Re: error al executar evolution i/o nautilus

2013-04-20 Thread MarcFP
No ... el que tenia era una linea en el fitxer .xinitrc, que em donava
problemes, ara mateix no tinc el pc a l'abast, ja que no he configurat mai
cap wakeonlan, cosa que vull mirar de fer, per poder jugar-hi quan ho sóc a
casa, però bueno, prou d'off-topic.
El problema era que vaig copiar la sortida de l'script al
fitxer .xinitrc (si no recordo malament) i hi havia una linea, un export
que feia que em fallessin aquestes aplicacions, quan arribi a casa i ho
pugui veure in-situ puc escriure la linea exacta que em donava problemes.
Era una export d'unes llibreries gràfiques si no m'equivoco, però no la
recordo exactament ara mateix ...

El 20 d’abril de 2013 12.27, Jordi Mallach ha escrit:

 On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 07:51:01PM +0200, MarcFP wrote:
  Bones llista,
  Us escric aquest correu ja que em trobo que al executar evolution i/o
  nautilus, em dóna aquest error :
  GLib-GIO-ERROR **: No GSettings schemas are installed on the system
  He estat provant, he creat un usuari nou, i no dóna cap error, funcionen
  els programes.
  Què puc mirar ?
  On puc trobar informació al respecte ?
  He estat cercant per la xarxa ... però no en trec l'aigua clara.
  Per cert, utilitzo debian testing.
  Gràcies per tot

 Tens una mescla de wheezy/sid o sid/experimental o alguna cosa així?

 Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
 GnuPG public key information available at

Re: langue et date

2013-04-20 Thread moi-meme
Le Fri, 19 Apr 2013 21:00:02 +0200, Bzzz a écrit :

 Et avec LC_TIME=fr_FR.UTF-8 ?
avec export devant (je suis en bash).

OK impeccable, espeak cause avec un accent un peu alsacien : savoureux.

 Nakrel Bon aller ce soir j'emmene ma Brune au resto . Cyril Han, tu
 as décider de faire avancer ta vie de couple ? Nakrel Non je dois
 defragmenter mes DD

+1 :-))

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Re: promteur horizontal

2013-04-20 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le samedi 20 avril 2013 à 07:30:51, nono a écrit :


 Je cherche un logiciel qui me permettrai :
 - d'écrire sur une seule ligne et lorsque j'arrive en bout le
 - j'aimerai que le texte défile vers la gauche de
 sorte que les mots saisis semble rester au même endroit
 tandis que la phrase s'allonge. C'est un comme si, au lieu
 de faire un « saut de ligne + début de ligne » en fin de
 ligne, comme dans une console normale, le texte défilerai au
 fur et à mesure de la saisie.
 Une console affichant qu'une seule ligne me conviendrait bien
 ;-) […]

  Euh, pas très clair. Ne veux-tu pas dire que les mots doivent 
« être repoussés vers la gauche » plutôt que « rester au même 
endroit » ?

  Si oui, un terminal avec l’option horizontal-scroll-mode de 
readline à 'on' devrait le faire, non ?
('set horizontal-scroll-mode on' dans ~/.inputrc)

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: promteur horizontal

2013-04-20 Thread Raphaël POITEVIN
Sylvain L. Sauvage writes:

   Euh, pas très clair. Ne veux-tu pas dire que les mots doivent 
 « être repoussés vers la gauche » plutôt que « rester au même 
 endroit » ?

En gros, si je comprends bien, il veut que son texte soit au kilomètre.


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Re: prompteur horizontal (résolu)

2013-04-20 Thread nono
Le samedi 20 avril 2013 à 21:08 +0200, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Le samedi 20 avril 2013 à 07:30:51, nono a écrit :
  Je cherche un logiciel qui me permettrai :
  - d'écrire sur une seule ligne et lorsque j'arrive en bout le
  - j'aimerai que le texte défile vers la gauche de
  sorte que les mots saisis semble rester au même endroit
  tandis que la phrase s'allonge. C'est un comme si, au lieu
  de faire un « saut de ligne + début de ligne » en fin de
  ligne, comme dans une console normale, le texte défilerai au
  fur et à mesure de la saisie.
  Une console affichant qu'une seule ligne me conviendrait bien
  ;-) […]
   Euh, pas très clair. Ne veux-tu pas dire que les mots doivent 
 « être repoussés vers la gauche » plutôt que « rester au même 
 endroit » ?

Oui, je me suis mal exprimé. Je cherche à obtenir un effet prompteur à
l'horizontal, donc sur une seule ligne.
   Si oui, un terminal avec l’option horizontal-scroll-mode de 
 readline à 'on' devrait le faire, non ?
 ('set horizontal-scroll-mode on' dans ~/.inputrc)

Super ! Je viens de tester, c'est exactement celà !
Je ne connaissais pas, j'ai trouvé plus d'info ici :

Vraiment merci, je suis toujours bluffé par notre OS chéri quand il nous
offre des solutions simples et efficace.

PS : je corrige la faute dans le titre du message (pour les archive de
la liste et une éventuelle recherche).



  Sylvain Sauvage

Lorsqu'une mouche se pose sur l'écran d'ordinateur de Chuck Norris, il
clique dessus et la mouche meurt écrasée.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: prompteur horizontal

2013-04-20 Thread nono

Le dimanche 21 avril 2013 à 00:07 +0200, Raphaël POITEVIN a écrit :
 Sylvain L. Sauvage writes:
Euh, pas très clair. Ne veux-tu pas dire que les mots doivent 
  « être repoussés vers la gauche » plutôt que « rester au même 
  endroit » ?
 En gros, si je comprends bien, il veut que son texte soit au kilomètre.

oui c'est cela. J'ai testé la solution proposée par Sylvain, c'est juste
ce qu'il me fallait.

Merci à tous
long life debian-list ;-)



Chuck Norris se rase avec un Bic... Le briquet.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

domain Re:

2013-04-20 Thread Samsul Ma'arif
Pada 20 April 2013 17.41, agus purnomo menulis:

 to all semoga cepat di pointingkan

 Pada 19 April 2013 19.59, Mahyuddin Susanto menulis:
  Terimakasih pak..
  Matur Nuwun..
  Bisa diarahkan NS nya ke
  2013/4/19 agus purnomo
  salam pak andika
  akan saya tanyakan dulu sama mas atoz dan mas udienz. terima kasih
  Pada 18 April 2013 20.09, Andika Triwidada menulis:
  Ybs sudah respon. Mau diarahkan ke mana?

Dear all,

Kaitannya dengan domain beberapa watu yang lalu saya ditanyakan
oleh seseorang (nick: bgupta) di IRC kanal #debian-id server OFTC. Beliau
menanyakan status domain tersebut.

bgupta Hi is Debian-id still active?
bgupta Getting a 502 for
samsul bgupta; you  can access it by --
bgupta samsul: Thanks you may want to update the info here:
bgupta samsul: also IRC banner still has

Setelah saya cek, eeh ternyata domain milik perorangan (bukan

Demikian dari saya, mohon maaf bila informasi ini `kurang berkenan`. Terima


Re: domain Re:

2013-04-20 Thread agus purnomo
Pada 20 April 2013 23.58, Samsul Ma'arif menulis:

 Pada 20 April 2013 17.41, agus purnomo menulis:

 to all semoga cepat di pointingkan

 Pada 19 April 2013 19.59, Mahyuddin Susanto menulis:
  Terimakasih pak..
  Matur Nuwun..
  Bisa diarahkan NS nya ke
  2013/4/19 agus purnomo
  salam pak andika
  akan saya tanyakan dulu sama mas atoz dan mas udienz. terima kasih
  Pada 18 April 2013 20.09, Andika Triwidada menulis:
  Ybs sudah respon. Mau diarahkan ke mana?

 Dear all,

 Kaitannya dengan domain beberapa watu yang lalu saya ditanyakan
 oleh seseorang (nick: bgupta) di IRC kanal #debian-id server OFTC. Beliau
 menanyakan status domain tersebut.

 bgupta Hi is Debian-id still active?
 bgupta Getting a 502 for
 samsul bgupta; you  can access it by --
 bgupta samsul: Thanks you may want to update the info here:
 bgupta samsul: also IRC banner still has

 Setelah saya cek, eeh ternyata domain
 sepertinya milik perorangan (bukan komunitas).

 Demikian dari saya, mohon maaf bila informasi ini `kurang berkenan`. Terima


maaf baru bisa balas dan sepertinya memang demikian 502 tadi baru
sempat cek eh ternyata php-fastcgi nya koit alias mati. padahal udah
di buat kan cron oleh mas udienz tapi kok koit melulu. apa harus di
buat per 15 menit ya cron nya biar dak mati php-fcginya mungkin teman2
ada usul.

Best regards,
agus purnomo

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Re: Restaurar respaldo de correos de Evolution

2013-04-20 Thread Daniel Esteban Arias
Aun no logro solucionar ya me lei la documentacion de evolution, pero no 
funciono lo que dice alli.
Tambien utilice un script llamado mb2md para pasar todo a un solo formato 
maildir el resultado lo probe nuevamente en evolition y en icedove pero no tuve 
No tengo acceso al evolution original. 
Pero podria virtualizar un ubuntu 12.10 y ver de restaurar alli el respaldo q 
tengo para hacer nuevamente un puente IMAP.

Alguna otra propuesta u opinion?.

Camaleón wrote:

El Thu, 18 Apr 2013 19:48:47 -0300, darias escribió:

 Hola a todos, tengo problemas para restaurar una copia de seguridad de
 Evolution, lo hice desde un Ubuntu 12.10 a un Debian 6 Squeeze de la
 siguiente manera.

¿Las versiones de Evolution son más mismas en origen/destino?

 Desde Ubuntu, en Evolution menu Archivo-Respaldar Ajustes, esto me
 genero un archivo .tar.gz de 5Gb. (tal vez por ahi venga el problema).
 Luego de instalar Debian 6.  

No veo por qué.

 Desde Evolution menu Archivo-Restaurar
 Ajustes, me pide que seleccione el archivo de respaldo, selecciono el
 generado anteriormente y luego de un buen rato me da error de que el
 respaldo no es un archivo valido.

Vaya :-/
 Lo 1° que hice fue descomprimir y desempaquetar el archivo, puedo ver
 todos los archivos y directorios en perfecto estado, y no da ningun
 error por lo que supongo que el archivo .tar.gz esta en buen estado.

Podrás comprobar la integridad del tar.gz con alguno de estos comandos:

How to check if a Unix .tar.gz file is a valid file without uncompressing?

 Recurri a San Google, este me dio varios post donde casi todos coinciden
 en los siguientes pasos:
 $gconftool-2 --shutdown
 $evolution --force-shutdown
 $tar xzf evolution-backup.tar.gz
 $gconftool-2 --unload evolution_setting.xml 
 $gconftool-2 --load evolution_setting.xml
 la idea es desempaquetar en /home/miusuario/ todo el contenido.
 Ahi me di cuenta que no tengo el evolution_setting.xml, esto debido a
 que no hice un dump anteriormente.
 De todas maneras veo que eso solo tiene la configuracion de las cuentas.

Si sólo lleva configuración de cuentas no debería impedir la restauración 
de la copia de respaldo :-?

 Al arrancar nuevamente evolution, no veo ningun correo ni nada. Yo tenia
 todos los correos organizados en carpetas.
 eran muchisimos y muy importantes.
 Agradeceria si alguien puede darme una buena mano para recuperar mis

Bueno, así a bote pronto le veo dos alternativas:

1/ Descomprimir el tar.gz y copiar/pegar manualmente los correos en su ruta 
(no sé dónde almacena Evo los mensajes pero no debe ser complicado 
encontrarlo...). Ah, aquí está:

2/ Si aún tienes acceso al Evo original, hacer el transpaso mediante
una cuenta IMAP-puente, es más costoso pero te evitas incompatibilidades
ya que es un sistema universal (funciona independientemente del cliente 
de correo, del formato de los mensajes o del servidor).

 Pense que tal vez consiguendo un evolution_setting.xml de ejemplo como
 para rellenarlo manualmente. Pero no se si eso solucionaria mi problema.

Ese archivo se generará automáticamente cuando crees una cuenta a mano.

 Creo que es muy importante tal vez el tamaño del archivo de respaldo
 pero no encontre ningun solucion en google todos dan la misma y no me

5 GiB no es mucho, sigo sin ver el problema :-?

 Tambien pense en alternativas como utilizar algun otro cliente de correo
 importando el archivo de respaldos.

También, pero mejor usar la cuenta IMAP-puente.



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Re: [OT] Neceito un programa para recuperar archivos (y daños) de disquete 3 1/2 FAT

2013-04-20 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 19 Apr 2013 15:11:29 -0700, Ariel Martin Bellio escribió:

 Bueno, el asunto lo dice todo. El disquete tiene un programa .EXE que lo
 han eliminado por error. Probé con un programa en VVindovvs y reparé 2
 disquetes pero con este no pude... o sea recupero el archivo pero no
 funciona al ejecutarlo... parece que el disquete además debe tener
 también sectores defectuosos... Quiero saber si hay algún software para
 Linux que recupere archivos (además de sectores defectuosos).

Entiendo que lo primero que deberías hacer es sacar una copia en bruto de 
los datos del disquete y trabajar desde la copia para evitar dañar 
físicamente el disquete o simplemente para tener una copia de respaldo en 
caso de que, por el motivo que sea, dejes de tener acceso al disquete.

Después está el tema de los sectores defectuosos... podrías intentar 
ejecutar un scandisk desde windows y un defragmentado sobre la unidad, a 
ver si logra solucionarlo.

