Re: Can't install security update: server name not resolved

2016-10-23 Thread Nick Boyce
On Fri, 21 Oct 2016 07:35:28 -0400
Carl Fink  wrote:

> Anyone else seeing this?
> E: Failed to fetch
> Could not resolve '

> It was apparently temporary. Worked when I got home
> Any suggestions?

In case you don't know by now, it was probably this:

There were apparently at least 3 major phases of attack, with calm

Never FDISK after midnight

Re: Instalando OpenOffice en Debian

2016-10-23 Thread Juan Lavieri


El 23-10-2016 a las 03:52 p.m., AlexLikeRock escribió:

El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico 
en busca

de virus.

1.- openoffice esta descontinuado

Entonces hay que demandarlos porque están mintiendo:

2.- que gran falta de respeto al poner link de Taringa, ese foro sin 
escrupulos y falta de respeto a los autores originales.

¿Qué pasó con ellos?

3.- error:"que no desinstalé previamente LibreOffice."

Disculpa pero ¿por qué es eso un error?


Juan M Lavieri

Errar es de humanos, pero es mas humano culpar a los demás.

list installed packages present only in stable

2016-10-23 Thread kamaraju kusumanchi
How can I list all the packages installed on my system that are
currently part of the stable distribution but not present in either
testing or sid?

For example, ibkasten2okteta1controllers1abi1 libkasten2okteta1gui1
are currently part of stable, but not present in either testing or
sid. The command should list these packages if they are currently

If it matters, here are the repos I am tracking.
 % inxi -r
Repos: Active apt sources in file: /etc/apt/sources.list
   deb stretch main contrib non-free
   deb-src stretch main
contrib non-free
   deb stretch-updates
main contrib non-free
   deb-src stretch-updates
main contrib non-free
   deb stretch/updates main contrib non-free
   deb-src stretch/updates main
contrib non-free

I prefer to use apt-get to aptitude. But if this can only be done in
aptitude, I do not mind using that.


Kamaraju S Kusumanchi |

Re: Disk Bölme

2016-10-23 Thread jin

Tümü extend edilmiş ve bölünerek lojik disk parcalari olarak tanimlanmis
bir disk üzerinde 'primary' bölüm olusturmaya çalışıyorsunuz.

Yaptiginiz islem lojik disk bölümünü küçültmek. Bunun yerine,
Extend edilen bölümün bitis noktasini istediginiz kapasiteyi verebilecek
kadar küçültüp tekrar deneyin.

On Oct 23, 2016 7:55 PM, "Gökhan ÖZTÜRK"  wrote:

> Ekteki resimde disklerimin görüntüsü var. Amacım /dev/sda6'dan boş 50 gb
> alıp /dev/sda2 oluşturmak.
> Bunun için terminalde root olarak "fdisk /dev/sda" komutu verdikten sonra
> n komutunu verdim.
> Karşıma çıkan primary ve logical seçeneklerinden p seçip disk bölümü
> numarasını 2 yaptım. Buraya kadar bir sorun yok ama First sector ve last
> sector kısmında first sectorü olduğu gibi bıraktım Last ise +51200M yazınca
> Value out of range hatası alıyorum.
> Terminal çıktı yine ekte resimde var.
> Ya da dev sda2 başka şekilde nasıl oluşturabilirim.
> ​

Re: Can't set up network on Debian 8 fresh install [was: Unidentified subject!]

2016-10-23 Thread Bob Holtzman
On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 11:31:28AM +0200, wrote:

My abject apologies for the delay in this reply. just got back in town
and am just catching up on my email.

> Hi, Bob.
> Welcome.
> First, a meta-suggestions
>   Try to use a good subject line (I tried to modify it).
>   This list is read by many volunteers, and is pretty high
>   volume. Nobody reads everything. A good subject line
>   will make it more probable that your mail is picked up
>   by someone knowledgeable in the subject matter.

I know but I hit the send key too soon. Sorry.

> Comments interleaved in your main text
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 03:30:04PM -0700, wrote:
> > Clean install of deb8 (jessie)on my Thinkpad T4220i laptop. went well
> > except for the fact that the network configuration
> > with DCP failed.
> This is probably DHCP. That means that the laptop tries to ask in
> the local network for an IP address and gets assigned one by the
> (local) DHCP server, which these days typically is the internet
> router.
> Question: is your Thinkpad connected to the local net via a
> network cable? Or via WLAN?

Ethernet cable directly to the modem. No router (yet).

> Open a console. What is the output of the command

>   /sbin/ifconfig
> Could you paste it here?

root@localhost:/home/holtzm# /sbin/ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:21:cc:b6:06:8f
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
  Interrupt:20 Memory:f250-f252

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
  RX packets:27 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:27 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:3077 (3.0 KiB)  TX bytes:307

> > I was given 3 options.
> > 1) try it again. This was hope over experience.
> That means it isn't getting an answer to its DHCP requests. Most
> probably it doesn't reach the network, but we can't know for sure
> yet.
> > 2) configure manually. Great if I had the first inkling how. I'm a
> > complete neophyte when it
> >comes to networking.
> > 3) continue without configuring a network. The only one that would let
> > me continue the
> >installation.
> > 
> > I have a functioning desktop pc so I compred some files w/ the laptop.
> Perhaps the output of /sbin/ifconfig on the desktop PC would be
> interesting here as well.

root@localhost:/home/holtzm# /sbin/ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1e:8c:1e:85:82  
  inet addr:  Bcast:
  inet6 addr: fe80::21e:8cff:fe1e:8582/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:51469650 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:189063 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:6
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
  RX bytes:3282631748 (3.0 GiB)  TX bytes:19166009 (18.2 MiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
  RX packets:66231 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:66231 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
  RX bytes:18252784 (17.4 MiB)  TX bytes:18252784 (17.4 MiB)

> regards
> -- tomás

Bob Holtzman
A man is a man who will fight with a sword or
conquer Mt. Everest in snow. But the bravest of all
owns a '34 Ford and tries for six thousand in low.

Re: Network manager not showing saved network connections

2016-10-23 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 24.10.2016 um 00:26 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> Am 23.10.2016 um 23:30 schrieb Paul Seyfert:
>> Deleting almost all connections (204 out of 214) in
>> /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ and only keeping those few I am
>> sure to use[2], I get a working state (all connections which I want to
> ..
>> Is this a known bug[3]? Any suggestions what to test/investigate/other
>> information I should provide?
> Yes, known issue. You are hitting a D-Bus limit here.
is the merged bug report with more details.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Samba + Openldap fallo en login

2016-10-23 Thread Maykel Franco
Hola buenas, estoy tratando de montar este tutorial en Debian Jessi:

Todo ha ido bien excepto en el paso en el que se ejecuta el comando
smbldap-populate, que además de añadirte las entradas en ldap, debería
de añadir los siguientes grupos al sistema:

sk@server:~$ sudo getent group
Domain Admins:*:512:root
Domain Users:*:513:
Domain Guests:*:514:
Domain Computers:*:515:
Account Operators:*:548:
Print Operators:*:550:
Backup Operators:*:551:

En mi caso, esos grupos no me los muestra... Samba los necesita para
poder interactuar entre ldap y el sistema.

Debugueando un poco he encontrado esto:

  check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [maykel] -> [maykel]
  Checking NTLMSSP password for WORKGROUP\maykel failed: NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER
  ../auth/ntlmssp/ntlmssp_server.c:737: Checking NTLMSSP password for
  remote_name  : 'debian-maykel'
  remote_name  : 'debian-maykel'

El caso es que el usuario si existe más que comprobado:

# ldapsearch -LLL  -x -D "cn=admin,dc=sytes,dc=net" -W -H
"ldap://localhost; -b "ou=Users,dc=sytes,dc=net" "(uid=maykel)"
Enter LDAP Password:
dn: uid=maykel,ou=Users,dc=sytes,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: maykel
sn: maykel
uid: maykel
uidNumber: 1001
gidNumber: 513
homeDirectory: /home/maykel
loginShell: /bin/bash
gecos: System User
givenName: maykel
userPassword:: e1NTSEF9emdlcktQcHFHV3F6Z3RHRTdnNkVLRWVKZnFSU1dVSXg=
shadowLastChange: 17097
shadowMax: 45

# smbldap-userlist
uid  |username

   0 |root |
65534 |nobody   |
1000 |olatz|
1001 |maykel   |

He probado añadir esto en smb.conf que dicen que solucionaba el
problema pero no he tenido éxito:

map untrusted to domain = Yes

Alguien sabe que puede estar pasando?

