Re: Pb de webcam [résolu]

2012-07-12 Thread Mourad Jaber

On 11/07/2012 07:34, Jean-Damien Durand wrote:

On 10/07/2012 09:11, Fabien R wrote:

On 08/07/2012 22:45, Mourad Jaber wrote:


J'ai une webcam Hercule HD Sunset de Guillemot

lsusb donne :
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 06f8:3017 Guillemot Corp.

Elle fonctionne avec l'outil de test de camera de KDE (systemsettings
-   multimedia -   phonon -   Enregistrement video), avec google talk,
l'outil de test de skype.
Cependant, avec gvcviewer, l'image freeze et en mode communication de
skype, j'obtiens un carré noir et mon correspondant n'a rien !

Ca ressemble à un pb de conf.
Quel est le device associé à la webcam ?
Tu peux essayer avec xawtv ?

Oui, ça marche super bien avec xawtv, mieux qu'avec mplayer !

le device est /dev/video0

Comment je peux modifier la conf et surtout identifié ce qui cloche ?



Possible que gcviewer n'aime pas v4l2? As-tu essayé avec:
LD_PRELOAD=`locate -e` gvcviewer

@+, JD.


Le pré-load ne fonctionne pas pour la bibliothèque
J'ai cependant résolu le pb avec l'aide de la ml Linux-uvc-devel et en supprimant tous les 
fichiers de configuration des logiciels utilisant la webcam...



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Re: [testing] problème de résolution

2012-07-12 Thread moi-meme
Le Tue, 10 Jul 2012 21:30:02 +0200, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :

 Paramètres système/Affichage ça veut dire que tu est sous KDE ?
 Non Gnome.

excuse encore du retard (panne ADSL ...)
détail :
quand je fais gnome-control-center :
moi j'ai matériel- écrans.
ça doit être l'interface GUI de xrandr identique à toi.

par contre ton 1902x1200 je sèche.

Je ne vois rien d'autre que chercher chez Gxxx : forum xrandr

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Erreur cp: opérande du fichier cible manquant dans script shell [debutant]

2012-07-12 Thread Hugues MORIN

Voila je fais mes premiers pas dans le script shell.
Pour m'entrainer j'ai fait un script qui est sense copier des fichiers vers
d'autres emplacements en leur gardant les memes proprietaires et droits,
ainsi que creer une copie de sauvegarde du fichier cible.

Si ce n'ai que pour moi c'est une nouvelle syntaxe, il n'y a pas de grande
Neanmoins, j'ai l'erreur suivante a chaque cp executes:

cp: opérande du fichier cible manquant apres
Pour en savoir davantage, faites:  cp --help .

J'ai biensur cherche dans le man et sur mon ami google, mais j'ai rien
trouve qui resolve mon probleme.
Si je passe le cp manuellement en ligne de commande, cela fonctionne O_o

Voici le script:

# Copy alpha version language file to beta and production
# only 1 argument: alpha version language file must be copy

echo Treatment...

DEV_VER=(alpha beta production)
LANGUE=(english espanol french italian)
SITE=(www www2)

while [ -d $BASE_FOLDER${DEV_VER[0]}/${SITE[i]} ]  [ $i -lt ${#SITE[*]} ]
#echo test 1 ok - $i - ${DEV_VER[0]}/${SITE[i]}
while [ -f $BASE_FOLDER${DEV_VER[0]}/${SITE[i]}$LANG_FOLDER${LANGUE[j]}/$1
]  [ $j -lt ${#LANGUE[*]} ]
#echo test 2 ok - $j -
while [ -d $BASE_FOLDER${DEV_VER[k]}/${SITE[i]}$LANG_FOLDER${LANGUE[j]} ]
 [ $k -lt ${#DEV_VER[*]} ]
#echo test 3 ok - $k - ${DEV_VER[k]}/${SITE[i]}$LANG_FOLDER${LANGUE[j]}
#echo $cpt - cp -b -p --suffix=.bak
echo copy from ${DEV_VER[0]}/${SITE[i]}...${LANGUE[j]}/$1 to
cp -b -p --suffix=.bak

exit 0


isc dhcpd ignore no free leases

2012-07-12 Thread prego jérémy


j'utilise dhcpd pour attribuer une adresse IP a un périphérique sur une 
partie de mon LAN mais je ne souhaite pas attribuer d'adresse ip a des 
périphériques non déclarrer.

mon problème est quand un périphérique inconnu demande un dhcp j'ai 
cette ligne qui ce répète dans les logs

Jul 12 23:28:32 routerLinux dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 74:2f:68xx:xx:xx 
via eth2: network no free leases

ya-t-il une option dans le dhcpd.conf a mettre pour ignorer les client 
inconnu ?  sinon il me reste le purge des log avec set mais je 
souhaitais me renseigner si il existait quelque chose de dison plus 
proppre sans rien changer a mes périphériques



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désinstaller debian

2012-07-12 Thread charles bo


J'ai un problème avec debian et iceweasel à chaque que je vais faire de la 
recherche sur internet on me demande
de restaurer ma pager ou de terminer ma session.Dès la restauration terminée je 
redémarre la recherche automatique
cela revient à ma page de démarrage lxde.
J'aimerai désinstaller iceweasel et debian 6 01. puis réinstaller.
Je suis un tout nouveau utilisateur de debian que j'apprécie mais je ne peux 
pas travailler.
Sous windows on peut désinstaller les navigateurs.
Pourriez-vous m'aider rapidement car je ne peux plus accéder à internet.
Merci d'avance


Re: désinstaller debian

2012-07-12 Thread Pascal Ognibene

On 13/07/2012 00:04, charles bo wrote:


J'ai un problème avec debian et iceweasel à chaque que je vais faire 
de la recherche sur internet on me demande
de restaurer ma pager ou de terminer ma session.Dès la restauration 
terminée je redémarre la recherche automatique

cela revient à ma page de démarrage lxde.
J'aimerai désinstaller iceweasel et debian 6 01. puis réinstaller.
Je suis un tout nouveau utilisateur de debian que j'apprécie mais je 
ne peux pas travailler.

Sous windows on peut désinstaller les navigateurs.
Pourriez-vous m'aider rapidement car je ne peux plus accéder à internet.
Merci d'avance



tout réinstaller est souvent la méthode employée sous Windows car quand 
ça marche, on ne sait pas pourquoi, et quand ça ne marche pas on ne sait 
pas non plus pourquoi...

Sous Linux, il y a le plus souvent une explication logique à un 
problème. En l'occurrence, réinstaller Debian ne réglerait probablement 
pas le votre. Il nous faut un peu plus de détails pour vous aider:

1) quand vous faites de la recherche sur internet, comment procédez-vous?
Vous allez sur Google, vous utilisez le champ de recherche en haut à 
droite de la fenêtre de Iceweasel?

2) à quoi ressemble le dialogue qui demande de 'restaurer la page ou la 
session'? Il existe bien un dialogue de ce genre dans Iceweasel, qui 
s'affiche lorsque le navigateur a été interrompu brutalement. Pour 
rappel, la seule manière valide de quitter une application graphique 
(quel que soit le système d'exploitation) est le menu 
fichier-quitter. Si vous fermez les fenêtres une à une avec l'icône 
croix, il y a de bonnes chances que vous en oubliez une. Ce qui peut 
arriver dans ce cas est d'éteindre l'ordinateur alors que Iceweasel est 
encore en train de fonctionner, ce qui oblige le système à l'arrêter 
brutalement. Quand vous relancez Iceweasel, vous vous retrouvez alors 
avec ce dialogue, car il essaie de restaurer les choses dans le dernier 
état connu.

3) comment éteignez vous votre ordinateur? Simplement en appuyant sur le 
bouton? Dans un environnement graphique la bonne manière de le faire 
est une option éteindre. Je ne sais pas comment se présente cette 
option dans lxde, mais elle doit exister. Autrement, si vous utilisez 
gdm comme gestionnaire de session, c'est gdm qui doit offrir une option 
pour éteindre le pc. (gdm est le programme qui vous demande votre login 
et votre mot de passe quand vous démarrez l'ordinateur).
Là encore, si vous éteignez brutalement l'ordinateur, le système va 
devoir arrêter de manière autoritaire les programmes qui tournent 
encore, et éventuellement Iceweasel.

Vérifiez tous ces points de 1) à 3) et donnez le résultat sur la liste. 
Si une fois passée cette checklist vous avez toujours le même 
problème, vous pouvez essayer d'effacer les fichiers liés à Iceweasel 
sur votre compte.

Cela revient à effacer/renommer le dossier /home/votre login/.mozilla
Attention, si vous effacez ce dossier vous perdrez toute votre 
historique, vos marque page, etc.

Si même ceci ne marche pas on vous expliquera comment désinstaller un 
programme :-) Désinstaller Debian tout entier ne servirait à rien.


Re: Optimizar Debian

2012-07-12 Thread fernando sainz
El día 12 de julio de 2012 01:54, Carlos Zuniga escribió:
 2012/7/11 Carlos Carcamo
 Saludos lista.

 Últimamente he notado que mi sistema se ha vuelto un tanto mas lento,
 inclusive se congela algunas veces, supongo que es por que tengo
 varios programas instalados o porque a lo mejor estoy corriendo varios
 programas a la vez..

 Usando el reproductor de vídeo VLC, Aptana y el chrome se pone un
 tanto lenta, mas aun cuando abro pestañas en el navegador, es obvio
 que se pondrá lenta yo lo se, ya que mi pc tampoco es una gran cosa es
 una minilaptop con 1GB de RAM y procesador Atom de 1.66GHz.

 Se que no debo de esperar que debían haga maravillas con tan pocos
 recursos pero he pensado que a lo mejor existe alguna forma de sacar
 el máximo estos recursos, quizá quitando algunos servicios o algo por
 el estilo...

 Que me recomiendan hacer?, espero de su ayuda.


 Qué entorno de escritorio utilizas? si estas en Gnome, lo más simple
 es cambiarse a uno más ligero como XFCE o LXDE.
 Sobre los servicios, hazlo, quita servicios que creas que no
 necesites. De todos modos es fácil reponerlos si algo deja de
 funcionar ;-)

 A menudo unas pocas horas de Prueba y error podrán ahorrarte minutos
 de leer manuales.

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En mi caso con Debian testing, es chrome el que me produce un
malfuncioamiento del entorno gráfico, se habló ya de un bug en una
librería que todavía no se ha corregido porque a mi me sigue
funcioando mal.


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Re: Chequear consumo de conexión a internet en Router /Firewall con Debian

2012-07-12 Thread jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
Hash: SHA1

ciracusa escribió:
 Lista, buen día.
 Recién me consulta un usuario de la red que nota la conexión un poco
 lenta (vale decir que por esta conexíón salen mas de 100 usuarios).
 Ahora bien, chequee el enlace con pings que hago a ciertos hosts para
 tener como parámetro y los valores son los habituales.
 Al respecto les consulto, que pruebas podría hacer para verificar que no
 se desmadre nada?
 El Ares lo tengo filtrado, pero como podría verificar si por algún
 artilugio algún usuario esta tirando de alguno de estos P2P?
 Monitorizar las conexiones que tengo sobre mi router para ver que IPs de
 la LAN son las conectadas en determinado momento?


Puede que ntop+bandwidthd te sea útil.

 Muchas Gracias.
 PD. De momento estoy probando NTOP.

Un saludo

- -- 
Si los tontos volaran, el cielo se oscurecería

No me envié correos en formatos propietarios

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Repositorios personales para paquetes Debian.

2012-07-12 Thread manuel
Hola. Soy nuevo en esta lista y espero no errar mucho preguntando lo 

¿Alguno de ustedes sabe si hay servicios para subir paquetes .deb? 
Sucede que para asuntos personales, me veo forzado a compilar una 
versión en desarrollo de una aplicación que necesito para poder usar la 
computadora de manera común. La cuestión aquí es que tengo varios amigos 
que al igual que yo, dependemos de estas versiones de la aplicación (ya 
que en estas últimas snapshots cambian bastantes cosas, resultando 
favorable la actualización). Para solventar esto, hice un paquete .deb 
de la última versión actual de dicho programa, pero ahora, para 
compartirla, no sé bien dónde debería subirla.

como no sé mucho de estos temas, intenté gestionarlo todo con launchpad, 
pero no entendí nada, aparte de que me pareció algo bastante pesado, y 
me dio un fallo mientras compilaba el paquete. Subió los fuentes de la 
aplicación, y luego envió un email donde decía que había fallado algo 
mientras se compilaba. Vi el Log, y me pareció que no era tema fácil 
porque había fallado algo en el configure que en mi PC y en otras que se 
compiló no dio el fallo. Pero bueno, el caso no es este. ¿No hay algo 
así como una forma de gestionar un repositorio tipo debian personal? He 
buscado por internet y solo se muestra cómo hacer repositorios locales, 
pero me gustaría almacenar los binarios en un repositorio público.

