Re: activer auctex sous xemacs

2009-01-17 Thread Arnaud Delobelle

On 17 Jan 2009, at 00:06, Frédéric Baldit wrote:

je n'arrive pas à activer le mode auctex sous xemacs. Je croyais qu'il
était activé automatiquement lorsqu'un fichier .tex est ouvert. En  

xemacs se met bien en mode latex (latex-mode dans la ligne d'en bas)
mais je pensais avoir accés à plus de choses avec auctex (insertion
automatique d'environements, complétion automatique,...) Bref je  
suis un

peu perdu, si quelqu'un peut me renseigner, merci d'avance.

Je n'utilise pas Xemacs mais il est sensé être fourni avec auctex  
inclu par défaut. Que se passe-t-il si tu tapes C-c C-e depuis un  
buffer en latex-mode?


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Re: activer auctex sous xemacs

2009-01-17 Thread Jacques L'helgoualc'h
Frédéric Baldit a écrit, samedi 17 janvier 2009, à 01:06 :


 je n'arrive pas à activer le mode auctex sous xemacs. Je croyais qu'il
 était activé automatiquement lorsqu'un fichier .tex est ouvert. En fait
 xemacs se met bien en mode latex (latex-mode dans la ligne d'en bas)
 mais je pensais avoir accés à plus de choses avec auctex (insertion

Quand AUCTeX est activé, c'est le LaTeX-mode. Que dit

 M-x apropos RET latex-mode RET


Chez moi©, mais avec Emacs, c'est

| LaTeX-mode
|   Command: Major mode in AUCTeX for editing LaTeX files.
| LaTeX-mode-hook
| latex-mode
|   Command: Major mode in AUCTeX for editing LaTeX files.
|   Plist: tex-saved autoload

où l'on voit que le  latex-mode standard est remplacé par celui d'AUCTeX
(cf.  /etc/emacs21/site-start.d/50auctex.el).  Pour Xemacs, je ne sais

 automatique d'environements, complétion automatique,...) Bref je suis un
 peu perdu, si quelqu'un peut me renseigner, merci d'avance.

Voir peut-être du côté de news:fr.comp.applications.emacs ?
Jacques L'helgoualc'h

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Re: Re: activer auctex sous xemacs

2009-01-17 Thread Frédéric Baldit
pour répondre à la question: que ce passe-t-il lorsque je tape C-c
C-e? lorsque je suis en latex-mode, il se passe, si je suis aprés un
begin{document}, qu'il insère un \end{{document}, idem pour tout les
autres environnements. Si je ne suis pas aprés un \begin il me jette.
Par contre C-c C-s (pour insérer un titre, je crois) ne marche pas. Je
crois aussi qu'il y a une indentation automatique dans ce mode, et je ne
la vois pas. Je croyais aussi qu'Auctex rajoutais un menu dans la barre
des menus, et il n' a rien. En revanche, quand je lance emacs (pas
xemacs) il semble que auctex est bien actif. Enfin j'ai lu quelque part
que le mode auctex de xemacs est fourni maintenant dans xemacs lui-même,
mais qu'il est un peu moins performant que le paquet qu'on peut
récupérer sur le site de xemacs. Dans tout ca je suis un peu (ou
beaucoup) perdu...
Merci pour toute aide.
PS: je me suis réinscrit sur la liste debian-user-french mais je croyais
que j'allais recevoir un avis d'inscription sur mon adresse
electronique, et que je communiquerai via email avec la liste. Or je
n'ai rien recu dans ma boite aux lettres, c'est en continuant ma
recherche sur google ce matin que je vois qu'une personne m'a répondu.
Là ausssi je suis perplexe...

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Re: Re: activer auctex sous xemacs

2009-01-17 Thread Frédéric Baldit
pour répondre à Jacques L'helgouach, voici le résultat de la commande
qu'il m'indique:

  Command: (not documented)
  Command: Major mode for editing files of input for LaTeX.
  Plist: 1 property (autoload)
  Variable: Hook to run when entering latex-mode.
  Plist: 1 property (variable-documentation)

Ce qui semble bien indiquer qu'auctex n'est pas actif.


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Re: Nouveau portable

2009-01-17 Thread Bernard

Vincent Lefevre wrote:

On 2009-01-15 23:29:24 +0100, Bernard wrote:

[...] il s'agit du DELL Inspiron 1525 vendu avec Ubuntu 8.04. Cela
m'a coûté... 402 Euros seulement, livraison comprise ! C'est un vrai
PC, non un minibook ou quelque chose du genre. Ces appareils n'ont
pas mauvaise réputation, en dépit du prix. Ce que j'envisageais
comme alternative, c'était un Thinkpad T61 (Lenovo désormais,
autrefois IBM), proposé autour de 1800 Euros. c'est sans doute un
bon appareil, mais probablement pas en rapport avec le prix quatre
fois et demie supérieur.

Mais il faut aussi comparer la qualité et les performances...

Il est bien certain que ce n'est pas la même chose... Le dernier laptop 
que j'avais acheté, il y a de cela 6-7 ans, était un Thinkpad 600, que 
je n'ai absolument pas regretté, parce qu'il est toujours opérationnel. 
A l'époque, il s'agissait d'acquérir un ordinateur qui serait mon outil 
informatique principal ; il m'a servi plusieurs heures par jour pendant 
toutes ces années. Mon nouveau DELL Inspiron, quant à lui, est appelé à 
servir quelques heures par semaine ou par mois, en complément de mon 
Desktop et, quant aux performances qui ne sont pas au top de ce qui se 
fait aujourd'hui, elles suffisent à l'usage que je veux en faire. Il est 
donc important d'évaluer l'usage qu'on veut faire d'un portable avant 
toute décision d'achat, car  1800 Euros pour un T61, çà fait beaucoup 
quand même et si, d'ici 2-3 ans c'est dépassé, l'usage qui en aura été 
fait d'ici là ne vaudra peut-être pas l'effort financier consenti.


Ubuntu, qui n'était pas ma préférence, et que j'envisageais
supprimer pour installer Debian Etch ou Lenny, m'a surpris
positivement, bien qu'il soit installé avec GNOME, alors que, sur
mon Desktop, je travaille encore sous fvwm2 qui par ailleurs me
convient parfaitement. Dans tous les cas, Ubuntu, comme Debian, est
gratuit et plein de ressources.

Moi aussi je suis encore sous fvwm2, mais le support UTF-8 est buggé.
Alors j'envisage de changer.


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Re: Re: activer auctex sous xemacs

2009-01-17 Thread Jacques L'helgoualc'h
Frédéric Baldit a écrit, samedi 17 janvier 2009, à 11:24 :
 pour répondre à Jacques L'helgouach, voici le résultat de la commande
 qu'il m'indique:
   Command: (not documented)
   Command: Major mode for editing files of input for LaTeX.
   Plist: 1 property (autoload)
   Variable: Hook to run when entering latex-mode.
   Plist: 1 property (variable-documentation)
 Ce qui semble bien indiquer qu'auctex n'est pas actif.

Oui :/

Est-ce qu'une ligne

(require 'tex-site)

dans ~/.xemacs change quelque chose ?
Jacques L'helgoualc'h

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[testing] gnome-session: python qui consomme

2009-01-17 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

Depuis quelques jours lors de ma première connexion à ma session gnome j'ai
un processus python, fils de gnome-session, qui consomme 50% de CPU (voir
capture jointe). Ce processus python a un autre processus fils python en
zombie. Je suis obligé de killer le processus pour pouvoir fermer la session
puis la ré-ouvrir et la je n'ai plus le problème...


attachment: Capture.png

Re: activer auctex sous xemacs

2009-01-17 Thread pascatgm
Frédéric Baldit a écrit :
 je n'arrive pas à activer le mode auctex sous xemacs. Je croyais qu'il
 était activé automatiquement lorsqu'un fichier .tex est ouvert. En fait
 xemacs se met bien en mode latex (latex-mode dans la ligne d'en bas)
 mais je pensais avoir accés à plus de choses avec auctex (insertion
 automatique d'environements, complétion automatique,...) Bref je suis un
 peu perdu, si quelqu'un peut me renseigner, merci d'avance.

A tout hasard dans .xemacs/init.el j'avais mis ça (mais maintenant je me
sers plutôt d'Emacs)

(require 'tex-site) ;lance Auc-TeX
;trouve ds le fichier info d'auctex:
(setq TeX-auto-save t)
 (setq TeX-parse-self t)
 (setq-default TeX-master nil)
; fin du fich info
(setq LaTeX-section-hook;prompte pour tout ce qui concerne le
(setq-default TeX-master nil)   ;prompt pour le fichier-maitre
;lance RefTex avec Aux-TeX :
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)
;pour accélerer RefTeX:
(setq reftex-enable-partial-scans t)
(setq reftex-save-parse-info t)
(setq reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers t)
(setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)
; lance preview-latex
(load preview-latex.el nil t t)



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Re: Re: Re: activer auctex sous xemacs

2009-01-17 Thread Frédéric Baldit
Merci, le fait de rajouter (require 'tex-site) dans mon
fichier .custom.el semble faire fonctionner auctex. Je dois le tester
plus avant pour voir ce que ça donne, mais ça semble marcher.
Merci pour l'aide.

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2009-01-17 Thread mouss
Jellyroll a écrit :
 J'ai une connexion RTC à Internet chez Free. Depuis quelques j'ai des
 erreurs de DNS. Il faut que j'attribue de façon fixe des adresses de
 Voici le message que donne parfois ma connexion :
 Attention !!!
 Si vous arrivez sur cette page c'est que votre configuration DNS est
 incorrecte. Merci de modifier les paramètres IP de votre ordinateur si
 possible en DHCP pour obtenir automatiquement la bonne configuration.
 Pour info les DNS de Free sont : et
 Comment faut-il faire ? pouvez-vous m'indiquer une méthode simple pour
 faire (je suis débutant) ?

si tu es en statique, tu peux éditer /etc/resolv.conf et mettre


ça marchera tant que free ne change pas les serveurs.

pour avoir une config automatique, il faut utiliser dhcp.

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Re: type d'un champ mysql

2009-01-17 Thread mouss
Stephane Bortzmeyer a écrit :
 On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 05:05:54PM +0100, wrote 
  a message of 17 lines which said:
 Il s'agit d'adresses IP (IPV4) enregistrées avec les points :
 Drôle d'idée d'utiliser la forme texte, d'autant plus qu'elle est mal
 normalisée en IPv4 (A.B.C.D n'est pas la seule notation
 Pourquoi ne pas plutôt stocker la forme binaire, qui permet
 des comparaisons et du masquage ?

la forme texte a un interet: pas besoin de inet_aton/inet_pton lorsqu'on
veut chercher une IP qu'on a en format texte. et si on utilise un format
binaire, il faut faire attention à la representation (endian) si le
serveur mysql et la machine cliente sont différentes (une big endian et
une little endian).

donc, si la table est petite, et si on fait que de la recherche
exacte, la représentation texte est très acceptable.

Quant à la normalisation, il suffit de mettre les contraintes:
- il y a exactement 4 parties (pas de 127.1 pour dire, etc. de
toute façon, ces formes ne marchent plus comme avant, puisque dans une
table d'accès sendmail, 127.1 est vue comme

- chaque partie est un nombre entre 0 et 255, utilisant la notation
normale des entiers: pas de 0 au début sauf pour le nombre 0
lui-même. En gros, pas de 012 ni de 01.

Cela dit, je suis d'accord que la représentation binaire est préférable.
  et on peut utiliser un trigger pour la conversion au moment de
l'insertion, une view pour la lisibilité, ... etc.

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Re: Un scanner, trois détectés au démarrage de XSane

2009-01-17 Thread thveillon.debian
alexandre mathieu a écrit :
 Classiquement, j'utilise systematiquement epkowa, epson ne fonctionnant
 pas, xsane envoyant un message d'erreur lorsqu'on le choisit.
 2009/1/15 thveillon.debian
 Guillaume a écrit :
  Bonjour à toute la liste.
  Branché à mon portable, j'ai un scanner Epson (Perfection 610)
 reconnu par
  lsusb (Bus 006 Device 004: ID 04b8:0103 Seiko Epson Corp.
 Perfection 610) et,
  au démarrage de xsane, j'ai trois fois mon scanner reconnu :
  Epson Perfection 610 scanner à plat [epson2:libusb:006:004]
  Epson Perfection 610 scanner à plat [epson:libusb:006:004]
  Epson Perfection 610 scanner à plat [epkowa:libusb:006:004]
  Quelqu'un saurait-il m'expliquer pourquoi ?
  merci d'avance !
 ton scanner est détecté par plusieurs backend de sane comme utilisable:
 epson, epson2 et epkowa (de libsane-extras).
 Tu peux les essayer une par une en commentant les autres dans
 /etc/sane.d/dll.conf, pour trouver celle qui fonctionne le mieux.
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Je fais suivre à la liste ce message qui m'a été adressé en direct.


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Re: Un scanner, trois détectés au démarrage de XSane

2009-01-17 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sat, 17 Jan 2009 14:04:59 +
thveillon.debian a écrit:

 alexandre mathieu a écrit :
  Classiquement, j'utilise systematiquement epkowa, epson ne fonctionnant
  pas, xsane envoyant un message d'erreur lorsqu'on le choisit.

Bizarre! J'ai aussi un Perfection 610 et les 3 backend fonctionnent...


