Re: Drivers NVIDIA

2009-08-19 Thread Daniel

En/na Daniel ha escrit:


Després d'una avaria a la controladora dels discos durs que ha durat 
un mes, ahir vaig recuperar el meu ordinador en plena forma. Però a 
l'actualitzar el software, em trobo amb un nou kernel (2.6.30-1-686) a 
més del que feia servir (2.6.26-2-686). I el que és més emprenyador, 
ara no em reconeix cap driver de la placa NVIDIA GeForce4 MX440 GPU.

He anat baixant amb el temps unes quantes versions del driver; les versions són la 43.01, 43.05 i 
la darrera 45.11; tret de la darrera, la resta han anat funcionant 

He estat remenant per Internet i no trobo res que s'assembli. Algú 
s'hi ha trobat?

Gràcies per tot.


Ja funciona. Amb el module-assistant (gràcies, forumaires) he aconseguit 
instal·lar el driver. Llavors, amb les utilitats del Nvidia Xserver 
Setting he aconseguit posar la definició a 1280x1024 i bé. Tot correcte.
Ah, però en el moment que he reiniciat el sistema, a l'hora d'entrar el 
Gnome s'ha quedat amb la pantalla negra. Per arrancar, he arrancat amb 
el DVD del Càtix; de sempre, el Càtix arranca amb la definició de 
Se m'ha acudit de copiar al xorg.conf la instrucció corresponent al 
xorg.conf del Càtix:

Section Device
  Identifier   nVidia Corporation NV17 (rev a3)
End Section
I funciona!

Gràcies per tot.



Daniel Elias
Usuari de Linux nº 461584

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2009-08-19 Thread giggzounet

désolé gros HS. vous avez le droit de taper, mais pas trop fort...

Au boulot on utilise un logiciel de visualisation proprio. Donc on a le
gestionnaire de licence qui va avec. J'ai installé ce gestionnaire de
licence sur un vieux linux (2.6.4...oulalalala). et sur un pc tout neuf
j'ai le logiciel de visu en question.

Sur le vieux pc, donc le serveur, je voudrais bien que le gestionnaire
de licence se lance au démarrage totomatiquement. et ça tombe bien
puisqu'un script de lancement est fourni. Alors je copie le script donc
/etc/init.d, je le rends exécutable. bref en gros au boot le script est
appelé. Mais le problème c'est que le gestionnaire de licence crash
lorsqu'il est lancé en tant que daemon...En gros si dans un shell je tape :
./gestionnaire_de_licence args
ça marche. et si je tape :
start_daemon gestionnaire_de_licence args
le logiciel crash.

bon voilà en gros ce qui se passe.

Alors j'ai regardé les logs un peu partout et je n'ai pas trouvé grand
chose. Mais apparemment ce gestionnaire de licence appelle un autre
programme, prog1, qui se situe dans le même répertoire que le
gestionnaire de licence. Et apparemment en tant que daemon eh bien ce
prog1 n'est pas trouvé. alors que direct dans le shell ça fonctionne

Y a t il un environnement spécial lorsqu'un programme est lancé en tant
que daemon ? si oui comment le modifier ? à noter j'ai aussi ajouté le
repertoire dans le lequel se situe prog1 et le gestionnaire de licence à
mon PATH. et ça n'a rien changé.

Si vous avez une idée...une expérience similaire...ou encore mieux une
solution...ben je suis tout ouï. ah oui à noter que je désire continuer
à utiliser ce logiciel :) donc pas besoin de me dire de le virer ;)


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Re: [HS]

2009-08-19 Thread Kevin Hinault
Le 19 août 2009 09:51, giggzounet a écrit :

 Y a t il un environnement spécial lorsqu'un programme est lancé en tant
 que daemon ? si oui comment le modifier ? à noter j'ai aussi ajouté le
 repertoire dans le lequel se situe prog1 et le gestionnaire de licence à
 mon PATH. et ça n'a rien changé.


Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » - - -
Nick IRC : KevinH sur - -

Re: [HS]

2009-08-19 Thread Kevin Hinault
Le 19 août 2009 09:51, giggzounet a écrit :

 Y a t il un environnement spécial lorsqu'un programme est lancé en tant
 que daemon ? si oui comment le modifier ? à noter j'ai aussi ajouté le
 repertoire dans le lequel se situe prog1 et le gestionnaire de licence à
 mon PATH. et ça n'a rien changé.

Ca dépend : est ce que ton daemon est lancé avec un utilisateur particulier

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » - - -
Nick IRC : KevinH sur - -

Re: [HS] Crash d'un programme e n tant que daemon; pas de crash qd lanc é en console

2009-08-19 Thread giggzounet
Bon tout d'abord...j'ai oublié de mettre un vais me faire
incendier par le pourfendeur de moulins...donc je rectifie rapido :)

Kevin Hinault a écrit :
 Le 19 août 2009 09:51, giggzounet a écrit :
 Y a t il un environnement spécial lorsqu'un programme est lancé en tant
 que daemon ? si oui comment le modifier ? à noter j'ai aussi ajouté le
 repertoire dans le lequel se situe prog1 et le gestionnaire de licence à
 mon PATH. et ça n'a rien changé.
 Ca dépend : est ce que ton daemon est lancé avec un utilisateur
 particulier ?

euh root...c'est particulier ça comme utilisateur ?


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Re: [HS] Crash d'un programme en tant que daemon; pa s de crash qd lancé en console

2009-08-19 Thread Kevin Hinault
Le 19 août 2009 10:01, giggzounet a écrit :
 Kevin Hinault a écrit :
  Le 19 août 2009 09:51, giggzounet a écrit :
      Y a t il un environnement spécial lorsqu'un programme est lancé en tant
      que daemon ? si oui comment le modifier ? à noter j'ai aussi ajouté le
      repertoire dans le lequel se situe prog1 et le gestionnaire de licence à
      mon PATH. et ça n'a rien changé.
  Ca dépend : est ce que ton daemon est lancé avec un utilisateur
  particulier ?

 euh root...c'est particulier ça comme utilisateur ?

Je parlais d'un utilisateur autre que root justement, il n'est pas
rare qu'un daemon ait son propre utilisateur pour plus de securité.
Souvent il sera même chrooté.


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Re: [HS] Crash d'un programme e n tant que daemon; pas de crash qd lanc é en console

2009-08-19 Thread giggzounet
Kevin Hinault a écrit :
 Le 19 août 2009 10:01, giggzounet a écrit :
 Kevin Hinault a écrit :
 Le 19 août 2009 09:51, giggzounet a écrit :

 Y a t il un environnement spécial lorsqu'un programme est lancé en tant
 que daemon ? si oui comment le modifier ? à noter j'ai aussi ajouté le
 repertoire dans le lequel se situe prog1 et le gestionnaire de licence à
 mon PATH. et ça n'a rien changé.

 Ca dépend : est ce que ton daemon est lancé avec un utilisateur
 particulier ?

 euh root...c'est particulier ça comme utilisateur ?
 Je parlais d'un utilisateur autre que root justement, il n'est pas
 rare qu'un daemon ait son propre utilisateur pour plus de securité.
 Souvent il sera même chrooté.


Mais en console je le lance aussi en root et ça fonctionne.

Bon je veux bien essayer avec un autre utilisateur. comment je fais pour
dire que je veux daemoniser mon programme avec l'utilisateur truc ?


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Re: [HS] Crash d'un programme en tant que daemon; pa s de crash qd lancé en console

2009-08-19 Thread Kevin Hinault
Le 19 août 2009 10:21, a écrit :
 Mais en console je le lance aussi en root et ça fonctionne.

 Bon je veux bien essayer avec un autre utilisateur. comment je fais pour
 dire que je veux daemoniser mon programme avec l'utilisateur truc ?

Non je te dis pas de le faire mais de vérifier si c'est pas déjà le cas ;)

Avant de chercher à modifier l'environnement de ton daemon il est
juste bon de savoir s'il est lancé en root ou non.
Un bon test serait de faire un export de l'environnement juste avant
ta commande 'prog1' :

env  /tmp/env_de_mon_script


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Re: [HS] Crash d'un programme e n tant que daemon; pas de crash qd lanc é en console

2009-08-19 Thread giggzounet
Kevin Hinault a écrit :
 Le 19 août 2009 10:21, a écrit :
 Mais en console je le lance aussi en root et ça fonctionne.

 Bon je veux bien essayer avec un autre utilisateur. comment je fais pour
 dire que je veux daemoniser mon programme avec l'utilisateur truc ?
 Non je te dis pas de le faire mais de vérifier si c'est pas déjà le cas ;)
 Avant de chercher à modifier l'environnement de ton daemon il est
 juste bon de savoir s'il est lancé en root ou non.
 Un bon test serait de faire un export de l'environnement juste avant
 ta commande 'prog1' :
 env  /tmp/env_de_mon_script

le probleme c'est que je n'ai pas accès à l'environnement juste avant
prog1 :

qqs détails :
en gros mon script de lancement contient :
start_daemon  $TLM_INSTALL_DIR/rlm -c $TLM_INSTALL_DIR/licence.lic
-dlog $TLM_INSTALL_DIR/debug.log
avec $TLM_INSTALL_DIR bien défini.
rlm est un binaire qui fait appel en interne à prog1 (donc pour env
c'est rapé).

Si on console je tape :
path_to_rlm/rlm -c path_to_rlm/licence.lic -dlog path_to_rlm/debug.log
ça marche.

Tiens je viens de faire une découverte :

si je mets :
path_to_rlm/rlm -c path_to_rlm/licence.lic -dlog path_to_rlm/debug.log
dans un script du genre :
echo -n Starting rlm:
path_to_rlm/rlm -c path_to_rlm/licence.lic -dlog path_to_rlm/debug.log
echo -n DONE

et ben ça ne marche pas non plus...même problème qu'avec le start_daemon.

Bon ben je n'ai plus qu'à comparer les env.


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Re: [HS] Crash d'un programme e n tant que daemon; pas de crash qd lanc é en console

2009-08-19 Thread giggzounet
giggzounet a écrit :
 Kevin Hinault a écrit :
 Le 19 août 2009 10:21, a écrit :
 Mais en console je le lance aussi en root et ça fonctionne.