Por último está la recuperación de los datos con alguna herramienta 
dedicada como la que te comenta Gonzalo (testdisk) pero si el disco está 
dañado me temo que de poco te va a servir porque igualmente va a tener 
problemas para acceder al disquete o va a recuperar los datos pero 
dañados :-/

Si todo esto falla, busca alguna utilidad específica para la recuperación 
de disquetes dañados para entorno windows ya que seguramente tendrás más 
opciones donde elegir.



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Re: Restaurar respaldo de correos de Evolution

2013-04-20 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 20 Apr 2013 09:51:36 +, Daniel Esteban Arias escribió:

 Camaleón wrote:
El Thu, 18 Apr 2013 19:48:47 -0300, darias escribió:

 Hola a todos, tengo problemas para restaurar una copia de seguridad de
 Evolution, lo hice desde un Ubuntu 12.10 a un Debian 6 Squeeze de la
 siguiente manera.


Bueno, así a bote pronto le veo dos alternativas:

1/ Descomprimir el tar.gz y copiar/pegar manualmente los correos en su
ruta (no sé dónde almacena Evo los mensajes pero no debe ser complicado
encontrarlo...). Ah, aquí está:

2/ Si aún tienes acceso al Evo original, hacer el transpaso mediante una
cuenta IMAP-puente, es más costoso pero te evitas incompatibilidades ya
que es un sistema universal (funciona independientemente del cliente de
correo, del formato de los mensajes o del servidor).


 Aun no logro solucionar 

¿Y qué es lo que has probado, exactamente?

 ya me lei la documentacion de evolution, pero no funciono lo que dice

¿Y qué hiciste? Que no somos adivinos :-)

 Tambien utilice un script llamado mb2md para pasar todo a un solo
 formato maildir el resultado lo probe nuevamente en evolition y en
 icedove pero no tuve exito. 

Mala idea. Me parece que ni Evolution ni Icedove trabajan de manera 
nativa con maildir sino con mbox.

 No tengo acceso al evolution original. Pero podria virtualizar un
 ubuntu 12.10 y ver de restaurar alli el respaldo q tengo para hacer
 nuevamente un puente IMAP.

Puedes virtualizar o puedes usar una LiveCD, sí. 

La idea es que cargues los datos correctamente y después vayas copiando 
los correos (copia, nunca muevas los correos para mantener siempre 
los datos originales disponibles) al equipo donde tienes Debian a través 
de una cuenta IMAP local para que el proceso sea más rápido. Los 
contactos, las tareas y el calendario podrás exportarlos/importarlos 

 Alguna otra propuesta u opinion?.

¿Más? Jo, pues no sé, creo que te he dicho todas las opciones/ideas que 
se me ocurren :-?



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Re: ¡Que llega Wheezy!

2013-04-20 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 19 Apr 2013 14:02:04 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:

 El 19/04/13 13:32, Camaleón escribió:

 Pues eso ;-)

 FINAL release update


 Será cuestión de preparar los pañales para la llegada de Jessie al mundo

Hum... ¿los pañales? Que yo sepa Jessie es una señorita hecha y derecha 
(y con un carácter de mil demonios) no un bebé :-?

De momento me quedo con el pingüino afónico. Ya veremos si tras 2 años 
mantengo wheezy o salto a Debian 8...



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Re: Patinazo con la gráfica AMD

2013-04-20 Thread Camaleón
El día 13 de abril de 2013 06:26, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

(reenvío a la lista)

 El día 12 de abril de 2013 22:10, Camaleón
 El Fri, 12 Apr 2013 20:37:47 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 Aún sigo con todo hecho un cisco. ¿Sabéis como puedo iniciar debian
 sin entorno gráfico, en línea de comandos? porque la opción de
 arranque que tengo, a parte de la normal, es en modo rescate y no me
 Tampoco me aventuré a cambiar el grub a rw init=/bin/bash porque no
 arranco no el grub2 de bios, lo hago con el grub para EFI.

 Octavio, ya te respondí antes :-?

 ¿Qué ves en la pantalla, qué error te aparece, no has probado a pasar
 esa opción del init? No importa que tengas EFI, no vas a romper nada,
 lo único que puede pasar es que te escupa algún error, no funcione y
 punto :-)

 Es que yo no tengo donde ponerlo, al menos eso creo, porque hay que
 hacerlo en vez de ro quiet splash y yo esto no lo tengo.

Hum... ¿no usas GRUB2-EFI? 

Sea lo que fuere que uses como cargador de arranque debes de tener la 
opción de editar la línea con los parámetros que le pasas al kernel, bien 
en tiempo real (GRUB permite esto) o bien editando manualmente el archivo 
del menú de arranque.

 Pero si no nos das más datos poco podemos hacer. Y te lo pregunto
 porque no es normal que no puedas iniciar el sistema sólo por un
 problema con la tarjeta gráfica o el servidor X, al menos yo nunca lo
 he visto/leído.

 El problema es que desinstalé el amd-driver-instaler-catalyst con
 --force y tanto forzó que me mandó a tomar todo por saco.

Ni aún así. A ver, esto es linux, el entorno gráfico es una opción más, 
lo puedes cargar o no pero de ninguna manera un error/problema en el 
servidor gráfico debe impedir el arranque del sistema, faltaría más, por 
eso el mensaje que te aparece al iniciar es importante.

El hecho de desinstalar el driver de ATI (el cerrado) sólo tendría que 
haber tenido consecuencia que Xorg cargara automáticamente el driver 
radeon, o en su defecto el fb o simplemente no cargar ninguno y dejarte 
en la línea de órdenes pero NUNCA impedir la carga del sistema.

 Tengo una duda: con un cd de instalación de debían en modo rescate ¿Se
 puede instalar tan solo el entorno gráfico sin que altere el resto de

Con la opción de modo de rescate desde el CD de instalación podrás crear 
un entorno chrooteado e intentar instalar desde ahí lo que sea que 
quieres instalar (xserver-xorg), pero no soy muy amiga de ejecutar 
comandos al tuntún, prefiero saber qué es lo que pasa realmente, de qué 
se queja el sistema, para poder actuar en consecuencia.



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Re: ¡Que llega Wheezy!

2013-04-20 Thread Debian GMail

El 20/04/13 11:02, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 19 Apr 2013 14:02:04 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:

El 19/04/13 13:32, Camaleón escribió:


Pues eso ;-)

FINAL release update


Será cuestión de preparar los pañales para la llegada de Jessie al mundo

Hum... ¿los pañales? Que yo sepa Jessie es una señorita hecha y derecha
(y con un carácter de mil demonios) no un bebé :-?

De momento me quedo con el pingüino afónico. Ya veremos si tras 2 años
mantengo wheezy o salto a Debian 8...


Yo personalmente, mantendré la línea testing con Jessie.
Al principio no te falla, siempre te da algo con qué entretenerte...
...durante varias horas, tratando de ver qué es lo que se actualizó / 
instaló / configuró mal.


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Re: ¡Que llega Wheezy!

2013-04-20 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El sáb, 20-04-2013 a las 15:37 -0300, Debian GMail escribió: 
 El 20/04/13 11:02, Camaleón escribió:
  El Fri, 19 Apr 2013 14:02:04 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:
  El 19/04/13 13:32, Camaleón escribió:
  Pues eso ;-)
  FINAL release update
  Será cuestión de preparar los pañales para la llegada de Jessie al mundo
  Hum... ¿los pañales? Que yo sepa Jessie es una señorita hecha y derecha
  (y con un carácter de mil demonios) no un bebé :-?
  De momento me quedo con el pingüino afónico. Ya veremos si tras 2 años
  mantengo wheezy o salto a Debian 8...
 Yo personalmente, mantendré la línea testing con Jessie.
 Al principio no te falla, siempre te da algo con qué entretenerte...
 ...durante varias horas, tratando de ver qué es lo que se actualizó / 
 instaló / configuró mal.

yo también me mantengo en testing... y empiezo a juntar adrenalina para
la primera actualización después del nuevo stable cuando entre a testing
todo lo que está esperando en sid :D


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Re: ¡Que llega Wheezy!

2013-04-20 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 20 Apr 2013 15:53:01 -0300, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:

 El sáb, 20-04-2013 a las 15:37 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:
 El 20/04/13 11:02, Camaleón escribió:


  De momento me quedo con el pingüino afónico. Ya veremos si tras 2
  años mantengo wheezy o salto a Debian 8...
 Yo personalmente, mantendré la línea testing con Jessie. Al principio
 no te falla, siempre te da algo con qué entretenerte... ...durante
 varias horas, tratando de ver qué es lo que se actualizó / instaló /
 configuró mal.
 yo también me mantengo en testing... y empiezo a juntar adrenalina para
 la primera actualización después del nuevo stable cuando entre a testing
 todo lo que está esperando en sid :D

Siempre conviene tener una testing a mano para ir probando lo que se 
viene encima. En mi caso la mantengo en dos equipos: un netbook y una VM.

Para el resto de equipos (servidores, estaciones de trabajo y equipos de 
sobremesa) siempre uso la versión estable... que las emociones fuertes 
están bien, pero bajo control :-)



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Fwd: Patinazo con la gráfica AMD

2013-04-20 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
-- Mensaje reenviado --
De: Camaleón
Fecha: 20 de abril de 2013 18:02
Asunto: Re: Patinazo con la gráfica AMD

El día 13 de abril de 2013 06:26, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

(reenvío a la lista)

 El día 12 de abril de 2013 22:10, Camaleón
 El Fri, 12 Apr 2013 20:37:47 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 Aún sigo con todo hecho un cisco. ¿Sabéis como puedo iniciar debian
 sin entorno gráfico, en línea de comandos? porque la opción de
 arranque que tengo, a parte de la normal, es en modo rescate y no me
 Tampoco me aventuré a cambiar el grub a rw init=/bin/bash porque no
 arranco no el grub2 de bios, lo hago con el grub para EFI.

 Octavio, ya te respondí antes :-?

 ¿Qué ves en la pantalla, qué error te aparece, no has probado a pasar
 esa opción del init? No importa que tengas EFI, no vas a romper nada,
 lo único que puede pasar es que te escupa algún error, no funcione y
 punto :-)

 Es que yo no tengo donde ponerlo, al menos eso creo, porque hay que
 hacerlo en vez de ro quiet splash y yo esto no lo tengo.

Hum... ¿no usas GRUB2-EFI?

Sea lo que fuere que uses como cargador de arranque debes de tener la
opción de editar la línea con los parámetros que le pasas al kernel, bien
en tiempo real (GRUB permite esto) o bien editando manualmente el archivo
del menú de arranque.

 Pero si no nos das más datos poco podemos hacer. Y te lo pregunto
 porque no es normal que no puedas iniciar el sistema sólo por un
 problema con la tarjeta gráfica o el servidor X, al menos yo nunca lo
 he visto/leído.

 El problema es que desinstalé el amd-driver-instaler-catalyst con
 --force y tanto forzó que me mandó a tomar todo por saco.

Ni aún así. A ver, esto es linux, el entorno gráfico es una opción más,
lo puedes cargar o no pero de ninguna manera un error/problema en el
servidor gráfico debe impedir el arranque del sistema, faltaría más, por
eso el mensaje que te aparece al iniciar es importante.

El hecho de desinstalar el driver de ATI (el cerrado) sólo tendría que
haber tenido consecuencia que Xorg cargara automáticamente el driver
radeon, o en su defecto el fb o simplemente no cargar ninguno y dejarte
en la línea de órdenes pero NUNCA impedir la carga del sistema.

 Tengo una duda: con un cd de instalación de debían en modo rescate ¿Se
 puede instalar tan solo el entorno gráfico sin que altere el resto de

Con la opción de modo de rescate desde el CD de instalación podrás crear
un entorno chrooteado e intentar instalar desde ahí lo que sea que
quieres instalar (xserver-xorg), pero no soy muy amiga de ejecutar
comandos al tuntún, prefiero saber qué es lo que pasa realmente, de qué
se queja el sistema, para poder actuar en consecuencia.

Esta fue la opción, en modo rescate, con la que pude solucionar el
problema, instalando el mismo driver que tenía, no arrancaba con otra
versión ni con el libre. Tuvo que ser el mismo. Curioso. Por lo demás
fui incapaz de arrancar sin entorno gráfico.

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

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Re: ¡Que llega Wheezy!

2013-04-20 Thread Santiago José López Borrazás
Hash: SHA512

El 20/04/13 20:53, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:
 yo también me mantengo en testing... y empiezo a juntar adrenalina
 para la primera actualización después del nuevo stable cuando entre a
 testing todo lo que está esperando en sid :D

Yo no sé vosotros...pero yo uso Unstable... Va bien hasta ahora. Wheezy lo
tengo desde el año pasado. NO ha fallado, sino que he tenido que hacer un
formateo (con copia de seguridad completa de todo lo que tengo), porque
había pensado pasarme a amd64, pero me di la vuelta y volví a poner i386.
Puedo hacer muchas cosas y mucho tema, pero no voy a arriesgarme a
instalar paquetes amd64 ahora, que se puede para instalar todos los
paquetes que afecten a la arquitectura.

Muchos programas los tengo como i686, porque funcionan y bastante bien.

- -- 
Saludos de Santiago José López Borrazás.


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Re: ffmpeg con perdida de calidad en el audio

2013-04-20 Thread Rantis Cares
El día 19 de abril de 2013 09:16, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 17 Apr 2013 19:49:51 -0500, Rantis Cares escribió:

 Tengo una imagen que se repite durante todo un video, le agrego un
 audio. Esto lo hacia con una maquina en windows en mi trabajo y
 funcionaba bien.

 ¿Qué programa usabas y con qué parámetros?

 Ahora que estoy corriendo el mismo comando en una maquina dcebian,
 resulta que el audio tiene una gran perdida de calidad.

 ¿Qué información obtienes de la pista de audio de ese vídeo?

 ¿Alguno sabra a que se debe?.

