Re: conseils de choix d'un service de versionnement pour du logiciel libre [Malice/Caia]

2011-01-15 Thread François TOURDE
Le 14988ième jour après Epoch,
Basile Starynkevitch écrivait:


 Je souhaite conseiller un versionneur à Jacques Pitrat qui est un
 brillant directeur de recherches CNRS à la retraite, je vous invite à
 lire son dernier livre Artificial
 Beings (The conscience of a conscious machine)

Lecture aisée ou plutôt ardue?

 Je cherche pour lui un serveur versionneur git ou subversion qui soit
 accessible gratuitement pour les logiciels libres et qui répond
 correctement, y compris pour des gros logiciels. Je pensais à ou mais il y en a d'autres. Lesquels
 seraient à conseiller? Lesquels sont à éviter?

Va voir, qui propose une forge avec au choix cvs ou svn, plus
tout un tas d'outils, comme pour une forge ;)

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Re: conseils de choix d'un service de versionnement pour du logiciel libre [Malice/Caia]

2011-01-15 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le samedi 15 janvier 2011, François TOURDE a écrit...

 Va voir, qui propose une forge avec au choix cvs ou svn, plus
 tout un tas d'outils, comme pour une forge ;)

J'avais hébergé un projet sur tuxfamily. RAS, c'était pleinement
fonctionnel, possibilité de subversion et de git, si je me souviens
bien. Accès ssh à la machine également.


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Re: conseils de choix d'un service de versionnement pour du logiciel libre [Malice/Caia]

2011-01-15 Thread Basile Starynkevitch
On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 10:16:53 +0100 (François TOURDE) wrote:

 Le 14988ième jour après Epoch,
 Basile Starynkevitch écrivait:
  Je souhaite conseiller un versionneur à Jacques Pitrat qui est un
  brillant directeur de recherches CNRS à la retraite, je vous invite à
  lire son dernier livre Artificial
  Beings (The conscience of a conscious machine)
 Lecture aisée ou plutôt ardue?

Moi j'ai trouvé passionnante la lecture de ce livre, mais je connais
J.Pitrat depuis longtemps (depuis mon DEA et ma thèse). Et je dois
avouer que j'ai fait une première lecture de son brouillon (avant
publication). J'ai eu un stagiaire de licence (Jérémie Salvucci) qui
l'a trouvé intéressant aussi, et il ne connaissait pas ce genre d'idées.

Alors je dirais que la lecture est aisée (il faut lire l'anglais, mais
celui de J.Pitrat est facile, car il n'est pas très anglophone) et
qu'elle est passionnante et présente des idées décoiffantes.

Bon, avec le feedback reçu sur la liste, je ne sais toujours pas quoi

(je dois préciser que J.Pitrat est un théoricien experimentateur; il
n'est pas très à l'aise, ni très intéressé par, l'utilisation avancée
de Linux).


email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

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Re: [HS] Re: aide pour expression reguliere..... basique

2011-01-15 Thread Hugues MORIN

J'ai finalement utilise la solution que j'ai trouve et ca a l'air de bien

Mais j'aimerai bien comprendre cette expression:
$pattern = #(\w*)_1 $sep \1_2 \(([^\)]*)):#;

#: Debut et fin d'expression
(\w*)_1: c'est un Sous masque numerote 1 pour les references arrieres. \w
correspond a un caractere et le * lui donne une longueur de 0 ou plus
$sep: C'est le separateur - que l'on connait
\1_2: On rappelle le sous-masque 1 et l'on note ce numerote 2 ce nouveau
sous masque.
\(([^\)]*)):  : Cette partie me pose probleme
Si \( correspond a ( qui est avant textecherche et que ): correspond au ):
apres textecherche
alors comment traduire ([^\)]*)
( et ) ouvre et ferme le sous masque, * repete plusieur fois [^\)]
donc si j'ai bien compris [^\)]* correspond a textecherche (et sera stocke
dans $matches de preg_match($pattern, $texte, $matches))
[ et ] ouvre et ferme une definition de classe. Cette notion n'est pas tres
claire pour moi

Est ce que l'on appelle classe la partie qui doit etre la solution de
Et pour finir:
^\): correspond a tout ce qui n'est pas )   (^=negation, \)=)  )

Est ce que ma traduction vous semble exacte?


Le 11 janvier 2011 19:20, Patrick CAO HUU THIEN a écrit :

 Hugues MORIN a dit le 01/10/2011 11:37 AM:
  je cherche a extraire 'textecherche' sachant que le tiret entre
  textequelconque_1 et textequelconque_2 est fixe
  et que le  ( et ): autour de  'textecherche' est fixe
  textequelconque_1 - textequelconque_2 (textecherche):

 Si tu connais a l'avance «textequelconque» essaie tout simplement :

  $untexteqcq = 'mon texte super quelconque';
  $pattern = #${untexteqcq}_1 $sep ${untexteqcq}_2 \(([^\)]*)):#;
  preg_match($pattern, $texte, $matches)

 PS: je suis pas sure pour la syntaxe ${untexteqcq} mais vous voyez
 ce que je veux dire

 Si tu ne connais pas à l'avance «textequelconque» il faut utiliser
 les reference arriere[1]:

  $pattern = #(\w*)_1 $sep \1_2 \(([^\)]*)):#;

 PS2: «(\w*)» suppose un texte avec uniquement des chiffres et
 lettre. A affiner si besoin [2]




Re: [HS] Re: aide pour expression reguliere..... basique

2011-01-15 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 01:27:34PM +0100, Hugues MORIN wrote:
 donc si j'ai bien compris [^\)]* correspond a textecherche (et sera stocke
 dans $matches de preg_match($pattern, $texte, $matches))
 [ et ] ouvre et ferme une definition de classe. Cette notion n'est pas tres
 claire pour moi

Une classe est simpement un ensemble de caractères: tu mets
entre les crochets tous les caractères qui correspondent à
la classe, et tu peux définir des plages avec '-'.

Par ex., \w est équivalent à [a-zA-Z0-9_] (n'importe quelle
lettre, chiffre ou underscore), \d est équivalenet à [0-9],
[aeiouy] correspond aux voyelles, etc.

Le chapeau définit l'inverse de la classe: [^0-9] définit
n'importe quel caractère qui ne soit pas un chiffre.

Du coup, [^\)]* veut dire 0 ou plus caractère qui ne soit
pas une parenthèse fermante).


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Multiboot debian squeeze/sid avec lvm

2011-01-15 Thread Monsieur Mastock
Bonjour la liste,

J'aimerais configuré un dual boot squeeze/sid, seulement je suis en lvm.

Voici mon partitionnement:
sda1 /boot
sda2 partition lvm
sdb1 partition windows
sdc1 partition lvm

Squeeze est déjà installé et utilise sda1 comme /boot
/, /var, /usr, /tmp, swap et /home sont sur un vg, j'utilise grub 2

Pour l'installation de sid, ou mettre son /boot? je suppose qu'il n'est
pas possible d'utiliser le même que squeeze.
Je compte gardé le /home commun, par contre, faut t'il mettre le / sur
un vg différent, ou peut t'il être mis sur le même vg que squeeze? 
ou faut t'il mieux que je crée un deuxième vg pour sid?

D'avance, merci, et bonne soirée

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Shockwave Player et Linux

2011-01-15 Thread corbie

Shockwave Player (dans les navigateurs) est-il 
toujours allergique à Linux et doit-on passer par wine ?

(ou y a t-il une autre possibilité ?)

Bonne fin de soirée et merci.

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Re: ¿DRM en el modulo AGP de Intel?

2011-01-15 Thread Altair Linux
Ha funcionado como modulo. Gracias.

Re: Modificacion de apt

2011-01-15 Thread Altair Linux
Pero con sources que tenga Debian ya preparados.

Yo me refiero a cualquier programa en cualquier version, este o no en

Re: Modificacion de apt

2011-01-15 Thread Altair Linux
Sinceramente no entiendo que es lo que quieres hacer...

A ver, pongo un caso. Cojo un ordenador nuevo, y hago una instalacion limpia
desde cero. Instalo un sistema basico con Debian estable, que sea de solo

Ahora supongamos que me quiero instalar las versiones mas recientes de
varios programas, las cuales existen en los repositorios de Debian PERO en
versiones anteriores, como por ejemplo KDE, me bajo los sources del ultimo
KDE estable.

KDE tiene muchas dependencias, compilo e instalo cada una. Si creo el
archivo nombredependencia.deb y lo instalo con dpkg -i nombrearchivo.deb
tendre un archivo huerfano. Lo que busco es modificar el comportamiento de
apt para indicarle que ese archivo .deb que he instalado tiene una serie de
dependencias. Asi, cuando quiera tocar algo con apt, el programa ya lo sabe.

Seria algo asi como una base Debian y el resto en plan Gentoo pero sin ser

Esto es lo que pregunto si es posible.

Re: Descarga cerrada

2011-01-15 Thread Yoandy Melero
Solucionado. ya lo descargué. lo pueden quitar de sus respectivos enlaces. 
gracias a todos. Muy util esta herramienta.

Gracias. de veras 100 de gracias

 El día 13 de enero de 2011 19:10, Felix Perez escribió:
 El día 13 de enero de 2011 17:47, Alvaro Flores escribió:

 o si se saben algun otro enlace que no sea bloqueado

 intenta bajarlo desde aquí:
 lo dejaré 24 horas.


 Bajé el link...


 De nada.

 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:
 como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Otras listas?

2011-01-15 Thread Yoandy Melero
Listeros pudieran decirme otras listas de correo???

Una lista que halla buena participación. me interesaria listas de venezuela,
argentina, colombia etc

Gracias de antemano

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Re: Otras listas?

2011-01-15 Thread Felix Perez
2011/1/15 Yoandy Melero
 Listeros pudieran decirme otras listas de correo???

 Una lista que halla buena participación. me interesaria listas de venezuela,
 argentina, colombia etc

como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: Otras listas? Solucionado

2011-01-15 Thread Yoandy Melero
Muy interesante el articulo  para quien le sirva

Antes de hacer una pregunta técnica por correo, en un grupo de noticias o en el 
de un sitio web, haz lo siguiente:


  Intenta encontrar una respuesta leyendo el manual.


  Intenta encontrar una respuesta leyendo las FAQs

  Intenta encontrar una respuesta buscando en la web.

  Intenta encontrar la respuesta preguntándole a un amigo con más 

Te respondo:
1.  hay algun manual para encontrar listas?
2. Existe alguna FAQs explicandote que la lista fulana o mengana existen
3. Si tuviera como. No hay acceso
4. Soy el unico en esta empresa con un poco de conocimento de linux y los que 
windows nunca han participado en una lista. Ademas de ser el unico en km 

Complacido y muchas gracias a los que han aportado. me han enviado varias url 
hacerlo via email.
Gracias y aqui seguimos. Aqui estamos. como dice la telenovela.

 2011/1/15 Yoandy Melero
 Listeros pudieran decirme otras listas de correo???

 Una lista que halla buena participación. me interesaria listas de venezuela,
 argentina, colombia etc

 como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:
 como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

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Re: Descarga cerrada 2

2011-01-15 Thread Antonio Maldonado

 Original Message  
Subject: Descarga cerrada 2
From: Yoandy Melero
Date: 2011-01-15 10:52 Am

He aqui otra vez. No dejan a los cubanos descargar

esta es la ultima version del roundcube y eso que el anuncio dice:
Free webmail for the masses

Es libre o no es libre???

Y en otros sitios tienen versiones anteriores.

Algunos de ustedes amigos pudieran ponerlo para otro lugar???

Tampoco puede ser en megaupload. rapidshare, etc...

Me parece que me voy a tener que conformar con herramientas de palo. jajajaja

gracias luisito, pedrito y el amigo de venezuela por ponerme el ajaxplorer
disponible por 24 horas aunque sea. Ya lo pueden quitar

Un saludo



Roundcube Webmail is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Everyone is 
welcome to download and use it, deploy it and to re-distribute it. The 
code is provided «as-is» and in no event shall the copyright owner or 
contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, 
exemplary, or consequential damages.


Re: Descarga cerrada 2

2011-01-15 Thread Antonio Maldonado

 Original Message  
Subject: Descarga cerrada 2
From: Yoandy Melero
Date: 2011-01-15 10:52 Am

He aqui otra vez. No dejan a los cubanos descargar

esta es la ultima version del roundcube y eso que el anuncio dice:
Free webmail for the masses

Es libre o no es libre???

Y en otros sitios tienen versiones anteriores.

