Re: Busque consells per instal·lar una debian en 2 o 3 discos

2010-10-22 Thread XAvi
RAM en tinc tan sols 756MB, els discos son IDE amb 16 mb de cache de  320Gb
i 500Gb, i un altre de 8 mb de 200Gb, el processador és vellet, un pentium3
a 1000Mhz.

Ara tinc muntat el de 320 com hda, hdb el de 500 i hdd el de 200. la hdc es

El de 200 no tinc cap particio (ext3) es el de bkups de dades, els bkup dels
SO el tinc fets amb Partimage

el de 500 tinc al final de tot uns 4Gb de swap (si ja se que és massa)
davant de la swap hi tinc una de 20Gb en ntfs (on tinc coses i el
pagefile.sys del XP) i a la resta hi tinc una (ext4) amb fitxers Multimedia.

al de 320 tinc al principi una de 7gb amb el debian (reiserfs), després una
de 8g (fat32) amb el win98 i el XP (tots dos en català i a la mateixa
partició, jeje), després tinc una extessa  que conte 3 particions, una la
backtrack 2 (reiserfs), l'altra (ext3) /home (tal i com tu mencionaves
[Javier Silva], i per fi una (ext4) amb series d'anime.

Així es com està de moment..

ARA oblidant tot el que tinc o no tinc Imatginent-mos que tots discos
tan buits i en blanc.

PREGUNTA: Puc fer una partició al disc de 500 gb al ppi de 7 giges posem i
¿instal·lar la debian en tots dos discos al de 320 i al de 500, i en tots
dos discos ficar una partició al pricipi de 7giges i que me llisga en
paral·lel SOLES aquestes dues particions? Per a que el SO correga un poc

I si es pot ¿supose que deuria de posar el hda el de 320 gd al hdb el DVD-RW
al hdc el de 500 gb i al hdd el de 200gb? (Així seria més o menys com deies
Javier Silva.) O ¿com els pose? El de 200 gb puc tindel desconectat son els
bkups quasi mai el gaste. Podria fins i tot comprar una carcassa per
utilitzar-lo per usb.


El 21 d’octubre de 2010 19:06, Javier Silva ha escrit:

 2010/10/21 Sergi Baila
  Com comentava abans, en aquest cas (IDE) caldria fer servir només 2
  (un per canal... per cable per entendre'ns).
  Com que surt el tema RAID...
  Per fer RAID no cal que sigui SATA o IDE o res concret. Posar RAID a un
  linux es ben fàcil amb 'software-raid' amb mdadm. Entenc que quan dius lo
  RAID amb SATA es pels sistemes de RAID en la propia placa, que es poden
  configurar a la BIOS. No feu servir mai això: també es RAID per software
  pràcticament i si us falla la placa o algo del PC tindreu problemes per
  accedir al RAID des d'un altre equip. A més no guanyeu res, el rendiment
  RAID amb mdadm es equivalent.
  El RAID per hardware real... això es una altra cosa, per les tarjes
  ja de 300 euros cap amunt y es més per sol·lucions professionals i amb
  múltiples discos.

 La raó principal de SATA/RAID és per que... realment muntaries RAID en
 IDE sobre el mateix canal?

 millor SATA, ¿no?

 perquè RAID1? si s'espatlla la placa o hem d'extreure la informació
 tenim un mirall de disc i podem endollar un dels discos a qualsevol
 equip i treure les dades.

 De totes formes només son idees, ja que finalment haurà de adaptar-se
 a les seves pròpies necessitats.

 Javier Silva.

  2010/10/20 Javier Silva
  * Si en comptes de IDE tingués SATA, es podria muntar un sistema RAID1
  que a més de guanyar en seguretat, es guanya en velocitat de lectura.
  Només son idees, però et podran servir per començar a planificar el
  teu propi sistema a 'mida'.
  Javier Silva.
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Re: clevo w760k pm-suspend

2010-10-22 Thread Jérôme
Le jeudi 21 octobre 2010 à 21:38 +0200, Daniel Caillibaud a écrit :

 C'est pas forcément ce qu'ils font de mieux ;-)

 J'ai du debian stable partout, avec pas mal de galères sur du matériel
 récent, et j'avais installé de l'ubuntu LTS chez des
 non-geek, mais j'aurais p'tet eu moins de pbs en faisant le
 contraire ;-)

Ne me fait pas dire ce que je n'ai pas dis ^_^: Le matériel récent et
propriétaire est généralement mieux reconnu et plus facile à installer,
cela ne présume pas du reste. J'ai un nouvel Acer timeline, et j'ai eu
plusieurs soucis de compatibilité. J'ai testé avec Ubuntu 10.10 et il
faut reconnaître que tout a fonctionné sans problème, y compris la carte
réseau gigabit ce qui facilite l'install.

Mais j'ai craqué au bout d'une semaine, Ubuntu m'énerve, même en
retirant les caches-sexes à la Mac Osx pour que surtout l'utilisateur ne
voit pas ce qui se passe en dessous... 

Bref, j'ai regardé les 3 ou 4 trucs à voir (comme la sortie casque qui
ne marchait pas, très frustrant) et j'ai remis Squeeze. Il n'y a que la
carte gigabit qui coince, mais bon, je ne me suis pas penché
attentivement sur le problème (un driver à recompiler?).
Au passage je trouve frustrant que les cartes gigabits posent fréquement
des problèmes à Linux, alors que l'immense majorité des 10 et 10/100 ont
toujours fonctionné out of box. Les constructeurs sont
Jérôme -

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Re: clevo w760k pm-suspend

2010-10-22 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le vendredi 22 octobre 2010 à 09:59:28, Jérôme a écrit :
 Au passage je trouve frustrant que les cartes gigabits posent
 fréquement des problèmes à Linux, alors que l'immense
 majorité des 10 et 10/100 ont toujours fonctionné out of
 box. Les constructeurs sont X[censored]X

Ha ha. C’est beau la jeunesse…
 Sylvain Sauvage

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2010-10-22 Thread zuthos
Bonjour, je reçois toutes les 10Min le mail suivant.

Le soucis est que je sais pas trop quoi faire
Merci d'avance de me mettre sur une piste et de faire une suggestion.

 Message original 
Objet:   Cron r...@bureau   [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ]  [ -d
/var/lib/php5 ]  find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin
+$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -print0 | xargs -n 200 -r -0 rm
De:  Cron Daemon
Date:Lun 18 octobre 2010 6:39

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'/usr/lib/php5/20090626/' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626/
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on
line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'/usr/lib/php5/20090626/' -
/usr/lib/php5/20090626/ cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'/usr/lib/php5/20090626/' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626/
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on
line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'/usr/lib/php5/20090626/' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626/
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on
line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'/usr/lib/php5/20090626/' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626/
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on
line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'/usr/lib/php5/20090626/' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626/
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on
line 0

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Re: [php5][cron]

2010-10-22 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 18:20:18 +0200, wrote:

conséquence d'une install egroupware ou équivalent, solt: rectifier le
cron pour qu'il n'ait lieu qu'une seule fois par jour (sauf si machine en

 Bonjour, je reçois toutes les 10Min le mail suivant.
 Le soucis est que je sais pas trop quoi faire
 Merci d'avance de me mettre sur une piste et de faire une suggestion.

A little bit of rape is good for a man's soul.
-- Norman Mailer

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Re: [php5][cron]

2010-10-22 Thread Erwan David
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 02:40:46PM CEST, Jean-Yves F. Barbier said:
 On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 18:20:18 +0200, wrote:
 conséquence d'une install egroupware ou équivalent, solt: rectifier le
 cron pour qu'il n'ait lieu qu'une seule fois par jour (sauf si machine en

Non, c'est un bug de php5 : il faut systématiquement purger les modules 
désinstalelr sinon php foire 
car il essaye de les charger.

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Re: Compal FL90 z GF8600GT

2010-10-22 Thread TENEG - Tomasz Gołębiewski

 Witam ponownie,

Zaryzykowałem i zastosowałem metodę piekarnikową.
Jako że i tak laptop nie działał i nie miałem nic do stracenia to 
rozebrałem go na części pierwsze, żeby dobrać się do grafiki.
Całą pastę wyczyściłem (papier toaletowy), zdjąłem folię z GPU, drobnym 
papierem ściernym powycierałem radiatory.. I do piekarnika.
Tu był zonk, bo nawet nie wiem ile stopni ustawiłem - program 3 w 
kuchence gazowej Amica, a to dosyć stara kuchenka.
Generalnie powinno być 180C. Nie miałem też na czym położyć grafiki 
(brak aluminiowej folii) więc.. przykręciłem śrubki mocujące radiator i 
na kawałku aluminiowej blachy (obudowa starego dysku IDE) położyłem 
płytkę - chipem DO DOŁU.
Wyjąłem po 8,5 minutach, posmarowałem nową pastą, skręciłem całość i 
właśnie piszę z tego laptopa.. na klawiaturze USB, bo niestety uwaliłem 
taśmę od wbudowanej klawiatury :(

A korzystałem z:
oraz Compal FL90 Disassembly guide w PDF.


W dniu 21.10.2010 13:46, Hubert Lautenszleger pisze:

Felerną GF 8600 GT 512MB zmieniałem przyjacielowi na ATI HD3650 512MB DDRII.
Wszystko pasowało, tylko nie mam pojęcia jak działa pod debianem bo pozostał
przy wiadomo czym. Laptop, jakiś acer.


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Bramka VoIP na Debianie

2010-10-22 Thread TENEG - Tomasz Gołębiewski

 Witam ponownie,

czy ktoś już przerabiał ten temat tj. stawianie bramki VoIP w sieci LAN.
Założenie jest takie: router na Debianie ma pełnić funkcje serwera VoIP 
dla stanowisk w obrębie jednej lokalizacji.

Widzę, że jest coś takiego: Asterisk..
How-to jest tutaj:
Oczywiście telekonferencje mile wskazane.

Jednakże nie wiem jaki software lub model telefonu stacjonarnego dla 
końcówek byłby dobry do tego rozwiązania.
Fajnie by było gdyby dało się jeszcze numery wewnętrzne podłączyć przez 
jakąś bramę, bo centralka obsługuje zarówno linie cyfrowe (ISDN) jak i 

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pamięć grafiki jako rozszerzenie pamięci s ystemowej?

2010-10-22 Thread Marek
 przy okazji tematu z grafikami skojarzyło mi się, teraz grafiki mają
 sporo ramu, a używając komputera do prac bez grafiki 3d ta pamięć się
 spotkał się ktoś z opcją dodania jej do pamięci systemowej? pamięć
 grafiki jest przecież zwykle mapowana w przestrzeń adresową, kwestia
 tylko takiego zasterowania układem graficznym, żeby nie mieszał w
 obszarze, który chcemy dołączyć do systemu

 dla gogli pytanie dawało rezultaty o dokładnie odwrotnym
 wykorzystaniu pamięci systemowej, dlatego pytam Was

Pozdrawia Marek

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Re: Bramka VoIP na Debianie

2010-10-22 Thread Marek

TTG czy ktoś już przerabiał ten temat tj. stawianie bramki VoIP w sieci LAN.
TTG Założenie jest takie: router na Debianie ma pełnić funkcje serwera VoIP
TTG dla stanowisk w obrębie jednej lokalizacji.
TTG Widzę, że jest coś takiego: Asterisk..
TTG How-to jest tutaj:
TTG Oczywiście telekonferencje mile wskazane.
TTG Jednakże nie wiem jaki software lub model telefonu stacjonarnego dla
TTG końcówek byłby dobry do tego rozwiązania.
TTG Fajnie by było gdyby dało się jeszcze numery wewnętrzne podłączyć przez
TTG jakąś bramę, bo centralka obsługuje zarówno linie cyfrowe (ISDN) jak i
TTG analogowe.

wiele nie pomogę poza potwierdzeniem, że faktycznie na asterisku coś
bardzo podobnego niedawno widziałem (niestety ja nigdy nie
przerabiałem instalacji serwera voip)
tzn debian+asterisk, karta nazywana przez człowieka robiącego to
'digium' i jakaś centralka z telefonami komórkowymi do routowania
rozmów z linii wewnętrznych na zewnątrz (centralka była firmowana
'asterisk', logo takie jak google w grafice zwracają)
nie wiem jak z pożenieniem wielu linii analogowych, bo telefony
właśnie ip mają być, ale modeli konkretnych ja też nie jestem w stanie
polecić. dla własnych celów od prawie 2 lat najtańszy chiński działa w

Pozdrawia Marek

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Re: Sw para cybercafe en gnu/linux?

2010-10-22 Thread Altair Linux
Edgar Vargas:

Siempre puedes poner KDE y luego instalar algun theme que emule Windows,
echale un ojo a este, por ejemplo

Hay una opcion en KDE, creo que en el menu Preferencias, donde al nombre de
la aplicacion le sigue una descripcion de lo que hace, ejemplo: K3b
(Grabacion de CD y DVD). Yo lo uso con frecuencia y es muy intuitivo, muy
similar a programas de Windows.

Ademas, mira un factor importante, el economico: cualquier programa que
necesites lo vas a tener disponible, legalmente. En Windows ese asunto puede
estar mas complicado.

Dado que estas empezando, olvidate de Debian testing y usa SOLO Debian

Tambien un consejo: instala las cosas una a una, porque en caso de que
tengas problemas del tipo que sea sera mas sencillo saber que ha pasado.

Te recomiendo que el idioma instalado sea el ingles, opino que es una buena

Ves poco a poco. De momento instala Debian estable en cada maquina y
confirma que funciona todo el hardware. Luego, instala un kernel nuevo.

Que no te de miedo meter la pata con los kernels que instales manualmente.
Primero porque equivocandose tambien se aprende, segundo porque seguramente
es una de las mejores maneras de ajustar manualmente todo al maximo.

NFS en Debian es bastante sencillo, pero eso en todo caso lo tendras que
hacer despues de lo del kernel, sobretodo porque posiblemente tengas que
tocar cosas de su configuracion.

Por la parte de IPTABLES no podre ayudarte gran cosa, a ver si alguna otra
persona de la lista puede explicarte todo. Pero deja iptables para mas

Conexion inalambrica en debian 5.0.6 con problemas

2010-10-22 Thread Edgar Vargas
Regreso a debian lenny a la version 5.0.6, como dije en mensajes
anteriores antes me fue bien con el servidor x, ahora tambien no se me
pone pantalla oscura, bueno estando en esta version recorde q antes
que para conectarme a redes inalambricas use wicd ya que networmanager
no me iba bien, es mas ahora veo q no puedo conectarme a otra red
inalambrica cambiando mi mac, en teoria me lo cambia con ifcong wlan0
down, ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:.., etc, pero al tratar de
conectarme, nada, y tampoco a la que en principio logre conectarme,
reboot y se conecta, pero no mepremite hacer cambios y conectarme a
otra red, bueno dije entonces volvere a wicd como antes lo hice y oh
sorpresa, yo habia escrito en mi blog el procedimineto q segui antes,
intente otra vez cone ste repo:
deb lenny extras, luego su llave, y no encuentra
el servidor, wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key
add -, luego vi q mediante: deb
lenny-backports main contrib non-free, podia tambieninstalr, y es
cierto lo instala, pero me lo borra a networkmanager, y cuando ya
instala, la deteccion de redes inalambricas es pobre, no las detecta
bien, se conecta y se desconecta por q segun dice q tiene bajo
porcentaje de alcance, osea me quedo sin internet :(, pero con
networkmanager por lo menos me conectaba :(, aqui como digo la
potencoia es muy baja, con el wicd de debian testing me mostraba las
redes bien y me podia conectar a las q yo deseaba, aqui es muy duro
:(, ya no existe el q yo recurde ese si em iba bien...,
alguna sugerencia amigos ?

