Re: redirection des mails cron

2014-09-08 Thread Guillaume


Sinon vous pouvez utiliser le parametre de configuration suivant dans 
votre fichier cron -


Le 07/09/2014 23:07, Guillaume Membré a écrit :

Merci pour votre réponse,
j'ai donc configuré postfix sur la machine1 en Satellite system, sur 
machine2 Internet with smarthost et modifié mon /etc/aliases avec : 
root: user, root@machine2. Ainsi mes mails sont conservés en local + 
transmis à ma 2e machine.

2014-09-06 22:20 GMT+02:00 daniel huhardeaux

Le 06/09/2014 21:52, Guillaume Membré a écrit :



je voudrais rediriger les mails de cron d'une de mes machines
sur une autre. Les 2 machines sont sur le même réseau.
En ce moment, je lis parfaitement les mails de cron via mutt
sur mes 2 machines, je voudrais pouvoir le faire que d'une seule.
Je suis un peu perdu dans la conf à appliquer : sur quelle
machine faut il mettre quel outil ? Connaissez vous un
tutoriel simple dans ce sens ?

Mes 2 machines sont sous debian wheezy.

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses

Les mails de cron sont pour root. Si donc tous les messages de
root sur machine1 doivent être envoyés vers machine2, une simple
règle dans /etc/aliases comme root: root@machine2 fait le travail.
Il faut bien entendu que machine1 soit configurée pour utiliser
machine2 comme smarthost avec postfix par ex.


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Re: Commande pour avoir une simple suite de noms de paquets

2014-09-08 Thread Raphaël POITEVIN
Stéphane GARGOLY writes:
 Avec la commande aptitude search '~sadmin~Rpredepends:(~i)(~i)' (par 
 exemple), j'ai la liste des paquets installés de la section 'admin' qui sont 
 des pré-dépendances (voir note a) telle que se présente de la façon suivante :
 i   debconf - Système de gestion de configuration Debian 
  i   dpkg- système de gestion des paquets Debian  
  i   initscripts - scripts pour initialiser et arrêter le système 
  i   libpam-modules  - modules enfichables d'authentification pour PAM
  i   libpam-modules-bin  - modules enfichables d'authentification pour PAM - 
  i   libpam-runtime  - Binaires pour la bibliothèque PAM  
  i   sysv-rc - mécanisme de changement de niveau d'exécution à la 
  i   sysvinit-utils  - Utilitaires à la system-V.

 Note a : de je ne sais quels autres paquets installés mais, dans mon cas, 
 n'a pas d'importance.

 Or ce que je souhaite, c'est une simple suite de noms de paquets telle que 
 debconf dpkg initscripts libpam-modules libpam-modules-bin libpam-runtime 
 sysv-rc sysvinit-utils.

aptitude search '~sadmin~Rpredepends:(~i)(~i)' | cut -d' ' -f4
« Tout chercheur plongé dans la science subit une poussée de bas en haut 
susceptible de lui remonter le moral. »
Monsieur Cyclopède

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RE: Commande pour avoir une simple suite de noms de paquets

2014-09-08 Thread Boiteux Frederic

  Tu peux utiliser l'option « -F » d'aptitude pour formater la sortie des 
résultats d'aptitude. Pour ton problème, un simple « -F%p » t'affichera 
uniquement les noms des paquets :

$ aptitude search '~sadmin~Rpredepends:(~i)(~i)' -F%p   










-Message d'origine-
De : Stéphane GARGOLY [] 
Envoyé : lundi 8 septembre 2014 07:15
À :
Objet : Commande pour avoir une simple suite de noms de paquets

Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

[J'utilise la version stable Wheezy (de Debian GNU/Linux) mais je pense que 
ceci est anecdotique par rapport à la question que je vous soumets.]

Avec la commande aptitude search '~sadmin~Rpredepends:(~i)(~i)' (par 
exemple), j'ai la liste des paquets installés de la section 'admin' qui sont 
des pré-dépendances (voir note a) telle que se présente de la façon suivante :
i   debconf - Système de gestion de configuration Debian   
 i   dpkg- système de gestion des paquets Debian
 i   initscripts - scripts pour initialiser et arrêter le système   
 i   libpam-modules  - modules enfichables d'authentification pour PAM  
 i   libpam-modules-bin  - modules enfichables d'authentification pour PAM - pro
 i   libpam-runtime  - Binaires pour la bibliothèque PAM
 i   sysv-rc - mécanisme de changement de niveau d'exécution à la 
 i   sysvinit-utils  - Utilitaires à la system-V.

Note a : de je ne sais quels autres paquets installés mais, dans mon cas, ceci 
n'a pas d'importance.

Or ce que je souhaite, c'est une simple suite de noms de paquets telle que 
debconf dpkg initscripts libpam-modules libpam-modules-bin libpam-runtime 
sysv-rc sysvinit-utils.

Donc, pour y parvenir, j'ai élaboré une commande un peu plus complexe : 
aptitude search '~sadmin~Rpredepends:(~i)(~i)' | sed 's/^i [ A] //g' | sed 's/ 
.*$/ /' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g'.

Cette commande me donne le résultat souhaité mais comme vous pouvez le 
constater, à trois reprises, j'ai dû utiliser :
 - de l'injection du résultat de la commande précédente pour la suivante en 
tant qu'argument à l'aide d'un tube (|) et
 - de la commande 'sed'.

Bien que je passe de façon régulière par la ligne de commande, je me garderai 
bien de prétendre savoir l'utiliser de façon optimale. ;-)

Aussi, je me demande s'il n'existe pas une variante ou une alternative plus 
simple ou plus courte (à la commande précédente).

Qu'en pensez-vous ?

Je vous remercie d'avance de votre attention.

Cordialement et à bientôt,


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Re: Commande pour avoir une simple suite de noms de paquets

2014-09-08 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le lundi 08 septembre 2014 à  5:15, Stéphane GARGOLY a écrit :
 Or ce que je souhaite, c'est une simple suite de noms de paquets telle que 
 debconf dpkg initscripts libpam-modules libpam-modules-bin libpam-runtime 
 sysv-rc sysvinit-utils.

Pour compléter les réponses qui t'ont déjà été données et qui te renvoient le
nom du paquet, un par ligne, tu peux envoyer ça dans xargs pour l'avoir sur une
seule ligne :

aptitude search '~sadmin~Rpredepends:(~i)(~i)' | cut -d' ' -f4 | xargs
aptitude search '~sadmin~Rpredepends:(~i)(~i)' -F%p | xargs

xargs te permettra également de les envoyer à une commande, par exemple si ton
objectif (ce dont je doute fort) est de purger ces paquets :

aptitude search '~sadmin~Rpredepends:(~i)(~i)' -F%p | xargs sudo aptitude 


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Re: Commande pour avoir une simple suite de noms de paquets - Résolu

2014-09-08 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le lundi 8 septembre 2014 à 10:58, Sébastien NOBILI a 
écrit :
 Pour compléter les réponses qui t'ont déjà été données et qui te renvoient
 le nom du paquet, un par ligne, tu peux envoyer ça dans xargs pour l'avoir
 sur une seule ligne :
 aptitude search '~sadmin~Rpredepends:(~i)(~i)' | cut -d' ' -f4 | xargs
 aptitude search '~sadmin~Rpredepends:(~i)(~i)' -F%p | xargs

D'abord, un grand merci à Raphaël, à Frederic et à Sébastien pour leurs 
réponses. :-)

Les deux solutions qui m'ont été proposées donnent le résultat souhaité. 
Néanmoins, je vais choisir la seconde car elle est - un peu plus - concise que 
la première.

Je profite de cette occasion pour jeter un coup d'œil aux pages de manuel des 
commandes 'cut', 'xargs' et 'aptitude' ainsi que la documentation incluse dans 
le paquet 'aptitude-fr' (voir note a), en particulier la section 
Personnaliser la liste des paquets qui présente beaucoup d'intérêts.

Note a : on peut la trouver également à la page .

 xargs te permettra également de les envoyer à une commande, par exemple si
 ton objectif (ce dont je doute fort) est de purger ces paquets :
 aptitude search '~sadmin~Rpredepends:(~i)(~i)' -F%p | xargs sudo
 aptitude purge

En effet, ce que je fais n'a rien d'autres objectifs qu'informatif (voire 
statistique), d'autant plus que j'ajoute à la commande aptitude search... 
une redirection vers un fichier pour conserver le résultat.

Cordialement et à bientôt,


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[OT] Plano físico de cableado

2014-09-08 Thread sio2
Vaya por delante que esto es un fuera-de-tema como una casa, porque no
está directa (ni indirectamente) relacionado con debian, pero no se me
ocurre otro sitio mejor dónde pueda encontrar a alguien con una buena

Resulta que en una red que medio sigo administrando (el servidor es
debian, por supuesto), quiero hacer el plano *físico* de cableado. En
realidad quiero modificarlo, porque, cuando la monté, lo dibujé. Yo me
manejo con los programas de CAD, así que sobre los planos de planta fui
capaz de dibujar el cableado y los dispositivos de red. Pero me topé con
el problema de que fui incapaz de encontrar una norma con la que
estuvieran normalizados este tipo de planos y no quedé muy satisfecho
con la claridad de mi notación: no hay sólo que pintar cables y
dispositivos, sino también notar de alguna forma que el dispositivo tal
conecta que este uno y este otro, y que de un vistazo se vea claramente,
sin tener que recorrer el cable con los ojos para saber hasta dónde

Ahora se han hecho algunos cambios y tengo que volver sobre los planos,
y he pensado que es un buen momento para intentar rehacerlos bien. Y ahí
va mi pregunta, ¿hay alguna norma para hacer estos planos que me pueda
servir de guía o Sabe alguien dónde puedo encontrar planos ya hechos
para ver si son más legibles que los que yo hice?

Desde ya, gracias.

Un saludo.

   ¿No ha de haber un espíritu valiente?
¿Siempre se ha de sentir lo que se dice?
¿Nunca se ha de decir lo que se siente?
  --- Francisco de Quevedo ---

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Re: Postfix error al enviar correos

2014-09-08 Thread Antonio Moreno

El 05/09/14 14:19, Juan Guil escribió:

El día 5 de septiembre de 2014, 14:17, Manolo Díaz escribió:

El viernes, 5 sep 2014 a las 13:31 horas (UTC+2),
Antonio Moreno escribió:

Por lo que he podido leer en google mi problema esta en el

virtual_alias_maps =

He revisado 2 millones de veces esta linea pero no veo que puede estar
mal, alguien me puede ayudar???

En lugar de leer 2 millones de veces (tirando por lo bajo) esa línea, a
lo mejor sería buena idea leer esos dos ficheros de configuración,
buscar qué significa lo que allí se dice y ver los campos de las tablas
de mysql asociadas y sus contendidos para que te hagas una buena idea de
dónde está el problema.

Manolo Díaz

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Yo te diria.
Has revisado bien si estan todas las tablas en la base de datos mysql?
en la consulta q

Tablas Mysql


| id | domain_id | source| destination |
|  1 | 1 | | |
|  2 | 1 |  | |


| id | name|
|  1 | |


| id | domain_id | password | email   |
|  1 | 1 | password| |



user = root
password = pass
hosts =
dbname = mailserver
query = Select 1 from virtual_domains where name='%s'


user = root
password = pass
hosts =
dbname = mailserver
query = Select 1 from virtual_users where email='%s'


user = root
password = pass
hosts =
dbname = mailserver
query = Select destination from virtual_aliases where source='%s'


user = root
password = pass
hosts =
dbname = mailserver
query = Select email FROM virtual_users where email='%s'

Muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda

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Ayuda con LVM

2014-09-08 Thread Mauro Antivero
Estimados, configuré un servidor (de pruebas por ahora) con LVM y RAID1. 
Dicha configuración la realicé en la instalación del sistema, al momento 
de definir las particiones. La configuración es la siguiente:


Part.Prim/Log.Tipo  Uso   Tamaño Booteable

sda1 Primaria ext4 /boot 1GB  Si
sda5 Lógica   ext4 / 80GB No
sda6 Lógica   ext4   Resto - 4 GB No--- 
En esta partición configuré luego LVM, por eso acá no defino punto de 

sda7 Lógica   ext4 SWAP  5GB  No


Componentes   /Dispositivo

sda1 con sdb1 /dev/md0
sda5 con sdb5 /dev/md1
sda6 con sdb6 /dev/md2
sda7 con sdb7 /dev/md3


Cantidad de grupos de volúmenes:1
Nombre del grupo de volúmenes:  LVM
Dispositivos que componen el grupo: /dev/md2
Cantidad de volúmenes lógicos:  3

- Volumen lógico 1: LVM --- Backups (100 GB)
- Volumen lógico 2: LVM --- Logs(100 GB)
- Volumen lógico 3: LVM --- Cloud   (300 GB)

Como verán por los nombres de los volúmenes lógicos voy a ir probando 
varias cosas, entre ellas claro está LVM.

El servidor en si está funcionando y por ahora solo está en uso el 
volumen lógico Logs (montado en /var/log). El problema es que ahora 
quiero comenzar a utilizar el volumen lógico Backups pero no lo 
encuentro :S Miren la salida de los siguientes comandos:

  No matching physical volumes found

  No volume groups found

  Reading all physical volumes.  This may take a while...
  No volume groups found

cat /etc/fstab

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# file system mount point   type options   dump  pass
# / was on /dev/md1 during installation
UUID=768762e9-6528-4ffd-a4db-a6b00ea493b2/ ext4
errors=remount-ro 0   1

# /boot was on /dev/md0 during installation
UUID=f7b8f1be-38db-49e4-9bf5-c35a7da38eca/boot ext4
defaults  0   2

# swap was on /dev/md3 during installation
UUID=7dc5f23e-b5e2-43f3-99b5-e022b822fcb2none swap
sw0   0
/dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0 
udf,iso9660 user,noauto   0   0

cat /proc/mdstat

Personalities : [raid1]
md3 : active raid1 sda7[2] sdb7[0]
  4881344 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU]

md2 : active raid1 sda6[2] sdb6[0]
  892445504 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU]   --- Esta es la partición 
de 851 GB en donde, supuestamente, tengo LVM

md1 : active raid1 sda5[2] sdb5[0]
  78253952 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU]

md0 : active raid1 sda1[2] sdb1[0]
  975296 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU]

unused devices: none

La verdad que estoy perdido. Me estoy olvidando de algo?

Por si acaso instalé Webmin, pero cuando voy al módulo de LVM me dice 
que no se han encontrado grupo de volúmenes en el sistema...

Les agradecería mucho su ayuda para resolver este misterio. A lo mejor 
estoy pasando algo por alto, es la primera vez que uso LVM. Cualquier 
otra cosa que necesiten ver háganmelo saber por favor.

Saludos y muchas gracias, Mauro.

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Re: Ayuda con LVM

2014-09-08 Thread Flako
Hola, según veo de tu fstab, no esas usando el 'volumen lógico Logs
(montado en /var/log)' como dices.. al menos en tu fstab no aparece.
Como sabes realmente que lo estas usando?  en comando mount que te indica?

Por otro lado en tu mail, en un lado indicas que sda6 tiene 4GB y en otro
851GB, cual de los dos es correcto?

En fin para mi intentaste configurar lvm en la instalación, pero no le
diste en 'aplicar' :), si pvscan te indica que no hay un, es probable que
no tengas definido un PV  :)

Podes comenzar con 'pvcreate  /dev/sda6´ y configurar todo sin reiniciar el


Claves publias SSH authorized_keys

2014-09-08 Thread john vera
Buenos dias,tarde,noche Lista

tengo una pequeña duda al utilizar varias llaves publicas contra un
mismo servidor ssh
veo que solo existe un solo archivo llamado authorized_keys donde
estar la información
de la llave del cliente que ha de conectarse a nuestro servidor.

puedo conectar muchos clientes de esta manera al mismo server?
Hay que generar otros authorized_keys?
debo modificar alguna directiva en el sshd_confg?

agradezco el apoyo de cada uno.


John M. A. Vera F.
VaSLibre Valencia-Venezuela
Linux Counter # 467192
Huella digital de la clave:  D7F5 0E53 7C0B 19E2 6212  C584 9CD3 3F7D 738F BE9A
y la verdad OS hara Libres!!

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Re: Claves publias SSH authorized_keys

2014-09-08 Thread Juan Guil
El día 8 de septiembre de 2014, 15:03, john vera escribió:
 Buenos dias,tarde,noche Lista

 tengo una pequeña duda al utilizar varias llaves publicas contra un
 mismo servidor ssh
 veo que solo existe un solo archivo llamado authorized_keys donde
 estar la información
 de la llave del cliente que ha de conectarse a nuestro servidor.

 puedo conectar muchos clientes de esta manera al mismo server?
 Hay que generar otros authorized_keys?
 debo modificar alguna directiva en el sshd_confg?

 agradezco el apoyo de cada uno.


