Re: Installing testing on Acer Aspire 315

2024-05-03 Thread David
On Fri, 3 May 2024 at 06:27, Paul Scott  wrote:
> On 5/1/2024 10:44 AM, Nicolas George wrote:
> > Paul Scott (12024-05-01):

>>>I have many installs over many years (only a few per year)..


>>> I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions,


> In the mean time, an install seemed to be working but gave an failure
> error which said it would be in the log and visible on virtual terminal
> 4, I didn't know how to get to a virtual in the installer.  Various
> combinations with F4 didn't seem to work.

> Google didn't seem to help.

Hi, there is an official Debian Installation Guide containing a lot
of useful information.

> Can someone tell me how to get to a virtual terminal in the installer?

Due to the amount of detail in the Installation Guide, it can be hard to find
specific answers, so it's advisable to read the whole thing.

Your specific question is covered in a couple of places:
(section 6.1 paragraph 10)

Also, this is a bad time to try to install the 'Testing' distribution.
It is currently undergoing major transition and might well contain
many broken/incompatible packages. See:
and ongoing messages in that thread and mailing list

Re: [semi-HS] Conseil sur l'exploitation d'un serveur DNS

2024-05-03 Thread Michel Verdier
Le 3 mai 2024 Olivier a écrit :

> 1. Une VM (sous Debian) louée chez un prestataire vous parait-elle suffisante 
> ?

Oui sauf si tu attends des milliers de requêtes

> 2. Quel logiciel recommandez-vous ?

yadifa ou unbound qui sont assez légers, bind9 qui a plus de

> 3. Quel retour d'expérience sur l'exploitation d'un serveur DNS
> "ouvert aux 4 vents" ? Quels problèmes de sécurité rencontre-t-on ?

Ouvert pour fournir le dns à des personnes que tu ne connais pas ?
Au minimum fermer le serveur par un firewall et autres. Et configurer le
serveur dns en prenant les options les plus sécurisées, là ça dépend du
serveur retenu. Mais au minimum bloquer les transferts et la récursion.

Re: HDD long-term data storage with ensured integrity

2024-05-03 Thread David Christensen

On 5/3/24 04:26, Marc SCHAEFER wrote:

On Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 10:04:01PM +0200, Marc SCHAEFER wrote:

For off-site long-term offline archiving, no, I am not using RAID.

Now, as I had to think a bit about ONLINE integrity, I found this

Contenders are btrfs, zfs, and notably ext4+dm-integrity+dm-raid

I tend to have a biais favoring UNIX layered solutions against
"all-into-one" solutions, and it seems that performance-wise,
it's also quite good.

I wrote this script to convince myself of auto-correction
of the ext4+dm-integrity+dm-raid layered approach.

Thank you for devising a benchmark and posting some data.  :-)

FreeBSD also offers a layered solution.  From the top down:

* UFS2 file system, which supports snapshots (requires partitions with 
soft updates enabled).

* gpart(8) for partitions (volumes).

* graid(8) for redundancy and self-healing.

* geli(8) providers with continuous integrity checking.

AFAICT the FreeBSD stack is mature and production quality, which I find 
very appealing.  But the feature set is not as sophisticated as ZFS, 
which leaves me wanting.  Notably, I have not found a way to replicate 
UFS snapshots directly -- the best I can dream up is synchronizing a 
snapshot to a backup UFS2 filesystem and then taking a snapshot with the 
same name.

I am coming to the conclusion that the long-term survivability of data 
requires several components -- good live file system, good backups, good 
archives, continuous internal integrity checking with self-healing, 
periodic external integrity checking (e.g. mtree(1)) with some form of 
recovery (e.g. manual), etc.. If I get the other pieces right, I could 
go with OpenZFS for the live and backup systems, and worry less about 
data corruption bugs.


