Re: passar de paquets instal.lats localment a repositoris estàndard?

2014-02-04 Thread alex

Solució 1) potser tornat a posar deb-multimedia com a repositori, i
configurar synaptic per que prioritzi els paquets de Debian Testing?
no sembla que hagi de funcionar

Efectivament, no ha funcionat

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Re: passar de paquets instal.lats localment a repositoris estàndard?

2014-02-04 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales
Dieixa el sources.list correcte I fes un aptitude version-upgrade
El dia 04/02/2014 18.52, va escriure:

  Solució 1) potser tornat a posar deb-multimedia com a repositori, i
 configurar synaptic per que prioritzi els paquets de Debian Testing?
 no sembla que hagi de funcionar

 Efectivament, no ha funcionat

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Comment prendre un instantané d'une VM KVM ?

2014-02-04 Thread Olivier
Le 3 février 2014 23:44, Gilles Mocellin a
écrit :

 Le 03/02/2014 23:37, Bzzz a écrit :

  On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 23:31:52 +0100
 Gilles Mocellin wrote:

  Alors voilà, pour résumer, si tu veux pouvoir faire des snapshots,
 tu dois utiliser un stockage en ficher qcow2 et pas du raw sur LVM.

 Pour embrouiller les choses. Il est possible de faire des
 snapshots des volumes logiques LVM. Si la machine est arrêtée, ce
 sera consistant. Mais ça ne sera pas géré par libvirt.

   ZFS? (si tant est qu'il soit géré).

 ZFS, btrfs, tout comme LVM, permettent de faire des snapshots des disques.
 L'avantage des commandes snapshot-create de virsh, c'est que ça fait un
 snapshot des disques de la VM, mais ça sauvegarde aussi l'état, la mémoire
 de la VM si elle est en marche.
 Oui, on peut faire un snapshot en fonctionnement, qui sera cohérent,
 contrairement a un snapshot des seuls disques.

J'imagine aussi que si les snapshots sont faits avec un outil externe à
virt, il n'est pas facile de visualiser et manipuler avec virtman les
différents états des VM.

Je pense que je vais opter pour les outils intégrés à VirtManager et
choisir qcow2 comme format de disque de VM.

La seule question qui me reste est:
est-il dangereux ou très inconfortable de piloter un serveur KVM/Wheezy
depuis une console VirtManager/Squeeze (je ne suis pas très enthousiaste
pour migrer tout de suite ma station de Squeeze à Wheezy) ?

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Re: [HS] dlna renderer

2014-02-04 Thread fabrice régnier


gupnp-av-cp me permet, de mon ordinateur de bureau,
yes! ça marche au poil pour les fichiers présents sur des serveurs dlna. 
Merci Rémi.

Mais forcémenent, j'en veux plus ;) Par exemple, je veux pouvoir 
balancer les vidéos youtube sur le renderer. Du coup, gupnp-av-cp est un 
peu light.

Je me suis donc farci la compil d'un nightly de xbmc (j'avais oublié les 
joies des libs manquantes ;) ) mais sans résultat probant. J'ai donc 
ouvert un ticket chez free et je vais faire de même sur

Ça avance, ça avance...


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Re: Mémoire maximale prise en charge 64Mo???

2014-02-04 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le 03/02/2014, daniel a écrit :

 Le 03/02/2014 22:18, Jack Duthen a écrit :
 Dans le paragraphe 5 de la page
 il est indiqué:

 Faire des recherches est une très bonne chose, il faut toutefois
 vérifier les dates de publication ;-) Ce document date de 2007.

Et j'ajoute qu'en l'an 2000, j'avais déjà un ordinateur fixe dont la
mémoire centrale montait jusqu'à 384 Mio SDRAM - ce qui est assez
appréciable à l'époque - et j'avais installé SuSE (voir note a) qui
proposait un noyau Linux version 2.2.

Note a : une distribution d'origine allemande qui existe toujours mais
qui a été renommée OpenSuSE.

A cette époque, je démarrais le système GNU/Linux par l'intermédiaire
de LILO et l'intégralité de la mémoire était reconnue sans que j'ai eu
besoin d'ajouter le paramètre append=mem=384M au programme

Donc, déjà en 2007, cette précaution était obsolète et je me demande
si elle ne concernait plutôt une version encore plus ancienne (2.0
voire 1.n) du noyau. :-)

Aujourd'hui (et depuis automne 2008), la mémoire centrale (de mon
ordinateur fixe) se monte à 8 Gio - ou à 8192 Mio si vous préférez -
DDR2 et est entièrement reconnue par mon système GNU/Linux sans que
j'ai eu besoin de l'indiquer à LILO (ou à GRUB).

Quand aux documentations (numériques ou imprimées) anciennes -
disons plus de 5 ans -, même s'il ne faut pas les rejeter dans leur
intégralité (voir note b), je pense qu'il faut les prendre avec assez
de circonspections vu l'évolution assez rapide de l'informatique tant
du point de vue logicielle - surtout avec les logiciels libres ou à
code source ouverte (voir note c) - que du point de vue matérielle.

Note b : les documentations qui datent peuvent contenir des
informations qui sont toujours d'actualité de nos jours.

Note c : mais c'est valable aussi pour les logiciels privateurs.

Concernant le guide pratique de la compatibilité matérielle avec Linux
(Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO) que Jack D. s'est référé,
l'auteur (Steven Pritchard) précise bien implicitement (note d) que
son document peut être dépassé concernant telle ou telle partie.

Note d : voir la sous-section 1.5. Problèmes connus avec ce document
( ).

 Les distributions récentes n'utilisent plus Lilo mais grub comme
 bootloader. Et la limite de mémoire 64Mo est désuète. En 32 bits avec le
 kernel adéquat c'est 64Go, en 64 bits ... je ne sais pas.

Notons quand même que LILO est toujours disponible chez Debian (et
pour toutes les versions, y compris pour Jessie et Sid), voir la page
suivante :

Cela dit, d'après le Debian Popularity Contest - voir la page -, GRUB semble être cent fois (ou pas loin)
plus installé que LILO.

Quand à l'architecture amd64, l'adressage de la mémoire vive peut
aller jusqu'à 64 Tio (soit 1024 fois plus que sous i386, même avec
l'extension PAE). Cela est précisé à la page .

Cordialement et à bientôt,


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Re: Mémoire maximale prise en charge 64Mo???

2014-02-04 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

To: daniel huhardeaux

Et toutes mes excuses à Daniel H. pour lui avoir envoyé directement
mon message précédent (de ce fil de discussion). Je n'ai pas fait
gaffe aux champs To et CC avant de le faire.

Je n'étais pas bien réveillé, me semble-t-il... :-(

Cordialement et à bientôt,


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Re: [HS] dlna renderer

2014-02-04 Thread juke
On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 09:45:28AM +0100, fabrice régnier wrote:
 Mais forcémenent, j'en veux plus ;) Par exemple, je veux pouvoir
 balancer les vidéos youtube sur le renderer. Du coup, gupnp-av-cp
 est un peu light.

L'idéal serait de pouvoir piper une video, je me demande si ce n'est pas
possible avec gstreamer. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: Perte de suspend et hibernate entre 3.9-1-amd64 et les suivants...

2014-02-04 Thread dcarped

Le 4/02/2014 00:27, dcarped a écrit :

Je m'empare de ce sujet anti-daté pour tenter de résoudre à mon tour 
sur un portable HP Probook 4310S l'utilisation du noyau 3.2 -amd64 en 
conjonction avec la couche Xen en version 4.1
Comme mentionné dans le fil, Egalement en me mettant en hibernate ou 
suspend, je n'ai plus moyen  de recouvrer la session. Problème 
mineur.. Ce n'est pas le sujet de mon requête, car sous wheezy épuré 
je n'ai pas de problème.

En majeur, J'ai fais mes tests sur xen , depuis que j'ai upgradé vers 
wheezy et xen 4.1, ma session bloque l'accès clavier ainsi que tt qui 
tourne en arrière fond. Enfin qlq minutes suivant le login=freeze.

Solution de dernier secours le HArd reboot.
J'ai eu plus de succès en passant l'option 'debug loglevel=8' au boot, 

Je me suis initié à la lecture de l'utilitaire kernel git bisect 
donné ci-dessous, mais je m'aperçois que je manque des bases pour 
collecter le minimum aux besoins de nécessaire .. si pour autant 
résolution à terme il y aura! car je nage. Je suis preneur 
d'indication de la providence sur base des infos que j'ai été en 
mesure de grappiller. qu'est-ce que je peux fournir pour améliorer la 
Suis-je concerné par mon bug? Qqn dans l'assistance fait-il tourner 
xen sur le noyau wheezy avec succès? HELP ! Je suis avec ce bug depuis 
1 mois or personne n'a pu trouver de résolution ailleurs où un cas 
similaire est évoqué. notamment chez xen-users, xen-dev.
Il semble que je ne sais pas même créer de rapport de bug car les logs 
restent désespéremment vide.

Dois-je backporter le noyau xen?
Dois-je upgradé vers unstable?
Quelles solution viable existe ?

Il semble que HP est touché par la stabilité. A noter que en barmetal 
(wheezy tout épuré) je ne rencontre quasi no problème.

Que me proposez?

Dorian [averiguar de sultan]

Le 3/12/2013 07:48, nb a écrit :

Le 03-12-2013 07:40, Yann Cohen a écrit :


Cela fait maintenant +ieurs semaines (3.10-2-amd64) que les services de
mise en veille mon portable HP 8560p ne fonctionnent plus correctement,
en effet le retour de veille est chaotique : blocage dans l’écran de
veille de gnome3 avec la souris qui fonctionne mais pas de possibilité
de saisir d’aller plus loin, le clavier semble inopérant et impossible
de basculer sur un écran console= la seule solution est l'extinction
forcée par coupure énergie, au reboot l'horloge est passée en UTC...

Depuis la dernière version (3.11-2-amd64) hibernate ne fonctionne

Si j'utilise l'entrée de grub du noyau 3.9-1-amd64 les deux services

Quelles pistes suivre pour résoudre ce Pb, je n'ai rien trouvé (ou mal

Yann Cohen.


Si tu as un noyau qui fonctionne bien, et un autre pas du tout, la 
réponse est très simple kernel git bissect. Ca te permettra de 
trouver avec exactitude le patch qui pose problème. Au passage tu 
t'initieras à la compilation du noyau.

Bonne journée


Il semble que les noyaux construits à partir de la version 3.9-1 
exclu aient
des pb avec les portables HP, tu soulignes que la fonction hibernate 
ne marche
plus, mais il y a aussi pour certains HP le wifi qui est bloqué, 
voir mon
message du 24 Octobre 2013 intitulé Wifi sur portable HP disparait 
au boot
[Résolu !] , je l'avais résolu en black-listant le module hp_wmi, 
dans ton

cas je ne sais pas si c'est la solution.
J'ai fait un rapport de bug 724827 qui décrivait le pb, mais cela 

intéresser aucun des mainteneurs du noyau.
Philippe Merlin

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Que faire quand Evolution passe en mode Offline quand je passe en mode bridge ?

2014-02-04 Thread Olivier

J'ai une station sous Squeeze avec Evolution.
Je viens d'y installer bridge-utils.

Depuis, Evolution détecte que je suis dé-connecté du réseau (ce qui est
faux) et grise le menu Fichier/Travailler en ligne.

L'onglet Préférence réseau d'Evolution propose 3 entrées dont :
- Utiliser les réglages par défaut
- Connexion directe à internet.

Que faire ?
Supprimer NetworkManager ?
L'apprivoiser pour lui apprendre à répondre tout va bien aux applications
qui le questionnent ?


[HS] Perte de suspend et hibernate entre 3.9-1-amd64 et les suivants... (post du 3/12/13)

2014-02-04 Thread dcarped

Je m'empare de ce sujet anti-daté pour tenter de résoudre à mon tour sur 
un portable HP Probook 4310S l'utilisation du noyau 3.2 -amd64 en 
conjonction avec la couche Xen en version 4.1
Comme mentionné dans le fil, Egalement en me mettant en hibernate ou 
suspend, je n'ai plus moyen de recouvrer la session. Problème mineur.. 
Ce n'est pas le sujet de mon requête, car sous wheezy épuré je n'ai pas 
de problème.

En majeur, J'ai fais mes tests sur xen , depuis que j'ai upgradé vers 
wheezy et xen 4.1, ma session bloque l'accès clavier ainsi que tt qui 
tourne en arrière fond. Enfin qlq minutes suivant le login=freeze.

Solution de dernier secours le HArd reboot.
J'ai eu plus de succès en passant l'option 'debug loglevel=8' au boot, 

Je me suis initié à la lecture de l'utilitaire kernel git bisect donné 
ci-dessous, mais je m'aperçois que je manque des bases pour collecter le 
minimum aux besoins de nécessaire .. si pour autant résolution à terme 
il y aura! car je nage. Je suis preneur d'indication de la providence 
sur base des infos que j'ai été en mesure de grappiller. qu'est-ce que 
je peux fournir pour améliorer la Tanbouille.
Suis-je concerné par mon bug? Qqn dans l'assistance fait-il tourner xen 
sur le noyau wheezy avec succès? HELP ! Je suis avec ce bug depuis 1 
mois or personne n'a pu trouver de résolution ailleurs où un cas 
similaire est évoqué. notamment chez xen-users, xen-dev.
Il semble que je ne sais pas même créer de rapport de bug car les logs 
restent désespéremment vide.

Dois-je backporter le noyau xen?
Dois-je upgradé vers unstable?
Quelles solution viable existe ?

Il semble que HP est touché par la stabilité. A noter que en barmetal 
(wheezy tout épuré) je ne rencontre quasi no problème.

Que me proposez?

