Re: Can not format USB drive

2013-09-21 Thread Ralf Mardorf

> As root run
> hdparm -r0 /dev/sd?
> where ? is for a, b, c ... z, IOW the number of your USB stick.
^^ ^^^ :D

> [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ hdparm --help
>  -r   Get/set device readonly flag (DANGEROUS to set)

I suspect that the USB stick can't be "repaired" anymore.
FWIW it's normal that this happens to USB sticks. I experienced a broken
controller for a brand new stick, without making something wrong, while
the replacement for the stick, same model, from the same vendor, is very
old now. Don't trust rumours that just some old sticks from some vendors
are risky. USB sticks in general aren't safe storage devices.

Next time you experience an issue, do some research yourself before you
ask on a mailing list. If you get output that something is write
protected, than believe this hint and don't "guess".

Using a search engine with the keywords "USB stick virus" will lead to
nothing, when there is the clear information "read only" and "write
protected". However, it's likely that the stick is broken and still
possible that it is a virus.

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Re: Can not format USB drive

2013-09-21 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2013-09-21 at 23:11 +0200, wrote:
> - on Windows box original folders are not visiable only newly created
>   executable files are showed with icon as folders and without .exe extension

It's normal for default settings, that Windows doesn't show extensions.

> Maybe somebody can identify by this description which virus is this?

At the moment _nothing_ does lead to a virus, but more likely to e.g. a
broken controller. What makes you think that it is a virus? Is there any
information you didn't give us? Perhaps you need to ask at a Windows
forum or Windows support, since the Debian mailing list isn't for fixing
Windows issues.

> I can mount this drive in Debian box but only in read-only mode. It make
> no difference if mounting as regular user or superuser:
> # mount /dev/sda1
> mount: block device /dev/sda1 is write-protected, mounting read-only

If you've got good luck, then the controller isn't broken, but you need
to remove the write protection.

> I even tried this with no success:
> # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda
> dd: opening `/dev/sda': Read-only file system

Why should this work for a write-protected device?



As root run

hdparm -r0 /dev/sd?

where ? is for a, b, c ... z, IOW the number of your USB stick.

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ hdparm --help
 -r   Get/set device readonly flag (DANGEROUS to set)


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Re: find'ing files containing certain words (all of them) ...

2013-09-21 Thread David
On 22 September 2013 12:55, David  wrote:

> if [ -n "${files[*]}" ] ; then

oops, that line above (#7 from the end) works ok but it will run
faster if changed to this more modern bash syntax:

if [[ -n "${files[*]}" ]] ; then

(I was writing makefiles yesterday, I got stuck in the habit of using
the older syntax :)

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Re: find'ing files containing certain words (all of them) ...

2013-09-21 Thread David
On 21 September 2013 19:22, Albretch Mueller  wrote:

> the short bash script bellow you can use to find text files
> containing one word, but my attempts at trying to make it find more
> than one word within the same file haven't been successful

Your question is not at all specific to Debian, so really it is offtopic
here. Ok maybe you are using Debian, but the question is not *about*
the Debian distribution you happen to be using. Your question is
about bash scripts and grep, which run in many other places than
Debian. The big benefit for you in understanding this point is that
you will reach a more suitable audience and be more likely to get
the help you want if you find a forum about bash scripting, or grep,
and ask there.

The script you provided has an ugly style that I find hard to read, so I
spent 5 seconds looking at it and then decided it was not going to be
fun, and stopped. I mention this not to criticise you, but to help you
understand our conversation.

Also I find your question unclear. It took too much effort for me to
figure out exactly what you are asking, so I gave up and had to guess.
I guessed like this:

> You can find all files containing either "import" or
> "BufferedReader", but not both words in the same file.

I gather from this sentence that you want a script that can search text
files to find only files that contain all words in a set of words, and that
those words can occur in any order in the file.

> I want to do just one search per file

I think 'grep' cannot can do this in only one invocation, because I
think it has no way to specify all words without giving them an order.
So I wrote the below bash script that might help you. It prints only
filenames that contain all words in wordlist.

It generates 3 example files tbm.txt, tb.txt, t.txt and searches for the
only one that contains all 3 words: "three" "blind" "mice".


# require bash version 4
if [[ "${BASH_VERSION:0:1}" != 4 ]] ; then
printf "This script requires Bash version 4\n"

# require nullglob set
shopt -s nullglob

# create some demo files
echo "three blind mice" >tbm.txt
echo "three blind" >tb.txt
echo "three" >t.txt

# files to search
files=( *.txt )

# words to search for
wordlist=( three blind mice )

# search files for each word
for word in "${wordlist[@]}" ; do
if [ -n "${files[*]}" ] ; then
# keep only files that contain current word
mapfile -t files < <(grep -l "${word}" "${files[@]}")

# print remaining files
printf -- "%s\n" "${files[@]}"

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Re: Download Past Mailing list

2013-09-21 Thread John Hasler
Bob Proulx writes:
> But the original poster was asking about getting local mailbox files
> of the last month of messages.

I misunderstood.  For that he may have to ask the list managers.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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Re: Download Past Mailing list

2013-09-21 Thread Bob Proulx
John Hasler wrote:
> Bob Proulx writes:
> > I don't think these are immediately available to users.  I would write
> > to and ask them to make archives available
> > to you.  But I don't know if they would do this or not.
> The complete Debian mailing-list archive back to 1994 is available at
> .  Only debian-private is not published.

Where?  I don't see any links to the mailbox files.  I only see
displays of individual messages.  But the original poster was asking
about getting local mailbox files of the last month of messages.  Am I
missing a download archive link on those pages somewhere?

> > Generally web archive sites tend to avoid making the raw email
> > available because if they do then people complain to them that their
> > email address can be found by web search engines.
> Debian does not obfuscate addresses.

True!  I hadn't noticed that Debian didn't do this before.  (Because I
am not concerned with trying to hide my address.  Hiding just isn't


Description: Digital signature

Re: Changes in xmodmap or something?

2013-09-21 Thread Bob Proulx
Harry Putnam wrote:
> I've reconfigured the keyboard stuff with dpkg.
> dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
> I configured right alt to be alt_gr as you suggested was a common
> setup. 

And good because in your other message you said you rarely used Right
Alt for anything.  (I sometimes use Right Alt Left for the browser
back key.  [shrug])

> But also selected the menu key as compose.

Sounds reasonable.

> /etc/default/keyboard now says:
> ,
> | XKBMODEL="pc104"
> | XKBLAYOUT="us"
> | XKBOPTIONS="lv3:ralt_switch,compose:menu,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
> | BACKSPACE="guess"
> `

Looks reasonable.

> I don't see any change whatsoever.  Pressing ALT_L+x in an xterm still
> shows: ø
> Both alt keys appear to do the same thing.

Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice.  I have no ideas now.