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Re: Un scanner, trois détectés au démarrage de XSane

2009-01-17 Thread thveillon.debian
Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
 Le Sat, 17 Jan 2009 14:04:59 +
 thveillon.debian a écrit:
 alexandre mathieu a écrit :
 Classiquement, j'utilise systematiquement epkowa, epson ne fonctionnant
 pas, xsane envoyant un message d'erreur lorsqu'on le choisit.
 Bizarre! J'ai aussi un Perfection 610 et les 3 backend fonctionnent...
 Merci de ne plus me mettre en cc sur ce sujet, je suis abonné à la
liste ! ;-)


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Re: Un scanner, trois détectés au démarrage de XSane

2009-01-17 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sat, 17 Jan 2009 14:24:15 +
thveillon.debian a écrit:

 Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
  Le Sat, 17 Jan 2009 14:04:59 +
  thveillon.debian a écrit:
  alexandre mathieu a écrit :
  Classiquement, j'utilise systematiquement epkowa, epson ne fonctionnant
  pas, xsane envoyant un message d'erreur lorsqu'on le choisit.
  Bizarre! J'ai aussi un Perfection 610 et les 3 backend fonctionnent...
  Merci de ne plus me mettre en cc sur ce sujet, je suis abonné à la
 liste ! ;-)

Tu en es le responsable: tu as rempli le reply-to ... ;)


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Tomcat impossible de d'utiliser openlaszlo

2009-01-17 Thread Grégory Bulot

voulant faire 'mumuse' avec open laszlo, j'ai installé tomcat (5.5 sur
une stable)
j'ai toujours pas accés  à admin, mais je pense pas que mon problème
(ci-dessous) vienne de là :

- j'ai installé le openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet.war : message ok de tomcat
-dans manager, j'ai bien openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet qui pointe vers

mais en cliquant sur se servlet , j'ai ce message :
|Etat HTTP 404 - /openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet/
|type Rapport d'état
|message /openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet/
|description La ressource demandée (/openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet/) n'est
|pas disponible. Apache Tomcat/5.5

je regarde dans /var/lib/tomcat5.5/webapps/openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet :
drwxr-xr-x 3 tomcat55 nogroup   72 2009-01-17 15:09 3rd-party
drwxr-xr-x 3 tomcat55 nogroup 1,1K 2009-01-17 15:10 3rdPartyCredits
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat55 nogroup  12K 2008-12-19 09:05 LICENSE.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat55 nogroup 2,0K 2008-12-19 09:05 logo.gif
drwxr-xr-x 7 tomcat55 nogroup  176 2009-01-17 15:09 lps
drwxr-xr-x 2 tomcat55 nogroup   80 2009-01-17 15:09 META-INF
drwxr-xr-x 3 tomcat55 nogroup  120 2009-01-17 15:10 my-apps
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat55 nogroup 1,2K 2008-12-19 09:05 README.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat55 nogroup 8,6K 2008-12-19 09:05 release-notes.html
drwxr-xr-x 7 tomcat55 nogroup  232 2009-01-17 15:16 WEB-INF

je sais pas si c'est conforme pour executé une appli

par contre ceci me renvois quelquechose (inutilisation, mais un objet
flash de compilation visiblement (dhtml, swf, ) : 
http://tank:8180/openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet/lps/admin/dev-console.html :


Grégory BULOT


Grégory BULOT

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Re: Un scanner, trois détectés au démarrage de XSane

2009-01-17 Thread Guillaume
Le samedi 17 janvier 2009, à 15:16:00, Gaëtan a écrit :

 Bizarre! J'ai aussi un Perfection 610 et les 3 backend fonctionnent...
Idem chez moi :-P


Mail garanti 0% Micro$oft,
Envoyé sous Debian Sid
Pourquoi payer des logiciels inutiles en achetant un ordinateur ?

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Re: activer auctex sous xemacs

2009-01-17 Thread Arnaud Delobelle

On 17 Jan 2009, at 10:16, Frédéric Baldit wrote:

pour répondre à la question: que ce passe-t-il lorsque je tape C-c
C-e? lorsque je suis en latex-mode, il se passe, si je suis aprés un
begin{document}, qu'il insère un \end{{document}, idem pour tout les
autres environnements.

Donc auctex n'est pas chargé.  Est-ce qu'ajouter la ligne

(require 'tex-site)

à ton ~/.emacs résoud le problème?


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Re: Window Manager lége r [Was: Re: Nouveau portable]

2009-01-17 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2009-01-16 09:55:55 +0100, François Cerbelle wrote:
 LXDE est léger, plutot convivial et ne m'a pas posé de problèmes jusqu'à  
 présent. Il est couplé avec PCmanFM comme gestionnaire de fichier et de  
 bureau. Il est présent comme tâche dans Lenny, donc facilement  
 installable. Tu devrais l'essayer comme alternative.

LXDE n'est pas un window manager, mais un environnement de bureau,
tout comme GNOME ou KDE. Bref, c'est lourd. Je veux juste un
window manager, pas un truc qui inclut un gestionnaire de fichiers,
un terminal, un éditeur de texte, etc.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: Nouveau portable

2009-01-17 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2009-01-17 11:54:33 +0100, Bernard wrote:
 Il est bien certain que ce n'est pas la même chose... Le dernier laptop  
 que j'avais acheté, il y a de cela 6-7 ans, était un Thinkpad 600, que  
 je n'ai absolument pas regretté, parce qu'il est toujours opérationnel.  
 A l'époque, il s'agissait d'acquérir un ordinateur qui serait mon outil  
 informatique principal ; il m'a servi plusieurs heures par jour pendant  
 toutes ces années. Mon nouveau DELL Inspiron, quant à lui, est appelé à  
 servir quelques heures par semaine ou par mois, en complément de mon  
 Desktop et, quant aux performances qui ne sont pas au top de ce qui se  
 fait aujourd'hui, elles suffisent à l'usage que je veux en faire. Il est  
 donc important d'évaluer l'usage qu'on veut faire d'un portable avant  
 toute décision d'achat, car  1800 Euros pour un T61, çà fait beaucoup  
 quand même et si, d'ici 2-3 ans c'est dépassé, l'usage qui en aura été  
 fait d'ici là ne vaudra peut-être pas l'effort financier consenti.

Mais il faut prendre en compte la prise en main de la machine, les
problèmes rencontrés lors de l'installation, etc.

J'ai toujours un PowerBook G4 que j'ai eu il y a 8 ans et qui tourne
24h/24 (c'est là où tournent tous mes serveurs perso).

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: Window Manager lége r [Was: Re: Nouveau portable]

2009-01-17 Thread Thomas Harding
On 17/Jan - 17:34, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 LXDE n'est pas un window manager, mais un environnement de bureau,
 tout comme GNOME ou KDE. Bref, c'est lourd. Je veux juste un
 window manager, pas un truc qui inclut un gestionnaire de fichiers,
 un terminal, un éditeur de texte, etc.

Personnellement, j'utilise depuis 10 ans (avec quelques infidélités)
WindowMaker, qui offre les avantages combinés des deux (trombonne,
docker) en conservant la légèreté nécessaire.

Petit défaut cependant: il n'offre pas la possibilité des bureaux en
mozaïque ( taille écran).

=== The BOFH Excuse Server ===
Your excuse is: suboptimal routing experience

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Re: Window Manager lége r [Was: Re: Nouveau portable]

2009-01-17 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 05:34:35PM +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 LXDE n'est pas un window manager, mais un environnement de bureau,
 tout comme GNOME ou KDE. Bref, c'est lourd. Je veux juste un
 window manager, pas un truc qui inclut un gestionnaire de fichiers,
 un terminal, un éditeur de texte, etc.

icewm est mon gestionnaire de fenêtres préféré. Léger, très rapide, avec 
plusieurs bureaux virtuels, des raccourcis claviers, toussa. A essayer, 


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2009-01-17 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 01:53:18PM +0100,
 mouss wrote 
 a message of 41 lines which said:

 pour avoir une config automatique, il faut utiliser dhcp.

Mais non, le démon PPP peut lui aussi recevoir des adresses de
serveurs de noms et éditer /etc/resolv.conf (via le paquetage resolvconf)

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Re: Window Manager lége r [Was: Re: Nouveau portable]

2009-01-17 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2009-01-17 19:48:02 +0100, Nicolas KOWALSKI wrote:
 icewm est mon gestionnaire de fenêtres préféré. Léger, très rapide, avec 
 plusieurs bureaux virtuels, des raccourcis claviers, toussa. A essayer, 

J'en ai entendu parler, mais il faudrait que je me fasse une liste de
fonctionnalités dont j'ai besoin. Voilà un début:

_ La configuration doit être scriptable. En particulier, je veux
  pouvoir utiliser une seule configuration pour mes différents
  comptes, avec des variantes suivant les machines, la taille de
  l'écran, etc.

_ La configuration doit pouvoir être rechargée à la volée (i.e. sans
  avoir à tout quitter et à tout relancer).

_ Les fenêtres doivent pouvoir être resizées dans tous les sens (i.e.
  en déplaçant n'importe quel bord ou coin).

_ Une fonctionnalité de RISC OS non supportée par Fvwm2 mais qui me
  plaisait bien: quand on resize une fenêtre et que le bord atteint
  le bord de l'écran, la fenêtre peut continuer de s'agrandir en se
  déplaçant dans le sens opposé.

_ Les fonctionnalités standard: bureaux virtuels (avec possibilité de
  fenêtres collantes), raccourcis claviers, focus follows mouse,
  opérations opaques (resize, déplacement) voire avec une certaine

_ Listes des fenêtres (le FvwmWinList de Fvwm2), dock.

_ D'une manière générale, complètement configurable (j'entends par là:
  les fonctionnalités se définissent en terme d'opérations/commandes,
  avec un système de bindings sur le clavier et les boutons de la
  souris avec prise en compte des modifieurs clavier). En particulier,
  avoir autant de menus que l'on veut.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: Tomcat impossible de d'utiliser openlaszlo

2009-01-17 Thread jerome moliere
Bonjour Gregory,
quelques conseils en vrac:
- si t'as le choix utilises autre chose que Tomcat (jetty 6 ou encore mieux
- evites les packages Debian, j'ai eu une série d'échanges avec les
mainteneurs de packages Java ils ne sont pas très open et livrent des trucs
qui sont de veritables gadgets , rien à faire sur des serveurs de prod ...
- si t'utilises Tomcat, dans le répertoire log t'as un fichier server.log,
grep sur Exception pour voir s'il y a de strucs bizarres
- si tu restes sur du Tomcat passes sur la derniere version stable qui est
censée être la 6.0.18..

Racontes ce qu'il t'arrive après cela..
Le 17 janvier 2009 15:40, Grégory Bulot a
écrit :


 voulant faire 'mumuse' avec open laszlo, j'ai installé tomcat (5.5 sur
 une stable)
 j'ai toujours pas accés  à admin, mais je pense pas que mon problème
 (ci-dessous) vienne de là :

 - j'ai installé le openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet.war : message ok de tomcat
 -dans manager, j'ai bien openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet qui pointe vers

 mais en cliquant sur se servlet , j'ai ce message :
 |Etat HTTP 404 - /openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet/
 |type Rapport d'état
 |message /openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet/
 |description La ressource demandée (/openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet/) n'est
 |pas disponible. Apache Tomcat/5.5

 je regarde dans /var/lib/tomcat5.5/webapps/openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet :
 drwxr-xr-x 3 tomcat55 nogroup   72 2009-01-17 15:09 3rd-party
 drwxr-xr-x 3 tomcat55 nogroup 1,1K 2009-01-17 15:10 3rdPartyCredits
 -rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat55 nogroup  12K 2008-12-19 09:05 LICENSE.txt
 -rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat55 nogroup 2,0K 2008-12-19 09:05 logo.gif
 drwxr-xr-x 7 tomcat55 nogroup  176 2009-01-17 15:09 lps
 drwxr-xr-x 2 tomcat55 nogroup   80 2009-01-17 15:09 META-INF
 drwxr-xr-x 3 tomcat55 nogroup  120 2009-01-17 15:10 my-apps
 -rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat55 nogroup 1,2K 2008-12-19 09:05 README.txt
 -rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat55 nogroup 8,6K 2008-12-19 09:05 release-notes.html
 drwxr-xr-x 7 tomcat55 nogroup  232 2009-01-17 15:16 WEB-INF

 je sais pas si c'est conforme pour executé une appli

 par contre ceci me renvois quelquechose (inutilisation, mais un objet
 flash de compilation visiblement (dhtml, swf, ) :
 http://tank:8180/openlaszlo-4.2.0-servlet/lps/admin/dev-console.html :


 Grégory BULOT


 Grégory BULOT

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Jerome Moliere - Mentor/J
auteur Eyrolles

Yet another list statistics for debian-user-french

2009-01-17 Thread Andreas Tille

as you can read in my lightning talk at DebConf

I did some investigation on who is frequently posting
on our mailing lists.  I now created graphs until
end of last year and write a short summary for
those lists I regard worth a comment.  I'm not
CCed to all of this list so if you want to discuss
something please keep me in CC.  If you want to
discuss the results in general just write to debian-project.

All graphs and the code that was used to create the
graphs are available at

If you are interested in a mailing list which was not
analysed, just tell me.  I was running the scripts on
those lists I personally had some interest and those
with more than 1000 subscribers.

I plan to clean up code and write some doc about it
but this will not happen in the next couple of weeks.

The graph for this specific list is

--- start of mailing list specific part --

Sorry for the English posting - I hope you are interested
in the graph.

Kind regards



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Re: error vpn [solucionado]

2009-01-17 Thread Sergio
Antonio Arriaga [DTI2] escribió:

 - Original Message - From: Sergio
 Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 3:36 PM
 Subject: error vpn

 Hola a todos.

 Una consulta:

 Hago una conexión por vpn, se realiza bien (conecta), me da la
 configuración correcta de ip,  y los ping a los hace

 Si por ejemplo al hacer un ssh no conecta.

 Si miro en el sys log me devuelve vpnc[6142]: sendto: Message too
 long, ¿a qué puede ser debido?


 Son muy pocos datos, lo único que se me ocurre es que la MTU esté
 configurada más baja de lo normal y que en algún punto hasta el otro
 extremo donde quieres hacer ssh tenga capado el ICMP, lo que
 provocaría que ICMP no te devuelve el paquete con error  destination
 unreachable, code 4 fragmentation needed but don't-fragment bit set.

 Puedes comprobar si es eso haciendo pings con tamaño cada vez mayor y
 poniendo la opción de no fragmentar.


Hola Antonio.

Pues has dado en el clavo (y la duda tenia nivel), por alguna razón
cuando realizo la vpn el valor de la MTU no era el correcto, lo he
cambiado a 1500 y a partir de ahí los problemas se han solucionado
(conecto por ssh, navego ..).

Auque no entiendo porqué ahora si debo debo meter el valor cuando antes
no me fué necesario, se ve que la última actualización no me ha sentado
muy bien.

Muchas gracias por tu ayuda.

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Re: configurador de X11

2009-01-17 Thread Jeki Sinneo Leinos
2009/1/17 Pablo Zúñiga


 existe algun configurador grafico tipo SAX2 o yast, para X11?

