Re: Pb de webcam

2012-07-10 Thread Fabien R
On 08/07/2012 22:45, Mourad Jaber wrote:

 J'ai une webcam Hercule HD Sunset de Guillemot

 lsusb donne :
 Bus 001 Device 003: ID 06f8:3017 Guillemot Corp.

 Elle fonctionne avec l'outil de test de camera de KDE (systemsettings
 - multimedia - phonon - Enregistrement video), avec google talk,
 l'outil de test de skype.
 Cependant, avec gvcviewer, l'image freeze et en mode communication de
 skype, j'obtiens un carré noir et mon correspondant n'a rien !
Ca ressemble à un pb de conf.
Quel est le device associé à la webcam ?
Tu peux essayer avec xawtv ?

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Re : Comment installer un disque supplémentaire une fois Debian installé?

2012-07-10 Thread nicolas . patrois
Le 09/07/2012 21:39:59, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

   Ce qui est gratuit ne peut être « déprécié ».
   Il peut en revanche être rendu « obsolète ».

On peut apprécier ou non un truc gratuit comme un truc payant.

nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

M : Qu'est-ce qu'il nous faudrait pour qu'on nous considère comme des 
humains ? Un cerveau plus gros ?
P : Non... Une carte bleue suffirait...

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Re: Pb de webcam

2012-07-10 Thread Mourad Jaber

On 10/07/2012 09:11, Fabien R wrote:

On 08/07/2012 22:45, Mourad Jaber wrote:


J'ai une webcam Hercule HD Sunset de Guillemot

lsusb donne :
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 06f8:3017 Guillemot Corp.

Elle fonctionne avec l'outil de test de camera de KDE (systemsettings
-  multimedia -  phonon -  Enregistrement video), avec google talk,
l'outil de test de skype.
Cependant, avec gvcviewer, l'image freeze et en mode communication de
skype, j'obtiens un carré noir et mon correspondant n'a rien !

Ca ressemble à un pb de conf.
Quel est le device associé à la webcam ?
Tu peux essayer avec xawtv ?

Oui, ça marche super bien avec xawtv, mieux qu'avec mplayer !

le device est /dev/video0

Comment je peux modifier la conf et surtout identifié ce qui cloche ?



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gerer démarrage d'un service

2012-07-10 Thread Alexandre Decorny
Bonjour la liste,

Je suis confronté à un problème qui me semble difficile à résoudre...

Dans le cadre du PRA de nos serveurs, je test actuellement le crash
matériel d'une machine. Je suis malheureusement dans un cas très
particulier (forcement...) j'utilise une lame BL460c G7 pour faire tourner
une debian et pervasive sql. Dans ce blade les autres lames sont des
Proliant BL460c G1 au nombre de 3.

Les 3 G1 sont dans un environnement xen serveur donc ça ne me pose aucun
problème si une lame tombe. Les systèmes sont dimensionnés
pour accueillir tous les domU sur 2 lames. Le problème est si c'est la G7
qui tombe

Je veux prendre les disques et les jeter dans une G1. Le soucis est que si
je fais ca, les outils HP plantent au démarrage et bien sur freeze le
serveur... Je ne parvient pas a récupérer la main.

Connaissez vous un moyen de contrôler le lancement de certains démons au
démarrage sur serveur ? J'aimerais autant que possible ne pas bidouiller
les outils hp. A la moindre mise a jour je vais surement oublier de

Par avance Merci


Re: Comment installer un disque supplémentaire une fois Debian installé?

2012-07-10 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le mardi 10 juillet 2012 à 09:35:07, a 
écrit :
 Le 09/07/2012 21:39:59, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
Ce qui est gratuit ne peut être « déprécié ».
Il peut en revanche être rendu « obsolète ».
 On peut apprécier ou non un truc gratuit comme un truc

  Ok. Touché.

  Mais quand même : apprécier, déprécier, dépriser, priser, 
mépriser sont construits autour de prix/précieux, alors que 
deprecate vient de predicare → prier, dont le pendant français 
serait *déprier, s’il existait.

  Alors je veux bien qu’on tire les sens des mots dans chacune 
des langues, qu’on aille rechercher des sens figurés ou des sens 
obsolètes pour qu’ils se recouvrent mais c’est quand même plus 
simple quand on utilise des mots dont le sens premier colle avec 
ce que l’on veut dire, non ?

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: MàJ automatiques

2012-07-10 Thread Bzzz
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 07:46:14 +0200
David S. wrote:

 Quand à la conf conseillé, pas encore eu l'occasion de la voir à 
 l'œuvre, la seule fois ou l'on a eu du conflit de conf, aucune
 action était entreprise par dpkg, le serveur (c'était pour apache
 en l'occurence) restait stoppé... Vive nagios et shinken de bon
 matin :D Mais comme le dis Jérémy, le nouveau fichier de conf doit
 finir en .dpkg-dist

Hmm, c'est pas tt à fait ce que je voulais savoir; en fait ma
question était plutôt: est-ce que tes machines utilisent la conf
conseillée ou bien une autre (et laquelle, dans ce cas-là?).

 En tout cas j'avais de gros soucis avec cron-apt (après il faut
 avoir ces dépôts et son fichier preferences bien configuré).
Oui, j'en ai vu plusieurs mauvaises critiques dans mes recherches.
Et puis vu le Nb de machines que tu as équipées, celui-ci semble 
être la bonne solt:)

Debian Hint #37: Want to download a package without installing it?
Use 'aptitude download pkgname'.

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Re: gerer démarrage d'un service

2012-07-10 Thread Bzzz
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:14:33 +0200
Alexandre Decorny wrote:

 Je veux prendre les disques et les jeter dans une G1. Le soucis
 est que si je fais ca, les outils HP plantent au démarrage et bien
 sur freeze le serveur... Je ne parvient pas a récupérer la main.

Avant de chercher une solution quelconque je dirais qu'il
te faut absolument d'abord savoir pourquoi et surtout
_comment_ ça plante, vu que ta solution en dépend directement.
Et poser la question également à HP ne serait pas de trop;)

God is dead and I don't feel all too well either
-- Ralph Moonen

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Re: Comment installer un disque supplémentaire une fois Debian installé?

2012-07-10 Thread Paul Dufresne
Ce fil de discussion dérive.
Pour en revenir à mon histoire, j'ai fini par graver les images CD sur
des DVD, et j'ai recommencer l'installation.

Le 10/07/12, Sylvain L. a écrit :
 Le mardi 10 juillet 2012 à 09:35:07, a
 écrit :
 Le 09/07/2012 21:39:59, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
Ce qui est gratuit ne peut être « déprécié ».
Il peut en revanche être rendu « obsolète ».

 On peut apprécier ou non un truc gratuit comme un truc

   Ok. Touché.

   Mais quand même : apprécier, déprécier, dépriser, priser,
 mépriser sont construits autour de prix/précieux, alors que
 deprecate vient de predicare → prier, dont le pendant français
 serait *déprier, s’il existait.

   Alors je veux bien qu’on tire les sens des mots dans chacune
 des langues, qu’on aille rechercher des sens figurés ou des sens
 obsolètes pour qu’ils se recouvrent mais c’est quand même plus
 simple quand on utilise des mots dont le sens premier colle avec
 ce que l’on veut dire, non ?

  Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: [testing] reboot brutal

2012-07-10 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le SAV me dit que pour eux tout est ok. 
Est-ce que ça pourrait être ma carte graphique ?


Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :

Le Sat, 30 Jun 2012 11:32:46 +0200
maderios a écrit:

 On 06/27/2012 10:37 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
  Ce soir j'ai subit 3 reboot brutaux de mon système, successivement,
  sans cause apparente ni aucun message dans les logs
 Expérience pouvant être utile.
 J'ai rencontré un problème similaire il y a quelques mois. C'était 
 l'alimentation (Enermax très chère certifiée Gold  et heureusement 
 garantie) qui était défaillante : tensions instables. Problème résolu 
 par le remplacement de cette alimentation.

J'ai ramené la CM, l'alim, le CPU et la RAM au SAV. On va voir ce
qu'ils vont dire.


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Re: MàJ automatiques

2012-07-10 Thread David S.

Le 10/07/2012 14:16, Bzzz a écrit :

On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 07:46:14 +0200
David  wrote:

Quand à la conf conseillé, pas encore eu l'occasion de la voir à
l'œuvre, la seule fois ou l'on a eu du conflit de conf, aucune
action était entreprise par dpkg, le serveur (c'était pour apache
en l'occurence) restait stoppé... Vive nagios et shinken de bon
matin :D Mais comme le dis Jérémy, le nouveau fichier de conf doit
finir en .dpkg-dist

Hmm, c'est pas tt à fait ce que je voulais savoir; en fait ma
question était plutôt: est-ce que tes machines utilisent la conf
conseillée ou bien une autre (et laquelle, dans ce cas-là?).

Non sur nos serveurs web ou autre on a tendance à modifier les fichiers 
originaux, donc en cas de màj dpkg devient bavard.

En tout cas j'avais de gros soucis avec cron-apt (après il faut
avoir ces dépôts et son fichier preferences bien configuré).

Oui, j'en ai vu plusieurs mauvaises critiques dans mes recherches.
Et puis vu le Nb de machines que tu as équipées, celui-ci semble
être la bonne solt:)

Oui comme pour toutes les solutions, il y a des pour et contres, mais 
chez nous elle nous convient parfaitement.

cron-apt, sources.list et preferences géré via un outil type puppet/chef 
et hop ta maintenance de parc serveurs se résume à une lecture des mails 
d'update/upgrade pour vérifier que tout est bon.
Sa fait toujours une certaine quantité de travail, mais bien mieux que 
de passer via ssh sur +120 machines ;-)

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Re: [testing] reboot brutal

2012-07-10 Thread Bzzz
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 11:34:55 +0200
Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:

 Le SAV me dit que pour eux tout est ok. 
 Est-ce que ça pourrait être ma carte graphique ?

C'est possible, mais peu probable.

Dans l'ordre d'importance, 'gade:

* La RAM (re-teste qd même! + reboot après les tests et
  vérifie de suite les températures CM, CPU, RAM, HDz -
  lm-sensors  hddtemp),

* Les logs et/ou ton mod'op juste avant que ça plante;
  il est possible qu'un exécutable soit abîmé et effectue
  une violation de privilèges | segfault qui plante tout,

* La mécanique: j'ai un vieux celeron 333 monté dans un
  boîtier pourri qui me soulève les cartes addons d'au moins
  4mm; pour éviter des plantages dûs à la mobilité des cartes
  il a fallu mettre des rondelles sous les vis de maintient
  (trop souké/enfoncé c'est aussi mauvais que pas assez) et
  un câble d'acier tendu qui les maintient enfoncées 
  correctement du côté libre...

* Vérifier dans les logs s'il ne se passe rien du côté des HDz
  là encore, j'ai un ch'tit svr qui a nécessité de *souder* les
  fils d'alim à cause du desserrement des MOLEX dû aux vibrations
  hautes fréquences (pas conseillé du tout, mais bon, ça roule
  comme ça) - smart et ses utilitaires + test long + logs
  conventionnels (apparition d'erreurs concernant les HDz).
  Un bon témoin de tels PBs est un claquement et/ou un bruit
  comme au démarrage parce que le HD a temporairement perdu
  son alim est ré-entame le processus de démarrage comme au boot,

* Vérifier sur le web si qqun n'a pas les mêmes PBs avec le
  *même* équipement - il peut arriver que des incompatibilités
  (notamment CM-CG) provoquent de tels PBs,

* ET ça peut aussi venir d'une claque électrique ayant
  individuellement affectée chaque composant sensible;
  et que le fait de les réunir additionne les problèmes
  dans le même sens:(

Woman is generally so bad that the difference between a good and a
bad woman scarcely exists.
-- Tolstoy

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Re: MàJ automatiques

2012-07-10 Thread Bzzz
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 16:52:16 +0200
David S. wrote:

  Hmm, c'est pas tt à fait ce que je voulais savoir; en fait ma
  question était plutôt: est-ce que tes machines utilisent la conf
  conseillée ou bien une autre (et laquelle, dans ce cas-là?).
 Non sur nos serveurs web ou autre on a tendance à modifier les
 fichiers originaux, donc en cas de màj dpkg devient bavard.

Raahh tu galèges ou bien?  Est-ce que ta conf == celle
conseillée? et si non, quelle est-elle STP?
 Sa fait toujours une certaine quantité de travail, mais bien mieux
 que de passer via ssh sur +120 machines ;-)
Ça tombe bien: ma finalité est la même:)

A:  The Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Q:  What was the greatest achievement in taxidermy?

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Re: MàJ automatiques

2012-07-10 Thread David S.

Le 10/07/2012 18:51, Bzzz a écrit :

On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 16:52:16 +0200
David  wrote:

Hmm, c'est pas tt à fait ce que je voulais savoir; en fait ma
question était plutôt: est-ce que tes machines utilisent la conf
conseillée ou bien une autre (et laquelle, dans ce cas-là?).

Non sur nos serveurs web ou autre on a tendance à modifier les
fichiers originaux, donc en cas de màj dpkg devient bavard.

Raahh tu galèges ou bien?  Est-ce que ta conf == celle
conseillée? et si non, quelle est-elle STP?

Sa fait toujours une certaine quantité de travail, mais bien mieux
que de passer via ssh sur +120 machines ;-)

Ça tombe bien: ma finalité est la même:)

Tu veux dire quoi par celle conseillée ? Celle du paquet d'origine ? Non
Exemple : mise à jour du fichier /etc/apache2/site-available/default 
d'apache, dpkg gueule ;)

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Re: [testing] problème de résolution

2012-07-10 Thread moi-meme
Le Thu, 05 Jul 2012 23:30:02 +0200, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :

 Le Wed, 4 Jul 2012 20:08:48 +0200
 Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit:
 Je rencontre un problème avec mon PC portable, un Dell M1330 avec une
 CG Intel intégrée (X3100).
 J'ai branché un écran externe (DELL U2410) via un câble HDMI. Dans
 Paramètres système/Affichage j'ai sélectionné 1920x1200 mais l'écran
 dit que la résolution demandée est de 1922x1200. Du coup l'affichage
 n'est pas terrible.
 Avez-vous déjà rencontré ce problème ?
 Sinon j'ai constaté que si je commence par demander 1600x1200 au lieu de
 1920x1200 j'ai bien 1600. Mais si ensuite je passe en 1920x1200
 j'obtiens 1922 et si je reviens en 1600x1200 j'obtiens 1602 ...

mes excuses pour le retard.

et xrandr te dit 1600x1200 ?