> So, now trying configuring with NO alt_gr and NO compose keys.
> ...
> And once again... no change whatever after restarting X.  ALT_L+x
> still shows: 'ø'

Sorry but I am out of ideas.  Hopefully someone else will have
something to offer.

> Is it normal that messing with /etc/default/keyboard has no effect on
> these keys?

The file itself is an input file to other programs.  Simply editing
that file won't change anything dynamically.  You mentioned restarting
X and I know that some X components read that file.  But I don't know
if things before X read that file.

Looking through keyboard-configuration.postinst I see that it calls
'setupcon'.  Looking at the man page for it talks about additional
config files.  You don't happen to have a ~/.console-setup or
~/.keyboard file that would override other locations do you?

Usually I play with 'setxkbmap' and after I have what I want I re-run
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration and have it set up the config
and then make it active immediately.

> Should the settings in /etc/default/keyboard effect the ouput of
> `xmodmap -pke'

I don't think so.  I am vague and fuzzy on this particular item.  I
believe that setxkbmap and xmodmap affect two slightly different but
interacting parts of the keyboard path.  First let me say that I don't
know.  I never learned this part of the system.  Fuzzy understanding
of the interactions between them.  Sorry.  Maybe someone else would
jump in and educate both of us.

> > Recently I asked a similar question in this thread.  Here is the start:
> >
> >
> >
> > And for me the resolution is described here:
> >
> >
> At the first url this command:
>   setxkbmap -rules evdev -model evdev -layout us -variant altgr-intl

I was hoping that configuring an AltGr config would flush through
whatever had happened on your system.  Darn!  It didn't.  Which means
the problem is still there but some place else.

> Is said to set up the altgr_intl keyboard layout... and to hide all
> non-english char behind right ALT.
> When I run that... I see no change whatsoever

It should have immediate effect.  If I run that on a system that does
not have Right Alt configured specially then immediately it starts
acting as the AltGr key.  It definitely has immediate effect.

> Other than a change in xmodmap output where the `mod1' line has lost
> ALT_R:
>   mod1Alt_L (0x40),  Meta_L (0xcd)

That looks correct.  Because Alt_R is now being used for AltGr instead
of mod1.

> One thing I didn't mention in my setup, it's been there so long I
> don't even think about it. I run thru a KVM switch:
>   IOGEAR miniview 4 port DVI
> But I've been running thru a KVM for many years, and that particular one
> for several yrs.
> But just to isolate that possibility... something I at least know how
> to do, I've plugged the keyboard direct to the computer and, no
> surprise, it didn't make a bit of difference.

A good test regardless.  When debugging it is good to simplify as much
as possible.  It would have been possible for the KVM to have flaked
out and become part of the problem.  Good to have cleared it.

Sorry but I have no more ideas.  I can only say that the behavior you
are seeing isn't normal.  I don't see it.  I believe other people are
not seeing it.  Whatever the problem is it is something specific to
your system.  The challenge is to find it.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Changes in xmodmap or something?

2013-09-21 Thread Bob Proulx
Harry Putnam wrote:
> Bob Proulx writes:
> > Harry Putnam wrote:
> >> I have been noticing for some time that my ~/.inputrc key combos don't
> >> work.  Also the keyboard Alt key doesn't work in emacs if I run it in
> >> -nw more (in an xterm).
> >
> > Race condition.  I just sent a similar answer to you in the other
> > mailing list. :-)
> Yeah, I just finished you post there and responded... I guess this
> list is really the better place since it is not really an Emacs issue
> but more OS stuff,
> I'll put the ouput of xmodmap here too:
> | mod1Alt_L (0x40),  Alt_R (0x6c),  Meta_L (0xcd)

This seems related to the problem.  Here is what I have:

  mod1Alt_L (0x40),  Meta_L (0xcd)

> > I think you have configured AltGr or other modifier without realizing
> > it.
> What might do that?

I have no idea.  Just that Alt-a produced the same output as if you
had and I can't think of any other way for that to happen.

> > For me with AltGr-x I get "œ" which is different from your report.
> Yeah, I see so maybe it isn't related to the AltGr at all.

Maybe not.  It was worth a check.  Still might be.  Don't know.

> I mostly use emacs -nw now when I need to do something in a directory
> I'm already in with an xterm... its just quicker to do some things in
> dired.  But there was a time when I used it much more extensively.
> Now I miss the fruit salad of emacs running in X in its own terminal,
> I guess.

Agreed that this has nothing to do with emacs.  This is purely within
the realm of X and the keyboard.  And also xterm displaying the results.


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Re: Download Past Mailing list

2013-09-21 Thread John Hasler
Bob Proulx writes:
> I don't think these are immediately available to users.  I would write
> to and ask them to make archives available
> to you.  But I don't know if they would do this or not.

The complete Debian mailing-list archive back to 1994 is available at
.  Only debian-private is not published.

> Generally web archive sites tend to avoid making the raw email
> available because if they do then people complain to them that their
> email address can be found by web search engines.

Debian does not obfuscate addresses.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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Re: Don't want a desktop environment

2013-09-21 Thread Bob Proulx
green wrote:
> If you want to be automatically logged in without authentication, try
> the nodm package.  Otherwise, I do not know much about slim; can you
> try running `dpkg-reconfigure slim` as root?

Previously I have used the lightdm graphical login manager for setting
up "kiosk mode".  In the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file set the
autologin-user variable and it will automatically log in.

File /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf snippet:

I had not heard of nodm before.  Interesting.  Thanks for mentioning

> You probably want to create a file `~/.xsession` (that is, `.xsession`
> in your $HOME) containing `exec i3wm`.  If you add other startup
> commands later, they should go *before* this line.

I like using $HOME/.xsession but there are some pitfalls.  We should
create a wiki page devoted to the proper use of it.  It has subtle
behavior and often confuses users.

Alternatively you can configure i3 as the default x-window-manager.

  $ update-alternatives --display x-window-manager

  # update-alternatives --config x-window-manager

Configuring i3 will set it up as the default window manager.  If that
is the only reason for $HOME/.xsession then that is not needed.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Download Past Mailing list

2013-09-21 Thread Bob Proulx
Josef Bailey wrote:
> I Had a question ... I was wondering if you can download past
> mailing list and then upload them to mutt .. I don't want to go that
> far back becasue it will be to much information

I don't think these are immediately available to users.  I would write
to and ask them to make archives available
to you.  But I don't know if they would do this or not.

It is also possible that one of the other sites such as Gmane might
make archives available.

Generally web archive sites tend to avoid making the raw email
available because if they do then people complain to them that their
email address can be found by web search engines.  Which is a silly
complaint.  If you send mail to a mailing list with 3,000+ subscribers
like debian-user then your email address is going to be known.


Description: Digital signature

Re: find'ing files containing certain words (all of them) ...

