Re: Probleme batterie Macbook

2007-08-07 Thread bernard . schoenacker
Selon Alexandre Neubert [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Bonjour à tous,

 J'ai du nouveau sur ce problème. Je viens de monter une ubuntu feisty en
 dual boot sur ce même portable et j'ai les memes comportements en ce qui
 concerne la batterie, alors que la doc ubuntu sur les macbook dit bien que
 la batterie est reconnue avec les kernel images standards.

 Le problème pourrais-il venir d'ailleurs?



 Le 29/07/07, Alexandre Neubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
  Bonjour a tous,
  J'essaye de monter une debian sid sur mon macbook (core 2 duo) comme seul
  systeme (pas de partition OSX) et je rencontre des soucis avec la
  reconnaissance de la batterie. En effet, Gnome applets me dit qu'il n'y a
  pas de batterie presente, comme si l'ACPI n'etait pas configuré
  (le CPU frequency scalling marche pourtant).
  Pour ce qui est des options du kernel, j'ai suivi ces deux tutoriels:
  Voila ce qui a été fait:
  * Recuperation d'un kernel 2.6.22 deuis
  * Application du patch mactel pour ce kernel
  * Recompilation du kernel a l'aide du fichier de config du tuto gentoo
  * Une fois compilé, installation de cpufreqd
  Voici une sortie de lsmod:
  # lsmod
  Module  Size  Used by
  hci_usb17500  2
  rfcomm 40408  0
  l2cap  24768  5 rfcomm
  bluetooth  55524  7 hci_usb,rfcomm,l2cap
  button  7824  0
  ac  5124  0
  battery 9924  0
  cpufreq_powersave   1728  0
  cpufreq_performance 1984  0
  cpufreq_ondemand8268  1
  cpufreq_conservative 7048  0
  acpi_cpufreq9240  0
  sbp2   23304  0
  snd_hda_intel 261080  2
  snd_pcm_oss43488  0
  snd_mixer_oss  16704  1 snd_pcm_oss
  appletouch 10048  0
  snd_pcm79876  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss
  snd_timer  23428  1 snd_pcm
  snd55140  9 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss,snd
  soundcore   8160  1 snd
  snd_page_alloc  9992  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm
  ohci1394   35504  0
  ieee1394   95480  2 sbp2,ohci1394
  thermal13320  0
  processor  30652  2 acpi_cpufreq,thermal
  fan 4740  0
  Ai-je oublié qqch dans ma config de kernel pour faire reconnaitre la
  batterie? Faut-il installer d'autres logiciels de config?
  Merci d'avance


est il possible de vérifier dans la liste des paquets la présence d'un paquet
powersave ?

voici une liste de paquets :

apt-cache search laptop battery

acpi-support - scripts for handling many ACPI events
acpitool - a small, convenient command-line ACPI client
apmd - Utilities for Advanced Power Management (APM) - Battery monitor for GNUstep
battery-stats - Collects statistics about charge of laptop batteries
gkrellm-i8k - Dell Inspiron and Latitude module for GKrellM2 (i8krellm)
gkrellm-ibam - Advanced battery monitor for laptops - gkrellm plugin
gnome-applets - Various applets for GNOME 2 panel - binary files
gnome-power-manager - frontend for gnome-powermanager
ibam - Advanced battery monitor for laptops
klaptopdaemon - battery monitoring and management for laptops using KDE
laptop-mode-tools - Scripts to spin down hard drive and save power
libapm-dev - Library for interacting with APM driver in kernel
libapm1 - Library for interacting with APM driver in kernel
noflushd - allow idle hard disks to spin down
powersaved - power management daemon
sleepd - puts an inactive or low battery laptop to sleep
spicctrl - Sony Vaio controller program to set LCD backlight brightness
wmbattery - display laptop battery info, dockable in WindowMaker
xapm - X program to monitor APM battery status
xbattbar - Display battery status in X11

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Re: flashplayer

2007-08-07 Thread Stéphane L.

un apt-cache show paquet devrait pouvoir te renseigner.
En l'occurence, le paquet débian télécharge le plugin et l'installe,
alors que le paquet du dépôt multimedia installe juste le plugin (ils
l'ont téléchargé pour nous).


Le 29/07/07, mpg[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 Quelqu'un sait quelle est la différence entre les deux paquets, et dans
 quel cas il faut préférer l'un ou l'autre (j'utilise de toute façon un
 navigateur de type mozilla) ?

Re: reformater un tableur

2007-08-07 Thread Daniel Caillibaud


 -a) 1° phase convertir le document en csv

 -b) lire le document intermédaire et sélectionner
  les colonnes désirées

sed ou awk

 -c) rediriger le flux vers le document final exploitable

mettre la sortie de b) dans un fichier ;-)
réutiliser a) pour retransformer le nouveau csv filtré en ods ou xls...


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PHP+APache : problème pour lire les variables d'environnements

2007-08-07 Thread Patrice OLIVER

Sur Etch, j'utilise :
PHP 4.3.11
Apache 2.2.3-4

Dans /etc/profile, j'ai positionné une variable JAVA_HOME car j'en ai
besoin dans une appli. (puis reboot de la machine, au cas où ... je
sais, c'est un réflexe $soft).

En PHP, j'affiche les variable d'environnement PATH et JAVA_HOME.
Pour PATH, j'obtiens /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
Cependant, dans /etc/profile, j'ai :
if [ `id -u` -eq 0 ]; then

Pour JAVA_HOME, aucune valeur n'est retournée.

Voici le code exécuté :
echo 'brJAVA_HOME: '.getEnv('JAVA_HOME');
echo 'brPATH: '.getEnv('PATH');

A quoi correspond le PATH retourné ? J'avoue rester perplexe. Si vous
avez des suggestions, je suis preneur.


Re: PHP+APache : problème pour lire les variables d'environnements

2007-08-07 Thread Stéphane L.
Le 07/08/07, Patrice OLIVER[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 A quoi correspond le PATH retourné ?

A celui de l'utilisateur qui fait tourner apache et donc php, peut-être ?

Re: PHP+APache : problème pour lire les vari ables d'environnements

2007-08-07 Thread Daniel Caillibaud

Patrice OLIVER a écrit :

A quoi correspond le PATH retourné ? J'avoue rester perplexe. Si vous
avez des suggestions, je suis preneur.

Au PATH du user apache utilisé.
Ce user n'utilise pas /etc/profile s'il ne tourne pas dans un shell interactif.

Cf man bash (rechercher profile)

   When bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a 
non-interactive shell with the --login option, it first reads  and  executes  
   from  the  file  /etc/profile, if that file exists.  After reading that 
file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that
   order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists 
and is readable.  The --noprofile option may  be  used  when  the  shell  is
   started to inhibit this behavior.

   When a login shell exits, bash reads and executes commands from the file 
~/.bash_logout, if it exists.

   When  an  interactive  shell  that is not a login shell is started, bash 
reads and executes commands from /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc, if these
   files exist.  This may be inhibited by using the --norc option.  The 
--rcfile file option will force bash to read and execute commands  from  file
   instead of /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc.

   When  bash  is  started  non-interactively, to run a shell script, for 
example, it looks for the variable BASH_ENV in the environment, expands its
   value if it appears there, and uses the expanded value as the name of a 
file to read and execute.  Bash behaves as if the following  command  were
  if [ -n $BASH_ENV ]; then . $BASH_ENV; fi
   but the value of the PATH variable is not used to search for the file 


et en français ça donne

   Lorsque  bash est lancé comme interpréteur de commandes de connexion 
interactif ou comme interpréteur non interactif avec l’option --login, il lit
   et exécute tout d’abord les commandes se trouvant dans le fichier 
/etc/profile si ce fichier existe. Après lecture de  ce  fichier,  il  recherche
   ~/.bash_profile,  ~/.bash_login  et  ~/.profile, dans cet ordre, puis 
lit et exécute les commandes se trouvant dans le premier fichier existant et
   accessible en lecture. L’option --noprofile peut être utilisée à l’appel 
de l’interpréteur pour empêcher ce comportement.

   Lorsqu’un interpréteur de commandes de connexion termine, bash lit et 
exécute les commandes du fichier ~/.bash_logout, s’il existe.

   Quand un interpréteur interactif démarre sans être un interpréteur de 
commandes de connexion, bash lit et exécute les commandes se  trouvant  dans
   /etc/bash.bashrc  et  ~/.bashrc  s’ils  existent. Ce comportement peut 
être empêché à l’aide de l’option --norc. L’option --rcfile fichier forcera
   bash à lire et exécuter les commandes dans fichier plutôt que dans 
/etc/bash.bashrc et ~/.bashrc.

   Quand bash est démarré de façon non interactive, par exemple pour lancer 
un  script,  il  consulte  la  variable  BASH_ENV  dans  l’environnement,
   développe son contenu si elle existe et considère cette valeur comme le 
nom d’un fichier à lire et exécuter. Bash se comporte comme si la commande
   suivante était exécutée :
  if [ -n $BASH_ENV ]; then . $BASH_ENV; fi
   mais la valeur de la variable PATH n’est pas utilisée pour rechercher le 

   Si bash est appelé sous le nom sh, il essaye d’imiter le comportement de 
démarrage des versions historiques de sh aussi fidèlement  que  possible,
   tout  en restant conforme aux spécifications POSIX. Lorsqu’il est appelé 
comme interpréteur de commandes de connexion interactif ou non interactif
   avec l’option --login, il essaye d’abord de lire et exécuter, dans cet 
ordre, les commandes de /etc/profile puis de ~/.profile. L’option  --nopro‐
   file  peut  être  utilisée  pour empêcher ce comportement. Quand il est 
appelé en tant qu’interpréteur interactif sous le nom sh, bash consulte la
   variable ENV, développe sa valeur si elle est définie et utilise le 
résultat en tant que nom de fichier à lire et exécuter. Comme un  interpréteur
   appelé  sous  le  nom  sh n’essaye pas de lire et d’exécuter des 
commandes d’un quelconque autre fichier de démarrage, l’option --rcfile n’a 
   effet. Un interpréteur non interactif appelé sous le nom sh n’essaie de 
lire aucun autre fichier d’initialisation. Quand il est appelé sous le nom
   sh, bash entre en mode posix après avoir lu les fichiers 

   Quand  bash  est  appelé en mode posix comme avec l’option --posix sur 
la ligne de commande, il suit le standard POSIX pour les fichiers de démar‐
   rage. Dans ce mode, les interpréteurs interactifs développent la 
variable ENV et les commandes sont lues et exécutées à partir du fichier dont  
   nom est la valeur développée. Aucun autre fichier d’initialisation n’est 



[xorg] Pourquoi type1 n'est plus supporté pa r xorg ?

2007-08-07 Thread giggz
Bonjour la liste,

Depuis quelques temps j'ai dans mon log de xorg :
(II) LoadModule: type1
(WW) Warning, couldn't open module type1
(II) UnloadModule: type1
(EE) Failed to load module type1 (module does not exist, 0)

et c'est vrai le module n'existe plus. En regardant les changelog de
xorg, apparemment type1 n'est plus supporté. Quelqu'un aurait il des
explications à ce sujet ?


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Re: [xorg] Pourquoi type1 n'est plus supporté par xorg ?

2007-08-07 Thread Christophe Alonso
Le mardi 07 août 2007 à 13:35 +0200, giggz a écrit :
 Bonjour la liste,
 Depuis quelques temps j'ai dans mon log de xorg :
 (II) LoadModule: type1
 (WW) Warning, couldn't open module type1
 (II) UnloadModule: type1
 (EE) Failed to load module type1 (module does not exist, 0)
 et c'est vrai le module n'existe plus. En regardant les changelog de
 xorg, apparemment type1 n'est plus supporté. Quelqu'un aurait il des
 explications à ce sujet ?

Il y en a qui aime chercher la petite bête ^^
Je crois me souvenir que tout ce qui concerne les fontes est géré par
xtt désormais. Mais je peux me tromper.

Mes 2 cents

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Re: Probleme batterie Macbook

2007-08-07 Thread Alexandre Neubert
écrit :

 Selon Alexandre Neubert [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Bonjour à tous,
  J'ai du nouveau sur ce problème. Je viens de monter une ubuntu feisty en
  dual boot sur ce même portable et j'ai les memes comportements en ce qui
  concerne la batterie, alors que la doc ubuntu sur les macbook dit bien
  la batterie est reconnue avec les kernel images standards.
  Le problème pourrais-il venir d'ailleurs?
  Le 29/07/07, Alexandre Neubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
   Bonjour a tous,
   J'essaye de monter une debian sid sur mon macbook (core 2 duo) comme
   systeme (pas de partition OSX) et je rencontre des soucis avec la
   reconnaissance de la batterie. En effet, Gnome applets me dit qu'il
 n'y a
   pas de batterie presente, comme si l'ACPI n'etait pas configuré
   (le CPU frequency scalling marche pourtant).
   Pour ce qui est des options du kernel, j'ai suivi ces deux tutoriels:
   Voila ce qui a été fait:
   * Recuperation d'un kernel 2.6.22 deuis
   * Application du patch mactel pour ce kernel
   * Recompilation du kernel a l'aide du fichier de config du tuto gentoo
   * Une fois compilé, installation de cpufreqd
   Voici une sortie de lsmod:
   # lsmod
   Module  Size  Used by
   hci_usb17500  2
   rfcomm 40408  0
   l2cap  24768  5 rfcomm
   bluetooth  55524  7 hci_usb,rfcomm,l2cap
   button  7824  0
   ac  5124  0
   battery 9924  0
   cpufreq_powersave   1728  0
   cpufreq_performance 1984  0
   cpufreq_ondemand8268  1
   cpufreq_conservative 7048  0
   acpi_cpufreq9240  0
   sbp2   23304  0
   snd_hda_intel 261080  2
   snd_pcm_oss43488  0
   snd_mixer_oss  16704  1 snd_pcm_oss
   appletouch 10048  0
   snd_pcm79876  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss
   snd_timer  23428  1 snd_pcm
   snd55140  9 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss,snd
   soundcore   8160  1 snd
   snd_page_alloc  9992  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm
   ohci1394   35504  0
   ieee1394   95480  2 sbp2,ohci1394
   thermal13320  0
   processor  30652  2 acpi_cpufreq,thermal
   fan 4740  0
   Ai-je oublié qqch dans ma config de kernel pour faire reconnaitre la
   batterie? Faut-il installer d'autres logiciels de config?
   Merci d'avance


 est il possible de vérifier dans la liste des paquets la présence d'un
 powersave ?

 voici une liste de paquets :

 apt-cache search laptop battery

 acpi-support - scripts for handling many ACPI events
 acpitool - a small, convenient command-line ACPI client
 apmd - Utilities for Advanced Power Management (APM) - Battery monitor for GNUstep
 battery-stats - Collects statistics about charge of laptop batteries
 gkrellm-i8k - Dell Inspiron and Latitude module for GKrellM2 (i8krellm)
 gkrellm-ibam - Advanced battery monitor for laptops - gkrellm plugin
 gnome-applets - Various applets for GNOME 2 panel - binary files
 gnome-power-manager - frontend for gnome-powermanager
 ibam - Advanced battery monitor for laptops
 klaptopdaemon - battery monitoring and management for laptops using KDE
 laptop-mode-tools - Scripts to spin down hard drive and save power
 libapm-dev - Library for interacting with APM driver in kernel
 libapm1 - Library for interacting with APM driver in kernel
 noflushd - allow idle hard disks to spin down
 powersaved - power management daemon
 sleepd - puts an inactive or low battery laptop to sleep
 spicctrl - Sony Vaio controller program to set LCD backlight brightness
 wmbattery - display laptop battery info, dockable in WindowMaker
 xapm - X program to monitor APM battery status
 xbattbar - Display battery status in X11


Voici les paquets qui sont presents:

acpi-support --- Présent acpitool  Présent
gnome-applets  Présent
gnome-power-manager - Présent
laptop-mode-tools  Présent
powersaved  present

Est ce qu'il manque quelque chose?



