Re: automate resumption of session

2023-09-13 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Am Wed, 13 Sep 2023 00:14:53 +
schrieb "Russell L. Harris" :

>When I leave the office for the day, I typically shut down the
>computer.  The next morning, the first order of business is to
>recreate the previous working environment or ``session.''  For each
>article, this entails:

Don't close/exit your running applications on the XFCE desktop, leave
them open/running and choose "Shutdown" from the XFCE exit dialogue.

On next login in to the XFCE desktop, XFCE will start all applications,
which have been open at reboot/shutdown time. Works for me with Debian
Bullseye/XFCE. Just try and test it with Bookworm/XFCE.

Re: Needless DNS queries

2022-06-14 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Thanks to everybody, who replied.

After some more reading and tinkering I've made the following

The response code NXDOMAIN means: domain name did not resolve. In
this case the search option becomes important. Whenever a domain name
does not resolve, the client's resolver (at least in Linux) suffixes the
original domain name with each item in the search list until the new
domain name resolves.

So this is regular behaviour and it explains the needless DNS queries.

AdguardHome uses the response code NXDOMAIN to signal the client "this
is a forbidden domain". For this signal "this is a forbidden domain"
you can configure AdguardHome to use the IPv4 and the response
code NOERROR. Now the (forbidden) domain is resolved without an error
and the IPv4 of So there's no need to use the search list and
the needless DNS queries vanish.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.


Needless DNS queries

2022-06-07 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Hello everybody,

I've installed AdguardHome to serve the clients in my home network.

After checking AdguardHome's query logs I noticed a lot of needless DNS

When a client queries for a domain and the answer is NXDOMAIN, there is
immediately a second query with the original domain name, but suffixed
with the domain name of my home network.


1. query: (result NXDOMAIN)
2. query: (result NXDOMAIN)

home.lan is the domain name of my home network, /etc/resolv.conf
contains the following line:

>search home.lan

When I delete this line from /etc/resolv.conf, then the second query
doesn't appear, but I loose the ability to use unqualified hostnames to
refer to local clients. :-((

Up to now I thought, the domain names in the search option is appended
only to unqualified names and not to qualified names. This assumption
seems to be false.

My question: is it possible to apply the search list only to
unqualified names?

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.


Re: sane-backend for Epson EcoTank ET-2711

2022-05-04 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Am Wed, 4 May 2022 12:50:14 +0100
schrieb Brian :

>I wonder whether the net backend is required. What happens if the
>entry is commented out?

My fault: net was enabled, therefore I thought, that it is necessary.
According to your proposal I disabled net and access to ET2711 is
possible. So no need to enable net, airscan alone is sufficient.

>Scanning is taking place using the WSD (Web Services for Devices)
>protocol. The eSCL protocol needs AirPrint on the device.

I thought eSCL is just a synonym for WSD. Wrong or right? This is my
first approach to scanning and I'm not very familiar with the different
scanning protocols.

>Would you confirm you can scan with
>  xsnae "airscan:w0:EPSON ET-2710 Series"

It works.

>Unfortunately, the vendor's implementation of WSD may offer only
>a limited number of resolutions. airscan cannot do anything about
>this; it can only work with what it is told by the device.


>With a USB connection, what do you get for
>  lsusb -v | grep -A 3 bInterfaceClass.*7 ?

The output is:

>  bInterfaceClass 7 Printer
>  bInterfaceSubClass  1 Printer
>  bInterfaceProtocol  2 Bidirectional
>  iInterface  6 USB2.0 Printer


Re: sane-backend for Epson EcoTank ET-2711

2022-05-04 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Am Wed, 04 May 2022 11:42:39 +0100
schrieb mick crane :

>You can probably type "scanimage --help -A -d 'airscan:w0:EPSON ET-2710
>to get a list of capabilities.

This is the ET2711 specific output:

>Options specific to device `airscan:w0:EPSON ET-2710 Series':
>  Standard:
>--resolution 100|300dpi [300]
>Sets the resolution of the scanned image.
>--mode Color|Gray [Color]
>Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).
>--source Flatbed [Flatbed]
>Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).
>  Geometry:
>-l 0..215.9mm [0]
>Top-left x position of scan area.
>-t 0..297.18mm [0]
>Top-left y position of scan area.
>-x 0..215.9mm [215.9]
>Width of scan-area.
>-y 0..297.18mm [297.18]
>Height of scan-area.
>  Enhancement:
>--brightness -100..100% (in steps of 1) [0]
>Controls the brightness of the acquired image.
>--contrast -100..100% (in steps of 1) [0]
>Controls the contrast of the acquired image.
>--shadow 0..100% (in steps of 1) [0]
>Selects what radiance level should be considered "black".
>--highlight 0..100% (in steps of 1) [100]
>Selects what radiance level should be considered "white".
>--analog-gamma 0.008..4 [1]
>Analog gamma-correction
>--negative[=(yes|no)] [no]
>Swap black and white
>All options specific to device `airscan:w0:EPSON ET-2710 Series':
>  Standard:
>--resolution 100|300dpi [300]
>Sets the resolution of the scanned image.
>--mode Color|Gray [Color]
>Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).
>--source Flatbed [Flatbed]
>Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).
>  Geometry:
>-l 0..215.9mm [0]
>Top-left x position of scan area.
>-t 0..297.18mm [0]
>Top-left y position of scan area.
>-x 0..215.9mm [215.9]
>Width of scan-area.
>-y 0..297.18mm [297.18]
>Height of scan-area.
>  Enhancement:
>--brightness -100..100% (in steps of 1) [0]
>Controls the brightness of the acquired image.
>--contrast -100..100% (in steps of 1) [0]
>Controls the contrast of the acquired image.
>--shadow 0..100% (in steps of 1) [0]
>Selects what radiance level should be considered "black".
>--highlight 0..100% (in steps of 1) [100]
>Selects what radiance level should be considered "white".
>--analog-gamma 0.008..4 [1]
>Analog gamma-correction
>--negative[=(yes|no)] [no]
>Swap black and white


