Re: How to rollback an upgrade in Debian

2015-08-12 Thread Hans
Am Mittwoch, 12. August 2015, 14:26:58 schrieb Erwan David:
Rolling back is not easy. I suggest, to remove or comment out the entry in 
sources.list of debian/testing.

Then start aptitude. Now mark all packages to the required versions to install 
and mark those with the wrong version to deinstall.

You have to walk through all dependencies (also libs) and have to set the 
required dependencies manually.

I admit, this is very annoying, but has to be done.

Doing so, you might get a stable system again.

Another way (but untested by me) is this:

Remove the entry of debian/testing

Do apt-get remove kde-*

(This will deinstall most packages)

Do apt-get remove `deborphan --guess-all`

Do apt-get autoremove

Then reinstall all kde packages and libs again.

However, be warned!!! This might influence other applications and make a lot of 
trouble, so I suggest the other way I described above.

Good luck!



 Using testing, I see that KDE5 is (almost ?) complete in it. What
 would be the best way to prepare for a rollback after upgrade if I see
 that it does not work enough for me ?

Re: Grub not seeing my root did

2015-08-12 Thread Simon Hollenbach
On 12/08/15 03:46, Herminio Hernandez Jr.  wrote:
 I just installed Debian on my MacBook Pro and now it cannot see my
 root to boot from. On the live CD and manually set the boot flag on
 the partition but still no go. Has anyone ran into this before?
How did you install Debian? What version/... of Debian did you install?
Be specific, opt for telling more than less if in doubt.
What is the exact model of your laptop? Can you maybe give us hardware
specification? Are you using SecureBoot?
What boot loader are you using? If you use grub2(the default), where did
you install grub2? Are there operation systems other than Debian
installed to your laptop right now?

Don't think people here are unhelpful, you asked for help without caring
to disclose the information needed to do so. Please follow the
guidelines of this mailing list when using it.

To help you, assuming you didn't reinstall grub when booting from the
install CD in rescue mode (I think that's what you did):
You probably just need to run rescue mode chrooted into your installed
root partation and run:
(assuming /dev/sda is the disk you installed Debian to you want GRUB to
take over the Master Boot Record of this disk (You want GRUB to manage
# update-grub
# grub-install /dev/sda

Afterwards, reboot to hd and voilà.


Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread John Hasler
tomas writes:
 To me, it's just a thinly veiled way of moving things to a flat-tax
 scheme, for the benefit of the rich (yes, I know about the official

Don't you mean a head tax?  Flat tax usually refers to a tax that is a
fixed percentage of all income (or of all expenditures, which comes to
the same thing).
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: WHAT???? Re: Externalisation hotline support technique SAV...

2015-08-12 Thread le pigeon

oui voilà merci Pierre ...

On 12/08/2015 10:15, Pierre TOUZEAU wrote:
le pigeon ne spammait pas la liste mais s'interrogeait sur le lien de 
désinscription qui précisait Debian list...

Pas lieu de shooter comme ça...

Pour info, c'est l'adresse de la liste 
( qui est désinscrite de la liste 
de spam et non ton adresse 
( de la liste 
Debian... comme indiqué :

Votre demande de désinscription de l'adresse 
a bien été enregistrée et sera prise en compte dans un délai de trois 



Le 12/08/2015 08:24, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :

Le Wed, 12 Aug 2015 06:35:08 +0200,
le  a écrit :

Bonjour je reçois ce spam dans mes mails, je clic sur Pour ne plus
faire partie de cette liste de diffusion suivez ce lien.
= vous êtes désinscrit de la débian-list...



prière d'arrêter de roucouler et merci d'avancer ...


Pro. Signature

Pierre Touzeau

Chargé de mission/Préfecture de region Basse-Normandie
SGAR/rue Daniel HUET/14038 CAEN CEDEX/Tel: +33 231 306 306 / Fax: ... 564

Re: [hors-voyance] interfaces et environnements

2015-08-12 Thread MENGUAL Jean-Philippe

Pour faire un résumé synthétique de l'état de l'art:
1. En console
a) Non voyants:
- speakup et speakup_soft (module noyau) peut la vocaliser, combiné à 
speechd-up, speech-dispatcher, ou espeakup et espeak.
- speech-el: module Emacs qui vocalise Emacs et rend ainsi très 
accessible la console (mode shell, éditeur, w3m, etc)
- edbrowse: oui concu pour les non voyants. Difficile à prendre en main 
mais puissant.

- brltty: pour le braille

b) Malvoyants: plus limité mais pour les basses visions faibles, ca vaut 
le coup de bidouiller console-setup, en choisissant la police Terminus 
et en prenant une taille de caractère maximaliste. Voire de zoomer derrière.

2. Graphique
a) Lecteur d'écran: orca, relié à brltty pour sortir son travail en 
braille;  speech-dispatcher pour travailler en vocal. Lit gnome3 et MATE 
sous Debian. Compatible en théorie avec toute appli GTK comme lxde, 
xfce, etc. même si c'est théorique. E17, KDE, restent inaccessibles. 
Côté vocal, espeak marche, mbrola aussi avec espeak, Pico (dans non-free).
b) Basse vision: soit Compiz (même s'il n'est pas encore uploadé dans 
Debian, des paquets existent via knoppix et Hypra); loupe Gnome. Sachant 
que MATE offre des choses combinablas aux outils de uoom, résolution, 
couleurs, de X.

Emacspeak est obsolète et remplacé par speech-el.


Le 12/08/2015 02:43, Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :

On 11. 08. 15 20:56, Alexandre ARNAUD wrote:
 Bonsoir, je vais tenté d'être le plus exhaustif possible.

 Le 08/08/2015 17:06, Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :
   En fait, j'aurais du le préciser, ce qui m'intéressait, surtout, 

 le retour d'expérience d'une personne qui doit utiliser ces
 « surcouches » palliatives : de savoir si elles sont 
satisfaisantes; si

 elles offrent un accès à toutes les composantes du système; si elles
 permettent d'atteindre une vitesse d'appréhension de l'information
 agréable… pour qq'un qui les utilise constamment.
 Mon expérience est totalement unique et ne représente en rien
 l'ensemble des bigleux du monde.[…]

  Hé hé. Oui, c'est vrai que je pensais plus à « non- » qu'à « mal- ».
Ok ok.

[…]La console (les tty) ne sont pas accessible car limités en taille
 d'écriture (pas assez gros pour moi, cf. dpkg-reconfigure
 console-setup). En plus Emacs intègre des modes avec des coloris peu
 contrasté (EWW est illisible à mes yeux). Cette inaccessibilité du
 terminal est un problème car elle ne donne pas d'accès facile aux 

 d'administration système, ce qui fait que mon système sans GUI pour
 lancer un terminal n'est accessible convenablement à ma vue. […]

  du coup, pas plus de bidouillage dans le boot{manager,loader} que de
console/tty. Frustration !

  Sans te faire offense (car j'imagine que tu connais déjà les solutions
disponibles), mais à toutes fins utiles, au point 3.1.1 du lien
ci-dessous, sont listés quelques lecteurs d'écran par synthèse vocale
qui fonctionnent en console :

  Un abonné (je ne sais pas si il souhaite que je donne son nom, alors
chuuut) m'a également signalé en privé Edbrwose (
Edbrowse est un éditeur/navigateur-web/client courrier en mode texte,
développé pour les non-voyants. J'imagine qu'il peut être utilisé avec
les programmes de synthèse vocale indiqués ci-dessus. Cet abonné en
en a réalisé la localisation en français.

  Il m'a aussi signalé deux autres solutions en mode texte, avec
synthèse vocale, développées à partir d'Emacs :
* (english only)
* (en plusieurs langues)
… dans les 3 cas, des interfaces assez longues à prendre en main.

  En tout cas, merci beaucoup pour le retour détaillé. Y'a du chemin à
faire, on dirait. Contrairement au « monde physique », le « monde
virtuel » peut se modeler… à un rythme soumis aux raisons du « monde
économique », je suppose. Si j'étais dev, j'essaierais bien des
prototypes d'interfaces sonores+tactiles en mettant l'accent sur la
notion de « découvrabilité »… mais je ne suis qu'un
hyper-hors-sujetiste ^^

  Merci également à Jean-Philippe [et fertile vie à l'entreprise, de bonne facture Libriste… si je puis m'exprimer ainsi].
Instructive, l'explication du non-choix de Gnome3. C'est le genre de
choses auxquelles on ne pense pas forcément, quand est bien-voyant.


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

HYPRA, progressons ensemble

Tél.: 01 84 73 06 61

Site Web:

Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 02:56:21PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Wednesday 12 August 2015 14:04:37 wrote:
    Now think, for a second how much money it costs to outfit
  a van [...]

 They have a much simpler solution.  They barely bother with the vans (they 
 exist, I believe, though I have never seen one).  They see a house.  They see 
 an electoral register.  They assume a television.  They check for a licence.  
 No licence?  They assume criminality.  And start bullying.  

Over here in Germany, they found a better solution: if you have a compuer and
an Internet connection, you technically have a TV set. Since everyone has
this, every household has to pay up (yes, they relaxed things to per-household,
except for commercial entities, where it gets complicated).

To me, it's just a thinly veiled way of moving things to a flat-tax scheme,
for the benefit of the rich (yes, I know about the official rationale)

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: BIND9 sous squeeze

2015-08-12 Thread François TOURDE
Le 16659ième jour après Epoch,
thanh taduy écrivait:

 Bonjour Pascal,

 C'est exactement ce dont j'ai besoin : une zone qui peut passer la main à mon 
 FAI si un sous domaine n'est pas déclarée.
 Votre idée m'intéresse. N'étant pas un expert du DNS, pourriez-vous m'en dire 
 plus ?
 Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait me donner un exemple d'une zone locale ?


À y regarder rapidement, je vois plusieurs solutions possible, et il y en a
sûrement d'autres:


Créer sur le DNS local une entrée de type:

   prive   NS

ou peut-être même simplement une entrée de type SOA sur le domaine
'', afin qu'il soit autoritaire sur la zone
'privé', et définir pour l'ensemble des machines du réseau
local le résolveur comme étant

Tes machines privées devront être nommées dans ce sous-domaine (par

Insérer dans le DNS un forwarding vers les DNS du FAI afin qu'il passe
la main sur les domaines dans lesquels il n'est pas autorité


Gérer entièrement en local le domaine '' et utiliser des vues
pour différentier les réponses. Les requêtes externes au LAN ne
répondront pas sur les machines '' par exemple.


S'en foutre complètement et insérer dans le DNS distant des entrées pour
les machines privées en répondant par des adresses du LAN. De toute
façon elles seront inaccessibles de l'extérieur si le LAN est du type
adresses privées

Re: Migration vers GCC5 laborieuse

2015-08-12 Thread Haricophile
Le Wed, 12 Aug 2015 16:33:02 +0200,
C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :

 Un petit point sur les grands travaux d'été debian...
 Tout d'abord, le passage à plasma 5 qui ne s'est fait dans la
 douleur, avec beaucoup de migration impromptue dans la testing de
 manière anarchique... et dont les effets de bord ne sont pas encore
 Ensuite un projet de grande ampleur, la migration vers gcc 5...
 Aujourd'hui, cela bloque pas mal de chose et il ne me semble pas
 possible d'avoir une installation utilisable avec tellement de
 paquetages bas niveau ne sont pas encore disponible...
 Y'a-t-il une solution pour effectuer cette migration ou bien faut-il
 simplement attendre que tous les mainteneurs de paquetage recompilent
 leurs applications ?