Agradezco la ayuda y me disculpo si es una pregunta muy tonta.


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Re: Repositorios personales para paquetes Debian.

2012-07-12 Thread Adrià
On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 02:57:05AM -0500, manuel wrote:
 ¿Alguno de ustedes sabe si hay servicios para subir paquetes .deb?

Puedes implementar un repositorio siguiendo las estas instrucciones [0];
no sé si es ésto a lo que te refieres o igual te podría servir.


Adrià García-Alzórriz
GPG Key ID: 9DE37ED4

We can use symlinks of course... syslogd would be a symlink to syslogp and
ftpd and ircd would be linked to ftpp and ircp... and of course the
point-to-point protocal paenguin.
-- Kevin M. Bealer, commenting on the penguin Linux logo

Description: Digital signature

Poner nombre correcto a máquina con debian

2012-07-12 Thread Edgar Vargas
Hola lista.

Esta vez escribo para que me den una manito acerca de cómo poner el
nombre a un servidor con debian (no se si pregunté antes, si es asi
disculpas), de todas aclaro que he leído algunos documentos y la
página man de hostname, pero me he confundido, :(

He visto en los howtos de howtoforge [1] que falko pone en
/etc/hostname el nombre completo, osea, pero
leyendo la página man dice que por ahí no se pone el fqdn (osea el
completo) solo un nombre corto como server1,  se pone en /etc/hosts
con su ip su nombre completo y su nombre, osea ip
server1, no se si habré entendido mal amigos, si es así corregirme, he
visto que en algunos SO diferentes de debian esta claro y ponen con
ejemplo por default localhost.localdomain dónde poner nombre completo
como es el caso de derivados redhat y los BSD que tienen un archivo
donde se pone el nombre completo, eso es todo amigos, saludos y
gracias por su paciencia.

Nota: cuando instala falko pone un nombre simple como server1, luego
cambia desde archivos a, no sé por qué lo hace :(,
tal vez no entendí todo el inglés, reitero mi agradecimiento por la
ayuda :)


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Script en cron.d y parar procesos java

2012-07-12 Thread Roberto Leon Lopez
Pues desd ehace mucho tiempo tengo diferentes procesos como alfresco y
otros, que son aplicaciones java.

Tengo programado un scrip de backup que lanzo diariamente desde cron.d, el
caso es que cuando se lanza desde allí el script y tiene que realizar una
parada/inico del servicio java siempre queda el proceso de backup en modo
defunct, ejecuta todo correctamente pero no se cierra el proceso y se queda
colgado en modo defunct.

¿Alguien sabe al respecto que pasa con los procesos java y porque ocurre
estos al pararlos desde cron.d?

Re: Buscar mensajes en el archivo de la lista (era: Introduccion a UML - 1341862915)

2012-07-12 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 11 Jul 2012 12:50:32 -0500, Carlos Zuniga escribió:

 2012/7/11 Camaleón


 No sé de dónde se ha sacado esa URL, a mí no me aparece y los pie de
 página de mis mensajes funcionan bien, por ejemplo:

 Archive:$cnl$ ***

 Esa URL la añade el sistema de la lista de correo al final de cada
 mensaje al reenviarlos a los usuarios. 

Eso está claro :-)

 El problema es que el sistema remueve los caracteres '=' de los Message
-ID, dejando un enlace a un message-id que no existe.

Lo que te digo es que esa URL en concreto, la que dices que tiene un 
mal formato, yo no la veo, no me aparece al pie de página y las que sí me 
aparecen (p. ej., en los correos que mando) tienen un formato correcto.



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Re: Script en cron.d y parar procesos java

2012-07-12 Thread Esteban Torres Rodríguez
El día 12 de julio de 2012 15:19, Roberto Leon Lopez escribió:
 Pues desd ehace mucho tiempo tengo diferentes procesos como alfresco y
 otros, que son aplicaciones java.

 Tengo programado un scrip de backup que lanzo diariamente desde cron.d, el
 caso es que cuando se lanza desde allí el script y tiene que realizar una
 parada/inico del servicio java siempre queda el proceso de backup en modo
 defunct, ejecuta todo correctamente pero no se cierra el proceso y se queda
 colgado en modo defunct.

 ¿Alguien sabe al respecto que pasa con los procesos java y porque ocurre
 estos al pararlos desde cron.d?

Revisa las variables de entorno del usuario que con el que haces el
proceso. Yo he tenido mas de un problema con procesos java lanzados
con el cron y el 90% de las veces ha el JAVA_HOME del usuario.

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Mas sobre nuevos Kernel

2012-07-12 Thread cosme

Con la actualizacion de los nuevos kernel a partir de 3.x.x en mi caso el
3.4.4, me inmagino que se hayan agregado nuevos elementos a las
configuraciones que se realizan al cortafuegos (iptables) que se
configuran para darle seguridad a su PC, a su red LAN, etc.

La cuestion es buscar documentacion nueva sobre este tema, sobre todo con
ejemplos y algo así.

Si usted conoce de algun sitio me lo puede facilitar a través de este correo.


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Re: Optimizar Debian

2012-07-12 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 11 Jul 2012 16:16:28 -0600, Carlos Carcamo escribió:

 Últimamente he notado que mi sistema se ha vuelto un tanto mas lento,
 inclusive se congela algunas veces, supongo que es por que tengo varios
 programas instalados o porque a lo mejor estoy corriendo varios
 programas a la vez..


Cuando pase eso, ejecuta top para ver qué aplicaciones o servicios se 
llevan la mayor cantidad de proceso (CPU) o memoria (RAM).

 Usando el reproductor de vídeo VLC, Aptana y el chrome se pone un tanto
 lenta, mas aun cuando abro pestañas en el navegador, es obvio que se
 pondrá lenta yo lo se, ya que mi pc tampoco es una gran cosa es una
 minilaptop con 1GB de RAM y procesador Atom de 1.66GHz.


Las páginas web se pueden quedar pilladas por un script mal diseñado y 
eso te puede hacer que el equipo se quede pensando un buen rato, descarta 
eso antes de nada.

Y si usas un entorno gráfico de los gordos (KDE o GNOME) tendrás la RAM 
un tanto justa. Piensa en poner un módulo de 2 GiB, si te es posible.



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Re: Repositorios personales para paquetes Debian.

2012-07-12 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 12 Jul 2012 02:57:05 -0500, manuel escribió:

 Hola. Soy nuevo en esta lista y espero no errar mucho preguntando lo

Bienvenido :-)
 ¿Alguno de ustedes sabe si hay servicios para subir paquetes .deb?

¿Cómo dices? :-? Explica eso un poco más...

 Sucede que para asuntos personales, me veo forzado a compilar una
 versión en desarrollo de una aplicación que necesito para poder usar la
 computadora de manera común. La cuestión aquí es que tengo varios amigos
 que al igual que yo, dependemos de estas versiones de la aplicación (ya
 que en estas últimas snapshots cambian bastantes cosas, resultando
 favorable la actualización). Para solventar esto, hice un paquete .deb
 de la última versión actual de dicho programa, pero ahora, para
 compartirla, no sé bien dónde debería subirla.

Puedes poner el paquete donde quieras e instalarlo manualmente con dpkg.

 como no sé mucho de estos temas, intenté gestionarlo todo con launchpad,
 pero no entendí nada, aparte de que me pareció algo bastante pesado, y
 me dio un fallo mientras compilaba el paquete. Subió los fuentes de la
 aplicación, y luego envió un email donde decía que había fallado algo
 mientras se compilaba. Vi el Log, y me pareció que no era tema fácil
 porque había fallado algo en el configure que en mi PC y en otras que se
 compiló no dio el fallo. Pero bueno, el caso no es este. ¿No hay algo
 así como una forma de gestionar un repositorio tipo debian personal? He
 buscado por internet y solo se muestra cómo hacer repositorios locales,
 pero me gustaría almacenar los binarios en un repositorio público.

Ah, ya... lo que buscas es poder subir el paquete a los repositorios de 
Debian o algo así ¿no? Pues es un proceso lento y complejo pero si tienes 
interés en que tu aplicación se añada a los repos oficiales puedes 
aplicar para ello. Por aquí tendrás más datos:

También podrías crear un repositorio personal, tuyo, sin necesidad de que 
pertenezca a la jerarquía oficial pero permitiendo a otros usuarios 
utilizarlo si así lo desean mediante apt... si googleas por create 
debian personal repo te aparecerán un montón de enlaces para hacerlo.



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Re: Script en cron.d y parar procesos java

2012-07-12 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 12 Jul 2012 15:19:11 +0200, Roberto Leon Lopez escribió:

(ese html...)

 Pues desd ehace mucho tiempo tengo diferentes procesos como alfresco y
 otros, que son aplicaciones java.
 Tengo programado un scrip de backup que lanzo diariamente desde cron.d,
 el caso es que cuando se lanza desde allí el script y tiene que realizar
 una parada/inico del servicio java siempre queda el proceso de backup en
 modo defunct, ejecuta todo correctamente pero no se cierra el proceso y
 se queda colgado en modo defunct.
 ¿Alguien sabe al respecto que pasa con los procesos java y porque ocurre
 estos al pararlos desde cron.d?

Si el script se ejecuta sin problemas manualmente quizá te falte definir 
alguna variable de entorno, ya sabes que en las tareas ejecutadas desde 
cron hay que tener cuidado con esto :-?



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Re: Cambio de íconos KDE última actualización

2012-07-12 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:20:57 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco

 Hola, aquí usando wheezy, ayer actualicé mi sistema y se actualizaron
 algunos paquetes de kde y de plasma, todo funciona bien sin embargo
 algunos iconos que antes estaban acorde al nuevo estilo Aire ahora
 volvieron a su tema normal, 


¿Has probado a iniciar sesión con otro usuario recién creado a ver si le 
pasa lo mismo?

Otra cosa que podrías hacer es volver a seleccionar el tema de los iconos 
(oxygen) desde el panel de control de KDE, para forzar su (re)carga.



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Re: Cambio de íconos KDE última actualización

2012-07-12 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
El día 12 de julio de 2012 11:14, Camaleón escribió:
 El Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:20:57 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco

 Hola, aquí usando wheezy, ayer actualicé mi sistema y se actualizaron
 algunos paquetes de kde y de plasma, todo funciona bien sin embargo
 algunos iconos que antes estaban acorde al nuevo estilo Aire ahora
 volvieron a su tema normal,


 ¿Has probado a iniciar sesión con otro usuario recién creado a ver si le
 pasa lo mismo?

 Otra cosa que podrías hacer es volver a seleccionar el tema de los iconos
 (oxygen) desde el panel de control de KDE, para forzar su (re)carga.




Hola, si había hecho el cambio de iconos, de tema plasma e incluso de
decoración pero no funcionó. Entré como un usuario nuevo y en efecto
los iconos volvieron a la normalidad. Aunque me surge otra duda con el
cierre de sesión para la cual voy a crear un hilo nuevo.


  Blog de Haldrik

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Re: Repositorios personales para paquetes Debian.

2012-07-12 Thread manuel

El 12/07/12 03:59, manuel escribió:

El 12/07/12 03:17, Adrià escribió:

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 02:57:05AM -0500, manuel wrote:

¿Alguno de ustedes sabe si hay servicios para subir paquetes .deb?

Puedes implementar un repositorio siguiendo las estas instrucciones [0];
no sé si es ésto a lo que te refieres o igual te podría servir.

Hola Adrià. Muchas gracias por la pronta respuesta. Estuve leyendo un 
poco la wiki, y me surgió una duda. En la Wiki encontré un enlace 
hacia un manual de cómo crear un repositorio subiendo los paquetes 
hacia La duda es, ¿Este procedimiento aplica 
también si yo tengo un simple hosting? Con Simple me refiero a que es 
un plan básico. El Manual que vi para hacer dicho procedimiento es 
este [0]



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Re: Repositorios personales para paquetes Debian.

2012-07-12 Thread manuel

El 12/07/12 09:48, Camaleón escribió:

El Thu, 12 Jul 2012 02:57:05 -0500, manuel escribió:

Hola Camaleón. Gracias por tu respuesta.

Puedes poner el paquete donde quieras e instalarlo manualmente con 

Sí sí, de hecho eso lo hago ahora, pero el detalle es que me gustaría 
que se pudieran ofrecer actualizaciones de dicha aplicación con sus dos 
librerías base, las cuales salen seguido (cada mes, creo).

