PC desktop ou Laptop pour debian

2022-12-07 Thread Denis Fertin
Bonjour la liste,

un gentil cambrioleur est parti avec mon laptop HP debian agé mais
néanmoins fidèle.
Je cherche à la remplacer à moindre frais (l'assureur n'a pas récompensé
son âge valeureux).
Est-il possible d'installer en double boot sur un chrome book?

Je serais preneur des conseils avisés des membres de cette liste sans doute
plus compétents que moi sur le H/W.
Je veux de la puissance CPU mais pas nécessairement un laptop et je n'ai
pas besoin de bcp de stockage sur disque dur (NAS sur le réseau).


Re: GPS, logiciels libres et Debian

2021-07-17 Thread Denis Fertin

" Hum, hum ;)"  ne correspond pas à mon standard de communication claire,
nette et précise qui je pense devrait être partagé par les membres d'une
liste de diffusion sérieuse.


Le ven. 16 juil. 2021 à 22:19,  a écrit :

> Le 2021-07-16 15:18, Denis Fertin a écrit :
> Je ne crois pas que cela ait été mentionne: il est tout a fait possible de
> faire les mises a jour de cartes open street map / open topo map pour une
> carte micro sd d' un récepteur GPS Garmin (etrex 30 dans mon cas) sous
> Debian a partir du moment ou on peut monter la carte SD.
> Hum, hum...
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-user-french/2021/07/msg00039.html
> ;)
> Sébastien


Denis Fertin

Re: GPS, logiciels libres et Debian

2021-07-16 Thread Denis Fertin

Je ne crois pas que cela ait été mentionne: il est tout a fait possible de
faire les mises a jour de cartes open street map / open topo map pour une
carte micro sd d’ un récepteur GPS Garmin (etrex 30 dans mon cas) sous
Debian a partir du moment ou on peut monter la carte SD.
Idem pour le téléchargement de trace d’internet a la carte SD.

Les récepteurs GPS dédiés a la randonnée utilise des puces GPS n’utilisant
que les informations de la constellation GPS ( donnant la position des
satellites) alors que les puces GPS des smartphones utilisent le mode
Assisted GPS et reçoivent  les informations nécessaires a la localisation a
partir du réseau Mobile.
Pas sur que toutes les puces GPS de tous les smartphones fonctionnent sans

Perso, je recommande un récepteur GPS dédié parce que:
- c’est plus solide
- la conso est optimisée pour cela et c’est facile d’avoir un jeu de piles
de rechange dans le sac,
- le téléphone doit rester charge dans le sac pour appeler les secours si
possible au cas ou.

Les cartes open topo map sont suffisantes pour randonnées en plaine et
suivi de traces GPS.
En montagne, il faut avoir la carte IGN et savoir faire la topo sans GPS.
(La topo sans GPS c’est un peu comme un ordi sans windows avec linux: c’est
plus complique mais on comprend mieux ce qu’on fait et on y prend plaisir).


Le ven. 16 juil. 2021 à 09:42, François Patte <
francois.pa...@mi.parisdescartes.fr> a écrit :

> Le 09/07/2021 à 12:29, kaliderus a écrit :
> > Bonjour,
> >
> > J'envisage l'achat d'un GPS (voiture/moto/bateau donc étanche).
> > Avez-vous des recommandations, tuyaux, marques à conseiller ou éviter,
> > et qui idéalement me permettraient de faire des mise à jour des cartes
> > sous Debian ?
> > Actuellement nous avons un Garmin qui commence à dater, et nous devons
> > passer par leur outil pour les mises à jour, un vieux pc M$ s'en
> > charge, jusqu'au jour où l'outil ne sera plus maintenu ...
> > La cartographie devrait contenir l'Europe entière.
> OsmAnd(+) ?
> Fonctionne sur smartphones et tablettes, uniquement GPS (pas de
> dépendance téléphonique)
> Carte OpenStreetMap (pas de google...)
> Y a-t-il la mer? Je ne sais pas, les côtes en tous cas.
> --
> François Patte
> UFR de mathématiques et informatique
> Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
> Université Paris Descartes
> 45, rue des Saints Pères
> F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
> Tél. +33 (0)6 7892 5822
> http://www.math-info.univ-paris5.fr/~patte
> https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/presenting-shoetool-happy-holidays-from-the-fsf
> --

Denis Fertin

Re: [HS] Coffre fort numérique pour documents

2021-04-08 Thread Denis Fertin

Si tu utilises KeepassXC comme suggéré, ta base de donnée est chiffrée, tu
peux la dupliquer et la stocker ou tu veux ( local pc, ton NAS, google,...).
Tu peux utiliser Keeweb pour la lire ( seule solution sur Ipad).
Et si ton épouse n’aime pas linux, elle peut l’utiliser sur windows.
Enfin, si tu aimes le H/W , tu peux imprimer la liste de tes password.

Pour avoir la dernière version sur debian stablé j’ai du la compiler
moi-même mais ce n’est pas sorcier.


Le jeu. 8 avr. 2021 à 17:29, Tulum  a écrit :

> Le jeudi 8 avril 2021, 12:07:53 CEST David Martin a écrit :
> > Bonjour à tous,
> > L'un de vous utilise un coffre fort numérique chez un hébergeur, si oui
> > que conseillez vous ?
> Digiposte ?
> Chiffrement de tes fichiers + nextcloud avec serveur en Suisse ?


Denis Fertin

Re: [debian-be] Petição ao Governo Federal para NÃO trocar GNU por Windows

2018-12-05 Thread Denis Anjos

> On 30 Nov 2018, at 11:11, Antonio Carlos Ribeiro Nogueira 
>  wrote:
> Também quero assinar. Você está correto Luis. Também não acredito que o novo 
> Ministro vá apoiar o Software Livre. Acredito que a Microsoft vai fazer um 
> agrado ao novo Ministro...
> On 30/11/2018 10:45, Luis Teixeira wrote:
>> Também quero assinar.
>> Não acredito que o novo ministro vá apoiar o software livre, tomara que eu 
>> esteja errado.
>> Em qui, 29 de nov de 2018 15:10, Greyson Farias >  escreveu:
>> Acredito que o tempo hábil já foi, pois a postagem do Dausacker é de 2016.
>> Att.
>> Greyson Farias da Silva
>> Tecnólogo em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas
>> Técnico em Operação de redes - CREA/AC 9329TD
>> Eu prefiro receber documentos em ODF 
>> .
>> Baixe o Fedora e seja livre: https://getfedora.org 
>> Comunidade Linux do Acre: http://acrelinux.org 
>> Em qui, 29 de nov de 2018 às 13:06, luiz gil > > escreveu:
>> Boa tarde 
>> Credibilidade no mundo capitalista e' um ativo dos mais relevantes.
>> Porem, assisti durante minha vivencia, um total descompromisso de classes 
>> abastadas que se vestem sob o linho democratico e fazem uso de palavras 
>> correlatas apenas para manterem uma casta covarde que nao direcionam o pais 
>> para um curso de competicao no mercado externo. 
>> Tornamo-nos nas maos dessa mediocre monarquia travestida desse linho um pais 
>> em que poucos ainda lutam por muitos, e assim considero muito valido a 
>> peticao sobre o assunto em pauta.
>> Se ainda restar tempo peco que me enviem o link para que eu tambem a possa 
>> assinar.
>> Grato pela atencao de todos.
>> Luiz Carlos P Gil
>> On 29-11-2018 15:21, Mauricio Neto wrote:
>>> Boa tarde a todos. 
>>> Hoje não vejo, se não por motivos escusos ou completa falta de 
>>> conhecimento, o uso de software pago e não livre. Em um passado não tão 
>>> remoto poderia ter validade o argumento que o software livre não possuíam 
>>> empresas de suporte colocando os órgãos do governo em uma posição delicada 
>>> dependendo de consultores ou mesmo funcionários efetivos que a qualquer 
>>> momento poderiam não estar mais disponíveis, mas atualmente isso não é 
>>> argumento que se sustente. 
>>> Só consigo pensar que como as operações com as empreiteiras esteja muito em 
>>> foco e tornaram-se "perigosas" para os espoliadores urge a busca de novos 
>>> "parceiros" a fim de continuarem com os velhos esquemas. 
>>> Maurício Neto 
>>> Em 29/11/2018 11:39, Gilberto F da Silva escreveu: 
 Hash: SHA1 
 On Thu, Nov 03, 2016 at 09:49:33AM -0300, Luis Teixeira wrote: 
> Bom dia, 
> Concordo que não seja obrigatório, mas pra que comprar licença se existe 
> software livre com as mesmas funções? 
Porque se for de graça não haverá como o responsável receber 
 - -- 
 Stela dato:2.458.452,109  Loka tempo:2018-11-29 11:37:04 Ĵaŭdo 
 - -==- 
 "Sou ateu apenas porque Deus não existe. Se existisse e fosse como 
 dizem as religiões, eu o odiaria!!!" 
  -- Mago do Verbo. 
 Comment: +-+ 
 Comment: !   Gilberto F da Silva - ICQ 136.782.571 ! 
 Comment: !   gfs1...@gmx.net  - openSUSE 
 Tumbleweed ! 
 Comment: +-+ 

mini-debconf 2017 in Toulouse, FRANCE

2017-09-13 Thread Denis Briand
Hello everyone !

The Debian France Association [1] organizes a mini-debconf in Toulouse
(south west France). This event will welcome everyone with an interest
in the Debian project for a series of talks and workshops about Debian.
This mini-debconf will take place in the same time and place of the
« Capitole du Libre » [2] on november 18th and 19th 2017 at the ENSEEIHT
school : 26 rue Pierre-Paul Riquet, Toulouse FRANCE.
« Capitole du Libre » is one of the biggest french free software event
between users, organizations and developers. It homes stands, talks,
workshops, technical or not, just like FOSDEM but user-oriented (except
technical rooms)

We would like to have half conferences in english. So english speakers
are welcome !

The conferences and workshops will be scheduled on the same schedule as
the conferences of the “Capitole du libre” event. Thus, it will be easy
to switch from the mini-debconf to the “Capitole du libre” and
conversely of course ;)

Talk proposals are open, you can register a talk by E-mail at :
minidebconf[at]france[dot]debian[dot]net and on the wiki page [3].
Deadline to submit your talk: 09/30/2017

Denis Briand

[1] https://france.debian.net/
[2] https://2017.capitoledulibre.org/
[3] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/fr/2017/Toulouse

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

mini-debconf 2017 à Toulouse au Capitole du Libre

2017-09-13 Thread Denis Briand
Bonjour à tous !

L'association Debian France [1] organise une mini-debconf à Toulouse.
Cet évènement accueillera toutes les personnes intéressées par le projet
Debian avec une série de conférences et d'ateliers autour de ce thème.
Cette mini-debconf aura lieu en même temps et au même endroit que le
Capitole du Libre [2] les 18 et 19 novembre 2017 à ENSEEIHT : 26 rue
Pierre-Paul Riquet à Toulouse.

Nous aimerions avoir la moitié des conférences en anglais, les
anglophones sont donc les bienvenus !

Les conférences et ateliers seront programmés sur la même grille que les
conférences du Capitole du Libre. Il sera, ainsi, aisé de basculer de la
mini-debconf au capitole du libre et inversement bien sur ;)

Les propositions de conférences sont ouvertes, vous pouvez vous inscrire
par mail à  minidebconf[at]france[dot]debian[dot]net et sur la page wiki
Date limite pour soumettre une conférence : le 30 septembre 2017

Denis Briand

[1] https://france.debian.net/
[2] https://2017.capitoledulibre.org/
[3] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/fr/2017/Toulouse

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

tu es qui

2017-08-26 Thread denis liberge

fail2ban with nftables

2017-06-28 Thread Denis Polom
On Debian 9 with latest updates, fail2ban not creating rules when used with

2017-06-29 01:06:14,217 fail2ban.action [2593]: ERROR   nft add set
inet filter f2b-sshd \{ type ipv4_addr\; \}
nft insert rule inet filter INPUT tcp dport \{ ssh \} ip saddr @f2b-sshd
reject -- stdout: b''
2017-06-29 01:06:14,218 fail2ban.action [2593]: ERROR   nft add set
inet filter f2b-sshd \{ type ipv4_addr\; \}
nft insert rule inet filter INPUT tcp dport \{ ssh \} ip saddr @f2b-sshd
reject -- stderr: b':1:1-74: Error: Could not process rule: No
such file or directory\ninsert rule inet filter INPUT tcp dport { ssh } ip
saddr @f2b-sshd
2017-06-29 01:06:14,218 fail2ban.action [2593]: ERROR   nft add set
inet filter f2b-sshd \{ type ipv4_addr\; \}
nft insert rule inet filter INPUT tcp dport \{ ssh \} ip saddr @f2b-sshd
reject -- returned 1
2017-06-29 01:06:14,218 fail2ban.actions[2593]: ERROR   Failed to
start jail 'sshd' action 'nftables-multiport': Error starting action

Let me know what more info you need.

