GNOME 3: com evitar-lo?

2011-11-06 Thread Ernest Adrogué

Fins ara utilitzava Gnome i més o menys estava satisfet, faig servir
el mode focus-follows-mouse, múltiples escriptoris, etc. Ara amb el
Gnome 3 sembla que han decidit fer una sèrie de canvis ridículs, com
ara eliminar la barra de tasques (de manera que no veus les finestres
minimitzades) i altres coses que no tenen cap mena de sentit.

Moltes distribucions ja l'han començat a adoptar, entre elles Ubuntu.
A Debian suposo que entrarà a Testing aviat. Personalment, no penso
utilitzar el Gnome 3 perquè tinc molt clar que no m'agrada i crec que
s'han begut l'enteniment. La qüestió és com evitar-lo?

Posar els paquets de Gnome en hold potser una idea, però no sé si
pot crear complicacions. En fi, m'imagino que no sóc l'únic amb aquest
problema i m'agradaria saber els altres què penseu fer?


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Re: GNOME 3: com evitar-lo?

2011-11-06 Thread Xavi Viader
comparteixo al 100% l'opinió de l'Ernest, de fet en Linus Torvalds també
sembla estar-hi d'acord. En el meu cas tot apunta que acabaré passant a



2011/11/6 Ernest Adrogué


 Fins ara utilitzava Gnome i més o menys estava satisfet, faig servir
 el mode focus-follows-mouse, múltiples escriptoris, etc. Ara amb el
 Gnome 3 sembla que han decidit fer una sèrie de canvis ridículs, com
 ara eliminar la barra de tasques (de manera que no veus les finestres
 minimitzades) i altres coses que no tenen cap mena de sentit.

 Moltes distribucions ja l'han començat a adoptar, entre elles Ubuntu.
 A Debian suposo que entrarà a Testing aviat. Personalment, no penso
 utilitzar el Gnome 3 perquè tinc molt clar que no m'agrada i crec que
 s'han begut l'enteniment. La qüestió és com evitar-lo?

 Posar els paquets de Gnome en hold potser una idea, però no sé si
 pot crear complicacions. En fi, m'imagino que no sóc l'únic amb aquest
 problema i m'agradaria saber els altres què penseu fer?


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Re: GNOME 3: com evitar-lo?

2011-11-06 Thread Orestes Mas
A Diumenge, 6 de novembre de 2011 13:47:31, Ernest Adrogué va escriure:
 Fins ara utilitzava Gnome i més o menys estava satisfet, faig servir
 el mode focus-follows-mouse, múltiples escriptoris, etc. Ara amb el
 Gnome 3 sembla que han decidit fer una sèrie de canvis ridículs, com
 ara eliminar la barra de tasques (de manera que no veus les finestres
 minimitzades) i altres coses que no tenen cap mena de sentit.
 Moltes distribucions ja l'han començat a adoptar, entre elles Ubuntu.
 A Debian suposo que entrarà a Testing aviat. Personalment, no penso
 utilitzar el Gnome 3 perquè tinc molt clar que no m'agrada i crec que
 s'han begut l'enteniment. La qüestió és com evitar-lo?
 Posar els paquets de Gnome en hold potser una idea, però no sé si
 pot crear complicacions. En fi, m'imagino que no sóc l'únic amb aquest
 problema i m'agradaria saber els altres què penseu fer?

Penso que serà complicat, perquè tard o d'hora (més aviat d'hora que tard) 
l'antic Gnome es deixarà de mantenir i fins i tot d'estar disponible als 
repositoris. No podràs ni actualitzar la distribució.

Sobre què pensem fer no et puc ajudar gaire, perquè no sóc usuari de gnome...


Orestes Mas.

Re: GNOME 3: com evitar-lo?

2011-11-06 Thread Giorgio Grappa

Al 06/11/11 14:23, En/na Orestes Mas ha escrit:

A Diumenge, 6 de novembre de 2011 13:47:31, Ernest Adrogué va escriure:



  Fins ara utilitzava Gnome i més o menys estava satisfet, faig servir

  el mode focus-follows-mouse, múltiples escriptoris, etc. Ara amb el

  Gnome 3 sembla que han decidit fer una sèrie de canvis ridículs, com

  ara eliminar la barra de tasques (de manera que no veus les finestres

  minimitzades) i altres coses que no tenen cap mena de sentit.


Com apunta el Xavi, tens l'alternativa de l'XFCE. Jo fa més de dos anys 
que em vaig passar a la Lubuntu (LXDE), que per fi és sabor oficial, i 
també he tastat E17 (en fase betíssima, no m'atreveixo a recomanar-lo, 
tot i que m'agrada molt). Els dos primers tenen un aspecte força 
«clàssic», i són lleugers.

Si no t'agraden els canvis de Gnome3, potser tampoc no t'entusiasmarà 
KDE4: el trobo molt més «diferent» encara, tirant a barroc; però, bé, és 
qüestió d'anar tastant.

Bona sort.

Giorgio Grappa

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[wheezy] initramfs

2011-11-06 Thread Jacques BRIQUET

Re: coupure courant mount /roort/dev failed?:wq

2011-11-06 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le samedi 05 novembre 2011, Frédéric ZULIAN a écrit...

 - J'ai utilisé le CD de rescue (sysrescd) pour acceder à mes partitiions
 et les copier.
 Mais il me répond : sda2: couldn't mount because of unsupported
 optionnal features (240)

Quelles options passes tu au mount ? Ton sda2 est gros ? Tu pourrais le
copier avec dd|ddrescue, pour en faire une image, avant de faire le
fsck ? Car il n'est pas nécessaire, ni recommandé d'ailleurs, de faire
le fsck sur une partition montée.

As tu utilisé testdisk, ou quelque chose d'équivalent, pour vérifier la
table des partitions ?


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Re: [wheezy] initramfs

2011-11-06 Thread
Le 06/11/2011 11:56, Jacques BRIQUET a écrit :
 Bonjour et bientôt bon appétit,
 pour le fun, j'ai compilé un nouveau kernel, à priori l'installation
 s'est bien passé, (étape par étape)
 au boot, le disque n'est pas reconnu, et j'ai le prompt de l'nitramfs,
 j'en conclu que ftab n'est pas monté!
 je peux taper des commandes
 les choix de mon fichier CONFIG serait-il incomplet?
 avez-vous une idée?
 comment savoir si le initrd est incorrect?
 bonne journée

Bonjour (miam, scrunch, glup),

Comment le noyau est-il compilé ? Il y a plusieurs façons de compiler un
noyau pour Debian, avec kernel-package qui requiert un peu de
configuration manuelle, avec la cible make deb-pkg qui est inclue dans
les sources du noyau (même celles du noyau vanilla de, à
l'ancienne avec make - make modules_install - make install qui
nécessite de prendre soins du chargeur d'amorçage et de l'initramfs soit
Avez-vous suivi un tutoriel particulier ? (url ?)

Il faudrait aussi savoir comment la config a été faite (à partir d'une
config existante, en partant de zéro ?), quels sont les messages
d'erreurs précis renvoyés lors du démarrage.

Bref, quelques infos supplémentaires aiderait beaucoup à diagnostiquer
le problème.

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Re: [Re: [wheezy] initramfs]

2011-11-06 Thread
Le 06/11/2011 14:11, Jacques BRIQUET a écrit :
 j'ai compilé à l'ancienne
 une fois avec make all
 une autre fois avec make -j 16, puis make dep (plus nécessaire), puis
 make modules, ensuite  make modules_install
 j'ai regardé dans /boot et grub.cfg, à priori c'éest OK
 donc j'ai validé les changement de grub par update-grub
 j'ai rebooté,
 Loading, please wait...
 Gave up waiting for root device.  Common problems:
 - Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)
 -Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?)
 -Check root= (did the system wait for the right device?)
 -Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev
 ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uid/xx does not exit.
 Dropping to a shell!
 BusyBox v1.18.5 Debian 1:1.18.5-1) built_in shell (ash)
 Enter 'help' for a list of build-in commands.
 /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
 la je peux taper quelques commandes,
 pour le rootdelay, j'ai une qui tourne OKI
 pour le chek root, je pense que c'est dépendant de la ligne
 précédente, ftab ne peut être monté
 mon fichier .config, j'ai pris celui de la!! au moins je suis
 sur qu'il est bon
 je n'ai pas utilisé make-kpkg je n'ai pas trouvé la syntaxe pour prendre
 en compte les 8 cores (make -j 16 en 13mn)
 je peux refaire mon initrd mais est-ce la bonne piste?
 je pense qu'il faut repartir du .config de la version et en
 construire un autre!
 merci d'avoir répondu
 mes dernières compiles kernel datent de 2.2 et 2.4 sur des linux différents

(Je redirige vers la liste un message reçu en direct)

Si le fichier .config (avec make oldconfig) est celui d'un 3.* Debian
on peut imaginer que les options concernant les modules nécessaires au
montage de la racine / sont bonnes.
Il y a bien un initrd correspondant au noyau compilé, ce n'est pas
l'ancien qui est chargé ?

Le message ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uid/xx does not exit
fait penser à une simple erreur d'adressage de la partition racine. Si
le noyau Debian démarre sans problème on peut imaginer que le fstab est
correctement renseigné, je ne vois pas pourquoi mkinitramfs irait
chercher un UUID farfelu juste pour le noyau compilé.

Depuis le shell busybox il est possible de monter la partition racine
sur /, et de poursuivre le démarrage avec un exec /sbin/init. Ça
permettra de voir si une fois le problème d'adressage de la partition
racine réglé le démarrage se poursuit normalement.

Il y a une foule de tutoriels pour compiler son noyau en Anglais, mon
préféré pour Debian est sans doute [1] .
En Français je connais [2] pour kernel-package, [3] pour la méthode
make deb-pkg, et [4] pour la méthode à l'ancienne.