 No conozco ni el SAX2 ni el Yast aplicado a X11 (se que Yast administra la
paquetería de distros como Suse)

¿A qué te refieres con configurador gráfico de X11? X11 es bastante grande
como para que lo administre una sóla aplicación. Tampoco sé que aspecto de
X11 quieres configurar.

Hay herramientas tipo *grandr* (disponible en los repos de Debian) que
permiten cambiar la frecuencia de refresco y la resolución del monitor
(entre otras cosas) usando XRandR.

Re: probando gnome..

2009-01-17 Thread Sylvia Sánchez
El 13 de enero de 2009 17:25, aux  escribió:

 Hola, recien estoy probando gnome en lenny (hasta ahora venia usando
 kde) y queria compartir algunas experiencias con los gnomeros ;-) (esto
 no pretende ser un flame, solo son opiniones)

 -a primera vista me gusta mas el aspecto de gnome, nosé lo veo mas
 cuidado:iconos, ventanas, aspecto en general,etc.

 -he estado usando gnome-terminal y no me acaba de convencer,trabajo con
 muchisimas sesiones ssh y la verdad es que con Konsole lo veia mas
 bonito, ya que tenia en cada pestaña una sesión con un dibujo diferente.
 Se pueden poner dibujos a las pestañas de gnome-terminal? he mirado por
 encima pero no lo he visto. Alguna aplicación similar a konsole?

 -He probado vinagre (el cliente vnc) y nada mas poner la ip gnome me
 peta y me retorna el gdm a la pantalla de login. No veo ninguna funcion
 de debug y tampoco suelta nada por la pantalla antes de petar.

 -Soy usuario de kopete y me he dispuesto a usar pidgit. Me gusta
 bastante aunque hecho de menos el ver las diferentes cuentas de msn con
 un color diferente. Algun otro cliente que haga esto?

 de momento eso es todo

 gracias :-)

Disculpen que haga una pregunta demasiado simple pero he estado buscando y
no he encontrado cómo actualizar el Gnome sin romper todo.  Ya agregué los
repositorios y  todo eso.  Supongo que será algo upgrade pero no sé bien y
no quiero volver a romper el Sistema.

Saludos y Muchas gracias

Re: configurador de X11

2009-01-17 Thread Roger Lino
Hola Pablo,

X11 lleva una herramienta de (auto)configuración. Como root, debes ejecutar:

# X -configure

Y se creará un fichero con la configuración que ha considerado
correcta en /root/ . Tal vez con eso te baste...


On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 3:18 AM, Pablo Zúñiga wrote:

 existe algun configurador grafico tipo SAX2 o yast, para X11?

 Pablo Zúñiga E
 Desarrollo Web
 Departamento de servicio web
 Publiglob :: Soluciones informáticas
 Contacto | Informaciones:
 Servicio Atención al cliente:

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Re: probando gnome..

2009-01-17 Thread David Francos (XayOn)
On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 03:34:24PM -0800, consultores1 wrote:
 El vie, 16-01-2009 a las 16:40 +0100, David Francos (XayOn) escribió:
  On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 03:36:29PM -0800, consultores1 wrote:
   El jue, 15-01-2009 a las 13:16 +0100, escribió:
 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 11:57:07AM +0100, wrote:
  Bueno, creo que aprovechare para hacer 3 preguntas sobre Gnome yo 
  Lenny (Gnome y KDE).
  1. Como tener 3 usuarios con Idiomas diferentes en Gnome (Ingles,
  Frances y Castellano)?

 Las otras te las han contestado, pero creo que ésta no.

 En 3 y en los que quieras. Instala los paquetes de 
 esos idiomas de Gnome y de las aplicaciones que necesites. Instala 
 locales de los idiomas que necesites ( dpkg-reconfigure locales ). Y
 de entrar con el usuario, en el gdm, elige el idioma correspondiente.
 próximas veces ya entrará siempre en ese idioma (salvo que lo 

 Esto sirve para cualquier entorno, claro.
 ¿Eso incluye el teclado?
 Si no, tienes una opcion para ajustar tu keyboard layout por usuario
 en gnome. (en gnome-keyboard-properties )

Pues ahí me has pillado. No creo que te cambie la distribución de 
ni tampoco he pensado que lo quisiera hacer. Pero vamos, que es como
dices, irse a las preferencias de Gnome y al teclado, lo cuál no es
complejo ni pesado (si sólo son tres, claro).
   Veamos si estoy entendiendo correctamente; yo tengo 3 usuarios que
   quieren usar 3 idiomas distintos, y me sugieren que cambie la
   configuracion del teclado? Adonde encuentro lo de internacionalizacion?
  Ya te lo hemos dicho, de dos maneras distintas.
  Una, en gnome: menu/sistema/preferencias/teclado (y ahi en la segunda
  Y otra, ejecutando gnome-keyboard-properties que es exactamente lo
  mismo (y como te saldra lo mismo, tambien en la segunda pestaña).
  Esto con cada usuario...
 Espero que poseas alguna capacidad de entendimiento y con esto no
 pretendo discusiones sin sentido.
Pues hombre, poner en entredicho mi capacidad de entendimiento no es
muy educado que digamos, y a mi parecer, es una provocacion, con la
coletilla de con esto no pretendo discusiones sin sentido para
hacerme, encima, quedar mal a mi con mi (obvia) respuesta.
 Si solicito aclaracion, es por que me interesa saber como esta
 relacionado el teclado con los idiomas.
Facil, regionalizacion, en estados unidos hablan ingles y utilizan un
teclado qwerty distinto a nosotros (sin eñes etc), el ingles no
requiere eñes.
En francia hablan frances y utilizan un teclado azerty. 
No esque para escribir en frances tengas que usar un teclado azerty,
sino que los franceses escriben en frances y con teclados azerty
(excepciones hay, fijo, igual que aqui en españa se de gente que usa
teclado americano...).

 Te aclaro que lo que yo hago, es que al instalar, agrego los idiomas que
 necesito y luego en gdm, el usuario puede escoger el idioma a usar. Que
 supongo, es lo que sugieren y no me gusta, por que el mensaje para
 entrar te aparece en el ultimo idioma usado y no en el del usuario
 actual. Pero, eso de cambiar la configuracion del teclado, me parece
Si no te gusta, prueba a editar el archivo .dmrc
Un ejemplo seria:

Asi dejas el idioma bien.
cada usuario tendra su $HOME/.dmrc , ten en cuenta que tiene que tener
permisos 644

Para lo de el teclado puedes hacerlo como dije (no voy a repetirlo
por tercera vez), con setxbmap o puede (pero no lo se) 
que puedas hacerlo con alguna entrada en tu .dmrc 

 Asi, que si tu no tienes capacidad para establecer una comunicacion
 respetuosa, pues no respondas a mis preguntas, por favor. Me refiero a
 Ya te lo hemos dicho, de dos maneras distintas.
Si te fijas mejor, eso fue una introduccion, con reproche, por
supuesto, ya que para algo sirven los archivos de la lista, para mi
respuesta, un resumen de lo que ya se habia dicho, por cierto.

 Y todavia no entiendo eso de Instala los paquetes de
Paquetes de internacionalizacion: paquetes de idiomas.
De todos modos, yo tenia entendido que gnome no tenia de esos ;-)
Openoffice y iceweasel si. Busca iceweasel locale es y openoffice
locale es en tu gestor de paquetes habitual.
 Yo sigo viendo, que si no utilizamos un lenguaje claro y mantenemos
 ordenadas las respuestas; solamente crearemos mas y mas confusion.
Te respondo exactamente eso mismo.
Date cuenta que no es agradable echarle un cable a alguien y que
encima sea desagradable contigo.
Es realmente ofensivo.


Que la fuerza os acompañe.

Version: 3.12
GCS dpu s: a--- C UL P L+++ E--- W+++ N+++ o+ K- w---
O M+ V- PS+ PE+++ Y PGP++ t--- 5 X+++ R tv+++ b DI--- D+++
G+ e- h++ r+++ y

Re: probando gnome..

2009-01-17 Thread Mario Martínez
On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 08:25:20PM +0100, aux wrote:


 -he estado usando gnome-terminal y no me acaba de convencer,trabajo con
 muchisimas sesiones ssh y la verdad es que con Konsole lo veia mas
 bonito, ya que tenia en cada pestaña una sesión con un dibujo diferente.
 Se pueden poner dibujos a las pestañas de gnome-terminal? he mirado por
 encima pero no lo he visto. Alguna aplicación similar a konsole?
IMHO deberias olvidarte de las pestañas, GNOME, KDE o whatever y
aprender a usar GNU Screen. 

Mario Martinez

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Monitorizar terminales desde router

2009-01-17 Thread JAP

Donde trabajo hay un router que comparte el acceso ainternet, y el mismo
pues ser configurado y monitorizado desde un navegador.
Días pasados lo cambiaron, y sigo teniendo un inconveniente que yo se lo
achacaba al router antiguo.
Cuando consulto la tabla DHCP, lista todas las terminales conectadas con
su dirección IP.
Lo curioso es que si bien aparecen las direcciones IP y su estado, no
parecen los nombres de las terminales que corren Linux, pero sí aparecen
las que tienen Windows.

Por ejemplo

Host Name  IP AddressMAC Address
term-27192.168.1.2   00-50-2C-A6-F1-CC   00-19-66-65-78-F8
term-42192.168.1.7   00-21-41-B3-F2-C1
La que no tiene Host Name, es un Linux.

¿Cómo puedo hacer para que las terminales GNU/Linux aparezcan en la
Por una cuestión de control, para saber quién está conectado.


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duda sobre con que editor abrir .chm

2009-01-17 Thread Reiniel Gonzalez Martinez
Alguno de ustedes sabe con que editor podria abrir esta extension de archivo 

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Re: duda sobre con que editor abrir .chm

2009-01-17 Thread David Rodriguez
El día 17 de enero de 2009 14:52, Reiniel Gonzalez Martinez escribió:
 Alguno de ustedes sabe con que editor podria abrir esta extension de archivo 

 Podes abrirlo desde Firefox[1]. O investigar un poco en los
repositorios[2] e instalar un lector[3] apropiado.

Saludos !

[2] # aptitude search chm
[3] gnochm, kchmviewer, xchm

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Re: duda sobre con que editor abrir .chm

2009-01-17 Thread Abraham Pérez
El 17 de enero de 2009 20:52, Reiniel Gonzalez Martinez escribió:

 Alguno de ustedes sabe con que editor podria abrir esta extension de
 archivo c+++gui+programming+with+qt+4.chm

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Esto de preguntar sin siquiera hacer una simple consulta empieza a ser
cansino ya...

Re: duda sobre con que editor abrir .chm

2009-01-17 Thread Sergio
Reiniel Gonzalez Martinez escribió:
 Alguno de ustedes sabe con que editor podria abrir esta extension de archivo 


Puedes usar el gnochm


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Re: probando gnome..

2009-01-17 Thread angel
El sáb, 17-01-2009 a las 13:10 -0300, Mario Martínez escribió:
 On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 08:25:20PM +0100, aux wrote:
  -he estado usando gnome-terminal y no me acaba de convencer,trabajo con
  muchisimas sesiones ssh y la verdad es que con Konsole lo veia mas
  bonito, ya que tenia en cada pestaña una sesión con un dibujo diferente.
  Se pueden poner dibujos a las pestañas de gnome-terminal? he mirado por
  encima pero no lo he visto. Alguna aplicación similar a konsole?
 IMHO deberias olvidarte de las pestañas, GNOME, KDE o whatever y
 aprender a usar GNU Screen. 

EMHO (esta es una lista en español) ese es el consejo mas ridículo que
he leido. Una de las ventajas de un entorno gráfico es justamente la de
tener DISTINTAS ventanas y ventanas con pestañas. Siguiendo tu forma de
pensar,para que usar entorno gráfico? para que la web? y asi hasta el
monitor color

En cuanto a gnome-terminal, podes cambiarle el titulo a cada pestaña o
 Mario Martinez

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Yet another list statistics for debian-user-spanish

2009-01-17 Thread Andreas Tille

as you can read in my lightning talk at DebConf

I did some investigation on who is frequently posting
on our mailing lists.  I now created graphs until
end of last year and write a short summary for
those lists I regard worth a comment.  I'm not
CCed to all of this list so if you want to discuss
something please keep me in CC.  If you want to
discuss the results in general just write to debian-project.

All graphs and the code that was used to create the
graphs are available at

If you are interested in a mailing list which was not
analysed, just tell me.  I was running the scripts on
those lists I personally had some interest and those
with more than 1000 subscribers.

I plan to clean up code and write some doc about it
but this will not happen in the next couple of weeks.

The graph for this specific list is

--- start of mailing list specific part --

Sorry for the English posting - I hope you are interested
in the graph.

Kind regards



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Re: probando gnome..

2009-01-17 Thread Mario Martínez
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 09:03:31PM -0200, angel wrote:
 El sáb, 17-01-2009 a las 13:10 -0300, Mario Martínez escribió:
  On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 08:25:20PM +0100, aux wrote:


 EMHO (esta es una lista en español) ese es el consejo mas ridículo que
 he leido. Una de las ventajas de un entorno gráfico es justamente la de
 tener DISTINTAS ventanas y ventanas con pestañas.

Pues creo que GNU Screen es mas flexible y consume menos recursos que
abrir varias pestañas en gnome-terminal o konsole y lo mejor, es
independiente del entorno de escritorio que estes usando. 

 Siguiendo tu forma de
 pensar,para que usar entorno gráfico? para que la web? y asi hasta el
 monitor color

Je. No es que este tratando de volver era mesozoica, mas bien creo que
hay que darle cabida a esas joyitas de antaño que no son muy conocidas.

Tambien creo que las pestañas son una soberana estupidez teniendo
herramientas como la ya mencionada.

OJO, lo anterior lo digo dentro de este contexto. Las pestañas pueden
ser muy utiles en otras circunstancias.

Mario Martinez

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Re: duda sobre con que editor abrir .chm

2009-01-17 Thread Felix Perez
2009/1/17 Abraham Pérez

 El 17 de enero de 2009 20:52, Reiniel Gonzalez Martinez escribió:

 Alguno de ustedes sabe con que editor podria abrir esta extension de
 archivo c+++gui+programming+with+qt+4.chm

 Esto de preguntar sin siquiera hacer una simple consulta empieza a ser
 cansino ya...

