Why lynx asking for a password?!?

1999-08-30 Thread André Bell
Lynx says access denied and then asks me to authorize 'ByPassword'. What I
don't understand is that there are no files or subdirectories within
/var/www/oneclick nor in /var/oneclick.  

I've no idea why it is asking for a password to access the localhosts
documentroot area. I do know I had an htaccess file in there a day or so
ago but have since recursively removed all files and subdirectores from the
documentroot area. Despite no files or folders in there lynx still ask for
password authorization. :(

At first I thought maybe lynx 'remembers' there once was an htaccess file
in there so I've scanned lynx.cfg file for authorization and password
keywords and found nothing. 

Any ideas what could be causing this?



Give a skeptic an inch... and he'll measure it. 

Re: How convert PC text to UNIX ascii

1999-08-29 Thread André Bell
That's odd, considering i tried it just now and it worked perfectly. Make
sure you use the search engine at the address i gave, and not the one
linked from the search button on the main page. They are different.

Yep, I used their search button (which doesn't work).  The search form
field works fine.

I have slink on cd so I installed it from there.


where's a good howto for dpkg?

1999-08-29 Thread André Bell
I'm having issues trying to install single applications from the cdrom.
For example I can't find xawtv using dselect on the cdrom so I can install
xawtv to my harddrive.  

Using '/' with dselect doesn't find xawtv, and when I type dpkg -i
xawtv_2.19-1.deb I get no such file or directory errors. I got the name
xawtv_2.19-1.deb by doing a search for xawtv on debian.org. maybe the file
name I'm using is wrong.

I'm guessing the file name is the same when installing from cdrom but looks
like I don't know enough just yet to successfully install xawtv with dpkg
nor dselect.

Any ideas what the error is -- besides user error :)


Re: where's a good howto for dpkg?

1999-08-29 Thread André Bell
Using '/' with dselect doesn't find xawtv, and when I type dpkg -i
xawtv_2.19-1.deb I get no such file or directory errors. I got the name
xawtv_2.19-1.deb by doing a search for xawtv on debian.org. maybe the file
name I'm using is wrong.

Oh I forgot to mention, when I type apt-get install xawtv I get these
   Can't open /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin - open (2 No such file or
   E: The previous errors apply to a Package Cache File
   E: You should probably re-run apt-get update

I'm guessing this might be a way of telling me apt-get is not on the cdrom(?).

So I tried the apt-get update thingy but it failed because this machine is
not connected to the internet.

Next step?


finding xawtv (was Re: where's a good howto for dpkg?)

1999-08-29 Thread André Bell
Are you saying that you put binary 2 disk in your cdrom; executed dselect
from a
command prompt; went through the steps Access, Update and Select; and
xawtv wasn't  
found listed under xtr  x11?

It should be there, at least thats where it is on my slink cheapbytes CD.

dang, I thought debian would prompt me to put in cd2 if it wanted it (like
installing from many windows cd's). It never occurred to me to mount cd2
and then try installing xawtv from it.

So I put binary 2 in mounted it and then dselect, then updated, then select
and  guess what. xawtv didn't show up.  x11 section is there but xawtv
isn't in the package list, at least I couldn't find it. I tried '/' to find
x11 and xtr and then scrolled through the list.  Neither turned up xawtv.

I have slink.

Give a skeptic an inch... and he'll measure it. 

Re: finding xawtv (was Re: where's a good howto for dpkg?)

1999-08-29 Thread André Bell
Yeah! Silly them they put it in the readme files :-)

Windoze never uses them do they?

Lost me on this one. There are 15 readme files on cd#1 and seven readme
files on cd#2, I read them all. None of them tell me xawtv is on cd#2.  I
don't understand what you meant.

BTW, since I couldn't figure out how to find the xawtv deb on the cdrom,
let alone install it, I went ahead and downloaded xawtv and installed the
downloaded .deb  Maybe some day I'll figure out how to successfully install
debs that do not show up as packages in dselect searches.


Give a skeptic an inch... and he'll measure it. 

How retain Windows long file names?

1999-08-29 Thread André Bell
When I 'xcopy *.* a:\ /s and then copy those files to my linux machine
with 'cp' my long files names are lost.  Any idea how to retain these long
file names when using media instead of ftp to transfer files between systems?

Also, is there an equivalent command to copy the files to linux including
full paths? The above mentioned diskette has around 500 cgi and html files
in 50 subdirectories and I'd like to be able to copy them to linux within
their respective paths without having to manually enter all 50
subdirectories and manually copy the files over, one subdirectory at a time.

Maybe there's some other way to achieve the same results besides the 'cp'
command if cp does not support long file names and if it can't copy entire

I'm reading man cp right now to see if the above can be accomplished but
since man cp is no longer being maintained it seems best to ask here as
well, for updated info.


Give a skeptic an inch... and he'll measure it. 

Re: How retain Windows long file names?

1999-08-29 Thread André Bell
How long are the names???  The Linux filesystem supports names up to 256
characters.  Are you sure you're not first putting the files on a plain
DOS filesystem that lacks support for long names?

Positive. I'm running win95 and used xcopy /s to copy the files to the
floppy. I can view the files from dos and windows and the long file names
are there. When I put the floppy into my debian system debian only sees the
8.3 filename (example: filena~1.htm).  When I cp the files, 'what I see is
what I get'.

So I took advise and zipped the files with winzip and then downloaded the
non-free unzip utility so I can unzip the files to my /var/www/oneclick
area.  I'm installing the unzip deb now so hopefully that resolves the long
filename issue for now. 

cp -r copies entire directory trees.  It's in the man page.

Yes, I read that and tried it as well as -R.  Neither coppied all the
subdirectories from floppy to the harddrive. The root files copied but not
the subdirectories.  I'll try again. 

Syntax I used while in /floppy was 'cp -r *.* /var/www/oneclick'
I also tried it with -R 

Maybe I'm using the wrong syntax here(?)

Give a skeptic an inch... and he'll measure it. 

Connect pc to linux with tcp/ip without a network card

1999-08-28 Thread André Bell
If you are like me and are trying to figure a way to connect your windows
pc to a linux system without a network card than you may find these links

I've found several sites that offer freeware, shareware, and trialware that
connect the pc to linux via tcp/ip connection of the serial port.

Here are a few that looked promising. Though I've downloaded several so
far, I haven't tested any of them yet to see if they are simple comm
programs or something better.  The comments are from their respective web

If you are familiar with these please let me know.

http://www.aball.de/~gotti/tcptoser.html  TCP to Serial Remote modem

http://www.midasoft.com/koala98/products.htm   KoalaTerm For Windows 95,
98, and NT. KoalaTerm is a cost effective terminal emulator specifically
designed to enable Windows 95, 98, and NT PCs to access host applications
requiring VT420/VT320/VT220/VT100 support. Using the Winsock TCP/IP stack
in Windows 95 and NT, it provides fast and efficient telnet access to a
wide range of UNIX, VMS or other host applications. 

http://www.sci.ouc.bc.ca/cosc/tshost/twinsock.html  TwinSock is a free
program which enables your Windows 3.1, Windows NT or Windows 95 machine to
use any Windows Sockets Application over a serial line (also known as
asynch lines) or dial up connection to a UNIX shell account. 

http://blitzen.canberra.edu.au/slirp/   SLiRP is a free TCP/IP emulator
over the (C)SLIP/PPP link-level protocols which allows a normal user with a
shell account on a UNIX system to act like a real (C)SLIP/PPP account.
This means you can use programs like Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mosaic,
ftp, telnet and other internet clients from your home machine with only a
shell account

http://www.noguska.net/nonags/telnc32.html   Tera Term (Pro) is a free
software terminal emulator (communication program) which supports: - Serial
port connections. - TCP/IP (telnet) connections. - VT100 emulation, and
selected VT200/300 emulation. - TEK4010 emulation. - File transfer
protocols (Kermit, XMODEM, ZMODEM, B-PLUS, and Quick-VAN) - Scripts using
the Tera Term Language. 

