tecra rescue does not work with thinkpad ?

1998-06-19 Thread G John Lapeyre

(latest Hamm)
I tried the regular rescue floppy and the 
tecra floppy on a thinkpad 380D and both hang
on booting.  Does this make sense ?

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: Debian from the Stampede's POV

1998-05-21 Thread G John Lapeyre
On Thu, 21 May 1998, Rev. Joseph Carter wrote:
 Does the stampede format even SUPPORT dependancies?
This is readily available from their web site.

SLP Version 2.1 int value of 4. (Production release)

 * The structure of a .slp file:
 * First, a .tar.bz2 file
 * immediatly following:
 struct slpformat_v5 {
 int FilesToKeep[FTKMAX];
 int Priority;
 int CompressionMechanism;
 int Release;
 int Copyright;
 char ConflictsWith[CWMAX];
 char SetupScript[SSMAX];
 char ShortDescription[SDMAX];
 char LongDescription[LDMAX];
 char DependsRequirements[DRMAX];
 char DependsSatisfy[DSMAX];
 char Author[AMAX];
 char Date[DMAX];
 int CompilerVersion;
 char SoftwareVersion[SVMAX];
 char PackageName[PNMAX];
 int BinaryFormat;
 int PackageGrouping;
 int SlPackageVersion = 5;
 /* The above SlPackageVersion is 3.1, int value of 5

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: Debian GNU/Linux: Best of the Web! (fwd)

1998-04-21 Thread G John Lapeyre
On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, James A.Treacy wrote:

 For those few of you who don't read http://slashdot.org, the
 Mining Co has posted their Linux Best of the Net site awards.
 Debian was number 1. I'd never heard of this company before,
 but am not adverse to any good publicity for Debian.
 The awards page is at http://linux.miningco.com/library/awards/blapr98.htm

Looks like they've put a good deal of effort into their site. I
don't know who made the ratings(has good taste, I imagine) ...  but notice
Debian is the #1 site, while no other distribution made the top 10. 

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: non-free software

1998-03-31 Thread G John Lapeyre

On Mon, 30 Mar 1998, King Lee wrote:

 I will use the Debian packages when I can.  If xv doesn't
 come with Debian, maybe I will use a substitue if it is 
 as functional, or close.  However there are packages
 like netpbm which, to my knowledge cannot be replaced.

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: non-free software

1998-03-31 Thread G John Lapeyre

I hope you like it . I haven't used it too much. It comes with
alot of things including a command line conversion filter that handles a
large number of formats.  I found it easier to do many conversions with
imagemagick than with netpbm

On Mon, 30 Mar 1998, King Lee wrote:
 Thanks for the tip.  I will probably replace xv with imagemagik.
 Netpbm contains a number of programs that can be called from
 a script. If imagemagik is an X11 program, I may not be able
 to pipe images.
 King Lee

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Description of Perl Data Language

1998-03-04 Thread G John Lapeyre

I just uploaded a debian package of this to master.
The next revision will have a free license.  (Soon)
The docs and online help , etc . are much improved.

A beta version 1.9900 of PDL is now available on CPAN (+). 

PDL is a freely-available number-crunching extension for perl, which
allows fast and memory-efficient manipulation of large numerical
datasets.  You can write normal perl syntax ($c = $a + $b) to
manipulate vectors or matrices or N-dimensional data. Sample
applications (in which PDL has already been used) include image
processing, two and three dimensional plotting, pipeline data
reduction, quick-look data visualisation, neural networks, machine
learning, medical visualization and quantum-mechanical simulations.
While these have historically been the domain of special purpose
matrix-oriented languages such as IDL(R/Tm)* and MatLab(R/Tm)*, PDL
allows Perl to be used in just such a manner. PDL has a very
open-architecture and is easy to interface to new subroutine and
graphics libraries.

One of the main advantages of PDL over similar packages is the
availability of the enormous, and heavily used, perl software base.
Available to PDL users are powerful string and file handling, well
developed interfaces to C, Fortran, and Java, to GUI toolkits such as
tk and gtk, to databases, ftp, the web, etc.  The user will find that
these features offer indispensable support to the number crunching

See http://www.aao.gov.au/local/www/kgb/perldl/ for more info
and links.