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[HS] [Fwd: [FFII-FR] Septembre : double offensive envers l'interoperabilité]

2007-08-07 Thread Serge Cavailles

--  Message transmis  --

Subject: [Fwd: [FFII-FR] Septembre : double offensive envers  
Date: mardi 07 août 2007 13:53

- Message original

Objet:[FFII-FR] Septembre : double offensive envers
 l'interoperabilité De:   alexandra combes
Date: Mar 7 août 2007 13:14


+++ Pour publication immediate -- merci de diffuser +++
Communiqué de presse [Europe / Économie / Innovation]


Septembre  : double offensive envers l'interoperabilité


Bruxelles, le 6 Août 2007 -- La Fondation pour une infrastructure
 informationnelle libre (Foundation for a Free Information
Infrastructure - FFII) lance un avertissement concernant deux
décisions majeures à venir en Septembre qui définiront le futur de
l'interopérabilité dans le marché clef de l'informatique de bureau.

Pieter Hintjens, président de la FFII explique: Tout autour du monde, les
 chapitres nationaux de l'ISO (the International Organization for
 Standardization) votent une proposition pour accepter 'Ecma 376', le
 format de Microsoft Office, comme norme internationale. Le couperet tombe
 le 2 Septembre. Si l'ISO entérine ce format, le marché sera verrouillé par
 ce monopole propriétaire, format breveté depuis des décennies, et payera
 le prix fort.

La FFII et d'autres entités ont travaillé avec les organismes de l'ISO pour
clarifier les problèmes de ce format. Hintjens ajoute : ce format a de
 réels problèmes, qui doivent être corrigés avant, et non après un vote. Le
 problème le plus grave est la dépendance envers les brevets de Microsoft,
 qui bloquera l'interopérabilité, qui devrait pourtant être le seul
 objectif de cette nouvelle norme.

Parallèlement, le 17 Septembre, la Cour Européenne de Justice (European
 Court of Justice - ECJ) se prononcera sur l'appel de Microsoft contre
 l'amende de 497 million d'Euros infligée par la Commission européenne qui
 a considéré que le géant du logiciel était en abus de position dominante,
 empechant les autres entreprises d'interopérer avec ses produits.

Si l'ECJ se prononce contre l'entreprise, elle sera forcée d'ouvrir ses
 formats aux concurrents.

Pourtant, la FFII signale que les brevets de Microsoft contournent les
 décisions de la Commission. Hintjens conclut : les brevets logiciels
 entravent la loi sur la concurrence. Ils donnent aux possesseurs de
 brevets un droit de veto sur l'usage d'une prétendue 'invention'.

Même si le label ISO est accordé, le consommateur restera prisonnier. Et
 cela est le premier pas d'une série de formats brevetés que Microsoft
 promeut par le biais de l'ISO. Il est ironique de constater qu'au moment
 où la Commission travaille à rendre le jeu équitable par le biais de la
 loi anti-trust, le processus de standardisation est utilisé pour truquer
 les règles à nouveau par le biais des brevets logiciels.


Informations d'arrière plan


Grokdoc explique pourquoi la normalisation ISO de Ecma 376 renforcerait le
 monopole de Microsoft: La normalisation ISO de Ecma 376 dans son état
 actuel donnerait naissance à une norme internationale qu'aucun autre
 vendeur, à part Microsoft, ne pourrait complètement mettre en oeuvre, Et
 pour cette raison, Ecma 376 aurait pour effet de garantir à Microsoft un
 monopole exclusif sur la migration à l'identique des documents enregistrés
 depuis ces formats de fichiers du marché vers ceux de l'Ecma 376, un
 obstacle très conséquent au commerce international. Par exemple, si un
 appel d'offre d'un gouvernement demande une suite bureautique
 complètement compatible avec Ecma 376 et capable d'une migration à
 l'identique depuis le format de Microsoft Office version 97 à 2007 vers
 Ecma 376, nul autre vendeur que Microsoft ne pourrait disposer d'un
 produit qualifié pour la spécification de cet appel d'offre.

La FFII a informé les bureaux nationaux de l'ISO de la situation afin
 qu'ils participent à un processus de vote juste qui représente la
 collectivité. La FFII appelle à voter non tant que les défauts d'Ecma
 376 ne sont pas corrigés convenablement. Une pétition de la FFII pour
 collecter l'adhésion à cette campagne a collecté 26 000 signatures.




* Grokdoc: objections à la proposition de standard OOXML

* Pétition NoOOXML

* Lien permanent vers ce communiqué de presse (en 

Re: horloge

2007-08-07 Thread Philippe NIQUET

Franck Joncourt a écrit :

On Mon, Aug 06, 2007 at 07:59:02PM +0200, Philippe NIQUET wrote:
sous etch avec un packard bell easynote bu45, et gnome chaque fois que je 
charge unpaquet ou fait une modification dans la barre d'outil l'ordinateur 
perd l'heure

une explication ou une solution ?

Je n'ai malheureusement pas de solution, mais je pense qu'il pourrait
être intéressant de donner un peu plus de détails à propos de :
perd l'heure

L'heure est décalée ? Tout le temps le même décalage ? Ou bien c'est
plutôt aléatoire ?


plutot aléatoire

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Carte Ethernet Attansic L1

2007-08-07 Thread Christophe Gallaire

je suis en train de ma battre avec une install de Debian Etch sur un
portable Asus F3SC-AP035C.

Hormis, la carte Nvidia 8400M GS qui fait des siennes - problème qui
devrait trouver résolution, je me casse les dents avec la carte éthernet
Attansic L1.

Quelqu'un a-t-il rencontré et/ou résolu la prise en charge de cette
carte ?



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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Carte Ethernet Attansic L1

2007-08-07 Thread Aurélien
Apparemment il faut un kernel très récent est super au 2.6.18 de la 
debian (j'ai eu le même problème sur une Ubuntu). Avec un kernel 2.6.21 
sous Gentoo ça fonctionne très bien.


Christophe Gallaire a écrit :


je suis en train de ma battre avec une install de Debian Etch sur un
portable Asus F3SC-AP035C.

Hormis, la carte Nvidia 8400M GS qui fait des siennes - problème qui
devrait trouver résolution, je me casse les dents avec la carte éthernet
Attansic L1.

Quelqu'un a-t-il rencontré et/ou résolu la prise en charge de cette
carte ?




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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Carte Ethernet Attansic L1

2007-08-07 Thread Dominique Arpin

Si tu dis que ca fonctionne avec un noyau 2.6.21

C'est un CD d'installation de Etch avec noyaux 2.6.21

 Apparemment il faut un kernel très récent est super au 2.6.18 de la
 debian (j'ai eu le même problème sur une Ubuntu). Avec un kernel 2.6.21
 sous Gentoo ça fonctionne très bien.


 Christophe Gallaire a écrit :

 je suis en train de ma battre avec une install de Debian Etch sur un
 portable Asus F3SC-AP035C.

 Hormis, la carte Nvidia 8400M GS qui fait des siennes - problème qui
 devrait trouver résolution, je me casse les dents avec la carte éthernet
 Attansic L1.

 Quelqu'un a-t-il rencontré et/ou résolu la prise en charge de cette
 carte ?



 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Dominique Arpin, administrateur réseau
Espace Courbe inc.
642 de Courcelle, bureau 303, Montréal (Québec), Canada H4C 3C5
tél.: (514) 933-9861 téléc.: (514) 933-9546

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2007-08-07 Thread Patrice OLIVER

J'ai installé des paquets de E17, trouvés sur deb sid main contrib non-free

Je suis en Lenny, mais cela ne semble pas poser de problème.

Dans le menu que l'on obtient avec un clic gauche sur le bureau, je
n'ai pas l'option 'Exécuter une application'. De même, j'ai lu que
ALT+Echap donne accès au lanceur de programme, et ce n'est pas le cas.

Avez-vous une idée ?


Re: Problème s persistants de MTU

2007-08-07 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Sun, Aug 05, 2007 at 04:30:32PM +0900,
 Charles Plessy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
 a message of 43 lines which said:

 Y a-t-il un changement sur la passerelle qui permettrait a tous les
 ordinateurs du réseau wifi de fonctionner sans avoir a tripatouiller
 leur MTU ?

Plusieurs solutions :

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :   
Vous pouvez aussi ajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: horloge

2007-08-07 Thread François TOURDE
Le 13732ième jour après Epoch,
Philippe NIQUET écrivait:

 Franck Joncourt a écrit :
 On Mon, Aug 06, 2007 at 07:59:02PM +0200, Philippe NIQUET wrote:

 sous etch avec un packard bell easynote bu45, et gnome chaque fois
 que je charge unpaquet ou fait une modification dans la barre
 d'outil l'ordinateur perd l'heure
 une explication ou une solution ?

 Je n'ai malheureusement pas de solution, mais je pense qu'il pourrait
 être intéressant de donner un peu plus de détails à propos de :
 perd l'heure

 L'heure est décalée ? Tout le temps le même décalage ? Ou bien c'est
 plutôt aléatoire ?

 plutot aléatoire

Plus d'informations serait nécessaire:

- Qu'entends-tu par charger un paquet
- La machine est-elle en dual boot
- As-tu un outil genre ntpdate ou ntpd
- Est-tu configuré en UTC ou en heure locale
- Est-ce l'heure de la commande date, ou bien de gnome
- ...

Ne prends pas ça pour toi, mais franchement, avec si peu d'infos,
c'est chaud de trouver une raison...

PS: En fait, si, tu peux un peu le prendre pour toi ;)


2007-08-07 Thread Johann Läderach
Je vient d'acheter une imprimante HP color laserjet 2600n

Selon, elle est supportée.

J'ai eu milles peines à la faire fonctionner. Beaucoup de recherches avec 
google, mais peut de résultats (surtous en français). Finalement après avoir 
essayé pas mal de chose, purgé et réinstaller CUPS, foomatic, installé, 
désinstallé des paquets lié au imprimante HP, j'ai réussi à imprimer une page 
de test . L'impression semble fonctionner avec les application KDE Ooo, mais 
pas avec GIMP. Le driver n'est pas présent.

Je cherche donc un ou des site internet ou des infos qui pourraient m'aider à 
comprendre le pourquoi du comment. Je n'ai encore pas compris pour quoi j'ai 
eu tant de peine à faire fonctionner cet imprimante alors que les site 
internet que j'ai visité donnais l'impression que cela ne devrais pas poser 
de problèmes. De plus, avec UBUNTU en double boot ou en chroot, l'imprimante 
fonctionne facilement avec les outils KDE, les même que sous Etch. 
L'imprimante fonctionne aussi très bien avec Windows XP sur une machine 

Merci de vos réponses, questions et compléments

Bonne nuit (pour ceux qui me lisent à une heurs tardive). Bonne journée pour 
ceux qui viennent de se lever!
Johann Läderach
Rue du Château 1
1580 Oleyres

[résolu] Re: Carte Ethernet Attansic L1

2007-08-07 Thread Christophe Gallaire

J'ai enfin réussi à installer la carte Ethernet Attansic L1 sous Debian
Etch. Voici la procédure :

1. Récupérer le driver pour la carte Attansic ici :

Lien avec la version released by Attansic on Sept 29, 2006 for kernel
= 2.6.18 :

2. Décompresser l'archive du driver :

tar xvzf AtL1Linux_v0.1.40.6.tar.gz

3. Changer de répertoire de travail :

cd ~/AtL1Linux_v1.0.41.0/src

4. Compiler le module :

make install

5. Installation du module :

insmod /lib/modules/2.6.18-4-686/kernel/drivers/net/atl1/atl1.ko

Voili voilou...

Merci de votre aide.


Le mardi 07 août 2007 à 15:56 -0400, Dominique Arpin a écrit :
 Si tu dis que ca fonctionne avec un noyau 2.6.21
 C'est un CD d'installation de Etch avec noyaux 2.6.21
  Apparemment il faut un kernel très récent est super au 2.6.18 de la
  debian (j'ai eu le même problème sur une Ubuntu). Avec un kernel 2.6.21
  sous Gentoo ça fonctionne très bien.
  Christophe Gallaire a écrit :
  je suis en train de ma battre avec une install de Debian Etch sur un
  portable Asus F3SC-AP035C.
  Hormis, la carte Nvidia 8400M GS qui fait des siennes - problème qui
  devrait trouver résolution, je me casse les dents avec la carte éthernet
  Attansic L1.
  Quelqu'un a-t-il rencontré et/ou résolu la prise en charge de cette
  carte ?
  Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
  Vous pouvez aussi ajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 Dominique Arpin, administrateur réseau
 Espace Courbe inc.
 642 de Courcelle, bureau 303, Montréal (Québec), Canada H4C 3C5
 tél.: (514) 933-9861 téléc.: (514) 933-9546

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :   
Vous pouvez aussi ajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gnome-volume-manager nie startuje

2007-08-07 Thread Grzegorz Pastuszko

Problemem okazal sie brak wpisu:


w /etc/pam.d/common-session

Po dodaniu, wszystko gra :)


Grzegorz Pastuszko wrote:


gnome-volume-manager nie startuje.

Niestety nie wiem dlaczego, bo nigdzie nie moge znalezc zadnych logow 
:( Uzytkownik jest w plugdev . hal oraz dbus chodza.

Odpalenie g-v-m w trybie --no-daemon (-n) tez nie przynosi rezultatu i 
nie zwraca zadnych bledow.

(gnome-volume-manager -n 21 | tee gvm.log)

tzn on sie nie odpala, la enic nie wyplowa :(

Do czego narazie doszedlem to to ze w Debianie brakuje pliku

/var/run/console/$USER .

Nie jest on tworzony. .Jesli stworze plik recznie to g-v-m wystartuje 
i dziala ok.

Teraz , dlaczego ten plik nie jest tworzony, czego moze mi brakowac?

Doszedlem ze libpam-foreground powinno tworzyc ten plik, ktore mam 

W debianie libpam-foreground tworzy go w innej formie 
/var/run/console/$USER:$CONSOL. Tak jak jest zreszta tez w Ubuntu 
gdzie jest on tworzony z ta sama inna skladnia i wszystko dziala.

To do czego sie dokopalem.


OK. Wszystko ladnie pieknie,lecz nadal nie wiem co zrobic by owy 
wymagajacy plik byl tworzony a tym

by gnome-volume-manager wystartowal. :(

Oczywiscie skrypt  odpada bo ten plik ma nie byc stworzony przez 
uzytzkownika podczas jego zalogowania tylko przez pam_console czy w 
przypadku Debiana libpam_foreground


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Programita para hacer diagramas de flujo sencillos

2007-08-07 Thread BasaBuru
El Tuesday 07 August 2007 00:33:40 Sebastian Ferrara escribió:

 Si tienes tiempo te recomiendo Graphviz. Aquí tienes el manual:

Iñaki eres kadero así que este te gustará

KGraphViewer is a GraphViz dot graph viewer for KDE

Tiene buena pinta voy a darle unas vueltas a mi me pasa lo mismo que a ti. No 
acabo de pillar nada cómodo para hacer PERT. Este tiene buena pinta.

Un saludo


Re: Programita para hacer diagramas de flujo sencillos

2007-08-07 Thread Iñaki Baz Castillo
El 7/08/07, BasaBuru [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 El Tuesday 07 August 2007 00:33:40 Sebastian Ferrara escribió:
  Si tienes tiempo te recomiendo Graphviz. Aquí tienes el manual:

 Iñaki eres kadero así que este te gustará

 KGraphViewer is a GraphViz dot graph viewer for KDE

 Tiene buena pinta voy a darle unas vueltas a mi me pasa lo mismo que a ti. No
 acabo de pillar nada cómodo para hacer PERT. Este tiene buena pinta.

Vaya, interesante. Gracias a todos, creo que toca meter un poco de
tiempo, pero si eso me permite algo cómodo y pontente merece la pena.

Gracias, ya os contaré.

Iñaki Baz Castillo

Re: Programita para hacer diagramas de flujo sencillos

2007-08-07 Thread Ricardo Eureka!
El 6/08/07, Iñaki Baz Castillo [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 Hola, lo que necesito es muy simple. Quiero un programita con el que pueda
 hacer sencillísimos diagramas bastante básicos: sólo necesito rombos
 de decisión, poder escribir texto en las flechas (sí, no, un valor,
 texto...) y cuadrados que representen acciones. Nada más.

 Parece muy simple pero ni Kivio, ni Dia, ni Umbrello me sirven (en ninguno
 puedo poner un simple texto en las flechas para identificar la respuesta a la

Dia hace eso que pides. Si mal no recuerdo, tienes que modificar las
propiedades de las flechas para agregar texto. Sinceramente no lo
recuerdo, pero yo lo he usado para eso y te aseguro que lo hace.