Re: sane-backend for Epson EcoTank ET-2711

2022-05-04 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Am Tue, 3 May 2022 23:19:17 +0100
schrieb Brian :

>AirPrint is not mentioned in the device's specifications at

This website says:

>Optical Resolution
>2,400 DPI x 1,200 DPI (Horizontal x Vertical)

but xsane offers me only 100 dpi and 300 dpi and no higher resolution.

>Enable the net backend? Nothing else?

The net and airscan sane-backends.

>Please give what you get for
>  scanimage -L
>  airscan-discover

System is Debian 11.3, airscan doesn't exist in previous versions.

scanimage -L
device `airscan:w0:EPSON ET-2710 Series' is a WSD EPSON ET-2710 Series 

  EPSON ET-2710 Series =, WSD


Re: sane-backend for Epson EcoTank ET-2711

2022-05-03 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Am Sun, 1 May 2022 12:26:00 +0100
schrieb Brian :

>you have a modern device (from about 2018) that does not support AirPrint

Sorry, that's wrong.

In my previous postings I was regarding a connection via USB cable. For
that case the sane-backend epsonds does not work, but the epsonscan2
backend from Epson, although epsonscan2 fails for network scanning.

The Epson ET2711 can be connected via USB cable and WiFi. In the latter
case the ET2711 has an IP and therefore can be directly addressed by the
client, who wants to scan.

You have to enable the sane net backend and the client automatically
recognizes the ET2711 via the escl protocol (the package sane-airscan
must be installed and enabled). Now the ET2711 is listed by 'scanimage
-L'; 'scanimage -T', simple-scan and xsane work flawlessly.

So long story short: local scanning via USB works with epsonscan2, but
not with epsonds backend, networking scanning does not work with both
backends. Scanning via WiFi connection works okay.


Re: sane-backend for Epson EcoTank ET-2711

2022-05-01 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Am Sun, 1 May 2022 12:26:00 +0100
schrieb Brian :

>Download the Epson (non-free) drivers.

Done. The ET-2711 is now recognized in buster and bullseye as locally
connected scanner.

I can scan with simple-scan and 'scanimage -T' completes without any
error. But xsane terminates with 'Segmentation fault'.

As next step I tried scaning via network. One server has Debian 10.12,
the other Debian 11.3 (both with the Epson drivers).

A client with Debian 9.13 recognized the ET-2711 via 'scanimage -L',
but simple-scan, xsane and 'scanimage -T' terminate with an error.

A client with Debian 11.3 did not recognize the ET-2711 via 'scanimage

As last test I connected an Epson CX-7400 USB-printer/scanner to the
server. The device was recognized via 'scanimage -L' by a Debian 9.13
and a Debian 11.3 client. Xsane, simple-scan and 'scanimage -T' worked
flawlessly. So I suppose, that my network related sane configuration is

So long story short: network scaning does not work with the Epson
drivers. :-(


Re: sane-backend for Epson EcoTank ET-2711

2022-05-01 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Am Sat, 30 Apr 2022 18:25:24 -0600
schrieb Charles Curley :

>Web sites usually document the most recent release, whereas Debian old
>stable may not have the latest.

I connected the ET-2711 to a host with Debian 11.3: 'scanimage -L' did
not recognized the ET-2711 as a scanner. So no supporting back-end in

If there is a sane backend which supports the ET-2711, then it must be
in testing or sid.

I'm subscribed to this list, so there is no need to CC me. Thanks.

Also see my reply to the posting of Brian.


sane-backend for Epson EcoTank ET-2711

2022-04-30 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Hello everybody,

I'm using an Epson EcoTank ET-2711. Printing with CUPS is no problem,
but scanning with sane.

According to

the Epson EcoTank ET-2711 (vendor=0x04b8, product=0x1143) is completely
supported by the sane-backend epsonds.

I've installed sane-utils and sane-find-scanner prints:

> found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8, product=0x1143) at libusb:001:006

The file /etc/sane.d/dll.conf contains a line with 'epsonds' and the
file /etc/sane.d/epsonds.conf contains the following line:

> usb 0x04b8 0x1143

But the command 'scanimage -L' gives the following output:

>No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
>check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
>sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
>which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).

My guess is: none of the installed backends (Debian 10.12) handles the
ET-2711. What can I do?


Re: Debian 9 Xfce intermittent keyboard and mouse erratic behavior or lockup

2022-04-20 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Am Wed, 20 Apr 2022 00:43:35 -0700
schrieb David Christensen :

>I have been experiencing intermittent storms of random keyboard and
>mouse GUI events over the past year or more:

Same for me.