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2011-11-06 Thread Nicolas FRANCOIS

Je voudrais que Gedit colorise automatiquement les fichiers .gvr que
j'édite (.gvr, pour GvRng, un outil d'initiation à l'algorithmique et
la programmation que j'utilise avec mes élèves).

L'application fournit des fichiers de langage (plusieurs, en fait, cela
dépend de la langue des locales) qui sont dans
~/.gnome2/gtksourceview-1.0/language-specs/, mais pas de fichier
.xml mime-type.

J'en ai créé un qui ressemble à ça :

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
mime-type type=text/x-gvr_eng sub-class-of type=text/plain/
commentGvRng Source Code/comment
glob pattern=*.gvr/

puis j'ai mis à jour la base de données avec 
update-mime-database /usr/share/mime/

mais ça ne change rien, il me semble.

Qu'ai-je fait de traviole ?

D'avance merci.



Nicolas FRANCOIS  |  /\   | |__|
We are the Micro$oft.   _\_V
Resistance is futile.   
You will be assimilated. darthvader penguin

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Re: Problème de clavier

2011-11-06 Thread Christophe Gallaire

Jean-Yves F. Barbier a dit dans un souffle :

On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 18:34:17 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

J'ai essayé toutes les listes proposées sur la solution mais rien y fait.
Je n'ai pas comprendu qu'est ce qui se passe...

Si je comprend bien, c'est la galère (DSL, pas pu m'empêcher:)

Est-ce que tu as bien essayé de remplacer le driver 'kdb' par 'evdev'
et de ne laisser que les sections:
* InputDevice = Keyboard
* InputDevice = mouse (si besoin est)
* Device  = Carte graphique
dans xorg.conf?

Qq chose comme ça:


Section InputDevice
   Identifier Keyboard0
   Driver evdev
   Option XkbRulesxorg
   Option XkbModelpc104
   Option XkbLayout   fr
   # Touche COMPOSE (pour avoir certaines accentuées) = LEFT_W$
  Option  XkbOptions  compose:lwin
  Option  XkbVariant  oss

###   MOUSE

Section InputDevice
   # Logitech Optical 3 BTs + Wheel
   Identifier Mouse0
   Driver evdev
   Option Protocolauto
   # Chger pr une résol. plus musclée
   Option Resolution  3500

###   GC

Section Device
   Identifier NVIDIA
   Driver nouveau

###   EOF


J'ai été un peu long à répondre mais voilà... rien de nouveau même en reprenant
le fichier xorg.conf au minimum, en suivant tes conseils kdb remplacé par

C'est quand même incroyable... y a bien un truc qui cloche...



Christophe Gallaire

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Description: Digital signature

Re: Mimetypes

2011-11-06 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Sun, 6 Nov 2011 21:23:59 +0100
Nicolas FRANCOIS wrote:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 mime-type type=text/x-gvr_eng sub-class-of type=text/plain/
   commentGvRng Source Code/comment
   glob pattern=*.gvr/

 Qu'ai-je fait de traviole ?

Confondu un fichier XML avec un MIME: 

Jesus may love you, but I think you're garbage wrapped in skin.
-- Michael O'Donohugh

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Re: Problème de clavier

2011-11-06 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Mon, 7 Nov 2011 00:07:10 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

 J'ai été un peu long à répondre mais voilà... rien de nouveau même en 
 le fichier xorg.conf au minimum, en suivant tes conseils kdb remplacé par

Là, je ne vois plus.
 C'est quand même incroyable... y a bien un truc qui cloche...

L'élément qui cloche le plus est en Gal l'interface entre la chaise et
le clavier.
Reprends tout à zéro, en ne modifiant les choses que 1/1 et en validant
chaque étape.
Eventuellement purge les packages de X et réinstalle-les (au cas où un
fichier aurait été endommagé ou serait manquant).


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Re: Mimetypes

2011-11-06 Thread Nicolas FRANCOIS
Le Sun, 6 Nov 2011 22:20:42 +0100,
Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit :

  Qu'ai-je fait de traviole ?
 Confondu un fichier XML avec un MIME: 

Merci pour le lien. J'ai été faire un tour sur le site de Gnome, mais
la doc que j'avais trouvé pointait sur un lien mort.

Encore merci.



Nicolas FRANCOIS  |  /\   | |__|
We are the Micro$oft.   _\_V
Resistance is futile.   
You will be assimilated. darthvader penguin

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Re: Problème de clavier

2011-11-06 Thread Christophe Gallaire

Jean-Yves F. Barbier a dit dans un souffle :

On Mon, 7 Nov 2011 00:07:10 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

J'ai été un peu long à répondre mais voilà... rien de nouveau même en reprenant
le fichier xorg.conf au minimum, en suivant tes conseils kdb remplacé par

Là, je ne vois plus.

C'est quand même incroyable... y a bien un truc qui cloche...

L'élément qui cloche le plus est en Gal l'interface entre la chaise et
le clavier.
Reprends tout à zéro, en ne modifiant les choses que 1/1 et en validant
chaque étape.
Eventuellement purge les packages de X et réinstalle-les (au cas où un
fichier aurait été endommagé ou serait manquant).

Euh... que l'agent humain soit, dans la majorité des cas, l'élément qui cloche,
aucun souci pour le reconnaître. Mais là, je n'ai rien fait pour en arriver là.
Cest une mise à jour qui a créé le problème, pas moi. Bien entendu, c'est moi
qui aie effectué cette mise à jour...

Je vais tout reprendre... je vais attendre d'avoir une connexion digne de ce nom
et je vais tout virer... parce que c'est bougrement handicapant. J'ai aussi
depuis cette mise à jour un problème avec Pelican, mon moteur de blog :

CRITICAL: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 8: ordinal not in

Manifestement, c'est un paquet lié à Python qui pose problème... ou c'est lié à 
mon problème de clavier.



Christophe Gallaire

Attention ! Suppression des mails entrants dont la taille est supérieure à 2Mo !
N'envoyez, s'il vous plaît, que des pièces jointes en formats ouverts. 

Nouveau carnet de route :
Timeline :
Clé de chiffrement : 7803

Description: Digital signature

Re: Problème de clavier

2011-11-06 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Mon, 7 Nov 2011 07:46:19 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

 et je vais tout virer... parce que c'est bougrement handicapant. J'ai aussi
 depuis cette mise à jour un problème avec Pelican, mon moteur de blog :
 CRITICAL: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 8: ordinal not in
 Manifestement, c'est un paquet lié à Python qui pose problème... ou c'est lié 
 à mon problème de clavier.

Il faut le jumeler à FISH pour qu'il marche bien :)
Nan, j'déconne.

Il semble que ton FS soit en UTF8 et pas le codage des fichiers Python,
'gade s'il ne manquerait pas du -*- coding: utf-8 -*- en début des fichiers.

BOFH excuse #66:
bit bucket overflow

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Re: Santé des SSD et SSD plus généralement

2011-11-06 Thread Thibaut Chèze

Encore merci pour vos réponses.
Une dernière relance.

 Et donc je vous pose la question, d'après vous dois-je apporter credit à
 ces indicateurs ou simplement au fait que le test SMART passe ?
 Quelqu'un a t'il de l'expérience en particulier avec le SMART et les SSD
 ? les SSD OCZ ?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Nettoyage du spam: anciennes archives de debian-user-french

2011-11-06 Thread Christian PERRIER
Bonjour à tou(te)s,

Dans le processus de nettoyage de spam, je vois que certain(e)s
d'entre vous relisent ponctuellement les anciennes archives de nos
listes de diffusion.

Par contre, il est relativement inutile de relire les archives pour
les mois où 5 ou plus personnes ont déjà fait la relecture. En effet,
les spams alors signalés ont en principe été traités et vous n'allez
rien trouver ou presque.

Ainsi, debian-l10n-french et debian-devel-french n'ont plus besoin de
relectures (à part bien sûr une fois chaque mois pour le nouveau mois)

A contrario, les anciennes archives de debian-user-french ont toujours
besoin d'être traitées : selon les cas, par une, deux, trois, voire
quatre personnes, encore.

debian-user-french est une liste au traffic élevé (et il était encore
plus élevé dans le passé), donc c'est un très gros
travail. Personnellement, je traite un mois ou deux d'archives, chaque

Cependant, si plusieurs s'y mettent, on peut avancer assez vite.

Le tableau d'avancement est sur

Merci d'avance pour votre coopération. J'espère bien trouver plein de
signalements de spams à traiter les prochaines dimanches...:-)

Description: Digital signature

Re: ¿Cómo acceder a localhost:8080 con apache 2.2? [Solucionado]

2011-11-06 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 05 Nov 2011 19:22:26 -0500, Juan Carlos Villegas Botero escribió:

 Encontré la solución.  Resulta que estaba poniendo: 
 Listen 80
 Listen 8080

Eso es correcto.

 Pero de hecho apache ya estaba escuchando el puerto 80, entonces con esa
 línea el sistema intentaba abrirlo de nuevo pero ya estaba en uso (por
 él mismo).


Pues habrás debido de hacer algún cambio manual porque el archivo /etc/
apache2/ports.conf viene con el Listen 80 de serie y funciona 



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Problemas instalación Debian Testing amd64 con ATI Radeon HD 6450

2011-11-06 Thread SM Baby Siabef
¡Buenas a todos!

