Re: [HS] hardware ou iptables?

2009-07-04 Thread Remi Suinot
En ce Fri, 03 Jul 2009 21:01:42 +0200, le sermon de Pascal Hambourg contenait:

  donc iptables :)
  bien, le problème est donc de savoir comment résoudre ce problème.
  Avez vous un lien, s'il vous plait?
 Un lien vers quoi ? C'est plutôt à toi d'indiquer si tu utilises un 
 pare-feu (front-end d'iptables en fait) et lequel (shorewall, 
 firestarter...), un script maison et quelles sont les règles iptables en 
 place (à voir avec iptables-save).

Pardon, je me suis mal exprimé. Je demandais un lien vers une(des) source(s)
de documentation(s).
J'utilise un script perso pour iptables, et je me penche donc vers shorewall.
firestarter demande une interface graphique, je crois, et je n'en ai pas sur 
mon serveur.
merci pour vos avis.

Linux-User #280142 with the Linux Counter,
Merci de m'avoir lu jusqu'ici, longue Vie et Prosperite.

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Re: [HS] hardware ou iptables?

2009-07-04 Thread Marc Blanc
On Sat, 4 Jul 2009 08:40:19 +0200
Remi Suinot wrote:

 Pardon, je me suis mal exprimé. Je demandais un lien vers une(des) source(s)
 de documentation(s).

SGBDRO Open Source PostgreSQL,
Filtrage IP sous Linux avec Netfilter/Iptables,
Ecrire de la documentation avec DocBook.
Arsace Opera Database Recordings

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download Etch

2009-07-04 Thread nono

Cette idée peut paraître saugrenue mais peu importe ;)
Sauriez-vous me dire où je pourrai télécharger les iso de la debian etch
(old stable actuellement) ?



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Re: download Etch

2009-07-04 Thread JC
On Sat, 04 Jul 2009 09:44:37 +0200
nono wrote:

 Sauriez-vous me dire où je pourrai télécharger les iso de la debian etch
 (old stable actuellement) ?

Sur cette page évidemment :

A gauche tu as Images ISO de cederoms
Puis tu regardes en bas de la page :
Pour les anciennes versions

Ensuite tu choisis la section archive sur
pour choisir l'ancienne version qui te convient.


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Re: download Etch

2009-07-04 Thread Etienne CROMBEZ

 Cette idée peut paraître saugrenue mais peu importe ;)
 Sauriez-vous me dire où je pourrai télécharger les iso de la debian etch
 (old stable actuellement) ?{ton architecture
par exemple i386}/current/images/
et tu choisis ta méthode d'installation, miniiso pour un CD minimal.


De rien

Re: Problème NFS pour un profil [co mpléments]...

2009-07-04 Thread David BERCOT

Je reviens vers vous car je ne trouve toujours pas la solution, mais
j'ai des infos complémentaires...
Ainsi, lorsque je fais un mount -a, j'ai l'erreur suivante :
svc: failed to register lockdv1 RPC service (errno 97)

Voici mes différentes configurations :
[Serveur] /etc/exports
[Serveur] /etc/hosts.allow
[Serveur] /etc/hosts.deny

[Client] /etc/fstab /home/user nfs rw,user,auto 0 0

Si vous avez une idée, ou le début d'une, je suis preneur ;-)

Merci d'avance.


Le Thu, 2 Jul 2009 08:49:36 +0200,
David BERCOT a écrit :

Nouveau petit souci : mon partage NFS pour profils ne marche pas de la
même manière que précédemment !!!

Alors, jusqu'à présent, j'utilisais des ressources NFS pour les profils
de mes utilisateurs à partir d'un serveur Debian, du type :

Maintenant, je suis passé sur un NAS (familial ;-))), le WD My Book
World (petit appareil génial qui tourne sous Linux et permet de faire
ce qu'on veut : DNLA, NFS, SSH, etc...).
Bien évidemment, j'ai un compte local, sur le NAS, d'uid et de gid
1000, propriétaire de la ressource.

Or, tout ne tourne pas rond : si je lance IceWeasel, je n'ai pas de
barre perso et je n'arrive même pas à lancer une page !
Cela vient bien de la ressource NFS car, si je la démonte, il me
re-crée un profil vierge qui est OK (j'ai aussi fait le test sur une
ressource NFS vierge où il me re-crée tout et ça ne marche pas non

Auriez-vous une idée de la source de mon problème ?

Merci d'avance (encore une fois) !


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[2.6.30]Re: Fwd: Aspire One / Pas d'accès wifi avec wicd

2009-07-04 Thread Grégory Bulot
François Cerbelle à écrit le Fri, 03 Jul 2009
18:08:34 +0200

je suis passé en 2.6.30

ath5k : iwlist scan me retourne bien les réseaux voisins (ma fonera est
à 72 et 75% au niveau qualité)
  Wicd et wpa : nok = Impossible d'obtenir une adresse ip
  Wicd et ap ouvert : ok (on progresse, avec 2.6.26 c'était nok,
Impossible d'obtenir une adresse ip )

log de syslog : 
Jul  4 11:41:37 cypher avahi-autoipd(wlan0)[4044]: client: RTNETLINK
answers: No such process
Jul  4 11:41:37 cypher dhclient: Listening on
Jul  4 11:41:37 cypher dhclient: Sending on
Jul  4 11:41:37 cypher dhclient: Sending on   Socket/fallback
Jul  4 11:41:37 cypher dhclient: DHCPRELEASE on wlan0 to
port 67
Jul  4 11:41:37 cypher dhclient: send_packet: Network is unreachable
Jul  4 11:41:37 cypher dhclient: send_packet: please consult README
file regarding broadcast address.
Jul  4 11:41:37 cypher kernel: [ 1059.545816] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP):
wlan0: link is not ready
Jul  4 11:41:37 cypher kernel: [ 1059.857101] wlan0: deauthenticating
by local choice (reason=3)

ath9k : aucune carte reconnue par iwlist
après modprobe ath9k
 ath9k --
Jul  4 11:46:48 cypher kernel: [ 1370.568248] cfg80211: Using static
regulatory domain info Jul  4 11:46:48 cypher kernel: [ 1370.568260]
cfg80211: Regulatory domain: US Jul  4 11:46:48 cypher kernel:
[ 1370.568268]  (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth),
(max_antenna_gain, max_eirp) Jul  4 11:46:48 cypher kernel:
[ 1370.568282]  (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 4 KHz), (600
mBi, 2700 mBm) Jul  4 11:46:48 cypher kernel: [ 1370.568295]
(517 KHz - 519 KHz @ 4 KHz), (600 mBi, 2300 mBm) Jul  4
11:46:48 cypher kernel: [ 1370.568308]  (519 KHz - 521
KHz @ 4 KHz), (600 mBi, 2300 mBm) Jul  4 11:46:48 cypher kernel:
[ 1370.568321]  (521 KHz - 523 KHz @ 4 KHz), (600
mBi, 2300 mBm) Jul  4 11:46:48 cypher kernel: [ 1370.568334]
(523 KHz - 533 KHz @ 4 KHz), (600 mBi, 2300 mBm) Jul  4
11:46:48 cypher kernel: [ 1370.568347]  (5735000 KHz - 5835000
KHz @ 4 KHz), (600 mBi, 3000 mBm) Jul  4 11:46:48 cypher kernel:
[ 1370.568371] cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: US 
ath9k --fin 


Grégory BULOT

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Re: utilisation du partage de connexion 3G d'un smart phone avec linux debian.

2009-07-04 Thread Yann Cohen
je complète mon propos et rapporte quelques expériences.

J'ai récupéré, suivant le site de synce, un version de rndis. J'ai
compilé et mis en place puis rebooter.

Lorsque je branche mon smart phone, l'interface rndis monte et prends
une adresse en
(même si dans le /etc/network/interfaces cette interface est déclarée

Lorsque je mets en place le soft sur le smart phone de partage de
connexion et que j'exécute un ifup sur l'interface rndis0 une adresse
IP est attribuée en 192.168.0.x puis mystérieusement le ifconfig ne
montre pas cette adresse et rndis est de nouveau en 169.254. donc pas
de routage ni rien.

Si je débranche le lien USB alors plus de rndis0...

qq1 a-t-il une solution ou une piste pour résoudre ce pB ?


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Re: [HS] hardware ou iptables?

2009-07-04 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Remi Suinot a écrit :

Avez vous un lien, s'il vous plait?

Un lien vers quoi ? C'est plutôt à toi d'indiquer si tu utilises un 
pare-feu (front-end d'iptables en fait) et lequel (shorewall, 
firestarter...), un script maison et quelles sont les règles iptables en 
place (à voir avec iptables-save).

Pardon, je me suis mal exprimé. Je demandais un lien vers une(des) source(s)
de documentation(s).

Ma question reste valable : de la documentation sur quoi, pour quoi faire ?

J'utilise un script perso pour iptables,

Si tu soupçonnes que c'est lui qui bloque les pings sortants et si tu 
n'est pas capable de trouver pourquoi, qu'attends-tu pour le publier ?

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Passage à Lenny : plus d'USB

2009-07-04 Thread LM---
Bonsoir à toutes et à tous !

Je viens d'installer KDE 3.5.10 sur Debian 5.0.
Je n'ai pas encore changé de kernel, j'en suis toujours au 2.6.18-4-k7.
Pour le réglage de mes paramètres de connexion, j'utilise knetworkconf 
(Centre de configuration de KDE, sous-menu Internet et réseau, page 
Paramètres réseau), et pour le branchement et débranchement au/du réseau 
j'utilise Knetworkmanager. Je n'utilise pas de wifi. Ma carte USB est une 
carte mixte USB _et_ FireWire. Ma carte Ethernet est une Intel 82557/8/9/0/1 
Ethernet Pro 100.

J'ai depuis le passage à Lenny un premier désagréable problème qui n'existait 
pas avant : Internet ne fonctionne plus correctement.

Description :

1) Knetworkmanager indique toujours au démarrage comme « Périphérique câblé » 
l'interface USB « usb0 », c'est incorrect puisque celle-ci ne contient aucun 
Au contraire l'interface Ethernet Pro 100 « eth1 », qui elle est vraiment 
câblée, n'est pas choisie par défaut.

2)Est-ce la conséquence ou la cause de ce qui précède : il faut que je 
réinitialise, à chaque nouveau démarrage, dans le Centre de configuration de 
KDE, sous-menu Internet et réseau, page Paramètres réseau (= 
knetworkconf), la configuration et l'activation de l'interface Ethernet.

Après deux tests, il semble possible de retrouver le réseau de deux façons :

a)soit on intervient sur knetworkmanager en sélectionnant manuellement 
(clic-droit sur l'icone en bas à droite de la barre de menu KDE) l'interface 
effectivement câblée ;

b)soit on intervient à la page Paramètres réseau du Centre de configuration 
de KDE en désactivant puis réactivant aussitôt l'interface (d'ailleurs 
correctement indiqué comme « activé ») correspondant à la carte Ethernet.

MAIS au démarrage suivant de l'ordinateur, tout est à refaire !!!...

Y aurait-il un fichier de configuration sur lequel on puisse agir, un pilote 
qu'il faudrait charger, une règle udev à définir ?

J'ai déjà fait des recherches, et ai trouvé des pages de bogues

mais je ne suis pas sûr de voir une vraie solution simple et claire.

Merci d'avance de me donner une idée



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Passage à Lenny : vraiment plus d'USB ! ;- )

2009-07-04 Thread LM---
Bonsoir à toutes et à tous !

Je viens d'installer KDE 3.5.10 sur Debian 5.0.
Je n'ai pas encore changé de kernel, j'en suis toujours au 2.6.18-4-k7.