Dorian [averiguar de sultan]

Le 3/12/2013 07:48, nb a écrit :

Le 03-12-2013 07:40, Yann Cohen a écrit :


Cela fait maintenant +ieurs semaines (3.10-2-amd64) que les services de
mise en veille mon portable HP 8560p ne fonctionnent plus correctement,
en effet le retour de veille est chaotique : blocage dans l’écran de
veille de gnome3 avec la souris qui fonctionne mais pas de possibilité
de saisir d’aller plus loin, le clavier semble inopérant et impossible
de basculer sur un écran console= la seule solution est l'extinction
forcée par coupure énergie, au reboot l'horloge est passée en UTC...

Depuis la dernière version (3.11-2-amd64) hibernate ne fonctionne

Si j'utilise l'entrée de grub du noyau 3.9-1-amd64 les deux services

Quelles pistes suivre pour résoudre ce Pb, je n'ai rien trouvé (ou mal

Yann Cohen.


Si tu as un noyau qui fonctionne bien, et un autre pas du tout, la 
réponse est très simple kernel git bissect. Ca te permettra de 
trouver avec exactitude le patch qui pose problème. Au passage tu 
t'initieras à la compilation du noyau.

Bonne journée


Il semble que les noyaux construits à partir de la version 3.9-1 
exclu aient
des pb avec les portables HP, tu soulignes que la fonction hibernate 
ne marche
plus, mais il y a aussi pour certains HP le wifi qui est bloqué, voir 
message du 24 Octobre 2013 intitulé Wifi sur portable HP disparait 
au boot
[Résolu !] , je l'avais résolu en black-listant le module hp_wmi, 
dans ton

cas je ne sais pas si c'est la solution.
J'ai fait un rapport de bug 724827 qui décrivait le pb, mais cela semble
intéresser aucun des mainteneurs du noyau.
Philippe Merlin


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Re: [HS] Perte de suspend et hibernate entre 3.9-1-amd64 et les suivants... (post du 3/12/13)

2014-02-04 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le 03/02/2014, a écrit :
 Je m'empare de ce sujet anti-daté pour tenter de résoudre à mon tour sur
 un portable HP Probook 4310S l'utilisation du noyau 3.2 -amd64 en
 conjonction avec la couche Xen en version 4.1
 Comme mentionné dans le fil, Egalement en me mettant en hibernate ou
 suspend, je n'ai plus moyen  de recouvrer la session. Problème mineur..
 Ce n'est pas le sujet de mon requête, car sous wheezy épuré je n'ai pas
 de problème.

Le 04/02/2014, a écrit :
 Je m'empare de ce sujet anti-daté pour tenter de résoudre à mon tour sur
 un portable HP Probook 4310S l'utilisation du noyau 3.2 -amd64 en
 conjonction avec la couche Xen en version 4.1
 Comme mentionné dans le fil, Egalement en me mettant en hibernate ou
 suspend, je n'ai plus moyen de recouvrer la session. Problème mineur..
 Ce n'est pas le sujet de mon requête, car sous wheezy épuré je n'ai pas
 de problème.

Euh, à mon avis, je suis pas convaincu que envoyer le même message à
12 heures d'intervalle permet à l'envoyeur (de ces deux messages)
d'obtenir plus de réponses à son problème... ;-)

Quant aux citations, je pense qu'on peut facilement s'en passer ou,
tout au moins, les grandement écourter...

Cordialement et à bientôt,


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Comment prendre un instantané d'une VM KVM ?

2014-02-04 Thread daniel huhardeaux

Le 04/02/2014 09:23, Olivier a écrit :

Le 3 février 2014 23:44, Gilles Mocellin a écrit :

Le 03/02/2014 23:37, Bzzz a écrit :

On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 23:31:52 +0100
Gilles Mocellin wrote:

Alors voilà, pour résumer, si tu veux pouvoir faire des
tu dois utiliser un stockage en ficher qcow2 et pas du raw
sur LVM.

Pour embrouiller les choses. Il est possible de faire des
snapshots des volumes logiques LVM. Si la machine est
arrêtée, ce
sera consistant. Mais ça ne sera pas géré par libvirt.

  ZFS? (si tant est qu'il soit géré).

ZFS, btrfs, tout comme LVM, permettent de faire des snapshots des
L'avantage des commandes snapshot-create de virsh, c'est que ça
fait un snapshot des disques de la VM, mais ça sauvegarde aussi
l'état, la mémoire de la VM si elle est en marche.
Oui, on peut faire un snapshot en fonctionnement, qui sera
cohérent, contrairement a un snapshot des seuls disques.

J'imagine aussi que si les snapshots sont faits avec un outil externe 
à virt, il n'est pas facile de visualiser et manipuler avec virtman 
les différents états des VM.

Je pense que je vais opter pour les outils intégrés à VirtManager et 
choisir qcow2 comme format de disque de VM.

Attention, j'ai eu des soucis avec une VM en Windows seven et qcow2: 
lenteur extrême avec ou sans les drivers virtio. J'ai rebasculé cette VM 
en raw sans les drivers virtio, elle fontionne normalement.


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Re: Mémoire maximale prise en charge 64Mo???

2014-02-04 Thread daniel huhardeaux

Le 04/02/2014 10:12, Stéphane GARGOLY a écrit :

Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le 03/02/2014, daniel a écrit :


SVP pas de réponse en MP, je suis abonné à la liste (bouton répondre à 
la liste)


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Re: Mémoire maximale prise en charge 64Mo???

2014-02-04 Thread daniel huhardeaux

Le 04/02/2014 10:34, Stéphane GARGOLY a écrit :

Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

To: daniel huhardeaux

Et toutes mes excuses à Daniel H. pour lui avoir envoyé directement
mon message précédent (de ce fil de discussion). Je n'ai pas fait
gaffe aux champs To et CC avant de le faire.

Je n'étais pas bien réveillé, me semble-t-il... :-(

Excuse acceptée :-), mon message précédent est à oublier.


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Re: Comment prendre un instantané d'une VM KVM ?

2014-02-04 Thread Johnny B


Pas de soucis, aucun problème entre une version client d'un Virtmanager 
Squeeze et la partie serveur libvirt/KVM en wheezy (peut etre entre 
potatoe et jessie ;)

La seule question qui me reste est:
est-il dangereux ou très inconfortable de piloter un serveur 
KVM/Wheezy depuis une console VirtManager/Squeeze (je ne suis pas très 
enthousiaste pour migrer tout de suite ma station de Squeeze à Wheezy) ?

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: [HS] Perte de suspend et hibernate entre 3.9-1-amd64 et les suivants... (post du 3/12/13)

2014-02-04 Thread dcarped

Le 4/02/2014 12:32, Stéphane GARGOLY a écrit :
Euh, à mon avis, je suis pas convaincu que envoyer le même message à 
12 heures d'intervalle permet à l'envoyeur (de ces deux messages) 
d'obtenir plus de réponses à son problème... ;-) Quant aux citations, 
je pense qu'on peut facilement s'en passer ou, tout au moins, les 
grandement écourter... Cordialement et à bientôt, Stéphane. 

Exact sorry pour les mêmes envois, les premiers envois ont atterri dans 
un dossier suivant un filtre que je ne reconnaît pas. D'où mon 
étonnement de ne pas avoir suivi la discussion dans ma boîte de réception ..

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Re: Comment prendre un instantané d'une VM KVM ?

2014-02-04 Thread Johnny B
Pour des VMs en Windows le raw est a privilégier car il a plus de perfs 
que qcow2.

Pour les drivers il faut toujours utiliser les drivers fournis ici :

Attention, j'ai eu des soucis avec une VM en Windows seven et qcow2: 
lenteur extrême avec ou sans les drivers virtio. J'ai rebasculé cette 
VM en raw sans les drivers virtio, elle fontionne normalement.

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Re: [HS] dlna renderer

2014-02-04 Thread Benoît Mauduit

Le 03.02.2014 11:28, Gilles Mocellin a écrit :

Le 03/02/2014 11:01, fabrice régnier a écrit :

Rygel: Pour l'instant, je n'arrive pas à lancer le GUI. J'ai juste le 
message Rygel-Message: rygel-main.vala:87: Rygel v0.20.3 starting?. 
Je continue donc à chercher mais d'après mes lectures rygel ne fait 
que serveur et pas controller.

Rygel peut faire aussi renderer, avec le plugin playbin. Mais
apparemment pas controller en effet.

De mon coté, j'utilise des controllers sous Android, ça fait 
télécommande quoi :

- MediaHouse
- UPNPlay (controller et renderer)
Pas vraiment libre tout ça.

Dans le repo f-droid, il y a ControlDLNA en licence NewBSD, mais je
viens de tester, il ne voit pas mon serveur UPNP, mais il voit mon
renderer Rygel...
A creuser.

Il y a DroidUpnp qui commence à avoir pas mal de fonctionnalités et le 
code source [1] est disponible.

Je crois que c'est disponible sur f-droid, mais des derniers essais que 
j'avais fait, juste la partie controller d'Upnp est supportée.




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Re: Comment prendre un instantané d'une VM KVM ?

2014-02-04 Thread Olivier
Le 4 février 2014 15:28, Johnny B a écrit :

 Pour des VMs en Windows le raw est a privilégier car il a plus de perfs
 que qcow2.

Dans ce cas, comment faire un snapshot ? Avec les outils LVM, uniquement ?
J'ai cru comprendre que le raw était incompatible avec les snapshots.

 Pour les drivers il faut toujours utiliser les drivers fournis ici :

  Attention, j'ai eu des soucis avec une VM en Windows seven et qcow2:
 lenteur extrême avec ou sans les drivers virtio. J'ai rebasculé cette VM en
 raw sans les drivers virtio, elle fontionne normalement.

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Re: Comment booter sur une clé USB quand le BIOS tronque la liste des disques présents ?

2014-02-04 Thread Olivier
Le 3 février 2014 22:53, Bzzz a écrit :

 On Mon, 3 Feb 2014 22:42:08 +0100
 Olivier wrote:

  Pour les connaisseurs (dont je ne fais pas partie), le BIOS
  accepte 3 valeurs pour configurer le contrôleur SATA: le mode IDE
  (sélectionné par défaut, j'ai conservé cette sélection), le mode
  RAID et le mode AHCI.

 Normalement, tu devrais avoir qqch comme USB Storage Function
 qui devrait être ectivé pour permettre la détection de la clé au

Je ne suis pas sûr que le problème soit stricto sensu une non-détection de
la clé: le problème me semble être qu'il ne sait présenter que 4 disques
(alors qu'il a 6 ports SATA) et ignore les disques supplémentaires.

Je n'ai pas touché au mode RAID du BIOS car il ne parait alternatif au RAID
logiciel (est-ce exact ?).

  Faut-il choisir un mode alternatif pour
  résoudre mon pb ?

 Ça va être sur avec seulement 3 mode d'en choisir un 4ème...

 Axool rah chuis deg ma soeur a installé les fontes japonaises de windows
 et maintenant elle sont partout! comment s'en débarasser?
 good_boy Un coup sec derrière la nuque.

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Re: Comment booter sur une clé USB quand le BIOS tronque la liste des disques présents ?

2014-02-04 Thread Bzzz
On Tue, 4 Feb 2014 17:45:11 +0100
Olivier wrote:

 Je ne suis pas sûr que le problème soit stricto sensu une
 non-détection de la clé: le problème me semble être qu'il ne sait
 présenter que 4 disques (alors qu'il a 6 ports SATA) et ignore les
 disques supplémentaires.

Dans ce cas, ne pose pas de question puisque tu sembles
certain que les programmeurs du BIOS sont des burnes
qui font rien qu'à montrer 4 I/F au lieu de 6 pour
t'embrouiller toi-même personnellement tout seul.

(Oh, et s'ils n'étaient pas si bêtes que ça et que
les I/F ne montraient leur museau que lorsqu'un HD est
branché dessus…)

JosS mais pour le reste, je campe sur ma position
* JosS campe sur sa position
* thieums arrive par derriere et lui tranche la gorge

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Re: Comment booter sur une clé USB quand le BIOS tronque la liste des disques présents ?

2014-02-04 Thread Olivier
Le 4 février 2014 18:00, Bzzz a écrit :

 On Tue, 4 Feb 2014 17:45:11 +0100
 Olivier wrote:

  Je ne suis pas sûr que le problème soit stricto sensu une
  non-détection de la clé: le problème me semble être qu'il ne sait
  présenter que 4 disques (alors qu'il a 6 ports SATA) et ignore les
  disques supplémentaires.

 Dans ce cas, ne pose pas de question puisque tu sembles

Cool : j'ai simplement écrit  Je ne suis pas sûr.

 que les programmeurs du BIOS sont des burnes
 qui font rien qu'à montrer 4 I/F au lieu de 6 pour
 t'embrouiller toi-même personnellement tout seul.

 (Oh, et s'ils n'étaient pas si bêtes que ça et que
 les I/F ne montraient leur museau que lorsqu'un HD est
 branché dessus...)

Si je peux, je vais essayer de débrancher les disques pour voir si la clé
est détectée ...

 JosS mais pour le reste, je campe sur ma position
 * JosS campe sur sa position
 * thieums arrive par derriere et lui tranche la gorge

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Re: OT dividir una red

2014-02-04 Thread trujo
El lun, 03-02-2014 a las 16:18 +0100, Ramses escribió:
 El 03/02/2014, a las 15:38, Camaleón escribió:
  El Mon, 03 Feb 2014 11:48:03 +0100, trujo escribió:
  Tengo que trasladar equipos a un edificio nuevo, pero no se les puede
  cambiar la ip y tienen que seguir comunicándose con otros equipos que no
  se mueven, la comunicación entre los dos sitios es a travez de internet.
  ¿Mover los equipos físicamente implica cambiar su direccionamiento actual?
No no se puede cambiar su direccionamiento
  Esto es pasar de esto:
  red ipv4 192.168.1.x/24 --- puerta --- internet a esto:
  | red virtual ip 192.168.1.x/24 |
  | red 192.168.2.x/24 internet  red  |
  Pues no lo pillo... pero en principio el direccionamiento interno (no 
  enrutable desde Internet) no debería ser un problema, en todo caso las 
  pasarelas de ambas redes (los puntos finales) por lo que me parece que se 
  me pasa algo por alto o me faltan datos.
Si va a ser enrutable desde fuera de la red interna por otro router
hacia otra red mayor
  Se que se puede, hace años muchos hice unas practicas (no me acuerdo muy
  bien que use) y se puede.
 Monta una VPN entre ambos routers, que pase Nivel 2 y no sea routeada. 
 Vamos, que actúe de bridge...