Re: Network manager not showing saved network connections

2016-10-23 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 23.10.2016 um 23:30 schrieb Paul Seyfert:
> Deleting almost all connections (204 out of 214) in
> /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ and only keeping those few I am
> sure to use[2], I get a working state (all connections which I want to


> Is this a known bug[3]? Any suggestions what to test/investigate/other
> information I should provide?

Yes, known issue. You are hitting a D-Bus limit here.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Network manager not showing saved network connections

2016-10-23 Thread Paul Seyfert
Hash: SHA256

Hi all,

I am using debian stable with network-manager and

I recently noticed that seeing a network[0] (eduroam) for which I
configured several connections (had three eduroam accounts over the
time, and have two setups for one of them for debugging), the nm-applet
didn't offer me all connections to choose for connecting to that
network. Digging further I went to right click on the nm-applet icon ->
Edit connections and got more suspicious as my home network did not
appear and I was pretty sure having used my home wifi recently.

Searching around, I found that all the settings I was missing in the gui
are actually there in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections:
(apparently five eduroam connections [1])
(gui shows only two[4])

restarting network manager (systemctl restart network-manager.service)
and/or the nm-applet (killall nm-applet ; nm-applet) doesn't fix the

Deleting almost all connections (204 out of 214) in
/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ and only keeping those few I am
sure to use[2], I get a working state (all connections which I want to
exist are shown in the nm-applet). When I restore all connections in
/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/, the list in nm-applet is again

So far I only used the network manager through the nm-applet with my
normal user account.

Is this a known bug[3]? Any suggestions what to test/investigate/other
information I should provide?


[0] mostly wifi connections, but also mobile broadband seems affected.

[1] time stamps are off since I cleared the directory earlier today for
debugging and now copied the files back and restarted network-manager
and the nm-applet. In the backup they look like this:

[2] including a connection which is not shown.

[3] google is somewhat swamped with network manager forgetting passwords
or not showing networks after hibernation.

[4] note the matching of filename to id
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately After Grub Screen

2016-10-23 Thread Jape Person

On 10/23/2016 05:26 PM, Frank wrote:

Op 23-10-16 om 22:47 schreef Felix Miata:

I don't remember having any Stretch installations with fewer than two
installed kernels. The currently booted one, originally installed 51
weeks ago, has 6 installed. I've yet to discover any doc suggesting
anything about any possibility of automatic removal of old kernels from
Debian Testing installations.

This is exactly what happens when the binary package version number does
not change. The 4.7.6 kernel came in packages with version number
4.7.0-1. So did the 4.7.8 one [1]. This means 4.7.8 simply overwrote 4.7.6.
This sort of thing has been happening on my Testing system for years.
The older ones I have are 4.6.0-1, 4.5.0-2 and 4.5.0-1.



The arrangement has been working for me for quite some time, but 
it may have bit me in the behind this time around. Thank you for 
the link. I should have been paying more attention.

Re: Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately After Grub Screen

2016-10-23 Thread Frank

Op 23-10-16 om 22:47 schreef Felix Miata:

I don't remember having any Stretch installations with fewer than two
installed kernels. The currently booted one, originally installed 51
weeks ago, has 6 installed. I've yet to discover any doc suggesting
anything about any possibility of automatic removal of old kernels from
Debian Testing installations.

This is exactly what happens when the binary package version number does 
not change. The 4.7.6 kernel came in packages with version number 
4.7.0-1. So did the 4.7.8 one [1]. This means 4.7.8 simply overwrote 4.7.6.
This sort of thing has been happening on my Testing system for years. 
The older ones I have are 4.6.0-1, 4.5.0-2 and 4.5.0-1.



Re: Re: Reconfiguring grub2 UFEI system

2016-10-23 Thread Dominic Knight
oops, I notice it is solved now, must have missed those posts in the
digest somehow, I was thinking however that maybe it was a case of 'I
never installed that version of grub so I'm not going to write to it'
as you probably had a slightly different version from the one on SuSE,
I am no expert however so may be talking out of turn here.

Re: Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately After Grub Screen

2016-10-23 Thread Jape Person

On 10/23/2016 04:47 PM, Felix Miata wrote:

Jape Person composed on 2016-10-23 14:33 (UTC-0400):

Felix Miata wrote:

Does the same thing happen booting the previous kernel

Nope. The problem occurred on the first reboot after the
upgrade from 4.7.6-1 to 4.7.8-1. The upgrade process didn't
leave 4.7.6-1 in place so I could fall back.

I don't remember just when I started seeing that upgrade
behavioral change in Debian. I used to always use the new
kernel for a week or so, and then I would have to use apt
to remove the old one if it was no longer needed.

I don't remember having any Stretch installations with fewer
than two installed kernels. The currently booted one,
originally installed 51 weeks ago, has 6 installed. I've yet
to discover any doc suggesting anything about any possibility
of automatic removal of old kernels from Debian Testing

Could it be that the pae kernel your CF-R3 is running is not
the recommended kernel for that CPU, and that has something
to do with replacement on kernel upgrade instead of simply
adding new?

During new installations of Debian my systems I chose:

linux-image-686-pae for the i386 systems
linux-image-amd64 for the 64 bit systems

Those new installations offer me the latest available kernel
from the Stretch repository for each type of system. At some
time in recent months I installed the linux-image-686-pae on the
trouble machine. Since that time it has tracked the latest
linux-image package just like the two other i386 systems and the
amd64 system.

I have seen all of these systems keep the older kernel when a
"major" kernel version change has occurred in the repository. In
those cases I have kept the older kernel around until I was sure
it was okay. But for small kernel version jumps the next reboot
just shows me the new kernel, the old one having evidently been

Maybe the time is now opportune for an arch upgrade. The
supply of devs working 32-bit seems to be shrinking quickly
towards critical mass. 32-bit seems to be soon if not already
in process of being removed from Stretch:

If you mean I should replace the old equipment, I was planning 
on doing so. The oldest system in my collection is a Sony Viao 
video workstation that I believe came with Windows 98 on it. I 
think it is 17 or 18 years old, and is simply one of the best 
pieces of hardware of any kind I've ever owned. It has run 24/7 
since I purchased it.

I'm probably going to buy some Libreboot T400s, or I might get 
some Intel NUCs, if I think Debian's repositories will support 
that newer hardware.

It's a shame, though, to have perfectly useful pieces like the 
Panasonic CF-R3 be relegated to obsolete software. The thing is 
a gem. It's tiny even by modern netbook standards but is fast 
and powerful. It was a marvel when it was introduced, and it's 
still no slouch.

I appreciate your observations and suggestions.


WiFi works during install, not after

2016-10-23 Thread Carl Fink

So I have a ThinkPad Yoga 11s ultrabook.

If I copy over the firmware-realtek package, Debian can install just 
fine over the WiFi connection. (I don't have wired internet at my home.)

After install, everything is fine, except I can't connect to the WiFi. I 
know it's possible because the installer does it!

The wlan0 interface exists and is up, but "dhclient wlan0" ends up 
assigning, which is not a routable address. As you 
might expect, attempts to ping/connect to external systems via IP 
address fail with "Destination host unreachable" and of course, DNS 
lookups universally fail.

This ultrabook is supposed to have the rtl8723au chipset, which is a USB 
802.11/Bluetooth chipset that for some reason Lenovo used in the laptop, 
with an inside-the-case-only USB connection.

The firmware-realtek package is installed on the ultrabook.

Interestingly, the rtl8723au module is NOT loaded, and "modprobe 
rtl8723au" fails with a message about the module not being found, even 
though it's right there if I "locate rtl8723au", in the drivers/staging 
directory. Maybe the staging area isn't used by default? I confess I 
don't remember how to change the path that is searched for loadable modules.

Any insights would be most gratefully received.

