Re: HS²[Re: HS - Client openvpn sur iOS/android]

2013-03-04 Thread Gilles Mocellin

Le 04/03/2013 03:07, philippe monroux a écrit :

De (from) (von) :

Pour iPhone je ne saurai répondre. pour Android il y a toujours eu
(depuis au moins 3 ans 1/2) des clients OpenVPN, il fallait
toutefois chrooter le smartphone. Je l'avais fait et m'étais amuser
avec OpenVPN, toutefois la baisse drastique de la batterie m'a
rapidement fait abandonner l'application.

je me permets de rebondir sur un sujet connexe

Je voudrais rooter mon samsung ace plus (sous android donc)
mais toute les méthodes que je lis (et y en a un tas) sont sous W$.

Y en a-t-il une sous debian ?

Merci par avance

Il y a le logiciel heimdall, qui permet de flasher les samsung.
Les paquets suivants sont dans SID :

Ça correspond à peut prêt au logiciel ODIN pour Windows.

Théoriquement, on devrait même pouvoir flasher le Root (CF-Root par 
example) avec les outils standards du SDK Android : adb et fastboot.

Eux aussi sont packagés dans Debian.

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Re: Raspberry et réseaux

2013-03-04 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le dimanche 03 mars 2013 à 21:24, Bruno a écrit :
 Deux secondes de plus, aurai permis de voir que si ils évoquent le
 même problème, la solution n'à pas été trouvé ...

En effet, et en y consacrant plusieurs jours, j'aurais peut-être même pu te
donner la solution !

Plus sérieusement, ta question est tellement générale qu'il paraît difficile
(sur une liste Debian) de te donner des pistes plus utiles que ça. En l'affinant
tu obtiendras peut-être quelque chose :
- que contiennent les logs quand ça ne fonctionne pas ?
- que contiennent-ils quand ça fonctionne ?
- que dit la commande « ifconfig -a » quand ça ne fonctionne pas ?
- que dit-elle quand ça fonctionne ?
- que dit la commande « route -n » quand ça ne fonctionne pas ?
- que dit-elle quand ça fonctionne ?
- que contient « /etc/network/interfaces » ?
- il y en a sûrement d'autres…


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Problème réseau : Accès/visibilité partage samba aléatoire.

2013-03-04 Thread Thomas N.
Bonjour à tous,

j'utilise Debian depuis plusieurs années, j'avance à tâtons, mais jusque
maintenant mon ami google avait toujours pu résoudre mes soucis, ou tout du
moins répondre à mes questions. Cependant je suis confronté depuis quelques
temps à un problème de réseau chez moi. Certains de mes partages samba sont
visibles/accessibles aléatoirement, certaines application fonctionnent

la structure du réseau :

- un modem/routeur/point d'accès wifi TP-LINK (TD-W8961ND)

connecté en ethernet à ce routeur :

- un ordinateur sous win xp(1)
- un ordinateur sous debian wheezy à jour(2)

connecté en wifi :

- un ordinateur sous win 7(3)
- un ordinateur sous debian wheezy à jour(un autre)(4)
- divers ordinateurs portables/tablettes/smartphones, suivant les gens
présents etc...(5)
- une passerelle multimedia (boxee)(6)

l'ordinateur (1) est utilisé pour certains logiciels pro bien spécifiques
et est allumé assez rarement, donc peu présent sur le réseau (hors de cause
je pense).

l'ordinateur (3) est l'ordinateur de bureau de ma compagne, elle joue
dessus, elle surfe, elle accède à des dossiers partagés, elle en partage
certains aussi.

l'ordinateur (4) est mon ordinateur de bureau, j'en fais un peu la même
utilisation que ma compagne avec le sien.

les terminaux mobiles (5) accèdent sans soucis au réseau, à Internet.

La passerelle multimédia(6) accède au réseau et à Internet sans soucis.

L'ordinateur (2) est plus problématique. C'est un serveur dell t300 que
j'ai récupéré il y a peu, il est là pour stocker des fichiers, les mettre à
disposition, faire tourner quelques applications (ssh, vnc, ftp,
apache...), je l'allume au besoin, soit à la main, soit en lui envoyant un
magic packet (à partir d'une tablette à travers le wifi par exemple et ça
marche à tous les coups).

L'utilisation :

les ordinateurs sont allumés en fonction des besoins, par soucis d'économie
d'énergie je ne m'amuse pas à laisser allumés les différents postes de
travail h24. J'ai besoin d'accéder à tel ou tel partage, j'allume
l'ordinateur qui héberge le partage en question, j'accède à ce dont j'ai
besoin, et lorsque le besoin n'est plus là, j’éteins le poste en question.
Les différents ordinateurs de la maison sont donc mis en réseau et sous
tension de manière aléatoire, sans ordre précis. La seule chose qui reste
allumée tout le temps c'est le modem/routeur.

Le soucis :

Il prend plusieurs formes, la plus courante : j'ai ripé un de mes dvd,
l'iso se trouve sur un disque dur sur le serveur (2) et je veux regarder
mon film à travers la boxee (6). J'allume le serveur avec un magic packet,
je l'entends à l'étage qui se met en route. j'attends un certain temps,
j'allume la boxee (6), je me balade dans les menus, je vois le nom réseau
du serveur(2), je vais pour rentrer dessus et accéder aux partages, et
là... blocage rien ne se passe, puis retour au menu sans avoir accès aux
partages...Le lendemain, je refais la même opération, et là ça marche, ou
non, au choix...

Ce qui marche :
-le wake on lan, je fais transiter les magic packets sans soucis.
-le ping, de n'importe quel ordinateur vers n'importe quel ordinateur
-l'accès internet, tous les terminaux accèdent à Internet sans soucis
-un serveur http sur le serveur(2) accessible pour peu que l'ordinateur
soit sous tension
-le partage samba depuis mon ordinateur (4), celui de ma compagne(3).

Ce qui marche bizarrement :
-les partages samba du serveur (2), accessibles ou non suivant une logique
qui m'échappe
-le ssh du serveur (2), idem
-le ftp du serveur (2), idem
-le vnc du serveur (2), idem

Ce qui ne marche pas :
-depuis mon ordinateur (4), je n'accède pas aux partages sambas, aucun. les
miens sont vus et accessibles depuis n'importe ou sur le réseau, mais j'ai
du mal à y accéder. smbtree me retourne les noms des ordinateurs sur le
réseau mais aucun partage associé.

Voilà, je me rends compte que ça fait un gros pâté cet e-mail, désolé,
merci à ceux qui ont le courage de tout lire. J'ai passé de nombreuses
heures à faire divers test sur mon réseau et je ne trouve pas de solution à
mon problème. Je peux fournir des retours de commandes exécutées sur divers
postes si besoin, je peux donner des précisions de matériel, de logiciel,
de configuration ou bien danser nu enroulé dans du jambon pour accomplir la

Il me manque certainement des notions techniques de réseau pour comprendre
correctement comment tout ça fonctionne, et je suppose que j'ai du faire
certaines erreurs de configuration pour que ça déconne comme ça, mais je ne
m'en sors pas tout seul. Par pitié, Ô, Maîtres Debianistes, aidez-moi.


Re: Problème réseau : Accès/visibilité partage samba aléatoire.

2013-03-04 Thread Sébastien NOBILI
Le lundi 04 mars 2013 à 12:27, Thomas N. a écrit :
 Ce qui marche :
 -le wake on lan, je fais transiter les magic packets sans soucis.
 -le ping, de n'importe quel ordinateur vers n'importe quel ordinateur
 -l'accès internet, tous les terminaux accèdent à Internet sans soucis
 -un serveur http sur le serveur(2) accessible pour peu que l'ordinateur
 soit sous tension
 -le partage samba depuis mon ordinateur (4), celui de ma compagne(3).
 Ce qui marche bizarrement :
 -les partages samba du serveur (2), accessibles ou non suivant une logique
 qui m'échappe
 -le ssh du serveur (2), idem
 -le ftp du serveur (2), idem
 -le vnc du serveur (2), idem
 Ce qui ne marche pas :
 -depuis mon ordinateur (4), je n'accède pas aux partages sambas, aucun. les
 miens sont vus et accessibles depuis n'importe ou sur le réseau, mais j'ai
 du mal à y accéder. smbtree me retourne les noms des ordinateurs sur le
 réseau mais aucun partage associé.

Quelques idées comme ça…

Lorsque ça ne fonctionne pas, les ports utiles du serveur semblent-ils ouverts
(commande « nmap ip_du_serveur » depuis un des postes de travail) ?

La même commande lorsque ça fonctionne serait peut-être utile.

Lorsque ça ne fonctionne pas, est-ce que les services problématiques sont
accessibles en *local* (« ssh localhost » sur le serveur, par exemple) ?

As-tu essayé de comparer les logs (/var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog,
/var/log/auth.log) dans les deux cas ?

As-tu des règles de filtrage (iptables) sur le serveur ?


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Re: Problème réseau : Accès/visibilité partage samba aléatoire.

2013-03-04 Thread VieuxGeek DuSystem

Petites questions:

quel est l'état de ton firewall sur le poste2 et 4 ?

quel est le moyen d'authentification entre poste 2 et 4 ? es tu sur que les
comptes correspondes et ont assez de droits?

peut t'on voir le fichier de log auth.log (2 et 4)  lorsque une connection
samba ssh ftp et vnc ne fonctionne pas?



Le 4 mars 2013 12:27, Thomas N. a écrit :

 Bonjour à tous,

 j'utilise Debian depuis plusieurs années, j'avance à tâtons, mais jusque
 maintenant mon ami google avait toujours pu résoudre mes soucis, ou tout du
 moins répondre à mes questions. Cependant je suis confronté depuis quelques
 temps à un problème de réseau chez moi. Certains de mes partages samba sont
 visibles/accessibles aléatoirement, certaines application fonctionnent

 la structure du réseau :

 - un modem/routeur/point d'accès wifi TP-LINK (TD-W8961ND)

 connecté en ethernet à ce routeur :

 - un ordinateur sous win xp(1)
 - un ordinateur sous debian wheezy à jour(2)

 connecté en wifi :

 - un ordinateur sous win 7(3)
 - un ordinateur sous debian wheezy à jour(un autre)(4)
 - divers ordinateurs portables/tablettes/smartphones, suivant les gens
 présents etc...(5)
 - une passerelle multimedia (boxee)(6)

 l'ordinateur (1) est utilisé pour certains logiciels pro bien spécifiques
 et est allumé assez rarement, donc peu présent sur le réseau (hors de cause
 je pense).

 l'ordinateur (3) est l'ordinateur de bureau de ma compagne, elle joue
 dessus, elle surfe, elle accède à des dossiers partagés, elle en partage
 certains aussi.

 l'ordinateur (4) est mon ordinateur de bureau, j'en fais un peu la même
 utilisation que ma compagne avec le sien.

 les terminaux mobiles (5) accèdent sans soucis au réseau, à Internet.

 La passerelle multimédia(6) accède au réseau et à Internet sans soucis.

 L'ordinateur (2) est plus problématique. C'est un serveur dell t300 que
 j'ai récupéré il y a peu, il est là pour stocker des fichiers, les mettre à
 disposition, faire tourner quelques applications (ssh, vnc, ftp,
 apache...), je l'allume au besoin, soit à la main, soit en lui envoyant un
 magic packet (à partir d'une tablette à travers le wifi par exemple et ça
 marche à tous les coups).

 L'utilisation :

 les ordinateurs sont allumés en fonction des besoins, par soucis
 d'économie d'énergie je ne m'amuse pas à laisser allumés les différents
 postes de travail h24. J'ai besoin d'accéder à tel ou tel partage, j'allume
 l'ordinateur qui héberge le partage en question, j'accède à ce dont j'ai
 besoin, et lorsque le besoin n'est plus là, j’éteins le poste en question.
 Les différents ordinateurs de la maison sont donc mis en réseau et sous
 tension de manière aléatoire, sans ordre précis. La seule chose qui reste
 allumée tout le temps c'est le modem/routeur.

 Le soucis :

 Il prend plusieurs formes, la plus courante : j'ai ripé un de mes dvd,
 l'iso se trouve sur un disque dur sur le serveur (2) et je veux regarder
 mon film à travers la boxee (6). J'allume le serveur avec un magic packet,
 je l'entends à l'étage qui se met en route. j'attends un certain temps,
 j'allume la boxee (6), je me balade dans les menus, je vois le nom réseau
 du serveur(2), je vais pour rentrer dessus et accéder aux partages, et
 là... blocage rien ne se passe, puis retour au menu sans avoir accès aux
 partages...Le lendemain, je refais la même opération, et là ça marche, ou
 non, au choix...

 Ce qui marche :
 -le wake on lan, je fais transiter les magic packets sans soucis.
 -le ping, de n'importe quel ordinateur vers n'importe quel ordinateur
 -l'accès internet, tous les terminaux accèdent à Internet sans soucis
 -un serveur http sur le serveur(2) accessible pour peu que l'ordinateur
 soit sous tension
 -le partage samba depuis mon ordinateur (4), celui de ma compagne(3).

 Ce qui marche bizarrement :
 -les partages samba du serveur (2), accessibles ou non suivant une logique
 qui m'échappe
 -le ssh du serveur (2), idem
 -le ftp du serveur (2), idem
 -le vnc du serveur (2), idem

 Ce qui ne marche pas :
 -depuis mon ordinateur (4), je n'accède pas aux partages sambas, aucun.
 les miens sont vus et accessibles depuis n'importe ou sur le réseau, mais
 j'ai du mal à y accéder. smbtree me retourne les noms des ordinateurs sur
 le réseau mais aucun partage associé.

 Voilà, je me rends compte que ça fait un gros pâté cet e-mail, désolé,
 merci à ceux qui ont le courage de tout lire. J'ai passé de nombreuses
 heures à faire divers test sur mon réseau et je ne trouve pas de solution à
 mon problème. Je peux fournir des retours de commandes exécutées sur divers
 postes si besoin, je peux donner des précisions de matériel, de logiciel,
 de configuration ou bien danser nu enroulé dans du jambon pour accomplir la

 Il me manque certainement des notions techniques de réseau pour comprendre
 correctement comment tout ça fonctionne, et je suppose que j'ai du faire
 certaines erreurs de configuration pour que ça 

Re: Problème réseau : Accès/visibilité partage samba aléatoire.

2013-03-04 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 12:27:00PM +0100, Thomas N. wrote:
 Ce qui marche bizarrement :
 -les partages samba du serveur (2), accessibles ou non suivant une logique
 qui m'échappe
 -le ssh du serveur (2), idem
 -le ftp du serveur (2), idem
 -le vnc du serveur (2), idem
 Ce qui ne marche pas :
 -depuis mon ordinateur (4), je n'accède pas aux partages sambas, aucun. les
 miens sont vus et accessibles depuis n'importe ou sur le réseau, mais j'ai
 du mal à y accéder. smbtree me retourne les noms des ordinateurs sur le
 réseau mais aucun partage associé.

Tout cela me fait penser à un conflit d'adresses IP. 

Tu as affecté statiquement tes adresses ? Si oui, as-tu fait attention 
que le serveur DHCP du réseau (ton point d'accès Wifi) ne fournit pas 
les mêmes adresses que celles affectées manuellement ?


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Re: vidéo France 5

2013-03-04 Thread juke

Tu peux regarder du coté de weboob et de son module francetelevision :


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Re: Problème réseau : Accès/visibilité partage samba aléatoire.

2013-03-04 Thread Bzzz
On Mon, 4 Mar 2013 12:27:00 +0100
Thomas N. wrote:

Vérifie toutes les adresses MAC de tes matériels,
certaines boîtes chinoises ne veulent pas payer
pour se faire allouer des blocs d'adresses et on
trouve des cartes réseau avec des MAC déjà existantes.

Nathos: La magie de Windows= tu peux désactiver tous les comptes
utilisateurs, rédémarrer et te retrouver comme un couillon
sans aucun compte fonctionnel ...

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Debian minimal : résolution et taille de police

2013-03-04 Thread Gaël
Bonjour Liste !

Voilà quelques heures que je fais joujou avec un IBM Thinkpad A20p (de
1999, PIII 700Mhz, 384mo de RAM, DD 20go).

J'y ai installé Squeeze, installation minimale (mode expert, les seuls
choix activés sont outils de base du système et ordinateur portable).

J'ai cherché à réduire la taille de la police, ce que j'ai facilement fait
(après quelques recherches tout de même, notamment dans cette
mailing-list), avec console-setup.