 También podrías crear un repositorio personal, tuyo, sin necesidad de 
que pertenezca a la jerarquía oficial pero permitiendo a otros usuarios 
utilizarlo si así lo desean mediante apt... si googleas por create 
debian personal repo te aparecerán un montón de enlaces para hacerlo. 
Así es. Eso mismo es lo que quisiera, pero la duda es: Para crear el 
repositorio, ¿necesito una máquina que pueda ejecutar ciertos programas 
en Linux? Tengo una cuenta en un plan de hosting, pero no sé si el 
repositorio necesite que esté corriendo un programa en la máquina que 
hará de repositorio, o todo se hace desde mi equipo local y luego se 
sube hacia el repositorio. Muchas gracias y saludos.

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Re: Poner nombre correcto a máquina con debian

2012-07-12 Thread Edgar Vargas
El 12/07/12, Camaleón escribió:
 El Thu, 12 Jul 2012 05:57:01 -0500, Edgar Vargas escribió:

 Esta vez escribo para que me den una manito acerca de cómo poner el
 nombre a un servidor con debian (no se si pregunté antes, si es asi
 disculpas), de todas aclaro que he leído algunos documentos y la página
 man de hostname, pero me he confundido, :(

 El nombre se puede cambiar con hostname como bien dices... ¿qué es lo
 que te confunde? :-?

En el man de hostname dice no usar fqdn en /etc/hostname, creo haber
leído eso, pero viendo a un experto como falko el usa en ése mismo
archivo /etc/hostname un nombre completo, eso me confunde :(

 He visto en los howtos de howtoforge [1] que falko pone en /etc/hostname
 el nombre completo, osea, pero leyendo la página man
 dice que por ahí no se pone el fqdn (osea el completo) solo un nombre
 corto como server1,  se pone en /etc/hosts con su ip su nombre completo
 y su nombre, osea ip server1, no se si habré
 entendido mal amigos, si es así corregirme, he visto que en algunos SO
 diferentes de debian esta claro y ponen con ejemplo por default
 localhost.localdomain dónde poner nombre completo como es el caso de
 derivados redhat y los BSD que tienen un archivo donde se pone el nombre
 completo, eso es todo amigos, saludos y gracias por su paciencia.

 Pues depende de lo que quieras... si la máquina va a dar servicios de
 nombre, se va a usar como servidor web o de correo, etc... pues quizá te
 convenga usar un FQDN.

El detalle es dónde poner ese nombre?, en /etc/host? sólo ahi?

 Nota: cuando instala falko pone un nombre simple como server1, luego
 cambia desde archivos a, no sé por qué lo hace :(,
 tal vez no entendí todo el inglés, reitero mi agradecimiento por la
 ayuda :)

 Si lo cambia será porque el nombre del equipo se utiliza por varios
 demonios (mysql, apache, postfix...), conviene que sea un nombre
 cualificado si se van a dar servicios enrtutables en el exterior (en


Gracias amiga por responder, muchas gracias!


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Postfix y MDaemon

2012-07-12 Thread cosme

Resulta que estoy configurando un postfix el cual le entrega los correos a
un MDaemon pero resulta que este ultimo requiere usuario y pass.

Como puedo hacer en mi postfix para entregue al MDaemon usando usuario y


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Re: Repositorios personales para paquetes Debian.

2012-07-12 Thread Francisco Rafael Del Roio

El 12/07/12 14:43, manuel escribió:

Así es. Eso mismo es lo que quisiera, pero la duda es: Para crear el
repositorio, ¿necesito una máquina que pueda ejecutar ciertos programas
en Linux? Tengo una cuenta en un plan de hosting, pero no sé si el
repositorio necesite que esté corriendo un programa en la máquina que
hará de repositorio, o todo se hace desde mi equipo local y luego se
sube hacia el repositorio. Muchas gracias y saludos.
Afirmativo. Los repos de debian son solo gerarquías de archivos y 
carpetas. Puedes armarlo en tu máquina y subirlo con rsync. Además, 
puedes hacer un paquete debian, y ejecutar un demonio que busque nuevas 
versiones de la aplicación que quieres empaquetar/distribuir, etc, pero 
esto ya implica otros conocimientos. Si no es necesario, si ya tienes 
los paquetes compilados, puedes ejecutar una tarea crontab que haga la 
búsqueda y combine las diferencias en tu hosting.

Cuando tus fuerzas terminan, las de Dios comienzan...
attachment: francipvb.vcf

Tomcat 7 y archivos .WAR

2012-07-12 Thread J.Alejandro Martinez Linares
Hola gente, tengo una duda por aca estoy tratando de instalar geoserver 
2.1.2 en mi servidor de app Tomcat 7 pero este cuando subo un 
geoserver.war que pesa 53,1 mb me parece que es que pesa mas de lo que 
el tomcat le permite y el error que lanza es el siguiente

 Estado HTTP 500 -

*type*Informe de Excepción


*descripción*_El servidor encontró un error interno () que hizo que no 
pudiera rellenar este requerimiento._


 the request was rejected because its size (53119568) exceeds the configured 
maximum (52428800)




*causa raíz*

 the request was rejected because its size (53119568) exceeds the configured 
maximum (52428800)








*nota*_La traza completa de la causa de este error se encuentra en los 
archivos de diario de Apache Tomcat/7.0.26._

 Apache Tomcat/7.0.26


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


Re: Tomcat 7 y archivos .WAR

2012-07-12 Thread Francisco Rafael Del Roio

El 12/07/12 15:33, J.Alejandro Martinez Linares escribió:

Hola gente, tengo una duda por aca estoy tratando de instalar geoserver
2.1.2 en mi servidor de app Tomcat 7 pero este cuando subo un
geoserver.war que pesa 53,1 mb me parece que es que pesa mas de lo que
el tomcat le permite y el error que lanza es el siguiente

Estado HTTP 500 -

*type*Informe de Excepción


*descripción*_El servidor encontró un error interno () que hizo que no
pudiera rellenar este requerimiento._


the request was rejected because its size (53119568) exceeds the
configured maximum (52428800)



*causa raíz*

the request was rejected because its size (53119568) exceeds the
configured maximum (52428800)
Acá está el problema. Necesitas aumentar el tamaño de la solicitud http 
Fijate en el archivo de configuración config/default.xml. Hay muchos 
temas que podes cambiar.

Lee un poco sobre eso.
Lamentablemente, no tengo un archivo de configuración a mano para poder 

Cuando tus fuerzas terminan, las de Dios comienzan...
attachment: francipvb.vcf

Re: Tomcat 7 y archivos .WAR

Buen día,

la otra solución  complementando a lo que te dijeron es:
1. Parar el servicio de tomcat
2. copiar a  /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/ el archivo *.war
3. Reiniciar el servio y listo.


2012/7/12 J.Alejandro Martinez Linares

  Hola gente, tengo una duda por aca estoy tratando de instalar geoserver
 2.1.2 en mi servidor de app Tomcat 7 pero este cuando subo un geoserver.war
 que pesa 53,1 mb me parece que es que pesa mas de lo que el tomcat le
 permite y el error que lanza es el siguiente
 Estado HTTP 500 -

 *type* Informe de Excepción


 *descripción* *El servidor encontró un error interno () que hizo que no
 pudiera rellenar este requerimiento.*


  the request was rejected because its size (53119568) exceeds the configured 
 maximum (52428800)

 *causa raíz*

  the request was rejected because its size (53119568) exceeds the configured 
 maximum (52428800)

 *nota* *La traza completa de la causa de este error se encuentra en los
 archivos de diario de Apache Tomcat/7.0.26.*
 Apache Tomcat/7.0.26

Ingeniero Forestal
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Celular 313 792 43 84

Re: Problemas pós-upgrade do Wheezy

2012-07-12 Thread Éverton Arruda
Ontem, tentei reinstalar os pacotes citados em um e-mail anterior, para ver
se algum dos problemas que
eu estava tendo fosse solucionado, mas nada mudou. O tema do Gnome3.4 ainda
está ruim e o indicador
de bateria ainda não apareceu.

Alguém tem mais alguma sugestão?

What he learns we all learn. What he knows we all benefit from Linux, The
future is Open

Éverton M. Arruda Jr. (Notrev) - | @everton_arruda
Debian-AM -
Projeto Software Livre Amazonas (PSL-AM) -
Comunidade Software Livre -

Re: Problemas pós-upgrade do Wheezy

2012-07-12 Thread Sergio Pereira

On 12-07-2012 09:54, Éverton Arruda wrote:
Ontem, tentei reinstalar os pacotes citados em um e-mail anterior, 
para ver se algum dos problemas que
eu estava tendo fosse solucionado, mas nada mudou. O tema do Gnome3.4 
ainda está ruim e o indicador

de bateria ainda não apareceu.

Alguém tem mais alguma sugestão?


Quando tive o mesmo problema, instalei o indicador de bateria usando as 
extensões do Gnome. Segue o link:

Nesse outro link também tem boas dicas:



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Re: weriless

2012-07-12 Thread Rodolfo
Mas ele boota normalmente e fica numa tela preta ? se sim, digita como root:

# /etc/init.d/kdm start

Obs.: não uso o kde, pode ser que depois do KDM tenha uma numeração
referente a versão, assim como no gnome que para subir é gdm3. Qualquer
coisa entra no diretorio /etc/init.d/ e veja la onde e como esta escrito o
script kdm.

Boa sorte, e sempre copie a lista referente a suas dúvidas. A sua pergunta
pode ser a de muitos também, e tem muita gente que pode te ajudar até
melhor que eu  =D.


Em 11 de julho de 2012 14:25, Manoel Pedro de Araújo

 Olá, funcionou simm.

 Agora tenho outro problema, no meu desktop tenho instalado o debian
 squeeze a de uns dias para cá
 ele nao carrega a interface grafica, uso o kde. quanl o comando para
 ativar a interface grafica vc saber?

 Em 10 de julho de 2012 19:44, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Aparentemente funcionou certo ? não vi mais aquela mensagem de erro.

 Em 9 de julho de 2012 21:30, Manoel Pedro de Araújo 

 Olá, rodei o comando que vc surgeriu. depois rodei make e make install,
 veja em anexo o que deu

 Em 9 de julho de 2012 08:47, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Vamos lá, tente assim:

 chmod -vR 777 os

 essa pasta os é onde fica a pasta do seu driver. Se ainda sim tiver o
 mesmo problema, provavelmente é um bug ou precisará editar o Makefile.


 Em 6 de julho de 2012 21:12, Manoel Pedro de Araújo

 Para o camando ls -l a saida é essa

 manoel@manoel:~/20101216_RT3090_LinuxSTA_V2.4.0.4_WiFiBTCombo_DPO$ ls

 total 96
 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root   root   0 Jul  5 15:25 cd
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:16 chips
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:17 common
 drwxrwxrwx 5 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:08 include
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 14819 Dez  8  2010 iwpriv_usage.txt
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 12573 Dez  8  2010 Makefile
 drwxrwxrwx 3 manoel manoel  4096 Dez 16  2010 os
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 13366 Dez  8  2010 README_STA_pci
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel   613 Dez  8  2010 RT2860STACard.dat
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel  1124 Dez  8  2010 RT2860STA.dat
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:16 sta
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 14253 Dez  8  2010 sta_ate_iwpriv_usage.txt
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:17 tools
 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root   root   0 Jul  5 15:25 wpa_supplicant

 Em 6 de julho de 2012 18:50, Manoel Pedro de Araújo escreveu:

 uso debian squeeze

 Em 6 de julho de 2012 16:38, Rodolfo escreveu:

 para remover diretórios (pastas) e tudo que está dentro da mesma, o
 comando é;

 rm -vR PASTA

 porém, não remova essa pasta manualmente, primeiro acho que temos
 que identificar a causa do erro.

 Outra pergunta, você usa Ubuntu ? Debian ? Qual distro ?

 Abraços =D

 Em 6 de julho de 2012 14:04, Manoel Pedro de Araújo escreveu:

 Nao estou com meu not aqui, anoite eu te mando.

 como eu faço pra remover /tftpboot?