En efecto eso es lo que quiero montar una VPN que una dos redes para
hacer un puente de nivel 2 entre las dos redes de forma que parezcan
solo una, pero ¿Con que soft? ¿Con que clave busco datos en internet? ya
he dicho que por distributed switch solo me salen cosas de VMWARE.

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Re: OT dividir una red

2014-02-04 Thread Ramses
El 04/02/2014, a las 14:02, trujo escribió:

 El lun, 03-02-2014 a las 16:18 +0100, Ramses escribió:
 El 03/02/2014, a las 15:38, Camaleón escribió:
 El Mon, 03 Feb 2014 11:48:03 +0100, trujo escribió:
 Tengo que trasladar equipos a un edificio nuevo, pero no se les puede
 cambiar la ip y tienen que seguir comunicándose con otros equipos que no
 se mueven, la comunicación entre los dos sitios es a travez de internet.
 ¿Mover los equipos físicamente implica cambiar su direccionamiento actual?
 No no se puede cambiar su direccionamiento
 Esto es pasar de esto:
 red ipv4 192.168.1.x/24 --- puerta --- internet a esto:
 | red virtual ip 192.168.1.x/24 |
 | red 192.168.2.x/24 internet  red  |
 Pues no lo pillo... pero en principio el direccionamiento interno (no 
 enrutable desde Internet) no debería ser un problema, en todo caso las 
 pasarelas de ambas redes (los puntos finales) por lo que me parece que se 
 me pasa algo por alto o me faltan datos.
 Si va a ser enrutable desde fuera de la red interna por otro router
 hacia otra red mayor
 Se que se puede, hace años muchos hice unas practicas (no me acuerdo muy
 bien que use) y se puede.
 Monta una VPN entre ambos routers, que pase Nivel 2 y no sea routeada. 
 Vamos, que actúe de bridge...
 En efecto eso es lo que quiero montar una VPN que una dos redes para
 hacer un puente de nivel 2 entre las dos redes de forma que parezcan
 solo una, pero ¿Con que soft? ¿Con que clave busco datos en internet? ya
 he dicho que por distributed switch solo me salen cosas de VMWARE.




Re: OT dividir una red

2014-02-04 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 04 Feb 2014 14:02:19 +0100, trujo escribió:

 El lun, 03-02-2014 a las 16:18 +0100, Ramses escribió:
 El 03/02/2014, a las 15:38, Camaleón escribió:


  Pues no lo pillo... pero en principio el direccionamiento interno (no
  enrutable desde Internet) no debería ser un problema, en todo caso
  las pasarelas de ambas redes (los puntos finales) por lo que me
  parece que se me pasa algo por alto o me faltan datos.
 Si va a ser enrutable desde fuera de la red interna por otro router
 hacia otra red mayor
  Se que se puede, hace años muchos hice unas practicas (no me acuerdo
  muy bien que use) y se puede.
 Monta una VPN entre ambos routers, que pase Nivel 2 y no sea
 routeada. Vamos, que actúe de bridge...
 En efecto eso es lo que quiero montar una VPN que una dos redes para
 hacer un puente de nivel 2 entre las dos redes de forma que parezcan
 solo una, pero ¿Con que soft? ¿Con que clave busco datos en internet? ya
 he dicho que por distributed switch solo me salen cosas de VMWARE.

Si querías unir dos redes ¿por qué dices en el asunto que quieres 
dividirlas? Eso es lo que me ha despistado o_O

Bueno, si lo que quieres es montar una VPN tienes soluciones para aburrir. 
De las más conocidas, OpenVPN y strongSwan. Y como te decía, del enrutado 
interno se ocupan los sistemas perimetrales (los routers o servidores que 
enlazan las VPN a través de Internet). La configuración de tipo enrutado 
o puente queda a tu elección (aquí¹ tienes un ejemplo para la última).




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python un codigo de ayuda(texto plano)

2014-02-04 Thread Edward Villarroel (EDD)
muy buenos dias

en mi trabajo todos los dias en las mañana tengo q filtrarles unos
documentos a mi jefe

nadie tiene un codigo para revisar textos planos y dividirlos por parrafos

busca capitulo uno en una linea

Edward Villarroel:  @Agentedd

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problemas con ftp en internet explorer via squid.

2014-02-04 Thread Walter Herrera
Hola a todos, estoy teniendo el siguiente inconveniente, tengo montado
esquid3 en debian 7 wheezy, la navegacion se permite a traves de la
validacion la hace contra un active directory, no puedo quejarme, anda
todo muy bien a la hora de la navegacion http, el problema surge con
ftp con autenticacion, pero solo en internet explorer (vaya
casualidad) desde otros navegadores, pongo en la barra de direcciones,, salta el popup para la autenticacion y entro
normalmente, pero esto no ocurre con internet explorer (6,7 y 8) el
popup no salta y da un error de que no puede enviar un comando ftp
para la autenticacion, pero si en la barra de direcciones pongo
user:pass@ entra sin problemas... alguna idea, supongo
que debere tocar algo en squid, aviso que ese domain y esa ip tiene un
allow en always_direct.

saludos y gracias.

Walter Herrera
Servicios informaticos
software Libre.

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[OT] Re: python un codigo de ayuda(texto plano)

2014-02-04 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 04 Feb 2014 11:48:11 -0430, Edward Villarroel (EDD) escribió:

 muy buenos dias
 en mi trabajo todos los dias en las mañana tengo q filtrarles unos
 documentos a mi jefe
 nadie tiene un codigo para revisar textos planos y dividirlos por parrafos

 busca capitulo uno en una linea

Ya que preguntas cómo hacer tu trabajo al menos marca el hilo como OT.



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Re: [OT] Re: python un codigo de ayuda(texto plano)

2014-02-04 Thread Edward Villarroel (EDD)
pero es que quiero q lea el texto y me separe en varios documentos
segun el titulo no c si me se explicar :)
Edward Villarroel:  @Agentedd

El día 4 de febrero de 2014, 12:37, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 04 Feb 2014 11:48:11 -0430, Edward Villarroel (EDD) escribió:

 muy buenos dias

 en mi trabajo todos los dias en las mañana tengo q filtrarles unos
 documentos a mi jefe

 nadie tiene un codigo para revisar textos planos y dividirlos por parrafos

 busca capitulo uno en una linea

 Ya que preguntas cómo hacer tu trabajo al menos marca el hilo como OT.



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Re: [OT] Re: python un codigo de ayuda(texto plano)

2014-02-04 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 04 Feb 2014 12:39:15 -0430, Edward Villarroel (EDD) escribió:

(corrijo el top-posting)

 El día 4 de febrero de 2014, 12:37, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 04 Feb 2014 11:48:11 -0430, Edward Villarroel (EDD) escribió:

 muy buenos dias

 en mi trabajo todos los dias en las mañana tengo q filtrarles unos
 documentos a mi jefe

 nadie tiene un codigo para revisar textos planos y dividirlos por parrafos


 pero es que quiero q lea el texto y me separe en varios documentos
 segun el titulo no c si me se explicar :)

Pues afina las palabras clave en Google para que se ajuste a lo que 
buscas }:-)



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Re: problemas con ftp en internet explorer via squid.

2014-02-04 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 04 Feb 2014 14:38:41 -0200, Walter Herrera escribió:

 Hola a todos, estoy teniendo el siguiente inconveniente, tengo montado
 esquid3 en debian 7 wheezy, la navegacion se permite a traves de la
 validacion la hace contra un active directory, no puedo quejarme, anda
 todo muy bien a la hora de la navegacion http, el problema surge con
 ftp con autenticacion, pero solo en internet explorer (vaya
 casualidad) desde otros navegadores, pongo en la barra de direcciones,, salta el popup para la autenticacion y entro
 normalmente, pero esto no ocurre con internet explorer (6,7 y 8) el
 popup no salta y da un error de que no puede enviar un comando ftp
 para la autenticacion, pero si en la barra de direcciones pongo
 user:pass@ entra sin problemas... alguna idea, supongo
 que debere tocar algo en squid, aviso que ese domain y esa ip tiene un
 allow en always_direct.

Parece que es un problema (re)conocido, revisa este hilo:

Can't access non-anymous FTP via Internet Explorer

P.S. Navegar hoy en día con esas versiones de IE es completamente temerario :-/



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Re: problemas con ftp en internet explorer via squid.

2014-02-04 Thread Walter Herrera
muchas gracias! lo reviso entonces.
Walter Herrera
Servicios informaticos
software Libre.

El día 4 de febrero de 2014, 14:13, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 04 Feb 2014 14:38:41 -0200, Walter Herrera escribió:

 Hola a todos, estoy teniendo el siguiente inconveniente, tengo montado
 esquid3 en debian 7 wheezy, la navegacion se permite a traves de la
 validacion la hace contra un active directory, no puedo quejarme, anda
 todo muy bien a la hora de la navegacion http, el problema surge con
 ftp con autenticacion, pero solo en internet explorer (vaya
 casualidad) desde otros navegadores, pongo en la barra de direcciones,, salta el popup para la autenticacion y entro
 normalmente, pero esto no ocurre con internet explorer (6,7 y 8) el
 popup no salta y da un error de que no puede enviar un comando ftp
 para la autenticacion, pero si en la barra de direcciones pongo
 user:pass@ entra sin problemas... alguna idea, supongo
 que debere tocar algo en squid, aviso que ese domain y esa ip tiene un
 allow en always_direct.

 Parece que es un problema (re)conocido, revisa este hilo:

 Can't access non-anymous FTP via Internet Explorer

 P.S. Navegar hoy en día con esas versiones de IE es completamente temerario 



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Re: me saltan con squid paginas https

2014-02-04 Thread troxlinux
Hola , con este mensaje de la lista oficial de squid lo resolvi

gracias a todos x los que aportaron con sus recomendaciones :)

El día 3 de febrero de 2014, 7:33, dixan escribió:
 personalmente así es como tengo implementado el control sobre el acceso al
 facebook independientemente del método  iptables:

 acl f.redir url_regex /etc/squid/rules/f.redir
 acl fb dstdomain
 acl facebook_semana time MTWHF 8:30-15:30
 acl facebook_sites url_regex /etc/squid/rules/temporal-site

 http_access deny f.redir
 deny_info f.redir
 http_access deny facebook_semana facebook_sites fb !localnet
 http_access deny CONNECT facebook_semana facebook_sites fb !localnet

 -redirección de a en aras de ahorrar
 estrecho de banda.
 - localnet es una acl con un rango de ip para hacer la excepción
 - nada de https ni de via pidgin por 443. El deny al
 método CONNECT garantiza q sea asi solo para el facebook, ojo.
 - unicamente se podrá acceder a facebook después de las 3:30 pm hasta el
 otro día las 8:30 am de lunes a viernes y abierto los fines de semana. Esto
 es personalizable y puede variar.
 - las acl fb y facebook_sites son las mismas, solo q son diferentes métodos
 a declarar los sitios de facebook.

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2014-02-04 Thread Lietzan Mota Rosabales

Hola lista

Tengo instalado iredmail y me funciona,ahora a mis usuarios internos 
cuando envian algun correo a otro usuario de mi dominio con acuse 
recibo,se puede enviar, pero el que lo recibe cuando le da aceptar al 
acuse, no lo envia, pone error 554(esto no pasa con todos los user,con algunos 
si funciona) y en el log lo siguiente.

postfix/smtpd[10844]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from localhost[]: 
554 5.7.1 Recipient address rejected: Access 
denied; from= proto=ESMTP

Feb  4 10:53:07 roundcube: SMTP Error: SMTP error: Failed to add 
recipient '' in 
/usr/share/apache2/roundcubemail-0.9.2/program/include/rcmail.php on 
line 1014 (POST /mail/?_task=mail_action=sendmdn?_task=_action=)

Con usuarios externos funciona todo.

Les agradeceria cualquier aporte.

Re: me saltan con squid paginas https

2014-02-04 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Tue, 4 Feb 2014 13:40:35 -0600
troxlinux wrote:

Por lo que tengo entendido tenes que compilar el squid con las flags ssl

Que por defecto en la compilación del paquete en Debian no están activadas.

Mas info


MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Description: PGP signature

Duda Sarg en Webmin

2014-02-04 Thread William Romero
Hola Lista.

Tengo un problema con el sarg, instale el modulo en el webmin y todo ok , luego 
ingreso a sarg desde la opcion de http.//IP/sarg y veo los reportes normal.

pero mi intension es ver este reporte dentro del webmin el cual no lo encuentro 
pese a tener instalado el modulo para webmin.

alguna idea.


    William Romero

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Re: Duda Sarg en Webmin

2014-02-04 Thread Ariel Martin Bellio

El 04/02/2014 07:03 p.m., William Romero escribió:

Hola Lista.

Tengo un problema con el sarg, instale el modulo en el webmin y todo ok , luego 
ingreso a sarg desde la opcion de http.//IP/sarg y veo los reportes normal.

pero mi intension es ver este reporte dentro del webmin el cual no lo encuentro 
pese a tener instalado el modulo para webmin.

alguna idea.


 William Romero 

Por lo que tengo entedido Webmin es para configurar un servicio... pero 
igual fijate que en el árbol de la izquierda donde están, por ejemplo, 
Awstats puede ser que esté lo que vos buscás...
attachment: sisisisol.vcf

RE: Duda Sarg en Webmin [SOLUCIONADO]

2014-02-04 Thread William Romero

 Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 19:42:00 -0300
 Subject: Re: Duda Sarg en Webmin

 El 04/02/2014 07:03 p.m., William Romero escribió:
 Hola Lista.

 Tengo un problema con el sarg, instale el modulo en el webmin y todo ok , 
 luego ingreso a sarg desde la opcion de http.//IP/sarg y veo los reportes 

 pero mi intension es ver este reporte dentro del webmin el cual no lo 
 encuentro pese a tener instalado el modulo para webmin.

 alguna idea.