Ensuite, j'ai voulu augmenter la résolution.

Et là, je suis complètement perdu, j'ai testé pleins de trucs :  vga=791,

Ça ne change en rien ma résolution.

Ce qui me chagrine, c'est qu'hier, j'ai réussi, puis j'ai réinstallé le
système (j'avais fait des conneries avec aptitude/gnome/xorg/xfce, et
j'arrivais pas à m'en dépatouiller), et aujourd'hui, no way.

Donc mes questionnements sont :
- Comment connaître la résolution actuelle ? sachant que je n'ai que des
TTY, pas de serveur X
- Comment la changer ? soit en direct (sans reboot), soit par grub2 ?

J'ai testé des dizaines de trucs (ok j'exagère), mais c'est le fouilli, les
explications sont pas claires, grub-legacy, grub2, vga, ou gfx, hwinfo,
framebuffer, enfin bon, c'est le dawa !

Si quelqu'un a la motiv pour me renseigner, je prends !

À très bientôt !


Re: Debian minimal : résolution et taille de police

2013-03-04 Thread Bzzz
On Mon, 4 Mar 2013 15:30:50 +0100
Gaël wrote:


Change pour vga=ask et vois ce qui est dispo.

Leen carpe diem c'est de l'allemand non ?

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Re: Debian minimal : résolution et taille de police

2013-03-04 Thread Gaël

Merci pour ta réponse.
J'ai testé.
argument vga=ask is no longer supported. Failed to blahblahblah

Ça n'a donc pas marché.

Je continue mes tests, mais surtout, là je me penche sur un autre problème,
qui n'a pas sa place ici (startxfce4 et écran noir...)

Merci !

Le 4 mars 2013 16:11, Bzzz a écrit :

 On Mon, 4 Mar 2013 15:30:50 +0100
 Gaël wrote:


 Change pour vga=ask et vois ce qui est dispo.

 Leen carpe diem c'est de l'allemand non ?

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Re: Problème réseau : Accès/visibilité partage samba aléatoire.

2013-03-04 Thread Christophe

Bzzz a écrit :

On Mon, 4 Mar 2013 12:27:00 +0100
Thomas N. wrote:

Vérifie toutes les adresses MAC de tes matériels,
certaines boîtes chinoises ne veulent pas payer
pour se faire allouer des blocs d'adresses et on
trouve des cartes réseau avec des MAC déjà existantes.

Faudrait vraiment pas avoir de bol ! ... La probabilité que ca arrive 
doit être mince quand même ?
Mais c'est sur que ca peut foutre la zouille sur le réseau, donc 
pourquoi pas ;)

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Re: Debian minimal : résolution et taille de police

2013-03-04 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le lundi 4 mars 2013 à 15:30:50, Gaël a écrit :
 Bonjour Liste !


 Voilà quelques heures que je fais joujou avec un IBM Thinkpad
 A20p (de 1999, PIII 700Mhz, 384mo de RAM, DD 20go).

  L’important pour ton problème, c’est la carte graphique. C’est 
quoi-t-est-ce ?  (lspci…)

 Donc mes questionnements sont :
 - Comment connaître la résolution actuelle ? sachant que je
 n'ai que des TTY, pas de serveur X

  1. Tu prends une loupe, et tu comptes…

  2. echo $COLUMNS $LINES et tu multiplies par la taille de la 
fonte (à presqu’une ligne de texte près).

  3. Plus compliqué mais plus sûr :
cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/virtual_size
cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/modes

 - Comment la changer ? soit en direct (sans reboot), soit par
 grub2 ?

  En direct, à condition d’utiliser un framebuffer¹ : fbset.

(Cf. /proc/fb et dmesg et le 3. précédent.)

  Note : avec le framebuffer vesa, on est limité dans les 
définitions possibles (en gros, les modes 4:3 et le 1280x1024 

 Si quelqu'un a la motiv pour me renseigner, je prends !

  C’est pas compliqué, par défaut, ça marche tout seul et tout 
correctement (définition maximale) avec le KMS (kernel mode 
  Pour ceux qui ont besoin de faire des réglages… :

  Le Grub2, le gestionnaire de boot par défaut, se règle via 
/etc/default/grub et il y a un exemple commenté avec 
'GRUB_GFXMODE=WxHxD'. Ça change la définition pour le menu du 
'GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=keep' doit être nécessaire pour que le 
noyau garde la même définition. 'GRUB_TERMINAL=gfxterm' sert à 
ce que le menu du grub soit en graphique (déjà le cas par 
défaut (?)).

  Pour le noyau tout seul (donc après/hors le grub), c’est 
l’option 'video=WxH-D' (p.ex. 'video=1920x1200-32' ; 
attention, c’est un tiret avant la profondeur (nombre de bits, 
32), pas un 'x' comme dans 'GRUB_GFXMODE') (ce n’est plus 
'vga=n°' depuis longtemps). Donc à mettre dans 

  Ne pas oublier de faire update-grub après toute modification.

  Pas testé depuis un moment puisque, « chez moi, ça marche tout 
seul »™…

  Sinon, 'hwinfo --framebuffer' est censé donner les modes 
disponibles sauf qu’il raconte parfois n’importe quoi (chez moi, 
il donne les infos pour le FB vesa alors que c’est inteldrmfb 
qui est utilisé, donc pas les bons modes etc.).

  Voilà, c’est tout ce que je sais…

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: Problème réseau : Accès/visibilité partage samba aléatoire.

2013-03-04 Thread Bzzz
On Mon, 04 Mar 2013 18:51:26 +0100
Christophe wrote:

 Faudrait vraiment pas avoir de bol ! ... La probabilité que ca arrive 
 doit être mince quand même ?

Ça m'est arrivé deux fois chez des clients à deux ans d'intervalle
(même ville) avec des cartes Ethernet 10/100 de base (CS realtek).

elen: j'ai pas bcp de copines filles en fait
TaneR: t'as des copines garcon ??

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Re: Problème réseau : Accès/visibilité partage samba aléatoire.

2013-03-04 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le lundi 4 mars 2013 à 18:51:26, Christophe a écrit :
  Vérifie toutes les adresses MAC de tes matériels,
  certaines boîtes chinoises ne veulent pas payer
  pour se faire allouer des blocs d'adresses et on
  trouve des cartes réseau avec des MAC déjà existantes.
 Faudrait vraiment pas avoir de bol ! ... La probabilité que
 ca arrive doit être mince quand même ?

  Pas si tu achètes en lot.

  Et ce n’est pas seulement « certaines boîtes chinoises » (de 
toute façon, au final, qui fabrique à part des boîtes chinoises 
maintenant ?) ou pour une histoire de brouzoufs pour en avoir, 
c’est aussi une histoire de brouzoufs pour ne pas s’embêter à 
modifier ce qu’on met dans la ROM de chaque carte/puce, pour 
pouvoir tester avec toujours la même MAC…

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: Problème réseau : Accès/visibilité partage samba aléatoire.

2013-03-04 Thread Christophe

Bzzz a écrit :

Ça m'est arrivé deux fois chez des clients à deux ans d'intervalle
(même ville) avec des cartes Ethernet 10/100 de base (CS realtek).

Diantre, c'est encore moins de bol !

Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

Faudrait vraiment pas avoir de bol ! ... La probabilité que
ca arrive doit être mince quand même ?

   Pas si tu achètes en lot.

   Et ce n’est pas seulement « certaines boîtes chinoises » (de
toute façon, au final, qui fabrique à part des boîtes chinoises
maintenant ?) ou pour une histoire de brouzoufs pour en avoir,
c’est aussi une histoire de brouzoufs pour ne pas s’embêter à
modifier ce qu’on met dans la ROM de chaque carte/puce, pour
pouvoir tester avec toujours la même MAC…

Arf oui, vu comme ca, ca se conçoit ...

Mais de la à en arriver à avoir deux adresses MAC identiques sur une 
configuration aussi hétéroclite que celle énoncée au départ, j'ai quand même 
quelques doutes. (mais une fois de plus, il n'est pas inutile de vérifier).

Thomas, tu as un peu plus de détails sur les cartes réseaux qui équipent tes 
différentes machines/périphériques ?


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Re: Pret DVD wheezy

2013-03-04 Thread Alex Padoly
Bonjour à tous,

Sur un GREEN PC FUJISTU SIEMENS SCENIC E300 (3Ghz/2Go RAM), j'ai essayé
d'installer XUBUNTU 12.10, je n'ai pas pu le faire car je n'ai meme pas vu
le menu d'installation car j'ai eu un KERNEL PANIC au boot sur le DVD.
J'ai donc installé DEBIAN SQUEEZE avec une mise à jour des derniers paquets
et avec le bureau XFCE, j'en suis satisfait. Pour moi XFCE est moins lourd
que les deux autres bureau KDE et GNOME.


Le 25 février 2013 23:06, Bzzz a écrit :

 On Mon, 25 Feb 2013 22:25:31 +0100
 Yves Rutschle wrote:

  Ok, je la refais en relatif: KDE utilise 750Mo de plus que
  XFCE (à la louche) :p

 Sois précis, est-ce une louche à sauce, une louche à potage
 ou bien une louche à fromage?
 Parce que les contenances sont loin d'être les mêmes…

 Floop Vous mettez quoi dans votre copie de bac
 blanc quand vous avez un trou?
 Norman 404 Not Found.

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2013-03-04 Thread Alex Padoly
Bonjour à tous,

Constatez-vous des plantage de FIREFOX 19.0?
Si c'est le cas peut-on utiliser une ancienne version plus stable et
bloquer la mise à jour automatique?
A une époque j'utilisais Opera pour LINUX mais aujourd'hui, je le trouve
lourd et non compatible à 100% avec flash player.
Merci pour vos réponses.


Re: Problème réseau : Accès/visibilité partage samba aléatoire.

2013-03-04 Thread Thomas N.
Bonjour à tous,

Merci pour vos réponses. Je manque un peu de temps pour vous faire une
réponse complète, aussi j'apporterai seulement quelques précisions pour

 As-tu essayé de comparer les logs (/var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog,
 /var/log/auth.log) dans les deux cas ?
Non, bientôt :o)

 As-tu des règles de filtrage (iptables) sur le serveur ?

 quel est l'état de ton firewall sur le poste2 et 4 ?
# iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

 quel est le moyen d'authentification entre poste 2 et 4 ? es tu sur que
les comptes correspondes et ont assez de droits?
Tu parles de quelle authentification? Pour Samba c'est un partage ouvert en
lecture seule, pas de login/pass. En fait c'est peut-être parce qu'il est
un peu tôt, mais je ne comprends pas très bien ce que tu appelles moyen
d'identification. Concernant le ssh, j'utilise le compte root en général,
donc je suppose qu'il a assez de droits. Après quand ca ne marche pas, ni
root ni qui que ce soit ne fonctionne.

 peut t'on voir le fichier de log auth.log (2 et 4)  lorsque une
connection samba ssh ftp et vnc ne fonctionne pas?

 Tu as affecté statiquement tes adresses ?

 Si oui, as-tu fait attention que le serveur DHCP du réseau (ton point
d'accès Wifi) ne fournit pas
les mêmes adresses que celles affectées manuellement ?
oui, le serveur DHCP de mon routeur est configuré de manière à n'attribuer
des IP que dans la plage Les adresses statiques
sont entre 2 et 20, mon routeur utilisant la première.

 Vérifie toutes les adresses MAC de tes matériels.
C'est bon, pas de conflit à ce niveau là, je vérifierai une fois de plus
par sécurité.

 Thomas, tu as un peu plus de détails sur les cartes réseaux qui équipent
tes différentes machines/périphériques ?
Le serveur (2) possède 2 cartes gigabit, je n'en utilise qu'une (la même
pour le wake on lan que pour le réseau d'ailleurs, c'est un problème?). Le
routeur, je ne sais pas trop, en ethernet c'est du 10/100, en wifi, c'est
du N. Les postes 3 et 4 sont équipés de cartes wifi N, les 2 mêmes,
achetées en même temps, ils ont des cartes ethernet mais qui ne sont pas
utilisées. Pour les autres périphériques, ce sont des puces wifi intégrées
(smartphone, tablette etc...)


Nieprzerwane komunikaty na konsolach

2013-03-04 Thread Lech Pankowski
Witam.Mam awarię serwera (Debian 6.04). Na wszystkich konsolach tekstowych 
prawie nieustannie lecą komunikaty typu:Dropping: IN=eth1 OUT=MAC= ... SRC= ... 
DST=... LEN=..'eth1' to jego wyjście. Po 'SRC' jest adres mojej sieci i 
zmieniające się numery komputerów z tej sieci.Po 'DST' jest albo adres mojej 
sieci z ostatnim członem '127', albo ''.Odpięcie kabla 
sieciowego przerywa potok komunikatów.Wydaje mi się, że jest to jego awaria, 
ponieważ drugi serwer z identycznym systemem podpięty do tego samego switch'a 
nic nie pokazuje. Pingi z tego drugiego serwera na kilka numerów wyświetlanych 
po 'SRC' pozostały bez odpowiedzi.Wreszcie na uszkodzonym nie udaje się 
zamontować zewnętrznego dysku (sygnalizuje Unhandled error code ... unable to 
read superblock ... mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on 
dev/sdb1 ...), który na drugim serwerze montuje się i czyta bez 
problemów.Uszkodzony to serwer www. Od strony użytkowników wydaje się działać - 
pokazuje swoje strony, można się z nim połączyć przez putty i działać, kopiować 
między nim a stacją roboczą np. przez WinSCP.Mam podejrzenie nie poparte żadnym 
dowodem, że może to być sprawa pamięci. Kilka miesięcy temu na tym serwerze 
uległa uszkodzeniu jedna z partycji tak, że nie udało się jej naprawić. 
Złożyłem to na karb dysku i zainstalowałem system na innym. Starego niestety 
nie przetestowałem.Podstawowy problem polega na tym, że przydałoby się, aby 
serwer działał dla użytkowników przynajmniej przez kilka dni (pewna terminowa 
sprawa).Stąd pytania:a/ czy na podstawie tego opisu można podać najbardziej 
prawdopodobne powody awarii?b/ co byście doradzali: odczekać te kilka dni 
licząc że nic gorszego nie nastąpi, czy jednak działać już teraz, chociaż np. 
po restarcie może być jeszcze gorzej?Z podziękowaniem za wszystkie uwagi,L. 

Re: Nieprzerwane komunikaty na konsolach

2013-03-04 Thread Marek Żakowicz
W dniu 4 marca 2013 13:27 użytkownik Lech Pankowski napisał:
 Mam awarię serwera (Debian 6.04). Na wszystkich konsolach tekstowych prawie
 nieustannie lecą komunikaty typu:
 Dropping: IN=eth1 OUT=MAC= ... SRC= ... DST=... LEN=..
 'eth1' to jego wyjście. Po 'SRC' jest adres mojej sieci i zmieniające się
 numery komputerów z tej sieci.
 Po 'DST' jest albo adres mojej sieci z ostatnim członem '127', albo
 Odpięcie kabla sieciowego przerywa potok komunikatów.

Dropowanie na eth1 to pasuje bardziej do iptables niż do awarii pamięci.
Sprawdzałeś czy te pakiety faktycznie nie są wysyłane do tego serwera?
Jeśli są w kablu, to podane komunikaty mogą być prawidłowa reakcja
twojego firewalla na nieoczekiwany ruch sieciowy.


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Re: Nieprzerwane komunikaty na konsolach

2013-03-04 Thread Tomasz Kundera
2013/3/4 Lech Pankowski
 Mam awarię serwera (Debian 6.04). Na wszystkich konsolach tekstowych prawie
 nieustannie lecą komunikaty typu:
 Dropping: IN=eth1 OUT=MAC= ... SRC= ... DST=... LEN=..

 'eth1' to jego wyjście. Po 'SRC' jest adres mojej sieci i zmieniające się
 numery komputerów z tej sieci.
 Po 'DST' jest albo adres mojej sieci z ostatnim członem '127', albo
 Odpięcie kabla sieciowego przerywa potok komunikatów.

To jeszcze nie awaria. Tylko komunikaty z firewalla. Masz najwyraźniej
ustawione przekierowanie na konsolę. Leci na aktywną.

