Re: Sprawdzanie listy

2001-08-03 Thread Paweł Tęcza
 Jak sprawdzić czy z jakiegos powodu wyrzuciło mnie z tej listy,
 czy po prostu od ponad tygodnia panuje cisza?

Ja tez niczego nie dostaje :-( Moze nas wykopali? ;-) Oczywiscie zartuje.
Wszystko jest OK. Po prostu sa wakacje :-)

Pawel Tecza

Wyslij kartke pocztowa i... BUKIET KWIATOW ZA DARMO

Polska klaw. programisty na konsoli - jak ?

2001-08-03 Thread Adam Jurkiewicz
Szanowni Koledzy,
witam serdecznie, zycze udanych wakacji, i mam male pytanko.
Zainstalowalem sobie Potato 2.2 i pakiety console* oraz fonty.
MC jest ladnie po polsku, dselect tez, widze polskie literki,
ale niestety podczas instalacji wybralem sobie klawiature US.
I nie moge pisac polskimi literami, tzn. dokladniej jak nacisne np.
Alt+a = enter
Alt+l = l
Alt+o = o

Czy moge liczyc na wasza pomoc ? Co i jak musze zmienic ?
| Adam Jurkiewicz | AVC Sp. z o.o. |
| Administrator Sieci WAN | Mobile: +48.601.161.932|

Re: Polska klaw. programisty na konsoli - jak ?

2001-08-03 Thread Krzysztof Krzyzaniak
On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 09:24:38AM +0200, Adam Jurkiewicz wrote:
 Szanowni Koledzy,
 witam serdecznie, zycze udanych wakacji, i mam male pytanko.
 Zainstalowalem sobie Potato 2.2 i pakiety console* oraz fonty.
 MC jest ladnie po polsku, dselect tez, widze polskie literki,
 ale niestety podczas instalacji wybralem sobie klawiature US.
 I nie moge pisac polskimi literami, tzn. dokladniej jak nacisne np.
 Alt+a = enter
 Alt+l = l
 Alt+o = o
 Czy moge liczyc na wasza pomoc ? Co i jak musze zmienic ?

Nie pamiętam czy w potato to zadziała (dawno nie mam czystego
potato), ale spróbuj dpkg-reconfigure console-data. Jeśli to nie
zadziała poszukaj w /etc/init.d/ pliku w którym występuje słowo
loadkeys i odpowiednio go przerób.

... , . ,
| _ __. _.|_| |_| Krzysztof eloy Krzyżaniak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|(_) /_(_]  |   | Oficjalna strona kabaretu Loża 44
 Salem allejkum Bwanga! Moja twoja pozdrawiać!

Re: Sprawdzanie listy

2001-08-03 Thread Artur Gorniak
On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 08:20:29AM +0200, Paweł Tęcza wrote:
  Jak sprawdzić czy z jakiegos powodu wyrzuciło mnie z tej listy,
  czy po prostu od ponad tygodnia panuje cisza?
 Ja tez niczego nie dostaje :-( Moze nas wykopali? ;-) Oczywiscie zartuje.
 Wszystko jest OK. Po prostu sa wakacje :-)
nie martw ryby.. ;-)

a wakacje.. cóż piękny czas.. jeziorka.. chmurki.. i takie tam inne.
miłego. :-


 JOB:  Wydawnictwo Software LinuxPlus,
   writer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Polska klaw. programisty na konsoli - jak ?

2001-08-03 Thread Adam Jurkiewicz
OK, dziekuje bardzo serdecznie, zadzialalo.
Teraz walcze dalej ..

| Adam Jurkiewicz | AVC Sp. z o.o. |
| Administrator Sieci WAN | Mobile: +48.601.161.932|

Re: Sprawdzanie listy

2001-08-03 Thread Paweł Tęcza
 nie martw ryby.. ;-)

 a wakacje.. cóż piękny czas.. jeziorka.. chmurki.. i takie tam inne.
 miłego. :-

A dziekuje, ale juz zapomnialem co to jest :-( Jedni moga sie opalac, a inni
musza ciezko pracowac w taka pogode :-( Wezmy na przyklad takich
developerow. Nic nie pija, nic nie jedza, nie spia i w ogole nie w glowie im
odpoczynek, bo wciaz rozwijaja ;-) Tylko brac z takich przyklad ;-)

Pawel Tecza

Wyslij kartke pocztowa i... BUKIET KWIATOW ZA DARMO

Debian po polsku...

2001-08-03 Thread Pawel Wiecek

Zapraszam na strone

W skrocie -- jak niektorzy wiedza od jakiegos czasu Debian uzywa czegos, co
sie nazywa DebConf. Narzadko to sluzy do wyswietlania komunikatow i zadawania
pytan w czasie instalacji pakietow -- wsrod jego zalet oprocz jednolitego
interfejsu, czy pytania sie hurtem o wszystkie parametry przed instalacja jest
mozliwosc lokalizacji komunikatow konfiguracyjnych.

Jak na razie liczba pakietow z komunikatami przetlumaczonymi na polski jest
dosc skromna -- fajnie by bylo, gdyby to zmienic.
Praca nie jest trudna, tyle, ze wymaga czasu. Jesli na liscie sa chetni to by
bylo bardzo milo.


 (___)  | Pawel Wiecek  +48603240006 |
 \ ^ /  | *  *  A man who carries a cat by its tail learns   *  * |
  ()   | *  *something he can learn in no other way.*  * |

RE: Debian po polsku...

2001-08-03 Thread Pawel Wiecek
On Aug 3,  2:21pm, Adrian Merda wrote:
 Cos nie mozna dostac sie na stron=EA Nie wiem czy to tylko=
 mnie czy u wszystkich.

W tej chwili jest jakis problem z routingiem w Stanach...


 (___)  | Pawel Wiecek  +48603240006 |
 \ ^ /  |   *  *   Either throw the windows out of your computer,  *  *   |
  ()   |   *  *   or throw your computer out the window!  *  *   |

Re: Paquetes task-*

2001-08-03 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 09:29:28AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Igual que los míos!
 Sin embargo no son ni una 3ra parte de los paquetes que había antes, y el
 task sel no está actualizado.
 En concreto, me interesaría saber que fue de los task-x-window-system-core
 y task-x-window-system
Bueno, estar están. Si haces un apt-cache show task-x-window-system te sale la 
descripción, pero si haces un apt-cache search task-x-window-system no lo 
Te diré que lo del tasksel está relacionado, según me parece, y se debe a el 
archivo /var/lib/dpkg/available, que según me pareció entender es donde el 
apt-cache realiza la búsqueda.
Como curiosidad también mencionaré que tube que volver a instalar mi debian 
 ( borre por error el backup que había hecho :-((( ) y en aquel momento 
aparecieron todos los task-. Que bien me dije, un problema menos, aunque no 
sepa cómo se arregló. Pero al poco tiempo ya estabamos otra vez en las mismas.

Saludos | Es inútil, no me hacen ni caso
Javier Fafián Alvarez   |   -- Dios.

Re: castellanizar mozilla

2001-08-03 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 06:11:37PM +0200, Manuel García wrote:
Ya he estado allí. Me he bajado el es_ES.algo -muy prometedor-, pero ¿ Y ahora 
qué ?. El mozilla por si solo también tiene una opción para que vaya solito y 
los baje, pero a la hora de instalar propiamente dicho nada de nada ... :...-((
Saludos | Es inútil, no me hacen ni caso
Javier Fafián Alvarez   |   -- Dios.

Re: Al postmaster: [Re: DELIVERY FAILURE: User jzunzu (jzunzu@ibmes) not listed in public Name AddressBook]

2001-08-03 Thread Rodolfo Canet
No, no eres el único, yo también recibo ese mensaje

German Poo Caaman~o wrote:
 Me imagino que a todos los que publican les sucede algo similar,
 reciben un correo que es error.
 No debiera llegar al admin de la lista? Sere el unico? (no creo).
 Es posible desuscribir la cuenta?
 Gracias de antemano.
  Your message
Subject: Re: Imágenes ISO-CD de Woody
  was not delivered to:
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Dr. Rodolfo Canet-Castello(Linux user #172687)
Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA)
Dpto. Recursos Naturales
Aptdo. oficial. 46113-Moncada (Valencia). ESPAÑA-SPAIN.
Phone: 34-96-1391000  Fax: 34-96-1390240
Web page:
Web page of Spanish Group of Soil Enzymology:

Re: Muchas dudas

2001-08-03 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 08:17:59PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Recientemente me he pasado de rh a debian, ahora tengo instalada una 
 woody con las X 4.0.3-4 corriendo con xinerama en dos monitores y 
 Windowmaker, y me han surgido muchas dudas a ver si alguien me echa un cable.
GUAU !!!
   1º ¿Alguien sabe como mandar correo con el mutt y que no salga la 
 direccion local (o sea cambiar el from)?
Debería haber un archivo en /etc llamado mailaliases o algo así que vale para 
   2º ¿Alguien sabe como hacer que el qmail permita mandar correos al 
 root? He leido un howto que comentaba algo sobre hacer un alias pero o estoy 
 haciendo algo mal o no me funciona.
Normalmente el correo de root es desviado a otro usuario. Segun el archivo 
   3º ¿Alguien sabe como hacer para que las ventanas de dialogo del 
 sistema (como la que sale cuando le das a salir o a la de run en windowmaker) 
 no se coloquen en el centro de la pantalla virtual (es decir dejando la mitad 
 de la ventana en un monitor y la otra mitad en el otro)?
No es fácil. Date cuenta que wm no supone que estás usando dos monitores. 
Abusón !!! ;-)
   4º ¿Alguien ha conseguido configurar el puerto ide de una soundblaster 
 awe32 pnp isa?
Creo que no necesitas configurarla. Le enchufas el CD, que no disco duro pues 
la controladora IDE es my limitada, y ya debería andar. Yo lo tengo hecho 
así con alguna tarjeta años ha, y sin problemas.
   5º Estoy planteandome meter debian en un mac performa 6200 (con chip 
 powerpc a 75 Mhz) ¿Alguien ha probado a meter debian en un mac? ¿Que tal tira?
   Gracias por adelantado, atentamente
 Manolo Padrón
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
---fin texto resaltado---

Saludos | Es inútil, no me hacen ni caso
Javier Fafián Alvarez   |   -- Dios.

Re: Imágenes ISO-CD de Woody

2001-08-03 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 12:12:28AM +0200, Alfonso wrote:
 ¿Son 6 CD´s!!!? Pues qué traen, porque hay uno con 115 y otro con 230 Mb.  
Que yo sepa, woody debería caber en 4 CDs. SID cabe en 5, pero el 5 casi no lo 
usa. En tienes unos pulidores ;-)
 ¿Alguien sabe cuándo van a soltar woody?
Como frozen, Dicen que el mes que viene. Como estable antes del año que viene 
 ¿Qué problemas podría haber al instalar woody sin que se haya hecho estable
Los discos de arranque son muuuy beta. Podrian darte problemas. Como siempre en 
estos casos es aconsejable instalar potato y luego pasarte a woody... o a SID 
como he hecho yo.
Saludos | Es inútil, no me hacen ni caso
Javier Fafián Alvarez   |   -- Dios.