Carl Fink

Re: Reconfiguring grub2 UFEI system

2016-10-23 Thread Dominic Knight
On Sun, 2016-10-23 at 17:49 +0200, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> Le 22/10/2016 à 23:17, Mark Neidorff a écrit :
> > On Friday, 10/21/16 10:19:47 PM Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> > 
> > > What is the output of "os-prober" ?
> > 
> > No output. (yes, I ran it as root)
> Then no other system was detected and added to the GRUB menu when
> you 
> ran update-grub.
> > > Are you sure the GRUB that shows up is the one from Debian ?
> > 
> > I'm not sure how to answer that question.  The first OS I installed
> > was
> > OpenSUSE.  Then I installed Debian 8.6 twice (on the two separate
> > drives in
> > the system).  All three of these entries are still there even after
> > running
> > update-grub.
> > 
> > I wouldn't care about the extra entries except that the OpenSUSE
> > entry is the
> > default.
> Is openSUSE the first entry in the menu ? AFAICS, by default the
> first 
> entry in the menu is the OS which installed the active GRUB. So it
> looks 
> like it is openSUSE's GRUB, not Debian's one.
>  From Debian, what it the ouput of the following commands ?
> efibootmgr
> ls /boot/
> ls /boot/efi/EFI

Last time I used this (update-grub on fully updated Debian testing) a
few weeks back it did nothing for me either, however as a workaround
you can re-install/re-configure grub-pc and/or grub-pc-bin (via apt-
get, synaptic or your personal favourite installer) and that will
install the grub menu for you.  I think it was the first of these two
options (re-install grub-pc) that did the trick but just in case I
remember wrongly, I mention the other software too.

However, it probably needs tracking down as to why this no longer works
for all, so if you are willing, please continue to work through other
processes first.

Re: Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately After Grub Screen

2016-10-23 Thread Felix Miata

Jape Person composed on 2016-10-23 14:33 (UTC-0400):

Felix Miata wrote:

Does the same thing happen booting the previous kernel (4.6?)?

Nope. The problem occurred on the first reboot after the upgrade
from 4.7.6-1 to 4.7.8-1. The upgrade process didn't leave
4.7.6-1 in place so I could fall back.

I don't remember just when I started seeing that upgrade
behavioral change in Debian. I used to always use the new kernel
for a week or so, and then I would have to use apt to remove the
old one if it was no longer needed.

I don't remember having any Stretch installations with fewer than two 
installed kernels. The currently booted one, originally installed 51 weeks 
ago, has 6 installed. I've yet to discover any doc suggesting anything about 
any possibility of automatic removal of old kernels from Debian Testing 

Could it be that the pae kernel your CF-R3 is running is not the recommended 
kernel for that CPU, and that has something to do with replacement on kernel 
upgrade instead of simply adding new?

Maybe the time is now opportune for an arch upgrade. The supply of devs 
working 32-bit seems to be shrinking quickly towards critical mass. 32-bit 
seems to be soon if not already in process of being removed from Stretch:
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: Reconfiguring grub2 UFEI system **SOLVED**

2016-10-23 Thread Laruibasar


Em domingo, 23 de Outubro de 2016 20:10:05 WEST, Mark Neidorff 

On Sunday, 10/23/16 10:05:43 AM Laruibasar wrote:

Em sábado, 22 de Outubro de 2016 22:17:35 WEST, Mark Neidorff

> On Friday, 10/21/16 10:19:47 PM Pascal Hambourg wrote:
>> Le 21/10/2016 à 20:56, Mark Neidorff a écrit :
>> > So, the next step was to clean out the other distros.  I
>> used gparted to
>> > delete no longer needed partitions and to expand other
>> partitions to fill
>> > the space.  All is now good.
>> > 
>> > I then ran
>> > 
>> > #update-grub
>> > 
>> > hoping that would regenerate the grub boot menu,  (I also tried
>> > #update-grub2) but the old entries still appear when the 
system boots.
>> Are you talking about entries in GRUB's menu or in the UEFI 
boot menu ?
> Grub menu.  (I don't see a UEFI menu)
>> update-grub only updates the former.
> Good.
>> What is the output of "os-prober" ?
> No output. (yes, I ran it as root)
>> Are you sure the GRUB that shows up is the one from Debian ?
> I'm not sure how to answer that question.  The first OS I installed was

> OpenSUSE.  Then I installed Debian 8.6 twice (on the two
> separate drives in
> the system).  All three of these entries are still there even
> after running
> update-grub.

Have you mounted the EFI partition? Update-grub change grub, I 
don't think

it changes the FIE partitions. And check motherboard bios/uefi for the
default entry

> I wouldn't care about the extra entries except that the
> OpenSUSE entry is the
> default.  I want  Debian to be the default (and, yes there is only one
> instance of Debian installed).  Yes I tried changing the value
> of the default
> before I ran update-grub, but that didn't help.
> Thanks for any help,
> Mark


I went into the UEFI bios, and changed the default entry.  Now I get the 
correct Debian grub boot screen without the extra entries.  Once I get the 
rest of this system configured, I'm going to have to go back and really 
understand what goes on in the UEFI.  

I'm marking this as SOLVED.

Glad you solve it! If you are going to use several OS on you PC with UEFI, 
check a solution call rEFInd (uefi  boot manager). I use it for dual boot 
and it was once upon a time the way I use to transition Debian to uefi.

Many thanks for the help.


Enviado do Dekko através do meu dispositivo Ubuntu.

Re: Instalando OpenOffice en Debian

2016-10-23 Thread AlexLikeRock


El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca
de virus.

1.- openoffice esta descontinuado

2.- que gran falta de respeto al poner link de Taringa, ese foro sin 
escrupulos y falta de respeto a los autores originales.

3.- error:"que no desinstalé previamente LibreOffice."

Re: Reconfiguring grub2 UFEI system **SOLVED**

2016-10-23 Thread Mark Neidorff
On Sunday, 10/23/16 10:05:43 AM Laruibasar wrote:
> Em sábado, 22 de Outubro de 2016 22:17:35 WEST, Mark Neidorff
>  escreveu:
> > On Friday, 10/21/16 10:19:47 PM Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> >> Le 21/10/2016 à 20:56, Mark Neidorff a écrit :
> >> > So, the next step was to clean out the other distros.  I
> >> 
> >> used gparted to
> >> 
> >> > delete no longer needed partitions and to expand other
> >> 
> >> partitions to fill
> >> 
> >> > the space.  All is now good.
> >> > 
> >> > I then ran
> >> > 
> >> > #update-grub
> >> > 
> >> > hoping that would regenerate the grub boot menu,  (I also tried
> >> > #update-grub2) but the old entries still appear when the system boots.
> >> 
> >> Are you talking about entries in GRUB's menu or in the UEFI boot menu ?
> > 
> > Grub menu.  (I don't see a UEFI menu)
> > 
> >> update-grub only updates the former.
> > 
> > Good.
> > 
> >> What is the output of "os-prober" ?
> > 
> > No output. (yes, I ran it as root)
> > 
> >> Are you sure the GRUB that shows up is the one from Debian ?
> > 
> > I'm not sure how to answer that question.  The first OS I installed was
> > OpenSUSE.  Then I installed Debian 8.6 twice (on the two
> > separate drives in
> > the system).  All three of these entries are still there even
> > after running
> > update-grub.
> Have you mounted the EFI partition? Update-grub change grub, I don't think
> it changes the FIE partitions. And check motherboard bios/uefi for the
> default entry
> > I wouldn't care about the extra entries except that the
> > OpenSUSE entry is the
> > default.  I want  Debian to be the default (and, yes there is only one
> > instance of Debian installed).  Yes I tried changing the value
> > of the default
> > before I ran update-grub, but that didn't help.
> > 
> > Thanks for any help,
> > 
> > Mark
> Bandarra

I went into the UEFI bios, and changed the default entry.  Now I get the 
correct Debian grub boot screen without the extra entries.  Once I get the 
rest of this system configured, I'm going to have to go back and really 
understand what goes on in the UEFI.  

I'm marking this as SOLVED.

Many thanks for the help.