New features after 1.11 are countless but here is an overview:
 - a simple but powerful interface to 3-dimensional OpenGL
   visualization routines with animation (PDL::Graphics::TriD),
   also supports VRML to some degree.

 - assigning to slices of piddles / indexed piddles (e.g.
$a = zeroes 100,100; 
$b = $a-diagonal(0,1); # diagonal between dims 0 and 1 
$b .= 1; # PDL special assignment operator 
   $a contains a unit matrix). Also to piddles indexed
   by other piddles.

 - efficient manipulation of multidimensional data.

 - preprocessor for interfacing external C routines with
   little work for multiple datatypes and writing new fast
   routines while avoiding loop index bugs.

 - new IO formats

 - many new routines for data processing

 - online help in the perldl shell

 - interactive matrix browser for curses

 - quick random access to data by mmapping it from the disk

 - interface to Karma applications toolkit for alternative 3d
   visualisation (PDL::Graphics::Karma)

People interested in doing numeric processing are encouraged to pick
this software up and give it a test run.

Because this is beta-stage software, the documentation, although quite
extensive, may not always be the most informative possible to help
beginners get going in PDL. We will be glad to answer your questions
(and add the instructions to the FAQ and to the documentation for other
users) at our mailinglist [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 - picrgb tests fail on some platforms due to unavailable converters

=== From introduction to PDL:

Perl is an extremely good and versatile scripting language, well suited
to beginners and allows rapid prototyping. However until recently it
did not support data structures which allowed it to do fast number

However with the development of Perl v5, Perl acquired 'Objects'. To
put it simply users can define their own special data types, and write
custom routines to manipulate them either in low level languages (C and
Fortran) or in Perl itself.

This has been fully exploited by the PerlDL developers. The 'PDL'
module is a complete Object-Oriented extension to Perl (although you
don't have to know what an object is to use it) which allows large
N-dimensional data sets, such as large images, spectra, time series,
etc to be stored  Befficiently and manipulated Ben masse.  For
example  with the PDL module we can write the perl code C$a=$b+$c,
where $b and $c are large datasets (e.g. 2048x2048 images), and get the
result in only a fraction of a second.

PDL variables (or 'piddles' as they have come to be known) support a
wide range of fundamental data types - arrays can be bytes, short
integers (signed or unsigned), long integers, floats or double
precision floats. And because of the Object-Oriented nature of PDL new
customised datatypes can be derived from them.

As well as the PDL modules, that can be used by normal perl programs,
PerlDL comes with a command line perl shell, called 'perldl', which
supports command line editing. In combination with the various PDL
graphics modules this allows data to be easily played with and

* all trademarks are owned by their owners.


Re: module configuration

1998-02-25 Thread G John Lapeyre

What special hardware do you have ?

Typically, you don't need any extra modules.  Standard hard
drives, and mice , and CD's don't need any modules.  The video drivers are
installed later (well not really 'intalled') with X
A network card will need a module.
ps/2 mouse needs a  module. Serial mice , no.

You can install the system and add new modules, or compile a
custom kernel (recommended) later.

On Wed, 25 Feb 1998, Daniel L. Grindstaff wrote:

 I am installing Debian from the Boot disc number 15.  I am following the
 installation instructions from the Boot magazine and am stuck at
 selecting the correct modules.
 There are several categories to go through...'block, cdrom,
 ls...etc.'...and under each one there are more subchoices.
 The installation program 'detects modules' before the user is presented
 with the subcategories (i.e. 'linear, raido, xd' under 'block') and a
 minus sign indicates 'not installed' while a plus sign indicates
 My question are these:
 1.  What is the program doing when it 'detects installed modules'?  Is
 it looking at my actual hardware?
 2.  If it is not, and I am to install modules for all my known
 components...where may I find a guide or explanation to what these terms
 (ie.  block, raido, etc.) MEAn or REFER TO...and then...which are most
 likely to apply to my particular components?
 I have already looked through the FAQ and FAQ-O-Matic and have not found
 anything this specific or addressing my problem.
 Thanks very much.
 Dan Grindstaff
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Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: Bullshit--Fired for Linux?

