Re: Serveur dédié injoignable - erreur de boot

2015-09-08 Thread Daniel Caillibaud
Le 05/09/15 à 17:08, Vinc Teteve  a écrit :
VT>  Je ne veux absolument pas perdre les données sur le serveur...

Ça va pas résoudre ton problème mais peut-être te permettre d'essayer plus 
sauvegarde d'abord tes données
- boot en rescue et se connecter en ssh
- si elle n'y est pas ajouter ta clé ssh (dans /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  ou /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2) pour éviter de retaper le mot de passe tout 
le temps
- mkdir /mnt/data 
- si tu sais pas quelle est la partition de data "parted -l" (ou lvdisplay si 
c'est du lvm)
- mount /dev/sdX /mnt/data

Et ensuite sur ton pc 
rsync -av root@serveur:/mnt/data/ /un/dossier/avec/assez/d/espace/libre
(tu peux aussi sauvegarder tout /etc, c'est pas énorme, et éventuellement des 
trucs de /var/lib
si tu as des datas perso dedans)

Sinon, pour travailler sur ton serveur en rescue, avant le chroot faut monter 
dedans les
dossiers spéciaux et tout ce qu'il faut pour que le système puisse tourner (par 
ex sans /var
apt-get marche moins bien…)

Si /dev/sdX est /boot, /dev/sdX la racine et /dev/sdZ /home, tu dois tout 
monter avant le chroot

# un dossier pour le chroot
mkdir /mnt/foo

# les partitions
mount /dev/sdY /mnt/foo
mount /dev/sdX /mnt/foo/boot
mount /dev/sdX /mnt/foo/home

# et les répertoires spéciaux
mount -o bind /proc /mnt/foo/proc
mount -o bind /sys /mnt/foo/sys/
mount -o bind /dev /mnt/foo/dev/
mount -o bind /dev/pts /mnt/foo/dev/pts/

# tu peux chroot
chroot /mnt/foo


Pourquoi lave-t-on une injure alors qu'on essuie un affront ?
Alphonse Allais

Re: [OT] Openldap soporta session token

2015-09-08 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 7 de septiembre de 2015, 15:26, Camaleón  escribió:
> El Mon, 07 Sep 2015 10:12:13 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:
>> Hola buenas, estamos programando unas aplicaciones y la autenticación
>> la hará frente a un LDAP.
>> Me surge una duda y es si OpenLDAP es capaz de proporcionar un token
>> cuando alguien está autenticado?
>> Es para saber cuando alguien está conectado...
>> Gracias de antemano.
> Encontré estas respuestas en Google:
> Does LDAP provide a token after binding, so I don't have to send
> credentials every time?
> Find users currently logged in using ldap?
> En resumen, parece que directamente no; quizá a través de algún servicio
> o módulo de LDAP que sí contabilice y haga un seguimiento de las sesiones.
> Saludos,
> --
> Camaleón

Umm vamos que me va a tocar volverme loco... Miraré a ver qué veo que
pueda soportar esta característica.

Muchas gracias.

Re: Serveur dédié injoignable - erreur de boot

2015-09-08 Thread Grégory Bulot


As-tu essayé d'utiliser la console IPMI pour avoir l'équivalent d'un
accès physique au serveur. Tu pourras voir les messages affichés à

ManagerV6 -> ton serveur -> onglet IPMI -> Depuis une applet Java  et
hop, console comme si tu étais sur la machine physique

Je réponds, sachant que je ne suis pas l'auteur du post :

Y'a pas ipmi sur les kimsuffi


Re: apache2 locally broken

2015-09-08 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Il 08/09/2015 10:21, Reco ha scritto:

> Please post the output of 'ss -lnpt'. Someone took port 80 on this host
> already and this is the source of your trouble.

Oh, you're right: lighttp seems the culprit.
However, purging it does not solve the issue.
What else?
root@440:/usr/local/src/debian/otb# ss -lnpt
State  Recv-Q Send-Q  Local
Address:Port Peer
LISTEN 0  128
*:111 *:*
LISTEN 0  128
*:80  *:*
LISTEN 0  128
*:22  *:*
  *:*   users:(("cupsd",pid=5199,fd=11))
LISTEN 0  128
LISTEN 0  20
  *:*   users:(("exim4",pid=7883,fd=4))
LISTEN 2  10
*:*   users:(("dleyna-renderer",pid=26327,fd=19))
LISTEN 0  128
*:45707   *:*
LISTEN 0  128
LISTEN 0  128
:::80 :::*
LISTEN 0  128
:::22 :::*
LISTEN 0  128
:::5432   :::*
LISTEN 0  20
::1:25 :::*
LISTEN 0  128
:::40264  :::*

Paolo Cavallini -
QGIS & PostGIS courses:

Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

2015-09-08 Thread Alejandro Alcántar
> proyecto. ya como dijeron: ya se votó, ya se eligió.

Eso se puede cambiar para la siguiente liberación de debían.

> Con dichas decisiones debian nunca violentó la libertad de los
> usuarios de elegir, y el hecho de que halla estos paquetes por defecto

Si.  Por que los usuarios no decidimos eso.
Eso lo decidieron los desarrolladores nada mas.

> tales como systemd o gnome3 han sido por el unico motivo de
> facilitarle mas la vida al usuario final.

Me puedes explicar en que me facilita q los LOGs estén en binarios y no es
texto plano???

Acaso es mas fácil leerlos desde TTY??

Que GNOME 3 exija mas hardware es mas fácil para el usuario final?
(Si, constantemente llegan a la lista novatos pidiendo ayuda por que GNOME
esta con la computadora con cara triste diciéndoles que tienen que cerrar
secion )

Este es el verdadero problema . Los directivos y desarrolladores, no se
están fijando en las necesidades del usuario final.

Re: How to Boot with LVM

2015-09-08 Thread Rick Thomas
Hi Ray,

I’ll try to answer your questions…

On Sep 7, 2015, at 4:36 PM, ray  wrote:

> Rick,
> Thank you for responding and providing all the info.  
> On Monday, September 7, 2015 at 6:20:07 AM UTC-5, Rick Thomas wrote:
>> On Sep 5, 2015, at 7:24 PM, ray wrote:
>>> I would like to configure LVMs for everything including boot.
>> Is it "just for fun" or do you have a real-world reason for wanting 
>> everything, including boot, to be on LVM?
> Lack of knowledge.  I was expecting it to be cleaner.  But it no longer looks 
> that way.
>> I'll describe my own typical setup (special purpose systems may have 
>> different setups to meet special purpose needs).  For purposes of 
>> illustration, I'll describe a system with two identical disks.  The 
>> principles should be clear as they apply to systems with larger or more 
>> varied configurations.  If you have only a single disk, you can skip the 
>> RAID parts in this and go straight to LVM.
> I have 3 pairs of SSDs, each pair in a RAID0.

I would use RAID1 on each pair (3 SSDs worth of “usable” space), or RAID5 or 6 
on a larger aggregate.  E.g. RAID6 on all 6 drives (gives 4 SSDs worth of 
“usable” space), or RAID5 on 6 drives (gives 5 SSDs worth of “usable” space).  
Each of those configurations can survive a loss of one SSD (or two, in the case 
of RAID6) without data loss.

Your choice of RAID0 in pairs gives the full 6 SSDs worth of “usable” space, 
but has zero redundancy.  If that works for you, that’s great.

I’ve got enough experience (40 years) as a sysadmin to have seen users tearing 
hair over lost data (I always had backups — often tape in those days — so the 
only thing really lost was uptime, but you get the point…)

In case it’s not clear, “usable” means space left over after subtracting out 
all the redundant data in the array. 

>> I configure a small (<1GB) "/boot" partition as a primary partition (e.g. 
>> /dev/sda1) on one of the disks, with the same space on the other disk 
>> unused. [1]  I make another primary partition (e.g. /dev/sd[ab]2), on each 
>> of the disks, sized to be one half of the size I want for my swap.  The rest 
>> of the space on each disk goes into a single, large, logical partition (e.g. 
>> /dev/sd[ab]5).
> This is similar to my setup.  I have the swaps on a separate RAID0.

Should work fine.  Of course you should read Pascal’s post for a different 
point of view.

>> The two swap partitions I set up as a RAID0 (e.g. /dev/md0).  This will be 
>> my system swap. [2]
>> The two large logical partitions, I configure into a RAID1 (e.g. /dev/md1). 
>> [3]
> I made my large partition a primary.  Could this be problematic?

It would only be a problem if you need another primary partition for something. 
 You only get 3 primary partitions on a disk, so I like to leave one free “just 

>> I configure the RAID1 as the physical volume for a single volume group which 
>> I partition using LVM into a root that's big enough to be about 50% full 
>> when fully installed,  and /home that's as big as I think I'll need for my 
>> users.  The remainder of the VG I leave unconfigured, so I can grow into it 
>> as needs become apparent over time.
>> If I have enough RAM to make it useful, I'll put /tmp on a tmpfs.  I size it 
>> at about 50% of my swap space.  With a smaller RAM, I make a separate 
>> logical volume for /tmp.
> I would like to know more about the purpose of these criteria - please.

Putting /tmp on tmpfs is for speed.  If your /tmp usage fits in RAM (after 
allowing for apps, data, and disk buffering) you get RAM speed access to your 
temporary data.  If it overflows, then the excess goes into swap, so you’re no 
worse off than if you had /tmp on hard disk in the first place.  This can make 
large compilations (as an example) run *much* faster.  On the other hand, if 
you are tight on RAM, putting /tmp on disk doesn’t hurt, and eliminates a 
source of contention for RAM which is assumed to be a scarce resource.

The 50% figure is just a rule of thumb I picked up over the years.  There’s 
nothing magic about it.  And, as always, YMMV.  It’s highly application 

>> [1] I know there are ways to make grub work with RAID1, but it's too 
>> complicated for me to get it right.  Instead, I just make regular backups of 
>> the /boot partition.  If the disk with /boot on it develops a bad spot in an 
>> inconvenient place, I simply boot from a CD in rescue mode and restore the 
>> contents of /boot from a backup into the unused space that I reserved on the 
>> other disk.
> Yes, that was my plan also.  But it was also my plan to backup the rest of 
> the system to HDD.  As such, I planned for no redundancy in drive 
> configuration and only stripe for speed.

It might make sense to create a logical volume with some of the unused space in 
the volume group called (for lack of a better name) /backup.  It’s “reliable” 
in the sense 

Re: Serveur dédié injoignable - erreur de boot

2015-09-08 Thread bruno.debian


As-tu essayé d'utiliser la console IPMI pour avoir l'équivalent d'un 
accès physique au serveur. Tu pourras voir les messages affichés à l'écran.

ManagerV6 -> ton serveur -> onglet IPMI -> Depuis une applet Java  et 
hop, console comme si tu étais sur la machine physique


On 05/09/2015 17:08, Vinc Teteve wrote:

Bonjour à tous,

Je commence par un petit historique de mes manip jusqu'aux problèmes 
actuels :
J'ai un serveur dédié chez OVH sur lequel est installé Proxmox 3.0, 
avec en gros une VM par service (toutes sous Debian dans des CT OpenVZ).
La semaine dernière, j'ai fait une mise à jour de la VM DNS. En fin de 
semaine, j'ai voulu ajouter un NDD sur cette VM. Impossible de m'y 
connecter en SSH (de mémoire, le message était : pas de pty 
disponible). Je me suis dit que les mises à jour ne devaient pas être 
terminée, et qu'elles devaient attendre un retour de ma part. J'ai 
redémarré la VM via l'interface Proxmox : VM up, mais impossible de 
m'y connecter en SSH (network error : Connection timed out). N'étant 
pas en état de chercher une solution intelligente, j'ai redémarré tout 
le serveur (sic...). Et depuis, impossible de me reconnecter sur l'hôte.

Là, intervention d'OVH :

"Cette opération a été achevée le 2015-09-04 03:10:46
Voici les détails de cette opération :
Boot sur interface diagnostique (rescue)
Date 2015-09-04 03:07:47, yoann P a fait Boot sur interface 
diagnostique (rescue):

 Voici le detail de l'intervention realisee:
Le serveur lance un memtest lors du boot sur disque.
Actions entreprises:
Redemarrage du serveur sur mode 'rescue' (Linux)
Boot OK. Systeme 'rescue' accessible.
Configuration/erreur a corriger par le client"

J'ai effectué les tests via le manager en mode rescue : tous OK. Je 
l'ai démarré en mode rescue, accès SSH OK. J'ai déplacé le répertoire 
/etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ pour éviter qu'il lance un memtest au boot, 
mais toujours aucun accès SSH après reboot sur HD. Donc retour en mode 
rescue, et histoire de cumuler, j'ai eu la merveilleuse idée de me 
dire : "Une mise à jour du système va tout résoudre..." Donc apt-get 
update && apt-get upgrade en chroot sur ma partition principale /dev/md1.

Et là, c'est le drame :
"Errors were encountered while processing:
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"
Donc bien évidemment, ça n'a rien résolu du tout !! Je me suis enfin 
dit qu'il valait mieux aller se coucher que de continuer à tout casser...
Donc au final, j'ai un serveur partiellement mis à jour en mode 
rescue, qui à priori démarre en HD, mais impossible de s'y connecter. 
Déjà, je voudrais commencer par résoudre ce problème de boot. Mais à 
distance, je ne sais pas où s'arrête la séquence de boot, dans quel 
état est le serveur...

Et je vous avoue ne pas trop savoir quoi chercher et par où commencer...

Si quelqu'un aurait une piste/idée, je suis preneur. De même, je n'ai 
pas envie de faire un pavé encore plus gros qu'actuellement avec des 
infos inutiles, mais n'hésitez pas si vous voulez plus d'infos 
Je vais même aller plus loin : si quelqu'un se sent l'âme de me faire 
un devis pour une prestation de sauvetage de serveur, je suis 
également intéressé. Je ne veux absolument pas perdre les données sur 
le serveur...

Bon w-e à tous.