Re: realpath quoting

2024-05-03 Thread David Christensen

On 5/3/24 04:34, jeremy ardley wrote:

On 3/5/24 19:06, Greg Wooledge wrote:

I would suggest that if you need to use a debugger to track down a bug
in your program, you should use filenames that don't require quoting
when you set up your tests.

1970's style static test cases are not relevant here.

In the real world...  I download files generated by another system that 
are constantly changing content and with names I don't control.

My workflow is to download a new file from a remote source and then run 
my processor over it.

As a necessary consequence I need the fully quoted or escaped file name 
of the new file to feed to the processor/debugger.

I can obviously add an extra step to the process to convert the new file 
name to something acceptable before processing. However, my question was 
how to avoid that extra step by getting fully quoted filenames to process.

So, you are copying and pasting file names via some clipboard?  emacs(1) 
might have a way to put a filter into that process, but I am unaware of 
a similar feature using Xfce and Terminal (my platform).

I have tried renaming files in similar situations, but you will want to 
rename them everywhere if you use rsync(1).

What if you downloaded files to a directory with a well-formed name and 
added a feature to your script to process files that appear in that 


Re: realpath quoting

2024-05-03 Thread David Christensen

On 5/3/24 04:09, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Thu, May 02, 2024 at 10:18:03PM -0700, David Christensen wrote:

I am unable to find $'string' in the dash(1) man page (?).  As I typically
write "#!/bin/sh" shell scripts, writing such to deal with file names
containing non-printing characters is going to baffle me.

Currently, $' quoting is a bash extension.  It's supposed to appear in
some future edition of POSIX, at which point shells like dash will be
required to adopt it (whenever they get around to it).  For now, though,
you should consider it bash only.

Thank you for the clarification.  :-)


Re: RE: Problems installing QEMU packages on Debian 12 (stable)

2024-05-03 Thread Lukas Nagy


thanks for checking, in the end I solved this by switching mirrors from 
default to 
- after updating I got the correct version of QEMU package.

Maybe something was cached somewhere for several days, strange that I 
had to change the mirror.

Re: DNI electrónico en Debian

2024-05-03 Thread Camaleón
El 2024-05-03 a las 09:57 -0600, Alejandro G. Sanchez Martinez escribió:

> En 02/05/24 01:41, Listas escribió:
> > El jue, 02-05-2024 a las 09:10 +0200, Camaleón escribió:
> > > 
> > > Quienes usáis un lector autónomo y os funciona bien, mejor si decís
> > > marca, modelo (chipset) y tipo de conexión, seguro que resulta de
> > > utilidad para quien pregunta y para futuros lectores de este hilo :-)
> > > 
> > En concreto en mi caso es
> > 
> > lector USB Alcor Micro AU9540.
> > 
> > Pero cualquier lector que cumpla con la especificación CCID debería
> > valer, básicamente todos los que se venden a día de hoy.
> > 
> > Una lista de equipos soportados:
> >
> > 
> > Info de opensc:
> >
> > 
> > La especificación CCID:
> >
> > 
> > Un saludo
> > 
> > 
> Para lso que estasmo fuera de España si nos pudieran dar informaci+on de para 
> que lo utilizan
>   o cuales serían su funcuionalidad se lo agradeceriamos

En España concretamente¹ es equivalente a la firma manuscrita, con lo 
que ello conlleva a efectos legales, jurídicos, administrativos y de 
todo tipo.

Tanto el DNI electrónico (en soporte material de tarjeta física que 
integra un certificado digital) como el certificado electrónico 
cualificado (certificado en soporte software, es un archivo informático) 
se usan para identificarte/acreditarte ante cualquier instancia o 
entidad público y/o privada (gobierno, administraciones locales, 
empresas, contratos privados, etc...).

Realmente útil tanto para personas físicas como para personas jurídicas 
(empresas o sus representantes).

¹Su uso es bastante desigual en otros países de la UE/EEE/Suiza, siendo 
Reino Unido caso aparte donde apenas se usa, al menos según mi 
experiencia personal.