System is Debian 9.13 (kernel 4.19.0-0.bpo.19-amd64, XFCE desktop) running
on an ASRock DeskMini H110M.

I'm running this combination with several hosts, but the storm only
appears with the ASRock PC. Even with another mouse and keyboard the
symptoms remain. So I think the storm mainly depends on the bare host and
not on the peripheral components.

At the moment I'm tinkering with the C-states. I disabled C6 and C7 in the
BIOS and added the following options to the kernel command line:

> processor.max_cstate=3 intel_idle.max_cstate=3

Because the symptoms appear randomly, I can't say anything about a
possible solution. I'll continue watching and will report, when I have any


Re: What do folks use to mirror repositories

2022-04-16 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Am Fri, 15 Apr 2022 07:03:14 -0400
schrieb Sam :

>That's pretty much it. I want to mirror all my updates to a single server on
>my LAN and have everything on my LAN apt update from it. This seems more
>efficient than having everyone download their own copies.

For mirroring a repository I recommend the package 'debmirror'.

Instead of mirroring a whole repository (e.g. for mirroring Debian11 you
need about 70 GB) you can select a subset of the repository with the
include and exclude options.


Re: QEMU/KVM doesn't open new window - Access only via vnc viewer

2022-04-06 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Am Thu, 31 Mar 2022 15:42:43 +0100
schrieb Gareth Evans :

>A different invocation method, but does this help, or give a clue to something 

The link was the path to the solution. For gtk output in a newly created
window I had to install the package "qemu-system-gui".

Thanks a lot for your reply and have a nice day.


QEMU/KVM doesn't open new window - Access only via vnc viewer

2022-03-31 Thread Dieter Rohlfing

I'm just about to install Debian11/Bullseye on a host. There are several
VMs running under QEMU/KVM to set up.

With Debian9/Stretch I created a new VM via command line:

/usr/bin/kvm -drive
-name Win-70 -vga std -m 3072 -enable-kvm -rtc base=localtime -boot order=c

As a result QEMU/KVM opened a new window with the output of the VM.

With Debian11/Bullseye QEMU/KVM doesn't open a new window, but a message
appears, telling me to access the output via a vnc viewer. With the vnc
viewer I can see this output: the VM started correctly.

How can I get back the output of the VM in a window (like in Debian9)?

My researches in the internet delivered no results. I always found
statements like "open a window with the option '-vga std'". Is this no
more valid for Debian11?


Re: mailutils-pop3d not able to get it working

2022-01-26 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Am Tue, 25 Jan 2022 21:39:36 -0500
schrieb :

>I use popa3d.

Me too. popa3d is simple, small and effective.


Re: Trouble using SDXC 128GB card

2021-10-27 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Am Tue, 26 Oct 2021 15:41:33 +
schrieb Musbur :

>I'm using a Lenovo Thinkpad T480s. Recently I bought a SanDisk Extreme
>Pro 128GB SDXC card for my digital camera, but I quickly found out that
>the system can't work with that card.
>The camera can format, read and write just fine.

Perhaps this link

may explain, why you have these problems.

Specially the following text is interesting:

>Application Performance Class 2 (A2)
>A2 promises even better performance with 4000/2000 read/write IOPS
>minimum but there's a problem since as outlined by the SD Association A2
>cards show "much higher performance than A1 performance by using
>functions of Command Queuing and Cache".
>Cache and Command Queuing require host (driver) support since the host
>needs to activate those new features first. The cache feature on A2 rated
>cards makes use of volatile RAM on the card requiring the host to learn
>new commands to issue flushing the cache (involving the risk of data
>losses -- for details see especially chapter 4.17 in Physical Layer
>Simplified Specification 6.0)

For my raspi-like hosts I avoid to buy A2 cards. With my A1 sdxc cards I
have no problems (neither with a built-in card reader nor an USB card

Re: USB-Plattengröße

2004-03-21 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Tom Schmitt wrote:

 df -k gibt folgendes aus:
 /dev/sad1   115401736  77022136  32517484  71% /usb1

Datenmäßig sind noch ca. 32 GB frei. Und wie sieht's mit den inodes aus?
Was sagt df -i?

Dieter Rohlfing

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CONFIG_KMOD=y erzeugt Unresolved symbols

2004-02-25 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Guten Morgen allerseits,

da ich HotPlug testen möchte, habe ich bei den Kernel-Optionen
CONFIG_KMOD=y gesetzt. Das wird in den Dokus so empfohlen und macht ja
auch Sinn, da die notwendigen Module für die HotPlug-Devices vom Kernel
automatisch geladen werden sollen.

Also HotPlug-Optionen gesetzt, Kernel kompiliert und PC neu gestartet.
depmod -a gibt jetzt beim neuen Kernel Fehler aus, vorher keine als
'CONFIG_KMOD is not set' war. Die Meldungen lauten:

depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: request_module
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: request_module

Diese Fehler-Meldungen bekomme ich nur dann weg, wenn ich die beiden
genannten Module fest in den Kernel einbinde. Was ist an diesen beiden
Modulen so besonders?