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Re: [testing] problème de résolution

2012-07-10 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le 10 Jul 2012 17:23:03 GMT
moi-meme a écrit:

 Le Thu, 05 Jul 2012 23:30:02 +0200, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
  Le Wed, 4 Jul 2012 20:08:48 +0200
  Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit:
  Je rencontre un problème avec mon PC portable, un Dell M1330 avec
  une CG Intel intégrée (X3100).
  J'ai branché un écran externe (DELL U2410) via un câble HDMI. Dans
  Paramètres système/Affichage j'ai sélectionné 1920x1200 mais
  l'écran dit que la résolution demandée est de 1922x1200. Du coup
  l'affichage n'est pas terrible.
  Avez-vous déjà rencontré ce problème ?
  Sinon j'ai constaté que si je commence par demander 1600x1200 au
  lieu de 1920x1200 j'ai bien 1600. Mais si ensuite je passe en
  1920x1200 j'obtiens 1922 et si je reviens en 1600x1200 j'obtiens
  1602 ...
 mes excuses pour le retard.
 et xrandr te dit 1600x1200 ?
 oui xrandr -q dit 1600x1200


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Re: [testing] reboot brutal

2012-07-10 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Tue, 10 Jul 2012 18:47:55 +0200
Bzzz a écrit:

 On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 11:34:55 +0200
 Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
  Le SAV me dit que pour eux tout est ok. 
  Est-ce que ça pourrait être ma carte graphique ?
 C'est possible, mais peu probable.
 Dans l'ordre d'importance, 'gade:
 * La RAM (re-teste qd même! + reboot après les tests et
   vérifie de suite les températures CM, CPU, RAM, HDz -
   lm-sensors  hddtemp),
 * Les logs et/ou ton mod'op juste avant que ça plante;
   il est possible qu'un exécutable soit abîmé et effectue
   une violation de privilèges | segfault qui plante tout,

Non même en étant dans le BIOS ça reboote pareil. Ce n'est pas lié à

 * La mécanique: j'ai un vieux celeron 333 monté dans un
   boîtier pourri qui me soulève les cartes addons d'au moins
   4mm; pour éviter des plantages dûs à la mobilité des cartes
   il a fallu mettre des rondelles sous les vis de maintient
   (trop souké/enfoncé c'est aussi mauvais que pas assez) et
   un câble d'acier tendu qui les maintient enfoncées 
   correctement du côté libre...

Je re-regarderai mais tout me semblait ok quand j'ai regardé l'autre

 * Vérifier dans les logs s'il ne se passe rien du côté des HDz
   là encore, j'ai un ch'tit svr qui a nécessité de *souder* les
   fils d'alim à cause du desserrement des MOLEX dû aux vibrations
   hautes fréquences (pas conseillé du tout, mais bon, ça roule
   comme ça) - smart et ses utilitaires + test long + logs
   conventionnels (apparition d'erreurs concernant les HDz).
   Un bon témoin de tels PBs est un claquement et/ou un bruit
   comme au démarrage parce que le HD a temporairement perdu
   son alim est ré-entame le processus de démarrage comme au boot,

Non plus, sinon dans le BIOS je n'aurai pas de problème.

 * Vérifier sur le web si qqun n'a pas les mêmes PBs avec le
   *même* équipement - il peut arriver que des incompatibilités
   (notamment CM-CG) provoquent de tels PBs,

Oui je vais essayer de chercher, on ne sait jamais effectivement.

 * ET ça peut aussi venir d'une claque électrique ayant
   individuellement affectée chaque composant sensible;
   et que le fait de les réunir additionne les problèmes
   dans le même sens:(

Mouais j'y crois autant qu'au bombardement neutronique...


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Re: [testing] reboot brutal

2012-07-10 Thread Bzzz
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 20:28:20 +0200
Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:

 Non même en étant dans le BIOS ça reboote pareil. Ce n'est pas lié
 à Linux.

Ah, on avance, donc on se dirige vers le matériel.

  * La mécanique: j'ai un vieux celeron 333 monté dans un
boîtier pourri qui me soulève les cartes addons d'au moins
4mm; pour éviter des plantages dûs à la mobilité des cartes
il a fallu mettre des rondelles sous les vis de maintient
(trop souké/enfoncé c'est aussi mauvais que pas assez) et
un câble d'acier tendu qui les maintient enfoncées 
correctement du côté libre...
 Je re-regarderai mais tout me semblait ok quand j'ai regardé
 l'autre fois.

Ça peut-être very sneaky (les vibrations coupent ou établissent le
contact qu'il ne faut pas).  Titille les cartes (2-3 mm de jeu
transversal et qq poils de cul en vertical) pour voir.

Et pour commencer: vire-les toutes (sauf la CG, œuf corse) et

  * Vérifier dans les logs s'il ne se passe rien du côté des HDz
là encore, j'ai un ch'tit svr qui a nécessité de *souder* les
fils d'alim à cause du desserrement des MOLEX dû aux vibrations
hautes fréquences (pas conseillé du tout, mais bon, ça roule
comme ça) - smart et ses utilitaires + test long + logs
conventionnels (apparition d'erreurs concernant les HDz).
Un bon témoin de tels PBs est un claquement et/ou un bruit
comme au démarrage parce que le HD a temporairement perdu
son alim est ré-entame le processus de démarrage comme au boot,
 Non plus, sinon dans le BIOS je n'aurai pas de problème.

Faux, ça peut tout à fait faire rebooter la machine parce que le
BIOS n'a que cette option de failsafe en cas de coupure des liaisons
ATA/SATA au mauvais moment; à moins qu'il ne supporte (réellement!)
le hot plug, et encore.
Attention aussi aux rallonges d'alim de mauvaise qualité et aux
vibrations transmises via les câbles en contact avec ce qui vibre.

  * Vérifier sur le web si qqun n'a pas les mêmes PBs avec le
*même* équipement - il peut arriver que des incompatibilités
(notamment CM-CG) provoquent de tels PBs,
 Oui je vais essayer de chercher, on ne sait jamais effectivement.

Pour ça, laisse tomber le français; le parc n'est pas assez étendu
pour tomber sur la même config ici:(

  * ET ça peut aussi venir d'une claque électrique ayant
individuellement affectée chaque composant sensible;
et que le fait de les réunir additionne les problèmes
dans le même sens:(
 Mouais j'y crois autant qu'au bombardement neutronique...

Tout dépend d'où tu es (ville/campagne/grotte/Hte
altitude/sous-marin) ET de la protection de ta maison/appart.
Un jour, j'ai trouvé un excellent article sur les prises de
terre fait par un électronicien qui démontrait simplement 
pourquoi on ne peut pas juger de la qualité d'une terre
sans équipement spécifique à haute impédance d'entrée.

Quand au bombardement neutronique, c'est peu plausible: ça aurait
_aussi_ fait des dégâts dans le cerveau de l'OP (quoique...),
mais des particules à haute énergie c'est bleu-suppo: c'est la
bonne année pour ça;)

Chocolate chip.

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Re: [testing] problème de résolution

2012-07-10 Thread moi-meme
Le Tue, 10 Jul 2012 20:30:01 +0200, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :

 et xrandr te dit 1600x1200 ?
  oui xrandr -q dit 1600x1200

et en 1900x1280 pareil ?

et c'est toujours horrible ?

Paramètres système/Affichage ça veut dire que tu est sous KDE ?

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Re: [testing] problème de résolution

2012-07-10 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le 10 Jul 2012 18:51:48 GMT
moi-meme a écrit:

 Le Tue, 10 Jul 2012 20:30:01 +0200, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
  et xrandr te dit 1600x1200 ?
   oui xrandr -q dit 1600x1200
 et en 1900x1280 pareil ?

oui en 1920x1200 c'est pareil il fait 1902x1200
 et c'est toujours horrible ?


 Paramètres système/Affichage ça veut dire que tu est sous KDE ?

Non Gnome.


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Re: [testing] reboot brutal

2012-07-10 Thread Jérôme
Le mardi 10 juillet 2012 à 20:28 +0200, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
 Non même en étant dans le BIOS ça reboote pareil. Ce n'est pas lié à

Si ça reboot même dans le bios, c'est clairement matériel. 

- Croise l'alim avec une autre

- vérifie les masses tant côté isolation (manque d'une rondelle...) que
de la bonne mise à la masse de ce qui doit l'être (ça peut faire des
trucs zarbi).

- Vérifie que tu n'ai pas un connecteur oxydé en particulier du côté des
connecteurs d'alim (ça peut s'oxyder assez rapidement en cas de contact
de mauvaise qualité) voire un fil mal sertis.

-Vérifie que tu n'ai pas une pine tordue dans un connecteur.

- Jette un œil sur la qualité des soudures, surtout côté de ce qui tire
du jus, et contrôle qu'il n'y ait pas une piste coupé à cause d'une
contrainte mécanique (fréquent sur les alim de portable, mais ça peut
aussi faire court-jus s'il y a un truc qui bouge sur un connecteur

- Vérifie que les processeurs et composants fixés mécaniquement, si la
carte est un peu ancienne, vérifie si la pâte thermique est bonne, et si
elle est neuve qu'elle soit bien répartie sans déborder.

etc. etc. etc. 

Bref, la maintenance c'est comme la médecine, le plus dur est le
diagnostic, un peu de matos comme un oscilloscope aide parfois...

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Re: [testing] reboot brutal

2012-07-10 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Pour éviter de se répéter un petit résumer :

le matos (CM, RAM, alim, proc) est parti au SAV qui lui ne voit pas de
problème et trouve que tout fonctionne normalement. Le tout a 8 mois.
La différence entre eux et moi c'est la carte graphique, les disques
durs et les périphs.

La suite est insérée ci dessous.

Le Tue, 10 Jul 2012 20:56:28 +0200
Jérôme a écrit:

 Le mardi 10 juillet 2012 à 20:28 +0200, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
  Non même en étant dans le BIOS ça reboote pareil. Ce n'est pas lié à
 Si ça reboot même dans le bios, c'est clairement matériel. 
 - Croise l'alim avec une autre

Pour le SAV elle est ok et je n'en ai pas d'autre.

 - vérifie les masses tant côté isolation (manque d'une rondelle...)
 que de la bonne mise à la masse de ce qui doit l'être (ça peut faire
 des trucs zarbi).

Tu vérifies ça comment ?

 - Vérifie que tu n'ai pas un connecteur oxydé en particulier du côté
 des connecteurs d'alim (ça peut s'oxyder assez rapidement en cas de
 contact de mauvaise qualité) voire un fil mal sertis.

Je regarderai quand je récupérerai le matos.

 -Vérifie que tu n'ai pas une pine tordue dans un connecteur.

Vu que j'ai branché le tout il y a 8 mois et que ça a fonctionné
parfaitement pendant 8 mois moins 4 jours ...

 - Jette un œil sur la qualité des soudures, surtout côté de ce qui
 tire du jus, et contrôle qu'il n'y ait pas une piste coupé à cause
 d'une contrainte mécanique (fréquent sur les alim de portable, mais
 ça peut aussi faire court-jus s'il y a un truc qui bouge sur un
 connecteur quelconque).

Ce n'est pas un portable.

 - Vérifie que les processeurs et composants fixés mécaniquement, si la
 carte est un peu ancienne, vérifie si la pâte thermique est bonne, et
 si elle est neuve qu'elle soit bien répartie sans déborder.

T'arrives un peu après la guerre, ça a été fait avant l'envoi au
SAV. ;)


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Re: [testing] reboot brutal

2012-07-10 Thread Bzzz
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 21:58:57 +0200
Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:

  - Croise l'alim avec une autre
 Pour le SAV elle est ok et je n'en ai pas d'autre.

Mais surveille-les, dès fois qu'elle fasse des petits...

  - vérifie les masses tant côté isolation (manque d'une
  rondelle...) que de la bonne mise à la masse de ce qui doit
  l'être (ça peut faire des trucs zarbi).
 Tu vérifies ça comment ?

Tu ne vérifies rien du tout: SI le point d'ancrage est destiné à
être hors masse, le dégagement nécessaire est prévu pour éviter
tout contact électrique avec l'entretoise, SI c'est le contraire,
c'est... le contraire :-)
En Gal la CM est prévue pour avoir des points de masse un peu partout
pour éviter les pompages et autres latchups.

  - Vérifie que tu n'ai pas un connecteur oxydé en particulier du
  côté des connecteurs d'alim (ça peut s'oxyder assez rapidement
  en cas de contact de mauvaise qualité) voire un fil mal sertis.
 Je regarderai quand je récupérerai le matos.

À part si tu habites outremer (et au bord de la mer) yapeudchances
(surtout avec des connecteurs dorés ou en laiton...)

  -Vérifie que tu n'ai pas une pine tordue dans un connecteur.
 Vu que j'ai branché le tout il y a 8 mois et que ça a fonctionné
 parfaitement pendant 8 mois moins 4 jours ...

Ceci est du ressort de ta vie sexuelle privée (déviante,
oléagineuse et superfétatoire), et ne nous... regarde pas. ];-)

I am a deeply superficial person. -Andy Warhol

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Re: gerer démarrage d'un service

2012-07-10 Thread Gilles Mocellin

Le 10/07/2012 14:37, Bzzz a écrit :

On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:14:33 +0200
Alexandre Decorny wrote:

Je veux prendre les disques et les jeter dans une G1. Le soucis
est que si je fais ca, les outils HP plantent au démarrage et bien
sur freeze le serveur... Je ne parvient pas a récupérer la main.

Avant de chercher une solution quelconque je dirais qu'il
te faut absolument d'abord savoir pourquoi et surtout
_comment_ ça plante, vu que ta solution en dépend directement.
Et poser la question également à HP ne serait pas de trop;)

Ayant aussi du Debian sur du HP, et même blades, je vois d'ic la réponse 
Ils fournissent quelques paquets pour Debian, mais c'est livré tel quel 
sans garantie.

J'ai déjà eu des soucis de ce type, je crois que c'était hpasm qui 
restait bloqué au démarrage, et bloquait tout le processus de boot.

J'avais fini par le désinstallé, du coup, les ventillos étaient à fond...

Je ne sais plus pourquoi, mais je crois qu'une mise à jour avait tout de 
même réglé le problème.

Je te conseillerais de regarder s'il n'y aurait pas des mises à jour du 
BIOS et du contrôleur iLo pour le G1.

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Re: Pb de webcam

2012-07-10 Thread Jean-Damien Durand
 On 10/07/2012 09:11, Fabien R wrote:
  On 08/07/2012 22:45, Mourad Jaber wrote:
  J'ai une webcam Hercule HD Sunset de Guillemot
  lsusb donne :
  Bus 001 Device 003: ID 06f8:3017 Guillemot Corp.
  Elle fonctionne avec l'outil de test de camera de KDE (systemsettings
  -  multimedia -  phonon -  Enregistrement video), avec google talk,
  l'outil de test de skype.
  Cependant, avec gvcviewer, l'image freeze et en mode communication de
  skype, j'obtiens un carré noir et mon correspondant n'a rien !
  Ca ressemble à un pb de conf.
  Quel est le device associé à la webcam ?
  Tu peux essayer avec xawtv ?
 Oui, ça marche super bien avec xawtv, mieux qu'avec mplayer !
 le device est /dev/video0
 Comment je peux modifier la conf et surtout identifié ce qui cloche ?

Possible que gcviewer n'aime pas v4l2? As-tu essayé avec:
LD_PRELOAD=`locate -e` gvcviewer

@+, JD.

