Re: presentacions sobre Debian

2012-04-30 Thread alex
 On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 11:17 AM, Josep Sanchez wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Al 24/04/12 10:06, En/na ha escrit:

 ahir em van passar un gran poster informatiu sobre el projecte
 Debian, que semblava prou interessant:

 (Quan l'anava a traduir al català m'he adonat que el fitxer de
 traducció estava en format Excel, i que l'autor no dona les fonts
 del seu gràfic perquè els usuaris no el puguin adaptar a les seves
 necessitats.  Llàstima )


 Li he demanat en un comentari a veure si seria possible obrir la
 llicència per a poder admetre treballs derivats. M'és incomprensible
 que algú faci un treball just sobre Debian i apliqui aquestes
 restriccions, sincerament...

 I el tema xls també té delicte.../me no entén.

 Es tot un culebron el tema que s'ha muntat amb aquesta infografia:

 Sembla ser que l'autor no està massa d'acord amb la substitució d'ooo
 per libreoffice i no vol que ningú actualitzi el logo a la seva
 estimada infografia.

Sí, també crea polèmica perquè fica el logo de Firefox enlloc del de
l'Iceweasel, etc.

La veritat és que podriem juntar-nos per fer una infografia de Debian,
lliure. Si entre nosaltres veièssim la necessitat, i hagessin ganes i
massa crítica, ens podem reunir a algun espai (com quan es fan jornades de
traducció a Softcatalà) i treballar una tarda plegats.

Crec que el que més temps portaria és fer el disseny i decidir què posar.
Però un cop això està decidit, cadascú pot treballar en una part de la
infografia i finalment ajuntar totes les parts.

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Re: [Wheezy AMD64] skype sources.list

2012-04-30 Thread JB
Le dimanche 29 avril 2012 à 19:24 +0200, Guillaume Seren a écrit :
 On 28/04/2012 17:43, JB wrote:
  bonsoir, j'ai mis le resultat de lspci et lsusb dans le lien cjoint:
 d'après lsusb :
 Bus 009 Device 002: ID 046d:08a2 Logitech, Inc. Labtec Webcam Pro.
 Cela semble être un modèle usb, donc je pense qu'il faut un pilote.
 Regarde ici :
sur un des postages précédents, j'avais écris que cette camèra
fonctionnait trés bien avec l'outil 64 bits Studio Webcam Cheese,
produit Debian,
pour Skype, l'environnement des divers librairies est 32 bits,
sous réserve, je pense à une erreur de module
bonne journée
merci pour le soutien

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Re: [Wheezy AMD64] skype sources.list

2012-04-30 Thread Guillaume Seren
Hash: SHA1

On 30/04/2012 08:11, JB wrote:

 sur un des postages précédents, j'avais écris que cette camèra
 fonctionnait trés bien avec l'outil 64 bits Studio Webcam Cheese,
 produit Debian,
Oui donc il y a une configuration qui permet de la faire fonctionner,
donc ce ne semble pas être un problème de driver.

 pour Skype, l'environnement des divers librairies est 32 bits,
 sous réserve, je pense à une erreur de module
Oui c'est d'ailleurs bien indiquer sur la doc, skype dans le wiki Debian
(cf :
Skype is only available as 32bit binary. it is packaged for amd64, but
the content is still 32bit, so won't work with e.g. jackd. 

Pourtant, il y a en dessous une possibilité d'installer le paquet amd64,
quel procédure/paquet est choisie pour installer skype ?

 bonne journée
 merci pour le soutien

- -- 

Guillaume Seren
- --
Non seulement Dieu joue aux dés
mais il les jette parfois là où on ne peut les voir.
Stephen Hawking
- --
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [Wheezy AMD64] skype sources.list

2012-04-30 Thread JB
Le lundi 30 avril 2012 à 09:22 +0200, Guillaume Seren a écrit :
 On 30/04/2012 08:11, JB wrote:

  pour Skype, l'environnement des divers librairies est 32 bits,
  sous réserve, je pense à une erreur de module
 Oui c'est d'ailleurs bien indiquer sur la doc, skype dans le wiki Debian
 (cf :
   Skype is only available as 32bit binary. it is packaged for amd64, but
 the content is still 32bit, so won't work with e.g. jackd. 
 Pourtant, il y a en dessous une possibilité d'installer le paquet amd64,
 quel procédure/paquet est choisie pour installer skype ?
  bonne journée
  merci pour le soutien
dpkg -i skype-debian_2.2.0.35-1_amd64.deb

je viens de réinstaller une nouvelle fois,
en plus je cherche un programme comme ptrace, installation en cours
bonne journée

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Re: pas de carte son détectée + pas de /proc/asound

2012-04-30 Thread deb-account

On 29/04/12 22:25, wrote:

La version du noyau est 2.6.32-5-686.

Il faudrait alors le recompiler ... ?

Je suppose.
Je crois qu'il y a des scripts debian pour ça.
Si tu ne veux pas te prendre la tête, tu peux faire une install fraîche 
puisque c'est un nouveau PC.

Quel serait l'intérêt dans ce problème de reconnaissance
de carte son ?

Normalement, ta carte SB est prise en charge par le pilote emu10k1.
Tu devrais y voir plus clair en tapant lspci -v sous root.

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Menu gnome

2012-04-30 Thread Nahliel Steinberg

Dans mon menu Système gnome, j'ai crée un dossier qui contient plein de lanceur 
que je voudrai récupérer
pour un autre menu sur une autre machine.

Afin d'éviter de tout me retaper à la main (tous les lanceurs que j'ai crée) 
comment faire pour les sauvegarder
et les réimporter ?


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Cherche un outil de déploiement de config

2012-04-30 Thread Guillaume Caron
Bonjour tout le monde,

Je cherche un outil de déploiement de configuration à la Cfengine, mais 
minimaliste dans la mesure où mon besoin est très simple : pousser des fichiers 
de conf et exécuter des commandes à distance.  Il s'agit surtout d'uniformiser 
des conteneurs LXC qui ont tendance à se multiplier et dont la config diverge.

J'avais d'abord pensé écrire un script avec SSH et des clefs (et tant qu'à 
faire le publier si ça peut servir à d'autres) mais je me suis dit que les 
outils existent déjà et que je pourrais d'abord voir ce qui se fait.

En fouillant dans les paquets Debian:
* Cfengine2 : celui auquel j'avais pensé ; je l'ai déjà rencontré et j'avais 
apprécié sa syntaxe accessible, sa souplesse et son architecture claire; 
malheureusement le site et le paquet ne proposent plus de doc :-( ;
* Cfengine3 : j'ai essayé de me plonger dans la doc mais je le trouve vraiment 
trop complexe surtout comparé à la version précédente ;
* PuppetMaster : déjà eu l'occasion d'y mettre la main, la config n'est pas 
désagréable mais le côté Ruby me déplait : je trouve l'agent trop lent et je 
n'ai pas envie d'installer Ruby sur tous mes conteneurs juste pour lui ;
* Chef : je ne connais pas mais c'est également du Ruby donc je laisse de côté ;
* bcfg2 : je ne connais pas du tout mais la doc ne m'a pas paru insurmontable 
(il faut juste aimer le XML) ; agent et serveur sont deux paquets différents 
donc l'agent intrusif semble relativement peu intrusif, surtout avec python 
installé de base ; je teste dès que j'ai un peu de temps.

J'en suis là de ma petite recherche, qu'en pensez-vous ? Vous êtes-vous déjà 
frottés à ces logiciels ?
À moins que vous n'en connaissiez un autre qui correspondrait plus à ce que je 
cherche ?

Merci bien,

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Re: postfix spams virii

2012-04-30 Thread David S.

Le 30-04-2012 3:27, Bzzz a écrit :

Salut liste,

je dois monter des protections anti-spams  virii tout en évitant
de bouffer toutes les ressources de la machine et je ne trouve pas
ce qu'il me faut sur le net.

A part mailscanner, mais ça a l'air de dater (?), qu'utilisez-vous?

PAS la suite amavis, clamav, spamassassin; parce que ça bouffe
150~200MB au bas mot en permanence, par contre si ça n'est chargé
que le temps du scan, ça peut le faire.


Postscreen, brique de postfix, est pas mal pour bloquer pas mal de spam 
(un mag linuxfr en parle).

Par contre c'est dans backports et testing.

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Re: Cherche un outil de déploiement de config

2012-04-30 Thread Bzzz
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 10:54:05 +0200
Guillaume Caron wrote:

 pousser des fichiers de conf et exécuter des commandes à
 distance.  Il s'agit surtout d'uniformiser des conteneurs LXC qui
 ont tendance à se multiplier et dont la config diverge.

Ca existe en std dans le package openssh-client: scp
scp /monarbo/maconf lotmachine:/sonarbo/saconf

Acid absorbs 47 times its own weight in excess Reality.

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Re: Cherche un outil de déploiement de config

2012-04-30 Thread Olivier
Il y a Fabric (
Je ne l'ai pratiquement pas utilisé donc ne saurai vraiment pas quoi en dire ...

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Re: Cherche un outil de déploiement de config

2012-04-30 Thread Guillaume Caron
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 02:38:59PM +0200, Bzzz wrote:
 On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 10:54:05 +0200
 Guillaume Caron wrote:
  pousser des fichiers de conf et exécuter des commandes à
  distance.  Il s'agit surtout d'uniformiser des conteneurs LXC qui
  ont tendance à se multiplier et dont la config diverge.
 Ca existe en std dans le package openssh-client: scp
 scp /monarbo/maconf lotmachine:/sonarbo/saconf

Pas faux, c'est même à ça que j'ai pensé au début et au moins on sait que ça 
Mais tant qu'à faire j'aimerais essayer de gérer ça de manière un peu plus fine 
et évolutive, en adaptant la politique au type de serveur. Et c'est aussi un 
peu par curiosité :-)

 Acid absorbs 47 times its own weight in excess Reality.
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Re: Cherche un outil de déploiement de config

2012-04-30 Thread Guillaume Caron
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 02:41:06PM +0200, Olivier wrote:
 Il y a Fabric (
 Je ne l'ai pratiquement pas utilisé donc ne saurai vraiment pas quoi en dire 
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Intéressant, je vais regarder ça. 


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Re: Cherche un outil de déploiement de config

2012-04-30 Thread Bzzz
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 15:32:34 +0200
Guillaume Caron wrote:

 Pas faux, c'est même à ça que j'ai pensé au début et au moins on
 sait que ça marche. Mais tant qu'à faire j'aimerais essayer de
 gérer ça de manière un peu plus fine et évolutive, en adaptant la
 politique au type de serveur. Et c'est aussi un peu par
 curiosité :-)

Ben tout dépend de l'utilisation, après tout si tu as tout le temps
devant toi pourquoi pas. (mais rappelles-toi que le mieux est 
souvent l'ennemi du bien, surtout en informatique ]:-)


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Re: Cherche un outil de déploiement de config

2012-04-30 Thread
Le 30/04/2012 10:54, Guillaume Caron a écrit :
 Bonjour tout le monde,

 Je cherche un outil de déploiement de configuration à la Cfengine, mais 
 minimaliste dans la mesure où mon besoin est très simple : pousser des 
 fichiers de conf et exécuter des commandes à distance.  Il s'agit surtout 
 d'uniformiser des conteneurs LXC qui ont tendance à se multiplier et dont la 
 config diverge.

voici un tableau comparatif de gestion de config:

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Installation testing sur SSD (Re: [testing] passage en 64 bits)

2012-04-30 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

Je commence par mon portable. J'ai donc
sauvegarder /home, /etc, /usr/local, /var/lib fait un dpkg

J'ai téléchargé l'iso netinst de testing et lancé l'installation. Mais je suis
dans le doute à l'étape de partitionnement. Mon disque est un SSD et je
l'avais formaté avec mkfs.ext4 -b 4096 -E stride=32 /dev/sda1
Mais je ne sais pas comment se comporte l'installateur de testing sur un SSD ?