En el fichero autorized_keys es el fichero donde guardas la clave
publica del usuario de la maquina donde te vas a conectar (Maquina
origen), es decir tu servidor destino dejara conectarse si ve que la
clave publica que tiene almacenada, coincide con la clave privada que
se genera con dicha clave publica.
Por tanto, podras conectar todos los clientes que quieras o mejor
decir (usuarios, siempre que tengan su clave publica/privada) y la
importes en el autorized_keys.
Por tanto, en el servidor destino no tendras que generar nada ni
configurar nada, solamente tendras que crear las claves en los
clientes y añadirlos al autorized_keys.

De todas formas, ssh se hace mas restringuido.

Hay una directiva en el sshd_config

Permit Users (o algo así)

Permit Users: pedro

Solo permitira conectarse con el usuario Pedro, y no te dejara, con
otros usuarios auque tengas la clave publica de estos usuartios enel

Crero que es asi, si no me equivoco.

Un saludo

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Re: resolucion monitor

2014-09-08 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 07 Sep 2014 14:59:44 -0300, Alexis Saucedo escribió:

Corrijo el html y el top-posting... Alexis, tanto tiempo en la lista y 
aún haciendo las cosas mal ¿eh? ;-)

 El 7 de septiembre de 2014, 14:31, Camaleón


 ¿Y qué resolución tienes en el portátil? Es posible que el driver VESA
 la admita de manera nativa.

 Prueba a generar el modeline como te puse antes y añade esa línea en el
 xorg.conf que tenías a ver si lo admite pero como te digo, el driver
 VESA es muy limitado ;-(

 El modelo del Flatron es W1941S, 

Perfecto... veo que tiene una conexión D-SUB.

 lo que acabo de hacer hacer que el sistema cree el de
 nuevo, ahora si me muestra dos monitores


No necesitas hacer eso, se supone que el portátil controla la salida de 
vídeo automáticamente cuando conmutas/activas el monitor externo. Lo que 
has hecho sirve cuando el sistema tiene una tarjeta con salida dual (dual-
head) o tienes dos tarjetas gráficas instaladas pero no es tu caso.

 pero cuando me voy a menu de aplicaciones/pantalla solo me muestra un
 monitor que dice default, no deberia mostrarme los dos?

Sí, bueno, depende... ¿estás con gnome-shell? ¿qué te dice ahora xrandr -
q? También deberías asegurarte de que el portátil permita tener 
activadas al mismo tiempo las dos salidas de vídeo (pantalla integrada y 
monitor externo).

 reemplace el pedazo de codigo:
 Identifier  Card0
 Driver  vesa
 BusID   PCI:1:0:0
  Identifier SiS Card
  Driver  sis
 y cuando reinicio le pac comienza a levantar y simplemente cuando quiere
 levantar las x se queda en negro con el cursor parpadeando, no me da
 ningun error solo que no arranca, tengo q entrar por colsola, renombrar
 el archivo y reciem me permite levantar.

Igualmente revisa el archivo que tienes en /var/log/Xorg.0.log por si 
hubiera volcado algún dato del error. Si no puedes usar el driver SiS en 
el sistema con el VESA vas a tener muchos problemas y un rendimiento 
extremadamente bajo.

¿Has probado a renombrar el archivo xorg.con para que el sistema intente 
detectar la configuración automáticamente y una vez iniciado el sistema 
activar la salida al monitor externo? Tiene que funcionar sin que hagas 
nada especial.



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Re: Claves publias SSH authorized_keys

2014-09-08 Thread Adrià
On Mon, Sep 08, 2014 at 08:33:45AM -0430, john vera wrote:
 Hay que generar otros authorized_keys?
 debo modificar alguna directiva en el sshd_confg?

Puedes utilizar ssh-copy-id, que te facilitará la vida.

Adrià García-Alzórriz
Olla que hierve arrebatada, olla malograda. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: [OT] Plano físico de cableado

2014-09-08 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 08 Sep 2014 08:18:50 +0200, José Miguel (sio2) escribió:


 Ahora se han hecho algunos cambios y tengo que volver sobre los planos,
 y he pensado que es un buen momento para intentar rehacerlos bien. Y ahí
 va mi pregunta, ¿hay alguna norma para hacer estos planos que me pueda
 servir de guía o Sabe alguien dónde puedo encontrar planos ya hechos
 para ver si son más legibles que los que yo hice?

Normativa para el conexionado del cableado y su distribución sí conozco 
pero para el diseño de planos de la instalación, no. 

Yo me hice en su día dos esquemas enlazados: uno gráfico para mostrar la 
ubicación en planta de los componentes y equipos y otro tabloide (tablas 
y texo) con los detalles y datos técnicos.



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Re: Claves publias SSH authorized_keys

2014-09-08 Thread Juan Guil
El día 8 de septiembre de 2014, 16:11, Adrià escribió:
 On Mon, Sep 08, 2014 at 08:33:45AM -0430, john vera wrote:
 Hay que generar otros authorized_keys?
 debo modificar alguna directiva en el sshd_confg?

 Puedes utilizar ssh-copy-id, que te facilitará la vida.


autorized_keys es un fichero que se crea dentro de un directorio
oculto en el home del usuario .ssh
Echale un vistazo a este articulo, viene todo muy bien explicado.

Un saludo

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Re: OT.: Parece que el sistema pasa a suspensión en vez de apagar

2014-09-08 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 08 Sep 2014 00:05:17 -0300, Paulo Riquelme escribió:

 El día 6 de septiembre de 2014, 15:56, Camaleón


 Hum... ¿cómo desactivaste exactamente el demonio? Porque si lo
 detienes y reinicias el equipo se vuelve a cargar. Y por otra parte, se
 trata de comprobar que estando encendido el equipo SIN ese demonio en
 ejecución la batería permanece estable. Ten en cuenta que al NO tener
 conectado el cable de alimentación al portátil la batería se consume
 continuamente y sólo con encender el equipo ya debe de bajar el nivel
 de carga.
 Sí, lo siento, no fui nada claro, lo que quise decir es que
 efectivamente desactivé el laptop-mode-tools de forma definitiva desde
 /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf cambiando el valor de la línea
 ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_TOOLS=1 y lo cambié por
 ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_TOOLS=0, de hecho de puro menso en las líneas
 ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_ON_BATTERY también le cambié el valor a 0, luego de
 eso reinicié el sistema entero desde Gnome, no lo comprobé pero supongo
 que ya cambiando el valor de la primera línea que mencioné a 0 ya no
 se carga el Laptop-mode-tools.

Comprueba que no esté iniciado con service laptop-mode status.

 No, no es lo mismo. Interesa que desactives completamente el servicio
 que se ejecuta como demonio y se carga nada más iniciar el sistema. En
 el archivo /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf define la variable
 ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_TOOLS a 0, guarda los cambios y reinicia el equipo
 para comprobar que no se inicia el servicio.
 Como dije arriba, el viernes desactivé el laptop-mode-tools, cambiando
 el valor de la variable ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_TOOLS a 0, reinicié el
 sistema desde el botón reiniciar de Gnome, al iniciar nuevamente el
 sistema trabajé un rato más, tomé nota del nivel de batería que bajó un
 poco (6 a 7 % +-) al desactivar laptop-mode-tools y seguidamente apagué
 desde una xterminal, con shutdown -h now.  Desde ese momento no lo
 toqué hasta hoy.
 Hoy, después de 48 horas encendí mi notebook y parece que vamos bien,
 ya que después de los 2 días vi una descarga sólo del 5% (lectura el
 viernes 71% y lectura ahora 66%) que es un cambio mucho menor que el
 ocurrido las veces anteriores.
 Sobre si quedan dudas de la carga de laptop-mode-tools como demonio,
 ejecuté systemctl varias veces y con las opciones por separado grep |
 Laptop, grep | laptop, grep | lmt;grep | LMT y no
 habían datos.

Bien :-)

 Acá está el dmesg

En el archivo que mandas no se ve nada raro: detecta la batería y no 
detecta conexión a la red eléctrica. Tienes que tener en cuenta que una 
vez iniciado el sistema con todos los servicios (y sin usar ningún perfil 
de ahorro energético, ni suspensión/hibernación) la carga de la batería 
te va a ir disminuyendo progresivamente, eso es normal. Y como no la 
conectas a la toma de corriente, pues se agota.

 Ah! se me olvidaba que al ingresar al sistema el reloj del gnome me
 estaba mostrando las 01:07 del lunes 08 de septiembre cuando de verdad
 eran las 23:07 del domingo 07, esto lo menciono nada más que para ser
 detallista en todo lo que ocurre en mi compu, no creo que tenga relación
 con lo mismo que estamos viendo.  Y luego como que se arregló sólo a la
 hora correcta, debió ser cuando reinicié mi router porque no me estaba
 dando internet.

Es decir, que GNOME muestra un desfase de la zona horaria (+0200), mira a 
ver qué te devuelve date para ver si la zona es correcta.



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Re: Ayuda con LVM

2014-09-08 Thread Mauro Antivero

El 08/09/14 a las 09:29, Flako escibió:

Hola, según veo de tu fstab, no esas usando el 'volumen lógico Logs 
(montado en /var/log)' como dices.. al menos en tu fstab no aparece.

Como sabes realmente que lo estas usando?  en comando mount que te indica?

Esta es la salida del comando mount:


sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
udev on /dev type devtmpfs 
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts 

tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=405168k,mode=755)
/dev/disk/by-uuid/768762e9-6528-4ffd-a4db-a6b00ea493b2 on / type ext4 

tmpfs on /run/lock type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=5120k)
tmpfs on /run/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=1786600k)
/dev/md0 on /boot type ext4 (rw,relatime,user_xattr,barrier=1,data=ordered)
rpc_pipefs on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw,relatime)

Por otro lado en tu mail, en un lado indicas que sda6 tiene 4GB y en 
otro 851GB, cual de los dos es correcto?
Nono, si te fijás bien dice resto - 4 GB, osea que es el resto del 
disco menos 4 GB que dejo para la SWAP. Esto da 851 GB aprox.

En fin para mi intentaste configurar lvm en la instalación, pero no le 
diste en 'aplicar' :), si pvscan te indica que no hay un, es probable 
que no tengas definido un PV  :)

Me parece que tenés razón. Que distracción de mi parte...

Podes comenzar con 'pvcreate /dev/sda6´ y configurar todo sin 
reiniciar el equipo.
Definitivamente, según la salida de los comandos que les pasé, md2 
(formado por sda6 y sdb6) no está en uso verdad? Voy a ver entonces si 
configuro, tal como dices, LVM manualmente. Será una buena oportunidad 
para practicar.


Saludos y gracias, Mauro.

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Re: Postfix error al enviar correos

2014-09-08 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 08 Sep 2014 09:03:49 +0200, Antonio Moreno escribió:

 El 05/09/14 14:19, Juan Guil escribió:


 Yo te diria.
 Has revisado bien si estan todas las tablas en la base de datos mysql?
 en la consulta q

 Tablas Mysql




 Muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda

Antonio, todo parece correcto en Postfix, revisa la configuración que 
tienes en Dovecot para enlazarlo con la bdd y que según el enlace que 
pasaste y que usaste como guía, debería ser el archivo /etc/dovecot/



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Re: OT.: Parece que el sistema pasa a suspensión en vez de apagar

2014-09-08 Thread Paulo Riquelme
El día 8 de septiembre de 2014, 11:29, Camaleón escribió:
 El Mon, 08 Sep 2014 00:05:17 -0300, Paulo Riquelme escribió:

 El día 6 de septiembre de 2014, 15:56, Camaleón


 Hum... ¿cómo desactivaste exactamente el demonio? Porque si lo
 detienes y reinicias el equipo se vuelve a cargar. Y por otra parte, se
 trata de comprobar que estando encendido el equipo SIN ese demonio en
 ejecución la batería permanece estable. Ten en cuenta que al NO tener
 conectado el cable de alimentación al portátil la batería se consume
 continuamente y sólo con encender el equipo ya debe de bajar el nivel
 de carga.

 Sí, lo siento, no fui nada claro, lo que quise decir es que
 efectivamente desactivé el laptop-mode-tools de forma definitiva desde
 /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf cambiando el valor de la línea
 ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_TOOLS=1 y lo cambié por
 ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_TOOLS=0, de hecho de puro menso en las líneas
 ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_ON_BATTERY también le cambié el valor a 0, luego de
 eso reinicié el sistema entero desde Gnome, no lo comprobé pero supongo
 que ya cambiando el valor de la primera línea que mencioné a 0 ya no
 se carga el Laptop-mode-tools.

 Comprueba que no esté iniciado con service laptop-mode status.

 No, no es lo mismo. Interesa que desactives completamente el servicio
 que se ejecuta como demonio y se carga nada más iniciar el sistema. En
 el archivo /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf define la variable
 ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_TOOLS a 0, guarda los cambios y reinicia el equipo
 para comprobar que no se inicia el servicio.

 Como dije arriba, el viernes desactivé el laptop-mode-tools, cambiando
 el valor de la variable ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_TOOLS a 0, reinicié el
 sistema desde el botón reiniciar de Gnome, al iniciar nuevamente el
 sistema trabajé un rato más, tomé nota del nivel de batería que bajó un
 poco (6 a 7 % +-) al desactivar laptop-mode-tools y seguidamente apagué
 desde una xterminal, con shutdown -h now.  Desde ese momento no lo
 toqué hasta hoy.

 Hoy, después de 48 horas encendí mi notebook y parece que vamos bien,
 ya que después de los 2 días vi una descarga sólo del 5% (lectura el
 viernes 71% y lectura ahora 66%) que es un cambio mucho menor que el
 ocurrido las veces anteriores.

 Sobre si quedan dudas de la carga de laptop-mode-tools como demonio,
 ejecuté systemctl varias veces y con las opciones por separado grep |
 Laptop, grep | laptop, grep | lmt;grep | LMT y no
 habían datos.

 Bien :-)

 Acá está el dmesg

 En el archivo que mandas no se ve nada raro: detecta la batería y no
 detecta conexión a la red eléctrica. Tienes que tener en cuenta que una
 vez iniciado el sistema con todos los servicios (y sin usar ningún perfil
 de ahorro energético, ni suspensión/hibernación) la carga de la batería
 te va a ir disminuyendo progresivamente, eso es normal. Y como no la
 conectas a la toma de corriente, pues se agota.

Ok, naturalmente va a ir disminuyendo la carga de la batería si no la
conecto a AC, pero:

un apagado + 48 horas inactivo + un encendido = -5%

no sé si sea normal aunque insisto que estoy más que contento con
ese consumo ya que es mucho  menor al que tenía anteriormente, ahora
bien, ¿me recomendarías que activara el laptop-mode-tools y de manera
personal comience a buscar los parámetros adecuados que hacen drenar
batería al estar inactivo? te pregunto esto ya que contar con un
perfil de ahorro mientras el notebook está encendido maximiza el
tiempo de autonomía y por otro lado ya sé que aalgo de lo que
administra el laptop-mode-tools me hacía consumir batería mientras
estaba apagado.

 Ah! se me olvidaba que al ingresar al sistema el reloj del gnome me
 estaba mostrando las 01:07 del lunes 08 de septiembre cuando de verdad
 eran las 23:07 del domingo 07, esto lo menciono nada más que para ser
 detallista en todo lo que ocurre en mi compu, no creo que tenga relación
 con lo mismo que estamos viendo.  Y luego como que se arregló sólo a la
 hora correcta, debió ser cuando reinicié mi router porque no me estaba
 dando internet.

 Es decir, que GNOME muestra un desfase de la zona horaria (+0200), mira a
 ver qué te devuelve date para ver si la zona es correcta.

Lo voy a revisar pero como digo se arregló sólo y me pareció que fue
cuando recuperé la conexión a internet.

Muuuchas Gracias de nuevo.

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Re: OT.: Parece que el sistema pasa a suspensión en vez de apagar

2014-09-08 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 08 Sep 2014 12:21:46 -0300, Paulo Riquelme escribió:

 El día 8 de septiembre de 2014, 11:29, Camaleón


 En el archivo que mandas no se ve nada raro: detecta la batería y no
 detecta conexión a la red eléctrica. Tienes que tener en cuenta que una
 vez iniciado el sistema con todos los servicios (y sin usar ningún
 perfil de ahorro energético, ni suspensión/hibernación) la carga de la
 batería te va a ir disminuyendo progresivamente, eso es normal. Y como
 no la conectas a la toma de corriente, pues se agota.
 Ok, naturalmente va a ir disminuyendo la carga de la batería si no la
 conecto a AC, pero:
 un apagado + 48 horas inactivo + un encendido = -5%

La ecuación sería:

encendido n horas + 1 apagado + 48 horas inactivo/sin carga + 1 encendido = 


 no sé si sea normal aunque insisto que estoy más que contento con ese
 consumo ya que es mucho  menor al que tenía anteriormente, ahora bien,
 ¿me recomendarías que activara el laptop-mode-tools y de manera personal
 comience a buscar los parámetros adecuados que hacen drenar batería al
 estar inactivo? te pregunto esto ya que contar con un perfil de ahorro
 mientras el notebook está encendido maximiza el tiempo de autonomía y
 por otro lado ya sé que aalgo de lo que administra el laptop-mode-tools
 me hacía consumir batería mientras estaba apagado.