Redirecing root emails to a gmail account

2015-09-08 Thread James Allsopp
I want to have the root e-mails sent to my gmail account if possible. I can
send email here via commandline

echo "This is a test." | mail -s Test 

but despite editing /etc/aliases so that root points to the external
address I can't get this to work.

echo "This is a test.(root)" | mail -sv Testing root

adding a verbose to the mail command doesn't give any more details.
I tried running newaliases, but that didn't make any difference.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


apache2 locally broken

2015-09-08 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Hi all,
on an updated Sid box I have trouble with apache:
service apache2 reload
Job for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with
error code. See "systemctl status apache2.service" and "journalctl -xe"
for details.

systemctl status apache2.service

* apache2.service - LSB: Apache2 web server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/apache2)
   Active: active (exited) since Tue 2015-09-08 08:30:30 CEST; 1min 39s ago
 Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 5681 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/apache2 stop (code=exited,
  Process: 5655 ExecReload=/etc/init.d/apache2 reload (code=exited,
  Process: 5689 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/apache2 start (code=exited,

Sep 08 08:30:30 440 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Apache2 web server...
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: Starting web server: apache2AH00558:
apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified message
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: (98)Address already in use: AH00072:
make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: (98)Address already in use: AH00072:
make_sock: could not bind to address
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: no listening sockets available,
shutting down
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: AH00015: Unable to open logs
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: Action 'start' failed.
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: The Apache error log may have more
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: .
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 systemd[1]: Started LSB: Apache2 web server.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
journalctl -xe

Sep 08 08:30:30 440 systemd[1]: Stopping LSB: Apache2 web server...
-- Subject: Unit apache2.service has begun shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit apache2.service has begun shutting down.
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5681]: Stopping web server: apache2.
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: Apache2 web server.
-- Subject: Unit apache2.service has finished shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit apache2.service has finished shutting down.
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 systemd[1]: apache2.service: Unit entered failed state.
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 systemd[1]: apache2.service: Failed with result
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Apache2 web server...
-- Subject: Unit apache2.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit apache2.service has begun starting up.
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: Starting web server: apache2AH00558:
apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified
domain name, using
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: (98)Address already in use: AH00072:
make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: (98)Address already in use: AH00072:
make_sock: could not bind to address
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: no listening sockets available,
shutting down
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: AH00015: Unable to open logs
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: Action 'start' failed.
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: The Apache error log may have more
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: .
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 systemd[1]: Started LSB: Apache2 web server.
-- Subject: Unit apache2.service has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit apache2.service has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Sep 08 08:30:30 440 polkitd(authority=local)[790]: Unregistered
Authentication Agent for unix-process:5673:47780685 (system bus name
:1.799, object path /org/

service apache2 restart
root@440:/# ps aux | grep apache
root 5711 0.0 0.0 11124 940 pts/0 S+ 08:30 0:00 grep apache

Even worst, this prevents the config of some packages
Setting up libapache2-mod-dnssd (0.6-3.1) ...
dpkg: error processing package libapache2-mod-dnssd (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of gnome-user-share:
 gnome-user-share depends on libapache2-mod-dnssd (>= 0.6-3.1~); however:
  Package libapache2-mod-dnssd is not configured yet.

dpkg: error processing package gnome-user-share (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of 

Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

2015-09-08 Thread Manolo Díaz
El martes, 8 sep 2015 a las 05:36 UTC
Alejandro Alcántar escribió:

> 2.- el echo q Los LOGs Sean BINARIOS atenta contra una de Las leyes del
> software libre. Ya que es ilegible .

Vamos a ver, el Gimp que ejecuto (por poner un ejemplo) es binario y me
guarda las imágenes creadas también en binario. Según ese criterio no es
software libre, en contra de lo aceptado por todos.

> {A} esto Nos alerta a un futuro cercano donde systemd y Sus BIBLIOTECAS
> tambien seran binarios

A ver cómo se ejecutan si no. Aunque tal vez quieras decir que solo se
distribuirán los binarios y el código fuente será inaccesible. Bola de
cristal aparte, de ser así es de esperar que se ramifique el proyecto
partiendo de una versión anterior libre.

El resto de los argumentos creo que ya se han discutido en este mismo

Manolo Díaz

Re: apache2 locally broken

2015-09-08 Thread Reco

On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 09:08:26AM +0200, Paolo Cavallini wrote:

> Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: (98)Address already in use: AH00072:
> make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
> Sep 08 08:30:30 440 apache2[5689]: (98)Address already in use: AH00072:
> make_sock: could not bind to address

Please post the output of 'ss -lnpt'. Someone took port 80 on this host
already and this is the source of your trouble.


Re: apache2 locally broken

2015-09-08 Thread Reco

On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 10:36:45AM +0200, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Il 08/09/2015 10:21, Reco ha scritto:
> > Please post the output of 'ss -lnpt'. Someone took port 80 on this host
> > already and this is the source of your trouble.
> Oh, you're right: lighttp seems the culprit.
> However, purging it does not solve the issue.
> What else?
> Thanks.
> ===
> root@440:/usr/local/src/debian/otb# ss -lnpt
> LISTEN 0  128
> *:80  *:*
> users:(("lighttpd",pid=3554,fd=4))

Wait. You mean that you've purged lighttpd first, and *then* 'ss -lnpt'
shows that lighttpd is still running? Seems like a bug to me.

Still, the issue should be solved by running something like 'pkill -f
lighttpd', or in this case, 'kill 3554'.


Re: apache2 locally broken

2015-09-08 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Il 08/09/2015 10:59, Reco ha scritto:

> Wait. You mean that you've purged lighttpd first, and *then* 'ss -lnpt'
> shows that lighttpd is still running? Seems like a bug to me.

Sorry I was unclear: I confirmed lighttpd was occupying port 80, then I
removed it, and I restarted apache2, without success.

> Still, the issue should be solved by running something like 'pkill -f
> lighttpd', or in this case, 'kill 3554'.

it should not be necessary:
 ps aux | grep http
root 13024  0.0  0.0  11124  1092 pts/0S+   11:12   0:00 grep http
paolo20400  0.0  0.0 450292  2236 ?Sl   Sep03   0:00
/usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-http --spawner :1.6 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/6

* apache2.service - LSB: Apache2 web server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/apache2)
   Active: active (exited) (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2015-09-08
08:30:30 CEST; 2h 47min ago
 Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 13291 ExecReload=/etc/init.d/apache2 reload (code=exited,

Sep 08 10:35:16 440 apache2[11872]: Apache2 is not running ... (warning).
Sep 08 10:35:16 440 systemd[1]: apache2.service: Control process exited,
code=exited status=1
Sep 08 10:35:16 440 systemd[1]: Reload failed for LSB: Apache2 web server.
Sep 08 10:35:21 440 systemd[1]: Started LSB: Apache2 web server.
Sep 08 11:16:55 440 systemd[1]: Reloading LSB: Apache2 web server.
Sep 08 11:16:55 440 apache2[13291]: Reloading web server: apache2 failed!
Sep 08 11:16:55 440 apache2[13291]: Apache2 is not running ... (warning).
Sep 08 11:16:55 440 systemd[1]: apache2.service: Control process exited,
code=exited status=1
Sep 08 11:16:55 440 systemd[1]: Reload failed for LSB: Apache2 web server.
Sep 08 11:17:01 440 systemd[1]: Started LSB: Apache2 web server.

Thanks a lot.
Paolo Cavallini -
QGIS & PostGIS courses:

Re: terminal grafik

2015-09-08 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Mon, 2015-09-07 at 22:44 +0200, Ivar Walfridsson wrote:
> Hur kan jag sänka upplösningen i deb 8.3 server?
>   Min text är såå liten! Har provat en del förslag i Grub men inte 
> lyckats.

Jag gissar att du använder KMS, kernel mode setting, så den sätter
terminalen till samma upplösning som skärmen.

Du kan ändra både teckensnitt och storlek:

Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: How to Boot with LVM

2015-09-08 Thread ray
On Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 5:40:04 AM UTC-5, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> ray a écrit :
> > On Monday, September 7, 2015 at 3:40:05 AM UTC-5, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> >>
> >> Did the Debian installer boot in EFI or BIOS/legacy mode ?
> >
> > The motherboard BIOS reports the Debian installation media as a UEFI USB.  
> > The installer boot screen says UEFI and it is the same media used on the 
> > harddisk.  
> Then could you clarify the following parts in your first post :
> > I use a USB stick to load the second Debian.
> What do you mean by "to load" ? To /install/ the second Debian system on
> the SSDs or to /boot/ it once installed ?

Yes, that was a poor choice of words (to load).  I installed the secod Debian 
via the USB stick.
> > I have a lVM partition for the new installation.  When I select it, the
> > installer (in manual mode) says it is not bootable and go back to setup
> > to correct.  When I go back to setup, I don't see any way to do anything
> > but select a VG, dm, sdx, or HDD.
> In which part of the installer is this happenning ?
During installation, this is 'partition' in manual.
> I first thought you were talking about the boot device selection during
> the boot loader installation, but in UEFI mode the installer does not
> prompt about a boot device because there is no boot device. The
> bootloader is installed in an EFI system partition which should be
> formatted as FAT16 or FAT32 and mounted on /boot/efi (implicit if you
> select "use as EFI system partition).
> > I had a Debian instance on the HD that worked fine and when I
> > installed a new instance on the SSD, neither would boot.
> > 
> > So I rebuilt the HD instance, ran it to configure the SSDs, and again,
> > when installing to the SSDs, nothing will boot.
> This is where things go awkward with GRUB UEFI. UEFI boot is intended to
> make multiboot easier. This is quite true with different operating
> systems (e.g. Windows + Linux, or Debian + Ubuntu). Each system is
> supposed to install its own boot loader in a separate directory in the
> EFI boot partition and register it as an EFI boot entry with a fancy
> name so that it can be selected at boot time, either implicitly using
> priorities or manually through a boot menu displayed by the firmware.
That is an eye-opener. 
> However it does not work this way if you install two copies of a Debian
> system with GRUB : the latter installation will overwrite and replace
> the former boot loader with its own, because the Debian installer always
> uses the same name "debian" for the directory in the EFI system
> partition and the EFI boot entry.
> If you intend to keep the hard disk containing the Debian system
> installed, you don't need to install another boot loader for the Debian
> system on the SSDs. The GRUB boot loader on the hard disk can boot
> another instance of Debian after detecting it with os-prober and
> rebuilding a new menu with update-grub to include it.
How does os-prober get initiated?  I ask this as it seems to use this method, I 
will boot up into the HDD instance, then boot into the SSD.  Can I rename the 
HDD boot loader before installing the second instance?  And if so, how?

Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

2015-09-08 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 01:37:42PM +0200, Ala de Dragón wrote:
> ¿Yo como usuario puedo desinstalar completamente todo lo relacionado
> con systemd y volver a systemV?

Se ha explicado ya muchas veces. En Debian 8 sysvinit todavía está
soportado. Hay un paquete llamado systemd-shim que emula funciones
de systemd sin ser systemd.

P.S. No seas tan radical. No quieras desinstalar "todo lo relacionado"
con systemd. Tendrías que quitar udev (que está en el mismo código
fuente que system) y no creo que te convenga usar Debian sin udev.

Re: who/w/finger/last printing ip address

2015-09-08 Thread Michael Grant
Any idea why I'm NOT getting hostnames by default?

$ who
mgrant   pts/12015-09-05 07:30 (**:S.1)
mgrant   pts/22015-09-05 07:30 (**:S.2)
mgrant   pts/32015-09-05 07:30 (**:S.3)
mgrant   pts/42015-09-05 07:30 (**:S.4)
$ w
 07:34:29 up 3 days, 6 min,  4 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.06, 0.05
mgrant   pts/1**:S. Sat07   26:48m  0.09s  0.09s /bin/bash
$  finger
Login NameTty  Idle  Login Time   Office Office
mgrantMichael Grant   pts/1  1d  Sep  5 07:30 (**:S.1)
mgrantMichael Grant   pts/2   14:12  Sep  5 07:30 (**:S.2)
mgrantMichael Grant   pts/3  Sep  5 07:30 (**:S.3)
mgrantMichael Grant   pts/4  3d  Sep  5 07:30 (**:S.4)

Re: Getting a serial console to work on Jessie

2015-09-08 Thread Sven Hartge
Stephen Powell  wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Sep 2015 11:47:56 -0400 (EDT), Sven Hartge wrote:
>> Looks fine, from a cursory glance.
>> Maybe you can add a section about using
>>"systemctl cat serial-getty@ttyS0.service"
>> to verfiy that the override.conf has been
>> read successfully after "systemctl daemon-reload".

> Done.  Refresh the page and see if that's what you had in mind.

Yes, this is what I had in mind.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

2015-09-08 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 12:38:50AM -0600, Alejandro Alcántar wrote:
> Me puedes explicar en que me facilita q los LOGs estén en binarios y no es
> texto plano???

Está explicado en journalctl(1), la herramienta con la que se ven los logs.
Puedes filtrar por distintos criterios, cosa que antes no se podía hacer,
por ejemplo, puedes hacer "journalctl -p 3" y salen los mensajes de
prioridad "error" o superior.

Antes de criticar algo estaría bien leerse la documentación primero,
para saber lo que se está criticando.

Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

2015-09-08 Thread Ala de Dragón
Como usuario domestico, ávido compilador de chucherías, rompedor de
sistemas, Campeón de noches sin dormir tecleando en debian tengo
algunas dudas al respecto de systemd, y como ustedes están dando pie a
comentar pues...   :

Yo no tengo ni el tiempo ni las ganas de aprenderme dos cientos
comandos nuevos de consola para gestionar lo poco que gestiono mi pc
domestico. ¿han añadido alguna interfaz gráfica que me facilite el
trabajo? a) Si..., pues empieza a ser interesante el proyecto para mi.
b) no..., acabo de perder todo el interés. Porque para systemV las
hay, lectores de logs que filtraban, gestores de servicios al
arranque, gksu, y largo etc...

Entonces, si la resppuesta es b)

¿Yo como usuario puedo desinstalar completamente todo lo relacionado
con systemd y volver a systemV?

Pd: Sigo felizmente emparejado con un oldoldstable en el portátil, con
tantas puertas y ventanas abiertas como corresponda. No creo que las
puertas cerradas detengan ni a la NSA ni a los profesionales del

"El cielo es para los dragones
 lo que el agua es  para las ninfas"

Re: BIOS size limit for USB flash drives

2015-09-08 Thread Pascal Hambourg
shawn wilson a écrit :
> IIRC, 32 GB is the limit of vfat

32 GiB is the maximum size of a FAT16 filesytem with 32-KiB clusters, or
 of a FAT32 partition created by Windows XP and later. The limit of a
FAT32 filesystem is at least 2 TiB.

> (which uefi uses for boot).

So what ? Who needs an EFI system partition bigger than the recommended
512 MB ?