Algunos de ustedes amigos pudieran ponerlo para otro lugar???

Tampoco puede ser en megaupload. rapidshare, etc...

Me parece que me voy a tener que conformar con herramientas de palo. jajajaja

gracias luisito, pedrito y el amigo de venezuela por ponerme el ajaxplorer
disponible por 24 horas aunque sea. Ya lo pueden quitar

Un saludo

Por cierto, puedes usar proxies para navegar? Pudiera ser una solución 
al problema de bloqueo.

Usa por ejemplo:


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Rutina en logrotate para Apache2

2011-01-15 Thread Camaleón

Estoy buscando una rutina para la rotación de los registros de Apache2 

La idea es que se genere un archivo cada mes con el siguiente formato:


Y que esos registros se compriman en un archivo único cada año:


(mmddhhmmss sería la marca de tiempo de cuando se ejecuta la 

Tampoco quiero que borre automáticamente nada, es decir, que los 
registros anuales comprimidos permanezcan almacenados en su sitio con el 
contenido de todos archivos mensuales.

Ahora mismo tengo:


/var/log/apache2/*.log {
create 640 root adm

Pero al ejecutar un simulacro (/usr/sbin/logrotate -d) veo algo que no 
me gusta (old logs are removed) por lo que me parece que estoy poniendo 
algo mal. Y por otra parte, no sé cómo decirle que los registros 
mensuales no se compriman sino que se genere un archivo comprimido sólo 
cada año, con todos los meses.

La otra duda que tengo es quién se encarga de poner el nombre+coletilla 
de la fecha a los archivos ¿Apache2 -con la variable CustomLog/ErrorLog- 
o de eso se encarga logrotate?

De momento, los archivos de registro que genera Apache2 mantienen el 
nombre de access.log, error.log, aunque supongo que hasta febrero no se 
creará el archivo nuevo.

¿Sugerencias? :-)



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Re: Descarga cerrada 2

2011-01-15 Thread GEORGE H
Veo que quieres descargar roundcubemail no se si ya tienes tu
servidores de correo instalado o lo vas a instalar hay una aplicacion
para servidor de correo muy buena que puedes usar si quieres que ya
una ves ayude a una persona de cuba a instalar es el zimbra si puedes
pruebalo es muy bueno.

El día 15 de enero de 2011 14:22, Yoandy Melero escribió:
 He aqui otra vez. No dejan a los cubanos descargar

 esta es la ultima version del roundcube y eso que el anuncio dice:
 Free webmail for the masses

 Es libre o no es libre???

 Y en otros sitios tienen versiones anteriores.

 Algunos de ustedes amigos pudieran ponerlo para otro lugar???

 Tampoco puede ser en megaupload. rapidshare, etc...

 Me parece que me voy a tener que conformar con herramientas de palo. jajajaja

 gracias luisito, pedrito y el amigo de venezuela por ponerme el ajaxplorer
 disponible por 24 horas aunque sea. Ya lo pueden quitar

 Un saludo

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

George Hernández
Telf 0414.5859332

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RE: Descarga cerrada 2

2011-01-15 Thread Gilberto Luis Díaz Valdés
Socio, solo los cubamos sabemos los trabajos que pasamos para descargar desde 
cualquier lugar. Y eso es algo que no entienden muncha gente en esta lista, 
pues no son los afectados. Y siempre hay un querido colega que se encarga de 
dar esas respuestas tan cargadas de inteligencia como:

Esto es una lista solo de debían
Busca en internet antes de preguntar.

Y otro tipo de respuestas que realmente ofenden la racionalidad humana para no 
decir la inteligencia.

En un final, para ayudarte que es lo que interesa.

Para poder descargar de sourceforge puedes usar el sitio 
Por ahí puedes descargar cualquier cosa de sourceforge. Aquí estoy para lo que 
necesites siempre y cuando te pueda ayudar.



-Mensaje original-
De: Yoandy Melero [] 
Enviado el: sábado, 15 de enero de 2011 12:53 p.m.
Asunto: Descarga cerrada 2

He aqui otra vez. No dejan a los cubanos descargar

esta es la ultima version del roundcube y eso que el anuncio dice:
Free webmail for the masses

Es libre o no es libre???

Y en otros sitios tienen versiones anteriores.

Algunos de ustedes amigos pudieran ponerlo para otro lugar???

Tampoco puede ser en megaupload. rapidshare, etc...

Me parece que me voy a tener que conformar con herramientas de palo. jajajaja

gracias luisito, pedrito y el amigo de venezuela por ponerme el ajaxplorer
disponible por 24 horas aunque sea. Ya lo pueden quitar

Un saludo

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

__ Informaci�n de ESET NOD32 Antivirus, versi�n de la base de firmas de 
virus 5788 (20110114) __

ESET NOD32 Antivirus ha comprobado este mensaje.


__ Información de ESET NOD32 Antivirus, versión de la base de firmas de 
virus 5788 (20110114) __

ESET NOD32 Antivirus ha comprobado este mensaje.

__ Información de ESET NOD32 Antivirus, versión de la base de firmas de 
virus 5788 (20110114) __

ESET NOD32 Antivirus ha comprobado este mensaje.

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OT Preguntas inteligentes

2011-01-15 Thread Gilberto Luis Díaz Valdés
Quizás en vez de estar pensando tanto en las preguntas inteligentes,
deberíamos ocuparnos mas por dar respuestas inteligentes. Pues mas
inteligente que preguntar, es saber responde solo cuando se haga con el
ánimo de ayudar.





Re: OT Preguntas inteligentes

2011-01-15 Thread Omar Murray (CruxoM)
On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 17:50:10 -0300, Gilberto Luis Díaz Valdés wrote:

Quizás en vez de estar pensando tanto en las preguntas inteligentes,
deberíamos ocuparnos mas por dar respuestas inteligentes. Pues mas
inteligente que preguntar, es saber responde solo cuando se haga con el
ánimo de ayudar.

Esto es una respuesta inteligente... Comparto totalmente...

Omar G. Murray [CruxoM]

Powered by Linux Mint 10 Julia GNU/Linux - kernel 2.6.32

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[OT] Re: Descarga cerrada 2

2011-01-15 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 15 Jan 2011 13:52:31 -0500, Yoandy Melero escribió:

 He aqui otra vez. No dejan a los cubanos descargar
 esta es la ultima version del roundcube y eso que el anuncio dice: Free
 webmail for the masses
 Es libre o no es libre???


¿Por qué no iba a ser libre? Según la wikipedia es un proyecto con 
licencia GPLv2.

Yo que tú preguntaba en su lista de correo para ver por qué están usando 
un servidor de descarga con restricciones de acceso. Si no recuerdo mal, 
SourceForge permitía (no sé si aún seguirá vigente esta opción)  
configurar a cada proyecto las limitaciones que quiere aplicar. 

En cualquier caso, podrías sugerirles a los de Roundcube que cambien (o 
añadan) algún servicio de hospedaje adicional.



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balancing connections

2011-01-15 Thread Jesus arteche
hi guys,

I have a web application that I want to scale in a cluster like Amazon EC2.
I have a load balancer and behind several web server (Apache2). My question

How can I make for the session that is iniciated in webserver 1...will be
available in webserver 2 cause the load balancer maybe can send the
conection some times from 1 to 2 or viceversa.


balanceando conexiones

2011-01-15 Thread Jesus arteche

Lo siento antes mande la pregunta en ingles, la cosa es la siguiente, tengo
un cluster del estilo amazon ec2, con un balanceador de carga y detras
varios servidores web apache2, mi rpegunta es:

Como puedo mantener las conexiones que se inician en el servidor web 1
cuando esa misma conexion la mande el balanceador al servidor web 2???

muchas gracias

Re: Rutina en logrotate para Apache2

2011-01-15 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 15 Jan 2011 19:31:22 +, Camaleón escribió:

 Estoy buscando una rutina para la rotación de los registros de Apache2


 Ahora mismo tengo:
   /var/log/apache2/*.log {
   create 640 root adm

Mientras encuentro algo mejor, he añadido rotate 52 (para que no 
elimine los archivos antiguos durante ~4 años y dateext para que genere 
un archivo con la fecha.

Veremos cómo va.



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Re: Rutina en logrotate para Apache2

2011-01-15 Thread fernando sainz
El día 15 de enero de 2011 22:25, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 15 Jan 2011 19:31:22 +, Camaleón escribió:

 Estoy buscando una rutina para la rotación de los registros de Apache2


 Ahora mismo tengo:


       /var/log/apache2/*.log {
       create 640 root adm

 Mientras encuentro algo mejor, he añadido rotate 52 (para que no
 elimine los archivos antiguos durante ~4 años y dateext para que genere
 un archivo con la fecha.

 Veremos cómo va.



Mirando el man de logrotate he visto una opción para ejecutar un script cada vez
que se ejecuta una rotación. Opción postrotate. tal vez puedas usarlo.


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Re: Otras listas? Solucionado

2011-01-15 Thread Felix Perez
El día 15 de enero de 2011 15:04, Yoandy Melero escribió:
 Muy interesante el articulo  para quien le sirva

 Antes de hacer una pregunta técnica por correo, en un grupo de noticias o en 
 el foro
 de un sitio web, haz lo siguiente:


      Intenta encontrar una respuesta leyendo el manual.


      Intenta encontrar una respuesta leyendo las FAQs

      Intenta encontrar una respuesta buscando en la web.

      Intenta encontrar la respuesta preguntándole a un amigo con más 

 Te respondo:
 1.  hay algun manual para encontrar listas?
 2. Existe alguna FAQs explicandote que la lista fulana o mengana existen
 3. Si tuviera como. No hay acceso
 4. Soy el unico en esta empresa con un poco de conocimento de linux y los que 
 windows nunca han participado en una lista. Ademas de ser el unico en km 

Por favor no respondas a mi privado que no lo he pedido.
ahora lee esto:

Me dí cuenta que eres de Cuba, ¿debería saber que restricciones
tienes? ¿las pusiste en tu correo inicial?
Algunos de tus colegas tienen acceso otros no,  algunos tienen
limitaciones con el correo otros no.
Una pregunta inteligente debe tener la mayor cantidad posible de datos
relevantes.  En tu caso:

Soy de Cuba, no tengo acceso total a la web y necesito encontrar
algunas lista de programación, linux, php, python, etc, etc,  por
favor envienme sus urls.

 Complacido y muchas gracias a los que han aportado. me han enviado varias url 
 hacerlo via email.
 Gracias y aqui seguimos. Aqui estamos. como dice la telenovela.

Que bien, siempre en esta lista y otras habrá alguién que te ayude
aunque no respetes las normas.  Que bien por tí.

 Una lista que halla buena participación. me interesaria listas de venezuela,
 argentina, colombia etc

Perdón ¿no entendí, pero listas de qué?

 como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: OT Preguntas inteligentes

2011-01-15 Thread Felix Perez
El día 15 de enero de 2011 17:50, Gilberto Luis Díaz Valdés escribió:
 Quizás en vez de estar pensando tanto en las preguntas inteligentes,
 deberíamos ocuparnos mas por dar respuestas inteligentes. Pues mas
 inteligente que preguntar, es saber responde solo cuando se haga con el
 ánimo de ayudar.

Y porque los usuarios de Cuba no se unen y buscan en conjunto alguna
solución a sus problemas de navegación y restricciones, generando
repositorios locales o almacenando en algún servidor local los
paquetes o softwares que necesiten.  Habríamos muchos que les
colaboraríamos poniendo a su dispocisión los paquetes necesarios.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Grub no me reconoce Ubuntu

2011-01-15 Thread Mundi Granja
Hola a todos.

En mi portátil tengo conviviendo a Debian squeeze/sid (sistema
principal) y ArchLinux. En ArchLinux desinstalé grub y cada vez que hay
una actualización del kernel lo que hago es un update-grub desde Debian
y listo.

Sin embargo hoy mismo he instalado en otra partición Ubuntu 10.10, me
instaló su propio grub (sin darme opción a no instalarlo como hacía
antes) y reconoció correctamente a Debian y Arch pero al iniciar en
Debian y hacer grub-install /dev/sda y update-grub me reconoció
correctamente Debian y ArchLinux, pero el Ubuntu ni se lo olió.

