Re: [ot][recordatori] demà/avui és el dia de la tovallola

2012-06-02 Thread Blackhold
El 25 de maig de 2012 17:41, hubble ha escrit:
 El Thu, 24 May 2012 23:53:42 +0200 va dir:

 demà és el dia de la tovallola! #frikisalpoder
 ps. especial dedicació al hubble i a la memòria del KP

ostresss!!! aquest any me la vaig perdre!!! :(

per sort estic tranquil·la perquè ja estava amb la dosi de frikisme
fèia dies fent d'autoestopista intergalàctic o més aviat el fil de la
pel·lícula interestatal 60[1] (molt recomanable si no l'heu vista i
del mateix estil de les sagues de Douglas Adams).

vinga, aviam si algun dia fem alguna birreta per gràcia!


 Moltes gràcies xavi :)

 Quines festes de la tovallola ens montavem a KP! :)

 De fet escric això amb la meva tovallola (de color rosa de WC de tota la 
 vida) a la espatlla.

 Ens veiem :)

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Re: Neteja d'spam maig 2012

2012-06-02 Thread Marc Olive
On Sunday 03 June 2012 02:50:17 Mònica Ramírez Arceda wrote:


 Com que ja estem a juny, ja es poden processar tots el correu brossa
 del maig del 2012.

Ja vas enviar un correu explican com anava, i crec recordar que no tots podem 
posar estrelles per dir que està revisat ni marcar correus com a spam, oi? 
llavors, què es el que podem fer els mundanos per reportar spam?

D'aquest mes, l'únic spam que veig es:
 Recordeu que la lluita contra l'spam a les llistes en català la
 coordinem aquí:
 Animo de nou a tots els membres de la llista a col·laborar en aquesta
 Només són 5 minuts al mes (o 10 si repasseu algun mes del passat) ;-)


Marc Olivé
Blau Advisors  

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Re: imprimer à distance

2012-06-02 Thread Grégory Bulot
Bonjour, Bonsoir, 

Le Fri, 1 Jun 2012 21:55:16 +0200, steve, vous avez écrit :

 Le 01-06-2012, à 21:09:25 +0200, Ken-Patrick Lehrmann
 ( a écrit :
  Le 01/06/2012 20:49, steve a écrit :
   je suis à la maison et je me connecte sur une serveur web (B).
  Ce n'est pas clair. Tu te connectes via une appli web ? via ssh ?
 via un simple navigateur. Je suis chez moi ; je tape
 http://mon_serveur_distant/mon_appli ; je bosse dessus, et je veux
 imprimer sue l'imprimante de mon serveur distant, pour que mon employé
 puisse prendre le document et aller bosser.

1) Et elle ne peux pas aller sur cette page
(http://mon_serveur_distant/mon_appli) depuis son poste et imprimer ?

2) Depuis ton poste tu imprimes en pdf, tu envois par mail le pdf à
ton employé

2.1) Ton envois ton pdf à une boite mail qui arrive sur le serveur et
via procmail tu fais une règle du genre (ne pas prendre l'exemple tel
* ^To:.TotoavecDesMotsNonprononciables@mon_serveur_distant
 | lpr

Grégory BULOT

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Nettoyage du spam: mai 2012 (et avril, et mars!)

2012-06-02 Thread Christian PERRIER
Comme nous sommes en juin 2012, il est désormais possible de traiter
les archives du mois de mai 2012 des listes francophones.

N'oubliez bien sûr pas d'ajouter votre nom à la liste des relecteurs
pour que nous sachions où nous en sommes.

Détails du processus de nettoyage du spam sur:

NOTE: il n'y a pas eu assez de relectures pour les mois de mars et
avril pour debian-l10n-french et debian-devel-french (4
seulement). Il est nécessaire qu'il y en ait au grand minimum 1 de plus.



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Re: Quel tableur pour écrire des fichiers CSV sans délimiteur de texte ?

2012-06-02 Thread Pierre Malard
C'est étrange.

Les guillemets ne sont mis que si les champs contiennent le caractère déclaré 
comme séparateur.
C'est aussi le cas lorsqu'une colonne contient du numérique déclaré en format 

Je pense que tes manipulations ont ajouté une virgule quelque part dans une 

Le 1 juin 2012 à 11:08, Olivier a écrit :

 J'ai besoin d'éditer (lier et écrire) des fichiers de données, assez
 volumineux, au format suivant:
 champs1,champs2,champs3, etc...
 Les valeurs ne contiennent pas de virgule (pas de valeur du type 123,45).
 Aucun champs ne comprend de guillemets ou équivalents.
 OpenOffice sait parfaitement lire ce type de fichiers, mais
 malheureusement, en sortie, OpenOffice entoure systématiquement les
 valeurs non entières de guillemets (je peux choisir le caractère entre
 2 possibilités mais je ne peux pas ne pas avoir de guillemet).
 Cette façon de procéder est semble-t-il la plus conforme aux normes
 qui décrivent le format CSV mais elle n'est pas la plus pratique pour
 Connaissez-vous un tableur ou équivalent (sous Squeeze) capable de
 lire et écrire facilement ce type de fichier ?
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   «La France n'est pas schismastique, elle est révolutionnaire»
Jean Jaures - 1905
.-' ;
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  _ _.-' .'  /._
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   (   .  )-| (
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PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//Address Book 6.1//EN
FN:Pierre Malard
ORG:IRD Montpellier;
TITLE:Ingénieur Réseau
TEL;type=WORK;type=VOICE;type=pref:+33 467 54 87 06
TEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE:+33 677 56 26 51
TEL;type=WORK;type=FAX:+33 467 54 87 00
item1.TEL:+33 467 54 87 54
item2.ADR;type=WORK;type=pref:;;500 rue Jean-François Breton;MONTPELLIER Cx 5;;34093;France
item3.ADR;type=HOME:;;Frouzet;SAINT MARTIN DE LONDRES;;34380;France
item4.X-ABLabel:Navigon bureau

Re: imprimer à distance

2012-06-02 Thread Frederic MASSOT

Le Fri, 1 Jun 2012 21:55:16 +0200, steve, vous avez écrit :

Le 01-06-2012, à 21:09:25 +0200, Ken-Patrick Lehrmann
( a écrit :

Le 01/06/2012 20:49, steve a écrit :



je suis à la maison et je me connecte sur une serveur web (B).

Ce n'est pas clair. Tu te connectes via une appli web ? via ssh ?

via un simple navigateur. Je suis chez moi ; je tape
http://mon_serveur_distant/mon_appli ; je bosse dessus, et je veux
imprimer sue l'imprimante de mon serveur distant, pour que mon employé
puisse prendre le document et aller bosser.

Si on considère que ton imprimante distante est gérée par CUPS.

Il faut que ton appli web génère un PDF de ce que tu veux imprimer.

Le PDF est enregistré sur le serveur distant dans un dossier particulier.

Avec un langage de script ou PHP tu exécutes la commande lpr -P 
imprimante-du-serveur chemin-dossier/mon-fichier.pdf

Si ton appli est en PHP tu peux tout réaliser en PHP :
1. la génération du PDF,
2. son enregistrement dans un dossier,
3. l'appel exec('lpr -P imprimante-du-serveur 

4. la suppression du fichier PDF

|  |
|   |
| +33.(0)  +33.(0) |

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Re: Comment ne générer que les paquets binaires avec pbuilder

2012-06-02 Thread Jean Baptiste FAVRE
Hash: SHA1

Bonjour à tous,
Je reviens à la charge avec mes soucis pbuilder/reprepro

Cette fois, c'est reprepro qui me pose problème:
La génération des paquets binaires fonctionne bien, certains paquets
source générent les paquets dépendants d'une architecture (suffixes
i386 ou amd64) et d'autres indépendants (suffixe all).

Lors de l'inclusion dans le dépôt, reprepro va chercher le fichier
.changes correspondant à la compilation i386 et amd64.
Pour chacune de ces architectures, reprepro va essayer d'inclure les
paquets 'all'.

Résultat, ces paquets 'all' provoquent un conflit car ils n'ont pas la
même somme de hashage d'une architecture à l'autre.

Dans le man de reprepro, je suis tombé sur l'option -A:
Note that architecture all packages can be included to each
architecture but are then handled separately.  Thus using -A correctly
allows to have different versions of an architecture all package in
different architectures of the same distribution.

Ceci semble bien devoir répondre à mon problème, mais malheureusement
je ne trouve pas la bonne manière de spécifier cette option pour gérer
plusieurs version des packages 'all' au sein d'une même distribution.

Bref, je suis preneur de toute indication,


On 19/05/2012 12:34, Jean Baptiste FAVRE wrote:
 On 19/05/2012 01:39, Charles Plessy wrote:
 Le Fri, May 18, 2012 at 07:17:38PM +0200, Jean Baptiste FAVRE a 
 écrit :
 Y-a-t'il moyen de dire à pbuilder de ne générer que les paquets
  binaires, si oui comment (je n'ai pas vu l'option dans le man
 et Google n'est pas prolixe sur le sujet).
 Il faut dire à pbuilder de le dire à dpkg-buildpackage avec 
 l'option --debbuildopts.
 Ah ben oui, forcément... bon, je retourne à la lecture du man alors
 Merci, JB

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Re: imprimer à distance

2012-06-02 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 02 Jun 2012 13:53:33 +0200
Frederic MASSOT wrote:

 Il faut que ton appli web génère un PDF de ce que tu veux imprimer.

Pourquoi compliquer alors que CUPS fonctionne nativement en PS?

It takes leather balls to play rugby.
(Blood makes the grass grow!)

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[Testing] Problème avec Iceweasel

2012-06-02 Thread Christophe Gallaire


J'ai fait aujourd'hui une grosse mise à jour (+2000 paquets). Au reboot,
impossible de lancer Iceweasel :

XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib/xulrunner-12.0/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Couldn't load XPCOM.

Il s'agit de la version de iceweasel 12.0-7~bpo60+1.

J'ai réinstallé xulrunner et iceweasel mais rien y fait.

Une idée ?


Christophe Gallaire

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Re: [Testing] Problème avec Iceweasel

2012-06-02 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 19:57:38 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

 XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib/xulrunner-12.0/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or
 directory Couldn't load XPCOM.

Il te manque cette lib.

I learned to play guitar just to get the girls, and anyone who says
they didn't is just lyin'! -- Willie Nelson

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Re: [Testing] Problème avec Iceweasel

2012-06-02 Thread Christophe Gallaire

Bzzz a dit dans un souffle :

On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 19:57:38 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib/xulrunner-12.0/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or
directory Couldn't load XPCOM.

Il te manque cette lib.

De quelle lib parles-tu ? ? Non :

ls /usr/lib/xulrunner-12.0/ | grep lib

Elle est là.


Christophe Gallaire

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N'envoyez, s'il vous plaît, que des pièces jointes en formats ouverts. 

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Re: [Testing] Problème avec Iceweasel

2012-06-02 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 20:46:05 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

 Bzzz a dit dans un souffle :
 On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 19:57:38 +0300
 Christophe Gallaire wrote:
  XPCOMGlueLoad error for
  file /usr/lib/xulrunner-12.0/ cannot
  open shared object file: No such file or directory Couldn't
  load XPCOM.
 Il te manque cette lib.
 De quelle lib parles-tu ? ? Non :

Plutôt qu'apparemment essaye d'ouvrir.
 ls /usr/lib/xulrunner-12.0/ | grep lib

Refais la manip avec: ls -al /usr/lib/xulrunner-12.0/lib* 
histoire de voir si les fichiers ont une longueur ou non.

