Re: FORA DE TEMA: servidors virtuals

2010-01-14 Thread calbasi
Ja sé que el fil és de fan temps, però jo ara em trobo amb problemes amb
el meu servidor de sempre: i he repescat els vostres
missatges... Ara em miro les diverses opcions (la única que ja coneixia
era (i dinahosting em sonava també). 

més aviat degudes a un script, oscommerce del 2002, que juraria que està
mal escrit (pel que he llegit; tema d'índexos al mysql, etc.). Lo bo que
tenen aquests és que el servei és 24h (com el que valtros recomaneu,

Ara, però, fa temps que tinc un excés d'incidències i ja no tinc tant
clar que siguin culpa meva (em consta que la màquina a on està el meu
VPS està tenint problemes). Vaig fer fer l'upgrade a php5 i mysql5, per
requisits de l'Ubercart, i resulta que ara el que va bé és l'oscommerce
i en canvi tota la resta (drupal, servidor de correu i WHM) van de cul.

Batalletes a part, una cosa que us volia comentar, és que per tenir una
web de comerç-e, cal complir amb la llei de protecció de dades, ia xò

- tenir un servidor a la UE
- si és de fora de la UE, que estigui dins d'un llistat autoritzat (i
hostforweb no hi és). 

Sabeu si els que valtros vau recomanar hi estan? (si, està a la UE) (aquests diuen que s'estan expandint a
Europa... ???)

També us volia preguntar quins d'aquests tenen suport en català /
castellà. A mi no em cal, però de vegades recomano servidors a gent que
això de l'anglès ni papa...

Fins ara,


El dc 07 de 10 de 2009 a les 19:17 +0200, en/na Josep Sànchez va
 Necessito contractar un servei de vps per tenir una wepe amb botiga
 virtual. Serà un servei bastant crític, no pot estar aturat així com
 Teniu alguna (bona) experiència, amb servei 24x7x365 economicament
 assumible? Amb el nom del proveïdor i un petit comentari ja faig :)
 Josep Sànchez

Joan Cervan

El meu paper no és transformar el món ni l'home sinó, potser, el de ser
útil, des del meu lloc, als pocs valors sense els quals un món no val la
pena viure'l
A. Camus

i pels que teniu fe:
Déu no és la Veritat, la Veritat és Déu

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Re: [live cd] pour faire des images systemes windows et linux

2010-01-14 Thread GanGan
Nikel je connaissais pas merci ça colle pile poil :)


- -

On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 17:31:42 +0100, wrote:
 GanGan a écrit :
 bonjour à tous,
 tout est dans l'objet ? connaissez vous un live cd simple et bien fait
 pour faire des images systemes windobe et linux et qu'il les
 facilement aussi :p
 merci d'avance pour vos lumieres
 Clonezilla-live est fait pour ça. Une petite présentation en Français et
 les liens vers le site officiel :


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HS / Hadopi

2010-01-14 Thread kaliderus
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Debian + nvidia + switch KVM - ecran en mode power save

2010-01-14 Thread Frederic Beck

J'ai installé un switch KVM pour gagner de la place sur mon bureau.
rien de très évolué, ca me permet juste de connecter 4 machines via
VGA + USB pour el clavier/souris.

Ca marche très bien en mode console, par contre, lorsque je démarre X,
l'écran rentre en mode power save... J'ai essayé les drivers nv et
nvidia, rien n'y change. Par contre, en mode vesa, j'arrive a avoir un

J'ai essayé avec une Ubuntu, ca a marché sans problèmes.

Dans xorg.conf, j'ai essayé en enlevant le DPMS, DDC EDID, rien n'y

Une idée?


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Re: Debian + nvidia + switch KVM - ecran en mode power save

2010-01-14 Thread Frederic Beck
 résolution trop élevé pour le switch ? fréquence trop élevé ?

J'ai utilisé les mêmes paramètres que sous Ubuntu, et ca ne passe pas.
C'est à dire ce fichier xorg.conf

Section Device
Identifier  Configured Video Device
Driver  vesa

Section Monitor
Identifier  Configured Monitor

Section Screen
Identifier  Default Screen
Monitor Configured Monitor
Device  Configured Video Device

Que je rajoute ou non des infos, ca ne change rien. Le switch supporte
sans problème la résolution que je lui passe, et frequence idem, en
fait les infos EDID passent via le switch, donc la machine récupère
sans prob toutes les infos.
  J'ai essayé avec une Ubuntu, ca a marché sans problèmes.
  Dans xorg.conf, j'ai essayé en enlevant le DPMS, DDC EDID, rien n'y
 grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? autour du moment ou tu bascule

La seule erreur que j'ai est la suivante:

(EE) ioctl EVIOCGNAME failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
(II) UnloadModule: evdev
(EE) PreInit returned NULL for Dell Dell USB Optical Mouse

Quel que soit le mode video j'ai cette erreur, même en vesa et pourtant
la souris fonctionne.

J'ai le problème avec toutes les machines debian que j'ai testée,
quelle que soit la version de X ou des drivers nvidia testée, il y a
forcément une erreur de config qq part...

Le mode vesa démarre, mais ne fonctionne pas top, j'ai l'écran décalé
de moitié vers la droite, et la partie de droite est à gauche, et
l'écran décalé aussi vers le bas mais là la partie qui a disparue ne
réapparait pas en haut...

Je sèche, j'ai essayé tout ce qui me passait par la tête


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Re: Debian + nvidia + switch KVM - ecran en mode power save

2010-01-14 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Frederic Beck a écrit :
 (EE) ioctl EVIOCGNAME failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
 (II) UnloadModule: evdev
 (EE) PreInit returned NULL for Dell Dell USB Optical Mouse
 Quel que soit le mode video j'ai cette erreur, même en vesa et pourtant
 la souris fonctionne.
 J'ai le problème avec toutes les machines debian que j'ai testée,
 quelle que soit la version de X ou des drivers nvidia testée, il y a
 forcément une erreur de config qq part...
 Le mode vesa démarre, mais ne fonctionne pas top, j'ai l'écran décalé
 de moitié vers la droite, et la partie de droite est à gauche, et
 l'écran décalé aussi vers le bas mais là la partie qui a disparue ne
 réapparait pas en haut...

les switches KVM apportent souvent des tas de PBs, surtout si les
machines ne sont pas identiques - Essaye de passer en PS/2 au lieu


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Re: Debian + nvidia + switch KVM - ecran en mode power save

2010-01-14 Thread Frederic Beck
Le Thu, 14 Jan 2010 16:24:43 +0100,
Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit :

 Frederic Beck a écrit :
  (EE) ioctl EVIOCGNAME failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
  (II) UnloadModule: evdev
  (EE) PreInit returned NULL for Dell Dell USB Optical Mouse
  Quel que soit le mode video j'ai cette erreur, même en vesa et
  pourtant la souris fonctionne.
  J'ai le problème avec toutes les machines debian que j'ai testée,
  quelle que soit la version de X ou des drivers nvidia testée, il y a
  forcément une erreur de config qq part...
  Le mode vesa démarre, mais ne fonctionne pas top, j'ai l'écran
  décalé de moitié vers la droite, et la partie de droite est à
  gauche, et l'écran décalé aussi vers le bas mais là la partie qui a
  disparue ne réapparait pas en haut...
 les switches KVM apportent souvent des tas de PBs, surtout si les
 machines ne sont pas identiques - Essaye de passer en PS/2 au lieu

Le problème c'est qu'il ne supporte que l'USB. Mais je ne pense pas que
le problème vienne de là, vu que le serveur en crash pas et que la
souris fonctionne quand même en vesa

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Re: Debian + nvidia + switch KVM - ecran en mode power save

2010-01-14 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Frederic Beck a écrit :
 les switches KVM apportent souvent des tas de PBs, surtout si les
 machines ne sont pas identiques - Essaye de passer en PS/2 au lieu

 Le problème c'est qu'il ne supporte que l'USB. Mais je ne pense pas que
 le problème vienne de là, vu que le serveur en crash pas et que la
 souris fonctionne quand même en vesa

Hmmm, as-tu essayé de démarrer les machines séquentiellement, en faisant
attention que la machine démarrée soit préalablement celle sélectionnée
sur le KVM?
Sinon, il te reste la solution Synergy, qui n'est pas si mal que cela
(sauf quand tu as des branches différentes, ce qui nécessite pas mal
de tâtonnements pour trouver les bons codage claviers de part et d'autre
pour que la copie/souris soit fonctionnelle)

Obviously the only rational solution to your problem is suicide.

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grep et expression régulière

2010-01-14 Thread fabrice régnier

salut la liste,

L'expression régulière que je passe à grep ne lui plait pas. Mais je ne 
vois pas mon erreur. Pour moi, il devrait me sortir 

C'est à dire que je recherche les lignes qui commencent par un numérique 
avec de 4 à 12 chiffres ensuite et qui comporte un ; à la suite.

FR-PORT:/tmp# cat toto

FR-PORT:/tmp#  grep ^[0-9]{4,12}; toto


Si quelqu'un voit mon erreur ;)

merci et a+


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Re: grep et expression régulière

2010-01-14 Thread Korrignu
fabrice régnier a écrit :
 salut la liste,
 L'expression régulière que je passe à grep ne lui plait pas. Mais je ne
 vois pas mon erreur. Pour moi, il devrait me sortir
 C'est à dire que je recherche les lignes qui commencent par un numérique
 avec de 4 à 12 chiffres ensuite et qui comporte un ; à la suite.
 FR-PORT:/tmp# cat toto
 FR-PORT:/tmp#  grep ^[0-9]{4,12}; toto
 Si quelqu'un voit mon erreur ;)
 merci et a+
avec egrep à la place de grep ca marche tres bien, enfin disons qu'il
sort la premiere ligne de toto et pas la sconde j'ai pas experimente plus...
il me semble que grep est parfois chatouilleux sur les regexp...

bonne soiree

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Re: grep et expression régulière

2010-01-14 Thread Benoit Mauduit
Le Thu, 14 Jan 2010 17:12:38 +0100,
fabrice régnier a écrit :

 salut la liste,
 L'expression régulière que je passe à grep ne lui plait pas. Mais je
 ne vois pas mon erreur. Pour moi, il devrait me sortir 
 C'est à dire que je recherche les lignes qui commencent par un
 numérique avec de 4 à 12 chiffres ensuite et qui comporte un ; à la
 FR-PORT:/tmp# cat toto
 FR-PORT:/tmp#  grep ^[0-9]{4,12}; toto
 Si quelqu'un voit mon erreur ;)
 merci et a+


Utilise grep -E.

(extrait du man )
-E, --extended-regexp
  Interpréter  le  MOTIF  comme une expression rationnelle
étendue (...)


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Re: grep et expression r égulière

2010-01-14 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 05:12:38PM +0100, fabrice régnier wrote:
 FR-PORT:/tmp#  grep ^[0-9]{4,12}; toto

Problème de dialecte:

$ grep ^[0-9]\{4,12\}; toto


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Re: Install sur PPC (suite)

2010-01-14 Thread Aurelien
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 08:32:31PM +0100, Samy Mezani wrote :
 le 13/01/2010 19:18, a écrit:
 Mais, le problème, c'est que lorsque je veux actualiser yaboot pour qu'il 
 booter sur le nouveau noyau, je me retrouve avec cette erreur :
 bartok-184:/home/bela# ybin -v
 ybin: Finding OpenFirmware device path to `/dev/sda2'...
 ofpath: /proc/scsi/scsi does not exist
 ofpath: Make sure you compiled your kernel with CONFIG_SCSI_PROC_FS=y
 ybin: Unable to find OpenFirmware path for boot=/dev/sda2
 ybin: Please add ofboot=path where path is the OpenFirmware path to
 /dev/sda2 to /etc/yaboot.conf
 Comme ça, sans creuser, t'es sûr que ton path ne devrait pas être
 du type /dev/hdaX plutôt ?

Non, il s'agit bien de disque SATA. En fait, j'ai réussi à m'en sortir
en utilisant l'ofpath (en cherchant dans /proc/device-tree et en
composant à partir de ce qu'on peut trouver d'écrit dans
/etc/yaboot.conf - la ligne device, notamment).

Par contre, mon noyau RT se vautre pour l'instant, mais j'ai pas encore
eu le temps de voir ça en détail (il était tard, et j'ai pas pu m'y
replonger pour l'instant.

Je vous redis ça !

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Re: Sugerencia

2010-01-14 Thread Felix Perez
El día 14 de enero de 2010 03:46, escribió:
 2010/1/13 Yuniesky Machado
 Saludos Listeros

 Desde hace rato quiero hacerle upgrade a mi server para lenny pues aun
 tengo etch y quisiera saber si esto afectara mis servicios, DNS, MAil,
 HTTP, firehol.

