Re: LVM quel systeme de fichier?

2009-11-07 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Zuthos a écrit :
 Toutefois, j'ai lu que ext/3 ne gére pas le redimentionement à chaud.

Si je ne m'abuse, ext2 et ext3 supportent l'agrandissement à chaud.

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No space left on device.

2009-11-07 Thread Guillaume Yziquel


Après avoir fait une mise à jour du noyau, j'obtiens les messages 
d'erreurs suivants. Comment résout-on un truc comme cela?

yziq...@seldon:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a
Paramétrage de initramfs-tools (0.93.4) ...
update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)
dpkg : des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de ocamlduce :
 ocamlduce dépend de ocamlduce-base- ; cependant :
  Le paquet ocamlduce-base- n'est pas installé.
dpkg : erreur de traitement de ocamlduce (--configure) :
 problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour « initramfs-tools »...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.30-2-amd64
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3_tso5.bin for module tg3
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3_tso.bin for module tg3
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3.bin for module tg3

gzip: stdout: No space left on device
update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.30-2-amd64
dpkg: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur 
de sortie d'état 1

 Guillaume Yziquel

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Re: No space left on device.

2009-11-07 Thread Grégory Bulot
Guillaume Yziquel à écrit le Sat, 07
Nov 2009 10:33:45 +0100
 Après avoir fait une mise à jour du noyau, j'obtiens les messages 
 d'erreurs suivants. Comment résout-on un truc comme cela?

  gzip: stdout: No space left on device
  update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.30-2-amd64
  dpkg: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a
  retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1 yziq...@seldon:~$ 

df -h

tu as surement /boot ou /lib de full

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Re: LVM quel systeme de fichier?

2009-11-07 Thread Gilles Mocellin
On Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 10:49:31AM +0100, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
 Zuthos a écrit :
  Toutefois, j'ai lu que ext/3 ne gére pas le redimentionement à chaud.
 Si je ne m'abuse, ext2 et ext3 supportent l'agrandissement à chaud.

Oui, depuis un certain temps déjà. Avec resize2fs.
Attention, cependant, la réduction ne peut se faire online.

C'est vrai que j'ai utilisé reiserfs longtemps pour ça. Mais coté Debian,
au moins depuis sarge, ext3 peut être agrandi online.

Description: Digital signature

iwlist scan, trier les résultats

2009-11-07 Thread anisometropie
j'aimerais savoir si il existe un moyen de trier les résultats d'un
scan *iwlist
wlan0 scan*.
pour l'instant il m'affiche une quinzaine de résultats,
j'aimerais qu'il n'affiche que les résultats dont l'ESSID estFreeWifi
une sorte de |grep FreeWifi , mais qui affiche toute les lignes associées a
ce réseaux, comme par exemple :
Address: AB:CD:AB:CD:11:11


Frequency:2.412 GHz (Channel
Quality=36/70  Signal level=-74


Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 9
  18 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s; 54
Bit Rates:6 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 24 Mb/s; 48



Extra: Last beacon: 1308ms ago

une idée ?
merci bien

Re: No space left on device.

2009-11-07 Thread Gilles Mocellin
On Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 10:33:45AM +0100, Guillaume Yziquel wrote:
 Après avoir fait une mise à jour du noyau, j'obtiens les messages
 d'erreurs suivants. Comment résout-on un truc comme cela?
 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/tigon/tg3.bin for module tg3
 gzip: stdout: No space left on device
 update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.30-2-amd64
 dpkg: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une 
 erreur de sortie d'état 1

Surement /boot plein.
Verrifier avec :
# df -h

Si tu as accumulé plusieurs noyaux, il faut supprimer ceux qui ne sont
plus utilisés.
Attention, il faut en garder un qui boot, le dernier avant cette mise à
jour par exemple.
Pour supprimer les éventuels autres, aptitude/apt-get ne marcheront pas
car il fera la même erreur qu'actuellement.
Donc, il va falloir y aller à la hache :
# rm /boot/vmlinuz-VIEILLE-VERSION
# rm /boot/initrd-*.old
# rm /boot/initrd-VIEILLE-VERSION.img
# dpkg --configure -a

Description: Digital signature

Re: iwlist scan, trier les ré sultats

2009-11-07 Thread steve
Le 07-11-2009, à 11:10:24 +0100, anisometropie ( a 
écrit :



 j'aimerais savoir si il existe un moyen de trier les résultats d'un
 scan *iwlist
 wlan0 scan*.
 pour l'instant il m'affiche une quinzaine de résultats,
 j'aimerais qu'il n'affiche que les résultats dont l'ESSID estFreeWifi
 une sorte de |grep FreeWifi , mais qui affiche toute les lignes associées a
 ce réseaux, comme par exemple :

Peut-être en jouant avec les options -A et -B de grep ?

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recherche plugin pour Pidgin

2009-11-07 Thread Michaël Pierson
Bonjour la liste,

Je recherche le bon plugin pour Pidgin qui permet d'envoyer
automatiquement le message d'authentification  /^msg AUTH my_nick

J'avais cru trouver la solution avec IRC Helper
mais ce n'est pas bon car s'il est possible d'indiquer le nick et le
mdp, il n'est pas possible d'indiquer le service

D'avance merci.


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Re: LVM quel systeme de fichier?

2009-11-07 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Zuthos a écrit :
 J'étudie la possibilité de passer une partie de mon systéme sous lvm 
 (home,usr et var)
 J'utilise ext/3 pour ses partitions.
 Toutefois, j'ai lu que ext/3 ne gére pas le redimentionement à chaud.
 Reisefs serait-il un meilleur choix??

en dehors des considérations particulières à ta situation 
(plein de ptits fichiers, ou plein de gros, ou un melting entre
les 2), un des critères les plus importants est l'existence d'outils
de récupération en cas de gros PB.

sans compter qu'il te *faut* une sauvegarde digne de ce nom, parce
qu'avec LVM, la question n'est pas si j'ai un PB, mais quand j'aurai
un PB.

Operators mount anything!

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Pb udev - Charge CPU 100%

2009-11-07 Thread Dominique Pautrel

Bonjour à toutes et tous,

Je me sens démuni face à ce problème...
Au boot, je reçois le(s) message(s) d'erreur suivants :

udevd[392] : missing sysfs features. Update or disable 

J'ai plusieurs lignes de la sorte, avec un numéro différent : 392, 723, ...

Cela fait cependant bien longtemps que je n'ai installé d'autres 
logiciels... J'ai juste fait des mises à jour automatiques des paquets 
avec aptitude.

L'ensemble fonctionne (enfin de ce que j'en vois avec mes petits besoins 
actuels), mais avec une occupation CPU de 100% constante dès le 
démarrage, et donc je préfère :-[   me servir de M$ XP installé en 
double boot, car je n'ai pas toujours le temps de mettre les mains dans 
le moteur !

Mais cependant avec quelques conseils avisés je serais heureux de 
revenir sur ma Debian :-)

J'en profite pour remercier profondément celles et ceux qui font vivre 
cette communauté, pour un monde libre.


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2009-11-07 Thread Norbert Prier
 Bottlaender-Prier, Norbert a écrit :
 J'avais l'habitude de travailler sous Debian 2, mais depuis Lenny, tout
 semble d'être changé, et je n'arrive même plus à imprimer. Est-ce
 Bonjour, je ne pense pas que cette liste soit le bon endroit pour demander
 des conseils favorables a Window$ XP.
 Il serait une meilleure idee que vous donniez plus de details, de facon a
 ce que nous vous aidions a regler vos problemes avec
 Debian. Passer directement de la 2 a Lenny, je reconnais que ca doit faire
 un sacre choc!

 Bien cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

En désespéeance de cauxe, j'ai équipé mon ordinateur portable, un DELL
Latitude 110L, avec un hda neuf de 160 Gigas qui a l'air de fonctionner
bien sous Lenny. Mais comment éviter de nouvaux fausses manouvres et
intaller Kubuntu 9.04 dont je me suis procuré le CD qui a l'air d'être
conçu jusque maintenant pour une migration directe WIN - Linux
 P.S. J'écris ceci sur mon adresse de dépannage quand le mailer de
Globenet subit un dysfonctiobbement, mon adresse normale est

-- ceterum censeo capitalismum esse delendum (cato)
  |\  _,,,---,,_   This was TMTM
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_   (The Megabyte Text Magician)
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

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Re: Kubuntu

2009-11-07 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Norbert Prier a écrit :
 Bottlaender-Prier, Norbert a écrit :
 J'avais l'habitude de travailler sous Debian 2, mais depuis Lenny, tout
 semble d'être changé, et je n'arrive même plus à imprimer. Est-ce
 Bonjour, je ne pense pas que cette liste soit le bon endroit pour demander
 des conseils favorables a Window$ XP.
 Il serait une meilleure idee que vous donniez plus de details, de facon a
 ce que nous vous aidions a regler vos problemes avec
 Debian. Passer directement de la 2 a Lenny, je reconnais que ca doit faire
 un sacre choc!

