Re: memtest86+ ne fonctionne plus?

2010-05-29 Thread moi-meme
Le Sat, 29 May 2010 00:20:02 +0200, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :

 Je n'arrive plus à faire fonctionner memtest86+. J'ai essayé sur 2 PC
 (un fixe avec 4Gio de RAM, un portable avec 2Gio) et sur chacun il ne
 teste que 640Kio de RAM.

j'ai des doutes (même si je n'ai jamais utilisé)

AMHA : sur 2 PC c'est le support de memtest qui doit être HS

Repartir à 0 (télécharger) ou essayer une autre version.

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Re: problème postfix et gmail

2010-05-29 Thread deb

On 05/26/2010 06:48 PM, maderios wrote:

Bonjour à tous
J'ai configuré Postfix (Squeeze) afin d’utiliser le smtp de gmail en relayhost. 
Postfix marche
correctement en local mais il est impossible d'envoyer un mail à l'extérieur.
Mon fai est
Merci d'avance pour toute aide.

mail -s test

tail -f /var/log/

May 26 17:34:09 salix postfix/smtp[22814]: connect to[]:25: Connection timed out
May 26 17:34:09 salix postfix/smtp[22815]: connect to[]:25: Connection timed out
J'ignore si ça a un rapport avec ton pb mais étant moi-même chez orange, 
je suis obligé de relancer iptables avant l'envoi d'un e-mail sinon le 
smtp est bloqué. J'ai l'impression que les adresses utilisées par gmail 
sont dynamiques.

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Re: memtest86+ ne fonctionne plus?

2010-05-29 Thread Jean-François

Le 29/05/10 00:09, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :


Je n'arrive plus à faire fonctionner memtest86+. J'ai essayé sur 2 PC (un
fixe avec 4Gio de RAM, un portable avec 2Gio) et sur chacun il ne teste que
640Kio de RAM.

Est-ce pareil chez vous?




1. booter sur le memtest86+
2. il teste les 640k en boucle
3. appuyer sur c (Configuration)
4. appuyer sur 3 (Memory Sizing)
5. appuyer sur 2 (Probe)

Et ça devrait marcher. Par contre, sur un système avec 4 Go de RAM, je 
suppose qu'il ne va tester que ~3 Go (limite 32-bits). Pas sûr de ce que 
j'avance, ceci dit.

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Re: problème postfix et gmail

2010-05-29 Thread maderios
Le Sat, 29 May 2010 11:53:51 +0200,
deb a écrit :
 J'ai l'impression que les adresses utilisées par gmail 
 sont dynamiques.
Le smtp semble avoir plusieurs adresses. Ce n'est pas là le problème puisque 
Postfix essaie toutes ces adresses. 
C'est ce foutu port 587 qui n'est pas là et qui fait tout foirer.
May 29 15:02:08 salix postfix/smtp[13267]: connect to[]:25: Connection timed out
May 29 15:02:29 salix postfix/smtp[13267]: connect to[]:25: Connection timed out
May 29 15:02:33 salix postfix/smtp[13268]: connect to[]:25: Connection timed out
May 29 15:02:50 salix postfix/smtp[13267]: connect to[]:25: Connection timed out
May 29 15:02:54 salix postfix/smtp[13268]: connect to[]:25: Connection timed out
May 29 15:03:11 salix postfix/smtp[13267]: connect to[]:25: Connection timed out
May 29 15:03:15 salix postfix/smtp[13268]: connect to[]:25: Connection timed out
May 29 15:03:32 salix postfix/smtp[13267]: connect to[]:25: Connection timed out

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Re: memtest86+ ne fonctionne plus?

2010-05-29 Thread sil

Le 29/05/2010 18:44, Jean-François a écrit :


1. booter sur le memtest86+
2. il teste les 640k en boucle
3. appuyer sur c (Configuration)
4. appuyer sur 3 (Memory Sizing)
5. appuyer sur 2 (Probe)

Et ça devrait marcher. Par contre, sur un système avec 4 Go de RAM, je 
suppose qu'il ne va tester que ~3 Go (limite 32-bits). Pas sûr de ce 
que j'avance, ceci dit.


Chez moi la manip plante.
Ce qui est étonnant c'est qu'en suite j'ai essayé l'autre version de 
memtest (sans +) et qu'elle plante aussi.

Je suis sous testing.
Je vais essayer depuis un vieux cd bootable.

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difficulte avec blender

2010-05-29 Thread suchod

je travaille avec Lenny.  J ai commencé a utiliser Blender et tout 
marchait bien.

J'ai du abandonner ces travaux pour me consacrer à d'autres et ce soir en
essayant de lancer Bender voici ce que j'obtiens :

Compiled with Python version 2.5.2.
Checking for installed Python... got it!
Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.
intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_WindowX11.cpp:175: X11 glxChooseVisual() 
failed for OpenGL, verify working openGL system!

X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
  Major opcode of failed request:  18 (X_ChangeProperty)
  Resource id in failed request:  0x0
  Serial number of failed request:  11
  Current serial number in output stream:  12

Pour ma part je ne suis pas capable de savoir quoi faire a partir de ce 
texte.  Quelqu'un peut il

me dire quoi faire ???  Merci par avance

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Re: difficulte avec blender

2010-05-29 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Le Sat, 29 May 2010 21:47:12 +0200,
suchod a écrit :

 Xlib:  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.

te dis que X n'a pas chargé l'extension GLX (openGL), en Gal, ça veut
dire que ta CG n'est plus accélérée

 intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_WindowX11.cpp:175: X11 glxChooseVisual() 

veut de l'openGL

 failed for OpenGL, verify working openGL system!


 X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Major opcode of failed request:  18 (X_ChangeProperty)
Resource id in failed request:  0x0
Serial number of failed request:  11
Current serial number in output stream:  12


tu dois avoir une CG qui nécessite soit une modif de xorg.conf, soit le
driver graphique n'a pas été recompilé lors d'un changement de kernel ou de

à vérifier avec 'glxinfo|grep rend' (qui devrait normalement ne pas dire que
la CG est accélérée.)

Kansas, where the men are men, the sheep are scared and the women are

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Re: memtest86+ ne fonctionne plus?

2010-05-29 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 12:09:49AM +0200, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
 Je n'arrive plus à faire fonctionner memtest86+. J'ai essayé sur 2 PC (un
 fixe avec 4Gio de RAM, un portable avec 2Gio) et sur chacun il ne teste que
 640Kio de RAM.

Tester 640K devrait être assez pour tout le monde.

Désolé, pas pu m'empêcher :)


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Re: Lluvia de spam

2010-05-29 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)
Hash: SHA1

Juan Antonio wrote:
 Geylist es la bomba, pero si todos los administradores de sistemas se
 concienciaran y publicaran registros de SPF sería la panacea.

Hummm estas equivocado, SPF no sirve de mucho en realidad.
La única solución es dejar de usar SMTP es un protocolo viejo y todos
los inventos posteriores (SPF, DomainKeys, DKIM, etc) no son mas que
parches que intentan mitigar el problema de fondo pero en lo absoluto
sirven de algo en la vida real.
Te pongo como ejemplo a Google que publica sus registros SPF en modo
neutral por asi decirlo, de manera tal que yo puedo enviarle un mail
sin necesidad de que mi MTA soporte SPF y aún asi google lo recibirá.

Si tanto Google como todos los grandes proveedores de mail se ponen
estrictos con SPF/DKIM, etc nadie les podría enviar mails por la
cantidad inmensa de servidores mail configurados que hay lo cual tendría
un resultado caótico en la vida de muchas personas.

Te paso un link que masomenos resume una de las alternativas propuestas.


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Re: Lluvia de spam

2010-05-29 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 29 May 2010 03:36:02 -0300, Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)

 Juan Antonio wrote:
 Geylist es la bomba, pero si todos los administradores de sistemas se
 concienciaran y publicaran registros de SPF sería la panacea.
 Hummm estas equivocado, SPF no sirve de mucho en realidad. La única
 solución es dejar de usar SMTP es un protocolo viejo y todos los
 inventos posteriores (SPF, DomainKeys, DKIM, etc) no son mas que parches
 que intentan mitigar el problema de fondo pero en lo absoluto sirven de
 algo en la vida real.



El SMTP es una lacra, un auténtico coladero que debería rediseñarse desde 
cero para que fuera un sistema funcional hoy en día.



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Re: Errores luego de actualizaciones mayo 2010

2010-05-29 Thread AngelD
El Fri, 28 May 2010 09:57:01 -0300
Javier Argentina escribió:

 squeeze ha estado muy activo últimamente, y he notado tres problemas,
 que, antes de reportar un bug, prefiero compartirlo para ver si no soy
 el único, o es mi forma de instalación.
 Lo que comento pasa en dos máquinas configuradas de la misma manera.
 $ uname -a
 Linux coopw750 2.6.32-3-amd64 #1 SMP Wed Feb 24 18:07:42 UTC 2010
 x86_64 GNU/Linux
 Problema 1: (poco crítico, pero molesto)
 Kaffeine no reproduce subtítulos *.srt. Hasta hace un mes, me consta
 que funcionaba bien. Avidemux y Dragonplayer los toma y los reproduce
 sin problemas, pero Kaffeine se emperró a dejarme sin subtítulos. He
 intentado con una instalacción limpia de Kaffeine y eliminación de
 archivos de configuración, pero ha sido en vano.
 Problema 2: (Poco crítico, pera más molesto que el anterior)
 Okular dejó de imprimir archivos *.pdf. Si los abro con cualquier otra
 cosa, como ser ePDFviewer, no hay problemas, pero Okular se ha
 emperrado en no dejarme imprimir. Me molesta dado que Okular es más
 prolijo en su vista en pantalla.
 Problema 3: (este sí me preocupa)
 Estoy recibiendo el siguiente log cada tanto.
 [ 2707.884423] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x400100
 action 0x6 [ 2707.884426] ata1.00: BMDMA stat 0x26
 [ 2707.884428] ata1.00: SError: { UnrecovData Handshk }
 [ 2707.884431] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE DMA
 [ 2707.884434] ata1.00: cmd ca/00:40:83:aa:80/00:00:00:00:00/e2 tag 0
 dma 32768 out
 [ 2707.884435]  res 51/84:01:c2:aa:80/84:01:01:00:00/e2 Emask
 0x30 (host bus error)
 [ 2707.884437] ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }
 [ 2707.884439] ata1.00: error: { ICRC ABRT }
 [ 2707.884446] ata1.00: hard resetting link
 [ 2708.204018] ata1.01: hard resetting link
 [ 2708.680068] ata1.00: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl
 300) [ 2708.680082] ata1.01: SATA link down (SStatus 4 SControl 300)
 [ 2708.696308] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
 [ 2708.696322] ata1: EH complete

Esto tiene pinta de error físico. Si no has actualizado
el kernel recientemente, y antes funcionaba, no es de la
actualización. Si todavía crees que puede ser de la
actualización, instala un kernel viejo (2.6.30), y comprueba
que el problema no se reproduzca.   

 Es totalmente sin motivo aparente.
 Lo ha hecho con cargas muy grandes al disco, y lo ha hecho aún cuando
 lo único que corría es el reproductor de audio.
 He verificado el disco con tests no destructivo, y no reporta el más
 mínimo error.
 Lo malo es que a veces, aunque salte a la consola, pierdo todo control
 del disco, al punto que si intento ejecuta un halt o reboot, me
 bash: d: no se encontró la orden
 como si se perdiera la partición donde tengo montado /usr. Y me obliga
 a hacer la gran Windows: apagar la máquina con el interruptor.
 / tiene 9Gb libres sobre 20Gb, y /home tiene 40Gb libres sobre 120. No
 es problema de espacio.

Esto puede ocurrir cuando se te corrompen archivos. Al igual
que otros comentarios te aconsejaría un examen de memoria. No creo que
esto tenga nada que ver con las actualizaciones que comentas, huele a
hardware churrustao.

Saludos --- Angel

P.D. Personalmente creo que puede ser un error de memoria, que te está
corrompiendo poco a poco el sistema, por lo que te fallarán cada vez
más y más cosas.

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Re: Errores luego de actualizaciones mayo 2010

2010-05-29 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)
Hash: SHA1

Javier Argentina wrote:
 Problema 3: (este sí me preocupa)
 Estoy recibiendo el siguiente log cada tanto.
 [ 2707.884423] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x400100 action 0x6
 [ 2707.884426] ata1.00: BMDMA stat 0x26
 [ 2707.884428] ata1.00: SError: { UnrecovData Handshk }
 [ 2707.884431] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE DMA
 [ 2707.884434] ata1.00: cmd ca/00:40:83:aa:80/00:00:00:00:00/e2 tag 0
 dma 32768 out
 [ 2707.884435]  res 51/84:01:c2:aa:80/84:01:01:00:00/e2 Emask
 0x30 (host bus error)
 [ 2707.884437] ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }
 [ 2707.884439] ata1.00: error: { ICRC ABRT }
 [ 2707.884446] ata1.00: hard resetting link
 [ 2708.204018] ata1.01: hard resetting link
 [ 2708.680068] ata1.00: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
 [ 2708.680082] ata1.01: SATA link down (SStatus 4 SControl 300)
 [ 2708.696308] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
 [ 2708.696322] ata1: EH complete

:~# aptitude install smartmontools smart-notifier
(editar /etc/default/smartmontools para que inicie junto al sistema)

:~# smart-notifier --notify
(o buscar en google cómo realizar tests manuales mediante smart a los

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Re: publicacion de dos servidores de videocamaras en una misma ip

2010-05-29 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)
Hash: SHA1

Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
 El día Saturday 22 May 2010 00:37:27, kazabe dijo:
 Como podria publicar los otros puertos de las videocamaras si ya tengo
 el reenvio de los puertos de streaming al primer servidor?
 Se me ocurren dos ideas:
 1: Redireccionar puertos distintos. Por ejemplo: ip_externa:80 - 
 ip_externa:81 - camara_2:80.
 2: Usar mod_rewrite para redirigir URIs a cada cámara. Por ejemplo: 
 http://ip-externa/camara_1 = http://camara_1 ; http://ip_externa/camara_2 = 
 Yo estuve trabajando con cámaras IP hace unos años, pero no sé si la 
 tecnología actual te permite hacer un forward de un stream de vídeo de 
 manera limpia.
 Un saludo,

Pues yo simplificaría todo lo posible, usando nginx por supuesto.