 William Romero

 Por lo que tengo entedido Webmin es para configurar un servicio... pero
 igual fijate que en el árbol de la izquierda donde están, por ejemplo,
 Awstats puede ser que esté lo que vos buscás...

Gracias Ariel.
Estuve buscando en el arbol de la izquierda pero no encontraba nada , el 
problema se dio en que cuando instalas el modulo en el webmin por defecto coge 
la ruta usr/local/sarg/sarg_conf

bien esta linea lo cambie /etc/sarg/sarg.conf y quedo.
Ya puedo ver los reportes desde el webmin.

salu2s y gracias  

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Re: python un codigo de ayuda(texto plano)

2014-02-04 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:48:11 -0430
Edward Villarroel (EDD) escribió:

 muy buenos dias
 en mi trabajo todos los dias en las mañana tengo q filtrarles unos
 documentos a mi jefe
 nadie tiene un codigo para revisar textos planos y dividirlos por parrafos
 busca capitulo uno en una linea

si, yo tengo, te paso un presupuesto?? 

 Edward Villarroel:  @Agentedd
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Angel Claudio Alvarez

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Re: iredmail

2014-02-04 Thread Gonzalo L. Campos Medina
El error 554, es una respuesta genérica del servidor cuando falla una
transacción SMTP. Normalmente ocurre esto cuando se reciben demasiados
errores de procesamiento.

El día 4 de febrero de 2014, 15:04, Lietzan Mota Rosabales escribió:

 Hola lista

 Tengo instalado iredmail y me funciona,ahora a mis usuarios internos
 cuando envian algun correo a otro usuario de mi dominio con acuse
 recibo,se puede enviar, pero el que lo recibe cuando le da aceptar al
 acuse, no lo envia, pone error 554(esto no pasa con todos los user,con
 algunos si funciona) y en el log lo siguiente.

 postfix/smtpd[10844]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from localhost[]:
 554 5.7.1 Recipient address rejected: Access
 denied; from= proto=ESMTP

 Feb  4 10:53:07 roundcube: SMTP Error: SMTP error: Failed to add
 recipient '' in
 /usr/share/apache2/roundcubemail-0.9.2/program/include/rcmail.php on
 line 1014 (POST /mail/?_task=mail_action=sendmdn?_task=_action=)

 Con usuarios externos funciona todo.

 Les agradeceria cualquier aporte.

Gonzalo L. Campos Medina | |
L.R.U. #344192 | U.R.U. #161
Freenode #ubuntu-es #edubuntu-es #ubuntu-pe

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Re: Banco do Brasil, Iceweasel, Icedtea

2014-02-04 Thread Linux - Junior Polegato

Em 03-02-2014 22:34, G.Paulo escreveu:

Adentro o assunto com perguntas de leigo nesses assuntos de java, plugins e 
etc. Em primeiro lugar, o trabalho de detetive que alguns andam fazendo, 
mudando até configuração de kernel, é digno de nota. Mas o grande problema é 
mesmo o Banco do Brasil (e mais alguns) que deveriam dar alguma atenção ao 
problema ou ao menos documentar esse virusinho java que faz sabe-Deus-o-quê na 
sua máquina.
Então pergunto (sabendo de antemão que as respostas provavelmente serão 
negativas e correndo o risco de ser classificado como off-topic):
1) não é possível saber o que este virusinho faz? Não há código disponível? 
Seria muito difícil reverse-engineering o código?
2) Não haveria alguma brecha jurídica relevante para estimular o banco a 
cuidar do assunto? Quero dizer, o Estado tem demonstrado algum interesse em valorizar 
Linux, adotando-o em algumas escolas, repartições etc. O B.B., estatal que é, age 
exatamente em sentido oposto, o que está longe de ser razoável.
É isso,
[]'s, G.Paulo


1) Por segurança fecham certos códigos e atualizam praticamente 
sem a gente ter conhecimento. Isso faz com que grande parte da 
responsabilidade seja deles e estes arquem com certos prejuízos, bom 
pra todos. A engenharia reversa é possível e demorada de certa forma, 
então terá que investir tempo e dinheiro nisso.

2) Como um colega já disse, o banco pode afirmar que está 
disponível gratuitamente navegadores, java e protocolos de segurança, 
todos respeitados como padronizados, e funcionando muito bem com o 
Kernel Linux original, no nosso caso, onde o mesmo não funciona com um 
Kernel modificado pela equipe Debian, e aí já não podem garantir mesmo 
que a cada modificação no Kernel por terceiros sejam capazes de adequar 
o applet java.

Esse é meu posicionamento. Claro que um curioso desenvolvedor 
amante do Linux dentro da equipe do BB pode se interessar em verificar a 
falha e consertá-la ou dizer onde está a modificação no Kernel que causa 
o problema. Mas aí tem que abrir um chamado lá e este cair nas mãos do 
cara certo.

Se eu conseguir mais alguma informação a respeito vou colocar 



Junior Polegato

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Re: Banco do Brasil, Iceweasel, Icedtea

2014-02-04 Thread Rogerio R. Silva

Sensacional! Instaleio kernel 3.13 do e tudo funcionou!

Obrigado, Junior!



2014-02-03 Linux - Junior Polegato


 Rodei agora com o Kernel 3.13 do e funcionou.

 Instalei o 3.13 do experimental do Debian e não funcionou:

 Linux jumovel 3.13-trunk-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.13-1~exp1 (2014-01-20)
 i686 GNU/Linux



 Junior Polegato

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Rogério R. Silva
Pesquisador Adjunto I
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi
Coordenação de Ciências da Terra e Ecologia
Av. Perimetral, 1901, Terra Firme
CEP 66077-830, Belém, PA, Brasil

Fone: +55 91 3075-6146

GNU/Linux User # 354364
Linux-Debian Testing: 3.10-3-amd64

Re: Banco do Brasil, Iceweasel, Icedtea

2014-02-04 Thread SDeMario
Confirmo aqui, no jessie (testing) instalei o kernel 3.13.1 baixado do e compilado com oldconfig.

Com o openjdk funcionou o BB PF, mas o BB PJ avisou de versão 
desatualizada do java e não faz o login.

Desinstalei o icedtea e instalei o jdk da oracle, versão 7u51

Agora ambos funcionam.

O site do BB PJ recusa-se a funcionar com outro java que não seja o da 


Em 04-02-2014 15:49, Rogerio R. Silva escreveu:


Sensacional! Instaleio kernel 3.13 do e 
tudo funcionou!

Obrigado, Junior!



2014-02-03 Linux - Junior Polegato


Rodei agora com o Kernel 3.13 do e funcionou.

Instalei o 3.13 do experimental do Debian e não funcionou:

Linux jumovel 3.13-trunk-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.13-1~exp1
(2014-01-20) i686 GNU/Linux



Junior Polegato

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Rogério R. Silva
Pesquisador Adjunto I
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi
Coordenação de Ciências da Terra e Ecologia
Av. Perimetral, 1901, Terra Firme
CEP 66077-830, Belém, PA, Brasil

Fone: +55 91 3075-6146

GNU/Linux User # 354364
Linux-Debian Testing: 3.10-3-amd64

nano edita arquivo do sudo e emacs não edita

2014-02-04 Thread Fred Maranhão

tenho um arquivo dentro do /etc/sudoers.d/

# ls -l  /etc/sudoers.d/usuarios
-r--r- 1 root root 103 Mai  9  2013 /etc/sudoers.d/usuarios

que consigo editar com o nano, mas quando tento editar com o emacs,
aparece este erro:

Buffer is read-only: #buffer usuarios

como é que o nano consegue editar um arquivo com as permissões -r--r-???

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Comunicacao para a Sustentabilidade - 27 de Fevereiro

2014-02-04 Thread Instituto Mais


Encontro Técnico I+

Comunicação para a Sustentabilidadenbsp;

04 especialistas e 02 cases Benchmarking

Av. Paulista, 2000 - 15o andar - 9h/12h30

(*) Se não quiser mais receber informações sobre nossas atividades
envie este email para;

Re: nano edita arquivo do sudo e emacs não edita

2014-02-04 Thread China
Vc consegue editar o arquivo ou só abrir? Abra o arquivo com o nano,
faça uma alteração e tente salvar.

2014-02-04 Fred Maranhão

 tenho um arquivo dentro do /etc/sudoers.d/

 # ls -l  /etc/sudoers.d/usuarios
 -r--r- 1 root root 103 Mai  9  2013 /etc/sudoers.d/usuarios

 que consigo editar com o nano, mas quando tento editar com o emacs,
 aparece este erro:

 Buffer is read-only: #buffer usuarios

 como é que o nano consegue editar um arquivo com as permissões -r--r-???

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Re: nano edita arquivo do sudo e emacs não edita

2014-02-04 Thread Fabricio Cannini

Em 04-02-2014 17:09, Fred Maranhão escreveu:


tenho um arquivo dentro do /etc/sudoers.d/

# ls -l  /etc/sudoers.d/usuarios
-r--r- 1 root root 103 Mai  9  2013 /etc/sudoers.d/usuarios

que consigo editar com o nano, mas quando tento editar com o emacs,
aparece este erro:

Buffer is read-only: #buffer usuarios

como é que o nano consegue editar um arquivo com as permissões -r--r-???

Tentou 'visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/usuarios' ?

[ ]'s

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Unable to Update

2014-02-04 Thread David Baron
Getting errors like:
Failed to fetch  
Hash Sum mismatch
on every source so no packages can be updated!

Running on i386 Sid box. How to fix?

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Re: hash sum mismatch

2014-02-04 Thread PaulNM

On 02/04/2014 01:53 AM, Rick Thomas wrote:
 On Feb 3, 2014, at 8:37 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 Mirrors were updating a couple of days ago and if you tried to use
 one during the updating period you would get errors. Could be the problem.
 What would it take to make a mirror update atomically?  For example, download 
 all the updates, get everything staged and ready to go but not yet visible to 
 http clients, then at the flip of a switch, have all the updates become 
 visible at once, perhaps with some kind of a callback to the currently 
 active clients to tell them that things have changed and they should re-get 
 everything.  Maybe LVM snapshots would be helpful here?

It wouldn't take anything, if the mirror is following the directions on

Specifically MUST perform a 2-stage sync which is to avoid this very
problem. Rationale: if archive mirroring is done in a single stage,
there will be periods of time during which the index files will
reference files not yet mirrored.

 It would require some re-thinking of the protocol used by apt-get/aptitude -- 
 to be sure the stuff you just downloaded is still current and hasn't been 
 changed by an update while you were downloading...  and minimize wasted 
 effort by recognizing an update as early as possible.

I politely disagree on this point, this is something well outside of a
package manager's jurisdiction.  It's up to the mirror to say what's

Another thing to look at is if there are any proxy/caching servers
involved that may be serving old versions of the indexes.

 Just a thought...

Its a good thought, that's why the maintainers ask mirrors do this this
way. :)

- PaulNM

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Re: no more dovecotpw?

2014-02-04 Thread Umarzuki Mochlis
2014-01-31 Reco

 On Fri, 31 Jan 2014 02:43:54 +0800
 Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:

 when I was trying to run
 # dovecotpw -s SHA1

 I found out that there's no dovecotpw anymore (searched with apt-file)

 doveadm pw -s SHA1




Umarzuki Mochlis

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cannot install libgnomeprint2.2-0_2.18.8-3_i386.deb on amd6/multiarch machine

2014-02-04 Thread sergey


I am using the system with multiarch enabled (i386/amd64).
I am trying to install libgnomeprint2.2-0_2.18.8-3_i386.deb (needed for 
IBM Lotus Notes)
It depends on libgnomeprint2.2-data package which is provided as 

But dependency fails:

dpkg -i libgnomeprint2.2-data_2.18.8-3_all.deb 

(Reading database ... 116415 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack libgnomeprint2.2-data_2.18.8-3_all.deb ...
Unpacking libgnomeprint2.2-data (2.18.8-3) over (2.18.8-3) ...
Preparing to unpack libgnomeprint2.2-0_2.18.8-3_i386.deb ...
Unpacking libgnomeprint2.2-0 (2.18.8-3) over (2.18.8-3) ...
Setting up libgnomeprint2.2-data (2.18.8-3) ...
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libgnomeprint2.2-0:
 libgnomeprint2.2-0 depends on libgnomeprint2.2-data (= 2.18.8-3).

dpkg: error processing package libgnomeprint2.2-0 (--install):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

May be there is problem with metadata in packages but I cannot see 
what's wrong.

Tried with dpkg 1.17.6 and 1.16.12 with same result.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: jessie/sid
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Foreign Architectures: i386

Kernel: Linux 3.12-1-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=ru_RU.utf8, LC_CTYPE=ru_RU.utf8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash

Versions of packages dpkg depends on:
ii  libbz2-1.0   1.0.6-5
ii  libc62.17-97
ii  liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2
ii  libselinux1  2.2.2-1
ii  tar  1.27-4
ii  zlib1g   1:1.2.8.dfsg-1

dpkg recommends no packages.

Versions of packages dpkg suggests:
ii  apt  0.9.15

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stupid use of resources Was Re: grub efi does not find windows

2014-02-04 Thread berenger . morel

Le 03.02.2014 19:54, Doug a écrit :

On 02/03/2014 03:28 AM, wrote:


No mention of any windows'efi file anywere. I just rechecked on the 
partition that I suspect to have it before my installation ( aka: 
sda1, a 1GB large partition containing a folder named Boot at root ) 
and no more luck. Sounds like all informations needed to boot windows 
lacks now... I guess I'll have to try to rebuild them, if possible, 
or... reinstall windows? I doubt I can: the restore files were on a 
partition that I had to delete to be able to create mines ( despite 
any good sense, they used the 4 primary partitions slots, when only 
one needed to be bootable! I wonder how could those people could say 
they are computer scientists, really! And it takes no more time to 
create secondary partition than primary ones... grrr! But at least I 
know why I will never go back to default installations for my personal 
uses. )...

