Re: Nova instal lació mantenint partició /home, é s factible?

2010-05-25 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales
Pere Nubiola Radigales
Telf: +34 656316974

-- Missatge reenviat --
De: Pere Nubiola Radigales
Data: 24 de maig de 2010 12:16
Assumpte: Re: Nova instal lació mantenint partició /home, és factible?
Per a: joan

No ho he probat mai peró:
Posa el disk al ordinador nou , i fes que arranqui desde aquest disk.
Arranca en modus single user.
quant et demani la contrasenya entra la contrasenya de root
Arrancaras en modus consola i amb la majoria de serveis
Si la targe esta entre les adaptables es facil que funcioni.
Potser no estará montada.
Ifconfig eth0 up
dhclient eth0
aptitude update
aptitude dist-upgrade
init 6

i arranca normalment.

Crec que nomes pots tenir problems amb la targe si has canviat la
marca o era un model molt antic
Pere Nubiola Radigales
Telf: +34 656316974

El 24 de maig de 2010 11:23, joan ha escrit:

 Pregunto per assegurar-me, perquè em penso que si que es pot fer...

 Estic a punt de instal·lar debian en un ordinador nou (el vell te problemes
 de hard-placa base), i pensava si podria aprofitar la partició a on tinc
 posat (exclusivament) el /home. Jo crec que si poso el disc dur a l'altre
 ordinador i li dic2, que em munti el /home a la partició a on ara el tinc
 (sense formatejar), no hi hauria d'haver problema, oi?

 Un altre alternativa seria saber si puc aprofitar la partició a on tinc
 muntat el sistema arrel / en el nou ordinador, però juraria que això no ho
 puc fer perquè el hardware és diferent, oi? O hi ha manera de fer una mena
 de reconfigure???



 Joan Cervan i Andreu

 El meu paper no és transformar el món ni l'home sinó, potser, el de ser
 útil, des del meu lloc, als pocs valors sense els quals un món no val la
 pena viure'l
 A. Camus

 i pels que teniu fe:
 Déu no és la Veritat, la Veritat és Déu

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Re: Nova instal lació mantenint partició /home, és factible?

2010-05-25 Thread Antoni Soto i Riera
Pere Nubiola Radigales writes:
  No ho he probat mai peró:
  Posa el disk al ordinador nou , i fes que arranqui desde aquest disk.
  Arranca en modus single user.
  quant et demani la contrasenya entra la contrasenya de root
  Arrancaras en modus consola i amb la majoria de serveis
  Si la targe esta entre les adaptables es facil que funcioni.
  Potser no estará montada.
  Ifconfig eth0 up
  dhclient eth0
  aptitude update
  aptitude dist-upgrade
  init 6
  i arranca normalment.
  Crec que nomes pots tenir problems amb la targe si has canviat la
  marca o era un model molt antic

  El 24 de maig de 2010 11:23, joan ha escrit:
   Un altre alternativa seria saber si puc aprofitar la partició a on tinc
   muntat el sistema arrel / en el nou ordinador, però juraria que això no ho
   puc fer perquè el hardware és diferent, oi? O hi ha manera de fer una mena
   de reconfigure???

Jo sí que ho he provat. Vaig canviar la placa base i vaig mantenir la
resta de components, en particular el disc. La màquina va arrencar
correctament. Ara bé, com que és una debian estable i la placa és
nova, el kernel no reconeix la targeta de xarxa. També em vaig trobar
amb algun desajust en fitxers de configuració. Per exemple, el lirc
necessita saber quin dispositiu d'entrada correspon al comandament a
distància escrit en un fitxer de configuració i amb el nou kernel
havia canviat el nom del dispositiu (això, però és més aviar un error
meu perquè en el fitxer de configuració es pot usar un dispositiu de
/dev/input/by-id). Et pots trobar altres problemes: per exemple, si la
targeta gràfica està integrada a la placa base pot ser que la
configuració antiga de les X no serveixi i que les X no arrenquin.

Antoni Soto Riera

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona
Av. Diagonal 647, 8a planta

phone: (+34) 93 401 60 46
fax:   (+34) 93 401 60 50 

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problemes amb PDF 1.7

2010-05-25 Thread xabi

a la wikipedia anglesa diu que pdf 1.7 té la qualificació d'estàndard,

The ISO 32000-1:2008 PDF open standard was published by the ISO on July 1,
2008. PDF is now a published ISO standard, titled Document
management—Portable document format—Part 1: PDF 1.7

el tema és que no el podem obrir ni amb okular, ni evince, ni pdf2ps, ni
gimp, ni res del que a debian testing, tot i haver instal·lat libgnupdf0

The GNU PDF Library provides functions to read and write PDF documents
conforming to the PDF 1.7 specification. This includes visualization
(retrieving of bitmaps with rasterized page contents) and interactive
features such as annotations and interactive forms. The library also 
support the generation of specific subsets of PDF conforming to the ISO
standards PDF/A,PDF/X and ISO 32000.

quan l'obrim es veu un pdf que diu:To view the full contents of this
document, you need a later version of the PDF viewer. You can upgrade to
the latest version of Adobe Reader from

us hi heu trobat?


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Re: El DNIe funciona a la SID

2010-05-25 Thread Marc Olive

Gràcies per l'apunt, en prenc bona nota.

El Thursday 20 May 2010 06:41:13 Pere Nubiola Radigales va escriure:
 Com sabeu instal·lar el DNIe a la SID era una tasca compromesa. A la
 que actualitzaves deixava de funcionar.
 A van resoldre el
 problema i a, els ubuntaires han preparat
 un paquet que te una petita errada que es pot corregir.

 Pere Nubiola Radigales
 Telf: +34 656316974


Marc Olivé
Grup Blau  

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Re: Nova instal lació mantenint partició /h ome, és factible?

2010-05-25 Thread joan

Al 24/05/10 14:50, En/na Pere Nubiola Radigales ha escrit:

Es una opció del setup de la placa.  Mirat el manual de la placa base.

No em referia a rrencar des del disc dur, em referia a rrencar com a 
single user... És això el que em deies que es configura a la placa base?



On 5 24, 2010 1:11 PM, joan wrote:

Al 24/05/10 12:16, En/na Pere Nubiola Radigales ha escrit:

  No ho he probat mai peró:  Posa el disk al ordinador nou , i fes 
que arranqui desde aquest dis...

Com ???

 quant et demani la contrasenya entra la contrasenya de root  
Arrancaras en modus consola i amb ...

Podria estar bé provar-ho... m'estalviaria una instal·lació nova :-)

Merci :-)


Crec que nomes pots tenir problems amb la targe si has 
canviat la  marca o era un model m...


Joan Cervan i Andreu El meu paper no és 
transformar el món ni l'home ...


Joan Cervan i Andreu

El meu paper no és transformar el món ni l'home sinó, potser, el de ser útil, des 
del meu lloc, als pocs valors sense els quals un món no val la pena viure'l
A. Camus

i pels que teniu fe:
Déu no és la Veritat, la Veritat és Déu

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Re: Nova instal lació mantenint partició /home, é s factible?

2010-05-25 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales
Es una de les opcions del menu del grub

On 5 25, 2010 1:08 PM, joan wrote:

Al 24/05/10 14:50, En/na Pere Nubiola Radigales ha escrit:

   Es una opció del setup de la placa.  Mirat el manual de la placa base.

No em referia a rrencar des del disc dur, em referia a rrencar com a single
user... És això el que em deies que es configura a la placa base?



 On 5 24, 2010 1:11 PM, joan mailto: wrote:...

El meu paper no és transformar el món ni l'home sinó, potser, el de ser
útil, des del meu lloc, als...

Re: Nova instal lació mantenint partició /h ome, és factible?

2010-05-25 Thread joan

Merci :-)

Al 25/05/10 13:10, En/na Pere Nubiola Radigales ha escrit:

Es una de les opcions del menu del grub

On 5 25, 2010 1:08 PM, joan wrote:

Al 24/05/10 14:50, En/na Pere Nubiola Radigales ha escrit:

   Es una opció del setup de la placa.  Mirat el manual de la 
placa base. 

No em referia a rrencar des del disc dur, em referia a rrencar com a 
single user... És això el que em deies que es configura a la placa 



 On 5 24, 2010 1:11 PM, joan wrote:...

El meu paper no és transformar el món ni l'home sinó, potser, el de 
ser útil, des del meu lloc, als...


Joan Cervan i Andreu

El meu paper no és transformar el món ni l'home sinó, potser, el de ser útil, des 
del meu lloc, als pocs valors sense els quals un món no val la pena viure'l
A. Camus

i pels que teniu fe:
Déu no és la Veritat, la Veritat és Déu

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Re: problemes amb PDF 1.7

2010-05-25 Thread Ferran Jorba
Hola Xabi,

 a la wikipedia anglesa diu que pdf 1.7 té la qualificació d'estàndard,

Cosa bona.

 The ISO 32000-1:2008 PDF open standard was published by the ISO on July 1,
 2008. PDF is now a published ISO standard, titled Document
 management Portable document format Part 1: PDF 1.7

Ara hem de donar temps que les aplicacions puguin reconèixer-lo.

 el tema és que no el podem obrir ni amb okular, ni evince, ni pdf2ps, ni
 gimp, ni res del que a debian testing, tot i haver instal·lat libgnupdf0

La meva experiència, sempre amb Debian Stable, és que xpdf normalment va una
mica més enllà que els altres lectors amb els que habitualment vaig alternant
(com els que tu dius).  L'has provat?
 The GNU PDF Library provides functions to read and write PDF documents
 conforming to the PDF 1.7 specification. This includes visualization
 (retrieving of bitmaps with rasterized page contents) and interactive
 features such as annotations and interactive forms. The library also 
 support the generation of specific subsets of PDF conforming to the ISO
 standards PDF/A,PDF/X and ISO 32000.

Per curiostat, quina aplicació d'usuari final tens, que utilitzi el GNU PDF?
 quan l'obrim es veu un pdf que diu:To view the full contents of this
 document, you need a later version of the PDF viewer. You can upgrade to
 the latest version of Adobe Reader from

Hmmm.  Una mica sospitós, aquest missatge.  Has provat de passar-li el pdfinfo,
pdftotext o pdffonts?  El que venen amb xpdf-utils, no els de plopper-utils,
normalment no tant al dia com les altres.  I el file(1) o el Jhove
(, com el reconeixen?
 us hi heu trobat?

No, però m'agradaria trobar-m'hi.  És públic, aquest document?



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Software untuk Toko/Swalayan/Restoran/dll -- Gratis -- Terbatas -- Ayo Cepat Download !!

2010-05-25 Thread PT Asli Indonesia 2
Software AlfaPOS (Point of Sales)

Software AlfaPOS sudah terbukti sukses diimplementasikan diberbagai jenis 
bisnis retail sejak tahun 2006.

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- Toko Bangunan/Keramik/Alat Rumah Tangga
- Toko Pakaian/Butik/Distro/Tas/Sepatu/Sandal/Perhiasan/Aksesoris Pria Wanita
- Toko Furniture/Oleh-Oleh/Kue/Merchandise
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- Sudah teruji sejak tahun 2006 sukses menangani berbagai jenis bisnis
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Jika perlu informasi dan support, silahkan menghubungi :
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Jika ingin jadi distributor/agen, silahkan hubungi 0817-9155-632.

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Re: Instalado Debian Lenny, pero no puedo iniciarlo

2010-05-25 Thread Jose P.G
Ups, lo siento Angeld, sin querer lo he enviado a tu correo (esto de no
estar acostumbrado a escribir en las listas de correo).

Siendo exactos, más que una pantalla negra es simplemente que no puedo ver
nada porque la pantalla nisiquiera puede cargar nada (vamos, como si tuviera
el ordenador apagado). Si es demasiado lio siempre puedo pasarme a ubuntu u
otro, pero si sabéis si esto puede tener solución no estaría de más probar
algo antes de rendirse.

¿Estás intentando entrar en modo gráfico?*

*¿Has intentado entrar solo en modo texto?*
No, supongo que alomejor puedo intentar mirarlo aunque tampoco me sirve de
mucho si luego no funciona el modo gráfico (luego muchos programas que uso
no tienen este modo y además creo que es muy molesto trabajar así).

*En esa pantalla negra ¿Has intentado teclear cntrl alt F1?  ¿Qué
No puedo teclear nada, cuando toco alguna tecla suena un ruidito del pc
(este que te dice que no puedes tocar nada).
¿Arroja algún mensaje?*
Nada de nada.
¿Qué tarjeta gráfica tienes?*

*¿Termina de cargar qué?, ¿Las X?, ¿El kernel?, *
Termina de cargar normalmente todo (creo que será todo) lo que sale al
principio antes de iniciar el SO, ya sabes, la pantalla negra.

*¿Cómo descartas el disco?, ¿Qué mensajes dan?, *
Lo he instalado en dos discos duros y ocurre lo mismo. No da mensajes como
he comentado.

¿Algo más? Muchísimas gracias por las molestias y la ayuda. Os deseo un buen
día a todos.

Re: Instalado Debian Lenny, pero no puedo iniciarlo

2010-05-25 Thread AngelD
El Tue, 25 May 2010 11:36:25 +0200
Jose P.G escribió:

 Ups, lo siento Angeld, sin querer lo he enviado a tu correo (esto de
 no estar acostumbrado a escribir en las listas de correo).