Perso j'étais arrivé à une situation indémerdable avec SID et j'ai
rétrogradé en testing avec succès : pinning 1001 pour testing et 100
pour SID + experimental mais je crois que je n'ai que Iceweasel dans ce
cas. Ensuite je suis repassé en 900 pour testing. J'ai même pu
réinstaller kde-full et Libreoffice.

Migration vers GCC5 laborieuse

2015-08-12 Thread C. Mourad Jaber


Un petit point sur les grands travaux d'été debian...

Tout d'abord, le passage à plasma 5 qui ne s'est fait dans la douleur, avec beaucoup de 
migration impromptue dans la testing de manière anarchique... et dont les effets de bord 
ne sont pas encore terminés.

Ensuite un projet de grande ampleur, la migration vers gcc 5... Aujourd'hui, cela bloque 
pas mal de chose et il ne me semble pas possible d'avoir une installation utilisable avec 
tellement de paquetages bas niveau ne sont pas encore disponible...

Y'a-t-il une solution pour effectuer cette migration ou bien faut-il simplement attendre 
que tous les mainteneurs de paquetage recompilent leurs applications ?




2015-08-12 Thread Alexander Ruppelt
Please erase all ms data

Alexander ruppelt
10825 berlin

Re: Migration vers GCC5 laborieuse

2015-08-12 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le mercredi 12 août 2015, 16:33:02 C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :


 Un petit point sur les grands travaux d'été debian...
 Tout d'abord, le passage à plasma 5 qui ne s'est fait dans la
 douleur, avec beaucoup de migration impromptue dans la
 testing de manière anarchique... et dont les effets de bord
 ne sont pas encore terminés.

  Plasma 5 est Ok en Sid (’fin, ça l’était avant GCC 5, fallait 
mettre à jour au bon moment ;oP ).

 Ensuite un projet de grande ampleur, la migration vers gcc
 5... Aujourd'hui, cela bloque pas mal de chose et il ne me
 semble pas possible d'avoir une installation utilisable avec
 tellement de paquetages bas niveau ne sont pas encore
 Y'a-t-il une solution pour effectuer cette migration ou bien
 faut-il simplement attendre que tous les mainteneurs de
 paquetage recompilent leurs applications ?

  En fait, il semblerait qu’il n’y a pas seulement besoin de 
recompiler (sinon je pense que ça se ferait un peu plus vite, 
avec des [BO]NMU ([binary-only] non-maintainer upload) p.ex.), 
il faut aussi adapter. Ça touche seulement le C++ (parce que 
l’ABI C++ a changé pour C++11).

  Il y a eu plusieurs messages précédant la migration :

  Donc, ouais, il faut attendre…

 Sylvain Sauvage

Re: Migration vers GCC5 laborieuse

2015-08-12 Thread C. Mourad Jaber

Le 12/08/2015 17:09, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

Le mercredi 12 août 2015, 16:33:02 C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :



Un petit point sur les grands travaux d'été debian...

Tout d'abord, le passage à plasma 5 qui ne s'est fait dans la
douleur, avec beaucoup de migration impromptue dans la
testing de manière anarchique... et dont les effets de bord
ne sont pas encore terminés.

   Plasma 5 est Ok en Sid (’fin, ça l’était avant GCC 5, fallait
mettre à jour au bon moment ;oP ).
Oui, j'ai eu le bon réflexe quand trop de morceau de plasma 5 sont tombés en testing (avec 
la mise à jour de bluedevil et du network-manager en particulier)

Ensuite un projet de grande ampleur, la migration vers gcc
5... Aujourd'hui, cela bloque pas mal de chose et il ne me
semble pas possible d'avoir une installation utilisable avec
tellement de paquetages bas niveau ne sont pas encore

Y'a-t-il une solution pour effectuer cette migration ou bien
faut-il simplement attendre que tous les mainteneurs de
paquetage recompilent leurs applications ?

   En fait, il semblerait qu’il n’y a pas seulement besoin de
recompiler (sinon je pense que ça se ferait un peu plus vite,
avec des [BO]NMU ([binary-only] non-maintainer upload) p.ex.),
il faut aussi adapter. Ça touche seulement le C++ (parce que
l’ABI C++ a changé pour C++11).

   Il y a eu plusieurs messages précédant la migration :

   Donc, ouais, il faut attendre…
C'est violent tout de même, une phase experimentale, même longue aurait peut-être été 
préférable... Parce que là ça bloque tout SID pour longtemps !

3000 packages à vérifier/recompiler/tester manuellement, ça fait du boulot pour plusieurs 

Mes 2 cents


Re: Como executar um programa X de fora da sessão X (por exemplo, a partir do console ou SSH)

2015-08-12 Thread Cláudio E. Elicker
On Tue, 11 Aug 2015 16:53:44 -0400
Renan Arantes wrote:

 Sem ser o usuario logado no console tty7, como faço para executar um 
 aplicativo X e tê-lo exibido em uma sessão X ex. tty7? Supondo que eu 
 sou ou root, ou eu sou o mesmo usuário que conectado.
 Alguns exemplos de situações:
 Conectar por SSH e executar um programa que exibe na tela do
 computador remoto (o computador que eu me conectei, não encapsulado
 através de ssh -X abrindo no meu comptaudor)
 sei que da pra usar x11vnc, para acessar a sessão aberta no
 computador remoto, mas não é isso que eu quero, eu quero acessar por
 ssh e abrir um programa visual na sessão ja existente.
 estou usando Debian e Gnome

Tenta, de dentro do ssh, por exemplo:
DISPLAY=:0 xeyes 

Troca o :0 pelo valor de DISPLAY no computador remoto, provavelmente
é :0 mesmo.
E troca xeyes pelo programa que você quiser rodar.

EMACS is my operating system; Linux is my device driver.

Re: Como executar um programa X de fora da sessão X (por exemplo, a partir do console ou SSH)

2015-08-12 Thread Linux - Junior Polegato


Qual a saída de env | grep XAUTHORITY?

Tente forçar o XAUTHORITY para o arquivo auth do GDM, isto é, 
você verá o caminho do arquivo com ps ax|grep Xorg logo após -auth, 
então ficará algo assim:

export DISPLAY=:0
export XAUTHORITY=/var/run/gdm3/auth-for-Debian-gdm-9oxAy8/database

Tente também com export XAUTHORITY=/home/user/.Xauthority 
ou export XAUTHORITY=/home/user/.ICEauthority



Junior Polegato

Re: Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

2015-08-12 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Thu, 13 Aug 2015, Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:

 Hello Debian users 
 I am currently a Debian Jessie XFCE user.
 I want to have your views on Gnome VS XFCE.
 I want to try Gnome but I want to know if Gnome is stable and works
 constantly without freezing and crashing.
 Please share me your experience with Debian Gnome.

I haven't used either in years.

I've never used GNOME 3. It won't fully run on any of my systems since
none don't have 3D capability.  So, it goes into fallback mode. Years
ago, GNOME used to be a fairly lightweight desktop, compared to KDE
anyway.  Now, they are both resource hogs.

XFCE is a lightweight, full-featured desktop.  I chose it to run on an
old Thinkpad 240x with Debian Sarge, then Etch.  Worked well.  No
complaints.  Today, I would choose LXDE.  Even lighter.  Just as good.

But I left desktops behind a few years ago.  I now just run a window
manager (Openbox) and a single LXPanel with menu.  Can't get much

As far as stability, they all are.  Never had a crash due to any
Linux desktop.


Opinion sobre Open-Xchange

2015-08-12 Thread Memo Robles
Buenas tardes,

Me gustaría saber su opinión sobre Open-Xchange.


RE: Opinion sobre Open-Xchange

2015-08-12 Thread Memo Robles

Gracias odie, y lo usan con un solo dominio o multidominio?

Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 20:08:05 -0300
Subject: Re: Opinion sobre Open-Xchange

La verdad? Yo implemente OX hace ya 5 años y ni un problema, lo tenemos 
corriendo en una compañia de seguros, como en grupo Bago y funciona 10 puntos.
Usamos dominio samba con ldap, lo usamos desde la version 5, pasamos por la 6 y 
ahora la 7 y estan todos muy conformes...
Yo lo recomiendo 100%
El ago. 12, 2015 7:55 PM, Memo Robles escribió:

Buenas tardes,

Me gustaría saber su opinión sobre Open-Xchange.


Re: BIND9 sous squeeze

2015-08-12 Thread Thanh Taduy
Pardon, vieille habitude de Répondre à tous :-(

Le 12 août 2015 21:06, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

 (Inutile d'envoyer une copie privée, je suis abonné à la liste) a écrit :
  C'est exactement ce dont j'ai besoin : une zone qui peut passer la main
 à mon FAI si un sous domaine n'est pas déclarée.
  Votre idée m'intéresse. N'étant pas un expert du DNS, pourriez-vous m'en
 dire plus ?
  Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait me donner un exemple d'une zone locale ?

 Supposons le domaine principal Pour créer un zone pour un
 sous-domaine privé, on fait une déclaration de zone
 maître classique :

 zone {
 type master ;
 file /path/to/ ;

 Exemple de contenu du fichier de zone /path/to/
 (en fait le fichier de zone ne peut pas être générique puisque l'adresse
 IP de l'enregistrement A est différente...) :

 @   IN  SOA ton.serveur.dns. (
 2015081200 ; serial (version)
 6H ; refresh period (6 hours)
 1H ; retry interval (1 hour)
 2W ; expire time (2 weeks)
 1H ; default ttl (1 hour)
 IN  NS  ton.serveur.dns.
 IN  A ; adresse de

 Mais je me demande s'il ne serait pas possible de faire plus simple avec
 un proxy DNS comme dnsmasq à la place de bind9.

L'exemple est bon, sauf que dans ce cas ci, j'aurais à faire autant de
fichier de zone que j'ai de sous domaine, n'est ce pas ?

  Envoyé de mon iPhone

 Est-ce un excuse pour justifier le top-posting et les lignes trop longues ?

Non, juste simplement que j'ai lu ta réponse dans les transports. C'est un
problème qui m'intéresse et que je souhaite connaitre la solution.

Re: Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

2015-08-12 Thread Stephen Powell
On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 16:07:47 -0400 (EDT), Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:
 Hello Debian users ??
 I am currently a Debian Jessie XFCE user.
 I want to have your views on Gnome VS XFCE.
 I want to try Gnome but I want to know if Gnome is stable and works
 constantly without freezing and crashing.
 Please share me your experience with Debian Gnome.

I used to use GNOME (GNOME 2) because it was the default desktop in Debian
at that time, but I switched to XFCE when GNOME upgraded from GNOME 2
to GNOME 3.  Not only is the GNOME 3 interface very different from GNOME 2,
but on a number of my machines, GNOME 3 didn't even work.  GNOME 3
requires 3D graphics acceleration features in the X driver, and not all
video chipsets support 3D graphics acceleration.  Even for chipsets that
do support 3D graphics acceleration, there may not be an X driver which
exploits the chip's 3D graphics acceleration capabilities, or the driver
may not be installed because it is buggy or has security vulnerabilities.
The machine I am using to compose this e-mail falls into that category.
There is a 3D graphics acceleration driver for my chipset, but it is not
installed for reasons of reliability and security.