1998-02-16 Thread G John Lapeyre

May work for the good guys , though.  If you check the list of
responses at the bottom of the cited page, they (surprise) overwhelmingly
support Linux.

On Mon, 16 Feb 1998, Ian Keith Setford wrote:

 I received this and couldn't believe this!  What an irresponsible piece of
 pro-Microsoft propaganda.  Ziff-Davis has sunk to a new low.
 btw, pardon my french
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 03:15:02 -0500 (EST)
 From: Jesse Berst's AnchorDesk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Team AnchorDesk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Fired for Linux? / Win98 Now / Hot Products
 __Berst Alert
  Linux fanatics cite the freeware operating system
  as a viable alternative to Windows NT. Sure it has
  technical merits, but can it pass the all-important
  cover your backside test? Seems to me that championing
  Linux could be a CLM (career-limiting move) at many
  large corporations. For your own sake, keep this
  in mind when reading the glowing articles about its
  growing popularity. Links, stats and other career-protecting
  information await you at the site.
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Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: less clears screen after exiting

1998-02-12 Thread G John Lapeyre

My hamm distribution doesn't do it, in xterm nor rxvt.
I don't know if its my .bashrc thats different or hamm vs. stable.

On Thu, 12 Feb 1998, Tomihisa Welsh wrote:

   Ever since I installed debian 1.3.1, less will unwantingly clear
 the screen when after viewing a document (within an xterm).  I can get rid
 of this problem with the -X option (disables termcap before and after
 calling less) however this option also disables my arrowkeys.  Any ideas?

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: FAT32 support in hamm.

1998-02-04 Thread G John Lapeyre

Thus far no.  Only kernels 2.1.x have FAT32 as a stock accessory.

On Tue, 3 Feb 1998, Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:

 Is there FAT32 support in hamm, or one need to install a patch?
 Thank you,
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Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: Why is debian more of a learning curve than Redhat???

1998-01-20 Thread G John Lapeyre

There is work being done on improving the installation. The
problems do arise from the great flexibility of debian.  I agree that
not trying to install everything in one pass is the way to go.  It makes
things much simpler.  In the end, I think the debian packaging system does
a good job of maintaining the integrity of the system.  There is a strict
set of rules that maintainers have to follow when making a package.  The
aim of the rules is to maintain the quality and integrity of the system.

On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, George Bonser wrote:

 I think it is because of the conflict resolution screen and the fact that
 Debian offers more alternatives than Red Hat.   Maybe there are TOO MANY
 alternatives offered for a new install.
 Example ... try selecting cnews on a clean instll and it throws you into
 the conflict resolution screen right away.  Red Hat gives you no choice in
 the matter, if you want news transport you get inn.
 Newbies also tend to install too much in the initial dselect menu causing
 a lot of time in conflict resolution.  About the only thing I do the
 firstr time through dselect is unselect emacs and select the MTA that I
 want and let the rest of it install from its defaults.  Then I run it a
 second time to change things.  I find that I have a LOT less trouble this
 On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, Shaleh wrote:
  What makes RH that much simpler to use?? I find dselect simple, and
  linux == linux so config files are fairly standard.  Yet I have heard
  that comment numerous times -- debian is too much of a learning curve.
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 George Bonser 
 If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
 Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.
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Re: debian learning curve

1998-01-20 Thread G John Lapeyre
On Tue, 20 Jan 1998, Gregory Guthrie wrote:

These issues are being addressed.  For instance, developers are
considering various , typical installations.  The next version of debian
should see improvements in installation.

 1) Recently someone said regarding all the setup differences: after all,
 linux is linux.  I disagree, the networking files, setup files, PPP files,
 etc... are all notably different; similar but different.
   This is like the differences between ATT/UCB unix. Yes, they are/were
 both Unix, but... I wonder why it is necessary/useful to have so many
 differences in the linux variations. Some are natural evolution/selection,
 others seem gratitutious. Just as in the traditional Unix world, someday
 there may come a time when convergence of the threads will be useful.
 2) It was also noted that:
Newbies also tend to install too much in the initial dselect menu
 causing a lot of time in conflict resolution.
   One good solution to this is used in most Windows packages; a set of
 standard {minimal, nominal, everything} installation configurations, and a
 custom option. I am not a dpkg expert, but would guess that this would not
 be too hard.
 Dr. Gregory Guthrie
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (515)472-1125Fax: -1103
Computer Science Department
College of Science and Technology
Maharishi University of Management
   (Maharishi International University 1971-1995)
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Re: Partitioning problems