Any idea?

Problème démarrage debian 7 - écran noir

2016-04-29 Thread Denis Mauduit


J'utilise Debian 7 avec gnome comme interface graphique depuis assez 
longtemps et cela marche très bien, sauf que depuis quelques jours j'ai 
un problème au démarrage que je n'arrive pas à résoudre:

Grub semble lancer l'initialisation normalement, sauf qu'au moment 
d'obtenir l'écran de sélection de l'utilisateur pour entrer dans ma 
session, j'ai un écran noir.

Je suis obligé  de sélectionner une console (CTRL , ALT , F2), entrer 
mon identifiant et mot de passe et lancer startx pour avoir gnome et 
utiliser mon ordi normalement... et pouvoir écrire ce message!

Voilà, si quelqu'un à une idée pour solutionner mon problème.

Bonne soirée.

Re: [HS]: Installation Debian - mise à jour Bios

2016-02-17 Thread Denis Fertin

Cela fait des années que j'utilise et bidouille linux a un petit, petit
niveau. J'ai jamais compris pourquoi certaines personnes ecrivent sur linux
sur leur blog ou wiki et pas sur le wiki de la distribution.
Du coup, Je me permets une suggestion: si tu te decided a ecrire oourquoi
ne pad le faire sur le wiki debian! (Ou grub?)
Le 17 févr. 2016 20:38, "Gilles Mocellin" 
a écrit :

> Le 17/02/2016 10:52, Marc a écrit :
>> Le 14/02/2016 20:03, Gilles Mocellin a écrit :
>>> Le 14/02/2016 17:23, Marc a écrit :
 Bonjour ! Je me permets de rebondir avec un petit cavalier hors sujet

 Est-il possible de créer une entrée grub qui lance un bon vieux DOS ?
 Qui charge par exemple un fichier disquette.img placé dans une partition du
 disque dur (ou désarchivé dans une mini-partition FAT ou une clé usb). Pour
 mise à jour du bios et autres utilitaires pour carte mère du siècle 

 Et quelle image lancer, qui soit aussi générique que possible et pas
 trop suspecte ? Freedos ?

 D'avance merci


 Le 14/02/2016 13:36, Jean-Marc a écrit :

> Je pense qu'une mise à niveau du BIOS serait judicieuse.

>>> Regarde le paquet grub-imageboot, ça permet de créer automatiquement des
>>> entrées GRUB pour des images placées dans /boot/images.
>>> Je m'en sers pour les images bootables permettant la MAJ des firmware de
>>> mes SSD.
>>> Tu dois pouvoir faire des images avec FreeDOS comprenant tes programmes
>>> DOS.
>> Parfait ! Fonctionne du premier coup et sera plus général et plus durable
>> que les bricolages "à la main" que j'utilisais
>> La question est : pourquoi je n'ai pas trouvé l'information plus tôt
>> ailleurs ? Et ce petit échange risque de ne pas être bien indexé par les
>> moteurs de recherche, puisque cavalier mal placé...
>> Merci !
> Et oui, je me dis souvent que je devrais faire des articles sur un blog ou
> un wiki...
> Mais je passe trop de temps à lire (rapidement) ces mailing-lists et flux
> RSS.

Re: Login impossible/ startx ne demarre pas/Xauth timeout

2016-02-14 Thread Denis Fertin

Je ne suis pas sur de savoir quelle action a resolu le probleme.
J 'ai cree le fichier .Xauthority dans mon repertoire home en tant que
root. Puis j'ai changé le propritaire et le group, je me suis rendu compte
que mon répertoire home appartenait a nobody/nogroup, j'ai changé cela
Startx ne fonctionnait toujours pas mais avec un message different: user
not authorized to start X... ( ou qqchose du genre) du coup j'ai reessaye
le login et cela a marché.

Le 14 févr. 2016 12:04, "Jean-Michel OLTRA" 
a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Le samedi 13 février 2016, dfertin a écrit...
> > Résolu
> Mais encore…?
> --
> jm

Login impossible/ startx ne demarre pas/Xauth timeout

2016-02-13 Thread Denis Fertin

Je viens d'installer debian sur un pc lap top neuf.
Tout fonctionnaitnickel mais j'ai laisser le Pcen veille la nuit.
Depuis je ne peux plus me logger normalement.
En mode recovery, root peut executer startx.
Lorsque l'utilisateur dfertin essaye de lancer startx, j'obtiens le message
Xauth : time out inlocking authority file /home/dfertin/.Xauthority
X: user not authorized to run Xserver, aborting ...

Le fichier /home/dfertin/.Xauthority n
'existe pas et je ne peux pas le creer en utilisant touch.
Ma conclusion: xauthotity n'arrive pas a creer ce fichier parce qu'il a ete
mal fermé lors de l'extinction du système.
Que faire?
Merci d'avance.

Re: recherche png2svg en ligne de commande

2015-12-12 Thread Denis Mugnier

On 12/12/2015 11:18, Bernard Schoenacker wrote:


comment convertir en ligne de commande une image bitmap ( png ) en svg ?

convert du paquet imagemagick le fait.



Re: Script surveillance SYN_FLOOD

2015-07-11 Thread Denis Mugnier

Ça, c'est une réponse encourageante!

Si tu veux déprimer (ou non!), tu as la fameuse bible bash:

The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
- www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/

Ça existe en français si je ne m'abuse.

Oui en effet, ça existe en français, c'est le lien que j'ai donné dans 
mon précédent message ;o))..


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
vers debian-user-french-requ...@lists.debian.org
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS listmas...@lists.debian.org
Archive: https://lists.debian.org/55a0d3a4.8040...@orange.fr

Re: Script surveillance SYN_FLOOD

2015-07-10 Thread Denis Mugnier


On 10/07/2015 21:57, Frédéric Marécaille wrote:

Hello à tous!

Je voudrais faire un script à placer dans un cron (toutes les x heures)
qui envois un mail si la commande sudo netstat -atpn |grep SYN
contient quelque chose.

- Je pense que cela peut se faire avec la condition if... ??
- Si le résultat de la commande ne renvoie pas de données, alors il
faut rediriger dans /dev/null ??

Bref, je n'ai pas de compétences pour le faire tout seul :(

'Faut vraiment que je me mette à l'apprentissage des scripts bash sous
linux.Un tuto, un livre à conseiller?? svp-merci!

Le script que tu veux faire n'est pas très compliqué.
Il faut déja faire le script et ensuite traiter le pb de cron.

Pour t'aider, je te conseille la lecture de http://abs.traduc.org/abs-fr/

Ensuite il est possible de te faire le script, mais est ce le but ? je 
pense qu'avec de la lecture sur bash tu devrais y arriver ...
Il faut cependant que sur la machine, il soit possible d'envoyer des 
mails... et il va falloir que tu te poses la question de l'utilisation 
de sudo

Si tu as des questions précises sur bash, n'hésite pas ;o)

Bon courage


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
vers debian-user-french-requ...@lists.debian.org
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS listmas...@lists.debian.org
Archive: https://lists.debian.org/55a03217.3060...@orange.fr

Re: Grupo Whats.

2015-06-19 Thread Denis
Tô fora desse zap zap...

On 19-06-2015 17:04, Hugo Cosme wrote:
 Pessoal, boa tarde!
 Participo de outras listas, e algumas estão mantendo contato também
 via whats, para uma troca de ideia mais breve, um exemplo é com o
 Zabbix-Brasil, gostaria de propor um grupo para nós também, quem tiver
 interesse, por gentileza repasse os números para poder criar o grupo.


 : :'  :
 `. `'`

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
Archive: https://lists.debian.org/55848bbb.50...@vmail.me

Re: Ajuda com root-tail

2015-05-26 Thread Denis
Obrigado Ednardo, eu tinha olhado o manual e não tinha reparado nesse
final. Parece que o nó do problema está aí mesmo.

Eu tentei a opção de informar o id da janela (obtido com o comando
xdpyinfo). Mas parece que somente a id da janela do root é válida, pois
é a única aceita pelo root-tail. E usando esse id da janela root, também
nada acontece. Suponho que seja preciso estar logado no modo gráfico
como root, o que está fora de cogitação.

Sobre a opção de allow programs on desktop eu tentei encontrar sem
sucesso. E no gnome acho que isso não será tarefa fácil. Se alguém
souber por favor avise.

Praticamente já desisti da ideia, mas se alguém souber de algum programa
alternativo ao root-tail, por favor avise.

On 26-05-2015 19:38, Ednardo Lobo wrote:

 Veja a seção bugs da man page do root-tail em
 http://linux.die.net/man/1/root-tail. Talvez seja esse o caso.


 : :'  :
 `. `'`

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
Archive: https://lists.debian.org/55651f53.8050...@vmail.me

Ajuda com root-tail

2015-05-26 Thread Denis

Nas buscas que fiz não encontrei ajuda. Quero visualizar mensagens de
log na área de trabalho (ou alguma janela). Estou usando o jessie /
gnome, e só encontrei o /root-tail/ pra fazer isso.

Depois de instalado o comando roda sem erros, mas nada é exibido na área
de trabalho.

Entre outros, tentei os seguintes comandos sem sucesso:

# root-tail /var/log/messages

# root-tail /var/log/dmesg

# root-tail /var/log/syslog

Também acrescentei a opção --frame e não aparece nada

Estou executando esses comandos no terminal como root, mas a área de
trabalho é de usuário comum. Tentei com outro usuário incluído no
sudoers, com o mesmo resultado.

O que está errado?

Há outros pacotes disponíveis que fazem o que o root-tail promete?


 : :'  :
 `. `'`

Re: stressar comunicação de rede

2015-05-19 Thread Denis
Já experimentou o Kali?


On 19-05-2015 10:02, hamacker wrote:
 Pessoal tem algum programa ou livecd para stressar comunicação de rede
 Minha intenção é stressar a placa de rede e o switch e posteriormente
 observar se houveram erros.
 Para windows há aqueles programas que tem uma parte server ou outra
 client e rodam ambas em computadores distintos e elas ficam
 transmitindo dados por um período de tempo e depois reportam dados
 como falhas, velocidade, etc...

 Gostaria de saber se há algo parecido para Linux ou LiveCD.


 : :'  :
 `. `'`

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
Archive: https://lists.debian.org/555b6098.6060...@vmail.me

Re: touchpad em computador dell

2015-05-18 Thread Denis
Hehe, acontece... Mas ainda bem que resolveu!

On 18-05-2015 22:05, Fred Maranhão wrote:
 acho que era eu que era ignorante nestes novos touchpads.

 o botão do meio é com toque triplo.

 clicar e arrastar é com toque e toque+arrastar.

 rolar é arrastar com dois dedos.

 só tive que habilitar o clique com toque no xfce.

 estou feliz...

 Em 16 de maio de 2015 18:46, Thiago Zoroastro
 thiago.zoroas...@bol.com.br escreveu:

 On 16-05-2015 13:41, Fred Maranhão wrote:

 2015-05-16 11:47 GMT-03:00 Denis x...@vmail.me:


 Não tenho certeza, mas acredito que provavelmente deve ser o referente
 ao Intel Corp.

 Como já foi dito, esses ajustes podem ser feitos nas suas configurações
 em modo gráfico, dependendo do que você usa.

 Eu também tenho um touchpad dell e quando uso no jessie/gnome não
 apresenta nenhum problema.

 o principal ambiente gráfico será o xfce. mas eu gostaria de
 configurar isto no X, para que funcionasse em todos.

 no menu principal (do xfce) - configurações - mouse e touchpad não
 vi nada que consertasse isto

 Não tenho como dizer qual linha do lspci é o touchpad.