http://www.iit.edu/~hujianq/simpterm.html  A Telnet client that allows a
PC user to connect to a remote UNIX or MAINFRAME computer using either a
modem or a TCP/IP network. It provides VT100/ANSI Color terminal emulation
and Kermit, xmodem, ymodem and zmodem file transfer capability along with
TELNET and RLOGIN client services. Chinese support feature, up to 32760
line scroll buffer, excellent easy to use interface. Freeware.

http://www.jriver.com/products/download.html  ICE.TCP Pro connectivity
software connects 32-bit Windows PC's to UNIX hosts via TCP/IP, and
delivers reliable terminal emulation, easy-to-use file transfer and
transparent printing capabilities. English, French, German, Italian, and
Spanish support included.
Also available is ICE.TEN which connects Windows PC's to a UNIX host via
serial lines. Includes terminal emulation, file transfer, and printing.
Also available is ICE.NFS which is a standard NFS for Windows. Provides a
virtual drive for Windows to your UNIX files.

http://www.fenix.com/abw.htmABW is a terminal emulation product from
AlphaBASE Systems Inc. that permits PC's to be used as terminals on Windows
NT, UNIX, AMOS, or LINUX-based computer systems running the Metropolis
database.  Using ABW, users can connect via serial, dial-up or network
connections (using TCP/IP) to access the host system. You can even run it
over the Internet!

For those who want them, here are over 2000 other pages with links to
similar software:


How convert PC text to UNIX ascii

1999-08-28 Thread André Bell
I have several perl scripts saved to my pc I need to convert to linux-able
ascii so I can transfer them to my local linux system via disks or tape.  I
now get the following error message when I copy from my pc to diskette to

 illegal character \015 (carriage return) at admin.cgi line 2
 (Maybe you didn't strip carriage returns after a network transfer?)

I know it's because the file is in pc binary instead of true ascii (despite
being saved as a text file). My question is this, is there any way I can
convert the file to true ascii while it's still on my pc then copy it to
floppy then copy it to linux, without the need to ftp the file between one
system and the other?



Re: How convert PC text to UNIX ascii

1999-08-28 Thread André Bell
The way to get rid of those ^M characters is to either transfer the files
using ascii mode in ftp, or use the dtox program or dos2unix program or
:%s/^V^M//g in vi, or a sed script or write a program or .. half a million
ways to do the same thing (would recode do it? :)

Thanks Seth, that's exactly the info I was looking for. My linux pc is not
yet networked to my pc so I'm forced to transfer small via floppy for now.
I will do a search for dtox and dos2unix.  Looks like neither are a part of
debian so I searched the net for them.

Here's one solution from http://ume.med.ucalgary.ca/usenet/Linux/0053.html:

 save as dos2unix - 
sed 's/^M//' $1 
 save as unix2dos - 
sed 's/$/^M/' $1 

Note that the `^M' has to be produced by pressing `Ctrl-V Ctrl-M' in vi, or 
`Ctrl-QCtrl-M' in emacs. Then you can do, e.g., `dos2unix  unixfile  
dosfile' and `unix2dos  unixfile  dosfile'. 
   - end --

Those look like perl scripts. If so it's just that I'm unfamiliar with the
SED command that is throwing me off. I'll try each as a perl script anyways
just to be sure.

p.s. Here is aother solution:
cat filename | sed 's/^M//' -- I tried this one, it didn't convert the
file, it ran the file (all of the print commands printed to screen.
Afterwards I typed perl filename and same issue exists.  I even tried
this command and piped it with  to create anew file still the same error
message :( 

Re: How convert PC text to UNIX ascii

1999-08-28 Thread André Bell
At 11:20 AM 8/28/99 +, Nuno Emanuel F. Carvalho wrote:
André Bell wrote:

 Thanks Seth, that's exactly the info I was looking for. My linux pc is not
 yet networked to my pc so I'm forced to transfer small via floppy for now.
 I will do a search for dtox and dos2unix.  Looks like neither are a part of
 debian so I searched the net for them.

You have fromdos which is on utils/sysutils package.

Thanks Nuno, I thought dos2unix and dtox were exactly what I was looking
for, I was wrong. 'fromdos' is what I was looking for.  Thanks for telling
me about it. 'fromdos' works better for me than the dos2unix commands.
'fromdos' actually removed the invalid characters in the file and now the
file runs correctly. dos2unix didn't remove the characters.

Thank again

Re: How convert PC text to UNIX ascii

1999-08-28 Thread André Bell
dpkg -S dos2unix

Thanks Wayne. Interesting that worked just fine but dselect then /
searching for dos2unix turns up nothing.  Is it common for dselect not to
find specific items as requested or is there some other command I need to
enter in order to get dselect to search and find the files I want?


Re: How convert PC text to UNIX ascii

1999-08-28 Thread André Bell
You can also use the search engine on the Debian website, at

Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be true anymore:

The site we were using for our search engine has been taken down. Please be
patient as we implement a new searching system

- Debian's Webmasters

I've tried accessing that thing for the past 4 months and come up with the
same error.

RE: How convert PC text to UNIX ascii

1999-08-28 Thread André Bell
NoteTab Pro is the text editor I use in Windows and it lets you save
files in the Unix format. Have a look at:

Hello Bart,
Thanks for the source. I already have some 3,000+ files which are already
saved to my drive. I needed something that will convert those files instead
of me having to open them and save as.

I'll download notetab if it is open source and add it to my archives to
prevent this from happening with future files I create. I will use fromdos
for files that already exist on my pc and on files I download to my pc.


Re: apache/lynx problem - this is driving me crazy...

1999-08-25 Thread André Bell
Probably should be www.one-click.com

Look in /etc/lynx.cfg for a line that begins


and I think that will be the line you want to change.

That was it! I couldn't figure out why apache would run without errors but
lynx gave me errors everytime I tried starting it without a servername or
hostname on the command line.

Now I can just type lynx on the command and lynx starts up without any
errors whatsoever.  What really threw me is that I didn't configure the
lynx conf file and didn't even know it existed until you posted.  Seems
lynx must have tried to make sense out of my mixed up configuration and
came up with the www/one-click error all on its own.

Now that I've edited that conf file lynx is good to go.

Thank you very very much Patrick. I was about to give up on this and maybe
try another less secure distribution of linux because I spent so many hours
and didn't get anywhere with it (I figured I really must have screwed this
distribution up royally). 

Now that apache is running and lynx is running ...That headache is over!
Now to get Samba up and running correctly too and connect my two pc's and
start testing scripts and browsers between theme. YEAH!!! :)


Found it!!! (Re: apache/lynx problem - this is driving me crazy...)

1999-08-25 Thread André Bell
   Alert! Unable to connect to remote host.
   lynx: can't startfile http://www/one-click.com

I believe the error is the /www/one-click.com settings. This looks like an
invalid http format. Unfortunately I cannot find the file which is
controlling this.

Any ideas which file is doing this?

The file is access.conf
It has a line which reads Directory /var/www
looks like this might need to say  Directory /var/oneclick in httpd.conf.

apache/lynx problem - this is driving me crazy...

1999-08-24 Thread André Bell
httpd errors have been a week long problem and I thought everything was
fine because there weren't any error messages when I typed apache on the
command line. It wasn't until I actually tried using apache that I found
out it wasn't running 

When I type apache I just get another  line. No response, no errors, nada.

When I type lynx localhost I get: 
Alert! Unable to connect to remote host.
   lynx: can't startfile http://localhost

When I just type lynx I get:
   Alert! Unable to connect to remote host.
   lynx: can't startfile http://www/one-click.com

When I type apachectl start I get:
   /usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

I've re-run apacheconfig a million times and am stumped as to why I get
these errors. I've also checked /etc/host and /etc/apache/httpd.conf to see
if there is anything obvious that is wrong. i can't find the problem.