I switched to XFCE because it doesn't require 3D graphics acceleration,
and I've been happy with it.  Furthermore, it is designed to run applications
written for the GNOME environment.  The interface is similar to the GNOME 2
interface, which I am familiar with.  I'll probably stick with XFCE until there
is a compelling reason to change.  That's my two cents worth.  Take it
with however many grains of salt you think it's worth.

  .''`. Stephen
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 10:06:49AM -0500, John Hasler wrote:
 tomas writes:
  To me, it's just a thinly veiled way of moving things to a flat-tax
  scheme, for the benefit of the rich (yes, I know about the official
 Don't you mean a head tax?  Flat tax usually refers to a tax that is a
 fixed percentage of all income (or of all expenditures, which comes to
 the same thing).

Yes, that's probably more correct.

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: sorting mail residing in a local directory

2015-08-12 Thread John Hasler
Russell L. Harris writes:
 What is a reasonable approach to culling spam and junk from the
 downloaded mail?

Spamassassin.  Manually select representative ham and spam (as much as
you can stand and/or have time for) and use that to train it.  Then just
let 'er rip on the whole thing (preferably on a machine that you won't
need to use for anything else for a while).
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: Migration vers GCC5 laborieuse

2015-08-12 Thread daniel huhardeaux

Le 12/08/2015 21:22, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
[...] (Et Testing n’est pas beaucoup plus stable, les grosses 
migrations n’y sont pas beaucoup plus rapides, juste un peu moins 

C'est uniquement pour ce dernier point que j'ai répondu, l'auteur 
faisant le reproche de l'instabilité dans la durée et du risque de non 


Re: Opinion sobre Open-Xchange

2015-08-12 Thread OddieX
La verdad? Yo implemente OX hace ya 5 años y ni un problema, lo tenemos
corriendo en una compañia de seguros, como en grupo Bago y funciona 10

Usamos dominio samba con ldap, lo usamos desde la version 5, pasamos por la
6 y ahora la 7 y estan todos muy conformes...

Yo lo recomiendo 100%
El ago. 12, 2015 7:55 PM, Memo Robles escribió:

 Buenas tardes,

 Me gustaría saber su opinión sobre Open-Xchange.


Re: sorting mail residing in a local directory

2015-08-12 Thread Dan Ritter
On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 09:42:04PM +, Russell L. Harris wrote:
 After a multi-hour download, I have in a directory of the local
 machine roughly a gigabyte (1000 megabytes) of email.  The mail is in
 Maildir format.  Much of the mail is spam or junk.  However, the mail
 includes some important emails, so searching and sorting is necessary.
 The local machine is running Debian Jessie with the xfce desktop, and
 Mutt is running.
 What is a reasonable approach to culling spam and junk from the
 downloaded mail?

Use maildir-utils or mairix to index and search. Use any spam filter
program to try to programmatically sort the chaff from the


v ia32-libs-i386 on Wheezy

2015-08-12 Thread Lisi Reisz
For a program that I want to install on my husband's computer, I need the 
following virtual package:

v   ia32-libs-i386

On my Wheezy computer it is installed, but it is not on my husband's Wheezy 
computer, and aptitude search can't find it.

Here is his sources.list:
deb wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free

deb wheezy-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy-updates main contrib non-free

deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy/updates main contrib non-free

deb wheezy-backports main contrib non-free

deb wheezy-backports iceweasel-release

deb wheezy main non-free

deb wheezy main
deb wheezy 

deb wheezy 

Thank you,

unmount mount point when exiting gnome3 desktop

2015-08-12 Thread John Naggets

I would like to automatically unmount a DavFS mount point
/media/webdav) when a users logs off the gnome3 desktop on jessie.

For that purpose I have added the following command to

/bin/umount /media/webdav

But it looks like this script never gets executed when a user logs off
as the partition is always mounted. Do I need to do anything else?


Re: Como executar um programa X de fora da sessão X (por exemplo, a partir do console ou SSH)

2015-08-12 Thread Linux - Junior Polegato

On 12-08-2015 16:49, Renan Arantes wrote:

Junior, o retorno do ps ax é o abaixo:
root@none:~# ps ax | grep Xorg
 2581 tty8 Ss+6:28 /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -br -verbose -audit 0 
-novtswitch -auth /var/run/gdm3/auth-for-Debian-gdm-9oxAy8/database 
-nolisten tcp vt8

 5379 pts/0S+ 0:00 grep Xorg

no link que vc passou, tentei seguir as instruções, visto que sou meio 
ruim de inglês mas tentei seguir, o fiz o seguinte:

root@none:~# vim /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf
e adicionei  [security] DisallowTCP=false no arquivo

reinicei a sessão X e dei outro ps ax:

root@none:~# ps ax | grep Xorg
 5474 tty9 Ss+0:03 /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -br -verbose -audit 0 
-novtswitch -auth /var/run/gdm3/auth-for-Debian-gdm-GTg3hI/database vt9

 5616 pts/0S+ 0:00 grep Xorg
root@none:~# export DISPLAY=:0
root@none:~# xcalc
No protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: :0

o -nolisten sumiu mas ainda nao consegui executar.


Se estiver com versão nova do Xorg, vai precisar aplicar o 
patch que coloquei no bugs.debian, mas deveria funcionar usando :0.

Tente usando localhost:0, como usuário ou como root.

Na tela logado com o usuário, abra um terminal e me passe a 
saída do comando xhost.

Outra problema pode ser .Xauthority ou .ICEauthority 
corrompido(s), então apague esses arquivos dos diretórios do usuário, do 
root e do /tmp, reinicia a máquina (creio ser mais prático pra você), e 
então teste novamente. Depois de apagado os arquivos e reiniciado, qual 
a saída do xhost?



Junior Polegato

Re: v ia32-libs-i386 on Wheezy

2015-08-12 Thread Christian Seiler
On 08/13/2015 02:05 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 For a program that I want to install on my husband's computer, I need the 
 following virtual package:
 v   ia32-libs-i386
 On my Wheezy computer it is installed, but it is not on my husband's Wheezy 
 computer, and aptitude search can't find it.

Did you add i386 as an architecture on that computer? The package
ia32-libs-i386 is a package that is only built on i386 to support
transitions from Squeeze or older to Wheezy-style multiarch (it's
not part of Jessie anymore, because it's transitional) - and if
you didn't activate i386 in your system, then it won't find the
package. (And any package referenced by other packages are always
shown as virtual packages by APT if they can't be found as real

Simple way to add the architecture:

dpkg --add-architecture i386

Alternatively, look at the contents of /var/lib/dpkg/arch, it
should contain two lines in your case:


dpkg --add-architecture adds things to this file.

Hope that helps.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread David Wright
Quoting John Hasler (
  David Wright writes:
  In the UK, tomas's tax would be called a poll tax..
 Poll once meant head.

Indeed. But in Britain, the term is politically overloaded, a
touchstone of all that is bad (for a large proportion of the
population). No headline writer would dream of writing Head Tax
when they can scream Poll Tax. Poll tax is the idiomatic expression,
that's all.


Re: Como executar um programa X de fora da sessão X (por exemplo, a partir do console ou SSH)

2015-08-12 Thread Hugo Cosme
Cara.. tenho pouca experiencia, e não sei se entendi muito bem sua
solicitação, mas uma vez usei esse tutoria e funcionou!
você está em um terminal win ou lnx? segue o link, do vivaolinux.

Em 12 de agosto de 2015 16:49, Renan Arantes

 Junior, o retorno do ps ax é o abaixo:
 root@none:~# ps ax | grep Xorg
  2581 tty8 Ss+6:28 /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -br -verbose -audit 0
 -novtswitch -auth /var/run/gdm3/auth-for-Debian-gdm-9oxAy8/database
 -nolisten tcp vt8
  5379 pts/0S+ 0:00 grep Xorg

 no link que vc passou, tentei seguir as instruções, visto que sou meio
 ruim de inglês mas tentei seguir, o fiz o seguinte:

 root@none:~# vim /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf
 e adicionei  [security] DisallowTCP=false no arquivo

 reinicei a sessão X e dei outro ps ax:

 root@none:~# ps ax | grep Xorg
  5474 tty9 Ss+0:03 /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -br -verbose -audit 0
 -novtswitch -auth /var/run/gdm3/auth-for-Debian-gdm-GTg3hI/database vt9
  5616 pts/0S+ 0:00 grep Xorg
 root@none:~# export DISPLAY=:0
 root@none:~# xcalc
 No protocol specified
 Error: Can't open display: :0

 o -nolisten sumiu mas ainda nao consegui executar.

 obrigado pela atenção

 On 12-08-2015 15:17, Linux - Junior Polegato wrote:

 On 12-08-2015 14:19, Renan Arantes wrote:

 veja eu tentei mas não deu certo, eu estou conectado via ssh tendo a
 como tty o pts/0 com o usuário sdgt, já existia uma sessão gráfica aberta
 do mesmo usuário em tty8, eu quero executar da minha conexão ssh um
 programa gráfico (por exemplo o xcalc) que ira ser aberto no monitor do
 sessão tty8.
 sdgt@(none):~$ w
 13:13:53 up 1 day,  5:49,  2 users,  load average: 0,00, 0,00, 0,00
 sdgt tty8 :0   Tue07   33:54m  6:13   0.14s
 sdgt pts/   13:130.00s  0.48s 0.00s w
 sdgt@(none):~$ export DISPLAY=:0
 sdgt@(none):~$ xclock
 No protocol specified
 Error: Can't open display: :0


 Possivelmente o X não está aceitando conexões locais no :0,
 verifique com ps ax|grep Xorg, e na linha que retornar vai ter :0, ou :1,
 ou :n, que pode ter ainda .y no final, no caso de ter mais de um monitor.
 Assim, tenha certeza que o :n[.y] que você está usando está correto e que
 você não está usando o -X ao executar o ssh.

 Outra forma é conexão direta ao X por TCP-IP, sem logar
 primeiramente via ssh, assim na mesma linha, se contiver -nolisten tcp,
 você precisa habilitar o xdm, gdm ou kdm para aceitar conexões tcp, e veja
 que nas versões mais atuais do X é obrigatório ter -listen tcp, senão não
 vai funcionar, acompanhe isso em [1], onde coloquei um receita de bolo para
 recompilar o gdm. Procure na net e leia um pouco mais sobre o assunto e
 faça seus testes.


sorting mail residing in a local directory

2015-08-12 Thread Russell L. Harris

After a multi-hour download, I have in a directory of the local
machine roughly a gigabyte (1000 megabytes) of email.  The mail is in
Maildir format.  Much of the mail is spam or junk.  However, the mail
includes some important emails, so searching and sorting is necessary.

The local machine is running Debian Jessie with the xfce desktop, and
Mutt is running.

What is a reasonable approach to culling spam and junk from the
downloaded mail?


I would love to see this error go away..

