Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread David Wright
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 22:48:38 (+0100), Brian wrote:
> On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 17:00:02 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 03:49:23PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> > > "CUPS is the standards-based, open source printing system developed by
> > > Apple Inc. for macOS® and other UNIX®-like operating systems."
> > > 
> > > which is stretching the truth IMHO, given the normal meaning of "for",
> > > "and", and "other", written in that order. Calling it "Common UNIX
> > > Printing System" would blow that out of the water.
> > 
> > Their use of "developed by" is rather jaw-dropping as well.  Perhaps
> > they mean it in the sense of "maintained by", but I think most people
> No, they mean "developed by...".
> > would read it as "created by" which is blatantly untrue.
> Most people have an understanding of language (which you appear to lack)
> and would read it as "developed by...".

I think that was rude and uncalled for.

The clever thing about the web page is the careful omission of a comma
after system, so that the sentence gets read as

C is the S   that is   developed by A

rather than

C is the S,   which was   developed by A.

My observation is that most computer software websites credit the
original authors/creators/developers in a place easily found by
casual visitors. I haven't found any mention of Sweet outside the
blog, and only a mere two occurrences there.

Going back to your point about the logo, it's very odd that although
"CUPS, the CUPS logo, and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc.",
makes no mention of CUPS or its logo, and I would appreciate anyone
pointing out an example on the CUPS website. Its absence may be
because Apple don't like putting it on the web as it has "UNIX"
prominently displayed. The only legible occurrence I can see on my
screen is the big one on the CUPS homepage. The logo that sits on
every page appears to be deliberately fuzzy.

As for the meaning of "develop", you seem to have been influenced by
that fatuous sentence "Brexit means Brexit"! In the normal world,
one of the meanings of "develop" is "create". For example,

 transitive verb

 2 b : to create or produce especially by deliberate effort over time

Is this an unusual meaning in the context of computer software?
Let's look at some great software creations and how they are reported:
"Knuth developed the first version of TeX in 1978 to deal with ..."
"Stallman developed a number of widely used software components of GNU ..."
"Emeritus professor Andrew Tanenbaum developed this operating system while ..."
"Larry Wall developed Perl in 1987 to simplify administrative reporting ..."
"Ultimately Rossum developed a language and interpreter that immediately ..."
"... Mike Cheng developed a patch for an example implementation of an MP3 


Nettoyage du spam : septembre 2016

2016-09-30 Thread jean-pierre giraud
Comme nous sommes en octobre, il est désormais possible de
traiter les archives du mois de septembre 2016 des listes francophones.

N'oubliez bien sûr pas d'ajouter votre nom à la liste des relecteurs
pour que nous sachions où nous en sommes.

Détails du processus de nettoyage du spam sur :

Re: Configuring Exim for mail delivery

2016-09-30 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 10:22:10PM +0200, mo wrote:
> Hi fellow Debian users ;)
> I want to do the following configuration:
> Send and deliver local mails between my systems. Currently exim is
> configured as a Internet Server (dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config).
> In general i kinda ask myself how i would go about doing that?
> I want to send mail from my server to my pc and vice versa, also i want to
> be able to send mail "out" to other smtp servers.

Depending on your local setup, having Exim set as an Internet server may 
not be the right answer, as Liam has already said.

I'm going to make some assumptions here and you can correct them if they 
are wrong.

I'll assume you have a home network and are trying to connect to send 
mails between machines on that network, and additionally be able to send 
email to domains outside your network.

I'm also assuming that you don't have specific domains for your own 
machines, so that when you send mail outside you want to use an email 
provider such as gmail, or hover, etc.

For most home network situations, ISPs don't like you trying to send 
email directly from your home network. They want you to use their (or at 
least SOMEONE's) smarthost. That makes it less likely they will find 
themselves accessories to spamming. Also, many mainstream destination 
email addresses will not accept mail from just any old place; if you try 
to send mail directly to them from behind your home network router, even 
if your ISP allows you to do so, the other end may reject the mail 
because they can't tell what machine it is coming from.

If my assumptions above are right, you want to use "smarthost" as the 
configuration. If I am wrong and you have your own domain and the right 
to set up mail servers in it, then you do want the "internet" setting, 
but you still want to pay attention to the rest of this message as it 
addresses local network delivery.

I just figured out how to get this working myself a week or two back, so 
it's fresh in my mind. The key trick is the use of "hubbed hosts".

Exim configuration has the concept of "routers" and "transports". 
Routers basically decide what to do with a message, and transports do 
it. One of the routers configured by default in the Debian exim 
configuration is for "hubbed hosts". What this means, is machines 
capable of sending and receiving email ("hosts" in exim speak) that are 
on the same LAN as this machine (connected by a "hub"). Note that this 
"hub" could be your local home network router, and for these purposes 
machines on WiFi and machines on a wired LAN would be considered on the 
same hub, even though that isn't strictly true. The point is that 
network packets can be addressed directly between the machines, they 
don't require a router in between.

In Debian, this is achieved with Avahi. This is what allows you, if you 
have MachineA and MachineB on your network, to do for example "ping 
MachineA.local" from MachineB and expect MachineA.local to be resolved 
into an IP address.

As far as I can tell, Avahi is installed by default when you install a 
new Debian installation. I don't know how long that has been true, but 
my experience is that it is now.

In /etc/exim4, create a file owned by root called hubbed_hosts. In the 
file, each line maps a "domain" (the part after the @ sign in an email 
address) to a "host" (the name of a machine on your network, as it can 
be reached from this machine). Put the domain first, then a tab 
character (spaces may also be OK) and then the host. So for example I 
have a machine on my network called affinity, and so in the hubbed_hosts 
file on the machine I am sitting in front of now, I have two lines, one 
saying "affinity.localaffinity.local", and the other saying 
"affinityaffinity.local" (no quotes in the file). This tells the 
local exim installation that any email address with @affinity.local as 
the domain should be forwarded on to a machine called affinity.local, 
and any mail with @affinity as the domain should be forwarded on to a 
machine called affinity.local. Exim4 will then say "Connect to 
affinity.local!" with no attempt to translate that into an IP address, 
and Avahi daemon will answer "that is IP address WW.XX.YY.ZZ!" to which 
exim will say "very well, connect to WW.XX.YY.ZZ!" and the exim4 on 
affinity will wake up and co-operate to deliver the mail.

If the target email domain is not present in hubbed_hosts, then a 
default "smarthost" configuration will fall through the hubbed hosts 
router and arrive at the smarthost router, which in my case then tries 
to use my mail provider to send a mail to a local machine, which is 
doomed to failure because the outside provider cannot see my individual 
machines on my local network.

If you really should be using the "internet" configuration, you still 
need hubbed_hosts for local mails because whereas the hubbed_hosts 
option just leaves it to the local network to figure out what it is 
talking about, an 

Probar una alternativa para instalar Debian [CERRADO]

2016-09-30 Thread Miguel Matos
-- Mensaje reenviado --
De: divagante 
Fecha: 26 de septiembre de 2016, 21:49
Asunto: Re: Probar una alternativa para instalar Debian

El 26/09/16 a las 12:02, Carlos Zuniga escribió:

> 2016-09-26 8:13 GMT-05:00 Miguel Matos :
>> El 26 de septiembre de 2016, 1:12, divagante 
>> escribió:
>>> El 25/09/16 a las 16:52, Miguel Matos escribió:

 Muy buenas, quiero exponer mi caso: quiero instalar debian, ya tengo la

 imagen del netinstall, del CD y DVD; pero, no tengo quien me facilite un
 pendrive o microsd, y no dispongo de fondos para comprar un cd o dvd.
 Quiero saber qué otro método puedo probar para instalar debian 8. Estaré
 atentos a sus respuestas.

 Sinceramente suyos, en espíritu y en ceros y unos,

 Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

>>> Interesante el link Miguel. El problema es que la gente que hace
>>> preguntas
>>> no-inteligentes no se tomara el trabajo de leer toda esa informacion.
>>>  Igual sabes, sabemos: la intencion es buena y para algunos funciona.
>>> Gracias che.
>> Y esa es lo que me difiere del "máximo común denominador" de los que
>> llegan
>> aquí, de los que padecen el efecto "hazme la tarea que no he estudiado
>> nada": yo ya consulté eso previamente, pero no aplica a mi caso, porque
>> uno:
>> no tengo un ordenador con debian instalado, sólo ubuntu. Y dos, ¿cómo hago
>> la llamada hacia la red si no tuviese otro sistema operativo instalado?
>> Eso
>> es algo que no aclara ese enlace que compartieron. Voy a probar lo que
>> compartiste en taringa para ver si existe una opción extra.
Con ubuntu podes hacer lo que decia la guia que te comparti (vuelvo a pegar
el link porque no lo veo):

Ahora si, sin sistema alguno instalado basado en debian no creo que se
pueda usar debootstrap. Exepto que descarges el paquete y lo tansformes, no
es dificil -no tanto supongo aunque sume dependencias-
pero la verdad nunca lo probe.

 Yo entendi o mal entendi que si tenias un debian instalado. Pero mas que
seguro que con ubuntu es exactamente lo mismo.
 Segui los primeros pasos de la guia hasta llegar a instalar debootstrap en
ubuntu y e intenta ejecutarlo con el repositorio de debian -esta todo
indicado en la guia-. Es casi seguro que tiene que funcionar y si por algun
detalle que se me escapa esto no es asi, no tendrias probleamas ya que
estas apuntando a una particion vacia, no a la del sistema ubuntu que estas

 PROBALO! parece dificil pero detalle paso a paso todo y no te podes perder.


> Todo lo que necesitas es un servidor DHCP y TFTP que pueden ser ambos
> tu máquina con Ubuntu, que la PC donde quieres instalarlo permita
> bootear por red y una imagen de Debian desempaquetada en el directorio
> del TFTP. Por aquí ponen los pasos:
Debo confesar que, tras cada intento de instalación, siempre surgía una o
dos opciones que requerían el CD sí porque sí. No pude hacer mucho a esto,
así que tuve que pedir un pendrive prestado para realizar la instalación a
partir de la imagen del DVD. De modo que daré por finalizado este tema, y
cualquier comentario adicional será considerado una "invasión al hilo

Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

Re: Quedada Debian Sevilla, viernes 18 noviembre 2016 [coordenadas]

2016-09-30 Thread mugencacc

El 09/30/2016 08:12, Arturo Borrero Gonzalez escribió:


os actualizo las coordenadas de la quedada Debian que se celebrará
próximamente en Sevilla.

Fecha: viernes 18 de noviembre 2016
Hora: 20:00
Lugar: Asociación Plan 4d

Esto está en pleno centro de Sevilla, cerca de la muralla de la 

La dirección de la Asociación Plan 4d es:

C/ Bordador Rodríguez Ojeda, 7D ACC
San Julián, 41003

Habrá algo de picoteo, bebida y comida. Se aceptarán avituallamientos
que querais traer y compartir.

