dubte en actualitzar skype

2010-02-28 Thread r...@moviments.net

Em dic Carles Ros. Sóc usuari de Debian. No en tinc massa idea i no he
participat mai en un fòrum, o sigui que és força probable que la
pregunta estigui mal plantejada o sigui incomplerta. Demano disculpes
per anticipat.

Tinc Debian Etch (aquí és on suposo que hi ha el primer problema) i amb
les actualitzacions de programari que periòdicament el sistema va fent
soles em va dir que per actualitzar l'skype, primer s'havia de
desinstal·lar. Quan ho vaig fer després no es podia instal·lar. Deia que
necessitava unes versions de certes llibreries que no trobava
(libasound2 libc6 libgcc1 libqt4-core libqt4-gui libsigc++-2.0-0c2a
libstdc++6 libx11-6).

Vaig deduir que es debia a que l'última versió d'skype necessitava
llibreries només disponibles per lenny, y que la meva actitud
prehistòrica de no actualitzar-me i quedar-me a etch era la culpable de

Creieu que el problema pot ser aquest?

En cas que sí, em recomaneu algun tutorial en concret per fer el pas?



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Re: dubte en actualitzar skype

2010-02-28 Thread Marc Olive

El Sunday 28 February 2010 12:07:33 r...@moviments.net va escriure:


 necessitava unes versions de certes llibreries que no trobava
 (libasound2 libc6 libgcc1 libqt4-core libqt4-gui libsigc++-2.0-0c2a
 libstdc++6 libx11-6).

 Vaig deduir que es debia a que l'última versió d'skype necessitava
 llibreries només disponibles per lenny

 Creieu que el problema pot ser aquest?

El problema son les versions de les llibreries, si aquestes versions estan a 
Lenny o no no ho he comprovat pas.

 En cas que sí, em recomaneu algun tutorial en concret per fer el pas?

Per fer el pas només cal editar l'/etc/apt/sources.list canviant etch 
per lenny, acutalitzar normalment i anar a fer un cafè al bar mentrestant 
(o una tila, segons els nervis). Abans de fer-ho mira les llibreries de 
Fer còpia d'arxius de configuració importants que hagis tocat és bona idea, 
pero no sembla el cas.


De res.



Marc Olivé
Grup Blau


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Re: [HS] téléphonie SIP via free et debia n

2010-02-28 Thread François Cerbelle

Mourad Jaber a écrit :

Je débute dans le SIP.
J'aimerai savoir ce que vous me conseillerai comme application simple 
pour utiliser le SIP de free !


Free ne respecte pas la norme SIP et interdit les changements de port 
TCP apres l'authentification, sous pretexte de sécurité (ce qui est en 
partie une illusion de baser la sécurité sur des numéros de port). Ekiga 
implemente SIP en respectant la norme et change parfois de port, ce qui 
fait que tu ne peux pas utiliser Ekiga avant la version 3, me semble t il.

Tu devrais donc pouvoir utiliser la version Sid, Squeeze ou 
Lenny-backports. Je n'avais pas vu qu'elle etait arrivée dans backport 
et je ne l'ai pas encore testée. Mais la version pure lenny ne 
fonctionnera pas.


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Re: Déplacer ma debian de partition

2010-02-28 Thread Cyrille
merci ces réponses,
je réponds à tous ce sera plus simple.
Le déplacement n'est pas si bien passé que cela.
J'ai lancé
dd if=/dev/sda9 of=/dev/sda2 bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror

Mais au reboot, le système a rencontré des problèmes. Il montait sda9 plutôt 
que sda2 et donc envoyait des messages d'erreurs udev

On aurait dit qu'il avait déplacé et non copié ma partition débian.

De plus, l'opération a foiré les UUID de mes partitions. J'ai dû les recréer 
manuellement et mettre à jour fstab.
Après magouilles diverses et variées, je suis retombé sur mes pattes

Il me reste encore une erreur au boot mais qui ne semble pas trop grave puisque 
ça passe, mais elle défile très vite (juste après Loading kernel) et je ne 
la retrouve ni dans dmesg ni dans /var/log/boot
Quelque chose de ce style udev[720] ... /lib/udev/rules.d
ça me parle d'un UUID qu'il ne trouve pas, pourtant j'ai vérifié, ils sont bons.

Bon ce n'est pas très grave ! Mais je suis prévenu

Merci et bon dimanche

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Changer le mot de passe de vino-server

2010-02-28 Thread mickael

Bonjour ,

Je cherche à modifier le mot de passe de vino-server en ligne de 
commande car j'ai oublié mon password. Est-ce possible si oui quel 
fichier le gére ?


Cdt ,

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Re: [HS] Changer le mot de passe de vino-server

2010-02-28 Thread François TOURDE
Le 14668ième jour après Epoch,
mickael écrivait:

 Bonjour ,

 Je cherche à modifier le mot de passe de vino-server en ligne de
 commande car j'ai oublié mon password. Est-ce possible si oui quel
 fichier le gére ?

Premier lien dispo dans google sur la requête vino-server password
change donne ça:


Pour info, la liste n'est pas un proxy pour google, hein?

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Re: [HS] Changer le mot de passe de vino-server

2010-02-28 Thread mickael

François TOURDE wrote:

Le 14668ième jour après Epoch,
mickael écrivait:


Bonjour ,

Je cherche à modifier le mot de passe de vino-server en ligne de
commande car j'ai oublié mon password. Est-ce possible si oui quel
fichier le gére ?

Premier lien dispo dans google sur la requête vino-server password
change donne ça:


Pour info, la liste n'est pas un proxy pour google, hein?


Merci ,
J'ai vraiment manqué de googleisme sur ce coup . :'(

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Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread Michelle Konzack

j'ai un system telephonie Numeris Elmec C46XE que marcher  parfait  avec
la France Telecom et trois lignes ISDN. Meme mes 3  telephones  analogic
que utiliser un  branchement  RJ25  (6p6c)  et  marcher  avec  tout  les
telephones francais (acheter à la France Telecom) et allemandes

Maintenant je brancher un Telephone sur ma Freebox et rien marcher.

Il est possibel, Free utiliser leur propre merde NON-STANDARD?

J'ai le meme problem, si je brancher la Freebox avec un  Kabel  standard
sur mon serveur Freeswitch/Asterisk...  Aucun signal.

Le Câble est exactement comme sur


Pinout RJ25 except, les coleurs sont non standard dans mon Câbel.

1   =   blanc
2   =   noir
3   =   vert
4   =   yaune
5   =   gris
6   =   rouge

Quelle sont ls contacts utiliser par la Freebox?

Et en suite, je esseye du configure mon serveur  FreeSWITCH/Asterisk  du
connecter sur le serveur SIP de Free, mais ça marcher pas.

Il y a quelqun avec un config que marche?

Je besoin l'installation FreeSWITCH/Asterisk sur plusieures posted, caus
des persones aveugle que peu pas telephoner normal.

L'aide de Free est moin comme /dev/null.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
http://www.tamay-dogan.net/ Michelle Konzack
http://www.can4linux.org/   Apt. 917
http://www.flexray4linux.org/   50, rue de Soultz
Jabber linux4miche...@jabber.ccc.de   67100 Strabourg/France
IRC#Debian (irc.icq.com)  Tel. DE: +49 177 9351947
ICQ#328449886 Tel. FR: +33  6  61925193

Description: Digital signature

Re: [HS] téléphonie SIP via free et debia n

2010-02-28 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

François Cerbelle a écrit :

Mourad Jaber a écrit :

Je débute dans le SIP.
J'aimerai savoir ce que vous me conseillerai comme application simple 
pour utiliser le SIP de free !



Free ne respecte pas la norme SIP et interdit les changements de port TCP
Rectificatif: le SIP c'est de l' UDP  ;-) et le port est le 5060 ce que 
respecte la Freephonie. Quel est alors le problème? Je ne sais d'ou vous 
tenez ces informations mais elles sont erronées.
apres l'authentification, sous pretexte de sécurité (ce qui est en 
partie une illusion de baser la sécurité sur des numéros de port). 
Ekiga implemente SIP en respectant la norme et change parfois de port, 
ce qui fait que tu ne peux pas utiliser Ekiga avant la version 3, me 
semble t il.
J' ai utilisé Ekiga il y a fort longtemps avec la Freephonie, sans 
problème aucun. Je viens d'enregistrer un téléphone IP sur un compte 
Freephonie, c'est parfaitement fonctionnel.

Il existe pléthore logiciels SIP voir ici 
http://www.venturevoip.com/news.php?rssid=2188 même si cette liste date.



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Re: Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Michelle Konzack a écrit :



j'ai un system telephonie Numeris Elmec C46XE que marcher  parfait  avec
la France Telecom et trois lignes ISDN. Meme mes 3  telephones  analogic
que utiliser un  branchement  RJ25  (6p6c)  et  marcher  avec  tout  les
telephones francais (acheter à la France Telecom) et allemandes

Maintenant je brancher un Telephone sur ma Freebox et rien marcher.

Il est possibel, Free utiliser leur propre merde NON-STANDARD?

Non, ce sont des connexions standards, le protocole utilisé en interne
est du MGCP. J' utilise des Alcatel ou Siemens sur les Freebox, pas de

Et en suite, je esseye du configure mon serveur  FreeSWITCH/Asterisk  du
connecter sur le serveur SIP de Free, mais ça marcher pas.

Il y a quelqun avec un config que marche?

CLI sip show registry
freephonie:5060   MonIdentifiant1785
Registered   Sun, 28 Feb 2010 13:08:48


register = MonIdentifiant:MonMotDePasse@freephonie/MonIdentifiant



exten = MonIdentifiant,1,NoOp(Incoming FREEPHONIE call)
exten = MonIdentifiant,n,NoOp(Suite du dialplan)



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Re: [HS]Debian et capteur biométrique

2010-02-28 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 08:39:20AM +0100, Grégory Bulot wrote:
 N'ayant pas pratiqué sous Linux avec capteur d'empreinte, je te
 conseillerais, s'il est auto alimenté par le port USB, d'utiliser un
 port de la carte mère

Ne faut-il pas de toute façon que toute la connectique du
lecteur soit protégée et à l'intérieur de l'ordinateur,
faute de quoi l'ordinateur ne peut pas être sûr de parler au


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Re: Problème réseau

2010-02-28 Thread Sani

Désolé pour la réponse tardive. Depuis ce problème, j'ai téléchargé le cd 
testing et j'ai donc installé Squeeze.

Pendant le processus d'installation, il m'a bien trouvé la configuration réseau 
grâce DHCP. Après le premier démarrage, pas de problèmes. Il me trouve toujours 
le réseau. J'éteins ma machine et je redémarre. Et là, plus de réseau. Il ne 
contacte pas le serveur DHCP. Sincèrement, c'est à n'y rien comprendre.

Je t'envoie ce que tu m'as demandé :

 - ifconfig eth0

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:26:22:f8:94:1f  
  adr inet6: fe80::226:22ff:fef8:941f/64 Scope:Lien
  RX packets:23 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:65 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 lg file transmission:1000 
  RX bytes:2790 (2.7 KiB)  TX bytes:15894 (15.5 KiB)
  Interruption:28 Adresse de base:0xe000 

 - cat /etc/network/interfaces

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

 - route -n

La table de routage est vide.

 - cat /etc/resolv.conf

search mshome.net
domaine mshome.net

 - cat /etc/hosts   localhost   debian.mshome.net   debian

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

 - cat /etc/hostname


Une fois que la machine est démarrée, vu que la commande ifconfig montre bien 
que je n'ai pas d'adresse ip, je tape sudo ifup eth0 et j'ai toujours le même 
message :
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.1.1
Copyright 2004-2008 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/

Listening on LPF/eth0/00:26:22:f8:94:1f
on   LPF/eth0/00:26:22:f8:94:1f
Sending on   Socket/fallback
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67
interval 8
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67
interval 11
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67
interval 12
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67
interval 13
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67
interval 15
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67
interval 2
No DHCPOFFERS received.
No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.

Là, ce que je ne comprends vraiment pas, c'est qu'il a fonctionné une première 
fois. Pourquoi ca ne fonctionne plus par la suite ?

Merci pour votre aide.


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Re: [HS] téléphonie SIP via free et debia n

2010-02-28 Thread François Cerbelle

Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :

Free ne respecte pas la norme SIP et interdit les changements de port TCP
Rectificatif: le SIP c'est de l' UDP  ;-) et le port est le 5060 ce que 
respecte la Freephonie. Quel est alors le problème? Je ne sais d'ou vous 
tenez ces informations mais elles sont erronées.
Désole pour l'erreur TCP/UDP,par contre, dans la négociation SIP, il y a 
une authentification, puis une suite. Le port n'est pas forcement le 
5060, mais peut bouger, pour la suite, 5061, 5062, ... même si 
l'authentification a eu lieu sur le port 5060. Ce n'est pas bloqué par 
la norme. Ekiga suivant cette norme ne bloquait pas la suite des 
dialogues sur le port ayant servi à faire l'authentification, alors que 
Free filtre à partir du moment où l'authentification a ete effectuée.

La mise en oeuvre de cela a été confirmée par des personnes de Free, et 
tu pourras trouver tous les détails en demandant à Google Ekiga Free SIP.
Sinon, tu peux aussi essayer un Ekiga antérieur à la version 3 et un 
Ekiga postérieur à la version 3 et tu devrais le constater toi meme. Car 
c'est à la version 3 que l'auteur a trouvé le temps d'implémenter un 
correctif spécifique pour les Francais utilisant Free.