Bon, un glissement malencontreux m'a fait donner le titre du problème numéro 2 
au problème
numéro 1, que j'ai signalé par mon précédent courriel, qui était, je pense que 
l'aurez compris : internet déréglé

Pour ce problème USB, description :

Les branchements d'appareils USB, ne fonctionnent plus normalement. J'ai essayé 
avec une
clé, un baladeur .mp3 et un disque dur externe ayant plusieurs partitions.
Quand on les branche apparaît bien la fenêtre Removable media - Démon de KDE 
qui nous
demande Que voulez-vous faire ? ; et/ou de même apparaît bien l'icône dans la 
fenêtre de
Konqueror. MAIS : que l'on demande Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre ou que 
l'on fasse
clic-droit et ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre ... et ... RIEN NE SE PASSE 
(sauf un
message d'erreur - voir ci-dessous) !
C'est le même problème pour tous les appareils ci-dessus nommés, SAUF pour une 
au format NTFS qui, elle, se laisse afficher tout à fait normalement (alors que 
toutes les
autres partitions posant problème sont FAT32) !!!...
En outre, sur cette partition NTFS montée, je ne peux pas non plus écrire, même 
si je suis
propriétaire de la partition et que les droits sont drwx--.

-- Question : comment faire et où agir pour résoudre ces problèmes ?

Merci d'avance de me donner une idée



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Re: Passage à Lenny : vraiment plus d'USB ! ;-)

2009-07-04 Thread Guy Roussin


Je viens d'installer KDE 3.5.10 sur Debian 5.0.
Je n'ai pas encore changé de kernel, j'en suis toujours au 2.6.18-4-k7.

Les problèmes viennent sans doute de là.
Lenny est livré avec un noyau 2.6.26 ...

Dans le cas d'un upgrade de version, il est fortement conseillé de
suivre les notes de mise à jour :


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Re: [HS] hardware ou iptables?

2009-07-04 Thread Remi Suinot
En ce Sat, 04 Jul 2009 12:49:09 +0200, le sermon de Pascal Hambourg contenait:

 Remi Suinot a écrit :
  Avez vous un lien, s'il vous plait?
  Un lien vers quoi ? C'est plutôt à toi d'indiquer si tu utilises un 
  pare-feu (front-end d'iptables en fait) et lequel (shorewall, 
  firestarter...), un script maison et quelles sont les règles iptables en 
  place (à voir avec iptables-save).
  Pardon, je me suis mal exprimé. Je demandais un lien vers une(des) source(s)
  de documentation(s).
 Ma question reste valable : de la documentation sur quoi, pour quoi faire ?
  J'utilise un script perso pour iptables,
 Si tu soupçonnes que c'est lui qui bloque les pings sortants et si tu 
 n'est pas capable de trouver pourquoi, qu'attends-tu pour le publier ?

je voulais de la documentation simple ou plutot didactique, sur iptables, car 
ce que j'ai trouvé, est soit très poussé soit en anglais (et la, je ne peux me 
soit trop succint. 
Mais en fait, je suis une triple buse (désolé pour ces charmants oiseaux). Le 
ne venait pas du serveur, mais du portable. iptables trop strict
Comme quoi, il ne fallait pas regarder plus loin que le bout de mon nez .

Merci de vous être interessé à mon problème, j'aurais retenue la leçon :)

Linux-User #280142 with the Linux Counter,
Merci de m'avoir lu jusqu'ici, longue Vie et Prosperite.

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Re: [HS] hardware ou iptables?

2009-07-04 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Remi Suinot a écrit :

je voulais de la documentation simple ou plutot didactique, sur iptables, car souvent, 
ce que j'ai trouvé, est soit très poussé soit en anglais (et la, je ne peux me prononcer), 
soit trop succint. 

Je n'en connais pas. La documentation simple est insuffisante, et la 
documentation complète est compliquée. C'est comme ça.

Le porblème ne venait pas du serveur, mais du portable
. iptables trop strict

C'était clair depuis le début. La première réponse donnée dans ce fil 
était :

le ping est bloqué _à la source_ à priori.

La source, c'est le portable. Peut-être aurais-je dû préciser que je 
parlais du pare-feu sur le portable, mais pour moi c'était évident.

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[HS] qui va aux RMLL depuis les deux-sèvres ?

2009-07-04 Thread Xavier Brochard
Bonsoir amis bonsoir

Amis deux-sèvriens, ô mes compatriotes! qui de vous à l'intention d'aller à 
Nantes aux RMLL ?
On pourrait faire la route ensembles ou bien se rencontrer là-bas.
Histoire de ne pas se sentir perdu dans la grande ville, pauvres gens de 
Gatine ou du bocage que nous sommes!

Je suis à Parthenay, près des vaches aux yeux doux pleins de kohl (mais très 
bêtes) et des fromages de biquettes!

A bientôt

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2009-07-04 Thread François Boisson
Bon, il y a de gros bugs dans wdm sur lenny.

1) Le bouton Go ne sait à rien lors d'une deuxième ouverture de session

2) Les touches entrée, et tabulation sont inactives pour l'ouverture d'une
deuxième session, il est nécessaire de faire un «Ctrl-Alt-Backspace» pour que
ça remarche.

J'ai fait une version 1.28-4 corrigeant ces bugs en partie.

Pour le 2, il semble que l'appel à XKeysymToKeycode renvoie systématiquement 0
lors de la deuxième session ou plus. Je n'ai pas compris pourquoi mais ai fait
une rustine fonctionnant chez moi.

Le patch est disponible sur

deb-src ./

un paquet est disponible sur 

deb lenny

(en i386, par encore fait le amd64 et n'ai pas trop le temps)

François Boisson

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Re: [HS] hardware ou iptables?

2009-07-04 Thread Cornichon

Remi Suinot a écrit :
je voulais de la documentation simple ou plutot didactique, sur iptables, car souvent, 
ce que j'ai trouvé, est soit très poussé soit en anglais (et la, je ne peux me prononcer), 
soit trop succint. 

Tu ne trouveras jamais une doc iptables sur 5 pages (ou alors elle ne 
vaut rien) ; iptables est un outil complexe dont la maitrise demande pas 
mal de travail/lecture/exemples/essais.

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odpowiednik winamp sterowany z www ?

2009-07-04 Thread Marek
  chciałbym posadzić sobie na maszynce z lennym i działającą kartą
  dźwiękową plajer mp3, ale sterowany z przeglądarki. na windzie
  wygodny jest winamp, a pod X xmms, ale aproblem taki, że lenny robi
  'czarną robotę' 24h/dobę i nie ma nawet monitora, a nie chce musieć
  odpalać X serwera na terminalu z którego bym w danym momencie chciał
  zmienić piosenkę czy też zmodyfikować playliste. nie potrzebuje
  streamingu, nie chce combo streamer+odbiornik na jednym kompie, za
  duże marnotrastwo a procesor nie jest zbyt potęźny

  w skrócie - szukam odpowiednika winampa z interfejsem www, do
  odpalenia pod lennym

  jak dotąd nie udało mi się nic znaleźć, proszę o wskazówki na nazwę
  pakietu lub projektu :)


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Drivers Monitor Dell 2007WFP

2009-07-04 Thread Iñigo Llorente


Tengo este monitor desde hace ya unos años y dell no ha sacado drivers 
(para Linux) para el mismo en todo este tiempo. El monitor funciona sin 
problemas pero lo que me gustaría echar a andar son los puertos USB que 
trae en un lateral para poder trabajar con dos ordenadores y un monitor 
ya que este soporta hasta 4 salidas diferentes de video.
Googleando tampoco he encontrado a nadie que haya echado a andar este 
bajo linux, alguien se ha encontrado con un modelo parecido o sabe si 
este tipo de entradas en monitores deben funcionar de alguna forma?, 


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Problema postfix+dovecot

2009-07-04 Thread Esteban

Buenas a todos.

En mi /var/dovecot-mail me están apareciendo directorios que no 
corresponde al dominio correcto, por ejemplo:


Cuando solo debe existir

Por ejemplo, si me logo desde el squirrel (por poner una fuente) como, me crea el directorio DOMINIO.ES y dentro el buzón 
de usuario1.

Como puedo hacer para que solo acepte


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Re: exportar video

2009-07-04 Thread Hector Colina
Hash: SHA1

Carlos Zuniga escribió:
 2009/7/3 Maykel Santiesteban Diaz
 Hola a todos
 Tengo una tarjeta de video ATI Radeon Xpress 200M, esta OnBoard. Esta 
 instalada en un portatil. Dicha tarjeta, lo que tiene es una salida VGA. Mi 
 duda es: como puedo exportar el video de mi portatil hacia otro monitor o 
 DataShow. He visto que el controlador privativo ATI, tiene en su control 
 center por llamarlo de alguna forma una opción para ello, no existe otra 
 forma de hacerlo. Tengo que instalar el controlador privativo 
 obligatoriamente ??. La versión libre del controlador ATI, no lo permite ?. 
 Seria interesante saber, si alguien ha logrado instalar el controlador 
 privativo con un kernel superior al que viene en la rama estable (2.6.26-2). 
 Con versiones superiores del kernel particularmente 2.6.29, 2.6.30. Obtengo 
 errores en tiempo de compilación.

 Agradecido por su sugerencias y comentarios.

 Buen fin de semana.

 Mira el programa xrand, creo que puede ayudarte.

Más sencillo aun, grandr


- --
Hector Colina. Linux  counter id 131637
Debian user, aka e1th0r
Key fingerprint = 6FA1 6D2F CF9E 5C86 7DC5  EF2C 881F 07E7 D12F 702D
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Multiples monitores

2009-07-04 Thread Jesus arteche

Tengo un sistema multimonitor, funciona bienpero ahora quiero poner el
cubo de compiz solo en uno y que los demas no tengan cubo es decir
normalesalguien sabe como se hace...



2009-07-04 Thread L.H.Leyva
Hola lista, Buenos días,
Que herramienta puedo instalar para hinbernar. 
gracias de antemano,

User: GNNU/Linux 
Debian Lenny 500. i386 
Universidad Médica
Facultad Tecnología de la Salud.
Villa Clara

Red Telematica de Salud - Cuba
  CNICM - Infomed

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Re: OT-Hinbernar

2009-07-04 Thread BasaBuru
On Sábado 04 Julio 2009 17:09:13 L.H.Leyva escribió:
 Hola lista, Buenos días,
 Que herramienta puedo instalar para hinbernar.
 gracias de antemano,

Debería estar instalada en lenny por defecto creo... Se llama hibernate

hibernate 1.99-1
smartly puts your computer to sleep (suspend

Un saludo


P.D. la versión será distinta no uso lenny

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: OT-Hinbernar

2009-07-04 Thread BasaBuru
On Sábado 04 Julio 2009 17:09:13 L.H.Leyva escribió:

Ya te he respondido, pero me he quedado con mal sabor de boca de no decirte 
algo. Ahí va

Creo que deberías hacer un esfuerzo y antes de preguntar en la lista buscar un 
poco. Google tiene un apartado especial para linux.


hibernar debian

Con que le pongas eso supongo que te vale.

Un saludo


P.D. UPPss No lo he puesto por que salga la primera un articulo mio :=) de 
verdad ha salido sin mas.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: debian en turion

2009-07-04 Thread haldrik
El 2 de julio de 2009 10:15, Maximiliano Marin Bustos

 2009/7/2 BasaBuru
  On Jueves 02 Julio 2009 06:30:34 Alberto Molina Molina escribió:
  Me gustaría saber que versión y de que arquitectura debería instalar en
  un HP DV6420LA, Turion 64 X2 Nvidia 6150. He instalado la amd64 pero me
  da muchos problemas. Me correrá bien la i386?
  Que  problemas? Que distro?
  correrá menos :) si tienes un procesador que usa palabras de 64bits y lo
  a andar con 32bits estas desaprovechando  ciclos de reloj. necesitas dos
  ciclos para hacer uno de 64bits
  Además en el kernel tienes drivers específicos para AMD y los turion si
  recuerdo mal. siempre he usado intel
  Estas seguro que lo problemas son de la arquitectura??
  Un saludo

 Explicanos los problemas. He instalado debian testing en un turion 64
 x2 y anda de lujo.