2015-08-12 Thread Jimmy Johnson

In testing I would love to see this error go away:

KDEInit could not launch 'kpat':
Could not open library '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkdeinit5_kpat'.
Cannot load library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkdeinit5_kpat: 
(/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ cannot open shared 
object file: No such file or directory)

Thank you,
Jimmy Johnson

Debian Stretch - Plasma-Desktop 5.3.2 - EXT4 - AMD64 at sda13
Registered Linux User #380263

Re: Como executar um programa X de fora da sessão X (por exemplo, a partir do console ou SSH)

2015-08-12 Thread Renan Arantes

nao rolou

root@none:~# who
sdgt tty9 2015-08-12 15:40 (:0)
root pts/02015-08-12 16:47 (
root@none:~# ps aux | grep Xorg
root  5474  0.0  2.1  55864 45476 tty9 Ss+  15:40   0:03 
/usr/bin/Xorg :0 -br -verbose -audit 0 -novtswitch -auth 
/var/run/gdm3/auth-for-Debian-gdm-GTg3hI/database vt9

root  5706  0.0  0.0   3316   800 pts/0S+   16:49   0:00 grep Xorg
root@none:~# DISPLAY=:0 xcalc 
[1] 5707
root@none:~# No protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: :0

[1]+  Fim da execução com status 1  DISPLAY=:0 xcalc

On 12-08-2015 16:44, Cláudio E. Elicker wrote:

On Tue, 11 Aug 2015 16:53:44 -0400
Renan Arantes wrote:

Sem ser o usuario logado no console tty7, como faço para executar um
aplicativo X e tê-lo exibido em uma sessão X ex. tty7? Supondo que eu
sou ou root, ou eu sou o mesmo usuário que conectado.

Alguns exemplos de situações:

Conectar por SSH e executar um programa que exibe na tela do
computador remoto (o computador que eu me conectei, não encapsulado
através de ssh -X abrindo no meu comptaudor)

sei que da pra usar x11vnc, para acessar a sessão aberta no
computador remoto, mas não é isso que eu quero, eu quero acessar por
ssh e abrir um programa visual na sessão ja existente.

estou usando Debian e Gnome

Tenta, de dentro do ssh, por exemplo:
DISPLAY=:0 xeyes 

Troca o :0 pelo valor de DISPLAY no computador remoto, provavelmente
é :0 mesmo.
E troca xeyes pelo programa que você quiser rodar.

Re: Como executar um programa X de fora da sessão X (por exemplo, a partir do console ou SSH)

2015-08-12 Thread Cláudio E. Elicker
On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 16:49:50 -0400
Renan Arantes wrote:

 nao rolou
 root@none:~# who
 sdgt tty9 2015-08-12 15:40 (:0)
 root pts/02015-08-12 16:47 (
 root@none:~# ps aux | grep Xorg
 root  5474  0.0  2.1  55864 45476 tty9 Ss+  15:40   0:03 
 /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -br -verbose -audit 0 -novtswitch -auth 
 /var/run/gdm3/auth-for-Debian-gdm-GTg3hI/database vt9
 root  5706  0.0  0.0   3316   800 pts/0S+   16:49   0:00 grep
 Xorg root@none:~# DISPLAY=:0 xcalc 
 [1] 5707
 root@none:~# No protocol specified
 Error: Can't open display: :0
 [1]+  Fim da execução com status 1  DISPLAY=:0 xcalc

Loga no ssh como 'sdgt'. Como 'root' não vai rolar, pelo menos não de
uma maneira simples.

Ou então:
su sdgt -c DISPLAY=:0 xcalc 

Agora como vai operar o xcalc remotamente não faço a mínima idéia...

EMACS is my operating system; Linux is my device driver.

Re: Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

2015-08-12 Thread Brian
On Thu 13 Aug 2015 at 00:07:47 +0400, Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:

 I am currently a Debian Jessie XFCE user.

Good to know.

 I want to have your views on Gnome VS XFCE.

Views are two a penny.

 I want to try Gnome but I want to know if Gnome is stable and works
 constantly without freezing and crashing.

Definitely it is. You have nothing to fear. Install.

Re: Como executar um programa X de fora da sessão X (por exemplo, a partir do console ou SSH)

2015-08-12 Thread Bruno Lessa
Para funcionar o X remoto via ssh, instale os pacotes: xinit xauth e

E no arquivo sshd_config, descomente a entrada: X11Forwarding yes

Funciona redondo.

Em 12 de agosto de 2015 18:14, Linux - Junior Polegato escreveu:


 Qual a saída de env | grep XAUTHORITY?

 Tente forçar o XAUTHORITY para o arquivo auth do GDM, isto é,
 você verá o caminho do arquivo com ps ax|grep Xorg logo após -auth,
 então ficará algo assim:

 export DISPLAY=:0
 export XAUTHORITY=/var/run/gdm3/auth-for-Debian-gdm-9oxAy8/database

 Tente também com export XAUTHORITY=/home/user/.Xauthority ou
 export XAUTHORITY=/home/user/.ICEauthority



 Junior Polegato



pulseaudio module to mute other sources?

2015-08-12 Thread Joe Pfeiffer
I'm reasonably confident there must be a better place to post this than
this newsgroup, so answers telling me where to look will be just as
welcome as any that address the question!  I'm a Debian user, so this is
where I'm trying first

Is there a pulseaudio module that will detect when an audio source isn't
silent, and mute other sources in that cases?

It may be more clear if I describe my particular desire use case.  I
have a ham radio, whose audio output I can plug into my sound card
input.  I'd like to be listening to music, but when a call comes in on
the radio have it mute any other audio.

Any thoughts?

Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread David Wright
Quoting Brian (
 On Wed 12 Aug 2015 at 16:57:33 +0100, Martin Smith wrote:
  On 12/08/2015 14:56, Lisi Reisz wrote:

  The care alone, even were there no societal cost, costs several orders of
  magnitude more money than the £145.50 cost of a TV licence.  The trial 
  too, will have cost more than that!  Then there is the cost of keeping her 
  that is the problem, we have to punish sinners, we are after all obsessed
  I am led to believe it demonstrates our righteousness, but that is not my   
 It's called upholding and enforcing the law of the country, not
 trangressing the will of some other entity.
 Incidentally. The tale you quoted and replied to is based on When
 she goes to prison for non-payment of her licence. This cannot
 happen. The maximum penalty is a fine.

This may well be true. I'm not a lawyer: I don't know. However, the
public perception is that you *can* be imprisoned and so it colours
discussion of the licence fee. For example, here is a quotation by the
Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, someone involved at
the highest level with the licence fee problem:

“It's actually worse than a poll tax because under the poll tax, if
you were on a very low income you would get a considerable subsidy,”
he said.

“The BBC licence fee, there is no means-tested element whatsoever; it
doesn't matter how poor you are, you pay £145.50 and go to prison if
you don't pay it.”


Re: Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

2015-08-12 Thread rlharris
On Wed, August 12, 2015 4:29 pm, Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 16:07:47 -0400 (EDT), Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:
 I switched to XFCE because it doesn't require 3D graphics acceleration,
 and I've been happy with it.  Furthermore, it is designed to run
 applications written for the GNOME environment.  The interface is similar
 to the GNOME 2 interface, which I am familiar with.  I'll probably stick
 with XFCE until there is a compelling reason to change.

Familiarity breeds content (as in contentment).  I started with Debian
fifteen years ago, and have used a variety of desktops and window

Most recently, when I migrated from Squeeze (old-stable) to Jessie
(testing) for daily work, I installed Wheezy (stable) on the machine I
use for approx and for the weekly jigdo download of testing.  I did
not wish to spend time configuring xfce, so I chose the default gnome
desktop.  Stability never was an issue for that machine (amd64).  But
I generally accessed the machine via ssh, and then used screen.

Now and then I sat at the machine and tried the gnome user interface,
but I found the new gnome uncomfortable and inefficient.  I need
always-visible icons on panels, not a gauntlet of menus.  In computing
the challenge ought be to devise a good ways to utilize a set of tools
to solve problems.  But gnome-sans-panels is like a chest with many
drawers, the primary challenge being to find the drawer which holds
the particular tool needed.

So, as soon as Jessie became stable, I installed Jessie on the
machine; I chose the xfce desktop, and never considered installing
gnome.  For my needs, xfce provides everthing which gnome provided, and
more (except for the pair of eyes, which I greatly miss).

But as a matter of curiosity, has the gnome on Jessie changed
significantly from new gnome on Wheezy?  I suppose one can get used to
almost anything; after all, I remember the single-button mouse of the


Re: Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

2015-08-12 Thread Umarzuki Mochlis
I had to use xfce on my old T43 although Mate would be closer to Gnome.

  Original Message  
From: Bret Busby
Sent: Thursday, 13 August 2015 11:38
Subject: Re: Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

On 13/08/2015, Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 20:38:19 -0400 (EDT), Patrick Bartek wrote:

 I've never used GNOME 3. It won't fully run on any of my systems since
 none don't have 3D capability. So, it goes into fallback mode.

 I assume you meant to say none have 3D capability.

 When GNOME 3 first came out, it had a fallback mode for systems without
 3D graphics acceleration capability. Fallback mode was essentially the
 GNOME 2 interface. I continued to use GNOME 3 in fallback mode for a
 while. Changing desktops is a lot of work, and I'm lazy. But eventually,
 GNOME 3 eliminated fallback mode. At that point, GNOME 3 became totally
 unusable for me. I have at least two systems without 3D graphics
 capability: one desktop and one laptop. I'm not sure about the others.
 Anyway, elimination of fallback mode from GNOME 3 forced the issue.
 I had to switch to something else. I did some research, and discovered
 that XFCE was a popular desktop with a GNOME2-like interface and
 was designed to accommodate applications written for GNOME. I thought it
 would be a relatively smooth transition for me. So I tried it. I've never
 looked back.

 XFCE is my standard desktop now. When doing new installs on new
 machines, I install XFCE as the desktop by selecting it as the desktop
 of choice in the Debian installer. If I were to start over from scratch
 today, I might try LXDE. But I'm happy with XFCE, and I see no compelling
 reason to change at this point.

Maybe it would be worth having a look at, downloading
the iso image, and running it as a live disk.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
A Trilogy In Four Parts,
written by Douglas Adams,
published by Pan Books, 1992

convert jpeg to size suitable for printing the image on an A4 with lpr

2015-08-12 Thread Emanuel Berg
I wrote this zsh wrapper to `convert' to do it.

With the 72 PPI resolution, the image get smaller!

With the 200 PPI resolution, the image gets bigger,
and it looks good when viewed with feh, but when
I print (with lpr) the increased-size image gets split
up in two parts on the paper with a black rectangular
box (?) showing up as well.

do-a4-pic () {
local pic=$1
local name=${pic:r}
local ext=${pic:e}
local new=${name}-a4.${ext}
local res=1654x2339 # 200 PPI; 595x842 for 72 PPI -
convert $pic \
-resize $res \
-gravity center \
-background white \
-extent $res \

This is the image I try to print in A4 size:

This image is the result of the above computation and
doesn't look good when printed:

underground experts united

Re: pulseaudio module to mute other sources?

2015-08-12 Thread rlharris
On Wed, August 12, 2015 9:46 pm, Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
 Is there a pulseaudio module that will detect when an audio source isn't
 silent, and mute other sources in that cases?

It does not directly address your need, but I think that
pulseaudiovolumecontrol (pavucontrol) is almost essential, and really
should be installed by default with the pulseaudio system.

 I'd like to be listening to music, but when a call comes in on
 the radio have it mute any other audio.

In the realm of broadcasting and commercial sound, the function you are
describing is of the general category ducking (as in duck your head so
you do not bump it on the obstruction ahead).  But ducking typically
reduces the level of the primary audio stream, rather than completely
muting it.

You may find an inexpensive hardware solution; check broadcast suppliers
such as Markertek, bswUSA, and FullCompass.