 Bon je veux bien essayer avec un autre utilisateur. comment je fais pour
 dire que je veux daemoniser mon programme avec l'utilisateur truc ?
 Non je te dis pas de le faire mais de vérifier si c'est pas déjà le cas ;)

 Avant de chercher à modifier l'environnement de ton daemon il est
 juste bon de savoir s'il est lancé en root ou non.
 Un bon test serait de faire un export de l'environnement juste avant
 ta commande 'prog1' :

 env  /tmp/env_de_mon_script

 le probleme c'est que je n'ai pas accès à l'environnement juste avant
 prog1 :
 qqs détails :
 en gros mon script de lancement contient :
 start_daemon  $TLM_INSTALL_DIR/rlm -c $TLM_INSTALL_DIR/licence.lic
 -dlog $TLM_INSTALL_DIR/debug.log
 avec $TLM_INSTALL_DIR bien défini.
 rlm est un binaire qui fait appel en interne à prog1 (donc pour env
 c'est rapé).
 Si on console je tape :
 path_to_rlm/rlm -c path_to_rlm/licence.lic -dlog path_to_rlm/debug.log
 ça marche.
 Tiens je viens de faire une découverte :
 si je mets :
 path_to_rlm/rlm -c path_to_rlm/licence.lic -dlog path_to_rlm/debug.log
 dans un script du genre :
 echo -n Starting rlm:
 path_to_rlm/rlm -c path_to_rlm/licence.lic -dlog path_to_rlm/debug.log
 echo -n DONE
 et ben ça ne marche pas non plus...même problème qu'avec le start_daemon.
 Bon ben je n'ai plus qu'à comparer les env.

bien les seules différences obtenues avec la commande env dans une
console et dans le script ci-dessus lancé dans la même console sont les
suivantes :
[10:53:45] dena...@celsius02 ~/Documents/TMP $ diff env_rlm env_rlm3
\[\e[0;31m\]\u\[\e[0;33...@\[\e[1;35m\]\h \[\e[0;32m\]\w \[\e[0;31m\]\$

Donc en gros on voit pas grand chose... :) c'est quoi SHLVL ? shell
level ? et ça veut dire quoi ?


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Re: [HS] Crash d'un programme en tant que daemon; pas de crash qd lancé en console

2009-08-19 Thread Vincent MEURISSE
On Wednesday 19 August 2009 10:54:41 am giggzounet wrote:
 Donc en gros on voit pas grand chose... :) c'est quoi SHLVL ? shell
 level ? et ça veut dire quoi ?
Shell level c'est le nombre de shell qui sont lancés en cascade. Quand tu 
lance le premier il place la variable à 1. Ensuite chaque shell l'incrémente 
(ne marche pas avec sh)

$ echo $SHLVL
$ bash
$ echo $SHLVL
$ bash
$ echo $SHLVL
$ exit
$ echo $SHLVL
$ exit
$ echo $SHLVL


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Re: [HS] Crash d'un programme en tant que daemon; pa s de crash qd lancé en console

2009-08-19 Thread Kevin Hinault
Le 19 août 2009 10:54, a écrit :

C'est utilisé quand un shell en appel un autre, quand tu executes un
script manuellement il est en SHLVL=1 et quand il est appelé par une
autre script il prend un niveau donc SHLVL=2, chaque incrémentation
est le fruit d'un lancement par un script parent. Rien d'important
pour toi.

Je vais peut-être dire une betise mais start_daemon ce n'est pas une
commande présente sur debian ça il me semble ? start_stop_daemon je
connais mais pas celui-ci.


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Re: [HS] Crash d'un programme e n tant que daemon; pas de crash qd lanc é en console

2009-08-19 Thread giggzounet
Kevin Hinault a écrit :
 Le 19 août 2009 10:54, a écrit :
 C'est utilisé quand un shell en appel un autre, quand tu executes un
 script manuellement il est en SHLVL=1 et quand il est appelé par une
 autre script il prend un niveau donc SHLVL=2, chaque incrémentation
 est le fruit d'un lancement par un script parent. Rien d'important
 pour toi.
 Je vais peut-être dire une betise mais start_daemon ce n'est pas une
 commande présente sur debian ça il me semble ? start_stop_daemon je
 connais mais pas celui-ci.

bien vu...le serveur tourne sur une autre distrib...qd je dis gros suis vraiment gros HS.

Par contre j'ai trouvé autre chose :
si à la place de #!/bin/bash je mets
#!/bin/zsh, le script fonctionne :)

bon maintenant j'essaye de comprendre pourquoi...


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Re: [HS] Crash d'un programme e n tant que daemon; pas de crash qd lancé en console

2009-08-19 Thread giggzounet
Vincent MEURISSE a écrit :
 On Wednesday 19 August 2009 10:54:41 am giggzounet wrote:
 Donc en gros on voit pas grand chose... :) c'est quoi SHLVL ? shell
 level ? et ça veut dire quoi ?
 Shell level c'est le nombre de shell qui sont lancés en cascade. Quand tu 
 lance le premier il place la variable à 1. Ensuite chaque shell l'incrémente 
 (ne marche pas avec sh)
 $ echo $SHLVL
 $ bash
 $ echo $SHLVL
 $ bash
 $ echo $SHLVL
 $ exit
 $ echo $SHLVL
 $ exit
 $ echo $SHLVL

oki. merki

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Re: [HS] Crash d'un program me en tant que daemon; pas de crash qd lanc é en console

2009-08-19 Thread Edi Stojicevic
* giggzounet [2009-08-19 11:12:56 +0200] wrote :

 Kevin Hinault a écrit :
  Le 19 août 2009 10:54, a écrit :
  C'est utilisé quand un shell en appel un autre, quand tu executes un
  script manuellement il est en SHLVL=1 et quand il est appelé par une
  autre script il prend un niveau donc SHLVL=2, chaque incrémentation
  est le fruit d'un lancement par un script parent. Rien d'important
  pour toi.
  Je vais peut-être dire une betise mais start_daemon ce n'est pas une
  commande présente sur debian ça il me semble ? start_stop_daemon je
  connais mais pas celui-ci.
 bien vu...le serveur tourne sur une autre distrib...qd je dis gros suis vraiment gros HS.
 Par contre j'ai trouvé autre chose :
 si à la place de #!/bin/bash je mets
 #!/bin/zsh, le script fonctionne :)
 bon maintenant j'essaye de comprendre pourquoi...

Regarde du côté des tes fichiers .rc qui doivent lancés certaines
variables d'environnement ...

 .''`.  Edi Stojicevic
: :'  : Debian GNU/Linux user, admin  developer -
`. `~'  French speaking Debian website founder   -
  `-GPG Key Id : 0x1237B032

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Re: [testing] passage au 2.6.30 = problème avec la carte nVidia

2009-08-19 Thread Sergiu Mihai

Yann Cohen a écrit :  

Possesseur de carte graphique Nvidia sur squeeze, je viens de passer en
2.6.30 en amd64 et (depuis toujours avec nvidia) j'utilise directement
les pilote de nvidia avec son installateur et la recompilation du
module et l'installation des lib = pas pas problème...

par contre pour ATI... c'est une autre histoire !


Je m'explique, car peut-être j'ai mal compris comment il faut faire.
 Pour mon noyau 2.6.26 de squeeze j'ai le nvidia-kernel-2.6.26-2-686
installé, Avec célui là, la carte marche bien
 Pour le noyau 2.6.30 j'ai pas de package nvidia-kernel-2.6.30
correspondant, donc je sais pas comment faire. Attendre que ce package soit
créé et mis dans les depots?


Re: [HS] Crash d'un programme e n tant que daemon; pas de crash qd lanc é en console

2009-08-19 Thread giggzounet
Edi Stojicevic a écrit :
 * giggzounet [2009-08-19 11:12:56 +0200] wrote :
 Kevin Hinault a écrit :
 Le 19 août 2009 10:54, a écrit :
 C'est utilisé quand un shell en appel un autre, quand tu executes un
 script manuellement il est en SHLVL=1 et quand il est appelé par une
 autre script il prend un niveau donc SHLVL=2, chaque incrémentation
 est le fruit d'un lancement par un script parent. Rien d'important
 pour toi.

 Je vais peut-être dire une betise mais start_daemon ce n'est pas une
 commande présente sur debian ça il me semble ? start_stop_daemon je
 connais mais pas celui-ci.

 bien vu...le serveur tourne sur une autre distrib...qd je dis gros suis vraiment gros HS.

 Par contre j'ai trouvé autre chose :
 si à la place de #!/bin/bash je mets
 #!/bin/zsh, le script fonctionne :)

 bon maintenant j'essaye de comprendre pourquoi...

 Regarde du côté des tes fichiers .rc qui doivent lancés certaines
 variables d'environnement ...

je crois plutot que c est le programme en lui meme qui est un peu pourri...

en effet j ai encore compris un truc.
j ai ecris que le prog se lancait en console. en fait ce n est pas
exactement vrai :
il faut que je fasse :
cd mon_path_vers_le_prog
mon_path_vers_le_prog args
pour que ca marche.

J ai mis le cd dans le script et dans ce cas ci ca fonctionne sans
probleme. bref je crois que je ne peux rien faire de vais me
contenter de cette solution sale. mon chef s impatiente...

Merci a tous en tout cas

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Re: [testing] passage au 2.6.30 = problème avec la carte nVidia

2009-08-19 Thread Sylvain Sauvage
Sergiu Mihai, mercredi 19 août 2009, 11:59:10 CEST
 Je m'explique, car peut-être j'ai mal compris comment il faut faire.
  Pour mon noyau 2.6.26 de squeeze j'ai le nvidia-kernel-2.6.26-2-686
 installé, Avec célui là, la carte marche bien
  Pour le noyau 2.6.30 j'ai pas de package nvidia-kernel-2.6.30
 correspondant, donc je sais pas comment faire. Attendre que ce package soit
 créé et mis dans les depots?

  Ça ou en créer un soi-même avec module-assistant, en root :
# m-a a-i nvidia
(option -l 2.6.30 si le 2.6.30 n’est pas le noyau actif)

  m-a (sans option) lance une interface ncurses.
  man m-a pour plus d’info.

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Debian Etch et Zabbix

2009-08-19 Thread fabrice test
Bonjour à tous,
Je voudrais installer la solution de supervision Zabbix sur un serveur Etch.
Les paquets disponibles pour zabbix sont en version 1.4.6-1 donc relativement 
On retrouve dans testing la dernière version à savoir 1.6.5-1.
Je me pose la question de quelle source utiliser.
1- Utiliser les paquets de la version stable en 1.4
2- Peut on utiliser les paquets de testing sans Risque.
3- Ou vaut il mieux installer les sources depuis le site zabbix et compiler ?
merci de votre aide


Re: Debian Etch et Zabbix

2009-08-19 Thread Florent Charton
Le 19/08/2009 12:09, fabrice test a écrit :
 Bonjour à tous,
 Je voudrais installer la solution de supervision Zabbix sur un serveur Etch.
 Les paquets disponibles pour zabbix sont en version 1.4.6-1 donc relativement 
 On retrouve dans testing la dernière version à savoir 1.6.5-1.
 Je me pose la question de quelle source utiliser.
 1- Utiliser les paquets de la version stable en 1.4
 2- Peut on utiliser les paquets de testing sans Risque.
 3- Ou vaut il mieux installer les sources depuis le site zabbix et compiler ?
Pour ma part, j'utilise le fichier /etc/apt/preferences pour avoir un
zabbix à jour. Cependant, je ne le fais que sur le frontend/serveur, les
agents restant (par choix personnel) ceux de stable. Les agents 1.4
n'ont a priori pas de problème de compatibilité avec les serveur 1.6.
 merci de votre aide

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Re: [testing] passage au 2.6.30 = problème avec la carte nVidia

2009-08-19 Thread Sergiu Mihai

Sylvain Sauvage a écrit :  
Sergiu Mihai, mercredi 19 août 2009, 11:59:10 CEST

 Ça ou en créer un soi-même avec module-assistant, en root :
# m-a a-i nvidia
(option -l 2.6.30 si le 2.6.30 n'est pas le noyau actif)

 m-a (sans option) lance une interface ncurses.
 man m-a pour plus d'info.