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Re: Artefactos raros NVIDIA Corporation Device 0a67

2012-07-10 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 09 Jul 2012 20:15:28 +0200, Tarrasquero escribió:

 El 09/07/12 15:07, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 08 Jul 2012 19:52:33 +0200, Tarrasquero escribió:
 Manda un lspci -n para que veamos...
 Si, un lspci pero con la opcion -n y la version actual de tu kernel.
 Ya lo ha enviado... sí, las dos cosas.
 Camaleón donde está? Digo el 'lspci -n' O soy ciego o no lo mandó.

Mandó la salida de lspci (para ver el chipset de la gráfica) y dijo que 
usaba el kernel 3.1.0-1-686-pae.



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[OT] Re: Servidor Casero

2012-07-10 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 09 Jul 2012 20:46:14 +0100, Alberto Benítez escribió:

 Voy a montar un servidor casero en casa para páginas web, ftp, no-ip y
 asterisk, algún consejo para llevar acabo la tarea.

¿Qué tipo de consejo, de hardware, software...?

Si el equipo donde piensas montarlo tiene menos de 4 años con al menos 1 
GiB de RAM no tendrás problemas con cualquier opción (digo, que no 
tendrás que economizar en cuestión de recursos).

Yo me iría por Apache2 y vsftpd. No-Ip mejor si lo tienes integrado en el 
router ADSL (una cosa menos) y Asterisk... hum, me interesa el uso que le 
vas a dar a Asterisk... ¿voip puro o pasarela? :-)



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Ayuda con squid

2012-07-10 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández
Hola muy buenas, estoy configurándome un squid de pruebas. Me ha 
funcionado bien hasta que he tenido que meter varios filtros.

La idea es que el profesor pueda siempre navegar por donde quiera, los 
alumnos tendrán bloqueado el acceso a una lista que está en 
/etc/squid/lista_prohibida (entre ellos está Pueden navegar 
desde las 8 de la mañana hasta las 12 y desde las 14:00 hasta las 16:30 
con la excepción de que desde las 12:00 hasta las 14:00 pueden ver su 
correo en terra, que en el otro horario no pueden. Lo he configurado 

http_port 3128
cache_mem 32 MB
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 100 16 256

acl all src
acl localhost src
acl profesor src
acl alumnos src
acl sitios url_regex /etc/squid/lista_prohibida
acl terra url_regex
acl horario time MTWHF 8:00-11:59
acl correo-horario time MTWHF 12:00-13:59

http_access allow profesor
http_access allow horario alumnos !sitios
http_access allow correo-horario terra alumnos
http_access deny all

Ahora mismo me pongo la ip del profesor y todo bien navega bien por 
todos lados, pero si me pongo una ip del rango de los alumnos también 
navegan por todos lados. No sé que puedo estar haciendo mal, he revisado 
los 3 ficheros de log de squid y no aparece nada. Sé que lo puedo hacer 
mejor con squidGuard porque es mucho más potente para filtros, pero 
ahora lo estoy haciendo con squid y me intriga el saber por qué no 
funciona. He visto algún tutorial por internet con el manejo de time y 
más o menos lo tengo igual. Alguien me puede hechar un cable?


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Documentación sobre kannel+mysql (era: Re: kannel y errores)

2012-07-10 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 09 Jul 2012 14:28:54 -0700, earmoa escribió:

 Muy buenas!..

Buenas, pero para la próxima, no respondas a un hilo antiguo, crea un 
nuevo mensaje cuando quieras hablar de un tema distinto del original.

 alguien me podria dar un link de algun tutorial en español de kannel
 con mysql? que necesito recibir y enviar sms mediante mysql. Desde
 ya gracias por la atención!.

Algo me dice que debe de haber documentación interesante en /usr/share/
doc/kannel/* y /usr/share/doc/kannel-docs/ (paquete kannel-docs).



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problemas al instalar en Debian 6

2012-07-10 Thread luis

buenos dias a todos

tengo debian 6 con shorewall montado trabaja super bien pro...
Cuando instale php5 dejo de funcionar al parecer choque de librerias o 
dependencias. como se le llame

chocan o desinstalan otras no se 

Que orden debo seguir para instalar apache , php y como

Pues necesito tener apache, php en ese servidor y tambien mysql o 
quizas no pues es un firewall pero al menos si apache y php

Que orden debo seguir y como escribo para isntzlar cada uno de ellos en 
la line de comandos

Agradezco muchisimo esto pues al instalar php por ej me dejo de 
funcionar el shorewall tuve que desintalarlo y volver a onstalarlo para 
que funcione por ende desinstale el php tambien

gracias a todos por la ayuda que me puedan dar y el tiempo

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Re: Introduccion a UML - 1341862915

2012-07-10 Thread Pedro
2012/7/10 Carlos Zuniga
 On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 6:32 PM, Pedro wrote:
 se puede dar de baja este boletín porfavor?

 esto es spam

 En lugar de responder (y hacer que nos lleguen mensajes sin contexto a
 quienes filtran esos mensajes como spam), deberías reportarlo como
 spam en el archivo de la lista (el botón de arriba a la derecha):

 Eso ayuda mucho más que indignarse y responder esperando que alguien
 haga algo, especialmente ya que no tenemos moderadores (y evita hacer
 hígado :) ).

muchas gracias Carlos, reportado, no sabía que existía este método.

supongo que en general tengo que buscar los hilos aquí:

Pero tengo una pregunta,



podría automatizarme el proceso de encontrar un hilo en el archivo? o
para qué sirve?


Por favor, evite enviarme documentos adjuntos en formato Word o PowerPoint.
Utilice herramientas libres como

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Re: Ayuda con squid

2012-07-10 Thread Esteban Torres Rodríguez
El día 10 de julio de 2012 15:36, Maykel Franco Hernández escribió:
 Hola muy buenas, estoy configurándome un squid de pruebas. Me ha funcionado
 bien hasta que he tenido que meter varios filtros.

 La idea es que el profesor pueda siempre navegar por donde quiera, los
 alumnos tendrán bloqueado el acceso a una lista que está en
 /etc/squid/lista_prohibida (entre ellos está Pueden navegar desde
 las 8 de la mañana hasta las 12 y desde las 14:00 hasta las 16:30 con la
 excepción de que desde las 12:00 hasta las 14:00 pueden ver su correo en
 terra, que en el otro horario no pueden. Lo he configurado así:

 http_port 3128
 cache_mem 32 MB
 cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 100 16 256

 acl all src
 acl localhost src
 acl profesor src
 acl alumnos src
 acl sitios url_regex /etc/squid/lista_prohibida
 acl terra url_regex
 acl horario time MTWHF 8:00-11:59
 acl correo-horario time MTWHF 12:00-13:59

 http_access allow profesor
 http_access allow horario alumnos !sitios
 http_access allow correo-horario terra alumnos
 http_access deny all

 Ahora mismo me pongo la ip del profesor y todo bien navega bien por todos
 lados, pero si me pongo una ip del rango de los alumnos también navegan por
 todos lados. No sé que puedo estar haciendo mal, he revisado los 3 ficheros
 de log de squid y no aparece nada. Sé que lo puedo hacer mejor con
 squidGuard porque es mucho más potente para filtros, pero ahora lo estoy
 haciendo con squid y me intriga el saber por qué no funciona. He visto algún
 tutorial por internet con el manejo de time y más o menos lo tengo igual.
 Alguien me puede hechar un cable?

Yo tengo un squid muy parecido al tuyo con horarios y demás. Recuerdo
que al principio me costó también pero yo lo solucioné creando trazas
para ver que directiva se cumplia. Lo que hice fue crear un deny a mi
ip y ponerla delante de cada allow (todas a la vez no, ponía una,
hacia una petición y veía los resultados y después ponía otra y lo
mismo, etc) por que si estás navegando con una ip del rango de
alumnos quiere decir que alguna de tus acl se está cumpliendo y nunca
llega al deny all.



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Re: Ayuda con squid

2012-07-10 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández

El 2012-07-10 16:51, Esteban Torres Rodríguez escribió:

El día 10 de julio de 2012 15:36, Maykel Franco Hernández escribió:
Hola muy buenas, estoy configurándome un squid de pruebas. Me ha 

bien hasta que he tenido que meter varios filtros.

La idea es que el profesor pueda siempre navegar por donde quiera, 

alumnos tendrán bloqueado el acceso a una lista que está en
/etc/squid/lista_prohibida (entre ellos está Pueden 
navegar desde
las 8 de la mañana hasta las 12 y desde las 14:00 hasta las 16:30 
con la
excepción de que desde las 12:00 hasta las 14:00 pueden ver su 
correo en

terra, que en el otro horario no pueden. Lo he configurado así:

http_port 3128
cache_mem 32 MB
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 100 16 256

acl all src
acl localhost src
acl profesor src
acl alumnos src
acl sitios url_regex /etc/squid/lista_prohibida
acl terra url_regex
acl horario time MTWHF 8:00-11:59
acl correo-horario time MTWHF 12:00-13:59

http_access allow profesor
http_access allow horario alumnos !sitios
http_access allow correo-horario terra alumnos
http_access deny all

Ahora mismo me pongo la ip del profesor y todo bien navega bien por 
lados, pero si me pongo una ip del rango de los alumnos también 
navegan por
todos lados. No sé que puedo estar haciendo mal, he revisado los 3 

de log de squid y no aparece nada. Sé que lo puedo hacer mejor con
squidGuard porque es mucho más potente para filtros, pero ahora lo 
haciendo con squid y me intriga el saber por qué no funciona. He 
visto algún
tutorial por internet con el manejo de time y más o menos lo tengo 

Alguien me puede hechar un cable?

Yo tengo un squid muy parecido al tuyo con horarios y demás. Recuerdo
que al principio me costó también pero yo lo solucioné creando trazas
para ver que directiva se cumplia. Lo que hice fue crear un deny a mi
ip y ponerla delante de cada allow (todas a la vez no, ponía una,
hacia una petición y veía los resultados y después ponía otra y lo
mismo, etc) por que si estás navegando con una ip del rango de
alumnos quiere decir que alguna de tus acl se está cumpliendo y nunca
llega al deny all.



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Muchas gracias Esteban, en ello estoy probando y probando. Sí es verdad 
que el orden de las reglas afecta bastante a squid, tanto que a veces 
ponerlas de un modo a otro hace que funcione a no...

Haber si lo soluciono.

Saludos y gracias.

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Buscar mensajes en el archivo de la lista (era: Introduccion a UML - 1341862915)

2012-07-10 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 10 Jul 2012 16:44:15 +0200, Pedro escribió:


 Pero tengo una pregunta,
 podría automatizarme el proceso de encontrar un hilo en el archivo? o
 para qué sirve?

No sé qué es esa URL :-?, pero puedes buscar mensajes en el archivo de la 
lista por su identificador:



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Re: problemas al instalar en Debian 6

2012-07-10 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
El día 10 de julio de 2012 09:23, escribió:
 buenos dias a todos

 tengo debian 6 con shorewall montado trabaja super bien pro...
 Cuando instale php5 dejo de funcionar al parecer choque de librerias o
 dependencias. como se le llame
 chocan o desinstalan otras no se 

 Que orden debo seguir para instalar apache , php y como

 Pues necesito tener apache, php en ese servidor y tambien mysql o quizas no
 pues es un firewall pero al menos si apache y php

 Que orden debo seguir y como escribo para isntzlar cada uno de ellos en la
 line de comandos

 Agradezco muchisimo esto pues al instalar php por ej me dejo de funcionar el
 shorewall tuve que desintalarlo y volver a onstalarlo para que funcione por
 ende desinstale el php tambien

 gracias a todos por la ayuda que me puedan dar y el tiempo

Hola, el mejor agradecimiento que puedes dar es seguir unas normas de
comportamiento mínimas en listas de correo.

Sobre tu problema debes asegurarte de tener tu sistema de repositorios
bien configurado y limpio, es decir, algo como así:

deb squeeze main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze main contrib non-free

deb squeeze/updates main
deb-src squeeze/updates main

actualizar tu lista de paquetes con
aptitude udpate
luego actualizar tu sistema con
aptitude safe-upgrade ó aptitude full-upgrade
luego instalar phpmyadmin
aptitude install phpmyadmin

Este último te instala todo lo que necesitas, apache, php, mysql
y demás.


  Blog de Haldrik

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Re: problemas al instalar en Debian 6

2012-07-10 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:23:37 -0400, luis escribió:

 buenos dias a todos

Buenas tardes.
 tengo debian 6 con shorewall montado trabaja super bien pro...
 Cuando instale php5 dejo de funcionar 

¿Cómo lo sabes? Digo, que dejó de funcionar.

 al parecer choque de librerias o dependencias. como se le llame
 chocan o desinstalan otras no se 

¿Conflicto de paquetes? 

El mensaje de error exacto que recibes y el comando que ejecutaste 
ayudaría un montón.

 Que orden debo seguir para instalar apache , php 


¿Orden? Ninguno en especial, habría que ver el error que te da.



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Re: Eliminar kernel antiguos

2012-07-10 Thread Evgeny M. Zubok
Alberto Benítez writes:

 El día 9 de julio de 2012 14:10, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 08 Jul 2012 19:16:19 +0100, Alberto Benítez escribió:

 Hola me gustaría saber si existe algún comando para eliminar los kernel
 antiguos de un golpe.

 Lo primero sería iniciar con un kernel que no vayas a eliminar (je,
 parece una obviedad pero me ha pasado alguna que otra vez...).

 Lo segundo que puedes hacer es ir a synaptic y eliminar/purgar los kernel
 que quieras desde ahí.

 Si son instalaciones locales (kernels compilados por ti mismo) estarán
 dentro del apartado estado / instalados (locales/obsoletos).

 Gracias, es lo que necesitaba

Igual puedes eliminar los paquetes que empiezan con linux-headers- si
fueron instalados (manual o automáticamente) antes.

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Opinion de modem USB conexan y PCI internos motorola etc

2012-07-10 Thread luis

Estan de moda lps modem conexan usb y mi regunta es la siguiente pues
los veo tan sencillos

Cuales son los modem mas fuertes ycon mejor mejor servicio los conexan 
USB o los PCI internos, ??

Es una duda que tengo, se que no es de Linux pero quisiera que me 
dieran opiniones


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Fwd: Re: problemas al instalar en Debian 6

2012-07-10 Thread luis

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: problemas al instalar  en Debian 6
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 16:18:44 + (UTC)
From: Camaleón

El Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:23:37 -0400, luis escribió:

buenos dias a todos

Buenas tardes.

tengo debian 6 con shorewall montado trabaja super bien pro...
Cuando instale php5 dejo de funcionar

¿Cómo lo sabes? Digo, que dejó de funcionar.

al parecer choque de librerias o dependencias. como se le llame
chocan o desinstalan otras no se 

¿Conflicto de paquetes?

El mensaje de error exacto que recibes y el comando que ejecutaste
ayudaría un montón.