1998-01-14 Thread G John Lapeyre
On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, George Bonser wrote:

 On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, ic382 wrote:
  space in the extended partition to install linux.  But, every time I
  try, it says FATAL ERROR:  Bad primary partition.  I never touched the
  2gb primary partition, and it was always flagged bootable.  The extended
  partition was changed around, but I don't see how that is a problem.  I
  thought the fat 32 might have been a problem with the older version.
  But, this wasn't the case because I used partition magic to recreate the
  3 extended fat16 partitions, and cfdisk reported the same error.  I
  can't do much in linux with it, because the only thing I can access are
  the utilities on the linux rescue disk I use for installation, so it
  basically has to be fixed in dos.  Please help me with this problem so
  that I can continue to use Linux (or, if needed, I'll get the new ver).
 Try using fdisk rather than cfdisk. I have found that it will operate on
 some drives that confuse cfdisk.

fdisk3 sometimes works where neither cfdisk nor fdisk work.

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: More colors in X

1998-01-14 Thread G John Lapeyre

With 2MB  , you a line in your XF86Config that only includes lower
resolutions.  The X Sever will ignore any lines that try to much
resolution and too many colors simultaneously.  Maybe this is your

On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Will Lowe wrote:

 On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, John Boggon wrote:
  Have already done this. xdm is installed and working. I figured I'd try and
  get X to start in 16bp before I tried to configure xdm to do the same.
 To set it to permanently use 16 bpp instead of 8,  edit
 /etc/X11/XF86Config and find the Depth setting for your screen.  Change
 it to Depth 16.
 | http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/   |
 | So don't beg,  and don't plead.  |
 |   You can't have the heart you make bleed. |
 |-- The Beautiful South,  Love is...   |
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Re: Debian Win95 files... FAT32

1998-01-13 Thread G John Lapeyre

I also installed Debian on a machine and needed to preserve Win95
. (also AMD586) .  It was a brand spanking Win95 dist. They now use FAT32
file system. Although it was very difficult to tell (no docs, no info) it
looks like I could no longer make a vfat partition under win95.  I could
make an old fashioned msdos partition.  Actually , it was difficult to
tell what I was making.
Debian 1.3 cannot mount a FAT32 partition. In fact kernels 2.0.x
cannot .  2.1.x with xsomething can mount them.  There is a patch for the
2.0.x kernels, but it took me a while to install it. The patch maker had a
different name for the source tree and a sym link to the source tree and
mixed usage of both names.  Then I had to jet the cd-rom module to get the
kernel to compile (I never wrote him, so I am to blame too).
I was trying to install from stuff I'd downloaded to the win95
fat32 partition. And I couldn't . Fortunatly , I had 4 Gigs and made
another msdos partition (under window, it supported long names, but linux
only recognised it as msdos with short names; and not as vfat at all) .
Can someone make a rescue floppy with  a patched kernel ?

Another thing: Fips will not split a FAT32 partition.  The same
patcher has written fipsb, which will do it.  However, a windows but
causes this to break the win95 installation.  I backed out repeatedly by
restoring the MBR, but could never get win95 to boot except in MSDOS mode.
I checked on the web, and it seems to be related to a bug that appears
often independently of fipsb.  MS has a web page on fixing it, but myself
and others tried all the fixes and they don't work.  I ended up wiping out
windows and repartitoning and reinstalling.