Une chose m'étonne cependant: la version sid de xulrunner est 10.0,
alors comment peux-tu avoir une 12.0, en plus en backport?

He was so gay he'd never lean his ass on a baseball bat -- scared
it'd get serious.

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Re: [Testing] Problème avec Iceweasel

2012-06-02 Thread Christophe Gallaire

Bzzz a dit dans un souffle :

On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 20:46:05 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

Bzzz a dit dans un souffle :
On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 19:57:38 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

 XPCOMGlueLoad error for
 file /usr/lib/xulrunner-12.0/ cannot
 open shared object file: No such file or directory Couldn't
 load XPCOM.

Il te manque cette lib.

De quelle lib parles-tu ? ? Non :

Plutôt qu'apparemment essaye d'ouvrir.

ls /usr/lib/xulrunner-12.0/ | grep lib

Refais la manip avec: ls -al /usr/lib/xulrunner-12.0/lib*
histoire de voir si les fichiers ont une longueur ou non.

Ce qui donne :

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5964 mai   17 19:46
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   18 mai   17 19:46
/usr/lib/xulrunner-12.0/ - ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root12024 mai   17 19:46
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16600916 mai   17 19:46 /usr/lib/xulrunner-12.0/

Une chose m'étonne cependant: la version sid de xulrunner est 10.0,
alors comment peux-tu avoir une 12.0, en plus en backport?

En réalité, je tourne sur une version mixte :

apt-show-versions -a iceweasel
iceweasel 12.0-7~bpo60+1 install ok installed
iceweasel 3.0.6-3 unknown   Debian%20GNU
iceweasel 3.5.16-14
iceweasel 3.5.16-15
iceweasel 4.0.1-1~bpo60+1 squeeze-backports
iceweasel 10.0.4esr-3 testing
iceweasel 10.0.4esr-3 unstable
iceweasel 12.0-7  experimental
iceweasel/experimental *manually* upgradeable from 12.0-7~bpo60+1 to 12.0-7

J'ai essayé avec les versions 10.* et 12.* et le problème persiste.


Christophe Gallaire

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Re: [Testing] Problème avec Iceweasel

2012-06-02 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 21:26:32 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

 En réalité, je tourne sur une version mixte :

Et, bien entendu, t'as pas l'impression de te foutre du monde en 
venant demander ici pourquoi ça ne marche pas avec un immonde 
mélange de branches...

quickie, n.:
No sooner spread than done.

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Re: [Testing] Problème avec Iceweasel

2012-06-02 Thread Christophe Gallaire

Bzzz a dit dans un souffle :

On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 21:26:32 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

En réalité, je tourne sur une version mixte :

Et, bien entendu, t'as pas l'impression de te foutre du monde en
venant demander ici pourquoi ça ne marche pas avec un immonde
mélange de branches...

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a d'immonde dans un système mixte ?

Par contre, tu n'es pas non plus obligé de répondre avec autant de véhémence
quand ça te dépasse...



Christophe Gallaire

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Re: [Testing] Problème avec Iceweasel

2012-06-02 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 22:14:47 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

 Par contre, tu n'es pas non plus obligé de répondre avec autant de
 véhémence quand ça te dépasse...

Ce qui me dépasse, ce sont les gens qui lisent les docs sans les
comprendre ou en déformant leurs propos pour les accommoder à leur 
propre sauce; et croient qu'ils ont une chance de s'en tirer en 
mélangeant pas moins de 7 branches ensembles.

Where do you go to get anorexia?
-- Shelley Winters

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Re: [Testing] Problème avec Iceweasel

2012-06-02 Thread garnier
Le samedi 02 juin 2012 à 22:14 +0300, Christophe Gallaire a écrit :
 Bzzz a dit dans un souffle :
 On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 21:26:32 +0300
 Christophe Gallaire wrote:
  En réalité, je tourne sur une version mixte :
 Et, bien entendu, t'as pas l'impression de te foutre du monde en
 venant demander ici pourquoi ça ne marche pas avec un immonde
 mélange de branches...
 Qu'est-ce qu'il y a d'immonde dans un système mixte ?
 Par contre, tu n'es pas non plus obligé de répondre avec autant de véhémence
 quand ça te dépasse...

Je ne comprends pas comment tu peux avoir un tel mixage !
Es-tu sûr de ton pinning ?


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Re: [Testing] Problème avec Iceweasel

2012-06-02 Thread Christophe Gallaire

Bzzz a dit dans un souffle :

On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 22:14:47 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

Par contre, tu n'es pas non plus obligé de répondre avec autant de
véhémence quand ça te dépasse...

Ce qui me dépasse, ce sont les gens qui lisent les docs sans les
comprendre ou en déformant leurs propos pour les accommoder à leur
propre sauce; et croient qu'ils ont une chance de s'en tirer en
mélangeant pas moins de 7 branches ensembles.

Merci grandement.


Christophe Gallaire

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Re: [Testing] Problème avec Iceweasel

2012-06-02 Thread Christophe Gallaire

garnier a dit dans un souffle :

Le samedi 02 juin 2012 à 22:14 +0300, Christophe Gallaire a écrit :

Bzzz a dit dans un souffle :
On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 21:26:32 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

 En réalité, je tourne sur une version mixte :

Et, bien entendu, t'as pas l'impression de te foutre du monde en
venant demander ici pourquoi ça ne marche pas avec un immonde
mélange de branches...

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a d'immonde dans un système mixte ?

Par contre, tu n'es pas non plus obligé de répondre avec autant de véhémence
quand ça te dépasse...




Je ne comprends pas comment tu peux avoir un tel mixage !
Es-tu sûr de ton pinning ?



J'utilise comme version principale testing par apt.conf et un fichier de
préférence pour le pinning dans lequel le testing est prioritaire.

Il y a des années que je suis sous un système mixte.



Christophe Gallaire

Attention ! Suppression des mails entrants dont la taille est supérieure à 2Mo !
N'envoyez, s'il vous plaît, que des pièces jointes en formats ouverts. 

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Re: imprimer à distance

2012-06-02 Thread Frédéric MASSOT

Le 02/06/2012 15:44, Bzzz a écrit :

On Sat, 02 Jun 2012 13:53:33 +0200
Frederic  wrote:

Il faut que ton appli web génère un PDF de ce que tu veux imprimer.

Pourquoi compliquer alors que CUPS fonctionne nativement en PS?

1. Je pense qu'il y a maintenant plus de librairie pour générer du PDF 
que du PS quelque soit le langage.

2. Actuellement CUPS fonctionne nativement avec le PDF et le PS, mais le 
PDF va devenir le format de référence :

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Re: imprimer à distance

2012-06-02 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 03 Jun 2012 02:09:27 +0200
Frédéric MASSOT wrote:

 1. Je pense qu'il y a maintenant plus de librairie pour générer du
 PDF que du PS quelque soit le langage.

Ben, c'est caïman la même chose.
 2. Actuellement CUPS fonctionne nativement avec le PDF et le PS,
 mais le PDF va devenir le format de référence :

Merci pour le link, effectivement les raisons avancées sont bonnes:)

Ce qu'il faut espérer c'est que CUPS ne mettra pas les pieds
dans le JS, sinon on est bons pour tous revenir vers lpr.

Tomorrow never comes!  It's all the same fuckin' day, man!
-- Janis Joplin

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Re: Limitar ancho de banda a la descarga

2012-06-02 Thread JulHer
Hash: SHA1

El 01/06/12 23:28, escribió:
 Tengo un problema con la regulacion de ancho de banda para cuando
 me descargan ficheros tales como .zip, pdf, rar, bien solo me falla
 en algunas paginas y en el fichero  donde estan las  extensiones lo
 tengo asi

Pues todo apunta a que esas páginas no pasan por el squid. Mira si en
la configuración haces algún tratamiento concreto para esas páginas
que te dan problemas o si hay algún patrón concreto... por ejemplo
si son páginas cifradas o algo así.

De todas maneras no me queda claro cual es el problema ni las pruebas
que haces para deducir que la regulación que quieres hacer a veces
funciona y otras no.

Un saludo
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Re: Duda sobre montaje de usb en Wheezy

2012-06-02 Thread JulHer
Hash: SHA1

El 02/06/12 04:45, Darío escribió:
 Hola lista, esoty con un problema al querer usar en un usb en mi
 nueva notebook, es una Asus X44H, a la misma le instalé Debian
 Wheezy con LXDE. El problema está al conectar el dispositivo que no
 lo detecta de forma automática como sí me ocurre en la PC con
 Debian Squeeze,

Probablemente porque en Squeeze usarás otro escritorio que gestiona
ese tema.

De todas maneras, el error apunta a un problema de permisos, así que
comprueba que el usuario tiene los permisos adecuados para poder
montar el dispositivo.

Un saludo


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Es Debian un desastre a la hora de crear parches?

2012-06-02 Thread Esteban Torres Rodríguez
Buenas a todos.

La verdad es que el asunto es un poco alarmista, pero ahora lo explico.

He leído una entrevista antigua (año 2009) que le hacen a Sergio de
los Santos (escritor de Una al día) en la que habla de temas variados
y sobre todo de seguridad. En la entrevista hay una pregunta que es:

 Llevas años dando por saco con Una-al-día y te ha tocado ver mil
y un bug distintos. ¿Crees que la gente es igual de crítica con todos
los bugs o sólo esperan el sensacionalismo?

A lo que él contesta ampliamente e incluyendo el siguiente texto
refiriéndose a los usuarios:

 No saben que Debian es un desastre a la hora de crear parches...
introducen regresiones constantemente y sacan actualizaciones críticas
un sábado a las 2 de la mañana.

Esto es así? Que pensais?

Yo pienso que una de las pocas distribuciones seguras es una
Debian/Stable. Incluso en 2009 que es cuando se hizo la entrevista.

Aquí os dejo la entrevista al completo.

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Wheezy se cuelga el sistema

2012-06-02 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)


Tengo Debian Wheezy, últimamente cuando estoy con alguna aplicación 
LibreOffice, Icedove, iceweasel, en la que utilizo el cursor para 
moverme en el documento o la rueda del ratón, el sistema se cuelga y no 
funciona nada, por lo que tengo que apagar el ordenador y volverlo a 

En el arranque, lo que puedo visualizar y no se si esta bien, ya que es 
muy rápido es lo siguiente etc/udv/rules.d/yo-nw-fermi.rules:7

poniendo en el terminal dmesg aparece lo siguiente, en las últimas líneas:
[   37.499959] Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996
[   38.438219] fuse init (API version 7.17)
[   40.842478] phy0 - rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Error - Failed to 
request Firmware.