Dieter Rohlfing

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Re: Laptop macht bei Reboot ein Power-Off

2004-02-20 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Kai Timmer wrote:

 Hat das irgendeinen Tiefergehenden Sinn das alles fest einzukompilieren?

Nein, aber das sollte doch eigentlich egal sein oder?

 Ich würde einfach mal versuchen alles als Modul zu backen und dann das
 jeweils gewünschte zu laden. Vieleicht gehts ja dann.

Werde ich einmal versuchen.

Vielen Dank für Deinen Tipp und noch ein schönes Wochenende.

Dieter Rohlfing

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Re: leafnode - Server geändert - config zerschossen?

2004-02-20 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Heino Tiedemann wrote:

 ls -l /etc/news/leafnode:
 -rw-r-1 root root 4475 16. Feb 18:48 config
 -rw-r-1 root root 4474 16. Feb 18:30 config~
 -rw-r-1 root root 4474 16. Feb 18:48 config.0
 -rw-r-1 root root 4474  1. Feb 2003  config.original
 -rw-r--r--1 root root  313 16. Feb 18:48 debian-config
 -rw-r--r--1 root root  132 21. Mär 2002  filters

Versuche einmal als root:

chown news:news /etc/news/leafnode/*

Dieter Rohlfing

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Hot-Plug: Initialisierung der Netzwerk-Karte während des Boot-Prozesses

2004-02-17 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Liebe Debian-Freunde,

ich habe das hotplug Package an Stelle von pcmcia-cs installiert (Debian
3.0R1, Kernel 2.4.24), um meine Xircom Cardbus NIC zu verwalten.

Inserts und Removals der Karte werden erkannt und ifup bzw. ifdown

Aber: wenn die Karte bereits während des Boot-Prozesses im Slot steckt,
dann wird dies zwar vom Kernel erkannt, aber keine weitere
Initialisierung eingeleitet, d.h. es wird weder ein Modul geladen noch
ifup aufgerufen.

Im Verzeichnis /etc/hotplug gibt es eine Datei usb.rc, die von
/etc/init.d/hotplug aufgerufen wird und die Initialisierung von USB
Komponenten vornimmt. Ich vermute, daß es auch eine pci.rc geben müßte,
die das gleiche für PCI Komponenten tut. Doch eine solche Datei gibt es

Meine Frage: wie kann ich meine Xircom Karte initialisieren, wenn sie
bereits während des Boot-Prozesses im Slot steckt.

Dieter Rohlfing

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Laptop macht bei Reboot ein Power-Off

2004-02-17 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Liebe Debian-Freunde,

ich kämpfe noch immer mit meiner Umstellung von Kernel 2.2.20 nach
2.4.24 (Debian 3.0R1).

Wenn ich auf der Konsole ein 'reboot' eingebe, dann fährt der Laptop
(Dell Insprion 7500) sauber runter. Aber anstatt neu zu booten, macht er
ein Power-Off, aber so hart, daß ich den Laptop erst wieder in Betrieb
nehmen kann, nachdem ich ihn vom Strom getrennt und dann wieder
angeschlossen habe.

Im Kernel 2.4.24 sind ACPI, APM und Power-Management fest einkompiliert.
Über Boot-Parameter schalte ich die ersten beiden Optionen on bzw. off.
Auch diverse Werte beim reboot-Parameter (cold, warm, hard, bios)
bringen mich nicht weiter. Der Laptop macht einfach keinen Reboot.

Mit Kernel 2.2.20 (weder ACPI noch APM noch Power-Management
einkompiliert) klappt alles reibungslos. Bei meinem ersten Versuch mit
2.4.24 (ohne ACPI, APM und Power-Management einkompiliert) klappte der
Reboot auch nicht.

Weiß jemand einen Rat, wie ich zu einem funktionierenden Reboot komme.

Dieter Rohlfing

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PS/2-Maus: Kernel 2.2.20 = JA, Kernel 2.4.18 = NEIN

2004-02-06 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Liebe Debian-Freunde,

bei meinem Woody-System hatte ich bisher Kernel 2.2.20 sowohl auf meinem
Desktop als auch auf meinem Laptop am Laufen. Meine PS/2-Mäuse liefen
unter gpm und X klaglos.

Nun habe ich in den letzten Tagen den Kernel 2.4.18 installiert, zuerst
auf dem Desktop, dann auf dem Laptop. Während die PS/2-Maus auf dem
Desktop funktioniert, wird sie auf dem Laptop erst gar nicht erkannt.

Beim Kernel 2.2.20 erschien in den Logs noch ein entsprechender Eintrag,
daß eine PS/2-Maus gefunden wurde. Dieser Hinweis fehlt beim 2.4.18.
Beim Desktop funktioniert die Maus jedoch und unter /proc/interrupts
wird 12 mit PS/2 auch aufgelistet.

Ein Vertauschen der Mäuse hat nichts geändert, und die Laptop-Maus
funktioniert ja einwandfrei, wenn ich den Kernel 2.2.20 auf dem Laptop
boote. Nur beim 2.4.18 bleibt sie regungslos. Daraus schließe ich, daß
die Hardware in Ordnung ist. Warum kann 2.4.18 auf dem Laptop meine Maus
nicht finden?

