRON - Can you make CRON run faster than every minute

2001-07-20 Thread Mike Fedyk
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 02:55:29PM +1000, Ian Perry wrote:
 What I need to do is to check the second channel of an ISDN link to ensure
 that it is always up.
 I have a script running in CRON every minute.  This came as part of the
 utilities with the ISDN card.  One minute is not so much of a problem.  I
 was just curious.

Hmm, What I'd do is create a script that will run an external command
every $1 seconds for one minute, then have crond reference to that
script with the normal command after that

Something like:

total=$(( $maxtime / $interval ))
while [ $count -le $total ]; do
  count=$(( $count + 1 ))

Or something like that.  I've never tried executing $@ before, so if
that's wrong, someone please correct me...


Re: Gnome under Debian

2001-07-20 Thread Sam Varghese
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 01:01:00PM +1000, Craig Holyoak wrote:
 Try removing your ~/.gnome/session file, or maybe kill all your apps,
 then save your session (under the Gnome menu Settings-Session-Save
 Current Session.
 I used to use Ximian Gnome, but after having too many problems, I
 switched to the Debian packages under unstable.

It didn't do the trick but it gave me an idea - I deleted everything from
the ~/,gnome/session file and saved a blank file. Logically, more
or less the same as what you suggested but done by hand. Now those
irritating windows have gone. One thing - Ximian is too much of a drain on
RAM to run on anything but a real top-end box.

Thanks for the help.

(Sam Varghese)

follow-up to my queries on folders in mutt

2001-07-20 Thread Sam Varghese
thanks to those who responded to my query about
getting folders organised in mutt. i now actually
have folders - though i can only save manually.
ideally, i would like all read material to go
into a folder once i log out.

i also found that some of the syntax which i came
across in .muttrc files on the web does not do
what it is supposed to. i use mutt to download
and read my mail with exim doing the smtp bit.
i wanted to automate the mail checks but the
syntax set pop_checkinterval=60 doesn't appear
to be valid.

i am using version 1.2.5i on potato.

(Sam Varghese)


2001-07-20 Thread David Purton
  How do i get iptables to log packets that it DROPs?

I have a setup which does this by setting the policy of all my chains to
DROP and then explicitly allowing stuff I want to get through

The last command in each chain is to log anyting that gets that far
(which is then dropped)



Today people in droves hurry up past Heumoz to Villars 
on the road to the ski hills, so they can rush down them
as fast as possible, so they can hurry up again in order
to rush down again.  In a way this is funny,...

Francis A Schaeffer

David Purton

Re: X windows /Gnome

2001-07-20 Thread Ramachandran Chidambaram
I did exactly as you suggested but not successful.Let
me give the feedback to help solve this.
While installing from CD, the parameters are:-Debian
Task installer fully installed {which includes X
window sys complete and core components)Monitor-super
VGA 800x600 56 hz,vertical sync range 50-90, video mem
-1024k (default given by the system)Video card- ATI 3D
pro AGP, default color depth- 8bpp (256 colors),
default resolution- 800x600. Alternate
resolution-640x480.Config file /etc/X11/Xf86Config
Hope this will help to solve the problem. Thank you
--- Marshal Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ramachandran Chidambaram [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I installed Debian 2.2 from CD. Installation is
  but X window or Gnome do not get installed. I have
  tried number of times the installation with
  parameters. No result. I have Compaq Presario 4840
  series PentiumII 266Mhz, with Acer 54e 15 color
  monitor.Thanks for your help.
 After installation of the base system, log in as
 root.  Then run the
 program dselect.  Press 'S' to select packages. 
 Hit the space bar
 to get rid of the splash screen, (or read it.)  Then
 hit '/' do to a
 search.  Type in 'xserver' to do a search for
 xservers that my work
 for you.  You can repeat the last search with '\'. 
 When you find what
 you want, hit '+' to select it.  Do something
 similar and search for
 Hit enter to return to the main menu.  Select
 install, and hopefully
 everything will install for you.
 There's some documentation out there that you should
 unfortunately, I don't have any link handy for you. 
 I'm also assuming
 that your new to debian.  If not, please give more
 information about
 what you are doing.
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Re: Scanner + printer choice

2001-07-20 Thread Henry House
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 02:17:43PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was considering one of those combo units with the printer and scanner
 together - preferably flat bed scanner, so I can do photocopying if
 really needed.

I have no experience with these. I'm rather suspicious of them though --- too

 What experiences do people have with these?  I have been looking at the
 HP ones but the scanner drivers seem heavily in development.

I have used two scanners, both scsi: Epson Perfection 636 (used, ~$70) and HP
ScanJet IIp (very old). Both worked without trouble using Sane.

 Is it advisable to stick with laser printers so that you have ps
 capability straight off?