Any ideas??


Re: apache/lynx problem - this is driving me crazy...

1999-08-24 Thread André Bell
When I just type lynx I get:
   Alert! Unable to connect to remote host.
   lynx: can't startfile http://www/one-click.com

Ok, so now I figured out that part of these errors came from the
virtualhost settings. Now that I've commented out all of the virtual host
settings lynx now runs when I type lynx localhost. And when I type
apachectl I now get a message saying httpd is already running. Yipee!!!

Now to figure out which conf file is causing this error when I type lynx
at the command line:
   Alert! Unable to connect to remote host.
   lynx: can't startfile http://www/one-click.com

I believe the error is the /www/one-click.com settings. This looks like an
invalid http format. Unfortunately I cannot find the file which is
controlling this.

Any ideas which file is doing this?


Got your own ISP? Wanted: scripts for web hosting

1999-08-22 Thread André Bell
Any idea where I can download a good set of scripts for hosting and
managing web sites on my apache server?  I can't imaging re-inventing the
wheel creating custom perl scripts for something that may already be
available to thousands of ISP's around the world. 

I've found three commercial scripts that manage hosting, but they each lack
an important feature or two.

I'm looking for something that that will: 
   ***automate adding new users accounts 
   allow users to upload files from their browser or ftp client
   automate copying cgi templates into the new users cgi-bin (preferably
automatically edit the scripts too)
   allow me to lock and/or remove accounts,  restrict max size of uploaded
files, etc
   and other general maintenance options

Any idea of a script or unix application that can do this???



Re: DSL good enough to run a small server on?

1999-08-22 Thread André Bell
Thanks Tom for the help.

My phone company charges a $99 install fee and requires one to three year
contracts to install dsl, modem included.  The one thing they won't
disclose in their literature or their web page is the monthly price :(

Now I'll have to call them (listen to the hard sale) and find out if they
have $4,000 per month in mind -- no thanks -- or something less.  $4,000
per month just for a hook up, plus ISP fees, is way too expensive for what
I have in mind.

Thanks too for letting me know the ip address changes every 12 hours, that
could be a real bugger.


If you can get DSL and afford it do it!  You should have no problem
running a server off of it.  I work for an internet company that offers
DSL for corporate use (Bell Atlantic has not really made that technology
availibale in upstatd NY yet).  All of our DSL customers are running
servers off of the connection.  The one DSL install that I did was
configured line from the DSL jack - DSL Modem - crossover cable - Win
NT server - router - work stations You can though go DSL jack - modem
- router - network of comptuers.  I've heard that sometimes the phone
company changes your IP address every 12hrs though which sort of makes it
hard to run a server.  You could always try to get a static IP but which
I'm sure IF they offer will cost you a pretty penny :) Your best bet would
be to go through a local ISP to get the service.  They maybe able to get
it to you cheaper and they have deal with all of the BS from the phone
company and not you.  Right now in the upstate NY area the price of DSL
for a 8m line is $4999.00/ month (most of which is just the phone company
charge for the line each month). 

In my experience it is more reliable than ISDN or Frame Realy.  It is more
secure than Cable.  Most of all, it is FAST!

Just my $.02

Re: Suggested GUI to apache and GUI to ftp?

1999-08-22 Thread André Bell
At 01:59 AM 8/22/99 -0500, John Foster wrote:
André Bell wrote:
 Do you have a suggested GUI for apache and ftp? 

see http://www.littleigloo.org/ for the slickest ftp GUI around it's
shareware and worth every penny.

Nice site. Looks like a real nice ftp program too. The only question I have
(being new to linux) is which version do I download?  All other linux
downloads I've come across so far only had one version and one tar/gzip to
download. Not three different linux versions as below.

GLIBC2 distribution (for RedHat, Mandrake, Suse, Caldera, etc.) 

LIBC5 distribution (for Slackware) 

RPM package (for RedHat, Mandrake, etc.) 

I have a general idea that if I download the rpm package I will have to use
a tool (like alien or RPM which are already installed on my system though
never used) to convert rpm packages to debian friendly packages(?).  If
there are other tools that I should or must use please let me know.

Though I'm completely unfamiliar with the other two packages (GLIBC2 
LIBC5) so I have no clue what I need to do to make them debian-friendly.
I'm guessing they are a form of the C programming language, which are not
installed on my debian version.  Hopefully I don't need to learn to program
in C to be able to download and use the software. :(



Dselect question

1999-08-22 Thread André Bell
Any way to get dselect to only show me the packages I have selected for
installation, but not yet installed?

I've scrole through and think I may have selected a couple of wrong
packages and their dependent files at a conflict to my existing system.
I'd hate to scroll through the entire list to find out which have astrixes
and which do not.  If displaying only the files I want installed is not an
option how do i clear the entire list of selected packages without
scrolling through one by one to unselect them?

I've already tried clearing the choices with Q and X and R and D and
ctrl-C. When I re-run dselect and do a search for those I know I selected,
they are still selected.  Obviously I'm entering the wrong commands... I
just don't know what the correct keystrokes are.



Stumped! Where find resources for web hosting on apache?

1999-08-22 Thread André Bell
I've spent over 30 hours searching the internet for resources for hosting
web sites on my server and have come up empty.  I've found well over
100,000 sites which are resellers of web hosting services and products on
their servers. Unfortunately I cannot find more than four companies which
sell software to host web sites on apache on my server.

I'd prefer to use open source software but since I can't find any I'll
probably have to buy one of these four I've found so far.

$60 Webby Scripts http://w3.elonex.co.il/index-w.html
$80 Webhome http://webhome.cyberscript.net/
$199.00 Vlinto http://www.customcgi.net/truevirtual
$200 Homefree http://solutionscripts.com/vault/homefree/index.shtml

I know no one who uses the above packages so I'm a little leary perl
software there are no refunds.  It seems hard to imagine there are only
these four companies around the world who provide software of this kind.
With the thousands of webmasters and isp's it seems there would be more
competition for these dollars.  I'm guessing there are more competitors and
am guessing I just haven't found them yet. 

Any ideas of other resources for similar software?


...A little frustrated with sitting in this same seat for all these hours
and days with nothing more to show for the lost time.

Samba question

1999-08-22 Thread André Bell
Ok, now I have samba running on my linux pc and I have apache up and
running swell at localhost

My question is how do I get win95 on my other pc to recognize samba on my
linux machine?  Can I get away with ppp or slip via modems or serial cards
or must I install my network cards at this time? 

I had hoped to wait a couple of weeks to install the cards et al because
then I will buy and install the pentium to the linux machine and hoped to
have both hardware issues out of the way the same day.

In the meantime, is it now possible to get win95 to recognize linux via
serial or modem connection?


Re: httpd: cannot determine local host name

1999-08-21 Thread André Bell
 What does hostname -f give you?
 Lindsay, you are absolutely correct. My hosts file is in /etc and my
 host.conf is in /etc/apache.  I typed the wrong thing on the previous
 message (sleep deprivation...)

So is it fixed?  You do not answer my question.

Well... in my httpd.conf file I've entered: 
   virtualhost www.oneclick.com
   Serveradmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   DocumentRoot /var/www/oneclick
   ServerName oneclick
   ErrorLog /var/log/apache/oneclick/error.log
   TransferLog /var/log/apache/oneclick/access.log

To answer your question here's what I get when typing the following:
 hostname -f

Despite the above apache still says:
   [error] Cannot resolve host name www.oneclick.com --- ignoring!
   httpd: cannot determine local host name.
   Use the ServerName directive to set it manually.