Pero bueno, triste, muy pero que muy triste por mi parte. Estoy desde
Gmail, quitando el texto enriquecido... si hay problemas, avisadme y
me pongo en Thunderbird. Expongo el caso

Ayer me compré un nuevo sobremesa para la sustitución del HP 550 que
tenía (gracias a él, por el tema del wifi, os conocí a vosotros... de
antemano, muchas gracias a todos los integrantes de la lista por su
ayuda). Bien, primeramente, os voy a poner todas las características
del ordenador.

sonic@tornado-01:~$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor
Family DRAM Controller (rev 09)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200/2nd Generation Core
Processor Family PCI Express Root Port (rev 09)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200
Series Chipset Family MEI Controller #1 (rev 04)
00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset
Family USB Enhanced Host Controller #2 (rev 05)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset
Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset
Family PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev b5)
00:1c.4 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset
Family PCI Express Root Port 5 (rev b5)
00:1c.5 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset
Family PCI Express Root Port 6 (rev b5)
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset
Family USB Enhanced Host Controller #1 (rev 05)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation H61 Express Chipset Family LPC
Controller (rev 05)
00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series
Chipset Family 6 port SATA AHCI Controller (rev 05)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family
SMBus Controller (rev 05)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc NI Caicos [AMD
01:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc NI Caicos HDMI Audio [AMD
03:00.0 USB Controller: ASMedia Technology Inc. ASM1042 SuperSpeed USB
Host Controller
04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 06)

Bien, ahora comento.

Intenté instalar una Debian Testing amd64. Instala bien (con entorno
gráfico GNOME + Utilidades estándar del sistema+ kernel 3 de amd64),
pero justo en el momento en el que aparece el Waiting for dev to be
fully populated aparecen tres líneas de error pero híper-rápidas
(imposible de leer...) y de repente, la pantalla se convierte como en
un enorme escupitajo de color gris. El sistema sigue cargando, pero yo
no veo absolutamente nada, impidiendo realizar cualquier tipo de

Probé ahora arrancando debian con el modo a prueba de fallos... y
tampoco, exactamente el mismo percal, el escupitajo gris.

Apunte importante: intenté probar lo de parar el arrancar con Ctrl+S y
demás que vi en un correo antiguo de la lista para detener el booteo
[1] pero... decir que no funciona, no.

¿Qué hago? Bueno, pues voy a daros alguna pista más.

Instalé (y de hecho está) instalado Ubuntu 11.10 32-bit con Unity en
2D. ¿Por qué no en 3D? Porque se congela si le someto a mucha carga.
Hace un parpadeo negro y.. ¡tachán, congelada imagen! Probé a instalar
el controlador fglrx de la tarjeta gráfica en Ubuntu, pero como el que
escucha llover para el sistema de Canonical, nada. Aunque instalarlo
provocó que Unity 2D sí funcionara sin inconvientes.

Instalé Linux Mint Katya 64-bit antes. Desde allí, pude comprobar que
el error era de la Radeon. En los momentos de bloqueo de pantalla
(como le sucedía a Ubuntu) aparecía este triste mensaje (OJO: No es
mío. Pero como eliminé Linux Mint, para que os hagáis una leve idea.
Aparecía como 500 veces repetido):

kernel: [ 1387.684308] radeon :01:00.0: GPU lockup CP stall for more than
kernel: [ 1387.684319] [ cut here ]
kernel: [ 1387.684365] WARNING: at drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_fence.c:267
radeon_fence_wait+0x3fb/0x430 [radeon]()
kernel: [ 1387.684372] Hardware name:
kernel: [ 1387.684376] GPU lockup (waiting for 0x000F3F30 last fence id
kernel: [ 1387.684382] Modules linked in: bnep microcode tpm_infineon
virtio_net virtio virtio_ring kvm_intel kvm radeon ttm drm_kms_helper [last
unloaded: scsi_wait_scan]
kernel: [ 1387.684376] GPU lockup (waiting for 0x000F3F30 last fence id
kernel: [ 1387.684382] Modules linked in: bnep microcode tpm_infineon
virtio_net virtio virtio_ring kvm_intel kvm radeon ttm drm_kms_helper [last
unloaded: scsi_wait_scan]
kernel: [ 1387.684411] Pid: 1221, comm: X Tainted: GW   3.1.0-rc4 #2
kernel: [ 1387.684417] Call Trace:
kernel: [ 1387.684434]  [8104da0f] warn_slowpath_common+0x7f/0xc0
kernel: [ 1387.68]  [8104db06] warn_slowpath_fmt+0x46/0x50
kernel: [ 1387.684478]  [a005de3b] radeon_fence_wait+0x3fb/0x430
kernel: [ 1387.684490]  

Re: Problemas instalación Debian Testing amd64 con ATI Radeon HD 6450

2011-11-06 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 06 Nov 2011 11:40:49 +0100, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

 ¡Buenas a todos!

Holas :-)

 Pero bueno, triste, muy pero que muy triste por mi parte. Estoy desde
 Gmail, quitando el texto enriquecido... si hay problemas, avisadme y me
 pongo en Thunderbird. Expongo el caso

El mensaje ha salido perfecto. Gracias por tenerlo en cuenta... ya sé que 
soy un poco pesadita con eso del formato y demás pero da gusto leer 
mensajes como este, bien documentados y sin formato html.

 Ayer me compré un nuevo sobremesa para la sustitución del HP 550 que
 tenía (gracias a él, por el tema del wifi, os conocí a vosotros... de
 antemano, muchas gracias a todos los integrantes de la lista por su
 ayuda). Bien, primeramente, os voy a poner todas las características del
 sonic@tornado-01:~$ lspci


 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc NI Caicos [AMD
 RADEON HD 6450]

Ahí está la susodicha.

 Bien, ahora comento.
 Intenté instalar una Debian Testing amd64. Instala bien (con entorno
 gráfico GNOME + Utilidades estándar del sistema+ kernel 3 de amd64),
 pero justo en el momento en el que aparece el Waiting for dev to be
 fully populated aparecen tres líneas de error pero híper-rápidas
 (imposible de leer...) y de repente, la pantalla se convierte como en un
 enorme escupitajo de color gris. El sistema sigue cargando, pero yo no
 veo absolutamente nada, impidiendo realizar cualquier tipo de acción.


He leído el resto del correo pero me parece que por lo que explicas te 
podría estar mordiendo este bug de Xorg:

En cuanto al registro (para que puedas ver el error exacto) podrías 
tenerlo en /var/log/Xorg.0.log o en el /var/log/dmesg, y si no 
aparece ahí, puedes pasar al kernel esta opción:


En GRUB, te pones sobre la entrada del kernel que quieres iniciar y 
pulsas e (edición), buscas la línea del kernel, le quitas la opción de 
quiet y añades eso (... ro boot_delay=1000) y pulsas F10 -creo que es 
F10- para iniciar la carga del sistema. Te irá mostrando los mensajes 
pero muy lentamente, ten paciencia... coge una cámara de fotos y cuando 
veas el error ¡zasca! le haces una fotico.

 Bien, mi objetivo de esta semana es claro: instalar Debian Testing (o
 mejor stable, no sé...) en el sobremesa. No quiero amargar más a mi
 hermano que menuda tunda le llevo dada intentando solucionarle el
 problema de marras (le he dicho que lo voy a intentar en 2 días, para
 darle un descansito XD) Sabiendo todo esto que os he dado ¿alguna
 clave de lo que pueda hacer? Porque no poder ni trabajar ni arrancar sin
 entorno gráfico porque aparezca en gris la pantalla directamente... me
 da que... va a ser tremendamente complicado :(

Es complicado trabajar sin entorno gráfico pero no imposible, a no ser 
que las consolas (tty) tampoco te dejen trabajar porque la pantalla esté 
igualmente gris. Cuando inicies, salta a la tty1 (Ctrl+Alt+F1) y si la 
consola también está dañada, prueba a desactivar el KMS (añade 
nomodeset en la línea del kernel de GRUB) y si esto tampoco funciona, 
recuerda que tienes ssh, es decir, que puedes trabajar en tu equipo desde 
otro :-)

¿Qué haría yo?

1º Probar con una LiveCD de Squeeze. Si carga bien y no tienes ganas de 
guerras púnicas, instalaría la estable.

2º Si prefieres darle una oportunidad a wheezy y confirmas que se trata 
del bug de Xorg, probaría a instalar el kernel donde supuestamente se ha 
aplicado el parche (v3.1-rc9) o aplicar el parche que indican. Compilar e 
instalar un kernel en Debian es muy sencillo hasta para hacerlo desde 
línea de comandos. Si quieres más información sobre esta opción, me dices.



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Re: Squid + transparente + SSL

2011-11-06 Thread skeksi thra
William Alexander Brito Viñas escribió, El 05/11/11 15:33:
 Es un tema viejo y profusamente tratado en internet. Googleando nos 
 encontramos muchas paginas que tratan el tema, pero hasta ahora no he tenido 
 suerte encontrando ninguna que resuelva el problema satisfactoriamente.


 Hasta aqui, el resultado es:
 A) Las peticiones HTTP, squid las maneja OK, pero con https obtenengo un 
 aviso en el navegador advirtiendo sobre el certificado autofirmado. Hasta 
 aqui nada inesperado pero 
 ...usando Firefox, si confirmo la excepción, acto seguido se obtiene un 
 error en el navegador avisando que la pagina se está redirigiendo hacia sí 
 misma causando un ciclo infinito. Los logs de squid lucen completamente 
 B) Si deshabilitamos la opcion https_port, y ponemos el proxy en modo 
 NO-TRANSPARENTE, se configura en el navegador de cualquier maquina en 
 $LOCAL_LAN y todo(HTTP, HTTPS) funciona OK.
 Evidentemente me falto algo pero no puedo determinar que es.
 Gracias por su tiempo a todos que leyeron todo esto. 
 Gracias infinitas a los que respondan con alguna idea útil.

Hola, necesitas la versión 3.1 para poder descifrar las peticiones SSL (y en los
repos de debian no está):

Googleando un poco, con este artículo quizás te apañes:


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Plugins de Iceweasel en Wheezy

2011-11-06 Thread Camaleón

A ver si alguien me puede confirmar/desmentir este punto. Si me 
confirmáis que os pasa lo mismo, abro un informe fallo. 