Im Moment weiß ich nicht mehr, wo ich suchen und an welcher Einstellung
ich noch etwas drehen kann? Daher bin ich für nützliche Hinweise sehr

Allen ein schönes Wochenende.

Dieter Rohlfing

Fehler-Meldung von gpm:

/usr/sbin/gpm[261]: write_ps2: 1 0, fe
/usr/sbin/gpm[261]: PS/2 mouse failed init: Unable to set rate.
/usr/sbin/gpm[261]: oops() invoked from gpm.c(1019)
/usr/sbin/gpm[261]: mouse initialization failed: Inappropriate ioctl for

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cat-pages bei mandb abstellen

2004-01-04 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
In der Datei /etc/manpath.config gibt es u.a. Einträge der Form:
MANDB_MAP man-path [cat-path]

Der cat-path ist optional, gemäß dem Kommentar in der o.a. Datei heißt
es: If no catpath string is used, the catpath will default to the given
manpath. Das Weglassen dieses Parameters bedeutet also nicht, daß das
Erstellen der cat-pages unterdrückt wird.

Die MANDB_MAP-Angabe ist Pflicht, denn: You *must* provide all `global'
man paths. Tut man es doch, dann meckert mandb.

Leider geben die man-pages von mandb, manpath.config keinen
Hinweis darauf, wie ich das Erstellen der cat-pages unterdrücken kann.
Zumindest habe ich keinen gefunden.

Weiß jemand Rat?

Dieter Rohlfing

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Re: skalierbare (x|a|rxv)term font familie gesucht

2002-06-04 Thread Dieter Rohlfing

Gregor Zattler wrote:
 Ich suche also einen Font, der sich als Terminalschrift unter X11
 - skalierbar
 - iso 8859-15
 - monospaced
 - klar, gut lesbar
 - in vier Schnitten:
   - normal/aufrecht
   - normal/geneigt
   - halbfett/aufrecht
   - halbfett/geneigt

Hallo Gregor,

so etwas suche ich auch noch.

Sehr gut lesbar sind die ETL-Fonts (ab ptsz=24, dazu sollte man jedoch
mindestens eine Auflösung von 1280x1024 haben), sind allerdings
Bitmap-Fonts (also nicht skalierbar). Ich benutze iso8859-1, ob es sie
als iso8859-15 gibt, weiß ich nicht.

Daneben habe ich noch einen Postscript-Font von Bitstream (erfüllt Deine
Bedingungen bis auf iso8859-15), sieht aber nicht so gut aus wie die
ETL-Fonts (hängt wohl von der Rasterung im XServer 3.3.6 ab).

Wenn Du was findest, laß es mich wissen.

Alles Gute.


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Re: eth0: unable to signal thread

2002-03-09 Thread Dieter Rohlfing

Rainer Nagel wrote:

  Mit welchen NICs habt ihr denn gute Erfahrungen gemacht?
 Intel eepro100

In meiner heute angekommenen c't 6.2002 steht ein Test-Bericht über NICs
(Seite 216ff). Der Intel-Chip i82559 (auf der eepro100 drauf) schneidet
zusammen mit dem DEC-Chip 21143 hinsichtlich der CPU-Belastung mit am
besten ab. Die Transfer-Raten liegen mit einer Ausnahme alle etwa
gleichauf (ca. 11 MByte/sec).

Erstaunlich ist (zumindest für mich), daß unter Linux die NICs die
höchsten Transfer-Raten (Windows: 7 bis 10,5 MByte/sec) und die
niedrigste CPU-Belastung (Windows: 25% bis 72%) aufweisen. Aber das war
uns eh schon klar. :-)

Nochmals vielen Dank für alle Antworten.

Dieter Rohlfing

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Re: eth0: unable to signal thread

2002-03-07 Thread Dieter Rohlfing

Jens Benecke wrote:

 Also: Wenns was kritisches ist, verzichte auf RTL8139 und kauf dir eine
 bessere Netzwerkkarte.

Welche gehört Deiner Meinung nach zur Kategorie der besseren
Netzwerkkarten? Was setzt Du ein?

Mittlerweile bin ich von der Karte auch nicht mehr so überzeugt. Sie war
zwar billig (10 EUR), aber sie frißt auch ganz schön CPU-Zyklen. Die
Xircom-PCMCIA-Netzwerkarte mit einem Tulip-Chip in meinem Laptop
belastet die CPU dagegen nur sehr wenig.

Mit welchen NICs habt ihr denn gute Erfahrungen gemacht?

Nach meinen Erfahrungen mit der RTL8139 würde ich _heute_ für eine
Linux-taugliche NIC folgende Kriterien aufstellen:
- Hersteller veröffentlicht Specs zur Treiber-Entwicklung
- Hersteller unterstützt Treiber-Entwicklung
- geringe CPU-Belastung
- Bus-Master-Fähigkeit

Kann man dieser Liste noch weitere Kriterien hinzufügen?

Allen Mit-Lesern noch einen schönen Abend.

Dieter Rohlfing

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eth0: unable to signal thread

2002-03-04 Thread Dieter Rohlfing

Hallo alle zusammen,

beim System-Halt oder -Reboot (wenn '/etc/init.d/networking stop'
aufgerufen wird) erscheint immer die im Subject angegebene Meldung. Sie
resultiert aus dem Treiber für die RealTek 8139

Was ist die Ursache dafür? Muß ich mir darüber weitere Gedanken machen
und eventuell einen Fehler suchen? Für Tipps und Hinweise wäre ich sehr

Allen noch einen schönen Abend.