Bueno, se supone que laptop-mode-tools sirve precisamente para aumentar la
autonomía de la batería cuando no está conectado a la red eléctrica pero en 
tu caso parece que tiene el efecto contrario, quizá porque no pones el 
equipo a cargar después de trabajar con él y vas dejando que la batería se 
vaya agotando.

Yo no tengo instalado ese paquete pero como ya te comenté suelo trabajar con
el equipo siempre alimentado y cuando tengo que tirar de la batería lo pongo
a cargar en cuanto puedo.

En cualquier caso, tampoco estaría de más que miraras si hay alguna 
actualización de la BIOS/EFI de tu equipo.



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Re: Postfix error al enviar correos

2014-09-08 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 08 Sep 2014 15:21:47 +, Camaleón escribió:

 El Mon, 08 Sep 2014 09:03:49 +0200, Antonio Moreno escribió:
 El 05/09/14 14:19, Juan Guil escribió:
 Yo te diria.
 Has revisado bien si estan todas las tablas en la base de datos mysql?
 en la consulta q

 Tablas Mysql
 Muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda
 Antonio, todo parece correcto en Postfix, revisa la configuración que 
 tienes en Dovecot para enlazarlo con la bdd y que según el enlace que 
 pasaste y que usaste como guía, debería ser el archivo /etc/dovecot/

Otra cosa... revisando la documentación de Postfix para los dominios 
virtuales¹, algo que siempre se olvida y que Postfix nos recuerda con 
mayúsculas es:

NEVER list a virtual MAILBOX domain name as a mydestination domain! 

O lo que es lo mismo, la variable mydestination del archivo 
sólo debe de contener dominios *locales* y la tuya contiene:

mydestination = localhost,

Prueba a dejar sencillamente:

mydestination = localhost

Recarga la configuración de Postfix y prueba de nuevo.



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Re: Postfix error al enviar correos

2014-09-08 Thread Antonio Moreno

El 08/09/14 18:01, Camaleón escribió:

Otra cosa... revisando la documentación de Postfix para los dominios 
virtuales¹, algo que siempre se olvida y que Postfix nos recuerda con 
mayúsculas es: *** NEVER list a virtual MAILBOX domain name as a 
mydestination domain! *** O lo que es lo mismo, la variable 
mydestination del archivo sólo debe de contener dominios 
*locales* y la tuya contiene: mydestination = localhost,  Prueba a dejar sencillamente: 
mydestination = localhost Recarga la configuración de Postfix y prueba 
de nuevo. 

Ya lo lei, muchas gracias por el recordatorio

Seguire revisando la configuracion pero todo parece correcto

Muchas gracias de nuevo

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Re: Postfix error al enviar correos

2014-09-08 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 08 Sep 2014 18:20:39 +0200, Antonio Moreno escribió:

 El 08/09/14 18:01, Camaleón escribió:
 Otra cosa... revisando la documentación de Postfix para los dominios
 virtuales¹, algo que siempre se olvida y que Postfix nos recuerda con
 mayúsculas es: *** NEVER list a virtual MAILBOX domain name as a
 mydestination domain! *** O lo que es lo mismo, la variable
 mydestination del archivo sólo debe de contener dominios
 *locales* y la tuya contiene: mydestination = localhost,  Prueba a dejar sencillamente:
 mydestination = localhost Recarga la configuración de Postfix y prueba
 de nuevo.
 Ya lo lei, muchas gracias por el recordatorio

¿Y te sigue diciendo lo mismo al quitar el dominio virtual? Haz la prueba 
para ir descartando cosas y envía de nuevo el registro de Postfix/Dovecot 
tras haber cambiado ese valor.

 Seguire revisando la configuracion pero todo parece correcto

Manda los datos de configuración, cuantos más ojos los vean mejor :-)

P.S. Recuerda omitir datos sensibles de contraseñas, etc...



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Re: Postfix error al enviar correos

2014-09-08 Thread Antonio Moreno

El 08/09/14 17:21, Camaleón escribió:


Antonio, todo parece correcto en Postfix, revisa la configuración que
tienes en Dovecot para enlazarlo con la bdd y que según el enlace que
pasaste y que usaste como guía, debería ser el archivo /etc/dovecot/


Las lineas que conectan la bbdd son estas, en principio son correctas 
con las tablas que tengo y si las ejecuto directamente en mysql me 
devuelven lo que tienen que devolver

connect = host= dbname=mailserver user=root password=pass
user_query = SELECT '/home/vmail/%d/%n' AS home, 5000 AS uid, 5000 AS 
gid FROM virtual_users WHERE email  = '%u'
password_query = Select email as user, password from virtual_users where 

La tabla virtual_users tiene los siguientes campos

| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| id| int(11)  | NO   | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| domain_id | int(11)  | NO   | MUL | NULL||
| password  | varchar(32)  | NO   | | NULL||
| email | varchar(100) | NO   | UNI | NULL||

Como veis todos los campos se supone que estan correctamente. Mañana 
seguire revisando mas cosas pero ya me estoy dando por vencido (con lo 
bien que me va qmail, para que lo voy a cambiar ;-))

Muchas gracias

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Re: Postfix error al enviar correos

2014-09-08 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 08 Sep 2014 18:31:16 +0200, Antonio Moreno escribió:

 El 08/09/14 17:21, Camaleón escribió:


 Antonio, todo parece correcto en Postfix, revisa la configuración que
 tienes en Dovecot para enlazarlo con la bdd y que según el enlace que
 pasaste y que usaste como guía, debería ser el archivo /etc/dovecot/

 Las lineas que conectan la bbdd son estas, en principio son correctas
 con las tablas que tengo y si las ejecuto directamente en mysql me
 devuelven lo que tienen que devolver
 connect = host= dbname=mailserver user=root password=pass 
 user_query = SELECT '/home/vmail/%d/%n' AS home, 5000 AS uid, 5000 AS gid 
 FROM virtual_users WHERE email  = '%u'
 password_query = Select email as user, password from virtual_users where 

Hum... en tu guía pone otra cosa:


 La tabla virtual_users tiene los siguientes campos


 Como veis todos los campos se supone que estan correctamente. Mañana
 seguire revisando mas cosas pero ya me estoy dando por vencido (con lo
 bien que me va qmail, para que lo voy a cambiar ;-))

Los datos de las tablas parecen correctos pero por algún motivo Dovecot 
no encuentra a los usuarios. Yo haría esas dos pruebas:

1/ Cambiar la variable mydestination
2/ Usar la configuración de la guía

Y con cada cambio, reinicio de los servicios, prueba de envío/recepción 
de correo y envío del registro de errores.

Por otra parte ¡animo! merece la pena el esfuerzo dado que Qmail apenas 
se actualiza.



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Re: Ayuda con LVM

2014-09-08 Thread Flako
por lo de 'sda6 tiene 4GB y en otro 851GB,'  tienes razón.. no lei la
palabra  'resto' :(

en la salida del comando mount, no tenes ningún recurso montando en /tmp
por lo que confirma que no estas usando el  volumen lógico llamado Logs

Por el listado de /dev/md2 solo te esta describiendo el raid 1.

Si deberias buscar algun tutorial de como usar lvm con raid y comenzar.
En tu caso siendo que es un raid no estoy seguro a que le deberias correr
el pvcreate, no se si a /dev/md2  o a  /dev/sda6  y se sincroniza solo con
sdb6. (no se...)


Re: Ayuda con LVM

2014-09-08 Thread sebastián
El 08/09/14 a las #4, Mauro Antivero escribió:
 Estimados, configuré un servidor (de pruebas por ahora) con LVM y
 RAID1. Dicha configuración la realicé en la instalación del sistema,
 al momento de definir las particiones. La configuración es la siguiente:


 La verdad que estoy perdido. Me estoy olvidando de algo?


Has sido muy claro en tu mail, pero tengo algunas dudas sobre el
proceso. RAID-1 se hace con particiones tipo RAID, sin embargo las
muestras formateadas con ext4 como si fueran particiones regulares Linux
(83 si mal no recuerdo). Sobre esos RAID-1 se declaran los PV agrupados
en VG y luego se crean los LV de acuerdo a la implementación que quieras
lograr, los que luego se formatean con el filesystem de tu interés. No
es la única forma de hacerlo, existe LVM sin RAID o incluso gente que ha
configurado RAID sobre LVM pero no son recetas habituales.

Sugiero: y


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Re: Problema de saturación de red

2014-09-08 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:20:33 -0700
agronomo escribió:

 On 09/04/2014 05:01 PM, Fabián Bonetti wrote:
  On Thu, 4 Sep 2014 18:52:08 -0500
  Antonio Galicia wrote:
  A mi me sucede lo mismo debes en cuando. Tense que era un ddos.
  Tal vez la tarjeta de red se sobrecaliente?
  Sera la solución un Bonding?
 Revisa el trafico UDP
y la ortografia; parece que debe algo  o le debe a alguien (duelen los ojos)

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Angel Claudio Alvarez

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Re: Problema de saturación de red

2014-09-08 Thread Fabián Bonetti

 y la ortografia; parece que debe algo  o le debe a alguien (duelen los ojos)

Por favor sabemos que tienes potencial. 

No lo malgastes. 

ortografia... se escribe ignorante así ortografía.

Salúdame a tu maestra.

MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Description: PGP signature

Re: Inte se på SVTPlay

2014-09-08 Thread Per Andersson
2014-09-07 23:32 GMT+02:00 Rolf Edlund
 Den 7 september 2014 22:43 skrev Per Andersson

 Eller säkert lika bra med make install om man är lagd åt det hållet.

 Och det är man ju. Eller.. ;).

 Personligen gör jag helst aldrig det.

 För att.. ?

Dels för att det kan vara krångligt att avinstallera, dels för att jag
inte har någon definitiv lista över vad som är installerat då (med t ex

Jämför att sortera papper i något slags index eller bara lägga det i
en hög. Jag är en sån där arkivera-så-att-jag-kan-hitta-saker-människa.

Om jag saknar något så paketerar jag det (eller försöker i alla fall) och
laddar upp det till Debian.


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Re: problem med ftp

2014-09-08 Thread jan
On Sun, 07 Sep 2014 22:21:43 +0200
Anton Eliasson wrote:

 Jag kan ansluta och logga in.
 Menar du att om du via det lokala nätet ansluter till så 
 fungerar det, men om du ansluter till så fungerar
 det inte? I så fall beror det nog på att slår upp
 till din publika IP-adress, och om man ansluter till den när man är
 på insidan av nätet så brukar man komma till sin router. Testa att
 öppna i webbläsaren och kolla om din routers
 webbgränssnitt visas.
 mvh Anton Eliasson

Tack, även kommer till routerns webgränssnitt.

Det märkliga är att det har fungerat förut. Förmodligen har jag pillat
på någonting jag inte begrep i routerns inställningar.

Tack än en gång för ett intelligent förslag.


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Re: Inte se på SVTPlay

2014-09-08 Thread Joakim Roubert
On 2014-09-08 09:30, Per Andersson wrote:
 Om jag saknar något så paketerar jag det (eller försöker i alla fall) och
 laddar upp det till Debian.



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Não consigo setar a Flag Inicializável para ligado no Raid-1

2014-09-08 Thread Keppler

Olá lista!
Estou com um problema aqui.

Estou configurando uma máquina para ser servidor de dados.
Vamos trabalhar usando RAID-1.

Tenho 2 HDs de 3TB cada (acredito que é aqui que está o problema, pois 
com HDs de 2Tb, dá certo).

Vamos ao problema.
Já configurei anteriormente outras máquinas para rodar em RAID-1. Fiz em 
cada um dos discos o particionamento, deixando 250 MB para o /boot.
Para isso, na tela de particionamento fui em _Usar como_ para definir 
como *volume físico para RAID* e quando clico em _Flag 
inicializável_ para mudar de *desligado *para*ligado*, não acontece 
nada, ou seja, não se altera.

O que acontece?...Será que é por causa dos HDs que são de 3Tb?

Já bootei tanto em UEFI quanto pelo boot normal no BIOS para tentar 
instalar e nada!

Será que este particionador do Debian-7 não suporta partiçoes GPT?

Alguém sabe me ajudar?


FSF e Debian

2014-09-08 Thread Daniel Pimentel (d4n1)
FSF e Debian juntando forças para um mundo free :)

Trecho onde a FSF fala um pouco sobre o projeto h-node e que o respositório
Main do Debian é totalmente livre:

The compatibility information comes from users testing hardware on
systems running only free software. Previously, h-node site guidelines
required they be running one of the FSF's endorsed distributions [2].
While the FSF does not include Debian on this list because the Debian
project provides a repository of nonfree software,
*the FSF does acknowledge that Debian's main repository, which by default
is the only place packages come from, is completely free*.

Se os respositórios contrib e non-free estivessem em outro respositório não
oficial do Debian, nossa grande distro voltaria a ser endorsada pela FSF :)


Msc. Daniel Pimentel (d4n1 http:/

Re: FSF e Debian

2014-09-08 Thread Djones

Até onde conheço, o repositório contrib também exclusivamente de
software livre. Apenas não faz parte do projeto Debian, que abrange todo
o repositório main.

A meu ver o Debian faz muito bem em manter o repositório non-free, não
se rendendo a filosofias freetard. E todos só têm a ganhar com isso,
inclusive o próprio Debian.

A FSF parte do princípio errado; ao invés de icentivar a criação e o uso
de software livre, ela parece estar mais preocupada em atrapalhar ou
impedir o uso de software proprietário, especialmente em SO livre, dando
um tiro em seu próprio pé.

Um exemplo é o Photoshop. Quantos escritórios poderiam usar Linux se
houvesse suporte para esse programa. Para o software livre, seria melhor
100 máquinas rodando Linux com Photoshop instalado ou as mesmas 100
máquinas rodando Windows com Photoshop instalado? Para o software livre
é melhor ter Windows e usar IE ou ter Windows e usar Firefox? A FSF
defende que nenhuma delas é bom para o software livre.

Outro exemplo: pouco adianta usar um sistema livre que não suporta minha
placa wireless, ou minha placa gráfica. Como querem transformar o Linux
em uma plataforma de games dessa forma? O hardware e o software que
usuário usa precisa ter suporte, seja ele free ou não. O usuário deve
ter a opção de escolher.

Sem dúvida a FSF fez e faz muito pelo software livre. Mas seus
posicionamentos extremistas excluem as pessoas do software livre, ao
invés de inclui-las.

Espero ter sido claro em meu posicionamento.

Att, Djones.

On 08-09-2014 23:02, Daniel Pimentel (d4n1) wrote:
 FSF e Debian juntando forças para um mundo free :)

 Trecho onde a FSF fala um pouco sobre o projeto h-node e que o
 respositório Main do Debian é totalmente livre:

 The compatibility information comes from users testing hardware on
 systems running only free software. Previously, h-node site guidelines
 required they be running one of the FSF's endorsed distributions [2].
 While the FSF does not include Debian on this list because the Debian
 project provides a repository of nonfree software, *the FSF does
 acknowledge that Debian's main repository, which by default is the
 only place packages come from, is completely free*.

 Se os respositórios contrib e non-free estivessem em outro
 respositório não oficial do Debian, nossa grande distro voltaria a ser
 endorsada pela FSF :)


Re: FSF e Debian

2014-09-08 Thread Humberto A. Sousa

Espero que te ouçam, Djones.


Humberto Araujo de Sousa

Em 09/09/2014 00:07, Djones escreveu:


Até onde conheço, o repositório contrib também exclusivamente de 
software livre. Apenas não faz parte do projeto Debian, que abrange 
todo o repositório main.

A meu ver o Debian faz muito bem em manter o repositório non-free, não 
se rendendo a filosofias freetard. E todos só têm a ganhar com isso, 
inclusive o próprio Debian.

A FSF parte do princípio errado; ao invés de icentivar a criação e o 
uso de software livre, ela parece estar mais preocupada em atrapalhar 
ou impedir o uso de software proprietário, especialmente em SO livre, 
dando um tiro em seu próprio pé.

Um exemplo é o Photoshop. Quantos escritórios poderiam usar Linux se 
houvesse suporte para esse programa. Para o software livre, seria 
melhor 100 máquinas rodando Linux com Photoshop instalado ou as mesmas 
100 máquinas rodando Windows com Photoshop instalado? Para o software 
livre é melhor ter Windows e usar IE ou ter Windows e usar Firefox? A 
FSF defende que nenhuma delas é bom para o software livre.