So I changed virtualhost www.oneclick.com to virtualhost oneclick and
rebooted, and still get this when running apache:
   httpd: cannot determine local host name.
   Use the ServerName directive to set it manually

At this point I have no idea what is causing the conflict.

My /etc/hosts is this,  oneclick  localhost, so it appears
that's not the issue either.

Any ideas?


How determine all users logged into linux...

1999-08-21 Thread André Bell
How do I determine all users who are logged into debain while they are
logged in?

I've finally gotten apache up and running currectly and have logged in
locally as well as logged in via telnet under a different user name at the
same time.

Now I'd like to see each user, and ideally pick and choose who to log off
without logging off other users. 

My Special Edition Using Linux doesn't tell how to log off a telnet'ed
user. It only tells how to log oneself off.


Suggested GUI to apache and GUI to ftp?

1999-08-21 Thread André Bell
Do you have a suggested GUI for apache and ftp? I'm very familiar with
point and clicking/drag and dropping my way through ftp.  Typing the
millions of commands to access ftp seems time consuming when a simple drag
and drop would do nicely.

Special Edition Using Linux lists 72 commands for controlling ftp from
the command line. I'm lazy, I'd rather point and click my way through ftp
than type 72 different commands :)

Virtual hosting resource wanted

1999-08-21 Thread André Bell
At http://www.flux.org/linux/mooney.html I came across all these Howto's
for virtual hosting on apache: 

. http://www.apache.org/docs/vhosts/ip-based.html
. http://www.apache.org/docs/vhosts/name-based.html
. http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/mini/IP-Alias.html
. http://www.apacheweek.com/features/vhost.html
. http://homepages.thespere.com/~dlp/TwoServers/
. http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/linux/HOWTO/WWW-HOWTO-7.html

Any idea if there is a good one-book resource for this that I can carry
around with me so I can figure out how to control such things as automated
new user validation and account setup, automated configuring and installing
standard cgi's to their cgi-bin, automated web space allocation/limits, etc

I'd like to avoid having to manually create accounts for new users and
avoid having to manually edit, copy, and set file permissions to cgi's over
and over again each time a new account is created.  I'd rather this as well
as account creation/management be automated as well -- just like signing up
online for any paid ISP account.  Account validation and setup is automated
on geocities, hypermart.net, thegrid.net, etc etc.  I want to accomplish
the same.

Any ideas of a good resource?


DSL good enough to run a small server on?

1999-08-21 Thread André Bell
My local phone company sends me ads every week for a dsl account and I'm
wondering if it is good enough to run a small server on since it is 24
hours direct connection and 50 times faster than 28k.  

Something about the pricing and the offer make it seem too good to be true.
 I'm thinking maybe dsl only allows one connection through one dsl modem
instead of multiple connections that can be achieved through
server/hub/router.  I'm only guessing since I know nothing about dsl.

Are there manholes I need to watch out for? Should I instead get a 4-8 port
ethernet hub and digital lines and a partial t1 line whatever that is )I
know what t1 is I don't know what a _partial_ t1 line is). I read about
this at http://www.draper.net/RedHat-FAQ/DOCS/tips4.html


p.s. I'm not trying to create dial up access, I simply want to provide
virtual domain web and ftp space to a targeted group of surfers via my
server.  Do I still need ports and hubs and routers for this?

Re: Easy way to determine where files are installed?

1999-08-21 Thread André Bell
let me know if you need dns help...
   - the cheat way: use /etc/hosts on all machines that need to talk to 
- will need to know your dns server from your ISP..
- will need to know if you plan on being live or only when you are connected
- will need to know if you want run virtual domains/hosts or not...
- will need to know your machine name you assign vs what they assign you
   - caution: if you are running web server...you should have a static name

- independent of the above...you should be able to make your own server
  and play with all the various config files ( local to your server )

Hello Alvin,
Yes I do need help but at this point I'm not sure what my needs are.  For
now I simply need/want to get my windows pc to communicate with my linux
pc, preferably via tcp/ip to simulate an internet connection so i can run
perl scripts on linux and see how they respond to my windows browsers which
is on my pc I want networked to linux.  My linux machine will not be
accessed via the internet, the two pcs will be directly connected together
for now.

If I need dns for that then I need to know what steps to take next.  If I
don't need dns for that then great!

After September/October I intend to connect this very same linux machine to
the internet if all goes well. I will then give away free web space and ftp
space to a targeted group of surfers. I know I will need dns at that time
to handle the virtual hosts and all that...  so eventually I will have to
setup dns, but not now.  My linux machine and modem are too slow right now
for internet access and won't be upgraded until mid-september.  I still
want to test it while networked to my windows system.



Re: How determine all users logged into linux...

1999-08-21 Thread André Bell
the ways to see logged-in users:


the only way to log off a user is to kill his/her shell
you can see what pid a shell running on a certain vterminal has by running
ps axf
then kill a user's pid with 

kill pid-no

hope this helps

It certainly did.  i also type ps by itself and ps aux and got different
information. No idea what ps aux is for, I accidentally typed it and was
surprised the typo actually was valid.  Anyways, I logged on several
different users and ps'ed and kill'ed them 

Thanks, now I know how to log off accounts when I telnet in and forget to
log off.


Re: httpd: cannot determine local host name

1999-08-18 Thread André Bell
 How do I give my local machine a host name?

Try running hostname and hostname -f.  If you get the same output
i.e. no domain shown with hostname -f, then that is the problem.  In my
case I had an entry in /etc/hosts such as

instead of the correct fred

It took some finding...

Hello Lindsay,
I don't have a /etc/hosts. When I run hostname it says 'debian'. Same iwth
hostname -f.  

Obviously this is my fault during setup. I'm sure I pressed the enter key
without knowing full well what I was reading. Now, that being the case, how
do I change my hostname AND give my server a name that apache will recognize?



DNA required for intranet?

1999-08-18 Thread André Bell
 Apache tells me httpd: cannot determine local host name. Use the
 ServerName directive to set it manually.

While I'm at it, is it necessary to setup a DNS in order to give a server a
name?  I've no intention of going online with this particular pc.



Re: httpd: cannot determine local host name

1999-08-18 Thread André Bell
Try running hostname and hostname -f.  If you get the same output
i.e. no domain shown with hostname -f, then that is the problem.  In my
case I had an entry in /etc/hosts such as   fred

instead of the correct   fred.my.domain.tld fred

Hello Lindsay,
I don't have a /etc/hosts. 

I accidentally sent the above message. After I typed it I found hosts in
/etc/apache and edited it to change my host name from debian to
www.one-click.com.  Now to find out how to setup a servername that apache
will recognize...



Possible to connect win95 to linux using ethernet boards?

1999-08-16 Thread André Bell
I'd like to connect my win95 pc to my debian linux system via tcp/ip but
don't know if there will be compatibility issues.  

In theory it seems it should work smoothly since we can connect all kinds
of OS's via the internet.  On the otherhand, connecting remote systems may
not be as easy as dialing up via my isp.

Anyways I figured I'd better ask before I spent the money just to find out
different os's cannot connect in a lan or peer-to-peer environment.



Re: Possible to connect win95 to linux using ethernet boards?

1999-08-16 Thread André Bell
At 07:12 PM 8/15/99 -0400, Aaron Solochek wrote:
Well there is no doubt that both linux and windows use the same tcp/ip,
the question
is just what you want to do?  you'll be able to use windows telnet and ftp
to gain
access to your debian box (assuming you're running telnetd and ftpd) and
if you get
ftp server software for windows you and ftp to the windows box.  I don't
think that
samba will work over tcp/ip, someone correct me if I'm wrong.  But what
exactly are
you trying to do?  Are you setting up a LAN?  Or are you trying to connect
machines at different locations via the internet?