 También he probado Kdissert pero no es para lo que busco.

 En fin, ¿alguna otra sugerencia?

 PD: No me vale el tener que poner texto a parte y acercarlo a las flechas.

 Iñaki Baz Castillo

Ricardo A.Frydman
Administrador de Sistemas Unix

Duda Ping

2007-08-07 Thread Ricardo Delgado
Me plantearon una consulta sencilla que no pude
responder, en W$ el comando ping tiene el modificador
-a el cual me permite ver el nombre del host, este
modificador no lo veo en el ping de Linux, que comando
me permite ver el nombre del host?

ej. ping computador1 o ping son
equivalentes, pero en linux no me deja hacer un ping
con el nombre del host, solo con el IP.



( @   @ )
--oOOo-( )---oOOo
| Ricardo Delgado   |
|   |
|Los gigantes a menudo se  |
|tropiezan y caen pero los  | 
|gusanos no, porque todo lo |
|que hacen es cavar |
|y arrastrarse.|
ooo0(   )
(  ) ) /
 \ ((_/

Por Favor, no hagas Top Posting

Por Favor, sin formato html

Sin formatos propietarios.


Los referentes más importantes en compra/venta de autos se juntaron: Demotores 
y Yahoo!
Ahora comprar o vender tu auto es más fácil. ¡Probalo!

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Diferencias entre apt y aptitude

2007-08-07 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

Jose Luis Alarcon Sanchez escribió:


¿Conoceis algun texto (me dá igual que sea en español o en inglés) que
resuma o explique las principales diferencias entre las herramientas
apt y aptitude?.

Muchísimas gracias de antemano.



Aptitude usa apt para instalar los paquetes. Lo que lo hace recomendable 
es que maneja mejor la gestión de los paquetes porque desinstala los 
paquetes que se han vuelto obsoletos o no son necesarios en el equipo en 
vista de la configuración de los paquetes que tengas. En otras palabras 
aptitude deja tu sistema más limpio; pero si no tienes cuidado y no 
miras lo que aptitude va a hacer puede ser que desinstales algo que para 
ti es  necesario.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cámara web para Linux.

2007-08-07 Thread Jhosue rui
El 6/08/07, Miguel Da Silva - Centro de Matemática
 Jhosue rui escribió:
  El 3/08/07, mmejiav [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
  El día 3/08/07, José Manuel Pérez [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Daniel Aristizabal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 03-ago-2007 10:09
  Subject: Re: Cámara web para Linux.
  To: Lista Oficial Debian
  On 6/9/07, Miguel Da Silva - Centro de Matemática  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Estimados, que cámara web buena recomienda para Linux?
  Estuve probando una Genius Webcam Live y no tuve éxito con ella...
  Un amigo echo a andar una Genius, VideoCAM GE111 en Debian testing.
  Aqui la liga
  intenta con este tutorial... es mi experiencia paso a paso con este tipo de
  Doy fe del funcionamiento de una genius look 316 con los drivers gspca
  mas nuevos bajo una debian etch.
  Solo por comentar.

 Justo hice prubeas con una Genius Look 300 y no tuve suerte. Ahí fue
 donde empezó todo.

 Ya pude resolver el problema comprando una Philips y utilizando el
 drive pwc (que ya está en el kernel 2.6.x).

 Saludos y gracias por el dato.

 Miguel Da Silva
 Administrador de Red
 Centro de Matemática -
 Facultad de Ciencias -
 Universidad de la República -

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bueno te comento que la instalacion de la genius look 316 la hice con
la informacion de este mail[1]. me baje las fuentes del modulo porque
cuando intente hacerlo con los que vienen con la distribucion (etch)
nada de nada, se colgaba el equipo. es muy facil make, make install,
un modprove de ser necesario y listo. No se si te sirva.



Por favor, NO utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el
intercambio de documentos, como DOC y XLS, sino HTML, PDF, TXT, CSV o
cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un fabricante
en concreto.
Internet Explorer y Outlook son muy peligrosos por sus continuos
problemas de seguridad. Utilice alternativas libres:

Usuario linux registrado #387231

Por favor evite enviar adjuntos de powerpoint y word vea

Implementando freeradius

2007-08-07 Thread Migdalis del Valle Mago Rodriguez
Hola usuarios de Debian...
Soy Migdalis
Bueno la topologia que voy a utilizar para la implementacion es una red de prueba(un laboratorio) con 3 PC y 1 laptop,
conectadas a traves de un Switch
Todavia no tengo ningun mecanismo de auitenticacion y tengo que implementar
Ojo en este laboratorio se encuentran 2 equipos con Windows Xp y 2 con Linux
Del cual tomare una con Debian para utilizarla como servidor de
autenticacion Freeradius y las otras como clientes
utilizare certificados SPKI/SDSI para el proceso de Autorizacion
EAP-TLS para la fase de autenticacion...
WEP para la distribucion de claves...
Para realizar esto necesito de su ayuda y asesoria en cuanto a la
configuracion de los archivos de configuracion de freeradius y de los
clientes tanto para Linux como para Windows...
Saludos Nuevamente a todos los usuarios Debian
Esperano su pronta ayuda!

Re: Programita para hacer diagramas de flujo sencillos

2007-08-07 Thread Gustavo Conradi
El Mon, 6 Aug 2007 21:49:02 +0200
Iñaki Baz Castillo [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 Hola, lo que necesito es muy simple. Quiero un programita con el que
 pueda hacer sencillísimos diagramas bastante básicos: sólo necesito
 rombos de decisión, poder escribir texto en las flechas (sí,
 no, un valor, texto...) y cuadrados que representen acciones. Nada
 Parece muy simple pero ni Kivio, ni Dia, ni Umbrello me sirven (en
 ninguno puedo poner un simple texto en las flechas para identificar
 la respuesta a la decisión.
 También he probado Kdissert pero no es para lo que busco.
 En fin, ¿alguna otra sugerencia?
 PD: No me vale el tener que poner texto a parte y acercarlo a las

Uno puede ser
el otro


Re: Duda Ping

2007-08-07 Thread Ricardo Eureka!
El 7/08/07, Ricardo Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 Me plantearon una consulta sencilla que no pude
 responder, en W$ el comando ping tiene el modificador
 -a el cual me permite ver el nombre del host, este
 modificador no lo veo en el ping de Linux, que comando
 me permite ver el nombre del host?

 ej. ping computador1 o ping son
 equivalentes, pero en linux no me deja hacer un ping
 con el nombre del host, solo con el IP.

Se que es algo repetitivo lo mio, pero.probaste con man ping?



 ( @   @ )
 --oOOo-( )---oOOo
 | Ricardo Delgado   |
 |   |
 |Los gigantes a menudo se  |
 |tropiezan y caen pero los  |
 |gusanos no, porque todo lo |
 |que hacen es cavar |
 |y arrastrarse.|
 ooo0(   )
 (  ) ) /
  \ ((_/

 Por Favor, no hagas Top Posting

 Por Favor, sin formato html

 Sin formatos propietarios.

 Los referentes más importantes en compra/venta de autos se juntaron: 
 Demotores y Yahoo!
 Ahora comprar o vender tu auto es más fácil. ¡Probalo!

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ricardo A.Frydman
Administrador de Sistemas Unix

Consulta sobre Apache con Debmirror

2007-08-07 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hash: SHA1


Les escribo para consultarles lo siguiente. Tengo montado en casa un
servidor que mantiene sincronizado los repositorios mediante debmirror y
si bien desde cualquier máquina de la red no tengo errores de algún tipo
al hacer un update y upgrade, encuentro errores de este tipo en los logs
de Apache:

[Tue Aug 07 11:28:36 2007] [error] [client] File does not
[Tue Aug 07 11:28:36 2007] [error] [client] File does not
[Tue Aug 07 11:28:36 2007] [error] [client] File does not

¿Alguna idea de a qué puedan deberse?

Gracias por responder.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Duda Ping

2007-08-07 Thread Manolo Díaz
El Tue, 7 Aug 2007 09:02:04 -0300 (ART)
Ricardo Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 Me plantearon una consulta sencilla que no pude
 responder, en W$ el comando ping tiene el modificador
 -a el cual me permite ver el nombre del host, este
 modificador no lo veo en el ping de Linux, que comando
 me permite ver el nombre del host?
 ej. ping computador1 o ping son
 equivalentes, pero en linux no me deja hacer un ping
 con el nombre del host, solo con el IP.

Hasta donde yo sé /bin/ping es proporcionado en debian por dos paquetes
diferentes y excluyentes:
Yo tengo instalado el segundo y no necesita ningún modificador. Es decir, tanto
funcionan a la perfección en mi equipo. En cuanto al primero de los paquetes
citados, investiga un poco si quieres.


Manolo Díaz

Re: NTP como servidor local

2007-08-07 Thread Mario Palomo

Luis Damian Martin Blanco escribió:

Hola Lista:
hace algunos dias estoy tratando de configurar NTP para sincronizar los 
clientes contra ese server, el problema es que quiero sincronizar con la hora 
de ese server, no con la hora precisa, ni con la de otro server, o sea, lo 
que necesito es que el demonio corra con la hora de MI servidor, no lo logro, 
probé haciendo un lazo con ip virtual y otras cosas, pero el se da cuenta del 
stratum y no me sirve el tiempo, he buscado en google, y en la página de NTP 
sin mucha suerte, ¿alguna idea de como hacer esto?

Gracias de antemano

Entiendo que quieres que tu server sea el que imponga la hora a los otros 
equipos, incluso aunque su reloj no sea muy preciso, puesto que lo que quieres 
es que todos tengan exactamente la misma hora (que estén sincronizados aunque 
todos estén equivocados en la hora real con el mismo error que el server) ¿no?. 
Esto tiene sentido si la red del server y los otros equipos no está conectada 
a Internet, porque sino es mejor que te sincronices con un servidor de tiempos 

Para que funcione como he comentado sólo tienes que hacer que tu servidor se 
identifique al menos como un Stratum 10, de esa manera los otros equipos, si no 
encuentran un servidor externo de un Stratum menor usarán la hora de ese equipo 
como base de tiempos (si eres un Stratum mayor que 10, como suele ocurrir por 
defecto, aunque no haya servidores externos no se usará la hora de esos 
equipos). Por tanto, la solución es añadir el siguiente trozo de texto al 
fichero '/etc/ntp.conf':

#Este equipo sirve tiempos con su reloj local en Stratum 10.
#En caso de que no haya servidores externos disponibles, el tiempo
#local de éste equipo será la base de tiempos disponible en la red
fudge stratum 10

Espero que te sirva. Un saludo,


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Duda Ping

2007-08-07 Thread Ðaµid ¤RC
El 7/08/07, Ðaµid ¤RC [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 El 7/08/07, Manolo Díaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
  El Tue, 7 Aug 2007 09:02:04 -0300 (ART)
  Ricardo Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
   Me plantearon una consulta sencilla que no pude
   responder, en W$ el comando ping tiene el modificador
   -a el cual me permite ver el nombre del host, este
   modificador no lo veo en el ping de Linux, que comando
   me permite ver el nombre del host?
   ej. ping computador1 o ping son
   equivalentes, pero en linux no me deja hacer un ping
   con el nombre del host, solo con el IP.
  Hasta donde yo sé /bin/ping es proporcionado en debian por dos paquetes
  diferentes y excluyentes:
  Yo tengo instalado el segundo y no necesita ningún modificador. Es decir, 
  funcionan a la perfección en mi equipo. En cuanto al primero de los paquetes
  citados, investiga un poco si quieres.
  Manolo Díaz

Tambien te puede servir el comando nslookup, (win y linux)
perdon por el privado :S


... es imposible; hasta que alguien lo hace.
01100101 01101100 01101001 01100100 0111

Re: Duda Ping

2007-08-07 Thread Gerardo Castillo Alvarado
Ricardo Delgado escribió:
 Me plantearon una consulta sencilla que no pude
 responder, en W$ el comando ping tiene el modificador
 -a el cual me permite ver el nombre del host, este
 modificador no lo veo en el ping de Linux, que comando
 me permite ver el nombre del host?
el comando host, nslookup o dig.
revisa los manuales.
 ej. ping computador1 o ping son
 equivalentes, pero en linux no me deja hacer un ping
 con el nombre del host, solo con el IP.



 ( @   @ )
 --oOOo-( )---oOOo
 | Ricardo Delgado   |
 |   |
 |Los gigantes a menudo se  |
 |tropiezan y caen pero los  | 
 |gusanos no, porque todo lo |
 |que hacen es cavar |
 |y arrastrarse.|
 ooo0(   )
 (  ) ) /
  \ ((_/

 Por Favor, no hagas Top Posting

 Por Favor, sin formato html

 Sin formatos propietarios.

 Los referentes más importantes en compra/venta de autos se juntaron: 
 Demotores y Yahoo!
 Ahora comprar o vender tu auto es más fácil. ¡Probalo!


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Consulta sobre Apache con Debmirror

2007-08-07 Thread mariodebian
El mar, 07-08-2007 a las 12:11 -0300, Daniel Bareiro escribió:
 Hash: SHA1
 Les escribo para consultarles lo siguiente. Tengo montado en casa un
 servidor que mantiene sincronizado los repositorios mediante debmirror y
 si bien desde cualquier máquina de la red no tengo errores de algún tipo
 al hacer un update y upgrade, encuentro errores de este tipo en los logs
 de Apache:
 [Tue Aug 07 11:28:36 2007] [error] [client] File does not
 [Tue Aug 07 11:28:36 2007] [error] [client] File does not
 [Tue Aug 07 11:28:36 2007] [error] [client] File does not
 ¿Alguna idea de a qué puedan deberse?
 Gracias por responder.

En nuevas versiones de apt se descargan diferencias de los archivos
Packages y Sources para no tener que descargar los casi 4Mb que había
que descargar diariamente antes.

Debmirror usa el sistema pdiff para construir el mirror (aunque se puede
desactivar) pero no lo deja igual que el original.

Si quieres que sea identico tendrás que jugar con rsync o algo parecido.

Esos errores no son ni mucho menos grabes, tus equipos descargarán el
Packages.bz2 completo.


Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Re: Consulta sobre Apache con Debmirror

2007-08-07 Thread Néstor Flores
Generalmente el drama que hay con pdiff es que la primera vez que hacés un
mirror desde cero con debmirror no podés hacer diff porque tenés una versión
anterior, entonces lo que hago es la primera vez que genero un mirror usar
el parámetro --pdif=none la primera vez, luego lo saco del script y listo,
existen diff files.
Pero eso a nivel debmirror, el tema de los diff que te sucede a vos es como
plantean anteriormente, si encontrás la solución  hacenos saber :D.
(igualmente es extraño pero yo nunca tuve ese problema usando mis mirrors).

wildfire contra mysql

2007-08-07 Thread Eduardo R . Barrera Pérez
Hola colegas, estoy intentando configurarle un servidor jabber a un amigo,
en un servidor Debian Etch, previamente instale el jre y luego baje del
tar.gz del wildfire, lo descomprimi para el directorio /opt edite el
script de inicio y le di la ubicasion del jre, arranque el script del
wildfire asi:

cd /opt/wildfire/bin/
./wildfire start

luego accedi al sitio de administracion por:

Y estoy en la parte de la conexion a la base de datos, quiero usar una
base de datos mysql, que esta en el mismo server, ya importar la base de
datos que esta en /opt/wildfire/resources/database/wildfire_mysql.sql
nombre la base de datos con el nombre jabber y cree un usuario wildfire en
mysql y le di permisos de select, insert, update y delete, pero cuando
cuando estoy configurando la fuente de datos, me pide estas cosas:

1- Drivers Predefinidos: .MySQL
2- Clase de Driver JDBC: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
3- URL de la Base de Datos: jdbc:mysql://[localhost]:3306/[jabber]
4- Nombre de usuario: wildfire
5- Contraseña: *

No estoy seguro si la clase de driver esta bien, cuando le doy al boton
continuar, me dice esto la web:

A connection to the database could not be made. View the error message by
opening the /logs/error.log log file, then go back to fix the problem.