Outro exemplo: pouco adianta usar um sistema livre que não suporta 
minha placa wireless, ou minha placa gráfica. Como querem transformar 
o Linux em uma plataforma de games dessa forma? O hardware e o 
software que usuário usa precisa ter suporte, seja ele free ou não. O 
usuário deve ter a opção de escolher.

Sem dúvida a FSF fez e faz muito pelo software livre. Mas seus 
posicionamentos extremistas excluem as pessoas do software livre, ao 
invés de inclui-las.

Espero ter sido claro em meu posicionamento.

Att, Djones.

On 08-09-2014 23:02, Daniel Pimentel (d4n1) wrote:

FSF e Debian juntando forças para um mundo free :)

Trecho onde a FSF fala um pouco sobre o projeto h-node e que o 
respositório Main do Debian é totalmente livre:

The compatibility information comes from users testing hardware on
systems running only free software. Previously, h-node site guidelines
required they be running one of the FSF's endorsed distributions [2].
While the FSF does not include Debian on this list because the Debian
project provides a repository of nonfree software, *the FSF does
acknowledge that Debian's main repository, which by default is the 
only place packages come from, is completely free*.

Se os respositórios contrib e non-free estivessem em outro 
respositório não oficial do Debian, nossa grande distro voltaria a 
ser endorsada pela FSF :)


Re: FSF e Debian

2014-09-08 Thread Alessandro Bandeira Duarte

Em 09-09-2014 00:07, Djones escreveu:

 Até onde conheço, o repositório contrib também exclusivamente de
 software livre. Apenas não faz parte do projeto Debian, que abrange
 todo o repositório main.

 A meu ver o Debian faz muito bem em manter o repositório non-free, não
 se rendendo a filosofias freetard. E todos só têm a ganhar com isso,
 inclusive o próprio Debian.

 A FSF parte do princípio errado; ao invés de icentivar a criação e o
 uso de software livre, ela parece estar mais preocupada em atrapalhar
 ou impedir o uso de software proprietário, especialmente em SO livre,
 dando um tiro em seu próprio pé.

 Um exemplo é o Photoshop. Quantos escritórios poderiam usar Linux se
 houvesse suporte para esse programa. Para o software livre, seria
 melhor 100 máquinas rodando Linux com Photoshop instalado ou as mesmas
 100 máquinas rodando Windows com Photoshop instalado? Para o software
 livre é melhor ter Windows e usar IE ou ter Windows e usar Firefox? A
 FSF defende que nenhuma delas é bom para o software livre.

 Outro exemplo: pouco adianta usar um sistema livre que não suporta
 minha placa wireless, ou minha placa gráfica. Como querem transformar
 o Linux em uma plataforma de games dessa forma? O hardware e o
 software que usuário usa precisa ter suporte, seja ele free ou não. O
 usuário deve ter a opção de escolher.

 Sem dúvida a FSF fez e faz muito pelo software livre. Mas seus
 posicionamentos extremistas excluem as pessoas do software livre, ao
 invés de inclui-las.

 Espero ter sido claro em meu posicionamento.

 Att, Djones.

 On 08-09-2014 23:02, Daniel Pimentel (d4n1) wrote:
 FSF e Debian juntando forças para um mundo free :)

 Trecho onde a FSF fala um pouco sobre o projeto h-node e que o
 respositório Main do Debian é totalmente livre:

 The compatibility information comes from users testing hardware on
 systems running only free software. Previously, h-node site guidelines
 required they be running one of the FSF's endorsed distributions [2].
 While the FSF does not include Debian on this list because the Debian
 project provides a repository of nonfree software, *the FSF does
 acknowledge that Debian's main repository, which by default is the
 only place packages come from, is completely free*.

 Se os respositórios contrib e non-free estivessem em outro
 respositório não oficial do Debian, nossa grande distro voltaria a
 ser endorsada pela FSF :)


Re: FSF e Debian

2014-09-08 Thread Alessandro Bandeira Duarte

Em 09-09-2014 00:07, Djones escreveu:

 Até onde conheço, o repositório contrib também exclusivamente de
 software livre. Apenas não faz parte do projeto Debian, que abrange
 todo o repositório main.

 A meu ver o Debian faz muito bem em manter o repositório non-free, não
 se rendendo a filosofias freetard. E todos só têm a ganhar com isso,
 inclusive o próprio Debian.

 A FSF parte do princípio errado; ao invés de icentivar a criação e o
 uso de software livre, ela parece estar mais preocupada em atrapalhar
 ou impedir o uso de software proprietário, especialmente em SO livre,
 dando um tiro em seu próprio pé.

 Um exemplo é o Photoshop. Quantos escritórios poderiam usar Linux se
 houvesse suporte para esse programa. Para o software livre, seria
 melhor 100 máquinas rodando Linux com Photoshop instalado ou as mesmas
 100 máquinas rodando Windows com Photoshop instalado? Para o software
 livre é melhor ter Windows e usar IE ou ter Windows e usar Firefox? A
 FSF defende que nenhuma delas é bom para o software livre.

 Outro exemplo: pouco adianta usar um sistema livre que não suporta
 minha placa wireless, ou minha placa gráfica. Como querem transformar
 o Linux em uma plataforma de games dessa forma? O hardware e o
 software que usuário usa precisa ter suporte, seja ele free ou não. O
 usuário deve ter a opção de escolher.

 Sem dúvida a FSF fez e faz muito pelo software livre. Mas seus
 posicionamentos extremistas excluem as pessoas do software livre, ao
 invés de inclui-las.

 Espero ter sido claro em meu posicionamento.

 Att, Djones.

 On 08-09-2014 23:02, Daniel Pimentel (d4n1) wrote:
 FSF e Debian juntando forças para um mundo free :)

 Trecho onde a FSF fala um pouco sobre o projeto h-node e que o
 respositório Main do Debian é totalmente livre:

 The compatibility information comes from users testing hardware on
 systems running only free software. Previously, h-node site guidelines
 required they be running one of the FSF's endorsed distributions [2].
 While the FSF does not include Debian on this list because the Debian
 project provides a repository of nonfree software, *the FSF does
 acknowledge that Debian's main repository, which by default is the
 only place packages come from, is completely free*.

 Se os respositórios contrib e non-free estivessem em outro
 respositório não oficial do Debian, nossa grande distro voltaria a
 ser endorsada pela FSF :)


Re: Bibletime encoding problem

2014-09-08 Thread Johann Spies
I normally use English, Afrikaans, Greek, Hebrew, German and Dutch.  None
of those work.

I had no problems with Xiphos until it was removed from Debian Testing
recently and few years ago with Bibletime.

And @Cindy-Sue, yes I did use apt-cache (or wajig) to search for unicode


On 8 September 2014 02:36, Joel Rees wrote:

 2014/09/08 5:02 Johann Spies
  OK I have read the FAQ on the Bibletime  website and according to it I
 You have to install an unicode font like Code2000, Arial Unicode MS or
 Bitstream Cyberbit to display the special unicode characters.
  I can find none of the fonts mentioned in the example amongst the
 available fonts in debian, and I have many fonts available including
 ttf-unifont, nifont, xfonts-iunifont, the Libertine O family of fonts and
 many others.
  I have tried by configuring Bibletime to use some of these fonts, but
 that did not resolve the problem.

 Well, might I ask, what languages and what texts are you trying to display
 and work in?

 Afrikaans should not require a lot of extra characters. Chinese, on the
 other hand, does.

 Joel Rees

 Computer memory is just fancy paper,
 CPUs just fancy pens.
 All is a stream of text
 flowing from the past into the future.

Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Sat, Sep 06, 2014 at 12:04:44AM +0200, lee wrote:
 how would I figure out what the last commit to a remote repo was without
 first fetching or pulling the remote repo?

This is an interesting question and I don't know the answer to it, perhaps it
is not yet possible. However, you might be able to solve the problem you have
in a different way: do you have write access to the remote repository? If so,
you should look into installing a post-update hook which will email you upon
commits being made to that repository.

Jonathan Dowland

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Re: Brainydeal Receipt Printer

2014-09-08 Thread Brian
[I have rearranged one of your responses to be on a separate line to
the question]

On Mon 08 Sep 2014 at 00:08:15 -0400, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:

 On 09/07/2014 04:26 PM, Brian wrote:
 Brian -
  You didn't say how the printer is accessed by the computer.

Your lpstat -a has

   device for POS58: socket://

A socket connection is for a printer which is accessed over the network.
Your printer is not networked; it has a direct USB connection to the
computer. The device you have used is incorrect - which makes printing

The device needs to be changed. One way is:

1. Reboot the computer with the printer attached and switched on.

2. Go to http://localhost:631 with your browser.

3. Go to Administration. Is the printer found?

4. Proceed to install a print queue with the PPD in the zjiang directory.

  This directory probably contains the PPD file supplied by the printer
  manufacturer. It should be identical to /etc/cups/ppd/POS58.ppd.
 The two files are identical.
  The setup seems very reasonable. Do you get any life out of the printer
  cat TEST | nc 9100 ?
 No output

I corrected this earlier to

   cat TEST | nc 9100

But you will still not get any response from the printer as it turns out
your setup is not reasonable.

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Re: Brainydeal Receipt Printer

2014-09-08 Thread Marko Randjelovic
On Mon, 8 Sep 2014 09:30:47 +0100
Brian wrote:

 [I have rearranged one of your responses to be on a separate line to
 the question]
 On Mon 08 Sep 2014 at 00:08:15 -0400, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:
  On 09/07/2014 04:26 PM, Brian wrote:
  Brian -
   You didn't say how the printer is accessed by the computer.
 Your lpstat -a has
device for POS58: socket://

Isn't the printer we are dealing with

device for receiptprinter: usb://Unknown/Printer?serial=1234567890


Kind regards


One should not be afraid of humans.
Well, I am not afraid of humans, but of what is inhuman in them.
Ivo Andric, Signs near the travel-road

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regenerate InRelease file

2014-09-08 Thread Abdelkader Belahcene
Hi all,
I used apt-mirror  to create my  own local  mirror?  that 's fine.

The problem now the date in  Inrelease  is expired,  and I can't use
it , until I changed the date,

I did it directly in the file !!!  unfortunately  the signature is not
valid,  so I want to regenerate the release for my local mirror,   I
don't want new  packages,  JUST to regenerate the file Inrelease with
correct date.
something with gpg program  I suppose???
 Please someone can send me the command.
Thanks a lot

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Re: Brainydeal Receipt Printer

2014-09-08 Thread Brian
On Mon 08 Sep 2014 at 11:25:41 +0200, Marko Randjelovic wrote:

 On Mon, 8 Sep 2014 09:30:47 +0100
 Brian wrote:
  [I have rearranged one of your responses to be on a separate line to
  the question]
  On Mon 08 Sep 2014 at 00:08:15 -0400, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:
   On 09/07/2014 04:26 PM, Brian wrote:
   Brian -
You didn't say how the printer is accessed by the computer.
  Your lpstat -a has
 device for POS58: socket://
 Isn't the printer we are dealing with
 device for receiptprinter: usb://Unknown/Printer?serial=1234567890

I hope not. :)

The PPDs have different sizes.

  root@meow:/etc/cups/ppd# ls -l /etc/cups/ppd
  total 140
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4490 Sep  5 00:21 POS58.ppd
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17906 Aug 31 18:07 receiptprinter.ppd

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Re: Bibletime encoding problem

2014-09-08 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Sep 07, 2014 at 10:01:41PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote:
 OK I have read the FAQ on the Bibletime  website and according to it I You
 have to install an unicode font like Code2000, Arial Unicode MS or
 Bitstream Cyberbit to display the special unicode characters.
 I can find none of the fonts mentioned in the example amongst the available
 fonts in debian, and I have many fonts available including ttf-unifont,
 nifont, xfonts-iunifont, the Libertine O family of fonts and many others.
 I have tried by configuring Bibletime to use some of these fonts, but that
 did not resolve the problem.

It seems ridiculous having the package at all if it's unusable. I'd write
to the maintainer,, asking
for an explanation. 

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread lee
Jonathan Dowland writes:

 On Sat, Sep 06, 2014 at 12:04:44AM +0200, lee wrote:
 how would I figure out what the last commit to a remote repo was without
 first fetching or pulling the remote repo?

 This is an interesting question and I don't know the answer to it, perhaps it
 is not yet possible. However, you might be able to solve the problem you have
 in a different way: do you have write access to the remote repository? If so,
 you should look into installing a post-update hook which will email you upon
 commits being made to that repository.

Unfortunately, I don't have write access to the remote repos I want to
be informed about.

Perhaps there's a mailing list for git ...  If it turns out that what
I'm trying isn't possible, I'll make feature request.

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread lee
Joel Rees writes:

 2014/09/08 2:08 lee

 Sven Joachim writes:

  Does this mean that I cannot rely on any of the output of 'git status'
  to decide whether there were commits or not?
  Commits where, on your local branch or on the remote one?

 On the remote branch --- when they are made to my local copy, I will
 know about it anyway because I'm the one making them :)

 I'm no expert on this stuff, but from the way you talk about commits and
 branches and repositories, it sounds like you are expecting git to be
 pretty much the same as svn. It isn't.

I'm not aware of ever using svn.  I've used cvs and bzr to get sources
to compile, and for nothing more.  Git is the first of these things I
actually use myself for my own sources.

 How much of the documentation have you read, and how many of the
 examples have you worked through, and why aren't you using svn or cvs

I have read so much documentation that I'm able to use git for what I'm
using it.  If you are aware of some documentation that would be helpful
for the problem at hand, please feel free to point it out.

I've watched a video in which Linus Torvalds explained some of the
advantages of git.  The video made me think that git seems to be a
pretty decent system.  A short while after watching the video I had to
learn about git because a repo I'm pulling from and which I have made a
fork of uses git.  So I started using git for my own sources as well,
and I'm finding it very useful.  Unlike other software for the same
purpose, I get more or less along with git.  Git also seems to have
become pretty widespread.

So why would I use something else, and how would that help me?

 Then there is no reasonably way to find out whether new commits have
 been made to a remote repo?

 Yes there is, it's just not done that way.

Then how is it done?

There seem to be tools available to send out notifications, and those
seem to have to be set up on the remote side.  I don't have any control
over the remote side, and it doesn't seem that they would have such
tools deployed.

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: Bibletime encoding problem

2014-09-08 Thread Joel Rees
2014/09/08 16:03 Johann Spies

 I normally use English, Afrikaans, Greek, Hebrew, German and Dutch.  None
of those work.

Greek and Hebrew, of course, I could see possible issues with those. Not
with the rest, unless you are setting your locale to Greek or Hebrew for
some reason.

 I had no problems with Xiphos until it was removed from Debian Testing
recently and few years ago with Bibletime.

Have you been able to find out why Xiphos was removed?

Can you drop back to stable? Maybe do a dual-boot or vm. I'm having no
particular issues with Bibletime in Wheezy.

 And @Cindy-Sue, yes I did use apt-cache (or wajig) to search for unicode

Unicode fonts should not be an issue. The question is whether the fonts
contain the necessary character glyphs, and whether the font can be mapped
to  Unicode. And whether the package is bug free in testing.

Joel Rees

Re: Bibletime encoding problem

2014-09-08 Thread Johann Spies
On 8 September 2014 12:50, Joel Rees wrote:

hy Xiphos was removed?

Yes.  There is some problem with a libsword library version.

 Can you drop back to stable? Maybe do a dual-boot or vm. I'm having no
 particular issues with Bibletime in Wheezy.

I might consider a Wheezy on a vm if I do not get a solution soon.

Thanks for your attention.



Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread Rusi Mody
On Monday, September 8, 2014 4:20:02 PM UTC+5:30, lee wrote:
 Jonathan Dowland writes:

  On Sat, Sep 06, 2014 at 12:04:44AM +0200, lee wrote:
  how would I figure out what the last commit to a remote repo was without
  first fetching or pulling the remote repo?
  This is an interesting question and I don't know the answer to it, perhaps 
  is not yet possible. However, you might be able to solve the problem you 
  in a different way: do you have write access to the remote repository? If 
  you should look into installing a post-update hook which will email you upon
  commits being made to that repository.

 Unfortunately, I don't have write access to the remote repos I want to
 be informed about.

 Perhaps there's a mailing list for git ...  If it turns out that what
 I'm trying isn't possible, I'll make feature request.

This is a nice list to ask:!forum/git-users

However I dont think this is a reasonable thing to ask 

[I must be missing something but...]
It seems analogous to this scenario:
I phone you at (your) 6 am and ask Lee are you awake?
If you answer, you are awake.
But I want to find out without waking you... Is that possible/feasible?
[As I said I must be missing something]

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Re: Bibletime encoding problem

2014-09-08 Thread The Wanderer
Hash: SHA512

On 09/08/2014 at 03:03 AM, Johann Spies wrote:

 I normally use English, Afrikaans, Greek, Hebrew, German and
 Dutch. None of those work.
 I had no problems with Xiphos until it was removed from Debian 
 Testing recently and few years ago with Bibletime.
 And @Cindy-Sue, yes I did use apt-cache (or wajig) to search for 
 unicode fonts.