 Un saludo

Hola, yo tengo un turion 2x 2100 y estoy usando i386, me va muy bien todo
la verdad elegí esta arquitectura por algunos problemas que me encontré con
dvd's encriptados y algunas otras cosas de multimedia.

Cuando lo usé con amd64 realmente mi laptop trabajaba mas rápido, de hecho
pienso poner amd64 con squeeze, ahora estoy en lenny un poco hibrido.


Re: Firefox 3.5 y Flashplayer

2009-07-04 Thread haldrik
El 1 de julio de 2009 20:28, Francisco Javier Aravena Jimenez escribió:


 esperando que se encuentren bien. les comento esto

 he instalado con exito firefox 3.5 (es impecable) rapido mucho mas que sus
 antecesor y que la competencia.
 el problema radica (siempre un pero en la informatica). que me es imposible
 ponerle flash. mi equipo esta con kernerl amd64

 con el plugins de 64 bit pasa esto al ejecutarlo por consola

 farav...@ssu-faravena:~$ firefox3.5

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

 (firefox-bin:31551): Gtk-WARNING **:
 /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class:

 con el  plug de 32 sencillamente se cae al entrar a una pagina web con
 flash, ejemplo alguien me podria ayudar ?

 el resto funciona impeclable.

Yo lo estoy usando en Lenny i386 y va de 10, con flash y todo, también ese
delicioso OpenVideo.


Re: Firefox 3.5 y Flashplayer

2009-07-04 Thread Santiago José López Borrazás
Hash: SHA512

El 04/07/2009 17:52, haldrik escribió:
 Yo lo estoy usando en Lenny i386 y va de 10, con flash y todo, también ese
 delicioso OpenVideo.

A mí también, salvo excepciones, que se me cuelga al maximizar por completo
el vídeo que vea en cada momento. NO así en el vídeo normal. NO sé porqué,
ni sé el porqué, pero mandé un montón de reportes del fallo (ni es la
tarjeta de vídeo, ni es Debian, ni los controladores, ni nada, si lo tengo
todo bien, porque tengo 'video' puesto del usuario en group y gshadow).

Puede que sea mi usuario, quién tenga un fallito de nada. Haré una gran
copia de seguridad de todos los ficheros que tengo (tanto de configuración,
como del Firefox/Thunderbird, y los ficheros que tengo normales).

Cualquier cosa puede ser, o un fallo en los ficheros de entrada/salida, o
algo por el estilo.

Veré esto si es así. :-)

- --
Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.


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Re: Drivers Monitor Dell 2007WFP

2009-07-04 Thread Victor Padro
2009/7/4 Iñigo Llorente

 Tengo este monitor desde hace ya unos años y dell no ha sacado drivers (para
 Linux) para el mismo en todo este tiempo. El monitor funciona sin problemas
 pero lo que me gustaría echar a andar son los puertos USB que trae en un
 lateral para poder trabajar con dos ordenadores y un monitor ya que este
 soporta hasta 4 salidas diferentes de video.
 Googleando tampoco he encontrado a nadie que haya echado a andar este bajo
 linux, alguien se ha encontrado con un modelo parecido o sabe si este tipo
 de entradas en monitores deben funcionar de alguna forma?, gracias.


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Yo desisti hace como un año en tratar de hacerlo funcionar de esa
manera se me hizo mas sencillo comprar un switch KVM-USB y usar el
monitor hasta en 4 PCs.

It is human nature to think wisely and act in an absurd fashion.

Todo el desorden del mundo proviene de las profesiones mal o
mediocremente servidas

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2009-07-04 Thread danilo gonzalez
hola, tengo problemas con la resolucion de mi monitor, resuta que cada vez
que reincio, el sistema me cambia la resolucion automaticamente, como puedo

Re: resolucion

2009-07-04 Thread Excalibur
El sáb, 04-07-2009 a las 16:01 -0500, danilo gonzalez escribió:
 hola, tengo problemas con la resolucion de mi monitor, resuta que cada
 vez que reincio, el sistema me cambia la resolucion automaticamente,
 como puedo solucionarlo?

Que tal Danilo!

Vas a tener que ser un poco mas especifico en cuanto a tu pregunta!
Da mas datos...Ejem: Tarjeta de video, drivers. Mientras mas datos des,
mas fácil sera para nosotros poder ayudarte.
1 hora de banda ancha para bajar tus paquetes .deb, $0,10.
Cd para grabarlos, $2.
Saber que nada en tu pc pertenece a Microsoft, NO TIENE PRECIO!
Existen S.O. que el dinero no puede comprar.
Para el resto, existe Windows!
Excalibur - Usuario Linux Registrado #481497
Debian Lenny GNU/Linux 5.0.1

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Contraseña WICD

2009-07-04 Thread Felipe Portales
Antes que nada, buenas tardes :)

Quisiera saber si algún otro miembro de la lista ha experimentado un
comportamiento extraño por parte de WICD desde la actualización del
día de ayer, ahora cuando inicio la sesión me pide una contraseña,
pero si me equivoco al introducirla me informa que el demonio se ha
Trato desde la tty1 y como root volver a levantar el servicio, pero es
inútil, no me vuelve a aparecer tal cuadro de dialogo y me es
imposible manejar las conexiones.
Sin embargo, puedo conectarme a internet de manera normal.
Lo comento simplemente porque me parece extraño.
Pensándolo bien, ¿acaso tendrá algo que ver con que tengo configurado
el inicio de sesión como automático? (gdm inicia el usuario fportales

Bueno esto es todo, agradeciéndoles de antemano:

Felipe Portales O.
Ciencias Físicas y Astronómicas. UdeC.
Reg. Linux user #480626 @

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Re: Contraseña WICD

2009-07-04 Thread Maximiliano Marin Bustos
2009/7/4 Felipe Portales
 Antes que nada, buenas tardes :)

 Quisiera saber si algún otro miembro de la lista ha experimentado un
 comportamiento extraño por parte de WICD desde la actualización del
 día de ayer, ahora cuando inicio la sesión me pide una contraseña,
 pero si me equivoco al introducirla me informa que el demonio se ha
 Trato desde la tty1 y como root volver a levantar el servicio, pero es
 inútil, no me vuelve a aparecer tal cuadro de dialogo y me es
 imposible manejar las conexiones.
 Sin embargo, puedo conectarme a internet de manera normal.
 Lo comento simplemente porque me parece extraño.
 Pensándolo bien, ¿acaso tendrá algo que ver con que tengo configurado
 el inicio de sesión como automático? (gdm inicia el usuario fportales

 Bueno esto es todo, agradeciéndoles de antemano:

 Felipe Portales O.
 Ciencias Físicas y Astronómicas. UdeC.
 Reg. Linux user #480626 @

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Muestra el error.

Maximiliano Marin

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Re: Contraseña WICD

2009-07-04 Thread Felipe Portales
El 4 de julio de 2009 19:44, Maximiliano Marin escribió:
 2009/7/4 Felipe Portales
 Antes que nada, buenas tardes :)

 Quisiera saber si algún otro miembro de la lista ha experimentado un
 comportamiento extraño por parte de WICD desde la actualización del
 día de ayer, ahora cuando inicio la sesión me pide una contraseña,
 pero si me equivoco al introducirla me informa que el demonio se ha
 Trato desde la tty1 y como root volver a levantar el servicio, pero es
 inútil, no me vuelve a aparecer tal cuadro de dialogo y me es
 imposible manejar las conexiones.
 Sin embargo, puedo conectarme a internet de manera normal.
 Lo comento simplemente porque me parece extraño.
 Pensándolo bien, ¿acaso tendrá algo que ver con que tengo configurado
 el inicio de sesión como automático? (gdm inicia el usuario fportales

 Bueno esto es todo, agradeciéndoles de antemano:

 Felipe Portales O.
 Ciencias Físicas y Astronómicas. UdeC.
 Reg. Linux user #480626 @

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Muestra el error.

 Maximiliano Marin

Gran detalle que se me olvidaba xDD

/var/log/wicd/wicd.log muestra esto repetidas veces:

2009/07/04 19:52:12 :: ---
2009/07/04 19:52:12 :: wicd initializing...
2009/07/04 19:52:12 :: ---
2009/07/04 19:52:12 :: wicd is version 1.6.1 426
2009/07/04 19:52:12 :: Traceback (most recent call last):
2009/07/04 19:52:12 ::   File /usr/share/wicd/, line
1747, in module
2009/07/04 19:52:12 :: main(sys.argv)
2009/07/04 19:52:12 ::   File /usr/share/wicd/, line
1711, in main
2009/07/04 19:52:12 :: daemon = WicdDaemon(wicd_bus,
2009/07/04 19:52:12 ::   File /usr/share/wicd/, line
87, in __init__
2009/07/04 19:52:12 :: self.wired_bus= WiredDaemon(bus_name, self,
2009/07/04 19:52:12 ::   File /usr/share/wicd/, line
1327, in __init__
2009/07/04 19:52:12 :: debug=debug)
2009/07/04 19:52:12 ::   File /usr/share/wicd/wicd/,
line 40, in __init__
2009/07/04 19:52:12 ::
2009/07/04 19:52:12 ::   File /usr/lib/python2.5/,
line 267, in read
2009/07/04 19:52:12 :: self._read(fp, filename)
2009/07/04 19:52:12 ::   File /usr/lib/python2.5/,
line 490, in _read
2009/07/04 19:52:12 :: raise e
2009/07/04 19:52:12 :: ConfigParser.ParsingError: File contains
parsing errors: /etc/wicd/wired-settings.conf
2009/07/04 19:52:12 ::  [line 22]: '[]\n'

Volví a iniciar sesión y puse esta vez mi contraseña de usuario y dejo
de mostrarme el icono de wicd en la bandeja

Gracias por su atención.
Felipe Portales O.
Ciencias Físicas y Astronómicas. UdeC.
Reg. Linux user #480626 @

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2009-07-04 Thread Agudelo Wilmer
Buenas noches.
Alguien que pueda ayudarme, con alguna guia o cuaquier otro material para
poder instalar los drivers para que me reconozca mi sistema DEBIAN la
tarjeta inalambrica Intel 3495ABG.
Instalé DEBIAN en mi equipo portátil hp 550, todo excelente, reconocio todos
los controladores de cada uno de los dispositivos menos la tarjeta
inalambrica. quisiera activarla ya que quiero utilizar solo DEBIAN esto me
lo impide.
De antemano, mil gracias.


2009-07-04 Thread mariodebian
El sáb, 04-07-2009 a las 19:43 -0430, Agudelo Wilmer escribió:
 Buenas noches.
 Alguien que pueda ayudarme, con alguna guia o cuaquier otro material
 para poder instalar los drivers para que me reconozca mi sistema
 DEBIAN la tarjeta inalambrica Intel 3495ABG.
 Instalé DEBIAN en mi equipo portátil hp 550, todo excelente, reconocio
 todos los controladores de cada uno de los dispositivos menos la
 tarjeta inalambrica. quisiera activarla ya que quiero utilizar solo
 DEBIAN esto me lo impide.
 De antemano, mil gracias.

NO uses mayúsculas...