Re: Getting a serial console to work on Jessie

2015-09-08 Thread Stephen Powell
On Mon, 07 Sep 2015 18:08:05 -0400 (EDT), Bob Bernstein wrote:
> What a great contribution!
> My null-modem cable ought to still be around here somewhere!
> :-)

I try to focus on the latest technology.  

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

Re: Serveur dédié injoignable - erreur de boot

2015-09-08 Thread bruno.debian
Oui je m'en doute mais il n'a pas précisé quelle gamme il utilisait : 
kimsufi, soyoustart ou OVH.

On 08/09/2015 10:35, Grégory Bulot wrote:


As-tu essayé d'utiliser la console IPMI pour avoir l'équivalent d'un
accès physique au serveur. Tu pourras voir les messages affichés à

ManagerV6 -> ton serveur -> onglet IPMI -> Depuis une applet Java  et
hop, console comme si tu étais sur la machine physique

Je réponds, sachant que je ne suis pas l'auteur du post :

Y'a pas ipmi sur les kimsuffi


Re: OT - raspberry + iptables

2015-09-08 Thread Antonio Trujillo Carmona
El 07/09/15 a las 17:44, Mariano Cediel escribió:
> pregunto :: 
> como veis utilizar una raspberry pi B (de 512 megas de RAM) con la
> distribución DEBIAN para que trabaje como firewall transparente
> "protegiendo" a una granja de windows y bloqueando por iptables -
> geoip lo que NO viene de españa.
> Eso funcionaría o me faltarían recursos hardware.
> Solo tendría el ssh y el iptables con pocas reglas funcionando.
> Es MUY OT pero me gustaría saber vuestro parecer, porque al fin y al
> cabo es un debian con iptables levantado.
> Saludos y gracias.
> -- 
> [o - -  -   --  -
>(\   |  u d t
>(  \_('>  c c s
>(__(=_) s o ?
>   -"=   
Según tengo entendido en la raspberry pi 1 no se puede ejecutar Debian,
si no Raspbian, en la 2 si se puede ejecutar Debian.
Hecha esta puntualización, creo que te puede ir bien, pero deberías
ponerla en modo "solo lectura"

Re: How to Boot with LVM

2015-09-08 Thread Pascal Hambourg
ray a écrit :
> On Monday, September 7, 2015 at 3:40:05 AM UTC-5, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
>> Did the Debian installer boot in EFI or BIOS/legacy mode ?
> The motherboard BIOS reports the Debian installation media as a UEFI USB.  
> The installer boot screen says UEFI and it is the same media used on the 
> harddisk.  

Then could you clarify the following parts in your first post :

> I use a USB stick to load the second Debian.

What do you mean by "to load" ? To /install/ the second Debian system on
the SSDs or to /boot/ it once installed ?

> I have a lVM partition for the new installation.  When I select it, the
> installer (in manual mode) says it is not bootable and go back to setup
> to correct.  When I go back to setup, I don't see any way to do anything
> but select a VG, dm, sdx, or HDD.

In which part of the installer is this happenning ?
I first thought you were talking about the boot device selection during
the boot loader installation, but in UEFI mode the installer does not
prompt about a boot device because there is no boot device. The
bootloader is installed in an EFI system partition which should be
formatted as FAT16 or FAT32 and mounted on /boot/efi (implicit if you
select "use as EFI system partition).

> I had a Debian instance on the HD that worked fine and when I
> installed a new instance on the SSD, neither would boot.
> So I rebuilt the HD instance, ran it to configure the SSDs, and again,
> when installing to the SSDs, nothing will boot.

This is where things go awkward with GRUB UEFI. UEFI boot is intended to
make multiboot easier. This is quite true with different operating
systems (e.g. Windows + Linux, or Debian + Ubuntu). Each system is
supposed to install its own boot loader in a separate directory in the
EFI boot partition and register it as an EFI boot entry with a fancy
name so that it can be selected at boot time, either implicitly using
priorities or manually through a boot menu displayed by the firmware.

However it does not work this way if you install two copies of a Debian
system with GRUB : the latter installation will overwrite and replace
the former boot loader with its own, because the Debian installer always
uses the same name "debian" for the directory in the EFI system
partition and the EFI boot entry.

If you intend to keep the hard disk containing the Debian system
installed, you don't need to install another boot loader for the Debian
system on the SSDs. The GRUB boot loader on the hard disk can boot
another instance of Debian after detecting it with os-prober and
rebuilding a new menu with update-grub to include it.

Re: BIOS size limit for USB flash drives

2015-09-08 Thread shawn wilson
On Sep 8, 2015 6:51 AM, "Pascal Hambourg"  wrote:
> shawn wilson a écrit :
> >

> > (which uefi uses for boot).
> So what ? Who needs an EFI system partition bigger than the recommended
> 512 MB ?

Maybe he was trying to use a bigger partition? Do you have a better idea
what's happening?

Was just listing the only bios limits I'm aware of. I'm pretty sure the
issue is not with the bios since none I'm aware of can address ext2 at all.

Re: Se passer de PulseAudio (Re: Avconv / FFmpeg)

2015-09-08 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le lundi 07 septembre 2015 à 23:14, maderios a écrit :
> Ce qui est bizarre, c'est qu'il est impossible de charger snd_hda_intel
> sans charger également snd_hda_codec_hdmi. Ce qui revient à dire que
> snd_hda_intel est dépendant de snd_hda_codec_hdmi. Le module hdmi est donc
> impossible à blacklister.

As-tu essayé de passer des arguments au chargement du module ?

On parle là d'un argument « position_fix » :

Et là d'un argument « model » :;a=blob;f=Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt;hb=HEAD


no puedo copiar a memoria usb

2015-09-08 Thread luis

Buenos días

Tengo instalado debian jessie amd64, cuando intento copiar un fichero 
para una memoria usb me sale lo siguiente

"Sistema de fichero de solo lectura (30).

Le he cambiado con chmod 777 al fichero y nada no me lo deja copiar.

Alguna idea no se si tiene que ver  con el fstab.???

Gracias a todos

Re: apache2 locally broken

2015-09-08 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Il 08/09/2015 14:12, Reco ha scritto:

> It there anything useful in apache's error.log? Maybe failed dpkg
> configuration script left httpd.conf in invalid state, or something.

Unfortunately the log is empty (a previous error showed apache was
unable to open it, so I changed ownership to root:www-data, which seemed
to me an odd thing to do.
Thanks for your help.
Paolo Cavallini -
QGIS & PostGIS courses:

Re: who/w/finger/last printing ip address

2015-09-08 Thread Reco

On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 12:39:06PM +0100, Michael Grant wrote:
> Any idea why I'm NOT getting hostnames by default?
> $ who
> mgrant   pts/1    2015-09-05 07:30 (
> mgrant   pts/2    2015-09-05 07:30 (
> mgrant   pts/3    2015-09-05 07:30 (
> mgrant   pts/4    2015-09-05 07:30 (
> $ w
>  07:34:29 up 3 days, 6 min,  4 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.06, 0.05
> mgrant   pts/1 Sat07   26:48m  0.09s  0.09s /bin/bash
> $  finger
> Login Name    Tty  Idle  Login Time   Office Office Phone
> mgrant    Michael Grant   pts/1  1d  Sep  5 07:30 (
> mgrant    Michael Grant   pts/2   14:12  Sep  5 07:30 (
> mgrant    Michael Grant   pts/3  Sep  5 07:30 (
> mgrant    Michael Grant   pts/4  3d  Sep  5 07:30 (

Because your host is unable to resolve the IPs to hostnames, maybe?
What does 'getent hosts' show?


Re: no puedo copiar a memoria usb

2015-09-08 Thread Manolo Díaz
El martes, 8 sep 2015 a las 11:53 UTC escribió:

> Buenos días
> Tengo instalado debian jessie amd64, cuando intento copiar un fichero 
> para una memoria usb me sale lo siguiente
> "Sistema de fichero de solo lectura (30).
> Le he cambiado con chmod 777 al fichero y nada no me lo deja copiar.

De nada sirve eso cuando es el sistema de ficheros que lo contiene el
que está montado en modo de solo lectura.

> Alguna idea no se si tiene que ver  con el fstab.???

A eso te podríamos responder mejor si mostrases su contenido, al menos
las líneas relevantes. Aunque lo habitual es que no contenga las
unidades extraíbles, hace tiempo suelen gestionarse con udisks.

> Gracias a todos

Manolo Díaz

Re: Doing Dist-Upgrade or Such

2015-09-08 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
On 9/7/15, Pascal Hambourg  wrote:
> David Wright a écrit :
>>>From man apt-cache:
>>-p, --pkg-cache
>>Select the file to store the package cache. The package
>>cache is the primary cache used by all operations.
>>Configuration Item: Dir::Cache::pkgcache.
>> This appears to be the Right Way.
> I doubt it, since apt-cache is not involved in downloading .deb files,
> so it's probably not the same cache. According to man apt-get, the
> correct configuration item would rather be Dir::Cache::Archives.


In seeing David's, I was already looking at "man apt-cache". Saw where
his is quoted from and was thinking..

#1) Ok, will have to test drive that so it's in the back of my mind if
it's ever needed.

Then next kneejerk reaction was

#2) *WHY* are they using the term "file" and not "directory"?? That
doesn't sound right. The term "files" is NOT interchangeable with the
term "directory", and it seems like a technical writer would know that
distinction. Yeah, I know, "we" are the technical writers for
manpages, but still... the file versus. directory distinction is a
very basic starting point in understanding Debian. :)

Moving on, now I'm looking at apt-get's manpage and thinking... Ok, do
what?! Doesn't that create some kind of conflict with apt-cache??

So I just kept flipping back and forth between the two man
pages... and trying to really read and *comprehend* apt-cache's
one especially..

Is apt-cache's maybe really meaning *FILE*, as in each specific .deb
file, and not directory (aka "folder" in "other" operating systems)?

Just scratching my head out loud

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs... off at the Fingertips on occasion.. *

Re: How to Boot with LVM

2015-09-08 Thread ray
On Monday, September 7, 2015 at 8:40:05 PM UTC-5, ray wrote:
> Update:
I would like to clarify that I was able to boot the HDD instance from the 
rEFInd stick.  But, after rebooting and removing the stick, nothing will boot - 

Re: apache2 locally broken

2015-09-08 Thread Reco

On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 11:18:31AM +0200, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Il 08/09/2015 10:59, Reco ha scritto:
> > Wait. You mean that you've purged lighttpd first, and *then* 'ss -lnpt'
> > shows that lighttpd is still running? Seems like a bug to me.
> Sorry I was unclear: I confirmed lighttpd was occupying port 80, then I
> removed it, and I restarted apache2, without success.

Oh, it's misunrestanding on my part.

> However:
> =
> * apache2.service - LSB: Apache2 web server
>Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/apache2)
>Active: active (exited) (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2015-09-08
> 08:30:30 CEST; 2h 47min ago
>  Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
>   Process: 13291 ExecReload=/etc/init.d/apache2 reload (code=exited,
> status=1/FAILURE)
> Sep 08 10:35:16 440 apache2[11872]: Apache2 is not running ... (warning).
> Sep 08 10:35:16 440 systemd[1]: apache2.service: Control process exited,
> code=exited status=1
> Sep 08 10:35:16 440 systemd[1]: Reload failed for LSB: Apache2 web server.
> Sep 08 10:35:21 440 systemd[1]: Started LSB: Apache2 web server.
> Sep 08 11:16:55 440 systemd[1]: Reloading LSB: Apache2 web server.
> Sep 08 11:16:55 440 apache2[13291]: Reloading web server: apache2 failed!
> Sep 08 11:16:55 440 apache2[13291]: Apache2 is not running ... (warning).
> Sep 08 11:16:55 440 systemd[1]: apache2.service: Control process exited,
> code=exited status=1
> Sep 08 11:16:55 440 systemd[1]: Reload failed for LSB: Apache2 web server.
> Sep 08 11:17:01 440 systemd[1]: Started LSB: Apache2 web server.
> =

It there anything useful in apache's error.log? Maybe failed dpkg
configuration script left httpd.conf in invalid state, or something.


Re: no puedo copiar a memoria usb

2015-09-08 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El mar, 08-09-2015 a las 07:53 -0400, escribió:
> Buenos días
> Tengo instalado debian jessie amd64, cuando intento copiar un fichero
> para una memoria usb me sale lo siguiente
> "Sistema de fichero de solo lectura (30).
> Le he cambiado con chmod 777 al fichero y nada no me lo deja copiar.
no es el archivo, es el sistema de archivos.
mount -o remount,rw 

pero, normalmente cuando un sistema de archivos se re-monta sólo y en
modo solo lectura, es que se rompió algo. Tal vez puedas arreglarlo con

> Alguna idea no se si tiene que ver  con el fstab.???
> Gracias a todos


Re: Debian Jessie / DELL / CPU Fan Speed

2015-09-08 Thread Dan
On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 8:17 PM, / vt  wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am just joining and ... I need some help ; )
> I am running on a DELL laptop (E6420). I moved to Debian Jessie recently
> (from Wheezy) and now I am struggling with very annoying problem. The
> problem is that my cpu fan is out of control. It starts and stops in a loop
> (increases speed, then decreases speed, then increases again in short
> amounts of time). At some point it becomes quiet but after some time it
> starts again. I've installed i8kutils and acpitool but this still continues

Maybe the i8k module is not compatible with your laptop. Did you try
to make sure that the i8k is not loaded?
Check that the i8k is not loaded with lsmod. In Wheezy I think that
the pre-loaded modules are found in /etc/modules.
Probably with Jessie you will have to deactivate the service that
loads i8k using systemctl, but I do not know how to do that.


Re: Apache's strange behavior on Debian?

2015-09-08 Thread Jochen Spieker
[D'ouh! I only saw your response in my inbox and didn't notice that a
copy also went to the list.]

> Just to clarify, I have one Apache installation on a frond-end proxy, and
> one on a backend server. On the backend, I have 2 Apache virtual hosts
> configured on the backend individually called ServerA.local and
> ServerB.local, 2 Apache virtual hosts on the proxy called and
> for corresponding virtual hosts on the backend. So the traffic
> is expected to like below:
> => https://ServerA.local
> => https://ServerB.local

Ok, I get that.

> I have "ProxyPreserveHost On" on the proxy side for both apache virtual
> hosts,

Why? I didn't want to imply that it is a solution to your problem. I
just wanted to mention it since I found it helpful in one case.  You
only need ProxyPreserveHost if your backend server is configured to use
the same ServerName as your frontend server.