Que orden debo seguir para instalar apache , php


¿Orden? Ninguno en especial, habría que ver el error que te da.



lo que sucede es que cuando montaba php me dejaba de funcionar el 
shorewall que tengo como firewall, no entiendo porque pero bueno asi 
desinstale el php intele nuevamente el shorewall y listo todo pefecto 
con squid y todo ok

ahora probare la otra opcion instalar phpmyadmin y con eso resuelvo asi 
me contestaron en la lista asi que voy a probar, lo malo de esto es que 
trabajo en caliento no tengo maquina para el cacharreo n me queda d e 
otra, n es lo correcto pero no me queda de otra

gracias a todos

Ahh no entiendo cual es el mal comportamiento mio en la lista mis 
correos no se formulan en formato html es en texto puro pues uso Zentyal 
y este con su postfix y roundcube es todo lo que uso dentro d epoco 
comenzare a montar un server puramente en postfix, dovecot etc sobre 
dbian 6, y escribo debajo del texto a la hora de responder.

gracias por la ayuda a todos

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Re: Opinion de modem USB conexan y PCI internos motorola etc

2012-07-10 Thread Josue Marrero Bermudez
Estaran de moda aqui en CUBA..en el resto del mundo eso ya no se utiliza 

Sugerencia..todo es bueno mientras te funcione para lo que lo quieres 

De todas maneras esta no es una lista para opiniones de hardware.

- Original Message - 

To: Debian user spanish
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 12:54 PM
Subject: Opinion de modem USB conexan y PCI internos motorola etc

Estan de moda lps modem conexan usb y mi regunta es la siguiente pues
los veo tan sencillos

Cuales son los modem mas fuertes ycon mejor mejor servicio los conexan USB 
o los PCI internos, ??

Es una duda que tengo, se que no es de Linux pero quisiera que me dieran 


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[OT] Re: Opinion de modem USB conexan y PCI internos motorola etc

2012-07-10 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 10 Jul 2012 12:54:42 -0400, luis escribió:

 Estan de moda lps modem conexan usb y mi regunta es la siguiente pues
 los veo tan sencillos
 Cuales son los modem mas fuertes ycon mejor mejor servicio los conexan
 USB o los PCI internos, ??

Conexant no es un fabricante de modems sino que hace chipsets para otras 
empresas por lo tanto la diferencia entre los dos modems está en el 
chipset que llevan.

 Es una duda que tengo, se que no es de Linux pero quisiera que me dieran

Pues lo importante sería saber qué chipset montan cada uno de ellos para 
ver si tienen soporte en linux.

Las ventajas que le veo a los USB es que al ser externos tienes luminosos 
que te dan información de tx/rx y puedes desconectarlos en caliente si se 
quedan bloqueados, algo que con los internos no puedes hacer.

Por otra parte, la ventaja que le veo a las tarjetas PCI es que no quedan 
colgando del equipo, están más protegidas, digo, al estar insertadas en 
el zócalo no corres el riesgo de que se muevan accidentalmente o que se 
suelte el cable, algo que con los USB es más sencillo.

En resumen, depende del modelo/chipset exacto de módem: entre un PCI 
bueno o un USB malote me quedo con el PCI.



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Re: Opinion de modem USB conexan y PCI internos motorola etc

2012-07-10 Thread luis

On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 13:02:46 -0400, Josue Marrero Bermudez wrote:

Estaran de moda aqui en CUBA..en el resto del mundo eso ya no se
utiliza Luis.

Sugerencia..todo es bueno mientras te funcione para lo que lo quieres

De todas maneras esta no es una lista para opiniones de hardware.

- Original Message - From:
To: Debian user spanish
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 12:54 PM
Subject: Opinion de modem USB conexan y PCI internos motorola etc

Estan de moda lps modem conexan usb y mi regunta es la siguiente 

los veo tan sencillos

Cuales son los modem mas fuertes ycon mejor mejor servicio los 
conexan USB o los PCI internos, ??

Es una duda que tengo, se que no es de Linux pero quisiera que me 
dieran opiniones


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si si lo se que no es la lista pero que remedio nos queda, aqui vivo, 
pero el saber no ocupa lugar,se que la lista no es para eso pero con 
esto no creo que sea tan malo aunque se que la lista es para cosas d 
elinux, bueno seguire con la duda.

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Re: [OT] Re: Opinion de modem USB conexan y PCI internos motorola etc

2012-07-10 Thread luis

On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:09:32 + (UTC), Camaleón wrote:

El Tue, 10 Jul 2012 12:54:42 -0400, luis escribió:

Estan de moda lps modem conexan usb y mi regunta es la siguiente 

los veo tan sencillos

Cuales son los modem mas fuertes ycon mejor mejor servicio los 

USB o los PCI internos, ??

Conexant no es un fabricante de modems sino que hace chipsets para 

empresas por lo tanto la diferencia entre los dos modems está en el
chipset que llevan.

Es una duda que tengo, se que no es de Linux pero quisiera que me 


Pues lo importante sería saber qué chipset montan cada uno de ellos 

ver si tienen soporte en linux.

Las ventajas que le veo a los USB es que al ser externos tienes 
que te dan información de tx/rx y puedes desconectarlos en caliente 
si se

quedan bloqueados, algo que con los internos no puedes hacer.

Por otra parte, la ventaja que le veo a las tarjetas PCI es que no 
colgando del equipo, están más protegidas, digo, al estar 
insertadas en
el zócalo no corres el riesgo de que se muevan accidentalmente o que 

suelte el cable, algo que con los USB es más sencillo.

En resumen, depende del modelo/chipset exacto de módem: entre un PCI
bueno o un USB malote me quedo con el PCI.



Gracias Camaleon el chipset es Motorola

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[OT] Re: Opinion de modem USB conexan y PCI internos motorola etc

2012-07-10 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 10 Jul 2012 13:02:46 -0400, Josue Marrero Bermudez escribió:

 Estaran de moda aqui en CUBA..en el resto del mundo eso ya no se utiliza

Claro que se usan :-) 

En la empresa tenemos unos (contando...) 7 módems RS-232 (con chipset de 
Conexant, por cierto) en funcionamiento, para faxes y dial-up de 
emergencia, así como 6 módems RDSI (ya en la reserva pero no muy lejos, 
que nunca se sabe) y eso sin contar los equipos multifunción que llevan 
incorporado un módem y los equipos de fax dedicados que tenemos.

 Sugerencia..todo es bueno mientras te funcione para lo que lo quieres
 De todas maneras esta no es una lista para opiniones de hardware.

Cosas peores han pasado por aquí, con poner el OT creo que ya va bien.



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Re: Fwd: Re: problemas al instalar en Debian 6

2012-07-10 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 10 Jul 2012 12:59:54 -0400, luis escribió:

 lo que sucede es que cuando montaba php me dejaba de funcionar el
 shorewall que tengo como firewall, no entiendo porque pero bueno asi

Vale, pero si no das más datos poco podemos sugerir :-(

 desinstale el php intele nuevamente el shorewall y listo todo pefecto
 con squid y todo ok

Si no necesitabas php, vale, pero como te haga falta volverás a tener el 
mismo problema.

 ahora probare la otra opcion instalar phpmyadmin y con eso resuelvo asi
 me contestaron en la lista asi que voy a probar, lo malo de esto es que
 trabajo en caliento no tengo maquina para el cacharreo n me queda d e
 otra, n es lo correcto pero no me queda de otra

Pues phpmyadmin necesita php (como mínimo el paquete php5-common), 
a ver cómo te las apañas ;-P
 gracias a todos
 Ahh no entiendo cual es el mal comportamiento mio en la lista mis


Yo tampoco sé a qué se refería.



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Re: [OT] Re: Opinion de modem USB conexan y PCI internos motorola etc

2012-07-10 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 10 Jul 2012 13:13:09 -0400, luis escribió:

 On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:09:32 + (UTC), Camaleón wrote:


 En resumen, depende del modelo/chipset exacto de módem: entre un PCI
 bueno o un USB malote me quedo con el PCI.
 Gracias Camaleon el chipset es Motorola

¿Sabes la cantidad de chipsets que tiene Motorola? ;-)

Esa información es insuficiente, necesitas saber el chipset exacto 
tanto de Conexant como de Motorola. O al menos el modelo del modem.



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Re: [OT] Re: Opinion de modem USB conexan y PCI internos motorola etc

2012-07-10 Thread luis

On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:30:38 + (UTC), Camaleón wrote:

El Tue, 10 Jul 2012 13:13:09 -0400, luis escribió:

On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:09:32 + (UTC), Camaleón wrote:


En resumen, depende del modelo/chipset exacto de módem: entre un 

bueno o un USB malote me quedo con el PCI.

Gracias Camaleon el chipset es Motorola

¿Sabes la cantidad de chipsets que tiene Motorola? ;-)

Esa información es insuficiente, necesitas saber el chipset exacto
tanto de Conexant como de Motorola. O al menos el modelo del modem.



Si el choset es Motorola

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Re: Introduccion a UML - 1341862915

2012-07-10 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2012/7/10 Pedro
 2012/7/10 Carlos Zuniga
 On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 6:32 PM, Pedro wrote:
 se puede dar de baja este boletín porfavor?

 esto es spam

 En lugar de responder (y hacer que nos lleguen mensajes sin contexto a
 quienes filtran esos mensajes como spam), deberías reportarlo como
 spam en el archivo de la lista (el botón de arriba a la derecha):

 Eso ayuda mucho más que indignarse y responder esperando que alguien
 haga algo, especialmente ya que no tenemos moderadores (y evita hacer
 hígado :) ).

 muchas gracias Carlos, reportado, no sabía que existía este método.

 supongo que en general tengo que buscar los hilos aquí:

 Pero tengo una pregunta,



 podría automatizarme el proceso de encontrar un hilo en el archivo? o
 para qué sirve?

Si, esos enlaces que aparecen en la firma de la lista deberían apuntar
al mensaje, pero muchas veces no funciona.

Utilizan la cabecera Message-ID del email, pero parece que hay algún
problema y se comen los caracteres no alfanuméricos.

En el enlace sale:
Pero debería ser:

Aquí esta el bug reportado en debian: pero no ha
habido respuestas :S

A menudo unas pocas horas de Prueba y error podrán ahorrarte minutos
de leer manuales.

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Re: Buscar mensajes en el archivo de la lista (era: Introduccion a UML - 1341862915)

2012-07-10 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2012/7/10 Camaleón
 El Tue, 10 Jul 2012 16:44:15 +0200, Pedro escribió:


 Pero tengo una pregunta,



 podría automatizarme el proceso de encontrar un hilo en el archivo? o
 para qué sirve?

 No sé qué es esa URL :-?, pero puedes buscar mensajes en el archivo de la
 lista por su identificador:


Es un alias a ese buscador. se traduce a

A menudo unas pocas horas de Prueba y error podrán ahorrarte minutos
de leer manuales.

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Re: Introduccion a UML - 1341862915

2012-07-10 Thread Juan Lavieri


Por favor disculpen si hago la pregunta aquí pero en cierta forma se 
relaciona con lo del enlace al archivo de la lista.

On 10/07/12 13:46, Carlos Zuniga wrote:


2012/7/10 Carlos

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 6:32 PM,  wrote:

se puede dar de baja este boletín porfavor?

esto es spam

En lugar de responder (y hacer que nos lleguen mensajes sin contexto a
quienes filtran esos mensajes como spam), deberías reportarlo como
spam en el archivo de la lista (el botón de arriba a la derecha):

Eso ayuda mucho más que indignarse y responder esperando que alguien
haga algo, especialmente ya que no tenemos moderadores (y evita hacer
hígado :) ).

muchas gracias Carlos, reportado, no sabía que existía este método.

supongo que en general tengo que buscar los hilos aquí:

Pero tengo una pregunta,



podría automatizarme el proceso de encontrar un hilo en el archivo? o
para qué sirve?

Si, esos enlaces que aparecen en la firma de la lista deberían apuntar
al mensaje, pero muchas veces no funciona.

Utilizan la cabecera Message-ID del email, pero parece que hay algún
problema y se comen los caracteres no alfanuméricos.

En el enlace sale:
Pero debería ser:

Aquí esta el bug reportado en debian: pero no ha
habido respuestas :S

¿Tiene idea de porqué algunos mensajes enviados por nosotros (yo entre 
ellos) no presentan el pié que va debajo de la firma?

Es ese que dice:  To unsubscribe  , archive: 

Por lo menos yo no lo veo en los míos ¿hay alguna forma de activarlos?



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Could u help me to figure it out?

2012-07-10 Thread Renna Sermons
How's it going handsome! (;
I actually want to make you my friend!
I am Renna.
Talk to you later! :)

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Re: weriless

2012-07-10 Thread Rodolfo
Aparentemente funcionou certo ? não vi mais aquela mensagem de erro.

Em 9 de julho de 2012 21:30, Manoel Pedro de Araújo

 Olá, rodei o comando que vc surgeriu. depois rodei make e make install,
 veja em anexo o que deu

 Em 9 de julho de 2012 08:47, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Vamos lá, tente assim:

 chmod -vR 777 os

 essa pasta os é onde fica a pasta do seu driver. Se ainda sim tiver o
 mesmo problema, provavelmente é um bug ou precisará editar o Makefile.


 Em 6 de julho de 2012 21:12, Manoel Pedro de Araújo 

 Para o camando ls -l a saida é essa

 manoel@manoel:~/20101216_RT3090_LinuxSTA_V2.4.0.4_WiFiBTCombo_DPO$ ls -l

 total 96
 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root   root   0 Jul  5 15:25 cd
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:16 chips
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:17 common
 drwxrwxrwx 5 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:08 include
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 14819 Dez  8  2010 iwpriv_usage.txt
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 12573 Dez  8  2010 Makefile
 drwxrwxrwx 3 manoel manoel  4096 Dez 16  2010 os
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 13366 Dez  8  2010 README_STA_pci
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel   613 Dez  8  2010 RT2860STACard.dat
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel  1124 Dez  8  2010 RT2860STA.dat
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:16 sta
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 14253 Dez  8  2010 sta_ate_iwpriv_usage.txt
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:17 tools
 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root   root   0 Jul  5 15:25 wpa_supplicant

 Em 6 de julho de 2012 18:50, Manoel Pedro de Araújo 

 uso debian squeeze

 Em 6 de julho de 2012 16:38, Rodolfo escreveu:

 para remover diretórios (pastas) e tudo que está dentro da mesma, o
 comando é;

 rm -vR PASTA

 porém, não remova essa pasta manualmente, primeiro acho que temos que
 identificar a causa do erro.

 Outra pergunta, você usa Ubuntu ? Debian ? Qual distro ?

 Abraços =D

 Em 6 de julho de 2012 14:04, Manoel Pedro de Araújo escreveu:

 Nao estou com meu not aqui, anoite eu te mando.

 como eu faço pra remover /tftpboot?