 Alguna Sugerencia al respcto o experiencia

 Mira, esto es Debian... no ubuntu u otra,
 Salvo que necesites funcionalidades que las nuevas versiones de: ldap,
 postgres, mysql, exim4, postfix, etc

 No necesitas actualizar a Lenny por el momento.
 Verás, en Etch aún tiene soporte de actualizaciones de seguridad y
 bugs y las tendrás como mínimo hasta que Squeeze pase a estable y
 Lenny a Oldstable, asi que a no preocuparse tanto.

 tienes que proyectar tu migración a la próxima version estable que es
 Squeeze, asi que puedes aprovechar tu tiempo en ir trabajando y
 haciendo todas las pruebas necesarias para poder llevar adelante tu

 En mi experiencia eso es lo más sensato.
 Y el que diga lo contrario quiero saber cuántos años lleva
 administrando Debian y cuántos servidores productivos maneja y cuántas
 migraciones ha realizado.

Excelente consejo.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

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Re: usuario y cache de squid

2010-01-14 Thread ciracusa

Joan Manuel wrote:

Salud2s listeros escribo con la duda de que tengo un Squid 2.7.STABLE3-4
implementado en mi red auntentificando contra fichero que contiene usuario
y clave cifradas, y pregunto lo siguiente si hay un usuario autenticado y
este esta realizando una descarga como yo puedo desconecatr a ese usuario
sin tener que desconectar a los otros. Gracias

Joan, si lo tienes identificado porque no utilizas una simple línea de 
iptables [0]?



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Re: Sugerencia

2010-01-14 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

Yuniesky Machado escribió:

Saludos Listeros

Desde hace rato quiero hacerle upgrade a mi server para lenny pues aun
tengo etch y quisiera saber si esto afectara mis servicios, DNS, MAil,
HTTP, firehol.

Alguna Sugerencia al respcto o experiencia

Gracias de Antemano

Te sugiero que siempre leas las release notes que están en la página 
oficial de Debian. Allí aclaran la mayoría de las cosas que han cambiado 
y generalmente se explayan sobre algunos servicios y programas críticos 
que puedan cambiar su comportamiento o dejar de funcionar luego del 
upgrade, pero siempre hay una solución.

Aunque si el sistema está en producción es bueno no tocarlo, eso no 
quita que en algún momento te quedarás sin soporte oficial y tendrás que 
pasar a la release más próxima que tenga soporte. Así que si no tienes 
planeado hacer la migración ahora te sugiero que le vayas echando una 
mirada para cuando llegue el momento, o que hagas pruebas para ver qué 
es lo que se puede romper (obviamente  en otro equipo). Hacer un upgrade 
en Debian no es tan crítico como en otros sistemas pero se necesita 
saber de antemano lo que puede pasar. La gran ventaja de Debian es que 
casi todo está documentado y que en la mayoría de actualizaciones el 
sistema de configuración de Debian te avisará.


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Re: Sugerencia

2010-01-14 Thread Jorge A. Secreto
El día 14 de enero de 2010 12:03, Felix Perez escribió:
 El día 14 de enero de 2010 03:46, mstaaravin escribió:
 2010/1/13 Yuniesky Machado :
 Saludos Listeros

 Desde hace rato quiero hacerle upgrade a mi server para lenny pues aun
 tengo etch y quisiera saber si esto afectara mis servicios, DNS, MAil,
 HTTP, firehol.

 Alguna Sugerencia al respcto o experiencia

 Mira, esto es Debian... no ubuntu u otra,
 Salvo que necesites funcionalidades que las nuevas versiones de: ldap,
 postgres, mysql, exim4, postfix, etc

 No necesitas actualizar a Lenny por el momento.
 Verás, en Etch aún tiene soporte de actualizaciones de seguridad y
 bugs y las tendrás como mínimo hasta que Squeeze pase a estable y
 Lenny a Oldstable, asi que a no preocuparse tanto.

 tienes que proyectar tu migración a la próxima version estable que es
 Squeeze, asi que puedes aprovechar tu tiempo en ir trabajando y
 haciendo todas las pruebas necesarias para poder llevar adelante tu

 En mi experiencia eso es lo más sensato.
 Y el que diga lo contrario quiero saber cuántos años lleva
 administrando Debian y cuántos servidores productivos maneja y cuántas
 migraciones ha realizado.

Termino de migrar mi desktop de Etch a Lenny y, salvo algunas pavadas
de atolondrado, anduvo todo de primera. Un par de correcciones en
synaptic y nada mas. Nada que ver con experiencias anteriores en otras
También soy partidario de no arreglar lo que no está roto y toco los
servidores unicamente cuando cambio el hard o cosa por el estilo.
Aprovechando la experiencia de la lista me gustaría que aconsejen
acerca de si upgradear un servidor instalado o partir de una
instalación nueva.
Gracias y un abrazo

Jorge A Secreto
Analista de Sistemas
MP 361

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Solicito orientación con dhcp

2010-01-14 Thread Lic. Novel Miniet Fonseca

Hola a todos.

Alguien me puede decir si el dhcp me sirve para que cuando una máquina 
en la red se encienda solo le asigne IP si pertenece a un grupo de 
trabajo especifico.

Por favor no me manden a Internet, pues no cuento con ese servicio.



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Re: Solicito orientación con dhcp

2010-01-14 Thread fernandojoseGmail
Lic. Novel Miniet Fonseca wrote:
 Hola a todos.
 Alguien me puede decir si el dhcp me sirve para que cuando una máquina
 en la red se encienda solo le asigne IP si pertenece a un grupo de
 trabajo especifico.
 Por favor no me manden a Internet, pues no cuento con ese servicio.

No se mucho de dhcp, pero lo que si se puede hacer es asignar la IP en
función de la dirección MAC de la tarjeta de red de la máquina que
quiere conectarse.

Cuando dices que pertenece a un grupo ¿a que te refieres?

De cualquier forma un equipo puede asignar su IP de forma manual, con lo
que esto no sería ninguna protección contra algo de lo que quieres
Si quieres filtrar algo mira iptables y firewalls...



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

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Re: Solicito orientación con dhcp

2010-01-14 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
El día 14 de enero de 2010 10:48, fernandojoseGmail escribió:
 Lic. Novel Miniet Fonseca wrote:
 Hola a todos.

 Alguien me puede decir si el dhcp me sirve para que cuando una máquina
 en la red se encienda solo le asigne IP si pertenece a un grupo de
 trabajo especifico.

 Por favor no me manden a Internet, pues no cuento con ese servicio.


 No se mucho de dhcp, pero lo que si se puede hacer es asignar la IP en
 función de la dirección MAC de la tarjeta de red de la máquina que
 quiere conectarse.

 Cuando dices que pertenece a un grupo ¿a que te refieres?

 De cualquier forma un equipo puede asignar su IP de forma manual, con lo
 que esto no sería ninguna protección contra algo de lo que quieres
 Si quieres filtrar algo mira iptables y firewalls...



Si quieres permitir o no a un usuario lo de la ip es lo de menos,
podías explicar mejor tus intensiones a ver que posibilidades hay?

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Re: Solicito orientación con dhcp

2010-01-14 Thread Javier Barroso
2010/1/14 Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
 El día 14 de enero de 2010 10:48, fernandojoseGmail escribió:
 Lic. Novel Miniet Fonseca wrote:
 Hola a todos.

 Alguien me puede decir si el dhcp me sirve para que cuando una máquina
 en la red se encienda solo le asigne IP si pertenece a un grupo de
 trabajo especifico.

 Cuando dices que pertenece a un grupo ¿a que te refieres?
Me imagino que será un grupo de trabajo de las redes de windows, no ?

No creo que se pueda, pero quien sabe ...


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Re: Solicito orientación con dhcp

2010-01-14 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

Lic. Novel Miniet Fonseca escribió:

Hola a todos.

Alguien me puede decir si el dhcp me sirve para que cuando una máquina 
en la red se encienda solo le asigne IP si pertenece a un grupo de 
trabajo especifico.

Por favor no me manden a Internet, pues no cuento con ese servicio.



Perfectamente puedes crear grupos de hosts dentro de la configuración 
del servdor dhcp. Lógicamente lo que distingue a cada host par dhcp es 
su mac address o dirección física. Lo que no especificas es a qué tipo 
de grupos te refieres. Si es un grupo de máquinas Windows puedes 
configurar las máquinas para que pertenezcan a dicho grupo y después 
tomas notas de sus direcciones físicas, creas un grupo en la 
configuración del dhcp server con los hosts y sus respectivas 
direcciones físicas y deniegas a todos los demás hosts que no estén en 
el grupo.


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!!!migrar usarios en spotfix!!!!

2010-01-14 Thread Leonel Hernández Grandela
hola amigos tengo una duda resulta que tengo en un servidor A de mi 
proveedor todos mis users de correo y 
quiero ver la forma de migrarlos todos a un servidor B que he instalado 
en mi trabajo para manipular yo mismo el server de correo y mis usuaris 
pero hay un problema el server B los usuarios serian asi o sea como ven cambia totalmente el 
nombre del dominio de los usuarios entonce me pregunto será posible esta 
migración cambiando así totalmente el dominio del correo! gracias y 
de ser posible mandar alguna info pues no tengo ni la menor idea de como 
hacerlo ..


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: !!!migrar usarios en spotfix!!!!

2010-01-14 Thread Leonel Hernández Grandela
El 14/01/2010 14:26, Rigierte Ricardo - Internet Services S.A. - Bs As 

-Original Message-
From: Leonel Hernández Grandela []
Sent: jueves, 14 de enero de 2010 04:09 p.m.
To: Lista Debian
Subject: !!!migrar usarios en spotfix

hola amigos tengo una duda resulta que tengo en un servidor A de mi
proveedor todos mis users de correo y
quiero ver la forma de migrarlos todos a un servidor B que he instalado
en mi trabajo para manipular yo mismo el server de correo y mis usuaris
pero hay un problema el server B los usuarios serian asi o sea como ven cambia totalmente el
nombre del dominio de los usuarios entonce me pregunto será posible esta
migración cambiando así totalmente el dominio del correo! gracias y
de ser posible mandar alguna info pues no tengo ni la menor idea de como
hacerlo ..


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de
usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


Se me ocurre que podrías usar el mismo mysql para hacerlo, crear un script
de actualización que reemplace los caracteres que van después del @  y haces
todo de una.


__ Información de ESET NOD32 Antivirus, versión de la base de firmas
de virus 4762 (20100111) __

ESET NOD32 Antivirus ha comprobado este mensaje.

el problema es que el server A donde están los usuarios no está a mi 
alcance es de mi proveedor de mail pero ahora tendré un nuevo proveedor 
de mail -... y mi propio server que seria el B .. que es donde quiero 
ver la forma de migrar los users del A .. alguna otra sugerencia!!! .. 
gracias ...


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: !!!migrar usarios en spotfix!!!!

2010-01-14 Thread Angel A. Guadarrama B.

On 14/01/10 14:38, Leonel Hernández Grandela wrote:
hola amigos tengo una duda resulta que tengo en un servidor A de mi 
proveedor todos mis users de correo 
y quiero ver la forma de migrarlos todos a un servidor B que he 
instalado en mi trabajo para manipular yo mismo el server de correo y 
mis usuaris pero hay un problema el server B los usuarios serian asi o sea como ven cambia totalmente el 
nombre del dominio de los usuarios entonce me pregunto será posible 
esta migración cambiando así totalmente el dominio del correo! 
gracias y de ser posible mandar alguna info pues no tengo ni la menor 
idea de como hacerlo ..


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico 
que ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del 
Sistema Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el 
compromiso de usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las 
regulaciones establecidas



Puedes utilizar alias en postfix, a fin de realizar la entrega del 
correo a cualquiera de los dos. No he hecho pruebas con distintos 
dominios, pero debería funcionar.


Angel A. Guadarrama B.
Linux user #411520
BSD user #?
Ubuntu 9.10 - Debian Squeeze/Sid - FreeBSD 8
|| || Twitter: fr33co || aguadarrama ||
Maracay - Venezuela

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Re: !!!migrar usarios en spotfix!!!!

2010-01-14 Thread Leonel Hernández Grandela

El 14/01/2010 14:20, Angel A. Guadarrama B. escribió:

On 14/01/10 14:38, Leonel Hernández Grandela wrote:
hola amigos tengo una duda resulta que tengo en un servidor A de mi 
proveedor todos mis users de correo 
y quiero ver la forma de migrarlos todos a un servidor B que he 
instalado en mi trabajo para manipular yo mismo el server de correo y 
mis usuaris pero hay un problema el server B los usuarios serian asi o sea como ven cambia totalmente el 
nombre del dominio de los usuarios entonce me pregunto será posible 
esta migración cambiando así totalmente el dominio del correo! 
gracias y de ser posible mandar alguna info pues no tengo ni la menor 
idea de como hacerlo ..