> also had "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %v %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" options for
> verbose logging on the backend, everytime when I go,
> the contents of get displayed, on the proxy logging
> side, I do see the correct URL when the requests coming
> in, but on the backend, I see serverA-local.log records all the activities,
> clearly the traffic has been directed to the wrong Apache virtual host on
> the backend.

Can you please quote the corresponding log entries? Your description is
not specific enough for my pedantic taste.

> Since everything is displayed fine w/o going through proxy
> (i,e: https://ServerB.local & https://ServerA.local displays everything
> fine), I assume something is broken on the Apache proxy?

Looks like it. Can you maybe post your configs again, with as little
editing as possible?

Generally, the only thing you need to make sure is that your ServerNames
match the hostname that you use in your URLs. My guess is that none of
your VirtualHosts matches and Apache just picks the first one as the
default. Maybe it helps to re-read the documentation for name-based
virtual hosting?

Atrocities committed in Rwanda pervade my mind when I am discussing
mundanities with acquaintances.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: gparted se ferme d'un coup

2015-09-08 Thread Diogene Laerce

Le 08/09/2015 20:39, a écrit :
> Sous Debian Jessie 32 bits, gparted se ferme d'un coup,
> lorsque je tente de modifier la taille d'un partition( non montée),
> la formate en ext4... avec ce message d'erreur :
> "domain: g_convert_error
> code  : 1
> what  : Séquence d'octets incorrecte en entrée du convertisseur"
> Je ne comprends pas le message.

Ça ressemble beaucoup à un bug.. Tu as essayé avec gparted en ISO
autonome ? En ligne de commande, le serveur X éteint ?

Un bon moyen de savoir si c'est ton disque ou gparted la source du

Bonne chance,

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

  Diogene Laerce

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

2015-09-08 Thread Manolo Díaz
El martes, 8 sep 2015 a las 15:24 UTC
Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

> >- Original Message - 
> >From: "Santiago Vila" 
> >To: 
> >Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 8:25 AM
> >Subject: Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?
> >
> >On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 01:37:42PM +0200, Ala de Dragón wrote:
> >> ¿Yo como usuario puedo desinstalar completamente todo lo relacionado
> >> con systemd y volver a systemV?
> >
> >Se ha explicado ya muchas veces. En Debian 8 sysvinit todavía está
> >soportado. Hay un paquete llamado systemd-shim que emula funciones
> >de systemd sin ser systemd.
> >
> >P.S. No seas tan radical. No quieras desinstalar "todo lo relacionado"
> >con systemd. Tendrías que quitar udev (que está en el mismo código
> >fuente que system) y no creo que te convenga usar Debian sin udev.
> Si fueras un usuario avanzado podrías probar instalando vdev y eliminar udev
> Saludos
> | ISMAEL |
Y tan avanzado. Como que tendrías que crearte tú el paquete

Manolo Díaz

gparted se ferme d'un coup

2015-09-08 Thread andre_debian
Sous Debian Jessie 32 bits, gparted se ferme d'un coup,
lorsque je tente de modifier la taille d'un partition( non montée),
la formate en ext4... avec ce message d'erreur :

"domain: g_convert_error
code  : 1
what  : Séquence d'octets incorrecte en entrée du convertisseur"

Je ne comprends pas le message.



Re: adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie

2015-09-08 Thread Jimmy Johnson

On 09/08/2015 10:40 AM, Haines Brown wrote:

On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 12:38:17PM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:

On 09/08/2015 12:25 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

But: why will it install in wheezy, but not in Jessie - and yet it is listed
in neither. :-/

Methinks you have deb-multimedia configured somehow in your sources.

I suspect something else is going on. I also am running Wheezy and have
this line in sources.list:

   deb wheezy main non-free

I do an aptitude update and upgrade, and when I do:

   # aptitude install flashplayer-mozilla

I get:

   No candidate version found for flashplayer-mozilla

I use synaptic and it's there for wheezy, jessie, stretch and sid..



Debian Jessie - KDE 4.14.2  - EXT4 - AMD64 at sda10
Registered Linux User #380263

Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

2015-09-08 Thread
El 08/09/15 a las 12:15, Mario A. Guerra escibió:
> El 08/09/15 a las 11:21, Camaleón escribió:
>> El Tue, 08 Sep 2015 13:37:42 +0200, Ala de Dragón escribió:
>> (...)
>>> ¿Yo como usuario puedo desinstalar completamente todo lo relacionado con
>>> systemd y volver a systemV?
>> Eso, amigo, no es posible desde ya en ninguna distribución linuxera
>> mayoritaria salvo que te guste (muy mucho) compilar :-)
>> Saludos,
> Humildemente pienso que no es tan así, en el siguiente link se muestra
> un listado de todas las distribuciones GNU/Linux (y otras que no) que no
> tienen systemd, y no hay nada para compilar, la mayoría son distros
> listas para usar:
> En el caso de Debian 8, se puede desinstalar prácticamente todo lo
> referido a systemd, a costa de perder ciertas funcionalidades. En mi
> caso tengo 2 máquinas configuradas de esta forma y me estoy arreglando
> bien.
> Saludos, Mario

Bueno... el debate es largo y de mi parte; por razones que están fuera
de este debate lo voy a dejar, mas no lo voy a cerrar porque como dije
desde que lo abrí: "cualquiera puede participar y moderar" porque este
es un debate de todos y no de alguien y por eso no lo cierro, queda

La herida esta abierta y es dolorosa, muchos programas y distros; entre
ellas Debian y Ubuntu han sido enjauladas, (aunque Ubuntu no quería pero
se vió obligada por la decisión de Debian y esto hizo que todas las
demás distros que dependen de Debian y Ubuntu se vieran prácticamente
enjauladas a lo mismo), el cuello de botella de Red Hat (en el sentido
que controla) es el que dirige-manda en muchas distros (¿I.E.M.=imponer,
extender, mandar?).

Ojalá que todo esto no sea mas que una pequeña tormenta en un vaso de
agua, algo superfluo del que no hay que darle mucha importancia; y el
tema no pase a mayores de lo que ya está... el tema no hay que tratar de
evitarlo, por el contrario, hay que hablarlo con mucho tacto para buscar
solucionarlo y así tratar de curar la herida que es honda y dolorosa.

Ojalá encuentren la cura pronto, y estos temas pasen al olvido, porque
de no ser así, sería triste contarles a las nuevas generaciones, a modo
de reflexión; Cuenta la historia que en tiempos pasados Debian tenía
autonomía, oía a la comunidad de software libre y llevaba la batuta
sobre muchísimas otras distros como Ubuntu entre otras... pero hubo un
tiempo en que sucedió un hecho o más bien una serie de sucesos que
cambio la historia de Debian; cuando en aquellos tiempos Debian
voluntaria e inconscientemente, sin prestarle la atención debida a la
comunidad de software libre y por diversos motivos renunció a gran parte
de su autonomía y perdió la batuta al quedar sumisamente bajo el mando
de Red Hat; no contaré aquí todo lo que sucedió y por qué sucedió, solo
diré que sucedió... a pesar de que muchos trataron de evitarlo, de
advertirlo y de oponerse, sucedió.. a partir de ese entonces es Red Hat
el que en gran parte manda en cuestiones vitales sobre muchas otras distros.

Quedan muchas dudas todavía, tanto por resolver como por reflexionar.
Las preocupaciones son acertadas y las explicaciones de las mismas
parecen apuntar a ser razonables y válidas.

Quiero agradecer a todos los que participaron en el debate. He aprendido
de ustedes y he mantenido el buen ambiente para debatir; espero haberles
aportado algo constructivo a ustedes.

Saludos y hasta luego;

Re: adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie

2015-09-08 Thread Haines Brown
On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 01:52:56PM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
> On 09/08/2015 01:30 PM, Haines Brown wrote:
> >On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 12:38:17PM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
> Trouble shooting with a shotgun here... suppose you add "contrib" to
> that line and try again?? Ric

Thanks, but no good. Produces 404 error. I found the problem and was
able to install the app.

Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

2015-09-08 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
- Original Message - 
From: "Camaleón" 

Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

El Tue, 08 Sep 2015 14:15:36 -0300, Mario A. Guerra escribió:

El 08/09/15 a las 11:21, Camaleón escribió:

El Tue, 08 Sep 2015 13:37:42 +0200, Ala de Dragón escribió:


¿Yo como usuario puedo desinstalar completamente todo lo relacionado
con systemd y volver a systemV?

Eso, amigo, no es posible desde ya en ninguna distribución linuxera
mayoritaria salvo que te guste (muy mucho) compilar :-)

Humildemente pienso que no es tan así, en el siguiente link se muestra
un listado de todas las distribuciones GNU/Linux (y otras que no) que no
tienen systemd, y no hay nada para compilar, la mayoría son distros
listas para usar:

Precisamente, ninguna distribución que aparece ahí es mayoritaria (como
lo son RedHat, Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, LinuxMint, SuSE Linux,

Sólo destacaría dos: Slackware y Gentoo, pero distan mucho de ser
distribuciones de uso masivo.

Manjaro OpenRC está muy bien y tiene bastante aceptación entre los usuarios. 
Para mi un proyecto que viene ganando mucho en usuarios.

En el caso de Debian 8, se puede desinstalar prácticamente todo lo
referido a systemd, a costa de perder ciertas funcionalidades. En mi
caso tengo 2 máquinas configuradas de esta forma y me estoy arreglando

"Prácticamente todo" no es completamente todo y eso de "perder ciertas
funcionalidades" no suena nada bien ;-)





Re: [Newsletter] Why does Debian not recognize my WiFi?

2015-09-08 Thread Himanshu Shekhar
The most common cause of wifi not working is missing firmware. You could
download the firmware for your hardware, if not from the main repository,
then from debian-backports ( would definitely
server the purpose

On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 11:01 PM, Brad Rogers  wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Sep 2015 13:19:43 -0400
> Dan Ritter  wrote:
> Hello Dan,
> >If you don't hassle the OP about this, OP will not mention to
> >their management that they are being ridiculed on the Internet
> >for having it, and they will not learn.
> And, if they're using company time to post here without the knowledge or
> consent of their employer, they could loose their job.
> So, win-win, then.
> --
>  Regards  _
>  / )   "The blindingly obvious is
> / _)radnever immediately apparent"
> I'll be the paint on the side if you'll be the tin
> Love Song - The Damned

Himanshu Shekhar

LXDE, Debian jessie, aplets.

2015-09-08 Thread Juliano Cesar
Esses applets do gnome pode funcionar adicionando no LXDE?
Existem dois aplicativos que estou interessado, um é pra ver a cotação do dolar 
na barra de tarefas, o outro é de previsão do tempo, quanto ao do tempo no lxde 
tem o weather plugin, mas ele tem um bug do qual quando atualiza o tempo, mata 
a barra de tarefas, sendo obrigado a fazer logout, pesquisei e não achei nada a 
respeito, agradeço a ajuda.

Re: adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie

2015-09-08 Thread Ric Moore

On 09/08/2015 02:29 PM, Chris Bannister wrote:

On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 01:52:56PM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:

On 09/08/2015 01:30 PM, Haines Brown wrote:

On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 12:38:17PM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:

Methinks you have deb-multimedia configured somehow in your sources.

I suspect something else is going on. I also am running Wheezy and have
this line in sources.list:

   deb wheezy main non-free

I do an aptitude update and upgrade, and when I do:

   # aptitude install flashplayer-mozilla

I get:

   No candidate version found for flashplayer-mozilla

Trouble shooting with a shotgun here... suppose you add "contrib" to that
line and try again?? Ric

p/s I do have flashplugin-nonfree installed instead.

I agree about the shotgun bit, or consider it more like "perfecting your
swimming in a shark tank."


before swimming in the tank.

I don't use it at all. :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: gparted se ferme d'un coup

2015-09-08 Thread andre_debian
On Tuesday 08 September 2015 22:11:35 Diogene Laerce wrote:
> Le 08/09/2015 20:39, a écrit :
> > Sous Debian Jessie 32 bits, gparted se ferme d'un coup,
> > lorsque je tente de modifier la taille d'un partition( non montée),
> > la formate en ext4... avec ce message d'erreur :
> > "domain: g_convert_error
> > code  : 1
> > what  : Séquence d'octets incorrecte en entrée du convertisseur"
> > Je ne comprends pas le message.
> Ça ressemble beaucoup à un bug.. Tu as essayé avec gparted en ISO
> autonome ? :

Comment "essayer gparted en ISO autonome" ?
Je ne comprends pas. Merci d'une explication.

> En ligne de commande, le serveur X éteint ? :
mais "gparted" ne peut se lancer qu'en mode X graphique...
> Un bon moyen de savoir si c'est ton disque ou gparted la source du
> problème.  Bonne chance,

C'est un portable tactile récent, avec partitions primaires gpt.

J'ai installé une Jessie 64 bits, elle ne fonctionne plus à cause d'un 
problème déjà signalé sur cette ML de "avahi" nécessaire pour lancer moults 
programmes. Impossible de réinstalller avahi...

J'ai alors ajouté une partition ext4 avec une Jessie 32 bits, qui semble aussi 
poser problèmes.
Je ne peux plus lancer "grub-install /dev/sda" depuis Jessie 32 bits, 
et je dois lancer grub depuis jessie 64 bits pour le réinstaller,
sans compter le bug de gparted.

Y a t-il incompatibilité entre le partitionnement gpt, Jessie 32 bits, 
grub... ?

J'espère ne pas devoir tout réinstaller !
(car j'ai déjà bien bossé pour installer et paramétrer Jessie 32).


Re: Doing Dist-Upgrade or Such

2015-09-08 Thread David Wright
Quoting Pascal Hambourg (
> David Wright a écrit :
> > Quoting David Baron (
> > 
> > Pascal, I believe, said:
> >>> You can bind|link|whatever /var/cache/apt/archive to a filesystem with
> >>> enough free space.
> >> Running it this way right now, seems OK. Question: Is this directory 
> >> needed at 
> >> boot, i.e., before home is mounted (why I did not try this first off)??
> >>
> >> If it does, can put it back when done. If OK, leave it this way.
> > 
> >>From man apt-cache:
> > 
> >-p, --pkg-cache
> >Select the file to store the package cache. The package
> >cache is the primary cache used by all operations.
> >Configuration Item: Dir::Cache::pkgcache.
> > 
> > This appears to be the Right Way.
> I doubt it, since apt-cache is not involved in downloading .deb files,
> so it's probably not the same cache. According to man apt-get, the
> correct configuration item would rather be Dir::Cache::Archives.