Because dead air is anathema to a broadcaster, there are silence
monitors which automatically switch to an alternate audio source if the
primary source goes silent.  One of these might serve your needs.

Utility modules of this sort for audio are widely used and tend to be
surprisingly inexpensive.


Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread John Hasler
David Wright writes:
 Indeed. But in Britain, the term is politically overloaded, a
 touchstone of all that is bad (for a large proportion of the
 population). No headline writer would dream of writing Head Tax when
 they can scream Poll Tax. Poll tax is the idiomatic expression, that's

In the USA as well.  Until poll taxes as a precondition for voting were
ruled unconstitutional in the 1960s they were used in some Southern
states to discourage blacks (and poor whites) from voting.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: WHAT???? Re: Externalisation hotline support technique SAV...

2015-08-12 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le mercredi 12 août 2015 à 04:35, le pigeon a écrit :
 Bonjour je reçois ce spam dans mes mails, je clic sur Pour ne plus
 faire partie de cette liste de diffusion suivez ce lien.
 /zPj1Vba0D1jsiIH7MQhWd1RqdhN3HWZWThL0maAMYKWGO5xVawy2LgI7q4szbcu0 = vous
 êtes désinscrit de la débian-list...


Sinon, pour celui qui s'inquiète de son statut concernant son abonnement 
auprès de diverses listes de diffusion de Debian (dont debian-user-, il lui suffit d'envoyer un courriel à avec comme sujet - et contenu de message - which

Après cela et au bout de je ne sais combien de minutes, il recevra un courriel 
(de la part de dont son contenu énuméra toutes 
les listes de diffusion de Debian auxquelles il est effectivement abonné...

Tout cela est indiqué à la page suivante :

Cordialement et à bientôt,


Re: Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

2015-08-12 Thread Stephen Powell
On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 20:38:19 -0400 (EDT), Patrick Bartek wrote:
 I've never used GNOME 3.  It won't fully run on any of my systems since
 none don't have 3D capability.  So, it goes into fallback mode.

I assume you meant to say none have 3D capability.

When GNOME 3 first came out, it had a fallback mode for systems without
3D graphics acceleration capability.  Fallback mode was essentially the
GNOME 2 interface.  I continued to use GNOME 3 in fallback mode for a
while.  Changing desktops is a lot of work, and I'm lazy.  But eventually,
GNOME 3 eliminated fallback mode.  At that point, GNOME 3 became totally
unusable for me.  I have at least two systems without 3D graphics
capability: one desktop and one laptop.  I'm not sure about the others.
Anyway, elimination of fallback mode from GNOME 3 forced the issue.
I had to switch to something else.  I did some research, and discovered
that XFCE was a popular desktop with a GNOME2-like interface and
was designed to accommodate applications written for GNOME.  I thought it
would be a relatively smooth transition for me.  So I tried it.  I've never
looked back.

XFCE is my standard desktop now.  When doing new installs on new
machines, I install XFCE as the desktop by selecting it as the desktop
of choice in the Debian installer.  If I were to start over from scratch
today, I might try LXDE.  But I'm happy with XFCE, and I see no compelling
reason to change at this point.

  .''`. Stephen
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread Martin McCormick
For those in the UK, We in North America could
occasionally receive BBC1 from transmitters across the British
Aisles when Solar activity was high. The Band-1 transmissions
were roughly between 41 and 45 MHZ. Audio was AM or amplitude
modulation as well as was the video which was 405-lines and

We could receive the signals during Winter and only when
it was daylight in both places.

The Band-1 transmissions had been active from the 1930's
until 1986 except for World War II when they were switched off to
save money and remove a perfect beacon source for bombers to use
for guidance.

The radio frequencies between 41 and 45 MHZ are used in
the Americas for emergency services and business two-way radio so
when the video signal was strong, folks using two-way radios in
that range had loads of whistles and buzzes to jam their

People in the UK who may have lived in weak signal areas
probably saw lots of video disturbances from signals in the
Americas so while the unusual reception was interesting for us
radio enthusiasts, it really did none of the proper users any
good at all. That's partly why the BBC discontinued those transmissions
in 1986 and we in North America went digital in 2012.

I listened to the sound of numerous transmitters in
Britain and France which had a similar system on slightly
different frequencies around 1970 and again around 1980-82 . I
remember hearing some of our emergency services trying to talk
over the video buzz and not doing too well. Sorry for the
extremely off-topic post, but I thought some might find this


Re: Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

2015-08-12 Thread Bret Busby
On 13/08/2015, Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 20:38:19 -0400 (EDT), Patrick Bartek wrote:

 I've never used GNOME 3.  It won't fully run on any of my systems since
 none don't have 3D capability.  So, it goes into fallback mode.

 I assume you meant to say none have 3D capability.

 When GNOME 3 first came out, it had a fallback mode for systems without
 3D graphics acceleration capability.  Fallback mode was essentially the
 GNOME 2 interface.  I continued to use GNOME 3 in fallback mode for a
 while.  Changing desktops is a lot of work, and I'm lazy.  But eventually,
 GNOME 3 eliminated fallback mode.  At that point, GNOME 3 became totally
 unusable for me.  I have at least two systems without 3D graphics
 capability: one desktop and one laptop.  I'm not sure about the others.
 Anyway, elimination of fallback mode from GNOME 3 forced the issue.
 I had to switch to something else.  I did some research, and discovered
 that XFCE was a popular desktop with a GNOME2-like interface and
 was designed to accommodate applications written for GNOME.  I thought it
 would be a relatively smooth transition for me.  So I tried it.  I've never
 looked back.

 XFCE is my standard desktop now.  When doing new installs on new
 machines, I install XFCE as the desktop by selecting it as the desktop
 of choice in the Debian installer.  If I were to start over from scratch
 today, I might try LXDE.  But I'm happy with XFCE, and I see no compelling
 reason to change at this point.

Maybe it would be worth having a look at, downloading
the iso image, and running it as a live disk.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts,
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992

Re: Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

2015-08-12 Thread Bret Busby
On 13/08/2015, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:
 I had to use xfce on my old T43 although Mate would be closer to Gnome.

   Original Message
 From: Bret Busby
 Sent: Thursday, 13 August 2015 11:38
 Subject: Re: Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

 On 13/08/2015, Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 20:38:19 -0400 (EDT), Patrick Bartek wrote:

 I've never used GNOME 3. It won't fully run on any of my systems since
 none don't have 3D capability. So, it goes into fallback mode.

 I assume you meant to say none have 3D capability.

 When GNOME 3 first came out, it had a fallback mode for systems without
 3D graphics acceleration capability. Fallback mode was essentially the
 GNOME 2 interface. I continued to use GNOME 3 in fallback mode for a
 while. Changing desktops is a lot of work, and I'm lazy. But eventually,
 GNOME 3 eliminated fallback mode. At that point, GNOME 3 became totally
 unusable for me. I have at least two systems without 3D graphics
 capability: one desktop and one laptop. I'm not sure about the others.
 Anyway, elimination of fallback mode from GNOME 3 forced the issue.
 I had to switch to something else. I did some research, and discovered
 that XFCE was a popular desktop with a GNOME2-like interface and
 was designed to accommodate applications written for GNOME. I thought it
 would be a relatively smooth transition for me. So I tried it. I've never
 looked back.

 XFCE is my standard desktop now. When doing new installs on new
 machines, I install XFCE as the desktop by selecting it as the desktop
 of choice in the Debian installer. If I were to start over from scratch
 today, I might try LXDE. But I'm happy with XFCE, and I see no compelling
 reason to change at this point.

 Maybe it would be worth having a look at, downloading
 the iso image, and running it as a live disk.

Since you have mentioned an old system, I should perhaps mention
that apparently, Linux has abandoned support for Celeron CPU's, as,
having installed ubuntu-mate 15.09 on my HP/Compaq NX5000 which has a
Celeron CPU, and the associated and subsequent problems, I have found
that the Celeron CPU's are apparently no longer supported by Linux, as
the kernels are incompatible with the Celeron CPU - a non-PAE issue,

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts,
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992

Re: Re: WHAT???? Re: Externalisation hotline support technique SAV...

2015-08-12 Thread Pierre TOUZEAU
le pigeon ne spammait pas la liste mais s'interrogeait sur le lien de
désinscription qui précisait Debian list...
Pas lieu de shooter comme ça...

Pour info, c'est l'adresse de la liste
( qui est désinscrite de la liste de
spam et non ton adresse
( de la liste Debian...
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Le 12/08/2015 08:24, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :
 Le Wed, 12 Aug 2015 06:35:08 +0200,
 le pigeon a écrit :

 Bonjour je reçois ce spam dans mes mails, je clic sur Pour ne plus 
 faire partie de cette liste de diffusion suivez ce lien.
 = vous êtes désinscrit de la débian-list...


 prière d'arrêter de roucouler et merci d'avancer ...


Pro. Signature

Pierre Touzeau

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Re: no icons in iceweasel menus - jessie gnome

2015-08-12 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Wednesday 12 August 2015 02:01:57 Juan R. de Silva wrote:
 Sorry Lise,

 I guess I'm not very careful reader. You are still on Wheezy. Then it is
 even simpler. open gconf-editor and set menu-have-icons to 0 in

 If it wasn't just mild sarcasm.

No, it wasn't.  It was entirely serious.  And thank you for your answer.  

But in addition to still being on Wheezy, I use TDE not Gnome!  But you have 
given me some ideas about where to explore.  I had hoped that the answer - 
for both of us - lay inside Iceweeasel. 


  On Tue, 11 Aug 2015 22:46:47 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  On Tuesday 11 August 2015 22:37:09 Juan R. de Silva wrote:
  Everybody has those icons or nobody knows how to get them back? I
  If/when someone answers, could he/she include a recipe for getting rid
  of these same icons?  Wheezy, Iceweasel 39.0, TDE  Thank you!
  I give it to you. :-)
  First these is how I finally get them in:
  % gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides
  {'Gtk/ButtonImages': 0, 'Gtk/MenuImages': 1}
  Correspondingly if you set the value of Gtk/MenuImages to 0 you should
  get rid of them.
  I just wonder how come you get them in Jessie and did not?

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Re: WHAT???? Re: Externalisation hotline support technique SAV...

2015-08-12 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Wed, 12 Aug 2015 06:35:08 +0200,
le pigeon a écrit :

 Bonjour je reçois ce spam dans mes mails, je clic sur Pour ne plus 
 faire partie de cette liste de diffusion suivez ce lien.
 = vous êtes désinscrit de la débian-list...


prière d'arrêter de roucouler et merci d'avancer ...


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busybox, bridge_tools, ifupdown : comportement bizarre lors de la configuration d'un bridge

2015-08-12 Thread Yann Cohen

je travaille actuellement sur une carte avec un linux embarqué dont la
distribution est pétrie par yocto avec en tête de gondole busybox.

Je souhaite configurer les deux interfaces IP de la cible en switch,
soit en bridge.
Une fois bridge_utils  et les options qui vont bien dans le noyau
ajoutés à la distrib, j'ai réussi à monter le bridge à la main en
utilisant les commandes suivantes :

ip link set up dev eth0
ip link set up dev eth1
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth0 eth1
ip link set up dev br0

J'ai constaté que le ifupdown embraqué dans busybox ne semble pas
reconnaitre les options de type bridge_xxx dans le
fichier /etc/network/interfaces, donc la configuration minimale d'un
bridge tel que je le fais dans une debian ne fonctionne pas :
iface br0 inet static
bridge_ports eth0 eth1

Pour contourner le problème, j'ai utilisé un script if-pre-up qui lance
les commandes décrites précedenement si $IFACE vaut br0.