Any idea?

You think they're dumb--dumb like a fox! They figure if they used up
all the partitions, it would keep people from installing another OS 

the drive!
And maybe, in a few cases, it does!


I think that, using a limited resource which have one feature* when you 
could use a not limited one which does not have this feature, is stupid 
when you do not use the feature given by the limited resource. And that 
people which uses limited resources carelessly without any reason are 
stupid, yes.
I also think that trying to limit people's access to freedom is stupid. 
Yes, it may be to have more money or whatever, and in a short time it 
may seems smart. But I am an idealist which think about long time, and 
being rich won't prevent them to die, or to be sad, while in the 
meantime, it can avoid other to be happy.

In French, one of my grandmother taught me an expression, a long time 

Mieux vaux une chaumière ou l'on rit qu'un château ou l'on pleure.

In English ( just a try to translate an adage... so a very probable 
failure. ) :
Better a thatched cottage where people laugh than a castle where they 

Sorry, I am limited by my English level here, so it may not be phrased 
correctly and words may seems childish. Also, it is quite interesting to 
consider that you choose the fox, for comparison. Foxes are animals 
which kills a lot for nothing. So, well, now that you mention it, that 
choice of word could be a good one :) except that those ones does not 
directly kill other beings when they configure those computers.

*: ability to boot

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Re: Unable to Update

2014-02-04 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 04/02/14 19:17, David Baron wrote:
 Getting errors like:
 Failed to fetch 
  Hash Sum mismatch
 on every source so no packages can be updated!
 Running on i386 Sid box. How to fix?
Wait (until the update is finished).

For any one else getting the same error - look at the base of the mirror
repository and make sure there is not an update notice. They don't take
long (couple of hours usually).

Kind regards

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Re: MythTV from deb-multimedia setup?

2014-02-04 Thread Darac Marjal
On Mon, Feb 03, 2014 at 07:07:22PM -0500, Jon N wrote:
 I've built a new machine and installed 64bit Debian testing on it.  I
 also installed MythTV from the deb-multimedia repository.  My old
 computer has been used for MythTV (mostly recording/playback over the
 air TV) for years, and I would like to have the new hardware take over
 the job soon.  But I ran into a difference between the 2 computers I'm
 not sure about.
 On the old computer I can run 'mythtv-setup' when logged in as myself,
 not the 'mythtv' user.  But on the new computer when I run it as
 myself I get asked my country and language 1st, then on the next
 screen, Database Configuration 1/2, I get the message MythTV can not
 connect to the Database.  Please verify you database settings below.
 As far as I can tell they are correct. I can not get past the next
 page (2/2), it sends me back to the country and language selection

Check that ~/.mythtv/config.xml is valid. Running mythtv-setup as
yourself should be valid, but if it can't read the database settings,
then it will assume you're setting up anew.

Description: Digital signature

Re: /dev/ACM, LG Arena phone, and tethering

2014-02-04 Thread Darac Marjal
On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 02:37:09PM +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 I have an LG Arena KM900 mobile phone I'd like to be able to tether with
 Debian Wheezy boxes. The problem is that it's not doing this automagically.
 I have usbmodeswitch installed:-
 usb-modeswitch   1.2.3+repack0-1
 Connecting the phone with a USB cable and the phone set to use PC
 suite (which it what it's supposed to support tethering under Windoof
 with) shows the following in dmesg:-
 [10207.956039] usb 3-2: new full-speed USB device number 2 using ohci_hcd
 [10208.180078] usb 3-2: New USB device found, idVendor=1004, idProduct=607f
 [10208.180090] usb 3-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2,
 [10208.180096] usb 3-2: Product: LGE USB Device
 [10208.180101] usb 3-2: Manufacturer: LG
 [10208.180105] usb 3-2: SerialNumber: 352154035075943
 [10208.209439] scsi4 : usb-storage 3-2:1.0
 [10209.216189] scsi 4:0:0:0: CD-ROMLGE  mobile
  1.0  PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
 [10209.252139] sr0: scsi-1 drive
 [10209.252151] cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
 [10209.252841] sr 4:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0
 [10209.253600] sr 4:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 5
 [10210.119708] usb 3-2: USB disconnect, device number 2
 [10212.652037] usb 3-2: new full-speed USB device number 3 using ohci_hcd
 [10212.873303] usb 3-2: New USB device found, idVendor=1004, idProduct=6000
 [10212.873314] usb 3-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2,
 [10212.873321] usb 3-2: Product: LGE USB Device
 [10212.873325] usb 3-2: Manufacturer: LG
 [10213.076340] cdc_acm 3-2:2.0: This device cannot do calls on its own.
 It is not a modem.
 [10213.076523] cdc_acm 3-2:2.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device
 [10213.120352] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm
 [10213.120362] cdc_acm: USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems
 and ISDN adapters
 I can't mount the fake CD-ROM it creates at /dev/sg2 (or /dev/sr0)

Given what you've done above, that's not surprising. Note the line at
[10210] where it says USB disconnect. USBModeSwitch will cause the USB
device to stop pretending to be a CDRom and start being a modem. The
CDRom device should disappear when /dev/ttyACM0 appears. That said, you
*should* be able to mount the CDROM /before/ doing the mode-switch, but
just expect it to contain Windows drivers.

 I have pointed picocom at /dev/ttyACM0 without error, but echoing stuff
 to /dev/sg* doesn't make it to the picocom terminal

I don't know what the implications of This device [...] is not a modem
are, but a web search on that line may help.

 Any suggestions appreciated, (especially safe AT commands).

AT (Should reply OK)
ATI (Show Identification)

Description: Digital signature

Re: /dev/ACM, LG Arena phone, and tethering

2014-02-04 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 04/02/14 21:17, Darac Marjal wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 02:37:09PM +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 I have an LG Arena KM900 mobile phone I'd like to be able to
 tether with Debian Wheezy boxes.


 I can't mount the fake CD-ROM it creates at /dev/sg2 (or
 Given what you've done above, that's not surprising. Note the line
 at [10210] where it says USB disconnect. USBModeSwitch will cause
 the USB device to stop pretending to be a CDRom and start being a

usb-modeswitch doesn't appear to be triggered.

 The CDRom device should disappear when /dev/ttyACM0 appears.

No, it's still there (/dev/sg2), as is /dev/sr0 (sticky block special).

 That said, you *should* be able to mount the CDROM /before/ doing
 the mode-switch, but just expect it to contain Windows drivers.

With, I hope, driver.inf, which may contain the endpoint string I'm
after (so I can create a usb-modeswitch rule to flip it into useable
devs, maybe).

 I have pointed picocom at /dev/ttyACM0 without error, but echoing
 stuff to /dev/sg* doesn't make it to the picocom terminal
 I don't know what the implications of This device [...] is not a

Standard response for cdc_acm

 are, but a web search on that line may help.

Which brought me to the list

 Any suggestions appreciated, (especially safe AT commands).
 AT (Should reply OK) ATI (Show Identification)

Those work, most standard AT commands don't, these devices generally
use the 3G variants.

Kind regards

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[Debian 7] my custom nofile limits.conf setting doesnt work with sudo.

2014-02-04 Thread Stefan Eriksson
Hi I'm trying to set custom number of open files with limits.conf for a 
user with Debian 7 but it doesnt work (have rebooted etc.):

 debian7:/# cat /etc/issue
 Debian GNU/Linux 7 \n \l

 ii  libpam-modules:amd64   1.1.3-7.1
 ii  libpam-modules-bin 1.1.3-7.1
 ii  libpam-runtime 1.1.3-7.1
 ii  libpam0g:amd64 1.1.3-7.1
 ii  sudo   1.8.5p2-1+nmu1

 debian7:/# cat /etc/security/limits.conf | grep test
 testingsoftnofile  4096
 testinghardnofile  8000

 debian7:/etc/pam.d# egrep -r pam_limits /etc/pam.d/

 debian7:/# sudo -u testing -s ulimit -Sn

on a side not, this works ok, but it doesnt help me as I need the sudo 
command to see the correct limits aswell.

 debian7:/# sudo su - testing
 $ ulimit -Sn
 $ ulimit -Hn

but on a Debian 6 system it works.

 debian6:/# cat /etc/issue
 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 \n \l

 debian6:/# cat /etc/security/limits.conf | grep test
 testingsoftnofile  4096
 testinghardnofile  8000

 debian6:/# egrep -r pam_limits /etc/pam.d/
 /etc/pam.d/sudo:session required

 debian6:/# sudo -u testing -s ulimit -Sn
 debian6:/# sudo -u testing -s ulimit -Hn

anyone seen this issue before or know if there is an added security 
option one has to active in wheezy?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [Debian 7] my custom nofile limits.conf setting doesnt work with sudo.

2014-02-04 Thread Reco

On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 12:08:27PM +0100, Stefan Eriksson wrote:
 on a side not, this works ok, but it doesnt help me as I need the
 sudo command to see the correct limits aswell.

Wheezy's version of /etc/pam.d/sudo lacks this line:


So, every time you use sudo - you keep shell limits from the original

  debian6:/# egrep -r pam_limits /etc/pam.d/
  /etc/pam.d/sudo:session required

And, as you can see above, squeeze's version of /etc/pam.d/sudo has

 anyone seen this issue before or know if there is an added security
 option one has to active in wheezy?

I just add to /etc/pam.d/sudo during upgrade to wheezy.


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How to do proper PAM modul configuration? (was: Testing: Warning messages from su within cron)

2014-02-04 Thread Stephan Seitz

On Mon, Feb 03, 2014 at 11:11:24PM +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 03/02/14 22:55, Stephan Seitz wrote:

I’m using Testing. For some time I’m getting warning messages from
scripts started via cron, e.g.:
su: No module specific data is present
su: No module specific data is present
su: No module specific data is present
su: No module specific data is present

I couldn't find anything in my notes, but I did turn up this (in a
search engine). Is it related/helpful?

Thank you, this is the solution.
I commented the line in /etc/pam.d/common-session, and the 
warnings are gone.

But now the ssh-agent autoconfiguration is lost. I’m wondering what the 
right solution is? Don’t use pam-auth-update?

I’ll change the subject and hope that other people with PAM experience 
will answer.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz  E-Mail: |
| Public Keys: |

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: getmail FAIL - lost email

2014-02-04 Thread Celejar
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 14:11:44 -0800
Mike Kupfer wrote:

 Celejar wrote:
  Is there a better MRA / MDA the list recommends? Has
  anyone seen this sort of thing with either getmail or other MRAs / MDAs?
 FWIW, I've been using fetchmail, with maildrop as the MDA, for several
 years.  I'm not aware of any lost mail in that time.

Thanks. I've been using getmail for many years, and really like it - I
have only had this problem two or three times (the last record I have
of it is from about a year and a half ago), although given the gravity
of the problem, I may have to switch.



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Re: PXE install, without internet?

2014-02-04 Thread Tom Furie
On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 05:35:31PM +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
  iface eth0 inet static
 Just in case it makes a difference - that's a /29 network
 i.e. 192 possible hosts (32 subnets with 6 hosts each) unless that's not

Easy mistake to make (I've made it myself more than once), but just for
clarification that's a /21 network.


The little pieces of my life I give to you, with love, to make a quilt
to keep away the cold.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Any reason not to run amd64 these days?

2014-02-04 Thread darkestkhan
On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 8:15 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-02-03 at 10:56 -0600, wrote:
 You will, especially on this mailing list, get a lot of people who act
 like running 64-bit if you don't have more than 4 GiB of RAM is some
 sort of apocalyptic disaster

 I only have 4 GiB and I used 64-bit architecture with less than 4 GiB
 too. IMO using 64-bit is better than to use 32-bit.

Especially when one considers that 64-bit applications can make use of
full register set of AMD64 (which is 16 instead of 8). This by itself can give
quite a bit of speedup for some applications (like games, media,
{de,}compression). I'm running it w/o any issues on laptop with 2.5GB RAM
available. Granted sometimes I would like to have slightly more RAM (4GB
would be really nice), but on day to day basis I don't have problems with it.


Feel free to CC me.
May The Source be with You.

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Re: todo list software

2014-02-04 Thread green
Brad Alexander wrote at 2014-02-03 18:17 -0600:
 can anyone recommend a good todo list software?

I like taskwarrior, packaged as `task` (but a rename to `taskwarrior`
appears to be pending).  See

Description: Digital signature

Re^2: A persistent name for a sound device.

2014-02-04 Thread peter

*   From: Alan Greenberger ine without changing the hardware. 
Does each device always retain its card number across the reboot?
In my case no.  Consequently I can reboot and find that the 
VoIP ring is being sent to the headset.  Not acceptable.

A persistent name remains associated with a specific device 
across a reboot.

Regards,   ... Peter E.

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12
Tel +1 360 639 0202 
 New address Bcc: peter at easthope. ca 

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Re^2: A persistent name for a sound device.

2014-02-04 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2014-02-04 at 08:57 -0800, wrote:
 * From: Alan Greenberger 
 * Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014 09:34:42 -0500
  When I plug in a Logitech C170 webcam, /proc/asound/cards shows:
   0 [SB ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB
HDA ATI SB at 0xfbdf4000 irq 16
   1 [HDMI   ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI
HDA ATI HDMI at 0xfbeec000 irq 44
   2 [C170   ]: USB-Audio - Webcam C170
Webcam C170 at usb-:00:13.2-4, high speed
 Suppose you reboot the machine without changing the hardware. 
 Does each device always retain its card number across the reboot?
 In my case no.  Consequently I can reboot and find that the 
 VoIP ring is being sent to the headset.  Not acceptable.
 A persistent name remains associated with a specific device 
 across a reboot.