 Em 6 de julho de 2012 10:59, Rodolfo escreveu:

 desculpa, acho que não fui detalista, posta a saida do comando no
 diretório onde se encontra esse cp: não foi possível remover 
 Permissão negada


 No aguardo, desculpe '-'

 Em 5 de julho de 2012 21:07, Manoel Pedro de Araújo escreveu:

 A saida é

 root@manoel:/home/manoel# ls -l
 total 96
 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root   root   0 Jul  5 15:25 cd
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:16 chips
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:17 common
 drwxrwxrwx 5 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:08 include
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 14819 Dez  8  2010 iwpriv_usage.txt
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 12573 Dez  8  2010 Makefile
 drwxrwxrwx 3 manoel manoel  4096 Dez 16  2010 os
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 13366 Dez  8  2010 README_STA_pci
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel   613 Dez  8  2010 RT2860STACard.dat
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel  1124 Dez  8  2010 RT2860STA.dat
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:16 sta
 -rw-r--r-- 1 manoel manoel 14253 Dez  8  2010
 drwxrwxrwx 2 manoel manoel  4096 Jul  5 18:17 tools
 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root   root   0 Jul  5 15:25 wpa_supplicant

 Em 5 de julho de 2012 19:58, Rodolfo rof20...@gmail.comescreveu:

 digite como root:

 # ls -l

 e poste aqui a saída do comando por favor.


 Em 5 de julho de 2012 16:45, Manoel Pedro de Araújo escreveu:

 Apos as permisões ainda continua o erro

 make[1]: Saindo do diretório
 cp -f
 cp: não foi possível remover /tftpboot: Permissão negada
 make: ** [LINUX] Erro 1

 Em 5 de julho de 2012 17:28, Manoel Pedro de Araújo 

Re: Há alguma opção no squid3 que permita não registrar no log visitas em certos sites ?

2012-07-12 Thread hamacker
Da forma exemplificada não funcionou porque ele não reconhece combined :
2012/07/12 12:02:34| Log format 'combined' is not defined
FATAL: Bungled squid.conf.accesslog line 6: access_log
/var/log/squid/access.log combined !dontlog !sites_google
Squid Cache (Version 3.0.STABLE19): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.024 seconds = 0.020 user + 0.004 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 18960 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0

Troquei 'combined' por 'squid' e está funcionando.


Em 11 de julho de 2012 18:36, Eden Caldas escreveu:

 Isso daqui é pra squid 2. Não testei mas faz sentido.

 # Example how to configure Squid to not log certain requests
 acl dontlog urlpath_regex ^\/monit\/token$
 acl dontlog urlpath_regex ^\/server-status$
 acl dontlog urlpath_regex ^\/admedia\/reste_300x250.php$
 acl dontlog urlpath_regex ^\/admedia\/reste_120x600.php$
 acl dontlog urlpath_regex ^\/admedia\/reste_728x90.php$
 acl dontlog urlpath_regex ^\/geoip\/rectangle_forum_postbit.html$
 acl dontlog urlpath_regex ^\/geoip\/banner_iframe.php
 acl dontlog urlpath_regex ^\/js\/amazon.js
 acl dontlog urlpath_regex .js$
 acl dontlog urlpath_regex .css$
 acl dontlog urlpath_regex .png$
 acl dontlog urlpath_regex .gif$
 acl dontlog urlpath_regex .jpg$
 access_log /var/log/squid/access.log combined !dontlog

 Eden Caldas
 Consultor de TI
 (81) 9747 
 (81) 9653 7220
 LINUX FÁCIL – Consultoria e Serviços em TI

 Em 11 de julho de 2012 18:05, hamacker escreveu:

 Me parece que essa opção é para desativar o log completamente ou
 determinar o formato dele, não para delimitar o que deve ou não ir
 para o log.

 Em 11 de julho de 2012 15:41, Paulo Ricardo Bruck escreveu:
  Tarrrde 8)
  - Mensagem original -
  De: hamacker
  Para: Paulo Ricardo Bruck
  Cc: Lista Debian
  Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 11 de Julho de 2012 13:17:35
  Assunto: Re: Há alguma opção no squid3 que permita não registrar no log
  visitas em certos sites ?
  Acho que me expressei mal.
  A solução atual já é assim, determinados sites vão direto pelo gateway
  sem o proxy-cache intermediando e com isso não há log do squid para
  esses sites.
  Eu procuro algo como :
  acl sites_google url_regex -i /etc/squid3/acl/sites_google.txt
  no-log sites_google
  Porém, não há algo como no-log, ou pelo menos não encontrei ainda !
  Então, o workaround que tenho feito é :
  always_direct allow sites_google
  humm ok agora ficou + claro, mas tente tambem enviar sempre qual distro
  debian vc está usando e qual a versão do squid.
  olhando mais calmamente a doc do squid.conf que vem comentada:
  zless /usr/share/doc/squid3-common/squid.conf.documented.gz
  vc tem :
  #  TAG: access_log
  #   These files log client request activities. Has a line every HTTP
  #   ICP request. The format is:
  #   access_log filepath [logformat name [acl acl ...]]
  #   access_log none [acl acl ...]]
  #   Will log to the specified file using the specified format (which
  #   must be defined in a logformat directive) those entries which
  #   ALL the acl's specified (which must be defined in acl clauses).
  #   If no acl is specified, all requests will be logged to this
  #   To disable logging of a request use the filepath none, in
  which case
  #   a logformat name should not be specified.
  #   To log the request via syslog specify a filepath of syslog:
  #   access_log syslog[:facility.priority] [format [acl1 [acl2
  #   where facility could be any of:
  #   authpriv, daemon, local0 .. local7 or user.
  #   And priority could be any of:
  #   err, warning, notice, info, debug.
  #   Default:
  #   access_log /var/log/squid3/access.log squid
  # access_log /var/log/squid3/access.log squid
  bem eu nunca testei o
  access_log none acl acl acl
  access_log /var/log/squid3/access.log squid
  mas deve funcionar...80)
  Mas essa solução não é satisfatória porque eu perco o cache que
  poderia melhorar a performance de minha rede.
  Resumidamente, eu quero o cache, o que eu não quero é o log de
  determinados sites.
  Em 11 de julho de 2012 11:48, Paulo Ricardo Bruck escreveu:
   Bom dia
   pelo que eu me lembro existe no squid a opção no-cache
   acl google dstdomain
   no-cache google
   para o squid 2.7 no squid 3.x mudou para cache. Veja a doc em
   hehhee justamente agora que eu estou fazendo a documentação da
   solução Zeus mostrando como se configura o squid..80) ( GPL3)
   bom divertimento 80)
   - Mensagem original -
   De: hamacker 

Monitoramento de rede em tempo real

2012-07-12 Thread Flávio Oliveira

Boa noite, Srs

Gostaria da opinião de vcs para o seguinte cenário.

Procuro algum aplicativo que consiga mostrar (analisando um gateway com 
Debian Squeeze) em tempo real o uso da net por host. Preciso mostrar por 
exemplo o acesso a http para demonstrar a necessidade de controlar essa 
banda. (Por exemplo, em um instante, um host X, está usando 300K via 
http da banda total).

A 2 etapa, trabalhar com o HTB e Iptables para marcação de pacotes já 
está encaminhado, porém, preciso mostrar realmente o consumo por 
protocolo de cada host da empresa.

Qualquer ajuda, dica será bem vinda.



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Re: Monitoramento de rede em tempo real

2012-07-12 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Thu, 12 Jul 2012, Flávio Oliveira wrote:
 Procuro algum aplicativo que consiga mostrar (analisando um gateway
 com Debian Squeeze) em tempo real o uso da net por host. Preciso

iftop, iptraf mostram em tempo real.  Consumo por host, talvez com ntop
fique melhor.  Detalhe: consomem recurso.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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[OFF] Sobre um site fora do ar

2012-07-12 Thread Listeiro 037
Olá a todos.

Pareceu-me aqui ser o lugar mais fácil de se encontrar essa resposta.

O site do CIPSGA está fora do ar. Fora há um bom tempo.

Não consegui encontrar em pesquisas de Google a coisa exposta da
seguinte forma: o CIPSGA está fora do ar porque ... mas deverá
voltará em ... e até lá façam 

Como eu sei que havia uma ligação entre aqui e lá, pode ser que
conseguisse descobrir o que houve.

Desconheço por não costumar participar de espaços oficiais de
discussão da comunidade. De qualquer espaço.

Desde já agradeço.

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.
Benjamin Disraeli 

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hata mesajı: no route to host

2012-07-12 Thread Engin YILMAZ
  Merhaba, sizlere geçtiğimiz günlerde mail sunucusu ile ilgili bir problemimi 
sormuştum. Problemim Postfix sunucusuna,  Icedove ile bir başka istemciden 
bağlanarak mail gönderebiliyordum ancak localhost'tan Icedove ile göndermede 
sorun yaşıyordum. Aynı zamanda /var/log/mail dosyalarında hata ve uyarı 
mesajlarına da ulaşamamıştım. Ancak mailq programı ile hataları ekrana 
bastırmayı öğrendim. 

  Yerel makine'den Icedove ile mail göndermeye çalışınca şu uyarı mesajını 
veriyor. Yardımcı olabilirseniz sevinirim. 
618D91206EB      610 Thu Jul 12 16:56:45
               (connect to[]:25: No route to host)
Saygılar, Engin YILMAZ

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Re: hata mesajı: no route to host

2012-07-12 Thread Vedat YILMAZ
default gateway ile ilgili bir sorun olabilir.

netstat -nr veya /sbin/route ile kontrol edebilirsiniz.

12 Temmuz 2012 18:22 tarihinde Engin YILMAZ yazdı:

   Merhaba, sizlere geçtiğimiz günlerde mail sunucusu ile ilgili bir
 problemimi sormuştum. Problemim Postfix sunucusuna,  Icedove ile bir başka
 istemciden bağlanarak mail gönderebiliyordum ancak localhost'tan Icedove
 ile göndermede sorun yaşıyordum. Aynı zamanda /var/log/mail dosyalarında
 hata ve uyarı mesajlarına da ulaşamamıştım. Ancak mailq programı ile
 hataları ekrana bastırmayı öğrendim.

   Yerel makine'den Icedove ile mail göndermeye çalışınca şu uyarı mesajını
 veriyor. Yardımcı olabilirseniz sevinirim.
 618D91206EB  610 Thu Jul 12 16:56:45
(connect to[]:25: No route to
 Saygılar, Engin YILMAZ

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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

2012-07-12 Thread Charlie
 On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 07:18:56 +0200 Ralf Mardorf suggested this:

On Thu, 2012-07-12 at 14:45 +1000, Charlie wrote:
 On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 05:47:40 +0200 Ralf Mardorf suggested this:
 There are trillions of tasks Linux can't do.
 Obviously I'm one of those who doesn't need any of these, because I
 usually feel the opposite, but don't use windows.
 I suppose if you have a lot of money then applications written and
 sold for windows can do anything as well?
 Good to know anyway.
 Thanks for that information.

Note! I'm a Linux only user! I'll repeat it: I'm not using anything
else, but Linux. It anyway is a fact, that Linux doesn't provide a lot
of professional applications. That the OP might have less knowledge
about something, doesn't mean that the OP isn't using the computer for
something professional.
Simply to adamant that Linux can replace all other OS is grotesque,
since some hardware vendors aren't willing to support Linux, it
wouldn't help if Linux would provide some apps, while there's no
hardware to use those apps.
Industrial applications with hardware patents also are available for
Linux only, but you'll find much more that's only available for
Microsoft and/or Apple based machines.

Even domains where Linux is usable, can be more painful than on other
OS. I for example use Linux for audio productions. I might be mistaken,
but I guess there's no professional PCIe card that is completely
supported by Linux. I'm using this card:

Most Linux audio folks might counter that e.g. this cards can be used
with Linux. Yes, 'm using it myself, but some of them use bridges to
e.g. Windows, because they're missing some audio software for Linux.
I'm missing the same software, but anyway I use Linux only.

It doesn't help to claim that Linux can do everything better, while
Linux can't do a lot of things.

Apologies if I suggested or claimed that: Linux can do everything

I admit to getting frustrated at times working through so many
different applications trying to find something that does what I
want/need in Debian. So I would not be careless and say what you suggest
I might have meant.

The problem is that I have to wonder if better in the context you use
might be easier? That could be right because software/hardware
producers write specifically for Microsoft operating
systems/applications for payment.

For that reason I am amazed and in awe of those generous people who give
so much of their time to writing software that works and without asking
big bucks, just a donation in some instances. I wish I had the brains
to do it, even to help. Because I can't, I give of my time in other
spheres without asking payment and hope what comes round goes round.

But some of these applications specifically written for Microsoft can
fail miserably. Even those written for and used by educational
institutions, and need tweaking to make them work. I have struck these,
volunteering for 2 days a week, because I maintain some Microsoft
computers on a LAN where some courses are run.

So nothing is perfect. I just didn't know there were so many advantages
to Windows. So please ignore my remarks if they offend you.

