Re: OT: Router behaviour

2021-02-04 Thread steve

Hi Mark,

Le 04-02-2021, à 23:03:17 +, Mark Fletcher a écrit :


My kids have been complaining recently about the quality of the WiFi 

Same thing here. The solution was to change my wifi network to wifi 6,
either by changing the modem/router to a wifi 6 one or by creating a
wifi 6 mesh by plugging one of the devices in the modem/router rj45

The wifi 6 protocol has a lot of advantages over the older protocols
(and that's not marketing).

Nobody is complaining anymore in the house :)



Re: Sobre ffmpeg.

2021-02-04 Thread Parodper

O 05/02/21 ás 05:19, luis escribiu:


Alguien conoce cómo convertir videos netflix -descargados en el móvil- 
con ffmpeg en la pc? :)

Depende de lo que quieras hacer, tendrás que ser más específico. En 
general buscando en Internet se encuentra todo.

Re: timedatectl DHCP NTP Server

2021-02-04 Thread john doe

On 2/5/2021 4:10 AM, Charles Curley wrote:

On Thu, 4 Feb 2021 22:16:12 +0100
basti  wrote:

I use a up to date debian. As I can see now timedatectl seems *not*
using the NTP Server provide by DHCP. I have configure a NTP server
in  LAN.

timedatectl  timesync-status
Server: (
Poll interval: 1min 4s (min: 32s; max 34min 8s)

I see the same, on a Bullseye system.

root@dragon:~# timedatectl  timesync-status
Server: (
Poll interval: 34min 8s (min: 32s; max 34min 8s)
  Leap: normal

This box is running systemd, and ntp is not present.

The dhcp server shows:

subnet netmask {
 option subnet-mask;
 option broadcast-address;
 option routers;
 option domain-name-servers,,; 
# chaffee, hawk, freeman
 option domain-search "localdomain", "virtual", "yen";

 option domain-name "localdomain";
 option ntp-servers; # freeman, AKA ntp.localdomain
 # range;


It does work fine for me, is the lease showing the ntp server?

Note that systemd is using a sntp client and not a ntp client.

Does 'systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd' help?

John Doe

Sobre ffmpeg.

2021-02-04 Thread luis


Alguien conoce cómo convertir videos netflix -descargados en el móvil- con  
ffmpeg en la pc? :)


Re: OT: Router behaviour

2021-02-04 Thread David Wright
On Thu 04 Feb 2021 at 23:03:17 (+), Mark Fletcher wrote:
> First apologies for the off-topic post, but I know this community is 
> full of experts on this topic and my ask in the end is a simple one:

Disclaimer: I'm no expert.

> Can anyone point me at a reasonably accessible guide to the details of 
> how IP networks work, in particular the communications that occur 
> between router devices that are designed to support home networks? I'm 
> computer science trained but from many years ago and if I ever learned 
> these specific details I have forgotten them, but I feel equipped to 
> understand them. I'm after a certain amount of detail and would prefer 
> to avoid adverts or advice of the "just buy our product, plug it in and 
> your problems will all be solved" type.

I think this gives a good practical introduction:

> The background to my request is this:
> A while ago I moved house (and countries) and since arriving in the new 
> house I have been using a WiFi router provided by my broadband provider, 
> somewhat reluctantly, but without a really serious alternative since the 
> router also contains the ISP's modem. In the old place I used a 
> store-bought router+WiFi device of very typical type (Buffalo brand, 
> although I don't expect that to be relevant) plugged into the (cable) 
> modem.

(Presumably it's still legal to run.)

> My kids have been complaining recently about the quality of the WiFi and 
> so I thought I'd fire up the old router from the old house and see if 
> it's any better. I experimentally fired it up without plugging it into 
> anything and the old WiFi networks came up, I could connect to them, and 
> got an IP address in the range I used to use at the old house (which is 
> different from what I use now, for arbitrary reasons).
> I powered the router down again, plugged its WAN port into one of the 
> LAN ports of the ISP-supplied router, and brought it back up. It came up 
> but seems to have automatically subordinated itself to the ISP-supplied 
> router and is now offering up IP addresses in the range supplied by the 
> ISP's router... It seems like it has automatically taken a subordinate 
> role to the ISP's router. It is still offering up the old network names 
> with the old password but when I connect I get an IP address in the 
> range used by the ISP's router (said address works fine).