Re: Muchas dudas [debian en mac]

2001-08-03 Thread Ignacio García Fernández
On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 08:17:59PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hola, y bienvenido a debian

   5º Estoy planteandome meter debian en un mac performa 6200 (con chip 
 powerpc a 75 Mhz) ¿Alguien ha probado a meter debian en un mac? ¿Que tal tira?

Hace menos de un mes intenté instalar linux en un performa 5000 y pico con
un amiguete y no pudimos porque el linuxppc no soporta algunos chips. Creo
que es problema del bus, que antes de no se que chip era diferente y no está

No se si con el performa 6200 tendrás problemas. Creo que no, pero si es así
existe otra migración que se llama mklinux que si soporta esos otros chips.
Pero en ese caso no podrás instalar debian, porque debian va sobre linuxppc
(creo, si no es así que alguien me corrija).

Para más información la página de ports de debian y en y

Ah! bueno, y la lista de debian para power pc! mira el
en la sección de ports (casi al final)

Un saludo y suerte con tus pingüinos!

Ignacio García

   Gracias por adelantado, atentamente
 Manolo Padrón
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

qmail como root

2001-08-03 Thread Imobach González Sosa

Bueno, creo que era Manolo Padrón (hola vecino ;) 
el que preguntaba por ahí
el tema de qmail como root... pues lo que encontré 
en la documentación de 
qmail fue lo siguiente 

* root. Under qmail, root never receives mail. Your 
system may generatemail messages to root every night; if you don't have an 
alias for root,those messages will bounce. (They'll end up double-bouncing 
to thepostmaster.) Set up an alias for root in ~alias/.qmail-root. 
.qmailfiles are similar to .forward files, but beware that they are 
strictlyline-oriented---see dot-qmail.0 for details.

Pues eso, que espero que te sirva de 

Imobach González Sosa

osoh en irc-hispano

Actualizacion de Potato 2.2r0 a SID.

2001-08-03 Thread Jose Velasco Lopez
Hola estoy actualizando mi Potato 2.2r0 a SID, alguien
ha hecho algo parecido y la tiene funcionando. Mi principal problema
por el que he hecho esto ha sido que he instalado una GForce 2 MX, y
el Xfree 3.3.6 no queria funcionar.

Alguien tiene SID funcionando?
y una GForce 2 MX con Xfree 3.3.6 ?

Programación BT878.

2001-08-03 Thread Jose Velasco Lopez

 Hola quisiera si es posible que me dijerais si hay algun tipo de
para acceder a un BT878. Tengo que hacer un programa que lea de la entrada
de Video Compuesto de una sintonizadora, hay algun tipo de documentación,
libreria, api, al respecto, que esté bastante clara?

Por favor dadme ideas y sugerencias. Necesito ayuda!!
Webs, Documentación, especificación, etc. todo!!


Re: Problemilla con dpkg o perl?? no puedo instalar nada

2001-08-03 Thread Santiago Vila
Daniel Payno:
 Antes de tener que volver a instalar potato, para luego hacer la
 actualización [...]

Para instalar woody no es necesario instalar potato. Basta con que
comienzes la instalación de potato hasta que instales el sistema base,
y entonces le dices a apt que tome los paquetes de woody para
terminar la instalación.

Re: Paquetes task-*

2001-08-03 Thread Santiago Vila
 Alguien sabe que paso en unstable con los paquetes task-*?
 Anoche hice un apt-get update y ni rastros.

En woody la instalación mediante perfiles ya no se hará mediantes
paquetes task-*, por ese motivo la mayoría de los que había han sido

Re: Tamaño de fuentes en lynx.

2001-08-03 Thread Santiago Vila
Debian User escribió:
 ¿cómo hago para que las fuentes del lynx se vean más grandes?,
 seguramente sera cuestión de editar un archivo, ¿no?..

¿a qué te refieres con las fuentes del lynx? No tiene ninguna, que
yo sepa, lynx funciona en modo de texto.

Si estás usándolo dentro del sistema de ventanas X, prueba a pulsar el
botón derecho del ratón mientras pulsas la tecla Control.

Re: Paquetes task-*

2001-08-03 Thread Manuel Trujillo
On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 01:36:33PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
  Alguien sabe que paso en unstable con los paquetes task-*?
  Anoche hice un apt-get update y ni rastros.
 En woody la instalación mediante perfiles ya no se hará mediantes
 paquetes task-*, por ese motivo la mayoría de los que había han sido

Fale... ¿Puedes decirnos, por favor, cómo se hará, si con algún tipo de 
paquetes al estilo task-*, o por ahí???


Manuel Trujillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Engineer
Dorna Sports S.L.   +34 93 4702864

Re: Actualizacion de Potato 2.2r0 a SID.

2001-08-03 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

Recientemente he actualizado 3 2.2r3 con pocas cosas a SID sin problemas,
pero justo anoche me dió problemas actualizando postfix.

Durante las 2 semanas que llevo usando SID me ha parecido más estable de
lo que me imaginaba. Realmente no he tenido problemas. Esto no quiere
decir que la vaya a usar en cosas importantes, pero para ver una Nvidia
value?? o no seque que no se veía con 3.3.6 y si con 4.0.3 me ha valido
(bueno, y para más cosas de paquetes, jade y tal...).

El 03 Aug 2001 a las 01:26PM +0200, Jose Velasco Lopez escribio:
 Hola estoy actualizando mi Potato 2.2r0 a SID, alguien
 ha hecho algo parecido y la tiene funcionando. Mi principal problema
 por el que he hecho esto ha sido que he instalado una GForce 2 MX, y
 el Xfree 3.3.6 no queria funcionar.
 Alguien tiene SID funcionando?
 y una GForce 2 MX con Xfree 3.3.6 ?
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Andres Seco Hernandez- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Debian GNU/Linux -
Grupo de Usuarios de GNU/Linux  de  Guadalajara  y
alrededores  -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Paquetes task-*

2001-08-03 Thread jvicente
Tonz, como hacemos?

Santiago Vila [EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 03/08/2001 08:36:33

Asunto:   Re: Paquetes task-*

Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

 Alguien sabe que paso en unstable con los paquetes task-*?
 Anoche hice un apt-get update y ni rastros.
En woody la instalaci=F3n mediante perfiles ya no se har=E1 mediantes
paquetes task-*, por ese motivo la mayor=EDa de los que hab=EDa han sid=


Re: Paquetes task-*

2001-08-03 Thread Santiago Vila
Manuel Trujillo:
 Santiago Vila:
  En woody la instalación mediante perfiles ya no se hará mediantes
  paquetes task-*, por ese motivo la mayoría de los que había han sido

 Fale... ¿Puedes decirnos, por favor, cómo se hará, si con algún tipo
 de paquetes al estilo task-*, o por ahí???

En el fichero Packages.gz algunos paquetes tendrán campos como este:

Task: games

y el sistema de instalación seleccionará los paquetes que tengan los
campos seleccionados.

No sé más, lo único que sé es que no se hará con paquetes .deb como
los de antes (véase boot-floppies para más detalles).

Re: Conseguir correo remoto con comandos ETRN

2001-08-03 Thread Marcelo Scollo
yo tengo eso funcionando aunque en un slack
el por que no al fetchmail es porque en el server no hay un pop3
tenes que mandarle el comando etrn y el dominio correspondiente, si queres
te mando el script (esta en perl)
lo unico que me parece es que tenes que bajar los mails por dominio (asi lo
tengo aca en la empresa)
si te puedo ayudar en algo avisa

- Original Message -
From: Carlos López [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 1:06 PM
Subject: Conseguir correo remoto con comandos ETRN

 Buenas tardes,

 Me gustaría recoger el correo que tengo en diferentes
 cuentas de correo por internet desde casa con mi
 workstation Debian.
 Me explico:
 Tengo dos cuentas, lease: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Necesito que sendmail me recoja todo
 el correo una vez al dia de estas dos cuentas y
 dejarlo en el buzon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sé que se puede realizar esto via comandos ETRN con
 otro servidor, pero ¿como lo hago?, o ¿donde puedo
 encontrar documentación exhaustiva del tema?.

 Bueno, muchas gracias por adelantado.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Obtenga su dirección de correo-e gratis

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Paquetes task-*

2001-08-03 Thread jvicente
Ok. Pero entonces hoy como hago para instalar  las X-Window??

Santiago Vila [EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 03/08/2001 09:38:01

Destinatarios: Manuel Trujillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Asunto:   Re: Paquetes task-*

Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

Manuel Trujillo:
 Santiago Vila:
  En woody la instalaci=F3n mediante perfiles ya no se har=E1 mediant=
  paquetes task-*, por ese motivo la mayor=EDa de los que hab=EDa han=

 Fale... =BFPuedes decirnos, por favor, c=F3mo se har=E1, si con alg=FA=
n tipo
 de paquetes al estilo task-*, o por ah=ED???
En el fichero Packages.gz algunos paquetes tendr=E1n campos como este:
Task: games
y el sistema de instalaci=F3n seleccionar=E1 los paquetes que tengan lo=
campos seleccionados.
No s=E9 m=E1s, lo =FAnico que s=E9 es que no se har=E1 con paquetes .de=
b como
los de antes (v=E9ase boot-floppies para m=E1s detalles).

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Re: Imágenes ISO-CD de Woody

2001-08-03 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Alfonso...

decías, el 12:12-03/ago/2001:

 ¿Son 6 CD´s!!!? Pues qué traen, porque hay uno con 115 y otro con 230 Mb.  
 ¿Alguien sabe cuándo van a soltar woody?
 ¿Qué problemas podría haber al instalar woody sin que se haya hecho estable
En el ftp del gul de la UC3M  que administro genero las imágenes de woody
semanalmente, y lo tengo puesto para no desperdiciar sitio en los cds, con lo
que sólo son 4, pero llenitos...
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Administrador del FTP del GUL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Cual es la mejor forma de acelerar un Mac: 9.8 m/s^2

Description: PGP signature

Re: Paquetes task-*

2001-08-03 Thread Santiago Vila
 Ok. Pero entonces hoy como hago para instalar  las X-Window??

Como siempre, instalando los paquetes que *necesites*.
Instala xfree86-common y lee la documentación.