 Dejo aqui el comando.

 ffmpeg -loop_input -i imagen.png -aspect 16:9 -t $dtmp8 -i audio.mp3 

 ¿Y dices que el mismo comando con la misma aplicación en windows resulta
 con audio decente y en debian aprecias una merma? Pues quizá se deba al
 códec que usa ffmpeg para el audio, que es distinto en windows y en
 debian. Dile al ffmpeg que te saque un registro verboso y detallado de
 qué códec de audio aplica en cada caso.

 Como dato auxiliar, converti el wav en mp3 para ver si era eso, sin
 embargo perdio calidad.

 El formato de el audio esta en 44100 hz 2 canales  a 32 bits.

 Lo más sencillo y rápido sería probar con el parámetro -acodec copy
 para que no haga ninguna conversión de la pista :-?


Guau... efectivamente, esta fue la solución. Ya se copio la misma
información de muestreo y todo perfecto.



P.D. Mis maestros, he aprendido muchas cosas de ustedes y me siento
orgulloso de pertenecer a la comunidad.



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Al juntarme dia tras dia con los Listeros, mi capacidad intelectual crece
en proporcion inversa a la ignorancia generada. Gracias Linuxeros

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Re: ¡Que llega Wheezy!

2013-04-20 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El Sat, 20 Apr 2013 22:48:01 +0200
Santiago José López Borrazás escribió:

 Hash: SHA512
 El 20/04/13 20:53, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:
  yo también me mantengo en testing... y empiezo a juntar adrenalina
  para la primera actualización después del nuevo stable cuando entre a
  testing todo lo que está esperando en sid :D

tengo mas de 10 años usando Sid en mis escritorios

 Yo no sé vosotros...pero yo uso Unstable... Va bien hasta ahora. Wheezy lo
 tengo desde el año pasado. NO ha fallado, sino que he tenido que hacer un
 formateo (con copia de seguridad completa de todo lo que tengo), porque
 había pensado pasarme a amd64, pero me di la vuelta y volví a poner i386.
 Puedo hacer muchas cosas y mucho tema, pero no voy a arriesgarme a
 instalar paquetes amd64 ahora, que se puede para instalar todos los
 paquetes que afecten a la arquitectura.

Yo tambien tengo mas de 10 años usando Sid en mis escritorios sin mayores 

 Muchos programas los tengo como i686, porque funcionan y bastante bien.
 - -- 
 Saludos de Santiago José López Borrazás.
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Angel Claudio Alvarez

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Re: GRUB-2

2013-04-20 Thread André Luiz
Isso já aconteceu comigo.
Isso acontece por causa do pacote os-prober, que tenta adivinhar os sistemas 
operacionais instalados quando a configuração do GRUB é atualizada. Não sei se 
adicionando uma entrada manual resolveria esse problema, pois o os-prober pode 
continuar gerando a entrada errada.

On Saturday 20 April 2013 01:23:28 Rubens Junior wrote:


Depois de ficar um tempao sem atualizar meu debian wheezy ontem eu atualizei.

Axei estanho hj qdo liguei e percebi que o GRUB modificou o nome do meu 
Windows-7 para Windows Vista. Eu cliquei por curiosidade e o GRUB apresenta 
uma mensagem de erro de parametro e pressione uma tecla. Fiquei com medo 
pensando q tinha dado problema, mas ao pressionar o enter novamente ele 
carrega o Windows-7 sem problemas...

Ja comandei diversas vezes a rotina update-grub2 e nada consertou 

Isso ocorreu com vcs?


Rubens S. O. Jr

Atualização do Squeeze para o Wheezy

2013-04-20 Thread Richard Wagner
Fiz o download do cd do Wheezy mas não consigo instalar. Na parte de detectar o 
hardware de rede o instalador trava.
Alguém pode me dizer se é possível atualizar adicionando o cd e fazendo o 
upgrade a partir do cd? Como se estivesse conectado na internet e usando o apt 
ou o aptitude? Seria possível?


Re: Debian SID amd64 não reconhece mais que 3.2GB de RAM

2013-04-20 Thread China
Vamos lá:

Não tem PAE no Kernel:
root@desktop:~# grep -i PAE /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64
root@desktop:~# grep -i pae /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64
root@desktop:~# grep -i Pae /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64
root@desktop:~# grep -i PAe /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64
root@desktop:~# grep -i pAe /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64
root@desktop:~# grep -i pAE /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64
root@desktop:~# grep -i paE /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64

Minha placa mãe é essa aqui:
root@desktop:~# dmidecode | more

System Information
Manufacturer: PCWARE
Product Name: PW-945GCX
Version: W/O version
Serial Number: 1131
UUID: 00020003-0004-0005-0006-000700080009
Wake-up Type: Power Switch
SKU Number: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Family: To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Neste site
tem um tutorial de como atualizar a BIOS, mas não consegui fazer ainda
porque não está funcionando o pendrive de boot que criei. Se essa
atualização de BIOS resolver, beleza, se não deixo quieto...

Hoje, com mais tempo, fucei todas as opções da BIOS e nenhuma
funcionou para remapear a memória.

Em 17 de abril de 2013 12:10, Linux - Junior Polegato escreveu:
 Em 16 de abril de 2013 21:44, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

 Seu problema ou é o chipset, ou é o BIOS fazendo besteira.  Não é
 PAE, e rodar em modo 32 bits, com ou sem PAE, não vai ajudar em
 nada.  E o modo 64 bits é melhor, de qualquer forma.  Talvez x32
 fosse mais apropriado ainda com tão pouca RAM, mas Debian não
 suporta [ainda].


 Realmente não sei dizer se o kernel AMD64 do Debian já vem com PAE
 habilitado, mas tenho certeza que com Windows isso ocorre, mesmo usando
 Win64, tem que habilitar PAE em algumas máquinas para reconhecer mais de 3GB
 de RAM.

 Quanto a tentar um kernel 32 bits com PAE habilitado, é só para
 tirar a dúvida mesmo...

 Cheguei a entrar no site da SpaceBR ( ) e tem os
 modelos da placas mãe que direciona para o site do fabricante, pelo que vi
 são ECS, PcWare e Megraware.

 Vamos esperar os testes...

 Junior Polegato

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Re: Debian SID amd64 não reconhece mais que 3.2GB de RAM

2013-04-20 Thread Adriano Rafael Gomes
Em Sat, 20 Apr 2013 11:35:02 -0300
China escreveu:

 root@desktop:~# grep -i PAE /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64
 root@desktop:~# grep -i pae /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64
 root@desktop:~# grep -i Pae /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64
 root@desktop:~# grep -i PAe /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64
 root@desktop:~# grep -i pAe /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64
 root@desktop:~# grep -i pAE /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64
 root@desktop:~# grep -i paE /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64

Embora o que vou dizer não faça parte do assunto principal
da thread, a opção -i do grep significa ignore case, ou
seja, não importa se é maiúscula ou minúscula. Assim, basta
escrever pae uma única vez, sem se importar se em caixa
alta ou baixa.

Me desculpem o desvio da thread.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Atualização do Squeeze para o Wheezy

2013-04-20 Thread Gunther Furtado
Em 20.04.2013, sábado, Richard Wagner disse:

 Fiz o download do cd do Wheezy mas não consigo instalar. Na parte de
 detectar o hardware de rede o instalador trava. Alguém pode me dizer
 se é possível atualizar adicionando o cd e fazendo o upgrade a partir
 do cd? Como se estivesse conectado na internet e usando o apt ou o
 aptitude? Seria possível?

Qual é o seu dispositivo de rede?


Cuando la guática pide comídica
Pone al cristiánico firme y guerrérico
Por sus poróticos y sus cebóllicas,
No hay regimiéntico que los deténguica
Si tienen hámbrica los populáricos. Violeta Parra

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Re: Atualização do Squeeze para o Wheezy

2013-04-20 Thread Jack Jr

Problemas com cds de instalação do Debian/Wheezy são constantes.
Na minha opinião, o pessoal do Debian deveria ter mais cuidado com essa 

Jack Pogorelsky Junior
*Eng° Mecânico (CREA-RS 136845)
Tel: +55 (51) 8124-8132

Em 20-04-2013 10:53, Richard Wagner escreveu:
Fiz o download do cd do Wheezy mas não consigo instalar. Na parte de 
detectar o hardware de rede o instalador trava.
Alguém pode me dizer se é possível atualizar adicionando o cd e 
fazendo o upgrade a partir do cd? Como se estivesse conectado na 
internet e usando o apt ou o aptitude? Seria possível?


Escreve em Hd externo

2013-04-20 Thread Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito
Boa tarde Debianos!

Amigos faz um bom tempo que não trabalho com o Debian  mais venho
acompanhando a caminhada e Atualmente estou fazendo uns testes com tablet,
aqueles que o governo estadual de PE, da nas escolas, acabei de instalar o
wheezy com lxde e ta muito massa, ...

Parabéns  a tod@s, pelo magnifico trabalho.

Também instalei em  meu pc, só que com Gnome3, e ta muito bom.
Porem pluguei agora o meu hs externo não estou conseguindo escrever nele,
ja tentei ver se era permissão, 

Como to enferrujado resolvi pedir ajuda aqui!


Marcos Egito
GNU/Linux User #491326
TIM 081-9654-6949

Sabedoria é não dizer nada, quando tudo que queremos é falar tudo,
sabedoria é saber calar, para poder dizer mais com o silêncio!

Re: resolução do console

2013-04-20 Thread Deckardbot
@China, obrigado pelo link, vou fazer conforme indicado.

Mas antes, só gostaria de ressaltar que comparei o arquivo
assim como os arquivos dentro de /etc/grub.d e não sofreram alterações
ao instalar o driver.

Então acredito existir outra maneira de configurar o console, só não sei
aonde rsrs


Fwd: Escreve em Hd externo

2013-04-20 Thread Rodolfo
-- Mensagem encaminhada --
De: Rodolfo
Data: 20 de abril de 2013 17:26
Assunto: Re: Escreve em Hd externo
Para: Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito

Provavelmente seu HD deve ser NTFS.

instale o pacote ntfs-3g

apt-get install ntfs-3g

ou apt-get install fuse

nao lembro o nome, apos isso, quando for montar, basta montar como sistema
de arquivos ntfs-3g

mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/DISPOSITIVO /PontoDeMontagem

Em 20 de abril de 2013 14:59, Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito escreveu:

Boa tarde Debianos!

 Amigos faz um bom tempo que não trabalho com o Debian  mais venho
 acompanhando a caminhada e Atualmente estou fazendo uns testes com tablet,
 aqueles que o governo estadual de PE, da nas escolas, acabei de instalar o
 wheezy com lxde e ta muito massa, ...

 Parabéns  a tod@s, pelo magnifico trabalho.

 Também instalei em  meu pc, só que com Gnome3, e ta muito bom.
 Porem pluguei agora o meu hs externo não estou conseguindo escrever nele,
 ja tentei ver se era permissão, 

 Como to enferrujado resolvi pedir ajuda aqui!


 Marcos Egito
 GNU/Linux User #491326
 TIM 081-9654-6949

 Sabedoria é não dizer nada, quando tudo que queremos é falar tudo,
 sabedoria é saber calar, para poder dizer mais com o silêncio!

Re: Escreve em Hd externo

2013-04-20 Thread Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito
Obrigado Rodolfo!

Na realidade eu formatei ele em ext4 a muito tempo, mais segui os passos
que você enviou e esta funcionando.


Em 20 de abril de 2013 19:27, Rodolfo escreveu:

 -- Mensagem encaminhada --
 De: Rodolfo
 Data: 20 de abril de 2013 17:26
 Assunto: Re: Escreve em Hd externo
 Para: Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito

 Provavelmente seu HD deve ser NTFS.

 instale o pacote ntfs-3g

 apt-get install ntfs-3g

 ou apt-get install fuse

 nao lembro o nome, apos isso, quando for montar, basta montar como sistema
 de arquivos ntfs-3g

 mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/DISPOSITIVO /PontoDeMontagem

 Em 20 de abril de 2013 14:59, Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito escreveu:

 Boa tarde Debianos!

 Amigos faz um bom tempo que não trabalho com o Debian  mais venho
 acompanhando a caminhada e Atualmente estou fazendo uns testes com tablet,
 aqueles que o governo estadual de PE, da nas escolas, acabei de instalar o
 wheezy com lxde e ta muito massa, ...

 Parabéns  a tod@s, pelo magnifico trabalho.

 Também instalei em  meu pc, só que com Gnome3, e ta muito bom.
 Porem pluguei agora o meu hs externo não estou conseguindo escrever nele,
 ja tentei ver se era permissão, 

 Como to enferrujado resolvi pedir ajuda aqui!


 Marcos Egito
 GNU/Linux User #491326
 TIM 081-9654-6949

 Sabedoria é não dizer nada, quando tudo que queremos é falar tudo,
 sabedoria é saber calar, para poder dizer mais com o silêncio!

Marcos Egito
GNU/Linux User #491326
TIM 081-9654-6949

Sabedoria é não dizer nada, quando tudo que queremos é falar tudo,
sabedoria é saber calar, para poder dizer mais com o silêncio!

Re: resolução do console

2013-04-20 Thread China
É o que eu disse, existem muitas maneiras. A que eu conheço e uso é essa...

Em 20 de abril de 2013 16:55, Deckardbot escreveu:
 @China, obrigado pelo link, vou fazer conforme indicado.

 Mas antes, só gostaria de ressaltar que comparei o arquivo
 assim como os arquivos dentro de /etc/grub.d e não sofreram alterações
 ao instalar o driver.

 Então acredito existir outra maneira de configurar o console, só não sei
 aonde rsrs



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Re: resolução do console

2013-04-20 Thread Adriano Rafael Gomes
Em Sat, 20 Apr 2013 19:08:55 -0300
China escreveu:

 É o que eu disse, existem muitas maneiras. A que eu
 conheço e uso é essa...