Instala el paquete firmware-iwlwifi


Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada digitalmente

Re: resolucion

2009-07-04 Thread danilo gonzalez
los drivers, no se cuales seran, pues no tengo tarjeta de video ninguna, la
board es una pc chips 810LR, el driver en windows es *sis compatible vga
display driver*

   4 de julio de 2009 16:01, danilo gonzalez escribió:

 hola, tengo problemas con la resolucion de mi monitor, resuta que cada vez
 que reincio, el sistema me cambia la resolucion automaticamente, como puedo


2009-07-04 Thread Digno Salcedo Encalada
NEGOCIO DE TELEFONIA CELULAR: No hay Nada Parecido Somos Los Unicos

ProxyComm es la Proxima Generacion en Comunicaciones. NEGOCIO DE TELEFONIA 
Se de los pioneros en tu pais
Te invita Digno Salcedo Encalada

Haz clic en el siguiente vínculo para unirte:

If your email program doesn't recognize the web address above as an active link,
please copy and paste it into your web browser

Carlos Alberto Celi, miliki, Julio Gutierrez, Elisa, Adrian David Gillens

Nueva Red Donde consegiremos afiliados para el nuevo Proxy Comm multinivel 
dedicado al negocio de celulares

283 miembros

Para controlar los correos electrónicos que recibes en la esquina, o para 
salirte, ve a:

Re: Menus Globales

2009-07-04 Thread César Cordero
Busca en /usr/share/desktop-directories/*, para declarar los menús y
aplicaciones. Y en /etc/xdg/menus/*, para ubicar esos menús y aplicaciones
donde van (darle la forma). Están en XML.

El 2 de julio de 2009 15:36, Lester Pastrana escribió:

 Hola lista
 Necesito crear una entrada en el menú de kde4 pero que me salga para todos
 los usuarios.
 Alguien puede asesorarme, Gracias de antemano

Free your mind, free your computer, free your life...

César Cordero (Rockcesar)
Linux Counter #461087

Re: Menus Globales

2009-07-04 Thread César Cordero
También puedes buscar sobre Freedesktop, que es el standard para los menús
en Debian.

El 4 de julio de 2009 22:46, César Cordero escribió:

 Busca en /usr/share/desktop-directories/*, para declarar los menús y
 aplicaciones. Y en /etc/xdg/menus/*, para ubicar esos menús y aplicaciones
 donde van (darle la forma). Están en XML.

 El 2 de julio de 2009 15:36, Lester Pastrana les...@psico.uh.cuescribió:

 Hola lista
 Necesito crear una entrada en el menú de kde4 pero que me salga para todos
 los usuarios.
 Alguien puede asesorarme, Gracias de antemano

 Free your mind, free your computer, free your life...

 César Cordero (Rockcesar)
 Linux Counter #461087

Free your mind, free your computer, free your life...

César Cordero (Rockcesar)
Linux Counter #461087


2009-07-04 Thread BasaBuru
On Domingo 05 Julio 2009 02:23:06 mariodebian escribió:

 NO uses mayúsculas...
Pues explicale por que, no seas borde.

Las mayusculas historicamente en la red al escribir es como si le estubieras 
chillando a la gente. algo muy feo y que rebota a la gente. No uses mayusculas 
excepto en casos extremos.

 Instala el paquete firmware-iwlwifi

Eso puede funcionar siempre que tengas soporte para la tarjeta en el kernel.

que usas el compilado por debian o has compilado el kernel. en el primer caso 
viene con esa tarjeta por defecto. si lo has compilado tu puede que se te haya 
escapado :=)

Un saludo


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: stable, testing ou unstable

2009-07-04 Thread Eduardo Rigoldi Fernandes

Apenas para completar, porque acho que os posts acima já responderam,
não vejo a stable tão desatualizada assim, não é necessário ter a
última versão da maioria dos aplicativos para que o seu sistema
funcione bem. Assim como a testing de uns tempos para cá está menos
instável (maior problema é a quebra do sistema, mas se for cuidadoso
nas atualizações, isto não acontece). Com relação a unstable, acredito
que seja apenas um pouco mais instável que a testing, mesmo porque
grande parte dos pacotes usados na unstable já estão na testing.

Eu acredito que o único motivo para um usuário final sair da stable e
se aventurar na testing ou unstable seja a necessidade de algum pacote
mais recente para algum hardware ou mesmo função nova em algum
aplicativo, caso contrário, não há necessidade de correr riscos. Para
testes, virtualização é muito mais seguro.

Caso queira usar a stable com alguns pacotes da testing ou unstable,
ou ainda usar a testing com pacotes da unstable ou mesmo experimental,
vou te passar uma dica que vi no planeta debian brasil, ajuda muito na
hora de atualizar o sistema com pacotes mesclados da stable, testing,
unstable ou experimental:  Eu testei
aqui e realmente funciona. Eu usava o lenny mas tinha o
network-manager do squeeze que é a versão 0.7, tendo a opção de
conectar dls e 3g diretamente pelo gnome-network, então eram apenas
uns 5 ou 6 pacotes da squeeze no meu lenny.


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Re: stable, testing ou unstable

2009-07-04 Thread Renato S. Yamane

Em 03-07-2009 18:57, Fred Maranhão escreveu:

De uns anos para cá, voltei a usar a testing, que achei bem mais
cuidada e estava feliz com ela. Mas agora tenho uma nova variável.
Instalei o debian testing no laptop da minha mulher, e algumas coisas
que demoram a serem corrigidas (ou por incapacidade minha ou por que
tenho que esperar o pacote ser corrigido na unstable e descer para a
testing) estão incomodando ela.

Por isto estava pensando em migrar o meu computador e o dela para o
debian unstable.

Você está com a versão Testing e está querendo algo mais Estável 
instalando a versão Unstable?

A solução para o seu caso é:
- Instale a versão STABLE (Lenny).
- Se quiser algum pacote específico mais recente, instale ele via backports.


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Instalação Nova

2009-07-04 Thread Ricardo Esdra
Boa tarde a todos, vou fazer uma instalação do Debian aqui em casa
e gostaria de tirar algumas duvidas, já andei lendo sobre LVM mas não
sanei minhas duvidas.
Estou pensando em usar o LVM, nunca instalei desta forma, sempre
instalei com uma partição normal e criava elas manualmente ao meu
Usando LVM,
eu tenho que criar partições primária e estendida também? vou ter
mais de 5 partições.
através do próprio instalador do debian quando chegar na parte do
particionamento ele me deixará destinar as partições?

desde já agradeço a todos.

#  Ricardo Esdra #
#  linux user n° 446011  #

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Re: stable, testing ou unstable

2009-07-04 Thread Fred Maranhão
2009/7/4 Renato S. Yamane
 Em 03-07-2009 18:57, Fred Maranhão escreveu:

 De uns anos para cá, voltei a usar a testing, que achei bem mais
 cuidada e estava feliz com ela. Mas agora tenho uma nova variável.
 Instalei o debian testing no laptop da minha mulher, e algumas coisas
 que demoram a serem corrigidas (ou por incapacidade minha ou por que
 tenho que esperar o pacote ser corrigido na unstable e descer para a
 testing) estão incomodando ela.

 Por isto estava pensando em migrar o meu computador e o dela para o
 debian unstable.

 Você está com a versão Testing e está querendo algo mais Estável
 instalando a versão Unstable?

exatamente. polêmico, isto, né? Mas o meu raciocínio é o seguinte. As
coisas quebram na testing e na unstable. Isso é fato. Mas o conserto
na unstable vem do upstream e é aplicado rapidamente. E não tão rápido
na testing.

É como se o objetivo da testing não fosse o presente, e sim um futuro
glorioso, quando ela for a menina dos olhos do projeto, quando ela for
a stable.

 A solução para o seu caso é:
 - Instale a versão STABLE (Lenny).
 - Se quiser algum pacote específico mais recente, instale ele via backports.

como funciona este backports?


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Re: stable, testing ou unstable

2009-07-04 Thread Marcelo Luiz de Laia
Fred Maranhão fred.maranhao at writes:

 Por isto estava pensando em migrar o meu computador e o dela para o
 debian unstable. A questão é, será que ela vai ter uma experiência
 melhor no unstable?

Não faça isso! Tenho o testing no meu micro, no micro da minha filha (10 anos),
no micro do meu filho (13 anos) e no micro da minha esposa. Tentei, outro dia,
passar meu desktop para unstable e nao foi das melhores experiencias. Primeiro
porque eu nao precisa da instavel. Segundo, porque la, as coisas acontecem muito
rapidamente e voce pode ter um sistema quebrado por meio dia. Mas, esse meio dia
pode ser aquele em que voce nao pode adiar. Assim, prefira a testing.

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Re: Instalação Nova - RESOLVIDO

2009-07-04 Thread Ricardo Esdra
2009/7/4 Ricardo Esdra

 Boa tarde a todos, vou fazer uma instalação do Debian aqui em casa
 e gostaria de tirar algumas duvidas, já andei lendo sobre LVM mas não
 sanei minhas duvidas.
 Estou pensando em usar o LVM, nunca instalei desta forma, sempre
 instalei com uma partição normal e criava elas manualmente ao meu
 Usando LVM,
 eu tenho que criar partições primária e estendida também? vou ter
 mais de 5 partições.
 através do próprio instalador do debian quando chegar na parte do
 particionamento ele me deixará destinar as partições?

 desde já agradeço a todos.

 #  Ricardo Esdra #
 #  linux user n° 446011  #

olha já está resolvido, continuei procurando e já sanei minhas duvidas
para fazer a instalação.

Ricardo Esdra.

Re: Anunciar desligamento do servidor (thinstation)

2009-07-04 Thread Anacleto Junior
Agora somente na segunda-feira pra eu testar.

Sobre o wall, realmente não sei dizer se é uma configuração lá da escola,
simplesmente não exibe para os outros terminais, somente na local que eu
efetuar o comando.

2009/7/3 PEdroArthur_JEdi

 2009/7/3 Anacleto Junior
  Então, estes comandos eu já tinha tentado, somente o terminal é alertado,
  usuário não vê essa mensagem.

 Será que não é nenhuma configuração do seu sistema? Pois sempre usei o
 wall para mandar notificações, tanto em terminais texto quanto
 gráficos. Todos recebem. Inclusive no KDE 4 aparece em uma área perto
 do relógio, bem mais amigável que no Gnome, que abre uma janela de


 Nunca acredite num sistema que você não conhece o código fonte!
 Never trust a system you don't have sources for!

 A unica condição na qual a inteligência, a dignidade e a felicidade
 podem se desenvolver é na liberdade.

 -- Mikhail Bakunin

Anacleto Júnior
Linux User: #447388

Re: stable, testing ou unstable

2009-07-04 Thread Eduardo Rigoldi Fernandes
Eu não uso mais a testing ou unstable, mas certa vez fiz algo meio
bizarro, mas evitava que o meu sistema quebrasse.

Eu fiz assim, eu usava a testing, então criei uma virtualização da
própria testing e atualizava diariamente a virtualização para ver o
que acontecia, mas o meu sistema sem virtualização eu atualizava
apenas quando tinha testado um pouco os pacotes atualizados,
verificando algum grande bug ou quebra do sistema. Então depois de
alguns dias, eu atualizava estes pacotes testados. Desta forma o meu
sistema testing nunca quebrou, mas o testing virtualizado quebrava
pelo menos 1 vez a cada dois meses.

Veja esta mensagem do mês passado aqui na lista, a testing removeu
pacotes que para um usuário final complicaria a conexão com sua rede
ou internet:
O problema foi resolvido alguns dias depois.


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2009-07-04 Thread Fred Maranhão

Não estou conseguindo rodar o tibia. Quando eu dou o comando, aparece
por um instante uma janela e some. Esta é a linha de comando.