Re: Problemilla con dpkg o perl?? no puedo instalar nada

2001-08-03 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Santiago...

decías, el 01:32-03/ago/2001:
 Para instalar woody no es necesario instalar potato. Basta con que
 comienzes la instalación de potato hasta que instales el sistema base,
 y entonces le dices a apt que tome los paquetes de woody para
 terminar la instalación.
Vale, pues para cuando lo haga, ya me losé.. gracias... Creo que son archivos
de /var/lib/dpkg o /var/lib/apt, pero aunque los tengo en el /lost+found, voy
a hacer esto último..
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Administrador del FTP del GUL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

I got blisters on my fingers

Description: PGP signature

Re: Imágenes ISO-CD de Woody

2001-08-03 Thread Juan Ignacio Codoñer
El Vie 03 Ago 2001 15:23, Daniel Payno escribió:
 Hola Alfonso...

 decías, el 12:12-03/ago/2001:
  ¿Son 6 CD´s!!!? Pues qué traen, porque hay uno con 115 y otro con 230 Mb.
   Trae KDE2???
  ¿Alguien sabe cuándo van a soltar woody?
  ¿Qué problemas podría haber al instalar woody sin que se haya hecho
  estable todavía?

 En el ftp del gul de la UC3M  que administro genero las imágenes de woody
 semanalmente, y lo tengo puesto para no desperdiciar sitio en los cds, con
 lo que sólo son 4, pero llenitos...

¿es posible instalar woody arrancando desde el primer cd, hacer la 
instalación base y luego bajarlo todo por inet?


Re: Imágenes ISO-CD de Woody

2001-08-03 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Juan...

decías, el 03:27-03/ago/2001:
 ¿es posible instalar woody arrancando desde el primer cd, hacer la 
 instalación base y luego bajarlo todo por inet?
El hecho es que el primer CD de woody ES autoarrancable, pero si no me
equivoco, los boot-floppies de woody aun no están... De hecho, siempre es lo
que más se tarda en finiquitar, y hasta que no se congela la distribución no
empiezan a ser funcionales. Aunque no lo sé, mi opinión es que no.
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Administrador del FTP del GUL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

World domination.  Fast
(By Linus Torvalds)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Imágenes ISO-CD de Woody

2001-08-03 Thread Juan Ignacio Codoñer
El Vie 03 Ago 2001 15:30, Daniel Payno escribió:
 Hola Juan...

 decías, el 03:27-03/ago/2001:
  ¿es posible instalar woody arrancando desde el primer cd, hacer la
  instalación base y luego bajarlo todo por inet?

 El hecho es que el primer CD de woody ES autoarrancable, pero si no me
 equivoco, los boot-floppies de woody aun no están... De hecho, siempre es
 lo que más se tarda en finiquitar, y hasta que no se congela la
 distribución no empiezan a ser funcionales. Aunque no lo sé, mi opinión es
 que no.

¿si es autoarrancable, que arranca? supongo que arrancará la instalación ¿no?
Sino que hago, ¿instalo una base de potato y directamente actualizo con apt a 
una base de woody y de ahí tiro millas?

Re: Imágenes ISO-CD de Woody

2001-08-03 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Juan...

decías, el 03:34-03/ago/2001:
 ¿si es autoarrancable, que arranca? supongo que arrancará la instalación ¿no?
 Sino que hago, ¿instalo una base de potato y directamente actualizo con apt a 
 una base de woody y de ahí tiro millas?
Si, arranca el proceso de instalación, pero el sistema base creo (no lo sé, ya
te digo) que no está hecho.. Y si, justo lo que me acaba de decir Santiago
Vila, instálate sólo el sistema base de potato, y luego instala los paquetes
de woody
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Administrador del FTP del GUL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

In the fight between you and the world, back the world.
--Frank Zappa

Description: PGP signature

Interbase y php4

2001-08-03 Thread Carlos Solano
Hola lista,

Quiero dar soporte Interbase a php. He Buscado por todas partes y no he
encontrado más que una referencia en /usr/share/doc/php4/Readme.Debian 
en la que dice que el soporte para Interbase está deshabilitado pero
que si se quiere se puede habilitar. Lo que no pone es como hacerlo.

Estoy usando potato 2.2r3

Gracias y un saludo!

Re: Conseguir correo remoto con comandos ETRN

2001-08-03 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 02 Aug 2001 a las 11:06AM -0500, Carlos López escribio:
 Tengo dos cuentas, lease: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Necesito que sendmail me recoja todo
 el correo una vez al dia de estas dos cuentas y
 dejarlo en el buzon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sé que se puede realizar esto via comandos ETRN con

ETRN es el comando con el que se le indica a un servidor secundario de
un dominio de correo, esto es, un servidor de backup, que conecte con el
primario para entregarle los mensajes porque se ha levantado despues de
una caida, o bien periodicamente se le envia este ETRN para decirle: que
ya estoy aquí, que si tienes algo para mi, me lo des ahora. Tambien lo
usan servidores primarios que tienen conexión no permanete a internet, si
no bajo demanda, y están conectados poco rato al dia.
Solo es una indicación al servidor de correo secundario para que entregue,
pero este secundario inicia una conexión SMTP independiente para ello. No
te vale para lo que quieres.

 otro servidor, pero ¿como lo hago?, o ¿donde puedo
 encontrar documentación exhaustiva del tema?.

Las RFCs son el mejor sitio. Busca por Simple Mail Transfer Protocol en

Andres Seco Hernandez- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MCP ID 445900 -
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway   -
Debian GNU/Linux -
Grupo de Usuarios de GNU/Linux  de  Guadalajara  y
alrededores  -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Imágenes ISO-CD de Woody

2001-08-03 Thread German Poo Caaman~o
Daniel Payno wrote:
 decías, el 03:27-03/ago/2001:
  ¿es posible instalar woody arrancando desde el primer cd, hacer la
  instalación base y luego bajarlo todo por inet?
 El hecho es que el primer CD de woody ES autoarrancable, pero si no me
 equivoco, los boot-floppies de woody aun no están... De hecho, siempre es lo
 que más se tarda en finiquitar, y hasta que no se congela la distribución no
 empiezan a ser funcionales. Aunque no lo sé, mi opinión es que no.

Y le instale woody a un amigo a partir de los CD's del 20/07.  Los
del 20/05 tenian algun drama (pero no me toco a mi probarlos :-)

Que tiene algunos problemas la instalacion, los tiene.  Pero son
menores... como formatear todo antes de instalar.  Por ahi tenia
un directorio perl, y la instalacion no fue capaz de reponerse.

German Poo Caaman~o
La historia no se lee, se escribe

Re: Programación BT878.

2001-08-03 Thread German Poo Caaman~o
Jose Velasco Lopez wrote:
  Hola quisiera si es posible que me dijerais si hay algun tipo de
 para acceder a un BT878. Tengo que hacer un programa que lea de la entrada
 de Video Compuesto de una sintonizadora, hay algun tipo de documentación,
 libreria, api, al respecto, que esté bastante clara?


Quizas te sirva partir por:

German Poo Caaman~o
La historia no se lee, se escribe

S.O.S. con Xemacs

2001-08-03 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
... esperando que no sea off-topic... ¿cómo puedo configurar xemacs para que 
las letras acentuadas se ven bien?
Un saludo

Re: Conseguir correo remoto con comandos ETRN

2001-08-03 Thread German Poo Caaman~o
Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
 El 02 Aug 2001 a las 11:06AM -0500, Carlos López escribio:
  Tengo dos cuentas, lease: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Necesito que sendmail me recoja todo
  el correo una vez al dia de estas dos cuentas y
  dejarlo en el buzon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sé que se puede realizar esto via comandos ETRN con
 ETRN es el comando con el que se le indica a un servidor secundario de
 un dominio de correo, esto es, un servidor de backup, que conecte con el
 primario para entregarle los mensajes porque se ha levantado despues de
 una caida, o bien periodicamente se le envia este ETRN para decirle: que
 ya estoy aquí, que si tienes algo para mi, me lo des ahora. Tambien lo
 usan servidores primarios que tienen conexión no permanete a internet, si
 no bajo demanda, y están conectados poco rato al dia.
 Solo es una indicación al servidor de correo secundario para que entregue,
 pero este secundario inicia una conexión SMTP independiente para ello. No
 te vale para lo que quieres.

Solo para complementar.  ETRN es ETURN, y TURN fue la sentencia 
original que le indicida al servidor SMTP cambiemos los roles,
con lo cual el cliente comienza a actuar como servidor y el
servidor original SMTP como cliente, de esta forma recibe
todos los mensajes que el servidor tiene para el cliente.

German Poo Caaman~o
La historia no se lee, se escribe

Re: Tamaño de fuentes en lynx.

2001-08-03 Thread Debian User
Santiago Vila wrote:

 ¿a qué te refieres con las fuentes del lynx? No tiene ninguna, que
 yo sepa, lynx funciona en modo de texto.

 Si estás usándolo dentro del sistema de ventanas X, prueba a pulsar el

 botón derecho del ratón mientras pulsas la tecla Control.

pues cuando me refiero a las fuentes del lynx quiero decir al tamano de
las letras que me muestra el lynx,
que en mi caso son muy chicas y me dificulta leerlas :( cuando navego o
sea que en definitiva quiero saber si las puede mostrar un poco mas
Te saluda...
Juan Ortiz

Actualizar Potato a Woody.

2001-08-03 Thread Debian User
Saludos Debianitas!!
Ahi va mi consulta:
Tengo la intencion de actualizar mi potato a woody,esto se hace con el
comando apt-get  update no?
ahora  cuales son los archivos que tendria  que editar para especificar
las direcciones de ftp para bajar los archivos?,otra duda es que yo
tengo a windowmaker + gnome con la actualizacion conservaria esta
configuracion?,otro problema es que tengo acceso telefonico cuanto
estiman que tardara la actualizacion?
se puede hacer por partes?,si se desconecta,algo muy frecuente en acceso
telefonico,como quedaria la configuracion?..
perdon por tantas preguntas pero esta tarea nunca la hice y me genera
muchas dudas,si alguien sabe de algun manual o Como de actualizacion de
debian en castellano me lo dice.
los saluda...
Juan Ortiz

Pistas de CD?? Donde están??

2001-08-03 Thread Maximiliano Alonzo
Hola debianitas;
Mi problema es que cuando ejecuto el programa xmms como usuario no puedo
cargar las pistas de un cd de música, pero si puedo hacerlo como root.
Ya he puesto al usuario dentro de grupo cdrom, dentro del grupo audio 
sigo sin ver las pistas.
También le di permiso de lectura al dispositivo /dev/cdrom pero tampoco
funciono, que puede ser este problema??
Como lo soluciono??
Desde ya muchísimas gracias.

Mi sistema es un Debian Potato 2.2r2

Maximiliano Alonzo
San José de Mayo - Uruguay


2001-08-03 Thread Mikael Åkersund
On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 10:24:03PM +0200, Fredrik 'Goethe' Persson wrote:
  I min står det följande:
  Vad menas med detta.
 Tja... det där är väl för att du ska kunna kompilera libc5-grejer på ett
 libc6-system, skulle jag tro. 
 Men det är mest en gissning.
 /Fredrik Persson


Det är för att man ska kunna köra program som är dynamiskt länkade mot
libc5. Det krävs iofs också om man vill kunna kompilera libc5-grejor


Re: Placa de som sb

2001-08-03 Thread Emerson Val Silva
On Thursday 02 August 2001 14:49, Fabiano Manoel de Andrade wrote:
 Olá Pessoal.