Re: Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately After Grub Screen

2016-10-23 Thread Jape Person

On 10/23/2016 01:33 PM, Felix Miata wrote:

James P. Wallen composed on 2016-10-23 12:14 (UTC-0400):

On 10/22/2016 18:10 (UTC-0400), Jape Person wrote:

It's confusing to see a response from a different person writing as if he was
responding to himself.

The confusion is caused by my idiotic tendency to confuse which 
e-mail account I'm using at any given moment. I generally use a 
separate e-mail account for mailing lists to help with 
organizational chores. Sorry about that. I did indeed respond to 
myself using a different e-mail account.

Be that as it may, have either of you tried intercepting Grub and unquieting
the boot process? Remove quiet, and either change splash to splash=0 or
remove splash entirely. Then proceed to boot, and see what if anything shows
up on screen besides a blinking underline cursor in the upper left corner.

Yes, both of us have tried making changes in the boot process.


There is simply no change in the experience when removing quiet 
or using nomodeset. The disk access stops instantly when the 
grub screen disappears. No keyboard controls are effective.

The fact that just touching the power switch results in instant 
shut-down makes me think that the kernel has not even started to 
load. But computers are faster than I am, so I realize that this 
issue could be happening at the end of grub or the beginning of 
the kernel load.

Does the same thing happen booting the previous kernel (4.6?)?

Nope. The problem occurred on the first reboot after the upgrade 
from 4.7.6-1 to 4.7.8-1. The upgrade process didn't leave 
4.7.6-1 in place so I could fall back.

I don't remember just when I started seeing that upgrade 
behavioral change in Debian. I used to always use the new kernel 
for a week or so, and then I would have to use apt to remove the 
old one if it was no longer needed.

Have you tried giving it 10 or more minutes before assuming boot won't complete?

I have a Stretch installation last updated about three weeks ago, which
installed a 4.7 kernel of 26 Sept. Booting it just now took >4.5 minutes to
get from the Grub selection to seeing boot messages appear on screen, but
from the point messages started appearing, boot proceeded normally.

I have >20 multiboot PCs with various distros. I've been encountering this
type of boot delay, sometimes as long as more than 13 minutes, with random
kernel/initrd pairs in several different distros, for going on two years.
It's happened only when Dracut builds the initrd, and only with 64 bit
installations. Whenever I've asked anywhere about this I've gotten zero
useful response, if any response at all.

I've left it at the blinking cursor for hours without seeing any 

I have also been seeing the same odd boot delays (and shutdown 
delays) on my 64 bit installation for months in Stretch. The 
delays are not consistent in behavior or duration. I have not 
been able to find any way to gather useful data. Yeah, kind of 
annoying. But it's different from what I'm seeing on this i386 

Incidentally, sometimes on the amd64 image on another machine 
I've switched to TTY1 following logon to the GUI and seen 
systemd countdown messages for starting of various daemons still 
going on after the boot has apparently succeeded.

No intention of providing flame bait here, but if anything like 
daemon startup failures was happening before the switch to 
systemd, I was happily ignorant of it until I actually needed 
the daemon, and it didn't slow my boot or shutdown processes. 
Just saying.


Now I shall grin, duck, and run. is probably where I first asked

I'll check out your link to see if there's any way I can a) 
learn something, b) contribute something, c) blame it all on a 


Re: [testing] Help! PC ne démarre plus

2016-10-23 Thread maderios

On 10/23/2016 07:45 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
 > Ça sens donc le bug dans grub sur le PC UEFI.
Ça mériterait bien un rapport de bug. Il semble que tu ne sois pas le 
seul (cf fil sur liste en 'Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately 
After Grub Screen')


Re: Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately After Grub Screen

2016-10-23 Thread Jape Person

On 10/23/2016 01:21 PM, Børge Holen wrote:

I have to use the nomodeset from time to time where the f*** gfx card has
unresolved issues with itself. Atleast it lets me boot to a prompt. Now
thinking of it, I have no blinking cursor, I just get a black screen... So
different issue all together and I am just rambling on

Yes, I think this is a different issue.

Once the grub screen disappears there is no disk access at all. 
I just get the blinking underline cursor in the top left corner 
of the screen.

Using nomodeset, nosplash/splash=0, removing quiet -- none of 
these changes to the boot line of grub in any combination 
results in any change. The system simply stops accessing its 
hard drive and I get the black screen with the blinking 
underline cursor. Since a touch on the power button results in a 
system beep and immediate powerdown, I'm thinking it's possible 
that the system has not even started to load the kernel.

When I have time to make some live images, I'll test to see 
what's going on.


Re: [testing] Help! PC ne démarre plus

2016-10-23 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
J'ai trouvé le problème.
C'est bine lié à grub et plus particulièrement à l'UEFI. J'ai démarré depuis
une clé USB UEFI refind et ça a rétablit la configuration comme il faut. 
Ça sens donc le bug dans grub sur le PC UEFI.
Du coup j'ai fait les mises à jour sur mon portable qui n'est pas en UEFI et
pas de soucis.


Re: Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately After Grub Screen

2016-10-23 Thread Jape Person

On 10/23/2016 01:03 PM, Michael Lange wrote:

On Sun, 23 Oct 2016 12:14:39 -0400
"James P. Wallen"  wrote:

Double checked to see if I was right about the video subsystem.
It is not ATI, it is Intel integrated. No docs on this thing. It
was never officially sold in U.S., where I live currently. Since
I can't boot it to usable state, I can't (easily) find out
exactly which video it uses.

It's probably destine for re-installation anyway. I was just
surprised to see such a failure occur after upgrade.

If the device has worked with other kernel versions before, you
could boot from an USB drive, do a chroot and install a kernel that
works, this should be a pretty straightforward procedure.

Thanks, Michael. Yes, I posted originally from another e-mail 
account, so I'm sorry for any confusion that may have caused in 
the thread. I am planning to boot from a live image on USB key 
to try chrooting onto the system drive to fix it. I'll probably 
try update-grub first just in case something weird happened to 
grub-pc during that part of the upgrade. I could install a 
different kernel, but I'd prefer working on the system before 
doing that to see if there's a way to make the current kernel in 
testing work.

I'm kind of surprised that a minor kernel change of this type 
(probably) resulted in this problem. I'm not sure just what 
Debian's policy on kernel upgrades is. With major version 
changes, I think, the upgrade process leaves the old kernel in 
place so you can fall back on it if the new one fails. But minor 
revisions to the kernel just install the new kernel in place of 
the old one. I only noticed this change in upgrade policy -- if 
that is, indeed, what it is -- over the past couple of years.

This computer is definitely a corner case hardware-wise. The 
straight replacement of the kernel seems to have backfired in 
this case for this particular machine.

Many thanks for your suggestion.

And if anyone has seen a bug report that might be pertinent, I'd 
appreciate a pointer. I've searched briefly, but found nothing.


Re: Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately After Grub Screen

2016-10-23 Thread Felix Miata

James P. Wallen composed on 2016-10-23 12:14 (UTC-0400):

On 10/22/2016 18:10 (UTC-0400), Jape Person wrote:

It's confusing to see a response from a different person writing as if he was 
responding to himself.

Be that as it may, have either of you tried intercepting Grub and unquieting 
the boot process? Remove quiet, and either change splash to splash=0 or 
remove splash entirely. Then proceed to boot, and see what if anything shows 
up on screen besides a blinking underline cursor in the upper left corner.

Does the same thing happen booting the previous kernel (4.6?)?

Have you tried giving it 10 or more minutes before assuming boot won't complete?

I have a Stretch installation last updated about three weeks ago, which 
installed a 4.7 kernel of 26 Sept. Booting it just now took >4.5 minutes to 
get from the Grub selection to seeing boot messages appear on screen, but 
from the point messages started appearing, boot proceeded normally.

I have >20 multiboot PCs with various distros. I've been encountering this 
type of boot delay, sometimes as long as more than 13 minutes, with random 
kernel/initrd pairs in several different distros, for going on two years. 
It's happened only when Dracut builds the initrd, and only with 64 bit 
installations. Whenever I've asked anywhere about this I've gotten zero 
useful response, if any response at all. is probably where I first asked 

"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: systemd-shim et systemd-sysv [Résolu]

2016-10-23 Thread C. Mourad Jaber

Le 23/10/2016 à 18:11, Frederic MASSOT a écrit :

Le 23/10/2016 à 17:11, C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :


J'ai une dépendance systemd-sysv qui traine depuis quelques temps parce
qu'en conflit avec systemd-shim...