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Re: Installation testing sur SSD (Re: [testing] passage en 64 bits)

2012-04-30 Thread Bzzz
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 18:45:08 +0200
Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:

 Mais je suis dans le doute à l'étape de partitionnement. Mon
 disque est un SSD et je l'avais formaté avec mkfs.ext4 -b 4096 -E
 stride=32 /dev/sda1

Y'a-t'il une raison trètechnique spécifique pour utiliser des blocks
d'une taille de 4KB?
Et que vient faire stride ici alors que c'est pour le RAID?

-- Topic on #LinuxGER

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Re: postfix spams virii

2012-04-30 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 06:13:50AM +0200, Pierre Malard
 Il est également illusoire de se croire à l'abri avec un
 gros machin. 

Il n'est pas de serveur de mail qui puisse résister à un
commercial qui envoit un .ppt de 100Mo à toute l'entreprise :)


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Re: Installation testing sur SSD (Re: [testing] passage en 64 bits)

2012-04-30 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Mon, 30 Apr 2012 19:08:45 +0200
Bzzz a écrit:

 On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 18:45:08 +0200
 Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
  Mais je suis dans le doute à l'étape de partitionnement. Mon
  disque est un SSD et je l'avais formaté avec mkfs.ext4 -b 4096 -E
  stride=32 /dev/sda1
 Y'a-t'il une raison trètechnique spécifique pour utiliser des blocks
 d'une taille de 4KB?

A ce que j'avais compris les SSD comme de plus en plus de disques durs
utilisent des blocs de 4 kio au lieu de 512 o et le fait de ne pas s'aligner
dessus nuisait grandement aux performances.

 Et que vient faire stride ici alors que c'est pour le RAID?

Me rappelle plus pour le stride (je crois que je n'avais pas bien compris le
pourquoi du comment.


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Re: Installation testing sur SSD (Re: [testing] passage en 64 bits)

2012-04-30 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Mon, 30 Apr 2012 19:28:07 +0200
Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit:

 Le Mon, 30 Apr 2012 19:08:45 +0200
 Bzzz a écrit:
  On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 18:45:08 +0200
  Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
   Mais je suis dans le doute à l'étape de partitionnement. Mon
   disque est un SSD et je l'avais formaté avec mkfs.ext4 -b 4096 -E
   stride=32 /dev/sda1
  Y'a-t'il une raison trètechnique spécifique pour utiliser des blocks
  d'une taille de 4KB?
 A ce que j'avais compris les SSD comme de plus en plus de disques durs
 utilisent des blocs de 4 kio au lieu de 512 o et le fait de ne pas s'aligner
 dessus nuisait grandement aux performances.
  Et que vient faire stride ici alors que c'est pour le RAID?
 Me rappelle plus pour le stride (je crois que je n'avais pas bien compris le
 pourquoi du comment.

J'ai retrouvé la page que j'avais lu à l'époque :

L'histoire du stride n'est effectivement pas claire ...


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Re: Cherche un outil de déploiement de config

2012-04-30 Thread pmenier

Le 30/04/2012 10:54, Guillaume Caron a écrit :

Bonjour tout le monde,

Je cherche un outil de déploiement de configuration à la Cfengine, mais 
minimaliste dans la mesure où mon besoin est très simple : pousser des fichiers 
de conf et exécuter des commandes à distance.  Il s'agit surtout d'uniformiser 
des conteneurs LXC qui ont tendance à se multiplier et dont la config diverge.

J'avais d'abord pensé écrire un script avec SSH et des clefs (et tant qu'à 
faire le publier si ça peut servir à d'autres) mais je me suis dit que les 
outils existent déjà et que je pourrais d'abord voir ce qui se fait.

En fouillant dans les paquets Debian:
* Cfengine2 : celui auquel j'avais pensé ; je l'ai déjà rencontré et j'avais 
apprécié sa syntaxe accessible, sa souplesse et son architecture claire; 
malheureusement le site et le paquet ne proposent plus de doc :-( ;
* Cfengine3 : j'ai essayé de me plonger dans la doc mais je le trouve vraiment 
trop complexe surtout comparé à la version précédente ;
* PuppetMaster : déjà eu l'occasion d'y mettre la main, la config n'est pas 
désagréable mais le côté Ruby me déplait : je trouve l'agent trop lent et je 
n'ai pas envie d'installer Ruby sur tous mes conteneurs juste pour lui ;
* Chef : je ne connais pas mais c'est également du Ruby donc je laisse de côté ;
* bcfg2 : je ne connais pas du tout mais la doc ne m'a pas paru insurmontable 
(il faut juste aimer le XML) ; agent et serveur sont deux paquets différents 
donc l'agent intrusif semble relativement peu intrusif, surtout avec python 
installé de base ; je teste dès que j'ai un peu de temps.

J'en suis là de ma petite recherche, qu'en pensez-vous ? Vous êtes-vous déjà 
frottés à ces logiciels ?
À moins que vous n'en connaissiez un autre qui correspondrait plus à ce que je 
cherche ?

Merci bien,


Dans l'optique de ssh tu as également dsh. Très pratique et config minimaliste.

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Ma libc6 à mal !

2012-04-30 Thread C. Mourad Jaber


Un petit dist-upgrade sur un debian testing et ça va pô bien !
La libc6 hurle à la mort en essayant de se mettre à jour :

A copy of the C library was found in an unexpected directory:
It is not safe to upgrade the C library in this situation;
please remove that copy of the C library or get it out of
'/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' and try again.

J'ai essayé de revenir à la version précédente, mais sans succès !

Est-ce quelqu'un aurait une superbe magnifique idée pour contourner le problème et 
remettre tout ça en bon ordre ?



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Ma libc6 à mal !

2012-04-30 Thread C. Mourad Jaber


Un petit dist-upgrade sur un debian testing et ça va pô bien !
La libc6 hurle à la mort en essayant de se mettre à jour :

A copy of the C library was found in an unexpected directory:
It is not safe to upgrade the C library in this situation;
please remove that copy of the C library or get it out of
'/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' and try again.

J'ai essayé de revenir à la version précédente, mais sans succès !

Est-ce quelqu'un aurait une superbe magnifique idée pour contourner le problème et 
remettre tout ça en bon ordre ?



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Re: Installation testing sur SSD (Re: [testing] passage en 64 bits)

2012-04-30 Thread Bzzz
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 19:28:07 +0200
Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:

 A ce que j'avais compris les SSD comme de plus en plus de disques
 durs utilisent des blocs de 4 kio au lieu de 512 o et le fait de
 ne pas s'aligner dessus nuisait grandement aux performances.

Ça n'est pas exactement ce qui est dit dans la page en question.
Je serais toi, j'irais jeter une gobille sur les changelogs de 
fdisk (et cfdisk, sèpulkel l'install utilise), histoire de voir à
partir de quelle version les SSD sont correctement pris en charge,
parce que la page dit que fdisk reconnaît automatiquement s'il a
affaire à un SSD.
Ou bien je ferais mes partoches et mon formatage avec un liveCD à
jour avant l'install.
Remarque qu'il-y-a bcp plus court: pour ne pas que ça te donne des
maux de tête, du emballes bien to SSS et tu me l'envoies, puis tu
rachète un HD normal ]:-p

 Me rappelle plus pour le stride (je crois que je n'avais pas bien
 compris le pourquoi du comment.

Mwai, ben vire-le.

Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future.
-- Niels Bohr

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Re: postfix spams virii

2012-04-30 Thread Bzzz
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 18:11:59 +0200
Yves Rutschle wrote:

 Il n'est pas de serveur de mail qui puisse résister à un
 commercial qui envoit un .ppt de 100Mo à toute l'entreprise :)

On sent le vécu, non?

Eating chocolate is like being in love without the aggravation.

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Re: Ma libc6 à mal !

2012-04-30 Thread Bzzz
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 19:26:01 +0200
C. Mourad Jaber wrote:

 La libc6 hurle à la mort en essayant de se mettre à jour :
 A copy of the C library was found in an unexpected directory:
 It is not safe to upgrade the C library in this situation;
 please remove that copy of the C library or get it out of
 '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' and try again.
 J'ai essayé de revenir à la version précédente, mais sans succès !

Hmm, tu pourrais faire un:
mv libc-2.13.so_BADBADLIB
et retenter l'update.
Charge quand même manuellement l'ancien package, comme ça au
cas où ça tournerait vraiment mal, tu pourras tjrs le réinstaller en
faisant un chroot après avoir redémarré sur un liveCD ou en mode SOS
avec un disque d'install.

You will be dead within a year.

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Re: Ma libc6 à mal !

2012-04-30 Thread C. Mourad Jaber

Le 30/04/2012 20:15, Bzzz a écrit :

On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 19:26:01 +0200
C. Mourad  wrote:

La libc6 hurle à la mort en essayant de se mettre à jour :

A copy of the C library was found in an unexpected directory:
It is not safe to upgrade the C library in this situation;
please remove that copy of the C library or get it out of
'/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' and try again.

J'ai essayé de revenir à la version précédente, mais sans succès !

Hmm, tu pourrais faire un:
mv libc-2.13.so_BADBADLIB
et retenter l'update.
Charge quand même manuellement l'ancien package, comme ça au
cas où ça tournerait vraiment mal, tu pourras tjrs le réinstaller en
faisant un chroot après avoir redémarré sur un liveCD ou en mode SOS
avec un disque d'install.

Malheureusement, avec la libc, ça ne fonctionne pas j'ai toute une bordée d'injure si je 
renomme le fichier que ce soit en direct ou en chroot avec un CD live (Parted magic) !

Là, je sèche, en plus c'est lors d'un dist-upgrade donc je n'ai plus de X, c'est le drame 
total !

J'en suis à envisager une réinstallation :(



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Re: Ma libc6 à mal !

2012-04-30 Thread andre_debian
Pareil pour l'upgrade Ubuntu 11 = 12
libc6 ne s'installe pas ...
Une amie m'a appelé au secours à ce sujet.
Comme c'était une nouvelle installation,
je lui ai conseillé de partir d'une image .iso
Ubuntu version 12 ...

Et je vois que c'est pareil pour Debian.


On Monday 30 April 2012 19:26:01 C. Mourad Jaber wrote:
 Un petit dist-upgrade sur un debian testing et ça va pô bien !
 La libc6 hurle à la mort en essayant de se mettre à jour :
 A copy of the C library was found in an unexpected directory:
 It is not safe to upgrade the C library in this situation;
 please remove that copy of the C library or get it out of
 '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' and try again.
 J'ai essayé de revenir à la version précédente, mais sans succès !
 Est-ce quelqu'un aurait une superbe magnifique idée pour contourner le
 problème et remettre tout ça en bon ordre ?

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Re: Ma libc6 à mal !

2012-04-30 Thread Bzzz
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 20:56:38 +0200
C. Mourad Jaber wrote:

 Malheureusement, avec la libc, ça ne fonctionne pas j'ai toute une
 bordée d'injure si je renomme le fichier que ce soit en direct ou
 en chroot avec un CD live (Parted magic) !
 Là, je sèche, en plus c'est lors d'un dist-upgrade donc je n'ai
 plus de X, c'est le drame total !
 J'en suis à envisager une réinstallation :(

Alors triche: boot en liveCD (plutôt basé sur debian) et remplace à
la main les fichiers de libc6 un par un à partir du package antérieur;
puis gèle libc6 jusqu'à ce que tu sois sûr que le PB soit évacué.

Sank heaven for leetle curls.