 A minha placa de som e Soundblaster e o drive sb só é carregado
  corretamente se colocar os parãmetros
  insmod sb io=220 irq=5 dma=1 mpu_io=0x330 trix=1
  O que significa o parâmetro  trix=1? Como faço para colocar esse
  parâmetro para compilar o sb built-in no kernel?


echo options sb io=220 irq=5 dma=1 mpu_io=0x330 trix=1  /etc/modutils/sb

Fw: Gravador de Cd HP 9200

2001-08-03 Thread TuXNH
 Olá Pessoal!
A empresa vai comprar um gravador de cds HP 9200, alguém poderia me ajudar a 
configurar, por onde começo??? Meu kernel é o 2.2.19 e já tem suporte a 
emulação SCSI... e já instalei o Xcdroast
|   .''`.   ||   Gilberto Júnior - Dep. Informática QRS|
|  : :'  :  ||   [EMAIL PROTECTED] --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  `. `'`   ||Linux User #185987  UIN #84098982|
|`- ||   Powered by Debian Gnu/Linux --- Mailer Sylpheed   |
|  Debian   || | 

Re: Fw: Gravador de Cd HP 9200

2001-08-03 Thread Marcos Augusto Nagamura


uma boa fonte de informacao e' o CD-Writing HOWTO, disponivel na

Ate' mais,


On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, TuXNH wrote:

  Olá Pessoal!
 A empresa vai comprar um gravador de cds HP 9200, alguém poderia me ajudar a 
 configurar, por onde começo??? Meu kernel é o 2.2.19 e já tem suporte a 
 emulação SCSI... e já instalei o Xcdroast
 |   .''`.   ||   Gilberto Júnior - Dep. Informática QRS|
 |  : :'  :  ||   [EMAIL PROTECTED] --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
 |  `. `'`   ||Linux User #185987  UIN #84098982|
 |`- ||   Powered by Debian Gnu/Linux --- Mailer Sylpheed   |
 |  Debian   || | 
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Links interessantes (strange, leia! =))

2001-08-03 Thread Andre Luis Lopes
On Thu, 02 Aug 2001 23:19:31 -0300
Gustavo Noronha Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alô amigos, 
 dois links interessantes...
 strange, quem sabe colocamos o primeiro numa seção de links
 (nós temos, até esqueci =)) da página do Debian-BR? Parece
 uma idéia interessantíssima =)

   Apoiado :-) Achei muito interessante. Inclusive, só para deixar
registrado, existe aqui em São Paulo um grupo chamado LinuxSP que
tem planos e já estão se movimentando para a criação de apostilas
para ministrar cursos sobre GNU/Linux para *pupilos* :-)

   Não, não faço parte desse grupo, mas seria interessante mantermos
algum contato com esse pessoal. Sei lá, algum tipo de cooperação pode

   Segundo li nas mensagens da lista, eles decidiram por usar Conectiva
como a distruibuição padrão, mas enviei uma mensagem para a lista comentando
sobre nosso projeto e nossos esforços e alguns membros ficaram interessados.

   Para quem tem interesse :

Geral maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

André Luís Lopes
Utah Linuxcenter

Re: Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil (AFAICT

2001-08-03 Thread Andre Luis Lopes
On Thu, 02 Aug 2001 23:52:18 -0300
Pablo Lorenzzoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Olah ALL
   Estou anunciando em primeira mao a criacao do debianRS (leh-se 
 debianers). O primeiro grupo de **usuarios** Debian do Brasil 
   Este grupo tem por objetivo divulgar o Debian para as pessoas que 
 moram no RS, especialmente em Porto Alegre, alem de trocar 
 experiencias, eh claro!
   A primeira reuniao aconteceu hoje, no Olaria em Porto Alegre (regado 
 a Chopp e piadas de Technical Support), e estiveram presentes os 
 seguintes usuarios de Debian:
 dump - Christiano Anderson
 hzi - Henry Lenzi
 Lucifer - Luciano Lopes
 spectra - Pablo Lorenzzoni
   Teve ateh um futuro usuario de Debian (o Clovis) que participou da 
   Se houver algum usuario de Debian do RS que receber esse email, 
 entre em contato com algum dos acima citados (email, IRC), para que 
 seja incluido na lista e avisado das reunioes.
   Em breve estarei divulgando a mailing-list e a webpage.

   Hmmm, sinto falta de um grupo assim aqui em São Paulo também :-(
Aliás, quantos de São Paulo existem na lista ???

André Luís Lopes
Utah Linuxcenter

Re: Fw: Gravador de Cd HP 9200

2001-08-03 Thread Andre Luis Lopes
On Fri, 03 Aug 2001 09:03:37 -0300

  Olá Pessoal!
 A empresa vai comprar um gravador de cds HP 9200, alguém poderia me ajudar a 
 configurar, por onde começo??? Meu kernel é o 2.2.19 e já tem suporte a 
 emulação SCSI... e já instalei o Xcdroast

   Eu recomendaria uma leitura do CD-Writing-HOWTO. Ele explica tudinho :-)
   Mas, uma rápida passada pelo que tenho aqui (um gravador HP 7200 velhino) :

   Criei o arquivo /etc/modutils/ide-scsi com esse conteúdo :

foo:/etc/modutils# cat ide-scsi 
options ide-cd ignore=hdd
alias scd0 sr_mod# load sr_mod upon access of scd0
pre-install sg modprobe ide-scsi # load ide-scsi before sg
pre-install sr_mod modprobe ide-scsi # load ide-scsi before sr_mod
pre-install ide-scsi modprobe ide-cd # load ide-cd   before ide-scsi


   Depois, editei o lilo.conf e fiz a seguinte modificação :

-- corta --


-- corta --

   Ou seja, só inclui a linha append.

   Depois disso, execute um update-modules.

   Pode até existir outra maneira, mas precisei reiniciar a máquina para que 
tudo funcionasse.

André Luís Lopes
Utah Linuxcenter

Re: Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil (AFAICT

2001-08-03 Thread Rogerio Neves Batata
On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Andre Luis Lopes wrote:

#On Thu, 02 Aug 2001 23:52:18 -0300
#Pablo Lorenzzoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
# Olah ALL
# Estou anunciando em primeira mao a criacao do debianRS (leh-se 
# debianers). O primeiro grupo de **usuarios** Debian do Brasil 
# Este grupo tem por objetivo divulgar o Debian para as pessoas que 
# moram no RS, especialmente em Porto Alegre, alem de trocar 
# experiencias, eh claro!
# A primeira reuniao aconteceu hoje, no Olaria em Porto Alegre (regado 
# a Chopp e piadas de Technical Support), e estiveram presentes os 
# seguintes usuarios de Debian:
# dump - Christiano Anderson
# hzi - Henry Lenzi
# Lucifer - Luciano Lopes
# spectra - Pablo Lorenzzoni
# Teve ateh um futuro usuario de Debian (o Clovis) que participou da 
# reuniao.
# Se houver algum usuario de Debian do RS que receber esse email, 
# entre em contato com algum dos acima citados (email, IRC), para que 
# seja incluido na lista e avisado das reunioes.
# Em breve estarei divulgando a mailing-list e a webpage.
#   Hmmm, sinto falta de um grupo assim aqui em São Paulo também :-(
#Aliás, quantos de São Paulo existem na lista ???

Aproveitando o gancho mais alguém de Curitiba?

#André Luís Lopes
#Utah Linuxcenter
#with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 \ /  Campanha da fita ASCII - contra mail html
  X   ASCII ribbon campaign - against html mail
 / \

Re: Mozilla lento

2001-08-03 Thread Rafael Sasaki
On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 11:30:42PM -0300, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
  Achei o Mozilla muito bom, porém lento, consome muito o processador, 
  de sugestoes de navegadores bons que substituam o Mozilla..
 o processador? ele consome muito é memória =)
 tente o light, o galeon, que são baseados nele (mas se você está usando
 stable nem adianta... e o mozilla do stable é *sofrível*... o mais novo
 é melhor...

   Tenho usado o mozilla desde que instalei o Debian aqui e não estou
achando ruim... Pode ser que eu já esteja acostumado. Que browser você usa?

  Rafael Sasaki

Re: Existe o GNU Tella pra Potato??

2001-08-03 Thread Hélio
 um cara me disse que existe o GNUTella pra potato mas nao consegui
 achar. E ae?? Existe mesmo?

Procure no;.  Eu já experimentei
o hagelslag, o gtk-gnutella e o limewire.  O primeiro é tipo console.
O gtk, recomendado pelo Maçan, compila sem problemas, mas não tem
servidor inicial para se conectar na rede, e quando o faz, não limita
banda (de cara me comeu 5 KB).  Já o limewire tem algumas funcionalidades
interessantes (entre elas, a limitação de banda), mas não é GPL (ou GNU),
apenas freeware, e é feito em java, a linguagem do inferno (aquela que
come seus recursos até não poder mais).

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
 FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Modem PCTel PCI no Debian 2.2r3

2001-08-03 Thread Vitor Silva Souza

At 13:18 2/8/2001 -0300, Pablo Lorenzzoni wrote:

Em Qui 02 Ago 2001 00:27, Linuxperience escreveu:
| Trabalho em um provedor. 90% do suporte é graças a esse lixo
| inventado pela humanidade: winmodem, softmodem, chamem do que
| quiser.

São de usuários Linux ou usuários Windows? Se for de Linux, 
realmente não há drivers para isso, e dependemos de esforço de voluntários 
como Jan Stifter e o pessoal do Se for de Windows, não sabia 
que a estatística era tão ruim. Para mim o driver de Windows funcionava bem 
e era fácil de instalar.

Isso mesmo!
E essa historia de ocuparem um pouquinho do processamento eh a
maior besteira que eu jah ouvi. Eles lentificam qq maquina uma
barbaridade!!! Pense bem: fazer todo o DSP num processador CISC O
problema nem eh fazer o processamento, eh ocupar um processador que
naum foi projetado para DSP para fazer justamente isso!

O que eu estava querendo dizer é que para um usuário normal o 
Winmodem funciona direito. Eu nunca vi ninguém além dos usuários de Linux 
reclamarem deles. Imagine um AMD Duron 750Mhz com 64MB RAM (que é a máquina 
mais básica no momento) tendo que processar somente o Windows, o Office, 
Internet Explorer, etc. Não sou entendido de Sistemas Operacionais ou mesmo 
de Hardware para afirmar, mas eu acho que dá pra encaixar o processamento 
do tal do DSP aí no meio, será que não?