Y en files de los logs muestra esto:

mx:/opt/wildfire/bin# tail -f /opt/wildfire/logs/error.log
at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable(
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(
2007.08.07 12:54:02
Warning: DbConnectionDefaultPool.getConnection() was called before the
internal pool has been initialized.
2007.08.07 12:54:02
WARNING: ConnectionManager.getConnection() failed to obtain a connection.


Eduardo R.  Barrera Pérez
Administrador Nodo Jovenclub
Pinar del Río
Jabber  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Duda Ping

2007-08-07 Thread Ricardo Delgado

--- Ricardo Eureka! [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Se que es algo repetitivo lo mio, pero.probaste
 con man ping?

Si, probe con man ping pero no me saco la duda, 

   Gracias  a todos por la info, a veces uno se


 Audible ping. 
 Adaptive ping. Interpacket interval adapts to
round-trip time, so that effectively not more than one
(or more, if preload is set) unanswered probes present
in the network. Minimal interval is 200msec for not
super-user. On networks with low rtt this mode is
essentially equivalent to flood mode. 
 Allow pinging a broadcast address. 
 Do not allow ping to change source address of probes.
The address is bound to one selected when ping starts.

-c count
 Stop after sending count ECHO_REQUEST packets. With
deadline option, ping waits for count ECHO_REPLY
packets, until the timeout expires. 
 Set the SO_DEBUG option on the socket being used.
Essentially, this socket option is not used by Linux
-F flow label
 Allocate and set 20 bit flow label on echo request
packets. (Only ping6). If value is zero, kernel
allocates random flow label. 
 Flood ping. For every ECHO_REQUEST sent a period
``.'' is printed, while for ever ECHO_REPLY received a
backspace is printed. This provides a rapid display of
how many packets are being dropped. If interval is not
given, it sets interval to zero and outputs packets as
fast as they come back or one hundred times per
second, whichever is more. Only the super-user may use
this option with zero interval. 
-i interval
 Wait interval seconds between sending each packet.
The default is to wait for one second between each
packet normally, or not to wait in flood mode. Only
super-user may set interval to values less 0.2
-I interface address
 Set source address to specified interface address.
Argument may be numeric IP address or name of device.
When pinging IPv6 link-local address this option is
-l preload
 If preload is specified, ping sends that many packets
not waiting for reply. Only the super-user may select
preload more than 3. 
 Suppress loopback of multicast packets. This flag
only applies if the ping destination is a multicast
 Numeric output only. No attempt will be made to
lookup symbolic names for host addresses. 
-p pattern
 You may specify up to 16 ``pad'' bytes to fill out
the packet you send. This is useful for diagnosing
data-dependent problems in a network. For example, -p
ff will cause the sent packet to be filled with all
-Q tos
 Set Quality of Service -related bits in ICMP
datagrams. tos can be either decimal or hex number.
Traditionally (RFC1349), these have been interpreted
as: 0 for reserved (currently being redefined as
congestion control), 1-4 for Type of Service and 5-7
for Precedence. Possible settings for Type of Service
are: minimal cost: 0x02, reliability: 0x04,
throughput: 0x08, low delay: 0x10. Multiple TOS bits
should not be set simultaneously. Possible settings
for special Precedence range from priority (0x20) to
net control (0xe0). You must be root (CAP_NET_ADMIN
capability) to use Critical or higher precedence
value. You cannot set bit 0x01 (reserved) unless ECN
has been enabled in the kernel. In RFC2474, these
fields has been redefined as 8-bit Differentiated
Services (DS), consisting of: bits 0-1 of separate
data (ECN will be used, here), and bits 2-7 of
Differentiated Services Codepoint (DSCP). 
 Quiet output. Nothing is displayed except the summary
lines at startup time and when finished. 
 Record route. Includes the RECORD_ROUTE option in the
ECHO_REQUEST packet and displays the route buffer on
returned packets. Note that the IP header is only
large enough for nine such routes. Many hosts ignore
or discard this option. 
 Bypass the normal routing tables and send directly to
a host on an attached interface. If the host is not on
a directly-attached network, an error is returned.
This option can be used to ping a local host through
an interface that has no route through it provided the
option -I is also used. 
-s packetsize
 Specifies the number of data bytes to be sent. The
default is 56, which translates into 64 ICMP data
bytes when combined with the 8 bytes of ICMP header
-S sndbuf
 Set socket sndbuf. If not specified, it is selected
to buffer not more than one packet. 
-t ttl
 Set the IP Time to Live. 
-T timestamp option
 Set special IP timestamp options. timestamp option
may be either tsonly (only timestamps), tsandaddr
(timestamps and addresses) or tsprespec host1 [host2
[host3 [host4]]] (timestamp prespecified hops). 
-M hint
 Select Path MTU Discovery strategy. hint may be
either do (prohibit fragmentation, even local one),
want (do PMTU discovery, fragment locally when packet
size is large), or dont (do not set DF flag). 
 Print full user-to-user latency (the old behaviour).
Normally ping prints network round trip time, which
can be different f.e. due to DNS failures. 
 Verbose output. 

Re: Duda Ping

2007-08-07 Thread Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz
On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 02:43:56PM -0300, Ricardo Delgado wrote:
  Se que es algo repetitivo lo mio, pero.probaste
  con man ping?
 Si, probe con man ping pero no me saco la duda, 

todos los ping que conozco aceptan que les des la dirección o el
nombre de la máquina indistintamente. Si en tu sistema está fallando,
lo más probable es que sea la resolución de nombres lo que no sirve,
no ping.

Rodrigo Gallardo
GPG-Fingerprint: 7C81 E60C 442E 8FBC D975  2F49 0199 8318 ADC9 BC28

Description: Digital signature

Re: Duda sobre aceleracion grafica

2007-08-07 Thread Rodrigo Cortés
On 8/6/07, Marcel Caraballo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 6 Aug 2007 20:06:52 -0400
 hector alonso gonzalez mata [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hola lista.
  hace unos dias se me presento una duda sobre la aceleracion grafica,
  esto se debio a mi reciente compra de una tarjeta de video Nvidia
  Gforce 7300 LE pci-express de 256 MB con turbo cache expandible a 512
  y quisiera saber como activarle la aceleracion grafica en debian etch.
  Me meti en sinaptic e instale todo lo que decia Nvidia, configure mi
  servidor X, y unos amigos me dijeron que con eso no se hacia.
  Entonces mi pregunta es ¿Como se hace?
  Gracias y saludos
 Saludos compañero:

 bajar los drivers desde (como mi tarjeta es viejita debo
 descargar los legacy drivers con la tuya no debes tener ningun problema)

 Necesitas unas herramientas del Kernel para poder compilarlo con aceleracion
 3d, una manera bastante practica de instalarlos es copiando en la consola
 como root:

 #aptitude install linux-source
 #aptitude install linux-headers

 Con este comando podras ver todos los paquetes que estan disponibles con
 ese nombre, en mi caso tuve que instalar los source del kernel que tenia
 instalado en ese momento al igual que las headers (sabras cual kernel usas
 si copias desde la consola uname -r sin las comillas)

 Debes salir del entorno grafico (del X) para poder instalar el modulo de 
 esto lo podemos hacer copiando en una consola:

 #/etc/init.d/gdm stop (esto es para los que usan gnome)
 #/etc/init.d/kdm stop (esto es para los que usan kde)
 #/etc/init.d/xdm stop (esto es para los que usan xcfe o algo asi jejej)

 Ya que tienes todas las dependencias cumplidas procedemos a darle permisos de 
 al archivo que bajamos desde, en mi caso fue este

 #chmod +x

 y luego lo ejecutamos de la misma terminal


 Si todo esta bien hasta los momentos deberia iniciar la instalacion sin 
 ningun inconveniente
 este script me pidio que decidiera si configuraba las X cosa que le di 
 afirmativo y no tuve que modificar el fichero /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

 de todos modos la forma manual es esta:

 #nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf

 en la seccion devices colocamo

 cambiamos nv por nvidia

 en la seccion module colocamos

 Load   glx

Solo una cosa:

Haciendo los pasos que indicas y que se indican en muchos sitios el
instalador de nvidia da un error debido a que el driver está hecho
para trabajar con XFree86 y no con Xorg.
La solución que encontré fue ejecutar el script con la opción:

Además son necesarios los paquetes:
build-essential pkg-config xserver-xorg-dev

Re: [debian-cu] wildfire contra mysql

2007-08-07 Thread Eduardo R . Barrera Pérez
Se que openfire es la version mas actual, pero el wildfire pincha al kilo
y ya que estoy metido en esto quisiera poder hecharlo andar! Alguien que
use Wildfire o que lo haya usando antes??

 Bueno hermano, yo uso ejabberd autenticado contra base de datos interna,
 buenísimo, responde de los más bien a carga, pero además es fácil de
 y configurar, de hecho:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] install ejabberd
 y todo corre a la primera, si no te funciona correctamente pues
 editas /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg y configuras el server,

 para que el jabber pinche ok debes tener el bind9 configurado al kilo

 El Martes, 7 de Agosto de 2007 13:44, Yoslan Raul Jimenez carvajal
 bueno nunca lo he usado pero la version mas actual o producto se llama

 pruebalo !!

Eduardo R.  Barrera Pérez
Administrador Nodo Jovenclub
Pinar del Río
Jabber  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Duda Ping

2007-08-07 Thread David Moreno Garza
On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 12:51 -0500, Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz wrote:
 todos los ping que conozco

¿Cuáles son todos los pings que conoces?

David Moreno Garza [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 Respeto a Nicaragua y a la lucha sandinista.

Re: Duda Ping

2007-08-07 Thread Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz
On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 01:59:56PM -0500, David Moreno Garza wrote:
 On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 12:51 -0500, Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz wrote:
  todos los ping que conozco
 ¿Cuáles son todos los pings que conoces?

Los que he usado en varios SOs. Y que, la verdad, resultan francamente
indistinguibles*, pero seguro son distintos aunque sea por la versión :-)


* Excepto, por supuesto, el del SO inombrable.

Rodrigo Gallardo
GPG-Fingerprint: 7C81 E60C 442E 8FBC D975  2F49 0199 8318 ADC9 BC28

Description: Digital signature

Re: instalando modulo php a apache

2007-08-07 Thread Manuel Alejandro Gómez Nicasio
On Mon, 2007-08-06 at 20:55 -0600, Marconi Poveda wrote:
 Estoy tratando de instalar el modulo de php para apache usando lenny
 pero cuando instalo me manda este error:
 desktop:/home/lxuser# apt-get install libapache-mod-php5 
 Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
 Creando árbol de dependencias   
 Reading state information... Hecho
 No se pudieron instalar algunos paquetes. Esto puede significar que
 usted pidió una situación imposible o, si está usando la distribución
 inestable, que algunos paquetes necesarios no han sido creados o han 
 sido movidos fuera de Incoming.
 Como sólo solicito una única operación, es extremadamente posible que
 paquete simplemente no sea instalable y debería de rellenar un informe
 error contra ese paquete. 
 La siguiente información puede ayudar a resolver la situación:
 Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
   libapache-mod-php5: Depende: php5-common (= 5.2.0-10+lenny1) pero
 5.2.3-1+b1 va a ser instalado 
 E: Paquetes rotos
 Ya hice apt-get dist-upgrade y apt-get upgrade pero no se soluciona,
 que puedo hacer?
 Marconi A. Poveda Chacón.
 Managua, Nicaragua. 
 Móvil (505) - 6305290

Y ya tienes instalado el PHP5?, quiza no lo tengas instalado y por eso
el 'libapache-mod-php5' no se puede instalar. Recordemos que
'libapache-mod-php5' es un enlace para que se reconozcan php y apache si
no tienes instalado uno es imposible instalar su puente de

O quiza tengas php4 y no php5.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Diferencias entre apt y aptitude

2007-08-07 Thread Juan Pablo Romero Bernal

 APT: Es el gestor de sistema de paquetes de Debian, digamos que no es
 una aplicacion, para que lo entiendas mejor no es comando.
 APTITUDE: Es un frontend de gestion de paquetes, mediante este podes
 hacer un ABM sobre los mismos.

No sé si yo estoy equivocado, pero no es dpkg el manejador/gestor de
paquetes de Debian ?. Y apt, aptitude, synaptic, etc ..., son
frontends de él ?

$ apropos dpkg
dpkg (1) - package manager for Debian
$ apropos apt
apt (8)  - Advanced Package Tool

Saludos y que Dios nos bendiga !!!

Juan Pablo Romero Bernal
Grupo Linux Universidad Distrital
Canal IRC (IRC Channel)
#glud (

Visita el sitio web de Software Libre en Colombia:

Re: Descarga de repositorios

2007-08-07 Thread Maximiliano Alvisto De León

Maximiliano Alvisto De Leon escribió:

Dispongo de una conexión a internet por cable modem (Telecentro -
Argentina) he notado que ultimamente la descarga desde repositorios no
supera nunga los 15 kb/s.
He probado http://ftp.[br|es|fr|fi] siempre de la
rama etch y me sucede eso, tambien en los repositorios de
Alguna idea de que puede ser?, es problema de mi equipo, de mi
ignorancia, o simplemente que cada vez somos más los que usamos debian?

Realmente estoy despistado en este asunto. No logré aumentar la descarga 
desde repositorios de ninguna manera.
En el día de ayer he colocado un router entre el modem y la pc que tenía 
el problema y magicamente ha desaparecido, lo único que se me ocurre 
es que mi maquina tenga duendes.
He realizado descargas a 49 Kb/s desde los mismos repositorios que antes 
había probado.

Si saco el router, vuelve a pasar que baja lento.

Maximiliano Alvisto De León

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Diferencias entre apt y aptitude

2007-08-07 Thread CHristophe T
El 7/08/07, Juan Pablo Romero Bernal escribió:

  APT: Es el gestor de sistema de paquetes de Debian, digamos que no es
  una aplicacion, para que lo entiendas mejor no es comando.
  APTITUDE: Es un frontend de gestion de paquetes, mediante este podes
  hacer un ABM sobre los mismos.

 No sé si yo estoy equivocado, pero no es dpkg el manejador/gestor de
 paquetes de Debian ?. Y apt, aptitude, synaptic, etc ..., son
 frontends de él ?

 $ apropos dpkg
 dpkg (1) - package manager for Debian
 $ apropos apt
 apt (8)  - Advanced Package Tool

 Saludos y que Dios nos bendiga !!!

Todo eso parece bien explicado en la wikipedia:
dpkg es en sí misma una herramienta de bajo nivel; se necesita un
frontal de alto nivel para traer los paquetes desde lugares remotos o
resolver conflictos complejos en las dependencias de paquetes. Debian
cuenta con apt para esta tarea.

Christophe T

Re: capturar pantalla en video

2007-08-07 Thread Lipe

Atentamente Felipe Márquez Stuardo
Técnico Universitario en Telecomunicaciones.
Usuario Linux #451583

Desintalar Nvidia

2007-08-07 Thread Marcel Caraballo
Buen dia lista,

He instalado los drivers privativos de Nvidia sin problemas, probe mi 
aceleracion grafica, todo perfecto. Luego instale el compiz sin problema alguno 
(hasta aqui todo iba de maravilla jejejej)
Resulta que cuando le digo al compiz que se inicie con el gnome me da unos 
problemas, pero ese no es el caso, resulta al desintalar el compiz me dejó de 
funcionar la aceleracin grafica, he reinstalado los drivers pero nada que 
ver... Como hago para borrar los drivers de la nvidia por completo de mi debian 
etch? Saludos y se me cuidan!

Re: Duda Ping

2007-08-07 Thread THOR (God of Thunder)
El Martes, 7 de Agosto de 2007 08:02, Ricardo Delgado escribió:
 Me plantearon una consulta sencilla que no pude
 responder, en W$ el comando ping tiene el modificador
 -a el cual me permite ver el nombre del host, este
 modificador no lo veo en el ping de Linux, que comando
 me permite ver el nombre del host?

 ej. ping computador1 o ping son
 equivalentes, pero en linux no me deja hacer un ping
 con el nombre del host, solo con el IP.

Acuerdate que el concepto de dominio y grupo de trabajo que conoces en windows 
en unix/linux no existe..

cuanto tu pones en red dos PCs con windows bien sea por grupo de trabajo o 
bajo un dominio, establece un red y windows distribuye el nombre del o los 
hosts en el protocolo ya sea tcp o netbios

ahora si tu los pones esos mismos equipos con diferentes grupos de trabajo o 
dominio, pero bajo el mismo segmento de red, solo responderan al ping con el  
numero de ip, mas no con el nombre de host,. pues como NO están bajo el mismo 
grupo de trabajo o dominio sus nombres no son resueltos.. 