Pour mon noyau 2.6.26 je compilé le pilote avec module-assistant. 
 Quand j'essaie de faire pareil pour le 2.6.30 j'ai un message d'erreur:
error: 'struct proc_dir_entry' has no member named 'owner'
 Ce cas a été expliqué par David dans ça réponse à ce sujet. Plus de
détails sur [1]
 Mais le package nvidia-kernel-legacy-173xx-source est dans Sid et pas
dans Squeeze.

 Devrais-je essayer de l'installer quand même?


Re: [testing] passage au 2.6.30 = problème avec la carte nVidia

2009-08-19 Thread Sylvain Sauvage
[Ce serait bien d’utiliser un système de citation lisible.
 Ton webmail (Roundcube) doit savoir le faire (il est sûrement
 aussi capable d’envoyer en texte brut seul, sans html…).]

Sergiu Mihai, mercredi 19 août 2009, 12:38:44 CEST
 Pour mon noyau 2.6.26 je compilé le pilote avec module-assistant. 
  Quand j'essaie de faire pareil pour le 2.6.30 j'ai un message d'erreur:
 error: 'struct proc_dir_entry' has no member named 'owner'
  Ce cas a été expliqué par David dans ça réponse à ce sujet. Plus de
 détails sur [1]
  Mais le package nvidia-kernel-legacy-173xx-source est dans Sid et pas
 dans Squeeze.

  Oui, et le pourquoi est expliqué là :

  Devrais-je essayer de l'installer quand même?

  Étant données les raisons de son absence dans Testing, ça va
demander plusieurs autres paquets de Sid. Des cascades sont à
craindre. C’est toi qui décide.

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: [testing] passage au 2.6.30 = problème avec la carte nVidia

2009-08-19 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Wed, 19 Aug 2009 13:25:04 +0200
Sylvain Sauvage a écrit:

   Oui, et le pourquoi est expliqué là :
   Devrais-je essayer de l'installer quand même?
   Étant données les raisons de son absence dans Testing, ça va
 demander plusieurs autres paquets de Sid. Des cascades sont à
 craindre. C’est toi qui décide.

Pas obligatoirement. J'ai installé les drivers 185 de sid sur testing
et ça se fait sans soucis particulier et sans tirer une myriade de


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Limiter les ressources CPU par VM avec VmWare Server 2

2009-08-19 Thread Alain JUPIN

Est il possible de limiter les ressources CPU d'une machine virtuelle
avec VmWare Server 2 (sous debian lenny 64 bits) ?

Sur une de mes VM, une appli quand elle crash prend toutes les
ressources, résultat la machine est plantée ou presque, la souris bouge
pas ou alors toutes les 30sec à 1min, même CRTL-ALT-F1, le login échoue
car cela prend plus de 60sec pour avoir la demande de password. 

J'ai bien tenté un renice du process qui fait tourner ma VM, mais c'est
pas la panacée (machine un poil plus réactive), là j'ai pu noté une
charge de 60 (voire plus) via top !
Donc je cherche a limiter les ressource utiliser par une VM mettons à
1/4 du CPU (ou 1/2 core ou truc dans le genre)

Merci pour votre aide

Les pieds sur Terre, la tête dans les étoiles

Re: Limiter les ressources CPU par VM avec VmWare Server 2

2009-08-19 Thread Benjamin MENUET

Je ne crois pas que l'on puisse limiter l'utilisation d'un CPU avec VmWare
Server 2.
Si tu as plusieurs CPUs, plusieurs coeurs ou que ton CPU
supportel'hyperthreading, tu as alors la possibilité d'avoir plusieurs
vcpu et tu peux limiter le nombre de vcpu accessible par ta machine cliente.

Il faut modifier l'option suivante dans le fichier .vmx de ta VM :

numvcpus = 2


Le 19 août 2009 13:58, Alain JUPIN a écrit :


 Est il possible de limiter les ressources CPU d'une machine virtuelle avec
 VmWare Server 2 (sous debian lenny 64 bits) ?

 Sur une de mes VM, une appli quand elle crash prend toutes les ressources,
 résultat la machine est plantée ou presque, la souris bouge pas ou alors
 toutes les 30sec à 1min, même CRTL-ALT-F1, le login échoue car cela prend
 plus de 60sec pour avoir la demande de password.

 J'ai bien tenté un renice du process qui fait tourner ma VM, mais c'est pas
 la panacée (machine un poil plus réactive), là j'ai pu noté une charge de 60
 (voire plus) via top !
 Donc je cherche a limiter les ressource utiliser par une VM mettons à 1/4
 du CPU (ou 1/2 core ou truc dans le genre)

 Merci pour votre aide

 Les pieds sur Terre, la tête dans les étoiles


2009-08-19 Thread Raphaël RIGNIER

Benjamin MENUET a écrit :


Essai de renseigner la variable :
http_proxy=http://ton proxy:port/

Dans le fichier /etc/profile sur ta machine cliente.


Le 18 août 2009 11:26, Vilasith Phonepadith a écrit :



Firefox : depuis Edit-Preferences-Advances-Network, ce navigateur
du poste client peut connecter à l'Internet SI J'AI COCHÉ Manual
proxy configuration Sinon, ça ne marche pas, par ex, Auto-detect
proxy settings for this network.

Comment je peux configurer mon serveur web/proxy
transparent/ pour que le firefox fonctionne en
cochant Auto-detect proxy settings for this network ?

Le proxy Transparent = redirection du port 80 vers le serveur squid 
doit se faire au moyen du routeur avec des règles iptables.
Un exemple ici 

le Auto-detect proxy settings for this network c'est autre chose. Il 
est adapté a un plus grand nombre de postes sur le réseau.
Il s'agit d'une demande par le navigateur d'une page javascript 
contenant la fonction FindProxyForUrl. Permet de définir quel proxy 
utiliser en fonction de la machine source ou de la destination.
Ce système nécéciste un serveur DNS avec la zone correpondant au 
domainname du /etc/resolv.conf des clients. Il faut aussi un serveur 
http contenant le fichier wpad.dat à la racine du site. Ce fichier doit 
contenir la  fonction FindProxyForUrl.
Dans la zone DNS, une entrée A ou CNAME nommée wpad doit correspondre  
au serveur web hébergeant le fichier wpad.dat.
La majorité des navigateurs sont compatibles avec ce système. Pour les 
autres (Safari, ?)  on doit indiquer manuellement l'url du fichier dans 
les préférences :  URL d'autoconfiguration du proxy.


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Librairies 32 bits sur un système 64 (erreur avec

2009-08-19 Thread David BERCOT

Sur mon système (Sid, 2.6.30, 64 bits), je viens d'installer l'outil
d'Amazon pour télécharger les mp3 achetés sur leur site.
Cet outil n'existe qu'en version 32 bits, mais en forçant un peu (dpkg
-i --force-architecture), il l'installe quand même. Or, quand je lance,
j'ai l'erreur suivante :

amazonmp3: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Bien évidemment, la bibliothèque est présente :

# whereis /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ 
/usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

Toutefois, j'imagine qu'il la cherche peut-être dans un /usr/lib32/ ?

D'autre part, lors d'une installation précédente (même genre), cela
avait fonctionné du 1er coup. Je pense éventuellement à l'installation
de Picasa où je lui avait peut-être demandé d'installer plus de
composants 32 bits que je ne l'ai fait cette fois-ci. Mais je ne vois
pas comment refaire la même chose...

Auriez-vous une piste ?

Merci d'avance.


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Re: problema rtl8185

2009-08-19 Thread En-No
El 19 de agosto de 2009 04:43, Germá escribió:
 Hola lista, hace un par de dias q estoy teniendo problemas con mi placa wlan
 (encore, chipset rtl8185)
 de pronto empezo a dar problemas, esta es la salida en dmesg:

 [  423.840171] wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16
 [  423.872019] wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16
 [  423.872038] wlan0: authenticated
 [  423.872051] wlan0: associate with AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16
 [  423.876297] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:18:e7:15:1b:16 (capab=0x431
 status=0 aid=1)
 [  423.876306] wlan0: associated
 [  435.772855] wlan0: disassociating by local choice (reason=3)
 [  648.040172] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16 try 1
 [  648.072021] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16 try 1
 [  648.272022] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16 try 2
 [  648.472021] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16 try 3
 [  648.672023] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16 timed out

 hoy practicamente no anduvo en todo el dia, y ahora de pronto hace casi 1
 hora q anda sin problemas.


 rtl8180    31680  0
 mac80211  153904  1 rtl8180
 eeprom_93cx6    4480  1 rtl8180

 probe compilar nuevas versiones de kernel, pero pasa lo mismo; probe
 instalar windows en una particion y anda sin problemas...

 alguna idea? desde ya gracias!


me suena a esto ...
mas informacion en ...
pon 2.6.29 o superior ... seguro que ya no tendras problemas


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Re: problema rtl8185

2009-08-19 Thread Germán
2009/8/19 En-No

 El 19 de agosto de 2009 04:43, Germá escribió:
  Hola lista, hace un par de dias q estoy teniendo problemas con mi placa
  (encore, chipset rtl8185)
  de pronto empezo a dar problemas, esta es la salida en dmesg:
  [  423.840171] wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16
  [  423.872019] wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16
  [  423.872038] wlan0: authenticated
  [  423.872051] wlan0: associate with AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16
  [  423.876297] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:18:e7:15:1b:16 (capab=0x431
  status=0 aid=1)
  [  423.876306] wlan0: associated
  [  435.772855] wlan0: disassociating by local choice (reason=3)
  [  648.040172] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16 try 1
  [  648.072021] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16 try 1
  [  648.272022] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16 try 2
  [  648.472021] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16 try 3
  [  648.672023] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:e7:15:1b:16 timed out
  hoy practicamente no anduvo en todo el dia, y ahora de pronto hace casi 1
  hora q anda sin problemas.
  rtl818031680  0
  mac80211  153904  1 rtl8180
  eeprom_93cx64480  1 rtl8180
  probe compilar nuevas versiones de kernel, pero pasa lo mismo; probe
  instalar windows en una particion y anda sin problemas...
  alguna idea? desde ya gracias!

 me suena a esto ...
 mas informacion en ...
 pon 2.6.29 o superior ... seguro que ya no tendras problemas


gracias, probe con un kernel y, lo raro q el problema
surgio de un momento para el otro sin hacer ningun cambio a nivel de kernel
o modulos..
quizas pruebe con ndiswrapper...


2009-08-19 Thread Leonel Hernández Grandela
disculpen por la pregunta un poco tonta creo pero bueno no sé el como 
:-P .. alguien me dice como puedo yo saber a que velocidad están 
trabajando mis dos interfaces de red ??? si a 10 megas o a 100 ?? 
saludos ...


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: duda!!