Re: DNI electrónico en Debian

2024-05-03 Thread Luis Muñoz Fuente

El 3/5/24 a las 17:57, Alejandro G. Sanchez Martinez escribió:
> Para lso que estasmo fuera de España si nos pudieran dar informaci+on de para 
> que lo utilizan
>o cuales serían su funcuionalidad se lo agradeceriamos

Tiene las mismas funcionalidades que el certificado digital de la FNMT:

permite identificarse y firmar digitalmente. Es útil sobre todo al
relacionarse con la administración pública.

Re: DNI electrónico en Debian

2024-05-03 Thread Alejandro G. Sanchez Martinez

En 02/05/24 01:41, Listas escribió:

El jue, 02-05-2024 a las 09:10 +0200, Camaleón escribió:

Quienes usáis un lector autónomo y os funciona bien, mejor si decís
marca, modelo (chipset) y tipo de conexión, seguro que resulta de
utilidad para quien pregunta y para futuros lectores de este hilo :-)

En concreto en mi caso es

lector USB Alcor Micro AU9540.

Pero cualquier lector que cumpla con la especificación CCID debería
valer, básicamente todos los que se venden a día de hoy.

Una lista de equipos soportados:

Info de opensc:

La especificación CCID:

Un saludo

Para lso que estasmo fuera de España si nos pudieran dar informaci+on de para 
que lo utilizan
  o cuales serían su funcuionalidad se lo agradeceriamos
--  Telegram: @xe1gnu
B557 6185 4E38 59FB F58D D083 23A2 6FFD FA90 587C

Re: [semi-HS] Conseil sur l'exploitation d'un serveur DNS

2024-05-03 Thread NoSpam


Le 03/05/2024 à 17:37, Olivier a écrit :


J'envisage de mettre en place un serveur DNS dont le rôle serait de
résoudre des requêtes sur un de mes domaines.
Imaginons que je possède le domaine
Le serveur recevra des requètes d'Internet sur des sous-domaines comme en provenance d'appareils (téléphones IP)
qui peuvent assez rustiques au niveau réseau.

Mes exigences sont :

1- je puisse "facilement" ajouter-retirer-modifier des sous-domaines

2- personne ne puisse énumérer mes sous-domaines ie savoir que les
sous-domaines et
existent et le les sous-domaine n'existe pas

3- le serveur soit protégée-protégeable contre les attaques par Déni de Service

Mes questions :

1. Une VM (sous Debian) louée chez un prestataire vous parait-elle suffisante ?
2. Quel logiciel recommandez-vous ?
3. Quel retour d'expérience sur l'exploitation d'un serveur DNS
"ouvert aux 4 vents" ? Quels problèmes de sécurité rencontre-t-on ?

Ouvert aux 4 vents, surement pas. Plein de problèmes si le logiciel est 
mal configuré. Pour réaliser ce que tu veux faire j'utilise BIND avec sa 
vue local

Perso, je connecterai tous les postes en VPN et ne ferait écouter le 
serveur DNS que sur l'IP privée du VPN. Pas ou prou problème de sécurité

[semi-HS] Conseil sur l'exploitation d'un serveur DNS

2024-05-03 Thread Olivier

J'envisage de mettre en place un serveur DNS dont le rôle serait de
résoudre des requêtes sur un de mes domaines.
Imaginons que je possède le domaine
Le serveur recevra des requètes d'Internet sur des sous-domaines comme en provenance d'appareils (téléphones IP)
qui peuvent assez rustiques au niveau réseau.

Mes exigences sont :

1- je puisse "facilement" ajouter-retirer-modifier des sous-domaines

2- personne ne puisse énumérer mes sous-domaines ie savoir que les
sous-domaines et
existent et le les sous-domaine n'existe pas

3- le serveur soit protégée-protégeable contre les attaques par Déni de Service

Mes questions :

1. Une VM (sous Debian) louée chez un prestataire vous parait-elle suffisante ?
2. Quel logiciel recommandez-vous ?
3. Quel retour d'expérience sur l'exploitation d'un serveur DNS
"ouvert aux 4 vents" ? Quels problèmes de sécurité rencontre-t-on ?