By the way: this was my first relatively length exposure to win95.
It is really worse than I imagined.  It reminds my of a $200 000 000
Hollywood movie.  I always say, If I had to spend that money, I couldn't
make a movie that bad if I tried

On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, smorrill wrote:

 I have Win95 and Debian 1.3 on the same hard disk on my Amd 586 with
 Doc's Boot as an MBR.  Being still pretty new to Linux, here's a
 question... I downloaded Netscape the other day for Linux, but had to
 use Winbloze to do it 'cause I _still_ haven't got ppp working...
 anyway, can I access the Win95 drive with Linux to retrieve Netscape?
 If so, how do I do that? I suppose I somehow need to set up Debian to
 recognize the Win95 partition...just not sure how to go about it  don't
 want to trash everything! (I've been known to do that!!)
 Any suggestions?
  Steve Morrill
  PGP Pub key id: 0xF2459FCD
  Debian LINUX Where I really want to go today!
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Re: Perl 5.004 and Perl-tk

1998-01-12 Thread G John Lapeyre

Did you install the new perl with dpkg ?  Is it in your
/var/lib/dpkg/status file ?  You can override the dependency check with a
flag to dpkg.
Good luck ...

On Mon, 12 Jan 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have upgraded libc5 to libc6 etc., and have now also upgraded to Perl
 5.004. However if I try to dpkg -i Perl-tk_400.202-9.deb it then tells
 me that perl-tk depends on perl (5.004) and that perl is not installed,
 although Perl --version shows 5.004 on the machine.
 Anyone come accross this? I used dselect to purge the previous version
 of Perl. Is there a fix.
 Adran Monk
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Re: can4t use FIPS on windows 95

1997-12-28 Thread G John Lapeyre

I did get fipsb to work.  However , I now keep getting an error
like vfbackup cannot load vfd.vxd, when I try to boot the toy OS . 
There are quite a few messages about this in email archives from windows
users.  It seems to be quite sticky.  The toy OS company has a page on
fixing the problem, but it doesn't work for me or for some others.  This
is my first foray into this kind of thing.  The mystery, and lack of
documentation are astounding, particularly when you consider how much
money these people have.

On Sat, 27 Dec 1997, Jeszs Antonio Santgos Giraldo wrote:

 Hiya all!
 I4m new to the list, and of course I have some questions.
 1) There is no UMSDOS for debian isn4t it?
 2) I bought my computer and it comes preinstalled with windows 95, so
all of the hard disk is in one single partion.
Reading the files that come with the debian distribution I read that
I could use fips, but unfortunatly when I run it it stops with an 
that the partiosn is OBh or something...
I suposse, as I read further, fips only can do partitions on msdos 
systems, and I have a pure windows 95 FAT32...
So the question is:
How can I shrink my only one partition ! even if it is a windows 95 
 Tnx for the answers you could gave me.
 Jean Sagi
 Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: recompiling the kernel

1997-12-14 Thread G John Lapeyre

I have  no idea whats going on, but I did find this:


On Sun, 14 Dec 1997, Aaron Brick wrote:

 I tried today to recompile my kernel, but after a few minutes of working
 fine, it quit, giving me these errors:
 consolemap.c:303: uni_hash.tbl: No such file or directory
 consolemap.c: In function `con_set_default_unimap':
 consolemap.c:404: `dfont_unitable' undeclared (first use this function)
 consolemap.c:404: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
 consolemap.c:404: for each function it appears in.)
 consolemap.c:406: `dfont_unicount' undeclared (first use this function)
 consolemap.c:397: warning: `j' might be used uninitialized in this function
 consolemap.c:398: warning: `p' might be used uninitialized in this function
 make[3]: *** [consolemap.o] Error 1
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/drivers/char'
 make[2]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/drivers/char'
 make[1]: *** [sub_dirs] Error 2
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/drivers'
 make: *** [linuxsubdirs] Error 2
 i looked for the file uni_hash.tbl but didn't find it. i downloaded
 the entire kernel source, though - shouldn't i have it? any ideas?
 aaron brick.
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Re: dselect

1997-12-12 Thread G John Lapeyre
On Fri, 12 Dec 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know how to install packages with dselect, via floppy
 disks?  I know I have to include the packages themselves, .dep files,
 right?  But I think I need to add soemthing else cause I get some
 errors, I need to add like a packages header or something, any ideas? 
That info is also inside the .deb package.  If its just a few
packages, I use dpkg
Put deb file on hard drive, cd to same directory, then

   dpkg -i pkgname.deb

This installs and extracts the info and changes the files recording the
state of packages ( this is in /var/lib/dpkg )  It won't install if there
are dependency,etc. problems. Sometimes you need to install something
else first. 