2009-08-19 Thread Moises Brenes
2009/8/19 Leonel Hernández Grandela
 disculpen por la pregunta un poco tonta creo pero bueno no sé el como :-P ..
 alguien me dice como puedo yo saber a que velocidad están trabajando mis dos
 interfaces de red ??? si a 10 megas o a 100 ?? saludos ...

Con ethtool | mii-tool::

シャカ |
Geloof is een wens om niet te weten wat echt is

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Re: duda!!

2009-08-19 Thread Manolo Díaz
El Wed, 19 Aug 2009 13:21:41 -0400
Leonel Hernández Grandela escribió:

 disculpen por la pregunta un poco tonta creo pero bueno no sé el como 
 :-P .. alguien me dice como puedo yo saber a que velocidad están 
 trabajando mis dos interfaces de red ??? si a 10 megas o a 100 ?? 
 saludos ...

Con la herramienta ethtool, disponible en el paquete del mismo nombre.

Manolo Díaz

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Re: duda!!

2009-08-19 Thread mariodebian
El mié, 19-08-2009 a las 19:31 +0200, Manolo Díaz escribió:
 El Wed, 19 Aug 2009 13:21:41 -0400
 Leonel Hernández Grandela escribió:
  disculpen por la pregunta un poco tonta creo pero bueno no sé el como 
  :-P .. alguien me dice como puedo yo saber a que velocidad están 
  trabajando mis dos interfaces de red ??? si a 10 megas o a 100 ?? 
  saludos ...
 Con la herramienta ethtool, disponible en el paquete del mismo nombre.

O sin instalar nada mirando dmesg:

dmesg |grep eth | grep Link


Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada digitalmente


2009-08-19 Thread yordanis


Yordanis Peláez Figueroa
admin   DME Santo Domingo, Villa Clara.
jabber (nac)
Telef   0142-402517
Ubuntu User#26077
GNU/Linux user #459987 (

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Re: duda!!

2009-08-19 Thread ciracusa

Leonel Hernández Grandela wrote:
disculpen por la pregunta un poco tonta creo pero bueno no sé el como 
:-P .. alguien me dice como puedo yo saber a que velocidad están 
trabajando mis dos interfaces de red ??? si a 10 megas o a 100 ?? 
saludos ...


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico 
que ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del 
Sistema Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el 
compromiso de usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las 
regulaciones establecidas



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Me quedé sin sonido - Debian Squeeze - Kernel

2009-08-19 Thread ciracusa

Hola Lista.

De momento y sin haber tocado NADA me he quedado sin sonido.

La salida de lspci es:

00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High 
Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)

La salida de lsmod es:

# lsmod | grep snd_
snd_seq_midi5688  0
snd_rawmidi18596  1 snd_seq_midi
snd_seq_midi_event  6212  1 snd_seq_midi
snd_seq42436  2 snd_seq_midi,snd_seq_midi_event
snd_seq_device  6136  3 snd_seq_midi,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq
snd_pcm_oss32232  0
snd_mixer_oss  12368  1 snd_pcm_oss
snd_hda_intel  22192  5
snd_hda_codec_realtek   178472  1
snd_hda_codec  63580  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec_realtek
snd_hwdep   6120  1 snd_hda_codec
snd_pcm62420  4 snd_pcm_oss,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec
snd_timer  17436  3 snd_seq,snd_pcm
snd49060  19 

snd_page_alloc  8180  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm

He visto estos enlaces [0], [1] y [2] pero no encuentro el motivo o 
porque sucedió.

Alguna idea o sugerencia?

Muchas Gracias.-

PD. Estoy mas que contento con KDE 4.2, Kernel, y mi querida 
Distro Debian, pero estas cosas como que molestan un poquito...



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Re: Me quedé sin sonido - Debian Squeeze - Kernel 2 .6.30.1

2009-08-19 Thread Felix Perez
El 19 de agosto de 2009 20:20, escribió:
 Hola Lista.

 De momento y sin haber tocado NADA me he quedado sin sonido.

No tiene nada que ver con tu problema, pero tambien estoy en testing y
al instalar el 2.6.30 quedé sin conexion inalámbrica, como no tengo
mucho tiempo por estos días sigo usando la 2.6.26 y esta me reconoce
todo.  No se a que se deberá pero suponía que la última versión
vendría mas pulida.

Bueno en fin a esperar no más.


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

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Re: Me quedé sin sonido - Debian Sque eze - Kernel

2009-08-19 Thread ciracusa

Felix Perez wrote:

El 19 de agosto de 2009 20:20, escribió:

Hola Lista.

De momento y sin haber tocado NADA me he quedado sin sonido.

No tiene nada que ver con tu problema, pero tambien estoy en testing y
al instalar el 2.6.30 quedé sin conexion inalámbrica, como no tengo
mucho tiempo por estos días sigo usando la 2.6.26 y esta me reconoce
todo.  No se a que se deberá pero suponía que la última versión
vendría mas pulida.

Bueno en fin a esperar no más.



Felix que tarjeta inalámbrica tienes?

Usas ndiswrapper o los drivers nativos?


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Re: Me quedé sin sonido - Debian Squeeze - Kernel 2 .6.30.1

2009-08-19 Thread Felix Perez
El 19 de agosto de 2009 20:55, escribió:
 Felix Perez wrote:

 El 19 de agosto de 2009 20:20, escribió:

 Felix que tarjeta inalámbrica tienes?

 Usas ndiswrapper o los drivers nativos?

tengo esta:
Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan]
Network Connection (rev 02) y utilizo el driver firmware-iwlwifi, en
el 2.6.26 funciona de lujo pero en el 2.26.30 nada, aunque reconozco
que no le dí muchas vueltas al asunto, este fin de semana lo probaré
de nuevo.


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

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Re: Problemas com Pen Drive

2009-08-19 Thread Bruno Buys
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 5:16 AM, Rafael Poseddon

 2009/8/17 Ricardo Esdra

 Cesar escreveu:


 Ja testou com outro pen drive para ver se o problema não é do hardware


 - Original Message - From: Ricardo Esdra
 To: DUP
 Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 6:17 PM
 Subject: Problemas com Pen Drive

 Boa tarde a todos,
 estou usando Debian lenny, e estou tendo uns problemas com meu pen
 drive, quando mando copiar músicas
 para ele ele esta desmontando, perdendo conexão sozinho, alguém tem
 alguma idéia do que possa fazer?
 segue parte do dmesg;
 [ 3467.981368] usb 2-5: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and
 address 12
 [ 3470.585495] hub 2-0:1.0: port 5 disabled by hub (EMI?), re-enabling...
 [ 3470.585503] usb 2-5: USB disconnect, address 12
 [ 3470.589395] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_ERROR
 [ 3470.589395] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 274381
 [ 3470.589395] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_ERROR
 [ 3470.589395] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 274621
 [ 3470.589395] __ratelimit: 12035 messages suppressed
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 243
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 244
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 245
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 246
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 247
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 251
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 252
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 253
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 254
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 255
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_ERROR
 [ 3470.589395] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 274861
 [ 3470.589626] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] READ CAPACITY failed
 [ 3470.589632] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_ERROR
 [ 3470.589636] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Sense not available.
 [ 3470.589658] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
 [ 3470.589661] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 00 00 00 00
 [ 3470.589663] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
 [ 3470.592110] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592120] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592128] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592135] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592143] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592151] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592158] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592165] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592172] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592179] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592187] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.605153] FAT: Directory bread(block 30598) failed
 [ 3470.613153] FAT: Directory bread(block 30598) failed
 [ 3470.781264] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 5

 desde já gradeço a todos

 não tenho outro pen drive.

 #  Ricardo Esdra #
 #  linux user n° 446011  #

 Tente fazer uma checagem no sistema de arquivos.
 pode parecer besteira, mas já aconteceu comigo algo bem parecido...

 Rafael Poseddon

Se ele estiver conectado via um hub usb, tente conectá-lo diretamente na
porta usb do micro.

Re: Instalação em notebook

2009-08-19 Thread Bruno Buys
CCE série win não é o que vem com hardware Sis e o Satux Linux? Minha esposa
tem um desses. Eu tentei um milhão de distros nele. Só o Satux funcionou.
Algumas até chegavam a dar um modo gráfico, mas só o Satux conseguia a
resolução de tela ideal. Foi mal aí o banho de água fria... você tentou
colocar o Satux? Ele é um debian, no fim das contas...

Re: Instalação em notebook

2009-08-19 Thread Sérgio Abrantes Junior

É esse mesmo. Recebi o notebook e no dia seguinte já tirei. Eu estava usando
o Slackware nele sem problemas usando a versão 12.0. Ao atualizar para a
versão 12.2 tive problema com o kernel smpsando kernel panic ao iniciar.
Então instalei ele usando um kernel de apenas um núcelo.

Tentei também várias distros e sempre dava problema. Quanto ao
Satux...prefiro não comentar heheh

Sérgio Abrantes

2009/8/19 Bruno Buys

 CCE série win não é o que vem com hardware Sis e o Satux Linux? Minha
 esposa tem um desses. Eu tentei um milhão de distros nele. Só o Satux
 funcionou. Algumas até chegavam a dar um modo gráfico, mas só o Satux
 conseguia a resolução de tela ideal. Foi mal aí o banho de água fria... você
 tentou colocar o Satux? Ele é um debian, no fim das contas...

Re: Instalação em notebook

2009-08-19 Thread Elias Praciano
Em Wednesday 19 August 2009 08:53:03 Bruno Buys escreveu:
 CCE série win não é o que vem com hardware Sis e o Satux Linux? Minha
 esposa tem um desses. Eu tentei um milhão de distros nele. Só o Satux
 funcionou. Algumas até chegavam a dar um modo gráfico, mas só o Satux
 conseguia a resolução de tela ideal.

Mesmo assim... ainda tem como resolver. Tentei 5 distros num notebook da 
ibyte, recentemente. Só a OpenSuSe oferecia a resolução de tela ideal. Gravei 
o xorg.conf que ela gerava e apliquei, as partes que se referiam à 
configuração do monitor e da placa de vídeo no Debian. Deu certo.


Elias Praciano -
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Re: Problemas com Pen Drive

2009-08-19 Thread João Olavo Baião de Vasconcelos
Veja a saída do comando:
# sudo fdisk -l

Veja se o pendrive está com a partição certinha...