Thanks Aaron,
Crazy as this may sound, I'm trying to simulate a local connection to my
hosted domain so I can see how different perl scripts will react _before_ I
add them to my hosted domain.  I know i could simply ftp them to my hosted
domain and then test them but that is a pain because it takes soo long
to ftp files, access them with a browser to see if there are errors, edit
the scripts, and re-ftp them all over again.

Of course instead of connecting my two os's I could run netscape on my
linux system as http://localhost and see how the scripts handle with
netscape, but there are other browsers, etc that function differently. I
want to to see how the other browsers respond to the scripts.  Some scripts
work just fine on one browser but return blank pages on another.  Since not
all perl instructions work in a win95 environment I can't test them on my
win95 pc. Instead I have to run them on linux to get them to work locally,
then ftp them to my domain to see how they respond to different browsers by
accessing them with my win95 pc.

At 56k connections FTP'ing files to test them online is a very slow
process. I wish to avoid these hassles of ftp'ing the files to my hosted
domain to find out if the scripts work properly with a variety of browsers
when I can simply g connect my win95 pc to my linux pc and go for broke

I've considered purchasing that $299 software that allows me to virtually
run multiple os's on the same linux platform and at the same time but I
haven't found a recommendation from an actual user.

Oh, m linux pc also has win95 installed so once I have networked the two
pc's together I can hopefully play head-to-head games once in a while with
the kids :)  


httpd: cannot determine local host name

1999-08-16 Thread André Bell
Apache tells me httpd: cannot determine local host name. Use the
ServerName directive to set it manually.

Now I know ServerName is not something I can run from the command line
because I tried it. That means there must be something else I need to type
on the command line after typing 'apache' to define a servername(?).  

Any ideas what I've missed? The answer isn't obvious in Que's Using
Linux.  There are four pages of stuff about DNS and IP addresses but
nothing specific to giving a host name to an Intranet or local machine.
Since they say DNS is 'notoriously hard to configure' and is used for
resolving mnemonic names that represent hosts I'm guessing it's not the
tool for giving a name to my local host. 

How do I give my local machine a host name?

BTW, is there a good book for debian and packages which may be unique to

Easy way to determine where files are installed?

1999-08-16 Thread André Bell
) I've finished my admin install and apache install of debian and am trying
to figure out where all the *.conf files are copied to so I can edit them.

I've logged in as root and looked in /bin /boot /dev /etc /home /user /root
and still cannot find httpd.conf so I can configure a host name for my new
install so I can have apache up and running. I may be going about trying to
configure my host all wrong.  Maybe there is another file I need to edit to
create a host name(?).  So, I'd like to know where it is so I don't have to
manually keep looking through 36,083 installed files to find it -- because
I've probably overlooked it already...



Re: httpd: cannot determine local host name

1999-08-16 Thread André Bell
At 11:06 PM 8/15/99 -0700, André Bell wrote:
Apache tells me httpd: cannot determine local host name. Use the
ServerName directive to set it manually.

Now I know ServerName is not something I can run from the command line
because I tried it. That means there must be something else I need to type
on the command line after typing 'apache' to define a servername(?).  

Any ideas what I've missed? The answer isn't obvious in Que's Using

I'm guessing I need to type something into the httpd.conf file. Maybe
something like: 
   Virtualhost www.one-click.com
   DocumentRoot /www/htdocs/one-click.com
   ServerName www.one-click.com

The problem is I can't find that httpd.conf file. I've no idea where it
resides on the drive to find out if the above is the correct info I need to
type in the file to make apache work properly.


Re: Easy way to determine where files are installed?

1999-08-16 Thread André Bell
At 11:54 PM 8/15/99 -0700, Alvin Oga wrote:

hi andre...

easiest way to find files...

root# find / -name http.conf -ls
root# find /usr /etc  -name http.conf -ls  ( if you suspect it in /etc or
/usr )

Alvin, for some reason find did not find the httpd.conf file that way.  I
eventually found it in /etc/apache after double checking manually.  Thanks
for the info about dns needing to be configured, now that I've edited
httpd.conf I will try to setup dns to work.  I didn't realize I needed it. 

Thanks again.


Re: Easy way to determine where files are installed?

1999-08-16 Thread André Bell
I don't have apache installed, but I would think that the conf
file would be in /etc.
Thanks Mark, since you pointed me in the right direction I eventually found
it in /etc/apache. 

Now to edit it and then add a DNS server.


Re: Possible to connect win95 to linux using ethernet boards?

1999-08-16 Thread André Bell
If you're talking about vmware, I really like it. It's pretty
sluggish on my P5-233 with 64MB RAM when I've got WinNT4.0
Workstation running, and especially so when I've got Netscape
running also (on the Linux side). 

Yep, that's the one I was referring to.  Didn't know it was so sluggish
though.  I was thinking of installing it on my 486 but not now that I read
your comments.  maybe I'll switch my os's around and install debian on my
p2 and win95 on my 486... naw, either way is slow.  Sounds like I will need
a second p2 to make use of vmware.  :(

I see they have it available for students at $99 and a non-supported
downloadable version for win2000. Since it's only 3megs I think I will
check it out tomorrow.


Host config tool? (Re: httpd: cannot determine local host name)

1999-08-16 Thread André Bell
you do need to how to properly setup your DNS for your machine...
its a pain or 5 minutes of work...

   most distro have a config tool that asks you the
   machine name, ip# and domain name etc...use their tool...

Anyone know what tool debian provides for this? I installed apache using
dselect and it didn't prompt me for a host name or IP#.  



Is dpkg unique to debian?

1999-08-15 Thread André Bell
I just bought QUE's Special Edition Using Linux and there is no mention
of dpkg in its index or table of contents.  Bummer...

I've typed 'dpkg --help' and still don't understand what I need to input so
that apache installs.

I've installed the admin package by running boot.bat and following the
prompts and now would like to install apache and a few other web server
packages.  Unfortunately when signed in as root I get errors when I type
dpkg --install apache and dpkg apache and errors with dpkg -apache.  

I'm obviously doing something wrong. Any ideas what I need to type to
install apache?  Deslect is supposed to be more user friendly but it seems
deselect requires more effort to get to the item I want installed. 


p.s. Oh, the error says 'Cannot access archive: No such file or directory
Errors were encountered while processing'

Installing admin packages

1999-08-10 Thread André Bell
For the past 12 hours I've been waiting for debian (slink) to install the
admin packages to an ancient and very slow 486.  Is there a way to make
debian automatically install all of the admin packages without me having to
answer yes/no to different applications as they install?

It would be nice if there were a way to enter my choices upfront on one or
more screens and have everything istall automatically.  

Seems there should be a better way to install than to answer each of these
questions as a package is installed:   
   Yes make sash the default for root
   My news server is 
   My default URL is...
   Etc etc etc

Since I have to wait for the package to begin installing to answer the
prompts it slows down everything else, especially if I'm away from my
office when slink gets to that point. Since it waits for me to answer the
prompts that means the entire installation process stops. Too bad it can't
just install everything that doesnt need an answer and then install
everything else, or the other way around...

Anyhow, if you know of a way I can start installing and not have to do
anything until all applications are installed please let me know. It could
save me some time the next time I reinstall.


p.s.  I know I know... if I installed it to my fast p2 system it wouldn't
take over 12 hours to install 577mb of files. The slink is for testing for
now and maybe later place the server online.

How set desktop/resolution for xwindows?

1999-08-08 Thread André Bell
How do I set the resolution for xwindows applications?

I know with win95 I just right click on the desktop and resize it.  But
with my debian installation my applications are too large for the screen
and I have to scroll up, down, left, and right to see the rest of the
screen  -- what a pain!

I've tried formatting and repartioning and reinstalling debian to see if I
missed a step during installation and I can't figure what I setup incorrectly.
Please help.


Re: How set desktop/resolution for xwindows?

1999-08-08 Thread André Bell
How do I set the resolution for xwindows applications?