Dieter Rohlfing

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Re: 06032921167-0001@T-Online.De

1997-09-17 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Eloy A. Paris wrote:
 I am getting bounced back messages every time I post to debian-user.
 The bounced message says that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is an
 unknow user.
 Is it just me or everybody is having this problem?

I've the same problem since yesterday.


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Re: Netscape 4.03 for Linux is out!

1997-09-17 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Brian K Servis wrote:
 It comes in three forms: standard, professional and
 just the stand alone browser with now news/mail/composer/etc.

What are the differences between these three forms?


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Re: Installation Problem

1997-09-16 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Chi Yung YUEN wrote:
 I tried to install Debian 1.3.1. I got cannot initialize swap partition
 error and it stopped the installation.  I've already tried 3 rescue disks.
 I don't know what went wrong. Can anybody help?
 I'm using Adaptec AHA-2940 SCSI card, Quantum Viking 4.3G HD.

I've had a lot of trouble with the debian rescue disk and the 2940. It
seems, that the 2940 is confused by the autoprobe procedure of the
debian kernel on the rescue disk (RedHat, Caldera, Suse and Slackware
haven't any problems with this card). The 'cannot initialize ...' error
message may be a follow up error.

I solved my problems by compiling a specific kernel (with another
distribution), copied it to the rescue disk und proceeded sucessfully.

Have a nice day and good luck.


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Re: Debian Adaptec AHA 2840VL/2842VL

1997-09-16 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Otavio Exel wrote:
 I'm trying to install Debian 1.3.1 with an Adaptec AHA 2840VL/2842VL
 SCSI card; while the RESC1440 disk is beeing loaded I get a lot of error
 messages; some of them are:
 - encountered spurious interrupt
 - failed to initialize module ?
 - In swapper task - not syncing
 ..and it hangs!

I've had a lot of trouble with the debian rescue disk and the 2940 and
the 2842. It seems, that both are confused by the autoprobe procedure of
the debian kernel on the rescue disk (RedHat, Caldera, Suse and
Slackware haven't any problems with these cards).

 I booted with my RedHat 4.12 boot floppy and it looks like RedHat would
 have no problem with this SCSI card; is this kind of hardware support

Yes, it looks like that!

I solved my problems by compiling a specific kernel (with another
distribution), copied it to the rescue disk und proceeded sucessfully.
Both cards use the same driver (aic7xxx).

Have a nice day and good luck.


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Re: howto enlarge root partition by merging with other?

1997-09-16 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Andy Spiegl wrote:
 What I would like to do now is enlarge / by merging it with
 the newly created partition.  Do I have to copy everything
 to a backup, run fdisk and then copy it back?  Or is there
 an easier method?  (No, I don't just want to mount it)
 And is this process really all that easy?  Can I just copy
 the backup on the new, now larger, partition, run lilo and
 it works again?  I don't feel like spending lots of time
 reinstalling debian.

Yes, you can do it that way. It works, I did it many times. Most
important part: RUN LILO, otherwise you won't be able to boot from that

There is another - more elegant - way: since kernel 2.0.x you can
combine two or more partitions to one big partition. I've stumbled over
this feature while compiling a new kernel and selecting some compile
options. Read the help of the appropriate kernel options and follow the
links. Sorry, I can't be more specific, because my linux box is at home
and I'm writing this from my office win95 computer (shuer!!!). I
haven't tried it by myself, so that's everything I can do for you.

Have a nice day and good luck.


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Re: Anybody in for helping a new debian user with aic7xxx ?

1997-08-23 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Hi Craig,

thanks a lot for your replay.

 for the record, i've built at least half a dozen debian systems with
 adaptec 2940 scsi controllers. with no problems. most of these are
 running linux 2.0.29 or 2.0.30.  Installing them was straight-forward,
 just boot off the boot/rescue floppy and follow the menus.

In the past I've made the same experience (with OS/2 and Linux pre 2.0.x).
That's the reason for choosing Adaptec, it's well supported.

But now I wonder, why has the Debian distribution a problem, where others
(Caldera, RedHat, Suse and Slackware) don't. I'm a first time Debian user, and
have been attracted by the excellent reputation of Debian. What would you think,
when you face such problems. Excellence or not?

Again, thanks for your replay and have a nice weekend.


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Re: Anybody in for helping a new debian user with aic7xxx ?

1997-08-23 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Hi Damir,

thanks a lot for your reply.

 I have VLB2842 based card and I _never_
 got a stock boot disk to work with that setup

It's not only the 2842, but the 2940, too.

 The problem seems to be due to whole _slew_ of different SCSI driver
 probes on the stock boot floppy which confuse the Adaptec AIC7*** based
 cards and cause panic.

I suppose the same. Suse has a different install concept: it offers
auto-probing _and_ specific driver selection. I didn't try auto-probing, but
selected only the aic7xxx driver (nothing else was necessary).

My Suse system is now running, and I'm in the process to build my own kernel.
I hope, I can transfer it to the Debian boot disk.