Did you try either of the packages I suggested?

I found them by searching, not for 'unicode', but for the three font
names you listed - 'code2' for Code2000, 'cyberb' for Bitstream
Cyberbit, and 'arial' for Arial Unicode MS - and then searching /
filtering the results for 'font' or 'ttf'.

I've searched again now for 'bitstream' and filtered for 'font', and
fount ttf-bitstream-vera, which may or may not suffice, but might be
worth trying instead of or in addition to the one(s) I already

- -- 
   The Wanderer

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.

A government exists to serve its citizens, not to control them.
Version: GnuPG v1


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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread Joel Rees
On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 7:39 PM, lee wrote:
 I have read so much documentation that I'm able to use git for what I'm
 using it.  If you are aware of some documentation that would be helpful
 for the problem at hand, please feel free to point it out.

How much have you read of this: ?

I'm not trying to be rude, but I wonder whether you'd do us a favor
and re-read the first two chapters. There are two specific subsections
that I'd suggest you slow down to read carefully, but I don't want to
encourage you to read just those two. You need the context.


Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart,
and ask yourself if you are not your own worst enemy.

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Re: brasero requires gvfs

2014-09-08 Thread Martin Read

On 08/09/14 00:21, lee wrote:

I don't have gnome-settings-daemon installed on Fedora, which uses

Indeed; on Fedora, systemd is IIRC the *only* init system.

On the Debian VM, it says that dbus depends on libsystemd-login0, so how
could I remove that without having to remove xfce?

You can't.

And thus, you see the central tradeoff of binary vs. source 
distributions. In a binary distribution, the pain entailed in coping 
with combinatorial explosion means that even if a program *does* have a 
build system which allows extensive changes to which features get built 
into it, the distribution will probably only provide one configuration 
(typically, the most featureful, since why does this depend on 
$LIBRARY_I_HATE? is a rarer complaint than why does this exclude 75% 
of the featureset?) out of the myriad possible configurations.

In a source distribution, the end user has the freedom to configure 
their builds how they please. On the other hand, they need a much more 
extensive understanding of their system, and they have to devote more 
labour and computational resources to building their system.

Perhaps you should consider this option.

(This is where I mention that Debian's binary packages of the Xorg X 
server Depends: udev, and that the udev in Debian is the udev maintained 
by the systemd maintainers in the systemd git repository.)

A desktop system is merely a desktop system, and an init system is
merely an init system.  It is a bug when a desktop system like xfce
depends on a particular init system, or parts thereof, no matter if
directly or indirectly, especially for a distribution that intends to
support a choice of init systems so that users can choose what they want
to use and what not.

Some components of XFCE have a hard dependency on dbus (and this is 
conceptually legitimate). dbus has a build-time-optional dependency on 
libsystemd-login, and a quick experimental check on my system confirms 
that the most recent version of the dbus suite, downloaded in source 
form directly from the dbus website, can be built on Linux without a 
dependency on libsystemd-login:

$ ./configure --disable-systemd  make all
[gerbil spew from the build process elided]
$ ldd bus/dbus-daemon (0x7fffb59fe000) = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 
(0x7fb354c2c000) = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 
(0x7fb354a0f000) = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7fb354665000)
/lib64/ (0x7fb354e8a000)

However, standard practice in Debian is enable ALL the things, so the 
dbus package in Debian jessie GNU/Linux systems is not built with 
--disable-systemd, and so it Depends: libsystemd-login0.

Again: if you don't want the constraints attendant on accepting someone 
else's decisions about how the software on your computer is configured 
at build time, the alternative is to accept the burden of installing 
things from source instead.

This bug just shows again how systemd is taking everything over, which
is a bad thing.  Systemd has become a single piece of software for a
very limited purpose without which more and more totally unrelated
software for totally different purposes isn't going to work anymore.
That's like you're required to have, let's say, MS Windows installed on
your hardware to be able to use it.

Others have said this before.  I finally realise what they mean.  Why
aren't all distributions standing up against this but instead embrace

Last time I looked, systemd was not the default init system in Gentoo. I 
believe that they even facilitate the use of alternative /dev managers 
in place of systemd-udevd.

Perhaps you should investigate this approach in more detail; you seem to 
have a legitimate and praiseworthy requirement for a higher level of 
control over what runs on your system than a binary distribution can 
realistically provide.

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Strange message, ifup eth0..............

2014-09-08 Thread Charlie

Using Debian Jessie, new install

Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E
PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 07)

When I type this ifup eth0 into a root terminal get this message:

bound to -- renewal in 2147483648 seconds.
/etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable: 72: local: detected:: bad
variable name
run-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable exited with
return code 2 Failed to bring up eth0.

But the Ethernet connection works? So really nothing to complain about,
it just seems strange.

But what does concern me is when I type ifdown eth0 the Ethernet
connection does **not** terminate and I get this message:

ifdown eth0
ifdown: interface eth0 not configured

I wonder if anyone might know what is configuring the Ethernet?

My /etc/network/interfaces reads:

# The primary network interface
# allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

In the past ifup and ifdown have always worked as expected?

This the ifupdown package installed:
ifupdown - high level tools to configure network interfaces

Registered Linux User:- 329524

If you don't get everything you want, think of the things you
don't get that you don't want. - Oscar Wilde


Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic


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Re: brasero requires gvfs

2014-09-08 Thread The Wanderer
Hash: SHA512

On 09/08/2014 at 08:14 AM, Martin Read wrote:

 On 08/09/14 00:21, lee wrote:

 On the Debian VM, it says that dbus depends on
 libsystemd-login0, so how could I remove that without having to
 remove xfce?
 You can't.

Well, you could 'apt-get source' the package which declares the
dependency, modify it to build without that dependency, remove the
declaration from the package's control file(s), build the package, and
install the locally-built package - but then you'd have to keep up with
updating it every time a new version came out in Debian, which would be
a royal pain. (I know - I've tried it, with other software, once or
twice. It never worked well, or for very long.)

 And thus, you see the central tradeoff of binary vs. source 
 distributions. In a binary distribution, the pain entailed in
 coping with combinatorial explosion means that even if a program
 *does* have a build system which allows extensive changes to which
 features get built into it, the distribution will probably only
 provide one configuration (typically, the most featureful, since
 why does this depend on $LIBRARY_I_HATE? is a rarer complaint
 than why does this exclude 75% of the featureset?) out of the
 myriad possible configurations.
 In a source distribution, the end user has the freedom to configure
  their builds how they please. On the other hand, they need a much 
 more extensive understanding of their system, and they have to
 devote more labour and computational resources to building their
 Perhaps you should consider this option.


 This bug just shows again how systemd is taking everything over, 
 which is a bad thing.  Systemd has become a single piece of 
 software for a very limited purpose without which more and more 
 totally unrelated software for totally different purposes isn't 
 going to work anymore. That's like you're required to have,
 let's say, MS Windows installed on your hardware to be able to
 use it.
 Others have said this before.  I finally realise what they mean. 
 Why aren't all distributions standing up against this but
 instead embrace it?
 Last time I looked, systemd was not the default init system in 
 Gentoo. I believe that they even facilitate the use of alternative 
 /dev managers in place of systemd-udevd.
 Perhaps you should investigate this approach in more detail; you
 seem to have a legitimate and praiseworthy requirement for a higher
 level of control over what runs on your system than a binary
 distribution can realistically provide.

I've been running Debian since I first switched from Windows (98SE) to
Linux, I think sometime around 2001. (I actually thought it was earlier,
but I remember 2001/09/11 happening while I lived in a place before the
place where I lived when I switched to Linux.)

In all that time, I've never seriously considered running a different
distribution. I've tried out a couple for one reason or another
(including work purposes), but never seen enough relative advantages to
potentially justify a switch, although Gentoo always seemed interesting.

I am now seriously considering switching to Gentoo. I will at the very
least be building a Gentoo machine to try out its current incarnation,
and see what the differences and/or downsides may be for myself. The
systemd transition - and specifically the dependencies involved, and the
attitudes of the maintainers towards those dependencies - are pretty
much the entire reason.

I even *like* what systemd is apparently capable of doing, in terms of
practical results. I just don't like its design, or its project
philosophy, or the attitudes (in terms of relation to other software,
and in a few cases to other people) of its developers.

With a few relatively fundamental changes relatively near to the core of
the systemd project, 99% or more of its problems could be eliminated,
and I'd probably be not only willing but glad to use it. But the odds of
those changes being made - at all, much less just because someone asks
for them - are so slim as to be virtually nonexistent.

- -- 
   The Wanderer

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.

A government exists to serve its citizens, not to control them.
Version: GnuPG v1


Re: Strange message, ifup eth0..............

2014-09-08 Thread The Wanderer
Hash: SHA512

On 09/08/2014 at 08:22 AM, Charlie wrote:

 Using Debian Jessie, new install
 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
 RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 07)
 When I type this ifup eth0 into a root terminal get this
 bound to -- renewal in 2147483648 seconds. 
 /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable: 72: local: detected::
 bad variable name run-parts:
 /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable exited with return code
 2 Failed to bring up eth0.
 But the Ethernet connection works? So really nothing to complain 
 about, it just seems strange.

This is almost certainly bug 758798:

 But what does concern me is when I type ifdown eth0 the Ethernet 
 connection does **not** terminate and I get this message:
 ifdown eth0 ifdown: interface eth0 not configured
 I wonder if anyone might know what is configuring the Ethernet?

I'd guess that ifup is calling scripts which bring up eth0, but then
another script fails later in the process, so ifupdown decides that eth0
didn't come up - and so it doesn't record eth0 is up in whatever place
it stores that information, and ifdown checks that location and doesn't
see eth0 as up.

 This the ifupdown package installed: ifupdown - high level tools to
 configure network interfaces

The failing script, however, is from ifupdown-extra - which I don't have
installed; it appears to be optional. You can probably avoid the issue
by removing it, although there might be some functionality lost in the

- -- 
   The Wanderer

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.

A government exists to serve its citizens, not to control them.
Version: GnuPG v1


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Re: Strange message, ifup eth0..............

2014-09-08 Thread Julien boooo
2014-09-08 14:22 GMT+02:00 Charlie

 Using Debian Jessie, new install

 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E
 PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 07)

 When I type this ifup eth0 into a root terminal get this message:

 bound to -- renewal in 2147483648 seconds.
 /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable: 72: local: detected:: bad
 variable name
 run-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable exited with
 return code 2 Failed to bring up eth0.

 But the Ethernet connection works? So really nothing to complain about,
 it just seems strange.

 But what does concern me is when I type ifdown eth0 the Ethernet
 connection does **not** terminate and I get this message:

 ifdown eth0
 ifdown: interface eth0 not configured

 I wonder if anyone might know what is configuring the Ethernet?

 My /etc/network/interfaces reads:

 # The primary network interface
 # allow-hotplug eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp

 In the past ifup and ifdown have always worked as expected?

 This the ifupdown package installed:
 ifupdown - high level tools to configure network interfaces

 Registered Linux User:- 329524

 If you don't get everything you want, think of the things you
 don't get that you don't want. - Oscar Wilde


 Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Hello Charlie,

This make me think at this bug :
Have you checked the version of your packages ?


Re: Strange message, ifup eth0..............

2014-09-08 Thread Charlie
On Mon, 08 Sep 2014 08:33:41 -0400 The Wanderer sent:

 Hash: SHA512
 On 09/08/2014 at 08:22 AM, Charlie wrote:
  Using Debian Jessie, new install
  Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
  RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 07)
  When I type this ifup eth0 into a root terminal get this
  bound to -- renewal in 2147483648 seconds. 
  /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable: 72: local: detected::
  bad variable name run-parts:
  /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable exited with return code
  2 Failed to bring up eth0.
  But the Ethernet connection works? So really nothing to complain 
  about, it just seems strange.
 This is almost certainly bug 758798:
  But what does concern me is when I type ifdown eth0 the Ethernet 
  connection does **not** terminate and I get this message:
  ifdown eth0 ifdown: interface eth0 not configured
  I wonder if anyone might know what is configuring the Ethernet?
 I'd guess that ifup is calling scripts which bring up eth0, but then
 another script fails later in the process, so ifupdown decides that
 eth0 didn't come up - and so it doesn't record eth0 is up in
 whatever place it stores that information, and ifdown checks that
 location and doesn't see eth0 as up.
  This the ifupdown package installed: ifupdown - high level tools to
  configure network interfaces
 The failing script, however, is from ifupdown-extra - which I don't
 have installed; it appears to be optional. You can probably avoid the
 issue by removing it, although there might be some functionality lost
 in the process.
 - -- 
The Wanderer

It appears as you and Julien suggest to be that bug from October 2013?
Never fixed?

But I don't have ifupdown-extra installed only ifupdown. So I installed
ifupdown-extra version 0.25 just to see if it made any difference, it

So purged it again and stayed with ifupdown version as before.

Thanks to you and Julien for pointing me to that bug. It's much

Registered Linux User:- 329524

A free society is a place where it is safe to be unpopular.
--Adlai Stevenson


Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic


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Re: Strange message, ifup eth0..............

2014-09-08 Thread The Wanderer
Hash: SHA512

On 09/08/2014 at 09:06 AM, Charlie wrote:

 On Mon, 08 Sep 2014 08:33:41 -0400 The Wanderer sent:
 On 09/08/2014 at 08:22 AM, Charlie wrote:
 Using Debian Jessie, new install
 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 
 RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev
 When I type this ifup eth0 into a root terminal get this 
 bound to -- renewal in 2147483648 seconds. 
 /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable: 72: local: 
 detected:: bad variable name run-parts: 
 /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable exited with return 
 code 2 Failed to bring up eth0.
 But the Ethernet connection works? So really nothing to
 complain about, it just seems strange.
 This is almost certainly bug 758798:
 But what does concern me is when I type ifdown eth0 the 
 Ethernet connection does **not** terminate and I get this 
 ifdown eth0 ifdown: interface eth0 not configured
 I wonder if anyone might know what is configuring the
 I'd guess that ifup is calling scripts which bring up eth0, but 
 then another script fails later in the process, so ifupdown
 decides that eth0 didn't come up - and so it doesn't record eth0
 is up in whatever place it stores that information, and ifdown
 checks that location and doesn't see eth0 as up.
 This the ifupdown package installed: ifupdown - high level
 tools to configure network interfaces
 The failing script, however, is from ifupdown-extra - which I 
 don't have installed; it appears to be optional. You can
 probably avoid the issue by removing it, although there might be
 some functionality lost in the process.
 It appears as you and Julien suggest to be that bug from October 
 2013? Never fixed?

Actually, the bug I pointed to is a different one, filed August 21st of
this year. The bug Julien pointed to is closed as fixed, but the other
is still open.

I don't have strong evidence that it's involved here, but it does
involve the same script, /etc/ifupdown/00check-network-cable.

 But I don't have ifupdown-extra installed only ifupdown. So I 
 installed ifupdown-extra version 0.25 just to see if it made any 
 difference, it didn't.

That's weird. If you didn't have ifupdown-extra installed, you shouldn't
have had /etc/ifupdown/00check-network-cable.

 So purged it again and stayed with ifupdown version as 

Do you have that file now? If so, what are its contents, and what does
'dlocate 00check-network-cable' report? (If you have dlocate installed,
which you may not.)

- -- 
   The Wanderer

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.

A government exists to serve its citizens, not to control them.
Version: GnuPG v1


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Re: Brainydeal Receipt Printer

2014-09-08 Thread Ethan Rosenberg

On 09/08/2014 05:42 AM, Brian wrote:

On Mon 08 Sep 2014 at 11:25:41 +0200, Marko Randjelovic wrote:

On Mon, 8 Sep 2014 09:30:47 +0100
Brian wrote:

[I have rearranged one of your responses to be on a separate line to
the question]

On Mon 08 Sep 2014 at 00:08:15 -0400, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:

On 09/07/2014 04:26 PM, Brian wrote:

Brian -

You didn't say how the printer is accessed by the computer.


Your lpstat -a has

device for POS58: socket://

Isn't the printer we are dealing with

device for receiptprinter: usb://Unknown/Printer?serial=1234567890


I hope not. :)

The PPDs have different sizes.

   root@meow:/etc/cups/ppd# ls -l /etc/cups/ppd
   total 140
   -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4490 Sep  5 00:21 POS58.ppd
   -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17906 Aug 31 18:07 receiptprinter.ppd

Marko  Brian -


We are dealing with POS58.ppd

I will implement your suggestions tonight when I get home.



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Re: [solved itself] Strange message, ifup eth0..............

