Re: flashplayer v10

2008-11-04 Thread gary turner

Brad Rogers wrote:

On Tue, 04 Nov 2008 00:09:45 -0600
gary turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello gary,

The last upgrade of flashplayer-mozilla to v10.0.12.36-0.4 (amd-64)
from v9.0.124 killed flash for me in all browsers.  I tried removing
and re-installing, but no joy.

I found I was still using v9.0.124 (or seemed to be) until I copied to ~/.mozilla/plugins.  Maybe that will fix your

The only things I found were

After creatin the plugins directory, I copied the file to 
~/.mozilla/plugins/, and restarted iceweasel.  No change.

There is this file, ~/.mozilla/firefox/pluginreg.dat which has this:

14:video/flv:Flash video:flv:$
Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124:$
Shockwave Flash:$
0:application/x-shockwave-flash:Shockwave Flash:swf:$
1:application/futuresplash:FutureSplash Player:spl:$

I don't know how that works, but I'd guess it tells Iceweasel, at least, 
where to look.


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
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fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
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flashplayer v10

2008-11-03 Thread gary turner
The last upgrade of flashplayer-mozilla to v10.0.12.36-0.4 (amd-64) from 
v9.0.124 killed flash for me in all browsers.  I tried removing and 
re-installing, but no joy.

My PIII, 32 bit, latest upgrade is to 0, and it still 
works just fine.

Both machines' /etc/apt/sources.list point to lenny/main Packages

Is this a known issue, or have I screwed up?  If so, how do I go about 
fixing it?

Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
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Re: diff display

2008-09-10 Thread gary turner

Ron Johnson wrote:

On 09/10/08 16:03, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:

The main purpose of diff is to generate a patch which can then be used to
apply/revert changes across two versions of a file.

That would sanely be called patch, not diff.

See man patch.  diff consists of differences between files, and patch 
folds those differences back into the original.



Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
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fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: diff display

2008-09-10 Thread gary turner

Ron Johnson wrote:

On 09/10/08 18:28, gary turner wrote:

Ron Johnson wrote:

On 09/10/08 16:03, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:

The main purpose of diff is to generate a patch which can then be 
used to

apply/revert changes across two versions of a file.

That would sanely be called patch, not diff.

See man patch.  diff consists of differences between files, and patch 
folds those differences back into the original.

Then that should be:

$ patch --gen-diff

$ patch --apply-diff

There is a measure of logic there.  Having both is in line with the 
philosophy of do one thing, do it well.  There are a number of uses 
for diff where folding back into the original is not a part of the 
deal—thus, no patch.


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
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fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
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Re: grammar tool in linux ... perhaps in emacs

2008-09-09 Thread gary turner

Martin Smith wrote:

H.S. wrote:


I hope I do not start a flame war here. I was wondering what choices do
we have to check English grammar in Linux.


Well the last time I saw a grammar checker on a computer was in the days
of wordstar and dos 3.1, to call it crap would be an insult to crap.
I have no idea where it got it's rules from but it certainly did not
correspond to any form of english grammar, from either side of the atlantic
that I have ever come across.
I have never seen anything since.

Going back to DOS, I had (and still have on an old Win98 box) an app 
called RightWriter, which applied the rules from Strunk  White's 
/Elements of Style/.  It even came with a copy of the book, and each 
comment referenced the rule by number.

It was/is superior to Grammatik (sp?), a real PoS, and another major 
player of the time, whose name I can't remember.  RightWriter was 
published by Prentiss-Hall.  I made inquiries regarding new versions or 
availability of the source.  They were met with silence.  A damned 
shame, as porting a DOS program to Linux ought to be fairly straight 
forward, and RightWriter would be worth the effort.


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
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fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
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Re: cgi-bin stopped working in apache ?! please help

2008-09-09 Thread gary turner

Zach Uram wrote:

This is really baffling because CGI was working last week and now when
I try it again and it is not working.

All I did was add a name based virtual host in
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ and /etc/apache2/sites-available/

I am running  apache2-mpm-prefork version 2.2.9-7 on Debian lenny/sid.

/usr/lib/cgi-bin/ has darcs.cgi, darcsweb.cgi and

Previously to access one of these I would do:

But now when I do that I get this file not found error:

404 Not Found

The requested URL /cgi-bin/darcsweb.cgi was not found on this server.
Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) PHP/5.2.6-3 with Suhosin-Patch Server at Port 80

It is clearly there so why is it saying not found? Argh this is so frustrating.

/etc/apache2/sites-available/default has:

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

/etc/apach2/mods-enabled/cgi.load has:
LoadModule cgi_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

ls shows this module exists:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20256 2008-08-08 13:39

/etc/apache2/mods-available/cgid.conf has:
# Socket for cgid communication
ScriptSock /var/run/apache2/cgisock

/etc/apache2/conf.d/darcsweb.conf has:
Alias /darcs /var/www/darcs

Alias /darcsweb /usr/share/darcsweb
Directory /usr/share/darcsweb
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
RedirectMatch ^/darcsweb$ /cgi-bin/darcsweb.cgi

I don't see why it worked last week and now it doesn't. I didn't
upgrade apache2, I didn't edit any of the config files except adding a
named based virtual host which I did by creating
/etc/apache2/sites-available/darcs which has:
VirtualHost *:80
   DocumentRoot /var/www/darcs

And creating a symlink to that named darcs in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled

So why is CGI not working and how can I fix it?

I get the same 404 Not Found error if I try other programs in
/usr/lib/cgi-bin such as darcs.cgi or


Assuming you have something like this in your config:
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

You would access a cgi as

cgi-bin is an alias for /usr/lib/cgi-bin _which is not in the document 
root's tree_


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: cgi-bin stopped working in apache ?! please help

2008-09-09 Thread gary turner

Zach Uram wrote:

This is really baffling because CGI was working last week and now when
I try it again and it is not working.snip

I reread your post and my reply, and want to say it was was not clear 
that your url was complete.  If I merely duplicated what you've been 
doing, I apologize.


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
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Re: how to restrict developers in /var/www/html directory...??

2008-09-02 Thread gary turner

Michael Habashy wrote:

i would like to restrict developer access to the /var/www/html directory.
I currently have a number of websites in that directory.  They are all
live public_html for their respective webpages.
I have developer A who i want to give access to /var/www/html/
I have developer B who i want to give access to /var/www/html/
I have developer C who i want to give access to /var/www/html/




Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
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Re: Does anyone know where to find mod_auth_form

2008-08-31 Thread gary turner

Alan Chandler wrote:
I quite like the idea of making my web site use the facilities described 
for mod_auth_form (see apache2 manual).

But I can't find where to get this module from.  There doesn't appear to 
be a debian package.  Why? 

These appear to be (at least session module) in Apache 2.3.  Current 
Lenny version is 2.2.9-7

Would that be the difference?


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [slightly OT] modifying Emacs html helper mode

2008-08-27 Thread gary turner

gary turner wrote:
Emacs's html-helper-mode is seriously out of date vis-a-vis current html 
standards.  It is my intention to modify the cookies to bring them up to 
html4.01 or xhtml1.0 recommendations, and current best practice.

OK, I got a good start.  I'd appreciate anyone's help who uses Emacs and 
the html-helper-mode.  Are there any newly introduced bugs?  What else 
would improve the cookie insertion?  And, more importantly, is the patch 
in a proper form to send to the upstream hhm maintainer?

Get the tarball at

If this is too far OT, feel free to contact me off list.


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
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Re: zotero on debian?

2008-08-25 Thread gary turner

H.S. wrote:


Do we have zotero as an extension for Iceweal (firefox) on Debian?
apt-cache didn't reveal anything.



Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
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Re: Command-line-interface (CLI) calculator to work out the difference between 2 dates

2008-08-24 Thread gary turner

j t wrote:

Hi all.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a command-line-interface (CLI)
calculator that can work out the difference between 2 (gregorian)
dates (i.e. that is calendar aware). My favourite cli calculator
(bc) doesn't seem to have any knowledge of the gregorian calendar.

Just to make it clear, I'd like to be able to type in:

20080824-20080724 and it would work out the answer as 31

(I'm happy to use any date format for input - I've only used ISO8601
as an example)

I Googled date arithmetic, and found this,

Can you adapt from that?


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[slightly OT] modifying Emacs html helper mode

2008-08-21 Thread gary turner
Emacs's html-helper-mode is seriously out of date vis-a-vis current html 
standards.  It is my intention to modify the cookies to bring them up to 
html4.01 or xhtml1.0 recommendations, and current best practice.

There are areas where I need guidance.

The Debian Emacs packages install the file(s) already byte compiled.  Is 
this from unmodified source from the mode maintainer's version as 
available on the home site, and would there be any issues if it isn't?

Does this test procedure seem complete/safe enough?
 mv ./html-helper-mode.elc html-helper-mode.elc.orig
 cp ~/hhm/html-helper-mode.el ./html-helper-mode.el
 Take a run through all the cookies.

Would it be out of line to post a link to my mods for d-u members to test?


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
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What to do with multiple kernel images

2008-08-15 Thread gary turner

Through upgrades, etc., I've accumulated six kernel images.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls /boot
config-2.6.18-5-486  initrd.img-2.6.25-2-486
config-2.6.21-2-486  initrd.img-2.6.25-2-486.bak
initrd.img-2.6.18-5-486.bak  vmlinuz-2.6.18-5-486
initrd.img-2.6.21-2-486  vmlinuz-2.6.21-2-486
initrd.img-2.6.22-2-486  vmlinuz-2.6.22-2-486
initrd.img-2.6.22-3-486  vmlinuz-2.6.22-3-486
initrd.img-2.6.22-3-486.bak  vmlinuz-2.6.24-1-486
initrd.img-2.6.24-1-486  vmlinuz-2.6.25-2-486

Can I safely rm those I don't want to keep?  Are there other directories 
and files that need to be included in the clean-up?


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What to do with multiple kernel images

2008-08-15 Thread gary turner

Alex Samad wrote:

On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 01:06:39AM -0500, gary turner wrote:

Through upgrades, etc., I've accumulated six kernel images.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls /boot

Can I safely rm those I don't want to keep?  Are there other directories  
and files that need to be included in the clean-up?

as suggested in other email [from Andrei Popescu] don't rm them, use aptitude 
purge, but I
would keep atleast 2 versions, incase a upgrade fails

Thanks, I ran purge on the four oldest.  Three of them reported an error:

rmdir: failed to remove `/lib/modules/2.6.22-3-486': Directory not empty
dpkg - warning: while removing linux-image-2.6.22-3-486, directory 
`/lib/modules/2.6.22-3-486' not empty so not removed.

koko:/lib/modules/2.6.22-3-486$ ls -al
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2008-08-15 05:33 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 2008-08-15 05:26 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1303 2007-12-07 22:19 modules.seriomap

Do these belong to a package, or would I simply rm them?

Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What to do with multiple kernel images

2008-08-15 Thread gary turner

David Witbrodt wrote:

Thanks, I ran purge on the four oldest.  Three of them reported an error:

rmdir: failed to remove `/lib/modules/2.6.22-3-486': Directory not empty
dpkg - warning: while removing linux-image-2.6.22-3-486, directory 
`/lib/modules/2.6.22-3-486' not empty so not removed.