¿Alguien me puede decir la razón y/o la solución? (Si puede ser sin
editar manualmente el grub.cfg)

La estructura de particiones es la siguiente:

sda1/home (de todos los sistemas)



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Re: Rutina en logrotate para Apache2

2011-01-15 Thread Javier Barroso
2011/1/15 Camaleón

 Estoy buscando una rutina para la rotación de los registros de Apache2

 La idea es que se genere un archivo cada mes con el siguiente formato:


 Y que esos registros se compriman en un archivo único cada año:


 (mmddhhmmss sería la marca de tiempo de cuando se ejecuta la

 Tampoco quiero que borre automáticamente nada, es decir, que los
 registros anuales comprimidos permanezcan almacenados en su sitio con el
 contenido de todos archivos mensuales.

 Ahora mismo tengo:


        /var/log/apache2/*.log {
        create 640 root adm

 Pero al ejecutar un simulacro (/usr/sbin/logrotate -d) veo algo que no
 me gusta (old logs are removed) por lo que me parece que estoy poniendo
 algo mal. Y por otra parte, no sé cómo decirle que los registros
 mensuales no se compriman sino que se genere un archivo comprimido sólo
 cada año, con todos los meses.

 La otra duda que tengo es quién se encarga de poner el nombre+coletilla
 de la fecha a los archivos ¿Apache2 -con la variable CustomLog/ErrorLog-
 o de eso se encarga logrotate?
En Debian tratan de homogenizar las cosas usando logrotate, hay
algunos programas que tradicionalmente han rotado sus logs por su
cuenta, pero hay esfuerzos de que los paquetes debian confien en

En el caso particular de apache, podrías configurarlo como dicen en la
página de apache [1], con un script llamado rotatelogs (tendrías, por
supuesto, que desconfigurar el logrotate). Yo veo mejor usar

Creo que te faltaría poner la opción nocompress (y quitar la
opuesta), ya que no quieres que se compriman los logs

 De momento, los archivos de registro que genera Apache2 mantienen el
 nombre de access.log, error.log, aunque supongo que hasta febrero no se
 creará el archivo nuevo.

 ¿Sugerencias? :-)

Cuéntanos si consigues hacer exactamente lo que quieres sólo con
logrotate, yo creo que más bien me haría un cutre-script ... sobre
todo para comprimir todos los logs del año en un fichero .. quizás
como han comentado por aquí usando el postrotate (comprobar que no
exista un fichero comprimido de ese año y luego generarlo)


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Re: Grub no me reconoce Ubuntu

2011-01-15 Thread Mateo Garcia
El 15 de enero de 2011 18:41, Mundi Granja escribió:

 Hola a todos.

 En mi portátil tengo conviviendo a Debian squeeze/sid (sistema
 principal) y ArchLinux. En ArchLinux desinstalé grub y cada vez que hay
 una actualización del kernel lo que hago es un update-grub desde Debian
 y listo.

 Sin embargo hoy mismo he instalado en otra partición Ubuntu 10.10, me
 instaló su propio grub (sin darme opción a no instalarlo como hacía
 antes) y reconoció correctamente a Debian y Arch pero al iniciar en
 Debian y hacer grub-install /dev/sda y update-grub me reconoció
 correctamente Debian y ArchLinux, pero el Ubuntu ni se lo olió.

 ¿Alguien me puede decir la razón y/o la solución? (Si puede ser sin
 editar manualmente el grub.cfg)

 La estructura de particiones es la siguiente:

 sda1/home (de todos los sistemas)




Prueba con os-prober:
Lo instalamos:
# aptitude install os-prober
# os-prober
y luego actualizamos el grub.


Re: OT Preguntas inteligentes

2011-01-15 Thread David Francos (XayOn)
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 07:35:10PM -0300, Felix Perez wrote:
 El día 15 de enero de 2011 17:50, Gilberto Luis Díaz Valdés escribió:
  Quizás en vez de estar pensando tanto en las preguntas inteligentes,
  deberíamos ocuparnos mas por dar respuestas inteligentes. Pues mas
  inteligente que preguntar, es saber responde solo cuando se haga con el
  ánimo de ayudar.
 Y porque los usuarios de Cuba no se unen y buscan en conjunto alguna
 solución a sus problemas de navegación y restricciones, generando
 repositorios locales o almacenando en algún servidor local los
 paquetes o softwares que necesiten.  Habríamos muchos que les
 colaboraríamos poniendo a su dispocisión los paquetes necesarios.
Si, además las normas están ahá por algo, Gilberto, de verdad.
Por ejemplo, esta lista tiene una carga brutal, tanto para los
servidores de debian como para sus usuarios, que es realmente
molesta, a muchos nos molesta recibir tantas chorradas por estar
subscritos a ella, y muchos acabamos lléndonos, aunque algunos
volvamos (o somos masocas, o nos gusta tanto debian que por mucho que
nos molesten, vapuleen por exigir un mínimo de decencia e
inteligencia en la lista etc. volvemos a ella).

Y si, los usuarios cubanos deberían intentar soluccionar sus propios
problemas, en cada pais tenemos los nuestros y no les pedimos que los
soluccionen ellos, que al juego del victimismo podemos jugar todos, y
en esta lista hay un monton de cubanos con la suficiente cabeza como
para sacarse las castañas del fuego y hacer preguntas realmente
inteligentes, y cada poco se os intenta enseñar y dar a entender que
un sistema debian está preparado para correr como servidor en un
sitio completamente apartado de internet, con documentacion incluida
en los cds y un sistema de empaquetamiento increíble, pero cada vez
llegan nuevos y vuelven a cometer los errores de sus antecesores, y
cuatro gatos que tambien son medianamente nuevos van a defenderles a
capa y espada, causando nada mas que molestias extra.
**Ya vale** de dar por saco con el tema, por el amor del monstruo
espagueti volador.

Debian les da solucciones ofreciendoles la mano... y ustedes tiran de
el brazo. Esto es insostenible ya. 
 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:
 como hacer preguntas inteligentes:
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Re: Descarga cerrada 2

2011-01-15 Thread David Francos (XayOn)
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 02:47:49PM -0600, Gilberto Luis Díaz Valdés wrote:
 Socio, solo los cubamos sabemos los trabajos que pasamos para descargar desde 
 cualquier lugar. Y eso es algo que no entienden muncha gente en esta lista, 
 pues no son los afectados. Y siempre hay un querido colega que se encarga 
 de dar esas respuestas tan cargadas de inteligencia como:
 Esto es una lista solo de debían
Vale, entonces cierra el pico, la bocaza, o lo que sea.
Las NORMAS existen por algo, buscaos otra lista para ayuda online a
cubanos, o pedid a algun colectivo que la cree, pero ESTA LISTA NO ES
UN SITIO DE BUSQUEDA AUTOMATICA para cubanos idiotas. Y mucho menos
cuando en esta misma lista se ha demostrado que la mayoria de los
cubanos que hay en ella son lo suficientemente inteligentes como para
arreglarselas solos, y son solo unos pocos los que dan mal ¡Y con
exigencias! ¡A nosotros que les damos soporte gratuito! ¡Venga
hombre, ¿Que te has creido?! Si encima son cuatro gatos que estan
dejando a la comunidad cubana en general mal, yo si fuera cubano me

Esta lista no se modera, pero muchas veces dan ganas
de que se moderase para evitar dejar pasar cosas OT y que no
incumplan las normas de forma tan horrible.
Te lo resumire:
No sigues las normas de la lista
- Preguntas OT sin marca de OT
- Preguntas que no son sobre debian
- Exigencias
- Falta de respeto
- Esto no esta en la norma, pero deberia estar prohibido,
  eso de Solo los cubanos sabemos los trabajos que
  pasamos para descargar desde cualquier lugar es puro
  victimismo. Que si, que estais jodidos, lo sabemos y no
  hace falta que justifiqueis vuestra falta de respeto y
  exigencias con eso.
No sigues la netiqueta
- El topic no es nada descriptivo
- Tus correos están echos una mierda
- Utilizas bulgarismos en todas partes.
No sigues las normas de preguntas inteligentes...
- Una busqueda en google te habría devuelto el otro enlace,

Eso quiere decir, basicamente, que mereces, si MERECES que pasemos de
ti. Y aun con todo, han contestado, han mandado cordialmente un
correo con otra direccion... y tu sigues protestando. Eso es solo
causar problemas por gusto. Para, dejalo, tomate algo, descansa, deja
debian, o debian te dejara a ti si sigues así.
¿No te sientes mal exigiendonos a nosotros, que te damos un servicio
gratis, cosas? Lo hacemos de buena voluntad y contestas así. 

Y la lista deberia dejar de responder a estas chorradas, asi dejarian

 Y otro tipo de respuestas que realmente ofenden la racionalidad humana para 
 no decir la inteligencia.
¿Que tipo de respuestas? indica alguna por ejemplo. Porque todo lo
que has dicho hasta ahora cumple esas caracteristicas. 
 Para poder descargar de sourceforge puedes usar el sitio Por ahí puedes descargar cualquier cosa de 
 sourceforge. Aquí estoy para lo que necesites siempre y cuando te pueda 
Bien, pues no escribas otro post protestando.
 -Mensaje original-
 De: Yoandy Melero [] 
 Enviado el: sábado, 15 de enero de 2011 12:53 p.m.
 Asunto: Descarga cerrada 2
 He aqui otra vez. No dejan a los cubanos descargar
 esta es la ultima version del roundcube y eso que el anuncio dice:
 Free webmail for the masses
 Es libre o no es libre???
 Y en otros sitios tienen versiones anteriores.
 Algunos de ustedes amigos pudieran ponerlo para otro lugar???
 Tampoco puede ser en megaupload. rapidshare, etc...
 Me parece que me voy a tener que conformar con herramientas de palo. jajajaja
 gracias luisito, pedrito y el amigo de venezuela por ponerme el ajaxplorer
 disponible por 24 horas aunque sea. Ya lo pueden quitar
 Un saludo
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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
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 __ Información de ESET NOD32 Antivirus, versión de la base de firmas 
 de virus 5788 (20110114) __
 ESET NOD32 Antivirus ha comprobado este mensaje.
 __ Información de ESET NOD32 Antivirus, versión de la base de firmas 
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RE: OT Preguntas inteligentes

2011-01-15 Thread Gilberto Luis Díaz Valdés
-Mensaje original-
De: David Francos (XayOn) [] 
Enviado el: sábado, 15 de enero de 2011 11:38 p.m.
Y si, los usuarios cubanos deberían intentar soluccionar sus propios
problemas, en cada pais tenemos los nuestros y no les pedimos que los
soluccionen ellos, que al juego del victimismo podemos jugar todos, y en
esta lista hay un monton de cubanos con la suficiente cabeza como para
sacarse las castañas del fuego y hacer preguntas realmente
inteligentes, y cada poco se os intenta enseñar y dar a entender que un
sistema debian está preparado para correr como servidor en un sitio
completamente apartado de internet, con documentacion incluida en los cds
y un sistema de empaquetamiento increíble, pero cada vez llegan nuevos y
vuelven a cometer los errores de sus antecesores, y cuatro gatos que
tambien son medianamente nuevos van a defenderles a capa y espada, causando
nada más que molestias extra.

Estimado señor David 

Mire, definitivamente ninguno de ustedes está entendiendo el tema. El colega
que se refirió a las descargas que no fui yo, no se refería a que el no
tuviese acceso a internet o que la empresa u organización a la que pertenece
le estuviese bloqueando el acceso. Se refería, a que en internet hay un
montón de sitios que le tienen bloqueadas las descargas a las IP proveniente
de cuba. No estamos hablando de que nuestro país nos este bloqueando el
acceso, tanto en el caso del colega como en el mío, si tenemos acceso a
internet, pero algunos sitios y específicamente SourceForge entre otros, nos
prohíben la descarga por el simple hecho de que esta se origine desde
Cuba(Discriminación). Esa política no es solo de SourceForge, hay una serie
de sitios que no voy a listar. Repito, es el sitio quien prohíbe la

Además le digo a usted, que los cubanos que accedemos a esta lista lo
hacemos para buscar ayuda sobre Debian, Linux y software libre en general,
no para hacernos los victimas, ni pedir que ustedes nos solucionen ningún
problema fuera de este ámbito. Es una lástima que mucha gente piense de la
forma en que usted lo está haciendo. Además, le comento que entre las cosas
que también hacemos los cubanos esta el ayudarnos mutuamente, respetarnos y

Muchos de los suscriptores de esta lista deberían tomar ejemplo de colegas
como Camaleón, del cual nunca he leído un correo ofensivo, despreciativo o
de los que llaman inteligentes  hacia ningún usuario, siempre lo he visto
colaborando y ayudando, como debiera ser, como las bases de una comunidad
que somos todos los que usamos software libre. Disculpen el resto por no
mencionarlos, Camaleón es el que me viene a la mente ahora.

