Re: Faire fonctionner samba4 comme le 3

2014-02-01 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

pourquoi ne pas vouloir employer le protocole FTP avec wput sur
androïd ?


Ne nous associons qu'avec nos égaux ;
Ou bien il nous faudra craindre
Le destin d'un de ces pots.
-+- Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695), 
Le Pot de terre et le Pot de fer (Fables V.2) -+-

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Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

netoyage du spam de janvier 2014

2014-02-01 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

Comme nous sommes en février, il est désormais possible de
traiter les archives du mois de janvier 2014 des listes francophones.

N'oubliez bien sûr pas d'ajouter votre nom à la liste des relecteurs
pour que nous sachions où nous en sommes.

Détails du processus de nettoyage du spam sur:


Vous voulez peut-être le code en open source pour pouvoir mieux  pirater
? Avez-vous compris qu'au plus le code est protégé, au plus ca évite les
petits malins de pirater ? 
-- Jayce - Et puis quoi encore ? --

   . . `; -._)-;-,_`)
  (v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'
 _.- _..-_/ / ((.'
((,.-'   ((,/

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Bientôt la décision concernant l'init

2014-02-01 Thread maderios

C'est ici,  en bon français:


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init

2014-02-01 Thread Denis Mugnier


Le 01/02/2014 12:04, maderios a écrit :

C'est ici,  en bon français:

Et que ce soit un choix ou l'autre qui soit adopté, il y aura bcp de 
mécontents .

que ce soit une évolution du système d'init dans un sens ou dans 
l'autre, ou même en ne changeant rien, je pense que les listes, forums 
vont fumer dans les jours à venir ;o)



Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init

2014-02-01 Thread Thierry Leurent
Certainement, le choix est difficile et il va toucher aussi bien la fibre
technique que la fibre philosphique. Cela va chauffer.
Denis Mugnier a écrit :

 Le 01/02/2014 12:04, maderios a écrit :
 C'est ici,  en bon français:

 Et que ce soit un choix ou l'autre qui soit adopté, il y aura bcp de
 mécontents .

 que ce soit une évolution du système d'init dans un sens ou dans
 l'autre, ou même en ne changeant rien, je pense que les listes, forums
 vont fumer dans les jours à venir ;o)



 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Thierry Leurent
Phone  : +32 476/20.23.98
E-mail :
Website (en developpement) :

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init

2014-02-01 Thread maderios

On 02/01/2014 12:15 PM, Denis Mugnier wrote:


Le 01/02/2014 12:04, maderios a écrit :

C'est ici,  en bon français:

Et que ce soit un choix ou l'autre qui soit adopté, il y aura bcp de
mécontents .

Rien ne les empêche de laisser le choix à l'utilisateur.
Pour moi, ce serait Openrc (créé par Gentoo et init par défaut de 
Gentoo). Je l'ai utilisé avec Gentoo. C'est simple et ça marche bien.


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init

2014-02-01 Thread Philippe Gras

Le 1 févr. 14 à 12:04, maderios a écrit :

C'est ici,  en bon français:


Je suppose que ça va tout changer pour /etc/init.d ??

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init

2014-02-01 Thread Francois Lafont

Le 01/02/2014 12:04, maderios a écrit :

 C'est ici,  en bon français:
Question de béotien : pourquoi vouloir changer (peut-être) le système
init par défaut actuel, ie le System V ? Ce système pose-t-il des problèmes ?

J'avais entendu parler du problème des dépendances entre les services et de
la difficulté de choisir les bons numéros d'ordres de démarrage dans les
répertoires /etc/rc?.d. Mais il me semblait que ce problème était résolu avec
l'ajout des en-tête « BEGIN INIT INFO » dans les scripts init et en particulier
avec les champs « Required-Start » et « Required-Stop » qui permettent alors
à la commande update-rc.d de choisir automatiquement les bons numéros d'ordre
de démarrage en fonction des dépendances. Mais peut-être que System V souffre
d'autres inconvénients ?

François Lafont

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Testing : Soucis avec tex-common

2014-02-01 Thread ovd
Je viens d'installer des mise a jour de debian jessie  (openjdk, apt,
texinfo...) Sauf qu'il y a eu un petit soucis pendant l'upgrade a cause
de quelques paquets qui ont besoin de la dépendances tex-common qui
n'est pas satisfaite. Donc je fait sudo apt-get -f install. Apparemment
tex-common est bien installé mais pas configuré donc je fait sudo dpkg
--configure tex-common et voila l'erreur :

ovd@DEBIAN:~$ sudo apt-get -f install
[sudo] password for ovd: 
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances   
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 40 non mis à
4 partiellement installés ou enlevés.
Après cette opération, 0 o d'espace disque supplémentaires seront
Paramétrage de tex-common (4.04) ...
Running mktexlsr. This may take some time... done.
Running updmap-sys. This may take some time... 
updmap-sys failed. Output has been stored in
Please include this file if you report a bug.

Sometimes, not accepting conffile updates in /etc/texmf/updmap.d
causes updmap-sys to fail.  Please check for files with extension
.dpkg-dist or .ucf-dist in this directory

dpkg: error processing package tex-common (--configure):
 le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une
erreur de sortie d'état 1
dpkg: des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de
texlive-latex-base :
 texlive-latex-base dépend de tex-common (= 3) ; cependant :
 Le paquet tex-common n'est pas encore configuré.

dpkg: error processing package texlive-latex-base (--configure):
 problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré
dpkg: des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de
texlive-latex-base-doc :
 texlive-latex-base-doc dépend de tex-common (= 3) ; cependant :
 Le paquet tex-common n'est pas encore configuré.

dpkg: error processing package texlive-latex-base-doc (--configure):
 problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré
dpkg: des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de
texlive-luatex :
 texlive-luatex dépend de tex-common (= 3) ; cependant :
 Le paquet tex-common n'est pas encore configuré.

dpkg: error processing package texlive-luatex (--configure):
 problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré
Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
ovd@DEBIAN:~$ sudo dpkg --configure tex-common
Paramétrage de tex-common (4.04) ...
Running mktexlsr. This may take some time... done.
Running updmap-sys. This may take some time... 
updmap-sys failed. Output has been stored in
Please include this file if you report a bug.

Sometimes, not accepting conffile updates in /etc/texmf/updmap.d
causes updmap-sys to fail.  Please check for files with extension
.dpkg-dist or .ucf-dist in this directory

dpkg: error processing package tex-common (--configure):
 le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une
erreur de sortie d'état 1
Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :

Je suis sous Debian Jessie Kernel 3.13.1 (i686) compilé maison :

Linux DEBIAN 3.13.1 #1 SMP Thu Jan 30 17:35:45 CET 2014 i686 GNU/Linux

Le problème serait-il le kernel maison ?

Merci de m'aider a résoudre ce problème.


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init

2014-02-01 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 01 Feb 2014 15:39:49 +0100
Francois Lafont wrote:

 Question de béotien : pourquoi vouloir changer (peut-être) le
 système init par défaut actuel, ie le System V ? Ce système
 pose-t-il des problèmes ?

C'est parce que, mais bon, comme l'un est l'inverse de
l'autre, ça pourrait éventuellement le faire (quoique…).
Donc, tout va dépendre du choix des devs; à moins qu'ils
ne se trompent, qui peut savoir de quoi l'init de demain
sera fait.

Enfin bon , c'est moins grave que si c'était pire *];-

Plus sérieusement, espérons quand même que le choix final
entre les 4 restera dans les mains de l'utilisateur .
Les hommes mentiraient moins si les femmes posaient moins de questions.
-- Coluche

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

RE: Testing : Soucis avec tex-common

2014-02-01 Thread valentin OVD
Apparemment le configure arriverai pas a exécuter /usr/bin/env alors que le 
fichier existe bien, je fait exec /usr/bin/env et il dit que le fichier 
n'existe pas... J'ouvre le fichier avec nano et le fichier existe bien. Je me 
dis donc que c'est une erreurs de permission d’exécution : je fait donc sudo 
chmod u+x /usr/bin/env et toujours même erreur...

Valentin OVD 

 Subject: Testing : Soucis avec tex-common
 Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 15:41:01 +0100
 Je viens d'installer des mise a jour de debian jessie  (openjdk, apt,
 texinfo...) Sauf qu'il y a eu un petit soucis pendant l'upgrade a cause
 de quelques paquets qui ont besoin de la dépendances tex-common qui
 n'est pas satisfaite. Donc je fait sudo apt-get -f install. Apparemment
 tex-common est bien installé mais pas configuré donc je fait sudo dpkg
 --configure tex-common et voila l'erreur :
 ovd@DEBIAN:~$ sudo apt-get -f install
 [sudo] password for ovd: 
 Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
 Construction de l'arbre des dépendances   
 Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
 0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 40 non mis à
 4 partiellement installés ou enlevés.
 Après cette opération, 0 o d'espace disque supplémentaires seront
 Paramétrage de tex-common (4.04) ...
 Running mktexlsr. This may take some time... done.
 Running updmap-sys. This may take some time... 
 updmap-sys failed. Output has been stored in
 Please include this file if you report a bug.
 Sometimes, not accepting conffile updates in /etc/texmf/updmap.d
 causes updmap-sys to fail.  Please check for files with extension
 .dpkg-dist or .ucf-dist in this directory
 dpkg: error processing package tex-common (--configure):
  le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une
 erreur de sortie d'état 1
 dpkg: des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de
 texlive-latex-base :
  texlive-latex-base dépend de tex-common (= 3) ; cependant :
  Le paquet tex-common n'est pas encore configuré.
 dpkg: error processing package texlive-latex-base (--configure):
  problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré
 dpkg: des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de
 texlive-latex-base-doc :
  texlive-latex-base-doc dépend de tex-common (= 3) ; cependant :
  Le paquet tex-common n'est pas encore configuré.
 dpkg: error processing package texlive-latex-base-doc (--configure):
  problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré
 dpkg: des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de
 texlive-luatex :
  texlive-luatex dépend de tex-common (= 3) ; cependant :
  Le paquet tex-common n'est pas encore configuré.
 dpkg: error processing package texlive-luatex (--configure):
  problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré
 Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
 ovd@DEBIAN:~$ sudo dpkg --configure tex-common
 Paramétrage de tex-common (4.04) ...
 Running mktexlsr. This may take some time... done.
 Running updmap-sys. This may take some time... 
 updmap-sys failed. Output has been stored in
 Please include this file if you report a bug.
 Sometimes, not accepting conffile updates in /etc/texmf/updmap.d
 causes updmap-sys to fail.  Please check for files with extension
 .dpkg-dist or .ucf-dist in this directory
 dpkg: error processing package tex-common (--configure):
  le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une
 erreur de sortie d'état 1
 Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
 Je suis sous Debian Jessie Kernel 3.13.1 (i686) compilé maison :
 Linux DEBIAN 3.13.1 #1 SMP Thu Jan 30 17:35:45 CET 2014 i686 GNU/Linux
 Le problème serait-il le kernel maison ?
 Merci de m'aider a résoudre ce problème.
 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init

2014-02-01 Thread thierry.leurent
Je ne suis pas spécialiste des systèmes de démarrage. J'ai déjà réalisé 2 
scripts pour un projet sous RedHat. 
J'ai vu une conférence sur systemd.
Ce que voudrais, c'est voir ma Debian boiter plus rapidement. 

Sent from Samsung Mobile

div Original message /divdivFrom: maderios /divdivDate:01/02/2014  13:05  (GMT+01:00) 
/divdivTo: /divdivSubject: Re: 
Bientôt la décision concernant l'init /divdiv
/divOn 02/01/2014 12:15 PM, Denis Mugnier wrote:

 Le 01/02/2014 12:04, maderios a écrit :
 C'est ici,  en bon français:

 Et que ce soit un choix ou l'autre qui soit adopté, il y aura bcp de
 mécontents .

Rien ne les empêche de laisser le choix à l'utilisateur.
Pour moi, ce serait Openrc (créé par Gentoo et init par défaut de 
Gentoo). Je l'ai utilisé avec Gentoo. C'est simple et ça marche bien.


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Resolu : Testing : Soucis avec tex-common

2014-02-01 Thread valentin OVD
J'ai réinstallé coreutils et il n'y plus de soucis pour le configure.

Valentin OVD 

Subject: RE: Testing : Soucis avec tex-common
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 15:55:35 +0100

Apparemment le configure arriverai pas a exécuter /usr/bin/env alors que le 
fichier existe bien, je fait exec /usr/bin/env et il dit que le fichier 
n'existe pas... J'ouvre le fichier avec nano et le fichier existe bien. Je me 
dis donc que c'est une erreurs de permission d’exécution : je fait donc sudo 
chmod u+x /usr/bin/env et toujours même erreur...