If that really is the WAN port that you connected, that does seem
rather surprising, as if it has automatically turned itself into a

I have a similar hardware configuration (to what you intended) here,
as it happens. A primary modem/router's LAN port is connected to the
secondary router's WAN port. We use the secondary router's LAN ports
and WiFi for many of the devices in the house, so the primary router
is basically ignored, ie the box is treated exactly like the modem
it replaced.

The secondary router gets its external IP address via DHCP (there's no
login required), and it assigns IP addresses, that I chose, to all the
devices by their MAC.

You mentioned "old network names" and "old password". I assume here
you mean the WiFi SSID and WPA2 password. That's a separate issue,
and has nothing to do with IP addresses and hostnames.

(BTW while you're experimenting, you probably want to keep using
different SSID and passwords on the two routers, so that it's easy
to choose the specific one you connect to. Later on, you can set
them all the same so that you can move devices around transparently.)

> I don't think I expected it to do that, certainly not automatically, and 
> before I decide if I am happy with this outcome or not I want to 
> understand in detail what just happened and why, so I can understand its 
> implications. Just as one example, I want to understand what the 
> implications are for the store-bought router's firewall -- has it just 
> been bypassed? and so on.

Your description, as Stefan said, sounds as if you connected two LAN
ports together, which I imagine is what you really want. In that case,
you'd want the store-bought router to leave DHCP and IP addresses to
the ISP's router to handle, rather like you described.

I have a similar hardware configuration (to what I think you really
want) here, as it happens. A secondary router's LAN port is connected
to a tertiary¹ router's LAN port (via a very long cable), and that
router serves more devices by wire and WiFi. Now, I turned off DHCP
in the tertiary router, but I haven't actually tested what would
happen if you didn't. (I don't remember whether its old list of
reserved addresses for DHCP got deleted, or whether it has just
hidden them all.)

So with the SSIDs and passwords set to the same values, I can move
a device around the house and it just uses whichever signal from
the secondary and tertiary routers is the stronger. This might be
what you want.

> Hence the request for a pointer to some good 
> documentation. 

Re: timedatectl DHCP NTP Server

2021-02-04 Thread Charles Curley
On Thu, 4 Feb 2021 22:16:12 +0100
basti  wrote:

> I use a up to date debian. As I can see now timedatectl seems *not*
> using the NTP Server provide by DHCP. I have configure a NTP server
> in  LAN.
> timedatectl  timesync-status
>Server: (
> Poll interval: 1min 4s (min: 32s; max 34min 8s)

I see the same, on a Bullseye system.

root@dragon:~# timedatectl  timesync-status
   Server: (
Poll interval: 34min 8s (min: 32s; max 34min 8s)
 Leap: normal   

This box is running systemd, and ntp is not present.

The dhcp server shows:

subnet netmask {
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
option domain-name-servers,,; # 
chaffee, hawk, freeman
option domain-search "localdomain", "virtual", "yen";

option domain-name "localdomain";
option ntp-servers; # freeman, AKA ntp.localdomain
# range;  


Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: FVWM title bar information......

2021-02-04 Thread David Wright
On Fri 05 Feb 2021 at 09:23:43 (+1100), Charlie wrote:
>   Using FVWM on Debian Bullseye.
> Sometimes [too often] I click on something and reduce a terminal window
> to just the title bar alone.
> Infuriating, because it catches me unawares and I don't realise what I
> did. Googling every time it is done trying to find a way back has
> failed. I obviously don't know the terminology of this action to
> pinpoint anything about it in a search engine.
> If someone can please tell me the term I am looking for, or as link, or
> give me the solutions as to:
>   what I do to make this happen, and
>   how do I reverse it

Shading is normally an unbound option near the bottom of the WindowOPs
menu and it toggles. Like you, I only invoke it accidentally.
I get the WindowOPs menu with mouse button 2 in the root window.
If you want to bind it, the command is called WindowShade.


Re: OT: Router behaviour

2021-02-04 Thread Stefan Monnier
> I powered the router down again, plugged its WAN port into one of the 
> LAN ports of the ISP-supplied router, and brought it back up.

I you sure you plugged your ISP-router into the WAN port of your
(Buffalo) router and not into one of the LAN ports?

The behavior you describe would be easy to explain if it was plugged
into a LAN port (or if the WAN port was somehow bridged with the LAN
ports) since in that case you'd have basically a single network with
packets forwarded between the two routers, and two DHCP servers, making
it quite possible that a DHCP request received on your router ends up
being answered by the ISP router instead (since the request is
broadcasted to all connected machines).