Si de acuerdo contigo este muchachito ya se acostumbro.
Una simple busqueda en google:
Y utilizando buscar en synaptic por chm aparece:

CHM(Compiled HTML) Decompressor
arCHMage is a reader and decompiler for files in the CHM format. This is the
format used by Microsoft HTML Help, and is also known as Compiled HTML.
CHM file viewer for GNOME
Gnochm is a Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for GNOME systems.

Features are:
 * Support for external ms-its links
 * Full text search support
 * Bookmarks
 * Configurable support for HTTP links
 * Integrated with GNOME2
 * Support for multiple languages
 * Support to open multiple files at once
Visor de archivos CHM de KDE
KchmViewer es un visor de archivos CHM (el formato del archivo de ayuda en
HTML de MS), escrito en C++. A diferencia de la mayoría de los visores de
archivos CHM existentes en UNIX, usa la biblioteca de los elementos
gráficos de Qt de Trolltech, y no depende de KDE o GNOME. No obstante, se
puede compilar con compatibilidad completa con KDE, incluyendo sus
elementos gráficos y KIO/KHTML.
Visor de arhivos de ayuda compilada en HTML (CHM) de X
xCHM es un visor de archivos de ayuda compilada en HTML (CHM). Puede
mostrar el árbol de contenidos si está disponible, imprimir la página
actual y realizar las tareas usuales sobre el historial. Permite cambiar las
tipografías y buscar texto en todas las páginas del archivo o en los
títulos de las páginas.

xCHM no es compatible con JavaScript en los libros.

Ahora ni buscar en el mismo sistema se acostumbra.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

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Re: duda sobre con que editor abrir .chm

2009-01-17 Thread Felix Perez
El día 17 de enero de 2009 22:47, Marco escribió:
 2009/1/17 Felix Perez
 2009/1/17 Abraham Pérez

 El 17 de enero de 2009 20:52, Reiniel Gonzalez Martinez escribió:

 Alguno de ustedes sabe con que editor podria abrir esta extension de
 archivo c+++gui+programming+with+qt+4.chm

 ¿Y tú sabes usar  apt-* ?

 [...@]:~$ apt-cache search chm file viewer

Supongo que esto era para la lista.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

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Re: PIFAC - A prety interface for apt-cache.

2009-01-17 Thread Flamarion Jorge
Hash: SHA1

Davi Vercillo C. Garcia escreveu:
 Fala pessoal,
 Sempre tive problemas ao usar o apt-cache para buscar informações
 sobre pacotes e versões dos mesmos nas máquinas Debian que uso e
 administro. Tenho estudado Python, faz uns 4-6 meses, e resolvi tentar
 escrever um programa simples que me confortasse ao usar o apt-cache.

apt-cache é obsoleto.
Tente usar aptitude search.

 Inspirado por aplicativos como 'emerge' (Gentoo) e 'yaourt'
 (Archlinux) nasceu o 'pifac'. Pifac, como o nome já diz, é uma
 interface pro apt-cache que possibilita o uso de cores e exibição de
 detalhes de maneira mais humanamente aceitável (cores e formatações).
 Provavelmente deve haver muitas melhorias cabíveis ao Pifac (reconheço
 meu pouco conhecimento em Python), o que estou aceitando dicas, mas ao
 mesmo tempo penso que ele pode ser interessante para alguém.

já tentou usar o aptitude sem argumento.
faz assim:
aptitude e se quiser localizar um pacote aperta a / e digita o nome.
Fora que tem o synaptics também, que é gráfico

 Ele pode ser encontrado em:
 OBS: Uma outra motivação foi que eu não encontrei nenhum aplicativo
 que fizesse isso.




- --
Flamarion Jorge
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Estudante perde semestre da fac uldade e põe a culpa no Linux

2009-01-17 Thread André Ricardo Righetto

Fábio de Sousa escreveu:

  Olha só o que temos que ouvir e ler na Internet?

Sem acesso à internet para assistir às aulas e sem o Word para 
realizar as tarefas de cadeiras online, Abie Schubert acabou largando 
as disciplinas em que se matriculara.

– Eu estou extremamente frustrada. Eu quer voltar para a escola, mas 
preciso de um computador que me permita fazer isso – comentou a estudante.

Obviamente isso é desculpa. Ela é com toda certeza uma LOOSER e que 
achou a desculpa perfeita.


Temos que repensar tambem a dependencia institucional de padrões 
adotados pela Microsoft. O caso aqui não é uma lamer que não sabe usar 
outra coisa que não seja M$ Windows/M$ Office. O caso aqui é uma 
universidade que não sabe usar outro padrão que não seja o .DOC do Word, 
e desconfio o .XLS do Excel e o .PPS do Power Point. Tanto é que a 
universidade afinou e aceitou a estudante novamente e aceitará os 
trabalhos dela em qualquer software que ela entregar. Se ela tivesse 
entregado os trabalhos em dia no formato do LaTeX será que a 
universidade teria aceito?

A Dell não se manifestou sobre o caso, disse a  WKOW TV.

Esse é outro ponto, o pós-venda da Dell anda pisando demais na bola.

André Ricardo Righetto

Re: debian com KDE

2009-01-17 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
Em Sáb, 2009-01-17 às 00:33 -0200, Alexandre Pereira Bühler escreveu:
 Boa noite pessoal,
 Não precisava ter o trabalho de baixar o cd para instalação padrão do
 Com o cd que instala o gnome com padrão basta fazer os seguintes
 1) Sarge.
 dê o boot pelo cd, na tela inicial não dê enter para começar a
 Ao invés de enter tecle F8. Irá aparecer um monte de opções que você
 pode usar. Entre elas desabilitar o dhcp e optar por um endereço
 estático durante a instalação ou instalar direto o kde.
 Então com pode se ver nesta tela no boot:
 digite --  install tasks=kde-desktop, standard e dê enter.
 Ao invés de instalar o gnome ele instala o kde e o kdm como padrão.
 2) Lenny
 Na tela inicial escolha help.
 Depois F8. Lá você encontra as mesmas opções com algumas diferenças de
 Para instalar o kde e kdm como padrão
 digite na frente do boot: 
 install desktop=kde
 Dê enter e pronto. Kde instalado por padrão.
 Isto vale para os cd ou dvd de instalação.
Apenas um comentário. O único problema dessa solução é que se você
baixou o primeiro cd de instalação o kde precisa ser inteiramente
baixado de um repositório debian. Então se você não tiver uma conexão
rápida ou mesmo se estiver com um máquina fora de uma rede fica quase
impraticável. Sendo mais interessante baixar o cd de instalação do kde.


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Estudante perde semestre da faculdade e põe a culpa no L inux

2009-01-17 Thread Anacleto Pavão

Interessante essa notícia. Acho que alguns pontos que precisam serem analisados:
1) Estudante perde semestre de faculdade. 
Vejamos. Qual o nivel desta estudante? Como e possível uma pessoa que esteja em 
uma faculdade nao tenha condições de lidar com um SO e perder todo um semestre 
sem buscar ajuda de alguem ou em algum lugar. Se ela fizesse algum comentario 
qualquer em um curso superior pessoas que lidam com o Linux na sua maioria me 
parece que terem o maior prazer em ajudar e saem praticamente correndo atras de 
um problema qualquer nem que seja somente para mostrar que sabe lidar com o 
2) Nao conseguiu instalar o M$Word:
Bem essa eu não culpo ela. acho que nem eu mesmo conseguiria instalar. Talvez 
usando uma maquina com boot duplo e usando o Wine por exemplo daria certo. Mas, 
ela podeira usar o OpenOffice. Não é verdade? Nem são tão diferentes assim e a 
maioria das funções bem como atralhos são parecidos senão idênticos e, aqui me 
parece que quem noticio foi extremamente infeliz e tendenciosa ou tambem nao 
conhece o SO Linux.
3) Ta tudo bagunçado e me arrependo da compra:
No Brasil temos os órgãos de defesa do consumidor que garantem a troca 
principalmente feitas on-line, desconheço as leis norte americanas, mas 
acredito que lá não seja muito diferente então a troca nao foi feita porque ela 
simplesmente nao correu atras quando viu que nao teria condicoes de utilizar 
aquele SO estranho a ela;
4) A estudante teve problemas para instalar o modem da operadora para acessar a 
Novamente falta total de interesse para alguem que esteja inscrita em um curso 
on-line onde disposicao e praticamente 90% do pre-requisito para se atingir um 
bom nivel de aproveitamento e satisfacao;
5) Eu estou extremamente frustrada. Eu quer voltar para a escola, mas preciso 
de um computador que me permita fazer isso:
Realmente ela precisa nao somente de um computador que a permita fazer isso bem 
como pessoas que possa lhe auxiliar a utilizar o M$Windows bem como seus 
aplicativos haja visto o fim tragico do seu empreedimento e suas motivacoes:
6) A Dell não se manifestou sobre o caso, disse a  WKOW TV:
No meu ver a Dell deveria sim se pronunciar ainda que venha a expor sua cliente 
a situacao ridicula e constrangedora. E trocar sua maquina por um sistema que 
ela tivesse condicoes de utilizar. 
Finalizando: A TV que anuncio o Causo foi extremamente infeliz, eu utilizo o 
Linux ja a alguns anos e na minha casa tenho uma maquina com boot duplo com o 
FC9 e Win2K e como incentivo a utilizacao do Linux por parte de meus filhos o 
acesso a internet e feito somente via Linux (vejam que interessante eles 
praticamente perderam o interesse o Win) Foi uma questao de estrategia e o dia 
em que eles se submeterem a um concurso ou emprego em que seja utilizado o 
Linux vao se lembrar da intransigencia do pai e dizer ainda bem que meu pai me 
forcou a aprender a utilizar o Linux. 
PS. Liberdade sim. Libertinagem nao.

Olha só o que temos que ouvir e ler na Internet?É mole?

Não Acreditei...

Abraços a todos!

Estudante perde semestre da faculdade e põe a culpa no Linux 
Laptop adquirido veio com Ubuntu pré-instalado, software do qual ela nunca 
ouvira falar

A estudante norte-americana Abbie Schubert acabou largando um semestre de aulas 
no Madison Area Technical College (MATC), nos Estados Unidos. O culpado? O 
Linux, mais especificamente a distribuição da Canonical, Ubuntu. Abbie comprou 
um laptop na esperança de cursar uma cadeira online no MATC, mas o sistema 
operacional acabou travando a vida da estudante.
Segundo o site da estação de TV local WKOW, a estudante nunca tinha ouvido 
falar do sistema operacional, e sequer fazia ideia de que seu computador, 
comprado online pela, viria com ele.
– Tá tudo bagunçado. Me arrependo da compra – disse Abbie.
Quando ligou para o suporte, a tempo de trocar, a estudante sou persuadida pelo 
atendimento a permanecer com o Ubuntu:
– A pessoa com quem eu falei disse que o Ubuntu era ótimo, que estudantes 
adoravam, que era compatível com tudo que eu precisava.
Ela aceitou, mas não se deu muito bem com ele. A estudante teve problemas para 
instalar o modem da operadora para acessar a internet e ainda por cima não 
conseguiu instalar o Word, requisito para as aulas online.
Ao ligar novamente para o suporte, foi informada de que agora não poderia mais 
trocar para o Windows (o prazo tinha espirado) e que, devido às alterações que 
fizera, perdera a garantia do equipamento.
Sem acesso à internet para assistir às aulas e sem o Word para realizar as 
tarefas de cadeiras online, Abie Schubert acabou largando as disciplinas em que 
se matriculara.
– Eu estou extremamente frustrada. Eu quer voltar para a escola, mas preciso de 
um computador que me permita fazer isso – comentou a estudante.
Em socorro da estudante, a rede de televisão intermediou o contato com a 
operadora, a Dell e a escola em que Abbie está matriculada.

Re: PIFAC - A prety interface for apt-cache.

2009-01-17 Thread Tiago Saboga
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 08:46:44AM -0200, Flamarion Jorge wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Davi Vercillo C. Garcia escreveu:
  Fala pessoal,
  Sempre tive problemas ao usar o apt-cache para buscar informações
  sobre pacotes e versões dos mesmos nas máquinas Debian que uso e
  administro. Tenho estudado Python, faz uns 4-6 meses, e resolvi tentar
  escrever um programa simples que me confortasse ao usar o apt-cache.

Estou estudando python também há um tempo, e me interessei pelo programa.
 apt-cache é obsoleto.
 Tente usar aptitude search.

Não, não é bem assim. O apt-cache tem várias funções bem práticas
(policy por exemplo, e mesmo o search que procura em todos os campos
ao mesmo tempo). E o apt-get continua sendo útil para instalar
provisoriamente (se você precisa de uma dependência só para compilar
alguma coisa, instala com o apt-get e o aptitude sugerirá retirá-lo da
próxima vez).

  Inspirado por aplicativos como 'emerge' (Gentoo) e 'yaourt'
  (Archlinux) nasceu o 'pifac'. Pifac, como o nome já diz, é uma
  interface pro apt-cache que possibilita o uso de cores e exibição de
  detalhes de maneira mais humanamente aceitável (cores e formatações).

Não conheço os outros aplicativos (nunca usei a sério nenhuma outra
distribuição, apesar de já ter instalado várias para dar uma olhada),
mas a idéia parece muito interessante.

  Provavelmente deve haver muitas melhorias cabíveis ao Pifac (reconheço
  meu pouco conhecimento em Python), o que estou aceitando dicas, mas ao
  mesmo tempo penso que ele pode ser interessante para alguém.

Duas dicas a partir de uma rápida olhada no código: 

1) use menos a forma from x import y, pois a leitura fica bem mais
difícil. (ver o zen do python).

2) procure reutilizar trabalho já feito: 

a) quais são os programas já existentes que fazem busca de pacotes

b) acho que existe um pacote python-debian ou algo do gênero que faz
uma interface para algumas coisas (o que?) do debian. você olhou?

c) o ipython tem uma biblioteca interessante para uso de cores no

 já tentou usar o aptitude sem argumento.
 faz assim:
 aptitude e se quiser localizar um pacote aperta a / e digita o nome.

Essa busca do aptitude só procura nos nomes de pacotes. A partir daí,
é possível fazer muitos tipos de busca, mas é preciso olhar no
aptitude-howto os códigos (que começam com til, por exemplo, se tiver
~i na busca, ele só procura pacotes instalados).