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Re: Problème réseau

2010-02-28 Thread Sani

Je viens d'installer Squeeze avec le noyau 2.6.32-trunk-amd64. J'ai eu un 
message lors de l'installation me disant qu'il faut installer des firmwares 
dans la section non-free. J'ai vu qu'il y avait de la documentation à ce sujet. 
Il faut que je la lise.

Néanmoins, lors de la procédure d'installation, la carte réseau a bien reçu une 
adresse ip par la machine XP. Lors du premier démarrage également. C'set après 
que les choses se gâtent.

Pour ta question : utilises-tu KDE ou GNOME? network-manager?

Pour l'instant, aucun des trois. Vu que je n'ai pas installé de serveur X.

Merci pour tout.


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Re: [HS]Debian et capteur biométrique

2010-02-28 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sun, 28 Feb 2010 08:39:20 +0100
Grégory Bulot debian.list200...@batman.dyndns.org a écrit:

 Gaëtan PERRIER gaetan.perr...@neuf.fr à écrit le Sun, 28 Feb 2010
 02:09:28 +0100
  Existe-t-il des solutions pour gérer un capteur biométrique (lecteur
  empreinte sur un portable) sous Debian ?
 N'ayant pas pratiqué sous Linux avec capteur d'empreinte, je te
 conseillerais, s'il est auto alimenté par le port USB, d'utiliser un
 port de la carte mère
 Ou Si carte d'extension ne brancher que cet appareil sur cette carte
 J'en ai installé pas mal l'année dernière, tout autre solution donne
 un fonctionnement erratique de l'appareil (je te vois, je te vois
 plus ...)

Comme je le disais c'est sur un portable, donc tout est intégré ...


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Re: [HS]Debian et capteur biométrique

2010-02-28 Thread Grégory Bulot
Gaëtan PERRIER gaetan.perr...@neuf.fr à écrit le Sun, 28 Feb 2010
14:11:41 +0100

 Comme je le disais c'est sur un portable, donc tout est intégré ...

Ooops désolé d'avoir lu en diagonale (je m'auto rassure en me disant
que mon info servira un jour )


Grégory BULOT

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Re: [HS] téléphonie SIP via free et debia n

2010-02-28 Thread daniel huhardeaux

François Cerbelle a écrit :

Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :

Free ne respecte pas la norme SIP et interdit les changements de 
port TCP
Rectificatif: le SIP c'est de l' UDP  ;-) et le port est le 5060 ce 
que respecte la Freephonie. Quel est alors le problème? Je ne sais 
d'ou vous tenez ces informations mais elles sont erronées.
Désole pour l'erreur TCP/UDP,par contre, dans la négociation SIP, il y 
a une authentification, puis une suite. Le port n'est pas forcement le 
5060, mais peut bouger, pour la suite, 5061, 5062, ... même si 
l'authentification a eu lieu sur le port 5060. Ce n'est pas bloqué par 
la norme. Ekiga suivant cette norme ne bloquait pas la suite des 
dialogues sur le port ayant servi à faire l'authentification, alors 
que Free filtre à partir du moment où l'authentification a ete effectuée.

La mise en oeuvre de cela a été confirmée par des personnes de Free, 
et tu pourras trouver tous les détails en demandant à Google Ekiga 
Free SIP.
Sinon, tu peux aussi essayer un Ekiga antérieur à la version 3 et un 
Ekiga postérieur à la version 3 et tu devrais le constater toi meme. 
Car c'est à la version 3 que l'auteur a trouvé le temps d'implémenter 
un correctif spécifique pour les Francais utilisant Free.
Dans ce cas tu parles d'un problème spécifique à Ekiga, ce qui est 
confirmé par http://www.freephonie.org/doku/tutoriel:ekiga qui propose 
d'utiliser XLite, un autre softphone qui n'a pas le problème.

Je ne rentrerai pas dans la discussion de savoir qui a raison et qui a 
tord ;-)


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Re: Problème réseau

2010-02-28 Thread Sani

Finalement, vu que je n'arrive pas à résoudre ce problème en dhcp, j'ai décidé 
de tout passer en statique.

- /etc/network/interfaces
iface eth0 inet static

En faisant sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart, les routes se sont créés toutes 
seules. Je pinge bien ma passerelle

Il ne me restait plus qu'à entrer les adresses des serveurs DNS dans le fichier 

Et ça marche !!! C'est dommage que je ne comprenne pas le problème par le DHCP. 
Mais je ne peux pas trop perdre de temps sur ça !

Merci à tous



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Re: Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread Michelle Konzack

Am 2010-02-28 13:44:59, schrieb Daniel Huhardeaux:
 Michelle Konzack a écrit :
 Il est possibel, Free utiliser leur propre merde NON-STANDARD?
 Non, ce sont des connexions standards, le protocole utilisé en interne
 est du MGCP. J' utilise des Alcatel ou Siemens sur les Freebox, pas de

J'ai que des Siemens.

Actuellement le SIP es desactiver, et il ya aucun  signal  sur  le  port
analogique (j'utiliser un Oscilloscope HM2008 pour la verification)

Il es possibel, l'activation de port analogique est caseé?

 Il y a quelqun avec un config que marche?
 CLI sip show registry
 freephonie:5060   MonIdentifiant1785
 Registered   Sun, 28 Feb 2010 13:08:48
 register = MonIdentifiant:MonMotDePasse@freephonie/MonIdentifiant
 exten = MonIdentifiant,1,NoOp(Incoming FREEPHONIE call)
 exten = MonIdentifiant,n,NoOp(Suite du dialplan)

Je desactiver la freephonie par Wifi  dans  le  Freebox,  installer  ton
config avec mes donées et redemarer asterisk sans success.

I reçu des timeout

Hmmm, quelqun avec un config pur KPhone?  timeout aussi.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
http://www.tamay-dogan.net/ Michelle Konzack
http://www.can4linux.org/   Apt. 917
http://www.flexray4linux.org/   50, rue de Soultz
Jabber linux4miche...@jabber.ccc.de   67100 Strabourg/France
IRC#Debian (irc.icq.com)  Tel. DE: +49 177 9351947
ICQ#328449886 Tel. FR: +33  6  61925193

Description: Digital signature

Re: Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread daniel huhardeaux

Michelle Konzack a écrit :


Il es possibel, l'activation de port analogique est caseé?

C'est du matériel alors oui, c'est possible.

Je desactiver la freephonie par Wifi  dans  le  Freebox,  installer  ton
config avec mes donées et redemarer asterisk sans success.

I reçu des timeout

Hmmm, quelqun avec un config pur KPhone?  timeout aussi.


Essaye le script ci joint.

d...@listryx:~sip_ping.pl freephonie.net
freephonie.net est en fonctionnement

Si tu n'as pas cela, il y a un problème.

Essaye aussi avec une autre Freebox.


Description: Perl program

Re: Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Michelle Konzack a écrit :
 J'ai que des Siemens.
 Actuellement le SIP es desactiver, et il ya aucun  signal  sur  le  port
 analogique (j'utiliser un Oscilloscope HM2008 pour la verification)
 Il es possibel, l'activation de port analogique est caseé?

Si mes souvenirs de free (2006) sont bons, il-y-a un certain temps
entre ton activation du SIP et sa présence réelle (qq chose comme 48/72H

 Je desactiver la freephonie par Wifi  dans  le  Freebox,  installer  ton
 config avec mes donées et redemarer asterisk sans success.
 I reçu des timeout

Il faut aussi penser a rebooter la box *à chaque fois* que tu changes le
device branché sur sa prise téléphonique parce qu'elle effectue une
mesure de la résistance de ligne et s'y auto-adapte; ce qui peut 
évidemment poser des problèmes en cas de mesures disparates.
The perfect lover is one who turns into a pizza at 4:00 A.M.
-- Charles Pierce

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Re: Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread Michelle Konzack

Am 2010-02-28 15:52:21, schrieb daniel huhardeaux:
 Essaye le script ci joint.
 d...@listryx:~sip_ping.pl freephonie.net
 freephonie.net est en fonctionnement

OK, ça marcher, mais pourqou les timeout sut Asterisket et KPhone?

 Essaye aussi avec une autre Freebox.

Hmmm, Asterisk et KPhone utiliser pas le Freebox.


Si je suis en KPhone j'ai

1)  Prenom/Nome utilisateur
2)  Partie utilisateur de SIP-URL
3)  Partie hos de SIP-URL
4)  Proxy
5)  Nome de authentification
6)  q-Value (0.0 to 1.0)

Sous 2) il est mon numero telephone de  Free  (0952..)  ou  l'ancien
numero telephone de FT (0388..) que est meme l'identifient?

Sous 3) il est que freephnie.net ou freephnie.net/0388..?

Sous 5) il est encore un fous le 0952.

Je esseyer tout les posibilitees et il  marcher  pas.  KPhone  ouvre  un
dialog pur le mot depasse, mais il y a un timeut

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
http://www.tamay-dogan.net/ Michelle Konzack
http://www.can4linux.org/   Apt. 917
http://www.flexray4linux.org/   50, rue de Soultz
Jabber linux4miche...@jabber.ccc.de   67100 Strabourg/France
IRC#Debian (irc.icq.com)  Tel. DE: +49 177 9351947
ICQ#328449886 Tel. FR: +33  6  61925193

Description: Digital signature

Re: [HS]Debian et capteur biométrique

2010-02-28 Thread VINZIO Maxime
Il y a également fprint sous ubuntu, assez facile à configurer.


Le site officiel :


La compilation manuelle marche sous debian, mais il faudra peut-être faire
une manip en fonction de ton capteur biométrique.

c'est un authentec ? ce serait sympa de fournir un petit lsusb :) ou la spec
du capteur (si vous avez déjà le portable).


negatif scanner

2010-02-28 Thread philippe L

Je recherche des infos pour scanner des negatifs photo noir et blanc en 62
*94 mm !
quel scanner ?
Comment obtenir un beau rendu ?



Re: [HS]Debian et capteur biométrique

2010-02-28 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sun, 28 Feb 2010 16:45:08 +0100
VINZIO Maxime maxime.vin...@gmail.com a écrit:

 Il y a également fprint sous ubuntu, assez facile à configurer.
 Le site officiel :
 La compilation manuelle marche sous debian, mais il faudra peut-être
 faire une manip en fonction de ton capteur biométrique.
 c'est un authentec ? ce serait sympa de fournir un petit lsusb :) ou
 la spec du capteur (si vous avez déjà le portable).

suffit de demander! ;)

C'est un SGS Thomson:

lsusb -v -d0483:

Bus 007 Device 002: ID 0483:2016 SGS Thomson Microelectronics
Fingerprint Reader Device Descriptor:
  bDescriptorType 1
  bcdUSB   1.00
  bDeviceClass0 (Defined at Interface level)
  bDeviceSubClass 0 
  bDeviceProtocol 0 
  bMaxPacketSize0 8
  idVendor   0x0483 SGS Thomson Microelectronics
  idProduct  0x2016 Fingerprint Reader
  iManufacturer   1 STMicroelectronics
  iProduct2 Biometric Coprocessor
  iSerial 0 
  bNumConfigurations  1
  Configuration Descriptor:
bLength 9
bDescriptorType 2
wTotalLength   39
bNumInterfaces  1
bConfigurationValue 1
iConfiguration  0 
bmAttributes 0xa0
  (Bus Powered)
  Remote Wakeup
MaxPower  100mA
Interface Descriptor:
  bLength 9
  bDescriptorType 4
  bAlternateSetting   0
  bNumEndpoints   3
  bInterfaceClass   255 Vendor Specific Class
  bInterfaceSubClass  0 
  bInterfaceProtocol  0 
  iInterface  0 
  Endpoint Descriptor:
bLength 7
bDescriptorType 5
bEndpointAddress 0x81  EP 1 IN
  Transfer TypeBulk
  Synch Type   None
  Usage Type   Data
wMaxPacketSize 0x0040  1x 64 bytes
bInterval   0
  Endpoint Descriptor:
bLength 7
bDescriptorType 5
bEndpointAddress 0x02  EP 2 OUT
  Transfer TypeBulk
  Synch Type   None
  Usage Type   Data
wMaxPacketSize 0x0040  1x 64 bytes
bInterval   0
  Endpoint Descriptor:
bLength 7
bDescriptorType 5
bEndpointAddress 0x83  EP 3 IN
  Transfer TypeInterrupt
  Synch Type   None
  Usage Type   Data
wMaxPacketSize 0x0004  1x 4 bytes
bInterval  20
Device Status: 0x
  (Bus Powered)


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Re: Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Michelle Konzack a écrit :
 Am 2010-02-28 15:52:21, schrieb daniel huhardeaux:
 Essaye le script ci joint.

 d...@listryx:~sip_ping.pl freephonie.net
 freephonie.net est en fonctionnement
 OK, ça marcher, mais pourqou les timeout sut Asterisket et KPhone?
 Essaye aussi avec une autre Freebox.
 Hmmm, Asterisk et KPhone utiliser pas le Freebox.
 Si je suis en KPhone j'ai
 1)  Prenom/Nome utilisateur
 2)  Partie utilisateur de SIP-URL
 3)  Partie hos de SIP-URL
 4)  Proxy
 5)  Nome de authentification
 6)  q-Value (0.0 to 1.0)
 Sous 2) il est mon numero telephone de  Free  (0952..)  ou  l'ancien
 numero telephone de FT (0388..) que est meme l'identifient?