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 6:45 PM, Ricardo Esdra wrote:

 Cesar escreveu:


 Ja testou com outro pen drive para ver se o problema não é do hardware


 - Original Message - From: Ricardo Esdra
 To: DUP
 Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 6:17 PM
 Subject: Problemas com Pen Drive

 Boa tarde a todos,
 estou usando Debian lenny, e estou tendo uns problemas com meu pen
 drive, quando mando copiar músicas
 para ele ele esta desmontando, perdendo conexão sozinho, alguém tem
 alguma idéia do que possa fazer?
 segue parte do dmesg;
 [ 3467.981368] usb 2-5: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and
 address 12
 [ 3470.585495] hub 2-0:1.0: port 5 disabled by hub (EMI?), re-enabling...
 [ 3470.585503] usb 2-5: USB disconnect, address 12
 [ 3470.589395] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_ERROR
 [ 3470.589395] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 274381
 [ 3470.589395] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_ERROR
 [ 3470.589395] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 274621
 [ 3470.589395] __ratelimit: 12035 messages suppressed
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 243
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 244
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 245
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 246
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 247
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 251
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 252
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 253
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 254
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 255
 [ 3470.589395] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb1
 [ 3470.589395] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_ERROR
 [ 3470.589395] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 274861
 [ 3470.589626] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] READ CAPACITY failed
 [ 3470.589632] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_ERROR
 [ 3470.589636] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Sense not available.
 [ 3470.589658] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
 [ 3470.589661] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 00 00 00 00
 [ 3470.589663] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
 [ 3470.592110] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592120] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592128] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592135] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592143] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592151] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592158] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592165] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592172] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592179] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.592187] FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos
 [ 3470.605153] FAT: Directory bread(block 30598) failed
 [ 3470.613153] FAT: Directory bread(block 30598) failed
 [ 3470.781264] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 5

 desde já gradeço a todos

 não tenho outro pen drive.

 #  Ricardo Esdra #
 #  linux user n° 446011  #

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João Olavo Baião de Vasconcelos
Analista de Sistemas - Infraestrutura

Squid com autenticação

2009-08-19 Thread DIEGO MONTE
Galera boa tarde

Alguem pode me dizer como eu faço no squid com autenticação o controle por
nível de usuário?

ex: nivel 1 somente sefaz e receita federal
 nivel 2 sefaz receita e correios
 nivel 3 libera todos so sites
Diego Monte
User Linux#402556


2009-08-19 Thread joao batista peres martins

Placa de Rede Padrao

2009-08-19 Thread gunix

quando instalo o linux, ele me pergunta no inicio da instalação qual a
interface de rede padrao.
Se eu setar a interface de rede local como padrao, meus dois links,
funcionam perfeitamente. O Roteamento avançado, funciona sem problemas.

Se eu setar a rede padrao no inicio da instalação como eth1 -  Interface do
velox, os dois links so funcionanam quando a eth1 esta como route default.
apartir do momento que o eth2, link embratel esta como default, a eth1 para
de funcionar.

Tem como depois de instalado, eu setar, a interface padrao a eth0 - rede
local, para que eu nao preciso mexer no roteamente avançado.


Problema SQUID autenticação LDAP no debian lenny

2009-08-19 Thread gunix

estou com um probleminha, e gostaria de saber de vc´s se alguem sabe se
existe algum bug ou mudança que tenha causado meu problema.

Meu debian etch roda o squid 3.0PRE5 com autenticação grupo ldap, usando
estes parametros.

auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid3/squid_ldap_auth -b dc=localdomain
-h -p 389 -v 3 -f uid=%s
external_acl_type ldap_group %LOGIN /usr/lib/squid3/squid_ldap_group -b
dc=localdomain -f ((cn=%a)(memberUid=%v)) -h -p 389 -v 3

Coloquei o Debian lenny, e restaurei todos os arquivos. tudo rodou bem,
menos o squid que ao abrir o browser da máquina, logo diz que acesso ao
cache negado. E não abre a tela de login para o usuário autenticar.
A versão do lenny é 3.0STABLE8.

Alguem ta por dentro de algum bug ou mudança nesta versão.

gustavo de Carvalho

Re: skype, amd64, libc6-i386 and ia32-libs

2009-08-19 Thread Γιώργος Πάλλας

Chris Davies wrote:

Γιώργος Πάλλας wrote:

After returning from vacation I updated my testing, amd64 system.

By the way, does anybody know why they had to break things first? I did 
not expect that from debian!

I rather think that the name of the version you're running answers that
question. If you don't want things to break, run stable.


Well, that's not completely the whole picture, since from 2002 that I am 
running testing on two servers and two desktop computers, I can never 
remember a time when something broke this way after an upgrade ;-)


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [SOLVED] Sound isnt working properly

2009-08-19 Thread Gregor Galwas
I checked /etc/group on my laptop (freshly installed debian system) and it  
was read/write to root , read to group/others.

MY /etc/group was read/write to root, forbidden to group/others.

Yes, the backup-copy (group-) is read/write to root, forbidden to  

I am sure it was like that.
Beside that it started working after that correction.

On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 22:54:42 +0200, s. keeling wrote:

Gregor Galwas

 Ok, found the problem - kind of.

 1. /etc/group was *READ*/write only to root. group/other were totally

Just to verify, are you sure that was /etc/group, or might it have
been /etc/group- (namely its backup copy)?  The latter should be 600.

 Alsa couldn't read /etc/group and could't check if a user has the  
right to

 play audio
 - ALSA lib pcm_direct.c:1605:(snd1_pcm_direct_parse_open_conf) The  

 ipc_gid must be a valid group (create group audio)

 2. knotify4 was blocking the sound. I renamed it. Done. Now everything
 play fine, even 5.1 sorround-sound is fine.

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Re: why can't I delete a file? tipps help

2009-08-19 Thread Klaus Wolf

some time ago I had the same problem using knoppix Lived-CD. Then I did
the following: I started the file manager doing sudo konqueror to get
superuser rights an this worked well.

best regards


Am Dienstag, den 18.08.2009, 22:19 +0800 schrieb Umarzuki Mochlis:
 could be a process is using it
 # lsof | grep somefile
 and kill that process first
 2009/8/18 Soren Orel
  # lsattr somefile
  --- somefile
  On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Soren Orel wrote:
  I already tried chattr -i filename
  but I still can't delete it..
  any ideas, why can't I remove a file from my hdd, even when booting with a
 Umarzuki Mochlis

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Re: Problems with making hardlink-based backups

2009-08-19 Thread David
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Andrew wrote:
 I've had rdiff-backup fail because of mis-matched versions. Again, not
 to belabor the obvious, but do you have compatible versions of
 rdiff-backup on each machine? If you have compatible (i.e., the same)
 versions on both ends and still have problems, then perhaps you should
 file a bug report.

I'm well aware of those problems, so I don't even bother to use
rdiff-backup over the network. That mode is next to useless unless you
can guarantee the same versions, and tbh, it sucks compared to rsync
for network transfers.

How I use rdiff-backup is like this:

1) Make a temporary snapshot copy of the rdiff-backup repo (minus the
rdiff-backup-data directory), using hardlinks.

2) rsync from the source server over to the temporary copy

(this should be safe, since rsync doesn't overwrite files in place
unless you tell it to)

3) Run rdiff-backup to push the latest temporary copy onto the
rdiff-backup history.

The above works fairly well for me, although rdiff-backup sometimes
gets confused about the hardlinks.

About filing a bug report, not sure how much that's going to help,
since the mailing list wasn't very informative. I get the idea that
the main developer has either abandoned the project, or is taking a
break for a few months (as evidenced by the recent bug tracker
activity, and the lack of useful replies in the mailing list).


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2009-08-19 Thread Alex Huth

I want to use CVS for systemadministration. I have never used one so far, so
my knowledge is very poor about that topic.

Actually our programmers and another administrator is using eclipse.
Unfortunately i don't know which package i have to install for using cvs with

Can i use other cvs software to use a repository created and further used with
eclipse. Or do i run into problems doing that? I have found subversion and gti
so far, but i don't know which is the right one.

What would you use in my situation? I prefer a console based application.



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Re: gnome-volume-manager problem

2009-08-19 Thread Wolodja Wentland
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 23:57 +0100, AG wrote:
 Has anyone else noticed that
 /usr/lib/gnome-volume-manager/gnome-volume-manager is not working
 after the recent apt-get update to testing?

Automounting is disabled in recent versions of g-v-m and is provided by
nautilus these days. This is unfortunate because nautilus will not work
as g-v-m before if started with --no-default-window or --no-desktop.

See [1] for a longer discussion on the subject.

with kind regards

Wolodja Wentland


Description: Digital signature

how to install NIC

2009-08-19 Thread tanushyam bhattacharjee
I have installed the latest debian(lenny) in my lenovo desktop (Family:Think 
Centre M58p Type:7483 Model:ABQ).During installation it has showed no network 
card detected pls choose one from the list.Presently I have installed the OS 
without NIC.Can anyone suggest me how can I install the NIC now.
Note:Device Manager shows the system has
   Model:82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection
   Vendor: Intel Corporation

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How to install NIC Lenovo

2009-08-19 Thread tanushyam bhattacharjee
I have installed the latest debian(lenny) in my lenovo desktop
(Family:Think Centre M58p Type:7483 Model:ABQ).During installation it
has showed no network card detected pls choose one from the
list.Presently I have installed the OS without NIC.Can anyone suggest
me how can I install the NIC now.
Note:Device Manager shows the system has
   Model:82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection
   Vendor: Intel Corporation(lenovo)

Thanks in advance.

  Yahoo! recommends that you upgrade to the new and safer Internet Explorer 

Installed packages

2009-08-19 Thread Alex Huth

I want generate a list of all installed packages, without the dependencies of
manual installed packages and the the packages from the base system.

What i have found so far by our friend google:

aptitude search ?installed(?not(?automatic))

But this does not what i mean, because it also shows libraries and packages
from the base system.



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Re: Inquiry: run fsck in single user mode

2009-08-19 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 07:35:46AM +0100, hadi motamedi wrote:
 Dear All
 I have an Linux server that gets problemy from sudden power cut . I need to
 run fsck in single user mode so I issued #init 1 on the server . At the
 server prompt , to serialize the fsck on the intended file system , I first
 tried to unmount the intended file system and then issue the fsck (as the
 following) :
 #umount /dev/hda2
 #fsck -s -a /dev/hda2
 But the server returned Device Busy . So I checked its status under fuser
 -u /dev/hda2 but no process recorded for it . Can you please do me favor

If its any consolation, I get this on a working system where hda is the
only drive:

r...@box:~# fuser -u /dev/hda1
r...@box:~# fuser -u /dev/hda2
r...@box:~# fuser -u /dev/hda

That is no output, although the machine is definitely being used.


r...@box:~# lsof /home/chrisb
zsh 3430 chrisb  cwdDIR3,1 20480 16312 /home/chrisb
zsh 3572 chrisb  cwdDIR3,1 20480 16312 /home/chrisb
mutt5305 chrisb  cwdDIR3,1 20480 16312 /home/chrisb
vim 6444 chrisb  cwdDIR3,1 20480 16312 /home/chrisb
sh  7486 chrisb  cwdDIR3,1 20480 16312 /home/chrisb
vim 7487 chrisb  cwdDIR3,1 20480 16312 /home/chrisb

r...@box:~# lsof /root/
bash3408 root  cwdDIR3,1 4096 403252 /root/
lsof7549 root  cwdDIR3,1 4096 403252 /root/
lsof7550 root  cwdDIR3,1 4096 403252 /root/

etc ...

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god
than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other
possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
   -- Stephen F Roberts

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Re: gnome-volume-manager problem

2009-08-19 Thread Liviu Andronic
On 8/18/09, AG wrote:
  Has anyone else noticed that
 /usr/lib/gnome-volume-manager/gnome-volume-manager is not
 working after the recent apt-get update to testing?