 Fora que tem o synaptics também, que é gráfico

Lembre-se de que tem gente que prefere não usar a interface gráfica (é
meu caso, por exemplo).

  Ele pode ser encontrado em:

Estou interessado em fazer isso avançar, mas acho que a partir de
agora nossa conversa vira off-topic; podemos continuá-la fora da

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Res: PIFAC - A prety interface for apt-cache.

2009-01-17 Thread Flamarion Jorge
Não, não é bem assim. O apt-cache tem várias funções bem práticas
(policy por exemplo, e mesmo o search que procura em todos os campos
ao mesmo tempo). E o apt-get continua sendo útil para instalar
provisoriamente (se você precisa de uma dependência só para compilar
alguma coisa, instala com o apt-get e o aptitude sugerirá retirá-lo da
próxima vez).

O apt-* é obsoleto, aptitude faz tudo o que você disse. Basta saber usar 


Essa busca do aptitude só procura nos nomes de pacotes. A partir daí,
é possível fazer muitos tipos de busca, mas é preciso olhar no
aptitude-howto os códigos (que começam com til, por exemplo, se tiver
~i na busca, ele só procura pacotes instalados).

aptitude search procura em todos os campos, inclusive comentários.

Lembre-se de que tem gente que prefere não usar a interface gráfica (é
meu caso, por exemplo).

Foi só uma sugestão para quem gosta de usar a interface gráfica, igual eu.

Flamarion Jorge

  Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

Re: Res: PIFAC - A prety interface for apt-cache.

2009-01-17 Thread Tiago Saboga
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 06:24:50AM -0800, Flamarion Jorge wrote:
 O apt-* é obsoleto, aptitude faz tudo o que você disse. Basta saber usar 

Cite-me uma fonte para isso. Ou talvez eu não entenda o que é um
programa obsoleto. Um programa que ainda faz o que sempre fez, que é
mantido por seus desenvolvedores e que ainda vem instalado por padrão
em novos sistemas debian não é o que eu chamaria de obsoleto.


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2009-01-17 Thread Debiminho

Estava a configurar o meu kernel para o meu hardware AMD64 numa
M2N32WS Pro, vi na internet uma referencia para o cpufreq-nforce2. O
problema é que o gconfig não me deixa selecionar para ser compilado.


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2009-01-17 Thread Fabio Crivello

Boa Tarde! Meu nome é Fábio gostaria de uma ajuda. Comprei um notebook Acer 
Aspire 4520, e instalei o MS Windows em uma partição e tentei instalat o Debian 
Linux em outra. Porém ao tentar particionar a parte do disco reservada ao linux 
o sistema não me permitia deixar a partição de swap como partição lógica, 
somente como uma partição primária. terminei assim mesmo a instalação com o 
ambiente gráfico gnome, só que após reiniciar o sistema para entrar no linux 
aparecia um erro dizendo que havia uma falha de entrada e saida no servidor X. 
e so ficava no sistema basico não entrando o ambiente gráfico. Gostaria de 
saber se há algo que possam me ajudar para solucionar este problema. Grato 
desde já,   Fábio
Confira vídeos com notícias do NY Times, gols direto do Lance, videocassetadas 
e muito mais no MSN Video!

Re: Estudante perde semestre da faculdade e põe a culpa no Linux

2009-01-17 Thread PEdroArthur_JEdi
2009/1/17 Anacleto Pavão
 Interessante essa notícia. Acho que alguns pontos que precisam serem

 1) Estudante perde semestre de faculdade.

 Vejamos. Qual o nivel desta estudante?

Deve ser o mesmo nível de uma grande massa de estudantes brasileiros.
Se não, por que teriamos disciplinas de Introdução a Processamento de
Dados, essa presente na maioria dos cursos das áreas não-tecnológicas?

 Como e possível uma pessoa que esteja
 em uma faculdade nao tenha condições de lidar com um SO e perder todo um
 semestre sem buscar ajuda de alguem ou em algum lugar.Se ela fizesse algum
 comentario qualquer em um curso superior pessoas que lidam com o Linux na
 sua maioria me parece que terem o maior prazer em ajudar e saem praticamente
 correndo atras de um problema qualquer nem que seja somente para mostrar que
 sabe lidar com o sistema.

As vezes não existem tais pessoas. Pode parecer estranhos mais alguns
cursos superiores ainda estão impregnados de software e políticas
proprietárias. A uSoft (u = micro) coibe muitas universidades e cursos
tecnológicos de forma a evitar que os mesmos libertem-se. Aqui,
coibição está como sinônimo de ajuda (sim, entre aspas). A exempĺo,
conheço alguns alunos que sairam do CEFET-RN e nem conheciam a cara de
um gerenciador de janelas. Porém, já tinham horas e horas de
treinamento oficial para o exame uSoft Certified Professional Clicker.

 2) Nao conseguiu instalar o M$Word:

 Bem essa eu não culpo ela. acho que nem eu mesmo conseguiria instalar.
 Talvez usando uma maquina com boot duplo e usando o Wine por exemplo daria
 certo. Mas, ela podeira usar o OpenOffice. Não é verdade? Nem são tão
 diferentes assim e a maioria das funções bem como atralhos são parecidos
 senão idênticos e, aqui me parece que quem noticio foi extremamente infeliz
 e tendenciosa ou tambem nao conhece o SO Linux.


 3) Ta tudo bagunçado e me arrependo da compra:

 No Brasil temos os órgãos de defesa do consumidor que garantem a troca
 principalmente feitas on-line, desconheço as leis norte americanas, mas
 acredito que lá não seja muito diferente então a troca nao foi feita porque
 ela simplesmente nao correu atras quando viu que nao teria condicoes de
 utilizar aquele SO estranho a ela;

Eu conheço bem por cima. Lá acontece exatamente o oposto daqui. Aqui
no Brasil, o consumidor é mais valorizado que a empresa, podendo até
um caso especial ser criado caso não exista referências na
constituição. Já nos EUA, existe um guideline para casos de
insatisfação do cliente. Sabe aqueles produtos importados mentirosos?
Fazem o maior sucesso lá. E se você comprou enganado, tipo aquelas
facas Guinsu 2000, problema seu! Se o caso não for previsto, problema

Uma coisa bem interessante. Se você pegar um ônibus, só tiver uma nota
de 20 dolares e o sujeito não possuir troco, PROBLEMA SEU! As vinte
pilas são do cara!

 4) A estudante teve problemas para instalar o modem da operadora para
 acessar a internet:

 Novamente falta total de interesse para alguem que esteja inscrita em um
 curso on-line onde disposicao e praticamente 90% do pre-requisito para se
 atingir um bom nivel de aproveitamento e satisfacao;

Como foi resolvido, era só ligar para a operadora... ignorância...

 5) Eu estou extremamente frustrada. Eu quer voltar para a escola, mas
 preciso de um computador que me permita fazer isso:

 Realmente ela precisa nao somente de um computador que a permita fazer isso
 bem como pessoas que possa lhe auxiliar a utilizar o M$Windows bem como seus
 aplicativos haja visto o fim tragico do seu empreedimento e suas motivacoes:


 6) A Dell não se manifestou sobre o caso, disse a  WKOW TV:

 No meu ver a Dell deveria sim se pronunciar ainda que venha a expor sua
 cliente a situacao ridicula e constrangedora. E trocar sua maquina por um
 sistema que ela tivesse condicoes de utilizar.

As empresas dos EUA não estão muito preocupadas com casos particulares...

 Finalizando: A TV que anuncio o Causo foi extremamente infeliz, eu utilizo
 o Linux ja a alguns anos e na minha casa tenho uma maquina com boot duplo
 com o FC9 e Win2K e como incentivo a utilizacao do Linux por parte de meus
 filhos o acesso a internet e feito somente via Linux (vejam que interessante
 eles praticamente perderam o interesse o Win) Foi uma questao de estrategia
 e o dia em que eles se submeterem a um concurso ou emprego em que seja
 utilizado o Linux vao se lembrar da intransigencia do pai e dizer ainda bem
 que meu pai me forcou a aprender a utilizar o Linux.

Aqui também é um caso de sucesso... Uso linux a 10 anos e forço todos
que querem usar meu PC a usá-lo. Nunca houvi reclamações, só
comparações do tipo ``Isso é aqui, aquilo é ali'', ``Onde inicio a web
cam'' ou ``como inicio a conversa por voz''... A mudança leva a

Essa divulgação também se deve pela presença do Linux. Como já dito
anteriormente, se o problema fosse o Windows, nada disso teria

* Se o 

Re: duvida

2009-01-17 Thread Franz Gustav Niederheitmann
2009/1/17 Fabio Crivello

  Boa Tarde!

 Meu nome é Fábio gostaria de uma ajuda.

 Comprei um notebook Acer Aspire 4520, e instalei o MS Windows em uma
 partição e tentei instalat o Debian Linux em outra. Porém ao tentar
 particionar a parte do disco reservada ao linux o sistema não me permitia
 deixar a partição de swap como partição lógica, somente como uma partição
 primária. terminei assim mesmo a instalação com o ambiente gráfico gnome, só
 que após reiniciar o sistema para entrar no linux aparecia um erro dizendo
 que havia uma falha de entrada e saida no servidor X. e so ficava no sistema
 basico não entrando o ambiente gráfico.

 Gostaria de saber se há algo que possam me ajudar para solucionar este

X --congifure :2
dpkg-reconfigure ..
coisas assim...

da uma procurada de como configurar o X no google
ou clique abaixo

ah.. uma dica, ao mandar uma mensagem pra lista, coloque no assunto algo
menos genérico, por exemplo, coloque Erro ao iniciar X .. coisas assim...

 Grato desde já,


 Notícias direto do New York Times, gols do Lance, videocassetadas e muitos
 outros vídeos no MSN Videos! Confira já!

Franz Gustav Niederheitmann
Tudo aquilo que algum idiota diz que é urgente, é algo que algum imbecil
não fez em tempo hábil e quer que você, o otário, se foda para fazer em
tempo recorde!

Yet another list statistics for debian-user-portuguese

2009-01-17 Thread Andreas Tille

as you can read in my lightning talk at DebConf

I did some investigation on who is frequently posting
on our mailing lists.  I now created graphs until
end of last year and write a short summary for
those lists I regard worth a comment.  I'm not
CCed to all of this list so if you want to discuss
something please keep me in CC.  If you want to
discuss the results in general just write to debian-project.

All graphs and the code that was used to create the
graphs are available at

If you are interested in a mailing list which was not
analysed, just tell me.  I was running the scripts on
those lists I personally had some interest and those
with more than 1000 subscribers.

I plan to clean up code and write some doc about it
but this will not happen in the next couple of weeks.

The graph for this specific list is

--- start of mailing list specific part --

Sorry for the English posting - I hope you are interested
in the graph.

Kind regards



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Re: duvida

2009-01-17 Thread Joao Emanuel
2009/1/17 Fabio Crivello
 Boa Tarde!

 Meu nome é Fábio gostaria de uma ajuda.

 Comprei um notebook Acer Aspire 4520, e instalei o MS Windows em uma
 partição e tentei instalat o Debian Linux em outra. Porém ao tentar
 particionar a parte do disco reservada ao linux o sistema não me permitia
 deixar a partição de swap como partição lógica, somente como uma partição
 primária. terminei assim mesmo a instalação com o ambiente gráfico gnome, só
 que após reiniciar o sistema para entrar no linux aparecia um erro dizendo
 que havia uma falha de entrada e saida no servidor X. e so ficava no sistema
 basico não entrando o ambiente gráfico.

 Gostaria de saber se há algo que possam me ajudar para solucionar este

 Grato desde já,


 Notícias direto do New York Times, gols do Lance, videocassetadas e muitos
 outros vídeos no MSN Videos! Confira já!

Fábio qual é a sua placa de vídeo? E poderia postar o erro, pois pelo
que você comentou pode ser n coisas.



Joao Emanuel

Re: duvida

2009-01-17 Thread Felipe Cabral
Qual a placa de vídeo?
o windows ainda sobe? Suponho que sim.
Vc instalou algum driver no linux?
Veja se consegue entrar no /etc/X11/xorg.conf e se as opções da placa e do
driver de vídeo estão ativas.

2009/1/17 Joao Emanuel

 2009/1/17 Fabio Crivello
  Boa Tarde!
  Meu nome é Fábio gostaria de uma ajuda.
  Comprei um notebook Acer Aspire 4520, e instalei o MS Windows em uma
  partição e tentei instalat o Debian Linux em outra. Porém ao tentar
  particionar a parte do disco reservada ao linux o sistema não me permitia
  deixar a partição de swap como partição lógica, somente como uma partição
  primária. terminei assim mesmo a instalação com o ambiente gráfico gnome,
  que após reiniciar o sistema para entrar no linux aparecia um erro
  que havia uma falha de entrada e saida no servidor X. e so ficava no
  basico não entrando o ambiente gráfico.
  Gostaria de saber se há algo que possam me ajudar para solucionar este
  Grato desde já,
  Notícias direto do New York Times, gols do Lance, videocassetadas e
  outros vídeos no MSN Videos! Confira já!

 Fábio qual é a sua placa de vídeo? E poderia postar o erro, pois pelo
 que você comentou pode ser n coisas.



 Joao Emanuel

Re: Res: PIFAC - A prety interface for apt-cache.

2009-01-17 Thread Davi Vercillo C. Garcia
Fala Pessoal,

Sobre o 'aptitude', realmente eu desconhecia os comandos de busca e
coisas do tipo pois sempre utilizei os 'obsoletos' apt-*. Realmente o
formato de saída dele é bem melhor do que do 'apt-cache' no entanto
ele não possui sistema de cores, o que eu gosto muito ! =P

Sobre as dicas, responderei pelos números:

1) Tentei usar 'from X import Y' para evitar que a VM do Python
carregue coisas desnecessárias e consuma mais tempo/memória. Como sou
novo no mundo Python, não conheço todas as PEPs... =P

2) Evitei utilizar módulos de terceiros para permitir que o meu
programa fosse utilizado por qualquer um que tenha somente o Python
default instalado.

 O apt-* é obsoleto, aptitude faz tudo o que você disse. Basta saber usar 

 Cite-me uma fonte para isso. Ou talvez eu não entenda o que é um
 programa obsoleto. Um programa que ainda faz o que sempre fez, que é
 mantido por seus desenvolvedores e que ainda vem instalado por padrão
 em novos sistemas debian não é o que eu chamaria de obsoleto.