Do these belong to a package, or would I simply rm them?

The package manager is telling you that files that were NOT part of the
package are present in a directory that it should be able to delete.
Either you, or some other package you installed, placed that file there.

I get this warning myself, because I use the proprietary NVidia modules
instead of the Debian packages.  (The NVidia installer compiles a kernel
module and places it in /lib/modules, and makes no attempt to use my nice
package management system -- unlike the ATI proprietary drivers, which
creates actual DEBs.)

Since my leftover 'nvidia' module is not track by APT, I _do_ just use

# cd /lib/modules
# rm -vrf 2.6.22-3-486

The last command verbosely removes the directory for that kernel's
modules, and any files in it.  Only use a command like that if you are
SURE the kernel has been removed (i.e., 'aptitude purge kernel-version')
and the directory really is not needed.  Any slip of the keyboard, or
PEBKAC attack, and you cannot get back the files you lost!

Brain-farts are high on my list of mortal fears. :)

Thanks for the background info.  All is done now.  Thanks, too, to Alex 
and Andrei.


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: Audiophile grade music server using several flavors of Debian

2008-07-22 Thread gary turner

Nick Lidakis wrote:snip I'm glad I went with the ALIX. Not only
does my Class A amplifier consume 300 watts at the outlet no matter what 
the volume, but Con Edison in New York is raising their electric rates 
by %22 soon.

It's a little late now, but why would you choose a class A amp over a 
class B or AB push-pull amp?  Input to the finals approaches zero in 
class B with no input signal.  Back in the day, when I had more of a 
clue about these things, I found the B or more usually the AB (just 
slightly biased for plate/collector current) to be inherently more 
linear, with fewer harmonic products (as seen on a scope in both the 
time and frequency domains).

Are there advantages to class A as heard by the discerning ear?

Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
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Re: Flash in Etch?

2008-07-14 Thread gary turner

Jeff Soules wrote:

Hi all,

Open to any advice.  My ultimate goal is to get a fully functional Flash
player in a browser in my Debian Etch installation (amd64 base).
I use Gnome and don't care much for KDE  Konqueror.

Here's what I've tried so far:

*Iceweasel + swfdec -- without success.  I'm looking to use YouTube
successfully here, whereas with this setup I've yet to see anything in
Flash actually work.

*gnash -- package appears to be broken in Etch, and I can't resolve
the dependencies manually.

*I looked into running out of a partial chroot a la this suggestion[1],
but that seemed like an ugly kludge to begin with, and I didn't
really have the chops to make it work anyway.

Failing that, I attempted to install and run SimpleFox in a 32-bit
mode, but to do this I've needed to update my version of gtk+2.0
(apparently in prepackaged Etch the version doesn't go beyond
2.8, and there doesn't seem to be anything on backports that
would bring me more up to date).

Then I attempted to manually install gtk+2.0 in the latest
versions as from [2], which in turn requires a new Glib and
a new Pango.  Attempted to compile these under /opts
as per [3], but while I can get glib and pango to compile without
incident, the gtk compile is failing due to an undefined symbol.
(I've copied the last few lines below at the bottom of this message).

So, perhaps I'm going about this all wrong.  But it seems to me
I need either:
- Some form of 32-bit browser, so I can install the (admittedly
non-free) Adobe flash player;
- Some way to make some of the free alternatives work well
enough to meet my needs.

I am open to advice on any of these points. snip

I had no trouble installing the flash player for mozilla with a package 

IIRC, either Flash or Acroread, or both required some 32bit libs etc., 
but it's simply a case of adding the repository to sources.list, 
installing the key-ring, updating and then installing the package.


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
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Re: dpkg: error,processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ia32-libs-gtk_2.5_amd64.deb,(--unpack):

2008-07-05 Thread gary turner

Sven Joachim wrote:

On 2008-07-05 07:49 +0200, gary turner wrote:

(Reading database ... 85648 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking ia32-libs-gtk (from .../ia32-libs-gtk_2.5_amd64.deb) ...
dpkg: error
processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ia32-libs-gtk_2.5_amd64.deb
 failed in buffer_write(fd) (10, ret=-1): backend dpkg-deb during
`./emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/': No space left on device

If the No space left on device means what I think it does, I'm
confused.  This is a new install with lots of room on the disk.  2.1GB
used in /usr, and 407MB in /var

Learn reading. ;-)  The offending file lives is in /emul, i.e. on the
root partition, not in /usr.

I was fooled by the ./, assuming (wrongly, it seems) that the current 
directory was /var or possibly /usr.  This is my first look at a 64bit 
machine, and was not ready for a 32bit emulation under /.

aretha:/home/gt# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 320.0 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x2000

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *   1  31  248976   83  Linux


aretha:/home/gt# cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
/dev/sda1   /   ext3errors=remount-ro 0   1


So you have less than 250 Megabyte for the root partition.  With today's
big kernels that is pretty tight.

The question is how do I clean up the mess?  


Try to remove old kernels, that should give you back some space.  But in
the long run you may need to increase the root filesystem to prevent the
error from reoccuring.

Repartitioning, and giving / a GB seems to have done the job.  Thanks 
for pointing out the /emul directory.  It's one I was completely unaware of.

Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

dpkg: error,processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ia32-libs-gtk_2.5_amd64.deb,(--unpack):

2008-07-04 Thread gary turner
While trying to install acroread from debian-multimedia, I got the above 
error with the suggestion to try again with the -f option.  The result 
of that is:

aretha:/home/gt# apt-get -f install
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Correcting dependencies... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer
  python2.4 python2.4-minimal
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following extra packages will be installed:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 52 not upgraded.
12 not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 12.2MB of archives.
After this operation, 30.3MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
Get:1 lenny/main ia32-libs-gtk 2.5 [12.2MB]
Fetched 12.2MB in 35s
(Reading database ... 85648 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking ia32-libs-gtk (from .../ia32-libs-gtk_2.5_amd64.deb) ...
dpkg: error
processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ia32-libs-gtk_2.5_amd64.deb
 failed in buffer_write(fd) (10, ret=-1): backend dpkg-deb during
`./emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/': No space left on device
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

If the No space left on device means what I think it does, I'm 
confused.  This is a new install with lots of room on the disk.  2.1GB 
used in /usr, and 407MB in /var

aretha:/home/gt# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 320.0 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x2000

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *   1  31  248976   83  Linux
/dev/sda2  32 274 1951897+  82  Linux swap /
/dev/sda3 2751490 9767520   83  Linux
/dev/sda41491   37477   289065577+   5  Extended
/dev/sda514912706 9767488+  83  Linux
/dev/sda62707635329294496   83  Linux
/dev/sda76354   37477   250003498+  83  Linux

aretha:/home/gt# cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
/dev/sda1   /   ext3errors=remount-ro 0   1
/dev/sda7   /home   ext3defaults0   2
/dev/sda6   /optext3defaults0   2
/dev/sda3   /usrext3defaults0   2
/dev/sda5   /varext3defaults0   2
/dev/sda2   noneswapsw  0   0
/dev/scd0   /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0

The question is how do I clean up the mess?  Right now, I'm unable to 
remove or install anything (apt) as any attempt recalls this error.  I'm 
not averse to simply re-installing the dist, but would rather know how I 
got into the mess in the first place, and what to do about it.


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

large HD partition plan

2008-06-23 Thread gary turner
After 8 years on my PIIIs w/10Gb HDs, I've bought a Core2 duo w/320GB HD 
and 4GB mem.  I will install Lenny AMD64.

Usage will will be primarily web development using multiple browsers, 
Emacs, GIMP, Inkscape  and ImageMagick.  I also plan to run Vista Home 
Premium in a VM (probably VirtualBox).  I suspect that large swap and 
temp partitions will be helpful, as I tend to leave my apps up and 
running.  Space is needed for mirroring 3 or 4 web sites at a time; may 
be in /home/* or /var/www/

LAN servers, Apache, mail and MySQL will remain on the PIIIs.

All the HOWTOs, etc. that I've found talk about 2-10GB HDs, which were 
helpful in 2000 when I first installed Debian.  I find them less so when 
looking at so much more space.

I will appreciate any and all suggestions for a partition plan, 
especially those where a rationale for the plan is included.


Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache2 config errors on previously good setup

2008-02-18 Thread gary turner

Chris Bannister wrote:

On Sat, Feb 16, 2008 at 07:33:10AM -0800, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

On Sat, Feb 16, 2008 at 02:49:24AM -0600, gary turner wrote:

Jeff D wrote:snip

run apache2ctl -t

it should tell you what it thinks is wrong with your apache config

Thanks, Jeff.  That yields the error message quoted in my first post. I'm 
trying to figure out how/why the syntax is in error, or how I can cause 
/usr/lib/apache2/modules/ to load.  And, just what does this 
mean, undefined symbol: xmlTextReaderSetup?

the code in is trying to call a routine called
xmlTextReaderSetup but can't find it. Someone else suggested you
reinstall the xml stuff. Probably a good idea.

What is the output of:

ldd /path/to/

koko:/usr/lib# ldd /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
... = /usr/local/lib/ (0xb75e8000)

Ack! That's, left over from a locally compiled install 
a year or so ago.  Too Old, maybe?

Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache2 config errors on previously good setup

2008-02-18 Thread gary turner

Mike Bird wrote:

On Sat February 16 2008 22:39:22 gary turner wrote:

libxml2 is
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib$ ls -al | grep libxml
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  17 2008-02-16 10:11 -
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 1166856 2008-01-19 12:54

Those look OK.  Any others floating around in /usr/local or elsewhere?

# find / -name 'libxml2.*so*'

koko:/home/gt# find / -name 'libxml2.*so*'

Yep,  and /usr/local/lib precedes /usr/lib in $PATH.  ldd (see Chris 
Bannister's post) confirms wrong lib being loaded.  Renamed 
/usr/local/lib/, and all is well.  I need to do some 
housekeeping. :)

Many thanks to all for your suggestions.  Not only do I have my server 
back, but got to (re)learn some basic admin.  The trouble with Debian is 
that everything works so well, I forget how to troubleshoot.

Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache2 config errors on previously good setup

2008-02-16 Thread gary turner

Jeff D wrote:snip

run apache2ctl -t

it should tell you what it thinks is wrong with your apache config

Thanks, Jeff.  That yields the error message quoted in my first post. 
I'm trying to figure out how/why the syntax is in error, or how I can 
cause /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ to load.  And, just what does 
this mean, undefined symbol: xmlTextReaderSetup?

Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache2 config errors on previously good setup

2008-02-16 Thread gary turner

Mike Bird wrote:

Please post the output of apt-cache policy libxml2, and/or reinstall

koko:/home/gt# apt-cache policy libxml2
  Installed: 2.6.31.dfsg-1
  Candidate: 2.6.31.dfsg-1
  Version table:
 *** 2.6.31.dfsg-1 0
500 lenny/main Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 2.6.27.dfsg-2 0
500 stable/updates/main Packages

koko:/home/gt# apt-get install --reinstall libxml2
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 0 not 

Need to get 0B/782kB of archives.
After this operation, 0B of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
(Reading database ... 123522 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libxml2 2.6.31.dfsg-1 (using 
.../libxml2_2.6.31.dfsg-1_i386.deb) ...