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2012-04-30 Thread Aline Win Aung
j'aimerais faire votre connaissance pour une amitié sincère si vous êtes 
intéressé,prière de me répondre (

Mlle Aline Win Aung

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Re: [testing] passage en 64 bits

2012-04-30 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sat, 28 Apr 2012 20:30:56 +0200
Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit:

 J'ai décidé de migrer mes machines actuellement en 32 bits vers 64 bits.
 Si j'ai bien compris ce n'est pas possible sans passer par une
 réinstallation. Je me demande donc ce qu'il faut sauvegarder pour être sûr
 de retrouver ses petits ?
 Pour l'instant je pense sauvegarder :
 - /home
 - /etc
 - /usr/local
 - la sortie de apt-show-version pour pouvoir ré-installer les paquets à
 Est-ce que j'oublie quelque chose ?

La sauvegarde de /root ne fait pas de mal non plus


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Re: Ma libc6 à mal !

2012-04-30 Thread C. Mourad Jaber

Le 30/04/2012 21:18, Bzzz a écrit :

On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 20:56:38 +0200
C. Mourad  wrote:

Malheureusement, avec la libc, ça ne fonctionne pas j'ai toute une
bordée d'injure si je renomme le fichier que ce soit en direct ou
en chroot avec un CD live (Parted magic) !

Là, je sèche, en plus c'est lors d'un dist-upgrade donc je n'ai
plus de X, c'est le drame total !
J'en suis à envisager une réinstallation :(

Alors triche: boot en liveCD (plutôt basé sur debian) et remplace à
la main les fichiers de libc6 un par un à partir du package antérieur;
puis gèle libc6 jusqu'à ce que tu sois sûr que le PB soit évacué.

Je le sens pas trop mais je ne vois pas trop comment faire autrement...



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Re: Ma libc6 à mal !

2012-04-30 Thread Bzzz
On Tue, 01 May 2012 00:36:18 +0200
C. Mourad Jaber wrote:

 Je le sens pas trop mais je ne vois pas trop comment faire
Ben t'as pas trop le choix en l'occurence, soit tu restes avec un
système boiteux en espérant que le PB d'upgrade de lic6 se résolve
de lui-même, soit tu reviens en arrière et tu récupères une conf
viable; à la condition qu'il n'y-ait pas un tas de dépendances

C'est à cause de trucs comme ça que j'ai laissé tomber testing pour
unstable; au moins quand ça crash on sait (à peu près) pourquoi,
et ce type de PB reste extrêmement rare (et en tout cas peut
être évité juste avec listbugs).


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Re: resolusi monitor di debian 6.0.4 amd64 (vga amd radeon)

2012-04-30 Thread Iwan Setiawan

Pada 04/30/12 07:18, orchid assasin menulis:

Section Monitor
Identifier   0-CRT1
Option  VendorName ATI Proprietary Driver
Option  ModelName Generic Autodetecting Monitor
Option  DPMS true
Option  PreferredMode 1280x1024
Option  TargetRefresh 60
Option  Position 0 0
Option  Rotate normal
Option  Disable false

Kalau bagian Monitor jadi gini gimana?

Section Monitor
Identifier   0-CRT1
Option  VendorName ATI Proprietary Driver
Option  ModelName Generic Autodetecting Monitor
Option  DPMS true

Section Screen
Identifier aticonfig-Screen[0]-0
Device aticonfig-Device[0]-0
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0
Depth 24

Kalau Depth-nya diganti 16 bisa nggak ya? Tulung diperiksa juga mas, 
barangkali monitornya memang maksimalnya 1024x768 :d

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Re: resolusi monitor di debian 6.0.4 amd64 (vga amd radeon)

2012-04-30 Thread orchid assasin
lum coba klu di ganti jadi gt
ntar ane coba dulu

klu depth lum coba jg ni masbro

monitor support max 1280x1024 (17)
di windows ane jg pake 1280x1024 :)

Re: resolusi monitor di debian 6.0.4 amd64 (vga amd radeon)

2012-04-30 Thread orchid assasin
tetep ng bisa jg di ganti xorg nya masbro
tetep 1024x768
klu depth ganti 16 malah error blank layarnya

dulu jg pernah pake slackware bisa pake 1280x1024
ni debian aja ane mentok 1024x768

RE: Tutorial Postfix con usuarios virtuales

2012-04-30 Thread Gorka
 Volviendo al tema, los manuales para configurar usuarios virtuales en el
 servidor de correo dependerán del tipo de configuración que tengas, no
 encontrarás un manual único (a lo Señor de los Anillos) para satisfacerlos 
 todos ;-), por lo que si nos dices qué tipo de solución tienes implementada
 (con qué otros programas baila tu Postfix) seguramente alguien te podrá
 indicar alguna guía actualizada.

Gracias, Ricardo y Eduardo. 

Respondiendo a Camaleón; mi instalación actual es 
Postfix+Dovecot+Mysql+Amavis+ClamAV+Squirrelmail+Spamassassin (creo que no me 
dejo nada) sobre Debian Etch siguiendo el ISPmail tutorial , que en su día se conocía como una de las 
mejores combinaciones documentadas y explicada de manera sencilla y paso a paso 
(que por cierto me encantó y a la que le estoy muy agradecido). Lo que ocurre 
es que a lo mejor las cosas han cambiado y ahora la tendencia es hacerlo de 
otra forma. Eso es lo que realmente me gustaría saber en lugar de tirar 
directamente con el tutorial de Workaround para Squeeze. No es que busque, 
Camaleón, el manual único tipo El señor de los anillos, jeje, sino el que 
está más extendido actualmente o más de moda (sería más bien El código da 
vinci o algún otro de Dan Brown casi seguro, jeje). Uno muy actual para que 
sea compatible de manera sencilla con una mayor funcionalidad. Es que igual no 
me estoy explicando muy bien.

Por ejemplo, veo que ahora se utiliza Postfixadmin, que creo que viene a ser 
como el ISPwebAdmin de Workaround, pero creo que está más extendido. A la hora 
de instalar herramientas de vacation/autoresponder en webmails como Roundcube a 
veces me he encontrado referencias a Postfixadmin y, claro, si no formó parte 
de tu instalación pues esos manuales no te valen. Aunque lo he puesto sólo de 
ejemplo es verdad que sí que me interesaría especialmente que mi ISPmail 
permita instalar un webmail con vacation ya integrado (por más que busco uno 
para mi configuración anticuada actual no encuentro).

En fin, es una cuestión un poco amplia, no se trata de discutir si este o aquel 
es mejor, pero con vuestras opiniones es más que suficiente. Si varios 
coincidís en una misma configuración o un mismo tutorial puede que sea porque 
por ahí vayamos bien encaminados.


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Re: consulta bluetooth lenovo s10e

2012-04-30 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
El día 30 de abril de 2012 02:15, Ricardo Delgado escribió:
 Lista, como andan.

 estoy utilizando wheezy en un lenovo s10e, tratando de configurar
 bluetooth para conectar un celu

 los modulos cargados son.

 bluetooth              99189  10 rfcomm,bnep
 rfkill                 18715  4 cfg80211,ideapad_laptop,bluetooth
 crc16                  12327  2 ext4,bluetooth

 con la herramiento hcitool dev no me muestra nada

 con hciconfig scan CAN'T GET DEVICES:NO SUCH DEVICE

 para probar una app instale WAMMU pero no me reconoce nada.

 el kernel es Linux 3.2.0-2-486

 alguna idea? por donde buscar?

 segun vi en la web este modelo LENOVO S10E si soporta bluetooth

 gracias de antemano.

 Windows? Reboot
 Debian?      beRoot 

No se que le pasa al bluetooth en wheezy pero a mi también me está
dando muchos problemas. No obstante, intenta emparejarlo con hcitool
scan o mejor con la aplicación gráfica GTK blueman. Está en los

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

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Re: consulta bluetooth lenovo s10e

2012-04-30 Thread Ricardo Delgado
El día 30 de abril de 2012 05:45, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:
 El día 30 de abril de 2012 02:15, Ricardo Delgado escribió:
 Lista, como andan.

 estoy utilizando wheezy en un lenovo s10e, tratando de configurar
 bluetooth para conectar un celu

 los modulos cargados son.

 bluetooth              99189  10 rfcomm,bnep
 rfkill                 18715  4 cfg80211,ideapad_laptop,bluetooth
 crc16                  12327  2 ext4,bluetooth

 con la herramiento hcitool dev no me muestra nada

 con hciconfig scan CAN'T GET DEVICES:NO SUCH DEVICE

 para probar una app instale WAMMU pero no me reconoce nada.

 el kernel es Linux 3.2.0-2-486

 alguna idea? por donde buscar?

 segun vi en la web este modelo LENOVO S10E si soporta bluetooth

 gracias de antemano.

 Windows? Reboot
 Debian?      beRoot 

 No se que le pasa al bluetooth en wheezy pero a mi también me está
 dando muchos problemas. No obstante, intenta emparejarlo con hcitool
 scan o mejor con la aplicación gráfica GTK blueman. Está en los

 Un saludo

 Octavio Ávalos

Gracias por la respuesta. ya probe con hcitool y tambien con blueman

en todos los casos no me reconoce dispositivo, o sea, al parecer el
controlador interno de la netbook nunca llega a levantarlo,
probablemente me estoy olvidando algun paso.


Windows? Reboot
Debian?      beRoot 

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Re: Tutorial Postfix con usuarios virtuales

2012-04-30 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 30 Apr 2012 09:39:05 +0200, Gorka escribió:

 Volviendo al tema, los manuales para configurar usuarios virtuales en
 el servidor de correo dependerán del tipo de configuración que tengas,
 no encontrarás un manual único (a lo Señor de los Anillos) para
 satisfacerlos a todos ;-), por lo que si nos dices qué tipo de
 solución tienes implementada (con qué otros programas baila tu
 Postfix) seguramente alguien te podrá indicar alguna guía actualizada.
 Gracias, Ricardo y Eduardo.
 Respondiendo a Camaleón; mi instalación actual es
 Postfix+Dovecot+Mysql+Amavis+ClamAV+Squirrelmail+Spamassassin (creo que
 no me dejo nada) sobre Debian Etch siguiendo el ISPmail tutorial , que en su día se conocía como una
 de las mejores combinaciones documentadas y explicada de manera sencilla
 y paso a paso (que por cierto me encantó y a la que le estoy muy
 agradecido). Lo que ocurre es que a lo mejor las cosas han cambiado y
 ahora la tendencia es hacerlo de otra forma. Eso es lo que realmente me
 gustaría saber en lugar de tirar directamente con el tutorial de
 Workaround para Squeeze. No es que busque, Camaleón, el manual único
 tipo El señor de los anillos, jeje, sino el que está más extendido
 actualmente o más de moda (sería más bien El código da vinci o algún
 otro de Dan Brown casi seguro, jeje). Uno muy actual para que sea
 compatible de manera sencilla con una mayor funcionalidad. Es que igual
 no me estoy explicando muy bien.

Gorka, no conozco manuales que estén extendidos o de moda, 
sencillamente cada uno se busca la vida donde mejor puede/sabe y sigue 
los tutoriales que encuentra por la web que mejor se ajusten a sus 
necesidades porque lo más habitual es que con cada versión de Debian 
encuentres manuales distintos, de sitios distintos y con sugerencias de 
configuración distintas. Vamos, que es difícil encontrar un repositorio 
de manuales fijo y que perdure en el tiempo, yo al menos no conozco 
ninguno :-)

 Por ejemplo, veo que ahora se utiliza Postfixadmin, que creo que viene a
 ser como el ISPwebAdmin de Workaround, pero creo que está más extendido.