Rien ne dépend de ft; ça donne donc:
register = 095200:monmotdepa...@freephonie/095200

 Sous 3) il est que freephnie.net ou freephnie.net/0388..?

V. ci-dessus (ET c'est freephonie.net)

également (et si je me rappelle bien), il faut un client capable d'imposer
le port 5060 pour SIP.

We'll be recording at the Paradise Friday night.  Live, on the Death label.
-- Swan, Phantom of the Paradise

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Re: Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Michelle Konzack a écrit :

Ceci a l'air intéressant (et il n'est pas fait mention du .../identifiant,
c'est, peut-être, la raison du timeout):
Dawn, n.:
The time when men of reason go to bed.
-- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

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Re: Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Michelle Konzack a écrit :


Am 2010-02-28 15:52:21, schrieb daniel huhardeaux:

Essaye le script ci joint.

d...@listryx:~sip_ping.pl freephonie.net
freephonie.net est en fonctionnement

OK, ça marcher, mais pourqou les timeout sut Asterisket et KPhone?

Sont ils sur le même réseau de la freebox?

Essaye aussi avec une autre Freebox.

Hmmm, Asterisk et KPhone utiliser pas le Freebox.
J en epeux pas le deviner (avec un boitier ATA tu pourrasi le faire). De 
plus tu as deux problemes: un avec le telephone connecte sur la Freebox 
(d'ou ma proposition de tester avec une autre Freebox), l'autre avec la 


Si je suis en KPhone j'ai

1)  Prenom/Nome utilisateur
2)  Partie utilisateur de SIP-URL
3)  Partie hos de SIP-URL
4)  Proxy
5)  Nome de authentification
6)  q-Value (0.0 to 1.0)

Sous 2) il est mon numero telephone de  Free  (0952..)  ou  l'ancien
numero telephone de FT (0388..) que est meme l'identifient?


Sous 3) il est que freephnie.net ou freephnie.net/0388..?
Reprend mon schema du message precedent, si tu ne mets pas /0952xx 
les appels entrant iront vers l'extensio s de ton incoming-free

exten = s,1,NoOp(Incoming FREEPHONIE call)

au lieu de

exten = 0952xx,1,NoOp(Incoming FREEPHONIE call)

J'utilise la seconde solution comme tu as pu le voir dans ma config du 
message precedent

Je esseyer tout les posibilitees et il  marcher  pas.  KPhone  ouvre  un
dialog pur le mot depasse, mais il y a un timeut
Si tu as teste le scrip sip_ping.pl sur le *meme* reseau que ton client 
kphone, alors c'est le client kphone qui a un soucis. Je l'avais teste 
mais il ne me plaisait pas a cause de problemes reseau, c'etait il y a 
quelques annees.

Essaye avec Zoiperhttp://www.zoiper.com/ ou avec un telephone IP.


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Re: [HS] téléphonie SIP via free et debia n

2010-02-28 Thread François Cerbelle

daniel huhardeaux a écrit :
Dans ce cas tu parles d'un problème spécifique à Ekiga, ce qui est 
confirmé par http://www.freephonie.org/doku/tutoriel:ekiga qui propose 
d'utiliser XLite, un autre softphone qui n'a pas le problème.

Je ne rentrerai pas dans la discussion de savoir qui a raison et qui a 
tord ;-)

Peu importe, le message important est que Ekiga 2 (celui de lenny) 
risque ne pas fonctionner. Il faut au moins le Ekiga 3 (backporté, ou 
squeeze ou sid).

Je donnais cette information car la question ne précisait pas la version 
de Debian utilisée.


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Re: Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread daniel huhardeaux

Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit :

Michelle Konzack a écrit :

Ceci a l'air intéressant (et il n'est pas fait mention du .../identifiant,
c'est, peut-être, la raison du timeout):

Le sujet date ;-)

La configuration que j'ai publiée dans un message précédent est celle 
utilisée dans plusieurs asterisk (1.4 et 1.6) et qui est fonctionnelle. 
De plus, si Kphone -qui ne passe PAS par asterisk- a le même soucis, le 
problème est autre.


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Re: [squeeze] activer le tap du touchpad

2010-02-28 Thread Cyrille
   Et non, je ne ferais pas de remarque désobligeante sur la
   configurabilité de Gnome. On n’est pas encore vendredi…
  Sans lancer de troll tu lui préfères quel environnement ?
  Peut-être est il temps que je découvre autre chose.
   Je ne dirai leKel K’un vendredi ;oP

Vendredi est passé et ... 
(ai profité du w-end pour passé sous SID alors pourquoi pas changer de X aussi 

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[Info] rsyslog kernel xen-amd64

2010-02-28 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le correctif concernant les messages kern.* pour les noyaux xen-amd64
devrait paraître dans la prochaine mise à jour de sécurité pour Lenny.


A.E.L. Sarl (R.C.S CASTRES 490843240)

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Re: [HS] Debian et capteur biométrique

2010-02-28 Thread François Cerbelle

Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :

Existe-t-il des solutions pour gérer un capteur biométrique (lecteur
empreinte sur un portable) sous Debian ?

Pour ceux que ca intéresse, je vous invite à regarder la video suivante, 
disponible aussi en tutoriels sur differents sites :


Vrai ou pas ? Je ne sais pas, mais le doute est là.


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Re: Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
daniel huhardeaux a écrit :

 Le sujet date ;-)

Wai, c'est bien ce qui me semblait, mais la trame reste à peu près bonne,
et le thread s'étend jusqu'en 2009 :)

 La configuration que j'ai publiée dans un message précédent est celle
 utilisée dans plusieurs asterisk (1.4 et 1.6) et qui est fonctionnelle.
 De plus, si Kphone -qui ne passe PAS par asterisk- a le même soucis, le
 problème est autre.

D'accord avec toi:
1- Faire fonctionner le circuit interne (sur ATA ou Ctes diverses) correctement,
2- Une fois seulement que l'interne est fonctionnel, passer aux sorties.

Sinon, il me semble qu'on peut aussi s'identifer par un certificat free,
mais bon, ça serait ptêt compliquer inutilement la chose.

Rugby is a game played by men with peculiarly shaped balls.

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Re: [HS] Debian et capteur biométrique

2010-02-28 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

François Cerbelle a écrit :

Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :

Existe-t-il des solutions pour gérer un capteur biométrique (lecteur
empreinte sur un portable) sous Debian ?

Pour ceux que ca intéresse, je vous invite à regarder la video 
suivante, disponible aussi en tutoriels sur differents sites :


Vrai ou pas ? Je ne sais pas, mais le doute est là.

C'est vrai.

Les lecteurs d'empreintes digitaux pro utilisés pour l'identification 
(pointeuse, acces de zone, etc ...) ont tous soit un code associé à 
l'empreinte et/ou une lecture aléatoire (par ex une fois l'index, une 
fois le majeur, ...) et/ou une touche de fonction (ex: je 
m'identifie+touche pour entrer dans la salle). Ils sont également 
reliés à un serveur qui vérifie que l'empreinte peut accéder à ce 
lecteur et à cette fonction.

Sur un portable, je considère le lecteur d'empreinte comme un gadget :-)


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Re: [HS] Debian et capteur biométrique

2010-02-28 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :
 Sur un portable, je considère le lecteur d'empreinte comme un gadget :-)
Sauf si tu utilises le graphe représentant ton empreinte comme partie de
la clé d'encodage :D

Jesus Saves! (And Esposito scores on the rebound!)

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[1/2 SOLVED] Re: Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread Michelle Konzack

Am 2010-02-28 17:31:47, schrieb daniel huhardeaux:
 Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit :
 Michelle Konzack a écrit :
 Ceci a l'air intéressant (et il n'est pas fait mention du .../identifiant,
 c'est, peut-être, la raison du timeout):
 Le sujet date ;-)
 La configuration que j'ai publiée dans un message précédent est
 celle utilisée dans plusieurs asterisk (1.4 et 1.6) et qui est
 fonctionnelle. De plus, si Kphone -qui ne passe PAS par asterisk- a
 le même soucis, le problème est autre.

Asterisk et KPhone marcher pas encore, MAIS apres un dixaine redemarages
de Freebox le port analogique marcher magiquement...

Pour le moment je brancher la ligne analogique sur un port de  ma  carte
Digium...  et ça marcher, mais tres chére!

Mon reseax es tres courieux parce je suis à Goldscheuer (pre de Kehl  en
Allemaagne) et je utiliser un WP04 (Wifi SIP-Phone;  ~tel  portable)  et
deux telephones analogique brancher sur mon  system  Telephonie  numeris
T-Concept Xi721 (Telecom Allemand) que est brancher vers une FritzCard
sur mon routeur1.

Le routeur1 se brancher sous utilisation d'un reseaux WaveLAN  5,8 GHz
(Alvarion BreezeACCESS VL) sur une distance de 8 km sur  mon  routeur2
à Strasbourg ou j'ai le serveur voip sur une autre machine.  Ici  j'ai
la carte Digium que est brancher avec n cable 2 files sur le Freebox...

Latenz est environmen 380ms.  :-D

Je suis en train du eleminer tout les installation ANALOGIQUE et NUMERIS
mais le ALSA marcher pas sur mon ordi, exactement, xmms, audacity et
vlc plus mplayer  marcher,  MAIS  pas  SIP-Communicator,  Flash,
rplayd et possibel KPhone.  oss-compatibiity est installer.

Quelque idees?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
http://www.tamay-dogan.net/ Michelle Konzack
http://www.can4linux.org/   Apt. 917
http://www.flexray4linux.org/   50, rue de Soultz
Jabber linux4miche...@jabber.ccc.de   67100 Strabourg/France
IRC#Debian (irc.icq.com)  Tel. DE: +49 177 9351947
ICQ#328449886 Tel. FR: +33  6  61925193

Description: Digital signature

Re: [1/2 SOLVED] Re: Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Michelle Konzack a écrit :
 Asterisk et KPhone marcher pas encore, MAIS apres un dixaine redemarages
 de Freebox le port analogique marcher magiquement...

C'est toujours ça de pris :)
(mais si tu as redémarrée 5 fois d'affilée assez rapidement, il se peut
que cela ait effectué une remise à zéro du firmware (version d'origine))

 Mon reseax es tres courieux parce je suis à Goldscheuer (pre de Kehl  en
 Allemaagne) et je utiliser un WP04 (Wifi SIP-Phone;  ~tel  portable)  et
 deux telephones analogique brancher sur mon  system  Telephonie  numeris
 T-Concept Xi721 (Telecom Allemand) que est brancher vers une FritzCard
 sur mon routeur1.
 Le routeur1 se brancher sous utilisation d'un reseaux WaveLAN  5,8 GHz
 (Alvarion BreezeACCESS VL) sur une distance de 8 km sur  mon  routeur2
 à Strasbourg ou j'ai le serveur voip sur une autre machine.  Ici  j'ai
 la carte Digium que est brancher avec n cable 2 files sur le Freebox...

A vérifier si fréquences et puissance sont compatible avec la législation fr
(et surtout le trans-frontière, sauf si tu as une license pro le permettant)
 Latenz est environmen 380ms.  :-D

Normal, c'est dû au WaveLAN; avec tes specs il est peu vraisemblable que tu
descendes en-dessous des 300ms.

 Je suis en train du eleminer tout les installation ANALOGIQUE et NUMERIS
 mais le ALSA marcher pas sur mon ordi, exactement, xmms, audacity et
 vlc plus mplayer  marcher,  MAIS  pas  SIP-Communicator,  Flash,
 rplayd et possibel KPhone.  oss-compatibiity est installer.
 Quelque idees?

cat fichier_~10KB /dev/dsp   doit donner ~3 secondes de bruit;
alsamixergui te permettra (si ALSA est fonctionnel) de voir si certaines
voies sont off.

à noter: pas sûr qu'asterisk supporte PulseAudio à ce jour (?)

Don't drink when you drive -- you might hit a bump and spill it.

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Re: [1/2 SOLVED] Re: Problem avec Freebox (SIP-Asterisk/Freeswitch et Telephone)

2010-02-28 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Michelle Konzack a écrit :

Le routeur1 se brancher sous utilisation d'un reseaux WaveLAN  5,8 GHz
(Alvarion BreezeACCESS VL) sur une distance de 8 km sur  mon  routeur2
à Strasbourg ou j'ai le serveur voip sur une autre machine.  Ici  j'ai
la carte Digium que est brancher avec n cable 2 files sur le Freebox...

Latenz est environmen 380ms.  :-D
Ton serveur Asterisk étant à Strasbourg ton setup Kehl  Strasbourg ne 
joue pas. On ne sait donc toujours pas pourquoi ton Asterisk ne se 
connecte pas à la Freephonie.

Concernant KPhone: tu essayes de te connecter sur ton compte Freephonie 
ou sur ton Asterisk? Si c'est sur le compte Freephonie la latence de 380 
ms peut jouer. Essaye de jouer avec les règlages de Kphone. Mais comme 
ton asterisk a les mêmes symptomes, je suppose un autre problème. As tu 
essayer de t'enregistrer en SIP et en IAX sur ton Asterisk pour valider 
le bon fonctionnement de tes clients SIP/IAX?

Es tu vraiment sûre de tes identifiants Free? (numéro de téléphone et 
mot de passe). Vérifie aussi que le SIP est toujours activé sur ton 
interface Free. N'hésite pas à y aller à coup de tshark pour voir les 
paquets SIP entre Asterisk/Kphone et Freephonie.