2014-09-08 Thread Charlie
On Mon, 08 Sep 2014 09:15:23 -0400 The Wanderer sent:

 Hash: SHA512
 On 09/08/2014 at 09:06 AM, Charlie wrote:
  On Mon, 08 Sep 2014 08:33:41 -0400 The Wanderer sent:
  On 09/08/2014 at 08:22 AM, Charlie wrote:
  Using Debian Jessie, new install
  Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 
  RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev
  When I type this ifup eth0 into a root terminal get this 
  bound to -- renewal in 2147483648 seconds. 
  /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable: 72: local: 
  detected:: bad variable name run-parts: 
  /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable exited with return 
  code 2 Failed to bring up eth0.
  But the Ethernet connection works? So really nothing to
  complain about, it just seems strange.
  This is almost certainly bug 758798:
  But what does concern me is when I type ifdown eth0 the 
  Ethernet connection does **not** terminate and I get this 
  ifdown eth0 ifdown: interface eth0 not configured
  I wonder if anyone might know what is configuring the
  I'd guess that ifup is calling scripts which bring up eth0, but 
  then another script fails later in the process, so ifupdown
  decides that eth0 didn't come up - and so it doesn't record eth0
  is up in whatever place it stores that information, and ifdown
  checks that location and doesn't see eth0 as up.
  This the ifupdown package installed: ifupdown - high level
  tools to configure network interfaces
  The failing script, however, is from ifupdown-extra - which I 
  don't have installed; it appears to be optional. You can
  probably avoid the issue by removing it, although there might be
  some functionality lost in the process.
  It appears as you and Julien suggest to be that bug from October 
  2013? Never fixed?
 Actually, the bug I pointed to is a different one, filed August 21st
 of this year. The bug Julien pointed to is closed as fixed, but the
 other is still open.
 I don't have strong evidence that it's involved here, but it does
 involve the same script, /etc/ifupdown/00check-network-cable.
  But I don't have ifupdown-extra installed only ifupdown. So I 
  installed ifupdown-extra version 0.25 just to see if it made any 
  difference, it didn't.
 That's weird. If you didn't have ifupdown-extra installed, you
 shouldn't have had /etc/ifupdown/00check-network-cable.
  So purged it again and stayed with ifupdown version as 
 Do you have that file now? If so, what are its contents, and what does
 'dlocate 00check-network-cable' report? (If you have dlocate
 installed, which you may not.)
 - -- 
The Wanderer

dlocate 00check-network-cable

Has no output.

I have purged ifupdown several times and installed it again. I have
also, after your post, installed ifupdown-extra and purged it;
installed again and left it and purged ifupdown. Then purged
ifupdown-extra and installed ifupdown. I have lost track.

I just tried:

# ifup eth0
 and no error messages at all.

Then tried:

# ifdown eth0
Killed old client process
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.3.1
Copyright 2004-2014 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit

And it also worked without an error message and then, brought eth0 back
up without any error message.

I really didn't do anything to fix this issue other than kept purging
and installing, and those packages would have come out of the apt cache,
as nothing new was downloaded?

Strange, but happy it's fixed.

Thanks for your suggestions and help.
Registered Linux User:- 329524

One of the rarest things that a man ever does is to do the best
he can. - Josh Billings


Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic


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Re: [solved itself] Strange message, ifup eth0..............

2014-09-08 Thread The Wanderer
Hash: SHA512

On 09/08/2014 at 10:07 AM, Charlie wrote:

 On Mon, 08 Sep 2014 09:15:23 -0400 The Wanderer sent:
 On 09/08/2014 at 09:06 AM, Charlie wrote:

 It appears as you and Julien suggest to be that bug from
 October 2013? Never fixed?
 Actually, the bug I pointed to is a different one, filed August 
 21st of this year. The bug Julien pointed to is closed as fixed, 
 but the other is still open.
 I don't have strong evidence that it's involved here, but it
 does involve the same script,
 But I don't have ifupdown-extra installed only ifupdown. So I 
 installed ifupdown-extra version 0.25 just to see if it made
 any difference, it didn't.
 That's weird. If you didn't have ifupdown-extra installed, you 
 shouldn't have had /etc/ifupdown/00check-network-cable.

[Correction: /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable]

 So purged it again and stayed with ifupdown version
 as before.
 Do you have that file now? If so, what are its contents, and
 what does 'dlocate 00check-network-cable' report? (If you have
 dlocate installed, which you may not.)
 dlocate 00check-network-cable
 Has no output.

Does the file itself exist? I suspect that it now does not.

 I have purged ifupdown several times and installed it again. I
 have also, after your post, installed ifupdown-extra and purged
 it; installed again and left it and purged ifupdown. Then purged 
 ifupdown-extra and installed ifupdown. I have lost track.
 I just tried:
 # ifup eth0 and no error messages at all.
 Then tried:
 # ifdown eth0 Killed old client process Internet Systems Consortium
 DHCP Client 4.3.1 Copyright 2004-2014 Internet Systems Consortium. 
 All rights reserved. For info, please visit
 And it also worked without an error message and then, brought eth0 
 back up without any error message.
 I really didn't do anything to fix this issue other than kept 
 purging and installing, and those packages would have come out of
 the apt cache, as nothing new was downloaded?
 Strange, but happy it's fixed.
 Thanks for your suggestions and help.

I suspect that what happened is that when you installed and removed
ifupdown-extra, the stray /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable got
removed, and so the problem it was causing went away too.

The question is why that file was there in the first place, but there's
probably no way to find that out at this point, unless the situation can
be reproduced on another new install.

- -- 
   The Wanderer

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.

A government exists to serve its citizens, not to control them.
Version: GnuPG v1


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Re: Connot load Wheezy in a virgin desktop -- long

2014-09-08 Thread Dan Ritter
On Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 06:25:24PM -0500, Ken Heard wrote:
 I apologize in advance for the length of this post.  Since however I do not
 know what information is necessary to determine why this installation
 failed I am including everything which I have the least suspicion may be
 contributing to the failure.

 So I suppose the real questions at this point are the following.  What
 purpose does this file serve?   Is the invalidity of the DMAR referred to
 in the WARNING line above sufficient to cause the DE not to load?

Nope. You can ignore this.

 The other part of the dmesg output which concerns me follows.
 1.240960]  sdb: sdb1 sdb2
 [1.241103] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk
 [1.260609]  sda: sda1 sda2
 [1.260755] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
 [1.593645] md: md0 stopped.
 [1.594503] md: bindsdb1
 [1.594659] md: bindsda1
 [1.595242] md: raid1 personality registered for level 1
 [1.595394] bio: create slab bio-1 at 1
 [1.595484] md/raid1:md0: active with 2 out of 2 mirrors
 [1.595541] md0: detected capacity change from 0 to 248315904
 [1.596423]  md0: unknown partition table
 [1.683228] Refined TSC clocksource calibration: 3392.144 MHz.
 [1.683278] Switching to clocksource tsc
 [1.797451] md: md1 stopped.
 [1.797959] md: bindsdb2
 [1.798118] md: bindsda2
 [1.798620] md/raid1:md1: not clean -- starting background reconstruction
 [1.798673] md/raid1:md1: active with 2 out of 2 mirrors
 [1.798731] md1: detected capacity change from 0 to 1499865088000
 [1.806447]  md1: unknown partition table
 [1.28] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3
 [2.06] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.22.0-ioctl (2011-10-19) initialised:
 [2.195467] EXT4-fs (dm-0): INFO: recovery required on readonly
 [2.195518] EXT4-fs (dm-0): write access will be enabled during recovery
 [2.263170] md: resync of RAID array md1
 [2.263216] md: minimum _guaranteed_  speed: 1000 KB/sec/disk.
 [2.263264] md: using maximum available idle IO bandwidth (but not more
 than 20 KB/sec) for resync.
 [2.263330] md: using 128k window, over a total of 1464712000k.
 [2.277910] EXT4-fs (dm-0): recovery complete
 [2.319337] EXT4-fs (dm-0): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
 Opts: (null)
 The lines above which i do not understand are 1.596423 and 1.806447, both
 of which say that the system is not aware of partition tables for md0 and
 md1.  Both are part of  a RAID1; md0 contains only the /the /boot
 partition, which happens to be empty because the boot loader is in the MBR;
 and md1 is the only physical volume in LVM volume group TH1.  All the other
 partitions are logical volumes in that volume group.
 The following quote neither comes from the output of dmesg nor is part of
 syslog.  Instead it appears at the end of the information which scrolls by
 on the screen as part of the boot process.
 [ ok ] setting up LVM Volume Groups ... done.
 [  ] Starting remaining crypto disks  [info] TG1-swap_crypt
 (starting) ... TG1 -swap_crypt (started) ... TG1-swap_crypt (running) ...
 [info] TG1-tmp_crypt (starting) ...
 [  ok  mp_crypt (started ) ... done.  {sic}
 [ ok ] Activating lvm and md swap ... done.
 []  Checking file systems ... fsck from util-linux 2.20.1
 fsck.ext4: Unable to resolve 'UUID=a5fdb692-2b34-4e18-8fd5-c24dde957071'
 fsck.ext4: No such file or directory while trying to open
 Possibly non-existent device?
 fsck.ext4: No such file or directory while trying to open
 Possibly non-existent device?
 fsck.ext2: No such file or directory while trying to open
 Possibly non-existent device?
 fsck.ext4: No such file or directory while trying to open
 Possibly non-existent device?
 fsck died with exit status 8
 failed (code 8).  {code 8 means an operational error  -- my comment.}
 []  File system check failed.  A log is being saved in
 /var/log/fsck.checkfs if
 [FAIL] the location is writable.  Please repair the file system manually.
 ... failed!
 [] A maintenance shell will now be started.  CONTROL-D will terminate
 this [warning] shell and resume system boot. ... (warning).
 Give root password for maintenance
 (or type Control-D to continue):
 I am reasonably certain that this failure is the main -- possibly the only
 -- reason for failure of the boot process to complete and install the DE.
 I am also at a loss as to how to fix it.  The /etc/fstab file shows those
 four partitions -- with file type ext4 -- are mounted in accordance with
 the partitions created 

Re: black screen at start (if boot after a suspend)

2014-09-08 Thread Dan Ritter
On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 12:32:08PM -0300, laurent debian wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am having the following  problem.
 On a laptop, I sometimes let the system shut down due to low battery
 (I suspect there is other triggers possible but II am sure of this
 Then on next boot I will end up with a black screen with the
 undersocre in the top left corner. System seems to be running ok
 tough I can not even switch to a terminal. If I press the power
 button (configure to shutdown the computer) I can reboot normally.
 If I hold it to do an Hard shut down this problem will reappear on
 next boot.
 I am use an HP laptop on jessie/sid with dual (muxed) gpu ati/intel.
 I use a script to switch OFF the radeon agp at boot. (echo OFF 

Your laptop is using some form of hibernation/suspension --
probably suspend-to-disk -- and when it tries to awaken from
that state, it is not reinitializing your video card properly.

Fixing suspend-to-disk, or else configuring your laptop to shut
down at 5% power rather than suspend, will solve your problem.


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Re: brasero requires gvfs

2014-09-08 Thread lee
Martin Read writes:

 Perhaps you should investigate this approach in more detail; you seem
 to have a legitimate and praiseworthy requirement for a higher level
 of control over what runs on your system than a binary distribution
 can realistically provide.

If the problem is so easy to solve as you describe, i. e. by compiling
software appropriately, it boils down to that Debian would have to have
different versions of packages, compiled with appropriate options, which
are picked from depending on which init system the user decides to use.

Don't worry, I am considering Gentoo, not only because of systemd.  One
problem is that I would like to use distcc, and the attempts to do so
have been unsuccessful because you cannot start a compilation process on
a machine that runs Fedora and distribute it to another machine that
runs Debian.  It'll probably be the same with Gentoo, so I'd have to
replace a VM which currently runs Debian with one that runs Gentoo.
Besides, I often appreciate being able to quickly install some package I
find I need, which might take considerably longer to do with Gentoo
because the package needs to be compiled first.

In any case, simply trying to avoid systemd wouldn't do anything to fix
the problem.  It is the developers of systemd and the makers of
distributions who need to wake up and to do something about it, and they
are the ones who appear to steadfastly remain ignorant.

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread lee
Rusi Mody writes:

 On Monday, September 8, 2014 4:20:02 PM UTC+5:30, lee wrote:
 Jonathan Dowland writes:

  On Sat, Sep 06, 2014 at 12:04:44AM +0200, lee wrote:
  how would I figure out what the last commit to a remote repo was without
  first fetching or pulling the remote repo?
  This is an interesting question and I don't know the answer to it, perhaps 
  is not yet possible. However, you might be able to solve the problem you 
  in a different way: do you have write access to the remote repository? If 
  you should look into installing a post-update hook which will email you 
  commits being made to that repository.

 Unfortunately, I don't have write access to the remote repos I want to
 be informed about.

 Perhaps there's a mailing list for git ...  If it turns out that what
 I'm trying isn't possible, I'll make feature request.

 This is a nice list to ask:!forum/git-users

How would I subscribe to this list?

 However I dont think this is a reasonable thing to ask 

What is unreasonable about wanting to get informed automatically about
the existence of new commits without having to go to unreasonable
lengths to obtain this information?

 [I must be missing something but...]
 It seems analogous to this scenario:
 I phone you at (your) 6 am and ask Lee are you awake?
 If you answer, you are awake.
 But I want to find out without waking you... Is that possible/feasible?
 [As I said I must be missing something]

Yes, you're missing that:

+ because I don't want to be woken up by arbitrary phone calls at
  unreasonable times, you are put into a waiting loop which stalls you
  for an unpredictable amount of time when you call me, with an
  undetermined risk that I might somehow get access to your brain and
  reprogram it without your knowledge via this connection

+ you don't know whether I'm awake or not when I don't answer or when
  you do or don't get into the waiting loop

+ if you get beyond the waiting loop, you have to receive unpredictable
  amounts of data which you need to somehow examine in order to
  determine whether I'm awake or not

I suppose you'd be looking for something like an immediate, direct
answer which is simply either yes or no, wouldn't you?

Differently put, you don't need to wake me up because the information
you're looking for is already available automatically: I have a sensor
in my bed which detects my sleep-status and puts a file telling you the
status onto my web server.

The problem is that you can't just get the information when you connect to my
web server because you need to:

+ download all the files I might have on it (which can currently be
  up to half a terrabyte, but you don't know this)

+ go through that half terrabyte (or how much it has actually been) of
  data and somehow find out what my sleep-status is

This is what I'm calling unreasonable lengths and what I'm trying to
avoid having to do when figuring out if there have been new commits to a
git repo.

Why can't I simply ask the (server of the) remote repo when/what was
the last commit?.  Why should I have to transfer large or huge amounts
of data to get an information which doesn't need to take more than 4
bytes (i. e. a unix timestamp)?

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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread lee
Joel Rees writes:

 On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 7:39 PM, lee wrote:
 I have read so much documentation that I'm able to use git for what I'm
 using it.  If you are aware of some documentation that would be helpful
 for the problem at hand, please feel free to point it out.

 How much have you read of this: ?

 I'm not trying to be rude, but I wonder whether you'd do us a favor
 and re-read the first two chapters. There are two specific subsections
 that I'd suggest you slow down to read carefully, but I don't want to
 encourage you to read just those two. You need the context.

So I've gone through these chapters, and I still don't see how to solve
the problem at hand in a reasonable way.  The only thing so far that
/might/ work is still using 'git status'.

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: brasero requires gvfs

2014-09-08 Thread Slavko

Dňa Mon, 08 Sep 2014 13:14:01 +0100 Martin Read

 Perhaps you should consider this option.
 (This is where I mention that Debian's binary packages of the Xorg X 
 server Depends: udev, and that the udev in Debian is the udev
 maintained by the systemd maintainers in the systemd git repository.)
  A desktop system is merely a desktop system, and an init system
  is merely an init system.  It is a bug when a desktop system like
  xfce depends on a particular init system, or parts thereof, no
  matter if directly or indirectly, especially for a distribution
  that intends to support a choice of init systems so that users can
  choose what they want to use and what not.
 Some components of XFCE have a hard dependency on dbus (and this is 
 conceptually legitimate). dbus has a build-time-optional dependency
 on libsystemd-login, and a quick experimental check on my system
 confirms that the most recent version of the dbus suite, downloaded
 in source form directly from the dbus website, can be built on Linux
 without a dependency on libsystemd-login:
 $ ./configure --disable-systemd  make all
 [gerbil spew from the build process elided]
 $ ldd bus/dbus-daemon (0x7fffb59fe000) = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
 = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7fb354a0f000) = /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
 (0x7fb354665000) /lib64/ (0x7fb354e8a000)
 However, standard practice in Debian is enable ALL the things, so
 the dbus package in Debian jessie GNU/Linux systems is not built with 
 --disable-systemd, and so it Depends: libsystemd-login0.

This is no problem for me (more precise, i mostly appreciated
this approach). I am able to maintain my own version of dbus package,
but my knowledge is not enough to know these in more depth, then i
mostly avoid to package these system things.