Me acabo de dar cuenta de que en Wheezy (Iceweasel 7.0.1, 32 bits) no 
puedo configurar el plugin de flash player como predeterminado aún cuando 
lo tengo instalado en el directorio ~/.mozilla/firefox/[perfil]/plugins/ 

En su lugar, Icewasel otorga preferencia a Gnash:

- Si voy a about:plugins veo que Gnash está por delante de Flash player 
y al cargar cualquier animación o vídeo en Flash efectivamente se carga 
el plugin de Gnash.

- Si desactivo el plugin de Gnash, se carga correctamente el de Adobe.

En lenny lo tengo funcionando sin problemas, vamos, que el directorio de 
plugins del usuario tiene preferencia sobre el global /usr/lib/mozilla/



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Re: ¿Cómo acceder a localhost:8080 con apache 2.2? [Solucionado]

2011-11-06 Thread Juan Carlos Villegas Botero

On 06/11/11 04:40, Camaleón wrote:

El Sat, 05 Nov 2011 19:22:26 -0500, Juan Carlos Villegas Botero escribió:

Encontré la solución.  Resulta que estaba poniendo:
Listen 80
Listen 8080

Eso es correcto.

Pero de hecho apache ya estaba escuchando el puerto 80, entonces con esa
línea el sistema intentaba abrirlo de nuevo pero ya estaba en uso (por
él mismo).


Pues habrás debido de hacer algún cambio manual porque el archivo /etc/
apache2/ports.conf viene con el Listen 80 de serie y funciona


Es correcto, este cambio lo hice en /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

Juan Carlos Villegas Botero

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Re: Plugins de Iceweasel en Wheezy

2011-11-06 Thread Javier Barroso
2011/11/6 Camaleón

 A ver si alguien me puede confirmar/desmentir este punto. Si me
 confirmáis que os pasa lo mismo, abro un informe fallo.

 Me acabo de dar cuenta de que en Wheezy (Iceweasel 7.0.1, 32 bits) no
 puedo configurar el plugin de flash player como predeterminado aún cuando
 lo tengo instalado en el directorio ~/.mozilla/firefox/[perfil]/plugins/

 En su lugar, Icewasel otorga preferencia a Gnash:

 - Si voy a about:plugins veo que Gnash está por delante de Flash player
 y al cargar cualquier animación o vídeo en Flash efectivamente se carga
 el plugin de Gnash.

 - Si desactivo el plugin de Gnash, se carga correctamente el de Adobe.

 En lenny lo tengo funcionando sin problemas, vamos, que el directorio de
 plugins del usuario tiene preferencia sobre el global /usr/lib/mozilla/
En Sid me está funcionando bien, tal y como indicas que debería
funcionar, el directorio plugins del home toma preferencia.

Si lo quieres para todo el sistema imagino que sabrás que está el
update-alternatives --config ...

Un saludo

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Re: Plugins de Iceweasel en Wheezy

2011-11-06 Thread Felix Perez
El día 6 de noviembre de 2011 18:54, Javier Barroso escribió:
 2011/11/6 Camaleón

 A ver si alguien me puede confirmar/desmentir este punto. Si me
 confirmáis que os pasa lo mismo, abro un informe fallo.

 Me acabo de dar cuenta de que en Wheezy (Iceweasel 7.0.1, 32 bits) no
 puedo configurar el plugin de flash player como predeterminado aún cuando
 lo tengo instalado en el directorio ~/.mozilla/firefox/[perfil]/plugins/

 En su lugar, Icewasel otorga preferencia a Gnash:

 - Si voy a about:plugins veo que Gnash está por delante de Flash player
 y al cargar cualquier animación o vídeo en Flash efectivamente se carga
 el plugin de Gnash.

 - Si desactivo el plugin de Gnash, se carga correctamente el de Adobe.

 En lenny lo tengo funcionando sin problemas, vamos, que el directorio de
 plugins del usuario tiene preferencia sobre el global /usr/lib/mozilla/
 En Sid me está funcionando bien, tal y como indicas que debería
 funcionar, el directorio plugins del home toma preferencia.

Lo mismo en mi wheezy, tengo el flash 11,0,1,152 y el gnash 0.8.10, es
más en mi about:plugins no me aparece para nada el gnash.  Lo único
raro es que en epiphany nada de nada de flash.

 Si lo quieres para todo el sistema imagino que sabrás que está el
 update-alternatives --config ...

 Un saludo

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usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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2011-11-06 Thread Rolf Edlund

Är den sidan nerlagd ? Tycker den har varit down for maintenance
ganska länge nu.


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Re: Servidor de senhas.

2011-11-06 Thread paulo bruck
Bom dia

Em 5 de novembro de 2011 12:32, Cleber Ianes

 Na empresa que trabalho temos aproximadamente 50 servidores sendo 30
 locais e o restante fora, alguns são Linux, alguns FreeBSD e até 2
 Vez ou outra surge a necessidade de trocar senha de root desses
 servidores, seja por troca de funcionários ou simplesmente por segurança.
 Hoje faço isso máquina a máquina.
 Quero mudar a forma de acesso fazendo com que cada técnico acesse as
 máquinas utilizando um usuário próprio com poderes de root, mas tenho que
 centralizar isso em um único local para que eu não precise ir a cada
 servidor para alterar a senha. Inclusive a senha de root, se possível.
 Quais as opções sugeridas?

para as maquinas LInux eu pensaria no Openldap, pois vc pode cadastrar os
usuarios com poder de root usando openldap+sudo/ldap.

agora integrar tudo com o windows... humm talvez com kerberos..., mas não
tenho certeza pois nunca pensei no assunto...

 Estou googlando isso, mas quero ouvir sugestões também.

 Cleber Ianes -- Linux User #507338

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Re: using kernel 3.0.1+

2011-11-06 Thread Chen Wei
On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 04:41:22PM +0100, Sven Hoexter wrote:
 I've a system with a i5 2520m (Intel Sandybridge) and written down a few
 notes about it in the Debian wiki.
 In short, as other people all ready wrote, you'll have to use at least
 the kernel from backports (2.6.39 currently) but I guess you'll also
 need the backport (thanks to KiBi for providing it).
 The most annoying part is the requirement of a new kernel+non-free to get
 at least ethernet working. After that it's a lot easier to get the rest
Squeeze doesn't support Atheros AR8151 NIC on my new system too, I have
to install testing. Besides the 3.x kernel, other utils, lm-sensor for
example, support for i5 cpu better in testing. 

Chen Wei

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Re: special device does not exist

2011-11-06 Thread Chen Wei
On Sun, Nov 06, 2011 at 02:35:57AM +, T o n g wrote:
  Did you recently change the partition table on that device?  That will
  sometimes cause the kernel to be out of sync with the device.
 I remember it was a long time ago that I changed the partition. But 
 apparently it is not long enough to beat my last reboot:
I found UUID makes life easier.

Chen Wei

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Re: special device does not exist

2011-11-06 Thread Bob Proulx
Chen Wei wrote:
 T o n g wrote:
  Bob Proulx wrote:
   Did you recently change the partition table on that device?  That will
   sometimes cause the kernel to be out of sync with the device.
  I remember it was a long time ago that I changed the partition. But 
  apparently it is not long enough to beat my last reboot:

 I found UUID makes life easier.

UUIDs have nothing to do with the Linux kernel being in sync with the
device's partition table.  The UUIDs come into action afterward.


Description: Digital signature

flashplugin-nonfree or mozilla-flashplugin?

2011-11-06 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich
Hi all, 

is there a difference between flashplugin-nonfree and mozilla-flashplugin?
As far as I saw, both are using flash-files from (identical files but 
with diffferent names), although mozilla-flashplugin offers additionally 
configuration options (and packages). But besides this, I could not see any 
other (technical) difference. 

Which one is recommended?



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Re: Kdesud locking up, JMicron card reader not working, USB 3 Controller stops working after resuming, horizontal tearing on fullscreen

2011-11-06 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 05 Nov 2011 21:28:48 -0200, M. wrote:

 Hello Camaleón, hello list,
 I had to search for this post on the interwebs, as I'm not subscribed.
 But finally a good soul answered me! Thanks, Camaleón! :-)

You're welcome :-)

I know you're not subscribed to this list (me neither) but you can still 
reply to the thread you opened instead posting a new message. I say this 
because this new message is now unthreaded, with bad quoting -I will try 
to manually correct this- and with not further references so I have to 
search your first posting to remember the topic...

 So here it goes:

 1) I use KDE 4.6, the latest version from unstable, and synaptic to
 install packages. synaptic needs sudo permissions, and KDE does that
 using kdesud. The problem is that sometimes the kdesud process hangs,
 and every other call to kdesud gets stalled. I have to go to the
 terminal and kill it by hand - after doing that, synaptic and any 
 other process that calls kdesud works fine. This happens on ALL debian
 unstable installations, both desktop and laptop.
Is that happening regardless of the command you run with kdesu or just
when you launch Synaptic?
 The only program that I' aware that's running kdesud is synaptic, so I

You can invoke kdesu (or kdesudo) to run whatever program you want 
with root's permissions, not just Synaptic ;-). Kdesu is like su (or 
sudo) but aimed to run GUI based applications.

So, if you run kdesu kwrite it will ask for root's password and then 
will launch kwrite as root (man kdesu if you are interested in this 

Note: if you run kdesudo kwrite it will ask for your user's password 
instead the root's one, as long as sudo has been properly configured in 
your system.

 2) The laptop has a JMicron card reader that only works if the card is
 inserted at boot time.
Mmm... what's dmesg output when you connect a card? Is it detected/
 NO dmesg output. Not detected, not mounted, not anything.