Pues bien, aún cuando se que me costará la expulsión de la lista, le daré
una respuesta inteligente a usted y a otros tantos que hay en esta lista que
nunca escriben un correo para ayudar a nadie, y luego se la dan de
superdotados y mandan estos correítos sobre cosas inteligentes. Leerse las
FAQ si que es fácil.

Ya que es tan inteligente, me imagino sepa de anatomía tanto como de Debian
no ??? Pues fusionemos ambas cosas.



1- Coja todos sus conocimientos y deseos de ayudar, compílelos y
empaquételos en un .deb.
2- Posteriormente quémelos en un CD o cópielos en una Flash o Pendrive. (Le
recomiendo en un HDD Externo de 3.5.)
3- Diríjase a la parte trasera de su CPUH, unidad central humana.
4- Abra la compuerta de su dispositivo llamado ANO.
5- Introdúzcase todo eso hasta que haya pasado por: Esfínter Externo,
Esfínter Interno, Recto, intestino, etc.

Le recordamos que si le llegase a salir por la boca y se lo vuelve a
introducir en el ANO, puede generar un bucle repetitivo que cause
desbordamiento de memoria o denegación de servicios.

Eso es todo, y no quiero irme sin antes agradecer a todos aquellos que un
momento determinado brindaron su ayuda a quien pudieron sin analizar la
inteligencia de las preguntas. Pues gracias a ustedes por usar Open Source y
tener Open Mind. Además, los incito a que sigan haciéndolo, pues son los
únicos que realmente contribuyen a algo.




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RE: Descarga cerrada 2

2011-01-15 Thread Gilberto Luis Díaz Valdés
Jajajajajajaja, So imbécil, dedícate a ayudar a los demás, pues hablas de 
chorradas, y has sido el que más a aportado a esta lista en este día.

-Mensaje original-
De: David Francos (XayOn) [] 
Enviado el: sábado, 15 de enero de 2011 11:50 p.m.
Asunto: Re: Descarga cerrada 2

On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 02:47:49PM -0600, Gilberto Luis Díaz Valdés wrote:
 Socio, solo los cubamos sabemos los trabajos que pasamos para descargar desde 
 cualquier lugar. Y eso es algo que no entienden muncha gente en esta lista, 
 pues no son los afectados. Y siempre hay un querido colega que se encarga 
 de dar esas respuestas tan cargadas de inteligencia como:
 Esto es una lista solo de debían
Vale, entonces cierra el pico, la bocaza, o lo que sea.
Las NORMAS existen por algo, buscaos otra lista para ayuda online a
cubanos, o pedid a algun colectivo que la cree, pero ESTA LISTA NO ES
UN SITIO DE BUSQUEDA AUTOMATICA para cubanos idiotas. Y mucho menos
cuando en esta misma lista se ha demostrado que la mayoria de los
cubanos que hay en ella son lo suficientemente inteligentes como para
arreglarselas solos, y son solo unos pocos los que dan mal ¡Y con
exigencias! ¡A nosotros que les damos soporte gratuito! ¡Venga
hombre, ¿Que te has creido?! Si encima son cuatro gatos que estan
dejando a la comunidad cubana en general mal, yo si fuera cubano me

Esta lista no se modera, pero muchas veces dan ganas
de que se moderase para evitar dejar pasar cosas OT y que no
incumplan las normas de forma tan horrible.
Te lo resumire:
No sigues las normas de la lista
- Preguntas OT sin marca de OT
- Preguntas que no son sobre debian
- Exigencias
- Falta de respeto
- Esto no esta en la norma, pero deberia estar prohibido,
  eso de Solo los cubanos sabemos los trabajos que
  pasamos para descargar desde cualquier lugar es puro
  victimismo. Que si, que estais jodidos, lo sabemos y no
  hace falta que justifiqueis vuestra falta de respeto y
  exigencias con eso.
No sigues la netiqueta
- El topic no es nada descriptivo
- Tus correos están echos una mierda
- Utilizas bulgarismos en todas partes.
No sigues las normas de preguntas inteligentes...
- Una busqueda en google te habría devuelto el otro enlace,

Eso quiere decir, basicamente, que mereces, si MERECES que pasemos de
ti. Y aun con todo, han contestado, han mandado cordialmente un
correo con otra direccion... y tu sigues protestando. Eso es solo
causar problemas por gusto. Para, dejalo, tomate algo, descansa, deja
debian, o debian te dejara a ti si sigues así.
¿No te sientes mal exigiendonos a nosotros, que te damos un servicio
gratis, cosas? Lo hacemos de buena voluntad y contestas así. 

Y la lista deberia dejar de responder a estas chorradas, asi dejarian

 Y otro tipo de respuestas que realmente ofenden la racionalidad humana para 
 no decir la inteligencia.
¿Que tipo de respuestas? indica alguna por ejemplo. Porque todo lo
que has dicho hasta ahora cumple esas caracteristicas. 
 Para poder descargar de sourceforge puedes usar el sitio Por ahí puedes descargar cualquier cosa de 
 sourceforge. Aquí estoy para lo que necesites siempre y cuando te pueda 
Bien, pues no escribas otro post protestando.
 -Mensaje original-
 De: Yoandy Melero [] 
 Enviado el: sábado, 15 de enero de 2011 12:53 p.m.
 Asunto: Descarga cerrada 2
 He aqui otra vez. No dejan a los cubanos descargar
 esta es la ultima version del roundcube y eso que el anuncio dice:
 Free webmail for the masses
 Es libre o no es libre???
 Y en otros sitios tienen versiones anteriores.
 Algunos de ustedes amigos pudieran ponerlo para otro lugar???
 Tampoco puede ser en megaupload. rapidshare, etc...
 Me parece que me voy a tener que conformar con herramientas de palo. jajajaja
 gracias luisito, pedrito y el amigo de venezuela por ponerme el ajaxplorer
 disponible por 24 horas aunque sea. Ya lo pueden quitar
 Un saludo
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
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 ESET NOD32 Antivirus ha comprobado este mensaje.
 __ Información de ESET NOD32 Antivirus, versión de la base de firmas 
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 ESET NOD32 Antivirus ha comprobado este!!!

2011-01-15 Thread Limpe seu Nome
Renove sua vida, seu CPF ou CNPJ sem restrições do jeito mais rapido, facil e 


brfont face=Arial color=#3366ff size=-1Stowarzyszenie Autorów 
ZAiKS/fontbrfont face=Arial color=#3366ff size=-3ul. Hipoteczna 2, 
00-092 Warszawa tel.: 22 827 60 61-9 centrala fax: 22 828 92 04 a 
href=;WWW.ZAIKS.ORG.PL/abrNIP: 525-15-71-004 Sad 
Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy XII Wydzial Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru 
Sadowego  KRS 037327brbrNiniejsza wiadomosc ma charakter poufny i jest 
skierowana wylacznie do adresata/adresatów wskazanych 
powyzej.brRozpowszechnianie, kopiowanie, ujawnianie lub przekazywanie 
calosci, badz fragmentów wiadomosci i informacji w niej zwartych jest 
niedozwolone.brJezeli omylkowo otrzymali Panstwo te wiadomosc, uprzejmie 
prosimy o niezwloczne poinformowanie o tym fakcie nadawcy i o jej 

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Spam Mail Hakkında -Sorry About Spam, Not My Own

2011-01-15 Thread Ahmet Usal

Recently someone was send a spam mail with my name; I have no responsibility
about that; He found a way to use my name; I'm so sorry and I hope never be
bother you again like that.

Best regards...


Bu sabah biri her nasıl yaptıysa benim adımı - mailimi kullanarak sizlere
spam (istenmeyen-reklam amaçlı) eposta göndermiş. Bununla ilgili hiç bir
sorumluluğum bulunmamaktadır ve elimde olmayan şekilde rahatsızlık verdiğim
için özür dilerim. Tekrarlanmaması için önlem almaya çalıştığımı bilmenizi

En içten dileklerim ve saygılarımla...

Ahmet Usal

aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Andrei Popescu

My usual method of 'cleaning' the system was to set all installed 
packages to auto-installed and then mark one by one the ones I need to 
keep. I even have a good list generated with:

aptitude -F '%?p' search '~i!~M'  bak/pkg.list

Now the problem I'm facing is that (probably due to some aptitude bug 
than seems to have disappeared) most of my installed packages are set to 
manually installed. How can I:

- set everything to auto-installed
- automatically mark as manually installed the ones in the list


I already tried (as root):

aptitude markauto ~i

This will try to remove everything and I have to abort

aptitude --schedule-only markauto ~i

Seems to be doing the first part, but I can't convince aptitude to 
unmark my list (which I processed to not contain unneeded space and 

aptitude unmarkauto  pkg.list

has no effect

aptitude install  pkg.list

first tries to remove everything and when I say 'n' it starts crunching 
on my processor.

Any other suggestions?

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Javier Barroso

On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 12:01 PM, Andrei Popescu wrote:

 My usual method of 'cleaning' the system was to set all installed
 packages to auto-installed and then mark one by one the ones I need to
 keep. I even have a good list generated with:

 aptitude -F '%?p' search '~i!~M'  bak/pkg.list

 Now the problem I'm facing is that (probably due to some aptitude bug
 than seems to have disappeared) most of my installed packages are set to
 manually installed. How can I:

 - set everything to auto-installed
 - automatically mark as manually installed the ones in the list


 I already tried (as root):

    aptitude markauto ~i
Maybe, I don't known if command line length limit imposed by bash will
let to do it:

Generate an string like:

aptitude markauto  '~i!~n^package1$!~n^package2$'

If you have a packages.txt file with a package by line, do it with awk:

aptitude markauto '~i'$(awk '{printf !~n^$1$;}' packages.txt)

And a similar trick marking these packages like manual installed.


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Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Javier Barroso
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 12:25 PM, Javier Barroso wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 12:01 PM, Andrei Popescu wrote:

 My usual method of 'cleaning' the system was to set all installed
 packages to auto-installed and then mark one by one the ones I need to
 keep. I even have a good list generated with:

 aptitude -F '%?p' search '~i!~M'  bak/pkg.list

 Now the problem I'm facing is that (probably due to some aptitude bug
 than seems to have disappeared) most of my installed packages are set to
 manually installed. How can I:

 - set everything to auto-installed
 - automatically mark as manually installed the ones in the list


 I already tried (as root):

    aptitude markauto ~i
 Maybe, I don't known if command line length limit imposed by bash will
 let to do it:

 Generate an string like:

 aptitude markauto  '~i!~n^package1$!~n^package2$'

 If you have a packages.txt file with a package by line, do it with awk:

 aptitude markauto '~i'$(awk '{printf !~n^$1$;}' packages.txt)

 And a similar trick marking these packages like manual installed.
Maybe essential packages should be installed no auto (add !~E to expression)

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Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 15 ian 11, 12:25:26, Javier Barroso wrote:
 If you have a packages.txt file with a package by line, do it with awk:
 aptitude markauto '~i'$(awk '{printf !~n^$1$;}' packages.txt)
 And a similar trick marking these packages like manual installed.

Thanks, at a first glance that was enough. I just hoped for a solution 
that wouldn't involve such hacks. Unless somebody comes up with a 
cleaner solution I'll file a whishlist bug.

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Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 15 ian 11, 12:29:15, Javier Barroso wrote:
  And a similar trick marking these packages like manual installed.
 Maybe essential packages should be installed no auto (add !~E to expression)

Not needed since apt/aptitude will never auto-remove packages 
'Essential: yes'.

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Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 13:01:30 +0200, Andrei Popescu wrote:


 How can I:
 - set everything to auto-installed
 - automatically mark as manually installed the ones in the list
 I already tried (as root):
 aptitude markauto ~i
 This will try to remove everything and I have to abort
 aptitude --schedule-only markauto ~i
 Seems to be doing the first part, but I can't convince aptitude to 
 unmark my list (which I processed to not contain unneeded space and 
 aptitude unmarkauto  pkg.list
 has no effect
 aptitude install  pkg.list
 first tries to remove everything and when I say 'n' it starts crunching 
 on my processor.
 Any other suggestions?

  aptitude --schedule-only unmarkauto $(cat pkg.list)

is somewhat clumsy, but it seems to work here. I only tried a simple
test case with a list of two packages, and I did not test if
--schedule-only is really necessary. If your list of packages exceeds
the maximum number of command line arguments then you have to split the
file. Backticks should also work if you want to avoid the $(...)