[   44.233201] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.16
[   44.233215] NET: Registered protocol family 31
[   44.233216] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
[   44.233218] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
[   44.233219] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
[   44.233222] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
[   44.264514] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized
[   44.264521] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized
[   44.264524] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11
[   44.268697] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3
[   44.268699] Bluetooth: BNEP filters: protocol multicast
[   45.208972] lp: driver loaded but no devices found
[   45.268296] ppdev: user-space parallel port driver
[   46.575385] eth0: no IPv6 routers present
[   46.815876] NET4: DECnet for Linux: V.2.5.68s (C) 1995-2003 Linux 
DECnet Project Team

[   46.816022] DECnet: Routing cache hash table of 1024 buckets, 8Kbytes
[   46.816026] NET: Registered protocol family 12
[   47.825577] usblp1: removed
[   47.829366] usblp1: USB Bidirectional printer dev 4 if 0 alt 0 proto 
2 vid 0x04A9 pid 0x260B

[   58.976224] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
[   58.982367] vboxdrv: Found 8 processor cores.
[   58.982712] vboxdrv: fAsync=0 offMin=0x258 offMax=0x1e171
[   58.982877] vboxdrv: TSC mode is 'synchronous', kernel timer mode is 
[   58.982879] vboxdrv: Successfully loaded version 4.1.16 (interface 

[   59.309807] vboxpci: IOMMU not found (not registered)

No se como solucionarlo, he buscado el Google, pero no encuentro nada o 
no se buscarlo.

Espero que haya solución antes de reinstalar de nuevo Debian Wheezy. Si 
no hay solución y hay que reinstalar de nuevo Debian me podían indicar 
como hacerlo sin tocar  la partición de /home.

Gracias de antemano.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

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Re: Limitar ancho de banda a la descarga

2012-06-02 Thread Daniel Vidal de la Rubia
 Hola  a todos listeros

 Tengo un problema con la regulacion de ancho de banda para cuando me
 descargan ficheros tales como .zip, pdf, rar, bien solo me falla en algunas
 paginas y en el fichero  donde estan las  extensiones lo tengo asi

 delay_parameters 1 3072/102400
 acl extensiones urlpath_regex -i /etc/squid/ext
 delay_access 1 allow extensiones

 El fichero ext estan los ficheros con las extensiones que permito
 descargar en casi todas las web que em descarga se controla pero en algunas
 no, lo tengo asi:

 al mismo tiempo y debajo de estas formas de escribir, lo coloque asi:

 de igual manera no logro controlar que me descarguen estos ficheros con
 estas extensiones a 3k por ejemplo, pues el ancho de banda que poseo es

 Existe alguna manera de escribir esto 

 Agradezco la ayuda que me puedan brindar

Buenas tardes,

A mí me pasó algo parecido ¿Es posible que la url a la que acceden no
acabe con la extensión que pones (por ejemplo:
http://domnio.tld/ En ese caso
la expresión regular no hace matching con la url y no aplica la acl.

Tal vez te interese controlar también el mime type (aunque tampoco
es infalible, ya que depende de que el servidor http sea consciente
del tipo de fichero). Haciendo una búsqueda rápida en Google he
encontrado lo siguiente tal vez te
sea de ayuda.


Daniel Vidal de la Rubia


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Re: Es posible enviar comandos por smtp a servidores????????

2012-06-02 Thread Walber Zaldivar

El 31/05/12 15:06, kazabe escribió:


estoy buscando la forma de lograr enviar un comando por smtp a mis
servidores para ejecutar tareas especificas.  Por ejemplo: enviar un
correo a con el asunto: REPORTARSE, y que el
servidor envie a una cuenta indicada un reporte del estado de la

tengo varios scripts con los que realizo esas tareas por ssh, de esta manera

ssh usuario@servidor /opt/scripts/

Con eso el servidor me envia un resumen del estado del servidor, a una
cuenta de correo que ya esta declarada dentro del script.   La idea es
poder realizar lo mismo, pero por correo.

Toda la informacion que logro encontrar es referente a enviar correos
desde la linea de comandos, pero lo que necesito es enviar un comando
al servidor por correo.

Alguno de ustedes ha tenido algun esquema similar?  Pueden facilitarme
alguna idea para saber por donde enfoco mi investigacion?

saludos y muchas gracias.

«Existen dos cosas infinitas:
el universo y la estupidez humana... y no estoy muy seguro de la primera» :
Albert Einstein
Eso lo puedes resolver con procmail pasandole el correo al script o con 
algún cron que te revise el mailbox cada x tiempo buscando correos con 
comandos. Yo tengo programados unos scripts así en python que leen los 
correos en busca de un atachment y lo ejecutan (como medida 
de seguridad primero verifican que esté firmados por mi con gpg). Voy a 
buscar a ver si los tengo a mano, si no es así te los mando el lunes al 

S@lu2 wzaldivar


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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OT: webs de LUGs de Venezuela

2012-06-02 Thread Paradix ;)

Saludos lista

Alguien tiene las direcciones de las  webs de los LUGs activos en 
Venezuela actualmente?


Paradix  ;)

Haciendo abogacía por el software libre adonde voy


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: [SOLUC.] Duda sobre montaje de usb en Wheezy

2012-06-02 Thread Darío
 Probablemente porque en Squeeze usarás otro escritorio que gestiona
 ese tema.

 De todas maneras, el error apunta a un problema de permisos, así que
 comprueba que el usuario tiene los permisos adecuados para poder
 montar el dispositivo.

Tenés razón, lo probé en KDE (cuánto hacía que no lo usaba!!! que feo
que está!!, parece un teléfono celular) y XFCE y lo detectan sin
problemas, debe ser algún problema con LXDE, por suerte porque
finalmente me quedo con XFCE que me hace acordar al GNOME.

Para mí está solucionado, pero puede que no para los que usen LXDE.

 Un saludo


Por favor, no utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el intercambio
de documentos, como ser DOC, XLS, BMP, PPT, RAR, MP3, DWG,
MOV, FLV, WMV, etc.  sino  ODT, ODS, DJVU, PDF, TXT,
CSV, PNG, FLAC, OGV, GZ o cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar
un programa de un fabricante concreto.
 ,              ,
/                \
 `-_---' `---_-'
  `--|o` 'o|--'
     \  `  /
      ): :(

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Re: Remoção do gnome ao tentar remover um programa.

2012-06-02 Thread Luiz Henrique Rauber Rodrigues
como ser do chefe e tal... edita os menus e remove os atalhos do gimp e ele
não verá mais
(não fui eu q falei isso)

e remover o gimp (q removera o gnome) e instalar denovo o gnome? pelo q li
rapidamente do site (só tem 3.6 agora) não vai adiantar, mas faz numa
virtual machine pra testar, mas é uma alternativa

alias faz tudo numa virtual machine, uso o vwplayer que suporte usb de
boa, o virtualbox dos repositorios nao suporta e só a do site do virtualbox
sim, mas achei ruim o vbox pois pra acessar a usb tem q desmontar no host e
montar na vm, no vmplayer fica montado em ambos

Em 1 de junho de 2012 20:06, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Cleber, eu testei aqui no meu notebook.

 apt-get remove totem e ele disse que iria remover o gnome-core e o totem.

 Usei o comando dpkg --force-all -P totem, e ele só removeu o totem.

 Tu tem que testar ai, acho que da certo, so que é melhor tu criar uma
 imagem desse teu sistema, por em outro PC e testar.


 Em 31 de maio de 2012 16:07, Cleber Ianes

 Só uma dúvida a respeitdo disso
 Pra onde eu mando meu currículo se isso der errado no computador do
 chefe?? rsrsrsrs

 *De:* Rodolfo
 *Para:* Cleber Ianes
 *Cc:* debian-user-portuguese
 *Enviadas:* Quinta-feira, 31 de Maio de 2012 15:58

 *Assunto:* Re: Remoção do gnome ao tentar remover um programa.

 Tava procurando o manpages do DPKG aqui no trampo, aqui nao uso linux,
 achei um traduzido pra te ajudar, tem a opção --force-all : Liga (ou
 desliga) todas as opções de força.

 so tome cuidado, ja to com medo, hehehehe

 Segue o link pra te ajudar na remoção:


 Em 31 de maio de 2012 14:53, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Não tem 1 parametro do dpkg que força a remoção ?

 Tenta assim e ve se ajuda:

 dpkg --force-depends -r PACOTE


 Em 31 de maio de 2012 12:13, Cleber Ianes

   Bem pensado, rsrs, tentativa feita
 Olha o resultado:
 *dpkg: problemas de dependência impedem a remoção de gimp:
 gnome depende de gimp (= 2.6).
 dpkg: erro processando gimp (--remove):
 problemas de dependência - não removendo
 Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:

 Também não deu!!!

 *De:* Rodolfo
 *Para:* Ednardo Lobo
 *Cc:* debian-user-portuguese
 *Enviadas:* Quinta-feira, 31 de Maio de 2012 11:21
 *Assunto:* Re: Remoção do gnome ao tentar remover um programa.

  Eu nunca fiz esse teste, mas será que com o dpkg ele não remove só o
 Gimp ?


 Em 31 de maio de 2012 09:56, Ednardo Lobo escreveu:

 Em 31-05-2012 09:26, Cleber Ianes escreveu:

 aptitude remove gimp

 Qual Debian está usando?

 Uso aqui o 6.0.5 squeeze e se tento remover o pacote gimp, apenas os
 seguintes adicionais pacotes são removidos automaticamente:


 A experiência que tenho com o Debian tem me mostrado que o gerenciamento
 de dependências é muito inteligente e eficiente. Porém, certas dependências
 as vezes podem parecer insensatas, talvez por não depender de escolhas do
 mantenedor do pacote, mas do desenvolvedor do software.

 Por exemplo, em meu Debian, o pacote gnome depende do pacote
 evolution apesar do inverso parecer ser mais óbvio. Porém, pelo que pude
 compreender há algumas funcionalidades no gnome que utilizam bibliotecas do
 Evolution, por isto a necessidade desta amarração. O efeito colateral, é
 que apesar de não usar o Evolution, não posso removê-lo de meu sistema.

 Talvez em futuras versões isso seja aperfeiçoado.

Ednardo Lobo

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Luiz Henrique Rauber Rodrigues
Consultor - Gerenciamento de Projetos, TI e Estratégia
51 9850 0533 - 55 8412 0309 - RS - -

// Economizar também é conscientização ambiental, não imprima este e-mail
se desnecessário

Re: Remoção do gnome ao tentar remover um programa.

2012-06-02 Thread Dyego Cantu

Até onde sei, se remover pelo dpkg você terá uma lista de pacotes sem
ocupando espaço a toa. Outra questão é que se remover desta forma, quando
necessário atualizar o sistema o apt-get/aptitude vai tentar baixar os
removidos, de acordo com as dependências não resolvidas.

Sugiro ler a sessão de gestão de pacotes da documentação do Debian para
dores de cabeça ;)


Dyego Cantu

Em 2 de junho de 2012 08:57, Luiz Henrique Rauber Rodrigues escreveu:

 como ser do chefe e tal... edita os menus e remove os atalhos do gimp e
 ele não verá mais
 (não fui eu q falei isso)

 e remover o gimp (q removera o gnome) e instalar denovo o gnome? pelo q li
 rapidamente do site (só tem 3.6 agora) não vai adiantar, mas faz numa
 virtual machine pra testar, mas é uma alternativa

 alias faz tudo numa virtual machine, uso o vwplayer que suporte usb de
 boa, o virtualbox dos repositorios nao suporta e só a do site do virtualbox
 sim, mas achei ruim o vbox pois pra acessar a usb tem q desmontar no host e
 montar na vm, no vmplayer fica montado em ambos

 Em 1 de junho de 2012 20:06, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Cleber, eu testei aqui no meu notebook.

 apt-get remove totem e ele disse que iria remover o gnome-core e o totem.

 Usei o comando dpkg --force-all -P totem, e ele só removeu o totem.