Tomasz Kundera

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Re: Filesystem features

2013-03-04 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
trata de evitar enviar mail en html
El lun, 04-03-2013 a las 01:43 -0300, Jorge Segovia escribió:
 Buenas Noches,
 Alguien tiene idea con para que se utiliza la opción filetype en un
 tune2fs -l /dev/datavg/www_lv
 Filesystem volume name: 
 Last mounted on: 
 Filesystem UUID: 18c4cf33-9dc5-4230-9eea-17eed1060f46
 Filesystem magic number: 0xEF53
 Filesystem revision #: 1 (dynamic)
 Filesystem features: has_journal ext_attr filetype sparse_super
 En el man de tune2fs hay una descripcion muy escueta pero no llego a
 comprender bien. la dejo por si alguno la entiende y me puede aclarar
 el panorama.
 Store file type information in directory entries.

se me ocurre, y es solo mi imaginación así que alguien me corrija por
favor, que lo que está guardando es algo como:
imagen.png -- archivo de imagen texto.txt -- archivo de texto
pero lo está guardando en la entrada de directorios, o sea, así como
guarda que inodo o en que bloque está el archivo, también guarda de que
se trata.

Seguramente vas a encontrar mas información en la definición de ext3,
pero no se donde está eso, ¿en la documentación que incluye el código
del kernel tal vez? 

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Re: evolution y gmail, timeout [solucionado]

2013-03-04 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 03 Mar 2013 17:11:43 -0300, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:

 El sáb, 02-03-2013 a las 15:14 +, Camaleón escribió:


 Antes de mandar un informe de errores prueba a crear un nuevo usuario e
 intenta configurar la cuenta de Gmail ahí e intenta enviar un correo, a
 ver qué sucede, así descartas un problema en la configuración del
 perfil del usuario.
 intenté un nuevo usuario, configuré y... anda %#@@x###%%*! Entonces
 comencé de nuevo, pero ahora no pasé por 'cuentas en línea' de gnome,
 sino desde evolution. Y funciona, de hecho este mail lo estoy enviando
 por evolution, y si lo ven es que está bien.

Nunca he usado eso de las cuentas en línea, supongo que será alguna 
novedad del GNOME 3 pero mira, no sabía que permitía configurar cuentas 
de correo electrónico de distintos proveedores pensaba que estaba 
enfocado a lo que se conoce como red social, es decir, gestión de 
cuentas de proveedores en la nube (facebook, google circles, twitter, 
etc...) y como no uso nada de eso pues ni me había molestado en abrirlo.

 Ahora solo me queda ver como recupero la agenda (de compromisos y cosas
 por hacer) y la agenda de contactos, que no veo la opción pero esa es
 otra historia...

¿Desde dónde quiere recuperar esos datos?



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Re: Filesystem features

2013-03-04 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 04 Mar 2013 01:43:08 -0300, Jorge Segovia escribió:

 Buenas Noches,

(ese html...)

 Alguien tiene idea con para que se utiliza la opción *filetype *en un


Pues no :-)

Pero seguro que alguien, en alguna parte del mundo se ha hecho ya la 
misma pregunta... preguntemos a Google:

Extensiones de Ext2, Ext3 y Ext4

Mira, en español y todo, qué bien :-P



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Re: lilo - keytable read/checksum error

2013-03-04 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 04 Mar 2013 07:46:56 -0300, francisco cid escribió:

Francisco, estás enviando los correos con formato html lo cual se 
recomienda evitar en esta lista por lo que deberías configurar el cliente 
de correo para usar formato texto. Si no sabes cómo hacerlo tienes más 
ayuda sobre el proceso en la Wiki de Debian. Y si no eres capaz de 
encontrar la página en cuestión, pues lo dices y te la mando...

 El 3 de marzo de 2013 11:56, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 02 Mar 2013 23:05:53 -0300, francisco cid escribió:

  hola, e estado solucionar este problema todo el dia,

 ¿Qué problema, el del asunto? ¿Y cuándo te aparece, exactamente, nada
 más iniciar? ¿Y te apareció sin más, de un día para otro sin haber
 hecho nada?

 si, un día se me quedó el notebook prendido, hibernó, y luego al
 prender, me mandó ese error.

Ah, vale. El error te apareció al intentar restaurar el sistema, ok.

 Apenas conozco LILO... ¿has probado buscando en Google por ese mensaje?

 si lo hice!


¿Y no obtuviste ninguna pista, probaste alguna de las sugerencias y si es 
así, qué exactamente y con qué resultado?

Normalmente *quien pregunta* es quien debe *proporcionar* la mayor 
cantidad de datos, más que nada porque suele ser el más interesado en 
resolver *su problema* :-)
 ¿Cómo y dónde instalaste GRUB2?

 con el cd de instalacion entre a una consola y le dí un fsck al sistema
 de ficheros raíz, porque tenia algunos archivos con errores, luego pude
 entrar al sistema, pero sólo con una herramienta llamada super grub
 disk, una vez dentro de mi debian , instalé el grub, lo configuré y se
 solucionó. creo que todo se debía a un error físico en mi disco duro

Es posible... aunque quizá se haya quedado traspuesto al restaurar el 
sistema tras hibernar (p. ej., si ha encontrado un cambio que no haya 
sabido interpretar). 

No te sabría decir, no he trabajado apenas con LILO pero sí recuerdo que 
con este gestor de arranque había que ejecutar algún comando cuando se 
actualizaba el kernel (al menos eso pasaba antiguamente no sé cómo será 
ahora o si se habrá automatizado de alguna forma).



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OT [ Dos WAN Failover para gateway default ]

2013-03-04 Thread maykel
Hola muy buenas, esta pregunta está un pelín fuera de la lista porque 
el sistema operativo que utiliza pfsense es freebsd por debajo. Añado 

Recurro a esta lista porque por más que he buscado en internet y 
probado cosas, no doy con ello.

El tema es que necesito configurar WAN1, WAN2 y LAN con ips estáticas. 
Está todo hecho. Realmente, la finalidad es que cuando WAN1 se caiga, 
enrute todo el tráfico por WAN2. No load-balance, sí failover.

Según la documentación de pfsense 2:

- Hay que agregar un grupo de gateways que ya lo hice, llamado MULTIWAN 
en mi caso.
- Agregar la regla a la interfaz lan de salida para que todo el tráfico 
a cualquier destino utilice la interfaz MULTIWAN que hemos definido 
antes. Ya lo he hecho.
- Por ultimo, asegurarse de tener mínimo un dns para cada WAN. También 

Esto está todo hecho, pero aún así, cuando quito el cable de WAN1 o 
deshabilito simplemente la interfaz pfsense es incapaz de agregarme la 
nueva ruta, desde pfsense ejecuto:

netstat -ar

Routing tables

DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif 

default92.136.156.141 UGS 06re1 link#1 U   014125re0
pfsenselink#1 UHS 00lo0 U   0 5720re2 link#3 UHS 00lo0   link#2 U   06re1 link#2 UHS 00lo0
localhost  link#7 UH  0  761lo0

Aquí podemos ver como el default me lo mete por una interfaz.

Ahora deshabilito WAN1:

Routing tables

DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif 
Expire link#1 U   014246re0
pfsenselink#1 UHS 00lo0 U   0 5889re2 link#3 UHS 00lo0
localhost  link#7 UH  0  771lo0

El campo default no lo añade y claro se queda sin internet puesto que 
él sigue asumiendo que tiene que tirar el tráfico por WAN1 por lo que se 

Le ha pasado esto a alguien??

Gracias por adelantado.


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[OT] Re: disculpas correo basura

2013-03-04 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 03 Mar 2013 18:11:07 -0800, Exell Enrique. Franklin Jiménez

 Cordial saludo, uyna de mis cuentas de correo fue vulnerada por favor
 hacer caso omiso a correos cuyo asunto contenga  «hey!» o «how are you»
 o similares estoy tomando las medidas correctivas gracias

Caray... una cuenta del IEEE vulnerada. ¿Quizá debido al uso de una 
contraseña débil? :-?

Yo últimamente estoy optando por el uso de contraseñas generadas de forma 
aleatoria¹ ya que aunque suelo utilizar plantillas con patrones 
reconocidos por mí para generar las contraseñas al fin y al cabo pueden 
ser también fácilmente vulnerables.




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Re: evolution y gmail, timeout [solucionado]

2013-03-04 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El lun, 04-03-2013 a las 14:56 +, Camaleón escribió: 
 El Sun, 03 Mar 2013 17:11:43 -0300, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:
  El sáb, 02-03-2013 a las 15:14 +, Camaleón escribió:
  Antes de mandar un informe de errores prueba a crear un nuevo usuario e
  intenta configurar la cuenta de Gmail ahí e intenta enviar un correo, a
  ver qué sucede, así descartas un problema en la configuración del
  perfil del usuario.
  intenté un nuevo usuario, configuré y... anda %#@@x###%%*! Entonces
  comencé de nuevo, pero ahora no pasé por 'cuentas en línea' de gnome,
  sino desde evolution. Y funciona, de hecho este mail lo estoy enviando
  por evolution, y si lo ven es que está bien.
 Nunca he usado eso de las cuentas en línea, supongo que será alguna 
 novedad del GNOME 3 pero mira, no sabía que permitía configurar cuentas 
 de correo electrónico de distintos proveedores pensaba que estaba 
 enfocado a lo que se conoce como red social, es decir, gestión de 
 cuentas de proveedores en la nube (facebook, google circles, twitter, 
 etc...) y como no uso nada de eso pues ni me había molestado en abrirlo.
sirve para agregar el chat, documentos (en caso de google y supongo que
también hotmail/como-quiera-que-se-llame-ahora), contactos, agenda...
O en realidad sirve, no fue mi caso :p

  Ahora solo me queda ver como recupero la agenda (de compromisos y cosas
  por hacer) y la agenda de contactos, que no veo la opción pero esa es
  otra historia...
 ¿Desde dónde quiere recuperar esos datos?

desde mi cuenta de gmail, pero eso es bucear un poco en las opciones de
evolution, así que en realidad lo comentaba como al pasar, no debería
ser gran problema arreglarlo esta tarde cuando llegue a casa y encienda
la computadora


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Re: evolution y gmail, timeout [solucionado]

2013-03-04 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 04 Mar 2013 13:18:04 -0300, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:

 El lun, 04-03-2013 a las 14:56 +, Camaleón escribió:


  Ahora solo me queda ver como recupero la agenda (de compromisos y
  cosas por hacer) y la agenda de contactos, que no veo la opción pero
  esa es otra historia...
 ¿Desde dónde quiere recuperar esos datos?
 desde mi cuenta de gmail, pero eso es bucear un poco en las opciones de
 evolution, así que en realidad lo comentaba como al pasar, no debería
 ser gran problema arreglarlo esta tarde cuando llegue a casa y encienda
 la computadora

Creo que los contactos se pueden exportar desde Gmail en formato CSV o 
vCard y entiendo que Evo no tendrá problemas para importar desde estos 

Para la agenda y tareas podrás usar iCal.



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RE: OT [ Dos WAN Failover para gateway default ]

2013-03-04 Thread enodisarpiz
 -Mensaje original-
 De: []
 Enviado el: lunes, 04 de marzo de 2013 12:25 p.m.
 Para: debian
 Asunto: OT [ Dos WAN Failover para gateway default ]
 Hola muy buenas, esta pregunta está un pelín fuera de la lista porque el
 sistema operativo que utiliza pfsense es freebsd por debajo. Añado OT.
 Recurro a esta lista porque por más que he buscado en internet y probado
 cosas, no doy con ello.
 El tema es que necesito configurar WAN1, WAN2 y LAN con ips estáticas.
 Está todo hecho. Realmente, la finalidad es que cuando WAN1 se caiga,
 enrute todo el tráfico por WAN2. No load-balance, sí failover.
 Según la documentación de pfsense 2:
 - Hay que agregar un grupo de gateways que ya lo hice, llamado MULTIWAN
 en mi caso.
 - Agregar la regla a la interfaz lan de salida para que todo el tráfico a
 cualquier destino utilice la interfaz MULTIWAN que hemos definido antes.
 Ya lo he hecho.
 - Por ultimo, asegurarse de tener mínimo un dns para cada WAN. También
 Esto está todo hecho, pero aún así, cuando quito el cable de WAN1 o
 deshabilito simplemente la interfaz pfsense es incapaz de agregarme la
 nueva ruta, desde pfsense ejecuto:
 netstat -ar
 Routing tables
 DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif
 default92.136.156.141 UGS 06re1 link#1 U   014125re0
 pfsenselink#1 UHS 00lo0 U   0 5720re2 link#3 UHS 00lo0   link#2 U   06re1 link#2 UHS 00lo0
 localhost  link#7 UH  0  761lo0
 Aquí podemos ver como el default me lo mete por una interfaz.
 Ahora deshabilito WAN1:
 Routing tables
 DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif
 Expire link#1 U   014246re0
 pfsenselink#1 UHS 00lo0 U   0 5889re2 link#3 UHS 00lo0
 localhost  link#7 UH  0  771lo0
 El campo default no lo añade y claro se queda sin internet puesto que él
 sigue asumiendo que tiene que tirar el tráfico por WAN1 por lo que se ve...
 Le ha pasado esto a alguien??
 Gracias por adelantado.
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Hola, procura que en: System  Routing  Groups (Solapa) ,  tengas añadido el 
grupo con las 2 interfaces y el Trigger Level esté en Member down. Ademas 
que los 2 gateways tenga Gateway Priority en Tier 1. Asi es como tengo yo el 

La verdad que nunca me fije si agrega o cambia las rutas, pero cuando un enlace 
cae el otro levanta; quiero decir que funciona bien.


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RE: OT [ Dos WAN Failover para gateway default ]

2013-03-04 Thread Maykel Franco Hernandez
El 04/03/2013 19:14, enodisarpiz

  -Mensaje original-
  De: []
  Enviado el: lunes, 04 de marzo de 2013 12:25 p.m.
  Para: debian
  Asunto: OT [ Dos WAN Failover para gateway default ]
  Hola muy buenas, esta pregunta está un pelín fuera de la lista porque el
  sistema operativo que utiliza pfsense es freebsd por debajo. Añado OT.
  Recurro a esta lista porque por más que he buscado en internet y probado
  cosas, no doy con ello.
  El tema es que necesito configurar WAN1, WAN2 y LAN con ips estáticas.
  Está todo hecho. Realmente, la finalidad es que cuando WAN1 se caiga,
  enrute todo el tráfico por WAN2. No load-balance, sí failover.
  Según la documentación de pfsense 2:
  - Hay que agregar un grupo de gateways que ya lo hice, llamado MULTIWAN
  en mi caso.
  - Agregar la regla a la interfaz lan de salida para que todo el tráfico
  cualquier destino utilice la interfaz MULTIWAN que hemos definido antes.
  Ya lo he hecho.
  - Por ultimo, asegurarse de tener mínimo un dns para cada WAN. También
  Esto está todo hecho, pero aún así, cuando quito el cable de WAN1 o
  deshabilito simplemente la interfaz pfsense es incapaz de agregarme la
  nueva ruta, desde pfsense ejecuto:
  netstat -ar
  Routing tables
  DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif
  default92.136.156.141 UGS 06re1 link#1 U   014125re0
  pfsenselink#1 UHS 00lo0 U   0 5720re2 link#3 UHS 00lo0   link#2 U   06re1 link#2 UHS 00lo0
  localhost  link#7 UH  0  761lo0
  Aquí podemos ver como el default me lo mete por una interfaz.
  Ahora deshabilito WAN1:
  Routing tables
  DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif
  Expire link#1 U   014246re0
  pfsenselink#1 UHS 00lo0 U   0 5889re2 link#3 UHS 00lo0
  localhost  link#7 UH  0  771lo0
  El campo default no lo añade y claro se queda sin internet puesto que él
  sigue asumiendo que tiene que tirar el tráfico por WAN1 por lo que se
  Le ha pasado esto a alguien??
  Gracias por adelantado.
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Hola, procura que en: System  Routing  Groups (Solapa) ,  tengas
añadido el grupo con las 2 interfaces y el Trigger Level esté en Member
down. Ademas que los 2 gateways tenga Gateway Priority en Tier 1. Asi es
como tengo yo el failover.

 La verdad que nunca me fije si agrega o cambia las rutas, pero cuando un
enlace cae el otro levanta; quiero decir que funciona bien.


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Gracias por responder. Lo tengo asi excepto el tierra he puesto a 1 una wan
y la otra a 2 porque es como aconsejan para failover. Poner tier 1 en ambas
wan es para loadbalanced. De todas formas lo he probado y nada...he probado
muchas cosas pero sigue sin levantar... Lo único que se me ocurre es que le
tengo en una maquina virtual porque otra cosa...Es mas en el logró pone que
no puede determinar ninguna wan caída y las todo.a como las 2 up...Que cosa
mas rara...