  Florian   |

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Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Javier Barroso
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Sb, 15 ian 11, 12:25:26, Javier Barroso wrote:

 If you have a packages.txt file with a package by line, do it with awk:

 aptitude markauto '~i'$(awk '{printf !~n^$1$;}' packages.txt)

 And a similar trick marking these packages like manual installed.

 Thanks, at a first glance that was enough. I just hoped for a solution
 that wouldn't involve such hacks. Unless somebody comes up with a
 cleaner solution I'll file a whishlist bug.
Ok, I would like to hear Daniel (aptitude author) reply, aptitude
development seems to be in standby  :(, I hope squeeze freeze be the
reason ...

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Re: Lenny - xvinfo: No Adaptors present.. No XVideo

2011-01-15 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 21:03:19 -0500, Chris Jones wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 12:37:11PM EST, Camaleón wrote:
 Maybe it's time for you attach/upload the whole /var/log/Xorg.0.log
 file :-)
 Hey.. why not..

Thanks :-)

Some comments on the log...

(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//
(II) Module glx: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org Server Extension
(II) NVIDIA GLX Module  173.14.09  Thu Jun  5 00:07:40 PDT 2008
(II) Loading extension GLX

It seems loading the GLX module using some part of the nvidia closed 
drivers... how is that possible? :-?

Now look mine:

(II) LoadModule: glx
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//
(II) Module glx: vendor=X.Org Foundation
compiled for 1.4.2, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3
(==) AIGLX enabled
(II) Loading extension GLX

Here is loading the Xorg stock GLX extension.


And there is something more in your log it caught my attention:

(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
(--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device
(--) Chipset Unknown NVIDIA chip found

And now compare to mine:

(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
(--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device
(--) Chipset Quadro FX 1500 found

I still don't see why are you so reluctant to test the closed source 
driver. Just to test, for seeing how it goes and if it solves nothing 
then at least you can decide the next step with confidence :-)

You said your card was unsupported and you maybe right.

- Lenny ships nvidia-glx 173.14.09 and your card is not listed:

- But Squeeze ships nvidia-glx 195.36.31 and your card appears there:

So you can test the closed driver in squeeze and see how it goes. If all 
is fine you can then install the latest driver available from nvidia site 
in lenny (it will require driver compilation).



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[Solved] Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 15 ian 11, 12:23:07, Florian Kulzer wrote:
  Any other suggestions?
   aptitude --schedule-only unmarkauto $(cat pkg.list)

Do you mean after a '--schedule-only markauto ~i'? Hmm, let's try... 
Nope, not what I needed. But the solution seems to be:

aptitude --schedule-only markauto ~i
aptitude --schedule-only install $(cat pkg.list)

Didn't think of trying with --schedule-only

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Re: Lenny - xvinfo: No Adaptors present.. No XVideo

2011-01-15 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2011-01-15 12:58 +0100, Camaleón wrote:

 On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 21:03:19 -0500, Chris Jones wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 12:37:11PM EST, Camaleón wrote:
 Maybe it's time for you attach/upload the whole /var/log/Xorg.0.log
 file :-)
 Hey.. why not..

 Thanks :-)

 Some comments on the log...

 (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//
 (II) Module glx: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
 compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0
 Module class: X.Org Server Extension
 (II) NVIDIA GLX Module  173.14.09  Thu Jun  5 00:07:40 PDT 2008
 (II) Loading extension GLX

 It seems loading the GLX module using some part of the nvidia closed 
 drivers... how is that possible? :-?

Because the nvidia-glx package is installed, even though Chris does not
use it.  This is bad because no program that uses OpenGL will be able to
run, but not directly related to the problem.

 And there is something more in your log it caught my attention:

 (II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
 (--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device
 (--) Chipset Unknown NVIDIA chip found

Yeah, the nv driver is too old and does not really know the card.
Should not be much of a problem, though.

 I still don't see why are you so reluctant to test the closed source 
 driver. Just to test, for seeing how it goes and if it solves nothing 
 then at least you can decide the next step with confidence :-)

I wonder why Chris bought a laptop with such a powerful card in the
first place if he has no use for it.  Intel graphics would have been
cheaper and also cause much less headaches.


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Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Jochen Schulz
Florian Kulzer:
 […] Backticks should also work if you want to avoid the $(...)

That's not a bashism, it's perfectly legal POSIX/SUS.

In this bunker there are women and children. There are no weapons.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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Re: Grub2 reinstall on raid1 system.

2011-01-15 Thread Jack Schneider
On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 12:16:37 -0500
Tom H wrote:

  You might want to try configuring grub and fstab to use UUID's
  instead of /dev/mdX.  That removes the possibility that the kernel
  will change the mdX designations.
  Use blkid to find out the UUID's of your partitions.
  Thanks for the reply, Rob. What grub file do I change?
  grub.cfg?  grub *.map? I seem to have UUIDs for both disks and
  LVM partitions, change both?
 So you have LVM over RAID, not just RAID.
Hi, Tom.
Well, not really, not all of the disks are LVM2. The first two
disks raid1 /dev/sda  /dev/sdc are partitioned with 1 small
/(root) partition, /dev/md0 - 10 gigs. The balance of the disk
is /dev/md1 under LVM2 with seven logical volumes. /home,/var,/swap
etc  The next two disks sdb and sdd are raid1 as /dev/md2 which I
need to use as an extension of the LVM. 

More info, when I boot the machine, I see the GRUB loading. WELCOME to
GRUB! info.  Then it enters the rescue mode with a grub rescue
prompt.  So the kernel is found/finding the / partition. Right?

 For grub2, you're only supposed to edit /etc/default/grub.

I started interpreting that as simply needing a update-grub type of
fix.. I was/am  wrong...   So I resorted  to systemrescuecd-2.0.0..
to fix up Grub..

Thanks, Jack

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Re: Grub2 reinstall on raid1 system.

2011-01-15 Thread Jack Schneider
On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 05:25:45 -0700
Bob Proulx wrote:

 Jack Schneider wrote:
  I have a raid1 based W/S running Debian Squeeze uptodate. (was
  until ~7 days ago) There are 4 drives, 2 of which had never been
  used or formatted. I configured a new array using Disk Utility from
  a live Ubuntu CD. That's where I screwed up... The end result was
  the names of the arrays were changed on the working 2 drives.
  IE: /dev/md0 to /dev/126 and /dev/md1 became md127.
 Something else must have happened too.  Because normally just adding
 arrays will not rename the existing arrays.  I am not familiar with
 the Disk Utility that you mention.
 Next time instead you might just use mdadm directly.  It really is
 quite easy to create new arrays using it.  Here is an example that
 will create a new device /dev/md9 mirrored from two other devices
 /dev/sdy5 and /dev/sdz5.
   mdadm --create /dev/md9 --level=mirror
 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdy5 /dev/sdz5

This is how I created /dev/md2.

  Strangely the md2 array which I setup on the added drives remains as
  /dev/md2. My root partition is/was on /dev/md0. The result is that
  Grub2 fails to boot the / array.
 You may have to boot a rescue cd.  I recommend booting the Debian
 install disk in rescue mode.  Then you can inspect and fix the
 problem.  But as of yet you haven't said enough to let us know what
 the problem might be yet.
  I have tried three REINSTALLING GRUB procedures from Sysresccd
  online docs and many others, Ubuntu etc.
 This isn't encouraging.  I can tell that you are grasping at straws.
 You have my sympathy.  But unfortunately that doesn't help diagnose
 the problem.  Remain calm.  And repeat exactly the problem that you
 are seeing and the steps you have taken to correct it.
I have not made any changes to any files on the root partition. I have
only used the procedures from SystemRescueCD and then backed out. All
seem to fail with the same linux_raid_member error.
  The errors occur when I try to mount the partition with the /boot
  directory. 'Complains about file system type 'linux_raid_member'

 I haven't seen that error before.  Maybe someone else will recognize
 I don't understand why you would get an error mounting /boot that
 would prevent the system from coming online.  Because by the time the
 system has booted enough to mount /boot it has already practically
 booted completely.  The system doesn't actually need /boot mounted to
 boot.  Grub reads the files from /boot and sets things in motion and
 then /etc/fstab instructs the system to mount /boot.
I get that when using the live rescue disk.
 Usually when the root device cannot be assembled the error I see is
 that the system is Waiting for root filesystem and can eventually
 get to a recovery shell prompt.
  This machine has worked for 3 years flawlessly.. Can anyone help
  with this? Or point me to a place or link to get this fixed. Google
  doesn't help... I can't find a article/posting where it ended
  successfully.  I have considered a full reinstall after Squeeze goes
  stable, since this O/S is a crufty upgrade from sarge over time. But
  useless now..
 The partitions for raid volumes should be 'autodetect' 0xFD.  This
 will enable mdadm to assemble then into raid at boot time.
 You can inspect the raid partitions with --detail and --examine.
   mdadm --examine /dev/sda1
   mdadm --detail /dev/md0
 That will list information about the devices.  Replace with your own
 series of devices.
 I would boot a rescue image and then inspect the current configuration
 using the above commands.  Hopefully that will show something wrong
 that can be fixed after you know what it is.
 A couple of other hints: If you are not booting a rescue system but
 using something like a live boot then you may need to load the kernel
 modules manually.  You may need to load the dm_mod and md_mod modules.
   modprobe md_mod
 You might get useful information from looking at the /proc/mdstat
   cat /proc/mdstat
 There is a configuration file /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf that holds the
 UUIDs of the configured devices.  If those have become corrupted then
 mdadm won't be able to assemble the /dev/md* devices.  Check that file
 and compare against what you see with the --detail output.
 The initrd contains a copy of the mdadm.conf file with the components
 needed to assemble the root filesystem.  If the UUIDs change over what
 is recorded in the initrd then the initrd will need to be rebuilt.  To
 do that make sure that the /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf file is correct and
 then reconfigure the kernel with dpkg-reconfigure.
   dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.32-5-i686
 Good luck!
Thanks, Bob
I will do as you suggest shortly.. BTW,  A little more info in my reply
to Tom..

TIA, Jack

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Re: Grub2 reinstall on raid1 system.

2011-01-15 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sat, 15 Jan 2011, Jack Schneider wrote:
   You might want to try configuring grub and fstab to use UUID's
   instead of /dev/mdX.  That removes the possibility that the kernel
   will change the mdX designations.
   Use blkid to find out the UUID's of your partitions.

Whatever you do, NEVER use the UUIDs of partitions, use the UUID of the
md devices.  The worst failure scenario involving MD and idiotic tools
is for a tool to cause a component device to be mounted instead of the
MD array.

This is one of the reasons why the new MD formats that offset the data
inside the component devices exists.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Gilles Mocellin
Le samedi 15 janvier, Florian Kulzer écrivit :
 On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 13:01:30 +0200, Andrei Popescu wrote:
   aptitude --schedule-only unmarkauto $(cat pkg.list)
 is somewhat clumsy, but it seems to work here. I only tried a simple
 test case with a list of two packages, and I did not test if
 --schedule-only is really necessary. If your list of packages exceeds
 the maximum number of command line arguments then you have to split the
 file. Backticks should also work if you want to avoid the $(...)

Another simpler form, but perhaps again a bashism is :
# aptitude unmarkauto $( pkg.list)

No process fork for cat.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Grub2 reinstall on raid1 system.

2011-01-15 Thread Jack Schneider
On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 12:06:11 -0200
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

 On Sat, 15 Jan 2011, Jack Schneider wrote:
You might want to try configuring grub and fstab to use UUID's
instead of /dev/mdX.  That removes the possibility that the
kernel will change the mdX designations.
Use blkid to find out the UUID's of your partitions.
 Whatever you do, NEVER use the UUIDs of partitions, use the UUID of
 the md devices.  The worst failure scenario involving MD and idiotic
 tools is for a tool to cause a component device to be mounted instead
 of the MD array.
 This is one of the reasons why the new MD formats that offset the data
 inside the component devices exists.
Thanks, Henrique!!!  That gives me a new place to start this AM...


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Re: [kinda solved] Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 15 ian 11, 14:14:11, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Sb, 15 ian 11, 12:23:07, Florian Kulzer wrote:
   Any other suggestions?
aptitude --schedule-only unmarkauto $(cat pkg.list)
 Do you mean after a '--schedule-only markauto ~i'? Hmm, let's try... 
 Nope, not what I needed. But the solution seems to be:
 aptitude --schedule-only markauto ~i
 aptitude --schedule-only install $(cat pkg.list)

Actually this only helps cleaning the system of unneeded packages, but 
still leaves me with a lot of packages not marked auto, so I had to 
apply Javier's hack after all.