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Re: Conexion inalambrica en debian 5.0.6 con problemas

2010-10-22 Thread fernando sainz
Perdón por el privado... la falta de costumbre al usar el gmail

Te recomendaría una buena antena, en serio.

Si lo que tienes es un portátil, hay adaptadores usb a buen precio,
algunos con antena exterior a los que además les puedes poner una
pequeña parábola de cartulina y papel aluminio con magnifico

A veces un pequeño cambio de posición hace que pases de tener una
señal buena a perderla.


El día 22 de octubre de 2010 12:51, Edgar Vargas escribió:
 Regreso a debian lenny a la version 5.0.6, como dije en mensajes
 anteriores antes me fue bien con el servidor x, ahora tambien no se me
 pone pantalla oscura, bueno estando en esta version recorde q antes
 que para conectarme a redes inalambricas use wicd ya que networmanager
 no me iba bien, es mas ahora veo q no puedo conectarme a otra red
 inalambrica cambiando mi mac, en teoria me lo cambia con ifcong wlan0
 down, ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:.., etc, pero al tratar de
 conectarme, nada, y tampoco a la que en principio logre conectarme,
 reboot y se conecta, pero no mepremite hacer cambios y conectarme a
 otra red, bueno dije entonces volvere a wicd como antes lo hice y oh
 sorpresa, yo habia escrito en mi blog el procedimineto q segui antes,
 intente otra vez cone ste repo:
 deb lenny extras, luego su llave, y no encuentra
 el servidor, wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key
 add -, luego vi q mediante: deb
 lenny-backports main contrib non-free, podia tambieninstalr, y es
 cierto lo instala, pero me lo borra a networkmanager, y cuando ya
 instala, la deteccion de redes inalambricas es pobre, no las detecta
 bien, se conecta y se desconecta por q segun dice q tiene bajo
 porcentaje de alcance, osea me quedo sin internet :(, pero con
 networkmanager por lo menos me conectaba :(, aqui como digo la
 potencoia es muy baja, con el wicd de debian testing me mostraba las
 redes bien y me podia conectar a las q yo deseaba, aqui es muy duro
 :(, ya no existe el q yo recurde ese si em iba bien...,
 alguna sugerencia amigos ?

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Re: Conexion inalambrica en debian 5.0.6 con problemas

2010-10-22 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 05:51:35 -0500, Edgar Vargas escribió:


 aqui como digo la potencoia es muy baja, con el wicd de debian
 testing me mostraba las redes bien y me podia conectar a las q yo
 deseaba, aqui es muy duro :(, ya no existe el q yo recurde ese
 si em iba bien..., alguna sugerencia amigos ?

Quizá sea por el driver que usas. Por cierto, no dices ni la tarjeta que 
usas ni el driver que cargas.

Me parece que ni Wicd ni NetworManager están relacionados con la potencia 
del adaptador (actúan sólo como gestores de la conexión).

Si usas wpa2 puedes intentar bajarlo a wpa para ver si mejora la 
estabilidad del enlace.

Recuerda que también puedes usar el método tradicional (ifup) para 
configurar el wifi pero si el enlace es débil, seguirás con los mismos 
problemas (cortes y desconexiones intermitentes, baja cobertura...).



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OT-Equivalente para SuperCopi

2010-10-22 Thread Liuber Hernández Leyva
Hola Lista, Buenos Días

Hay algun equivalente para debian lenny, del SuperCopi o TeraCopi, de Wind2, 
que se integre a KDE 3.5, la unica funcion que me gusta de estos es que le 
puedes adicionar archivos a copiar. 

gracias y disculpen por su tiempo.

«Solo no puedes, con amigos sí»


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: OT-Equivalente para SuperCopi

2010-10-22 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El vie, 22-10-2010 a las 09:14 +0200, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió: 
 Hola Lista, Buenos Días
 Hay algun equivalente para debian lenny, del SuperCopi o TeraCopi, de Wind2, 
 que se integre a KDE 3.5, la unica funcion que me gusta de estos es que le 
 puedes adicionar archivos a copiar. 

estaría interesante que digas que hacen esos programas. En google
encontré un supercopier y un supercopy, pero no supercopi, ¿a cual de
los dos te referís?. Igual las características son parecidas, tal vez te
sirva krsync (un front-end kde para rsync)

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Re: OT-Equivalente para SuperCopi

2010-10-22 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 09:14:34 +0200, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:

 Hay algun equivalente para debian lenny, del SuperCopi o TeraCopi, de
 Wind2, que se integre a KDE 3.5, la unica funcion que me gusta de estos
 es que le puedes adicionar archivos a copiar.

Por Google comentan Ultracopier, mira a ver si te sirve:



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Re: OT-Equivalente para SuperCopi

2010-10-22 Thread Liuber Hernández Leyva
On Friday 22 October 2010 15:25:01 Gonzalo Rivero wrote:
 El vie, 22-10-2010 a las 09:14 +0200, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:
  Hola Lista, Buenos Días
  Hay algun equivalente para debian lenny, del SuperCopi o TeraCopi, de
  Wind2, que se integre a KDE 3.5, la unica funcion que me gusta de estos
  es que le puedes adicionar archivos a copiar.

 estaría interesante que digas que hacen esos programas. En google
 encontré un supercopier y un supercopy, pero no supercopi, ¿a cual de
 los dos te referís?. Igual las características son parecidas, tal vez te
 sirva krsync (un front-end kde para rsync)

Hola amigo, gracias por responder, 

Lo dije tal como lo escuche a los colegas wintendo, solo me gustaría cuando 
copio archivos, ir agregadolos en una lista a copiar, y no comenzar una nueva 
copia. es todo. 

Disculpen el lenguaje, y gracias. 
«Solo no puedes, con amigos sí»


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Nota Publicada - vulnerabilildad kernel 2.6.XX

2010-10-22 Thread Ricardo Delgado
Les paso un articulo que aparecio hoy

Por si no lo visualizan, copio la nota

Vulnerabilidad del núcleo de GNU/Linux cede permisos de superusuario

El sistema operativo open-source Linux contiene una seria falla de
seguridad que puede ser explotada para conseguir permisos de
superusuario en el sistema atacado.

La vulnerabilidad, en la implementación Linux del protocolo Reliable
Datagram Sockets (RDS), afecta a versiones no parchadas del kernel de
Linux, comenzando con la 2.6.30, donde fue incluido por primera vez el
protocolo RDS.

Según VSR Security, el equipo de investigación que descubrió el
agujero de seguridad, las instalaciones Linux solo son afectadas si la
opción de configuración del núcleo CONFIG_RDS está activada, y si no
hay restricciones para los usuarios no privilegiados de cargar la
familia de paquetes de módulos, como es el caso en las mayoría de las

Debido a que las funciones del núcleo responsables del copiado de
datos entre el kernel (kernel) y el espacio de usuario falló al
verificar que la direccion provista por usuario actualmente reside en
el segmento de usuario, un atacante local podía libera una llamada a
una función socket preparada especialmente para escribir valores
arbitrarios en la memoria del núcleo. Apoyandose en esta capacidad, es
posible para usuarios no privilegiados el escalar sus privilegios a
los de root.

La compañía ha liberado una explotación como prueba de concepto para
demostrar la gravedad de la vulnerabilidad. Los muchachos de H
Security  probaron la explotación en Ubuntu 10.04 (64 bits) y tuvieron
éxito en abrir una shell como root.

Un arreglo para este asunto ha sido enviado por Linus Torvald. VSR
Secutrity recomienda a los usuarios instalar las actualizaciones
provistas por las distribuciones o aplicar el parche liberado y
recompilar sus kernel (versión

Windows? Reboot
Debian?      beRoot 

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Re: Nota Publicada - vulnerabilildad kernel 2.6.XX

2010-10-22 Thread Santiago José López Borrazás
Hash: SHA512

El 22/10/10 15:59, Ricardo Delgado escribió:
 Un arreglo para este asunto ha sido enviado por Linus Torvald. VSR
 Secutrity recomienda a los usuarios instalar las actualizaciones
 provistas por las distribuciones o aplicar el parche liberado y
 recompilar sus kernel (versión

Yo tengo ya 2.6.36:

Linux dell 2.6.36 #1 SMP Thu Oct 21 15:19:49 CEST 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

Ayer mismo que me lo compilé... :)

- -- 
Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.


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Re: Nota Publicada - vulnerabilildad kernel 2.6.XX

2010-10-22 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 10:59:51 -0300, Ricardo Delgado escribió:

 Les paso un articulo que aparecio hoy

La compañía ha liberado una explotación como prueba de concepto...

¿Una explotación? ¿Será una explotación agrícola o minera? :-)

Bueno, supongo que a los que tenemos lenny no nos afecta el bug.



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Re: OT-Equivalente para SuperCopi

2010-10-22 Thread Liuber Hernández Leyva
On Friday 22 October 2010 15:30:45 Camaleón wrote:
 El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 09:14:34 +0200, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:
  Hay algun equivalente para debian lenny, del SuperCopi o TeraCopi, de
  Wind2, que se integre a KDE 3.5, la unica funcion que me gusta de estos
  es que le puedes adicionar archivos a copiar.

 Por Google comentan Ultracopier, mira a ver si te sirve:



Este tieme precio. pero no esta mal. 
«Solo no puedes, con amigos sí»


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: OT-Equivalente para SuperCopi

2010-10-22 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 10:32:01 +0200, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:

 On Friday 22 October 2010 15:30:45 Camaleón wrote:
 El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 09:14:34 +0200, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:
  Hay algun equivalente para debian lenny, del SuperCopi o TeraCopi, de
  Wind2, que se integre a KDE 3.5, la unica funcion que me gusta de
  estos es que le puedes adicionar archivos a copiar.

 Por Google comentan Ultracopier, mira a ver si te sirve:
 Este tieme precio. pero no esta mal.

No, no tienes que pagar nada... ¿dónde has leído eso? :-?



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Re: Configurar impresora en modo pasarela

2010-10-22 Thread Rubén Gómez Antolí

Camaleón wrote:

 El 2010-10-21 a las 19:23 +0200, Rubén Gómez Antolí escribió:
 (reenvío a la lista)

Perdón, se me fue el dedo.

 Camaleón wrote:
  Tendrías que añadir una nueva impresora, puerto tpc/ip, esperar a que
  te dé un error de comunicación, acceder a la configuración avanzada,
  seleccionar raw, impresión directa (sin cola) y como puerto de
  conexión el del p910nd (9101).
 Gracias, lo probaré (muchos años sin usar al maligno tienen estos
 inconvenientes, que no me acuerdo como se hacían estas cosas), aunque
 tengo el inconveniente de que las dos subredes no se ven.
 Eso tendrías que solucionarlo antes.

¿Lo de los años sin usar el maligno? No, gracias, estoy muy bien en Debian.

Fuera bromas, si, lo de las subredes se que hay que arreglarlo para ponerla
en directo.

 Observo que en las listas Debian se siguen resolviendo incluso los
 problemas que no son de Debian. ;^)
 Bueno, ya que estamos... O:-)

Siempre he pensado que eran el mejor lugar para solucionar problemas, tienen
un nivel muy alto.


 Actualizo: Existe, es el controlador «raw»: suse linux
 « Configurar impresoras ''en crudo'' (raw)
  Una impresora raw se configura omitiendo en la instalación el archivo
 es decir, no se realiza ni el filtrado ni el recuento. Para ello los
 datos deben enviarse en un formato adecuado a la impresora.»
 Si, si la recepción de datos en bruto (raw) lo admite pero para que
 encole el trabajo antes tendrías que haber creado una impresora y si
 el equipo donde la tienes conectada no ve a la Canon, mal asunto.
 Ahora, si te detecta la impresora en alguno de los puertos donde la
 tengas conectada (usb, lpt) pues por probarlo que no quede. Puedes
 añadirla a mano (lpadmin -p canon -v usb:/dev/usb/lp0 -m raw -E) e
 intentar imprimir algo a ver qué te cuenta :-?

A ver, quizás no me he explicado bien: tengo la impresora configurada en
cups apuntando a la dirección del cliente (socket://cliente:9101) y en el
w2k3 esta configurada apuntando hacia Cups, tal y como tengo otra en el
mismo cliente -y que si funciona, tanto en Linux como en w2k3-.
 La impresora sigue sin imprimir pero veo que le llegan, quizás sea
 problema de p910nd, no se, seguiré haciendo pruebas.
 Okis, ya dirás cómo te va :-)

Me va mal, los trabajos llegan al cliente, que en teoría -y según el
registro- los trasmite hacia la impresora, pero esta ni se inmuta. He
probado con algún modificador en p910nd, pero nada. En w2k3 me marca un
error que dice que el puerto esta ocupado por otra aplicación, así que ahí
me he quedado.

Si consigo solucionar ya diré, y me mata esto, porque estaba migrando esta
máquina desde w2k a Linux. :^(


Un saludo y gracias por todo.

Salud y Revolución.

¿Libertad? ¿Quien ha dicho libertad?

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Re: OT-Equivalente para SuperCopi

2010-10-22 Thread Liuber Hernández Leyva
On Friday 22 October 2010 16:38:19 Camaleón wrote:
 El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 10:32:01 +0200, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:
  On Friday 22 October 2010 15:30:45 Camaleón wrote:
  El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 09:14:34 +0200, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:
   Hay algun equivalente para debian lenny, del SuperCopi o TeraCopi, de
   Wind2, que se integre a KDE 3.5, la unica funcion que me gusta de
   estos es que le puedes adicionar archivos a copiar.

Me parecio verlo arriba, 
cuanto pesa. 

«Solo no puedes, con amigos sí»


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: OT-Equivalente para SuperCopi

2010-10-22 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El 22 de octubre de 2010 05:45, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:

 On Friday 22 October 2010 16:38:19 Camaleón wrote:
  El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 10:32:01 +0200, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:
   On Friday 22 October 2010 15:30:45 Camaleón wrote:
   El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 09:14:34 +0200, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:
Hay algun equivalente para debian lenny, del SuperCopi o TeraCopi, de
Wind2, que se integre a KDE 3.5, la unica funcion que me gusta de
estos es que le puedes adicionar archivos a copiar.