That's weird. You mean that when you insert a card, once the computer has 
booted, there is no system reaction at all? Have you tried with different 
media types (SD, MMC, Memory Stick...)? Are you putting the card in the 
right position (upside down or face up)? I ask this because some embedded 
card readers have the wire contacts at the top and others at the 
bottom :-)

 3) The USB 3 controller on the laptop never worked correctly. It is

 USB controller: NEC Corporation uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller (rev
 03) USB controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset 
 USB2 Enhanced Host Controller (rev 06)

 The two USB 3 ports never worked correctly: they disconnect or never
 connect usb peripherals, giving xhci_hcd errors like

 [ 6135.109318] xhci_hcd :05:00.0: WARN: short transfer on control
 ep [ 6135.112271] xhci_hcd :05:00.0: WARN: short transfer on
 control ep [ 6135.115274] xhci_hcd :05:00.0: WARN: short transfer
 on control ep
I have commented in another thread about a similar problem:
 I've blacklisted xhci_hcd, and so far the controller hasn't acted up.
 But this gonna take longer to test.

If the USB ports are behaving okay regardless the above error you don't 
need to worry. I have read that these are harmless kernel messages that 
should go away in the next kernel releases.

But if you were having problems with your USB 3.0 devices, this is 
something worth to report. Blacklisting the USB 3.0 module is a by-pass 
more than a real solution.
 4) This happens with all video applications on KDE, VLC, mplayer, etc.
 When playing in fullscreen, both machines (with Nvidia graphics cards
 and the driver from Nvidia), with compositing or not, with opengl
 backend or not, vsync enabled or not, any video shows horizontal
For this one I would start debugging a driver issue by loading nouveau
instead nvidia. If both drivers experience the same it can be
something pointing to Xorg :-?
 The last time I tried to install nouveau, it tried to remove all nvidia
 packages, and after that, it didn't work - black screen, no output, no
 X, no console. I'll try again, but I reported this to the kde bug
 tracking, and they're also trying to figure it out. So far, no luck.

Use a Debian LiveCD, it will load Nouveau drivers and you can test if 
the same happens from here without needing to mess your current running 
system by switching between the two VGA drivers.
 Please CC me as I'm not subscribed to the list.
 Sorry, I can't :-(
 I had to search this on a weird forum, but at least I found it. Why you
 can't CC me?

Because my newsreader does not provide such option :-(



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Re: flashplugin-nonfree or mozilla-flashplugin?

2011-11-06 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 11:14:46 +0100, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:

 is there a difference between flashplugin-nonfree and

I only know about the former. Where have you seen the other? :-?


Ah, it's from D-M.

 As far as I saw, both are using flash-files from (identical
 files but with diffferent names), although mozilla-flashplugin offers
 additionally configuration options (and packages). But besides this, I
 could not see any other (technical) difference.
 Which one is recommended?

They both should provide the same but I still prefer to go to Adobe site 
an get the file from there.



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Re: Kdesud locking up, JMicron card reader not working, USB 3 Controller stops working after resuming, horizontal tearing on fullscreen

2011-11-06 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich

  2) The laptop has a JMicron card reader that only works if the card is
  inserted at boot time.
 Mmm... what's dmesg output when you connect a card? Is it detected/
  NO dmesg output. Not detected, not mounted, not anything.
 That's weird. You mean that when you insert a card, once the computer has
 booted, there is no system reaction at all? Have you tried with different
 media types (SD, MMC, Memory Stick...)? Are you putting the card in the
 right position (upside down or face up)? I ask this because some embedded
 card readers have the wire contacts at the top and others at the
 bottom :-)

I suppose, your jMicron Cardreader needs a kernel module. Check (without card) 
if it is loaded. If not, reboot with an inserted card, and check the 
difference. Loaded kernelmoduels are shown with the command lsmod.

If in second case, the module ios loaded, and in first case not, try the 
following two solutiuons:

1. add the module in /etc/modules, reboot and try again.

if it does not help, then 

2. build an own kernel and add the required module into the kernel (not as a 
modul, build it directly into it), reboot, start the new kernel and try again.

3. Check your kernel version, I suggest to use 3.0

  4) This happens with all video applications on KDE, VLC, mplayer, etc.
  When playing in fullscreen, both machines (with Nvidia graphics cards
  and the driver from Nvidia), with compositing or not, with opengl
  backend or not, vsync enabled or not, any video shows horizontal
 For this one I would start debugging a driver issue by loading nouveau
 instead nvidia. If both drivers experience the same it can be
 something pointing to Xorg :-?
  The last time I tried to install nouveau, it tried to remove all nvidia
  packages, and after that, it didn't work - black screen, no output, no
  X, no console. I'll try again, but I reported this to the kde bug
  tracking, and they're also trying to figure it out. So far, no luck.
 Use a Debian LiveCD, it will load Nouveau drivers and you can test if
 the same happens from here without needing to mess your current running
 system by switching between the two VGA drivers.

I suggest, not to use latest xserver-xorg for Nvidia-cards, there is a bug in 
the latest version, but it appears only at special graphic chips (GF8600 for 
example), try to use version 1.10.XXX.

Good luck!


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Re: flashplugin-nonfree or mozilla-flashplugin?

2011-11-06 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich
Am Sonntag, 6. November 2011 schrieb Camaleón:
 On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 11:14:46 +0100, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
  is there a difference between flashplugin-nonfree and
 I only know about the former. Where have you seen the other? :-?
 Ah, it's from D-M.

Sorry my fault! Should have read more exactly, of course I meant flashplayer-
mozilla, not mozilla-flashplugin

And both seem to get the files directly from adobes site, too.

Ask correct, so the answer is correct. Hmmz.



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Debian install , need to add wireless firmware

2011-11-06 Thread rose perry
Hello, I must clarify a few things,  I have no cd's no usb keys and im using 
the installer from google goodbye microsoft.
I can't install from network because it can't detect my wireless card.  I have 
the firmware on my win XP partition but have no idea how
to get it to the installer.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  Thank You.

Also is there a way to do a full install from xp parittion?

Re: Debian install , need to add wireless firmware

2011-11-06 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 04:00:09 -0800, rose perry wrote:

Is there any compelling reason why you are opening a new thread for 
asking the same twice?

 Hello, I must clarify a few things,  I have no cd's no usb keys and im
 using the installer from google goodbye microsoft. I can't install from
 network because it can't detect my wireless card.  I have the firmware
 on my win XP partition but have no idea how to get it to the installer. 
 Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  Thank You.

Debian's Windows installer needs to fetch the content from network or 
suitable media (that you seem not having). If you go for the network 
path, you need to load the firmware (are you sure you need the firmware 
at all?) from a suitable place¹ (that you seem neither having) so unless 
you put the firmware under a spare FAT32 partition of your disk (which it 
can work or fail) I don't see how can you get the system installed.

Anyway, the installer only allows a WEP based encryption schema (not WPA) 
so you will also have to check this.

 Also is there a way to do a full install from xp parittion?

With your current situation (no CD nor USB nor ethernet card) I'd say 
this is something hard to get.




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Re: Debian install , need to add wireless firmware

2011-11-06 Thread Victor Nitu
On 11/06/2011 02:00 PM, rose perry wrote:
 Hello, I must clarify a few things,  I have no cd's no usb keys and im using 
 the installer from google goodbye microsoft.
 I can't install from network because it can't detect my wireless card.  I 
 have the firmware on my win XP partition but have no idea how
 to get it to the installer.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  Thank 
 Also is there a way to do a full install from xp parittion?

maybe you can run a virtual machine in windows, and make your
partitions there? Then you will have the option to install debian via
mount / debootstrap / chroot to install wifi driver.

1. create a virtual machine and add a virtual drive AND the physical
partition to it
2. install debian on the virtual drive
3. mount the real partition in e.g. /mnt/debian
4. install the OS using debootstrap (I have no doubt you can easily
find comprehensive guides on installing this way, be aware of the
requirements for doing this)
5. chroot to the installed system and cunstomize there, including the
bootloader (apt-get install grub  grub-update)
6. reboot and test it

NOTE that this is a purely experimental and untested situation, and if
you have no backup plan against a possible failure, I *strongly*
recommend to look for another method. I guess a good documenting period
before starting anything is more than required.
I ALSO PRESUME you have full wifi access on the win system, and the
necessary means of doing a proper virtual machine suitable for the
whole setup, including a way to ensure internet access from the virtual
THE RISK you are exposing this way is rendering you whole system
unusable unless you have the option to boot from a rescue disk or

Please don't hit me if it hurts you. It's up to you to dig after
further details. This is just a quick overview of the whole thing.


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System randomly booted up in 640x480

2011-11-06 Thread Russell Schoen
So I'm running Debian Squeeze 64-bit, and this morning my computer randomly
booted up into 640x480. I have no idea why, my computer was fine last
night, it was running at 1440x900. I went to X Server options, and it
wouldn't let me raise the res. I'm completely baffled. I wish I could
elaborate more, I just can't

Any idea's at all would be appreciated.

The cake... a pie

Re: System randomly booted up in 640x480

2011-11-06 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 15:01:51 +, Russell Schoen wrote:

 So I'm running Debian Squeeze 64-bit, and this morning my computer
 randomly booted up into 640x480. I have no idea why, my computer was
 fine last night, it was running at 1440x900. I went to X Server options,
 and it wouldn't let me raise the res. I'm completely baffled. I wish I
 could elaborate more, I just can't
 Any idea's at all would be appreciated.

I would compare both, current /var/log/Xorg.0.log and old /var/log/
Xorg.0.log.old and check for the differences. 

Have you updated/changed your VGA drivers recently?

What's your VGA card and what driver are you loading?



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Problem with signature verification in Sid

2011-11-06 Thread Aniruddha
I get the following error message when running apt-get update on Sid.
I have the latest keyring installed. Anyone else encountered this
problem? Is there known solution?

# apt-get update
Ign sid InRelease
Get:1 sid InRelease [146 kB]
Get:2 sid Release.gpg [198 B]
Err sid InRelease

Get:3 sid Release [29,4 kB]
Err sid Release

Fetched 29,6 kB in 0s (71,1 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository
is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: sid InRelease: The following signatures
couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:

W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository
is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: sid Release: The following signatures
couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:
NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B907

W: Failed to fetch

W: Failed to fetch

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old
ones used instead.