Re: realpath quoting

2024-05-03 Thread Max Nikulin

On 03/05/2024 11:31, jeremy ardley wrote:
My use case is very simple. Give an argument to a program that expects a 
single filename/path.

Role of realpath in your workflow is not clear for me yet.

If you need to copy its result to clipboard then you may use xsel, 
xclip, etc.

realpath --zero "$file" |
{ IFS= read -r -d '' path ; printf '%q' "$path" ; } | xsel -bi

You may bind some key sequence to paste PRIMARY or CLIPBOARD content to 
BASH prompt quoted

_bind_x_yank() {
local buffer head tail
buffer="$(xsel --output "${1:---primary}")"
buffer="$(xsel --output "${1:---primary}" |
xargs --null printf '%q')"
[ -n "$buffer" ] || return
bind -x emacs -x '"\C-xY": _bind_x_yank'
bind -x emacs -x '"\C-xy": _bind_x_yank --clipboard'

[Esc] [1] [Ctrl+x] [y]
from clipboard or last [Y] from PRIMARY selection.

You even may define a desktop-wide shortcut that replaces selection 
content with its quoted variant. Neither task requires quoted output 
from realpath directly.

I am unsure what kind of debugger you use and what kind of escaping it 

A corner case is a file path having trailing newlines

Re: HDD long-term data storage with ensured integrity

2024-05-03 Thread Michael Kjörling
On 3 May 2024 13:26 +0200, from (Marc SCHAEFER):
> Contenders are btrfs, zfs, and notably ext4+dm-integrity+dm-raid

ZFS' selling point is not performance, _especially_ on rotational
drives. In fact, it's fairly widely accepted that ZFS is in fact
inferior in performance compared to pretty much everything else
modern, even at the best of times; and some of its features help
mitigate its lower against-disk performance.

ZFS' value proposition lies elsewhere.

Which is fine. It's the right choice for some people; for others,
other alternatives provide better trade-offs.

Michael Kjörling 
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

Re: time_t transitions in testing

2024-05-03 Thread Brad Rogers
On Fri, 03 May 2024 12:11:22 +0100
"mick.crane"  wrote:

Hello mick.crane,

>Eeeek "725 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see 

Quite a few here, too.  Although not as many as you had;
46 packages removed
46 packages installed (t64 versions of the packages removed)
309 packages upgraded


I have noticed that GTK apps, after 'waking up' computer when screen is
powered off, don't behave nicely(1).  I use KDE Plasma for DE, in X.

I'm playing with power saving settings (i.e. turning them off) to work
around the issue (restarting each app does the necessary if that fails),
and will see if things improve over the next few days.  Lots of kde & qt
stuff has been upgraded and things may be a little 'off' on my system.

Oh, I did reboot because of the kernel and kde/qt updates.

(1)  Buttons don't respond to mouseover events, and the window displays
contents from other apps on different desktops.

 Regards  _   "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
 / )  "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
/ _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
It's cool to know nothin'
Never Miss A Beat - Kaiser Chiefs

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: realpath quoting

2024-05-03 Thread Sirius
In days of yore (Fri, 03 May 2024), jeremy ardley thus quoth: 
> On 3/5/24 19:06, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > I would suggest that if you need to use a debugger to track down a bug
> > in your program, you should use filenames that don't require quoting
> > when you set up your tests.
> 1970's style static test cases are not relevant here.
> In the real world...  I download files generated by another system that
> are constantly changing content and with names I don't control.
> My workflow is to download a new file from a remote source and then run my
> processor over it.
> As a necessary consequence I need the fully quoted or escaped file name of
> the new file to feed to the processor/debugger.
> I can obviously add an extra step to the process to convert the new file
> name to something acceptable before processing. However, my question was
> how to avoid that extra step by getting fully quoted filenames to process.