Les cartes ISDN n'entrent pas dans le schéma, je suppose que tu utilises 
un ADSL T-Kom ou autre pour te connecter à Strasbourg

Je suis en train du eleminer tout les installation ANALOGIQUE et NUMERIS
mais le ALSA marcher pas sur mon ordi, exactement, xmms, audacity et
vlc plus mplayer  marcher,  MAIS  pas  SIP-Communicator,  Flash,
rplayd et possibel KPhone.  oss-compatibiity est installer.

Quelque idees?

Ca c'est un nouveau problème. Vérifie quel serveur de son est utilisé 
par xmms et ses copains et reproduit le schéma dans les autres applications.


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Re: [HS] téléphonie SIP via free et debia n

2010-02-28 Thread Kenny


Tu peux aussi essayer sip communicator (http://sip-communicator.org/)
C'est un petit nouveau, mais je le trouve excellent.

Ils sont très actifs et on a des mises à jour quasi journalières mais on 
sent que ça avance..

Par contre, je n'ai aucune expérience free.


giggz wrote:

Mourad Jaber a écrit :


Je débute dans le SIP.
J'aimerai savoir ce que vous me conseillerai comme application simple
pour utiliser le SIP de free !




j'ai utilisé linphone pendant un moment. ça a très bien marché. mais il
y a qqs temps en SID j'avais des problèmes de connection. Je n'ai jamais
su si ça venait de linphone ou alors des site de voip. c'est du
graphique gtk.


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Re: negatif scanner

2010-02-28 Thread bernard . schoenacker
Selon philippe L pti...@gmail.com:


 Je recherche des infos pour scanner des negatifs photo noir et blanc en 62
 *94 mm !
 quel scanner ?
 Comment obtenir un beau rendu ?




pourrais tu réaliser une boite à lumière sur le principe des
passe vues pour diapo ?


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[HS] Re: negatif scanner

2010-02-28 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sun, 28 Feb 2010 16:54:42 +0100
philippe L pti...@gmail.com a écrit:

 Je recherche des infos pour scanner des negatifs photo noir et blanc en 62
 *94 mm !
 quel scanner ?
 Comment obtenir un beau rendu ?

Même si on est loin de Debian, je dirais que tout dépend du prix que tu veux y
mettre ?

Pour un prix raisonnable regarde du côté des V500 et supérieurs chez Epson.
Après regardes du côté du LS9000 de Nikon.


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Re: [HS] téléphoni e SIP via free et debian

2010-02-28 Thread Michelle Konzack

Am 2010-02-28 19:35:53, schrieb Kenny:
 Tu peux aussi essayer sip communicator (http://sip-communicator.org/)
 C'est un petit nouveau, mais je le trouve excellent.

Je suis contributeur deja,  ;-)  parce la traduction allemand etait dans
un horible etat et je faire le testing.  Mais ila apas  la  qualitée  je
besoin et il utiiser le WM_HIND URGENT que se laiser pas arreter. Pour
moi il est un problem securitée.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
http://www.tamay-dogan.net/ Michelle Konzack
http://www.can4linux.org/   Apt. 917
http://www.flexray4linux.org/   50, rue de Soultz
Jabber linux4miche...@jabber.ccc.de   67100 Strabourg/France
IRC#Debian (irc.icq.com)  Tel. DE: +49 177 9351947
ICQ#328449886 Tel. FR: +33  6  61925193

Description: Digital signature

Re: [HS] téléphoni e SIP via free et debian

2010-02-28 Thread Michelle Konzack

J'oublier un chose...

Am 2010-02-28 19:35:53, schrieb Kenny:
 Tu peux aussi essayer sip communicator (http://sip-communicator.org/)
 C'est un petit nouveau, mais je le trouve excellent.

L'idee est tres bien et le design plus acceptabe comme le GTP truck...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
24V Electronic Engineer
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
http://www.tamay-dogan.net/ Michelle Konzack
http://www.can4linux.org/   Apt. 917
http://www.flexray4linux.org/   50, rue de Soultz
Jabber linux4miche...@jabber.ccc.de   67100 Strabourg/France
IRC#Debian (irc.icq.com)  Tel. DE: +49 177 9351947
ICQ#328449886 Tel. FR: +33  6  61925193

Description: Digital signature

contrôle parental sous Lenny

2010-02-28 Thread didier gaumet

contrôle parental sous Lenny


Ayant installé chez ma soeur à 400km de chez moi un PC avec Debian
Lenny dessus il y a un mois, voilà qu'elle me demande maintenant une
solution pour que son fils ne puisse pas être inondé de
porno/violence/etc lorsqu'il surfe.
En bref, un logiciel de contrôle parental.

N'étant pas familier de ce genre de truc (je ne crois d'ailleurs ni en
son utilité ni en son efficacité mais c'est un autre débat), j'ai
recherché ce qui était disponible sous Linux en général et Debian Lenny
en particulier et je n'ai trouvé que ces solutions:

 - bfilter: semble inadapté et réservé au filtrage anti-pub?
 - squid
 - dansguardian en surcouche à squid ou un autre proxy

Y en a-t-il d'autres? Y compris dans la version Debian à venir

Dans l'absolu j'aimerais un truc tout simple, sans paramétrage de
quoique ce soit, mais je crois que je me fais des illusions...

J'ai brièvement testé hier l'installation de
dansguardian(+squid) sur mon PC, pour voir. ça n'a pas été couronné de
succès: ça ne filtrait rien du tout. Je suppose que je n'ai pas
assez bien configuré tout ça: il faudrait peut-être en plus de la
configuration minimale de dansguardian, paramétrer squid pour qu'il
intercepte tout le trafic ce qui ne serait pas le cas par défaut?
Et par défaut, dansguardian, lui, semble être paramétré pour le
filtrage approprié à une école primaire?

Voilà, à votre bon coeur, m'sieur-dame, merci :-)

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Tentatives d'envois étran ges dans /var/log/mail.info

2010-02-28 Thread Alexandre
sur un serveur Debian (stable) sur lequel j'ai remarqué ces lignes étranges dans
/var/log/mail.info :

Feb 28 05:54:27 user postfix/smtp[32385]: connect to 
emailaddress.com[]:25: Connection timed out
Feb 28 05:54:27 user postfix/smtp[32385]: 5451526493: 
to=y...@emailaddress.com, relay=none, delay=216950, delays=216920/0.01/30/0, 
dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to emailaddress.com[]:25: 
Connection timed out)
Feb 28 07:03:57 delanoe postfix/qmgr[24045]: 5451526493: 
from=u...@hostname.fr, size=510, nrcpt=1  (queue active)   

Bien sûr, je n'ai jamais envoyé de mails à y...@emailaddress.com

Ces lignes sont répétées 25 fois sur les 3 derniers jours.

Comment détecter les processus à l'origine de cet envoi de mail ?

Merci de votre aide.
Alexandre Delanoë

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Re: Samba + wyszukiwanie plików.

2010-02-28 Thread Krzysztof Zubik
kamil zarnicki napisał.
 Na komputerze są udostępnione pliki przez Sambe. Jak (czy w ogóle)
 jest możliwość przeszukiwania tych plików ze zdalnego komputera?
 Z góry dzięki.
Przepraszam, ze tak pozno odzywam sie. Hm. moze przyda sie. W
lutym 2008 r. odbylo sie, w Lodzi spotkanie
Randka z Pingwinkiem. Materialy
pod http://konferencje.thecamels.org/rendezvous/materialy.html
Tu m.in. Samba - (Krzysztof Lichy)
OASIS OpenDocument
Microsoft PowerPoint

Kilka miesiecy pozniej bo w sierpniu tu byl Linuxboat.
Jednym z tematow konferencji bylo - Serwer SAMBA w środowiskach
Materialy pod
Konczac Pozdrawiam. Krzysztof.

Registered Linux User: 253243
Powered by Aurox 11.0, Ubuntu Studio 8.04 i Fedora 9.0
Krzysztof Zubik. | kzu...@netglob.com.pl| kzu...@wp.pl
GaduGadu. 1208376 | Jabber. kzu...@jabber.wp.pl | Skype. kzubik

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RE:Impresora Epson FX 890

2010-02-28 Thread Jose Luis Marti Navarro
En la web de openprinting hay una dot matrix generica de Epson:



Jose luis Marti

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Re: Sobre un problema con la red

2010-02-28 Thread deb...@mstaaravin.com.ar
2010/2/28 J jaal...@gmail.com:
 Buenas noches,

 he estado viendo las listas de correos, pero no encuentro el problema,
 les comento que uso Debian Testing desde hace tiempo y no me hab'ia
 sucedido esto antes.

 Yo utilizo un cable modem de Telmex, y todo bien, hasta hace un par de
 dias donde se volo un fusible de la linea de telefono y me quede sin
 telefono e internet, me lo han restaurado pero el internet en mi
 debian no entra mas. He probado con Knopppix para revisar los
 parametros que son:

 uso los DNS de google

Probaste levantar todo SIN firewall?


La Voluntad es el unico motor de nuestros logros
Mstaaravin /

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Re: Sobre un problema con la red

2010-02-28 Thread Antonio Arriaga

El 28/02/2010 10:01, deb...@mstaaravin.com.ar escribió:

2010/2/28 Jjaal...@gmail.com:

Buenas noches,

he estado viendo las listas de correos, pero no encuentro el problema,
les comento que uso Debian Testing desde hace tiempo y no me hab'ia
sucedido esto antes.

Yo utilizo un cable modem de Telmex, y todo bien, hasta hace un par de
dias donde se volo un fusible de la linea de telefono y me quede sin
telefono e internet, me lo han restaurado pero el internet en mi
debian no entra mas. He probado con Knopppix para revisar los
parametros que son:

uso los DNS de google

Probaste levantar todo SIN firewall?


¿y probaste a poner un gateway dentro de la red donde tienes tu IP? ¿no 
será, por casualidad

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Re: Sobre un problema con la red

2010-02-28 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 28 Feb 2010 04:19:58 +, J escribió:

 Yo utilizo un cable modem de Telmex, y todo bien, hasta hace un par de
 dias donde se volo un fusible de la linea de telefono y me quede sin
 telefono e internet, me lo han restaurado pero el internet en mi debian
 no entra mas. 

Haz las pruebas básicas (ping a sitios externos, traceorute y dig) 
y pon los resultados que te arrojen.

Por ejemplo:

ping -c 3 debian.org
traceroute debian.org
dig debian.org



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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/pan.2010.

Sent Wen, February 24, 2010,

2010-02-28 Thread Kevin Osu
Message-Id: 20100225001055.d6bd341f...@p15148362.pureserver.info
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 01:10:55 +0100 (CET)


I am Kevin Osu presently working with ICB. Please do not be embarrass am 
seeking your help in order to receive the sum of 3.5million as result of 
surfeit profit we made. If you will be so kind enough to grant me the 
permission, I will be glad to give the details. I am ready to offer you 50% of 
the total amount for your input.

If you are interested response to kevin1...@aim.com
Kevin Osu.

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Re: Sobre un problema con la red

2010-02-28 Thread Antonio Arriaga

El 28/02/2010 12:24, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 28 Feb 2010 04:19:58 +, J escribió:

Yo utilizo un cable modem de Telmex, y todo bien, hasta hace un par de
dias donde se volo un fusible de la linea de telefono y me quede sin
telefono e internet, me lo han restaurado pero el internet en mi debian
no entra mas.

Haz las pruebas básicas (ping a sitios externos, traceorute y dig)
y pon los resultados que te arrojen.

Por ejemplo:

ping -c 3 debian.org
traceroute debian.org
dig debian.org


Yo creo que deberías empezar más básico:

ping a la puerta de enlace. Si falla esto, no hace falta que hagas nada más.
ping al DNS
ping a una URL

De todas formas lo que decía antes. En la configuración la puerta de 
enlace no está en la misma subred que la IP de tu equipo.

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Re: No funciona el Audio en Debian Lenny [SOLUCIONADO]

2010-02-28 Thread @_@
Hola Ricardo, probé lo que dijiste (y des pués de reiniciar por las dudas) se 
habilitó el sonido!!!

Muchas gracias a todos por sus colaboraciones, hasta pronto lista...

--- El vie 26-feb-10, Ricardo Albarracin B. ral...@gmail.com escribió:

De: Ricardo Albarracin B. ral...@gmail.com
Asunto: Re: No funciona el Audio en Debian Lenny
Para: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Fecha: viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010, 11:18

El Fri, 26 Feb 2010 10:15:00 -0300
Ricardo Albarracin B. ral...@gmail.com escribió:

 Me suena a que te faltan instalar paquetes, instala:
 linux-headers para tu lenny es: linux-headers-2.6.26-2-686
 Después de esto, debería funcionar.

(Fe de erratas)

    Después de esto, debería funcionar.

Debe decir:
    Después de esto, debería funcionar la compilación.

Saludos cordiales
| Ricardo Albarracin B. | email: ral...@gmail.com |

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  Yahoo! Cocina

Encontra las mejores recetas con Yahoo! Cocina.


Re: Sobre un problema con la red

2010-02-28 Thread consul tores
El día 27 de febrero de 2010 20:19, J jaal...@gmail.com escribió:
 Buenas noches,

 he estado viendo las listas de correos, pero no encuentro el problema,
 les comento que uso Debian Testing desde hace tiempo y no me hab'ia
 sucedido esto antes.

 Yo utilizo un cable modem de Telmex, y todo bien, hasta hace un par de
 dias donde se volo un fusible de la linea de telefono y me quede sin
 telefono e internet, me lo han restaurado pero el internet en mi
 debian no entra mas. He probado con Knopppix para revisar los
 parametros que son:

 uso los DNS de google



Deberias de hacer lo que te dice Antonio Arriaga, tenes equivocada la
ip del servidor DHCP.

