Re: Erreur cp: opérande du fichier cible manquant dans script shell [debutant]

2012-07-15 Thread Basile Starynkevitch
On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 18:52:26 +0200
Hugues MORIN wrote:

 Voila je fais mes premiers pas dans le script shell.
 Pour m'entrainer j'ai fait un script qui est sense copier des fichiers vers
 d'autres emplacements en leur gardant les memes proprietaires et droits,
 ainsi que creer une copie de sauvegarde du fichier cible.

Un conseil pour déboguer un script shell: Mettre le temps du déboguage les 
options v et x
dans la première ligne, cad #!/bin/bash -vx

Note aussi que le shell posix /bin/sh est différent du bash.


email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

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Re: Debian le SAN

2012-07-15 Thread Glennie Vignarajah
On Saturday 07 July 2012 23:24:18 Gilles Mocellin wrote:


 Pour rescanner le SAN, il y a des scripts comme rescan-scsi-bus dans les
 paquets scsitools ou sg3-utils dans les examples.
 Suivant le driver, on doit aussi pouvoir lancer une commande FC LIP via

J'utilise echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/class/scsi_device/*/device/rescan pour 
rescaner le bus SCSI ou FC et echo - - - | sudo tee 
/sys/class/scsi_host/host*/device/scsi_host/host*/scan pour mettre le 
changement de la géométrie des disks (augmentation/diminution de la tailles 
des disks).

It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

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Multiplexage du son ?

2012-07-15 Thread Nicolas FRANCOIS

J'ai un petit soucis que je n'avais pas constaté avant (ce qui ne veut
pas dire qu'il n'était pas déjà présent), sur ma Debian 6 stable : je
n'ai plus de multiplexage du son.

Plus précisément, si une application (Iceweasel, Amarok...) produit des
sons, je ne peux pas lancer Civ4 sous wine parce qu'il ne détecte plus
la présence de matériel son (même si j'ai coupé tous les bruits
produits, aimant jouer dans le calme :-). De la même façon, si je lance
une session Window$ XP dans Virtualbox, je ne peux plus écouter de
musique par exemple avec RadioTray. Et tout un tas d'autres exemples.

Ce que me dit l'icône de son de ma barre supérieure :
- matériel : Audio interne 1 sortie/1 entrée, profil Analog Stereo
- pas d'effets sonores.
Un truc bizarre : dernièrement, j'ai deux de ces icônes en haut à

J'utilise la carte son intégrée à ma carte mère, je n'ai jamais eu de
problème jusqu'à présent, et je sais avoir déjà par exemple pu jouer à
Civ4 en écoutant la radio ou un disque.

Le seul truc que j'ai éventuellement casser et que j'ai temporairement
(pour des raisons de compatibilité wine) installé une vieille carte
SoundBlaster que j'avais piquée dans l'ordinateur de ma femme, mais je
l'ai depuis enlevée.

Des idées ?

D'avance merci.



Nicolas FRANCOIS  |  /\   | |__|
We are the Micro$oft.   _\_V
Resistance is futile.   
You will be assimilated. darthvader penguin

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Re: Postfix et Mailman

2012-07-15 Thread andre_debian
On Sunday 15 July 2012 02:40:42 you wrote:
 Le dimanche 15 juil. 2012 à 00:11:08 (+0200), andre_debian a écrit :

  J'ai installé le serveur de mails (Postfix) avec des adresses
  virtuelles (virtual), qui fonctionne très bien,
  et le serveur de Mailing-Listes (Mailman).
  Comment dire à Postfix de ne pas chercher les adresses
  des ML de Mailman ? :
  je créé la liste
  Lorsque j'envoie un Mail au nom de la liste,
  je reçois cette réponse :
  Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender :
  Recipient address rejected : User unknown in virtual
  mailbox table.
  Merci de votre aide.  andré
 Mailman maintient une table d'alias (stanza), il faut
 la faire figurer dans la configuration de Postfix.
 En général c'est le fichier /var/lib/mailman/data/aliases
 il faut donc ajouter 'hash:/var/lib/mailman/data/aliases'
 sur la ligne virtual_alias_maps.
 Voir [0] et [1].
 Bon courage,


Le fichier /var/lib/mailman/data/aliases est généré automatiquement
lors de la création de la liste (Mailman l'ajoute).

Par contre il faut renseigner le fichier :

Et maintenant, ça marche très bien.


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Re: Multiplexage du son ?

2012-07-15 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 15:50:59 +0200
Nicolas FRANCOIS wrote:

 Un truc bizarre : dernièrement, j'ai deux de ces icônes en haut à

IMHO c'est LÀ la source du PB.
 Le seul truc que j'ai éventuellement casser et que j'ai
 temporairement (pour des raisons de compatibilité wine) installé
 une vieille carte SoundBlaster que j'avais piquée dans
 l'ordinateur de ma femme, mais je l'ai depuis enlevée.

Hmm, il-y-a des chances que tu ais fait des modifs lorsque tu
as ajouté la SB (dans mes souvenirs, une vraie SB nécessite un
paramétrage d'insertion manuel pour fonctionner correctement);
tu as sans doute oublié ça et le module se charge quand même(?)
(ça expliquerait la double icône).
Vérifie déjà avec un lsmod.

Faire un alsacl store à la fin, histoire que ça soit propre.

Et si c'est bien le cas, tient un fichier des modifs à jour,
du genre:
2012-05-14@14:10: Ajouté CS SB + créé /etc/modprobe.d/SB.conf
2012-06-27@02:45: Retiré CS SB

Et dans la mesure du possible, tâche de faire en sorte que tes
fichiers modifiés/ajoutés soient en majuscules, ça permet de les
repérer d'un seul coup d'œil.

Adeline Le livre religieux des chrétiens c'est la Bible.
Axel Ouais, pour les musulmans c'est le Coran.
Adeline Et pour les asiatiques ?
Axel Les Pages Jaunes.

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Re: Erreur cp: opérande du fichier cible manquant dans script shell [debutant]

2012-07-15 Thread Hugues MORIN

Merci pour l'astuce, ca va me simplifier les choses.

Pour info (pour ceux qui lirons ce post en archive), le -vx est d'autres
methodes de debuggage sont exliquees la:


Le 15 juillet 2012 09:49, Basile Starynkevitch a
écrit :

 On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 18:52:26 +0200
 Hugues MORIN wrote:

  Voila je fais mes premiers pas dans le script shell.
  Pour m'entrainer j'ai fait un script qui est sense copier des fichiers
  d'autres emplacements en leur gardant les memes proprietaires et droits,
  ainsi que creer une copie de sauvegarde du fichier cible.

 Un conseil pour déboguer un script shell: Mettre le temps du déboguage les
 options v et x
 dans la première ligne, cad #!/bin/bash -vx

 Note aussi que le shell posix /bin/sh est différent du bash.


 email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
 8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
 *** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

Re: Multiplexage du son ?

2012-07-15 Thread Nicolas FRANCOIS
Le Sun, 15 Jul 2012 19:12:51 +0200,
Bzzz a écrit :

 On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 15:50:59 +0200
 Nicolas FRANCOIS wrote:
  Un truc bizarre : dernièrement, j'ai deux de ces icônes en haut à
 IMHO c'est LÀ la source du PB.
  Le seul truc que j'ai éventuellement casser et que j'ai
  temporairement (pour des raisons de compatibilité wine) installé
  une vieille carte SoundBlaster que j'avais piquée dans
  l'ordinateur de ma femme, mais je l'ai depuis enlevée.
 Hmm, il-y-a des chances que tu ais fait des modifs lorsque tu
 as ajouté la SB (dans mes souvenirs, une vraie SB nécessite un
 paramétrage d'insertion manuel pour fonctionner correctement);
 tu as sans doute oublié ça et le module se charge quand même(?)
 (ça expliquerait la double icône).
 Vérifie déjà avec un lsmod.

Dans ce domaine, j'ai cela, en ce qui concerne le son :

snd_seq_dummy   1343  0 
snd_hda_codec_realtek 235714  1 
snd_hda_intel  20035  6 
snd_hda_codec  54292  2 snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_hda_intel
snd_hwdep   5380  1 snd_hda_codec
snd_pcm_oss32591  0 
snd_mixer_oss  12606  1 snd_pcm_oss
snd_pcm60487  4 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_pcm_oss
snd_seq_midi4400  0 
snd_rawmidi15515  1 snd_seq_midi
snd_seq_midi_event  4628  1 snd_seq_midi
snd_seq42881  3
snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_midi,snd_seq_midi_event snd_timer
15598  3 snd_pcm,snd_seq snd_seq_device  4493  4
snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_midi,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq soundcore
4598  1 snd snd_page_alloc  6249  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm

(et rien qui contienne sb).

Je ne sais pas trop quoi en faire. Le serveur de son semble être pulsaudio, 
mais comment savoir qui charge quoi ??? Je vous ferais bien une sortie de ps 
aux, mais ça doit faire une semaine que mon PC tourne, donc on n'y voit plus 
rien !

D'autres idées ?



Nicolas FRANCOIS  |  /\   | |__|
We are the Micro$oft.   _\_V
Resistance is futile.   
You will be assimilated. darthvader penguin

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Re: Multiplexage du son ?

2012-07-15 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 22:04:32 +0200
Nicolas FRANCOIS wrote:

 (et rien qui contienne sb).

 Je ne sais pas trop quoi en faire. Le serveur de son semble être
 pulsaudio, mais comment savoir qui charge quoi ???

ben de tte façon pulse marche sur une base alsa.

par contre, as-tu le bon /etc/asound.conf?
de mémoire, il faut chercher: pulseaudio perfect setup
pour tomber sur leur page de wiki.

 Je vous ferais
 bien une sortie de ps aux, mais ça doit faire une semaine que
 mon PC tourne, donc on n'y voit plus rien !