Encase the file-name in single or double quotes. If it contains any kind
of construct that could be expanded by the shell, single quotes.

Consider this example:

$ file=abc
$ echo "$file"
$ echo '$file'

If you copy-paste anywhere, slap single quotes around it by habit and you
will not get taken by surprise by spaces or anything the shell decide
looks like something it can evaluate or expand.

Kind regards,


Re: time_t transitions in testing

2024-05-03 Thread songbird
mick.crane wrote:
> Eeeek "725 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see 
> them"

  that was about where i was at as i'd been holding firefox
from unstable due to it wanting to remove a lot of Mate
packages without replacing them.

  however last night, like you, i first updated to the newest
kernel and headers and then picked groups of packages that
worked to do it in smaller chunks.  so i finally ended up with
Mate packages that were being replaced but not leaving me 
without a working desktop.

  the other reason for holding off so long was that i didn't
have enough of a block of time just in case something went 
wrong, but last night i did.  i needed to download nearly 1G
of packages and my line isnt super fast so that took some
time just waiting for chunks to come down the pipe.

> It seemed to be that "apt upgrade" installed a few of them, there was a 
> message something wouldn't be installed because there were no headers so 
> after getting the linux-headers for the kernel and rebooting apt 
> installed the rest.
> mick

  this morning so far all has been well and basically it
all is looking as it should.

  my normal morning routing is to update and upgrade if
there is anything waiting, and today is the first time i'm
back to "normal" routine in some weeks so it is nice to
have a clear update list again.  :)


Re: realpath quoting

2024-05-03 Thread jeremy ardley

On 3/5/24 19:06, Greg Wooledge wrote:

I would suggest that if you need to use a debugger to track down a bug
in your program, you should use filenames that don't require quoting
when you set up your tests.

1970's style static test cases are not relevant here.

In the real world...  I download files generated by another system that 
are constantly changing content and with names I don't control.

My workflow is to download a new file from a remote source and then run 
my processor over it.

As a necessary consequence I need the fully quoted or escaped file name 
of the new file to feed to the processor/debugger.

I can obviously add an extra step to the process to convert the new file 
name to something acceptable before processing. However, my question was 
how to avoid that extra step by getting fully quoted filenames to process.

Re: HDD long-term data storage with ensured integrity

2024-05-03 Thread Marc SCHAEFER
On Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 10:04:01PM +0200, Marc SCHAEFER wrote:
> For off-site long-term offline archiving, no, I am not using RAID.

Now, as I had to think a bit about ONLINE integrity, I found this

Contenders are btrfs, zfs, and notably ext4+dm-integrity+dm-raid

I tend to have a biais favoring UNIX layered solutions against
"all-into-one" solutions, and it seems that performance-wise,
it's also quite good.

I wrote this script to convince myself of auto-correction
of the ext4+dm-integrity+dm-raid layered approach.

It gives:

[ ... ]
[  390.249699] md/raid1:mdX: read error corrected (8 sectors at 21064 on dm-11)
[  390.249701] md/raid1:mdX: redirecting sector 20488 to other mirror: dm-7
[  390.293807] md/raid1:mdX: dm-11: rescheduling sector 262168
[  390.293988] md/raid1:mdX: read error corrected (8 sectors at 262320 on dm-11)
[  390.294040] md/raid1:mdX: read error corrected (8 sectors at 262368 on dm-11)
[  390.294125] md/raid1:mdX: read error corrected (8 sectors at 262456 on dm-11)
[  390.294209] md/raid1:mdX: read error corrected (8 sectors at 262544 on dm-11)
[  390.294287] md/raid1:mdX: read error corrected (8 sectors at 262624 on dm-11)
[  390.294586] md/raid1:mdX: read error corrected (8 sectors at 263000 on dm-11)
[  390.294712] md/raid1:mdX: redirecting sector 262168 to other mirror: dm-7

pretty much convicing.