Valentin OVD 

 Subject: Testing : Soucis avec tex-common
 Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 15:41:01 +0100
 Je viens d'installer des mise a jour de debian jessie  (openjdk, apt,
 texinfo...) Sauf qu'il y a eu un petit soucis pendant l'upgrade a cause
 de quelques paquets qui ont besoin de la dépendances tex-common qui
 n'est pas satisfaite. Donc je fait sudo apt-get -f install. Apparemment
 tex-common est bien installé mais pas configuré donc je fait sudo dpkg
 --configure tex-common et voila l'erreur :
 ovd@DEBIAN:~$ sudo apt-get -f install
 [sudo] password for ovd: 
 Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
 Construction de l'arbre des dépendances   
 Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
 0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 40 non mis à
 4 partiellement installés ou enlevés.
 Après cette opération, 0 o d'espace disque supplémentaires seront
 Paramétrage de tex-common (4.04) ...
 Running mktexlsr. This may take some time... done.
 Running updmap-sys. This may take some time... 
 updmap-sys failed. Output has been stored in
 Please include this file if you report a bug.
 Sometimes, not accepting conffile updates in /etc/texmf/updmap.d
 causes updmap-sys to fail.  Please check for files with extension
 .dpkg-dist or .ucf-dist in this directory
 dpkg: error processing package tex-common (--configure):
  le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une
 erreur de sortie d'état 1
 dpkg: des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de
 texlive-latex-base :
  texlive-latex-base dépend de tex-common (= 3) ; cependant :
  Le paquet tex-common n'est pas encore configuré.
 dpkg: error processing package texlive-latex-base (--configure):
  problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré
 dpkg: des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de
 texlive-latex-base-doc :
  texlive-latex-base-doc dépend de tex-common (= 3) ; cependant :
  Le paquet tex-common n'est pas encore configuré.
 dpkg: error processing package texlive-latex-base-doc (--configure):
  problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré
 dpkg: des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de
 texlive-luatex :
  texlive-luatex dépend de tex-common (= 3) ; cependant :
  Le paquet tex-common n'est pas encore configuré.
 dpkg: error processing package texlive-luatex (--configure):
  problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré
 Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
 ovd@DEBIAN:~$ sudo dpkg --configure tex-common
 Paramétrage de tex-common (4.04) ...
 Running mktexlsr. This may take some time... done.
 Running updmap-sys. This may take some time... 
 updmap-sys failed. Output has been stored in
 Please include this file if you report a bug.
 Sometimes, not accepting conffile updates in /etc/texmf/updmap.d
 causes updmap-sys to fail.  Please check for files with extension
 .dpkg-dist or .ucf-dist in this directory
 dpkg: error processing package tex-common (--configure):
  le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une
 erreur de sortie d'état 1
 Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
 Je suis sous Debian Jessie Kernel 3.13.1 (i686) compilé maison :
 Linux DEBIAN 3.13.1 #1 SMP Thu Jan 30 17:35:45 CET 2014 i686 GNU/Linux
 Le problème serait-il le kernel maison ?
 Merci de m'aider a résoudre ce problème.
 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS


Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init

2014-02-01 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage

Le samedi 1 février 2014 13:05:49 maderios a écrit :
 Rien ne les empêche de laisser le choix à l'utilisateur.

  Précision : « laisser le choix » n’est pas aussi simple qu’il 
puisse paraître. Ça veut dire que les programmes qui dépendent 
d’un système d’init (en gros, les démons) soient compatibles 
avec tous les systèmes d’init. Donc, contrairement à la 
passivité que « laisser » connote, ça fait pas mal de boulot 
pour les DD.
  Rappelons aussi que les systèmes d’init ne sont pas (du tout) 
compatibles (scripts contre scripts et fichiers de variables 
contre fichiers de conf. contre…).

 Sylvain Sauvage

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init

2014-02-01 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le samedi 1 février 2014 15:39:49 Francois Lafont a écrit :
 Question de béotien : pourquoi vouloir changer (peut-être) le
 système init par défaut actuel, ie le System V ? Ce système
 pose-t-il des problèmes ?
 J'avais entendu parler du problème des dépendances entre les
 services et de la difficulté de choisir les bons numéros
 d'ordres de démarrage dans les répertoires /etc/rc?.d. Mais
 il me semblait que ce problème était résolu avec l'ajout des
 en-tête « BEGIN INIT INFO » dans les scripts init et en
 particulier avec les champs « Required-Start » et «
 Required-Stop » qui permettent alors à la commande
 update-rc.d de choisir automatiquement les bons numéros
 d'ordre de démarrage en fonction des dépendances. Mais
 peut-être que System V souffre d'autres inconvénients ?

Pour faire très court :

  Ça fait un moment que des projets alternatifs ont été lancés 
(initng, runit, upstart, openrc, systemd). Si on gratte depuis 
un moment, c’est bien que ça doit chatouiller quelque part, 
non ? ;o)

Pour faire court :

1. La gestion des dépendances (insserv) est un bidouillage…
  a. … qui est toujours du séquentiel ;
  b. … qui est figée : elle ne prend pas en compte des
changements qui pourraient surrvenir à l’exécution (p.ex.
dépendance sur le réseau dans lequel on est, sur le matériel

2. C’est tout un tas de scripts shell : c’est lent, plein de
  répétitions, plein de bogues, pas facilement configurable…

3. Absence de réelle supervision des services : le service est-
  il bien démarré ?  a-t-il crashé ? (et donc peut-on/doit-on le
  redémarrer ?) a-t-il bien été arrêté comme demandé ?

Pour faire long :

 Sylvain Sauvage

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Fwd: Augmenter la bande passante avec un aggrégat de liens

2014-02-01 Thread sechanbask

À: Gilles Mocellin 
Envoyé: Samedi 1 Février 2014 15:29:54 
Objet: Re: Augmenter la bande passante avec un aggrégat de liens 

Je vais suivre ton conseille et utiliser le mode balance-alb. 

J'ai juste à changer ma configuration comme ça ? 

# nano /etc/network/interfaces 
auto lo 
iface lo inet loopback 
iface eth0 inet manual 
iface eth1 inet manual 
iface eth2 inet manual 

auto bond0 
iface bond0 inet manual 
slaves eth0 eth1 
bond_miimon 100 
bond_mode balance-alb 

auto vmbr0 
iface vmbr0 inet static 
bridge_ports bond0 
bridge_stp off 
bridge_fd 0 

Avec ce type de bond, il faudra que je supprime la configuration du switch ? 

Cédric Barribaud 

- Mail transféré -

De: Gilles Mocellin 
Envoyé: Samedi 1 Février 2014 00:54:24 
Objet: Re: Augmenter la bande passante avec un aggrégat de liens 

Le 01/02/2014 00:19, a écrit : 


Je possède un serveur HP ML350 G5, j'ai plusieurs interface réseaux et je 
souhaite en profiter pour fiabiliser la connexion et pour augmenter la bande 
passante. J'utilise l'hyperviseur PROMOX (base debian). 

J'ai tenté de suivre les tutoriels proposés (certains sont dépassés), mais une 
fois mis en place, le serveur n'est plus accessible par son adresse IP privée depuis un PC IP privée 192.168.30.x Par contre, depuis un pc 
connecté à internet derrière une autre box, il est possible de joindre le 
serveur en indiquant IP public du routeur (qui NAT vers le serveur). 

ça me parait fou, mais je suis certain que vous pourrez me donner un coup de 

voici ma configuration actuelle : 

# nano /etc/network/interfaces 
auto lo 
iface lo inet loopback 
iface eth0 inet manual 
iface eth1 inet manual 
iface eth2 inet manual 

auto bond0 
iface bond0 inet manual 
slaves eth0 eth1 
bond_miimon 100 
bond_mode 802.3ad 

auto vmbr0 
iface vmbr0 inet static 
bridge_ports bond0 
bridge_stp off 
bridge_fd 0 


Le switch administrable et un dlink DGS-1100-24 sur lequel j'ai activé le port 
trunking et ça a l'air d'être OK. 

Avez-vous une idée ? 

Es-tu sur que le switch fait bien du trunk en 802.3ad ? (ou LACP) 

Pour enlever ce facteur, si j'étais toi, avec un seul switch, j'utiliserais le 
mode balance-alb du bonding. 
Pas besoin de fonctionnalité coté switch, et ça marche bien. 

En tout cas, si ça marche comme ça, c'est que ton problème viens de la conf du 
switch, ou de la compatibilité 802.3ad. 

Fwd: Augmenter la bande passante avec un aggrégat de liens

2014-02-01 Thread sechanbask
De: Gilles Mocellin 

Envoyé: Samedi 1 Février 2014 15:34:22 
Objet: Re: Augmenter la bande passante avec un aggrégat de liens 


C'est ça pour la conf. Je pense même que tu n'as pas besoin de definir les 
interfaces enmanuel. 
Effectivement, il faut enlever la conf du switch. Comme çà, en plus tu n'as pas 
à te préoccuper des ports où tu branches ta machine. 

C'est volontaire de ne pas repondre à la liste ? 

On 1 février 2014 15:29:54 CET, wrote: 

Je vais suivre ton conseille et utiliser le mode balance-alb. 

J'ai juste à changer ma configuration comme ça ? 

# nano /etc/network/interfaces 
auto lo 
iface lo inet loopback 
iface eth0 inet manual 
iface eth1 inet manual 
iface eth2 inet manual 

auto bond0 
iface bond0 inet manual 
slaves eth0 eth1 
bond_miimon 100 
bond_mode balance-alb 

auto vmbr0 
iface vmbr0 inet static 
bridge_ports bond0 
bridge_stp off 
bridge_fd 0 

Avec ce type de bond, il faudra que je supprime la configuration du switch ? 

Cédric Barribaud 

- Mail original -

De: Gilles Mocellin 
Envoyé: Samedi 1 Février 2014 00:54:24 
Objet: Re: Augmenter la bande passante avec un aggrégat de liens 

Le 01/02/2014 00:19, a écrit : 



Je possède un serveur HP ML350 G5, j'ai plusieurs interface réseaux et je 
souhaite en profiter pour fiabiliser la connexion et pour augmenter la bande 
passante. J'utilise l'hyperviseur PROMOX (base debian). 

J'ai tenté de suivre les tutoriels proposés (certains sont dépassés), mais une 
fois mis en place, le serveur n'est plus accessible par son adresse IP privée depuis un PC IP privée 192.168.30.x Par contre, depuis un pc 
connecté à internet derrière une autre box, il est possible de joindre le 
serveur en indiquant IP public du routeur (qui NAT vers le serveur). 

ça me parait fou, mais je suis certain que vous pourrez me donner un coup de 

voici ma configuration actuelle : 

# nano /etc/network/interfaces 
auto lo 
iface lo inet loopback 
iface eth0 inet manual 
iface eth1 inet manual 
iface eth2 inet manual 

auto bond0 
iface bond0 inet manual 
slaves eth0 eth1 
bond_miimon 100 
bond_mode 802.3ad 

auto vmbr0 
iface vmbr0 inet static 
bridge_ports bond0 
bridge_stp off 
bridge_fd 0 


Le switch administrable et un dlink DGS-1100-24 sur lequel j'ai activé le port 
trunking et ça a l'air d'être OK. 

Avez-vous une idée ? 

Es-tu sur que le switch fait bien du trunk en 802.3ad ? (ou LACP) 

Pour enlever ce facteur, si j'étais toi, avec un seul switch, j'utiliserais le 
mode balance-alb du bonding. 
Pas besoin de fonctionnalité coté switch, et ça marche bien. 

En tout cas, si ça marche comme ça, c'est que ton problème viens de la conf du 
switch, ou de la compatibilité 802.3ad. 


Envoyé de mon téléphone Android avec K-9 Mail. Excusez la brièveté. 

Re: Fwd: Augmenter la bande passante avec un aggrégat de liens

2014-02-01 Thread Christophe

le Samedi 1 Février 2014 15:34:22 via, Gilles
Mocellin à écrit :
 C'est volontaire de ne pas repondre à la liste ?

C'est une question qui se pose en effet ... (d'autant plus si tout votre
échange est forwardé par la suite à la liste - tout en omettant les
entêtes de suivi : réponse à , et référence à ... - ).

@ sechanbask : au pire, répondre à tous, si ton client de messagerie
ne permet pas de répondre à la liste ...


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[HS] dlna renderer

2014-02-01 Thread fabrice régnier

salut la liste,

Je cherche un renderer ( dispo pour debian 
mais sans succès.