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico 
que ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del 
Sistema Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el 
compromiso de usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las 
regulaciones establecidas



Puedes utilizar alias en postfix, a fin de realizar la entrega del 
correo a cualquiera de los dos. No he hecho pruebas con distintos 
dominios, pero debería funcionar.

aun así creo que tendría que crear los users a mano en el server B .. y 
lo que quiero es no tener que crear los users a mano! :D .. eso en 
ultima instancia jejeje .. gracias ...


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: !!!migrar usarios en spotfix!!!!

2010-01-14 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 14 Jan 2010 14:08:47 -0500, Leonel Hernández Grandela escribió:

 hola amigos tengo una duda resulta que tengo en un servidor A de mi
 proveedor todos mis users de correo y
 quiero ver la forma de migrarlos todos a un servidor B que he instalado
 en mi trabajo para manipular yo mismo el server de correo y mis usuaris
 pero hay un problema el server B los usuarios serian asi o sea como ven cambia totalmente el
 nombre del dominio de los usuarios entonce me pregunto será posible esta
 migración cambiando así totalmente el dominio del correo! gracias y
 de ser posible mandar alguna info pues no tengo ni la menor idea de como
 hacerlo ..

En lo concerniente a Postfix me parece que tendrás que ajustar dos cosas:

1/ Añadir el subdominio (en mydestination) para que lo reconozca como 
propio y que los usuarios puedan enviar correo sin problemas con la nueva 

2/ Autentificación (smtp auth). Tendrás que actualizar los nombres de los 
usuarios para que coincidan con los nuevos nombres de cuentas.



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¡Ven y únete a Una mano amiga!!!

2010-01-14 Thread Jorge Luis Gomez Bejarano
Una mano amiga!!: Exito seguro a la Independecia Financiera

¡Ven y únete en Una mano amiga!!!

Jorge Luis Gomez Bejarano

Haz clic en el siguiente vínculo para unirte:

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please copy and paste it into your web browser

Ya son miembros en Una mano amiga!!
Antonio  de Diego Andres, Rosa Rosario, isabel nicomedes, cesar, Jorge Alberto 
Blanco Gallo

Sobre Una mano amiga!!
Esta es una red social creada para triunfar, con una propuesta accesible, es la 
mejor manera de llegar al exito.

311 miembros
9 fotos
10 videos
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Para controlar los correos electrónicos que recibes en la esquina, o para 
salirte, ve a:

dudas muchas con sendmail

2010-01-14 Thread jorgito
alguien sabe donde encontrar una buena guia de instalacion / configuracion de 
sendmail es que quiero hacer un server mail , mi maquina es un server gigabyte 
PIII a 550 Mhz, 256 MB Ram y 10 GB de disco duro que me recomiendan me hablaron 
de instalar zimbra pero cuando vi las caracteristicas ni hablar superaba las de 
mi maqina.

Gracias de ante mano jojo`s

Re: Sugerencia

2010-01-14 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El jue, 14-01-2010 a las 14:19 +, Jorge A. Secreto escribió:
 El día 14 de enero de 2010 12:03, Felix Perez escribió:
  El día 14 de enero de 2010 03:46, mstaaravin escribió:
  2010/1/13 Yuniesky Machado :
  Saludos Listeros
  Desde hace rato quiero hacerle upgrade a mi server para lenny pues aun
  tengo etch y quisiera saber si esto afectara mis servicios, DNS, MAil,
  HTTP, firehol.
  Alguna Sugerencia al respcto o experiencia
  Mira, esto es Debian... no ubuntu u otra,
  Salvo que necesites funcionalidades que las nuevas versiones de: ldap,
  postgres, mysql, exim4, postfix, etc
  No necesitas actualizar a Lenny por el momento.
  Verás, en Etch aún tiene soporte de actualizaciones de seguridad y
  bugs y las tendrás como mínimo hasta que Squeeze pase a estable y
  Lenny a Oldstable, asi que a no preocuparse tanto.
  tienes que proyectar tu migración a la próxima version estable que es
  Squeeze, asi que puedes aprovechar tu tiempo en ir trabajando y
  haciendo todas las pruebas necesarias para poder llevar adelante tu
  En mi experiencia eso es lo más sensato.
  Y el que diga lo contrario quiero saber cuántos años lleva
  administrando Debian y cuántos servidores productivos maneja y cuántas
  migraciones ha realizado.
 Termino de migrar mi desktop de Etch a Lenny y, salvo algunas pavadas
 de atolondrado, anduvo todo de primera. Un par de correcciones en
 synaptic y nada mas. Nada que ver con experiencias anteriores en otras
 También soy partidario de no arreglar lo que no está roto y toco los
 servidores unicamente cuando cambio el hard o cosa por el estilo.
 Aprovechando la experiencia de la lista me gustaría que aconsejen
 acerca de si upgradear un servidor instalado o partir de una
 instalación nueva.
 Gracias y un abrazo
Yo por el contrario trato de tener todos los servidores en la version
estable, debido a la criticidad de los mismos y a auditorias. Los
servidores los tengo instalados desde potato, y ante un cambio de hard
(ya van 3 por lo menos) una imagen con systemimager y restore en el el
nuevo hard. Yo te aconsejo tener siempre la version estable ( a menos
que necesites un soft que no se haya podido actualizar), basicamente por
el soporte de seguridad y basicamente haqcer una imagen del actual antes
de actualizar, y si tenes algun problema volves atras. Si no queres
tener que actualizar cada 2 años ( es mas o menos el ciclo de vida de
debian) instala ubuntu-server LTS (personalmente prefiero debian pero a
veces un gerente prefiere taparse el culo con soporte pago que nunca se
va a usar). Para que te des una idea los servidores que administro son
criticos (de una entidad financiera) y hace mas de 7 años qu los tengo
 Jorge A Secreto
 Analista de Sistemas
 MP 361

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Re: Solicito orientación con dhcp

2010-01-14 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El jue, 14-01-2010 a las 14:43 -0300, Federico Alberto Sayd escribió:
 Lic. Novel Miniet Fonseca escribió:
  Hola a todos.
  Alguien me puede decir si el dhcp me sirve para que cuando una máquina 
  en la red se encienda solo le asigne IP si pertenece a un grupo de 
  trabajo especifico.
  Por favor no me manden a Internet, pues no cuento con ese servicio.
 Perfectamente puedes crear grupos de hosts dentro de la configuración 
 del servdor dhcp. Lógicamente lo que distingue a cada host par dhcp es 
 su mac address o dirección física. Lo que no especificas es a qué tipo 
 de grupos te refieres. Si es un grupo de máquinas Windows puedes 
 configurar las máquinas para que pertenezcan a dicho grupo y después 
 tomas notas de sus direcciones físicas, creas un grupo en la 
 configuración del dhcp server con los hosts y sus respectivas 
 direcciones físicas y deniegas a todos los demás hosts que no estén en 
 el grupo.

Tampoco le garantiza que nadie sobreescriba su mac para obtener una IP

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Re: dudas muchas con sendmail

2010-01-14 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El jue, 14-01-2010 a las 14:41 -0500, jorgito escribió:
 alguien sabe donde encontrar una buena guia de instalacion /
 configuracion de sendmail es que quiero hacer un server mail , mi
 maquina es un server gigabyte PIII a 550 Mhz, 256 MB Ram y 10 GB de
 disco duro que me recomiendan me hablaron de instalar zimbra pero
 cuando vi las caracteristicas ni hablar superaba las de mi maqina.
 Gracias de ante mano jojo`s
no instales sendmail, usa postfix o exim4

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Re: dudas muchas con sendmail

2010-01-14 Thread
2010/1/14 Angel Claudio Alvarez
 no instales sendmail, usa postfix o exim4

o Qmail, que en ese hardware va como la seda.


La Voluntad es el unico motor de nuestros logros
Mstaaravin /

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Re: Sugerencia

2010-01-14 Thread lin lista
Yo opino como te comentaron por aquí, si no es necesario para que
Además yo personalmente soy de la opinión de que si algo funciona bien, para
que cambiarlo? al no ser que tenga una característica nueva muy útil, pero a
modo de ejemplo en una partición que tengo windows (casi olvidada) aun tengo
nero 6 por que las posteriores no me aportaban nada, yo no quería una
reproductor de música, ni de video, y nero6 me daba justo lo que que quería,
ni mas ni mas menos, y la rara vez que estoy en win si tengo que grabar es
aun con el.

Un saludo

Manuales de administracion:

Re: dudas muchas con sendmail

2010-01-14 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 14 Jan 2010 14:41:52 -0500, jorgito escribió:

 alguien sabe donde encontrar una buena guia de instalacion /
 configuracion de sendmail es que quiero hacer un server mail , mi
 maquina es un server gigabyte PIII a 550 Mhz, 256 MB Ram y 10 GB de
 disco duro que me recomiendan me hablaron de instalar zimbra pero cuando
 vi las caracteristicas ni hablar superaba las de mi maqina.

Zimbra (que por cierto, la acaba de comprar VMware) es una herramienta 
completa de tipo groupware y que además, incluye Postfix como MTA.

Yo también te recomendaría Postfix, pero si necesitas la funcionalidad de 
Zimbra, necesitarás añadir algún servicio más.



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Re: Roteadores fabricados com Linux

2010-01-14 Thread Renato S. Yamane

Em 13-01-2010 16:28, Wendell Almeida escreveu:

Será que existe algum roteador, tipo D-link, Linksys ou similares que
possui Linux instalado ou a mesma flexibilidade de um Coyote?

Qual tipo de recurso você precisa?
Eu tenho um Linksys WAG200-G e com o firmware do openwag:


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Re: minicom

2010-01-14 Thread thiago
Minhas configurações estão como segue:

 Configuração do minicom da minha máquina ###

| A - Dispositivo Serial : /dev/ttyUSB0
| B - Localização do Arquivo de Travamento : /var/lock
| C - Programa de Entrada :
| D - Programa de Saída :  
| E - Bps/Paridade/Bits : 115200 8O1   
| F - Controle de Fluxo por Hardware : Não 
| G - Controle de Fluxo por Software : Não

 Bootloarder do sistema embarcado (grub): #

serial --unit=0 --speed=115200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
terminal --timeout=10 serial console

timeout 5
default 0

title 2.6.26-1-486
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-486 root=/dev/hda1 quiet splash ext2
initrd /boot/initramfs-2.6.26-1-486


Estou usando o minicom e o sistema embarcado está funcionando
normalmente, pois consigo accessa-lo pela rede.

Há algo de errado?

Davi Vercillo C. Garcia escreveu:
 Fala Pedro,

 estou tentando configurar um sistema embarcado para mandar o output pela
 interface serial da placa chegando na usb da minha máquina. Alguém tem
 experiência com esse tipo de situação?

 Acredito que basta você utilizar o padrão elétrico RS232 [1] (com o CI
 MAX232) e configurar o seu microcontrolador para utilizar o periférico
 serial, como o UART [2]. Depois basta você configurar o Minicom da
 mesma forma que você configurou o seu microcontrolador e pronto.

 [1] /


Thiago Silveira Alexandre
Security Enginner
Intechne Tecnologia da Informação
(98) 3311 6200
(98) 3311 6219
(98) 8132 1020

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Re: [OFF]Hotmail notifier

2010-01-14 Thread Marcos João dos Santos
Oi, fiz os testes aqui e o emesene tem plugin para gmail onde ele 
verifica assim que abre se tem mensagens e pode configurar para abrir 
com o cliente de e-mails, e já de padrão verifica mensagens também no 

Marcos João
Botucatu - SP

Em 13-01-2010 12:06, Anthony Baldwin escreveu:

--- On Wed, 1/13/10, Anthony  wrote:


From: Anthony
Subject: Re: [OFF]Hotmail notifier
To: Debian, Eduardo Rodrigues da
Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 2:01 PM
--- On Wed, 1/13/10, Eduardo
Rodrigues da


From: Eduardo Rodrigues da
Subject: [OFF]Hotmail notifier
To: Debian
Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 11:56 AM
Bom dia/tarde/noite,

queria saber com vocês se alguem usa alguma barra de
notificação para
hotmail, por motivos do trabalho eu tenho que usar


conta do
Para o gmail eu uso gnome-gmail-notifier, me atende


bem, mais
venho procurando uma solução para o hotmail.
Alguém usa ou conhece?

Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz


A única coisa em que posso pensar para notificar-lhe
de mensagens de hotmail é usar o aMSN
que da notificações quando mensagens chegar.


Ja vi isso:

t...@deathstar:~$  apt-cache search hotmail
getlive - fetch mail from your Hotmail Live account
gotmail - utility to download email from a Hotmail or MSN account

talvez um desses serve?


translations  interpreting
tcl yer os with a feather


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Re: Roteadores fabricados com Linux

2010-01-14 Thread Guilherme Rocha
Dê uma olhada no endian...

é um software aberto, com uma linha de appliances

vc pode usar em qq hardware x86.



2010/1/13 Wendell Almeida

 Será que existe algum roteador, tipo D-link, Linksys ou similares que possui
 Linux instalado ou a mesma flexibilidade de um Coyote?
 Gostaria de ter um hardware compacto com as funcionalidades de firewall e
 flexibilidade de configuração.