Novamente, são minhas opiniões. Não entendo muito bem de Winmodem, 
só nunca vi nenhum usuário padrão reclamar dele.

Last but not least, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Você poderia ter um desempenho mais satisfatório de sua máquina sem os 

for win, a qualidade do hardware é relativa ao seu valor. Seu eu tivesse
condições equiparia toda minha máquina com Hardwares SCSI e uma placa
Adaptec 160MB/s, mas ... :-)

No final das contas é isso que eu quis dizer! :) Concordo!

- Vítor

Vítor Estêvão Silva Souza

Re: Mozilla lento

2001-08-03 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Fri, 3 Aug 2001 11:21:43 -0300
Rafael Sasaki [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

Tenho usado o mozilla desde que instalei o Debian aqui e não estou
 achando ruim... Pode ser que eu já esteja acostumado. Que browser você usa?
uso o light... mas tenho usado mais o dillo, porque ele vê as páginas que
mais acesso muito bem =)

não falei dele porque não vai interessar a muita gente... não suporta
nem frames (ainda)... mas pra ler docs e páginas como newsforge, debian-br,
debian é muito bom...


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil

2001-08-03 Thread cosmo
On Fri, 3 Aug 2001 10:51:07 -0300
Andre Luis Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hmmm, sinto falta de um grupo assim aqui em São Paulo também :-(

Eh so fazer. Incluse a um tempo atras teve um encontro aqui em Sao 
Paulo. Nao custa nada tentarmos fazer um novo encontro.

 Aliás, quantos de São Paulo existem na lista ???

- Cosmo

[ ]'s

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  : :'  :
* GNU/Linux Debian   *  `. `'`
  *** `-


2001-08-03 Thread Thadeu Penna
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, cosmo wrote:
 On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 18:21:29 -0300 (EST)
 Rodrigo Morais Araujo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Eh necessario instalar algum aplicativo para poder habilitar o
  NFS, alem do kernel ?!?!?
  Sim, precisa! apt-cache search nfs, isso irá te mostrar uma lista
  relçativamente grande mas você acho que você precisará de dois deles
  (desculpe se estiver errado) nfs-common e nfs-kernel-server ou
  nfs-user-server, ambos provem o nfs-server, mas o user-server não
  precisaria nem ter suporte no kernel já que ele roda todo espaço de

 nfs-server - User space NFS server.
 nfs-kernel-server - Kernel NFS server support
 nfs-common - NFS support files common to client and server

Aproveitando a deixa: alguém aqui defende o kernel-server sobre o
user-space ? Eu não sei bem quais as diferenças de performance mas lembro
que quando o servidor (kernel-server) caia, as estações não remontavam os
volumes. Consegui isto, de primeira, usando o user space. A manpage não dá
detalhes sobre as diferenças.

 ___  _ .''`.
  | |_  _. _| _  |_) _ ._ ._  _.   : :'  :
  | | |(_|(_|(/_|_|  |  (/_| || |(_|   `. `'`
Linux User #50500`-
Prof.Adjunto - Instituto de Física   Debian-
Universidade Federal Fluminense  Alpha/K6/K7

Samba-HOWTO... que licença é essa?!

2001-08-03 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva

hoje eu estava dando uma lida no samba-howto traduzido pela conectiva
quando cheguei à parte de direitos autorais e encontrei:

10. Direitos Autorais

Este COMO FAZER foi produzido em 1996 por David Wood. Ele pode ser reproduzido
em qualquer formato e livremente distribuído desde que o arquivo permaneça 
intacto, incluindo este aviso.

se é essa mesmo a licença, até mesmo a tradução da conectiva é uma
violação dela e vamos ter de rever nossos pacotes que contêm esse
documento... que eles não podem entrar na main... estou certo?



Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |


2001-08-03 Thread Hélio
  nfs-server - User space NFS server.
  nfs-kernel-server - Kernel NFS server support
  nfs-common - NFS support files common to client and server
 Aproveitando a deixa: alguém aqui defende o kernel-server sobre o
 user-space ? Eu não sei bem quais as diferenças de performance mas lembro
 que quando o servidor (kernel-server) caia, as estações não remontavam os
 volumes. Consegui isto, de primeira, usando o user space. A manpage não dá
 detalhes sobre as diferenças.

No kernel-server vc ganha em desempenho, mas em compensação
se vc exporta o cdrom e alguém monta remotamente, vc tem que dar stop
no nfs-server para poder desmontar o cdrom.  Apesar de *lento*, prefiro
o nfs-server. Agora como servidor nfs, o Linux (o kernel mesmo)
não fala muito bem com BSD.  Não me refiro somente ao FreeBSD, OpenBSD
e outros *BSD, mas a AIX, Solaris, HP-UX e outros que usam a pilha BSD
no código de rede.  Mesmo aumentando o rsize e o wsize para 8192,
Solaris e BSDs tem problemas de perder o sincronimos dos RPCs e não
mais reestabelecer.  Já o contrário funciona muito bem.

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
 FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Samba-HOWTO... que licença é essa?!

2001-08-03 Thread lyra
Putz grile meu!!!

- Original Message -
From: Gustavo Noronha Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian User Portuguese
Cc: Gleydson Maziolli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 2:24 PM
Subject: Samba-HOWTO... que licença é essa?!


 hoje eu estava dando uma lida no samba-howto traduzido pela conectiva
 quando cheguei à parte de direitos autorais e encontrei:


 10. Direitos Autorais

 Este COMO FAZER foi produzido em 1996 por David Wood. Ele pode ser
 em qualquer formato e livremente distribuído desde que o arquivo permaneça
 intacto, incluindo este aviso.

 se é essa mesmo a licença, até mesmo a tradução da conectiva é uma
 violação dela e vamos ter de rever nossos pacotes que contêm esse
 documento... que eles não podem entrar na main... estou certo?



 Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
 |  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
 | : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
 | `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
 |   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil

2001-08-03 Thread cosmo
 Aliás, quantos de São Paulo existem na lista ???
- Cosmo
- Michelle 


[ ]'s

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  : :'  :
* GNU/Linux Debian   *  `. `'`
  *** `-

Re: Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil

2001-08-03 Thread Pablo Borges
On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, cosmo wrote:

 Aliás, quantos de São Paulo existem na lista ???

- Cosmo
- Michelle
- Pablo Borges

     Tecnologia UOL
 |  =_/  The 100% suck free linux distro.
\  SETI is lame.
 Dnetc is XNUG!

Re: Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil (AFAICT

2001-08-03 Thread Daniel Tiziani Silva
so pra nao perder a deixa, alguem de campinas?


On Fri, 3 Aug 2001 11:02:52 -0300 (BRT)
Rogerio Neves Batata [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Andre Luis Lopes wrote:
 #On Thu, 02 Aug 2001 23:52:18 -0300
 #Pablo Lorenzzoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 # Olah ALL
 #   Estou anunciando em primeira mao a criacao do debianRS (leh-se 
 # debianers). O primeiro grupo de **usuarios** Debian do Brasil 
 # (AFAICT).
 #   Este grupo tem por objetivo divulgar o Debian para as pessoas que 
 # moram no RS, especialmente em Porto Alegre, alem de trocar 
 # experiencias, eh claro!
 #   A primeira reuniao aconteceu hoje, no Olaria em Porto Alegre (regado 
 # a Chopp e piadas de Technical Support), e estiveram presentes os 
 # seguintes usuarios de Debian:
 # dump - Christiano Anderson
 # hzi - Henry Lenzi
 # Lucifer - Luciano Lopes
 # spectra - Pablo Lorenzzoni
 #   Teve ateh um futuro usuario de Debian (o Clovis) que participou da 
 # reuniao.
 #   Se houver algum usuario de Debian do RS que receber esse email, 
 # entre em contato com algum dos acima citados (email, IRC), para que 
 # seja incluido na lista e avisado das reunioes.
 #   Em breve estarei divulgando a mailing-list e a webpage.
 #   Hmmm, sinto falta de um grupo assim aqui em São Paulo também :-(
 #Aliás, quantos de São Paulo existem na lista ???
   Aproveitando o gancho mais alguém de Curitiba?
 #André Luís Lopes
 #Utah Linuxcenter
 #with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \ /  Campanha da fita ASCII - contra mail html
   X   ASCII ribbon campaign - against html mail
  / \
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil (AFAICT

2001-08-03 Thread Tiago de Lima Bueno
Tem eu... e mais um maluco amigo meu...


Tiago de Lima Bueno
Administrador de Redes

On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Daniel Tiziani Silva wrote:

 so pra nao perder a deixa, alguem de campinas?
 On Fri, 3 Aug 2001 11:02:52 -0300 (BRT)
 Rogerio Neves Batata [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Andre Luis Lopes wrote:
  #On Thu, 02 Aug 2001 23:52:18 -0300
  #Pablo Lorenzzoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  # Olah ALL
  # Estou anunciando em primeira mao a criacao do debianRS (leh-se 
  # debianers). O primeiro grupo de **usuarios** Debian do Brasil 
  # (AFAICT).
  # Este grupo tem por objetivo divulgar o Debian para as pessoas 
  # moram no RS, especialmente em Porto Alegre, alem de trocar 
  # experiencias, eh claro!
  # A primeira reuniao aconteceu hoje, no Olaria em Porto Alegre 
  # a Chopp e piadas de Technical Support), e estiveram presentes os 
  # seguintes usuarios de Debian:
  # dump - Christiano Anderson
  # hzi - Henry Lenzi
  # Lucifer - Luciano Lopes
  # spectra - Pablo Lorenzzoni
  # Teve ateh um futuro usuario de Debian (o Clovis) que participou 
  # reuniao.
  # Se houver algum usuario de Debian do RS que receber esse email, 
  # entre em contato com algum dos acima citados (email, IRC), para que 
  # seja incluido na lista e avisado das reunioes.
  # Em breve estarei divulgando a mailing-list e a webpage.
  #   Hmmm, sinto falta de um grupo assim aqui em São Paulo também :-(
  #Aliás, quantos de São Paulo existem na lista ???
  Aproveitando o gancho mais alguém de Curitiba?
  #André Luís Lopes
  #Utah Linuxcenter
  #with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   \ /  Campanha da fita ASCII - contra mail html
X   ASCII ribbon campaign - against html mail
   / \
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil

2001-08-03 Thread Michelle Ribeiro

  Aliás, quantos de São Paulo existem na lista ???
 - Cosmo

- Michelle

Michelle Ribeiro
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux 
: :'  : UIN: 89497281
`. `'`   

Re: Traduçã o do debian-history

2001-08-03 Thread Carlos Laviola
On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 06:06:42PM -0300, Israel Mendes Biscaia Filho wrote:
 FALAE galera!!
 Bom, eu finalmente acabei a tradução do debian-history. Gostaria de saber
 para quem enviá-lo, e só uma dúvida:

Você deve enviá-lo para Bdale Garbee, o mantenedor do pacote. Seu e-mail

P.S. Sua assinatura é desnecessariamente gigantesca.