Re: LXC / Netplan / Bridge-vpn

2021-02-04 Thread Tecnic 2pir

Merci per les respostes.

Encara no tinc la solució, però he canviat el punt de mira.

Afegint el paquet ifupdown, he pogut tornar a configurar les adreces 
amb  el mètode clàssic que l'entenc millor i he creat el dispositiu 
enp35s0:0 per diferenciar-ho de la IP "bàsica".

He tornat a config la IP al node físic per intentar redireccionar amb el 
shorewall els ports  que m'interessen.

Una cosa estranya que m'he trobat, tinc el debug activat, i el primer 
cop que ho vaig fer, cada vegada que m'intentava connectar a la IP, 
almenys em sortien logs avisant-me. Ara no, però amb el tcpdump que em 
recomana l'Alex si que veig que els paquets arriben a la màquina, però 
no al contenidor. La entrada del shorewall es aquesta:

(DNAT:debug    WAN     DMZ:     tcp 80,443 -    IP_PUBLICA)

Des de el node si que puc fer telnet al port 80 del contenidor i la 
resta de regles en principi estan bé. En altre servidor està funcionant 
una solució equivalent, així que no acabo de veure l'error. Imagino que 
deu estar relacionats amb els bridges, però tinc que continuar investigant.

Per cert que vol dir l'estat UNKNOWN a un dispositiu tap? A vegades 
algun estan UP i altres UNKNOWN, però no sembla que afecti a la 
connectivitat amb altres serveis.

Tinc entreteniment per una estona, veig,


PD: La idea de fer un dibuix es bona, així potser entendre jo el 
muntatge que tinc!

El 4/2/21 a les 15:49, Alex Muntada ha escrit:

Hola Daniel

Abans tenia una estructura similar amb ubuntu 14, pero amb el
canvi del network/interfaces a netplan em falta informació.

No tinc gens d'experiència amb netplan (no ve per defecte amb
Debian) així que no et puc ajudar amb el seu ús. Per altra banda,
si ho tinc ben entès, hauries de poder seguir configurant la
xarxa amb el fitxer d'interfaces encara que tinguis netplan
instal·lat. Suposo que eliminar-lo potser trenca dependències
prou importants que podrien dificultar les actualitzacions,
però intueixo que es deu poder desactivar.

Ho he intentat configurant al host la IP i amb el shorewall
redireccionant els ports cap als contenidors i ara configurant
la segona IP directament al contenidor, però tinc algun error
que no detecto i no m'arriben els paquets.

Per fer seguiment dels problemes de xarxa és molt útil capturar
paquets amb tcpdump i després analitzar les traces obtingudes
amb wireshark o tshark.

Salut i bona sort,

   ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁   Alex Muntada 
   ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋   Debian Developer 

Re: OT: Router behaviour

2021-02-04 Thread David Christensen

On 2021-02-04 15:03, Mark Fletcher wrote:

Can anyone point me at a reasonably accessible guide to the details of
how IP networks work, in particular the communications that occur
between router devices that are designed to support home networks?

Lucas writes very good books, including "Networking for System 
Administrators" [1].



Re: OT: Router behaviour

2021-02-04 Thread Dan Ritter
Mark Fletcher wrote: 
> First apologies for the off-topic post, but I know this community is 
> full of experts on this topic and my ask in the end is a simple one:

(and you can use Debian to achieve your ends)

> Can anyone point me at a reasonably accessible guide to the details of 
> how IP networks work, in particular the communications that occur 
> between router devices that are designed to support home networks? I'm 
> computer science trained but from many years ago and if I ever learned 
> these specific details I have forgotten them, but I feel equipped to 
> understand them. I'm after a certain amount of detail and would prefer 
> to avoid adverts or advice of the "just buy our product, plug it in and 
> your problems will all be solved" type.

The most useful single doc is
which, although omitting more recent developments, is an
excellent foundation in networking and routing aimed at the
small office or family sysadmin.

> I powered the router down again, plugged its WAN port into one of the 
> LAN ports of the ISP-supplied router, and brought it back up. It came up 
> but seems to have automatically subordinated itself to the ISP-supplied 
> router and is now offering up IP addresses in the range supplied by the 
> ISP's router... It seems like it has automatically taken a subordinate 
> role to the ISP's router. It is still offering up the old network names 
> with the old password but when I connect I get an IP address in the 
> range used by the ISP's router (said address works fine).