Postfxifadmin tiene unos cuantos años (lo conozco desde que instalé mi 
primer linux), pero nunca lo he usado. No hay un estándar de herramientas 
de uso, hay quien prefiere configurar los servicios editando a mano losa 
rchivos de configuración, hay quien prefiere usar webmin para tenerlo 
todo centralizado, hay quien usa ISPMail, hay quien usa front-ends para 
cada una de las aplicaciones por separado, en fin...

 A la hora de instalar herramientas de vacation/autoresponder en webmails
 como Roundcube a veces me he encontrado referencias a Postfixadmin y,
 claro, si no formó parte de tu instalación pues esos manuales no te
 valen. Aunque lo he puesto sólo de ejemplo es verdad que sí que me
 interesaría especialmente que mi ISPmail permita instalar un webmail con
 vacation ya integrado (por más que busco uno para mi configuración
 anticuada actual no encuentro).

Ese es el problema, que cada usuario utiliza una configuración distinta y 
buscar un tutorial que se ajuste al milímetro a lo que tú tienes no es 
fácil, se trata de ir buscando en Internet alguno que toque parte de las 
configuraciones que tienes y buscar otro para configurar el resto de 

 En fin, es una cuestión un poco amplia, no se trata de discutir si este
 o aquel es mejor, pero con vuestras opiniones es más que suficiente. Si
 varios coincidís en una misma configuración o un mismo tutorial puede
 que sea porque por ahí vayamos bien encaminados.

Mira, Dovecot tiene algunos ejemplos de configuraciones:

Y Postfix, en su apartado de How Tos y FAQs, también:

Squirrel también tiene documentación para integrarse con Dovecot:

Y así...



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Re: KDE - Evitar arranque de KOrganizer, KNotes y KMail [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-04-30 Thread JAP

El 29/04/12 17:18, Sergio Daniel Gomez escribió:

El 29/04/12 13:55, JAP escribió:


Ya no sé dónde mirar.
Cada vez que inicio KDE, en mi sesión se arranca KOrganizer, KNotes y
Revisé todos los subidrectorios autostart de mi cuenta, y en ninguno
hace mención a ellos.

¿Alguno sabe dónde meter los dedos para que no arranquen esos programas
en forma automágica?
Muchas gracias


Botón derecho sobre el ícono de korganicer y ahí está la opción de 
iniciar el demonio (o no) al iniciar una sesión.


Era esto, pero con truco.
El ícono de bandeja estaba oculto, así que tuve que habilitar un objeto 
en plasma para verl los íconos ocultos, y ahí sí, pude cerrarlo, ya no 
molesta más.


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Re: Herramienta para confeccionar/diseñar Boletines, Plegables, etc. [Terminado]

2012-04-30 Thread Liuber's Hdez∴
El sáb, 28-04-2012 a las 19:22 -0400, Felix Perez escribió: 
 El día 26 de abril de 2012 08:00, Liuber's Hdez∴ escribió:
  Hola Lista, Saludos.
  Amigos con que herramientas específicas contamos en debian squeeze, que
  ayude en la confección de plegables, boletines, etc.
 Lo que buscas es Scribus, y esta en los repos.
 --- cita ---
 Información general
 Última versión estable1.4.0
 1 de enero de 2012; hace 2 meses
 Última versión en pruebas 1.5.0
 1 de enero de 2012; hace 2 meses
 Sistema operativo Windows/GNU/Linux/Mac OS X
 Licencia  GNU GPL
 En españolSí
 Scribus es un programa de maquetación de páginas de código abierto,
 que ofrece un gran rendimiento en la creación de publicaciones por
 ordenador. Scribus está disponible en versiones nativas para
 GNU/Linux, Unix, Mac OS X y Windows y brinda capacidades para el
 diseño y diagramación, similares a las ofrecidas por programas
 comerciales como Adobe PageMaker, QuarkXPress y Adobe InDesign.
 Scribus está diseñado para dar flexibilidad en el diseño y la
 composición, ofreciendo la capacidad de preparar archivos para equipos
 profesionales de filmación de imágenes. También puede crear
 presentaciones animadas e interactivas en PDF y formularios. Entre los
 ejemplos de su aplicación se encuentran periódicos, folletos,
 boletines de noticias, carteles y libros.
 Scribus soporta la mayoría los principales formatos gráficos, además
 de SVG. Sus características profesionales para fuentes e imágenes
 incluyen manejo de color CMYK y administración de color ICC.
 La impresión se realiza mediante sus propios controladores internos de
 PostScript Nivel 3, incluyendo soporte para fuentes incrustadas y
 ajustes con fuentes TrueType, Tipo 1 y OpenType. El controlador
 interno soporta plenamente construcciones de PostScript Nivel 2 y un
 gran subconjunto de construcciones de Nivel 3.
 El soporte PDF incluye transparencia, cifrado y un gran conjunto de
 las especificaciones de PDF 1.4 así como PDF/X3, incluyendo campos
 interactivos de formularios PDF, notas y marcas.
 El formato de sus archivos está basado en XML y está totalmente
 documentado. Se pueden importar textos de documentos OpenDocument,
 como RTF, Doc de Microsoft Word, y HTML (aunque con algunas
 Está disponible en más de 24 idiomas, incluyendo el español.
 - fin cita 
 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:
 como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

Buenos días, 
Gracias por todos, estoy probando scribus. 

Comp∴M∴:liuber's hdez. 


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: chromium y facebook

2012-04-30 Thread Felix Perez
El día 30 de abril de 2012 14:27, Cristina Amenedo escribió:
 Saludos a toda la comunidad.
 Soy nueva en debian y tengo el siguiente problema
 Hoy instale CHROMIUM para debian, lo hice desde
 Sucede que al instalarlo, me encontre con que estaba en ingles, y leyendo en
 diferentes sitios, encontre un lugar donde explicaba como pasarlo al
 español, luego de instalar una seri de repositorios.
 Lo que ahora me sucede, es que al querer entrar a Facebook, solo carga la
 barra de herramientas, es decir que no carga nada mas y la pagina queda en
 Si alguien sabe como solucionar este problemita, se lo voy a gradecer.

No, no hay caso hoy tiene mala recepción mi bola de cristal, lo siento.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: chromium y facebook

2012-04-30 Thread Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
El día 30 de abril de 2012 13:27, Cristina Amenedo escribió:
 Saludos a toda la comunidad.
 Soy nueva en debian y tengo el siguiente problema
 Hoy instale CHROMIUM para debian, lo hice desde
 Sucede que al instalarlo, me encontre con que estaba en ingles, y leyendo en
 diferentes sitios, encontre un lugar donde explicaba como pasarlo al
 español, luego de instalar una seri de repositorios.

Para tenerlo en español instala el siguiente paquete:
chromium-browser-l10n, el cual se puede buscar en el centro de

 Lo que ahora me sucede, es que al querer entrar a Facebook, solo carga la
 barra de herramientas, es decir que no carga nada mas y la pagina queda en
 Si alguien sabe como solucionar este problemita, se lo voy a gradecer.
 Saludos desde argentina

Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
Estudiante Ingeniería en Sistemas y Computación
Universidad de Caldas

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Re: chromium y facebook

2012-04-30 Thread Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
El día 30 de abril de 2012 13:40, Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda escribió:
 El día 30 de abril de 2012 13:27, Cristina Amenedo escribió:
 Saludos a toda la comunidad.
 Soy nueva en debian y tengo el siguiente problema
 Hoy instale CHROMIUM para debian, lo hice desde
 Sucede que al instalarlo, me encontre con que estaba en ingles, y leyendo en
 diferentes sitios, encontre un lugar donde explicaba como pasarlo al
 español, luego de instalar una seri de repositorios.

 Para tenerlo en español instala el siguiente paquete:
 chromium-browser-l10n, el cual se puede buscar en el centro de

Revisando los paquetes que tengo instalados, me aparece este también
instalado chromium-l10n

 Lo que ahora me sucede, es que al querer entrar a Facebook, solo carga la
 barra de herramientas, es decir que no carga nada mas y la pagina queda en
 Si alguien sabe como solucionar este problemita, se lo voy a gradecer.
 Saludos desde argentina

 Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
 Estudiante Ingeniería en Sistemas y Computación
 Universidad de Caldas

Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
Estudiante Ingeniería en Sistemas y Computación
Universidad de Caldas

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[OT] Opciones de selección de texto

2012-04-30 Thread kaptan

Buenas comunidad,
no sé si alguién sabrá de alguna herramienta que permita seleccionar 
texto que esté entre unas determinadas palabras (me explico: por ej en 
un html, que seleccione todo los textos que estén entre las etiquetas 
body/body), o una herramienta de selección en general que tenga 
varias opciones. Ahora mismo no me viene nada a la mente.

Gracias de antemano.
Un saludo.

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Re: [OT] Opciones de selección de texto

2012-04-30 Thread DeJhanX
Una herramuenta específica para el caso, no pero puedes construír un script
para eso, usando expresiones regulares.

Re: [OT] Opciones de selección de texto

2012-04-30 Thread kaptan
Ya, supongo, pero de programación shell no tengo mucha idea, por eso 
preguntaba si ya había algo hecho.
Aunque buscando un poco veo que no es muy difícil hacer lo que quería 
con sed, ya casi me ha salido!

En 30/04/12 22:44, DeJhanX escribiu:

Una herramuenta específica para el caso, no pero puedes construír un 
script para eso, usando expresiones regulares.

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Re: [OT] Opciones de selección de texto

2012-04-30 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El lun, 30-04-2012 a las 22:35 +0200, kaptan escribió:
 Buenas comunidad,
 no sé si alguién sabrá de alguna herramienta que permita seleccionar 
 texto que esté entre unas determinadas palabras (me explico: por ej en 
 un html, que seleccione todo los textos que estén entre las etiquetas 
 body/body), o una herramienta de selección en general que tenga 
 varias opciones. Ahora mismo no me viene nada a la mente.
 Gracias de antemano.
 Un saludo.
perl, python, ruby,
tenes para elegir

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Re: OT fläktfritt

2012-04-30 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Sun, 2012-04-29 at 15:59 +0200, wrote:
 Jag ställer frågan här eftersom svaren brukar vara bra, och jag
 troligen kommer att köra Debian på burken.
 För ungefär ett halvår sedan köpte jag ett Asus E35M1-I deluxe med en
 tvåkärnig lågeffekt AMD-processor. Med 4G RAM funkar den skapligt, med
 8G närmar den sig ett skämt. Min gamla server med VIA 1,3GHz är
 marginellt långsammare.
 Fläktfritt är det iallafall. Tyst och fint med WD Green 2TB drivar.
 Om jag vill ha något som sprattlar lite bättre utan att dra en massa
 ström (skapa en massa värme), vad föreslår damer och herrar på listan?

Är du ute efter 100% fläktfritt, eller funkar det med ett väldigt,
väldigt tyst system som trots allt använder fläktar?

Nu har mitt system några år på nacken, men jag kör en Intel Core 2 Duo
med halvpassiv kylning. Gigantisk kylfläns som får luftgenomströmning
av chassits två 120 mm fläktar (med spänningen nerdragen).

Hade jag byggt nytt system idag hade jag antagligen gjort något
liknande, jättestor kylfläns till CPU, inbyggt eller passivt kylt
grafikkort, stora fläktar som kan flytta mycket luft utan att höras,

Nu blir det inte helt ljudlöst, men jag har inga problem att t.ex. sova
i samma rum som datorn.

Sven Arvidsson
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Re: OT fläktfritt

2012-04-30 Thread Per Carlson

 För ungefär ett halvår sedan köpte jag ett Asus E35M1-I deluxe med en
 tvåkärnig lågeffekt AMD-processor. Med 4G RAM funkar den skapligt, med
 8G närmar den sig ett skämt.

Går det saktare med 8GB RAM än med 4? Låter skumt...