L'enchaînement des commandes fonctionne bien et à la fin du boot
ifconfig indique que l'interface est montée, Oh joie !

mais que de courte durée car le trafic ne passe pas d'une interface à
l'autre !

En refaisant à la main le parcours je me suis rendu compte que si
j'enchaîne les commandes de configuration dans un script, les
communications ne traversent pas le switch...
Mais si je commence la configuration en lançant les commandes une à une
avec une attente entre elles (ne serait-ce que le temps de les taper
avec deux doigts) le switch fonctionne correctement.

Partant de ce constat, j'ai joué à l'automaticien de base en ajoutant
des tempo... Ce qui donne le script suivant :
ip link set up dev eth0
sleep 3
ip link set up dev eth1
sleep 3
brctl addbr br0
sleep 3
brctl addif br0 eth0 eth1
sleep 3
ip link set up dev br0

Je pense que cette solution est un contournement mais n'est pas la
solution, cependant je n'arrive pas à identifier ce que j'ai raté dans
la configuration.

Une autre piste, je n'ai pas réussi à identifier la liste des options
dans interfaces que reconnaît busybox, une recherche sur les sources de
motif comme bridge_ n'a rien donné ce qui me conforte dans le fait que
ces options ne sont pas gérées. Ai-je raté un truc ?

Et comment faire pour avoir une version de ifupdown qui traite les
commandes étendues dans /etc/network/interfaces comme sous debian ?


Yann Cohen

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Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread Joe
On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 08:04:37 -0500 wrote:

   Several years ago, one of the United States television
 networks did a story on the British TV license and showed agents
 in a van driving around looking for the tell-tale weak radio
 signals from the local oscillators of television tuners and then
 counting and matching the number of such signals with the number
 of residents in houses to see if anybody had an un-licensed

The story started in the early 20th century, when many designs of radio
receiver cause significant radiation, particularly super-regenerative
types. Poorly designed transmitters might also radiate on frequencies
other than those intended.

The Post Office were given the job of policing radio interference, and a
licence was required for both transmitters and receivers to fund this
activity. They had mobile equipment to track sources of interference.

When the BBC began regular transmission (they were pretty much
hobbyists before that), a decision was made to fund it from increased
receiver licences. The Post Office still issued the licences, and
passed on about 90% (in the 1970s, at least) to the BBC. The
interference-tracking equipment could certainly spot a typical
television receiver, though probably not a properly-designed radio

As TV design improved, it became more difficult to detect the local
oscillator, but the horizontal timebase radiated quite powerfully at
low frequencies. In the 70s and 80s, if I needed an atomic frequency
reference to adjust something, I would hang an oscilloscope probe over
the front of a TV and compare the waveform with what I was working on.

So it was until non-CRT television displays became widespread. The
high-power timebase disappeared, and there was pretty much always
standards conversion going on, with a frame or two of storage. Even
when it was possible to detect screen emissions, they were not related
to the transmitted signal, and there was therefore no evidence of use
of a TV tuner. Early personal computers used the television standards
as real computer monitors were enormously expensive, which also
confused detection.

Nobody believes in the existence of detector vans today, but they
certainly existed once. As Lisi said, it is simply assumed that every
pile of bricks everywhere contains at least one TV, and you are very
nearly legally required to somehow prove the absence of one to avoid


Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread Martin Smith

On 12/08/2015 14:56, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Wednesday 12 August 2015 14:04:37 wrote:

   Now think, for a second how much money it costs to outfit
a van with high-quality broad-spectrum radio receivers, a person to
drive and another to tune and evaluate what he/she is receiving
and whether or not it is from a TV tuner or Heaven knows what

They have a much simpler solution.  They barely bother with the vans (they
exist, I believe, though I have never seen one).  They see a house.  They see
an electoral register.  They assume a television.  They check for a licence.
No licence?  They assume criminality.  And start bullying.

I suffer from them, I haven't had a tv since 1971, and they can't let go,
now if we displayed the same paranoia in our interactions with others 
around us

accusing them of owing us money when they do not, the it is highly likely we
wound get committed under the mental health act.


If you insist that you haven't got a television, they do seem to make some
sort of effort to check, because I have not been in prison.  But they
continue to bully you.  After all, you might buy or be given one.  If you buy
it from a shop, the shop has to tell the authorities, but you might buy one
on eBay or from a neighbour.

And you underestimate the cost, both in money terms and to society.  Let us
take the  clichéd typical non-licence buyer: a single mother on a very low
income.  When she goes to prison for non-payment of her licence, her children
go into care.  Those children are almost inevitably damaged by our
so-called care system, and society then has, often monetarily expensive,
problems for years to come.

The care alone, even were there no societal cost, costs several orders of
magnitude more money than the £145.50 cost of a TV licence.  The trial alone,
too, will have cost more than that!  Then there is the cost of keeping her in
that is the problem, we have to punish sinners, we are after all 
obsessed with it
I am led to believe it demonstrates our righteousness, but that is not 
my opinion.

And will she pay her TV licence next year?  Probably not, because she still
will chose to feed her children if she hasn't got enough money for both.  And
when she looks for a job, when her youngest child starts school, she will
have difficulty getting one because she has a criminal record.


Re: Debian jessie y Grub2

2015-08-12 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 11 Aug 2015 23:16:12 +, Ala de Dragón escribió:

Corrijo el top-posting.

 El 11/8/15, Ala de Dragón escribió:
 El 11/8/15, Camaleón escribió:


 Mira a ver si desde SuperGrub2Disk te permite iniciar los sistemas

 Pues por eso escribo aqui por que ya he pasado por supergrub2 y boot
 repair. he purgado grub y reinstalado grub. A no ser que se quedara
 algo remanente en el sector de arranque, mbr o que se yo.

 sigue diciendome el mensaje de
 Arranque reparado con éxito.
 Ahora puede reiniciar el equipo.
 No olvide configurar su BIOS para arrancar en el disco sda (1000GB).
 Pero todo sigue igual.

Hum... no se trata de reparar GRUB2 (ya que en ese caso estarías 
sobrescribiendo el GRUB original de Debian por el de SuperGrub2Disk y 
aunque no pase nada pues siempre es preferible mantener el del sistema 
operativo instalado) sino sencillamente de iniciar Debian desde SG2D, a 
ver qué te dice.

 Mediante la consola de emergencia de grub el directorio
 /boot/grub/i386-pc/ me aparece vacio, pero si monto la unidad lo puedo
 localizar y ver su contenido desde un live.

Además del SG2D, otra cosa que puedes probar es a iniciar manualmente el 
sistema desde la consola de GRUB2. Es un procedimiento lioso y complicado 
(más aún en tu caso que tienes capas lógicas adicionales -mdadm y lvm- 
molestando) pero no imposible, eso sí, tienes que tener paciencia:

How to use Grub2 to boot Linux manually

Tendrás que ir avanzando paso a paso, apuntando los errores que te vayan 
apareciendo e ir resolviéndolos, no te va a salir a la primera ;-)



Re: busybox, bridge_tools, ifupdown : comportement bizarre lors de la configuration d'un bridge

2015-08-12 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Yann Cohen a écrit :
 J'ai constaté que le ifupdown embraqué dans busybox ne semble pas
 reconnaitre les options de type bridge_xxx dans le
 fichier /etc/network/interfaces, donc la configuration minimale d'un
 bridge tel que je le fais dans une debian ne fonctionne pas :
 iface br0 inet static
 bridge_ports eth0 eth1

A ma connaissance les options bridge_* ou bridge-* ne sont pas gérées
directement par ifup/ifdown mais par des scripts placés dans
/etc/network/if-* par le paquet bridge-utils.

Pour l'autre problème, pas d'idée.

 mais que de courte durée car le trafic ne passe pas d'une interface à
 l'autre !

Vérifie l'état du pont dans les logs du noyau, notamment si les deux
ports passent bien dans l'état forwarding.

Re: Debian anniversary on August 16th

2015-08-12 Thread Luna Jernberg
Will there be anything going on in Stockholm for this ?

On 8/11/15, Helio Loureiro wrote:

 Debian anniversary is coming on Sunday, August 16th.  This year I can't
 attend, but I strongly encourage the list to join for some celebration.

 Beer and Debian are always good.

 Best Regards,
 Helio Loureiro

Re: RAID 1 architecture Partition

2015-08-12 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Christophe a écrit :
 Le 08/08/2015 14:41, Clément Breuil a écrit :
 les partition md se nomme md0p1 pour / et md0p2  pour le swap
 J'ignorais qu'il pouvait y avoir des mdXpY ...

Les ensembles RAID partitionnables existent depuis le noyau 2.6.28, soit
un bout de temps. Mais cette fonctionnalité semble peu utilisée car LVM
était déjà utilisé pour palier cette carence, et reste plus souple qu'un
partitionnement classique.

 Ce genre de configuration peut se faire depuis l'installer debian ?

Je ne pense pas car je n'ai jamais vu d'option pour créer une table de
partition sur un ensemble RAID. Ou bien avec les outils en ligne de
commande disponibles dans le shell de l'installateur (cfdisk, fdisk,

How to rollback an upgrade in Debian

2015-08-12 Thread Erwan David

Using testing, I see that KDE5 is (almost ?) complete in it. What
would be the best way to prepare for a rollback after upgrade if I see
that it does not work well enough for me ?

Re: RAID 1 architecture Partition

2015-08-12 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Clément Breuil a écrit :
 Oui depuis l'installation debian c'est possible 
 Création d'un raid multidisque puis 2 partitions dedans 

Comment as-tu procédé en détail ?
J'ai essayé, mais je ne vois pas de moyen de créer des partitions dans
un ensemble RAID fraîchement créé avec l'interface de l'installateur.
Cette option n'est disponible que si l'ensemble RAID a déjà été
partitionné avec un autre outil.

nfs / idmap mount problem

2015-08-12 Thread Sigmund Scheinbar

I've got a problem mounting NFS shares: after mounting the nfs
directory (share) it is empty, and is owned by a rather strange UID
4294967294 (on the server, also on other clients). Mounting the same
share on another box works quite well (dir is filled and owned by the
correct uid).

I suspect that is has something to do with idmap or nss/ldap however
i've no idea how to debug this further as I do not get any error or
warning messages in the console or syslog
I already increased the  verbosity to 5 idmap.conf. This however does
not point out anything useful to me - you can see it in the following
excerpt of my syslog. 

Setting the Domain = ... in idmap does not help, also explicitly
enabling NEED_IDMAPD=yes in /etc/default/nfs-common. The server is
running Debian 7.x the client v. 8.x 

Do you have suggestions how to solve this problem or at least how to
debug it further? 