You're quite right; my mistake. Dir::Cache::Archives is the one bit of
Dir::Cache not documented there because it doesn't interest apt-cache.

For some reason, the DIRECTORIES part of   man apt.conf   doesn't have
subheadings like the rest, making it easier to overlook Dir::Cache there.


configure hotspot

2015-09-08 Thread Himanshu Shekhar
tried to run hotspot on my Dell laptop (core i5 5210) with Debian jessie.
did the same on ubuntu system and it works fine, but couldn't make it here.

lspci output:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Host Bridge -OPI (rev 09)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Integrated
Graphics (rev 09)
00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Audio Controller (rev
00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP USB xHCI
Controller (rev 03)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP MEI
Controller #1 (rev 03)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP High Definition
Audio Controller (rev 03)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP PCI Express Root
Port #1 (rev e3)
00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP PCI Express Root
Port #3 (rev e3)
00:1c.3 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP PCI Express Root
Port #4 (rev e3)
00:1c.4 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP PCI Express Root
Port #5 (rev e3)
00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP USB EHCI
Controller (rev 03)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP LPC Controller (rev
00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP SATA Controller
[AHCI Mode] (rev 03)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP SMBus Controller (rev 03)
06:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n (rev
07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 07)

Himanshu Shekhar

Re: Cartão de memoria não funciona mais ao ser formatado.

2015-09-08 Thread Thiago Zoroastro
Abre o terminal
Com o cartão no computador, faça
$ lsblk
Para formata-lo (sempre faço isso e funciona):
$ sudo umount /dev/sdc1 (sdb ou sdd etc.)
$ sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc1
Traz o resultado de lsblk para nós.

De: Terça-feira, 8 de Setembro de 2015 22:03Para: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.orgAssunto: Cartão de memoria não funciona mais ao ser formatado.

Eu tinha esse cartão no meu nokia antigo, esse cartão era montado ao conectar o nokia no modo usb, fui deletar todos os arquivos contidos no cartão, mas não era possível remover tudo, tirei o cartão e coloquei num adaptador usb, a mesma coisa, não era possível remover, dai fui usar o disks e formatar o cartão pro sistema de arquivos fat32, deu certo, mas agora o cartão não reconhece mais, existe alguma solução pra esse caso? Fui pesquisar uma solução e soube do testdisc, mas nem reconhece ele mais.


Re: config' bind9 - zone forwarders

2015-09-08 Thread Jean-Marc
Sun, 06 Sep 2015 22:29:31 +0200
Pascal Hambourg  écrivait :

> Pas pour un nom de domaine pour lequel il est censé faire autorité.
> A vrai dire, je ne vois pas à quoi peuvent servir les forwarders dans
> une zone de type master ou slave.

Un mot sur ma config' bind9.

db.1.168.192   : une zone PTR  : une zone pour mon domaine
db.localdomain : une zone pour mon réseau local

Je cherche une solution pour documenter les adresses des services que je mets 
en place (IM, owncloud, website).

Le soucis : ces adresses sont différentes si je suis sur mon réseau local ou 
sur le net. Donc, je mets en place un NS local qui forwarde les demandes qu'il 
ne peut pas résoudre à mon fournisseur chez qui j'ai mon domaine.

Pour info, je n'ai pas défini de forwarders au niveau global mais uniquement 
pour la zone


Description: PGP signature

Cartão de memoria não funciona mais ao ser formatado.

2015-09-08 Thread Juliano Cesar
Eu tinha esse cartão no meu nokia antigo, esse cartão era montado ao conectar o 
nokia no modo usb, fui deletar todos os arquivos contidos no cartão, mas não 
era possível remover tudo, tirei o cartão e coloquei num adaptador usb, a mesma 
coisa, não era possível remover, dai fui usar o disks e formatar o cartão pro 
sistema de arquivos fat32, deu certo, mas agora o cartão não reconhece mais, 
existe alguma solução pra esse caso? Fui pesquisar uma solução e soube do 
testdisc, mas nem reconhece ele mais.


2015-09-08 Thread Manoel Pedro de Araújo
Amigos não sei o que está acontecendo. Quando eu vou deletar algum arquivo,

apara a seguinte mensagem:

*A lixeira atingiu seu tamanho máximo!*

*Esvazie a lixeira manualmente.*

Como resolver esse problema?


Re: lixeira

2015-09-08 Thread Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA , Leandro
2015-09-08 19:23 GMT-03:00 Manoel Pedro de Araújo :
> Amigos não sei o que está acontecendo. Quando eu vou deletar algum arquivo,
> apara a seguinte mensagem:
> A lixeira atingiu seu tamanho máximo!

A lixeira está cheia.

> Esvazie a lixeira manualmente.
> Como resolver esse problema?

Seguindo a instrução.  Exatamente como depende do seu ambiente.

Re: gparted se ferme d'un coup

2015-09-08 Thread Alexandre Hoïde
On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 11:08:00PM +0200, wrote:
> On Tuesday 08 September 2015 22:11:35 Diogene Laerce wrote:
> > Le 08/09/2015 20:39, a écrit :
> > Ça ressemble beaucoup à un bug.. Tu as essayé avec gparted en ISO
> > autonome ? :
> Comment "essayer gparted en ISO autonome" ?
> Je ne comprends pas. Merci d'une explication.

  Il veut dire : « graver » l'image ISO de gparted-live sur un CD (ou
autre périphérique de démarrage, clef USB, carte SD…) et démarrer ton
ordinateur depuis ce dernier, qui inclus son propre système
d'exploitation [GNU/Linux] (d'où : ISO autonome).

Téléchargeable à l'adresse

> C'est un portable tactile récent, avec partitions primaires gpt.

  Pour pinailler : en GPT il n'y a pas de partition *primaire/secondaire*.
> J'ai installé une Jessie 64 bits, elle ne fonctionne plus à cause d'un 
> problème déjà signalé sur cette ML de "avahi" nécessaire pour lancer moults 
> programmes. Impossible de réinstalller avahi...
> J'ai alors ajouté une partition ext4 avec une Jessie 32 bits, qui semble 
> aussi 
> poser problèmes.
> Je ne peux plus lancer "grub-install /dev/sda" depuis Jessie 32 bits, 
> et je dois lancer grub depuis jessie 64 bits pour le réinstaller,
> sans compter le bug de gparted.
> Y a t-il incompatibilité entre le partitionnement gpt, Jessie 32 bits, 
> grub... ?

  C'est à dire… faut pas tout confondre. GPT est une sous-spécification
de UEFI, mais qui peut fonctionner sans UEFI sur des systèmes BIOS et/ou
32 bits (sous réserves émises récemment ici même : BIOS respectueux des

  Par contre, l'UEFI ne fonctionne, à ma connaissance, que sur des
systèmes 64 bits, et si tu as installé GRUB en UEFI depuis ta Jessie 64
bits, je ne suis pas certain que son chargeur de démarrage puisse
démarrer ta Jessie 32 bits. À vérifier (attendre une meilleure réponse
ou chercher toi même et me/nous éclairer).

| $ post_tenebras ↲ |   waouh !
| GNU\ /|  /
|  -- * --  | o
| $ who ↲/ \|_-- ~_|
| Alexandre Hoïde   |  _/| |

Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

2015-09-08 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
- Original Message - 
From: "Manolo Díaz" 

Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

El martes, 8 sep 2015 a las 15:24 UTC
Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

>- Original Message - 
>From: "Santiago Vila" 

>Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 8:25 AM
>Subject: Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?


>On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 01:37:42PM +0200, Ala de Dragón wrote:
>> ¿Yo como usuario puedo desinstalar completamente todo lo relacionado

>>> con systemd y volver a systemV?

>Se ha explicado ya muchas veces. En Debian 8 sysvinit todavía está

>>soportado. Hay un paquete llamado systemd-shim que emula funciones

>de systemd sin ser systemd.

>>P.S. No seas tan radical. No quieras desinstalar "todo lo relacionado"

>con systemd. Tendrías que quitar udev (que está en el mismo código
>fuente que system) y no creo que te convenga usar Debian sin udev.

Si fueras un usuario avanzado podrías probar instalando vdev y eliminar 



Y tan avanzado. Como que tendrías que crearte tú el paquete

No no tienes que crearlo. Ya existe y se está probando en devuan para 
sustituir a udev. Por ese motivo fue que lo mencione, para que si quería lo 
probara y así ir depurando cuanquier problema que aun pueda presentar.

Criticas vamos a recibir muchas, pero cuanto más críticas más seguro 
estaremos que hemos tomando el camino correcto a los que no nos gusta el 
rumbo que ha tomado systemd.

Manolo Díaz


Re: Doing Dist-Upgrade or Such

2015-09-08 Thread David Wright
Quoting Cindy-Sue Causey (
> On 9/7/15, Pascal Hambourg  wrote:
> > David Wright a écrit :
> >>
> >>>From man apt-cache:
> >>
> >>-p, --pkg-cache
> >>Select the file to store the package cache. The package
> >>cache is the primary cache used by all operations.
> >>Configuration Item: Dir::Cache::pkgcache.
> >>
> >> This appears to be the Right Way.
> >
> > I doubt it, since apt-cache is not involved in downloading .deb files,
> > so it's probably not the same cache. According to man apt-get, the
> > correct configuration item would rather be Dir::Cache::Archives.
> *h*
> In seeing David's, I was already looking at "man apt-cache". Saw where
> his is quoted from and was thinking..
> #1) Ok, will have to test drive that so it's in the back of my mind if
> it's ever needed.
> Then next kneejerk reaction was
> #2) *WHY* are they using the term "file" and not "directory"?? That
> doesn't sound right. The term "files" is NOT interchangeable with the
> term "directory", and it seems like a technical writer would know that
> distinction. Yeah, I know, "we" are the technical writers for
> manpages, but still... the file versus. directory distinction is a
> very basic starting point in understanding Debian. :)
> Moving on, now I'm looking at apt-get's manpage and thinking... Ok, do
> what?! Doesn't that create some kind of conflict with apt-cache??
> So I just kept flipping back and forth between the two man
> pages... and trying to really read and *comprehend* apt-cache's
> one especially..
> Is apt-cache's maybe really meaning *FILE*, as in each specific .deb
> file, and not directory (aka "folder" in "other" operating systems)?

One way of answering this question (and the earlier one) is not to read
the (arguably confusing) documentation but to ask Apt itself. Try typing
$ apt-config dump | less
and look at what the defaults are (subject to any changes you've made).

Dir::Cache "var/cache/apt/";
Dir::Cache::archives "archives/";
Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache "srcpkgcache.bin";
Dir::Cache::pkgcache "pkgcache.bin";

You can see here that Dir:: is the "Directories section", but not all
the values have to be directories (though some are).


Re: adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie

2015-09-08 Thread Paul van der Vlis
Op 08-09-15 om 20:37 schreef Jimmy Johnson:
> On 09/08/2015 10:40 AM, Haines Brown wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 12:38:17PM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
>>> On 09/08/2015 12:25 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 But: why will it install in wheezy, but not in Jessie - and yet it
 is listed
 in neither. :-/
>>> Methinks you have deb-multimedia configured somehow in your sources.
>> I suspect something else is going on. I also am running Wheezy and have
>> this line in sources.list:
>>deb wheezy main non-free
>> I do an aptitude update and upgrade, and when I do:
>># aptitude install flashplayer-mozilla
>> I get:
>>No candidate version found for flashplayer-mozilla
> I use synaptic and it's there for wheezy, jessie, stretch and sid..
> i386
> amd64

Not sure what this is for a package, but in Debian you have
"flashplugin-nonfree" in contrib what downloads and installs the
flashplugin for Mozilla.

For Chromium there is "pepperflashplugin-nonfree".

deb-multimedia in your sources.list can give conflicts, better do not
use it.

You can update the flashplugins with these commands:
update-flashplugin-nonfree --install
update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install

Better make a daily cronjob to do this, because there are much problems
with flash. I have removed it from my machine.

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

Re: How to Boot with LVM

2015-09-08 Thread Pascal Hambourg
ray a écrit :
> On Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 5:40:04 AM UTC-5, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
>> ray a écrit :
>>> I have a lVM partition for the new installation.  When I select it, the
>>> installer (in manual mode) says it is not bootable and go back to setup
>>> to correct.  When I go back to setup, I don't see any way to do anything
>>> but select a VG, dm, sdx, or HDD.
>> In which part of the installer is this happenning ?
> During installation, this is 'partition' in manual.

What was your action which triggered that "not bootable" error ?

> How does os-prober get initiated?

Actually, os-prober is called by default when running update-grub. But
by running it manually, you can check that it detects the other Debian
installation. You may need to activate the RAID arrays and LVs in order
to do so. Then you can run update-grub to actually add the new Debian
installation to the boot menu. You can instead create the boot entry by
hand if you have the knowledge.

> Can I rename the HDD boot loader before installing the second instance?

In recent versions of grub-install manpage such as the one included in
Jessie, I read about a new option --boot-loader-id which may allow to
give the bootloader directory and boot entry a specific name. Do not use
a name containing "debian" (case insensitive), because any boot entry
containing this word will be erased by the next Debian installation of
GRUB with default parameters. But I have not tested it yet. I used to
rename the directories or files in the EFI system partition by hand and
use efibootmgr to manage EFI boot entries. But efibootmgr is not an easy
tool if you're not comfortable with EFI booting.

Also consider the new --force-extra-removable option, which IIUC
installs a copy of the bootloader as EFI/boot/bootx64.efi in the EFI
system partition, the default path used when no boot entry works.
However if you use the same EFI system partition for a new installation
and choose "yes" when prompted to install the bootloader in the
removable media path, this will overwrite the default bootloader.

Re: no puedo copiar a memoria usb

2015-09-08 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 08 Sep 2015 07:53:24 -0400, luis escribió:

> Tengo instalado debian jessie amd64, cuando intento copiar un fichero
> para una memoria usb me sale lo siguiente
> "Sistema de fichero de solo lectura (30).
> Le he cambiado con chmod 777 al fichero y nada no me lo deja copiar.
> Alguna idea no se si tiene que ver  con el fstab.???

Con la llave conectada, ejecuta "mount" y manda la salida.



Re: vpn y debian linux.

2015-09-08 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 07 Sep 2015 19:58:41 +0200, Ala de Dragón escribió:

> Resulta que estoy pensando en montar una pequeña vpn en casa.
> La idea es proporcionar una capa extra de seguridad a los dispositivos
> móviles cuando se conectan a redes publicas.

O no entiendo bien lo que quieres hacer o para eso te basta y sobra con 
un cortafuegos o separando las redes :-?