 Da última vez que tive problemas com o touchpad eu tive de mexer no

 no momento a única coisa ali não comentado com '#' é


 Não lembro o que coloquei mais na época que precisei.

 Hoje quando fui pesquisar seu problema encontrei outras coisas sendo ditas,
 referindo ao
 como referido no DebianWiki:

 Pode ser que você encontre soluções no xorg e no modules.


 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: auto-complétion en root

2015-04-25 Thread Denis Mugnier


On 25/04/2015 19:10, mireero wrote:

La question est dans le titre.

Par contre les TAB ci dessous ne fonctionnent qu'en utilisateur 

~$ sudo aptitude i[TAB] =
~$ sudo aptitude install swaps[TAB] =
~$ sudo aptitude install swapspace

je crois que ce que l'autocompletion ne considere pas comme une commande 
normal sous root c'est la commande sudo qui ne sert absolument a rien en 

aptitude i[TAB] =
 ne donne pas
aptitude install ???


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Re: Puedo hacer wbinfo -u pero no getent passwd (Ya me funcionó)

2014-12-08 Thread Denis Morejon Lopez
El enlace simbólico me tenía que quedar en /lib/libnss_winbind.so.2 
(Nada que diga 64 como dice en la wiki de samba4) a pesar de que uso 
sistema de 64 bits.

ln -s /usr/local/samba/lib/libnss_winbind.so.2   /lib/

On 12/04/2014 10:04 AM, Camaleón wrote:

El Thu, 04 Dec 2014 09:49:18 -0500, Denis Morejon Lopez escribió:

(no me he dado cuenta de que estamos secuestrando un hilo, mecachis...)

On 12/04/2014 09:38 AM, Camaleón wrote:

El Wed, 03 Dec 2014 16:29:46 -0500, Denis Morejon Lopez escribió:

Estoy tratando de instalarme un samba 4.1.13 a partir del código
fuente sólo para compartir archivos en un entorno mixto Linux /
Windows. Uso de base un contenedor debian 7. Configuro, compilo e
instalo sin errores, lo uno al dominio existente también. Con el
comando wbinfo -u me lista todos los usuarios del PDC (Zentyal) ok.
Pero el comando getent passwd solo me lista los usuarios internos, no
los del PDC.


getent passwd outputs only local users

No, esto que me aconsejan tampoco me funciona.

 idmap config DTCF:backend = rid

Creo que tienes una variable más (idmap config *:backend = tdb), no sé si
también le afectará a esto :-?

Veo que si instalo samba4 del repo de debian (en lugar de usando el
fuente) éste tiene una opción con samba-tool para hacerse servidor
miembro de un dominio. Veré si aunque sea así puedo servir ficheros sin
ser controlador (que es lo que quiero al final). El inconveniente es que
el samba4 del repo no está tan actualizado como el del fuente que es el

El samba4 de wheezy no está actualizado pero tienes el paquete de los
backports (samba) y también me parece que en la página de samba se podían
descargar los binarios para distintas distribuciones.

De todas formas, no parece que tu problema sea de los paquetes sino de


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Re: Puedo hacer wbinfo -u pero no getent passwd

2014-12-04 Thread Denis Morejon Lopez

No, esto que me aconsejan tampoco me funciona.

   idmap config DTCF:backend = rid

Veo que si instalo samba4 del repo de debian (en lugar de usando el 
fuente) éste tiene una opción con samba-tool para hacerse servidor 
miembro de un dominio. Veré si aunque sea así puedo servir ficheros sin 
ser controlador (que es lo que quiero al final). El inconveniente es que 
el samba4 del repo no está tan actualizado como el del fuente que es el 

On 12/04/2014 09:38 AM, Camaleón wrote:

El Wed, 03 Dec 2014 16:29:46 -0500, Denis Morejon Lopez escribió:

Estoy tratando de instalarme un samba 4.1.13 a partir del código fuente
sólo para compartir archivos en un entorno mixto Linux / Windows. Uso de
base un contenedor debian 7. Configuro, compilo e instalo sin errores,
lo uno al dominio existente también. Con el comando wbinfo -u me lista
todos los usuarios del PDC (Zentyal) ok. Pero el comando getent passwd
solo me lista los usuarios internos, no los del PDC.


getent passwd outputs only local users


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Puedo hacer wbinfo -u pero no getent passwd

2014-12-03 Thread Denis Morejon Lopez


Estoy tratando de instalarme un samba 4.1.13 a partir del código fuente 
sólo para compartir archivos en un entorno mixto Linux / Windows. Uso de 
base un contenedor debian 7. Configuro, compilo e instalo sin errores, 
lo uno al dominio existente también. Con el comando wbinfo -u me lista 
todos los usuarios del PDC (Zentyal) ok. Pero el comando getent passwd 
solo me lista los usuarios internos, no los del PDC.

  passwd: compat winbind
  group:   compat winbind
  shadow: compat



   netbios name = samba1
   workgroup = DTCF
   security = ADS
   realm = DTCF.ETECSA.CU
   encrypt passwords = yes

   idmap config *:backend = tdb
   idmap config *:range = 70001-8
   idmap config DTCF:backend = ad
   idmap config DTCF:schema_mode = rfc2307
   idmap config DTCF:range = 500-4

   winbind nss info = rfc2307
   winbind trusted domains only = no
   winbind use default domain = yes
   winbind enum users  = yes
   winbind enum groups = yes

   path = /srv/samba/test
   read only = no

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Re: Headless server just got suspended by updating systemd

2014-11-26 Thread Denis Witt
Hash: SHA256

On Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:30:27 -0500
Patrick Wiseman pwise...@gmail.com wrote:

 I identified the problem (my always closed and never before suspended
 laptop, while I was upgrading through an ssh session, suddenly
 suspended during the upgrade); I solved it (found the laptop in
 suspend mode, opened the lid, and the upgrade completed). Next problem
 identified (now when I closed the lid, the laptop - on AC power but
 with no functioning monitor - suspended); I solved it (by Googling and
 finding the solution previously posted).

Please just file a bug, maybe the maintainer will implement an
dpkg-Question during install asking if you want to enable suspend when
lid is closed (for notebooks), even considering your use-case is very

At the moment it's not possible to post anything related to systemd on
this list without starting a war. Which, in my opinion, harms Debian
more than systemd ever will.

Version: GnuPG v1


Re: [HS à troll du Vendredi] systemd évolue on dirait...

2014-10-31 Thread Denis Mugnier

On 31/10/2014 17:03, Philippe Delavalade wrote:

Sébastien NOBILI vendredi 31 octobre à 16:38

Le vendredi 31 octobre 2014 à 16:01, Philippe Delavalade a écrit :

Oui mais quoi ? Slackware ? En tou cas, pas ubuntu pour moi.

Je ne vois que LFS???

Et encore puisqu'il y a une branche systemd (nom qui, soit dit entre nous,
connote bien mal en français :-)). Et puis, LFS, même si j'en ai construit
plusieurs, n'est pas si facile à maintenir et il faut bien sûr se lancer
dans BLFS (ce que je n'ai pas encore tenté).

Ceux qui sont tentés par l'aventure LFS peuvent venir en discuter sur 
#lfs-fr (freenode) et peuvent se lancer dans l'aventure... Oui il y a 
une branche systemd, mais il y a surtout une branche sans systemd ;o)
Pour BLFS, il faut en effet avant de se lancer dans la construction, 
définir une stratégie de maintenance...

Au plaisir

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Pacemaker/Corosync on testing

2014-10-22 Thread Denis Witt
Hash: SHA256

Hi List,

I wanted to take a look at systemd and pacemaker/corosync on Debian

I noticed that the pacemaker package has vanished. Instead you should
install the crmsh package. This package recommends pacemaker which
doesn't exists.

When you try to execute crm commands the following errors occurs:

ERROR: running cibadmin -Ql: /bin/sh: 1: cibadmin: not found
ERROR: configure.show: CIB is not valid

According to apt-file there is no package available which supplies

What do I miss?

Version: GnuPG v1


Re: Pacemaker/Corosync on testing

2014-10-22 Thread Denis Witt
Hash: SHA256

On Wed, 22 Oct 2014 10:56:07 +0100
Martin Read zen75...@zen.co.uk wrote:

 Run apt-get update and look again. If it still isn't there, perhaps
 the Debian mirror you're using is out of date.


thanks a lot. Now the package is available. The machine was set up on
Friday last week. Seems that is wasn't available at that time.

Now he doesn't like the libcrmcommon, but it's definitely an

ERROR: running cibadmin -Ql: cibadmin: symbol lookup
error: /usr/lib/libcrmcommon.so.3: undefined symbol:

libcrmcommon3 is up to date.

Maybe I'll wait some days and try again.

Version: GnuPG v1


OpenVPN on Xen DomU

2014-10-21 Thread Denis Witt
Hash: SHA256

Hi list,

yay, some non systemd related traffic. ;)

I try to migrate an OpenVPN-Server/Gateway to a Xen DomU (old config is
working fine). Connection to the VPN works fine, routing doesn't.

On the old machine (bare metal) I used:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

On the DomU this doesn't seem to work anymore, so I tried:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to-source

But it didn't work either.

The DomU network interface is a bridge in Dom0.

Any hints?

Version: GnuPG v1


Re: OpenVPN on Xen DomU

2014-10-21 Thread Denis Witt
Hash: SHA256

On Tue, 21 Oct 2014 10:40:24 -0400
Henning Follmann hfollm...@itcfollmann.com wrote:

 Why do you want to do nat on the DomU interface?
 You should do nat on the vpn interface.

Hi Henning,

it was a desperate try. ;) Anyway I got it working now, after copying
the original config again.

Version: GnuPG v1


Re: Resources/tools for server hardening?

2014-10-19 Thread Leslie-Alexandre DENIS

Le 19/10/2014 09:27, Rafał Radecki a écrit :

Hi All :)

What resources or tools do you use for server hardening/checking 
servers' security?
I currently am checking Nessus, it looks good :) I found some info 
also about Bastille but it seems to be dead. Which other tools do you 

I am thinking about applying some common sense security rules through 
puppet and then use Nessus to check servers. Can you recommend a 
different approach?

Thanks for all help :)



Like you, Nessus is my core's app. for checking security of services on 
a box but I think Nmap and Its script ability can help you in the task. 
You can check out Metasploit too, a security framework used to 
exploit/check vulnerabilities for real.

Kind regards,

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Re: [IPTABLES] Comment lister les paquets rejet és ?

2014-06-08 Thread Denis Mugnier


Le 08/06/2014 14:02, Philippe Gras a écrit :

Le 8 juin 14 à 11:47, Jean-Michel OLTRA a écrit :

C'est un peu ça que j'aimerais arriver à faire chez moi :
Lister les IP qui envoient une requête Get wp-login.php
Selon la fréquence de ces requêtes dans le temps, ACCEPT ou DROP.

Je pense que pour avoir des regles en fonction de la fréquence, il faut 
regarder du coté du module limit d'iptables



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Re: [OT] smbwebclient.php

2014-05-28 Thread denis . morejon

El día 28 de mayo de 2014, 11:32, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com escribió:
 Añade depuración a la URL (\?debug=1\) a ver si te dice algo más.

 Ah, espera... prueba a editar el archivo como dicen aquí:



 Small modification, line 1471, added two spaces, one before each of
 the 2\'s to give \' 2/dev/null\' : \' 21\'; Very difficult to spot but
 fixed my issue. Otherwise a very useful piece of software.



Por favor verifique antes de responder que esto ya está correspondido y 
resuelto, no hace falta más mail al tema.

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No puedo usar net rpc * en samba4

2014-05-21 Thread Denis Morejon Lopez

Hola colegas:

Estoy tratando de unir un debian 7 como servidor miembro de un dominio 
existente en samba 4 según esta guia:


Utilicé los fuentes de samba 4.1.7 tanto para crear el PDC como para 
crear este servidor miembro.

De hecho ya una vez lo logré, pero ahora cuando quiero hacer otro 
dominio aparte (con otro par de debian instalados de cero) me da este 

#En el servidor miembro ejecuto
net rpc join -U administrator
# Me sale
Unable to find a suitable server for domain DOMX

#Si ejecuto esto también sale lo mismo
 net rpc info -U administrator

Yo meto bien maquinas Windows al dominio. También cree un BDC y replica 
información correctamente con el PDC

Qué me puede estar pasando?