2013-09-21 Thread Rob Owens
On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 09:46:34AM -0400, ken wrote:
> On 09/21/2013 07:56 AM Rob Owens wrote:
> >On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 05:22:09AM -0400, Albretch Mueller wrote:
> >>  the short bash script bellow you can use to find text files
> >>containing one word, but my attempts at trying to make it find more
> >>than one word within the same file haven't been successful
> >>
> >I think you are looking for the 'grep' command.
> >
> >"grep word path/*" will find all files in "path" which contain "word"
> >
> >"grep word path/* | grep word2" will do the same, but then narrow down the
> >search to files that also contain "word2"
> >
> >man grep for options.  But you might be interested in '-r' to
> >recursively search a path.
> >
> >-Rob
> Rob,
> This is incorrect, though it's a common misconception.  It will only
> work if both of the words sought are on the same line within in the
> sought files.  This isn't what the OP is asking for.
Ah, I see I misread his problem...  Sorry for the false information.


> Instead:
> $ echo two words > grep-AND-test1
> $ echo two > grep-AND-test2
> $ echo words >> grep-AND-test2
> $ grep -l words $(grep -l two *)
> grep-AND-test1
> grep-AND-test2
> -- 
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Re: Sound problems on Wheezy upgrade

2013-09-21 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 04:07:49PM -0700, Gary Roach wrote:
> In reply to your question:
>root@mysite:/var/lib# ls -ld /var/lib/alsa
>drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 29  2012 /var/lib/alsa
>root@mysite:/var/lib# ls -ld /root
>drwx-- 15 gary gary 4096 Sep  3 18:21 /root

I do stand to be corrected, but I think that's the problem. I haven't
yet come across a system where /root was owned by some user other than
root. Try this:

chown root.root /root

and try starting alsa again.


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Re: Don't want a desktop environment

2013-09-21 Thread Paul Cartwright
On 09/21/2013 03:58 PM, Josef Bailey wrote:
> i3 is a very good wm
I just installed & ran I3. I have a couple of issues.
1. it breaks Thunderbirds "n" to go to Next Message in another folder.
So you have to constantly use the mouse to move to the next folder
2. You can no longer click on web links in Thunderbird , nothing happens.
3. When I went back to Trinity WM and ran Thunderbird, it was in
fullscreen mode with no way to resize the window. I googled & found a
workaround, but I don't think I3 plays nice with Thunderbird, so  that
won't work for me..

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

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Re: Sound problems on Wheezy upgrade

2013-09-21 Thread Gary Roach

On 09/21/2013 02:39 PM, Gregory Nowak wrote:

On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 09:46:45AM -0700, Gary Roach wrote:

 root@mysystem:/etc# service alsa-utils restart
 [ ok ] Shutting down ALSA...done.
 [] Setting up ALSA...warning: 'alsactl restore' failed
with error message 'Home directory /root not
ours.'...Home directory /root not ours
Can anyone explain this error message and suggest a fix.

Hmm, that looks like some sort of permissions problem. For starters,
what does

ls -ld /var/lib/alsa
ls -ld /root

give you? Maybe someone else has a better idea on where to start
searching, or even exactly what the problem is.


In reply to your question:

   root@mysite:/var/lib# ls -ld /var/lib/alsa
   drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 29  2012 /var/lib/alsa
   root@mysite:/var/lib# ls -ld /root
   drwx-- 15 gary gary 4096 Sep  3 18:21 /root

I use /root for a ebook editor and nothing  else.

Gary R

Re: Debian kernel runs 4 degrees cooler than my own

2013-09-21 Thread deloptes
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

> Hi,
> Debian's linux-image-3.10-2-amd64 runs 4 degrees cooler than my own
> kernel. Same workload.
> Can anybody figure the specifics for that?

I had some same experience with custom 3.10 kernel which I build make

Had to update to y

| # CONFIG_POSIX_MQUEUE is not set

and take care of CGROUPS

look also for the number of CPUs and configure accordingly

there are a lot of other things in your config like

| # CONFIG_CPU_FREQ is not set

In short you have to go through the config (menuconfig or so) and take care

It worked for me from 4st try :)


> Here is a pastebin of a diff file that shows the 2 .configs side by
> side. Left side is Debian's right side is mine. Debian's .config was
> streamlined to fit my system.
> Hugo

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Re: booting from raid1 fails after upgrading from kernel-3,2 to 3,10-3 amd64

2013-09-21 Thread deloptes
e.waelde wrote:

> Hello,
> my main workstation runs its root-filesystem on lvm
> on crypt_luks on raid1 (software raid). Everything
> works flawless with kernel-image-3.2.0-4-amd64
> However, all later kernels that I tried fail to boot,
> e.g. kernel-image-3.10-3-amd64
> + grub2 starts the kernel
> + the kernel starts quering all hw.
>   It somehow fails to assemble the raid, it seems. At least
>   I do not see any raid related messages (even after adding "verbose
>   debug" to the kernel argument list.
> I inspected the contents of the initial ramdisks (3.2 and 3.10) and did
> not find anything sufficiently different in conf, etc, scripts.
> Can anyone confirm this setup is working on amd64 with kernel 3.10 say?
> Any pointers, on how to better debug this? I once managed to get a shell
> in the initramfs stage. I could load raid1, assemble the raid manually,
> luksOpen the crypted partition, start lvm ... but the I did something
> which locked the system (unfortunately I cannot remember, how I got
> there). Unfortunately all further attempts to drop into a shell in
> initramfs have failed on me.
> FWIW: I was able to reproduce this problem by installing wheezy on two
> empty disks, then upgrade to unstable and trying to boot the newer kernel.
> So I suspect I missed something during the upgrade ...
> cpu: AMD Phenom(tm) 9550 Quad-Core Processor
> disks: connected through SATA
> OS: Debian unstable
> Any ideas on how to proceed?
> Erich

Hi no one answered for a while so I will try to help

I had similar issues but lets get a common ground

I assume you have a plain boot partition and encrypted lvm on raid where
your other partitions reside. This would be the recommended setup.

So after installing a new kernel (and initramfs file) there are few cases
where it can go wrong.