Unpacking replacement libxml2 ...
Setting up libxml2 (2.6.31.dfsg-1) ...

koko:/home/gt# apache2ctl start
apache2: Syntax error on line 185 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax 
error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load: Cannot load 
/usr/lib/apache2/modules/ into server: 
/usr/lib/apache2/modules/ undefined symbol: xmlTextReaderSetup

Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache2 config errors on previously good setup

2008-02-16 Thread gary turner

Lesley Binks wrote:

On 16/02/2008, gary turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jeff D wrote:snip

run apache2ctl -t

it should tell you what it thinks is wrong with your apache config

Thanks, Jeff.  That yields the error message quoted in my first post.
I'm trying to figure out how/why the syntax is in error, or how I can
cause /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ to load.  And, just what does
this mean, undefined symbol: xmlTextReaderSetup?

I think this means there is something wrong with your php library.
You said it went wrong after an upgrade.  What did you upgrade - apache2 or php?
If you only upraded one of these then I suggest trying to upgrade the other.

The upgrade was the generic apt-get update, apt-get upgrade.  Both are 
at the latest version, apache2 2.2.8-1 and php5 5.2.5-2

I cannot say whether either was involved, and I certainly missed the 
server restart error message.

Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache2 config errors on previously good setup

2008-02-16 Thread gary turner

Mike Bird wrote:

On Sat February 16 2008 08:29:06 gary turner wrote:

koko:/home/gt# apt-cache policy libxml2
   Installed: 2.6.31.dfsg-1
   Candidate: 2.6.31.dfsg-1
   Version table:
  *** 2.6.31.dfsg-1 0
 500 lenny/main Packages
 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  2.6.27.dfsg-2 0
 500 stable/updates/main Packages

You have the correct version of libxml2 installed.  I don't know
why isn't finding it.

Does libxml2's path need to be in the php.ini include path?  I have this:
include_path = .:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/php/smarty/libs:/usr/share/pear

libxml2 is
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib$ ls -al | grep libxml
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  17 2008-02-16 10:11 -

-rw-r--r--   1 root root 1166856 2008-01-19 12:54

The only oddity I see is that you have stable/updates appearing
in your apt-cache policy.  This means that you have a mixture
of Etch and Lenny, which could cause weird problems.  Try fixing
your /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get update, apt-get upgrade.
I don't expect libapache2-mod-php5 or libxml2 to change but something
else might.
Oops, had failed to comment out the security address.  Everything points 
to lenny now.

Did update + upgrade + dist-upgrade with 0 packages upgraded, added or 

Are you aware of any other unusual aspects to your configuration?
Anything that might override shared library search paths?  Any
old copies of libxml2 floating around other
I haven't touched configuration files since moving from Apache 1.3 to 
Apache2 last July, I think it was.  Everything except system specifics 
was left at default.

Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache2 config errors on previously good setup

2008-02-15 Thread gary turner

Mike Bird wrote:

On Thu February 14 2008 10:31:10 gary turner wrote:

koko:/home/gt# dpkg -s libapache2-mod-php5
Package: libapache2-mod-php5
Status: install ok installed

Please post that to the list again but this time with all
the headers.  You can skip the description if you like.
We still don't know which version you're running.

Earlier today, I tired a reinstall

koko:/home/gt# apt-get install --reinstall libapache2-mod-php5
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 0 not 

Need to get 0B/2552kB of archives.
After this operation, 0B of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
(Reading database ... 123522 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libapache2-mod-php5 5.2.5-2 (using 
.../libapache2-mod-php5_5.2.5-2_i386.deb) ...

Unpacking replacement libapache2-mod-php5 ...
Setting up libapache2-mod-php5 (5.2.5-2) ...
Your apache2 configuration is broken, so we're not restarting it for you.
koko:/home/gt# exit

Then, per your request,

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -s libapache2-mod-php5
Package: libapache2-mod-php5
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: web
Installed-Size: 5556
Maintainer: Debian PHP Maintainers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: i386
Source: php5
Version: 5.2.5-2
Provides: phpapi-20060613+lfs

I should also mention that I was wrong in my previous post, it was 
broken the first time I tried to use it after an upgrade.

What else shall I do?

Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache2 config errors on previously good setup

2008-02-14 Thread gary turner
As of sometime today, my Apache2 stopped working.  It has been 
performing without issues in a small network.  There have been no recent 
changes in any configurations of Apache, PHP or MySQL.   Attempts to 
restart yield:

koko:/home/gt# apache2ctl start
apache2: Syntax error on line 185 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax 
error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load: Cannot load 
/usr/lib/apache2/modules/ into server: 
/usr/lib/apache2/modules/ undefined symbol: xmlTextReaderSetup

apache2.conf lines 184, 185 and 186:
# Include module configuration:
Include /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.load
Include /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.conf

php5.load line 1:
LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

/usr/lib/apache2/modules/ exists, but I have no clue what
: undefined symbol: xmlTextReaderSetup means.

Any suggestions for further digging will be appreciated
Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache2 config errors on previously good setup

2008-02-14 Thread gary turner

Mike Bird wrote:

On Thu February 14 2008 01:09:12 gary turner wrote:

As of sometime today, my Apache2 stopped working.  It has been
performing without issues in a small network.  There have been no recent
changes in any configurations of Apache, PHP or MySQL.   Attempts to
restart yield:

Breakage could have happened long ago, only revealing itself when
Apache restarted.
I'm pretty sure the last restart (with no errors) was several days ago 
during an upgrade.   Server was working after that.  These error 
messages are after the server had died.

snip but I have no clue what

: undefined symbol: xmlTextReaderSetup means.

still ???

Please look at the output of dpkg -s libapache2-mod-php5 and
apt-get --dry-run install libapache2-mod-php5.  If the answer
isn't obvious try posting the results here.

There's nothing obvious to me (not that that has much weight).

koko:/home/gt# dpkg -s libapache2-mod-php5
Package: libapache2-mod-php5
Status: install ok installed

koko:/home/gt#  apt-get --dry-run install libapache2-mod-php5
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libapache2-mod-php5 is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Anyone can make a usable web site. It takes a graphic
designer to make it slow, confusing and painful to use.
fn:Gary Turner
org:Gary Turner, Web Developer
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache configuration

2005-08-02 Thread Gary Turner

Tasos Bazotis wrote:

Webpages aren't loaded correctly on apache. Although I include a meta
tag (meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
charset=iso-8859-7) in the head of the html file, apache ignores it and
loads the default character encoding (iso-8859-1). Is there something I
can do? How should I modify the httpd.conf file?

Thanks in advance for the help

Look for AddDefaultCharset.  The options are on|off|charset.  The 
natural default is iso-8859-1.

AddDefaultCharset iso-8859-7|off



Anyone can build a usable web site.  It takes a graphics designer to
make it slow, confusing, and painful to use.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: is there a software like Bandwidth

2005-07-13 Thread Gary Turner

不坏阿峰 wrote:
we can use MRTG for monitor the bandwidth of Lan ,but i found Bandwidth used 
in many linux. 
is it in Debian? is it named bandwidth or what??

apt-cache search bandwidthyields, among others, webmin-bandwidth.

apt-cache show webmin-bandwidth   will show the description.


Anyone can build a usable web site.  It takes a graphics designer to
make it slow, confusing, and painful to use.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Convincing someone to switch to Linux

2003-03-30 Thread Gary Turner
Paul Johnson wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 06:23:04PM +, Pigeon wrote:
 with even slightly different controls - like a different gearshift
 pattern - nobody would buy it.

Explain Volkswagen's shifting pattern through the 1970s, where
shifting to reverse was the same as shifting into first gear except
you pushed the gearshift down while doing it...heck, the vehicle best
known for that pattern, the Vanagon, became a cultural icon in the US
(the hippie bus).

Not quite. The pattern is/was:

1   3
  |   |
   |  |   |
   R  2   4

Pushing down on the shifter let it clear the lock-out in the shift gate.

The advice is free, and worth every cent.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: exim iptables

2003-03-08 Thread Gary Turner
Hal wrote:

I'm using Woody as a firewall with NAT to protect a small network that 
includes a mail and web server on  an unregistered (192.168) 
network.  I'd like to configure the fw so that it can send mail alerts 
to the users via the mail server on the protected net.  If I set 
exim.conf to preclude all local machine delivery (i.e. force remote 

Why would you do that?  How do your local (intranet) users get their

 the messages don't get delivered (they are frozen) since a 
MX lookup by the firewall indicates that the firewall's registered 
address is also the mail server's address.

Define the hosts (in Exim) on your local net as local.  For instance, my
local net is *.blues, and hosts etta, aretha, bessie, koko, and minnie
are host machines on that net.  Users' mail is sent to
koko/var/spool/mail/username, to be retrieved by each user.  I use
SSH, but you could also use POP3 or IMAP if you prefer.  If each host
has an MTA, you could deliver (push) to the appropriate host.

The delivery will never go to the firewall.  As I understand it, the FW
should maintain a separation between local and foreign nets.  It's not
supposed to let something in that comes from a local address.  After
all, it can't be local if it shows up on the outside trying to get in

Please note that I'm not fluent in Exim nor FWs, but the general concept
should be correct, if not the detail.

  The firewall rules include 
a NAT rule for all smtp traffic to go to the internal server.

Any suggestions on how to tell the firewall to send mail to the 
internal mail server?  Is it an exim or firewall config issue?

Exim, I think.
Oh, no!  Not ANOTHER security patch for IE!
They promised to stop at 4000.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

util-linux-locales Configuring Locales --- Unable to select

2003-03-08 Thread Gary Turner
On an apt-get upgrade, the util-linux-locales package is among the
upgraded packages in Sarge.  The Configuring Locales screen comes up
and I would like to indicate no change.  The problem is that I am
unable to make a selection.  The only option I seem to have is to scroll
up and down the list.  (Each choice *is* hi-lited as scrolled to.)

Usually, I can select by hitting right arrow, which will hi-lite OK.
Today, this acts as a down arrow.  Left arrow scrolls up.  Hitting
enter does nothing.

I searched BTS for util-linux-locales, and/or Configuring Locale to no
avail.  I am not BTS fluent, so my search could be faulty.

I may be wrong about the package in which I see the error, though doing
apt-get install --reinstall util-linux-locales gave me the same

I will appreciate some clue as to my next steps.  I am quite willing, if
needed, to postpone this particular package update, or I could learn
some more BTS and file a bug.

When all else fails, read the instructions.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: util-linux-locales Configuring Locales --- Unable to select

2003-03-08 Thread Gary Turner
Gary Turner wrote:


I searched BTS for util-linux-locales, and/or Configuring Locale to no
avail.  I am not BTS fluent, so my search could be faulty.

I may be wrong about the package in which I see the error, though doing
apt-get install --reinstall util-linux-locales gave me the same

Further digging reveals many other of the upgrades produce the same
results.  The common denominator is the combination libc6, libc6--dev,
and locales.

Searching Deb's BTS yielded no results.

I will appreciate some clue as to my next steps.  I am quite willing, if
needed, to postpone this particular package update, or I could learn
some more BTS and file a bug.