As already mentioned before, this is done by 


my e.g. does look like that:

Arch Linux 64-bit

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
# ALSA module ordering
options snd slots=snd_hdspm,snd_ice1712,snd_ice1712

Debian 32-bit

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ cat /mnt/debi386/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
# autoloader aliases
install sound-slot-0 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-0
install sound-slot-1 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-1
install sound-slot-2 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-2
install sound-slot-3 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-3
install sound-slot-4 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-4
install sound-slot-5 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-5
install sound-slot-6 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-6
install sound-slot-7 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-7
# Cause optional modules to be loaded above generic modules
install snd /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd  { /sbin/modprobe --quiet 
snd-ioctl32 ; /sbin/modprobe --quiet snd-seq ; : ; }
install snd-rawmidi /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-rawmidi  { 
/sbin/modprobe --quiet snd-seq-midi ; : ; }
install snd-emu10k1 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-emu10k1  { 
/sbin/modprobe --quiet snd-emu10k1-synth ; : ; }
# Keep snd-pcsp from beeing loaded as first soundcard
options snd-pcsp index=-2
# Keep snd-usb-audio from beeing loaded as first soundcard
options snd-usb-audio index=-2
# Prevent abnormal drivers from grabbing index 0
options bt87x index=-2
options cx88_alsa index=-2
options snd-atiixp-modem index=-2
options snd-intel8x0m index=-2
options snd-via82xx-modem index=-2
# ALSA module ordering
options snd slots=snd_hdspm,snd_ice1712,snd_ice1712

Since Debian comes with default crap, the OP likely needs to remove

# Keep snd-usb-audio from beeing loaded as first soundcard
options snd-usb-audio index=-2

and add something like

options snd slots=snd_usb_audio,snd_driver_x,snd_driver_y,snd_driver_n

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Re: Kicad and module files

2014-02-04 Thread Slavko

Dňa Wed, 22 Jan 2014 16:50:08 -0800 Jeremiah Mahler napísal:

 On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 02:30:39PM +0100, Slavko wrote:
  some days ago the Kicad was updated in testing. Today i am trying to
  develop one PCB, but the module (*.mod) files are missing. After i

 It is certainly broken.  I tried opening a known working project I
 had and CvPcb generated lots of missing *.mod errors.
 I also couldn't open the pcb.
 I got around this problem by downgrading from the 0.20131208 version
 to 0.20130727.  Luckily I had them in my /var/cache/apt/archives/

Finally i was success with the testing's KiCad version. Steps below.

Whole problem is coming from the change of footprints/modules syntax.
The KiCad was moved from the .mod files to the .pretty directories. But
this behavior became default from the bzr revision r4535, and the
library repository was changed and the .mod files was removed from it.
But old footprints repository is archived here:

The new .pretty footprints format seems to be nice, because KiCad is
moving from libraries where more footprints was in one common file(s)
and new format is only one footprint in one .mod file and librery is
the directory which name ends with .pretty.

How to get old .mod files back to KiCad:

1, clone the bzr repo somewhere (i use the /tmp dir):

   cd /tmp
   bzr branch lp:~dickelbeck/kicad/library-read-only

2, make and install it:

   cmake .
   sudo make install

   - they will be installed into /usr/local/share/kicad, where kicad
 can find them

3, create the footprints.pdf:

   cd /usr/local/kicad/modules/footprints_doc
   psmerge -ofootprints.pdf

Due naming changes (mostly only uppercase), the
need to be updated:

1, copy /usr/share/kicad/template/ somewhere into writable dir
1a, open copied in kicad
2, open cvpcb from kicad, go to Preferences - Libraries, remove all
   missing libraries and add new from /usr/share/kicad/modules/
2a, if one want, do the same for the Footprint alias files
3, open pcbnew from kicad, go to Preferences - Libraries, check
   that libraries was changed
3b, set the path to the footprints.pdf
4, close kicad
5, copy back to the /usr/share/kicad/template/ (need root)

I suggest to make backup of the file, because it will be
changed on kicad-common update. Or do dpkg-divert on it...

To make the New from template to work, one can create symlink:

   cd /usr/share
   sudo ln -s kicad/template template

The steps need to do for all old .pro files or delete the project file
and create the new one...

I am sending copy to the BTS, perhaps it helps the maintainers too.



Description: PGP signature

Re^2: /dev/* and ALSA.

2014-02-04 Thread peter
*   From: Ralf Mardorf o set up a sound device

Exactly the problem.  Udev is well established technology for 
several years but ALSA can not recognize a udev SYMLINK device.  

Regards, ... Peter E.

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Tel +1 360 639 0202 
 New address Bcc: peter at easthope. ca 

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Re: Recovering data from an ext4 on LVM [solved]

2014-02-04 Thread Nuno Magalhães
Well, i got my data back. Rstudio did help, only the naming isn't
intuitive. Once i spotted the partition i had to browse it's tree for
the first awkwardly named directory (same size as the partition
though) and scan it. Then i started seeing familiar names and had to
browse another tree of weird names until i could find the data i was
looking for, correct names and all.

HTH someone else.

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Re: Re^2: A persistent name for a sound device.

2014-02-04 Thread Nate Bargmann
On my Debian desktop I created the following file:

$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound.conf 
alias snd-card-0 snd-emu10k1
options snd-emu10k1 index=0
alias snd-card-1 snd-intel8x0
options snd-intel8x0 index=1

The emu10k1 is a PCI sound card and the intel8x0 is the onboard sound.
I have the emu10k1 connected to my speakers while the intel8x0 is
connected to my HF amateur radio for various digital communication
modes.  This arrangement has served me well for several years.

I can still plug in a USB inteface and use the Pulse Audio Volume
Control application (pavucontrol package) to direct the playing
application to it.

- Nate


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more:

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Re^2: /dev/* and ALSA.

2014-02-04 Thread peter
*   From: Ralf MardorfC-Media USB Headphone Set at 
usb-:00:08.0-3, full spee
 3 [Device ]: USB-Audio - C-Media USB Audio Device
  C-Media USB Audio Device at usb-:00:03.2-1, full speed

If card numbers are assigned randomly and the VoIP sends the ring to 
card 0, then after approximately 25% of reboots, the ring will go to 
the speakers on USB Audio.  After about 75% of reboots the ring will 
go to an inaudible device.  

 IOW you need to use
 options snd slots=snd_usb_audio

That will restrict possible output devices to two. 
After approximately 50% of reboots the ring will go to 
the speakers.  Otherwise the ring will go to the headset
which I only wear a fraction of any day.  

Thanks for the information,   ... Peter E.

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12
Tel +1 360 639 0202 
 New address Bcc: peter at easthope. ca 

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Re^2: /dev/* and ALSA.

2014-02-04 Thread peter
*   From: Klaus le? Contact

Re: hash sum mismatch

2014-02-04 Thread Rick Thomas

On Feb 4, 2014, at 12:25 AM, PaulNM wrote:

 On 02/04/2014 01:53 AM, Rick Thomas wrote:
 On Feb 3, 2014, at 8:37 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 Mirrors were updating a couple of days ago and if you tried to use
 one during the updating period you would get errors. Could be the problem.
 What would it take to make a mirror update atomically?  For example, 
 download all the updates, get everything staged and ready to go but not yet 
 visible to http clients, then at the flip of a switch, have all the updates 
 become visible at once, perhaps with some kind of a callback to the 
 currently active clients to tell them that things have changed and they 
 should re-get everything.  Maybe LVM snapshots would be helpful here?
 It wouldn't take anything, if the mirror is following the directions on
 Specifically MUST perform a 2-stage sync which is to avoid this very
 problem. Rationale: if archive mirroring is done in a single stage,
 there will be periods of time during which the index files will
 reference files not yet mirrored.

Ahhh... That's good.  I didn't know that.  Which just goes to show the 
relevance of the maxim: Read the documentation before you try to 'fix' it!

 It would require some re-thinking of the protocol used by apt-get/aptitude 
 -- to be sure the stuff you just downloaded is still current and hasn't been 
 changed by an update while you were downloading...  and minimize wasted 
 effort by recognizing an update as early as possible.
 I politely disagree on this point, this is something well outside of a
 package manager's jurisdiction.  It's up to the mirror to say what's
 Another thing to look at is if there are any proxy/caching servers
 involved that may be serving old versions of the indexes.

Indeed.  It's the presence of proxy/cacheing servers (specifically, that prompted this discussion in the first place.  So let me 
re-phrase the question:  What would it take to make the apt-get protocol robust 
in the face of updates in combination with proxy and/or caching servers?

 Just a thought...
 Its a good thought, that's why the maintainers ask mirrors do this this
 way. :)

Thanks for correcting my misunderstandings!   (-:

Still thinking...


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Re: todo list software

2014-02-04 Thread Jeremiah Mahler
On Mon, Feb 03, 2014 at 07:53:55PM -0500, Miles Fidelman wrote:
 On Mon, 2/3/14, Brad Alexander wrote:
   Subject: todo list software
   To: Debian-user List
   Date: Monday, February 3, 2014, 6:17 PM
   At the risk of
   offending someone's tender sensibilities, can anyone
   recommend a good todo list software? I run KDE on sid, and
   kmail/kontact/etc seem to be in a bit of a mess.
   I did a search for todo list on Debian this morning,
   and a lot of what I came up with hasn't been developed
   since 2003 or 2006. I was just wondering what others here
   might use.
 Well, there's always emacs org-mode.  An oldy, but a goody.
 Miles Fidelman

Second that.

I am an avid Vim user.  But the one thing I use Emacs for is org-mode.
It is a great TODO list manager and time tracker.

Jeremiah Mahler

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Possibly failing disk and smartctl

2014-02-04 Thread Matus Valo


I have debian Squeeze installed on my machine. Computer is deployed with 
hard drive MAXTOR STM3320613AS. Recently, smartd have printed to logs 
the following messages:

Feb  4 20:53:18 zsm-debian smartd[1868]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], 3 
Currently unreadable (pending) sectors
Feb  4 20:53:18 zsm-debian smartd[1868]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], 3 
Offline uncorrectable sectors
Feb  4 20:53:18 zsm-debian smartd[1868]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART 
Usage Attribute: 190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel changed from 68 to 69
Feb  4 20:53:18 zsm-debian smartd[1868]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART 
Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from 32 to 31

After that I ran short selftests on given device, but they haven't found 
any error:

# smartctl -l selftest /dev/sda
smartctl 5.40 2010-07-12 r3124 [x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-10 by Bruce Allen,

Raw_Read_Error_Rate, Seek_Error_Rate and Reallocated_Sector_Ct - See 
more at:
Raw_Read_Error_Rate, Seek_Error_Rate and Reallocated_Sector_Ct - See 
more at:

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Raw_Read_Error_Rate, Seek_Error_Rate and Reallocated_Sector_Ct - See 
more at:
Num  Test_DescriptionStatus  Remaining 
LifeTime(hours)  LBA_of_first_error

# 2  Short offline   Completed without error 00% 6285 -
# 3  Short offline   Completed without error 00% 6285 -

Parameters of given disk are as follows:

# smartctl -A /dev/sda
smartctl 5.40 2010-07-12 r3124 [x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-10 by Bruce Allen,

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f   117   099   006Pre-fail 
Always   -   145320438
  3 Spin_Up_Time0x0003   100   100   000Pre-fail 
Always   -   0
  4 Start_Stop_Count0x0032   100   100   020Old_age 
Always   -   505
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   036Pre-fail 
Always   -   0
  7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000f   077   060   030Pre-fail 
Always   -   55435033
  9 Power_On_Hours  0x0032   093   093   000Old_age 
Always   -   6286
 10 Spin_Retry_Count0x0013   100   100   097Pre-fail 
Always   -   0
 12 Power_Cycle_Count   0x0032   100   100   020Old_age 
Always   -   507
184 End-to-End_Error0x0032   100   100   099Old_age 
Always   -   0
187 Reported_Uncorrect  0x0032   100   100   000Old_age 
Always   -   0
188 Command_Timeout 0x0032   100   098   000Old_age 
Always   -   44
189 High_Fly_Writes 0x003a   080   080   000Old_age 
Always   -   20
190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel 0x0022   069   056   045Old_age 
Always   -   31 (Lifetime Min/Max 31/33)
194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0022   031   044   000Old_age 
Always   -   31 (0 15 0 0)
195 Hardware_ECC_Recovered  0x001a   039   032   000Old_age 
Always   -   145320438
197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0012   100   100   000Old_age 
Always   -   3
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0010   100   100   000Old_age 
Offline  -   3
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count0x003e   200   200   000Old_age 
Always   -   0
240 Head_Flying_Hours   0x   100   253   000Old_age 
Offline  -   146926536235149
241 Total_LBAs_Written  0x   100   253   000Old_age 
Offline  -   1178970182
242 Total_LBAs_Read 0x   100   253   000Old_age 
Offline  -   2406483650

where Seek_Error_Rate grows slowly (aprox. by 3 every 2 seconds).

I have read that important pre-failing parameters are 
Raw_Read_Error_Rate, Seek_Error_Rate and Reallocated_Sector_Ct but still 
I can't decide whether disk is failing or not. Can somebody help, 
whether it is needed to replace disk or not? Any help is appreciated...


Matus Valo
Raw_Read_Error_Rate, Seek_Error_Rate and Reallocated_Sector_Ct - See 
more at:

Re: Re^2: /dev/* and ALSA.

2014-02-04 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2014-02-04 at 11:08 -0800, wrote:
 * From: Ralf Mardorf 
 * Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 21:12:22 +0100
  [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ hdspmixer
  Card 0: ...
 peter@dalton:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards
  0 [SI7012 ]: ICH - SiS SI7012
   SiS SI7012 with ALC655 at irq 18
  1 [NX6000 ]: USB-Audio - MicrosoftB. LifeCam NX-6000
   Microsoft MicrosoftB. LifeCam NX-6000 at 
 8, high speed
  2 [Set]: USB-Audio - C-Media USB Headphone Set
   C-Media USB Headphone Set at usb-:00:08.0-3, full 
  3 [Device ]: USB-Audio - C-Media USB Audio Device
   C-Media USB Audio Device at usb-:00:03.2-1, full 
 If card numbers are assigned randomly and the VoIP sends the ring to 
 card 0, then after approximately 25% of reboots, the ring will go to 
 the speakers on USB Audio.  After about 75% of reboots the ring will 
 go to an inaudible device.  
  IOW you need to use
  options snd slots=snd_usb_audio
 That will restrict possible output devices to two. 
 After approximately 50% of reboots the ring will go to 
 the speakers.  Otherwise the ring will go to the headset
 which I only wear a fraction of any day.