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Re: No puedo usar net rpc * en samba4

2014-05-21 Thread Denis Morejon Lopez

Ya resolvi...
Era que estaba levantando solo /usr/local/samba/sbin/samba  y me 
faltaba  /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd  !!

Gracias de todas formas

El 05/21/2014 11:58 AM, Denis Morejon Lopez escribió:

Hola colegas:

Estoy tratando de unir un debian 7 como servidor miembro de un dominio 
existente en samba 4 según esta guia:


Utilicé los fuentes de samba 4.1.7 tanto para crear el PDC como para 
crear este servidor miembro.

De hecho ya una vez lo logré, pero ahora cuando quiero hacer otro 
dominio aparte (con otro par de debian instalados de cero) me da este 

#En el servidor miembro ejecuto
net rpc join -U administrator
# Me sale
Unable to find a suitable server for domain DOMX

#Si ejecuto esto también sale lo mismo
 net rpc info -U administrator

Yo meto bien maquinas Windows al dominio. También cree un BDC y 
replica información correctamente con el PDC

Qué me puede estar pasando?

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Re: LVM replication between two computers

2014-05-09 Thread Denis Witt
On Fri, 09 May 2014 12:14:50 +0100
André Rodier an...@rodier.me wrote:

 1) At the moment, I have only one computer available, so is it
 possible to start a DRBD cluster with only one computer, and add a
 second computer later.

Yes, but you can't test certain things. What you can do is to set up
Xen on your Machine and create two hosts for testing. The downside is
that if you doesn't want to keep Xen you have to set up anything again
when you second physical machine is available.

 2) Is it really wise to use a so complex stack to host virtual
 machines? 3) Would it be faster to use directly LVM volumes to host
 virtual machines?

Works fine for me (except I don't use GFS2). As I use a
Failover-Cluster-Setup I have a classic primary/secondary-DRBD-Setup.
So there is no need for a Cluster-Filesystem, as only one DRBD-Drive
is active (mounted). I use ext4.

 4) Would it be better to use another stack, for instance DRBD on top
 of software RAID?

I'm using it that way (in fact I use a hardware RAID10, but did some
tests before using mdadm, works fine too.)

 5) Is DRBD is the best solution to replicate LVM modules easily with
 two computers?

I replicate the ext4, not the LVM. My Machines are Xen-DomUs having no
knowledge that their drives have LVM-Support at all. Only the Dom0s
have access to LVM. But from the top of my head I could not think of
any problems replicating the LVM itself.

 My final goal is to be able to do live migration, between two or more 
 virtual machines hosts, without using a shared storage.

Using it for more than a year now, together with pacemaker/corosync,
without problems on about 35 machines.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Hardware failover webserver cluster

2014-03-27 Thread Denis Witt
On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:47:15 +0100
basti black.flederm...@arcor.de wrote:

 perhaps that's a bit off topic here but can someone explain what I
 need to build a hardware failover nginx cluster?

I a nutshell:

  * (at least) two Servers
  * a monitoring software
  * a shared IP
  * something that will switch the shared IP in case of failures

One way is to use Corosync and Pacemaker. They will bring so called
Ressource Agents who are capable of monitoring your nginx-Daemon and
your network connection. If the daemon fails, or your network
connections seems to be shaky (or gone) the Shared-IP (Service-IP) will
be transfered from one Server to the other. Before that all needed
services will be started if they wasn't running before.

So take a look at Corosync/Pacemaker.

As you seem to be German, maybe this article I wrote will help you:
It describes the installation of Corosync/Pacemaker using Saltstack (a
configuration management tool). Leaving Saltstack aside it might give
you a good overview about Corosync.

Bye for now.

Description: PGP signature

licencia kav hasta 2015

2014-03-24 Thread Denis Raúl Méndez Alvarez

Lic. Denis R. Méndez.
J´Dpto Medios Audiovisuales
Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina.



Licencia 2015.rar
Description: Binary data

Re: Probleme apres mise a jour Apache2 [URGENT]

2014-02-18 Thread Denis Mugnier

Le 18/02/2014 18:20, Bzzz a écrit :

On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 18:11:26 +0100
Comendatore comendat...@comendatore.net wrote:

webserver_user=www-data et allow_file_group_writeable=false dans

En attendant, dans toute cette diarrhée, *personne* n'a posé
la bonne question, à savoir: quelle raison peut bien justifier
l'usage de suphp?

D'ailleurs, personne n'a fait de remarques sur le [URGENT] dans le 
titre, ni sur le fait qu'un serveur en production ne doit peut être pas 
être mis à jour sans prendre des précautions, ni sur le fait 
qu'intervenir sur un serveur en production en ayant des connaissances 
limitées en admin sys dans un contexte professionnel est simplement 

Aujourd'hui est un bon jour, un jour de tolérance ;o)


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Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init

2014-02-01 Thread Denis Mugnier


Le 01/02/2014 12:04, maderios a écrit :

C'est ici,  en bon français:

Et que ce soit un choix ou l'autre qui soit adopté, il y aura bcp de 
mécontents .

que ce soit une évolution du système d'init dans un sens ou dans 
l'autre, ou même en ne changeant rien, je pense que les listes, forums 
vont fumer dans les jours à venir ;o)



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Re: How can I secure a Debian installation?

2014-01-30 Thread Denis Witt
On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 18:42:34 +
Brian a...@cityscape.co.uk wrote:

 The AllowUsers directive is a legitimate way to restrict ssh logins to
 certain users. However, I do not see what (ssh keys + AllowUsers)
 brings to the party that (password + AllowUsers) doesn't.

A key (if kept secret) is even harder to guess than a
password, also it's not ssh keys + AllowUsers it's (or should be)
ssh key + key pass-phrase + AllowUsers.

Best regards.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Recherche grosses PME utilisant GNU Linux / LibreOffice au quotidien

2014-01-26 Thread Denis Mugnier


Le 26/01/2014 05:14, BOLLINGH Sébastien a écrit :

Auriez-vous quelques exemples de sociétés approchant cette taille 
fonctionnant au quotidien sous Linux ?
En Belgique, ce serait encore mieux mais partout ailleurs sera déjà 
très bien !

Cette page est peut être une bonne liste ;o) : http://www.debian.org/users/



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Re: sad but true, Linux sucks, a bit

2014-01-17 Thread Denis Witt
On Thu, 16 Jan 2014 18:58:11 +0100
Ralf Mardorf ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net wrote:

 a good knife isn't produced by a computer controlled
 machine, but handcrafted by a craftsman.

But this isn't because a machine can't do the work of a good craftsman
(in some cases today, and in almost any in the future). It's because
it's hard to sell a knife for 250$ when one can buy a reasonably good
one for 20$. Of course, there are some people who can value the 250$
knife but there are more who can't, or didn't have the money. And the
people who can might not buy it when it was made by a machine.

So if your company buys a very expensive robot to produce knifes, what
quality will they produce?

What machines can do nowadays is quite impressive:
(Kuka robot copies the Gutenberg Bible)

Or think about machines in mills, sorting out single grains of poor
quality while they are falling down like a waterfall into the
millstone granting a better flour quality than you can with dozens of
human workers doing the same.

The downside of robots, yet, is that it takes a lot of time to make
them learn to craft another series of knifes, even if they differs
only in details. But there are already companies selling (industrial
grade) robots you can program by showing them what they should do:

No to mention the power such robots can have, combined with the
accuracy shown in the vimeo video. The Kuka Titan can lift one metric
ton placing it somewhere in over 3m range with an accuracy of

It's all a matter of costs, or better return of invest. Kuka robots for
example get their paintjobs by humans. We all know robots can handle
paintjobs very well, but Kuka has a very broad range of different
robots and doesn't produce hundreds of each every day. So it's too
expensive, yet, to (re)program the robot, but this is about to change.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Où se trouve la doc pour lire la sortie de /proc/net/ip_conntrack ?

2013-12-27 Thread Denis Mugnier


Le 27/12/2013 08:58, Olivier a écrit :


Où se trouve la doc de Debian pour lire la sortie de 
/proc/net/ip_conntrack ?

Une bonne doc se trouve a cette adresse


Bonne lecture


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Re: Contribuer à un projet open-source

2013-12-20 Thread Denis Mugnier

Le 20/12/2013 14:41, RHATAY Sami a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

Ma question n'est pas trop en rapport direct avec Debian, mais je ne 
suis inscrit qu'à cette liste de diffusion et je suisun peu perdu. Je 
m'explique :
après avoir lu pas mal d'articles je suis en pleine lecture du livre 
Libres conseils publié sur Framabook et l'envie de me lancer dans le 
monde de l'Open source en tant que contributeur et non plus simplement 
comme utilisateur me tente de plus en plus.
Pas mal des choses que j'ai lues conseillent si on ne sait pas trop 
que faire de commencer par de la traduction de documentation par 
exemple, vu que j'ai commencé cette année la programmation , je ne 
pense pas être très productif dans l'écriture de lignes de code pour 
le moment!

J'ai trouvé ce matin un projet Android qui faisait appel à des gens 
pour traduire l'application mais c'était trop tard le français avait 
été déjà fait!

Du coup est-ce que vous auriez des liens, listes de diffusion, où je 
pourrai trouver des projets auxquels participer ?



Si tu souhaites faire de la traduction, tu peux t'orienter vers 
http://traduc.org/ qui est une association hébergeant plusieurs projets 
de traduction en français. Il y a en particulier le projet lfs (Linux 
From Scratch lfs.traduc.org) qui est toujours à la recherche de 
traducteurs ou relecteurs. Mais la je commence aussi a faire dans la pub 
perso ;o)

bienvenue du coté de la contribution ;o)


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Re: déport pour backports

2013-11-29 Thread Denis Mugnier



lien trouvé avec l'aide d'un moteur de recherche ;o)

Bonne lecture



Le 29/11/2013 18:09, nono a écrit :

Le vendredi 29 novembre 2013 à 18:00 +0100, Bzzz a écrit :

On Fri, 29 Nov 2013 17:52:30 +0100
nono pingven...@free.fr wrote:

Comment ajouter le bon dépôt de backports sous wheezy dans mon
sources-list ?


C'est certainement facile pour certains debianistes mais moi je
sèche :(

? _Tout_ est expliqué sur le site des backports…

D'accord, alors donne moi le pointeur, je n'en demande pas plus.
Si j'ai posé cette question c'est que je n'ai pas trouvé l'explication.
Où alors je suis passé dessus sans la voir.
Ce n'est donc pas clair sur le site.
Ta réponse ne m'aide malheureusement pas. J'en suis désolé.

merci d'avance


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Re: Crée une distribution/variante basée sur Debian

2013-11-29 Thread Denis Mugnier


Sinon dans la même logique que LFS il y a cette doc pour construire une 
debian from scratch


mode pub pour LFS
Et si tu veux te relancer dans LFS, le livre à jour et en français est 
dispo sur le site lfs.traduc.org... et possible aussi de venir en parler 
sur le canal IRC #lfs-fr sur freenode

/mode pub pour LFS



Le 29/11/2013 12:19, valentin OVD a écrit :

Je connais déja livebuild, merci a tous de vos réponses. Je regarderai 
ce soir.


Le 29 nov. 2013 à 11:51, nicolas trote nicolas.tr...@gmail.com 
mailto:nicolas.tr...@gmail.com a écrit :

un petit lien simpliste mais qui te permettra surement de faire ce 
que tu souhaites : ta propre distro a partir des dépôts que tu 
souhaites : 

2013/11/28 CP c...@alexetchris.com mailto:c...@alexetchris.com

Valentin OVD a écrit le 28/11/2013 20:25:

Comment crée une distribution* linux basée sur Debian. Notamment pour 
profiter des dépôts. Il y assez longtemps**, j'avais crée une distris en 
s'aidant de LFS***. Je connais donc déjà les bases.

Bonjour Valentin,

bon je ne suis pas sûr que ça corresponde bien à ce que tu
cherches, mais voici quelques pistes :

En Français :

  * sinon essaye de contacter arpinux (http://arpinux.org/), un
français qui fait des distributions customisées (il est
passé dans le podcast Parole de Tux ! de Captain Posix,
voir Episode 2.6 – LivArp, Powder Toy et autres
raspberrytudes… : http://www.captainposix.net/?p=1658), il a
l'air bien au point là-dessus et en parle avec conviction
  * debootstrap ? https://wiki.debian.org/fr/Debootstrap

En Anglais si tu comprends la langue de Shakespeare :

  * How to make a Custom Debian setup (Page 1) / Tips, Tricks 
Scripts / CrunchBang Linux Forums

Si tu as déjà construit une LFS, je pense que je ne pourrai pas
t'aider beaucoup plus que ces quelques pistes.
Amuse-toi bien, et tiens nous au courant !