Your description is a little lacking in details necessary to
diagnose precisely what is going on, but if you read through
LARTC, you will either figure it out yourself or be able to pose
an answerable question here.

At a lower level, the RFCs for NAT, DHCP, IPv6 SLAAC and RADVD
could be useful.


Re: FVWM title bar information......

2021-02-04 Thread Charlie
On Thu, 4 Feb 2021 23:34:42 +0100

> On Fri, Feb 05, 2021 at 09:23:43AM +1100, Charlie wrote:
> > 
> > From my keyboard:
> > 
> > Hello Everyone,
> > 
> > Using FVWM on Debian Bullseye.
> > 
> > Sometimes [too often] I click on something and reduce a terminal
> > window to just the title bar alone.  
> I think this is called "shading" the window [1]
> Cheers
> [1]
>  -- t

Thank you Tomas, with that information I found it. I have been looking
for this every time it happened for years and had to finally leave the
search because something else became more pressing.

Your help is very much appreciated.

Thank you,

Registered Linux User:- 329524


Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the
overcoming of it. ---Helen Keller

Debian GNU/Linux - Magic indeed.


OT: Router behaviour

2021-02-04 Thread Mark Fletcher
First apologies for the off-topic post, but I know this community is 
full of experts on this topic and my ask in the end is a simple one:

Can anyone point me at a reasonably accessible guide to the details of 
how IP networks work, in particular the communications that occur 
between router devices that are designed to support home networks? I'm 
computer science trained but from many years ago and if I ever learned 
these specific details I have forgotten them, but I feel equipped to 
understand them. I'm after a certain amount of detail and would prefer 
to avoid adverts or advice of the "just buy our product, plug it in and 
your problems will all be solved" type.

The background to my request is this:

A while ago I moved house (and countries) and since arriving in the new 
house I have been using a WiFi router provided by my broadband provider, 
somewhat reluctantly, but without a really serious alternative since the 
router also contains the ISP's modem. In the old place I used a 
store-bought router+WiFi device of very typical type (Buffalo brand, 
although I don't expect that to be relevant) plugged into the (cable) 

My kids have been complaining recently about the quality of the WiFi and 
so I thought I'd fire up the old router from the old house and see if 
it's any better. I experimentally fired it up without plugging it into 
anything and the old WiFi networks came up, I could connect to them, and 
got an IP address in the range I used to use at the old house (which is 
different from what I use now, for arbitrary reasons).

I powered the router down again, plugged its WAN port into one of the 
LAN ports of the ISP-supplied router, and brought it back up. It came up 
but seems to have automatically subordinated itself to the ISP-supplied 
router and is now offering up IP addresses in the range supplied by the 
ISP's router... It seems like it has automatically taken a subordinate 
role to the ISP's router. It is still offering up the old network names 
with the old password but when I connect I get an IP address in the 
range used by the ISP's router (said address works fine).

I don't think I expected it to do that, certainly not automatically, and 
before I decide if I am happy with this outcome or not I want to 
understand in detail what just happened and why, so I can understand its 
implications. Just as one example, I want to understand what the 
implications are for the store-bought router's firewall -- has it just 
been bypassed? and so on. Hence the request for a pointer to some good 
documentation. Book, website, whatever you think would be most helpful, 
I would much appreciate any pointers.



Re: FVWM title bar information......

2021-02-04 Thread tomas
On Fri, Feb 05, 2021 at 09:23:43AM +1100, Charlie wrote:
>   From my keyboard:
>   Hello Everyone,
>   Using FVWM on Debian Bullseye.
> Sometimes [too often] I click on something and reduce a terminal window
> to just the title bar alone.

I think this is called "shading" the window [1]


 -- t

Description: Digital signature

FVWM title bar information......

2021-02-04 Thread Charlie

From my keyboard:

Hello Everyone,

Using FVWM on Debian Bullseye.

Sometimes [too often] I click on something and reduce a terminal window
to just the title bar alone.

Infuriating, because it catches me unawares and I don't realise what I
did. Googling every time it is done trying to find a way back has
failed. I obviously don't know the terminology of this action to
pinpoint anything about it in a search engine.

If someone can please tell me the term I am looking for, or as link, or
give me the solutions as to:

what I do to make this happen, and

how do I reverse it

Thank you.

East Gippsland Wildlife Rehabilitators Inc..

Registered Linux User:- 329524


Don’t explain your philosophy. Embody it. Epictetus

Debian GNU/Linux - Magic indeed.