¡nos vemos allí!
uff pero que mal estoy en Venezuela y me seria difícil el llegar, tal 
vez en otra oportunidad saludos!

Re: Shorewall duda ban automatico

2016-09-30 Thread OddieX
El día 30 de septiembre de 2016, 18:40, del tonos
> Aunque sea offtopic, la solución es sencilla: bloquea a nivel de host con
> fail2ban en tu debian.
> Saludos
> El 30 de septiembre de 2016, 16:29, Epsilon Minus
> escribió:
>> Estimados,
>> Estoy trabajando con shorewall 5.0, estoy teniendo muchos ataques de
>> ip de chinas. Quiero que se bloquee la conexión ssh al fallar 3 veces.
>> Hace un rato que estoy dando vueltas con shorewall como hacerlo con
>> las actions pero no logro hacerlo.
>> Estoy dandole vueltas a la documentación de Shorewall pero no
>> encuentro la solución. Seguí un poco el ejemplo que da abajo:
>> Pero me devuelve: WARNING: Log Prefix shortened to
>> "Shorewall:SSH_BLACKLIST:LOG: " /etc/shorewall/action.SSH_BLACKLIST
>> también estuve leyendo la opción de AutoBL pero no comprendo del todo que
>> hacer.
>> Saludos

Si tal cual, la mejor que podes hacer es usar fail2ban, aunque
deberias ver a que servicio te estan atacando para analizar la posible

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 06:10:43PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 22:31:24 +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > This is what I did although in practice neither apt-get -f install nor 
> > Wheezy were needed.
> Strange. cnijfilter-ix6500series_3.50-1_amd64.deb depends on libtiff4,
> which in turn depends on libjeg8. Nether of these is in Jessie. Could it
> be you already had them on your system?

Yep, both are present here -- I can only assume that is because this 
system, as I've mentioned in past threads but did not in this one, was 
originally installed when etch was testing, and has been steadily 
upgraded since then as each new distribution became testing, until 
Jessie became stable at which point I didn't upgrade to stretch because 
by that time this machine was doing important enough things for me that 
I didn't want downtime for breakages.

Interestingly, both show as "Automatically Installed" according to aptitude. 
And yet if nothing depends on them in Jessie, I would have expected them to be 

"aptitude why" answers the question for one of them. libjpeg8 is 
depended on by libgphoto2-2. I assume that's also an old package but it 
is installed on my machine and not automatically, I must have asked for 
it at some point. That library is about digital cameras so I assume I 
was wrestling with getting a digital camera to work with the PC at some 
point in the past. I don't remember that but it's entirely possible. 
Presumably nothing in Jessie actually conflicts with either libgphoto2-2 
or libjpeg8.

Libtiff4 is a little bit more interesting. "aptitude why" says that it 
is installed because the Canon printer driver needs it (by the way 
libjpeg8 did *not* say that the Canon printer driver needed it) and 
nothing else. So I'm less sure about what it was doing on my system 
before this. But, happily, it was there.


Curiosidade : Rede Pacotes ICMP(Ping) e TCPDUMP

2016-09-30 Thread Rodrigo Cunha
Olá srs, uma curiosidade, eu em minhas analise de laboratorio descobri uma
curiosidade do tcpdump e os pacotes icmp.
Fiz o teste onde eu pingava para o ip do ip
e consegui dados dessa pesquisa com o tcpdump com o comando:

 #tcpdump -n src net and dst net

Consegui dados dessa naturesa:
19:57:22.079895 IP > Flags [.], ack 177,
win 362, options [nop,nop,TS val 3527610 ecr 2704381], length 0
19:57:22.080061 IP > Flags [.], ack 241,
win 362, options [nop,nop,TS val 3527610 ecr 2704381], length 0

Porém quando fiz o caminho inverso, do ip para o ip
com o mesmo comando:
tcpdump -n src net and dst net
não recebi informações.

Quando eu envio um sinal icmp para um host esse host não deveria enviar uma
resposta para quem solicitou o pacote.
Desenho para ficar facil de entender:


Rodrigo da Silva Cunha

Re: Configuring Exim for mail delivery

2016-09-30 Thread Liam O'Toole
On 2016-09-30, mo  wrote:
> Hi fellow Debian users ;)
> First off some information. (both, the pc and the server run Debian Jessie):
> Distributor ID:   Debian
> Description:  Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 (jessie)
> Release:  8.6
> Codename: jessie
> Exim:
> ii  exim44.84.2-2+deb8u1 
>   all  metapackage to ease Exim MTA (v4) installation
> ii  exim4-base   4.84.2-2+deb8u1 
>   amd64support files for all Exim MTA (v4) packages
> ii  exim4-config 4.84.2-2+deb8u1 
>   all  configuration for the Exim MTA (v4)
> ii  exim4-daemon-light   4.84.2-2+deb8u1 
>   amd64lightweight Exim MTA (v4) daemon
> I'm currently playing around with exim4... and to be honest i'm a little 
> lost here.
> I want to do the following configuration:
> Send and deliver local mails between my systems. Currently exim is 
> configured as a Internet Server (dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config).
> In general i kinda ask myself how i would go about doing that?
> I want to send mail from my server to my pc and vice versa, also i want 
> to be able to send mail "out" to other smtp servers.
> Is Exim here the right choice? (I do think so at least)
> To be honest i never played with a smtp server before... so my knowledge 
> is a bit foggy :P (Don't worry, i know what a MTA, MUA etc is)
> Thank you all in advance for your help ;)
> Btw: I will of course provide more information if needed ;)
> Greets
> mo

If you run 'dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config' again, you will see a
question about "Other destinations for which mail is accepted". Here you
would enter something like '*', where your PC and
server belong to that domain. In that way exim4 will deliver email
directly to those hosts rather than relaying outside your network.

Regarding your second requirement, you probably want to choose the
second option on the first screen, ie, "mail sent by smarthost; received
via SMTP or fetchmail". You would then enter the name of your ISP's SMTP
when prompted later for the name of the smarthost.



Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 30 September 2016 19:25:52 Brian wrote:
> Maintaining that CUPS is an official acronym for "Common Unix Printing
> System" has, so far, not been substantiated.

Brian, do drop it.  No-one, but no-one, has claimed it is the *official*name.  
It can't be because of the trademark problem.  There is often a large gap 
between something's name and its official name.

No-one who has actually seen the bottle could doubt that HP stands for Houses 
of Parliament.  I have only just checked that, but what else could it be with 
that picture?  And it was NEVER called Houses of Parliament, but always HP.

Names don't die that easily.  Where I used to live, people looking for 
Riverside Cottage had considerable difficulty finding it.  Why?  Because it 
was called The Old Gas Cottage.  Merely changing the name didn't change what 
people called it.  The fire brigade would have had difficulty too, so I 
always thought that changing the name was stupid, however much the owners 
didn't like the name.

I was once asked to meet someone at the old Bull pub.  I couldn't find it.  
The next time I was given a description.  When I eventually found it the sign 
outside it said:  "La Tête du Boeuf French Restaurant".  EVERYONE (except 
presumably the new owners) still called it the old Bull's Head, or even just 
the old Bull.*

Names die hard.  An entity's legal name and the name it is known by can 
diverge wildly.

* I see that a subsequent owner has had the sense to change the name back!

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Brian
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 17:00:02 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 03:49:23PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> > "CUPS is the standards-based, open source printing system developed by
> > Apple Inc. for macOS® and other UNIX®-like operating systems."
> > 
> > which is stretching the truth IMHO, given the normal meaning of "for",
> > "and", and "other", written in that order. Calling it "Common UNIX
> > Printing System" would blow that out of the water.
> Their use of "developed by" is rather jaw-dropping as well.  Perhaps
> they mean it in the sense of "maintained by", but I think most people

No, they mean "developed by...".

> would read it as "created by" which is blatantly untrue.

Most people have an understanding of language (which you appear to lack)
and would read it as "developed by...".


Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Charlie
On Fri, 30 Sep 2016 19:25:52 +0100 Brian sent:

> That is a very good point. If you were to ask xorg upstream why the X
> Window system is called "X Window" it is possible you would be told
> that it is the successor to the W Window system. This doesn't tell you
> exactly what it does but it does take a little of the mystery out of
> the name.

After contemplation, my reply is:

A little mystery is welcome.

Like in FVWM, not everything should be known, just named/labelled so we,
and others, know of what we speak or sign. The description is

Be well,

Registered Linux User:- 329524

There is no treasure in the deep mountains; he who has no
desire for it finds it. -ZEN SAYING


Debian GNU/Linux - Magic indeed.


Re: Recuperar arquivos deletados - ext4

2016-09-30 Thread S
Sugiro fazer uma cópia física do HD e trabalhar sobre a cópia, evitando 
perder mais dados.

para a cópia física use o dd ou o Clonezilla:


Em 30-09-2016 13:00, jacksonrb escreveu:

Obrigado Carlos, vou testar e informo o resultado

Em 30 de setembro de 2016 12:02, Carlos Donizete > escreveu:

Use o 'testdisk', possui em qualquer repositório oficial
GNU/Linux. Muito bom e preserva o nomes dos arquivos recuperados.

 jacksonrb escreveu 

Pessoal, alguem ja usou e pode recomendar alguma ferramenta que
funcione para recuperar arquivos deletados de uma partição ext4?
Preciso decidir se é viável isso ou terei que enviar para
recuperação externa.

(precauçoes já tomadas de impedir qualquer gravação para evitar


Re: Shorewall duda ban automatico

2016-09-30 Thread del tonos
Aunque sea offtopic, la solución es sencilla: bloquea a nivel de host con
fail2ban en tu debian.

El 30 de septiembre de 2016, 16:29, Epsilon Minus

> Estimados,
> Estoy trabajando con shorewall 5.0, estoy teniendo muchos ataques de
> ip de chinas. Quiero que se bloquee la conexión ssh al fallar 3 veces.
> Hace un rato que estoy dando vueltas con shorewall como hacerlo con
> las actions pero no logro hacerlo.
> Estoy dandole vueltas a la documentación de Shorewall pero no
> encuentro la solución. Seguí un poco el ejemplo que da abajo:
> Pero me devuelve: WARNING: Log Prefix shortened to
> "Shorewall:SSH_BLACKLIST:LOG: " /etc/shorewall/action.SSH_BLACKLIST
> también estuve leyendo la opción de AutoBL pero no comprendo del todo que
> hacer.
> Saludos

Re: Scroll Lock on VT prevents reboot/shutdown

2016-09-30 Thread Felix Miata

David Wright composed on 2016-09-30 18:58 (UTC+0300):

On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 18:06:18 (+0300), Reco wrote:

Presumably systemd has its merits, but VT handling is not one of them.
I agree that there're many cornercases in sysvinit's VT handling, but
inability to shut down and reboot is always a touchy subject to me.