So after testing btrfs and being not convinced, after doing some test on
a production zfs -- not convinced either -- I am going to ry

#! /bin/bash

set -e

function create_lo {
   local f

   f=$(losetup -f)

   losetup $f $1
   echo $f

# beware of the rm -r below!
tmp_dir=/tmp/$(basename $0)

mkdir $tmp_dir

declare -a pvs
for p in pv1 pv2
   truncate -s 250M $tmp_dir/$p
   l=$(create_lo $tmp_dir/$p)
   pvcreate $l

vg=$(basename $0)-test

vgcreate $vg ${pvs[*]}

vgdisplay $vg

lvcreate --type raid1 --raidintegrity y -m 1 -L 200M -n $lv $vg

lvdisplay $vg

# sync/integrity complete?
sleep 10
cat /proc/mdstat
lvs -a -o name,copy_percent,devices $vg
echo -n Type ENTER
read ignore

mkfs.ext4 -I 256 /dev/$vg/$lv
mount /dev/$vg/$lv $mnt

for f in $(seq 1 10)
   # ignore errors
   head -c 20M < /dev/random > $mnt/f_$f || true

(cd $mnt && find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum > $tmp_dir/MD5SUMS)

# corrupting some data in one PV
blocks=$(blockdev --getsz ${pvs[1]})
if [ $blocks -lt 32767 ]; then
   factor=$(( ($blocks - 1) / 32767))

for i in $(seq 1 $count)
  offset=$(($RANDOM * $factor))
  echo ${pvs[$p]} $offset
  dd if=/dev/random of=${pvs[$p]} bs=$(blockdev --getpbsz ${pvs[$p]}) 
seek=$offset count=1
  # only doing on 1, not 0, since we have no way to avoid destroying the same 
  #p=$((1 - p))

dd if=/dev/$vg/$lv of=/dev/null bs=32M
dmesg | tail

umount $mnt

lvremove -y $vg/$lv

vgremove -y $vg

for p in ${pvs[*]}
   pvremove $p
   losetup -d $p

rm -r $tmp_dir

Re: time_t transitions in testing

2024-05-03 Thread mick.crane

On 2024-05-03 06:11, songbird wrote:

songbird wrote:

  the on-going time_t transitions may be causing some packages
to be removed for a while as dependencies get adjusted.

  i've currently not been doing full upgrades because there are
many Mate packages that would be removed.

  i decided to see what i could get upgraded tonight and
have done it in layers.

  mainly i wanted to make sure that anything removed was
being replaced and that my desktop would still be usable
and that seems to have happened.

  so far it seems to have gone well but i'm on the last 400
packages (it takes me a bit to download since i'm not on a
super-fast connection).  with how things have gone so far i
don't expect any hiccups.

  i  Debian and testing aka trixie.  :)

  thanks to all in the Debian community who have gotten this

Eeeek "725 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see 
It seemed to be that "apt upgrade" installed a few of them, there was a 
message something wouldn't be installed because there were no headers so 
after getting the linux-headers for the kernel and rebooting apt 
installed the rest.


Re: realpath quoting

2024-05-03 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Thu, May 02, 2024 at 10:18:03PM -0700, David Christensen wrote:
> I am unable to find $'string' in the dash(1) man page (?).  As I typically
> write "#!/bin/sh" shell scripts, writing such to deal with file names
> containing non-printing characters is going to baffle me.

Currently, $' quoting is a bash extension.  It's supposed to appear in
some future edition of POSIX, at which point shells like dash will be
required to adopt it (whenever they get around to it).  For now, though,
you should consider it bash only.

Re: realpath quoting

2024-05-03 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, May 03, 2024 at 12:31:13PM +0800, jeremy ardley wrote:
> My use case is very simple. Give an argument to a program that expects a
> single filename/path.

Then you need to use "$1" with quotes when you reference it.  Simple!