Cheers Sigmund
root@vmlin0:/media# ls -lah 
total 16K
drwxr-xr-x  4 root   root   4.0K Jul 22 20:50 .
drwxr-xr-x 22 root   root   4.0K Jul 22 21:06 ..
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root   root  6 Oct 25  2013 cdrom - cdrom0
drwxr-xr-x  2 root   root   4.0K Oct 25  2013 cdrom0
drwxr-xr-x  2 4294967294 4294967294 4.0K Apr  9  2013 house_dir

root@vmlin0:/media# mount | grep house
nfs://house_dir on /media/house_dir type nfs4
root@vmlin0:/media# umount /media/house_dir root@vmlin0:/media# echo $?
root@vmlin0:/media# mount /media/house_dir
root@vmlin0:/media# ls -lah 
total 16K
drwxr-xr-x  4 root   root   4.0K Jul 22 20:50 .
drwxr-xr-x 22 root   root   4.0K Jul 22 21:06 ..
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root   root  6 Oct 25  2013 cdrom - cdrom0
drwxr-xr-x  2 root   root   4.0K Oct 25  2013 cdrom0
drwxr-xr-x  2 4294967294 4294967294 4.0K Apr  9  2013 house_dir

### Syslog ###
Aug 12 11:39:55 vmlin0 rpc.idmapd[1599]: New client: 9
Aug 12 11:39:55 vmlin0 rpc.idmapd[1599]: Stale client: 9
Aug 12 11:39:55 vmlin0 rpc.idmapd[1599]: #011-
closed /run/rpc_pipefs/nfs/clnt9/idmap

live build

2015-08-12 Thread Gerard ROBIN
I am using live build and I don't need the package 
prism2-usb-firmware-installer and I would like to know how prevent this 
package to be installed. 
On the other hand this package requests a connection unresponsive, and 
lb buid can't to be completed.


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Re: BIND9 sous squeeze

2015-08-12 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Christophe a écrit :

 Ma question est, comment dois-je écrire mon fichier name.conf ainsi que
 mon fichier de zone de telle manière à ce que si quelqu'un du LAN essaie
 d'atteindre un serveur Privé, le DNS interne lui résolvera le nom en
 local, et si l'entrée n'est pas dans cette zone locale, le DNS
 transférera cette requête vers le DNS de mon FAI.
 Dans bind9, ca s'appelle des views .

Les vues ou views, c'est fait pour qu'un serveur DNS autoritaire serve
- par exemple - deux versions différentes d'une zone selon l'origine des
requêtes. Mais dans le cas présent, sauf erreur d'interprétation de ma
part, ce n'est pas ce qui est demandé. Si j'ai bien compris, le serveur
DNS local ne doit faire autorité que pour les noms privés de la zone et
récursif pour le reste de la zone, sans dupliquer la partie publique de
la zone. A ma connaissance, ce n'est pas possible : un serveur fait
autorité pour une zone entière ou pas du tout. Le seul moyen que je
vois, c'est de créer une zone fille locale pour et de même nom que
chaque nom privé. On peut utiliser le même fichier de zone générique
pour toutes les zones filles, seul le nom de la zone changeant.

Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread martin.m
David Wright wrote:
 When I was a boy, the TV licence fee was taxed (called duty) by the
 government at 33%.

This has been a very interesting discussion as I am one
who believes that information and media should be unrestricted
and priced reasonably or subsidized by advertising. Being from
the United States, the idea of paying a media license fee is
abhorrent so I wanted to find out what a country such as Canada
does. In the United States, it is forbidden by law for the
federal government to broadcast directly to Americans so all
broadcasting is either commercial or community/public
broadcasting such as from universities and other schools and some
religious organizations.

Canada has a model which is close to what could be done
in Britain and I wouldn't be surprised if, at some future time,
Britain changes their model.

In Canada, there is both a vibrant commercial radio and
television industry and the CBC which is the Canadian
government's broadcasting arm.

The money to run the CBC comes out of the federal budget
and is not tied to individual taxpayers. Look up the topic of a
Canadian TV license fee and it has come up and been roundly

Australia also has a duel system which apparently has
worked over time.
Several years ago, one of the United States television
networks did a story on the British TV license and showed agents
in a van driving around looking for the tell-tale weak radio
signals from the local oscillators of television tuners and then
counting and matching the number of such signals with the number
of residents in houses to see if anybody had an un-licensed

Sometimes, they found them and people got in to trouble.
They then showed a message airing on British television urging
people to pay the license fees and in the announcement, several
men are in a jail cell asking each other what they are in for.

Answers are such things as murder, robbery and having an
un-licensed television.

Now think, for a second how much money it costs to outfit
a van with high-quality broad-spectrum radio receivers, a person to
drive and another to tune and evaluate what he/she is receiving
and whether or not it is from a TV tuner or Heaven knows what
else. These days, there is a faint and not-so-faint electronic
smog everywhere from computerized gear that emits signals from
below the AM broadcast band well in to UHF. These signals are
what is called incidental radiation so I am not speaking about
things such as WiFi and other one and two-way radio
communication. This is just radio frequency noise that is the
result of microprocessors and other switching circuits doing
their thing and emitting signals more or less by accident.

All that aside, think of the money that the BBC spends
administering and enforcing the system that they have created.
The United States is not immune to this sort of self-harm,
either. It goes on at all levels from local government up to
federal agencies.

We have a problem so we must do this and that to make
sure everybody pays. Oh my, they're getting around paying by
doing X, Y, or Z, so we must make it illegal to--- and it goes on
and on.

It reminds me of a quote reportedly from Albert Einstein
that says,

Clever people solve problems. Wise people avoid problems.

As a newly-retired IT person, I am alarmed at the faction
that just says no versus those who say, Maybe we can work
something out. That is much more positive and makes fewer people
in to criminals.


[OFFTOPIC] Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread Stefan Monnier
   All that aside, think of the money that the BBC spends
 administering and enforcing the system that they have created.

Indeed.  For that same reason public transit systems should be paid out
of the normal government budget rather than being tied to individual
users (which can also be described as should be free).


Re: RAID 1 architecture Partition

2015-08-12 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le mercredi 12 août 2015, 14:36:53 Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
 Comment as-tu procédé en détail ?
 J'ai essayé, mais je ne vois pas de moyen de créer des
 partitions dans un ensemble RAID fraîchement créé avec
 l'interface de l'installateur.

Et si tu crées ton RAID à partir des disques (/dev/sdX) et non à 
partir de partitions (/dev/sdX1) ?

 Sylvain Sauvage

Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread Nicolas George
Le quintidi 25 thermidor, an CCXXIII, a écrit :
   All that aside, think of the money that the BBC spends
 administering and enforcing the system that they have created.
 The United States is not immune to this sort of self-harm,
 either. It goes on at all levels from local government up to
 federal agencies.

Do not forget the private sector in this inventory: think on how many
millions of zorkmids are wasted developing non-working DRM schemes, and how
many thousands of potentially happy paying customers these DRM are driving
away towards other means of distribution.


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Wednesday 12 August 2015 14:04:37 wrote:
   Now think, for a second how much money it costs to outfit
 a van with high-quality broad-spectrum radio receivers, a person to
 drive and another to tune and evaluate what he/she is receiving
 and whether or not it is from a TV tuner or Heaven knows what

They have a much simpler solution.  They barely bother with the vans (they 
exist, I believe, though I have never seen one).  They see a house.  They see 
an electoral register.  They assume a television.  They check for a licence.  
No licence?  They assume criminality.  And start bullying.  

If you insist that you haven't got a television, they do seem to make some 
sort of effort to check, because I have not been in prison.  But they 
continue to bully you.  After all, you might buy or be given one.  If you buy 
it from a shop, the shop has to tell the authorities, but you might buy one 
on eBay or from a neighbour.

And you underestimate the cost, both in money terms and to society.  Let us 
take the  clichéd typical non-licence buyer: a single mother on a very low 
income.  When she goes to prison for non-payment of her licence, her children 
go into care.  Those children are almost inevitably damaged by our 
so-called care system, and society then has, often monetarily expensive, 
problems for years to come.

The care alone, even were there no societal cost, costs several orders of 
magnitude more money than the £145.50 cost of a TV licence.  The trial alone, 
too, will have cost more than that!  Then there is the cost of keeping her in 

And will she pay her TV licence next year?  Probably not, because she still 
will chose to feed her children if she hasn't got enough money for both.  And 
when she looks for a job, when her youngest child starts school, she will 
have difficulty getting one because she has a criminal record.


Re: BIND9 sous squeeze

2015-08-12 Thread thanh . taduy
Bonjour Pascal,

C'est exactement ce dont j'ai besoin : une zone qui peut passer la main à mon 
FAI si un sous domaine n'est pas déclarée.
Votre idée m'intéresse. N'étant pas un expert du DNS, pourriez-vous m'en dire 
plus ?
Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait me donner un exemple d'une zone locale ?

Je vous remercie de votre aide,
Bien à vous

Envoyé de mon iPhone

 Le 12 août 2015 à 13:54, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
 Christophe a écrit :
 Ma question est, comment dois-je écrire mon fichier name.conf ainsi que
 mon fichier de zone de telle manière à ce que si quelqu'un du LAN essaie
 d'atteindre un serveur Privé, le DNS interne lui résolvera le nom en
 local, et si l'entrée n'est pas dans cette zone locale, le DNS
 transférera cette requête vers le DNS de mon FAI.
 Dans bind9, ca s'appelle des views .
 Les vues ou views, c'est fait pour qu'un serveur DNS autoritaire serve
 - par exemple - deux versions différentes d'une zone selon l'origine des
 requêtes. Mais dans le cas présent, sauf erreur d'interprétation de ma
 part, ce n'est pas ce qui est demandé. Si j'ai bien compris, le serveur
 DNS local ne doit faire autorité que pour les noms privés de la zone et
 récursif pour le reste de la zone, sans dupliquer la partie publique de
 la zone. A ma connaissance, ce n'est pas possible : un serveur fait
 autorité pour une zone entière ou pas du tout. Le seul moyen que je
 vois, c'est de créer une zone fille locale pour et de même nom que
 chaque nom privé. On peut utiliser le même fichier de zone générique
 pour toutes les zones filles, seul le nom de la zone changeant.

Re: Como executar um programa X de fora da sessão X (por exemplo, a partir do console ou SSH)

2015-08-12 Thread Linux - Junior Polegato

On 12-08-2015 14:19, Renan Arantes wrote:
veja eu tentei mas não deu certo, eu estou conectado via ssh tendo a 
como tty o pts/0 com o usuário sdgt, já existia uma sessão gráfica 
aberta do mesmo usuário em tty8, eu quero executar da minha conexão 
ssh um programa gráfico (por exemplo o xcalc) que ira ser aberto no 
monitor do sessão tty8.

sdgt@(none):~$ w
13:13:53 up 1 day,  5:49,  2 users,  load average: 0,00, 0,00, 0,00
sdgt tty8 :0   Tue07   33:54m  6:13   0.14s 

sdgt pts/   13:130.00s  0.48s  0.00s w
sdgt@(none):~$ export DISPLAY=:0
sdgt@(none):~$ xclock
No protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: :0


Possivelmente o X não está aceitando conexões locais no :0, 
verifique com ps ax|grep Xorg, e na linha que retornar vai ter :0, ou 
:1, ou :n, que pode ter ainda .y no final, no caso de ter mais de um 
monitor. Assim, tenha certeza que o :n[.y] que você está usando está 
correto e que você não está usando o -X ao executar o ssh.

Outra forma é conexão direta ao X por TCP-IP, sem logar 
primeiramente via ssh, assim na mesma linha, se contiver -nolisten 
tcp, você precisa habilitar o xdm, gdm ou kdm para aceitar conexões 
tcp, e veja que nas versões mais atuais do X é obrigatório ter -listen 
tcp, senão não vai funcionar, acompanhe isso em [1], onde coloquei um 
receita de bolo para recompilar o gdm. Procure na net e leia um pouco 
mais sobre o assunto e faça seus testes.