But I'm not intending to start a flamewar here (although it's a Friday
night ;), this 'unable to reboot' thing is clearly a minor bug ether in
systemd or jessie's kernel.

Agreed. I get fed up looking at a screen that says, say,
"A stop job is running for LSB: RPC portmapper replacement (22min 51s / no 
or worse, the ones where there's a 90sec timeout which, as soon as it
is reached, changes to 180sec, and so on, 90sec by 90sec ad infinitum.
Linux used to be able to close down irrespective of stalled services.
Now you have to risk corrupting filesystems by forcibly powering off.

I asked about systemd's start job/stop job reboot delays on the systemd-dev 
list over 21 months ago, but never have run across anything being done about 
it. Most recently I've seen it because nfs server does not start, so can't be 
stopped at shutdown.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Shorewall duda ban automatico

2016-09-30 Thread Epsilon Minus

Estoy trabajando con shorewall 5.0, estoy teniendo muchos ataques de
ip de chinas. Quiero que se bloquee la conexión ssh al fallar 3 veces.

Hace un rato que estoy dando vueltas con shorewall como hacerlo con
las actions pero no logro hacerlo.

Estoy dandole vueltas a la documentación de Shorewall pero no
encuentro la solución. Seguí un poco el ejemplo que da abajo:

Pero me devuelve: WARNING: Log Prefix shortened to
"Shorewall:SSH_BLACKLIST:LOG: " /etc/shorewall/action.SSH_BLACKLIST

también estuve leyendo la opción de AutoBL pero no comprendo del todo que hacer.


Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 03:49:23PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> "CUPS is the standards-based, open source printing system developed by
> Apple Inc. for macOS® and other UNIX®-like operating systems."
> which is stretching the truth IMHO, given the normal meaning of "for",
> "and", and "other", written in that order. Calling it "Common UNIX
> Printing System" would blow that out of the water.

Their use of "developed by" is rather jaw-dropping as well.  Perhaps
they mean it in the sense of "maintained by", but I think most people
would read it as "created by" which is blatantly untrue.

Re: Scroll Lock on VT prevents reboot/shutdown

2016-09-30 Thread David Wright
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 18:06:18 (+0300), Reco wrote:

> Presumably systemd has its merits, but VT handling is not one of them.
> I agree that there're many cornercases in sysvinit's VT handling, but
> inability to shut down and reboot is always a touchy subject to me.
> But I'm not intending to start a flamewar here (although it's a Friday
> night ;), this 'unable to reboot' thing is clearly a minor bug ether in
> systemd or jessie's kernel.

Agreed. I get fed up looking at a screen that says, say,
"A stop job is running for LSB: RPC portmapper replacement (22min 51s / no 
or worse, the ones where there's a 90sec timeout which, as soon as it
is reached, changes to 180sec, and so on, 90sec by 90sec ad infinitum.
Linux used to be able to close down irrespective of stalled services.
Now you have to risk corrupting filesystems by forcibly powering off.


Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread David Wright
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 14:40:44 (+0100), Brian wrote:

> The Internet might want CUPS to mean "Common Unix Printing System"; it
> could organise a day of protest demanding CUPS to mean "Common Unix
> Printing System"; it could sell tee shirts saying "CUPS - the Common
> Unix Printing System". That doesn't count either.
> Find any significant occurance of "Common Unix Printing System" in the
> official CUPS documentation or in its source code and there would be a
> case to answer. There isn't, so there isn't. :)
> The official name of the software is CUPS.

It would be very surprising to find any occurrence of the string
"Common UNIX Printing System" in CUPS even though that is the
derivation of the term CUPS and, I assume, was still current when
Apple bought it some time in 2007. After all, the home page says:


"CUPS is the standards-based, open source printing system developed by
Apple Inc. for macOS® and other UNIX®-like operating systems."

which is stretching the truth IMHO, given the normal meaning of "for",
"and", and "other", written in that order. Calling it "Common UNIX
Printing System" would blow that out of the water.

They have not air-brushed the original name out of history however.
The blog on their official web pages still documents the (apparently)
last version that carried that name: "Common UNIX Printing System 1.4b2"
15 Dec 2008, and all previous releases use the two names arbitrarily.


Re: Recuperar arquivos deletados - ext4

2016-09-30 Thread Leonardo Rocha

On 30-09-2016 13:00, jacksonrb wrote:

Obrigado Carlos, vou testar e informo o resultado

Em 30 de setembro de 2016 12:02, Carlos Donizete > escreveu:

Use o 'testdisk', possui em qualquer repositório oficial
GNU/Linux. Muito bom e preserva o nomes dos arquivos recuperados.

 jacksonrb escreveu 

Pessoal, alguem ja usou e pode recomendar alguma ferramenta que
funcione para recuperar arquivos deletados de uma partição ext4?
Preciso decidir se é viável isso ou terei que enviar para
recuperação externa.

(precauçoes já tomadas de impedir qualquer gravação para evitar


Desconheço o pacote. Farei testes também.

Configuring Exim for mail delivery

2016-09-30 Thread mo

Hi fellow Debian users ;)

First off some information. (both, the pc and the server run Debian Jessie):

Distributor ID: Debian
Description:Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 (jessie)
Codename:   jessie

ii  exim44.84.2-2+deb8u1 
 all  metapackage to ease Exim MTA (v4) installation
ii  exim4-base   4.84.2-2+deb8u1 
 amd64support files for all Exim MTA (v4) packages
ii  exim4-config 4.84.2-2+deb8u1 
 all  configuration for the Exim MTA (v4)
ii  exim4-daemon-light   4.84.2-2+deb8u1 
 amd64lightweight Exim MTA (v4) daemon

I'm currently playing around with exim4... and to be honest i'm a little 
lost here.

I want to do the following configuration:
Send and deliver local mails between my systems. Currently exim is 
configured as a Internet Server (dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config).

In general i kinda ask myself how i would go about doing that?
I want to send mail from my server to my pc and vice versa, also i want 
to be able to send mail "out" to other smtp servers.

Is Exim here the right choice? (I do think so at least)

To be honest i never played with a smtp server before... so my knowledge 
is a bit foggy :P (Don't worry, i know what a MTA, MUA etc is)

Thank you all in advance for your help ;)

Btw: I will of course provide more information if needed ;)



Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-30 Thread Andre Majorel
On 2016-09-30 14:32 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> On Friday 30 September 2016 10:31:46 Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > I'm not the only one to complain.
> For goodness sake!!!  This is Debian.  Open Source.  Choice.
> Your call.  Either rewrite Aptitude and publish a fork; use
> it; or don't use it.  I like it.  Many like it.  No-one is
> making you use it.  Use your package manager of choice, or no
> package manager and manage your own dependency hell.  But do
> stop complaining and moaning.

Haven't you heard of the therapeutic value of whining ? ;-)

Personally, what I find most remarkable is not that Vincent be
complaining. It's that no more people would when aptitude has
been getting it so consistently wrong for so long.

And that getting some people to acknowledge that there even is a
problem, let alone fix it, should be so difficult.

André Majorel 
M. X, éleveur de spambots, recommande

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Brian
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 11:12:25 -0400, wrote:

> On Friday, September 30, 2016 10:46:16 AM Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > We are talking about right now.  The name CUPS is clearly an acronym
> > that stands for Common Unix Printing System (or "UNIX" if you prefer).
> > Everyone who uses CUPS knows this.  It's the dirty little secret that
> > Apple can no longer admit, because lawyers.
> This is really a reply to Brian, but I'm quoting the above paragraph to 
> respond.
> I'm talking about the past!
> It is often useful to know the origin of a term--among other things, it is 
> sometimes more meaningful, as in this case.

That is a very good point. If you were to ask xorg upstream why the X
Window system is called "X Window" it is possible you would be told that
it is the successor to the W Window system. This doesn't tell you
exactly what it does but it does take a little of the mystery out of the

> Common Unix Printing System was the (or close to the) original term.  The 
> fact 
> that it got changed for any reason doesn't keep my mind from thinking of it 
> as 
> the Common Unix Printing System, although I'm usually happy with the acronym 
> / 
> abbreviation CUPS.

I imagine there are many people who see the word "CUPS" as "Common Unix
Printing System"; it is natural because, as you say, it was known as
that for many years. No harm is done and it points to the software's
purpose and aids understanding. If CUPS still exists in thirty years the
meaning it had may very well have been forgotten. (Few people in the UK
remember what the HP in "HP sauce" originally stood for. It doesn't stop
them putting it on their fish and chips).

Maintaining that CUPS is an official acronym for "Common Unix Printing
System" has, so far, not been substantiated.


Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-30 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Fri, 30 Sep 2016, John Hasler wrote:
> Vincent Lefevre writes:
> > It's a pity that Aptitude is so poorly designed.
> Aptitude was designed to be used with *Stable*.  People who use Unstable

I didn't get that memo... as far as I am concerned, aptitude is the only
interactive apt frontend that is usable for unstable (note: apt-get is

It does indeed need a *dependency resolver* layer tune-up, though.  Most
often the *second* choice it presents is the more appropriate one...

  Henrique Holschuh

Re: A psgmlx that plays nice with emacs24?

2016-09-30 Thread Stefan Monnier
>> Not really.  Which version of psgmlx are you using?
>> What problem(s) did you encounter with it?
> Most of the details are on the deb-doc list now.  Basically, emacs24 can't
> handle the old elisp in psgmlx, hence my need for an older version of emacs.

This "hence" is a bit hasty.  Myself, I would have said "hence my need
for an newer version of psgmlx".

> psgmlx afaik hasn't been updated for years. The version is 0.5.3.

duckduckgo can't find it.  Any hint where it comes from?


Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 30 September 2016 11:37:13 Lisi Reisz wrote:

> On Friday 30 September 2016 16:12:59 Reco wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > On Fri, 30 Sep 2016 15:51:27 +0100
> >
> > Brian  wrote:
> > > On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 15:28:01 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > > > On Friday 30 September 2016 14:55:07 Brian wrote:
> > > > > It does indeed say this. The "C" is not equated anywhere with
> > > > > "Common".
> > > >
> > > > No.  That is why I said "most of it", not "all of it".
> > >
> > > It isn't *any* of it.
> > >
> > > > If we are talking about British Institutions ...  Do you even
> > > > remember Consignia???  Did you even for one moment stop calling
> > > > it the Post Office? Lawyers are one thing.  What people are
> > > > prepared to say another.  I certainly never heard anyone say
> > > > "I'm popping down to Consignia to post a letter".
> > > >
> > > > In that case, the people won of course.  Consignia is dead, the
> > > > Post Office lives.
> > > >
> > > > CUPS was intended as Common Unix Printing System.  UNIX is a
> > > > trademark so Apple couldn't use it.  So, unlike for the name
> > > > Apple itself, where Mac lied to the court and seems to have got
> > > > away with it,  Apple obediently stopped using the name and
> > > > called it officially CUPS.  We, the people, continue to say
> > > > Common Unix Printing System.
> > >
> > > ESP called it the "Common Unix Printing System". Apple doesn't.
> > > Why should the wishes (and rights) of one company be respected but
> > > not those of another?
> > >
> > > Apple has probably trademarked "Common Unix Printing System". The
> > > People can continue to say what they want but it does not change
> > > the fact that the official name of the software is CUPS. That is
> > > what Debian uses.
> >
> > CUPS package description says "The Common UNIX Printing System (or
> > CUPS (tm))" for me. So Debian Project uses "Common UNIX Printing
> > System" as well.
> Thanks, Reco!  Hadn't thought of that. :
> "lisi@Eros:~$ aptitude show CUPS
> Package: cups
> State: installed
> Automatically installed: yes
> [snip]
> Maintainer: Debian Printing Team 
> [snip]
> *Description: Common UNIX Printing System(tm)* - PPD/driver
> support, web interface
> * The Common UNIX Printing System* (or CUPS(tm)) is a printing
> system etc."
> The stars are mine.  It does indeed seem to call it Common UNIX
> Printing System!!!  Twice!!!
> Lisi

When Mike Sweet started the CUPS project, there was not much printing 
support for linux.  There was lp, lpd to drive the lot but the details 
to drive the printers of the day were in the every man for himself 
category. My first linux install, Red Hat 5.0 in 1997 didn't have a clue 
how to drive the 24 pin OKI I was bringing over from an Amiga.

Mike, fresh out of school at the time, saw printing's poor support on 
linux as an opportunity to collect it all under one name.

IIRC CUPS was first available in 1999 or 2000.  And its gotten pretty 
good over the next 16 or 17 years.

I've known Mike longer than that, from back in the Delphi days in 1987 or 
so, he wrote several things for the CoCo (TRS-80 Color Computer's, a 
family of machines based on the motorola 6809)  that having gotten a 
passing grade from his comp sci prof, he published.  I did some fine 
tuning of a couple of them, gaining some speed in the process.  With his 
permission of course.

He has done well, selling CUPS to Apple several years ago while still 
keeping it all GPL. I wondered about that at the time, but its all come 
out quite well for all since.  Generally, if a makers printer is not in 
cups, its because the makers drivers are proprietary.  Those makers 
products rarely get any my fingerprints on them at the store when I need 
a fresh printer.

Some makers, Brother to name one, have linux drivers available for their 
stuff on their web pages, that work well with cups. I am useing Brothers 
drivers on this wheezy install to run one of their bigger MFC's, a 
printer/adf-scanner combo that can handle 11x17 inch paper. Not too 
handily, but it will do it.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Brian
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 22:31:24 +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 06:05:27PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> > On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 00:03:38 +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > 
> > > Anyway will finish trying to understand that shell script later -- it 
> > > wants me to run it as root, no way I am doing that until I have 
> > > satisfied myself I know roughly what it is going to do -- and then will 
> > > install the driver and compare the output.
> > 
> > Be a Debian man; dispense with that script and install the two provided
> > debs with 'dpkg -i'. I don't want to spoil the fun but will mention that
> > 'apt-get -f install' and Wheezy are your friends.
> > 
> This is what I did although in practice neither apt-get -f install nor 
> Wheezy were needed.

Strange. cnijfilter-ix6500series_3.50-1_amd64.deb depends on libtiff4,
which in turn depends on libjeg8. Nether of these is in Jessie. Could it
be you already had them on your system?

> > It gets boring after the package install. A print queue is easily set up
> > and printing to file gives no trouble.
> Indeed -- 2 dpkg -i invokations, and a setup of the printer in the CUPS 
> web admin tool, and I was done. I set up the "new" printer with a 
> slightly different name, so both can co-exist on the system. Looking at 
> the test page I could immediately see the colours were less dark with 
> the Canon driver. I then tried printing a couple of photos I had lying 
> around and they come out much better with the Canon driver. Windows 
> cannot print to the new CUPS printer, so clearly some of my fannying 
> around with AirPrint and/or samba did actually do something useful after 
> all. But Windows can still print, using the old printer, which has 
> always been good quality, and direct Linux printing can now get better 
> quality than before, so I am happy.
> Thanks a lot Brian for your advice with this.

You're welcome.

Who is beginning to wish Apple had renamed its printing software to SPUC.

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Brian
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 18:12:59 +0300, Reco wrote:

> On Fri, 30 Sep 2016 15:51:27 +0100
> Brian  wrote:
> > ESP called it the "Common Unix Printing System". Apple doesn't. Why
> > should the wishes (and rights) of one company be respected but not those
> > of another?
> > 
> > Apple has probably trademarked "Common Unix Printing System". The People
> > can continue to say what they want but it does not change the fact that
> > the official name of the software is CUPS. That is what Debian uses.
> CUPS package description says "The Common UNIX Printing System (or CUPS
> (tm))" for me. So Debian Project uses "Common UNIX Printing System" as
> well.

Thanks for pointing that out. The package description hasn't altered in
that respect since the early days when Debian packaged ESP CUPS. The
equating of "Common UNIX Printing System" and "CUPS" would have fitted
in well with how ESP described it. The description still uses both terms
(and acknowledges the trademarks) and still equates them even though the
present upstream does not 

Does this remnant from the pre-2007 days say something about Debian's
view or not? It might say something about Debian but it definitely says
nothing about the upstream developers' view. As I've said, "Common UNIX
Printing System" as an alternatve to CUPS is conspicuously absent from
all source code and official documentation.


Re: (deb-cat) fsck en iniciar

2016-09-30 Thread Narcis Garcia
Ja es fan còpies de seguretat per un cas de desastre.
La raó és que massa sovint les particions tenen un estat inconsistent
(suposo que degut a males apagades), i aleshores els usuaris es queixen
que l'ordinador no arrenca bé i diu coses rares en anglès.
(=> GNU/Linux no està gaire traduït, i malfunciona o és per experts)

I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at archives.
El 30/09/16 a les 10:39, Jordi Mallach ha escrit:
> El dj 29 de 09 de 2016 a les 11:24 +0200, en/na Narcis Garcia va
> escriure:
>> Doncs sí, gràcies, m'ha funcionat.
>> Per si de cas, apart del FSCKFIX=yes a /etc/default/rcS li he deixat
>> el
>> al nucli indefinidament.
> Per experiència, et puc dir que executar "fsck -y" a cegues i sense
> interacció de l'usuari et pot deixar un sistema de fitxer molt buit
> (del tot, vaja), i amb un /lost+found en pla puzzle per passar una bona
> estona el cap de setmana.
> Per quina raó vols fer incondicionalment?

Re: dudas en crontab

2016-09-30 Thread Matias Mucciolo

On Friday 30 September 2016 11:14:35 Erick Ocrospoma wrote:
> 2016-09-30 10:58 GMT-05:00 :
> > > El 28 de septiembre de 2016 20:49:56 CEST, escribió:
> > >>Buenas tardes a todos
> > >>
> > >>Estoy aterrillado con el crontab y no se como hacer para que me envíe
> > >>un
> > >>correo a mi cuenta cada 5 min, y no logro hacerlo, vaya como una
> > >>alerta,
> > >>me pueden ayudar con este tema ???
> > >>
> > >>He visto ejemplos con google pdero no me funciona, quizás necesite
> > >>instalar algo más
> > >>
> > >># cada 5 min entre enviarme una mensaje
> > >>*/5 * * * * luis mail -s "sistema funcionando"
> > >>
> > >>Agradezco toda ayuda
> > >
> > > ¿Y si le pones el path en el comando mail?
> > >
> > >
> > > Saludos,
> > >
> > > Ramses
> > >
> >
> > Hola disculpa pero no se como es lo que dices soy algo nuevo en en linux
> >
> > Esto lo encontré en ej pero no funciona
> > ​​
> > /5 * * * * luis mail -s "sistema funcionando"
> ​En Debian Jessie el path del mail es:
> zerick@gluttony:~$ which mail
> /usr/bin/mail
> ​
> ​asi que prueba modificando el cron de manera que quede asi:
> ​​/5 * * * * luis /usr/bin/mail -s "sistema funcionando"

probaste primero de consola si el comando mail te anda ?
creo que lo mejor es empezar por ahi.
y como te dije antes lo logs son importantes.


Re: dudas en crontab

2016-09-30 Thread Erick Ocrospoma
2016-09-30 10:58 GMT-05:00 :

> > El 28 de septiembre de 2016 20:49:56 CEST, escribió:
> >>Buenas tardes a todos
> >>
> >>Estoy aterrillado con el crontab y no se como hacer para que me envíe
> >>un
> >>correo a mi cuenta cada 5 min, y no logro hacerlo, vaya como una
> >>alerta,
> >>me pueden ayudar con este tema ???
> >>
> >>He visto ejemplos con google pdero no me funciona, quizás necesite
> >>instalar algo más
> >>
> >># cada 5 min entre enviarme una mensaje
> >>*/5 * * * * luis mail -s "sistema funcionando"
> >>
> >>Agradezco toda ayuda
> >
> > ¿Y si le pones el path en el comando mail?
> >
> >
> > Saludos,
> >
> > Ramses
> >
> Hola disculpa pero no se como es lo que dices soy algo nuevo en en linux
> Esto lo encontré en ej pero no funciona
> ​​
> /5 * * * * luis mail -s "sistema funcionando"

​En Debian Jessie el path del mail es:

zerick@gluttony:~$ which mail
​asi que prueba modificando el cron de manera que quede asi:

​​/5 * * * * luis /usr/bin/mail -s "sistema funcionando"

> Me dicen que cambia y que ponga no se que cómo quedaría con ese cambioi
> para probar a ver si funciona ??
> saludos y agradecido



IRC :   zerick
About :
Linux User ID :  549567

Re: Recuperar arquivos deletados - ext4

2016-09-30 Thread jacksonrb
Obrigado Carlos, vou testar e informo o resultado

Em 30 de setembro de 2016 12:02, Carlos Donizete 

> Use o 'testdisk', possui em qualquer repositório oficial GNU/Linux. Muito
> bom e preserva o nomes dos arquivos recuperados.
>  jacksonrb escreveu 
> Pessoal, alguem ja usou e pode recomendar alguma ferramenta que funcione
> para recuperar arquivos deletados de uma partição ext4? Preciso decidir se
> é viável isso ou terei que enviar para recuperação externa.
> (precauçoes já tomadas de impedir qualquer gravação para evitar
> sobrescrição).
> Obrigado

Re: dudas en crontab

2016-09-30 Thread luis
> El 28 de septiembre de 2016 20:49:56 CEST, escribió:
>>Buenas tardes a todos
>>Estoy aterrillado con el crontab y no se como hacer para que me envíe
>>correo a mi cuenta cada 5 min, y no logro hacerlo, vaya como una
>>me pueden ayudar con este tema ???
>>He visto ejemplos con google pdero no me funciona, quizás necesite
>>instalar algo más
>># cada 5 min entre enviarme una mensaje
>>*/5 * * * * luis mail -s "sistema funcionando"
>>Agradezco toda ayuda
> ¿Y si le pones el path en el comando mail?
> Saludos,
> Ramses

Hola disculpa pero no se como es lo que dices soy algo nuevo en en linux

Esto lo encontré en ej pero no funciona
/5 * * * * luis mail -s "sistema funcionando"

Me dicen que cambia y que ponga no se que cómo quedaría con ese cambioi
para probar a ver si funciona ??

saludos y agradecido

Re: A psgmlx that plays nice with emacs24?