 _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _  Debian-BR Project
(_(_|| |(_)_)  |(_|\/|(_)|(_| uin#: 981913 (icq)

Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594

Re: Leitor de E-Mail

2001-08-03 Thread Carlos Laviola
On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 09:20:15AM -0300, Tiago de Lima Bueno wrote:
 alguém poderia me indicar um bom leitor de e-mail sem ser o do 
 netscape, estou procurando algum mais parecido com o Eudora que roda em 
 Windows, mas não achei nenhum legal para o Debian. Acho que isso eh a unica 
 coisa que me prende ao Windows ainda (alem dos jogos :-P ).

Minha recomendação pessoal é um misto de fetchmail, procmail, mutt e
exim. (No caso, o mutt é que é o leitor de e-mail per se).

 _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _  Debian-BR Project
(_(_|| |(_)_)  |(_|\/|(_)|(_| uin#: 981913 (icq)

Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594

Re: Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil (AFAICT

2001-08-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Aliás, quantos de São Paulo existem na lista ???

ainda em fase de configuracao - mas ta valendo... :-)

- kuchma

marcio kuchma

Re: Leitor de E-Mail

2001-08-03 Thread Marcus Brito
On 03 Aug 2001 22:31:43 -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:

 alguém poderia me indicar um bom leitor de e-mail sem ser o do 
 netscape, estou procurando algum mais parecido com o Eudora que roda em 
 Windows, mas não achei nenhum legal para o Debian. Acho que isso eh a unica 
 coisa que me prende ao Windows ainda (alem dos jogos :-P ).

Eu ficaria com o Evolution. Mas desconfie, sou 'gnomie' de coração :)

Ja ne,
   Marcus Brito
   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anime Gaiden - De fãs para fãs, sempre.

Re: Tradução do debian-history

2001-08-03 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Fri, 3 Aug 2001 22:29:15 -0300
Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Você deve enviá-lo para Bdale Garbee, o mantenedor do pacote. Seu e-mail
isso também é importante, para que seja adicionado ao pacote oficial,
mas eu prefiriria que fosse feita a revisão antes... eu mesmo posso fazer,
mas preferiria se alguém se candidatasse... alguém?

Tem partes do manual que tão em inglês aportuguesado hehehe =)

 P.S. Sua assinatura é desnecessariamente gigantesca.
é... lá isso é verdade... 

valeu claviola =)


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil

2001-08-03 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva

Que tal, se ao invés de ficarem fazendo lista na lista fossem ao
contador Debian-BR, fizessem uma procura, na lista pública por 
SP e enviassem emails a essas pessoas? =)

É pra isso que ele serve


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil (AFAICT

2001-08-03 Thread Mateus Caruccio

pq nao cria-se uma paginazita com um PHPzito pro sujeito ir la e colocar
seu nome, cidade/estado ?
eu posso armazenar. tenho php/mysql disponiveis. se alguem se candidata a
fazer, me manda o esquema que eu hospedo. to meio sem tempo pra isso no
Mateus Caruccio

# Mateus de Oliveira Caruccio| There are two major products that come #
#  | out of Berkley: LSD and UNIX. We don't #
# Linux User #183552 - UIN #37364320 | don't believe this to be a coincidence #
Os direitos de propriedade foram criados para favorecer o
   bem-estar humano, n?o como uma desculpa para desrespeit?-los.
 Richard Stallman

Re: Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil (AFAICT

2001-08-03 Thread Death Angel
 Aliás, quantos de São Paulo existem na lista ???

ainda em fase de configuracao - mas ta valendo... :-)

- kuchma

marcio kuchma

Tambem sou de São Paulo
Max - _Death Angel_

command line formating problem

2001-08-03 Thread Theodore Knab

I have a screen formating question.

How do I prevent my screen from wrapping like this?

Normal Prompt:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/httpd/html/docs/public_key$

Single line wrapping: --send-key tjkme/httpd/html/docs/public_key$ gpg --keyserver 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/httpd/html/docs/public_key$ echo $SHELL

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/httpd/html/docs/public_key$ env
SSH_CLIENT= 32852 22

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/httpd/html/docs/public_key$ set
BASH_VERSINFO=([0]=2 [1]=03 [2]=0 [3]=1 [4]=release 
PS2=' '
PS4='+ '
SSH_CLIENT=' 32852 22'

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/httpd/html/docs/public_key$ cat ~/.bashrc
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples
alias ls='/bin/ls --color'
set horizontal-scroll-mode On

Re: hi..reg woody iso selection

2001-08-03 Thread Rogério Brito
On Aug 02 2001, dman wrote:
 Except that woody doesn't have an installer unless someone made
 really good unofficial cds.  I recommend getting potato cds for an
 initial install.  Personally I used CD3 a bit, but it was mostly for
 dev stuff or a few apps that I wanted that aren't commonly used (yet
 or anymore).

By the way, in my opinion, those who can, should help the
project installing the package popularity-contest, which
anonymously informs Debian which packages are the ones you
use, so that the packages of the future releases can be better
distributed among CDs.

BTW, are there any plans on making the newer releases of
Debian available on DVD, just like FreeBSD is going to be?  I
would purchase a DVD from, say, Cheapbytes if they offered

[]s, Roger...

  Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: Root on RAID

2001-08-03 Thread Brian May
 Alvin == Alvin Oga [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Alvin hi ya george

Alvin for raid1  typically /dev/hda is copied to /dev/hdb

Alvin  - dont know why you'd wanna mirror a partition...  (
Alvin system will still be dead since the rest of the required (
Alvin partition is not available

Easy, you create a separate software-RAID1 partition for every
partition on you harddisk, so in affect you mirror one harddisk on to
the other harddisk.

It might be possible (?) to mirror /dev/hda to /dev/hdb, but then you
need to subdivide that space up into partitions.

lvm could be used to do this (AFAIK), but all my attempts to use lvm
up to now have failed.

Even then, I imagine it would be harder/impossible to do some things
which are possible with a separate RAID partition, eg:

recently my 20 Gig harddisk failed (or at least showed serious looking
unrecoverable DMA transfer errors), and I didn't trust the other one
either. I only had 2 * 8 gigs harddisk spare.

It is an easy matter to create partitions the same size (or bigger) as
the important partitions on the remaining drive, and mirror them. If I
mirrored the entire drive, this would not be possible, I would need
total space at least 20Gigs big.

Of course, one of my partitions was 10Gig, so this wasn't going to
work here, so I tried to install a large lvm partition on both hard
disks. However, my attempts failed, as I couldn't do the 2nd step
(create a virtual drive from the physical drive, it kept saying no
physical drives found).

As for now, I have replaced the dead harddisk, and everything is
working fine (for the moment).

Re: Linux in the workplace: NT Domains

2001-08-03 Thread William Leese
On Friday 03 August 2001 00:57, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 04:20:20PM -0500, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
  * Patrick Kirk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
   Hmmm!  Isn't the whole point of working for someone else to get them to
   buy these essential books for you before you set off as a fabulously
   well-paid contractor?
  IME you don't get to keep the books your employer's paid for. Which kinda
  defeats the purpose -- unless you have retentive photographic memory, of

 Did those employers also make you undergo treatment to forget any
 training you'd received?

Heh, there goes my topic.

For the record, I work for a helpdesk.

Again, I'm asking help. With SAMBA how do I:

Login to the domain (pdc)
View computers logged into the domain
Browse and manipulate shares (in Konqueror?)


William Leese

code red goes on

2001-08-03 Thread John Griffiths
if you grep your http access log for default.ida (good sign of a code red 
attempt on an apache box)

you'll see that code red has infected as many new machines in the alst two days 
as it did on 20 July

Re: command line formating problem

2001-08-03 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 12:18:47AM -0400, Theodore Knab ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 I have a screen formating question.
 How do I prevent my screen from wrapping like this?
 Normal Prompt:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/httpd/html/docs/public_key$
 Single line wrapping: --send-key tjkme/httpd/html/docs/public_key$ gpg --keyserver 

Looks like you've got a longish shell prompt.  There are various
settings, following is from my .bashrc:

# Following sets prompt to [EMAIL PROTECTED] dir], and puts the full 
#   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/full/path/spec in an xterm title bar.
function proml
case $TERM in
local TITLEBAR='\[\033]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w\007\]'
eval `dircolors /etc/dir_colors`
local TITLEBAR=''

# shell prompt
PS2=' '
PS4='+ '

unset proml
export PS1

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
Free Dmitry!! Boycott Adobe!! Repeal the DMCA!!

Description: PGP signature

RE: Linux in the workplace: NT Domains

2001-08-03 Thread Kurt Lieber

 Login to the domain (pdc)

You have to join the linux computer to the domain, which requires some
level of admin privilages.  (We'll assume you have those)

%smppasswd -j domainname -r NetBIOS-name-of-PDC  (which the linux box
needs to be able to resolve, either by broadcast, /etc/hosts or your
samba lmhosts file (which should be in the same directory as your
smb.conf file)

 View computers logged into the domain

no idea.  never had to do that from linux. Don't even know it can be
done in samba. 

 Browse and manipulate shares (in Konqueror?)

you can browse the shares on a specific server by doing:

%smbclient -L servername -U username%passwd

as far as manipulating shares on a remote NT server -- dunno.  Don't
even know that samba can do this.

I've no idea why you would want to do this from Konqueror. I've always
used the command line so I don't know about a GUI interface.

Some of what you're asking to do suggests you're trying to admin an NT
box/domain from a linux machine.  If that's the case, I don't think
Samba is the right tool.  AFAIK, Samba is designed to allow sharing of
files and printers between NT and linux machines, but it's not designed
to provide NT admin tools like srvmgr.


Re: code red goes on

2001-08-03 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 02:54:01PM +, John Griffiths ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 if you grep your http access log for default.ida (good sign of a
 code red attempt on an apache box)
 you'll see that code red has infected as many new machines in the alst
 two days as it did on 20 July


grep 'default\.ida' /var/log/apache/access.log | awk '{print $1}' a hostlist.  Anyone know of a central repository who might be
collecting same and sending LARTs to the appropriate sysops?  Or is that
a complete [EMAIL PROTECTED]*() waste of time?  Any way to test an IP to see if
it's been compromised?

...or a good way to grab the relevant data and mail your own report?

I'm running 'host' against a bunch of IPs (I've got about 40), turning
up a bunch of 'ip does not exist' responses.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
Free Dmitry!! Boycott Adobe!! Repeal the DMCA!!

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to startx as normal user?