Non, ça ne servirait pas à grand chose, par contre tu peux le
faire (genre: ps auxf pour avoir une arborescence) de façon
à tâcher de repérer quel est le programme qui se dédouble et
à quel endroit il le fait.

D'autre part, et c'est fonction de ton WM, la plupart des WM
font une sauvegarde des pgms en cours lors de la fermeture et
les rappellent automatiquement lors d'un démarrage.

Donc, commence par tuer les 2 instances (en tâchent de savoir
qd même leur nom, histoire de pouvoir relancer alla mano si 
besoin est), quitte X, flingue ton x|k|g|dm et redémarre X
normalement (startx).
Déjà tu verras si les 2 reviennent, ou 1 ou 0; et si ça se 
trouve c'est juste ça: une erreur de manip.

Regloman: Y'a que 2 choses capables de changer un geek :
Regloman: L'amputation de ses bras
Regloman: Et le sexe
50G33K: Oh tu sais pour un geek le sexe et ses bras sont
très liés, alors ça fait pas vraiment deux arguments ^^
Regloman: ...

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Re: Multiplexage du son ?

2012-07-15 Thread Nicolas FRANCOIS
Le Sun, 15 Jul 2012 22:26:42 +0200,
Bzzz a écrit :

 On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 22:04:32 +0200
 Nicolas FRANCOIS wrote:
  (et rien qui contienne sb).
  Je ne sais pas trop quoi en faire. Le serveur de son semble être
  pulsaudio, mais comment savoir qui charge quoi ???
 ben de tte façon pulse marche sur une base alsa.
 par contre, as-tu le bon /etc/asound.conf?

Pas de asound.conf dans /etc, et rien ailleurs (autre que dans la doc :

nico@gaston:~$ locate asound.conf

 de mémoire, il faut chercher: pulseaudio perfect setup

Vu. En cours. Mais ça ne change rien.

 pour tomber sur leur page de wiki.
  Je vous ferais
  bien une sortie de ps aux, mais ça doit faire une semaine que
  mon PC tourne, donc on n'y voit plus rien !
 Non, ça ne servirait pas à grand chose, par contre tu peux le
 faire (genre: ps auxf pour avoir une arborescence) de façon
 à tâcher de repérer quel est le programme qui se dédouble et
 à quel endroit il le fait.

Bon, alors j'ai trouvé quelques trucs étranges dans mon arbre (j'ai au
passage désinstallé quelques trucs correspondant à des essais de
matériels avortés, genre changement pour une carte ATI pour faire
tourner Civ4, tiens, fume...), viré deux trois applications au
démarrage de Gnome, et après redémarrage j'ai trouvé :

root  1756  0.0  0.0  74336  2860 ?Sl   Jul10   0:00 /usr/sbin/gdm3
root 31491  0.0  0.0  99800  4316 ?Sl   00:19   0:00  \_ 
/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-simple-slave --display-id /org/gnome/
root 31543  0.0  0.0  95280  3348 ?Sl   00:19   0:00  \_ 
nico 31572  0.1  0.0 159028  7780 ?Ssl  00:19   0:00  \_ 
nico 31694  0.1  0.1 392344 11976 ?S00:19   0:00  
\_ gnome-volume-control-applet
nico 31703  0.0  0.2 422848 17696 ?Sl   00:19   0:00 
  --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet_Factory --oaf-ior-fd=1
nico 31742  1.2  0.2 379944 17980 ?Sl   00:20   0:00 

Tuer 31742 n'a rien fait (?), et paradoxalement, ce n'est pas 
gnome-volume-control-applet que j'ai envie de garder, mais 
mixer_applet2. J'ai bon ?

Si c'est le cas, je fais comment pour savoir où ça se lance ?
C'est dans les répertoires .gnome, .gconf... ???
 D'autre part, et c'est fonction de ton WM, la plupart des WM
 font une sauvegarde des pgms en cours lors de la fermeture et
 les rappellent automatiquement lors d'un démarrage.

Ce n'est pas mon cas, j'ai décoché l'option.
 Donc, commence par tuer les 2 instances (en tâchent de savoir
 qd même leur nom, histoire de pouvoir relancer alla mano si 
 besoin est), quitte X, flingue ton x|k|g|dm et redémarre X
 normalement (startx).

L'applet qui est fixe s'appelle Applet de volume 2.30, et
maintenant que je vais voir son nom, je me dis que je n'aurais
pas du virer gnome-applet-control.gstreamer :-( Par contre 
l'applet de gauche (celle qui est dans la zone de notification
proprement dite, si je ne m'abuse, où vont les applications 
iconifiables), ne veut pas dire son nom (pas de bouton A 
propos !).

 Déjà tu verras si les 2 reviennent, ou 1 ou 0; et si ça se 
 trouve c'est juste ça: une erreur de manip.

Au rechargement de session, les deux sont revenues. Je cherche
encore d'où ça vient. Et même après avoir supprimé l'une des deux,
je ne peux toujours pas lancer deux applications nécessitant du 
son en même temps.

Merci de ton aide et de ta patience :-)



Nicolas FRANCOIS  |  /\   | |__|
We are the Micro$oft.   _\_V
Resistance is futile.   
You will be assimilated. darthvader penguin

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Re: Multiplexage du son ?

2012-07-15 Thread Bzzz
On Mon, 16 Jul 2012 00:51:48 +0200
Nicolas FRANCOIS wrote:

 Tuer 31742 n'a rien fait (?), et paradoxalement, ce n'est pas 
 gnome-volume-control-applet que j'ai envie de garder, mais 
 mixer_applet2. J'ai bon ?

Là, je ne sais pas; apparemment tu utilises gnome que j'ai juste
testé il-y-a qq années.
J'utilise XFCE4 depuis de nombreuses années, qui n'a qu'un seul
bémol: la gestion d'openGL dans le bureau (y'a du tearing dans vlc).

 Si c'est le cas, je fais comment pour savoir où ça se lance ?
 C'est dans les répertoires .gnome, .gconf... ???

Célàkéloss, y'a pas une bonne âme s/s gnome qui peut répondre?
(dans XFCE4, soit tu vires qq chose et ça ne revient pas dans la
session suivante [à Cdt d'avoir coché le rappel de session], soit
tu veux qq chose et tu fait un chtit starter que tu balances dans

  D'autre part, et c'est fonction de ton WM, la plupart des WM
  font une sauvegarde des pgms en cours lors de la fermeture et
  les rappellent automatiquement lors d'un démarrage.
 Ce n'est pas mon cas, j'ai décoché l'option.

Hmm, je me demande si gdm3 n'y serait pas pour qq chose.
En fait, à partir du moment où il n'y a pas 50k personnes qui
utilisent ta bécane ou que tu ne te connectes pas à distance,
les ?dm ne servent qu'à gaspiller de la RAM.

Je trouve plus pratique de me logger en console et de lancer
directement X par 'startx' (et la RAM dispo me remercie:)

Mais, vu les bizarreries de gnome c'est bleu-suppo qu'il continue
à charger qq chose même avec l'option décochée.
Re-teste en cochant, redémarrant X, tuant les icônes/pgms, décochant,
redémarrant X.

 L'applet qui est fixe s'appelle Applet de volume 2.30, et
 maintenant que je vais voir son nom, je me dis que je n'aurais
 pas du virer gnome-applet-control.gstreamer :-( Par contre 
 l'applet de gauche (celle qui est dans la zone de notification
 proprement dite, si je ne m'abuse, où vont les applications 
 iconifiables), ne veut pas dire son nom (pas de bouton A 
 propos !).

Ben tu flingues la connue et tu fais un ps axu pour connaître le
nom de l'autre (sèpu si ça apparaît dans un ps, ça?)

  Déjà tu verras si les 2 reviennent, ou 1 ou 0; et si ça se 
  trouve c'est juste ça: une erreur de manip.
 Au rechargement de session, les deux sont revenues. Je cherche
 encore d'où ça vient. Et même après avoir supprimé l'une des deux,
 je ne peux toujours pas lancer deux applications nécessitant du 
 son en même temps.

Alors teste:
1- sans gdm, en lançant X à la main et vois si ça marche
2- siçamarchpa, installe un truc léger (fluxbox ou blackbox)
   change l'exec dans ton ~/.xinitrc, relance à la main, et 
   'gade ce qui se passe.

eugene: J'te dis que PC ca veut dire Post Computer 
Andy: Mais Non C'est Personnal Computer Demande a Laetitia Tu va voir ! 
eugene: Ca veut dire quoi PC Laetitia ?
Laetitia: Bah Parti Socialiste !

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Re: El manifiesto y los principios Agiles - gratuito - 1342286177

2012-07-15 Thread Pedro
Porfavor, márquenlo como spam!! Es muy rápido

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Re: Extraño comportamiento con ssh y firefox

2012-07-15 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 14 Jul 2012 22:33:15 +0200, fernando sainz escribió:

 El día 14 de julio de 2012 22:26, Camaleón


 Camaleón, acabo de salir y entrar con otro usuario distinto y
 efectivamente no me pasa.
 Ni idea de por qué se produce esto, pero desconcierta un poco.

 Entonces ya sé qué puede ser. Firefox es (o era al menos) muy puñetero
 con eso de tener dos instancias abiertas con el mismo usuario/mismo
 perfil. Mira a ver si lanzándolo con firefox -no-remote te permite
 hacer lo que buscas.

 Funciona, pero no deja de extrañarme este comportamiento. ¿Si estoy en
 una sesión remota como es que ejecuta el comando en la local ?

Supongo que será porque como dicen ellos mismos¹, cuando inicias Firefox
con una instancia ya en ejecución, la nueva instancia se acopla a la 

De hecho, si ejecuto Firefox en mi equipo y luego intento abrir una segunda
instancia en local ejecutada desde el mismo usuario (firefox -no-remote) 
no me deja, me dice que ya hay una instancia abierta y que debo cerrarla.