RE: OT [ Dos WAN Failover para gateway default ]

2013-03-04 Thread enodisarpiz
Perdón por el top-posting  y el formato HTML, intenté desde el webmail y no
puedo modificar el mensaje.


Es verdad, respondí un tanto apurado y está mal lo del “Tier” o peso de
ambos gateways ambos en 1 ( los 2 en “1” es para que balancee).


Con que imagen estas probando? Porque yo tengo la 2.0.1 y funciona lo mas
bien, sin ninguna configuración rara, etc. Sé que a fines del año pasado
salió la 2.0.2. Leí el changelog y vi que tiene varias mejoras, pero por
falta de tiempo/posibilidades no lo actualicé, y ahora que me decís de esto
si es que estas con la 2.0.2 no creo que actualice.


No sé por donde guiarte, pero podrías probar cambiando la ip del “Gateway
monitor” o algo así no me acuerdo ahora, que es donde el enlace chequea si
esta online o no (yo los apunto a los DNS de Google). Se me ocurre que quizá
tiene como “monitor ip” una dirección local y siempre le da online y no
salta al otro enlace; no se, es solo una chance.





De: [] En nombre de
Maykel Franco Hernandez
Enviado el: lunes, 04 de marzo de 2013 03:59 p.m.
Asunto: RE: OT [ Dos WAN Failover para gateway default ]


El 04/03/2013 19:14, enodisarpiz

  -Mensaje original-
  De: []
  Enviado el: lunes, 04 de marzo de 2013 12:25 p.m.
  Para: debian
  Asunto: OT [ Dos WAN Failover para gateway default ]
  Hola muy buenas, esta pregunta está un pelín fuera de la lista porque el
  sistema operativo que utiliza pfsense es freebsd por debajo. Añado OT.
  Recurro a esta lista porque por más que he buscado en internet y probado
  cosas, no doy con ello.
  El tema es que necesito configurar WAN1, WAN2 y LAN con ips estáticas.
  Está todo hecho. Realmente, la finalidad es que cuando WAN1 se caiga,
  enrute todo el tráfico por WAN2. No load-balance, sí failover.
  Según la documentación de pfsense 2:
  - Hay que agregar un grupo de gateways que ya lo hice, llamado MULTIWAN
  en mi caso.
  - Agregar la regla a la interfaz lan de salida para que todo el tráfico
  cualquier destino utilice la interfaz MULTIWAN que hemos definido antes.
  Ya lo he hecho.
  - Por ultimo, asegurarse de tener mínimo un dns para cada WAN. También
  Esto está todo hecho, pero aún así, cuando quito el cable de WAN1 o
  deshabilito simplemente la interfaz pfsense es incapaz de agregarme la
  nueva ruta, desde pfsense ejecuto:
  netstat -ar
  Routing tables
  DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif
  default92.136.156.141 UGS 06re1 link#1 U   014125re0
  pfsenselink#1 UHS 00lo0 U   0 5720re2 link#3 UHS 00lo0   link#2 U   06re1 link#2 UHS 00lo0
  localhost  link#7 UH  0  761lo0
  Aquí podemos ver como el default me lo mete por una interfaz.
  Ahora deshabilito WAN1:
  Routing tables
  DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif
  Expire link#1 U   014246re0
  pfsenselink#1 UHS 00lo0 U   0 5889re2 link#3 UHS 00lo0
  localhost  link#7 UH  0  771lo0
  El campo default no lo añade y claro se queda sin internet puesto que él
  sigue asumiendo que tiene que tirar el tráfico por WAN1 por lo que se
  Le ha pasado esto a alguien??
  Gracias por adelantado.
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Hola, procura que en: System  Routing  Groups (Solapa) ,  tengas añadido
el grupo con las 2 interfaces y el Trigger Level esté en Member down.
Ademas que los 2 gateways tenga Gateway Priority en Tier 1. Asi es como
tengo yo el failover.

 La verdad que nunca me fije si agrega o cambia las rutas, pero cuando un
enlace cae el otro levanta; quiero decir que funciona bien.


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Gracias por responder. Lo tengo asi excepto el tierra he 

Re: Re: debian se reinicia solo

2013-03-04 Thread Eduardo Rios

El Tue, 18 Dec 2012 09:32:28 -0600, Carlos Carcamo escribió:

 Ah propósito hace un tiempo atrás recuerdo haber leído por las listas o
 en blogs no recuerdo muy bien donde pero era un tema del kernel 3 y el
 sobrecalentamiento, parece que una versión del kernel de linux hacia que
 sobrecalentara  el equipo, no estoy diciendo que este sea mi caso, pero
 quien sabe podría ser parte del problema también, aunque creo que el
 kernel que tengo ya supero esas falencias, por si acaso les dejo
 información de mi kernel...
 Mi kernel actual: linux-image-3.2.0-0.bpo.2-686-pae

Hola a todos!!
Después de mucho tiempo, he decidido probar Linux de nuevo :) Ahora estoy con 
Debian Wheezy y estoy encantado.

A mi me pasaba esto de sobrecalentamiento del portátil (no se reiniciaba, 
pero el ventilador practicamente no se paraba nunca) con el kernel linux-image 
3.2.0-4-amd64, pero agregué el repositorio de la rama unstable (sólo para ver si había un 
kernel más reciente), y estaba el mismo, pero con unas versiones superiores... Actualicé 
el kernel, y asunto resuelto.
Ahora, prácticamente, ni se enciende el ventilador :-)

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Re: [OT] Re: disculpas correo basura

2013-03-04 Thread Miguel Matos
El día 4 de marzo de 2013 11:07, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 03 Mar 2013 18:11:07 -0800, Exell Enrique. Franklin Jiménez

 Cordial saludo, uyna de mis cuentas de correo fue vulnerada por favor
 hacer caso omiso a correos cuyo asunto contenga  «hey!» o «how are you»
 o similares estoy tomando las medidas correctivas gracias

 Caray... una cuenta del IEEE vulnerada. ¿Quizá debido al uso de una
 contraseña débil? :-?

 Yo últimamente estoy optando por el uso de contraseñas generadas de forma
 aleatoria¹ ya que aunque suelo utilizar plantillas con patrones
 reconocidos por mí para generar las contraseñas al fin y al cabo pueden
 ser también fácilmente vulnerables.




Quizás, pero los correo que he recibido en la carpeta Spam no
provienen de esa cuenta, aunque quizás sí tenía contraseñas débiles. O
eso pienso yo.

Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Como enviar mensajes a la lista en formato de texto simple

2013-03-04 Thread Rantis Cares

Siempre creí que enviaba mis mensajes en formato de texto simple.
Hasta hace poco al intentar entrar a la consola de comandos personal y
emocional de Camaleón, resultó que me dije ¿Cómo es que se enviaran
mensajes en formato de texto simple.

Como siempre lo hago (aunque no lo parezca) fui a google y encontré la
respuesta que es la siguiente:

Ahora se que les llegara en formato de texto simple. Ahora buscaré
nuevamente el significado top posting para corregir errores (aunque
en alguna ocasión ya fue tema de conversación con ustedes les comento
que ya olvide que es eso)



Al juntarme dia tras dia con los Listeros, mi capacidad intelectual crece
en proporcion inversa a la ignorancia generada. Gracias Linuxeros

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Re: Filesystem features

2013-03-04 Thread Jorge Segovia
Gracias Camaleón  casualmente llegue a ese blog hoy antes de ver este mail.
El trabajo de rodrigo es muy recomendable para los que le interesa el tema.



El 4 de marzo de 2013 12:03, Camaleón escribió:

 El Mon, 04 Mar 2013 01:43:08 -0300, Jorge Segovia escribió:

  Buenas Noches,

 (ese html...)

  Alguien tiene idea con para que se utiliza la opción *filetype *en un


 Pues no :-)

 Pero seguro que alguien, en alguna parte del mundo se ha hecho ya la
 misma pregunta... preguntemos a Google:

 Extensiones de Ext2, Ext3 y Ext4

 Mira, en español y todo, qué bien :-P



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[OT] emacs para desarrollo web

2013-03-04 Thread Carlos Carcamo
Saludos lista!

Hace poco utilice emacs para unas cuantas lineas en sml, para ello me
baje el sml-mode el cual ademas de destacar el código ofrecía un REPL,
esa fue mi primer experiencia con emacs, la cual me gusto mucho.

Ahora he estado buscando como usar emacs para programación web, y en
la web encuentro muy poco sobre el tema, apenas encuentro como
instalar php-mode y html-mode pero leyendo por ahí encontré que estos
generan conflicto al usarse juntos, aparte de eso faltaría un modulo
para css y javascript y quizá algo para  jQuery.

Me pregunto si mas de alguno utiliza emacs para el desarrollo web? de
ser así como puedo configurar emacs para las tecnologías web?
He notado que programar en emacs puede llegar a ser muy eficiente
utilizando sus combinaciones de teclas como debe de ser, y el tener
varios buffers al mismo tiempo, eso me llama mucho la atención...

Podría alguien ayudarme a preparar emacs para este fin?
Lo que necesito es contar con modos que permitan la utilización de
php,html, css, javascript (con jQuery, ajax)

Se que es mucho lo que pido jejeje pero no encuentro mucho en
internet, y no se donde más preguntar...

Saludos, antemano gracias!
El desarrollo no es material es un estado de conciencia metal

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Regles d'utilisation de la mailing-list FRnOG / FRnOG mailing-list rules of usage

2013-03-04 Thread Gestionnaire de Liste FRnOG

Afin d'aider à la catégorisation des e-mails, il est nécessaire de modifier le
Sujet/Objet/Subject de celui-ci avec un Tag en fonction du contenu.

Voici la règle à respecter pour poster sur cette mailing-list:
  | Sujet de votre e-mail | Tag à utiliser OU Destinataire à utiliser|
  |Alerte ou Incident |   [ALERT]  || |
  | sur Internet ou un DC ||||
  |  Discussion technique |[TECH]  || |
  | Sujet Système / FLOSS |[MISC]  || |
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  |  Recherche ou annonce |[JOBS]  || |
  | d'emploi sys  réseau ||||
  |Demande et réponse | [BIZ]  || |
  |   commerciale ||||
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  |   occasion ou don ||||

Les adresses frnog-*@ modifient automatiquement votre message pour y inclure le
bon tag dans le sujet (frnog-tech@ = Sujet: [TECH] ...).

=== ENGLISH ===


In order to help categorize e-mails it is now mandatory to tag the Subject
depending on the content of your message.

Here is the rule you have to follow for posting to this mailing-list:
  |  Topic of your e-mail | Tag to use OR   Recipient to use |
  | Alert or Incident |   [ALERT]  || |
  | @ Internet or in a DC ||||
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When you send to a frnog-*@ e-mail address, the tag is automatically inserted
in the Subject.

Cordialement / Sincerely,
Philippe Bourcier

Re: Help please - install the WiFi driver

2013-03-04 Thread Roman V.Leon.

On 04.03.2013 03:04, Mark Filipak wrote:

On 2013/3/3 4:34 PM, Roman V.Leon. wrote:
-big snip-

Why do you think you need a special driver?
Please type /sbin/ifconfig -a in your terminal to check whether you
have wlan0 device or not in the list.

mark@MarkFilipak:/media/usb8/Setup/Debian 6.0.6 64-bit/Packages$
/sbin/ifconfig -a
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:18:8b:dc:30:fd
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:24 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:24 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:1696 (1.6 KiB) TX bytes:1696 (1.6 KiB)

pan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr ba:3e:86:e1:5a:91
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1b:77:80:2d:b9
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Well, 00:1b:77:80:2d:b9 is indeed the WiFi's NIC. So why can't I get to
the Ethernet, and why does everything I see on the Internet (when I'm in
Windows of course) say that I must obtain an Intel 3945ABG driver
because it's non-free? ...Come to me and fall on thy knees, and I will
set thee free!

Hi again Mark,
I'm not sure why all the articles you've found require you a special 
driver(though it can be a serious reason for this). But i think that if 
you have wlan0 interface you do not need anything else on your system. 
There are a lot of software with GUI(NetworkManager, Wicd, ...)which 
could help you to manage your wifi interface, but I think you can read 
about it later when you find some time. To get internet working you can 
use wpa_supplicant tool, it is a CLI tool, but it is very easy. At first 
you should create a config-file with such content:

psk=very secret passphrase
Rename this file as wpa_supplicant.conf. I think that content is more or 
less clear and you can adjust these parameters according your own needs. 
Then you can start your wi-fi card by command:

sudo /sbin/wpa_supplicant -cwpa_supplicant.conf -iwlan0

I think the command is also easy to understand. I hope that after these 
actions you'll get your wifi working till next reboot. Probably you will 
need to assign an IP-address manually to your NIC.

I'd recommend you to read the man pages:
1) man wpa_supplicant
2) man wpa_supplicant.conf
And download an excellent book which you'll find here:
You can read it from time to time when you are in a public transport and 
I think it will be a kind of an eye-opener for you.

From Russia with love,
Roman V.Leon.

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Re: Wheezy RC1 - Installing python:i386 on amd64 machine

2013-03-04 Thread nir izraeli
Wow, thanks!
I'll give it a try.

one question though, will it be possible to run a command in the chrooted
environment without having root in the original machine?
the thing is, i need to execute the i386 software using a piece of software
i wrote for the amd64 machine and would prefer no running my code under

i saw some references to fakeroot and fakechroot, could it help?

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 12:00 AM, Sven Joachim wrote:

 On 2013-03-03 22:36 +0100, nir izraeli wrote:

  I've been trying to install python2.7:i386 on an amd64 machine (i require
  it for another piece closed-source software that only has 32 bit
  and i'm having trouble doing that.

 You cannot really do that, I'm afraid.

  Since im using Wheezy RC1 i'm aware of the possibility that there's no
  solution available but i'd like to avoid installing native 32 bit OS
  because i need the extra RAM and performance.
  Also, debian 6 AFAIK only has python2.6 packages (with which i have
  other dependency issues)
  I'd like any suggestion i can get...

 Set up an i386 chroot and install python2.7 and your application there.
 The schroot package makes using such a setup relatively painless.

  user@vmdeb:~$ su -c apt-get install python2.7:i386
  Reading package lists... Done
  Building dependency tree
  Reading state information... Done
  Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
  requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
  distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
  or been moved out of Incoming.
  The following information may help to resolve the situation:
  The following packages have unmet dependencies:
   python2.7:i386 : Depends: mime-support:i386 but it is not installable
  E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
  user@vmdeb:~$ su -c apt-get install mime-support:i386
  Reading package lists... Done
  Building dependency tree
  Reading state information... Done
  Package mime-support:i386 is not available, but is referred to by another
  This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
  is only available from another source
  E: Package 'mime-support:i386' has no installation candidate

 The problem is that mime-support is an Architecture:all package, but not
 marked as Multi-Arch: foreign, so it does not fulfill dependencies of
 packages from foreign architectures.  For details, see

 With the mime-support package in experimental, you should be
 theoretically able to install python2.7:i386, but since that package is
 not Multiarch: foreign either, many packages which depend on python2.7
 (or just python) become uninstallabe, so this is not really an option.


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Re: Auto-emptying of trash.

2013-03-04 Thread Sergey Spiridonov

Hello Sharon

On 03/03/2013 11:04 PM, Sharon Kimble wrote:

I'm trying to get a bash script working from a cron job that will empty
trash of all files and directories that are older than $N [7 days in
this case].

May be it is not what you need, but I look at package tmpreaper.

Best regards, Sergey Spiridonov

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Re: Windows XP option not showing up after fresh install.

2013-03-04 Thread Darac Marjal
On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 10:13:15AM +0800, Hormatzhan Yiltiz wrote:
First, just curious why are you saying Debian 6 as new? It has been
released several years ago.

I assumed the new Debian 6 mean Debian 6.0.7 which was released on the
23rd of February.

Description: Digital signature

future of dbmail in Debian

2013-03-04 Thread Sergey Spiridonov

Hi Debian

I am using dbmail package [1] at home and at work for many years 
already. I just noticed that dbmail is not in Wheezy and is also kicked 
out from Sid (for i386). I found bug [2] telling that maintainer is not 


What is the current status of that package?

I found that dbmail project is still active. There is even ready package 
from dbmail developers to install in Sid [3][4]. So why dbmail is not in 
Wheezy and not even in Sid? What needs to be done to get it back in Debian?


If the problem is that package maintainer is not responding, can 
somebody else upload it please?