Most lasers are not PS, unless they are from Apple or Xerox. HP lasers are
generally well-supported and of good quality. I will neven again buy an
inkjet because they wear out quickly and the output does not look as nice as
laser output. (I don't care about color, either.)

Henry House
OpenPGP key available from

Description: PGP signature

Re: Real Player

2001-07-20 Thread Jesper Holmberg
Hi Vineet,

thank you for your answer. The install process dies right after the
first screen, and I never get a chance to enter the file name of the
Real Player package, which I have downloaded. So there seems to be a
problem before it starts looking for the package.


* On  Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 10:10:48PM -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote:
 Is this the only error message you receive? Did the install process
 ask where you downloaded the file from (IIRC, it looks for
 /tmp/rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs2_rpm and asks you where else it might
 be if it doesn't find it.) Do you have any indication that it found
 the package? Did you download the correct package? Try dpkg -p
 realplayer to see the actual filename it's looking for.

Re: Cannot play Audio Cds but Data cds fine...

2001-07-20 Thread Wayne
Thanks very much for the help, it works fine now :)
listening to cd and humming


 It points to itself?  Humm
 OK, I think (?) what you have done is removed the old link you had
 pointing to your 'old' cdrom and put in a flakely one.
  I have added a line to my /etc/lilo.conf like this:
  append=hdc=ide-scsi which is below the Linux Stanza.  I altered
  the /etc/fstab file like this: hashed out existing /dev/cdrom line
  then added a line: 
  /dev/scd0   /cdrom   auto  defaults,ro,noauto,user,exec   0   0 
 What does   ls -l /dev/cdrom show you? Not what you want, I would
 guess.  That fstab line isn'tc correct either.
 Do this.  Assumeing you only have 1 CD now, the Ricoh, and it is  at
 /dev/scd0 ( cdrecord dev 1,0,0), get rig of the scd0 - scd0 link and
 ls -s /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom  (symlink cdron to point to scd0) 
 then a 
 ls -l /dev/cdrom should show you this
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   8 Jun 14 13:17 /dev/cdrom - /dev/scd0
 Now your link is right.
 I just added a cdrw drive but kept the cdrom in the box as well.  I
 decided to use them both under scsi emulation.  The cdrom is sdc0 and
 the reader is sdc1.  My links are
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root   root   8 Jun 14 13:17 /dev/cdrom - /dev/scd0
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root   root   8 Jun 14 13:17 /dev/cdrw  - /dev/scd1
 In fstab they are
 /dev/scd0   /cdrom  iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto 0   0
 /dev/scd1   /cdrw   iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto 0   0
 :-) HTH, YMMV, HAND :-)
 The name is Baud.., James Baud.


2001-07-20 Thread Schoppitsch Dieter
Hi folks - thanks for all of your hints regarding my problem.
I think I am close to the solution - maybe you can help me again?

I want to run X-Applications on my (old) laptop (486; Debian 2.0) 
connected (via PLIP) to the Server (Pentium, Suse 7.1).

Some data of my configuration:
* laptop name: boneless
* PC name: freeze
* username on PC: nutzer

What I tried (and many variations of that):
* start on the laptop (in text mode) ssh -l nutzer freeze,
than change to root with su and cd /root
* in this ssh-channel I tried export DISPLAY=boneless:0,
than xhost +boneless
* than I got the message unable to open display boneless:0 (?)
* starting X in this ssh-channel starts X on the PC

My questions:
* Do I need a ssh-login via xterm (I did not install a window mgr resp.
xterm on my laptop (moving x-cursor on the laptop only))?
* What causes the display-export-error?
Could it be because the Xserver-configuration of the PC does not
fit to the hardware of the laptop?

As thera are many similar questions on this list now I tried a lot hints
(maybe to many) - as newbie I am a little bit confused (most hints are
too professional for me).

1k-thanks in advance

fetchmail, mutt, masqmail

2001-07-20 Thread Schoppitsch Dieter
This sounds smart, small and fast - since Heather told me to use a
lot of customized fetchmail-scripts.

Can you tell me (newbie) how to configure and command masqmail to read
and send mails while on a dialled-in-connection (pppd, pop3, smtp).
As MUA I use mutt.


 Hi all,
 Get rid of fetchmail and use masqmail to fetch your mails as well as to 
 que and deliver them.  I do this and have no problems retrieving mail from 
 two different mail servers.  Masqmail also supports apop which does not 
 send your mail password unencrypted like pop3 does.  You can use 
 authenticated smtp with cram-md5 encryption to send mails to your 
 smarthost, thus minimizing the possibility of someone sniffing your 
 password and misusing your mail account.
   Paul T Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: TIME, DATE and CRON... trap for the unwary

2001-07-20 Thread John Galt
On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Ian Perry wrote:

Hi All,

Just came across a point about Time and Date and CRON which could cause a
problem for those who are unaware.