1. the initramfs is not recreated or not recreated properly.
-> check for this your /etc/initramfs-tools config files
-> make sure the modules (md etc) are included in the initramfs
(In my setup the raid modules are compiled in the kernel)

# List of modules that you want to include in your initramfs.
# Syntax:  module_name [args ...]
# You must run update-initramfs(8) to effect this change.
# Examples:
# raid1
# sd_mod

-> boot with a working kernel and recreate the initramfs file for the 3.10

2. It can fail because of switching from /dev/sd* to UID
-> check here the grub.cfg or menu.lst files in /boot/grub

3. I was getting frequently

-> changed to (hd0,1) or whatever value matches your disk drive and
partition solves

For fixing issues with initramfs change the kernel command line in grub by
pressing 'e' to execute /bin/sh instead of init and debug

linux   /vmlinuz-3.10.9eko2 root=UUID=d48838a6-4c46-452a--1fa624eb1c6e 
ro init=/bin/sh

you usually will load md-mod &friends, activate the lvm and mount the root
partition. You would then need to init the system

 mount -t ext3 -o ro /dev/mapper/root /new
 cd /new
 exec usr/sbin/chroot . /bin/sh <<- EOF >dev/console 2>&1
 exec /sbin/init ${CMDLINE}

If you fail better press CTRL+ALT+DEL instead of exit

I hope this helps

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Re: Can not format USB drive

2013-09-21 Thread Josef Bailey
On 09/21, wrote:
> Hello,
> So for now I can not use that USB stick for anything.
> Can you give me any advice how to repair that disc?
> Thanks
> Martin
Hello Martin

You should download gparted and burn it to disc then boot it


Once you download it and burn it / Reboot your computer  it will do its thing 
and you will come to the gui

Once at the gui make sure usb is plugged in / Double click on gparted .. on the 
right side you will see your disks click on the arrow

You will then see your usb drive

At that point in the middle of the screen you will see it with all the used 
space  / Free dosen't matter 

You can right click on it / Delete / Apply or Right click / Delete / Right 
click again and click on New then you create a new FS

Hope this helps


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Can not format USB drive

2013-09-21 Thread twpim-www
I have a small USB disc (16G) that worked perfectly until now.
Now I am unable to perform any changes to this disc. No creating
new diroctories/files, no deleting, no formating ...

It has only one partition which formated as vfat filesystem.
Apparently it got some virus from Windows when it was plugged in that
machine. Originally I had four directories in root of this drive:
/dir_a /dir_b /dir_c /dir_d

After I unplugged it from Window box and plugged it my Debian box
I can see that some changes were made (by virus I guess):
- there is added file with name _111_.txt with size of 3 bytes
  containing ASCII text '111'

- for every directory that originally existed there is created new file
  such as: /dir_a.exe /dir_b.exe /dir_c.exe /dir_d.exe each with size
  516566 bytes

- on Windows box original folders are not visiable only newly created
  executable files are showed with icon as folders and without .exe extension

Maybe somebody can identify by this description which virus is this?

I can mount this drive in Debian box but only in read-only mode. It make
no difference if mounting as regular user or superuser:

# mount /dev/sda1
mount: block device /dev/sda1 is write-protected, mounting read-only

# umount /dev/sda1

When I try to format the partition on that disk (as superuser) I get
this error:
# mkdosfs /dev/sda1
mkdosfs 3.0.1 (23 Nov 2008)
mkdosfs: unable to open /dev/sda1

If I try to delete that partition any change I made is not saved:
# fdisk /dev/sda
You will not be able to write the partition table.

I even tried this with no success:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda
dd: opening `/dev/sda': Read-only file system

So for now I can not use that USB stick for anything.

Can you give me any advice how to repair that disc?


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Re: Sound problems on Wheezy upgrade

2013-09-21 Thread Gregory Nowak
On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 09:46:45AM -0700, Gary Roach wrote:
> root@mysystem:/etc# service alsa-utils restart
> [ ok ] Shutting down ALSA...done.
> [] Setting up ALSA...warning: 'alsactl restore' failed
> with error message 'Home directory /root not
> ours.'...Home directory /root not ours
> Can anyone explain this error message and suggest a fix.

Hmm, that looks like some sort of permissions problem. For starters,
what does

ls -ld /var/lib/alsa
ls -ld /root

give you? Maybe someone else has a better idea on where to start
searching, or even exactly what the problem is.


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Re: find'ing files containing certain words (all of them) ...

2013-09-21 Thread Linux-Fan
... OP wrote:
>  You can find all files containing either "import" or
> "BufferedReader", but not both words in the same file. Also, how can
> you use such a the same of a similar script to search for sequences of
> characters containing spaces and other especial characters? Say,
> something like:
> _WRD="import javax.swing|new BufferedReader"

You could write a simple script doing the matching, aka /tmp/
containing these lines:

cat "$1" | tr '\n' ' ' | grep -qE 'import javax\.swing.*new
BufferedReader' && echo "$1"

and a suitable find invocation

$ find DIRECTORY -name '*.java' -exec /tmp/ "{}" \;

Unfortunately, this will invoke the script for all ".java" files below
DIRECTORY which is why I would not use it on large amounts of data.

To search for special characters, e.g. the sequences of spaces
mentioned, you can use extended regular expressions.



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Re: quit out of olive?

2013-09-21 Thread Josef Bailey
On 09/21, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> How is this possible?  On the amd64 machine I use the q key does nothing 
> and what's worse the program also has control-c and control-d blocked as 
> well so they cqan't disrupt program operation.
Hello Jude

I just intalled Olive and put in a feed .. It does take sometime .. most keys 
are with tab if you press ? = help

You have to press Q = Shift + Q

I just tried it 2x right now and it let me exit both times

Hope this helps


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Re: Sound problems on Wheezy upgrade

2013-09-21 Thread Klaus

On 19/09/13 14:36, Lisi Reisz wrote:

I am still struggling with this.
Any suggestions, please?

Many thanks,

From your earlier messages I gather that you have a mother board with
the Z77 chipset, and a Realtek ALC887 codec. Searching around I found a
few bug reports, from which it appears that the ALSA sound driver
together with an "older" kernel may not work correctly . Sorry to be a
bit wage, I haven't dug very deeply. See this link for example:

According to this description, a kernel upgrade or installing the 
Realtek-provided driver might help?


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Re: Changes in xmodmap or something?

2013-09-21 Thread Harry Putnam
Bob Proulx  writes:


> I think you have configured AltGr or other modifier without realizing
> it.
>> I'd like to get things back to what I'm used to but when I start
>> reading xmodmap manpage... I have to hide all my guns so I don't just
>> go ahead and shot myself. ;)
>> I'm used to being able to press the keyboard alt key and then whatever
>> else I've set in .inputrc to call certain commands.  Now when I press
>> Alt+a for example, in an Xterm (Xterm (295)) I get: 
>>   `á'
> That is the result of AltGr-a.  Leading me to believe that you have
> Alt configured as AltGr.  A common configuration.
> Is that the Left-Alt, Right-Alt, or both?  Most people would configure
> Right Alt as the AltGr key.  Then use the Left Alt for Meta.  If you
> are in the habit of using Right Alt for Meta then this would be a
> conflict of use.  But you could reconfigure to use a different key and
> continue as you have been.

I've reconfigured the keyboard stuff with dpkg.
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

I configured right alt to be alt_gr as you suggested was a common

But also selected the menu key as compose.

/etc/default/keyboard now says:

| XKBMODEL="pc104"
| XKBOPTIONS="lv3:ralt_switch,compose:menu,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
| BACKSPACE="guess"

I don't see any change whatsoever.  Pressing ALT_L+x in an xterm still
shows: ø

Both alt keys appear to do the same thing.

So, now trying configuring with NO alt_gr and NO compose keys.

The only change is the OPTIONS line:

And once again... no change whatever after restarting X.  ALT_L+x
still shows: 'ø'

Is it normal that messing with /etc/default/keyboard has no effect on
these keys?