You could test the following. Connect the two USB devices to USP ports
that have different IRQs and then use

options snd slots=snd_usb_audio,snd_usb_audio

I use two identical PCI cards, both have the same name, but they have
different IRQs. The hw order for each reboot is the same.

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ sudo modprobe snd_ice1712
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ aplay -l
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: HDSPMx579bcc [RME AIO_579bcc], device 0: RME AIO [RME AIO]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: EWX2496 [TerraTec EWX24/96], device 0: ICE1712 multi [ICE1712 multi]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: EWX2496_1 [TerraTec EWX24/96], device 0: ICE1712 multi [ICE1712 multi]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ hdspmixer 
Card 0: RME AIO S/N 0x579bcc at 0xfddf, irq 18
Card 1: TerraTec EWX24/96 at 0xbf00, irq 20
Card 2: TerraTec EWX24/96 at 0xbb00, irq 21
Card 3: USB Device 0x170b:0x11 at usb-:00:13.0-2, full speed
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
# ALSA module ordering
options snd slots=snd_hdspm,snd_ice1712,snd_ice1712
^^^ ^^^

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Re: PXE install, without internet?

2014-02-04 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 05/02/14 01:03, Tom Furie wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 05:35:31PM +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 iface eth0 inet static address
 Just in case it makes a difference - that's a /29 network i.e.
 192 possible hosts (32 subnets with 6 hosts each) unless that's
 Easy mistake to make (I've made it myself more than once), but just
 for clarification that's a /21 network.

Indeed (easy), I had to look at that for a bit. That's 11 host bits,
not 3 ( giving 2048 addresses - which 'may' make a
difference. From 1st coffee of the day memory (dodgy) that's a class B
instead of a C.

Thanks for the pointer, a full refund is on it's way to the OP now.

 Cheers, Tom

Kind regards

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Re: todo list software

2014-02-04 Thread Siard
Brad Alexander wrote:
 I was just wondering what others here might use.

Due to the rise of smartphones, in 2007 the curtain fell for the PDA,
with its Palm OS.  Yet I haven't found an app that equals Palm OS, so
I'm still using a PDA, a Sony Clié, still syncing fine with jpilot.
But if you haven't got a PDA, you could still use jpilot on its own;
in fact it emulates Palm OS 5.

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akonadi pain + kmail2

2014-02-04 Thread Hans
Hi folks, 

I do not know, if you have the same trouble like me, but after the change to 
akonadi I get into some trouble.

When I started KDE, and I want to start kmail2, it is telling me, that akondi 
got not correctly started. (Could not get connected to dbus) I suppose, you 
might know, what I mean.

The system is telling me, akondi is not started.

My solution is, to manually stop the processes akonadiserver, 
akonadi_control and all kmail processes. Then I restart kmail again, and 
everything is working fine.

I guess, it might be some timing problem, as on my EEEPC, which is 32-bit and 
slower, it is working well. 

A good friend of mine got into the same problem after changing to kmail2.

How are your experiences? I am using akonadi-mysql, but I saw there is also 
akonadi-sqlite and akonadi-postgresql. Which one do you prefer? 

IMO akonadi looks very slow. For example, when I delete my messages in kmail, 
the akonadi database is going to be rather slow rebuild.

Also, when I move a message from a local mailbox (a mailvbox of a user on the 
pc), I dicovered another strange behaviour: When I put the mails by fast 
clicking into the trash folder, then they stay unread in the trash folder. If 
I do the same slowly, jsut one after another and waiting some seconds after 
each mail, then they are marked as read. I think, it is a timing problem 

What are your experiences? Or do you have any hints, what I can do? Changing 
to another database or something?

Thanks for reading and answering. 



P.S. Yes, I know, there is a lot of trouble with akonadi. I see it in the 
forums. But before I file a bugreport, I would like to hear of a feedback. 

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Re: MythTV from deb-multimedia setup?

2014-02-04 Thread Jon N
Thanks to all, I will be taking my questions to the deb-multimedia
list, I should have thought of that.  Quickly, before I go, I did
clean up my 'hosts' file a little and took care of that problem,
although it didn't solve the basic problem. And ~/.mythtv/config.xml
is valid also.  I'll try to remember to post back here if I find some
answers, just in case anyone is curious.

Thanks again,

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 5:07 AM, Darac Marjal wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 03, 2014 at 07:07:22PM -0500, Jon N wrote:

 I've built a new machine and installed 64bit Debian testing on it.  I
 also installed MythTV from the deb-multimedia repository.  My old
 computer has been used for MythTV (mostly recording/playback over the
 air TV) for years, and I would like to have the new hardware take over
 the job soon.  But I ran into a difference between the 2 computers I'm
 not sure about.

 On the old computer I can run 'mythtv-setup' when logged in as myself,
 not the 'mythtv' user.  But on the new computer when I run it as
 myself I get asked my country and language 1st, then on the next
 screen, Database Configuration 1/2, I get the message MythTV can not
 connect to the Database.  Please verify you database settings below.
 As far as I can tell they are correct. I can not get past the next
 page (2/2), it sends me back to the country and language selection

 Check that ~/.mythtv/config.xml is valid. Running mythtv-setup as
 yourself should be valid, but if it can't read the database settings,
 then it will assume you're setting up anew.


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Re: Possibly failing disk and smartctl

2014-02-04 Thread green
Matus Valo wrote at 2014-02-04 15:13 -0600:
 Feb  4 20:53:18 zsm-debian smartd[1868]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], 3
 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors

 I have read that important pre-failing parameters are
 Raw_Read_Error_Rate, Seek_Error_Rate and Reallocated_Sector_Ct but
 still I can't decide whether disk is failing or not. Can somebody
 help, whether it is needed to replace disk or not? Any help is

Backup your data if you have not already done so.

If your hard drive is still under warranty, I suggest that you try
getting a replacement due to the unreadable sectors.

If it is not under warranty, you might wish to replace the drive
anyway.  I am not sure how bad unreadable sectors is as a symptom, or
whether failure is imminent.

Description: Digital signature

setting laserprinter as default destination help needed

2014-02-04 Thread Jude DaShiell
Script started on Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:06:23 PM EST
jude@d-216-36-20-9:~$ hp-probe

HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.14.1)
Printer Discovery Utility ver. 4.1

Copyright (c) 2001-13 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.


  Num   Connection  Description 
  0*usb Universal Serial Bus (USB)  
  1 net Network/Ethernet/Wireless (direct connection or 
  2 par Parallel Port (LPT:)

Enter number 0...2 for connection type (q=quit, enter=usb*) ? 2

Using connection type: par


    Device URI   Model 
  ---  --
  hp:/par/HP_LaserJet_4_Plus?device=/dev/parport0  HP LaserJet 4 Plus

Found 1 printer(s) on the 'par' bus.

jude@d-216-36-20-9:~$ exit
Script done on Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:06:53 PM EST
What should I tell lpoptions as root to have this printer set as the 
system default destination for printing?  I'll have to set this as 
unshared too since I really don't need drive by spammers trashing my 
printer and print jobs with their garbage.  I don't know how to translate 
hp-probe's output to anything acceptable to lpoptions.


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Re: akonadi pain + kmail2

2014-02-04 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 05/02/14 08:58, Hans wrote:
 Hi folks, 
 I do not know, if you have the same trouble like me, but after the change to 
 akonadi I get into some trouble.

Yes, I had that problem.

 When I started KDE, and I want to start kmail2, it is telling me, that akondi 
 got not correctly started. (Could not get connected to dbus) I suppose, you 
 might know, what I mean.

I don't recall a dbus problem, but the akonadi problem yes.

 The system is telling me, akondi is not started.
 My solution is, to manually stop the processes akonadiserver, 
 akonadi_control and all kmail processes. Then I restart kmail again, and 
 everything is working fine.

I had a similar problem that also involved KOrganizer and Kontact.
Unfortunately I didn't record the exact steps I took to resolve the
issue - I basically followed information on the debian kde mailing list
(last year).

 I guess, it might be some timing problem, as on my EEEPC, which is 32-bit and 
 slower, it is working well.

Shouldn't be a problem, depending on what else you have chewing
resources. IMAP can also slow things down.

 A good friend of mine got into the same problem after changing to kmail2.
 How are your experiences? I am using akonadi-mysql, but I saw there is also 
 akonadi-sqlite and akonadi-postgresql. Which one do you prefer? 

I don't know. I use akonadi-backend-mysql but I haven't tried the others.

 IMO akonadi looks very slow. For example, when I delete my messages in kmail, 
 the akonadi database is going to be rather slow rebuild.

IMAP or POP?  If IMAP I would expect it to be slow, in which case I'd
check my settings and also include the possibility of remote factors
(your email provider).

 Also, when I move a message from a local mailbox (a mailvbox of a user on the 
 pc), I dicovered another strange behaviour: When I put the mails by fast 
 clicking into the trash folder, then they stay unread in the trash folder. If 
 I do the same slowly, jsut one after another and waiting some seconds after 
 each mail, then they are marked as read. I think, it is a timing problem 

If IMAP, check your settings - the process you describe may involve more
network activity than immediately obvious.

 What are your experiences? Or do you have any hints, what I can do? Changing 
 to another database or something?

Sorry, nothing. Try the debian kde mailing list?

 Thanks for reading and answering. 

Kind regards

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Re: fwsnort invalid hex char

2014-02-04 Thread André Nunes Batista
On Sun, 2014-02-02 at 08:45 -0500, Michael Rash wrote:
 I noticed that it looks like the bug was seen in fwsnort-1.6.2 (given
 the FWS:1.6.2 in the output you had attached).  This issue has
 already been fixed in fwsnort-1.6.3 - at least in my testing the
 consecutive - chars are properly consolidate into a single large hex
 char block.  Can you give 1.6.3 a try?

Hello there,

This is somewhat embarrassing for me: I upgraded today to fwsnort-1.6.3
and I am able to confirm that the issue is resolved, I'm sorry for
having bothered you before upgrading to the latest version.

For reference, it successfully generated the following rule:

-A FWSNORT_OUTPUT_ESTAB -p tcp -m tcp -m string --hex-string |
505249564d534720| --algo bm -m string --hex-string |
 --algo bm --from 72 -m comment --comment sid:2017291; msg:ET TROJAN ATTACKER 
IRCBot - PRIVMSG Response - net command output; classtype:trojan-activity; 
rev:5; FWS:1.6.3; -j LOG --log-ip-options --log-tcp-options --log-prefix 
[2955] SID2017291 ESTAB 




 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 8:27 PM, Michael Rash
 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 7:11 PM, André Nunes Batista wrote:
 Hello debianers!
 Hello Andre,
 I run fwsnort to update and improve on my iptables
 rule sets. On
 updating it's rules though I got this error message:
 # iptables-restore  /path/to/
 iptables-restore v1.4.14: Invalid hex char '|' Error
 occurred at line:
 4013 Try `iptables-restore -h' or 'iptables-restore
 --help' for more
 The line mentioned on the error contains the rule
 -A FWSNORT_OUTPUT_ESTAB -p tcp -m tcp -m string
 --string PRIVMSG 
 --algo bm -m string --hex-string |
 2d||2d||2d||2d||2d||2d||2d||2d||2d||2d||2d| --algo bm
 --from 72 -m
 comment --comment sid:2017291; msg:ET TROJAN ATTACKER
 Response - net command output;
 classtype:trojan-activity; rev:5;
 FWS:1.6.2; -j LOG --log-ip-options --log-tcp-options
 [3006] SID2017291 ESTAB 
 Upon removing this line, iptables-restore did it's job
 complaining. Since this line was automagically
 generated by fwsnort
 --update-rules ; fwsnort --ipt-sync,  I wonder if
 it's worth a bug
 Yes, that looks to be a bug - fwsnort should just consolidate
 all of those consecutive |2d| hex chars into a single |
 2d2d2d| block.  I'll get this fixed for the next release.
 André N. Batista

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: MythTV from deb-multimedia setup?

2014-02-04 Thread Stephen Allen
On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 05:40:27PM -0500, Jon N wrote:
 Thanks to all, I will be taking my questions to the deb-multimedia
 list, I should have thought of that.  Quickly, before I go, I did
 clean up my 'hosts' file a little and took care of that problem,
 although it didn't solve the basic problem. And ~/.mythtv/config.xml
 is valid also.  I'll try to remember to post back here if I find some
 answers, just in case anyone is curious.
 Thanks again,

Check the port # of the mythdatabase. When I set this up a year ago, I had the 
same error - the database port # wasn't the default (If I remember correctly).

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HP_LaserJet_4_Plus printer

2014-02-04 Thread Jude DaShiell
Script started on Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:06:23 PM EST
jude@d-216-36-20-9:~$ hp-probe

HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.14.1)
Printer Discovery Utility ver. 4.1

Copyright (c) 2001-13 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.


  Num   Connection  Description 
  0*usb Universal Serial Bus (USB)  
  1 net Network/Ethernet/Wireless (direct connection or 
  2 par Parallel Port (LPT:)

Enter number 0...2 for connection type (q=quit, enter=usb*) ? 2

Using connection type: par


    Device URI   Model 
  ---  --
  hp:/par/HP_LaserJet_4_Plus?device=/dev/parport0  HP LaserJet 4 Plus

Found 1 printer(s) on the 'par' bus.

jude@d-216-36-20-9:~$ exit
Script done on Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:06:53 PM EST
Script started on Tue 04 Feb 2014 10:07:47 PM EST
jude@d-216-36-20-9:~$ lpoptions
copies=1 device-uri=hp:/par/HP_LaserJet_4_Plus?device=/dev/parport0 
finishings=3 job-hold-until=no-hold job-priority=50 job-sheets=none,none 
marker-change-time=0 number-up=1 ppd-timestamp=* 
printer-info=HP_LaserJet_4_Plus printer-is-accepting-jobs=true 
printer-is-colormanaged=true printer-make-and-model='HP LaserJet 4 Plus 
v2013.111 Postscript (recommended)' printer-state=3 
printer-state-change-time=1391568254 printer-state-reasons=none 
jude@d-216-36-20-9:~$ exit
Script done on Tue 04 Feb 2014 10:08:03 PM EST

At least now configuration I set is showing up in a user directory as is 
proper given groups joined.  The printer isn't printing yet and there's 
paper in the paper tray but at least now it's not complaining about no 
default destination.  Turns out lpstat was the most powerful of the cups 
commands for setting a default printer too..