> If you give it an unquoted and unescaped filename it will break parsing the
> args thinking there are many.

Ahhh!  You're not even in the script yet.  You're having trouble *passing
the filename as an argument* from your interactive shell.

The best way to do this is to use tab completion.  The shell should
automatically quote the filename for you, using backslashes.

> When invoking from bash with auto completion the filename will get escaped
> as required. When cutting and pasting into a debugger prompt for args, not
> so.

Ahhh!  The question changed a second time!

I have no idea what you think the shell, or the debugger, should do
about this case.

I would suggest that if you need to use a debugger to track down a bug
in your program, you should use filenames that don't require quoting
when you set up your tests.

Realtek RTL8812AE 802.11ac i 5 Ghz

2024-05-03 Thread Àlex


us consulto un dubte.

El meu ordinador d'escriptori té una targeta wifi Realtek RTL8812AE 
802.11ac (rev 01)

Treballo amb Debian Testing, avui amb nucli 6.7, i tinc el 
paquet firmware-realtek, tot i que aquest paquet sembla que té el 
firmware pel bluetoot de la targeta però no pel wifi.

Els controladors quan faig un lsmod són:

   rtl8821ae 270336  0
   btcoexist 200704  1 rtl8821ae
   rtl_pci    32768  1 rtl8821ae
   rtlwifi   122880  3 rtl_pci,rtl8821ae,btcoexist
   mac80211 1388544  3 rtl_pci,rtl8821ae,rtlwifi
   cfg80211 1339392  2 rtlwifi,mac80211
   rfkill 40960  5 rtlwifi,cfg80211

La qüestió és que quan em connecto amb la meva xarxa 2.4ghz, funciona 
molt bé i a la velocitat correcta, però quan em connecto amb la meva 
xarxa 5ghz el wifi em funciona molt irregular i a poca velocitat, pitjor 
que a 2.4ghz

He fet la prova alternativa d'arrencar amb un LiveUSB de Windows i a 
2.4ghz em funciona igual de bé que a Linux, però a 5ghz em dona deu cops 
més velocitat que a Linux.

És un problema de controladors i firmware sense solució?


Re: time_t transitions in testing

2024-05-03 Thread Erwan David

Le 03/05/2024 à 07:11, songbird a écrit :

songbird wrote:

   the on-going time_t transitions may be causing some packages
to be removed for a while as dependencies get adjusted.

   i've currently not been doing full upgrades because there are
many Mate packages that would be removed.

   i decided to see what i could get upgraded tonight and
have done it in layers.

   mainly i wanted to make sure that anything removed was
being replaced and that my desktop would still be usable
and that seems to have happened.

   so far it seems to have gone well but i'm on the last 400
packages (it takes me a bit to download since i'm not on a
super-fast connection).  with how things have gone so far i
don't expect any hiccups.

   i  Debian and testing aka trixie.  :)

   thanks to all in the Debian community who have gotten this


Doing regular upgrades, checking what is removed, what is installed, 
waiting when situation is complex leads me to a perfectly working 
trixie. That's a good work from the team doing the transition.

As always in testing, one must be careful (and I woul stringly advise 
against auto-upgrades...), but when a little attention and sometimes 
patience, it works.

Erwan David

Re: [HS] Lynx

2024-05-03 Thread Rand Pritelrohm
On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 08:55:45 +0300
Alex PADOLY  wrote:

>Bonjour à tous,
>Quel est l'intérêt aujourd'hui de navigateurs de type Lynx?
>Merci pour vos contributions.


Utilisateur de Firefox (FF) depuis toujours, je l'ai, au fur et à
mesure de l'augmentation de la pollution du web (traceurs,
publicité, javascript, suggestions, popups, boutons réseaux sociaux
etc.), surchargé d'un nombre impressionnant de greffons (UBlock, Privacy
Badger, SurfingKeys, Stylus, Disable JavaScript, I still don't care
about cookies etc.).