Avec BubbleUpnp sur Android, je peux balancer ce que je souhaite sur ma 
freebox qui possède, depuis peu, un serveur de rendu DLNA. Et j'aimerai 
faire la même chose depuis mon laptop.

J'ai regardé du coté de XBMC, minidlna, mediatomb mais pas moyen de 
choisir ma freebox comme serveur de rendu ou alors j'ai mal cherché.

Avez-vous des indices ?

Merki ;)


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Re: [HS] dlna renderer

2014-02-01 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 01 Feb 2014 22:43:48 +0100
fabrice régnier wrote:

 J'ai regardé du coté de XBMC, minidlna, mediatomb mais pas moyen
 de choisir ma freebox comme serveur de rendu ou alors j'ai mal

 Avez-vous des indices ?

Hé bien, le dow jones est à 15,698.85, le nasdaq à 4,103.88
et 10^2 = 100.

KaM j'ai le rhume
KaM ça me fait chier
graf2ix_-away-_ moi sa me fait éternuer
graf2ix_-away-_ chacun ses symptômes

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RE: me saltan con squid paginas https

2014-02-01 Thread jors
On 1 de febrero de 2014 07:57:39 CET, William Romero 

 Subject: Re: me saltan con squid paginas https
 Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 15:56:12 +

 El Thu, 30 Jan 2014 09:47:28 -0600, troxlinux escribió:

 Hola lista , tengo un proxy no transparente y hay usuarios que los
 agarrado saltando el proxy al poner , aunque el
 facebook esta denegado..

 habra alguna manera de denegar este trafico?

 Tema súper-tratado por aquí, mira a ver si encuentras algo
interesante en
 los archivos de la lista:



En tu regla de iptables agrega esto al final por el tema de facebook y
esta es una opcion con youtube de la misma manera.

iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp --dport 443 -m string --string 'facebook'
--algo bm -j DROP
iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp --dport 443 -m string --string 'youtube'
--algo bm -j DROP

lo tengo corriendo y me va bien, les pone a todos lentas la carga de
facebook y en el caso de youtube no se realiza la reproduccion.


William Romero.  

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El problema de lo que propones es que va a bloquear cualquier cosa con esos 
strings, y eso incluirá sitios que no son propiamente Facebook o Youtube pero 
que sí incluyen esa/s cadena/s.

Como dice la documentación [1], lo suyo es tratarlo a nivel de proxy, pero a 
malas... puede valer.



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Re: como acceder al disco duro

2014-02-01 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 31 Jan 2014 23:50:04 -0430, Juan Lavieri escribió:

 El 30/01/14 09:55, Camaleón escribió:


 Mi duda es:

 ¿Puede verse desde nautilus un disco que no está montado?

 Sí, o bueno, al menos sí aparece la unidad en Thunar y no sólo de un
 disco duro interno sino de las llaves USB o dispositivos de
 almacenamiento extraíble. Hasta que no pulsas sobre la unidad no se
 monta pero sí se ve el iconito.
 Si, exacto, eso lo sabemos, 

Eso es presuponer demasiado...

 pero me refería a ver el contenido de los archivos.  Si no está
 montado no hay manera.

Pues eso :-)
 En realidad hice la pregunta porque parece que a veces nos cuesta
 entender lo que leemos;  me explico, si Luis dijo que podía ver el disco
 con nautilus, es posible deducir que está montado, por eso las
 respuestas que le estaban indicando como montarlo, me parecieron fuera
 de lugar.

Siendo estrictos, lo que dijo Luis, tal cual como lo expresó no tenía 
mucho sentido.

Creo que más bien se debería poner cierto interés en escribir las cosas 
correctamente pero cuando no se sabe algo lo normal es que lo que se dice 
no tenga mucho sentido, tampoco hay que darle mayor importancia. Creo que 
es más importante saber lo que se quiere hacer y expresarlo adecuadamente 
sin entrar en más o menos detalles técnicos.


 ¿No será que Luis no tiene claro en donde está montado su disco (que
 según el ve con nautilus)?
 Creo que no tiene claras varias cosas pero para eso está la lista, para
 preguntar cuando se quiere aprender :-)
 Sin embargo en lo personal quisiera felicitarlo públicamente porque ha
 progresado bastante;  se ve que le ha puesto interés y que ahora
 investiga antes de hacer sus preguntas, aparte de que está
 experimentando dentro de debian.

Si tú lo dices... personalmente me cuesta entender cómo se puede instalar 
un sistema operativo y administrarlo sin saber montar o acceder al 
contenido de un disco duro. Sinceramente, algo no me encaja.



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Re: sobre capturadora WinTV-HVR 950Q

2014-02-01 Thread Camaleón
El día 29 de enero de 2014, 19:09, Ariel escribió:

Recupero este mensaje que ha capturado mi filtro... gente, cuidad
dónde mandáis los correos.

 El 29/01/2014 12:28, Camaleón escribió:


 Eso es lo que dicen en esta página:


 Bueno, antes de ponerte con programitas como tvtime tienes que asegurarte
 de que el kernel la ha detectado y configurado correctamente.

 gracias camaleon por responder, esa fue una de las paginas que accedi, y el
 dmesg me devuelve lo mismo que dice esa pagina,

Lo mismo no puede decirte ;-)

Manda a la lista como archivo adjunto, o mejor aún, sube a tu dmesg completo para que lo revisemos.

 todo esta acorde como lo dice ahi ecepto que mi kernel no es un 2.6.31 si no 
 es superior pero como
 mismo dice en la pagina:

 Kernel 2.6.31 and later:

El kernel 2.6.31 se corresponde con un kernel de Debian 3.x, no te
fijes en el numerito que es engañoso.

 me recomiendas que revise si mi kernel vio ese dispositivo, como hago eso??

 gracias de antemano

Sí, claro, es lo primero que tienes que hacer. ¿Cómo? pues como te
dice la página, revisando el dmesg y comprobando si tienes
cargado/instalado el firmware (para esto ejecuta locate xc5000 a ver
qué te dice).



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Re: chown por ftp? y/o chown en php?

2014-02-01 Thread Felix Perez
El día 31 de enero de 2014, 11:40, consultor escribió:
 On 01/30/2014 09:12 AM, Fabián Bonetti wrote:
 On Thu, 30 Jan 2014 09:01:48 -0800
 consultor wrote:

 Supongo que pudo deberse a algunos factores.

 -. sysadmin del servidor
 -. usuario que metio un script (shell.php)

 No se me ocurre otro factor de por que sucedió lo que sucedió.

 Gracias, por las respuestas.
 Parece que aqui explican la causa y el remedio!

Justamente revisando unos ticket de soporte de mi proveedor de host,
recordé que un drupal que tuve alguna vez, comenzó a fallar en algunas
opciones y era por el tema de cambio de permisos, usuarios y grupos
luego de realizado una recuperación desde un backup.  La solución era
que los permisos los cambiaban ellos o yo mismo utilizando un cliente
de ftpa como filezilla. Algunos de ellos no hubo caso de cambiar o
eliminar ya que no eran propiedad de mi usuario sino que de www-data.

Suerte con la solución.

 Felix, me llegaron 2 mensajes tuyos; to: personal. cc: lista.

Lo siento me acabo de dar cuenta.


 hasta luego.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Turmas Abertas para Janeiro e Fevereiro

2014-02-01 Thread CONPEJ
CONPEJ - Conselho Nacional dos Peritos Judiciais 
(11) 3436-7121 / /


Graduados, BELs em Direito com especialidade, médicos, odontólogos, 
administradores, TTIs, engenheiros, contadores, administradores, entre outros. 
Se tiver dúvida, entre com contato conosco:


Perícia Judicial: Campinas - 24 e 25/Jan
Profº Paulo de Salvo

Perícia Previdenciária:  CONPEJ SP - 24 e 25/Jan
Profª Alessandra Goes

Perícia Judicial: Paracatú/MG - 31/Jan e 1/Fev
Profº Paulo de Salvo


Perícia Judicial: SP - 7 e 8/Fev
Profº Paulo de Salvo

Perícia e Avaliação de Imóveis: CONPEJ SP - 14 e 15/Fev
Profº Benito Bueno

Perícia Judicial: Sorocaba - 14 e 15/Fev
Profº Paulo de Salvo

Perícia Ambiental: CONPEJ SP - 21 e 22/Fev
Profº Jaques Natan

Perícia Judicial: Florianópolis - 21 e 22/Fev 
Profº Paulo de Salvo

(11) 3436-7121 / (11) 3104-3815 -
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Re: grub e linux 3.2

2014-02-01 Thread André Nunes Batista
On Fri, 2014-01-31 at 22:30 -0200, Fred Maranhão wrote:
 fiz um teste aqui. troque o 0 por 1 na variável GRUB_DEFAULT. o que
 aconteceu foi que mudou na primeira tela e não na segunda.
 para quem não sabe, a primeira tela tem as seguintes opções:
 Debian GNU/Linux
 Advanced options for Debian GNU/Linux
 se escolher a primeira, entra direto. se escolher a segunda, vai para
 uma tela que mostra os kernels:
 Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.12-1-686-pae
 Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.12-1-686-pae (recovery mode)
 Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.10-2-686-pae
 Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.10-2-686-pae (recovery mode)
 Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae
 Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae (recovery mode)
 eu achei que a variavel GRUB_DEFAULT alterava a tela dos kernels, mas
 ela altera a primeira tela. então acho que vou ter que fazer a
 primeira opção da primeira tela (Debian GNU/Linux) apontar para o
 kernel que eu quero, e deixa a GRUB_DEFAULT quieta...

Repassando novamente para a lista para ficar como referência. Se você
descobrir como fazer esta alteração, compartilhe aqui na lista.


 Em 31 de janeiro de 2014 13:51, André Nunes Batista escreveu:
  On Thu, 2014-01-30 at 14:19 -0200, Fred Maranhão wrote:
  Em 30 de janeiro de 2014 11:44, André Nunes Batista escreveu:
   On Wed, 2014-01-29 at 22:07 -0200, Fred Maranhão wrote:
   tenho o linux 3.12, 3.10 e 3.2 numa máquina e queria que o núcleo
   padrão (ou kernel default) fosse o 3.2.
   Editei o /etc/default/grub e troquei
   e rodei update-grub2.
   não funcionou. rodei o update-grub e também não funcionou (um é link
   para o outro). ainda está subindo o 3.12.
   verifiquei o /boot/grub/grub.cfg e tem a linha
   set default=4
   próximo ao começo.
   estou fazendo algo errado? tem que fazer algo mais além de rodar o 
   Hmmm.. por que 4? Não seria 2 o que você quer? Ou cairia no 3.10?
  começa do 0. e cada entrada tem um recovery mode.
  0- 3.12 normal
  1- 3.12 recovery
  2- 3.10 normal
  3- 3.10 recovery
  4- 3.2 normal   --- esta é a que eu quero
  5- 3.2 recovery
  Eu entendi, por isso perguntei se cairia no 3.10. Nunca alterei o
  default no grub novo, meu comentário foi no sentido: você já tentou
  colocar 2 em vez de 4 e ver se os recoveries realmente são indexados por
  essa variável?
  Mas a princípio diria que você está fazendo certo e não sei o porquê
  está dando errado.
  André N. Batista

André N. Batista

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Re: Banco do Brasil, Iceweasel, Icedtea

2014-02-01 Thread Gunther Furtado
Em 31.01.2014, sexta, Ricardo Rafante disse:

 alguém conseguiu acessar o bb com o kernel 3.12-1? seja pelo oracle ou
 icedtea presciso muito da solução pois não quero usar o win so pra
 acessar o bb. =/

é... eu tenho usado o ubuntu só pra isso.


se a natureza não me abandonar,
 no meu reinado, você reinará Robertinho do Recife

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Re: Banco do Brasil, Iceweasel, Icedtea

2014-02-01 Thread Alcione Ferreira

Hash: SHA1

Em 01-02-2014 11:35, Gunther Furtado escreveu:
 Em 31.01.2014, sexta, Ricardo Rafante disse:

 alguém conseguiu acessar o bb com o kernel 3.12-1? seja pelo oracle ou
 icedtea presciso muito da solução pois não quero usar o win so pra
 acessar o bb. =/

 é... eu tenho usado o ubuntu só pra isso.

Eu uso naturalmente o Mozilla Firefox juntamente com a
última versão do Java

- -- 
Paz e Bem!
Alcione Ferreira
- ---
Liberdade e conhecimento ao alcance de todos.