En linux como no existe el concepto de grupo de trabajo, dos pc estan en red 
si estan en el mismo segmento de red, para que tu puedas usar los nombres de 
los host _obligatoriamente_ debes poner un servidor de nombres..

necesitas _bind9_

Juliocésar Prieto Lem -
Programmers never dies.. Only GOSUB without RETURN
user linux 218820. running linux 2.6.18-3-686
Fingerprint = 04CC 8521 D3BF EB25 7F95 7E77 BB0A 5235 8C1B EF4B

Re: Duda sobre aceleracion grafica

2007-08-07 Thread Abejo
El Martes, 7 de Agosto de 2007 15:22, Rodrigo Cortés escribió:
 Haciendo los pasos que indicas y que se indican en muchos sitios el
 instalador de nvidia da un error debido a que el driver está hecho
 para trabajar con XFree86 y no con Xorg.
 La solución que encontré fue ejecutar el script con la opción:

 Además son necesarios los paquetes:
 build-essential pkg-config xserver-xorg-dev
antes era nesesario, ahora ya no, yo lo instale sin pasarle los parametros, 
algo que si hay que tener en cuenta es que si estas con el kernel 2.6.21 no 
te va a andar de una, hay dando vueltas una version pacheada, o sino tenes 
que recompilar el kernel

Re: Desintalar Nvidia

2007-08-07 Thread Carlos Germán
El Mar 07 Ago 2007, Marcel Caraballo escribió:
 Buen dia lista,

 He instalado los drivers privativos de Nvidia sin problemas, probe mi
 aceleracion grafica, todo perfecto. Luego instale el compiz sin problema
 alguno (hasta aqui todo iba de maravilla jejejej) Resulta que cuando le
 digo al compiz que se inicie con el gnome me da unos problemas, pero ese no
 es el caso, resulta al desintalar el compiz me dejó de funcionar la
 aceleracin grafica, he reinstalado los drivers pero nada que ver... Como
 hago para borrar los drivers de la nvidia por completo de mi debian
 etch? Saludos y se me cuidan!

En la documentación dice:

nvidia-installer --uninstall

Mensagens do boot

2007-08-07 Thread eDUamaral
Como vão colegas de lista.
Alguém sabe uma forma de esconder as mensagens de boot (kernel descompactando)?
A opção console=/dev/null no gerenciador de boot resolve? Alguém conhece uma 
forma de redirecionar estas mensagens?

Re: Iptables + Squid

2007-08-07 Thread Harlei Liguori
Bem amigos, pelo que percebi a porta 53 UDP e TCP são as usadas para
pesquisas DNS.
OK... porém, ainda não entendi qual o tipo de liberação que devo fazer, se é
INPUT, OUTPUT, FORWARD, ou oque, será que alguém poderia me ajudar com
relação a isso?
Quero deixar uma regra que libere a navegação http e downloads por essa
navegação e bloquear todo o resto, entendem?
Tentei usar a segunte regra:
iptables -A INPUT -s 'rede_interna' -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -j DROP

e assim, pelo que parece o proxy não consegue fazer pesquisas DNS. Pelo que
vi, preciso trabalhar a porta 53 TCP e UDP para isso. Eu precisaria liberar
mais alguma coisa para que a navegação esteja limpa?

agradeço e muito a ajuda de todos


Harlei Liguori Marcelino

Em 03/08/07, Fernando Faria Mariano [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Servidores DNS

 porta 53 UDP - utilizada para consulta/resolução de nomes.
  porta 53 TCP - usada para replicação da base DNS
 em um servidor secundário por exemplo

 Espero ter ajudado
 fernando faria

 Em Qui, 2007-08-02 às 17:21 -0700, Julio Gimenes escreveu:

 Quanto a isso não tenho dificuldades, se ler a mensagem até o final vai ver o 
 link que postei informando sobre as portas e serviços, pois entendi que era 
 essa a dúvida do criador do Topico o colega Harlei Liguori.

 - Mensagem original  De: Jose Paulo Matafome Oleiro [EMAIL 
 PROTECTED] Para: Cc: Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 2 de Agosto 
 de 2007 21:13:40 Assunto: Re: Iptables + Squid
 Para uma informação mais detalhada sobre as portas usadas normalmente está 
 aqui o endereço:
 Atenciosamente José Oleiro
 Qui, 2007-08-02 às 16:37 -0700, Julio Gimenes escreveu: Caro Jose,
 entendo pefeitamente alias era isso que eu achava, mas o colega Manzano 
 colocou uma ? na minha cabeça, por isso pedi uma explicação.
 - Mensagem original  De: Jose Paulo Matafome Oleiro [EMAIL 
 PROTECTED] Para: Cc: Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 2 de Agosto 
 de 2007 20:00:37 Assunto: Re: Iptables + Squid
 Os servidores de DNS são contactados usando apenas a porta 53 UDP
 Atenciosamente José Oleiro
 Qui, 2007-08-02 às 15:57 -0700, Julio Gimenes escreveu: Caro Manzano,
 O responder uma mensagem por gentiliza responda somente para lista, 
 respondendo para minha conta c/c para lista faz com que eu receba duas vezes 
 a mesma mensagem.
 Desculpe, mas vc poderia me explicar a regra citada? As portas Domain Name 
 Server não são 53 tcp e 53 udp?

 - Mensagem original  De: Marcelo Castilho Manzano [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Para: Julio Gimenes [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 2 de Agosto 
 de 2007 16:48:28 Assunto: Re: Iptables + Squid

 Lembre-se que o squid faz bloqueios/liberações somente a nível de protocolo 
 http. Requisições e respostas dos servidores DNS deveram ser tratadas no 
 firewall iptables se baseando no protocolo UDP porta 53
 um exemplo de como tratar a regra de DNS é:

 tratando a saída das requisições do teu firewall com destino ao servidor DNS: 
 iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp -s --sport 1025:65535 -j ACCEPT
 tratando a entrada das respostas do servidor DNS com destino ao teu firewall: 
 iptables -A INPUT -p udp -s 0/0 --sport 53 -d --sport 53 -d --dport 1025:65535 -j ACCEPT
 o é a tua rede local 0/0 é qualquer ip.
 Você utilizará essa regra se suas políticas padrões de INPUT e OUTPUT 
 estiverem DROP..
 abraços Marcelo Manzano dica: se quiser aprender mais sobre iptables faça o 
 curso de iptables que tem na to terminando o curso lá 
 hoje..caralho como minha visão do iptables melhorou/mudou Lembre-se 
 que no iptables o importante é você entender o fluxo que os pacotes caminham 
 para e pelo seu firewall

 Em 02/08/07, Julio Gimenes [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 - Mensagem original  De: Harlei Liguori [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 2 de Agosto 
 de 2007 11:53:11 Assunto: Iptables + Squid

 alguém poderia me ajudar a configurar um firewall no servidor proxy? Não 
 consigo descobrir as portas que devem estar liberadas... e por isso, qd 
 inicio o firewall da problema no proxy... Meu proxy funciona na porta 3128, e 
 já tentei deixar só esta porta TCP liberada, mas não funcionou... ai acabei 
 lembrando que deve-se ter uma porta para a pesquisa DNS dos endereços, mas 
 não consegui descobrir ao certo qual é essa porta... será que alguém poderia 
 me auxiliar nessa configuração?
 Harlei Liguori Marcelino

 Segue a lista de portas:

Re: RESOLVIDO Boot Etch Intell D946GZIS

2007-08-07 Thread Daniel Ricardo da Silva

Sempre escolho o ext3; não uso outro.


Sávio Ramos wrote:

Em Tue, 07 Aug 2007 14:01:06 -0300
Daniel Ricardo da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

- segui todos os passos, exatamente como das outras vezes; porém, na 
escolha do gerenciador de boot, ao invés de GRUB, escolhi o LILO.

O Grub não se dá, ou se dava, muito bem com o sistema de arquivos XFS.
Foi este que você tinha escolhido?


fn:Daniel Ricardo da Silva
n:Ricardo da Silva;Daniel
adr:;;;Porto Alegre;RS;90245050;Brasil
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Gerente de TI
tel;cell:51 84048671

Re: [Expressoes Regulares]: senha com letras e numeros obrigatoriamente

2007-08-07 Thread RicardoFunke
Massa Moisés,

Mas eu precisava fazer essa verificação em uma aplicação web feita em
java (liferay) que utiliza uma biblioteca java para verificar
expressões regulares, então acho que não daria para usar o pam nessa

Mas valeu a dica!

Em 09/07/07, Moises Rodrigues[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 Por que não usar o pam + cracklib?
 Ele faz essa checagem automáticamente junto com a checagem da senha
 desejada contra um dicionário padrão ou feito por você.

 Saca só o que achei no google:

 password   required/lib/security/ minlen=8 lcredit=1
 ucredit=1 dcredit=1 ocredit=1 difok=2 retry=3

 This example allows you to force new passwords to have 1 lowercase, 1 ucase,
 1 digit, 1 other character of some sort, and be at lest 2 characters
 different from previous passwords, it allows 3 attempts the change the

 Ou seja, isso acima exige 1 digit, 1 maiúsculo, 1 minúsculo, um outro
 caracter e também 2 diferentes do último password, no mínimo.
 Uso ele em dois servidores e ajuda um bocado. Faz com que o John
 basicamente não precise ser rodado a não ser em casos especiais.

 Espero ter ajudado.

 On 7/9/07, RicardoFunke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Valeu Rafael,
  Testei na minha aplicação e como você já devia esperar, funcionou! Só
  tive que adicionar um .* no começo e no final da expressão, então
  ficou assim:
  Na verdade ficou assim:
  Porque essa classe java aceita esse tipo de coisa, nesse caso só vai
  permitir senhas de 6 dígitos ou mais
  Quem quiser entender a lógica da expressão regular
  ([A-Za-z][0-9]|[0-9][A-Za-z]) basta fazer testes utilizando a opção
  --color do egrep
  Valeu Rafael!!!
  Em 06/07/07, Rafael[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
   Essa expressão garante a existência de pelo menos um número e uma letra
   em qualquer sequência possível.
   Essa garante a presenca se números combinados com caracteres especias ou
   espacos ou letras.
   On Thu, 2007-07-05 at 10:52 -0300, RicardoFunke wrote:
Galera, nada disso funcionou, eu preciso de expressões regulares
legítimas sem interferência de qualquer linguagem de programação.
Quem for fera em REGEX e puder me auxiliar com isso, eu vou agradecer 
Obrigado a todos
Em 25/06/07, RicardoFunke[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 Olá pessoal,

 Eu vou testar as dicas, mas não sei se todas vão funcionar, esqueci de
 avisar que o programa que testa as senhas é feito em java e utiliza
 uma classe especial java feita para Expressões Regulares.

 Qualquer coisa eu volto a postar


 Em 23/06/07, henrique[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  --- Bruno Buys [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
   RicardoFunke wrote:
Olá lista,
Estou com uma aplicação que faz validação de senha por uso de
Expressões Regulares, estou tentando descobrir uma expressão que
verifica se a senha possui letras e números obrigatoriamente, ou
não aceitar senha só com letras, nem só com números, somente se
números e letras.
Mas eu gostaria que o usuário tivesse a liberdade de colocar as
e números na posição que lhe convier e não obrigar que as 
letras ou
números tivesse uma posição fixa.
É possível fazer esse tipo de validação com as Expressões
Alguém poderia me dizer como?
Já tentei um horror de coisa, pesquisando em vários tutoriais na
internet, mas estou achando que não é possível fazer isso 
REGEX. Gostaria muito que alguém me provasse o contrário!
Obrigado a todos
Ricardo Funke Ormieres
   Oi Ricardo,
   Acho que dá sim. Se for com bash script eu posso ajudar.
  tipo isso abaixo?
  my $senha=shift();
  if ( $senha =~ m/^(\d+\w*[a-zA-Z]+|[a-zA-Z]+\w*\d+)\w*/){
  print $senha\n;
  print nao deu certo, escolha outra senha. \n;
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ perl aaa
  nao deu certo, escolha outra senha.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ perl 11223
  nao deu certo, escolha outra senha.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ perl sas12112
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ perl 121asas1212
  parece bem fácil. É isso o que vc procura?
  caso queira algo mais entendível, fiz esse outro codigo tbm:
  if (( $senha =~ m/\d/ )  ( $senha =~ m/[a-zA-Z]/ ))
  mas ai é uma implementação da 


2007-08-07 Thread paulo henrique ferreira

Sou novo aqui na lista e gostaria de saber onde posso encontrar um bom tutorial 
do assunto citado. Desde já agradeço.

...: paulo :

  Alertas do Yahoo! Mail em seu celular. Saiba mais em

VPN em servidor Windows passando por firewall Iptables

2007-08-07 Thread Jefferson Souza
Pessoal boa tarde, seguinte tenho um firewall configurado que usa o iptables, 
tenho um servidor ruindows 2000 server e ele é meu servidor vpn, preciso saber 
como faço para meus clientes acessarem externamente.
No firewall eu já abri a porta 1723 e habilitei o protocolo GRE, mais mesmo 
assim não consigo me conectar, alguém sabe me dizer o que falta ou o que eu 
estou fazendo errado.
Desde já agrdeço.

  Alertas do Yahoo! Mail em seu celular. Saiba mais em

Re: Como se usa um pen-drive???

2007-08-07 Thread Bruno Schneider
On 8/6/07, Tiago Saboga wrote:
 De qualquer maneira, acrescentaria que um journal deve representar sim
 algum aumento no uso, já que mais informações são mantidas gravadas
 (posso estar errado; tomara que alguém que sabe mais se meta ;) )

Eu não cheguei a procurar nada sobre o que estamos discutindo e nem ao
menos ler os links que o Tiago enviou porque estou sem tempo agora.

O que eu queria comentar é que a situação fictícia que o Sávio
descreveu realmente não poderia acontecer, acho que nenhum SO, com
qualquer sistema de arquivos iria mudar dados de lugar, achando que
outros dados ficariam melhor nos blocos em questão (exceto no caso de
um desfragmentador rodando, o que não é o caso). Também não
aconteceria o caso de dados mais recentes serem gravados enquanto
dados mais antigos ficam esperando.

Bom, o grande problema é a situação do Sávio deixou de lado o
journal cuja existência é exatamente o foco da discussão. Talvez
isso signifique que o Sávio não entende direito que é um sistema de
arquivos com journal. O journal é um registro de operações que fica
gravado geralmente no mesmo dispositivo em que ficam os dados. O SO
registra coisas tipo vou gravar dados no bloco tal, terminei de
gravar coisas no bloco tal, para facilitar a volta do sistema de
arquivos para um estado consistente em caso de falhas.

Assim, voltando ao exemplo, para gravar os vários arquivos do exemplo,
vários registros desses seriam gravados em algum lugar especial do
pendrive (o journal), como os registro são pequenos (menores que um
bloco) e não possível gravar só parte de um bloco, os blocos dessa
região vão sendo usados para gravações seguidas, dimuindo sua vida

Entendeu melhor nosso ponto de vista, Sávio?

Bruno Schneider

Re: Iptables + Squid

2007-08-07 Thread Edmundo Valle Neto

Harlei Liguori escreveu:
Bem amigos, pelo que percebi a porta 53 UDP e TCP são as usadas para 
pesquisas DNS.

Sim, são utilizados UDP e TCP mas se você não incluir o TCP 
provavelmente notará um ou outro erro em um período de meses, o TCP só é 
utilizado em pesquisas quando a resposta recebida não couber em um único 
datagrama UDP e isso não é muito comum de acontecer.

OK... porém, ainda não entendi qual o tipo de liberação que devo 
fazer, se é INPUT, OUTPUT, FORWARD, ou oque, será que alguém poderia 
me ajudar com relação a isso?

Na tabela filter:

INPUT: Processa pacotes com destino à máquina onde o iptables está.
OUTPUT: Processa pacotes com origem na máquina onde o iptables está.
FORWARD: Processa pacotes roteados, com origem/destino que NÃO é a 
máquina onde o iptables está.