Best regards, Sergey Spiridonov

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OT: Fruit (was Re: Installation failed - again - why am I not surprised)

2013-03-04 Thread Darac Marjal
On Fri, Mar 01, 2013 at 09:47:55PM -0300, Joao Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:
 There is a tale in my country about an arrogant man that considered absurd
 that a pumpkin, being a large fruit, comes from a short plant, and the
 blackberry [1] comes from a tall tree although it is a tiny fruit. He kept
 thinking like this until he fell asleep under a blackberry tree and was
 awaken by a blackberry hitting his nose.

Just for the record, I would consider cherry to be a better
replacement than blackberry here. The Blackberry grows on a trailing
bush with thorny tendrils. Although its fruit is small, it's unlikely
anyone would sleep under one. A cherry, on the other hand, grows on a
full-sized tree under which someone could conceivably sleep. In
addition, the stone in the cherry would give added impact when falling
one someone's nose :*)

Description: Digital signature

Who may post on the list.

2013-03-04 Thread Lisi Reisz
I ought not to quote from Mark without his permission, so I have firmly 
pre-rapped my knuckles.

If there were a moderator I would be contacting her/him.  As there is not, I 
want the list's opinion, and it cannot give an opinion without the data. 

As I see it Mark has no right to dictate what list members may or may not do 
on-list, nor to lay down ground rules.  And in my opinion the archives 
matter.  So if there is a simple answer it should be in the archives.  My 
reply to him has been bottom posted in the quotation.

On Sunday 03 March 2013 23:34:48 Mark Filipak wrote:
 Ms. Riesz,

 You obviously do not read what people post.
 When you see something on the list from me, kindly ignore it.
 I've had quite enough abuse from you.

 On 2013/3/3 6:23 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  On Sunday 03 March 2013 22:40:22 Mark Filipak wrote:
  Comment: I submitted 'aptitude install wicd' because it was part of the
  example I followed. Obviously, 'wicd' is not sufficient.
  Why is it obviously not sufficient?  I would have said that it was.  But
  you would need the right repositories and a connection to the net. On my
  root@Tux-II:/home/lisi# aptitude install wicd
  The following NEW packages will be installed:
 libnl1{a} libpcsclite1{a} python-glade2{a} python-iniparse{a}
 python-wicd{a} wicd wicd-daemon{a} wicd-gtk{a} wpasupplicant{a}
  0 packages upgraded, 10 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
  Need to get 1,180 kB of archives. After unpacking 4,212 kB will be used.
  Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?] n
  As you see, just wicd would be fine.  I aborted because I have no
  wireless on this box and so don't actually want it installed.
  Question: Why
  didn't 'aptitude install wicd_1.7.0+ds1-5+squeeze3_all.deb' work?
  If you want to install a .deb in that way, you need to use dpkg, as
  mentioned by Joe:
   From the directory that the deb is in:
  dpkg -i wicd_1.7.0+ds1-5+squeeze3_all.deb
  If it complains that there are missing dependencies, curse, wish you had
  used aptitude, and install them.  Someone else will need to tell you how
  to manage that from a box without internet access.  I, when faced with
  this problem, always temporarily install an old network card so that I
  have got internet access to sort things out.

You have absoluitely no right to tell me that I may or may not post to the 
list.   You have every right to delete my mails unread if you so wish - or, 
more intelligently, set up a filter to kill-file them.

For the record, you have had no abuse of any kind from me.

Lisi Reisz

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Re: Who may post on the list.

2013-03-04 Thread Richard Owlett

Lisi Reisz wrote:

I ought not to quote from Mark without his permission, so I have firmly
pre-rapped my knuckles.

If there were a moderator I would be contacting her/him.  As there is not, I
want the list's opinion, and it cannot give an opinion without the data.

As I see it Mark has no right to dictate what list members may or may not do
on-list, nor to lay down ground rules.  [SNIP]

Although an unmoderated mailing list is not USENET, I have 
observed that some of the same dynamics.
There are people with rough edges who annoy enough people 
into kill filing them that they give up, go away, and 
bother another group. Alternatively they may receive the 
appropriate negative feedback which eventually smooths those 
rough edges.  I'm also observing a third response in a 
USENET group. There's a guy, kill filed by most of the 
group, who occasionally says something worthwhile. That gets 
picked up and triggers useful discussion.

Don't sweat it, group dynamics may work slowly but it does work.

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Re: Installation failed - and failed again...

2013-03-04 Thread Brian
On Sun 03 Mar 2013 at 23:34:23 -0300, Joao Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:

 Brian wrote:
  fdisk leaves space at the beginning of the drive because GRUB requires
  it to embed part of itself there. But GRUB will not go there because it
  thinks it is overwriting data on the disk when it detects the iso9660
  signature. This is by design.
 This is clearly a bug, because the disk has a partition table and
 therefore there is no useful data before the first partition.

It might be advisable to read

before tackling the GRUB maintainers. The behaviour can be overridden
but not with --force.

  D-I uses partman for partitioning. It too leaves an embedding area which
  contains the iso9660 data sector. The solution is to remember to do
 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX count=65
  before partitioning.
 But this will destroy the partition table, which is not right if you have
 other operating systems or partitions containing data. Maybe 'grub-install
 --force device' would suffice?

The act of writing the isohybrid destroys all data on the drive so at
this point it is a bit late to worry about that. :)

Should the need arise to target the specific sector with the iso9660
data on it then something like

   dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=512 seek=63 count=64

could be used.

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Re: OT: Fruit (was Re: Installation failed - again - why am I not surprised)

2013-03-04 Thread albcares
that's right or almost right. The story told of a pumpkin and an
acorn. And when the man lied under the oak to have a sleep, he was
actually awaken by a falling acorn that made his nose bleeding. This
is why the big pumpkins grow from a shaggy grass.
(sorry for my basic language)

2013/3/4, Darac Marjal
 On Fri, Mar 01, 2013 at 09:47:55PM -0300, Joao Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:

 There is a tale in my country about an arrogant man that considered
 that a pumpkin, being a large fruit, comes from a short plant, and the
 blackberry [1] comes from a tall tree although it is a tiny fruit. He
 thinking like this until he fell asleep under a blackberry tree and was
 awaken by a blackberry hitting his nose.

 Just for the record, I would consider cherry to be a better
 replacement than blackberry here. The Blackberry grows on a trailing
 bush with thorny tendrils. Although its fruit is small, it's unlikely
 anyone would sleep under one. A cherry, on the other hand, grows on a
 full-sized tree under which someone could conceivably sleep. In
 addition, the stone in the cherry would give added impact when falling
 one someone's nose :*)

linux user #521635

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Re: Who may post on the list.

2013-03-04 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Dear Lisi,

On 3/4/13, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 If there were a moderator I would be contacting her/him.  As there is not, I
 want the list's opinion, and it cannot give an opinion without the data.

 As I see it Mark has no right to dictate what list members may or may not do
 on-list, nor to lay down ground rules.

Mark has a right of free speech, as do you. This is a public mailing list.

As such, he has a right to say what he likes. As do you.

Similarly, he is with the right to lay down as many ground rules as he
so chooses. Just as you are attempting to do here :)

Of course, certain individuals, apparently yourself included, may take
some netiquette-offense to his free expressions. Just as it seems that
he has similarly taken some from yourself.

If Mark seeks a response from yourself to his technical questions,
then he may wish to moderate his ground rules, but nothing can bind
his right of free speech in this way, other than his own free will.

With the power of a freedom, one may wish to exercise moderation, or
whatever one's own idea of wisdom is.

With the exercise of a freedom, one may discover consequences other
than (perhaps naively) expected :)

Oh the joys of being human in a world of other humans :) :)

Lisi, I consider it a good thing that you feel strongly enough about
your position to voice it publicly. The spirit of learning in action.


PS: Dear Mark, welcome to the list. Great to see your endeavours in
regards to Debian etc, as well as your 'broad shoulders'; such can be
a great asset navigating the wild and woolly world or freedom-loving
libre-tech people.

 And in my opinion the archives
 matter.  So if there is a simple answer it should be in the archives.  My
 reply to him has been bottom posted in the quotation.

 On Sunday 03 March 2013 23:34:48 Mark Filipak wrote:
 Ms. Riesz,

 You obviously do not read what people post.
 When you see something on the list from me, kindly ignore it.
 I've had quite enough abuse from you.

 On 2013/3/3 6:23 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  On Sunday 03 March 2013 22:40:22 Mark Filipak wrote:
  Comment: I submitted 'aptitude install wicd' because it was part of
  example I followed. Obviously, 'wicd' is not sufficient.
  Why is it obviously not sufficient?  I would have said that it was.
  you would need the right repositories and a connection to the net. On

 You have absoluitely no right to tell me that I may or may not post to the
 list.   You have every right to delete my mails unread if you so wish - or,

 more intelligently, set up a filter to kill-file them.

 For the record, you have had no abuse of any kind from me.

 Lisi Reisz

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Re: Who may post on the list.

2013-03-04 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 04 March 2013 12:52:54 Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 Mark has a right of free speech, as do you. This is a public mailing list.

 As such, he has a right to say what he likes. As do you.

Yes, of course!  And we each can kill-file each other. :-)

I hadn't thought of it in those terms.  I was thinking of list rules.  But 
you are, of course, correct.  He is free to object.  I am free to ignore him. 

Just as I am free to reply and he is free to ignore me.

Thank you, Zenaan.


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Re: Who may post on the list.

2013-03-04 Thread nir izraeli

if you don't mind me asking - how old are you too?

- nir

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Monday 04 March 2013 12:52:54 Zenaan Harkness wrote:
  Mark has a right of free speech, as do you. This is a public mailing
  As such, he has a right to say what he likes. As do you.

 Yes, of course!  And we each can kill-file each other. :-)

 I hadn't thought of it in those terms.  I was thinking of list rules.
 you are, of course, correct.  He is free to object.  I am free to ignore

 Just as I am free to reply and he is free to ignore me.

 Thank you, Zenaan.


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Re: Who may post on the list.

2013-03-04 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Lisi Reisz wrote:

For those persons getting tired of these non-technical posts, check out 
debian user spanish. High quality posts and replies and Camaleón is 
still there.


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Re: Who may post on the list.

2013-03-04 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 04 March 2013 14:01:57 nir izraeli wrote:
 if you don't mind me asking - how old are you too?

I don't mind you asking, but what is the relevance?  

Since I have just criticised someone else for telling us all his age, on the 
grounds that it wasn't relevant, don't you think it would be somewhat 
hypocritical of me to do the same?? ;-)


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Re: Windows XP option not showing up after fresh install.

2013-03-04 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Michael wrote:

On 03/03/2013 08:13 PM, Hormatzhan Yiltiz wrote:
First, just curious why are you saying Debian 6 as new? It has been 
released several years ago.
For your question, you may want to drop to root and run grub-update 
and grub-install /dev/sdX where sdX might be /dev/sda in your case.

I ran the command:  grub-install /dev/sda and my rebooted.  The Win XP 
now shows up in the list.  However, my Debian install does not!  My 
options are back to what they were before I installed Debian, which are 
Mint and XP.

You ran 'grub-install /dev/sda' and 'update-grub'?


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Debian on 256MB PIII TabletPC

2013-03-04 Thread Steven Grunza

Hello.  I would like to install Debian on a laptop with 256 MB of RAM.
Is this possible?  I was previously running Ubuntu but there are
problems in the Ubuntu X11 server code that cause the touchscreen to be

I realize this system is _NOT_ going to be a performance machine.  I
plan on using it for text editing (in laptop mode using keyboard) and
taking handwritten notes (in slate mode) -- it's a TabletPC that used to
run Windows XP.  WinXP SP3 is now so large and slow it takes up to 5
minutes to load from a power-on (the system was developed and deployed
before there even was a service pack for WinXP).

I really like the EMR (electro-magnetic-resistive) pen on this device
and would like to make it usable again.

I know Fedora (at least version 17 and 18) has checks in place to
prevent installation on low memory systems.  Does Debian have a similar

I was previously running Fedora 16 on much more capable hardware (Tecra
M4) but a catastropic system board failure has me trying to resurrect
this old TabletPC (Acer TravelMate C100).

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Re: Debian on 256MB PIII TabletPC

2013-03-04 Thread Soare Catalin
On Mar 4, 2013 4:49 PM, Steven Grunza wrote:

 Hello.  I would like to install Debian on a laptop with 256 MB of RAM.
 Is this possible?  I was previously running Ubuntu but there are
 problems in the Ubuntu X11 server code that cause the touchscreen to be

 I realize this system is _NOT_ going to be a performance machine.  I
 plan on using it for text editing (in laptop mode using keyboard) and
 taking handwritten notes (in slate mode) -- it's a TabletPC that used to
 run Windows XP.  WinXP SP3 is now so large and slow it takes up to 5
 minutes to load from a power-on (the system was developed and deployed
 before there even was a service pack for WinXP).

 I really like the EMR (electro-magnetic-resistive) pen on this device
 and would like to make it usable again.

 I know Fedora (at least version 17 and 18) has checks in place to
 prevent installation on low memory systems.  Does Debian have a similar

 I was previously running Fedora 16 on much more capable hardware (Tecra
 M4) but a catastropic system board failure has me trying to resurrect
 this old TabletPC (Acer TravelMate C100).

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I had a home dhcpdns server running on a 800MHz CPU with 128 MB memory. No
GUI, but once booted the device did its job. I have replaced that with a
512 MB Raspberry Pi.

So, yes, it is possible. You probably won't be able to use Gnome or KDE,
but as long as you have time to try them out, there are plenty other light
Desktop Environments out there.

Good luck!

Sent from my Brick (TM)

Re: Debian on 256MB PIII TabletPC

2013-03-04 Thread Claudius Hubig
Dear Steven,

Steven Grunza wrote:
 Hello.  I would like to install Debian on a laptop with 256 MB of RAM.
 Is this possible?

Installing the system shouldn’t be a problem.

 I realize this system is _NOT_ going to be a performance machine.  I
 plan on using it for text editing (in laptop mode using keyboard) and
 taking handwritten notes (in slate mode)

However, I don’t know whether the tablet will work. If Ubuntu had
problems, chances are that Debian (and in fact, any Linux) has the
same problems.

 I know Fedora (at least version 17 and 18) has checks in place to
 prevent installation on low memory systems.  Does Debian have a similar

Yes. Last time I tried, it complained with less than 96 MB and
switched to a special mode at less than 64 MB, though that was 2-3
years ago, IIRC. 256 MB should be perfectly fine.


Please don’t CC me.

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Re: Debian on 256MB PIII TabletPC

2013-03-04 Thread Roman V.Leon.

On 04.03.2013 18:49, Steven Grunza wrote:

Hello.  I would like to install Debian on a laptop with 256 MB of RAM.
Is this possible?  I was previously running Ubuntu but there are
problems in the Ubuntu X11 server code that cause the touchscreen to be

I realize this system is _NOT_ going to be a performance machine.  I
plan on using it for text editing (in laptop mode using keyboard) and
taking handwritten notes (in slate mode) -- it's a TabletPC that used to
run Windows XP.  WinXP SP3 is now so large and slow it takes up to 5
minutes to load from a power-on (the system was developed and deployed
before there even was a service pack for WinXP).

I really like the EMR (electro-magnetic-resistive) pen on this device
and would like to make it usable again.

I know Fedora (at least version 17 and 18) has checks in place to
prevent installation on low memory systems.  Does Debian have a similar

I was previously running Fedora 16 on much more capable hardware (Tecra
M4) but a catastropic system board failure has me trying to resurrect
this old TabletPC (Acer TravelMate C100).

Hi Steven. I'm sure you will be able to install Debian  7, but 
unfortunately neither KDE nor GNOME will be usable with such amount of 
memory. If I were you i would choose Openbox WM, you can try XFCE also, 
but I'm in doubt. I've just tried to run Debian netinst CD in my 
virtualbox with 256MB and the installer works fine. Good luck ;-)

Roman V.Leon.

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Re: Debian on 256MB PIII TabletPC

2013-03-04 Thread Lars Noodén
On 03/04/2013 05:29 PM, Roman V.Leon. wrote:
 ...If I were you i would choose Openbox WM, you can try XFCE also,
 but I'm in doubt...