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Re: Sobre un problema con la red

2010-02-28 Thread J
Gracias, muy amables, esto es parte de lo que sucedió


-- Forwarded message --
From: J jaal...@gmail.com
Date: 2010/2/28
Subject: Re: Sobre un problema con la red
To: Antonio Arriaga antonio.arriaga.d...@gmail.com

Estimados todos los de la lista,

gracias por los consejos, el problema era bastante sencillo después de
dormir un rato, los DNS que ocupaba antes de los de google estaban
abajo y cuando reiniciaba para hacer las pruebas me los reescribía.
irónicamente estos DNS era a los que apuntaba desde el Debian, y usaba
los de google desde el knoppix, suponía erróneamente que estaban
levantados los anteriores, los he cambiado desde el dhclient.conf y el
resolv.conf se actualiza automáticamente. :D

option rfc3442-classless-static-routes code 121 = array of unsigned integer 8;

#send host-name andare.fugue.com;
#send dhcp-client-identifier 1:0:a0:24:ab:fb:9c;
#send dhcp-lease-time 3600;
#supersede domain-name fugue.com home.vix.com;
#supersede domain-name-servers,;
- anteriores
supersede domain-name-servers,;
- Google DNS servers
#prepend domain-name-servers;
request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
       domain-name, domain-name-servers, domain-search, host-name,
       netbios-name-servers, netbios-scope, interface-mtu,
       rfc3442-classless-static-routes, ntp-servers;
#require subnet-mask, domain-name-servers;

mil disculpas por el error de lógica, ya tengo de vuelta el squeeze,
muchas gracias



2010/2/28 Antonio Arriaga antonio.arriaga.d...@gmail.com:
 El 28/02/2010 12:24, Camaleón escribió:

 El Sun, 28 Feb 2010 04:19:58 +, J escribió:

 Yo utilizo un cable modem de Telmex, y todo bien, hasta hace un par de
 dias donde se volo un fusible de la linea de telefono y me quede sin
 telefono e internet, me lo han restaurado pero el internet en mi debian
 no entra mas.

 Haz las pruebas básicas (ping a sitios externos, traceorute y dig)
 y pon los resultados que te arrojen.

 Por ejemplo:

 ping -c 3 debian.org
 traceroute debian.org
 dig debian.org


 Yo creo que deberías empezar más básico:

 ping a la puerta de enlace. Si falla esto, no hace falta que hagas nada más.
 ping al DNS
 ping a una URL

 De todas formas lo que decía antes. En la configuración la puerta de enlace
 no está en la misma subred que la IP de tu equipo.

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-spanish-requ...@lists.debian.org
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 Archive: http://lists.debian.org/4b8a5cf2.3060...@gmail.com

Global Labs México
Electronics  Computing Department
Project Manager

The Business of Science: building a better world
México 2010.

Global Labs México
Electronics  Computing Department
Project Manager

The Business of Science: building a better world
México 2010.

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org


2010-02-28 Thread juan


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas

Infomed: http://www.sld.cu/

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split dns

2010-02-28 Thread Marcos Ferreira
Olá Pessoal,

Alguém tem algum material sobre split dns que possa compartilhar.


Marcos Ferreira

Re: split dns

2010-02-28 Thread Welington R . Braga
Rapaz, eu uso isso lá no trabalho. 

Lembro que a fonte básica foi a própria documentação do Bind. Talvez eu 
encontre as outras fontes da minha consulta, na época em que o fiz (se achar eu 
te mando), mas na documentação do Bind tem tudo o que você precisa.

É moleza.

Em 28 de fevereiro de 2010 05:41, Marcos Ferreira marca...@gmail.com escreveu:

Olá Pessoal,

Alguém tem algum material sobre split dns que possa compartilhar.


Marcos Ferreira

Welington Rodrigues Braga
Web: http://www.welrbraga.eti.br
MSN: welrbraga[*]msn·com
Gtalk: welrbraga[*]gmail·com
Yahoo / Skype:  welrbraga
PGP Key: 0x6C7654EB
Linux User #253605

Em tudo somos atribulados, porém não angustiados; perplexos, porém não desanimados; 
perseguidos, porém não desamparados; abatidos, porém não destruídos; - 2Co 4:8,9

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

after upgrade etch - lenny, problem with vim syntax highlighting in bash scripts

2010-02-28 Thread Mart Frauenlob

after I upgraded from etch to lenny a few days ago (new config files
have been installed for vim), I noticed that syntax highlighting for my
bash scripts is not working as before.

There are some things i've noticed, where of the first is worse to me.

1: If I put the following statement onto a single line, it does not
cause problems:

But as soon as i put it into a for loop:

for tmp_content in ${str_attr_val}; do


Everything from the 'done' word is marked with as syntax error, making
the whole file unreadable (could turn of syntax highlighting).

if [[ $1 = +([[:digit:]]) ]]; then

is good, but with:

case $1 in
+([[:digit:]])) :

the last 2 `]]' are shown in red background (syntax error).

3: This one causes everything after the `'' (single quote) to be
rendered as error:
[[ $x = *\'* ]]  ...

this is my .vimrc:

set ts=4
set sw=4
let g:is_bash= 1
let sh_minlines= 500

Any ideas how I could get that fixed?
Many of my scripts are garbled now. they are more readable without
syntax highlighting.

Thanks a lot


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Re: -i386 to amd64

2010-02-28 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Andrew Sackville-West put forth on 2/27/2010 7:53 PM:

 It's been a while, but as I understand it, there is an -amd64 kernel
 available in the -i686 repos, but that doesn't mean you're running in
 the 64 bit architecture. That requires a number of other things to
 happen, including changing to a 64-bit libc and so forth. I have done
 the migration in place, but it's tedious and no fun. I don't remember
 the specifics, but it required multiple reboots and quite a bit of
 hackery. In other words, with the installers being so good these days,
 I don't think it's worth the effort. Just backup your data, export
 your apt selections and reinstall into a 64-bit architecture and
 restore your stuff. 
 very much my .02


Install the new system fresh with the full x86-64 (AMD 64) distribution.
Then copy your data files over.  Thorough, faster, simpler, and you won't
run into weird application issues 3 months from now that require a week of
head scratching to figure out, only to realize that the problem is that you
never fully upgraded all the necessary stuff to 64 bit.


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Re: Single root filesystem evilness decreasing in 2010? (on workstations)

2010-02-28 Thread Stan Hoeppner
thib put forth on 2/27/2010 8:18 PM:
 Usually I never ask myself whether I should organize my disks into
 separate filesystems or not.  I just think how? and I go with a cool
 layout without thinking back - LVM lets us correct them easily anyway. 
 I should even say that I believed a single root filesystem on a system
 was a first sign (you know what I mean ;-).


All of that talk and gyration over a workstation disk layout?  You never did
mention what the primary application usage is on this machine, which should
be a factor in how you set it up.  If you're an email warrior, what damn
difference does it make, and why bother with LVM on a workstation?  What
size is the new disk?

Here's a safe bet, even with grub(2):

swap4GB may never need it, but u have plenty of disk
/boot   100MB   ext2safe call, even if grub(2) doesn't need a /boot
/   40GBext2/3  journal may eliminate mandatory check interval
/varup2uext2sequential write/read, journal unnecessary
/home   up2uxfs best performance for all file sizes and counts

*You may trust ext4 at this point, but I, and many others don't.  xfs beats
ext4 in every category, so why bother with ext4?

If you have a 500GB, 750GB, 1TB, 1.5TB, 2TB disk, leave the freak'n bulk of
it unallocated until you actually need it.  This rule alone eliminates much
of the vacillation you are currently experiencing WRT Omg what am I ever
going to do with all this disk?!


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Re: wireless from the command line

2010-02-28 Thread Freeman
On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 04:54:31PM +0200, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Sat,27.Feb.10, 09:03:48, Freeman wrote:
  On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 08:43:53PM +0200, Andrei Popescu wrote:
There is the wicd-curses interface.  I have never tried it, though.
   I have. The UI is not the best, but it works.
  Funny. I would have called it the best.
 There are some usability issues. I'll file a (whishlist) bugreport...
 See #571720 if you're curious ;)

Many good points. 

Regarding the various strange characters issue, I sort of like them and
would be sad to see them go. 

And I actually do find the right arrow more intuitive for configuring the
network than the return key.

Kind Regards,


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Re: Anyone Care to Critique my Apt Preferences? (was Re: apt-cacher as package rollback buffer)

2010-02-28 Thread Freeman
On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 09:22:34PM -0500, Celejar wrote:
 On Sat, 27 Feb 2010 09:05:58 -0800
 Freeman eve...@worldwidehtml.com wrote:
  On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:01:44PM +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
  Osamu as in Debian Reference Copyright 2007-2009 Osamu Aoki?
  That was an undertaking.
  There is a great deal of clarity in the way the reference is written. 
  Although it provides extensive technical information, it is very accessible
  to the beginner becasue of the selection of background information and the
  carefull way it moves from general to specific.
  Thank you so much for that marvelous piece of work.
 He deserves a thank you not merely for the work itself, but also for
 being one of the more helpful members of this list, who often points
 people to the section of the D-R that answers their questions ..

And so he should. It is a great read. Debian wouldn't be the same without

A fun way to learn something is simply to look up answers in the Reference
to questions on a Debian forum, cite the section to the OP and add a thought
or two.

Kind Regards,


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Asus WL-167g (rt2500usb) DHCP fails

2010-02-28 Thread Sylvain Archenault

I'm trying to make my wifi dongle work on my sid box (kernel
2.6.32-trunk-686). It is correctly recognized, the WPA authentication
works fine as well, but it fails getting an address from DHCP. Here is
the relevant syslog output:

 Feb 28 11:36:21 ticho wpa_supplicant[2442]: Trying to associate with 
 56:40:0e:80:29:24 (SSID='TichoNetworkHome' freq=2412 MHz)
 Feb 28 11:36:21 ticho NetworkManager: info  (wlan0): supplicant connection 
 state:  scanning - associating
 Feb 28 11:36:21 ticho kernel: [ 3819.416888] wlan0: deauthenticating from 
 56:40:0e:80:29:24 by local choice (reason=3)
 Feb 28 11:36:22 ticho kernel: [ 3819.616436] wlan0: direct probe to AP 
 56:40:0e:80:29:24 (try 1)
 Feb 28 11:36:22 ticho kernel: [ 3819.622320] wlan0: direct probe responded
 Feb 28 11:36:22 ticho kernel: [ 3819.622325] wlan0: authenticate with AP 
 56:40:0e:80:29:24 (try 1)
 Feb 28 11:36:22 ticho kernel: [ 3819.624074] wlan0: authenticated
 Feb 28 11:36:22 ticho kernel: [ 3819.624092] wlan0: associate with AP 
 56:40:0e:80:29:24 (try 1)
 Feb 28 11:36:22 ticho kernel: [ 3819.626316] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 
 56:40:0e:80:29:24 (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=2)
 Feb 28 11:36:22 ticho kernel: [ 3819.626319] wlan0: associated
 Feb 28 11:36:22 ticho wpa_supplicant[2442]: Associated with 56:40:0e:80:29:24
 Feb 28 11:36:22 ticho NetworkManager: info  (wlan0): supplicant connection 
 state:  associating - associated
 Feb 28 11:36:23 ticho dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 
 67 interval 10
 Feb 28 11:36:23 ticho NetworkManager: info  (wlan0): supplicant connection 
 state:  associated - 4-way handshake
 Feb 28 11:36:23 ticho NetworkManager: info  (wlan0): supplicant connection 
 state:  4-way handshake - group handshake
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho wpa_supplicant[2442]: WPA: Key negotiation completed 
 with 56:40:0e:80:29:24 [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho wpa_supplicant[2442]: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - 
 Connection to 56:40:0e:80:29:24 completed (reauth) [id=0 id_str=]
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho NetworkManager: info  (wlan0): supplicant connection 
 state:  group handshake - completed
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho NetworkManager: info  Activation (wlan0/wireless) 
 Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.  Connected to wireless network 
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho NetworkManager: info  Activation (wlan0) Stage 3 of 
 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho NetworkManager: info  Activation (wlan0) Stage 3 of 
 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho NetworkManager: info  (wlan0): device state change: 
 5 - 7 (reason 0)
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho NetworkManager: info  Activation (wlan0) Beginning 
 DHCP transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho NetworkManager: info  dhclient started with pid 5641
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho NetworkManager: info  Activation (wlan0) Stage 4 of 
 5 (IP6 Configure Get) scheduled...
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho NetworkManager: info  Activation (wlan0) Stage 3 of 
 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho NetworkManager: info  Activation (wlan0) Stage 4 of 
 5 (IP6 Configure Get) started...
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho NetworkManager: info  Activation (wlan0) Stage 4 of 
 5 (IP6 Configure Get) complete.
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho dhclient: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho dhclient: Copyright 2004-2009 Internet Systems 
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho dhclient: All rights reserved.
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho dhclient: For info, please visit 
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho dhclient:
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho NetworkManager: info  DHCP: device wlan0 state 
 changed normal exit - preinit
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho dhclient: Listening on LPF/wlan0/00:17:31:3a:ef:15
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho dhclient: Sending on   LPF/wlan0/00:17:31:3a:ef:15
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho dhclient: Sending on   Socket/fallback
 Feb 28 11:36:24 ticho dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to 
 port 67 interval 6
 Feb 28 11:36:31 ticho dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to 
 port 67 interval 9
 Feb 28 11:36:33 ticho dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 
 67 interval 11
 Feb 28 11:36:40 ticho dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to 
 port 67 interval 15
 Feb 28 11:36:44 ticho dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 
 67 interval 15
 Feb 28 11:36:55 ticho dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to 
 port 67 interval 9
 Feb 28 11:36:59 ticho dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 
 67 interval 8
 Feb 28 11:37:04 ticho dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to 
 port 67 interval 9
 Feb 28 11:37:07 ticho dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 
 67 interval 10
 Feb 28 11:37:10 ticho NetworkManager: info  (wlan0): DHCP transaction took 
 too long, stopping it.
 Feb 28 11:37:10 ticho NetworkManager: info  (wlan0): canceled DHCP 
 transaction, dhcp client pid 5641
 Feb 28 11:37:10 ticho NetworkManager: 

Re: Why doesn't iceweasel work with iceape

2010-02-28 Thread Bret Busby

On Sun, 28 Feb 2010, godo wrote:

In trying to configure iceweasel to do the same (iceweasel defaults to
opening evolution, which I understand to be much the same as microsoft
outlook), I open the iceweasel Edit - Preferences - Applications -
mailto option, and it displays the options Use Gmail, Use Yahoo!
Mail, Always ask, and Use other, which does not give access to
iceape mail composer.