 Me parecio verlo arriba,
eso es lo que tienen recaudado en donaciones :D

 cuanto pesa.
unos 530 a 537kb (según eligas i386 o amd64)

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Re: Configurar impresora en modo pasarela

2010-10-22 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 16:41:25 +0200, Rubén Gómez Antolí escribió:

 Camaleón wrote:


 Si, si la recepción de datos en bruto (raw) lo admite pero para que
 encole el trabajo antes tendrías que haber creado una impresora y si
 el equipo donde la tienes conectada no ve a la Canon, mal asunto.
 Ahora, si te detecta la impresora en alguno de los puertos donde la
 tengas conectada (usb, lpt) pues por probarlo que no quede. Puedes
 añadirla a mano (lpadmin -p canon -v usb:/dev/usb/lp0 -m raw -E) e
 intentar imprimir algo a ver qué te cuenta :-?
 A ver, quizás no me he explicado bien: tengo la impresora configurada en
 cups apuntando a la dirección del cliente (socket://cliente:9101) 
 y en el w2k3 esta configurada apuntando hacia Cups, tal y como tengo 
 otra en el mismo cliente -y que si funciona, tanto en Linux como en

¿El mismo modelo de impresora u otro?
 La impresora sigue sin imprimir pero veo que le llegan, quizás sea
 problema de p910nd, no se, seguiré haciendo pruebas.
 Okis, ya dirás cómo te va :-)
 Me va mal, los trabajos llegan al cliente, que en teoría -y según el
 registro- los trasmite hacia la impresora, pero esta ni se inmuta. He
 probado con algún modificador en p910nd, pero nada. En w2k3 me marca un
 error que dice que el puerto esta ocupado por otra aplicación, así que
 ahí me he quedado.

Y si imprimes desde el mismo equipo en el que tienes conectado la 
impresora ¿tampoco funciona?
 Si consigo solucionar ya diré, y me mata esto, porque estaba migrando
 esta máquina desde w2k a Linux. :^(

Bueno, a malas, siempre podrás montar una VM con windows para la gestión 
de la impresora... o pegarle un hachazo a la Canon cuando el jefe no mire 
para que compre otra, PostScript a ser posible :-)



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Re: Debian y un Gamepad

2010-10-22 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El día 22 de octubre de 2010 00:32, Esteban Monge escribió:
 Hola gente, me compré un gamepad, no uso Lenny, tampoco KDE o GNOME, así
 que para mi fue algo complicado configurar el gamepad, pues el paquete
 jscalibrator ya no estará incluído en Squeeze. Así que si no tenemos KDE o
 GNOME será dificil configurarlo, hice un pequeño wiki de como configurarlo
 acá, espero pronto pasarlo a la wiki de Debian cuando pueda utilizar
 palabras en inglés mas correctas:

 Si alguno conoce de una forma mas fácil de hacerlo, me lo comunican...

medio offtopic: el wiki de debian también está en castellano ( )

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Re: Nota Publicada - vulnerabilildad kernel 2.6.XX

2010-10-22 Thread hubble
El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 14:21:50 + (UTC)
Camaleón va dir:

 El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 10:59:51 -0300, Ricardo Delgado escribió:
  Les paso un articulo que aparecio hoy
 La compañía ha liberado una explotación como prueba de concepto...
 ¿Una explotación? ¿Será una explotación agrícola o minera? :-)

Supongo que querran referirse a *un exploit*, es decir, alguna especie de 
escript en algun lenguaje/código que automatiza la prueba para demostrar la 

Es el problema de utilizar traductores sin saber de verdad la gramática del 
propio idioma :)


 Bueno, supongo que a los que tenemos lenny no nos afecta el bug.
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Re: OT-Equivalente para SuperCopi [solusionado]

2010-10-22 Thread Liuber Hernández Leyva
On Friday 22 October 2010 17:03:53 Gonzalo Rivero wrote:
 El 22 de octubre de 2010 05:45, Liuber Hernández Leyva

ok, gracias. 
me lo icieron llegar, 

gracias todos, 
«Solo no puedes, con amigos sí»


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: Conexion inalambrica en debian 5.0.6 con problemas

2010-10-22 Thread Edgar Vargas
El 22/10/10, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 22 Oct 2010 05:51:35 -0500, Edgar Vargas escribió:


 aqui como digo la potencoia es muy baja, con el wicd de debian
 testing me mostraba las redes bien y me podia conectar a las q yo
 deseaba, aqui es muy duro :(, ya no existe el q yo recurde ese
 si em iba bien..., alguna sugerencia amigos ?

 Quizá sea por el driver que usas. Por cierto, no dices ni la tarjeta que
 usas ni el driver que cargas.

 Me parece que ni Wicd ni NetworManager están relacionados con la potencia
 del adaptador (actúan sólo como gestores de la conexión).
Hola como decia antes he usado debian testing y otras distros en
basadas en rpm, ahi mi antena wifi detaecta varias redes wifi con
potencia 3 de 4 palitos, tanto con networkmanager como wicd, pero aqui
con wicd muy bajo, descarto eso de mi antena, pero bueno ahora con
networkmanager estoy conectado, bueno la cosa q tengo internet no
importa con baja potencia, pero ya tengo :)
te paso mi tarjeta, q por cierto todas las distros q probe me la detectan:

ed...@debian:~$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE
DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 03)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation
82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM
(ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 02)
00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM
(ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 02)
00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM
(ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 02)
00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-M)
USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 02)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev 82)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL (ICH4/ICH4-L) LPC
Interface Bridge (rev 02)
00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801DB (ICH4) IDE Controller (rev 02)
00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM
(ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)
00:1f.6 Modem: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M)
AC'97 Modem Controller (rev 02)

03:05.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5212/AR5213
Multiprotocol MAC/baseband processor (rev 01)
esta de arriba creo q es:)

03:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)


 Si usas wpa2 puedes intentar bajarlo a wpa para ver si mejora la
 estabilidad del enlace.

 Recuerda que también puedes usar el método tradicional (ifup) para
 configurar el wifi pero si el enlace es débil, seguirás con los mismos
 problemas (cortes y desconexiones intermitentes, baja cobertura...).



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Herramienta similar a setup(en redhat) para abrir puertos y habilitar servicios, etc. en debian

2010-10-22 Thread Edgar Vargas
Hola lista no se vayan a enojar porq pusoe redhat arriba en el titulo,
pero como comprenderan estoy usando debian ahora y como vengo de
distros basadas en rpms como q se me hace un poquito complicadito,
espero su comprension.

Bueno mi pregunta nace por q estoy haciendo algunas cosas como smaba,
servico web con webmin y otras cosas, y me veo la necesidad de
habilitar el puerto 1 de webmin y habilitar https, http, samba,
interfaces confiables, esas cosas, ya se q me diran usa iptables y esa
cosa, no se recien estoy aprendiendo, pero yo lo hacia facil en otra
distro teclanso setup, en la terminal y me aparecia una interfaz con
fondo azul y letras, a modo texto, y ahi podia configurar o habilitar
muchas cosas, como los servicios y configurar firewall estc. no se
ojala q alguien lo haya usado y espero q me entienda :(, la otra vez
cuando tenia lenny 5.0.5, ahi habia una APLICACION, q hacia lo mismo
no me acurdo el nombre :( ya busque en google, pero creo q no le doy
con el nombre, q entraba a una interfaz igualita no tanto asi , pero
igual, se podia configurar red y mas cosas, alguien q haya usado me
podria ayudar..., gracias
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Re: Problema con drivers Nvidia GeForce FX 5200

2010-10-22 Thread Diego Palomo
Buenas alguien sabría con que drivers antiguos de nvidia le funciono. He
mirado en la pagina web de nvidia pero hay muchos para probarlos todos. He
probado con los dos últimos y no me funcionaron.
A parte para instalar el driver nouveau tendria que estar en la rama
inestable o hacer pinning, como cambiar de rama no es lo que busco y nunca
me he manejado con pinning, por lo que no sabría si lo haría correctamente.
Alguien ha instalado los drivers nouveau en un rama estable.

Gracias y un saludo.

Como compilar e instalar kernel

2010-10-22 Thread Ismael L. Donis García
Alguien me podría explicar como: compilar manualmente a la Debian el 
kernel descargado de y como instalarlo una vez compilado.

Esto lo quiero hacer para ganar en conocimientos.

Perdonen mi ignorancia en este tema.
|| ISMAEL ||

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Re: Como compilar e instalar kernel

2010-10-22 Thread Santiago José López Borrazás
Hash: SHA512

El 22/10/10 19:07, Ismael L. Donis García escribió:
 Alguien me podría explicar como: compilar manualmente a la Debian el 
 kernel descargado de y como instalarlo una vez compilado.
 Esto lo quiero hacer para ganar en conocimientos.

Yo lo hago creando los paquetes .deb, pero en esta medida:

apt-get build-dep linux-sources

apt-get install make-kpkg

Y luego, es hacer lo que sigue:

Bajarse el kernel actual (el que valga). Luego es ir a este otro sitio:

Bajarse el config correspondiente de tu sistema.

Se ha de cambiar el fichero /etc/kernel-pkg.conf estas líneas (si alguna
no se añade):

maintainer := tunombrecompleto
email := tuemail
priority := Low
debian = $(version)

Ya guardado, se hace, como sigue (OJO, _creo_ que te va a pedir firma
GnuPG, asín que, deberíais crearlo, o copiar el que tengáis de vuestro
$HOME a /root el directorio .gnupg):

Pasamos a /usr/src donde debemos tener el kernel dispuesto para ello
(OJO, es bastante grande para que lo hagáis unos cuantos de Cuba, que sé
fehacientemente que algunos no tienen Internet).

Se ha de crear un enlace simbólico:

ln -s linux-2.6.36 linux

En el hipotético caso de que bajes el kernel 2.6.36, pues se ha de hacer

Ir a /usr/src/linux

De ahí, ya bajado el config del sitio mencionado arriba que he dado, lo
primero es descomprimir con gunzip.

Renombramos el fichero como .config

Una vez hecho:

make-kpkg --revision=1-686 --initrd kernel_headers kernel_image

Es el hipotético caso de que tengas o quieras tener una revisión del mismo.

Ya hecho, te va a pedir una serie de preguntas (que no tiene porqué ser
malo, son preguntas facilonas, que ojo, cuando os aparecen las letras en
mayúsculas como 'N', 'Y' o 'M', se te pide que lo hagas *por* defecto).

Ya ello, se compila el kernel ante eso...

Y una vez terminado, se hace lo siguiente:

dpkg -i *.deb

¡Y a reiniciar para probarlo!

Por cierto. ES bueno hacer un man al make-kpkg para estos casos,...

Si os salta alguna duda... Yo no tengo problemas para compilar kernel's
que se quiera en cada momento. Incluso, los que sean para 64 bits. No
tengo pegas, como ya he dicho. Aquí, muchos lo podemos hacer de antemano.

Y como ya he dicho ayer mismo, tengo ya el último. El 2.6.36, y funcionando.

He hecho tropecientas compilaciones con este portátil, y no he tenido
problemas hasta la fecha.

- -- 
Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.


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Re: Como compilar e instalar kernel

2010-10-22 Thread Roberto De Oliveira
Aquí te dejo dos buenos enlaces:

Roberto De Oliveira

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Re: Como compilar e instalar kernel

2010-10-22 Thread Ismael L. Donis García

Por lo que veo me faltó lo más importante en decir.

No tengo acceso a Internet, lo que quería hacer para aprender, es decir, ver 
a un amigo que me baje la última versión, cuando el la baja me avisa y voy y 
la traigo en un disco externo y en mi casa (sin ningún tipo de acceso a 
Internet) compilarlo y pruebo todo en mi casa para aprender, una vez con 
todo el conocimiento necesario ya podría hacerlo en la PC donde trabajo en 
la cual tengo Lenny montado.

Así que los pasos que necesito es sin ningún tipo de acceso a Internet

Saludos reiterados.
|| ISMAEL ||
- Original Message - 
From: Santiago José López Borrazás

Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: Como compilar e instalar kernel

Hash: SHA512

El 22/10/10 19:07, Ismael L. Donis García escribió:

Alguien me podría explicar como: compilar manualmente a la Debian el
kernel descargado de y como instalarlo una vez compilado.

Esto lo quiero hacer para ganar en conocimientos.

Yo lo hago creando los paquetes .deb, pero en esta medida:

apt-get build-dep linux-sources

apt-get install make-kpkg

Y luego, es hacer lo que sigue:

Bajarse el kernel actual (el que valga). Luego es ir a este otro sitio:

Bajarse el config correspondiente de tu sistema.

Se ha de cambiar el fichero /etc/kernel-pkg.conf estas líneas (si alguna
no se añade):

maintainer := tunombrecompleto
email := tuemail
priority := Low
debian = $(version)

Ya guardado, se hace, como sigue (OJO, _creo_ que te va a pedir firma
GnuPG, asín que, deberíais crearlo, o copiar el que tengáis de vuestro
$HOME a /root el directorio .gnupg):

Pasamos a /usr/src donde debemos tener el kernel dispuesto para ello
(OJO, es bastante grande para que lo hagáis unos cuantos de Cuba, que sé
fehacientemente que algunos no tienen Internet).

Se ha de crear un enlace simbólico:

ln -s linux-2.6.36 linux

En el hipotético caso de que bajes el kernel 2.6.36, pues se ha de hacer

Ir a /usr/src/linux

De ahí, ya bajado el config del sitio mencionado arriba que he dado, lo
primero es descomprimir con gunzip.

Renombramos el fichero como .config

Una vez hecho:

make-kpkg --revision=1-686 --initrd kernel_headers kernel_image

Es el hipotético caso de que tengas o quieras tener una revisión del mismo.

Ya hecho, te va a pedir una serie de preguntas (que no tiene porqué ser
malo, son preguntas facilonas, que ojo, cuando os aparecen las letras en
mayúsculas como 'N', 'Y' o 'M', se te pide que lo hagas *por* defecto).

Ya ello, se compila el kernel ante eso...

Y una vez terminado, se hace lo siguiente:

dpkg -i *.deb

¡Y a reiniciar para probarlo!

Por cierto. ES bueno hacer un man al make-kpkg para estos casos,...

Si os salta alguna duda... Yo no tengo problemas para compilar kernel's
que se quiera en cada momento. Incluso, los que sean para 64 bits. No
tengo pegas, como ya he dicho. Aquí, muchos lo podemos hacer de antemano.

Y como ya he dicho ayer mismo, tengo ya el último. El 2.6.36, y funcionando.

He hecho tropecientas compilaciones con este portátil, y no he tenido
problemas hasta la fecha.

- -- 
Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.



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Re: Como compilar e instalar kernel

2010-10-22 Thread Juan Lavieri

El 22/10/10 16:51, Ismael L. Donis García escribió:

Por lo que veo me faltó lo más importante en decir.

Lo mas importante que se te olvidó decir es que no quieres tomarte la 
molestia de investigar nada.

Parece que es bastante común en el área donde vives escudarse en la 
excusa No tengo internet

Lo que a mi me parece es que tienen cierta tendencia a esperar a que 
alguien les suministre las cosas.