Você precisa liberar a comunicação da máquina onde o iptables está com o 
seus servidores de DNS (ida e volta obviamente), os clientes não fazem 
consultas aos servidores de DNS quando estão utilizando um proxy, eles 
simplesmente requisitam um endereço e o proxy que resolve isso.

Quero deixar uma regra que libere a navegação http e downloads por 
essa navegação e bloquear todo o resto, entendem?

Tentei usar a segunte regra:
iptables -A INPUT -s 'rede_interna' -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -j DROP

Pessoalmente não gosto de colocar regras prontas, principalmente vendo 
que quem ler vai simplesmente copiar e não vai entender para quê servem. 
Inclusive não há como fazer isso sem saber como sua rede foi conectada.

e assim, pelo que parece o proxy não consegue fazer pesquisas DNS. 
Pelo que vi, preciso trabalhar a porta 53 TCP e UDP para isso.

Sim e aparentemente a resposta já está no seu próprio e-mail (ver abaixo).

Eu precisaria liberar mais alguma coisa para que a navegação esteja limpa?

Não sei o que significa navegação esteja limpa, mas mesmo assim não há 
como alguém sugerir um firewall pronto sem ter noção de como está a 
disposição de seus servidores e o resto da rede, e quais os serviços que 
se deseja que sejam liberados e onde eles estão.

agradeço e muito a ajuda de todos
Harlei Liguori Marcelino


- Mensagem original  
De: Marcelo Castilho Manzano [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Para: Julio Gimenes [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 2 de Agosto de 2007 16:48:28 
Assunto: Re: Iptables + Squid 

Lembre-se que o squid faz bloqueios/liberações somente a nível de protocolo http. 
Requisições e respostas dos servidores DNS deveram ser tratadas no firewall iptables se baseando no protocolo UDP porta 53 

um exemplo de como tratar a regra de DNS é: 

tratando a saída das requisições do teu firewall com destino ao servidor DNS: 
iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp -s --sport 1025:65535 -j ACCEPT 

tratando a entrada das respostas do servidor DNS com destino ao teu firewall: 
iptables -A INPUT -p udp -s 0/0 --sport 53 -d --sport 53 -d --dport 1025:65535 -j ACCEPT 

o é a tua rede local 
0/0 é qualquer ip. 

Você utilizará essa regra se suas políticas padrões de INPUT e OUTPUT estiverem DROP.. 

Marcelo Manzano


Acima está um exemplo de como liberar a conecção com servidores de DNS.

Portas não privilegiadas ficam no intervalo 1024:65535.
E também não vejo razão para colocar um endereço de rede nas cadeias 
INPUT e OUTPUT, deveria ser o IP da interface por onde serão 
recebidos/enviados os pacotes.

Você pode duplicar as regras e trocar udp por tcp para liberar os dois 


Edmundo Valle Neto

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2007-08-07 Thread gunix

qual um bom softwares de monitoramento de maquinas.
Uso o CACTI para poder monitorar o uso.
Porem gostaria de um que me fala-se o horário qual ip t acessando e o que
ele ta acessando.

Alguem me falou do ntop. (Achei um pouco complicado)
Alguem sugere outro melhor?


Re: Cd de boot do Debian ia64

2007-08-07 Thread Bruno Guimarães Sousa
Ah... Valeu galera.
Eu achava que o i de ia64 era de intel não de Itanium.
Tentei aqui com amd64, deu boot e instalei o Debian

O unico problema é que agora o X não inicia. O monitor simplesmente perde o
sinal ao tentar entrar no X (O led verde do monitor fica laranja). Aí
apertando o botão de desligar a maquina, o SO sai do X que não entrou e
volta ao modo texto com as mensagens normais de Stopping... e desliga.

Antes nesssa mesma maquina funcionou ubuntu, suse e mandriva sem problemas.

Eu sei que pode ser muitas coisas, mas por onde eu posso começar para tentar
chegar ao problema?


On 8/2/07, Renato S. Yamane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bruno Guimarães Sousa escreveu:
 Tenho uma máquina  64 bits. Tento dar o boot nela com o cd Debian
  netinst (
  e o normal
  e nenhum dos dois dá o boot, simplesmente passa para o boot do hd

 Isso tem jeito de gravação errada.
 Você gravou a imagem e não o arquivo iso direto para o CD, né?
 Se você abrir o CD, não deverá aparecer nenhum arquivo iso lá!

  Anexei neste email a saída do lshw da maquina 64 bits, pra ver se eh 64
  bits ou nao mesmo, depois disso fiquei na duvida... :(
  O que pode estar acontecendo?

 O seu processador é o Intel Celeron D 326 (2,53GHz)?
 Porque você está tentando usar uma imagem que é destinada ao Intel
 Itanium (ia64)?

 A arquitetura 64 bits da Intel é, segundo alguns, uma cópia dos AMD64,
 portanto você deve usar a imagem destinada aos AMD64 e não os IA64


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Bruno Guimarães Sousa
Suporte 2007
InfoJr UFBA - Empreendendo o futuro

Re: VPN em servidor Windows passando por firewall Iptables

2007-08-07 Thread Fabiano Pires
Em 07/08/07, Jefferson Souza[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Pessoal boa tarde, seguinte tenho um firewall configurado que usa o
 iptables, tenho um servidor ruindows 2000 server e ele é meu servidor vpn,
 preciso saber como faço para meus clientes acessarem externamente.

 No firewall eu já abri a porta 1723 e habilitei o protocolo GRE, mais mesmo
 assim não consigo me conectar, alguém sabe me dizer o que falta ou o que eu
 estou fazendo errado.

Carrege (com modprobe) o modulo do protocolo pptp (acho que é
ipt_nat_pptp ou algo assim ...)

find /lib/modules -iname *pptp*

vai achar o nome certo do módulo.


 Desde já agrdeço.
  Alertas do Yahoo! Mail em seu celular. Saiba mais.


Re: Cd de boot do Debian ia64

2007-08-07 Thread Tiago Saboga
On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 07:10:17PM -0300, Bruno Guimarães Sousa wrote:
 Ah... Valeu galera.
 Eu achava que o i de ia64 era de intel não de Itanium.
 Tentei aqui com amd64, deu boot e instalei o Debian

Tô vendo que és novo por aqui ;) Bem, algumas dicas para você
conseguir mais e melhores respostas: mude o assunto da mensagem ao
mudar de assunto; não sei nada de itanium e quase que não abro esta
mensagem. E responda sempre abaixo do texto que for necessário citar,
apagando o que não for necessário.

 O unico problema é que agora o X não inicia. O monitor simplesmente perde o
 sinal ao tentar entrar no X (O led verde do monitor fica laranja). Aí
 apertando o botão de desligar a maquina, o SO sai do X que não entrou e
 volta ao modo texto com as mensagens normais de Stopping... e desliga.
 Antes nesssa mesma maquina funcionou ubuntu, suse e mandriva sem problemas.

Uma das possibilidades é olhar qual a configuração que essas outras
distros usam. De preferência com um cd live, para não ter que instalar
o sistema todo.

 Eu sei que pode ser muitas coisas, mas por onde eu posso começar para tentar
 chegar ao problema?

O arquivo /var/log/Xorg.0.log (acho que o nome é esse). Dê uma olhada
nas linhas que começam com (EE), e se não entender, mande para cá.

Você pode também rodar, como root, o comando
# dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

e responder às perguntas, escolhendo o módulo VESA (genérico,
funciona em quase qualquer placa de vídeo).

Boa sorte,


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nhaca no Alsa

2007-08-07 Thread thiagom

Sou novato e comprei uma placa-mãe com audio on-board (ASUS M2N4-SLI) . Uso
DEBIAN CDD-BR. Não conseguia saída de aúdio em todos os programas então
achei um driver específico ( ) para o
audio da placa que possui um instalador automático. Os detalhes constam no
readme.txt em anexo.

Executei o arquivo install no terminal como root e ele abriu a configuração
do Alsa...

Daí ele falou que não achou placa pci nem pnp... perguntou se eu gostaria de
procurar uma placa com ISA...
ele avisou: pode deixar o sistema instável... eu daí
chegou numa parte que eu não entendia...
tipos de placas parece... então cancelei...

Quando reiniciei: sua sessão está levando menos de dez segundos  para
terminar... algo ruim está acontecendo No relatório do erro ele diz:
Erro enquanto carrega  Cannot open shared object file...

Só consegui logar no terminal...
Tem salvação?

thiago ~

Thiago A M Toniolo
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil
The source code copy from  ver:3.3-4
Linux Source Code for ALC audio codec
Support Codec list:
AC97 Codec=

HD Audio codec 

This Source Code is from
For driver installation, please follow below steps. 

Automatic install:


Manual install:
Step 1. unzip source code
tar xfvj alsa-driver-1.0.9b_1.tar.bz2

Step 2. Turn on sound support (soundcore module, default turn on)

Step 3. Complied source code
a. cd alsa-driver-1.0.9b_1.
b. ./configure
c. make
d. make install
e. ./snddevices

Step 4. Edit your /etc/modules.conf or conf.modules depending on the 
(Please refer to the attached modules.conf)
snd- is the card ID.

-- Azalia controller --ALC880 ALC882 ALC260 ALC262
   --- Intel ICH6 ICH7 -
   --- ATI chipset -

-- AC97 controller --ALC655 ALC650 ALC250 ALC255
   --- Intel ICH6 ICH7 , SiS 7012 and NVidia--
   --- Via8233 Via686a  ---
   --- ATI Chipset  ---

Copy and paste this to the bottom of your /etc/modules.conf or 
/etc/modprobe.conf file.
# ALSA portion
  alias char-major-116 snd
  alias snd-card-0 snd- 
# OSS/Free portion
  alias char-major-14 soundcore
  alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
# card #1
  alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
  alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
  alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
  alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
  alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

Step 5. reboot your machine

Step 6. Use the alsamixer the disable mute (All audio line default is mute)
*Must to compile and to install the ALSA library and utility. (Use 
automatic install is already install)
excute alsamixer

Note:   1. The most detail information, can refer the 
alsa-kernel/Documenttation/ALSA-Configuration.txt in the azx-021705.tar.bz2.
2. Kernel Version must be 2.2.14 or later.
3. All mixer channels are muted by default. You must use a native
or OSS mixer program to unmute appropriate channels.
4. If can not compile the source code, try to rename the 
/usr/src/linux-2.x - /usr/src/linux.
5. The driver added to support the SPDIF functoin.  
6. a. You can download the alsa-lib-1.0.9 and alsa-utils-1.0.9a form 
the, then unzip and install them. 
   b. Suggest use alsamixer to control mixer function.
   c. Used alsaconf can autodetect which drive you need to install 
(step 4).  
7. SUSE Distribution must install the ncurses package. 

Re: Ldap + samba

2007-08-07 Thread Thunderblade Tempestis
-- Forwarded message --
From: Thunderblade Tempestis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 07/08/2007 23:32
Subject: Re: Ldap + samba
To: paulo henrique ferreira [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Aproveitando esse assunto...

To tentando configurar o Cyrus SASL num Debian...mas quando eu dou make,
retorna um monte de erros, vou colocar as ultimas linhas:

make[2]: ** [digestmd5.lo] Erro 1
make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/opt/packages/teste/cyrus- sasl-2.1.22
make[1]: ** [all-recursive] Erro 1
make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/opt/packages/teste/cyrus-sasl-2.1.22'
make: ** [all] Erro 2

Alguem ai já passou por isso?

Em 02/08/07, paulo henrique ferreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:


 Tenho procurado muito sobre o assunto mais não encontrei algo funcional,
 gostaria de solicitar um tutorial de implementação de LDAP + SAMBA. desde já

 Alertas do Yahoo! Mail em seu celular. Saiba 

Re: VPN em servidor Windows passando por firewall Iptables

2007-08-07 Thread Denis
Em 07/08/07, Fabiano Pires[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 Em 07/08/07, Jefferson Souza[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Pessoal boa tarde, seguinte tenho um firewall configurado que usa o
  iptables, tenho um servidor ruindows 2000 server e ele é meu servidor vpn,
  preciso saber como faço para meus clientes acessarem externamente.
  No firewall eu já abri a porta 1723 e habilitei o protocolo GRE, mais mesmo
  assim não consigo me conectar, alguém sabe me dizer o que falta ou o que eu
  estou fazendo errado.

 Carrege (com modprobe) o modulo do protocolo pptp (acho que é
 ipt_nat_pptp ou algo assim ...)

 find /lib/modules -iname *pptp*

 vai achar o nome certo do módulo.


  Desde já agrdeço.
   Alertas do Yahoo! Mail em seu celular. Saiba mais.


O cliente está na rede interna atrás do firewall? Ou é o servidor que
está na rede interna atrás do firewall?

Rastreia com o tcpdump pra ver tudo o que está chegando no firewall.

Monitoramento de estações linux e windows

2007-08-07 Thread Thunderblade Tempestis
Olá pessoal

Gostaria de saber se vcs conhecem alguma ferramente linux que faça
monitoramento ou controle de estações linux e windowsa minha intenção na
verdade é coleta de informações das estações via vcs conhecerm ,
poderiam me passar algum nome pra eu pesquisar?


Re: Monitoramento de estações linux e windows

2007-08-07 Thread Paulo de Souza Lima

- Mensagem original 
De: Thunderblade Tempestis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 8 de Agosto de 2007 0:27:17
Assunto: Monitoramento de estações linux e windows

Olá pessoal

Gostaria de saber se vcs conhecem alguma ferramente linux que faça 
monitoramento ou controle de estações linux e windowsa minha intenção na 
verdade é coleta de informações das estações via vcs conhecerm , 
poderiam me passar algum nome pra eu pesquisar?

Que tipo de informações vc pretende coletar de suas estações?
Dependendo do que for, podem existir várias opções diferentes.



Just give them the rope
and they will hang themselves up 
Paulo de Souza Lima
Linux User 432358

  Alertas do Yahoo! Mail em seu celular. Saiba mais em

32/64 meselesiyle ilgili sorular

2007-08-07 Thread Bir Birey

Core 2 duo bir makinaya 64 bitlik bir port (AMD64)
kurmakla kurmamak arasındaki farklar nelerdir? 
chroot'la filan uğraşmaya değer mi?

linux-2.6.22'yi Core2 işlemci için derledim (özel seçenek vardı). 
Bu sistemlerde bellek 64 bit mi? 
Bu çekirdek 64 bitlik işlemleri yapar mı?
Yoksa 64 bit işlem yapabilmesi için illa 64 bitlik kütüphanelerle mi
derlenmesi gerekiyor?

Etch'in içinde 32 bitlik portunda 64 bitlik kütüphaneler, ıvırlar, 
zıvırlar var. 
Bunlar ne işe yarıyor? 
Örneğin, nvidia'nın 64 bitlik sürücüsünü 32 bitlik sistemde
için bunları kurmak işe yarar mı? 
Yararsa hangilerini kurmalıyım? 
Derlendi diyelim, etch'in 32 bitlik portunda sorunsuz çalışır mı?

Yanıtlarınız için şimdiden teşekkürler.

bir birey


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Re: Virtual Machines/Emulators

2007-08-07 Thread Mike McCarty

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Mike McCarty wrote:

I recently developed a desire to run some emulators under Linux,
and consequently have run some of them. Here are my opinions of them,
based on install, ease of use, and speed of emulation.


Did you run kqemu with qemu?

No, I couldn't get it to build for me.

Oppose globalization and One World Governments like the UN.
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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Set up postfix

2007-08-07 Thread rocky

I'm trying to follow the tutorial from
to set up the postfix. dpkg -l | grep postfix gives me the following

LIJIANG:~# dpkg -l | grep postfix
ii  postfix  2.3.8-2+b1  A
high-performance mail transport agent
ii  postfix-mysql2.3.8-2+b1
MYSQL map support for Postfix

But  ps aux | grep postfix tells me there's no process called postfix
running. Even after /etc/init.d/postfix restart I got the same result.
The /var/log/mail.log tells me the following information:

Aug  7 23:02:19 woody sm-mta[24462]: l77DqINI023401: SYSERR(root):
hash map Alias0: missing map file /etc/mail/aliases.db: No such file
or directory

Then I tried to use telnet to test by entering telnet 25 and
it gives me the below result:

LIJIANG:~# telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ;; ESMTP connection timed out; no servers could be reached
Sendmail 8.13.8/8.13.8/Debian-3; Tue, 7 Aug 2007 23:09:18 +0800; (No
UCE/UBE) logging access from:[EMAIL PROTECTED] []
250-;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached Hello
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [], pleased to meet you

Can any of you help me to correctly set up the postfix please?