You could try thunar-volman.

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Re: Wireless Adapter Card compatibility

2009-08-19 Thread Klistvud
Dne, 18. 08. 2009 19:03:35 je Mark napisal(a):
 After numerous Google searches I'm unable to arrive at a definitive
 answer/website so please send me a link if I've missed something
 (here's the
 best I've found so far:,  My question is simple: I inherited an
 (very old) laptop with no built-in wireless support so I need to
 purchase a
 wireless adapter.  Given the limitation of 2 usb ports but 1 
 CardBus slot I'd prefer to use a card-style adapter versus a usb-
 considering one of these two models but want to confirm they will 
 nicely with Debian Lenny before purchasing; does anyone have insight?
 Again, if I missed a link please point me to it.
 I realize the first link is N-compatible and the second is G-only. 
 I'm only
 on G at home so N is not a requirement.
 Thanks in advance,

Steer clear from Belkin, they've always given Linux a cold shoulder. As 
you know, running ndiswrapper isn't really a solution.
There are some manufacturers, on the other hand, that do consider Linux 
a valid operating system... I think it really shouldn't be a problem to 
get a ready for linux card in the older 802.11g range. The newer 
use the proprietary wl driver which will taint your installation. The 
same goes for the majority of newer (802.11n) cards, I'm afraid. AFAIK 
generally work with older chipsets, not with the most recent ones. The 
older airgos/atheros/broadcoms should work just fine, so maybe you 
consider buying a used card? Aptitude or Synaptic will tell you which 
chipsets are supported natively in Debian, which ones need firmware
files, and so on.

Certifiable Loonix User 481801

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ftp access for debian security updates

2009-08-19 Thread Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
Is there any ftp mirror for debian security updates? When I looked at it just lists an http mirror. However, on
this machine http is not allowed, but ftp is enabled. That is why I am
looking for an ftp repository.

Any ideas/comments/suggestions?

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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Re: Wireless Adapter Card compatibility

2009-08-19 Thread Nate Bargmann
I've had excellent success with Atheros based adapters.  They now use
the ath5k module included with recent kernels.  I dont't have any of
the newer hardware that requires the ath9k driver, however.

- Nate 


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more:

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Re: ftp access for debian security updates

2009-08-19 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2009-08-19 12:41 +0200, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:

 Is there any ftp mirror for debian security updates? When I looked at it just lists an http mirror. However, on
 this machine http is not allowed, but ftp is enabled. That is why I am
 looking for an ftp repository.

 Any ideas/comments/suggestions?

How about using ?  Works fine in my web
browser, so I think apt should not have a problem either.


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Re: Inquiry: run fsck in single user mode

2009-08-19 Thread hadi motamedi
Dear Chris
Thank you very much for your reply . Ok , so then , how you would be able to
get rid of that Device Busy though ?
Your reply is appreciated

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Chris Bannister wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 07:35:46AM +0100, hadi motamedi wrote:
  Dear All
  I have an Linux server that gets problemy from sudden power cut . I need
  run fsck in single user mode so I issued #init 1 on the server . At the
  server prompt , to serialize the fsck on the intended file system , I
  tried to unmount the intended file system and then issue the fsck (as the
  following) :
  #umount /dev/hda2
  #fsck -s -a /dev/hda2
  But the server returned Device Busy . So I checked its status under
  -u /dev/hda2 but no process recorded for it . Can you please do me favor

 If its any consolation, I get this on a working system where hda is the
 only drive:

 r...@box:~# fuser -u /dev/hda1
 r...@box:~# fuser -u /dev/hda2
 r...@box:~# fuser -u /dev/hda

 That is no output, although the machine is definitely being used.


 r...@box:~# lsof /home/chrisb
 zsh 3430 chrisb  cwdDIR3,1 20480 16312 /home/chrisb
 zsh 3572 chrisb  cwdDIR3,1 20480 16312 /home/chrisb
 mutt5305 chrisb  cwdDIR3,1 20480 16312 /home/chrisb
 vim 6444 chrisb  cwdDIR3,1 20480 16312 /home/chrisb
 sh  7486 chrisb  cwdDIR3,1 20480 16312 /home/chrisb
 vim 7487 chrisb  cwdDIR3,1 20480 16312 /home/chrisb

 r...@box:~# lsof /root/
 bash3408 root  cwdDIR3,1 4096 403252 /root/
 lsof7549 root  cwdDIR3,1 4096 403252 /root/
 lsof7550 root  cwdDIR3,1 4096 403252 /root/

 etc ...

 I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god
 than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other
 possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
   -- Stephen F Roberts

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Fw: How to install NIC Lenovo

2009-08-19 Thread tanushyam bhattacharjee

--- On Wed, 19/8/09, tanushyam bhattacharjee wrote:

From: tanushyam bhattacharjee
Subject: How to install NIC Lenovo
Date: Wednesday, 19 August, 2009, 2:41 PM

I have installed the latest debian(lenny) in my lenovo desktop
(Family:Think Centre M58p Type:7483 Model:ABQ).During installation it
has showed no network card detected pls choose one from the
list.Presently I have installed the OS without NIC.Can anyone suggest
me how can I install the NIC now.
Note:Device Manager shows the system has
   Model:82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection
   Vendor: Intel Corporation(lenovo)
Kernel Version:2.6.26-1-686
Thanks in advance.

   Yahoo! recommends that you upgrade to the new and safer  Internet 
Explorer 8.

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Yahoo! Buzz.

Re: Inquiry: run fsck in single user mode

2009-08-19 Thread Ron Johnson

On 2009-08-17 01:35, hadi motamedi wrote:

Dear All
I have an Linux server that gets problemy from sudden power cut . I need to
run fsck in single user mode so I issued #init 1 on the server . At the
server prompt , to serialize the fsck on the intended file system , I first
tried to unmount the intended file system and then issue the fsck (as the
following) :
#umount /dev/hda2
#fsck -s -a /dev/hda2

Is this the root partition?

But the server returned Device Busy . So I checked its status under fuser
-u /dev/hda2 but no process recorded for it . Can you please do me favor
and let me know how can I force it as unmount to be able to try for safe
fsck on it ?

Which partition is this?


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Re: Magic SysRq reboot (was Re: switching to proprietary ati radeon driver)

2009-08-19 Thread Liviu Andronic
On 8/17/09, Wolodja Wentland wrote:
  I can't really help you with your problem, but a hard shutdown is
  almost never necessary. You can send various low-level commands to your
  kernel using the SysRq Key [1], which will allow you to reboot a
  computer without corrupting the filesystem.

Nope, this didn't work on my panic-ed kernel. From my experience with
Gentoo, kernels can quite often hang and not respond to SysRq.

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Re: CVS Co

2009-08-19 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:09:22AM +0200, Alex Huth wrote:
 I want to use CVS for systemadministration. 

You need to provide CVS services (a CVS server) or you actually want to
use CVS?

If the latter: any reason you don't use Subversion (svn, package:
subversion) or some distributed version control system (git, hg, bzr)?

 I have never used one so far, so
 my knowledge is very poor about that topic.
 Actually our programmers and another administrator is using eclipse.
 Unfortunately i don't know which package i have to install for using cvs with
 Can i use other cvs software to use a repository created and further used with
 eclipse. Or do i run into problems doing that? I have found subversion and gti
 so far, but i don't know which is the right one.

What do you need it for?

 What would you use in my situation? I prefer a console based application.

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: usb hsdpa modem only detected after using it on windows

2009-08-19 Thread Umarzuki Mochlis
2009/8/19 Raja R Harinath
 I had created /etc/udev/rules.d/usb_modeswitch.rules

 Hmm, does that means you didn't install the 'usb-modeswitch' package?

ctrl:~# aptitude search usb-modeswitch
i   usb-modeswitch  - Generic USB device switch tool

 SUBSYSTEM==usb, SYSFS{idVendor}==12d1, SYSFS{idProduct}==1446,
 RUN+=/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch --default-vendor 0x12d1
 --default-product 0x1446 --target-vender 0x12d1 --target-product
 0x1003 --huawei-mode --detach-storage-only 

 in it. But it is still detected as usb cdrom storage. Maybe i need to
 start learning compiling and patching kernel to make this modem
 recognized upon bootup.

 You may want to try again after installing the 'usb-modeswitch' package
 from the 'testing' distribution:

 - Hari

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Umarzuki Mochlis

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Re: how to install NIC

2009-08-19 Thread Johann Spies
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 02:39:30PM +0530, tanushyam bhattacharjee wrote:
 I have installed the latest debian(lenny) in my lenovo desktop (Family:Think
 Centre M58p Type:7483 Model:ABQ).During installation it has showed no network
 card detected pls choose one from the list.Presently I have installed the OS
 without NIC.Can anyone suggest me how can I install the NIC now.
 Note:Device Manager shows the system has
Model:82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection
Vendor: Intel Corporation

You need the correct kernel module loaded.

It took me about two minutes to find in a Google search.

Try modprobe e1000e .

Johann Spies  Telefoon: 021-808 4599
Informasietegnologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch

 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that 
  seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be 
  opened. Luke 11:10 

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installing debian on rhel5

2009-08-19 Thread Vasanthra Devi S
can you help me to install Debian 5.0(Lenny) on RHEL 5 (kernel is 2.3)
on x86 machine.

i have tried it but i could not boot debian but i can boot Rhel

first i have insttled debian 5.0(Lenny) .
it has three partitions (/,/boot and swap)
all the three are primary partition.

after that i have installled rhel5(2.3 kernel).

i can able to boot only linux .

can you help me to overcome this.

Vasanthra devi.S

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Unable to perform shutdown from Xfce

2009-08-19 Thread Liviu Andronic
Dear all,
More shutdown blues. Whenever I hit the Restart/Shut Down buttons in
Xfce log-off-er, I get the following error, and the system falls back
to gdm.
Unable to perform shutdown

auth_admin -- (action, result)

I get the exact same issue on an up-to-date Ubuntu Jackalope, and here
I'm running Debian Squeeze. I see that the issue was discussed on
Debian [1] and Ubuntu [2]. Following the Debian thread, I checked that
I have libpam-ck-connector and policykit installed. I've read that the
issue might go away if an appropriate PolicyKit.conf was configured.

Could anyone attach a PolicyKit.conf that works on Debian Squeeze? Or
perhaps suggest a different way to work around the issue?
Thank you

li...@debian-liv:~$ polkit-auth | grep -i power

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Re: how to migrate request-tracker database from sqlite3 to mysql

2009-08-19 Thread Cousin Stanley

 hi. I'm trying to migrate request-tracker3.6 database from sqlite 
 to mysql on lenny.  Is there a way to export data from sqlite 
 so they can be imported into  mysql for request-tracker3.6?