Be well,
**  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **
Registered Linux User:- 329524

This is the art of courage: to see things as they are and still believe
that the victory lies not with those who avoid the bad, but those who
taste, in living awareness, every drop of the good. --- Victoria Lincoln

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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

2012-07-12 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2012-07-12 at 16:01 +1000, Charlie wrote:
 So please ignore my remarks if they offend you.

Don't worry, I don't feel offended.

Btw. some good FLOSS applications available for Linux are available for
Windows too. To benefit from good FLOSS applications that you and I
might run on Linux, Linux sometimes isn't needed, since those apps are
available for Windows too. And it's possible to set up a Windows too,
you can change the theme, switch to single click etc.. IMO Microsoft and
Apple are evil companies and the idea of FLOSS is good, so I run FLOSS
software on Linux, because it's a FLOSS OS.


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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

2012-07-12 Thread Charlie
 On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 08:13:29 +0200 Ralf Mardorf suggested this:

And it's possible to set up a Windows too,
you can change the theme, switch to single click etc..

I do show windows users some of these options as well.

 I do introduce windows users to LibreOffice, the Gimp, ffmpeg etc.,

IMO Microsoft and Apple are evil companies and the idea of FLOSS is
good, so I run FLOSS software on Linux, because it's a FLOSS OS.

Then we are of a like mind in this.

Be well,
**  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **
Registered Linux User:- 329524

After the ecstasy, the laundry.  Zen Saying

Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic

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Re: Iceweasel trouble, anyone else?

2012-07-12 Thread Johann Spies
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 08:48:18PM -0400, Eike Lantzsch wrote:

 this is how it looks like:

Just a guess: Are you sure it is not a plugin like NoScript or Adblock
that is blocking some javascript?


Johann SpiesTelefoon: 021-808 4699
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Sentrum vir Navorsing oor Evaluasie, Wetenskap en Tegnologie
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Re: Test Post

2012-07-12 Thread Bob Proulx
David Baron wrote:
 To see if proper titles and headers are now coming through (one can always 

Please see the Debian mailing list code of conduct.

Specifically this item:

  * Do not send test messages to determine whether your mail client is 


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Re: Iceweasel trouble, anyone else?

2012-07-12 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2012-07-12 at 09:24 +0200, Johann Spies wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 08:48:18PM -0400, Eike Lantzsch wrote:
  this is how it looks like:
 Just a guess: Are you sure it is not a plugin like NoScript or Adblock
 that is blocking some javascript?

Take a look at the menu bar ;).

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Re: Iceweasel trouble, anyone else?

2012-07-12 Thread Bob Proulx
Rob Owens wrote:
 I recently had issues with iceweasel using 80% of my CPU.  I tried
 upgrading from 3.something to 10.something in the
 repos.  That didn't fix it.  
 I remembered that I had a kernel upgrade recently (from the backports
 repo), and I had never rebooted.  Rebooting fixed my iceweasel issue.

Firefox consumed 100% cpu?  And it was repeatable?  You likely hit the
recent linux kernel leap second bug[1].  FWIW it hit me too.  Perhaps
humorously I didn't think it was a kernel mutex problem because
Firefox has so often consumed 100% for no good reason. :-)



Description: Digital signature

mirror from

2012-07-12 Thread Anton Gorlov

How I get full  mirror of repository for some distr. example lenny amd 64?
All distributions are linked to the content in the pool/ directory, but 
we need to mirror only one distribution/architecture.


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Re: Netbook acer ao-722 bz-893

2012-07-12 Thread Keith McKenzie
On 11 July 2012 21:13, Dr Beco wrote:

 Dear Linuxers,

 (about debian on Netbook Acer AO-722, BZ-893)

 Some days ago I've got an Asus Eee-PC 1215B and I had a lot of trouble
 to make wireless and cable to work. To the point I got near a deadline
 of 7 days before returning it to the store, and I decided to return

 I changed to an Acer Aspire One 722 BZ893, hoping it would work out of
 the box. I even got a live debian distro in a pendrive to boot there
 in the store, to be sure it would work.

 Well, it worked with wrong resolution, but ok. The internet (cable)
 was fine for a while. Then I brought it home.

 For some unknow reason, I discovered that the internet only work for a
 few moments, then it stops. That is eth0.
 For wlan0 never appear.

 In this rare moments of useful internet using my KDE live distro, now
 installed, I was able to install synaptic, update the apt-get, install
 wireless-tools, google-chrome, and some other basic stuff.

 Now I can't get any internet time anymore. I don't know why...

 eth0 simple doesn't get an IP address, and ifconfig doesn't show wlan0.

 I'm in kind of a deadline because I need to decide if I'll keep it and
 keep trying, or return it for good. I feel very frustrated and
 although you doesn't need to know, I could barely sleep this night
 because of this problem that is ruining my vacations and finances.

 Please, if someone would be kind to guide my step-by-step and make it
 work, or if someone knows for sure I better return and buy something
 else more compatible, I'm all ears.

 Finished the history, now some tech info:

 lspci -nn gives (among other things):

 00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:1510]
 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Device
 00:01.1 Audio device [0403]: ATI Technologies Inc Device [1002:1314]
 00:14.2 Audio device [0403]: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Axalia (Intel
 HDA) [1002:4383] (rev 42)
 06:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications AR8152 v2.0
 Fast Ethernet [1969:2062] (rev c1)
 07:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. Device
 [168c:0032] (rev 01)

 Audio is working ok. Just VGA, eth0 and wlan0 needs my attention. I
 even don't really care about HDMI or other things I can live without.

 A friend of mine gave me an old usb wireless adapter to help me out.
 It is a Netgear WPN111. But that doesn't work either.

 lsusb gives:

 Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1385:5f01 Netgear, Inc WPN111 (no firmware)

 lsmod gives:

 Module  Size  Used by
 powernow_k810978  0
 cpufreq_powersave902  0
 parport_pc 18855  0
 cpufreq_conservative 5162  0
 ppdev   5030  0
 cpufreq_stats   2740  0
 lp  7462  0
 cpufreq_userspace   1992  0
 parport27954  3 parport_pc,ppdev,lp
 sco 7225  2
 bridge 39646  0
 stp 1440  1 bridge
 bnep9427  2
 rfcomm 29629  0
 l2cap  24752  6 bnep,rfcomm
 crc16   1319  1 l2cap
 bluetooth  41827  6 sco,bnep,rfcomm,l2cap
 vboxnetadp  4193  0
 vboxnetflt 12525  0
 vboxdrv  1723671  2 vboxnetadp,vboxnetflt
 uinput  6376  1
 fuse   50924  1
 joydev  8459  0
 loop   11799  0
 snd_hda_codec_atihdmi 2251  1
 snd_hda_intel  20035  3
 snd_hda_codec  54292  2 snd_hda_codec_atihdmi,snd_hda_intel
 snd_hwdep   5380  1 snd_hda_codec
 snd_pcm60487  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec
 snd_seq42881  0
 snd_timer  15598  2 snd_pcm,snd_seq
 snd_seq_device  4493  1 snd_seq
 uvcvideo   52127  0
 videodev   30089  1 uvcvideo
 psmouse49985  0
 i2c_piix4   8328  0
 snd46526  13

 rfkill 13044  2 bluetooth
 v4l1_compat11442  2 uvcvideo,videodev
 v4l2_compat_ioctl32 8474  1 videodev
 led_class   2433  0
 soundcore   4598  1 snd
 video  17445  0
 pcspkr  1699  0
 serio_raw   3752  0
 output  1692  1 video
 i2c_core   15819  2 videodev,i2c_piix4
 evdev   7352  24
 snd_page_alloc  6249  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm
 wmi 4323  0
 battery 4998  0
 processor  29935  3 powernow_k8
 fglrx2610490  0
 ac  2192  0
 button  4650  1 fglrx
 ext3  106710  2
 jbd37317  1 ext3
 mbcache 5050  1 ext3
 usb_storage40217  0
 sd_mod 29937  4

Re: Debian stable chromium does not open Facebook

2012-07-12 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 11 iul 12, 21:40:38, Christofer C. Bell wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 8:05 PM, John Hasler wrote:
  It isn't.  See .  You want backports:
 No, while that meets the need, I don't think that's what they want.
 The posters agreeing with each other (and I agree with them) are
 looking for something official.

But backports are official now (didn't used to), and iceweasel in stable 
is still usable in many cases, why drop it?
 For example, RHEL, while being even more stable than Debian (they
 support it for a decade instead of 2.5 years), keeps the important
 *desktop* applications (Firefox, OpenOffice) reasonably up to date and
 working (e.g.; Pidgin) when they break due to circumstances outside of
 their control (in the case of Pidgin, Yahoo! changed their chat
 protocol.  Debian left it broken in Etch -- RHEL fixed it).

There was a backport for pidgin too.

 I do agree with the others that this policy of never updating *for any
 reason, even reasonable reasons* is quite a millstone around Debian's
 neck.  It's ironic that out of all the major Linux distributions, only
 RHEL takes (IMO) a sensible middle ground, a balance between stability
 and unusability.

Debian doesn't have the same resources either.

Kind regards,
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Debian won't install via businesscard

2012-07-12 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Hi all.

I couldn't find a solution to my problem on the web.


I downloaded the file debian-6.0.5-i386-businesscard.iso and burned it onto CD,
then tried to install Debian on my pc.  Everything went fine until the `install
the base system' step, when the following error message appeared:

 Debootstrap Error
 Failed to determine the codename for the release

and it was impossibile to continue.  I also tried copying the iso file onto usb
pendrive and also tried to install Debian onto another machine but the error
occurred again and again.  Please help if you can.

Thanks in advance

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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

2012-07-12 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 11 iul 12, 17:58:32, Gary Dale wrote:
 On 11/07/12 05:43 PM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 (this image is accessible directly from the Debian home page)

Ok, I admit, I'm also subscribed to -www where it's introduction was 

 Interesting. How did you find it? It's not on the network install 

It's on the regular CD page, but maybe it should be also linked from the 
netinstall page (debian-cd in BCC, in case Steve is not following this 

Hope this explains,
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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

2012-07-12 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 12 iul 12, 00:43:31, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 It might be that even PPPoE should work for a netinst, IIRC it didn't
 work for me, but perhaps I'm confusing it with something different I

PPPoE works fine[1], but you need the netinst, not the business-card 
(and the following item)

 I'm using PPPoE for my ADSL modem to connect Linux to the Internet, 
 it's easy to do and a very fast and good connection, but ad-hoc to an 
 iPad 2 doesn't work.

You probably know that, but just to make sure: your modem most probably 
already takes care of PPPoE. You only need Debian to do it if you want 
to use the modem in bridge mode.

[1] the biggest ISP in Romania makes heavy use of PPPoE, since they 
provide either ethernet or cable with dumb modems only.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian won't install via businesscard

2012-07-12 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 12 iul 12, 08:31:20, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
  Debootstrap Error
  Failed to determine the codename for the release
 and it was impossibile to continue.  I also tried copying the iso file onto 
 pendrive and also tried to install Debian onto another machine but the error
 occurred again and again.  Please help if you can.

I suspect a temporary glitch in the mirror, thy choosing another one. 
Otherwise contact debian-boot.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: Do ATI HD cards have good working drivers for Linux (Debian Squeeze in particular)

2012-07-12 Thread Ivo Ugrina
I've bought ATI 6750 a few months ago
and I'm not satisfied with FLOSS driver.
I can't suspend anymore. The card simply
won't shut down.

Ivo Ugrina

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Re: mirror from

2012-07-12 Thread HP
Hash: SHA1

On 12.07.2012 10:00, Anton Gorlov wrote:
 How I get full  mirror of repository for some distr. example lenny
 amd 64? All distributions are linked to the content in the pool/
 directory, but we need to mirror only one
You may want look into apt-mirror:

I use that to have a local ubuntu mirror of the multiarch repo (i need
mirror ppc not the arm stuff).

Greetings HP
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Re: hardware identification

2012-07-12 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
i think you are talking about dmidecode



On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Thu, 2012-07-12 at 00:28 -0400, Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen wrote:
 open a terminal and type lspci

 I don't think the OP wants lspci, hwinfo etc..

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Re: Debian quiet boot

2012-07-12 Thread David Sastre Medina
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 06:59:56PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Wed, 2012-07-11 at 16:52 +, Camaleón wrote:
  On Wed, 11 Jul 2012 20:49:12 +0430, Mostafa Hashemi wrote:
  (remember to send in plain text...)
   thank you my friends
   where should i add quiet nosplash exactly ? any other ways 
  In Wheezy, that's the default, I guess. 
  It can be set from /etc/default/grub file, variable 
  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=quiet, not sure for squeeze, though.
 For AVLinux (stable, squeeze) there's also such a file with such an
 entry. I'm using another grub, however, I suspect that quiet nosplash
 will not do what the OP wants to get.