En mi caso lo que te voy a suministrar es el siguiente enlace que puedes 
conseguir en tu propia máquina.


Esa es la parte de la Guía de Referencia Debian que viene con el 
sistema.  Si no te aparece debes instalar el paquete debian-reference-es 
(en español) y si entiendes el inglés, te sugiero que instales el 
paquete debian-reference-en que es mas completo y está mas actualizado.

Si lees esa documentación con detenimiento, notarás que muchas de las 
preguntas que se hacen en esta lista tienen su respuesta allí;  solo hay 
que hacer el esfuerzo de buscar.

Por favor no tomes este correo como un insulto, ni como un regaño.  
Mejor piensa que te estoy enseñando a pescar, no te voy a dar el pez.

No tengo acceso a Internet, lo que quería hacer para aprender, es 
decir, ver a un amigo que me baje la última versión, cuando el la baja 
me avisa y voy y la traigo en un disco externo y en mi casa (sin 
ningún tipo de acceso a Internet) compilarlo y pruebo todo en mi casa 
para aprender, una vez con todo el conocimiento necesario ya podría 
hacerlo en la PC donde trabajo en la cual tengo Lenny montado.

Así que los pasos que necesito es sin ningún tipo de acceso a Internet

Saludos reiterados.
|| ISMAEL ||

Mucho Éxito


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Re: [DEBIAN] debian e ubuntu - características, div ergências e semelhanças

2010-10-22 Thread Tiago Passos
Achei as perguntas e respostas interessantes :))
Formatei como entrevista e coloquei no meu blog.

Nao pedi autorização a Roberval e Guilherme por ser um e-mail público, mas
creio que não incomodará nenhum dos dois. Se incomodar, basta mandar um
e-mail em PVT.

Até logo :)

Lançamento- Cadastre-se na Rede de Relacionamentos e ganhe r$ 20,00, Indique amigo e ganhe r$ 10,00

2010-10-22 Thread O Twiter brasileiro

Cadastre-se GRATUITAMENTE na RRSocial, atualize seu perfil e ganhe r$
Indique amigo e ganhe r$ 10,00...
Essa é a nova sensação ...

Sucesso a todos, aqui você vai ter uma renda adicional ao seu orçamento.

Copie e cole em seu navegador esse e-mail e depois clique em cadastre-se
GNT Marketing

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2010-10-22 Thread Carlos Alberto
pessoal como eu inicializo a partir do bash o gerenciador de janela twm?


Consultor de Redes GNU\Linux
Carlos Alberto Mota Castro

Re: twm

2010-10-22 Thread China
Em 22 de outubro de 2010 13:38, Carlos Alberto escreveu:
 pessoal como eu inicializo a partir do bash o gerenciador de janela twm?

Para testar, utilize o seguinte comando:

xinit -e twm 

xinit = vai abrir o X
-e = vai executar o comando
twm = comando executado
 = libera o terminal

Se der certo, crie o arquivo twm.desktop dentro de
/usr/share/xsessions/ com o seguinte conteúdo:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=twm Session
Comment=Use this session to run twm: a no-frills, high-speed window manager


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VMWare vSPhere Client

2010-10-22 Thread Thiago Henrique
Fala galera, boa tarde,

Alguém ai já conseguiu fazer o maldito do vSphere Client rodar em Linux?

Se sim, como conseguiu esta proeza?
Nenhum How-To, tutorial, artigo ou reza-brava encontrado no google consegue
me ajudar a fazer isto!

Re: twm

2010-10-22 Thread edson
Eu não uso o twm, mas, basta colocar a chamada dele no arquivo .xinitrc 
no diretório do usuário.

Um exemplo é o seguinte:

# ~~/.xinitrc
# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
# exec ion
# exec wmaker
# exec startkde
# exec icewm
# exec blackbox
# exec gnome-session
# exec startfluxbox
# exec startxfce4
# exec openbox
# exec startlxde
exec twm


Em 22/10/2010 13:38, Carlos Alberto escreveu:

pessoal como eu inicializo a partir do bash o gerenciador de janela twm?


Consultor de Redes GNU\Linux
Carlos Alberto Mota Castro

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Re: twm

2010-10-22 Thread Carlos Alberto
quando uso o comando em um terminal de dentro do nome da o seguinte erro:

maran...@debian:~$ startx -- :1 twm
xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority
xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority
xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority
xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority
X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.
xinit:  Server error.
xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority

o que faço?

Em 22 de outubro de 2010 20:05, Junior Polegato - Linux escreveu:

 Em 22-10-2010 13:38, Carlos Alberto escreveu:

 pessoal como eu inicializo a partir do bash o gerenciador de janela twm?


Se estiver usando o Gnome e GDM para logar, no GDM tem a opção de
 escolher a Sessão, escolha TWM e seja feliz!

Se estiver fazendo o login no terminal, pode executar xinit -e twm
  ou X  twm  no $HOME/.bashrc ou $HOME/.profile ou $HOME/.bash_profile.

Tudo vai depender da forma como loga e carrega o X, como está

Junior Polegato


Consultor de Redes GNU\Linux
Carlos Alberto Mota Castro

Re: twm

2010-10-22 Thread Carlos Alberto
Ja resolvi o problema de permissão, agora preciso saber como inicio o twm a
partir do terminal usando o comando startx -- :1 twm ele não reconhece o
parâmetro twm?!

Em 22 de outubro de 2010 19:40, Jose Lera escreveu:

 Uma esplicação mais detalhada do funcionamento destas permissões você
 encontra em:

 []'s Lera

 --- Alferes 3ª Grau da Federação Da Frota Estelar De São Paulo ---
    _  Jose Maria Correa Lera
  \__(===/_=_/  .--'-`--.___Registered Ubuntu User #16614
  \ \   `,--,-.___.'Registered Linux User #136117
   .--`\ \--'../  A felicidade não depende do que nos falta,
   '---._.|]   mas do bom uso que fazemos do que temos.

 2010/10/22 Carlos Alberto

 quando uso o comando em um terminal de dentro do nome da o seguinte erro:

 maran...@debian:~$ startx -- :1 twm
 xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority
  xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority
 xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority
 xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority
 X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.
 xinit:  Server error.
 xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority

 o que faço?

 Em 22 de outubro de 2010 20:05, Junior Polegato - Linux escreveu:

 Em 22-10-2010 13:38, Carlos Alberto escreveu:

 pessoal como eu inicializo a partir do bash o gerenciador de janela twm?


Se estiver usando o Gnome e GDM para logar, no GDM tem a opção de
 escolher a Sessão, escolha TWM e seja feliz!

Se estiver fazendo o login no terminal, pode executar xinit -e
 twm  ou X  twm  no $HOME/.bashrc ou $HOME/.profile ou

Tudo vai depender da forma como loga e carrega o X, como está

Junior Polegato


 Consultor de Redes GNU\Linux
 Carlos Alberto Mota Castro


Consultor de Redes GNU\Linux
Carlos Alberto Mota Castro

Re: Instabilidade do iceweasel no debian squeeze AMD64

2010-10-22 Thread gustavo
Oi Vinicius, você testou rodar o iceweasel do terminal para ver se ele dá
alguma mensagem de erro?

2010/10/21 Vinicius

 Olá a todos,

 tenho uma instalação do squeeze AMD64, onde tudo funciona perfeitamente,
 exceto o iceweasel, que apresenta um estranho comportamento:

 ao iniciar e por algum tempo, tudo funciona bem, em termos de navegação,
 atualização das páginas, etc
 após algum tempo (não sei determinar por exato, visto que percebo somente
 após ter abandonado o micro por 1 hora ou mais), os links deixam de
 funcionar, as imagens não são mais carregadas, o menu e tudo que está nas
 barras superiores desaparecem e quado encerro o aplicativo o mesmo fecha
 de imediato, sem perguntar se desejo salvar as abas abertas. Ao reiniciar o
 aplicativo, tudo volta ao normal, exceto pelo fato de que as abas não foram

 Acredito que deve ser um problema restrito ao iceweasel, ja que nenhum
 outro aplicativo gráfico tem apresentado qualquer problema (rodo até 2 ou
 tres máquinas virtuais com o virtualbox, sem problemas). Por desencargo de
 consciência testei os HDs com badblocks e a memória com memtest, nada de
 errado. Tambem verifiquei os sistemas de arquivos (ext4).

 A máquina tem como motor um AMD Phenom 4 core, 6GB RAM, placa mãe ASUS,
 ambiente gráfico Gnome

 Alguém já vivenciou este tipo de problema? Alguma dica?



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Re: twm

2010-10-22 Thread Carlos Alberto
A respeito da permissão eu apaguei o arquivo .Xauthority e pronto...

Em 22 de outubro de 2010 21:01, Jose Lera escreveu:

 Oi Carlos, sempre que tu conseguir resolver um problema, deve relatar a
 solução para
 ajudar outras pessoas que estão com mesmo problema.

 Como te expliquei antes:

 coloca no .xinitrc :


 salva, e digita no terminal


 Caso apareça alguma mensagem de erro, é só mandar a mensagem pra gente ver.

 []'s Lera

 --- Alferes 3ª Grau da Federação Da Frota Estelar De São Paulo ---
    _  Jose Maria Correa Lera
  \__(===/_=_/  .--'-`--.___Registered Ubuntu User #16614
  \ \   `,--,-.___.'Registered Linux User #136117
   .--`\ \--'../  A felicidade não depende do que nos falta,
   '---._.|]   mas do bom uso que fazemos do que temos.

 Em 22 de outubro de 2010 20:37, Carlos Alberto 

 Ja resolvi o problema de permissão, agora preciso saber como inicio o twm a
 partir do terminal usando o comando startx -- :1 twm ele não reconhece o
 parâmetro twm?!

 Em 22 de outubro de 2010 19:40, Jose Lera correal...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Uma esplicação mais detalhada do funcionamento destas permissões você
 encontra em:

 []'s Lera

 --- Alferes 3ª Grau da Federação Da Frota Estelar De São Paulo
    _  Jose Maria Correa Lera
  \__(===/_=_/  .--'-`--.___Registered Ubuntu User #16614
  \ \   `,--,-.___.'Registered Linux User #136117
   .--`\ \--'../  A felicidade não depende do que nos
   '---._.|]   mas do bom uso que fazemos do que

 2010/10/22 Carlos Alberto

 quando uso o comando em um terminal de dentro do nome da o seguinte

 maran...@debian:~$ startx -- :1 twm
 xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority
  xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority
 xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority
 xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority
 X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.
 xinit:  Server error.
 xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/maranhao/.Xauthority

 o que faço?

 Em 22 de outubro de 2010 20:05, Junior Polegato - Linux escreveu:

 Em 22-10-2010 13:38, Carlos Alberto escreveu:

 pessoal como eu inicializo a partir do bash o gerenciador de janela


Se estiver usando o Gnome e GDM para logar, no GDM tem a opção
 de escolher a Sessão, escolha TWM e seja feliz!

Se estiver fazendo o login no terminal, pode executar xinit -e
 twm  ou X  twm  no $HOME/.bashrc ou $HOME/.profile ou

Tudo vai depender da forma como loga e carrega o X, como está

Junior Polegato


 Consultor de Redes GNU\Linux
 Carlos Alberto Mota Castro


 Consultor de Redes GNU\Linux
 Carlos Alberto Mota Castro


Consultor de Redes GNU\Linux
Carlos Alberto Mota Castro

Re: troubleshooting slow disk writes on squeeze.

2010-10-22 Thread Siju George
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 8:34 AM, Bob Proulx wrote:

 That sounds more like it is swapping now when before it was not.  Is
 there now a process running that is consuming more memory?  What does
 'cat /proc/meminfo' say about memory usage?  (Although I have gotten
 lazy and rely much upon 'htop' to show me the usage.)  What does
 'vmstat' say in the 'si' and 'so' columns?

Ok I managed to get all data you asked :-)

At this moment

srv1:~# free -m
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:  3956   3538418  0  0181
-/+ buffers/cache:   3356600
Swap: 9538 51   9486

Vmstat 5 output is here

cat /proc/meminfo' taken 3 times is here

Am I running short on RAM?

doesn't this

-/+ buffers/cache:   3356600

say I still have 600 MB free RAM at this point?



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Re: unable to run gsynaptics on lenny

2010-10-22 Thread vishnu vardhan
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:44 AM, vishnu vardhan wrote:

 i have read the readme. however, there is no .xsession or .xinitrc file on
 my system. right now i am using debian 5.0.4 and fluxbox on an encrypted
 lvm. i could not figure out about how to create xsession or xinitc file. i
 will do some research and let you know the result. perhaps the site of
 gsynaptics will shed some light about how to configure and add
 gysnaptic-init. i have added the line for shmconfig and directly run
 /usr/bin/gysnaptics-init, it shows the error of gysnaptics couldn't

*excuse, i have hit reply button instead of reply all. excuse for sending
mail directly to Jordan.*

 On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 6:25 AM, Jordan Metzmeier titan8...@gmail.comwrote:

 On 10/04/2010 01:06 AM, vishnu vardhan wrote:
  i have followed your advice and still i am unable to run gysnaptics.
  herewith i am providing link to xorg.o.log :

  please look into the error.

 No errors in the xorg.conf. However, I see that your initial error was
 reported as a bug:

 The maintainer indicated that the required steps are described in

 If you find that your answer is not there, I would provide feedback to
 the bug report.


 Jordan Metzmeier

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Re: Debian stock kernel config -- CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32?

2010-10-22 Thread Ron Johnson

On 10/22/2010 12:53 AM, Arthur Machlas wrote:

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:15 PM, Andrew  wrote:

  But I'm curious if anyone on the list knows the rationale for
distributing kernels with this set to 32.  Is that just a
reasonable number that's never been updated?  Or is there some
complication that arises after 32 cores, and should I be more
careful about tuning other parameters?

I've always set the number of cores to exactly how many I have x2 when
I roll my own, which on my puny systems is either 4 or 8. I seem to
recall reading that there is a slight performance hit for every core
you support.

Correct.  The amount of effort needed for cross-CPU communication, 
cache coherency and OS process coordination increases much more than 
linearly as you add CPUs.

Crossbar communication (introduced first, I think, by DEC/Compaq in 
2001) eliminated a lot of the latency in multi-CPU communications 
which plagues bus-based systems.

AMD used a similar mesh in it's dual-core CPUs (not surprising, 
since many DEC engineer went to AMD).  Harder to design, but much 

Intel's first (and 2nd?) gen multi-core machines were bus-based; 
easier to design, quicker to get to market, but a lot slower.

(OP's machine is certainly NUMA, where communication between cores 
on a chip is much faster than communication with cores on a 
different chip.)

 Or was it memory hit? Or was that a bong hit I'm thinking

Seek truth from facts.