If you have CRON running and you set back the Date or Time backwards, CRON
will not run until at least the old time has been reached again.

Look into anacron if this becomes a chronic problem...

A quick reboot solves the problem.


The Internet must be a medium for it is neither Rare nor Well done!
a href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]John Galt /a

Re: Cannot play Audio Cds but Data Cds are fine (used to work)

2001-07-20 Thread Wayne
 Hi Wayne,
 Are you able to listen to audio CDs as root? I had that problem, and
 what I ened up doing was changing the group for my device (/dev/hdb)
 to the cdrom group. I then added myself to the cdrom group and was
 able to play (and hear!) audio CDs as a normal user.
 I don't think the fstab entries have much to do with it. I think they
 just set you up so you can mount the drive easily, and I don't think
 you need to mount audio CDs to play them.
 I'm going to follow this thread closely, because I too have an IDE
 burner that I haven't gotten around to setting up yet. What's said
 here may help me dodge a bullet when I get ready to try. It's been too
 easy to reboot into Windows, are burn a disc when I need to. However,
 last weekend I reached the limit of my tolerance for the crashes and
 yanked the Windows drive. ;^)

Good man, you know it makes sense *gg*
I rarely boot into Windoze these days now I have Quake III running smoothly 
under Linux I don't have any reason too :-)

 Good luck!

Thanks for the response, see other post (accidentally posted this twice, just 
managed to get my mailserver working :-)  ) In my case it was the symlink for 
/dev/cdrom that was wrong. once I corrected this it worked fine.

If you are going to set up your burner under Linux, I would just like to point 
out a caveat I fell for. I compiled ide-scsi emulation into the kernel and 
couldn't get it to work (someone reading this I expect could tell you how as I 
am still a newbie *gg*). So I recompiled the kernel with it as a loadable 
module, and compiled into the kernel scsi-support and generic-scsi. This works 




Samba mount and lots of files

2001-07-20 Thread Danie Roux
I ran into a funny one today. 

If I mount a share a on a Windows 2000 server, with mount -t smbfs, it mounts
successfully. Except that I can only see 380 of the files in the share. There
are over 8000 files in there!

If I use smbclient, I can see them all. So what's wrong with smbmount? (I'm
running newest samba from unstable).

Danie Roux *shuffle* Adore Unix


2001-07-20 Thread John Galt

IIRC, LOG target and ULOG target support is an option in the kernel.  I
see no reason that you can't specify multiple targets.

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, dude wrote:

How do i get iptables to log packets that it DROPs?


The Internet must be a medium for it is neither Rare nor Well done!
a href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]John Galt /a

Re: Gnome under Debian

2001-07-20 Thread Joerg Johannes
Sam Varghese wrote:
 In the meantime, I have switched to icewm to retain my sanity.

Very good. I have done this, too, and I've come to really like it. I can
still run all my gnome apps, but without the panel, and gmc (or even
worse, Nautilus...)
Keep it!


Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Re: floppy

2001-07-20 Thread Frank Zimmermann

Markus Hansen wrote:

i dont know why, but i dont have any rights to write on my floppy disks,
neither superuser or normal,
neither on the shell or the window of kde2.
can anyone help me plaese?

Check the entry in your fstab, maybe it's set to ro.


Re: Where is the kernel source?

2001-07-20 Thread Leonard Stiles
Jor-el [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The kernel image that my system uses appears to be from the package
 kernel-image-2.2.18pre21-ide.  One would expect that the source code
 to this .deb would be found in the corresponding source package -
 i.e in kernel-source-2.2.18pre21-ide.  But it isn't there. no longer has the pre patches stored there, so I dont
 know where to go get 2.2.18pre21 source code. Any ideas?

The -ide denotes the flavour of the image package, i.e. what
features are built into the kernel contained in the package.  The -ide
image was built from the plain 2.2.18pre21 sources with a patch
applied for UDMA66 support.  To build you own kernel which includes
this patch, you need the plain sources and the package containing the

apt-get install kernel-source-2.2.18pre21 kernel-patch-2.2.18pre21-ide

You may however want to get version 2.2.19 of these packages, as there
are some security issues which affect 2.2.18pre21 (see

For details of how to build a patched kernel-image package, see the
documentation of `kernel-package'.