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Guilherme Rocha
GF7 Doc  Systems - Soluções Tecnológicas
Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - World Wide
R. João Goulart, 170  - Rio Pardo - RS - CEP 96640-000
Mobile:  +55 51 81400360 - Home Page:

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Re: [OFF]Hotmail notifier

2010-01-14 Thread Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz
O problema é que na rede aqui não é permitido messenger. O protocolo é
até bloqueado.

2010/1/14 Marcos João dos Santos
 Oi, fiz os testes aqui e o emesene tem plugin para gmail onde ele verifica
 assim que abre se tem mensagens e pode configurar para abrir com o cliente
 de e-mails, e já de padrão verifica mensagens também no hotmail
 Marcos João
 Botucatu - SP

 Em 13-01-2010 12:06, Anthony Baldwin escreveu:

 --- On Wed, 1/13/10, Anthony  wrote:

 From: Anthony
 Subject: Re: [OFF]Hotmail notifier
 To: Debian, Eduardo
 Rodrigues da
 Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 2:01 PM
 --- On Wed, 1/13/10, Eduardo
 Rodrigues da

 From: Eduardo Rodrigues da
 Subject: [OFF]Hotmail notifier
 To: Debian
 Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 11:56 AM
 Bom dia/tarde/noite,

 queria saber com vocês se alguem usa alguma barra de
 notificação para
 hotmail, por motivos do trabalho eu tenho que usar


 conta do
 Para o gmail eu uso gnome-gmail-notifier, me atende


 bem, mais
 venho procurando uma solução para o hotmail.
 Alguém usa ou conhece?

 Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz

 A única coisa em que posso pensar para notificar-lhe
 de mensagens de hotmail é usar o aMSN
 que da notificações quando mensagens chegar.


 Ja vi isso:

 t...@deathstar:~$  apt-cache search hotmail
 getlive - fetch mail from your Hotmail Live account
 gotmail - utility to download email from a Hotmail or MSN account

 talvez um desses serve?


 translations  interpreting
 tcl yer os with a feather

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz

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Re: [OFF]Hotmail notifier

2010-01-14 Thread Victor Sartori
Já tentou dar uma pesquisada por plugins para o firefox?


- Mensagem original -
De: Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz
Para: Marcos João dos Santos
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 14 de Janeiro de 2010 13:39:29
Assunto: Re: [OFF]Hotmail notifier

O problema é que na rede aqui não é permitido messenger. O protocolo é
até bloqueado.

2010/1/14 Marcos João dos Santos
 Oi, fiz os testes aqui e o emesene tem plugin para gmail onde ele verifica
 assim que abre se tem mensagens e pode configurar para abrir com o cliente
 de e-mails, e já de padrão verifica mensagens também no hotmail
 Marcos João
 Botucatu - SP

 Em 13-01-2010 12:06, Anthony Baldwin escreveu:

 --- On Wed, 1/13/10, Anthony  wrote:

 From: Anthony
 Subject: Re: [OFF]Hotmail notifier
 To: Debian, Eduardo
 Rodrigues da
 Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 2:01 PM
 --- On Wed, 1/13/10, Eduardo
 Rodrigues da

 From: Eduardo Rodrigues da
 Subject: [OFF]Hotmail notifier
 To: Debian
 Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 11:56 AM
 Bom dia/tarde/noite,

 queria saber com vocês se alguem usa alguma barra de
 notificação para
 hotmail, por motivos do trabalho eu tenho que usar


 conta do
 Para o gmail eu uso gnome-gmail-notifier, me atende


 bem, mais
 venho procurando uma solução para o hotmail.
 Alguém usa ou conhece?

 Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz

 A única coisa em que posso pensar para notificar-lhe
 de mensagens de hotmail é usar o aMSN
 que da notificações quando mensagens chegar.


 Ja vi isso:

 t...@deathstar:~$  apt-cache search hotmail
 getlive - fetch mail from your Hotmail Live account
 gotmail - utility to download email from a Hotmail or MSN account

 talvez um desses serve?


 translations  interpreting
 tcl yer os with a feather

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

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Re: Problema com postfix + mysql + sasl no debian Lenny

2010-01-14 Thread Julio Henrique Oliveira
Boa tarde,

Veja uma solução com dovecot para autenticação eu tenho usado ela e
resolveu as dificuldades que tinha com sasl.

[ ]'s

Júlio Henrique

2010/1/13 Christiano Rogerio Liberato
 Olá lista, estou com sérios problemas para fazer funcionar o postfix + mysql
 + sasl no lenny.

 Já tenho funcionando pop + imap + maildrop + mysql perfeitamente.
 Vou postar minhs confs para ajudar:

 auth required user=postfix passwd=nga host=localhost db=postfix
 table=mailbox usercolumn=username passwdcolumn=password crypt=1
 account required user=postfix passwd=nga host=localhost
 db=postfix table=mailbox usercolumn=username passwdcolumn=password crypt=1

 mech_list: plain login
 allow_plaintext: true
 auxprop_plugin: mysql
 sql_hostnames: localhost
 sql_user: postfix
 sql_passwd: nga
 sql_database: postfix
 sql_select: select password from mailbox where username='%...@%r'

 cat /etc/group |grep sasl

 DESC=SASL Authentication Daemon
 OPTIONS=-c -m /var/run/saslauthd -r

 debian:~# tail -f /var/log/auth.log (ao tentar enviar uma mensagem pelo
 outlook express)
 Jan 13 19:12:07 debian postfix/smtpd[8183]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql

 debian:~# tail -f /var/log/syslog
 Jan 13 19:13:03 debian postfix/smtpd[8183]: connect from
 Jan 13 19:13:03 debian postfix/smtpd[8183]: warning: unknown[]:
 SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure
 Jan 13 19:13:03 debian postfix/smtpd[8183]: lost connection after AUTH from
 Jan 13 19:13:03 debian postfix/smtpd[8183]: disconnect from

 Se no /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf troco a opção
 auxprop_plugin: mysql
 auxprop_plugin: sql

 o auth.log fica assim:
 debian:~# tail -f /var/log/auth.log
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin Parse the username
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin try and connect to a
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin trying to open db
 'postfix' on host 'localhost'
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin Parse the username
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin try and connect to a
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin trying to open db
 'postfix' on host 'localhost'
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin Parse the username
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin try and connect to a
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin trying to open db
 'postfix' on host 'localhost'
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: begin transaction
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin create statement from
 userPassword christiano.liberato
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin doing query select
 password from mailbox where username='';
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin create statement from
 cmusaslsecretPLAIN christiano.liberato
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin doing query select
 password from mailbox where username='';
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: commit transaction
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin Parse the username
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin try and connect to a
 Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin trying to open db
 'postfix' on host 'localhost'

 e o syslog continua igual acima.

 O que quero dizer é o seguinte: o sasl não consegue falar com o mysql para
 autenticar e assim meu outlook express fica sempre pedindo user e senha.
 Não seria um bug?

 Tudo de sasl instalado na minha maquina:
 debian:~# dpkg -l |grep -i sasl
 ri  libsasl2-2 2.1.22.dfsg1-23+lenny1
 Cyrus SASL - authentication abstraction library
 ii  libsasl2-dev  2.1.22.dfsg1-23+lenny1   Cyrus
 SASL - development files for authentication abstraction
 ii  libsasl2-modules    2.1.22.dfsg1-23+lenny1   Cyrus
 SASL - pluggable authentication modules
 ii  libsasl2-modules-gssapi-heimdal   2.1.22.dfsg1-23+lenny1   Pluggable
 Authentication Modules for SASL (GSSAPI)
 ii  libsasl2-modules-sql   2.1.22.dfsg1-23+lenny1   Cyrus
 SASL - pluggable authentication modules (SQL)
 ii  sasl2-bin  2.1.22.dfsg1-23+lenny1
 Cyrus SASL - administration programs for SASL 

Re: [OFF]Hotmail notifier

2010-01-14 Thread Leonardo Andrade
Esse aqui não serve não?


Ou esse para Gnome:

Procure por POP3 notifier

Não uso o hotmail, portanto, veja se é preciso habilitar suporte a
POP3 em alguma configuração do webmail. As notícias abaixo dizem que o
hotmail tem suporte a POP3:


achei o Kshowmail: [4]

Qualquer coisa, não deve ser díficil criar um notificador em script
python com POP3 + libnotify... se a necessidade for tanta assim.


2010/1/14 Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz
 O problema é que na rede aqui não é permitido messenger. O protocolo é
 até bloqueado.

 2010/1/14 Marcos João dos Santos
 Oi, fiz os testes aqui e o emesene tem plugin para gmail onde ele verifica
 assim que abre se tem mensagens e pode configurar para abrir com o cliente
 de e-mails, e já de padrão verifica mensagens também no hotmail
 Marcos João
 Botucatu - SP

 Em 13-01-2010 12:06, Anthony Baldwin escreveu:

 --- On Wed, 1/13/10, Anthony  wrote:

 From: Anthony
 Subject: Re: [OFF]Hotmail notifier
 To: Debian, Eduardo
 Rodrigues da
 Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 2:01 PM
 --- On Wed, 1/13/10, Eduardo
 Rodrigues da

 From: Eduardo Rodrigues da
 Subject: [OFF]Hotmail notifier
 To: Debian
 Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 11:56 AM
 Bom dia/tarde/noite,

 queria saber com vocês se alguem usa alguma barra de
 notificação para
 hotmail, por motivos do trabalho eu tenho que usar


 conta do
 Para o gmail eu uso gnome-gmail-notifier, me atende


 bem, mais
 venho procurando uma solução para o hotmail.
 Alguém usa ou conhece?

 Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz

 A única coisa em que posso pensar para notificar-lhe
 de mensagens de hotmail é usar o aMSN
 que da notificações quando mensagens chegar.


 Ja vi isso:

 t...@deathstar:~$  apt-cache search hotmail
 getlive - fetch mail from your Hotmail Live account
 gotmail - utility to download email from a Hotmail or MSN account

 talvez um desses serve?


 translations  interpreting
 tcl yer os with a feather

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: [OFF]Hotmail notifier

2010-01-14 Thread Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz
Testei o mail-notifier, mais me parece que com ele não vai adiantar
muito pois ele conecta igual o msn, o protocolo tá bloqueado.
Agora estou tentando conectar como pop, mais sem muito sucesso.
Por ultimo vou testar os plugins para firefox.

Valeu pessoal, qualquer sucesso posto aqui.

2010/1/14 Leonardo Andrade
 Esse aqui não serve não?


 Ou esse para Gnome:

 Procure por POP3 notifier

 Não uso o hotmail, portanto, veja se é preciso habilitar suporte a
 POP3 em alguma configuração do webmail. As notícias abaixo dizem que o
 hotmail tem suporte a POP3:


 achei o Kshowmail: [4]

 Qualquer coisa, não deve ser díficil criar um notificador em script
 python com POP3 + libnotify... se a necessidade for tanta assim.


 2010/1/14 Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz
 O problema é que na rede aqui não é permitido messenger. O protocolo é
 até bloqueado.

 2010/1/14 Marcos João dos Santos
 Oi, fiz os testes aqui e o emesene tem plugin para gmail onde ele verifica
 assim que abre se tem mensagens e pode configurar para abrir com o cliente
 de e-mails, e já de padrão verifica mensagens também no hotmail
 Marcos João
 Botucatu - SP

 Em 13-01-2010 12:06, Anthony Baldwin escreveu:

 --- On Wed, 1/13/10, Anthony  wrote:

 From: Anthony
 Subject: Re: [OFF]Hotmail notifier
 To: Debian, Eduardo
 Rodrigues da
 Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 2:01 PM
 --- On Wed, 1/13/10, Eduardo
 Rodrigues da

 From: Eduardo Rodrigues da
 Subject: [OFF]Hotmail notifier
 To: Debian
 Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 11:56 AM
 Bom dia/tarde/noite,

 queria saber com vocês se alguem usa alguma barra de
 notificação para
 hotmail, por motivos do trabalho eu tenho que usar


 conta do
 Para o gmail eu uso gnome-gmail-notifier, me atende


 bem, mais
 venho procurando uma solução para o hotmail.
 Alguém usa ou conhece?

 Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz

 A única coisa em que posso pensar para notificar-lhe
 de mensagens de hotmail é usar o aMSN
 que da notificações quando mensagens chegar.


 Ja vi isso:

 t...@deathstar:~$  apt-cache search hotmail
 getlive - fetch mail from your Hotmail Live account
 gotmail - utility to download email from a Hotmail or MSN account

 talvez um desses serve?


 translations  interpreting
 tcl yer os with a feather

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Eduardo Rodrigues da Luz

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: minicom

2010-01-14 Thread Davi Vercillo C. Garcia
Fala Thiago,

Acho que porta está errada... não seria o /dev/ttyS0 ? Tente também
diminuir a velocidade para 9600.