Experimente dpkg-reconfigure console-setup.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Atualização do Squeeze para o Wheezy

2013-04-20 Thread Richard Wagner
Chipset SiS

eth0 e wlan0. 
Atualmente tenhoconectado com wlan0

 De: Gunther Furtado
Enviadas: Sábado, 20 de Abril de 2013 15:01
Assunto: Re: Atualização do Squeeze para o Wheezy

Em 20.04.2013, sábado, Richard Wagner disse:

 Fiz o download do cd do Wheezy mas não consigo instalar. Na parte de
 detectar o hardware de rede o instalador trava. Alguém pode me dizer
 se é possível atualizar adicionando o cd e fazendo o upgrade a partir
 do cd? Como se estivesse conectado na internet e usando o apt ou o
 aptitude? Seria possível?

Qual é o seu dispositivo de rede?


Cuando la guática pide comídica
Pone al cristiánico firme y guerrérico
Por sus poróticos y sus cebóllicas,
No hay regimiéntico que los deténguica
Si tienen hámbrica los populáricos. Violeta Parra

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Re: what's your Debian uptime?

2013-04-20 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 4/19/2013 8:59 AM, Jonathan Dowland wrote:

 I'll accept that you intended to use the phrase in the meaning you suggest,
 here, in the spirit of good faith, but I'm sure you are fully aware that
 the phrase is more widely known and used in a different way which is
 objectionable. It's therefore very reasonable to avoid using it. There
 are no shortage of inclusive ways of expressing your meaning.

When I spend the 2-5? minutes I'm able to dedicate to replying to a
technical email, thinking about the the technical part to hopefully make
sure it's correct, I'm not going to spend more than 20 seconds
brainstorming for the perfect politically correct analogy.  I attempted
to be neither crude nor PC, simply selecting something in common use
*here* and that most people would understand.  I think everyone but you
got that, even the ladies.  At least I'll assume they did as I saw no
negative responses.

 Nonsense. I believe that common sense and mutual respect are all that is
 necessary, including a willingness to recognise when one is incorrect.

You just accused me of having no common sense nor mutual respect,
and not being able to admit I'm incorrect, where I am not.  And before
that you accused me of stating something I did not due to your PC bent
causing misinterpretation.

You may have opened a can of worms here Jonathan.  Since you decided to
make an issue out of a non issue, told me to admit fault when the fault
lie with you, then maybe I'll simply make an example of you.

From now on I *will* use male genital analogies, using phallus,
phalli, and phallic, the academically correct words for describing
the sociological phenomenon.  Then you can sit there and squirm in your
chair screaming loudly, as there is nothing you can do about it.  The
phallic reference is protected under PC doctrine--is actually at the
core of it--the whole white male dominated society, gender inequality,
etc.  I'll use your own poison against you.  And when you run to the
sociology and anthropology chairs, and PC committee chairperson there at
Newcastle, they'll tell you I'm absolutely correct in my use of the
terms, and moreover that each time I use them I'm bringing attention to
gender inequality in the computing field, which is great, etc.

Now, is this really what you want?  Before you answer, think carefully
about what you stated directly above, what you expect of others:

willingness to recognise when one is incorrect

If you can do what you expect from others here, we can kiss and make up
(oops, is that PC?) and put this nonsense behind us.  Otherwise there
may be a whole lot of phalli flopping around in my future posts, fully
protected by political correctness doctrine, academic standards, law in
most countries, more than likely by the vague Debian posting guidelines,


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Re: rootfs

2013-04-20 Thread Jude DaShiell
It's probable that the dental work that was done has misaligned several 
teeth which would account for the pain spreading to places it had not 
been before, everything either is connected or connects in the mouth by 
way of contacts when we eat which is why I suggested a follow up visit 
to find which teeth make which new contacts they should not make and get 
that corrected.  When I had my contact problem corrected the dentist 
changed the shape of my filling to solve that problem so it may not 
involve further damage to original dental material.  Finally when solid 
food is possible again, go for the jello and the string beans since your 
body will rebuild teeth with materials found in both those foods.  
Calcium may decrease pain for a while but isn't used in tooth 
construction or repair because teeth finger nails toe nails and hair are 
all from the same cellular group.  Bone is an entirely different 
cellular group.  Warm coffee room temperature with the cafiene will help 
with the pain since gums absorbe cafiene before it ever gets into your 
stomach.  So maybe hold that coffee in your mouth for a while and make 
it strong.  Wormwood bark was used in earlier times and was called 
toothache wood too.  Some people even used moss too.  There's clove oil, 
but that's dangerous to use and can't be used repeatedly on teeth.

On Fri, 19 Apr 2013, Raffaele Morelli wrote:

 2013/4/19 Darac Marjal
  That seems correct. Device nodes don't tend to take up any space. Now
  try it again on the filesystem (like I showed you).
 Ok, here follows the relevant ouput.
 Apart from spf13 vim environment, that I can remove for root user, I guess
 my only choice would be a pruned custom kernel... am I wrong?
 12M /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-2-amd64
 12M /lib/modules/3.2.0-2-amd64/kernel/drivers/media
 12M /lib/modules/3.2.0-2-amd64/kernel/fs
 14M /root/.spf13-vim-3/.vim/bundle/PIV
 17M /lib/modules/3.2.0-2-amd64/kernel/drivers/net
 21M /boot
 40M /root/.spf13-vim-3/.vim
 40M /root/.spf13-vim-3/.vim/bundle
 43M /root/.spf13-vim-3
 45M /root
 71M /lib/modules/3.2.0-2-amd64/kernel/drivers

Microsoft, windows is accessible. why do blind people need screen readers?

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Re: rootfs

2013-04-20 Thread Jude DaShiell
Sorry, wrong list for reply.
On Fri, 19 Apr 2013, Raffaele Morelli wrote:

 2013/4/19 Darac Marjal
  That seems correct. Device nodes don't tend to take up any space. Now
  try it again on the filesystem (like I showed you).
 Ok, here follows the relevant ouput.
 Apart from spf13 vim environment, that I can remove for root user, I guess
 my only choice would be a pruned custom kernel... am I wrong?
 12M /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-2-amd64
 12M /lib/modules/3.2.0-2-amd64/kernel/drivers/media
 12M /lib/modules/3.2.0-2-amd64/kernel/fs
 14M /root/.spf13-vim-3/.vim/bundle/PIV
 17M /lib/modules/3.2.0-2-amd64/kernel/drivers/net
 21M /boot
 40M /root/.spf13-vim-3/.vim
 40M /root/.spf13-vim-3/.vim/bundle
 43M /root/.spf13-vim-3
 45M /root
 71M /lib/modules/3.2.0-2-amd64/kernel/drivers

Microsoft, windows is accessible. why do blind people need screen readers?

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Re: what's your Debian uptime?

2013-04-20 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 4/19/2013 9:09 AM, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 10:31:35PM -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Second, your methodology doesn't scale.  For large scale operations
 installing new kernel patches every few weeks simply isn't financially
 feasible/responsible.  Even a junior admin's salary is better spent on
 things other than managing mass kernel upgrades.  If one builds
 minimalist kernels one dramatically decreases frequency of mandatory
 kernel security patches.  The security related flaws are typically in
 subsystems that are not part of a minimalist kernel.
 This is not necessarily true for everyone. 

Few things are, computing or otherwise.

 There are a lot of local factors to
 take into account. In a large, heterogenous environment, there's a significant
 investment of time required to properly manage rolling your own kernels across
 different distributions and versions thereof, plus the required time and
 expertise to assess each and every security release regarding a kernel to make
 a proper assessment as to whether you are vulnerable or not, on a system by
 system basis.  

Absolutely true for heterogeneous environments.  But I specifically
stated large scale.  Large scale environments are pretty much always
homogenous--web farms, mail relay and mailbox farms, compute clusters,
etc.  This is the ~1000 nodes up class of environment.  Here you spend
significant time going over patches, but you save more time doing less
frequent roll outs.

 Managing the roll-out of distribution kernel updates, even if
 you might not be relying on the specific feature that is vulnerable, can be a
 more pragmatic choice. It certainly is at my place of work.

And many places.  Far more organizations rely on distribution kernels
than custom, as most organizations are small and rely on vendors, having
minimal or no IT staff of their own.

 There have been interesting examples of vulnerabilities in kernel modules that
 people aren't using but can still be exploited, if the system can be coerced 
 into loading the module. Esoteric network protocols are one interesting 
 An insufficiently-careful look at a security update may mean such a 
 is left lurking, because it's in a feature one doesn't need. Even if you don't
 build those modules as part of your minimalist kernel, there are some 
 where a third party can build a module for your running kernel and the machine
 be coerced into loading it (I think there was that bug regarding where cores 
 during segfaults which was one such vector).
 On that note, one of the best tips I've ever received regarding keeping 
 secure is to disable module loading at run time, once the system has all the
 necessary modules loaded to provide the service it is supposed do.  As a side
 effect this would prevent you from updating kernel modules whilst keeping the
 host up.
 Of course, you may mean disabling module support when you say minimalist 

Since when are they mutually exclusive?  I start with

# CONFIG_MODULES is not set

Then I only build in drivers needed by my machines, and they're pretty
homogenous.  I only have a couple of kernels for the fleet.  I also omit
drivers for hardware that may exist but will never be used such as USB,
parallel, etc.  I only build in the filesystems I use, EXT2 (for tiny
boot partition) and XFS, and only the deadline elevator.  I only include
the processor/memory features I need, same for the block layer, etc.  I
simply strip everything I'm able to confirm is unnecessary for my
workloads.  This is why my kernels are less than 2MB (using gzip), and
tend to need far less patching than distro kernels.


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100% cpu usage by hwC0D0, amd usb 2.0-crw

2013-04-20 Thread war dhan
os: wheezy rc1.

the 100% cpu usage is worrying me.

i have updated grub with pcie_aspm=force.
but the cpu usage is unchanged.
should i download  install amd catalyst ?
if you need any more information, please provide me appropriate  detailed
please always cc me [ i am not yet subscribed to the mailing list ].

the output for dmesg - device stats [ ]:

 22.4%CPU use
100.0%Audio codec hwC0D0: ATI
100.0%Display backlight
266354 pkts/s Network interface: eth0 (r8169)
100.0%PCI Device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] FCH
SD Flash Controller
100.0%PCI Device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] FCH
SATA Controller [AHCI mode]
100.0%PCI Device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] FCH
USB OHCI Controller
100.0%PCI Device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] FCH
USB EHCI Controller
100.0%PCI Device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] FCH
USB OHCI Controller
100.0%PCI Device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] FCH
USB EHCI Controller
100.0%PCI Device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] FCH
Azalia Controller
100.0%PCI Device: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller
100.0%PCI Device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]
Hudson PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE port 0)
100.0%PCI Device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]
Hudson PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE port 1)
100.0%PCI Device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] FCH
USB OHCI Controller
100.0%PCI Device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] FCH
USB EHCI Controller
100.0%PCI Device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]
Family 12h/14h Processor Function 3
100.0%PCI Device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee
ATI Wrestler HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 6250/6310]
100.0%Radio device: btusb
100.0%USB device: RT Bluetooth Radio (Realtek)
100.0%USB device: AND  (MOON)
100.0%USB device: USB2.0-CRW (Generic)
100.0%USB device: OHCI Host Controller
100.0%USB device: EHCI Host Controller
  0.0 pkts/s  nic:vmnet8
  0.0 pkts/s  nic:vmnet1
  0.0%USB device: TOSHIBA Web Camera (Importek)
  0.0%USB device: OHCI Host Controller
  0.0%USB device: OHCI Host Controller
  0.0%USB device: EHCI Host Controller

thank you.

Re: rootfs

2013-04-20 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2013/4/20 Jude DaShiell

 Sorry, wrong list for reply.

...though interesting :-)

Re: rootfs

2013-04-20 Thread Roger Leigh
On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 08:09:24PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
   /dev/mapper/debian-usr   4,6G  1,2G3,2G  28% /usr  
  There's no real need to have /usr separate from /
  You could potentially merge the two.
 Unless you follow the installer, best practice and the Filesystem
 Hiearchical Standard then no not at all.
 Don't believe opinion as fact just because it's on a server hosted by Rusty Russel and the FHS is a more authoritative (and
 correct) source, I suggest you read it.

I am, as a matter of fact, subscribed to the FHS list.  If you read
the specification, you'll see that it does not in any way require
/usr to be a *mountpoint*; it can be located on the root filesystem
without any problems.  It's actually the default partitioning method.

Do you have any concrete reasons to have /usr separate from / ?

It may be instructive to read
and the rest of the thread it is in.

Also note that in jessie, I plan to mount /usr in the initramfs
(the patches are already written) and to deprecate a separate
/usr.  This will make /usr available from before init starts
(the immediate goal), and potential unification of / and /usr
further down the line (jessie+1 or later).


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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Re: administration of initscripts

2013-04-20 Thread Thilo Six

Excerpt from Roger Leigh:

-- snip --
 update-rc.d foo disable|enable
 is one method.
-- snip --

i did played further around with this. First have a look at this:

# find /etc/rc[S0-6].d/ -iname '**'

# update-rc.d disable
update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing
insserv: warning: current start runlevel(s) (empty) of script `'
overrides LSB defaults (S).
insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (S) of script `'
overrides LSB defaults (empty).

# find /etc/rc[S0-6].d/ -iname '**'

As you can see update-rc.d complains, but only that the initscript defaults are
getting overwritten. Now look at this:

# find /etc/rc[S0-6].d/ -iname '**'

# rc-update del
insserv: Service mountkernfs has to be enabled to start service udev
insserv: Service mountkernfs has to be enabled to start service keyboard-setup
insserv: Service mountkernfs has to be enabled to start service mountdevsubfs
insserv: Service mountkernfs has to be enabled to start service networking
insserv: Service mountkernfs has to be enabled to start service procps
insserv: exiting now!