2016-09-30 Thread Bob Bernstein

On Fri, 30 Sep 2016, Stefan Monnier wrote:

Not really.  Which version of psgmlx are you using?
What problem(s) did you encounter with it?

Most of the details are on the deb-doc list now. Basically, 
emacs24 can't handle the old elisp in psgmlx, hence my need for 
an older version of emacs.

psgmlx afaik hasn't been updated for years. The version is 
0.5.3. Note this is not the psgml package.

All best,

IMPORTANT: This email is intended for the use of the individual
addressee(s) named above and may contain information that is
confidential, privileged or unsuitable for overly sensitive
persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humour or irrational
metaphysical beliefs.

Outil de documentation de topologie réseaux

2016-09-30 Thread Jean-Marc
salut la liste,

J'ai une connaissance qui me demande si je connais un outils libre de 
documentation de topo réseaux.

Comme je n'en connais aucun, je passe à l'équipe.

Et je me documente de mon côté.

C'est doit être ça, le multi-threading parallèle.

Merci pour votre aide.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 30 September 2016 16:12:59 Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> On Fri, 30 Sep 2016 15:51:27 +0100
> Brian  wrote:
> > On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 15:28:01 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > > On Friday 30 September 2016 14:55:07 Brian wrote:
> > > > It does indeed say this. The "C" is not equated anywhere with
> > > > "Common".
> > >
> > > No.  That is why I said "most of it", not "all of it".
> >
> > It isn't *any* of it.
> >
> > > If we are talking about British Institutions ...  Do you even remember
> > > Consignia???  Did you even for one moment stop calling it the Post
> > > Office? Lawyers are one thing.  What people are prepared to say
> > > another.  I certainly never heard anyone say "I'm popping down to
> > > Consignia to post a letter".
> > >
> > > In that case, the people won of course.  Consignia is dead, the Post
> > > Office lives.
> > >
> > > CUPS was intended as Common Unix Printing System.  UNIX is a trademark
> > > so Apple couldn't use it.  So, unlike for the name Apple itself, where
> > > Mac lied to the court and seems to have got away with it,  Apple
> > > obediently stopped using the name and called it officially CUPS.  We,
> > > the people, continue to say Common Unix Printing System.
> >
> > ESP called it the "Common Unix Printing System". Apple doesn't. Why
> > should the wishes (and rights) of one company be respected but not those
> > of another?
> >
> > Apple has probably trademarked "Common Unix Printing System". The People
> > can continue to say what they want but it does not change the fact that
> > the official name of the software is CUPS. That is what Debian uses.
> CUPS package description says "The Common UNIX Printing System (or CUPS
> (tm))" for me. So Debian Project uses "Common UNIX Printing System" as
> well.

Thanks, Reco!  Hadn't thought of that. :
"lisi@Eros:~$ aptitude show CUPS
Package: cups
State: installed
Automatically installed: yes
Maintainer: Debian Printing Team 
*Description: Common UNIX Printing System(tm)* - PPD/driver support, 
web interface
* The Common UNIX Printing System* (or CUPS(tm)) is a printing system 

The stars are mine.  It does indeed seem to call it Common UNIX Printing 
System!!!  Twice!!!


Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Brian
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 10:20:52 -0500, John Hasler wrote:

> Brian wrote:
> > The People can continue to say what they want but it does not change
> > the fact that the official name of the software is CUPS.
> The salesmen can continue to say what they have to in order to comply
> with trademark law but the real name of the software is the Common Unix
> Printing System.  Those of us not selling printing systems have no
> reason to pay attention to the trademark issue.

Two things:

1. Debian doesn't sell anything.
2. Iceweasel.

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Brian
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 11:00:13 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 03:51:27PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> > The People
> > can continue to say what they want but it does not change the fact that
> > the official name of the software is CUPS.
> Yes, that is the new Official Name.

Good. Glad we sorted that out.

> Nobody(*) gives a flying leap what the Official Name is.  The question was
> what CUPS stands for.  It stands for Common Unix (or UNIX) Printing System.

Nobody reading the official documentation or source code would find
anything which says what CUPS stands for.
> (*) Except lawyers, and you.

I wouldn't want to disrespect the work of the KDE folk by calling their
software the "K Desktop Environment". That's all apart from it being


Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread John Hasler
rhkramer writes:
> Aside: If I'm in court, and the judge threatens to cite me for
> contempt if I say Common Unix Printing System, I'm not sure what I'll
> do ;-)

Won't happen (in the USA).  The judge will know the law.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread John Hasler
Brian wrote:
> The People can continue to say what they want but it does not change
> the fact that the official name of the software is CUPS.

The salesmen can continue to say what they have to in order to comply
with trademark law but the real name of the software is the Common Unix
Printing System.  Those of us not selling printing systems have no
reason to pay attention to the trademark issue.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: A psgmlx that plays nice with emacs24?

2016-09-30 Thread Stefan Monnier
> I think (hope) the subject says it all.

Not really.  Which version of psgmlx are you using?
What problem(s) did you encounter with it?


Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-30 Thread John Hasler
Vincent Lefevre writes:
> It's a pity that Aptitude is so poorly designed.

Aptitude was designed to be used with *Stable*.  People who use Unstable
are expected to know what they are doing and be able to deal with
problems.  Trying to make Aptitude so intelligent that it could buffer
naive users from the vagaries of Unstable would a hopeless waste of
effort.  There is a reason why complex transitions are planned and
announced (the announcement for this one was accidently delayed).
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Reco

On Fri, 30 Sep 2016 15:51:27 +0100
Brian  wrote:

> On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 15:28:01 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > On Friday 30 September 2016 14:55:07 Brian wrote:
> > > It does indeed say this. The "C" is not equated anywhere with "Common".
> > 
> > No.  That is why I said "most of it", not "all of it".
> It isn't *any* of it.
> > If we are talking about British Institutions ...  Do you even remember 
> > Consignia???  Did you even for one moment stop calling it the Post Office?  
> > Lawyers are one thing.  What people are prepared to say another.  I 
> > certainly 
> > never heard anyone say "I'm popping down to Consignia to post a letter".
> > 
> > In that case, the people won of course.  Consignia is dead, the Post Office 
> > lives.
> > 
> > CUPS was intended as Common Unix Printing System.  UNIX is a trademark so 
> > Apple couldn't use it.  So, unlike for the name Apple itself, where Mac 
> > lied 
> > to the court and seems to have got away with it,  Apple obediently stopped 
> > using the name and called it officially CUPS.  We, the people, continue to 
> > say Common Unix Printing System.
> ESP called it the "Common Unix Printing System". Apple doesn't. Why
> should the wishes (and rights) of one company be respected but not those
> of another?
> Apple has probably trademarked "Common Unix Printing System". The People
> can continue to say what they want but it does not change the fact that
> the official name of the software is CUPS. That is what Debian uses.

CUPS package description says "The Common UNIX Printing System (or CUPS
(tm))" for me. So Debian Project uses "Common UNIX Printing System" as


Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread rhkramer
On Friday, September 30, 2016 10:46:16 AM Greg Wooledge wrote:
> We are talking about right now.  The name CUPS is clearly an acronym
> that stands for Common Unix Printing System (or "UNIX" if you prefer).
> Everyone who uses CUPS knows this.  It's the dirty little secret that
> Apple can no longer admit, because lawyers.

This is really a reply to Brian, but I'm quoting the above paragraph to 

I'm talking about the past!

It is often useful to know the origin of a term--among other things, it is 
sometimes more meaningful, as in this case.  

Common Unix Printing System was the (or close to the) original term.  The fact 
that it got changed for any reason doesn't keep my mind from thinking of it as 
the Common Unix Printing System, although I'm usually happy with the acronym / 
abbreviation CUPS.

(Aside: If I'm in court, and the judge threatens to cite me for contempt if I 
say Common Unix Printing System, I'm not sure what I'll do ;-)

I'd like to think of one or more additional examples, but none immediately 
come--oh, how about radar, sonar, lidar, laser, MCC (for me, usually Motor 
Control Center, for CEGELEC, Mill Control Computer, and for others, other 
meanings depending on the context), fact, it helps me to know (and think 
in terms of) the original words comprising any acronym or "natural word" 
derived from an acronym. 

Re: How to get an older emacs on Jessie

2016-09-30 Thread Bob Bernstein

On Fri, 30 Sep 2016, Stefan Monnier wrote:

dist-upgrade doesn't happen automatically.  So yes, you can add the
above and then do something like

I appended this to my sources.list:

deb wheezy main contrib non-free

and then ran:

# apt-get update

I kept rerunning:

# apt-get install --dry-run emacs23

until all the warnings subsided, meaning all the dependency 
problems were going to be resolved. It looked like this:

# apt-get install --dry-run emacs23-el emacs23-common 
emacs23-bin-common libjpeg8 libtiff4

Then I removed the '--dry-run' option and ran the apt-get 
install for real. It went smooth as silk, but -- more 
importantly for my purposes -- the resultant emacs23 ran 
perfectly with psgmlx and a debiandoc sgml document I had been 
using as test doc!

NB. I had installed viz. byte-compiled the psgmlx package with 
the emacs23 I yesterday built from source grabbed on .

I am psyched. Now to post this over on the debian-doc list so 
the "answer" is there too.

As one who in an earlier incarnation made a fairly good, if 
occasional, buck tech-writing and -editing on linux topics 
(which income came to an abrupt halt when the "internet bubble" 
collapsed), I am here to say that debiandoc is an excellent 
publishing tool-chain. It is blessedly simple but complete for 
my needs, which means it is actually FUN to use!

Thanks all!

IMPORTANT: This email is intended for the use of the individual
addressee(s) named above and may contain information that is
confidential, privileged or unsuitable for overly sensitive
persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humour or irrational
metaphysical beliefs.