  One way might be to export from sqlite as  .csv  files
  and then import into mysql  

  Following is an example sqlite session for the export 
  of two tables that comprise a simple data base  

$ sqlite3 abook.sql3
SQLite version 3.5.9
Enter .help for instructions
sqlite .tables
addr   names
sqlite .mode csv
sqlite .output addr.csv
sqlite select * from addr ;
sqlite .output names.csv
sqlite select * from names ;
sqlite .quit

Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona

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Re: installing debian on rhel5

2009-08-19 Thread Ron Johnson

On 2009-08-19 07:46, Vasanthra Devi S wrote:

can you help me to install Debian 5.0(Lenny) on RHEL 5 (kernel is 2.3)
on x86 machine.

The 2.3 series is 10 years old...

i have tried it but i could not boot debian but i can boot Rhel

Unless you want to use a chroot, it is impossible to do what you are 
asking to do.

So, what *exactly* do you want to do?  Replace RHEL with Debian?  Or 
do you think that you can mix and match RHEL with Debian?

first i have insttled debian 5.0(Lenny) .
it has three partitions (/,/boot and swap)
all the three are primary partition.

after that i have installled rhel5(2.3 kernel).

i can able to boot only linux .

can you help me to overcome this.

Probably not.


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Re: installing debian on rhel5

2009-08-19 Thread Dirk Neumann
On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 18:16:10 +0530
Vasanthra Devi S wrote:

 first i have insttled debian 5.0(Lenny) .
 it has three partitions (/,/boot and swap)
 all the three are primary partition.
 after that i have installled rhel5(2.3 kernel).

Why? If you could skip this last step, you should have no problems any


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Re: Unable to perform shutdown from Xfce

2009-08-19 Thread

Liviu Andronic wrote:

Dear all,
More shutdown blues. Whenever I hit the Restart/Shut Down buttons in
Xfce log-off-er, I get the following error, and the system falls back
to gdm.
Unable to perform shutdown

auth_admin -- (action, result)

I get the exact same issue on an up-to-date Ubuntu Jackalope, and here
I'm running Debian Squeeze. I see that the issue was discussed on
Debian [1] and Ubuntu [2]. Following the Debian thread, I checked that
I have libpam-ck-connector and policykit installed. I've read that the
issue might go away if an appropriate PolicyKit.conf was configured.

Could anyone attach a PolicyKit.conf that works on Debian Squeeze? Or
perhaps suggest a different way to work around the issue?
Thank you

li...@debian-liv:~$ polkit-auth | grep -i power

here is my PolicyKit.conf from Sid XFCE (upgrade from Squeeze):
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? !-- -*- XML -*- --

!DOCTYPE pkconfig PUBLIC -//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Configuration 

!-- See the manual page PolicyKit.conf(5) for file format --

config version=0.1
I really don't remember how I did it but it was first link from google.
If I can send you something else let me know.

Goran Dobosevic

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Re: how to migrate request-tracker database from sqlite3 to mysql

2009-08-19 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In 20090819003737.gd2...@finrod, Martin Kraus wrote:
hi. I'm trying to migrate request-tracker3.6 database from sqlite to mysql
 on lenny.  Is there a way to export data from sqlite so they can be
 imported into mysql for request-tracker3.6?

rt-dump-database doesn't export sqlite database and sqlite and mysql
 databases for rt are not compatible even if I dump sqlite database into
 sql and modify the file it can be imported into mysql.

So, request-tracker uses a different table layout (schema) depending on what 
database server it is connecting to?  If so, you'll probably have to roll a 
one-off to translate from one to the other.  If not, please clarify.

The one-off can probably be as simple has using the SQLite command-line 
tools to execute a select that matches each table in the MySQL schema.  
Then, you slightly munge the data into INSERT statements that you feed into 
MySQL with its command-line tools.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Unable to perform shutdown from Xfce

2009-08-19 Thread Liviu Andronic
The /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf that I have is an exact replica of
the one that you attached. Unfortunately it is not enough to
shutdown/reboot Xfce. I am looking for one similar to the one attached
in this e-mail [1], but that is known to solve the issue.


On 8/19/09, wrote:
  here is my PolicyKit.conf from Sid XFCE (upgrade from Squeeze):
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? !-- -*- XML -*- --

  !DOCTYPE pkconfig PUBLIC -//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Configuration

  !-- See the manual page PolicyKit.conf(5) for file format --

  config version=0.1
  I really don't remember how I did it but it was first link from google.
  If I can send you something else let me know.

  Goran Dobosevic

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

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Re: how to migrate request-tracker database from sqlite3 to mysql

2009-08-19 Thread Martin Kraus
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 10:18:49AM -0500, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 So, request-tracker uses a different table layout (schema) depending on what 
 database server it is connecting to?  If so, you'll probably have to roll a 
 one-off to translate from one to the other.  If not, please clarify.
 The one-off can probably be as simple has using the SQLite command-line 
 tools to execute a select that matches each table in the MySQL schema.  
 Then, you slightly munge the data into INSERT statements that you feed into 
 MySQL with its command-line tools.

I've done that, but even if the import is successfull, there are areas of rt
that just do not work. Tables look almost the same, if I take the time to
convert some of the NULLs into 0. Since it doesn't work, there are some other
problems but I can't figure out what they are. I'm not much into programing
and not at all into perl, co before I go that way, I just figured I'd ask if
someone else faced the same problem of migration from sqlite to mysql and just
copy that:)


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Re: gnome-volume-manager problem

2009-08-19 Thread AG

Wolodja Wentland wrote:

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 23:57 +0100, AG wrote:

Has anyone else noticed that
/usr/lib/gnome-volume-manager/gnome-volume-manager is not working
after the recent apt-get update to testing?

Automounting is disabled in recent versions of g-v-m and is provided by
nautilus these days. This is unfortunate because nautilus will not work
as g-v-m before if started with --no-default-window or --no-desktop.

See [1] for a longer discussion on the subject.

with kind regards

Wolodja Wentland


Thanks for the info Wolodja

Personally, I think this sucks: g-v-m is deprecated (without any warning 
- certainly not visible from any recent updates I have run!) and GNOME 
provides a non-daemon alternative in Nautilus.  Whaat?  Perhaps it is 
just me, but this kind of action is hardly likely to enamour an already 
volatile reception of the DE by a user-base.

Following the thread you posted me to, how did you configure halevt and 
is that specific to your xmonad configuration or would it work for 
someone like me who uses the full-blown Gnome DE?


Re: gnome-volume-manager problem

2009-08-19 Thread AG

Liviu Andronic wrote:

On 8/18/09, AG wrote:

 Has anyone else noticed that
/usr/lib/gnome-volume-manager/gnome-volume-manager is not
working after the recent apt-get update to testing?

You could try thunar-volman.

Cheers Liviu - have you got that set up on your rig and do you use Gnome 
as your DE?  If so, how do you get it to be initialised (assuming it is 
a daemon) at login?


Re: Installed packages

2009-08-19 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Alex Huth wrote:
I want generate a list of all installed packages, without the dependencies
 of manual installed packages and the the packages from the base system.

What i have found so far by our friend google:

aptitude search ?installed(?not(?automatic))

I'm slightly old-skool so for me this is '~i!~M'.

But this does not what i mean, because it also shows libraries and
 packages from the base system.

You might want to mark those as automatic; I do.

You can search for packages based on dependencies as well.
~D~i = Packages that depend on an installed package.
~R~i = Packages that reverse-depend on an installed package.  I.e. packages 
that an installed package depends on.

You may want to limit these to only specific types of dependencies.  I'm not 
sure how they handle Conflicts, Breaks, or Replaces.
~Dsuggests:~i = Packages that Suggest an installed package.
~RBrecommends:~i = Package that have a broken reverse-Recommend on an 
installed package.  I.e. packages Recommended by an installed package where 
that Recommend dependency is not currently satisfied.  E.g. if foo 
Recommends vim | emacs and you have emacs installed, vim will NOT be 
matched because the dependency is not broken.

Note that ~D and ~R only test direct dependencies.  I.e. if foo Depends bar, 
and bar Depends baz then '~n^baz$~R~n^foo$' and '~n^foo$~D~n^baz$' both give 
no hits.  To the best of my knowledge, there are no tests that are the 
transitive closure of ~R or ~D.

Here's a start for you:
~i!~M!~Rdepends:~i = Packages that can be safely removed, if they are not 

The aptitude documentation explains all of these search terms, both old and 
new forms.  Last I checked it didn't have a lot of examples, but you can 
always experiment.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Magic SysRq reboot (was Re: switching to proprietary ati radeon driver)

2009-08-19 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Liviu 
Andronic wrote:
On 8/17/09, Wolodja Wentland wrote:
  I can't really help you with your problem, but a hard shutdown is
  almost never necessary. You can send various low-level commands to your
  kernel using the SysRq Key [1], which will allow you to reboot a
  computer without corrupting the filesystem.

Nope, this didn't work on my panic-ed kernel.

Yes, the Magic SysRq is handled entirely[1] within the kernel, but if you 
don't have a kernel nothing will work.  A frozen userland (including X) can 
be recovered (or at least saved) via Alt+SysRq key combinations.

From my experience with
Gentoo, kernels can quite often hang and not respond to SysRq.

They shouldn't.  If your kernel regularly panics or hangs, it is probably a 
bug and should be reported.  It could be bad HW though.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

[1] The sent signals may be handled in userland, but the sending is all done 
in kernel space and the process receives them next time it is scheduled.  
The syncing and unmounting is done by flushing/updating the kernel 
structures directly; /etc/mtab may not be correct.  Rebooting and power off 
is handled inside the kernel, but does require some interaction with BIOS 
(or your architectures equivalent).  Putting the keyboard in raw mode and 
the various reporting functions are handled entirely within the kernel.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: CVS Co

2009-08-19 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Alex Huth wrote:
I want to use CVS for systemadministration. I have never used one so far,
 so my knowledge is very poor about that topic.

Unless you have existing CVS clients, you should use a different VCS.  Even 
if you have existing CVS clients, some VCS can pretend to be CVS and they 
may be preferable if you can migrate your data easily.

I'm not such what you mean for systemadministration.  I've heard of 
keeping /etc or other configurations in a VCS but not done so myself.  I 
believe there are higher-level tools to accomplish this, especially since 
most VCSes intentionally don't store the full permission bits of files and 
that can be critical for secure system administration.

What would you use in my situation? I prefer a console based application.

I've used CVS and Subversion with good success, but I am convinced that a 
DVCS is a better model.  As far as DVCS, I am most familiar with git; it 
seems to perform quite well (unless you are storing rather large files) and 
has a relatively low barrier-to-entry as far as infrastructure or library 
dependencies.  It does expose some details of the DVCS internals that can 
confuse new users; Bazaar and Mercurial may be easier to learn.  Darcs and 
Monotone are interesting, but I can't recommend them for most 
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Unable to perform shutdown from Xfce

2009-08-19 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 04:43:56PM +0100, Liviu Andronic wrote:
 The /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf that I have is an exact replica of
 the one that you attached. Unfortunately it is not enough to
 shutdown/reboot Xfce. I am looking for one similar to the one attached
 in this e-mail [1], but that is known to solve the issue.

is it a permissions issue? are you in the (I think) powerdev group? I
have vague memories of that being helpful in that case.