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Re: Best way to manually replace a package with a customized one

2010-10-22 Thread Volkan YAZICI
On Fri, 22 Oct 2010, Yahya Mohammad writes:
 I want to use a custom compiled version of ffmpeg to enable some extra
 features. What is the best way to do this? I do not want to break
 anything that depends on ffmpeg.

 I tried making my own .deb package using checkinstall. This works
 fine, but whenever I run apt-get upgrade it wants to replace my
 customized ffmpeg.

Does How to keep specific versions of packages installed[1] solve your



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Re: Debian stock kernel config -- CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32?

2010-10-22 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2010-10-22 03:15 +0200, Andrew Reid wrote:

   I recently deployed some new many-core servers at work, with
 48 cores each (4x 12 core AMD 6174s), and ran into an issue where
 the stock Debian kernel is compiled with CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32,
 meaning it will only use the first 32 cores that it sees.

For the record, CONFIG_NR_CPUS has been increased to 512 (the maximum
supported upstream) in Squeeze.

   For old Debian hands like me, this is an easy fix, I just built 
 a new kernel configured for more cores, and it works just fine.

   But I'm curious if anyone on the list knows the rationale for
 distributing kernels with this set to 32.  Is that just a 
 reasonable number that's never been updated?  Or is there some
 complication that arises after 32 cores, and should I be more
 careful about tuning other parameters?

Basically, 32 is chosen a bit arbitrarily.  But there are some problems
with high values of CONFIG_NR_CPUS:

- each supported CPU adds about eight kilobytes to the kernel image,
  wasting memory on most machines.

- On Linux 2.6.28 (maybe all kernels prior to 2.6.29), module size blows


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Re: XFS and Power Failures [Was: Linux filesystems]

2010-10-22 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Volkan YAZICI put forth on 10/21/2010 5:04 AM:
 On Tue, 27 Jul 2010, Volkan YAZICI writes:
 On Tue, 27 Jul 2010, Stan Hoeppner writes:
 What write operations were you performing at the time you pulled the plug?
 Unless you were writing the superblock it'd be almost impossible to hose the
 filesystem to the point it couldn't mount.  Were you doing a resize 
 when you pulled the plug?  xfs_growfs?  As far as recovery, it's automatic
 upon mounting the XFS filesystem.  What do you mean, precisely, by couldn't
 *recover* the / fs?

 Vanilla XFS with noatime,notail like basic mount options. The test was
 simple, I was just typing SELECT 1 from a psql command line (this
 query shouldn't even hit to disk, it just basically returns 1) and
 unplugged machine. At boot, I dropped to fsck command line. At command
 prompt, I manually fiddled around with fsck of xfs to recover the
 unmounted / filesystem, but had no luck. (I also tried recommendations
 and informative messages supplied by manpages and command
 outputs/warnings.) Also if you would Google, it shouldn't be hard to
 spot similar experiences from other people.
 Another scenario, same failure. I have a squeeze installed notebook and
 having troubles with X. It crashes for some driver specific reasons and
 I need to hard-reset the notebook. 1-2 times I found WindowMaker missing
 its workspaces, and I didn't have time to inspect the problem. Now I
 lost all of my Opera bookmarks (~500 collected in years). Thanks XFS,
 but no, you're not power-failure. (BTW, I kill -9ed Opera many times,
 and it restored all of its settings properly. I don't think it is an
 Opera or WindowMaker related bug.)

Open your files with O_PONIES and all your filesystem problems will
magically disappear.

Please educate yourself by reading this
and then reply to your own comments above.

Actually, anyone reading this post should read the article and comments
at that link.  There is way too much misinformation running around and
too many people taking positions publicly (especially on this list) that
are 180 degrees opposite of fact with regard to correct/proper
filesystem behavior.


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Re: Debian 6.0 'Squeeze' home server - Installation guide

2010-10-22 Thread Pinguim Ribeiro
lee lee at writes:

 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 08:25:03PM +, Pinguim.ribeiro wrote:
  I mean the popularity-contest depends on exim4 | mail-transport-agent,
  packages to be installed later and not by the debian installer.

 You would select to install exim4-daemon-heavy anyway, along with
 clamav and spamassassin. The installer installs these for you, but
 it´s up to you to set them up.

I'll install postfix: easy to setup and integrates clamav and 
spamassassin too

 If you need IMAP, you´d install courier-imap (if you don´t want to use
 cyrus). I haven´t tried courier-imap yet, but it seems to be pretty
 much the only IMAP server that supports maildir.
I'm using dovecot: it also supports maildir

 Having that said, once you have set up a minimal system capable of
 providing the services you need, you could put the output of 'dpkg
 --get-selections' into the guide :)

Great idea! I will!

thanks once again, Lee!
Fernando Ribeiro

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Re: Debian stock kernel config -- CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32?

2010-10-22 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Ron Johnson put forth on 10/22/2010 2:00 AM:
 On 10/22/2010 12:53 AM, Arthur Machlas wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:15 PM, Andrew 
   But I'm curious if anyone on the list knows the rationale for
 distributing kernels with this set to 32.  Is that just a
 reasonable number that's never been updated?  Or is there some
 complication that arises after 32 cores, and should I be more
 careful about tuning other parameters?

 I've always set the number of cores to exactly how many I have x2 when
 I roll my own, which on my puny systems is either 4 or 8. I seem to
 recall reading that there is a slight performance hit for every core
 you support.
 Correct.  The amount of effort needed for cross-CPU communication, cache
 coherency and OS process coordination increases much more than linearly
 as you add CPUs.

All of these things but the scheduler, what you call process
coordination, are invisible to the kernel for the most part and are
irrelevant to the discussion of CONFIG_NR_CPUS.

 Crossbar communication (introduced first, I think, by DEC/Compaq in
 2001) eliminated a lot of the latency in multi-CPU communications which
 plagues bus-based systems.

Crossbar bus controllers have been around for over 30 years, first
implemented by IBM in its mainframes in the late 70s IIRC.  Many
RISC/UNIX systems in the 90s implemented crossbar controllers, including
Data General, HP, SGI, SUN, Unisys, etc.

You refer to the Alpha 21364 processor introduced in the
ES47/GS80/GS1280, which did not implement a crossbar for inter-socket
communication.  The 21364 implemented a NUMA interconnect based on a
proprietary directory protocol for multiprocessor cache coherence.
These circuits in NUMA machines are typically called routers, and,
functionally, replace the crossbar of yore.

 AMD used a similar mesh in it's dual-core CPUs (not surprising, since
 many DEC engineer went to AMD).  Harder to design, but much faster.

You make it sound as if AMD _chose_ this design _over_ a shared bus.
There never was such a choice to be made.  Once you implement multiple
cores on a single die you no longer have the option of using a shared
bus such as GTL as the drive voltage is 3.3v, over double the voltages
used within the die.  By definition buses are _external_ to ICs, and
connect ICs to one another.  Buses aren't used within a die.  Discrete
data paths are.

 Intel's first (and 2nd?) gen multi-core machines were bus-based; easier
 to design, quicker to get to market, but a lot slower.

This is because they weren't multi-core chips, but Multi Chip Modules,
or MCMs:  Communication
between ICs within an MCM is external communication, thus a bus can be
used, as well as NUMA which IBM uses in its pSeries (Power5/6/7) MCMs
and Cray used on the X1 and X1E.

 (OP's machine is certainly NUMA, where communication between cores on a
 chip is much faster than communication with cores on a different chip.)

At least you got this part correct Ron. ;)

Back to the question of the thread, the answer, as someone else already
stated, is that the only downside to setting CONFIG_NR_CPUS= to a value
way above the number of physical cores in the machine is kernel
footprint, but it's not very large given the memories of today's
machines.  Adding netfilter support will bloat the kernel footprint far
more than setting CONFIG_NR_CPUS=256 when you only have 48 cores in the box.


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Re: dpkg issue

2010-10-22 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
First try
  dpkg --update-avail
If this doesn't help clean-up the local repository of retrieved package
  apt-get clean
and rebuild the repository
  apt-get update
  aptitude update

Best regards,

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Re: scrollbar on left side

2010-10-22 Thread Roel Schroeven
lee wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:39:22PM +0200, Andreas Weber wrote:
 On 2010-10-21 22:48, lee wrote:
 On a side note: Someone once asked me why the text is moving up when
 you move the scrollbar down. Where´s the logic in that? Why isn´t the
 text moving up together with the scroll bar?
 Seriously? It indicates the position in the document, and so it behaves.
 Yes, seriously, and I do see the point. You move the text with the
 scrollbar, so why does the text move into the opposite direction of
 the scrollbar?

Because it doesn't move the text, it moves the viewing window in the text.

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Re: ping packet loss when size gt 1500

2010-10-22 Thread Chris Davies
Adam Hardy wrote:
 What I need is a ping test or something that I can put in smokeping
 to alert me when I forget, e.g. this morning there was a power outage
 that took out the modem.

I think there are others here making suggestions for that.

 What do you mean by 'clamped'?

Locked to. At the risk of stating the obvious, do take a look at What I'm not sure about is
whether the clamping actually means a maximum value, or whether it would
even refuse to allow the MTU to be reduced.

 I dropped these firewall rules just now and ping -s 1473 loses all packets, so our thread pretty much only
 concerns the situation when this firewall is down.

Possibly. If there's something else blocking ICMP then your firewall
ruleset will be masked by that other device. But if you managed to
resolve the issue for the remote device your firewall would still get
in the way and muddy the results.

 My actual question is: what would fail to get through when that firewall
 was up? For my testing purposes.

If I've read the ruleset correctly, it drops all ICMP. This includes
host-unreachable, port-unreachable, packet-too-big, in addition to the
well known echo/response pair (ping).


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Re: I can't get the Linux kernel RDS exploit to exploit my machine...

2010-10-22 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 16:49:43 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:

 I installed my kernel back on 01-Oct, so it should be vulnerable, but
 it's not, even when I modprobed the rds modules.


 [*] Failed to resolve kernel symbols.

Mmm... by reading the c file I think that is not the message you should 
get but [*] Exploit failed to get root. or [*] Got root! (for 
affected and vulnerable systems) :-)

The sample file got stuck at resolving some kernel symbols and then 
exits. The question is why :-?



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Re: text-only login is root?

2010-10-22 Thread Jesús M. Navarro
Hi, postid:

On Thursday 21 October 2010 23:49:03 post id wrote:
 I've set up a minimal system on one of my machines and used no login

Of course you do.  If you weren't using one, you wouldn't be able to log into 
the system.

 -- I login at the prompt

See?  What you don't use is a *graphical* login manager.

 and type startx to start the graphical  
 session. Now I read a claim that if one didn't use a login manager to log
 in and start X, then one  was logging in with root privileges. That doesn't
 appear to be true since I don't seem to have root privileges,


You log into the system as whatever user and thereafter you run programs under 
that user, being the X-Window manager (the graphical session) one of them.

Maybe you were misguided by the fact that the X system needs, no matter how it 
is run, some high privileges (it needs some low lever access to your system, 
graphic memory, for instance) and it's a so called setuid program (which 
means the program itself runs under the root effective user... always, even 
if a graphical login manager is involved).  Anyway, that seems to be 
something a bit more technical than you need to know now: for all your 
practical purposes, the graphical environment will still give you just the 
privileges you already got when you started your session from the command 

 although when 
 I do ctrl-alt-f1 I get a list of messages such as Restore TV PLL, etc.
 rather than a command prompt.

By means of startx you started a command basically as any other else.

Try this:

Once you start your command session, execute the command 'ls -lR /' (this will 
recursively list all the files in your system).  You will see it takes quite 
long to run and that you won't be returned to a command prompt till it's 
finished.  That's the usual way for all commands, startx included.  Since 
startx didn't finish while you still have your GUI at AltGr-7 terminal, no 
command prompt is returned.

But unix-like systems seem to have a solution for everything: foreground 
long-running commands (like startx) can be sent to background by means of 
the ampersand operator, like this: 'startx '.  By doing this, you 
temporarily dettach the command from its controlling terminal and because of 
that a command prompt is returned.

 I don't get that on my other machines running 
 graphical login managers.

A graphical login manager is a daemon: a kind of program specifically 
developed not to need a controlling terminal to be launched (and usually 
meant to be automatically started at boot up).

Again, try this:

Once you start your non-graphical session, execute the command 'ps -efH'.  You 
will see quite a long list of already running programs: all of them are 
daemons.  On your machines using a graphical login manager you will see it 
somewhere in the output of ps (xdm, gdm, kdm... whatever you happen to be 

 Do I have a security problem here?

I hope you understand now by yourself that, no, you don't have any security 
problem because of this.  That's the way things are expected to work.

 If so, will  
 just installing a lightweight login manager (xdm?) cure it or do I need to
 change some settings somewhere? I'd be thankful for advice. Please cc me
 since I'm not currently subscribed to the list.

The question is: if all you do from command prompt is login, then startx, then 
start working from within the GUI, why do you take the extra hassle?  Install 
your graphical login manager of choice and get done with it.  Even if most of 
what you do on your desktop is non-graphical, the X-Window manager is an 
effective way to be able to launch multiple terminals and work from them. I 
for one hasn't owned a text-only desktop/laptop for ages.


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restricting number of user logins

2010-10-22 Thread Mag Gam
Currently we do alot of `rsync -e ssh` to a host.  Is it possible to
restrict only 5 logins per user on the server?  My goal is to avoid
having 100s of these sshd processes running on the server which will
slow it down.

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Re: text-only login is root?

2010-10-22 Thread Jesús M. Navarro
Hi, postid:

On Friday 22 October 2010 02:26:38 post id wrote:

 So how do I shut down X properly? On this laptop I
 usually do shutdown -h now from a console when I'm
 ready to quit.

That certainly will stop the X environment since what you are doing is 
completly halting the machine.

In order to just stop the X environment but still running your computer you 
can always do it brute force: the key combination Ctrl-Alt-Delete will 
forcibly stop just the X environment.  By doing this, you will see you are 
returned to the controlling terminal and that the command prompt will be 
restored (since the startx program is now stopped; remember my previous 
message about it).

If startx is configured, as I suspect, to start not only the X-Windows system 
but a window/desktop manager too (xfce, KDE, Gnome, whatever), there will be 
somewhere within the window manager an option to shut it down (depending on 
the environment, it will be accesable using your right mouse button or an 
entry somewhere on the desktop bar).  This will allow for the GUI to 
properly clean itself prior to stop so it should be considered the proper 

But again, by what you say it seems that all you do from the text console is 
launching your GUI and once you end up with your GUI you don't mean completly 
stopping your computer.  Given that, I'd say you'd be better off by 
installing a graphical login manager (you yourself suggested xdm) and forget 
about all this.