En cambio, si lo ejecuto desde otro usuario (root) con «gksu firefox 
se abre sin problemas. Y si se ejecuta desde una sesión ssh pues pasará lo 




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Re: OT: Problema FTP Debian

2012-07-15 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 14 Jul 2012 19:03:30 -0300, Juan escribió:

 El día 14 de julio de 2012 07:03, Camaleón

 Vale, pero leyendo el asunto no creo que sea OT :-)
 ok, pensé que al no ser algo específico de debian iba como OT.

ProFTP es un programa que está en Debian, en los repos habituales. Me 
parece que nos estamos volviendo un poco paranoicos en esta lista :-P

 Que te falle la conexión en remoto pero no en local parece indicar que
 el problema no está en la configuración del servicio.


 - No utilices el navegador para acceder, prueba a conectarte con un
 cliente FTP.
 Me da error tambien, dice que se pasa a modo PASV y que recibe una
 respuesta incorrecta

El error lo debes de tener igual, eso está claro, lo que me interesa es 
que pongas el comando que ejecutas y la salida que te da. La ventaja de 
usar un cliente ftp (p. ej., ftp) es que permite opciones de depuración 
(-v y -d) que en este caso te podrían ser de ayuda.

 - Revisa el registro del servidor FTP, debes de tener más datos ahí.
 Este es un GRAN problema para mi. Soy bastante autodidacta, pero no
 encuentro mucha info sobre como entender los logs, los trato de leer,
 pero a mi, no me dicen nada, no se ver los problemas que reportan.
 Quiero aprender a hacerlo, pero no logro dar con el sitio donde
 aprender. Sigo en la busqueda.

Los mensajes de error los irás interpretando con el tiempo y la 
experiencia. Súbelos a algún lado ( para que podamos ver 
qué te dice (ojo, omite datos sensibles en caso de haberlos).

Más info sobre los registros de ProFTP aquí:

 - Prueba con la dirección IP en lugar del nombre del dominio (ftp
 remote_ip:2821) en caso de tengas una IP fija.
 No tengo ip fija, pero busque en la ip publica y da el
 mismo error

Si no tienes IP la cosa se complica un pelín porque tendrás que usar algún 
sistema de DNS dinámico y la IP que te aparezca en este caso importa menos 
porque puede no estar actualizada en la base de datos del servicio y 
redireccionarte a otro cliente. No es fiable.

 - Revisa la configuración del router: si usas dyndns que todo esté
 correcto, si usas NAT revisa los valores de la redirección de puertos,
 posible apertura del puerto en el cortafuegos en caso de tenerlo...).
 El router tien el firewall desactivado, al menos hasta terminar de hacer
 funcionar esto, despues me pondre a ver eso para darle mas seguridad. NO
 uso dyndns, uso, me gusta más y me funciona todo lo
 demas, la pagina web, phpsysinfo, phpmyadmin, etc

El servicio que uses es irrelevante pero tienes que tenerlo bien 
configurado, obviamente. Y recuerda que algunos modems tienen problemas 
para redireccionar los servicios a la red local cuando sales desde ellos, 
es decir, que pruebes a conectarte al servidor FTP desde una conexión 
distinta que no salga por tu modem/router. Puedes decirle a algún amigo 
que lo pruebe, por ejemplo.

Lo bueno de DynDNS es que tiene documentación interesante para los 
problemas más comunes, echa un vistazo a ver si alguna de las cosas que 
mencionan te da alguna idea:



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Re: Extraño comportamiento con ssh y firefox

2012-07-15 Thread fernando sainz
El día 15 de julio de 2012 13:26, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 14 Jul 2012 22:33:15 +0200, fernando sainz escribió:

 El día 14 de julio de 2012 22:26, Camaleón


 Camaleón, acabo de salir y entrar con otro usuario distinto y
 efectivamente no me pasa.
 Ni idea de por qué se produce esto, pero desconcierta un poco.

 Entonces ya sé qué puede ser. Firefox es (o era al menos) muy puñetero
 con eso de tener dos instancias abiertas con el mismo usuario/mismo
 perfil. Mira a ver si lanzándolo con firefox -no-remote te permite
 hacer lo que buscas.

 Funciona, pero no deja de extrañarme este comportamiento. ¿Si estoy en
 una sesión remota como es que ejecuta el comando en la local ?

 Supongo que será porque como dicen ellos mismos¹, cuando inicias Firefox
 con una instancia ya en ejecución, la nueva instancia se acopla a la

Ya, pero no olvidemos que estoy en otra maquina... :-)

 De hecho, si ejecuto Firefox en mi equipo y luego intento abrir una segunda
 instancia en local ejecutada desde el mismo usuario (firefox -no-remote)
 no me deja, me dice que ya hay una instancia abierta y que debo cerrarla.

 En cambio, si lo ejecuto desde otro usuario (root) con «gksu firefox 
 se abre sin problemas. Y si se ejecuta desde una sesión ssh pues pasará lo 




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Re: Extraño comportamiento con ssh y firefox

2012-07-15 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 15 Jul 2012 14:18:05 +0200, fernando sainz escribió:

 El día 15 de julio de 2012 13:26, Camaleón


 Funciona, pero no deja de extrañarme este comportamiento. ¿Si estoy en
 una sesión remota como es que ejecuta el comando en la local ?

 Supongo que será porque como dicen ellos mismos¹, cuando inicias
 Firefox con una instancia ya en ejecución, la nueva instancia se acopla
 a la inicial.

 Ya, pero no olvidemos que estoy en otra maquina... :-)

Sí pero no.

Cuando inicias una sesión gráfica vía SSH los procesos se comparten, 
supongo que para ahorrar recursos, ancho de banda... y entiendo que es lo 
que sucede con Firefox que no es precisamente una aplicación de las que 
se puedan considerar como ligeritas :-P



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Re: Nvidia binary blob and libcairo2 1.10+

2012-07-15 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
2012/7/15 hvw59601
 Dan Serban wrote:

 For those unaware, running wheezy or squeeze + backports while using the
 Nvidia binary blob (and in some cases nouveau) drawing _anything_ in X is
 painful, it can take seconds to respond to a mouse click, or
 minimizing/maximizing a window.  Scrolling speed is horrendous as well.

 For the months that I've experienced this problem, I've been waiting for
 Debian to step up and either find a workaround or fix the issue.

 The issue from what I understand stems from libcairo enabling features
 the Nvidia driver blob cannot cope with.

 The bug is reported here:

 Reading through that bug report, it seems that this has been an issue for
 some time, a patch is provided and I have successfully upgraded to my own
 package which includes the patch.

 My question is:  Am I alone here?


 No you are not. I pinned libcairo, easier than patching it.


I pinned libcairo too, to squeeze-backports version.

  Blog de Haldrik

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Re: java plugin, is does it have any security vulnerabilities ?

2012-07-15 Thread Sven Hoexter
On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 06:23:58PM -0400, Andrew Reid wrote:


   You can switch to OpenJDK, or remove your sun-java6 packages and install
 the JRE from the Oracle-provided binaries.

I would rephrase it a little bit to 'You _should_ switch to OpenJDK and
the icedtea browser plugin'. If you can't, because you've to e.g. use
the KVM console of Dells iDRAC cards in various incarnations, you can
convert the Oracle .bin packages to a .deb package.

There is a helper tool in sid, which works fine on Debian/Squeeze
aswell, called make-jpkg. You can find it in the java-package
Debian package

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Re: Unresponsive SDHC card

2012-07-15 Thread computer.enthusiastic

2012/7/15 Guido Martínez
 I have a 16gb Kingston SDHC. But now with
 my new installation the card is completely unresponsive, I can't use
 fdisk, nor dd, nor cat on it. Also system shutdown will halt until I
 remove the card from the reader.

Please, specify  debian version and kernel version; you can use the
following commands:
 uname -a
 lsb_release -a

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Preventing APT from upgrading to wheezy/sid?

2012-07-15 Thread nyuszika7h
Hash: SHA1


I'm running a server with squeeze+backports, and yesterday I found out
that I need Python 3.2 for an IRC bot.

So I went ahead and added these lines to my /etc/apt/sources.list:
 deb testing main contrib non-free
 deb sid main contrib non-free

I don't want my server to be upgraded to wheezy/sid, so I added these
lines to /etc/apt/preferences:
 Package: * Pin: release a=testing Pin-Priority: -400
 Package: * Pin: release a=sid Pin-Priority: -500
I also have this:
 Package: * Pin: release a=squeeze-backports Pin-Priority: 900

This unfortunately does not work though. How could I prevent APT from
upgrading to wheezy/sid?

P.S. Please CC your replies to me, I'm not subscribed to the mailing list.

- -- 
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 CACC5B094EC00206 Key fingerprint = 4B6F AEED CF3E 61B0 04D4  571C
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Re: Preventing APT from upgrading to wheezy/sid?

2012-07-15 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hash: SHA256

Hello nyuszika7h,

nice name, btw.

nyuszika7h wrote:
 This unfortunately does not work though. How could I prevent APT from
 upgrading to wheezy/sid?

Try something like

APT::Default-Release squeeze;

in /etc/apt/apt.conf.

Best regards,

- -- 
  A board is the planck unit of boredom.  telnet 4242
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


2012-07-15 Thread ljmoore
On my BW G4 I've had to remove the rage driver from 

or the machine freezes (both squeeze and wheezy,) *but* the
file from wheezy works on squeeze and end-runs the freeze.
Just a point of data. Thanks.

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Re: audio capturing in debian?

2012-07-15 Thread Celejar
On Sat, 14 Jul 2012 16:21:49 -0400 (EDT)
Karen Lewellen wrote:

 Hi all,
 anything that equals audio hijack pro  which is a mac program, in debian?
 I recall some posts about flash being outdated, but that may have nothing 
 to do with my question.

I can't help you, but for best results, you need to explain what,
exactly AHP is and does. There are probably many on the list who are
familiar with linux audio software but not with the program you mention.