Re: timedatectl DHCP NTP Server

2021-02-04 Thread Dan Ritter
basti wrote: 
> I use a up to date debian. 

Stable? Testing? Unstable?

> As I can see now timedatectl seems *not*
> using the NTP Server provide by DHCP. I have configure a NTP server in  LAN.

Assuming you are sending option 42, the usual way to get that
adopted is to tell dhclient.conf:

request ... ntp-servers ...

which should create an /etc/ntp.conf.dhcp which could then
be picked up by /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/.

But maybe you're running systemd, in which case it will
probably be different.


timedatectl DHCP NTP Server

2021-02-04 Thread basti
I use a up to date debian. As I can see now timedatectl seems *not*
using the NTP Server provide by DHCP. I have configure a NTP server in  LAN.

timedatectl  timesync-status
   Server: (
Poll interval: 1min 4s (min: 32s; max 34min 8s)
 Leap: normal
  Version: 4
  Stratum: 2
Reference: CD2EB2A9
Precision: 1us (-24)
Root distance: 45.645ms (max: 5s)
   Offset: +7.949ms
Delay: 36.328ms
   Jitter: 0
 Packet count: 1
Frequency: +79.117ppm

ntpdate -bu raspi
 4 Feb 22:15:53 ntpdate[21025]: step time server offset
-0.016785 sec

Can someone confirm that?

Best Regards

Re: Firefox paquet debian problème avec certains sites

2021-02-04 Thread Gaëtan Perrier
Le mercredi 03 février 2021 à 20:28 +0100, Gaëtan Perrier a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Je rencontre des problèmes avec certains sites en utilisant firefox 84.0.2
> (paquet debian).
> Par exemple le site de Leroy Merlin fait n'importe quoi quand je me connecte
> à
> mon compte et que je navigue dans les menus de mon compte.

Quand je vais sur ce lien
Après vérification de l'éventuel captcha je tombe sur une page qui me dit:

La page n’est pas redirigée correctement

Une erreur est survenue pendant une connexion à

La cause de ce problème peut être la désactivation ou le refus des cookies.

Je n'ai pas spécialement désactivé les cookies ...

> Autre site qui pose problème qui ne s'affiche pas.

Pour celui-là j'ai trouvé la cause du problème.
J'avais :

media.gmp-gmpopenh264.enabled à true.

Je l'ai passé à false et depuis ça fonctionne ...


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: AMD GPU + HDMI + vlc = lockup

2021-02-04 Thread Kamil Jońca
Felix Miata  writes:

> Kamil Jońca composed on 2021-02-04 07:14 (UTC+0100):
>> Felix Miata writes:
>>> How quickly after video start does this happen, right away, or only after a 
>>> while?
>> when I launch vlc with list of movie files. vlc "waits" (and then there
>> []
> There what?

vlc hangs. And then theres is GPU reset and vlc is functionable again,
can play movies. When I turn off vlc and then start it again - story

> I suppose the hang could be from CPU initializing VLC before the video 
> actually

TBH I doubt, but I'll try.

> starts running. Have you tried watching top as you start VLC? How powerful is 
> your
> CPU?

cat /proc/cpuinfo|head -n 30
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 15
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E5345  @ 2.33GHz
stepping: 11
microcode   : 0xbc
cpu MHz : 2327.594
cache size  : 4096 KB
physical id : 0
siblings: 4
core id : 0
cpu cores   : 4
apicid  : 0
initial apicid  : 0
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 10
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov 
pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht tm pbe syscall nx lm 
constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl cpuid aperfmperf pni dtes64 
monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm dca lahf_lm pti tpr_shadow vnmi 
flexpriority vpid dtherm
vmx flags   : vnmi flexpriority tsc_offset vtpr vapic
bugs: cpu_meltdown spectre_v1 spectre_v2 spec_store_bypass l1tf mds 
swapgs itlb_multihit
bogomips: 4655.18
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 38 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

... repeated four times ...
> When I have trouble with VLC, I often find trouble absent using SMplayer.



Re: AMD GPU + HDMI + vlc = lockup

2021-02-04 Thread Felix Miata
Kamil Jońca composed on 2021-02-04 07:14 (UTC+0100):

> Felix Miata writes:

>> How quickly after video start does this happen, right away, or only after a 
>> while?

> when I launch vlc with list of movie files. vlc "waits" (and then there
> []

There what?

>>   Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.10 driver: loaded: modesetting

> "Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.10 driver: loaded: radeon display ID: :0"

> but when I changed to "modesetting" I also noticed hangup.