Une de mes principales utilisation du web est la lecture d'articles.

J'arrive ainsi a avoir des pages débarrassées de toutes les
cochonneries dont je n'ai aucun besoin et ne conserver que le contenu
des articles, ce qui a de l'intérêt pour moi, ce qui me permet de ne
pas me disperser et de rester concentré. Cependant le ratio (contrainte
mémoire) / (contenu utile) est totalement délirant.

Comme l'essentiel de mon activité sur un ordinateur se passe dans un
terminal, j'en suis arrivé à utiliser Lynx pour l'essentiel de mes
besoins sur l'intertube.

Je repasse sur FF uniquement lorsque certains articles ont des mises en
pages tordues (ex. une partie du rédactionnel est au format image),
lorsque je dois renseigner des formulaires alambiqués ou pour des
contribution sur certains fora et bien évidemment pour des recherches

Autre avantage de Lynx, c'est un outil qui conserve encore un peu
de la "philosophie Unix" : il fait peu de choses mais il les fait

Lynx fait donc partie de mon arsenal d'outils de travail que j'utilise
au quotidien et dont je ne saurais plus me passer.

Rand Pritelrohm

Re: time_t transitions in testing

2024-05-03 Thread Brad Rogers
On Fri, 3 May 2024 01:11:31 -0400
songbird  wrote:

Hello songbird,

>  mainly i wanted to make sure that anything removed was
>being replaced and that my desktop would still be usable
>and that seems to have happened.

This has been my experience, too.

I will also add my thanks to the many, many, people that make this

Thank you, one and all.

 Regards  _   "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
 / )  "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
/ _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
Down the stairs no one cares, he who wins is he who dares
Disco Man - The Damned

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Installing testing on Acer Aspire 315

2024-05-03 Thread Sirius
In days of yore (Thu, 02 May 2024), Paul Scott thus quoth: 
> On 5/1/2024 10:44 AM, Nicolas George wrote:
> > Paul Scott (12024-05-01):
> > > I read that I should try a more complete image which I am downloading
> > > (jigdo) now.
> > Waste of time. The drivers are either in the kernel image or in
> > individual packages, you can install them on top of what you have.
> > 
> > > I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions,
> > Check the PCI ids of your Ethernet controller. Download the kernel image
> > you are considering, check if any of its modules matches these ids. n
> I may need to do that.  Thank you,
> In the mean time, an install seemed to be working but gave an failure
> error which said it would be in the log and visible on virtual terminal 4,
> I didn't know how to get to a virtual in the installer.  Various
> combinations with F4 didn't seem to work.
> Google didn't seem to help. Can someone tell me how to get to a virtual
> terminal in the installer?

Control-Alt-F4 should get you to vc4. It might be enough with Alt-F4 if it
is text-mode installation, but if you are doing a GUI install (Wayland or
X running) you need the Control-Alt combo.

Kind regards,


Re: Installing testing on Acer Aspire 315

2024-05-03 Thread Paul Scott

On 5/1/2024 10:44 AM, Nicolas George wrote:

Paul Scott (12024-05-01):

I read that I should try a more complete image which I am downloading
(jigdo) now.

Waste of time. The drivers are either in the kernel image or in
individual packages, you can install them on top of what you have.

I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions,

Check the PCI ids of your Ethernet controller. Download the kernel image
you are considering, check if any of its modules matches these ids. n

I may need to do that.  Thank you,

In the mean time, an install seemed to be working but gave an failure 
error which said it would be in the log and visible on virtual terminal 
4, I didn't know how to get to a virtual in the installer.  Various 
combinations with F4 didn't seem to work.

Google didn't seem to help. Can someone tell me how to get to a virtual 
terminal in the installer?




Re: time_t transitions in testing

2024-05-03 Thread songbird
songbird wrote:
>   thanks to all in the Debian community who have gotten this
> done.

  all looks ok.  :)