 I would like to help you by giving you my kernel

Thanks for your offer. If I can't get it on my own, I'll be back.

Have a nice weekend.


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install problem: aic7xxx encountered spurious IRQ / aborting command due to timeout

1997-08-22 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
On Friday, 08 Aug 1997 10:54:01 +0200, I wrote the following mail:


hi everybody,

my name is Dieter and I'm having problems to install the debian Linux

My hardware:
- Mobo Shuttle HOT-419 (VLB with Opti chipset), AMD486/133, 32 MB RAM
- Adaptec AHA2842 (IRQ 11)
- ATI Graphics Turbo (Mach32 mit 2 MB VRAM)
- NE2000 compatiple card IRQ 15 IO 0x300
- IO card, 2x par (IRQ/IO as usual),
  4x ser (COM1-COM2 IRQ/IO as usual, 
  COM3 IRQ 10 IO as usual, COM4 IRQ 12 IO 0x2F0)

This hardware is successfully running Linux 1.2.13 (Slakware 2.3) since
2 years.

During the last 2 weeks I installed Caldera Open Linux Standard 1.1 and
Slakware 3.2 (both employ kernel 2.0.29) without any problems. That
means: the 'all-purpose' boot diskettes started Linux successfully.

Now I tried the debian distribution 1.2 (with kernel 2.0.27) I found on
my Infomagic Linux Developer's Resource (6-CD-set inluding Slakware 3.2,
RedHat 4.1). I made the RESCUE floppy with 'dd if=rsc1440.bin
of=/dev/fd0H1440 bs=512' (tried it with several diskettes and even with
rsc1440r.bin) and got in every case
the following boot messages:

summary: aic7xxx detected and initialization messages
-- aic7xxx: encountered spurious interrupt

some other messages related to probing other hardware follows

-- scanning channel A for devices
-- aborting command due to timeout
-- pid 0, scsi 0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
-- test unit ready 00 00 00 00
-- kernel panic: scsi 0 BRKADRINT, error 0x1, seqaddr 0x0

I suspect, that the composition of the debian kernel is somewhat
different than those of Caldera and Slakware, but I have no idea in what

I hope, that some of the debian gurus can give me some help.

TIA and have a nice day.



Some people suggested to get the newest Debian release (1.3.1),
InfoMagic's issue of Debian (1.2.8) was broken (by InfoMagic). Okay, I
did so. Next round with Original Debian 1.3.1.

Guess, what? Same results as with 1.3.1. Is 1.3.1 broken, too (by
Debian)? In addition I get the same result on a second PC with the
following components:
- Mobo GigaByte GA586ATS (PCI with Triton), AMD K5/100, 64 MB RAM
- Adaptec AHA2940
- S3 Trio64 with 2 MB RAM
- NE2000 compatiple card IRQ 15 IO 0x300
- IO card, 2x par (IRQ/IO as usual),
  4x ser (COM1-COM2 IRQ/IO as usual, 
  COM3 IRQ 10 IO as usual, COM4 IRQ 12 IO 0x2F0)

Both PCs are successfully running Linux 1.2.13 (Slakware 2.3) since 2

During the last 3 weeks I installed Caldera Open Linux Standard 1.1 and
Slakware 3.2 (both employ kernel 2.0.29) and Suse Linux 5.0 (kernel
2.0.30) without any problems. That means: the 'all-purpose' boot
diskettes of these distributions started Linux successfully. And I
think, that the hardware described above is everything else than exotic.

In my personal view the claims, that Debian is a superior distribution,
do not fullfill.

I would like to hear some opions from the debian officials.

TIA and have a nice day.


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Anybody in for helping a new debian user with aic7xxx ?

1997-08-22 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Hi everybody,

since 2 weeks I'm trying to install the debian linux distribution, first
attempt was with 1.2.8, second with 1.3.1. Both resulted in crashing
down during the boot process (look for subject install problem: aic7xxx
encountered spurious IRQ / aborting command due to timeout).

During the last 2 weeks I got the impression, that it is more important
for the participants of this mailing list to discuss about debian
policies and politics than helping a new user.

I can't imagine, that none of the debian users has an Adaptec controller
in his PC. Where is the excellence of the debian distribution, when it's
unable to install on a conventional hardware, where Caldera, Suse,
RedHat and Slackware can without any problems.

Don't talk, face the facts! And fact is, that debian can't install on a
conventional hardware. Has anybody a solution for the problem? Has
anybody more to offer than talk?

I appreciate any sign of excellence. TIA.


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Re: Anybody in for helping a new debian user with aic7xxx ?

1997-08-22 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Tim Sailer wrote:
 Do you have an early 2940 in the machine? I had this same problem,
 and had to get a BIOS upgrade from Adaptek.

It's revision B with BIOS 1.21
 The 2940 and it's chipset are considered beta, at best. I have a
 production system with a 4 month old 2940 in it that runs
 with no problem. Ny system at home, OTOH, has an 18 month old
 2940, and it panics about every 2 weeks. This is a problem with
 the driver, not the distribution.

That doesn't explain, why Caldera don't have the problems debian
has. And what about the 2842? Beta, too? Both controller use the same
chip, one is VLB, the other PCI. That's all.

Thanks for replying. Have a nice day.