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Re: Do ATI HD cards have good working drivers for Linux (Debian Squeeze in particular)

2012-07-15 Thread Ivo Ugrina
On 07/12/2012 03:04 PM, Gary Dale wrote:
 On 12/07/12 04:58 AM, Ivo Ugrina wrote:
 I've bought ATI 6750 a few months ago
 and I'm not satisfied with FLOSS driver.
 I can't suspend anymore. The card simply
 won't shut down.
 Did you file a bug report for it?

Nope :(

I've solved it with disabling KMS

 I've found the Debian package maintainers to be quite eager to work with
 people to resolve issues relating to their packages. They don't have
 easy access to all the possible hardware variations so they need bug
 reports to alert them to problems.

Ivo Ugrina

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Re: java plugin, is does it have any security vulnerabilities ?

2012-07-15 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 14 Jul 2012 21:54:09 +0100, dave selby wrote:

 i am running Debian stable (squeeze) and have java installed
 6.26-osqueeze1 as a package.
 Firefox uses this package but when I asked it to check if plugins are up
 to date it says nope, need version 7...

Yes, the latest Oracle's Java version is now 7 (update 5).

 So am I right in thinking that v6.26 is old (and thus the advice to
 upgrade to 7) but does not have any known security vulnerabilities
 because it is part of stable ?
 Or have I missed something ?

I'm afraid the current Oracle's Java version in Squeeze is vulnerable. 
You either switch to OpenJVM or manually install Oracle's Java 7 from 
their site ;-(

More info:



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2012-07-15 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 07:34:17 -0400, ljmoore wrote:

 On my BW G4 I've had to remove the rage driver from
 or the machine freezes (both squeeze and wheezy,) *but* the file from
 wheezy works on squeeze and end-runs the freeze. Just a point of data.

Thanks for the info but consider opening a bug report so that the issue 
can be properly addressed :-)



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Re: Do ATI HD cards have good working drivers for Linux (Debian Squeeze in particular)

2012-07-15 Thread Gary Dale

On 15/07/12 09:17 AM, Ivo Ugrina wrote:

On 07/12/2012 03:04 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 12/07/12 04:58 AM, Ivo Ugrina wrote:

I've bought ATI 6750 a few months ago
and I'm not satisfied with FLOSS driver.
I can't suspend anymore. The card simply
won't shut down.

Did you file a bug report for it?

Nope :(

I've solved it with disabling KMS
That's not a solution. It's a work-around. The bug still exists and 
won't be fixed unless it's reported.

I've found the Debian package maintainers to be quite eager to work with
people to resolve issues relating to their packages. They don't have
easy access to all the possible hardware variations so they need bug
reports to alert them to problems.

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Re: Loadlin and Squeeze kernel 2.6.32

2012-07-15 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 14 Jul 2012 19:11:41 -0400, Tom H wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Camaleón wrote:


 Reading from GRUB's legacy documentation¹, I see none listed. However,
 GRUB2 manual² does not even mention the possibility of installing GRUB2
 into the first boot sector of a partition, maybe something has changed
 between the two versions :-?
 Nothing's changed except that you have to use the --force option to
 install grub2 into a PBR. The drawback, according to grub, is that you
 have to use block lists rather than use an intermediate step (grub1's
 stage 1.5 or grub2's core.img) that understands filesystems.

Which, generally speaking, it translates into...? I mean, what are those 
block lists and how are they effectively affecting the boot process 
from a user's point of view? 

On systems with multiple operating systems in the same hard disk I've 
always found a more dangerous approach to install GRUB (or any other 
bootloader) in the MBR that inside a partition because you completely 
relay on the bootloder capabilities to boot all of the installed systems 
and also the MBR could be always overwritten when you install a Windows 


 Are you sure about the generic boot code?

 Yes :-)


 Write Generic Boot Code to MBR
 Replaces the current MBR with generic, operating system independent
 code. ***

 Why this option? I can't tell and I don't know (because I have not
 directly tested) if there's any difference between choosing this and
 installing no bootloader at all. To be sincere, I don't know if by
 selecting no bootloader you can boot at all, I mean, directly from your
 hard disk with no other helpers :-?


 Thanks for the info and the links. You've misunderstood me. I didn't say
 that Linux could boot without a bootloader. I said that I didn't
 understand the purpose of the Generic Boot Code since other
 distributions don't use it when installing grub to a PBR.

You're right. 

Yes, what I should have say is that the difference between a) installing 
GRUB into the first section of a partition or b) installing GRUB into the 
first section of a partition *and* writing generic boot code to MBR is 
unknown to me.

Why does openSUSE provide such option while others no and what kind of 
changes generates? As I said, I don't know, maybe option a) writes 
specific GRUB code into the MBR while option b) uses generic bootstrap 
data. Differences between the two? That a) does not need the bootable 
flag to be present while b) does? Who knows :-?



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How can I install an amd64 to my new bought Laptop/

2012-07-15 Thread Benimaur Gao
   I bought a new Laptop a few days ago, it's an X220i, and I planned
to install a amd64 system on it
   I dump a netinst iso(amd64) image to a flash disk by dd, boot and
try to work with it, but I found it just cannot use. :(
   it's so easy to get crash after some trivial commands, such as 'tar
xjvf', 'rsync -av', etc. The system just hang after dumping some info,
I can't write them down entirely, too much content, I saw the keywords
are about 'SMP', 'protecting'...
   Another two things I have tried:
   1. I boot my old X61 with the same usb, It works OK with the
previous deadly commands..
   2. I change to an i386 image, It works fine with my new X220i and
the same commands.
   I hope to install the amd64 and I need your assistance! thank you!!

   //btw, another thing to complain :(
   I think it's very inconvenient to work with a netinst iso that lack
of wpasupplicant! The WLAN and wpa/wpa2 authentication is so
ubiquitous nowadays, It's annoying to find a UTP cable..

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Re: No sound in headphone through jack - Thinkpad T510

2012-07-15 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 14 Jul 2012 14:09:55 -0400, Patrik Dufresne wrote:

 package: alsa-base
 Version: 1.0.23+dfsg-4
 After a suspend / resume, there is not more sound coming out of the
 headphone jack.


Have you tried to reload alsa (alsa reload)?
 Step to reproduce:
 1. Start the laptop
 2. Play any music with rythmbox
 3. Stop the music
 4. Put the laptop in suspend mode
 5. Resum it later on
 6. Play music with Rythmbox
 Expected behavior
 7. The music is playing with headphone jack.
 Current behavior
 8. When I plug headphone, there is no music playing. Still, if I unplug
 the headphone, the internal speaker are playing the music.

Mmm, so you still listen to the music through the speakers instead the 

 $ lspci | grep -i audio
 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High 
 Definition Audio (rev 06)
 01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation High Definition Audio Controller 
 (rev a1)

You have two sound cards detected. Ensure after thawing from suspension 
the proper card has been selected as the default sound output.



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Re: What commands do I need to remove all vestiges of X + Bumblebee from my Squeeze installation?

2012-07-15 Thread aditya menon
Thanks, I'll try the Purge option.

However, there is a slight difficulty because I don't know what packages X has 
installed... there are many xserver-xorg-* packages I can't track down - will 
it be okay if I do a regex remove (something like `aptitude purge xserver-*`, 
for example)?

Also, Bumblebee was not installed via Aptitude, and even after following the 
instructions to uninstall it won't go away... I can understand if it's not 
possible to help me with this info, no problem...

On Sunday, July 15, 2012 9:30:01 AM UTC+5:30, Gary Dale wrote:
 On 14/07/12 09:32 PM, aditya menon wrote:
 span style=white-space:pregt; Hello!
   gt; I have had to install and remove X multiple times using
   gt; trying to debug my graphic card. Now, I#39;m ready to give up
   and simply
   gt; get X as it is.
   gt; I also have tried the uninstall process outlined in
   gt; documentation, but it still tries to start up (I can see it
   gt; #39;starting Bumblebeed - failed#39;) when I start the system on
   gt; So I#39;d like to restore my system to a #39;clean#39; level, 
   gt; re-formatting. I have no real personal data on the install,
   but it#39;s
   gt; a pain to reformat. I want to achieve a state where there is
   no X or
   gt; bumblebee... help please?
   gt; Thanks!/span
 Use the purge option with aptitude to remove the configuration files
 as well as the packages.
 However, to debug your graphics card, we#39;d need more information.
 Linux amp; X work with almost anything you can throw at it, even if
 it doesn#39;t enable all the high-end features. You may however need to
 install Wheezy if your card is really new.

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Re: What commands do I need to remove all vestiges of X + Bumblebee from my Squeeze installation?

2012-07-15 Thread aditya menon

Kindly disregard my previous message - I've done a reinstall of the OS, and I'm 
about to start a new thread for recommendations. Thanks...

On Sunday, July 15, 2012 7:30:01 AM UTC+5:30, aditya menon wrote:
 I have had to install and remove X multiple times using aptitude trying to 
 debug my graphic card. Now, I#39;m ready to give up and simply get X as it 
 I also have tried the uninstall process outlined in Bumblebee#39;s 
 documentation, but it still tries to start up (I can see it calling 
 #39;starting Bumblebeed - failed#39;) when I start the system on terminal.
 So I#39;d like to restore my system to a #39;clean#39; level, without 
 re-formatting. I have no real personal data on the install, but it#39;s a 
 pain to reformat. I want to achieve a state where there is no X or 
 bumblebee... help please?
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Re: What commands do I need to remove all vestiges of X + Bumblebee from my Squeeze installation?

2012-07-15 Thread Gary Dale

On 15/07/12 10:00 AM, aditya menon wrote:

Thanks, I'll try the Purge option.

However, there is a slight difficulty because I don't know what packages X has 
installed... there are many xserver-xorg-* packages I can't track down - will 
it be okay if I do a regex remove (something like `aptitude purge xserver-*`, 
for example)?