N'ayant que peu de connaissance sur systemd, je ne sais pas quelles sont
les conséquences si je supprime systemd-shim pour laisser la place à

Le paquet systemd-sysv permet d'utiliser systemd comme processus init à la place de 
l'init SysV.

systemd-shim est une couche intermédiaire qui permet aux applications d'utiliser 
quelques fonctionnalités de Systemd sans qu'il soit installé comme init du système.

Avec systemd-sysv, tu passes complétement dans monde Systemd et ça marche bien. 


Sur vos 2 témoignages, j'ai fait le switch, pas de changement notable de 
comportement donc ok.



Re: Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately After Grub Screen

2016-10-23 Thread Børge Holen
Heck I even remember a one-floppy live distribution that I had for just
this purpose.

On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 7:26 PM, Børge Holen  wrote:

> Have you tried booting off a live distribution and inserted the old kernel
> and symlinked the libraries so you can rerun grub update? I remember we had
> to do that with lilo whenever I tried new kernels and forgot all about
> lilo. Cannot even remember the last time I did it, since I found the rescue
> option in the installation disk. That option wasn't there back in the days
> On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 7:21 PM, Børge Holen 
> wrote:
>> I have to use the nomodeset from time to time where the f*** gfx card has
>> unresolved issues with itself. Atleast it lets me boot to a prompt. Now
>> thinking of it, I have no blinking cursor, I just get a black screen... So
>> different issue all together and I am just rambling on
>> On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 7:03 PM, Michael Lange 
>> wrote:
>>> On Sun, 23 Oct 2016 12:14:39 -0400
>>> "James P. Wallen"  wrote:
>>> > Double checked to see if I was right about the video subsystem.
>>> > It is not ATI, it is Intel integrated. No docs on this thing. It
>>> > was never officially sold in U.S., where I live currently. Since
>>> > I can't boot it to usable state, I can't (easily) find out
>>> > exactly which video it uses.
>>> >
>>> > It's probably destine for re-installation anyway. I was just
>>> > surprised to see such a failure occur after upgrade.
>>> If the device has worked with other kernel versions before, you
>>> could boot from an USB drive, do a chroot and install a kernel that
>>> works, this should be a pretty straightforward procedure.
>>> Regards
>>> Michael
>>> .-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. .
>>> .-.
>>> You canna change the laws of physics, Captain; I've got to have thirty
>>> minutes!

Re: Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately After Grub Screen

2016-10-23 Thread Børge Holen
Have you tried booting off a live distribution and inserted the old kernel
and symlinked the libraries so you can rerun grub update? I remember we had
to do that with lilo whenever I tried new kernels and forgot all about
lilo. Cannot even remember the last time I did it, since I found the rescue
option in the installation disk. That option wasn't there back in the days

On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 7:21 PM, Børge Holen  wrote:

> I have to use the nomodeset from time to time where the f*** gfx card has
> unresolved issues with itself. Atleast it lets me boot to a prompt. Now
> thinking of it, I have no blinking cursor, I just get a black screen... So
> different issue all together and I am just rambling on
> On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 7:03 PM, Michael Lange 
> wrote:
>> On Sun, 23 Oct 2016 12:14:39 -0400
>> "James P. Wallen"  wrote:
>> > Double checked to see if I was right about the video subsystem.
>> > It is not ATI, it is Intel integrated. No docs on this thing. It
>> > was never officially sold in U.S., where I live currently. Since
>> > I can't boot it to usable state, I can't (easily) find out
>> > exactly which video it uses.
>> >
>> > It's probably destine for re-installation anyway. I was just
>> > surprised to see such a failure occur after upgrade.
>> If the device has worked with other kernel versions before, you
>> could boot from an USB drive, do a chroot and install a kernel that
>> works, this should be a pretty straightforward procedure.
>> Regards
>> Michael
>> .-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.
>> You canna change the laws of physics, Captain; I've got to have thirty
>> minutes!

Re: Baladeur MP3/MP4

2016-10-23 Thread C. Mourad Jaber

Le 16/10/2016 à 23:12, kaliderus a écrit :

Bonsoir les barbus,

Je viens de découvrir
C'est bien ?

Je voudrai un baladeur léger et libéré, vous me conseillez lequel ?

A priori le sandisk est reprogramable, mais pas de paquets Debian.

Quelqu'un l'a-t-il déjà fait avec notre distrib pereferée ?

Merci et bonne nuit.

J'ai contribué à ce projet, il y a fort fort longtemps...

Malheureusement, il n'y a plus trop de progrès sur des lecteurs MP3 pas trop 

Les écrans tactiles ont un peu tué le projet puisqu'il n'y a pas d'implémentation libre 
facilement utilisable dans Rockbox et que personne ne s'est lancé dans un développement 
"from scratch"...

A moins de trouver un vieux Cowon X5L...

Je ne suis pas sûr que la solution libre soit dans Rockbox en 2016...

Mes 2 cents


Re: Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately After Grub Screen

2016-10-23 Thread Børge Holen
I have to use the nomodeset from time to time where the f*** gfx card has
unresolved issues with itself. Atleast it lets me boot to a prompt. Now
thinking of it, I have no blinking cursor, I just get a black screen... So
different issue all together and I am just rambling on

On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 7:03 PM, Michael Lange  wrote:

> On Sun, 23 Oct 2016 12:14:39 -0400
> "James P. Wallen"  wrote:
> > Double checked to see if I was right about the video subsystem.
> > It is not ATI, it is Intel integrated. No docs on this thing. It
> > was never officially sold in U.S., where I live currently. Since
> > I can't boot it to usable state, I can't (easily) find out
> > exactly which video it uses.
> >
> > It's probably destine for re-installation anyway. I was just
> > surprised to see such a failure occur after upgrade.
> If the device has worked with other kernel versions before, you
> could boot from an USB drive, do a chroot and install a kernel that
> works, this should be a pretty straightforward procedure.
> Regards
> Michael
> .-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.
> You canna change the laws of physics, Captain; I've got to have thirty
> minutes!

Re: [testing] Help! PC ne démarre plus

2016-10-23 Thread Klaus Becker
On dimanche 23 octobre 2016 18:53:56 CEST Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
> Si j'édite l'entrée grub j'ai:
> set root='hd0,gpt2'
> donc ça semble bon, non?

Si ton système est sur la 2e partition gpt du 1er dd, oui.

Avec "ls", tu peux afficher les systèmes installés.


Re: [testing] Help! PC ne démarre plus

2016-10-23 Thread Klaus Becker
On dimanche 23 octobre 2016 18:50:41 CEST maderios wrote:
> On 10/23/2016 05:48 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
> > Bonjour,
> > 
> > Je viens de faire la mise à jour d'une testing sur mon PC fixe et
> > depuis ça ne démarre plus. Je reste bloqué dans grub au niveau du
> > lancement du noyau:
> > 
> > Chargement de Linux 4.7.0-1-amd64...
> > Chargement du disque mémoire initial...
> > 
> > Lors de la mise à jour il y a eu grub2 et le noyau qui ont été mis à
> > jour.


la solution la + simple est certainement de démarrer sur un CD ou une clé usb 
live et de tenter une mise à jour de ton système à partir de là par un chroot 
sur ton système.

Eventuellement réinstaller manuellement le noyau et grub :

apt-get --reinstall install linux-image grub2


aptitude réinstall .

Si jamais il y a un bug, il faut peut-ête attendre que le bug soit résolu et 
les packetages en cause à jour.

Je suis sous unstable, j'ai un système de secours en cas de pépin comme le 
tien et j'ai aussi une savegarde de mon système faite avec fsarchiver que je 
recommande pour sa simplicité et robustesse.



Re: Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately After Grub Screen

2016-10-23 Thread Michael Lange
On Sun, 23 Oct 2016 12:14:39 -0400
"James P. Wallen"  wrote:

> Double checked to see if I was right about the video subsystem. 
> It is not ATI, it is Intel integrated. No docs on this thing. It 
> was never officially sold in U.S., where I live currently. Since 
> I can't boot it to usable state, I can't (easily) find out 
> exactly which video it uses.
> It's probably destine for re-installation anyway. I was just 
> surprised to see such a failure occur after upgrade.