Tranquilo, respondo a todos a modo de venganza. :-)

 Siendo exactos, más que una pantalla negra es simplemente que no
 puedo ver nada porque la pantalla nisiquiera puede cargar nada
 (vamos, como si tuviera el ordenador apagado). Si es demasiado lio
 siempre puedo pasarme a ubuntu u otro, pero si sabéis si esto puede
 tener solución no estaría de más probar algo antes de rendirse.

¿Quieres cambiar a Ubunto?. Cambia, pero posiblemente tengas el
mismo problema.

¿Tiene solución?. Hay pocas cosas sin solución en esta vida. 

 ¿Estás intentando entrar en modo gráfico?*
 *¿Has intentado entrar solo en modo texto?*
 No, supongo que alomejor puedo intentar mirarlo aunque tampoco me
 sirve de mucho si luego no funciona el modo gráfico (luego muchos
 programas que uso no tienen este modo y además creo que es muy
 molesto trabajar así).

Puede valer para ver los logs, y ver dónde está el error. La
forma más sencilla es que cuando te salga el menu de grub, el que sale
nada más arrancar con una cuenta atrás, escoger el modo recovery mode.

 *En esa pantalla negra ¿Has intentado teclear cntrl alt F1?
 ¿Qué sucede?*
 No puedo teclear nada, cuando toco alguna tecla suena un ruidito del
 pc (este que te dice que no puedes tocar nada).

 ¿Arroja algún mensaje?*
 Nada de nada.
 ¿Qué tarjeta gráfica tienes?*
 *¿Termina de cargar qué?, ¿Las X?, ¿El kernel?, *
 Termina de cargar normalmente todo (creo que será todo) lo que sale al
 principio antes de iniciar el SO, ya sabes, la pantalla negra.

No entender. ¿Llega a cargar el grub (gestor de arranque)?,
¿llega a cargar algo?.

 *¿Cómo descartas el disco?, ¿Qué mensajes dan?, *
 Lo he instalado en dos discos duros y ocurre lo mismo. No da mensajes
 como he comentado.

Así, con los escasos datos que tenemos (pantalla negra,
¿cuando?, ¿cómo?), pregunto:

¿Llegas a ver el gestor de arranque?. Si no llegas ha verlo, es
que no lo has instalado, o que lo has instalado en el disco que no
debes. Tiene que estar instalado en el disco desde el que arranca la
BIOS del equipo.

Si llegas a ver el gestor de arranque, el problema tiene pinta
de ser de las X. Se arranca en recovery mode, y se visualizan los
logs de error que haya en '/var/log' (Xorg.0.log, messages,
syslog, ...) para ver los errores.

Para todo lo demás, ¡quiero información detallada!. ¿Tan
difícil es describir con detalle un problema?. Porque todavía no llego
a saber dónde está el problema. Lo puedo medio imaginar, pero no estoy
seguro de que lo que me intentas contar es lo que llego a entender.

Saludos --- Angel

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Re: Instalado Debian Lenny, pero no puedo iniciarlo

2010-05-25 Thread jmramirez

 Mensaje original 
Asunto: Re: Instalado Debian Lenny, pero no puedo iniciarlo
De: Jose P.G
Fecha: 25/05/10 11:36

Ups, lo siento Angeld, sin querer lo he enviado a tu correo (esto de no
estar acostumbrado a escribir en las listas de correo).

Siendo exactos, más que una pantalla negra es simplemente que no puedo
ver nada porque la pantalla nisiquiera puede cargar nada (vamos, como si
tuviera el ordenador apagado). Si es demasiado lio siempre puedo pasarme
a ubuntu u otro, pero si sabéis si esto puede tener solución no estaría
de más probar algo antes de rendirse.

¿Estás intentando entrar en modo gráfico?*

*¿Has intentado entrar solo en modo texto?*
No, supongo que alomejor puedo intentar mirarlo aunque tampoco me sirve
de mucho si luego no funciona el modo gráfico (luego muchos programas
que uso no tienen este modo y además creo que es muy molesto trabajar así).

*En esa pantalla negra ¿Has intentado teclear cntrl alt F1?  ¿Qué
No puedo teclear nada, cuando toco alguna tecla suena un ruidito del pc
(este que te dice que no puedes tocar nada).
¿Arroja algún mensaje?*
Nada de nada.
¿Qué tarjeta gráfica tienes?*

*¿Termina de cargar qué?, ¿Las X?, ¿El kernel?, *
Termina de cargar normalmente todo (creo que será todo) lo que sale al
principio antes de iniciar el SO, ya sabes, la pantalla negra.

*¿Cómo descartas el disco?, ¿Qué mensajes dan?, *
Lo he instalado en dos discos duros y ocurre lo mismo. No da mensajes
como he comentado.

¿Algo más? Muchísimas gracias por las molestias y la ayuda. Os deseo un
buen día a todos.

Buenos dias

	Arranca el pc, hasta que se queda en ese estado que dices. Una vez ahi 
debes presionar ctrl+alt+f1 ( aunksuene deberia funcionar) y si no ves 
nada en pantalla dale un enter

	Te pedira el login ( el cual entiendo que te sabes) te logas como root 
y pon este comando:

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Depues desde esa misma consola, pon:

killall gdm

Y luego:


Si con esto no te va, edita manualmente el:

vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf

	Y en la seccion device asegurate de usar el vesa o el generico de 
nvidia sin 3d:

 Driver nv


 Driver vesa

	Decirte que la consola ( ctrl+alt+f1) no es para trabajar 
diariamente, es para poder acceder al entorno grafico y que asi puedas 

	Aun asi te pego la configuracion de mi xorg en debian squeeze con una 
nv8400 ( con dos pantallas y compiz)

r...@jmramirezmachine:/home/jmramirez# cat  /etc/X11/xorg.conf
# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings:  version 1.0  (buildmeis...@builder75)  Thu Apr 22 
11:45:35 PDT 2010

# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig:  version 1.0  (buildmeis...@builder75)  Tue Dec  8 
21:04:28 PST 2009

Section ServerLayout

Identifier Layout0
Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard
InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
Option Xinerama 0

Section Files
ModulePath  /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/nvidia
ModulePath  /usr/lib/xorg/modules

Section Module
Load   dbe
Load   extmod
Load   type1
Load   freetype
Load   glx
#Load   dri

Section ServerFlags
Option Xinerama 0
Option RandR on

Section InputDevice

# generated from default
Identifier Mouse0
Driver mouse
Option Protocol auto
Option Device /dev/psaux
Option Emulate3Buttons no
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

Section InputDevice

# generated from default
Identifier Keyboard0
Driver kbd

Section Monitor

# HorizSync source: edid, VertRefresh source: edid
Identifier Monitor0
VendorName Unknown
ModelName  Philips 220E
HorizSync   30.0 - 83.0
VertRefresh 56.0 - 76.0
Option DPMS

Section Monitor

# HorizSync source: edid, VertRefresh source: edid
Identifier Monitor1
VendorName Unknown
ModelName  BENQ FP531
HorizSync   31.0 - 63.0
VertRefresh 56.0 - 75.0
Option DPMS

Section Device
Identifier Videocard0
Driver nvidia
VendorName NVIDIA Corporation
BoardName  GeForce 8400 GS
Option RenderAccel true # render accel is enabled by 

Option AllowGLXWithComposite true
BusID  PCI:1:0:0
Screen  0

Section Device
Identifier Videocard1
Driver nvidia
VendorName NVIDIA Corporation
BoardName  GeForce 8400 GS
Option RenderAccel true # render accel is enabled by 

Option AllowGLXWithComposite true

Re: Instalado Debian Lenny, pero no puedo iniciarlo

2010-05-25 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 25 May 2010 11:36:25 +0200, Jose P.G escribió:

 Siendo exactos, más que una pantalla negra es simplemente que no puedo
 ver nada porque la pantalla nisiquiera puede cargar nada (vamos, como si
 tuviera el ordenador apagado). Si es demasiado lio siempre puedo pasarme
 a ubuntu u otro, pero si sabéis si esto puede tener solución no estaría
 de más probar algo antes de rendirse.

Podría ser un bloqueo completo de las X :-?
 *En esa pantalla negra ¿Has intentado teclear cntrl alt F1?  ¿Qué
 No puedo teclear nada, cuando toco alguna tecla suena un ruidito del pc
 (este que te dice que no puedes tocar nada). 

Vale, entonces inicia desde una LiveCD para poder acceder al sistema 
instalado y edita (o crea de forma manual) el archivo /etc/X11/
xorg.conf y ponle el driver genérico nv para que lo cargue al iniciar.

Section Device
Identifier  Configured Video Device
Driver  nv

Guarda el archivo e inicia el sistema normalmente, sin la LiveCD.



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problemas dhcp

2010-05-25 Thread Lic. Gilberto Luis Diaz Valdes

Tengo montado un Lenny con dhcp3, y me pasa lo siguiente. Cuando una pc se
inicia, no coge la ip correcta. Me explico mejor. Mi rango de Ip esta en la
red, y cuando las pc se inician cogen una ip de
Hasta que no se coge a los clientes y se le pone que repare la conexión, no
coge la ip correcta.

Ayuda please.


Lic. Gilberto Luís Díaz Valdés
Director de Informática y Comunicaciones
Empresa de Servicentros Cupet.
70 y 29B, Playa, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba.
Tel: (07) 2040185


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Re: problemas dhcp

2010-05-25 Thread AngelD
El Tue, 25 May 2010 10:27:12 -0400
Lic. Gilberto Luis Diaz Valdes escribió:

 Tengo montado un Lenny con dhcp3, y me pasa lo siguiente. Cuando una
 pc se inicia, no coge la ip correcta. Me explico mejor. Mi rango de
 Ip esta en la red, y cuando las pc se inician cogen una
 ip de Hasta que no se coge a los clientes y se le pone
 que repare la conexión, no coge la ip correcta.

A ver. Tienes un servidor DHCP, que da ipes del rango, pero tus máquinas cogen ipes del rango

O tienes los clientes mal configurados (¿están configurados
para que cojan la ip por dhcp?), o tienes el servidor DHCP mal
configurado, o tienes un segundo servidor DHCP en la red.

Me inclino por el último problema. Deja un sólo servidor DHCP
en la red, y problema resuelto.

Saludos --- Angel

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Re: problemas dhcp

2010-05-25 Thread jmramirez


Tengo montado un Lenny con dhcp3, y me pasa lo siguiente. Cuando una pc se
inicia, no coge la ip correcta. Me explico mejor. Mi rango de Ip esta en la
red, y cuando las pc se inician cogen una ip de
Hasta que no se coge a los clientes y se le pone que repare la conexión, no
coge la ip correcta.

Ayuda please.


	Tienes un SERVIDOR de dhcp3 ? o dices con el cliente. Si te has 
instalado un dhcp3-server tienes el archivo de configuracion aqui:


A lo mejor ese es tu problema. Haber mezclado dhcp-server con 

Un saludo

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Re: problemas dhcp

2010-05-25 Thread maedca
Revisa que sólo tengas instalado el paquete dhcp3-server y si puedes mostrarnos 
el archivo .conf sería genial 
Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Movistar

-Original Message-
From: jmramirez
Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 16:37:47 
Subject: Re: problemas dhcp


 Tengo montado un Lenny con dhcp3, y me pasa lo siguiente. Cuando una pc se
 inicia, no coge la ip correcta. Me explico mejor. Mi rango de Ip esta en la
 red, y cuando las pc se inician cogen una ip de
 Hasta que no se coge a los clientes y se le pone que repare la conexión, no
 coge la ip correcta.

 Ayuda please.


Tienes un SERVIDOR de dhcp3 ? o dices con el cliente. Si te has 
instalado un dhcp3-server tienes el archivo de configuracion aqui:


A lo mejor ese es tu problema. Haber mezclado dhcp-server con 

Un saludo

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Conexion inalambrica con Debian...

2010-05-25 Thread Laura Molina Gutierrez
Buen dia ..
necesito saber como puedo conectar mi maquina portatil nc6230, procesador intel 
cetrino, actualmente instalado Debian Etch, la versdion estable y cuya version 
del kernel es 2.6 28-1-686 y la tarjeta inalambrica pro/wireless 2200BG.. me 
urge saber que tengo que hacer o que me falta instalar...
Gracias Saludos!!!


Re: problemas dhcp

2010-05-25 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 25 May 2010 10:27:12 -0400, Lic. Gilberto Luis Diaz Valdes

 Tengo montado un Lenny con dhcp3, y me pasa lo siguiente. Cuando una pc
 se inicia, no coge la ip correcta. Me explico mejor. Mi rango de Ip esta
 en la red, y cuando las pc se inician cogen una ip de Hasta que no se coge a los clientes y se le pone que repare
 la conexión, no coge la ip correcta.

- Comprueba que el servidor dhcp esté iniciado y accesible cuando 
arrancan los clientes. Podría ser un problema de comunicación.

- En los clientes, entiendo que son estaciones windows, verifica que no 
tengas ninguna configuración en la pestaña de dirección IP alternativa.



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(fwd) Conexion inalambrica con Debian...

2010-05-25 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 25 May 2010 07:45:56 -0700, Laura Molina Gutierrez escribió:

 necesito saber como puedo conectar mi maquina portatil nc6230,
 procesador intel cetrino, actualmente instalado Debian Etch, la versdion
 estable y cuya version del kernel es 2.6 28-1-686 y la tarjeta
 inalambrica pro/wireless 2200BG.. me urge saber que tengo que hacer o
 que me falta instalar... Gracias Saludos!!!