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Soluções para captive portal

2014-02-01 Thread Paulino Kenji Sato
atualmente tenho usado WPA2 Enterprise para identificar os usuários da
rede sem fios (WiFi) de uma escola, mas isso não esta funcionando com
alguns sistemas operacionais* ou e necessário realizar diversas
configurações manuais para que se consegui associar ao access point.
A ideia para esse ano a passar a usar WPA2 PSK (alguns sistemas tbm
não ingressam em redes abertas) e usar um captive portal para
identificar e permitir o acesso/roteamento.

Ao procurar pelas soluções open de captive portal que possa ser
instalado nos equipamentos já em produção, notei que a maioria (para
não dizer todos), parecem que estão abandonados/descontinuados, tais
como, ChilliSpot , Nocat/WiFidog, etc.
CoovaChilli parece que e o mais atualizado.

Recomendam alguma dessas ou outra solução de captive portal?

Alternativas seriam, autenticar no squid, mas se for proxy
transparente complica, e não serve para SSL (eu sei...), ou
simplesmente não identificar.

* Notadamente os OS da Microsoft e versões recentes do iOS e Android
complicaram as telas de autenticação.

Boa noite
Paulino Kenji Sato

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Re: Soluções para captive portal

2014-02-01 Thread ADIEL
On Feb 1, 2014 6:53 PM, Paulino Kenji Sato wrote:

 atualmente tenho usado WPA2 Enterprise para identificar os usuários da
 rede sem fios (WiFi) de uma escola, mas isso não esta funcionando com
 alguns sistemas operacionais* ou e necessário realizar diversas
 configurações manuais para que se consegui associar ao access point.
 A ideia para esse ano a passar a usar WPA2 PSK (alguns sistemas tbm
 não ingressam em redes abertas) e usar um captive portal para
 identificar e permitir o acesso/roteamento.

 Ao procurar pelas soluções open de captive portal que possa ser
 instalado nos equipamentos já em produção, notei que a maioria (para
 não dizer todos), parecem que estão abandonados/descontinuados, tais
 como, ChilliSpot , Nocat/WiFidog, etc.
 CoovaChilli parece que e o mais atualizado.

 Recomendam alguma dessas ou outra solução de captive portal?

 Alternativas seriam, autenticar no squid, mas se for proxy
 transparente complica, e não serve para SSL (eu sei...), ou
 simplesmente não identificar.

 * Notadamente os OS da Microsoft e versões recentes do iOS e Android
 complicaram as telas de autenticação.

 Boa noite
 Paulino Kenji Sato

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Soluções para captive portal

2014-02-01 Thread J . S . Júnior
Em Sat, 1 Feb 2014 21:13:04 +
ADIEL escreveu:

 On Feb 1, 2014 6:53 PM, Paulino Kenji Sato wrote:
  atualmente tenho usado WPA2 Enterprise para identificar os usuários
  da rede sem fios (WiFi) de uma escola, mas isso não esta
  funcionando com alguns sistemas operacionais* ou e necessário
  realizar diversas configurações manuais para que se consegui
  associar ao access point. A ideia para esse ano a passar a usar
  WPA2 PSK (alguns sistemas tbm não ingressam em redes abertas) e
  usar um captive portal para identificar e permitir o
  Ao procurar pelas soluções open de captive portal que possa ser
  instalado nos equipamentos já em produção, notei que a maioria (para
  não dizer todos), parecem que estão abandonados/descontinuados, tais
  como, ChilliSpot , Nocat/WiFidog, etc.
  CoovaChilli parece que e o mais atualizado.
  Recomendam alguma dessas ou outra solução de captive portal?
  Alternativas seriam, autenticar no squid, mas se for proxy
  transparente complica, e não serve para SSL (eu sei...), ou
  simplesmente não identificar.
  * Notadamente os OS da Microsoft e versões recentes do iOS e Android
  complicaram as telas de autenticação.
  Boa noite
  Paulino Kenji Sato
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of
  unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Também estou neste dilema, não quero usar pfsense.
Não a necessidade, no momento estou bolando as ideias.
Vamos ver como vai ficar a sugestão do pessoal aqui.

J. S. Júnior
GnuPG fprint: 172B B12E 110C 76FA 29BA  7C9E 0FB9 C6CA 0BCB A9B7

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Re: Soluções para captive portal

2014-02-01 Thread Paulino Kenji Sato
Ideia e usar o que já existe.

A rede e pequena, mas um pouco complexa, varias vlan dotq, openvpns,
etc. Quanto menos tiver que interferir na estrutura já existente e ou
evitar a compra de novos equipamentos.

2014-02-01 J.S.Júnior
 Em Sat, 1 Feb 2014 21:13:04 +
 ADIEL escreveu:

 On Feb 1, 2014 6:53 PM, Paulino Kenji Sato wrote:

  atualmente tenho usado WPA2 Enterprise para identificar os usuários
  da rede sem fios (WiFi) de uma escola, mas isso não esta
  funcionando com alguns sistemas operacionais* ou e necessário
  realizar diversas configurações manuais para que se consegui
  associar ao access point. A ideia para esse ano a passar a usar
  WPA2 PSK (alguns sistemas tbm não ingressam em redes abertas) e
  usar um captive portal para identificar e permitir o
  Ao procurar pelas soluções open de captive portal que possa ser
  instalado nos equipamentos já em produção, notei que a maioria (para
  não dizer todos), parecem que estão abandonados/descontinuados, tais
  como, ChilliSpot , Nocat/WiFidog, etc.
  CoovaChilli parece que e o mais atualizado.
  Recomendam alguma dessas ou outra solução de captive portal?
  Alternativas seriam, autenticar no squid, mas se for proxy
  transparente complica, e não serve para SSL (eu sei...), ou
  simplesmente não identificar.
  * Notadamente os OS da Microsoft e versões recentes do iOS e Android
  complicaram as telas de autenticação.
  Boa noite
  Paulino Kenji Sato
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of
  unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Também estou neste dilema, não quero usar pfsense.
 Não a necessidade, no momento estou bolando as ideias.
 Vamos ver como vai ficar a sugestão do pessoal aqui.

 J. S. Júnior
 GnuPG fprint: 172B B12E 110C 76FA 29BA  7C9E 0FB9 C6CA 0BCB A9B7

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Paulino Kenji Sato

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Re: Wireless AP setup: RTL8188CUS

2014-02-01 Thread Csanyi Pal
Csanyi Pal writes:

 Csanyi Pal writes:

 Brian writes:

 On Fri 31 Jan 2014 at 14:32:02 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 csanyipal@b2:/lib/modules/$ grep -r 8192 *
 Binary file media/video/pvrusb2/pvrusb2.ko matches

 This kernel does not have the driver for your device.

 In another mail you wrote:

   So, again, maybe this is not right link for my Wheezy system..

   This is because the linux image, the kernel is not supported yet by
   the  Debian package management ( as I know ) for this peace of
   hardware, and  the kernel must updated from has a forum. Any help there?

 I'm trying to get help there too:

 My question is there and here the same:

 Can I just download the \

 kernel and can I install it with

 dpkg -i bubba3-kernel_2.6.39.4-13_powerpc.deb


 However, I red on the Wiki Excito about how to build a custom_kernel:

 and there are mentioned the following version of the kernel source:

 so I think that that it should be safe to install the binary 
 bubba3-kernel_2.6.39.4-13_powerpc.deb, that I downloaded from the abowe
 mentioned link ( ),

Does this kernel powerpc support the RTL8188CUS chipset?

Regards from Pal

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Re: making my Wheezy beep. How?

2014-02-01 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2014-01-31 at 20:48 -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
 * On 2014 31 Jan 18:04 -0600, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Fri, 2014-01-31 at 09:48 -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
   Set it to TRUE.

And now it beeps if I run

$ printf \7; sleep 1; printf \a


Thank you!

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Re: making my Wheezy beep. How?

2014-02-01 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-02-01 at 16:29 +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Sat, Feb 01, 2014 at 01:02:16AM +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Fri, 2014-01-31 at 09:48 -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
   Have you edited ~/.config/Terminal/terminrc to enable xfce4-terminal
   to issue the beep?
   The relevant line is:
   Set it to TRUE.
  Neither my Arch nor my Linux install have got such a file :D.
 Then create it! :-) There are 'heaps' of runtime configuration files
 which initially don't exist but you can create for your own personal

Creating a file that won't be used won't make sense ;).

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Re: making my Wheezy beep. How?

2014-02-01 Thread Curt
On 2014-01-31, Paul E Condon wrote:

 I need something that I can actually hear even when I not paying
 attention. I know I asked about getting the beep function working, but
 now I want to ask about possibilities of getting the external
 speakers, which I know are working for videos to work for playing a
 recording of a beep sound.  What I'm trying to have is a way to alert
 me to stop working on my computer and go do something else like, for
 instance, a doctor appointment.

It's strange because I lost my internal speaker beep somewhere along the
line; I started a thread here quite a few moons ago, but no one could
say why my beep mysteriously vanished.

Playing around looking for a solution, I unmuted the beep channel in alsamixer,
which caused my beep to transit through my external speakers, when I had them
turned on, a melodious, nearly institutional beep I didn't care for.  So I just
learned to live without any beeping (most people are desirous to turn the damn
thing off and not on, but I possess __l'esprit de contrariété__.

I also notice there exists the beep program for die-hard beep hackers:

curty@einstein:~$ apt-cache show beep

Description: advanced pc-speaker beeper
 beep does what you'd expect: it beeps. But unlike printf \a beep allows
 you to control pitch, duration, and repetitions. Its job is to live inside
 shell/perl scripts and allow more granularity than one has otherwise. It is
 controlled completely through command line options. It's not supposed to be
 complex, and it isn't - but it makes system monitoring (or whatever else it
 gets hacked into) much more informative.

Happy beeping.

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Re: How can I secure a Debian installation?

2014-02-01 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 31 ian 14, 17:19:08, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 It's not only common (in some industry sectors 12 *random* characters
 regularly changed and never repeated is mandated), it's good security.
 Despite what some will advise entropy is the measure of exhaustion -
 resulting from *brute* force attacks. 50% of the time a brute force will
 only require half the entropy to succeed. Due to human bias (failure to
 use random passwords and *password* *managers*) the majority of the time
 passwords that exceed 8 characters will be composed solely of words, and
 brute force difficulty != dictionary attack difficulty (see Niquist and
 Shannon). A significant percentage of the time those word based
 passwords will be a phrase... with even lower attack difficulty.

And the obligatory XKCD:

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: making my Wheezy beep. How?

2014-02-01 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-02-01 at 10:55 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sat, 2014-02-01 at 09:14 +, Curt wrote:
  (most people are desirous to turn the damn
  thing off and not on, but I possess __l'esprit de contrariété__.
 On my machine there isn't a setting to enable/disable the beep by
 I prefer to have the beep enabled, since I don't use desktop sound. When
 doing audio productions, the sound card should be used for the audio
 production only, but important notifications should be allowed to beep,
 at least when not doing audio productions. Desktop sound could be
 dangerous for the speakers and ears, because an averaged level for audio
 productions does vary and so desktop sound easily could become much too
 loud, when the audio production is finished.
 Even if I wouldn't do audio productions, the beep is a notification
 sound I'm used to, because even the BIOS does use it and no external
 gear, amp and speakers is needed.
 I'm forced to use crappy energy-saving bulbs and the politicians likely
 waste energy by the amps and speakers for desktop sound, not to mention
 that the German SPD politician co-responsible for this is very fat, and
 likely wasting much energy by the foot chain, from growing to cooking.
   ^ :D
 Fat people are ok, as long as they aren't politicians teaching other
 people to tighten the belts.

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Re: Wireless AP setup: RTL8188CUS

2014-02-01 Thread Brian
On Sat 01 Feb 2014 at 09:27:36 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Csanyi Pal writes:
  so I think that that it should be safe to install the binary 
  bubba3-kernel_2.6.39.4-13_powerpc.deb, that I downloaded from the abowe
  mentioned link ( ),
 Does this kernel powerpc support the RTL8188CUS chipset?

Download the kernel and look inside it (I would use mc) to see what
drivers it provides.

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Re: Wireless AP setup: RTL8188CUS

2014-02-01 Thread Csanyi Pal
Brian writes:

 On Sat 01 Feb 2014 at 09:27:36 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Csanyi Pal writes:
  so I think that that it should be safe to install the binary 
  bubba3-kernel_2.6.39.4-13_powerpc.deb, that I downloaded from the abowe
  mentioned link ( ),
 Does this kernel powerpc support the RTL8188CUS chipset?

 Download the kernel and look inside it (I would use mc) to see what
 drivers it provides.

I downloaded the bubba3-kernel_2.6.39.4-13_powerpc.deb and look inside
it with MC. I searched for string '8192' in it but don't find anything.