When i save some time i will try to build it, try it and then share it.
Many thanks to share this here!



Description: PGP signature

Re: black screen at start (if boot after a suspend)

2014-09-08 Thread Bzzzz
On Mon, 8 Sep 2014 10:53:55 -0400
Dan Ritter wrote:

 Your laptop is using some form of hibernation/suspension --
 probably suspend-to-disk -- and when it tries to awaken from
 that state, it is not reinitializing your video card properly.
 Fixing suspend-to-disk, or else configuring your laptop to shut
 down at 5% power rather than suspend, will solve your problem.

May be this pkg could help him a bit (¡trusty! is for sid, check
on wikipedia for other branches):
deb trusty main
as it allows to enable/disable each an every device when going

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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread lee
lee writes:

 how would I figure out what the last commit to a remote repo was without
 first fetching or pulling the remote repo?

For now, I'm going with 'git status'.  See

I'd still like to have a better way to figure out if there have been new
commits ...

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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Sep 08, 2014 at 06:29:08PM +0200, lee wrote:
 lee writes:
  how would I figure out what the last commit to a remote repo was without
  first fetching or pulling the remote repo?
 For now, I'm going with 'git status'.  See
 I'd still like to have a better way to figure out if there have been new
 commits ...

GitCommunity - Git SCM Wiki
Mailing List. The best place to talk about Git, get questions answered,
or report bugs is usually the mailing list.


If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread Tony van der Hoff
On 08/09/14 15:10, lee wrote:
 Rusi Mody writes:
 On Monday, September 8, 2014 4:20:02 PM UTC+5:30, lee wrote:
 Jonathan Dowland writes:

 On Sat, Sep 06, 2014 at 12:04:44AM +0200, lee wrote:
 how would I figure out what the last commit to a remote repo was without
 first fetching or pulling the remote repo?
 This is an interesting question and I don't know the answer to it, perhaps 
 is not yet possible. However, you might be able to solve the problem you 
 in a different way: do you have write access to the remote repository? If 
 you should look into installing a post-update hook which will email you 
 commits being made to that repository.

 Unfortunately, I don't have write access to the remote repos I want to
 be informed about.

 Perhaps there's a mailing list for git ...  If it turns out that what
 I'm trying isn't possible, I'll make feature request.

 This is a nice list to ask:!forum/git-users
 How would I subscribe to this list?
 However I dont think this is a reasonable thing to ask 
 What is unreasonable about wanting to get informed automatically about
 the existence of new commits without having to go to unreasonable
 lengths to obtain this information?
 [I must be missing something but...]
 It seems analogous to this scenario:
 I phone you at (your) 6 am and ask Lee are you awake?
 If you answer, you are awake.
 But I want to find out without waking you... Is that possible/feasible?
 [As I said I must be missing something]
 Yes, you're missing that:
 + because I don't want to be woken up by arbitrary phone calls at
   unreasonable times, you are put into a waiting loop which stalls you
   for an unpredictable amount of time when you call me, with an
   undetermined risk that I might somehow get access to your brain and
   reprogram it without your knowledge via this connection
 + you don't know whether I'm awake or not when I don't answer or when
   you do or don't get into the waiting loop
 + if you get beyond the waiting loop, you have to receive unpredictable
   amounts of data which you need to somehow examine in order to
   determine whether I'm awake or not
 I suppose you'd be looking for something like an immediate, direct
 answer which is simply either yes or no, wouldn't you?
 Differently put, you don't need to wake me up because the information
 you're looking for is already available automatically: I have a sensor
 in my bed which detects my sleep-status and puts a file telling you the
 status onto my web server.
 The problem is that you can't just get the information when you connect to my
 web server because you need to:
 + download all the files I might have on it (which can currently be
   up to half a terrabyte, but you don't know this)
 + go through that half terrabyte (or how much it has actually been) of
   data and somehow find out what my sleep-status is
 This is what I'm calling unreasonable lengths and what I'm trying to
 avoid having to do when figuring out if there have been new commits to a
 git repo.
 Why can't I simply ask the (server of the) remote repo when/what was
 the last commit?.  Why should I have to transfer large or huge amounts
 of data to get an information which doesn't need to take more than 4
 bytes (i. e. a unix timestamp)?
It seems to me that you're approaching this from the wrong end.

What you're asking for is very easily set up by the repository owner, by
setting git up to emit an email to (say) a mailing list after each
commit/recieve/update, by configuring a hook.

If he hasn't done that, then you could try asking him to do so; it's not
git's problem. But then, perhaps, the repository owner doesn't want to
publish that data, for whatever reason. Git will respect that choice.

Tony van der Hoff|
Buckinghamshire, England |

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Evolution Calendar Notifications - switch off

2014-09-08 Thread Alan Chandler
I run Debian Stable, and have done ever since the it was released (ie 
since May 2013).  I also run Gnome 3 as the desktop since that time.

In the past couple of months, when I start the system each day (I power 
off at night), something - which appears to be related to evolution 
prompts me for the password to my google calendar account.  It does it 
twice,  The password is already filled in.  It didn't used to do it.

My mail client is icedove, so I really don't need evolution getting in 
on the act.  I don't mind if it wants to notify me of upcoming events, 
but I don't need it to.  So how can I switch off these prompts on start

Alan Chandler

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Re: brasero requires gvfs

2014-09-08 Thread Martin Read

On 08/09/14 15:51, lee wrote:

If the problem is so easy to solve as you describe, i. e. by compiling
software appropriately, it boils down to that Debian would have to have
different versions of packages, compiled with appropriate options, which
are picked from depending on which init system the user decides to use.

It's obvious that the rewards to you of Debian doing this outweigh the 
costs to you of Debian doing this, since it's obvious that you place a 
high value on the thing you're asking for, and it's not externally 
obvious that you'd incur any of the costs associated with making it happen.

It's not entirely clear that the rewards to Debian of the action you 
request outweigh the costs of that action to the people whose labour and 
funding make Debian happen.

It's a tricky question, with no easy answers.

In any case, simply trying to avoid systemd wouldn't do anything to fix
the problem.  It is the developers of systemd and the makers of
distributions who need to wake up and to do something about it, and they
are the ones who appear to steadfastly remain ignorant.

Real people think systemd provides real solutions to real problems that 
they have on their real systems. This means that Here's how to solve 
the problems that systemd solved for you *more easily and more 
effectively* without using any systemd components is a more compelling 
argument against systemd than suggesting that everyone who supports 
systemd is stuevilpid.

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Re: Evolution Calendar Notifications - switch off

2014-09-08 Thread Zach Ploskey
On Sep 8, 2014 11:08 AM, Alan Chandler wrote:

 I run Debian Stable, and have done ever since the it was released (ie
since May 2013).  I also run Gnome 3 as the desktop since that time.

 In the past couple of months, when I start the system each day (I power
off at night), something - which appears to be related to evolution prompts
me for the password to my google calendar account.  It does it twice,  The
password is already filled in.  It didn't used to do it.

 My mail client is icedove, so I really don't need evolution getting in on
the act.  I don't mind if it wants to notify me of upcoming events, but I
don't need it to.  So how can I switch off these prompts on start

I also periodically get these prompts. I am on Jessie/Testing. Since I use
keepassx to store my passwords, I am never able to fill in the prompt
because no other applications are usable while the prompt is open (I find
this to be a major design flaw). As I can't predict when the password
prompt will appear, I have never filled it in. Evolution already has my
account info through Gnome Online Accounts, and should not need it again.

I would be quite interested in finding out how to make these prompts stop
(and in fixing the gnome keyring password prompt issue in gnome shell).


Conceivable systemd workarounds v0.9

2014-09-08 Thread GoOSSBears
A 0.90 revision on the thread 'brasero requires gvfs'.

I see several viable options for those of us having to deal with systemd in 
I'll be upfront right from the startx; YMMV.

1. The obvious default choice is to deal with systemd as it is. In other words, 
Try it, you'll like it, you're stuck with it anyway, now delve into it so you 
can configure and use it properly.

2. Use previously mentioned fixes for the systemd that is already installed in 
For example, removing systemd-logind if you don't need anything that depends on 
gnome-settings-daemon, libpam-systemd, lighttpd, live-config-systemd, sogo, 
systemd-cron, systemd-dbg, systemd-sysv, or systemd-ui ;  apt-get removing 
binaries for non-gdm3 or non-lightdm X-display managers that require systemd 
libraries (such as libpam-systemd) ;  installing and configuring 
systemd-shim together with sysvinit-core while you still can.
On the last example, there is a running thread 'The future with Systemd' on the 
Debian User Forums 
( ) that may prove 
to be helpful here. 
YMMV as above.

3. Revert from jessie/testing back to wheezy/stable and keep it at wheezy as 
long as possible using regularly scheduled apt-get updating.  Practically 
speaking this means that you'd have to back up your jessie system and fully 
re-install wheezy from the beginning.  To put it fairly mildly, such a 
reversion would be vastly simpler for single-user desktop systems than for 
complex multi-user and/or server systems.

4. Based upon post linked at, there are 
several full re-installation escape route alternatives.
Subject: Re: brasero requires gvfs
Date:   Sun, 7 Sep 2014 14:09:04 -0400
On Sun, 07 Sep 2014 08:57:30 -0700
Carl Johnson wrote:
 Steve Litt writes:
  On Sun, 07 Sep 2014 09:31:46 +0200
  Sven Joachim wrote:
   The concept of free software has become a myth :(
  There is always Gentoo if libraries you consider useless bother
  you. Binary distributions tend to enable all possibly useful
  Gentoo isn't the only alternative. Just in case Jessie turns out to
  be unworkable for me when it goes stable, last night I made a very
  nice OpenBSD desktop computer that had most of what somebody could
  want on a desktop. However, try as I might, I couldn't get Sigil to
  compile on OpenBSD, and my business depends on Sigil for the next
  year or so.
  So what I'm now considering, as an escape route if systemd causes
  everything to go to hell in a handbasket (and we don't know whether
  that will happen), is that my main desktop is OpenBSD, with a
  virtual machine running Debian or Ubuntu in a VM in order to use
  Sigil and anything else I can't get to work on OpenBSD.
  I feel much better now that I know I have a Plan B.
 There is a FreeBSD port listed for sigil.  If you don't want to run
 FreeBSD, you could at least look at what their port does to get it to

4a and 4b. The Gentoo and OpenBSD alternatives are mentioned immediately above.

4c. There is also the Debian GNU/kFreeBSD alternative that similarly doesn't 
rely on systemd at the present time, see  
Debian GNU/kFreeBSD uses the kernel of FreeBSD instead of the Linux kernel.

4d. There is the Slackware Linux alternative that relies on BSD-init instead of 
systemd at the present time.  As an FYI, the links and demonstrate that there is 
a maintained Sigil port for Slackware.

4e. Ubuntu and Ubuntu-derived distros such as Linux Mint are alternatives that 
might stave off for an indefinite while the immediate introduction of systemd.  

I'm certain that others can think of even more and better alternatives here.
Again as before, YMMV.


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Forewarned is forearmed

2014-09-08 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

Just a heads up, in case your Wheezy machine acts like my Wheezy

My Wheezy machine doesn't run the loopback device lo on reboot. This
means I can't access my local Dovecot server. I reboot so seldom I
always forget this.

So if you're getting all sorts of wierd errors after reboot, I suggest
you do a /sbin/ifconfig, and if lo or eth0 aren't running, I suggest
you do as root:

ifdown eth0
ifdown lo
ifup lo
ifup eth0

Note that the ifup eth0 will error out if the ifdown didn't take down a
running eth0, and that's not a problem: Ignore the error.

If another ifconfig reveals a running and connected eth0 and lo, then
try everything again, and you might be pleasantly surprised.


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread lee
Chris Bannister writes:

 On Mon, Sep 08, 2014 at 06:29:08PM +0200, lee wrote:
 lee writes:
  how would I figure out what the last commit to a remote repo was without
  first fetching or pulling the remote repo?
 For now, I'm going with 'git status'.  See
 I'd still like to have a better way to figure out if there have been new
 commits ...

 GitCommunity - Git SCM Wiki
 Mailing List. The best place to talk about Git, get questions answered,
 or report bugs is usually the mailing list.

Thanks, I'll see what I can find out there ...

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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread lee
Tony van der Hoff writes:

 Why can't I simply ask the (server of the) remote repo when/what was
 the last commit?.  Why should I have to transfer large or huge amounts
 of data to get an information which doesn't need to take more than 4
 bytes (i. e. a unix timestamp)?
 It seems to me that you're approaching this from the wrong end.

 What you're asking for is very easily set up by the repository owner, by
 setting git up to emit an email to (say) a mailing list after each
 commit/recieve/update, by configuring a hook.

That would probably be better than a potentially large number of people
polling the repo to find out about new commits.

 If he hasn't done that, then you could try asking him to do so; it's not
 git's problem.

I don't even know who the owner is, and I haven't seen any information
saying that I could subscribe to a mailing list to be notified about
commits.  Gits' problem is that there's no simple and reliable way to
find out about new commits when the repo is not set up to publish this
information by itself.

 But then, perhaps, the repository owner doesn't want to publish that
 data, for whatever reason. Git will respect that choice.

The repo can be cloned and fetched from by anyone.  Saying that its
owner might not want to publish new commits doesn't exactly apply in
this case because data about new commits is already being published that

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: brasero requires gvfs

2014-09-08 Thread lee
Martin Read writes:

 On 08/09/14 15:51, lee wrote:
 If the problem is so easy to solve as you describe, i. e. by compiling
 software appropriately, it boils down to that Debian would have to have
 different versions of packages, compiled with appropriate options, which
 are picked from depending on which init system the user decides to use.


 It's a tricky question, with no easy answers.

Debian has decided to support multiple init systems.  How they solve the
problems involved is another question, though you pointed out a possible

 In any case, simply trying to avoid systemd wouldn't do anything to fix
 the problem.  It is the developers of systemd and the makers of
 distributions who need to wake up and to do something about it, and they
 are the ones who appear to steadfastly remain ignorant.

 Real people think systemd provides real solutions to real problems
 that they have on their real systems. This means that Here's how to
 solve the problems that systemd solved for you *more easily and more
 effectively* without using any systemd components is a more
 compelling argument against systemd than suggesting that everyone who
 supports systemd is stuevilpid.

Problems like?

You cannot expect that when solution A is being replaced with solution
B, people should not be allowed to point out disadvantages and
weaknesses of solution B and not suggest to improve solution B by fixing
its issues.  You can also not expect that everyone who spots an issue
solution B has provide a fix.

This is especially true when whatever fix you might suggest or whatever
contribution to some improvement you might be willing to make or even
already have made is either denied or ignored.  Why would anyone bother
to waste their time with futile attempts to improve something under such

And before you argue that contributions are welcome:  They are not.

You're welcome to make a test:  Fix the issues of systemd and tell ppl
about it.  You will find that you will be either ignored, or that your
fixes will be denied.

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: Forewarned is forearmed

2014-09-08 Thread Joe
On Mon, 8 Sep 2014 15:43:46 -0400
Steve Litt wrote:

 Hi all,
 Just a heads up, in case your Wheezy machine acts like my Wheezy
 My Wheezy machine doesn't run the loopback device lo on reboot. This
 means I can't access my local Dovecot server. I reboot so seldom I
 always forget this.
 So if you're getting all sorts of wierd errors after reboot, I suggest
 you do a /sbin/ifconfig, and if lo or eth0 aren't running, I suggest
 you do as root:
 ifdown eth0
 ifdown lo
 ifup lo
 ifup eth0
 Note that the ifup eth0 will error out if the ifdown didn't take down
 a running eth0, and that's not a problem: Ignore the error.
 If another ifconfig reveals a running and connected eth0 and lo, then
 try everything again, and you might be pleasantly surprised.

That does appear to be a genuine, gold-plated bug. I have a wheezy
server which gets booted every couple of months, and has various
services which connect via lo e.g. POP3 download to SMTP. I've
never seen an lo problem. I don't believe it has any fancy network


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Re: brasero requires gvfs

2014-09-08 Thread Rob Owens
On Mon, Sep 08, 2014 at 01:21:49AM +0200, lee wrote:
 A desktop system is merely a desktop system, and an init system is
 merely an init system.  It is a bug when a desktop system like xfce
 depends on a particular init system, or parts thereof, no matter if
 directly or indirectly, especially for a distribution that intends to
 support a choice of init systems so that users can choose what they want
 to use and what not.
I agree with you that this is a bug.  But it is not simple to assign this
to a particular package.  It's a bug which is the result of the relations
between many packages.  But in order to get it fixed, we're going to
have to file a bug *somewhere*.  

I'm smart enough to understand that a desktop environment (or a cd burner)
depending on a particular init system doesn't make sense.  But I have
not yet figured out which package to file a bug with.  I suspect the package 
maintainers are smart enough to realize this as well, but maybe they have 
not noticed this unreasonable dependency is a result of their choices.