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Re: Virtual Machines/Emulators

2007-08-07 Thread Mike McCarty

Tom Grove wrote:

Mike McCarty wrote:

I recently developed a desire to run some emulators under Linux,
and consequently have run some of them. Here are my opinions of them,
based on install, ease of use, and speed of emulation.

The emulators I tried are DOSEMU + Freedos, BOCHS + MSDOS 6.22, and
QEMU + MSDOS 6.22. I found that each had advantages and disadvantages.
I also ran MSDOS 6.0 natively.


I would like to see how VirtualBox stands up against the others.  It 
seems to be the fastest emulator when it comes to Windows.  Although 
this is only one person's opinion and there is no scientific evidence 
it just feels faster.

I tried VirtualBox, and found it impossible to install on my machine.
It won't build. The build errors are rather obscure. I looked at the
log file they say should contain information, but here is the
head of the log file


VirtualBox 1.4.0 installer, built Wed Jun  6 00:03:39 CEST 2007.

Testing system setup...
System setup appears correct.

Installing VirtualBox to /usr/local/innotek/VirtualBox

Output from the module build process (the Linux kernel build system) 

cp: missing destination file
Try `cp --help' for more information.


Not very informative, is it?

Several of the compiles failed to find, for example, stddef.h,
stdarg.h, and other Standard Headers. I have no problem building
my own programs which use these headers.

Oppose globalization and One World Governments like the UN.
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: cups yet again

2007-08-07 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 07 Aug 2007, s. keeling wrote:
   Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
   On Mon, Aug 06, 2007 at 05:02:07PM +0100, graham wrote:
   Yet another cups problem (the one program which makes me feel like I do 
   when running windows - like putting a foot through the computer).
   So why run cups?  Use LPRng and Apsfilter or foomatic print filters.
Cos what I'd understood from other threads was that this would mean 
swimming against the tide, since cups is now the default for both debian 
  Yes, it is swimming against the tide.  Big deal,  fsck 'em.
  CUPS has made a mess of *nix printing.  All you need to do to enable
  *nix printing is find your printer's driver, install lpr(ng), then
  hack /etc/printcap (which is pretty damned simple):
 lp0|To Your Left: \
 :lp=/dev/lp0: \
 :force_localhost: \
 :if=/usr/bin/foomatic-rip: \
 :ppd=/usr/local/ppd/Epson-Stylus_Photo_870-Stp870p.upp.ppd: \
 :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp: \
 It just works.  CUPS is *way* unnecessary.  The biggest problem with
 *nix printing is trying to figure out how to install something without
 dragging in CUPS too.  :-P  Even if you have lpr(ng) installed, CUPS
 chooses to replace them, and tends to get away with it!  Be vigilant.

I ditched Cups a couple of years ago in favour of lpr + magicfilter. I
never have any problems, including network printing. Dead easy to set


Anthony Campbell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Linux Gnu-Debian (blog, book reviews, 
on-line books and sceptical articles)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: cups yet again

2007-08-07 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Mon, Aug 06, 2007 at 22:05:53 +0100, graham wrote:
 Florian Kulzer wrote:


 - Is the printer reported correctly if you run


 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel
 direct parallel:/dev/lp0 Unknown LPT #1

Maybe this just means that the printer does not identify itself. (Not
all printers do this, as far as I know.)

 - Has the ppd file been copied to /etc/cups/ppd/HL-5040.ppd? 


 The owner should be cupsys, group lp and the permissions should be 0644. 

 The owner was root.root. Changed this to cupsys.lp and the test page 
 printed ok from the CUPS frontend (tested this once only, since I assumed 
 it was now ok).

 However, printing from anything else still gave the same result as before. 
 Tried rebooting (a la windows); the test page no longer prints from the 
 CUPS frontend - the original problem returned.

 Suspecting the permissions (everything else in the directory was also 
 root.root or root.lp), I did

 chown -R cupsys.lp /etc/cups

 but the problem stayed unchanged

 Current state:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -al /etc/cups/ppd
 total 24
 drwxr-xr-x 2 cupsys lp  4096 2007-08-06 16:08 .
 drwxr-sr-t 5 cupsys lp  4096 2007-08-06 16:08 ..
 -rw-r--r-- 1 cupsys lp 12517 2007-08-06 16:08 HL-5040.ppd

Well, Sid just had a cupsys upgrade and now the ownership of my
/etc/cups/ppd/* files is actually root:lp. The important thing seems to be
that the lp group can read the files. My /etc/cups/ directory looks like
this now:

$ ls -al /etc/cups/
total 88
drwxr-xr-x   5 root lp4096 2007-08-07 09:26 .
drwxr-xr-x 135 root root 12288 2007-08-07 09:29 ..
-rw---   1 root lp  83 2007-07-27 15:52 classes.conf
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  1215 2006-11-03 01:57 command.types
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  8818 2007-05-24 11:51 cups-pdf.conf
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  2959 2007-06-09 16:47 cupsd.conf
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 2007-02-02 14:50 interfaces
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  4644 2007-05-14 10:57 mime.convs
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  6289 2007-07-14 15:47 mime.types
drwxr-xr-x   2 root lp4096 2007-07-05 10:58 ppd
-rw---   1 root lp1006 2007-07-27 15:52 printers.conf
-rw---   1 root lp 999 2007-07-05 10:58 printers.conf.O
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   946 2006-09-29 14:58 pstoraster.convs
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   242 2007-03-18 13:01 raw.convs
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   213 2007-03-18 13:01 raw.types
drwx--   2 root lp4096 2007-08-07 09:26 ssl

I just checked after the upgrade and printing still seems to work for

 You can
   check if the file corresponds to the correct driver with:
   grep '^*NickName:' /etc/cups/ppd/HL-5040.ppd

 Yes thats fine.

 *NickName:  Brother HL-5040 Foomatic/hl1250 (recommended)

That certainly seems to be the correct driver.

 - The foomatic-filters-ppds package has four different ppd files for the
   Brother HL-5040. Did you try them all?

 No, but I don't believe that's the issue. This one has always worked fine 
 for me before (several different systesm, none of which is unfortunately 
 available for comparison).

The changelog of the newest Sid version of cupsys gives me the
impression that there were some problems with the first Debian packages
of the new upstream cups release (version 1.2.12-1, in Lenny right now).
Maybe your problem ist just a case of installing at the wrong time. You
could try if you can install version 1.2.12-2 of cupsys, cupsys-common,
cupsys-client, and libcupsys2 (from Sid). Using dpkg --purge
--force-depends should allow you to temporarily purge the old packages
without removing anything else that depends on cups. This should be safe
if you reinstall the new (or old) packages again immediately. (Famous
last words...)

  Florian   |

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How to force update second DNS server

2007-08-07 Thread david robert
Hi Guys
  I am using bind 9 for my dns server i did some chnages to one of our customer 
zone file now i want to force update for my slave dns server how do i do this?
  Thanks for your help

 Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Tryit now.

Re: SOLVED: Re: using ssl on part of a website

2007-08-07 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 07:11:43AM +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 06, 2007 at 03:41:52PM -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
  that looks to me to be the best way to use SSL with ikiwiki.
 The debian AND upstream maintainer is Joey Hess. I think he might be 
 interested in documenting your solution.

yeah. I get the feeling that its one of those things one is supposed
to know... But I'll pass it on anyway. It was not a simple thing to
figure out, though it was simple to do once figured.


Description: Digital signature

Re: How to force update second DNS server

2007-08-07 Thread x3n


Normally your secondary NS should synchronize by itself after a  
certain amount of time. The problem for the slave NS is to know about  
changes. In your primary NS, you can add the notify yes command in  
the zone declaration, so that salve NS (declared in the zone file!)  
are notified about changes.
If your slave NS is not declared in the SOA of your zone, you can use  
the also-notify x.x.x.x parameter.

After doing this, the secondary should synchronise as soon as the  
master has reload the updated zone. If it's not the case, you should  
have a careful look to the serial number...


david robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

Hi Guys

  I am using bind 9 for my dns server i did some chnages to one of  
our customer zone file now i want to force update for my slave dns  
server how do i do this?

  Thanks for your help

 Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Tryit now.



Re: PAM + LDAP and SSH

2007-08-07 Thread Martin Marcher

On 8/1/07, Bhasker C V [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you do not want LDAP based authentication then you can
  edit the nsswitch.conf file (passwd and shadow) to
  point to appropriate values ? like files, yp
  for local and NIS auth only.

the problem with that is that you then don't have any information
about the users available.

If you need to have getent passwd list the users in your ldap and
don't want them to be able to login just don't mess around with pam,
and stick with libnss-ldap only.

If, on the other hand you need some users to be able to login a
pam_filter is apropriate since you can easily use the host or
authorizedService attribute (or any other attribute for that matter)
to check account validity for a certain box/host.

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Re: Virtual Machines/Emulators

2007-08-07 Thread Mathias Brodala
Hi Mike.

Mike McCarty, 07.08.2007 09:22:
 Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 Mike McCarty wrote:

 I recently developed a desire to run some emulators under Linux,
 and consequently have run some of them. Here are my opinions of them,
 based on install, ease of use, and speed of emulation.

 Did you run kqemu with qemu?
 No, I couldn't get it to build for me.

How did you try? More than the following commands is not necessary:

# apt-get install module-assistant
# m-a prepare
# m-a a-i kqemu
# modprobe kqemu

Optionally, for having the module loaded on boot-time:

# echo kqemu  /etc/modules

Regards, Mathias


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: CD/DVD Burner Configuration

2007-08-07 Thread Jonathan Kaye
Adriano Bonat wrote:

 Hello guys,
 I tried to burn a CD with k3b, and got an error from wodim, the same as
 follow: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ wodim -scanbus
 /usr/bin/wodim: No such file or directory.
 Cannot open SCSI driver!
 For possible targets try 'wodim --devices' or 'wodim -scanbus'.
 For possible transport specifiers try 'wodim dev=help'.
 For IDE/ATAPI devices configuration, see the file README.ATAPI.setup from
 the wodim documentation.
 then I tried:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ wodim dev=/dev/cdrw -scanbus
 1,0,0   100) 'MATSHITA' 'DVD-RAM UJ-840S ' '1.11' Removable CD-ROM
 yes, there it is. So my question is: how can I fix this, because to do
 something with the burner i'll need always to specify the 'dev'
 Thanks in advance.
Hi Adriano,
Is your K3b configured correctly? Open K3b and Settings - Configure
K3b ... - Devices
Do you see your Matshita listed there? If not K3b is not configured
correctly. If need be you can add your device by clicking on the Add
Device... button in the Devices window.
Registerd Linux user #445917 at

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Re: replacement for apt-listchanges?

2007-08-07 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2007-08-06 20:05:44 -0400, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
 Can you describe the breakage?  I've found that packages that rely on
 python for a GUI break (GUI freezes), I've always blamed it on the GUI.
 Base python itself I've never had break.

Here are some of them I've recorded:

In May (this one was under Mac OS X), the python upgrade
(2.4.3 - 2.4.4) broken Mercurial:
ImportError: No module named _locale

In April, the upgrade of python2.4-minimal failed during configuration
(and apt-get install -f didn't solve the problem).

In June 2006, fail2ban dies with unknown locale error (the
problem occurred with python2.3 and later versions, but not
with python2.2). The fix was the following:

0.7. branch of fail2ban within testing/unstable has substantially
different handling of dates, and doesn't rely on python's locale
anymore which remains to be prone to this bug (see #369689 reassigned
from fail2ban long ago).

In February 2006, messages forwarded by Forte Agent got corrupted
by getmail. The bug has never been identified (the author of getmail
couldn't reproduce it with my testcase), but it is thought to come
from some python version.

Vincent Lefèvre [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: replacement for apt-listchanges?

2007-08-07 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2007-08-07 01:10:51 +, s. keeling wrote:
 You should not be running unstable.  This is what stable, and Debian
 itself, were created for.  Sorry, no sympathy from here.

Stable is outdated, doesn't run on recent hardware and is more buggy
than unstable (because bugs remain unfixed, except some critical bugs
like security bugs). In particular, it still doesn't have emacs22
(emacs21 crashes quite often[*] and utf-8 copy-paste doesn't work).

[*] Bugs 133937/220986. When I switched to emacs22, all the crashes

Vincent Lefèvre [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: replacement for apt-listchanges?

2007-08-07 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2007-08-06 18:48:58 -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 06, 2007 at 07:40:08PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
  On 08/06/07 18:42, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
   This is based on personal experience. Unfortunately I haven't kept
   statistics, but I'd say, taking into account the serious bugs that
   directly affected the use of my machines and those I could avoid
   (e.g. thanks to apt-listbugs), this should be about 4 per year. This
   may seem low, but this is much more than what I get with the other
   base packages (libc6, perl, xorg...).
  You *know* the answer you're going to receive.
 i think s.keeling already did it... 

I've said that there were (almost) no problems with other packages.
As far as I'm concerned, the problem is mainly python, and I won't
switch to stable (where I'll get other problems) just because of

Vincent Lefèvre [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: less, exit but left content on screen

2007-08-07 Thread michael
On Sun, 2007-08-05 at 11:53 -0400, Tong Sun wrote:
 Package: less
 Version: 394-4
 Severity: wishlist
 I remember that I used to be able to exit 'less' by command key 'x' or
 something so that the content just viewed is left on screen, instead of
 being cleared and restored to the screen before invoking 'less'. But I
 found there is no such capability in current less (version 394). Or
 is there? 
 I am not sure whether my memory is correct or not, but I think such
 capability, leaving the just viewed content on screen, is desirable in
 certain circumstances. I hope such capability be implemented/put back
 into less. 

less -X file

works as expected for me (ie leaves content on the screen); you can also
set LESS env var appropriately.

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Re: Bzflag Segfaults

2007-08-07 Thread Manaen Schlabach
On 8/4/07, Manaen Schlabach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am currently running Debian testing and since doing my daily update
 two days ago am unable to run Bzflag.  The program immediately
 Segfaults back to the prompt and occasionally causes gdm to restart as
 well.  Is anyone else having this problem?

I suppose it's bad form to reply to your own list message but maybe my
experiences will help someone else out.  I have determined that it
isn't just bzflag that has segmentation faults, xmms, and pan are also
affected.  Does anyone know off the top of their heads what package or
packages that were recently upgraded is used by all three of these
programs?  If this can't be resolved I plan to use apt-pinning to go
back to stable and hopefully that will clear up my problems.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: cups yet again

2007-08-07 Thread graham

Florian Kulzer wrote:

The changelog of the newest Sid version of cupsys gives me the
impression that there were some problems with the first Debian packages
of the new upstream cups release (version 1.2.12-1, in Lenny right now).
Maybe your problem ist just a case of installing at the wrong time. You
could try if you can install version 1.2.12-2 of cupsys, cupsys-common,
cupsys-client, and libcupsys2 (from Sid). Using dpkg --purge
--force-depends should allow you to temporarily purge the old packages
without removing anything else that depends on cups. This should be safe
if you reinstall the new (or old) packages again immediately. (Famous
last words...)

I'm starting to think it may be a kernel-related problem somehow. I 
removed cups completely and installed lprng and the foomatic filter. At 
first this gave me exactly the same problem as I had had with cups: 
using foomatic-gui to print a test page produces single lines of 
gibberish per page.

I then rebooted again. Now I am unable to get a test page to produce 
anything at all. When I do lpq -P lp0  I get:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ lpq -Plp0
Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'HL5040'
 Queue: 1 printable job
 Server: pid 3708 active
 Unspooler: pid 3709 active
 Status: cannot open '/dev/lp0' - 'No such file or directory', attempt 
2, sleeping 20 at 12:03:42.777

 Rank   Owner/ID   Pr/Class Job Files  Size Time
active [EMAIL PROTECTED]A   706 (STDIN)   27719 12:03:32

There is no /dev/lp0. dmesg says:

pnp: the driver 'parport_pc' has been registered
pnp: match found with the PnP device '00:0c' and the driver 'parport_pc'
parport: PnPBIOS parport detected.
parport0: PC-style at 0x378 (0x778), irq 7, dma 3 

parport0: Printer, Brother HL-5040 series

There are no further references to lp0 or parport0

Googling gives me a few vaguely related symptoms; following one of these 
I found the suggestion to modprobe ppdev. My kern.log then showed:

 Aug  7 11:51:56 dogmatix kernel: ppdev: user-space parallel port driver

but the symptoms didn't change.