Also, Bumblebee was not installed via Aptitude, and even after following the 
instructions to uninstall it won't go away... I can understand if it's not 
possible to help me with this info, no problem...

Aptitude is usually smart enough to remove packages made unnecessary 
when the package that depended on them is removed. No need to get fancy.

You can try locating the Bumblebee files and removing them manually 
(i.e. delete the files). This may require a couple of passes with 
reboots in between. You may even want to boot into single-user (rescue) 
mode or use a live CD to ensure that they aren't in memory.

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Re: How can I install an amd64 to my new bought Laptop/

2012-07-15 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 22:24:36 +0800, Benimaur Gao wrote:

I bought a new Laptop a few days ago, it's an X220i, and I planned
 to install a amd64 system on it
I dump a netinst iso(amd64) image to a flash disk by dd, boot and
 try to work with it, but I found it just cannot use. :(

Cannot use means that you already installed a full system on your 

it's so easy to get crash after some trivial commands, such as 'tar
 xjvf', 'rsync -av', etc. The system just hang after dumping some info, I
 can't write them down entirely, too much content, I saw the keywords are
 about 'SMP', 'protecting'...

The information you give is a bit chaotic. Can you please explain what 
packages are installed in your system (full desktop environment, text 
based install...), run any of the mentioned commands and put here the 

Another two things I have tried:
1. I boot my old X61 with the same usb, It works OK with the
 previous deadly commands..
2. I change to an i386 image, It works fine with my new X220i and
 the same commands.
I hope to install the amd64 and I need your assistance! thank you!!

I'm afraid more precission and detailed information is required to 
discover what can be happing here because amd64 images are as good as 
i386 so the problem has to be elsewhere :-?
//btw, another thing to complain :(
I think it's very inconvenient to work with a netinst iso that lack
 of wpasupplicant! The WLAN and wpa/wpa2 authentication is so ubiquitous
 nowadays, It's annoying to find a UTP cable..

Wireless is available at install time but only WEP for Squeeze images 
(WPA is an option since wheezy, IIRC). Anyway, installing is the most 
delicated step, nothing I would rely to a wireless data layer :-)



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Fwd: How can I install an amd64 to my new bought Laptop/

2012-07-15 Thread Benimaur Gao
-- Forwarded message --
From: Benimaur Gao
Date: Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: How can I install an amd64 to my new bought Laptop/

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 11:05 PM, Gary Dale wrote:
 On 15/07/12 10:24 AM, Benimaur Gao wrote:

 I bought a new Laptop a few days ago, it's an X220i, and I planned
 to install a amd64 system on it
 I dump a netinst iso(amd64) image to a flash disk by dd, boot and
 try to work with it, but I found it just cannot use. :(
 it's so easy to get crash after some trivial commands, such as 'tar
 xjvf', 'rsync -av', etc. The system just hang after dumping some info,
 I can't write them down entirely, too much content, I saw the keywords
 are about 'SMP', 'protecting'...
 Another two things I have tried:
 1. I boot my old X61 with the same usb, It works OK with the
 previous deadly commands..
 2. I change to an i386 image, It works fine with my new X220i and
 the same commands.
 I hope to install the amd64 and I need your assistance! thank you!!

 //btw, another thing to complain :(
 I think it's very inconvenient to work with a netinst iso that lack
 of wpasupplicant! The WLAN and wpa/wpa2 authentication is so
 ubiquitous nowadays, It's annoying to find a UTP cable..

 If the USB key boot works on the X61, it should work on the X2200i, even
 though your method of creating a boot disk sounds dodgy. Did you try the
 methods suggested at

 I'm not sure what you mean by some trivial commands. Did you get the
 install to work or not?

Actually I don't want to run the install wizzard...
I am used to install system through debootstrap.

some trivial commands such as tar, rsync //etc, when I run this
command, my system get hang..

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Re: How can I install an amd64 to my new bought Laptop/

2012-07-15 Thread Benimaur Gao
On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 11:20 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 22:24:36 +0800, Benimaur Gao wrote:

I bought a new Laptop a few days ago, it's an X220i, and I planned
 to install a amd64 system on it
I dump a netinst iso(amd64) image to a flash disk by dd, boot and
 try to work with it, but I found it just cannot use. :(

 Cannot use means that you already installed a full system on your

No... sorry for my crappy English, I mean I can't use it to install system.

it's so easy to get crash after some trivial commands, such as 'tar
 xjvf', 'rsync -av', etc. The system just hang after dumping some info, I
 can't write them down entirely, too much content, I saw the keywords are
 about 'SMP', 'protecting'...

 The information you give is a bit chaotic. Can you please explain what
 packages are installed in your system (full desktop environment, text
 based install...), run any of the mentioned commands and put here the

1. I dd the netinst iso to a flash disk  boot the machine with it.
2. I try to rsync the whole system to my new machine
by rsync -av /* --exclude={/home/user/*,/sys/*,/dev/*,/proc/*,/mnt/*}

then the system got crash...

//if this succeed, then I can chroot into the new 'system', install
the kernel and grub, etc.
I always use this way to install OS...

Another two things I have tried:
1. I boot my old X61 with the same usb, It works OK with the
 previous deadly commands..
2. I change to an i386 image, It works fine with my new X220i and
 the same commands.
I hope to install the amd64 and I need your assistance! thank you!!

 I'm afraid more precission and detailed information is required to
 discover what can be happing here because amd64 images are as good as
 i386 so the problem has to be elsewhere :-?

there are too much dump info... I hope i can upload a picture captured
by my phone as an alternative...
errr.. do I create the bootable usb in a wrong way?? what's proper
method to do that??
unetbootin is required??

//btw, another thing to complain :(
I think it's very inconvenient to work with a netinst iso that lack
 of wpasupplicant! The WLAN and wpa/wpa2 authentication is so ubiquitous
 nowadays, It's annoying to find a UTP cable..

 Wireless is available at install time but only WEP for Squeeze images
 (WPA is an option since wheezy, IIRC). Anyway, installing is the most
 delicated step, nothing I would rely to a wireless data layer :-)



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Re: Loadlin and Squeeze kernel 2.6.32

2012-07-15 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 14 Jul 2012 19:11:41 -0400 (EDT), Tom H wrote:
 Thanks for the info and the links. You've misunderstood me. I didn't
 say that Linux could boot without a bootloader. I said that I didn't
 understand the purpose of the Generic Boot Code since other
 distributions don't use it when installing grub to a PBR.

I realize that your remarks above are directed to Camaleón, but some
kind of boot code has to be in the Master Boot Record (MBR).  Otherwise,
the BIOS cannot boot from the hard disk.  If you install GRUB2 (or any
other boot loader for that matter) to a Volume Boot Record, then
some kind of generic boot code, boot code which chain loads whichever
partition is marked active, must be installed in the Master Boot Record.
Either other distributions install such boot code without asking, or
they either assume or verify that such boot code is already there.

For example, an install of Linux on a hard disk that already has Windows
(and only Windows) installed on it would not need to install generic
boot code, since it is already there by means of Windows.  On the other
hand, if you have a hard disk that has been wiped clean by DBAN, or
something similar, then there is no generic boot code in the MBR.
If you have previously installed a Linux boot loader to the hard disk's
MBR, then you probably need to install generic boot code in the MBR
to wipe out whatever boot loader used to be there if you now want
to install GRUB2 (or any other Linux boot loader) to a VBR.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: what graphic card to buy?

2012-07-15 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Slavko.

You worte:

 i am using the nvidia cards only. Some years. When i got to setup the
 computers (notebooks) with ATI cards, i was always some (less or
 bigger) problems. My actual computer has integrated ATI, but i am
 using the external nvidia one.

I can say absolutely opposite - ATI cards worked just fine for me w/
3D acceleration from the free drivers (when the models support was
already there).

Also, ATI cards seems to have a better ratio price/performance.

PS Nice logo - I really like it. :o)


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Re: How can I install an amd64 to my new bought Laptop/

2012-07-15 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 23:37:02 +0800, Benimaur Gao wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 11:20 PM, Camaleón wrote:

 Cannot use means that you already installed a full system on your
 No... sorry for my crappy English, I mean I can't use it to install

Okay, then how do you expect to run any command from the installer itself? :-?

 The information you give is a bit chaotic. Can you please explain what
 packages are installed in your system (full desktop environment, text
 based install...), run any of the mentioned commands and put here the
 1. I dd the netinst iso to a flash disk  boot the machine with it. 

There's a documented method for doing that:

Did you run the above commands? (note that dd is not needed anymore)

Also, what version are you installing (stable, testing...)?

 2. I try to rsync the whole system to my new machine by rsync -av /*
 then the system got crash...

What? Without installing first?

I'm not sure what are you trying to do nor if it can be done from the 
installer :-?

 //if this succeed, then I can chroot into the new 'system', install the
 kernel and grub, etc.
 I always use this way to install OS...

First time I read something like that, sorry :-). I always install as usual,
by following the on-screen instructions.

 I'm afraid more precission and detailed information is required to
 discover what can be happing here because amd64 images are as good as
 i386 so the problem has to be elsewhere :-?
 there are too much dump info... I hope i can upload a picture captured
 by my phone as an alternative...
 errr.. do I create the bootable usb in a wrong way?? what's proper
 method to do that??
 unetbootin is required??

I already sent you a link with instructions. See above.



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Re: Loadlin and Squeeze kernel 2.6.32

2012-07-15 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 14 Jul 2012 19:11:41 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Camaleón wrote:

 Reading from GRUB's legacy documentation¹, I see none listed. However,
 GRUB2 manual² does not even mention the possibility of installing GRUB2
 into the first boot sector of a partition, maybe something has changed
 between the two versions :-?

 Nothing's changed except that you have to use the --force option to
 install grub2 into a PBR. The drawback, according to grub, is that you
 have to use block lists rather than use an intermediate step (grub1's
 stage 1.5 or grub2's core.img) that understands filesystems.