2001-08-03 Thread Brad Rhodes
begin /etc/X11/Xserver 


The first line in this file is the full pathname of the default X server.
The second line shows who is allowed to run the X server:
Console  (anyone whose controlling tty is on the console)


I've never used 'locate'; I've always used 'find'. 'locatedb' was already
up to date. It must be running 'updatedb' whenever all the mounted HDDs are
being intensively read for no apparent reason.

d wrote:
 I feel sure you are aware of this, run  updatedb  (without quotes of
 course), this may take a few minutes.  Then run  locate [name of file you
 are looking for]  (again/wo q c) and if it is there you will see it as a
 file/w path.  When using  cd  do not include the file name you are
 looking for, that makes it an invalid directory, wait until you are within
 the proper directory then use  cat  or what ever you want to view what is
 within the file.
 That is the extent of my knowledge of LINUX/UNIX systems.
 Don Hodges
 San Antonio, Texas
 At 03:15 AM 8/2/01, you wrote:
 In /etc/, 'ls X*' lists xserver, a directory, and Xserver, a regular file. 
 x*' yields 'ls: x*: No such file or directory' although there are several
 starting with a lowercase x (???). I tried 'less' on Xserver, to look at
 it, but
 it says 'Xserver: No such file or directory' (???). I tried to cd into
 but it says '/etc/xserver: No such file or directory' (???). Both files have
 read permissions set for owner, group, and other users, and I was logged in 
 root. I don't understand what's going on.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ich habe keine besondere Begabung,
 sondern bin nur leidenschaftlich neugierig.
  Albert Einstein
 I have got no special talent
 but I am passionately curious.
  Albert Einstein
 Me too,

Re: qtcups_2.0-4

2001-08-03 Thread Faheem Mitha

On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, john gennard wrote:

 I run Potato 2.2 r3 on a PC with a 2.2.18 kernel, and have
 tried to install the above using 'apt-get source -b qtcups' ( I 
 have a 'deb-src http' in my sources.list). This failed, ending with 
 the following error message:-

The obvious question is, have you satisfied the dependencies? When you do
apt-get source qtcupps, you will get a list of dependencies in

These are (for 2.0-3)

debhelper ( 2.0.0), libcupsys2-dev, libjpeg62-dev, libqt-dev, xlibs-dev

Of these, debhelper 2 is bound to be installed on a potato system,
libcupsys2-dev should be installed if you have a recent version of cups
installed (and if you don't qtcups is not going to work anyway),
libjpeg62-dev is available in potato.

Unfortunately, libqt-dev is likely to cause trouble, since it doesn't
exist in potato. I think that is what I stubbed my toes on. (I tried to
compile qtcups myself on potato and finally gave up).

Unfortunately, libqt-dev is not easy to compile from source either, and it
has so many dependencies you will end up dragging in significant parts of
woody to your potato installation if you just try to fetch the package
from woody.

Note that you need qt libs of at least 2.2 for this.

My error message for this says

checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (= Qt 2.2.1) (headers and
libraries) not found. Please check your installation!

I guess this is not very helpful. Perhaps somebody else can suggest

Sincerely, Faheem Mitha.

Re: How to startx as normal user?

2001-08-03 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 01:14:10AM -0700, Brad Rhodes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 begin /etc/X11/Xserver 
 The first line in this file is the full pathname of the default X server.
 The second line shows who is allowed to run the X server:
 Console  (anyone whose controlling tty is on the console)
 I've never used 'locate'; I've always used 'find'. 'locatedb' was
 already up to date. It must be running 'updatedb' whenever all the
 mounted HDDs are being intensively read for no apparent reason.

On most systems:


slocate is preferred.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
Free Dmitry!! Boycott Adobe!! Repeal the DMCA!!

Description: PGP signature

RE: code red goes on

2001-08-03 Thread Ian Perry
I have had 47 in the last 24 hrs.

 -Original Message-
 From: John Griffiths [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 12:54 AM
 Subject: code red goes on

 if you grep your http access log for default.ida (good sign
 of a code red attempt on an apache box)

 you'll see that code red has infected as many new machines in
 the alst two days as it did on 20 July

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: code red goes on

2001-08-03 Thread ktb
On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 10:08:56PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
 on Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 02:54:01PM +, John Griffiths ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  if you grep your http access log for default.ida (good sign of a
  code red attempt on an apache box)
  you'll see that code red has infected as many new machines in the alst
  two days as it did on 20 July
 grep 'default\.ida' /var/log/apache/access.log | awk '{print $1}' a hostlist.  Anyone know of a central repository who might be
 collecting same and sending LARTs to the appropriate sysops?  Or is that
 a complete [EMAIL PROTECTED]*() waste of time?  Any way to test an IP to see 
 it's been compromised?

 From what little I have read about it the site in question is defaced
if it is a page containing English.  I'm sure someone who has payed more
attention could list exactly what it does.  Out of 38 sites I checked I
only saw one that had been defaced.  Close to about half the sites I
visited were non-English sites.  I checked them with -

$ for i in $(grep default /var/log/apache/access.log | awk '{print $1}');do
 lynx $i
 sleep 5  # in order to catch the ip

I don't know if that is along the lines you were thinking but...
Many of the sites were under construction.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: code red goes on

2001-08-03 Thread John Griffiths
At 10:08 PM 8/2/01 -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
on Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 02:54:01PM +, John Griffiths ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 if you grep your http access log for default.ida (good sign of a
 code red attempt on an apache box)
 you'll see that code red has infected as many new machines in the alst
 two days as it did on 20 July


grep 'default\.ida' /var/log/apache/access.log | awk '{print $1}' a hostlist.  Anyone know of a central repository who might be
collecting same and sending LARTs to the appropriate sysops?  Or is that
a complete [EMAIL PROTECTED]*() waste of time?  Any way to test an IP to see 
it's been compromised?

...or a good way to grab the relevant data and mail your own report?

I'm running 'host' against a bunch of IPs (I've got about 40), turning
up a bunch of 'ip does not exist' responses.

You'll find a lot of them are folks on dial-up boxes that proabably don't even 
know they've got a web-server. 

Where to go from here

2001-08-03 Thread Colin Bell


I have been trying to get a usefulDebian 
unstallationupfor about 5 weeks now. I can get the base system 
installed but then where do I look for new packages (the iso image contains next 
to nothing from what I can tell)? I don't know what to set in the 
/etc/apt/sources.list file. I probably have missed something in some of 
the documents but the dselect-beginners guide doesn't tell you much of 
anything. I'm looking to find xfree86-4.0.*, kde-2.2 and Mozilla or 
netscape. I guess I could build the whole system from source but I figure 
there has to be a way or all the debian developers are just wasting their 

When I state in the sources.list file that apt can 
look in the unstable tree it seems to automatically tell itself to remove a 
whole bunch of packages. I'm really getting bitter. I know I could 
just go to Redhat and grab that and install it but this is a labour of 
love. I see the power of apt and dselect I just don't know how to harness 
it. Maybe I'm just supposed to grab single debs off the net, I don't 

Any help or direction (maybe there is a better 
dselect guide) would be much appreciated.



Re: code red goes on

2001-08-03 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 03:16:00PM +1000, Ian Perry ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: John Griffiths [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 12:54 AM
  Subject: code red goes on
  if you grep your http access log for default.ida (good sign
  of a code red attempt on an apache box)
  you'll see that code red has infected as many new machines in
  the alst two days as it did on 20 July

 I have had 47 in the last 24 hrs.

Please use follow-up response.

Anyone noting trends between 7/20 and 8/2?  I've got 30 v. 49,
respectively.  Looks like this is actually the bigger attack.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
Free Dmitry!! Boycott Adobe!! Repeal the DMCA!!

Description: PGP signature

Re: code red goes on

2001-08-03 Thread John Griffiths
  if you grep your http access log for default.ida (good sign
  of a code red attempt on an apache box)
  you'll see that code red has infected as many new machines in
  the alst two days as it did on 20 July

 I have had 47 in the last 24 hrs.

Please use follow-up response.

Anyone noting trends between 7/20 and 8/2?  I've got 30 v. 49,
respectively.  Looks like this is actually the bigger attack.

actually i ran http-analyze over a file i grepped out of the log

the bug only ran for a few hours in propogate mode on the 20th before 
switching to attack mode and went back to propogate 2 days ago (and because 
propogate is less damaging everyone thought it was gone)

and yes a quick look at the graph will tell you it's building into something 
much bigger than before

Re: Root on RAID

2001-08-03 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya brian

yes... i suppose it's just as easy ( better ) to clone the 
partitions... ( i must a been out to lunch when i replied earlier )

yes.. sometimes one mirrors diska to diskb of a different size...

yes... having raid is NOT a backup of important if one
detects some flakyness back up that data to a clean disk/system
- but than again... if its being mirrored...stop the mirroring
to prevent the possibly bad data from corrupting the good data
on the other disk or vice versa...

- i always incrementally backup the raid to another box...
usually compressed to save space...

i havent played with lvm... mostly scsi3 and plain ole ide...

and yup... i disconnect the disks to see if its raiding properly...

have fun raiding...
- -- Linux 10th Anniversary Picnic/BBQ

On 3 Aug 2001, Brian May wrote:

  Alvin == Alvin Oga [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Alvin hi ya george
 Alvin for raid1  typically /dev/hda is copied to /dev/hdb
 Alvin- dont know why you'd wanna mirror a partition...  (
 Alvin system will still be dead since the rest of the required (
 Alvin partition is not available
 Easy, you create a separate software-RAID1 partition for every
 partition on you harddisk, so in affect you mirror one harddisk on to
 the other harddisk.
 It might be possible (?) to mirror /dev/hda to /dev/hdb, but then you
 need to subdivide that space up into partitions.
 lvm could be used to do this (AFAIK), but all my attempts to use lvm
 up to now have failed.
 Even then, I imagine it would be harder/impossible to do some things
 which are possible with a separate RAID partition, eg:
 recently my 20 Gig harddisk failed (or at least showed serious looking
 unrecoverable DMA transfer errors), and I didn't trust the other one
 either. I only had 2 * 8 gigs harddisk spare.
 It is an easy matter to create partitions the same size (or bigger) as
 the important partitions on the remaining drive, and mirror them. If I
 mirrored the entire drive, this would not be possible, I would need
 total space at least 20Gigs big.
 Of course, one of my partitions was 10Gig, so this wasn't going to
 work here, so I tried to install a large lvm partition on both hard
 disks. However, my attempts failed, as I couldn't do the 2nd step
 (create a virtual drive from the physical drive, it kept saying no
 physical drives found).
 As for now, I have replaced the dead harddisk, and everything is
 working fine (for the moment).

Re: Root on RAID

2001-08-03 Thread Russell Coker
On Fri, 3 Aug 2001 06:19, Brian May wrote:
 Alvin hi ya george

 Alvin for raid1  typically /dev/hda is copied to /dev/hdb

 Alvin- dont know why you'd wanna mirror a partition...  (
 Alvin system will still be dead since the rest of the required (
 Alvin partition is not available

 Easy, you create a separate software-RAID1 partition for every
 partition on you harddisk, so in affect you mirror one harddisk on to
 the other harddisk.