Eu também não chamaria os aplicativos apt-* de obsoletos, pelos mesmos
motivos citados acima...

Davi Vercillo Carneiro Garcia

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Departamento de Ciência da Computação

Grupo de Usuários GNU/Linux da UFRJ (GUL-UFRJ)

Linux User: #388711

A democracia muitas vezes significa o poder nas mãos de uma maioria
incompetente. - Bernard Shaw

Good things come to those who... wait. - Debian Project

Theory is when you know something, but it doesn't work. Practice is
when something works, but you don't know why.
Programmers combine theory and practice: Nothing works and they don't
know why. - Anon

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Re: Debian menu in K menu

2009-01-17 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Fri,16.Jan.09, 17:36:25, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 On Friday 2009 January 16 15:58:41 Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Mon,05.Jan.09, 16:13:08, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
  While installing .desktop files to the correct place(s) is good,
  installing a correct menu file is better.  IMHO, the toplevel Debian
  menu is noise and should be deleted with it's contents moving to
  toplevel in the K menu.
 Unfortunately many Window Managers don't support .desktop files. That
 means the Debian menu system is not likely to disappear for a while.
 Read me again.  I wasn't proposing it disappear, but rather be more 


 into the system.  Instead of:

The KDE and Gnome maintainers don't seem to share your view (search the 
archives of debian-devel). They would rather have the Debian menu 

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: single Dhcp server on multiple networks

2009-01-17 Thread Ken Teague
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 09:35:37PM -0800, Mike Bird wrote:
 On Thu January 15 2009 13:28:19 Rod James Bio wrote:
  I was wondering if anyone had tried to configure a single linux dhcp
  server to give IP to different network. We have multiple networks here
  in our area and I am thinking of using a single dhcp server to serve all
  other networks.
 It works fine, e.g.:

Did you have to setup VLANs on your switch to separate the networks, or use 
separate switches?  How exactly does the server know to give our IPs for 
subnet-X to subnet-X instead of subnet-Y?  Does the server have multiple NICs 
with different IPs on each?... or does it have a single NIC with multiple IPs 
assigned to it?

- Ken

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Re: Logging passwords of SSH attacks

2009-01-17 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 02:25:35PM +0100, Florian Mickler wrote:
 On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 20:10:44 +0200
 Dotan Cohen wrote:
  I get a few thousands of these every day in the logs:
  Illegal users from: ( 518 times
 anna/password: 1 time
 apache/password: 1 time
 arthur/password: 1 time
 attack/password: 1 time
 awharton/password: 1 time
  How can I start logging the passwords attempted as well as the
  usernames? Thanks.
 That's not possible without hacking in the ssh-sourcecodes, I assume.

Or alternatively the pam module that is used. Openssh here checks
passwords using PAM.

 It would be a security nightmare to have the passwords of users being
 logged. even if it would only be on failed attempts. 

And even then it owuld give some interesting clues, as it would also log
real passwords with typos.

 often confuse which password they have to enter where, and thus valid
 passwords would wander into the logs for malicous people to collect and
 use at other sites.

auth.log is only readable to sysadmins.

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: k3b brasero don't work, nerolinux does- works ar 2X

2009-01-17 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 04:31:47PM +0100, Winfried Tilanus wrote:
 On 01/16/2009 Joerg Schilling wrote:
  Debian however is definitively in conflict with the Copyright law
 Jörg, this is a severe accusation. If it is true, then it calls for
 immediate action. So I ask you once again: please give us all juridical
 details, so we can judge the validity of this accusation ourselves and
 make work of stopping this violation.

Maybe Jörg could comment on the below article:

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god
than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other
possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
   -- Stephen F Roberts

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Re: iptables/firestarter

2009-01-17 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Fri January 16 2009, Jeff Soules wrote:
 Personally, I do this:

 Ensure that you have your firewall rules set up as you wish them.
 Then, edit /etc/network/interfaces to add the following:

 # Bring up firewall
 pre-up iptables-restore  /etc/iptables.rules

 # And save fw state on shutdown
 post-down iptables-save -c  /etc/iptables.rules

a few people have mentioned this method, and it seems straight forward..
thanks, I set this up.. hopefully next year, when I reboot, it will update:)
oh, wait, I gotta add a replacement drive soon.. brand-new Seagate Barracuda 
drive locked up and quit yesterd...@!!!@!!!

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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transfer rate to usb key issue

2009-01-17 Thread Laurent
Hi everyone,

I've recently tried to use my usb flash drive to copy stuff on it. First, i
discovered that letting usb-mount manage it, makes it dead slow (approx.
100KB/s). However, mounting it manually changed things, but not to what i
expected: the transfer starts off okay (25MB/s) then suddenly pauses, more
and more often, until the average transfer rates approaches 1MB/s, but
barely progresses at all.

My kernel is 2.6.26, same thing happens with 2.6.28. My distro is debian
lenny, all updates installed.

Anyone got the same issue?

Have a nice week end!

Re: single Dhcp server on multiple networks

2009-01-17 Thread Mike Bird
On Sat January 17 2009 02:44:09 Ken Teague wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 09:35:37PM -0800, Mike Bird wrote:
  On Thu January 15 2009 13:28:19 Rod James Bio wrote:
   I was wondering if anyone had tried to configure a single linux dhcp
   server to give IP to different network. We have multiple networks here
   in our area and I am thinking of using a single dhcp server to serve
   all other networks.
  It works fine, e.g.:

 Did you have to setup VLANs on your switch to separate the networks, or use
 separate switches?

VLANs work.  Separate switches work.  We normally use VLANs on switches
but separate NICs for each VLAN on servers.

 How exactly does the server know to give our IPs for 
 subnet-X to subnet-X instead of subnet-Y?  Does the server have multiple
 NICs with different IPs on each?... or does it have a single NIC with
 multiple IPs assigned to it?

A DHCP server with multiple NICs hands out DHCP leases in the subnets
associated with each NIC.  The subnet is specified in dhcpd.conf, not
the NIC.

If you wanted to support multiple DHCP subnets on a single NIC you'd
probably have to use a static mapping for each MAC address to IP

  host foo {
hardware ethernet 01:23:45:67:89:ab;

YMMV - I've never tried multiple DHCP subnets on a single NIC.

--Mike Bird

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Debian Gnome Keyboard shortcuts

2009-01-17 Thread Sebastian Canagaratna

  I am using Debian Lenny, with Gnome Desktop.
For certain applications (not all) the right arrow key does not move the
selection from one menu option to another. Two examples:

 System -- Network has menus Connections, General, DNS and Hosts, and I
am unable to move from one to the next one with the arrow key.

 System -- Preferences -- Keyboard has options General, Layouts,
Accessibility, Mouse Key, Typing Break, and here to I am unable to move
from one to the next with the arrow key.

 Anybody have any idea why this is so?


Sebastian Canagaratna
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ohio Northern University
Ada, OH 45810

Re: Retrieving a bios updater from

2009-01-17 Thread Andrew Malcolmson

Peter Crawford wrote:

Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 11:35:54 -0700

Yes, direct FTP works in milliseconds.

Thanks,  ... p. crawford

Peter, how will you run it?  Do you have a Windows dual-boot on this 

I just wiped out the Vista partition on my T61 by attempting a resize 
with gparted (Vista's own reisize feature wouldn't resize more than a 
few GB and no amount of fiddling with settings changed this).  Therefore 
  I'd like to know how BIOS updates can be done under Linux alone.

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Re: CMI8738 sound card - cannot hear sound in Lenny - SOLVED

2009-01-17 Thread Robert Canner
On Sat, 2009-01-17 at 00:07 +0100, Nigel Henry wrote:
 On Friday 16 January 2009 22:04, Robert Canner wrote:
  I've unmuted the Synth control in alsamixer, but I still can't hear any
  sound :-(
  Alsamixer now shows:
Master = 100,100 (but no mute/unmute box is shown)
3D Control = unmuted
PCM, Synth, Line, CD, Aux = 100,100, unmuted
Line-In= Rear Output
Mic= 0, muted
Mic Boost  = muted
Phone, PC Speaker = 100, unmuted
IEC958 {5V, Copyright, In Monitor,
  In Phase Inverse, In Select, In Valid, Loop,
  Mix Analog, Output} = unmuted
Exchange DAC, Four Channel Mode = unmuted
  By the way, alsamixer is not displaying any mute/unmute box for the
  Master control. Should I worry about this?
 No. My alsamixer on lenny shows no mute/unmute box, but it's a different 
 soundcard (Audigy2 soundblaster), and my alsamixer version shows as 1.0.16. 
 My alsa-utils package is 1.0.16-2, and that provides alsamixer, and other 
  (By comparison, the Wikipedia screenshot shows a mute/unmute box
  for the Master control. My Lenny box is using alsamixer v1.0.13.)
 That .png for alsamixer on the wiki is for a different soundcard than yours, 
 and all alsamixer controls are different, depending on your soundcard, so I'd 
 ignore that.
 It doesn't help that I'm unfamiliar with your C media soundcard, so I'm a bit 
 in the dark. Are there any switches showing on your alsamixer? For example on 
 mine for the audigy2 soundblaster card there is a switch to change from 
 analogue to digital output. If this is set to digital, I get no sound, but 
 toggling it to analog brings the sounds up.
 Perhaps you could post the output from running amixer on the CLI, just to see 
 what controls you have available.
 Someone else who is also using a C media card on Lenny, may also have some 
 suggestions, that may resolve your problem.
 Alternatively, there is the alsa-user mailing list, and someone there may 
 specific knowledge of known problems, and fixes for your card.
 All the best.

Thanks Nigel, your clue about switches in alsamixer has done the trick.

I tried the following changes, testing each with speaker-test:
  mute '3D Control' -- still no sound
  change 'Line-In Mode' to 'Line In' -- still no sound
  mute 'Exchange DAC' -- pink noise heard on earphones :-)

At this stage, CD playback was audible, but highly distorted. Curious
about 'Exchange DAC', I Googled and found
which also mentioned deselecting 'IEC958 Output'. So in alsamixer I
tried muting 'IEC958 Output', which removed the distortion. Brilliant!

For the record, here's my amixer output after fixing the problem:
Simple mixer control 'Master',0
  Capabilities: pvolume
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31
  Front Left: Playback 31 [100%]
  Front Right: Playback 31 [100%]
Simple mixer control '3D Control - Switch',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [on]
Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined cswitch
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31
  Front Left: Playback 30 [97%] [on] Capture [off]
  Front Right: Playback 30 [97%] [on] Capture [off]
Simple mixer control 'Synth',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined cswitch
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31
  Front Left: Playback 31 [100%] [on] Capture [on]
  Front Right: Playback 31 [100%] [on] Capture [on]
Simple mixer control 'Line',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch cswitch
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31
  Front Left: Playback 31 [100%] [on] Capture [on]
  Front Right: Playback 31 [100%] [on] Capture [on]
Simple mixer control 'Line-In Mode',0
  Capabilities: enum
  Items: 'Line-In' 'Rear Output'
  Item0: 'Rear Output'
Simple mixer control 'CD',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch cswitch
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31
  Front Left: Playback 31 [100%] [on] Capture [on]
  Front Right: Playback 31 [100%] [on] Capture [on]
Simple mixer control 'Mic',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined cvolume pswitch pswitch-joined
cswitch cswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Capture channels: Mono
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31 Capture 0 - 7
  Mono: Playback 0 [0%] [off] Capture 0 [0%] [on]
Simple mixer control 'Mic Boost',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined cswitch cswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Capture channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [off] Capture [on]
Simple mixer control 'Phone',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined 

Re: Total Packages in Sid?

2009-01-17 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 07:14:08PM -0600, Kumar Appaiah wrote:
 I wouldn't quite say that. It is difficult to put it that way, because
 several (most?) source packages produce several binary packages. For
 example, the source package libitpp produces binary packages
 libitpp-dev, libitpp6gf, libitpp6-dbg and libitpp-doc, all of which
 are being recounted. You would also recount multiple versions of
 several packages, like libraries (libnet0, libnet1 along with their
 *-dev packages). You also count several Debian native packages; while
 some of them (like ikiwiki) are generic, others (like dpkg) are Debian
 (derivative) specific. You have counted 67 packages which begin with
 iceweasel-l10n-. There are several such cases you have to look out for
 and decide whether to include in your search or not.
 As far as I can see, there isn't any unambiguous way by which you can
 arrive at an exact number, though you can estimate it if you account
 for the things I mention (and other problems).

Here is set of numbers made available by FTP Master Joerg Jaspert in
each flavour (experimental, stable, testing, proposed-updates etc.)