Leonard Stiles [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Thin-X-Client-Laptop

2001-07-20 Thread Matteo Semplice
On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Schoppitsch Dieter wrote:

 Hi folks - thanks for all of your hints regarding my problem.
 I think I am close to the solution - maybe you can help me again?
   I want to run X-Applications on my (old) laptop (486; Debian 2.0) 
   connected (via PLIP) to the Server (Pentium, Suse 7.1).
 Some data of my configuration:
 * laptop name: boneless
 * PC name: freeze
 * username on PC: nutzer
 What I tried (and many variations of that):
 * start on the laptop (in text mode) ssh -l nutzer freeze,
 than change to root with su and cd /root
 * in this ssh-channel I tried export DISPLAY=boneless:0,
 than xhost +boneless

H I don't think that this is what you want to do... I mean that ssh
doesn't require you to set DISPLAY (nor change permissions with xhost).
Infact you'll find that DISPLAY on freeze is set to freeze:15.0 or some
high number that doesn't refer to any real display as sshd fakes a display
and than channels all the info thorugh the ssh channel.

 * than I got the message unable to open display boneless:0 (?)
 * starting X in this ssh-channel starts X on the PC

One would think that starting X on the laptop, starting an xterm in X and
giving the command 'ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]' it should work... The only problem
would arise if sshd on freeze or ssh on the laptop disable X11 forwarding
by default (try something like 'ssh -v [EMAIL PROTECTED]' and see whether you
get messages about X11Forwarding/connections being disabled/refused).

disclaimer Other and more fancy solutions were suggested before: I am
not arguing that this is better! Infact it probably isn't, but, as you
seem stuck, I thought to add another hint to your list of possibilities...


Matteo Semplice
Wadham College
Oxford OX1 3PN

Re: Gnome under Debian

2001-07-20 Thread Davor Balder

Sam Varghese wrote:

I was using Gnome from the time I started with Debian,
some 11 months back. I since went on to Helix Gnome and
then Ximian - which I now wish I hadn't.

When I start up my Ximian desktop, I get multiple copies
of both midnight commander and Netscape opening up.
I have looked in every possible location and cannot source
the root of the problem.

I have downloaded all the recent Ximian patches as well
but none of them seems to fix what is a very irritating

In the meantime, I have switched to icewm to retain my sanity.

Any hints from the assembled on this problem? 


Hi Sam,

I also had this problem, but it started appearing only after I enabled 
saving settings of the last session in preferences. Now I run Gnome 
Panel, Midnight Commander and WindowMaker under potato r3 and never had 
any problems since. I noticed that problem happened since I used save 
the last session feature.

I removed ~./gnome/session file and it didn't work, but then I removed 
~./gnome/ folder and that worked... This is a crude method, but it 
worked for me...

Take care,


Re: non-US security fixes URL

2001-07-20 Thread Nikki Locke
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Eric N. Valor wrote:
 I know this doesn't really belong on the security list, but that's where 
 this thread started.  I thought I'd toss in my $.02 and bring attention to 
 a broken deb-src address in out-of-box /etc/apt/sources.list file:
 deb-src stable non-US
 should actually be:
 deb-src stable non-US/main
 At 06:43 PM 7/19/2001 +0200, Philipp Hofmann wrote:
 according to
 deb stable/non-US main contrib 

I have read the sources.list manual page, and I sort of understand how these 
lines work. However, I have not yet found a document detailing all the possible 
values you can use for distribution and component, so I have to set up my 
sources.list by trial and error. Is there such a document?

My sources.list lines currently say ...

deb stable main contrib non-free
deb-src stable main contrib non-free
deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free
deb-src stable/non-US main contrib non-free
deb stable/updates main contrib non-free
deb stable/non-US main contrib 

Are these correct?

With these lines, an apt-get update returns one error message...

Failed to fetch
  Error reading from server Remote end closed connection

I assume the 
deb stable/updates main contrib non-free
line must be wrong - how, and why?

Nikki Locke, Trumphurst Ltd.  PC  Unix consultancy  programming

Wajig toupgrade reports stuff that wajig upgrade doesn't upgrade!

2001-07-20 Thread Nikki Locke
I now use Graham Williams wajig shell script as a front end to apt, 
mostly because of the extra facilities it provides an easy interface 

The other day I added a new security line to my sources.list, so I ran 
wajig update, followed by wajig toupgrade. The toupgrade reported a 
package to upgrade. So I ran wajig upgrade, but it said there were no 
packages to upgrade...

pentium:/usr/local/bin# wajig toupgrade
Package Available   Installed
e2fsprogs   1.18-3  1.18-3.0potato1
pentium:/usr/local/bin# wajig upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
There are 670 packages installed.

Is this a bug in Graham's script, or something wrong with my package 

Nikki Locke, Trumphurst Ltd.  PC  Unix consultancy  programming

[no subject]

2001-07-20 Thread Fischer, Björn

[no subject]

2001-07-20 Thread Fischer, Björn
unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: non-US security fixes URL

2001-07-20 Thread Frank Zimmermann

Nikki Locke wrote:

With these lines, an apt-get update returns one error message...