 Bien cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

 En désespéeance de cauxe, j'ai équipé mon ordinateur portable, un DELL
 Latitude 110L, avec un hda neuf de 160 Gigas qui a l'air de fonctionner
 bien sous Lenny. Mais comment éviter de nouvaux fausses manouvres et
 intaller Kubuntu 9.04 dont je me suis procuré le CD qui a l'air d'être

en posant la question dans la ML ubuntu


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Re: Pb udev - Charge CPU 100%

2009-11-07 Thread mess-mate

Dominique Pautrel wrote:

Bonjour à toutes et tous,

Je me sens démuni face à ce problème...
Au boot, je reçois le(s) message(s) d'erreur suivants :

udevd[392] : missing sysfs features. Update or disable 

J'ai plusieurs lignes de la sorte, avec un numéro différent : 392, 
723, ...

Cela fait cependant bien longtemps que je n'ai installé d'autres 
logiciels... J'ai juste fait des mises à jour automatiques des paquets 
avec aptitude.

L'ensemble fonctionne (enfin de ce que j'en vois avec mes petits 
besoins actuels), mais avec une occupation CPU de 100% constante dès 
le démarrage, et donc je préfère :-[   me servir de M$ XP installé en 
double boot, car je n'ai pas toujours le temps de mettre les mains 
dans le moteur !

Mais cependant avec quelques conseils avisés je serais heureux de 
revenir sur ma Debian :-)

J'en profite pour remercier profondément celles et ceux qui font vivre 
cette communauté, pour un monde libre.


la CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED est une configuration du noyau.
Soit recompiler une noyau sans ce paramètre (disabled) soit un noyau 
plus ancien ?

Apropos, c'est quel version de noyau et tu est avec quel version debian ?

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Mise à jour vers Grub 2 - echec du red émarrage

2009-11-07 Thread yann

Voici le détail du problème que je rencontre et les tentatives de
résolution que j'ai déjà essayé.

Plate-forme : sid en amd64

Point de départ : mise à jour de l'OS (passage en noyau 31) et aussi
de grub2 histoire de jouer un peu...

configuration de la machine au niveau des FS et disques : 6 disques
dont deux en RAID 1 (hda et hdb, même si se sont des disques sata mais
bon la carte mère asus ne les accepte que comme cela)  md0 en ext3
pour /boot et md1 en lvm avec un vg et trois lv root, tmp et var (en
reiserfs) avec deux espaces de swap, les 4 autres en RAID5 pour une
partition reiserfs /home.

Premier redémarrage Ok mais je ne vois pas le nouveau noyau dans la
liste de grub qui est toujours en legacy = je passe le
upgrade-from-legacy et installe grub2 sur hda. À ce moment là malgré
l'installation du noyau 2.6.31 je suis encore en 2.6.30-1 (via uname -a)

Reboot avec ce coup-ci l'invite de GRUB2 mais là gros plantage : arrêt
de la procédure et passage en grub rescue, la cause est l'absence du
fichier de config (grub.cfg). 

un ls sur (hd0,1)/grub montre bien qu'il n'y a pas de grub.cfg et aussi
beaucoup moins de fichier que lorsque j'avais jeté un coup d'oeil après

Je reboote avec un sysrescue sur clé et fouille un peu mes disque et je
constate que les deux RAID1 ne sont plus complètement actif et qu'il
manque un disque dans chaque et le même (hda avant et dans suysrescue
Donc le RAID1 est planté depuis un certain temps et comme la machine
boot uniquement sur le premier disque (hda) cela explique pourquoi je
ne voyais pas le noucveau noyau dans le menu de boot... Bien, mon gars !

Pas grave, je remets avec sysrescue les deux partitions sda dans le
RAID1 et attends la fin synchronisation.
les deux md (md0 et md1) sont maintenant reconstituiés et démarrés,
enfin c'est ce que j'interprète en lisant /proc/mdstat puisqu'ils sont
active en RAID1 et [2/2] [UU].

Reboot de nouveau, grub2 apparait, la liste des noyaux aussi. Je choisi
en premier le 2.6.31 et et et rien !
trop peu d'information !
Reboot au bouton et choix du recovery mode
Même symptômes avec un peu plus d'information attente du chargement
du root system.

Par contre un redémarrage dans le dernier noyau 2.6.30-1 donne aussi
une terminaison en échec mais avec une information comme quoi je n'ai
plus de lvm et que les partitions lvm ne sont plus visibles... Aïe !

retour sous sysrescue cd et lance un vgchange -a y puis les trois
reiserfscheck sur les partitions du mapper = pas ni problem elles sont
bien là !

Retour au boot et voici les messages vus au défilement :

Begin: Assembling all MD arrays ... md: md0 stoppes
md bindhdd1
md bindhdc1
raid1: raid set md0 active
md0 unknown partition table
Failure: failed to assemble all array
md1 unknown partirion
begin waiting for root file system

Et après, le temps d'écrire ces quelques lignes passage dans la busybox
de initramfs...

Il semble que :
- plus de lvm,
- les array de raid ne se détectent plus tout seuls...

que faire ?

Merci de vos suggestions !


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Re: recherche plugin pour Pidgin

2009-11-07 Thread Michaël Pierson

J'avance un tout petit peu:

AuthServ = compte + password
NickServ = nick + password 
- le plugin irchelper gère NickServ et pas AuthServ, cqfd.

Piste en cours et non aboutie (donc si vous comprenez l'erreur...): 

1 Création d'un contact AuthServ
2 ajout d'une alerte lors de la connection du contact,
qui consiste à lui envoyer le message:
/msg auths...@services.***.net  ident password

Résultat: néant! Pourquoi? Pas même un message ou une notication de

Très bien alors j'ajoute une 2ème alerte avec un 2ème message (volontairement
erronné): uu
Et cette fois j'ai bien un retour:

Vous comprenez ce qui ne va pas?

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Teclas especiales de teclado Logitech

2009-11-07 Thread Sergio Padrino


Acabo de hacerme con un Logitech Cordless Desktop S520 que incluye teclado y
ratón inalámbricos. El problema es que no me detecta todas las teclas
especiales y no sé cómo arreglarlo.

He probado con xev para coger los códigos de las teclas que me faltan, pero
no muestra ningún evento cuando las presiono.

La (sospechosa) salida de getkeycodes es la siguiente:

Códigos de rastreo simples xx (hex) frente a códigos de tecla (dec)

 0x00:0   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x08:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x10:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x18:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x20:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x28:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x30:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x38:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x40:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x48:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x50:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x58:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x60:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x68:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x70:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 0x78:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

Códigos de rastreo con escape e0 xx (hex)

e0 00:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 08:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 10:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 18:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 20:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 28:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 30:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 38:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 40:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 48:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 50:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 58:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 60:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 68:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 70:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
e0 78:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

Ahora mismo dejo que HAL me detecte el teclado, no sé si tendrá que ver.

Por si sirve de algo, utilizo Debian Sid. A ver si alguien puede ayudarme :)

Gracias de antemano. Un saludo!
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Sent from the debian-user-spanish mailing list archive at

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Re: Teclas especiales de teclado Logitech

2009-11-07 Thread Sylvia Sánchez

El sáb, 07-11-2009 a las 02:27 -0800, Sergio Padrino escribió:

 Acabo de hacerme con un Logitech Cordless Desktop S520 que incluye teclado y
 ratón inalámbricos. El problema es que no me detecta todas las teclas
 especiales y no sé cómo arreglarlo.
 He probado con xev para coger los códigos de las teclas que me faltan, pero
 no muestra ningún evento cuando las presiono.
 La (sospechosa) salida de getkeycodes es la siguiente:
 Códigos de rastreo simples xx (hex) frente a códigos de tecla (dec)
  0x00:0   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x08:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x10:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x18:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x20:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x28:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x30:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x38:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x40:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x48:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x50:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x58:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x60:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x68:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x70:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  0x78:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 Códigos de rastreo con escape e0 xx (hex)
 e0 00:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 08:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 10:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 18:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 20:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 28:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 30:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 38:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 40:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 48:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 50:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 58:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 60:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 68:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 70:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 e0 78:-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 Ahora mismo dejo que HAL me detecte el teclado, no sé si tendrá que ver.
 Por si sirve de algo, utilizo Debian Sid. A ver si alguien puede ayudarme :)
 Gracias de antemano. Un saludo!
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the debian-user-spanish mailing list archive at

Eeeeh...  ¿probaste instalar algún programa especial para teclados
multimedia?  Hay varios, Xkb, Keytouch.
Aparte de eso  ¿qué escritorio usas?