 Also does anyone know of a online manual that explains installing new
 packages, binary and source to debian?

man dpkg  , man dselect.

dpkg --help .

Try some of the things listed in the dpkg --help, just to see what
happens. Eg

dpkg -l libc5

lists status of package libc5 

After an install, I never use dselect again, I find it too difficult.
dpkg is easier.

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: dselect

1997-12-12 Thread G John Lapeyre
On 12 Dec 1997, Sten Anderson wrote:

 Dale Scheetz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Fri, 12 Dec 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Does anyone know how to install packages with dselect, via floppy
   disks?  I know I have to include the packages themselves, .dep files,
   right?  But I think I need to add soemthing else cause I get some
   errors, I need to add like a packages header or something, any ideas? 
  The first floppy must contain a Packages file, but you really don't want
  to do it this way. If you must add packages to your system via floppy
  disk, use dpkg and install them one at a time.
 Strictly speaking, dselect doesn't need a Packages file.  dselect can
 get this information by scanning a directory with packages, if a
 Packages file is unavailable.  If your get your distribution from
 floppies, it is most likely incomplete (that would require a lot of
 floppies), thus the Packages file from the distribution does not
 coreespond to the packages you have.  I recommend that you first copy
 all your packages to a directory on the harddisk, and then let dselect 
 scan this directory. 

This is true, it can read all the .debs for the info. But I
remember once having problems getting that to  work.  Probably just me ,
but it was confusing.  Deity is supposed to fix things. I have half a
perl/tk hack to make things easier, also there are a couple of other
things , someone put a  python/tk tool in experimental a couple of months
back. Havent checked it out though.
If its one or two packages, just use dpkg.

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: cfdisk partion errors

1997-12-12 Thread G John Lapeyre

I had some problems like this, where fdisk and cfdisk could no longer deal
with my disk. I posted somewhere and this wonderful fellow


answered.  He wrote fdisk3 .  Some times it can read broken tables , get
the good info and spit out a clean one.  It worked like a charm for me.
I don't know if there is a debian package.  I can't remeber where to get
it.  Probably takes 20 second web search or just go to sunsite.

On Fri, 12 Dec 1997, Lawrence wrote:

 butch wrote:
  i seem to have a problem that came about from using cfdisk. are there any
  ways to correct or edit partition errors?
 Few months ago, I tried using cfdisk to set the linux partition (2GB),
 and both linux and msdos fdisk denied to run and I have to low-level
 format my SCSI HD to rectify the problem.

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: newbie questions...Help!

1997-12-12 Thread G John Lapeyre
On Fri, 12 Dec 1997, Rick wrote:

 I have just installed Debian on a partition of my HD (and a swap partition)
 everything seems to be going well, i log on and get a $, what next?
 I have a Mistsumi CD rom drive, but cannot get the drivers select page to
 recognise it, how do i find the interupts, irq thingys out?
 what packages should i get to start me off, how (after downloading them
 with win95) do i get the files on a debian readable floppy, and after that
 how do i install, use them?

I  don't understand, if you installed already , didn't you select
a bunch of packges ?

 whats this x windows thing, and how do i get, install, use it?

Via dselect.  It can sometimes be problematic , sometimes smooth.

see many docs at  www.debian.org . Be patient looking.

Also do

cd /usr/doc

Then pick a directory (HOWTO is a good one) cd to it and use

less filename

to read a file.

See the linux documentation project on the debian web page.  I
think the users guide starts with 'ls' , etc.

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: I can't get the screen back the way it was!

1997-12-12 Thread G John Lapeyre
My students were messing around with my classroom computer, and now I 
have stuff all over the place.  I can't get everything back in proper 
order.  What do I do?
 Some more details would be helpful.  As is, your question is very
 vague and it's hard to offer any suggestions.  For instance, what
 window manager are you using?  What exactly is not in place?

I smell Microsoft here.