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Re: Keyboard freezing/repeating endlessly

2011-01-15 Thread Joe Riel
On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 07:47:59 -0800
Joe Riel wrote:

 On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 11:38:43 + (UTC)
 Camaleón wrote:
  You can:
  1/ Start the system with no xorg (console) and leave it so for
  sometine to check if the problem is still present (even with no x
 I'll attempt to try this.  Might be painful working in a 
 virtual terminal all the time.  Kind of limits what I can
 do.  This is my work machine...

Got lucky, sort of.  I was just working in a virtual terminal
when the lockup occurred.  That doesn't rule out X in that
X was running (I had just opened the terminal and was reading
a man page), however, it suggests the problem might not be
with X.  That is consistent with the observation that restarting
gdm3 does not clear the fault.

  2/ Review you kernel log, just in case (cat /var/log/kern.log |
  grep input).

Found the following lines (more of same) in kern.log at the time
of the lockup.  However, I don't see them for other lockups
(a lockup occurred while I was typing this email), so it could
be a red-herring:

Jan 15 09:20:58 gauss kernel: [164858.674186] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 
nouveau_channel_free: freeing fifo 2
Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel: [164859.749505] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 
nouveau_channel_free: freeing fifo 1
Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel: [164859.750491] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 
PFIFO_CACHE_ERROR - Ch 1/5 Mthd 0x Data 0x8013
Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel: [164859.750507] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 
Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel: [164859.750511] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 
PGRAPH_ERROR - Ch 1/5 Class 0x008a Mthd 0x0300 Data 0x:0x
Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel: [164859.750566] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 
PFIFO_CACHE_ERROR - Ch 1/4 Mthd 0x Data 0x801a
Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel: [164859.750580] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 

Joe Riel

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Re: need help making shell script use two CPUs/cores

2011-01-15 Thread Carl Johnson
Stan Hoeppner writes:

 Carl Johnson put forth on 1/13/2011 11:34 AM:

 Processors  Time (seconds)
 P1  66
 P2  36
 P3  25
 P4  20
 P5  20
 P6  20
 P7  20
 P8  20

 Your numbers bear out exactly what I predicted.  Look at the decrease in run
 time from 1 to 2, 2 to 3, and from 3 to 4 processes:

 #CPUs Decremental run timeFractional gain per CPU
 2 30s 1/2
 3 11s 1/6th
 4  5s 1/13th

 You can clearly see the effects of serious memory contention when 3 cores are
 pegged.  Bringing the 4th core into the mix yields almost nothing compared to
 three cores, cutting only 5 seconds from a 66 second run time.

I seem to be looking at it in a different way, because the numbers don't
seem that much different that what I would expect.

#CPUs  time  theoretical   time-theoreticalgain/CPU(theoretical)
1  66
2  3666/2 = 33 36-33   = 3   (+9%) 1  -1/2 = 1/2
3  2566/3 = 22 25-22   = 3   (+14%)1/2-1/3 = 1/6
4  2066/4 = 16.5   20-16.5 = 3.5 (+21%)1/3-1/4 = 1/12


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stardict dictionary packages.

2011-01-15 Thread Sthu Deus
Good day.

Are in Debian the packages holding dictionaries capable to work w/

I see plenty of dictionaries for dict use, for example, but not for
stardict. Or it is almost unusable program in Debian repo - as the
interface program w/o the dictionaries seems to me as VCR w/o the
tapes. :)

Thank You for Your time.

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Re: stardict dictionary packages.

2011-01-15 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 01:50:39 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 Good day.

It's late afternoon here :-P
 Are in Debian the packages holding dictionaries capable to work w/
 I see plenty of dictionaries for dict use, for example, but not for
 stardict. Or it is almost unusable program in Debian repo - as the
 interface program w/o the dictionaries seems to me as VCR w/o the tapes.

Aren't dict-freedict-*-* packages working with Stardict? (just asking 
because I have not tested) :-?



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Re: Keyboard freezing/repeating endlessly

2011-01-15 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 09:55:54 -0800, Joe Riel wrote:

 On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 07:47:59 -0800 Joe Riel wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 11:38:43 + (UTC) Camaleón wrote:
  You can:
  1/ Start the system with no xorg (console) and leave it so for
  sometine to check if the problem is still present (even with no x
 I'll attempt to try this.  Might be painful working in a virtual
 terminal all the time.  Kind of limits what I can do.  This is my work
 Got lucky, sort of.  I was just working in a virtual terminal when the
 lockup occurred.  That doesn't rule out X in that X was running (I had
 just opened the terminal and was reading a man page), however, it
 suggests the problem might not be with X.  That is consistent with the
 observation that restarting gdm3 does not clear the fault.

Hum... yes, then it can be something related to the kernel.
  2/ Review you kernel log, just in case (cat /var/log/kern.log | grep
 Found the following lines (more of same) in kern.log at the time of the
 lockup.  However, I don't see them for other lockups (a lockup occurred
 while I was typing this email), so it could be a red-herring:
 Jan 15 09:20:58 gauss kernel: [164858.674186] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 
 nouveau_channel_free: freeing fifo 2 
 Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel: [164859.749505] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 
 nouveau_channel_free: freeing fifo 1 
 Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel: [164859.750491] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 
 PFIFO_CACHE_ERROR - Ch 1/5 Mthd 0x Data 0x8013 
 Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel: [164859.750507] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 
 Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel: [164859.750511] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 
 PGRAPH_ERROR - Ch 1/5 Class 0x008a Mthd 0x0300 Data 0x:0x 
 Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel: [164859.750566] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 
 PFIFO_CACHE_ERROR - Ch 1/4 Mthd 0x Data 0x801a 
 Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel: [164859.750580] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: 

If X server is not running, where are these logs entries coming from? 
(nouveau is the X driver for nvidia cards) ;-)

Anyway, the behaviour you are experiencing with the ps/2 keyboard is weird 
enough to fill a bug in Debian BTS, I would go for it.



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blancing conections

2011-01-15 Thread Jesus arteche
hi guys,

I have a web application that I want to scale in a cluster like Amazon EC2.
I have a load balancer and behind several web server (Apache2). My question

How can I make for the session that is iniciated in webserver 1...will be
available in webserver 2 cause the load balancer maybe can send the
conection some times from 1 to 2 or viceversa.


Squeeze and Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000

2011-01-15 Thread Slobodan Aleksić

Hello List,

I own a Logitech QuickCamPro and it doesn't work with Squeeze, any other 
people who have the same problem or no problem with it ?!

Only thing I found relevant was a closed bug :



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Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In 20110115110130.GC15639@think.homelan, Andrei Popescu wrote:
My usual method of 'cleaning' the system was to set all installed
packages to auto-installed and then mark one by one the ones I need to

aptitude --schedule-only markauto ~i

Seems to be doing the first part, but I can't convince aptitude to
unmark my list (which I processed to not contain unneeded space and

aptitude unmarkauto  pkg.list

has no effect

The redirection operator you've used ('') opens the named file, and replaces 
file descriptor 0 (stdin), with the descriptor of the just opened file, just 
before running the command.  Aptitude doesn't read packages to operate on from 
stdin, so it's not surprising this didn't have the effect you wanted.

(aptitude unmarkauto $(cat pkg.list)) should do what you want, and extra 
newlines and spaces wouldn't matter even if the file contained them.  
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Keyboard freezing/repeating endlessly

2011-01-15 Thread Joe Riel
On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 20:16:16 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

 On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 09:55:54 -0800, Joe Riel wrote:
  On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 07:47:59 -0800 Joe Riel wrote:
  On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 11:38:43 + (UTC) Camaleón wrote:
   You can:
   1/ Start the system with no xorg (console) and leave it so for
   sometine to check if the problem is still present (even with no x
  I'll attempt to try this.  Might be painful working in a virtual
  terminal all the time.  Kind of limits what I can do.  This is my
  work machine...
  Got lucky, sort of.  I was just working in a virtual terminal when
  the lockup occurred.  That doesn't rule out X in that X was running
  (I had just opened the terminal and was reading a man page),
  however, it suggests the problem might not be with X.  That is
  consistent with the observation that restarting gdm3 does not clear
  the fault.
 Hum... yes, then it can be something related to the kernel.
   2/ Review you kernel log, just in case (cat /var/log/kern.log |
   grep input).
  Found the following lines (more of same) in kern.log at the time of
  the lockup.  However, I don't see them for other lockups (a lockup
  occurred while I was typing this email), so it could be a
  Jan 15 09:20:58 gauss kernel: [164858.674186] [drm] nouveau
  :01:00.0: nouveau_channel_free: freeing fifo 2 Jan 15 09:20:59
  gauss kernel: [164859.749505] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0:
  nouveau_channel_free: freeing fifo 1 Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel:
  [164859.750491] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: PFIFO_CACHE_ERROR - Ch
  1/5 Mthd 0x Data 0x8013 Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel:
  [164859.750507] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: PGRAPH_ERROR - nSource:
  DATA_ERROR, nStatus: BAD_ARGUMENT Jan 15 09:20:59 gauss kernel:
  [164859.750511] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: PGRAPH_ERROR - Ch 1/5
  Class 0x008a Mthd 0x0300 Data 0x:0x Jan 15 09:20:59
  gauss kernel: [164859.750566] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0:
  PFIFO_CACHE_ERROR - Ch 1/4 Mthd 0x Data 0x801a Jan 15
  09:20:59 gauss kernel: [164859.750580] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0:
 If X server is not running, where are these logs entries coming from? 
 (nouveau is the X driver for nvidia cards) ;-)

Well, the X server was running.  I was originally in X and switched to
a virtual terminal.  The lockup occurred while I was working in the
virtual terminal.  I searched google for that error message and found
a few related bug reports in other forums.  At least one user was
experiencing very similar behavior (keyboard goes away).  

  Anyway, the behaviour you are experiencing with the ps/2 keyboard
  is weird enough to fill a bug in Debian BTS, I would go for it.

I'll do so.

Joe Riel

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Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Jochen Schulz wrote:
Florian Kulzer:
 […] Backticks should also work if you want to avoid the $(...)

That's not a bashism, it's perfectly legal POSIX/SUS.

It's also preferred over backticks since you can't nest backticks AND some 
older shells have convenient behavior on input like
Is it now `date
that really messes with you if you try and use quotes inside backticks.  Like 
making the following ambiguous:
Is it now`date + %F `, but I wish it was 100 years in the future.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [really solved] Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 15 ian 11, 19:42:26, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 Actually this only helps cleaning the system of unneeded packages, but 
 still leaves me with a lot of packages not marked auto, so I had to 
 apply Javier's hack after all.

Ok, this looks like the best version so far:

aptitude --disable-columns -F %p search '~i!~M'  $PKG_LIST
(in case you're wondering, my list currently has 177 packages)

Restore (as root):
aptitude -o Aptitude::Delete-Unused=false markauto ~i
aptitude -o Aptitude::Delete-Unused=false unmarkauto $(cat $PKG_LIST | tr \n 
aptitude keep-all

I still don't understand why 'Delete-Unused=false' is necessary with 
'unmarkauto' and an additional 'keep-all' is needed, but at least it 

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Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 15 ian 11, 14:31:13, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 (aptitude unmarkauto $(cat pkg.list)) should do what you want, and extra 
 newlines and spaces wouldn't matter even if the file contained them.  

Thanks for the tip, that saves a 'tr' invocation in my solution.

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Re: stardict dictionary packages.

2011-01-15 Thread Freeman
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 07:52:01PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 01:50:39 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
  Good day.
 It's late afternoon here :-P
  Are in Debian the packages holding dictionaries capable to work w/
  I see plenty of dictionaries for dict use, for example, but not for
  stardict. Or it is almost unusable program in Debian repo - as the
  interface program w/o the dictionaries seems to me as VCR w/o the tapes.
 Aren't dict-freedict-*-* packages working with Stardict? (just asking 
 because I have not tested) :-?

I haven't tried it either but that appears to be the stardict recommendation
as they offer dictd tarballs for installation to /usr/share/stardict/dic
along with others.


Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. NO (or Linux) is the
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Re: stardict dictionary packages.

2011-01-15 Thread Freeman
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 01:15:11PM -0800, evenso wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 07:52:01PM +, Camaleón wrote:
  On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 01:50:39 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
   Good day.
  It's late afternoon here :-P
   Are in Debian the packages holding dictionaries capable to work w/
   I see plenty of dictionaries for dict use, for example, but not for
   stardict. Or it is almost unusable program in Debian repo - as the
   interface program w/o the dictionaries seems to me as VCR w/o the tapes.
  Aren't dict-freedict-*-* packages working with Stardict? (just asking 
  because I have not tested) :-?
 I haven't tried it either but that appears to be the stardict recommendation
 as they offer dictd tarballs for installation to /usr/share/stardict/dic
 along with others.