Maybe I should build a custom kernel as described here:

and follow the advices described here:

Regards from Pal

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Re: Wireless AP setup: RTL8188CUS

2014-02-01 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 31/01/14 04:53, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 I just bought an USB dongle nano Netis WF-2120 adapter.
 I want to set it up on my headless Debian Wheezy server as a Wireless
 Access Point. 
 I'm trying to follow these steps here:
 lsusb shows it as:
 Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS
 802.11n WLAN Adapter
 I also installed debian packages hostapd and firmware-realtek, and now I
 don't know what steps I need more to get this working?
 I want to use the ifupdown method described in the
 /usr/share/doc/hostapd/README.Debian file. 
 However, I can't find the installed driver, and I don't know how can I
 load it as a kernel module? 

Had you read this wiki page about that chipset?

Kind regards

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Re: Wireless AP setup: RTL8188CUS

2014-02-01 Thread Csanyi Pal
Scott Ferguson writes:

 On 31/01/14 04:53, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 I just bought an USB dongle nano Netis WF-2120 adapter.
 I want to set it up on my headless Debian Wheezy server as a Wireless
 Access Point. 
 I'm trying to follow these steps here: \
 lsusb shows it as:
 Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS
 802.11n WLAN Adapter
 I also installed debian packages hostapd and firmware-realtek, and now I
 don't know what steps I need more to get this working?
 I want to use the ifupdown method described in the
 /usr/share/doc/hostapd/README.Debian file. 
 However, I can't find the installed driver, and I don't know how can I
 load it as a kernel module? 

 Had you read this wiki page about that chipset?

Yes, I had. There I found that that my USB Wifi adapter is supported:

when I plug in the WiFi usb adapter, lsusb shows the following:
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS
802.11n WLAN Adapter

and on the webpage there is this davice

USB: 0BDA:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS 802.11n WLAN

On the web page: there I found the
following information:

rtl8192cu (supported devices)

 Supports USB devices based on the RTL8188CUS and RTL8192CU chips.

 Introduced in Linux 2.6.39, enabled at 
 linux-2.6  2.6.39~rc7-1~experimental.1. 

So now what should I do to get this USB Wifi adapter works?

Regards from Pal

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Valgrind -strlen error

2014-02-01 Thread Robin
use kill -SIGUSR2 pid to dump traces of active allocations
==1721== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==1721== Copyright (C) 2002-2013, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==1721== Using Valgrind-3.9.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==1721== Command: /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/oosplash --valgrind

valgrind:  Fatal error at startup: a function redirection
valgrind:  which is mandatory for this platform-tool combination
valgrind:  cannot be set up.  Details of the redirection are:
valgrind:  A must-be-redirected function
valgrind:  whose name matches the pattern:  strlen
valgrind:  in an object with soname matching:
valgrind:  was not found whilst processing
valgrind:  symbols from the object with soname:
valgrind:  Possible fixes: (1, short term): install glibc's debuginfo
valgrind:  package on this machine.  (2, longer term): ask the packagers
valgrind:  for your Linux distribution to please in future ship a non-
valgrind:  stripped (or whatever the dynamic linker .so is called)
valgrind:  that exports the above-named function using the standard
valgrind:  calling conventions for this platform.  The package you need
valgrind:  to install for fix (1) is called
valgrind:On Debian, Ubuntu: libc6-dbg
valgrind:On SuSE, openSuSE, Fedora, RHEL:   glibc-debuginfo
valgrind:  Cannot continue -- exiting now.  Sorry.

dpkg  -l libc6*

||/ Name   Version  Architecture
ii  libc6:amd642.17-97  amd64
ii  libc6:i386 2.17-97  i386
ii  libc6-amd642.17-97  i386
ii  libc6-dbg:amd642.17-97  amd64
ii  libc6-dbg:i386 2.17-97  i386
ii  libc6-dev:amd64 2.17-97  amd64
ii  libc6-dev:i386  2.17-97  i386
in  libc6-dev-amd64   none   i386
ii  libc6-dev-i386  2.17-97  amd64
ii  libc6-dev-x322.17-97  amd64
ii  libc6-i386  2.17-97  amd64
ii  libc6-i686:i386 2.17-97  i386
ii  libc6-x322.17-97  amd64
un  libc6.1 none   none
un  libc6.1-dev none   none

Found a bug in bugs.debian but that was resolved by installing
libc6-dbg:i386 which I have already installed.



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Re: Wireless AP setup: RTL8188CUS

2014-02-01 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 01/02/14 21:57, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 Scott Ferguson writes:
 On 31/01/14 04:53, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 I just bought an USB dongle nano Netis WF-2120 adapter.
 I want to set it up on my headless Debian Wheezy server as a Wireless
 Access Point. 


 However, I can't find the installed driver, and I don't know how can I
 load it as a kernel module? 

 Had you read this wiki page about that chipset?
 Yes, I had. There I found that that my USB Wifi adapter is supported:
 when I plug in the WiFi usb adapter, lsusb shows the following:
 Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS
 802.11n WLAN Adapter
 and on the webpage there is this davice
 USB: 0BDA:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS 802.11n WLAN
 On the web page: there I found the
 following information:
 rtl8192cu (supported devices)
  Supports USB devices based on the RTL8188CUS and RTL8192CU chips.
  Introduced in Linux 2.6.39, enabled at 
  linux-2.6  2.6.39~rc7-1~experimental.1. 
 So now what should I do to get this USB Wifi adapter works?

Sorry - if I knew that I would have posted a suggestion or answer
sooner. I'd just noticed that it wasn't mentioned in the thread.

Did you install the matching headers? Do you get a match on the chipset
series when greping through the likely modules after piping through string?

I did notice that chipset appearing in a list of aliases on that wiki
page - that's one thing I'd check for. You could also check with the
author of that wiki page (it's not one of mine).

I don't have a similar chipset or much experience with wifi in general
so it's very unlikely I could offer more help than you are already getting.

Kind regards

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May I introduce to you ..... 'beeb'

2014-02-01 Thread Sharon Kimble

May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing, upgrade to

The BBC has some superb radio and TV programmes, some of which they
have released into the public domain and which can be downloaded using
‘get-iplayer’, and then can be played with your choice of viewer. This
script will -

* Check to see if you have 'get-iplayer/get_iplayer' installed.
  If not it will prompt you to install it.
* Creates the directory where the 'beeb-tv.txt 
  beeb-radio.txt' files are stored.
* Downloads the current radio programme feed,
* Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and
  tell you how much more you can download in this session,
* Downloads the programmes,
* Then downloads the current TV programme feed,
* Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and
  tell you how much more you can download in this session,
* Downloads the programmes,
* Asks you if you want to create a playing list of the radio
  programmes that can then be used by MPD.

You can get 'beeb' from either my blog 'A taste of linux' or from my
bitbucket -

Any problems, or further instruction required, please let me know.

A taste of linux =
efever =
efever =
my git repo =
Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs
Registered Linux user 561944

Description: PGP signature

Re: making my Wheezy beep. How?

2014-02-01 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2014 01 Feb 04:01 -0600, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sat, 2014-02-01 at 10:55 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Sat, 2014-02-01 at 09:14 +, Curt wrote:
   (most people are desirous to turn the damn
   thing off and not on, but I possess __l'esprit de contrariété__.
  On my machine there isn't a setting to enable/disable the beep by

It seems to depend on the machine.  I have found the beep presence to
mostly be found on my laptops.  It's not universally present, though.

I also prefer having the beep as I've been subjected to it for over a
quarter century and a computer that doesn't beep just doesn't seem
right. :-)

- Nate


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more:

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Re: How can I secure a Debian installation?

2014-02-01 Thread André Nunes Batista
On Sat, 2014-02-01 at 11:21 +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Vi, 31 ian 14, 17:19:08, Scott Ferguson wrote:
  It's not only common (in some industry sectors 12 *random* characters
  regularly changed and never repeated is mandated), it's good security.
  Despite what some will advise entropy is the measure of exhaustion -
  resulting from *brute* force attacks. 50% of the time a brute force will
  only require half the entropy to succeed. Due to human bias (failure to
  use random passwords and *password* *managers*) the majority of the time
  passwords that exceed 8 characters will be composed solely of words, and
  brute force difficulty != dictionary attack difficulty (see Niquist and
  Shannon). A significant percentage of the time those word based
  passwords will be a phrase... with even lower attack difficulty.
 And the obligatory XKCD:
 Kind regards,

Since no one mentioned it on this thread, I better ask:

Isn't it the case where the randomness of the key/password composes the
overall quality of the crypto substitutions in such a way that 4096bit
keys would necessarily provide better protection against cryptanalysis
when compared to dozens of random, valid characters?

André N. Batista

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Nvidia packages

2014-02-01 Thread Hans
Dear package-team,

just a question:

Is there any difference between your prebuild nvidia-packages and those, which 
I am building by DKMS?

I mean, do you patch the sources somehow for debian specialities?

Thanks for your answer.

Best regards


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2014-02-01 Thread Frank McCormick
When ever I update my Debian Sid installation and it involves open-jdk I 
get this warning when it's being configured:

update-binfmts: warning: current package is openjdk-7, but binary format 
already installed by openjdk-6

Is this something to be concerned about or is it just informative?

Why do I have two versions of open-jdk installed ?


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Re: How can I secure a Debian installation?

2014-02-01 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Feb 01, 2014 at 12:00:30 -0200, André Nunes Batista wrote:

 Isn't it the case where the randomness of the key/password composes the
 overall quality of the crypto substitutions in such a way that 4096bit
 keys would necessarily provide better protection against cryptanalysis
 when compared to dozens of random, valid characters?

As far as I understand it, that is correct: A 4096bit key gives you
2^4096 possibilities, while a string of n random characters selected
from a set of, let's say, 50 members (letters, numbers, special
characters) has 50^n possible values. To break even with the 4096bit
key, such a random-string password would therefore have to have a length
of n=4096*ln(2)/ln(50) characters, which is about 725.

  Florian   |

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Re: Wireless AP setup: RTL8188CUS

2014-02-01 Thread Brian
On Sat 01 Feb 2014 at 11:27:08 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Maybe I should build a custom kernel as described here:
 and follow the advices described here:

Will the source for the kernel have the module you need?

It might be less trouble to buy wifi device which is supported by your
present kernel.

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Re: How can I secure a Debian installation?

2014-02-01 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 2/1/2014 9:41 AM, Florian Kulzer wrote:

On Sat, Feb 01, 2014 at 12:00:30 -0200, André Nunes Batista wrote:

Isn't it the case where the randomness of the key/password composes the
overall quality of the crypto substitutions in such a way that 4096bit
keys would necessarily provide better protection against cryptanalysis
when compared to dozens of random, valid characters?

As far as I understand it, that is correct: A 4096bit key gives you
2^4096 possibilities, while a string of n random characters selected
from a set of, let's say, 50 members (letters, numbers, special
characters) has 50^n possible values. To break even with the 4096bit
key, such a random-string password would therefore have to have a length
of n=4096*ln(2)/ln(50) characters, which is about 725.

No, a string of 50 members would have n^50 possible values.  If you used 
64 characters (for simplicity - i.e. upper and lower case letters, 0-9 
and two special characters, as in base64 encoding) you would have 64^50 
or 2^300 possible combinations.

Although it doesn't affect the fine outcome that much - you'd still need 
a string of 683 characters to match the complexity of the 4096 bit key.


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Debian testing in a Hyper-V VM does not sync time on resume

2014-02-01 Thread Sladjan Ristic
I tried to save the VM state or pause and resumed it again. In both occasions 
Debian testing would
not sync its time with the Hyper-V host most of the time (rarely it actually 
did). I tried Debian
Wheezy and it worked fine always. I checked and the the hv drivers were loaded 
on the VM.
(I also tried Ubuntu Server 13.10 VM and it showed the same issues Debian 
testing did.)
Which package should I file a bug against here, as this is a kernel driver 
'hv_utils', the kernel?

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Re: Re: making my Wheezy beep. How?

2014-02-01 Thread Hudson Flavio Meneses Lacerda

This page has some information about beep:

I enabled my beep with:
modprobe pcspkr snd-pcsp

I have added pcspkr and snd-pcsp to:

You may also check this file to assure the beep is not black-listed:


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Re: How can I secure a Debian installation?

2014-02-01 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 2/1/2014 10:21 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

On 2/1/2014 9:41 AM, Florian Kulzer wrote:

On Sat, Feb 01, 2014 at 12:00:30 -0200, André Nunes Batista wrote:

Isn't it the case where the randomness of the key/password composes the
overall quality of the crypto substitutions in such a way that 4096bit
keys would necessarily provide better protection against cryptanalysis
when compared to dozens of random, valid characters?