 Em 6 de julho de 2012 10:59, Rodolfo escreveu:

 desculpa, acho que não fui detalista, posta a saida do comando no
 diretório onde se encontra esse cp: não foi possível remover 
 Permissão negada


 No aguardo, desculpe '-'

 Em 5 de julho de 2012 21:07, Manoel Pedro de Araújo escreveu:

 A saida é

 root@manoel:/home/manoel# ls -l
 total 96
 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root   root   0 Jul  5 15:25 cd
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:16 chips
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:17 common
 drwxrwxrwx 5 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:08 include
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 14819 Dez  8  2010 iwpriv_usage.txt
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 12573 Dez  8  2010 Makefile
 drwxrwxrwx 3 manoel manoel  4096 Dez 16  2010 os
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 13366 Dez  8  2010 README_STA_pci
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel   613 Dez  8  2010 RT2860STACard.dat
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel  1124 Dez  8  2010 RT2860STA.dat
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:16 sta
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 14253 Dez  8  2010
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:17 tools
 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root   root   0 Jul  5 15:25 wpa_supplicant

 Em 5 de julho de 2012 19:58, Rodolfo escreveu:

 digite como root:

 # ls -l

 e poste aqui a saída do comando por favor.


 Em 5 de julho de 2012 16:45, Manoel Pedro de Araújo escreveu:

 Apos as permisões ainda continua o erro

 make[1]: Saindo do diretório
 cp -f
 cp: não foi possível remover /tftpboot: Permissão negada
 make: ** [LINUX] Erro 1

 Em 5 de julho de 2012 17:28, Manoel Pedro de Araújo escreveu:

 verifiquei está sem permisão, vc lembra qual o comando para dar

 Em 5 de julho de 2012 17:15, Rodolfo rof20...@gmail.comescreveu:

 make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.
 rm: não foi possível remover
 Permissão negada

 segundo a informação acima, ele está com permissão negada
 quando vai remover algo, voce esta executando como root ? se sim, 
 por via
 das duvidas, verifique as permissoes no diretorio 


 Em 5 de julho de 2012 16:11, Manoel Pedro de Araújo escreveu:

 Olá, uso debian squeeze, para configurar meu wireless instalei
 algums pacotes, so que meu wireless mostra as redes mas não 

DRBD + Heartbeat Primario/Primario

2012-07-10 Thread gilmarlinux

Boa noite.Galera estou utilizando em produção do DRBD +
Heartbeat.Estou utilizando o DRBD primary/primary juntamente com o heartbeat.O 
ambiente esta assim:Servidor1 - O heartbeat sobre os serviços.Servidor2 - O 
heartbeat fica aguardando o servidor 1 cair para subir os
serviços.Tudo funcionando perfeitamente.Porem preciso inverter
o processo.Preciso que o Servidor2 passe a ser o Servidor1 que sempre mantem os
serviços.O o Servidor1 passe a ser o Servidor2, que aguarde o outro nodo
cair e subir os serviços.Estou utilizando o parametro no heartbet como
nice_failbak = on.No servidor2 fui e rodei o comando drbdadm --
--overwrite-data-of-peer primary xenTenho que fazer algo a mais?Agradeço

Re: missing when upgrade to wheezy/sid

2012-07-10 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 7:29 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 18:41:05 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 5:16 PM, Camaleón wrote:


 PAM is complaining because you are loading a module that now is not
 present or is named differently, I can't really tell :-?

 i also dont know because i am following traditional method to connect
 Samba server where winbind and krb5 is required.  here is some more
 details about my samba. but serprisingly the version of winbind and
 samba is same. and secondly i can not understand the version number.
 would you please help me in understanding the version number.

 root@test:/# dpkg -l | grep samba
 ii  samba  2:3.6.5-3 SMB/CIFS file, print, and 
 login server for Unix
 ii  samba-common   2:3.6.5-3 common files used by both 
 the Samba server and client
 ii  samba-common-bin   2:3.6.5-3 common files used by both 
 the Samba server and client
 ii  samba-doc  2:3.6.5-3 Samba documentation

 You mean why both, winbind and samba, share the same version number? A
 devel or packager will confirm but my guess is that because they come
 from the same source (samba) they can be keeping the same numbering for
 simple convenience.

 Also, note that wheezy has now 3.6.6, you should udpate those :-)

i am using Wheezy SID in production and recently some one has posted
in debian list that his system is crashing on boot after upgrading his
system. and that was the question that i was asking in my last safe
update thread. and all the pros where saying that a system can not be
crash in result of update. now after reading this guy's problem i
think i should wait till stable version. since the system is in

 I would open a bug report against winbind package and wait for a
 response from devels..

 Thanks for the help :)

 btw this msg is messing my syslog server do you think i should comment
 the line in config files?

 No, I would report it ASAP, maybe the requested library is missing and it
 has to be corrected. Mmm, hold on...

 Maye you are being hit by this, that is, that you need to get libpam-winbind
 but the library will be placed under 
 instead /lib/security/ What a mess :-P

Thanks mate,  i think we resolve the issue. i just run the find
command here is the output
root@box:/# find ./ -name '**'

and i change the path accordingly into these files.

and restarted the samba service several times. and the specified
errors are gone. lately on every service restart i was getting this
message but now its gone.

thanks for helping me out.



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Re: help with xserver-xorg-video-ast

2012-07-10 Thread Keith McKenzie
On 9 July 2012 23:24, Shane Johnson wrote:

 hello everyone,
 I am hoping someone can help me.  I am running Wheezy and got a driver
 from Aspeed for their on-board video driver.  Loaded it and it worked until
 I installed xen-qemu-dm-4.0 and now when I try to re-install is says
 glibc-2.13 is required when 2.14 is installed.  I contacted Aspeeds tech
 support and they suggested I compile from source.  I got the source package
 and run autoconf and get a error that xorg-macros needs to be installed.  I
 located it in xutils-dev and installed that package but it is still giving
 me a error about xorg-macros.  I have run autoconf -v to try and find out
 if it is expecting the libraries somewhere and I just need to link to them
 but it doesn't give me any idea on where.
 Question 1 - is there a easier way to do this?
 Question 2 - anyone have any idea on what I need to do to compile this

Re Question 1 - in the past I have used a soft link in such situations; may
work for you.

Sent from FOSS (Free Open Source Software)
Debian GNU/Linux

ATI Propietary driver install in Debian Wheezy (Xorg downgrade to a working previous version)

2012-07-10 Thread Ezequiel
Hi all: Searching in the Internet I've found a way to make ATI propietary
driver work under Wheezy. Of course, it implies to downgrade Xserver to a
version prior to 1.12.
Now I can wait fglrx 12-5 (wich is supposed to work under the new XOrg.

### All credit belongs to negafon from, I just added a
last step that will be needed if you don't have your kernel development kit
installed and shared his solution 

1-First, you must add the repos to dowgrade Xorg

*deb wheezy main
deb-src wheezy

Tat's a snapshot from May 15, 2012 at 10:07PM

2-Create the file /etc/apt/preferences.d/60xorg_rollback.pref

*Package: xserver-xorg*
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 1001 *

This makes the priority of repos for xserver-xorg
package higher than any other, so it will install the version desired

3- In order to prevent apt check the date in the repos (this mechanism
prevents accidental installation of older software), we create a file
called /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/60ignore_repo_date_check

Check-Valid-Until false;
} *

4- We make the changes and downgrade xserver-xorg package

as root:*

# apt-get update
# apt-get dist-upgrade*

5- Finally, download the ati propietary driver from and run

# sh ./

If you don't have your kernel headers installed, you will need to install
them with the good old

*# aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r)*

If the driver doesn't compile properly, you can have a look at /usr/share/*

If you still have problems with kernel dependencies, the rude way to
install all necessary packages is
# aptitude install module-assistant
# m-a update
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*I hope you find this useful as I did. The original post from
linuxquestions can be found at

I must apologize for my limited English writing, I hope you'll understand
this limitation. Please feel free to make any correction at my spelling or
grammar errors.



¨Como siempre, los ingenieros hicieron un
escándalo, aunque terminaron la maniobra
en la mitad del tiempo que habían rechazado
como imposible¨

Re: VNC not connecting over SSH tunnel

2012-07-10 Thread Chris Davies
Gary  wrote:
 I can connect to every workstation in a remote office using:
 ssh -L 5902:remote workstation's local IP:5900remote router's
 public IP
 xtightvncviewer -encodings tight localhost:5902

 However, there is one workstation [...]
 The ssh session also shows this message:
 channel 3: open failed: connect failed: No route to host
 Indeed, I can't even ping it from the remote ssh server.

 However, when I went to the office and tried to connect using my laptop,
 connected into the local network, I was able to connect normally.

 The ssh server is on the local subnet (a 192.168.x.x non-routable
 network) as are the workstation I'm trying to connect to and the laptop
 (when I plugged it into their network). The local forwarding would be
 handled on the subnet so that if it worked for one station, shouldn't
 it work for all?

We have four devices to consider:

homepc  Your own system, outside the office
workpc  Your own system, inside the office
remote_router   The end-point for the primary ssh transport
remote_workstation  The target machine for the VNC session

Homepc and workpc might be the same, but as they have different IP 
addresses I'll name them differently.

At the risk of stating the obvious, I'm going to do it anyway:

 *  There has to be a route between homepc and remote_workstation for 
the ssh transport to succeed. This works.

 *  There has to be a route between workpc and remote_workstation for 
the native VNC session to succeed. This works.

 *  There has to be a route between remote_router and remote_workstation 
for the VNC session to succeed. This doesn't work.

The error No route to host is often triggered when the source has a
route to the target but the target is not responding to the arp request.

I initially suggested that there is a routing issue between remote_router
and remote_workstation, and this was further evidenced by you not being
able to ping remote_workstation from remote_router. You've then
explained that the network topology is flat and that the remote_router
and remote_workstation are on the same subnet.

I can only suggest at this stage that you go back and re-check the IP
address assigned to the non-working remote_workstation.


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Re: VNC not connecting over SSH tunnel

2012-07-10 Thread Joseph Loo

On 07/10/2012 01:41 AM, Chris Davies wrote:

Gary  wrote:

I can connect to every workstation in a remote office using:
ssh -L 5902:remote workstation's local IP:5900remote router's
public IP
xtightvncviewer -encodings tight localhost:5902
However, there is one workstation [...]
The ssh session also shows this message:
 channel 3: open failed: connect failed: No route to host
Indeed, I can't even ping it from the remote ssh server.
However, when I went to the office and tried to connect using my laptop,
connected into the local network, I was able to connect normally.
The ssh server is on the local subnet (a 192.168.x.x non-routable
network) as are the workstation I'm trying to connect to and the laptop
(when I plugged it into their network). The local forwarding would be
handled on the subnet so that if it worked for one station, shouldn't
it work for all?

We have four devices to consider:

 homepc  Your own system, outside the office
 workpc  Your own system, inside the office
 remote_router   The end-point for the primary ssh transport
 remote_workstation  The target machine for the VNC session

Homepc and workpc might be the same, but as they have different IP
addresses I'll name them differently.

At the risk of stating the obvious, I'm going to do it anyway:

  *  There has to be a route between homepc and remote_workstation for
 the ssh transport to succeed. This works.

  *  There has to be a route between workpc and remote_workstation for
 the native VNC session to succeed. This works.

  *  There has to be a route between remote_router and remote_workstation
 for the VNC session to succeed. This doesn't work.

The error No route to host is often triggered when the source has a
route to the target but the target is not responding to the arp request.

I initially suggested that there is a routing issue between remote_router
and remote_workstation, and this was further evidenced by you not being
able to ping remote_workstation from remote_router. You've then
explained that the network topology is flat and that the remote_router
and remote_workstation are on the same subnet.

I can only suggest at this stage that you go back and re-check the IP
address assigned to the non-working remote_workstation.


While you are at it, why don't you list the ip addresses and the net 
mask for each item. ifconfig will tell you what each machine has.

Joseph Loo

Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
This is a very basic question but confusing me for very long. so i
need your help.

why people do compiling. i have heard many time that people are
compiling kernel on debian.
what is the reason for this? i am using debian for almost 1.5 year and
have been using it on different platform in CLI mode. but no need of
compiling in this time window.

secondly i have read  that people are compiling Squid SAMBA and all
the other packages but why. i am using KVM, squid samba etc  for
almost more then 1 year and all the servers are providing me what ever
i asled all the services are very comprehensive and could be fit in
any environment then why compiling?


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Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Kousik Maiti
People do compilation for many reason.

They want to learn more. They want to run packages from source code.
If you are going to compile kernel from source you can learn more details
about kernel.

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan sir...@gmail.comwrote:

 This is a very basic question but confusing me for very long. so i
 need your help.

 why people do compiling. i have heard many time that people are
 compiling kernel on debian.
 what is the reason for this? i am using debian for almost 1.5 year and
 have been using it on different platform in CLI mode. but no need of
 compiling in this time window.

 secondly i have read  that people are compiling Squid SAMBA and all
 the other packages but why. i am using KVM, squid samba etc  for
 almost more then 1 year and all the servers are providing me what ever
 i asled all the services are very comprehensive and could be fit in
 any environment then why compiling?


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Wishing you the very best of everything, always!!!
Kousik Maiti(কৌশিক মাইতি)
Registered Linux User #474025
Registered Ubuntu User # 28654

Re: VNC not connecting over SSH tunnel

2012-07-10 Thread Gary Dale

On 10/07/12 04:41 AM, Chris Davies wrote:

Gary   wrote:

I can connect to every workstation in a remote office using:
ssh -L 5902:remote workstation's local IP:5900remote router's
public IP
xtightvncviewer -encodings tight localhost:5902
However, there is one workstation [...]
The ssh session also shows this message:
 channel 3: open failed: connect failed: No route to host
Indeed, I can't even ping it from the remote ssh server.
However, when I went to the office and tried to connect using my laptop,
connected into the local network, I was able to connect normally.
The ssh server is on the local subnet (a 192.168.x.x non-routable
network) as are the workstation I'm trying to connect to and the laptop
(when I plugged it into their network). The local forwarding would be
handled on the subnet so that if it worked for one station, shouldn't
it work for all?

We have four devices to consider:

 homepc  Your own system, outside the office
 workpc  Your own system, inside the office
 remote_router   The end-point for the primary ssh transport
 remote_workstation  The target machine for the VNC session

Homepc and workpc might be the same, but as they have different IP
addresses I'll name them differently.

At the risk of stating the obvious, I'm going to do it anyway:

  *  There has to be a route between homepc and remote_workstation for
 the ssh transport to succeed. This works

  *  There has to be a route between workpc and remote_workstation for
 the native VNC session to succeed. This works.

  *  There has to be a route between remote_router and remote_workstation
 for the VNC session to succeed. This doesn't work.

The error No route to host is often triggered when the source has a
route to the target but the target is not responding to the arp request.

I initially suggested that there is a routing issue between remote_router
and remote_workstation, and this was further evidenced by you not being
able to ping remote_workstation from remote_router. You've then
explained that the network topology is flat and that the remote_router
and remote_workstation are on the same subnet.

I can only suggest at this stage that you go back and re-check the IP
address assigned to the non-working remote_workstation.

Thanks again Chris. If I understand your model correctly, the 
remote_router is the ssh server and not the actual router that merely 
forwards port 22 to the ssh server. To put some numbers to the issue, as 
Joseph Loo requested:

homepc is
workpc (my laptop) is unknown - I'd have to revisit the office which not 
a short trip. It would be in the 192.168.1.x range.

remote_router is
remote_workstation is

The office router  ( confirms the assignments (I connect to 
another remote workstation then log into the office router) as did 
opening a command prompt and running ipconfig on the remote_workstation 
the last time I was there.