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info fenêtre d'identification ?

2013-11-15 Thread denis lapointe
Bonjour j'ai installer debian 7.2.0 KDE, tout l'installation c'est bien

Mais à l'ouverture du programme à la fenètre pour le nom de l'utilisateur et
le mot de passe,

ça fait défaut, j'ai fait 3 install en prenant bien des notes pour tout les
petits détails, rien à faire .

J'ai toujours erreur pour l'identifiant et le mot de passe.


La prochaine fois je vais faire une install avec les 3 DVD sans le net pour
voir !

Je me demande si le mirroir peut y avoir pour quelque chose des fois !


si vous pouvez m'aider merçi bien, de Denis, débutant sous Linux, j'aime
bien, bonne jounée.

activar root en debian 7

2013-11-13 Thread Lic . Denis R . Méndez
hola lista

soy novato en linux (sólo un par de años) tengo por aqui el debian 7, quiero 
activar la entrada de root desde la pantalla de vienbenida, anteriormente lo 
hacía en la opción Pantalla de Bienvenida en la Configuración del 
sistema¿me ayudan?

un saludo


2013-11-11 Thread Lic . Denis R . Méndez

Re: Message alarmant serveur Web Apache2

2013-10-26 Thread Leslie-Alexandre DENIS


Une possible redirection cachée dans du code sur votre plateforme Web ?!


Le 26/10/2013 23:37, andre_deb...@numericable.fr a écrit :


Le rapport quotidien de logwatch m'envoie ce message
régulièrement, depuis un serveur sous Wheezy :

A total of 1 possible successful probes were detected (the following URLs
  contain strings that match one or more of a listing of strings that
  indicate a possible exploit) : null HTTP Response 302

Le rapport n'indique rien de plus, pas possible de savoir de quoi il s'agit.

Le serveur ne montre aucun dégat, ni défaillance.

Si vous avez une idée pour en savoir plus ...


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Re: 2 postfix con mismo domain

2013-10-16 Thread Denis Exequiel Weber
Postfix viene con una funcionalidad para asignar una suerte de dominios
virtuales, es muy versatil y funciona muy bien. Fijate en la doco de la
pagina oficial que esta muy bien explicado, pero a lo que me refiero es a


El 15 de octubre de 2013 14:57, J@vi3rs javi...@gms.minbas.cu escribió:

  Listeros, tengo un postfix + dovecot funcionando actualmente para todo
 mi dominio, pero necesito montar otro postfix por debajo de el principal
 para administrar algunos usuarios

 Es decir el secundario les envia los mail al primario que seria el relay y
 cuando lleguen al primario y encuentre algun usuario que sea del secundario
 lo envie si es del grupo que esta en el entonces que los reparta...
 realmente no tengo idea si seria por tranport o virtual

 Recomendacion o ayuda

Denis Exequiel Weber

Re: [HS] J'ai l'inux nom de code Canterbury

2013-09-27 Thread Denis Mugnier

Le 27/09/2013 17:01, chris21.r...@free.fr a écrit :

L'idée de J'ai l'inux est de filtrer les contenus en analysant les contenus et 
pas en se basant sur une liste de sites prédéfinis.
Ce n'est pas la panacée, mais c'est complémentaire.

Comment peut on filtrer une image, un film sur son contenu de façon 
automatique  ? comment un programme pourra imaginer le contenu d'une 
image qui s'appelle 156612.jpg ?

Bon courage pour ton projet ;o)


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Re: Bash variable escaping

2013-09-11 Thread Denis Witt
On Tue, 10 Sep 2013 22:22:06 +0100
Chris Davies ch...@roaima.co.uk wrote:

 Do you expect the program to see the asterisk character itself, or an
 expansion into the corresponding list of files in the current folder?


I expect the program (salt) to see exactly '*' (single quote, asterisk,
single quote).

See examples of the salt-syntax here:

At the moment i can't see any way how to do this.

salt $machines
salt ${machines}
salt ${machines}
salt ${machines}
not working

salt $machines
salt ${machines}
salt ${machines}
salt $machines
not working

salt '*'
works fine

Also tried to execute it in a subshell and quoted the subshell call in
any way I could think of, but nothing… And every time I put an echo in
front of salt and it gave me exactly: salt '*' so from my point it
should work fine.

 How can I avoid that?  
 This should work (notice the lack of quotes around the variable),  

No it doesn't, had tried it before and double checked it right now.

Anyway thanks for your reply.

Bye for now.

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Re: Bash variable escaping

2013-09-11 Thread Denis Witt
On Wed, 11 Sep 2013 11:37:55 +0200
Vincent Zweije vinc...@zweije.nl wrote:

 All these will pass the single quotes to salt which is wrong. #3 also
 misses the closing double quote.

My mistake, when I put it together in the mail.

 ||  machines='*'
 ||  salt $machines
 ||  salt ${machines}
 ||  salt ${machines}
 ||  salt $machines
 ||  not working
 #4 should work. The value of the machine variable does not have the
 single quotes. It turns out that without double quotes, the shell
 first expands the variable, then expands the filename pattern (which
 is a single asterisk). The double quotes prevent filename expansion.

Thanks a lot. If I don't give the single quotes in the dialog and use
#4 everything works fine. set -x output is then: 

/usr/bin/salt '*' state.highstate -b 10

Best regards
Denis Witt

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Bash variable escaping

2013-09-10 Thread Denis Witt
Hi List,

I've a problem with a script. It's a wrapper for a program which uses
for example '*' as a parameter. It could also be 'foobar*' and I want
the script user to type in the desired parameter via dialog

The parameter is set correctly: echo ${parameter} gave me exactly what
I expect to see ('*'). Unfortunately when the parameter is passed to the
program it looks like this (according to set +x): 

/usr/bin/salt ''\''*'\''' state.highstate -v test=True -b 10

How can I avoid that?

Thanks in advance.

Bye for now.

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Re: Bash variable escaping

2013-09-10 Thread Denis Witt
On Wed, 11 Sep 2013 01:44:33 +1000
Zenaan Harkness z...@freedbms.net wrote:

 Show us how you're _trying_ to do it currently, then we might be able
 to see what you're doing wrong :) :)


here's the relevant part of the script:

machines=$(dialog --inputbox Choose the minions: 10 50 '*' 31 12 23)
dialog --infobox Running Salt Stack - Dryrun, please wait... 10 50
/usr/bin/salt ${machines} state.highstate -v test=True -b 10  ${logfile}

If I replace the salt-line with echo ${machines} the output is correct.

Bye for now.

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Re: Server Hacké

2013-08-26 Thread Leslie-Alexandre DENIS
Intermède culture générale anglo-saxonne, le cracking est la façon de 
faire sauter les protections de software copyrighté, un hash de mot de 
passe etc...

Le fait de compromettre un réseau ou un système est bien du hacking.
La nuance est subtile mais elle est là.

cf. Google ou https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crack_%28informatique%29


Le 26/08/2013 14:15, Bzzz a écrit :

Et merci de ne pas utiliser hacker pour ce type d'action
qui est purement du cracking.

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utilizar qemu para emular hardware de switches

2013-07-18 Thread Denis Morejón López

Hola colegas:

Alguien a visto como emular el IOS o firmware de algún switch o router 
con qemu u otro emulador?

Al final los switches usan mucho hardware del mercado. Estuve pensando 
que lograr arrancar un IOS de cualquier fabricante, o de varios, sería 
perfecto. Porque ya no tendría que utilizar sólo los bien conocidos 
simuladores basados solo en Cisco.

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Re: utilizar qemu para emular hardware de switches

2013-07-18 Thread Denis Morejón López
Si...lo conozco Camaleón, gracias. Pero mis switches son huawei. De ese 
paquete tomé la idea de emular otros switches o routers de distintos 
fabricantes, teniendo como mínimo qué tipo de procesador utilizan. 
Claro, que no se si se puede. Simplemente quiero ver si alguien lo ha 
intentado o a leido algún artículo al respecto. Lo que está claro es que 
es una necesidad, porque a las PCs las emula uno a la patá (como se dice 
un Cuba) pero si tienes que hacer una pincha con switches tienes que 
hacerla en vivo y eso es peligroso y hasta poco profesional.

Saludos desde acá.

El 18/07/13 09:30, Camaleón escribió:

El Thu, 18 Jul 2013 09:19:31 -0500, Denis Morejón López escribió:


Alguien a visto como emular el IOS o firmware de algún switch o router
con qemu u otro emulador?

Al final los switches usan mucho hardware del mercado. Estuve pensando
que lograr arrancar un IOS de cualquier fabricante, o de varios, sería
perfecto. Porque ya no tendría que utilizar sólo los bien conocidos
simuladores basados solo en Cisco.

Echa un vistazo a esta página:


Y más concretamente, GNS3 (requiere el sistema original del dispositivo).
El listado de los equipos admitidos/simulados está aquí:




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This message was processed by Kaspersky Mail Gateway 5.6.28/RELEASE running at 
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Re: Get list of restarted services during upgrade

2013-07-01 Thread Denis Witt
On Sun, 30 Jun 2013 00:21:51 -0600
Bob Proulx b...@proulx.com wrote:

  I'm running a Cluster that has to be set in Maintenance-Mode if
  monitored services are restarted.  

Hi Bob,

 I assume from this that services are being monitored.  If they are
 restarted and during the restart the monitoring detects that the
 service is offline then it triggers an alert.  And whatever the

First it will try to restart the service, if this fails the service
will be migrated to another node.

 setting of Maintenance-Mode does basically tells the monitoring to
 ignore any problem for that time period.  Is that about right?

Yes. But it will disable the monitor for all services on all nodes,
which isn't always needed. 

 I see the problem for you now.  Because various packages such as
 phpmyadmin will run the restarts in the postinst scripts.  Therefore
 in order to really determine what would be restarted it would be
 necessary to walk through the postinst scripts.  And that is an open
 ended basically practically impossible problem.

  At the moment I try out update-rc.d to avoid any service to be
  restarted during upgrade, but I wonder if there might be a better

  It's policy-rc.d, of course, not update-rc.  

 That is an idea.  Every use of a postinst script to restart a daemon
 should be gated by policy-rc.d.  And you could always approve the
 restart but that script could at that time put the node into your
 maintenance-mode right then.  Don't know what you would use to return
 it to regular service afterward.  Perhaps after a timeout.

That is a nice idea, thanks. At the moment policy-rc.d just exit with

 Note that I (on this mailing list) learned recently that while
 policy-rc.d does gate all uses of postinst it does nothing at boot
 time.  I think that is a hole in the feature set.  During boot time
 the daemon is started regardless of any policy-rc.d configuration.

That's fine. The init-Scripts for the monitored services are disabled
at boot time and the Cluster Resource Manager will start them. I think
that policy-rc.d is ignored at boot is more of a feature (at least in
some use cases).

I'll check out your idea and think it will work quite fine. Thanks

Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: Get list of restarted services during upgrade

2013-07-01 Thread Denis Witt

Am 01.07.2013 um 22:15 schrieb Bob Proulx b...@proulx.com:

 Ah...  And so the plot thickens!  Quick monitoring, sense a failure,
 trigger a restart on a different node.  And of course I think that
 would all work fine but it would generate a lot of noise to wade
 through when there are upgrades that restart daemons.

Hi Bob,

exactly. My monitored services are depending on each other, so if one fails all 
other will be migrated too.

 That is a nice idea, thanks.

 Another idea.  There is probably an apt post hook (untried) such as
 APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success that could be used at the very end to
 return the node back to normal service.  I know that apt-show-versions
 uses it to run an update script after apt has finished.

rkhunter does this as well, yes. etckeeper hooks in apt/aptitude also. But I 
like your idea better. When policy-rc.d only exit with 101 when a monitored 
service should be restarted another problem will be solved: If you install a 
new package which brings his own new daemon this daemon will be started without 
any problems and you don't have to investigate which services you have to start 
after the installation (checkrestart will not tell as it wasn't running 
before). Of course you should know that anyway if you want to run this service, 
but may avoid problems with installation scripts who expect a running service 
to configure them(self).