If the device has worked with other kernel versions before, you
could boot from an USB drive, do a chroot and install a kernel that
works, this should be a pretty straightforward procedure.



.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

You canna change the laws of physics, Captain; I've got to have thirty

Disk Bölme

2016-10-23 Thread Gökhan ÖZTÜRK
Ekteki resimde disklerimin görüntüsü var. Amacım /dev/sda6'dan boş 50 gb
alıp /dev/sda2 oluşturmak.

Bunun için terminalde root olarak "fdisk /dev/sda" komutu verdikten sonra n
komutunu verdim.

Karşıma çıkan primary ve logical seçeneklerinden p seçip disk bölümü
numarasını 2 yaptım. Buraya kadar bir sorun yok ama First sector ve last
sector kısmında first sectorü olduğu gibi bıraktım Last ise +51200M yazınca
Value out of range hatası alıyorum.

Terminal çıktı yine ekte resimde var.

Ya da dev sda2 başka şekilde nasıl oluşturabilirim.


Re: [testing] Help! PC ne démarre plus

2016-10-23 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Si j'édite l'entrée grub j'ai:

set root='hd0,gpt2'

donc ça semble bon, non?

Le Sun, 23 Oct 2016 18:34:15 +0200
Francois Mescam  a écrit:

> je viens de faire la mise à jour de testing et pas de problème au
> reboot.
> J'ai regardé les éventuels bug dans grub-common il y a 
> qui pourrait 
> être en relation avec ton problème surtout qu'il est de 23 octobre.
> On 23/10/2016 18:08, maderios wrote:
> > On 10/23/2016 05:48 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
> >> Bonjour,
> >>
> >> Je viens de faire la mise à jour d'une testing sur mon PC fixe et
> >> depuis ça ne démarre plus. Je reste bloqué dans grub au niveau du
> >> lancement du noyau:
> >>
> >> Chargement de Linux 4.7.0-1-amd64...
> >> Chargement du disque mémoire initial...
> >>
> >> Lors de la mise à jour il y a eu grub2 et le noyau qui ont été mis
> >> à jour.
> >>
> >> Impossible de booter en recovery, le problème est le même. J'aurai
> >> donc tendance à penser que le problème vient de grub2. Qu'en
> >> pensez-vous? Est-ce que d'autre rencontre le même problème ?
> >>
> > Bonjour
> > Aucun problème avec cette mise à jour de testing.
> >
> >
> -- 
>   Francois Mescam


Re: [testing] Help! PC ne démarre plus

2016-10-23 Thread maderios

On 10/23/2016 05:48 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:


Je viens de faire la mise à jour d'une testing sur mon PC fixe et
depuis ça ne démarre plus. Je reste bloqué dans grub au niveau du
lancement du noyau:

Chargement de Linux 4.7.0-1-amd64...
Chargement du disque mémoire initial...

Lors de la mise à jour il y a eu grub2 et le noyau qui ont été mis à

Peut-être sur la liste anglaise, quelque chose de similaire ?
The updates today included an update to linux-image-4.7.0-1-686-pae 
(4.7.8-1) and grub-pc (2.02-beta3-1).

Upon reboot the system stops with a blinking underline cursor in
the upper left corner.
(le système s'arrête avec un curseur clignotant en haut à gauche...)


Re: Stretch System Stops Boot Process Immediately After Grub Screen

2016-10-23 Thread James P. Wallen
Double checked to see if I was right about the video subsystem. 
It is not ATI, it is Intel integrated. No docs on this thing. It 
was never officially sold in U.S., where I live currently. Since 
I can't boot it to usable state, I can't (easily) find out 
exactly which video it uses.

It's probably destine for re-installation anyway. I was just 
surprised to see such a failure occur after upgrade.

On 10/22/2016 06:10 PM, Jape Person wrote:

I've got a little Panasonic CF-R3 mini-laptop which has been
kept fully up-to-date in testing every day since Etch was
released. (I think the original installation is that old.)

I've been using the linux-image-686-pae kernel on the system.
The updates today included an update to
linux-image-4.7.0-1-686-pae (4.7.8-1) and grub-pc (2.02-beta3-1).

Upon reboot the system stops with a blinking underline cursor in
the upper left corner. I suspect that the boot process stops
immediately after grub. I cannot connect via ssh or even ping
the system. Using Ctrl-Alt-Del has no effect, but touching the
start-stop switch elicits a beep and immediate power-down.

The same results are obtained if I use the grub menu to select
recovery mode.

A much older desktop system running testing and the same kernel
was not adversely affected.

I'm only reporting this for purposes of corroboration in case
anyone else has seen something similar coincident with these

I'm in the midst of some business which will prevent me from
delving into the failure right now. I'll get into it some time
next week, perhaps.

I'm planning to make a couple of different live images on USB
keys so that I can boot the failed system to examine it and see
if there's anything I might just fix on it.

There were no error messages during the upgrade. I'm a bit more
inclined to suspect the kernel upgrade than the grub-pc upgrade.
This little unit has a strange hybrid video subsystem which
shares system memory with the video subsystem. Everything on the
system is early Intel Centrino era stuff, but with the video
being ATI. Maybe it's weird enough that it caught a corner case
with the kernel change.

But the system has been in the rolling-upgrade mode for years,
so something odd may have happened to grub-pc itself. I suppose
chroot to the system drive and running update-grub is worth a shot.

If anyone has a suggestion, I'm willing to try to learn. As I
said, it will be a little while before I have time to actually
dig into it.

In the off chance I actually learn something, I'll post back to
the thread.


Re: [testing] Help! PC ne démarre plus

2016-10-23 Thread Francois Mescam

je viens de faire la mise à jour de testing et pas de problème au reboot.

J'ai regardé les éventuels bug dans grub-common il y a qui pourrait 
être en relation avec ton problème surtout qu'il est de 23 octobre.

On 23/10/2016 18:08, maderios wrote:

On 10/23/2016 05:48 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:


Je viens de faire la mise à jour d'une testing sur mon PC fixe et
depuis ça ne démarre plus. Je reste bloqué dans grub au niveau du
lancement du noyau:

Chargement de Linux 4.7.0-1-amd64...
Chargement du disque mémoire initial...

Lors de la mise à jour il y a eu grub2 et le noyau qui ont été mis à

Impossible de booter en recovery, le problème est le même. J'aurai donc
tendance à penser que le problème vient de grub2. Qu'en pensez-vous?
Est-ce que d'autre rencontre le même problème ?

Aucun problème avec cette mise à jour de testing.

 Francois Mescam

Re: systemd-shim et systemd-sysv

2016-10-23 Thread Frederic MASSOT

Le 23/10/2016 à 17:11, C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :


J'ai une dépendance systemd-sysv qui traine depuis quelques temps parce
qu'en conflit avec systemd-shim...

N'ayant que peu de connaissance sur systemd, je ne sais pas quelles sont
les conséquences si je supprime systemd-shim pour laisser la place à

Le paquet systemd-sysv permet d'utiliser systemd comme processus init à 
la place de l'init SysV.

systemd-shim est une couche intermédiaire qui permet aux applications 
d'utiliser quelques fonctionnalités de Systemd sans qu'il soit installé 
comme init du système.

Avec systemd-sysv, tu passes complétement dans monde Systemd et ça 
marche bien.  :o)

|  |
|   |
| +33.(0)  +33.(0) |

Re: systemd-shim et systemd-sysv

2016-10-23 Thread Francois Mescam
J'ai enlevé systemd-shim il y a déjà quelque temps sans que j'observe de 
changement sur le fonctionnement (je suis en testing). Comme cela 
s'était bien passé je n'étais pas allé voir plus loin donc je ne suis 
pas en mesure d'expliquer quelles auraient pu être les conséquences.

On 23/10/2016 17:11, C. Mourad Jaber wrote:


J'ai une dépendance systemd-sysv qui traine depuis quelques temps 
parce qu'en conflit avec systemd-shim...

N'ayant que peu de connaissance sur systemd, je ne sais pas quelles 
sont les conséquences si je supprime systemd-shim pour laisser la 
place à systemd-sysv...