Oh, and I also ran xmodmap -pke under both settings into file1 and
file2, diffed them... no difference.

Should the settings in /etc/default/keyboard effect the ouput of
`xmodmap -pke'


> Recently I asked a similar question in this thread.  Here is the start:
> And for me the resolution is described here:

At the first url this command:

  setxkbmap -rules evdev -model evdev -layout us -variant altgr-intl

Is said to set up the altgr_intl keyboard layout... and to hide all
non-english char behind right ALT.

When I run that... I see no change whatsoever

Other than a change in xmodmap output where the `mod1' line has lost

  mod1Alt_L (0x40),  Meta_L (0xcd)

One thing I didn't mention in my setup, it's been there so long I
don't even think about it. I run thru a KVM switch:
  IOGEAR miniview 4 port DVI

But I've been running thru a KVM for many years, and that particular one
for several yrs.

But just to isolate that possibility... something I at least know how
to do, I've plugged the keyboard direct to the computer and, no
surprise, it didn't make a bit of difference.

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Re: Don't want a desktop environment

2013-09-21 Thread green
Fred wrote at 2013-09-21 14:41 -0500:
> I manage to install i3 by doing
> aptitude install i3
> but I understand I need to do more than that. Seems like I need some
> display manager also?
> I did try to do
> aptitude install slim
> which installs, but it's not like it magically autostarts when I boot the
> system.
> What I need is to config slim to autostart, which will run i3 upon login?
> Or do I need to set up the X server to autostart?

If you want to be automatically logged in without authentication, try
the nodm package.  Otherwise, I do not know much about slim; can you
try running `dpkg-reconfigure slim` as root?

You probably want to create a file `~/.xsession` (that is, `.xsession`
in your $HOME) containing `exec i3wm`.  If you add other startup
commands later, they should go *before* this line.

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Re: Don't want a desktop environment

2013-09-21 Thread Josef Bailey
On 09/21, Fred wrote:
> Greetings!
> I'm a noob coming from Ubuntu, wanting a cleaner, quicker system.
> More specifically, I would like to try the I3 window manager which seems
> really nice.
> Or do I need to set up the X server to autostart?
> Thanks for any help!

Hello fred

i3 is a very good wm

you need to do this at the cli

aptitude install i3-wm i3lock i3status suckless-tools

Good documentation

There is currently an irc channel dedicated to i3 / i think they made it channel #i3

Also since your going to be booting to the cli you will possibly need to change 
your runlevl in /etc/inittab (Run level)

Also you might need to use .xinitrc or .xsession to boot up i3


Edit your ~/.xinitrc and add:
exec i3

Once that is done type in startx

Hope this helps


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Re: Download Past Mailing list

2013-09-21 Thread Josef Bailey
On 09/21, Shawn Wilson wrote:
> You can give mutt a maildir path. That should work. 

How would i do that ?

Lets say i do add the path .. how would it start downlading the past mailing 
list lets say August ?

Also do you mind giving me an example of the path i would add ?


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Don't want a desktop environment

2013-09-21 Thread Fred
I'm a noob coming from Ubuntu, wanting a cleaner, quicker system.
More specifically, I would like to try the I3 window manager which seems
really nice.

So I try to install Debian and I deselect the "Desktop" checkbox. This
gives me
a system where I can log in to a bash shell, but where do I go from here?
I manage to install i3 by doing
aptitude install i3
but I understand I need to do more than that. Seems like I need some
display manager also?
I did try to do
aptitude install slim
which installs, but it's not like it magically autostarts when I boot the
What I need is to config slim to autostart, which will run i3 upon login?
Or do I need to set up the X server to autostart?

Thanks for any help!

Re: Download Past Mailing list

2013-09-21 Thread Shawn Wilson
You can give mutt a maildir path. That should work. 

Josef Bailey  wrote:
>I Had a question ... I was wondering if you can download past mailing
>list and then upload them to mutt .. I don't want to go that far back
>becasue it will be to much information
>Lets say i wanted last month .. Can i go / Download it
>and then upload it to mutt and once its uploaded it can put it in
>whatever folder it goes into ?

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Re: Security?

2013-09-21 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2013-09-21 at 18:45 +, Albretch Mueller wrote:
>  here is an interesting discussion branch:
> ~
> ~

I agree with this: "Life isn't nearly as easy for NSA as you would
believe. Especially not these days." - by Vintermann (400722) on Friday
September 06, 2013 @08:55AM (#44773767)

I don't care, if Bruce Schneier does or doesn't play a game.

The most important thing, even if there would be no NSA:
"The internet has always been open. There have been fools that think
adding "security" to it will change this. It doesn't. Get real, people.
There are only two rules to security on the internet: 1. Never put
anything on the net that you can't afford to be viewed by the public. 2.
Never put anything solely on the internet that you can afford to lose.
Corollary: Never put anything in a cloud that you can't afford to be
viewed by the public." - by shawnhcorey (1315781) on Friday September
06, 2013 @09:54AM (#44774185)

Btw. "fucking a sheep" in Germany is allowed, so claiming asylum should
be possible, if somebody uses GIMP or this other software to discredit

IMO not really interesting, but entertaining.

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Download Past Mailing list

2013-09-21 Thread Josef Bailey


I Had a question ... I was wondering if you can download past mailing list and 
then upload them to mutt .. I don't want to go that far back becasue it will be 
to much information

Lets say i wanted last month .. Can i go / Download it and then 
upload it to mutt and once its uploaded it can put it in whatever folder it 
goes into ?


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Re: find'ing files containing certain words (all of them) ...

2013-09-21 Thread recoverym4n

On Sat, 21 Sep 2013 21:12:36 +0300
Alexander Kapshuk  wrote:

> I could be wrong, but doesn't egrep, which supports extended regular 
> expressions, fit the bill?
> =; echo two words > grep-AND-test1
> =; echo two > grep-AND-test2
> =; echo words >> grep-AND-test2
> =; egrep 'two|words' grep-AND-test*
> grep-AND-test1:two words
> grep-AND-test2:two
> grep-AND-test2:words

You're wrong indeed, as '|' means 'or', not 'and'.

$ echo two > grep-AND-test3
$ egrep 'two|words' grep-AND-test3

Please note that 'two.*words' won't be the solution (as 'words' can be
placed before 'two'), and even '(two.*words|words.*two)' won't be the
solution either ('two' and 'words' can be in a different rows of file).


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Re: Security?

2013-09-21 Thread Albretch Mueller
 here is an interesting discussion branch:

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Re: Security?