I know with win95 I just right click on the desktop and resize it.  But
with my debian installation my applications are too large for the screen
and I have to scroll up, down, left, and right to see the rest of the
screen  -- what a pain!

I've tried formatting and repartioning and reinstalling debian to see if I
missed a step during installation and I can't figure what I setup
Please help.

Oh, I want the entire desktop to show on the screen without having to
scroll all over the place to see portions of the screen

Re: What software to use for setting up an ISP web server on debian?

1999-07-18 Thread André Bell
Hi Patrick Kirk, you wrote on 7/17/99 4:20:11 PM:

http://opensrc.org/dlite/dlite.html is a
 debian for ISPs distro.

Thanks Patrick,
I'll start comparing what is in the distro with what I've already installed
to see if I have those packages already.  I've installed of debian 2.1
(except for packages that caused conflicts with other packages) and
hopefully I already have everything I need.  I just don't know enough to
know :)

If I don't have those packages I will download them and install them.

Thanks again!

p.s. Anyone know how to give a pc an ip address on an intranet?  I serial
connected two pc's using microsoft's direct connect and now would like to
connect the two pcs with network cards, one running windows and the web
server running debian.  I've read that it's possible to have multiple
operating systems accessing the same resources through ppp and mgetty but I
think I need to give the web server an ip addresses in order for the
windows pc to be able access the web server on the debian system once the
web server is set up(?).  Or maybe I misread the articel...

- Original Message -
From: André Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Saturday, 17 July 1999 20:28
Subject: What software to use for setting up an ISP web server on debian?

 Do you know where I can find information which explains how to setup a
 commercial web server on debian? I want to setup a server which gives
 free web space and have the server automate installation of a few custom

 What I'm looking for is information which explains which software
 new members and automates installation of approved perl scripts to the new
 user's cgi-bin and other subdirectories that I've decided on.

 I don't really need nor want the information dealing with dial up access,
 server/routers, newsfeeds, etc. I found a lot of that info already and it
 isn't what I've been looking for.

 What am I looking for? Well, if you've signed up for an ISP online and
 accessed your ftp area or have worked with cgi you know that your ISP
 created one or more subdirectories which have several approved scripts in
 your cgi-bin, ftp, or other areas of your web space.  Often those scripts
 are automatically edit with the new user's web space path and/or URL.

 I figure if others are doing this then I should also be able to have a new
 user sign up online and have debian automatically create their account and
 install the scripts before or after editing the scripts with the new users
 URL and ftp host address and the new users remote directory that was just
 created for them. I could edit these scripts manually after someone signed
 on but if this free services gets any kind of volume it would be
 for me to manually edit the scripts each time someone signs up. The
 computer can do this far more efficiently than me, if I knew how to make
 do it. :(

 I've done considerable online research to determine how to create an ISP
 Linux and unfortunately am still stumped.  I cannot find the information
 which explains which software controls automating an ISP or which software
 automates web space setup, including script installation.

 Do you know what software to use and how to accomplish auto installing
 scripts for the new user?


 p.s. I've found two software programs which allow creating web space on my
 server for others to sign up for.  The programs range from $60 - $150.00.
 Neither can install scripts written by other authors

 FyI, here are the sites:

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Here's an easy question, how shutdown debian?

1999-07-18 Thread André Bell
Everytime I restart my debian pc after having turned it off debian tells me
at bootup that devices were not unmounted properly. I don't use any
commands to shutdown debian, I just use the on/off switch when I'm
finished.  Apparantly that is a bad idea.

I'm guessing there must be a way to get debian to shutdown properly so I
don't have to wait for everything to uncompress and unmount before it can
boot up again(?).

If so, what is the command to shutdown?  Or is it simply cntrl/alt/del to
cause debian to stop everything from running and then turn it off at memory
checking?  That's the only way I know how to avoid error messages that say
the system was not properly unmounted.



What software to use for setting up an ISP on debian?

1999-07-17 Thread André Bell
Do you know where I can find information which explains how to setup an ISP
on debian?

What I'm looking for is information which explains which software to run to
automate registration of new members and automate installation of approved
scripts to the new user's cgi-bin and other subdirectories.  

I don't really need nor want the information dealing with dial up access,
server/routers, newsfeeds, etc. I found a lot of that info already and it
isn't what I've been looking for.  

What am I looking for? Well, if you've signed up for an ISP online and have
accessed your ftp area or have worked with cgi you know that your ISP
created one or more subdirectories which have several approved scripts in
your cgi-bin, ftp, or other areas of your web space.  Often those scripts
are automatically edit with the new user's path to his ftp and/or new www

I want to be able to accomplish the same thing. That is, I want to be able
to have a new user sign up online and have linux automatically create their
account on my server, and then have linux automatically install additional
scripts that I have approved. No use in me manually editing the scripts
each time someone signs up because the computer can do it far more

I've done considerable online research to determine how to create an ISP on
Linux and unfortunately am still stumped.  I cannot find the information
which explains which software controls automating an ISP or which software
automates web space setup, including script installation. 

Do you know what software to use and how to accomplish auto installing
scripts for the new user?


p.s. I've found two software programs which allow creating web space on my
server for others to sign up for.  The programs range from $60 - $150.00.
Neither can install scripts written by other authors :(

FyI, here are the sites:

What software to use for setting up an ISP web server on debian?

1999-07-17 Thread André Bell
Do you know where I can find information which explains how to setup a
commercial web server on debian? I want to setup a server which gives away
free web space and have the server automate installation of a few custom

What I'm looking for is information which explains which software registers
new members and automates installation of approved perl scripts to the new
user's cgi-bin and other subdirectories that I've decided on.  

I don't really need nor want the information dealing with dial up access,
server/routers, newsfeeds, etc. I found a lot of that info already and it
isn't what I've been looking for.  

What am I looking for? Well, if you've signed up for an ISP online and have
accessed your ftp area or have worked with cgi you know that your ISP
created one or more subdirectories which have several approved scripts in
your cgi-bin, ftp, or other areas of your web space.  Often those scripts
are automatically edit with the new user's web space path and/or URL.  

I figure if others are doing this then I should also be able to have a new
user sign up online and have debian automatically create their account and
install the scripts before or after editing the scripts with the new users
URL and ftp host address and the new users remote directory that was just
created for them. I could edit these scripts manually after someone signed
on but if this free services gets any kind of volume it would be impossible
for me to manually edit the scripts each time someone signs up. The
computer can do this far more efficiently than me, if I knew how to make it
do it. :(

I've done considerable online research to determine how to create an ISP on
Linux and unfortunately am still stumped.  I cannot find the information
which explains which software controls automating an ISP or which software
automates web space setup, including script installation. 

Do you know what software to use and how to accomplish auto installing
scripts for the new user?


p.s. I've found two software programs which allow creating web space on my
server for others to sign up for.  The programs range from $60 - $150.00.
Neither can install scripts written by other authors :(

FyI, here are the sites:

Free web site software...?

1999-07-11 Thread André Bell
Do you know of software I can install to my server which will allow me to
provide free web pages?  I need something that will automatically install
perl scripts I have in mind, so those who sign up for the free site do not
have to configure the scripts.

What would be ideal is an open source solution that allows anyone to sign
up online without me having to manually manage their accounts for them. The
site would function sort of like hypermart.net and www.geocities.com as far
as free sign ups go.

The software must 1) provide users access to setup and manage their own web
sites without my help, 2) must automatically setup perl scripts I've
pre-defined for each user (each script needs to be edited with their web
address and email address, etc. - I don't want to manually set these up for
each free web site).

Any idea what software allows this or does debian already have all the
tools I need to accomplish this?


P.s. Next I will check out each of the sites here to see if they have the
software that I need:

Display issues

1999-05-13 Thread André Bell
Everytime I run anything from the command line that requires x I get one of
these errors:

   - unable to open display
   - cannot connect to X server

I can run startx just fine. I don't get display errors there at all.  But
if I type xhost, xtv, or any other x application from the command line I
get one of the above error messages.