# find /etc/rc[S0-6].d/ -iname '**'

insserv clearly complains instead that other services are affected by this
change. Generally to a admin insserv seems to be nicer API over update-rc.d to
me. Apart from that, by this i found a major bug in rc-update(). Will fix that.


721B 1BA0 095C 1ABA 3FC6  7C18 89A4 A2A0 C70B 1A8F

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Re: what's your Debian uptime?

2013-04-20 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2013-04-18 10:56:53 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 I don't think uptime challenges are useful.  It makes people want to
 do something that they shouldn't want to do.  When kernel security
 upgrades come along just install them and reboot.

That's theory. In practice, old machines get no longer supported...
I submitted a bug report (and a patch), but AFAIK the bug has never
been fixed. I upgraded everything except the kernel, without being
sure I could boot it again (udev incompatibilities...). That's why
the machine was no longer rebooted.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: what's your Debian uptime?

2013-04-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 06:24:33PM +0200, Jochen Spieker wrote:
 Lars Noodén:
  Oracle hasn't been the best steward for the other FOSS projects […]
 You are hereby given the Understatement of the Year Award!

And it's only April!! :-D

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: what's your Debian uptime?

2013-04-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 08:18:15PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
  On the humor side though I rememeber a story about a guy who moved his
  apartment.  His machine was on a UPS.  He determined a way to borrow a
  second UPS and daisy chain them for more uptime and then drove like a
  madman halfway to his new place where he had previously scouted and
  found a public power outlet.  He stopped and charged both UPSes up
 Well I wouldn't go that far but I have taken the insert of a matchbox
 cut a slot in it and stuck it over the power button so that when
 reaching round the back there is no way of holding it down by accident.

Over here in New Zealand, power switch up equals power off.
You're more likely to knock something on than off. And believe it or not
I don't recollect any accident reports where this has been a cause.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: what's your Debian uptime?

2013-04-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 09:45:21AM +0200, Helmut Wollmersdorfer wrote:
 In 1992 I worked late after usual office hours on my laptop (an IBM
 386) connected to the power supply and battery removed (to save
 lifetime of the battery).
 Then the cleaning woman stepped in and asked: May I vacuum clean
 the room? I gave OK.
 Then the screen of my laptop suddenly darkened. She pulled out the
 cable of the next power outlet to plug in the vacuum cleaner. But
 she unplugged the cable of my laptop.

Wasn't there a story where every night at exactly the same time, a
computer system would go down for about 15mins. 

It was the same issue that you struck!

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: what's your Debian uptime?

2013-04-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 01:00:01AM -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 From now on I *will* use male genital analogies, using phallus,
 phalli, and phallic, the academically correct words for describing
 the sociological phenomenon.  Then you can sit there and squirm in your
 chair screaming loudly, as there is nothing you can do about it.  The
 phallic reference is protected under PC doctrine--is actually at the
 core of it--the whole white male dominated society, gender inequality,
 etc.  I'll use your own poison against you.  And when you run to the
 sociology and anthropology chairs, and PC committee chairperson there at
 Newcastle, they'll tell you I'm absolutely correct in my use of the
 terms, and moreover that each time I use them I'm bringing attention to
 gender inequality in the computing field, which is great, etc.

And to lower the standard even further, the females can use their 
anatomically correct words to claim they are being PC. It will be one
#$@!ing thing after another! :(

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: what's your Debian uptime?

2013-04-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 09:22:18PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
 OpenBSD has only had something like two holes in over a decade which is
 nice for uptime.

Let's not get carried away here. I was under the impression that openbsd
was one of the best things since sliced bread ... then I read this:

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Richard Owlett
I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on 
lilo.conf .
Assume I'm stranded on a desert isle (SW Missouri is a fair 
approximation) with a computer and a set of install disks.

What *ONE* document will answer ALL my LILO questions.
Hint: man pages and mini-HOTO's don't hack it. They presume 
and summarize too much.

{I'm installing using the 8 DVD set of Debian 6.0.5}

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Re: administration of initscripts

2013-04-20 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 09:52:04PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
 And did it boot slower than with init scripts and waste valuable
 memory. Lookup systemd on the buildroot list and you will see. Debian
 may run on even a cheap toaster one day but systemd would causes issues
 when that is possible. 

In my case it booted somewhat faster (nothing much to shout about though)
and I have not experienced any issues with its memory consumption. I've
stuck with it mainly for the ease-of-use of managing services once

 I discount systemd for many reasons. All I have beeen meaning to say is
 lets not shout about it and users should look up about systemd before
 you learn to use it as you may regret it down the line.

I'd hope that people would investigate any suggestion put forth here

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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread berenger . morel

Le 20.04.2013 16:12, Richard Owlett a écrit :

I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on lilo.conf .
Assume I'm stranded on a desert isle (SW Missouri is a fair
approximation) with a computer and a set of install disks.
What *ONE* document will answer ALL my LILO questions.
Hint: man pages and mini-HOTO's don't hack it. They presume and
summarize too much.
{I'm installing using the 8 DVD set of Debian 6.0.5}

Source code? XD

Sorry about the joke, but I have no clue. Maybe you could ask it's dev 

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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Tony van der Hoff
On 20/04/13 15:12, Richard Owlett wrote:
 I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on lilo.conf .
 Assume I'm stranded on a desert isle (SW Missouri is a fair
 approximation) with a computer and a set of install disks.
 What *ONE* document will answer ALL my LILO questions.
 Hint: man pages and mini-HOTO's don't hack it. They presume and
 summarize too much.
 {I'm installing using the 8 DVD set of Debian 6.0.5}
I don't know about one document, but there's the user documentation
and the technical (i.e. internal) docs at

Tony van der Hoff|
Buckinghamshire, England |

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Re: administration of initscripts

2013-04-20 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 09:51:02PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
 And that's a Linux problem where some BSDs put lots of effort into
 compliance only to have the standard changed to suit linux due to

Which standard, POSIX?

 POSIX is a very good thing. Do you disagree? I could perhaps understand
 if there were major benefits.

It's a good thing for helping to write software portable across UNIX
implementations, when that's your goal. It isn't always your goal.  It's
slightly less useful if you are only targetting Linux (where LSB is a bit more
useful, but still flawed). It's also quite old, a lot has happened since 2008.

 That's irrelevent as a systemd only linux world (which granted will
 never happen despite lennarts best efforts) would make using Linux more
 difficult for many major products where POSIX is a requirement and
 would damage Linux too as cross polination would be less likely.

Let's explore this scenario in a bit more detail. When is POSIX
mandated? Usually for user-land software written under contract to government
or military, right? In that situation the company is delivering a product to
run on top of an OS. That would not preclude that OS (which the customer has
already got) from using systemd, nor Linux (with it's non-POSIX-compliant
features) nor *BSD (with their non-POSIX-compliant features)… In other words
I cannot see a scenario where this is actually the case.

Does this happen? Or is POSIX compliance only mandated for operating systems
that are deployed/sold to public or military funded projects. In which case
what is important is that POSIX is implemented, not that it is exclusively
implemented — i.e., a *superset* of POSIX functionality is acceptable. And
lucky it is, because all the BSDs implement non-POSIX functionality, not
just Linux. (Although none of free/net/openBSD are actually fully POSIX
compliant anyway: see below)

 Absolute rubbish and SysV is just one of many methods that correctly
 use an init which also differes between systems but can be POSIC

I'd like to see an answer to the question another poster put to you regarding
this: which part of the POSIX specification specifically relates to init

 So launchd is better than systemd because in this regard because it is
 POSIX compliant.

Do you mean it does not rely on any non-POSIX features? POSIX compliant
usually means something else. See e.g., which
lists operating systems which are Mostly POSIX compliant. Note: Linux is
mostly, not fully. Note also, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD are mostly, not
 Lennart hasn't got a clue about UNIX. Why not take a true Unix source
 such Brian Kernighan and read The Practice of Programming and then

If you were a faithful follower of Kernighan UNIX philosophy, you wouldn't
touch those nasty BSDs with a bargepole. What we know of as UNIX today is
rather an amalgamation of the two — rather different — east and west coast

 Technical arguments such as you can get from the book I have mentioned
 are very important but pass most people by.

It's a great book but it's not to be taken as gospel, and it was written over
14 years ago. More relevant IMHO, but just as much not a panacea, would be The
Unix Programming Environment, again co-authored by Kernighan, which is over 30
years old.

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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Richard Owlett wrote:

Le 20.04.2013 16:12, Richard Owlett a écrit :

I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on
lilo.conf .
Assume I'm stranded on a desert isle (SW Missouri is a fair
approximation) with a computer and a set of install disks.
What *ONE* document will answer ALL my LILO questions.
Hint: man pages and mini-HOTO's don't hack it. They
presume and
summarize too much.
{I'm installing using the 8 DVD set of Debian 6.0.5}

Source code? XD

Sorry about the joke, but I have no clue. Maybe you could
ask it's dev team?

snicker :

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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Richard Owlett

Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 20/04/13 15:12, Richard Owlett wrote:

I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on lilo.conf .
Assume I'm stranded on a desert isle (SW Missouri is a fair
approximation) with a computer and a set of install disks.
What *ONE* document will answer ALL my LILO questions.
Hint: man pages and mini-HOTO's don't hack it. They presume and
summarize too much.
{I'm installing using the 8 DVD set of Debian 6.0.5}

I don't know about one document, but there's the user documentation
and the technical (i.e. internal) docs at

One of places I had been :{

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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Tony van der Hoff
On 20/04/13 15:50, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Tony van der Hoff wrote:
 On 20/04/13 15:12, Richard Owlett wrote:
 I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on lilo.conf .
 Assume I'm stranded on a desert isle (SW Missouri is a fair
 approximation) with a computer and a set of install disks.
 What *ONE* document will answer ALL my LILO questions.
 Hint: man pages and mini-HOTO's don't hack it. They presume and
 summarize too much.
 {I'm installing using the 8 DVD set of Debian 6.0.5}

 I don't know about one document, but there's the user documentation
 and the technical (i.e. internal) docs at

 One of places I had been :{
Care to explain why you don't like it/what you really want?

Tony van der Hoff|
Buckinghamshire, England |

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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Richard Owlett

Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 20/04/13 15:50, Richard Owlett wrote:

Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 20/04/13 15:12, Richard Owlett wrote:

I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on lilo.conf .
Assume I'm stranded on a desert isle (SW Missouri is a fair
approximation) with a computer and a set of install disks.
What *ONE* document will answer ALL my LILO questions.
Hint: man pages and mini-HOTO's don't hack it. They presume and
summarize too much.
{I'm installing using the 8 DVD set of Debian 6.0.5}

I don't know about one document, but there's the user documentation
and the technical (i.e. internal) docs at

One of places I had been :{

Care to explain why you don't like it/what you really want?

In my three score and ten I've learned to recognize when I 
am too clueless to ask a reasonable question ;/

The immediate surface symptoms include almost no change to 
/etc/lilo.conf having the expected effect.

I can't get the menu to display automatically - even if at 
the moment it would have only one choice.
[It does display if I hit the space-bar when LILO appears on 

I can't the text describing the one menu item I have.

I suspect the document I desire would spend a dozen pages 
describing only lilo.conf.

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Image viewer with geotagging support

2013-04-20 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI
I'm looking for an image viewer that can read the geotagging information
from EXIF and display where the pictures were taken in a map, and
perhaps have the ability to edit that information (but I can live
without that).

digiKam can do that and much more, and that's exactly why I'd like to
avoid it: I'm looking for something simpler. Does anyone have any ideas?

In love, she who gives her portrait promises the original.
-- Bruton


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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Tony van der Hoff
On 20/04/13 16:19, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Tony van der Hoff wrote:
 On 20/04/13 15:50, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Tony van der Hoff wrote:
 On 20/04/13 15:12, Richard Owlett wrote:
 I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on lilo.conf .
 Assume I'm stranded on a desert isle (SW Missouri is a fair
 approximation) with a computer and a set of install disks.
 What *ONE* document will answer ALL my LILO questions.
 Hint: man pages and mini-HOTO's don't hack it. They presume and
 summarize too much.
 {I'm installing using the 8 DVD set of Debian 6.0.5}

 I don't know about one document, but there's the user documentation
 and the technical (i.e. internal) docs at

 One of places I had been :{

 Care to explain why you don't like it/what you really want?

 In my three score and ten I've learned to recognize when I am too
 clueless to ask a reasonable question ;/
 The immediate surface symptoms include almost no change to
 /etc/lilo.conf having the expected effect.
 I can't get the menu to display automatically - even if at the moment it
 would have only one choice.
 [It does display if I hit the space-bar when LILO appears on screen.]
 I can't the text describing the one menu item I have.
 I suspect the document I desire would spend a dozen pages describing
 only lilo.conf.
I guess you've been here, too:, but the conf is
so simple that it's hard to get it wrong.

From your problem description, it almost sounds as if you're failing to
run /sbin/lilo after making changes to the lilo.conf file to allow it to
compile the conf.

I resisted the migration to grub for many years, on the basis that lilo
was a much better hammer, being as simple as required to do the job.
However, I was eventually worn down, and bent to progress, so haven't
used lilo in a while :(

In all that time, I never found the need to delve much deeper into the
config than what was available in the above page.

Tony van der Hoff|
Buckinghamshire, England |

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Re: administration of initscripts

2013-04-20 Thread Thilo Six
Hello Roger,

Excerpt from myself:

-- snip --
 insserv clearly complains instead that other services are affected by this
 change. Generally to a admin insserv seems to be nicer API over update-rc.d to
 me. Apart from that, by this i found a major bug in rc-update(). Will fix 

i have question regarding insserv. I found a strange behavior to me and i would
like to know if this on purpose.