I just try than on Squeeze and it works, but trick is that when you browse 
Use other choose iceape (/usr/bin/iceape).

Goran Dobosevic

That seems to work.

Whilst it opens up an iceape browser window with the URL mailto..., 
which then opens up an iceape mail compser window, it does work, if not 

I had previously tried to find iceape using the paths /bin and /sbin, 
but didn't find it there; the required path was, as you have indicated - 

Thank you for that.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts,
  written by Douglas Adams,
  published by Pan Books, 1992

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No audio on Acer One

2010-02-28 Thread Rodolfo Medina
I hear no sound on my Acer One netbook when running Mplayer.  All makes think
of no working audio at all installed on the machine.  However, my Gnome toolbar
shows the small volume icon top right regularly.  alsa and libasound2-dev are
installed on Lenny.

Please help about this.


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Re: Upgrade to Lenny?

2010-02-28 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 02/28/2010 03:00 AM, Hadi Motamedi wrote:

# wireshark output.pcap
'cannot open display'
Can you please let me know how can I make use of wireshark to analyze

Try running wireshark as a normal user, not as root. It's not necessary.

Mind if I smoke?
I don't care if you burst into flames and die!


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Open Office upgrade

2010-02-28 Thread James Allsopp
I'm getting this error when I try and do an upgrade,

You are upgrading from a version which might have corrupted
service/component registry files (*.rdb), especially
/var/lib/openoffice/basis3.1/program/services.rdb and the rdb files in
/var/spool/openoffice/uno_packages/cache for installed extensions.

If you experience problems with the component manager or segmentation faults
involving libstore in either unopkg or OpenOffice.org, please check these
files. Try cleanly reinstalling the packages and/or using a clean user

How should I resolve this, just uninstall and reinstall openoffice, or is it
a sign of something more complicated?

Best regards

Re: No audio on Acer One

2010-02-28 Thread Elimar Riesebieter
* Rodolfo Medina [100228 12:05 +0100]
 I hear no sound on my Acer One netbook when running Mplayer.  All makes think
 of no working audio at all installed on the machine.  However, my Gnome 
 shows the small volume icon top right regularly.  alsa and libasound2-dev are
 installed on Lenny.

Please send the outputs (done as $USER) of:

$ dpkg -l | grep -E 'asound|alsa|oss'
$ cat /proc/asound/version
$ cat /proc/asound/cards
$ aplay -l
$ lsmod | grep snd
$ id


  Excellent day for drinking heavily. 
  Spike the office water cooler;-)

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Re: Single root filesystem evilness decreasing in 2010? (on workstations)

2010-02-28 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 02/27/2010 11:18 PM, thib wrote:


Usually I never ask myself whether I should organize my disks into separate
filesystems or not.  I just think how? and I go with a cool layout without
thinking back - LVM lets us correct them easily anyway.  I should even say
that I believed a single root filesystem on a system was a first sign (you
know what I mean ;-).

But now I'm about to try a new setup for a Squeeze/Sid *workstation*, and I
somehow feel I could be a little more open-minded.  I'd like some input on
what I covered, and more importantly, on what I may have missed.  Maybe
someone can point me to some actually useful lists of advantages to
partitioning?  I find a lot of BS around the net, people often miss the
purpose of it.

So, what are the advantages I see, and why don't they matter to me anymore?


I only split /home and /usr/local so that I could reinstall wiping the 
whole system but keeping my data. And, if necessary for boot purposes, 
/boot . Everything else goes into / .

Small is beautiful.


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Re: No audio on Acer One

2010-02-28 Thread Rodolfo Medina
* Rodolfo Medina [100228 12:05 +0100]

 I hear no sound on my Acer One netbook when running Mplayer.  All makes
 think of no working audio at all installed on the machine.  However, my
 Gnome toolbar shows the small volume icon top right regularly.  alsa and
 libasound2-dev are installed on Lenny.

Elimar Riesebieter riese...@lxtec.de writes:

 Please send the outputs (done as $USER) of:

 $ dpkg -l | grep -E 'asound|alsa|oss'
 $ cat /proc/asound/version
 $ cat /proc/asound/cards
 $ aplay -l
 $ lsmod | grep snd
 $ id

Here it is.  Thanks for your help.


rodo...@hda6-acer:~$ dpkg -l | grep -E 'asound|alsa|oss' 
ii  alsa-base1.0.17.dfsg-4  ALSA driver 
configuration files
ii  alsa-utils   1.0.16-2   ALSA 
ii  gstreamer0.10-alsa   0.10.19-2  GStreamer 
plugin for ALSA
ii  libao2   0.8.8-4Cross 
Platform Audio Output Library
ii  libasound2   1.0.16-2   ALSA library
ii  libasound2-dev   1.0.16-2   ALSA 
library development files
ii  libflac8 1.2.1-1.2  Free 
Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C librar
ii  libwavpack1  4.50.1-1   an audio 
codec (lossy and lossless) - librar
ii  oss-compat   0.0.4+nmu2 OSS 
compatibility package
rodo...@hda6-acer:~$ cat /proc/asound/version 
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.16.
rodo...@hda6-acer:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards 
 0 [Intel  ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
  HDA Intel at 0x5644 irq 16
rodo...@hda6-acer:~$ aplay -l
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: HDA Generic [HDA Generic]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
rodo...@hda6-acer:~$ lsmod | grep snd 
snd_hda_intel 324248  1 
snd_pcm_oss32800  0 
snd_mixer_oss  12320  1 snd_pcm_oss
snd_pcm62596  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss
snd_seq_dummy   2660  0 
snd_seq_oss24992  0 
snd_seq_midi5728  0 
snd_rawmidi18496  1 snd_seq_midi
snd_seq_midi_event  6432  2 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi
snd_seq41456  6 
snd_timer  17800  2 snd_pcm,snd_seq
snd_seq_device  6380  5 
snd45604  11 
soundcore   6368  1 snd
snd_page_alloc  7816  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm
rodo...@hda6-acer:~$ id 
uid=1000(rodolfo) gid=1000(rodolfo) 

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Re: No audio on Acer One

2010-02-28 Thread Elimar Riesebieter
* Rodolfo Medina [100228 14:01 +0100]
 * Rodolfo Medina [100228 12:05 +0100]
  I hear no sound on my Acer One netbook when running Mplayer.  All makes
  think of no working audio at all installed on the machine.  However, my
  Gnome toolbar shows the small volume icon top right regularly.  alsa and
  libasound2-dev are installed on Lenny.
 Elimar Riesebieter riese...@lxtec.de writes:
  Please send the outputs (done as $USER) of:
  $ dpkg -l | grep -E 'asound|alsa|oss'
  $ cat /proc/asound/version
  $ cat /proc/asound/cards
  $ aplay -l
  $ lsmod | grep snd
  $ id
 Here it is.  Thanks for your help.

Everything looks fine. Check your mixer settings. Run
$ alsamixer
and check whether your Master or PCM or other output controls are
zeroed or muted. Muted ones can be unmuted by pressing 'm' when the
cursor is positioned at the respective control.


  Numeric stability is probably not all that 
  important when you're guessing;-)

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Re: Open Office upgrade

2010-02-28 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Sunday 28 February 2010 13:30:11 James Allsopp wrote:
 I'm getting this error when I try and do an upgrade,
 You are upgrading from a version which might have corrupted
 service/component registry files (*.rdb), especially
 /var/lib/openoffice/basis3.1/program/services.rdb and the rdb files in
 /var/spool/openoffice/uno_packages/cache for installed extensions.
 If you experience problems with the component manager or segmentation
  faults involving libstore in either unopkg or OpenOffice.org, please check
  these files. Try cleanly reinstalling the packages and/or using a clean
  user profile.
 How should I resolve this, just uninstall and reinstall openoffice, or is
  it a sign of something more complicated?
 Best regards

It's not an error but a warning. Enter 'q' to continue the upgrade.

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Re: No audio on Acer One

2010-02-28 Thread Rodolfo Medina
* Rodolfo Medina [100228 12:05 +0100]

  I hear no sound on my Acer One netbook when running Mplayer.  All makes
  think of no working audio at all installed on the machine.  However, my
  Gnome toolbar shows the small volume icon top right regularly.  alsa and
  libasound2-dev are installed on Lenny.

Elimar Riesebieter riese...@lxtec.de writes:
  Please send the outputs (done as $USER) of:
  $ dpkg -l | grep -E 'asound|alsa|oss'
  $ cat /proc/asound/version
  $ cat /proc/asound/cards
  $ aplay -l
  $ lsmod | grep snd
  $ id

 Here it is.  Thanks for your help.

 Everything looks fine. Check your mixer settings. Run
 $ alsamixer
 and check whether your Master or PCM or other output controls are
 zeroed or muted. Muted ones can be unmuted by pressing 'm' when the
 cursor is positioned at the respective control.

Both Master and Pcm are set to 100.  So it seems that we don't have any


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truncate until delimiter

2010-02-28 Thread Vadkan Jozsef

$ ls -tr `find -type f` | grep .txt$ | rev

I Want to truncate this output, until the first /:

$ ls -tr `find -type f` | grep .txt$ | rev | THE-MAGIC-COMES-HERE


I just want to modify the names of some files, but I can't do it if they
have their full path in their names..

Thank you!

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Re: Two Lenny problems

2010-02-28 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sat,27.Feb.10, 20:16:01, Cecil Knutson wrote:
 I was going to suggest trying a different sound card on your existing
 system.  But it's your call.
 That is a good idea.  I'll look to see what I have.  Am I right to
 assume that the installation will have to be repeated in order to
 get the sound card recognized and configured?
Definitely not! But to keep things simple just remove the other card, 
plug in the new one and (with a little bit of luck) it should just work.


 The multiple partitions of Debian is one of the features that first
 attracted me to the OS.  Oh! and multiple partitions makes disk
 maintenance so much easier.

It makes planning more complicated, not something I would recommend to 
beginners. But keeping /home on a separate partition is (almost) always 
a good idea.


 But each installation failed to give a suitable screen to the X
 server, even though I gave the same H-Freq, V-Freq, resolution,
 monitor data, etc.  And I tried several edits of the X-server
 configuration file, even copying from the config file that is
 created by the X-server test command.

This shouldn't be necessary anymore unless you have a really old 

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Single root filesystem evilness decreasing in 2010? (on workstations)

2010-02-28 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun,28.Feb.10, 03:20:38, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

 /var  up2uext2sequential write/read, journal unnecessary

Would you mind going into details? I always thought the journal was 
especially useful on partitions like /var where it is more likely that 
the system will be writing something right before a crash/power failure, 
but I'm definitely not an expert.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: No audio on Acer One

2010-02-28 Thread Elimar Riesebieter
* Rodolfo Medina [100228 15:12 +0100]
 Both Master and Pcm are set to 100.  So it seems that we don't have any

Create as root the file /etc/modprobe.d/sound.conf with the
following contents:

alias snd-card-0 snd_hda_intel
options snd_hda_intel index=0
options snd_hda_intel model=acer

reboot and test again.


  what IMHO then?
  IMHO - Inhalation of a Multi-leafed Herbal Opiate ;)
  --posting from alex in debian-user--

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Re: truncate until delimiter

2010-02-28 Thread Sebastian Luksch

Vadkan Jozsef wrote:


$ ls -tr `find -type f` | grep .txt$ | rev

I Want to truncate this output, until the first /:

$ ls -tr `find -type f` | grep .txt$ | rev | THE-MAGIC-COMES-HERE

You could use cut -d/ -f1.

I just want to modify the names of some files, but I can't do it if they
have their full path in their names..


In this case there is an easier command called basename.

But there are some better possibilities. find knows options like
-name (replaces your grep) and -printf (replaces your ls -tr, rev
and the magic one)

Thank you!


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Re: truncate until delimiter

2010-02-28 Thread Teemu Likonen
* 2010-02-28 15:13 (+0100), Vadkan Jozsef wrote:

 I just want to modify the names of some files, but I can't do it if
 they have their full path in their names..

Maybe basename and dirname commands could help?