Failed to fetch

  Error reading from server Remote end closed connection

I assume the 
deb stable/updates main contrib non-free

line must be wrong - how, and why?

The Debian-security site says:
deb potato/updates main contrib non-free

Usually it should not make any difference wether you say stable or 
potato, maybe in this case.

Give it a try,

NE2000-compatible network device

2001-07-20 Thread Fischer, Björn
I am quite a newbie to either Linux (I'm playing with Suse Linux for about
half a year) and Debian (first try to install the day before yesterday) so
please be patient with me.

But there's a Proble, that I wasnt able to solve yet: I have a NE2000
compatible ethernet device (ISA). The german Debian GNU/Linux Handbook
( said I would only have to load the
Kernel-Module ne2k, supply it with the correct IO-Port and maybe a correct
IRQ and it should work. But the problem is that modprobe can't find the
module ne2k, only ne2k-pci is there. Does someone of you know an alternative
to ne2k or can tell me where I can find the ne2k module?
Another question: are modules stored in different .debs than the kernel or
are they always packed together?

Many thanx for an answer


Björn Fischer

oops, wrong adress...

2001-07-20 Thread Fischer, Björn
Hi again,
in fact I just recognized I'm also a newbie in using a mailing list. Sorry
for those subscribe/unsubscribe mails... did not want to fill your mailbox,


Björn Fischer

Re: X 4.0.3 or higher on potato

2001-07-20 Thread Frank Zimmermann

Matthew M Carroll wrote:

is there a way to upgrade potato to X 4.1 or 4.0.3 cleanly? I don't have a
problem jumping up to woody to get X, but I want to go back to potato. I
hope this makes sense.


Matthew M Carroll


go to

and have a look at the READ.THIS


Re: NE2000-compatible network device

2001-07-20 Thread Sebastiaan
On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, [iso-8859-1] Fischer, Björn wrote:

 I am quite a newbie to either Linux (I'm playing with Suse Linux for about
 half a year) and Debian (first try to install the day before yesterday) so
 please be patient with me.
 But there's a Proble, that I wasnt able to solve yet: I have a NE2000
 compatible ethernet device (ISA). The german Debian GNU/Linux Handbook
 ( said I would only have to load the
 Kernel-Module ne2k, supply it with the correct IO-Port and maybe a correct
 IRQ and it should work. But the problem is that modprobe can't find the
 module ne2k, only ne2k-pci is there. Does someone of you know an alternative
 to ne2k or can tell me where I can find the ne2k module?
 Another question: are modules stored in different .debs than the kernel or
 are they always packed together?

it is called 'ne'. 


Re: NE2000-compatible network device

2001-07-20 Thread Martin F. Krafft
also sprach Fischer, Björn (on Fri, 20 Jul 2001 12:58:15PM +0200):
 But there's a Proble, that I wasnt able to solve yet: I have a NE2000
 compatible ethernet device (ISA). The german Debian GNU/Linux Handbook
 ( said I would only have to load the
 Kernel-Module ne2k, supply it with the correct IO-Port and maybe a correct
 IRQ and it should work. But the problem is that modprobe can't find the
 module ne2k, only ne2k-pci is there. Does someone of you know an alternative
 to ne2k or can tell me where I can find the ne2k module?

just the module is called ne.
please provide us with an exact page reference so we can write a bug
report (or do it yourself).

 Another question: are modules stored in different .debs than the kernel or
 are they always packed together?

for debian, a kernel-image-*.deb file always includes the modules.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
windoze nt crashed.
i am the blue screen of death.
no one hears your screams.

Description: PGP signature

installing kernel-debs

2001-07-20 Thread Joerg Johannes
Hello list

I have, in the last few weeks, compiled a lot of kernels (with
Well, I have installed these kernel-image-blah.deb's, but without
removing the old ones. dpkg -l shows

ii kernel-image-2. # -- dpk -l does not show more of the package
ii kernel-image-2.
ii kernel-image-2.
ii kernel-image-2.

How can I safely remove the old ones (whose files were overwritten by
the newer ones) ?
I could make a 2.4.5 kernel and remove all the 2.4.3.deb's, but will
this work? won't dpkg complain about files that are not there but should
be there?


Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Re: installing kernel-debs

2001-07-20 Thread Sebastiaan
On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Joerg Johannes wrote:

 Hello list
 I have, in the last few weeks, compiled a lot of kernels (with
 Well, I have installed these kernel-image-blah.deb's, but without
 removing the old ones. dpkg -l shows
 ii kernel-image-2. # -- dpk -l does not show more of the package
 ii kernel-image-2.
 ii kernel-image-2.
 ii kernel-image-2.
 How can I safely remove the old ones (whose files were overwritten by
 the newer ones) ?
 I could make a 2.4.5 kernel and remove all the 2.4.3.deb's, but will
 this work? won't dpkg complain about files that are not there but should
 be there?
Perhaps this is evil, but it might workt:
# dpkg --get-selections  installeddebs
edit the file and remove all old kernel-images
# echo installeddebs | dpkg --set-selections



2001-07-20 Thread Adam Bell
Okay, so I don't know what I've done, but I have like 30 or 40
messages in /var/spool/mail/new which were undeliverable due to a typo in
exim.conf.  This is now fixed, but exim seems to have given up on
delivering them.  What do I do?

--adam b.

Re: Wajig toupgrade reports stuff that wajig upgrade doesn't upgrade!

2001-07-20 Thread Colin Watson
I now use Graham Williams wajig shell script as a front end to apt, 
mostly because of the extra facilities it provides an easy interface 

The other day I added a new security line to my sources.list, so I ran 
wajig update, followed by wajig toupgrade. The toupgrade reported a 
package to upgrade. So I ran wajig upgrade, but it said there were no 
packages to upgrade...

pentium:/usr/local/bin# wajig toupgrade
Package Available   Installed
e2fsprogs   1.18-3  1.18-3.0potato1

That looks like a bug in his version comparison; 1.18-3 is older than

Why not just use dselect? :)


Re: installing kernel-debs

2001-07-20 Thread Colin Watson
Hello list

I have, in the last few weeks, compiled a lot of kernels (with
Well, I have installed these kernel-image-blah.deb's, but without
removing the old ones. dpkg -l shows

ii kernel-image-2. # -- dpk -l does not show more of the package

'COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l' (at least on unstable).

That's part of the package *name*, though, not the version. You can just
purge the old ones. The files won't have been overwritten, or at least
if they were you would have been warned about it at the time and can go
ahead and purge things now.

dselect will let you see the full names and will let you purge them
easily (hit '_').


locale help

2001-07-20 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
Apparently I need to set the variables LANGUAGE, LC_ALL and LANG for locale. 
How can I do it? I am running potato 2.2r3 + ximian_Gnome.

Thanks in advance for the help!
Marcelo Chiapparini

Re: Undelivered!

2001-07-20 Thread Touloumtzis, Michael
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 05:09:04AM -0400, Adam Bell wrote:
   Okay, so I don't know what I've done, but I have like 30 or 40
 messages in /var/spool/mail/new which were undeliverable due to a typo in
 exim.conf.  This is now fixed, but exim seems to have given up on
 delivering them.  What do I do?

There should be a debug option for runq that will help you figure out
what is going wrong.

- MikeT

Michael Touloumtzis
Computer Associates
Senior Software Developer
tel: +1 508 628-8262
fax: +1 508 820-2934

Re: locale help

2001-07-20 Thread Danie Roux
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 09:54:27AM -0300, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
 Apparently I need to set the variables LANGUAGE, LC_ALL and LANG for locale. 
 How can I do it? I am running potato 2.2r3 + ximian_Gnome.
 Thanks in advance for the help!
 Marcelo Chiapparini

Edit /etc/environment

Danie Roux *shuffle* Adore Unix

Re: locale help

2001-07-20 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Marcelo (Oi Marcelo),
Check /etc/environment file.
Em Fri, 20 Jul 2001 09:54:27 -0300, Marcelo Chiapparini

 Apparently I need to set the variables LANGUAGE, LC_ALL and LANG for
 How can I do it? I am running potato 2.2r3 + ximian_Gnome.
 Thanks in advance for the help!
 Marcelo Chiapparini
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Paulo Henrique B de Oliveira
Gerente de Operações - Linux Solutions -
O maior conteúdo de Linux em língua portuguesa - OLinux -
(21) 2526-7262 ramal 31

Fwd: Re: Re: Corel Linux

2001-07-20 Thread Hereward Cooper

you have a interesting way of putting it

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Re: Re: Corel Linux
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 21:19:22 +1000
From: ann Barbara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Hereward Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this is bullshit

- Original Message -
From: Hereward Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 9:39 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Corel Linux

 --  Forwarded Message  --
 Subject: Re: Corel Linux
 Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 11:37:42 +
 From: Hereward Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Thursday 19 July 2001 10:29, Bruce wrote:
  I hope you can direct me. I have just bought corel linux and instakll it


  its own partition. My problem is that i cant get my modem to initialise.


  works quite well with windows me on the same machine, but when i query


  modem on linux it returns nothing. The modem is a lucent v.90. can you

 It probarly a winmodem (requires windows drivers), check out and they might have some drivers.