I set up Windows 7 on 6 of the remote workstations and am not aware of 
doing anything differently on the non-accessible one.

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syslog filter

2012-07-10 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
there is a very specific daemon log which is generating every minute
and i want this log not written in syslog message however the daemon
itself not providing the facility to stop it. so is there any thing
that i could configure debian not to accept this particular log.

here is the log detail.

uID 1619
DateToday 18:30:50
Messagetype Syslog
Syslogtag   pvemirror[7044]:
Message cluster syncronization finished (0.47 seconds (files 0.00,
config 0.16))


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Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Gary Dale

On 10/07/12 08:03 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

This is a very basic question but confusing me for very long. so i
need your help.

why people do compiling. i have heard many time that people are
compiling kernel on debian.
what is the reason for this? i am using debian for almost 1.5 year and
have been using it on different platform in CLI mode. but no need of
compiling in this time window.

secondly i have read  that people are compiling Squid SAMBA and all
the other packages but why. i am using KVM, squid samba etc  for
almost more then 1 year and all the servers are providing me what ever
i asled all the services are very comprehensive and could be fit in
any environment then why compiling?

There is little need to compile code. In fact, doing so will probably 
have a negative impact on your system's stability, especially if you use 
other than the official sources.

People who prepare the individual packages or distributions are usually 
the only ones who need to compile code. However, some brave/foolhardy 
souls must have the latest code from the developer's source and compile 
their own. This is invariably a bad idea.

When you leave the safety of your distribution's code repositories, you 
become responsible for managing the various inter-dependencies between 
programs and libraries. This is not a trivial task.

If you need later code than is available from the official repositories, 
look for backports or, in the case of Debian, move to testing. In the 
testing repositories you get up to date code that is somewhat stable for 
non-critical work.

Compiling from the official sources is a slightly different issue. For 
example, some people will compile a custom kernel from the official 
sources to do one of several things:

- create a kernel that doesn't need an initramfs - everything is built in
- create a smaller kernel that contains only the options they need - 
rendering it non-portable

- creating a kernel with non-standard options for a particular situation.

Other code may need similar tweaking. I once compiled a CUPS driver for 
a printer to include a bug fix I needed that hadn't made it into SID yet.

However, these situations are rare. For the vast majority of people, 
compiling is something you shouldn't worry about. The package 
maintainers do a great job of getting everything to work together 
properly. Don't undermine their work.

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Re: Installing a new HDD and mounting others

2012-07-10 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 19:47:31 +0200, Mark Panen wrote:

 I have followed this except to replace ext3 with ext4:
 I installed a new HDD and installed Squeeze on it.
 When i open My Computer in Gnome i can see and mount the other two
 But i cannot get the /etc/fstab entry right, on boot i get fsck errors
 on the other two HDD's.

Fsck? Are you sure? :-? 

Those errors can be important, can you post them?

 Mount them with:
 mount -t ext4 /dev/hdc1 /new-disk as an example works once the system is
 but the /etc/fstab example does not when i reboot.
 Is it perhaps that i have the boot flag entry on the other two HDD's?

Unless you are using an old kernel (lenny or ealier releases) I would 
mount the partitions by their uuid (or id/label/path), avoid using the 
old naming system (/dev/sda1...) to ensure you are calling the right 
device and using uuid will be the best option for this. 

You can get the partitions uuid by:

ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid/

Then adjust the /etc/fstab entry accordingly and verify the mount point 
is already set.



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Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 6:55 PM, Gary Dale wrote:
 On 10/07/12 08:03 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 This is a very basic question but confusing me for very long. so i
 need your help.

 why people do compiling. i have heard many time that people are
 compiling kernel on debian.
 what is the reason for this? i am using debian for almost 1.5 year and
 have been using it on different platform in CLI mode. but no need of
 compiling in this time window.

 secondly i have read  that people are compiling Squid SAMBA and all
 the other packages but why. i am using KVM, squid samba etc  for
 almost more then 1 year and all the servers are providing me what ever
 i asled all the services are very comprehensive and could be fit in
 any environment then why compiling?


 There is little need to compile code. In fact, doing so will probably have a
 negative impact on your system's stability, especially if you use other than
 the official sources.

 People who prepare the individual packages or distributions are usually the
 only ones who need to compile code. However, some brave/foolhardy souls must
 have the latest code from the developer's source and compile their own. This
 is invariably a bad idea.

 When you leave the safety of your distribution's code repositories, you
 become responsible for managing the various inter-dependencies between
 programs and libraries. This is not a trivial task.

 If you need later code than is available from the official repositories,
 look for backports or, in the case of Debian, move to testing. In the
 testing repositories you get up to date code that is somewhat stable for
 non-critical work.

 Compiling from the official sources is a slightly different issue. For
 example, some people will compile a custom kernel from the official sources
 to do one of several things:
 - create a kernel that doesn't need an initramfs - everything is built in
 - create a smaller kernel that contains only the options they need -
 rendering it non-portable
 - creating a kernel with non-standard options for a particular situation.

 Other code may need similar tweaking. I once compiled a CUPS driver for a
 printer to include a bug fix I needed that hadn't made it into SID yet.

 However, these situations are rare. For the vast majority of people,
 compiling is something you shouldn't worry about. The package maintainers do
 a great job of getting everything to work together properly. Don't undermine
 their work.

noway i am undermining their work but i have heard that people do
compile kernels  and some time hardware vendors suggest users to
compile their drivers from source though i couldn't get the idea of
what they are discussing.

so after reading your detailed answer things are crystal clear. i
applicate the effort and i thank you for help.

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[OT] Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:03:12 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 This is a very basic question but confusing me for very long. so i need
 your help.
 why people do compiling. 

For many reasons but mainly because there are no binaries available for 
your system and you have to get the sources and build a package.

 i have heard many time that people are compiling kernel on debian.

That's a good example.

 what is the reason for this? i am using debian for almost 1.5 year and
 have been using it on different platform in CLI mode. but no need of
 compiling in this time window.

I don't like compiling so much within my main systems, it requires many 
libraries and packages to be installed in the system and I prefer to keep 
packaging at the bare minimum... so then, why I compile a kernel? Mainly 
for debugging purposes. 

For instance, I have many problems with my wireless card that uses 
several kernel modules (brcmsmac, cordic, crdca, brcmutils, mac80211...) 
and I need to try either a) patches that solve my reconnect problems or 
b) updated versions of these modules, thus I need compiling a new kernel.

People also compile kernels because that's the only way to get the latest 
upstream kernel and latest kernels usually provide support for new 
devices or have nice functionalities not present in older reelases.

 secondly i have read  that people are compiling Squid SAMBA and all the
 other packages but why. i am using KVM, squid samba etc  for almost more
 then 1 year and all the servers are providing me what ever i asled all
 the services are very comprehensive and could be fit in any environment
 then why compiling?

When all works fine there's usually no need to compile things.

People compile becasue they want to add a new feature not present in the 
current binary (for example, they want samba with a determined flag or 
parameter on/off), to solve a problem/bug or to apply a patch, etc...



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Re: [OT] Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 7:19 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:03:12 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 This is a very basic question but confusing me for very long. so i need
 your help.

 why people do compiling.

 For many reasons but mainly because there are no binaries available for
 your system and you have to get the sources and build a package.

 i have heard many time that people are compiling kernel on debian.

 That's a good example.

 what is the reason for this? i am using debian for almost 1.5 year and
 have been using it on different platform in CLI mode. but no need of
 compiling in this time window.

 I don't like compiling so much within my main systems, it requires many
 libraries and packages to be installed in the system and I prefer to keep
 packaging at the bare minimum... so then, why I compile a kernel? Mainly
 for debugging purposes.

 For instance, I have many problems with my wireless card that uses
 several kernel modules (brcmsmac, cordic, crdca, brcmutils, mac80211...)
 and I need to try either a) patches that solve my reconnect problems or
 b) updated versions of these modules, thus I need compiling a new kernel.

 People also compile kernels because that's the only way to get the latest
 upstream kernel and latest kernels usually provide support for new
 devices or have nice functionalities not present in older reelases.

 secondly i have read  that people are compiling Squid SAMBA and all the
 other packages but why. i am using KVM, squid samba etc  for almost more
 then 1 year and all the servers are providing me what ever i asled all
 the services are very comprehensive and could be fit in any environment
 then why compiling?

 When all works fine there's usually no need to compile things.

 People compile becasue they want to add a new feature not present in the
 current binary (for example, they want samba with a determined flag or
 parameter on/off), to solve a problem/bug or to apply a patch, etc...

Thanks very informative :)



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Re: syslog filter

2012-07-10 Thread Michael Biebl
On 10.07.2012 16:24, Michael Biebl wrote:

 With rsyslog you have powerful filtering capabilities and you can
 basically match on any part of the syslog message and drop it with the
 ~ operator. → Available
Properties lists the properties you can match against.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: syslog filter

2012-07-10 Thread Michael Biebl
On 10.07.2012 15:37, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 there is a very specific daemon log which is generating every minute
 and i want this log not written in syslog message however the daemon
 itself not providing the facility to stop it. so is there any thing
 that i could configure debian not to accept this particular log.
 here is the log detail.
 uID   1619
 Date  Today 18:30:50
 Host  panda
 Messagetype   Syslog
 Facility  DAEMON
 Severity  INFO
 Syslogtag pvemirror[7044]:
 Checksum  0
 Message   cluster syncronization finished (0.47 seconds (files 0.00,
 config 0.16))

Depends on the syslog daemon you are using.
With rsyslog you have powerful filtering capabilities and you can
basically match on any part of the syslog message and drop it with the
~ operator.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Squeeze, MySQL and hosts.allow and hosts.deny ignored

2012-07-10 Thread Zdenek Herman

I tried from same and from another host too (with -h parameters)
In log I don't see any in log about connecting.
Is the tcp wrapper check first and than check by mysql grants or reverse?

# mysql -h localhost -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 288
Server version: 5.1.63-0+squeeze1 (Debian)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input 


and in hosts.deny is ALL:ALL

Zdenek Herman

Dne 10.7.2012 06:46, Kushal Kumaran napsal(a):

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 11:41 PM, Zdenek Herman wrote:

My hosts.deny
# /etc/hosts.deny: list of hosts that are _not_ allowed to access the
#  See the manual pages hosts_access(5) and
# Example:ALL:, .some.domain
# ALL EXCEPT in.fingerd:, .other.domain
# If you're going to protect the portmapper use the name portmap for the
# daemon name. Remember that you can only use the keyword ALL and IP
# addresses (NOT host or domain names) for the portmapper, as well as for
# rpc.mountd (the NFS mount daemon). See portmap(8) and rpc.mountd(8)
# for further information.
# The PARANOID wildcard matches any host whose name does not match its
# address.
# You may wish to enable this to ensure any programs that don't
# validate looked up hostnames still leave understandable logs. In past
# versions of Debian this has been the default.
ALL: ALL : spawn ( echo $(date '+%%d.%%m.%%y %%T') access DENIED from %u@%h
[%a]  /var/log/tcp_wrapper/%d.log ) 

My hosts.allow
# /etc/hosts.allow: list of hosts that are allowed to access the system.
#   See the manual pages hosts_access(5) and
# Example:ALL: LOCAL @some_netgroup
# If you're going to protect the portmapper use the name portmap for the
# daemon name. Remember that you can only use the keyword ALL and IP
# addresses (NOT host or domain names) for the portmapper, as well as for
# rpc.mountd (the NFS mount daemon). See portmap(8) and rpc.mountd(8)
# for further information.
sshd: \
 : spawn ( echo $(date '+%%d.%%m.%%y %%T') access ALLOWED from %u@%h [%a]

/var/log/tcp_wrapper/%d.log ) 

I tested with mysqld: ALL in hosts.deny too.

What was the mysql client command line which failed?  If running on
the same host as the server, the mysql client will use the unix-domain
socket in /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock for connecting to the server.
To force it to use an AF_INET socket, pass -h to the mysql
client (-h localhost is not sufficient).

I just tested this on my debian squeeze mysql setup.  With -h and mysqld: ALL in hosts.deny, connections are rejected.
If you do not want to use mysql access control, you should disable the
socket in the mysql server config, if that's possible.

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Re: NetXtreme BCM5722 strangeness on Proliant ML115

2012-07-10 Thread Berni Elbourn

On 09/07/12 17:44, Camaleón wrote:

On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 17:31:46 +0100, Berni Elbourn wrote:

On 09/07/12 15:14, Camaleón wrote:


Despite the small number of dropped packages (26) the total ammount of
received packages is also very low (15.1 MiB), there shouldn't be a
single drop.

Is dmesg | grep -i eth0 showing any anomaly?

I'll give the code from the broadcom website a wiz...just for the record
here is the status after a few hours of use:

# sudo ifconfig eth0
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:21:5a:d3:d0:0c
inet addr:  Bcast:
Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::221:5aff:fed3:d00c/64
RX packets:14050436 errors:0 dropped:26 overruns:0 frame:2 TX
packets:3730779 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:20348704555 (18.9 GiB)  TX bytes:614582976 (586.1
MiB) Interrupt:19

That's more reasonable as there are no additional dropped packages but
traffic has increased a lot.

# dmesg | grep eth0
[1.191804] e100 :02:04.0: eth0: addr 0xfafff000, irq 18, MAC addr 
[6.508590] udev[474]: renamed network interface eth1 to eth1-eth0
[6.532526] udev[470]: renamed network interface eth0 to eth1
[6.584538] udev[474]: renamed network interface eth1-eth0 to eth0
[   11.677058] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[   14.772314] tg3 :11:00.0: eth0: Link is up at 1000 Mbps, full duplex
[   14.772319] tg3 :11:00.0: eth0: Flow control is on for TX and on for RX
[   14.772698] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready
[   25.520006] eth0: no IPv6 routers present

Beyond the swaping dance (eth1 → eth0) the rest looks normal.

I would keep monitoring the interface and the number of dropped packages
for a while, but regardless the backported kernel is working fine, I'd
open a bug report so kernel developers review this.


Here we go...

Confidence is what you have before you understand a problem - Woody Allen

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Re: Squeeze, MySQL and hosts.allow and hosts.deny ignored

2012-07-10 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 20:11:10 +0200, Zdenek Herman wrote:

(please, reply at the bottom)

 Dne 9.7.2012 16:52, Camaleón napsal(a):
 On Sun, 08 Jul 2012 22:26:11 +0200, Zdenek Herman wrote:


 When I set hosts.deny ALL: ALL and hosts.allow is empty. I can allow
 connect to MySQL from anywhere - settings in hosts.allow and
 hosts.deny are ignored.

 I wonder if you aren't just missing the daemon to filter (mysqld) :-?

 cat /etc/hosts.deny

 My hosts.deny


 ALL: ALL : spawn ( echo $(date '+%%d.%%m.%%y %%T') access DENIED from %u@%h 
 [%a]  /var/log/tcp_wrapper/%d.log ) 


 My hosts.allow


 sshd: \
  : spawn ( echo $(date '+%%d.%%m.%%y %%T') access ALLOWED from %u@%h [%a] 
  /var/log/tcp_wrapper/%d.log ) 

And you said this was working for the sshd service, right?