So what should be our plan to get this addressed?


Description: Digital signature

Re: brasero requires gvfs

2014-09-08 Thread John Hasler
Rob Owens writes:
 I agree with you that this is a bug.  But it is not simple to assign
 this to a particular package.  It's a bug which is the result of the
 relations between many packages.  But in order to get it fixed, we're
 going to have to file a bug *somewhere*.

Make your best guess and file the bug.  The maintainer of the package
you file against can reassign the bug.

If you can't even begin to guess at an appropriate package file against
general and the bug will show up on the debian-devel mailing list.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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Re: Forewarned is forearmed

2014-09-08 Thread Gary Dale

On 08/09/14 04:06 PM, Joe wrote:

On Mon, 8 Sep 2014 15:43:46 -0400
Steve Litt wrote:

Hi all,

Just a heads up, in case your Wheezy machine acts like my Wheezy

My Wheezy machine doesn't run the loopback device lo on reboot. This
means I can't access my local Dovecot server. I reboot so seldom I
always forget this.

So if you're getting all sorts of wierd errors after reboot, I suggest
you do a /sbin/ifconfig, and if lo or eth0 aren't running, I suggest
you do as root:

ifdown eth0
ifdown lo
ifup lo
ifup eth0

Note that the ifup eth0 will error out if the ifdown didn't take down
a running eth0, and that's not a problem: Ignore the error.

If another ifconfig reveals a running and connected eth0 and lo, then
try everything again, and you might be pleasantly surprised.

That does appear to be a genuine, gold-plated bug. I have a wheezy
server which gets booted every couple of months, and has various
services which connect via lo e.g. POP3 download to SMTP. I've
never seen an lo problem. I don't believe it has any fancy network

It's not happening on any of the wheezy/64 servers I'm administering.

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Re: Forewarned is forearmed

2014-09-08 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Mon, Sep 08, 2014 at 03:43:46PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
 My Wheezy machine doesn't run the loopback device lo on reboot. This
 means I can't access my local Dovecot server. I reboot so seldom I
 always forget this.

I've had this happen before and it has been subtle to find out why things
aren't working, but in all cases it's been because my /etc/network/interfaces
file was incorrect. What's yours (wrt lo at least?)

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Re: Forewarned is forearmed

2014-09-08 Thread Bzzzz
On Mon, 8 Sep 2014 15:43:46 -0400
Steve Litt wrote:

 My Wheezy machine doesn't run the loopback device lo on reboot. This
 means I can't access my local Dovecot server. I reboot so seldom I
 always forget this.

I've wheezy and sid machines, none of them have ever encountered that.

Either you had a glitch when installing or you did something that
triggered it (I keep any conf change in a text file with date and
description to be sure to recover from a bad something;)

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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread Jonathan Dowland
I've been thinking about how to answer your question properly and I realised
that the answer probably depends on which protocol you are using to pull from
the remote repo. Or more properly, which protocols the remote repo supports.

If it is listening as pure git://, or git+ssh://, then (at least in the latter
case) it is probably running git-shell(1), and so if you can construct a
command that git-shell will accept and will spit out the answer you need, you
may be able to invoke it over ssh. ('ssh remotehost git-shell some-command...')

If it's listening as HTTPS, then you need to fetch something like
'refs/heads/master' under the URI and see whether the resulting sha1 hash
corresponds to one in your local repo.

I might play around with this more Tomorrow.

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Re: Forewarned is forearmed

2014-09-08 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 08 September 2014 20:43:46 Steve Litt wrote:
 Just a heads up, in case your Wheezy machine acts like my Wheezy

I have five which don't..  :-/The network works perfectly after reboot on 
all five.


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Re: brasero requires gvfs

2014-09-08 Thread Rob Owens
On Mon, Sep 08, 2014 at 03:47:50PM -0500, John Hasler wrote:
 Rob Owens writes:
  I agree with you that this is a bug.  But it is not simple to assign
  this to a particular package.  It's a bug which is the result of the
  relations between many packages.  But in order to get it fixed, we're
  going to have to file a bug *somewhere*.
 Make your best guess and file the bug.  The maintainer of the package
 you file against can reassign the bug.
 If you can't even begin to guess at an appropriate package file against
 general and the bug will show up on the debian-devel mailing list.

Thanks, I didn't know you could file a bug against general.


Description: Digital signature

Re: brasero requires gvfs

2014-09-08 Thread lee
Rob Owens writes:

 I'm smart enough to understand that a desktop environment (or a cd burner)
 depending on a particular init system doesn't make sense.  But I have
 not yet figured out which package to file a bug with.  I suspect the package 
 maintainers are smart enough to realize this as well, but maybe they have 
 not noticed this unreasonable dependency is a result of their choices.

 So what should be our plan to get this addressed?

It would seem kinda logical to file the bug against the cd-burning
software because it depends on an init system.

However, this is probably a more general issue in that a yet unknown
amount of packages suddenly somehow depends on a particular init system.
So it would seem better to file a general meta-bug, like John suggests.

In any case, I very much doubt that any package maintainers will see
this as a bug.  Even letting aside the element of convenience, they can
always argue that there is no bug but correctly specified dependencies:

There are some 4200 packages depending on libstdc++6.  Is that a bug?
Why?  Because you don't like this piece of software and a piece of
software you happen to like depends on it?

They can also argue that they can very well support various init
systems, even when supporting them means to make use of an init system a
user doesn't want to use.

So what do we need to file a bug against?  That systemd has taken over,
leaving us no choice but to use it?  Since Debian has decided that
systemd will become the default init system, this can hardly be a bug.
Can we make bug reports against bad decisions?

Perhaps we can make a bug report about a violation of Debians' social
contract by the decision to support systemd as the (future) default init

We will be guided by the needs of our users and the free software
community. We will place their interests first in our priorities. [...]
we will provide an integrated system of high-quality materials[1]

Making systemd, or parts of it, a required component of Debian systems
violates this social contract.  Various reasons for this have been
pointed out.

That's the bug report we need to file, accompanied by a detailed list of
the reasons.  The most likely outcome would be that we are being banned.


Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: [solved itself] Strange message, ifup eth0..............

2014-09-08 Thread Charlie
On Mon, 08 Sep 2014 10:31:36 -0400 The Wanderer sent:

 I suspect that what happened is that when you installed and removed
 ifupdown-extra, the stray /etc/network/if-up.d/00check-network-cable
 got removed, and so the problem it was causing went away too.
 The question is why that file was there in the first place, but
 there's probably no way to find that out at this point, unless the
 situation can be reproduced on another new install.

Just to let you know. I got up this morning and it's all good. ifup and
ifdown both work as I am accustomed to without ifupdown-extra package.

I thought just maybe, because I did this install at our community centre
in town, I used one of their Ethernet cables directly plugged into the
router. [My wireless doesn't work since the new install - but have
more to try a few more things - if I can't fix it I may be back [sigh]]
I thought the cable types might be different. Not so. That and my cable
at home are both cat 5E cables.

So solved but still a mystery.

Thanks again for your time and help.
Registered Linux User:- 329524

There is no use in walking five miles to fish when you can
depend on being just as unsuccessful near home. - Mark Twain


Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic


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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-08 Thread lee
Jonathan Dowland writes:

 I've been thinking about how to answer your question properly and I realised
 that the answer probably depends on which protocol you are using to pull from
 the remote repo. Or more properly, which protocols the remote repo supports.

One is using git:, the other one https:.  I don't know if they support
other protocols.  One of them is on github (https), the other one is the
emacs repo (git://

 If it is listening as pure git://, or git+ssh://, then (at least in the latter
 case) it is probably running git-shell(1), and so if you can construct a
 command that git-shell will accept and will spit out the answer you need, you
 may be able to invoke it over ssh. ('ssh remotehost git-shell 

I don't have ssh access to any of the remote hosts.  Both repos, I can
only clone/fetch/merge from.

 If it's listening as HTTPS, then you need to fetch something like
 'refs/heads/master' under the URI and see whether the resulting sha1 hash
 corresponds to one in your local repo.

 I might play around with this more Tomorrow.

But I don't want to fetch?  If I can fetch only the data (a minimal
amount of data) I need to figure out if the remote is more recent,
that's ok, though.

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: Forewarned is forearmed

2014-09-08 Thread Steve Litt
On Mon, 8 Sep 2014 21:54:21 +0100
Jonathan Dowland wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 08, 2014 at 03:43:46PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
  My Wheezy machine doesn't run the loopback device lo on reboot. This
  means I can't access my local Dovecot server. I reboot so seldom I
  always forget this.
 I've had this happen before and it has been subtle to find out why
 things aren't working, but in all cases it's been because
 my /etc/network/interfaces file was incorrect. What's yours (wrt lo
 at least?)

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static


Also, see:


slitt@mydesq2:~$ ps ax | grep wicd 
3217 ?S 0:06 /usr/bin/python -O /usr/share/wicd/daemon/ 
3240 ?S 0:02 /usr/bin/python -O /usr/share/wicd/daemon/
3731 tty1 S 0:00 /usr/bin/python -O /usr/share/wicd/gtk/
--tray 9735 pts/1S+ 0:00 grep wicd slitt@mydesq2:~$ 


I couldn't see an instance of NetworkManager, and synaptic indicates
that NetworkManager isn't installed.

This isn't really a problem for me, but if I'm making a mistake that
kills lo, chances are it's causing other side effects of which I'm not

Thanks for the info!


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Suddenly no wifi after routine jessie upgrade

2014-09-08 Thread Hendrik Boom
After the last time I did a routine safe-upgrade in jessie, my ASUS 
1000HE no longer connects to wifi after a reboot and login.  Presumably 
something is wrong with the network manater.  What it tells me after I 
log in and have my desktop up in a coffee shop is that I do not have 
privileges to alter the wifi configuration.

What to I have to do to regain these privileges?  Doing another upgrade 
(in case it fixes a bug) will be difficult without wifi.

This is a coffee shop whose wifi has a wifi password, and never 
intervenes by sending me to another web page to register.  Widi SSID and 
password is all it uses.  This has worked smoothly for over a year now.

-- hendrik

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Re: brasero requires gvfs

2014-09-08 Thread Martin Read

On 08/09/14 22:46, lee wrote:

It would seem kinda logical to file the bug against the cd-burning
software because it depends on an init system.

Sort of. It's perfectly reasonable for brasero to Depends: gvfs 
(brasero's part of GNOME and gvfs is the standard way for GNOME 
applications to access the sort of things that brasero needs to access). 
It's perfectly reasonable for gvfs to Depends: gvfs-daemons (it's not 
immediately obvious from the package descriptions why there's a split in 
the first place). It looks reasonable for gvfs-daemon to depend on 
udisks2. It even looks kind of reasonable for udisks2 to depend on 
logind functionality (which is why it links against libpam-systemd).

Part of the underlying problem is that systemd-logind = 205, delivered 
in Debian as part of the systemd binary package, relies on calls to a 
dbus interface of systemd in order to perform operations that 
systemd-logind  204 performed on its own. This change was not done on a 
whim of the systemd developers, but (as I mentioned elsethread) in 
response to a decision of the kernel cgroups subsystem maintainer (who 
is not, to my knowledge, a member of the systemd development team) 
regarding the future structure of the cgroups interface.

However, this is probably a more general issue in that a yet unknown
amount of packages suddenly somehow depends on a particular init system.
So it would seem better to file a general meta-bug, like John suggests.

In any case, I very much doubt that any package maintainers will see
this as a bug.  Even letting aside the element of convenience, they can
always argue that there is no bug but correctly specified dependencies:

Strictly speaking, that's a valid argument. They don't write the 
software; they just package it, and generally speaking they package it 
with something as close to upstream's default configuration as is 
consistent with it being part of Debian.

[proposed social-contract bug against general]

That's the bug report we need to file, accompanied by a detailed list of
the reasons.  The most likely outcome would be that we are being banned.

There is at least one member of the technical committee, and several 
prominent Debian Developers, who I believe would *strongly* object to 
such a bug report being dismissed out of hand. I therefore think that 
filing such a bug report is a good idea, even though I am not remotely 
hostile to systemd being the default Linux init system in Debian jessie.

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Canon PIXMA mg5420 or HP Photo Smart 7520

2014-09-08 Thread ken
In need of a new printer, having done a bit or research, and considering 
either the Canon PIXMA mg5420  or the HP Photo Smart 7520.

There are Linux drivers for the Photosmart which are supposed to handle 
both the printer and the scanner.  But in my research I haven't found 
(yet) anyone who's gotten the scanner to work with Linux on the 
Photosmart, let alone the sheet feeder for it.  Allegedly there are 
instructions and requirements for using the fax on Linux.  But I'd like 
to hear from someone who has actually gotten all of this working on 
Linux (either debian or centos) and which version of which distro is needed.

The Canon PIXMA mg5420 doesn't have a fax or a sheet feeder for its 
scanner, but I'm guessing it's even dodgier to get just its single-sheet 
flatbed scanner and its printer working with Linux.  So has anyone had 
success with that?

I've also read horror stories about the how often new ink cartridges are 
required, that basically you pay for the printer a second and third time 
buying cartridges (not to mention how often a print job is interrupted 
by a trip to buy new cartridges).  Any first-hand reports on that?

Whoever thought spending money would be so tough?

Thanks for your knowledge and experience.

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Re: brasero requires gvfs

2014-09-08 Thread John Hasler
lee writes:
 That's the bug report we need to file, accompanied by a detailed list
 of the reasons.  The most likely outcome would be that we are being

Your bug might be closed but you won't be banned.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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Re: Suddenly no wifi after routine jessie upgrade -- further details

2014-09-08 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Mon, 08 Sep 2014 22:13:52 +, Hendrik Boom wrote:

 After the last time I did a routine safe-upgrade in jessie, my ASUS
 1000HE no longer connects to wifi after a reboot and login.  Presumably
 something is wrong with the network manater.  What it tells me after I
 log in and have my desktop up in a coffee shop is that I do not have
 privileges to alter the wifi configuration.
 What to I have to do to regain these privileges?  Doing another upgrade
 (in case it fixes a bug) will be difficult without wifi.
 This is a coffee shop whose wifi has a wifi password, and never
 intervenes by sending me to another web page to register.  Widi SSID and
 password is all it uses.  This has worked smoothly for over a year now.
 -- hendrik

Just to be clear -- before the upgrade I got a prompt for the root 
password before it would allow me to add a new wifi service to ites list, 
but it would connect to one already on its list automatically.  Now it 
simply won't connect at all, even to a wifi service that it already know, 
and it doesn't even ask me for a root password.

I can't connect to wifi at all.

-- hendrik

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Re: Canon PIXMA mg5420 or HP Photo Smart 7520

2014-09-08 Thread Doug

On 09/08/2014 07:06 PM, ken wrote:

In need of a new printer, having done a bit or research, and considering
either the Canon PIXMA mg5420  or the HP Photo Smart 7520.

There are Linux drivers for the Photosmart which are supposed to handle
both the printer and the scanner.  But in my research I haven't found
(yet) anyone who's gotten the scanner to work with Linux on the
Photosmart, let alone the sheet feeder for it.  Allegedly there are
instructions and requirements for using the fax on Linux.  But I'd like
to hear from someone who has actually gotten all of this working on
Linux (either debian or centos) and which version of which distro is

The Canon PIXMA mg5420 doesn't have a fax or a sheet feeder for its
scanner, but I'm guessing it's even dodgier to get just its single-sheet
flatbed scanner and its printer working with Linux.  So has anyone had
success with that?

I've also read horror stories about the how often new ink cartridges are
required, that basically you pay for the printer a second and third time
buying cartridges (not to mention how often a print job is interrupted
by a trip to buy new cartridges).  Any first-hand reports on that?

Whoever thought spending money would be so tough?

Thanks for your knowledge and experience.

This is not exactly what you asked, but I have an Epson WP-4530 
all-in-one color printer, scanner, fax. Epson has Linux drivers

for the printer and scanner, and they work fine. I have not faxed
direct from the computer, since I like to send at least one sheet
with a signature on it, so I print what I what to fax, and then
send the fax by hand.
The scanner sheet feeder, BTW, will even do two-sided originals!
But I've never tried to scan a bundle from the computer. That
doesn't mean it can't, but I use XSane, and I never saw a setup
on it to do more than one copy at a time. Reader comment?
It doesn't seem to me to use ink that fast. Nota bene: I always
buy the manufacturer's ink cartridges. Making a substitute
caused me to throw out a fairly new printer some years ago!


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Re: Suddenly no wifi after routine jessie upgrade -- further details

2014-09-08 Thread Bzzzz
On Mon, 8 Sep 2014 23:21:05 + (UTC)
Hendrik Boom wrote:

 I can't connect to wifi at all.

Check the status of wpa-supplicant and test w/ another
wifi wrapper (such as wifi-radar).

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