 Which, generally speaking, it translates into...? I mean, what are those
 block lists and how are they effectively affecting the boot process
 from a user's point of view?

Let's assume that grub1/grub2 have to load /boot/grub/camaleon in
order to boot.

If they're using block lists, they'll locate that file as starting on
xxx block of yyy partition.

If they're using an intermediate stage (grub1's stage 1.5 or grub2's
core.img), they'll locate that file by name.

Block lists are supposed to be less reliable/more fragile/(fill in
with the negative flavor that suits you).

 On systems with multiple operating systems in the same hard disk I've
 always found a more dangerous approach to install GRUB (or any other
 bootloader) in the MBR that inside a partition because you completely
 relay on the bootloder capabilities to boot all of the installed systems
 and also the MBR could be always overwritten when you install a Windows

When multi-booting Linux distributions, there's no problem installing
grub in the MBR. I have a netbook on which quantal, rawhide, and sid
are installed and grub's uninstalled in rawhide and sid and installed
in the MBR via quantal.

When multi-booting Linux and Windows, installing grub in the MBR *can*
be hazardous to your health and that of your box...

 Are you sure about the generic boot code?

 Yes :-)

 Write Generic Boot Code to MBR
 Replaces the current MBR with generic, operating system independent
 code. ***

 Why this option? I can't tell and I don't know (because I have not
 directly tested) if there's any difference between choosing this and
 installing no bootloader at all. To be sincere, I don't know if by
 selecting no bootloader you can boot at all, I mean, directly from your
 hard disk with no other helpers :-?

 Thanks for the info and the links. You've misunderstood me. I didn't say
 that Linux could boot without a bootloader. I said that I didn't
 understand the purpose of the Generic Boot Code since other
 distributions don't use it when installing grub to a PBR.

 You're right.

 Yes, what I should have say is that the difference between a) installing
 GRUB into the first section of a partition or b) installing GRUB into the
 first section of a partition *and* writing generic boot code to MBR is
 unknown to me.

 Why does openSUSE provide such option while others no and what kind of
 changes generates? As I said, I don't know, maybe option a) writes
 specific GRUB code into the MBR while option b) uses generic bootstrap
 data. Differences between the two? That a) does not need the bootable
 flag to be present while b) does? Who knows :-?

No worries.

I've done some googling...

1) The generic boot code's the DOS MBR code that
fdisk/fixmbr/bootrec/bootsect writes to the MBR with the right
option(s). The DOS MBR code's less sophisticated that grub's; it
simply loads the partition marked active.

2) OpenSUSE does this because it doesn't believe in installing grub in
the MBR (but its installer allows you to do so).

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Re: what graphic card to buy?

2012-07-15 Thread Gary Dale

On 15/07/12 12:04 PM, Sthu Deus wrote:

Good time of the day, Slavko.

You worte:

i am using the nvidia cards only. Some years. When i got to setup the
computers (notebooks) with ATI cards, i was always some (less or
bigger) problems. My actual computer has integrated ATI, but i am
using the external nvidia one.

I can say absolutely opposite - ATI cards worked just fine for me w/
3D acceleration from the free drivers (when the models support was
already there).

Also, ATI cards seems to have a better ratio price/performance.

PS Nice logo - I really like it. :o)

I agree, although the Nouveau drivers are getting better. AMD/ATI has 
the greater commitment to open source, which is another great reason to 
use their cards.

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Re: Fwd: How can I install an amd64 to my new bought Laptop/

2012-07-15 Thread Gary Dale

On 15/07/12 11:24 AM, Benimaur Gao wrote:

-- Forwarded message --
From: Benimaur
Date: Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: How can I install an amd64 to my new bought Laptop/

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 11:05 PM, Gary  wrote:

On 15/07/12 10:24 AM, Benimaur Gao wrote:

 I bought a new Laptop a few days ago, it's an X220i, and I planned
to install a amd64 system on it
 I dump a netinst iso(amd64) image to a flash disk by dd, boot and
try to work with it, but I found it just cannot use. :(
 it's so easy to get crash after some trivial commands, such as 'tar
xjvf', 'rsync -av', etc. The system just hang after dumping some info,
I can't write them down entirely, too much content, I saw the keywords
are about 'SMP', 'protecting'...
 Another two things I have tried:
 1. I boot my old X61 with the same usb, It works OK with the
previous deadly commands..
 2. I change to an i386 image, It works fine with my new X220i and
the same commands.
 I hope to install the amd64 and I need your assistance! thank you!!

 //btw, another thing to complain :(
 I think it's very inconvenient to work with a netinst iso that lack
of wpasupplicant! The WLAN and wpa/wpa2 authentication is so
ubiquitous nowadays, It's annoying to find a UTP cable..

If the USB key boot works on the X61, it should work on the X2200i, even
though your method of creating a boot disk sounds dodgy. Did you try the
methods suggested at

I'm not sure what you mean by some trivial commands. Did you get the
install to work or not?

Actually I don't want to run the install wizzard...
I am used to install system through debootstrap.

some trivial commands such as tar, rsync //etc, when I run this
command, my system get hang..
May I suggest using the installer? It does proper hardware detection. 
Without it, you can experience all kinds of problems - as you seem to be.

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Re: How can I install an amd64 to my new bought Laptop/

2012-07-15 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hello Benimaur,

Benimaur Gao wrote:
 1. I dd the netinst iso to a flash disk  boot the machine with it.
 2. I try to rsync the whole system to my new machine
 by rsync -av /* --exclude={/home/user/*,/sys/*,/dev/*,/proc/*,/mnt/*}

If you simply want to copy your old system onto the new machine, why
do you need the netinstall images? It might lack some proper hardware
detection and is meant for other uses (though it can usually also
work as you intend it to do).

I’d suggest using either some of the many live CDs with good hardware
detection or the i386 netinstall which appears to work fine to you.
It should be able to chroot into your system just as well (assuming
it’s an i386 system).

If you, for some reason, decide to stick with the amd64 netinstall
CD, I suggest you try the various boot parameters to disable specific
options/enable hardware quirks.

Best regards,

  A board is the planck unit of boredom.  telnet 4242

Description: PGP signature

Re: Unresponsive SDHC card

2012-07-15 Thread Guido Martínez
It's the most recent debian cd on the site. No previous upgrades.

$ uname -a
Linux mk-ii 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Sun May 6 04:01:19 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 (squeeze)
Codename:   squeeze

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 6:09 AM, computer.enthusiastic wrote:

 2012/7/15 Guido Martínez
 I have a 16gb Kingston SDHC. But now with
 my new installation the card is completely unresponsive, I can't use
 fdisk, nor dd, nor cat on it. Also system shutdown will halt until I
 remove the card from the reader.

 Please, specify  debian version and kernel version; you can use the
 following commands:
  uname -a
  lsb_release -a

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Re (3): xmonad and LXDE.

2012-07-15 Thread peasthope
From:   Bob Proulx
Date:   Thu, 12 Jul 2012 22:57:03 -0600
 When doing things like that with the window manager I usually start a
 terminal first.  I like xterm.  

OK, xmonad ran and mod-p gave a dmenu as a list of commands in 
a ribbon across the top of the screen.  The left and right arrow keys scrolled 
the list.  I didn't find how to execute a command in dmenu or get a 
result from any other xmonad key binding.  Didn't spend much time at 
it and not complaining.

Incidentally, refers to the mod key but never mentions what 
it is. Alt+P gave the dmenu.  On a PC keyboard, mod appears to be Alt.  


Never seen /dev/null used for input.  What is the advantage?  Or what is 
the harm in not specifying stdin?

 ~/.xsession-errors  ... Oops. ...   ~/.xsession-errors ...

No problem.  Caught it.

 So the priority doesn't matter and the best doesn't matter.

I miss that point completely.  What is the significance of auto and 

Thanks,   ... Peter E.

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Re: audio capturing in debian?

2012-07-15 Thread Karen Lewellen

Good evening,
You wrote:...

On Sun, 15 Jul 2012, Celejar wrote:

anything that equals audio hijack pro  which is a mac program, in debian?

I can't help you, but for best results, you need to explain what,
exactly AHP is and does. There are probably many on the list who are
familiar with linux audio software but not with the program you mention.

most certainly.
audio hijack pro.
to cointheir expression, in three words, record any audio.
If I have miss typed the ink let me know.

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Shutdown and suspend not working on laptop

2012-07-15 Thread DJ Amireh
I am having trouble with power management on my laptop. I cannot get
suspend or shutdown to work, attempting either causes my laptop to have a
black screen and not respond to any input and I am forced to manually
shutdown by holding the power button. I am running Debian Squeeze with KDE.
Shutting down I attempt through KDE's menu and through running shutdown.
Suspending I attempt by shutting my laptop lid on battery which causes it
to Suspend to RAM. My laptop is a Compaq Presario CQ61. I would
appreciate any help.


Nvidia binary blob and libcairo2 1.10+

2012-07-15 Thread Dan Serban
For those unaware, running wheezy or squeeze + backports while using the
Nvidia binary blob (and in some cases nouveau) drawing _anything_ in X is
painful, it can take seconds to respond to a mouse click, or
minimizing/maximizing a window.  Scrolling speed is horrendous as well.

For the months that I've experienced this problem, I've been waiting for
Debian to step up and either find a workaround or fix the issue.

The issue from what I understand stems from libcairo enabling features that
the Nvidia driver blob cannot cope with.

The bug is reported here:

Reading through that bug report, it seems that this has been an issue for
some time, a patch is provided and I have successfully upgraded to my own
package which includes the patch.

My question is:  Am I alone here?  I experience this bug across 50+
workstations which are forced to use the NV blob (squeeze + ION2
platform).  On my workstation here, and across a few other machines at

This occurs across different driver versions for the Nvidia binary blob and
across more than two versions of cairo.