$ ./
do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly.
Try adjusting the vblank_mode configuration parameter.
X Error of failed request:  GLXUnsupportedPrivateRequest
  Major opcode of failed request:  159 (GLX)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  16 (X_GLXVendorPrivate)
  Serial number of failed request:  58
  Current serial number in output stream:  59

o glxgears está funcionando normal, mas esta tal mensagem também aparece nele.

$ glxgears
do_wait: drmWaitVBlank returned -1, IRQs don't seem to be working correctly.
Try adjusting the vblank_mode configuration parameter.
3307 frames in 5.0 seconds = 661.215 FPS
XIO:  fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :0.0
  after 16634 requests (16579 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

Só que o glxgears funciona normalmente, e o tibia não.


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Re: alternar entre fone de ouvido e caixa de som

2009-07-04 Thread Fred Maranhão

Continuo com o mesmo problema com o som. o som nas caixas internas do
laptop funciona, mas quando conecto o fone de ouvido (headphone), o
som das caixas internas não desliga.

Alguém teria mais alguma sugestão?


2009/5/25 Fred Maranhão
 2009/5/25 Ataliba Neto
 Não sei se vai ajudar, mas dá dois clique no ícone de volume que abrirá o
 Controle de Volume, agora selecione qual dispositivo de saída de áudio vc

 O que você quer dizer com 'selecionar'? Os controles estão lá. Eu
 posso mexer no volume e posso botar mudo. Mas não posso selecionar.

 Abrir o controle de volume e aumentar o volume do fone de ouvido e
 abaixar o da caixa de som funciona. mas não é prático.


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Re: stable, testing ou unstable

2009-07-04 Thread Renato S. Yamane

Fred Maranhão escreveu:

Renato S. Yamane escreveu:

Fred Maranhão escreveu:

De uns anos para cá, voltei a usar a testing, que achei bem mais
cuidada e estava feliz com ela. Mas agora tenho uma nova variável.
Instalei o debian testing no laptop da minha mulher, e algumas coisas
que demoram a serem corrigidas (ou por incapacidade minha ou por que
tenho que esperar o pacote ser corrigido na unstable e descer para a
testing) estão incomodando ela.

Por isto estava pensando em migrar o meu computador e o dela para o
debian unstable.

Você está com a versão Testing e está querendo algo mais Estável
instalando a versão Unstable?

exatamente. polêmico, isto, né? Mas o meu raciocínio é o seguinte. As
coisas quebram na testing e na unstable. Isso é fato. Mas o conserto
na unstable vem do upstream e é aplicado rapidamente. E não tão rápido
na testing.

Ao invés de optar por ter pacotes quebrados, porque você não opta por 
utilizar uma versão em que isso NÃO ocorra? :-)

As versões testing e unstable são para pessoas que realmente querem 
testar o Debian, e eu creio que a sua mulher NÃO esteja interessada 
nisso :-)

Ela é uma usuária, e esse perfil de pessoa NÃO quer passar por 
experiências desagradáveis, como por exemplo ter pacotes quebrados em 
uma simples atualização.

A solução para o seu caso é:
- Instale a versão STABLE (Lenny).
- Se quiser algum pacote específico mais recente, instale ele via backports.

como funciona este backports?

São pacotes da Testing direcionados para o Stable.


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Re: debian testing installer encrypted LVM question

2009-07-04 Thread Suno Ano

 Giorgos Hello to everybody! My laptop has a partition with Vista and
 Giorgos the rest of the disk is free space. I boot the debian
 Giorgos installer cd and the question is: can I somehow select the
 Giorgos 'lvm + encrypt' scheme while preserving the vista partition?
 Giorgos This 'use entire disk' which goes along the encrypted lvm
 Giorgos troubles me... I would like the installer to set up an
 Giorgos encrypted lvm on the free space and not delete everything on
 Giorgos the disk... Is this possible?

sure. use the graphical expert install mode then you can pick the free
partition i.e. no harm done to Vista

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to create hidden files?

2009-07-04 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Fri,03.Jul.09, 18:52:51, Dennis Wicks wrote:
 Back in the dim distant past I remember that one could create hidden
 or secret file with Basic on DOS and at least early Windows (3.0).
 I was never able to figure out where those files were.
 Any way, is there a way of doing this in linux? I know that some
 commands/programs won't show .xx files by default, but that isn't
 the same sort of thing as Basic did.

The equivalent of the DOS/Windows hidden attribute are the UNIX/Linux 
dotfiles. If you wanted to hide some files beyond that there were 
various tricks, like creating a file/directory named   (space), as 
they were not very obvious. I'm sure a google search will reveal some 
equivalent tricks also for a UNIX/Linux environment.

What is it you are trying to achieve?

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: how do i grep boobies

2009-07-04 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 08:47:09AM -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote:
 * Comcast Master Account [2009 Jun 27 15:05 
  hi i want boobies so i try grep some boobies but command not work how
  i get boobies thx
 I guess that if you can't grep any boobies, then the following commands
 will be difficult to invoke:
 unzip, strip, touch, finger, grep, mount, fsck, more, yes, fsck, fsck,
 fsck, umount, sleep

$ man woman

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god
than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other
possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
   -- Stephen F Roberts

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Re: Installing Debian alongside Windows Vista?

2009-07-04 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 10:48:47AM +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Sat,27.Jun.09, 22:57:30, Zachary Uram wrote:
  Also what do you
  recommend for swap size (it has 4GB ram) and just have 1 big root
  partition with everything on it or split 125GB for root / and 125GB
  for /home partitions. 
 With so much RAM swap only serves as backup. 1-2 GB should be ok.

If the OP is going to use hibernate or suspend to disk then I believe
the consensus is that the swap size should at least be equal to the RAM

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god
than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other
possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
   -- Stephen F Roberts

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OT: Need pointers for openvpn bridge setup.

2009-07-04 Thread Adrian Levi
Over the last couple of weeks I have been trying to get openvpn working.

My current system is as follows:
Cable modem
eth0   (Public IP)
Debian etch nat firewall (Squid, apache, dhcpd, Bind, Samba,
apt-proxy, ftpd, sshd)
eth1 ( caprica.lefty.
-wireless router (ap)
-file server (Lenny) gemini.lefty.
-file server (Lenny) earth.lefty.

What I would like to do is to enable OpenVPN to do ethernet bridging
so that each client coming in over VPN ends up with the same IP they
would have if they attached themselves to the wireless access point

I have read most of the docs but what I can't figure out is my bridge
interface will be bridged to eth1?
so I bridge my tun0 and eth1 to create br0.
In my existing firewall script do I still retain eth1 or change it to br0?

This is where I'm getting confused. Any pointers appreciated, this is
bending my mind.


24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
erno hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

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bug in installer? (was Re: debian testing installer encrypted LVM question)

2009-07-04 Thread Giorgos Pallas

Hi all!

To me it looks like a bug, but I'd like to show it to the list before
filing it as a bug.

My goal is to install debian testing using encrypted LVM, but not using
the entire disk: I want to keep a free partition for installing vista
(for educational purposes...).

So, the steps that create a problem while running the installer are:

select Manual partitioning
create on the disks free space, the first primary (for installing vista)
[this step may be irrelevant]
create primary for /boot
create primary and select 'use as encryption volume'
write changes to disk
select encrypted volume
use as phycical volume for lvm
configure Logical Volume Manager appears -select it
create volume group
create logical volume - for the root filesystem
create logical volume - for  swap
finish partitioning and write changes to disk-

I see the summary:
The partition tables of the following devices are changed:
LVM VG vg1, LV rootFS
LVM VG vg1, LV swap

The following partitions are going to be formatted:
LVM VG vg1, LV rootFS as ext3
LVM VG vg1, LV swap as swap

- failed to create a file system
The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of LVM VG vg1, LV rootFS

As I can see, /dev/mapper now contains:

Is this supposed to happen? Did I do something wrong?


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 12:12:06 +0200, Klistvud wrote:


 Another suggestion: the proprietary driver downloadable from broadcom's 
 website works exceedingly well for BCM4321, so chances are it would 
 work with your hardware as well. The driver comes with exhaustive 
 instructions for compiling, so it is relatively hassle-free to install. 
 But, needless to say, it does not follow the Debian free software 
 guidelines... and is therefore not supported by Debian in any way, I 

The Broadcom STA driver (a.k.a. wl) is included in Squeeze and Sid in
the non-free section; it can be built with module-assistant:

  Florian   |

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Re: bug in installer? (was Re: debian testing installer encrypted LVM question)

2009-07-04 Thread Giorgos Pallas
Giorgos Pallas wrote:
 Hi all!

 To me it looks like a bug, but I'd like to show it to the list before
 filing it as a bug.

 My goal is to install debian testing using encrypted LVM, but not using
 the entire disk: I want to keep a free partition for installing vista
 (for educational purposes...).

 So, the steps that create a problem while running the installer are:

 select Manual partitioning
 create on the disks free space, the first primary (for installing vista)
 [this step may be irrelevant]
 create primary for /boot
 create primary and select 'use as encryption volume'
 write changes to disk
 select encrypted volume
 use as phycical volume for lvm
 configure Logical Volume Manager appears -select it
 create volume group
 create logical volume - for the root filesystem
 create logical volume - for  swap
 finish partitioning and write changes to disk-

 I see the summary:
 The partition tables of the following devices are changed:
 LVM VG vg1, LV rootFS
 LVM VG vg1, LV swap

 The following partitions are going to be formatted:
 LVM VG vg1, LV rootFS as ext3
 LVM VG vg1, LV swap as swap

 - failed to create a file system
 The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of LVM VG vg1, LV rootFS

 As I can see, /dev/mapper now contains:

 Is this supposed to happen? Did I do something wrong?



and something more, important I guess: I was installing using the latest
testing image for amd64...
I will now try with the lenny installer for amd64...


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

DVD-R: Unable to copy DVD-Data to HDD

2009-07-04 Thread pcboard


I would need the name of the package for reporting this bug:

It ist not possible to copy DVD-Data to HDD. Message: I/O Error unable 
to copy.

Following message under /var/log/messages

Jul  4 08:48:18 netbook kernel: [40634.591538] cdrom: This disc doesn't 
have any tracks I recognize!
Jul  4 09:01:34 netbook kernel: [41431.135926] warning: `growisofs' uses 
32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.085486] cdrom: This disc doesn't 
have any tracks I recognize!
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.088439]   Error: Not ready -- 
(Sense key=0x02)
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.088439]   28 00 00 00 00 00 00 
00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.088548]   Error: Not ready -- 
(Sense key=0x02)
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.088548]   28 00 00 00 00 00 00 
00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.088561]   Error: Not ready -- 
(Sense key=0x02)
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.088561]   28 00 00 00 00 01 00 
00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.090949]   Error: Not ready -- 
(Sense key=0x02)
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.090949]   28 00 00 00 00 00 00 
00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.091026]   Error: Not ready -- 
(Sense key=0x02)
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.091026]   28 00 00 00 00 01 00 
00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.091169]   Error: Not ready -- 
(Sense key=0x02)
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.091169]   28 00 00 00 00 00 00 
00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.091169]   Error: Not ready -- 
(Sense key=0x02)
Jul  4 09:13:35 netbook kernel: [42152.091169]   28 00 00 00 00 01 00 
00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

Jul  4 09:19:22 netbook kernel: [42498.443346] UDF-fs: No VRS found
Jul  4 09:24:53 netbook kernel: [42829.767208] hdc: media error (bad 
sector): status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
Jul  4 09:24:53 netbook kernel: [42829.767208] hdc: media error (bad 
sector): error=0x30 { LastFailedSense=0x03 }
Jul  4 09:24:53 netbook kernel: [42829.767208] ide: failed opcode was: 
Jul  4 09:24:53 netbook kernel: [42829.767208]   Error: Medium error -- 
(Sense key=0x03)
Jul  4 09:24:53 netbook kernel: [42829.767208]   28 00 00 0e 87 da 00 
00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Jul  4 09:24:53 netbook kernel: [42829.767208] __ratelimit: 4 messages 

I am using Debian Lenny  Kernel: 2.6.26-2-686



Multimonitor system

2009-07-04 Thread Jesus arteche

I have a multimonitor system working right... but now i want the cube of
compiz working in just one monitor and i'd like the others works
normal...someone knows how i can do it...