# insserv -s | grep

# find /etc/rc[S0-6].d/ -iname * -type l -exec unlink {} +
# find /etc/rc[S0-6].d/ -iname * -type l

# insserv -s | grep

So 'insserv -s' displays what it thinks should be there instead of just
displaying what actually is there on disk?

-s, --showall
  Output  runlevel and sequence information. Do not update

If the above is on purpose should this text be stated more precisely?


721B 1BA0 095C 1ABA 3FC6  7C18 89A4 A2A0 C70B 1A8F

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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Richard Owlett

Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 20/04/13 16:19, Richard Owlett wrote:

Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 20/04/13 15:50, Richard Owlett wrote:

Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 20/04/13 15:12, Richard Owlett wrote:

I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on lilo.conf .
Assume I'm stranded on a desert isle (SW Missouri is a fair
approximation) with a computer and a set of install disks.
What *ONE* document will answer ALL my LILO questions.
Hint: man pages and mini-HOTO's don't hack it. They presume and
summarize too much.
{I'm installing using the 8 DVD set of Debian 6.0.5}

I don't know about one document, but there's the user documentation
and the technical (i.e. internal) docs at

One of places I had been :{

Care to explain why you don't like it/what you really want?

In my three score and ten I've learned to recognize when I am too
clueless to ask a reasonable question ;/

The immediate surface symptoms include almost no change to
/etc/lilo.conf having the expected effect.

I can't get the menu to display automatically - even if at the moment it
would have only one choice.
[It does display if I hit the space-bar when LILO appears on screen.]

I can't the text describing the one menu item I have.

I suspect the document I desire would spend a dozen pages describing
only lilo.conf.

I guess you've been here, too:,


but the conf is
so simple that it's hard to get it wrong.

But I'm so talented ;/

From your problem description, it almost sounds as if you're failing to

run /sbin/lilo after making changes to the lilo.conf file to allow it to
compile the conf.

Discovered that error early.
I've played with delay= statement and that works as expected.

I resisted the migration to grub for many years, on the basis that lilo
was a much better hammer, being as simple as required to do the job.
However, I was eventually worn down, and bent to progress, so haven't
used lilo in a while :(

I found grub2 annoying in that it wanted the menu to appear 
its way not mine.
I'd likely would have been happy with grub legacy as its 
configuration was set in a single easily edited file. But 
what I've read seems to indicate it is being declared 
dead/unsupported/abandoned/... .

In all that time, I never found the need to delve much deeper into the
config than what was available in the above page.

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Re: rc-update() 1.2

2013-04-20 Thread Thilo Six

a bug has been identified which does make it necessary to update the above.


721B 1BA0 095C 1ABA 3FC6  7C18 89A4 A2A0 C70B 1A8F

local cur prev words cword
_init_completion || return

if [[ $cword -ge 1 ]]; then
[[ -e /etc/mandrake-release ]]  _xinetd_services

local cur prev words cword
_init_completion || return

if [[ $cword -eq 1  $prev == ?(*/)rc-update ]]; then
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'enable disable remove add del show' -- 
$cur ) )
builtin complete -F _rc-update  rc-update
builtin complete -F _myservice  rc-add rc-del rc-show

case ${1} in
# This action here shall enable a initsrcipt.
# This is done by (re)enforcing the defaults described as LSB headers.
for i in ${@:2};
find /etc/rc[S0-6].d/ -iname *${i} -type l -exec unlink {} +
insserv -d ${i};

# Here the the initscript gets disabled.
# This is done by place a single stop link in /etc/rc1.d/
# Due to this a package update wont change this settings.
# It has be mentioned that not used stop-actions do not hit performance
# read
# You can modify the 'stop=1' here according if you like.
for i in ${@:2};
find /etc/rc[S0-6].d/ -iname *${i} -type l -exec unlink {} +
insserv -f ${i},start=,stop=1;

# Display current state of service
printf rlvl\tslot\tservive\n
for i in ${@:2};
find /etc/rc[S0-6].d/ -iname *${i} -type l | sed 
's#^/etc/rc##;s#\.d/S#\tS#;s#\.d/K#\tK#;s#\([SK][0-9][0-9]\)#\1\t#' | sort -k2

printf usage:   rc-update enable|disable|show service1 service2 
... serviceN\n\n
printf enable:  Use default runlevels as defined in the scripts.\n
printf disable: Remove the listed scripts from all runlevels.\n
printf show:Output runlevel and sequence information of service.\n


alias rc-add=rc-update add
alias rc-del=rc-update del
alias rc-show=rc-update show

Re: rootfs

2013-04-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 10:50:05AM +0200, Raffaele Morelli wrote:
 2013/4/20 Jude DaShiell
  Sorry, wrong list for reply.
 ...though interesting :-)

Although, not quite correct:

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 10:12:51 -0400 (EDT), Richard Owlett wrote:
 I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on lilo.conf.

I don't know about complete documentation, but the best lilo tutorial
that I know of is

I wrote the above-mentioned web page myself; so if you have any complaints,
the buck stops here.  Also, if you have any suggestions for improving the
page, I'm open to suggestions.  If, after reading the entire page, you have
any specific questions, I'll be happy to at least try to answer them.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Wayne Topa

On 04/20/2013 12:11 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:

Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 20/04/13 16:19, Richard Owlett wrote:

Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 20/04/13 15:50, Richard Owlett wrote:

Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 20/04/13 15:12, Richard Owlett wrote:

I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on lilo.conf .
Assume I'm stranded on a desert isle (SW Missouri is a fair
approximation) with a computer and a set of install disks.
What *ONE* document will answer ALL my LILO questions.
Hint: man pages and mini-HOTO's don't hack it. They presume and
summarize too much.
{I'm installing using the 8 DVD set of Debian 6.0.5}

I don't know about one document, but there's the user documentation
and the technical (i.e. internal) docs at

One of places I had been :{

Care to explain why you don't like it/what you really want?

In my three score and ten I've learned to recognize when I am too
clueless to ask a reasonable question ;/

The immediate surface symptoms include almost no change to
/etc/lilo.conf having the expected effect.

I can't get the menu to display automatically - even if at the moment it
would have only one choice.
[It does display if I hit the space-bar when LILO appears on screen.]

I can't the text describing the one menu item I have.

I suspect the document I desire would spend a dozen pages describing
only lilo.conf.

I guess you've been here, too:,


but the conf is
so simple that it's hard to get it wrong.

But I'm so talented ;/

From your problem description, it almost sounds as if you're failing to

run /sbin/lilo after making changes to the lilo.conf file to allow it to
compile the conf.

Discovered that error early.
I've played with delay= statement and that works as expected.

I resisted the migration to grub for many years, on the basis that lilo
was a much better hammer, being as simple as required to do the job.
However, I was eventually worn down, and bent to progress, so haven't
used lilo in a while :(

I found grub2 annoying in that it wanted the menu to appear its way not
I'd likely would have been happy with grub legacy as its configuration
was set in a single easily edited file. But what I've read seems to
indicate it is being declared dead/unsupported/abandoned/... .

In all that time, I never found the need to delve much deeper into the
config than what was available in the above page.

ISTR around the time that grub2 was introduced, one of our users, I 
'THINK' his name was Stephen Powell, gave some good arguments for using

Lilo.  Again, ISTR, he put up a very good web page explaining how to use
 install it.

You might find the thread on the D-U archives or Google.  Yep, a goohle 
search for Lilo 'Stephen Powell' has it as the first link.

Google IS your friend.


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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Richard Owlett

Stephen Powell wrote:

On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 10:12:51 -0400 (EDT), Richard Owlett wrote:

I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on lilo.conf.

I don't know about complete documentation, but the best lilo tutorial
that I know of is

I wrote the above-mentioned web page myself; so if you have any complaints,
the buck stops here.  Also, if you have any suggestions for improving the
page, I'm open to suggestions.  If, after reading the entire page, you have
any specific questions, I'll be happy to at least try to answer them.

I don't yet know if you succeeded, but you were targeting 
people like me :)

I've only quickly read the section titled Installing and 
Configuring LILO. It has pointed out several areas I need 
to do more background reading. If retirement isn't for 
education, what use is it.


{be warned questions likely to follow ;}

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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Richard Owlett

Wayne Topa wrote:

On 04/20/2013 12:11 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:

Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 20/04/13 16:19, Richard Owlett wrote:

Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 20/04/13 15:50, Richard Owlett wrote:

Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 20/04/13 15:12, Richard Owlett wrote:

I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis
on lilo.conf .
Assume I'm stranded on a desert isle (SW Missouri is
a fair
approximation) with a computer and a set of install
What *ONE* document will answer ALL my LILO questions.
Hint: man pages and mini-HOTO's don't hack it. They
presume and
summarize too much.
{I'm installing using the 8 DVD set of Debian 6.0.5}

I don't know about one document, but there's the
user documentation
and the technical (i.e. internal) docs at

One of places I had been :{

Care to explain why you don't like it/what you really

In my three score and ten I've learned to recognize
when I am too
clueless to ask a reasonable question ;/

The immediate surface symptoms include almost no change to
/etc/lilo.conf having the expected effect.

I can't get the menu to display automatically - even if
at the moment it
would have only one choice.
[It does display if I hit the space-bar when LILO
appears on screen.]

I can't the text describing the one menu item I have.

I suspect the document I desire would spend a dozen
pages describing
only lilo.conf.

I guess you've been here, too:,


but the conf is
so simple that it's hard to get it wrong.

But I'm so talented ;/

From your problem description, it almost sounds as if
you're failing to

run /sbin/lilo after making changes to the lilo.conf file
to allow it to
compile the conf.

Discovered that error early.
I've played with delay= statement and that works as expected.

I resisted the migration to grub for many years, on the
basis that lilo
was a much better hammer, being as simple as required to
do the job.
However, I was eventually worn down, and bent to
progress, so haven't
used lilo in a while :(

I found grub2 annoying in that it wanted the menu to
appear its way not
I'd likely would have been happy with grub legacy as its
was set in a single easily edited file. But what I've read
seems to
indicate it is being declared
dead/unsupported/abandoned/... .

In all that time, I never found the need to delve much
deeper into the
config than what was available in the above page.

ISTR around the time that grub2 was introduced, one of our
users, I 'THINK' his name was Stephen Powell, gave some good
arguments for using
Lilo.  Again, ISTR, he put up a very good web page
explaining how to use
 install it.

You might find the thread on the D-U archives or Google.
Yep, a goohle search for Lilo 'Stephen Powell' has it as the
first link.

Google IS your friend.

But you need to know the right key words.

As a matter of fact Mr. Powell had just responded to my post 
suggesting I read one of his pagers.

He beat you by minutes.



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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 20 April 2013 17:51:54 Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 10:12:51 -0400 (EDT), Richard Owlett wrote:
  I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on lilo.conf.

 I don't know about complete documentation, but the best lilo tutorial
 that I know of is

 I wrote the above-mentioned web page myself; so if you have any complaints,
 the buck stops here.  Also, if you have any suggestions for improving the
 page, I'm open to suggestions.  If, after reading the entire page, you have
 any specific questions, I'll be happy to at least try to answer them.

   .''`. Stephen Powell

I had been thinking What's happened to Stephen Powell?  This is very much his 
pigeon.  I hope that he is all right.

Nice to see that you are all right, Stephen. :-))


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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread Wayne Topa

On 04/20/2013 02:07 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Saturday 20 April 2013 17:51:54 Stephen Powell wrote:

On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 10:12:51 -0400 (EDT), Richard Owlett wrote:

I need complete documentation on LILO with emphasis on lilo.conf.

I don't know about complete documentation, but the best lilo tutorial
that I know of is

I wrote the above-mentioned web page myself; so if you have any complaints,
the buck stops here.  Also, if you have any suggestions for improving the
page, I'm open to suggestions.  If, after reading the entire page, you have
any specific questions, I'll be happy to at least try to answer them.

   .''`. Stephen Powell

I had been thinking What's happened to Stephen Powell?  This is very much his
pigeon.  I hope that he is all right.

Nice to see that you are all right, Stephen. :-))


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setting the system mail location

2013-04-20 Thread Rob Owens
My system mail is getting sent to $HOME/Mail/mbox instead of to
/var/spool/mail/rob.  I may have set that on purpose a long time ago,
but I don't remember.  I'd like it to go to the normal mail spool now.
How do I set that?


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Re: setting the system mail location

2013-04-20 Thread Wayne Topa

On 04/20/2013 02:19 PM, Rob Owens wrote:

My system mail is getting sent to $HOME/Mail/mbox instead of to
/var/spool/mail/rob.  I may have set that on purpose a long time ago,
but I don't remember.  I'd like it to go to the normal mail spool now.
How do I set that?


Check /etc/aliases and/or man 5 aliases


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Re: setting the system mail location

2013-04-20 Thread Rob Owens
On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 02:39:12PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
 On 04/20/2013 02:19 PM, Rob Owens wrote:
 My system mail is getting sent to $HOME/Mail/mbox instead of to
 /var/spool/mail/rob.  I may have set that on purpose a long time ago,
 but I don't remember.  I'd like it to go to the normal mail spool now.
 How do I set that?
 Check /etc/aliases and/or man 5 aliases
Thanks for the tip, but that wasn't it.

I found that the problem was my .procmailrc file.  I didn't realize that
got called for each incoming message.  I thought maybe it had to be
called from fetchmail (which I had disabled), but I was wrong about
that.  So anyway, problem solved.


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Re: setting the system mail location

2013-04-20 Thread Wayne Topa

On 04/20/2013 02:47 PM, Rob Owens wrote:

On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 02:39:12PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:

On 04/20/2013 02:19 PM, Rob Owens wrote:

My system mail is getting sent to $HOME/Mail/mbox instead of to
/var/spool/mail/rob.  I may have set that on purpose a long time ago,
but I don't remember.  I'd like it to go to the normal mail spool now.
How do I set that?