## /etc/nginx/sites-available/cams.conf###
server {
   listen  *:80;

   access_log  /var/log/nginx/cams.access.log;

   location / {
   root   /var/www/nginx-default;
   index  index.html index.htm;

   location /camara1 {
   auth_basic admin;
   auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/htpasswd;

   location /camara2 {
   auth_basic admin;
   auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/htpasswd;

Con esa configuración puedes acceder a tu host
con user y pass (previo httpasswd -c /etc/nginx/htpasswd admin

Muy simple e incluso puedes acceder mediante https (a buscar en google
cómo hacerlo)

Obviamente, las IPs privadas son hipotéticas pero es para que te des una
idea nada mas.


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La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Interfaces virtuales requieren puerta de enlace tambien?

2010-05-29 Thread PedroTron

Estoy tratando de implementar un firewall con shorewall como tengo 3
direcciones publicas disponibles, deseo hacer uso de las mismas.

Ya tengo todas las IPs asignadas a mis servidor usando dispositivos

eth0:0 =
eth0:1 =

Desde internet puedo acceder por cualquiera de las tres direcciones.

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

auto eth0:0
iface eth0:0 inet static

auto eth0:1
iface eth0:1 inet static

Mi problema esta cuando intento publicar algun servicio de un servidor
detras del firewall usando una IP publica de las virtuales

Con la siguiente regla de shorewall busco publicar el escritorio remoto de
un equipo de mi red local usando la segunda ip publica disponible
( pero no funciona. Analizando con snort encuentro que el paquete
si llega la estacion destino, pero no regresa.


Si uso la misma regla sin indicar la IP publica, funciona correctamente pues
accede por la primera ip publica

Lo unico que encuentro distinto en las configuraciones de red, es que solo
la primera ip publica tiene declarada la puerta de enlace,  mientras que las
otras no.  Inicialmente tenia todas tres con la puerta de enlace (que es la
misma), pero cuando el servidor se reinicio por problemas electricos ya no
podiamos acceder a internet.  Comente las puertas de enlace de las dos
interfaces virtuales (eth0:0 y eth0:1) y nuevamente funciono el acceso a

Puede ser esa falta de puerta de enlace en las virtuales lo que me falta?
no se supone que si no tienen puerta de enlace usaran la predeterminada (o
sea la de eth0)?

Si las activo, puedo quedar sin internet; si no las activo, no puedo
reenviar nada con las otras IPs.

Como han manejado ustedes casos como este?

Muchas gracias por su paciencia y ayuda.

Hasta pronto.

¿ext4 no lee ext3?

2010-05-29 Thread Sergio Bess


Tengo el siguiente problema. Instalé Testing en una partición y cometí 
la imprudencia de formatearla en ext4. Cuando inicio Debian desde esa 
partición no reconoce las otras particiones que están en ext3.

Pregunta: ¿Hay alguna manera de que las reconozca y se pueda operar con 
ellas o todas las particiones deben ser ext4 o en ext3?

La formateé en ext4 porque pensé que una tecnología superior involucra a 
una inferior por lo que supuse que leería las particiones ext3 pero no 
fue así. Quisiera eludir la solución dramática de reinstalar para evitar 
las dos horas de instalación por red que me llevó.

Saludos y gracias

Sergio Bess
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
Linux counter: 486274

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Re: ¿ext4 no lee ext3?

2010-05-29 Thread Matías Bellone
2010/5/29 Sergio Bess

 Tengo el siguiente problema. Instalé Testing en una partición y cometí la
 imprudencia de formatearla en ext4. Cuando inicio Debian desde esa partición
 no reconoce las otras particiones que están en ext3.

No creo que esas dos cosas estén relacionadas. Lo que sí puede estar
pasando es que estés montando las particiones ext3 como ext4, cosa que
sí no va a funcionar. Revisá tu fstab.

 Pregunta: ¿Hay alguna manera de que las reconozca y se pueda operar con
 ellas o todas las particiones deben ser ext4 o en ext3?

Podés tener una partición de cada color hasta donde yo sé; al SO no le importa.

 La formateé en ext4 porque pensé que una tecnología superior involucra a una
 inferior por lo que supuse que leería las particiones ext3 pero no fue así.

De vuelta, leer una partición ext3 es ortogonal al sistema de archivos
de otra partición. Es como decir instalé mi SO en la partición más
grande para asegurarme de podeer leer las particiones de tamaños
menores :P


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Re: ¿ext4 no lee ext3?

2010-05-29 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
El 29 de mayo de 2010 09:48, Sergio Bess escribió:


 Tengo el siguiente problema. Instalé Testing en una partición y cometí la
 imprudencia de formatearla en ext4. Cuando inicio Debian desde esa partición
 no reconoce las otras particiones que están en ext3.

 Pregunta: ¿Hay alguna manera de que las reconozca y se pueda operar con
 ellas o todas las particiones deben ser ext4 o en ext3?

 La formateé en ext4 porque pensé que una tecnología superior involucra a
 una inferior por lo que supuse que leería las particiones ext3 pero no fue
 así. Quisiera eludir la solución dramática de reinstalar para evitar las dos
 horas de instalación por red que me llevó.

 Saludos y gracias

 Sergio Bess
 Buenos Aires. Argentina
 skype: sergio.bess
 Linux counter: 486274

Hola, tu problema es de otra índole, revisa el /etc/fstab y miras con
que tipo de sistema de archivos estás montando tus particiones, si
no las conoces ejecuta como root fdisk -l.

Así si estás usando el tipo ext4 para una partición que es ext3 entonces
no te va a funcionar, al contrario si te funcionaría, pero sin las
extendidas de ext4. Quiero decir si tienes una partición ext4 y la marcas en
el fstab como ext3 te servirá pero sin todas sus capacidades.

Re: publicacion de dos servidores de videocamaras en una misma ip

2010-05-29 Thread kazabe

la publicacion web la hago con pound y funciona muy bien.

el problema lo tengo con los puertos 4550 y 5550 que son los de
streaming.  esos son los que no he podido publicar

«Existen dos cosas infinitas:
el universo y la estupidez humana... y no estoy muy seguro de la primera» :
Albert Einstein

El día 29 de mayo de 2010 04:59, Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin) escribió:
 Hash: SHA1

 Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
 El día Saturday 22 May 2010 00:37:27, kazabe dijo:
 Como podria publicar los otros puertos de las videocamaras si ya tengo
 el reenvio de los puertos de streaming al primer servidor?

 Se me ocurren dos ideas:

 1: Redireccionar puertos distintos. Por ejemplo: ip_externa:80 - 
 ip_externa:81 - camara_2:80.

 2: Usar mod_rewrite para redirigir URIs a cada cámara. Por ejemplo:
 http://ip-externa/camara_1 = http://camara_1 ; http://ip_externa/camara_2 =

 Yo estuve trabajando con cámaras IP hace unos años, pero no sé si la
 tecnología actual te permite hacer un forward de un stream de vídeo de
 manera limpia.

 Un saludo,

 Pues yo simplificaría todo lo posible, usando nginx por supuesto.

 ## /etc/nginx/sites-available/cams.conf###
 server {
   listen  *:80;

   access_log  /var/log/nginx/cams.access.log;

   location / {
   root   /var/www/nginx-default;
   index  index.html index.htm;

   location /camara1 {
   auth_basic admin;
   auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/htpasswd;
   proxy_pass ;

   location /camara2 {
   auth_basic admin;
   auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/htpasswd;
   proxy_pass ;

 Con esa configuración puedes acceder a tu host
 con user y pass (previo httpasswd -c /etc/nginx/htpasswd admin

 Muy simple e incluso puedes acceder mediante https (a buscar en google
 cómo hacerlo)

 Obviamente, las IPs privadas son hipotéticas pero es para que te des una
 idea nada mas.


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 La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: RV: Filtrar correo (Eliminar adjunto Solo .Rar y .Zip)

2010-05-29 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El vie, 28-05-2010 a las 21:45 -0300, Carlos Miranda Molina escribió:
 Hash: SHA1
 Ivan Sanchez Gonzalez wrote:
  Mira no quiero limitar el acho de banda solo quiero hacer un mejor uso de 
  el ya que tengo bien poco.
  ya tengo puesto limite en el tamaño del adjunto, ahora lo que necesito 
  hacer es. Que compacten sus mensajes así, cuando mande un documento Word de 
  1MG simplemente compactado son 30 k ...
  de ser posible hacerlo en el mismo postfix 
 Te sugiero no te expongas a un situación en la que debas hacer el
 trabajo de los usuarios, debe ser una responsabilidad compartida...
 Tú que se envíen los mails, la de ellos hacerlo en la forma correcta
 sino los mal acostumbras.
 Como digo siempre, un sysadmin debe aprender a decir que no.
raro, personalmente tengo el NO por default

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 La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)

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Re: RV: Filtrar correo (Eliminar adjunto Solo .Rar y .Zip)

2010-05-29 Thread Antonio Galicia
2010/5/29 Angel Claudio Alvarez

 Como digo siempre, un sysadmin debe aprender a decir que no.

 raro, personalmente tengo el NO por default

La tarea de un sysadmin es facilitar el trabajo de aquellos que atiende.

 Ante todo, el área de sistemas es de *servicio*, genera valor en la
proporción que hace más fácil que los que generan los ingresos pueden
tener una vida más cómoda. Si a los vendedores no les das soluciones y
pasan más tiempo rogando por una respuesta que visitando clientes el
que pierde es el negocio.

La labor es de convencimiento y mediación. Hasta donde puedes ceder
sin comprometer la operación y que debes pedir para hacer bien tu
trabajo. Si no los dejas usar los recursos del trabajo van a terminar
usando un medio alterno y resentidos por la falta de apoyo.


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Re: [OT]RV: Filtrar correo (Eliminar adjunto Solo .Rar y .Zip)

2010-05-29 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El sáb, 29-05-2010 a las 14:20 -0500, Antonio Galicia escribió:
 2010/5/29 Angel Claudio Alvarez
  Como digo siempre, un sysadmin debe aprender a decir que no.
  raro, personalmente tengo el NO por default
 La tarea de un sysadmin es facilitar el trabajo de aquellos que atiende.

1 La tarea del sysadmin es administrar los recursos del o de los
sistemas a su cargo

  Ante todo, el área de sistemas es de *servicio*, genera valor en la
 proporción que hace más fácil que los que generan los ingresos pueden
 tener una vida más cómoda. Si a los vendedores no les das soluciones y
 pasan más tiempo rogando por una respuesta que visitando clientes el
 que pierde es el negocio.
 2 No todos los sysadmin pertenecen a empresas ni tiene a cargo sistemas
que generen ingresos

 La labor es de convencimiento y mediación. Hasta donde puedes ceder
 sin comprometer la operación y que debes pedir para hacer bien tu
 trabajo. Si no los dejas usar los recursos del trabajo van a terminar
 usando un medio alterno y resentidos por la falta de apoyo.

3 Busca en la wikipedia el significado de ironia
4 Comprate una vida 

( lo unico que me falta a esta altura de mi vida es  enseñarle a leer
entre lineas a un friki)


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Problema de montaje en Testing-Era:¿ext4 no lee ext3?

2010-05-29 Thread Sergio Bess

Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco escribió:
El 29 de mayo de 2010 09:48, Sergio Bess escribió:


Tengo el siguiente problema. Instalé Testing en una partición y
cometí la imprudencia de formatearla en ext4. Cuando inicio Debian
desde esa partición no reconoce las otras particiones que están en

Pregunta: ¿Hay alguna manera de que las reconozca y se pueda
operar con ellas o todas las particiones deben ser ext4 o en ext3?

La formateé en ext4 porque pensé que una tecnología superior
involucra a una inferior por lo que supuse que leería las
particiones ext3 pero no fue así. Quisiera eludir la solución
dramática de reinstalar para evitar las dos horas de instalación
por red que me llevó.

Saludos y gracias

Sergio Bess

Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
Linux counter: 486274

Hola, tu problema es de otra índole, revisa el /etc/fstab y miras con
que tipo de sistema de archivos estás montando tus particiones, si
no las conoces ejecuta como root fdisk -l.

Así si estás usando el tipo ext4 para una partición que es ext3 entonces
no te va a funcionar, al contrario si te funcionaría, pero sin las 
extendidas de ext4. Quiero decir si tienes una partición ext4 y la 
marcas en

el fstab como ext3 te servirá pero sin todas sus capacidades.
Bueno, como soy inexperto y no tengo todos los conocimientos que debería 
y, como tenía la tarde libre, volví a instalar Testing pero esta vez con 
la partición en ext3. Pasa exactamente lo mismo: No monta las otras 
particiones ni el otro disco. Antes de reinstalar probé fdisk -l como me 
dijo Odair pero no me da mucha información, sólo me dice que las 
particiones no están en fstab, lo cual es comprobable. Le copié el fstab 
de otra partición donde tengo Mepis 8.5 (creo que es basada en Testing 
pero no estoy seguro) y tampoco pasa nada.
Bueno supongo que hay que hacer algún pase de magia en consola pero no 
tengo idea ni sé dónde buscar para ello. Es lo que me falta para tenerla 
operativa. Si alguno/a se apiada de mí le estaré eternamente agradecido.