Re: vim-doc-es: Manual de usuario de Vim

2009-11-07 Thread Ricardo Albarracin B.
El Fri, 6 Nov 2009 17:40:51 +0100
Omar Campagne escribió:

 El proyecto vim-doc-es nació con la intención de ofrecer una correcta
 y completa traducción de Vim al español, [.]

Leyendo el README... indica que hay que copiar los archivos en
«$VIMRUNTIME/doc» del cual no sabía ni de su existencia.

Es posible que expliques un poco mas este tema de como instalarlos en
una Lenny por favor.

Saludos cordiales
| Ricardo Albarracin B. | email: |

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2009-11-07 Thread l.h.leyva
hola listas, 

necesito una ayudita, no he logrado nunca copiar texto de un pdf para un
nuevo documento,odt. ¿qué herramienta para pdf me permite hacerlo?

gracias de antemano, 
(o-  Web de Salud en Cuba
//\  Debian
V_/_  Lenny

the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: PDF-Utiles

2009-11-07 Thread Facundo A
On Viernes 06 Noviembre 2009 12:07:15 l.h.leyva escribió:
 hola listas,
 necesito una ayudita, no he logrado nunca copiar texto de un pdf para un
 nuevo documento,odt. ¿qué herramienta para pdf me permite hacerlo?
 gracias de antemano,

Creo que todas, yo estoy usando okular por ejemplo. Lo más probable es que si 
no has podido hacerlo es que el documento no lo permite.

Tambien existe un complemento de openoffice para importar pdf (el paquete en debian).



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Re: ldap + zimbra

2009-11-07 Thread Andres Gonzalez

 El asunto es que hice la prueba, borré las carpetas de la instalación
 original y no levanta los servicios, no funciona nada, cuando hago un
 zmcontrol status con el usuario de zimbra me da este error

 zmcontrol status
 Unable to determine enabled services from ldap.
 Cannot determine services - exiting

 No se si tenía que copiar las el respaldo de las caprteas y archivos con el
 usuario de zimbra? Lo hice con el de root

Carlos, el procedimiento que tenes que hacer es el siguiente:

Pero usando el .tar que te genera el script.



Como recupar ficheros

2009-11-07 Thread rlc
Hola lista
Me gustaría saber como recuperar ficheros que se me hallan borrado por
descuido, quiero recuperar  log de mi sistema que los borre sin darme


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: Como recupar ficheros

2009-11-07 Thread Adrià
On Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 04:18:58PM -0500, rlc wrote:
 Hola lista
 Me gustaría saber como recuperar ficheros que se me hallan borrado por
 descuido, quiero recuperar  log de mi sistema que los borre sin darme
 Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
 ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
 Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de 
 usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas
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Deber�as indicar qu� sistema de ficheros usas; no es lo mismo ext3 que XFS.

Adri�� Garc�a-Alz�rriz
PGP Key: B83E0019

Quien del alacrán esta picado, de la sombra se espanta. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: Como recupar ficheros

2009-11-07 Thread Excalibur
El sáb, 07-11-2009 a las 22:48 +0100, Adrià escribió:
 On Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 04:18:58PM -0500, rlc wrote:
  Hola lista
  Me gustaría saber como recuperar ficheros que se me hallan borrado por
  descuido, quiero recuperar  log de mi sistema que los borre sin darme

Proba con testdisk
man testdisk

1 hora de banda ancha para bajar tus paquetes .deb, $0,10.
Cd para grabarlos, $2.
Saber que nada en tu pc pertenece a Microsoft, NO TIENE PRECIO!
Existen S.O. que el dinero no puede comprar.
Para el resto, existe Windows!
Excalibur - Usuario Linux Registrado #481497
Debian Lenny GNU/Linux 5.0.3

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Re: Comparacion de debian y ubuntu .OT

2009-11-07 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
 Ahi si os pido una gran disculpa, pero en el terreno de servidor, asi
 que se reconosca de forma oficial y que es lo mejor solamente Debian y
 Red Hat. Se pueden formar todos los convenios y demas que se dece,
 pero tecnicamente no estan preparadas las demas distribuciones para
 ser servidor.
 Por otra parte la DB2 y Oracle entran en debian sin ningun problema y
 van de perlas, con eso es mas que suficiente para poder disponer de
 ellas si asi se requiere. En cuestion de certificasiones para
 desarrolladores e implementadores asi como Ing en software es siempre
 mejor ir con los Padres de las distros en lugar de ir con los nietos.
 Esto es por que un simple usuario no se pone a configurar servidores,
 mas bien que el Ing los configure y el los usa, entonces el Ing es el
 responsable de que el usuario comun no tenga problemas

Por favor no utilices html y por favor utiliza un corrector ortográfico

En cuanto a técnicamente no te lo voy a discutir porque hace mas de 10
años que trabajo con Debian, pero a nivel negocios, tenés que entender
que en una empresa grande, el deslindar responsabilidades es mas
importante que la fama, por lo que un gerente de sistemas no va a
arriesgar su puesto teniendo a quien echarle la culpa 

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada digitalmente

recuperar ficheros

2009-11-07 Thread rlc
Los sistema de fichero son ext3


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: Teclas especiales de teclado Logitech

2009-11-07 Thread Sergio Padrino

Sylvia Sánchez wrote:
 Eeeeh...  ¿probaste instalar algún programa especial para teclados
 multimedia?  Hay varios, Xkb, Keytouch.
 Aparte de eso  ¿qué escritorio usas?

Lo primero, gracias por responder!!

He probado los dos programas que comentas y también el hotkeys, pero nada.
Utilizo KDE4 como escritorio.

Pero el problema creo que está antes de llegar a las X (como se puede ver en
la salida de getkeycodes), porque con xev puedo capturar eventos de
cualquier tecla menos las que no funcionan, si fuera cosa de que simplemente
no estuvieran mapeadas con un alias (Xf86Calculator, Xf86NextMedia...)
debería salirme al menos el keycode y debería poder utilizarlas con los
programas que mencionaste.

El caso es que hay bastantes teclas especiales que sí son reconocidas, pero
otras no, y no sé dónde tocar para decirle a HAL o a cuál es mi
teclado o qué teclas tiene... Igual me toca rezar para que en siguientes
versiones del kernel (Linux)/HAL/ esté arreglado, ya se verá :P

Lo dicho, gracias de nuevo :)

Un saludo!

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Re: Consulta sobre OpenVPN

2009-11-07 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hash: SHA1

Hola Angel.

El martes 27 de octubre del 2009 a las 23:48:26 -0300,
Angel Claudio Alvarez escribió:

 proba con esto

Te cuento que ya lo pude solucionar hace unos días, y aunque recién leo
tu respuesta la solución tiene que ver con algo de lo que dice allí,
aunque no con todo.

El tema era tener en el host donde se encuentra instalado el servidor
OVPN habilitado IP forwarding (cosa que ya estaba) y agregar una regla
Netfilter para que realice masquerading (que era lo que estaba

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

No hacía falta agregar alguna ruta estática en el firewall, así que la

Gracias por responder.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Comparacion de debian y ubuntu .OT

2009-11-07 Thread Mauricio J. Adonis C.
El vie, 06-11-2009 a las 18:51 -0800, Salvador Garcia Z. escribió:
 Ahi si os pido una gran disculpa, pero en el terreno de servidor, asi
 que se reconosca de forma oficial y que es lo mejor solamente Debian y
 Red Hat. Se pueden formar todos los convenios y demas que se dece,
 pero tecnicamente no estan preparadas las demas distribuciones para
 ser servidor.

Qué duda cabe de la capacidad que tienen Red Hat y Debian en el ámbito
de los servidores. No obstante decir que estos son los únicos sistemas
basados en Linux que sirven para esto...  pues es un poquito exagerado.

Hoy en día Ubuntu Server está corriendo exitosamente en ambientes de
mucha carga y tremendamente exigentes... ¡vamos, que Ubuntu 8.04 Server
es la plataforma que soporta la Wikipedia! y ya se imaginarán la
intensidad de trabajo que tiene que soportar aquella red de
computadores... (en horas peak hasta 60.000.000 de conexiones por
segundo!) sólo por nombrar una muy emblemática y familiar (curiosamente
migraron desde Red Hat, precisamente).