Davi Vercillo C. Garcia
B.Sc. Student - DCC-IM/UFRJ
Trainee (SysAdmin) - NACAD/COPPE

A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in
human history with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. -

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: minicom

2010-01-14 Thread Paulino Kenji Sato

2010/1/14 thiago
 Minhas configurações estão como segue:

  Configuração do minicom da minha máquina ###

 | A - Dispositivo Serial : /dev/ttyUSB0
    | E - Bps/Paridade/Bits : 115200 8O1
    | F - Controle de Fluxo por Hardware : Não
    | G - Controle de Fluxo por Software : Não

  Bootloarder do sistema embarcado (grub): #

 serial --unit=0 --speed=115200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
 terminal --timeout=10 serial console

O cabo usado para fazer a conexão serial possui quantos fios?
O cabo mais simples e o de três fios, Tx,Rx, gnd. Se for esse tipo de
cabo, precisa usar o controle de fluxo por Software. Ou fazer o loop
nos sinais de controle.
O adaptador usb esta funcionando? (para testar faça um loop entre os
pinos 2 e 3, e escreva algo no minicom, que devera aparecer na tela)

Paulino Kenji Sato

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Cursos de Gestão Pública - FIA

2010-01-14 Thread PROVAR

gestao_publicaAFundaccedil;atilde;o Instituto de Administraccedil;atilde;o - FIAesta= acute;com 
inscriccedil;otilde;es abertas para cursos na aacute;rea deGestati= lde;ode Poliacute;ticas Puacute;blica. 
Para mais informaccedil;otilde;es, entre em contato no telefone (11)3894= -5004ou por Caso 
natilde;o consiga visualizar o conteuacute;do,clique aqui!

RE: Problema com postfix + mysql + sasl no debian Lenny

2010-01-14 Thread Christiano Rogerio Liberato


vc tem algum link ai para eu seguir como howto? Vc esta autenticando pop ou 
Porque de acordo com o apt-cache search no lenny

debian:~# apt-cache search dovecot
dovecot-common - secure mail server that supports mbox and maildir mailboxes
dovecot-dev - header files for the dovecot mail server
dovecot-imapd - secure IMAP server that supports mbox and maildir mailboxes
dovecot-pop3d - secure POP3 server that supports mbox and maildir mailboxes

o dovecot nao funciona com smtp.

Christiano Liberato.

 Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 14:25:12 -0200
 Subject: Re: Problema com postfix + mysql + sasl no debian Lenny
 Boa tarde,
 Veja uma solução com dovecot para autenticação eu tenho usado ela e
 resolveu as dificuldades que tinha com sasl.
 [ ]'s
 Júlio Henrique
 2010/1/13 Christiano Rogerio Liberato
  Olá lista, estou com sérios problemas para fazer funcionar o postfix + mysql
  + sasl no lenny.
  Já tenho funcionando pop + imap + maildrop + mysql perfeitamente.
  Vou postar minhs confs para ajudar:
  auth required user=postfix passwd=nga host=localhost db=postfix
  table=mailbox usercolumn=username passwdcolumn=password crypt=1
  account required user=postfix passwd=nga host=localhost
  db=postfix table=mailbox usercolumn=username passwdcolumn=password crypt=1
  mech_list: plain login
  allow_plaintext: true
  auxprop_plugin: mysql
  sql_hostnames: localhost
  sql_user: postfix
  sql_passwd: nga
  sql_database: postfix
  sql_select: select password from mailbox where username='%...@%r'
  cat /etc/group |grep sasl
  DESC=SASL Authentication Daemon
  OPTIONS=-c -m /var/run/saslauthd -r
  debian:~# tail -f /var/log/auth.log (ao tentar enviar uma mensagem pelo
  outlook express)
  Jan 13 19:12:07 debian postfix/smtpd[8183]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql
  debian:~# tail -f /var/log/syslog
  Jan 13 19:13:03 debian postfix/smtpd[8183]: connect from
  Jan 13 19:13:03 debian postfix/smtpd[8183]: warning: unknown[]:
  SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure
  Jan 13 19:13:03 debian postfix/smtpd[8183]: lost connection after AUTH from
  Jan 13 19:13:03 debian postfix/smtpd[8183]: disconnect from
  Se no /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf troco a opção
  auxprop_plugin: mysql
  auxprop_plugin: sql
  o auth.log fica assim:
  debian:~# tail -f /var/log/auth.log
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin Parse the username
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin try and connect to a
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin trying to open db
  'postfix' on host 'localhost'
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin Parse the username
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin try and connect to a
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin trying to open db
  'postfix' on host 'localhost'
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin Parse the username
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin try and connect to a
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin trying to open db
  'postfix' on host 'localhost'
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: begin transaction
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin create statement from
  userPassword christiano.liberato
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin doing query select
  password from mailbox where username='';
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin create statement from
  cmusaslsecretPLAIN christiano.liberato
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin doing query select
  password from mailbox where username='';
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: commit transaction
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin Parse the username
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin try and connect to a
  Jan 13 19:18:50 debian postfix/smtpd[8426]: sql plugin trying to open db
  'postfix' on host 'localhost'
  e o syslog continua igual acima.
  O que quero dizer é o seguinte: o sasl não consegue falar com o mysql para
  autenticar e assim meu outlook express fica sempre 

Ajuda de como fazer particionamento usando o Preseed na instalação

2010-01-14 Thread Pjota

Alguém tem experiência com esse tipo de instalação? Enquanto pesquiso no
google também gostaria se possível de sugestões além do site do Debian, pois
trocando informações com colegas que pesquisam sobre esse processo ainda se
tem muita dúvida de como fazer esse particionamento...

*  Pee Jay -
*  Bacharelando em Ciência da Computação / UFBA -
*  [MSN] - peejaymail [em] yahoo [ponto] com

Re: Problema com postfix + mysql + sasl no debian Lenny

2010-01-14 Thread Julio Henrique Oliveira
Vou te passar abaixo um tutorial que uso, eu ainda vou publicar ele no
Viva o Linux, mas preciso formatar ele direitinho.

Eu instalo o dovecot-common, imapd e pop3d.

Segue um pedaço do tutorial referente ao dovecot:

# Editar /etc/dovecot.conf e alterar as seguintes linhas:

protocols = pop3 pop3s imap imaps
disable_plaintext_auth = no
log_timestamp = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S 
mail_location = maildir:/home/vmail/%d/%n
   # Hierarchy separator to use. You should use the same separator for all
   # namespaces or some clients get confused. '/' is usually a good one.
   # The default however depends on the underlying mail storage format.
   #separator =
   # Prefix required to access this namespace. This needs to be different for
   # all namespaces. For example Public/.
   #prefix =
   # Physical location of the mailbox. This is in same format as
   # mail_location, which is also the default for it.
   #location =
   # There can be only one INBOX, and this setting defines which namespace
   # has it.
   #inbox = yes
   # If namespace is hidden, it's not advertised to clients via NAMESPACE
   # extension or shown in LIST replies. This is mostly useful when converting
   # from another server with different namespaces which you want to depricate
   # but still keep working. For example you can create hidden namespaces with
   # prefixes ~/mail/, ~%u/mail/ and mail/.
   #hidden = yes
mail_privileged_group = mail
protocol imap {
  # Login executable location.
  #login_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/imap-login
  # IMAP executable location. Changing this allows you to execute other
  # binaries before the imap process is executed.
  # This would write rawlogs into ~/dovecot.rawlog/ directory:
  #   mail_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/rawlog /usr/lib/dovecot/imap
  # This would attach gdb into the imap process and write backtraces into
  # /tmp/gdbhelper.* files:
  #   mail_executable = /usr/libexec/dovecot/gdbhelper
  #mail_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/imap
  # Maximum IMAP command line length in bytes. Some clients generate very long
  # command lines with huge mailboxes, so you may need to raise this if you get
  # Too long argument or IMAP command line too large errors often.
  #imap_max_line_length = 65536
  # Support for dynamically loadable plugins. mail_plugins is a space separated
  # list of plugins to load.
  #mail_plugins =
  #mail_plugin_dir = /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/imap
  # Send IMAP capabilities in greeting message. This makes it unnecessary for
  # clients to request it with CAPABILITY command, so it saves one round-trip.
  # Many clients however don't understand it and ask the CAPABILITY anyway.
  #login_greeting_capability = no
  # Override the IMAP CAPABILITY response.
  #imap_capability =
  # Workarounds for various client bugs:
  #   delay-newmail:
  # Send EXISTS/RECENT new mail notifications only when replying to NOOP
  # and CHECK commands. Some clients ignore them otherwise, for example OSX
  # Mail (v2.1). Outlook Express breaks more badly though, without this it
  # may show user Message no longer in server errors. Note that OE6 still
  # breaks even with this workaround if synchronization is set to
  # Headers Only.
  #   outlook-idle:
  # Outlook and Outlook Express never abort IDLE command, so if no mail
  # arrives in half a hour, Dovecot closes the connection. This is still
  # fine, except Outlook doesn't connect back so you don't see if new mail
  # arrives.
  #   netscape-eoh:
  # Netscape 4.x breaks if message headers don't end with the empty end of
  # headers line. Normally all messages have this, but setting this
  # workaround makes sure that Netscape never breaks by adding the line if
  # it doesn't exist. This is done only for FETCH BODY[HEADER.FIELDS..]
  # commands. Note that RFC says this shouldn't be done.
  #   tb-extra-mailbox-sep:
  # With mbox storage a mailbox can contain either mails or submailboxes,
  # but not both. Thunderbird separates these two by forcing server to
  # accept '/' suffix in mailbox names in subscriptions list.
  # The list is space-separated.
  #imap_client_workarounds = outlook-idle

protocol pop3 {
  # Login executable location.
  #login_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3-login
  # POP3 executable location. See IMAP's mail_executable above for examples
  # how this could be changed.
  #mail_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3
  # Don't try to set mails non-recent or seen with POP3 sessions. This is
  # mostly intended to reduce disk I/O. With maildir it doesn't move files
  # from new/ to cur/, with mbox it doesn't write Status-header.
  #pop3_no_flag_updates = no
  # Support LAST command which exists in old POP3 specs, but has been removed
  # from new ones. Some clients still wish to use this though. Enabling this
  # makes RSET command clear all \Seen flags from messages.
  #pop3_enable_last = no
  # If mail has X-UIDL 

DNS Reverso

2010-01-14 Thread Diogo Borsoi

Estou com um probleminha quanto ao reverso, poderiam me ajudar?


ping arcus
PING arcus.teste ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from (
icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=6.13 ms
64 bytes from (
icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.44 ms

64 bytes from (
icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=2.04 ms



host domain name pointer

 Segue o arquivo de zona:


$TTL 900
@   IN   SOA ns1.teste. hostmaster.teste. (
   2010011401 ; serial
   3600 ; refresh
   3600 ; retry
   3600 ; expire
   900 ); TTL

NS ns1.teste
NS ns2.teste

253IN PTR ns1.teste
254IN PTR ns2.teste
244IN PTR arcus.teste

Alguém saberia o que pode estar acontecendo?


Diogo Borsoi

Re: DNS Reverso

2010-01-14 Thread Leandro Moreira
Não entendi o seu problema, pelo q vi o reverso ta respndendo, pode ser mais


Leandro Moreira.

2010/1/14 Diogo Borsoi


 Estou com um probleminha quanto ao reverso, poderiam me ajudar?


 ping arcus
 PING arcus.teste ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 
 ttl=64 time=6.13 ms
 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 
 ttl=64 time=1.44 ms

 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 
 ttl=64 time=2.04 ms



 host domain name pointer

  Segue o arquivo de zona:


 $TTL 900
 @   IN   SOA ns1.teste. hostmaster.teste. (
2010011401 ; serial
3600 ; refresh
3600 ; retry
3600 ; expire
900 ); TTL

 NS ns1.teste
 NS ns2.teste

 253IN PTR ns1.teste
 254IN PTR ns2.teste
 244IN PTR arcus.teste

 Alguém saberia o que pode estar acontecendo?


 Diogo Borsoi

Leandro Moreira
Linux Administrator: LPIC-1
Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713

Re: Roteadores fabricados com Linux

2010-01-14 Thread Wendell Almeida

Obrigado a todos pelas dicas.
Preciso basicamente de flexibilidade para configurar regras com o iptables.

Renato S. Yamane escreveu:

Em 13-01-2010 16:28, Wendell Almeida escreveu:

Será que existe algum roteador, tipo D-link, Linksys ou similares que
possui Linux instalado ou a mesma flexibilidade de um Coyote?