 Om jag vill ha något som sprattlar lite bättre utan att dra en massa
 ström (skapa en massa värme), vad föreslår damer och herrar på listan?

Du kan se på Intels Sandy Bridge CPUer med ett T i slutet av namnet.
De drar alla 35W, vilket är mer än din E-350 men ger mer fart per
Watt. Finns från billiga Celeron (som dock saknar T-et) från ~300kr,
upp till Core i3 för en tusenlapp (allt enligt prisjakt). Är bra att
söka på på låg termisk effekt.

Har ingen personlig erfarenhet av de men var aktuella när jag skulle
bygga en server. Det bygget blev det inget av dock.


D’ä e å, vett ja”, skrek ja, för ja ble rasen,
”å i åa ä e ö, hörer han lite, d’ä e å, å i åa ä e ö
- Gustav Fröding, 1895

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Re: genisoimage and truncating of file names

2012-04-30 Thread Kushal Kumaran
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 7:17 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
 I am creating an iso with genisoimage prepatory to burning it to dvd
 for backing up of my music collection, and on checking the resulting
 disc I'm finding that the mp3 name is truncated to the first word of
 its title. I feel that this is happening with genisoimage and would
 obvioulsy like to have the full mp3 title.

 The command to genisoimage is . genisoimage -o
 ~/irishceltic.iso /home/boztu/Music/Irish\ Celtic\ Music\ Collection\
 Version\ 2/ .. which creates the file irishceltic.iso .

 I cant see anything in man genisoimage or its help file of any use for
 this problem, and would welcome any help that people can give.

Does enabling Rock Ridge extensions help?  Use the -r or -R option to


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Re: genisoimage and truncating of file names

2012-04-30 Thread keith
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 02:47:11 +0100
Sharon Kimble wrote:

 I am creating an iso with genisoimage prepatory to burning it to dvd
 for backing up of my music collection, and on checking the resulting
 disc I'm finding that the mp3 name is truncated to the first word of
 its title. I feel that this is happening with genisoimage and would
 obvioulsy like to have the full mp3 title.
 The command to genisoimage is . genisoimage -o
 ~/irishceltic.iso /home/boztu/Music/Irish\ Celtic\ Music\ Collection\
 Version\ 2/ .. which creates the file irishceltic.iso .

Try it with:-

genisoimage -o irishceltic.iso -R -J -l -v -V Irish Celtic -hide-rr-moved .


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Re: Can't install flashplugin.nonfree. ERROR: wget failed to download

2012-04-30 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 13:58:35 +0900, Han wrote in message

 I recently installed debian squeeze, but I can't see youtube videos on
 $ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

..I prefer aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree, it solves things
slightly differently.

..when sites whines about too old flash, I go aptitude remove \
flashplugin-nonfree aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree

..note that you'll need your deb* lines in /etc/apt/sources.list 
to end with main contrib non-free.

 Above command ends with a following error message. (My sources.list
 has non-free included)
 ERROR: wget failed to download

..tried aptitude install wget?
 More information might be available at:
 I consulted the webpage, and googled, but could not get useful
 I appreciate any help.
 Han Soo

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: Shorewall startup question

2012-04-30 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 29 apr 12, 18:53:11, Charles Kroeger wrote:
 In /doc/shorewall-core there's nothing about this
 In /doc/shorewall-doc/ there are subfolders of HTML and HTML/images and
 manpages in great abundance but no README.
 In /usr/share/shorewall there are subfolders of Shorewall and config files 
 but even
 there alas no README or mention of the etc/default/shorewall file.
 I might add that I also use shorewall-init and the /doc/shorewall-init of 
 resides no mention of this necessary file, /etc/default/shorewall.

/etc/default/stuff is Debian specific most of the times, which is why 
it won't be mentioned in upstream documentation.

For Debian packages it is always a good idea to start by reading 
/usr/share/doc/package/README.Debian which contains Debian specific 

Kind regards,
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Re: iptables service with debian

2012-04-30 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 4:08 AM, Bonno Bloksma wrote:

 It's best to run an iptables script from /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/.
 Only for the rules which are related to a specific interface.
 Ruleset initialization should not be done from there.

 Why not?

 Because it makes no sense to re-initialize the ruleset every time an
 interface is activated.

 Is this documented somewhere? If not, from where should iptables
 rules be launched?

 Iptables should be initialized from an initscript run before networking.

 I agree but until someone else pointed out that there was iptables-
 persistent for that, there was no packaged way of doing so.

 Until iptables-persistent was released in July 2009, there wasn't a
 packaged way of doing so and using /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ was the
 recommended way, as documented in the Debian wiki.

 I have been running iptable scripts for years but never ran them from
 /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/. In Debian I have always used the pre-up line
 in the interfaces file, in RedHat I used the rc.local file or created my
 own Sxx link in the rc.X drectories to get it started before the network
 came up.

 The other way to save/load iptables rules has been to use iptables-save
 and iptables-restore (or something like it) which I have used in the old
 days when there was RedHat 4.x (before it came to be known as Fedora) and
 so on.

AFAIK, using /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ or pre-up ... in
/etc/network/interfaces is essentially the same thing.

(I don't understand why you use rc.local on RHEL/Fedora because they
both have an iptables init script by default.)

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Re: iptables service with debian

2012-04-30 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 8:44 AM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
 Tom H a écrit :
 On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 4:30 AM, Pascal Hambourg 

 Iptables should be initialized from an initscript run before networking.

 I agree but until someone else pointed out that there was
 iptables-persistent for that, there was no packaged way of doing so.

 Actually, the iptables package itself used to contain such facility. But
 it was removed in later versions.

I know. I've never understood why that facility was removes and am
glad that someone's seen fit to package iptables-persistent to
re-enable that facility.

 Until iptables-persistent was released in July 2009, there wasn't a
 packaged way of doing so and using /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ was the
 recommended way, as documented in the Debian wiki.

 I am not going to argue endlessly about this, but IMO being mentionned
 in the Debian wiki does not make it the recommended way.

Googling through Debian lists, I see that you've disliked
/etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ since its inception; and rightly so.

But disliking the use of /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ for iptables
doesn't mean that Debian isn't committed to it and that it isn't that
way that we're expected to run iptables; although the existence of
iptables-persistent has given us an option other than creating our own
init script or using something more or less non-standard like the
apf-firewall or arno-iptables-firewall packages (or any other iptables
frontend; these are the two that I know of).

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Re: eglibc fails to build from source

2012-04-30 Thread bibop554
Same error. But eglibc now compile with the method proposed by Sven Joachim

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 5:48 AM, Christofer C. Bell wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 9:01 PM, bibop554 - wrote:
  Hi all,
  I try to build eglibc from source but it fails. I'm on Debian squeeze
  I downloaded [eglibc_2.11.3.orig.tar.gz] and [eglibc_2.11.3-2.diff.gz]

 Did you install the build dependencies?

 $ apt-get build-dep eglibc

  Not sure if i made an error somewhere or if it is a bug.
  Any help would be appreciated. Feel free to ask more information

 From the apt-get man page:

 build-dep causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an attempt to
 satisfy the build dependencies for a source package.

 Try again after doing that and see what happens.


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Re: eglibc fails to build from source

2012-04-30 Thread bibop554 -
It works !

Is there a good documentation somewhere about the official method for
building eglibc for debian ?

i was not aware of this way of patching source and the classical way
(patch, configure) that i used does not show any error although the
compilation failed. It is a little misleading for a beginner.


On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 7:23 AM, Sven Joachim wrote:

 On 2012-04-30 04:01 +0200, bibop554 - wrote:

  I try to build eglibc from source but it fails. I'm on Debian squeeze
  I downloaded [eglibc_2.11.3.orig.tar.gz] and [eglibc_2.11.3-2.diff.gz]
  gzip -d eglibc_2.11.3-2.diff.gz
  tar xf eglibc_2.11.3.orig.tar.gz
  cd eglibc-2.11.3/
  patch  ../eglibc_2.11.3-2.diff  - no errors

 A simpler and less error-prone way to unpack the source would be to use
 dpkg-source -x eglibc_2.11.3-2.dsc.

  cd ../build/ - build/ is
  an empty directory
  ../eglibc-2.11.3/configure --prefix=$(pwd)  - no fatal error
  make -j 10
  The compilation fails with the following error:
  make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../manual/errno.texi', needed by
  `../sysdeps/gnu/errlist.c'.  Stop.
  make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
  make[2]: Leaving directory
  make[1]: *** [stdio-common/subdir_lib] Error 2
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/bibop554/compile_libc/eglibc-2.11.3'
  make: *** [all] Error 2
  Not sure if i made an error somewhere or if it is a bug.

 The Debian diff does not patch the source directly, but uses a patch
 system named quilt.  You need to install the quilt package and then run
 make -f debian/rules patch.

 The unpatched source does not build because Debian had to remove the
 documentation, and the upstream build system is not prepared for that.


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OT - New Google algorithm

2012-04-30 Thread Anthony Campbell
For the last 3 weeks there has been a roughly 70 per cent drop in the
number of hits on my web pages (although one of these pages in contrast,
has seen a steep increase). Googling finds that there has been a change
in the algorithm they use, which is intended to catch people using
underhand methbods of inflating their hit rate. (I don't do this.) Has
anyone else noticed anything similar?

Anthony Campbell - 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux - sample my ebooks at

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Re: eglibc fails to build from source

2012-04-30 Thread Brian
On Mon 30 Apr 2012 at 12:00:32 +0200, bibop554 - wrote:

 It works !
 Is there a good documentation somewhere about the official method for
 building eglibc for debian ?

The Debian wiki should provide helpful advice and another useful page
 i was not aware of this way of patching source and the classical way
 (patch, configure) that i used does not show any error although the
 compilation failed. It is a little misleading for a beginner.

Someone recently guided me through rebuilding a package with

   sudo apt-get build-dep package_name

   apt-get source package_name

   quilt import /path/to/patch; quilt push

   debuild -us -uc

The system used was only a basic install so I needed devscripts and

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Re: PS/2 Keyboard and Mice not working (USB is) on X

2012-04-30 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Mon, 2012-04-30 at 16:48 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 04:27:08PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  Not working: Trekker Wheel Mouse 2.0A PS/2 Compatible
 What testing have you done?

A long time ago I tried different things. People from the Debian
community helped me to try very exotic things.

 i.e. Does it work in another computer? Does another type of PS/2 mouse
 work in the problem computer?


 Does gpm work in console mode:
   a) With problem mouse?
   b) With good mouse?


I learned to use another mouse ;) and worked on tuning my Linuxes to
cause zero jitter for external MIDI. This is possible and I don't know
any modern OS excepted of Linux, where this is possible. Beside Linux
only old computers like the C64 and the Atari ST are able to provide
this, but those computers aren't multi task computers, so for the C64
for example, you can

SEI ;IRQ off

or do simple checks like


to get data directly from the interface.

You can't do this kind of hard real-time on modern computers.

Anyway, JACK2 has a nice option to enable hard MIDI real-time, since
some wizard(s) did a very good job.

I don't waste time with the mouse, I need the time to set up much more
important things.

IMO Linux is the best choice for my needs, but it cause a lot of
problems regarding to basics like the graphics and other hardware, e.g.
a simple old faithful mouse.

- Ralf

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Re: genisoimage and burning the iso created.

2012-04-30 Thread Darac Marjal
On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 02:13:37AM +0100, Sharon Kimble wrote:
 i have just created an iso of some of my music collection so that i
 can play them off the DVD, delete them off the hard drive and free up
 more space for new music, that’s the plan anyhow.
 The command i used was . genisoimage -o ~/irishceltic.iso
 /home/boztu/Music/Irish\ Celtic\ Music\ Collection\ Version\ 2/
  and it created irishceltic.iso which is 18.4 gbs big.
 I now want to burn this to DVD's but brassero wont do multiple DVD
 from one source, and so far, i havne't been able to do it from k3b.
 How do I do it in either brassero or k3b please? Or can it be done
 from the command line please?