Personalmente aprecio la calidad de Debian y Ubuntu, de hecho este
correo lo estoy escribiendo desde Lenny64, que lo instalé (a manera de
prueba) ayer en una partición pequeñita (5GB) que tenía por ahí en el
disco y anda de lujo. (El único inconveniente es que no me reconoce la
instalación de Ubuntu... seguramente porque está en ext4 y además tiene

Lo que más me ha gustado es que he podido instalar el driver nvidia
190.42, el más actualizado! en el núcleo 2.6.26-2-amd64, ya que por esas
cosas de quién sabe qué... ni en Ubuntu ni en otras distros (incluyendo
openSolaris) me están funcionando... (yo le hecho la culpa a los últimos
núcleos Linux).
Mauricio J. Adonis C.

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recuperar ficheros

2009-11-07 Thread rlc
Hola lista
Por favor hay alguna manera de recuperar ficheros borrados, el sistema
de fichero que uso es ext3. Por favor alguien podra guiarme. No cuento
con internet.


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: Comparacion de debian y ubuntu .OT

2009-11-07 Thread Mauricio J. Adonis C.
El dom, 08-11-2009 a las 01:42 -0300, Mauricio J. Adonis C. escribió:
 se imaginarán la
 intensidad de trabajo que tiene que soportar aquella red de
 computadores... (en horas peak hasta 60.000.000 de conexiones por

Perdón, iba a corregir este dato antes de enviar el correo, pero lo

La cantidad de conexiones http por segundo son 50.000 ~ y la cantidad de
visitas a Wikipedia es sobre las al mes.

¡Todo un trabajo para los servidores Ubuntu ¿verdad?!...

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Xen 3.4

2009-11-07 Thread mattias
Går det att kompilera xen 3.4 med 2.6.26-2 kernels
Den envisas med 2.6.18

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Re: Pendrive não monta mais

2009-11-07 Thread hamacker
O dmesg não disse que tá  cheio o contrário, ele estranha que o
pendrive seja tão grande (2199023 MB). Um pendrive de 2.2 TB deve ser
algo que veio do futuro, né ?
Brincadeiras a parte, tenta reformata-lo com o gparted, se não
conseguir infelizmente este daí já era.


 No lsusb não aparece nada. Em /dev também não identifiquei, mas o dmesg, se
 eu soube fazer a leitura, me diz que a pen tá pra lá de cheia e por isso não
 consegue montar. Se falei besteira, desculpem aí. Segue a saída do dsmeg.
 Obrigado a todos que responderam.

 [ 4400.572052] usb 5-7: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address

 [ 4400.629966] hub 5-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 7

 [ 4401.009857] usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address

 [ 4401.153362] usb 4-1: not running at top speed; connect to a high speed

 [ 4401.187459] usb 4-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice

 [ 4401.193558] scsi3 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices

 [ 4401.195042] usb 4-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1516, idProduct=8628

 [ 4401.195048] usb 4-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2,

 [ 4401.195052] usb 4-1: Product: USB Drive

 [ 4401.195054] usb 4-1: Manufacturer: SKYMEDI

 [ 4401.195056] usb 4-1: SerialNumber: 03

 [ 4401.195373] usb-storage: device found at 2

 [ 4401.195377] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning

 [ 4406.193310] usb-storage: device scan complete

 [ 4406.196285] scsi 3:0:0:0: Direct-Access     SKYMEDI  USB Drive
   PQ: 0 ANSI: 2

 [ 4406.245280] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ

 [ 4406.270411] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] READ CAPACITY(16) failed

 [ 4406.270418] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK

 [ 4406.270423] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Use 0x as device size

 [ 4406.270428] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] 4294967296 512-byte hardware sectors
 (2199023 MB)

 [ 4406.273456] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off

 [ 4406.273463] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 23 00 00 00

 [ 4406.273466] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through

 [ 4406.286086] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ

 [ 4406.304294] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] READ CAPACITY(16) failed

 [ 4406.304301] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK

 [ 4406.304306] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Use 0x as device size

 [ 4406.304310] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] 4294967296 512-byte hardware sectors
 (2199023 MB)

 [ 4406.307296] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off

 [ 4406.307303] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 23 00 00 00

 [ 4406.307306] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through

 [ 4406.307311]  sda: unknown partition table

 [ 4406.329257] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI removable disk


 Olá pessoal.
 Tenho uma pendrive DT Slim Kingston, que ao espetar na USB já montava em
 /media/KINGSTON. Há dois dias não monta mais a unidade e quando espeto na
 usb aparece
 um ícone SKYMEDI USB Drive em Computador. Minha distro é Debian Lenny.
 pen já era ou tem como recuperar? Alguém dá uma dica?



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 Universidade Federal de Itajubá
 outubro de 2009
 Itajubá - MG

 Projeto Software Livre de Minas Gerais

 Prefeitura Municipal de Itajubá
 Universidade Federal de Itajubá
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Re: Pendrive não monta mais

2009-11-07 Thread Renato S. Yamane

Em 06-11-2009 17:21, escreveu:

No lsusb não aparece nada. Em /dev também não identifiquei, mas o dmesg,
se eu soube fazer a leitura, me diz que a pen tá pra lá de cheia e por
isso não consegue montar. Se falei besteira, desculpem aí. Segue a saída
do dsmeg. Obrigado a todos que responderam.

[ 4406.286086] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ 
[ 4406.304310] sd 3:0:0:0: [sda] 4294967296 512-byte hardware sectors 
(2199023 MB)

[ 4406.307311]  sda: unknown partition table

Você andou desconectando ele sem desmonta-lo, né?
Pode formata-lo e recriar as partições... Atualmente ele está inutilizável.


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conectar em dispositivo bluetooth

2009-11-07 Thread Ronaldo Reis Júnior

tenho um quadro interativo e-beam que tem conexão bluetooth. Acho que a ideia 
é que o dispositivo se torne um mouse bluetooth no meu laptop. Consegui fazer 
isto no windows, mas não consigo fazer no linux. Usei o bluetooth-wizard para 
configurar e ele até encontra o dispositivo, mas falha na configuração. Eu 
testei com a cabo usb e o dispositivo funcionou perfeitamente no linux, 
portanto é alguma coisa que tenho que fazer para ele configurar o bluetooth no 
meu linux.

Ele coloca o seguinte no meu xorg.conf:

Section InputDevice
Driver  ebeam
Identifier  whiteboard-wand
Option  Color wand

O meu bluetooth funciona, tanto que consigo usar meu celular com mouse.

O que posso fazer para descobrir onde é o problema?

Alguma ideia?

Camarão que dorme a onda leva.

Luiz Bucci
 Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior
|  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e Computacional
| : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
| `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
|   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 | |
| | ICQ#: 5692561 | LinuxUser#: 205366
Favor NÃO ENVIAR arquivos do Word ou Powerpoint
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Major problems 2.6.26 kernel in lenny

2009-11-07 Thread Virgo Pärna

When I upgraded my Debian computer form Etch to Lenny, I had to give up 
running 2.6.26  kernel for following reasons (computer has AMD Sempron 3000+ 
1. 686 version kernel crashed, when accessing listing files in mounted share 
from Windows 95 computer, if filenames contained accented characters.
2. with amd64 version of kernel I could not use smbumount as user.
So I reverted to 2.6.18 kernel. But since smbmount doesn't support accented 
characters with Window 95 anymore at all, I changed my backup script (that 
accessed that Windows 95 share) to use smbclient. So I desided to try 2.6.26 
kernel again. 
In the meantime, there have been updates to 2.6.26 kernel, so  it's no more 
same version, that I tried immediatly after upgrade from Etch.
Now, with 686 kernel, I can no longer boot up - it just stops, when 
checking disks - it shows, that it sucessfully checked /boot partition, that 
has ext3 filesystem, but that's all. Other partitions have jfs filesystem. 
Amd64 kernel boots up fine, but it still cannot unmount smbmounted shares 
as user.

Virgo Pärna

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Re: Permissions for /dev/fuse changing at boot

2009-11-07 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, Nov 06, 2009 at 08:49:45PM -0500, Rob Owens wrote:

 My Lenny system has this in /etc/udev/rules.d/91-permissions.rules
 KERNEL==fuse, GROUP=fuse

$ less /etc/udev/rules.d/91-permissions.rules
/etc/udev/rules.d/91-permissions.rules: No such file or directory

What package does that belong to? I apparently don't have it on my
system running testing/unstable.

Oh, look: rocks!
-- Doctor Who, Destiny of the Daleks

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Re: Finder divded by zeros

2009-11-07 Thread Chris Davies
Bonzi Buddy wrote:
 Hi today i was trying to use my linuxes to load up tux and do some Microsoft
 Word work because when I did this Finder divided by zeros and then the
 system froze my friend totaled me to type rm -rf / and i did that but it
 gave a lot of errors i think it said no permissions or something like that
 but anyways now my system crashes even more how do i fix please help this is
 an emergency because since tuxes not loading i cant finish my graudate
 thesis and i might flunk out of college and have to work at burger king k
 thx bai

I think you'll find that if you continue to write like that people won't
bother to read what you're saying because it gets too complicated to
work out where the clauses are and anyway by about now you'll be mentally
running out of breath and desperate for some sort of indicator you know
the sort of squiggly thing called a comma or the dot thing called a full
stop so that you know you can pause for breath and think about what's just
been said because it gets too complicated holding such a long sentsnce
in your head so in the end you find you need to recap and ask people
the same question all over again. Use punctuation and write clearly.