Saludos y gracias.

Sergio Bess
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
Linux counter: 486274

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Problemas con dispositivos USB en LTSP

2010-05-29 Thread Raydel Hernández Martínez
Hola listeros, un saludo para todos, en estos días estoy enfrascado en 
montar un server LTSP y algunos clientes ligeros, resulta que ya tengo 
un servidor mínimamente configurado para distribuir una imagen de un 
Debian Lenny a mis clientes, y funciona hasta ahora con las mínimas 
configuraciones a las mil maravillas, esta es la integración que uso 
actualmente en el server: Debian-Lenny-5.04+LTSP+DHCP+NBD+LDM y con un 
entorno de escritorio bastante sencillo y ligero como LXDE, el problema 
esta en cuando trato de hacer uso de un dispositivo USB, en este caso 
una memoria flash, mi pregunta es: ¿Necesito algunos paquetes más que me 
permita poder usar dispositivos usb, alguna configuración en específico?.

Y por otra parte una pregunta general, puedo distribuir una imagen de 
otra distribución que no sea igual que la ejecuto en el server que tiene 
LTSP, es decir, uso Debian Lenny en el server, y quisiera que la imagen 
que distribuya a los clientes sea un Ubuntu, o algo parecido.

Saludos, y muchas gracias de antemano.
-- Raydel Hernández Martínez
**Administrador Nodo Joven Club**
**Pinar del Río**

Teléfonos: 0148-755805  752311---ext-120
Linux_User: # 466430

Este e-mail ha sido enviado usando el servicio de Correo Electrónico de la Red de los Joven Club de Computación y Electrónica en la provincia de Pinar del 
Río, cualquier dificultad, inquietud o sugerencia: Visítenos en:

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Re: Interfaces virtuales requieren puerta de enlace tambien?

2010-05-29 Thread Jorge Toro
El 29 de mayo de 2010 08:33, PedroTron escribió:


 Estoy tratando de implementar un firewall con shorewall como tengo 3
 direcciones publicas disponibles, deseo hacer uso de las mismas.

 Ya tengo todas las IPs asignadas a mis servidor usando dispositivos

 eth0:0 =
 eth0:1 =

 Desde internet puedo acceder por cualquiera de las tres direcciones.

 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static

 auto eth0:0
 iface eth0:0 inet static

 auto eth0:1
 iface eth0:1 inet static

 Mi problema esta cuando intento publicar algun servicio de un servidor
 detras del firewall usando una IP publica de las virtuales

 Con la siguiente regla de shorewall busco publicar el escritorio remoto de
 un equipo de mi red local usando la segunda ip publica disponible
 ( pero no funciona. Analizando con snort encuentro que el paquete
 si llega la estacion destino, pero no regresa.


 Si uso la misma regla sin indicar la IP publica, funciona correctamente
 pues accede por la primera ip publica

 Lo unico que encuentro distinto en las configuraciones de red, es que solo
 la primera ip publica tiene declarada la puerta de enlace,  mientras que las
 otras no.  Inicialmente tenia todas tres con la puerta de enlace (que es la
 misma), pero cuando el servidor se reinicio por problemas electricos ya no
 podiamos acceder a internet.  Comente las puertas de enlace de las dos
 interfaces virtuales (eth0:0 y eth0:1) y nuevamente funciono el acceso a

 Puede ser esa falta de puerta de enlace en las virtuales lo que me falta?
 no se supone que si no tienen puerta de enlace usaran la predeterminada (o
 sea la de eth0)?

 Si las activo, puedo quedar sin internet; si no las activo, no puedo
 reenviar nada con las otras IPs.

 Como han manejado ustedes casos como este?

 Muchas gracias por su paciencia y ayuda.

 Hasta pronto.

que mas, mira yo no uso shorewall yo uso iptables y lo que tenes que hacer
si estas intentando que una IP privada salga a una IP publica es

seria algo así: todo lo que venga a la IP al puerto 5900(VNC)
enviarlo a la ip

iptables -A PREROUTING -t NAT -i eth0 -d -p tcp --dport 5900 -j
DNAT --to-destination
iptables -A POSRUTING -t NAT -i eth1 -j MASQUERADE

supongo que tu eth1 es tu interfaz LAN y no importa la puerta de enlace ya
que esta es única para el kernel.

$netstat -rn

lo que podes hacer es agregar las rutas para las interfaces
$route add -net dev eth0
$route add -host dev eth0
$route add -host dev eth0:0
$route add -host dev eth0:1

podes mirar la tabla de enrutamiento con netstat -rm pa' que veas que todos
tienen la misma puerta de enlace.


Jorge A. Toro Hoyos
Ing. Telemático.
CumbiaTIC, Dir. División de Informática COR, Ing. NOC Anditel (Proyecto
Esp. GNU/Linux.
Esp. Desarrollo de Software.
Powered By Debian.
Developer Bullix GNU/Linux.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)

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Atribución-Compartir Obras Derivadas Igual a 2.5 Colombia de Creative
Commons. Observé la licencia visitando este sitio

Re: Programa de reconocimiento de voz

2010-05-29 Thread Jorge Toro
El 21 de mayo de 2010 05:14, Camaleón escribió:

 El Fri, 21 May 2010 00:59:50 +, maedca escribió:

  Hola amigos de la lista ! Tengo un proyecto con una compañera impedida y
  necesitó un programa que reconozca la voz de ella y la PC escriba lo que
  ella dice en cualquier editor de texto. La chica es fiel usuaria de
  debian pero esta discapacidad le dificulta el aprendizaje
  Saludos espero me puedan ayudar no hay problema si me toca modificar el
  software !

 La wikipedia tiene un listado muy completo de aplicaciones (texto a voz y
 voz a texto):

 Pero me temo que en este apartado de software no disponemos de soluciones
 tan avanzadas como en windows :-(



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saludos parcero, que causa tan bacana no se que tipo de software tenga la
Distro de kanopper, Adriane knoppix la cual desarrollo pa' su mujer, yo
tengo experiencia en desarrollo de software y distros, si no encontras el
software podemos crear un proyecto y desarrollarlo me podes enviar un email
al privado y yo me contacto con vos a ver que podemos hacer.


Jorge Alonso Toro
Ing. Telemático.
CumbiaTIC, Dir. División de Informática COR, Ing. NOC Anditel (Proyecto
Esp. GNU/Linux.
Esp. Desarrollo de Software.
Powered By Debian.
Developer Bullix GNU/Linux.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)

Este correo esta protegido bajo los términos de la Licencia
Atribución-Compartir Obras Derivadas Igual a 2.5 Colombia de Creative
Commons. Observé la licencia visitando este sitio

Re: publicacion de dos servidores de videocamaras en una misma ip

2010-05-29 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)
Hash: SHA1

kazabe wrote:
 la publicacion web la hago con pound y funciona muy bien.
 el problema lo tengo con los puertos 4550 y 5550 que son los de
 streaming.  esos son los que no he podido publicar

* NO hagas Top-Posting (me extraña con el tiempo que llevas en la lista
sigas haciendolo)

Streaming streaming, yo lo que entiendo por streaming es un flujo
continuo de datos, sean estos de video o audio.
No será que estas confundiendo la publicación de N cantidad de
imágenes con streaming...?

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Re: RV: Filtrar correo (Eliminar adjunto Solo .Rar y .Zip)

2010-05-29 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)
Hash: SHA1

Antonio Galicia wrote:
  Ante todo, el área de sistemas es de *servicio*, genera valor en la
 proporción que hace más fácil que los que generan los ingresos pueden
 tener una vida más cómoda. Si a los vendedores no les das soluciones y
 pasan más tiempo rogando por una respuesta que visitando clientes el
 que pierde es el negocio.
 La labor es de convencimiento y mediación. Hasta donde puedes ceder
 sin comprometer la operación y que debes pedir para hacer bien tu
 trabajo. Si no los dejas usar los recursos del trabajo van a terminar
 usando un medio alterno y resentidos por la falta de apoyo.

(reenvío que se me fue al privado 2 veces, definitivamente tengo sueño)

Si duda, pero tu mail me da cierto indicios...

hablas como lo haría un jefe...

Sin duda es asi, pero un sysadmin NO tiene que hacer el trabajo de los
usuarios, ellos tienen un responsabilidad tambien.


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La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Instalar via pendrive e dvd

2010-05-29 Thread Ronaldo Reis Junior


vou instalar o debian em um netbook. Para tal vou instalar via pendrive. 
Mas eu tenho baixado a imagem de um dvd do debian testing. Tem como eu 
usar esta imagem para a instalação junto com o netinstall do pendrive? 
Tipo, em um pendrive eu inicio a instalação e em outro eu tenho a imagem 
que poderia ser montada e o instalador pegar lá na imagem de dvd montada 
os pacotes. To perguntando isto pois do jeito normal terei que baixar 
muitos megas de arquivos e eu já tenho todos eles nesta imagem de dvd.


15ª lei - Quanto maior for, primeiramente a qualidade e secundariamente a
  quantidade, de seu trabalho publicável,
  melhor será a sua dissertação.

  --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol 445, p. 228.

 Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior

|  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e Computacional
| : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
| `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
|   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 |
| | LinuxUser#: 205366

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RE: Endereço de nó D ECnet

2010-05-29 Thread Fabio Crivello

Ai pessoal!!

Recebi este link de um amigo, que ta ganhando dinheiro, to repassando esta 
oportunidade, nao deixem passa-la, a sorte as vezes não bate duas vezes na 
mesma porta, cliquem ou copie/cole o endereço abaixo.

Abraços Crivello

Este programa mesmo que muitos digam que não funciona está funcionando 
pra mim sim tenho ganhado bastante dinheiro com ele, só os dou uma dica 
não tente fraudar ele, pois se tentar fraudar você não ira receber nada,
 Experiencia própria xD

Para quem ainda não fez sua conta vou 
explicar passo a passo novamente:

Clique no link acima para entrar no site,  Após você entrar no site basta você 
criar um cadastro,

Após ter criado o cadastro vá ate sua home ( 
pagina inicial no site ) Ira ter alguns links lá

você clica no 
primeiro clique em enter ai vai aparecer dois sites bem simples clica no
 primeiro e da uma nota pra ele em inglês tipo great (ótimo) not bad 
(nada mal ) perfect (perfeito )

Ai você faz isso com os dois e 
aperta submit both sites, em baixo ae vai ganhar 6 dollares pela 
primeira e 4 dollares pelas proximas!

Teve muitas perguntas no 
outro blog vou responder algumas aqui já pra não repetir:

meus links o que eu faço? começe a indicar seus amigos ate aparecer 
novos links você ira receber 1.25 dollares por amigo indicado

 pediu a minha conta paypal como vou receber? Eles só iram pedir a sua 
conta a partir do momento que você tiver com no minimo 75 dollares, ae 
eles iram pedir sua conta paypal para deposito.

Como eu faço pra 
criar uma conta no paypal?  Existe uma postagem no blog que ensina isso 
basta você clicar aqui!

Espero que tenham gostado!


FAQ BrDesktop.

2010-05-29 Thread ramao martins
Estou sem saber como fazer login na instalação de brdesktop, porque
não sei qualé o usuario normal e a senha e tambem nãoseiqual asenha
inicial de

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Res: Instalar via pendrive e dvd

2010-05-29 Thread Gerson Haus
Tem como utilizar, sim. Se não me engano na instalação ele já pergunta se vc 
quer adicionar outras fontes de ... ops... pensando bem, é só uma imagem... 
precisa montar... neste momento da instalação não sei se conseguiria utilizar...

Ou então vc faz uma instalação mínima pelo pendrive, depois da instalação 
mínima monta e adiciona o DVD como fonte do apt e prossegue na instalação.


De: Ronaldo Reis Junior
Para: Debian-br
Enviadas: Sábado, 29 de Maio de 2010 6:26:02
Assunto: Instalar via pendrive e dvd


vou instalar o debian em um netbook. Para tal vou instalar via pendrive. Mas eu 
tenho baixado a imagem de um dvd do debian testing. Tem como eu usar esta 
imagem para a instalação junto com o netinstall do pendrive? Tipo, em um 
pendrive eu inicio a instalação e em outro eu tenho a imagem que poderia ser 
montada e o instalador pegar lá na imagem de dvd montada os pacotes. To 
perguntando isto pois do jeito normal terei que baixar muitos megas de arquivos 
e eu já tenho todos eles nesta imagem de dvd.


-- 15ª lei - Quanto maior for, primeiramente a qualidade e secundariamente a
  quantidade, de seu trabalho publicável,
  melhor será a sua dissertação.

  --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol 445, p. 228.
  Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior
|  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e Computacional
| : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
| `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
|   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 |
| | LinuxUser#: 205366

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Re: FAQ BrDesktop.