I've changed my xf86config file several times to select vga and svga
displays as well as cycled through the cards, and still I get those errors.
Maybe the display errors are unrelated to xf86config setup(?).

Any ideas how I can get these applications to run from the command line
without those error messages popping up?



Re: Shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember?

1999-05-13 Thread André Bell
You start with foo.tar.gz

gunzip foo.tar.gz  Now you have a file called foo.tar which
   should be much larger than foo.tar.gz was.

tar -xvf foo.tar   Now all the files are extracted from foo.tar

As others have said, you can do this all in one step with tar -zxvf

In general, files that end in .tgz or .tar.gz are gziped tar archives while
files that just end in .gz are really just one file.

Thanks Ray and all,
This was exactly the case. Though the unarchived file didn't have an
extension after I ran gunzip it turned out to be a tar file.  Once I ran
tar -xvf on the file it uncompressed just fine. Now I have all the files I
could see with winzip.

...now if I can only figure out which of the hundreds of files is the

Re: Display issues

1999-05-13 Thread André Bell
Just to make sure I understand, you mean I need to,
   1) run startx (which for me launches fvwm)
   2) start xterm from within fvwm
   3) open the hidden file $HOME/.xinitrc and edit the xterm line
   4) then try to run the X programs from within fvwm?

I was hoping to avoid using fvwm because it takes so long to load on a 486,
let alone launch another program within fvwm.  I waited a half an hour for
a game to load -- don't want to do that again... 

Is there a way to launch x programs work from the command line instead?  

p.s. I don't have a $HOME/.xinitrc nor a /usr/.xinitrc 

Brant Wells wrote:
Howdy :)

You need to start up a   xterm  session after you run startx.  Do this by
going into
your $HOME/.xinitrc file and add a line in there somewhere before your
window manager
(usually the last line) to the effect of


and then try to run those programs after you get into X.

Shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember?

1999-05-12 Thread André Bell
Is there a good shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember all the

I ask because I must be doing something wrong.  When I ungzip file.gz the
system converts my .gz file to one file with no extension instead of
unzipping the file and all of its contents.

I know there are multiple files in the gzips that I look at because I can
view all of the compressed files when I view the contents of the gzip file
on my pc, just not with gzip on linux :(

If you knoww why this happens and know what I need to do to work around it
please let me know.


p.s. If the files are small enough when uncompressed I just uncompress them
and then copy to a floppy before moving everything over to my debian/linux
system.  Seems there's gotta be a better way :(

I'd use my modem in the debian pc but I'm only running a 486 there and it
is terribly slow at downloading :(  So I download with my pc and trasnfer
via floppies.

Shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember?

1999-05-12 Thread André Bell
Is there a good shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember all the

I ask because I must be doing something wrong.  When I ungzip file.gz the
system converts my .gz file to one file with no extension instead of
unzipping the file and all of its contents.

I know there are multiple files in the gzips that I look at because I can
view all of the compressed files when I view the contents of the gzip file
on my pc, just not with gzip on linux :(

If you knoww why this happens and know what I need to do to work around it
please let me know.


p.s. If the files are small enough when uncompressed I just uncompress them
and then copy to a floppy before moving everything over to my debian/linux
system.  Seems there's gotta be a better way :(

I'd use my modem in the debian pc but I'm only running a 486 there and it
is terribly slow at downloading :(  So I download with my pc and trasnfer
via floppies.

Norton Commander for Linux?

1999-05-10 Thread André Bell
Is there an equivalent tool for Linux which resembles Norton Commander's
dual window interface? I'd like to be able to see an entire subdirectory's
files on my screen and be able to launch those I want simply by double
clicking on them.

Maybe one of the xserver programs does this(?)

Also, have you found a place which lists screenshots of its programs so I
can decide at a glance if I want to download them or not? Also, which of
the xserver programs I currently have installed offers a GUI without eating
up too much of my precious 16megs of ram?




Any danger in dselecting emacs packages?

1999-05-09 Thread André Bell
I've been reading a lot online that emacs takes up a lot of space and
sometimes causes strange things to happen on the screen and within debian's
setup. One online message jokingly hinted that maybe microsoft created
emacs due to the multiple issues that occur when running emacs.

I plan on networking my pc  linux as well as play games, play music
software, run perl scripts remotely, and run a pbtv card in the system.
With that in mind, do you know if there any dangers in me running dselect
on emacs packages? Are there any disadvantages to not having emacs
installed in my system?



Re: Apps For Debian?

1999-05-09 Thread André Bell
Here's a LARGE link to 1,370 debian files/apps via hotbot search (many of
them are at www.debian.org). You may need to cut and paste the URL below if
it is altered by my email writer before reaching you:


Here's an html link to the same place if html links are supported:
1,370 debian files via hotbot search/a

8 Newbie Questions

1999-05-08 Thread André Bell
I just installed debian about three days ago and have several questions
about navigating within debian and about accessing devices. If you can help
me with one or more of these questions it would be greatly appreciated as I
am growing a bit frustrated with not knowing what I am doing :)

1) How do I move from one partitioned drive to another? How do I know the
drive letters to use too?

2) How do I copy files from my floppy drive to my partitioned debian drive?

3) Why does debian say 'only the root can do that' when I type the line below:
  $ mount /dev/fd0 (or any other floppy drive)
 I can't cd /dev/fd0 nor can I figure out how to access it.

4) How can i get a network connection or simulated network connection
between my win95 pc  debin pc via serial or via their modems? Windows
allows direct connect with other windows pc, what can I use with debian?

5) How determine hardware which is functioning properly and how determine
which kernels need to be removed or changed? I know with windows I had
device manager and msd.exe.  What do I have with debian?

6) How change kernels once I know the above? I'd like to remove the devices
that I installed to the kernels during inital installation of debian but
don't actually have in my system yet. I also want to add a new serial card
since I never set one up when I installed debian. The new serial card is
now in the pc. I don't know how to do this after the fact.  I type
'setserial' and a bunch of stuff scrolls by that doesn't make sense to me yet.

7) Why can't I access my floppy after booting from it?  I have /floppy on
my system. I can see it by cd / and then typing ls. When I cd to /floppy
and then try to write to it I get 'permission denied'. I read from it
without error messages, it appears to be an empty directory.  I can't
access either of my physical floppy drives attached to my system when I
read from it with ls commands and /dev/fd(x).

8) Do I have to regularly compile my own linux software?  Aren't binaries
available like with dos and windows? So much linux software on 
the net that I've seen isn't in binary format, it's rpm or plain source 
format.  Is this standard for linux software? Can I use these with debian 2.1?

* I hope you don't think I just posted without looking for the answers
online. I've visited over 500 sites online, I've downloaded 40+ apps but
can't use them because they are stuck on my win95 system or floppies, tried
to access 'man man' to read the manual (but get an error can't open the
manpath configuration file /etc/manpath.config), I've read the help menu
by typing 'help' and then hitting CONTROL-Z to stop it from scrolling off
the screen and then type each command to see if I can figure out what they
do, and still haven't found the answers to my questions.  

I hope you can help.  Thanks in advance!

p.s. I've already downloaded mtools but since I can't copy the mtools files
from the floppy to my partitioned debian drive, I'm stuck!!!

My debian pc seems to be up and running just fine, I just can't do this or
any other commands to the floppy:  
  $ ls -a /dev/fp0 

The floppy disk drive light doesn't even light up on when entering
commands. This indicates that maybe the drive is not mounted properly in my
linux system (I'm guessing), though I boot into my linux system from floppy
just fine.  :(


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xwindows wanted

1999-05-08 Thread André Bell
Is xwindows already installed on my system when I installed debian 2.1?  I
can't seem to find it by cd / and then reading the subdirectories from there.