Check /etc/aliases and/or man 5 aliases

Thanks for the tip, but that wasn't it.

I found that the problem was my .procmailrc file.  I didn't realize that
got called for each incoming message.  I thought maybe it had to be
called from fetchmail (which I had disabled), but I was wrong about
that.  So anyway, problem solved.

Glad you solved it.  I have not used procmail for so long I forgot about it.


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Re: rootfs

2013-04-20 Thread Kevin Chadwick
 I am, as a matter of fact, subscribed to the FHS list.  If you read
 the specification, you'll see that it does not in any way require
 /usr to be a *mountpoint*; it can be located on the root filesystem
 without any problems.  It's actually the default partitioning method.

 Do you have any concrete reasons to have /usr separate from / ?

You need to look at the rootfs section, having them separate makes what
should be the most critical filesystem (rootfs) 100s! of times larger
and that quite rightly contradicts the spec (good reasons are mentioned
but some more benefits of this practice could be included however).


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

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.wav to text?

2013-04-20 Thread Karen Lewellen

Hi folks,
Any open source Linux programs for this process?
Please note I am talking of a .wav file of a voice converted to a text 
I know it can be done in windows, people use them for meeting transcript 
I suppose even a .mp3 tot ext file might work although mp3 can be low on 
the quality end.


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Re: what's your Debian uptime?

2013-04-20 Thread Kevin Chadwick
  OpenBSD has only had something like two holes in over a decade
  which is nice for uptime.  
 Let's not get carried away here. I was under the impression that
 openbsd was one of the best things since sliced bread ... then I read

This article is wrong in many ways including saying it includes many of
the features of grsecurity. They are actually quite different and
saying OpenBSD implemented them after is simply untrue. You can lookup
the author of grsecurity making this allegation on the OpenBSD lists if
you wish.

Saying systrace is recommended to protect from a succesful attack is
also wrong. You have to such as with MACs know about things like
syscalls and it is actually suggested you don't rely on it at all.

Though systrace usage has been added to OpenSSH when run on OpenBSD
recently. Not as a reliance but as an extra security measure
against DOS attacks and chroot and dropping priviledges is used far
more on OpenBD by default (possibly without users even knowing) than on
Linux such as in the in base Apache, nginx, unbound, nsd, all of which
are audited.

Depending on MACS to protect from a succesful attack is bad security
practice. The fact that admins time is better spent on preventing
successful attacks in the first place and increased complexity of
protections it brings is the reason OpenBSD advocates against MACs.

Opening quote

OpenBSD was not designed with security in mind and provides no real way
to lock down and limit a system above standard UNIX permissions, which
are insufficient.

It's kernel was and is designed with security in mind (as far as the
generic hardware will allow). Linux is not.

Only standard unix permissions is actually incorrect which he later
leads onto. I shall let you decide what that means about this article.

File immutabilitiy is a useful feature which Linux hasn't got in such a
useful form and at the end of the day everything comes down to the
kernel and it's memory protection. He doesn't seem to understand that
programs can use protected memory and that memory and processes are
better protected due to kernel design and randomness throughout. OpenBSD
has securelevels and with the kernel being far more secure than Linux
they are far more reliable than MACs. Without grsecurity. Linux doesn't
even allow users to close off the gaping hole of rawio (linux) or video
aperture (OpenBSD).

Standard unix permissions are extremely powerful and I challenge you
to come up with a situation where they are not especially when
secondary groups are used. It is certainly clear however that many do
not understand the power of unix permissions, especially Redhat. On top
of this new technologies like PAM do not have the best security track
record. It is worth noting that even if you have the time for SELinux
it has had it's flaws (I actually prefer grsecurities RBAC).

It is clear that the author even does not understand this.

the user has complete ownership over their files and processes, and
the ability to change permissions at their discretion. This leads to
many security concerns, and is the reason most attacks can be
successful at all

That is not true but is likely over the files they create which can be
cotrolled under a DAC system just like a MAC which also has to
understand what the user is expected to be doing beforehand.

the malicious process or user will inherit the access of the browser
or process that was attacked. The prevalence of the DAC architecture
throughout most operating systems is still the primary cause of many
security issues today. With many server processes still running as a
privileged user this is a large concern.

It's actually simpler better and more secure to drop priviledges and
work on design. This can often be done by users and is often added to
ports on OpenBSD. All then benefit and not just RBAC users.

As an example of what is possible with extended access controls, it a
web server process running as root could be set to only have append
access(as opposed to general write access available in a DAC system) to
specific files in a specific directory, and to only have read access to
specific files in a specific directory. If some files need to execute,
then that file itself (or the interpreter if a script) can be
restricted in a similar way. This alone would prevent web site
defacement and arbitrary code execution in a great many cases.

Re: Serveur with encrypted partition : 2 steps boot.

2013-04-20 Thread Erwan David

Le 17/04/2013 01:15, Bob Proulx a écrit :

Erwan David wrote:

update-rc.d dovecot disable 2
reboot, indeed dovecot is not started
telinit 3
dovecot does not start (even if there is a Sxxdovecot in /etc/rc3.d)

Hmm...  It should start.  I just tested this on a service locally and
it starts for me.  are you sure it isn't starting due to the presence
of a new policy-rc.d script?  :-)

Coming back after some testing and interrupts...

No, there is no policy-rc.d script, so it's not the reason. I use a 
wheezy, with sysv-init if it makes a difference

In any case...  I wanted to add an additional comment.  I have been
thinking of doing something like this myself.  I haven't done it yet
but if I were implementing this then I think I would have the server
contact a central machine elsewhere on the network to get the keys to
decrypt and mount the encrypted partitions.  I am not sure what the
best mechanics would be to implement it.  But I think as soon as
networking came online I would have the remote server with the
encrypted disks contact a different server that I controlled.  Have it
pull the keys for the partition from there.  Then automatically mount
the partitions.  Then have it continue the boot process normally and
start the daemons normally.

I have no central machine on the network. I want to encrypt because 
the machine is hosted, thus I do not physically control it. And that 
would leave some problem of booting the key_bearing machine.

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Re: Serveur with encrypted partition : 2 steps boot.

2013-04-20 Thread Erwan David

Le 11/04/2013 08:25, Bob Proulx a écrit :

Erwan David wrote:

2) add at the beginning of each /etc/init.d/myserv a test to stop if
the encrypted partition is not mounted

Neither of those solutions seems acceptable for me.

So if someone has an idea, I'm listening.

I would do one of two things.  Either I would remove the /etc/rc?.d/S*
links associated with the services you don't want to start, or make
the script not executable.  Then start them manually later as you
wish.  Or I would install a /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d script that did your
automated check and only allowed the services to start if the disk was
mounted as you wish.

See the man page for invoke-rc.d for the first pass documentation.
Then read the README.policy-rc.d.gz file.

   man invoke-rc.d

   less /usr/share/doc/sysv-rc/README.policy-rc.d.gz

There is a huge amount of flexibility built into policy-rc.d that most
people will never need nor use.  This makes the documentation a little
bit overdone.  I will include a simple one that I am using at the
bottom so that you can get the feel for it.  In my case this is for a
chroot and I only want to allow cron and nullmailer to start there.
All other daemons are denied.  For your case you would want the
reverse and generally allow everything but exclude only the ones you
want to exclude.

I have problems withe the documentation of poilcy-rc.d, mainly te fact 
it seems to be for the sole usage of package maintainers, not of 
administrators of the machine, (see the fact taht alternatives MUST be 
used), and that I do not understand at all what an out-of-runlevel 
action is.

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Re: Image viewer with geotagging support

2013-04-20 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2013-04-20 12:40:56 -0300, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
 I'm looking for an image viewer that can read the geotagging information
 from EXIF and display where the pictures were taken in a map, and
 perhaps have the ability to edit that information (but I can live
 without that).
 digiKam can do that and much more, and that's exactly why I'd like to
 avoid it: I'm looking for something simpler. Does anyone have any ideas?

Iceweasel/Firefox + FxIF add-on can do that (not editing, though).
Of course, that's not simpler, but if Iceweasel is already running,
that won't take much more resources, if this is what you fear.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: .wav to text?

2013-04-20 Thread green
Karen Lewellen wrote at 2013-04-20 15:10 -0500:
 Any open source Linux programs for this process?
 Please note I am talking of a .wav file of a voice converted to a
 text file.

I know approximately nothing about speech recognition, but I have
noticed; you could check that.

Description: Digital signature

Re: rootfs

2013-04-20 Thread Roger Leigh
On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 09:43:08PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
  I am, as a matter of fact, subscribed to the FHS list.  If you read
  the specification, you'll see that it does not in any way require
  /usr to be a *mountpoint*; it can be located on the root filesystem
  without any problems.  It's actually the default partitioning method.
  Do you have any concrete reasons to have /usr separate from / ?
 You need to look at the rootfs section, having them separate makes what
 should be the most critical filesystem (rootfs) 100s! of times larger
 and that quite rightly contradicts the spec (good reasons are mentioned
 but some more benefits of this practice could be included however).

The problem with the FHS here is that it's outdated with respect to
current hardware, the implication of package management, and current
admin practices, and is quite frankly wrong in some aspects.  Taking
each one in turn:

• The contents of the root filesystem must be adequate to boot, restore,
   recover, and/or repair the system.

  No problems with this. However, having /usr on the rootfs does not
  interfere with this in any way.

• To boot a system, enough must be present on the root partition to mount
   other filesystems. This includes utilities, configuration, boot loader
   information, and other essential start-up data. /usr, /opt, and /var are
   designed such that they may be located on other partitions or filesystems.

  The keyword here is may.  /usr may be located on another filesystem,
  but there is not a strict requirement for that.  There's no should or
  must here.  Note that other distributions have removed the possibility
  for a separate /usr *entirely*.  I'm not suggesting we should go that
  far; but a separate /usr is pointless with a package managed
  distribution.  The creation of modern package managers rendered a
  separate /usr pointless right back in the mid '90s, but it's perhaps
  only in the last few years that we've collectively begun to fully
  appreciate the implications.

• To enable recovery and/or repair of a system, those utilities needed by an
   experienced maintainer to diagnose and reconstruct a damaged system must be
   present on the root filesystem.
  To restore a system, those utilities needed to restore from system backups
   (on floppy, tape, etc.) must be present on the root filesystem.

  This is also fine; but having /usr on it does not affect this at all.

• The primary concern used to balance these considerations, which favor
   placing many things on the root filesystem, is the goal of keeping root as
   small as reasonably possible. For several reasons, it is desirable to keep
   the root filesystem small:

   It is occasionally mounted from very small media.

   What does small mean nowadays?  We are no longer booting rescue
   systems from floppy discs.  We are using ISO images on CDs/DVDs,
   USB pendrives, rescue partitions etc.  Realistically, these all have
   a capacity of half a gigabyte or more--more than plenty for an entire
   system.  We no longer have serious size limitations--all these
   methods involve the use of media whose size is much greater that the
   maximum HDD size when the FHS was first conceived!

• The root filesystem contains many system-specific configuration files.
   Possible examples include a kernel that is specific to the system, a
   specific hostname, etc. This means that the root filesystem isn't always
   shareable between networked systems. Keeping it small on servers in
   networked systems minimizes the amount of lost space for areas of
   unshareable files. It also allows workstations with smaller local hard

  This part is, frankly, complete bollocks.  /usr is not, and *has never
  been* shareable at all, in reality.  It's technically possible of
  course, but this is to ignore the consequence of a modern package
  manager.  That is to say, you /could/ do it, but it would be
  unremittingly stupid.
With a package manager, all filesystem locations under the control
  of the package manager are a *unified whole*.  They are *managed*.
  By the package manager.  It's not possible to share /usr between
  systems any more than /etc or /var.  That would get everything
  horribly out of sync, and has the potential to completely screw up
  horribly.  Think of how the dpkg database being inconsistent with the
  real state of /usr, the effect of maintainer scripts and multiple
  hosts all modifying a shared /usr, and you quickly realise that it
  just can't work.  Even if you share it read-only, no system can then
  update its rootfs or /var.
However, sharing the *entire* system read-only works very well,
  especially when coupled with a unionfs writable overlay.  This is
  what Debian-Live does.

  There's an oft-repeated meme that sharing /usr is a good reason for
  having a separate /usr.  But it's simply not workable in reality.
  I've so far found only *1* person claiming to do this; and when

Re: administration of initscripts

2013-04-20 Thread Kevin Chadwick
 On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 09:51:02PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
  And that's a Linux problem where some BSDs put lots of effort into
  compliance only to have the standard changed to suit linux due to
 Which standard, POSIX?

  POSIX is a very good thing. Do you disagree? I could perhaps
  understand if there were major benefits.
 It's a good thing for helping to write software portable across UNIX
 implementations, when that's your goal. It isn't always your goal.
 It's slightly less useful if you are only targetting Linux (where LSB
 is a bit more useful, but still flawed). It's also quite old, a lot
 has happened since 2008.
  That's irrelevent as a systemd only linux world (which granted will
  never happen despite lennarts best efforts) would make using Linux
  more difficult for many major products where POSIX is a requirement
  and would damage Linux too as cross polination would be less likely.
 Let's explore this scenario in a bit more detail. When is POSIX
 mandated? Usually for user-land software written under contract to
 government or military, right? In that situation the company is
 delivering a product to run on top of an OS. That would not preclude
 that OS (which the customer has already got) from using systemd, nor
 Linux (with it's non-POSIX-compliant features) nor *BSD (with their
 non-POSIX-compliant features)… In other words I cannot see a scenario
 where this is actually the case.

That's a very narrow view of what may be delivered.