 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact



delegating NS control of subdomain to another BIND

2001-07-20 Thread Martin F. Krafft
... and i really thought i was down with BIND8/9...

i can't seem to find a solution to the following problem:
(sorry for the sizely post...) is handled by ns{1,2}
so has a zone for, with an entry IN NS
and slaves this zone.

now i would like to create a new zone,,
and i want it to be controlled by two separate nameservers,

i thought that i could simply create an entry
  subdomain IN NS
within the zone, and then any request to and its children are delegated to

the zone contains an A record for @ as well as
A records for ns1 and ns2 plus some other A records for other hosts.

now, from a host that uses ns{1,2} as its nameservers, i
am doing the following tests:   =   = = =

(1) direct queries agains ns{1,2}
(this all works for both).

  fishbowl:~ host -t ns NS NS

  fishbowl:~ host A
  fishbowl:~ host A
  fishbowl:~ host A
  fishbowl:~ host

  === ns{1,2} correctly resolve their

(2) queries agains ns{1,2}
(this all works for both)
  fishbowl:~ host -t ns   NS   NS
  fishbowl:~ host -t ns NS NS
   !!! NS host does
 not exist
   !!! NS host does
 not exist has lame delegation to has lame delegation to

  fishbowl:~ host does not exist (Authoritative answer)

  fishbowl:~ host does not exist (Authoritative answer)

do you have any ideas how i can configure this?

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
click the start menu and select 'shut down.'

Re: NE2000-compatible network device

2001-07-20 Thread Martin F. Krafft
also sprach Sebastiaan (on Fri, 20 Jul 2001 01:10:41PM +0200):
 it is called 'ne'. 

i notified the author of the cited book...

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
it may look like i'm just sitting here doing nothing.
but i'm really actively waiting
for all my problems to go away.

Description: PGP signature

Re: problem with menuconfig and ide controllers...

2001-07-20 Thread nico de haer

Have you tried the IDE patch? it's somewhere on in the people

Nico de Haer

- Original Message -
From: Carl Fenley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian-User (E-mail)
Cc: Debian-Laptop (E-mail)
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 1:59 PM
Subject: problem with menuconfig and ide controllers...

 My ide controller is a CMD Technology 646U2 DMA controller, but menuconfig
 will only allow me to select 'CMD640' and 'CMD640 Enhanced'.  I have read
 that the CMD646 driver will support DMA mode while the CMD640 driver
 only support PIO mode.  So, I would prefer to use the CMD646 driver even
 though that does not appear in the block-driver list from within
 However, both the cdm640.c and the cmd646.c source files came with the the
 current version of my kernel-source (2.2.12).

 Should the CMD646 driver be appearing in my menuconfig block drivers?  Is
 there a way to get the CMD646 driver to appear in menuconfig?  If not, is
 possible to manually compile the cmd646.c source and apply the resulting
 driver to my system?  Is there an easier way to achieve the use of this
 driver, even at the expense of a total reinstall?

 Thanks in advance for any help.

 - gladimir

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Re: rtl8139.c - compile problems for cardbus driver module

2001-07-20 Thread nico de haer

I myself compiled the carbus stuff you talked about one for my laptop. I'm
writing from memory here, and thats known to be less than perfect ;P but it
will point you in the right direction

1) Get the sourcecode for the PCMCIA package, and compile this on your
2) Install the new pcmcia stuff
3) compile the rtl driver (see the end of the sourcecode for compile
instructions) btw, i had to add the path to /usr/src/linux/include and
/usr/src/pcmcia/include in my case (-I if memory serves me, and DO CHECK the
path's on your system).
4) copy the .o to your /lib/modules/[kernel-version]/pcmcia
5) run depmod (!! important !!)
6) edit the config files for your pcmcia package

If you are smart, copy your old (read: modified to work nice with debian)
config scripts first, or extract them from the pcmcia deb later.

Good luck!

Nico de Haer

- Original Message -
From: Schwerzmann, Stephan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 10:18 AM
Subject: rtl8139.c - compile problems for cardbus driver module

 - -
  - -


 I am trying to compile a linux driver module out of your rtl8139.c source
 for my rtl8139 based cardbus NIC, but cannot succeed.

 I've read and followed the instructions Installing individual drivers on  expert/modules.html
 but they don't address the problem I have: the compile fails because
 pcmcia/driver_ops.h: no such file or directory
 in my whole /usr/src tree I do not have anything named pcmcia nor

 I have Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r2, kernel version 2.2.18pre21 on a Compaq
 Presario 1240 and a Planet ENW-3504-FC CardBus
 Fast Eth.adapter (realtek 8139 chip).
 The PCCard subsystem is working, I verified with an older NE2k clone
 (Dayna CommuniCard, 10Mbit/s).

 the right kernel sources are in place, I made a soft link
/usr/src/linux -
 /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.18pre21, dpkg -l *pcmcia* tells me that package
 pcmcia-cs version 3.1.22-0.1potato is installed
 I managed to produce some other required header files (like version.h 
 modversions.h) by doing  cd /usr/src/linux; make oldconfig; make dep

 what steps do I miss, to get the file pcmcia/driver_ops.h built? where
 should this file come from?