 If you are doing this then you really want to run 'checkrestart' (from
 the debian-goodies package) on a regular basis and deal with what it


This is my current proof of concept script (written on June 28th):



check_active_node() {
   crm_status=$(crm_mon -1 | grep -i Masters:)
   active_node=`echo $crm_status  | awk -F  '{print $3}'`

   if [ ${active_node} = `hostname` ]; then
   echo FATAL: This node is the active node, you cannot update the active 
exit 1

if [ -f /usr/sbin/crm_mon ]; then

if [ ! -f /usr/sbin/checkrestart ]; then
   apt-get install debian-goodies

apt-get update

echo The following actions are pending:

apt-get upgrade -s

echo Press any key to continue... (Press Ctrl+C to cancel.)
read -N 1 foobar

if [ ! -f /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d ]; then
   echo Disable Service-Restart during upgrade
   cat  EOF  /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
echo $@
exit 101
   chmod +x /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d

apt-get upgrade | tee /var/log/cat_apt.log

echo The following services needs to be restarted:


 reports.  Because otherwise the daemons may be vulnerable to security
 vulnerabilities that were fixed by the upgrade and installed but never
 restarted to take effect.

Seems that I'm on a good way. Nice to see that we are heading in the same 

Thanks for your input. Have a nice day.

Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: Get list of restarted services during upgrade

2013-06-28 Thread Denis Witt
On Thu, 27 Jun 2013 22:25:34 -0600
Bob Proulx b...@proulx.com wrote:

 What is your specific concern?

Hi Bob,

I'm running a Cluster that has to be set in Maintenance-Mode if
monitored services are restarted. I want to do this only if needed, so
I need to know which services will be restarted during
upgrade/installation. You can't always see that, even if you runs
interactive mode. An example is the installation of phpmyadmin, it will
restart Apache, but it's hard to spot from the package names.

At the moment I try out update-rc.d to avoid any service to be
restarted during upgrade, but I wonder if there might be a better

Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: Get list of restarted services during upgrade

2013-06-28 Thread Denis Witt
On Fri, 28 Jun 2013 10:01:00 +0200
Denis Witt denis.w...@concepts-and-training.de wrote:

 At the moment I try out update-rc.d to avoid any service to be
 restarted during upgrade, but I wonder if there might be a better

It's policy-rc.d, of course, not update-rc.


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Get list of restarted services during upgrade

2013-06-27 Thread Denis Witt
Hi List,

is there any way to get a list of services that will be restarted
during apt-get upgrade, before you run it?


Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.6.6 - Debian 7

2013-05-28 Thread Denis Cardon

Hi Marco,

I use Samba + Ldapas a domain controller but after the update the
version of Debian6 to Debain 7I can't authenticate my users in the Samba


[2013/05/23 08:29:55.811240,  1] auth/server_info.c:386(samu_to_SamInfo3)
   The primary group domain
sid(S-1-5-21-3651478259-4121578499-3132057975-513) does not match the
domain sid(S-1-5-21-3182595135-1874831366-4239877494) for
[2013/05/23 08:29:55.811383,  0]
   check_sam_security: make_server_info_sam() failed with

# net getlocalsid
SID for domain ROCKY is: S-1-5-21-2260219023-4180104146-1160048873

# net getdomainsid
SID for local machine ROCKY is: S-1-5-21-2260219023-4180104146-1160048873
SID for domain PRINTERRESERVA is: S-1-5-21-3651478259-4121578499-3132057975

#pdbedit -v user
User SID: S-1-5-21-3182595135-1874831366-4239877494-60012
Primary Group SID: S-1-5-21-3651478259-4121578499-3132057975-513

You user SID is composed of the domain SID (ie 
S-1-5-21-3182595135-1874831366-4239877494-60012), which is the same for 
all users and groups of a domain, and the end part which is the user RID 
(relative ID) -60012.

Same thing for your group SID.

So you can see here that the domain SID part of the user SID is not the 
same as the domain SID S-1-5-21-3651478259-4121578499-3132057975. That 
is what your debug log message basically says. I don't think that it is 
just a squeeze to wheezy upgrade that would have messed'up that much 
with you ldap entries. You should double check your ldap.

And take a look at samba4, it is much easier to setup and manage.





Denis Cardon
Tranquil IT Systems
Les Espaces Jules Verne, bâtiment A
12 avenue Jules Verne
44230 Saint Sébastien sur Loire
tel : +33 (0)

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Re: bugs sous SID

2013-05-16 Thread Denis Rampnoux
Bonjour à tous,

Le soucis vient du fait que les paquets mesa sous cette version ne sont pas
livrés avec le même fichier changelog.Debian.gz suivant leur architecture.

Si on met à l'avance le bon fichier, la mise à jour continue.

Exemple pour libgl1-mesa-dri:amd64 (le soucis exposé en début de thread) :
1. Aller chercher le .deb et le décompresser : dpkg
-x /var/cache/apt/archives/libgl1-mesa-dri_8.0.5-4+b1_amd64.deb
2. Remplacer le fichier changelog.Debian.gz destination : sudo
cp répertoire-de-votre-choix/usr/share/doc/libgl1-mesa-dri/changelog.Debian.gz
(éventuellement faire une sauvegarde du fichier destination avant)
3. Continuer avec sudo apt-get -f install

J'ai du faire l'opération plusieurs fois avec libgl1-mesa-dri,
libgl1-mesa-glx, libglapi-mesa, libglu1-mesa : un peu fastidieux et il y
aura peut-être des blagues plus tard lorsque le correctif arrivera mais
elles ne devraient pas être plus compliquées à résoudre.

Denis Rampnoux.

Le 15 mai 2013 20:56, Jean-Baptiste HERVE
jean-baptiste.he...@laposte.neta écrit :

 Bonsoir !

  ça ne viendrait pas plutot de xfce4-session ?

   Possible, force une réinstallation de tout XFCE.

 Toujours aussi instable après qu'avant ...

 Ce bug est noté dans bugreport, je l'ai trouvé c'est là
 mais je ne sais comment le résoudre

 Sans doute de la patience ;-)

 Sous gnome classic en attendant

 J'ai eu exactement le même bug la semaine dernière, après une mise à
 niveau également. Je l'ai contourné en downgradant certains paquets glib* :

 jb@pcjb:~$ dpkg -l | grep glib | grep ..32
 ii  gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.32.1-1   amd64
  Introspection data for GLib, GObject, Gio and GModule
 ii  glib-networking:amd64 2.32.3-1   amd64
  network-related giomodules for GLib
 ii  glib-networking-common 2.32.3-1   all
  network-related giomodules for GLib - data files
 ii  glib-networking-services 2.32.3-1   amd64
network-related giomodules for GLib - D-Bus services
 ii  libglib2.0-0:amd64 2.33.12+really2.32.4-5 amd64
  GLib library of C routines
 ii  libglib2.0-bin 2.33.12+really2.32.4-5 amd64
  Programs for the GLib library
 ii  libglib2.0-data 2.33.12+really2.32.4-5 all  Common
 files for GLib library
 ii  libglib2.0-dev 2.33.12+really2.32.4-5 amd64
  Development files for the GLib library

 ii  libglibmm-2.4-1c2a:amd64 2.32.1-1   amd64
C++ wrapper for the GLib toolkit (shared libraries)

 Je les ai repassés en *.32.* : ce sont les versions disponibles
 actuellement dans Wheezy. Je suppose qu'il n'y a qu'un seul paquet
 incriminé, mais ils sont tous interdépendants.

 Si tu as la ligne :
 dans ton /etc/apt/sources.list, synaptic devrait te proposer d'installer
 les versions de ces paquets. Je ne sais en revanche plus dans quel menu
 aller chercher, j'utilise aptitude. Je sais que c'est possible, en tout cas.

 En espérant que ça puisse améliorer ta situation, en attendant la
 résolution du bug ! ;-)


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[OT] Vaga - Analista de suporte Linux

2013-04-18 Thread Denis

Atuamos com HPC e estamos sempre trabalhando à beira do desconhecido
em termos de tecnologia. Nosso ambiente é de uma startup descontraída
e focada em resultados. Projetamos, construímos e suportamos sistemas
com centenas/milhares de cores de processamento e adicionamos toda a

O nosso mundo é Linux e trabalhamos com:

Linux RedHat/Debian, LustreFS, GlusterFS, Infiniband, Intel e AMD,
Supermicro,  MPI e OpenMP, CUDA, C, C++, FORTRAN, BASH, Storage,
Nagios, Ganglia, LDAP, Torque, Maui, SLURM, NFS, ISCSI, automount,
SSD, IPMI, BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, Automake, tcp/ip, compilação de
códigos, instal. de S.O., atendimento a úsuários, monitoramento de
clusters, instal. de hardware, benchmarking, empacotamento DEB e RPM,
projeto de soluções, profiling/tracing de aplicações, tunning de

Procuramos profissional que tenha comprovada experiência em Linux, e
em pelo menos 5 dos itens citados acima. Seja empenhado, esteja sempre
desejando aprender, seja diligente, focado, atente-se a detalhes e
goste de desafios. Que esteja sempre inclinado a colaborar e ajudar,
consiga trabalhar com e para outros. Consiga gerenciar seu próprio
tempo e cumprir prazos. Candidatos devem ser capazes de expressar suas
opiniões e defendê-las. Devem ter boa habilidade de comunicação oral e
escrita e serem capazes de escrever relatórios e documentação de
usuários. O candidato precisa ter disponibilidade para viagens e ser
capaz de manipular/instalar hardware/servidores.

Não é necessária experiencia com computação de alto desempenho, mas
esse seria um grande diferencial. Experiência em programação C e/ou
Fortran também. Mínimo de inglês para leitura.

O Salário após o período de experiência é de 2k+VT+VR+Seguro de Vida.
O local de trabalho é na Sé.

Interessados devem enviar email para cont...@versatushpc.com.br
informando resumidamente as suas habilidades e porque gostaria de
trabalhar conosco. Enviar também disponibilidade para início e o
curriculo no corpo do email.


Denis Anjos,

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Re: apt-get update et apt-get upgrade

2013-02-28 Thread Denis Mugnier


On 02/28/13 22:47, andre_deb...@numericable.fr wrote:

Bonsoir à tous,

Quelle est la  différence entre ces 2 commandes du sujet ?

J'ai trouvé cette explication qui ne me satisfait pas
complètement :

Celle ci est plus convaincante :

Sauf erreur, apt-get :
update = mis à jour des paquets,
upgrade = ?
dist-upgrade = migration vers la dernière distribution.

Comment bien qualifier la différence entre update (mise à jour)
et upgrade (?)



apt-get update va mettre à jour la liste des paquets
apt-get upgrade va mettre à jour les paquets installés

d'ailleurs avant de faire un apt-get upgrade, il faut faire un apt-get 

apt-get dist-upgrade (a faire également apres un apt-get update) va 
mettre à jour la distribution, ce qui est plus complet qu'un simple upgrade.

En espérant avoir été assez clair ;o)


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Dónde encuentro sitios alternativos o mirrors del sourceforge?

2013-02-26 Thread Denis Morejón López

Colegas, necesito saber de algún buen sitio para descargar aplicaciones 
como el sourceforge, o pudiera ser un mirror de él. El problema es que 
dicho sitio no te deja bajar nada si accedes desde Cuba. Antes existía 
un sitio http://mirrorservice.org/  de la universidad de Kent (UK) pero 
ahora no tiene copias de las aplicaciones de sourceforge.

Saben de otro?
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Re: Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!

2013-02-19 Thread Denis Witt
On Tue, 19 Feb 2013 14:22:28 +0100
Denis Witt denis.w...@concepts-and-training.de wrote:

 Any ideas?

Got it solved. turns out that there was an apt-proxy pointing to a non
existing machine, so the packages could not be loaded. Maybe
xen-create-image should print an error about this. ;) Anyway, the
logfile did.

Best regards

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Bug dans paquet timeoutd

2013-02-08 Thread Denis Reynaud

J'utilise Debian/sid.
Afin de limiter le temps d'utilisation de mon
ordinateur à 2 heures par jour à mes filles de 6 et 9 ans, j'ai installé
En paramétrant le fichier /etc/timeouts avec la ligne suivante :
rien ne se passe.
Pourriez m'indiquer une piste ou un quelconque espoir ?