Re: Scroll Lock on VT prevents reboot/shutdown

2016-09-30 Thread Reco

On Fri, 30 Sep 2016 10:09:25 -0300
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh  wrote:

> On Fri, 30 Sep 2016, Reco wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:03:31PM +, Matt Sickler wrote:
> > > I'm not sure which package this bug should be filed against, partially 
> > > because I'm not entirely sure of the root cause.  I'm able to replicate 
> > > it on our systems every time, though I have not tried on a fresh install 
> > > of Debian - our images aren't really that much different anyway.   We 
> > > don't have a GUI installed, just text mode or whatever you want to call 
> > > it.  I've spent hours googling and I have not found anyone else affected 
> > > by this, nor did I find anything in BTS.
> > 
> > > Could someone confirm that this happens on more than just my systems 
> > > and/or let me know what package I should file the bug against?
> > 
> > Please run "dpkg -S /sbin/shutdown", and file a bug against a package
> > found. I suspect that this issue must be linked somehow to systemd's
> > console handling, because I cannot reproduce the behavior you describe
> > (but I don't use systemd).
> Hmm, careful there. sysv-rc console handling isn't much better, I don't
> know when we regressed it or why anymore, it was on lenny or even
> earlier, but...

I can get a Unicode VT console without any hassle with sysvinit.
I can get my hosts rebooted without fiddling with stty with sysvinit.
I cannot do both (as of jessie) with systemd.

Presumably systemd has its merits, but VT handling is not one of them.
I agree that there're many cornercases in sysvinit's VT handling, but
inability to shut down and reboot is always a touchy subject to me.

But I'm not intending to start a flamewar here (although it's a Friday
night ;), this 'unable to reboot' thing is clearly a minor bug ether in
systemd or jessie's kernel.

> If you ever need to log in the console before getty ran
> (i.e. in single-user mode, etc), *always* run "stty sane" as the first
> thing.
> Otherwise, you might find yourself on a shell that doesn't have many of
> the interrupt signals working from the vty.

I don't know as I never tried that. Either getty is working for me or
I'm booting with init=/bin/sh. But thank you for the advise.


RE: Recuperar arquivos deletados - ext4

2016-09-30 Thread Carlos Donizete
Use o 'testdisk', possui em qualquer repositório oficial GNU/Linux. Muito bom e 
preserva o nomes dos arquivos recuperados.

 jacksonrb escreveu 

>Pessoal, alguem ja usou e pode recomendar alguma ferramenta que funcione para 
>recuperar arquivos deletados de uma partição ext4? Preciso decidir se é viável 
>isso ou terei que enviar para recuperação externa.
>(precauçoes já tomadas de impedir qualquer gravação para evitar sobrescrição).

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Brian
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 10:46:16 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 03:37:55PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> > On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 16:20:03 +0200, Frank wrote:
> > > It is. Check (most of) the entries in the blog at
> > > from 10 Jul 2000 to 15 Dec 2008.
> > 
> > I thought it was obvious we were talking about now, not the past. ESP
> > was sold to Apple in 2007. The change in naming would not have been
> > carried out immediately. There appears to have been a year's delay, for
> > whatever reason.
> We are talking about right now.  The name CUPS is clearly an acronym
> that stands for Common Unix Printing System (or "UNIX" if you prefer).
> Everyone who uses CUPS knows this.  It's the dirty little secret that
> Apple can no longer admit, because lawyers.

This argument makes Xfce and KDE to be clearly acronyms in spite of the
expressed wishes of the Xfce and KDE Foundations

> You are doublethinking.  In your world, CUPS isn't an acronym, and you
> have always been at war with Eastasia.

CUPS isn't an acronym in any world which has respect for legality when
it matters.


Re: OT: sugerencias para portátil nuevo

2016-09-30 Thread endika

On 30/09/16 09:31, Antonio wrote:
> El 29/09/2016 a las 20:16, endika escribió:
>> Hola
>> Vengo a la lista en busca de alguna sugerencia para comprar un portátil.
>> Las características a cumplir son:
>> -No tener windows preinstalado
>> -Batería extraíble
>> -Presupuesto 400-600€
>> -Pantalla de 15" o menor (12" como mínimo)
>> -Odio el teclado numérico que la mayoría trae a la derecha (pero lo
>> aceptaría)
>> Le he echado un ojo a este
>> y de momento
>> es el único que me ha medio gustado.
>> Se agradecen las respuesta de antemano
> A mi me gustan estos, pero no he comprado todavía.
> Un saludo.
Los slimbook me parecen la ostia. El problema es que uso mucho el
ordenador y lo usaría como único ordenador, entonces al no tener batería
extraíble no creo que la batería me dure mucho cargándola todo el rato.

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 03:51:27PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> The People
> can continue to say what they want but it does not change the fact that
> the official name of the software is CUPS.

Yes, that is the new Official Name.

Nobody(*) gives a flying leap what the Official Name is.  The question was
what CUPS stands for.  It stands for Common Unix (or UNIX) Printing System.

(*) Except lawyers, and you.

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Brian
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 15:28:01 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

> On Friday 30 September 2016 14:55:07 Brian wrote:
> > It does indeed say this. The "C" is not equated anywhere with "Common".
> No.  That is why I said "most of it", not "all of it".

It isn't *any* of it.

> If we are talking about British Institutions ...  Do you even remember 
> Consignia???  Did you even for one moment stop calling it the Post Office?  
> Lawyers are one thing.  What people are prepared to say another.  I certainly 
> never heard anyone say "I'm popping down to Consignia to post a letter".
> In that case, the people won of course.  Consignia is dead, the Post Office 
> lives.
> CUPS was intended as Common Unix Printing System.  UNIX is a trademark so 
> Apple couldn't use it.  So, unlike for the name Apple itself, where Mac lied 
> to the court and seems to have got away with it,  Apple obediently stopped 
> using the name and called it officially CUPS.  We, the people, continue to 
> say Common Unix Printing System.

ESP called it the "Common Unix Printing System". Apple doesn't. Why
should the wishes (and rights) of one company be respected but not those
of another?

Apple has probably trademarked "Common Unix Printing System". The People
can continue to say what they want but it does not change the fact that
the official name of the software is CUPS. That is what Debian uses.


Recuperar arquivos deletados - ext4

2016-09-30 Thread jacksonrb
Pessoal, alguem ja usou e pode recomendar alguma ferramenta que funcione
para recuperar arquivos deletados de uma partição ext4? Preciso decidir se
é viável isso ou terei que enviar para recuperação externa.

(precauçoes já tomadas de impedir qualquer gravação para evitar


Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 03:37:55PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 16:20:03 +0200, Frank wrote:
> > It is. Check (most of) the entries in the blog at
> > from 10 Jul 2000 to 15 Dec 2008.
> I thought it was obvious we were talking about now, not the past. ESP
> was sold to Apple in 2007. The change in naming would not have been
> carried out immediately. There appears to have been a year's delay, for
> whatever reason.

We are talking about right now.  The name CUPS is clearly an acronym
that stands for Common Unix Printing System (or "UNIX" if you prefer).
Everyone who uses CUPS knows this.  It's the dirty little secret that
Apple can no longer admit, because lawyers.

You are doublethinking.  In your world, CUPS isn't an acronym, and you
have always been at war with Eastasia.

Or, you are a lawyer.  In which case, you have my pity.

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Brian
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 16:20:03 +0200, Frank wrote:

> Op 30-09-16 om 15:55 schreef Brian:
> >It does indeed say this. The "C" is not equated anywhere with "Common".
> It is. Check (most of) the entries in the blog at
> from 10 Jul 2000 to 15 Dec 2008.

I thought it was obvious we were talking about now, not the past. ESP
was sold to Apple in 2007. The change in naming would not have been
carried out immediately. There appears to have been a year's delay, for
whatever reason.

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 30 September 2016 14:55:07 Brian wrote:
> It does indeed say this. The "C" is not equated anywhere with "Common".

No.  That is why I said "most of it", not "all of it".

If we are talking about British Institutions ...  Do you even remember 
Consignia???  Did you even for one moment stop calling it the Post Office?  
Lawyers are one thing.  What people are prepared to say another.  I certainly 
never heard anyone say "I'm popping down to Consignia to post a letter".

In that case, the people won of course.  Consignia is dead, the Post Office 

CUPS was intended as Common Unix Printing System.  UNIX is a trademark so 
Apple couldn't use it.  So, unlike for the name Apple itself, where Mac lied 
to the court and seems to have got away with it,  Apple obediently stopped 
using the name and called it officially CUPS.  We, the people, continue to 
say Common Unix Printing System.


Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-30 Thread Ric Moore

On 09/30/2016 09:32 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

You COULD even change to an rpm distro and have a completely different moan
available to you. ;-)

Who says Linux isn't sexy to use?? I think that the biggest beef is not 
the package manager, but the packages that depended on everything else 
installed so that their removal blows up your entire install. Try 
removing Firefox. That installs Firefox-esr. Removing that installs 
Firefox again. Suppose I don't want Firefox at all??


My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Frank

Op 30-09-16 om 15:55 schreef Brian:

It does indeed say this. The "C" is not equated anywhere with "Common".

It is. Check (most of) the entries in the blog at from 10 Jul 2000 to 15 Dec 2008.


Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Brian
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 09:28:15 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 02:20:43PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > > On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 01:31:03PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> > > > The "U" in CUPS officially doesn't stand for anything. The same applies
> > > > to the "C", "P" and "S".
> > It also says most of it, definitely that U stands for Unix, on the home 
> > page 
> > of the CUPS web interface.:
> > "CUPS 1.7.5
> > CUPS is the standards-based, open source printing system developed by Apple 
> > Inc. for OS® X and other UNIX®-like operating systems."  followed by a 
> > large 
> > capital C containing the words "Unix Printing System".
> Wikipedia  has conflicting
> information.  At the top of the page, it claims CUPS stands for "Common
> Unix Printing System", but without a reference.  At the bottom of the
> page, it claims:
>   CUPS was initially called "The Common UNIX Printing System". This
>   name was shortened to just "CUPS" beginning with CUPS 1.4 due to legal
>   concerns with the UNIX trademark.[citation needed]
> This seems like one of those situations where Everyone Knows what the
> truth is ("Common Unix Printing System"), but corporations and lawyers
> require the Official Story to be a thin facade of lies.  But that's just
> my take.

Everybody knows what Xfce and KDE stand for. Which corporations and
lawyers require a thin facade of lies here?

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Brian
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 14:20:43 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

> On Friday 30 September 2016 14:02:05 Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 01:31:03PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> > > On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 20:54:32 +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > > > On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:31:45PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > > > > On Thursday 29 September 2016 16:03:38 Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > > > > > which I find ironic
> > > > > > considering what the U of CUPS stands for
> > > > >
> > > > > Why?  MacOSX is Unix based (via BSD) and CUPS is supposed to be
> > > > > common to all Unices (though I have only used it on Linux and
> > > > > MacOSX).
> > > >
> > > > Precisely, Lisi. Precisely.
> > >
> > > The "U" in CUPS officially doesn't stand for anything. The same applies
> > > to the "C", "P" and "S".
> >
> > According to whom, Brian? (Apart from you, obviously :) ). According to
> > the Internet (so it _must_ be true) it stands for Common Unix Printing
> > System. Are they, and the Gutenprint driver which prints that on its
> > test pages, just making sh*t up then? (To be fair I don't know which
> > component creates the test page, but I do know, because I am sitting
> > here with one about an inch away from my left hand, that when you ask
> > CUPS to print a test page, it prints that on the test page.)
> >
> > Mark (who is trying to figure out how Wheezy is going to figure in this
> > driver install...)
> It also says most of it, definitely that U stands for Unix, on the home page 
> of the CUPS web interface.:

It definitely does not say that. Nowhere is "U" equated with "Unix"

> "CUPS 1.7.5
> CUPS is the standards-based, open source printing system developed by Apple 
> Inc. for OS® X and other UNIX®-like operating systems."  followed by a large 
> capital C containing the words "Unix Printing System".