$ basename /foo/bar/file.txt

$ dirname /foo/bar/file.txt

So, if you need to rename files with a shell script you could do
something like this:

for f in $@; do
base=$(basename -- $f)
dir=$(dirname -- $f)
new=whatever-$base # Some magic to create new name
mv -- $f $dir/$new

The you can have full paths in $@ and the script handles them just

Feel free to Cc me your replies if you want to make sure I'll notice

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Re: Upgrade to Lenny?

2010-02-28 Thread Wayne linux...@gmail.com

Hadi Motamedi wrote:

From: motamed...@hotmail.com
To: cele...@gmail.com; debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: RE: Upgrade to Lenny?
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 05:23:32 +

Thank you very much you kind guys . At now , I have the tshark installed on my Lenny . But I want to analyze my previously captured 'output.pcap' file , by the following :

#tshark output.pcap
Previously , when I was on my Sarge , I modified my /etc/fstab to be eble to 
copy files from cdrom :
/dev/cdrm /mnt/cdrm iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0
And I always had the ability to deal with my cdrom . But on my new Lenny , it 
cannot get through and it returned as :
'wrong fs type, bad options, bad superblocks on /dev/hdc'
Can you please let me know how to modify it ?

I just went through the tcpdump/wireshark setup myself.  I wonder if you 
have heard of google? I found every answer to your lengthy posts within

10 minutes using google.  I never had to use DU.

This is a list that helps people but we do expect that you try help 
yourself first before you post here!

Another thing TRIM YOUR POSTS to only include what you are replying to. 
 We don't need ALL of the previous posts in each of your replies!


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Re: Single root filesystem evilness decreasing in 2010? (on workstations)

2010-02-28 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Andrei Popescu put forth on 2/28/2010 8:32 AM:
 On Sun,28.Feb.10, 03:20:38, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 /var up2uext2sequential write/read, journal unnecessary
 Would you mind going into details? I always thought the journal was 
 especially useful on partitions like /var where it is more likely that 
 the system will be writing something right before a crash/power failure, 
 but I'm definitely not an expert.

Depends on what you're writing and what platform.  Most of /var is
non-permanent data, /var/mail and /var/log being exceptions.  Depending on
what mail client is used and how it's used, /var/mail may not be used at
all, leaving most of the write activity to the log files.  Workstations
typically aren't writing a ton of data to /var/log, nothing like most
servers, so IMO a journaled FS isn't really necessary for /var.  Others may
have other opinions.

Something to consider is that millions of people have been running single
ext2 partitions with everything in / for quite some time.  I don't recall
reading many system crash horror stories of data loss in /var or anywhere
else in the Linux filesystem.

My recommendation of XFS for /home was mainly focused on speed.  XFS has
very fast copy speed and handles large files very well.  The journal is just
a bonus.  My comments in this thread are workstation specific.  In a server
environment there are many other reasons I choose XFS.


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Re: Single root filesystem evilness decreasing in 2010? (on workstations)

2010-02-28 Thread thib

Stan Hoeppner wrote:

All of that talk and gyration over a workstation disk layout?  You never did
mention what the primary application usage is on this machine, which should
be a factor in how you set it up.  If you're an email warrior, what damn
difference does it make, and why bother with LVM on a workstation?  What
size is the new disk?

Well, sorry, I guess.  But why not?  Like you, I always come up with a 
little layout for my needs, and I'm here wondering if that's really useful.

*I'd bother with LVM to be able to resize my volumes easily, like I said. 
Also, I may not be able to use GPT because of dual-boot restrictions, and 
BIOS MBR's partition table may have limitations that affect me.  I don't 
think that's really the point anyway.

Here's a safe bet, even with grub(2):

swap4GB may never need it, but u have plenty of disk
/boot   100MB   ext2safe call, even if grub(2) doesn't need a /boot
/   40GBext2/3  journal may eliminate mandatory check interval
/varup2uext2sequential write/read, journal unnecessary
/home   up2uxfs best performance for all file sizes and counts

For example, why would that be safer to put /boot aside on ext2 with grub2? 
 (Honest question, that was in my first post.)

I know, these layouts depend on so much things, and you can't possibly know 
what I need if I don't tell you;  in fact I wasn't exactly asking for help 
to partition my volumes (even though I appreciate yours, really), I was 
trying to figure out how bad it would be if I don't.  Yes, in general, 
that's a broad subject that affects many things, and that's why I did all 
this talk and gyration about it.  If the discussion isn't of interest, well, 
let it die.

You raised a point, however - that some trees might need journaling, and 
some do not.  I.. don't follow you.  Especially for /var which, beeing 
written to more often, is more subject to corruption.

BTW, it's possible to use ext4 without a journal (and before anyone points 
it out, no, it's not the same as ext2).

*You may trust ext4 at this point, but I, and many others don't.  xfs beats
ext4 in every category, so why bother with ext4?

I don't think anybody wants to go there.  (That doesn't mean that I disagree 
with you.)

If you have a 500GB, 750GB, 1TB, 1.5TB, 2TB disk, leave the freak'n bulk of
it unallocated until you actually need it.  This rule alone eliminates much
of the vacillation you are currently experiencing WRT Omg what am I ever
going to do with all this disk?!

I'm sorry if sounded that stupid to you, but I will need all of it.  What's 
really a problem is that the disk usage of my local software will vary 
*greatly* (nearly as much as my data, yes).  I either need to use LVM all 
the time, mount --bind trees on a big filesystem containing all the most 
variable data and software (which in some way defeats the purpose of 
partitioning) or.. well, wonder if that is all necessary, and go with the 
noob single root filesystem way - which, as I'm trying to convince myself, 
may not be that dumb.

Again, if you think this is pointless, leave me with it, I'll be alright.


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Re: Best Video Capture Device for Debian?

2010-02-28 Thread Thomas H. George
On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 12:49:07PM +1300, Richard Hector wrote:
 On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 08:08 -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:
  I purchased a Canon DC410 camcorder and recorded on several mini cd's
  during a trip to Europe.  Most of the mini cd's I can mount and edit the
  foo.vob files with avidemux.  Mount fails for one of the mini cd's and
  my dvd player can't read it either but the camcorder can still play back
  the recordings.  I don't want to lose these shots.  The camcorder has
  composite output so I need to purchase a video capture card which will
  work with my Debian Squeeze 64 bit system.
  Any recommendations or experience with this problem?
 I realise I'm a bit late ... but this camera also seems to have an SD
 card slot? Can you copy the video from the DVD to the card and get it
 off that way?
No such luck - the SD card is for photos.

I did ultimately solve my problem though not as I would have liked to
solve it.  I had purchased a Kworld DVD Maker USB2.0 which my Debian
Squeeze system immediately recognized as /dev/video0.  However none of
the capture programs would work with it.  The device came with Window
software so I booted the system in XP Professional loaded the software.
Windoze did not recognize the Kworld device.  The software found a
Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1250 card which I had installed to watch tv with
MythTV and wanted to record cable tv programs.  The software also had an
option for recording from cd's so I took the mini cd out of the camera,
put it in the dvd drive and tried to record from it.  The software could
not read the cd but offered to go on line and find a codec for the file
on the cd.  I told it to try and it succeeded!!!

At this point I stopped trying to figure out what was going on and just
settled for a copy of the file.  The problem seems to be this - the
problem cd was dvd-rw disk initialized in VR mode.  I made test
recordings and was able to mount the disk and edit the files.  I then
made the recordings of my European trip and finalized the disk.  After
this I could no longer mount the disk and the camera could not
unfinalize it (dvd-rw disks do not need to be unfinalized)

At this point I realized that I had no wish to edit the recordings in
the camera, I preferred to do this with the computer.  It followed that
there was no need to record on rw disks in VR mode, recordings on dvd-r
disks in video mode are fine and, once finalized, my Debian system has
no problem mounting them and avidemux can read the files.  

End of story.
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Re: Why doesn't iceweasel work with iceape

2010-02-28 Thread godo

Bret Busby wrote:

On Sun, 28 Feb 2010, godo wrote:

In trying to configure iceweasel to do the same (iceweasel defaults to
opening evolution, which I understand to be much the same as microsoft
outlook), I open the iceweasel Edit - Preferences - Applications -
mailto option, and it displays the options Use Gmail, Use Yahoo!
Mail, Always ask, and Use other, which does not give access to
iceape mail composer.

I just try than on Squeeze and it works, but trick is that when you
browse Use other choose iceape (/usr/bin/iceape).

Goran Dobosevic

That seems to work.

Whilst it opens up an iceape browser window with the URL mailto...,
which then opens up an iceape mail compser window, it does work, if not

I had previously tried to find iceape using the paths /bin and /sbin,
but didn't find it there; the required path was, as you have indicated -

Thank you for that.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
A Trilogy In Four Parts,
written by Douglas Adams,
published by Pan Books, 1992

For finding some app.: 'whereis'

$ whereis iceape
iceape: /usr/bin/iceape /etc/iceape /usr/lib/iceape /usr/share/iceape 

Goran Dobosevic
Hrvatski: www.dobosevic.com
 English: www.dobosevic.com/en/
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: Limited X setup

2010-02-28 Thread Jari Fredriksson
On 28.2.2010 0:24, joseph lockhart wrote:
 Hello, been a while since I posted, working on setting up a partition which 
 will run mainly console programs, however, I was interested in setting up X 
 to run a few programs (or maybe the framebuffer) a quick search of the web 
 yielded no help. Any suggestions on where to look. 
 Running lenny from netinstall with some console added already but no graphics 
 yet. Also I have no interest in a GUI for this project.

I just install xterm, and get minimal stuff to run software on a remote


Elves and Dragons! I says to him.  Cabbages and potatoes are better
for you and me.
-- J. R. R. Tolkien

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: perl or bash question [convert strings in a txt to html links]

2010-02-28 Thread Jari Fredriksson
On 27.2.2010 19:12, Vadkan Jozsef wrote:
 How can I do that in bash or perl, that I have a txt file, e.g.:
 $cat file.txt
 Hi, this is the content of the txt file, that contains links like this:
 http://www.somewhere.it/, and it could contain: http://somewhere.com,
 This is the second line, that doesn't contains links..
 This is the XYZ line, that contains a link: http://www.somewhere.net

No regexp but how about the txt2html utility?


Elves and Dragons! I says to him.  Cabbages and potatoes are better
for you and me.
-- J. R. R. Tolkien

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Single root filesystem evilness decreasing in 2010? (on workstations)

2010-02-28 Thread Clive McBarton
Hash: SHA1

I find the concept very interesting in principle, although I am not sure
I can recommend it. In some respects single file systems are more
acceptable nowadays. In others they are not. Here are my $.02:

 * Filesystem corruption containment
 I use ext4, and I've read enough about it to trust its developers for my
 workstations.  I don't think that's a risky bet.  
You trust ext4, and so does Ubuntu. Others (including most distros,
including Debian) do not.

In fact, I believe
 this old statement dates back to when we hadn't journals, in the ext2 days.

It does not date back at all. Filesystem checks on ext3 can still take
hours on a perfectly clean filesystem. The quotient of read speed to
capacity of drives gets smaller with every new HDD generation,
converging to zero.

 * Free space issues
You are right on this one, single workstations have least free space
issues without partitions.

 * Specific mount options
 mount(8) --bind won't allow me to set
 specific options to the remounted tree, I wonder if this limitation can
 possibly be lifted. 
I have not heard of any way around it, and since you find it annoying,
that speaks against your single filesystem plan.

 * System software replacement
 For a workstation, I don't need a fast system recovery mechanism, and I
 want to minimize my backup sizes. 
But you backup /home and the rest separately? Should.

 * Fragmentation optimization
What's Fragmentation? This is Unix ;) But seriously, unless the
difference is really measurable I wouldn't care.

 What's funny is that the physical extents now get fragmented, there's
 just no way around it - and I believe that to this date, LVM2's
 contiguous policy doesn't allow for defragmentation when it's stuck. 
Should it? Is there any noticeable impact? Hard evidence? Benchmarks?

 I also know the performance hit is minimal, the PE
 sizes can be and are typically quite big, but..  it's still there and
 should be avoided if possible.
If it's under 1%, ignore it.

 there's an online
 defragmenter for ext4 I can afford to run regularly now.
I have not heard of fragmentation being a problem even with ext2.

 * Metadata (i-node) table sizes
Ignore this, +1T or not +1T. Unless you run out of inodes, it won't matter.

 * Block/Volume level operations (dm-crypt, backup, ...)
 you know of any good benchmark of the main cryptographic virtual
Ignore this issue, CPUs are much faster than needed for this.

 * Special block sizes for specific trees
 I found a maildir with a 1k block size was more convenient than the
 current 4k default
What's the advantage? Hardly size, unless you have more than 10^8 mails.

 * (Mad?) positioning optimizations
 It's often said some sectors on some cylinders get better performance,
HDDs nowadays only use logical sector numbers. The old h/t/s
3D-interface is just there for compatibility and cannot access the true
h/t/s data of the HDD. Such optimization cannot work.

 * Boot obligations
  I guess
 you'd still need a separate boot partition if you're stuck with another
 boot loader.  
If grub2 breaks, you need another tiny partition, so might as well make
one now. The space loss won't hurt you.

 * Swap special-case
 I'm just OK with my three gigs.  The 1:1
 mem:swap rule has got to be wasting space here, hasn't it?
Ignore swap, that's just small stuff, especially with 3GB. You could
have 64GB and it would still be not that important. Put it on any
partition or file you want.
The rule is 1:2 BTW.