> He estado leyendo al respecto y he visto que hay diferentes protocolos
> L2ptm, pptp, ipsec y diferentes formas de implementar la capa de
> seguridad. openvpn openswarn
> Les escribo para esclarecerme un poco ya que los manuales de
> están un poco anticuados,

Bueno, esos documentos de TLDP son antediluvianos, cierto... hay que 
cogerlos con pinzas. Para manuales prácticos mejor buscar en la wiki de 
Debian a ver si hay algo:



Re: BIOS size limit for USB flash drives

2015-09-08 Thread Martin Read

On 08/09/15 14:09, Darac Marjal wrote:

Just as a point of interest, I understand that most BIOS limits are
limits in the ATA command set (that is, PATA and SATA drives experience
these issues).

Looking at 
I see that there are two distinct 2 TiB limits, both of which are *PC 
software* constraints: the MBR-style partition table (which uses 32-bit 
sector addresses and counts) and the BIOS parameter block mechanism for 
describing volumes.

Cross-referencing with I see that the 
interface-based limit for [PS]ATA disks is much, much larger; the size 
limit for LBA48 (the current scheme used for logical block addressing on 
these disks under the now-12-years-old ATA-6 standard) is 128 PiB.

Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

2015-09-08 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 08 Sep 2015 13:37:42 +0200, Ala de Dragón escribió:

> ¿Yo como usuario puedo desinstalar completamente todo lo relacionado con
> systemd y volver a systemV?

Eso, amigo, no es posible desde ya en ninguna distribución linuxera 
mayoritaria salvo que te guste (muy mucho) compilar :-)



Re: Redirecing root emails to a gmail account

2015-09-08 Thread Peter Ludikovsky
Hash: SHA1


First of all, use -v -s instead of -sv, as the latter says to set the
subject to 'v', and adds an additional recipient Testing.

Other than that, can you post your /etc/postfix/, and/or the
relevant parts from /var/log/mail.log?


Am 08.09.2015 um 09:03 schrieb James Allsopp:
> Hello, I want to have the root e-mails sent to my gmail account if
> possible. I can send email here via commandline
> echo "This is a test." | mail -s Test 
> but despite editing /etc/aliases so that root points to the
> external address I can't get this to work.
> echo "This is a test.(root)" | mail -sv Testing root
> adding a verbose to the mail command doesn't give any more
> details. I tried running newaliases, but that didn't make any
> difference.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> James
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)


Re: How to Boot with LVM

2015-09-08 Thread Pascal Hambourg
ray a écrit :
> I would like to clarify that I was able to boot the HDD instance from
> the rEFInd stick.  But, after rebooting and removing the stick, nothing
> will boot - still.

After booting the HDD system with rEFInd, running 'grub-install' should
reinstall the bootloader properly. See also useful options in my
previous message.

Re: BIOS size limit for USB flash drives

2015-09-08 Thread Darac Marjal
On Mon, Sep 07, 2015 at 07:43:12PM -0400, shawn wilson wrote:
> On Sep 7, 2015 9:47 AM, "Ken Heard" <[1]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Is there any limit to the size of a USB flash drive with the ext2 file
> > system encrypted on it which can be addressed through the BIOS
> > interface?  (I am using Debian Jessie.) The largest size I am now
> > using is 32 gb drives but would like to use 64 gb or even 12 gb drives.
> >
> IIRC, 32 GB is the limit of vfat (which uefi uses for boot). I can't think of
> any other limitation here. As already stated, ext2 is 2 TB. Old bios needed 
> the
> initial kernel in the first few sectors - basically, for lots of these 
> reasons,
> make boot a different partition (shouldn't need more than a gig.

Just as a point of interest, I understand that most BIOS limits are
limits in the ATA command set (that is, PATA and SATA drives experience
these issues). Is USB mass storage ATA-based or SCSI based? If it's SCSI
based, then most of the rule-of-thumb BIOS limits don't apply.

For more information, please reread.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Okay, that's too much now!

2015-09-08 Thread John L. Ries
Even so, there are other Linux distros that still support traditional UNIX 
init.  Slackware comes to mind, though it does not use the traditional 
System V startup script mechanism, but apparently one based on old 
fashioned BSD, and I would be surprised if Slackware and its derivatives 
were the only currently maintained examples.

In any case, the source code is freely available, allowing anyone(s) with 
the time and know-how to abolish SystemD and put SysVInit back in place. 
The old engineering maxim of "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch" 
still holds; it takes work to go against the grain, as I'm sure nearly all 
Linux users are aware.

Personally, while I think the tools available for configuring SystemD 
leave much to be desired (no, I'm not volunteering to write better ones; 
my job keeps me plenty busy as it is), and I think SysVInit scripts are 
a lot more readable than SystemD files; I am slowly coming to grips with 
SystemD and I'm sure I will be come more proficient with it as time goes 
on (but systemadm in its present form is still almost useless; systemctl 
is much better).

John L. Ries  |
Salford Systems   |
Phone: (619)543-8880 x107 |
or (435)867-8885  |

On Sat, 5 Sep 2015, Doug wrote:

On 09/05/2015 09:40 PM, Glenn English wrote:

On Sep 5, 2015, at 6:23 PM, Erik Lauritsen  wrote:

I have been a Debian user for more than 15 years, when the "war" about systemd 
broke out I mostly ignored it, I just removed systemd from my systems because I don't 
like the implementation.

Today I was setting up a new Debian system and wanted to remove systemd only to find our 
that the old tools "bsdutils" has been made dependent upon libsystemd0

"This package contains the bare minimum of BSD utilities needed for a Debian system: 
logger, renice, script, scriptreplay, and wall. The remaining standard BSD utilities are 
provided by bsdmainutils."

What the freaking !#¤"#¤"¤#"#%" are people doing!?

Why the hell has this collections of utilities from FreeBSD been made dependent 
upon libsystemd0!?!?!?

Freedom of choice my ass!

Lotsa freedom. One of my boxes is doing a major install of FreeBSD as we speak, 
so I can see if I can live with it. So far it seems a lot like Debian, except 
for iptables, the way their equivalent of /etc/init.d is done, and the funny 
names they call things in /dev...

The last time I looked--about 6 months ago--FreeBSD requires a file
system that is not compatible with Linux or Windows; nothing can
communicate with it. Has that changed? Or is there a way to install
FreeBSD on an ext4 or NTFS file system, or some other fs that
Linux can read? I'd like to try it out, but not at the expense of having
a disk that nothing else can read, including GParted.


Re: gparted se ferme d'un coup

2015-09-08 Thread Alexandre Hoïde
On Wed, Sep 09, 2015 at 12:14:00AM +0200, Alexandre Hoïde wrote:
>  Par contre, l'UEFI ne fonctionne, à ma connaissance, que sur des
> systèmes 64 bits, et si tu as installé GRUB en UEFI depuis ta Jessie 64
> bits, je ne suis pas certain que son chargeur de démarrage puisse
> démarrer ta Jessie 32 bits. À vérifier (attendre une meilleure réponse
> ou chercher toi même et me/nous éclairer).

  … et vice versa (je t'ai répondu à l'envers) : premièrement, il me
semble que Jessie 32 bits n'installe pas GRUB en EFI, mais en classique
MBR. Cependant, il se peut que je me trompasse (ça arrive souvent) ! Si
ta Jessie 32 bits a installé GRUB en mode EFI, alors je crois savoir que
son chargeur de démarrage sera incapable de démarrer un système
d'exploitation 64 bits.

  À vérifier aussi bien que le versa vice.
| $ post_tenebras ↲ |   waouh !
| GNU\ /|  /
|  -- * --  | o
| $ who ↲/ \|_-- ~_|
| Alexandre Hoïde   |  _/| |

Re: gparted se ferme d'un coup

2015-09-08 Thread Alexandre Hoïde
On Wed, Sep 09, 2015 at 12:45:55AM +0200, Alexandre Hoïde wrote:
> […]
> Si ta Jessie 32 bits a installé GRUB en mode EFI, alors je crois savoir que
> son chargeur de démarrage sera incapable de démarrer un système
> d'exploitation 64 bits.

  Ah oui, et pour savoir si ta Jessie 32bits a été démarrée/installée en EFI :

$ [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "Session EFI" || echo "Session non-EFI"

| $ post_tenebras ↲ |   waouh !
| GNU\ /|  /
|  -- * --  | o
| $ who ↲/ \|_-- ~_|
| Alexandre Hoïde   |  _/| |

Re: lixeira

2015-09-08 Thread Manoel Pedro de Araújo
Eu abro a lixei e nao tem  nada lá

Em 8 de setembro de 2015 19:26, Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA, Leandro <> escreveu:

> 2015-09-08 19:23 GMT-03:00 Manoel Pedro de Araújo :
> > Amigos não sei o que está acontecendo. Quando eu vou deletar algum
> arquivo,
> > apara a seguinte mensagem:
> >
> > A lixeira atingiu seu tamanho máximo!
> A lixeira está cheia.
> > Esvazie a lixeira manualmente.
> >
> > Como resolver esse problema?
> Seguindo a instrução.  Exatamente como depende do seu ambiente.


Re: Re: get software list of one software repository

2015-09-08 Thread Clive Standbridge
> > cat
> > /var/lib/apt/lists/
> > y-amd64_Packages
> >| grep "Package" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}'
> Just grep without a cat. Why so many cats in this group?  What's with
> the cats, anyway?  


Just awk without a grep, e.g.

awk -F ": " '/Package/{print $2}' 

There's no need for a separate grep to match patterns, when awk has
perfectly good pattern matching itself. :-)


Conexión Ubuntu 14.04 vía mtp

2015-09-08 Thread Manuel Máquez
Mucho he de agradecer me ayuden a solucionar el siguiente problema. Tengo
un móvil Ocean Mini Adroid 4.4 KitKat conectado  a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS; y por
más que le doy vueltas no he conseguido conectarlo. Me explico:
Lo último que intenté fue el siguiente script que encontré porque soy
novato en el asunto:
a) lsusb y obtengo:
Bus 002 Device 007: ID 8087:0928 Intel Corp
Bus 002 Device 004: ID 043d:007a Lexmark International, Inc. Generic Hub
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0bda:8189 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187B
Wireless 802.11g 54Mbps Network Adapter
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
b) seguí los siguientes pasos:
gksudo gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/69-mtp.rules
ATTR{idVendor}=="1d6b", ATTR{idProduct}=="0002", SYMLINK+="libmtp-%k",

gksudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
ATTR{idVendor}=="1d6b", ATTR{idProduct}=="0002", MODE=”0666"
sudo service udev restart
sudo reboot
Cuando terminó de reiniciarse me aparecieron dos iconos, en la barra
lateral cuyo nombre son EHCI Host Controller, sin embargo al conectar mi
móvil no se ve ninguna de las carpetas de él.
¿Que fue lo que hice mal y cómo puedo revertir el proceso, para poder pasar
fotos y música; en ambos sentidos?
Por adelantado reitero las más cumplidas gracias a quien me pueda ayudar a
resolver el problema.


Re: Serveur dédié injoignable - erreur de boot

2015-09-08 Thread Vinc Teteve

Le 7 septembre 2015 20:31, Jean-Michel OLTRA <> a écrit :
> Sur quel noyau tentes tu de démarrer ? Si tu cherches les archives (du
mois d'août, je pense), tu verras que, dans une configuration similaire
> (à part que j'ai md0 sur /boot), et avec un noyau 4.x, je ne pouvais plus
démarrer, suite à un souci sur lvm2. Actuellement, c'est corrigé
> chez Debian. Ça pourrait être ça ?

J'essaye de démarrer avec le noyau par défaut dans Proxmox v3 : le
# ls -l /boot/
total 22944
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2525801 Oct 14  2013
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   104818 Oct 14  2013 config-2.6.32-26-pve
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep  7 18:15 grub
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16639161 Sep  7 18:18 initrd.img-2.6.32-26-pve
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4207920 Oct 14  2013 vmlinuz-2.6.32-26-pve

Je n'ai pas fait de changement de noyau depuis le dernier reboot qui

> Le 8 septembre 2015 10:35, Grégory Bulot  a écrit :
> Je réponds, sachant que je ne suis pas l'auteur du post :
> Y'a pas ipmi sur les kimsuffi

Le serveur est un serveur dédié (gamme "pro") et non un kimsufi. Je
pourrais donc avoir l'option IPMI, sous réserve de souscrire l'option
"Pro", avec la sous-option "vKVM"...etc...
Ce qui ne rentre pas dans mon budget mensuel... :/

Par contre, j'avance un peu. J'ai lancé un reboot "classique" du serveur,
et demandé à OVH ce qu'il y avait sur l'écran :
"Voici le detail de l'intervention realisee:
Le serveur reste bloqué durant la phase de boot sur le message :
Actions entreprises:
Redémarrage du serveur sur mode 'rescue' (Linux)
Boot OK. Systeme 'rescue' accessible."

J'ai donc bien un souci de grub...

Je viens de faire les manips indiquées par Daniel pour monter le chroot.
J'avais déjà essayé, mais apparemment le /dev/pts est indispensable...
Il n'était pas indiqué dans les tutos que j'avais trouvés, et ça me
bloquait pour monter mes volumes LVM.
Je lance toutes les sauvegardes ce soir, et tente une réinstall de grub
dans la foulée...

Re: Re : adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie

2015-09-08 Thread Martin Read

On 06/09/15 22:16, Jimmy Johnson wrote:

Installing 'flashplayer-mozilla' that is in Debian main will solve the
flash problem.

This statement is factually incorrect, as no package of that name exists 
in jessie main.

A package of that name *does* exist in the deb-multimedia repositories.

Which program shows info about virtual packages --- apt-cache no good. (was ... Re: Re : adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie)

2015-09-08 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Sep 06, 2015 at 02:16:09PM -0700, Jimmy Johnson wrote:

[BIG snip]

> Installing 'flashplayer-mozilla' that is in Debian main will solve the flash
> problem.

# apt-cache show flashplayer-mozilla
N: Can't select versions from package 'flashplayer-mozilla' as it is purely 
N: No packages found

I tried this from the man page:

apt-cache show --all-names flashplayer-mozilla

but got this as output:
E: Command line option --all-names is not understood

seems like the man page is out of sync. 

Is there another way of seeing the info about flashplayer-mozilla?

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

Re: How to Boot with LVM

2015-09-08 Thread ray
On Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 8:10:08 AM UTC-5, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

> After booting the HDD system with rEFInd, running 'grub-install' should
> reinstall the bootloader properly. See also useful options in my
> previous message.