Junior Polegato

Re: Migration vers GCC5 laborieuse

2015-08-12 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le mercredi 12 août 2015, 19:23:17 daniel huhardeaux a écrit :
 Rester en testing est la solution si l'on veut les dernières
 versions sans les ennuis possibles d'unstable. Ou le pinning
 comme proposé préalablement.

  Mais Sid a des mises à jour de sécurité plus rapides.
  (Et Testing n’est pas beaucoup plus stable, les grosses 
migrations n’y sont pas beaucoup plus rapides, juste un peu 
moins risquées.)

 Sylvain Sauvage

Re: BIND9 sous squeeze

2015-08-12 Thread Pascal Hambourg
(Inutile d'envoyer une copie privée, je suis abonné à la liste) a écrit :
 C'est exactement ce dont j'ai besoin : une zone qui peut passer la main à mon 
 FAI si un sous domaine n'est pas déclarée.
 Votre idée m'intéresse. N'étant pas un expert du DNS, pourriez-vous m'en dire 
 plus ?
 Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait me donner un exemple d'une zone locale ?

Supposons le domaine principal Pour créer un zone pour un
sous-domaine privé, on fait une déclaration de zone
maître classique :

zone {
type master ;
file /path/to/ ;

Exemple de contenu du fichier de zone /path/to/
(en fait le fichier de zone ne peut pas être générique puisque l'adresse
IP de l'enregistrement A est différente...) :

@   IN  SOA ton.serveur.dns. (
2015081200 ; serial (version)
6H ; refresh period (6 hours)
1H ; retry interval (1 hour)
2W ; expire time (2 weeks)
1H ; default ttl (1 hour)
IN  NS  ton.serveur.dns.
IN  A ; adresse de

Mais je me demande s'il ne serait pas possible de faire plus simple avec
un proxy DNS comme dnsmasq à la place de bind9.

 Envoyé de mon iPhone

Est-ce un excuse pour justifier le top-posting et les lignes trop longues ?

Re: Migration vers GCC5 laborieuse

2015-08-12 Thread daniel huhardeaux

Le 12/08/2015 17:38, C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :


   Donc, ouais, il faut attendre…
C'est violent tout de même, une phase experimentale, même longue 
aurait peut-être été préférable... Parce que là ça bloque tout SID 
pour longtemps !


L'essence même de SID est unstable ! On sait donc à quoi s'attendre ;-)

Rester en testing est la solution si l'on veut les dernières versions 
sans les ennuis possibles d'unstable. Ou le pinning comme proposé 


Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread Brian
On Wed 12 Aug 2015 at 16:57:33 +0100, Martin Smith wrote:

 On 12/08/2015 14:56, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Wednesday 12 August 2015 14:04:37 wrote:
Now think, for a second how much money it costs to outfit
 a van with high-quality broad-spectrum radio receivers, a person to
 drive and another to tune and evaluate what he/she is receiving
 and whether or not it is from a TV tuner or Heaven knows what
 They have a much simpler solution.  They barely bother with the vans (they
 exist, I believe, though I have never seen one).  They see a house.  They see
 an electoral register.  They assume a television.  They check for a licence.
 No licence?  They assume criminality.  And start bullying.

 I suffer from them, I haven't had a tv since 1971, and they can't let go,

Unless you have typed and sent your mail from a friend's computer, you do.


 The care alone, even were there no societal cost, costs several orders of
 magnitude more money than the £145.50 cost of a TV licence.  The trial alone,
 too, will have cost more than that!  Then there is the cost of keeping her in

 that is the problem, we have to punish sinners, we are after all obsessed
 I am led to believe it demonstrates our righteousness, but that is not my 

It's called upholding and enforcing the law of the country, not
trangressing the will of some other entity.

Incidentally. The tale you quoted and replied to is based on When
she goes to prison for non-payment of her licence. This cannot
happen. The maximum penalty is a fine.

Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread David Wright
Quoting doug (

 I'm curious. Do you have to pay that sum for each TV receiver, or is
 it a balnket license per house?
 Also there is a reference to a computer--does a computer count as a TV?
 I assume that the license is renewed annually?

The horse's mouth is at


Re: [hors-voyance] interfaces et environnements

2015-08-12 Thread Alexandre Hoïde

  (Mon dernier message sur le [Hors-voyance], et après je vous épargne
mes surcharges HS sur la liste, en tout cas jusqu'au 21 !)

On 12. 08. 15 09:08, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:

[...] résumé synthétique de l'état de l'art[...]

  Pour un futuriste état de l'art, si cette idée avait quelque valeur,
qu'elle chemine -- ou émerge -- jusqu'à {son,sa} accomplisseu{r,se}.
Ainsi soit-il :

  Difficile d'imaginer ce qui pourrait offrir autant d'avantages que la
vision humaine -- en particulier la capacité qu'elle offre de percevoir
précisément, à différentes portées et de manière globale, les éléments
statiques et mobiles de l'environnement. Pourtant, il y a des espèces
qui se servent de sonars, en milieu partiellement ou totalement obscur,
pour le même effet… et ils ne s'en démerdent pas si mal !

  Voilà. À dans une semaine et demie.

Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread doug

On 08/12/2015 01:23 PM, Brian wrote:

I suffer from them, I haven't had a tv since 1971, and they can't let go,
Unless you have typed and sent your mail from a friend's computer, you do.


The care alone, even were there no societal cost, costs several orders of
magnitude more money than the £145.50 cost of a TV licence.  The trial alone,
too, will have cost more than that!  Then there is the cost of keeping her in


I'm curious. Do you have to pay that sum for each TV receiver, or is it 
a balnket license per house?

Also there is a reference to a computer--does a computer count as a TV?
I assume that the license is renewed annually?

--doug in free-TV America

Incidentally. The tale you quoted and replied to is based on When
she goes to prison for non-payment of her licence. This cannot
happen. The maximum penalty is a fine.

Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread David Wright
Quoting John Hasler (
 tomas writes:
  To me, it's just a thinly veiled way of moving things to a flat-tax
  scheme, for the benefit of the rich (yes, I know about the official
 Don't you mean a head tax?  Flat tax usually refers to a tax that is a
 fixed percentage of all income (or of all expenditures, which comes to
 the same thing).

In the UK, tomas's tax would be called a poll tax, and the
replacement of residential rates (on houses) by a poll tax (on people)
caused riots in the 1990s before the rates came back in a different
guise. In effect, that so-called poll tax *was* a poll tax because
one way people avoided it was by not putting themselves on the
Electoral Register, so losing their vote.


Re: nfs / idmap mount problem

2015-08-12 Thread Sigmund Scheinbar
 I've got a problem mounting NFS shares: after mounting the nfs
 directory (share) it is empty, and is owned by a rather strange UID
 4294967294 (on the server, also on other clients).

Ups typo. I meant the UID of the folder (and the content) is OK on the
server as well as on the other clients. 


Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-12 Thread John Hasler
 David Wright writes:
 In the UK, tomas's tax would be called a poll tax..

Poll once meant head.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: Como executar um programa X de fora da sessão X (por exemplo, a partir do console ou SSH)

2015-08-12 Thread Renan Arantes

Junior, o retorno do ps ax é o abaixo:
root@none:~# ps ax | grep Xorg
 2581 tty8 Ss+6:28 /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -br -verbose -audit 0 
-novtswitch -auth /var/run/gdm3/auth-for-Debian-gdm-9oxAy8/database 
-nolisten tcp vt8

 5379 pts/0S+ 0:00 grep Xorg

no link que vc passou, tentei seguir as instruções, visto que sou meio 
ruim de inglês mas tentei seguir, o fiz o seguinte:

root@none:~# vim /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf
e adicionei  [security] DisallowTCP=false no arquivo

reinicei a sessão X e dei outro ps ax:

root@none:~# ps ax | grep Xorg
 5474 tty9 Ss+0:03 /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -br -verbose -audit 0 
-novtswitch -auth /var/run/gdm3/auth-for-Debian-gdm-GTg3hI/database vt9

 5616 pts/0S+ 0:00 grep Xorg
root@none:~# export DISPLAY=:0
root@none:~# xcalc
No protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: :0

o -nolisten sumiu mas ainda nao consegui executar.

obrigado pela atenção

On 12-08-2015 15:17, Linux - Junior Polegato wrote:

On 12-08-2015 14:19, Renan Arantes wrote:
veja eu tentei mas não deu certo, eu estou conectado via ssh tendo a 
como tty o pts/0 com o usuário sdgt, já existia uma sessão gráfica 
aberta do mesmo usuário em tty8, eu quero executar da minha conexão 
ssh um programa gráfico (por exemplo o xcalc) que ira ser aberto no 
monitor do sessão tty8.

sdgt@(none):~$ w
13:13:53 up 1 day,  5:49,  2 users,  load average: 0,00, 0,00, 0,00
sdgt tty8 :0   Tue07   33:54m  6:13   0.14s 

sdgt pts/   13:130.00s  0.48s 0.00s w
sdgt@(none):~$ export DISPLAY=:0
sdgt@(none):~$ xclock
No protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: :0


Possivelmente o X não está aceitando conexões locais no :0, 
verifique com ps ax|grep Xorg, e na linha que retornar vai ter :0, 
ou :1, ou :n, que pode ter ainda .y no final, no caso de ter mais de 
um monitor. Assim, tenha certeza que o :n[.y] que você está usando 
está correto e que você não está usando o -X ao executar o ssh.

Outra forma é conexão direta ao X por TCP-IP, sem logar 
primeiramente via ssh, assim na mesma linha, se contiver -nolisten 
tcp, você precisa habilitar o xdm, gdm ou kdm para aceitar conexões 
tcp, e veja que nas versões mais atuais do X é obrigatório ter 
-listen tcp, senão não vai funcionar, acompanhe isso em [1], onde 
coloquei um receita de bolo para recompilar o gdm. Procure na net e 
leia um pouco mais sobre o assunto e faça seus testes.


Re: RAID 1 architecture Partition

2015-08-12 Thread Clément Breuil

je vient de me rendre compte que c'est spécifique a l'installateur de jessie

donc tu met en raid les deux disques

tu crée le multidisque raid1 sur les deux disques

puis tu fait  partitionnement assisté puis
Utiliser le disque entier et tu choisi le périphérique RAID fraichement crée

a la différence wheezy ne présente pas ce périphérique dans ce menu

Par contre ya une ressemblance
Quand tu choisi l'espace libre du perih raid tu peut pas choisir sa 
taille pour le découper manuellement :/

Le 12/08/2015 14:36, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

Clément Breuil a écrit :

Oui depuis l'installation debian c'est possible

Création d'un raid multidisque puis 2 partitions dedans

Comment as-tu procédé en détail ?
J'ai essayé, mais je ne vois pas de moyen de créer des partitions dans
un ensemble RAID fraîchement créé avec l'interface de l'installateur.
Cette option n'est disponible que si l'ensemble RAID a déjà été
partitionné avec un autre outil.

Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

2015-08-12 Thread Dwijesh Gajadur
Hello Debian users 

I am currently a Debian Jessie XFCE user.
I want to have your views on Gnome VS XFCE.
I want to try Gnome but I want to know if Gnome is stable and works
constantly without freezing and crashing.
Please share me your experience with Debian Gnome.

With Kind Regards,