Qual tipo de recurso você precisa?
Eu tenho um Linksys WAG200-G e com o firmware do openwag:


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Servidor de email - Problema

2010-01-14 Thread Anderson Bertling
Boa tarde
estou com problema na hora de configurar o servidor de email,
postfix+courier+mysql estou seguido um tutorial que achei ho
howtoforge.comesta tudo instalado e ja cadastrei um usuario no mysql,
meu problema é
quanto tento logar no squirrelmail ele loga mas aparece a seguite mensagem
ERROR: connection dropped by IMAP server e nos logs aparece No such file
directory , alguem sabem como faço p resolver isso ? OBS fiz todos os testes
de telnet e de nmap roda tudo normal menos isso.
desde ja fico grato pela ajuda


Anderson Bertling

Re: Servidor de email - Problema

2010-01-14 Thread Leandro Moreira
Já tive essa mensagem de erro uma vez em um server no meu caso foi uma das 2
1- Permissões na caixa do usuário errada
2- Caixa do usuário nao foi criada

Da uma olhada e posta aee na lista.


Leandro Moreira.

2010/1/14 Anderson Bertling

 Boa tarde
 estou com problema na hora de configurar o servidor de email,
 postfix+courier+mysql estou seguido um tutorial que achei ho esta tudo instalado e ja cadastrei um usuario no mysql, meu
 problema é quanto tento logar no squirrelmail ele loga mas aparece a seguite
 mensagem  ERROR: connection dropped by IMAP server e nos logs aparece No
 such file directory , alguem sabem como faço p resolver isso ? OBS fiz todos
 os testes de telnet e de nmap roda tudo normal menos isso.
 desde ja fico grato pela ajuda


 Anderson Bertling

Leandro Moreira
LPIC1 - Linux Professional Institute Certified
Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713

Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (Re: Intelfb...)

2010-01-14 Thread Vitor Eduardo Souza lança
        Olá a todos

Primeiramente peço perdão pelo atraso desta resposta. O término do ano
passado e inicio deste foram um tanto agitados portanto não pude, nesse
meio tempo, testar as sugestões que recebi.
  Seguindo as
recomendações da última resposta tentei instalar o pacote
libglx-mesa-glx. No entanto esse pacote já estava instalado no meu
computador. Talvez outro pacote instale o arquivo que falta par ativar
o GLX corretamente...

  Meu segundo passo foi testar o GLX com o comando em shell: $ glxgears -info. 
A resposta está abaixo:


GL_RENDERER   = Mesa GLX Indirect

GL_VERSION    = 1.4 (2.1 Mesa 7.0.4)

GL_VENDOR = Mesa project:

GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers
GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_multisample
GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_point_parameters
GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient
GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression
GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add
GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar
GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat
GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle
GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_window_pos
GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color
GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate
GL_EXT_blend_logic_op GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract
GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays
GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_paletted_texture GL_EXT_point_parameters
GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color
GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs
GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_subtexture
GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object
GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_APPLE_packed_pixels
GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3
GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_ATIX_texture_env_combine3
GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_INGR_blend_func_separate
GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture GL_NV_blend_square
GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_point_sprite
GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_vertex_program
GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_SGI_color_table
GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp
GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture
GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SGIX_shadow_ambient GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays 

742 frames in 5.0 seconds = 147.706 FPS

680 frames in 5.0 seconds = 135.843 FPS

700 frames in 5.1 seconds = 136.203 FPS

680 frames in 5.0 seconds = 135.416 FPS

XIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0

  after 6286 requests (41 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

 Agradeço as explicações sobre o log do
X da última resposta a este problema.


Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

Res: DNS Reverso

2010-01-14 Thread Kleber Leal
Faltou o ponto.

Quando não se coloca o ponto o servidor completa com o nome do domínio, que 
neste caso é

$TTL 900
@   IN   SOA ns1.teste. hostmaster.teste. (
   2010011401 ; serial
   3600 ; refresh
   3600 ; retry
   3600 ; expire
   900 ); TTL

NS ns1.teste.
NS ns2.teste.

253IN PTR ns1.teste.
254IN PTR ns2.teste.
244IN PTR arcus.teste.

 Kléber Leal

Não à pirataria. Sim ao Software Livre.

De: Diogo Borsoi
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 14 de Janeiro de 2010 15:20:11
Assunto: DNS Reverso


Estou com um probleminha quanto ao reverso, poderiam me ajudar?

ping arcus
PING arcus.teste ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 
ttl=64 time=6.13 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 
ttl=64 time=1.44 ms

64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 
ttl=64 time=2.04 ms

host domain name pointer
Segue o arquivo de zona:

$TTL 900
@   IN   SOA ns1.teste. hostmaster.teste. (
   2010011401 ; serial
   3600 ; refresh
   3600 ; retry
   3600 ; expire
   900 ); TTL

NS ns1.teste
NS ns2.teste

253IN PTR ns1.teste
254IN PTR ns2.teste
244IN PTR arcus.teste

Alguém saberia o que pode estar acontecendo?


Diogo Borsoi


Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

Re: Ubuntu 8.10 sees my home partition, sid of Dec. 25 doesn't

2010-01-14 Thread Paul Scott

Jon Dowland wrote:

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 08:10:29AM -0700, Paul Scott wrote:


/dev/hda10   4366  4870  4056381  83 Linux

To me the problem is clearly about the file system not the partition.

This seems like an interesting problem. I'm still mostly
convinced it is actually a partition problem. 10 is quite a high
number. I wonder if you've surpassed a limitation of the DOS
partition table scheme and Ubuntu is more lax than Debian.


I'm only sending the relevant line since I have to type it.

Sorry to make you type more, but could you please provide
the fdisk -l output for your hard drive, from Ubuntu and
Debian, using the hda or sda device as appropriate? I'm
interested in the device name, and the start and end
numbers; you can omit blocks, Id and System. From the header
before the listing, I'd be interested in the number of
cylinders, not the rest.

To try to concentrate things in a reasonable direction I used Knoppix 
5.1 this time.  It also accesses my home directory files just fine.

sudo fdisk -l

Disk /dev/hda: 40.0 GB, 40060403712 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4870 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

  Device Boot
/dev/hda10   4366 4870 4056381 83 Linux



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Soldes 2 eme démarque c'est Parti -30% a -50% avant arrivage de la collection été

2010-01-14 Thread commercial
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Si vous voulez vous désinscrire, cliquez ici 

Re: cssh alternative

2010-01-14 Thread Brent Clark

On 13/01/2010 18:52, Dan Ritter wrote:

Have you considered editing your .cssh file to open



I have actually. But I kept getting an argument error. So I just left it.

If you know how to get this working, and could share it, it would be 

Kind Regards
Brent Clark

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Re: OOo 3 dependency hell in Lenny backports

2010-01-14 Thread Zhan
On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 12:36 AM, Tony van der Hoff t...@vanderhoff.orgwrote:


 Running Lenny here, which installs OOo 2 by default, but has OOo 3 in
 backports, which I'd like to install.

 With Synaptic, I've tried Force Version on the OOo metapackage to the
 backports one, but it comes up with all sorts of unresolved deps. Similarly,
 trying to force the individual packages breaks dependencies at some stage.

 I've even tried uninstalling OOo 2 completely, then installing the pacports
 one, but it just results in OOo 2 being reinstalled.

 So, what am I doing wrong/how do I get OOo 3 installed?

 Tony van der Hoff|
 Buckinghamshire, England |

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I am quoting from instructions, try if it works for you.


3. All backports are deactivated by default (i.e. the packages are pinned to
1 by using NotAutomatic: yes in the Release files, just as in experimental).
If you want to install something from backports run:

*apt-get -t lenny-backports install “package”*

Of course, you can use *aptitude* as well:

* aptitude -t lenny-backports install “package”*

For me, I have set backports with the highest priorities, so anything at with a higher version number will be automatically installed.

Good luck.

Thanks and regards,


Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread Michal
   You need to say what you're using them for.  Otherwise people who have
  experience with vserver will say it rocks, people who use openvz will
  say that rocks, and people using Xen will say that's even better.
   If you're using it for something specific then your needs and
  preferences will be adjusted accordingly.
   e.g. vserver means that all guests share the same kernel as the host
  system, and that memory can be overcommitted if you want it to be.
   If you run Xen or KVM then each guest will be fully isolated and
  can run different kernels.
   Is that a good thing?  It depends what you're using the guests for,
  and how much overhead you want.
   In practise if you're doing nothing special, such as just hosting
  apache  ssh, then all of them are about equal.  There is no single
  clear winner, and choosing will be a matter of:
 * Which is easiest to install/manage/use.
 * Which has best documentation.
 * Which people nearby are using, so you can chat about in the pub.
  For me?  Xen was good, but the slow progress of getting it into the
  mainline kernel meant there was a long period where you couldn't run it
  on modern (new) hardware.  So KVM wins.
  Other people will mention openbox, vmware, etc.  At the end of the day
  you should decide why you want it, what it must do then try out one or
  two.  Chances are many of the options will be good enough - but asking
  Which is best is not a useful way forward; different people have
  different use-cases and different biases.

He is right, I have a setup of VMware ESXi servers, vCenter, vSphere etc
and this works very well for me, but by the sounds of it over kill for
you, so what do you want to do

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Viewing Targa images from blackberry

2010-01-14 Thread Javier Barroso
Hi people,

We have a blackberry device, and I would like to get their images.

I installed barrybackup and barry-utils. With barrybackup I had got an
tar.gz blackberry backup.

In the tarball I can find the images in Folders folder. But I don't
known how can I convert this to jpeg / png. I can't view this files
without any viewer I tried (feh, eog , display, xli, gimp ...)

file tell me:
Folders/67688a69 0: Targa image data - RGB - RLE 27148 x 24930
Gimp tell me:
Unhandled sub-format in '/home/javi/tmp/blackberry/Folders/67688a69
0.tga' (type = 2, bpp = 114)

In barry-utils I didn't find any doc about how to get pictures, I took
a look in its manpages.

Maybe this file is really data and it is not a image?

Do you know how can I get photos from blackberry device in debian ?

Thank you very much

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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread randall

Sthu Deus wrote:

Good day.

As I have heard that vserver package does not work well in Debian, I would like 
to hear Your opinion (if any) on what is working more stable (well for use in 
production systems):

1. vserver
2. openvz
3. something else

Thanks for Your time.

PS Please, reply to the list.

as mentioned by the others, every cool feature usually has a 
disadvantage so its what you use it for.

besides that i have been running VServer for about 5 years now without 
any big problems.

its light, stable and fast
thanks to the fact it shares the same kernel with the host and all the 
guests, but this could be a disadvantage if you need a seperate kernel 
per guest.

Openvz basically is somewhere in the same league as VServer, i started 
with VServer and it did what i wanted + a active and extremely helpfull 
mailinglist so i never looked back

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Re: OOo 3 dependency hell in Lenny backports

2010-01-14 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Thu January 14 2010, Zhan wrote:
 For me, I have set backports with the highest priorities, so anything at with a higher version number will be automatically installed.

I've never used backports. What packages are there that you use/need/want that 
is newer/better than what you get out of Lenny??

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Boyd:



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Re: OOo 3 dependency hell in Lenny backports

2010-01-14 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 14. 01. 2010 12:00:06 je Paul Cartwright napisal(a):

On Thu January 14 2010, Zhan wrote:
 For me, I have set backports with the highest priorities, so  
anything at with a higher version number will be automatically  

I've never used backports. What packages are there that you  
use/need/want that

is newer/better than what you get out of Lenny??

For me, it's the mldonkey package (the backports version has support  
for more p2p protocols). However, I think the backports maintainers  
don't recommend using backports as a general catch-all, but preferably  
for specific packages only. For example, I once installed a backports  
kernel (2.30 and something) just for the heck of it, and discovered  
that it didn't have support for the proprietary fglrx ATI driver, so it  
was of no use to me. Therefore, I wouldn't recommend pinning backports  
with a higher priority to anybody but those who know extremely well  
what they're doing. On the other hand, those who know extremely well  
what they're doing have no need of my recommendations or advice anyway  
... ;)

Just my 2 ¢.


Certifiable Loonix User #481801

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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, randall:

thanks to the fact it shares the same kernel with the host and all the 
guests, but this could be a disadvantage if you need a seperate kernel 
per guest.

One of the reasons I would like to use virtualization is security... so, how 
does using of a single kernel affect total security/separation - at my view - 
it does not help in this view. Though I do not know how openvz or xen work...

Openvz basically is somewhere in the same league as VServer, i started 
with VServer and it did what i wanted + a active and extremely helpfull 
mailinglist so i never looked back

Did You compile Your own kernels for Debian? - And then ever after - on update?

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Re: OOo 3 dependency hell in Lenny backports

2010-01-14 Thread Lisi
subject = OOo 3 dependency hell in Lenny backports

On Thursday 14 January 2010 11:00:06 Paul Cartwright wrote:
 I've never used backports. What packages are there that you use/need/want
 that is newer/better than what you get out of Lenny??

OOo 3 ??


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Re: Viewing Targa images from blackberry

2010-01-14 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 11:51:21 +0100, Javier Barroso wrote:


 In the tarball I can find the images in Folders folder. But I don't
 known how can I convert this to jpeg / png. I can't view this files
 without any viewer I tried (feh, eog , display, xli, gimp ...)