Lo primero, no secuestres un hilo (no respondas a un mensaje para abrir 
un nuevo tema, crea un nuevo correo, porque tu mensaje se perderá entre 
la maraña de correos que nada tienen que ver con tu consulta) :-)

Segundo, ya te contestaron en el otro mensaje que enviaste pero no has 
respondido a lo que te preguntaban:

Y por último, Debian Etch no es la versión estable actual ni lleva el 
kernel 2.6.28-1-66, tendrás que explicar qué tienes instalado exactamente.



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Re: Conexion inalambrica con Debian...

2010-05-25 Thread Roberto De Oliveira
El 25 de mayo de 2010 10:15, Laura Molina Gutierrez escribió:

 Buen dia ..
 necesito saber como puedo conectar mi maquina portatil nc6230, procesador 
 intel cetrino, actualmente instalado Debian Etch, la versdion estable y cuya 
 version del kernel es 2.6 28-1-686 y la tarjeta inalambrica pro/wireless 
 2200BG.. me urge saber que tengo que hacer o que me falta instalar...
 Gracias Saludos!!!

aptitude install firmware-ipw2x00

Roberto De Oliveira

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Re: Instalado Debian Lenny, pero no puedo iniciarlo

2010-05-25 Thread Jose P.G
Por cierto, que ya se me había olvidado en el post que acabo de escribir, la
primera solución de jmramirez no la había probado por no tocar los logs pero
ahora la probaré.


Re: instalacion en Motion LE1700 Tablet PC

2010-05-25 Thread lorue
Hola Daniel
Gracias por tu e-mail.
Cuando verifiqué los teclados virtuales, resultó que el matchbox-keyboard no 
usa ventana cuando se solicita el user/password
y tampoco usa ventana cuando lo inicio sobre el escritorio. Fué por eso que me 
fuí con la finta del SI/NO de la ventana,
o lo que es lo mismo el matchbox-keyboard me aplicó un quiebre y me dejó fuera 
de lugar. (:-D))

Bueno, efectivamente el Focus si resuelve el punto, gracias. 

Me parece que GOK no es la mejor opción, no me dió buena impresión respecto a 
su mantenimiento permanente, mientras que xvkbd
tiene un propietario permanente que está todo el tiempo al pie del cañón. El 
activar la TabletPC sobre GNU/Linux es para una
empresa y no me puedo dar el lujo de problemas.

Para la calibración de la tabletPC, hay dentro de la xsetwacom hay una opción 
PressCurve para definir la sensibilidad de la
tabletPC respecto a la pluma, esta Prescurve la mencionan muchas páginas y 
blogs, voy a empezar por ella.

Ahora me nace la siguiente gran duda existencial, que voy a hacer cuando se 
bloquee la pantalla?? cuando me solicite el password
para desbloquearla?? porque la xvkbd desaparece!! Hasta este momento no 
encuentra algo interesante dentro de los menus del sistema,
ni navegando en internet. Me parece que esta va ser una buena pregunta a tu 
bola de cristal!! Me suena a que debo de modificar algún
script, pero cual??

gracias y saludos

-- Encabezado Original ---

De  : froga net
Para  : lorue
Cc  :
Fecha  : Mon, 24 May 2010 02:10:07 +0200
Asunto : Re: instalacion en Motion LE1700 Tablet PC

 El Sun, 23 May 2010 17:56:24 -0500 escribió:
  Disculpas: Es evidente que tuve un ataque de fastidio y cansancio
  durante el e-mail anterior, lo cual debo tener en cuenta en lo que
  falta de la instalación. Continuando con la instalación de la
  tabletPC LE1700. Ya quedó instalado el teclado virtual justo después
  de solicitar el user, tal y como se indica en la dirección
  y solo fué seguir los pasos indicados, gracias gracias gracias
  (:-D))). (quiero mencionar que el teclado virtual NO queda instalado
  como ventana, lo cual es importante). Este teclado virtual yo
  esperaba que continuara corriendo, después del user/password, sobre
  el Escritorio pero no fué así, desconozco si es lo correcto pero así
   Es correcto. Sólo configuras el teclado en pantalla para la
 autenticación, una vez resuelta, desaparece.
  Entonces pasé a volver a arrancarlo de manera automática para
  la sessión del momento usando
  Sistema-Preferencias-Sesiones-Programas al inicio-Añadir. Lo cual
  me funcionó, pero iniciando xvkbd sobre una ventana lo cual no me
  sirve, porque al oprimir un boton del teclado virtual se activa su
  ventana, pero me desactiva la ventana donde deseo recibir el caracter
  del boton oprimido, por lo que necesito, por favor, saber como
  iniciar xvkbd SIN la ventana. 
   ¡Dioo!, ¡no has probado ni CINCO minutos, porque la tecla
 Focus vale para solucionar lo que me estás contando. ¡Vg¡ :-DD
   Es posible que la mejor alternativa sea gok. Si logras
 hacerlo funcionar, comenta como (o estoy torpe, o algo se me escapa).
  Necesito calibrar la Tablet PC, para lo
  cual en se
  menciona un programa wacomcpl, simple herramienta gráfica para
  calibrar los drivers de Wacom. Resulta que wacomcpl no se instala
  en /usr/bin/ cuando se instala la librería wacom-tools. Lo que me
  llama la atención es que probando en Ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala si se
  instala el wacomcpl, lo cual me lleva a preguntar porque no ocurre
  así en Debian 502?? estará Debian instalando una wacon-tools
  anterior?? etc etc. Probé en Debian apt-get install wacom-tools y me
  dice que está en su versión más reciente. También probé en Debian
  apt-get install wacomcpl y me dice que no se pudo encontrar el
  paquete wacomcpl. Navegando en intenet, encontré que se solicita en
  varias direcciones, que se incluya wacomcpl en la wacom-tool de
  Debian. Debo de afinar la instalacion de la librería wacom, porque me
  modificó el manejo del ratón y del teclado normal, ya que fueron
  orientados a como se maneja la pluma y la tableta. Algo se mencionaba
  en la GOK. gracias y saludos Lorue
   Este bug habla sobre el tema:
   por lo que dicen, en Debian hay que usar 'xsetwacom', pero que
 esa utilidad no existe en paquetes. Seguro que se puede instalar a lo
 bruto, o puede que haya altenativas que desconozco:
   Aunque siempre podrás compilar la utilidad a pelo:

Re: problemas dhcp

2010-05-25 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)

Lic. Gilberto Luis Diaz Valdes wrote:


Tengo montado un Lenny con dhcp3, y me pasa lo siguiente. Cuando una pc se
inicia, no coge la ip correcta. Me explico mejor. Mi rango de Ip esta en la
red, y cuando las pc se inician cogen una ip de
Hasta que no se coge a los clientes y se le pone que repare la conexión, no
coge la ip correcta.

Me parece que hay otro server sirviendo DHCP en esa red no te 

Estoy seguro que tienes comentada la opción:

   # authoritative;

En tu /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf, sino tendrías serios problemas de broadcast 
y nadie tendría red porque probablemente habría un conflicto con 2 
gateways distintos (y una misma métrica)

La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros (Mstaaravin)

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2010-05-25 Thread Avail Beauty
Mengandungi 17 jenis herba yang terpilih yang membantu mencegah dan merawat 
masalah sakit Puan.
~Mencegah Jangkitan Kuman
~Menghilangkan Senggugut
~Menghilangkan Bau
~Membuang Angin Perut
~Menghilangkan Kegatalan,Keputihan, Kekuningan
~Mengurangkan Rasa Tidak Selesa Ketika Haid
~Mengawalatur Kitaran Haid
~Menyingkirkan Darah Beku Dlm Rahim
~Mencegah Endometriosis
~Menyuburkan Rahim
~Mengatasi Fibroid,Syct,Kanser Rahim,Kanser Serviks
~100% Kapas (Tiada Bahan Kimia)
~Di insurankan Sebanyak RM3juta
Tukar Pad Biasa kepada Pad Herba Avail sekarang juga!..
 Atur temujanji anda dengan saya :-
Call atau sms NAMA  LOKASI ke  019 2962934

Re: kernel, modules and Debian

2010-05-25 Thread John Tsiombikas
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 01:40:40AM +0300, soraver wrote:
 On 05/24/2010 11:25 PM, Faidon Liambotis wrote:
 Ο 2.6.32 του Debian έχει, όπως οι περισσότερες διανομές πλέον,
 backported κάποια πράγματα από τον .33, συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του
 nouveau. Πρόκειται περί ελεύθερου driver για NVidia, που δουλεύει -λένε-
 αρκετά καλά.

 gia na ma8ainoume:
 uparxei logos pou den xrhsimopoieis ton driver pou dinei h nvidia sto  
 site ths?

Antitheta me ton driver tis nvidia, o nouveau einai eleythero software,
to opoio ton kanei safos protimiteo enanti tou proprietary driver pou
dinei i idia i nvidia, an kalyptei tis anagkes sou.

John Tsiombikas

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Re: Linux e o HTML 5

2010-05-25 Thread Sinval Júnior
Bruno, Uso o Aptana Studio ( tem uma
versões para 32 bits e 64 bits.

Em 24 de maio de 2010 22:24, Bruno Gonçalves Pirajá


 Gostaria de saber se alguém aqui conhece algum editor HTML que reconheça os
 padrões do HTML 5, separando o código por cores, como é o caso do Kate com
 C++. E quais navegadores já utilizam desse novo modelo que ainda está em
 construção? Só pra constar, utilizo o Debian mais novo pc e powerpc.

 Bruno Gonçalves Pirajá

#!/usr/bin/env python
nome = 'Sinval Júnior'
email = 'sinvalju arroba gmail ponto com'
print nome
print email

freeradius somente com samba !!!!

2010-05-25 Thread Anderson Bertling
Bom dia

Alguem sabe se é possivel fazer com que o freeradius autentique somente pelo
smbpasswd ?

andei pesquisando e achei bem pouco material no geral somente com ldap e
samba, ou com AD + kerberos + winbind, estou precisando liberar apenas com o
samba, só usar a base do smbpasswd mas não acho quase nada. alguem pode me
ajudar ?

fico grato desde já por qualquer ajuda 


Anderson Bertling

Re: debootstrap com várias particões

2010-05-25 Thread Flavio Steimacher
Olá thiago,
imagino q se vc montar estas partições, o debootstrap coloca tudo certo.
mount /dev/sdb1 /target/
mount /dev/sdb2 /target/bin
mount /dev/sdb3 /target/boot 

espero ter ajudado.


Em 24 de maio de 2010 15:04, thiago escreveu:

 estou tentando instalar o debian em um SD card com várias particões
 usando debootstrap mas até agora não consegui.
 Tenho o /bin, /sbin, boot e / em particoes separadas mas não sei como
 fazer o debootstrap colocar cada arquivo na sua respectiva particão.
 Alguém pode me ajudar.

 Thiago Silveira Alexandre
 Security Enginner
 Intechne Tecnologia da Informação
 (98) 3311 6200
 (98) 3311 6219
 (98) 8132 1020

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Re: debootstrap com várias particões

2010-05-25 Thread thiago
É exatamente isso que quero, acho que assim funcionará.
Obrigado pela atencão.

Flavio Steimacher wrote:
 Olá thiago,
 imagino q se vc montar estas partições, o debootstrap coloca tudo certo.
 mount /dev/sdb1 /target/
 mount /dev/sdb2 /target/bin
 mount /dev/sdb3 /target/boot 

 espero ter ajudado.


 Em 24 de maio de 2010 15:04, thiago escreveu:

 estou tentando instalar o debian em um SD card com várias particões
 usando debootstrap mas até agora não consegui.
 Tenho o /bin, /sbin, boot e / em particoes separadas mas não sei como
 fazer o debootstrap colocar cada arquivo na sua respectiva particão.
 Alguém pode me ajudar.

 Thiago Silveira Alexandre
 Security Enginner
 Intechne Tecnologia da Informação
 (98) 3311 6200
 (98) 3311 6219
 (98) 8132 1020

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Thiago Silveira Alexandre
Security Enginner
Intechne Tecnologia da Informação
(98) 3311 6200
(98) 3311 6219
(98) 8132 1020

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Re: Script de firewall não funciona, pq ?

2010-05-25 Thread Junior Polegato - Linux


Entrei na conversa agora, então me desculpe se estiver 
repetindo alguma coisa. Com seu firewall configurado, execute 
iptables-save para ver o que realmente está configurado e quais as 
regras em cada tabela, dando então para analisar um pacote, não esqueça 
de verificar suas rotas com route e interfaces com ifconfig. Use 
iptables -t tabela -L -v para ver quantos pacotes estão morrendo em 
cada regra e quais regras não estão sendo atingidas.

Uma dica para iniciar é começar com o bloqueio do INPUT e 
FORWARD na filter, fazer a regra do FORWARD para rede local nos dois 
sentidos, na nat fazer o MASQUERADE além do echo 1  
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward, se isso estiver funcionando, vai 
colocando as regras pertinentes e depois automatize isso por script, 
assim dá para entender melhor regra por regra e se alguma está afetando 
o andamento do firewall.

  Junior Polegato

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Re: freeradius somente com samba !!!!

2010-05-25 Thread Anderson Bertling
oi alguém ?