It does indeed say this. The "C" is not equated anywhere with "Common".

A bottle of sauce made by HP (a division of Heinz) can have a picture of
what looks the London Houses of Parliament on its label. Does that tell
you what HP officially stands for? That is, if it stands for anything at

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Brian
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 22:02:05 +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 01:31:03PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> > On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 20:54:32 +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > 
> > > On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:31:45PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > > > On Thursday 29 September 2016 16:03:38 Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > > > > which I find ironic
> > > > > considering what the U of CUPS stands for
> > > > 
> > > > Why?  MacOSX is Unix based (via BSD) and CUPS is supposed to be common 
> > > > to all 
> > > > Unices (though I have only used it on Linux and MacOSX).
> > > > 
> > > Precisely, Lisi. Precisely.
> > 
> > The "U" in CUPS officially doesn't stand for anything. The same applies
> > to the "C", "P" and "S".
> > 
> According to whom, Brian? (Apart from you, obviously :) ). According to 
> the Internet (so it _must_ be true) it stands for Common Unix Printing 
> System. Are they, and the Gutenprint driver which prints that on its 
> test pages, just making sh*t up then? (To be fair I don't know which 
> component creates the test page, but I do know, because I am sitting 
> here with one about an inch away from my left hand, that when you ask 
> CUPS to print a test page, it prints that on the test page.)

I take it you are talking about the Debian PrinterTestPage (the logo is
at the left hand side). Nowhere on that page does it say "Common Unix
Printing System". Even if it did say that this is a Debian document, not an
official upstream CUPS document. It wouldn't count.

The Internet might want CUPS to mean "Common Unix Printing System"; it
could organise a day of protest demanding CUPS to mean "Common Unix
Printing System"; it could sell tee shirts saying "CUPS - the Common
Unix Printing System". That doesn't count either.

Find any significant occurance of "Common Unix Printing System" in the
official CUPS documentation or in its source code and there would be a
case to answer. There isn't, so there isn't. :)

The official name of the software is CUPS.


Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-30 Thread Stefan Monnier
>> > It's a pity that Aptitude is so poorly designed.
>> Just because it doesn't always work the way you want it doesn't mean it
>> should labeled "poorly designed".
> I'm not the only one to complain.

My point is that saying it's "poorly designed" is like calling the author
an idiot.  So it's very different from complaining about some problems
with the program.


Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-30 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 30 September 2016 10:31:46 Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> On 2016-09-29 19:04:20 -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > > It's a pity that Aptitude is so poorly designed.
> >
> > Just because it doesn't always work the way you want it doesn't mean it
> > should labeled "poorly designed".
> I'm not the only one to complain.

For goodness sake!!!  This is Debian.  Open Source.  Choice.  Your call.  
Either rewrite Aptitude and publish a fork; use it; or don't use it.  I like 
it.  Many like it.  No-one is making you use it.  Use your package manager of 
choice, or no package manager and manage your own dependency hell.  But do 
stop complaining and moaning.

You COULD even change to an rpm distro and have a completely different moan 
available to you. ;-)


Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 06:05:27PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 00:03:38 +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > Anyway will finish trying to understand that shell script later -- it 
> > wants me to run it as root, no way I am doing that until I have 
> > satisfied myself I know roughly what it is going to do -- and then will 
> > install the driver and compare the output.
> Be a Debian man; dispense with that script and install the two provided
> debs with 'dpkg -i'. I don't want to spoil the fun but will mention that
> 'apt-get -f install' and Wheezy are your friends.

This is what I did although in practice neither apt-get -f install nor 
Wheezy were needed.

> It gets boring after the package install. A print queue is easily set up
> and printing to file gives no trouble.

Indeed -- 2 dpkg -i invokations, and a setup of the printer in the CUPS 
web admin tool, and I was done. I set up the "new" printer with a 
slightly different name, so both can co-exist on the system. Looking at 
the test page I could immediately see the colours were less dark with 
the Canon driver. I then tried printing a couple of photos I had lying 
around and they come out much better with the Canon driver. Windows 
cannot print to the new CUPS printer, so clearly some of my fannying 
around with AirPrint and/or samba did actually do something useful after 
all. But Windows can still print, using the old printer, which has 
always been good quality, and direct Linux printing can now get better 
quality than before, so I am happy.

Thanks a lot Brian for your advice with this.


Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 02:20:43PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 01:31:03PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> > > The "U" in CUPS officially doesn't stand for anything. The same applies
> > > to the "C", "P" and "S".

> It also says most of it, definitely that U stands for Unix, on the home page 
> of the CUPS web interface.:
> "CUPS 1.7.5
> CUPS is the standards-based, open source printing system developed by Apple 
> Inc. for OS® X and other UNIX®-like operating systems."  followed by a large 
> capital C containing the words "Unix Printing System".

Wikipedia  has conflicting
information.  At the top of the page, it claims CUPS stands for "Common
Unix Printing System", but without a reference.  At the bottom of the
page, it claims:

  CUPS was initially called "The Common UNIX Printing System". This
  name was shortened to just "CUPS" beginning with CUPS 1.4 due to legal
  concerns with the UNIX trademark.[citation needed]

This seems like one of those situations where Everyone Knows what the
truth is ("Common Unix Printing System"), but corporations and lawyers
require the Official Story to be a thin facade of lies.  But that's just
my take.

Re: How to get an older emacs on Jessie

2016-09-30 Thread Stefan Monnier
> Can this be adjusted to allow me to install via apt-get this package?:
> My fear is that if I monkey with sources.list I will trigger an unwanted
> dist-upgrade.

dist-upgrade doesn't happen automatically.  So yes, you can add the
above and then do something like

aptitude update; aptitude install emacs23

If you don't trust APT enough, then you can go the safer/manual route:

wget /emacs23_...deb
dpkg --install emacs23_...deb

[ Of course, this may fail, for lack of a dependency, which you'll then
  want to wget+dpkg install in the same way, etc...  ]


Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 30 September 2016 14:02:05 Mark Fletcher wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 01:31:03PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> > On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 20:54:32 +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > > On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:31:45PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > > > On Thursday 29 September 2016 16:03:38 Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > > > > which I find ironic
> > > > > considering what the U of CUPS stands for
> > > >
> > > > Why?  MacOSX is Unix based (via BSD) and CUPS is supposed to be
> > > > common to all Unices (though I have only used it on Linux and
> > > > MacOSX).
> > >
> > > Precisely, Lisi. Precisely.
> >
> > The "U" in CUPS officially doesn't stand for anything. The same applies
> > to the "C", "P" and "S".
> According to whom, Brian? (Apart from you, obviously :) ). According to
> the Internet (so it _must_ be true) it stands for Common Unix Printing
> System. Are they, and the Gutenprint driver which prints that on its
> test pages, just making sh*t up then? (To be fair I don't know which
> component creates the test page, but I do know, because I am sitting
> here with one about an inch away from my left hand, that when you ask
> CUPS to print a test page, it prints that on the test page.)
> Mark (who is trying to figure out how Wheezy is going to figure in this
> driver install...)

It also says most of it, definitely that U stands for Unix, on the home page 
of the CUPS web interface.:
"CUPS 1.7.5
CUPS is the standards-based, open source printing system developed by Apple 
Inc. for OS® X and other UNIX®-like operating systems."  followed by a large 
capital C containing the words "Unix Printing System".


Re: Scroll Lock on VT prevents reboot/shutdown

2016-09-30 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Fri, 30 Sep 2016, Reco wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:03:31PM +, Matt Sickler wrote:
> > I'm not sure which package this bug should be filed against, partially 
> > because I'm not entirely sure of the root cause.  I'm able to replicate it 
> > on our systems every time, though I have not tried on a fresh install of 
> > Debian - our images aren't really that much different anyway.   We don't 
> > have a GUI installed, just text mode or whatever you want to call it.  I've 
> > spent hours googling and I have not found anyone else affected by this, nor 
> > did I find anything in BTS.
> > Could someone confirm that this happens on more than just my systems and/or 
> > let me know what package I should file the bug against?
> Please run "dpkg -S /sbin/shutdown", and file a bug against a package
> found. I suspect that this issue must be linked somehow to systemd's
> console handling, because I cannot reproduce the behavior you describe
> (but I don't use systemd).

Hmm, careful there. sysv-rc console handling isn't much better, I don't
know when we regressed it or why anymore, it was on lenny or even
earlier, but...  If you ever need to log in the console before getty ran
(i.e. in single-user mode, etc), *always* run "stty sane" as the first

Otherwise, you might find yourself on a shell that doesn't have many of
the interrupt signals working from the vty.

One thing to try: if shutdown hangs because a console is paused, please
wait.  It is supposed to eventually (i.e. after several minutes) time
out and go into a sigkill spree that should unwedge even a process stuck
in a tty read or write (the ttys are NOT supposed to get a process into
"D" state AFAIK).  If it doesn't, we have a kernel bug on top of
everything else.

  Henrique Holschuh

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 01:31:03PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 20:54:32 +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:31:45PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > > On Thursday 29 September 2016 16:03:38 Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > > > which I find ironic
> > > > considering what the U of CUPS stands for
> > > 
> > > Why?  MacOSX is Unix based (via BSD) and CUPS is supposed to be common to 
> > > all 
> > > Unices (though I have only used it on Linux and MacOSX).
> > > 
> > Precisely, Lisi. Precisely.
> The "U" in CUPS officially doesn't stand for anything. The same applies
> to the "C", "P" and "S".
According to whom, Brian? (Apart from you, obviously :) ). According to 
the Internet (so it _must_ be true) it stands for Common Unix Printing 
System. Are they, and the Gutenprint driver which prints that on its 
test pages, just making sh*t up then? (To be fair I don't know which 
component creates the test page, but I do know, because I am sitting 
here with one about an inch away from my left hand, that when you ask 
CUPS to print a test page, it prints that on the test page.)

Mark (who is trying to figure out how Wheezy is going to figure in this 
driver install...)

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Brian
On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 20:54:32 +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:31:45PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > On Thursday 29 September 2016 16:03:38 Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > > which I find ironic
> > > considering what the U of CUPS stands for
> > 
> > Why?  MacOSX is Unix based (via BSD) and CUPS is supposed to be common to 
> > all 
> > Unices (though I have only used it on Linux and MacOSX).
> > 
> Precisely, Lisi. Precisely.