Yes, it is now booting.  This is with the rEFInd stick:
root@mc:/boot/efi/EFI# mount /dev/sdf1 /boot/efi
mount: /dev/sdf1 is already mounted or /boot/efi busy
   /dev/sdf1 is already mounted on /boot/efi
root@mc:/boot/efi/EFI# apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree  
Reading state information... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
Need to get 2,512 B of archives.
After this operation, 13.3 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 stretch/main grub-efi amd64 
2.02~beta2-26 [2,512 B]
Fetched 2,512 B in 0s (10.8 kB/s)  
Selecting previously unselected package grub-efi.
(Reading database ... 150704 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../grub-efi_2.02~beta2-26_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking grub-efi (2.02~beta2-26) ...
Setting up grub-efi (2.02~beta2-26) ...
root@mc:/boot/efi/EFI# grub-install /dev/sdf
Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
Installation finished. No error reported.
root@mc:/boot/efi/EFI# file /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grubx64.efi
/boot/efi/EFI/debian/grubx64.efi: PE32+ executable (EFI application) x86-64 
(stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows
root@mc:/boot/efi/EFI# efibootmgr --verbose | grep debian
Boot* debian

A baffling point:  In rEFInd the path is /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grubx64.efi

After booting up into the HDD instance, I get:

root@RoxTor:/boot# ls -a
.   config-4.0.0-2-amd64
..  efi  initrd.img-4.0.0-2-amd64  vmlinuz-4.0.0-2-amd64
root@RoxTor:/boot# cd grub
root@RoxTor:/boot/grub# ls -a
.  ..  fonts  grub.cfggrubenv  locale  unicode.pf2  x86_64-efi
root@RoxTor:~# cd /boot
root@RoxTor:/boot# cd efi
root@RoxTor:/boot/efi# ls -a
.  ..

This is nothing past /boot/efi

Any idea what is going on?

Re: How to Boot with LVM

2015-09-08 Thread ray
On Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 3:50:04 AM UTC-5, Rick Thomas wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> I'll try to answer your questions...
> On Sep 7, 2015, at 4:36 PM, ray wrote:
> > Rick,
> > 
> > Thank you for responding and providing all the info.  
> > 
> > On Monday, September 7, 2015 at 6:20:07 AM UTC-5, Rick Thomas wrote:
> >> On Sep 5, 2015, at 7:24 PM, ray wrote:
> >> 

> > I have 3 pairs of SSDs, each pair in a RAID0.
> I would use RAID1 on each pair (3 SSDs worth of "usable" space), or RAID5 or 
> 6 on a larger aggregate.  E.g. RAID6 on all 6 drives (gives 4 SSDs worth of 
> "usable" space), or RAID5 on 6 drives (gives 5 SSDs worth of "usable" space). 
>  Each of those configurations can survive a loss of one SSD (or two, in the 
> case of RAID6) without data loss.
> Your choice of RAID0 in pairs gives the full 6 SSDs worth of "usable" space, 
> but has zero redundancy.  If that works for you, that's great.
> I've got enough experience (40 years) as a sysadmin to have seen users 
> tearing hair over lost data (I always had backups -- often tape in those days 
> -- so the only thing really lost was uptime, but you get the point...)
( When I bought a tape real for the IBM 360, I held onto my boxes of cards for 
4 months.  I only had to use them once when I overwrote my tape with an empty 
library.  I keep the tape for 5 years until I was sure there would be nothing 
to that could read it.  My new storage was 8" floppies.)
> In case it's not clear, "usable" means space left over after subtracting out 
> all the redundant data in the array. 
> >  
> >> 
> >> I configure a small (<1GB) "/boot" partition as a primary partition (e.g. 
> >> /dev/sda1) on one of the disks, with the same space on the other disk 
> >> unused. [1]  I make another primary partition (e.g. /dev/sd[ab]2), on each 
> >> of the disks, sized to be one half of the size I want for my swap.  The 
> >> rest of the space on each disk goes into a single, large, logical 
> >> partition (e.g. /dev/sd[ab]5).
Yes, I have made space on other disks for this also.  I don't know how to use 
them but it seemed the redundancy may come in handy.
> >> 
> > This is similar to my setup.  I have the swaps on a separate RAID0.
> Should work fine.  Of course you should read Pascal's post for a different 
> point of view.

Yes, those consideration are ringing in my head.  It will be a trade-off 
consideration from now on.
> > 
> >> The two swap partitions I set up as a RAID0 (e.g. /dev/md0).  This will be 
> >> my system swap. [2]
> >> 
> >> The two large logical partitions, I configure into a RAID1 (e.g. 
> >> /dev/md1). [3]
> >> 
> > I made my large partition a primary.  Could this be problematic?
> It would only be a problem if you need another primary partition for 
> something.  You only get 3 primary partitions on a disk, so I like to leave 
> one free "just incase".
> > 

> >> 
> > I would like to know more about the purpose of these criteria - please.
> Putting /tmp on tmpfs is for speed.  If your /tmp usage fits in RAM (after 
> allowing for apps, data, and disk buffering) you get RAM speed access to your 
> temporary data.  If it overflows, then the excess goes into swap, so you're 
> no worse off than if you had /tmp on hard disk in the first place.  This can 
> make large compilations (as an example) run *much* faster.  On the other 
> hand, if you are tight on RAM, putting /tmp on disk doesn't hurt, and 
> eliminates a source of contention for RAM which is assumed to be a scarce 
> resource.

This sounds like an experiment I will need to exercize.

> The 50% figure is just a rule of thumb I picked up over the years.  There's 
> nothing magic about it.  And, as always, YMMV.  It's highly application 
> dependent.
> > 

> It might make sense to create a logical volume with some of the unused space 
> in the volume group called (for lack of a better name) /backup.  It's 
> "reliable" in the sense that it resides on a RAID1/5/6 array, so it's a good 
> place to put your backups of things like /boot.  For "ultimate" backup, I 
> usually use huge (e.g. 4TB or larger) external USB disk drives.  I don't RAID 
> them, instead I have two or three and rotate amongst them using each one for 
> a week, then swapping it out for the next one.  The currently offline 
> drive(s) I keep in a fire-proof safe, preferably in a separate building from 
> the server...

Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

2015-09-08 Thread
Viejo >:) no trato de venderte systemd ni gnome3, si no lo quieres quitalo. 

Al usuario final los logs no le interezan, sino al informatico q le arregla la 
computadora o la tablet. Solo le importa q su maquina sea facil de usar y hacer 
sus tareas laborales o de ocio sin inconvenientes. Por experiencia lo q mejor 
me ha resultado para el usuario final es gnome3, cinnamon o pantheon (olvidate 
de unity,lxde,mate,openbox,enlightenment... los cuales no desvaloro mi maquina 
usa mate y openbox como escritorio predeterminado)

Es cierto q gnome3 exige muchos recursos? Si hace poco lo instale en una 
netbook hp mini de 1G de ram y solo consumia 200 mb de ram ;). Claro yo ni loco 
lo pongo en mi netbook, prefiero mate. Pero la sencillez de gnome3 enamora, esa 
similitud entre android y macosX con su propio aire de originalidad. Uhh 
exquisito delicioso a la vista aunque por su sencillez al usuario 
veterano le dan ganas de tirar debian por la ventana, al usuario q solo quiere 
navegar, usar ofice, y organizar carpetas, q su impresora no se desconchinfle, 
debian con gnome3 da donde debe.

Alejandro Alcántar  escribió:

>> proyecto. ya como dijeron: ya se votó, ya se eligió.
>Eso se puede cambiar para la siguiente liberación de debían.
>> Con dichas decisiones debian nunca violentó la libertad de los
>> usuarios de elegir, y el hecho de que halla estos paquetes por defecto
>Si.  Por que los usuarios no decidimos eso.
>Eso lo decidieron los desarrolladores nada mas.
>> tales como systemd o gnome3 han sido por el unico motivo de
>> facilitarle mas la vida al usuario final.
>Me puedes explicar en que me facilita q los LOGs estén en binarios y no es
>texto plano???
>Acaso es mas fácil leerlos desde TTY??
>Que GNOME 3 exija mas hardware es mas fácil para el usuario final?
>(Si, constantemente llegan a la lista novatos pidiendo ayuda por que GNOME
>esta con la computadora con cara triste diciéndoles que tienen que cerrar
>secion )
>Este es el verdadero problema . Los directivos y desarrolladores, no se
>están fijando en las necesidades del usuario final.


2015-09-08 Thread Edward Villarroel (EDD)
buenas noches

tengo una duda con open ssl

si asi se  Encriptar y  Desencriptar:

OpenSSL> rsautl -pubin -encrypt -in entrada.txt -out salidaRsa.txt -inkey
OpenSSL> rsautl -decrypt -in salidaRsa.txt -out salidaRsa2.txt -inkey

pero esto es llaveencripto publica > Desencripto privada


como se hace para  encripto privada > Desencripto publica   ??

Edward Villarroel:  @Agentedd

Re: adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie

2015-09-08 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Tuesday 08 September 2015 17:01:34 Martin Read wrote:
> On 06/09/15 22:16, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
> > Installing 'flashplayer-mozilla' that is in Debian main will solve the
> > flash problem.
> This statement is factually incorrect, as no package of that name exists
> in jessie main.
> A package of that name *does* exist in the deb-multimedia repositories.

Ah!  That *may* be my answer.  I'll have to check.  Thanks.


Re: adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie

2015-09-08 Thread Ric Moore

On 09/08/2015 12:25 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

But: why will it install in wheezy, but not in Jessie - and yet it is listed
in neither. :-/

Methinks you have deb-multimedia configured somehow in your sources.

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: Se passer de PulseAudio (Re: Avconv / FFmpeg)

2015-09-08 Thread maderios

Le 08/09/2015 10:03, Sébastien NOBILI a écrit :


Le lundi 07 septembre 2015 à 23:14, maderios a écrit :

Ce qui est bizarre, c'est qu'il est impossible de charger snd_hda_intel
sans charger également snd_hda_codec_hdmi. Ce qui revient à dire que
snd_hda_intel est dépendant de snd_hda_codec_hdmi. Le module hdmi est donc
impossible à blacklister.

As-tu essayé de passer des arguments au chargement du module ?

On parle là d'un argument « position_fix » :

Et là d'un argument « model » :;a=blob;f=Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt;hb=HEAD

Ce dont tu parles ci-dessus ne fonctionne pas par contre, en s'inspirant de:
La carte PCH intel devient prioritaire, tout semble OK sauf que je n'ai 
plus un son... Tout ceci semble lié au caractère récent de la puce 
realtek ALC3236 et encore, heureusement que le PC tourne sur un noyau 4.1.6

Bien dommage que la doc d'alsa soit si peu fournie.

lspci -nn | grep -i audio
00:03.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Audio 
Controller [8086:160c] (rev 09)
00:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP High 
Definition Audio Controller [8086:9ca0] (rev 03)

Ce qui donne dans alsa-base.conf
#Intel PCH
options snd-hda-intel index=0  model=auto vid=8086  pid=160c
options snd-hda-intel index=1  model=auto vid=8086  pid=9ca0

Re: adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie

2015-09-08 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 06 September 2015 22:16:09 Jimmy Johnson wrote:
> On 09/06/2015 12:54 PM, Staszek wrote:
> > On 2015-08-03 13:17, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Likely the upgrade broke your manual installation. You should install
> >> the flashplugin-nonfree package from non-free repo. Anyway be careful,
> >> you probably will need to enable manually when needed in Iceweasel, as
> >> it is disabled by default due to various security problems. Maybe they
> >> are now fixed but it was this before I remove it. To upgrade the plugin,
> >> issue: update-flashplugin-nonfree --install
> >>
> >> regards
> >>
> >>
> >> Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
> >>
> >> HYPRA, progressons ensemble
> >>
> >> Tél.: 01 84 73 06 61
> >>
> >> Mail:
> >>
> >> Site Web:
> >>
> >> - Staszek  a écrit :
> >>> Hi
> >>>
> >>> I have upgraded from Wheezy to Jessie and my Adobe Flash Player in
> >>> Iceweasel stopped working:
> >>>
> >>> $ iceweasel
> >>>
> >>> (process:6255): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion
> >>> 'sys_page_size == 0' failed
> >>>
> >>> ###!!! [Parent][MessageChannel::Call] Error: Channel timeout: cannot
> >>> send/recv
> >>>
> >>> $
> >>>
> >>> When on Wheezy, I installed it manually by just copying
> >>> to .mozilla/plugins .
> >>> It doesn't work anymore, why?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks!
> >>>
> >>> I prefer to avoid non-free, therefore I created a separate user for
> >>> which I downloaded from The page:
> >>> shows that I am having
> >>> the latest version installed (
> >
> > This is not just an upgrade problem, because on fresh Jessie simply
> > copying to .mozilla/plugins doesn't work either.
> >
> > Why?
> Installing 'flashplayer-mozilla' that is in Debian main will solve the
> flash problem.

Immediately on reading this I installed flashplayer-mozilla on the computer I 
was working on - my desktop - which is running Wheezy and TDE  It 
installed successfully and I have used it.

Yesterday I went to install it on the computer attached to the TV, running 
Jessie and TDE 14.0.2, and it failed "no candidate version found for 
flashplayer-mozilla" and I can't find it in the package lists on  
But a search of the package lists also says that it isn't available in 

I have, however, just installed it on my husband's wheezy desktop, apparently 
totally successfully.  Unfortunately it doesn't fully work - it won't, at the 
moment, run 4oD.  It may be a question of the version of Iceweasel, so I 
shall have to investigate.

But: why will it install in wheezy, but not in Jessie - and yet it is listed 
in neither. :-/


Re: [Newsletter] Why does Debian not recognize my WiFi?

2015-09-08 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Sep 07, 2015 at 06:33:14AM +1000, Stuart Longland wrote:
> > Copyright in this message and any attachments remains with us. It
> > is confidential and may be legally privileged.
> *NOW* you bloody tell me!  Is it or is it not confidential, and if so,
> what in earth is the disclaimer doing at the **BOTTOM** of your email.
> Do legal people expect us to read email messages from bottom to top?

I think you'll find legal stuff in small print at the bottom of most
documents/labels etc. The weird thing is what relevance it has on a
public mailing list. I'm guessing the OP used his work email to send the
mail and the work mail system stuck that on the end without the OPs
intervention. It is pointless hassling the OP about this.