There's plymouth.

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Re: Debian quiet boot

2012-07-12 Thread Mika Suomalainen
Hash: SHA512

On 11.07.2012 19:19, Mostafa Hashemi wrote:
 where should i add quiet nosplash exactly ?


and the line, which you should have/add/edit should look like this
after you save the file.


After modifying /etc/default/grub, you should run update-grub for
the modifications to take effect.

PS. Please don't send HTML as suggested by Debian mailing list guidelines.

- -- 
Mika Suomalainen

NOTICE! I am on mobile broadband with very limited time, so I cannot
read emails very much.
The best time to contact me is probably weekends when I have better
connectivity with good luck.
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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

2012-07-12 Thread Alan Chandler

On 11/07/12 22:43, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Mi, 11 iul 12, 17:11:51, Gary Dale wrote:

The architecture downloaded should match your machine. If you have a
64bit computer, don't cripple it with a 32bit kernel.

I'll raise you guys some multiarch images:
(this image is accessible directly from the Debian home page)

Kind regards,
I was just bitten by the netinst limitations.  I had been regularly 
keeping copies and then when my hardware failed and I had to install the 
system on some slightly non standard hardware I found that the network 
card wasn't supported.

Eventually I got hold of the CD1 .iso and had no problem.

So for simplicity I would always recommend the CD1.iso.

Alan Chandler

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[Mystery SOLVED] Re: Iceweasel trouble, anyone else?

2012-07-12 Thread Eike Lantzsch
On Wednesday 11 July 2012 21:21:11 Rob Owens wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 07:20:45PM -0400, Eike Lantzsch wrote:
  Debian testing, i386, KDE 4.8.4, iceweasel 13.0.1
  Lately iceweasel suddenly started to blank all text on webpages of
  different sites. Usually restarting iceweasel helped (sort of). But now
  even after a restart it comes up with pages mostly blank, no text and
  even the menu text and titles on the toolbars disappear when manouvering
  three or four clicks.
 This is a long shot, but...
 I recently had issues with iceweasel using 80% of my CPU.  I tried
 upgrading from 3.something to 10.something in the
 repos.  That didn't fix it.
 I remembered that I had a kernel upgrade recently (from the backports
 repo), and I had never rebooted.  Rebooting fixed my iceweasel issue.

It had to do with system resources, but not CPU usage nor memory shortage. The 
/home partition was running out of space. Remarkable is that Iceweasel and 
Chromium started to act up without throwing out error messages.
Only gpodder, which was running at the same time, came up with a warning but 
later than the browser problems started.

I saw programs acting strangely and unpredictably before in the case of /tmp 
running out of space.

Thx to all
Kind regards,

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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

2012-07-12 Thread shthead

On 12/07/2012 6:37 PM, Alan Chandler wrote:

I was just bitten by the netinst limitations.  I had been regularly
keeping copies and then when my hardware failed and I had to install the
system on some slightly non standard hardware I found that the network
card wasn't supported.

Eventually I got hold of the CD1 .iso and had no problem.

So for simplicity I would always recommend the CD1.iso.

For things like firmware if you want the smaller netinstall CD you can 
use this shell script to add additonal non-free firmware:

I have used it to add the BNX firmware previoulsy without a hitch.

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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

2012-07-12 Thread shthead

On 12/07/2012 6:37 PM, Alan Chandler wrote:

I was just bitten by the netinst limitations.  I had been regularly
keeping copies and then when my hardware failed and I had to install the
system on some slightly non standard hardware I found that the network
card wasn't supported.

Eventually I got hold of the CD1 .iso and had no problem.

So for simplicity I would always recommend the CD1.iso.

I forgot to add the net install CD can be downloaded with the non free 
firmware from this link:

This should include most other network drivers that are not found on the 
official cds.

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System inventory and complain logging system

2012-07-12 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
Hello all,

i am looking for a web base UI project that can help me to maintain
the inventory , record of desktop complain,  complain tickets etc.
any advice please? actually what i wanted to know is, How linux
Pros/Network Admins handle this matter.  because there are many UI
available but i need to know what you guys prefer and why?


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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

2012-07-12 Thread Richard Owlett

Ralf Mardorf wrote:


I guess we should wait for a reply from the OP. I still don't understand
why the OP tries to use .

- Ralf

To quote the OP, I navigated to 
from, ...

I'll lay odds he had gone to either:

The both promote it as *THE _PREFERRED_ METHOD* for 
obtaining Debian online.

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Re: Do ATI HD cards have good working drivers for Linux (Debian Squeeze in particular)

2012-07-12 Thread Gary Dale

On 12/07/12 04:58 AM, Ivo Ugrina wrote:

I've bought ATI 6750 a few months ago
and I'm not satisfied with FLOSS driver.
I can't suspend anymore. The card simply
won't shut down.

Did you file a bug report for it?

I've found the Debian package maintainers to be quite eager to work with 
people to resolve issues relating to their packages. They don't have 
easy access to all the possible hardware variations so they need bug 
reports to alert them to problems.

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Re: hardware identification

2012-07-12 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 11 Jul 2012 21:22:05 -0700, Robert Holtzm wrote:

 I seem to remember a program that gave a lot of detail about the system
 hardware ie video card name, manufacturer, gpu chipset,  IIRC it even
 had a gui front end. Lshw comes close but but the program I'm thinking
 of produced more info.
 Does this ring a bell with anyone?

More info than lshw? Unless you mean lshw-gtk... ;-)

 There's a chance I'm thinking of Ubuntu, as I ran that before I got
 tired of their policies and switched to Debian.

sysinfo and hardinfo are also available at the usual repository but 
not sure if you were thinking in any of these, though.



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[OT] Re: Test Post

2012-07-12 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 01:35:40 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:

 David Baron wrote:
 To see if proper titles and headers are now coming through (one can
 always hope).
 Please see the Debian mailing list code of conduct.
 Specifically this item:
   * Do not send test messages to determine whether your mail client is

Shouldn't be (or wouldn't be nice to have, I don't want to sound too 
agressive) a dedicated mailing list for this purpose? I mean, for testing 
how messages will appear before getting into the real dangerous jungle 
and don't disturbing the beasts (groaar!) :-)



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Re: Iceweasel trouble, anyone else?

2012-07-12 Thread Rob Owens
On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 02:01:08AM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Rob Owens wrote:
  I recently had issues with iceweasel using 80% of my CPU.  I tried
  upgrading from 3.something to 10.something in the
  repos.  That didn't fix it.  
  I remembered that I had a kernel upgrade recently (from the backports
  repo), and I had never rebooted.  Rebooting fixed my iceweasel issue.
 Firefox consumed 100% cpu?  And it was repeatable?  You likely hit the
 recent linux kernel leap second bug[1].  FWIW it hit me too.  Perhaps
 humorously I didn't think it was a kernel mutex problem because
 Firefox has so often consumed 100% for no good reason. :-)
Actually it was between 60% and 90% -- typically 80% or higher.  I
noticed it for at least a week, until I rebooted.  I tried disabling all
addons, just in case, but the problem didn't go away until a reboot. 

I'll check out that leap second bug.


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Re: mirror from

2012-07-12 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 12:00:40 +0400, Anton Gorlov wrote:

 How I get full  mirror of repository for some distr. example lenny amd
 64? All distributions are linked to the content in the pool/ directory,
 but we need to mirror only one distribution/architecture.

Take a look here:



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Re: Debian won't install via businesscard

2012-07-12 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 08:31:20 +, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

 I couldn't find a solution to my problem on the web.

There's an old wise Latin saying that states Excusatio non-petita, 
accusatio manifesta :-P

 I downloaded the file debian-6.0.5-i386-businesscard.iso and burned it
 onto CD, then tried to install Debian on my pc.  Everything went fine
 until the `install the base system' step, when the following error
 message appeared:
  Debootstrap Error
  Failed to determine the codename for the release
 and it was impossibile to continue.  

Can you jump to a terminal (alt+F4?, I never remember) to see more debug 
messages (if any)?

 I also tried copying the iso file onto usb pendrive and also tried to
 install Debian onto another machine but the error occurred again and
 again.  Please help if you can.

It can be a problem with the burned image or the ISO itself, then :-?

Anyway, I recently read that Debian is thinking about dropping the 
business card installation media, so consider starting to use the mini-CD 
instead :-)



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Shutting down error

2012-07-12 Thread Camaleón

I'm running an updated wheezy and since weeks ago, when shutting down (or 
restarting) the system I can see this message:

[FAIL] Killing all remaining processes... failed.

(here is a snapshot)

There are no more errors (I mean, system is running fine), but seeing 
red letters with a failed word all in one line is a bit scaring. 
Well, what really worries me is the fact the message is consistent (it 
happens at every shutdown/restart) and has not dissapeared yet and I'm 
seeing it since long time... :-)

Anyone seeing this message? If not, how could I debug what is generating 



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Transferring files between Samsung tablet and a Debian box

2012-07-12 Thread Ken Heard
Can anyone tell me how I can transfer files between my Samsung tablet
with Honeycomb and my Debian boxes with Lenny or Squeeze, using either a
USB or Bluetooth connection between them?  I know I can transfer them by
e-mail, but that method is cumbersome.

Ken Heard

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Re: [OT] Re: Test Post

2012-07-12 Thread Bob Proulx
Camaleón wrote:
 Shouldn't be (or wouldn't be nice to have, I don't want to sound too 
 agressive) a dedicated mailing list for this purpose? I mean, for testing 
 how messages will appear before getting into the real dangerous jungle 
 and don't disturbing the beasts (groaar!) :-)

That would be a welcome addition to the mailing lists.  Then instead
of saying that there are 3,000 members on this mailing list and
therefore a level of noise reduction is needed, don't send test
messages to it, we could say please send them to the debian-list-test
or some such mailing list instead.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Shutting down error

2012-07-12 Thread hvw59601

Camaleón wrote:


I'm running an updated wheezy and since weeks ago, when shutting down (or 
restarting) the system I can see this message:

[FAIL] Killing all remaining processes... failed.


Running wheezy also, but I haven't done a dist-upgrade since June 19th. 
I get an [ok] for that message. When did you last upgrade? Did you see 
it before that?


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Re: Transferring files between Samsung tablet and a Debian box

2012-07-12 Thread mark
 Can anyone tell me how I can transfer files between my Samsung tablet
 with Honeycomb and my Debian boxes with Lenny or Squeeze, using either a
 USB or Bluetooth connection between them?  I know I can transfer them by
 e-mail, but that method is cumbersome.

If I can add value to this postI just got a Samsung Galaxy S III and
would like to know how to transfer my music and podcasts from my PC to the
phone.  Just like the tablet, the phone is not recognized as a device when
the USB cable is plugged in.  So, my question is how are files copied to



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Re: Debian stable chromium does not open Facebook

2012-07-12 Thread Bob Proulx
Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 Christofer C. Bell wrote:
  John Hasler wrote:
   It isn't.  See .  You want backports:
  No, while that meets the need, I don't think that's what they want.
  The posters agreeing with each other (and I agree with them) are
  looking for something official.
 But backports are official now (didn't used to),

Things have changed in this area and Firefox is now available from
squeeze-backports.  But that wasn't always true.  And I had forgotten
about it since I was using the desktop release track from which has the newer version.  debian-backports is
tracking unstable which has the ESR stable version.  But the newer
version from is newer and shadows it.

I am mostly fine with the ESR version in unstable and backports.
That's great.  However for most desktop users wanting to ride the
wave of the newest available Firefox just like their distant MS
cousins do then with the latest version is the
better choice for them.

 and iceweasel in stable is still usable in many cases, why drop it?

I would argue that only because it suckers people into a pitfall
without any obvious sign that it is a pitfall.  People install it
thinking one thing and finding out that it is actually another.

Whereas there are a lot of packages in backports.  I wouldn't argue to
automatically add backports to the sources.list file.

Instead I think web browsers have created their own category of
package.  One that changes very quickly outside the control of user or
distro.  Because they have become special they need to be handled
specially.  I applaud for doing so.

  For example, RHEL, while being even more stable than Debian (they

On RHEL I find it rather unusable without also adding the EPEL repo
too.  Otherwise the restricted list of packages supported in RHEL
proper isn't useful enough to be useful as a desktop.  Okay for a
dedicated server machine.  But even then I chafe at missing

  support it for a decade instead of 2.5 years), keeps the important
  *desktop* applications (Firefox, OpenOffice) reasonably up to date and
  working (e.g.; Pidgin) when they break due to circumstances outside of

Although I see that Firefox is now up to date in RHEL I remember that
this was one of the problem points in years leading up to this point
in time.  I am pretty sure that RHEL previously hadn't had an up to
date Firefox unless the user installed it from elsewhere.