 Well, here it is;  so, should I do it?
If you feel like tinkering and sorting out problems, then yes. If you
want to just get your computer running and never think about it again,
then no.
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Re: Single root filesystem evilness decreasing in 2010? (on workstations)

2010-02-28 Thread Clive McBarton
Hash: SHA1

Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 /var  up2uext2sequential write/read, journal unnecessary

I don't see the advantage of ext2 over ext3 here (or for that matter
anywhere else, which may just be my ignorance). The journal may be
unnecessary, but it doesn't cost much either, neither performance nor
space in noticeable quantities.

 *You may trust ext4 at this point, but I, and many others don't.  xfs beats
 ext4 in every category, so why bother with ext4?

Exactly. If any Ubuntu maintainers were on this list, we could ask them,
 they see some reason for it (but I don't know what it is).

 If you have a 500GB, 750GB, 1TB, 1.5TB, 2TB disk, leave the freak'n bulk of
 it unallocated until you actually need it. 

How exactly is that useful w/o LVM? How is the space supposed to be
included later?
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OpenOffice and Fluxbox, window sizing problem

2010-02-28 Thread Tyler Smith

I'm trying to use openoffice on Debian testing, with Fluxbox as my
window manager. I use the styles and formatting dropdown, and the
undocked window it provides when you click on the more option quite a
lot. However, no matter how many times I manually resize the undocked
window, or set my preferences for this window to be relatively small and
placed off to one side of the screen, it is constantly resized to
maximize, obscuring everything on the screen. This happens whenever I
use alt-tab to bounce between windows.

Typical example:

Open oowriter
Click on the apply-styles drop-down in the menubar
Click on the more style option
The entire screen is taken up by the Styles and Formatting window
Resize the Styles and Formatting window with the mouse or keyboard shortcuts
Open a second document
alt-tab between the two documents
the Styles and Formatting window is now maximized again!

I don't know if this is a fluxbox issue, or an OOO issue, but I've tried
setting appropriate options in .fluxbox/apps, and I can't override this
very annoying behaviour. Any help would be appreciated.



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Re: OpenOffice and Fluxbox, window sizing problem

2010-02-28 Thread Wayne linux...@gmail.com

Tyler Smith wrote:


I'm trying to use openoffice on Debian testing, with Fluxbox as my
window manager. I use the styles and formatting dropdown, and the
undocked window it provides when you click on the more option quite a

Styles  formatting in what, fluxbox or OO?

However, no matter how many times I manually resize the undocked

window, or set my preferences for this window to be relatively small and
placed off to one side of the screen, it is constantly resized to
maximize, obscuring everything on the screen. This happens whenever I
use alt-tab to bounce between windows.

I just brought up OO writer.  Yes it takes up the whole screen.  I then 
sized it to the size I wanted, right clicked on the titlle bar at the 
top, slected Remember, then clicked on the top 5 items and the Save on 
Close. Quit Writer and then selected it again.  The OO writer window is 
as I had previously set. That works for most of the apps.

Typical example:

Open oowriter
Click on the apply-styles drop-down in the menubar
Click on the more style option
The entire screen is taken up by the Styles and Formatting window
Resize the Styles and Formatting window with the mouse or keyboard shortcuts
Open a second document
alt-tab between the two documents
the Styles and Formatting window is now maximized again!

I don't know if this is a fluxbox issue, or an OOO issue, but I've tried
setting appropriate options in .fluxbox/apps, and I can't override this
very annoying behaviour. Any help would be appreciated.

If I'm mistaken the styles/formatting  are for the document, not the OO 
writer window.

Maybe I am not understanding you correctly.

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Re: Single root filesystem evilness decreasing in 2010? (on workstations)

2010-02-28 Thread thib

Clive McBarton wrote:

I find the concept very interesting in principle, although I am not sure
I can recommend it. In some respects single file systems are more
acceptable nowadays. In others they are not. Here are my $.02:

Thank you.

You trust ext4, and so does Ubuntu. Others (including most distros,
including Debian) do not.

I'm sorry if I should know, but is that a clear position or the general fear 
around delayed allocation?  I'd say that I only trust it for its own 
integrity management, not that of my data.  I don't think anyone should 
expect that from a filesystem, that's, to my knowledge, what databases are 
for.  Other than that, each application should make the necessary steps to 
ensure files are correctly flushed on disk (f(data)?sync(),..)

Anyway, one can still disable some features;  I hope ext4 will be mature 
enough in everyone's head by the time Squeeze will be frozen, there are just 
some features that feel necessary.


* Specific mount options
mount(8) --bind won't allow me to set
specific options to the remounted tree, I wonder if this limitation can
possibly be lifted. 

I have not heard of any way around it, and since you find it annoying,
that speaks against your single filesystem plan.

Yep;  but that's not right, I don't see how it can't be possible.
Can somebody recommend me where I could forward this discussion?  The kernel 
lists?  I'm not sure.

But you backup /home and the rest separately? Should.

Sure (but at filesystem level, not the whole byte-by-byte volume).

* Fragmentation optimization

What's Fragmentation? This is Unix ;) But seriously, unless the
difference is really measurable I wouldn't care.

Yes, you're right, especially with delayed allocation.

What's funny is that the physical extents now get fragmented, there's
just no way around it - and I believe that to this date, LVM2's
contiguous policy doesn't allow for defragmentation when it's stuck. 

Should it? Is there any noticeable impact? Hard evidence? Benchmarks?

That would be possible to do, so I guess it should, yes, but since that 
certainly should *not* be a priority for them, well, I'd forget about it.

If it's under 1%, ignore it.

I hate myself for not keeping track of these when I see them, but I actually 
managed to dig a benchmark, yes.  Shown a greater hit than that (I won't 
brag) but when you think about it, you'd really have to torture the 
filesystem to see it.  The article was quite old and seemed somewhat random, 
I wouldn't even trust it much.

* Block/Volume level operations (dm-crypt, backup, ...)
you know of any good benchmark of the main cryptographic virtual

Ignore this issue, CPUs are much faster than needed for this.

Actually, with a fancy raid array and enough disks, you can achieve some 
throughput that might stress an older CPU, especially if it also has to 
manage the array in software.  Just went up to 1.20 load with a simple 
sequential write (and that CPU is not *that* old - 64 x2 3800+).  I think 
there's still some way to go to achieve absolute crypto transparency 
performance wise, and the CPU is the main player here.

* Special block sizes for specific trees
I found a maildir with a 1k block size was more convenient than the
current 4k default

What's the advantage? Hardly size, unless you have more than 10^8 mails.

Well since I don't need speed performance to read my mails, and that the 
problem doesn't seem that hard to solve, I'd prefer to waste some space on 
something else than half empty blocks.  So, yes, it's to gain space, but 
more in a why not? way.

* (Mad?) positioning optimizations
It's often said some sectors on some cylinders get better performance,

HDDs nowadays only use logical sector numbers. The old h/t/s
3D-interface is just there for compatibility and cannot access the true
h/t/s data of the HDD. Such optimization cannot work.

I found this as an example

And finally, that's something recent.  Apparently, um, sequential read at 
the beginning of the disk can be twice as fast as at the end?  I'm not sure 
if I should feel surprised, but I am.  As I just answered myself, that's 
another argument against a single root filesystem.

If grub2 breaks, you need another tiny partition, so might as well make
one now. The space loss won't hurt you.

I think everybody should keep a handy recovery live CD around;  in fact, one 
would have enough with a separate partition only if the GRUB LVM/RAID 
modules break - if the core breaks, it's of no help.

Ignore swap, that's just small stuff, especially with 3GB. You could
have 64GB and it would still be not that important. Put it on any
partition or file you want.

For a workstation, yeah.

The rule is 1:2 BTW.

Different schools ;-).

Well, here it is;  so, should I do it?

If you feel like tinkering and sorting out problems, then yes. If you
want to 

what about acroread in squeeze i386?

2010-02-28 Thread Francesco Pietra
What about acroread in squeeze i386? The only reason here to maintain
a computer with squeeze is to provide a needed tool to scientists. Why
acroread acroread-mozilla acroread-plugins can't be found on
debian-multimedia i386 squeeze/testing? We have to run more expensive
and more energy demanding 64-bit machines with lenny to have such
packages. Curious about the reason why squeeze has no efficient pdf

francesco pietra

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Re: what about acroread in squeeze i386?

2010-02-28 Thread Vincenzo Tibullo
They moved to non-free, see http://debian-multimedia.org/.


2010/2/28 Francesco Pietra chiendar...@gmail.com:
 What about acroread in squeeze i386? The only reason here to maintain
 a computer with squeeze is to provide a needed tool to scientists. Why
 acroread acroread-mozilla acroread-plugins can't be found on
 debian-multimedia i386 squeeze/testing? We have to run more expensive
 and more energy demanding 64-bit machines with lenny to have such
 packages. Curious about the reason why squeeze has no efficient pdf

 francesco pietra

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Re: Icewm menu not working properly

2010-02-28 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 26 Feb 2010, Mark Neyhart wrote:
 Anthony Campbell wrote:
  I have used icewm for a long time and have not had any trouble with the
  menu. Recently all the entries for browsers have stopped working on my
  HP laptop (not on my desktop).
  The entries are of this form:
  prog Iceweasel -  iceweasel 
  prog Iceape - iceape 
  prog Lynx - lynx
  Nothing happens at all with these -no error messages, nothing. I can run
  all the browsers easily from a terminal.
 It could be a problem with the path used by icewm.  Have you tried
 specifying the full path in the menu file?
 prog Iceweasel - /usr/bin/iceweasel
I'd already tried that, without result. I also tried xterm -e iceweasel.
Removing .xinitrc and .Xdefaults doesn't help either.


Anthony Campbell - a...@acampbell.org.uk 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux 
http://www.acampbell.org.uk - sample my ebooks at

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Re: OpenOffice and Fluxbox, window sizing problem

2010-02-28 Thread Tyler Smith
Wayne linux...@gmail.com linux...@gmail.com writes:

 Tyler Smith wrote:

 I'm trying to use openoffice on Debian testing, with Fluxbox as my
 window manager. I use the styles and formatting dropdown, and the
 undocked window it provides when you click on the more option quite a

 Styles  formatting in what, fluxbox or OO?


 However, no matter how many times I manually resize the undocked
 window, or set my preferences for this window to be relatively small and
 placed off to one side of the screen, it is constantly resized to
 maximize, obscuring everything on the screen. This happens whenever I
 use alt-tab to bounce between windows.

 I just brought up OO writer. Yes it takes up the whole screen. I then
 sized it to the size I wanted, right clicked on the titlle bar at the
 top, slected Remember, then clicked on the top 5 items and the Save on
 Close. Quit Writer and then selected it again. The OO writer window is
 as I had previously set. That works for most of the apps.

That's not the issue I'm having. It's the Styles and Formatting window
within OpenOffice that gets maximized. I described it further:

 Typical example:

 Open oowriter
 Click on the apply-styles drop-down in the menubar
 Click on the more style option
 The entire screen is taken up by the Styles and Formatting window
 Resize the Styles and Formatting window with the mouse or keyboard 
 Open a second document
 alt-tab between the two documents
 the Styles and Formatting window is now maximized again!

 I don't know if this is a fluxbox issue, or an OOO issue, but I've tried
 setting appropriate options in .fluxbox/apps, and I can't override this
 very annoying behaviour. Any help would be appreciated.

 If I'm mistaken the styles/formatting  are for the document, not the OO 
 writer window.

Well, yes. I open the styles formatting window for the document, but I
can't actually see the document because the styles and formatting window
is maximized over top of the document it is associated with.

 Maybe I am not understanding you correctly.

Hopefully it's clearer now.



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Re: what about acroread in squeeze i386?

2010-02-28 Thread Tyler Smith
Francesco Pietra chiendar...@gmail.com writes:

 What about acroread in squeeze i386? The only reason here to maintain
 a computer with squeeze is to provide a needed tool to scientists. Why
 acroread acroread-mozilla acroread-plugins can't be found on
 debian-multimedia i386 squeeze/testing? We have to run more expensive
 and more energy demanding 64-bit machines with lenny to have such
 packages. Curious about the reason why squeeze has no efficient pdf

Out of curiosity, what is particularly inefficient about Okular or


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Re: No audio on Acer One

2010-02-28 Thread Rodolfo Medina
* Rodolfo Medina [100228 15:12 +0100]

 Both Master and Pcm are set to 100.  So it seems that we don't have any

Elimar Riesebieter riese...@lxtec.de writes:

 Create as root the file /etc/modprobe.d/sound.conf with the
 following contents:

 alias snd-card-0 snd_hda_intel
 options snd_hda_intel index=0
 options snd_hda_intel model=acer

 reboot and test again.

Done, but the problem remains.

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Re: what about acroread in squeeze i386?

2010-02-28 Thread Wayne linux...@gmail.com

Francesco Pietra wrote:

What about acroread in squeeze i386? The only reason here to maintain
a computer with squeeze is to provide a needed tool to scientists. Why
acroread acroread-mozilla acroread-plugins can't be found on
debian-multimedia i386 squeeze/testing? We have to run more expensive
and more energy demanding 64-bit machines with lenny to have such
packages. Curious about the reason why squeeze has no efficient pdf

I am running 386 acroread on a 686 squeeze box with the only problem 
being the print option for Odd an Even pages works backwards.

I have not been able to use acroread on my 64bit box for months now.

Same goes for cups, OK on 386, none on 64 bit. Both running squeeze.


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