 Tu tem que testar ai, acho que da certo, so que é melhor tu criar uma
 imagem desse teu sistema, por em outro PC e testar.


 Em 31 de maio de 2012 16:07, Cleber Ianes

 Só uma dúvida a respeitdo disso
 Pra onde eu mando meu currículo se isso der errado no computador do
 chefe?? rsrsrsrs

 *De:* Rodolfo
 *Para:* Cleber Ianes
 *Cc:* debian-user-portuguese
 *Enviadas:* Quinta-feira, 31 de Maio de 2012 15:58

 *Assunto:* Re: Remoção do gnome ao tentar remover um programa.

 Tava procurando o manpages do DPKG aqui no trampo, aqui nao uso linux,
 achei um traduzido pra te ajudar, tem a opção --force-all : Liga (ou
 desliga) todas as opções de força.

 so tome cuidado, ja to com medo, hehehehe

 Segue o link pra te ajudar na remoção:


 Em 31 de maio de 2012 14:53, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Não tem 1 parametro do dpkg que força a remoção ?

 Tenta assim e ve se ajuda:

 dpkg --force-depends -r PACOTE


 Em 31 de maio de 2012 12:13, Cleber Ianes

   Bem pensado, rsrs, tentativa feita
 Olha o resultado:
 *dpkg: problemas de dependência impedem a remoção de gimp:
 gnome depende de gimp (= 2.6).
 dpkg: erro processando gimp (--remove):
 problemas de dependência - não removendo
 Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:

 Também não deu!!!

 *De:* Rodolfo
 *Para:* Ednardo Lobo
 *Cc:* debian-user-portuguese
 *Enviadas:* Quinta-feira, 31 de Maio de 2012 11:21
 *Assunto:* Re: Remoção do gnome ao tentar remover um programa.

  Eu nunca fiz esse teste, mas será que com o dpkg ele não remove só o
 Gimp ?


 Em 31 de maio de 2012 09:56, Ednardo Lobo edna...@lobo.eti.brescreveu:

 Em 31-05-2012 09:26, Cleber Ianes escreveu:

 aptitude remove gimp

 Qual Debian está usando?

 Uso aqui o 6.0.5 squeeze e se tento remover o pacote gimp, apenas os
 seguintes adicionais pacotes são removidos automaticamente:


 A experiência que tenho com o Debian tem me mostrado que o gerenciamento
 de dependências é muito inteligente e eficiente. Porém, certas dependências
 as vezes podem parecer insensatas, talvez por não depender de escolhas do
 mantenedor do pacote, mas do desenvolvedor do software.

 Por exemplo, em meu Debian, o pacote gnome depende do pacote
 evolution apesar do inverso parecer ser mais óbvio. Porém, pelo que pude
 compreender há algumas funcionalidades no gnome que utilizam bibliotecas do
 Evolution, por isto a necessidade desta amarração. O efeito colateral, é
 que apesar de não usar o Evolution, não posso removê-lo de meu sistema.

 Talvez em futuras versões isso seja aperfeiçoado.

Ednardo Lobo

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


 Luiz Henrique Rauber Rodrigues
 Consultor - Gerenciamento de Projetos, TI e Estratégia
 51 9850 0533 - 55 8412 0309 - RS - -

 // Economizar também é conscientização ambiental, não imprima este e-mail
 se desnecessário

Como utilizar Eclipse e Tomcat do repositório?

2012-06-02 Thread John DeRose

Até o momento instalei o tarball do Eclipse e Tomcat em /opt.
Mas como existem pacotes desses softwares no repositório gostaria de
O problema é que assim eu não consigo fazer o Eclipse encontrar a
instalação do
Tomcat, e nem mesmo consigo encontrar o diretório de publicação (Webapps).

Gostaria de uma ajuda pra configurar isso, pois preciso utilizar no

John DeRose

Re: Como utilizar Eclipse e Tomcat do repositório?

2012-06-02 Thread Fabricio Cannini
Em 2 de junho de 2012 10:17, John DeRose escreveu:

 Até o momento instalei o tarball do Eclipse e Tomcat em /opt.
 Mas como existem pacotes desses softwares no repositório gostaria de
 O problema é que assim eu não consigo fazer o Eclipse encontrar a instalação
 Tomcat, e nem mesmo consigo encontrar o diretório de publicação (Webapps).


 Gostaria de uma ajuda pra configurar isso, pois preciso utilizar no

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Re: Chave de assinatura para repositório Debian

2012-06-02 Thread Pedro Carlos

Em 30 de maio de 2012 10:48, Pedro Carlos

 Bom dia galera,

 alguém pode me ajudar como faço para assinar um repositório Debian, com
 chaves GPG.

 Obs.: Já tenho o repositório, porém ele não está assinado!


Re: Chave de assinatura para repositório Debian

2012-06-02 Thread Bruno Ayub
Tenta esse link aqui:

[ ]'s

2012/6/2 Pedro Carlos


 Em 30 de maio de 2012 10:48, Pedro Carlos

 Bom dia galera,

 alguém pode me ajudar como faço para assinar um repositório Debian, com
 chaves GPG.

 Obs.: Já tenho o repositório, porém ele não está assinado!


Bruno Ayub.

Re: Chave de assinatura para repositório Debian

2012-06-02 Thread Pedro Carlos
Você se acha esperto?
Obrigado pela ajuda!

Em 2 de junho de 2012 15:45, Bruno Ayub escreveu:

 Tenta esse link aqui:

 [ ]'s

 2012/6/2 Pedro Carlos


 Em 30 de maio de 2012 10:48, Pedro Carlos

 Bom dia galera,

 alguém pode me ajudar como faço para assinar um repositório Debian, com
 chaves GPG.

 Obs.: Já tenho o repositório, porém ele não está assinado!


 Bruno Ayub.

Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Tom Rausner
Dropbox ?
On Jun 2, 2012 7:51 AM, Aubrey Raech wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Hello Debian users!

 Sometimes I have the need to send files that are too large for email to
 a friend directly (such as recordings of music I am working on, or
 similar projects). I'm wondering if there is a program that I could use
 for direct transfer, hopefully with these qualifications:

 1. Not a proper server (http, ftp)
 2. No usernames? (scp, rsync)
 3. Preferably does not require a chat protocol (XMPP, IRC's DCC)

 - From what I can find it seems like XMPP would probably be the best bet
 for this... is there no program you can run with something like a
 - --listen to listen for a connection on one end, and then run the
 program with the destination IP from the other? Something along those

 Any and all advice/recommendations are appreciated!

 - --

 There are two types of people in the world: those who
  can extrapolate from incomplete data.
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Re (2): Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 6/1/2012 11:47 AM, wrote:
 Hello Ralf,
 * From: Ralf Mardorf
 * Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 07:03:15 +0200
 ... cases regarding to noise (and heat), accuracy of fit for cards are
 interesting for me, ...
 For industrial grade equipment, look at Compact PCI.

Presenting cPCI in this discussion, or industrial equipment, is simply
wrong on so many levels.

Keep the discussion grounded in reality folks.  He's asking for
information on workstation (desktop/side) PC cases.

Anything in the cPCI/industrial realm will quadruple the price and noise
level, and limit choice of mobos, expansion boards, CPU boards, etc.
Not to mention it's all racked gear.  So he'll need a rack as well.

Again, merely mentioning this in this thread is silly.  There are fora
for discussing such hardware.  This thread was OT to start, now it's off
the deep end of OT.


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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Aubrey Raech
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 08:08:44 +0200
Tom Rausner wrote:

 Dropbox ?

Ah, and avoiding third-party servers was also a hopeful :-/ I'd prefer
not to have my files out there on the web... more of a direct
person-to-person transfer.

I've also considered making a .torrent file for whatever it is I want
to transfer and using a public tracker for it, but that seems far more
roundabout than necessary. A torrent of one.

- --Aubrey
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread rjc
On Sat, Jun 02, 2012 at 07:08:44AM BST, Tom Rausner wrote:
 Dropbox ?

OP explicitly mentioned direct so it rules Dropbox out.
Dropbox is closed source and only works on Intel-compatible platform
so it rules it out for me for example.

nc (netcat) is what the user is looking for.


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Re: Flashpalyer poroblems on Lenny.

2012-06-02 Thread Lisi
On Saturday 02 June 2012 00:14:21 Greg Madden wrote:
 On Friday 01 June 2012 11:17:49 am Lisi wrote:
   Looks like multiple install/removes? of   flash. The
   'update-lternatives' program may be confused. You can see what it
   thinks is going on with  'update-alternatives --get-selections'.
  Junior:/home/lisi# touch get-selections.txt
  Junior:/home/lisi# update-alternatives --get-selections 
  get-selections.txt update-alternatives: unknown option `--get-selections'

 I am using Squeeze, sorry.

Thanks for trying to help!


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Re: [OT] Re: Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
Hi Camaleón,

the cases I own are around 14 high. I could place any case = 26 high.
I like the relatively unobtrusive design of CHIEFTEC, but I don't trust
the sidewall catch.
Since better cases seems to be expensive, I'm googleing for 19 wide
cases at the moment. Most of my music gear is 19 too. I placed the gear
on shelfs, but I tend to switch to a 19 cabinet, to get rid of the wide
and lengthy shelfs. A tower could be  26 high, if I would get rid of
the shelfs.
The only issue, a 19 or a new tower computer case + a 19 cabinet is
above my financial scope.

If a huge case is nearly empty, doesn't it tend to be an acoustic


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Re: Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2012-06-01 at 10:02 -0400, Christopher Judd wrote:
 Seriously, one could probably design a case for minimal vibration and
 good airflow without all of the eye candy shown here.

Perhaps does cause less
noisy vibrations and a good airflow, but a new issue would come into the
picture. Debian stable is missing a speech synthesizer with the original
or German sync voice of Bender. Or should I the living Bender or hijack
the German voice actor?

However, building a case myself is not what I want to do. What I might
do (already planned years ago), is to do some simple modifications for
the case I'm using. I could glue insulant to the sidewalls, add some
screws and decouple the drives. There's no way to fix the issue with the
cards, but to bend the back wall (already done ;).

- Ralf

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Re: Flashpalyer poroblems on Lenny.

2012-06-02 Thread rjc
On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 05:23:42PM BST, Lisi wrote:
 I get the following* if I type about:plugins into my Konqueror location bar.  
 I want to get rid of Shockwqave Flash 7, but I simply cannot find a 
 file/folder/application anywhere, so cannot delete it.
 Has anyone any ideas?

This should work:


apt-file is useful tool to search for package names containing
specific string in full path, even when the package is not installed:

apt-file search

P.S. It looks like KDE-specific part of Gnash.


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Re: Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2012-06-01 at 09:59 -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Acoustic damping materials

A friend successfully used damping material for one of his cases.

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Re: Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2012-06-01 at 13:28 -0400, shawn wilson wrote:
 I always just go with the cheapest case

That's what I needed to do and I suspect that the case is the weak point
of most home PCs.

- Ralf

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Re: Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2012-06-01 at 17:35 +, ACro wrote:
 Anti-vibration mounting kits for HDDs are included.

I experienced the HDDs and the DVD drive causing the sidewalls to
vibrate and making noise. Unfortunately space becomes an issue, when I
try to decouple the drives inside my elCheapo case.

Aesthetic design, unethical price ;).