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problems with USB disk

2010-10-22 Thread lee

I´m having trouble copying files for backup purposes to an USB disk
with rsync. Copying the files sometimes fails with Input/output error
(5), and I´m getting messages in the syslog like these:

[128625.090339] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Unhandled sense code
[128625.090342] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
[128625.090345] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Sense Key : 0x3 [current] 
[128625.090348] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] ASC=0x11 ASCQ=0x0
[128625.090350] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] CDB: cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 67 d0 99 65 00 00 10 
[128625.090354] end_request: I/O error, dev sdf, sector 1741724005
[128627.397801] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Unhandled sense code
[128627.397811] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
[128627.397821] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Sense Key : 0x3 [current] 
[128627.397830] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] ASC=0x11 ASCQ=0x0
[128627.397839] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] CDB: cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 67 d0 99 6d 00 00 08 
[128627.397858] end_request: I/O error, dev sdf, sector 1741724013
[128627.397894] EXT4-fs error (device sdf3): __ext4_get_inode_loc: unable to 
read inode block - inode=52298807, block=209191011
[128629.945331] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Unhandled sense code
[128629.945340] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
[128629.945349] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Sense Key : 0x3 [current] 
[128629.945359] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] ASC=0x11 ASCQ=0x0
[128629.945367] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] CDB: cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 67 d0 99 65 00 00 10 
[128629.945386] end_request: I/O error, dev sdf, sector 1741724005
[128632.219655] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Unhandled sense code
[128632.219664] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
[128632.219673] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Sense Key : 0x3 [current] 
[128632.219682] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] ASC=0x11 ASCQ=0x0
[128632.219690] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] CDB: cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 67 d0 99 6d 00 00 08 
[128632.219708] end_request: I/O error, dev sdf, sector 1741724013

If this wasn´t an USB disk, I would assume that the disk has
failed. But with USB, I´m not so sure: can this be some sort of
problem with USB, like a connection problem?

Sometimes copying the files works just fine, sometimes not. If the
disk was actually broken, I´d rather expect the copying to fail every
time. What might be going on here?

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Re: Ethernet port dead

2010-10-22 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Andrei Popescu writes:

  @Rodolfo, could you please post the output of 'lspci -nnk', preferably 
  only the part relevant to the SiS Ethernet controler.

On Mi, 20 oct 10, 13:11:38, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

 For Etch, the  `k' option is not valid: so I used Knoppix.
 To be sure, I posted the whole output of 'lspci -nnk' to:

Andrei Popescu writes:

 Yes, but we are trying to diagnose your system, not the live one... BTW, 
 this question came up before, but I don't recall you answering it. Does 
 the card work with Knoppix?

Well, no, it doesn't.  That's why I thought that diagnosing with Knoppix would
be just the same.  If the card worked, say, with a newer kernel, then it would
be easy to solve the problem and save the card with a simple upgrade to Debian

 Also, in your system, what happens if you just

 modprobe sis990

 This thread has gotten very long and complicated and I feel like a lot 
 of information is still missing. It might help if you make a summary 
 including what systems/kernel versions did you test with and what 
 results did you get and 'lspci -nnk', 'ifconfig -a' and (relevant part 
 of) 'dmesg' output for each.

 You can post lspci and ifconfig outputs directly to the list, use only for very long stuff (like full dmesg).

Thanks for your help.

I'm attaching the file ethernet-enquiry.tar.gz, that you can unpack with `tar
xzvf ethernet-enquiry.tar.gz'.  It's only 12Kb.  There are all those outputs:

ifconfig -a
uname -a
modprobe sis990
lspci -nnk

for the two different systems Debian Etch and Debian Lenny on the same machine
from two different partitions.

I wish the card could work again, or else I shall buy an usb-ethernet adaptor
and hope it will be all right.  It is necessary for me sharing files via
ethernet from one machine to another.


Description: Binary data

Re: text-only login is root?

2010-10-22 Thread post id

--- On Fri, 10/22/10, Ron Johnson wrote:

 From: Ron Johnson
 Subject: Re: text-only login is root?
 To: post id
 Date: Friday, October 22, 2010, 4:15 AM
 On 10/21/2010 10:11 PM, post id
  --- On Fri, 10/22/10, David 
  --- On Thu, 10/21/10, David
  My setup is a seven-year-old laptop, with Lenny and
  and Icewm. The laptop has a cd/cdrw/dvd drive,
  a 40GB hard drive, wifi and ethernet. Most-used
 software are
  browser and email plus some office and DTP apps. To
 shutdown, I
  usually manually close down apps, then do shutdown -h
  in an Xterm.
 What we *should* be asking you is, Since you use startx
 like God 
 intended, why do you feel the need for ctrl-alt-f1?
 there a better way?
 Exit all the way out of Fluxbox and *then* run shutdown -h
Aha. Thank you very much. 


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Re: Best way to manually replace a package with a customized one

2010-10-22 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 10:09:16AM +0300, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
 On Fri, 22 Oct 2010, Yahya Mohammad writes:
  I want to use a custom compiled version of ffmpeg to enable some extra
  features. What is the best way to do this? I do not want to break
  anything that depends on ffmpeg.
  I tried making my own .deb package using checkinstall. This works
  fine, but whenever I run apt-get upgrade it wants to replace my
  customized ffmpeg.
 Does How to keep specific versions of packages installed[1] solve your

Use of pin is one way but quite cumbersome... 

The most generic solution is the method our next Release Notes uses:

$ echo package_name hold | dpkg --set-selection

This works for any package management tool, apt-get/aptitude/ ...

See more at:


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Re: problems with USB disk

2010-10-22 Thread Osamu Aoki

Short answer: USB flash can die.

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 02:07:09PM +0200, lee wrote:
 I´m having trouble copying files for backup purposes to an USB disk
 with rsync. Copying the files sometimes fails with Input/output error
 (5), and I´m getting messages in the syslog like these:
 failed. But with USB, I´m not so sure: can this be some sort of
 problem with USB, like a connection problem?

USB disk uses NAND flash device in it.  This device itself has very low
endurance for multiple rewrites.  Several orders less than conventional
HDD.  In simple terms, USB key device can die causing device errors.

The more expensive USB keys are, the more likely the USB device comes
with better error correction logic and multiple write avoidance logic.
Some company made fortune with such logic ... You know SANDISK.

But these things will die sometime or you may have bought cheaper device
with less of such protection.

 Sometimes copying the files works just fine, sometimes not. If the
 disk was actually broken, I´d rather expect the copying to fail every
 time. What might be going on here?

Recover as much data from your USB key and toss it.  You need new USB



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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2010 #1688

2010-10-22 Thread Farid Ansari
*Please someone advise how to unsubscribe from the userlists. I tried to do
so unsucessfully. I cannot cope with the mails.*
*Any help given will be highly appreciated.*

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 5:58 AM, wrote:

 Content-Type: text/plain

 debian-user-digest Digest   Volume 2010 : Issue

 Today's Topics:
  Re: XFS and Power Failures [Was: Lin  [ Stan Hoeppner
 s...@hardwarefreak.c ]
  Re: Debian 6.0 'Squeeze' home server  [ Pinguim Ribeiro
 pinguim.ribe...@gm ]
  Re: Debian stock kernel config -- CO  [ Stan Hoeppner
 s...@hardwarefreak.c ]
  Re: dpkg issue[
 =?UTF-8?B?SsO2cmctVm9sa2VyIFBlZXR6? ]
  Re: scrollbar on left side[ Roel Schroeven
 rschroev_nospam_ml@ ]
  Re: ping packet loss when size gt 15  [ Chris Davies
 chris-use...@roaima.c ]
  Re: I can't get the Linux kernel RDS  [ =?iso-8859-1?q?Camale=F3n?=
 noelam ]
  Re: text-only login is root?  [ =?iso-8859-1?q?Jes=FAs_M=2E?=
 Nava ]
  restricting number of user logins [ Mag Gam ]
  Re: text-only login is root?  [ =?iso-8859-1?q?Jes=FAs_M=2E?=
 Nava ]
  problems with USB disk[ lee ]

 Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 03:48:57 -0500
 From: Stan Hoeppner
 Subject: Re: XFS and Power Failures [Was: Linux filesystems]
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

 Volkan YAZICI put forth on 10/21/2010 5:04 AM:
  On Tue, 27 Jul 2010, Volkan YAZICI writes:
  On Tue, 27 Jul 2010, Stan Hoeppner writes:
  What write operations were you performing at the time you pulled the
  Unless you were writing the superblock it'd be almost impossible to
 hose the
  filesystem to the point it couldn't mount.  Were you doing a resize
  when you pulled the plug?  xfs_growfs?  As far as recovery, it's
  upon mounting the XFS filesystem.  What do you mean, precisely, by
  *recover* the / fs?
  Vanilla XFS with noatime,notail like basic mount options. The test was
  simple, I was just typing SELECT 1 from a psql command line (this
  query shouldn't even hit to disk, it just basically returns 1) and
  unplugged machine. At boot, I dropped to fsck command line. At command
  prompt, I manually fiddled around with fsck of xfs to recover the
  unmounted / filesystem, but had no luck. (I also tried recommendations
  and informative messages supplied by manpages and command
  outputs/warnings.) Also if you would Google, it shouldn't be hard to
  spot similar experiences from other people.
  Another scenario, same failure. I have a squeeze installed notebook and
  having troubles with X. It crashes for some driver specific reasons and
  I need to hard-reset the notebook. 1-2 times I found WindowMaker missing
  its workspaces, and I didn't have time to inspect the problem. Now I
  lost all of my Opera bookmarks (~500 collected in years). Thanks XFS,
  but no, you're not power-failure. (BTW, I kill -9ed Opera many times,
  and it restored all of its settings properly. I don't think it is an
  Opera or WindowMaker related bug.)

 Open your files with O_PONIES and all your filesystem problems will
 magically disappear.

 Please educate yourself by reading this
 and then reply to your own comments above.

 Actually, anyone reading this post should read the article and comments
 at that link.  There is way too much misinformation running around and
 too many people taking positions publicly (especially on this list) that
 are 180 degrees opposite of fact with regard to correct/proper
 filesystem behavior.


 Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 08:48:52 + (UTC)
 From: Pinguim Ribeiro
 Subject: Re: Debian 6.0 'Squeeze' home server - Installation guide
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

 lee lee at writes:

  On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 08:25:03PM +, Pinguim.ribeiro wrote:
   I mean the popularity-contest depends on exim4 | mail-transport-agent,
   packages to be installed later and not by the debian installer.

  You would select to install exim4-daemon-heavy anyway, along with
  clamav and spamassassin. The installer installs these for you, but
  it´s up to you to set them up.

 I'll install postfix: easy to setup and integrates clamav and
 spamassassin too

  If you need IMAP, you´d install courier-imap (if you don´t want to use
  cyrus). I haven´t tried courier-imap yet, but it seems to be pretty
  much the only IMAP server that supports maildir.
 I'm using dovecot: it also supports maildir

  Having that said, once you have set up a minimal system capable of

Re: dpkg issue

2010-10-22 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote, on 10/22/10 12:24:
 First try
   dpkg --update-avail
 If this doesn't help clean-up the local repository of retrieved package
   apt-get clean

Sorry this is the wrong comman. You have to do that manually:

rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*

 and rebuild the repository
   apt-get update
   aptitude update

Best regards,

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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2010 #1688

2010-10-22 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 06:52:31 -0700, Farid Ansari wrote:

 *Please someone advise how to unsubscribe from the userlists. 

You can do it from here:

 I tried to do so unsucessfully. I cannot cope with the mails.* *Any
 help given will be highly appreciated.* *Thanks.*

If you are still facing any problem with unsubscribing, contact the 
mailing list postmater:



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Re: scrollbar on left side

2010-10-22 Thread lee
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 12:24:46PM +0200, Roel Schroeven wrote:
 lee wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:39:22PM +0200, Andreas Weber wrote:
  On 2010-10-21 22:48, lee wrote:
  On a side note: Someone once asked me why the text is moving up when
  you move the scrollbar down. Where´s the logic in that? Why isn´t the
  text moving up together with the scroll bar?
  Seriously? It indicates the position in the document, and so it behaves.
  Yes, seriously, and I do see the point. You move the text with the
  scrollbar, so why does the text move into the opposite direction of
  the scrollbar?
 Because it doesn't move the text, it moves the viewing window in the text.

The window isn´t moving, it remains at the same place on the
display. When you move the window, the contents move with it. When you
move the scrollbar, the contents of the window move. So you can´t
argue that movement is relative.

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Re: problems with USB disk

2010-10-22 Thread lee
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 10:08:02PM +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
 Short answer: USB flash can die.
 On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 02:07:09PM +0200, lee wrote:
  I´m having trouble copying files for backup purposes to an USB disk
  with rsync. Copying the files sometimes fails with Input/output error
  (5), and I´m getting messages in the syslog like these:
  failed. But with USB, I´m not so sure: can this be some sort of
  problem with USB, like a connection problem?
 USB disk uses NAND flash device in it.

It´s an USB disk. Why would it use some sort of flash memory?

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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2010 #1688

2010-10-22 Thread Alan Ianson
On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 06:52 -0700, Farid Ansari wrote:
 Please someone advise how to unsubscribe from the userlists. I tried
 to do so unsucessfully. I cannot cope with the mails.
 Any help given will be highly appreciated.

You can try this web page to unsubscribe..

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Re: problems with USB disk

2010-10-22 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

lee wrote:


I´m having trouble copying files for backup purposes to an USB disk
with rsync. Copying the files sometimes fails with Input/output error
(5), and I´m getting messages in the syslog like these:

[128625.090339] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Unhandled sense code
[128625.090342] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
[128625.090345] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Sense Key : 0x3 [current] 
[128625.090348] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] ASC=0x11 ASCQ=0x0

[128625.090350] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] CDB: cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 67 d0 99 65 00 00 10 
[128625.090354] end_request: I/O error, dev sdf, sector 1741724005
[128627.397801] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Unhandled sense code
[128627.397811] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
[128627.397821] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Sense Key : 0x3 [current] 
[128627.397830] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] ASC=0x11 ASCQ=0x0

[128627.397839] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] CDB: cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 67 d0 99 6d 00 00 08 
[128627.397858] end_request: I/O error, dev sdf, sector 1741724013
[128627.397894] EXT4-fs error (device sdf3): __ext4_get_inode_loc: unable to 
read inode block - inode=52298807, block=209191011
[128629.945331] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Unhandled sense code
[128629.945340] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
[128629.945349] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Sense Key : 0x3 [current] 
[128629.945359] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] ASC=0x11 ASCQ=0x0

[128629.945367] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] CDB: cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 67 d0 99 65 00 00 10 
[128629.945386] end_request: I/O error, dev sdf, sector 1741724005
[128632.219655] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Unhandled sense code
[128632.219664] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08
[128632.219673] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] Sense Key : 0x3 [current] 
[128632.219682] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] ASC=0x11 ASCQ=0x0

[128632.219690] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdf] CDB: cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 67 d0 99 6d 00 00 08 
[128632.219708] end_request: I/O error, dev sdf, sector 1741724013

If this wasn´t an USB disk, I would assume that the disk has
failed. But with USB, I´m not so sure: can this be some sort of
problem with USB, like a connection problem?

Sometimes copying the files works just fine, sometimes not. If the
disk was actually broken, I´d rather expect the copying to fail every
time. What might be going on here?