2010-05-29 Thread Bruno Francisco Rodrigues
Em 29/05/2010 18:46, ramao martins ramao.mart...@gmail.comescreveu:

Estou sem saber como fazer login na instalação de brdesktop, porque
não sei qualé o usuario normal e a senha e tambem nãoseiqual asenha
inicial de

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Re: Instalar via pendrive e dvd

2010-05-29 Thread Rodolfo Stangherlin
Eu instalei via pendrive já e, lá pelas tantas da instalação, o
instalador pesquisava na mídia dentro do próprio pendrive e, ao
encontrar a ISO, já adicionava ela como fonte dos pacotes. Nunca usei
um DVD, apenas o netinst da testing, mas deve funcionar da mesma

Segui o que está na documentação do site do debian:



2010/5/29 Gerson Haus
 Tem como utilizar, sim. Se não me engano na instalação ele já pergunta se vc
 quer adicionar outras fontes de ... ops... pensando bem, é só uma imagem...
 precisa montar... neste momento da instalação não sei se conseguiria

 Ou então vc faz uma instalação mínima pelo pendrive, depois da instalação
 mínima monta e adiciona o DVD como fonte do apt e prossegue na instalação.


 De: Ronaldo Reis Junior
 Para: Debian-br
 Enviadas: Sábado, 29 de Maio de 2010 6:26:02
 Assunto: Instalar via pendrive e dvd


 vou instalar o debian em um netbook. Para tal vou instalar via pendrive. Mas
 eu tenho baixado a imagem de um dvd do debian testing. Tem como eu usar esta
 imagem para a instalação junto com o netinstall do pendrive? Tipo, em um
 pendrive eu inicio a instalação e em outro eu tenho a imagem que poderia ser
 montada e o instalador pegar lá na imagem de dvd montada os pacotes. To
 perguntando isto pois do jeito normal terei que baixar muitos megas de
 arquivos e eu já tenho todos eles nesta imagem de dvd.


 -- 15ª lei - Quanto maior for, primeiramente a qualidade e secundariamente a
           quantidade, de seu trabalho publicável,
       melhor será a sua dissertação.

       --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol 445, p. 228.
  Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior
 |  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e Computacional
 | : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
 | `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
 |  `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 |
 | | LinuxUser#: 205366

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Re: Instalar via pendrive e dvd

2010-05-29 Thread Fabiano Pires
Eu fiz esse tutorial sobre instalação via pendrive. Basta seguir os
passos e colocar a imagem iso do dvd na raiz do pendrive que o
instalador detecta ela e continua a instalação normal.


Em 29 de maio de 2010 06:26, Ronaldo Reis Junior escreveu:

 vou instalar o debian em um netbook. Para tal vou instalar via pendrive. Mas
 eu tenho baixado a imagem de um dvd do debian testing. Tem como eu usar esta
 imagem para a instalação junto com o netinstall do pendrive? Tipo, em um
 pendrive eu inicio a instalação e em outro eu tenho a imagem que poderia ser
 montada e o instalador pegar lá na imagem de dvd montada os pacotes. To
 perguntando isto pois do jeito normal terei que baixar muitos megas de
 arquivos e eu já tenho todos eles nesta imagem de dvd.


 15ª lei - Quanto maior for, primeiramente a qualidade e secundariamente a
          quantidade, de seu trabalho publicável,
          melhor será a sua dissertação.

      --Herman, I. P. 2007. Following the law. NATURE, Vol 445, p. 228.

  Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior

 |  .''`. UNIMONTES/DBG/Lab. Ecologia Comportamental e Computacional
 | : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
 | `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
 |   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8192 |
 | | LinuxUser#: 205366

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Fabiano Pires
Linux Professional Institute Certified - Level 2
ITIL Foundations Certified

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Re: USB flash drive: permissions, etc.

2010-05-29 Thread d . sastre . medina
On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 10:06:21PM -0400, john wrote:
 On 28/05/10 19:04, wrote:
  sfdisk -l /dev/sda
 Disk /dev/sda: 1023 cylinders, 64 heads, 62 sectors/track
 Units = cylinders of 2031616 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0
 Device Boot Start End   #cyls#blocks   Id  System
 /dev/sda1   ? 196102+ 483781- 287679- 570754815+  72  Unknown
   start: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (357,116,40)
   end: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (357,32,45)
 /dev/sda2   ?  42512+ 530422- 487911- 968014120   65  Novell Netware 386
   start: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (288,115,43)
   end: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (367,114,50)
 /dev/sda3   ? 471240+ 959150- 487911- 968014096   79  Unknown
   start: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (366,32,33)
   end: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (357,32,43)
 /dev/sda4   ? 727238+ 727252- 14- 27749+   d  Unknown
   start: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (372,97,50)
   end: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (0,10,0)
 The flash is not partitioned and I can mount it and rw as a user on 
 another box. Also I have the same problems using another flash drive.

The other box is GNU/Linux too?
The other flash shows the same output if you sfdisk -l it?
 I think I'm just have to be a little more careful in what I delete in 
 the future.

I'm not sure it has to do with anything being deleted...
It looks like it has partitions. Only they are unrecognized.
I still suggest to format (previous back up) it.

Huella de clave primaria: 0FDA C36F F110 54F4 D42B  D0EB 617D 396C 448B 31EB

Description: PGP signature

Re: Encrypted /tmp fails after recent kernel upgrade

2010-05-29 Thread François TOURDE
Le 14758ième jour après Epoch,
Todd A. Jacobs écrivait:

 After a recent kernel upgrade to 2.6.32-5-amd64, I now get the following
 when trying to mount an encrypted /tmp with dev/mapper:

 $ sudo mount /tmp
 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/tmp,
  missing codepage or helper program, or other error
  In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
  dmesg | tail  or so

Maybe bug #581203 [1].

swap is probably less impacted by this bug.


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Re: (OT) suggestion on terse wording of IT Helpdesk

2010-05-29 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年05月28日 05:05, Andrei Popescu wrote:

 Yes, and it's an interesting trick you thought of.

 But, wouldn't the CDCSS people all send mail from the same domain? This 
 way you can just filter on the domain part of the From: e-mail address, 
 or am I missing something?
But I am also in charge of the web projects of CDCSS and half of the
people I deal on their Web projects are also the people I deal with
their IT helpdesk needs. In fact, this is a usual situation if you run a
small company targeting small customers: you run several types
businesses with them, and every one from them work on several types of

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Re: Odd name resolution

2010-05-29 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 28 May 2010 22:44:37 -0400, vr wrote:

 On my host I'm not sure why I'm able to ping hostname.local and get a
 reply from my local IP. For example, the hosts name in question is


Do you have avahi daemon running in that host?

stt008:~# hostname -f

stt008:~# ping -c 3 stt008.local
PING stt008.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.012 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.009 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.014 ms
--- stt008.local ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 1998ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.009/0.011/0.014/0.004 ms

stt008:~# /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon stop
Stopping Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: avahi-daemon.

stt008:~# ping -c 3 stt008.local
ping: unknown host stt008.local



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Re: Encrypted /tmp fails after recent kernel upgrade

2010-05-29 Thread Sebastian Ramacher
François TOURDE fra-du at writes:
 Todd A. Jacobs écrivait:
  After a recent kernel upgrade to 2.6.32-5-amd64, I now get the following
  when trying to mount an encrypted /tmp with dev/mapper:
  $ sudo mount /tmp
  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/tmp,
 missing codepage or helper program, or other error
 In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
 dmesg | tail  or so
 Maybe bug #581203 [1].
 swap is probably less impacted by this bug.

No, seems to be a problem with recent upgrade of e2fsprogs to 1.41.12-1. Before
upgrading e2fsprogs yesterday everything worked fine for me.


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Re: is firewire broken in Debain?

2010-05-29 Thread Stefano Rivera
Hi H.S. (2010.05.29_03:37:19_+0200)
 In today's Debian Testing, is there anyone here who has successfully
 grabbed dv video from a MiniDV camcorder at all using the newer
 firewire stack?

Yes. I have had some trouble with it (dvgrab refusing to find the
camera), but I blamed that on the camera. Unplugging and re-plugging in
the firewire cable tended to do the trick.

There was a point when I couldn't get dvgrab to work, but it worked
every time when I ran it under strace, so there could be timing issues.

Unfortunately, I can only give these anecdotes and can't really help
you, the DV camera was stolen last week and I don't think I'll get
another one.


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 465 6908 C: +27 72 419 8559  UCT: x3127

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Filezilla: always trust a domain's certificate

2010-05-29 Thread Merciadri Luca

How can I tweak some setting so that Filezilla will never ask me again
if I want to trust a given domain's certificate? I often connect to some
machines of through SFTP, but the fact is that I
connect to different machines (sometimes, some are dead), and that, for
each machine, I am asked if I want to trust its certificate.


Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Love is like war, Easy to start, Hard to end, Impossible to forget.
The difference between friendship and love is how much you can hurt each
other. (Ashleigh Brilliant)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Filezilla: always trust a domain's certificate

2010-05-29 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 29 May 2010 12:04:42 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 How can I tweak some setting so that Filezilla will never ask me again
 if I want to trust a given domain's certificate? I often connect to some
 machines of through SFTP, but the fact is that I
 connect to different machines (sometimes, some are dead), and that, for
 each machine, I am asked if I want to trust its certificate.

That is how ssh authentication works.

For every client machine you are connecting from, you need to first 
accept the certificate. Is a one time step, you will never be asked again 
provided that:

a/ You do not delete the certificate on the client
b/ The server does not change the key
c/ You connect always from/to the same hosts



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Re: Filezilla: always trust a domain's certificate

2010-05-29 Thread Jochen Schulz
Merciadri Luca:
 How can I tweak some setting so that Filezilla will never ask me again
 if I want to trust a given domain's certificate? I often connect to some
 machines of through SFTP, but the fact is that I
 connect to different machines (sometimes, some are dead), and that, for
 each machine, I am asked if I want to trust its certificate.

I don't know whether Filezilla uses that setting, but for OpenSSH
there's StrictHostKeyChecking (see man 5 ssh_config).

I think the environment will be okay.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: (OT) suggestion on terse wording of IT Helpdesk

2010-05-29 Thread Erwan David
Le Sat 29/05/2010, Zhang Weiwu disait
 On 2010年05月28日 05:05, Andrei Popescu wrote:
  Yes, and it's an interesting trick you thought of.
  But, wouldn't the CDCSS people all send mail from the same domain? This 
  way you can just filter on the domain part of the From: e-mail address, 
  or am I missing something?

 But I am also in charge of the web projects of CDCSS and half of the
 people I deal on their Web projects are also the people I deal with
 their IT helpdesk needs. In fact, this is a usual situation if you run a
 small company targeting small customers: you run several types
 businesses with them, and every one from them work on several types of

I handle this having virtual addressesby function.

support.produ...@company.tlp, support.produ...@company.tld etc.

it makes also things easier, when someone leaves for redirecting the mail to 
the right person.


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Re: Filezilla: always trust a domain's certificate

2010-05-29 Thread Merciadri Luca
Hash: SHA1

Okay. Thanks for your answers. I'll check this later.

- -- 
Merciadri Luca
- -- 

Don't have too many irons in the fire.
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Re: IPP client-error-document-format-not-supported

2010-05-29 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 28 May 2010 14:53:50 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 I can not print on Epson matrix printer LQ100 after upgrade of some
 package using testing repo.


Have you tried to purge and reinstall cups packages again?

I know is a bit drastic measure but it usually works.



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Re: Not resuming from hibernation; doing normal reboot instead

2010-05-29 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 28 May 2010 12:59:33 +0430, Nima Azarbayjany wrote:

 I have a recent install of Squeeze on my HP Pavilion dv5 laptop and
 hibernate is not working for me. The system does a normal hibernation
 but upon starting the machine, it does a normal boot seemingly ignoring
 the resume image. The effects of hibernation seem to limit to disk
 checks during boot (instead of resuming from hibernation) and disabled
 networking in Gnome. Any ideas? Let me add that I chose LVM when I was
 setting up partitions. Is this possible that the resume image is not
 seen because the swap partition might be unavailable?

Check if that report fits with your issue:

lvm2: Can't resume from a uswsusp hibernation on LVM swap



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Re: lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-29 Thread Stephen Powell
On Fri, 28 May 2010 21:26:01 -0400 (EDT), Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Stephen Powell put forth on 5/28/2010 9:45 AM:
 The problem can be circumvented by taking an image backup
 instead of a logical backup, but that gets into special backup
 Can you mix and match?  Does the image backup grab the entire disk or does it
 work at the partition level?  Can you, say, do an image backup of the MBR and
 boot sector and the /boot partition, and then use file backup on the rest of
 the disk.

I'm not sure.  But the whole point is for the backup people to be able
to backup and restore a Linux server using the same procedure as they
would for a Windows server.  And their standard method is to take a
logical backup of the entire disk.

 What backup software are you using that can take an image backup of a Linux
 boot disk?  Does it install a local agent for this?  Or are you booting from
 SAN?  If so, you should have all kinds of backup flexibility, depending on
 whose storage arrays you use.

The machine is backed up by doing a PXE network boot directly from the
hardware BIOS.  The backup client does not exist on the hard drive
that is being backed up.  It is downloaded over the network, just as
the netboot operating system is.  The backup itself is done by connecting to
a backup server and sending the data over the network.  There is no
local tape drive or anything of that nature.  The restore procedure
is similar.

Yes, there is backup
flexibility.  But the whole goal here is to make the backup process
standard for every server, regardless of whether it runs Windows or
Linux.  I don't want the backup people to have to make a decision.
OK, now let's see.  Is this a Linux server or a Windows server?
If it's a Linux server I have to remember to take the backup this
special way.  Otherwise, I do it the standard way.  They'll forget.
Or a new guy will come along who doesn't know to do it differently
for a Linux server and he won't do it right.  And then, if we have
to restore from the backup that wasn't taken the proper way, the machine
won't boot.  And then Linux looks bad.  I want the standard method that
they use for Windows machines to work for a Linux server too.  And as
long as I live within the restrictions of supported file systems and
boot loaders, the backup and restore software understands the file system
and can backup the disk on a file-by-file basis, and the restore software
knows how to patch the boot loader after the restore to make the machine

As time goes on, these restrictions are getting more restrictive.
And we are looking at alternatives to our existing backup software.
But for now, I have to live within these restrictions.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: USB flash drive: permissions, etc.