Em 25 de maio de 2010 09:12, Anderson Bertling

 Bom dia

 Alguem sabe se é possivel fazer com que o freeradius autentique somente
 pelo smbpasswd ?

 andei pesquisando e achei bem pouco material no geral somente com ldap e
 samba, ou com AD + kerberos + winbind, estou precisando liberar apenas com o
 samba, só usar a base do smbpasswd mas não acho quase nada. alguem pode me
 ajudar ?

 fico grato desde já por qualquer ajuda 


 Anderson Bertling


Anderson Bertling

Re: [OT] mensurar escrita em disco

2010-05-25 Thread Leslie H. Watter
Oi Leonardo,

Em Fri, May 21, 2010 at 10:23:26AM -0300, Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac escreveu:
 preciso, mas ainda meio longe). Mas vou fuçar o conteúdo do /proc. Vou  
 também pesquisar tb sobre o iotop, segundo a dica do Allison.

 Obrigado pelas direções.

 Rafael Moraes wrote:

 talvez o sar e iostat ajudem para informações de modo mais geral.

 Pra pegar de uma aplicação é bem mais complexoAcho q vc poderia  
 começar verificando /proc/PIDapp/

Vc já tentou usar o stat?

leslie@:~/debian/pacotes/install_eclipse$ stat -f kiss
  File: kiss
ID: 36bedbb3ee728ed Namelen: 255 Type: ext2/ext3
Block size: 4096   Fundamental block size: 4096
Blocks: Total: 52868149   Free: 3871318Available: 3871318
Inodes: Total: 13434880   Free: 12246307

leslie@:~/debian/pacotes/install_eclipse$ stat kiss.tgz
  File: `kiss.tgz'
  Size: 200621333   Blocks: 392232 IO Block: 4096   arquivo comum
Device: 802h/2050d  Inode: 5948919 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: ( 1000/  leslie)   Gid: ( 1000/  leslie)
Access: 2010-04-27 16:45:18.0 -0300
Modify: 2010-04-27 16:42:25.0 -0300
Change: 2010-04-27 16:42:25.0 -0300

O que falta ai é o tempo que vc vai fazer as medições e a política que vc vai 
usar ;-)



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Re: [OT] mensurar escrita em disco

2010-05-25 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac

Leslie H. Watter wrote:

Oi Leonardo,

Em Fri, May 21, 2010 at 10:23:26AM -0300, Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac escreveu:
preciso, mas ainda meio longe). Mas vou fuçar o conteúdo do /proc. Vou  
também pesquisar tb sobre o iotop, segundo a dica do Allison.

Obrigado pelas direções.

Rafael Moraes wrote:


talvez o sar e iostat ajudem para informações de modo mais geral.

Pra pegar de uma aplicação é bem mais complexoAcho q vc poderia  
começar verificando /proc/PIDapp/


Vc já tentou usar o stat?

leslie@:~/debian/pacotes/install_eclipse$ stat -f kiss
  File: kiss
ID: 36bedbb3ee728ed Namelen: 255 Type: ext2/ext3
Block size: 4096   Fundamental block size: 4096
Blocks: Total: 52868149   Free: 3871318Available: 3871318
Inodes: Total: 13434880   Free: 12246307

leslie@:~/debian/pacotes/install_eclipse$ stat kiss.tgz
  File: `kiss.tgz'
  Size: 200621333   Blocks: 392232 IO Block: 4096   arquivo comum
Device: 802h/2050d  Inode: 5948919 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: ( 1000/  leslie)   Gid: ( 1000/  leslie)
Access: 2010-04-27 16:45:18.0 -0300
Modify: 2010-04-27 16:42:25.0 -0300
Change: 2010-04-27 16:42:25.0 -0300

O que falta ai é o tempo que vc vai fazer as medições e a política que vc vai 
usar ;-)


Oi Leslie, mto grato pela sua boa vontade, mas acho que vc perdeu 
algumas mensagens da lista. O Allisson recomendou o iotop, e ele supre 
exatamente o que eu preciso.

O stat não me serve por que tem arquivos que vão ser criados e 
consumidos de maneira mto rápida, então fazer um trap para testar cada 
arquivo que é criado pode levar a gargalos.

Vale a dica que precisa pelo menos ser a versão 0.3. O Lenny tem apenas 
a 0.2, mas a 0.4 do squeeze é instalável no Lenny, sem falar que é 
possível baixar a 0.4 do site do desenvolvedor.

Mas mesmo assim obrigado pela idéia.

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Re: site em casa

2010-05-25 Thread Junior Polegato - Linux

Em 24-05-2010 13:20, Joel A. Silva escreveu:

--- Em seg, 24/5/10, Carlos  escreveu:
Ola pessoal,
Tenho um amigo que tem speedy comercial na loja dele com IP fixo, tem
como ele montar um site da empresa la mesmo com um servidorzinho apache?
Como fazer isso? Abraços

leia esse link.


Como servidor DNS você pode usar o SuperDNS, , mas na minha humilde opinião, não compensa, vai 
ter que deixar um computador ligado 24h, sem ar condicionado e ainda 
corre o risco de ser invadido, melhor fazer por fora, tem opções de R$ 
5,99 que uso hoje, , mas sem 
suporte por telefone ou chat on-line. Como se trata de empresa, o melhor 
custo/benefício nesse caso é a empresa que mantem o SuperDNS, Kinghost 
por R$ 11,00, com chat on-line e telefone 24h para suporte, você ainda 
tem 5% de desconto na primeira mensalidade com o código PROMOLINUX2010 
ou .

Agora se for para uso pessoal ou se familiarizar com um 
servidorzinho, use o SuperDNS, cadastre-se e configure seu domínio, 
apontando-o para o IP que deseja.

Depois de feita a contratação ou configuração do DNS, você vai 
ter pelo menos 2 DNSs para então fazer o registro em 
e tornar seu domínio acessível para o mundo.

  Junior Polegato

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Re: freeradius somente com samba !!!!

2010-05-25 Thread hamacker

Eu não entendi exatamente o que pretende fazer, mas se seu intuito for
anexar o servidor samba ao AD, tente esse link :

Embora, seja para o Squid, há a instalação e integração do
Winbind+kerberos+samba, voce pode ignorar o squid no final.


Em 25 de maio de 2010 10:13, Anderson Bertling escreveu:
 oi alguém ?

 Em 25 de maio de 2010 09:12, Anderson Bertling

 Bom dia

 Alguem sabe se é possivel fazer com que o freeradius autentique somente
 pelo smbpasswd ?

 andei pesquisando e achei bem pouco material no geral somente com ldap e
 samba, ou com AD + kerberos + winbind, estou precisando liberar apenas com o
 samba, só usar a base do smbpasswd mas não acho quase nada. alguem pode me
 ajudar ?

 fico grato desde já por qualquer ajuda 


 Anderson Bertling


 Anderson Bertling

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Re: freeradius somente com samba !!!!

2010-05-25 Thread Anderson Bertling
não não,  assim preciso fazer com que o freeradius autentique apenas pelo
/etc/samba/smbpasswd, só p usar a base, mas não acho como fazer isso
minha ideia  é usar apenas o freeradius e o samba, pois o server que estou
montando tem muito pouco memoria, ele vai servir apenas para autenticar
conexões ppp. ja vi que era possível em versões antigas do ppp usar direto o
smbpasswd mas nas atuais não acho como, então passaram  a dica do freeradius
usando o smbpasswd, e como tenho pouco memoria e espaço em disco o samba
esta mais para autenticação mesmo

pelo que visualizo desse exemplo o consumo será o mínimo, pois só pretendo
usar o samba e o radius deixando  consumo  maior apenas para o ppp...

Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:03, hamacker escreveu:


 Eu não entendi exatamente o que pretende fazer, mas se seu intuito for
 anexar o servidor samba ao AD, tente esse link :

 Embora, seja para o Squid, há a instalação e integração do
 Winbind+kerberos+samba, voce pode ignorar o squid no final.


 Em 25 de maio de 2010 10:13, Anderson Bertling escreveu:
  oi alguém ?
  Em 25 de maio de 2010 09:12, Anderson Bertling
  Bom dia
  Alguem sabe se é possivel fazer com que o freeradius autentique somente
  pelo smbpasswd ?
  andei pesquisando e achei bem pouco material no geral somente com ldap e
  samba, ou com AD + kerberos + winbind, estou precisando liberar apenas
 com o
  samba, só usar a base do smbpasswd mas não acho quase nada. alguem pode
  ajudar ?
  fico grato desde já por qualquer ajuda 
  Anderson Bertling
  Anderson Bertling


Anderson Bertling

Re: freeradius somente com samba !!!!

2010-05-25 Thread hamacker
Nao sei se vou me lembrar disso agora, mas o freeradius procura o
kerberos que por sua vez autentica em ... qualquer coisa para a qual
ele esteja configurado, incluindo o samba. Acho que você não consegue
mudar isso, esses protocolos como X509 são engessados para garantir
interoperabilidade, tanto é que há provedores que fornecem
autenticação em radius na nuvem para quem quiser usa-lo.


Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:26, Anderson Bertling escreveu:
 não não,  assim preciso fazer com que o freeradius autentique apenas pelo
 /etc/samba/smbpasswd, só p usar a base, mas não acho como fazer isso
 minha ideia  é usar apenas o freeradius e o samba, pois o server que estou
 montando tem muito pouco memoria, ele vai servir apenas para autenticar
 conexões ppp. ja vi que era possível em versões antigas do ppp usar direto o
 smbpasswd mas nas atuais não acho como, então passaram  a dica do freeradius
 usando o smbpasswd, e como tenho pouco memoria e espaço em disco o samba
 esta mais para autenticação mesmo

 pelo que visualizo desse exemplo o consumo será o mínimo, pois só pretendo
 usar o samba e o radius deixando  consumo  maior apenas para o ppp...

 Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:03, hamacker escreveu:


 Eu não entendi exatamente o que pretende fazer, mas se seu intuito for
 anexar o servidor samba ao AD, tente esse link :

 Embora, seja para o Squid, há a instalação e integração do
 Winbind+kerberos+samba, voce pode ignorar o squid no final.


 Em 25 de maio de 2010 10:13, Anderson Bertling escreveu:
  oi alguém ?
  Em 25 de maio de 2010 09:12, Anderson Bertling
  Bom dia
  Alguem sabe se é possivel fazer com que o freeradius autentique somente
  pelo smbpasswd ?
  andei pesquisando e achei bem pouco material no geral somente com ldap
  samba, ou com AD + kerberos + winbind, estou precisando liberar apenas
  com o
  samba, só usar a base do smbpasswd mas não acho quase nada. alguem pode
  ajudar ?
  fico grato desde já por qualquer ajuda 
  Anderson Bertling
  Anderson Bertling


 Anderson Bertling

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Re: freeradius somente com samba !!!!

2010-05-25 Thread Anderson Bertling
assim eu achei esse  how

mas não consegui fazer funcionar não sei se pq da versão ou algo que estou
errando vou dar mais uma olhada

obrigado ...

Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:46, hamacker escreveu:

 Nao sei se vou me lembrar disso agora, mas o freeradius procura o
 kerberos que por sua vez autentica em ... qualquer coisa para a qual
 ele esteja configurado, incluindo o samba. Acho que você não consegue
 mudar isso, esses protocolos como X509 são engessados para garantir
 interoperabilidade, tanto é que há provedores que fornecem
 autenticação em radius na nuvem para quem quiser usa-lo.


 Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:26, Anderson Bertling escreveu:
  não não,  assim preciso fazer com que o freeradius autentique apenas pelo
  /etc/samba/smbpasswd, só p usar a base, mas não acho como fazer isso
  minha ideia  é usar apenas o freeradius e o samba, pois o server que
  montando tem muito pouco memoria, ele vai servir apenas para autenticar
  conexões ppp. ja vi que era possível em versões antigas do ppp usar
 direto o
  smbpasswd mas nas atuais não acho como, então passaram  a dica do
  usando o smbpasswd, e como tenho pouco memoria e espaço em disco o samba
  esta mais para autenticação mesmo
  pelo que visualizo desse exemplo o consumo será o mínimo, pois só
  usar o samba e o radius deixando  consumo  maior apenas para o ppp...
  Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:03, hamacker escreveu:
  Eu não entendi exatamente o que pretende fazer, mas se seu intuito for
  anexar o servidor samba ao AD, tente esse link :
  Embora, seja para o Squid, há a instalação e integração do
  Winbind+kerberos+samba, voce pode ignorar o squid no final.
  Em 25 de maio de 2010 10:13, Anderson Bertling escreveu:
   oi alguém ?
   Em 25 de maio de 2010 09:12, Anderson Bertling
   Bom dia
   Alguem sabe se é possivel fazer com que o freeradius autentique
   pelo smbpasswd ?
   andei pesquisando e achei bem pouco material no geral somente com
   samba, ou com AD + kerberos + winbind, estou precisando liberar
   com o
   samba, só usar a base do smbpasswd mas não acho quase nada. alguem
   ajudar ?
   fico grato desde já por qualquer ajuda 
   Anderson Bertling
   Anderson Bertling
  Anderson Bertling


Anderson Bertling

RE: site em casa

2010-05-25 Thread Paulo Aleksandro

Ola a todos nao precisa de tudo isso

vai no seu server linux configura o bind, o apache, tudo certinho apontando 
para o Cname do seu no-ip ai vai no e coloca o seu no-ip e ele 
automaticamente vai ficar fazendo caso seja ip dinamico

mas no caso dele ele ja tem um ip fixo entao é so configurar o dns, o apache, 
tudo apontando para o ip dele que ja é fixo e pronto vai no e ta no 

atualmente trabalho desse modo com meu servidor e tenho ip dinamico e meu site 
ja faz 1 ano que esta no ar e nunca tive problema o meu mx esta no google e vai 
inbox em todos os provedores

 Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 09:39:27 -0300
 Subject: Re: site em casa
 Em 24-05-2010 13:20, Joel A. Silva escreveu:
  --- Em seg, 24/5/10, Carlos  escreveu:
  Ola pessoal,
  Tenho um amigo que tem speedy comercial na loja dele com IP fixo, tem
  como ele montar um site da empresa la mesmo com um servidorzinho apache?
  Como fazer isso? Abraços
  leia esse link.
  Como servidor DNS você pode usar o SuperDNS, , mas na minha humilde opinião, não compensa, vai 
 ter que deixar um computador ligado 24h, sem ar condicionado e ainda 
 corre o risco de ser invadido, melhor fazer por fora, tem opções de R$ 
 5,99 que uso hoje, , mas sem 
 suporte por telefone ou chat on-line. Como se trata de empresa, o melhor 
 custo/benefício nesse caso é a empresa que mantem o SuperDNS, Kinghost 
 por R$ 11,00, com chat on-line e telefone 24h para suporte, você ainda 
 tem 5% de desconto na primeira mensalidade com o código PROMOLINUX2010 
 ou .
  Agora se for para uso pessoal ou se familiarizar com um 
 servidorzinho, use o SuperDNS, cadastre-se e configure seu domínio, 
 apontando-o para o IP que deseja.
  Depois de feita a contratação ou configuração do DNS, você vai 
 ter pelo menos 2 DNSs para então fazer o registro em 
 e tornar seu domínio acessível para o mundo.
Junior Polegato
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Re: freeradius somente com samba !!!!