Will this bug be fixed for the upcoming wheezy release?  I sure hope so, I
haven't had the pleasure of experiencing i386 speeds since the early
nineties but for the last few months I've been there.  Nostalgic as it is,
months of frustration and constantly waiting for my computer to respond
(16gb, 8 core, dual 550Ti's) feels like a massive waste of my time.

What steps does one need to take to fix this problem in Debian?

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Re: audio capturing in debian?

2012-07-15 Thread Celejar
On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 19:02:32 -0400 (EDT)
Karen Lewellen wrote:

 Good evening,
 You wrote:...

 On Sun, 15 Jul 2012, Celejar wrote:

  anything that equals audio hijack pro  which is a mac program, in debian?

  I can't help you, but for best results, you need to explain what,
  exactly AHP is and does. There are probably many on the list who are
  familiar with linux audio software but not with the program you mention.
 most certainly.
 audio hijack pro.
 to cointheir expression, in three words, record any audio.
 If I have miss typed the ink let me know.

Still not sure what you're looking for; there are plenty of utilities /
programs in Debian that can record audio, from arecord to audacity.
What, exactly, are you trying to do? Karen


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Re(2): Backup system for use when Debian fails.

2012-07-15 Thread peasthope

*   From: Camale#xF3;n
*   Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 15:52:11 + (UTC)
 Well, that's what LiveCDs and USB sticks with a running system are aimed for, 

Starting from functional cold hardware with a LiveCD or 
USB stick, approximately how much time is needed to put 
a reference document from a server on the screen. text/html
for example.  Half a minute?  Five minutes?  More?

Thanks,... Peter E.

-- 456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12
Telephone 1 360 639 0202.  Bcc: peter at 

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Re: Nvidia binary blob and libcairo2 1.10+

2012-07-15 Thread hvw59601

Dan Serban wrote:

For those unaware, running wheezy or squeeze + backports while using the
Nvidia binary blob (and in some cases nouveau) drawing _anything_ in X is
painful, it can take seconds to respond to a mouse click, or
minimizing/maximizing a window.  Scrolling speed is horrendous as well.

For the months that I've experienced this problem, I've been waiting for
Debian to step up and either find a workaround or fix the issue.

The issue from what I understand stems from libcairo enabling features that
the Nvidia driver blob cannot cope with.

The bug is reported here:

Reading through that bug report, it seems that this has been an issue for
some time, a patch is provided and I have successfully upgraded to my own
package which includes the patch.

My question is:  Am I alone here?  


No you are not. I pinned libcairo, easier than patching it.


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Re: Debian on a 32G USB flashdrive

2012-07-15 Thread Loic J. Duros

Thanks so much for your answer!

On 07/14/2012 08:00 PM, Brian wrote:

Use extlinux/syslinux by all means if you wish, but being able boot a
USB stick on any computer is certainly possible.
Great! I tried again! This time I specified /dev/sdb1/ to set grub, and 
now I can boot from the USB flashdrive.

  I've done it at least
half a dozen times today.
So now I have my flashdrive set up, I'll be able to use it at work and 
do my development work on it rather than a virtualbox in windows! :-D

One question though: I have 8G of RAM at work so I don't think not 
having a swap an issue. Nevertheless, it seems like things freeze a 
little bit when there's a lot of read/write on the flashdrive. So I 
thought maybe you'd have some advice on how to optimize the actual use 
of the OS on the flashdrive. I should have access to the Windows 
partition of the harddrive there, so maybe it would be wise to move some 
files there? I wonder if the use of the /tmp directory in the flashdrive 
slows down the UI when using certain programs. Maybe I could move it and 
some other key directories to the windows harddrive?

Anything you'd like to recommend? :-) If you know of good documentation 
or resource on this, it would be great as well! Thanks!


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Re: audio capturing in debian?

2012-07-15 Thread Karen Lewellen

Hi again,
You wrote:

to cointheir expression, in three words, record any audio.
If I have miss typed the ink let me know.

Still not sure what you're looking for; there are plenty of utilities /
programs in Debian that can record audio, from arecord to audacity.
What, exactly, are you trying to do?

I am seeking to find one single program, as audio hijack pro is one 
single program, that combines multiple recording I 
do not have 
to hunt through many utilities.

I do know about audacity, nice to  learn there is a copy in debian.
But there are times when I wish to say at sound cloud, capture the audio 
of a file I cannot download, 
capture an audio stream, or capture if the audio is embedded, or in a video 
when I do not want the video etc.
I can do all these things as a part of audio hijack pro, which is why my 
subject line was capturing audio in debian.
After all when I first asked about installing, everything, meaning I 
suppose I could hunt through the pile, many suggested otherwise.
so, again, is there a single program that puts all the functions into one 


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Re: Small xorg?

2012-07-15 Thread Patrick Bartek

- Original Message -
 From: Joel Roth
 Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 4:40 PM
 Subject: Re: Small xorg?
 On Wed, Jul 04, 2012 at 06:29:55PM -0700, Patrick Bartek wrote:
  Any recommendations for a small, compact version of X (limited features OK) 
 for an old Thinkpad 240X -- max RAM 192MB (design limit.  won't take more. 
  tried.), 500MHz P3, 800x600 screen--to install Squeeze on?  I'm running 
 Etch and XFCE on it currently.  Want to see if I can install a supported 
 of Debian with a small window manager without the bloat of a full size X.
 For my dad, I used Linux Mint, a Debian-based dist, to 
 setup a similar-spec Toshiba laptop with 128MB.
 X works fine OOTB. I set him up with icewm with custom
 menus for the few apps he needs. 

X works here, too--Debian Etch + XFCE--but the System eats up almost 70% of the 
192MB of RAM leaving only about 55 to 60MB free for the user.  Almost 100MB is 
used for the GUI!  (Only 33MB is used in Terminal only mode--no X, no GUI.)  
And I've leaned the system out as much as I can.  Nothing is running that 
doesn't need to be.

Haven't looked at Mint, but just tested Vector Linux Light, the lightest 
standard distro I know of, in VirtualBox set for the same RAM and hard drive 
sizes as the Thinkpad.  Even using its smallest Minimal option install, after 
booting, it uses 178MB.

Distros like Damn Small and Puppy, I've rejected as they don't satisfy 
important requirements of mine.  Although, I am studying how Damn Small (v3) 
when installed to the hard drive as standard Debian (4, I think) has such a 
small RAM footprint--only 55.6MB!  This kind of RAM usage is what I'm looking 
 Unless you *know* that you need a specially compiled X, why 
 bother? Whatever parts of the compiled xserver aren't being
 used will just swap out anyway, IIUC.

Custom compiling X can greatly reduce its size in RAM, I've read.  Get rid of 
the fat!

Currently, I'm looking at DirectFB, a fairly sophisticated framebuffer, and 
XDirectFB, a very small companion X emulator or translator that runs on 
top permiting standard X applications to run transparently on DirectFB without 
alteration.  (You can even run a window manager to add features to the combo.)  
But both are source code only. sigh :-(

 Good luck,



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Re: audio capturing in debian?

2012-07-15 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 10:09:34PM -0400, Karen Lewellen wrote:
 Hi again,
 You wrote:
 to cointheir expression, in three words, record any audio.
 If I have miss typed the ink let me know.
 Still not sure what you're looking for; there are plenty of utilities /
 programs in Debian that can record audio, from arecord to audacity.
 What, exactly, are you trying to do?
 I am seeking to find one single program, as audio hijack pro is one
 single program, that combines multiple recording I do
 not have to hunt through many utilities.

May I suggest you read:

The gist:
This is usually abridged to Write programs that do one thing and do it

For a laugh have a read of:

 I do know about audacity, nice to  learn there is a copy in debian.
 But there are times when I wish to say at sound cloud, capture the
 audio of a file I cannot download, or capture an audio stream, or
 capture if the audio is embedded, or in a video when I do not want
 the video etc.

Then use another program/tool. Once you know exactly what you want to do
then it is a matter of just finding the right tool to do it.

 I can do all these things as a part of audio hijack pro, which is
 why my subject line was capturing audio in debian.
 After all when I first asked about installing, everything, meaning I
 suppose I could hunt through the pile, many suggested otherwise.
 so, again, is there a single program that puts all the functions
 into one place?

Too be honest, I don't know. For individual tasks there are many:
mplayer  (search for capturing audio with mplayer)

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Re(2): Backup system for use when Debian fails.

2012-07-15 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 05:38:33PM -0700, wrote:
 * From: Camale#xF3;n
 * Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 15:52:11 + (UTC)
  Well, that's what LiveCDs and USB sticks with a running system are aimed 
  for, ...
 Starting from functional cold hardware with a LiveCD or 
 USB stick, approximately how much time is needed to put 
 a reference document from a server on the screen. text/html
 for example.  Half a minute?  Five minutes?  More?


If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: audio capturing in debian?

2012-07-15 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2012/7/16 Karen Lewellen

 Hi again,

 I am seeking to find one single program, as audio hijack pro is one single
 program, that combines multiple recording I do not have to
 hunt through many utilities.
 I do know about audacity, nice to  learn there is a copy in debian.

 But there are times when I wish to say at sound cloud, capture the audio
 of a file I cannot download, or capture an audio stream, or capture if the
 audio is embedded, or in a video when I do not want the video etc.
 I can do all these things as a part of audio hijack pro, which is why my
 subject line was capturing audio in debian.

quite misleading indeed, BTW this is a debian list so few people IMHO are
concerned with the bitten apple appl(e)ications ;-)

 After all when I first asked about installing, everything, meaning I
 suppose I could hunt through the pile, many suggested otherwise.
 so, again, is there a single program that puts all the functions into one

the wrong side of the road. every audio capture capable application can
(will) do the job, it really depends on your audio conf.
I can do this using an alsa to jack bridge and an loopback device, ie
record every sound wheter it's a youtube video or a web streaming or a
skype telephone call, etc etc...