2010-05-29 Thread john

On 29/05/10 03:51, wrote:

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 10:06:21PM -0400, john wrote:

On 28/05/10 19:04, wrote:

sfdisk -l /dev/sda

Disk /dev/sda: 1023 cylinders, 64 heads, 62 sectors/track
Units = cylinders of 2031616 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0

 Device Boot Start End   #cyls#blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   ? 196102+ 483781- 287679- 570754815+  72  Unknown
start: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (357,116,40)
end: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (357,32,45)
/dev/sda2   ?  42512+ 530422- 487911- 968014120   65  Novell Netware 386
start: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (288,115,43)
end: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (367,114,50)
/dev/sda3   ? 471240+ 959150- 487911- 968014096   79  Unknown
start: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (366,32,33)
end: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (357,32,43)
/dev/sda4   ? 727238+ 727252- 14- 27749+   d  Unknown
start: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (372,97,50)
end: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (0,10,0)

The flash is not partitioned and I can mount it and rw as a user on
another box. Also I have the same problems using another flash drive.

The second box is runnig lenny and the result of fdisk -l /dev/sda is:

Disk /dev/sda: 1023 cylinders, 64 heads, 62 sectors/track
Units = cylinders of 2031616 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from

   Device Boot Start End   #cyls#blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   ? 196102+ 483781- 287679- 570754815+  72  Unknown
start: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (357,116,40)
end: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (357,32,45)
/dev/sda2   ?  42512+ 530422- 487911- 968014120   65  Novell Netware 386
start: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (288,115,43)
end: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (367,114,50)
/dev/sda3   ? 471240+ 959150- 487911- 968014096   79  Unknown
start: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (366,32,33)
end: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (357,32,43)
/dev/sda4   ? 727238+ 727252- 14- 27749+   d  Unknown
start: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (372,97,50)
end: (c,h,s) expected (1023,63,62) found (0,10,0)

Using a different usb flash (8g vs 4g) drive on the lenny box gives the 

Disk /dev/sda: 1022 cylinders, 247 heads, 62 sectors/track
Warning: The partition table looks like it was made
  for C/H/S=*/20/16 (instead of 1022/247/62).
For this listing I'll assume that geometry.
Units = cylinders of 163840 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0

   Device Boot Start End   #cyls#blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *  0+  48947-  48947-   7831512c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)
start: (c,h,s) expected (0,5,1) found (0,1,1)
end: (c,h,s) expected (1023,19,16) found (505,19,16)
/dev/sda2  0   -   0  00  Empty
/dev/sda3  0   -   0  00  Empty
/dev/sda4  0   -   0  00  Empty

Both drives are made by lexar and have never been formatted so they come 
with vfat.


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[ squeeze ] Grub2 RAID1 LVM2 boot failure

2010-05-29 Thread David Sastre Medina

Grub2 is failing to boot a softRAID1 + LVM2 squeeze box.
The error is can't find root_vg-root_lv. After that, it drops me to
a initrd shell, but my USB keyboard stops working, so I must
There are two kernels installed. 
I've attached grub.cfg. It's an automated cfg from update-grub2.
I already tried adding rootdelay without success in /etc/default/grub


Weird stuff: I have upgraded this box from lenny a week ago or
so. No problems booting.
It used to have a bpo kernel, but since squeeze's repo has the
same (2.6.32-3) kernel, I installed it and uninstalled the bpo one.
No problems booting yet.
Afterwards, I had to `/etc/init.d/vbox setup' to be able to use VBox
again (dkms failed, it seems) and re-run the makeselved script to
install the ATI propietary driver. This box has an ATI Radeon
HD 4550.
Kernel 2.6.32-2 stops booting, so I use 2.6.32-2 while I do some
research about it.
Yesterday, 2.6.32-2 booted without problems, but
since I had ATI propietary driver installed only for 2.6.32-3, I run
the installer in 2.6.32-2. Today this kernel doesn't boot either.

Follows some commands' ouput from within a rescueCD session.

r...@sysresccd /root % ll /mnt/md0
total 16M
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 4.0K 2010-05-28 20:45 .
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root  180 2010-05-29 10:28 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 109K 2010-02-11 07:48
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 109K 2010-02-25 09:01
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4.0K 2010-05-25 20:52 grub
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 4.1M 2010-05-28 20:45
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 4.1M 2010-05-28 20:45
drwx--  2 root root  16K 2010-01-24 11:12 lost+found
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1.3M 2010-02-11 07:48
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1.3M 2010-02-25 09:01
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 2.2M 2010-02-11 07:47
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 2.2M 2010-02-25 09:00

r...@sysresccd /root % mdadm --detail /dev/md0
Version : 0.90
  Creation Time : Sun Jan 24 10:10:43 2010
 Raid Level : raid1
 Array Size : 979840 (957.04 MiB 1003.36 MB)
  Used Dev Size : 979840 (957.04 MiB 1003.36 MB)
   Raid Devices : 2
  Total Devices : 2
Preferred Minor : 0
Persistence : Superblock is persistent

Update Time : Sat May 29 10:29:40 2010
  State : clean
 Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 2
 Failed Devices : 0
  Spare Devices : 0

   UUID : 8052f7d4:54a97fbb:731031f6:bc3d041c
 Events : 0.4

Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
   0   8   170  active sync   /dev/sdb1
   1   8   331  active sync   /dev/sdc1

r...@sysresccd /root % vgdisplay root_vg
  --- Volume group ---
  VG Name   root_vg
  System ID
  Metadata Areas1
  Metadata Sequence No  19
  VG Access read/write
  VG Status resizable
  Cur LV11
  Open LV   0
  Max PV0
  Cur PV1
  Act PV1
  VG Size   148.11 GB
  PE Size   4.00 MB
  Total PE  37917
  Alloc PE / Size   15984 / 62.44 GB
  Free  PE / Size   21933 / 85.68 GB
  VG UUID   XN1x4E-uBFZ-svSP-hQMr-kSHe-Ry3s-VtBcsH

r...@sysresccd /root % lvdisplay /dev/mapper/root_vg-root_lv
  --- Logical volume ---
  LV Name/dev/root_vg/root_lv
  VG Nameroot_vg
  LV UUIDFx1w1w-6nvb-aMh1-6iG1-pruF-VuiH-okk9cw
  LV Write Accessread/write
  LV Status  available
  # open 0
  LV Size952.00 MB
  Current LE 238
  Segments   1
  Allocation inherit
  Read ahead sectors auto
  - currently set to 256
  Block device   253:5

Any help is appreciated.


Huella de clave primaria: 0FDA C36F F110 54F4 D42B  D0EB 617D 396C 448B 31EB
# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###
if [ -s $prefix/grubenv ]; then
set default=0
if [ ${prev_saved_entry} ]; then
  set saved_entry=${prev_saved_entry}
  save_env saved_entry
  set prev_saved_entry=
  save_env prev_saved_entry
  set boot_once=true

function savedefault {
  if [ -z ${boot_once} ]; then
save_env saved_entry
insmod raid
insmod mdraid
insmod lvm
insmod ext2
set root='(root_vg-usr_lv)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set a800ad33-1549-4f09-a187-d5c6f13942c4
if loadfont /share/grub/unicode.pf2 ; then
  set gfxmode=640x480
  insmod gfxterm
  insmod vbe
  if terminal_output gfxterm ; then true ; else
# For backward compatibility with 

Re: [ squeeze ] Grub2 RAID1 LVM2 boot failure

2010-05-29 Thread d . sastre . medina
I think my previous post requires some more info:

I've got three HDs, two of them (twin disks) have two partitions,
one /boot partition (md0) and the other one for LVM filesystems (md1),
where root_vg-root_lv lives (among others). The third disk is unpatitioned,
and has one only lv (var_lv)

So, provided this autogenerated grub.cfg entry:

menuentry Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-3-686-bigmem --class debian 
--class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod raid
insmod mdraid
insmod ext2
set root='(md0)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 785366b0-d597-4e9c-9284-b6b9161236ed
echoLoading Linux 2.6.32-3-686-bigmem ...
linux   /vmlinuz-2.6.32-3-686-bigmem root=/dev/mapper/root_vg-root_lv 
ro  rootdelay=25 quiet
echoLoading initial ramdisk ...
initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.32-3-686-bigmem

...and compared to the examples in the grub wiki¹:

Example grub.cfg for LVM

Below is a sample grub.cfg using LVM. Linux is installed under
MainGroup-linuxLV where MainGroup is the VolumeGroup und linuxLV is
the logical volume. Notice that vmlinuz (the linux kernel) and
initrd.img are lying in the logical volume and can be accessed by

set timeout=20
set default=0
menuentry Linux on LVM {
insmod lvm
set root=(MainGroup-linuxLV)
linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/mapper/MainGroup-linuxLV
initrd /initrd.img

Example grub.cfg for RAID

This is an example of grub.cfg when the /boot filesystem is on a RAID

insmod raid
set root=(md0)
search --fs-uuid --set 155c8fdb-607f-45a4-bd6d-0dd89f21eac2

menuentry Linux {
insmod raid
set root=(md0)
search --fs-uuid --set 155c8fdb-607f-45a4-bd6d-0dd89f21eac2
linux/vmlinuz-2.6.31 root=LABEL=root ro
initrd   /initrd.img-2.6.31

I can't find documented the scenario when /boot resides in /dev/md0
and root filesystem is mounted in /dev/mapper/root_vg-root_lv (md1, in
my case).

Removing the `quiet' option shows LVM log lines appearing *before*
mdadm lines, which suggest some timming issues in the init scripts(?).

Again, any hints are appreciated.



Huella de clave primaria: 0FDA C36F F110 54F4 D42B  D0EB 617D 396C 448B 31EB

Description: PGP signature

Installing memtest86 in Lenny fails to copy the actual binary

2010-05-29 Thread Klistvud

Howdy, fellow Debianites!

I tried to install memtest86 on my Lenny box (using Synaptic).  
Everything appeared to go smoothly, even a new memtest entry wass  
added to my grub.cfg - but the actual memtest86.bin file was never  
copied to disk! Interestingly enough, the same happened when I tried to  
install memtest86+ ... Of course, the memtest grub entry now fails  
with a file not found error.

Any ideas? Happened to anybody else?
Let me just add that my / partition is not full.


Certifiable Loonix User #481801

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Re: Dependency based boot sequence conversion

2010-05-29 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Sven Joachim wrote:

On 2010-05-27 20:26 +0200, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

I just finished a dist-upgrade (1107 packages) and found out that Sid
is moving (has moved?) to a dependency based boot sequence.

This happened quite some time ago, yes.

That explains why the prior dist-upgrade was a failure because the
partition became unbootable. I since overlaid that partition so I
cannot research whether insserv was involved or not, but what happened
is the boot sequence in /etc/rcx.d was altered by something and you
could not boot anymore. It felt unsafe to proceed so I abandoned the

This time luck would have it that:

dpkg: considering deconfiguration of sysv-rc, which would be broken by
installation of insserv ...
dpkg: yes, will deconfigure sysv-rc (broken by insserv).

This is normal, no need to worry.


Setting up sysv-rc (2.88dsf-5) ...
info: Checking if it is safe to convert to dependency based boot.

error: Unable to migrate to dependency based boot sequencing.
error: Problems detected:

I suspect this will happen to many people.  If you don't purge removed
old packages, it is expected to have old init scripts around that lack
the LSB headers with the necessary dependency information.

So I have corrected the errors but before I commit myself with
'dpkg-reconfigure sysv-rc' I want to know what the new boot sequence
*will look like*.

The numbers in the [SK][0-9[0-9]* links will be lower, and the order
will differ somewhat.  Start links in /etc/rc[06].d will be converted
to stop links.

I have looked at the dependency graph per
but that is too unwieldy: it doesn't fit the screen and doesn't answer
my question:

What will the boot sequence be when I convert?

This really depends on which init scripts you have.

Anybody know how to wring that out of insserv?

Try the following (you don't have to be root for that):

$ cp -a /etc/{init,rc?}.d /tmp/
$ /sbin/insserv -p /tmp/init.d/

And inspect the /tmp/rc?.d directories.

Sven, That is exactly the trick that I was looking for.
The result looks scary :-(


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Making use of volume control keys

2010-05-29 Thread Michael Goetze

Hi list,

I've just gotten a new laptop (Dell Latitude E4200), and it has some 
keys for adjusting the volume, which I'd like to configure to work with 
Debian. I'm using the awesome window manager.

They keys already get usefully recognized, as evidenced by the following 
xev output:

KeyPress event, serial 28, synthetic NO, window 0x281,
root 0x109, subw 0x0, time 8996889, (4,158), root:(665,178),
state 0x0, keycode 122 (keysym 0x1008ff11, XF86AudioLowerVolume), 
same_screen YES,

XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes:
XFilterEvent returns: False

KeyRelease event, serial 28, synthetic NO, window 0x281,
root 0x109, subw 0x0, time 8996972, (4,158), root:(665,178),
state 0x0, keycode 122 (keysym 0x1008ff11, XF86AudioLowerVolume), 
same_screen YES,

XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
XFilterEvent returns: False

Now all I need is for them to interface with my sound hardware. :) I 
tried installing pulseaudio and running gnome-volume-control-applet in 
my systray, but it didn't have any effect. (The hotkeys for setting the 
LCD backlight interfaced nicely with the gnome-power-manager applet.)