Denis Reynaud

95 allée Molière
tel 04 76 91 01 73

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Re: Gestion des dépendances

2012-11-17 Thread Denis Mugnier

C'est un peu ce que je craignais. Je trouve quand même décevant que 
Debian, distro pourtant ouverte et à la carte, rende obligatoire des 
dépendances qui ne le sont pas à l'origine. Pourquoi ne pas les mettre 
en recommandé? Chacun les installe s'il a besoin, et pour celui qui 
ne veut pas se prendre la tête, elles seront de toutes façons 
installées par défaut

Non ce n'est pas possible.
La dépendance est facultative à la compilation, mais si tu compiles avec 
l'option, cela veut dire qu'il faut ensuite que le paquet soit installé 
et devient une dépendance obligatoire (explication de Jean-Jacques)
Mais cela veut dire qu'il faudrait faire une compilation sans la 
dépendance, et une compilation avec la dépendance pour répondre à ta 
demande et donc gérer 2 paquets.

Cela n'est pas possible.

Maintenant, tu peux compiler toi même le paquet si tu veux avoir un 
système à la carte... ou aller voir du coté de LFS ;o))

Coordinateur traduction française BLFS

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[OT] ARM Desktop (was: Re: Advice on system purchase)

2012-11-08 Thread Denis Witt
On Tue, 30 Oct 2012 23:11:44 -0500
Stan Hoeppner s...@hardwarefreak.com wrote:

 If an ARM desktop is ever to emerge, it will happen after Android
 has sufficiently penetrated society via smart phones and tablets and
 people are familiar with the interface.

Just stumbled upon this:


Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: script pour un en tête

2012-10-12 Thread Denis Mugnier


Le 12/10/2012 16:41, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :


j'ai plusieurs dizaines de fichiers textes à modifier en adjoignant un
entête ...

il s'agit de faite un cat en script et de remplacer l'original par son

voici comment je vois la chose

for i in $fichier
cat fichier1out.txt
cat fichier-nout.txt
mv out.txt $fichier-n.txt

est il possible de faire mieux ?


possible de combiner les 2 lignes de cat en une seule.

for i in $fichier
   cat fichier1 fichier-n out.txt
   mv out.txt fichier-n.txt

mais on reste dans le même principe.



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Re: /var/spool/mail ?

2012-09-25 Thread Denis Witt
On Tue, 25 Sep 2012 10:19:06 +
Hadi Motamedi motamed...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Thank you for your reply. Can you please let me know how can I delete
 them automatically or preventing from accumulating huge amount of
 mails there ?

Depending on your system configuration you can try this, put the
following line in your /etc/aliases:

root: /dev/null

Then save the file and run the command newaliases, from now on mails to
root should be saved in /dev/null.

But the better way is to read the mails (maybe they contain important
information) and delete them afterwards, you could forward the mails to
your own mailaccount using /etc/aliases, just replace /dev/null with
your Mail-address. (Of course the system needs the ability to send
E-Mails to this destination.)

Also you should check why root is getting so many Mails and disable the
cause, therefore you have to read the mails.

Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: Wheezy managesieve segfault

2012-09-20 Thread Denis Witt
On Wed, 19 Sep 2012 17:30:08 +0200
Martin Steigerwald mar...@lichtvoll.de wrote:

 your bug report is not yet there.

It's now filed, I also got an reply:

tags 688197 + pending confirmed

It's a known bug and it's already fixed in the package git repository.
The next upload will contain the fix.


Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: Wheezy managesieve segfault

2012-09-19 Thread Denis Witt
On Tue, 18 Sep 2012 15:21:15 + (UTC)
Camaleón noela...@gmail.com wrote:

 As Martin has suggested, better than wait is informing the Debian 
 packager maintainer about this so he can track it (a segfault is 
 something ugly enough to be solved as soon as possible).

I did that, using reportbug but didn't received a bugnumber, yet. In
the meantime disabling Checkscript is a good workaround.


Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: Wheezy managesieve segfault

2012-09-19 Thread Denis Witt
On Wed, 19 Sep 2012 17:30:08 +0200
Martin Steigerwald mar...@lichtvoll.de wrote:

 Did the mail from reportbug get out? Local MTA must be configured
 correctly or reportbug must be configured to use another SMTP server
 (I think that is possible meanwhile, maybe it can even use some
 Debian SMTP server if nothing else is available).

Yes, I received a copy and the logfile shows that it was send to

Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: Wheezy managesieve segfault

2012-09-18 Thread Denis Witt
On Fri, 14 Sep 2012 16:32:43 + (UTC)

 [Dovecot] Managesieve segfault with dovecot 2.1.8
 Although both versions differ (Wheezy has 2.1.7), the error is quite 

Yes, seems to be the same. So I'll wait for an update. Thanks.

What google search terms did you use? With my search I just found
problem with gold linker

Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: Storage server

2012-09-14 Thread Denis Witt
On Thu, 13 Sep 2012 12:21:44 +0200
Veljko velj...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've heard of it, but don't know anyone who uses it. Any experience
 with it?

Our former Hosting Provider used Amanda, I never liked it (but maybe
because of the interface the Provider used for it). I think for Veljko
needs it is much to complex. Also it lacks some modern features (AFAIK)
like de-duplication, etc.

Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: Storage server

2012-09-14 Thread Denis Witt
On Thu, 13 Sep 2012 12:22:45 +0200
Veljko velj...@gmail.com wrote:

 obnam and rdiff-backup seems to use less space, but I also like very
 clear representation of backups on rsnapshot. But during few days of
 testing each of them I'll know what to use. 

I think rdiff-backup is a good choice for your needs. It has (for the
latest backup) a similar concept like rsnapshot, so you can access the
files easily.

If you ever move on to a dedicated backup server I think obnam will be
interesting again, mainly because of the Repository-Concept.

I'm currently testing obnam on our external Backup-Server together with
6 clients. It's very easy to set up. Restore could be nicer if you need
an older version of some file but it's rather fast and it is possible
to restore single files only, so you might have to look at several
versions to find the right one, but this shouldn't take too much time.

Also it doesn't matter much where you want to restore the file, any
machine which can access (or can be accessed by) the Backup-Server via
SSH will do.

Best regards
Denis Witt

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Wheezy managesieve segfault

2012-09-14 Thread Denis Witt
Hi List,

recently I updated one of my Wheezy Servers, since this update
managesieve (Dovecot) fails with a segfault when I try to edit the
filter script using the Sieve Filter Addon for Thunderbird.

Here's the logfile entry:

Sep 14 13:09:14 pdc kernel: [2937237.530373] managesieve[10194]:
segfault at 0 ip 7fe185011664 sp 7fffc8118ad8 error 4 in

Any ideas?


Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: Storage server

2012-09-12 Thread Denis Witt
On Tue, 11 Sep 2012 16:29:22 +0100
Jon Dowland j...@debian.org wrote:

 Denis' answer is very good, I won't re-iterate his points.

Thanks. And also thanks for pointing out the Hardlinks thing, I
over-read the lots of small files part in Velkjos Mail.

Anyway, I have some comparison data. I have a backup server that saves
data from 5 other server at our hosting company using rsnapshot. The
backups are kept for 14 days.


The Backup has 186GB. 51 GB for the full backup (daily.0) and
about 11GB for each incremental backup (daily.1 - daily.13). The backup
includes typical small webserver files but also big logfiles and two
ZOPE Databases (ZEOs) with about 5GB each.


I imported them with bup import-rsnapshot, the overall size is 15GB
(for all 14 days) which is quite amazing. Anyway the lack of a
possibility to delete old backup versions is (for me) a major drawback.
What I liked was the possibility to mount the Backup with FUSE. After
mounting the Backup one can access every backup generation as normal
files. Each generation has its own folder with a timestamp. The files
inside the backup have no metadata (timestamp is always 1.1.1970, etc.).

The only way I can think of at the moment to get rid of old backup
generations using bup is to mount (FUSE) the backup restore all backup
generations you want to keep to an additional drive, delete the bup git
repository, create a new one and backup the restore again. Of course
this might take a lot of additional space on you disk for the
(temporary) restore which might not be available. If any has some
better approach I would love to hear.


With obnam I made a backup of daily.0 (51GB). There was nearly no
reduction in the size for the first backup run (47GB). The next backup
run (one day later, which creates 11GB new data with rsnapshot) has only
added a few MB and therefore was pretty fast.

The repository approach of obnam comes very handy. You can pull or push
backups to the repository server and can access the backups from any
other machine (if you have SSH access). Configuration is not necessary
but a small config containing some default parameters comes in handy:

repository = sftp://
log = /var/log/obnam.log
log-level = warning
client-name = dx

If you now run obnam backup /var/www the backup of /var/www will be
pushed to the repository. obnam locks the repository for the client so
one cannot accidentally run two backups of the same host (client) at
the same time. Running several backups of different hosts is no problem.

During a backup run obnam makes snapshots every few 100MB so if the
backup fails (e.g. disconnect from the repository server) the backup
can be resumed from the last snapshot.

A nice feature is some kind of built in nagios plugin:

obnam nagios-last-backup-age --warn-age=1 --client=dx
OK: backup is recent.  last backup was 2012-09-12 10:05:47.

obnam nagios-last-backup-age --warn-age=1 --client=backup 
WARNING: backup is old.  last backup was 2012-09-11 18:03:43.

obnam nagios-last-backup-age --client=cat --critical-age=1
CRITICAL: backup is old.  last backup was 2012-09-11 17:01:23.

The restore is a bit more complex, as there is (at the moment) no FUSE
filesystem available for obnam. Instead you need to know the name of
the file/folder and in which backup generation your file/folder exists.

obnam generations shows all available backups:

101 2012-09-11 18:01:07 .. 2012-09-11 18:02:10 (26474 files,
8598496965 bytes) 
108 2012-09-12 10:05:47 .. 2012-09-12 10:06:36 (26474 files,
8598500897 bytes) 

Then you can use obnam ls --generation=101 to show the files.


If have no real comparison data for rdiff-backup but I expect similar
results as with obnam (about 50GB for the first backup, only several MB
for each following daily backup).

rdiff-backup can (like bup) mount the backup (all generations) using

Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: Storage server

2012-09-11 Thread Denis Witt
On Mon, 10 Sep 2012 17:38:22 +0200
Veljko velj...@gmail.com wrote:

 Any particular reason for avoiding rsnapshot? What are advantages of
 using rdiff-backup or obnam?

Hi Veljko,

I don't know a reason why someone should avoid rsnapshot. rdiff-backup
is very similar to rsnapshot but handles the backup generations
differently. rsnapshot always backup whole files (and uses hardlinks
if a file didn't change). rdiff-backup just save the newest backup as
normal files, every older version is stored as compressed delta. If you
have to backup large files like databases or huge logfiles rdiff-backup
will save you a lot of diskspace doing so (which is for me the biggest
advantage of rdiff-backup). On the other hand it takes much longer to
restore an old rdiff-backup than an rsnapshot one.

rdiff-backup is a bit more flexible when it comes to decide when
to delete old backups. rsnapshot has a fixed scheme. rdiff-backup has 
a command you can trigger manually (or by a script when the diskspace
is running low). So, for example, you can guarantee your users that
there will be a backup for at least 7 days but in fact keep files as
long as there is diskspace available. 

rdiff-backup stores metadata (such as ownership) separately. rsnapshot
just keep the settings the file has.

rsnapshot have a larger user basis, so you might can expect some
more support if you're running into problems.

obnam uses a completely different approach. Everything is stored in a
repository. It has some nice features but last time I had a look I
decided against using it (but I can't remember exactly why) so I can't
tell much about it.

bup is very interesting but at the moment not mature enough to be used,
IMHO. Also there is (at the moment) no function to delete old backups,
so if you're running out of diskspace you have to buy new hardware.

I'm using rsnapshot for most of my backup needs. It's very easy to use
and understand.

Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: Storage server

2012-09-11 Thread Denis Witt
On Tue, 11 Sep 2012 13:26:48 +0200
Veljko velj...@gmail.com wrote:

 Would it be reasonable to use them both where appropriate or thats
 just unnecessary complexity? 

Hi Veljko,

I prefer backups as simple as it could get (one reason why I use
rsnapshot). So personally I wouldn't mix. 