My printcap is:

lp0|HL5040: \
:lp=/dev/lp0: \
:force_localhost: \
:if=/usr/bin/foomatic-rip: \
:ppd=/usr/local/ppd/Brother-HL-5040-hl1250.ppd: \
:sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp: \


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: replacement for apt-listchanges?

2007-08-07 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 08/07/07 04:57, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 On 2007-08-06 20:05:44 -0400, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
 Can you describe the breakage?  I've found that packages that rely on
 python for a GUI break (GUI freezes), I've always blamed it on the GUI.
 Base python itself I've never had break.
 Here are some of them I've recorded:
 In May (this one was under Mac OS X), the python upgrade
 (2.4.3 - 2.4.4) broken Mercurial:
 ImportError: No module named _locale
 In April, the upgrade of python2.4-minimal failed during configuration
 (and apt-get install -f didn't solve the problem).
 In June 2006, fail2ban dies with unknown locale error (the
 problem occurred with python2.3 and later versions, but not
 with python2.2). The fix was the following:
 0.7. branch of fail2ban within testing/unstable has substantially
 different handling of dates, and doesn't rely on python's locale
 anymore which remains to be prone to this bug (see #369689 reassigned
 from fail2ban long ago).
 In February 2006, messages forwarded by Forte Agent got corrupted
 by getmail. The bug has never been identified (the author of getmail
 couldn't reproduce it with my testcase), but it is thought to come
 from some python version.

Two responses:

1. That's not many breakages. (And one of them is OSX!!!)

2. I see application bugs.  GvR announces when they're making
   changes that will break things.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day.
Hit him with a fish, and he goes away for good!

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to force update second DNS server

2007-08-07 Thread david robert
thanks for your help

x3n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi,

Normally your secondary NS should synchronize by itself after a 
certain amount of time. The problem for the slave NS is to know about 
changes. In your primary NS, you can add the notify yes command in 
the zone declaration, so that salve NS (declared in the zone file!) 
are notified about changes.
If your slave NS is not declared in the SOA of your zone, you can use 
the also-notify x.x.x.x parameter.

After doing this, the secondary should synchronise as soon as the 
master has reload the updated zone. If it's not the case, you should 
have a careful look to the serial number...


david robert a écrit :

 Hi Guys

 I am using bind 9 for my dns server i did some chnages to one of 
 our customer zone file now i want to force update for my slave dns 
 server how do i do this?

 Thanks for your help

 Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Tryit now.



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Re: Mislaid disk space

2007-08-07 Thread Adam Gray
Ok bizarrely this whole thing has now sorted itself out... this is a
problem from a couple of weeks ago and when I checked just now for the
du -a output it had 17G free space again. How odd. Bloody

Anyway thanks for suggestios.


- Hide quoted text -

On 06/08/07, Ron Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On 08/06/07 16:44, Adam Gray wrote:
  I have a 40Gb external LaCie USB hard drive, which until recently used
  to contain all my data. I have now bought a 300gb internal drive to
  move everything onto. But having moved some of the stuff over, for
  various reasons I have now mucked up my debian install and want to
  start afresh.
  But, for some reason when I deleted my iTunes music library off the external
  drive, it doesn't seem to quite have gone properly... weirdly the
  drive still shows as full when running `df` but from my windows
  installation (on a different HD) it shows as having 16G free space...?
  The iTunes dir is no longer being listed on the drive, but it still
  seems to be taking up space.
  Which is inconvenient as I now have a large tar archive of my home
  directory (containing the music) which I can't back up to reinstall
  the OS. So any ideas on what's going on here and if/how I can reclaim
  this free space, preferably without reformatting the drive (it still
  has quite a bit of important stuff on).
  P.S. df has this to say:
  FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  /dev/hdb1 250M   88M  149M  38% /
  tmpfs 252M 0  252M   0% /dev/shm
  /dev/hdb9 220G   29G  181G  14% /home
  /dev/hdb8 361M   69M  273M  20% /tmp
  /dev/hdb5 4.6G  2.8G  1.6G  64% /usr
  /dev/hdb6 2.8G  1.1G  1.6G  40% /var
  /dev/sda1  38G   36G  1.6G  96% /media/sda1

 Which device?

 What does du -a say?

 - --
 Ron Johnson, Jr.
 Jefferson LA  USA

 Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day.
 Hit him with a fish, and he goes away for good!

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: replacement for apt-listchanges?

2007-08-07 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2007-08-07 06:14:17 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
 Two responses:
 1. That's not many breakages.

As I've said, I didn't recorded all of them (you probably can find
other ones on the bug pages of python-related packages).

 (And one of them is OSX!!!)

Yes, I wanted to point out that problems are not specific to Debian,
but to the python language.

 2. I see application bugs.

All of them are problems that come from python.

GvR announces when they're making
changes that will break things.

This does not concern the end user. If developers are not capable
of tracking things that break in python, then python is probably
not the right language for them; they should rather choose a stable

Vincent Lefèvre [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Web:
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Partitions not mounting

2007-08-07 Thread Strake
I have recently installed Debian Etch on a computer. It now boots, but the
filesystems /usr, /opt, /home, /var and /tmp are not mounting, and when I
attempt to mount them manually, mount complains that the file
/dev/mapper/vg1-fsname is missing. The /dev/mapper directory contains only
the file control. vg1 is the name of my volume group, and /usr, /var, /tmp,
/home and /opt were all set up (from the installer's partitioning step) to
be logical volumes. The root and boot filesystems and swap are md raid 1
devices comprised of identical partitions on my two hard drives. The sole
LVM physical volume is a dm-crypted fourth md of another partition on the
same two hard drives. Help is appreciated.

Re: cups yet again

2007-08-07 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 12:06:25 +0100, graham wrote:
 Florian Kulzer wrote:

 The changelog of the newest Sid version of cupsys gives me the
 impression that there were some problems with the first Debian packages
 of the new upstream cups release (version 1.2.12-1, in Lenny right now).
 Maybe your problem ist just a case of installing at the wrong time. You
 could try if you can install version 1.2.12-2 of cupsys, cupsys-common,
 cupsys-client, and libcupsys2 (from Sid). Using dpkg --purge
 --force-depends should allow you to temporarily purge the old packages
 without removing anything else that depends on cups. This should be safe
 if you reinstall the new (or old) packages again immediately. (Famous
 last words...)

 I'm starting to think it may be a kernel-related problem somehow. I removed 
 cups completely and installed lprng and the foomatic filter. At first this 
 gave me exactly the same problem as I had had with cups: using foomatic-gui 
 to print a test page produces single lines of gibberish per page.

Then it might be a problem with foomatic-gui. I cannot say anything more
specific since I have never used foomatic-gui.

 I then rebooted again. Now I am unable to get a test page to produce 
 anything at all. When I do lpq -P lp0  I get:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ lpq -Plp0
 Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'HL5040'
  Queue: 1 printable job
  Server: pid 3708 active
  Unspooler: pid 3709 active
  Status: cannot open '/dev/lp0' - 'No such file or directory', attempt 2, 

That should be fixable by putting the lp module in /etc/modules.

 sleeping 20 at 12:03:42.777
  Rank   Owner/ID   Pr/Class Job Files  Size Time
 active [EMAIL PROTECTED]A   706 (STDIN)   27719 12:03:32

 There is no /dev/lp0. dmesg says:

 pnp: the driver 'parport_pc' has been registered
 pnp: match found with the PnP device '00:0c' and the driver 'parport_pc'
 parport: PnPBIOS parport detected.
 parport0: PC-style at 0x378 (0x778), irq 7, dma 3 
 parport0: Printer, Brother HL-5040 series

 There are no further references to lp0 or parport0

 Googling gives me a few vaguely related symptoms; following one of these I 
 found the suggestion to modprobe ppdev. My kern.log then showed:

  Aug  7 11:51:56 dogmatix kernel: ppdev: user-space parallel port driver

As far as I know, you need the following modules: parport, parport_pc, lp

 but the symptoms didn't change.

 My printcap is:

 lp0|HL5040: \
 :lp=/dev/lp0: \
 :force_localhost: \
 :if=/usr/bin/foomatic-rip: \
 :ppd=/usr/local/ppd/Brother-HL-5040-hl1250.ppd: \
 :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp: \

It seems to me that your CUPS problem was fixed at some point (you could
print the test page, right?) and then you got bitten by the problem of
the missing lp module after you rebooted. In addition there might be
something wrong with footmatic-gui.

  Florian   |

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libc6 with support for old kernels

2007-08-07 Thread Ph. Marek
Hello everybody,

I'd like to ask for some help.

I have some machines running an old kernel (2.4.25, from Suse7.3). Now I'd
like to get some newer software running on them, *without* re-installing
the whole system.
(That would be gnuplot, graphviz, subversion, fsvs, and some others).

About a year ago I could take a debian-installation, take the needed
files, and put them into a chroot on the old machines, and it worked.
Without any problem.

I wanted to do that again, with the current versions; but now I get an
error message Kernel too old (from AFAIK).

[ I tried to use the sarge-packages; while the packages work on
2.4.25, they are really old versions, and unuseable. Eg. fsvs needs at
least subversion 1.2, while sarge has only 1.1.4. has subversion 1.4.1 for sarge, but no libsvn0-dev. ]

Is there an compiled libc6 that has support for older kernels, too, or
some easy way to recompile it?
I'd like to use the normal debian-packages, as they're updated
regularly -- the best solution for me would be to pin libc6 to some
version or repository, keeping support for the old 2.4, too.

Help? Any other ideas?
Thank you for all answers.

[Please keep me CCed.]



Versioning your /etc, /home or even your whole installation?
 Try fsvs (!

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Re: Bzflag Segfaults

2007-08-07 Thread Michael Pobega
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 06:56:31AM -0400, Manaen Schlabach wrote:
 On 8/4/07, Manaen Schlabach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am currently running Debian testing and since doing my daily update
  two days ago am unable to run Bzflag.  The program immediately
  Segfaults back to the prompt and occasionally causes gdm to restart as
  well.  Is anyone else having this problem?
 I suppose it's bad form to reply to your own list message but maybe my
 experiences will help someone else out.  I have determined that it
 isn't just bzflag that has segmentation faults, xmms, and pan are also
 affected.  Does anyone know off the top of their heads what package or
 packages that were recently upgraded is used by all three of these
 programs?  If this can't be resolved I plan to use apt-pinning to go
 back to stable and hopefully that will clear up my problems.

Whenever I have a program that segfaults I apt-pin the version from
unstable, and that usually fixes the problem for me. What version of
Debian are you on anyway, amd64?

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If programmers deserve to be rewarded for creating innovative
programs, by the same token they deserve to be punished if they
restrict the use of these programs. 
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Re: Installing xorg without all those video drivers

2007-08-07 Thread Robert S
I'd like to install xorg, but only with the video drivers that I need.  I'm 
doing a net install.

I do it by trial and error, but usually I start from the things I know I 
need for sure.

xserver-xorg-video-intel (replace with your driver)
xserver-xorg-vesa (just for backup)

Spice with some xfonts:

xfonts-75dpi (probably don't need those as I run X with 100 dpi)
xfonts-terminus (my favorite :)

Don't forget to turn off recommends first (at least temporary).

I managed to do this with some difficulty, but your choice of packages 
is basically right.  I used aptitude, as suggested by Doug (see previous 
posting), and switched recommends off.

Aptitude is one of the great things about Etch.

The difficult part was installing the proprietary ATI drivers for my ATI 
X1950 GT card.  The debian kernel driver does not support this and I 
needed to download the latest driver from ATI and turn it into a .deb. 
It involved installing quite a few development packages.

All works fine now.

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Re: Bzflag Segfaults

2007-08-07 Thread Manaen Schlabach
On 8/7/07, Michael Pobega [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 06:56:31AM -0400, Manaen Schlabach wrote:
  On 8/4/07, Manaen Schlabach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am currently running Debian testing and since doing my daily update
   two days ago am unable to run Bzflag.  The program immediately
   Segfaults back to the prompt and occasionally causes gdm to restart as
   well.  Is anyone else having this problem?
  I suppose it's bad form to reply to your own list message but maybe my
  experiences will help someone else out.  I have determined that it
  isn't just bzflag that has segmentation faults, xmms, and pan are also
  affected.  Does anyone know off the top of their heads what package or
  packages that were recently upgraded is used by all three of these
  programs?  If this can't be resolved I plan to use apt-pinning to go
  back to stable and hopefully that will clear up my problems.

 Whenever I have a program that segfaults I apt-pin the version from
 unstable, and that usually fixes the problem for me. What version of
 Debian are you on anyway, amd64?

 - -- - My Website
 If programmers deserve to be rewarded for creating innovative
 programs, by the same token they deserve to be punished if they
 restrict the use of these programs.
  - Richard Stallman
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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I'll try to go unstable first and then back to stable if that doesn't
work.  I am still running 32 bit x86 since it's an older machine
(1.1Ghz AMD).  I have examined the strace logs for all of the programs
when they go kerput but I haven't seen any commonalities in the logs
that have resulted in an epiphany about what could be causing my issue


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Re: cups yet again

2007-08-07 Thread graham

Florian Kulzer wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 12:06:25 +0100, graham wrote:
 Florian Kulzer wrote:

 That should be fixable by putting the lp module in /etc/modules.

You were right. I'd just assumed that was there by default.

After installing the lp module, I found that lprng behaved in exactly 
the same way as cups. Having established that the problem is not with 
cups but with the output filters in some way, I have now uninstalled 
lprng and returned to cups.

 It seems to me that your CUPS problem was fixed at some point (you could
 print the test page, right?)

It printed the test page correctly once, apparently randomly. After the 
next boot it stopped doing so, but this was before the lp module problem 
which only appeared after I removed cups and changed to lprng..

I can't afford to spend more time on this for now. I will have to find 
some other way to print (sneakernet to my wife's windows machine, I 
expect :-(

Thanks for all your help


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Re: libc6 with support for old kernels

2007-08-07 Thread Nigel Henry
On Tuesday 07 August 2007 14:36, Ph. Marek wrote:
 Hello everybody,

 I'd like to ask for some help.

 I have some machines running an old kernel (2.4.25, from Suse7.3). Now I'd
 like to get some newer software running on them, *without* re-installing
 the whole system.
 (That would be gnuplot, graphviz, subversion, fsvs, and some others).

 About a year ago I could take a debian-installation, take the needed
 files, and put them into a chroot on the old machines, and it worked.
 Without any problem.

 I wanted to do that again, with the current versions; but now I get an
 error message Kernel too old (from AFAIK).

 [ I tried to use the sarge-packages; while the packages work on
 2.4.25, they are really old versions, and unuseable. Eg. fsvs needs at
 least subversion 1.2, while sarge has only 1.1.4. has subversion 1.4.1 for sarge, but no libsvn0-dev. ]

 Is there an compiled libc6 that has support for older kernels, too, or
 some easy way to recompile it?
 I'd like to use the normal debian-packages, as they're updated
 regularly -- the best solution for me would be to pin libc6 to some
 version or repository, keeping support for the old 2.4, too.

 Help? Any other ideas?
 Thank you for all answers.

 [Please keep me CCed.]



Etch (stable) still boots the 2.4.27 kernel ok, but Lenny (testing) after some 
updates a bit back, now gives me a kernel to old message.

anyway, looking at synaptic on Etch, Subversion is 1.4.2dfsg1-2, libsvn-dev is 
1.4.2dfsg1-2, and libc6  is 2.3.6.ds1-13.

I don't know if that's any help.


btw. All my Debian installs, Sarge, Etch, and Lenny, started off as Woody 
3.0r2, and is why I still have the 2.4.27 kernel installed on all of them.

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automagically mounting cdrom with discover

2007-08-07 Thread Mathieu Malaterre

  In the past I clearly remember that my cdroms where automagiclly
mounted in /media/cdrom by -I think- discover. Today when I put a cd
in the cdrom I have to manually mount them. Is there something I need
to setup ?

Thanks for any documentation


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