2013-09-21 Thread Albretch Mueller
> I always claimed that the issue is the most hard for nationals from the
> USA, then for any other people.
 I think morality and having a spine transcend nationality and
political persuasion. What Joseph Nacchio, Levison, Snowden, Brazil's
president Dilma Rousseff:
// __ Brazil plans to stop US web control
 and many other people will continue doing is the way to go.
> And I know so many people who call Obama a good president :D.
 Actually if you think about it, even though it is a "group game" (as
they themselves call it) that went on without surfacing to public
consciousness for a very long time, he is perfect for the kind of job
he has been doing. He belongs to the Democrat party, has been awarded
a Nobel prize (for his clowning, paternalistic smiling cynicism?), his
skin color passes as black ("there you have your first black president
..."), sat his black @ss in law schools for more than a decade
studying constitutional law in order to come up with ways to let
politicians and police thoroughly wipe their @sses with the supposedly
sacrosanct U.S. Constitution
 Going back to technical matters, even though I would not claim he is
a sale out like many other technical people, I find hard to believe
Bruce's outrage. Didn't he smell sh!t that didn't smell right? Really?
I find hard to believe that it was so easy for the U.S. government to
keep that level of secrecy on such a scale for that long
// __ Bruce Schneier: The US government has betrayed the internet. We
need to take it back

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Re: find'ing files containing certain words (all of them) ...

2013-09-21 Thread Alexander Kapshuk

On 09/21/2013 04:46 PM, ken wrote:

On 09/21/2013 07:56 AM Rob Owens wrote:

On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 05:22:09AM -0400, Albretch Mueller wrote:

  the short bash script bellow you can use to find text files
containing one word, but my attempts at trying to make it find more
than one word within the same file haven't been successful

I think you are looking for the 'grep' command.

"grep word path/*" will find all files in "path" which contain "word"

"grep word path/* | grep word2" will do the same, but then narrow 
down the

search to files that also contain "word2"

man grep for options.  But you might be interested in '-r' to
recursively search a path.



This is incorrect, though it's a common misconception.  It will only 
work if both of the words sought are on the same line within in the 
sought files.  This isn't what the OP is asking for.


$ echo two words > grep-AND-test1
$ echo two > grep-AND-test2
$ echo words >> grep-AND-test2
$ grep -l words $(grep -l two *)

I could be wrong, but doesn't egrep, which supports extended regular 
expressions, fit the bill?

=; echo two words > grep-AND-test1
=; echo two > grep-AND-test2
=; echo words >> grep-AND-test2

=; egrep 'two|words' grep-AND-test*
grep-AND-test1:two words

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Re: Fake fulfilled dependency without dummy package

2013-09-21 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 17 aug 13, 19:42:19, Gregory Nowak wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 04:36:03PM -0700, Gregory Nowak wrote:
> > Doing apt-get --purge remove
> > doesn't work in these situations.
> Oops, I actually meant to say apt-get --purge autoremove, not remove.

It seems this hasn't been addressed: linux-image packages and a few 
others are ignored by the autoremove mechanism, see 

Also, due to a recent change in apt a Suggests will also keep a package 
from being autoremoved.

Kind regards,
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Re: Sound problems on Wheezy upgrade

2013-09-21 Thread Gary Roach

On 09/20/2013 08:40 PM, drew craig wrote:

On Friday, September 13, 2013 10:00:03 AM UTC-4, Lisi Reisz wrote:

The problem has arisen since I upgraded.  Sound was fine in Squeeze.

Now, when I run alsamixergui:

lisi@Tux-II:~$ alsamixergui

I get an error box saying:

alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: invalid argument

No pulseaudia is installed.

I get the same problem on a fresh install of Wheezy on my husband's box.

on-board sound on my box: chipset Intel Z77 Express chipset

root@Tux-II:/home/lisi# lshw | grep snd

  configuration: driver=snd_hda_intel latency=0

I have no idea where to look.  I have googled the error message, and get a

lot of hits.  It is obviously a common error, but I could see no solutions

that seemed to fit my situation.  Probably couldn't see the wood for the

trees. :-(

Two people had succeeded by purging everything Alsa related and installing

Alsa from upstream, though one of them had to run snddevices after every

boot.  Hardly satisfactory, especially on my husband's box.

Any suggestions, please?  Ought I to purge and install from upstream?  In

general, I prefer to stick to Debian versions.

Thanks for any help,



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I ran into an alsa issue awhile back and solved it by altering the conf file.  
May or may not be of any help.  I wrote it up here

I hope I am not hyjacking this thread but, while my problem seems to be 
somewhat different, it still started with a wheezy upgrade that killed 
my sound system. I don't think that any one has identified the root 
cause of this problem and are kind of using a shot gun approach to the 
problem solving. So let me get as specific as I can. Running as root 
'service alsa-utils restart' produced the following return:

root@mysystem:/etc# service alsa-utils restart
[ ok ] Shutting down ALSA...done.
[] Setting up ALSA...warning: 'alsactl restore' failed with 
error message 'Home directory /root not ours.'...Home 
directory /root not ours

Can anyone explain this error message and suggest a fix.

I hope my above statement doesn't insult anyone. I know a lot of effort 
has gone into this thread. But my observation still stands. I'm finding 
references to this problem all over google but no reasonable solutions. 
I can't believe that there are more than one or two actual problems 
here. Programs just don't usually break in multiple ways all at the same 

Gary R

Request for help: AMD microcode update testing

2013-09-21 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
Debian users with AMD processors, hello!

I am the Debian Developer responsible for the amd64-microcode package, which
deploys microcode updates to AMD x86-64 processors, fixing several processor
bugs and on a few processors, enhancing "perf" functionality.

Unfortunately, there is a _kernel_ bug that is causing some annoyances,
which I'd like to track down as soon as possible.  However, I cannot track
it down without help because I don't have access to any box with an AMD

So, I need help from someone with an AMD microprocessor that both:

1. Is willing to compile/install and test a few kernel versions;

2. Has a BIOS+processor combination which was updated by the amd64-microcode
   update package in Debian stable.

The testing requires updating the processor microcode, so it cannot be done
on a VM, it has to be done on bare-metal.

The kernel issue seems to be:
  Two [sucessful] AMD processor microcode updates in a row cause the kernel
  to hang the process that initiated the microcode update.

  (the hung process can be killed normally with ^C or kill -9).

If you're willing to test, below is a list of the steps required.  Do note
you're testing a kernel bug, so please don't do it unless you're confortable
with a chance of things going wrong and requiring a hard reset (that
should't happen, but better safe than sorry).

All steps need to be run as root.  I will need to know the exact steps where
the hangs happen.

Note: different versions of the amd64-microcode package can be downloaded

I'd appreciate if you test the Debian kernels in Stable and wheezy-backports
(the latest 3.2 and 3.10 kernels).  It would also be very helpful if you can
test kernel 3.5.2 from (which is know to be broken).