The dictd dictionaries on my system don't work but the tarballs of the same
dictionaries from do. I kind of like stardict. Once it is
running, it is as fast as dictd at the command line.


Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. NO (or Linux) is the
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Re: blancing conections

2011-01-15 Thread Bob Proulx
Jesus arteche wrote:
 I have a web application that I want to scale in a cluster like Amazon EC2.
 I have a load balancer and behind several web server (Apache2). My question
 How can I make for the session that is iniciated in webserver 1...will be
 available in webserver 2 cause the load balancer maybe can send the
 conection some times from 1 to 2 or viceversa.

One idea.  Store the session in a cookie (like Rails default cookie
store) so that it is provided by the client with every http request.
There are good things and bad things about using cookie based sessions

One idea.  Store the session in a database that is shared between all
of the web application servers.  There are good things and bad things
about using database based sessions however.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Grub2 reinstall on raid1 system.

2011-01-15 Thread Jack Schneider
On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 05:25:45 -0700
Bob Proulx wrote:

 Jack Schneider wrote:
  I have a raid1 based W/S running Debian Squeeze uptodate. (was
  until ~7 days ago) There are 4 drives, 2 of which had never been
  used or formatted. I configured a new array using Disk Utility from
  a live Ubuntu CD. That's where I screwed up... The end result was
  the names of the arrays were changed on the working 2 drives.
  IE: /dev/md0 to /dev/126 and /dev/md1 became md127.
 Something else must have happened too.  Because normally just adding
 arrays will not rename the existing arrays.  I am not familiar with
 the Disk Utility that you mention.
Hi, Bob 
Thanks for your encouraging advice...

As I mentioned in a prior post,Grub was leaving me at a Grub rescueprompt.  

I followed this procedure:
Booting now leaves me at a busy box: However the Grub menu is correct.
With the correct kernels. So it appears that grub is now finding the
root/boot partitions and files. 
 Next time instead you might just use mdadm directly.  It really is
 quite easy to create new arrays using it.  Here is an example that
 will create a new device /dev/md9 mirrored from two other devices
 /dev/sdy5 and /dev/sdz5.
   mdadm --create /dev/md9 --level=mirror
 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdy5 /dev/sdz5
  Strangely the md2 array which I setup on the added drives remains as
  /dev/md2. My root partition is/was on /dev/md0. The result is that
  Grub2 fails to boot the / array.
 You may have to boot a rescue cd.  I recommend booting the Debian
 install disk in rescue mode.  Then you can inspect and fix the
 problem.  But as of yet you haven't said enough to let us know what
 the problem might be yet.
  I have tried three REINSTALLING GRUB procedures from Sysresccd
  online docs and many others, Ubuntu etc.
 This isn't encouraging.  I can tell that you are grasping at straws.
 You have my sympathy.  But unfortunately that doesn't help diagnose
 the problem.  Remain calm.  And repeat exactly the problem that you
 are seeing and the steps you have taken to correct it.
  The errors occur when I try to mount the partition with the /boot
  directory. 'Complains about file system type 'linux_raid_member'
 I haven't seen that error before.  Maybe someone else will recognize
 I don't understand why you would get an error mounting /boot that
 would prevent the system from coming online.  Because by the time the
 system has booted enough to mount /boot it has already practically
 booted completely.  The system doesn't actually need /boot mounted to
 boot.  Grub reads the files from /boot and sets things in motion and
 then /etc/fstab instructs the system to mount /boot.
 Usually when the root device cannot be assembled the error I see is
 that the system is Waiting for root filesystem and can eventually
 get to a recovery shell prompt.
  This machine has worked for 3 years flawlessly.. Can anyone help
  with this? Or point me to a place or link to get this fixed. Google
  doesn't help... I can't find a article/posting where it ended
  successfully.  I have considered a full reinstall after Squeeze goes
  stable, since this O/S is a crufty upgrade from sarge over time. But
  useless now..
 The partitions for raid volumes should be 'autodetect' 0xFD.  This
 will enable mdadm to assemble then into raid at boot time.
 You can inspect the raid partitions with --detail and --examine.
   mdadm --examine /dev/sda1
   mdadm --detail /dev/md0

mdadm --examine /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  gives I think a clean result 
I have posted the output at :
mdadm --detail /dev/md0 -- gives  mdadm: md device /dev/md0 does not
appear to be active. 

There is no /proc/mdstat  data output.  

 That will list information about the devices.  Replace with your own
 series of devices.
 I would boot a rescue image and then inspect the current configuration
 using the above commands.  Hopefully that will show something wrong
 that can be fixed after you know what it is.
 A couple of other hints: If you are not booting a rescue system but
 using something like a live boot then you may need to load the kernel
 modules manually.  You may need to load the dm_mod and md_mod modules.
   modprobe md_mod
 You might get useful information from looking at the /proc/mdstat

   cat /proc/mdstat
 There is a configuration file /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf that holds the
 UUIDs of the configured devices.  If those have become corrupted then
 mdadm won't be able to assemble the /dev/md* devices.  Check that file
 and compare against what you see with the --detail output.
 The initrd contains a copy of the mdadm.conf file with the components
 needed to assemble the root filesystem.  If the UUIDs change over what
 is recorded in the initrd then the initrd will need to be rebuilt.  To
 do that make 

changing grub boot order

2011-01-15 Thread briand
as per the wiki

I change the default in /etc/default/grub from 0 to 4.

I ran update-grub.

The same entry boots by default, i.e. it didn't work.

Anyone know why ?


For reference:

Configuring grub v2

The configuration file is /boot/grub/grub.cfg, but you shouldn't edit
it directly. This file is generated by grub v2's update-grub(8), based


  The script snippets in /etc/grub.d/

  The configuration file /etc/default/grub 

To configure grub v2, you should edit /etc/default/grub, then run
update-grub. Advanced configuration are achieved by modifying the
snippets in /etc/grub.d/. 

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Re: changing grub boot order

2011-01-15 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 15 ian 11, 14:55:08, wrote:
 as per the wiki
 I change the default in /etc/default/grub from 0 to 4.
 I ran update-grub.
 The same entry boots by default, i.e. it didn't work.
 Anyone know why ?

Please post the outputs of 'grep default= /boot/grub/grub.cfg' and
'grep GRUB_DEFAULT /etc/default/grub'.

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Re: Grub2 reinstall on raid1 system.

2011-01-15 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 8:24 AM, Jack Schneider wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 12:16:37 -0500
 Tom H wrote:

  You might want to try configuring grub and fstab to use UUID's
  instead of /dev/mdX.  That removes the possibility that the kernel
  will change the mdX designations.
  Use blkid to find out the UUID's of your partitions.
  Thanks for the reply, Rob. What grub file do I change?
  grub.cfg?  grub *.map? I seem to have UUIDs for both disks and
  LVM partitions, change both?

 So you have LVM over RAID, not just RAID.

 Well, not really, not all of the disks are LVM2. The first two
 disks raid1 /dev/sda  /dev/sdc are partitioned with 1 small
 /(root) partition, /dev/md0 - 10 gigs. The balance of the disk
 is /dev/md1 under LVM2 with seven logical volumes. /home,/var,/swap
 etc  The next two disks sdb and sdd are raid1 as /dev/md2 which I
 need to use as an extension of the LVM.

So you don't need to have any lvm reference in grub.cfg.

 More info, when I boot the machine, I see the GRUB loading. WELCOME to
 GRUB! info.  Then it enters the rescue mode with a grub rescue
 prompt.  So the kernel is found/finding the / partition. Right?

For grub rescue, check out

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Re: Grub2 reinstall on raid1 system.

2011-01-15 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 On Sat, 15 Jan 2011, Jack Schneider wrote:
   You might want to try configuring grub and fstab to use UUID's
   instead of /dev/mdX.  That removes the possibility that the kernel
   will change the mdX designations.
   Use blkid to find out the UUID's of your partitions.

 Whatever you do, NEVER use the UUIDs of partitions, use the UUID of the
 md devices.  The worst failure scenario involving MD and idiotic tools
 is for a tool to cause a component device to be mounted instead of the
 MD array.

 This is one of the reasons why the new MD formats that offset the data
 inside the component devices exists.

If you want to use an md device's UUID in grub.cfg, you're going to
have to edit it by hand or edit the grub2 scripts. AFAIK, they'll only
use the md device names because they're unique (through their UUIDs).

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Re: Grub2 reinstall on raid1 system.

2011-01-15 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Jack Schneider wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 05:25:45 -0700
 Bob Proulx wrote:
 Jack Schneider wrote:
  I have a raid1 based W/S running Debian Squeeze uptodate. (was
  until ~7 days ago) There are 4 drives, 2 of which had never been
  used or formatted. I configured a new array using Disk Utility from
  a live Ubuntu CD. That's where I screwed up... The end result was
  the names of the arrays were changed on the working 2 drives.
  IE: /dev/md0 to /dev/126 and /dev/md1 became md127.

 Something else must have happened too.  Because normally just adding
 arrays will not rename the existing arrays.  I am not familiar with
 the Disk Utility that you mention.

 As I mentioned in a prior post,Grub was leaving me at a Grub rescueprompt.

 I followed this procedure:
 Booting now leaves me at a busy box: However the Grub menu is correct.
 With the correct kernels. So it appears that grub is now finding the
 root/boot partitions and files.

Assemble the arrays at the busybox/initramfs prompt with
--update=super-minor in order to update the minor.

 You can inspect the raid partitions with --detail and --examine.

   mdadm --examine /dev/sda1
   mdadm --detail /dev/md0

 mdadm --examine /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  gives I think a clean result
 I have posted the output at :
 mdadm --detail /dev/md0 -- gives  mdadm: md device /dev/md0 does not
 appear to be active.

 There is no /proc/mdstat data output.

How about mdadm --detail /dev/md125 given that shows that sda1 and sdc1 have 125 as
their minor.

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Re: Grub2 reinstall on raid1 system.

2011-01-15 Thread Bob Proulx
Jack Schneider wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  Jack Schneider wrote:
   I have a raid1 based W/S running Debian Squeeze uptodate. (was
   until ~7 days ago) There are 4 drives, 2 of which had never been
   used or formatted. I configured a new array using Disk Utility from
   a live Ubuntu CD. That's where I screwed up... The end result was
   the names of the arrays were changed on the working 2 drives.
   IE: /dev/md0 to /dev/126 and /dev/md1 became md127.
  Something else must have happened too.  Because normally just adding
  arrays will not rename the existing arrays.  I am not familiar with
  the Disk Utility that you mention.

 Hi, Bob 
 Thanks for your encouraging advice...

I believe you should be able to completely recover from the current
problems.  But it may be tedious and not completely trivial.  You will
just have to work through it.

Now that there is more information available, and knowing that you are
using software raid and lvm, let me guess.  You added another physical
extent (a new /dev/md2 partition) to the root volume group?  If so
that is a common problem.  I have hit it myself on a number of
occasions.  You need to update the mdadm.conf file and rebuild the
initrd.  I will say more details about it as I go here in this message.

 As I mentioned in a prior post,Grub was leaving me at a Grub rescueprompt.  
 I followed this procedure:

That seems reasonable.  It talks about how to drive the grub boot
prompt to manually set up the boot.

But you were talking about using a disk utility from a live cd to
configure a new array with two new drives and that is where I was
thinking that you had been modifying the arrays.  It sounded like it

Gosh it would be a lot easier if we could just pop in for a quick peek
at the system in person.  But we will just have to make do with the
correspondence course.  :-)

 Booting now leaves me at a busy box: However the Grub menu is correct.
 With the correct kernels. So it appears that grub is now finding the
 root/boot partitions and files. 

That sounds good.  Hopefully not too bad off then.

  Next time instead you might just use mdadm directly.  It really is
  quite easy to create new arrays using it.  Here is an example that
  will create a new device /dev/md9 mirrored from two other devices
  /dev/sdy5 and /dev/sdz5.
mdadm --create /dev/md9 --level=mirror
  --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdy5 /dev/sdz5
   Strangely the md2 array which I setup on the added drives remains as
   /dev/md2. My root partition is/was on /dev/md0. The result is that
   Grub2 fails to boot the / array.

 This is how I created /dev/md2.

Then that explains why it didn't change.  Probably the HOMEHOST
parameter is involved on the ones that changed.  Using mdadm from the
command line doesn't set that parameter.