2010-05-25 Thread Anderson Bertling
alguem sabe se é possivel ? tentei pelo site abaixo mas acho que estou
errando em algum

Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:53, Anderson Bertling

 assim eu achei esse  how

 mas não consegui fazer funcionar não sei se pq da versão ou algo que estou
 errando vou dar mais uma olhada

 obrigado ...

 Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:46, hamacker escreveu:

 Nao sei se vou me lembrar disso agora, mas o freeradius procura o
 kerberos que por sua vez autentica em ... qualquer coisa para a qual
 ele esteja configurado, incluindo o samba. Acho que você não consegue
 mudar isso, esses protocolos como X509 são engessados para garantir
 interoperabilidade, tanto é que há provedores que fornecem
 autenticação em radius na nuvem para quem quiser usa-lo.


 Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:26, Anderson Bertling escreveu:
  não não,  assim preciso fazer com que o freeradius autentique apenas
  /etc/samba/smbpasswd, só p usar a base, mas não acho como fazer isso
  minha ideia  é usar apenas o freeradius e o samba, pois o server que
  montando tem muito pouco memoria, ele vai servir apenas para autenticar
  conexões ppp. ja vi que era possível em versões antigas do ppp usar
 direto o
  smbpasswd mas nas atuais não acho como, então passaram  a dica do
  usando o smbpasswd, e como tenho pouco memoria e espaço em disco o samba
  esta mais para autenticação mesmo
  pelo que visualizo desse exemplo o consumo será o mínimo, pois só
  usar o samba e o radius deixando  consumo  maior apenas para o ppp...
  Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:03, hamacker escreveu:
  Eu não entendi exatamente o que pretende fazer, mas se seu intuito for
  anexar o servidor samba ao AD, tente esse link :
  Embora, seja para o Squid, há a instalação e integração do
  Winbind+kerberos+samba, voce pode ignorar o squid no final.
  Em 25 de maio de 2010 10:13, Anderson Bertling escreveu:
   oi alguém ?
   Em 25 de maio de 2010 09:12, Anderson Bertling
   Bom dia
   Alguem sabe se é possivel fazer com que o freeradius autentique
   pelo smbpasswd ?
   andei pesquisando e achei bem pouco material no geral somente com
   samba, ou com AD + kerberos + winbind, estou precisando liberar
   com o
   samba, só usar a base do smbpasswd mas não acho quase nada. alguem
   ajudar ?
   fico grato desde já por qualquer ajuda 
   Anderson Bertling
   Anderson Bertling
  Anderson Bertling


 Anderson Bertling


Anderson Bertling

Re: freeradius somente com samba !!!!

2010-05-25 Thread Anderson Bertling
alguem sabe se é possivel ? tentei pelo site abaixo mas acho que estou
errando em algum

Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:53, Anderson Bertling

 assim eu achei esse  how

 mas não consegui fazer funcionar não sei se pq da versão ou algo que estou
 errando vou dar mais uma olhada

 obrigado ...

 Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:46, hamacker escreveu:

 Nao sei se vou me lembrar disso agora, mas o freeradius procura o
 kerberos que por sua vez autentica em ... qualquer coisa para a qual
 ele esteja configurado, incluindo o samba. Acho que você não consegue
 mudar isso, esses protocolos como X509 são engessados para garantir
 interoperabilidade, tanto é que há provedores que fornecem
 autenticação em radius na nuvem para quem quiser usa-lo.


 Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:26, Anderson Bertling escreveu:
  não não,  assim preciso fazer com que o freeradius autentique apenas
  /etc/samba/smbpasswd, só p usar a base, mas não acho como fazer isso
  minha ideia  é usar apenas o freeradius e o samba, pois o server que
  montando tem muito pouco memoria, ele vai servir apenas para autenticar
  conexões ppp. ja vi que era possível em versões antigas do ppp usar
 direto o
  smbpasswd mas nas atuais não acho como, então passaram  a dica do
  usando o smbpasswd, e como tenho pouco memoria e espaço em disco o samba
  esta mais para autenticação mesmo
  pelo que visualizo desse exemplo o consumo será o mínimo, pois só
  usar o samba e o radius deixando  consumo  maior apenas para o ppp...
  Em 25 de maio de 2010 11:03, hamacker escreveu:
  Eu não entendi exatamente o que pretende fazer, mas se seu intuito for
  anexar o servidor samba ao AD, tente esse link :
  Embora, seja para o Squid, há a instalação e integração do
  Winbind+kerberos+samba, voce pode ignorar o squid no final.
  Em 25 de maio de 2010 10:13, Anderson Bertling escreveu:
   oi alguém ?
   Em 25 de maio de 2010 09:12, Anderson Bertling
   Bom dia
   Alguem sabe se é possivel fazer com que o freeradius autentique
   pelo smbpasswd ?
   andei pesquisando e achei bem pouco material no geral somente com
   samba, ou com AD + kerberos + winbind, estou precisando liberar
   com o
   samba, só usar a base do smbpasswd mas não acho quase nada. alguem
   ajudar ?
   fico grato desde já por qualquer ajuda 
   Anderson Bertling
   Anderson Bertling
  Anderson Bertling


 Anderson Bertling


Anderson Bertling


2010-05-25 Thread Frederico Martins
Oi , Boa Tarde !

Montei um receptor IR ( Infravermelho ) , seguindo o Tutorial do
porém esse tutorial ele utiliza a porta
*serial* na comunicação com o computador.
mas como eu tenho um conversor *USB/Serial RS232* queria utiliza-lo ,
o *receptor
IR* é montado no /dev/ttyUSB0 .
No GTKterm consigo receber dados normalmente do controle remoto , porém
estou lutando para que as configurações sejam reconhecidas no *lirc* .

Meu controle remotoé
o que vem no notebook dv5 da hp , tem um simbolo do windows .
Meu receptor 
dito há um conversor RS232 USB/Serial

Minha dúvida é qual configuração utilizar no momento do dpkg-reconfigure
lirc , ou melhor , /etc/lirc/hardware.conf

* {

   - se tenho que usar algum driver para reconhecer essa conversão de serial
para usb
   - se tenho que tratar o receptor ir como somente USB


emfim , preciso obter informações para o lirc reconhecer com sucesso o
receptor e o controle remoto

Desde já agradeço


Frederico Martins P Junior

Re: Lirc

2010-05-25 Thread Paulino Kenji Sato
2010/5/25 Frederico Martins
 Oi , Boa Tarde !

 Montei um receptor IR ( Infravermelho ) , seguindo o Tutorial do VivaoLinux
 , porém esse tutorial ele utiliza a porta serial na comunicação com o
 mas como eu tenho um conversor USB/Serial RS232 queria utiliza-lo , o
 receptor IR é montado no /dev/ttyUSB0 .

não tenho certeza (carece de pesquisa), o lirc precisa acessar
diretamente os registradores do UART, coisa que, via o conversor USB
não e possivel.
Faz tempo que não mexo com o lirc, então não lembro bem como era o esquema.

Com um pouco de pesquisa (que deveria já ter feito por conta...)
SUCCESS with pinnacle and usb-serial
Using a Pinnacle TV remote, pinnacle tv receiver on a serial port
header, and a cheap pl2303 usb-to-serial adapter, I can now do lirc.

From the command line (as root) do:

lircd -n -H pinsys -d /dev/ttyUSB1

or in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf set these fields:


and then run
/etc/init.d/lirc start


Paulino Kenji Sato

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Re: Webden ulaşım Hk.

2010-05-25 Thread okay PADAK
web üzerinden kontrol etmen için farklı yazılımlar var. Aslında a
*A web-based interface for system administration for Unix.* yazdığında
webmin çıkacak ama sitesi şuan yayında değil lisansı hakkında da bilgim yok.
Http:// incelemenizi tavsiye ederim.

21 Mayıs 2010 11:33 tarihinde Hacı Sefer KOCA yazdı:

  Merhaba arkadaşlar,

 Bulunduğum firmada debian var. Ve ben Linux bilmiyorum.

 Ancak webden de ulaşılabildiğini biliyorum

 IP adresini yazdığımda It Works! diye bir ekran geliyor.

 Hangi porttan yada nasıl ulaşabileceğimi söyleyebilir misiniz?

 Yardımlarınız için teşekkür ederim

 * *


 *Bu e-postayı yazdırmadan önce gerçekten yazdırmanın gerekli olup
 olmadığını düşününüz.*

Re: (OT) suggestion on terse wording of IT Helpdesk

2010-05-25 Thread Jochen Schulz
Zhang Weiwu:
 Hello. In our company we use a email naming convention like this:
 Zhang Weiwu on Holz Project
 Problem being when a special email address is needed for Office IT, it
 become too long for many web forms and email clients:

Are you sure that the problem is the length of the addresses? In my
experience, many web forms just don't accept plus characters in email
addresses at all.

In this bunker there are women and children. There are no weapons.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: (OT) suggestion on terse wording of IT Helpdesk

2010-05-25 Thread Rick Thomas

On May 25, 2010, at 1:43 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

To try to jam all of that information into the smtp address itself  
is silly.

Again, this is what display names and sigs are for.

Silly, perhaps for you or me, Stan.  Not so for somebody from another  
culture, where the chain-of-command from me to the president of the  
company is an important part of my reason for being.


Comparative Sociology is fun, but definitely OT on debian-users.

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Re: How to manage multiple Internet connections?

2010-05-25 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby
 Merciadri Luca :
 This is not a so-rare situation, is it?

I think it is.
And as an ISP employee, I can tell you it's not that easy :-)

   Architecte Informatique chez Blueline/Gulfsat:
Administration Systeme, Recherche  Developpement
 +261 3456 000 19

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Re: How to manage multiple Internet connections?

2010-05-25 Thread Merciadri Luca
Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
 Merciadri Luca :
 This is not a so-rare situation, is it?

 I think it is.
 And as an ISP employee, I can tell you it's not that easy :-)
Okay. I did not know it.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Fall down seven times, stand up eight.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: (OT) suggestion on terse wording of IT Helpdesk

2010-05-25 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 25 May 2010 12:02:11 +0800, Zhang Weiwu wrote:

 Hello. In our company we use a email naming convention like this:
 Zhang Weiwu on Holz Project
 Problem being when a special email address is needed for Office IT, it
 become too long for many web forms and email clients:
 Zhang Weiwu the support engineer of Office IT services of ICD SS
 So what would a *nix Guru make this shorter?

Hard to tell as you are not providing many details :-)

1/ Do you have any requirements to fulfill? 
I.e., if it must appear the company name and job positition in the 

2/ Can you provide an alias alongside with the full address?
That way, users may have a long e-mail address and a short alias they can 
use if they experience any problem when they have to give their e-mail 
address at any website

3/ Keep it simple
Avoid mixing different characters like _ (underscore), . (dots) and 
- (dash) to sepparate words. Keeping the same format is easier to 
remeber: or surenamename-

4/ Use signatures and e-mail header fields (Company:) for expanding 
information about your corporative data.



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Re: (OT) suggestion on terse wording of IT Helpdesk

2010-05-25 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Rick Thomas put forth on 5/25/2010 12:55 AM:
 On May 25, 2010, at 1:43 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 To try to jam all of that information into the smtp address itself is
 Again, this is what display names and sigs are for.
 Silly, perhaps for you or me, Stan.  Not so for somebody from another
 culture, where the chain-of-command from me to the president of the
 company is an important part of my reason for being.

It has nothing to do with culture, but maximum address length defined in
RFC3696 and others.  Given the length of his domain name, he shouldn't be
bumping up against the RFC limit with the example he gave.  Apparently some
systems he communicates with restrict address length to less than that allowed
by RFC.

Thus, keeping addresses relatively short is good practice.  And yes, sticking
everything plus the kitchen sink in an address is silly, regardless of
culture.  Given the OP is already having problems with address length, I guess
he's already finding out how silly such lengthy addresses can be.  No?

 Comparative Sociology is fun, but definitely OT on debian-users.

You brought culture into the thread, no me.  And it's not relevant to this


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Re: Tiny terminal text after kernel update

2010-05-25 Thread Brian
On Mon 24 May 2010 at 17:11:37 +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:

 You can blacklist the module or use nouveau.modeset=0 kernel parameter,
 leaving you with the nv (or nvidia) driver for X.