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

Re: how to solve broken package

2015-09-08 Thread The Wanderer
On 2015-09-08 at 05:02, mudongliang wrote:

> On 09/07/2015 11:33 PM, The Wanderer wrote:
>> On 2015-09-07 at 11:15, mudongliang wrote:

>>> If I want to install libproxy1v5, I find apt-get suggests me to remove
>>> all my gnome desktop and tools.
>>> Maybe libproxy1v5 is broken, how can I fix it?
>>> libpstoedit0c2a is the same!
>> What does 'apt-cache policy' show for libproxy-tools, libproxy1v5,
>> and libproxy1?
>> On my system, tracking current testing, I have:

>> So libproxy1v5 does not exist as far as my current system knows.
> Today , I do dist-upgrade to upgrade libproxy-tools to 0.4.11-4.2
> from 0.4.11-4+b2. I tried to dist-upgrade this package for several
> days,  but failed. I don't know why! My Debian system is
> stretch(testing).
> mdl@NjuMdl:~$ apt-cache policy libproxy1v5
> libproxy1v5:
>   Installed: 0.4.11-4.2
>   Candidate: 0.4.11-4.2
>   Version table:
>  *** 0.4.11-4.2 0
> 500 stretch/main amd64 Packages
> 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
> mdl@NjuMdl:~$ apt-cache policy libproxy-tools
> libproxy-tools:
>   Installed: 0.4.11-4.2
>   Candidate: 0.4.11-4.2
>   Version table:
>  *** 0.4.11-4.2 0
> 500 stretch/main amd64 Packages
> 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

This is almost certainly due to the ongoing GCC5/etc. transition.
Checking the Debian changelog on libproxy1v5 confirms that its current
set of NMUs are related to the libstdc++6 ABI transition.

I did not see the problem on my system because I had not run 'apt-get
update' since the day before the transition began, and libproxy1v5 did
not exist in testing at that point; it was still in sid.

While that transition is ongoing, package dependencies in testing will
not be stable, and you cannot expect to safely upgrade. Experimentation
is fine, and you may well be able to get things working, but the
recommended course AFAIK is to simply avoid upgrading against testing in
the meantime; I would expect it to be unlikely for the problem to last
more than a week or two.

If you do encounter a problem, you can always report it as a bug against
whichever package you think is responsible, but since work to resolve
these issues is going on actively in the background a bug report may not
be all that useful in the end.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: ejjaber configuracion nuev

2015-09-08 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 07 Sep 2015 22:11:20 -0400, luis escribió:

> Hola a todos
> Instale un Debian 8 a md64 y me instalo 2 softwares en configuracion
> distindos

¿Cómo es eso posible? ¿No será que en lugar de instalar actualizaste 
desde una versión anterior? 
> El squid por el squid3 

Para squeeze y whezzy existen dos opciones: squid (2.7.x) y squid3 (3.x) 
y a partir de jessie sólo está la rama 3.x.

> y el ejabberd con su /etc/ejabberd.cfg que ya no exite

Este paquete ha saltado de la 2.x a la 14.x, es normal que haya habido 

> como configurar ejjaberd ahora En etc/ejabberd ahora tengo 3 ficheros:
> ejabberd.yml  " primera vez que lo veo"
> ejabberd.pem @ejabberdctl.conf inetrc
> Como congiguro ahora el host y el alias para ejabberd nuevo ?? jamas he
> visto esta configuracion asi
> Con el Squid3 me ocurre lo mismo tengo mi conf en 2.7 super bien pero en
> amd64 me instala por defaul squid3 yahora esta configuracion no me
> trabaja, le di algunos caminos para etc/squid3 pero aun as'i no trabaja
> el logueo para usuarios
> Alguna idea ??

Pues sí, que consultes las notas de la versión y/o la documentación de 
cada uno de los paquetes (/usr/share/doc/*) para ver qué cambios ha 
habido en cada uno de ellos ;-)



Re: keyboard qui s'éteint

2015-09-08 Thread le pigeon

non, clavier connecté au port PS/2, souris usb filaire.
il n'y aurait pas une combinaison de touche qui annule le clavier?
Car ça me le fait quand j'utilise Blender, souvent avec " ctlr/shift et 

(désolé Bernard j'ai oublié de reply to list)

On 08/09/2015 19:21, Bernard Schoenacker wrote:

Le Tue, 08 Sep 2015 18:58:26 +0200,
le pigeon  a écrit :

Bonsoir tout le monde,

je suis actuellement sous Debian testing (openbox) , et mon clavier
devient inactif aléatoirement alors que je suis en trian de
l'utiliser (pas de mode veille quoi). Il n'y  a que le logout/login
(clic droit souris) qui permet de le réactiver.

Vous avez déjà eu ce soucis?



serait ce un clavier et une souris usb sans fil (à piles) ?


Re: adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie

2015-09-08 Thread Haines Brown
On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 12:38:17PM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
> On 09/08/2015 12:25 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> >But: why will it install in wheezy, but not in Jessie - and yet it is listed
> >in neither. :-/
> Methinks you have deb-multimedia configured somehow in your sources.

I suspect something else is going on. I also am running Wheezy and have
this line in sources.list:

  deb wheezy main non-free

I do an aptitude update and upgrade, and when I do:

  # aptitude install flashplayer-mozilla

I get:

  No candidate version found for flashplayer-mozilla

Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

2015-09-08 Thread Mario A. Guerra

El 08/09/15 a las 11:21, Camaleón escribió:

El Tue, 08 Sep 2015 13:37:42 +0200, Ala de Dragón escribió:


¿Yo como usuario puedo desinstalar completamente todo lo relacionado con
systemd y volver a systemV?

Eso, amigo, no es posible desde ya en ninguna distribución linuxera
mayoritaria salvo que te guste (muy mucho) compilar :-)


Humildemente pienso que no es tan así, en el siguiente link se muestra 
un listado de todas las distribuciones GNU/Linux (y otras que no) que no 
tienen systemd, y no hay nada para compilar, la mayoría son distros 
listas para usar:

En el caso de Debian 8, se puede desinstalar prácticamente todo lo 
referido a systemd, a costa de perder ciertas funcionalidades. En mi 
caso tengo 2 máquinas configuradas de esta forma y me estoy arreglando bien.

Saludos, Mario

Re: [Newsletter] Why does Debian not recognize my WiFi?

2015-09-08 Thread Brad Rogers
On Tue, 8 Sep 2015 13:19:43 -0400
Dan Ritter  wrote:

Hello Dan,

>If you don't hassle the OP about this, OP will not mention to
>their management that they are being ridiculed on the Internet
>for having it, and they will not learn.

And, if they're using company time to post here without the knowledge or
consent of their employer, they could loose their job.

So, win-win, then.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
I'll be the paint on the side if you'll be the tin
Love Song - The Damned

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Re; Okay, that's too much now!

2015-09-08 Thread Bob Holtzman
On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 06:05:26AM +1000, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> On 8/09/2015 5:09 AM, Bob Holtzman wrote:
> > On Mon, Sep 07, 2015 at 05:29:14PM +1000, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> >> On 7/09/2015 7:15 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> >>> I gather Devuan is doing well.  So there are choices.  One of course is 
> >>> stick 
> >>> with Debian, and work to rename all the libraries whose names cause such 
> >>> distress. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
> ... this bit "A rose", see further below.
> >> And re-branding Monsanto is still ... Monsanto.  Renaming is just hiding
> >> the facts or at least making them harder to be seen.
> > 
> > Maybe I'm misreading your post but Devuan isn't simply renamed Debian.
> >>From what I gather from the web site, it's Debian *without* systemd.
> Oh no, I wasn't meaning anything to do with Devuan; Lisi mentioned about
> renaming systemd related parts, my view is that this would just mask the
> fact that it is systemd, in effect an attempt to mislead the users as to
> the real facts.
> Devuan is very admirable, great work by them.

Yup, I did misread it! 


Bob Holtzman
A fair fight is the result of poor planning.

Re: Libertad o esclavitud. Elijan ¿"su" o “machinectl shell”?

2015-09-08 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 08 Sep 2015 14:15:36 -0300, Mario A. Guerra escribió:

> El 08/09/15 a las 11:21, Camaleón escribió:
>> El Tue, 08 Sep 2015 13:37:42 +0200, Ala de Dragón escribió:
>> (...)
>>> ¿Yo como usuario puedo desinstalar completamente todo lo relacionado
>>> con systemd y volver a systemV?
>> Eso, amigo, no es posible desde ya en ninguna distribución linuxera
>> mayoritaria salvo que te guste (muy mucho) compilar :-)
> Humildemente pienso que no es tan así, en el siguiente link se muestra
> un listado de todas las distribuciones GNU/Linux (y otras que no) que no
> tienen systemd, y no hay nada para compilar, la mayoría son distros
> listas para usar:

Precisamente, ninguna distribución que aparece ahí es mayoritaria (como 
lo son RedHat, Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, LinuxMint, SuSE Linux, 

Sólo destacaría dos: Slackware y Gentoo, pero distan mucho de ser 
distribuciones de uso masivo.

> En el caso de Debian 8, se puede desinstalar prácticamente todo lo
> referido a systemd, a costa de perder ciertas funcionalidades. En mi
> caso tengo 2 máquinas configuradas de esta forma y me estoy arreglando
> bien.

"Prácticamente todo" no es completamente todo y eso de "perder ciertas 
funcionalidades" no suena nada bien ;-)



Re: Apache's strange behavior on Debian?

2015-09-08 Thread Jochen Spieker
Hi Mizuki,

would you mind if I respond on the list? 


> Hi John,
> Just to clarify, I have one Apache installation on a frond-end proxy, and
> one on a backend server. On the backend, I have 2 Apache virtual hosts
> configured on the backend individually called ServerA.local and
> ServerB.local, 2 Apache virtual hosts on the proxy called and
> for corresponding virtual hosts on the backend. So the traffic
> is expected to like below:
> => https://ServerA.local
> => https://ServerB.local
> I have "ProxyPreserveHost On" on the proxy side for both apache virtual
> hosts, also had "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %v %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" options for
> verbose logging on the backend, everytime when I go,
> the contents of get displayed, on the proxy logging
> side, I do see the correct URL when the requests coming
> in, but on the backend, I see serverA-local.log records all the activities,
> clearly the traffic has been directed to the wrong Apache virtual host on
> the backend. Since everything is displayed fine w/o going through proxy
> (i,e: https://ServerB.local & https://ServerA.local displays everything
> fine), I assume something is broken on the Apache proxy? This is actually
> very easy to produce, no complicated rules on both backend and proxy, all
> most basically stuff...
> Thanks.
> Mizuki

If I was Mark Chapman I would have shot John Lennon with a water pistol.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie

2015-09-08 Thread Ric Moore

On 09/08/2015 01:30 PM, Haines Brown wrote:

On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 12:38:17PM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:

Methinks you have deb-multimedia configured somehow in your sources.

I suspect something else is going on. I also am running Wheezy and have
this line in sources.list:

   deb wheezy main non-free

I do an aptitude update and upgrade, and when I do:

   # aptitude install flashplayer-mozilla

I get:

   No candidate version found for flashplayer-mozilla

Trouble shooting with a shotgun here... suppose you add "contrib" to 
that line and try again?? Ric

p/s I do have flashplugin-nonfree installed instead.
My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: AMD FirePro W2100

2015-09-08 Thread Dan

I will answer my question.

I installed all the kernel firmware packages the non-free and the free
versions from backports. Now the open source driver seems to work. I
think the Jessie package firmware-linux-nonfree does not have the
firmware for the AMD FirePro W2100


On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 12:58 PM, Dan  wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently I bought a workstation with a FirePro W2100 graphics card. I
> use Debian(Jessie). The graphic card freezes randomly with the
> opensource drivers and I get a black screen when I install the last
> version of the proprietary drivers (AMD Fire Pro 14.502.1040).
> It seems that AMD has two branches for the proprietary drivers:
> Catalyst (Desktops) and AMD FirePro Unified Driver (Workstations). In
> the Debian repository only the Catalyst/Desktop branch is found. The
> last version for the FirePro Unified Driver driver is from May.
> Would you have any ideas?
> I check the logs using "journalctl -u gdm" and I have not seen anything 
> strange.
> Thanks a lot,
> Dan

Re: keyboard qui s'éteint

2015-09-08 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Tue, 08 Sep 2015 18:58:26 +0200,
le pigeon  a écrit :

> Bonsoir tout le monde,
> je suis actuellement sous Debian testing (openbox) , et mon clavier 
> devient inactif aléatoirement alors que je suis en trian de
> l'utiliser (pas de mode veille quoi). Il n'y  a que le logout/login
> (clic droit souris) qui permet de le réactiver.
> Vous avez déjà eu ce soucis?
> merci


serait ce un clavier et une souris usb sans fil (à piles) ?


Bluetooth with Intel 7260

2015-09-08 Thread Paul van der Vlis

I try to get a Lenovo Thinkpad T440s working. Everything works fine, but
not the bluetooth. USB-device ID is 8087:07dc.

This bluetooth adapter is build inside a mini-pcie express wifi-card,
the "Intel Corporation wireless 7260 (rev. 83)".

The bluetooth adapter sees other bluetooth devices. You can connect with
them, but the connection is closed after two seconds.

I've tried the firmware-iwlwifi from backports ande the 4.1 kernel from
backports, but it both does not help.

I see many messages about this problem from end 2013 and begin 2014, and
then no messages anymore, as was the problem fixed. I've tried
workarrounds but they do not work.

Has somebody here experience with this problem?

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

keyboard qui s'éteint

2015-09-08 Thread le pigeon

Bonsoir tout le monde,

je suis actuellement sous Debian testing (openbox) , et mon clavier 
devient inactif aléatoirement alors que je suis en trian de l'utiliser 
(pas de mode veille quoi). Il n'y  a que le logout/login (clic droit 
souris) qui permet de le réactiver.

Vous avez déjà eu ce soucis?


Re: [Newsletter] Why does Debian not recognize my WiFi?

2015-09-08 Thread John Hasler
Stuart Longland wrote:
> > Copyright in this message and any attachments remains with us. It
> > is confidential and may be legally privileged.
> *NOW* you bloody tell me!  Is it or is it not confidential,

Not any more: he sent it to people who had not agreed in advance to keep
it confidential.

In the USA at least, these notices have no significance whatever when
they appear on messages posted to public forums like this one.  Ignore
them.  They are tacked on to all outgoing messages by some institutional
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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