^^^ Still applies :)

In any society, there are those who
do unproductive things and find ways
to have others support them.-- unk

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Installing Intel compiler RPMs on Debian

2003-03-08 Thread Gary Turner
Charlie Zender wrote:


What is the recommended way to install the Intel Fortran and C/C++
compilers on Debian? They come as a set of RPMs. The RPMs do not
install on my Debian system, because  there are no RPMs installed
on my Debian system so it can't find any pre-requisites:

error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - No such file or directory (2)

I suppose I could try to find where the RPMs want to install their 
contents, and then try to install them myself manually.
This sounds dangerous and error-prone, however.
I gather this is a FAQ, what to do when you have an RPM you want
to install on a Debian system?, but I could not find the answer.

Google on Installing RPMs on Debian HOWTO yields a lot of hits.  The
key is the package alien.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache show alien
Package: alien
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 212
Maintainer: Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: all
Version: 8.24
Depends: debhelper (= 3), perl (= 5.6.0-16), rpm (= 2.4.4-2),
dpkg-dev, make, cpio
Suggests: patch, bzip2, lsb-rpm, lintian
Filename: pool/main/a/alien/alien_8.24_all.deb
Size: 113412
MD5sum: ac232fe4e3ef90229f48c5522e005297
Description: install non-native packages with dpkg
 Alien allows you to convert LSB, Red Hat, Stampede and Slackware
 into Debian packages, which can be installed with dpkg.
 It can also generate packages of any of the other formats.
 This is a tool only suitable for binary packages.


Well, you order it from the 'Society of Hardware and Information
Technology Helpers, Executive Administration Division' website -
you're a member aren't you?--BOFH

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ssh and X---where do I switch the remote to X-listen

2003-03-05 Thread Gary Turner
I'm trying to get X and cygwin working so that I can ssh into the home
machine from my notebook.  I originally set my Linux box to no-listen.
Like some kind of idiot, I cannot find where I put the switch.:)  Will
some kind soul please let me know where to look so I can hit the FM?


 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Phoenix with java ..

2003-03-01 Thread Gary Turner
nate wrote:

I guess I deleted the mail from I think Sandip but I decided
to try to get java working in phoenix 0.5 and it seems to work..

Thanks a bunch, Nate.  I had to make a couple of changes, but only in
detail.  I've noted them below. Maybe it will help those that did it my
way, as I did it -- my way :)

what I did:

1) install phoenix(I install to ~/phoenix)

in /usr/local/bin/phoenix.d/

2) download java:
(I downloaded the linux self extracting file)

I used the Blackdown Debs (j2se1.3) \
testing non-free \
testing main

3) chmod +x the java file and run it, move the directory to /usr/local/java

The Debs took care of location /usr/bin/java

4) exit phoenix
5) cd ~/phoenix/plugins

cd /usr/local/bin/phoenix.d/plugins

6) ln -s /usr/local/java/plugin/i386/ns610/

ln -s /usr/lib/j2se/1.3/jre/plugin/i386/mozilla/

7) start phoenix
8) in url box type about:plugins to be sure it's loaded
9) test it by going to:

worked for me 

Me, too.  Tnx agn, Nate

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: repost -- phoenix, java and other plug-ins. are there any .debs?

2003-03-01 Thread Gary Turner
Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:

hello all

this is my last attempt before i shift to some bloated browser. i have
tried installing phoenix and make java run on it umpteen number of
times. it *never* worked.

phoenix installation is perfect. java is not. so, finally, i have
decided to try installing from .debs.

i run debian stable (woody) r3.0 and usually keep my system upto date
using aptitude. any suggestions on where do i get these .deb files and
step by step instructions on how to get and use them?

Hi Sandip,

Just a few minutes ago I posted my variations on Nate's instructions.
My differences involved using Debs for the Java.  This, along with the
file locations I used may be just what you want.  Here, are Nate's steps
with my diffs.

1) install phoenix(I install to ~/phoenix)

in /usr/local/bin/phoenix.d/

2) download java:
(I downloaded the linux self extracting file)

I used the Blackdown Debs (j2se1.3) These are my sources as added to
/etc/apt/sources.list \
testing non-free \
testing main

3) chmod +x the java file and run it, move the directory to /usr/local/java

The Debs took care of location /usr/bin/java

4) exit phoenix
5) cd ~/phoenix/plugins

cd /usr/local/bin/phoenix.d/plugins

6) ln -s /usr/local/java/plugin/i386/ns610/

ln -s /usr/lib/j2se/1.3/jre/plugin/i386/mozilla/

7) start phoenix
8) in url box type about:plugins to be sure it's loaded
9) test it by going to:

Try it.  Maybe this will work for you.

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Couple of more questions.

2003-03-01 Thread Gary Turner
Teilhard Knight wrote:

Second. My ISP is a log on ASDL provider. That means I have to use my
Ethernet card and log with a username and a password. I do not have a static
IP, but everytime a log I am assigned one (dynamic). Any way to configure
this in Debian? My card (it is built in the motherboard) is an Intel Pro
100/ VE.

Here is a mini howto you may find helpful.

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie bull brings own china shop.

2003-02-28 Thread Gary Turner
A:  See for yourself

Brian Durant wrote:

If it is OK with you, I would rather not interleave my responses. I just 
got over some serious eye problems and find that spending too much time 
editing and working with the dim Debian text output on my daughter's 
computer, makes my eyes complain a lot. I am trying to keep the eye 
strain at a tolerable level. I hope you understand.

If I may make a suggestion, Brian, rather than cause strain while
reading off one screen and trying to type to another, redirect the
output to a floppy disc.

For example;
$ mount /floppy
$ dpkg -l dhc* | grep ^i  /floppy/dpkgout
# tail /var/log/syslog  /floppy/syslogout
$ umount /floppy

Then you can use sneaker net* (hand carry the floppy to your XP) to
transfer the data.  Use Wordpad or whatever to open the file.  From
there you can cut and paste.

In any case, top posting combined with a lack of editing can only
exacerbate eye strain.  If not yours, everyone else's.  On the other
hand, placing your reply/comment directly under the lines you're
answering, and deleting everything not germane to the present exchange
will greatly ease readability for everyone.


ps - since there are a lot of instructions and questions in here, when
you reply, please interleave your responses with the text of this mail,
like what's done at the top of this mail, to avoid as much confusion
as possible

The reason your cursor starts at the top is so you can begin by cutting
as you go.  When you reach a line you'll answer, put your comment under
it and start cutting again.  Beats the hell out of trying to find your
place, then move back to the top.

Q:  Why is top posting not a good idea?
(Thanks, I think, to Baloo for the idea.)

* also known as SMTP  (Shanks Mare Transport Protocol)

Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving 
there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof.
-- John Kenneth Galbraith, economist 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Need help configuring box as router

2003-02-24 Thread Gary Turner

On 23 Feb 2003 14:25:07 -0600,
Justin Ryan wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 12:27, Nathan E Norman wrote:
  On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 11:13:24AM -0500, Scott Ehrlich wrote:
  [ top posting SUCKS ]
 [ self-righteousness SUCKS ]


[Since when did top-posting become a moral issue?]

[Well, it is a sin, no?]

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT]: 10pt in LaTeX?

2003-02-23 Thread Gary Turner
Nori Heikkinen wrote:

does anyone know if it's possible to specify a smaller than 10pt font
size for a LaTeX document without resorting to putting the entire
document in one big \tiny{}?  --which is cool for my purposes ... i'm
just curious.

No LaTeX guru by any means, but as far as I know, 10(default), 11, and
12 point types are the base sizes. After that, use modifiers such as
\tiny to \Huge.  If only a small region is to be modified, the {\tiny
some text} artifact seems good.  Text will revert to the previous size
after the closing brace.  For large regions, or an entire document,
\tiny will remain in effect until explicitly changed, eg. \normalsize.

Of course, if you do \documentclass {contract}, the default typesize is
4pt ;P
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: wine and IE

2003-02-21 Thread Gary Turner
Paul Johnson wrote:

On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 09:27:22PM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
 It's not really a question of who sucks and who blows ;)  Java Script,
 Flash, frames, tables, and graphics are compliant technologies, so does
 Lynx suck if it doesn't support them?  Do you tell folks to eff off if
 they choose to use Lynx?

Lynx somewhat gracefully handles everything you mention but Javascript
and Flash.  The former could be improved in (e)l[iy]nks, though.

Actually, until you test, you are likely not to have a clue how Lynx
will render your frames or tables (especially as layout becomes more
complex).  Unless the HTML writer makes the needed concessions to
text-only browsers, graphics rendering is worthless.

 All web sites (except maybe 'look-at-me' sites) are meant to sell
 something and/or provide information.  It stands to reason that the web
 site designer is charged with the responsibility of making sure that the
 site can be viewed by the maximum number of people and does not break on
 some browser(s).  

Isn't that why standards exist to begin with?

It is certainly a goal to shoot at.  The reality is that most people use
browsers that are a couple (or more) releases behind.  You cannot forget
that the overwhelming majority are users.  By comparisons, Linux tends
to draw user/administrators.

 Telling your (potential) customers they're not welcome on your site is
 not an option.

I never suggested it was.  What I did state, though, is that folks run
a reasonably recent version of whatever browser they prefer and file
bug reports against non-compliant rendering.  IMO, this is the Right
Way to handle the problem.

By suggesting that the customer is at fault because he can't see your
site the way you intended it be seen, is to suggest they are not
welcome.  Remember, the average visitor to a web site has no idea what a
bug report is.

What is more reasonable, the shopkeeper cater to the customer --- or
vice versa?

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

regexp---remove comments---simplification

2003-02-21 Thread Gary Turner
Not an earth-shattering problem.  I try to remove all those comments
from various config files before emailing them to wherever.  I currently
chain some greps

grep -v '^\ *#' some.conf | grep -v '^\ $'  condensed.file

How would you combine these regexp's to remove a commented line (even if
indented) and a blank line?  My various permutations and combinations
have resulted in errors.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: wine and IE

2003-02-21 Thread Gary Turner
Colin Watson wrote:

On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 06:34:35AM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
 What is more reasonable, the shopkeeper cater to the customer --- or
 vice versa?

Not everybody developing for the web is a shopkeeper (thank God). If I'm
not trying to sell something and therefore achieve Perfect Marketing Zen
in the quest to do so, I honestly don't care if their rendering is a bit
off due to them using a five-year-old browser; I'll write
standards-compliant content - which means that browsers should be able
to extract the information even if not all the formatting - and if the
rendering doesn't look right then that's their problem.

Ah, Colin.  You misunderstand my point.  From an earlier post, except
for the Ego pages, web pages are the store fronts of e-commerce.  And,
commerce includes the exchange of ideas and information.  If you want
your stuff to be intelligible, you need to be aware of just how the
various browsers will render your page.  As a simple example, you may
compose a page of nested tables, simply because that seems the best way
to present your ideas.  Then take a look at the page with Lynx.  Or
check out a browser configured for very large font size.  Presentation
can be re-ordered into something totally illogical.  For anything other
than a simple page, some screwy things can happen to compliant code
rendered on compliant browsers.

In general, people who think of the way pages are intended to be seen
are missing the point of the web. Will your pixel-perfect design look
the way you intended it to look on my PDA? The standards emphasize
semantic markup, not physical markup, and leave the details of rendering
up to the browser where they belong. CSS merely provides hints.