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Re: Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2012-06-01 at 13:42 -0400, Gary Dale wrote:
 While any case can be used, there are some considerations:
 - cooling
- larger fans are generally quieter
- do you want liquid cooling?
- extra fans in front for RAID array?

No extra fans are needed. The PSU has got a large fan, the AMD CPU does
use the fan that shipped with it and the graphics is passive.

I'm using 2 HDDs only, no RAID.

 - convenience
 - exposed 3.5 bays are handy for card readers, extra USB ports, etc.

Not needed, it's useless for me.

 - exposed bays for hotswap drives

This could be useful for me, but it's not needed.

- Ralf

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Re: Re (2): Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2012-06-02 at 01:12 -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Keep the discussion grounded in reality folks.  He's asking for
 information on workstation (desktop/side) PC cases.
 Anything in the cPCI/industrial realm will quadruple the price and noise
 level, and limit choice of mobos, expansion boards, CPU boards, etc.

I agree, especially since I'll keep my mobo and cards.

 Not to mention it's all racked gear.  So he'll need a rack as well.

A 19 rack is something I'll buy. As long as 19 computer cases will fit
to 19 music racks it would be ok.

- Ralf

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Re: Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 6/1/2012 6:21 PM, Weaver wrote:

 In reference to vertically mounted boards, in any size case, I have yet to
 open a case to find cards drooping and melting all over the place and I've
 built a few systems.

It's a safe bet then that you've never owned a high end nVidia/ATI board
w/large/heavy factory cooling solution, and/or never used a high
performance aftermarket GPU cooler in a mini/mid/tower case.  I've had a
few such boards and coolers over the years, and every PCB has warped
under its own weight and/or that of a heavy aftermarket cooler.  I have
an Accelero S2 mounted to a short length GT240 and even its PCB has
warped due to the mass of the S2.  None of these boards has failed to
function due to the warping, but it'd still be nice if they didn't warp.
 Using a case with horizontal mainboard prevents this.

People with big vid cards/coolers who don't suffer this are those whose
vertical cases have front supports for expansion boards.  Such cases are
rare, and especially those with supports for less than full length
cards.  Those with liquid cooling systems and tubing arranged in the
right manner can get some anti-gravity support from the tubing.  Then
there are those who use zip ties or similar to support the front of
their big vid card.  None of these scenarios are the norm.

 Disassociation with connections in this orientation hasn't occurred either.

This is unclear.  What connections?

 I don't play 'catch' with my boxes.

You don't?  Hell I thought everyone did.  Damn, why didn't you tell me
this years ago?


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Re: Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
Again thanks to everybody, I guess I shouldn't reply to each and every


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Re: The last time i got tortured...when the torture started ?

2012-06-02 Thread Aft nix

On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 9:07 AM, Sam wrote:
 Was when i went there and spoke to the criminals, and complained that no
 'actual ' criminals were getting arrested in a pouplar way ?


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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Brian
On Fri 01 Jun 2012 at 22:51:12 -0700, Aubrey Raech wrote:

 Sometimes I have the need to send files that are too large for email to
 a friend directly (such as recordings of music I am working on, or
 similar projects). I'm wondering if there is a program that I could use
 for direct transfer, hopefully with these qualifications:
 1. Not a proper server (http, ftp)

You don't give a reason but you are being unnecesarily restrictive by
stipulating this condition. A small web server such as webfs takes all
of five minutes to set up and gives you what you want with the advantage
that your friend can use a browser to transfer the files.

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Re: Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread keith
If you're still looking for a case,these people supply some, see if any of them 
suit you.

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Re: Re (2): Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 6/2/2012 2:26 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sat, 2012-06-02 at 01:12 -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Keep the discussion grounded in reality folks.  He's asking for
 information on workstation (desktop/side) PC cases.

 Anything in the cPCI/industrial realm will quadruple the price and noise
 level, and limit choice of mobos, expansion boards, CPU boards, etc.
 I agree, especially since I'll keep my mobo and cards.
 Not to mention it's all racked gear.  So he'll need a rack as well.
 A 19 rack is something I'll buy. As long as 19 computer cases will fit
 to 19 music racks it would be ok.

The mounting holes are the same dimensions.  But the server chassis must
be designed for dog ear mounting.  Many/most today are designed for
slide rail use, meaning the dog ears alone aren't strong enough to
support the chassis.  Most generic 4U and larger chassis can be dog ear
mounted just fine.  2U/3U units will tend to bend/sag where ears attach
to the chassis, and nobody should ever consider dog ear mounting a 1U


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Re: Spam complaints

2012-06-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
Regarding to

From: Aft nix
To: Sam
Cc: [snip]
Subject: Re: The last time i got tortured...when the torture started ?
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2012 14:00:31 +0600

Please take a look at what Clive Standbridge wrote on Thu, 2012-05-17 at
09:51 +0100:
 To anyone who is bothered by spam on the list and is unsure what to do,
 DON'T reply to the spam.
 DON'T quote the spam.
 DO Read how to report the spam at in particular, find the
 offending message in the archive at and press the Report as
 spam button.
 DO visit for
 more information.

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Re: Re (2): Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2012-06-02 at 04:04 -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 The mounting holes are the same dimensions.  But the server chassis must
 be designed for dog ear mounting.  Many/most today are designed for
 slide rail use, meaning the dog ears alone aren't strong enough to
 support the chassis.  Most generic 4U and larger chassis can be dog ear
 mounted just fine.  2U/3U units will tend to bend/sag where ears attach
 to the chassis, and nobody should ever consider dog ear mounting a 1U

Around 4U is the wide of a tower. I guess the mobo and cards only fit to
4U high, even 3U might be to small.

Perhaps a 19 case idea isn't good due to the cooling, OTOH just small
sidewalls (equivalent to a tower's base and top) are surrounded by the
cabinet/rack walls. Above and below the 19 computer case I could keep
many units empty, which also might be needed regarding to shielding
issues, when mounted to an audio cabinet/rack.

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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hash: SHA256

Hello Aubrey,

Aubrey Raech wrote:
 1. Not a proper server (http, ftp)
 2. No usernames? (scp, rsync)
 3. Preferably does not require a chat protocol (XMPP, IRC's DCC)
 - From what I can find it seems like XMPP would probably be the best bet
 for this... is there no program you can run with something like a
 - --listen to listen for a connection on one end, and then run the
 program with the destination IP from the other? Something along those
 Any and all advice/recommendations are appreciated!

Do you have a have public IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6)? If
that is not the case, you will need a third party in order to
establish the connection.

Could you explain why you don’t like http/ftp? They can also be used
by ‘non-proper’ or very small servers. Personally, I keep around a
small lighttpd installation for that use case.

However, you might also want to have a look at ‘servefile’ [1] which
basically acts like nc from rjc’s mail, but uses the HTTP protocol.

Best regards,


1] Currently only available in unstable, but it appears to be easy to
backport it to stable, as it mostly requires python 2.6. Apparently,
IPv6 is not supported?
- -- 
Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over.
-- Frank Zappa  telnet 4242
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: The last time i got tortured...when the torture started ?

2012-06-02 Thread Sam
What law am i breaking, drug user ?

On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 1:00 AM, Aft nix wrote:


 On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 9:07 AM, Sam wrote:
  Was when i went there and spoke to the criminals, and complained that no
  'actual ' criminals were getting arrested in a pouplar way ?


Nina just declared she's with the faggots?

2012-06-02 Thread Sam
Who else around here chooses the faggotry of the police and laws by
surrendering to their threats? Is there another reason? Choose the evil
team, die with them.

what happened to spam filters of this list

2012-06-02 Thread Aft nix
Hi all,

So many spams are directed to this list. Any spam filter there?

I've accidentally replied one of them, no 100's mails are flodding my mailbox.

I know its me who acted stupid, but still, a spam filter would have been nice.


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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Brian
On Sat 02 Jun 2012 at 12:41:22 +0200, Claudius Hubig wrote:

 Aubrey Raech wrote:
  Any and all advice/recommendations are appreciated!
 Do you have a have public IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6)? If
 that is not the case, you will need a third party in order to
 establish the connection.

A third party is not required. For the occasional transfer of files the
address (if it changes) may be obtained from the router and emailed to
the friend.

 However, you might also want to have a look at ‘servefile’ [1] which
 basically acts like nc from rjc’s mail, but uses the HTTP protocol.

There are some nice aspects to this script. Being able to use a browser
is one; having the download require a username and password and being
able to serve the contents of a directory are others. The OP could do
worse than install and use it. It looks like it would install on Squeeze
and Wheezy.

Thanks for drawing servefile to our attention.

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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Miles Fidelman

Aubrey Raech wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hello Debian users!

Sometimes I have the need to send files that are too large for email to
a friend directly (such as recordings of music I am working on, or
similar projects). I'm wondering if there is a program that I could use
for direct transfer, hopefully with these qualifications:

If you're going to be sending to a friend, the real issue is getting 
your friend to install something and use it, which makes it a question of:

- what, if anything, are your targets willing and able to install
- how complicated things get to use
- whether someone has to be at the other end to receive the file, or 
whether it's automatic

In this regard, I think all three of your requirements get in your way 
of doing something easy and practical.

1. Not a proper server (http, ftp)

Pretty much all modern o/s's come with both a web server and ftp 
pre-installed.  It's a matter of turning them on, and configuring them 
(if your target is running a GUI, it's usually a check box).

ftp to an anonymous account is probably the easiest to set up

if your target is running unix, I'd suggest simply ssh + scp -- again 
they're already there and it's a simple command to transfer something

2. No usernames? (scp, rsync)
seems like a bad idea - if you were sending me something, I sure 
wouldn't want to expose my machine to the world, just so you can send me 
a file

3. Preferably does not require a chat protocol (XMPP, IRC's DCC)

well, dropping a file into a chat session is a really easy way to move files

Now... what I do in this case is mozy over to - one of 
several services that provide a simple (and free) file mailing service:

- go to the web page
- enter sender/recipient email addresses
- enter file path (or browse to file path)
- send

The system uploads your file, and sends an email that includes a link.  
The recipient gets the email, clicks the link to download the file.  All 
quick, easy, no software install.

If you don't want to rely on a third party, there are packages that you 
can install on your machine to do similar things - essentially sending a 
one-time link my email, that allows the recipient to download the file 
from your machine.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Re: what happened to spam filters of this list

2012-06-02 Thread Brian
On Sat 02 Jun 2012 at 18:23:02 +0600, Aft nix wrote:

 So many spams are directed to this list. Any spam filter there?

We would all notice if spam filtering on the list was non-existent.
 I've accidentally replied one of them, no 100's mails are flodding my mailbox.

How does one accidentally reply to a mail?
 I know its me who acted stupid, but still, a spam filter would have been nice.

It happens. The best thing is to ignore and delete mails which look
provocative, completely off-topic or silly. Like this one, for example. :)

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Re: what happened to spam filters of this list

2012-06-02 Thread John Hasler
-aft writes:
 So many spams are directed to this list. Any spam filter there?

Yes.  At least 99% of the mail that hits the servers is rejected as
John Hasler

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Re: Random display freezes [was: Less responsive input...blind-typing]

2012-06-02 Thread Osamu Aoki

Where is your /tmp mounted.

Please post mount output.