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Re: Alternatives to Iceape Display Problems? - WOW!

2011-11-06 Thread Thomas H. George
On Sat, Nov 05, 2011 at 06:12:15PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 05 Nov 2011 13:39:07 -0400, Thomas H. George wrote:
  On Sat, Nov 05, 2011 at 04:44:06PM +, Camaleón wrote:
  To ensure what flash plugin your browser sees, you can:
  1/ Open Iceape browser and type about:plugins
  This is how I found where the different versions of flash were
 It is fine to have several versions of the plugin. I also have Gnash 
 (installed system-wide) and Adobe's Flash installed in my mozilla home 
 folder, this way I can see how both work: Firefox uses Adobe flash while 
 Epiphany loads Gnash :-)
I went to /usr/lib, moved nspluginwrapper to x_nspluginwrapper and

First WOW!  The sluggish behavior of the iceape browser was gone.  It
brought up the site immediately BUT still
with no images.  Checking about:plugins I found the gnash plugin moved
to the top of the list.

Next, I went to /usr/lib, moved gnash to x_gnash and rebooted

Second WOW!  Not only was the iceape browser now lightning fast but also
when the site came up there were not only
images but also a test result showing the version of flash I was using.
In all the other visits to this web site I had never seen this and had
searched in vain for clickable test command.

All my problems are solved.

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Understanding versioning.

2011-11-06 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

When I see this aptitude note:

[UPGRADE] libavcodec52 5:0.6.1+svn20101128-0.2squeeze2 - 5:0.7.7-0.0

how do I interpret number 5: in 5:0.6.1?

Thanks for Your time.

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Re: Understanding versioning.

2011-11-06 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 07 Nov 2011 00:38:32 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 When I see this aptitude note:
 [UPGRADE] libavcodec52 5:0.6.1+svn20101128-0.2squeeze2 - 5:0.7.7-0.0
 how do I interpret number 5: in 5:0.6.1?


5.6.12 Version

The version number of a package. The format is: [epoch:]upstream_version[-

The three components here are:


This is a single (generally small) unsigned integer. It may be omitted, 
in which case zero is assumed. If it is omitted then the upstream_version 
may not contain any colons.

It is provided to allow mistakes in the version numbers of older versions 
of a package, and also a package's previous version numbering schemes, to 
be left behind.

HTH :-)



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Re: Alternatives to Iceape Display Problems? - WOW!

2011-11-06 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 11:05:43 -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:

 On Sat, Nov 05, 2011 at 06:12:15PM +, Camaleón wrote:

 It is fine to have several versions of the plugin. I also have Gnash
 (installed system-wide) and Adobe's Flash installed in my mozilla home
 folder, this way I can see how both work: Firefox uses Adobe flash
 while Epiphany loads Gnash :-)
 I went to /usr/lib, moved nspluginwrapper to x_nspluginwrapper and
 First WOW!  The sluggish behavior of the iceape browser was gone.  It
 brought up the site immediately BUT still
 with no images.  Checking about:plugins I found the gnash plugin moved
 to the top of the list.
 Next, I went to /usr/lib, moved gnash to x_gnash and rebooted
 Second WOW!  Not only was the iceape browser now lightning fast but also
 when the site came up there were not only
 images but also a test result showing the version of flash I was using.
 In all the other visits to this web site I had never seen this and had
 searched in vain for clickable test command.
 All my problems are solved.

Good! :-)

The wrapper file (nspluginwrapper), as I said, it should be not needed 
anymore because most of the plugins (java, adobe flash and/or PDF...) are 
nowadays being developed for each architecture separately (mostly i386 
and amd64) so there is no need to make tricks to run them. It could be 
still useful for other architectures, though.

Your other problem was having the Gnash plugin set as the default instead 
Adobe flash player. It is still unclear why Gnash refused to load the 
videos, but this can be an aside problem.



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Re: Debian install , need to add wireless firmware

2011-11-06 Thread Mark Grieveson
Non-free firmware for wireless can be found here:

Take the firmware.tar.gz or package, and put it on
removable media such as a CD or usb-stick.  Decompress it there, and
you'll find several non-free Debian packages for firmware.  Then,
have this removable media in your destination computer when you install
Debian on it.  The installer will scan your computer for networking
hardware, and then if non-free firmware is required, it will search your
removable drives for the appropriate packages, and then it will set
up your wireless hardware, and establish a connection to allow you to
complete the install.


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Re: Debian install , need to add wireless firmware

2011-11-06 Thread Brian
On Sun 06 Nov 2011 at 04:00:09 -0800, rose perry wrote:

 Hello, I must clarify a few things,  I have no cd's no usb keys and im using
 the installer from google goodbye microsoft.  I can't install from network
 because it can't detect my wireless card.  I have the firmware on my win XP
 partition but have no idea how to get it to the installer.  Any ideas would
 be greatly appreciated.  Thank You.

Borrowing or buying a USB stick would make installing Debian so much
easier but, if you want an interesting and life-enhancing experience,
here we go:

1. Get the goodbye-microsoft installer going. Do the detection and
   configuration of the network part of the menu. It won't work of
   course, but you will make notes of any messages. Pressing Alt-F4
   will also give you much more information.

2. Partition and install the base system. After that there is little
   you can do because there is no net access. Install GRUB to the mbr
   and finish the installation.

3. You can now boot Debian - we hope! Still no net access but you have
   a working system which can do many things. One operation you want to
   carry out is to mount the device which has Windows on it. Like so:

mount /dev/sdaX /mnt

   You want to do this because you are going to download quite a few
   .deb files in Windows, transfer them to the Debian installation
   using Debian and install them with dpkg. Have you bought that USB
   stick yet?

4. I'm assuming the base system has enough to allow mounting of a
   Windows file system. If not you'll need to get files for that first.
   You'll want firmware for your wireless card and wpasupplicant to
   connect to a network. Oh, you'll also want all the dependencies for
   whatever you install, but there is a way of finding out what they

All very challenging, but doable and a great learning experience!


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Re: Debian install , need to add wireless firmware

2011-11-06 Thread Mark Grieveson
 I have no cd's no usb keys and im using the installer from google
 goodbye microsoft. I can't install from network because it can't
 detect my wireless card.  I have the firmware on my win XP partition
 but have no idea how to get it to the installer.

Sorry, when I responded, I overlooked that you don't have removable
media.  In that case, perhaps putting the non-free firmware packages
unto your Win-XP partition would do the trick.  So, as I mentioned, go

From here, get the compressed non-free firmware packages, decompress
it on your XP partition (which will result in several non-free
firmware Debian packages there) and then run the installer.  Hopefully
the installer will search your XP partition, find the Debian packages
there, install them, and set up wireless for the rest of the


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KVM networking.

2011-11-06 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I try to run KVM network w/o under normal user w/ the following result:

/usr/bin/kvm -localtime -m 256 -no-reboot
-cdrom ./debian-
-boot d -hda ./da -net nic -net tap,ifname=tap0,script=no

kvm: -net tap,ifname=tap0,script=no: could not configure /dev/net/tun
(tap0): Operation not permitted

kvm: -net tap,ifname=tap0,script=no:
Device 'tap' could not be initialized

the user has write permission for /dev/kvm and has these permissions in
sudoers file though it seems it is not used (as it asks not for sudo

user   ALL = /sbin/ifconfig *, /sbin/ifup br0, /sbin/ifdown
br0, /sbin/ip *, /sbin/brctl *, /sbin/tunctl *

So, what's wrong w/ my setup?

Thanks for Your time.

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Re: special device does not exist

2011-11-06 Thread Doug

On 11/06/2011 02:56 AM, Bob Proulx wrote:

Chen Wei wrote:

T o n g wrote:

Bob Proulx wrote:

Did you recently change the partition table on that device?  That will
sometimes cause the kernel to be out of sync with the device.


I remember it was a long time ago that I changed the partition. But
apparently it is not long enough to beat my last reboot:

I found UUID makes life easier.

UUIDs have nothing to do with the Linux kernel being in sync with the
device's partition table.  The UUIDs come into action afterward.


Is there a Unix/Linux command to determine the uuids of your devices?

Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. 
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Re: special device does not exist

2011-11-06 Thread Bob Proulx
Doug wrote:
 Is there a Unix/Linux command to determine the uuids of your devices?

The standard command is:

  # blkid

The blkid command needs root since by default it (annoyingly) caches
information in /etc/  (Cache info should go into /var/cache.)

You can use ls (as a normal user) to poke around in the /dev/disk/
filesystem to get the information directly.

  $ ls -log /dev/disk/by-*


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Re: flashplugin-nonfree or mozilla-flashplugin?

2011-11-06 Thread Greg Madden

On Sunday 06 November 2011 1:42:23 am Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
 Am Sonntag, 6. November 2011 schrieb Camaleón:
  On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 11:14:46 +0100, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
   is there a difference between flashplugin-nonfree and
  I only know about the former. Where have you seen the other? :-?
  Ah, it's from D-M.

 Sorry my fault! Should have read more exactly, of course I meant
 flashplayer- mozilla, not mozilla-flashplugin

 And both seem to get the files directly from adobes site, too.

 Ask correct, so the answer is correct. Hmmz.



I could be wrong :-), seems lkike the DM site upgrades versions quicker.



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Re: KVM networking.

2011-11-06 Thread Walter Hurry
On Mon, 07 Nov 2011 02:18:08 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 Good time of the day.
 I try to run KVM network w/o under normal user w/ the following result:
 /usr/bin/kvm -localtime -m 256 -no-reboot -cdrom
 ./debian- -boot d
 -hda ./da -net nic -net tap,ifname=tap0,script=no
 kvm: -net tap,ifname=tap0,script=no: could not configure /dev/net/tun
 (tap0): Operation not permitted
 kvm: -net tap,ifname=tap0,script=no:
 Device 'tap' could not be initialized
 the user has write permission for /dev/kvm and has these permissions in
 sudoers file though it seems it is not used (as it asks not for sudo
 user   ALL = /sbin/ifconfig *, /sbin/ifup br0, /sbin/ifdown br0,
 /sbin/ip *, /sbin/brctl *, /sbin/tunctl *
 So, what's wrong w/ my setup?