But if you ask for audio in a long video, eg a 2h film, I would use
avidemux to extract the audio track, for sure...



*L'unica speranza di catarsi, ammesso che ne esista una, resta affidata
all'istinto di ribellione, alla rivolta non isterilita in progetti, alla
protesta violenta e viscerale. (V. Evangelisti)

Re: How can I install an amd64 to my new bought Laptop/

2012-07-15 Thread Benimaur Gao
On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 12:05 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 23:37:02 +0800, Benimaur Gao wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 11:20 PM, Camaleón wrote:

 Cannot use means that you already installed a full system on your

 No... sorry for my crappy English, I mean I can't use it to install

 Okay, then how do you expect to run any command from the installer itself? 
alt+F2, F3... can always work, it's useful to change to other tty
console, so I can input these commands..

 The information you give is a bit chaotic. Can you please explain what
 packages are installed in your system (full desktop environment, text
 based install...), run any of the mentioned commands and put here the

 1. I dd the netinst iso to a flash disk  boot the machine with it.

 There's a documented method for doing that:

 Did you run the above commands? (note that dd is not needed anymore)

 Also, what version are you installing (stable, testing...)?
Okay, I will read the docs later.
Is there anything wrong to create a bootable usb by dd? I don't know
clearly about that..

 2. I try to rsync the whole system to my new machine by rsync -av /*

 then the system got crash...

 What? Without installing first?

 I'm not sure what are you trying to do nor if it can be done from the
 installer :-?

 //if this succeed, then I can chroot into the new 'system', install the
 kernel and grub, etc.
 I always use this way to install OS...

 First time I read something like that, sorry :-). I always install as usual,
 by following the on-screen instructions.

I've used such way to install the system for my collegures several times.
If there were no usb or any bootable media at hand. I would take apart
their hard disk, and install them to my machine as a slave disk. Then
I can easily install system  on their disk either by debootstrap or
copy my system to their disk..
This method always works fine for me before :p

 I'm afraid more precission and detailed information is required to
 discover what can be happing here because amd64 images are as good as
 i386 so the problem has to be elsewhere :-?

 there are too much dump info... I hope i can upload a picture captured
 by my phone as an alternative...
 errr.. do I create the bootable usb in a wrong way?? what's proper
 method to do that??
 unetbootin is required??

 I already sent you a link with instructions. See above.
Thank you! I will check it! :D



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Re: what graphic card to buy?

2012-07-15 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Gary.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You worte:

 I agree, although the Nouveau drivers are getting better. AMD/ATI has 
 the greater commitment to open source, which is another great reason
 to use their cards.

Wow! I did not know about the commitment - it is really great. I just
wanted to note from my experience, that ease I had w/ free drivers, 3D
acceleration and ATI cards.


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Re: How can I install an amd64 to my new bought Laptop/

2012-07-15 Thread Benimaur Gao
On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 1:13 AM, Claudius Hubig wrote:
 Hello Benimaur,

 Benimaur Gao wrote:
 1. I dd the netinst iso to a flash disk  boot the machine with it.
 2. I try to rsync the whole system to my new machine
 by rsync -av /* --exclude={/home/user/*,/sys/*,/dev/*,/proc/*,/mnt/*}

 If you simply want to copy your old system onto the new machine, why
 do you need the netinstall images? It might lack some proper hardware
 detection and is meant for other uses (though it can usually also
 work as you intend it to do).

yeah, I just want a working linux environment...
Where can I get a more comprehensive livecd? and what's the proper way
to create a bootable usb if without dd?
I know zcat works for *.img, I want to know the method to play with iso.

 I’d suggest using either some of the many live CDs with good hardware
 detection or the i386 netinstall which appears to work fine to you.
 It should be able to chroot into your system just as well (assuming
 it’s an i386 system).

 If you, for some reason, decide to stick with the amd64 netinstall
 CD, I suggest you try the various boot parameters to disable specific
 options/enable hardware quirks.

 Best regards,

   A board is the planck unit of boredom.  telnet 4242

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Qcow2 perikelen

2012-07-15 Thread Paul van der Vlis

Ik probeer een growable qcow2 disk-image aan te maken voor KVM/Qemu.
Dus een image wat in het begin klein is, maar wat groeit als er meer
data in komt.

Als ik dat doe met:
qemu-img create -f qcow2 /data/disk.qcow2 10G
dan krijg ik een bestand van 193K. Jammergenoeg lukt het me echter niet
om het te gebruiken om er Debian op te installeren, want het wordt
gezien als een disk van maar 193K. Een partitie aanmaken lukt niet.
Ik heb het idee dat ik een speciale driver mis, deze:
maar ik zie geen kans hem te gebruiken in de installer omdat ik via de
seriele poort installeer. De installer begint met de vraag om de taal,
Ik zou niet weten hoe ik kon kiezen voor de expert-install.
Vreemd genoeg kan ik bij de taal ook alleen kiezen tussen Engels en C.
Volgens mij zijn dit bugs in de installer.

Als ik installeer met virt-install, iets als dit:
virt-install -d --name=$VM --ram 1024 \
  --os-variant=debianwheezy \
  --disk path=/data/$VM.qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none,size=10 \
  --network bridge=br0,model=virtio \
  --cdrom=/data/iso/debian-testing-amd64-i386-netinst.iso \
  --serial pty \
  --graphics none
Dan maakt hij een qcow2 image aan van 10G waarop ik kan installeren,
maar ik wou dus een klein image, wat groeit als er data in komt.

Als ik dat image dan probeer te verkleinen met iets als:
qemu-img convert -cf qcow2 -O qcow2 /data/test12.qcow2 disk-test12.qcow2
Dan krijg ik meldingen als:
qemu-img: Could not open '/data/test12.qcow2': Invalid argument
Terwijl het bestand toch echt bestaat.

Mocht hier iemand tips hebben die me kunnen helpen, dan zijn die erg welkom.


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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Re: Qcow2 perikelen

2012-07-15 Thread Paul van der Vlis
Op 15-07-12 14:43, Paul van der Vlis schreef:
 Ik probeer een growable qcow2 disk-image aan te maken voor KVM/Qemu.
 Dus een image wat in het begin klein is, maar wat groeit als er meer
 data in komt.
 Als ik dat doe met:
 qemu-img create -f qcow2 /data/disk.qcow2 10G
 dan krijg ik een bestand van 193K. Jammergenoeg lukt het me echter niet
 om het te gebruiken om er Debian op te installeren, want het wordt
 gezien als een disk van maar 193K. Een partitie aanmaken lukt niet.

Vreemd, nu gaat het wel goed.

 Ik heb het idee dat ik een speciale driver mis, deze:
 maar ik zie geen kans hem te gebruiken in de installer omdat ik via de
 seriele poort installeer. De installer begint met de vraag om de taal,
 Ik zou niet weten hoe ik kon kiezen voor de expert-install.
 Vreemd genoeg kan ik bij de taal ook alleen kiezen tussen Engels en C.
 Volgens mij zijn dit bugs in de installer.

Dit is nog wel steeds zo.

 Als ik installeer met virt-install, iets als dit:
 virt-install -d --name=$VM --ram 1024 \

Ik gebruik nu dit en dat werkt goed (let op afgebroken regels):

qemu-img create -f qcow2 /data/$VM.qcow2 10G

virt-install -d --name=$VM --ram 1024 \
  --os-variant=debianwheezy \
  --network bridge=br0,model=virtio \
  --controller=virtio-serial \

--location= \
  --extra-args='console=ttyS0,115200' \
  --graphics none

 Als ik dat image dan probeer te verkleinen met iets als:
 qemu-img convert -cf qcow2 -O qcow2 /data/test12.qcow2 disk-test12.qcow2
 Dan krijg ik meldingen als:
 qemu-img: Could not open '/data/test12.qcow2': Invalid argument
 Terwijl het bestand toch echt bestaat.

Waarschijnlijk werd er eerder om onduidelijke reden een raw device
aangemaakt. Dat geeft namelijk deze foutmelding. Het gaat nu goed.

Wat ik nog graag zou willen is dat de --location lokaal is. Dat lukt
me tot nu toe niet, als ik gebruik --location=/mnt/, dan krijg ik deze

ValueError: Could not find an installable distribution at '/mnt/'
The location must be the root directory of an install tree.

Maar geen idee wat nu precies een root directory of an install tree
is. Bovenstaande is een gemounte iso, gemount met:
mount -o loop debian-testing-amd64-i386-netinst.iso /mnt


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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Re: local virt-install

2012-07-15 Thread Geert Stappers
On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 11:40:28PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
 Ik gebruik nu dit en dat werkt goed (let op afgebroken regels):
 qemu-img create -f qcow2 /data/$VM.qcow2 10G
 virt-install -d --name=$VM --ram 1024 \
   --os-variant=debianwheezy \
 path=/data/$VM.qcow2,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none,size=10,serial$ \
   --network bridge=br0,model=virtio \
   --controller=virtio-serial \
 --location= \
   --extra-args='console=ttyS0,115200' \
   --graphics none
 Wat ik nog graag zou willen is dat de --location lokaal is. Dat lukt
 me tot nu toe niet, als ik gebruik --location=/mnt/, dan krijg ik deze
 ValueError: Could not find an installable distribution at '/mnt/'
 The location must be the root directory of an install tree.
 Maar geen idee wat nu precies een root directory of an install tree
 is. Bovenstaande is een gemounte iso, gemount met:
 mount -o loop debian-testing-amd64-i386-netinst.iso /mnt

Ik heb geen virt-install (manual), maar wel de suggestie

 --location=copy:/mnt \

Uit de manual van multistrap:

   'source' is the apt source to use for this Section. To use a local
   source on the same machine, ensure you use copy:// not file://,
   so that apt is told to copy the packages into the rootfs instead of
   assuming it can try to download them later - because that later
   will never actually happen.

Geert Stappers
 And is there a policy on top-posting vs. bottom-posting?

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