Changing the console resolution is easily done with the nouveau driver
by using 'video=VGA-1:1024x768' as a kernel option. The output (VGA-1
in my case) can be omitted.

This is also useful to employ if the driver and card do not play well
together and the native resolution of the screen is not detected. With
one card I force 'video=VGA-1:1280x1024', otherwise I get 1024x768.

Another possibility
 is to use a bigger font.  Install the console-setup and kbd packages and
 use dpkg-reconfigure console-setup to choose your preferred font.

I don't know which bigger console font you have in mind but if it is
one of the Terminus family screen corruption will most likely happen.

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Re: lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-25 Thread Harald Braumann

On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 10:39:52PM -0500, William Pitcock wrote:
 (4) Users need to test grub2 now.

I've been using grub2 for quite some time now on several different
systems with mixed success.

On simple standard system -- one disk, one kernel in /boot, no fancy
stuff -- it works quite well.

On other systems it often breaks miserably. Updates leave my system
unbootable every other time. One major problem are incompatible
versions of the boot loader installed in the MBR and grub.cfg.

Currently, automatic installation of grub in the MBR is a no-go for me,
because of #554790 but I can't prevent grub from automatically
updating grub.cfg which leads to incompatible versions, hence an
unbootable system. 

On some systems the generated grub.cfg is useless for me. On each
update I have to check for changes and incorporate them in my own
hand-edited version.

It is my belief, that the whole automagic configuration system as it
is now is far to complex and convoluted. It is too inflexible to
support any requirements by the user the developers haven't thought
about and in this case you have to work actively against the system to
get what you want. See #578576. I'm not sure if this can be fixed or
if the whole system has to be rethought. Currently I'd tend to the

And because of the tight dependency between the loader and grub.cfg
and zero-tolerance of the loader to unknown parameters in grub.cfg, it
is far too fragile and very easily leads to an unbootable system.

Because of this, coupled with the many open bugs and the lack of
documentation, I'm not sure if grub2 is ready to be released to the
unsuspecting public.


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Re: Trying to install Google Earth on Lenny. How on earth??????

2010-05-25 Thread Brad Rogers
On Mon, 24 May 2010 11:44:44 -0400 (EDT)
Stephen Powell wrote:

Hello Stephen,

 Thanks for the suggestion, Brad.  I like Google maps even better

You're welcome, Stephen.  Glad the idea proved useful to you.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent

Does she always shout at you, does she tell you what to do
Family Life - Sham 69

Description: PGP signature

Re: lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-25 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby
 William Pitcock :
This bug *can* be fixed, but not without a significant rewrite of the
way that lilo's stage2 loader code works.  Given that there is no
active upstream and that the Debian lilo package carries many patches
for bug fixes that are alleviated by standardizing on grub2, this
seems like the best option for Debian.

Agreed: dead (and buggy) softwares must be out of the distribution.
Whatever happens. If LILO regains upstream coders, its return to the
distribution is quite easy.

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2010-05-25 Thread Adam Hardy
This has got to be a simple question: I have a sound card and I've just plugged 
in a microphone that I want to test (not USB obviously). Is there an easy 
program I can install onto lenny/xfce that I can use to test it?

I just tried with bplay but it wants me to have /dev/dsp which I haven't got - 
it should be using udev shouldn't it? I read the description of elisa and it has 
megs of gnome stuff to install as well - is it worth it?


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Re: microphone

2010-05-25 Thread Claudius Hubig
Adam Hardy wrote:
This has got to be a simple question: I have a sound card and I've just 
in a microphone that I want to test (not USB obviously). Is there an easy 
program I can install onto lenny/xfce that I can use to test it?

I just tried with bplay but it wants me to have /dev/dsp which I haven't got - 
it should be using udev shouldn't it? I read the description of elisa and it 
megs of gnome stuff to install as well - is it worth it?

You could try Audacity – it has a lot of features, but not that many
dependencies I think.


Oh, well, I guess this is just going to be one of those lifetimes.

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Re: microphone

2010-05-25 Thread Adam Hardy

Claudius Hubig on 25/05/10 12:37, wrote:

Adam Hardy wrote:
This has got to be a simple question: I have a sound card and I've just plugged 
in a microphone that I want to test (not USB obviously). Is there an easy 
program I can install onto lenny/xfce that I can use to test it?

I just tried with bplay but it wants me to have /dev/dsp which I haven't got - 
it should be using udev shouldn't it? I read the description of elisa and it has 
megs of gnome stuff to install as well - is it worth it?

You could try Audacity – it has a lot of features, but not that many
dependencies I think.

OK I guess my search terms must have been bad! Audacity didn't come up when I 
used sound recorder.

Anyway, audacity is great - although it's proved that my mic is bust.


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Re: microphone

2010-05-25 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 25 May 2010 12:32:24 +0100, Adam Hardy wrote:

 This has got to be a simple question: I have a sound card and I've just
 plugged in a microphone that I want to test (not USB obviously). Is
 there an easy program I can install onto lenny/xfce that I can use to
 test it?

If you've got alsa-mixer package installed, arecord could help you to 
test your microphone.



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Re: microphone

2010-05-25 Thread Jasper

then play with the sliders in alsamixer.



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Re: lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-25 Thread Stephen Powell
Ferenc Wagner wrote:
 Stephen Powell writes:

 Both grub-legacy and grub-pc use sectors on the hard disk outside of
 the master boot record and outside of a partition ...

 You may want to try extlinux, it works much like LILO in this respect.

Well, I tried extlinux last night, and I am hopeful that this is going
to be a solution, at least for me.  extlinux seems to combine the best
parts of grub-pc and lilo.  Like grub-pc, extlinux understands the file
system, and can read the configuration file, kernel, and the initial
RAM file system image from the file system without needing a list of
specific blocks to read.  Thus, the boot loader does not need to be re-run
every time a kernel is installed or updated or an initial RAM file system
image is installed or updated.  The number of file systems it supports
is limited, but that's OK.  A separate /boot partition of the file system
type supported by the boot loader is acceptable.

But like lilo it stays out of unallocated (and therefore not backed up)
sectors.  The boot block of extlinux is installed in the boot sector
of a partition, and the second stage loader occupies a file within the
partition.  It does not use the master boot record.  It relies on a
master boot record program to chain load it from the partition boot
sector.  (I use the mbr package for that.)  It *does* support the
specification of an initial text video mode (vga option), though this
is not specifically documented.

Speaking of documentation, that seems to be its main weakness.
Documentation is sketchy and spread out over a number of different files.
I would have had a hard time configuring it if it weren't for
correct guesses based on my knowledge of how lilo is configured, which
newer users won't have.  It installs hook scripts that I don't want
(and that have bugs).  But after manual configuration and tweaking,
it works just fine.  Now, if it passes the backup / low-level-format /
restore test, I'll be good to go.  Stay tuned ...

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-25 Thread Stephen Powell
On Tue, 25 May 2010 07:08:20 -0400 (EDT), Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
 William Pitcock wrote:
 This bug *can* be fixed, but not without a significant rewrite of the
 way that lilo's stage2 loader code works.  Given that there is no
 active upstream and that the Debian lilo package carries many patches
 for bug fixes that are alleviated by standardizing on grub2, this
 seems like the best option for Debian.
 Agreed: dead (and buggy) softwares must be out of the distribution.
 Whatever happens. If LILO regains upstream coders, its return to the
 distribution is quite easy.

By that standard, grub-pc should be removed from the distribution.
It may have upstream support, but based on other posts I've seen, it
effectively has no maintainer.  Which is worse, a package with
effectively no upstream support or a package with effectively no
maintainer?  And grub-pc is buggier than lilo.

I understand the need to remove packages with no upstream support.
But asking users to test a package with umpteen known release-critical
bugs, most of which have apparently been fixed upstream, but have
not been fixed in Debian because there is no maintainer to download
a new upstream version, is not a reasonable request in my humble
opinion.  Get a maintainer for it, fix the known bugs, and *then*
ask the users to test it.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Tiny terminal text after kernel update

2010-05-25 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2010-05-25 10:41 +0200, Brian wrote:

 On Mon 24 May 2010 at 17:11:37 +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:

 You can blacklist the module or use nouveau.modeset=0 kernel parameter,
 leaving you with the nv (or nvidia) driver for X.

 Changing the console resolution is easily done with the nouveau driver
 by using 'video=VGA-1:1024x768' as a kernel option. The output (VGA-1
 in my case) can be omitted.

Interesting, I did not know that.

 This is also useful to employ if the driver and card do not play well
 together and the native resolution of the screen is not detected. With
 one card I force 'video=VGA-1:1280x1024', otherwise I get 1024x768.

If the native resolution is not detected, it is a problem of the monitor
which should have reported its preferred resolution via EDID.

Another possibility
 is to use a bigger font.  Install the console-setup and kbd packages and
 use dpkg-reconfigure console-setup to choose your preferred font.

 I don't know which bigger console font you have in mind but if it is
 one of the Terminus family screen corruption will most likely happen.

I never had any problems with the terminus fonts, YMMV.


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Re: microphone

2010-05-25 Thread Anand Sivaram
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 18:29, Jasper wrote:


 then play with the sliders in alsamixer.



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I also suggest the same.
arecord | aplay
arecord could be used to record wave files also..

Re: microphone

2010-05-25 Thread Adam Hardy

Anand Sivaram on 25/05/10 15:35, wrote:
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 18:29, Jasper 

then play with the sliders in alsamixer.



I also suggest the same.
arecord | aplay
arecord could be used to record wave files also..

I can't get a tweet out of the mic though and it doesn't look bust nor can I 
remember treading on it or using the cable hang weights on.

In audacity under the microphone dropdown, there are about 7 choices including 
the USB mic on the webcam which I guess isn't covered by alsa, and also one 
called Alsa Default which doesn't work either.

It looks like the sound card has a few options there. Is there some way of 
determining which I should use?

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Re: microphone

2010-05-25 Thread Adam Hardy

Adam Hardy on 25/05/10 15:54, wrote:

Anand Sivaram on 25/05/10 15:35, wrote:

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 18:29, Jasper arecord|aplay

then play with the sliders in alsamixer.



I also suggest the same.
arecord | aplay
arecord could be used to record wave files also..

I can't get a tweet out of the mic though and it doesn't look bust nor 
can I remember treading on it or using the cable hang weights on.

In audacity under the microphone dropdown, there are about 7 choices 
including the USB mic on the webcam which I guess isn't covered by alsa, 
and also one called Alsa Default which doesn't work either.

It looks like the sound card has a few options there. Is there some way 
of determining which I should use?

Sorry, completely missed off the important bit: I ran arecord | aplay

I ran alsamixer simultaneously but couldn't get anything to stream thro.

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Re: lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-25 Thread Ferenc Wagner
Stephen Powell writes:

 Ferenc Wagner wrote:

 Stephen Powell writes:

 Both grub-legacy and grub-pc use sectors on the hard disk outside of
 the master boot record and outside of a partition ...

 You may want to try extlinux, it works much like LILO in this respect.

 It does not use the master boot record.  It relies on a master boot
 record program to chain load it from the partition boot sector.  (I
 use the mbr package for that.)

The extlinux package itself also contains an mbr.bin, which you can use
(it's strong point is probably EBIOS support).

 Speaking of documentation, that seems to be its main weakness.
 Documentation is sketchy and spread out over a number of different files.

/usr/share/doc/extlinux.txt.gz references syslinux.txt, which is fairly
comprehensive according to my standards, at least as far as the core is
concerned.  What did you miss?  Some modules may be less well documented.

 It installs hook scripts that I don't want (and that have bugs).

I hope we can fix them soon (they are Debian specific additions).

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Re: Re (2): lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-25 Thread Stephen Powell
On Mon, 24 May 2010 17:29:54 -0400 (EDT), Peter Easthope wrote:
 Stephen Powell wrote:
 (3) The need for special backup requirements will be 
 used by the opponents of Linux at my place of employment 
 to oppose further deployments of Linux, ...
 What about the carrot approach?  Find an even better 
 backup method, compatible with Grub 2 and appealing 
 to your management for its efficiency.

You're missing the point.  The main selling point to management
is that Linux is free.  If they have to buy new backup software
in order to accommodate Linux' backup requirements, that will
kill it on the spot.  Whatever boot loader I use must not
require new backup software or impose special backup requirements.
And its not just money.  As a rule, people like what they know.
The backup people are Windows people, and they'd love an
excuse to complain to management about the backup requirements
of my Linux servers.  grub-legacy and grub-pc are non-starters
for me for that reason.  Until now, only lilo, as far as I knew,
met all my requirements.  It now appears that extlinux may also
work.  I'll soon know.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Re (2): lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-25 Thread Mark
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Stephen Powell zlinux...@wowway.comwrote:

 On Mon, 24 May 2010 17:29:54 -0400 (EDT), Peter Easthope wrote:
  Stephen Powell wrote:
  (3) The need for special backup requirements will be
  used by the opponents of Linux at my place of employment
  to oppose further deployments of Linux, ...
  What about the carrot approach?  Find an even better
  backup method, compatible with Grub 2 and appealing
  to your management for its efficiency.

 You're missing the point.  The main selling point to management
 is that Linux is free.  If they have to buy new backup software
 in order to accommodate Linux' backup requirements, that will
 kill it on the spot.  Whatever boot loader I use must not
 require new backup software or impose special backup requirements.
 And its not just money.  As a rule, people like what they know.
 The backup people are Windows people, and they'd love an
 excuse to complain to management about the backup requirements
 of my Linux servers.  grub-legacy and grub-pc are non-starters
 for me for that reason.  Until now, only lilo, as far as I knew,
 met all my requirements.  It now appears that extlinux may also
 work.  I'll soon know.