 I tested with mysqld: ALL in hosts.deny too.

Well, that should prevent connections coming from the same host (localhost)
unless you explicitely allow it from the hosts.allow, that has preference.

I don't know why does not work for you. Take a look into this article that
shows a few samples for using mysql with tcp wrappers:

And also read the manual (man hosts_options), maybe we are omitting 
something obvious...



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Re: Squeeze, MySQL and hosts.allow and hosts.deny ignored

2012-07-10 Thread Zdenek Herman
On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 20:11:10 +0200, Zdenek Herman wrote: (please, reply 
at the bottom)

Dne 9.7.2012 16:52, Camaleón napsal(a):

On Sun, 08 Jul 2012 22:26:11 +0200, Zdenek Herman wrote:


When I set hosts.deny ALL: ALL and hosts.allow is empty. I can allow
connect to MySQL from anywhere - settings in hosts.allow and
hosts.deny are ignored.


I wonder if you aren't just missing the daemon to filter (mysqld) :-?

cat /etc/hosts.deny

My hosts.deny


ALL: ALL : spawn ( echo $(date '+%%d.%%m.%%y %%T') access DENIED from %u@%h [%a]  
/var/log/tcp_wrapper/%d.log ) 


My hosts.allow


sshd: \
  : spawn ( echo $(date '+%%d.%%m.%%y %%T') access ALLOWED from %u@%h [%a]  
/var/log/tcp_wrapper/%d.log ) 

And you said this was working for the sshd service, right?

I tested with mysqld: ALL in hosts.deny too.

Well, that should prevent connections coming from the same host (localhost)
unless you explicitely allow it from the hosts.allow, that has preference.

I don't know why does not work for you. Take a look into this article that
shows a few samples for using mysql with tcp wrappers:

And also read the manual (man hosts_options), maybe we are omitting
something obvious...


I found part of problem. If I use localhost can connect, if 
all is ok.
If I connect from remote first is checked client in mysql grant and 
after in tcp wrappers.
Conslusion for me is that mysql doesn't support tcp wrappers correctly 
(first check by wrapper then authentization by service).

root@mon:~# mysql -h localhost -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 699
Server version: 5.1.63-0+squeeze1 (Debian)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input 

mysql quit
root@mon:~# mysql -h -p
Enter password:
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial 
communication packet', system error: 0


Thanks for help


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Re: Squeeze, MySQL and hosts.allow and hosts.deny ignored

2012-07-10 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 18:09:42 +0200, Zdenek Herman wrote:

 On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 20:11:10 +0200, Zdenek Herman wrote: (please, reply
 at the bottom)
 Dne 9.7.2012 16:52, Camaleón napsal(a):


 I don't know why does not work for you. Take a look into this article
 that shows a few samples for using mysql with tcp wrappers:

 And also read the manual (man hosts_options), maybe we are omitting
 something obvious...


 I found part of problem. If I use localhost can connect, if
 all is ok.
 If I connect from remote first is checked client in mysql grant and
 after in tcp wrappers.
 Conslusion for me is that mysql doesn't support tcp wrappers correctly
 (first check by wrapper then authentization by service).


 root@mon:~# mysql -h localhost -p


Ah, how curious... It seems to be documented here:

4.2.2. Connecting to the MySQL Server

(...) On Unix, MySQL programs treat the host name localhost specially, 
in a way that is likely different from what you expect compared to other 
network-based programs. For connections to localhost, MySQL programs 
attempt to connect to the local server by using a Unix socket file. This 
occurs even if a --port or -P option is given to specify a port number. 
To ensure that the client makes a TCP/IP connection to the local server, 
use --host or -h to specify a host name value of, or the IP 
address or name of the local server. You can also specify the connection 
protocol explicitly, even for localhost, by using the --protocol=TCP 
option. For example: 

shell mysql --host=
shell mysql --protocol=TCP




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Re: Squeeze, MySQL and hosts.allow and hosts.deny ignored

2012-07-10 Thread Dom

On 10/07/12 17:29, Camaleón wrote:

On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 18:09:42 +0200, Zdenek Herman wrote:

On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 20:11:10 +0200, Zdenek Herman wrote: (please, reply
at the bottom)

Dne 9.7.2012 16:52, Camaleón napsal(a):


I don't know why does not work for you. Take a look into this article
that shows a few samples for using mysql with tcp wrappers:

And also read the manual (man hosts_options), maybe we are omitting
something obvious...


I found part of problem. If I use localhost can connect, if
all is ok.
If I connect from remote first is checked client in mysql grant and
after in tcp wrappers.
Conslusion for me is that mysql doesn't support tcp wrappers correctly
(first check by wrapper then authentization by service).


root@mon:~# mysql -h localhost -p


Ah, how curious... It seems to be documented here:

4.2.2. Connecting to the MySQL Server

(...) On Unix, MySQL programs treat the host name localhost specially,
in a way that is likely different from what you expect compared to other
network-based programs. For connections to localhost, MySQL programs
attempt to connect to the local server by using a Unix socket file. This
occurs even if a --port or -P option is given to specify a port number.
To ensure that the client makes a TCP/IP connection to the local server,
use --host or -h to specify a host name value of, or the IP
address or name of the local server. You can also specify the connection
protocol explicitly, even for localhost, by using the --protocol=TCP
option. For example:

shell  mysql --host=
shell  mysql --protocol=TCP


Camaleón is correct.

When you are logged into mysql, you can enter the status command and 
it will show how you are connected.

Connect via -h localhost:

mysql status;
mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.24, for debian-linux-gnu (i686) using 
readline 6.2

Connection: Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket:/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

Connect via -h

mysql status;
mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.24, for debian-linux-gnu (i686) using 
readline 6.2

Connection: via TCP/IP
TCP port:   3306

Hope that clears it up a bit.

It might be possible to disable the socket connection in the MySQL 
config, but I haven't looked into that.


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Re: Squeeze, MySQL and hosts.allow and hosts.deny ignored

2012-07-10 Thread Zdenek Herman

On 10/07/12 17:29, Camaleón wrote:

On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 18:09:42 +0200, Zdenek Herman wrote:

On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 20:11:10 +0200, Zdenek Herman wrote: (please, reply
at the bottom)

Dne 9.7.2012 16:52, Camaleón napsal(a):


I don't know why does not work for you. Take a look into this article
that shows a few samples for using mysql with tcp wrappers:

And also read the manual (man hosts_options), maybe we are omitting
something obvious...


I found part of problem. If I use localhost can connect, if
all is ok.
If I connect from remote first is checked client in mysql grant and
after in tcp wrappers.
Conslusion for me is that mysql doesn't support tcp wrappers correctly
(first check by wrapper then authentization by service).


root@mon:~# mysql -h localhost -p


Ah, how curious... It seems to be documented here:

4.2.2. Connecting to the MySQL Server

(...) On Unix, MySQL programs treat the host name localhost specially,
in a way that is likely different from what you expect compared to other
network-based programs. For connections to localhost, MySQL programs
attempt to connect to the local server by using a Unix socket file. This
occurs even if a --port or -P option is given to specify a port number.
To ensure that the client makes a TCP/IP connection to the local server,
use --host or -h to specify a host name value of, or the IP
address or name of the local server. You can also specify the connection
protocol explicitly, even for localhost, by using the --protocol=TCP
option. For example:

shell  mysql --host=
shell  mysql --protocol=TCP


Camaleón is correct.

When you are logged into mysql, you can enter the status command and 
it will show how you are connected.

Connect via -h localhost:

mysql status;
mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.24, for debian-linux-gnu (i686) using 
readline 6.2

Connection:Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket:/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

Connect via -h

mysql status;
mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.24, for debian-linux-gnu (i686) using 
readline 6.2

Connection: via TCP/IP
TCP port:3306

Hope that clears it up a bit.

It might be possible to disable the socket connection in the MySQL 
config, but I haven't looked into that.

Ok  - many thanks guys for reply
This explain first part of problem - my fault sorry.
I tried set in my hosts.allow
mysqld: \
: spawn ( echo $(date '+%%d.%%m.%%y %%T') access ALLOWED from %u@%h 
[%a]  /var/log/tcp_wrapper/%d.log ) 
This allow connect from localhost - its ok. But why when connect from 
remote machine or nothing in log ?

With sshd work same command great.

Thanks Zdenek

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Re: VNC not connecting over SSH tunnel

2012-07-10 Thread Chris Davies
Gary Dale wrote:
 Thanks again Chris. If I understand your model correctly, the 
 remote_router is the ssh server and not the actual router that merely 
 forwards port 22 to the ssh server.

Yes. It's only now clear to me that the router isn't the ssh server. But
for the purposes of the description consider remote_router to be your
internal ssh server.

 remote_router is
 remote_workstation is

 The office router  ( confirms the assignments (I connect to 
 another remote workstation then log into the office router) as did 
 opening a command prompt and running ipconfig on the remote_workstation 
 the last time I was there.

In that case I'm out of ideas without running something like wireshark
on your ssh server to try and see what's going across the wire. Sorry.


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Re: problem with 2 monitors and full screen games in wine

2012-07-10 Thread Roman V.Leon.

On 28.06.2012 21:47, Markus wrote:

Am 25.06.2012 00:28, schrieb Markus:


i am running Wheezy with 2 monitors connected to a Nvidia Geforce
Twin-View is configured via nvidia-settings. And i am quit happy with
that setup.
But...If i run a game within wine in full screen the right monitor turns
off and the game
is displayed full screen on my left monitor. That's what i far
everything works
as expected.

But after closing the game the right monitor turns on again and all
program windows (iceweasel, pidgin...), previously placed on that
monitor have been
pushed on the left monitor. That is, it seems as if twin-view is being
turned off and
on during starting and exiting a full screen game with wine.

My xorg.conf has the following meta-modes set:

Section Device
Identifier 9800GTX
Driver nvidia
VendorName NVIDIA Corporation
BusID PCI:2:0:0
Option TwinView
Option MetaModes 1280x1024,1280x1024; 1280x1024; 1024x768,1024x768;
1024x768; 800x600,800x600; 800x600; 640x480,640x480; 640x480
Option TwinViewOrientation RightOf
Option SecondMonitorHorizSync UseEdidFreqs
Option SecondMonitorVertRefresh UseEdidFreqs

And last i want to point out that i didn't experience the former
described problem with native
linux games like Xonotic.

So I hope you guys have some ideas or hints on what is going on there
and what I can do to get rid of that little annoying issue.

Thanks a lot

Nobody an idea that could help me?

Hello Markus,
i have two screens and at the beginning i was trying to use native amd 
control center dual head setup(i have an ATI card), and there were some 
problems which are similar to yours. But after i read an article about 
xrandr util, i switched to it, because it's easy to setup and not so 
buggy as fglrx. You can try to play with xrandr also, but do  not forget 
to save your pretty xorg file.

Roman V.Leon.

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Re: help with xserver-xorg-video-ast

2012-07-10 Thread Shane Johnson
That was my plan but I can't find where the autoconf file is trying to
locate the macros at?  I located /usr/share/aclocal/xorg-macros.m4 but I
can't find where the link is supposed to be.  Any ideas?


On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 1:37 AM, Keith McKenzie wrote:

 On 9 July 2012 23:24, Shane Johnson wrote:

 hello everyone,
 I am hoping someone can help me.  I am running Wheezy and got a driver
 from Aspeed for their on-board video driver.  Loaded it and it worked until
 I installed xen-qemu-dm-4.0 and now when I try to re-install is says
 glibc-2.13 is required when 2.14 is installed.  I contacted Aspeeds tech
 support and they suggested I compile from source.  I got the source package
 and run autoconf and get a error that xorg-macros needs to be installed.  I
 located it in xutils-dev and installed that package but it is still giving
 me a error about xorg-macros.  I have run autoconf -v to try and find out
 if it is expecting the libraries somewhere and I just need to link to them
 but it doesn't give me any idea on where.
 Question 1 - is there a easier way to do this?
 Question 2 - anyone have any idea on what I need to do to compile this

 Re Question 1 - in the past I have used a soft link in such situations;
 may work for you.

 Sent from FOSS (Free Open Source Software)
 Debian GNU/Linux

Shane D. Johnson
IT Administrator
Rasmussen Equipment

Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Celejar
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 09:55:23 -0400
Gary Dale wrote:

 On 10/07/12 08:03 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
  This is a very basic question but confusing me for very long. so i
  need your help.
  why people do compiling. i have heard many time that people are
  compiling kernel on debian.
  what is the reason for this? i am using debian for almost 1.5 year and
  have been using it on different platform in CLI mode. but no need of
  compiling in this time window.
  secondly i have read  that people are compiling Squid SAMBA and all
  the other packages but why. i am using KVM, squid samba etc  for
  almost more then 1 year and all the servers are providing me what ever
  i asled all the services are very comprehensive and could be fit in
  any environment then why compiling?
 There is little need to compile code. In fact, doing so will probably 
 have a negative impact on your system's stability, especially if you use 
 other than the official sources.

Here's my case: I run Stable + Backports, and I want aircrack. It isn't
in Stable, and trying to install it from Sid will force me to upgrade
all kinds of core libraries. [I haven't actually tried compiling it
yet, and for all I know, it may have real dependencies on the later

 People who prepare the individual packages or distributions are usually 
 the only ones who need to compile code. However, some brave/foolhardy 
 souls must have the latest code from the developer's source and compile 
 their own. This is invariably a bad idea.
 When you leave the safety of your distribution's code repositories, you 
 become responsible for managing the various inter-dependencies between 
 programs and libraries. This is not a trivial task.
 If you need later code than is available from the official repositories, 
 look for backports or, in the case of Debian, move to testing. In the 
 testing repositories you get up to date code that is somewhat stable for 
 non-critical work.

aircrack isn't in testing.

 Compiling from the official sources is a slightly different issue. For 
 example, some people will compile a custom kernel from the official 
 sources to do one of several things:
 - create a kernel that doesn't need an initramfs - everything is built in
 - create a smaller kernel that contains only the options they need - 
 rendering it non-portable

And to get rid of all sorts of code that is irrelevant to my machine,
which doesn't even have the hardware for most of it. There are surely
also security benefits from not having all kinds of superfluous kernel
mode code hanging around.

And why do I care whether the kernel I compile locally for a
specific machine is portable?


 However, these situations are rare. For the vast majority of
 compiling is something you shouldn't worry about. The package 
 maintainers do a great job of getting everything to work together 
 properly. Don't undermine their work.

I certainly agree that compiling is rarely necessary, and ofter /
usually a bad idea.


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Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2012-07-10 at 17:03 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 [snip] i have heard many time that people are compiling kernel on debian.