Step 1:  Run with BIOS microcode:

  1.1. purge the amd64-microcode package
  1.2. reboot. 
  1.3. cat /proc/cpuinfo > /tmp/step1-log.txt

Step 2: Do the first microcode update:

  2.1. modprobe microcode

  2.2. install the amd64-microcode package from Debian stable
   (versions 1.20120910-2 or 2.20120910-1~bpo70+1)


  2.3. for kernels 3.0 to 3.5 do this:

   echo -n 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/microcode/reload

   for kernels 3.6 and later, do this:

   echo -n 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload

  ** IF THIS HANGS: try to interrupt with ^C, and if that doesn't work,
 use a second terminal to kill the hung process with kill -9.
  2.4. dmesg -c | grep microcode > /tmp/step2-log.txt

Step 3: Do the second microcode update in a row:

  3.1. install the amd64-microcode package from Debian testing/unstable
   (version 2.20131007.1+really20130710.1)


  3.2. for kernels 3.0 to 3.5 do this:

   echo -n 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/microcode/reload

   for kernels 3.6 and later, do this:

   echo -n 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload

  ** IF THIS HANGS: try to interrupt with ^C, and if that doesn't work,
 use a second terminal to kill the hung process with kill -9.
  3.3. dmesg -c | grep microcode > /tmp/step3-log.txt

Step 4: Cleanup

  If you got a hang on step 2, please purge the amd64-microcode package,
  and wait until the problem is fixed.  I will report back to this thread.
  Alternatively, you can switch to a kernel that doesn't have the problem.

  If you got a hang on step 3, you can use the "add exit 0 to postinst"
  workaround discribed in bug #716917:

** IT HANG **

If you experience hangs, please note the exact step where it happened, and
if possible, please press Sysrq+t and Sysrq+w on the keyboard: that will log
a lot of information to /var/log/kern.log that will help track down the bug
inside the kernel.

After you did that, you can kill the hung process, it will be stuck on state
"D" like this:

ps ax | grep amd64-microcode
 4237 pts/2S+ 0:00 /bin/sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/amd64-microcode.postinst 
configure 2.20120910-1
 4243 pts/2D+ 0:00 /bin/sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/amd64-microcode.postinst 
configure 2.20120910-1

(the version at the end can be different).  Kill the process in D state.

You can force the package to finish installing itself by doing this:

   (echo '#!/bin/sh' ; echo 'exit 0' ) > 
   chmod +x /var/lib/dpkg/info/amd64-microcode.postinst
   dpkg --pending --configure


If you got any hangs, I'd appreciate the logs.  Please send them to me
*directly* (and not to the mailing-list), and if possible compress them
first (with something like gzip, bzip2 or xz).  I also need to know the
exact steps where the kernel hang.

The logs are in /tmp/step*-log.txt, and /var/log/kern.log.

If you did NOT get any hangs, just reply to the email and tell me your

quit out of olive?

2013-09-21 Thread Jude DaShiell
How is this possible?  On the amd64 machine I use the q key does nothing 
and what's worse the program also has control-c and control-d blocked as 
well so they cqan't disrupt program operation.


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Re: Security?

2013-09-21 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2013-09-21 at 12:14 -0400, Albretch Mueller wrote:

I always claimed that the issue is the most hard for nationals from the
USA, then for any other people. They spy all people, but they only can
force people from their own nation to offend privacy.

"Levison said that he could be arrested for closing the site instead of
releasing the information, and it was reported that the federal
prosecutor's office had sent Levinson's lawyer an e-mail to that
effect." -

And I know so many people who call Obama a good president :D.

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Re: Security?

2013-09-21 Thread Albretch Mueller
 Basically the computational strength of any type of encryption
depends on the algorithm and the key length. Any high school kid a
little enthusiastic about Math can calculate and store all primes for
all numbers within 32 bits which are all primes you need to get all
numbers within 64 bit numbers and with some indexing and directed
acyclic graphs you can also have their prime factorization

 Of course, the NSAs and all those companies in cahoots with them do
not exist in a separate physical or logical reality but:

 1st) There isn't really that much actual data out there

 2nd) Technically and "legally" there is nothing they can't do. As the
lavabit case showed to us all gringo companies and their friends MUST
submit to snitching. Period! They even gag order them to not even talk
about it:

 "My Fellow Users, I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to
become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away
from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit." ...

 BTW, I don't think at all Snowden is some agent or was framed to do anything

 lbrtchx Security?

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Re: find'ing files containing certain words (all of them) ...

2013-09-21 Thread Albretch Mueller
 I have come to believe this is one of those problems that is not to
be optimally solved with a script, but a programming language


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Re: How to use the debian installation iso for installing packages using aptitude

2013-09-21 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 18 aug 13, 21:22:59, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > Also if I generate my own gpg key and sign the repository using that key,
> > will it get authenticated?
Yes, if you add the key correctly.

> But gpg-signing a 30GiB repo, package by package, just to avoid
> warning messages?
You don't need to sign each package, only the Packages file, since that 
contains checksums for all individual .deb.

> There ought be a simple "I'm the admin, I know what I'm doing, please
> override the checks for this repo" override.

There is one for CDROMs (see /etc/apt.conf/00trustcdrom), but since the 
OP is using 'deb file:/' it won't work.

Kind regards,
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Re: find'ing files containing certain words (all of them) ...

2013-09-21 Thread ken

On 09/21/2013 07:56 AM Rob Owens wrote:

On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 05:22:09AM -0400, Albretch Mueller wrote:

  the short bash script bellow you can use to find text files
containing one word, but my attempts at trying to make it find more
than one word within the same file haven't been successful

I think you are looking for the 'grep' command.

"grep word path/*" will find all files in "path" which contain "word"

"grep word path/* | grep word2" will do the same, but then narrow down the
search to files that also contain "word2"

man grep for options.  But you might be interested in '-r' to
recursively search a path.



This is incorrect, though it's a common misconception.  It will only 
work if both of the words sought are on the same line within in the 
sought files.  This isn't what the OP is asking for.


$ echo two words > grep-AND-test1
$ echo two > grep-AND-test2
$ echo words >> grep-AND-test2
$ grep -l words $(grep -l two *)

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Re: find'ing files containing certain words (all of them) ...

2013-09-21 Thread Rob Owens
On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 05:22:09AM -0400, Albretch Mueller wrote:
>  the short bash script bellow you can use to find text files
> containing one word, but my attempts at trying to make it find more
> than one word within the same file haven't been successful
I think you are looking for the 'grep' command.

"grep word path/*" will find all files in "path" which contain "word"

"grep word path/* | grep word2" will do the same, but then narrow down the
search to files that also contain "word2"

man grep for options.  But you might be interested in '-r' to
recursively search a path.


Description: Digital signature

Re: package help

2013-09-21 Thread Rob Owens
On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 12:48:10AM -0400, paulmars wrote:
> Im emailed a bug report. I got no response. I been trying to
> convince myself to try again, but I have doubts. I dont want to
> loose my XP install again. I need dual boot and i also need a
> recovery option if Debian fails again, like last time. Last time
> grub got messed up and I needed to reinstall xp. That is not fun.
Download and burn Super Grub2 Disk.  You'll be able to boot off of that, no
matter what happens to your hard-disk-installed Grub.  It'll even boot
Windows.  Then you can test Debian without worrying about not being able
to boot Windows due to a Grub error.