The graphic artists, or anyone coming from print seem to think they can
control the final look.  That may be the reason so many sites are
effectively IE only :(  The fact is that browsers render differently,
and are further affected by user preferences.  Since the final look is
*not* under the author's control, the author must test and rewrite until
the page at least looks ok regardless of browser.

To expect your customer (for ideas or goods or services) to change their
ways to suit your page is ridiculous.  
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: regexp---remove comments---simplification

2003-02-21 Thread Gary Turner
Colin Watson wrote:

On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 07:18:48AM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
 grep -v '^\ *#' some.conf | grep -v '^\ $'  condensed.file
 How would you combine these regexp's to remove a commented line (even if
 indented) and a blank line?  My various permutations and combinations
 have resulted in errors.

You'll want something like this:

  grep -v '^\( *#\| $\)' some.conf  condensed.file


  egrep -v '^( *#| $)' some.conf  condensed.file

Thanks.  I wasn't escaping ()|.  However as given, blank lines were not
deleted.  grep -v '^\( *#\| *$\)  or egrep -v ^( *#| *$) work fine.  I
may have mistyped my example above.

The spaces don't need to be escaped in either case; (|) need to be
escaped for basic grep but not for egrep.

I escaped space for clarity.

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: wine and IE

2003-02-21 Thread Gary Turner
Colin Watson wrote:

On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 11:04:15AM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
 Colin Watson wrote:
 Not everybody developing for the web is a shopkeeper (thank God). If I'm
 not trying to sell something and therefore achieve Perfect Marketing Zen
 in the quest to do so, I honestly don't care if their rendering is a bit
 off due to them using a five-year-old browser; I'll write
 standards-compliant content - which means that browsers should be able
 to extract the information even if not all the formatting - and if the
 rendering doesn't look right then that's their problem.

 Ah, Colin.  You misunderstand my point.  From an earlier post, except
 for the Ego pages, web pages are the store fronts of e-commerce.

I guess you must do e-commerce for a living, but for the rest of us the

Only in a very small manner---and that mostly advisory, trying to put a
lid on the graphic artists.

distinction is not even close to as clear-cut as that. I actually find
it kind of offensive that e-commerce people think that everything that
predated them on the web must have been pure ego.

No, I mean by Ego pages, the ones that say hey, look at my neat-o
page, or here's my new baby.  Even at that, I'm not being quite
fair--that is information of a sort.

(Consider, for example, science, the birthplace of the web. If you think
that science is just ego then we have nothing further to discuss ...)

Not at all.  My earlier post clearly stated that information is one of
the two reasons for web pages.  Commerce includes the trade in ideas.
Presenting a paper at an IEEE forum is no less commerce than selling a
loaf of bread.

 To expect your customer (for ideas or goods or services) to change their
 ways to suit your page is ridiculous.  

Which is why one uses semantic markup (tables, for example, aren't
semantic) to allow the customer to control things themselves. Sure,

Authors do not have final say on how the final product looks, but that
is no reason they can't suggest structure to better communicate.

some degree of testing is absolutely sensible, but good semantic markup
reduces the load on the coder as well.

Just my point.  If you want someone to accept your information, don't
you think it's your responsibility to make it legible to as many as
possible? (Including some logical structure, as needed.)  As for tables,
et al, they are a fact of web life and often just must be dealt with.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: wine and IE

2003-02-21 Thread Gary Turner
nate wrote:

Gary Turner said:

 page of nested tables, simply because that seems the best way to present
 your ideas.  Then take a look at the page with Lynx.

i don't think that's fair. lynx is not what I would call a feature
complete browser. links may be better to compare with. But for me

I test in Lynx precisely because it is not featureful.  It is my purely
personal prejudice that any page *I* write should still be
understandable even in a browser such as Lynx.


 The graphic artists, or anyone coming from print seem to think they can
 control the final look.  That may be the reason so many sites are
 effectively IE only :(  The fact is that browsers render differently, and
 are further affected by user preferences.  Since the final look is *not*
 under the author's control, the author must test and rewrite until the
 page at least looks ok regardless of browser.
OK, this is hyperbole ;) More later.

to a certain point of course. Even different versions of IE render
pages differently in many cases(I've read posts by people who said
their intranet apps were designed for IE 5.5 and the ONLY work in
IE 5.5 not in 6 not in 5.0, not in anything non IE). To really make

Not just on intranets.  There are sites in the wild that exhibit similar
limitations.  As far as I'm concerned, these so-called web designers are
acting stupidly.

it work regardless of browser you'd probably have to use HTML 3
or below[...]

Not necessarily, just be aware of how the browser will handle the tag.
Lynx doesn't support tables, so you take care that your tables render
reasonably.  IE isn't fully compliant with CSS1 or CSS2.  You just have
to be alert to possible problems and adjust accordingly.

But a web developer can't test every possible combonation, e.g what
about the web browser on QNX? or[...]

Some amount of testing is important, but saying regardless of
browser goes too far I think.[...]

See my revisions and extensions above.  Yeah, what you do is test for
your market.  In my case, IE, NS, Moz, and Opera for the most part on
Win, Mac and Linux OSs.  There are others, of course, but these pretty
well cover my customer base.

If someone really wants to make their stuff work on most any browser
they have to drop all the modern stuff like[...]Or at least make
a version of the site that does not use such technologies.


I don't encounter many pages that I can't view in phoenix/moz/opera
but when I do(e.g. mostly flash only sites) I leave and never go

Friends don't let friends use flash.  I have yet to see a site that
Flash adds any value to.  They must be out there, I just haven't

 last night for some reason I was trying to download a BIOS
upgrade for my sister's dell from dell's support site(I HATE DELL),
and the damn site wouldn't let in in using phoenix, no matter what
link I clicked it took me to the same page(choose what kind of
customer you are). Mozilla worked though so i managed to get the
update..only to have to fire up vmware in order to make the floppy
to update it!

Dell has one of the worst sites I've ever seen from a useability
standpoint.  I've found the answer is to get customer service on the
phone and let them lead me by the hand through the site. (What the hey,
it works :))

oh, and of course I absolutely refuse to load VMWARE to load IE
(or wine or any other method) to view a site. If the site wants
to lock me out then that's their choice. And it's mine to choose
not to go there or reccomend it in the future to anyone.

When I run into that, and if I have a moment, I email the webmaster to
suggest they hire a designer with a clue.


Nate's comments were heavily edited.  If not fresh in your mind, please
reread it.  It is very clueful.

Everything here could be wrong--Messiah's Handbook
as quoted by Bach in Illusions

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nslookup --- which package?

2003-02-20 Thread Gary Turner
Rus Foster wrote:

On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Gary Turner wrote:

 I have been unable to locate this utility.  The more I look, the sillier
 I feel.  Wasn't this in some util pkg?  The closest I've come is
 ptknslookup in the ptknettools pkg.  I'd prefer non X.

Its in the host package

rghf@duocity:~$ apt-cache search nslookup
host - Utility for Querying DNS Servers

I had a host, but not this host.  It seems nslookup is deprecated in
favor of host.  Thanks.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nslookup --- which package?

2003-02-20 Thread Gary Turner
Gary Turner wrote:

I have been unable to locate this utility.  The more I look, the sillier
I feel.  Wasn't this in some util pkg?  The closest I've come is
ptknslookup in the ptknettools pkg.  I'd prefer non X.

Many thanks to all who answered.  I installed dnsutils (which means I
wasn't totally crazy thinking there was a '*utils' pkg).  Now, I can
deal with learning 'dig'.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: wine and IE

2003-02-20 Thread Gary Turner
Paul Johnson wrote:

On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 01:43:29AM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
 If only that were true.  Every page I produce is 100% W3C compliant.
 That's not enough.  In the area of CSS alone, IE for Windows is not
 compliant, while IE for Mac is.  

So slap the appropriate W3C compliant buttons on there so if they want
to test it out in Windows IE they can find out it's not you who sucks.

It's not really a question of who sucks and who blows ;)  Java Script,
Flash, frames, tables, and graphics are compliant technologies, so does
Lynx suck if it doesn't support them?  Do you tell folks to eff off if
they choose to use Lynx?

All web sites (except maybe 'look-at-me' sites) are meant to sell
something and/or provide information.  It stands to reason that the web
site designer is charged with the responsibility of making sure that the
site can be viewed by the maximum number of people and does not break on
some browser(s).  He can either back off some technologies, or provide
some kind of alternative, or maybe just decide that it's not all that
broken.  Without testing, how does he make an informed decision?
Telling your (potential) customers they're not welcome on your site is
not an option.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: wine and IE

2003-02-20 Thread Gary Turner
Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Gary Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Thursday, 20 February 2003, 09:27 PM -0600):
 Paul Johnson wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 01:43:29AM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
  If only that were true.  Every page I produce is 100% W3C compliant.
  That's not enough.  In the area of CSS alone, IE for Windows is not
  compliant, while IE for Mac is.  
 So slap the appropriate W3C compliant buttons on there so if they want
 to test it out in Windows IE they can find out it's not you who sucks.
 It's not really a question of who sucks and who blows ;)  Java Script,
 Flash, frames, tables, and graphics are compliant technologies, so does

Actually, I beg to differ regarding Flash -- if a technology requires
that the browser utilize a plugin in order to work, I wouldn't call it
standardized. Otherwise, spot on.

You're right, of course.  Its pervasive ubiquity and seamless
integration make me forget that it's not a browser feature.


 Once my deadlines aren't looming so heavily, I'll try and see if I
can get some of the solutions presented working.

Good luck.  It might be worthwhile to use a junker loaded with Windows
for testing a number of browsers.  I've found, for example, that
Mozilla, Opera, and BrowseX act slightly different on Windows compared
to Linux.  And don't forget Mac.


Friends don't let friends use Flash.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: wine and IE

2003-02-19 Thread Gary Turner
Paul Johnson wrote:

On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 03:07:59PM -0600, DvB wrote:
 I've never done this, but I've seen it done (with me own eyes! :-) I
 don't think it worked as well as the native Linux browsers and probably
 would crash as soon as it started doing its Direct-X crap but, for your
 purposes, it would probably work (one would assume you do standards
 compliant development).

Well, if that's the assumption, why bother getting IE to work at all?
If you go to the standard, and it works in one browser, than
it'll work anywhere.  Save yourself the trouble.  8:o)

If only that were true.  Every page I produce is 100% W3C compliant.
That's not enough.  In the area of CSS alone, IE for Windows is not
compliant, while IE for Mac is.  NS v6, and Mozilla v.8 are.  Opera is
not.  And, let's not even get into how tables and frames are handled.
If you develop for the web, you just have to test, and test on every
browser (old and new) users might possibly choose.

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Best WWW browser..

2003-02-18 Thread Gary Turner

Hi, I'm using Debian 3.0r1 stable (woody) and am currently using Galon for
web-surfing. However, it seems to break on some sites - they seem to be
moaning about Frames support mostly.

Anyway, which browser should I use under gnome to get the most pages

I'd prefer a .deb package from stable but if not, what do people think of
the Opera 7 that recently appeared?