As far as I understand it, that is correct: A 4096bit key gives you
2^4096 possibilities, while a string of n random characters selected
from a set of, let's say, 50 members (letters, numbers, special
characters) has 50^n possible values. To break even with the 4096bit
key, such a random-string password would therefore have to have a length
of n=4096*ln(2)/ln(50) characters, which is about 725.

No, a string of 50 members would have n^50 possible values.  If you used
64 characters (for simplicity - i.e. upper and lower case letters, 0-9
and two special characters, as in base64 encoding) you would have 64^50
or 2^300 possible combinations.

Although it doesn't affect the fine outcome that much - you'd still need
a string of 683 characters to match the complexity of the 4096 bit key.


Damn - my bad.  You're right, and I shouldn't be responding before my 
first cup of coffee :(


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Re: making my Wheezy beep. How?

2014-02-01 Thread Curt
On 2014-02-01, Hudson Flavio Meneses Lacerda wrote:

 I enabled my beep with:
 modprobe pcspkr snd-pcsp

What kind of *beeping* beep have you got?  One that squeaks through the
internal speaker on the motherboard (pcspkr), or one that gushes out of
your external speakers by way of the sound subsystem (snd-pcsp)?

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Re: open-jdk

2014-02-01 Thread Reco

On Sat, 01 Feb 2014 09:43:13 -0500
Frank McCormick wrote:

 When ever I update my Debian Sid installation and it involves open-jdk I 
 get this warning when it's being configured:
 update-binfmts: warning: current package is openjdk-7, but binary format 
 already installed by openjdk-6
 Is this something to be concerned about or is it just informative?

Well, if you happen to have a file with .jar extension, which has
executable bit set, and try to execute such file, it will be executed
with java from openjdk-6.
Whenever this will break something, or not, is up to you to decide.

 Why do I have two versions of open-jdk installed ?

Probably because some package had openjdk-6 as a dependency.
Try to remove openjdk-6, see what happens.


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Re: open-jdk

2014-02-01 Thread Slavko

Dňa Sat, 1 Feb 2014 21:23:49 +0400 Reco napísal:

 On Sat, 01 Feb 2014 09:43:13 -0500
 Frank McCormick wrote:
  When ever I update my Debian Sid installation and it involves
  open-jdk I get this warning when it's being configured:
  update-binfmts: warning: current package is openjdk-7, but binary
  format already installed by openjdk-6
  Is this something to be concerned about or is it just informative?
 Well, if you happen to have a file with .jar extension, which has
 executable bit set, and try to execute such file, it will be executed
 with java from openjdk-6.
 Whenever this will break something, or not, is up to you to decide.

One can select desired jexec-binfmt via udpate-alternatives, if there
are more choices. I have only one from openjdk-7-jre-headless package
on testing.

You can to have broken alternative here, or you have more choices and 
old openjdk-6 is set.



Description: PGP signature

Re: How can I secure a Debian installation?

2014-02-01 Thread Brian
On Sat 01 Feb 2014 at 08:58:52 +0100, Raffaele Morelli wrote:

 Here we go. To be more accurate, it's not that password login is less
 secure, it's private key + passphrase that *adds* security because of its
 That way, even a user who picks a weak passphrase has somewhat an increased

Ihis doesn't so much add security as *restore* it to the level which
would have existed had a weak password not been used.

An administrator might have taken the decision to mandate the use of
keys because he had doubts about users choosing good passwords and was
not in a position to enforce them. This is a reasonable basis for key
use rather than password use and it effectively imposes a known password
strength for authentication.

Note that the same decision (keys rather than passwords) might have been
taken because his users had bad memories for good passwords with 12+
characters. It leads to his having an easier life; in other words, pure
convenience, Quite how these users are going to remember the passphrase
to release the key we can leave to the imagination. :)

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Re: May I introduce to you ..... 'beeb'

2014-02-01 Thread Doug

On 02/01/2014 08:13 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:

May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing, upgrade to

The BBC has some superb radio and TV programmes, some of which they
have released into the public domain and which can be downloaded using
‘get-iplayer’, and then can be played with your choice of viewer. This
script will -

* Check to see if you have 'get-iplayer/get_iplayer' installed.
  If not it will prompt you to install it.
* Creates the directory where the 'beeb-tv.txt 
  beeb-radio.txt' files are stored.
* Downloads the current radio programme feed,
* Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and
  tell you how much more you can download in this session,
* Downloads the programmes,
* Then downloads the current TV programme feed,
* Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and
  tell you how much more you can download in this session,
* Downloads the programmes,
* Asks you if you want to create a playing list of the radio
  programmes that can then be used by MPD.

You can get 'beeb' from either my blog 'A taste of linux' or from my
bitbucket -

Any problems, or further instruction required, please let me know.


My distro does not include iplayer. Will beeb tv play on a
common Linux player, like VLC?


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Install No-IP client on WD MyBook Live

2014-02-01 Thread semaphore45
Hello Debian list, 

I've got a WD MyBook Live, and obviously, it runs a Debian-based OS. I would 
like to know how I could install the No-IP client, have it store the password 
in encrypted form, and automatically update its external IP every 4 hours. It 
is not supposed to be a difficult operation, but from what I read elsewhere, it 
can turn pretty tricky on this NAS as the slightest error will render it unable 
to boot, which is quite problematic on a device you can't dismantle easily and 
that still has a warranty on it.

As an additional requirement, what would be the software that would 
automatically open ports from the outside regardless of settings? I know that 
some software allow for such connections (TeamViewer, Skype), but none are free 
and they don't have the same purpose as this NAS anyways.

This NAS, correctly set up, would be plugged on any home network, update its 
No-IP alias in minutes, and present an anonymous, upload-only FTP server on the 
Internet side. How would I achieve that without bricking it as others did?

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Re: open-jdk

2014-02-01 Thread Frank McCormick

On 01/02/14 12:23 PM, Reco wrote:


On Sat, 01 Feb 2014 09:43:13 -0500
Frank McCormick wrote:

When ever I update my Debian Sid installation and it involves open-jdk I
get this warning when it's being configured:

update-binfmts: warning: current package is openjdk-7, but binary format
already installed by openjdk-6

Is this something to be concerned about or is it just informative?

Well, if you happen to have a file with .jar extension, which has
executable bit set, and try to execute such file, it will be executed
with java from openjdk-6.
Whenever this will break something, or not, is up to you to decide.

Why do I have two versions of open-jdk installed ?

Probably because some package had openjdk-6 as a dependency.
Try to remove openjdk-6, see what happens.

   I purged it and it's gone - at the same time openjdk7 is now
the preferred one.


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Re: open-jdk

2014-02-01 Thread Frank McCormick

On 01/02/14 12:51 PM, Slavko wrote:


Dňa Sat, 1 Feb 2014 21:23:49 +0400 Reco napísal:


On Sat, 01 Feb 2014 09:43:13 -0500
Frank McCormick wrote:

When ever I update my Debian Sid installation and it involves
open-jdk I get this warning when it's being configured:

update-binfmts: warning: current package is openjdk-7, but binary
format already installed by openjdk-6

Is this something to be concerned about or is it just informative?

Well, if you happen to have a file with .jar extension, which has
executable bit set, and try to execute such file, it will be executed
with java from openjdk-6.
Whenever this will break something, or not, is up to you to decide.

One can select desired jexec-binfmt via udpate-alternatives, if there
are more choices. I have only one from openjdk-7-jre-headless package
on testing.

You can to have broken alternative here, or you have more choices and
old openjdk-6 is set.


  Well after purging 6 I too have only one openjdk-7. Seems to have
solved the problem.. we'll see :)


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Re: making my Wheezy beep. How?

2014-02-01 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-02-01 at 07:30 -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
 a computer that doesn't beep just doesn't seem
 right. :-)

Amen to that :).

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Re: freeradius startup delay

2014-02-01 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20140131_203944, Andre Marschalek wrote:
 i installed freeradius and samba4 (internal dns) on debian wheezy (testing
 repository) and every time i reboot this system freeradius failes to start

Wheezy has been the stable version of Debian for more than a year at
the least. Check where you downloaded from. If you really did get
Wheezy from a testing repository, you should review how you got your
copy of Wheezy and get a newer one before you spend much time
debugging your copy of freeradius. At the very least, since you have a
system that works, but only after a long delay, use a better Debian
repository and upgrade to the latest stable release of Wheezy which is
v7.3. It is Very Stable and well worth the time spent on the download
it, IMHO.

Unfortunately for you, this response is from a Debian user who knows
nothing about freeradius and almost nothing about samba, but ... I'm
sure that the people who can help you with freeradius would much
prefer to work with you having your software at the current revision
level. OTOH, perhaps I'm misunderstanding your reference to testing
repository. If you have downloaded freeradius and samba4 from the
current testing in order to get the newer Jessie software, which is
newer than what ships with Wheezy, be aware that mix and match of
packages across major release boundary can lead to unfortunate
results. You should look for updates in the Wheezy-backports

Be aware that in USA this is Superbowl weekend. It is a very important
event here.

 Failed to look up hostname hostname: ip_hton: Name or service not known
 It works if i wait until the login prompt and start freeradius manual 
 i assume i need to adapt the system to delay the startup from freeradius
 until samba is loaded

These sort of sequencing issues should be taken care of in the Debian
packaging of the software. If this is the cause of your problem, it is
a bug. (but only if you are using current packages from synchronized 

 what are your hints, and whats a good way to implement a solution to solve
 this problem?
 thank you

Paul E Condon

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Re: ssh login problem from one particular client

2014-02-01 Thread Chris Davies
Craig L. wrote:
 When I tried to reconnect, it took almost 60 seconds for the password
 prompt to show up.

It's probably trying to lookup rDNS for your IP address. Reverse lookups
are controlled by a parameter in the sshd_config file.


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Re: May I introduce to you ..... 'beeb'

2014-02-01 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 01 February 2014 17:58:45 Doug wrote:
 On 02/01/2014 08:13 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
  May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing,
  upgrade to ‘get-iplayer’!
  The BBC has some superb radio and TV programmes, some of which
  they have released into the public domain and which can be
  downloaded using ‘get-iplayer’, and then can be played with your
  choice of viewer. This script will -
  * Check to see if you have 'get-iplayer/get_iplayer' installed.
If not it will prompt you to install it.
  * Creates the directory where the 'beeb-tv.txt 
beeb-radio.txt' files are stored.
  * Downloads the current radio programme feed,
  * Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and
tell you how much more you can download in this session,
  * Downloads the programmes,
  * Then downloads the current TV programme feed,
  * Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and
tell you how much more you can download in this session,
  * Downloads the programmes,
  * Asks you if you want to create a playing list of the radio
programmes that can then be used by MPD.
  You can get 'beeb' from either my blog 'A taste of linux' or from
  my bitbucket -
  Any problems, or further instruction required, please let me

 My distro does not include iplayer. Will beeb tv play on a
 common Linux player, like VLC?

Where do you live?


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Re: making my Wheezy beep. How? [solved]

2014-02-01 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20140131_205050, Nate Bargmann wrote:
 * On 2014 31 Jan 15:38 -0600, David Guntner wrote:
  I forgot to mention:  The play command is part of the SoX package, so
  if you try running it and get a not found response, install sox.
 There is also 'aplay' from the alsa-utils package which would appear to
 do the same.
 - Nate

Both work for me, and I have found a .wav file that is much less
annoying than the traditional computer beep which I can't really hear
anymore with my aging (81yr) ears. For anyone who actually wants to
hear a beep this is much more pleasant. The .wav file came from

My problem is solved.

Paul E Condon

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Re: May I introduce to you ..... 'beeb'

2014-02-01 Thread Joe
On Sat, 01 Feb 2014 12:58:45 -0500
Doug wrote:

 On 02/01/2014 08:13 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
  May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing, upgrade
  to ‘get-iplayer’!
  The BBC has some superb radio and TV programmes, some of which they
  have released into the public domain and which can be downloaded
  using ‘get-iplayer’, and then can be played with your choice of
  viewer. This script will -
  * Check to see if you have 'get-iplayer/get_iplayer'
  installed. If not it will prompt you to install it.
  * Creates the directory where the 'beeb-tv.txt 
beeb-radio.txt' files are stored.
  * Downloads the current radio programme feed,
  * Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download,
  and tell you how much more you can download in this session,
  * Downloads the programmes,
  * Then downloads the current TV programme feed,
  * Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download,
  and tell you how much more you can download in this session,
  * Downloads the programmes,
  * Asks you if you want to create a playing list of the radio
programmes that can then be used by MPD.
  You can get 'beeb' from either my blog 'A taste of linux' or from my
  bitbucket -
  Any problems, or further instruction required, please let me know.
 My distro does not include iplayer. Will beeb tv play on a
 common Linux player, like VLC?