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Re: Permissions for /dev/fuse changing at boot

2009-11-07 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 00:28:00 -0800, Todd A. Jacobs wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 06, 2009 at 08:49:45PM -0500, Rob Owens wrote:
  My Lenny system has this in /etc/udev/rules.d/91-permissions.rules
  KERNEL==fuse, GROUP=fuse
 $ less /etc/udev/rules.d/91-permissions.rules
 /etc/udev/rules.d/91-permissions.rules: No such file or directory
 What package does that belong to? I apparently don't have it on my
 system running testing/unstable.

On unstable the rule is in /lib/udev/rules.d/60-fuse-utils.rules, which
belongs to the fuse-utils package (version 2.8.1-1).

Testing still seems to have an earlier version of fuse-utils from which
this rule is missing.

Lenny has /etc/udev/rules.d/91-permissions.rules (from the udev package
itself) to set the fuse group, but this was removed in later versions of
udev. (Permissions for devices like fuse should be handled by udev rules
that are provided by the dedicated packages associated with these
devices rather than by udev itself.)

  Florian   |

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Re: running openvpn client as non-root user?

2009-11-07 Thread Joe

H.S. wrote:


I have just finished installing openvpn server on my router machine
running Debian Testing.

For now I can connect from a client machine using openvpn client but
only as a root user (or by using sudo). The client is an Ubuntu machine.

Since I am new to all this openvpn stuff, I have a few basic questions
regarding the clients:
Do all clients need to run openvpn client command as root or by using sudo?
If not, then what is the right way to do so as a non-root user?
If yes, then what is the best way to go about it? Do I set up sudo for
all users to be able to use openvpn command without having to sudo

On Netbook Remix, so I assume also the mainstream version, the Network 
Manager can set up connections to OpenVPN (it needs a plug-in), and it 
did not ask me for a password on each use. It was certainly willing to 
store the client certificate private key passphrase. I don't have the 
machine at the moment, and I can't recall if I even needed root 
credentials to configure the connection.


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Re: running openvpn client as non-root user?

2009-11-07 Thread Gilles Mocellin
On Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 12:46:01AM -0500, H.S. wrote:
 I have just finished installing openvpn server on my router machine
 running Debian Testing.
 For now I can connect from a client machine using openvpn client but
 only as a root user (or by using sudo). The client is an Ubuntu machine.
 Since I am new to all this openvpn stuff, I have a few basic questions
 regarding the clients:
 Do all clients need to run openvpn client command as root or by using sudo?
 If not, then what is the right way to do so as a non-root user?
 If yes, then what is the best way to go about it? Do I set up sudo for
 all users to be able to use openvpn command without having to sudo

I think openvpn must have some privileges, as it can modify the route
I use it with sudo at home.

But, I know that NetworkManager can open VPN connections. Here I think
it involves a daemon, running as root, and a desktop applet, running as the 
user, which talk to the

Description: Digital signature

Re: what's your favourite FLOSS?

2009-11-07 Thread Dotan Cohen
 audio editor: audicity
 audio player: amarok
 desktop environment OR window manager: KDE 4
 development: Kate
 disc burner: K3B
 e-mail client: Thunderbird
 file manager: Dolphin
 ftp client: Konqueror
 image creator/editor: gimp
 image viewer: digikam
 instant messenger: skype (not floss? so make something this good in floss!)
 mathematics:  maxima
 misc utilities: Zim (desktop wiki), Anki (flashcards)
 p2p: ktorrent
 package manager: apt-get
 pdf/ps-reader: okular
 terminal emulator:konsole
 text editor:kate
 video player:vlc
 web browser:firefox
 non-free: Solidworks CAD

 anything unreleased and highly anticipated: Anki, still at version 0.9.x
 anything dying/dead: KDE 3.5.10
 anything deserving great honours (EG. Linux, GCC): Zim desktop wiki and Anki. 
 These two programs literally change the way I handle information.
 any organisation/community deserving great honours (EG. GNU, Debian): KDE. 
 KDE 4 is not yet up to the level of refinement of KDE 3, but it is getting 
 there quickly.
 any FLOSS developer deserving great honours (max 5 at most, unless you 
 insist): Aaron Siego of KDE, Jaap of Zim, Damien of Anki. Although Anne 
 Wilson is not a dev, she holds the KDE community together and deserves 
 honours for that.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [Pkg-fglrx-devel] Bug#521323: fglrx-driver: Failed to open DRM connection (ATI 9.10 + xserver-xorg 1:7.4+4)

2009-11-07 Thread Patrick Matthäi
Hash: SHA1

Raphael Bossek schrieb:
 if someone fight with ATI/fglrx-driver 9.10 and xserver-xorg 1:7.4+4
 (testing) should report this to bug 521323. DRI does not work with this
 combination right now. A downgrade to older libdrm2 version removes
 xserver-xorg too :-(

Since today I have got again a supported AMD video card and I can not
reproduce it with 1:9-10-3 and sid on amd64.

- --
Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards,
 Patrick Matthäi
 GNU/Linux Debian Developer


Always if we think we are right,
we were maybe wrong.
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Nov 7 TODAY Nov 22 - Join Global FreeSW GNU(Linux) HW Culture meeting via VOIP - BerkeleyTIP GlobalTIP - For Forwarding

2009-11-07 Thread john_re
CONTENTS: Meeting days/times  Howto - Mark your calendar's dates;
Videos; Hot topics; Opportunities; Announcement Flyers; New webpages

Come join in with the Global Free SW HW  Culture community at the
BerkeleyTIP/GlobalTIP meeting, via VOIP.

Two meetings this month:
Sat Nov 7,  12Noon - 3PM Pacific Time (=UTC-8)
Sun Nov 22, 12Noon - 3PM Pacific Time (=UTC-8)
Mark your calendars, 1st Sat, 3rd Sun every month.
  {Note: 4th Sunday this November, to give 2 week spacing.}

Join online #berkeleytip on
 we'll help you get your voip HW  SW working:
Or come to the FreeSpeech Cafe at UC Berkeley in person meeting.

Join the global mailing list

I hope to see you there. :)

=  Talk Videos for November 2009:
Django Development  - Richard Kiss, Eddy Mulyono, Glen Jarvis, Simeon
Franklin; BayPiggies
Python for scientific research, discussion with Guido van Rossum;
Netbooks - Michael Gorven, Dave Mackie, and Jonathan Carter; CLUG
Japan Linux Symposium Keynote, Linus Torvalds  Jim Zemlin; Linux
Download  watch them before the meetings, discuss at the meetings.

Thanks to all the Speakers, Videographers,  Groups! :)
[Record your local meeting! Put the video online,  email me for
inclusion for next month. :) ]

= Hot topics: Ubuntu 9.10 - Problems? Fixes? Upgrade? Install?
Freeswitch VOIP server - setup for BTIP
Flyers  outreach to UCBerkeley.
Outreach to other UC campuses next semester.

=  Opportunities - Learn new, or increase your job skills, /or
volunteer  help the community:  Set up any of: a BTIP Mailing List, web
server/site, Freeswitch VOIP server, or Virtual Private Network  SSL

= Announcement Flyers:  Print  Post them in your community.  4/5
available - Freedom, Karmic Koala, Free Culture, SciPy, OLPC. See bottom
of page:

= New BTIP Webpages @
UC Campus local groups; Free Hardware; System Administration;
Announcement Flyers; Opportunities

For Forwarding - You are invited to forward this announcement wherever
it would be appreciated.

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Re: Lost my window manager

2009-11-07 Thread Jochen Schulz
John Jason Jordan:
 I do like Debian testing so far, in spite of the issues I am having. 

Oh, you are using testing? I must have missed that. You shouldn't do
that as a desktop user with no intention to dig into internals and write
bug reports.