I'm not entirely sure you want to be splitting the ISO. I think what you
rather need is to make several ISOs which are small enough to fit on
your DVD. The easiest way to do this is just to use k3b (for example) to
make the ISO. You should be able to drag files from your music
collection one-by-one into the project, watching the size of the
resulting ISO increase (It's been a while since I used k3b, but there's
often a gauge that shows you how close you are to filling a disc). When
you have a full disc, burn that, then start a new project starting from
the next file in the directory.

Description: Digital signature

using LVM on a cluster

2012-04-30 Thread Frank Van Damme

I am in the process of setting up a small 2-node HA cluster (for NFS,
active/passive) with a shared disk for storage. Because Corosync and
pacemaker look nice and good, I am trying to make it work with this
combination instead of cman, which is what clvm is compiled for in Debian.

There are a couple of howto's on the web on recompiling the lvm package
with Openais or Corosync , so that's what I did. However, I'm still
confused about the relationship between the cluster manager and the lock
manager. If I understood right, this is the correct order in which
things will be started:

* start Corosync (or openais, if clvm is compiled with openais support
* you need to run some kind of resource manager
* the resource manager (pacemaker) must have a resource defined that is
the dlm controld - I tried starting dlm_controld at the command line,
this seems to make clvm happy but unfortunately that command has no man
* then, a bunch of files appear in /sys/kernel/config/dlm

Actually, that controld should be started by the cluster resource
manager is also something I just read on the web, and it sounds kinda
odd to me. After all, you need to run an instance on every cluster node
that accesses shared storage, right?

[[I also tried the same thing but with a clvm compiled for openais, I
read it uses another lock manager (Lck) but I'm not sure if and how
this one is actually cluster-aware since it doesn't seem to rely on a
resource defined in the cluster.]]

[[Another thing that I find rather strange is that corosync is started
wy at the end of the boot process, and clvm is started at the
beginning, even if I changed the dependency of 'cman' to 'corosync' in
clvm's init script. (clvm is started in rcS.d). But that's got more to
do with lsb init scripting than with clustering, I suppose.]]

If anyone could make me wiser or more educated about any of this, I'd be
grateful :-)

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Re: genisoimage and burning the iso created.

2012-04-30 Thread Jon Dowland

On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 02:13:37AM +0100, Sharon Kimble wrote:
  and it created irishceltic.iso which is 18.4 gbs big.
 I now want to burn this to DVD's but brassero wont do multiple DVD
 from one source, and so far, i havne't been able to do it from k3b.
 How do I do it in either brassero or k3b please? Or can it be done
 from the command line please?

The file that was created - an ISO image - is a 1:1 representation of
the bytes that would be burned to optical media if you managed to burn
it.  However, 18.4GB is too large for most optical media. (more on that
in a sec).

As Camaleón said, you could split the ISO file into bits using split(1)
and re-assemble in the future using cat(1), but the bits themselves would
not be useful until re-combined, so you almost certainly do not want to
do that.

Instead, first make sure you know what target size you need to hit. What
media are you writing to?  You can fit approx 600-800M onto a CD-ROM, 
~4.5G onto a single layer DVD and 9G onto a dual-layer, 25G for single
layer Blu Ray and 50G for dual-layer Blu Ray.
(more at and

So you could conceivably fit 18.4G of data onto a single or dual layer Blu Ray
disc, if you have the equipment to read and write them.  However, you would
most likely want to delete your ISO file and create a new one for the Blu Ray,
since you need to use a different filesystem layout (UDF instead of ISO) for
blu-rays. (I'm not sure what tools to use in this case.)

Assuming you don't have Blu Ray writing equipment, you would need to use
multiple disc of another format.  You need to divide up your files into sets
which would be burned to different discs, and generate an ISO for each.
datapacker ( is one tool that could
help you with the dividing stage. genisoimage (which you already know) produces
the images; you can then burn them using your existing tools or 'wodim' on the
command line (which I find more reliable).

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Re: PS/2 Keyboard and Mice not working (USB is) on X

2012-04-30 Thread Jon Dowland
Do you have /dev/input/mice and /dev/input/event* files? If so, does the 'mice'
file change when you manipulate the mouse (as root, hd /dev/input/mice  and see
whether mouse movement causes output), and does one or more of the input files
change when you press keys (hd /dev/input/event1 ; test, then try 2, etc…)

If no to either question, then the issue is at some layer underneath X, the
input event subsystem. If yes, then there is an X configuration issue.

Jon Dowland

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Re: PS/2 Keyboard and Mice not working (USB is) on X

2012-04-30 Thread Lisi
On Monday 30 April 2012 12:17:50 Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I don't waste time with the mouse, I need the time to set up much more
 important things.

 IMO Linux is the best choice for my needs, but it cause a lot of
 problems regarding to basics like the graphics and other hardware, e.g.
 a simple old faithful mouse.

 - Ralf

You seem to be continuing to discount completely the possibility that the 
mouse is faulty.  This is especially likely if it is old.

You really have no evidence at all, so far as I can see, for the FUD about 
Debian that you were disseminating.


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Re: eglibc fails to build from source

2012-04-30 Thread Jon Dowland
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 12:01:37PM +0100, Brian wrote:
sudo apt-get build-dep package_name

If you would prefer to be able to remove the build dependencies afterwards
easily, you  could do (assuming one has devscripts and gdebi installed):

 sudo gdebi install the generated .deb file
 sudo dpkg -i the generated .deb file
 rm the generated .deb file

apt-get source package_name
quilt import /path/to/patch; quilt push

 ^^ this step would only be needed if you were applying a patch
not already in the Debian packaging; if the patch is part of the packaging
this step could be skipped.

debuild -us -uc

Add -jN to enable parallel builds if you have a modern CPU (N=7 is quite good
for basic Intel i-era chips, or quad core 2 duos).  This can massively speed
up building and rebuilding packages.

 The system used was only a basic install so I needed devscripts and

You probably also needed build-essential.

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Re: iptables service with debian

2012-04-30 Thread Jon Dowland
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 05:38:45AM -0400, Tom H wrote:
 …or using something more or less non-standard like the
 apf-firewall or arno-iptables-firewall packages (or any other iptables
 frontend; these are the two that I know of).

ufw is another which is quite simple for basic firewall needs.

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Re: genisoimage and truncating of file names

2012-04-30 Thread Jon Dowland
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 07:51:52AM +0100, keith wrote:
 Try it with:-
 genisoimage -o irishceltic.iso -R -J -l -v -V Irish Celtic -hide-rr-moved .

In particular, the -R option (although -r is better) and -J options are what
do the trick here. -J is good particularly if you want your disc to work on 
non-Linux or UNIX operating systems.

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Re: SOLVED Re: genisoimage and burning the iso created.

2012-04-30 Thread Jon Dowland
I missed your reply because you did not reply to an existing message in your
thread. Please do this so that your reply shows up in the same place as your
original message, for people who use threaded mail readers.

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 02:17:28AM +0100, Sharon Kimble wrote:
 Split was indeed the answer, using it as ... split -b 4000m
 /home/boztu/irishceltic.iso .. and it splits the 18.9 gb file into
 3.9 gb files which just need to be renamed as xaa.iso, or
 xab.iso/xac.iso, and then the  image is burnt using k3b.

This will let you burn the ISO image onto multiple discs, but you will not
be able to read it (or any files within) unless the ISO is recombined (by
concatenating all the parts via cat(1) or another tool and writing a new
file).  See more recent replies to your message for alternative solutions.

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Re: 2TB USB hard drive for backing up

2012-04-30 Thread Jon Dowland
On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 08:16:58PM +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
 I use LVM quite a lot, but I am a bit annoyed by having to vgchange -ay 
 after inserting and vgchange -an before removal. I like to see a removable 
 flag for LVs that lessens the locking restrictions that are important in 
 certain enterprise setups, so that I can have an LVM be scanned 
 automatically and do not need to run vgchange.

We may one day be blessed by udisks handling this properly on hotplug, perhaps
with a suitably-configured policykit.

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Re: Can't install flashplugin.nonfree. ERROR: wget failed to download

2012-04-30 Thread Curt
On 2012-04-30, Han Soo Chang wrote:

 Cannot write to `fp10.sha512.amd64.pgp.asc' (Permission denied).

This would mean you do not have the permission to write to the directory
into which you are downloading the file.

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Re: OT - New Google algorithm

2012-04-30 Thread Shaun
On 30/04/2012 11:04, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 For the last 3 weeks there has been a roughly 70 per cent drop in the
 number of hits on my web pages (although one of these pages in contrast,
 has seen a steep increase). Googling finds that there has been a change
 in the algorithm they use, which is intended to catch people using
 underhand methbods of inflating their hit rate. (I don't do this.) Has
 anyone else noticed anything similar?

You can always get the Google Toolbar add-in for Firefox and see what
your Google Page Rank is. I know Google announced that they were going
to be moving to a context based search offering unique search results
and would be making major changes this month.

The only way to make sure you always hit high is to make sure you're
relevant and your site is responsive and adheres to W3C standards.

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Re: changing window managers in debian 6.0.4

2012-04-30 Thread Indulekha
Dan Hitt wrote:
 This is a sort of subquery to the question of how to change window
 managers.  (And thanks again Johan, Camaleón, and Indulekha for your
 earlier help.)

 So the question is: supposing you compile a window manager yourself,
 so that it does not come from the packaging system.

 What is the standard best way of setting this new window manager as yours?

 It certainly won't exist in any of the lists on the login page, since
 debian could not know about it.

 So, i googled around, and there's this page
 which recommends just making an executable file
 and putting in a sequence of commands there---which
 could just be the path to your window manager.

 I tried this, and . . . . it works.

 But i feel a little uneasy about this, like this is not a best practice,
 or some newer release of debian may break it.

 (Note that the window manager i built is WindowMaker 0.95.2 which
 is a few revisions ahead of the squeeze version.  And although it
 certainly works, and i can launch applications, it doesn't look at all
 like the squeeze version.  For example, it has a solid light purple
 background, instead of the debian swirls.)

 Thanks in advance for any info.

The best way is to make a debian package of it, then install it with 
dpkg. Check this out:
Have fun!

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Re: Apache2 Not starting on reboot

2012-04-30 Thread John W. Foster
On Sun, 2012-04-29 at 07:11 -0500, John W. Foster wrote: 
 My last upgrade of Debian stable on my production server produced an
 error that is causing issues. Apache2 is not automatically restarting as
 it should when the system is rebooted. This is a nightly occurrence and
 is required for hardware testing reasons. Anyone have any ideas as to
 what might be happening? I have checked the error log  see nothing that
 looks suspect. Webmin shows that the Apache server is setup to start on
 bootup. It seems to run fine after I manually restart the server after
 the reboot.

Thanks for the suggestions. I tried them all  none worked. Sorry...
However I did some research outside this list  arrived at a solution
that was posted by another user on another list. I'm putting it up here
just so it will appear in our archives.

 Thanks to investigation done by Faheem Mitha and discussion on the
 comments below, a full answer to this question has worked out.
 Read Faheem's answer for full details
 For humor value, here are the cliff notes:
 The short version is that init scripts are considered conf files, and
 apt-get is too polite to touch conf files that have been user-modified
 in any way, even to restore deleted on reinstall after a uninstall.
 Before you say duh of course, check out the gymnastics you have to
 do. I quote:
 After asking the dpkg list (and being told off for it) +
 further fiddling, the following works. Be careful with this.
 It will replace all your modified config files with the
 version from the package. 
 apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew -o
 Dpkg::Options::=--force-confask install --reinstall
 I don't know why you needed me to tell you this. It's the
 first thing you should have thought of. :-) – Faheem Mitha

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Re: Can't install flashplugin.nonfree. ERROR: wget failed to download

2012-04-30 Thread Johan Grönqvist

2012-04-30 07:46, Han Soo Chang skrev:

If you try fetching it with wget:
does it produce an error message?