Debian lists it in all versions from squeeze onwards.

Here is the home website:

IPlayer is a catch-up service, and they all seem to have different
proprietary interfaces. A quick look suggests that the only OS
downloader for iPlayer is indeed get-iplayer. The BBC is known to be
unhappy about the use of OS software to access its online content
(which most certainly is *not* public domain), partly because the
retention time limit can be avoided by simply copying the files

And yes, there is an attempt to restrict usage of iPlayer to the UK,
even though no TV license is required in the UK to watch non-live TV.
Presumably some of the content was hired by the BBC on the basis of
UK-only distribution. I would assume that, as with most of these
IP-based schemes, there are proxies available for people outside the UK.


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Question regarding swap partition when installing Linux Mint Debian.

2014-02-01 Thread Lauge Andersen

I intend to install Linux Mint Debian and give up on the Ubuntu based distros. 
However when I go through the installer, I get to the point where I'm supposed 
to choose the size of the different partitions, but can anyone tell me how big 
should the swap partition be?

I've read online that the size of the swap partition should be determined by 
the memory.

I've therefore copypasted from my terminal below:

free -m
 total   used   free shared    buffers cached
Mem:  7871   1546   6325  0 38    491
-/+ buffers/cache:   1015   6855
Swap:    12011  0  12011

I'm currently using Lubuntu, it got an applicantion in the menu called discs 
and it shows that I currently got a swap partition on 8,5 GB. Will it therefore 
be correct just to choose to make the swap partition in Linux Mint Debian 8,5 
GB as well? 

Can I assume that the swap partition size the installer of an Ubuntu based 
distro automatically chose is the best size for a partition for Debian based 
distro as well? (I just chose the default installation when installing Lubuntu 
as well as other Ubuntu based distros, and therefore didn't have to chose the 
size of the partition manually)

I guess this probably is a really stupid question, but since I'm fairly new to 
Linux, and some of the info I found online regarding this question was fairly 
confusing, I hope you can bear with me. And in case you notice quite some 
misspellings, I might as well add that English is not my native tongue :)

Any way thanks a lot for the help in advance,

Re: Wireless AP setup: RTL8188CUS

2014-02-01 Thread Csanyi Pal
Scott Ferguson writes:

 On 01/02/14 21:57, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 Scott Ferguson writes:
 On 31/01/14 04:53, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 I just bought an USB dongle nano Netis WF-2120 adapter.
 I want to set it up on my headless Debian Wheezy server as a Wireless
 Access Point. 


 However, I can't find the installed driver, and I don't know how can I
 load it as a kernel module? 

 Had you read this wiki page about that chipset?
 Yes, I had. There I found that that my USB Wifi adapter is supported:
 when I plug in the WiFi usb adapter, lsusb shows the following:
 Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS
 802.11n WLAN Adapter
 and on the webpage there is this davice
 USB: 0BDA:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS 802.11n WLAN
 On the web page: there I found the
 following information:
 rtl8192cu (supported devices)
  Supports USB devices based on the RTL8188CUS and RTL8192CU chips.
  Introduced in Linux 2.6.39, enabled at 
  linux-2.6  2.6.39~rc7-1~experimental.1. 
 So now what should I do to get this USB Wifi adapter works?

 Did you install the matching headers? 

I did install the linux-headers-2.6-powerpc.

 Do you get a match on the chipset series when greping through the
 likely modules after piping through string? 

When I run 'make menuconfig' in the kernel source directory, I found the
Realtek RTL8192CU/RTL8188CU USB Wireless Network Adapter

in the 

Linux/powerpc Kernel Configuration / \
 Device Drivers / Network device support / Wireless LAN 

In menuconfig I saved the setup in to .config file.

But when I run after 'make menuconfig' the 'make' command, I get error message:

arch/powerpc/kernel/align.c: In function ‘fix_alignment’:
arch/powerpc/kernel/align.c:704:33: error: variable ‘instruction’ set
but not used [-Werror=unused-but-set-variable]
cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
make[1]: *** [arch/powerpc/kernel/align.o] Error 1
make: *** [arch/powerpc/kernel] Error 2

What could be the problem here?

Regards from Pal

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Re: open-jdk

2014-02-01 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 02/02/14 01:43, Frank McCormick wrote:
 When ever I update my Debian Sid installation and it involves open-jdk I
 get this warning when it's being configured:
 update-binfmts: warning: current package is openjdk-7, but binary format
 already installed by openjdk-6
 Is this something to be concerned about or is it just informative?
 Why do I have two versions of open-jdk installed ?

Because you can. :)


See which one is in use
# update-alternatives --display java

Kind regards

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Re: Wireless AP setup: RTL8188CUS

2014-02-01 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 02/02/14 09:14, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 Scott Ferguson writes:
 On 01/02/14 21:57, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 Scott Ferguson writes:

 On 31/01/14 04:53, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 I just bought an USB dongle nano Netis WF-2120 adapter.
 I want to set it up on my headless Debian Wheezy server as a Wireless
 Access Point. 


 However, I can't find the installed driver, and I don't know how can I
 load it as a kernel module? 

 Had you read this wiki page about that chipset?

 Yes, I had. There I found that that my USB Wifi adapter is supported:

 when I plug in the WiFi usb adapter, lsusb shows the following:
 Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS
 802.11n WLAN Adapter

 and on the webpage there is this davice

 USB: 0BDA:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS 802.11n WLAN

 On the web page: there I found the
 following information:

 rtl8192cu (supported devices)

  Supports USB devices based on the RTL8188CUS and RTL8192CU chips.

  Introduced in Linux 2.6.39, enabled at 
  linux-2.6  2.6.39~rc7-1~experimental.1. 

 So now what should I do to get this USB Wifi adapter works?
 Did you install the matching headers? 
 I did install the linux-headers-2.6-powerpc.
 Do you get a match on the chipset series when greping through the
 likely modules after piping through string? 
 When I run 'make menuconfig' in the kernel source directory, I found the
 Realtek RTL8192CU/RTL8188CU USB Wireless Network Adapter
 in the 
 Linux/powerpc Kernel Configuration / \
  Device Drivers / Network device support / Wireless LAN 
 In menuconfig I saved the setup in to .config file.
 But when I run after 'make menuconfig' the 'make' command, I get error 
 arch/powerpc/kernel/align.c: In function ‘fix_alignment’:
 arch/powerpc/kernel/align.c:704:33: error: variable ‘instruction’ set
 but not used [-Werror=unused-but-set-variable]
 cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
 make[1]: *** [arch/powerpc/kernel/align.o] Error 1
 make: *** [arch/powerpc/kernel] Error 2
 What could be the problem here?

Sorry (again). But I don't have clue.
I can tell you how to suppress the warning (--disable-werror):-

but not how to fix the problem that generates it.

Kind regards

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Re: open-jdk

2014-02-01 Thread Frank McCormick

On 01/02/14 06:47 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:

update-alternatives --display java

[root@localhost frank]# update-alternatives --display java
java - status is manual.
 link currently points to 
- priority 170051
 slave keytool: 
 slave orbd: 
 slave pack200: 
 slave rmid: 
 slave rmiregistry: 
 slave servertool: 
 slave tnameserv: 
 slave unpack200: 
 slave jre_exports: 

 slave jre: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
 slave java.1.gz: 
 slave keytool.1.gz: 
 slave orbd.1.gz: 
 slave pack200.1.gz: 
 slave rmid.1.gz: 
 slave rmiregistry.1.gz: 
 slave servertool.1.gz: 
 slave tnameserv.1.gz: 
 slave unpack200.1.gz: 
Current `best' version is 

[root@localhost frank]#

More info that I ever wanted :)

Your mail is being read by tight-lipped
NSA agents who fail to see the humor in Doctor

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Re: How can I secure a Debian installation?

2014-02-01 Thread Brian
On Sat 01 Feb 2014 at 11:18:17 -0500, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

 On 2/1/2014 10:21 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 2/1/2014 9:41 AM, Florian Kulzer wrote:
 On Sat, Feb 01, 2014 at 12:00:30 -0200, André Nunes Batista wrote:
 Isn't it the case where the randomness of the key/password composes the
 overall quality of the crypto substitutions in such a way that 4096bit
 keys would necessarily provide better protection against cryptanalysis
 when compared to dozens of random, valid characters?
 As far as I understand it, that is correct: A 4096bit key gives you
 2^4096 possibilities, while a string of n random characters selected
 from a set of, let's say, 50 members (letters, numbers, special
 characters) has 50^n possible values. To break even with the 4096bit
 key, such a random-string password would therefore have to have a length
 of n=4096*ln(2)/ln(50) characters, which is about 725.
 No, a string of 50 members would have n^50 possible values.  If you used
 64 characters (for simplicity - i.e. upper and lower case letters, 0-9
 and two special characters, as in base64 encoding) you would have 64^50
 or 2^300 possible combinations.
 Although it doesn't affect the fine outcome that much - you'd still need
 a string of 683 characters to match the complexity of the 4096 bit key.
 Damn - my bad.  You're right, and I shouldn't be responding before
 my first cup of coffee :(

A second cup often helps to see things in a different light. :)

For n=12 there are 50^12 combinations. An online attack with a sustained
100 attempts per second (too low?) would statisically produce a hit in
about 3x10^10 years. In a practical context the protection offered by a
4096bit key is no better than a password with 12 random characters.

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Default kernel network variables, sysctl, not secure enough.

2014-02-01 Thread C.T.F. Jansen


Did a security audit on Debian 7 using tiger and found some less than 
secure settings for network variables in the kernel.

One of the variables flagged was

net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter  .

This and the rest in this group can be set in /etc/sysctl.conf . The 
commented out values in this file look for all the world like the 
correct settings for a reasonably secure system. The default values are 
different and leave openings that may be exploited.

The documentation referred to at the top of /etc/sysctl.conf has no 
useful information in it. Haven't found  any man pages yet that define 
these variables.
Had a look at but this was not sufficiently 

Had a look in /usr/share/doc . Didn't notice anything. Looked through 
the package library for kernel documentation, information on sysctl and 
more besides :

  apt-cache search kernel

this yielded a list :


Installed them and looked for man pages, nothing found, then through 
/usr/share/doc again. This had a number of extra files in it that seemed 
relevant but the variables set were not found as such. A look in


defines the values for the previously mentioned variable, with rp_filter 
at the end of it. The variable itself was not listed in this file so a 
grep did not find it. One had to look through each possible relevant 
file, a number of them (by the way), and discover that the variable 
definitions were listed according to their relevant directory in /proc . 
In this case :


The actual value in /proc , the one being used by the system, was the 
default which needs to be tightened up.

Editing /etc/sysctl.conf and uncommenting most of the settings will 
improve the situation.

Someone put a README* in /etc/sysctl.d that suggested one put a 
local.conf file in /etc/sysctl.d . This  may be a better way to do it 
but  isn't documented anywhere, I think. It is less than obvious and may 
be hard to find later.

Putting sysctl commands in start-up scripts may be challenging to find 
later but site procedures vary. The variables can be set using sysctl as 

How about modifying the supplied /etc/sysctl.conf so that the currently 
commented out settings are uncommented  since these are obviously better 
and as recommended by various bodies as sound practise etc.

No need to take these ideas on the chin Bob :-)

Cheers,, ZL2TTS

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Suggest a tool for decoding binary data

2014-02-01 Thread Kevin O'Gorman
I've been working on homegrown backups for a while.  I like using
standard UNIX tools because the backups are usable on any *NIX system.
I'm about to tackle GPT partitioned disks, and want to decode the

I need it because i like to take dd-style dumps of the partition info,
including the stuff at the end of the disk.  Since the label contains
info about variable areas (the two partition lists) I need to decode

The data is little-endian, but I want my code to work on little- or
big-endian machines.  I want it to be a script -- nothing compiled.

I've figured out that on my little-endian machines, I can use bash
with something like
otherlabel=$(($(dd if=label bs=1 skip=32 count=8 | od -An -t d8) ))
and I get the right answer, but only because the endianness of the
data and of my machine are the same.  I want something that will also
work on a big-endian machine, and I want it to be reasonably simple.

Any ideas?

Kevin O'Gorman

programmer, n. an organism that transmutes caffeine into software.
Please consider the environment before printing this email.