> BTW what is difference between the two in terms of performance for
> example?

I don't know whether the difference is detectable in the absence of 

> [...]
>>   OpenGL: renderer: llvmpipe (LLVM 11.0.1 128 bits) v: 4.5 Mesa 20.3.3
>>   compat-v: 3.1 direct render: Yes

> OpenGL: renderer: AMD CEDAR (DRM 2.50.0 / 5.10.0-2-amd64 LLVM 11.0.1) 
> v: 3.3 Mesa 20.3.3 compat-v: 3.1 direct render: Yes 

> How can I test "llvmpipe" here?

AFAIK, llvmpipe is used by the Modesetting DDX, while Radeon DDX uses AMD CEDAR.
Whether either could possibly use the other I have no idea, but since the
Modesetting uses a very different technology, I suspect it's not possible.

>> Info:...Shell: Bash v: 5.1.4 running in: konsole inxi: 3.3.00
>> # dmesg | grep adeon

>> [   38.389555] radeon :01:00.0: VRAM: 1024M 0x - 
>> 0x3FFF (1024M used)
>> [   38.389561] radeon :01:00.0: GTT: 1024M 0x4000 - 
>> 0x7FFF
>> [   38.389820] [drm] radeon: 1024M of VRAM memory ready
>> [   38.389824] [drm] radeon: 1024M of GTT memory ready.

> similar but only 512M vram.

I suppose the hang could be from CPU initializing VLC before the video actually
starts running. Have you tried watching top as you start VLC? How powerful is 

When I have trouble with VLC, I often find trouble absent using SMplayer.
Evolution as taught in public schools, like religion,
is based on faith, not on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: instalar Debian manualment

2021-02-04 Thread Alex Muntada
Hola Narcis

> Què més fa el DebianInstaller que em calgui tenir en compte?

Jo diria que fa el mateix que tu vas detallar. El problema
principal quan es prova d'automatitzar les instal·lacions és
que de vegades cal fer ajustos quan es tracta de maquinari
diferent (discos, xarxa, vídeo, etc.).

Una idea que pots considerar és provar a fer la instal·lació de
les dues maneres i comparar-les després, per exemple en discos
diferents. Alternativament pots comparar només la llista dels
paquets instal·lats i els continguts del directori /etc.


  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁   Alex Muntada 
  ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋   Debian Developer 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Touche du clavier affectée à une autre.

2021-02-04 Thread François LE GAD

Le 04/02/2021 à 14:59, benoit a écrit :

Il y a une touche de clavier d'ordinateur portable qui n’est
pas à une place habituelle, la touche 105 (gravée : <>\), qui
sur un clavier belge fait :
< pressée seule
 > pressée en combinaison avec la touche majuscule
\  pressée en combinaison avec la touche gravée Alt Gr

| chez moi. 

Cette touche (gravée : <>\) est affectée à « Control_R » au lieu
ce qui est gravé dessus.

Je peux la reconfigurer avec xmodmap ainsi :
keycode 105 = less greater backslash

Essaie avec, en root :
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

Voici ce que j'ai :
- PC générique 105 touches (internat.)
- Français - Français (variante)
- Touche AltGr : touche Alt de droite
- Compose :touche  Ctrl de droite


Touche du clavier affectée à une autre.

2021-02-04 Thread benoit
Bonjour à toutes et tous,

Il y a une touche de clavier d'ordinateur portable qui n’est
pas à une place habituelle, la touche 105 (gravée : <>\), qui
sur un clavier belge fait :
< pressée seule
> pressée en combinaison avec la touche majuscule
\ pressée en combinaison avec la touche gravée Alt Gr

Cette touche (gravée : <>\) est affectée à « Control_R » au lieu
ce qui est gravé dessus.

Je peux la reconfigurer avec xmodmap ainsi :
keycode 105 = less greater backslash

Mais le « \ » ne fonctionne pas, car Alt Gr (la touche 108) envois « 
ISO_Level3_Shift ».

Le man de xmodmap indique que pour que ça fonctionne, la touche Alt Gr
doit être affectée à « Mode_switch ».

Effectivement le « \ » fonctionne si j’affecte "Mode_switch" à Alt Gr
(touche 108) :
keycode 108 = Mode_switch

Mais dans ce cas, je perds les autres caractères normalement obtenus en 
combinaison avec Alt Gr.

De toute façon, même si ça fonctionnait, une config avec xmodmap n’est
valable que sous X.