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Re: Anybody in for helping a new debian user with aic7xxx ?

1997-08-22 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Hi Mark,

thanks a lot for your reply.

The 2 PCs are SCSI-only systems, HDs and CDROM are SCSI-2. Here are the
main hardware components:

- Mobo Shuttle HOT-419 (VLB with Opti chipset), AMD486/133, 32 MB RAM
- Adaptec AHA2842 (IRQ 11)
- ATI Graphics Turbo (Mach32 mit 2 MB VRAM)
- NE2000 compatiple card IRQ 15 IO 0x300
- IO card, 2x par (IRQ/IO as usual),
  4x ser (COM1-COM2 IRQ/IO as usual, 
  COM3 IRQ 10 IO as usual, COM4 IRQ 12 IO 0x2F0)

- Mobo GigaByte GA586ATS (PCI with Triton), AMD K5/100, 64 MB RAM
- Adaptec AHA2940
- S3 Trio64 with 2 MB RAM
- NE2000 compatiple card IRQ 15 IO 0x300
- IO card, 2x par (IRQ/IO as usual),
  4x ser (COM1-COM2 IRQ/IO as usual, 
  COM3 IRQ 10 IO as usual, COM4 IRQ 12 IO 0x2F0)

 did you get a successful install after you removed the card?

Not possible.
 what is your install media?

 what conventional hardware exactly are you using?

See above.

Have a nice day.


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Re: PPP ?

1997-08-18 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
 I have been trying to figure out how to setup a PPP connection to my
 school (Univ of MD) for almost a month.


This is an excellent article about setting up a PPP connection to an ISP
(Novice to Novice --- A 10-Minute Guide for Using PPP to Connect Linux
to the Internet).

Good luck.


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Re: baskspace and delete keys under XFree86?

1997-08-18 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Paul Miller wrote:
 What is the deal with my delete key acting as a backspace key under X?

Some keys behave different under different software environments.

In the Juli 97 issue of the Linux Journal appeared an article
Consistent Keyboard Configuration by John F Bunch. It explains, how to
config the various software packages (in order, that BS behaves as
Backspace every where).

Good Luck.

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Re: install problem: aic7xxx encountered spurious IRQ / aborting command d

1997-08-11 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Hallo Ralf,

vielen Dank für Deine Antwort.

 Ich hatte genau das gleiche Problem mit einem Adaptec 2842VL und der
 Debian-Distribution von JF Lehmanns.
 Anscheinend wird der Adaptec von anderen Modulen (vermutlich fuer andere
 SCSI-Kontroller) durcheinandergebracht.

Hört sich nicht gut an. Dabei hatte ich gehofft, daß mit der Anschaffung
der aktuellen Debian 1.3.1 (von JF Lehmanns) die Probleme verschwinden

Es wundert mich nur, daß ich mit den anderen Distribution (Caldera und
Slackware) keinerlei Problem hinsichtlich des AHA2842VL hatte.

Alles Gute und einen schönen Tag.


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install problem: aic7xxx encountered spurious IRQ / aborting command due to timeout

1997-08-08 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
hi everybody,

my name is Dieter and I'm having problems to install the debian Linux

My hardware:
- Mobo Shuttle HOT-419 (VLB with Opti chipset), AMD486/133, 32 MB RAM
- Adaptec AHA2842 (IRQ 11)
- ATI Graphics Turbo (Mach32 mit 2 MB VRAM)
- NE2000 compatiple card IRQ 15 IO 0x300
- IO card, 2x par (IRQ/IO as usual),
  4x ser (COM1-COM2 IRQ/IO as usual, 
  COM3 IRQ 10 IO as usual, COM4 IRQ 12 IO 0x2F0)

This hardware is successfully running Linux 1.2.13 (Slakware 2.3) since
2 years.

During the last 2 weeks I installed Caldera Open Linux Standard 1.1 and
Slakware 3.2
(both employ kernel 2.0.29) without any problems. That means: the
'all-purpose' boot
diskettes started Linux successfully.

Now I tried the debian distribution 1.2 (with kernel 2.0.27) I found on
my Infomagic
Linux Developer's Resource (6-CD-set inluding Slakware 3.2, RedHat 4.1).
I made the
RESCUE floppy with 'dd if=rsc1440.bin of=/dev/fd0H1440 bs=512' (tried it
with several diskettes and even with rsc1440r.bin) and got in every case
the following boot messages:

summary: aic7xxx detected and initialization messages
-- aic7xxx: encountered spurious interrupt

some other messages related to probing other hardware follows

-- scanning channel A for devices
-- aborting command due to timeout
-- pid 0, scsi 0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
-- test unit ready 00 00 00 00
-- kernel panic: scsi 0 BRKADRINT, error 0x1, seqaddr 0x0

I suspect, that the composition of the debian kernel is somewhat
different than those of
Caldera and Slakware, but I have no idea in what matter.

I hope, that some of the debian gurus can give me some help.

TIA and have a nice day.


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Re: install problem: aic7xxx encountered spurious IRQ / aborting command due to timeout

1997-08-08 Thread Dieter Rohlfing
Hello Paul,

thanks for your quick answer.

I've already ordered Debian 1.3.1 at JFL in Berlin.

I hope to have more luck with the more recent version.

Have a nice day!


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