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: clueless people on debian-user

1997-12-12 Thread G John Lapeyre
On 12 Dec 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  My students were messing around with my classroom computer, and now I 
  have stuff all over the place.  I can't get everything back in proper 
  order.  What do I do?
 This is obviously a windows user. Because of postings like this,

See my reply to the post as well !

 and because of all the spam we are getting and all of the clueless
 people who mail to our personal mailboxes, there has been a clamor
 to shut down the news gateway and go to mailing-list-only distribution
 of the Debian lists. To compound the problem the news gateway has
 been stripping out the X-No-Archive header, and the operator is too busy
 to fix it for now. Also, some web archives do not honor that header at all.
 I think having our lists on news benefits us, and we can tolerate the spam
 and the mis-directed mail. What do you think?
I don't see why people let a little spam get to them.  Its bad,
but its life.  About one out of 50 or 100 messages on debian-user is like
this.  Thats not much, and Im pretty fast with the 'D' key.  I think that
the benefits outweigh the costs.  I tend not to have an emotional reaction
to spam in my inbox, but again , for me its 50 to 1 or more legitimate
Question is how many debain users prefer to access the list via
usenet ?

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: is there a Debian specific published manual

1997-12-11 Thread G John Lapeyre

See the docs at www.debian.org .  There are quite a few.
Also there is a book on debian (OReilly ?) , its also on the net,
but I can't remember where.

On Wed, 10 Dec 1997, Fuzzy wrote:

   /usr/srcinstalled system software sources
   /usr/local  /etc /bin /lib whatever 
   /usr/local/src  installed locally patched sources 
   of course if things are stable
   there probably wont be much in /usr/local

Debian currently follows the FSSTND .  There is nothing
in /usr/local .  Thats all for your site.

   /var/spool  for UUCP spool, inn control files
   users mail 
   (if its possible the users mail spool
   should go in the users /home our
   users use mainly pine and elm (MUAs)
   and we use sendmail (MTA))
   SMTPD staging
I believe all the debian defaults put mail in /var/spool 
(I'm not sure if there is a script to let you choose.)  With sendmail
I think you just edit the directory in /etc/passwd  to change this.

 /news spool space for articles
 /home[1-n]user home directories


 /majordomoall things relating 

debian puts bins in /usr/lib/majordomo  (all files that are static)
puts variable files in /var/lib/majordomo
puts docs in /usr/doc/majordomo  
This goes for all packages

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: HELP!!!!!!

1997-12-09 Thread G John Lapeyre

I had a friend with this problem. You can put the base system on
five floppies.   It really doesn't take too long.

On Mon, 8 Dec 1997, --- A.T.E. --- wrote:

 O.K. here's the problem . I have a laptop and I want to take dos 
 ,windows and all that stuff off and just run a straight Linux system but 
 .if I do that how can I install Linux on it ? It doesn't have a 
 cd-rom (well it does but it's pcmcia), and all of my Linux stuff is on 
 cd-rom !..My cd-rom is supported with kernal image 
 2.0.30 and newer  and I can solve this but my resc1440 disk uses k.image 
 2.0.29 so I need to get a rescue disk that has 2.0.30.
 The real problem I am having is that without my cd-rom I can't install 
 the base system and it is too large to put on a floppy to install it
 Please respond as soon as possible !!!

 Randy Ohler
 Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: your mail

1997-12-09 Thread G John Lapeyre


They are also on your cd in the same directory as the rescue
floppy image.  You can use the cd undere DOS and write them to floppies

On Mon, 8 Dec 1997, --- A.T.E. --- wrote:

 Where can I get or how do I make a set of linux base system installation 
 Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: Majordomo

1997-12-09 Thread G John Lapeyre
On Tue, 9 Dec 1997, Steve Saletta wrote:

 I have installed majordomo on my system. Everything compiled okay, I can 
 subscribe/unsubscribe/etc... but when I try and send mail to the list, it 
 bounces back with an 'unknown user' error, as if instead of processing the 
 include command, it is treating it like a username. My /etc/aliases looks like
 listname: :include:/usr/local/bin/majordomo/lists/listname

If it's installed from a .deb package, why is there anything in
/usr/local/bin ?
You should find stuff in /var/lib/majordomo  (also check error
messages in /var/log/majordomo )

Which mail transport agent are you using ? smail , sendmail, exim

The installation from the .deb files seems to be most compatible
with sendmail.