If it's not there, where can I download it from?  I've visited over 500
sites over the last week looking for it and I'll I can find are programs
which require xwindows and people who are trying to sell me stuff -- I've
obviously looked at the wrong 500 sites :(

Can you help?!?



Re: bash functions

1999-05-08 Thread André Bell
Does bash contain a pause feature other than control-z?

When I type 'help' the screen scrolls past and control-z doesn't stop the
top few lines from scrolling away before I can read them.  with dos I'd
just type 'dir /p' or type 'filename |more'

Are there equivalent set of commands for bash?



At 10:27 PM 5/7/99 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
While doing some reading, I came across a section regarding adding functions
to .bash_profile like this 
tarc () { tar -cvzf $1.tar.gz $1 }
but whenever I try to source the .bash_profile I get syntax error, unexpected
EOF messages. The article was old and I assume that bash no loger supports
this syntax, I messed around with this quite a bit and can't seem to make it
work. Can anyone offer me advice on this subject? I think these functions
would be quite handy.

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Re: 8 Newbie Questions

1999-05-08 Thread André Bell
Peter Makholm wrote:
There is no such thing as drive letters.

Partitions are mounted around in the directory structure and you move
around just like on any other directory.

Either you mount it (on /floppy) or uses mcopy from the mtools

Read some book about unix. I'm very sorry but you seem rather clueless
on some fundemental stuff and then its hard to help.

Yes, I'm clueless about linux basics.  I'm three days into my installation
of linux and have never seen it nor any unix operating system before now.
I've been using pc's since they came out (70's onward). The funny thing is,
I'm a pc tech support person working for a multi-billion fortune 200
company and I assumed that linux would work as many other computer systems
work, i.e. with drive assignments. (Cocky Translation: 'If it's on a pc I
can figure it out'. I've been humbled...)

I know dos and windows and thousands of applications extremely well. I
don't know linux other than what shows up when I type 'help' and what i've
gleaned by perusing the linux newsgroups and linux web pages. Lots of stuff
there that doesn't apply to navigating or altering kernels.

Since I just installed linux a few days ago from my debian 2.1 cd there
will be a slight learning curve during this week.  One way or another I'll
know linux well enough in less than a week that I can teach others how to
install, navigate, and change the setup of their linux... I know computers
I just don't know linux's command structure and syntax, yet.  Once i start
navigating I'm gonna take my linux apart kernel by kernel and see what
makes it tick.  Then I'll no longer be clueless.

For now I can only associate what I know of other operating systems with
linux. I've read a ton of sites, and none that I've come across so far are
written well enough to go from install to expert.  They waste a lot of
words and tell very little about navigating about linux and very little
about controlling linux kernels. They all assume that since I already
installed linux I must know how to use linux. I think I just got lucky
installing debian -- others say it's a challenging installation and it's
running on my pc... sort of  :) 

Like most pc instructions, the sites I've come across so far seem written
for those who already know what to do with the information.  One of my
'favorite' sites explained how to copy from a floppy.  It 'said' copy some
files from a floppy but didn't tell 'how'.  They also said to copy mtools
to your partitioned drive and then run mtools commands from there using
drive assignments like a:, c:, etc.  The assumption was that I already knew
how to copy the files to the drive using Linux.  Now if I knew that I
wouldn't have searched for [+linux +how to copy files from a floppy]   :)

Anyhow, that's why I asked for help here (btw thanks for your detailed
help. I figured I'd be lucky to get a reply to just one of my questions,
you gave an answer to looks like each question I asked). Now I'm going to
try to play with linux and see if I can get it to recognize my floppy and
allow me to copy files to the system so I can run lots more stuff...

Edit you /etc/fstab and put auto as an option in the line mentioning

Please read man fstab first.

I must have installed something incorrectly because  'man fstab' says:
 can't open the manpath configuration file /etc/manpath.config

When I cd /etc and then type ls manpath.*, it shows manpath.config.dpkg-new
I'm guessing this means the installation was interrupted or is this the
same as  manpath.config just with extra extensions?

Thanks very much for your help!!!

... headed back to http://www.debian.org

Read a book? Is that a text file or pdf? 

Re: xwindows wanted

1999-05-08 Thread André Bell
It probally is. (I don't remember what a standard installation looks

Try looking at /usr/X11R6/

Before using Xwindow you need to configure it. You could do this with
/usr/X11R6/XF86Setup or /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86configure.

Thanks again Peter.
Yes, I have /usr/X11R6 but the only subdirectores inside of it are
   bin include lib man

None of them have a setup or xf86configure executable file :(
There is a setup.tcl buried deep into /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/dotfile/Generator
but that is it as far as setup files go.


Re: 8 Newbie Questions

1999-05-08 Thread André Bell
 If you really really really need something that aint packaged for
 debian please say so. Probally others needs it as well.

U ... not true. I've come across a lot of software I'd like that isn't
in .deb packages anywhere - or the packages are poorly maintained, like
the KDE ones. Am I just not looking hard enough?

Thanks Bill for the perspective. Since I don't know much about RPM's and
the like that after the last comment I thought maybe I'm gonna be stuck
with the ability only to use apps found at www.debian.org  I'm glad that's
not the case because that would defeat the purpose of opensource software.

Maybe he meant that the files found to be most reliable and require least
compiling with debian are found at debian.org

Thanks again.


Re: xwindows wanted

1999-05-08 Thread André Bell
login to your system and type XF86Setup, this will take you through the
graphical X setup. After your done you can just type startx to run X.

I type XF86Setup and it says
bash: XF86Setup: command not found :(

Maybe I need to reinstall debian ???

I'm getting a lot of 'bash: command: command not found' messages even for
stuff that IS in the subdirectories.  Maybe they need to be in /usr to be


Re: bash functions

1999-05-08 Thread André Bell
William R Pentney wrote:
However, the less command is more powerful - it lets you move back and
forth through the file, search it, etc:

Type man less for more info.

I must have installed something incorrectly because 'man less' says:
 can't open the manpath configuration file /etc/manpath.config

When I 'cd /etc' and then type ls manpath.*, it shows manpath.config.dpkg-new
I'm guessing this means the installation was interrupted or is this the
same as  manpath.config just with extra extensions but am not sure(?).

Also, less isn't in my system. I type less and get: 
 bash: less: command not found


Thanks to You All! (Re: 8 Newbie Questions)

1999-05-08 Thread André Bell
Thanks all for the help.  Seems after reading all the suggestions and
linux/debian commands you posted I found that not all of the packages
installed the first time through (some of the subdirectories are empty and
files are missing elsewhere). My paths weren't correct either.

I'm now running dselect and having it install the uninstalled packages and
will go from there to copy my files from floppies, navigate within the
separate partitions to create the subdirectories and programs I want, and
connect my win95 system to my linux system so I can transfer files easily
and play multiplayer games against the kids... er test my perl scripts
remotely prior to uploading to my domain. =^)

After reinstalling the uninstalled packages and getting everything running
I'll post the results.

Thanks again for all the help!


Thanks to You All! (Re: 8 Newbie Questions)

1999-05-08 Thread André Bell
Thanks all for the help.  Seems after reading all the suggestions and
linux/debian commands you posted I found that not all of the packages
installed the first time through (some of the subdirectories are empty and
files are missing elsewhere). My paths weren't correct either.

I'm now running dselect and having it install the uninstalled packages and
will go from there to copy my files from floppies, navigate within the
separate partitions to create the subdirectories and programs I want, and
connect my win95 system to my linux system so I can transfer files easily
and play multiplayer games against the kids... er test my perl scripts
remotely prior to uploading to my domain. =^)

After reinstalling the uninstalled packages and getting everything running
I'll post the results.

Thanks again for all the help!