When you say 'USB disk' I presume you mean an exterior harddrive, either 
 SATA or IDE, connected via USB cable.

I have 2 of those, one IDE and one SATA and I never ever see error 
messages like that: IMO the disk is bad.


smartctl -d sat /dev/sda --all -T permissive

I can test the IDE USB disk but not the SATA one.


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Re: problems with USB disk

2010-10-22 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

lee wrote:


I´m having trouble copying files for backup purposes to an USB disk
with rsync. Copying the files sometimes fails with Input/output error
(5), and I´m getting messages in the syslog like these:


This is what I get:

Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.497113] scsi 2:0:0:0: 
Direct-Access WDC WD80 0JD-60LUA0   07.0 PQ: 0 ANSI: 4
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.498323] sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi 
generic sg2 type 0
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.503713] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] 
156301488 512-byte logical blocks: (80.0 GB/74.5 GiB)
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.504205] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Write 
Protect is off
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.504209] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode 
Sense: 11 00 00 00
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.504213] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming 
drive cache: write through
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.505953] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming 
drive cache: write through
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.506198]  sdb: sdb1 sdb2 sdb3 sdb4 
 sdb5 sdb6 sdb7 
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.576973] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming 
drive cache: write through
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.577226] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached 
SCSI disk
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.656147] usb-storage: device scan 
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.658638] scsi 3:0:0:0: 
Direct-Access ST380211 0A    PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.659826] sd 3:0:0:0: Attached scsi 
generic sg3 type 0
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.660254] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdc] 
156301488 512-byte logical blocks: (80.0 GB/74.5 GiB)
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.661121] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdc] Write 
Protect is off
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.661126] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdc] Mode 
Sense: 27 00 00 00
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.661130] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming 
drive cache: write through
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.663831] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming 
drive cache: write through
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.664134]  sdc: sdc1 sdc2 sdc3 sdc4 
 sdc5 sdc6 sdc7 
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.708878] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming 
drive cache: write through
Oct 22 08:02:43 debian kernel: [7.709144] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached 
SCSI disk

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Re: scrollbar on left side

2010-10-22 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 22:03, lee wrote:

 is there finally a way to get the scrollbar on the left side rather
 than on the right side in KDE?

Sure, start the application with the --reverse flag:
$ okular --reverse

Dotan Cohen

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Wierd kde/gnome interaction

2010-10-22 Thread B. Alexander
For the past few weeks, I have had something wierd going on.

I have a full workstation load on my workstation, including KDE 4.4.5 and
Gnome. I personally run KDE. What I have seen over the past few weeks is
that when I plug in anything that triggers the device notifier (e.g. CD,
N900, thumb drive), the Gnome app (nautilus?) usually pops up before I have
the chance to select it in the device notifier.

Is there any way to shut Gnome up when I'm in KDE?


Re: Debian stock kernel config -- CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32?

2010-10-22 Thread owens

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Debian stock kernel config -- CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32?
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 02:00:45 -0500

On 10/22/2010 12:53 AM, Arthur Machlas wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:15 PM, Andrew  wrote:
   But I'm curious if anyone on the list knows the rationale for
 distributing kernels with this set to 32.  Is that just a
 reasonable number that's never been updated?  Or is there some
 complication that arises after 32 cores, and should I be more
 careful about tuning other parameters?

 I've always set the number of cores to exactly how many I have x2
 I roll my own, which on my puny systems is either 4 or 8. I seem
 recall reading that there is a slight performance hit for every
 you support.

Correct.  The amount of effort needed for cross-CPU communication, 
cache coherency and OS process coordination increases much more than

linearly as you add CPUs.

In fact IIRC the additional overhead follows the square of the number
of CPUs.  I seem to recall this was called Amdahl's Law after Gene
Amdahl of IBM (and later his own company)

Crossbar communication (introduced first, I think, by DEC/Compaq in 
2001) eliminated a lot of the latency in multi-CPU communications 
which plagues bus-based systems.

AMD used a similar mesh in it's dual-core CPUs (not surprising, 
since many DEC engineer went to AMD).  Harder to design, but much 

Intel's first (and 2nd?) gen multi-core machines were bus-based; 
easier to design, quicker to get to market, but a lot slower.

(OP's machine is certainly NUMA, where communication between cores 
on a chip is much faster than communication with cores on a 
different chip.)

  Or was it memory hit? Or was that a bong hit I'm

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Re: problems with USB disk

2010-10-22 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 14:07:09 +0200, lee wrote:

 I´m having trouble copying files for backup purposes to an USB disk with
 rsync. Copying the files sometimes fails with Input/output error (5),
 and I´m getting messages in the syslog like these:


 [128627.397894] EXT4-fs error (device sdf3): __ext4_get_inode_loc: unable to 
 read inode block - inode=52298807, block=209191011

That looks like a filesystem error/corruption. Did you fsck-it?

(remember to make a full backup before performing any action)

 If this wasn´t an USB disk, I would assume that the disk has failed. But
 with USB, I´m not so sure: can this be some sort of problem with USB,
 like a connection problem?

You are also getting timeouts and I/O error. USB host controller/
enclosure or cable can be also the cause. Can you test the drive in 
another USB enclosure or attach it directly to the motherboard port?



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Re: Wierd kde/gnome interaction

2010-10-22 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 11:27:33 -0400, B. Alexander wrote:

 For the past few weeks, I have had something wierd going on.
 I have a full workstation load on my workstation, including KDE 4.4.5
 and Gnome. I personally run KDE. What I have seen over the past few
 weeks is that when I plug in anything that triggers the device notifier
 (e.g. CD, N900, thumb drive), the Gnome app (nautilus?) usually pops up
 before I have the chance to select it in the device notifier.
 Is there any way to shut Gnome up when I'm in KDE?

Mmm... check for services running on start up (you can use system 
monitor) and look for the suspicious one (gnome-volume-manager, nautilus-
* or so) and if running, kill it. Then load a CD or any other media 
device and see what happens.



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Stopping sound preview

2010-10-22 Thread Mark Allums
I am running latest Squeeze Gnome (2.30), it previews music files when 
you hover the mouse cursor over the file icon.  While sorting out 
assorted mp3s on the desktop, the songs play, and I *hate* this.  How do 
I turn off preview without turning off sound completely?

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Re: LaTeX, Texlive-luatex, Biber installation procedure

2010-10-22 Thread Morgan Gangwere
On 10/21/2010 7:48 AM, brownh wrote:
| Am I correct to assume that if I install texlive, texlive-luatex, and
| CTAN biber in that order, I should end up with a fully functional TeX
| Live 2010, with LaTeX2e macros and biblatex support?

I use Texlive-latex-recommended and go from there.

| I run into discussions about setting up some PATHs to support
| tlmgr. That's easily done, but I don't want to do it if an
| installation of texlive-luatex sets up the needed paths
| automatically. Does it?

Debian theoretically does Most Things Automagically(tm) so you should be
okay on that. I've not had much problems doing just normal typesetting.


Morgan Gangwere

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Re: Stopping sound preview

2010-10-22 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 11:21:47 -0500, Mark Allums wrote:

 I am running latest Squeeze Gnome (2.30), it previews music files when
 you hover the mouse cursor over the file icon.  While sorting out
 assorted mp3s on the desktop, the songs play, and I *hate* this.  How do
 I turn off preview without turning off sound completely?

Sound preview can be disabled from Nautilus / edit / preferences / 
preview tab and select never for sound preview.



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Re: ssh-add problem

2010-10-22 Thread Bob Proulx
john wrote:
 The following output describes my problem:
 rich...@debian:~/Desktop$ ssh-add -c ~/.ssh/id_rsa
 Enter passphrase for /home/richard/.ssh/id_rsa: 
 Bad passphrase, try again for /home/richard/.ssh/id_rsa:
 What am I doing wrong?

Bad passphrase says that the passphrase you typed in did not match
the one used on the file.  They did not match.  The file was not
decrypted and could not be used.  It failed and retried giving you the
chance to try again and answer the passphrase question correctly.  It
asked you for the passphrase again.  You need to supply the same
passphrase that you used when you created the file with ssh-keygen.

 I get similar response if I use ssh-keygen.

ssh-keygen is used to create that file (and to manage it later) and to
set a passphrase upon it.  The file is encrypted so that if the file
is copied (from the live file or from backup) then it can't be used
without knowing the passphrase to decrypt it.

If you have forgotten your passphrase and cannot remember it then
there is no way to recover it.  You would need to create a new key and
set a new passphrase upon it.  Then you would need to update all
remote host locations that are using it in the ssh authorized_keys


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Re: text-only login is root?

2010-10-22 Thread Bob McGowan
On 10/21/2010 05:26 PM, post id wrote:
 --- On Thu, 10/21/10, David Jardine wrote:

--deleted apology--

 On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 02:49:03PM -0700, post id wrote:
 I've set up a minimal system on one of my machines and
 used no login 
 manager -- I login at the prompt and type startx to
 start the 
 graphical session. Now I read a claim that if one
 didn't use a login 
 manager to log in and start X, then one  was logging
 in with root 

--deleted on purpose--

 You don't get a command prompt because you haven't logged
 out of the 
 X session.  
 And since that X session was started in that screen
 it's still there running when I do a ctrl+alt+f1.
 The login manager doesn't use a screen to start X, so
 it doesn't show up on a screen, right?
 So what's the following that appears on the screen?:
 Entering Restore TV
 Restore TV PLL
 Restore TV HV
 Restore TV Restarts
 Restore Timing Tables
 Restore TV Standard
 Leaving Restore TV

--and some more--

Your login is on tty1, where you then run startx.

The startx script runs the xserver on another tty, tty7 is one (I think
the usual) place.

So, when you use Ctl-Alt-F1 you'll go back to tty1, where you've logged
in and are running 'startx'.

But if you use Ctl-Alt-F[2-6] you'll get to one of tty2 - tty6, and
you'll see a login prompt (assuming you have more than one virtual tty
set up for login).

All that output on tty1 is simply startx telling you what it's doing.
Which is a good thing ;) because if there are problems, the relevant
error message will be there, too.

Bob McGowan

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Re: Wierd kde/gnome interaction

2010-10-22 Thread B. Alexander
I checked with ps, and there was nothing gnome running. I'm remoted in from
work, so I can't connect anything to it, but nothing seems to be listening
from the gnome camp.


On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:46 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 11:27:33 -0400, B. Alexander wrote:

  For the past few weeks, I have had something wierd going on.
  I have a full workstation load on my workstation, including KDE 4.4.5
  and Gnome. I personally run KDE. What I have seen over the past few
  weeks is that when I plug in anything that triggers the device notifier
  (e.g. CD, N900, thumb drive), the Gnome app (nautilus?) usually pops up
  before I have the chance to select it in the device notifier.
  Is there any way to shut Gnome up when I'm in KDE?

 Mmm... check for services running on start up (you can use system
 monitor) and look for the suspicious one (gnome-volume-manager, nautilus-
 * or so) and if running, kill it. Then load a CD or any other media
 device and see what happens.



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Re: scrollbar on left side

2010-10-22 Thread Ron Johnson

On 10/22/2010 09:44 AM, lee wrote:

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 12:24:46PM +0200, Roel Schroeven wrote:

lee wrote:

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:39:22PM +0200, Andreas Weber wrote:

On 2010-10-21 22:48, lee wrote:

On a side note: Someone once asked me why the text is moving up when
you move the scrollbar down. Where´s the logic in that? Why isn´t the
text moving up together with the scroll bar?

Seriously? It indicates the position in the document, and so it behaves.

Yes, seriously, and I do see the point. You move the text with the
scrollbar, so why does the text move into the opposite direction of
the scrollbar?

Because it doesn't move the text, it moves the viewing window in the text.

The window isn´t moving, it remains at the same place on the
display. When you move the window, the contents move with it. When you
move the scrollbar, the contents of the window move. So you can´t
argue that movement is relative.

I knew that Roel's use of the phrase viewing window would confuse 
someone.  There's more than one use of the word window.

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Re: Debian stock kernel config -- CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32?

2010-10-22 Thread Ron Johnson

On 10/22/2010 10:34 AM, wrote:

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Debian stock kernel config -- CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32?
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 02:00:45 -0500

Correct.  The amount of effort needed for cross-CPU communication,
cache coherency and OS process coordination increases much more than

linearly as you add CPUs.

In fact IIRC the additional overhead follows the square of the number
of CPUs.

Maybe in brute-force implementations, but otherwise the machine 
would bog down after just a few CPUs.

Note that h/w engineers and OS designers/writers have put a lot of 
work into minimizing the overhead and maximize the parallelism of 
extra CPUs.

Seek truth from facts.

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change in behavior of iptables with respect to firestarter

2010-10-22 Thread Gilbert Sullivan
I'm running Firestarter 1.0.3 on Debian testing (both systems involved 
in this message).

A number of months ago I was in a situation where I wanted to establish 
an SSH connection from my notebook to a desktop system. Because the 
network on which this desktop system resides is less well controled than 
I'd like I used Firestarter to configure the iptables to allow 
connections on port 22 only from one specific IP address, the one 
assigned to the notebook.

At that time, no system with any other IP address could connect to the 
desktop. (I tested it.) Now that I need to use the notebook again at 
this location and want to use the systems in the same way again I find 
that I can connect to that desktop from ANY IP address on the network. 
When I look at the policy page in Firestarter on the desktop I see that 
only the one IP address assigned to the notebook is supposed to be 
allowed to connect on port 22. (There are no other exceptions.)

If I manually start Firestarter on the desktop, then I can only connect 
to it from the specified IP address. After I reboot the desktop I can 
once again connect to the desktop from any IP address, given that I use 
the correct user name and password, of course.

I checked the other way around by trying to connect to the notebook from 
the desktop. The notebook is promiscuous, too -- unless I actually 
have started Firestarter during an operating session, I will be able to 
connect to the notebook from the desktop (as long as I have the correct 
user name and password) even though I have set the notebook to allow no 
connections whatsoever.

This is not how it used to work. A few months ago, regardless of whether 
or not I actually started the Firestarter interface during a session, 
the policy applied to iptables by Firestarter would hold for these 
systems through restarts.

Could someone help me, please? I tried searching the firestarter list's 
archive, and I tried to join their list and post this question, but the 
list's moderator hasn't got back to me. It appears that the rules I want 
in iptables are not in effect at all until I actually  bring up the 
Firestarter user interface during a given session. Once I log off 
(restart not necessary) the rules are apparently reset to the default.


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Re: text-only login is root?

2010-10-22 Thread Ron Johnson

On 10/22/2010 06:47 AM, Jesús M. Navarro wrote:

Hi, postid:

On Thursday 21 October 2010 23:49:03 post id wrote:

I've set up a minimal system on one of my machines and used no login

Of course you do.  If you weren't using one, you wouldn't be able to log into
the system.

-- I login at the prompt

See?  What you don't use is a *graphical* login manager.

If God had meant Man to use a gdm, He wouldn't have created the $ 
and % prompts.

Seek truth from facts.