A plain window manager like OpenBox would be the way to go.  FVWM still
has a lot of good use, especially with the FVWM-crystal theme.  XFCE is
a desktop environment and probably too heavy.  The smallest WM might be


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Re: Debian on 256MB PIII TabletPC

2013-03-04 Thread John L. Cunningham
On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 09:49:12AM -0500, Steven Grunza wrote:
 Hello.  I would like to install Debian on a laptop with 256 MB of RAM.
 Is this possible?  I was previously running Ubuntu but there are
 problems in the Ubuntu X11 server code that cause the touchscreen to be

Before you do anything, make sure the same problems don't exist in
Debian's xorg.

 I know Fedora (at least version 17 and 18) has checks in place to
 prevent installation on low memory systems.  Does Debian have a similar

Squeeze does not. I've installed Squeeze on several memory-constrained

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Re: Debian on 256MB PIII TabletPC

2013-03-04 Thread Gary Dale

On 04/03/13 09:49 AM, Steven Grunza wrote:

Hello.  I would like to install Debian on a laptop with 256 MB of RAM.
Is this possible?  I was previously running Ubuntu but there are
problems in the Ubuntu X11 server code that cause the touchscreen to be

I realize this system is _NOT_ going to be a performance machine.  I
plan on using it for text editing (in laptop mode using keyboard) and
taking handwritten notes (in slate mode) -- it's a TabletPC that used to
run Windows XP.  WinXP SP3 is now so large and slow it takes up to 5
minutes to load from a power-on (the system was developed and deployed
before there even was a service pack for WinXP).

I really like the EMR (electro-magnetic-resistive) pen on this device
and would like to make it usable again.

I know Fedora (at least version 17 and 18) has checks in place to
prevent installation on low memory systems.  Does Debian have a similar

I was previously running Fedora 16 on much more capable hardware (Tecra
M4) but a catastropic system board failure has me trying to resurrect
this old TabletPC (Acer TravelMate C100).

I have Debian running on two low-spec'd laptops without issues. I'd 
suggest LXDE as a good Window manager for low-memory systems.

You can install Debian on almost anything however performance can be an 
issue depending on what you install. You can also look at the distros 
designed specifically for older hardware.

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Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Mark Filipak

Thank you all. I've learned a lot here. I did manage to get Debian installed, 
though it was through a side door that was opened by Debian Live. I'm grateful 
for that. I will continue to look for a Linux with which I can live.

In private messages with some list members I advocated for focus testing. I now 
realize that this list *is* the focus test. That's too bad as I expect most of 
the list doesn't know or want that.

Since this list is not attended by developers, I'll minimize my bandwidth load 
by being brief.

Should anyone want my focus test conclusions regarding Debian, I'd be happy to 
document them, but lacking at least one request from a serious maintainer (or a 
developer if one should emerge), I'll not waste my time on something that 
doesn't have a ready and attentive audience.

Also, if anyone has a suggestion on which Linux tribe I should join, I'd 
welcome it. I believe you all have my email address.

I want a Linux system so I can remove networking from Windows XP. I don't trust 
Windows and when XP loses support next year, I'll be cut off. So I want to use 
Linux as a computer-hostable Internet appliance. Understand, that's the only 
use I will make of Linux, at least for the foreseeable future. I'll continue to 
use Windows XP for engineering and other projects, only as an isolated 
operating system without networking.

I'd like to leave you with one reflection that may cause pause. If tomorrow 
Debian were to suddenly become twice as popular as it currently is, this list 
would be flooded by people exactly like me.

Regards, Ciao, and Good Luck - Mark.

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RE: Debian on 256MB PIII TabletPC

2013-03-04 Thread Steven Grunza

 -Original Message-
 From: Claudius Hubig []
 Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 9:59 AM
 Subject: Re: Debian on 256MB PIII TabletPC
 Dear Steven,
 Steven Grunza wrote:
  Hello.  I would like to install Debian on a laptop with 256 MB of
  Is this possible?
 Installing the system shouldn’t be a problem.
  I realize this system is _NOT_ going to be a performance machine.
  plan on using it for text editing (in laptop mode using keyboard)
  taking handwritten notes (in slate mode)
 However, I don’t know whether the tablet will work. If Ubuntu had
 problems, chances are that Debian (and in fact, any Linux) has the
 same problems.

From what I could tell the Ubuntu project is getting ready to move from X11 to 
something else and some of the preparations for that change appear to be 
causing the problems.  I had the same touchscreen problems on my Tecra M4 with 
Ubuntu but resolved them by moving to Fedora.  I'll give Debian a try and see 
how it goes...

Missing Packages.gz file in debian-6.0.7-amd64-DVD-8.iso image

2013-03-04 Thread Franco Martelli


In debian-6.0.0-amd64-DVD-8.iso image the file Packages.gz exist but in 
debian-6.0.7-amd64-DVD-8.iso it doesn't!
This cause an apt-get update error. I don't know which package affect 
this bug...

root@mitas:~# mount -o ro,loop 
/media/sdb1/sqeeze/debian-6.0.0-amd64-DVD-8.iso /mnt/

root@mitas:~# ls -l /mnt/dists/squeeze/contrib/binary-amd64/Packages.gz
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 1,2K  5 feb  2011 

root@mitas:~# umount /mnt/
root@mitas:~# mount -o ro,loop 
/media/sdb1/sqeeze/debian-6.0.7-amd64-DVD-8.iso /mnt/

root@mitas:~# ls -l /mnt/dists/squeeze/contrib/binary-amd64/Packages.gz
ls: impossibile accedere a 
/mnt/dists/squeeze/contrib/binary-amd64/Packages.gz: No such file or 


Franco Martelli.

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Re: Who may post on the list.

2013-03-04 Thread doug

On 03/04/2013 05:47 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

I ought not to quote from Mark without his permission, so I have firmly
pre-rapped my knuckles.

If there were a moderator I would be contacting her/him.  As there is not, I
want the list's opinion, and it cannot give an opinion without the data.

As I see it Mark has no right to dictate what list members may or may not do
on-list, nor to lay down ground rules.  And in my opinion the archives
matter.  So if there is a simple answer it should be in the archives.  My
reply to him has been bottom posted in the quotation.

/snip--quotation(s) deleted/

You have absoluitely no right to tell me that I may or may not post to the
list.   You have every right to delete my mails unread if you so wish - or,
more intelligently, set up a filter to kill-file them.

For the record, you have had no abuse of any kind from me.

Lisi Reisz

Atta girl, Lisi, give him hell!


Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. 
M. Greeley

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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Yaro Kasear

On 03/04/2013 09:59 AM, Mark Filipak wrote:
Thank you all. I've learned a lot here. I did manage to get Debian 
installed, though it was through a side door that was opened by Debian 
Live. I'm grateful for that. I will continue to look for a Linux with 
which I can live.

In private messages with some list members I advocated for focus 
testing. I now realize that this list *is* the focus test. That's too 
bad as I expect most of the list doesn't know or want that.

Since this list is not attended by developers, I'll minimize my 
bandwidth load by being brief.

Should anyone want my focus test conclusions regarding Debian, I'd be 
happy to document them, but lacking at least one request from a 
serious maintainer (or a developer if one should emerge), I'll not 
waste my time on something that doesn't have a ready and attentive 

Also, if anyone has a suggestion on which Linux tribe I should join, 
I'd welcome it. I believe you all have my email address.

I want a Linux system so I can remove networking from Windows XP. I 
don't trust Windows and when XP loses support next year, I'll be cut 
off. So I want to use Linux as a computer-hostable Internet appliance. 
Understand, that's the only use I will make of Linux, at least for the 
foreseeable future. I'll continue to use Windows XP for engineering 
and other projects, only as an isolated operating system without 

I'd like to leave you with one reflection that may cause pause. If 
tomorrow Debian were to suddenly become twice as popular as it 
currently is, this list would be flooded by people exactly like me.

Regards, Ciao, and Good Luck - Mark.

Flooded with people who had trouble with the installer because they 
didn't read the documentation and start blaming everyone when they can't 
figure out why they couldn't install the system as a result? Most people 
who switch to Linux and have issues at least have an open mind about 
these things instead of approaching asking for help with hostility.

Chances are, though, most people will be able to install Debian just 
fine if they take just ten extra minutes to RTFM, like you should have. 
And certainly would not hijack an entire mailing list for almost a week 
acting like everyone owes them an explanation for why *they* couldn't 
get the system to work, blaming the process, the developers, and the 
people who tried to *help* for your negligence in reading documentation 
or in providing and clarifying relevant details.

I am curious how you intend to get Windows XP to use your Linux box as a 
gateway without networking. It still seems to me like you're still 
exposing the Windows XP box anyway.


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Re: ESC[4m does not produce underline

2013-03-04 Thread Chris Davies
Thomas D. Dean wrote:
 The ANSI standard lists ESC[4m as the code to produce an underline
  export TERM=ansi80x25
  printf \033[4masdfasdfasdf
 produces green text, not underline text as stated in the standard.

Please can you try this (before you do an export TERM):

tput smul; echo perhaps this is underlined; tput rmul

This uses the proper characteristics for the terminal you've declared
(which may - or may not - be ESC [ 4m).


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Graduate Education Programs - A Business Resource

2013-03-04 Thread Victoria Baker

Hi there,

I am a researcher for an online project that, in conjunction with the National 
Center for Education Statistics, created a National Education Index for 
students interested in pursuing a business degree across the US. I was 
wondering if you're responsible for maintaining 
We've collected and compiled data from more than 19,000 education programs at 
2,240 universities throughout  the nation, and have packaged that data into an 
easy-to-use database that you will not only find insightful, but extremely 

I strongly believe this database, along with all of our other featured 
resources, would be a great complement to your website for students interested 
in furthering their education. So far, over 200 universities and governmental 
agencies have utilized this database project for their communities. I thought 
this might be of interest to you and I'm curious if you'd like to see it. 
Please let me know and I'll send it over.

Thanks for your time. I hope to hear from you soon!

Victoria Baker

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Re: ESC[4m does not produce underline

2013-03-04 Thread Doug

On 03/04/2013 11:59 AM, Chris Davies wrote:

Thomas D. Dean wrote:

The ANSI standard lists ESC[4m as the code to produce an underline

export TERM=ansi80x25
printf \033[4masdfasdfasdf

produces green text, not underline text as stated in the standard.

Please can you try this (before you do an export TERM):

 tput smul; echo perhaps this is underlined; tput rmul

This uses the proper characteristics for the terminal you've declared
(which may - or may not - be ESC [ 4m).


I've been looking at this thread for a while, and decided to try
the tput stuff, and it works on the Konsole-terminal in pclos.
Just in case anyone cares.


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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread steef

Yaro Kasear schreef:

On 03/04/2013 09:59 AM, Mark Filipak wrote:

Thank you all. I've learned a lot here. I did manage to get Debian
installed, though it was through a side door that was opened by Debian Live.
I'm grateful for that. I will continue to look for a Linux with which I can

In private messages with some list members I advocated for focus testing. I
now realize that this list *is* the focus test. That's too bad as I expect
most of the list doesn't know or want that.

Since this list is not attended by developers, I'll minimize my bandwidth
load by being brief.

Should anyone want my focus test conclusions regarding Debian, I'd be happy
to document them, but lacking at least one request from a serious maintainer
(or a developer if one should emerge), I'll not waste my time on something
that doesn't have a ready and attentive audience.

Also, if anyone has a suggestion on which Linux tribe I should join, I'd
welcome it. I believe you all have my email address.

I want a Linux system so I can remove networking from Windows XP. I don't
trust Windows and when XP loses support next year, I'll be cut off. So I
want to use Linux as a computer-hostable Internet appliance. Understand,
that's the only use I will make of Linux, at least for the foreseeable
future. I'll continue to use Windows XP for engineering and other projects,
only as an isolated operating system without networking.

I'd like to leave you with one reflection that may cause pause. If tomorrow
Debian were to suddenly become twice as popular as it currently is, this
list would be flooded by people exactly like me.

Regards, Ciao, and Good Luck - Mark.

Flooded with people who had trouble with the installer because they didn't
read the documentation and start blaming everyone when they can't figure out
why they couldn't install the system as a result? Most people who switch to
Linux and have issues at least have an open mind about these things instead of
approaching asking for help with hostility.

Chances are, though, most people will be able to install Debian just fine if
they take just ten extra minutes to RTFM, like you should have. And certainly
would not hijack an entire mailing list for almost a week acting like everyone
owes them an explanation for why *they* couldn't get the system to work,
blaming the process, the developers, and the people who tried to *help* for
your negligence in reading documentation or in providing and clarifying
relevant details.

I am curious how you intend to get Windows XP to use your Linux box as a
gateway without networking. It still seems to me like you're still exposing
the Windows XP box anyway.


hi yaro,

i agree completely with your remarks. i did not mix up in this *discussion* 
(except only one short remark) when i came back from the gambia because i 
considered it as completely useless to *talk* to a guy who did not take the 
trouble to read the documentation and - indeed- WE HAVE SEEN THEM BEFORE AND 
WILL SEE THEM IN THE FUTURE. let us keep tolerant.

kind regards,


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Re: Wheezy RC1 - Installing python:i386 on amd64 machine

2013-03-04 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2013-03-04 09:43 +0100, nir izraeli wrote:

 one question though, will it be possible to run a command in the chrooted
 environment without having root in the original machine?

Yes, with schroot this is possible.

 the thing is, i need to execute the i386 software using a piece of software
 i wrote for the amd64 machine and would prefer no running my code under

 i saw some references to fakeroot and fakechroot, could it help?

With fakeroot you won't get anywhere, fakechroot - I don't know, the BTS
lists some rather important bugs though.  As I said, schroot would be my
choice.  Be sure to read its manpages.


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Re: future of dbmail in Debian

2013-03-04 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2013-03-04 11:04 +0100, Sergey Spiridonov wrote:

 I am using dbmail package [1] at home and at work for many years
 already. I just noticed that dbmail is not in Wheezy and is also
 kicked out from Sid (for i386). I found bug [2] telling that
 maintainer is not responding.


 What is the current status of that package?

It has been removed from Debian, see

 I found that dbmail project is still active. There is even ready
 package from dbmail developers to install in Sid [3][4]. So why dbmail
 is not in Wheezy and not even in Sid? What needs to be done to get it
 back in Debian?

Somebody needs to re-package it.


 If the problem is that package maintainer is not responding, can
 somebody else upload it please?

There is someone who volunteered, see
However, that was six months ago and no sign of progress is visible.
So you may want to ask the submitter of that bug if he's still
interested (be sure to CC the bug report).


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Re: Installation failed - and failed again...

2013-03-04 Thread João Luis Meloni Assirati

Em 04-03-2013 08:32, Brian escreveu:

On Sun 03 Mar 2013 at 23:34:23 -0300, Joao Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:

Brian wrote:

fdisk leaves space at the beginning of the drive because GRUB requires
it to embed part of itself there. But GRUB will not go there because it
thinks it is overwriting data on the disk when it detects the iso9660
signature. This is by design.

This is clearly a bug, because the disk has a partition table and
therefore there is no useful data before the first partition.

It might be advisable to read

before tackling the GRUB maintainers. The behaviour can be overridden
but not with --force.

That discussion seems absurd to me. Just put a flag --no-data-check to 
skip all possible data overwrite check on user request.

D-I uses partman for partitioning. It too leaves an embedding area which
contains the iso9660 data sector. The solution is to remember to do

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX count=65

before partitioning.

But this will destroy the partition table, which is not right if you have
other operating systems or partitions containing data. Maybe 'grub-install
--forcedevice' would suffice?

The act of writing the isohybrid destroys all data on the drive so at
this point it is a bit late to worry about that. :)

In the present case, yes, but in general the installer cannot simply 
clear the partition table even if there is an isohybrid fragment in the 
mbr. The isohybrid may be ancient data that was later overwrited by a 
partition table.

Should the need arise to target the specific sector with the iso9660
data on it then something like

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=512 seek=63 count=64

could be used.

Maybe this code could be placed in the installer just before calling 
grub-install. We are absolutely certain that this sector has no valuable 
data because there is a partition table.

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Re: Auto-emptying of trash.

2013-03-04 Thread Slavko
Dňa 03.03.2013 23:04 Sharon Kimble  wrote / napísal(a):
 I'm trying to get a bash script working from a cron job that will empty
 trash of all files and directories that are older than $N [7 days in
 this case]. This partly works but is very inefficient in that it
 doesn't delete everything that is available to be deleted, just tends
 to leave stuff with no apparent reasoning.