The "U" in CUPS officially doesn't stand for anything. The same applies
to the "C", "P" and "S".


Quedada Debian Sevilla, viernes 18 noviembre 2016 [coordenadas]

2016-09-30 Thread Arturo Borrero Gonzalez

os actualizo las coordenadas de la quedada Debian que se celebrará
próximamente en Sevilla.

Fecha: viernes 18 de noviembre 2016
Hora: 20:00
Lugar: Asociación Plan 4d

Esto está en pleno centro de Sevilla, cerca de la muralla de la Macarena.

La dirección de la Asociación Plan 4d es:

C/ Bordador Rodríguez Ojeda, 7D ACC
San Julián, 41003

Habrá algo de picoteo, bebida y comida. Se aceptarán avituallamientos
que querais traer y compartir.

¡nos vemos allí!

Arturo Borrero González

Re: Canon printer minor quibble

2016-09-30 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:31:45PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> On Thursday 29 September 2016 16:03:38 Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > which I find ironic
> > considering what the U of CUPS stands for
> Why?  MacOSX is Unix based (via BSD) and CUPS is supposed to be common to all 
> Unices (though I have only used it on Linux and MacOSX).
Precisely, Lisi. Precisely.

Re: Quedada Debian Sevilla, viernes 18 noviembre 2016

2016-09-30 Thread TheFox
Me gustaría poder ir a la quedada, pero no voy a poder (no vivo en
Andalucía). A ver si puedo para la siguiente ocasión.


El 21 sept. 2016 4:13, "limpia"  escribió:

> On 2016-09-20 02:55, Arturo Borrero Gonzalez wrote:
>> Hola,
>> el viernes 18 de Noviembre de 2016 sobre las 20:00 vamos a reunirnos
>> en Sevilla unos cuantos interesados en el proyecto Debian.
>> Los detalles y el plan de la quedada no están aún definidos, supongo
>> que será algo similar a lo que ya ha ocurrido con anterioridad [0],
>> tomarnos un refrigerio mientras charlamos.
>> Estamos abiertos a sugerencias de cualquier tipo.
>> Si nunca has asistido a una quedada, esta es tu oportunidad de conocer
>> a gente que apuesta fuerte por Debian y por el software libre, de
>> darte a conocer, de compartir tu experiencia y de aprender de los
>> demás.
>> Si ya has asistido a alguna quedada, esta será tu oportunidad de
>> reencontrarte con la gente, revisar los temas que se trataron la vez
>> anterior y de contar finalmente eso que se te olvidó la otra vez :-)
>> Que haya una quedada Debian en Sevilla es algo excepcional y que
>> cuesta trabajo que salga adelante, así que te animamos a asistir!
>> saludos!
>> [0]
> Gracias por la invitación,
>  Si me da  permiso, me gustaría publicar
> esto en un foro, para que las personas que no leen
> la lista de correo puede verlo?
> Gracias
> -- y saludos
> No se,  Nunca he visto a España, pero tienen todas maneras quería ver
> que, tal vez esto sería una buena excusa para ir.
>  Me gustaria hacer lo..
> ¿Cómo no romper Debian :(Don'tBreakDebian)

Re: Repositorios non free error al instalar

2016-09-30 Thread José Mateo Ruiz
Hola Ignacio:
Decías el  Jueves, 29 de Septiembre del 2016.
> Tengo esta disposición de sources al querer agregar non free para que me
> funcione Flash sin lo cual no logro fisualizar ciertas cosas:
> # deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux stretch-DI-alpha7 _Stretch_ - Official
> Snapshot i$
> # deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux stretch-DI-alpha7 _Stretch_ - Official
> Snapshot i$
> deb stretch main
> deb-src stretch main 
> deb stretch/updates main
> deb-src stretch/updates main
> deb stretch main contrib non-free
> deb-src stretch main contrib non-free
> deb stretch/updates main contrib non-free
> deb-src stretch/updates main contrib non-free 

Esto es lo que tengo en mi sources.list, sin problemas para las

deb stretch main contrib non-free
#deb-src stretch main contrib non-free

deb stretch/updates main contrib non-free
#deb-src stretch/updates main contrib-non-free

# stretch-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb stretch-updates main contrib non-free

#deb-src stretch-updates main contrib

# multimedia
deb stretch main non-free

deb-src los tengo desactivados de momento, no descargo paquetes fuente.

/|\José Tomás Mateo Ruiz
\_/_50550 Aragón España
Dejemos las conclusiones para los idiotas.
-- Pío Baroja. (1872-1956) Escritor español.

Så här tycker läsarna om sommarens mest omtalade bok

2016-09-30 Thread Månadens Säljbok
Bilda din egen uppfattning om Livet med kvantfysiska glasögon
Läs på webben 

Bilda din egen uppfattning om sommarens mest omtalade bok, Livet med 
kvantfysiska glasögon!

Mer än 6000 har redan läst den.

Här får du några av läsarrösterna:

"Wowjag ryser i hela kroppen...vilka möjligheter."

"Viktigt att söka nya vägar och inse att allt inte är svart
eller vitt utan det finns så mycket att upptäcka"

"Er bok är banbrytande, fantastisk."


"Den går verkligen rätt in i hjärtat"

"En skön bok som många borde läsa.."

"Klart bästa boken på länge."

"Så galet bra! Så bra gjord och så SPOT-ON"

"Har potential att skapa magi i många människors liv"

"Tack för Er underbart nyfikna spännande bok och tack
för att Ni orkar stå kvar tills det skakat färdigt."

Livet med kvantfysiska glasögon toppade försäljningslistorna
hos både Bokus 
 och Adlibris 
 under sommaren. Upptäck den
du också!

Vi rekommenderar den varmt!




Trevlig läsning!

Månadens säljbok
avanmälan []

Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-30 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2016-09-29 19:04:20 -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > It's a pity that Aptitude is so poorly designed.
> Just because it doesn't always work the way you want it doesn't mean it
> should labeled "poorly designed".

I'm not the only one to complain.

Vincent Lefèvre  - Web: 
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: 
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: Quedada Debian Sevilla, viernes 18 noviembre 2016

2016-09-30 Thread Javier Barroso

El mar., 20 sept. 2016 9:56, Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <> escribió:

> Hola,
> el viernes 18 de Noviembre de 2016 sobre las 20:00 vamos a reunirnos
> en Sevilla unos cuantos interesados en el proyecto Debian.

Yo no podré asistir en esta ocasión. Espero ver las fotos de la quedada! Y
poder asistir a la siguiente

No me llegan los correos o es q nadie se apunta :( ?


Projekt Mistrzowie Sportu

2016-09-30 Thread Dariusz
Czy mogę przesłać informację na temat możliwości zaproszenia polskich Mistrzów 
Sportu, olimpijczyków, mistrzów świata do udziału w ważnych imprezach czy 
uroczystościach w Państwa gminie, szkole lub firmie? 

Nasi Ambasadorzy - znakomici sportowcy realizują na terenie całego kraju 
szkolenia motywacyjne, interesujące treningi otwarte oraz biorą udział w innych 
imprezach. To dobra merytorycznie propozycja na wzmocnienie rangi Państwa 
imprezy, ale też niewątpliwa atrakcja dla uczestników, fanów i łowców 

Pozdrawiam serdecznie i zapraszam do kontaktu,
Projekt "Mistrzowie Sportu"

Aby zrezygnować z podobnych zapytań proszę o informację zwrotną.

Re: (deb-cat) fsck en iniciar

2016-09-30 Thread Jordi Mallach
El dj 29 de 09 de 2016 a les 11:24 +0200, en/na Narcis Garcia va
> Doncs sí, gràcies, m'ha funcionat.
> Per si de cas, apart del FSCKFIX=yes a /etc/default/rcS li he deixat
> el
> al nucli indefinidament.

Per experiència, et puc dir que executar "fsck -y" a cegues i sense
interacció de l'usuari et pot deixar un sistema de fitxer molt buit
(del tot, vaja), i amb un /lost+found en pla puzzle per passar una bona
estona el cap de setmana.

Per quina raó vols fer incondicionalment?

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
GnuPG public key information available at

Re: Scroll Lock on VT prevents reboot/shutdown

2016-09-30 Thread Reco

On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:03:31PM +, Matt Sickler wrote:
> I'm not sure which package this bug should be filed against, partially 
> because I'm not entirely sure of the root cause.  I'm able to replicate it on 
> our systems every time, though I have not tried on a fresh install of Debian 
> - our images aren't really that much different anyway.   We don't have a GUI 
> installed, just text mode or whatever you want to call it.  I've spent hours 
> googling and I have not found anyone else affected by this, nor did I find 
> anything in BTS.

> Could someone confirm that this happens on more than just my systems and/or 
> let me know what package I should file the bug against?

Please run "dpkg -S /sbin/shutdown", and file a bug against a package
found. I suspect that this issue must be linked somehow to systemd's
console handling, because I cannot reproduce the behavior you describe
(but I don't use systemd).


Re: OT: sugerencias para portátil nuevo

2016-09-30 Thread Antonio

El 29/09/2016 a las 20:16, endika escribió:


Vengo a la lista en busca de alguna sugerencia para comprar un portátil.
Las características a cumplir son:
-No tener windows preinstalado
-Batería extraíble
-Presupuesto 400-600€
-Pantalla de 15" o menor (12" como mínimo)
-Odio el teclado numérico que la mayoría trae a la derecha (pero lo

Le he echado un ojo a este y de momento
es el único que me ha medio gustado.

Se agradecen las respuesta de antemano

A mi me gustan estos, pero no he comprado todavía.

Un saludo.

Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-30 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 11:33:58AM -0400, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:
> YES, I know this is Unstable. That's why I specifically made that
> declaration in the email's subject line and other (i.e. "the bug
> report", grin). I'm one of the ones who issues that statement herself
> on regular occasion.

Would jessie not be more suitable for your needs? Much less churn in a
stable release than the development distribution.

Jonathan Dowland
Please do not CC me, I am subscribed to the list.

Description: Digital signature

Re: How to get an older emacs on Jessie

2016-09-30 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 12:14:54PM -0400, Bob Bernstein wrote:
> Can this be adjusted to allow me to install via apt-get this package?:
> My fear is that if I monkey with sources.list I will trigger an unwanted
> dist-upgrade.

The solution would be to add the apt lines but configure apt pinning to ensure
that the oldstable (or older) lines never have priority over jessie.

Description: Digital signature

RE: iGPU Skylake et Jessie

2016-09-30 Thread BOITEUX, Frederic
Bonjour Damien,

  Je vois que tu as trouvé un paquet binaire correspondant au source mesa, il 
te faudrait vérifier les autres paquets binaires de ce même source (voir pour être bien cohérent.

Pour ta question sur glxgears, il est par défaut synchronisé sur le 
rafraichissement de l'écran, mais tu peux contourner cela par la commande :

vblank_mode=0 glxgears

(tu devais avoir une version différente de glxgears en testing/unstable je 


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