Please CC me on replies, as I am not subscribed.


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Re: is firewire broken in Debain?

2010-05-29 Thread H.S.
Stefano Rivera wrote:
 Hi H.S. (2010.05.29_03:37:19_+0200)
 In today's Debian Testing, is there anyone here who has successfully
 grabbed dv video from a MiniDV camcorder at all using the newer
 firewire stack?
 Yes. I have had some trouble with it (dvgrab refusing to find the
 camera), but I blamed that on the camera. Unplugging and re-plugging in
 the firewire cable tended to do the trick.

Well, that doesn't sound very encouraging.

 There was a point when I couldn't get dvgrab to work, but it worked
 every time when I ran it under strace, so there could be timing issues.

No luck here with this either.

 Unfortunately, I can only give these anecdotes and can't really help
 you, the DV camera was stolen last week and I don't think I'll get
 another one.

Sorry about that. What a shame.

This 'problem' has been around for at least 1.5 years, as far as I can
remember. I couldn't even find a list of hardware that the newer stack
explicitly does not work on.


Please reply to this list only. I read this list on its corresponding
newsgroup on Replies sent to my email address are just
filtered to a folder in my mailbox and get periodically deleted without
ever having been read.

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konsole sound (again)

2010-05-29 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom


I have Konsole and Kedit installed but not KDE (but Fvwm).

After my recent dist-upgrade in Sid hal and friend consolekit appeared 

So I did:

h...@debian:/tmp/sdb6$ aptitude why hal
i   konsole Dependskdebase-runtime
i A kdebase-runtime Recommends hal
h...@debian:/tmp/sdb6$ aptitude why consolekit
i   konsole Dependskdebase-runtime
i A kdebase-runtime Recommends hal
i A hal Recommends consolekit (= 0.3)

So I say what the heck, recommendations only, get rid of them.

So I did.

But then the sound stops working in Konsole, with a message that he 
can't find the sound device, but is now using the side speakers... 
(what?!) but still no sound.

The solution: disable play a sound in settings-configure notifications
and say: play /usr/share/sounds/KDE-Sys-Warning.ogg in 
settings-configure notifications-run command.


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Re: IPv4-capable XDMCP server in Debian squeeze?

2010-05-29 Thread Carl Johnson
Per Lundberg writes:

 Hi there!

 Isn't there any XDMCP-capable server available in squeeze that can
 speak ipv4 any more?

 I read about the net.ipv6.bindv6only issue (in a bug report).
 However, that setting is most assuredly set to 0 when I check with
 sysctl -a.
 I also forcibly disabled IPv6 support altogether (since I don't need
 it), also by using a sysctl interface, but it still doesn't help me.

It can't be binding to an interface that doesn't exist, so it sounds
as though you haven't disabled it properly.  You can type
'/sbin/ifconfig' and look for inet6 entries.  You shouldn't have any
if IPv6 is disabled.  You can check for anything listening on IPv6
with 'netstat -l6'.  Have you looked at the Debian wiki page at
''?  If you have followed those
directions for disabling, did you reboot afterwards?

 Both when trying with xdm and gdm, they *only* bind to the udp6
 socket. Quite broken if you ask me, _especially when ipv6 support is
 disabled in the kernel_!

I just looked at mine (kdm) and it only seems to be listening to IPv6,
but I am pretty sure it will also connect to IPv4.  I just checked
google and there are some similar problems listed and some suggestions
on how to solve them.  One suggests using module aliases to prevent
loading the IPv6 module

 I haven't tried with KDM so far (and I'd rather not, since I have no
 interest in running KDE).

I wouldn't expect it to be different.

 Any hints? The reason I want IPv4 XDMCP is that I will connect to the
 server from a Windows XP machine, using Xming. I wasn't aware that
 this has suddenly become an awful lot of work, since the introduction
 of the wonderful new toy called IPv6... :-)

 (Please, Cc any replies to my email address since I don't subscribe to
 the mailing list. Thanks)



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Re: Making use of volume control keys

2010-05-29 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sat,29.May.10, 18:38:59, Michael Goetze wrote:
 Now all I need is for them to interface with my sound hardware. :) I
 tried installing pulseaudio and running gnome-volume-control-applet
 in my systray, but it didn't have any effect. (The hotkeys for
 setting the LCD backlight interfaced nicely with the
 gnome-power-manager applet.)

I'm setting a keybinding in the WM/DE:

XF86AudioLowerVolume:   amixer set Master 10%-

and so on. See 'man amixer'

 Please CC me on replies, as I am not subscribed.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Dependency based boot sequence conversion

2010-05-29 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2010-05-29 19:12 +0200, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Sven Joachim wrote:
 On 2010-05-27 20:26 +0200, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Anybody know how to wring that out of insserv?

 Try the following (you don't have to be root for that):

 $ cp -a /etc/{init,rc?}.d /tmp/
 $ /sbin/insserv -p /tmp/init.d/

 And inspect the /tmp/rc?.d directories.

 Sven, That is exactly the trick that I was looking for.
 The result looks scary :-(

Why?  Only because it is unfamiliar?  Or do you have concrete indication
that the boot order is not correct?

I've been using insserv for almost two years, and when I now look at the
backup of /etc/rc?d which it made, _that_ looks scary to me, because the
order of the symlinks and their numbers appear to be without logic,
almost random.


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Re: lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-29 Thread Andreas Barth
* Stephen Powell ( [100523 21:21]:
 On Sat, 22 May 2010 23:39:52 -0400 (EDT), William Pitcock wrote:
  After some discussion about lilo on #debian-devel in IRC, it has pretty
  much been determined that kernel sizes have crossed the line past where
  lilo can reliably determine the payload size.

We're speaking about #505609 I assume?

I'm not sure this bug requires an removal of lilo (see below), however
I think this means we should strongly discourage usage of lilo.

  (1) The release notes need to be updated to reflect that lilo is no
  longer a bootloader option;

The release notes should be updated in case we keep lilo that we
recommend to move to another boot loader now.

  (2) The debian-installer team needs to remove the lilo-installer udeb;

This should indeed happen - if someone activly requires lilo, then
doing it by hand should be ok-ish.

 I am not a Debian package maintainer or a Debian developer.  I am just an
 ordinary system administrator.  So I'm sure that my opinion will not count
 for much.  But I am opposed to the removal of lilo.  Both grub-legacy and
 grub-pc use sectors on the hard disk outside of the master boot record
 (cylinder 0, head 0, sector 1).  In other words they use cylinder 0, head 0,
 sector 2 and possibly subsequent sectors on cylinder 0 head 0.  This breaks
 the design of the backup software that my employer uses.  This backup software
 backs up the master boot record and all partitions; but since the extra
 sectors used by grub-legacy and grub-pc are outside the master boot record
 and are not part of any partition, they don't get backed up.  Consequently,
 if we have a hard drive failure and restore from a backup, we have an
 unbootable machine.  Lilo uses only the master boot record.  A lilo-booted
 machine can be backed up and restored with our existing backup software
 just fine.  Given these requirements, I wouldn't use grub-pc even if it
 were bug free and well documented.  (But neither is the case!)

Would it be possible to move (perhaps optionally) the extra grub sectors
into an (perhaps dummy) partition (this question is for the
grub2-people)? Would that be ok for you?

 As for the claims that kernels are too big now, I find that hard to
 believe, especially now that we have the large-memory option available.
 The standard stock Debian kernel image file that I use for Squeeze,
 vmlinuz-2.6.32-3-686, is currently 2234080 bytes.  Are you trying to tell
 me that there's no room for a 2M kernel below the start of the EBDA?
 I am able to load *both* the kernel *and* the initial RAM filesystem
 below the EBDA (i.e. the large-memory option is not used) if I use
 MODULES=dep instead of MODULES=most in the initial RAM filesystem
 under Lenny.  I'll bet I can do it with Squeeze too.

This sounds like we should add an wrapper around lilo that warns that
lilo is deprecated and warns if the images are too large.


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Acroread: accelerating the search through a PDF

2010-05-29 Thread Merciadri Luca

I sometimes have really long documents (4000 p) for specs., or for
other purely technical stuff. I sometimes look for a given model, or for
a given word. The fact is that acroread reads ~8 pg/s, and, thus, if I
do not know that my keyword is simply at the last page of the document,
it takes 500s ~8 minutes and a half. How can I speed it up? Why is it so
sluggish? Do not tell me that it is limited by R/W access on the HDD...


Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Acroread: accelerating the search through a PDF

2010-05-29 Thread Ron Johnson

On 05/29/2010 01:47 PM, Merciadri Luca wrote:


I sometimes have really long documents (4000 p) for specs., or for

Wow.  How big is that?

other purely technical stuff. I sometimes look for a given model, or for
a given word. The fact is that acroread reads ~8 pg/s, and, thus, if I
do not know that my keyword is simply at the last page of the document,
it takes 500s ~8 minutes and a half. How can I speed it up? Why is it so
sluggish?  Do not tell me that it is limited by R/W access on the HDD...

Have you tried other PDF readers?  Searched for Linux-based PDF 

Do you hear the disk spin up when you start the search?

In Edit-Preferences-Search there is a knob or two you can diddle with.

Lastly, acroread is free-as-in-beer.  Adobe wants you to buy Acrobat 
to get the Good Stuff.

Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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Re: Acroread: accelerating the search through a PDF

2010-05-29 Thread Merciadri Luca
Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 05/29/2010 01:47 PM, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 I sometimes have really long documents (4000 p) for specs., or for

 Wow.  How big is that?
Well, there are many bigger works, such as encyclopedias!

 other purely technical stuff. I sometimes look for a given model, or for
 a given word. The fact is that acroread reads ~8 pg/s, and, thus, if I
 do not know that my keyword is simply at the last page of the document,
 it takes 500s ~8 minutes and a half. How can I speed it up? Why is it so
 sluggish?  Do not tell me that it is limited by R/W access on the HDD...

 Have you tried other PDF readers?  Searched for Linux-based PDF indexers?
As I said in another topic, I am totally okay for free stuff (if it was
not the case, I would not be using Debian: thinking unfree but using
free is cowardice), but the fact is that I have not found a reader whose
range of compatibility with the PDF standard is as high as in acroread.
Acroread is slow, boring, sometimes buggy, but I need to use it as long
as I do not find a PDF reader which has such a big compatibility range.
 Do you hear the disk spin up when you start the search?
Not at all. I have a HDD load monitor, and I do not even see any trace
of some HDD use. Such documents often contain no pictures (only
schematics, as you might guess), and are thus light, so I do not expect
acroread to use the HDD a lot when looking for a word.
 In Edit-Preferences-Search there is a knob or two you can diddle with.
Yes, I tried. But nothing better.
 Lastly, acroread is free-as-in-beer.  Adobe wants you to buy Acrobat
 to get the Good Stuff.
That's a fact. That's the less attractive counterpart of acroread.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Big thunder. Little rain.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: IPv4-capable XDMCP server in Debian squeeze?

2010-05-29 Thread Per Lundberg
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 8:58 PM, Carl Johnson wrote:

Hi Carl, and thanks for your reply!

(I'll include my full original email, since I extended the audience to
the debian-devel list as well)

 Per Lundberg writes:

 Isn't there any XDMCP-capable server available in squeeze that can
 speak ipv4 any more?

 I read about the net.ipv6.bindv6only issue (in a bug report).
 However, that setting is most assuredly set to 0 when I check with
 sysctl -a.
 I also forcibly disabled IPv6 support altogether (since I don't need
 it), also by using a sysctl interface, but it still doesn't help me.
 It can't be binding to an interface that doesn't exist, so it sounds
 as though you haven't disabled it properly.  You can type
 '/sbin/ifconfig' and look for inet6 entries.  You shouldn't have any
 if IPv6 is disabled.  You can check for anything listening on IPv6
 with 'netstat -l6'.  Have you looked at the Debian wiki page at
 ''?  If you have followed those
 directions for disabling, did you reboot afterwards?

Yes, the sysctl thing from the Wiki page is exactly the same method
I'm using. I just rebooted, and this is the output from netstat -l6

p...@terah:~$ netstat -l6
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State
tcp6   0  0 [::]:ssh[::]:*  LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 [::]:microsoft-ds   [::]:*  LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 [::]:netbios-ssn[::]:*  LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 [::]:57650  [::]:*  LISTEN
udp6   0  0 [::]:xdmcp  [::]:*

The sysctl is definitely in effect, though:

p...@terah:/etc/sysctl.d$ /sbin/sysctl -a | grep ipv6 | grep disable
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.eth1.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.eth2.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.eth0.disable_ipv6 = 1

...and ifconfig doesn't show any ipv6 addresses.

 I just looked at mine (kdm) and it only seems to be listening to IPv6,
 but I am pretty sure it will also connect to IPv4.  I just checked
 google and there are some similar problems listed and some suggestions
 on how to solve them.  One suggests using module aliases to prevent
 loading the IPv6 module

Yeah, I read the idea about module aliases as well, but it seems
pointless since IPv6 isn't a module on my system (using the
2.6.32-3-amd64 kernel from squeeze).

It's interesting however that you say that you expect it to work with
IPv4 even though it has only bound the ipv6 socket. I guess you could
be right (depending on how the actual ipv4-to-ipv6 stuff works...). In
my case however, I can't get a working XMDCP login screen so I'm
suspecting this is the problem.