On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 09:11:42AM -0700, John Magolske wrote:
 * John Magolske [120525 17:13]:
  For a while now I've been experiencing a strange behavior where there
  are frequent and regular freezes when typing or issuing commands
  in the shell. All of a sudden I'll find myself blind-typing for 3
  seconds or so before a backlog of characters burst onto the screen.
 Ok, so I opened up htop to look up  kill off non-essential daemons,
 adjusted vm.dirty_ratio and vm.dirty_background_ratio [1], tried
 changing and tuning the IO scheduler [2] (switched from cfq to
 deadline) ... all to no avail, still these infernal 3-second freezes.

This makes things too complicated to resolve.  Keep as much in default
otherwise others will not know how things are on your end.

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Re: what happened to spam filters of this list

2012-06-02 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 18:23:02 +0600
Aft nix wrote:

Hello Aft,

 So many spams are directed to this list. Any spam filter there?

No there aren't.  If the were no spam filtering there would be,
literally, hundreds of spam mails to the list every day.

 I've accidentally replied one of them, no 100's mails are flodding my

If you take your eye off the ball, that's your fault, and your fault
alone.  Take responsibility for your own (stupid) actions, and don't try
and blame others.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
Is she really going out with him?
New Rose - The Damned

Description: PGP signature

Re: what happened to spam filters of this list

2012-06-02 Thread Chris
On 6/2/2012 8:39 AM, John Hasler wrote:
 -aft writes:
 So many spams are directed to this list. Any spam filter there?
 Yes.  At least 99% of the mail that hits the servers is rejected as

At least 99% ?!?! Umm, my math sux but...

Keep well,


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Re: what happened to spam filters of this list

2012-06-02 Thread Brad Alexander
And, not to put too fine a point on it (and why I try not to respond),
but a handful of spams will also generate tens or hundreds of mails
from members of the list arguing the existence or the efficiency of
the spam filters on the list.

Just an observation,

On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 9:24 AM, Brian wrote:
 On Sat 02 Jun 2012 at 18:23:02 +0600, Aft nix wrote:

 So many spams are directed to this list. Any spam filter there?

 We would all notice if spam filtering on the list was non-existent.

 I've accidentally replied one of them, no 100's mails are flodding my 

 How does one accidentally reply to a mail?

 I know its me who acted stupid, but still, a spam filter would have been 

 It happens. The best thing is to ignore and delete mails which look
 provocative, completely off-topic or silly. Like this one, for example. :)

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Re: what happened to spam filters of this list

2012-06-02 Thread Aft nix
On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 7:07 PM, Brad Rogers wrote:
 On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 18:23:02 +0600
 Aft nix wrote:

 Hello Aft,

 So many spams are directed to this list. Any spam filter there?

 No there aren't.  If the were no spam filtering there would be,
 literally, hundreds of spam mails to the list every day.

 I've accidentally replied one of them, no 100's mails are flodding my

 If you take your eye off the ball, that's your fault, and your fault
 alone.  Take responsibility for your own (stupid) actions, and don't try
 and blame others.

I'm taking full responsibility of my actions.

i'm talking about the subsequent spams, probably generated from same
source. I'm just checking that same kind of spam(with similar message
body) is posted multiple times. So spam filter of the list should
detect it.

No one's blaming anything. just checking.
  Regards  _
         / )           The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent
 Is she really going out with him?
 New Rose - The Damned


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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hello Brian,

Brian wrote:
 On Sat 02 Jun 2012 at 12:41:22 +0200, Claudius Hubig wrote:
  Do you have a have public IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6)? If
  that is not the case, you will need a third party in order to
  establish the connection.
 A third party is not required. For the occasional transfer of files the
 address (if it changes) may be obtained from the router and emailed to
 the friend.

No. I was not referring to a static but to a public IP address. If
the user has a public, i. e. internet-routable IP address, everything
is fine, even if it is not static. However, if the user sits behind a
NAT or something similar that blocks incoming connections, a third
party certainly is required (such as a file transfer proxy for XMPP).

Lacking more information from the OP, speculation is all I can do,

Best regards,

One is often kept in the right road by a rut.
-- Gustave Droz  telnet 4242

Description: PGP signature

Re: what happened to spam filters of this list

2012-06-02 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 19:57:28 +0600
Aft nix wrote:

Hello Aft,

 I'm taking full responsibility of my actions.

In which case, I misread the tone of your post.

 i'm talking about the subsequent spams, probably generated from same
 source. I'm just checking that same kind of spam(with similar message
 body) is posted multiple times. So spam filter of the list should
 detect it.

Spam filters aren't prescient;  They can't predict new spam types.
Filtering is always playing catch-up. It will take time (IDK how much)
for the filters to be taught how to recognise this model.

Finally, there's no need to CC me, I'm subbed to the list.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
But they didn't tell him the first two didn't count
Tin Soldiers - Stiff Little Fingers

Description: PGP signature

Re: what happened to spam filters of this list

2012-06-02 Thread Aft nix
On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 8:32 PM, Brad Rogers wrote:
 On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 19:57:28 +0600
 Aft nix wrote:

 Hello Aft,

 I'm taking full responsibility of my actions.

 In which case, I misread the tone of your post.

Thanks for the understanding.

 i'm talking about the subsequent spams, probably generated from same
 source. I'm just checking that same kind of spam(with similar message
 body) is posted multiple times. So spam filter of the list should
 detect it.

 Spam filters aren't prescient;  They can't predict new spam types.
 Filtering is always playing catch-up. It will take time (IDK how much)
 for the filters to be taught how to recognise this model.

May be i should report the spam instead of spamming the list :)

 Finally, there's no need to CC me, I'm subbed to the list.

Sorry, i suddenly realize that's gmail's default. Default works for me
usually. it replies to the list.
But in this case it's replying to you by cc'ing the list. weird :(

  Regards  _
         / )           The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent
 But they didn't tell him the first two didn't count
 Tin Soldiers - Stiff Little Fingers


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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Mika Suomalainen
On 02.06.2012 09:21, Aubrey Raech wrote:
 On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 08:08:44 +0200
 Tom Rausner wrote:
 Dropbox ?
 Ah, and avoiding third-party servers was also a hopeful :-/ I'd prefer
 not to have my files out there on the web... more of a direct
 person-to-person transfer.
 I've also considered making a .torrent file for whatever it is I want
 to transfer and using a public tracker for it, but that seems far more
 roundabout than necessary. A torrent of one.

GPG encrypted file(s) + torrent with public tracker?
I have used that method sometimes.

[Mika Suomalainen]( ||
[gpg --keyserver --recv-keys
4DB53CFE82A46728]( ||
[Why do I sign my
emails?]( ||
[Please don't send
HTML.]( ||
[Please don't
toppost]( ||
[This signature]( ||

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Chris Davies
Aubrey Raech wrote:
 Sometimes I have the need to send files that are too large for email to
 a friend directly [...]

 1. Not a proper server (http, ftp)
 2. No usernames? (scp, rsync)
 3. Preferably does not require a chat protocol (XMPP, IRC's DCC)

 - From what I can find it seems like XMPP would probably be the best bet
 for this...

But in #3 above you've just excluded XMPP. Do you want it or not?

 is there no program you can run with something like a - --listen to
 listen for a connection on one end, and then run the program with the
 destination IP from the other? Something along those lines?

Yes. A proper server (http, ftp, ssh) would satisfy this requirement
but you've excluded those with #1, #2. If your PCs can have Internet
facing ports configured, I'd go for ssh/rsync every time.

1.  One (or both) of you configure your router/firewall to accept inbound
TCP connections from (say) port 10022 and route them to your
Linux-based PC on port 22. If you can't redirect port 10022 to port
22 then just forward port 10022 and create a firewall rule on your
Linux-based PC to rewrite inbound requests on 10022 to local port
22. (Come back here if you need help with that.)

2.  Consider the use of DDNS services such as those provided by
to make your IP address available by name to your friend.

3.  Install the openssh-server package

4.  Configure /etc/ssh/sshd_config, adding an AllowGroups line such
as this:

AllowGroups sshuser

5.  Put your and your friend's user accounts into the sshuser group:

groupadd sshuser
usermod -a -G sshuser YOURUSERNAME
usermod -a -G sshuser YOURFRIENDSUSERNAME

6.  Make sure that your password, and your friend's password on your
machine, is sufficiently complex that others are unlikely to guess it.

7.  Use rsync (over ssh) or sftp to copy the files. Remember to tell them
to use port 10022 (or whatever you decided in #1) instead of the
default port 22.


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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread hvw59601

Miles Fidelman wrote:

Aubrey Raech wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hello Debian users!

Sometimes I have the need to send files that are too large for email to
a friend directly (such as recordings of music I am working on, or
similar projects). I'm wondering if there is a program that I could use
for direct transfer, hopefully with these qualifications:

If you're going to be sending to a friend, the real issue is getting 
your friend to install something and use it, which makes it a question of:

- what, if anything, are your targets willing and able to install
- how complicated things get to use
- whether someone has to be at the other end to receive the file, or 
whether it's automatic

In this regard, I think all three of your requirements get in your way 
of doing something easy and practical.

1. Not a proper server (http, ftp)

Pretty much all modern o/s's come with both a web server and ftp 
pre-installed.  It's a matter of turning them on, and configuring them 
(if your target is running a GUI, it's usually a check box).

ftp to an anonymous account is probably the easiest to set up

if your target is running unix, I'd suggest simply ssh + scp -- again 
they're already there and it's a simple command to transfer something

2. No usernames? (scp, rsync)
seems like a bad idea - if you were sending me something, I sure 
wouldn't want to expose my machine to the world, just so you can send me 
a file

3. Preferably does not require a chat protocol (XMPP, IRC's DCC)

well, dropping a file into a chat session is a really easy way to move 

Now... what I do in this case is mozy over to - one of 
several services that provide a simple (and free) file mailing service:

- go to the web page
- enter sender/recipient email addresses
- enter file path (or browse to file path)
- send

The system uploads your file, and sends an email that includes a link.  
The recipient gets the email, clicks the link to download the file.  All 
quick, easy, no software install.

If you don't want to rely on a third party, there are packages that you 
can install on your machine to do similar things - essentially sending a 
one-time link my email, that allows the recipient to download the file 
from your machine.

Neat. Thanks.


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Re: Flashpalyer poroblems on Lenny.

2012-06-02 Thread Lisi
On Saturday 02 June 2012 07:59:40 rjc wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 05:23:42PM BST, Lisi wrote:
  I get the following* if I type about:plugins into my Konqueror location
  bar. I want to get rid of Shockwqave Flash 7, but I simply cannot find a
  file/folder/application anywhere, so cannot delete it.
  Has anyone any ideas?

 This should work:


 Tried that :-(

 apt-file is useful tool to search for package names containing
 specific string in full path, even when the package is not installed:

 apt-file search

lisi@Junior:~$ aptitude search
lisi@Junior:~$ apt-file search
bash: apt-file: command not found
lisi@Junior:~$ su
Junior:/home/lisi# aptitude search
Junior:/home/lisi# apt-file search
bash: apt-file: command not found

Thanks, rjc.

I think that the answer is to get a move on building my main machine so that I 
can install Squeeze.

And put up with the situation on Lenny.


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Re: what happened to spam filters of this list

2012-06-02 Thread Lisi
On Saturday 02 June 2012 15:39:43 Aft nix wrote:
  Spam filters aren't prescient;  They can't predict new spam types.
  Filtering is always playing catch-up. It will take time (IDK how much)
  for the filters to be taught how to recognise this model.