$ cd w
bash: cd: w: No such file or directory
cd /w
bash: cd: /w: No such file or directory

I am baffled by your mention of w/. Can you amplify please?

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Re: xboing has no sound on squeeze

2011-11-06 Thread Mark Neidorff
On Friday 04 November 2011 2:23:38 pm Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 04 Nov 2011 17:57:31 +, Sian Mountbatten wrote:
  Camaleón wrote:
  On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 14:30:27 -0700, wrote:
  What's happened to xboing?
  It seems the package is considered to be removed from Debian because it
  has not been updated upstream since long time:
  As per the sound issue, there is another bug that can be related to
  I've tried running xboing on wheezy. Still no sound. So I've purged it
  from the disk.
 If you are interested in the package, you could ping xboing developer
 and ask for the status of the package. If there is a new version maybe it
 could be considered again to be kept in Debian repositories :-?
Geezyou guys really took me back.  
I used to play xboing years ago.  I'm now running Mepis (a Debian Squeeze 
spinoff).  I just installed xboing and xboing has full sound, just like the 
good old days. :-)  version is 2.4-31  if that helps.


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Re: Understanding versioning.

2011-11-06 Thread Harry Putnam
Camaleón writes:


 This is a single (generally small) unsigned integer. It may be omitted, 
 in which case zero is assumed. If it is omitted then the upstream_version 
 may not contain any colons.

 It is provided to allow mistakes in the version numbers of older versions 
 of a package, and also a package's previous version numbering schemes, to 
 be left behind.

What does that non-sensical sounding explanation mean?  Its not as if
it is explained at the URL cited.

I'm sure its perfectly reasonable if you know enough about debian
generally, but if not it sounds kind of off the wall.

Can you show an example of how it works?

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Re: Debian install , need to add wireless firmware

2011-11-06 Thread Selim T. Erdogan
Brian,  6.11.2011:
 On Sun 06 Nov 2011 at 04:00:09 -0800, rose perry wrote:
  Hello, I must clarify a few things,  I have no cd's no usb keys and im using
  the installer from google goodbye microsoft.  I can't install from network
  because it can't detect my wireless card.  I have the firmware on my win XP
  partition but have no idea how to get it to the installer.  Any ideas would
  be greatly appreciated.  Thank You.
 Borrowing or buying a USB stick would make installing Debian so much
 easier but, if you want an interesting and life-enhancing experience,
 here we go:
 1. Get the goodbye-microsoft installer going. Do the detection and
configuration of the network part of the menu. It won't work of
course, but you will make notes of any messages. Pressing Alt-F4
will also give you much more information.
 2. Partition and install the base system. After that there is little
you can do because there is no net access. Install GRUB to the mbr
and finish the installation.
 3. You can now boot Debian - we hope! Still no net access but you have
a working system which can do many things. One operation you want to
carry out is to mount the device which has Windows on it. Like so:
   mount /dev/sdaX /mnt
You want to do this because you are going to download quite a few
.deb files in Windows, transfer them to the Debian installation
using Debian and install them with dpkg. Have you bought that USB
stick yet?

Once xp is mounted onto debian, I guess one could just copy the 
required firmware files from the xp partition into /lib/firmware (or
wherever they need to be) and then reboot/reload the network driver
to get it going.  (The network setting might have to be set up at 
this point but the defaults could be good enough.)  This should avoid 
downloading lots of .deb files to xp and moving them over.

 4. I'm assuming the base system has enough to allow mounting of a
Windows file system. If not you'll need to get files for that first.
You'll want firmware for your wireless card and wpasupplicant to
connect to a network. Oh, you'll also want all the dependencies for
whatever you install, but there is a way of finding out what they
 All very challenging, but doable and a great learning experience!

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Re: Understanding versioning.

2011-11-06 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sun, 06 Nov 2011, Harry Putnam wrote:
 Camaleón writes:
  This is a single (generally small) unsigned integer. It may be omitted, 
  in which case zero is assumed. If it is omitted then the upstream_version 
  may not contain any colons.
  It is provided to allow mistakes in the version numbers of older versions 
  of a package, and also a package's previous version numbering schemes, to 
  be left behind.
 What does that non-sensical sounding explanation mean?  Its not as if
 it is explained at the URL cited.

It is a version override.  For an epoch of n, *any* version without an epoch
or with an epoch that is lower than n will be considered *older*.

So 5:0.0.1 is NEWER than 10.2.3, or than 1:9.1.4.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: KVM networking.

2011-11-06 Thread Christofer C. Bell
On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Walter Hurry wrote:
 On Mon, 07 Nov 2011 02:18:08 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 Good time of the day.

 I try to run KVM network w/o under normal user w/ the following result:

 So, what's wrong w/ my setup?

 $ cd w
 bash: cd: w: No such file or directory
 cd /w
 bash: cd: /w: No such file or directory

 I am baffled by your mention of w/. Can you amplify please?

In this case, w/ is an abbreviation of the word with.  You can
replace the statement with:

I try to run KVM network without under normal user with the following
result: and So, what's wrong with my setup?

This, admittedly, doesn't make much sense, either, but without and
with are the accepted expansions of w/o and w/.  It is not a
directory name.


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Using a Fire-i camera

2011-11-06 Thread peasthope
Install a Unibrain Fire-i BCL 1.2 camera.
Add my id to /etc/group/ .
Do modprobe vloopback.

peter@joule:~$ lsmod | grep v4l
v4l1_compat10250  1 videodev
peter@joule:~$ lsmod | grep vloop
vloopback   9842  1 
videodev   25605  2 vloopback
peter@joule:~$ ls -l /dev/video*
crw-rw+ 1 root video 81, 0 Nov  6 14:16 /dev/video0
crw-rw+ 1 root video 81, 1 Nov  6 14:16 /dev/video1

Start Coriander and click on the Services tab.
Under the V4L tab the device is /dev/video0.

A click on the V4L button gives two error windows.
First Failed to open V4L device, /dev/video0.
Then Error: Could not start the V4L service
Please check that:
-V4L kernel modules are loaded ...
-you have read/write permission on the selected video device
-the vloopback module is loaded.

What else should be checked?

Thanks,  ... Peter E.

New telephone 1 360 639 0202.  Old telephone 1 360 450 2132.  bcc: peasthope at
Shop pages .
Personal pages .

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Re: KVM networking.

2011-11-06 Thread Walter Hurry
On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 16:46:46 -0600, Christofer C. Bell wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Walter Hurry
 On Mon, 07 Nov 2011 02:18:08 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 Good time of the day.

 I try to run KVM network w/o under normal user w/ the following

 So, what's wrong w/ my setup?

 $ cd w bash: cd: w: No such file or directory cd /w bash: cd: /w: No
 such file or directory

 I am baffled by your mention of w/. Can you amplify please?
 In this case, w/ is an abbreviation of the word with.  You can
 replace the statement with:
 I try to run KVM network without under normal user with the following
 result: and So, what's wrong with my setup?
 This, admittedly, doesn't make much sense, either, but without and
 with are the accepted expansions of w/o and w/.  It is not a
 directory name.

Ah, right. I misunderstood; I thought we wrote in words here rather than 
l33t spk 4 txt msgs.

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Disk performance deteriated to unbearable levels

2011-11-06 Thread David Purton
Hi everyone,

I have an ASUS 1005PE and have been running sid on it for the last
couple of years with regular updates.

Fairly recently - maybe in the last few months - but it's hard to tell,
the disk performance has dropped through the floor.

Everything takes forever to load (including booting), but then runs ok
once loaded.

Even loading vim for the first times takes 3 seconds. And you might as
well go catch a movie while libroffice loads...

I've been running sid for many years on many machines and never had this
sort of trouble before.

I do not think it is the disk, since I still have windows 7 lying around
on a spare partition and that seems to boot at its normal speed

My only guess is that it is filesystem related, but I am not sure how to
confirm this, nor why things would have got to the present situation.

Currently, the root/system parition is 20GB, with 50% used. /home has
only 44% used.

Both are ext3

Any suggestions?

Is it worth trying to convert to ext4?

I do not want to reinstall if at all possible.



David Purton
For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to
strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
 2 Chronicles 16:9a

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Re: Disk performance deteriated to unbearable levels

2011-11-06 Thread David Christensen

On 11/06/2011 03:13 PM, David Purton wrote:

Fairly recently - maybe in the last few months - but it's hard to tell,
the disk performance has dropped through the floor.

First, make at least two complete back up sets and store one off-site.

It could be a hardware problem.

Your hard drive manufacturer should have a diagnostic utility available 
in the form of a bootable ISO image.  I'd download, burn, and boot that. 
 If the diagnostic finds a problem, proceed accordingly.  Understand 
that other issues may make a good disk look bad (power supply, power 
cables, motherboard, controller card, data cable, etc.).  If the utility 
finds no problems, then I'd wipe the disk using the utility, do a fresh 
install, and then restore/ reconnect data.

As an aside, I use one disk for swap and the root file system, and a 
second large disk for data.  Then whenever I do a fresh install, most 
restoring data is a simple matter of hooking up the data drive.



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Re: Understanding versioning.

2011-11-06 Thread Javier Barroso
On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 11:09 PM, Harry Putnam wrote:
 Camaleón writes:


 This is a single (generally small) unsigned integer. It may be omitted,
 in which case zero is assumed. If it is omitted then the upstream_version
 may not contain any colons.

 It is provided to allow mistakes in the version numbers of older versions
 of a package, and also a package's previous version numbering schemes, to
 be left behind.

 What does that non-sensical sounding explanation mean?  Its not as if
 it is explained at the URL cited.