This is the message I get.
I am inside a corporate LAN with a proxy server whose address is ns14:8080.

Cannot write to `fp10.sha512.amd64.pgp.asc' (Permission denied).

As Curt wrote, it seems that you can not write the output file.

To verify that it is not network related:

tries tio fetch and write to file, which does not work, as you tried before.

-O - will try to fetch the file and print it to standard output, so 
that you see it on screen. I expect that to work without problems.

Is this a special setup with special write permissions?

My interpretation is that the installation scripts fails to write a file 
that it wants to save to disc for later use.



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Re: 2TB USB hard drive for backing up

2012-04-30 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 29 Apr 2012 20:16:58 +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:

 Am Dienstag, 24. April 2012 schrieb Camaleón:

 As an aside note, I've been using ReiserFS in all of my linux boxes (in
 both, servers and workstations) for the / partition and I never had
 to face the long waits at booting till the fsck ends. I know that
 ReiserFS (v3) is not actively developed (just security patches) and
 performs better for small files but I'm considering in moving ext3 to
 XFS or another mature file system (JFS) because the annoying and
 absurdly long time fsck takes.
 Reiserfs has some more drawbacks:
 - long mount times on large volumes
 - doesn´t distinguish between different filesystems on fsck like
   - loopback file with reiserfs on reiserfs 
   - vm image file with reiserfs on reiserfs
 Especially the latter is a no-go for me, cause an fsck would mix up the
 several reiserfs filesstems.

I haven't had experienced any of that issues in any of my systems so I 
still find ReaiserFS the most suitable filesystem for me.

The only big drawback I see for ReiserFS v3 is that it does not receive 
more enhancements nor features just patches, which can leave your 
installation in a very delicated state if something goes wrong. OTOH, I 
don't know about the current status of ReiserFS v4, I have not heard any 
news since many years :-?

 XFS might also have long file check times.

I still have not tried this so I can't really tell but what I've heard on 
XFS is not comparable to ext3, I mean, in regards with the time it takes 
to perform a filesystem check.

 fsck times depend more on the number of inodes than on the size of the
 filesystem. They also depend on the version of the check tool.
 XFS develovers tuned xfs_repair heavily regarding speed and memory
 usage. And I seem to recall some optimizations for Ext4 as well, like
 unitialized block groups (bguninit or something lile that in tunefs -l).
 My Ext4 fsck times on large volumes are quite good. A few minutes
 usually. Even on the backup drive which holds at least 1 million inodes
 in one logical volume.

My experience with ext3 and fsck times also varies depending of the 
volume file size: my 500 GiB hard disk can delay up to 5 min. but the 
server's 1.2 TiB volume do take longer...

  Its very convenient to have a large sack to toss the stuff, but it
  has its own set of drawbacks :)
 Yes, and I'm against partitioning too much but considering the big
 sizes of the actual hard disks it has become a must, also to minimize a
 filesystem corruption in a partition that can affect the whole data.
 I use LVM quite a lot, but I am a bit annoyed by having to vgchange -ay
 after inserting and vgchange -an before removal. I like to see a
 removable flag for LVs that lessens the locking restrictions that are
 important in certain enterprise setups, so that I can have an LVM be
 scanned automatically and do not need to run vgchange.

I wish hard disk partitioning becomes more handly and flexible and it 
gets implemented on the filesystem natively without having to deal with 
external tools, such as LVM. 



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Re: 2TB USB hard drive for backing up

2012-04-30 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 29 Apr 2012 20:21:52 +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:

 Am Dienstag, 24. April 2012 schrieb Camaleón:
  While I wait for the new 2 TB HDD, I am copying data across my home
  LAN to my laptop which has a 120 GB HDD. I was using the WiFi network
  provided by the computer consultants downstairs: it gave me 1.2 MB/s
  transfer rate. When I succeeded in getting the Ethernet working, I
  got 9 MB/s. I've now checked the ethernet NICs at both ends and they
  are both Gigabit devices. So I've ordered a 5m Cat5e ethernet cable
  from Amazon which should give me 120 MB/s transfer rate. That would
  certainly make it convenient for security backups.
 Yes, and that's why my primary backup is directly attached to one of
 the  SATA ports of the motherboard: speed between SATA buses is good
 enough when using a powerful system. The average size of my /home
 backup is now at ~10 GiB and I always do full (not incremental nor
 differential) backups becasue 10 GiB is still a manageable size
 (although for servers and workstations I do differential backups).
 I use esata disks for my laptop backups. Together with
 Cardbus-/Expresscard esata controllers, even for the ThinkPad T520 cause
 its Intel only version didn´t sport an esata connector.
 SATA flies. A bus where practically possible speeds come quite close to
 the theoretic maximum. Unlike USB 2 and currently it seems also USB 3.

That's another option but again, you need to rely on the ExpressCard 
capabilities (v1.2 or v2.0?) and its performance that can slim the whole 

 Initial rsync based backup of 300 GB Intel SSD 320 to new 2 TB Hitachi
 harddisk has been 1 hour. For about 200 GiB of data, at least one
 million inodes, including a virtual server on the internet and the
 Debian on the USB-Stick in my ASUS WL-500g Premium DSL router.
 Current times are usually less than 10 minutes for differential backups.

Well, yes, differential backups shorten the backup process time (though 
incremental copies are even faster).



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Re: iptables service with debian

2012-04-30 Thread Rob Owens
On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 01:15:52PM -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 4:30 AM, Pascal Hambourg 
  Tom H a écrit :
  On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 6:59 PM, Pascal Hambourg 
  Tom H a écrit :
  It's best to run an iptables script from /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/.
  Only for the rules which are related to a specific interface. Ruleset
  initialization should not be done from there.
  Why not?
I have tried to use /etc/network/if-pre-up.d on my laptop (which uses
NetworkManager) and it does not load my iptables rules.  But if I call
my script manually, it will load properly.  Is NetworkManager
incompatible with /etc/network/if-pre-up.d?

In the meantime, I'm trying out iptables-persistent.  I have it installed now, 
but there is no manpage and nothing useful in /usr/share/doc.  Time to
do some research...


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Re: Bug in logwatch? (not all archives are checked and --logdir is partially ignored).

2012-04-30 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 00:12:43 +0200, Maarten Derickx wrote:

 2012/4/29 Maarten Derickx
 A closer inspection of the logfiles I cared about revealed that there
 where also related errors. I made a patch with all the changes and
 posted it at . What is the procedure for
 getting these fixes in debian?

 I filed the bugs and they have numbers: #670877 and #670880

I was going to suggest exactly that... Well done! :-)



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Re: Shorewall startup question

2012-04-30 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 29 Apr 2012 15:13:36 -0500, hvw59601 wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 29 Apr 2012 11:48:58 -0500, Charles Kroeger wrote:
 After the recent Shorewall upgrade that replaced the previous
 configuration files, Shorewall now only starts 'manually' at the
 command line: e.g. #shorewall start.

 I can't find where this problem can be corrected in the

 What changed in the upgrade that now prevents Shorewall from starting
 itself during the boot-up?
 Mmm, this is done from /etc/default/shorewall by editing the
 startup variable, that you have to set to 1 as it says.

What's what you find impressive?

 Do you run shorewall?

Not at all.



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Re: iptables service with debian

2012-04-30 Thread Rob Owens
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 11:14:36AM -0400, Rob Owens wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 01:15:52PM -0400, Tom H wrote:
  On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 4:30 AM, Pascal Hambourg 
   Tom H a écrit :
   On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 6:59 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
   Tom H a écrit :
   It's best to run an iptables script from /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/.
   Only for the rules which are related to a specific interface. Ruleset
   initialization should not be done from there.
   Why not?
 I have tried to use /etc/network/if-pre-up.d on my laptop (which uses
 NetworkManager) and it does not load my iptables rules.  But if I call
 my script manually, it will load properly.  Is NetworkManager
 incompatible with /etc/network/if-pre-up.d?
 In the meantime, I'm trying out iptables-persistent.  I have it installed 
 but there is no manpage and nothing useful in /usr/share/doc.  Time to
 do some research...
Well, it didn't take long to find the answer on the internet.  Get your
firewall set up and then:

iptables-save  /etc/iptables/rules

I tested it and it works!


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Re: Apache2 Not starting on reboot

2012-04-30 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 09:18:42 -0500, John W. Foster wrote:

 Thanks for the suggestions. I tried them all  none worked. Sorry...
 However I did some research outside this list  arrived at a solution
 that was posted by another user on another list. I'm putting it up here
 just so it will appear in our archives.
 Thanks to investigation done by Faheem Mitha and discussion on the
 comments below, a full answer to this question has worked out.
 Read Faheem's answer for full details


Mmm... so you mean the init script for apache2 was missed in your case 
and thus making apache not to boot?

If that was the problem, I wonder if by reinjecting the service with 
insserv apache2 could have also made the job :-?



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Re: SOLVED Re: genisoimage and burning the iso created.

2012-04-30 Thread Indulekha
Sharon Kimble wrote:
 On 29/04/2012, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 29 Apr 2012 02:13:37 +0100, Sharon Kimble wrote:

 i have just created an iso of some of my music collection so that i can
 play them off the DVD, delete them off the hard drive and free up more
 space for new music, that’s the plan anyhow.

 The command i used was . genisoimage -o ~/irishceltic.iso
 /home/boztu/Music/Irish\ Celtic\ Music\ Collection\ Version\ 2/ 
 and it created irishceltic.iso which is 18.4 gbs big.

 I now want to burn this to DVD's but brassero wont do multiple DVD from
 one source, and so far, i havne't been able to do it from k3b.

 How do I do it in either brassero or k3b please? Or can it be done from
 the command line please?

 I don't know about the burning program features but I bet you can use
 split command (to make chunks of data that fit in one DVD) and
 cat (if you want to restore the full image afterwards) for the task.


 Split was indeed the answer, using it as ... split -b 4000m
 /home/boztu/irishceltic.iso .. and it splits the 18.9 gb file into
 3.9 gb files which just need to be renamed as xaa.iso, or
 xab.iso/xac.iso, and then the  image is burnt using k3b.

As others have pointed out, your issue is not likely solved by using 
split to create pieces of the original iso -- you need complete iso 
images sized to fit your media, otherwise you have to copy the contents 
of all the disks to your hard drive and reassemble the original image 
before any of it becomes usable.

I was just reading somewhere about a package called datapacker, which 
might do the trick. I've never tested it though. If you try it, please 
let us know if it worked for you. And please confirm by using the disks 
you burned first. Burning is really only part of the solution. :)

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Re: [Solved] Re: Problem with resolution on Radeon HD 7450 card (Squeeze)

2012-04-30 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 12:01:46 +0900, Han Soo Chang wrote:

 Thank you guys!
 It seems that the problem is now solved.

Hey, that sounds good! :-)

 I purged my dkms package, and re-installed dkms from squeeze backports I
 purged fglrx-driver, fglrx-control packages, and re-installed them from
 Then, the fglrx.ko was successfully generated. I rebooted the system,
 and the window is working fine. Maybe I messed up the installation
 procedure somehow. I probably needed to install dkms from the
 squeeze-backports before installing fglrx-driver.
 I put below my current xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log for reference.
 I am not sure if I needed the tweak on chipID on my xorg.conf. I will
 experimet later.
 Again, thank you very much folks!  I apprecieate your helps very much.