(Please, Cc any replies to my email address since I don't subscribe to
the mailing lists. Thanks)
Best regards,
Per Lundberg

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Re: IPv4-capable XDMCP server in Debian squeeze?

2010-05-29 Thread Julien Cristau
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 22:32:07 +0300, Per Lundberg wrote:

  Isn't there any XDMCP-capable server available in squeeze that can
  speak ipv4 any more?

I'm fairly sure xdmcp over ipv4 works just fine with both xdm and gdm in
squeeze, because I tested them (and made them work with the bindv6only=1
setting) a month or two ago.


Description: Digital signature

Re: IPv4-capable XDMCP server in Debian squeeze?

2010-05-29 Thread Julien Cristau
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 23:16:06 +0300, Per Lundberg wrote:

 On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 10:54 PM, Julien Cristau wrote:
 Hi Julien,
  I'm fairly sure xdmcp over ipv4 works just fine with both xdm and gdm in
  squeeze, because I tested them (and made them work with the bindv6only=1
  setting) a month or two ago.
 OK, that's interesting... Just for the sake of it, I even tried
 enabling the bindv6only (net.ipv6.bindv6only=1) setting, to see if it
 would make any difference. Negative; it still only binds to the udp6
 p...@terah:/etc/sysctl.d$ sudo netstat -l -n -p | grep 177
 udp6   0  0 :::177  :::*
That's fine, bind() on in6addr_any lets you receive ipv4 packets when
IPV6_V6ONLY is turned off (which xdm does even if the system default is

 Do you have any active XDM setup where you could try this yourself? As
 I hinted in my previous email, I'm not 100% sure of this, but doesn't
 the above udp6 line mean that it will *only* work from an ipv6-capable

Sorry, I can't test right now, but no, as I said above an udp6 socket
can talk to ipv4 hosts.


Description: Digital signature

Re: IPv4-capable XDMCP server in Debian squeeze?

2010-05-29 Thread Per Lundberg
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 10:54 PM, Julien Cristau wrote:

Hi Julien,

 I'm fairly sure xdmcp over ipv4 works just fine with both xdm and gdm in
 squeeze, because I tested them (and made them work with the bindv6only=1
 setting) a month or two ago.

OK, that's interesting... Just for the sake of it, I even tried
enabling the bindv6only (net.ipv6.bindv6only=1) setting, to see if it
would make any difference. Negative; it still only binds to the udp6

p...@terah:/etc/sysctl.d$ sudo netstat -l -n -p | grep 177
udp6   0  0 :::177  :::*

Do you have any active XDM setup where you could try this yourself? As
I hinted in my previous email, I'm not 100% sure of this, but doesn't
the above udp6 line mean that it will *only* work from an ipv6-capable
Best regards,
Per Lundberg

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Re: USB flash drive: permissions, etc. [SOLVED-partial]

2010-05-29 Thread john

On 29/05/10 03:51, wrote:

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 10:06:21PM -0400, john wrote:

On 28/05/10 19:04, wrote:

sfdisk -l /dev/sda

Disk /dev/sda: 1023 cylinders, 64 heads, 62 sectors/track
Units = cylinders of 2031616 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0

 Device Boot Start End   #cyls#blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   ? 196102+ 483781- 287679- 570754815+  72  Unknown

I'm not sure it has to do with anything being deleted...
It looks like it has partitions. Only they are unrecognized.
I still suggest to format (previous back up) it.

I installed the earlier kernel image 2.6..30-2-686 in place of

I can now rw as user but require root priviliges to unmount
the clue was when I ran #ls -l I saw all media even the floppy
required root. I think I need to look at the change log and go from there.

Thanks for your help, I was just about ready to reinstall.


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Re: lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-29 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 29 May 2010 14:40:41 -0400 (EDT), Andreas Barth wrote:
 Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Sat, 22 May 2010 23:39:52 -0400 (EDT), William Pitcock wrote:
 After some discussion about lilo on #debian-devel in IRC, it has pretty
 much been determined that kernel sizes have crossed the line past where
 lilo can reliably determine the payload size.

 We're speaking about #505609 I assume?

I hope not.  Strictly speaking, 505609 is not a lilo bug.  The key is
that he was still able to boot his old kernel that had been de-installed.
That's a sure sign that lilo's map installer did not get run during the
kernel upgrade process.  It used to be that if

   do_bootloader = yes

was specified in /etc/kernel-img.conf that installing a new kernel would
cause lilo to be run.  That is no longer the case.  update-initramfs -u ... 
will cause lilo to be run if this option is set; but update-initramfs -c ...
(or mkinitramfs ...) which is what is run during installation of a new kernel,
will not.  I have created my own hook script to fix that problem on my system.
Strangely, though, do_bootloader = yes in /etc/kernel-img.conf still
causes zipl to be run during kernel installation on the s390 platform.
Something must have changed in the kernel maintainer script or in
update-initramfs that causes the lilo map installer to not be run anymore
under conditions that used to cause it to be run.

Look carefully at the console log.  There is no output from the map installer
until he manually runs lilo.  He apparently thinks that running lilo from
the command line simply lists the installed kernels.  No.  Running lilo
from the command line is what fixed the problem.

If there's a bug here, it's somewhere else in the kernel installation
process, not in lilo itself.  If this so-called bug in lilo is what
prompted the decision to drop lilo, then the decision was based on bad data.
lilo, at least in this case, is working as designed.  The problem is that
the lilo map installer did not get run during the kernel installation
process.  I've helped a number of people on debian-user with problems
like this, and in every case so far running lilo at the command line
fixed the problem.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Running KDE apps under GNOME

2010-05-29 Thread Merciadri Luca

I have noticed that running KDE apps under GNOME takes a lot of time
once I have not launched any such apps since the beginning of the
session. I do not use a lot of KDE apps, but I prefer e.g. Kile to
TexMaker. Is that a crime? Is it engineered to be well-supported, or is
it simply a matter of coincidence?


Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Running KDE apps under GNOME

2010-05-29 Thread Michael Kjorling
On May 29 2010 22:53 +0200, from (Merciadri 
 I have noticed that running KDE apps under GNOME takes a lot of time
 once I have not launched any such apps since the beginning of the

I believe this is normal. If you run the KDE application from within a
terminal, you should see a lot of support services being started
before the application actually launches.

Michael Kjörling .. ..
* . No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings . *
* ENCRYPTED email preferred -- OpenPGP keys: 0x32D6B8C6, 0xBDE9ADA6 *
* ASCII Ribbon Campaign: Against HTML mail, proprietary attachments *

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Re: IPv4-capable XDMCP server in Debian squeeze?

2010-05-29 Thread Per Lundberg
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Julien Cristau wrote:
 On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 23:16:06 +0300, Per Lundberg wrote:
 p...@terah:/etc/sysctl.d$ sudo netstat -l -n -p | grep 177
 udp6       0      0 :::177                  :::*

 That's fine, bind() on in6addr_any lets you receive ipv4 packets when
 IPV6_V6ONLY is turned off (which xdm does even if the system default is

You were right - thanks! It turned out that I needed to modify the
/etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess file to be able to give the client the right to
use the login daemon... Now, it worked better. :-)
Best regards,
Per Lundberg

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Kernel not counting trasmitted data

2010-05-29 Thread Raven
Hi all.
At the office, we have a debian server to take care of routing 
transparent proxy'ing.
I recently installed vnstat to monitor the bandwidth usage (turns out
some of the employees spent their day downloading with uTorrent, but
that's another story..) and for the last week or so I noticed that some
of the values drastically dropped.

The gateway server has two network interfaces, with eth0 connected to
the local network and eth1 to the cisco router. Iptables takes care of
the routing between them.

The local i'face seems to be fine, but eth1's data is really hard to

 r...@dl580:/home/config# ifconfig 
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:03:47:42:5c:17  
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   inet6 addr: fe80::203:47ff:fe42:5c17/64 Scope:Link
   RX packets:31640949 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:18811757 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
   RX bytes:595968566 (568.3 MiB)  TX bytes:128856216 (122.8
 eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:03:47:42:5c:18  
   inet addr:***  Bcast:***  Mask:
   inet6 addr: fe80::203:47ff:fe42:5c18/64 Scope:Link
   RX packets:7700 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:13057486 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
   RX bytes:2652885 (2.5 MiB)  TX bytes:1146875616 (1.0 GiB)

Most of the traffic is inbound, so it should show up in the RX bytes for
eth1. But it doesn't..
Any clue?


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Re: [ squeeze ] Grub2 RAID1 LVM2 boot failure

2010-05-29 Thread Tom H
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 7:06 AM, David Sastre Medina wrote:

 Grub2 is failing to boot a softRAID1 + LVM2 squeeze box.
 The error is can't find root_vg-root_lv. After that, it drops me to
 a initrd shell, but my USB keyboard stops working, so I must
 There are two kernels installed.
 I've attached grub.cfg. It's an automated cfg from update-grub2.
 I already tried adding rootdelay without success in /etc/default/grub
 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=rootdelay=15 quiet
 Weird stuff: I have upgraded this box from lenny a week ago or
 so. No problems booting.
 It used to have a bpo kernel, but since squeeze's repo has the
 same (2.6.32-3) kernel, I installed it and uninstalled the bpo one.
 No problems booting yet.
 Afterwards, I had to `/etc/init.d/vbox setup' to be able to use VBox
 again (dkms failed, it seems) and re-run the makeselved script to
 install the ATI propietary driver. This box has an ATI Radeon
 HD 4550.
 Kernel 2.6.32-2 stops booting, so I use 2.6.32-2 while I do some
 research about it.
 Yesterday, 2.6.32-2 booted without problems, but
 since I had ATI propietary driver installed only for 2.6.32-3, I run
 the installer in 2.6.32-2. Today this kernel doesn't boot either.

 r...@sysresccd /root % mdadm --detail /dev/md0
           UUID : 8052f7d4:54a97fbb:731031f6:bc3d041c

Although unrelated to your ati install and what it may have done, I
see two possible problems when looking at your grub.cfg.

1. There isn't an insmod lvm within the menuentry stanza. ext2,
raid, and mdraid are insmod'd twice in the header and once in the
menuentry and lvm is inmod'd just once in the header. (This is one of
the grub2 mysteries; why multiple insmods of the same modules?). I
doubt that this is the source of the problem (the first insmod must be
enough!) but you could add insmod lvm within the menuentry.

2. In the uuid of the search line, what is
785366b0-d597-4e9c-9284-b6b9161236ed? One of your /dev/sX1's uuid?
Since raid and mdraid are loaded, can't you/shouldn't you use the md0
uuid above?

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Re: Acroread: accelerating the search through a PDF

2010-05-29 Thread Erik Heil
hi. Just posting this reply to the list/usenet newsgroup, so others
can benefit from this, and so it an be properly archived. i'm using
Gmail ere, and there doesn't seem to be a way to disable the
Conversations view. So, you get confused when yu use the Quick
Reply feature.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Erik Heil
Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 16:15:20 -0400
Subject: Re: Acroread: accelerating the search through a PDF

What you may have to look at is the possibility of a document
management system. For your needs, you won't need anything upscale,
just something that can process the PDF documents, index the text, and
open it within Acroread, or optionally another reader. Since indexing
generates compressed versions of the document, you should be able to
get reasonable search times. Perhaps have a chron job nightly to index
new documents--don't know how often you add new documents. Just ideas
for you tto play with. i'm sure Debian has something like this to
offer. Maybe not? Perhaps more people here would have more knowledge
of this.

On 5/29/10, Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 05/29/2010 01:47 PM, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 I sometimes have really long documents (4000 p) for specs., or for

 Wow.  How big is that?
 Well, there are many bigger works, such as encyclopedias!

 other purely technical stuff. I sometimes look for a given model, or for
 a given word. The fact is that acroread reads ~8 pg/s, and, thus, if I
 do not know that my keyword is simply at the last page of the document,
 it takes 500s ~8 minutes and a half. How can I speed it up? Why is it so
 sluggish?  Do not tell me that it is limited by R/W access on the HDD...

 Have you tried other PDF readers?  Searched for Linux-based PDF indexers?
 As I said in another topic, I am totally okay for free stuff (if it was
 not the case, I would not be using Debian: thinking unfree but using
 free is cowardice), but the fact is that I have not found a reader whose
 range of compatibility with the PDF standard is as high as in acroread.
 Acroread is slow, boring, sometimes buggy, but I need to use it as long
 as I do not find a PDF reader which has such a big compatibility range.
 Do you hear the disk spin up when you start the search?
 Not at all. I have a HDD load monitor, and I do not even see any trace
 of some HDD use. Such documents often contain no pictures (only
 schematics, as you might guess), and are thus light, so I do not expect
 acroread to use the HDD a lot when looking for a word.
 In Edit-Preferences-Search there is a knob or two you can diddle with.
 Yes, I tried. But nothing better.
 Lastly, acroread is free-as-in-beer.  Adobe wants you to buy Acrobat
 to get the Good Stuff.
 That's a fact. That's the less attractive counterpart of acroread.

 Merciadri Luca
 I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
 client, please contact me.

 Big thunder. Little rain.

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unavailables RSS feeds on

2010-05-29 Thread Stéphane Blondon

I installed Liferea (and I really enjoy using it) and some feeds are
provided with the package.
They all work except:
- Debian Package a Day:
- Debian Times:

They are unavailable since I installed Liferea (more than one week).
The problem doesn't come from the reader.

I'd like to know if those feeds are definitively stopped or provided
at an other URL. Do you have idea where to find infos about those feed
or who I have to contact?