Kumar Appaiah

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problem with USB cdc-acm

2009-01-17 Thread Wim de Vries
I am trying to connect a (serial) USB device to my asus eee pc 900 with
The device connects OK on my HP compaq 6910p with Suse 10.3:
usb 7-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4
usb 7-1: new device found, idVendor=04d8, idProduct=000a
usb 7-1: new device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
usb 7-1: Product: PIC18 USB CDC
usb 7-1: Manufacturer: Microchip
usb 7-1: SerialNumber: V1.1FS
usb 7-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
drivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.c: This device cannot do calls on its own. It
is no modem.
cdc_acm 7-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device

so it should ánd can use cdc-acm

on the eee pc (the cdc-acm module is installed):

[  216.648044] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4
[  216.704127] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  217.888078] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 5
[  218.031991] usb 2-1: device descriptor read/all, error -71
[  218.088093] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  219.128078] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 7
[  219.277888] usb 2-1: unable to read config index 0 descriptor/all
[  219.277888] usb 2-1: can't read configurations, error -71
[  219.336093] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  220.368043] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 9
[  220.424086] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  221.608071] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 10
[  221.750199] usb 2-1: device descriptor read/all, error -71
[  221.808058] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  222.848077] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 12
[  222.990081] usb 2-1: device descriptor read/all, error -71
[  223.048063] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  224.088066] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 14
[  224.144103] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  225.328076] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 15
[  225.476010] usb 2-1: unable to read config index 0 descriptor/start: -71
[  225.476010] usb 2-1: chopping to 0 config(s)
[  225.483627] usb 2-1: string descriptor 0 read error: -71
[  225.491359] usb 2-1: string descriptor 0 read error: -71
[  225.499051] usb 2-1: string descriptor 0 read error: -71
[  225.499051] usb 2-1: no configuration chosen from 0 choices
[  225.499051] usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=04d8, idProduct=000a
[  225.499051] usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[  225.499051] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, address 15
[  226.568073] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 16
[  226.710080] usb 2-1: device descriptor read/all, error -71
[  226.768103] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  227.808075] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 18
[  227.950081] usb 2-1: device descriptor read/all, error -71
[  228.008095] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  229.068076] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 20
[  229.125840] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  230.288075] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 21
[  230.430184] usb 2-1: device descriptor read/all, error -71
[  230.488094] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  231.528176] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 23
[  231.670199] usb 2-1: device descriptor read/all, error -71
[  231.728102] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  232.768075] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 25
[  232.824102] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  234.008069] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 26
[  234.150081] usb 2-1: device descriptor read/all, error -71
[  234.208090] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  235.248078] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 28
[  235.304101] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  236.488081] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 29
[  236.638138] usb 2-1: unable to read config index 0 descriptor/all
[  236.638138] usb 2-1: can't read configurations, error -71
[  236.696109] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  237.728077] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 31
[  237.877946] usb 2-1: unable to read config index 0 descriptor/all
[  237.877946] usb 2-1: can't read configurations, error -71
[  237.936107] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  238.968077] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 33
[  239.024075] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[  240.208067] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 34

Re: wireless gui configuration utility

2009-01-17 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 07:53:50AM +0800, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:
 sadly, wicd currently won't work with my wireless: broadcomm 4315 on
 presario CQ40-115AU. Perhaps i need  a little tweaking or something,
 any idea?

You can always rely on basic /etc/network/interface and swich manually.

If this does not worrk, kernel or utility may be missing.  (In my case
kernel...)  I am waiting ...


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Re: kernel panic after Lenny update

2009-01-17 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 08:54:32PM -0800, Amit Uttamchandani wrote:
 On Wed, 14 Jan 2009 20:59:29 +
 Vladimir Komendantsky wrote:
  I'm sorry to tell you that today's package update cost me a system crash.
  The problem was with the package netatalk which was starting services at
  boot time. This resulted in a kernel panic. To repair this I booted the
  system in a single-user mode and removed netatalk and its few dependants.
  Best regards,
 Sorry to hear that happened. You might want to post using reportbug
 utility included in debian about this.

Yes... then you can prevent others hitting it if othrs installed
apt-listbugs package.


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Re: Retrieving a bios updater from

2009-01-17 Thread Chris Burkhardt
Andrew Malcolmson wrote:
 Peter, how will you run it?  Do you have a Windows dual-boot on this
 I just wiped out the Vista partition on my T61 by attempting a resize
 with gparted (Vista's own reisize feature wouldn't resize more than a
 few GB and no amount of fiddling with settings changed this).  Therefore
   I'd like to know how BIOS updates can be done under Linux alone.

The one update I've done (from Lenovo) came as a bootable ISO image. Just burn
it to a CD, boot up from it, and run the BIOS update.

- Chris

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Re: tv/radio card

2009-01-17 Thread David Parker
     There are a lot of TV tuner cards that work 
 in Linux, either with native
     drivers or with drivers like ivtv.  I 
 have a Debian Etch box running
     MythTV with two TV tuner cards in it, a 
 Hauppauge PVR-350 and a Hauppauge
     PVR-150, both of which use the ivtv 
 drivers.  The PVR-350 supports MPEG
     encoding and decoding, so it can be used for 
 recording and playback.  It
     also comes with a remote control and IR 
 sensor which work very well using
     lirc, and it has an on-board FM tuner which 
 I have not personally used,
     but I believe does work under Linux.  
 The PVR-150 is only an encoder and
     can only be used for recording.  These 
 two cards are fairly old, though,
     and I'm sure there are better options out 
 there now.  I have read a lot of
 Would you have any reason not to buy a PVR-350 card? Since from 
 if I
 understand you correctly, it will both record and allow me to 
 watch tv?
 Is this a usb or a card you put in your motherboard? 

The PVR-350 and PVR-150 are both internal PCI cards.  In my experience, the 
PVR-350 works very well and would be a good choice if you need both recording 
and playback functionality.  The encoder and decoder on the card are separate, 
which means you can record one show and watch an already-recorded show at the 
same time.  With the PVR-150 in the box, I can simultaneously record two things 
and watch something else, which is really nice.
 I have been very happy with these cards, but they fell out of favor with the 
maintainers of MythTV a while ago because of the lack of vendor support for 
Linux.  My understanding is that the first few versions of MythTV explicitly 
supported and recommended these cards, but in later versions they ran into some 
glitches while implementing new features, and Hauppauge would not provide any 
support for the cards under Linux.  The ivtv drivers are generic drivers for 
the Conexant chipset used on the Hauppauge cards, so they aren't supported by 
the vendor.  Nvidia came out with a series of hardware encoding/decoding 
chipsets and also provided native Linux drivers and support for them, so the 
MythTV devs started recommending those instead.  I have only used the two 
Hauppauge cards, though, so I don't know much about the other options.

 Ok. If I got remote support working, would I be able to do most things
 just with the remote eg, change channel, adjust volume, and 
 enable recording?

Yes.  If you are using lirc, you can create a config file which maps the 
buttons on the remote to functions in the software you are using.  MythTV comes 
with a stock config for the Hauppauge remote, and I'm sure other such projects 
do as well.  Channel selection, volume control, playback functions (play, 
pause, fast-forward, rewind, stop) all work.

     The MythTV forums might be a good place to 
 look, since tuner cards are a
     big topic of discussion, and a lot of people 
 mention other TV and radio
     programs, too.
 Cool I'll take a look.
 Thanks very much for the reply,

No problem.

    - Dave

Re: CMI8738 sound card - cannot hear sound in Lenny - SOLVED

2009-01-17 Thread Nigel Henry
On Saturday 17 January 2009 16:37, Robert Canner wrote:
 On Sat, 2009-01-17 at 00:07 +0100, Nigel Henry wrote:
  On Friday 16 January 2009 22:04, Robert Canner wrote:
   I've unmuted the Synth control in alsamixer, but I still can't hear any
   sound :-(
   Alsamixer now shows:
 Master = 100,100 (but no mute/unmute box is shown)
 3D Control = unmuted
 PCM, Synth, Line, CD, Aux = 100,100, unmuted
 Line-In= Rear Output
 Mic= 0, muted
 Mic Boost  = muted
 Phone, PC Speaker = 100, unmuted
 IEC958 {5V, Copyright, In Monitor,
   In Phase Inverse, In Select, In Valid, Loop,
   Mix Analog, Output} = unmuted
 Exchange DAC, Four Channel Mode = unmuted
   By the way, alsamixer is not displaying any mute/unmute box for the
   Master control. Should I worry about this?
  No. My alsamixer on lenny shows no mute/unmute box, but it's a different
  soundcard (Audigy2 soundblaster), and my alsamixer version shows as
  1.0.16. My alsa-utils package is 1.0.16-2, and that provides alsamixer,
  and other stuff.
   (By comparison, the Wikipedia screenshot shows a mute/unmute box
   for the Master control. My Lenny box is using alsamixer v1.0.13.)
  That .png for alsamixer on the wiki is for a different soundcard than
  yours, and all alsamixer controls are different, depending on your
  soundcard, so I'd ignore that.
  It doesn't help that I'm unfamiliar with your C media soundcard, so I'm a
  bit in the dark. Are there any switches showing on your alsamixer? For
  example on mine for the audigy2 soundblaster card there is a switch to
  change from analogue to digital output. If this is set to digital, I get
  no sound, but toggling it to analog brings the sounds up.
  Perhaps you could post the output from running amixer on the CLI, just to
  see what controls you have available.
  Someone else who is also using a C media card on Lenny, may also have
  some suggestions, that may resolve your problem.
  Alternatively, there is the alsa-user mailing list, and someone there may
  have specific knowledge of known problems, and fixes for your card.
  All the best.

 Thanks Nigel, your clue about switches in alsamixer has done the trick.

 I tried the following changes, testing each with speaker-test:
   mute '3D Control' -- still no sound
   change 'Line-In Mode' to 'Line In' -- still no sound
   mute 'Exchange DAC' -- pink noise heard on earphones :-)

 At this stage, CD playback was audible, but highly distorted. Curious
 about 'Exchange DAC', I Googled and found
chipset-no-sound-267807/ which also mentioned deselecting 'IEC958 Output'.
 So in alsamixer I tried muting 'IEC958 Output', which removed the
 distortion. Brilliant!

 For the record, here's my amixer output after fixing the problem:
 Once again, many thanks,

Hi Robert.

Great that the problem is resolved, and happy to have helped. Keep a written 
note of the fixes, as you may need them again.

All the best, and enjoy the sounds.


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[OT] Cross-Compiler tool chain

2009-01-17 Thread Amit Uttamchandani
Hey guys,

I've been reading up quite a bit on cross-compiling. The basic idea is
that we need to set up a GNU toolchain for a specific architecture that
we want to build on. Based on my research there are several tools that
do this automatically:

 1. Crosstool - looks to be outdated
 2. Scratchbox - Fairly up to date.
 3. Buildroot

Then of course there is the excellent Cross Linux From Scatch (CFLS).

I just wanted to know what your experiences are with building a
toolchain and if there any tools you prefer over the other.


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Re: wireless gui configuration utility

2009-01-17 Thread Micha Feigin
On Sat, 17 Jan 2009 07:53:50 +0800
Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:

 sadly, wicd currently won't work with my wireless: broadcomm 4315 on
 presario CQ40-115AU. Perhaps i need  a little tweaking or something,
 any idea?

One thing that needs to be done with wicd is point it at the right wireless
interface. It changes between modules so check what yours creates (ifconfig -a)
and point wicd to the right place (in the gui configuration)

For example for my atheros card the ath5k modules creates wlan0 and madwifi
creates ath0

 2009/1/17 Osamu Aoki
  On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 02:56:03PM +, thveillon.debian wrote:
  +1 for wicd, with atheros chips (and ath5k driver) and wpa it has
  performed very well. During the past release of *buntu 8.10
  *NetworkManager has gone crazy on many wireless chips, especially
  atheros, and since then wicd has gained a good reputation there too.
  It's in Sid/Unstable.
  OK.  Interesting.
  I will mention this in Debian Reference...
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aptitude freezes after install

2009-01-17 Thread microwaverich
I upgraded from Etch to Lenny yesterday.  Now aptitude isn't behaving 

When I enter a single command at the command line, like:

aptitude install xawtv

it works fine.

If I just enter 'aptitude' to start the full-screen (ncurses?) version, 
when it completes an install it stops responding to the keyboard.  I can 
abort using CTRL-C, but nothing else seems to work.



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OpenOffice Calc

2009-01-17 Thread Raquel
I've upgraded from Etch to Lenny.  Today I'm working on a spreadsheet
and notice that when I copy a cell, to paste somewhere else, that
there is a border put around the cell I copy.  I go into Format
Cells = Borders to try getting rid of the border that has been
placed around the cell.  The border does not go away.  To remove
the border I must click on Default Formatting which, of course,
removes the number formatting for that cell.  Then I must go back and
replace the number formatting that I want for the cell I copied.
Nothing else seems to undo (even Undo) the border put around the
copied cell.


There is an idea abroad among moral people that they should make
their neighbors good. One person I have to make good: Myself. But my
duty to my neighbor is much more nearly expressed by saying that I
have to make him happy if I may.

  --Robert Louis Stevenson

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Re: OpenOffice Calc

2009-01-17 Thread Bob Cox
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 12:20:25 -0800, Raquel ( wrote: 

 I've upgraded from Etch to Lenny.  Today I'm working on a spreadsheet
 and notice that when I copy a cell, to paste somewhere else, that
 there is a border put around the cell I copy.  I go into Format
 Cells = Borders to try getting rid of the border that has been
 placed around the cell.  The border does not go away.  To remove
 the border I must click on Default Formatting which, of course,
 removes the number formatting for that cell.  Then I must go back and
 replace the number formatting that I want for the cell I copied.
 Nothing else seems to undo (even Undo) the border put around the
 copied cell.

Press the escape key?

Bob Cox.  Stoke Gifford, near Bristol, UK.
Please reply to the list only.  Do NOT send copies directly to me.
Debian on the NSLU2:

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Re: OpenOffice Calc

2009-01-17 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Saturday 2009 January 17 14:20:25 Raquel wrote:
I've upgraded from Etch to Lenny.  Today I'm working on a spreadsheet
and notice that when I copy a cell, to paste somewhere else, that
there is a border put around the cell I copy.

It goes away next time you copy.  It's just a visual indicator of what the 
clipboard contents are.  IIRC, it will also go away if you close Calc 
and reopen the file.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =. ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy   `-'(. .)`-'  \_/ 

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

apt-get upgrade error: package `coreutils' contains empty filename ?

2009-01-17 Thread Eric Higgins
I've been unable to upgrade my debian machine for months now, just
getting around to trying to fix it.

~$ uname -a
Linux NSLUG 2.6.18-6-ixp4xx #1 Tue Feb 12 00:57:53 UTC 2008 armv5tel GNU/Linux

I've had some luck with these instructions:

I had to remove the files in /var/cache/debconf, so now all of the
perl errors are gone, but the dpkg upgrade still fails.

# apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
The following packages have been kept back:
 openssh-client openssh-server
The following packages will be upgraded:
 avahi-daemon bind9-host cpio dbus debconf debconf-i18n dnsutils dpkg dselect
 initramfs-tools initscripts libavahi-client3 libavahi-common-data
 libavahi-common3 libavahi-compat-howl0 libavahi-core4 libbind9-0 libc6
 libcupsys2 libdbus-1-3 libdns22 libfreetype6 libgnutls13 libisc11 libisccc0
 libisccfg1 libkrb53 liblwres9 libpcre3 libssl0.9.8 libvorbis0a libvorbisenc2
 libvorbisfile3 linux-image-2.6.18-6-ixp4xx locales mt-daapd mtr-tiny ntpdate
 openssl perl perl-base perl-modules python2.4 python2.4-minimal reportbug
 rsync samba samba-common samba-doc selinux-policy-refpolicy-targeted
 smbclient smbfs swat sysv-rc sysvinit sysvinit-utils tzdata winbind
58 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B/58.5MB of archives.
After unpacking 774kB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
Extracting templates from packages: 100%
Preconfiguring packages ...
(Reading database ... dpkg: error processing
/var/cache/apt/archives/dpkg_1.13.26_arm.deb (--unpack):
 files list file for package `coreutils' contains empty filename
Errors were encountered while processing:
Processing was halted because there were too many errors.
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Thanks in advance,

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Re: apt-get upgrade error: package `coreutils' contains empty filename ?