Re: bug in installer? (was Re: debian testing installer encrypted LVM question)

2009-07-04 Thread Jochen Schulz
Giorgos Pallas:
 - failed to create a file system
 The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of LVM VG vg1, LV rootFS
-- snip
 Is this supposed to happen? Did I do something wrong?

I had the same issue when using the AMD64 squeeze installer a few days
ago. I think it is a bug, probably the same as reported in #534248.

If I am asked 'How are you' more than a million times in my life I
promise to explode.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: iceweasel puzzle

2009-07-04 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 With iceweasel 3.0.6-1 works as expected.
 You don't have Noscript enabled do you?

Java and Javascript are enabled and both work.
I tried moving the .mozilla directory out of the way; didn't help.
Thought it might have something to do with the flash plugin
(because locate strictlysudoku turned up some entries in
~/.macromedia), reinstalled and removed flash in various ways--
nothing helps.

The login popup window is blank, not only in iceweasel on my
computer, but also in Opera! So it is not an iceweasel puzzle only.

The login popup window is loaded somehow; I can read the source
code. I can save it as a file, and open the file with iceweasel or
opera: it is blank. Opera has two complaints (may or may not be

   ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be
   preloaded: ignored.
   ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be
   preloaded: ignored.

This might be significant, although I have not a clue what it
means. There are several files called and on
my system (installed by openoffice, sun jre, and openjdk6;
client and server versions). But this sudoku site does not use
java, only javascript. As long as you just want to play sudoku
(with logging in) you don't even need javascript.

In lynx, the saved login form is displayed (but of course in lynx,
I cannot play sudoku, because this a graphical thing).

N.B. ~/.xsession-errors keeps getting filled up with (to me)
incomprehensible warnings and errors, like:

(firefox-bin:5229): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: instance of invalid
non-instantiatable type `(null)'

(firefox-bin:5229): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
g_signal_handler_disconnect: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE
(instance)' failed

(firefox-bin:5229): GLib-GObject-WARNING **:
instance `0x90ecda8' has no handler with id `4276'

(firefox-bin:5229): GLib-GObject-WARNING **:
instance `0x97d1908' has no handler with id `4536'

(firefox-bin:5229): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid
uninstantiatable type `(null)' in cast to `GtkObject'

(firefox-bin:5229): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: instance of invalid
non-instantiatable type `(null)'

So, if someone has any bright idea.. in the meantime I keep digging.

Regards, Jan

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Upgrade 32bit to 64bit

2009-07-04 Thread Mark Neidorff
I have an updated etch system running a 32 bit kernel that I want to upgrade 
to a lenny 64 bit kernel, etc.  I have printed out the release notes, but 
they do not address this upgrade.  Should I just upgrade or are there 
particular steps I need to go through to get my system to run 64 bit first?



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Re: KDE: Network printer, root only

2009-07-04 Thread Tina I

Florian Kulzer wrote:

On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 22:27:28 +0200, Tina I wrote:

Hello list,

I have set up a printer server using CUPS. It seem to be functioning
OK. But I have a strange problem with the KDE client. The printer is
only visible/ available for root.  Even in Kcontrol I can only see
it in admin mode.

I have added the user to the lp/ lpadmin groups but that made no
difference. For the life of me I can not figure out what's wrong. I
did the same thing in Etch with no problem but this time in Lenny it
just doesn't work.

Can you connect to the CUPS web frontend at http://localhost:631; using
the browser of your choice as your normal user? If so, can you print a
test page? Do you get a pop-up window asking for a username and a
password at any point while trying this?

Guss I wasn't very clear. The server is a dedicated printer server and 
the client is on a different machine on the network. Anyway, I 
re-installed Cups and it  started working. No idea what happened.

Thanks anyway :)

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Re: Upgrade 32bit to 64bit

2009-07-04 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sat,04.Jul.09, 11:44:09, Mark Neidorff wrote:
 I have an updated etch system running a 32 bit kernel that I want to upgrade 
 to a lenny 64 bit kernel, etc.  I have printed out the release notes, but 

What do you mean by etc? If you only want a 64 bit kernel then go 
ahead and install it:

# aptitude install linux-image-2.6.26-2-amd64

If you want to switch all your programs to 64 bit (the amd64 Debian 
architecture) the safest and easiest way is to reinstall.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Upgrade 32bit to 64bit

2009-07-04 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 07:20:01PM +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Sat,04.Jul.09, 11:44:09, Mark Neidorff wrote:
  I have an updated etch system running a 32 bit kernel that I want to 
  to a lenny 64 bit kernel, etc.  I have printed out the release notes, but 
 What do you mean by etc? If you only want a 64 bit kernel then go 
 ahead and install it:
 # aptitude install linux-image-2.6.26-2-amd64
 If you want to switch all your programs to 64 bit (the amd64 Debian 
 architecture) the safest and easiest way is to reinstall.

I've actually migrated 32 bit to 64 bit in place, and it's surely not
worth the effort. I second the suggestion to just reinstall. The
process is essentially the same as reinstalling anyway, but it takes
longer than the reinstall would!


Description: Digital signature

Re: iceweasel puzzle

2009-07-04 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 05:02:59PM +0200, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
 The login popup window is loaded somehow; I can read the source
 code. I can save it as a file, and open the file with iceweasel or
 opera: it is blank. Opera has two complaints (may or may not be
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be
preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be
preloaded: ignored.
 This might be significant, although I have not a clue what it
 means. There are several files called and on
 my system (installed by openoffice, sun jre, and openjdk6;
 client and server versions). But this sudoku site does not use
 java, only javascript. As long as you just want to play sudoku
 (with logging in) you don't even need javascript.

It may indeed be relevant. What window manager are you running? This
symptom appears in some window managers running java apps (most
notably in my experience, xmonad). The app will spawn and get a
window, but the window will just be a gray box. The solution in xmonad
(at one time, I'm a little out of step with it at the moment) was to 

export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit

in .xinitrc. The reference to makes me think this may be a
similar problem.

hth your hunt


Description: Digital signature

Re: the ever present wireless problem

2009-07-04 Thread Robert Holtzman

On Fri, 3 Jul 2009, Andrei Popescu wrote:

On Thu,02.Jul.09, 16:07:27, Robert Holtzman wrote:

I'm running a Linksys WRT54GL wireless router hard wired to a
desktop and a Dell D600 with a Broadcom BCM5705M ethernet controller
and Lenny. I'm having a problem getting The Dell to work with

You could try a newer kernel (from

Thanks. I'll check it out. Are there known wireless problems with the 
latest kernel from stable?

Bob Holtzman
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If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer

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convert multiple jpegs to one pdf file

2009-07-04 Thread ronggui wong
Hi all,
Can you recommend a software to convert multiple jpeg files to one pdf
file? I found a which works under windows only, or can only convert
one jpeg to one pdf file.

Thank you.


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 12:12:06 +0200, Klistvud wrote:
  Another suggestion: the proprietary driver downloadable from broadcom's 
  website works exceedingly well for BCM4321, so chances are it would 
  work with your hardware as well. The driver comes with exhaustive 
  instructions for compiling, so it is relatively hassle-free to install. 
  But, needless to say, it does not follow the Debian free software 
  guidelines... and is therefore not supported by Debian in any way, I 
 The Broadcom STA driver (a.k.a. wl) is included in Squeeze and Sid in
 the non-free section; it can be built with module-assistant:

Do I need to remove ndiswrapper first, or is it enough to simply unload the
Windows driver?

Many thanks!


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Re: the ever present wireless problem

2009-07-04 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sat,04.Jul.09, 10:08:46, Robert Holtzman wrote:
 On Fri, 3 Jul 2009, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Thu,02.Jul.09, 16:07:27, Robert Holtzman wrote:
 I'm running a Linksys WRT54GL wireless router hard wired to a
 desktop and a Dell D600 with a Broadcom BCM5705M ethernet controller
 and Lenny. I'm having a problem getting The Dell to work with
 You could try a newer kernel (from
 Thanks. I'll check it out. Are there known wireless problems with
 the latest kernel from stable?

I know for sure it lacks support for some new chipsets.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: convert multiple jpegs to one pdf file

2009-07-04 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun,05.Jul.09, 01:29:26, ronggui wong wrote:
 Hi all,
 Can you recommend a software to convert multiple jpeg files to one pdf
 file? I found a which works under windows only, or can only convert
 one jpeg to one pdf file.

But there are other utilities to merge single pdfs into one. I *think* 
it was pdftk, but a simple google will surely find it for you.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: convert multiple jpegs to one pdf file

2009-07-04 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 01:29:26AM +0800, ronggui wong wrote:
 Hi all,
 Can you recommend a software to convert multiple jpeg files to one pdf
 file? I found a which works under windows only, or can only convert
 one jpeg to one pdf file.

Let's see. 

   convert /usr/share/images/desktop-base/*.png /tmp/test.pdf

Worked just fine.

'convert' is part of imagemagick .

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 12:12:06 +0200, Klistvud wrote:
  Another suggestion: the proprietary driver downloadable from broadcom's 
  website works exceedingly well for BCM4321, so chances are it would 
  work with your hardware as well. The driver comes with exhaustive 
  instructions for compiling, so it is relatively hassle-free to install. 
  But, needless to say, it does not follow the Debian free software 
  guidelines... and is therefore not supported by Debian in any way, I 
 The Broadcom STA driver (a.k.a. wl) is included in Squeeze and Sid in
 the non-free section; it can be built with module-assistant:

Okay, went ahead with this and now I'm a bit further along. Wicd netork manager
will now start, though it shows 'no wireless networks found'. Also, when I look
at the preferences dialogue, there is no entry for 'wireless interface'.

Gnome network manager also shows no wireless interface.


tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
lono wireless extensions.

eth0  no wireless extensions.

tablet:/home/lajolla# ifconfig wlan0 up
wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Thierry Chatelet wrote: 

 On Thursday 02 July 2009 05:09:51 JoeHill wrote:
  I first tried to get wireless working following this page on the Debian
  but then found out that my particular device was not supported by that
  I then tried the tutorial on this page:
  I have a Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03), so I got the
  driver from HP, the vendor of this notebook. It is installed, and shows up
  in ndisgtk, but shows 'Hardware present: no'.
  I installed wicd to see if that would at least let me see more of what was
  going on, but although it says it's running, when I try to access the wicd
  network manager, nothing opens. Gnome network manager shows no wireless
  Any tips really greatly appreciated.
 A Linux driver for the Broadcom bcm43xx wireless chips.
 Broadcom never released details about these chips. So this driver is based 
 upon reverse engineered specifications.
 This driver was included into the Linux kernel since 2.6.17-rc2.
 Another branch of this driver, based on the Devicescape 802.11 Stack, which 
 should be the future in Linux wireless support and which supports advanced 
 capabilities (namely, full WPA support), can be found in the wireless-dev 

I would like to try this, but I am completely unfamiliar with how to approach
this. Is this similar to subversion? How to I retrieve this code?
 The bcm43xx-fwcutter tool (required - see documentation for further info) can 
 install with aptitude.
 So remove ndiswrapper and try again.
 Give some detail from ifconfig, iwconfig..