Description: Digital signature

Re: any way to get the mouse position on two places on the screen?

2013-09-21 Thread Rob Owens
On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 11:48:32AM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Lu, 22 iul 13, 13:18:50, Albretch Mueller wrote:
> >  I think I should have worded the question as:
> > ~
> >  "any way to get the mouse position on the screen" (so that then you
> > would then take a second one in order to calculate the rectangular
> > viewing area on a screen (showing a video))?
> > ~
I think xev will give you this.  Run it in a terminal.  Then you have to 
position the mouse pointer over the "Event Tester" window, and the
terminal will show you the mouse position.  You can move the "Event
Tester" window to different parts of the screen -- wherever you need to
get coordinates.


Description: Digital signature

Re: access please

2013-09-21 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 21 September 2013 08:39:25 Joel Rees wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 6:56 PM, Sharon Kimble  
> > On Fri, 20 Sep 2013 11:57:56 +0300
> >
> > Andrei POPESCU  wrote:
> >> On Mi, 24 iul 13, 13:31:07, Sharon Kimble wrote:
> >> > --
> >> > A taste of linux =
> >> > efever =
> >> > efever =
> >> > Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, LibreOffice
> >> > Registered Linux user 334501
> >>
> >> Could you please rephrase this please? :p
> >>
> >> Kind regards,
> >> Andrei
> >
> > What is there to rephrase? This is an old email dated 24th July
> > 2013, when I was requesting being subscribed to this list from my home
> > account in place of my gmail account.
> That would take a lot of mind reading from what you wrote.
> At least Andrei rode your vibes well enough to get that you wanted
> access to something.
> I thought you were looking either for people to access your server for
> testing or for people to pump up your numbers on your blogs, per your
> signature.

I simply failed to understand it, and passed on.  If I can't understand 
something I just don't bother with it.  Most people at least say "subscribe" 
if that is what they want. :-/



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Re: any way to get the mouse position on two places on the screen?

2013-09-21 Thread Albretch Mueller
> Ksnapshot for capturing a screen shot
 actually Ksnapshot has this functionality built-in somehow. You can
tell it to make a snapshot of the current window instead of the whole
> Are you trying to fix a lack in a video editing app without touching the app 
> itself, or are you looking for ideas on functionality to add to an app with 
> appropriate source code, etc.?
 OK, this would be a use case of what I have in mind. Most of the
times it is hard to figure out what users have in their mind (heck! I
notice how even technical people frequently crosstalk each other) so
you want for them to be able to do whatever it is they were trying to
and verbally explain what they mean as they do in their own words
(that, to me, would be the closest you can get to what they have in
their minds)
 You can tell ffmpeg to screen capture one area of the screen and make a clip
 The user could post that file for you to see what they mean

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find'ing files containing certain words (all of them) ...

2013-09-21 Thread Albretch Mueller
 the short bash script bellow you can use to find text files
containing one word, but my attempts at trying to make it find more
than one word within the same file haven't been successful

 Of course, you can go monkey and list all files containing each word
and then sort and compare those list, but I want to do just one search
per file

 You can find all files containing either "import" or
"BufferedReader", but not both words in the same file. Also, how can
you use such a the same of a similar script to search for sequences of
characters containing spaces and other especial characters? Say,
something like:

_WRD="import javax.swing|new BufferedReader"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
# 2 edit

# !2 edit



_DT=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)

echo "\$_OFL: |$_OFL|"

date; time find /media/sdb1/prjx -type f -iname "*.java" -exec grep -l
"${_WRD}" '{}' \; > ${_OFL}; date

wc -l ${_OFL}

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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website BUILDS your business with SEO Service.

2013-09-21 Thread Kamini Kosambia
Dear Sir/Madam,

For a very small annual fees, we will do following:

1) List your website in Trade Directories and Send you PROOF of listing.

2) Write NEW, innovative and unique ARTICLE on your website, business
or company.

3) Create Press-Release and Media Item ..

4) Create Social Media Accounts.

5) Create and Market a VIDEO on your company on Youtube and 30+ Video
Sharing Websites.

6) Create Facebook & Twitter Profiles.

7) Manage and improve your Internet Marketing Campaign for the entire year.

We are providing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Internet
Marketing Services to 200+ clients in Gulf.

Send us an email and contact details today with your Website Name.


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Re: Beer!

2013-09-21 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 20 sep 13, 09:15:38, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> On 9/20/2013 4:56 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> >On Ma, 23 iul 13, 23:57:07, Mike wrote:
> >>Folks,
> >>
> >>For those who don't know about it, something that I thought might be of
> >>interest to this list is the annual Linux Bier Wanderung.
> >
> >[snip]
> >
> >Might I suggest you use a better subject next time? I almost reported

> >your message as spam, but then noticed it is GPG signed.
> What's wrong with the description?  I didn't think it was SPAM, and
> no one else has complained in the 2+ months since it was posted.
> Maybe you need to rethink what you call SPAM.

It's not the description I was complaining about, but the subject. 
Wait... I actually like beer, but... you know what I mean :p

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Security?

2013-09-21 Thread Slavko

Dňa Wed, 18 Sep 2013 11:39:06 +0200 "Ralf Mardorf"

> Opera and Start Page as default search engine
> spinymouse11.2@suse11-2:~> opera -version
> Opera 10.11 Internal. Build 4791 for Linux. Qt library 4.5.3.
> While this outdated version of Opera remembers Start Page, IOW it
> doesn't reset to Google, Start Page doesn't work, while Google and
> Yahoo do work. Don't misunderstand this, when Start Page is chosen by
> the Opera browser and not by the search engine thingy, it does work
> too. No typo, since I tested by copy and paste.

Thanks for your effort. But i see, that change Google to  Yahoo or Bing
works, to custom added search engine not  on today Opera's
version. Usage old browser version is not really solution at all.



Description: PGP signature

Re: access please

2013-09-21 Thread Joel Rees
On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 6:56 PM, Sharon Kimble  wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Sep 2013 11:57:56 +0300
> Andrei POPESCU  wrote:
>> On Mi, 24 iul 13, 13:31:07, Sharon Kimble wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > A taste of linux =
>> > efever =
>> > efever =
>> > Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, LibreOffice
>> > Registered Linux user 334501
>> Could you please rephrase this please? :p
>> Kind regards,
>> Andrei
> What is there to rephrase? This is an old email dated 24th July
> 2013, when I was requesting being subscribed to this list from my home
> account in place of my gmail account.

That would take a lot of mind reading from what you wrote.

At least Andrei rode your vibes well enough to get that you wanted
access to something.

I thought you were looking either for people to access your server for
testing or for people to pump up your numbers on your blogs, per your

> Sharon.
> --
> A taste of linux =
> efever =
> efever =
> Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, LibreOffice
> Registered Linux user 334501

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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