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Re: Transferring files between Samsung tablet and a Debian box

2012-07-12 Thread Dan Hitt
On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 9:39 AM, wrote:
 Can anyone tell me how I can transfer files between my Samsung tablet
 with Honeycomb and my Debian boxes with Lenny or Squeeze, using either a
 USB or Bluetooth connection between them?  I know I can transfer them by
 e-mail, but that method is cumbersome.

 If I can add value to this postI just got a Samsung Galaxy S III and
 would like to know how to transfer my music and podcasts from my PC to the
 phone.  Just like the tablet, the phone is not recognized as a device when
 the USB cable is plugged in.  So, my question is how are files copied to

But when you plug it in, could you look for it in dmesg?

That is, when you plug it in and press the button to connect it, can you
run dmesg, and look for lines like
   blah blah blah /dev/sdg blah blah blah
then sudo mount it on /mnt (or elsewhere)?  (There may be some wrinkle
like you mount /dev/sd-whatever instead of /dev/sd-whatever1.)

Anyhow, if that works, then you can just copy files in and out
of where you've mounted it.




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`dget --build` permissions problem

2012-07-12 Thread Tom Roche

summary: I'm almost able to build a package, except

me@it:/tmp/gdal$ dget --build

fails at end (after long successful build) with

 error: could not create '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/osgeo': 
 Permission denied
 error: could not create '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/osgeo': 
 Permission denied
 dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2

How to solve this `dget --build` problem?


I'm running

$ lsb_release -ds
 Linux Mint Debian Edition
$ cat /etc/debian_version
$ uname -rv
 3.2.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Mar 4 22:48:17 UTC 2012
$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
 deb debian main upstream import
 deb testing main contrib non-free
 deb testing/updates main contrib 
 deb testing main non-free

To assimilate some data, I need to install app=gdalwarp = 1.9, and
therefore package=gdal-bin = 1.9, but the version currently provided
by LMDE is 1.7.3. 

I noted
 Package gdal-bin
 wheezy (testing) [...] 1.9.0-3+b1

so I attempted to install gdal-bin from wheezy:

me@it:/etc/apt$ sudo cp sources.list sources.list_20120710_1834
me@it:/etc/apt$ sudo emacs -nw -q sources.list
me@it:/etc/apt$ diff -wB sources.list_20120710_1834 sources.list
 #deb testing main contrib non-free
 deb testing main contrib non-free
me@it:~$ sudo aptitude update
# very not up-to-date


me@it:~$ sudo aptitude install -s gdal-bin
 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
   libpoppler19: Depends: libfontconfig1 (= 2.9.0) but 2.8.0-2.1ubuntu3 is 

libfontconfig1 has major reverse depends, including emacs, xulrunner,
cinnamon, gnome-shell, MATE, so I'd prefer not to update that in the
current configuration. Seeking an alternative install, I was advised to
try installing from the source package. This seemed sensible, since I
didn't hafta pull from experimental:
 gdal-bin_1.9.0-3+b1_amd64.deb 25-Jun-2012 09:03   325K
 gdal_1.9.0-3.dsc  05-Jun-2012 15:47   2.2K

So I installed `dget` from package=devscripts, and did

me@it:/tmp/gdal$ dget --build

This discovered many unmet dependencies, but I didn't need an uplevel
libfontconfig1, and I only had to touch my sources.list once, to get
libsqlite3-dev version=3.7.13-1 from the wheezy repo. I then ran

me@it:/tmp/gdal$ dget --build

again, which did a long [configure, make]-type build, ending with

 error: could not create '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/osgeo': 
 Permission denied
 error: could not create '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/osgeo': 
 Permission denied
 make[1]: *** [install] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/gdal/gdal-1.9.0/swig/python'
 make: *** [build-stamp] Error 2
 dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2

I thought the fix might be to run as root, but that also failed
(much more quickly):

me@it:/tmp/gdal$ sudo dget --build
 dget: retrieving
 dscverify: gdal_1.9.0-3.dsc failed signature check:
 gpg: keyblock resource `/root/.gnupg/secring.gpg': file open error
 gpg: Signature made Tue 05 Jun 2012 09:24:57 AM EDT using DSA key ID E9F2C747
 gpg: fatal: /root/.gnupg: directory does not exist!
 secmem usage: 1408/1408 bytes in 2/2 blocks of pool 1408/32768
 Validation FAILED!!

So I'm wondering, how to fix or work around the `dget --build`
permissions problem? `dget` seems to have almost completely built
gdal-bin, so I'd prefer to just finish that, rather than, e.g., build
separately from source tarballs.

TIA, Tom Roche

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Re: Shutting down error

2012-07-12 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 11:32:11 -0500, hvw59601 wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:
 I'm running an updated wheezy and since weeks ago, when shutting down
 (or restarting) the system I can see this message:
 [FAIL] Killing all remaining processes... failed.
 Running wheezy also, but I haven't done a dist-upgrade since June 19th.

Wow, that's almost a month :-)

 I get an [ok] for that message. When did you last upgrade? 

Yesterday (there were no new upgrades for today).

 Did you see it before that?

Yes, the message was present at least since the last 15 days but I can't 
be sure for a month ago.



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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

2012-07-12 Thread Doug

On 07/12/2012 12:45 AM, Charlie wrote:

  On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 05:47:40 +0200 Ralf Mardorf suggested this:

There are trillions of tasks Linux can't do.


Obviously I'm one of those who doesn't need any of these, because I
usually feel the opposite, but don't use windows.

I suppose if you have a lot of money then applications written and sold
for windows can do anything as well?

Good to know anyway.

Thanks for that information.

I don't think there are trillions, but two examples are for real:
AutoCAD and WordPerfect.  I know there are cad programs
for Linux, but _all_ cad programs are learning-intensive, so
if you know one, then you surely do not want to learn another.
The various descendents of StarOffice--Symphony, OO, and LO
--simply cannot equal WP, and even MS Office does not have all
of WP's capability. I'm sure there are other examples.

BTW, I'm not defending Windows--I have Win7, and I hate the
damned thing!  But I use it when I must.


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xmonad and LXDE.

2012-07-12 Thread peasthope
xdm and LXDE are installed here.  Wikipedia tells that xdm 
is a display manager and LXDE is a desktop environment.  I'm 
convinced that the acronyms are consistent with function.  
No outstanding problems with either of these softwares.

Currently I'm interested to try xmonad.  Wikipedia tells 
that it is a window manager.  The xmonad metapackage is 
installed.  /usr/share/doc/xmonad/README has 
Running xmonad:
to the last line of your .xsession or .xinitrc file.

/usr/share/doc/xmonad/README.Debian doesn't contradict this 
but there is no ~/.xsession or ~/.xinitrc here.

Well, given that xmonad is a window manager, it might be able to 
manage windows in LXDE.  I opened an LXTerminal and tried it.

peter@dalton:~$ xmonad
X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private resource 
  Major opcode of failed request:  2 (X_ChangeWindowAttributes)
  Serial number of failed request:  7
  Current serial number in output stream:  8

private resource?  Definitely clear as mud.

In all the screenshots I've seen, the xmonad windows occupy the whole screen 
with nothing else visible at the edges.  So I wonder whether xmonad can run 
on X without a desktop environment.  Explanations?

Does anyone here use xmonad?  How do you start it?

Thanks, ... Peter E.

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sc, i.e., spread sheet calculator using ncurses

2012-07-12 Thread Nick Lidakis
Does anyone use sc, the text based spreadsheet program? 

Over the years I've become more fond of the console and 
ncurses applications. I've recently found myself using sc 
as my first spreadsheet application for our new small 
business. Doing initial sales calculations, the program is fast,
easy to use, and being ncurses very easy on the eyes.

There's a bit of info about sc online but not much. I found a nice,
albeit dated, mini-manual online: 

I can foresee issues exchanging data with people who use Excel. But then 
I don't know if any of the graphical clients have that capability either.


P.S. I also find the command line accounting program ledger very intriguing 
as well.

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Re: Shutting down error

2012-07-12 Thread Brian
On Thu 12 Jul 2012 at 16:03:58 +, Camaleón wrote:

 I'm running an updated wheezy and since weeks ago, when shutting down (or 
 restarting) the system I can see this message:
 [FAIL] Killing all remaining processes... failed.
 (here is a snapshot)
 There are no more errors (I mean, system is running fine), but seeing 
 red letters with a failed word all in one line is a bit scaring. 
 Well, what really worries me is the fact the message is consistent (it 
 happens at every shutdown/restart) and has not dissapeared yet and I'm 
 seeing it since long time... :-)
 Anyone seeing this message? If not, how could I debug what is generating 

I get this message too, but know why in my case. The OS is on a USB
stick and /var/log is mounted on tmpfs. Being lazy and not easily scared
I have not yet set up a way of writing to disk when the machine is shut
down. Commenting out the relevant entry in /etc/fstab sees it go away.

The reason for your getting the same message may be different from mine,
of course. But it does appear logging (or the failure to log) is at the
root of it.

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Re: Transferring files between Samsung tablet and a Debian box

2012-07-12 Thread Kushal Kumaran
Ken Heard wrote:

Can anyone tell me how I can transfer files between my Samsung tablet
with Honeycomb and my Debian boxes with Lenny or Squeeze, using either
USB or Bluetooth connection between them?  I know I can transfer them
e-mail, but that method is cumbersome.

I hear newer versions of android no longer support the usb mass storage 
protocol. They use something called Media Transfer Protocol. The libmtp package 
(and associated utility packages) should help, but I think they are still in 
debian unstable only. 

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Debian Joy for Iceweasel

2012-07-12 Thread Esteban Monge
Hello I have make two Personas for Iceweasel based in the Debian Joy
theme by Adrien Aubourg.

You can wear it in:

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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

2012-07-12 Thread Doug

On 07/12/2012 08:32 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:

Ralf Mardorf wrote:


I guess we should wait for a reply from the OP. I still don't understand
why the OP tries to use .

- Ralf

To quote the OP, I navigated to from, ...

I'll lay odds he had gone to either:

The both promote it as *THE _PREFERRED_ METHOD* for obtaining Debian 

A few years ago i was investigating various Linux distros.  I ran up 
against jigdo and I
never saw anything more confusing in my life!  If that's the only way to 
Debian today, then it's no wonder the op can't do it!  Other distros 
just let you
boot the install disk and follow very simple  instructions.  Since I'm 
not using Deb
anymore, I don't know what the current process is, but there has to be 
an easier way!


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Re: Transferring files between Samsung tablet and a Debian box

2012-07-12 Thread Miles Fidelman

Kushal Kumaran wrote:

Ken Heard wrote:

Can anyone tell me how I can transfer files between my Samsung tablet
with Honeycomb and my Debian boxes with Lenny or Squeeze, using either
USB or Bluetooth connection between them?  I know I can transfer them
e-mail, but that method is cumbersome.

I hear newer versions of android no longer support the usb mass storage 
protocol. They use something called Media Transfer Protocol. The libmtp package 
(and associated utility packages) should help, but I think they are still in 
debian unstable only.

amazing what one can find with a little googling:

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Re: xmonad and LXDE.

2012-07-12 Thread Matthew Moore
On Thu 2012-07-12 10:29:32 AM, wrote:
 Currently I'm interested to try xmonad.  Wikipedia tells 
 that it is a window manager.  The xmonad metapackage is 
 installed.  /usr/share/doc/xmonad/README has 
 Running xmonad:
 to the last line of your .xsession or .xinitrc file.
 /usr/share/doc/xmonad/README.Debian doesn't contradict this 
 but there is no ~/.xsession or ~/.xinitrc here.

If you ditch xdm and start using startx, you can put the xmonad command
in your .xinitrc. If you want to keep using xdm, you'll need to create
the .xsession file. A minimal one would just have the command xmonad
in it. See

 In all the screenshots I've seen, the xmonad windows occupy the whole screen 
 with nothing else visible at the edges.  So I wonder whether xmonad can run 
 on X without a desktop environment.  Explanations?
 Does anyone here use xmonad?  How do you start it?

I start it with startx, and don't run a DE with it. My .xinitrc has
commands for loading .Xresources and starting some programs like a
clipboard manager, dbus, etc. I find the whole setup very usable, and it
gives me more control than xdm would.

Hope this helps,

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Re: xmonad and LXDE.

2012-07-12 Thread Cybe R. Wizard
On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:29:32 -0800 wrote:

 Does anyone here use xmonad?  How do you start it?