Est-ce que quelqu'un s'est trouvé devant ce soucis ?



 Francois Mescam

Re: [testing] Help! PC ne démarre plus

2016-10-23 Thread maderios

On 10/23/2016 05:48 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:


Je viens de faire la mise à jour d'une testing sur mon PC fixe et
depuis ça ne démarre plus. Je reste bloqué dans grub au niveau du
lancement du noyau:

Chargement de Linux 4.7.0-1-amd64...
Chargement du disque mémoire initial...

Lors de la mise à jour il y a eu grub2 et le noyau qui ont été mis à

Impossible de booter en recovery, le problème est le même. J'aurai donc
tendance à penser que le problème vient de grub2. Qu'en pensez-vous?
Est-ce que d'autre rencontre le même problème ?

Aucun problème avec cette mise à jour de testing.


Re: Baladeur MP3/MP4

2016-10-23 Thread Alain Rpnpif
Le 20 octobre 2016, Eric Degenetais a écrit :

> En même temps c'est l'utilisateur qui règle le volume, et c'est pas comme
> si personne n'avait jamais prévenu des risques, alors si les gens tiennent
> ABSOLUMENT à finir sourds comme des pots c'est leur vie...

Et celle de la sécurité sociale. Tiens c'est nous qui payons les
cotisations/impôts, zut alors.

Bon je reste calme.

C'est aussi la vie de leur famille et de leur copain qui doivent
compenser leur handicap et s'épuisent à leur parler.

Finalement, en cherchant bien tout le monde est concerné surtout quand
il s'agit d'ados.

Alain Rpnpif

Re: Reconfiguring grub2 UFEI system

2016-10-23 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Le 22/10/2016 à 23:17, Mark Neidorff a écrit :

On Friday, 10/21/16 10:19:47 PM Pascal Hambourg wrote:

What is the output of "os-prober" ?

No output. (yes, I ran it as root)

Then no other system was detected and added to the GRUB menu when you 
ran update-grub.

Are you sure the GRUB that shows up is the one from Debian ?

I'm not sure how to answer that question.  The first OS I installed was
OpenSUSE.  Then I installed Debian 8.6 twice (on the two separate drives in
the system).  All three of these entries are still there even after running

I wouldn't care about the extra entries except that the OpenSUSE entry is the

Is openSUSE the first entry in the menu ? AFAICS, by default the first 
entry in the menu is the OS which installed the active GRUB. So it looks 
like it is openSUSE's GRUB, not Debian's one.

From Debian, what it the ouput of the following commands ?

ls /boot/
ls /boot/efi/EFI

[testing] Help! PC ne démarre plus

2016-10-23 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

Je viens de faire la mise à jour d'une testing sur mon PC fixe et
depuis ça ne démarre plus. Je reste bloqué dans grub au niveau du
lancement du noyau:

Chargement de Linux 4.7.0-1-amd64...
Chargement du disque mémoire initial...

Lors de la mise à jour il y a eu grub2 et le noyau qui ont été mis à

Impossible de booter en recovery, le problème est le même. J'aurai donc
tendance à penser que le problème vient de grub2. Qu'en pensez-vous?
Est-ce que d'autre rencontre le même problème ?


Re: Is possable to use mipi-csi interface on debian?

2016-10-23 Thread Dan Ritter
On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 04:24:44PM +0800, wrote:
> Hi,
> Is possable to use mipi-csi interface on debian? and howto? Are there any 
> someone can share more information? Thank you.

Yes. The Raspberry Pi's camera interface is supported by
PiCamera and V4L2. Other MIPI-CSI cameras have drivers, too;
there isn't (as far as I know, could easily be wrong) a fully
generic kernel module at this time. should be helpful.

Once you have a working camera driver for V4L2, most video
programs in Debian should work smoothly.


systemd-shim et systemd-sysv

2016-10-23 Thread C. Mourad Jaber


J'ai une dépendance systemd-sysv qui traine depuis quelques temps parce qu'en conflit avec 

N'ayant que peu de connaissance sur systemd, je ne sais pas quelles sont les conséquences 
si je supprime systemd-shim pour laisser la place à systemd-sysv...

Est-ce que quelqu'un s'est trouvé devant ce soucis ?



Re: El eterno dilema de tener Flash en Debian Jessie y en Chromium

2016-10-23 Thread Javier Marcon
El 23/10/16 a las 08:41, Ignacio Martirén escribió:
> Hola Miguel. Mira esta salida:
> root@debian9:/# sudo Idd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
> sudo: Idd: command not found
> Te aclaro que en mi caso estoy tratando de usar el archivo del
> flashplayer más viejo que encontré [adobe-flashplugin-]
> dada la situación de mi equipo [toshiba satelite a-100] que no tiene
> SSE3 en su procesador Pentium D (+ ó -). colocado en
> /opt/firefox tampoco me está dando resultados, que te cometaré cuando
> reinicie todo.
El ldd (/usr/bin/ldd) es parte del paquete libc-bin, segun tengo
entendido. Primero ejecuta como root: apt-get install libc-bin

Además si ya estás logueado como root, no necesitas ponerle sudo
adelante al comando. (sudo es para que un usuario comun pueda ejecutar
algo con privilegios de root).



El matrimo es tan bueno que la gente se muere por casarse
con mujeres como Nazarena Velez, Margerie Orbin, 
Jordania Linn Graham, Katherine Knight, Stacey Castor, etc.

Re: Open relay

2016-10-23 Thread Paul van der Vlis
Op 22-10-16 om 09:18 schreef Geert Stappers:

> Mocht er duidelijkheid komen over wat aan de hand is/was,
> meldt dat dan als je blieft. Deze e-mail zodat geen "self reply" nodig is.

De spammer bleek te beschikken over een correcte username/paswoord op
mijn server. Verwarrend was, dat hij inlogde via SMTP met ""
(gewijzigd) terwijl dat geen correcte username is. "piet" was dat echter
wel, en dat bleek saslauthd te gebruiken. Uit de debug:
saslauthd[19855] :do_auth : auth success: [user=piet]
[service=smtp] [] [mech=pam]

Na het wijzigen van het paswoord:
saslauthd[20161] :do_auth : auth failure: [user=piet]
[service=smtp] [] [mech=pam]

Verwarrend was ook, dat in de headers stond dat het bericht van kwam. Dit bleek echter gewoon de "HELO" te zijn:

Received: from [] ( [])
(Authenticated sender:
by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 774B23E0285;
Fri, 21 Oct 2016 18:57:14 +0200 (CEST)


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

Re: El eterno dilema de tener Flash en Debian Jessie y en Chromium

2016-10-23 Thread Ignacio Martirén
Hola Miguel. Mira esta salida:
root@debian9:/# sudo Idd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
sudo: Idd: command not found
Te aclaro que en mi caso estoy tratando de usar el archivo del flashplayer
más viejo que encontré [adobe-flashplugin-] dada la situación
de mi equipo [toshiba satelite a-100] que no tiene SSE3 en su procesador
Pentium D (+ ó -). colocado en /opt/firefox tampoco me
está dando resultados, que te cometaré cuando reinicie todo.