2009-01-17 Thread subscriptions
On Sat, 2009-01-17 at 21:33 +0100, Eric Higgins wrote:

 # apt-get upgrade
 Preconfiguring packages ...
 (Reading database ... dpkg: error processing
 /var/cache/apt/archives/dpkg_1.13.26_arm.deb (--unpack):
  files list file for package `coreutils' contains empty filename
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 Processing was halted because there were too many errors.
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Try to remove

and try again with:
aptitude update
aptitude safe-upgrade



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problem with usb ports

2009-01-17 Thread Engi Zoltán

Hi everybody,

I have Debian linux server with next kernel: Linux debian-tax 

Some weeks ago I have expanded memory in this computer (512-1024MB).
Unfortunately, I get the next message: usb 2-8: new high speed USB 
device using ehci_hcd and address 20 and I can't use the USB port. The 
pendrive and external winchester does not work.

What is the problem?

P.s: My English not to good.

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Re: problem with usb ports

2009-01-17 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Saturday 17 January 2009 22:15:58 Engi Zoltán wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I have Debian linux server with next kernel: Linux debian-tax
 Some weeks ago I have expanded memory in this computer (512-1024MB).
 Unfortunately, I get the next message: usb 2-8: new high speed USB
 device using ehci_hcd and address 20 and I can't use the USB port. The
 pendrive and external winchester does not work.

 What is the problem?

 P.s: My English not to good.

I don't see the relation between memory and usb. Can you try to remove the 
added memory stick and tell us if there is any change?

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Re: aptitude freezes after install

2009-01-17 Thread Daniel Burrows
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 01:51:13PM -0500, microwaverich was 
heard to say:
 I upgraded from Etch to Lenny yesterday.  Now aptitude isn't behaving  

 When I enter a single command at the command line, like:

 aptitude install xawtv

 it works fine.

 If I just enter 'aptitude' to start the full-screen (ncurses?) version,  
 when it completes an install it stops responding to the keyboard.  I can  
 abort using CTRL-C, but nothing else seems to work.


  No, but I'm curious what your hardware / software configuration is.
I've been trying to figure out this bug for over a year now, and I
can't figure out why just a few systems show it.

  If you're up to running some historical versions to see where the
bug was introduced, we could try pulling old packages from  For starters, maybe these:


  Version 0.4.7-1:

  Version 0.4.10-1:

  Version 0.4.11-2:

  Some of these will also need libcwidget1, which you can find here:



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Re: Logging passwords of SSH attacks

2009-01-17 Thread Florian Mickler
On Sat, 17 Jan 2009 11:44:38 +
Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

  often confuse which password they have to enter where, and thus
  valid passwords would wander into the logs for malicous people to
  collect and use at other sites.
 auth.log is only readable to sysadmins.
sarcasm oh what a wonderful world /sarcasm

The only way to prevent misuse of such information is to _not_ _log_

If you really need to satisfy your curiosity hack the sources or look
at 'john' or something like that.


Description: PGP signature

test ignore

2009-01-17 Thread Frank McCormick

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: transfer rate to usb key issue

2009-01-17 Thread Adrian Levi
2009/1/17 Laurent
 Hi everyone,

 I've recently tried to use my usb flash drive to copy stuff on it. First, i
 discovered that letting usb-mount manage it, makes it dead slow (approx.
 100KB/s). However, mounting it manually changed things, but not to what i
 expected: the transfer starts off okay (25MB/s) then suddenly pauses, more
 and more often, until the average transfer rates approaches 1MB/s, but
 barely progresses at all.

 My kernel is 2.6.26, same thing happens with 2.6.28. My distro is debian
 lenny, all updates installed.

 Anyone got the same issue?

 Have a nice week end!

I have seen a similar issue when transferring to micro SD cards,
transfer  seems to plateau out at between 300-500kB/s. Especially
prevalent with large sustained transfers.

I assumed it was the flash cards because it didn't matter if I used
the laptops built in card reader or a usb trans-flash adapter, Now I'm
starting to think it's an inherent problem with flash memory


24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
erno hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

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having DHCP use name server from PPP connection?

2009-01-17 Thread Daniel B.

Can dhcpd be configured to pass on (to DHCP clients on a local,
private (NATted) network) the DHCP server machine's current domain
name server addresses (given to the machine by PPP (etc.))?

I see how to hard-code name servers in /etc/dhcpd.conf with the
domain-name-servers statement.

However, I don't yet see how to have dhcpd report whichever name
servers are listed in /etc/resolve.conf (put there by PPP's

(What does dhcpd give to clients if there is no domain-name-servers
statement?  The documentation I've seen (dhcpd, dhcpd.conf manual
pages; Sarge version) doesn't seem to say.)

Daniel B.

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Re: k3b brasero don't work, nerolinux does- works ar 2X

2009-01-17 Thread Joerg Schilling
Chris Bannister wrote:

 Maybe Jörg could comment on the below article:

Let me answer as quick as your question was:

Everything starting with the word Unfortunately in this article is plain FUD.


-- (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin (work) Blog:

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Re: Debian menu in K menu

2009-01-17 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2009-01-17 11:13:42, schrieb Andrei Popescu:
 The KDE and Gnome maintainers don't seem to share your view (search the 
 archives of debian-devel). They would rather have the Debian menu 

But since KDE and Gnome sucks and there are MANY WM-Only user,
menu will never disappear...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/935194750, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
+33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

mounting two disks on the same mount point (not at the same time)

2009-01-17 Thread Reid Priedhorsky
I have a couple of USB disks that I use for backups. I rotate them so only
one is attached at the same time. I have a nightly cron that mirrors the
directories of interest onto whichever one is attached using rsync.

I'd like to mount whichever one is attached at the same mount point,
without having to specify the device. For example, rather than:

  $ mount /dev/disk/by-id/usb-ST316002_1A_DEF107679C83-0:0-part1 /mnt/backup

I'd like to say:

  $ mount /mnt/backup

The latter works for whichever is specified first in /etc/fstab, but not
the other one.

They are both *usually* the only USB disk attached, so they both appear as
/dev/sdc1, but I don't really want to depend on that.

Is this possible?



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Can't start X after upgrade to Lenny

2009-01-17 Thread Marc Shapiro
I decided that it was time to upgrade to Lenny so that I could use Firefox 3 
since I have heard that might eliminate some of the lockups that I have been 

My box has a PC Chips K8 motherboard with SiS 760GX/964 Chipset and an Athlon 
XP 800+ CPU.

This is what I have done:
changed my etc/apt/sources.list to point to Lenny
ran aptitude update
ran aptitude install dpkg apt aptitude
ran aptitude safe-upgrade
   I had to run this several times before it completed without
   errors and showed no packages still to be upgraded
ran aptitude full-upgrade
   had to uninstall wine and sane to get this to run without errors

ran startx
   got the following errors:

(II) Module ddc already built-in
(EE) Failed to load module type1 (module does not exist, 0)
(II) Module ddc already built-in
Emulator asked to make a suspect byte access to port 4 (0x0004); terminating.

0: /usr/bin/X(xf86SigHandler+0x7e) [0x80c91ce]
1: [0xe420]
2: /usr/lib/xorg/modules// [0xb7b21f17]
3: /usr/lib/xorg/modules// [0xb7b291d4]
4: /usr/lib/xorg/modules// [0xb7b3871b]
5: /usr/lib/xorg/modules// [0xb7b2ece5]
6: /usr/lib/xorg/modules// [0xb7f2ece5]
7: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers// [0xb7b17a8f]
8: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers// [0xb7b1866e]
9: /usr/bin/X(AddScreen+0x1f7) [ox8073db7]
10: /usr/bin/X(InitOutput+0x236) [0x8073db7]
11: /usr/bin/X(main+0x2b1) [0x8074591]
12: /lib/i686/cmov/ [0xb7cec455]
13: /usr/bin/X(FontFileCompleteXLFD+0x21d) [0x8073a81]

Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11.  Server aborting

giving up.
xinit:  Connection reset by peer (errno 104):  unable to connect to X server
xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.

Any help in getting X to run will be greatly appreciated.  I am hoping that 
this is just a question of a manual config change, but I don't know enough 
about X configs to know where to start.

Is there a known current problem with wine and sane?  Wine is probably not much 
of an issue, but without sane my scanner is not going to function.

Thanks for any help.


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Yet another list statistics for debian-user

2009-01-17 Thread Andreas Tille

as you can read in my lightning talk at DebConf

I did some investigation on who is frequently posting
on our mailing lists.  I now created graphs until
end of last year and write a short summary for
those lists I regard worth a comment.  I'm not
CCed to all of this list so if you want to discuss
something please keep me in CC.  If you want to
discuss the results in general just write to debian-project.

All graphs and the code that was used to create the
graphs are available at

If you are interested in a mailing list which was not
analysed, just tell me.  I was running the scripts on
those lists I personally had some interest and those
with more than 1000 subscribers.

I plan to clean up code and write some doc about it
but this will not happen in the next couple of weeks.

The graph for this specific list is

--- start of mailing list specific part --

Who are the Johnson brothers??? ;-)

Kind regards



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Re: Help needed

2009-01-17 Thread s. keeling
lakshmi pathi
  My ext3 undelete tool works well with Redhat/Fedora/Ubuntu.
  I would like to get feedback on it on debian distro.
  (Are you able to install the tool? Whether it is working ? etc...)

Why not just download and burn Debian LiveCD and try it yourself?

  The undelete tool can downloaded from here
  or  from here:

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)  Linux Counter #80292
- -, don't Cc: me.

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Re: Please send me a lifeline

2009-01-17 Thread s. keeling
Jesse Taylor
  I have been trying to convert over to Debian for some time now but I
  have a few issues that I cannot fix by myself. I am using Etch and
  have used Sarge but I cannot get online media to play. everything is
  set up for mediaplayer or a flash player.

Meaning this works (hardware-wise) in another OS?

  I am not skilled at command line use to understand what I need to do
  to load a program from a non-debian package. If I had detailed
  instruction on what I need to do I could try.

The output of lspci  lspci.txt is useful.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)  Linux Counter #80292
- -, don't Cc: me.

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Re: aptitude freezes after install

2009-01-17 Thread microwaverich

Daniel Burrows wrote:

On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 01:51:13PM -0500, microwaverich was 
heard to say:
I upgraded from Etch to Lenny yesterday.  Now aptitude isn't behaving  

When I enter a single command at the command line, like:

aptitude install xawtv

it works fine.

If I just enter 'aptitude' to start the full-screen (ncurses?) version,  
when it completes an install it stops responding to the keyboard.  I can  
abort using CTRL-C, but nothing else seems to work.


  No, but I'm curious what your hardware / software configuration is.
I've been trying to figure out this bug for over a year now, and I
can't figure out why just a few systems show it.

  If you're up to running some historical versions to see where the
bug was introduced, we could try pulling old packages from  For starters, maybe these:


  Version 0.4.7-1:

  Version 0.4.10-1:

  Version 0.4.11-2:

  Some of these will also need libcwidget1, which you can find here:




I don't know if I'm up to it, but I'd love to give it a go.

Here's some possibly relevant info about my system.  Let me know if you 
need more.

Processor:  1.8 GHz AMD Athlon XP 2200+
Total Memory:   1 GB

The problem occurs with both kernels 2.6.18-6-K7 and 2.6..26-1-686.

As I stated originally, it did not happen with Etch (using, 
but it does happen with Lenny using that same kernel.

I had done the upgrade by:

1.  following the recommended Preparing for the next release steps 
(remove obsolete packages, get rid of /etc/network/options, etc.)
2.  changed /etc/apt/sources.list settings from 'etch' to 'lenny' (I use

3.  run:
aptitude update
aptitude install apt
aptitude install dpkg
aptitude install aptitude
aptitude dist-upgrade

They all seemed to work fine except:

X didn't work, and I found I had to run:
aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-nv

When I found that aptitude froze after an install in ncurses mode, I ran:

aptitude autoclean
aptitude reinstall apt
aptitude reinstall dpkg
aptitude reinstall aptitude

but that didn't help.

If I understand you correctly, I should try installing the above 
aptitudes (in reverse order?) and then installing some other package 
(any package?).


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Re: mounting two disks on the same mount point (not at the same time)

2009-01-17 Thread Jeff D
On Sat, 17 Jan 2009, Reid Priedhorsky wrote:

 I have a couple of USB disks that I use for backups. I rotate them so only
 one is attached at the same time. I have a nightly cron that mirrors the
 directories of interest onto whichever one is attached using rsync.

 I'd like to mount whichever one is attached at the same mount point,
 without having to specify the device. For example, rather than:

   $ mount /dev/disk/by-id/usb-ST316002_1A_DEF107679C83-0:0-part1 /mnt/backup

 I'd like to say:

   $ mount /mnt/backup

 The latter works for whichever is specified first in /etc/fstab, but not
 the other one.

 They are both *usually* the only USB disk attached, so they both appear as
 /dev/sdc1, but I don't really want to depend on that.

 Is this possible?



How about putting something like this in a shell script and just calling

for DiskID in DISKID1 DISKID2 ; do
if [ -b  /dev/disk/by-id/${DiskID} ] ; then
echo mounting disk $DiskID
mount /dev/disk/by-id/${DiskID}  /mnt/backup

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Exim4 -- Postfix. /etc/exim4/passwd.client -- ?

2009-01-17 Thread s. keeling
My ISP insists I use my login passwd to talk to its smtp server.
Where do I do that in Postfix?


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Re: mounting two disks on the same mount point (not at the same time)

2009-01-17 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Sat January 17 2009, Reid Priedhorsky wrote:
 I'd like to mount whichever one is attached at the same mount point,
 without having to specify the device. For example, rather than:

use mount by-uuid , it is specific to each device..
you can put the lines in fstab like this:
/dev/disk/by-uuid/686C-7E81 /media/usb_DAWGS vfat 

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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