The autotrash package was mentioned. I have this script:


# remove files older than 10 days

#pre každý prípojný bod, ktorý je blokové zariadenie
for MOUNTPOINT in $(mount | egrep ^/dev | awk '{print $1 @ $3}'); do
#echo Debug: $DEVICE
if [ -d ${TRASH} ]; then
autotrash --days $OLD --trash-path $TRASH 

This script is regularly executed from my fcrontab, but you can call it
from the ~/.xsessionrc file. Script cheecks the mount points and the
.Trash-$UID directories, then executes the autotrash on these
directories (Trash's paths).



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: OT: Fruit (was Re: Installation failed - again - why am I not surprised)

2013-03-04 Thread João Luis Meloni Assirati

Em 04-03-2013 09:48, albcares escreveu:

that's right or almost right. The story told of a pumpkin and an
acorn. And when the man lied under the oak to have a sleep, he was
actually awaken by a falling acorn that made his nose bleeding. This
is why the big pumpkins grow from a shaggy grass.
(sorry for my basic language)

Are you making this up now or this tale really exists in other countries 
than Brazil? Here this story is told by writer Monteiro Lobato, it is 
called The world reformer.

2013/3/4, Darac

On Fri, Mar 01, 2013 at 09:47:55PM -0300, Joao Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:

There is a tale in my country about an arrogant man that considered
that a pumpkin, being a large fruit, comes from a short plant, and the
blackberry [1] comes from a tall tree although it is a tiny fruit. He
thinking like this until he fell asleep under a blackberry tree and was
awaken by a blackberry hitting his nose.

Just for the record, I would consider cherry to be a better
replacement than blackberry here. The Blackberry grows on a trailing
bush with thorny tendrils. Although its fruit is small, it's unlikely
anyone would sleep under one. A cherry, on the other hand, grows on a
full-sized tree under which someone could conceivably sleep. In
addition, the stone in the cherry would give added impact when falling
one someone's nose :*)

Yes, of course a cherry would be much better. No one would sleep under a 
blackberry tree also because the fallen fruit on the ground can stain 
the clothes.

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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread João Luis Meloni Assirati

So you cannot reproduce the bug, right?

Em 04-03-2013 12:59, Mark Filipak escreveu:
Thank you all. I've learned a lot here. I did manage to get Debian 
installed, though it was through a side door that was opened by Debian 
Live. I'm grateful for that. I will continue to look for a Linux with 
which I can live.

In private messages with some list members I advocated for focus 
testing. I now realize that this list *is* the focus test. That's too 
bad as I expect most of the list doesn't know or want that.

Since this list is not attended by developers, I'll minimize my 
bandwidth load by being brief.

Should anyone want my focus test conclusions regarding Debian, I'd be 
happy to document them, but lacking at least one request from a 
serious maintainer (or a developer if one should emerge), I'll not 
waste my time on something that doesn't have a ready and attentive 

Also, if anyone has a suggestion on which Linux tribe I should join, 
I'd welcome it. I believe you all have my email address.

I want a Linux system so I can remove networking from Windows XP. I 
don't trust Windows and when XP loses support next year, I'll be cut 
off. So I want to use Linux as a computer-hostable Internet appliance. 
Understand, that's the only use I will make of Linux, at least for the 
foreseeable future. I'll continue to use Windows XP for engineering 
and other projects, only as an isolated operating system without 

I'd like to leave you with one reflection that may cause pause. If 
tomorrow Debian were to suddenly become twice as popular as it 
currently is, this list would be flooded by people exactly like me.

Regards, Ciao, and Good Luck - Mark.

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Re: Help please - install the WiFi driver

2013-03-04 Thread Joe
On Sun, 03 Mar 2013 21:14:32 -0500
Mark Filipak wrote:

 On 2013/3/3 8:16 PM, Mr G wrote:
  $ id
  $ sudo updatedb
  $ mlocate firmware-iwlwfi.deb
  $ pwd
 Look at the terminal session below
 mark@MarkFilipak:/media/usb8/Setup/Debian 6.0.6 64-bit/Packages$ su
 root@MarkFilipak:/media/usb8/Setup/Debian 6.0.6 64-bit/Packages# dpkg
 -i firmware-iwlwifi.deb dpkg: error processing firmware-iwlwifi.deb
 (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 root@MarkFilipak:/media/usb8/Setup/Debian 6.0.6 64-bit/Packages# dpkg
 -i firmware-iwlwifi_0.28+squeeze1_all.deb Selecting previously
 deselected package firmware-iwlwifi. (Reading database ... 68697
 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking
 firmware-iwlwifi (from firmware-iwlwifi_0.28+squeeze1_all.deb) ...
 Setting up firmware-iwlwifi (0.28+squeeze1) ... =
 I don't think it's necessary for me to 'mlocate' or 'pwd', do you?
 'firmware-iwlwifi.deb' is not right. It has to be
 This is the first real progress I've made since the installation
 succeeded. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Now, regarding a network
 manager, the terminal session below is from about 2 hours ago. Can
 you help with it?
 root@MarkFilipak:/media/usb8/Setup/Debian 6.0.6 64-bit/Packages# dpkg
 -i wicd_1.7.0+ds1-5+squeeze3_all.deb Selecting previously deselected
 package wicd. (Reading database ... 68689 files and directories
 currently installed.) Unpacking wicd (from
 wicd_1.7.0+ds1-5+squeeze3_all.deb) ... dpkg: dependency problems
 prevent configuration of wicd: wicd depends on wicd-daemon (=
 1.7.0+ds1-5+squeeze3); however: Package wicd-daemon is not installed.
   wicd depends on wicd-gtk (= 1.7.0+ds1-5+squeeze3) | wicd-curses (=
 1.7.0+ds1-5+squeeze3) | wicd-cli (= 1.7.0+ds1-5+squeeze3) |
 wicd-client; however: Package wicd-gtk is not installed. Package
 wicd-curses is not installed. Package wicd-cli is not installed.
Package wicd-client is not installed.
 dpkg: error processing wicd (--install):
   dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 There are uninstalled dependencies:
 wicd-daemon (= 1.7.0+ds1-5+squeeze3)
 wicd-gtk (= 1.7.0+ds1-5+squeeze3)
 wicd-curses (= 1.7.0+ds1-5+squeeze3)
 wicd-cli (= 1.7.0+ds1-5+squeeze3)
 When I do a google search for 1.7.0+ds1-5+squeeze3 I find lots of
 stuff (too much stuff), including Python - gee, I've written Python
 server code - is that needed for this? Python aside, I don't know
 what to do next, so I'll wait for a push in a particular direction
 (and hope that it's not towards a cliff).

No, it means the 1.7 version of each package named. Dependencies are
usually of the form 'needs this or later version', so you don't know
for sure if you don't have those packages at all, or just that your
installed version is too old. Since wicd wasn't installed, the former
is more likely.

This is why we don't use dpkg unless we have to, and at the moment, you
have to. The apt tools all work on complete Debian repositories, and
mostly can work out and load all the dependencies of something you ask
for. dpkg can only install the file you give it, so it just tells you
when there are missing dependencies.

The Debian website can tell you full details of each package, and what
its dependencies are, but it's hard work doing it that way, one file
at a time. Do you still have the install medium, and can you access
that from the Debian system? If so, most of what you want will be on

The most important file in the apt system is /etc/apt/sources.list. It
should contain lines showing which repositories are in use, mostly in
pairs, beginning 'deb' and 'deb-src' for compiled and source code
packages. At the top of the list should be two commented lines that
refer to the installation medium, they get commented out when the
installation is complete, and working Internet repositories added. Try
uncommenting those two lines, plugging in the install medium and seeing
if the apt tools give you what you need. If it was a CD, there would be
no doubt, but the uncertainties of USB mounting and naming may still
give you a bit of trouble.

There was once just a Debian CD1, which contained nearly everything a
standard installation would need, but as software got bigger, and fewer
people wanted Gnome or KDE, the ISOs have changed in nature. So I'm not
certain that your installation medium does contain wicd and its
dependencies, but that is the way I would bet.

*  *  *

OK, I've looked, wicd-daemon (server) and wicd-gtk (the GUI client) are
on the CD image, and they are the only actual dependencies (wicd is
itself a virtual package, containing no code itself, and brings in the
daemon and one of the clients, -gtk in this case as -cli and -curses
aren't on the 

Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread João Luis Meloni Assirati

Em 04-03-2013 17:09, Mark Filipak escreveu:

On 2013/3/4 2:35 PM, João Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:

So you cannot reproduce the bug, right?

I didn't try, João Luis.

For you, I will.

No, not for me. This list is archived and new Debian users may read your 
postings and conclude that the GUI installer does not work or has lower 
quality. In fact, they may think that the whole Debian is low quality 
because your comments are all derogatory. After being able to install 
Debian with the kind and patient help of some list members, it is only 
fair that you contribute back giving the recipe on how to reproduce the 
bug or admit that it was your fault and the bug does not exist at all.

It will take me an hour or two.

It took much more that two man-hour to help you.

This experience has brought me a realization - every problem comes 
with an opportunity in one of its hands, isn't that true?

Oh yes, I'm sure that some people learned a lot here.

Linux is not a GUI-OS. It's an X-Windows host. There's a big 
difference. The primary interaction with the Windows kernel is through 
GUIs. The primary interaction with the Linux kernel is through the 
command line. That's why Linux seems so hostile, and that realization 
should point the way to making it friendlier. Of primary importance: 
The first impression Linux makes during installation.

How can someone who did not try the standard install tools come to that 
conclusion? You are simply wrong and leading others to err.

João Luis.

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Re: ESC[4m does not produce underline

2013-03-04 Thread Thomas D. Dean

On 03/04/13 10:12, Doug wrote:

On 03/04/2013 11:59 AM, Chris Davies wrote:

Thomas D. Dean wrote:

The ANSI standard lists ESC[4m as the code to produce an underline

export TERM=ansi80x25
printf \033[4masdfasdfasdf

produces green text, not underline text as stated in the standard.

Please can you try this (before you do an export TERM):

 tput smul; echo perhaps this is underlined; tput rmul

This uses the proper characteristics for the terminal you've declared
(which may - or may not - be ESC [ 4m).


I've been looking at this thread for a while, and decided to try
the tput stuff, and it works on the Konsole-terminal in pclos.
Just in case anyone cares.


I tried so many things, the terminal is tired!

tput...   does the same as ESC[4m...

Also, ncurses A_UNDERLILNE does the same

Changes color to blue

Ansi says exc[xxxm should change the color to blue if I use xxx=34
and exc[34;1m bold blue.

This is a color display attached to a Raspberry Pi.  If I startx, I can 
produce underlined text with printf \033[4This is underlined\033[0m

But, this is a low powered CPU and I want a form on the screen.
ncurses will give me most of what I want.

Tom Dean

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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Yaro Kasear

On 03/04/2013 02:44 PM, João Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:

Em 04-03-2013 17:09, Mark Filipak escreveu:

On 2013/3/4 2:35 PM, João Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:

So you cannot reproduce the bug, right?

I didn't try, João Luis.

For you, I will.

No, not for me. This list is archived and new Debian users may read 
your postings and conclude that the GUI installer does not work or has 
lower quality. In fact, they may think that the whole Debian is low 
quality because your comments are all derogatory. After being able to 
install Debian with the kind and patient help of some list members, it 
is only fair that you contribute back giving the recipe on how to 
reproduce the bug or admit that it was your fault and the bug does not 
exist at all.

It will take me an hour or two.

It took much more that two man-hour to help you.

This experience has brought me a realization - every problem comes 
with an opportunity in one of its hands, isn't that true?

Oh yes, I'm sure that some people learned a lot here.

Linux is not a GUI-OS. It's an X-Windows host. There's a big 
difference. The primary interaction with the Windows kernel is 
through GUIs. The primary interaction with the Linux kernel is 
through the command line. That's why Linux seems so hostile, and that 
realization should point the way to making it friendlier. Of primary 
importance: The first impression Linux makes during installation.

How can someone who did not try the standard install tools come to 
that conclusion? You are simply wrong and leading others to err.

João Luis.

Not to mention off the mark. Most desktop-based Linux distributions have 
plenty enough X11-based tools available to keep a lot of users from 
having to open a terminal emulator unless they absolutely have to.

But so what? I personally think the ooh, command line, therefore 
inferior mentality is only really put forward by people who an inferior 
understanding of how system software works. GUIs are 99.9% there to make 
things easy. And usually in doing so it's through the sacrifice of 
some *very* powerful usage. But when it comes to sheer flexibility, 
automation and speed? A flexible command line is way more powerful than 
a GUI.

Saying that, I'm a KDE SC user on Arch Linux, and use Debian on my 
server. I don't use Windows unless I have to (And most certainly *not* 
on my server. I find Windows should not be on servers, ever.), and so 
far I have very few use cases requiring Windows. But I also have yakuake 
put in as a very speedy way to get a shell and do something that'd take 
me a little longer and restrict my options through a GUI.

You can still run a very successful desktop system on Linux without 
installing Xorg server at any point. The only command line that hasn't 
modernized even a little bit is DOS.

By the way, to Mark, neither the GUI or text-based installer are that 
hard to use. They only are if you stubbornly refuse to read 
documentation and treat those who help you with hostility.


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Re: Debian on 256MB PIII TabletPC

2013-03-04 Thread Rob Owens
On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 09:49:12AM -0500, Steven Grunza wrote:
 Hello.  I would like to install Debian on a laptop with 256 MB of RAM.
 Is this possible?  I was previously running Ubuntu but there are
 problems in the Ubuntu X11 server code that cause the touchscreen to be
I installed Squeeze with LXDE on an old laptop for someone I know.  It
was a P3, 500 MHz I think, with 256 MB RAM.  It worked, but it was slow
to boot and to open applications.  But if you weren't too impatient, it
was totally usable (except for flash video, if I recall correctly).


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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Mark Filipak

On 2013/3/4 3:44 PM, João Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:

Em 04-03-2013 17:09, Mark Filipak escreveu:

On 2013/3/4 2:35 PM, João Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:

So you cannot reproduce the bug, right?

I didn't try, João Luis.

For you, I will.

No, not for me. This list is archived and new Debian users may read your 
postings and conclude that the GUI installer does not work or has lower 
quality. In fact, they may think that the whole Debian is low quality because 
your comments are all derogatory. After being able to install Debian with the 
kind and patient help of some list members, it is only fair that you contribute 
back giving the recipe on how to reproduce the bug or admit that it was your 
fault and the bug does not exist at all.

It will take me an hour or two.

It took much more that two man-hour to help you.

This experience has brought me a realization - every problem comes with an 
opportunity in one of its hands, isn't that true?

Oh yes, I'm sure that some people learned a lot here.

Linux is not a GUI-OS. It's an X-Windows host. There's a big difference. The 
primary interaction with the Windows kernel is through GUIs. The primary 
interaction with the Linux kernel is through the command line. That's why Linux 
seems so hostile, and that realization should point the way to making it 
friendlier. Of primary importance: The first impression Linux makes during 

How can someone who did not try the standard install tools come to that 
conclusion? You are simply wrong and leading others to err.

João Luis.

You snake. I replied to you privately and you published my reply in public.

I replicated the install bug, but I'm not going to play your game. Goodbye.

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Cierre de Inscripciones - Responsabilidad Social

2013-03-04 Thread Lic. Carolina Moo Aldana
Responsabilidad Ambiental y Social Corporativa
Lunes 11 Marzo 2013   /   6 Horas de Capacitación   /   La más alta calidad sin 
importar dónde se encuentre...

Le presentamos hoy la oportunidad de conocer e incorporar a su empresa modelos 
de responsabilidad social que le permitan aumentar su contribución a la 
comunidad, mejorar su imagen, inspirar y motivar a sus colaboradores, y desde 
luego, aprovechar los incentivos que nuestra legislación actual ofrece a las 
empresas socialmente responsables.

Estos conceptos de administración sustentable mantendrán su empresa a la 
vanguardia, sin importar si es una PyME o una gran corporación multinacional…

No espere más...
- Atraiga inversionistas y mejore la comunicación con sus grupos de interés.
- Conozca y aproveche los incentivos y programas ofrecidos a las empresas 
socialmente responsables.
- Motive e integre a sus colaboradores alineándolos hacia objetivos de 
bienestar para ellos y los suyos.
- Muestre a todos los miembros de su comunidad el rostro más humano de su 
empresa y su compromiso hacia ellos.

Cómo convertir a la suya en una empresa verde, mejorando la percepción de su 
marca y su situación competitiva al tiempo que ofrece un valor añadido y 
colabora con su comunidad.

Adquiera el folleto completo y sin compromiso, solo responda este correo con 
asunto RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL  y se lo enviaremos a la brevedad.