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Re: change in behavior of iptables with respect to firestarter

2010-10-22 Thread Rob Owens
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 01:50:11PM -0400, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:
 list's moderator hasn't got back to me. It appears that the rules I want  
 in iptables are not in effect at all until I actually  bring up the  
 Firestarter user interface during a given session. Once I log off  
 (restart not necessary) the rules are apparently reset to the default.

You can check this by running (as root): 

iptables -L

If there are no firewall rules active, it will look something like this:

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination 

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination 

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination


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Re: troubleshooting slow disk writes on squeeze.

2010-10-22 Thread Bob Proulx
Siju George wrote:
 procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io -system-- cpu
  r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us sy id wa
  0  2  27608 441256520 238372   20  223  1161  1020 3580 13200  1  5 72 22
  0  1  29076 444256384 2357881  295  1378   386 3803 13353  1  5 69 24
  0  1  30128 447432380 2312520  210  1174   778 3173 12366  1  5 70 25
  0  2  30900 460532368 2205883  154  1166   327 3543 12931  1  5 70 24
  0  1  32100 470876360 2109960  241   834   687 3738 13027  1  5 69 25
  0  0  32096 479808360 21166850   150   347 2652 11732  1  3 95  1
  0  1  32096 479056360 212048   210   13776 2689 11503  1  4 93  3
  1  0  32092 465996360 21319670   193   791 2802 11265  1  8 88  3
  1  0  32696 440728360 2096040  121   474  7969 3422 11772  2 17 66 15
  2  0  32696 441132360 20975210  1288  6304 3049 10725  2 18 76  4
  0  0  32696 442652360 211644   160   40135 2579 11009  1  6 89  4
  0  0  32692 440784360 2121486059   422 2800 11645  0  3 96  1
  0  0  32852 445604360 2097960   3267   386 2587 11338  1  3 94  2
  1  0  33092 443600360 2076480   48 2   901 2617 11554  1  4 95  0

Look at the si and so column!  Those are listing page rates for swap
in and swap out.  Those are showing some very large numbers.  Your
machine is thrashing trying to swap memory in and out from disk.
Mostly out by the size of the large so numbers.


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Re: Recording A/V from embedded Flash player

2010-10-22 Thread Celejar
On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 11:42:30 +0800
Bob wrote:

 On 10/22/2010 03:10 AM, Celejar wrote:
  On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 18:49:00 +0800  wrote:
  On 09/06/2010 03:13 AM, Celejar wrote:
  I'm looking for a general solution to record audio and video from Flash
  players embedded in webpages.  I've searched the web, but not found any
  really general solution.  Some Flash video players save a .flv file
  under /tmp, and that's great, since I can just copy it somewhere else
  (sometimes it's necessary to do this before the video finishes (pausing
  it if necessary), since it disappears on completion, but usually it
  This really annoys me as the file is still cached somwhere as you can
  still play it, I'm just unable to find it, I think it's a new feture
  of flahs10.  I wondered if there was a http proxy that could cache and
  then hang onto the files. The ones I'm having trouble with at the mo are
  from streetfire which actually streams a valid mp4 file you can view
  with mplayer but as soon as the buffering completes the file vanishes.
  What do you mean view with mplayer?  Where is the file stored until
  the buffering completes?
 With a command something like this
 mplayer ~/.mozilla/firefox/ww51gfav.default/Cache/A67Cd0YMfk1
 obviously the file name will be different.

Okay, that doesn't seem to work for my videos, e.g.:

I cleared the cache, started the video, then ran:

'watch ls -l /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/.ProfName/Cache/'

but no video shows up there (I see various things that seem to be cache
infrastructure, and a couple of 'Macromedia Flash data files', but the
latter seem to be player files, not video).

 I've come up with 3 potential solutions
 1: The http proxy method I mentioned above, basically just a personal 
 web proxy that ignores no-cache  any other http messages not to proxy 
 files then you can copy the files out of the cache directory, apparently 
 squid can be set up like this but I haven't had time to experiment yet.

Well, I'm using squid anyway, so I'll give this a try.
 2: I was wondering if I could move the Cache directory to some sort of 
 write only or version controlled file system, chmoding the file to 200 
 or 020 doesn't work.  I remember the old VAX systems I worked on when 
 the world was young would keep 3 backups of every file (I think it was 
 admin configurable) so if your file was abc.txt the backups were 
 abc.txt;1 abc.txt;2  abc.txt;3, when you delete the file abc.txt in 
 fact what happened at a file system level was abc.txt;3 got deleted and 
 the rest moved down one until you purged the backups.

I, too, wondered about something like this, but I didn't even get as
far as you did ;) 

 3: Another, possibly more convenient way to effectively achieve the same 
 as above would be some sort of process auditing that backs up all files 
 created by a process and it's children, again I can't find how to do this.


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Re: troubleshooting slow disk writes on squeeze.

2010-10-22 Thread Bob Proulx
Siju George wrote:
 srv1:~# free -m
  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem:  3956   3538418  0  0181
 -/+ buffers/cache:   3356600
 Swap: 9538 51   9486

That looks okay.  You have 4G of ram and a good amount of swap
configured.  But even with 4G of ram you have used some swap space.

 Vmstat 5 output is here

That definitely shows swapping.

 cat /proc/meminfo' taken 3 times is here

Unfortunately I don't have time to analyze that information.  Sorry.

 Am I running short on RAM?

I think so yes.  Or rather you are needing more than you have
available.  You could add more ram.  Or you could reduce your need for
memory.  Look at what processes are running on your machine and
consuming memory.  4G of ram is quite a bit.  If you are consuming
that much and still needing more then I expect to see some large
processes there that are leaking memory.  Find those processes and
take action.

My favorite tool for doing this is 'htop'.

  $ sudo apt-get install htop

Then run it and look at the Mem bar in the upper left.  This is a
curses bar graph display of memory use.  Type in 'h' to get a help
script explaining the colors.  Green shows memory used by userland
programs.  Those are just normal programs.  (Usually Firefox. :-) 
Blue and Yellow show memory used in buffer cache.  Memory used in
buffer cache is good memory that is working for you.  The blank area
is free memory.

If your memory is display half green (userland program memory) and
half blue/yellow (buffers / filesystem buffer cache) then I would
consider that healthy enough.  That would show plenty of space for
everything.  If you have just rebooted then I would expect to see a
very little memory used and a lot of blank space showing free memory
that is not yet doing anything.

If the display shows 99% green (userland program memory) consuming
almost all of your resources then that isn't healthy.  That leaves
almost no memory to be used for filesystem buffer cache.  This means
that instead of being able to work from ram that every filesystem
access will need to read the hard disk and wait for the response.
That is much slower than being able to read the file from ram when it
is stored in filesystem buffer cache.  I expect that your system when
it gets into this problem state would show 99% green showing all
memory consumed by userland processes and nothing left for buffer
cache.  And also that all previously used buffer cache had to be
written to disk in order to be freed up.  That also causes a pause
while the disk is being written.

That single line of display is extremely useful to me in understanding
how memory is being used in a system and whether the system is
operating in a healthy state or not.

A note about free memory.  Free memory is memory that is not working
for you.  Some people have a misconception that they should have a
large amount of free memory.  But why?  The Linux kernel is going to
try to put all memory to work for you.  It will dynamically assign
free memory to buffer cache or to program space or to its own
purposes.  If it needs to reclaim some of that cache then it will
dynamically do so.  Therefore you don't need to have a large amount of
free memory.  Memory from userland programs that exit will have all of
their memory freed and that will become free memory.  Over time that
memory will be used by buffer cache or by new programs that are

Then 'htop' can help you find processes that are consuming memory.
The default is to sort the display by percent CPU usage.  But you can
change that to display sorted by resident set size.  Press F6 and then
use the cursor keys to change the sort-by setting to RES and then
Enter.  That will then display the largest memory consuming programs
that are in memory at this time up top.  Those are programs that are
consuming the most memory and are actively using that memory.  (If the
process consumes a lot of memory but doesn't use it then it can be
paged out to disk.  It might consume very little resident memory in
that case and probably isn't really a problem.  Looking at the VIRTual
process size is also useful.)

Look for processes that are consuming all of your memory.

Good luck!

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Re: Wierd kde/gnome interaction

2010-10-22 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 13:22:02 -0400, B. Alexander wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:46 AM, Camaleón wrote:
  Is there any way to shut Gnome up when I'm in KDE?

 Mmm... check for services running on start up (you can use system
 monitor) and look for the suspicious one (gnome-volume-manager,
 nautilus- * or so) and if running, kill it. Then load a CD or any other
 media device and see what happens.

 I checked with ps, and there was nothing gnome running. I'm remoted in
 from work, so I can't connect anything to it, but nothing seems to be
 listening from the gnome camp.

Re-check the services. In Squeeze they have been renamed to gvfs-*. 
There must be something in the GNOME side running in background 
cannibalizing your device monitoring.



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Re: change in behavior of iptables with respect to firestarter

2010-10-22 Thread Gilbert Sullivan

On 10/22/2010 01:56 PM, Rob Owens wrote:

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 01:50:11PM -0400, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:

list's moderator hasn't got back to me. It appears that the rules I want
in iptables are not in effect at all until I actually  bring up the
Firestarter user interface during a given session. Once I log off
(restart not necessary) the rules are apparently reset to the default.

You can check this by running (as root):

iptables -L

If there are no firewall rules active, it will look something like this:

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination


Thanks, Rob.

I set up the rules in Firestarter. I reboot. This is what I get:

# iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

# iptables -S

Now I start the Firestarter GUI, and I repeat the two iptables commands 
(Sorry for the length of the output. I broke up the output from the two 
commands with dashed lines to help a little with parsing):


# iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target prot opt source   destination
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywheretcp 

ACCEPT udp  --  anywhere
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywheretcp 

ACCEPT udp  --  anywhere
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT icmp --  anywhere anywherelimit: avg 
10/sec burst 5

DROP   all  --  anywhere
DROP   all  --  anywhere
DROP   all  --  BASE-ADDRESS.MCAST.NET/8  anywhere
DROP   all  --  anywhere BASE-ADDRESS.MCAST.NET/8
DROP   all  --  anywhere
DROP   all  --  anywhere default
DROP   all  --  anywhere anywherestate INVALID
LSIall  -f  anywhere anywherelimit: avg 
10/min burst 5

INBOUNDall  --  anywhere anywhere
LOG_FILTER  all  --  anywhere anywhere
LOGall  --  anywhere anywhereLOG level 
info prefix `Unknown Input'

Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
target prot opt source   destination
ACCEPT icmp --  anywhere anywherelimit: avg 
10/sec burst 5

LOG_FILTER  all  --  anywhere anywhere
LOGall  --  anywhere anywhereLOG level 
info prefix `Unknown Forward'

Chain OUTPUT (policy DROP)
target prot opt source   destination
ACCEPT tcp  -- tcp 
ACCEPT udp  -- udp 
ACCEPT tcp  -- tcp 
ACCEPT udp  -- udp 

ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere
DROP   all  --  BASE-ADDRESS.MCAST.NET/8  anywhere
DROP   all  --  anywhere BASE-ADDRESS.MCAST.NET/8
DROP   all  --  anywhere
DROP   all  --  anywhere default
DROP   all  --  anywhere anywherestate INVALID
OUTBOUND   all  --  anywhere anywhere
LOG_FILTER  all  --  anywhere anywhere
LOGall  --  anywhere anywhereLOG level 
info prefix `Unknown Output'

Chain INBOUND (1 references)
target prot opt source   destination
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywherestate 
ACCEPT udp  --  anywhere anywherestate 

LSIall  --  anywhere anywhere

Chain LOG_FILTER (5 references)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain LSI (2 references)
target prot opt source   destination
LOG_FILTER  all  --  anywhere anywhere
LOGtcp  --  anywhere anywheretcp 
flags:FIN,SYN,RST,ACK/SYN limit: avg 1/sec burst 5 LOG level info prefix 
`Inbound '
DROP   tcp  --  anywhere anywheretcp 
LOGtcp  --  anywhere anywheretcp 
flags:FIN,SYN,RST,ACK/RST limit: avg 1/sec burst 5 LOG level info prefix 
`Inbound '
DROP   tcp  --  anywhere anywheretcp 
LOGicmp --  anywhere   

add downloaded program to menu or run it--how?

2010-10-22 Thread Doug

I have downloaded synaptiks using synaptic package
manager.  It shows up as installed but it doesn't show
on any menu, and I have no idea how to run it.  (It
disables the scratchpad when an external mouse is
connected.  This is much better than the default
mode which only disables the scratchpad while you
are typing.)


Re: scrollbar on left side

2010-10-22 Thread Daniel Barclay

lee wrote:

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:39:22PM +0200, Andreas Weber wrote:

On 2010-10-21 22:48, lee wrote:

On a side note: Someone once asked me why the text is moving up when
you move the scrollbar down. Where´s the logic in that? Why isn´t the
text moving up together with the scroll bar?

Seriously? It indicates the position in the document, and so it behaves.

Yes, seriously, and I do see the point. You move the text with the
scrollbar, so why does the text move into the opposite direction of
the scrollbar?

Because it models moving a _viewer_ (e.g., the far end of binoculars or
a telescope) down the text rather than moving the _text_ up.

And the inconsistency causing your why? is that the actual viewer
(the viewport drawn on your screen) is not moving, and instead the
text is actually moving up.

On, try dragging in the scroller (the smaller
view in the lower right corner) and then try dragging in the main map,
and notice how in one case the map moves in the opposite direction.

If dragging in the middle of the text window scrolled the text in
the opposite direction, that really would be confusing and very


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Re: change in behavior of iptables with respect to firestarter

2010-10-22 Thread Rob Owens
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 03:00:40PM -0400, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:
 On 10/22/2010 01:56 PM, Rob Owens wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 01:50:11PM -0400, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:
 list's moderator hasn't got back to me. It appears that the rules I want
 in iptables are not in effect at all until I actually  bring up the
 Firestarter user interface during a given session. Once I log off
 (restart not necessary) the rules are apparently reset to the default.

 You can check this by running (as root):

 iptables -L

 If there are no firewall rules active, it will look something like this:

 Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
 target prot opt source   destination

 Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
 target prot opt source   destination

 Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
 target prot opt source   destination


 Thanks, Rob.

 I set up the rules in Firestarter. I reboot. This is what I get:

 # iptables -L
 Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
 target prot opt source   destination

 Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
 target prot opt source   destination

 Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
 target prot opt source   destination

lots of stuff snipped

It definitely looks like you have no active firewall until you run
firestarter manually.

I'm not very familiar with firestarter, but it seems like it should
start automatically on boot because as soon as you boot up and get a network
connection, you are vulnerable.

Is there a /etc/default/firestarter file?  Does it say to run
firestarter at startup?  Install and run sysv-rc-conf.  Does it say that
firestarter is supposed to be started in your runlevel?  (default
runlevel is 2 for Debian).  Are there any other conf files you could
check?  /etc/firestarter.conf, for instance?


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