Il faut aussi configurer le terminal texte où showkey indique que la touche 
gravée : <>\ est la 97 et pas 105 comme sous X.

Comment configurer cette touche du clavier pour le terminal en mode texte et 
sous X ?

Merci d’avance


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Re: Caractères étrangers

2021-02-04 Thread benoit

setxkbmap es

Voir la liste dans

! layout
  us  English (US)
  af  Afghani
  ara Arabic
  al  Albanian
  am  Armenian
  at  German (Austria)
  au  English (Australian)
  az  Azerbaijani
  by  Belarusian
  be  Belgian
  bd  Bangla
  in  Indian
  ba  Bosnian
  br  Portuguese (Brazil)
  bg  Bulgarian
  dz  Berber (Algeria, Latin)
  ma  Arabic (Morocco)
  cm  English (Cameroon)
  mm  Burmese
  ca  French (Canada)
  cd  French (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
  cn  Chinese
  hr  Croatian
  cz  Czech
  dk  Danish
  nl  Dutch
  bt  Dzongkha
  ee  Estonian
  ir  Persian
  iq  Iraqi
  fo  Faroese
  fi  Finnish
  fr  French
  gh  English (Ghana)
  gn  French (Guinea)
  ge  Georgian
  de  German
  gr  Greek
  hu  Hungarian
  is  Icelandic
  il  Hebrew
  it  Italian
  jp  Japanese
  kg  Kyrgyz
  kh  Khmer (Cambodia)
  kz  Kazakh
  la  Lao
  latam   Spanish (Latin American)
  lt  Lithuanian
  lv  Latvian
  mao Maori
  me  Montenegrin
  mk  Macedonian
  mt  Maltese
  mn  Mongolian
  no  Norwegian
  pl  Polish
  pt  Portuguese
  ro  Romanian
  ru  Russian
  rs  Serbian
  si  Slovenian
  sk  Slovak
  es  Spanish


Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
Le lundi 1 février 2021 21:31, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL  a 
écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Vous avez une asutce pour saisir des caractères espagnols (accents et
> tildes) facilement sous Libreoffice voire sous X en général? J'hésite
> entre le setxkbcomp un peu moche et la macro, ou le raccourci ibus.
> Qu'en pensez-vous?
> Merci de vos retours
> Amicalement,
> -
> Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
> Debian Developer non uploading
> Community team member
> Accessibility team member
> debian-l10n-french team member
> President of Debian France non-profit organization

Re: AMD GPU + HDMI + vlc = lockup

2021-02-04 Thread Kamil Jońca
[ I replied yesterday, but I cannot see this on list ] 

Felix Miata  writes:

> Kamil Jońca composed on 2021-02-02 21:37 (UTC+0100):
> ...
>> kjonca@alfa:~%uname -a
>> Linux alfa 5.10.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.9-1 (2021-01-20) x86_64 
>> GNU/Linux
>> kjonca@alfa:~%cat /etc/debian_version 
>> bullseye/sid
>> This is sid upgraded ~ weekly.
> How quickly after video start does this happen, right away, or only after a 
> while?

when I launch vlc with list of movie files. vlc "waits" (and then there

> Graphics:
>   Device-1: AMD Cedar [Radeon HD 5000/6000/7350/8350 Series]
>   vendor: PC Partner Limited driver: radeon v: kernel bus ID: 01:00.0
>   chip ID: 1002:68f9 class ID: 0300
>   Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.10 driver: loaded: modesetting

"Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.10 driver: loaded: radeon display ID: :0"

but when I changed to "modesetting" I also noticed hangup.

BTW what is difference between the two in terms of performance for

>   OpenGL: renderer: llvmpipe (LLVM 11.0.1 128 bits) v: 4.5 Mesa 20.3.3
>   compat-v: 3.1 direct render: Yes
OpenGL: renderer: AMD CEDAR (DRM 2.50.0 / 5.10.0-2-amd64 LLVM 11.0.1) 
v: 3.3 Mesa 20.3.3 compat-v: 3.1 direct render: Yes 

How can I test "llvmpipe" here?