You can use a command line tool to perform the conversion, such 
convert (I think is part of ImageMagick package).

Or you can first try to convert it online:

 file tell me:
 Folders/67688a69 0: Targa image data - RGB - RLE 27148 x 24930 Gimp tell
 Unhandled sub-format in '/home/javi/tmp/blackberry/Folders/67688a69
 0.tga' (type = 2, bpp = 114)
 In barry-utils I didn't find any doc about how to get pictures, I took a
 look in its manpages.
 Maybe this file is really data and it is not a image?

Try to open another targa (.tga) file and see what happens. It's quite 
possible that files from your BB got corrupted somehow.



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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread randall

Sthu Deus wrote:

Thank You for Your time and answer, randall:

thanks to the fact it shares the same kernel with the host and all the 
guests, but this could be a disadvantage if you need a seperate kernel 
per guest.

One of the reasons I would like to use virtualization is security... so, how 
does using of a single kernel affect total security/separation - at my view - 
it does not help in this view. Though I do not know how openvz or xen work...

i'm not an expert but i will explain a little what i think i know.

xen and vmware can give you the best seperation/security because each 
guest will run its own kernel, this will affect the performance however 
since you are simply running several complete operating systems ( you 
could run linux in 1 guest, windows in another and FreeBSd in yet 
another etc... )

VServer and i guess also openvz are simply a very smart way of using 
chroot to isolate several services just like the jails utility in 
FreeBSD, this off course has the advantage that there is no performance 
overhead , VServer is set up by default not to allow the guest direct 
access to the kernel but for some programs, like bind, you have to 
loosen up the privileges to the kernel a little so this brings a little 
risk although most programs will run without any modification needed.

also, with xen and vmware you can run a firewall inside each guest 
itself as well which you can not do with VServer since this needs kernel 
access, with VServer i have the firewall on the host system 
allowing/blocking traffic to the guests.

Openvz basically is somewhere in the same league as VServer, i started 
with VServer and it did what i wanted + a active and extremely helpfull 
mailinglist so i never looked back

Did You compile Your own kernels for Debian? - And then ever after - on update?
some do, but i always use the vserver patched kernel from the repos, it 
never gave me any problems and i'm always assured of the security 
updates, did not have any issue when upgrading from etch to lenny.

The thing you heard was broken is the vserver-debiantools package which 
apparently is in a bad state for years already ( have used these in the 
past and still do, but i never experienced a problem myself ).
But you simply do not need this package, just follow the directions on 
the VServer wiki


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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread Steve Kemp
On Thu Jan 14, 2010 at 18:43:07 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 One of the reasons I would like to use virtualization is security...

  What kind of security?

  Instead of having N applications installed on one host you could move
 to having 3+ virtual machines.  That would suggest you'd need to
 protect three root passwords, have to worry about performing kernel
 upgrades on three machines, have to monitor the logs of three machines.

  I'm sure you get the point.

  If you're ever doing something for security you need to be clear on
 what problem(s) you're attempting to solve.

  e.g. Stopping a PHP compromise from reading your super-secret email,
 or whatever.


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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time suggestion and answer, Steve:

 1. vserver
 2. openvz
 3. something else  

  You need to say what you're using them for.  Otherwise people who have
 experience with vserver will say it rocks, people who use openvz will
 say that rocks, and people using Xen will say that's even better.

I want to separate diver services and make NAT to them - so that it be more 
secure in case if one of them will be hacked - I still can have control over 
the rest, I can control NAT also - thus turning off the hacked service 
completely while others will remain to function as before. So the main goal is 
security and separation. I just have seen a lot of debates around debian 
package for server and therefore thought - as I almost just start - it is the 
best for me point to avoid some already existing problems - for I do not want 
to compile my own kernels every time there will be an update for vserver/kernel 
(at the present I'm a bit acquainted w/ vserver only).

Also, I have heard that in vserver at turning down one of the vservers there is 
a mess w/ network interfaces - they are just re-enumerated - AFAIK. - That is 
not good for me - as I want to turn them up/down - as if it be a physical 

  If you run Xen or KVM then each guest will be fully isolated and
 can run different kernels.

I know that KVM offers much less respond comparing w/ vserver. How about Xen? 
Can I turn the guests on/off on the fly?

  Is that a good thing?  It depends what you're using the guests for,
 and how much overhead you want.

I want them to use for email, web, and do not know if proxy is any worth of to 
put in separate guest? - Nothing special.

  In practise if you're doing nothing special, such as just hosting
 apache  ssh, then all of them are about equal.  There is no single
 clear winner, and choosing will be a matter of:

* Which is easiest to install/manage/use.

Ok, what is the best here (relating for my tasks)? - If any had experience w/ 
several of them?
Why nobody says about packaging problem in Debian, net interfaces at guests 
turning off?!

 on modern (new) hardware.  So KVM wins.

I guess that KVM takes a lot of overload comparing w/ vserver - for for example 
spam filtering, virus scanning.

Thank You Steve, once again.

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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Robert:

I think that openvz is stable enough for production use in lenny. And what I 
have read vserver does not have the nice features and wrapper like vzctl.

How is it to install/manage/use/update?

Can You easily turn networked guests on/off? - Can others still function as 
before turning off of them?

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Re: How to grab music from remote cdrom?

2010-01-14 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Camaleón:

How about exporting the CD as another regular share (via samba or NFS)?

Will it be possible to use a device, not FS?!

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desktop mobo in a 19 inch

2010-01-14 Thread randall

simple question here,

if i buy a ATX 19 rack case with included power supply, i can simply 
put any ATX desktop mobo it it right?
i've always used simple desktop towers but its getting a little crowded 

this would a 2U case since i know it can get cramped in the height.



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Re: How to grab music from remote cdrom?

2010-01-14 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Boyd:

Most CD rippers prefer (or require) the use of the 
character device in addition (or instead of) the block device.  The character 
device should allow more fine-grained control and also access to sub-channel 
data that the block device doesn't expose.[2]

I want to use cdda2wav util...

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Re: How to grab music from remote cdrom?

2010-01-14 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Stan:

It's been along
time...that feature may have required mounting the remote share with a local
drive letter.  Anyway, it worked, and worked well.

OR is it possible to grab from iso-files that were dd-ed on the remote machine 
and then transmitted to mine?

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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread Steve Kemp
On Thu Jan 14, 2010 at 19:32:16 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 I want to separate diver services and make NAT to them - so that
 it be more secure in case if one of them will be hacked - I still

  Right so you want a host which has a public IP (or more than one)
 and each guest will have private IPs on seperate ranges, such that
 they cannot talk to each other?

  That sounds like a good setup.

  If you're going to assume that a machine will be hacked, and then
 assume a kernel bug will come into play on one of the guests that
 strongly suggests you want to ensure that they aren't sharing a
 single kernel - ie. Don't choose vserver.

 I know that KVM offers much less respond comparing w/
 vserver. How about Xen? Can I turn the guests on/off on the fly?

  Both Xen and KVM will let you start/stop guests independently of
 each other.

  KVM works as a process, so you just stop it.

  Xen has a lot of magic behind the scenes, but ultimately you can
 do things like list the running guests with xm list, start one
 that is stopped with xm create blah.cfg and stop a running one
 with xm shutdown blah.

 I want them to use for email, web, and do not know if proxy
 is any worth of to put in separate guest? - Nothing special.

  Probably not worth the overhead I'd have thought; historically the
 common squid proxy has had a good security record.

 Ok, what is the best here (relating for my tasks)? - If any
 had experience w/ several of them?

  Best is still going to be a personal preference.  I'd choose KVM,
 then Xen, then vmware then vserver.

 Why nobody says about packaging problem in Debian, net
 interfaces at guests turning off?!

  If you use something like Xen/vmware/kvm you'd not concern yourself
 with the interfaces.  Instead you'd shutdown a guest if you wanted it
 to be unreachable and disabled.

  Leaving it running but dropping the traffic would work, but it would
 be an odd thing to do.  (e.g. it would still run cronjobs and try to
 send email, etc.)

 I guess that KVM takes a lot of overload comparing w/ vserver -
 for for example spam filtering, virus scanning.

  It will take overhead, yes.  But not a lot.

  Certainly a virtual KVM guest can handle spam filtering just fine,
 assuming your setup is sane.  (ie. Make lightweight tests before the
 heavier ones.)

Debian GNU/Linux System Administration

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Re: OOo 3 dependency hell in Lenny backports

2010-01-14 Thread Tony van der Hoff

Zhan wrote:
On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 12:36 AM, Tony van der Hoff wrote:


So, what am I doing wrong/how do I get OOo 3 installed?

I am quoting from instructions, try if it works for you.


3. All backports are deactivated by default (i.e. the packages are 
pinned to 1 by using |NotAutomatic: yes| in the Release files, just as 
in experimental). If you want to install something from backports run:

*apt-get -t lenny-backports install /“package”/*

Of course, you can use *aptitude* as well:

* aptitude -t lenny-backports install /“package”/*


For me, I have set backports with the highest priorities, so anything at with a higher version number will 
be automatically installed.

Good luck.

Thanks for that, Zahn, it (aptitude) worked perfectly. What a pity 
Synaptic is not that capable. Ah well...

Personally I am quite happy with running Lenny, with updates, on my 
server - therefore also on a number of LTSP workstations. Occasionally, 
in cases such as this, I resort to backports, but certainly wouldn't 
want to be automatically selecting the backport.

I run Kubuntu on my laptop, though...

Tony van der Hoff|
Buckinghamshire, England |

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Re: Viewing Targa images from blackberry

2010-01-14 Thread Javier Barroso
On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 11:51:21 +0100, Javier Barroso wrote:


 In the tarball I can find the images in Folders folder. But I don't
 known how can I convert this to jpeg / png. I can't view this files
 without any viewer I tried (feh, eog , display, xli, gimp ...)

 You can use a command line tool to perform the conversion, such
 convert (I think is part of ImageMagick package).

$ convert 67688a69\ 0 foto.png
convert: no decode delegate for this image format `67688a69 0' @
convert: missing an image filename `foto.png' @

 Or you can first try to convert it online:
They can't either
There was a problem converting your file - We attempted to perform the
conversion you requested from tga to bmp but unfortunately the...

 file tell me:
 Folders/67688a69 0: Targa image data - RGB - RLE 27148 x 24930 Gimp tell
 Unhandled sub-format in '/home/javi/tmp/blackberry/Folders/67688a69
 0.tga' (type = 2, bpp = 114)

 In barry-utils I didn't find any doc about how to get pictures, I took a
 look in its manpages.

 Maybe this file is really data and it is not a image?

 Try to open another targa (.tga) file and see what happens. It's quite
 possible that files from your BB got corrupted somehow.

I don't have any tga file, but I will search in internet.

Thank you very much

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Re: desktop mobo in a 19 inch

2010-01-14 Thread Michal
On 14/01/2010 12:40, randall wrote:
 simple question here,
 if i buy a ATX 19 rack case with included power supply, i can simply
 put any ATX desktop mobo it it right?
 i've always used simple desktop towers but its getting a little crowded
 this would a 2U case since i know it can get cramped in the height.

Yes you can, and 1U's can work fine, depending on how deep your case is,
and how much stuff you want to shove in it. How do you mean cramped?
What are you putting in it?

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syslog on Lenny

2010-01-14 Thread Roman Gelfand
I am running a service which generates logs.  What do I need to do to
haave these log entries also appear in syslog?

BTW.. I modified /etc/rsyslog.conf file adding 'abcf.*
-/var/log/abc.log' line.  This didn't make a difference.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread Michal
*Sorry for the top post but this has only to do with the subject*

I think you should read these posts started with obsd as domU. Someone
started talking about using OpenBSD with virtulisation and some people
had some interesting answers. I don't agree with everything said here, I
use VMware ESXi servers very well and backup/restore is a breeze,
especially with a change or upgrade you are nervous about (take a
snapshot, do it, if it breaks revert to snapshot. Can be up and running
again in a few minutes) but some people had some very good points.