 I have checked the listname file, and it contains only addresses. Any 
Do local addresses work and not remote? Or vice versa ? or
neither ?

If you are running debian, we'll get it figured out ! 

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: Majordomo

1997-12-09 Thread G John Lapeyre
On Tue, 9 Dec 1997, Steve Saletta wrote:

 I am using smail, and neither local nor remote addresses work. 
My problem doesn't seem to be with majordomo, but rather 
with the :include: feature of smail, and yes, I have ran sendmail -bi. 

This may be do the same thing as newaliases, I don't know

Is listname: :include:/path/to/file the right format?

Yes, for sendmail at least.

Unfortunately,  I don't know how to use smail with majorodomo.  I know
that there are some things you have to do differently and that
(as you can see) the debian installation doesn't work out of the box with

From /usr/doc/majordomo/README:

3) I run smail. How do I set up majordomo to work in this environment?

   Just set $sendmail_command to /bin/smail in your majordomo.cf.

   It has been reported that by default smail does not understand the
   :include: syntax, and that can be fixed by adding the following to


   (Thanks to Steve Casey [EMAIL PROTECTED] for this information.)

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: Problem installing Debian 1.3

1997-12-08 Thread G John Lapeyre
On 8 Dec 1997, Sten Anderson wrote:

  Gianluca Ryo Trimarchi writes:
   Few days ago I've installed my new hd (conner 1080mb) in my computer.=
   splitted in three partions: 1 primary (dos fat 16) e 2 logical for linux =
  That's the problem-^
  When You install debian (or most other distributions), you must remove 
  pseudo-partitions as only DOS understands them. 
 Are you saying that linux can't handle logical partitions? I am
 currently running linux on logical partitions, so I gues I have proven
 you wrong.

Linux and debian in particular most certainly _can_ use logical
partitions.  I missed the original post.  If you respond in private I may
be able to help.

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: How to make boot + root disk? - Please Help!

1997-12-04 Thread G John Lapeyre

 How can I make a bootable diskette that has a minimal root filesystem on

The debian install disk has some of this functionality.  It
prompts you when you first put it in about what you want to do.  I think
after the kernel is loaded you have to switch to  virtual console 2.  I
don't remember exactly.  But I've used it as a rescue disk before.   Its
really versatile.


Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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majordomo problem

1997-12-03 Thread G John Lapeyre

I can't seem to get majordomo to work. I don't understand much
about setting uid 's .  The following transcript is an example of what
happens when I try to use it.  I tried looking at man pages on sendmail,
exim, and several docs on majordomo.  I searched debian bug reports and
web and usenet archives.  Anyone have an idea ?
If you find the anwer, you can win a free copy of my fvwmconf

homey 4  echo 'lists' | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
homey 5  1997-12-03 14:21:43 0xdMEn-Dj-00 Neither the system_aliases
director nor the a
ddress_pipe transport set a uid for local delivery of
|/usr/lib/majordomo/wrapper majordomo 

G John Lapeyre
Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Re: majordomo problem

1997-12-03 Thread G John Lapeyre
On Wed, 3 Dec 1997, Steve Mayer wrote:
   Have you checked out the sample configurations in the /usr/doc/majordomo
 G John Lapeyre wrote:
  I can't seem to get majordomo to work. I don't understand much
  about setting uid 's .  The following transcript is an example of what
  happens when I try to use it.  I tried looking at man pages on sendmail,
  exim, and several docs on majordomo.  I searched debian bug reports and
  web and usenet archives.  Anyone have an idea ?
  If you find the anwer, you can win a free copy of my fvwmconf
  homey 4  echo 'lists' | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  homey 5  1997-12-03 14:21:43 0xdMEn-Dj-00 Neither the system_aliases
  director nor the a
  ddress_pipe transport set a uid for local delivery of
  |/usr/lib/majordomo/wrapper majordomo

Yes I saw those lines. Also somewhere else (the faq? ) were other
examples.  In addition, when dpkg installs majordomo, it writes the
appropriate lines in /etc/aliases . If they are wrong , then I should file
a bug report. But this version has been out for some  time and there are
bugs filed, but not this one.  This makes me think that I've perhaps
broken my system in some way.

Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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