 May be i should report the spam instead of spamming the list :)

Yes - interestingly (to me) I didn't get the original spam; but I did get your 
reply, which I immediately marked as spam. :-/


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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Brian
On Sat 02 Jun 2012 at 15:16:19 +0100, Chris Davies wrote:

 Yes. A proper server (http, ftp, ssh) would satisfy this requirement
 but you've excluded those with #1, #2. If your PCs can have Internet
 facing ports configured, I'd go for ssh/rsync every time.

I have a similar, if not exactly the same, requirement as the OP. My
daughter has a desire for a bit of entertainment every so often. She
types http://my_IP:8000 in her browser (https is also available), gets a
directory listing, inputs a username and password and downloads the file
she wants. A quick process, using a familiar, no fuss routine. The URL
is also bookmarked.

There appears to be no advantage in using sshd in this situation. The
idea of having to guide her through configuring a router and using ssh
(on a Windows machine, incidentally) doesn't bear thinking about for one

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can't copy/paste between gpm and emacs on virtual console/consoles

2012-06-02 Thread Dan B.

In Squeeze, in virtual consoles, I can't copy and paste between gpm
and emacs (emacs-nox) as I could in Sarge.

Trying to select and paste with the mouse in virtual consoles seems to
show that emacs now recognizes virtual console mouse events and hooks
them into its usual copy/paste mechanism.

(Selecting text (by left-buttom-dragging) in a VC not displaying emacs
(via gpm) and then middle-clicking to try to paste into emacs in a VC
pastes text previously selected in emacs instead of the text just
selected via GPM).  Similarly, drag-selecting text in emacs in a VC and
then middle-click pasting into a VC not displaying emacs pastes text
previously selected via gpm insert of the text just selected via emacs.

In the good old days, middle-click pasting to emacs in a virtual
console would paste the text most recently selected by dragging in any
virtual console.)

How can I restore the old behavior (so that I can, say, select text in
emacs and then paste that text into a shell (on another VC, or in the
same VC after backgrounding emacs))?

Where is emacs' configuration of its handling of virtual console mouse
events?  What do I set/unset to disable it?



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Re: can't copy/paste between gpm and emacs on virtual console/consoles

2012-06-02 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2012-06-02 19:38 +0200, Dan B. wrote:

 In Squeeze, in virtual consoles, I can't copy and paste between gpm
 and emacs (emacs-nox) as I could in Sarge.

 Trying to select and paste with the mouse in virtual consoles seems to
 show that emacs now recognizes virtual console mouse events and hooks
 them into its usual copy/paste mechanism.

This feature is new in Emacs 23.

 Where is emacs' configuration of its handling of virtual console mouse
 events?  What do I set/unset to disable it?

Customize gpm-mouse-mode.


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Re: Web browser gets slow and blocks the system

2012-06-02 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 30 May 2012 18:58:23 +, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
 Rodolfo Medina writes:

 Camaleón writes:

 But why didn't the problem occur before in the past?  It has become
 heavy only recently, and the machine is always the same.

 I can't tell but your system can't be happy with 216 MB of ram and
 running applications such as Iceweasel. Sooner or later it has to

 Is it possible that ram has decreased?  Now I noticed that the problem
 also occurs running `scanimage'.  I don't remember it ever occurred in
 the past!

 RAM is always a scarce resource but it cannot physically dissapear ;-)

 Anyway, reconsider your current running desktop and aplications; with
 less than 512 MB of RAM your system will suffer from constant hicups now
 and then if you try to use GNOME or KDE and the so called big
 browsers (Firefox/Opera/Chrome...).

 Just for you to get the idea, in my system (64-bits with 8 GiB of RAM),
 Firefox takes 99 MiB of real memory (now 101 MiB)... go figure.

Wow, that isn't much! I have 8GB as well, my SeaMonkey is currently
using over 1,700 MB (resident)... that is with about 95 tabs open (normal
for me). When I had 4GB RAM, it would take a lot less than that for that
many tabs, though (more like 1,200 MB, I believe).

In any case, the point is all modern browsers want a lot of memory.

Kelly Clowers

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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 02 iun 12, 16:02:05, Claudius Hubig wrote:
 No. I was not referring to a static but to a public IP address. If
 the user has a public, i. e. internet-routable IP address, everything
 is fine, even if it is not static. However, if the user sits behind a
 NAT or something similar that blocks incoming connections, a third
 party certainly is required (such as a file transfer proxy for XMPP).

Port forwarding?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Brian
On Sat 02 Jun 2012 at 09:14:12 -0400, Miles Fidelman wrote:

 Aubrey Raech wrote:

 1. Not a proper server (http, ftp)

 Pretty much all modern o/s's come with both a web server and ftp  
 pre-installed.  It's a matter of turning them on, and configuring them  
 (if your target is running a GUI, it's usually a check box).

I was going to let it go but the more I look at what you say the more I
wonder what you are talking about. Debian is a modern OS but, whenever I
have put it on a computer, it has never come with a web server or ftp

 ftp to an anonymous account is probably the easiest to set up

Could be, depending on what you want to set up. The deciding factor,
however, is how easy it is for the person who wants to download a file.

 if your target is running unix, I'd suggest simply ssh + scp -- again  
 they're already there and it's a simple command to transfer something

Target? You mean the machine which is downloading? Even if they were on
Debian, the use of ssh is over the top.

 2. No usernames? (scp, rsync)

 seems like a bad idea - if you were sending me something, I sure  
 wouldn't want to expose my machine to the world, just so you can send me  
 a file

I do not understand that. He is making something available. You download
it. How is that exposing your machine to the world? You do it all the
time. He doesn't require a username or password - that's his problem,
not yours.

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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread green
Brian wrote at 2012-06-02 08:13 -0500:
 On Sat 02 Jun 2012 at 12:41:22 +0200, Claudius Hubig wrote:
  Do you have a have public IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6)? If
  that is not the case, you will need a third party in order to
  establish the connection.
 A third party is not required. For the occasional transfer of files the
 address (if it changes) may be obtained from the router and emailed to
 the friend.

Brian, you seem to be assuming that the router has a public IP (on the WAN 
side), which is often not true.  Unfortunately, many ISPs provide their 
customers with only private/local IPs behind NAT; inbound connections are 
therefore not possible unless the ISP agrees to forward a particular port or 
port range.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread green
Andrei POPESCU wrote at 2012-06-02 13:34 -0500:
 On Sb, 02 iun 12, 16:02:05, Claudius Hubig wrote:
  No. I was not referring to a static but to a public IP address. If
  the user has a public, i. e. internet-routable IP address, everything
  is fine, even if it is not static. However, if the user sits behind a
  NAT or something similar that blocks incoming connections, a third
  party certainly is required (such as a file transfer proxy for XMPP).
 Port forwarding?

...a possible but less viable option when NAT happens at the ISP routers.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Miles Fidelman

Brian wrote:

On Sat 02 Jun 2012 at 09:14:12 -0400, Miles Fidelman wrote:

Aubrey Raech wrote:

1. Not a proper server (http, ftp)

Pretty much all modern o/s's come with both a web server and ftp
pre-installed.  It's a matter of turning them on, and configuring them
(if your target is running a GUI, it's usually a check box).

I was going to let it go but the more I look at what you say the more I
wonder what you are talking about. Debian is a modern OS but, whenever I
have put it on a computer, it has never come with a web server or ftp

I guess it depends on which packages you tell the installer to load.  
One of the options is web server, but I haven't set up a desktop 
installation lately (all my Debian is server-side), so I'm not really 
sure if a web server is part of the standard desktop configuration, but 
it's certainly one of the options.

ftp to an anonymous account is probably the easiest to set up

Could be, depending on what you want to set up. The deciding factor,
however, is how easy it is for the person who wants to download a file.

if your target is running unix, I'd suggest simply ssh + scp -- again
they're already there and it's a simple command to transfer something

Target? You mean the machine which is downloading? Even if they were on
Debian, the use of ssh is over the top.

The original poster said the want to send a file to someone, as 
opposed to make available for download.  Now if I'm sending a file 
from one linux machine to another, scp is a pretty straightforward way 
to do it from the command line, and scp runs over ssh.

Not sure why you consider ssh to be over the top - anybody in their 
right mind turns off telnet and ftp as the first step in securing a new 
installation - in favor of ssh and sftp.

2. No usernames? (scp, rsync)

seems like a bad idea - if you were sending me something, I sure
wouldn't want to expose my machine to the world, just so you can send me
a file

I do not understand that. He is making something available. You download
it. How is that exposing your machine to the world? You do it all the
time. He doesn't require a username or password - that's his problem,
not yours.

Nope.. the OP said send file.  But either way:
- if I'm the recipient, I don't want to open my machine to the world
- if I'm the sender, and I want to let someone download from my machine, 
again, I don't want to open my machine to the world (or expose the file 
I'm sharing to everybody)

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Brian
On Sat 02 Jun 2012 at 09:34:55 -0500, green wrote:

 Brian, you seem to be assuming that the router has a public IP (on the WAN 
 side), which is often not true.  Unfortunately, many ISPs provide their 
 customers with only private/local IPs behind NAT; inbound connections are 
 therefore not possible unless the ISP agrees to forward a particular port or 
 port range.

Implicit in my reply was that assumption. It is what I am accustomed to,
even though my own ISP offers the facility you describe. Thank you for
pointing out how different ISPs allocate addresses. I will try to
remember that a router may not have a routeable IP address. Given a
choice of ISPs, I'd not choose one who imposes what you describe.

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Re: [OT] Re: Computer case

2012-06-02 Thread Russell L. Harris
* Ralf Mardorf [120602 17:33]:
 ... Most of my music gear is 19 too. I placed the gear
 on shelfs, but I tend to switch to a 19 cabinet, to get rid of the wide
 and lengthy shelfs. A tower could be  26 high, if I would get rid of
 the shelfs. The only issue, a 19 or a new tower computer case + a 19 
 cabinet is
 above my financial scope.

You can build your own wooden 19-inch rack in three or four hours.
Use hardwood if it is available at low cost; otherwise use plywood or

Not including the front and back (if any), you need six pieces of wood
(three pairs of pieces).  Assuming 3/4-inch actual thickness (1-inch

= top and bottom: about 19-1/8 inch wide, and whatever depth you
need for the rack-mount gear

= inner side panels (into which the rack screws are inserted): an
inch or two less than the depth of the top and bottom, so that
knobs and switches are recessed and thus protected from damage)
and as tall as you need for your collection of rack-mount gear
(1-3/4 inch per single-height panel); you can allow for future
expansion by installing several blank panels

= outer side panels: the same depth as the top and bottom, and a
at least 1-1/2 inches taller than the inner side panels; make them
taller if you wish to keep items such as pencils and pens from
rolling off the top of the rack

Note that the top and bottom panels rest against the inner side
panels.  The primary function of the outer side panels is to provide
rigidity to the structure.

Now here is the secret for an inexpensive homebuilt rack: thread the
rack screws directly into the inner side panels.  If at all possible,
find someone with a drill press (so that the axis of the holes are
square with the panel), and make yourself a jig to ensure that hole
spacing is correct.  

Take a scrap of wood and experiment: choose a drill bit which
allows you to install a standard rack screw (10-32 -- that is, No. 10
screws, 32 threads per inch) as if it were self-tapping.  A bit
which is about a millimeter smaller than the outsider diameter of the
10-32 screw should be about right.