I already have the fwcutter tool installed from previous attempts, and I've
removed ndiswrapper. ifconfig and iwconfig both show no wireless devices.

Many thanks!


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Klistvud wrote: 

 Dne, 02. 07. 2009 06:22:48 je Thierry Chatelet napisal(a):
  On Thursday 02 July 2009 05:09:51 JoeHill wrote:  
   I first tried to get wireless working following this page on the  
   but then found out that my particular device was not supported by  
   I then tried the tutorial on this page:
   I have a Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03), so I  
  got the  
   driver from HP, the vendor of this notebook. It is installed, and  
  shows up  
   in ndisgtk, but shows 'Hardware present: no'.
   I installed wicd to see if that would at least let me see more of  
  what was  
   going on, but although it says it's running, when I try to access  
  the wicd  
   network manager, nothing opens. Gnome network manager shows no  
   Any tips really greatly appreciated.
  A Linux driver for the Broadcom bcm43xx wireless chips.
  Broadcom never released details about these chips. So this driver is
  upon reverse engineered specifications.
  This driver was included into the Linux kernel since 2.6.17-rc2.
  Another branch of this driver, based on the Devicescape 802.11 Stack,
  should be the future in Linux wireless support and which supports
  capabilities (namely, full WPA support), can be found in the
  The bcm43xx-fwcutter tool (required - see documentation for further
  info) can 
  install with aptitude.
  So remove ndiswrapper and try again.
  Give some detail from ifconfig, iwconfig..
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 Another suggestion: the proprietary driver downloadable from broadcom's 
 website works exceedingly well for BCM4321, so chances are it would 
 work with your hardware as well. The driver comes with exhaustive 
 instructions for compiling, so it is relatively hassle-free to install. 
 But, needless to say, it does not follow the Debian free software 
 guidelines... and is therefore not supported by Debian in any way, I 

I am having a lot of trouble locating the driver for this device on the
broadcom site. The only network drivers I see so far are for ethernet NIC's.


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Re: Upgrade 32bit to 64bit

2009-07-04 Thread Mark Neidorff
On Saturday 04 July 2009 12:47 pm, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 07:20:01PM +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:
  On Sat,04.Jul.09, 11:44:09, Mark Neidorff wrote:
   I have an updated etch system running a 32 bit kernel that I want to
   upgrade to a lenny 64 bit kernel, etc.  I have printed out the release
   notes, but
  What do you mean by etc? If you only want a 64 bit kernel then go
  ahead and install it:
  # aptitude install linux-image-2.6.26-2-amd64
  If you want to switch all your programs to 64 bit (the amd64 Debian
  architecture) the safest and easiest way is to reinstall.

 I've actually migrated 32 bit to 64 bit in place, and it's surely not
 worth the effort. I second the suggestion to just reinstall. The
 process is essentially the same as reinstalling anyway, but it takes
 longer than the reinstall would!

Thank you both.  That has answered my questions.


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FF 3.5 in Unstable?

2009-07-04 Thread Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum


Im running Debian Unstable, and had hoped that the new version of FireFox would 
be in Unstable pretty quickly. But its not there yet.

Im using it happily on my Mac system, and i'd really like to get it on Debian 
as well. Is there a safe way of getting it now? I guess i can get it from the 
Mozilla site, but then i dont want to be in a position where my Debian packages 
are out of whack because i did this, or where i dont know of any updates.




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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 13:46:08 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
 Florian Kulzer wrote: 


  The Broadcom STA driver (a.k.a. wl) is included in Squeeze and Sid in
  the non-free section; it can be built with module-assistant:
 Okay, went ahead with this and now I'm a bit further along. Wicd netork 
 will now start, though it shows 'no wireless networks found'. Also, when I 
 at the preferences dialogue, there is no entry for 'wireless interface'.
 Gnome network manager also shows no wireless interface.
 tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
 lono wireless extensions.
 eth0  no wireless extensions.
 tablet:/home/lajolla# ifconfig wlan0 up
 wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device

I would like to see the output of these three commands:

uname -a

dpkg -l broadcom-\* ndiswrapper-\* | awk '/^[^D|+]/{print $1,$2,$3}'

lsmod | grep -E 'bcm|b43|wl|ndis'

  Florian   |

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Re: convert multiple jpegs to one pdf file

2009-07-04 Thread ronggui wong
Wow, that is good. Thanks.


On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 1:41 AM, Tzafrir wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 01:29:26AM +0800, ronggui wong wrote:
 Hi all,
 Can you recommend a software to convert multiple jpeg files to one pdf
 file? I found a which works under windows only, or can only convert
 one jpeg to one pdf file.

 Let's see.

   convert /usr/share/images/desktop-base/*.png /tmp/test.pdf

 Worked just fine.

 'convert' is part of imagemagick .

 Tzafrir Cohen         | | VIM is |                    | a Mutt's |                    |  best
 ICQ# 16849754         |                    | friend

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Re: convert multiple jpegs to one pdf file

2009-07-04 Thread ronggui wong
Yes, there are tools to merge pdfs to one file. But it is more
convenient to do it in one step.


On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 1:40 AM, Andrei wrote:
 On Sun,05.Jul.09, 01:29:26, ronggui wong wrote:
 Hi all,
 Can you recommend a software to convert multiple jpeg files to one pdf
 file? I found a which works under windows only, or can only convert
 one jpeg to one pdf file.

 But there are other utilities to merge single pdfs into one. I *think*
 it was pdftk, but a simple google will surely find it for you.

 If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
 (Albert Einstein)

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 13:46:08 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  Florian Kulzer wrote:   
   The Broadcom STA driver (a.k.a. wl) is included in Squeeze and Sid in
   the non-free section; it can be built with module-assistant:  
  Okay, went ahead with this and now I'm a bit further along. Wicd netork
  manager will now start, though it shows 'no wireless networks found'. Also,
  when I look at the preferences dialogue, there is no entry for 'wireless
  Gnome network manager also shows no wireless interface.
  tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
  lono wireless extensions.
  eth0  no wireless extensions.
  tablet:/home/lajolla# ifconfig wlan0 up
  wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device  
 I would like to see the output of these three commands:
 uname -a
 dpkg -l broadcom-\* ndiswrapper-\* | awk '/^[^D|+]/{print $1,$2,$3}'
 lsmod | grep -E 'bcm|b43|wl|ndis'

tablet:/home/lajolla# uname -a
Linux tablet 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Sun Jun 21 04:57:38 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

tablet:/home/lajolla# dpkg -l broadcom-\* ndiswrapper-\* | awk '/^[^D|+]/{print
ii broadcom-sta-common
un broadcom-sta-modules none
ii broadcom-sta-modules-2.6.26-2-686
ii broadcom-sta-source
pn ndiswrapper-common none
rc ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.26-2-686 1.54-2+2.6.26-17
ii ndiswrapper-source 1.54-2
un ndiswrapper-utils none
pn ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 none

tablet:/home/lajolla# lsmod | grep -E 'bcm|b43|wl|ndis'

I'm thinking that last command should have had _some_ output...


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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 14:30:56 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
 Florian Kulzer wrote: 
  On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 13:46:08 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
   Florian Kulzer wrote:   
The Broadcom STA driver (a.k.a. wl) is included in Squeeze and Sid in
the non-free section; it can be built with module-assistant:  


   tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
   lono wireless extensions.
   eth0  no wireless extensions.
   tablet:/home/lajolla# ifconfig wlan0 up
   wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device  


 tablet:/home/lajolla# uname -a
 Linux tablet 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Sun Jun 21 04:57:38 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

 tablet:/home/lajolla# dpkg -l broadcom-\* ndiswrapper-\* | awk 
 ii broadcom-sta-common
 un broadcom-sta-modules none
 ii broadcom-sta-modules-2.6.26-2-686
 ii broadcom-sta-source
 pn ndiswrapper-common none
 rc ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.26-2-686 1.54-2+2.6.26-17
 ii ndiswrapper-source 1.54-2
 un ndiswrapper-utils none
 pn ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 none
 tablet:/home/lajolla# lsmod | grep -E 'bcm|b43|wl|ndis'
 I'm thinking that last command should have had _some_ output...

Try modprobe -v wl as root; that should either give you wlan0 or some
error messages that tell us what goes wrong. (I suspect that you might
need a newer kernel.)

  Florian   |

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Re: how do i grep boobies

2009-07-04 Thread Cybe R. Wizard
On Sat, 4 Jul 2009 21:44:51 +1200
Chris Bannister wrote:

 On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 08:47:09AM -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote:
  * Comcast Master Account [2009 Jun
  27 15:05 -0500]:
   hi i want boobies so i try grep some boobies but command not work
   how i get boobies thx
  I guess that if you can't grep any boobies, then the following
  commands will be difficult to invoke:
  unzip, strip, touch, finger, grep, mount, fsck, more, yes, fsck,
  fsck, fsck, umount, sleep
 $ man woman
No manual entry for woman

$ locate woman

$ sudo mount /woman
mount: can't find /woman in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

(you bet I'm re-naming one of my storage partitions now!)

$ sudo apt-get install woman
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package woman

Oh, oh.  Out of luck, I'd guess.

...unless there might still be some women somewhere on Usenet.

Cybe R. Wizard
I don't mind Microsoft making money. I mind 
them having a bad operating system. 
Linus Torvalds

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Re: how do i grep boobies

2009-07-04 Thread Dotan Cohen
 $ sudo apt-get install woman
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 E: Couldn't find package woman

 Oh, oh.  Out of luck, I'd guess.

 ...unless there might still be some women somewhere on Usenet.

alias woman locate; talk; date; uptime; gawk; head; clean; sleep

Dotan Cohen

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Re: Re: convert multiple jpegs to one pdf file

2009-07-04 Thread Jeff Chimene
On 12/23/-28158 12:59 PM, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Sun,05.Jul.09, 01:29:26, ronggui wong wrote:
 Hi all,
 Can you recommend a software to convert multiple jpeg files to one pdf
 file? I found a which works under windows only, or can only convert
 one jpeg to one pdf file.
 But there are other utilities to merge single pdfs into one. I *think* 
 it was pdftk, but a simple google will surely find it for you.

You might also use Google Docs or Open Office to create a document, then
export it as PDF

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Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 14:30:56 -0400, JoeHill wrote:
  Florian Kulzer wrote:   
   On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 13:46:08 -0400, JoeHill wrote:  
Florian Kulzer wrote: 
 The Broadcom STA driver (a.k.a. wl) is included in Squeeze and Sid
 in the non-free section; it can be built with module-assistant:
tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
lono wireless extensions.

eth0  no wireless extensions.

tablet:/home/lajolla# ifconfig wlan0 up
wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
  tablet:/home/lajolla# uname -a
  Linux tablet 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Sun Jun 21 04:57:38 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
  tablet:/home/lajolla# dpkg -l broadcom-\* ndiswrapper-\* | awk
  '/^[^D|+]/{print $1,$2,$3}' 
  ii broadcom-sta-common
  un broadcom-sta-modules none
  ii broadcom-sta-modules-2.6.26-2-686
  ii broadcom-sta-source
  pn ndiswrapper-common none
  rc ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.26-2-686 1.54-2+2.6.26-17
  ii ndiswrapper-source 1.54-2
  un ndiswrapper-utils none
  pn ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 none
  tablet:/home/lajolla# lsmod | grep -E 'bcm|b43|wl|ndis'
  I'm thinking that last command should have had _some_ output...  
 Try modprobe -v wl as root; that should either give you wlan0 or some
 error messages that tell us what goes wrong. (I suspect that you might
 need a newer kernel.)