I wish I had been aware enough to enjoy my time as a toddler.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Two Questions

2009-11-07 Thread Merciadri Luca
Hash: SHA1


I am a fervent user of your `F.lux' program. I am running Debian Lenny
with kernel 2.6.26-2-686 on various computers, and here are two
questions whose answers could enhance the next version of F.lux:

1. When the screen is progressively blanking (GNOME option), a main
problem appears: screen color alternatively (i.e. every 1 second)
changes between unadapted color (i.e. without F.lux) and F.lux-set
color. It results in a kind of unpleasant flashing light. Is there a
way to solve this problem?
2. I live in Belgium. Here, Postal Codes (i.e. the equivalent of ZIP
codes in the U.S.A.) have the format abcd, where a, b, c, d are in {0,
..., 9}, thus theoretically varying between 0001 and . I often use
the option
- -z 4041
as I am living in a city whose PC is 4041. I am however not sure if
the 4041 I type is recognized as the PC of my city in Belgium, or if
it is recognized as a ZIP in the U.S.A., or something else. What
should I do? Do I have to add zeros before, or after, my PC?

- -- 
Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8


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aptitude tries to reach mirrors via IPv6

2009-11-07 Thread Vasiliy Faronov
(I am not subscribed to this list. Please Cc me when replying.)


I have IPv4 only connectivity, and IPv6 is entirely disabled in my
systems, by aliasing ipv6 to off in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases and by
blacklisting ipv6 in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. The IPv6-related
entries in /etc/hosts have been removed.

However, if I use a Debian archive mirror with IPv6 addresses, aptitude
sometimes tries to reach that mirror (for package list updates or
package downloads) via IPv6, fails with a message like could not open
socket, and does not re-try on other (IPv4) addresses. Thereby the
entire download operation fails. This doesn't happen every time; the
choice of the address to download from seems to be somewhat random.

I don't know if this also affects apt-get, because I generally don't use
apt-get, and the problem is hard to reproduce. However, I have no other
IPv6-related problems on my systems. (I mainly use the GNOME desktop.)

Is it possible to prevent aptitude from trying IPv6?

Vasiliy Faronov

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Re: what's your favourite FLOSS?

2009-11-07 Thread Teemu Likonen
On 2009-11-05 20:53 (+0200), Teemu Likonen wrote:

 word-processor: Writer

Hmm, I wonder why did I write that. In practice I use Emacs + LaTeX. I
use OOo Writer only for viewing documents made by others.

Feel free to Cc me your replies if you want to make sure I'll notice

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Re: what's your favourite FLOSS?

2009-11-07 Thread Klistvud

 audio player:

 desktop environment OR window manager:

 disc burner:

 e-mail client:
Kmail, Balsa

 file manager:
Krusader, Gnome-Commander

 ftp client:

UrbanTerror  the Wine and Zsnes emulators

 misc utilities:

mldonkey (mlnet)

 package manager:

 terminal emulator:

 text editor:

 video player:

ooo Writer

 anything unreleased and highly anticipated:
a new version of mldonkey (mlnet)

 anything deserving great honours (EG. Linux, GCC):
Gnome Partition Editor, qemu/kvm

 any organisation/community deserving great honours (EG. GNU, Debian):
GNU, FSF, Debian

 any FLOSS developer deserving great honours (max 5 at most, unless 
Richard M. Stallman


Certifiable Loonix User #481801

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Re: running openvpn client as non-root user?

2009-11-07 Thread H.S.
Gilles Mocellin wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 12:46:01AM -0500, H.S. wrote:

 I have just finished installing openvpn server on my router machine
 running Debian Testing.

 For now I can connect from a client machine using openvpn client but
 only as a root user (or by using sudo). The client is an Ubuntu machine.

 Since I am new to all this openvpn stuff, I have a few basic questions
 regarding the clients:
 Do all clients need to run openvpn client command as root or by using sudo?
 If not, then what is the right way to do so as a non-root user?
 If yes, then what is the best way to go about it? Do I set up sudo for
 all users to be able to use openvpn command without having to sudo
 I think openvpn must have some privileges, as it can modify the route
 I use it with sudo at home.
 But, I know that NetworkManager can open VPN connections. Here I think
 it involves a daemon, running as root, and a desktop applet, running as the 
 user, which talk to the

The client in my case is a laptop and it is running wicd, not
network-manager. IIRC, wicd deals better with wpa and wpa2 in wireless
connection (at it least when I installed it to replace networ-manager).

I have since tried to give sudo access to openvpn command to the users.
That has not worked as well, I think it needed sudo access to some
additional commands (e.g. routing, as you mention).


Please reply to this list only. I read this list on its corresponding
newsgroup on Replies sent to my email address are just
filtered to a folder in my mailbox and get periodically deleted without
ever having been read.

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Re: what's your favourite FLOSS?

2009-11-07 Thread Chris

audio editor: Audicity
audio player: Rythmbox, Amarok (up to 1.4 - 2.x just blows)
cd-ripper: SoundJuicer
desktop environment OR window manager: Gnome
disc burner: Brasero
e-mail client: Claws-Mail
file manager: Nautilus
ftp client: Gftp, Filezilla
image creator/editor: Gimp
image viewer: Picasa
instant messenger: Pidgin
misc utilities: Rdiff-Backup
p2p: Transmission
package manager: apt-get, synaptic
pdf/ps-reader: Adobe
spreadsheet: OOO calc
terminal emulator: Terminator
text editor: Pico/Nano
video player: VLC
web browser: Firefox (Not IceWeasel)
word-processor: OOO Writer

anything unreleased and highly anticipated:
anything dying/dead:
anything deserving great honours (EG. Linux, GCC): Clonezilla

any organisation/community deserving great honours (EG. GNU, Debian):
Debian, GNU, FSF

any FLOSS developer deserving great honours: 
All the Debian developers and package maintainers.

Best regards,


()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\   - against proprietary attachments

There's no place like

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Re: running openvpn client as non-root user?

2009-11-07 Thread H.S.
Gilles Mocellin wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 12:46:01AM -0500, H.S. wrote:

 I have just finished installing openvpn server on my router machine
 running Debian Testing.

 For now I can connect from a client machine using openvpn client but
 only as a root user (or by using sudo). The client is an Ubuntu machine.

 Since I am new to all this openvpn stuff, I have a few basic questions
 regarding the clients:
 Do all clients need to run openvpn client command as root or by using sudo?
 If not, then what is the right way to do so as a non-root user?
 If yes, then what is the best way to go about it? Do I set up sudo for
 all users to be able to use openvpn command without having to sudo
 I think openvpn must have some privileges, as it can modify the route
 I use it with sudo at home.
 But, I know that NetworkManager can open VPN connections. Here I think
 it involves a daemon, running as root, and a desktop applet, running as the 
 user, which talk to the

Okay, I removed wicd and installed network-manager. I have configured
the VPN parameters but the manager gives an error something like no
secret key found.

Searching google showed that not entering the password while setting up
the manager's VPN parameters helps. No go that way either.

BTW, in nm, I do not get a choice of setting up X.509 type of
connection. Is that normal?


Please reply to this list only. I read this list on its corresponding
newsgroup on Replies sent to my email address are just
filtered to a folder in my mailbox and get periodically deleted without
ever having been read.

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Re: Slow booting

2009-11-07 Thread Kamil Kułaga
2009/11/6 Kevin Buhr
 Since this is at odds with what Kamil reported in his dmesg.txt
 (where he was swapping on /dev/sda3), either (1) I'm wrong about the
 kernel code, and it's something else that's sucking up all the time
 for both swap partitions and files, (2) Kamil's /dev/sda3 is
 actually a plain file instead of the sda3 block device he thinks it
 is, or (3) Kamil's problem is unrelated to the usual problem of slow
 mounting of swap files.

Definetely not plain file.

Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x2527a2c7

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *   1364729294496   83  Linux
/dev/sda23648   1384681923467+  83  Linux
/dev/sda3   13847   14593 6000277+  82  Linux swap / Solaris


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Re: Two Questions

2009-11-07 Thread Jochen Schulz
Merciadri Luca:
 I am a fervent user of your `F.lux' program. I am running Debian Lenny
 with kernel 2.6.26-2-686 on various computers, and here are two
 questions whose answers could enhance the next version of F.lux:

Since F.lux isn't distributed by Debian, you are probably better off
asking your questions somewhere on

Oh, great:

| F.lux is patent pending. If you make a cell phone or other cool
| device, and want to talk about licensing f.lux? Email us […]

In public I try to remain calm and to appear perceptive.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Major problems 2.6.26 kernel in lenny

2009-11-07 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Virgo Pärna put forth on 11/7/2009 2:12 AM:
 When I upgraded my Debian computer form Etch to Lenny, I had to give up 
 running 2.6.26  kernel for following reasons (computer has AMD Sempron 3000+ 
 1. 686 version kernel crashed, when accessing listing files in mounted share 
 from Windows 95 computer, if filenames contained accented characters.
 2. with amd64 version of kernel I could not use smbumount as user.
 So I reverted to 2.6.18 kernel. But since smbmount doesn't support 
 characters with Window 95 anymore at all, I changed my backup script (that 
 accessed that Windows 95 share) to use smbclient. So I desided to try 2.6.26 
 kernel again. 
 In the meantime, there have been updates to 2.6.26 kernel, so  it's no 
 same version, that I tried immediatly after upgrade from Etch.
 Now, with 686 kernel, I can no longer boot up - it just stops, when 
 checking disks - it shows, that it sucessfully checked /boot partition, that 
 has ext3 filesystem, but that's all. Other partitions have jfs filesystem. 
 Amd64 kernel boots up fine, but it still cannot unmount smbmounted shares 
 as user.