Take what you wish from these posts, but the OpenBSD devs are very good
and make some good points even if I don't agree with all of them

On 14/01/2010 12:44, Steve Kemp wrote:
 On Thu Jan 14, 2010 at 19:32:16 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
 I want to separate diver services and make NAT to them - so that
 it be more secure in case if one of them will be hacked - I still
   Right so you want a host which has a public IP (or more than one)
  and each guest will have private IPs on seperate ranges, such that
  they cannot talk to each other?
   That sounds like a good setup.
   If you're going to assume that a machine will be hacked, and then
  assume a kernel bug will come into play on one of the guests that
  strongly suggests you want to ensure that they aren't sharing a
  single kernel - ie. Don't choose vserver.
 I know that KVM offers much less respond comparing w/
 vserver. How about Xen? Can I turn the guests on/off on the fly?
   Both Xen and KVM will let you start/stop guests independently of
  each other.
   KVM works as a process, so you just stop it.
   Xen has a lot of magic behind the scenes, but ultimately you can
  do things like list the running guests with xm list, start one
  that is stopped with xm create blah.cfg and stop a running one
  with xm shutdown blah.
 I want them to use for email, web, and do not know if proxy
 is any worth of to put in separate guest? - Nothing special.
   Probably not worth the overhead I'd have thought; historically the
  common squid proxy has had a good security record.
 Ok, what is the best here (relating for my tasks)? - If any
 had experience w/ several of them?
   Best is still going to be a personal preference.  I'd choose KVM,
  then Xen, then vmware then vserver.
 Why nobody says about packaging problem in Debian, net
 interfaces at guests turning off?!
   If you use something like Xen/vmware/kvm you'd not concern yourself
  with the interfaces.  Instead you'd shutdown a guest if you wanted it
  to be unreachable and disabled.
   Leaving it running but dropping the traffic would work, but it would
  be an odd thing to do.  (e.g. it would still run cronjobs and try to
  send email, etc.)
 I guess that KVM takes a lot of overload comparing w/ vserver -
 for for example spam filtering, virus scanning.
   It will take overhead, yes.  But not a lot.
   Certainly a virtual KVM guest can handle spam filtering just fine,
  assuming your setup is sane.  (ie. Make lightweight tests before the
  heavier ones.)
 Debian GNU/Linux System Administration

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lenny backups and recovery

2010-01-14 Thread Adam Hardy
Just recovered from a kernel-not-loading situation, without any data loss and 
happily wondering what I should do now to make sure I don't get the same 
adrenalin shot next time it happens.

I do have a removable usb hard drive for backups, onto which I copy stuff using 
cp -rp *

and I'm wondering how I should copy my linux configuration, and then how I 
restore it too when needed.

Do I just do

cp -rp /etc /media/external

and on recovery, just install all packages and then copy the whole /etc back?

I am looking at
but it was last updated in 2006 so I figure there might be some useful new stuff 
too somewhere.

Also wondering what the lenny installation cd 'rescue mode' does - and whether I 
need a boot floppy with a copy of my partition info?


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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread Michal
ahh idiot. Here is the link

On 14/01/2010 13:30, Michal wrote:
 *Sorry for the top post but this has only to do with the subject*
 I think you should read these posts started with obsd as domU. Someone
 started talking about using OpenBSD with virtulisation and some people
 had some interesting answers. I don't agree with everything said here, I
 use VMware ESXi servers very well and backup/restore is a breeze,
 especially with a change or upgrade you are nervous about (take a
 snapshot, do it, if it breaks revert to snapshot. Can be up and running
 again in a few minutes) but some people had some very good points.
 Take what you wish from these posts, but the OpenBSD devs are very good
 and make some good points even if I don't agree with all of them
 On 14/01/2010 12:44, Steve Kemp wrote:
 On Thu Jan 14, 2010 at 19:32:16 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 I want to separate diver services and make NAT to them - so that
 it be more secure in case if one of them will be hacked - I still

   Right so you want a host which has a public IP (or more than one)
  and each guest will have private IPs on seperate ranges, such that
  they cannot talk to each other?

   That sounds like a good setup.

   If you're going to assume that a machine will be hacked, and then
  assume a kernel bug will come into play on one of the guests that
  strongly suggests you want to ensure that they aren't sharing a
  single kernel - ie. Don't choose vserver.

 I know that KVM offers much less respond comparing w/
 vserver. How about Xen? Can I turn the guests on/off on the fly?

   Both Xen and KVM will let you start/stop guests independently of
  each other.

   KVM works as a process, so you just stop it.

   Xen has a lot of magic behind the scenes, but ultimately you can
  do things like list the running guests with xm list, start one
  that is stopped with xm create blah.cfg and stop a running one
  with xm shutdown blah.

 I want them to use for email, web, and do not know if proxy
 is any worth of to put in separate guest? - Nothing special.

   Probably not worth the overhead I'd have thought; historically the
  common squid proxy has had a good security record.

 Ok, what is the best here (relating for my tasks)? - If any
 had experience w/ several of them?

   Best is still going to be a personal preference.  I'd choose KVM,
  then Xen, then vmware then vserver.

 Why nobody says about packaging problem in Debian, net
 interfaces at guests turning off?!

   If you use something like Xen/vmware/kvm you'd not concern yourself
  with the interfaces.  Instead you'd shutdown a guest if you wanted it
  to be unreachable and disabled.

   Leaving it running but dropping the traffic would work, but it would
  be an odd thing to do.  (e.g. it would still run cronjobs and try to
  send email, etc.)

 I guess that KVM takes a lot of overload comparing w/ vserver -
 for for example spam filtering, virus scanning.

   It will take overhead, yes.  But not a lot.

   Certainly a virtual KVM guest can handle spam filtering just fine,
  assuming your setup is sane.  (ie. Make lightweight tests before the
  heavier ones.)

 Debian GNU/Linux System Administration


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Re: OOo 3 dependency hell in Lenny backports

2010-01-14 Thread Alan Ianson
On Thu, 2010-01-14 at 06:00 -0500, Paul Cartwright wrote:
 On Thu January 14 2010, Zhan wrote:
  For me, I have set backports with the highest priorities, so anything at with a higher version number will be automatically installed.
 I've never used backports. What packages are there that you use/need/want 
 is newer/better than what you get out of Lenny??

I use pidgin and transmission from backports on my lenny install. In the
case of pidgin, the msn protocol has changed recently and broke the
version in lenny (just where msn is concerned).

Backports has come in handy for me a few times in the past.

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Re: OOo 3 dependency hell in Lenny backports

2010-01-14 Thread Lisi
On Thursday 14 January 2010 11:00:06 Paul Cartwright wrote:
 OOo 3 dependency hell in Lenny backports

OOo 3 ??


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Re: Viewing Targa images from blackberry

2010-01-14 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 14:18:23 +0100, Javier Barroso wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 11:51:21 +0100, Javier Barroso wrote:


 In the tarball I can find the images in Folders folder. But I don't
 known how can I convert this to jpeg / png. I can't view this files
 without any viewer I tried (feh, eog , display, xli, gimp ...)

 You can use a command line tool to perform the conversion, such
 convert (I think is part of ImageMagick package).
 $ convert 67688a69\ 0 foto.png
 convert: no decode delegate for this image format `67688a69 0' @
 convert: missing an image filename `foto.png' @
 Or you can first try to convert it online:
 They can't either
 There was a problem converting your file - We attempted to perform the
 conversion you requested from tga to bmp but unfortunately the...

Wow. 2 in 2... they could be right, then :-?

Can you send the original file from the BackBerry to an e-mail account so 
you can test the image in raw, that is, before running barrybackup?

 Try to open another targa (.tga) file and see what happens. It's quite
 possible that files from your BB got corrupted somehow.
 I don't have any tga file, but I will search in internet.

Standard TGA images are correctly displayed with any of the programs you 
tested before (Them Gimp, EoG, gthumb et al). I'd suspect the error comes 
from that specific files: a conversion error or maybe a BB format problem.



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Re: OOo 3 dependency hell in Lenny backports

2010-01-14 Thread Angus Hedger

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Lisi wrote:

 On Thursday 14 January 2010 11:00:06 Paul Cartwright wrote:
  OOo 3 dependency hell in Lenny backports

 OOo 3 ??


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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread Chris Davies
Michal wrote:
 *Sorry for the top post but this has only to do with the subject*

Why not remove the irrelevant stuff from your message?

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Re: OOo 3 dependency hell in Lenny backports

2010-01-14 Thread Jon Dowland
On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 06:00:06AM -0500, Paul Cartwright
 I've never used backports. What packages are there that
 you use/need/want that is newer/better than what you get
 out of Lenny??

The answer to this changes depending on how old stable is.

Description: Digital signature

Failover of gateways

2010-01-14 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi all!

I'm trying to configure Debian GNU/Linux with two alternative gateways.
That is to say, that initially the traffic is by GW1 and if it is down
then it goes by GW2. If GW2 is again up, then it becomes to use GW1.

Somebody was able to implement some configuration of this type and could
help me with it or indicate some reference to me?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Fingerprint: BFB3 08D6 B4D1 31B2 72B9  29CE 6696 BF1B 14E6 1D37
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Lenny - Linux user #188.598

Description: Digital signature

Re: Failover of gateways

2010-01-14 Thread randall

On 01/14/2010 05:06 PM, Daniel Bareiro wrote:

Hi all!

I'm trying to configure Debian GNU/Linux with two alternative gateways.
That is to say, that initially the traffic is by GW1 and if it is down
then it goes by GW2. If GW2 is again up, then it becomes to use GW1.

Somebody was able to implement some configuration of this type and could
help me with it or indicate some reference to me?

Thanks in advance for your replies.


i believe heartbeat is what you are looking for

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Re: Failover of gateways

2010-01-14 Thread Michal
On 14/01/2010 16:06, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
 Hi all!
 I'm trying to configure Debian GNU/Linux with two alternative gateways.
 That is to say, that initially the traffic is by GW1 and if it is down
 then it goes by GW2. If GW2 is again up, then it becomes to use GW1.
 Somebody was able to implement some configuration of this type and could
 help me with it or indicate some reference to me?
 Thanks in advance for your replies.

heartbeat, carp etc etc. It's easy under OpenBSD, I've never done it
with Debian but can't be too different. Basically you want an address
that everything points to which actually is a virtual ip address that is
used by whatever is master.

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Re: lenny backups and recovery

2010-01-14 Thread Robert Brockway

On Thu, 14 Jan 2010, Adam Hardy wrote:

Just recovered from a kernel-not-loading situation, without any data loss and 
happily wondering what I should do now to make sure I don't get the same 
adrenalin shot next time it happens.

Hi Adam. Below are the notes from my talk on backups.  My opinions on this 
topic are forged by 15 years of real world experience including very large 
disaster recoveries (10s of TB) following SAN failures.



IRC: Solver
I tried to change the world but they had a no-return policy

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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread Mark Allums

On 1/14/2010 4:28 AM, Michal wrote:

   You need to say what you're using them for.  Otherwise people who have
  experience with vserver will say it rocks, people who use openvz will
  say that rocks, and people using Xen will say that's even better.

If you are forced to run Windows, the commercial virtualization choices 
might be better---VMware or Virtualbox.  Virtualbox is nice because it 
is rapidly improving all the time and it has an open source free version.

If you are only running Linux or BSD, then Xen, KVM, QEMU-kvm or QEMU 
w/kqemu, vserver, openvz, all have their merits.

Your application will determine which is the best approach.

Mark Allums

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Re: Failover of gateways

2010-01-14 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi, Randal.

On Thursday, 14 January 2010 17:11:53 +0100,
randall wrote:

 I'm trying to configure Debian GNU/Linux with two alternative gateways.
 That is to say, that initially the traffic is by GW1 and if it is down
 then it goes by GW2. If GW2 is again up, then it becomes to use GW1.

 Somebody was able to implement some configuration of this type and could
 help me with it or indicate some reference to me?

 i believe heartbeat is what you are looking for

Mmm... but, according to I know, Heartbeat is for implementing HA
between two physical servers. To which I talked about with GW1 and GW2
is to two Internet providers.

Thanks for your replies.

Fingerprint: BFB3 08D6 B4D1 31B2 72B9  29CE 6696 BF1B 14E6 1D37
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Lenny - Linux user #188.598

Description: Digital signature

Re: Failover of gateways

2010-01-14 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 13:06:29 -0300, Daniel Bareiro wrote:

 I'm trying to configure Debian GNU/Linux with two alternative gateways.
 That is to say, that initially the traffic is by GW1 and if it is down
 then it goes by GW2. If GW2 is again up, then it becomes to use GW1.
 Somebody was able to implement some configuration of this type and could
 help me with it or indicate some reference to me?

There are some docs available out there:

How To: Load Balancing  Failover With Dual/ Multi WAN / ADSL / Cable 
Connections on Linux

Google keyboards: linux+gateway+failover




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Re: Failover of gateways

2010-01-14 Thread randall

On 01/14/2010 05:40 PM, Daniel Bareiro wrote:

Hi, Randal.

On Thursday, 14 January 2010 17:11:53 +0100,
randall wrote:


I'm trying to configure Debian GNU/Linux with two alternative gateways.
That is to say, that initially the traffic is by GW1 and if it is down
then it goes by GW2. If GW2 is again up, then it becomes to use GW1.

Somebody was able to implement some configuration of this type and could
help me with it or indicate some reference to me?


i believe heartbeat is what you are looking for

Mmm... but, according to I know, Heartbeat is for implementing HA
between two physical servers. To which I talked about with GW1 and GW2
is to two Internet providers.

Thanks for your replies.


excuse me, in that case i completely misunderstood you.

but it might still apply ;)

so if i understand correct you have 1 machine and GW1 and GW2 are both 
reachable via the same network interface?

or are both gateways on a separate network interface?

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