The only output I get from modprobe (every time) is:

WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it
will be ignored in a future release.


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problems with router

2009-07-04 Thread me

i know, this is not really a debian related problem, nethertheless maybe
someone could help me with this topic.

I have a D-Link DSL-G624T wireless router which just worked fine... until 3
weeks before.
the ethernet connections (all 4 ports) started to loose pings (sometimes
until 50%), i can't even access the router's web-interface because too many
packets are dropped. this is only a problem with ethernet, wireless works

The cables are not the problem, my debian config neither (i tried with
another debian machine, other cables: same problem).

btw. the router is linux based.

Thanks for any hints  help,

Re: Help with ndiswrapper and Broadcom wireless

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Florian Kulzer wrote: 

 Try modprobe -v wl as root; that should either give you wlan0 or some
 error messages that tell us what goes wrong. (I suspect that you might
 need a newer kernel.)

Tried again after a reboot:

tablet:/home/lajolla# modprobe -v wl
WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it
will be ignored in a future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/net/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt.ko
install /sbin/modprobe -qr b43 ssb; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl WARNING:
All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it will be
ignored in a future release.
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko 

tablet:/home/lajolla# lsmod | grep -E 'bcm|b43|wl|ndis'
wl   1267176  0 
ieee80211_crypt 5124  1 wl

but still:

tablet:/home/lajolla# iwconfig 
lono wireless extensions.

eth0  no wireless extensions.

tablet:/home/lajolla# ifconfig wlan0 up
wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device


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Re: how do i grep boobies

2009-07-04 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 04 July 2009 20:33:14 Dotan Cohen wrote:
  $ sudo apt-get install woman
  Reading package lists... Done
  Building dependency tree
  Reading state information... Done
  E: Couldn't find package woman
  Oh, oh.  Out of luck, I'd guess.
  ...unless there might still be some women somewhere on Usenet.

 alias woman locate; talk; date; uptime; gawk; head; clean; sleep

And then they wonder why some women find IT a hostile area

Seriously, there are female readers of this list.  Could we at least pretend 
that the rest of you think we are human beings, not blow-up toys for men to 

In other words, please can we lay this rather offensive thread to rest?


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Re: problems with router

2009-07-04 Thread me

I've tried it with 2 machines and 2 cables, all have the same issue... a
direct connection between my machine and my linksys mini-server works
perfectly, so the problem is really the router...

1) powercycled it many times, i've left it cooling down to exclude
overheating problems... no change
2) i've restored the router to factory settings... no change
3) i've tried another power supply with the same voltage... no change
4) i've updated the router to the newest firmware yesterday, also didn't
solve the problem

so, seems that the router is broken then... well, means that i'll have to
call the ISP so they exchange the router.

Thanks anyway for the help, greetings,

2009/7/4 Joe

 me wrote:


 i know, this is not really a debian related problem, nethertheless maybe
 someone could help me with this topic.

 I have a D-Link DSL-G624T wireless router which just worked fine... until
 weeks before.
 the ethernet connections (all 4 ports) started to loose pings (sometimes
 until 50%), i can't even access the router's web-interface because too
 packets are dropped. this is only a problem with ethernet, wireless works

 The cables are not the problem, my debian config neither (i tried with
 another debian machine, other cables: same problem).

 btw. the router is linux based.

  That means nothing. Manufacturers can still screw it up with poor
 hardware design and/or incompetent scripting. You appear to have a router
 problem, confirm this by disconnecting everything but one client computer,
 and try it with at least two cables and two computers. You may well have
 done this already, if you have nothing else on the wired network.

 1. Power cycle the router, if you haven't tried that yet, waiting at least
 ten seconds before restoring power. I've owned or used five different
 low-cost routers, from five different manufacturers, and every one of them
 could get into a state where a simple reboot wasn't enough to fix them, they
 needed a hard reset.

 2. Save or write down the configurations, restore the factory defaults,
 reboot, reconfigure, reboot.

 3. Check the voltage of the power brick while under load or substitute
 another of suitable ratings. Not easy, but that's the least reliable part of
 the router hardware.

 4. Check the Net for news of firmware upgrades, download from manufacturer
 if any seems appropriate.

 If none of this solves or at least alters the problem, you have a faulty
 router. If it's out of warranty, buy another one, as it's pretty well
 certain to be uneconomic to repair. Keep it for emergency wireless-only use
 when your next router breaks...

www ...
mail ...
irc ... #chezpaeule @ euirc
mud ... vitaminx @ aardmud

Re: how do i grep boobies

2009-07-04 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Lisi Reisz wrote:
   ...unless there might still be some women somewhere on Usenet.
  alias woman locate; talk; date; uptime; gawk; head; clean; sleep
 And then they wonder why some women find IT a hostile area
 Seriously, there are female readers of this list.  Could we at least pretend 
 that the rest of you think we are human beings, not blow-up toys for men to 
 In other words, please can we lay this rather offensive thread to rest?

If a homosexual makes a pass at me or otherwise speaks in a sexual
manner, I'm not offended, I'm just not interested.  I would have hoped that
that the level of bigotry that causes people to be offended by such things,
was removed from heterosexual relationships in 20th century as well.

I think the common misconception that results in this mistaken
offence, is that sexual attraction/desire is dehumanizing.  If anything, it
promotes humanization.  I mean, how would you feel if this thread was about

The joke is flawed though;

$ clean
bash: clean: command not found

- Tyler

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Re: how do i grep boobies

2009-07-04 Thread Hal Vaughan

On Jul 4, 2009, at 3:28 PM, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:

On Sat, 4 Jul 2009 21:44:51 +1200
Chris Bannister wrote:

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 08:47:09AM -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote:

* Comcast Master Account [2009 Jun
27 15:05 -0500]:

hi i want boobies so i try grep some boobies but command not work
how i get boobies thx

I guess that if you can't grep any boobies, then the following
commands will be difficult to invoke:

unzip, strip, touch, finger, grep, mount, fsck, more, yes, fsck,
fsck, fsck, umount, sleep

$ man woman

No manual entry for woman

$ locate woman

$ sudo mount /woman
mount: can't find /woman in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

(you bet I'm re-naming one of my storage partitions now!)

$ sudo apt-get install woman
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package woman

Oh, oh.  Out of luck, I'd guess.

...unless there might still be some women somewhere on Usenet.

Isn't that what alt.binaries.* is for?


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Re: how do i grep boobies

2009-07-04 Thread Dotan Cohen
   ...unless there might still be some women somewhere on Usenet.
  alias woman locate; talk; date; uptime; gawk; head; clean; sleep

 And then they wonder why some women find IT a hostile area

 Seriously, there are female readers of this list.  Could we at least pretend
 that the rest of you think we are human beings, not blow-up toys for men to

 In other words, please can we lay this rather offensive thread to rest?

I am willing to drop the subject as Lisi mentioned that it offended
her. Jokes are meant to be fun, not offensive. I apologize to you
personally, Lisi, for the offence. If anybody else was offended you
can flame me now.

        If a homosexual makes a pass at me or otherwise speaks in a sexual
 manner, I'm not offended, I'm just not interested.  I would have hoped that
 that the level of bigotry that causes people to be offended by such things,
 was removed from heterosexual relationships in 20th century as well.

This is my thought, exactly. I am married and have two children. That
does not stop a particular girl at my university from expressing
interest in me, nor a homosexual that I occasionally hang out with. I
make it clear that I'm not interested, and that is the end of it. As
with Lisi's issue: see mentioned that she doesn't want to see OT
threads on that particular subject, I am fine with that.

        I think the common misconception that results in this mistaken
 offence, is that sexual attraction/desire is dehumanizing.  If anything, it
 promotes humanization.  I mean, how would you feel if this thread was about

It doesn't work that way, I've been trying for ages!

jaun...@laptop:~$ woof
bash: woof: command not found
jaun...@laptop:~$ bark
bash: bark: command not found
jaun...@laptop:~$ howl
bash: meow: command not found
jaun...@laptop:~$ ruff
bash: ruff: command not found
jaun...@laptop:~$ wag
bash: wag: command not found
jaun...@laptop:~$ roll
bash: roll: command not found
jaun...@laptop:~$ heel
bash: heel: command not found
jaun...@laptop:~$ beg
bash: beg: command not found

        The joke is flawed though;

 $ clean
 bash: clean: command not found


Dotan Cohen

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Re: FF 3.5 in Unstable?

2009-07-04 Thread Jens Van Broeckhoven
On Saturday 04 July 2009 20:12:33 Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum wrote:

 Im running Debian Unstable, and had hoped that the new version of FireFox
 would be in Unstable pretty quickly. But its not there yet.

 Im using it happily on my Mac system, and i'd really like to get it on
 Debian as well. Is there a safe way of getting it now? I guess i can get it
 from the Mozilla site, but then i dont want to be in a position where my
 Debian packages are out of whack because i did this, or where i dont know
 of any updates.



It will first appear in experimental.
If you can't wait, you can grab some very early alpha debs from Mike Hommey's 
blog page:


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Re: how do i grep boobies

2009-07-04 Thread JoeHill
Tyler MacDonald wrote: 

 Lisi Reisz wrote:
...unless there might still be some women somewhere on Usenet.  
   alias woman locate; talk; date; uptime; gawk; head; clean; sleep  
  And then they wonder why some women find IT a hostile area
  Seriously, there are female readers of this list.  Could we at least
  pretend that the rest of you think we are human beings, not blow-up toys
  for men to grope?
  In other words, please can we lay this rather offensive thread to rest?  
   If a homosexual makes a pass at me or otherwise speaks in a sexual
 manner, I'm not offended, I'm just not interested.  I would have hoped that
 that the level of bigotry that causes people to be offended by such things,
 was removed from heterosexual relationships in 20th century as well.
   I think the common misconception that results in this mistaken
 offence, is that sexual attraction/desire is dehumanizing.  If anything, it
 promotes humanization.  I mean, how would you feel if this thread was about

I don't think she cares if _you're_ offended or not, she's asking nicely if
you'll stop because it does bother some people. Your feelings on the issue are
totally irrelevant, since you have no experience being constantly treated like
an object of someone's infantile desires, in the media, in the workplace, on
the bus or subway, _everywhere_.

It's called being polite and mature enough to put other people's feelings
before your own. Grow the hell up.


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Re: problems with router

2009-07-04 Thread Dotan Cohen
While we're off-topic, could I convince you to change the display name
of your email client? Many email clients replace the user's name with
me so your hijacking of the word is inappropriate and misleading.


Dotan Cohen

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Re: how do i grep boobies

2009-07-04 Thread Wayne Topa

Tyler MacDonald wrote:

Lisi Reisz wrote:

...unless there might still be some women somewhere on Usenet.

alias woman locate; talk; date; uptime; gawk; head; clean; sleep

And then they wonder why some women find IT a hostile area

Seriously, there are female readers of this list.  Could we at least pretend 
that the rest of you think we are human beings, not blow-up toys for men to 

In other words, please can we lay this rather offensive thread to rest?

If a homosexual makes a pass at me or otherwise speaks in a sexual
manner, I'm not offended, I'm just not interested.  I would have hoped that
that the level of bigotry that causes people to be offended by such things,
was removed from heterosexual relationships in 20th century as well.

I think the common misconception that results in this mistaken
offence, is that sexual attraction/desire is dehumanizing.  If anything, it
promotes humanization.  I mean, how would you feel if this thread was about

The joke is flawed though;

$ clean
bash: clean: command not found

- Tyler

And this relates to Debian how? Grow up kids!

My filters are working and I am filling up my trash with this crap.
Please take this off list as it does not, and hasn't from the start,
have anything to do with Debian.


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