 I'm sure its perfectly reasonable if you know enough about debian
 generally, but if not it sounds kind of off the wall.

 Can you show an example of how it works?

bash-completion has a clear example of use:
See /usr/share/doc/bash-completion/changelog.Debian.gz
After bash-completion (20080705) version the next version is 1.0, so
epoch had to be used

busybox has another example (developper simply upload an package with
incorrect version):

You can have fun time investigating which packages you have installed
has epoch in their version and why they have it, running attached perl
script ( I was boring this night ...)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

if ( not -e /usr/bin/dpkg-parsechangelog )
	printf You need dpkg-parsechangelog (in dpkg-dev package);
	exit 1;

my @packages_version=`aptitude search --disable-columns ?and(?version(:),?installed) -F%p`;
my %revised;
chomp @packages_version;
my $tmpfile = /tmp/changelog.tmp;
foreach my $package (sort @packages_version)
	my $found=0;
	if ( -e /usr/share/doc/$package/changelog.Debian.gz )
		my $md5sum=`md5sum /usr/share/doc/$package/changelog.Debian.gz`;
		chomp $md5sum; $md5sum=~s/\s+.*//;
		if (defined ($revised{$md5sum})) 
			printf Skipping $package, shared changelog\n; next;
		`zcat /usr/share/doc/$package/changelog.Debian.gz 	$tmpfile`;
	elsif ( -f /usr/share/doc/$package/changelog.gz )
		my $md5sum=`md5sum /usr/share/doc/$package/changelog.gz`;
		chomp $md5sum; $md5sum=~s/\s+.*//;
		if (defined ($revised{$md5sum})) 
			printf Skipping $package, shared changelog\n; next;
		`zcat /usr/share/doc/$package/changelog.gz  $tmpfile`
		printf Didn't find $package changelog\n;
	printf Examining $package changelog \n;
	open my $changelog,$tmpfile or die ;

	my $new_version=;
	my $version=;
	while  ($changelog)
		if (/ \((\d[^)]*)\) .*urgency=/)
			if ($new_version =~ /:/ and	$version !~ /:/)
system (qq(dpkg-parsechangelog --from $version --to $new_version -l$tmpfile));
	if ($found == 0)
		print Didn't find version with epoch in $package changelog, maybe source package is different ...\n;
unlink $tmpfile;

How to ifdown ... on squeeze?

2011-11-06 Thread Dan B.

On a new installation of squeeze, ifdown no longer works as it used
to (on my old Debian system).

When ifconfig lists an interface eth0, neither ifdown eth0 nor
ifdown eth takes the interface down.  The attempts yield:
  ifdown: interface eth0 not configured and
  ifdown: interface eth not configured.

How does one take an interface down on squeeze?

(My old system's /etc/network/interfaces had:
  auto eth0
  iface eth0 inet dhcp
On my squeeze system, it's:
  allow-hotplug eth0
(with a commented-out line:
  #NetworkManager#iface eth0 inet dhcp

Also:  The reason I was trying to take it down and back up was to
trigger a fresh DHCP query and corresponding host-name configuration.
What's the preferred way of doing that?


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Re: Understanding versioning.

2011-11-06 Thread Harry Putnam
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh writes:


 What does that non-sensical sounding explanation mean?  Its not as if
 it is explained at the URL cited.

 It is a version override.  For an epoch of n, *any* version without an epoch
 or with an epoch that is lower than n will be considered *older*.

 So 5:0.0.1 is NEWER than 10.2.3, or than 1:9.1.4.


Javier Barroso writes:



 bash-completion has a clear example of use:
 See /usr/share/doc/bash-completion/changelog.Debian.gz
 After bash-completion (20080705) version the next version is 1.0, so
 epoch had to be used

 busybox has another example (developper simply upload an package with
 incorrect version):

 You can have fun time investigating which packages you have installed
 has epoch in their version and why they have it, running attached perl
 script ( I was boring this night ...)

(I'll be stealing off that for a while... hehe).
Ok, that all clears things up very nicely.
Thank you both for taking time to clue me in.

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Re: How to ifdown ... on squeeze?

2011-11-06 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 8:42 PM, Dan B. wrote:

 On a new installation of squeeze, ifdown no longer works as it used
 to (on my old Debian system).

 When ifconfig lists an interface eth0, neither ifdown eth0 nor
 ifdown eth takes the interface down.  The attempts yield:
  ifdown: interface eth0 not configured and
  ifdown: interface eth not configured.

 How does one take an interface down on squeeze?

 (My old system's /etc/network/interfaces had:
  auto eth0
  iface eth0 inet dhcp
 On my squeeze system, it's:
  allow-hotplug eth0
 (with a commented-out line:
  #NetworkManager#iface eth0 inet dhcp

 Also:  The reason I was trying to take it down and back up was to
 trigger a fresh DHCP query and corresponding host-name configuration.

When NM controls your connections, NICs aren't defined in
/etc/network/interfaces, by default; you can change that behavior by
changing the managed variable of the ifupdown section of

You can also use nmcli to take down and bring up your NIC.

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Re: How to ifdown ... on squeeze?

2011-11-06 Thread Bob Proulx
Tom H wrote:
 Dan B. wrote:
  On a new installation of squeeze, ifdown no longer works as it used
  to (on my old Debian system).

This is because by default with a GNOME desktop installed Debian has
switched away from ifupdown and over to NetworkManager because GNOME
by default specifies NetworkManager.  If you don't install GNOME then
you won't get NetworkManager and the behavior will be traditional
Debian ifupdown.  There is a lot of discussion about this in the
mailing list archives.  It has been controversial.

  When ifconfig lists an interface eth0, neither ifdown eth0 nor
  ifdown eth takes the interface down.  The attempts yield:
   ifdown: interface eth0 not configured and
   ifdown: interface eth not configured.
  How does one take an interface down on squeeze?

The expected tool on a GNOME system would be by using the
NetworkManager GUI with the mouse or as Tom writes, 'nmcli' from the
command line.  Something like this:

  # nmcli conn down id 'Auto eth0'
  # nmcli conn up id 'Auto eth0'

  (with a commented-out line:
   #NetworkManager#iface eth0 inet dhcp

For the background of that comment see the bug report here:

  Also:  The reason I was trying to take it down and back up was to
  trigger a fresh DHCP query and corresponding host-name configuration.
 When NM controls your connections, NICs aren't defined in
 /etc/network/interfaces, by default; you can change that behavior by
 changing the managed variable of the ifupdown section of
 You can also use nmcli to take down and bring up your NIC.

My recommendation is to edit that commented out line and remove it
from NetworkManager's control and return it to ifupdown's control.
See the mailing list archives for lots of discussion of this issue.

See this next reference for the details of that particular line.


Description: Digital signature

Re: fonts, denk ik. Maar wellicht zit het elders

2011-11-06 Thread Jacobs Fred
Gijs Hillenius wrote:


 Echter: ik merk nu dat ik geen Japanse, Chinese of andere unicode tekens
 meer zie. Volgens mij was dat eerder geen probleem. 
 Ik verwacht bijvoorbeeld deze website te kunnen lezen
 maar ik zie hier in plaats van een Japans/Chinees teken gewoon een leeg
 vierkantje. In Emacs (sorry hoor) zie ik, als ik tiep C-x 8 (enter) 771F
 (enter): 真 in plaats van het karakter...


 Ik heb *geen* idee waar ik moet beginnen met zoeken? Ik zie in
 /var/log/aptitude zo op het oog niet wat er op font-gebied (of locales)
 is vernieuwd.

In verwijzing naar de interesse van voormelde Website welke bezocht is
zoek eens op de volgende keywords: 'scim OR ibus AND debian'.

scim en ibus zijn tools voor het ingeven van Chinese karakters waarbij
fonts, locales etc. van wezenlijk belang zijn en misschien is daar de
oplossing/oorzaak van het probleem te vinden/herleiden waarbij de link:

een goeie start is.


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Re: fonts, denk ik. Maar wellicht zit het elders

2011-11-06 Thread Paul van der Vlis
Op 04-11-11 16:45, Gijs Hillenius schreef:
 Eerder deze week rebootte ik deze laptop. Ding draait Debian unstable,
 en de batterij was per ongelijk 's nachts leeggelopen.
 Na het opstarten zagen alle fonts in emacs, kuch, er wat vetter uit. Ik
 besteedde er geen aandacht aan.
 Echter: ik merk nu dat ik geen Japanse, Chinese of andere unicode tekens
 meer zie. Volgens mij was dat eerder geen probleem. 
 Ik verwacht bijvoorbeeld deze website te kunnen lezen
 maar ik zie hier in plaats van een Japans/Chinees teken gewoon een leeg
 vierkantje. In Emacs (sorry hoor) zie ik, als ik tiep C-x 8 (enter) 771F
 (enter): 真 in plaats van het karakter...
 Apt-get update  apt-get upgrade gedraaid, en daarna de laptop weer
 even uit- en aangezet, en nu zien de letters hier er weer mager uit, als
 eerst. Hm?
 Ik vermoed dat een en ander met elkaar te maken heeft. Maar het kan
 toeval zijn.
 Ik heb *geen* idee waar ik moet beginnen met zoeken? Ik zie in
 /var/log/aptitude zo op het oog niet wat er op font-gebied (of locales)
 is vernieuwd.

Ik had heb dit laatst onder stable aan de praat gebracht met:

chinees (en Japans):
apt-get install ttf-arphic-bkai00mp ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp
ttf-arphic-gbsn00lp ttf-arphic-gkai00mp ttf-arphic-ukai ttf-arphic-uming

apt-get install ttf-unfonts-core

Of dit echter de beste manier is durf ik niet te zeggen. Sjoerd Hiemstra
schreef dat hij deze fonts niet geïnstalleerd had, maar dat hij toch
uitstekend Chinees, Japans en Koreaans kon weergeven.


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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