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Re: Suggest a tool for decoding binary data

2014-02-01 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 02/02/14 12:36, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 I've been working on homegrown backups for a while.  I like using
 standard UNIX tools because the backups are usable on any *NIX system.
 I'm about to tackle GPT partitioned disks, and want to decode the
 I need it because i like to take dd-style dumps of the partition info,
 including the stuff at the end of the disk.  Since the label contains
 info about variable areas (the two partition lists) I need to decode
 The data is little-endian, but I want my code to work on little- or
 big-endian machines.  I want it to be a script -- nothing compiled.
 I've figured out that on my little-endian machines, I can use bash
 with something like
 otherlabel=$(($(dd if=label bs=1 skip=32 count=8 | od -An -t d8) ))
 and I get the right answer, but only because the endianness of the
 data and of my machine are the same.  I want something that will also
 work on a big-endian machine, and I want it to be reasonably simple.
 Any ideas?

Maybe you could just grab the secondary GPT header and table?
16 KiB before the last logical sector of the disk and last 512 bytes

I'm not sure why you need to decode the data.

gfdisk will allow you to grab the labels, but I don't know if you can
run it from a script (xdotool?).

Kind regards

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Re: Viber on Debian

2014-02-01 Thread Man_Without_Clue

On 02/01/2014 11:16 AM, Michael Checca wrote:
On Fri, 31 Jan 2014 17:25:02 -0800, Man_Without_Clue wrote:

On 01/28/2014 11:53 PM, Chris Bannister wrote:

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 07:13:13PM +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 28/01/14 19:00, Chris Bannister wrote:

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 12:18:56PM +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:

and if it exists, scrape the page for the license e.g.:-
$ curl -s|html2text|grep 
License|head -n1

That will pick up bad grammar, maybe better is:
curl -s|html2text|grepLicen\[sc\]e|head 

Licence - is the noun
License - is the verb

Are you serious?

What school did you go to?

nobody in this list uses Viber

I use Viber on Arch and Ubuntu. I've never used it on pure Debian, but 
it does work very well on Ubuntu 12.04

Thing is that if I install on debian, Viber just won't start.

I have been wondering if there is anyway to make it work on Debian.

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Re: May I introduce to you ..... 'beeb'

2014-02-01 Thread Doug

On 02/01/2014 02:30 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Saturday 01 February 2014 17:58:45 Doug wrote:

On 02/01/2014 08:13 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:

May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing,
upgrade to ‘get-iplayer’!

The BBC has some superb radio and TV programmes, some of which
they have released into the public domain and which can be
downloaded using ‘get-iplayer’, and then can be played with your
choice of viewer. This script will -

* Check to see if you have 'get-iplayer/get_iplayer' installed.
  If not it will prompt you to install it.
* Creates the directory where the 'beeb-tv.txt 
  beeb-radio.txt' files are stored.
* Downloads the current radio programme feed,
* Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and
  tell you how much more you can download in this session,
* Downloads the programmes,
* Then downloads the current TV programme feed,
* Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and
  tell you how much more you can download in this session,
* Downloads the programmes,
* Asks you if you want to create a playing list of the radio
  programmes that can then be used by MPD.

You can get 'beeb' from either my blog 'A taste of linux' or from
my bitbucket -

Any problems, or further instruction required, please let me


My distro does not include iplayer. Will beeb tv play on a
common Linux player, like VLC?

Where do you live?


Long Island, New York

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Re: Viber on Debian

2014-02-01 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 02/02/14 14:12, Man_Without_Clue wrote:

 nobody in this list uses Viber

Well, it is a piece of heavily marketed, unreliable, proprietary piece
of, um, software - which offers no privacy. And there are a number of

 I use Viber on Arch and Ubuntu. I've never used it on pure Debian, but
 it does work very well on Ubuntu 12.04
 Thing is that if I install on debian,

Telling us *which* Debian might be useful ;p

 Viber just won't start.

Presuming you are running a 64-bit Debian release. After installing it
# dpkg -i viber.deb

did you get any useful messages?

have you tried following the installation with:-

# apt-get -f install

NOTE: run the following first:-

# apt-get -sf install | more

Having done all that (and confirmed you run 64-bit) - in a terminal run:-
$ viber

and post the result.

 I have been wondering if there is anyway to make it work on Debian.

Interesting, but informative not so much ;p

Please post information about what you are running and how you installed it.

Kind regards

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Re: May I introduce to you ..... 'beeb'

2014-02-01 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 02/02/14 00:13, Sharon Kimble wrote:
 May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing, upgrade to
 Any problems, or further instruction required, please let me know.

Thanks - it looks interesting. (if only there was something similar for
Australian Broadcasting Corporations iview).

I can't seem to find the source to the binary you provide. Have you
released it?

Is it related to the Debian package?

Are there any potential problems with permissions? e.g.:-


Kind regards

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Re: Viber on Debian

2014-02-01 Thread PaulNM
On 01/24/2014 07:35 PM, Man_Without_Clue wrote:
 Hi all,
 Has anyone successfully installed Viber opn Debian?
 Completely lost man

Hey, I wrote the following as a basic troubleshooting guide.  Scott was
right, though.  You really should have put more info in your first
email, at least letting us know that you were able to install it, but
clicking on the menu item didn't bring up anything.  This list may have
very few people using a particular program, but it's full of great

So, I went ahead and tried it out on a Debian Wheezy VM I have. First,
I'd like to point out their linux support probably isn't that great. The
site says almost nothing about linux, and strongly implies it *doesn't*
have a linux client. It took a little hunting around to find the
software. (It's Viber for desktop)

For me, sudo dpkg -i viber.deb went fine, and it showed up in the
Internet section of the menu.  Clicking on it produced no feedback,
even after several tries.

The first thing I try in these kind of situations is to run it in a
terminal. (This is something several people would have suggested if your
original email had given more info.) That didn't work, I got command
not found.  So I went back to the menu, looked at the properties of the
Viber link, and discovered it's supposed to run /usr/share/viber/

Running *that* in a terminal gives a useful error message:
/usr/share/viber/Viber: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version
`GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /usr/share/viber/Viber).

Putting glibc in Debian in a search engine tells me stable/Wheezy has
glibc 2.13, while testing/Jessie currently has 2.17. Clearly Wheezy's
GLIBC is too old.

So I tried it in my up-to-date Debian Testing/Jessie VM.  Sure enough it
now still doesn't work.  I did get a flicker of a window outline,
but nothing else.  Running /usr/share/viber/ just returned
Segmentation fault.

That's pretty much where I stop with something I'm not invested in. :)
I did read /usr/share/viber/, it just runs
/usr/share/viber/Viber after making sure it can access some libraries in
/usr/share/viber.  Nothing fancy.  I also tried using strace, but didn't
get info that was useful for me (I'm not that used to strace output).

I'd suggest dropping Viber and using something far better supported. But
what if that's not an option?  The first thing most people (especially
those less experienced) will ask is Can I upgrade GLIBC to a newer
version?.  Technically yes, but it's a really bad idea to do so on an
important system. Glibc is used by almost everything, so problems with
that can mess up the system in odd ways.

The other option is to run things in a virtual machine, linux container,
or chroot.  That's abit complicated to get into here, but it's worth a
try.  We know that in this case, testing/Jessie doesn't work, so perhaps
try a Wheezy install with updated glibc that's only used to run Viber?

Seriously though, I don't think it's worth the effort. Especially since
their support section doesn't acknowledge they even *have* a linux client.

- PaulNM

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Re: Wireless AP setup: RTL8188CUS

2014-02-01 Thread Csanyi Pal
Scott Ferguson writes:

 On 02/02/14 09:14, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 Scott Ferguson writes:
 On 01/02/14 21:57, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 Scott Ferguson writes:

 On 31/01/14 04:53, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 I just bought an USB dongle nano Netis WF-2120 adapter.
 I want to set it up on my headless Debian Wheezy server as a Wireless
 Access Point. 


 However, I can't find the installed driver, and I don't know how can I
 load it as a kernel module? 

 Had you read this wiki page about that chipset?

 Yes, I had. There I found that that my USB Wifi adapter is supported:

 when I plug in the WiFi usb adapter, lsusb shows the following:
 Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS
 802.11n WLAN Adapter

 and on the webpage there is this davice

 USB: 0BDA:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS 802.11n WLAN

 On the web page: there I found the
 following information:

 rtl8192cu (supported devices)

  Supports USB devices based on the RTL8188CUS and RTL8192CU chips.

  Introduced in Linux 2.6.39, enabled at 
  linux-2.6  2.6.39~rc7-1~experimental.1. 

 So now what should I do to get this USB Wifi adapter works?
 Did you install the matching headers? 
 I did install the linux-headers-2.6-powerpc.
 Do you get a match on the chipset series when greping through the
 likely modules after piping through string? 
 When I run 'make menuconfig' in the kernel source directory, I found the
 Realtek RTL8192CU/RTL8188CU USB Wireless Network Adapter
 in the 
 Linux/powerpc Kernel Configuration / \
  Device Drivers / Network device support / Wireless LAN 
 In menuconfig I saved the setup in to .config file.
 But when I run after 'make menuconfig' the 'make' command, I get
 error message: 
 arch/powerpc/kernel/align.c: In function ‘fix_alignment’:
 arch/powerpc/kernel/align.c:704:33: error: variable ‘instruction’ set
 but not used [-Werror=unused-but-set-variable]
 cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
 make[1]: *** [arch/powerpc/kernel/align.o] Error 1
 make: *** [arch/powerpc/kernel] Error 2
 What could be the problem here?

 Sorry (again). But I don't have clue.
 I can tell you how to suppress the warning (--disable-werror):-

 but not how to fix the problem that generates it.

I'm trying to fix this problem with installing gcc-4.4 on my Debian
Wheezy system.

Now when I have installed the gcc-4.4, I made a symbolic link:
ls -l /usr/bin/gcc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 febr   2 06:34 /usr/bin/gcc - /usr/bin/gcc-4.4

The gcc symbolic link are linked before this to the /usr/bin/gcc-4.6.

Now I'm running the 'make' command in the kernel source file with the
.config setup file. Sofar it is successfull, but it is ongoing yet. I'm
waiting the make command to terminate successfull.

Regards from Pal

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Re: Question regarding swap partition when installing Linux Mint Debian.

2014-02-01 Thread Doug

On 02/01/2014 03:42 PM, Lauge Andersen wrote:

I intend to install Linux Mint Debian and give up on the Ubuntu based 
distros. However when I go through the installer, I get to the point 
where I'm supposed to choose the size of the different partitions, but 
can anyone tell me how big should the swap partition be?

I've read online that the size of the swap partition should be 
determined by the memory.

I've therefore copypasted from my terminal below:

free -m
 total   used   free shared buffers cached
Mem:  7871   1546   6325  0 38491
-/+ buffers/cache:   1015   6855
Swap:12011  0  12011

I'm currently using Lubuntu, it got an applicantion in the menu called 
discs and it shows that I currently got a swap partition on 8,5 GB. 
Will it therefore be correct just to choose to make the swap partition 
in Linux Mint Debian 8,5 GB as well?
Can I assume that the swap partition size the installer of an Ubuntu 
based distro automatically chose is the best size for a partition for 
Debian based distro as well? (I just chose the default installation 
when installing Lubuntu as well as other Ubuntu based distros, and 
therefore didn't have to chose the size of the partition manually)

I guess this probably is a really stupid question, but since I'm 
fairly new to Linux, and some of the info I found online regarding 
this question was fairly confusing, I hope you can bear with me. And 
in case you notice quite some misspellings, I might as well add that 
English is not my native tongue :)

Any way thanks a lot for the help in advance,
If you already have that swap partition, just leave it there and your 
new distro will use it. You can have one swap for as many distros as you 
have on the machine!
(Since you only use it with one distro at a time, you don't need more 
than one.)
However, there seems to be some discrepancy in the measurements, unless 
you already have 2 swap partitions. Free says 12 GB, discs (with which 
I'm not familiar)
says 8.5 GB.  If you have two swap partitions, you can delete one and 
make it part of your usable disk space. I think you could safely delete 
the larger one.

Parenthetically, I sort of liked Mint, but I thought it was somewhat 
limited. You might try Korora.  But that's up to you, of course.


You lazy son-of-a-guns out there! (Was: May I introduce to you)

2014-02-01 Thread Bob Bernstein

On Sat, 1 Feb 2014, Doug wrote:

On 02/01/2014 02:30 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Saturday 01 February 2014 17:58:45 Doug wrote:

On 02/01/2014 08:13 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:

May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing,
upgrade to ‘get-iplayer’!

I'm reasonably certain that as of this late date the _last_ thing 
anyone wants to see on this list is another OT baby-poop storm, but 
HAVE WE COMPLETELY SURRENDERED on the issue of top-quoting or 
bottom-quoting or whatever the heck we're calling it these days?


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