Some kernels with special patches are not always available for Debian.
Sometimes e.g. a kernel-rt is available, but sometimes it isn't. If e.g.
a kernel-rt should be available by a repository, I still might optimize
to e.g. the CPU I'm using.

 secondly i have read  that people are compiling Squid SAMBA and all
 the other packages but why. i am using KVM, squid samba etc  for
 almost more then 1 year and all the servers are providing me what ever
 i asled all the services are very comprehensive and could be fit in
 any environment then why compiling?

I compile software myself for at least three reasons.
1. In the past I often was a tester for e.g. Qtractor and I plan to do
it in the future again. It also is needed, if you wish to do
translations. Until now I never finished a translation.
2. Some software is missing functionality that works good enough for my
needs and sometimes software from git does provide the quality I need.
3. No distro can fit to everybody needs, you might need to get rid of
dependencies that make Linux unable to be used with e.g. professional
audio software.

Some people perhaps wish to learn/play. Since self-responsibility is
wanted, this could be a good way to learn more about Linux, it also
could break an install, but even this could help to learn more about
Others maybe are hunting for latest versions only, this IMO is idiotic.
Sometimes I would be able to compile very old versions, because I prefer
those versions, this unfortunately isn't that easy to do.
I'm not programming for Linux. I did program older computers, however,
many people help programming, other people take care that FLOSS isn't
malicious, they might need to compile with special flags set, dunno, but
there are tons of reasons to compile FLOSS software ourself.

- Ralf

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Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2012-07-10 at 21:33 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Tue, 2012-07-10 at 17:03 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
  [snip] i have heard many time that people are compiling kernel on debian.
 Some kernels with special patches are not always available for Debian.
 Sometimes e.g. a kernel-rt is available, but sometimes it isn't. If e.g.
 a kernel-rt should be available by a repository, I still might optimize
 to e.g. the CPU I'm using.
  secondly i have read  that people are compiling Squid SAMBA and all
  the other packages but why. i am using KVM, squid samba etc  for
  almost more then 1 year and all the servers are providing me what ever
  i asled all the services are very comprehensive and could be fit in
  any environment then why compiling?
 I compile software myself for at least three reasons.
 1. In the past I often was a tester for e.g. Qtractor and I plan to do
 it in the future again. It also is needed, if you wish to do
 translations. Until now I never finished a translation.
 2. Some software is missing functionality that works good enough for my
 needs and sometimes software from git does provide the quality I need.
 3. No distro can fit to everybody needs, you might need to get rid of
 dependencies that make Linux unable to be used with e.g. professional
 audio software.
   ^ hardware ;)
 Some people perhaps wish to learn/play. Since self-responsibility is
 wanted, this could be a good way to learn more about Linux, it also
 could break an install, but even this could help to learn more about
 Others maybe are hunting for latest versions only, this IMO is idiotic.
 Sometimes I would be able to compile very old versions, because I prefer
 those versions, this unfortunately isn't that easy to do.
 I'm not programming for Linux. I did program older computers, however,
 many people help programming, other people take care that FLOSS isn't
 malicious, they might need to compile with special flags set, dunno, but
 there are tons of reasons to compile FLOSS software ourself.
 - Ralf

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Re: [OT] Long threads, Was: Re: Filezilla a security risk

2012-07-10 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 08 iul 12, 19:31:48, rjc wrote:
 I had been on this list [0] on and off for quite a while now and have
 noticed that certain individuals find it hard to simply be wrong [1]
 and will argue their case just to have the final word.
 [0] in a minute I will be corrected that it is a Usenet news group ;^)

Nope, it really is a mailing list that can be read via mail-to-news 
gateways (like gmane).

You didn't expect that, did you? :p

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: No Sound Card found on Testing Install

2012-07-10 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 08 iul 12, 12:42:11, ss11223 wrote:

 Not sure what this is supposed to do. amixer gives:
 ajms@escort:~$ amixer
 Simple mixer control 'Master',0
   Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined penum
   Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
   Limits: Playback 0 - 65536
   Front Left: Playback 65536 [100%] [on]
   Front Right: Playback 65536 [100%] [on]
 Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
   Capabilities: cvolume cswitch cswitch-joined penum
   Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
   Limits: Capture 0 - 65536
   Front Left: Capture 29274 [45%] [off]
   Front Right: Capture 29274 [45%] [off]

Looks good.

 speaker-test -c2 only hisses for the left speaker.

Only left, are you sure? It should alternate between left and right, so 
you might want to check your cables and speakers (and any volume/balance 
settings they might have).

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Current SSD setup recommendations for laptop with Debian

2012-07-10 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 09 iul 12, 22:30:03, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 Well, ext3 is already entering the bitrot phase of the bathtub curve.
 OTOH, since it doesn't do delayed allocations like xfs and ext4, it is
 supposed to be safer against sudden power loss.

Which is quite unlikely on a laptop ;)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Alternative(s) to VirtualBox

2012-07-10 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 09 iul 12, 11:22:50, Arun Khan wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 5:48 AM, Carl Fink wrote:
  By the way, it is not necessary to copy me on responses. I read the mailing
  list and have for (argh!) two decades.
 I am guessing this is default setting in this mailing list.
 The original sender is auto filled when I click on the Reply link.
  Whereas in Reply-All the To field is the original sender and the Cc
 field is this mailing list.  I am using chrome web browser to read

You probably mean the list doesn't do reply-to-munging[1].


In case it crossed your mind to question this, please, please do read 
all the many threads in the archive before that.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Installing a new HDD and mounting others

2012-07-10 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 09 iul 12, 23:12:03, Mark Panen wrote:
 On 09/07/2012 20:02, Gary Dale wrote:
 Can you post the lines from your /etc/fstab referring to the two disks?
 #/dev/sda   /mnt/store9ext4
 defaults,errors=remount-ro0   0
 #/dev/sdb   /mnt/store3ext4noatime,defaults0   0

Your entries refer to drives, not partitions (unless you really formated 
the entire drive, without partitioning). I'll subscribe to Camaleón's 
suggestion to use UUIDs or LABELs instead.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: No Sound Card found on Testing Install

2012-07-10 Thread ss11223

 gt; speaker-test -c2 only hisses for the left speaker.
 Only left, are you sure? It should alternate between left and right, so 
 you might want to check your cables and speakers (and any volume/balance 
 settings they might have).
 Kind regards,

Remember, it is playing out of the chassis (motherboard) speaker, not the
audio connectors!


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Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 10 iul 12, 15:08:52, Celejar wrote:
 And why do I care whether the kernel I compile locally for a
 specific machine is portable?

Imagine a situation where due to whatever reason the kernel image of 
your router machine gets corrupted, then you can just copy the file from 
another machine ;)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 10 iul 12, 21:33:51, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I compile software myself for at least three reasons.
 1. In the past I often was a tester for e.g. Qtractor and I plan to do
 it in the future again. It also is needed, if you wish to do
 translations. Until now I never finished a translation.

Do you mean for Qtractor or in general? As far as I know you don't need 
to compile the software if it uses gettext, you just copy the .mo files 
where needed.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: No Sound Card found on Testing Install

2012-07-10 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 10 iul 12, 13:09:19, ss11223 wrote:
  gt; speaker-test -c2 only hisses for the left speaker.
  Only left, are you sure? It should alternate between left and right, so 
  you might want to check your cables and speakers (and any volume/balance 
  settings they might have).
  Kind regards,
 Remember, it is playing out of the chassis (motherboard) speaker, not the
 audio connectors!

My bad, I read from instead of for in your previous message. 
Anything interesting in your BIOS settings?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2012-07-10 at 23:28 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Ma, 10 iul 12, 21:33:51, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  I compile software myself for at least three reasons.
  1. In the past I often was a tester for e.g. Qtractor and I plan to do
  it in the future again. It also is needed, if you wish to do
  translations. Until now I never finished a translation.
 Do you mean for Qtractor or in general? As far as I know you don't need 
 to compile the software if it uses gettext, you just copy the .mo files 
 where needed.

Qt Linguist can't show text for code that isn't already programmed. So
when doing a translation you need to compile, each time new text was
added by the coder. IIRC for Qt Linguist we need to generate some
file(s) during compiling, I guess it's not possible to get the file(s)
without compiling.
I suspect compiling is needed for Qt based software.

- Ralf

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Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2012-07-10 at 22:43 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Tue, 2012-07-10 at 23:28 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  On Ma, 10 iul 12, 21:33:51, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
   I compile software myself for at least three reasons.
   1. In the past I often was a tester for e.g. Qtractor and I plan to do
   it in the future again. It also is needed, if you wish to do
   translations. Until now I never finished a translation.
  Do you mean for Qtractor or in general? As far as I know you don't need 
  to compile the software if it uses gettext, you just copy the .mo files 
  where needed.
 Qt Linguist can't show text for code that isn't already programmed. So
 when doing a translation you need to compile, each time new text was
 added by the coder. IIRC for Qt Linguist we need to generate some
 file(s) during compiling, I guess it's not possible to get the file(s)
 without compiling.
 I suspect compiling is needed for Qt based software.

I never finished a translation, hopefully I'll finish a translation this
or next year :S.

You need to tell that there is a new translation:

cat /mnt/archlinux/usr/src/qtractor/qtractor-
--- (revision 3006)
+++ (working copy)
@@ -263,10 +263,12 @@
 translations_sources = \
-   src/translations/qtractor_cs.ts
+   src/translations/qtractor_cs.ts \
+   src/translations/qtractor_de.ts
 translations_targets = \
-   src/translations/qtractor_cs.qm
+   src/translations/qtractor_cs.qm \
+   src/translations/qtractor_de.qm
 export datarootdir = @datarootdir@
Index: src/
--- src/ (revision 3006)
+++ src/ (working copy)
@@ -272,7 +272,8 @@
-   translations/qtractor_cs.ts
+   translations/qtractor_cs.ts \
+   translations/qtractor_de.ts
 unix {
--- TRANSLATORS (revision 3006)
+++ TRANSLATORS (working copy)
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
 Czech (cs)
Pavel Fric
+German (de)
+   Ralf Mardorf

The files are *.ts files

$ ls /mnt/archlinux/usr/src/qtractor_*

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Re: Unable to install or uninstall hptraidconf RAID command-line mgmt util for RocketRaid 622

2012-07-10 Thread Christopher Perry
I am trying to install the command-line RAID management utility 
available at HighPoint-Tech's website:

I know this is an old thread but I have been banging my head against the 
wall for the last half hour on this and thought I would share what I 
found.  The problem with Highpoint's scripts are that they edited them 
with a DOS editor, the extra linefeeds cause the shell to choke on the 
post/pre scripts.  Clearly, they never actually installed their own 
software from their packages.

-- Chris Perry

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Re: Installing a new HDD and mounting others

2012-07-10 Thread Gary Dale

On 09/07/12 05:12 PM, Mark Panen wrote:

On 09/07/2012 20:02, Gary Dale wrote:

On 09/07/12 01:47 PM, Mark Panen wrote:


I have followed this except to replace ext3 with ext4:

I installed a new HDD and installed Squeeze on it.

When i open My Computer in Gnome i can see and mount the other two

But i cannot get the /etc/fstab entry right, on boot i get fsck
errors on the other two HDD's.

Mount them with:

mount -t ext4 /dev/hdc1 /new-disk as an example works once the system
is up.

but the /etc/fstab example does not when i reboot.

Is it perhaps that i have the boot flag entry on the other two HDD's?

Can you post the lines from your /etc/fstab referring to the two disks?

#/dev/sda   /mnt/store9ext4   
defaults,errors=remount-ro0   0
#/dev/sdb   /mnt/store3ext4noatime,defaults
0   0

1) if these your lines, they are commented out so they will be ignored.
2) if the actual lines don't include the #, you need the partition 
number and not just the drive device (i.e. /dev/sda should probably be 
something like /dev/sda1)
3) the /dev/sda line includes errors=remount-ro, which tells the 
system to remount it read-only if errors are detected, but the last 0 
tells the system to not check the partition. The final 0 should be 2 
for any non-root partition (you want it checked after the / partition, 
otherwise it can't be mounted).

4) do the directories /mnt/store3 and /mnt/store9 exist?
5) are the device letters correct? In your original e-mail you referred 
to /dev/hdc1, not /dev/sda and /dev/sdb. The device designation doesn't 
change between the command line and /etc/fstab. They should be the same 
in both cases.

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Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Gary Dale

On 10/07/12 04:22 PM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Ma, 10 iul 12, 15:08:52, Celejar wrote:

And why do I care whether the kernel I compile locally for a
specific machine is portable?

Imagine a situation where due to whatever reason the kernel image of
your router machine gets corrupted, then you can just copy the file from
another machine ;)

Kind regards,
Or if you need to change your hardware. Or if you want to use your drive 
to boot another machine - such as for testing or demonstration purposes.

Having a portable kernel is a lot simpler than trying to rescue a 
non-bootable machine from a live CD.

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Re: firewall

2012-07-10 Thread Chris Bannister
On Wed, Jul 04, 2012 at 11:19:06AM +0800, lina wrote:
 I don't know which firewall ( I should 
 Thanks ahead for recommendation, and it will be very nice if you tell
 me why you recommend this one.

Have a read of:

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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full automated installation preseed without any network connection?

2012-07-10 Thread anotst01
Dear list,

can Debian be fully automated installed when there is no network
connection available?

Did you actually test it? If so, can share your preseed.cfg please?

-- - IMAP accessible web-mail

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Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Mike McClain

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 05:03:12PM +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 why people do compiling. i have heard many time that people are
 compiling kernel on debian.
 what is the reason for this? i am using debian for almost 1.5 year and
 have been using it on different platform in CLI mode. but no need of
 compiling in this time window.

The kernel provided when you install Linux, Debian included, has to work
on nearly every system out there so it includes drivers for nearly piece
of hardware that can be installed in a PC.

I always compile a kernel with only the hardware I have in my computer.
This gives me a smaller memory footprint and a smaller disk footprint.

It's all a matter of what you want.
Satisfied user of Linux since 1997.
O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

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Re: full automated installation preseed without any network connection?

2012-07-10 Thread Istimsak
Debian can be installed with internet access. Never configured automation. That 
is something to experiment with. wrote:

Dear list,

can Debian be fully automated installed when there is no network
connection available?

Did you actually test it? If so, can share your preseed.cfg please?

-- - IMAP accessible web-mail

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Re: Why compiling.

2012-07-10 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2012-07-10 at 08:54 -0700, Mike McClain wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 05:03:12PM +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
  why people do compiling. i have heard many time that people are
  compiling kernel on debian.
  what is the reason for this? i am using debian for almost 1.5 year and
  have been using it on different platform in CLI mode. but no need of
  compiling in this time window.
 The kernel provided when you install Linux, Debian included, has to work
 on nearly every system out there so it includes drivers for nearly piece
 of hardware that can be installed in a PC.
 I always compile a kernel with only the hardware I have in my computer.
 This gives me a smaller memory footprint and a smaller disk footprint.
 It's all a matter of what you want.

Those smaller footprints usually aren't needed for modern computers,
since we've usually got more than enough disc space and RAM. OTOH we
perhaps change some hardware from time to time and then we need
different modules. Perhaps a visitor has some hardware, that should work
on our computers. It's a dangerous balancing act. I wouldn't remove too

2 Cents,

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