 It might be possible (?) to mirror /dev/hda to /dev/hdb, but then you
 need to subdivide that space up into partitions.

Sure, it's quite possible to mirror /dev/hda to /dev/hdb, but then the 
auto-detect RAID stuff (which relies on having partition type 0xfd) won't 
work.  But then it won't work with RAID in a module on an initrd either - and 
with the modern setup this is what you should be doing.

 lvm could be used to do this (AFAIK), but all my attempts to use lvm
 up to now have failed.

Yes.  Ideally you mirror the raw devices (if the sizes match) and then run 
LVM on that.  For different size disks you have to mirror a whole disk to a 
partition on the larger disk, but such mirroring won't give best performance 

-- Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark   Postal SMTP/POP benchmark Projects I am working on My home page

RE: Linux in the workplace: NT Domains

2001-08-03 Thread Kurt Lieber
 You have to join the linux computer to the domain, which 
 requires some level of admin privilages.  (We'll assume you 
 have those)
 %smppasswd -j domainname -r NetBIOS-name-of-PDC  (which the 
 linux box needs to be able to resolve, either by broadcast, 
 /etc/hosts or your samba lmhosts file (which should be in the 
 same directory as your smb.conf file)

I should also point out that, AFAIK, you have to create the computer
account in NT before you try to join it to the domain.  I don't believe
you can have samba tell NT to automatically create the account as you
join the domain.


installing debian, doesnt find scsi controller

2001-08-03 Thread Ron Bettle
Ok, im pretty sure this is just a boot parm that i am not finding. Im trying
to install libranet(based on debian) on my system here. Adaptec 2940-UW, 4
scsi disks and a scsi cdrom.

Once it gets past the first boot messages and into the installation. It
always prompts me to install special modules from a floppy. I cant seem to
find a driver for anything but the raid cards.

thanks for any help.


Re: Where to go from here

2001-08-03 Thread Sebastiaan
On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Colin Bell wrote: 

 I have been trying to get a useful Debian unstallation up for about 5
 weeks now.  I can get the base system installed but then where do I look
 for new packages (the iso image contains next to nothing from what I can
 tell)?  I don't know what to set in the /etc/apt/sources.list file.  I
 probably have missed something in some of the documents but the
 dselect-beginners guide doesn't tell you much of anything.  I'm looking
 to find xfree86-4.0.*, kde-2.2 and Mozilla or netscape.  I guess I could
 build the whole system from source but I figure there has to be a way or
 all the debian developers are just wasting their time. 
 When I state in the sources.list file that apt can look in the unstable
 tree it seems to automatically tell itself to remove a whole bunch of
 packages.  I'm really getting bitter.  I know I could just go to Redhat
 and grab that and install it but this is a labour of love.  I see the
 power of apt and dselect I just don't know how to harness it.  Maybe I'm
 just supposed to grab single debs off the net, I don't know. 
 Any help or direction (maybe there is a better dselect guide) would be
 much appreciated. 


a first step: enable line wrapping in your browser please?

Add these lines to sources.list:
deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free
deb potato/updates main contrib
deb potato/non-US main contrib

and if you want to converse your installation slowly to woody (testing),
add these:
deb testing main contrib non-free
deb testing/non-US main contrib non-free

with your favorite (nearby) Debian mirror.

Run 'apt-get update' to get the new archives, and you have a lot of new
packages to install.


fixing a debian system: which RTFM to start?

2001-08-03 Thread Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim

I am a lay debian user with minimum operating experience.
Would someone please inform me, which manual to read for
fixing a REMOTE debian system (i.e. ca. 1 miles from my

First the good news:
- I can reboot the system (and login again into it)
- It is not a production system (so no worries for ruin it)

The Bad News is:
- many anomalies occurs, e.g. the named sometimes dies.
- not much information is available about the history of
  the system.
- When I try to update (in dselect) it complains that 
 mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/hda as a
 block device
  despite there are only /dev/sda, /dev/hdb, and /dev/hdc
  on the system.

The current kernel is 2.4.6 and /etc/apt/sources.list
points to woody (with commented potato).

May I know, what RTFM to start?


Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim - VLSM-TJT -
- Hi! How are you? I send you this in order to have advice

Re: installing debian, doesnt find scsi controller

2001-08-03 Thread Sebastiaan
On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, Ron Bettle wrote:

 Ok, im pretty sure this is just a boot parm that i am not finding. Im trying
 to install libranet(based on debian) on my system here. Adaptec 2940-UW, 4
 scsi disks and a scsi cdrom.
 Once it gets past the first boot messages and into the installation. It
 always prompts me to install special modules from a floppy. I cant seem to
 find a driver for anything but the raid cards.

the driver is called aic7xxx.o, but it should be compiled in the kernel by
default. So you do not need to insert a floppy. Have to tried neglecting
the prompt?


Re: code red goes on

2001-08-03 Thread Craig Dickson
Karsten M. Self wrote:

 grep 'default\.ida' /var/log/apache/access.log | awk '{print $1}' a hostlist.  Anyone know of a central repository who might be
 collecting same and sending LARTs to the appropriate sysops?  Or is that
 a complete [EMAIL PROTECTED]*() waste of time?  Any way to test an IP to see 
 it's been compromised?

If it's sending you HTTP GET /default.ida?NNN..., then it's
definitely compromised. Other than that, I don't think so.

 I'm running 'host' against a bunch of IPs (I've got about 40), turning
 up a bunch of 'ip does not exist' responses.

Many of them are DHCP addresses (dialup or PPPOE), so they'll come and
go, and the machine that has the address now may not be the one that
tried to infect you an hour ago.

Last month, I checked a dozen or so machines that tried to attack me.
Some of them were actual business web sites. This time, they seem to be
almost all end-user cable/DSL/dialup systems (to judge from their domain
names), none of which seem to reply with anything useful if you send
them a GET /. My guess is these are default Windows NT installations
where the user doesn't even know he has IIS running.


Re: fixing a debian system: which RTFM to start?

2001-08-03 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 01:23:25PM +0700, Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim 
( wrote:
 I am a lay debian user with minimum operating experience.
 Would someone please inform me, which manual to read for
 fixing a REMOTE debian system (i.e. ca. 1 miles from my

ssh is good, but sometimes there's nothing like being there.

 First the good news:
 - I can reboot the system (and login again into it)
 - It is not a production system (so no worries for ruin it)
 The Bad News is:
 - many anomalies occurs, e.g. the named sometimes dies.

Log messages?  Why are you running named?  While it can be useful, often
a caching DNS is fully sufficient.

 - not much information is available about the history of
   the system.

Hardware specs are most useful.

 - When I try to update (in dselect) it complains that 
  mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/hda as a
  block device
   despite there are only /dev/sda, /dev/hdb, and /dev/hdc
   on the system.

Check /etc/fstab to see if you've got /dev/hda listed -- it should
probably be /dev/hda[1234], or similar.

Post your /etc/apt/sources.list?

 The current kernel is 2.4.6 and /etc/apt/sources.list
 points to woody (with commented potato).

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
Free Dmitry!! Boycott Adobe!! Repeal the DMCA!!

Description: PGP signature

Matrox G400 dri woes

2001-08-03 Thread Oleksandr Moskalenko

 I'm having no end of trouble trying to get dri work on my dual-head
Matrox G400 32Mb. The xfree86 in question is newly appearing in unstable
If I try to run X with the mga_drv.o that comes with XFree86 or the one
from Matrox website I get this error:
[dri] mga.o kernel module version is 2.0.1 but version 3.0.x is needed.

 If I compile the 4.1.0 driver according to this hint:
The version included with 2.4.5 is a 2.0.x-series mga.o. You need to
build 3.0.x from the
xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support/linux/drm/kernel directory
included in the XFree86 source.


then insmod mga.o and try to run X I get this error:

(II) LoadModule: mga
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/mga.o
Not loading .fixup
Not loading .rel.fixup
Not loading .text.lock
Not loading .rel.text.lock
Not loading .modinfo
Not loading __ex_table
Not loading .rel__ex_table
(EE) LoadModule: Module mga does not have a mgaModuleData data object.
(II) UnloadModule: mga
(II) Unloading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/mga.o
(EE) Failed to load module mga (invalid module, 0)

At this point I am as confused as I could be. What can I do to get dri?

I'm attaching my XF86Config-4 to this message as well.
I tried searching for these errors on the web to no avail. Please help.


# XF86Config-4 (XFree86 server configuration file) generated by Dexconf, the
# Debian X Configuration tool, using values from the debconf database.
# Edit this file with caution, and see the XF86Config manual page.
# (Type man XF86Config at the shell prompt.)

Section Files
FontPathunix/:7100# local font server
FontPathunix/:7110# xfs-xtt true type font server

# if the local font server has problems, we can fall back on these
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic/:unscaled
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/koi8-r.100dpi/:unscaled
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/koi8-r.75dpi/:unscaled
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/koi8-r.misc/:unscaled
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc/:unscaled
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/koi8-r.100dpi
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/koi8-r.75dpi
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/koi8-r.misc
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi
#   FontPath/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi

Section ServerFlags

Section Module

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Generic Keyboard
Driver  keyboard
Option  CoreKeyboard
Option  Protocol  Standard
Option  AutoRepeat500 30
Option  XkbKeycodes   xfree86
Option  XkbTypes  default
Option  XkbCompat default
Option  XkbGeometry   pc
Option  XkbRules  xfree86
Option  XkbModel  microsoft
Option  XkbLayout rums(basic)
Option  XkbOptionsgrp:toggle

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Generic Mouse
Driver  mouse
Option  CorePointer
Option  Device/dev/psaux
Option  Protocol  PS/2
Option  Emulate3Buttons   yes
Option  Emulate3Timeout   150
Option  ZAxisMapping  4 5

Section Device
Identifier  Matrox G400
Driver  mga
Option  AGPMode 2
ChipSet mgag400
BusID   PCI:1:0:0

Section Monitor
Identifier  Hitachi CM 751
HorizSync   31-93
VertRefresh 50-160
Option  DPMS

Section Screen
Identifier  Default Screen
Device  Matrox G400
Monitor Hitachi CM 751
SubSection Display
Depth   1
Modes   1280x1024 1024x768 800x600
SubSection Display
Depth   4
Modes   1280x1024 1024x768 800x600
SubSection Display

Re: Where to go from here

2001-08-03 Thread Patrick Kirk
edit /etc/apt/sources.list needs to be edited.  But don't do it the hard
way.  Find the correct information on first.

I went to Google, entered KDE and Debian and the first link was

Suggest you do this for any programs you need to install.  And if you like
to live dangerously, edit sources.list so that

deb stable main contrib non-free is
commented out and the active line is
deb sid main contrib non-free

Obviously the UK mirrors may not be appropriate but you know what I mean.

Don't be bitter.  Debian is easy to run but if you want to tinker with it,
you have to spend a fair amount of time on and



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