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Re: Any reason not to run amd64 these days?

2014-02-04 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 15:58:54 -0500 (EST), Rick Macdonald wrote:
 Still, I'd like to ask on the list here. Are there any issues with 
 switching to amd64? What about drivers?

I've had nothing but trouble with my first amd64 system.  The 3.12 kernel
of jessie won't even boot for me.  But my experience appears to be
atypical.  The general public isn't having such problems, it seems.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: todo list software

2014-02-04 Thread Brian Flaherty

On 02/03/2014 04:17 PM, Brad Alexander wrote:
At the risk of offending someone's tender sensibilities, can anyone 
recommend a good todo list software?

Depending upon what sort of to do items and how you track them, remind 
and wyrd (or another front-end to remind) might work well for you. 
Remind is a calendar/appointment program, but I use it for all sorts of 
to do things, in addition to keeping track of meetings, etc. For 
example, today it reports that I'm 776 days late on something.

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Re: todo list software

2014-02-04 Thread Chris
On 02/04/2014 01:17 AM, Brad Alexander wrote:
 I did a search for todo list on Debian this morning, and a lot of what I
 came up with hasn't been developed since 2003 or 2006. I was just wondering
 what others here might use.

I'm using Task Coach.

- Chris

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Re: todo list software

2014-02-04 Thread Go Linux

On Tue, 2/4/14, Chris wrote:

 Subject: Re: todo list software
 Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2014, 11:15 PM
 On 02/04/2014 01:17 AM, Brad
 Alexander wrote:
  I did a search for todo list on Debian this morning,
 and a lot of what I
  came up with hasn't been developed since 2003 or 2006.
 I was just wondering
  what others here might use.
I just discovered the gkrellm-reminder plugin and installed it.  Will play with 
it over the coming days.

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Re: todo list software

2014-02-04 Thread Miles Fidelman

Siard wrote:

Brad Alexander wrote:

I was just wondering what others here might use.

Due to the rise of smartphones, in 2007 the curtain fell for the PDA,
with its Palm OS.  Yet I haven't found an app that equals Palm OS, so
I'm still using a PDA, a Sony Clié, still syncing fine with jpilot.
But if you haven't got a PDA, you could still use jpilot on its own;
in fact it emulates Palm OS 5.

I still haven't found an equal to my old Newton.  I don't think anybody 
has gotten the palmtop model right since then.

Miles Fidelman

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Re: PXE install, without internet?

2014-02-04 Thread Anubhav Yadav
 In case it's an issue with insufficient free dhcp leases, on the box
 with the dhcp server try:-
 (for isc-dhcp-server) cat /var/lib/dhcpd.leases and compare that against
 the number available in your settings

No such file or directory. Maybe because I am using isc-dhcp-server, not dhcp3?

 service dhcpd restart
It was service isc-dhcp-service on my box, it restarted, but the other
clients were not able to

 Then try booting the PXE clients again.
Same result, unable to find the PXE server.

 At the DHCP server (first)?

 Please post:-

Right now away from my colleges, but I feel the requested files wont
be available on the server since I am using isc-dhcp-server and not dhcp3.
Just a thought. I will post the required files as soon as I reach the lab again.

Anubhav Yadav
Imperial College of Engineering and Research,

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Re: PXE install, without internet?

2014-02-04 Thread Anubhav Yadav
 Indeed (easy), I had to look at that for a bit. That's 11 host bits,
 not 3 ( giving 2048 addresses - which 'may' make a
 difference. From 1st coffee of the day memory (dodgy) that's a class B
 instead of a C.

 Thanks for the pointer, a full refund is on it's way to the OP now.

I can't explain more on why I choose the combination of the above IP addresses
because those were given by my administrator. I will ask him some questions on
what network is that, and maybe then we can find out how is that
conflicting with
the dhcp server that I have built.

Also just wanted to say that the guys at our college has something called
cyberoam filter, which also acts as a dhcp server, but now the dhcp
server is disabled.

I also want to make a small confession, that although there was a
small introductory
course last year on computer networks, but I am sure a super noob in
these IPs and subnet things.

Anubhav Yadav
Imperial College of Engineering and Research,

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About to format the whole laptop, need some partitioning advice.

2014-02-04 Thread Anubhav Yadav
Hello list,

I have an Asus laptop, with 720 gigs hardisk and i5 processor.
Right now I have a dual boot of Windoze (only for playing fifa
and assassins creed) and debian wheezy 64 bit.

Debian takes a lots of time for booting up and some folks on irc
said that I should be trying systemd. I did that but there was no
improvement. So some people also suggested that my partitions
are somehow not right.

So now since I am about to partition I would like to know what should
be the ideal partitioning scheme.

Here is the screenshot of my current partitions.

There was a tool which gave the read-write speeds of my hdd,
that was mentioned by the guys in irc, I cant remember now, and
the speeds were very low.

So these are the questions:

1) What partitioning scheme should I choose now, If I want to have
/home, /var, /usr, /tmp on different partitions and I just want a windoze
partition of 50-60 gb.

2) As you can see in the screenshot, gparted shows that the hdd is
only 698 gb whereas when purchased it was 720 GB. Any ways to recover
the lost sectors back?

Please pardon me If I am not allowed to post link to images!
Anubhav Yadav
Imperial College of Engineering and Research,

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Re: About to format the whole laptop, need some partitioning advice.

2014-02-04 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 2/5/14, Anubhav Yadav wrote:
 Hello list,

 I have an Asus laptop, with 720 gigs hardisk and i5 processor.
 Right now I have a dual boot of Windoze (only for playing fifa
 and assassins creed) and debian wheezy 64 bit.

 Here is the screenshot of my current partitions.

I used to use multiple partitions as you do.

Nowadays, the only partitions I use are:
/boot - about 1GiB
/ - root partition, the rest

This way, it's really simple, and the old reasons (for most home users
at least) for having multiple partitions are no longer valid (separate
backups, making sure /root does not fill up, etc), since the HDDs are
so capacious.

 There was a tool which gave the read-write speeds of my hdd,
 that was mentioned by the guys in irc, I cant remember now, and
 the speeds were very low.

Sounds like you might have some other problem though. Your current
partition setup should not be a _performance_ problem as far as I can
tell, although I would consider it a disk flexibility problem for

If you really want multiple partitions (besides a separate /boot) then
LVM is your friend - and it future or if you're adventurous, BTRFS

 1) What partitioning scheme should I choose now, If I want to have
 /home, /var, /usr, /tmp on different partitions and I just want a windoze
 partition of 50-60 gb.

But WHY do you want them on separate partitions? XY problem?

 2) As you can see in the screenshot, gparted shows that the hdd is
 only 698 gb whereas when purchased it was 720 GB. Any ways to recover
 the lost sectors back?

You lost none - 700,000,000,000 bytes is the correct and advertised
size of the drive, as sold.

2^10^3 bytes is one GiB
10^9 bytes is a GB or the term used for advertising (historical, too
much momentum to change it nowadays it seems).

 Please pardon me If I am not allowed to post link to images!

fdisk -l /dev/sda
might have been better. But the link is OK.

Good luck

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Re: About to format the whole laptop, need some partitioning advice.

2014-02-04 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 2/5/14, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 On 2/5/14, Anubhav Yadav wrote:

 I have an Asus laptop, with 720 gigs hardisk and i5 processor.

 2) As you can see in the screenshot, gparted shows that the hdd is
 only 698 gb whereas when purchased it was 720 GB. Any ways to recover
 the lost sectors back?

 You lost none - 700,000,000,000 bytes is the correct and advertised
 size of the drive, as sold.

Sorry, that should be 720 (not 700) * 10^9.

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Re: About to format the whole laptop, need some partitioning advice.

2014-02-04 Thread Anubhav Yadav
 I used to use multiple partitions as you do.

 Nowadays, the only partitions I use are:
 /boot - about 1GiB
 / - root partition, the rest
 This way, it's really simple, and the old reasons (for most home users
 at least) for having multiple partitions are no longer valid (separate
 backups, making sure /root does not fill up, etc), since the HDDs are
 so capacious.

But then I assumed that having all in different partitons helped at the
time of upgrade? Please prove me wrong.

 Sounds like you might have some other problem though. Your current
 partition setup should not be a _performance_ problem as far as I can
 tell, although I would consider it a disk flexibility problem for

 If you really want multiple partitions (besides a separate /boot) then
 LVM is your friend - and it future or if you're adventurous, BTRFS
The HDD I have in my laptop has somewhat low rpms, maybe that's
the issue?
Its a sata HDD with 5400 rpms!

 But WHY do you want them on separate partitions? XY problem?

Already answered you above.

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Re: About to format the whole laptop, need some partitioning advice.

2014-02-04 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 2/5/14, Anubhav Yadav wrote:
 I used to use multiple partitions as you do.

 Nowadays, the only partitions I use are:
 /boot - about 1GiB
 / - root partition, the rest
 This way, it's really simple, and the old reasons (for most home users
 at least) for having multiple partitions are no longer valid (separate
 backups, making sure /root does not fill up, etc), since the HDDs are
 so capacious.

 But then I assumed that having all in different partitons helped at the
 time of upgrade? Please prove me wrong.

Assumptions cannot necessarily be proven wrong.

Please prove your assumption is right. If you attempt to do this, you
will find your assumption is wrong.

Also: How do you do upgrade on Debian?
Answer this, and you will also prove yourself wrong.

So, the job of proving is for the student :)

 Sounds like you might have some other problem though. Your current
 partition setup should not be a _performance_ problem as far as I can
 tell, although I would consider it a disk flexibility problem for

 If you really want multiple partitions (besides a separate /boot) then
 LVM is your friend - and it future or if you're adventurous, BTRFS
 The HDD I have in my laptop has somewhat low rpms, maybe that's
 the issue?
 Its a sata HDD with 5400 rpms!

I dunno - may be you used to use a Dekstop with SSD.
Why do you say it is slow?

 But WHY do you want them on separate partitions? XY problem?

 Already answered you above.

My suggestions/questions are to assist you to find your own answers.

If you can't answer the why you want separate partitions, with
knowledge and/ or experience, then you are making an assumption, and
may be you are better to accept someone else's assumption or

May be you read something, but you didn't say, so can't help you further sorry.

Good luck

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Re: [Debian 7] my custom nofile limits.conf setting doesnt work with sudo.

2014-02-04 Thread Stefan Eriksson

Thanks it saved my day. all is working now.

2014-02-04 12:50, Reco skrev:


On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 12:08:27PM +0100, Stefan Eriksson wrote:

on a side not, this works ok, but it doesnt help me as I need the
sudo command to see the correct limits aswell.

Wheezy's version of /etc/pam.d/sudo lacks this line:


So, every time you use sudo - you keep shell limits from the original

debian6:/# egrep -r pam_limits /etc/pam.d/
/etc/pam.d/sudo:session required

And, as you can see above, squeeze's version of /etc/pam.d/sudo has

anyone seen this issue before or know if there is an added security
option one has to active in wheezy?

I just add to /etc/pam.d/sudo during upgrade to wheezy.


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Re: About to format the whole laptop, need some partitioning advice.

2014-02-04 Thread Anubhav Yadav
 Assumptions cannot necessarily be proven wrong.

 Please prove your assumption is right. If you attempt to do this, you
 will find your assumption is wrong.

 Also: How do you do upgrade on Debian?
 Answer this, and you will also prove yourself wrong.

 So, the job of proving is for the student :)

 Sounds like you might have some other problem though. Your current
 partition setup should not be a _performance_ problem as far as I can
 tell, although I would consider it a disk flexibility problem for

 If you really want multiple partitions (besides a separate /boot) then
 LVM is your friend - and it future or if you're adventurous, BTRFS
 The HDD I have in my laptop has somewhat low rpms, maybe that's
 the issue?
 Its a sata HDD with 5400 rpms!

 I dunno - may be you used to use a Dekstop with SSD.
 Why do you say it is slow?

Because when my computer boots up, it takes like 25 seconds more
to get started after entering the username and password. That is 25 seconds
of more wait after logging in.

 But WHY do you want them on separate partitions? XY problem?

 Already answered you above.

 My suggestions/questions are to assist you to find your own answers.

 If you can't answer the why you want separate partitions, with
 knowledge and/ or experience, then you are making an assumption, and
 may be you are better to accept someone else's assumption or

 May be you read something, but you didn't say, so can't help you further 

If I messed up my system and want to restore back to a clean state, I can keep
my /home intact? And maybe preserve the data? Not everybody has access
to portable
HDDs for backup, do they?
Anubhav Yadav
Imperial College of Engineering and Research,

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Re: Dependencies

2014-02-04 Thread Frans van Berckel

On Tue, 2014-02-04 at 06:51 +0100, Frans van Berckel wrote:
 Wouter Verhelst schreef op 2014-02-04 00:56:
  On Mon, Feb 03, 2014 at 11:58:58AM +0100, Geert Stappers wrote:
  Op 2014-02-03 om 11:29 schreef Frans van Berckel:
   Kan je in debian (of op de site) ook zoeken welke software afhankelijk
   is van een specifieke lib?
  Jawel, dat heet reverse dependency

  apt-get rdepends libopus
 Kijk, dat wist ik dn weer niet. Dank je wel, Wouter.

Even getest. Klopt het dat het net even anders moet zijn?

$ apt-rdepends -r libopus0

Zonder -r laat het zien, waarvan die zelf afhankelijk is.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Frans van Berckel

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