El 21 de octubre de 2016, 11:40, Miguel Matos 

> El viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016, Ignacio Martirén 
> escribió:
> > Lamentablemente no logro que funcione. Tema TERMINADO aunque algo
> intentaré más adelante.
> >
> > El 18 de octubre de 2016, 15:30, Ignacio Martirén 
> escribió:
> >>
> >> Gracias amigo, seguiré con las pruebas, no quiero renunciar tan fácil a
> esta reliquia japonesa. mantendré informado
> >>
> >> El 18 de octubre de 2016, 13:20, divagante 
> escribió:
> >>>
> >>> envio a lista -me llego privado-
> >>>
> >>> El 18/10/16 a las 10:57, Ignacio Martirén escribió:
>  Hecho los procedimientos recomendados la situación no cambia.
>  Averiguando en la red, Debian-Wiki avisa que a partir de Mozilla 10 la
>  cosa se complica para equipos que no tengan SSE2. Comprobado que mi
>  equipo no lo tiene, comencé a buscar cómo bajar el Mozilla 10. No lo
>  pude encontrar, como muy viejo en Adobe te ofrecen el 11.2.--  Probé
> en
>  Ubuntu 16.04 que tengo también instalado en el mismo equipo y veo que
> no
>  tiene problemas con leer todos los videos de yutube. Veo que usa un
>  instalador propio y para Mozilla 11.1.--- (que ya en la red alguien
>  había escrito que evitaba mi problema). Busqué cómo instalar el
> mozilla
>  de ubuntu que es Versión:
>  (flashplugin-installer). En ubuntu 16.04 cdo hace la actualización la
>  consola dice:
>  Des:1
> n/adobe-flashplugin_20161011.1.orig.tar.gz
>  [27,2
>   in/adobe-flashplugin_20161011.1.orig.tar.gz
>  [27,2> MB]
> >>> SI SI! ese maldito problema. Lo tuve por algunos momentos hace ya unos
> 3 años. Se solucionaba con el plugin 11.1. Eso si, estoy casi seguro que no
> use el mozilla 10, si no algun otro superior.
> >>>
>  También me anuncian que desinstale el Mozilla 49 que tengo antes de
>  instalar otra versión.
> >>>
> >>> Probaste poner el plugin 11.1 al mozilla-firefox 49? no se rompe nada
> por hacerlo, a lo sumo no funciona.
> >>>
> >>> - tambien hay que colocarlo en la carpeta creada
> /home/tu-usuario/.mozilla/plugins -
> >>>
>  Pero antes le pido ayuda para no hacer mucho lío y desacomodar mi
> debian
>  stretch, ya que no tengo mucho conocimiento del tema, como se habrán
>  dado cuenta. Gracias por todo, amigos.
> >>>
> >>> Muy bien tu busqueda, solucionaste practicamente solo el nuevo
> incoveniente encontrando la info.
> >>>
>  El 17 de octubre de 2016, 16:51, divagante   > escribió:
>  El 17/10/16 a las 09:57, Ignacio Martirén escribió:
>  Hola libreydivagante, yo ando con el mismo tema en stretch
> sobre
>  Toshiba
>  0100, hice el procedimiento que recomiendas para firefox y de
>  cualquier
>  manera en muchos videos de yutube me pide el archivo
>  y no sé de cual versión de mozilla
> habrá que
>  sacarlo o si no es pra mswindows. gracias por todo
>  Descargaste el ''para 32 bits?
>  link directo de descarga:
> shplayer/linux32/
>   flashplayer/linux32/>
>  Revisa de crear en /home/'tu-usuario'/.mozilla la carpeta
> "plugins"
>  asi como esta escrita. Y ahi depositas el plugin.
>   Algun procedimiento parece estar mal echo de tu parte para que no
>  funcione, o bien... si hiciste todo corectamente podra ser un tema
>  de arquitectura quizas... Yo hago lo descrito sobre debian 64bits
> y
>  ninguna pagina me pide flash.
>  El 16 de octubre de 2016, 21:20, divagante
>    >> escribió:
>  El 16/10/16 a las 21:06, Miguel Matos escribió:

Re: Reconfiguring grub2 UFEI system

2016-10-23 Thread Laruibasar
Em sábado, 22 de Outubro de 2016 22:17:35 WEST, Mark Neidorff 

On Friday, 10/21/16 10:19:47 PM Pascal Hambourg wrote:

Le 21/10/2016 à 20:56, Mark Neidorff a écrit :
> So, the next step was to clean out the other distros.  I 
used gparted to
> delete no longer needed partitions and to expand other 
partitions to fill

> the space.  All is now good.
> I then ran
> #update-grub
> hoping that would regenerate the grub boot menu,  (I also tried

> #update-grub2) but the old entries still appear when the system boots.

Are you talking about entries in GRUB's menu or in the UEFI boot menu ?

Grub menu.  (I don't see a UEFI menu)

update-grub only updates the former.


What is the output of "os-prober" ?

No output. (yes, I ran it as root)

Are you sure the GRUB that shows up is the one from Debian ?

I'm not sure how to answer that question.  The first OS I installed was 
OpenSUSE.  Then I installed Debian 8.6 twice (on the two 
separate drives in 
the system).  All three of these entries are still there even 
after running 

Have you mounted the EFI partition? Update-grub change grub, I don't think 
it changes the FIE partitions. And check motherboard bios/uefi for the 
default entry

I wouldn't care about the extra entries except that the 
OpenSUSE entry is the 
default.  I want  Debian to be the default (and, yes there is only one 
instance of Debian installed).  Yes I tried changing the value 
of the default 
before I ran update-grub, but that didn't help.

Thanks for any help,



Enviado do Dekko através do meu dispositivo Ubuntu.

Is possable to use mipi-csi interface on debian?

2016-10-23 Thread yongjie989

Is possable to use mipi-csi interface on debian? and howto? Are there any 
someone can share more information? Thank you.

Best Regards,

Fwd: Re: Compositing Problem

2016-10-23 Thread Jimmy Johnson

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Re: Compositing Problem
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2016 09:22:29 +0200
From: Maximiliano Curia 
To: Debian NVIDIA Maintainers 
CC:,, Jimmy Johnson 

Control: tag -1 + help

¡Hola NVIDIA Maintainers!

It seems that the new plasma version has some kind of incompatibility 
with the nvidia-legacy-304xx packages in sid. The following mail reports 
that using the nvidia packages from backports works as expected.

In the kde team we are not using nvidia cards, so we can't 
reproduce/test this. And frankly, this might be way out of our league. 
:( Thus the request for help.

Is this issue known to you?
Should this bug be reassigned to the nvidia packages?
Can you reproduce it? If so, can you point us to what the problem might be?

Happy hacking,

El 2016-10-19 a las 23:33 -0700, Jimmy Johnson escribió:

On 10/12/2016 12:10 PM, David Baron wrote:

Running must recent kwin, etc., with Sid nvidia-legacy-304xx driver.

Window decorations slow or do not show on non-KDE windows. If they do not
show, one can pretend they are there and do everything.

Effects all compositing options.

Where to file bug?
Quick fix?

Quick fix, force install all your 'nvidia' and 'glx' installed
packages back to 'Jessie-backports' and then 'lock-them' works, maybe
20-24 packages that you will be locking, varies a little with my
installs, some I had not upgraded and I only had to lock the packages.
I used synaptic while in xfce4 and all your kde apps work from xfce4
too as a side note.  Note no problem with upgrades and those files
being locked, at this time anyways. hehe

There's a lot noise out there about fix's, I found nothing works for
me.  I came up with this fix and it works.  While gtk works with the
upgrade, plasma don't, it's a problem with plasma, you can't blame
nvidia and say they are not doing their part, this is a problem debian
plasma, I'm sure they are working on it. Seems to affect only
'legacy-304' and could be a simple code error.

With the Debian-nvidia driver: Plasma is unable to start as it could
not correctly use OpenGL2.  Note dialog is working, sound is working,
no plasma.

With the Debian-free driver, computer freeze with colorful squiggly
lines and I have to push the power button and repair the file system.

David, do you have a better fix than down-grading the packages?  And I
may not need to down grade as many packages as I do, but it works.

I unlocked 'libgl1-mesa-glx' so I could upgrade the 3 'mesa' packages of 
same version, with no ill effects and got a full, clean upgrade. 
Currently I have 23 nvidia+glx packages locked and all is well.

Jimmy Johnson

Debian Sid/Testing - KDE Plasma Version 5.8.2 - EXT4 at sda18
Registered Linux User #380263

Description: PGP signature

Re: autofs

2016-10-23 Thread Doruk Fisek
Thu, 20 Oct 2016 21:08:48 +0300, Engin Yilmaz  :

> Merhaba, Debian 8 testing kullanıyorum. autofs ile sunucuya
> bağlanamıyorum. ssh ve sshfs ile sorunsuz bağlanabiliyorum ancak bi
> süre işlem yapmayınca bağlantı kopuyor ve xcf, thunar filan
> kilitleniyor.

sshfs'in "autoreconnect" parametresi ile deneyebilirsiniz. Bağlantı
koptuğunda tekrar otomatik oluşturması gerekir.


Özgür Yazılım A.Ş. ~ #