Mozilla Seems to be as fully W3C compliant as any I've tried.
Phoenix Not fully tested, but seems to be as compliant as Mozilla
Opera   Usually considered to be among the best.  I've noticed poor 
handling of CSS1 and CSS2
Dillo   Quick, but lacks a lot of stuff.  Not W3C compliant.
Netscapev=6.0 Highly compliant.  Some find it flakey.  Not fully
exercised here.
BrowseX Quick and small.  Not fully compliant.

Overall, I recommend Mozilla.  Unfortunately there are a number of web
sites that seem to depend on non-compliant Internet Explorer proprietary
tags.  There's nothing to be done other than bitch to the webmaster.
Good luck with all that.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: network problem: configuration/DNS? cannot access internal machine using our external IP

2003-02-13 Thread Gary Turner
Jerome Lacoste (Frisurf) wrote:

On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 20:20, Gary Turner wrote:
 Jerome Lacoste (Frisurf) wrote:
 Summary: If I try to connect to an internal server given its
 hostname, it works from the outside world, but fails if I try from
 within our intranet.
 Your gateway/router is working as designed.  The internal (LAN) and
 external (WAN/Internet) are kept separated.  This means that no WAN IP
 can try to connect directly with an internal address.  Nor is it allowed
 to use a LAN IP from outside.  When you try to connect to your public
 address from within the LAN, the name resolves to your own address.  So
 the router sees it as an internal address trying to get in, and that's
 not allowed.

OK. Is there a trick I can use so that I can access this machine from
inside AND outside our LAN using the same name?

I'm afraid that's beyond my ken.  My jury-rigged solution is to fire up
a dial-in account.  The only reason to do that has been to verify that
sub domains are resolving.  But, that's not what you're asking for, is
I have never drunk so much that I passed out---
at least not that I can remember.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bogus e-mails sent ....iConnectHere has received your mail! (KMM2416947V99452L0KM)

2003-02-13 Thread Gary Turner
Colin Watson wrote:

On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:24:41PM -0200, Barry Rab wrote:
 We have received your message and will respond as quickly as possible.
 This is an automatic response, please do not reply to this message.
 Please visit our on line help section, as it may help to answer your
 question quicker.
 Your patience is appreciated.
 Well how did this get on the list?

A spammer probably forged [EMAIL PROTECTED] in a spam
directed to them. Please ignore messages like this.

I wrote:

To: iConnectHere CustomerCare [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: iConnectHere has received your mail!
From: Gary Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 22:50:08 -0600

It's impolite to spam a mailing list with an autoresponder.  If you were
using a sane MTA/MUA, there are many on this list who would be happy to
help you reconfigure.

I received this header from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  He felt that
it was likely a klez artifact.  He didn't say whether an attachment
accompanied the original.

Received: from Mymailserver (Mymailserver [])with SMTP
(Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service Version 5.5.2653.13)id
Thu, 13 Feb 2003 03:23:03 +0200
Received: from ([])by Mymailserver
2.1 bld 63) with SMTP id M2003021220225830989for
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 12 Feb 2003 20:22:58 -0500
Received: from Brfedvt [] by
id A355CBB00C6; Wed, 12 Feb 2003 20:22:29 -0500
From: debian-user [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: A  WinXP patch
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;boundary=QU09TIu76VK4z4I
Message-Id: 200302122022659.SM01072@Brfedvt
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 20:22:59 -0500
End of mail header

I was surprised that he bothered to write.  That he did, eased my
attitude :).  I did write back to thank him for responding.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how the fuck do I unsubscribe

2003-02-13 Thread Gary Turner
Jeffrey L. Taylor wrote:

Quoting Fer'had Erdogan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I have been trying to unsubscribe from this list for a few days now.
 Ended up sending an email to the list manager as well about it. Why am I
 still subscribed? Way too many emails for me to deal with. Driving me

Always start by looking in the headers.

umm, follow the instructions?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Let me help:   First, copy this -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Now, paste it into the To:   line.

Second, copy this -- unsubscribe
And paste it into the line labelled Subject:

Finally Click on the little send icon.

That's it.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Deb-List Subject Line Tag?

2003-02-12 Thread Gary Turner
Scalar wrote:

This isn't about debian but about the list..

Would it be acceptable for the listserver to add a few
letters at the beginning of the subject to distinguish the
list from other email?
If the listserver appended something like DEB  to the
front of a non-reply subject, it'd make these posts much
easier to sort through.

For example, my message out to the list would look like:
  DEB Deb-List Subject Line Tag?

And followups would read:
  Re: DEB Deb-List Subject Line Tag?

Well, that wouldn't work.  What about Debian Dev, and Announce, and
etc.?  You'd have to use [deb-user], [deb-dev], and what have you.
There goes 10 columns that can no longer carry info.

And to think, I've been wanting the other lists I subscribe to to lose
the habit.  It's a serious waste of high dollar screen real estate.

I'm thinking this is an idea whose time has long gone.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dpkg inconsistency

2003-02-12 Thread Gary Turner
Colin Watson wrote:

On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 11:29:43AM +0100, Florian Sukup wrote:
 Does apt-get provide a feature like a history file? I would like to keep 
 track what I installed at a certain time. 
You could always write a trivial script to do this yourself.

In the spirit of don't re-invent the wheel this is what I use:


# Written by Larry Holish, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# As customized by Gary Turner for his own use

# Script that writes current list of packages installed
# from /var/lib/dpkg/available to pkgs_woody.current.
# Keeps a history of changes between package versions
# in woody_history.txt.

LISTDIR=/home/gt/debian # match to your path to storage
# files

if [ -f 'woody_history.txt.gz' ]; then
gunzip woody_history.txt.gz

if [ -f 'pkgs_woody.current' ]; then
mv pkgs_woody.current pkgs_woody.last

COLUMNS=120 dpkg -l | grep ^i | cut -b 5-  pkgs_woody.current

diff -C 0 pkgs_woody.last pkgs_woody.current  woody_history.txt

gzip woody_history.txt
rm -f pkgs_woody.last


 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fetchmailrc--parse error

2003-02-12 Thread Gary Turner
Rob Weir wrote:

On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 05:34:59PM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
 Rob Weir wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 08:17:37AM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
   Now I'm back to couldn'y find canonical DNS name for
  pop.sbc... normal termination, status 11  From the manual:
  11 Fatal DNS error. Fetchmail encountered an error while performing a
  DNS lookup at startup and could not proceed.
  What's the cure here?  I did check, and found that one of the DNS
  servers for sbc has changed, so I changed /etc/resolv.conf to no avail.
  Any hints?  Did you have a prob?
 Can 'host' resolve the hostname correctly?
 No. in fact, I can't ping or telnet either.  Same with  Oddly, a couple of days ago I telnetted into
 the smtp addy to confirm authentication mode.

That's rather odd.

 Here is from Exim's mainlog:
 koko:/var/log/exim# tail mainlog
 2003-02-11 17:09:47 18ijX9-0001RO-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=etta.blues
 [] P=esmtp S=557 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2003-02-11 17:09:48 18ijX9-0001RO-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=smarthost
 T=remote_smtp []
 2003-02-11 17:09:48 18ijX9-0001RO-00 Completed

This is encouraging, the mail is being delivered successfully

 2003-02-11 17:12:48 18ija4-0001SB-00 = root@blues U=root P=local S=308
 2003-02-11 17:12:50 18ija4-0001SB-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=smarthost
 T=remote_smtp []
 2003-02-11 17:12:50 18ija4-0001SB-00 Completed

This is a little odd; are you sure you want mail to root to go via your
ISP's mail servers?

Actually, that's from: root, to: me in my public persona.

 So, koko (the Linux box) is able to connect on the smtp side.  Also,
 etta, the Winbox, from which I'm trying to emigrate, is able to access
 both pop and smtp.  But, now (I just checked) I can't telnet from this
 box either.


 Can you suggest where to find a clue?  Resolv.conf?  Hosts?

/etc/resolv.conf is the place to setup resolving; are you *sure* it's
identical on koko and blues (presuming blues is the fetchmail-b0rked
box)?  Is blues able to resolve hostnames in general?

koko sends but cannot fetch mail.  etta can send and fetch mail.  Both
machines can browse with no problem.  I run `host xxx` from koko.

Is it behind a
NAT gateway?  Can it connect to the nameservers in general?  Can it
connect on UDP port 53 (the DNS port)?  Can it connect via the IP
address in general?  Again on port 53?  Does the whole thing work if you
add your SMTP sever (sbc's anyhow) to /etc/hosts?

I am behind an NAT gateway/router.  Things are supposedly set up right
:) Here is resolv.conf, and some pings:

gt@koko:/etc$ cat resolv.conf
gt@koko:/etc$  ping -c3
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=250 time=22.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=250 time=20.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=250 time=25.5 ms

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 20.6/22.7/25.5 ms
gt@koko:/etc$ ping -c3
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=244 time=63.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=244 time=61.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=244 time=63.7 ms

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 61.9/62.9/63.7 ms

A whole bunch of overlapping thoughts there, but that's what I'd do...

Just to clarify: you have three boxes, koko (a Linux box that's working
as a smart mail host) can connect to the remote mail server just fine,
etta (a windows box) can too, but blues (another Linux box) cannot?

blues is the LAN name.  koko (Lin), etta (Win), aretha (Win), bessie
(Netgear router), and minnie (Lin) are hosts.  Thus koko.blues,
etta.blues, etc.  Exim rewrites from: local_name to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
when going remote_smtp, and local del'ys are always $local_name@blues

Since I *can* access my ISP's POP server using my normal mail client in
Windows, I'm going to say this is most likely something as stupid as a
typo :(  
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fetchmailrc--parse error

2003-02-12 Thread Gary Turner
Gary Turner wrote:

Rob Weir wrote:

On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 05:34:59PM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
 Rob Weir wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 08:17:37AM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
   Now I'm back to couldn'y find canonical DNS name for
  pop.sbc... normal termination, status 11  From the manual:
big snip here

Since I *can* access my ISP's POP server using my normal mail client in
Windows, I'm going to say this is most likely something as stupid as a
typo :(  

Well, SON OF A BI... Everything about SBC is dot net.  Even the
nameservers are dot net.  But the smtp and pop servers are dot com.  No
wonder it wouldn't resolve.

Thanks to Shyamal Prasad for noticing the syntax error in the config.  I
wish he had noticed the dot com thing too :)  And Rob, I wish your arms
had been long enough to reach out from Oz and thump me behind the ear.

gt   kk5st@sbcglobal
If what you're doing doesn't work, stop doing it.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: network problem: configuration/DNS? cannot access internal machine using our external IP

2003-02-12 Thread Gary Turner
Jerome Lacoste (Frisurf) wrote:

Summary: If I try to connect to an internal server given its
hostname, it works from the outside world, but fails if I try from
within our intranet.

I have this network configuration

   | (EXT-IP)
** R ** (Firewall)
   | (
| | | | 

E: external machine
R: router firewall for our intranet
S: internal server running Linux (in fact it runs Mandrake 9.0)
M: internal machines

Your gateway/router is working as designed.  The internal (LAN) and
external (WAN/Internet) are kept separated.  This means that no WAN IP
can try to connect directly with an internal address.  Nor is it allowed
to use a LAN IP from outside.  When you try to connect to your public
address from within the LAN, the name resolves to your own address.  So
the router sees it as an internal address trying to get in, and that's
not allowed.