I just have read your last post where you said the kernel module was 
indeed not present in your system. Wow... that sounded like a corner 
situation (that usually happens when you compile the fglrx driver by 
yourself but not when using precompiled packages) but glad you could 
finally solved it.



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Re: Apache2 Not starting on reboot

2012-04-30 Thread John W. Foster
On Mon, 2012-04-30 at 09:18 -0500, John W. Foster wrote: 
 On Sun, 2012-04-29 at 07:11 -0500, John W. Foster wrote: 
  My last upgrade of Debian stable on my production server produced an
  error that is causing issues. Apache2 is not automatically restarting as
  it should when the system is rebooted. This is a nightly occurrence and
  is required for hardware testing reasons. Anyone have any ideas as to
  what might be happening? I have checked the error log  see nothing that
  looks suspect. Webmin shows that the Apache server is setup to start on
  bootup. It seems to run fine after I manually restart the server after
  the reboot.
 Thanks for the suggestions. I tried them all  none worked. Sorry...
 However I did some research outside this list  arrived at a solution
 that was posted by another user on another list. I'm putting it up here
 just so it will appear in our archives.
  Thanks to investigation done by Faheem Mitha and discussion on the
  comments below, a full answer to this question has worked out.
  Read Faheem's answer for full details
  For humor value, here are the cliff notes:
  The short version is that init scripts are considered conf files, and
  apt-get is too polite to touch conf files that have been user-modified
  in any way, even to restore deleted on reinstall after a uninstall.
  Before you say duh of course, check out the gymnastics you have to
  do. I quote:
  After asking the dpkg list (and being told off for it) +
  further fiddling, the following works. Be careful with this.
  It will replace all your modified config files with the
  version from the package. 
  apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew -o
  Dpkg::Options::=--force-confask install --reinstall
  I don't know why you needed me to tell you this. It's the
  first thing you should have thought of. :-) – Faheem Mitha

Only problem is: now none of my websites work. Only the localhost
basic is working. I will get it squared away but beware of the solution

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Re: Random system freezes - need your input

2012-04-30 Thread Curt
On 2012-04-25, Matthias Guentert wrote:
 Hello everyone

 Lately I changed from Fedora to Debian squeeze on amd64. A few days
 later my system started to freeze randomly. I first noticed this
 behaviour while I was copying files from my system disk to my USB
 disk, but don't think this is the culprit. After having searched high
 and low on my system I am running out of ideas. Please find bellow the
 details of my researches.

Well, I've been bitten a few times by the logical fallacy referred to by
the Latin phrase _post hoc ergo propter hoc_, so I'm dubious concerning
the usb trail, although I'm as ignorant as I am dubious.

For every system freeze I have ever experienced, the guilty party was my
graphics card/driver combination, notably, my nvidia card with the
closed-source driver.  As it appears you have an nvidia video card, you may
wish to explore this possibility, if you haven't already.

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Re: Can't install flashplugin.nonfree. ERROR: wget failed to download

2012-04-30 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 13:58:35 +0900, Han Soo Chang wrote:

 I recently installed debian squeeze, but I can't see youtube videos on
 $ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
 Above command ends with a following error message. (My sources.list has
 non-free included)
 ERROR: wget failed to download
 More information might be available at:
 I consulted the webpage, and googled, but could not get useful
 I appreciate any help.

You can get the .so flash plugin directly from Adobe's site:

You select your linux arch (32 or 64 bits) and then choose the 
*.tar.gz, extract the *.so library into the Iceweasel plugins 
directory and you're done.



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Re: iptables service with debian

2012-04-30 Thread Jon Dowland
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 11:14:36AM -0400, Rob Owens wrote:
 I have tried to use /etc/network/if-pre-up.d on my laptop (which uses
 NetworkManager) and it does not load my iptables rules.  But if I call
 my script manually, it will load properly.  Is NetworkManager
 incompatible with /etc/network/if-pre-up.d?

Yes. If you are using NetworkManager then ifupdown (which uses if-pre-up.d)
is not handling your network connections.

 In the meantime, I'm trying out iptables-persistent.  I have it installed 
 but there is no manpage and nothing useful in /usr/share/doc.  Time to
 do some research...

Good luck!

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Re: iptables service with debian

2012-04-30 Thread Jon Dowland
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 11:25:47AM -0400, Rob Owens wrote:
 Well, it didn't take long to find the answer on the internet.  Get your
 firewall set up and then:
 iptables-save  /etc/iptables/rules
 I tested it and it works!

What version of the package? It would appear the file should be rules.v4 or
rules.v6 (for ipv4 and ipv6 respectively), according to the README[1], at least
for later releases.


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Re: genisoimage and truncating of file names

2012-04-30 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 02:47:11 +0100, Sharon Kimble wrote:

 I am creating an iso with genisoimage prepatory to burning it to dvd for
 backing up of my music collection, and on checking the resulting disc
 I'm finding that the mp3 name is truncated to the first word of its
 title. I feel that this is happening with genisoimage and would
 obvioulsy like to have the full mp3 title.
 The command to genisoimage is . genisoimage -o ~/irishceltic.iso
 /home/boztu/Music/Irish\ Celtic\ Music\ Collection\ Version\ 2/
 .. which creates the file irishceltic.iso .
 I cant see anything in man genisoimage or its help file of any use for
 this problem, and would welcome any help that people can give.

There's something about geniso and long filenames here:

Check if that's enough for you.



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Re: SOLVED Re: genisoimage and burning the iso created.

2012-04-30 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 02:17:28 +0100, Sharon Kimble wrote:

 On 29/04/2012, Camaleón wrote:

 I don't know about the burning program features but I bet you can use
 split command (to make chunks of data that fit in one DVD) and cat
 (if you want to restore the full image afterwards) for the task.

 Split was indeed the answer, using it as ... split -b 4000m
 /home/boztu/irishceltic.iso .. and it splits the 18.9 gb file into
 3.9 gb files which just need to be renamed as xaa.iso, or
 xab.iso/xac.iso, and then the  image is burnt using k3b.
 Thanks to all

You're welcome.

For archiving purposes (like yours) that's the fastest and easiest way to 
put big ISO files into DVDs. I maybe also add to the archive a md5sum 
file to check the ISO integrity after restoring ;-)



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Re: 2TB USB hard drive for backing up

2012-04-30 Thread Jon Dowland
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 02:53:46PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 I haven't had experienced any of that issues in any of my systems so I still
 find ReaiserFS the most suitable filesystem for me.

As long as you don't have any VM images using reiserfs v3 on top of a reiserfs
3 filesystem, you're probably OK.

 OTOH, I don't know about the current status of ReiserFS v4, I have not heard
 any news since many years :-?

It's essentially dead, unfortunately.  Once the main author was convicted of
murder, another maintainer took over, but nobody is interested enough to keep
it maintained as part of the main kernel.

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Re: genisoimage and truncating of file names

2012-04-30 Thread Jon Dowland
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 03:48:59PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 There's something about geniso and long filenames here:
 Check if that's enough for you.

That page offers nothing more than a subset of the manpage, and nothing more
than the other posts to this thread have already covered.

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Re: SOLVED Re: genisoimage and burning the iso created.

2012-04-30 Thread Jon Dowland
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 03:44:54PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 For archiving purposes (like yours) that's the fastest and easiest way to 
 put big ISO files into DVDs. I maybe also add to the archive a md5sum 
 file to check the ISO integrity after restoring ;-)

Aside from this case (misunderstanding when creating the ISO image), how
often else will people end up in a situation where they need to split ISO
files? Backing up dual-layer DVD images to single layer DVDs? Or Blu-Ray
images?  It seems like a very niche problem.  With data images (as oppose
to DVD Video images or others where the specific filesystem layout can be
important), repacking is almost always going to be a wiser choice,
especially if you choose an archive format that handles splitting natively
(e.g. zip, or non-free rar) and in-archive checksumming (again zip, rar…)

Jon Dowland

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[OT] Mails coming from

2012-04-30 Thread Camaleón

Is just me who receives this sort of e-mails when replying to certain 
messages of this mailing list?

I'm now getting this which pretends to be from myself so I guess the 
other posts I received were also faked in the same way.

Re: 2TB USB hard drive for backing up

1QA4xxx2a | Apr 30, 2012 02:54PM UTC

Thank you for submitting your request. We have received your request and 
are working on responding to you as soon as possible. If you have any 
additional information to add to this case, please reply to this email.

Thanks in advance for your patience and support.

This message was sent to in reference to Case #79920.


These messages seem to be related with this site:

Anyone knows what's this?



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Re: Shorewall startup question

2012-04-30 Thread hvw59601

Camaleón wrote:

On Sun, 29 Apr 2012 15:13:36 -0500, hvw59601 wrote:

Camaleón wrote:

On Sun, 29 Apr 2012 11:48:58 -0500, Charles Kroeger wrote:

After the recent Shorewall upgrade that replaced the previous
configuration files, Shorewall now only starts 'manually' at the
command line: e.g. #shorewall start.

I can't find where this problem can be corrected in the

What changed in the upgrade that now prevents Shorewall from starting
itself during the boot-up?

Mmm, this is done from /etc/default/shorewall by editing the
startup variable, that you have to set to 1 as it says.


What's what you find impressive?

That you can provide such detail and yet not use the tool yourself.


Do you run shorewall?

Not at all.

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Re: 2TB USB hard drive for backing up

2012-04-30 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Montag, 30. April 2012 schrieb Chris Bannister:
 On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 08:27:03PM +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
  Hmmm, I´d avoid those with 4 KB hardware sectors that lie to the OS
  they have 512 byte sectors. Although I think even those should work.
  But with 512 byte sectors you have a 2 TB limit when you use MBR
  3 TB disks with 4 KB sectors both hardware (physical) and software
  (logical) should just work, provided the Linux is new enough.
  On Squeeze use -cu as additional options (see manpage).
 Sorry for jumping in here, but I can't figure out (from your post)
 which command requires the additional options: -cu. Which manpage?

fdisk. Sorry if I didn´t mention it anywhere in my post.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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Re: genisoimage and truncating of file names

2012-04-30 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Chris.

You worte:

  I am creating an iso with genisoimage prepatory to burning it to dvd
  for backing up of my music collection, and on checking the resulting
  disc I'm finding that the mp3 name is truncated to the first word of
  its title. I feel that this is happening with genisoimage and would
  obvioulsy like to have the full mp3 title.
 It probably doesn't like spaces in filenames.
 I'd convert all the files to names without spaces. 
 I'd also remove any single or double quotes in them.
 I, myself, would be interested in a better way of doing this.

For this time I have no idea which exactly options for the .iso making
program parameters but I can assure You that it is possible - I did
that many times years ago (I did it w/ k3b) and there was no need to
change any how dir./file -names - all looked well.

Just play w/ diver options, using just single file - to make Your tests


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Re: Shorewall startup question

2012-04-30 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 11:43:53 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Du, 29 apr 12, 18:53:11, Charles Kroeger wrote:
 In /doc/shorewall-core there's nothing about this In
 /doc/shorewall-doc/ there are subfolders of HTML and HTML/images and
 manpages in great abundance but no README. In /usr/share/shorewall
 there are subfolders of Shorewall and config files but even there alas
 no README or mention of the etc/default/shorewall file. I might add
 that I also use shorewall-init and the /doc/shorewall-init of which
 resides no mention of this necessary file, /etc/default/shorewall.
 /etc/default/stuff is Debian specific most of the times, which is why
 it won't be mentioned in upstream documentation.


But it is (at least in their online docs):

Install the .deb


Once you have completed configuring Shorewall, you can enable startup at 
boot time by setting startup=1 in /etc/default/shorewall.

In fact, being me a book worm that tends to read all the documentation 
in first place, I got this from there ;-)



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