Clonezilla is free, and when using the saveparts option to save an image
of one partition and not the full hard drive, it includes the MBR and
associated data.  You can then drop that partition image onto a new/blank
disk, that does not have anything in the MBR, and once Clonezilla restores
the image to the new partition, will put the MBR in place and the machine
boots on its own the next time, with no extra work (I just did this last
week with a new hard drive).  This has been my experience with using
Clonezilla and Lenny, at least.  So it may help in your case.


can't determine affected package

2010-05-25 Thread tadziu
it's a simple reproduction of this bug:

i've got the same problem either on lenny/squeeze/sid and all possible
kernels up to 2.6.34 (not tested yet). can someone tell mi how to
send a bug report in that case? launchpad service seems little
easier since it doesn't reqiure exact package ;)

thanks in advance and all the best

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Re: Re (2): lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-25 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Tuesday 25 May 2010 10:42:34 Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Mon, 24 May 2010 17:29:54 -0400 (EDT), Peter Easthope wrote:
  Stephen Powell wrote:
  (3) The need for special backup requirements will be
  used by the opponents of Linux at my place of employment
  to oppose further deployments of Linux, ...
  What about the carrot approach?  Find an even better
  backup method, compatible with Grub 2 and appealing
  to your management for its efficiency.
 You're missing the point.  The main selling point to management
 is that Linux is free.

No software is entirely without cost.  Free Software is no exception.  There 
are usually no up-front licening fees, sure.  However, volunteers work on 
whatever they like, and if no one volunteers to maintain and support your 
software you may have to pay for that.

Even with volunteers providing maintenance and support, your specific 
requirements may differ from their goals and that will require effort to 

 If they have to buy new backup software
 in order to accommodate Linux' backup requirements, that will
 kill it on the spot.  Whatever boot loader I use must not
 require new backup software or impose special backup requirements.
 And its not just money.  As a rule, people like what they know.

If money is the issue, move to a free backup solution.  Amanda and Zmanda both 
support backing up a number of OSes, including Linux and Windows and are free 
software, last I checked.

You've already proven free solutions in your own servers.  Moving to a free 
solution for backups is a next logical step.

Also, volunteers are rarely concerned with market share, losing your 
management as users is not necessarily a concern to them.  If it is a concern 
for you, you may have to put forward some additional effort to address your 
management's issues.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Mail errors or attacks?

2010-05-25 Thread David Baron
On Monday 24 May 2010 22:57:12 
  I get a zillion of these, every single day, about every 5 minutes or so:
  2010-05-24 15:05:38 SMTP call from localhost (dovidhalevi) []
  dropped: too many syntax or protocol errors (last command was MAIL
  FROM:jameswellington000@[]  SIZE=8814)
  I am running exim4 heavy on a Sid box.
  Exim shows no stuck messages or such. How can I stop this?
 Is dovidhalevi in your domain?  What about
 Incoming mail or outgoing?

I assume these are incoming from,
Or this message somehow is stuck in limbo and being processed over and over 
(it is always the same size, for example).

The dovidhalevi is my machine name, localhost.

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2010-05-25 Thread David Baron
Anyone with experience and Debian-related information on motherboards by DFI 
and by Winsonic? Apparently of the few which support modern CPU and memory and 
still sport as ISA slot or two.

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Re: Mail errors or attacks?

2010-05-25 Thread David Baron
On Monday 24 May 2010 22:57:12 
  I get a zillion of these, every single day, about every 5 minutes or so:
  2010-05-24 15:05:38 SMTP call from localhost (dovidhalevi) [] 
  dropped: too many syntax or protocol errors (last command was MAIL 
  FROM:jameswellington000@[] SIZE=8814)
  I am running exim4 heavy on a Sid box.
  Exim shows no stuck messages or such. How can I stop this?
 It is a spamer...
 It it is always the same IP, add it to the backlist

How do I do this obvious task? In exim? I have fail2ban as well but this is 
not catching this one.

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Re: can't determine affected package

2010-05-25 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Tuesday 25 May 2010 10:42:15 tadziu wrote:
 it's a simple reproduction of this bug:
 i've got the same problem either on lenny/squeeze/sid and all possible
 kernels up to 2.6.34 (not tested yet). can someone tell mi how to
 send a bug report in that case? launchpad service seems little
 easier since it doesn't reqiure exact package ;)

Probably just file against linux-image-2.6.  Be sure to mention your LP bug, 
as well as which Debian kernels you've tested and failed on, specifically.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: can't determine affected package

2010-05-25 Thread Merciadri Luca
tadziu wrote:
 it's a simple reproduction of this bug:

 i've got the same problem either on lenny/squeeze/sid and all possible
 kernels up to 2.6.34 (not tested yet). can someone tell mi how to
 send a bug report in that case? launchpad service seems little
 easier since it doesn't reqiure exact package ;)

 thanks in advance and all the best

Are you using `exactly' (in some sense) the same config?

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: can't determine affected package

2010-05-25 Thread Merciadri Luca
Then, you might follow Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.'s recommendation.

tadziu wrote:
 yes i've got the same hardware as mentioned in bug report,
 and tested suspension on debian as well as ubuntu, mint,
 fedora, and sabayon. problem persist distro independent,
 and kernel version indepedent

 2010/5/25 Merciadri Luca
 Are you using `exactly' (in some sense) the same config?

 Merciadri Luca
 I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
 client, please contact me.

 tadziu wrote:
 it's a simple reproduction of this bug:

 i've got the same problem either on lenny/squeeze/sid and all possible
 kernels up to 2.6.34 (not tested yet). can someone tell mi how to
 send a bug report in that case? launchpad service seems little
 easier since it doesn't reqiure exact package ;)

 thanks in advance and all the best



Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Motherboards

2010-05-25 Thread Jordan Metzmeier

On 05/25/2010 11:55 AM, David Baron wrote:

Anyone with experience and Debian-related information on motherboards by DFI
and by Winsonic? Apparently of the few which support modern CPU and memory and
still sport as ISA slot or two.

I run Debian Lenny on a DFI Lanparty DK p45-t2rs. I really like the 
board but it did throw a curveball at me. Since it had an Intel ICH10R 
southbridge, I expected it to have an Intel ICH storage controller and 
use the ata_piix driver. This was not the case, instead, it used a 
Jmicron storage controller (using the ahci driver) which forced me into 
using the kmuto installer and the lenny-backports kernel.

Other than that, I think its great.

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`/usr/lib/libsfml-{windows | system}.so.1.deb3 is not a symbolic link' ({} means the two files)

2010-05-25 Thread Merciadri Luca

I installed some new packages, namely cmake, libqt4-dev, libasio-dev,
boinc-dev, libperl-dev. Everything goes as nicely as habitually, but I
am getting some ldconfig messages for some packages:

Setting up libmysqlclient15-dev (5.0.51a-24+lenny3) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up boinc-dev (6.2.14-3) ...
Setting up libxmlrpc-c3 (1.06.27-1) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up cmake (2.6.0-6) ...
install/cmake: Byte-compiling for emacs22
Wrote /usr/share/emacs22/site-lisp/cmake/cmake-mode.elc
Setting up gccxml (0.9.0+cvs20080525-1) ...
Setting up libboost-serialization1.35.0 (1.35.0-5) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libboost-date-time1.35.0 (1.35.0-5) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libboost-system1.35.0 (1.35.0-5) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libboost-filesystem1.35.0 (1.35.0-5) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libboost-test1.35.0 (1.35.0-5) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libboost-graph1.35.0 (1.35.0-5) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libboost-regex1.35.0 (1.35.0-5) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libicu-dev (3.8.1-3+lenny2) ...
Setting up libboost-iostreams1.35.0 (1.35.0-5) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libboost-program-options1.35.0 (1.35.0-5) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libboost-python1.35.0 (1.35.0-5) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up python2.5-dev (2.5.2-15+lenny1) ...
Setting up python-dev (2.5.2-3) ...
Setting up libboost-signals1.35.0 (1.35.0-5) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libboost-thread1.35.0 (1.35.0-5) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libboost-wave1.35.0 (1.35.0-5) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libboost1.35-doc (1.35.0-5) ...
Setting up libperl-dev (5.10.0-19lenny2) ...
Setting up libqt4-assistant (4.4.3-1+lenny1) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libqt4-script (4.4.3-1+lenny1) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libqt4-designer (4.4.3-1+lenny1) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libqt4-sql (4.4.3-1+lenny1) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libqt4-qt3support (4.4.3-1+lenny1) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libqt4-svg (4.4.3-1+lenny1) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libqt4-webkit (4.4.3-1+lenny1) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libqt4-xmlpatterns (4.4.3-1+lenny1) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link

Setting up libqt4-help (4.4.3-1+lenny1) ...
ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link


Re: Re: microphone

2010-05-25 Thread Jasper
You have more than one sound-device in your system.
Maybe this helps:


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Re: evolution 2.30 with exchange

2010-05-25 Thread deloptes
Camaleón wrote:

 If Evolution is working off-line, switch into on-line mode, that
 should go away the message about network not available.

this is the problem the online option (down left) is outblended and
inactive. I don't understand why.
By the way I'm using evolution in KDE4 so may be there is something from
gnome missing.

I did a test upgrade so may be evolution packages are upgraded but dependant
were not installed - is it possible?


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Re: Re (2): lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-25 Thread Stephen Powell
On Tue, 25 May 2010 11:51:11 -0400 (EDT), Mark
 On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Stephen Powell zlinux...@wowway.comwrote:
 On Mon, 24 May 2010 17:29:54 -0400 (EDT), Peter Easthope wrote:
 Stephen Powell wrote:
 (3) The need for special backup requirements will be
 used by the opponents of Linux at my place of employment
 to oppose further deployments of Linux, ...

 What about the carrot approach?  Find an even better
 backup method, compatible with Grub 2 and appealing
 to your management for its efficiency.

 You're missing the point.  The main selling point to management
 is that Linux is free.  ...

 Clonezilla is free, and when using the saveparts option to save an image
 of one partition and not the full hard drive, it includes the MBR and
 associated data.  You can then drop that partition image onto a new/blank
 disk, that does not have anything in the MBR, and once Clonezilla restores
 the image to the new partition, will put the MBR in place and the machine
 boots on its own the next time, with no extra work (I just did this last
 week with a new hard drive).  This has been my experience with using
 Clonezilla and Lenny, at least.  So it may help in your case.

Perhaps so.  But it's not what the backup people know.  They're very
comfortable with the backup software that they know and love for
backing up their Windows servers, which was purchased with Windows servers
in mind.  Do you think they're going to redo their whole backup architecture
just for a few Linux servers?  If I want to play in their sandbox, I have
to play by their rules.  That's the political reality.  At our shop, Linux
has a small beachhead on a vast continent controlled by Windows.  Over time,
the role of Linux may expand to the point where Linux is actually thought
about and planned for when decisions are made.  But that day is not today.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Motherboards

2010-05-25 Thread Jean-François

Le 25/05/10 18:44, Jordan Metzmeier a écrit :
I run Debian Lenny on a DFI Lanparty DK p45-t2rs. I really like the 
board but it did throw a curveball at me. Since it had an Intel ICH10R 
southbridge, I expected it to have an Intel ICH storage controller and 
use the ata_piix driver. This was not the case, instead, it used a 
Jmicron storage controller (using the ahci driver) which forced me 
into using the kmuto installer and the lenny-backports kernel.


I might be wrong, but I guess the exact name for your motherboard is DFI 
Lanparty DK p45-t2rs PLUS (as opposed to the Elite or Turbo models), 
which has 8 SATAII ports, and I also guess you have used the two yellow 
ports? If so, plug your drives in the orange ports to use the Sata 
controller from the ICH10R and not the JMicron JMB363 (given the vast 
amount of options traditionnally present in a DFI LanParty BIOS, you can 
probably disable the JMicron controller if you want to do so).

The ICH10R only provides 6 SATAII ports, and the JMicron controller is 
there to provide 2 additionnal ports.

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Re: Mail errors or attacks?

2010-05-25 Thread John
On 25/05/10, David Baron ( wrote:
|   I get a zillion of these, every single day, about every 5 minutes or so:
|   2010-05-24 15:05:38 SMTP call from localhost (dovidhalevi) [] 
|   dropped: too many syntax or protocol errors (last command was MAIL 
|   FROM:jameswellington000@[] SIZE=8814)
|  ^^^
|   I am running exim4 heavy on a Sid box.
|   Exim shows no stuck messages or such. How can I stop this?
|  It is a spamer...
|  It it is always the same IP, add it to the backlist
| How do I do this obvious task? In exim? I have fail2ban as well but this is 
| not catching this one. 

Have you tried adding 

/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP

to /etc/init.d/iptables.rules?


GPG key 1024D/99421A63 2005-01-05
EE51 79E9 F244 D734 A012 1CEC 7813 9FE9 9942 1A63
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 99421A63

Description: Digital signature

Re: microphone

2010-05-25 Thread deloptes
Adam Hardy wrote:

 I just tried with bplay but it wants me to have /dev/dsp which I haven't
 got - it should be using udev shouldn't it? I read the description of
 elisa and it has megs of gnome stuff to install as well - is it worth it?

if you have a program using /dev/dsp you need alsa-oss (ALSA wrapper for OSS

elisa - you mean the grandmother of all chat engines?

try rebecca


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Can't switch to DASH

2010-05-25 Thread Frank McCormick
If  this is a repeat I apologize for the noise.