But if you may want to provide an restore share for your users so they
could recover their text files on their own (even then if they
deleted/changed them some days ago) I would use rsnapshot for those
files. For your Virtual Machines rdiff-backup should be better
regarding backup size. So mixing might be worth it. 

If you don't want your users to recover files on their own, or only the
most recent version you can use rdiff-backup for all of your files.

If you want a fixed backup policy (e.g. 72h,7d,5w,12m, which means:
keep the last 72 hourly backups, the last 7 daily backups, the last 5
weekly backups and the last 12 monthly backups), delta updates and
don't want a restore share, take a look at obnam. If you want a fixed
policy but there is no need for delta backups take rsnapshot. If you
want something in between rdiff-backup might be a good choice.

As you can see, it always depends on what you're trying to achieve. So I
would suggest you do some tests on your own and choose the tool that
fits you most.

A nice comparison between rsnapshot and rdiff-backup can be found here:
(Also the comments are very insightful.)

Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: [OT] web hosting server files

2012-09-11 Thread Denis Witt
On Tue, 11 Sep 2012 23:27:08 +0800
lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am not clear how to password protect my file/folder.

Hi Lina,

assuming the server is running Apache follow this howto:

The Apache config has to allow AuthConfig (AllowOverride AuthConfig)
for the directory you want to protect, but it's very unusual to
disallow this.

Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: MKV se oye pero no se ve

2012-08-30 Thread Denis Morejón López
A mi me ocurrió igual con un proxmox + gnome que me instalé como 
estación de trabajo, que al final es un debian 6 de 64 bits.

Era que no estaba la salida por defecto de los reproductores no estaba 
dirigida al XWindow.

Puedes intentar ir a las preferencias de cada reproductor por separado e 
ir probando cambiar las salidas
de video hasta ver cuál funciona. Pero algo más general es cambiar la 
salida del componente gstreamer que

es el que usan muchos reproductores para la reproducción del video.

Ir a Video y seleccionar:
X Window System (Sin Xv)


El 30/08/12 08:02, Camaleón escribió:

El Wed, 29 Aug 2012 22:22:41 +0200, Marc Marí escribió:


Por algunos problemillas con hardware, he actualizado mi kernel a la
versión 3.2.0. Además, he decidido configurar perfectamente mi gráfica
(Intel + Nvidia, con Nvidia Optimus) y funciona a la perfección con
bumblebee, por lo que parece.

Bueno es saberlo :-)


Ahora viene el problema: intento reproducir videos mkv, que hace dos
días reproducí


(ejem... reproduje... ejem...) O;-P


perfectamente, y hoy se oyen pero no se ven ni en Totem (creo que así
se llama el reproductor por defecto de gnome) ni en VLC ni en mplayer,
se queda el cuadro en negro y no se ve ni el video, ni los subtítulos
ni los efectos del propio reproductor.

¿Te pasa con todos los archivos de vídeo (mpeg, avi...) y/o con todos los
mkv? Yo intentaría ejecutar el reproductor desde línea de comandso para
ver si te saca algún error que te pueda dar alguna pista.


No se si el problema puede estar en el nuevo kernel o en bumblebee,
porque no lo he probado entremedias, pero no creo que sea de bumblebee
porque si intento en la terminal vlc ocurre lo mismo que si intento
optirun vlc, el mismo resultado

Ejecuta los comandos en modo de depuración (suele ser añadiendo el
parámetro -d) y pon la salida.

Para descartar un problema con el driver de la gráfica podrías intentar
iniciar el sistema con un driver distinto del actual (nouveau, fbdev o



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Re: Nagios shows only one Host (Services)

2012-08-22 Thread Denis Witt

On 21.08.2012 19:27, Camaleón wrote:

I can't. I just can say that if I use the file with a name that isn't
the last to render it breaks things, but I have no idea why. And I can
say that the same config works fine with Squeeze.

And the same config also works fine in a second wheezy instance, right?

It's not exactly the same, but it is very very similar.

I can't recall if you already looked at the Nagios and/or Apache2 logs,
just in case...

The logs looks fine. Maybe it's just a strange char in the config, but 
if so then it must be at the very end of the file as all Services are 
shown, I deleted the last lines and put them in again by hand, but 
nothing changed.

Anyway, I can see all services on one page again and even if the 
Hostname isn't the right one, I can live with that. :)


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Re: help with packaging (preinst scripts)

2012-08-22 Thread Denis Witt

On 22.08.2012 15:20, David Cho-Lerat wrote:

well actually the package will install some software that has to be run by
a specific user, and this user has to have a password so that some
admins can log into the account for specific tasks, but not every user
of the system.

Hi David,

you can create the user as shown in the exim example. The Admins can 
login with their normal users (or as root) and can su to the user:

su - yourusername --shell=/bin/bash

Regarding the SQL-Stuff. Just ask the user for the MySQL-Root-Password 
(and maybe the database name, and what to do if it already exists). I 
have no idea how to manage that, but it's possible and you can take a 
look at the phpmyadmin-Package how it works.


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Re: Nagios shows only one Host (Services)

2012-08-21 Thread Denis Witt

On 18.08.2012 22:43, Camaleón wrote:

I check that and there was only one process running.
I stopped and started the Daemon anyway, but nothing changed.

Ah, okay then. As you commented something about it was working fine in another
instance, that triggered a light in my head :-)

I have two machines running the Nagios Daemon. One for all internal 
machines, one for all external machines.

From the configuration file you uploaded to Debian paste I only miss the
definitions for services, is that correct? Unless they're set in a
different configuraion file, there should be listed somewhere.

Yes, it's rather long. Some Services are defined in 
services_nagios2.cfg, but most Services are defined in the Host 
configuration itself, example:

define service{
use generic-service ; Name 
of service template to use

host_name   vm.local
service_description Disk Space
check_command   check_nrpe_1arg!check_all_disks
notification_interval   0

define service{
use generic-service ; Name 
of service template to use

host_name   vm.local
service_description VirtualBox WinXP IE6
check_command   check_nrpe_1arg!check_vm_wxpie6
notification_interval   0

define service{
use generic-service ; Name 
of service template to use

host_name   vm.local
service_description VirtualBox WinXP IE7
check_command   check_nrpe_1arg!check_vm_wxpie7
notification_interval   0

define service{
use generic-service ; Name 
of service template to use

host_name   vm.local
service_description VirtualBox WinXP IE8
check_command   check_nrpe_1arg!check_vm_wxpie8
notification_interval   0

I didn't post them as I don't think it has anything to do with the problem.

Weird, yes. Maybe a problem/glitch coming from the web interface (the CGI
script in charge of rendering the information) and not from Nagios itself.
Can you generate a fake event to check if the reaction from Nagios is as
expected in all levels?

Events working fine. Warnings, Critical, Recovery, Acknowledge 
everything works as expected. So, yes, it might be just a CGI-Problem.

Also, given you updated from Squeeze, it could be useful to review the Nagios
logs and also starting, not from scratch but from a basic template and
then adding new hosts/services to see how it goes, to discard a simple
configuration issue that can be making noise.

I've purged the Nagios installation (apt-get purge nagios*) and checked 
that all config files we're deleted. The I reinstalled Nagios (localhost 
was shown correctly). Then I just copied the dx_nagios2.cfg and the 
vm_nagios2.cfg into conf.d. Same problem as before.

Also I compared the internal config with the external config (again) 
but can't see any difference. Beside from the Host-Config and the 
htpasswd.users it is identical, according to diff.

Anyway I was able to narrow it down to one single config file 
(dx_nagios2.conf) but I can't see any flaw in it. The funny thing is, if 
I rename the host from dx.local to zdx.local everything works fine 
as the Host is the last Host to show up in Services.

Strange, but I think I can live with that.

Thanks for your help.


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Re: df and du don't seem to agree ?

2012-08-21 Thread Denis Witt

Hi David,

By the way, is there a command to see how big this reserved space
actually is on a given partition/disk ?

tune2fs -l /dev/md0 | grep Reserved block count

Replace /dev/md0 with the device you want to check.


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Re: df and du don't seem to agree ?

2012-08-21 Thread Denis Witt

On 21.08.2012 18:14, Denis Witt wrote:

By the way, is there a command to see how big this reserved space
actually is on a given partition/disk ?

tune2fs -l /dev/md0 | grep Reserved block count

Sorry, I forgot to mention that the result will be in Blocks. You can 
get the block size (in Bytes) with:

tune2fs -l /dev/md0 | grep Block size


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Re: Nagios shows only one Host (Services)

2012-08-21 Thread Denis Witt

On 21.08.2012 18:21, Camaleón wrote:

Is there some kind of proxy or filter between the system running Nagios
and the client machine from where you are accessing (if any)?


That behaviour has a slight resemblance to this bug report:


While not exactly the same, both problems seem to be related with the
host_name variable and both experience problems to render the host from
the Services tab. Curious.

Yes, but I don't think that dx.local is comparable to null. ;) Also 
dx.local was the only host that was shown, pdc.local and vm.local wasn't.

Strange, but I think I can live with that.

If you were able to reproduce the issue it could be reported but given
that works fine in another host, you will have to convince developers
that the problem is not in your side which is a rather hard task :-)

I can't. I just can say that if I use the file with a name that isn't 
the last to render it breaks things, but I have no idea why. And I can 
say that the same config works fine with Squeeze.


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Nagios shows only one Host (Services)

2012-08-17 Thread Denis Witt


after upgrade to Wheezy one of my Nagios installation shows only one (of 
three) hosts on Services-Page. On the Hosts-Page all three machines 
are listed and I can even go to the Status-Detail-Page.

Another Nagios instance works fine.

I've uploaded my config here: http://paste.debian.net/184146/

Any ideas?


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Re: Backup

2012-08-17 Thread Denis Witt

On 17.08.2012 16:07, Emil Payne wrote:

The suggestion of a blue ray drive and disk or a secondary drive sound
like a good one.

Hi Emil,

if you choose a second hard drive maybe you want to take a look at 
rsnapshot. It doesn't do compression, but it can also save you a lot of 
space if you want to keep several backups (keeping data for several days 
on a daily backup basis for example). rsnapshot uses hardlinks so that 
files that didn't change aren't saved again but every backup looks like 
a full backup.


18G /backup/daily.1/

daily.0 is a full backup from today. daily.1 contains changed files from 
yesterday, daily.2 the files from the day before yesterday, and so on. 
So I can go back 7 days without having to backup 450GB each day.

So you don't have to clean up your backup by hand but still there is 
some time to notice that some files gone lost on your machine.


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Re: Nagios shows only one Host (Services)

2012-08-17 Thread Denis Witt
Hi Camaleon,

thanks for your reply.

Camaleón wrote:

 If you already discarded a problem from the configuration file, I
 would try to stop and then start the service to ensure there's only
 one instance up and running. I say this because I've read some
 reports from users experiencing this problem of hosts/services not
 showing up when several instances have been started.

I check that and there was only one process running.

I stopped and started the Daemon anyway, but nothing changed.

 Ah, look, it is documented:
 Hosts and services intermittently disappear from the web interface 

The Services/Hosts didn't disappear from time to time, only the exact
same host is always shown with it services. The other two are missing,
but I can access their services any time without problems if I go to the
Hosts page (status.cgi?hostgroup=allstyle=hostdetail).

From there I can choose View Status Detail For This Host and all
services are shown fine.

It's like there is some kind of setting saying Show only first host.
(Limit Results is 100 per default but it doesn't matter if I set it to
a higher value.)


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Re: mail server

2012-07-26 Thread Denis Witt

On 25.07.2012 22:14, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

Thanks for letting me know these matters but i am not using it
publicly i will be downloading my emails from my hosted mail server.

Then you will have to add a tool like fetchmail to your list to 
download the mails and put them into the local mailboxes.

webmin can handle this quite well, too.


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Re: mail server

2012-07-26 Thread Denis Witt

On 25.07.2012 22:17, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

how you perform basic tasks like mail-ques checking, logs, mail box
create, delete, mail restriction .etc.?

With postfix there is the command postqueue which will show you the 
current queue. With the postsuper command you can delete Mails from 
the queue.

Mail restrictions are handled in the postfix-Config directly. See 
http://www.postfix.org/RESTRICTION_CLASS_README.html for Details. Other 
rules are possible with virtual_alias and other functions, see 

Dovecot also support Sieve filter, http://wiki.dovecot.org/LDA/Sieve/.


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