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Good C/C++ IDE

2003-02-12 Thread Gary Turner
Johan Kullstam wrote:

S Yuval [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Can anyone suggest a good C/C++ IDE? I've tried Anjuta, KDevelop,
 KStudio and have been disappointed. The only somewhat useful IDE I
 could find was QIDE, which is a trial product and only supports C.

I like emacs.

Hey! I was gonna suggest that.

Have you looked at Kylix?
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fetchmailrc--parse error

2003-02-11 Thread Gary Turner
I have the following error message when running Fetchmail from the
command line.

gt@koko:~$ fetchmail -v
fetchmail:/home/gt/.fetchmailrc:10: parse error at end of input


gt@koko:~$ fetchmail -u [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fetchmail:/home/gt/.fetchmailrc:10: parse error at end of input

gt@koko:~$ cat .fetchmailrc
set postmaster gt
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties 
poll proto POP3
 user [EMAIL PROTECTED], with password secret
 is gt here

I think I've been staring all too long at this.  Fresh, knowledgeable
eyes will be deeply appreciated.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Not understanding pdflatex

2003-02-11 Thread Gary Turner
Joerg Johannes wrote:

For some time I am struggling with pdflatex. Today's update of tetex resolved 
the major problem I had (Acroread could not process the pdf files), but now 
it is getting weird.
If I run pdflatex on a document, the normal font is shown very fuzzy (Yes, 
various mails in the archives talk about bitmap fonts, but pdflatex normally 
should use the vector fonts, not?), while the sections in math mode are just 
perfect. I don't understand it, because it is the same font family, only the 
normal font is fuzzy, the mathsf and even mathrm are displayed fine.
Should not at least mathrm be identical with \normalfont?
Any idea?

It is interesting to note that gv and xpdf render Type3 fonts very
nicely while Acroread looks like crap.  Regardless of how they look on
screen, printed docs will look fine.

See /usr/share/doc/texmf/tetex/TETEXDOC.pdf.gz  There are a few words
about this.  Basically, Acroread barfs of Type3 (bitmap) fonts.  There
was a recent thread here on how to get Type1 fonts.  I tried and found
this set of instructions to work.  Do

[la]tex sample
dvips -Ppdf sample

This should yield a pdf file that Acroread can render nicely.

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fetchmailrc--parse error

2003-02-11 Thread Gary Turner
drew cohan wrote:

poll proto POP3
 user [EMAIL PROTECTED], with password secret
 is gt here

I'm no fetchmail expert, but what happens if you remove the comma and make
the user line all one line, like:

No joy.  The comma was in an example in the manual.  But at your
suggestion, I did remove it.  Still had the same error.  I didn't post
them, but I did have some honest syntax errors earlier, which I fixed.
Now this, which is at EOF.

I have never drunk so much that I passed out---
at least not that I can remember.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fetchmailrc--parse error

2003-02-11 Thread Gary Turner
Shyamal Prasad wrote:

Gary == Gary Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Gary poll proto POP3
Gary   user [EMAIL PROTECTED], with password secret
Gary   is gt here
Gary auth

Hmmusually I write 'user user@host there with password... while
your file is missing the word 'there' and has a comma instead. Perhaps
that is the problem. Admittedly the comma may work as well as the word
'there'... fetchmailrc is just so flexibile it drives you crazy ;-)

This seems to be OK.  Basically I just copied from the manual.

Also, I don't use 'auth' and it works fine. I use the same POP server
as you are trying to use.

Dropping the auth did the job on syntax.  Funny, I added it because I
was getting connection refused--host unknown.  That error has not
returned (yet).  Now I'm back to couldn'y find canonical DNS name for
pop.sbc... normal termination, status 11  From the manual:

11 Fatal DNS error. Fetchmail encountered an error while performing a
DNS lookup at startup and could not proceed.

What's the cure here?  I did check, and found that one of the DNS
servers for sbc has changed, so I changed /etc/resolv.conf to no avail.
Any hints?  Did you have a prob?

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fetchmailrc--parse error

2003-02-11 Thread Gary Turner
Rob Weir wrote:

On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 08:17:37AM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
 Shyamal Prasad wrote:

 Also, I don't use 'auth' and it works fine. I use the same POP server
 as you are trying to use.
 Dropping the auth did the job on syntax.  Funny, I added it because I
 was getting connection refused--host unknown.  That error has not
 returned (yet).  Now I'm back to couldn'y find canonical DNS name for
 pop.sbc... normal termination, status 11  From the manual:
 11 Fatal DNS error. Fetchmail encountered an error while performing a
 DNS lookup at startup and could not proceed.
 What's the cure here?  I did check, and found that one of the DNS
 servers for sbc has changed, so I changed /etc/resolv.conf to no avail.
 Any hints?  Did you have a prob?

Can 'host' resolve the hostname correctly?

No. in fact, I can't ping or telnet either.  Same with  Oddly, a couple of days ago I telnetted into
the smtp addy to confirm authentication mode.

Here is from Exim's mainlog:

koko:/var/log/exim# tail mainlog
2003-02-11 17:09:47 18ijX9-0001RO-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=etta.blues
[] P=esmtp S=557 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2003-02-11 17:09:48 18ijX9-0001RO-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=smarthost
T=remote_smtp []
2003-02-11 17:09:48 18ijX9-0001RO-00 Completed
2003-02-11 17:12:48 18ija4-0001SB-00 = root@blues U=root P=local S=308
2003-02-11 17:12:50 18ija4-0001SB-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=smarthost
T=remote_smtp []
2003-02-11 17:12:50 18ija4-0001SB-00 Completed

So, koko (the Linux box) is able to connect on the smtp side.  Also,
etta, the Winbox, from which I'm trying to emigrate, is able to access
both pop and smtp.  But, now (I just checked) I can't telnet from this
box either.

Can you suggest where to find a clue?  Resolv.conf?  Hosts?
I have never drunk so much that I passed out---
at least not that I can remember.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Not understanding pdflatex

2003-02-11 Thread Gary Turner
David P James wrote:

Gary Turner wrote:


 [la]tex sample
 dvips -Ppdf sample
 This should yield a pdf file that Acroread can render nicely.

Really? It usually comes out looking pretty awful if you ask me when 
looked at with Acroread. I've had much more success with:

I suspect you left off the printer switch ( -Ppdf ).  That switch seems
to be the key.

texi2pdf sample.tex

This seems to compile rather than convert (no surprise really). It also 
generates smaller pdf files than ps2pdf or dvipdf, which generates just

On my test file, tex-dvi-ps-pdf = 34K
  tex-dvi-pdf = 64K
See the URLs below.
as ugly pdfs, at least where Acroread is concerned. Compare the 
following in Acroread:

Yep, ugly as mud.  Fortunately they should print nicely.

This looks like what my procedure produces.  I couldn't replicate your
steps as I know nothing about texinfo format.  texi2pdf chokes on a
plain LaTeX file and spits out dvi+errors.  dvi2pdf makes ugly on
Acroread without the intermediate step.


tex - dvi2ps -Ppdf - ps2pdf

texi2pdf - dvi2pdf

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: More detailed post ...

2003-02-10 Thread Gary Turner
Nick Hastings wrote:

* Fred Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030210 16:41]:


 netscape/mozilla does this and evolution does this.  the
 kind people at ximian were good enough to add a reply to list function
 to evolution to get around _broken_ mailing list software (like whatever
 is running but this is not standard.

Hmm, for the list software/configuration to be broken it must be
behaving in a manner different to a well defined standard. I must plead
ignorance in this matter; what standards exist for list server

My (admittedly poor) understanding from the Mutt and/or Exim list(s) is
that here is no Standard but there is a growing consensus that the use
of the Mail-Followup-To:  header is the better solution.

Again, my understanding is that this header should be provided by the
poster's MUA as appropriate to the list(s) being posted to.

The Apache users list adds a reply-to header, leading to double postings
where the OP has set the same header.

On the Exim, Mutt, and Debian lists, it appears that no reply-to:
headers are added by the mail-list and that MUAs are expected to do the
Right Thing(tm).  The Mail-Followup-To:  header is most often set by
Mutt users.

Where MUAs do not have a List Reply function, it is up to the user to be
polite, and make the necessary edits when replying.

 if you are going to be complaining to anyone, you should complain to
 whomever runs, not to the people who accidentially (or
 unknowingly) send a reply to all whenever they post to this list.

As others have said, the list does it right.  It is up to those without
properly functioning MUAs (including myself) to adhere to best practice.

Sure we all sometimes (at least I do) screw up and CC the poster when
we shouldn't or, reply off instead of onlist but this occurs only
occasionally. If the majority of us can follow the protocol, why
should change their setup because a few people are
lazy with their email?

True, true.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Printer Problem - An Insane Solution

2003-02-10 Thread Gary Turner
Glenn English wrote:

On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 10:03, Thomas H. George,,, wrote:

 PS.  I was going to call this a cock-a-manie (sp?) solution but I can't 
 find the word in any of our dictionaries.  Anyone know a correct 
 spelling and dictionary entry?

Not at all sure, but I think it's cockamamie - it's a term my
grandparents used to use, so I suspect it came out of the 1920's.
It ought to be in the Dictionary of American Slang.


gt@koko:~$ dict cockamamie
1 definition found

From WordNet (r) 1.7 [wn]:

   adj : (informal terms) gave me a cockamamie reason for not
 going; wore a goofy hat; a silly idea; some wacky
 plan for selling more books [syn: {cockamamy}, {fool(a)},
  {goofy}, {sappy}, {silly}, {wacky}, {zany},

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OT--How to ask aquestion, an example

2003-02-10 Thread Gary Turner
While Googlin' for a similar error I ran across this post.  It struck me
as a near perfect example of how to do it.  Interestingly, ESR, of fame was the first
respondent :)

Subj:  fetchmail: couldn't find canonical DNS name of [...]

Short description
Today, when launching fetchmail, I get the error:

telperion:~ # fetchmail -v
fetchmail: couldn't find canonical DNS name of pop3.[...].com

and exits after some seconds. That server is the last of the list, and
no server is polled. There is no syslog reporting.

Long description

The fetchmailrc file has not been modified, and worked a few hours
earlier. System has not been modified (it was switched of, it is my home
computer). It seems there is some kind of dns problem, as server
pop3.[...].com does not resolve today. The entry for that mailserver is
the last in the list; however, fetchmail does not poll any of the other
servers, and writes nothing to syslog, just exits. If the entry for that
server is comented out, fetchmail works ferfectly - as has done for more
than a year - and polls all servers, fetching pending mail, as expected.

root .fetchmailrc file (called usually from ip-up), has the following...

deles, shown as [...], are mine.

This well done query made it easier to determine that I had a similar
problem, and made the rather cryptic answer useful.

The next time I ask a half-assed question (which will be my first, of
course :)), bring me up on it.  Please be gentle.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sharing a printer with SAMBA

2003-02-09 Thread Gary Turner
Chris wrote:

Gday y'all,
Im trying to share a CUPS printer over samba. I can see the printer, but
when i try to print to it from a windows box i get the message Access
Denied, Cannot connect..


Don't look to me as an expert.  I did manage to get stuff hooked up,
though.  It's been 18 months or so since my install so all is hazy.