I just now installed it on my Debian Sid LXDE and started it by issuing:
xmonad --replace

I couldn't do a thing with it and re-started my xserver, then went
and read:
man xmonad.

I suggest you do so, especially the Usage part called Default keyboard

I'm going now to print that man page and try to learn how to use it.  I
hope you do, too.

Cybe R. Wizard
Nice computers don't go down.
Larry Niven, Steven Barnes
The Barsoom Project

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Re: Netbook acer ao-722 bz-893

2012-07-12 Thread Charles Kroeger
Before you give up you might just try the latest installer:

Make a disk from the testing .iso image and
see what its installer can do.

Debian Installer 7.0 Alpha1 release

Choose your architecture and the image you want. I usually download the
'net-install' and burn a disk but I don't see why the smaller images wouldn't
suffice as well.

If you like entertainment, let the installer do the job on its own. If you
don't like that then overwrite it with your personal touch.


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Re: xmonad and LXDE.

2012-07-12 Thread John L. Cunningham
On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 10:29:32AM -0800, wrote:
 In all the screenshots I've seen, the xmonad windows occupy the whole screen 
 with nothing else visible at the edges.  So I wonder whether xmonad can run 
 on X without a desktop environment.  Explanations?

xmonad is a tiling window manager. The windows expand and/or contract so
that the entire screen is always filled. (Unless you have configured it
to behave otherwise). You may want to search for xmonad on youtube to
see it in action.

 Does anyone here use xmonad?  How do you start it?

How does xdm know to start LXDE if you don't have a ~/.xsession file?

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Re (2): xmonad and LXDE.

2012-07-12 Thread peasthope
From:   Cybe R. Wizard
Date:   Thu, 12 Jul 2012 13:02:28 -0500
 started it by issuing:
 xmonad --replace

peter@dalton:~$ xmonad --replace
xmonad: user error (unrecognized flags)

peter@dalton:~$ xmonad --help
Usage: xmonad [OPTION]
  --help   Print this message
  --versionPrint the version number
  --recompile  Recompile your ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
  --restartRequest a running xmonad process to restart

You have a different xmonad.

Regards,... Peter E.

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Re: sc, i.e., spread sheet calculator using ncurses

2012-07-12 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 01:29:15PM -0400, Nick Lidakis wrote:
 Does anyone use sc, the text based spreadsheet program? 


(Not a precise answer to your question):

I remember 'slsc', a text based spreadsheet, based on 'sc', but more
advanced. Unfortunately, Debian doesn't contain it any more.

At least up to Debian 3, this prog was provided.

If you can find an 'slsc' source, you might be instrumental in
bringing it back to life. You'll probably prefer it to 'sc'.

I never saw a manpage or other manual, but I remember the menu
at the top opened on hitting '/'.

Good luck!



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Re: Re (2): xmonad and LXDE.

2012-07-12 Thread Cybe R. Wizard
On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 11:45:00 -0800 wrote:

 From: Cybe R. Wizard
 Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 13:02:28 -0500
  started it by issuing:
  xmonad --replace
 peter@dalton:~$ xmonad --replace
 xmonad: user error (unrecognized flags)
 peter@dalton:~$ xmonad --help
 Usage: xmonad [OPTION]
   --help   Print this message
   --versionPrint the version number
   --recompile  Recompile your ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
   --restartRequest a running xmonad process to
 You have a different xmonad.
 Regards,... Peter E.
Probably.  Mine is 0.10-4+b2

Cybe R. Wizard
Nice computers don't go down.
Larry Niven, Steven Barnes
The Barsoom Project

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Re: Transferring files between Samsung tablet and a Debian box

2012-07-12 Thread Siard
Miles Fidelman wrote:
 amazing what one can find with a little googling:

In addition to that, I found another method which is amazingly fast:
install an application like 'Software data cable' in your Android
device.  If device and PC both share the same WiFi connection, then you
can access your device from your PC through an ftp program, e.g. gftp.

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Re: [OT] Re: Test Post

2012-07-12 Thread Brian
On Thu 12 Jul 2012 at 10:22:19 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:
  Shouldn't be (or wouldn't be nice to have, I don't want to sound too 
  agressive) a dedicated mailing list for this purpose? I mean, for testing 
  how messages will appear before getting into the real dangerous jungle 
  and don't disturbing the beasts (groaar!) :-)
 That would be a welcome addition to the mailing lists.  Then instead
 of saying that there are 3,000 members on this mailing list and
 therefore a level of noise reduction is needed, don't send test
 messages to it, we could say please send them to the debian-list-test
 or some such mailing list instead.

A reasonable and right-thinking person knows what the purpose of any
mailing list is and is aware that posting mails which do not serve the
purpose of the list is ill-mannered and inconsiderate. A dedicated list
for such people is taking it to far. Especially as it has all the
flavour of closing the stable door.

I'd suggest vgui-discuss as a suitable test-bed. Or debian-devel for
living dangerously. :)

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Re: CD image doesn't exist for download?

2012-07-12 Thread Bob Proulx
Doug wrote:
 Richard Owlett wrote:
 Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I guess we should wait for a reply from the OP. I still don't understand
 why the OP tries to use .


 To quote the OP, I navigated to from, ...
 I'll lay odds he had gone to either:
 The both promote it as *THE _PREFERRED_ METHOD* for obtaining
 Debian online.

While it is true that jigdo is listed above bittorrent and http/ftp it
is simply one of the options in the list.  It is hard to have a list
and display it without bias.  Something will be earlier and something
will be later in the list.

I would say from looking at that the
preferred method is to use the Network install media option.  It is
highlighted to draw attention to it.  And it is also one of the
options in the list.  For most people I think the netinst image is the
best one for them to use.  And the web page says as much.

 A few years ago i was investigating various Linux distros.  I ran up
 against jigdo and I never saw anything more confusing in my life!
 If that's the only way to install Debian today, then it's no wonder
 the op can't do it!  Other distros just let you boot the install
 disk and follow very simple instructions.  Since I'm not using Deb
 anymore, I don't know what the current process is, but there has to
 be an easier way!

I can't say that jigdo is simple or trivial.  I tend to use bittorrent
for my needs and that is listed last in the list.  But jigdo is simply
one of the several options that are available for use.  It is up to
the user to choose.


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Re: [Mystery SOLVED - NOT!] Re: Iceweasel trouble, anyone else?

2012-07-12 Thread Eike Lantzsch
On Thursday 12 July 2012 06:43:02 Eike Lantzsch wrote:
 On Wednesday 11 July 2012 21:21:11 Rob Owens wrote:
  On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 07:20:45PM -0400, Eike Lantzsch wrote:
   Debian testing, i386, KDE 4.8.4, iceweasel 13.0.1
   Lately iceweasel suddenly started to blank all text on webpages of
   different sites. Usually restarting iceweasel helped (sort of). But now
   even after a restart it comes up with pages mostly blank, no text and
   even the menu text and titles on the toolbars disappear when
   manouvering three or four clicks.
  This is a long shot, but...
  I recently had issues with iceweasel using 80% of my CPU.  I tried
  upgrading from 3.something to 10.something in the
  repos.  That didn't fix it.
  I remembered that I had a kernel upgrade recently (from the backports
  repo), and I had never rebooted.  Rebooting fixed my iceweasel issue.
 It had to do with system resources, but not CPU usage nor memory shortage.
 The /home partition was running out of space. Remarkable is that Iceweasel
 and Chromium started to act up without throwing out error messages.
 Only gpodder, which was running at the same time, came up with a warning
 but later than the browser problems started.
 I saw programs acting strangely and unpredictably before in the case of
 /tmp running out of space.
 Thx to all
 Kind regards,

I have to eat my words - iceweasel does it again and /home has now 11GB free.

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Re: xmonad and LXDE.

2012-07-12 Thread Bob Proulx
John L. Cunningham wrote: wrote:
  In all the screenshots I've seen, the xmonad windows occupy the
  whole screen with nothing else visible at the edges.  So I wonder
  whether xmonad can run on X without a desktop environment.
 xmonad is a tiling window manager. The windows expand and/or contract so
 that the entire screen is always filled. (Unless you have configured it
 to behave otherwise). You may want to search for xmonad on youtube to
 see it in action.

Additionally there are (at least) three layers when looking at this
topic.  The X Window System itself, window managers, desktop
environments, in that order.  X can be run by itself, albeit not very
usefully.  Window managers need X.  You can run very well with X and a
window manager and without a desktop environment.  Desktop
Environments need X and usually need a window manager.  This is
implementation dependent.  GNOME 2 definitely worked in conjuction
with a window manager such as sawfish in the earlier days and then
metacity in the later days.  Desktop environments are often criticized
for being very heavy and bloated.

Xmonad is a window manager.  It may run on X and under a DE.  But it
does not require a DE.  It is perfectly functional by itself on X
without a DE.

Xmonad should run fine under LXDE.  I believe that by default LXDE
uses openbox as the window manager.  That means that before switching
to xmonad you should kill exit openbox first.

LXDE is a desktop environment.  It is relatively lightweight when
compared to GNOME and KDE.  But relatively heavy when compared to X
and a light window manager by itself.

I personally don't like the heavy desktop environments.  I run X with
a window manager but without a desktop session manager.  For the
previous couple of decades it was fvwm.  A very nice environment.
These days I am using awesome window manager.  I am also exploring
stumpwm and xmonad too.  All tiling managers.  All without a desktop
environment such as LXDE, KDE, or GNOME.

  Does anyone here use xmonad?  How do you start it?
 How does xdm know to start LXDE if you don't have a ~/.xsession file?

On Debian the default /etc/X11/Xsession will use a default if you
don't have one of your own.  The Debian one must handle different
packages being installed and removed therefore it uses the command
x-session-manager as an alternatives management system.  Various
window managers install alternatives to it.  It always points to
either the highest priority installed one, the last installed one if
there are equal priorities, or the manually selected one.

Run this:

  $ update-alternatives --display x-session-manager

The output will be different depending upon what you have installed
and the order you installed them.


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Re: Transferring files between Samsung tablet and a Debian box

2012-07-12 Thread Mark Neidorff
On Thursday 12 July 2012 1:47:14 pm Miles Fidelman wrote:
  I hear newer versions of android no longer support the usb mass storage
  protocol. They use something called Media Transfer Protocol. The libmtp
  package (and associated utility packages) should help, but I think they
  are still in debian unstable only.
 amazing what one can find with a little googling:

It doesn't work for me.  Here is the error output that I get:

mark@Mark:~$ mtp-detect
libmtp version: 1.0.3

Listing raw device(s)
Device 0 (VID=04e8 and PID=6860) is UNKNOWN.
Please report this VID/PID and the device model to the libmtp development team
   Found 1 device(s):
   04e8:6860 @ bus 1, dev 8
Attempting to connect device(s)
PTP_ERROR_IO: Trying again after re-initializing USB interface
LIBMTP PANIC: Could not open session! (Return code 767)
  Try to reset the device.
Unable to open raw device 0


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Re: Transferring files between Samsung tablet and a Debian box

2012-07-12 Thread Siard
Mark Neidorff:
 Miles Fidelman: 
  amazing what one can find with a little googling:
 It doesn't work for me.  Here is the error output that I get:
 mark@Mark:~$ mtp-detect
 libmtp version: 1.0.3
 Listing raw device(s)
 Device 0 (VID=04e8 and PID=6860) is UNKNOWN.
 Please report this VID/PID and the device model to the libmtp
 development team Found 1 device(s):
04e8:6860 @ bus 1, dev 8

It's OK, you just need the VID and PID in order to put them into

You might understand a little more of mtpfs after reading this:

For more interesting stuff on MTP in Linux, try the same url, leaving
away the 3 at the end.

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Re: hardware identification

2012-07-12 Thread Robert Holtzm
On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 03:19:53PM +, Camale�n wrote:
 On Wed, 11 Jul 2012 21:22:05 -0700, Robert Holtzm wrote:
  I seem to remember a program that gave a lot of detail about the system
  hardware ie video card name, manufacturer, gpu chipset,  IIRC it even
  had a gui front end. Lshw comes close but but the program I'm thinking
  of produced more info.
  Does this ring a bell with anyone?
 More info than lshw? Unless you mean lshw-gtk... ;-)
  There's a chance I'm thinking of Ubuntu, as I ran that before I got
  tired of their policies and switched to Debian.
 sysinfo and hardinfo are also available at the usual repository but 
 not sure if you were thinking in any of these, though.

Hardinfo was the one I was thinking of. Thanks to you and all who

Bob Holtzman
If you think you're getting free lunch, 
check the price of the beer.
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