With this mornings upgrade to testing there was a new
version of DASH.
I've been using BASH..and tried to switch.

fr...@squeeze:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
dpkg-divert: mismatch on package
  when removing `diversion of /bin/sh by dash'
  found `diversion of /bin/sh to /bin/sh.distrib by bash'

Is this a bug or am I missing something?


-- Frank --

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Re: Motherboards

2010-05-25 Thread Jordan Metzmeier

On 05/25/2010 01:03 PM, Jean-François wrote:


I might be wrong, but I guess the exact name for your motherboard is 
DFI Lanparty DK p45-t2rs PLUS (as opposed to the Elite or Turbo 
models), which has 8 SATAII ports, and I also guess you have used the 
two yellow ports? If so, plug your drives in the orange ports to use 
the Sata controller from the ICH10R and not the JMicron JMB363 (given 
the vast amount of options traditionnally present in a DFI LanParty 
BIOS, you can probably disable the JMicron controller if you want to 
do so).

The ICH10R only provides 6 SATAII ports, and the JMicron controller is 
there to provide 2 additionnal ports.

Yes, the PLUS is the correct model. I will have to look into it again, 
but I have 3 drives so they could not all be in the two yellow ports. 
This may also explain why fdisk lists my drives in the order: sdc, sdb, 
sda. Running lspci -k, I don't recall seeing ata_piix at all.

Thanks for the input, I will have another look tonight.

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Re: Re (2): lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-25 Thread Stephen Powell
On Tue, 25 May 2010 12:03:17 -0400 (EDT), Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 Stephen Powell wrote:
 You're missing the point.  The main selling point to management
 is that Linux is free.
 No software is entirely without cost.  Free Software is no exception.  There 
 are usually no up-front licening fees, sure.  However, volunteers work on 
 whatever they like, and if no one volunteers to maintain and support your 
 software you may have to pay for that.
 Even with volunteers providing maintenance and support, your specific 
 requirements may differ from their goals and that will require effort to 
 Also, volunteers are rarely concerned with market share, losing your 
 management as users is not necessarily a concern to them.  If it is a concern 
 for you, you may have to put forward some additional effort to address your 
 management's issues.

All excellent points, Boyd.  Fortunately in this case, extlinux appears
to be a viable solution.  I'll soon know.  The guy I need to see about
setting a test server to test the backup and restore scenario
has been off work with a sick child for the past couple of days, but when
he gets back I'll try to prove that it is 100% compatible with our
backup software.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Mail errors or attacks?

2010-05-25 Thread deloptes
David Baron wrote:

 It it is always the same IP, add it to the backlist
 How do I do this obvious task? In exim? I have fail2ban as well but this
 is not catching this one.

IF you are heavy user implement amavis-new (We've been using this in our
company since 2002 with great success - we have kaspersky commercial, 
spamassessing and clamav configured in amavis and we are training
spamassessing once a month - it's just great - paranoid linux users use
bogofilter - with bayesian prob.)

answer to your question:

man exim4-config_files

   is an optional file containing a list of IP addresses, networks and
host names whose messages will be denied with  the  error 
message  locally
   blacklisted.  This  is  a full exim 4 host list, and all available
features can be used. This includes negative items, and so it is possible
   exclude addresses from being blacklisted. For convenience, as an
additional method to  whitelist  addresses  from  being  blocked,  an 
   whitelist is read in from /etc/exim4/local_host_whitelist. Entries in
the whitelist override corresponding blacklist entries.


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can't switch to dash as default shell

2010-05-25 Thread Frank McCormick
Hash: SHA1

With this mornings upgrade to testing there was a new
version of DASH.
I've been using BASH..and tried to switch.

fr...@squeeze:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
dpkg-divert: mismatch on package
  when removing `diversion of /bin/sh by dash'
  found `diversion of /bin/sh to /bin/sh.distrib by bash'

Is this a bug or am I mssing something?


- -- 
- -- Frank --
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: evolution 2.30 with exchange

2010-05-25 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 25 May 2010 18:57:31 +0200, deloptes wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:
 If Evolution is working off-line, switch into on-line mode, that
 should go away the message about network not available.
 this is the problem the online option (down left) is outblended and
 inactive. I don't understand why.

It could be a bug, but Evolution depends much in network-manager settings 
to check the connection status of the computer. Be sure you are indeed 

Also, go to File menu and look there for any switch to online option 
you can toggle on.

You can try by launching Evolution being another user (not your usual 
one) and from a console, to see any output errors.

 By the way I'm using evolution in KDE4 so may be there is something from
 gnome missing.
 I did a test upgrade so may be evolution packages are upgraded but
 dependant were not installed - is it possible?

Check for any updated packages again. 

Update manager should care about the required packages and dependancies 
that will be upgraded, I doubt you are missing one of them, it should 
have warned you if something was missing or broken :-?



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Re: microphone

2010-05-25 Thread Adam Hardy

Jasper on 25/05/10 17:38, wrote:

You have more than one sound-device in your system.
Maybe this helps:

Surely my microphone input should be listed?

a...@isengard:~$ arecord -L
HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
Default Audio Device
HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
Front speakers
HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakers
HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakers
HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakers
HDA Intel, ALC882 Digital
IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output
Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)

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Re: evolution 2.30 with exchange

2010-05-25 Thread deloptes
Camaleón wrote:

 On Tue, 25 May 2010 18:57:31 +0200, deloptes wrote:
 Camaleón wrote:
 If Evolution is working off-line, switch into on-line mode, that
 should go away the message about network not available.
 this is the problem the online option (down left) is outblended and
 inactive. I don't understand why.
 It could be a bug, but Evolution depends much in network-manager settings
 to check the connection status of the computer. Be sure you are indeed

does somebody here is using it (also in production)?
I want to cross check some things.
I'm not using network manager, because the stupid thing is waiting for me to
login to connect, but my home is on a network share that I need to have
mounted before I login

 Also, go to File menu and look there for any switch to online option
 you can toggle on.

be sure I've done this already .. this option is disabled too

 You can try by launching Evolution being another user (not your usual
 one) and from a console, to see any output errors.

this is a good idea, I'll try. I've actually tried but only to see if evo is

 By the way I'm using evolution in KDE4 so may be there is something from
 gnome missing.
 I did a test upgrade so may be evolution packages are upgraded but
 dependant were not installed - is it possible?
 Check for any updated packages again.

updating daily 

 Update manager should care about the required packages and dependancies
 that will be upgraded, I doubt you are missing one of them, it should
 have warned you if something was missing or broken :-?

thanks - perhaps is the network manager. I'll get it running and check

if someone is reading mails with evolution 2.30 from exchange please give me
a note.


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Re: Mail errors or attacks?

2010-05-25 Thread David Baron
On Tuesday 25 May 2010 20:06:29 
 |  It is a spamer...
 |  It it is always the same IP, add it to the backlist
 | How do I do this obvious task? In exim? I have fail2ban as well but this
 | is  not catching this one.
 Have you tried adding 
 /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP
 to /etc/init.d/iptables.rules?

I do not have this.
I am (still) using the guarddog (kde3) firewall which sets the iptables rules. 
There is no active rules set otherwise.

I could make it, but I think that the guarddog would override. I could add 
this after the fact, however. I will try it.

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Re: microphone

2010-05-25 Thread deloptes
Adam Hardy wrote:

 Jasper on 25/05/10 17:38, wrote:
 You have more than one sound-device in your system.
 Maybe this helps:
 Surely my microphone input should be listed?
 a...@isengard:~$ arecord -L
  HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
  Default Audio Device
  HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
  Front speakers
  HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
  4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakers
  HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
  4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
  HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
  5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakers
  HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
  5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
  HDA Intel, ALC882 Analog
  7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakers
  HDA Intel, ALC882 Digital
  IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output
  Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)

3 steps to find out and test a microphone on linux with alsa

1) find out cards and inputs

shell cat /proc/asound/cards
 0 [Intel  ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
  HDA Intel at 0xff95 irq 22
 1 [HVR900 ]: USB-Audio - WinTV HVR-900
  WinTV HVR-900 at usb-:00:1a.7-3, high speed
 2 [Webcam ]: USB-Audio - Philips SPC 1000NC Webcam
  Philips CE Philips SPC 1000NC Webcam at
usb-:00:1a.7-5.4, high speed

 = I'm going to use the Webcam built in mic = card # 2

2) find out the input

shell cat /proc/asound/devices
  0: [ 0]   : control
  1:: sequencer
  6: [ 0- 2]: hardware dependent
  7: [ 0- 3]: hardware dependent
 16: [ 0- 0]: digital audio playback
 17: [ 0- 1]: digital audio playback
 19: [ 0- 3]: digital audio playback
 24: [ 0- 0]: digital audio capture
 32: [ 1]   : control
 33:: timer
 56: [ 1- 0]: digital audio capture
 64: [ 2]   : control
 88: [ 2- 0]: digital audio capture

= my input is the capture on the second card

 88: [ 2- 0]: digital audio capture

3) so no we can test the mic

shell arecord -c1 -Dplughw:2,0 -f cd -vv /dev/null

kind regards

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Re: Mail errors or attacks?

2010-05-25 Thread deloptes
David Baron wrote:

 | How do I do this obvious task? In exim? I have fail2ban as well but
 | this is  not catching this one.

man exim4-config_files

   is an optional file containing a list of IP addresses, networks and
host names whose messages will be denied with  the  error 
message  locally

and read my other posting


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Re: Mail errors or attacks?

2010-05-25 Thread Pete

On 25/05/2010 16:58, David Baron wrote:

On Monday 24 May 2010 22:57:12

I get a zillion of these, every single day, about every 5 minutes or so:

2010-05-24 15:05:38 SMTP call from localhost (dovidhalevi) []
dropped: too many syntax or protocol errors (last command was MAIL
FROM:jameswellington000@[]  SIZE=8814)


I am running exim4 heavy on a Sid box.

Exim shows no stuck messages or such. How can I stop this?

It is a spamer...

It it is always the same IP, add it to the backlist

How do I do this obvious task? In exim? I have fail2ban as well but this is
not catching this one.


You could try this as root :

# cd /etc/exim4

# touch local_host_blacklist

# touch local_host_whitelist

# touch local_sender_blacklist

# touch local_sender_whitelist

# chown root:Debian-exim local_*

# chmod 640 local_*

I've created these files on my Debian Lenny box and they work very well. 
For the 'local_host_blacklist' file I add entries such as :


For the 'local_sender_blacklist' I add entries such as :


In the above example the last entry would be an exception and would not 
be blocked. Alternatively I could add that entry to 
'local_sender_whitelist' for the same effect.

Also check out this web page for some really in-depth examples of spam 
filtering with Exim :

When trying out new filters you can use 'warn' instead of 'deny' which 
will just add a header to the email message rather than reject it at 
SMTP time. The header inserted is the contents of the 'message' line :

  message = X-Spam-Header1: This mail failed on spam test 1.

.. rest of acl ...

Hope this helps.



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Re: can't switch to dash as default shell

2010-05-25 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2010-05-25 18:29 +0200, Frank McCormick wrote:

 With this mornings upgrade to testing there was a new
 version of DASH.
 I've been using BASH..and tried to switch.

 fr...@squeeze:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
 dpkg-divert: mismatch on package
   when removing `diversion of /bin/sh by dash'
   found `diversion of /bin/sh to /bin/sh.distrib by bash'

 Is this a bug or am I mssing something?


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Re: Tiny terminal text after kernel update

2010-05-25 Thread Brian
On Tue 25 May 2010 at 15:49:43 +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:

 If the native resolution is not detected, it is a problem of the monitor
 which should have reported its preferred resolution via EDID.

I thought that too but with these two cards

 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 PRO] (Secondary) 
(rev 01)
 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)

/var/log/Xorg.0.log has no problem reporting

  (II) RADEON(0): EDID data from the display on output: DVI-0 
  (II) RADEON(0): Manufacturer: DEL  Model: 400d  Serial#: 1094992983
  (II) RADEON(0): Year: 2006  Week: 2

for the radeon card, and

  (II) NOUVEAU(0): EDID for output VGA-1
  (II) NOUVEAU(0): Manufacturer: DEL  Model: 400c  Serial#: 1094992983
  (II) NOUVEAU(0): Year: 2006  Week: 2

for the nvidia card. Available resolutions and EDID (in hex) are also

With an onboard nvidia adaptor

 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NVCrush11 [GeForce2 MX 
Integrated Graphics] (rev b1)

there is no EDID information in Xorg.0.log. I get 1024x768 on the console
and in X. The native resolution of the panel is 1280x1024. This is a step
up on the nv driver which will give only 800x600 without being told
otherwise in xorg.conf.

So I'm disinclined to blame the behavior of the monitor.

Not the same card as my onboard nvidia but this is close to the behaviour
I've experienced:

 I never had any problems with the terminus fonts, YMMV.

Which one do you use? TerminusBold 20x10, 22x11, 24x12 and 28x14 all lead
to screen corruption for me. 32x16 behaves.

may have some bearing on my observations.

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Re: (OT) suggestion on terse wording of IT Helpdesk

2010-05-25 Thread Daniel Barclay

Jochen Schulz wrote:

... In my
experience, many web forms just don't accept plus characters in email
addresses at all.

Then those forms are broken (not accepting e-mail addresses properly),

(Plain text sometimes corrupted to HTML courtesy of Microsoft Exchange.) [F]

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