Description: Digital signature

Re: skype, amd64, libc6-i386 and ia32-libs

2009-08-19 Thread Micha Feigin
On Tue, 18 Aug 2009 21:30:06 +0100
Chris Davies wrote:

 Γιώργος Πάλλας wrote:
  After returning from vacation I updated my testing, amd64 system.
  By the way, does anybody know why they had to break things first? I did 
  not expect that from debian!
 I rather think that the name of the version you're running answers that
 question. If you don't want things to break, run stable.

The problem is that it's also so ancient that unless you are running a server
things will be too far from current as well.

You are falling into the same hole as most and mixing the everyday meaning of
debian's stable,testing and unstable with the debian distribution meaning.


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Re: [SOLVED] Wireless Adapter Card compatibility

2009-08-19 Thread Mark
Awesome info, thanks everyone for helping find a good solution.  I have yet
to purchase but have very good direction on some candidates to buy now.

Klistvud: Thanks for the tips - I prefer to put my money towards a
Linux-friendly company any chance I get.  I'd prefer a new card if possible
but not opposed to buying used.

Nate: Great info.  I've found several ath5k module cardbus adapters using
Celejar's link (, and
searching for ath5k in the results).  Having the card supported natively
with the kernel is my ideal solution.

Thanks again for the ideas and help!


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 3:55 AM, Nate Bargmann wrote:

 I've had excellent success with Atheros based adapters.  They now use
 the ath5k module included with recent kernels.  I dont't have any of
 the newer hardware that requires the ath9k driver, however.

 - Nate 


 The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
 possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

 Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more:

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Re: [WORKAROUND]what sets the time at boot?

2009-08-19 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:


Just did a giant Sid dist-upgrade. It caused trouble with the clock.

The hwclock is kept at local time. And 'hwclock --debug --directisa' 
says just that.

But now when the system boots it thinks that the time is UTC time and so 
for the local time it subtracts 5 hours.

That causes e2fsck to fail on all partitions in /etc/fstab because the 
time in their superblocks is 5 hours ahead of what it thinks the local 
time is.

date gives the true local time -5 hours
date -u gives the true local time

/etc/timezone has SystemV/CST6CDT

So my question is: who at boot time is responsible for realizing that 
the hwclock is kept in local time and UTC time?

And the answer is: /etc/init.d/ and 
/etc/init.d/ do that from package util-linux.

But after the upgrade to util-linux version 2.16-3 the hwclock command 
fails to work on my system w/o the --directisa option. And these scripts 
don't use that.

So the clock cannot be set nor saved. As a result the system thinks that 
the current localtime is UTC and that the true localtime is 5 hours earlier.

Then when you reboot all fs get errors because the superblock time is 5 
hours in the future, producing an unusable system.

My solution was to dpkg -i util-linux_2.13.1.1-1_i386.deb which 
installed a util-linux version with a working hwclock.

On second thought I think I should have just replaced /sbin/hwclock with 
the working version.

It's a bug:

But util-linux has currently 439 bugs reported.


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Re: Installed packages

2009-08-19 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Wed,19.Aug.09, 10:41:27, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 In, Alex Huth wrote:
 I want generate a list of all installed packages, without the dependencies
  of manual installed packages and the the packages from the base system.
 What i have found so far by our friend google:
 aptitude search ?installed(?not(?automatic))
 I'm slightly old-skool so for me this is '~i!~M'.
 But this does not what i mean, because it also shows libraries and
  packages from the base system.
[snip patterns]

One other interesting pattern is the ~E or ?essential

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Unable to perform shutdown from Xfce

2009-08-19 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Wed,19.Aug.09, 13:48:16, Liviu Andronic wrote:
 Dear all,
 More shutdown blues. Whenever I hit the Restart/Shut Down buttons in
 Xfce log-off-er, I get the following error, and the system falls back
 to gdm.
 Unable to perform shutdown
 auth_admin -- (action, result)

Maybe you are seeing bug #526009. Try closing all 'su' or similar 
sessions before trying to shutdown.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: [WORKAROUND]what sets the time at boot?

2009-08-19 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2009-08-19 19:08 +0200, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 So my question is: who at boot time is responsible for realizing
 that the hwclock is kept in local time and UTC time?

 And the answer is: /etc/init.d/ and
 /etc/init.d/ do that from package util-linux.

They don't do this anymore unless your system is not using udev.

 It's a bug:

In which you state that you don't have /dev/rtc.  I'm not sure that
systems without that file are supported.

 But util-linux has currently 439 bugs reported.

The maintainer is overloaded, that's for sure.


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Installing Lenny

2009-08-19 Thread Roman Gelfand
I have vista 64 and fedora 10 installed  The bootloader is GRUB.  I am
looking to install Lenny in place of fedora.  What would be the right
way to approach it?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Unable to perform shutdown from Xfce

2009-08-19 Thread Chris Burkhardt
Liviu Andronic wrote:
 The /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf that I have is an exact replica of
 the one that you attached. Unfortunately it is not enough to
 shutdown/reboot Xfce. I am looking for one similar to the one attached
 in this e-mail [1], but that is known to solve the issue.

I don't think editing the default PolicyKit.conf should be necessary.

Are you starting Xfce with startx/startxfce4 from ~/.xinitrc or similar? If so,
make sure to start it with the ck-launch-session command.

For example, if your .xinitrc file currently contains

exec startxfce4

replace it with

ck-launch-session startxfce4

That way you get a ConsoleKit session and everything (Shutdown, suspend,
automount, etc) should work again.

(Alternatively, that thread you linked to suggested you can put exec
startxfce4 in .xession, and then start with startx, and Debian will take care
of the ck stuff.)

If you are using GDM or KDM, then something else is wrong...

- Chris Burkhardt

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Re: Installing Lenny

2009-08-19 Thread Neal Hogan
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 12:19 PM, Roman wrote:
 I have vista 64 and fedora 10 installed  The bootloader is GRUB.  I am
 looking to install Lenny in place of fedora.  What would be the right
 way to approach it?

Back-up current stuff, d'load the .iso, burn it to cd and boot off of that disc.

Probably a lot like you did with fedora. Look to and check
back here if you have specific problems.

 Thanks in advance

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Re: Installing Lenny

2009-08-19 Thread Dirk Neumann
On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 13:19:50 -0400
Roman Gelfand wrote:

 I have vista 64 and fedora 10 installed  The bootloader is GRUB.  I am
 looking to install Lenny in place of fedora.  What would be the right
 way to approach it?

Backup all the files you need, download a suitable CD-image, burn it
to CD or DVD, boot from it, and answer all the questions you are asked,
like partitioning (select the fedora partitions).


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what happened to the -ls option of konsole?

2009-08-19 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom


Before upgrading to the current konsole I used to be able to get a login 
session with the -ls option.

But that option is gone.

What do you have to do to get a login session with konsole?


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RE: how to install NIC

2009-08-19 Thread Kevin Ross
 From: Johann Spies []
 Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 5:57 AM
 On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 02:39:30PM +0530, tanushyam bhattacharjee
  I have installed the latest debian(lenny) in my lenovo desktop
  Centre M58p Type:7483 Model:ABQ).During installation it has showed no
  card detected pls choose one from the list.Presently I have installed
 the OS
  without NIC.Can anyone suggest me how can I install the NIC now.
  Note:Device Manager shows the system has
 Model:82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection
 Vendor: Intel Corporation
 You need the correct kernel module loaded.
 It took me about two minutes to find in a Google search.
 Try modprobe e1000e .

And if that doesn't work, you can try downloading the driver from Intel's
web site:
003OS FullName=Linux*lang=engstrOSs=39submit=Go!

You will need to install the kernel-headers package for your version of the
kernel before you can build the driver, though.

-- Kevin

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Re: Installing Lenny

2009-08-19 Thread Mark
 I have vista 64 and fedora 10 installed  The bootloader is GRUB.  I am
 looking to install Lenny in place of fedora.  What would be the right
 way to approach it?

Not sure if this applies to Vista too (I assume it would), but I just set up
a friend's computer to dual-boot XP/Debian in place of XP/Ubuntu.  To make
that happen I erased the Ubuntu partition(s) and that took GRUB with it so
upon trying to install Debian it didn't know XP was on the hard drive (since
GRUB had replaced XP's bootloader and no longer existed).  After a bit of
fiddling, I realized I needed to put the XP install CD in, go to Recovery
Console mode and do two commands: fixmbr and fixboot C: - after this,
Debian saw XP and added it to the GRUB bootloader menu during installation.

Don't know if I could have just edited /boot/grub/menu.lst manually or not,
but the above method worked great.  As an added bonus XP passes the post
screen in about 1/4 the time now, maybe the standard mbr installation isn't
that efficient in XP?


Re: [SOLVED] Wireless Adapter Card compatibility

2009-08-19 Thread Wayne Topa

Mark wrote:

Awesome info, thanks everyone for helping find a good solution.  I have yet
to purchase but have very good direction on some candidates to buy now.

Klistvud: Thanks for the tips - I prefer to put my money towards a
Linux-friendly company any chance I get.  I'd prefer a new card if possible
but not opposed to buying used.

Nate: Great info.  I've found several ath5k module cardbus adapters using
Celejar's link (, and
searching for ath5k in the results).  Having the card supported natively
with the kernel is my ideal solution.

Thanks again for the ideas and help!



  Sorry to get in so late on this thread.

  Do a google search for madwifi.  All the info about cards that work 
with the Atheros drivers is there.  Look for the Compatibility page.

  I have 5 Atheros PCMCIA cards working with my favorite being the 
NetGear WG511U.  Got 3 of them 'cheap' on Ebay 3 years ago.

  They have a lot of very helpful information on setting up all kinds of
networks as well.


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RE: installing debian on rhel5

2009-08-19 Thread Kevin Ross
 From: Vasanthra Devi S []
 Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 5:46 AM
 can you help me to install Debian 5.0(Lenny) on RHEL 5 (kernel is 2.3)
 on x86 machine.
 i have tried it but i could not boot debian but i can boot Rhel
 first i have insttled debian 5.0(Lenny) .
 it has three partitions (/,/boot and swap)
 all the three are primary partition.
 after that i have installled rhel5(2.3 kernel).
 i can able to boot only linux .
 can you help me to overcome this.

Are you SURE it's a 2.3 kernel?  I'm quite sure RHEL5 uses a 2.6 kernel.

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do.  Is it:

1. Have a dual-boot system, where at boot time you can choose to boot RHEL5
or Debian?
2. Run Debian in a chroot under RHEL5, so you can run Debian commands, and a
Debian desktop environment, under RHEL5?
3. Replace your RHEL5 installation with a Debian installation?

If it's 1, you just need to install Debian to an unused partition on your
hard drive somewhere. If you don't have an unused partition, I guess you
could add another hard drive to the machine.  Or mess around with partition

If it's 2, this is possible, but more difficult.  I've done it.  If this is
really what you want, I can give you some guidance.

If it's 3, well that's easy.  Just point the Debian installer to your
current / partition.

-- Kevin

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