Sounds like it's time to retire that Win95 PC, or upgrade it to Linux.


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Re: Restricting Internet Access

2009-11-07 Thread David Baron
On Sunday 18 October 2009 18:41:09 David Baron wrote:
 As undemocratic at it seems, sometimes it is necessary from some logins not
  to be able to access internet browsing and such.
 How might one set this up?

The following command was suggested on a site sporting a similar thread:
iptables -A OUTPUT -o ethX -m owner --uid-owner username -j DROP

Trying this, I get
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.

There is certainly such a chain OUTPUT.

1. How can I get this to work?
2. Where would I do this? In a ip_up.d script?

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moodle installation

2009-11-07 Thread roberto
Hello, i tried to install moodle 1.8.2 on lenny and i got many errors;
(i'll post them soon)

in the meantime, is there anyone who succeded in getting moodle
working on his machine ?


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Re: 2.6.31 kernels

2009-11-07 Thread Colin

Cassiano Leal wrote:

I have a 4312 myself. Only way I can use the card is via the hybrid wl
driver found here:

Unfortunately, it's not free. It works, though...

That's what the broadcom-sta package worked with and it worked fine for 
me too.  Unfortunately, that package is no longer available in the 

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Re: 2.6.31 kernels

2009-11-07 Thread Alex Samad
On Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 04:46:52PM -0500, Colin wrote:
 Cassiano Leal wrote:
 I have a 4312 myself. Only way I can use the card is via the hybrid wl
 driver found here:
 Unfortunately, it's not free. It works, though...
 That's what the broadcom-sta package worked with and it worked fine
 for me too.  Unfortunately, that package is no longer available in
 the distribution.

why are the maintaners so fast in dropping things like this, I rely upon
this, and b43 is supporting my wifi card yet 


I refuse to be sucked into your hypnotheoretical arguments.

- George W. Bush
Indianapolis, IN

Description: Digital signature

Re: what's your favourite FLOSS?

2009-11-07 Thread Memnon Anon
Oh well, why not ;)

 audio editor: audacity
 audio player: mplayer
 desktop environment OR window manager: stumpwm
 disc burner: wodim
 e-mail client: emacs gnus
 file manager: emacs dired
 finance: emacs orgmode (will try ledger someday)
 ftp client: wget
 image viewer: gqview
 instant messenger: bitlbee + emacs erc
 p2p: rtorrent
 package manager: aptitude
 pdf/ps-reader: xpdf
 terminal emulator: rxvt
 text editor: emacs
 video player: mplayer
 web browser: conkeror
 word-processor: emacs + latex, oowriter

 any organisation/community deserving great honours (EG. GNU, Debian):
Debian of course ;)

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Re: blurry fonts (again)

2009-11-07 Thread Celejar
On Fri, 6 Nov 2009 22:43:49 +0100
Florian Kulzer wrote:


 You can use
   fc-match -s serif:lang=he


 No, searching for font attributes like weight, style or slant has to be
 done differently:
 $ fc-match FreeSerif:weight=bold
 FreeSerifBold.ttf: FreeSerif Fett
 $ fc-match FreeSerif:style=bold
 FreeSerifBold.ttf: FreeSerif Bold
 (I do not understand why the first command returns the German word for
 Bold, though, or why you see Mittel instead of Medium.)
 More information on font attributes and how to influence font selection
 with ~/.fonts.conf can be found in

Thanks for the explanations.

-- - Feeds OFFLine, an offline RSS/Atom aggregator - remote access via secure (OpenPGP) email - A Simple Sudoku Solver and Generator

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ksuspend_usbd : what does this daemon do ?

2009-11-07 Thread C.T.F. Jansen

 What does the daemon ksuspend_usb do ? I'm making a list of the
back ground processes and what they do then will post it here. Save others
hunting around for what what little there is.
 Haven't found any lists on-line anywhere yet. Apparently there's an
O'Reilly book that lists daemons and functions but haven't see it anywhere
 Thanks in advance., ZL2TTS

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mkdosfs hangs while scanning for bad blocks

2009-11-07 Thread whollygoat
Anybody know what's going on or can help debug
this at least?

Running squeeze I am having trouble reformatting a 

  * 64MB memory stick and a 
  * 160GB 2.5 HD in a USB linked 
external enclosure

using mkdosfs -c /dev/sd{ag}1.

In both cases the process hung while checking for
bad blocks.  ps shows the process to be in
uninteruptible sleep.  man ps says that it is 
probably related to IO.

I eventually got the memory stick to finish but
the external HD still hangs (at the same block
count, at least, on 3 of the tries).

kill -KILL doesn't unjam the process.  Only unplugging
the drive seems to free things up.  If you plugg
it back in right away, it will start counting
off blocks as it checks again and finishes.  But, the
filesystem mounts as ext3 because...

mke2fs -c -j /dev/sda1 will work just fine on this drive.



-- - IMAP accessible web-mail

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Installing a Shavian font for Epiphany

2009-11-07 Thread Matt Kraai

I'd like to install a Shavian font so that I can take the Shavian
tutorial at

using Epiphany.  I've installed ttf-mph-2b-damase and unifont, as well
as used gnome-font-viewer to install the AndroclesUnicode.ttf font
linked to from the above URL, but the Shavian characters are always
shown as rectangles.  Does anyone know how to make this work?


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Re: Major problems 2.6.26 kernel in lenny

2009-11-07 Thread Virgo Pärna
On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 14:07:14 -0600, Stan Hoeppner 

 Sounds like it's time to retire that Win95 PC, or upgrade it to Linux.

It has it's use. But currently that's not the problem.I can make backup from
that computer  Problem is, that linux computer cannot boot (686 version of 
kernel) or cannot unmount any cifs/smbfs shares as user (amd64 version of 
kernel). And, while this unmounting problem was there from the beginning, I 
sucessfully boot earlier 2.6.26 kernel in Lenny. But I cannot boot with 
And since there is no error message, I don't even know, what to report as bug. 
From the boot log on screen I see, that it starts checking partitions (on 2 
drivers). I see, that it starts to checkings of jfs partitions at same time (1 
each disk), one is completed, then ext3 /boot partition is checked and that's 
It just stops. No disk activity. Nothing.

Virgo Pärna

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Meer dan vier computers na router

2009-11-07 Thread Geert Stappers
Samenvatting: Meedenkverzoek betreffende low level netwerk issue


Mijn ADSLmodemroutermasqueradingfirewallmetswitch, kortweg router
heeft vier RJ45 aansluitingen.
Wat ik wil is meer dan vier computers aansluiten.

In het verleden had ik dat reeds aan de praat, althans dat dacht ik.
Zes computers wisselende informatie uit in mijn thuishobbynetwerkje.
Van tijd tot tijd moest ik router en/of switch powercyclen. En na
zulke herstarts was het wel beter, maar niet fantastisch. Op een geven
moment, zo'n drie maanden geleden, kreeg ik in de gaten dat de switch
de boosdoener was. Nieuwe switch gekocht en had nog steeds hetzelfde
probleem. Toen teruggeschakeld naar vier computers zodat er geen
switch nodig is. Met vier stuks gaat het wel fantastisch.

Het probleem is mijn inziens
 dat router en switch toch NIET samenwerken.

Om toch meer dan vier computers in het netwerk te kunnen hebben,
heb ik bedacht dat ik een bridge tussen switch en router plaats.
Het idee daarvan is dat de dedicated switch geen ruzie kan maken
met de integrated switch van de router. 

Dat is dus wat ik uit te werken heb.

Er is een stuk wat ik nu nog niet overzie, namelijk
  hoe gaan router en bridge met elkaar om?

De bridge zal namelijk tegen de router zeggen dat ie meerdere
MAC adressen achter zich heeft zitten. Als de router dat niet
begrijpt, dan ben ik even ver als voor de bouw van de bridge.
Ik stel mij namelijk voor dat de router ook niet begreep
dat er een switch aangesloten was.

Mocht ik dus toch een probleem in de router hebben,
wat zijn dan mijn mogelijkheden? ( Wat zou ik dan moeten doen? )

Geert Stappers

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Re: Meer dan vier computers na router

2009-11-07 Thread oneman

On 7 nov 2009, at 13:17, oneman wrote:

Hi Geert,

On 7 nov 2009, at 12:46, Geert Stappers wrote:

Samenvatting: Meedenkverzoek betreffende low level netwerk issue


Mijn ADSLmodemroutermasqueradingfirewallmetswitch, kortweg router
heeft vier RJ45 aansluitingen.
Wat ik wil is meer dan vier computers aansluiten.

--- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ---

Het probleem is mijn inziens
dat router en switch toch NIET samenwerken.

Om toch meer dan vier computers in het netwerk te kunnen hebben,
heb ik bedacht dat ik een bridge tussen switch en router plaats.
Het idee daarvan is dat de dedicated switch geen ruzie kan maken
met de integrated switch van de router.

Ik zie niet meteen hoe een bridge zou kunnen helpen. Een bridge is  
immers juist een deel van een netwerk dat onzichtbaar is voor andere  
onderdelen van het netwerk.

Waar je probleem me wel aan deed denken is het feit dat de 'switch'  
in veel SOHO routers helemaal geen hardware switch is. Bij Thompson  
routers bijvoorbeeld kun je elke poort afzonderlijk gebruiken in de  
setup van de router. Als je ze als switch configureert, dan gebeurt  
dat dus door ze in de firmware van de router op de een of andere  
wijze te bridgen tot iets dat functioneel lijkt op een hardware  
switch. Ik kan mij voorstellen dat dat niet altijd optimaal werkt  
bij een budget adsl router. Ze kunnen door beperkingen van  
werkgeheugen (vollopende state tables ofzo) en processorkracht snel  
overbelast raken. (ik had ooit een dergelijk probleem bij een zyxel  
adsl router waarvan de wan poort vastliep bij meer dan 5 concurrent  
upload streams. Even ifdown en ifup en daar ging 'ie weer. Heel  

Ik denk dat je probleem opgelost zou zijn als je al je interne  
netwerkverkeer over een hardware switch laat lopen. Je zult dus een  
switch moeten zoeken met minimaal 6 poorten  1 uplink. De uplink  
knoop je dan aan je adsl router die dan alleen nog maar de routing  
naar het internet hoeft af te handelen. Eventueel kun je dan zelfs  
als je router het ondersteunt de resterende poorten uitschakelen om  
te zien of dat nog verbetering oplevert.

Om mijn toch al lange verhaal nog iets langer te maken, er is nog een  
andere optie. Je kunt ook je adsl router bridgen. Bij mijn weten is er  
geen SOHO adsl router die dat niet ondersteunt. Je kunt dan een  
afzonderlijk echte router/firewall en switch gebruiken. Dan is je adsl  
routertje helemaal ontlast. Zulke router/firewalls zijn ook gewoon los  
te koop of kun je ze zelf maken met een oude pc en bijvoorbeeld  
m0n0wall ( Met m0n0wall heb ik zelf alleen maar  
goede ervaringen. Blijft echter het feit dat je een afzonderlijke  
switch nodig zult hebben voor al je 6 computers.


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Re: Meer dan vier computers na router

2009-11-07 Thread Huub Reuver
On Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 01:25:25PM +0100, oneman wrote:
 On 7 nov 2009, at 13:17, oneman wrote:
 Hi Geert,
 On 7 nov 2009, at 12:46, Geert Stappers wrote:
 Samenvatting: Meedenkverzoek betreffende low level netwerk issue
 Mijn ADSLmodemroutermasqueradingfirewallmetswitch, kortweg router
 heeft vier RJ45 aansluitingen.
 Wat ik wil is meer dan vier computers aansluiten.
 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ---
 Het probleem is mijn inziens
 dat router en switch toch NIET samenwerken.
 Om toch meer dan vier computers in het netwerk te kunnen hebben,
 heb ik bedacht dat ik een bridge tussen switch en router plaats.
 Het idee daarvan is dat de dedicated switch geen ruzie kan maken
 met de integrated switch van de router.
 Ik zie niet meteen hoe een bridge zou kunnen helpen. Een bridge is
 immers juist een deel van een netwerk dat onzichtbaar is voor
 andere onderdelen van het netwerk.
 Waar je probleem me wel aan deed denken is het feit dat de
 'switch' in veel SOHO routers helemaal geen hardware switch is.
 Bij Thompson routers bijvoorbeeld kun je elke poort afzonderlijk
 gebruiken in de setup van de router. Als je ze als switch
 configureert, dan gebeurt dat dus door ze in de firmware van de
 router op de een of andere wijze te bridgen tot iets dat
 functioneel lijkt op een hardware switch. Ik kan mij voorstellen
 dat dat niet altijd optimaal werkt bij een budget adsl router. Ze
 kunnen door beperkingen van werkgeheugen (vollopende state tables
 ofzo) en processorkracht snel overbelast raken. (ik had ooit een
 dergelijk probleem bij een zyxel adsl router waarvan de wan poort
 vastliep bij meer dan 5 concurrent upload streams. Even ifdown en
 ifup en daar ging 'ie weer. Heel vreemd)
 Ik denk dat je probleem opgelost zou zijn als je al je interne
 netwerkverkeer over een hardware switch laat lopen. Je zult dus
 een switch moeten zoeken met minimaal 6 poorten  1 uplink. De
 uplink knoop je dan aan je adsl router die dan alleen nog maar de
 routing naar het internet hoeft af te handelen. Eventueel kun je
 dan zelfs als je router het ondersteunt de resterende poorten
 uitschakelen om te zien of dat nog verbetering oplevert.

Ik betwijfel of een ADSL-router 5 echte hardware poorten heeft (4x eth 
+ line in, VOIP-telefoon-aansluitingen reken ik niet). 

Als ik zo'n apparaat goedkoop moest maken zou ik een router met 2 poorten 
(line-in en intern ethernet) verbinden met een one-chip switch oplossing 
voor 5 poorten. De DMZ functionaliteit zou ik in software toevoegen.
O.a. de Linksys WRT54G was op die manier opgebouwd.

Als je geluk hebt werkt een combinatie met een switch aansluiten op 
een poort van de adsl-router beter dan meerdere poorten gebruiken.
Omdat je de hardware hebt liggen is dat zeker iets om te proberen.

Normaal kun je zelfs bij goedkope switches ca. 4 tussen 2 computers
zetten, zonder dat dit problemen veroorzaakt. Daarbij reken ik de 
router wel als switch en eindstation.

 Om mijn toch al lange verhaal nog iets langer te maken, er is nog
 een andere optie. Je kunt ook je adsl router bridgen. Bij mijn weten
 is er geen SOHO adsl router die dat niet ondersteunt. Je kunt dan
 een afzonderlijk echte router/firewall en switch gebruiken. Dan is
 je adsl routertje helemaal ontlast. Zulke router/firewalls zijn ook
 gewoon los te koop of kun je ze zelf maken met een oude pc en
 bijvoorbeeld m0n0wall ( Met m0n0wall heb ik
 zelf alleen maar goede ervaringen. Blijft echter het feit dat je een
 afzonderlijke switch nodig zult hebben voor al je 6 computers.

Je ADSL-router bridgen kan alleen als je provider dat ondersteund.
Voor verschillende providers zijn er bekende oplossingen (sip-spoof).

Wat meestal werkt is de router als bridge neerzetten, je software
instellen met als router en een netmask van 
of /30) gebruiken. Dan kun je alleen geen contact zoeken met je buren.
(Tenminste de naastgelegen IP-adressen).

Sip-spoofing en de andere trucs veronderstellen allemaal een vast IP.
Als je provider je IP aanpast heb je dus geen internet.

Foolproof is een simpele router achter de modem. Dan heb je geen
bridging en slechts een MAC-adres. 2x NAT maakt echter veel stuk.
De software ken je waarschijnlijk wel: m0n0wall, pfSense, LEAF, OpenWRT.
(Of de hele rij:

En ik zou kiezen wat goed en makkelijk is. Liefst natuurlijk wel 
open source, maar niet noodzakelijk linux of debian-based.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Huub Reuver

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Gnome settings niet geactiveerd met automatic login

2009-11-07 Thread Eric Meijer


Voor een familielid heb ik een debian-lenny systeem geïnstalleerd.  
Wanneer gdm geconfigureerd is voor automatic login, dan worden de 
keyboard preferences in de gnome desktopomgeving niet actief.  Zo werkt 
de compose key niet, en werkt het switchen naar een Russisch toetsenbord 
niet, hoewel de gnome pannel applet wel van USA naar Rus verandert als 
je erop klikt.  De Keyboard preferences dialog toont wel de juiste 
instellingen.  Als je uitlogt en weer inlogt, dan werkt het wel, en ook 
als je automatic login uitzet.

Heeft iemand enig idee hoe het kan komen dat bepaalde instellingen niet 
gelezen worden met automatic login?


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