> Info:...Shell: Bash v: 5.1.4 running in: konsole inxi: 3.3.00
> # dmesg | grep adeon
> [   38.052237] [drm] radeon kernel modesetting enabled.
> [   38.387770] fb0: switching to radeondrmfb from VESA VGA
> [   38.388095] radeon :01:00.0: vgaarb: deactivate vga console
> [   38.389555] radeon :01:00.0: VRAM: 1024M 0x - 
> 0x3FFF (1024M used)
> [   38.389561] radeon :01:00.0: GTT: 1024M 0x4000 - 
> 0x7FFF
> [   38.389820] [drm] radeon: 1024M of VRAM memory ready
> [   38.389824] [drm] radeon: 1024M of GTT memory ready.
> [   38.926339] radeon :01:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware 
> radeon/CEDAR_pfp.bin
> [   39.013160] radeon :01:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware 
> radeon/CEDAR_me.bin
> [   39.07] radeon :01:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware 
> radeon/CEDAR_rlc.bin
> [   39.526315] radeon :01:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware 
> radeon/CEDAR_smc.bin
> [   39.554674] [drm] radeon: dpm initialized
> [   39.774437] radeon :01:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware 
> radeon/CYPRESS_uvd.bin
> [   39.778359] [drm] enabling PCIE gen 2 link speeds, disable with 
> radeon.pcie_gen2=0
> [   39.794951] radeon :01:00.0: WB enabled
> [   39.794958] radeon :01:00.0: fence driver on ring 0 use gpu addr 
> 0x4c00
> [   39.794963] radeon :01:00.0: fence driver on ring 3 use gpu addr 
> 0x4c0c
> [   39.795338] radeon :01:00.0: fence driver on ring 5 use gpu addr 
> 0x0005c418
> [   39.795763] radeon :01:00.0: radeon: MSI limited to 32-bit
> [   39.795872] radeon :01:00.0: radeon: using MSI.
> [   39.795914] [drm] radeon: irq initialized.
> [   40.686752] [drm] Radeon Display Connectors
> [   40.794401] fbcon: radeondrmfb (fb0) is primary device
> [   40.894386] radeon :01:00.0: [drm] fb0: radeondrmfb frame buffer device
> [   40.917823] [drm] Initialized radeon 2.50.0 20080528 for :01:00.0 on 
> minor 0

similar but only 512M vram.



Re: AMD GPU + HDMI + vlc = lockup

2021-02-04 Thread Kamil Jońca
Felix Miata  writes:

> Kamil Jońca composed on 2021-02-02 21:37 (UTC+0100):
> ...
>> kjonca@alfa:~%uname -a
>> Linux alfa 5.10.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.9-1 (2021-01-20) x86_64 
>> GNU/Linux
>> kjonca@alfa:~%cat /etc/debian_version 
>> bullseye/sid
>> This is sid upgraded ~ weekly.
> How quickly after video start does this happen, right away, or only after a 
> while?

Directly after starting, vlc "hangs" for a while, and then this strange things

> I tried with Bullseye, and it seems OK still after playing 20+ minutes out of 
> 58
> of satellite source recording of CBS' main high bitrate MPEG-4 stream, with 
> on the VGA 1680x1050 in fullscreen mode. Switching to the HDMI 1920x1200 it's 
> still
> working, with top showing vlc around 320% CPU:

[... snip ]
Thank you for comprehensive test. I will try to debug it deeper.


Re: AMD GPU + HDMI + vlc = lockup

2021-02-04 Thread Kamil Jońca
Kamil Jońca  writes:

> Felix Miata  writes:
>> Kamil Jońca composed on 2021-02-02 21:37 (UTC+0100):
>> ...
>>> kjonca@alfa:~%uname -a
>>> Linux alfa 5.10.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.9-1 (2021-01-20) x86_64 
>>> GNU/Linux
>>> kjonca@alfa:~%cat /etc/debian_version 
>>> bullseye/sid
>>> This is sid upgraded ~ weekly.
>> How quickly after video start does this happen, right away, or only after a 
>> while?
> Directly after starting, vlc "hangs" for a while, and then this strange things
> happening.
An then works without problems. Till next run.



Install Xrdp on debian 10

2021-02-04 Thread James Allsopp
I'm having trouble getting this to work as I'd like, which is pretty much
like it works in windows.

I want to login through windows and not have to log in using the horrible
X11 dialog, which means I can't use a password manager because I can't cut
and paste into that window.

I only ever want to use one session, if I log out of RDP and come back to
it, I'd like all my windows to be exactly as it was.

Currently, it's not working at all, it just bounces me out after logging in
via the X11 xrdp screen. I've tried with the xorg and x11 options. I've
just installed in using apt-get xrdp, and left the /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini file
as is.

Thanks for your help