 I contacted Donald Becker, author of rtl8139.c et al. and he told me I
 to install the pcmcia-cs headers
 but I cannot find out the name of the package containing them.
 I scanned /usr/src and the installation CD I have at hand with 'find' and
 other commands (like brute force scanning all .deb packages and 'grep'ping
 for '-i pcmcia' filenames) with no result.

 anyone for pointing me in a better direction, please?
 anyone who successfully built the driver module for a rtl8139 cardbus nic
 and successful operation?

 Greetings and thanks in advance

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Re: Cannot play Audio Cds but Data cds fine...

2001-07-20 Thread nico de haer

make your link look like this:

cdrom -- scd0

Nico de Haer

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 1:51 PM
Subject: Cannot play Audio Cds but Data cds fine...

 Can anyone help me with this problem:
 I have an IDE cdwriter (Ricoh mp7080a) and have succesfully recompiled the
kernel with scsi emulation etc and can now burn cds. (great) BTW I am
running Potato 2.2.19pre21.  Before doing the above audio cds worked fine,
now when I put one in to play, start up say GCD nothing happens at all.
 I seem to remember deleting /dev/cdrom  and have tried recreating it as a
symlink to scd0 but I have a feeling this is incorrect. The line looks like
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 may 21 20:25 scd0 - scd0
 I have added a line to my /etc/lilo.conf like this:
 which is below the Linux Stanza.
 I altered the /etc/fstab file like this:
 hashed out existing /dev/cdrom line then added a line:
 /dev/scd0   /cdrom   auto   defaults,ro,noauto,user,exec   0   0

 Best Regards


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How do you get rid of gnome?

2001-07-20 Thread Anthony Fox

Since I use KDE2x exclusively now, I would like to get rid of the
gnome desktop from my system.  I run unstable.  I still use some apps
that depend on gnome libs like xmms.  How do I get rid of just the
packages that comprise the gnome desktop?  Or, is there a task package
that would take care of this?


Re: Thin-X-Client-Laptop

2001-07-20 Thread Tony Godshall
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 11:14:54AM +0100, Matteo Semplice wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Schoppitsch Dieter wrote:
  Hi folks - thanks for all of your hints regarding my problem.
  I think I am close to the solution - maybe you can help me again?
  I want to run X-Applications on my (old) laptop (486; Debian 2.0) 
  connected (via PLIP) to the Server (Pentium, Suse 7.1).
  Some data of my configuration:
  * laptop name: boneless
  * PC name: freeze
  * username on PC: nutzer

So I take it the apps you want to run reside on freeze but
you want them displayed in the X server on boneless.

  What I tried (and many variations of that):
  * start on the laptop (in text mode) ssh -l nutzer freeze,
  than change to root with su and cd /root
  * in this ssh-channel I tried export DISPLAY=boneless:0,
  than xhost +boneless
 H I don't think that this is what you want to do... I mean that ssh
 doesn't require you to set DISPLAY (nor change permissions with xhost).
 Infact you'll find that DISPLAY on freeze is set to freeze:15.0 or some
 high number that doesn't refer to any real display as sshd fakes a display
 and than channels all the info thorugh the ssh channel.

Depending on your ssh config, you may want to run 
  ssh -X -l nutzer freeze
(The -X tells ssh to set up DISPLAY and forward any X apps
back through the ssh tunnel- some ssh installs do that by
default - make sure freeze's sshd_config is set up to allow
port forwarding too).  In this config you don't need to run 
xhost at all or bother with setting up DISPLAY.

If you really want to do your X without tunneling through
ssh, you need to run xhost +freeze in an xterm on the *laptop*.  
This tells the X display to allow apps from freeze to
display on boneless without the normal magic cookie authentication.
This is considered much less secure than ssh, but for a plip
connection to a laptop with no other networking there's not
much of an issue there.


Re: compiling in non-standard features

2001-07-20 Thread Harry Henry Gebel
On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 04:05:29PM +0200, Florian Kessler wrote:
 here a more general question:
 what?s the best way to compile a package in debian with non-standard
 features? in my case i need sasl-support in postfix? How?

If postfix uses ./configure, you can go into the source package's
debian/rules file and alter the ./configure call to add --with-sasl (or
whatever ./configure command adds sasl support).

Harry Henry Gebel
West Dover Hundred, Delaware
GPG encrypted email gladly accepted. Key ID: B853FFFE
Fingerprint: 15A6 F58D AEED 5680 B41A  61FE 5A5F BB51 B853 FFFE

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