 Does this happen? Or is POSIX compliance only mandated for operating
 systems that are deployed/sold to public or military funded projects.
 In which case what is important is that POSIX is implemented, not
 that it is exclusively implemented — i.e., a *superset* of POSIX
 functionality is acceptable. And lucky it is, because all the BSDs
 implement non-POSIX functionality, not just Linux. (Although none of
 free/net/openBSD are actually fully POSIX compliant anyway: see below)
  Absolute rubbish and SysV is just one of many methods that correctly
  use an init which also differes between systems but can be POSIC
 I'd like to see an answer to the question another poster put to you
 regarding this: which part of the POSIX specification specifically
 relates to init systems?

That's a loaded disengenuous question. A system running systemd can not
be POSIX compliant ever.

How can it not be relevant as pid1, if programs come to depend on
systemd then you would have to fork more and more code and not
necessarily just for embedded systems wanting leaner code but possibly
for POSIX compliance.

The key point is Linux running systemd is losing things and gaining
almost nothing.

  So launchd is better than systemd because in this regard because it
  is POSIX compliant.
 Do you mean it does not rely on any non-POSIX features? POSIX
 compliant usually means something else. See e.g.,
 which lists operating systems which are Mostly POSIX compliant.
 Note: Linux is mostly, not fully. Note also, FreeBSD, NetBSD and
 OpenBSD are mostly, not fully.

I was pointing out that you were twisting things. launchd being POSIX
compliant has no bearing on the discussion. Your point was pointless.

  Lennart hasn't got a clue about UNIX. Why not take a true Unix
  source such Brian Kernighan and read The Practice of Programming
  and then reconsider.
 If you were a faithful follower of Kernighan UNIX philosophy, you
 wouldn't touch those nasty BSDs with a bargepole. 


 What we know of as UNIX today is rather an amalgamation of the two
 — rather different — east and west coast philosophies.

The book talks about the east and west as you call them not as one
being better but both being so depending on the task at hand because the
world isn't black and white. What I was saying was that systemd goes
against some of the good principles set forward in that book.

  Technical arguments such as you can get from the book I have
  mentioned are very important but pass most people by.
 It's a great book but it's not to be taken as gospel, and it was
 written over 14 years ago. More relevant IMHO, but just as much not a
 panacea, would be The Unix Programming Environment, again
 co-authored by Kernighan, which is over 30 years old.
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'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

Re: .wav to text?

2013-04-20 Thread John Hasler
Package: festival
Version: 1:2.1~release-5.1
Installed-Size: 2651
Maintainer: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Architecture: amd64
Depends: libaudiofile1 (= 0.3.4), libc6 (= 2.7), libesd0 (= 0.2.35), 
libestools2.1, libgcc1 (= 1:4.1.1), libncurses5 (= 5.5-5~), libstdc++6 (= 
4.4.0), libtinfo5, dpkg (= 1.15.4) | install-info, sgml-base (= 1.26+nmu2), 
adduser (= 3.105), alsa-utils, lsb-base (= 3.0-10), sysv-rc (= 2.86.ds1) | 
Recommends: festvox-kallpc16k | festival-voice
Suggests: pidgin-festival, festival-freebsoft-utils
Breaks: festlex-cmu ( 1.4.0-3), festlex-oald ( 1.4.0-2), festlex-poslex ( 
1.4.0-3), festvox-don ( 1.4.0-3), festvox-ellpc11k ( 1.4.0-1), 
festvox-kdlpc16k ( 1.4.0-4), festvox-kdlpc8k ( 1.4.0-5), festvox-rablpc16k 
( 1.4.0-2), festvox-rablpc8k ( 1.4.0-2)
Description-en: General multi-lingual speech synthesis system
 Festival offers a full text to speech system with various APIs, as well an
 environment for development and research of speech synthesis techniques. It
 includes a Scheme-based command interpreter.
 Besides research into speech synthesis, festival is useful as a stand-alone
 speech synthesis program. It is capable of producing clearly understandable
 speech from text.
Description-md5: 1426e113a68d1ed6c7f4e04b2a40e020
Tag: accessibility::speech, devel::interpreter, implemented-in::scheme,
 interface::text-mode, network::client, network::server, role::program,
 sound::speech, uitoolkit::ncurses, works-with::audio
Section: sound
Priority: optional
Filename: pool/main/f/festival/festival_2.1~release-5.1_amd64.deb

John Hasler

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Re: rootfs

2013-04-20 Thread Kevin Chadwick
 On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 09:43:08PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
   I am, as a matter of fact, subscribed to the FHS list.  If you
   read the specification, you'll see that it does not in any way
   require /usr to be a *mountpoint*; it can be located on the root
   filesystem without any problems.  It's actually the default
   partitioning method.
   Do you have any concrete reasons to have /usr separate from / ?
  You need to look at the rootfs section, having them separate makes
  what should be the most critical filesystem (rootfs) 100s! of times
  larger and that quite rightly contradicts the spec (good reasons
  are mentioned but some more benefits of this practice could be
  included however).
 The problem with the FHS here is that it's outdated with respect to
 current hardware, the implication of package management, and current
 admin practices, and is quite frankly wrong in some aspects.  Taking
 each one in turn:
 • The contents of the root filesystem must be adequate to boot,
 restore, recover, and/or repair the system.
   No problems with this. However, having /usr on the rootfs does not
   interfere with this in any way.
 • To boot a system, enough must be present on the root partition to
 mount other filesystems. This includes utilities, configuration, boot
 loader information, and other essential start-up data. /usr, /opt,
 and /var are designed such that they may be located on other
 partitions or filesystems.
   The keyword here is may.  /usr may be located on another
 filesystem, but there is not a strict requirement for that.  There's
 no should or must here.  Note that other distributions have
 removed the possibility for a separate /usr *entirely*.  I'm not
 suggesting we should go that far; but a separate /usr is pointless
 with a package managed distribution.  The creation of modern package
 managers rendered a separate /usr pointless right back in the mid
 '90s, but it's perhaps only in the last few years that we've
 collectively begun to fully appreciate the implications.

But it is better to be able to.

 • To enable recovery and/or repair of a system, those utilities
 needed by an experienced maintainer to diagnose and reconstruct a
 damaged system must be present on the root filesystem.
   To restore a system, those utilities needed to restore from system
 backups (on floppy, tape, etc.) must be present on the root
   This is also fine; but having /usr on it does not affect this at

However this is affected by the rootfs reliability (below) where I
disagree with you.

 • The primary concern used to balance these considerations, which
 favor placing many things on the root filesystem, is the goal of
 keeping root as small as reasonably possible. For several reasons, it
 is desirable to keep the root filesystem small:
It is occasionally mounted from very small media.
What does small mean nowadays?  We are no longer booting rescue
systems from floppy discs.  We are using ISO images on CDs/DVDs,
USB pendrives, rescue partitions etc.  Realistically, these all
 have a capacity of half a gigabyte or more--more than plenty for an
 entire system.  We no longer have serious size limitations--all these
methods involve the use of media whose size is much greater that
 the maximum HDD size when the FHS was first conceived!

Why make an assumption that limits the system. Will this change be
applied to debian embedded.

 • The root filesystem contains many system-specific configuration
 files. Possible examples include a kernel that is specific to the
 system, a specific hostname, etc. This means that the root filesystem
 isn't always shareable between networked systems. Keeping it small on
 servers in networked systems minimizes the amount of lost space for
 areas of unshareable files. It also allows workstations with smaller
 local hard drives.
   This part is, frankly, complete bollocks.  /usr is not, and *has
 never been* shareable at all, in reality.  It's technically possible
 of course, but this is to ignore the consequence of a modern package
   manager.  That is to say, you /could/ do it, but it would be
   unremittingly stupid.
 With a package manager, all filesystem locations under the control
   of the package manager are a *unified whole*.  They are *managed*.
   By the package manager.  It's not possible to share /usr between
   systems any more than /etc or /var.  That would get everything
   horribly out of sync, and has the potential to completely screw up
   horribly.  Think of how the dpkg database being inconsistent with
 the real state of /usr, the effect of maintainer scripts and multiple
   hosts all modifying a shared /usr, and you quickly realise that it
   just can't work.  Even if you share it read-only, no system can then
   update its rootfs or /var.
 However, sharing the *entire* system read-only works very well,
   especially when coupled with a unionfs writable overlay.  This is

Suggestions for Debian

2013-04-20 Thread Nathan Owens
Where should we give suggestions on ideas? I would like to proprose the 
idea of maybe Debian offering a community repo like Arch Linux's AUR or 
does anybody know of a site that allows people to upload deb files to be 
shared with others?

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Re: rootfs

2013-04-20 Thread Kevin Chadwick
- With a package manager, if any of the rootfs, /usr or /var are
  damaged, you need to either restore the entire set from a backup
  or reinstall.  This comes back to the fact that all locations
  under the control of the package manager are a unified whole: if one
  part breaks, the whole thing breaks; more partitions may introduce
  more failure points.  
 Not really, there is nothing stopping you from fixing just what is

It may also be that restoring takes longer or you may restore just

You may choose to fsck -y /usr and do an installed package md5 check in
the background with little downtime.

Alternative for root you may do an fsck and check all the errors
and inodes and restore fix or ignore as appropriate for the more
important files.

In any case a separation of important files must surely be a good
practice that I would prefer to see kept. I can see very little good
coming from amalgamation.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

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Re: what's your Debian uptime?

2013-04-20 Thread Bob Proulx
Chris Bannister wrote:
 Over here in New Zealand, power switch up equals power off.

I noticed that behavior when visiting your beautiful country!  But I
figured that since it was on the south side of the planet that the
switches pointed toward the south pole for off and toward the north
pole for on.  Which is exactly the same as it is in the north side of
the planet too.  So it is really just the same if you have the right
frame of reference. :-)


Description: Digital signature

touch /var/lib/sudo/$USER / use sudo when unlocking xscreensaver (xfce)

2013-04-20 Thread Zenaan Harkness
I run sid XFCE, and have some keyboard shortcuts for
docked-with-external-monitor, no-external-monitor (.screenlayout
files) and corresponding networking configs.

In rc.local, I put touch /var/lib/sudo/{my-usr} and I find this very convenient.

I would like the same in principle, when unlocking xscreensaver.

Anyone know how to achieve this, or if it's possible without hacking some code?


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Re: what's your Debian uptime?

2013-04-20 Thread Bob Proulx
Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  I don't think uptime challenges are useful.  It makes people want to
  do something that they shouldn't want to do.  When kernel security
  upgrades come along just install them and reboot.
 That's theory. In practice, old machines get no longer supported...
 I submitted a bug report (and a patch), but AFAIK the bug has never
 been fixed. I upgraded everything except the kernel, without being
 sure I could boot it again (udev incompatibilities...). That's why
 the machine was no longer rebooted.

And if you get into a situation where the machine reboots whether you
desire it or not?  Power, cosmic ray hit, dead cooling fan, other?  It
happens.  Even with UPS mains and redundant power supplies.  Hardware
doesn't last forever.  Will it boot?  If so then great.  If not then
you have a nasty problem to sort out and the machine is down until you
do.  I would rather know about it on my schedule rather than its

Whenever I come across a machine that has been running continuously
for a very long time one of my big worries is that someone has
installed something perhaps hackishly and that the boot for it is not
correct.  This could mean that the machine won't boot.  Or it could
mean that the daemon won't be started.  Or other variations.

Therefore one thing that I always try to do before *I* work on a
machine like that is to reboot it first.  Then if there is a problem I
know it is a pre-existing problem and not one that I created by the
new work upon it.  And I schedule it for a time convenient to me when
it isn't going to be a panic.

If you have a machine that will not come up from a clean boot then I
think that is a scary situation to be in.


Description: Digital signature

netconsole over pppoe

2013-04-20 Thread jidanni
All it takes is a few pluggin in and pulling out of USB devices to cause kernel 
3.8 to panic.

I can take a picture with a camera of the screen and send it to
somebody, but I would rather try

But it says I need the MAC address,

however I am on PPPOE over ADSL so

# netstat -rn #just says
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface U 0 0  0 ppp0 UH0 0  0 ppp0   U 0 0  0 eth0

OK, so now I turn to wireshark to get the MAC address,

but of course that doesn't work for me either.

Why can't somebody make a shell script for me, so that after I connect to the 

it starts logging that kernel stuff to my Dreamhost Personal VPS,
(where I supposedly will run the netcat stuff to log to a file.)

P.S., please CC me as I am at my uncle's house today.

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Re: netconsole over pppoe

2013-04-20 Thread jidanni says

Note: With point-to-point serial links like a dial-up connection
between two modems (PPP Layer 2 protocol) ... but there is no
addressing information in the frame header.

OK so what do I use then?
# ifconfig | grep HW
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 20:89:84:...

but that is only one of
remote mac
mentioned on
so how do I find the other one? Thanks.

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Re: LILO documentation

2013-04-20 Thread berenger . morel

Le 20.04.2013 19:58, Richard Owlett a écrit :

Wayne Topa wrote:
But you need to know the right key words.

As a matter of fact Mr. Powell had just responded to my post
suggesting I read one of his pagers.
He beat you by minutes.



So, may we  conclude this by, debian is a best friend than google? :p

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Dist-upgrade or upgrade. Which?

2013-04-20 Thread Patrick Bartek
I've been using Wheezy 64-bit for several months now, and as recommended[1] 
having been using dist-upgrade for upgrading it.  My sources-list[2] is set 
to Wheezy and not testing as per those same instructions.  When Wheezy is 
promoted to Stable should I switch to apt-get upgrade instead?  Or does it 
really matter all that much?

This is my personal system, a desktop, and not a server.  I intend to stay with 
Wheezy on this machine for the next 3 to 5 years.



[2] deb wheezy main contrib non-free
     deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free
     deb wheezy-updates main contrib non-free
     deb-src wheezy-updates main contrib 
     deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
     deb-src wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
     deb wheezy-backports main contrib non-free
     deb wheezy contrib

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