What I tried:
- The root of redirects to, so no
page listing the services or a contact address.
- In the whois, the e-mail is something like
(same for Administrative Contact and Technical Contact) so I don't
think I will have the good person.
- Asking on IRC at #debian and #debian-fr didn't help.
- Perhaps I can send a bug against pseudo-package?

Knowing that, I plan to:
- If the feeds are broken, I'd like to alert the right webmaster.
- Else, I will send a bug report against liferea (to remove them from
the package ou update URLs).

Please cc me in your reply because I didn't subscribed to the mailing list.


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virtual box permissions ?

2010-05-29 Thread briand
What's the correct way to set-up virtual box so that a user can use it ?

I found lot's of issues surrounding the use vboxusers group, but under
sid it seems to be very broken.

The udev file which is supposed to set things up does not seem to exist
in the package and the group is does not exist.

Yes, I know I can fix all this, my question is whether or not this has
been superceded by some other method.

If not, well, and vboxusers is the correct method, then it appears to be



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Re: Acroread: accelerating the search through a PDF

2010-05-29 Thread Ron Johnson

On 05/29/2010 02:34 PM, Merciadri Luca wrote:

Ron Johnson wrote:


Have you tried other PDF readers?  Searched for Linux-based PDF indexers?

As I said in another topic, I am totally okay for free stuff (if it was
not the case, I would not be using Debian: thinking unfree but using
free is cowardice), but the fact is that I have not found a reader whose
range of compatibility with the PDF standard is as high as in acroread.
Acroread is slow, boring, sometimes buggy, but I need to use it as long
as I do not find a PDF reader which has such a big compatibility range.

Nothing says that you must only use one reader at a time. ;)

If poppler, for example, doesn't render *exactly* but searches 
/rapidly/, then you could search using poppler and read using 

Alternatively, install poppler-utils for it's pdftohtml.  Certainly 
it won't be perfect, but a browser might be faster than Acroread.

Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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Re: Installing memtest86 in Lenny fails to copy the actual binary

2010-05-29 Thread Arthur Marsh

Klistvud wrote, on 30/05/10 02:29:

Howdy, fellow Debianites!

I tried to install memtest86 on my Lenny box (using Synaptic).
Everything appeared to go smoothly, even a new memtest entry wass
added to my grub.cfg - but the actual memtest86.bin file was never
copied to disk! Interestingly enough, the same happened when I tried to
install memtest86+ ... Of course, the memtest grub entry now fails
with a file not found error.
Any ideas? Happened to anybody else?
Let me just add that my / partition is not full.

Are you running i386 or amd64 hardware and distribution?

What files do you see in /boot:

$ ls -al /boot/mem*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 124648 Mar 15 04:21 /boot/memtest86.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 160284 Jan 28 04:03 /boot/memtest86+.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 162464 Jan 28 04:03 /boot/memtest86+_multiboot.bin

I have a separate /boot partition and sometimes it gets un-mounted 
without me doing anything )-:.

I've had problems with the memtest86+_multiboot.bin on i386 under GRUB 
1.98, but need to do more investigation.


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Update GRUB to GRUB2 / Lenny to Squeeze

2010-05-29 Thread lrhorer

I upgraded a box from Lenny to Squeeze, but the update of GRUB to
GRUB2 failed.  The box is running a pair of IDE hard drives with three
partitions each.  Each partition on each drive is a RAID1 mirror of the
same partition on the other drive.  The first partitions on both drives
are members of /dev/md1, whihc is mounted as /boot.  When I run

`dpkg --configure grub-pc`

I get the following:

Backup:/# dpkg --configure grub-pc
Setting up grub-pc (1.98-1) ...
Generating core.img
/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for `md1'.
Auto-detection of a filesystem module failed.
Please specify the module with the option `--modules' explicitly.
dpkg: error processing grub-pc (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit
status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

I searched the web for errors relating to this issue, and I found quite
a number of references, but none were really helpful in resolving the
issue.  (The fact it has been fixed in Ubuntu or Fedora and is going to
be fixed in Debian really doesn't help me much.)  Where do I modify the
package configuration to let grub-probe know which modules to load?  If
GRUB2 were already configured, then I think I could manually modify the
grub.cfg file to get it to work, but if GRUB2 were already configured,
I wouldn't have the problem inthe first place, and until GRUB2 is at
least partially configured grub.cfg won't even exist.

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Re: Acroread: accelerating the search through a PDF

2010-05-29 Thread Erik Heil
Hi there.
I believe that I have some sollutions to your problems. First of all,
you need to see whether or not your documentts are in some kind of
structured format. if they are, say DocBookXML, or something similar,
you may  be able to find a quick solution to the searching problem. if
the documents are structured, you can probably parce them by entety
type. of course, this depends on how well they are marked up. Like
I've stated earlier, they key item here is to generate rapidly
searchable indexes that can be quaried against. I'm assuming that
since you deal with highly technical data, it is more or less in a
structured form. You could even generate SQL statements and possibly
use SQLLite if you don't want a full DB as overhead. Anyways, I'm more
than willing to help in any way with this project of yours. Let me
know what you think.

On 5/29/10, Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 05/29/2010 02:34 PM, Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Ron Johnson wrote:

 Have you tried other PDF readers?  Searched for Linux-based PDF indexers?
 As I said in another topic, I am totally okay for free stuff (if it was
 not the case, I would not be using Debian: thinking unfree but using
 free is cowardice), but the fact is that I have not found a reader whose
 range of compatibility with the PDF standard is as high as in acroread.
 Acroread is slow, boring, sometimes buggy, but I need to use it as long
 as I do not find a PDF reader which has such a big compatibility range.

 Nothing says that you must only use one reader at a time. ;)

 If poppler, for example, doesn't render *exactly* but searches
 /rapidly/, then you could search using poppler and read using

 Alternatively, install poppler-utils for it's pdftohtml.  Certainly
 it won't be perfect, but a browser might be faster than Acroread.

 Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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Re: lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-29 Thread Stan Hoeppner
thib put forth on 5/28/2010 9:44 PM:

   * If yes, should it still be presented as an expert option in d-i? 
 Why not, I guess.  If not, should extlinux be extensively tested to be
 provided as an alternative choice in d-i?  I really don't know how much
 work would be needed for this.

I'm far more concerned at this point with distribution upgrades than new
installs.  I've a number of production Lenny servers all using LILO.  What
will happen to the bootloader config on these machines when I perform a dist
upgrade after Squeeze becomes Stable?  These machines all use custom rolled
kernels from source (installed the Debian way), if that makes any
difference.  Also, the kernel images are in /boot, not in / with the
traditional symlinks.

My gut instinct is that due to the above reasons and possibly others, the next
dist upgrade is going to hose all my production servers whilst trying to
forcibly convert them to Grub2.  Is my instinct correct?


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ls has stopped using the ISO date format

2010-05-29 Thread Brian Marshall
Hi all,

Recently, I noticed that the date format in the output from ls -l has
changed in squeeze. Before, it used the ISO standard (2010-05-29 20:00)
but now it's started printing May 29 20:00 or May 29 2009 if it's
not the current year.

My locale, which hasn't changed in years, is en_US.UTF-8. If I run ls
with LC_TIME=ja_JP.UTF-8, I get the ISO format, so ls is still capable
of displaying it.

Two servers running lenny and a box running Ubuntu 10.04, all with the
en_US.UTF-8 locale, display the ISO format.

I suspect it's coreutils' fault, because while the version of the
locales package is about the same in Ubuntu and Debian (2.11 and 2.10),
coreutils is significantly newer in Debian (8.5 compared to 7.4).

Can anyone else confirm this issue? Is it a bug or a feature? How can I
get ls to print the ISO date format again?


Description: Digital signature

Re: lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-29 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Tom H put forth on 5/28/2010 10:55 PM:
 On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 9:50 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Roger Leigh put forth on 5/28/2010 11:39 AM:
 For the most part, grub is a vast
 improvement over LILO, and except for the odd corner cases which
 grub doesn't cover,

 In what way is it a vast improvement over LILO? I've never had a problem with
 LILO. It's always just worked, which is what a bootloader should do. So
 how exactly would grub be a better choice for me?
 The reverse argument can be made too. Both grub1 and grub2 just work.
 Unless you are continually installing dual- and triple-boot this or
 that, you are not going to be changing you config continually no
 matter what bootloader you use and you will therefore not be
 interacting with it that much. So, except for Stephen P's case, what's
 the big deal?

I frequently roll new kernels from source using the Debian
installation method, once every couple of months.  I'm very comfortable with
using LILO for this.  I've pretty much zero experience with Grub (any
version).  If something goes wrong converting from LILO to Grub2, I'm screwed.
 And I'll probably have an unwanted and unneeded learning curve while
continuing my current practice of rolling kernels frequently.

Please don't debate the merits of customs kernels.  I have very valid reasons
for doing so.  Let's focus on why or why not Grub2 will work for my needs, and
not hose my systems either during the migration from LILO to Grub2, or
installing custom kernels after the fact.


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Re: Blockage on Internet maps - is a firewall intervening? Was: Re: PART DIAGNOSED: Re: Trying to install Google Earth on Lenny. How on earth??????

2010-05-29 Thread godo


But Firehol is complaining when I boot up that some
config file or other that it uses is not yet configured.  I don't have time
to read the message properly as it flashes past, but it is marked as an error
during the booting process.

Can you maybe find that message in /var/log/syslog
or somewhere in /var/log/ or dmesg?

So it looks as tho' at least Firehol is trying to do something.  Could this
therefore be the problem?  As I say, my ignorance on the topic of firewalls
is distressingly abysmal.  :-(  I am at a loss to know where to start or what
to look at, or even what question to ask Google.  I could obviously purge all
of them and see if that solved the problem, but am afraid that purging them
would not totally remove every trace, and therefore might make things
worse. :-(  And I still need to learn about firewalls.

I would value, and be very grateful for, any advice on the best procedure to
follow - or what FM to read - _before_ I manage to kybosh my entire system,
rather than after.


I really don't anything about firewalls but if I correct understud what 
I was read on the net  Firehol corresponding with iptables.

'iptables -L'  will list all rules so maybe somebody from the list will 
notice something.

On this site is 
'firehol stop' Stops a running iptables firewall by running 
CW/etc/init.d/iptables stop. This will allow all traffic to pass unchecked.

So you can stop him and check is it problem in him or somewhere else.

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: ls has stopped using the ISO date format

2010-05-29 Thread Teemu Likonen
* 2010-05-29 20:25 (-0700), Brian Marshall wrote:

 Recently, I noticed that the date format in the output from ls -l
 has changed in squeeze. Before, it used the ISO standard (2010-05-29
 20:00) but now it's started printing May 29 20:00 or May 29 2009
 if it's not the current year.

 I suspect it's coreutils' fault, because while the version of the
 locales package is about the same in Ubuntu and Debian (2.11 and
 2.10), coreutils is significantly newer in Debian (8.5 compared to

 Can anyone else confirm this issue? Is it a bug or a feature? How can
 I get ls to print the ISO date format again?

Yes, the default has changed. You can change the default with TIME_STYLE
environment variable, like this:

export TIME_STYLE=long-iso

Related tips here:

Feel free to Cc me your replies if you want to make sure I'll notice
them. I can't read all the list mail.

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Re: ls has stopped using the ISO date format

2010-05-29 Thread Teemu Likonen
* 2010-05-30 07:17 (+0300), Teemu Likonen wrote:

 Related tips here:

Here's a better link which points to the Debian Reference manual:

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Re: lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-29 Thread Mark Allums
For yet another view on this, Grub2 is pants.  I see no good reason to 
eliminate both lilo and GRUB at the same time.  Eliminate lilo or GRUB 
but not both, and let the user choose to use Grub2 or the older method. 
 When Grub2 matures some more, move to it, but it's not ready yet to 
take on the full responsibility of booting all of creation.


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Re: lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-29 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 30 May 2010 05:40:21 Mark Allums wrote:
 For yet another view on this, Grub2 is pants.  I see no good reason to
 eliminate both lilo and GRUB at the same time.  Eliminate lilo or GRUB
 but not both, and let the user choose to use Grub2 or the older method.
   When Grub2 matures some more, move to it, but it's not ready yet to
 take on the full responsibility of booting all of creation.



I am accustomed to GRUB 1.  But if I have to change, I would rather change to 
LILO than to GRUB 2. :-(


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Creating a (bootable) DOS floppy disk image

2010-05-29 Thread T o n g

How can I make a DOS floppy disk image under Linux?

Moreover, my experience with DOS was back in stone age when you use 

 sys A:

to make it boot-able. Now with Win NT/XP etc, I hear that merely copying 
ntldr, and boot.ini into it will make it boot-able. Anybody 
know if it is true?


Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: ls has stopped using the ISO date format

2010-05-29 Thread Brian Marshall
On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 07:17:31AM +0300, Teemu Likonen wrote:
 * 2010-05-29 20:25 (-0700), Brian Marshall wrote:
  Recently, I noticed that the date format in the output from ls -l
  has changed in squeeze. Before, it used the ISO standard (2010-05-29
  20:00) but now it's started printing May 29 20:00 or May 29 2009
  if it's not the current year.

 Yes, the default has changed. You can change the default with TIME_STYLE
 environment variable, like this:
 export TIME_STYLE=long-iso

Thanks, this works.

On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 07:21:31AM +0300, Teemu Likonen wrote:
 Here's a better link which points to the Debian Reference manual:

Thanks for the link.

Any idea why the default was changed? I guess it didn't really make
sense to change the date format based on whether it was an ISO-8859 or
UTF-8 locale? (en_US.ISO-8859, to my knowledge, has always used the date
format that en_US.UTF-8 is now using.)


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