There was just a long discussion about this topic just recently.
You might want to jump into it in the middle here and read our
learnings with HOMEHOST.

 mdadm --examine /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  gives I think a clean result 
 I have posted the output at :

That looks good to me.  And healthy and normal.  Looks good to me for
that part.

But that is only the first partition.  That is just /dev/md0.  Do you
have any information on the other partitions?

You can look at /proc/partitions to get a list of all of the
partitions that the kernel knows about.

  cat /proc/partitions

Then you can poke at the other ones too.  But it looks like the
filesystems are there okay.

 mdadm --detail /dev/md0 -- gives  mdadm: md device /dev/md0 does not
 appear to be active. 
 There is no /proc/mdstat  data output.  

So it looks like the raid data is there on the disks but that the
multidevice (md) module is not starting up in the kernel.  Because it
isn't starting then there aren't any /dev/md* devices and no status
output in /proc/mdstat.

  I would boot a rescue image and then inspect the current configuration
  using the above commands.  Hopefully that will show something wrong
  that can be fixed after you know what it is.

I still think this is the best course of action for you.  Boot a
rescue disk into the system and then go from there.  Do you have a
Debian install disk #1 or Debian netinst or other installation disk?
Any of those will have a rescue system that should boot your system
okay.  The Debian rescue disk will automatically search for raid
partitions and automatically start the md modules.

 So it appears that I must rebuild my arrays.

I think your arrays might be fine.  More information is needed.

You said your boot partition was /dev/md0.  I assume that your root
partition was /dev/md1?  Then you added two new disks as /dev/md2?

  /dev/md0   /dev/sda1  /dev/sdc1

Let me guess at the next two:

  /dev/md1   /dev/sda2  /dev/sdc2  -- ?? missing info 

Re: Grub2 reinstall on raid1 system.

2011-01-15 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sat, 15 Jan 2011, Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
  On Sat, 15 Jan 2011, Jack Schneider wrote:
You might want to try configuring grub and fstab to use UUID's
instead of /dev/mdX.  That removes the possibility that the kernel
will change the mdX designations.
Use blkid to find out the UUID's of your partitions.
  Whatever you do, NEVER use the UUIDs of partitions, use the UUID of the
  md devices.  The worst failure scenario involving MD and idiotic tools
  is for a tool to cause a component device to be mounted instead of the
  MD array.
  This is one of the reasons why the new MD formats that offset the data
  inside the component devices exists.
 If you want to use an md device's UUID in grub.cfg, you're going to
 have to edit it by hand or edit the grub2 scripts. AFAIK, they'll only
 use the md device names because they're unique (through their UUIDs).

You must either use /dev/md* or the MD device UUID.  Anything else is going
to bite you back, hard.

There really isn't a reason to use UUIDs with MD.  The md devices will _not_
move around, especially not when kernel autostart is non-operational (and it
is not operational in any Debian kernel).  But some initrd scripts will keep
pestering you until you do switch to UUIDs everywhere.  Annoying, that.

OTOH, you will learn very fast to never ever forget to update
/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf AND the initrds when you touch the md arrays...

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: [really solved] Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Javier Barroso
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 9:41 PM, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Sb, 15 ian 11, 19:42:26, Andrei Popescu wrote:

 Actually this only helps cleaning the system of unneeded packages, but
 still leaves me with a lot of packages not marked auto, so I had to
 apply Javier's hack after all.

 Ok, this looks like the best version so far:

 aptitude --disable-columns -F %p search '~i!~M'  $PKG_LIST
 (in case you're wondering, my list currently has 177 packages)

 Restore (as root):
 aptitude -o Aptitude::Delete-Unused=false markauto ~i
 aptitude -o Aptitude::Delete-Unused=false unmarkauto $(cat $PKG_LIST | tr 
 \n  )
 aptitude keep-all

 I still don't understand why 'Delete-Unused=false' is necessary with
 'unmarkauto' and an additional 'keep-all' is needed, but at least it
When you invoke aptitude unmarkauto ... aptitude has all your packages
with auto mark, so aptitude will want to delete these unused packages
*before* it start with your operation (unmarkauto in this case). I
think it make sense


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Re: changing grub boot order

2011-01-15 Thread briand
On Sun, 16 Jan 2011 01:36:07 +0200
Andrei Popescu wrote:

 On Sb, 15 ian 11, 14:55:08, wrote:
  as per the wiki
  I change the default in /etc/default/grub from 0 to 4.
  I ran update-grub.
  The same entry boots by default, i.e. it didn't work.
  Anyone know why ?
 Please post the outputs of 'grep default= /boot/grub/grub.cfg' and
 'grep GRUB_DEFAULT /etc/default/grub'.

set default=4


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Re: [really solved] Re: aptitude: set all packages auto-installed except given list?

2011-01-15 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Du, 16 ian 11, 01:00:50, Javier Barroso wrote:
 When you invoke aptitude unmarkauto ... aptitude has all your packages
 with auto mark, so aptitude will want to delete these unused packages
 *before* it start with your operation (unmarkauto in this case). I
 think it make sense

Well, '(un)mark' seems to be doing more than just (un)marking packages 
which is a bit counter-intuitive to me...

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: [SOLVED] Is squeeze compatible with WD20EARS and other 2TB drives?

2011-01-15 Thread Stefan Monnier
  I'm down on these drives due to the maniacal 8 second head park
  interval, which likely does more mechanical damage than it saves power
  in dollar terms.
 There is simply no concrete evidence to back this urban legend.
 In the WD20EARS I purchased this was in no way just a legend -- be it  
 urban or rural or otherwise.

I'd be really surprised if you had evidence that your drive failed
because of mechanical damage due to aggressive head-park.

And if your drive failed while still young, well that happens to the
best of the drives, and is no evidence that those drives fail more often
than others and even less that if they do it's due to the aggressive


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HD manufacturers and Free Software (was: [SOLVED] Is squeeze compatible with WD20EARS and other 2TB drives?)

2011-01-15 Thread Stefan Monnier
 MUST READ: Western Digital is unable to provide support for the
 Unix/Linux operating systems outside of jumper configurations (for
 EIDE hard drives) and physical installation support.

While I never expect any OS-specific support from hard-drive suppliers,
I find it offensive for a manufacturer to explicitly single out the OS
I use, indeed.
So, to get back to Debian, I wonder which manufacturers are more friendly
to Free Software (e.g. provides tools to update their drives's firmware
from systems like Debian).


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Re: [OT] Hard Drive Energy Not Worth Conserving drives?

2011-01-15 Thread Stefan Monnier
 Read the ATA and SCSI specifications.  Or ask on either mailing list.
 In short, the drive presents its LBA addressing based on 512B sectors.
 The kernel can't choose to ignore that--it's stuck with it.  Since the
 drive is presenting LBA based on 512B sectors, there is no way the
 kernel can address LBA based on 4K sectors.

I don't follow: what prevents the kernel from telling the higher-up
tools that the drive uses 4KB sectors (or 72KB sectors for that matter)?

 In any case, the issue is probably not really in the kernel but in the
 filesystems and partitioning tools: all that's really needed to use the

 The current problem with the hybrid drives is that the partitioning
 utilities don't automatically align partitions on the underlying 4k
 sector boundaries.

I'm glad we agree.

 Indeed, and for that reason 4KB physical blocks wouldn't cause
 additional disk space usage.
 The space savings with 4KB sectors has nothing to do with file systems
 or user data.

I was talking about the space usage increase incurred from the use of
≥4KB blocks in the FS, if we assume that the FS uses the underlying HD
block size as a lower-limit of its own block size.

 This is the ONLY reason these 4KB sector drives were developed:  more
 actual end user space on the drive.

That's a different topic, but an interesting one as well: the gain seems
small (e.g. WD has/had two Green 2TB drives, one using 4KB sectors and
the other using good'ol 512B sectors, and this using apparently the
same underlying head/drive technology, so it seems the gain, if any, was
too small to make it to the end user).
So why does WD do that?


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OT: Output from date command - my little backup script

2011-01-15 Thread Adrian Levi
Is the output from the date command a string or integer wrt date +%w?

I'm trying to test a condition in my backup script where i want to
match on day of week = 0

The program flow I am trying to achieve is If the file exists and the
day of the week is 0 then remove the file and set the day of the week
to 0, otherwise set the day of the week to 0(perform Level 0 backup).

From man test i have 2 possibilities that i'm aware of, $backuplevel
-eq 0 and $backuplevel = 0

if [ -f $incrementalfile ]
backuplevel=`date +%w`
if [ $backuplevel -eq 0]
rm $incrementalfile  /dev/null 21

I have also tried if [ $backuplevel = 0 ]

But neither seems to match, that is to say that the incremental file
does not get deleted so it continues to do an 'other than 0 level
The command echo $backuplevel returns 0 but I don't know if it is an
integer or a string, or is it both?
According to [1] Bash variables are untyped but I don't know why
neither of them match and delete my file.
Severely confused,


24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
erno hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

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Re: OT: Output from date command - my little backup script

2011-01-15 Thread Bob Proulx
Adrian Levi wrote:
 Is the output from the date command a string or integer wrt date +%w?

The date command only produces string output.  %w produces one of the
characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

 I'm trying to test a condition in my backup script where i want to
 match on day of week = 0
 The program flow I am trying to achieve is If the file exists and the
 day of the week is 0 then remove the file and set the day of the week
 to 0, otherwise set the day of the week to 0(perform Level 0 backup).

 From man test i have 2 possibilities that i'm aware of, $backuplevel
 -eq 0 and $backuplevel = 0

In the shell -eq is a numeric comparison and = is a string
comparison.  Sometimes that makes no difference.  Sometimes that is a
critically important difference.  Although current shells will
complain if it isn't a number.

  00 -eq 0
  00 != 0
  02 -eq 2
  02 != 2

 if [ -f $incrementalfile ]
 backuplevel=`date +%w`
 if [ $backuplevel -eq 0]

You are missing a space after the 0 and before the ] and I am hoping
that is simply an email glitch.  But you must have a space there.

if [ $backuplevel -eq 0 ]

 rm $incrementalfile  /dev/null 21

Redirecting the errors to /dev/null is bad.  Because you have
redirected the errors to /dev/null this may be unable to delete the
file, throwing an error, and you won't get the error.  Since you know
the file was there because of the -f test above it I think you should
just try to remove it, and not use rm -f either.

rm $incrementalfile


Is there a question in there?

 I have also tried if [ $backuplevel = 0 ]

Sure.  String comparison should work okay there.

 But neither seems to match, that is to say that the incremental file
 does not get deleted so it continues to do an 'other than 0 level

Run the script with sh -x and see what commands are traced.

  sh -x ./myscript

Use echo to print out lines in question.

  echo DEBUG: if [ $backuplevel -eq 0 ]
  if [ $backuplevel -eq 0 ]

  echo DEBUG: Removing with: rm -f $backuplevel
  rm -f $backuplevel

You can use the command line to try things.

  $ test 0 -eq 0  echo yes || echo no
  $ test 0 = 0  echo yes || echo no

  $ test 00 -eq 0  echo yes || echo no
  $ test 00 = 0  echo yes || echo no

 The command echo $backuplevel returns 0 but I don't know if it is an
 integer or a string, or is it both?

The shell is only working with strings.  It doesn't become a number
until it is forced into an integer comparison such as [ 0 -eq 0 ].

 According to [1] Bash variables are untyped

They are untyped because they are all strings.

 but I don't know why neither of them match and delete my file.

I don't see a problem (other than the missing space) but by using such
techniques as above you should be able to find it.  If it is the
missing space then you should have seen this error:

  $ [ 0 -eq 0]
  [: 1: missing `]'

So I assume it is a typo in your cut-n-paste.


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Re: [OT] Hard Drive Energy Not Worth Conserving drives?

2011-01-15 Thread Andrew McGlashan


Stefan Monnier wrote:

Read the ATA and SCSI specifications.  Or ask on either mailing list.
In short, the drive presents its LBA addressing based on 512B sectors.
The kernel can't choose to ignore that--it's stuck with it.  Since the
drive is presenting LBA based on 512B sectors, there is no way the
kernel can address LBA based on 4K sectors.

Storage - The H Open Source: News and Features

Numerous changes to the network and storage code are to increase 
processing speed and improve the system's hardware support. Among the 
new additions are a PPTP stack, various drivers for Wi-Fi hardware by 
Atheros, Broadcom and Realtek, and code for hard disks with a logical 
sector size of 4 Kbytes


Now, when will stable release have a 2.6.37 kernel?  And are all those 
changes non-free -- so to be included in supported versions of Debian?

Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP

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