Reciba un muy cordial saludo!
Lic. Carolina Moo Aldana
Atención Personal: 01800-212-93.93

Para darte de baja y no recibir ningún tema de 
nuestra empresa, envíe un correo con asunto CancelarMail

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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Joe
On Mon, 04 Mar 2013 14:54:50 -0600
Yaro Kasear wrote:

 You can still run a very successful desktop system on Linux without 
 installing Xorg server at any point. The only command line that
 hasn't modernized even a little bit is DOS.

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but DOS isn't around any

I have a 2.5cm thick paperback on my bookshelf, 'Windows Command-Line',
dated 2004 and based on XP/Server 2003. I've no idea how thick the
current edition is.

Mark is wrong, Windows is also a command-line OS. Originally it was
indeed based on DOS 5, but hasn't been for more than 15 years. The
Windows GUI is no more the OS than is X, and anyone who crashes the
desktop and sees it recover without the daemons turning a hair will
know this. It's part of the Windows marketing image that 'what you see
is what it is', but there's no reason to assume that's the truth.

Mind you, Windows 8 still contains Edlin.


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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 1:03 PM, steef wrote:

 i agree completely with your remarks. i did not mix up in this *discussion*
 (except only one short remark) when i came back from the gambia because i
 considered it as completely useless to *talk* to a guy who did not take the
 trouble to read the documentation and - indeed- WE HAVE SEEN THEM BEFORE AND
 WILL SEE THEM IN THE FUTURE. let us keep tolerant.

I disagree. We shouldn't be tolerant of obstinate idiots. I kill-filed
this particular one long ago (when he started a thread by putting
conditions on who should reply and how) and wish that everyone had
done so too in order not to pollute the d-u archives. I've skimmed
through 1 out of 2 of the replies within these threads that have
landed in my inbox and I didn't see any value in them.

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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Morel Bérenger
Le Lun 4 mars 2013 22:26, Joe a écrit :
 On Mon, 04 Mar 2013 14:54:50 -0600
 Yaro Kasear wrote:
 Mark is wrong, Windows is also a command-line OS.

Hum... for windows 9x (and Me, and 3.x) ok, since they are based on MSDOS,
but for NT family, there is no way to run it without graphical layer.
In that family, the commandline is an option, unlike graphical modes, and
unlike linux distributions, where the graphical stuff is optional.

Well, I might be wrong, I'm not an admin... but if one here knows how to
remove, say, explorer.exe, I would be very happy to learn how to, since it
would mean I could replace the buggy (I stopped at windows XP, it may
explain my harsh words... or not.) graphical stuff with something more

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OT: Windows, a command-line OS (Was: Re: Not for me.)

2013-03-04 Thread Alois Mahdal
On Mon, 4 Mar 2013 22:59:33 +0100
Morel Bérenger wrote:

 Le Lun 4 mars 2013 22:26, Joe a écrit :
  On Mon, 04 Mar 2013 14:54:50 -0600
  Yaro Kasear wrote:
  Mark is wrong, Windows is also a command-line OS.
 Hum... for windows 9x (and Me, and 3.x) ok, since they are
 based on MSDOS, but for NT family, there is no way to run it
 without graphical layer. In that family, the commandline is
 an option, unlike graphical modes, and unlike linux
 distributions, where the graphical stuff is optional.

I agree.

I have done quite a bit of AV software testing, which in some
cases involved a little bit of OS-breaking.  I have never seen
NT-like Windows without GUI.  About the closest I could get was:

*   a desktop (read: single-colored background) with cmd.exe
window, which IIRC you can achieve via one of Safe Mode
options (torture F8 when booting)

Yes, window just as you know it.  So maybe explorer.exe
is not running, but the window manager is.

*   visually, BSOD or bootup scandisk session is in text mode,
maybe the latter could be interrupted somehow (?)

 Well, I might be wrong, I'm not an admin... but if one here
 knows how to remove, say, explorer.exe, I would be very happy
 to learn how to [...]

Maybe a good start:

div class=tl;dr

 [...] since it would mean I could replace the
 buggy (I stopped at windows XP, it may explain my harsh
 words... or not.) graphical stuff with something more stable.

Maybe I'm wearing pink glasses, maybe bugs are afraid of me,
maybe it's kind of like Stockholm syndrome or maybe I'm just a
lucky bastard.  But I don't remember having real problems with
explorer.exe in past like three years. (Win 7 but formerly XP
at work...)

(Or maybe my memory does a good editing job for
me--Except for occasional gaming I have managed to avoid Win
for almost three months now.)

Also, about the CLI: I have also written quite bunch of cmd.exe
scripts, and my experience is that basically what worked in
2000, worked the same all the way up to Win 8.

For Windows CLI syntax, there has been some evolution
( = cmd.exe) which happened to turn the mess into a
big mess. It was positive, though:  with, it was
only spaghetti. With cmd.exe, it was like spaghetti ON STEROIDS.
(Read: stronger than you and agressive to your brain.)



Alois Mahdal

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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Richard Hector
On 05/03/13 09:53, Mark Filipak wrote:

 You snake. I replied to you privately and you published my reply in public.

Agreed on this. Replying to a private email on a public list is bad form.


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Startup-Manager (squeeze)

2013-03-04 Thread mess-mate

any idea why the startup-manager wont continue his task ?
I've installed all what his needed  grb2, grub-pc, etc..
The manager start and do a pre-configuration and stops.

Re: ESC[4m does not produce underline

2013-03-04 Thread Chris Davies
Thomas D. Dean wrote:
 I tried so many things, the terminal is tired!
 tput...   does the same as ESC[4m...

OK. The tput looked up your declared terminal type ($TERM) in the
terminfo database and returned you the appropriate code assigned to
start underline. So if it doesn't work then either the terminal type
is wrongly defined (always possible) or the emulation/display you're
using represents underline as green text.

 Ansi says exc[xxxm should change the color to blue if I use xxx=34
 and exc[34;1m bold blue.

Again, you can use tput to get the colour codes in a (relatively)
terminal-independent way. See man 5 terminfo for (really) gory details.

 This is a color display attached to a Raspberry Pi.  If I startx, I can 
 produce underlined text with printf \033[4This is underlined\033[0m

Ah. So your X Windows based emulator understands ESC [4m but your console
window (without X Windows) doesn't. It appears that my console
(TERM=linux) represents underline with cyan text.


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Re: Missing Driver isci

2013-03-04 Thread Selim T. Erdogan
Mustafa Aldemir,  4.03.2013:
 I just tried upgrading my Debian server. During the update, I got a message 
 about a missing driver. Since it's a remote server, it will be a disaster if 
 it has a problem with ethernet driver. What should I do before restarting to 
 avoid problems?
 Setting up linux-base (2.6.32-48squeeze1) ...
 Setting up linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64 (2.6.32-48squeeze1) ...
 Running depmod.
 Running update-initramfs.
 update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-amd64
 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/isci/isci_firmware.bin for module 
 best wishes...

On my wheezy system here, running apt-file search isci_firmware.bin 
shows me that that file is in the firmware-linux-free package.  And 
looking at the description for firmware-linux-free, I see
Intel C600 SAS/SATA controller default parameters, version 1.3 

However, it looks like the squeeze version of firmware-linux-free 
doesn't include it, so you can try installing the wheezy version of that 
package (or alternatively, download the wheezy .deb, extract the 
firmware file you want, and put it in /lib/firmware/isci/ manually).

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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Joe
On Mon, 4 Mar 2013 22:59:33 +0100
Morel Bérenger wrote:

 Le Lun 4 mars 2013 22:26, Joe a écrit :
  On Mon, 04 Mar 2013 14:54:50 -0600
  Yaro Kasear wrote:
  Mark is wrong, Windows is also a command-line OS.
 Hum... for windows 9x (and Me, and 3.x) ok, since they are based on
 MSDOS, but for NT family, there is no way to run it without graphical
 layer. In that family, the commandline is an option, unlike graphical
 modes, and unlike linux distributions, where the graphical stuff is
 Well, I might be wrong, I'm not an admin... but if one here knows how
 to remove, say, explorer.exe, I would be very happy to learn how to,
 since it would mean I could replace the buggy (I stopped at windows
 XP, it may explain my harsh words... or not.) graphical stuff with
 something more stable.

I didn't say it could be run without the GUI, and in fact there's no
doubt that Microsoft went out of its way to prevent that happening. The
whole thrust of Windows marketing is visual, and for someone to find a
way to turn off the GUI would be a massive propaganda coup. I remember
when someone proved that Win98 could run without Internet Explorer
installed, contrary to what Microsoft explicitly stated. Windows 3.11
was the last version where the GUI was explicitly run on top of a
command-line OS. That *is* a fundamental difference between Windows and
Linux, but it doesn't mean that every aspect of Windows can *only* be
controlled using the GUI, or indeed controlled through the GUI at all.

You can no more run a graphical Windows application without a GUI than
you can run a graphical Linux application without a GUI. I'd hate to
try to design a PCB layout on either OS without being able to see it
displayed as I worked, even though I could theoretically do it by
writing a list of suitable values to a text file.

But control of the OS, the nuts and bolts, is all via the command line.
There are certainly GUI admin tools, but as with Linux, they generally
offer convenience and speed, but only a subset of the full control
options. And not always convenience: I can look up many networking
parameters through various dialogue boxes, but to see it all quickly,
the command-line ipconfig is somewhat similar to ifconfig.

If I want to create a contact in the Exchange Global Address List, I do
it with part of the Exchange Manager GUI. If I want to import or export
lots of such contacts, I use a command-line LDIF or CSV import/export
tool, working directly into Active Directory, because the GUI doesn't
offer any means of doing that. From any command line in the domain,
given suitable credentials, I can read and modify a domain controller's
Active Directory using a command-line LDAP query tool. Many parts of AD
can be accessed by GUI tools, but certainly not all of it. And so on...

It has to be that way, as under the domain security model, many of
the computers' configurations, both server and workstation, are enforced
from the central LDAP database, Active Directory, so everything has to
be scriptable. The domain controller cannot operate a workstation's
firewall by moving a mouse pointer around, even if that's how a human
user does it. The infamous Registry is a database of numbers and
strings, not desktop coordinates, and *that* can be remotely written to
using a command-line tool. And the Registry is the Windows /etc/*, and
AD is basically the /etc/* for an entire organisation.

If we have two interfaces to a system, one much more powerful than the
other, it is easy to see which is the 'real' one, and which one lies on
top of the other.


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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Joe
On Tue, 05 Mar 2013 12:07:30 +1300
Richard Hector wrote:

 On 05/03/13 09:53, Mark Filipak wrote:
  You snake. I replied to you privately and you published my reply in
 Agreed on this. Replying to a private email on a public list is bad

Yes, although this particular poster spent a lot of time replying to
both, and the personal one usually arrives before the other has crawled
through the list administration system. It would be easy to assume this
was another dual-destination message. I have to admit I wouldn't bother
checking the headers in the case of this poster.


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Re: Missing Driver isci

2013-03-04 Thread Mustafa Aldemir

I read that proprietary drivers were removed from Debian kernel 2.6.29 onwards, 
and this may be one of them.

Do you think Wheezy version will work on it? I must be 100% sure before 


 From: Selim T. Erdogan
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 1:30 AM
Subject: Re: Missing Driver isci
Mustafa Aldemir,  4.03.2013:
 I just tried upgrading my Debian server. During the update, I got a message 
 about a missing driver. Since it's a remote server, it will be a disaster if 
 it has a problem with ethernet driver. What should I do before restarting to 
 avoid problems?
 Setting up linux-base (2.6.32-48squeeze1) ...
 Setting up linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64 (2.6.32-48squeeze1) ...
 Running depmod.
 Running update-initramfs.
 update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-amd64
 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/isci/isci_firmware.bin for module 
 best wishes...

On my wheezy system here, running apt-file search isci_firmware.bin 
shows me that that file is in the firmware-linux-free package.  And 
looking at the description for firmware-linux-free, I see
Intel C600 SAS/SATA controller default parameters, version 1.3 

However, it looks like the squeeze version of firmware-linux-free 
doesn't include it, so you can try installing the wheezy version of that 
package (or alternatively, download the wheezy .deb, extract the 
firmware file you want, and put it in /lib/firmware/isci/ manually).

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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Robert Holtzman
On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 10:59:18AM -0500, Mark Filipak wrote:


 I'd like to leave you with one reflection that may cause pause. If tomorrow 
 Debian were to suddenly become twice as popular as it currently is, this list 
 would be flooded by people exactly like me.

God forbid!

Bob Holtzman
If you think you're getting free lunch, 
check the price of the beer.
Key ID: 8D549279

Description: Digital signature

Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Harvey Kelly
On 5 March 2013 00:53, Robert Holtzman wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 10:59:18AM -0500, Mark Filipak wrote:


 I'd like to leave you with one reflection that may cause pause. If tomorrow 
 Debian were to suddenly become twice as popular as it currently is, this 
 list would be flooded by people exactly like me.

 God forbid!

I think we can all agree that Mr. Filipak is a one-in-a-million.
(Also, simple arithmetic suggests that if Debian became suddenly twice
as popular as it is now, the list would be 'flooded' by exactly two
people like him.)


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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread William Ivanski

On 04-03-2013 22:39, Yaro Kasear wrote:
When (U)EFI completely replaces BIOS THEN DOS will be completely dead. 
Right now it's just a horribly obsolete OS used by people afraid of 
kernels or enterprises that refuse to upgrade some of their 
It's also used by people who, many years ago, paid for a vital system 
which runs on DOS, and nowadays can't pay for a better modern system.

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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Yaro Kasear

On 03/04/2013 08:07 PM, William Ivanski wrote:

On 04-03-2013 22:39, Yaro Kasear wrote:
When (U)EFI completely replaces BIOS THEN DOS will be completely 
dead. Right now it's just a horribly obsolete OS used by people 
afraid of kernels or enterprises that refuse to upgrade some of their 
It's also used by people who, many years ago, paid for a vital system 
which runs on DOS, and nowadays can't pay for a better modern system.

Well that's mostly what I meant by enterprises that refuse to upgrade 
some of their infrastructure. I do know sometimes a company can't or 
won't upgrade their equipment. My own company is only just this year 
moving away from our onlly DOS software for in-house web stuff that does 
the same things, but better. Due in no small part to the bit rot of the 
ancient DOS software we've been using.


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Re: Not for me.

2013-03-04 Thread Doug

On 03/04/2013 09:07 PM, William Ivanski wrote:

On 04-03-2013 22:39, Yaro Kasear wrote:
When (U)EFI completely replaces BIOS THEN DOS will be completely 
dead. Right now it's just a horribly obsolete OS used by people 
afraid of kernels or enterprises that refuse to upgrade some of their 
It's also used by people who, many years ago, paid for a vital system 
which runs on DOS, and nowadays can't pay for a better modern system 
Well, it's also used, occasionally, by people who have software the 
equivalent of which does not exist on a modern system.
In addition to programs that were specifically written by a user to 
solve some problem, there are some commercial programs that have no
modern equivalent. One that comes immediately to mind is Eureka, which I 
think was sold by Borland. Eureka will solve math problems using
standard keyboard notation, ala BASIC, which to my mind is much easier 
to deal with than something like MathCad.  If you've ever tried to
enter an equation into MathCad, without months of previous experience, 
you'll know exactly what I mean.  I have a DosBox routine installed
specifically to run Eureka, which fortunately is now in the public 
domain. (I once had the non-free floppy disks, but even if I could find 
they are probably unreadable by this time. Or they were 5¼, which 
amounts to the same thing.)
Another program, which I used until I retired in 2002 was EEsof's 
Touchstone. An extremely expensive RF cad program, it worked with netlist
inputs. When HP bought the company, they imposed their graphical 
interface, which would have worked really nicely if you had a screen
about 4 feet by 5 feet to draw your circuit on! I suppose a 30 screen 
would have worked, but nobody had one in those days. What you could
do in two typed pages of netlist would fit nicely on a D- or E-sized 
drawing, graphically.  Sure, you sketched it out on several pieces of paper
first by hand, but you didn't put in 4 or 5 parameters for every last 
component like HP required.  There is no modern equivalent that I know of,

and the old program is not available at any price. This is progress?

(I'm only kidding about that last remark--I wouldn't give up my GUI, but 
I could wish that some of the old smarts still existed. If you think that
the modern graphical approach is so great, try taking pictures outdoors 
with one of those nice 2 x 3 LCD displays. Give me an eye-level

viewfinder any day!)


Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides.  A.M. 

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