The first time you install a screw in a hole, the fit should be rather
tight, so that the threads which are being formed in the wood do not
strip.  (The screw is going to get rather warm from the friction.) But
once you have installed a screw fully into a hole and then remove it,
it should screw back in without much difficulty.

If you make a large rack and thus use soft wood for the inner side
panels, you can make a better rack if you reduce the depth of the
inner side panels by, say, two inches, and replace the missing depth
with a pair of 1-inch by 2-inch hardwood strips.  Hardwood provides a
secure grip for the screws, and it is easier to drill holes accurately
into strips than into large side panels.

If you do not care about appearance, you can mount rack gear using
wood screws, sheetrock (or drywall) screws, outdoor deck screws, or
even sheet metal screws.  But it does not take long to follow the
procedure above so that you can use standard 10-32 rack screws, in
which case the appearance of the rack is going to be really nice,
particularly if you sand the box and then varnish or paint the rack.
But even bare wood is not unattractive.

Assemble all six pieces of wood (or eight pieces, if you use drilled
hardwood strips) using 1-1/4 inch wood screws or deck screws and
carpenter's glue.  In the end, it is easier if you:

(1) drill and countersink all the holes and fit everything together
loosely with wood screws but without glue; a combination
drill-and-countersink bit is useful

(2) mark the pieces (so you can get them back together in the same
arrangement, with all holes matching precisely)

(3) take apart the pieces

(4) apply glue

(5) reassemble the rack tightly with wood screws

(6) allow the glue to dry overnight before you load gear into the

With this technique, you are going to have an almost-indestructible
rack which is acoustically dead.  Needless to say, the rack is going
to be heavy.

And with the dual-side-panel design, the inner side panels (and not
just wood screws) support the top.  This allows you to pile gear
weighing a hundred pounds or more on top of the rack -- in addition to
the gear which is mounted in the rack.


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Re: Random display freezes [was: Less responsive input...blind-typing]

2012-06-02 Thread John Magolske

Thanks for the reply.

* Osamu Aoki [120602 09:53]:
 Where is your /tmp mounted.

Under the main filesystem. Are you thinking of suggesting I mount
/tmp as a ramdisk?

 Please post mount output.

 ~ % mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
udev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime,size=1498260k,nr_inodes=217054,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts 
tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=300952k,mode=755)
/dev/disk/by-uuid/---- on / type ext3 
proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
tmpfs on /run/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=601900k)
fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw,relatime)
debugfs on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw,relatime)
binfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc 

  * John Magolske [120525 17:13]:
   For a while now I've been experiencing a strange behavior where there
   are frequent and regular freezes when typing or issuing commands
  Ok, so I opened up htop to look up  kill off non-essential daemons,
  adjusted vm.dirty_ratio and vm.dirty_background_ratio [1], tried
  changing and tuning the IO scheduler [2] (switched from cfq to
  deadline) ... all to no avail, still these infernal 3-second freezes.
 This makes things too complicated to resolve.  Keep as much in default
 otherwise others will not know how things are on your end.

Admittedly, this was grasping at straws...all these changes were
temporary  did not persist across a re-boot (I rebooted  checked).



John Magolske

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The permissions of the apache2 log dir

2012-06-02 Thread Titanus Eramius
Hi list

Last week i ran into the very restrictive folder permissions of the
apache2 log dir. They where drwxr-x--- root adm but I changed them
to rwxr-xr-x root adm so a unprivileged user may opdate webalizer[1]
at night.

That got me thinking (which I generally don't like...), does anyone
know why the permissions are so strict, and is there a risk in the
change I've made beside that everybody now may read the logs?

The answer seems to elude me.
Thanks, tit

[1] Some sort of weblog presentaion program,

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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 02 iun 12, 18:12:03, Brian wrote:
 There appears to be no advantage in using sshd in this situation. The
 idea of having to guide her through configuring a router and using ssh
 (on a Windows machine, incidentally) doesn't bear thinking about for one

1. Why would the client have to configure the router?
2. WinSCP, FileZilla, etc.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: what happened to spam filters of this list

2012-06-02 Thread Darac Marjal
On Sat, Jun 02, 2012 at 08:43:23AM -0500, Chris wrote:
 On 6/2/2012 8:39 AM, John Hasler wrote:
  -aft writes:
  So many spams are directed to this list. Any spam filter there?
  Yes.  At least 99% of the mail that hits the servers is rejected as
 At least 99% ?!?! Umm, my math sux but...

Clearly it does. At least 99% means Greater than or equal to 99%. In
other words 99% and 100%, of course, but 99.1%, 99.2%... 99.15%,
99.241234% and so on.

Nothing wrong with the term At least 99%.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Brian
On Sat 02 Jun 2012 at 15:27:15 -0400, Miles Fidelman wrote:

 Brian wrote:

 I guess it depends on which packages you tell the installer to load.   
 One of the options is web server, but I haven't set up a desktop  
 installation lately (all my Debian is server-side), so I'm not really  
 sure if a web server is part of the standard desktop configuration, but  
 it's certainly one of the options.

It isn't part of the standard desktop configuration.

 The original poster said the want to send a file to someone, as  
 opposed to make available for download.  Now if I'm sending a file  
 from one linux machine to another, scp is a pretty straightforward way  
 to do it from the command line, and scp runs over ssh.

I don't think the OP really knows what he needs to do to achieve his
ends. People are often lax in not distinguishing between making a file
available and sending it.

 Not sure why you consider ssh to be over the top - anybody in their  
 right mind turns off telnet and ftp as the first step in securing a new  
 installation - in favor of ssh and sftp.

Telnetd and ftpd are not installed on a new installation, so how do you
turn them off? telnet and ftp are installed but you do not have to use
them. ssh is overkill for the OP if he only wants to make files
available for download. If they contained state secrets I might go along
with you and advise the more complicated and time-consuming procedure of
setting up ssh on both machines is worth it.

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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Brian
On Sat 02 Jun 2012 at 22:48:57 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Sb, 02 iun 12, 18:12:03, Brian wrote:
  There appears to be no advantage in using sshd in this situation. The
  idea of having to guide her through configuring a router and using ssh
  (on a Windows machine, incidentally) doesn't bear thinking about for one
 1. Why would the client have to configure the router?

He doesn't, but I was trying not to nit-pick the post I replied to and
concentrate instead on pointing out using ssh is a waste of time and
effort in the circumstances as we know them.

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Re: The permissions of the apache2 log dir

2012-06-02 Thread Christofer C. Bell
On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Titanus Eramius wrote:
 Hi list

 Last week i ran into the very restrictive folder permissions of the
 apache2 log dir. They where drwxr-x--- root adm but I changed them
 to rwxr-xr-x root adm so a unprivileged user may opdate webalizer[1]
 at night.

 That got me thinking (which I generally don't like...), does anyone
 know why the permissions are so strict, and is there a risk in the
 change I've made beside that everybody now may read the logs?

 The answer seems to elude me.

The answer eludes you because... that's it!  There's no other risk to
what you've done.  That said, I went the other way and stuck my user
account in the adm group so I could read logs.


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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Christofer C. Bell
On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Brian wrote:
 On Sat 02 Jun 2012 at 22:48:57 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Sb, 02 iun 12, 18:12:03, Brian wrote:
  There appears to be no advantage in using sshd in this situation. The
  idea of having to guide her through configuring a router and using ssh
  (on a Windows machine, incidentally) doesn't bear thinking about for one

 1. Why would the client have to configure the router?

 He doesn't, but I was trying not to nit-pick the post I replied to and
 concentrate instead on pointing out using ssh is a waste of time and
 effort in the circumstances as we know them.

That's just it.  Using anything *other* than ssh is a waste of time
and effort most of the time as ssh requires no setup and effort to
use out of the box not only in Debian but any modern Linux/Unix.
*Everything else* requires effort to setup and use.

The point, however, is that there is no file transfer method that
meets her requirements.

1. No dedicated server (no web, no sftp, no ftp, NFS, Samba, etc).
2. No usernames/logins (no sftp, scp, no ftp, etc, see above)
3. No chat protocols (no IM, no IRC)
4. No external 3rd party service (dropbox, etc)
5. No email (messages are too large).

There is no way to get a file from her machine to her friend's machine
without violating at least 1 or more of these requirements (at least
over a network).  All I can suggest is a USB stick/CD-R and postal

That said, there have been a number of suggestions towards modifying
the OP's requirements and I'm interested in seeing the reasoning
behind the requirements themselves.  Aubrey hasn't replied yet and I
think there's value in giving her an opportunity to respond, clarify
and perhaps narrow her requirements, and allow us to provide better
advice.  The fact is, with the requirements set as they are, there is
no possible solution (see below) to her problem.

(Yes, I did see someone suggest nc (possible alternative: socat).
While that *does* meet the OP's initial set of requirements, that's
not really much of a solution...) ;-)


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xml editor ?

2012-06-02 Thread Frank McCormick

I am trying out a window manager which uses XML (uugh!) for it's
configuration file.
Making changes with a text editor has almost blinded me...what is the 
best GUI editor which handles XML ??



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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Miles Fidelman

Brian wrote:

On Sat 02 Jun 2012 at 22:48:57 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Sb, 02 iun 12, 18:12:03, Brian wrote:

There appears to be no advantage in using sshd in this situation. The
idea of having to guide her through configuring a router and using ssh
(on a Windows machine, incidentally) doesn't bear thinking about for one

1. Why would the client have to configure the router?

He doesn't, but I was trying not to nit-pick the post I replied to and
concentrate instead on pointing out using ssh is a waste of time and
effort in the circumstances as we know them.

Just for reference... installing PuTTY and/or PSCP and/or PSFTP on 
windows is pretty darned trivial - download the .exe file and you're 
done.  Takes about 10 seconds (I carry PuTTY on a memory stick for 
access to our server farm, from pretty much any nearby machine).  Or 
install FireFTP as a FireFox plugin.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Re: Programs for direct friend-to-friend file transfer?

2012-06-02 Thread Miles Fidelman

Christofer C. Bell wrote:

That's just it.  Using anything *other* than ssh is a waste of time
and effort most of the time as ssh requires no setup and effort to
use out of the box not only in Debian but any modern Linux/Unix.
*Everything else* requires effort to setup and use.

The point, however, is that there is no file transfer method that
meets her requirements.

1. No dedicated server (no web, no sftp, no ftp, NFS, Samba, etc).
2. No usernames/logins (no sftp, scp, no ftp, etc, see above)
3. No chat protocols (no IM, no IRC)
4. No external 3rd party service (dropbox, etc)
5. No email (messages are too large).

There is no way to get a file from her machine to her friend's machine
without violating at least 1 or more of these requirements (at least
over a network).  All I can suggest is a USB stick/CD-R and postal


That said, there have been a number of suggestions towards modifying
the OP's requirements and I'm interested in seeing the reasoning
behind the requirements themselves.  Aubrey hasn't replied yet and I
think there's value in giving her an opportunity to respond, clarify
and perhaps narrow her requirements, and allow us to provide better
advice.  The fact is, with the requirements set as they are, there is
no possible solution (see below) to her problem.

As I mentioned earlier - the easiest solution I've found, for both 
sender and recipient, is a file upload/mail service like yousendit or 

After a LOT of looking, I managed to find a GPL package that does the 
same thing:
- GPL'd source version:
- Debian Package: (this is a Debian 
list after all!)

- hosted version:

And... XKCD captures the whole problem perfectly at  (courtesy of the fex site)

Mile Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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