So, first, can you access your ~/ from Windows?  I.e. in windows
explorer click network neighborhood, click a Linux box, click home, and
see your home directory.

If so, use the printer set-up wizard and select the raw (non-filtered)
printer in your printcap.  Use the *Windows* print driver.

There may be some details missing here, so be sure to reread the Samba
HOWTO and other docs.

My smb.conf looks quite a bit different from yours, but if you like,
I'll send you mine for comparison.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] Capitalism (was Re: columbia -- what really happened)

2003-02-09 Thread Gary Turner
Paul Johnson wrote:

On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 10:16:09PM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
 By the way, your message asks for a return receipt, which I would
 guess isn't everyone's preferred setting for a mailing list.
 Maybe for mail-lists we should honor requests for return receipts.  Talk
 about your self-induced DoS attack :)

Does mutt have a quadoption for this?

Paul, didn't you have a bounce set up for HTML?  Or was it the Dman?
Wasn't that in Exim, or procmail?  Seems like a confirmation could be
set up based on the same kind of parameters.  Since I just barely have
Mutt and Exim working, I'll bow to your expertise on this. ;)
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Logging all hits in Apache

2003-02-09 Thread Gary Turner
Rus Foster wrote:

Hi Folks,
I've got a few virtualhosts on my server and they are logging quite
happily into their appropiate files. However what I would also like to do
is log all hits for all the servers into one file as well. i.e. so each
hit get logs twice. Can this be done?

I'm guessing you have the LogFormat and CustomLog statements in each
virtual host directive, right?  Have you tried putting those statements
in the global section?  I don't see any reason for that not to work.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: shuttle disaster

2003-02-08 Thread Gary Turner
Paul Johnson wrote:

On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 12:40:36AM -0600, DvB wrote:
 Once again, if cutting taxes is going to put the government $300B in the
 hole, they need to cut some programs and I don't think there're many
 that can be justified being cut. 

Considering the military accounts for over 40% of government spending,
I think we found a place to start trimming fat heavily.  Especially if
our politicians are going to keep claiming we're a peace-loving
nation.  Peace-loving nations don't spend damn near half thier money
on a military.

Uh, that's not exactly factual.  The 40% you refer must be the amount
spent on militant oldsters for Social Security (22%), Medicare (11%),
and Medicaid (7%).  The portion of the budget spent on defense is
17%.[1]  The amazing tales of the amounts supposedly being spent on the
military seem to be urban legends that just keep getting repeated.

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] Capitalism (was Re: columbia -- what really happened)

2003-02-08 Thread Gary Turner
Daniel Barclay wrote:

Jack Nguy wrote:
 Why is this on this mailing list again?

By the way, your message asks for a return receipt, which I would
guess isn't everyone's preferred setting for a mailing list.

Maybe for mail-lists we should honor requests for return receipts.  Talk
about your self-induced DoS attack :)
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: shuttle disaster

2003-02-08 Thread Gary Turner
Pigeon wrote:

On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 01:42:50AM -0600, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 01:41:01AM +, Pigeon wrote:
  On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 02:37:53PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
   Pigeon writes:
big snip

On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 10:03:50PM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:

I claim 1:41am exemption. :-)

My dictionary (American Heritage College Dictionary) sz they're
synonyms.  Save your valuable exemption for a real error :)

Yes I fear I am living beyond my mental means--Nash

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: shuttle disaster

2003-02-08 Thread Gary Turner
Paul Johnson wrote:

On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 10:32:10PM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
 My dictionary (American Heritage College Dictionary) sz they're
 synonyms.  Save your valuable exemption for a real error :)

And American Heritage Dictionary also screws up the definition of
hacker, giving it the meaning of cracker.  This should be a clue
in this group.  Use dict instead, as you can (usually) get multiple
sources for the definition (geosynchronous and geostationary being an
exception, apparently).

All geostationary orbits are also geosynchronous, but not all
geosynchronous orbits are geostationary.

baloo@ursine:~$ dict geosynchronous
1 definition found

From WordNet (r) 1.7 [wn]:

   adj : of or having an orbit with a fixed period of 24 hours
 (although the position in the orbit may not be fixed
 with respect to the earth)
baloo@ursine:~$ dict geostationary
1 definition found

From WordNet (r) 1.7 [wn]:

   adj : of or having a geosynchronous orbit such that the
 in such an orbit is fixed with respect to the earth; a
 geostationary satellite

True, true.  Any orbit not sharing Earth's axis will have an apparent
figure 8 track.  However, the parameters of the orbit (over the equator)
defines an orbit that is the stationary subset of synchronous orbits.
So, within the context of the thread, they are synonymous, if not in the
general case.

From a logic class many years ago:

All Volvo drivers are liberal, but not all liberals drive Volvos.

Here we are talking about a particular liberal that *does* drive a
Volvo. :)

Either way, it's a good catch.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: shuttle disaster (space elevators)

2003-02-07 Thread Gary Turner
John Hasler wrote:

Gary Turner writes:
 Not just impact.

Impact is the most likely cause of failure.

I don't doubt that, but I did not address probabilities.

 If the elevator should part at the CG, 23,500 miles of material would
 fall to the East, nearly circumnavigating the globe.

The lower portion would not be heavy enough to do much damage.  The upper
portion could be designed not to survive passage through the atmosphere.

Hmm.  If a low mass ribbon were used, wouldn't terminal velocity due to
drag be too low have much negative effect?  Someone with a lot more
aerodynamics than I have would have to figure that out.

 [Taper] would be more efficient, but is not *required*.

Required.  Inter-atomic bonds are not strong enough to support an untapered

Beyond my ken.

 The idea of ribbons seems a bad idea.  Think of the vibratory forces.

People have already done so.

I would hope so.  However, there are more stable cross section forms.

 I'm surprised no one has mentioned Robert A. Heinlein.  He used the idea
 (space elevators--including construction and installation details) in
 several short stories and at least one novel, going back to at least the
 60's, maybe earlier.

Name them.

It's been years.  IIRC, Friday from the early 80s (maybe) addressed
this.  I can't put my finger on the short stories or particular
articles/essays.  Sorry.

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

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Re: shuttle disaster

2003-02-07 Thread Gary Turner
John Hasler wrote:

Pigeon writes:
 It would be under tension, because the upper station is outside the
 geosynchronous orbit. So the bit above the break would fly off into
 space, and the lower bit would fall back.

The tension would taper from nominally zero at the base to maximum at the
attachment to the counterweight.

Actually, maximum tension occurs at the CG, with minimums at the ends.
Forces are reversed, maximum at the ends, and minimum (balanced) at the
CG.  These are tidal forces.  A single point counter-weight, as opposed
to distributed, will cause a discontinuity in the function, but the
function holds true on either side of the break.
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 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
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Re: shuttle disaster

2003-02-07 Thread Gary Turner
DvB wrote:

Ron Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 03:59, James Buchanan wrote:
   On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 11:34:51PM -0600, DvB wrote:
James Buchanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

snip whole bunches

you find a private company or NGO that's willing to provide adequate
transportation service to my metropolitan area, without making a profit,
I might also be willing to discuss the possibility of giving them my
taxes intead of the government.

Now, just exactly why should someone risk their capital to provide you a
service without expecting a positive return?  It looks like what you
really want is for someone else to pay for what you [want to] use.  If
you're not willing to pay full fare, maybe you don't really want it as
much as you say.

If government does not create a (private) monopoly, and profits are
*too* large, competition will arise to create balance.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
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Re: shuttle disaster

2003-02-07 Thread Gary Turner
DvB wrote:

Nathan E Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Yeah, after all it's not their money .. they just worked hard to earn

You don't work hard for stock dividends. You just put your money in
stocks and they come all by themselves... although I guess I did word
that a little strangely.

Where the hell do you think the money came from?  If an investor can't
expect a return, why should he put himself at risk?

What kind of idiot was your economics prof?

You have a RIGHT to your opinion---even if it is crap.

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Re: shuttle disaster

2003-02-07 Thread Gary Turner
Paul E Condon wrote:

Gary Turner wrote:

John Hasler wrote:

Pigeon writes:

It would be under tension, because the upper station is outside the
geosynchronous orbit. So the bit above the break would fly off into
space, and the lower bit would fall back.

The tension would taper from nominally zero at the base to maximum at the
attachment to the counterweight.

Actually, maximum tension occurs at the CG, with minimums at the ends.
Forces are reversed, maximum at the ends, and minimum (balanced) at the
CG.  These are tidal forces.  A single point counter-weight, as opposed
to distributed, will cause a discontinuity in the function, but the
function holds true on either side of the break.

Center of gravity (CG) is of doubtful value in thinking about this 
problem. The object extends over a region in which substantially 
different gravitational accelerations occur, and is at rest in a 
reference frame in which there is significant centrifugal force.

More correctly, center of mass.  But the effect is the same.

The rules of the space elevator game, as I understand them, are
1 a vertical tension member
2 mass at upper end is at higher altitude than geostationary orbit
3 mass at lower end is close to the surface of the Earth
4 the whole thing is stationary with respect to the Earth as a reference 

5 Adjust unspecified parameters so that it stays put without very large 
rockets or other cheats.

This tidal dependent structure is inherently stable.

Some kind of accommodations will likely be needed.  Atmospheric
conditions can exhibit tremendous lateral forces.

These conditions imply that maximum tension is at geosychronous orbit 
altitude. Below that altitude tension is increasing with altitude. Above 
that altitude tension is decreasing with increase in altitude.

For an interesting application of these principles, read Larry Niven's
The Integral Trees.
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 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
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Re: shuttle disaster

2003-02-07 Thread Gary Turner
Paul E Condon wrote:

Gary Turner wrote:

DvB wrote:

Nathan E Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Yeah, after all it's not their money .. they just worked hard to earn

You don't work hard for stock dividends. You just put your money in
stocks and they come all by themselves... although I guess I did word
that a little strangely.

Where the hell do you think the money came from?  If an investor can't

Actually, all money comes from the government, and the government uses 
the banking system to distribute it. Try producing your own money. You 
won't have much success.

Actually, money is a government certified medium of exchange for goods
and services.  In the above, s/money/goods and services/

eg.  Actually, all goods and services come from the government...Try
producing your own goods and services.

It's easy to forget that money is a reference, and a reference is not
the object.

expect a return, why should he put himself at risk?

What kind of idiot was your economics prof?

Please don't cc.
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

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Re: please help on adsl sharing

2003-02-06 Thread Gary Turner
Paul Johnson wrote:

On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 11:55:17AM -0500, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
 This may not be what you want to hear, but the best thing is probably to 
 spend $25-$50 for a cable/DSL router with a built in firewall.

Not necissarily an option.

1) I tend to hear about security problems with them roughly as often
   as Internet Explorer.

Can you expand on that?  The ratio here is lebenty-seven to none.


 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

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Re: shuttle disaster (space elevators)

2003-02-06 Thread Gary Turner
John Hasler wrote:

Paul E Condon writes:
 It is not hard to compute the tension in a space elevator ribbon. (It
 would be a fair question for a final exam in an undergraduate mechanics
 course.)  It depends on position along the ribbon, on the Earth
 parameters (size, rate of rotation, etc. )...

Of course, 2Pi*r/24hrs at the CG must be the rate of rotation.  In other
words it must be in geosynchronous orbit.

In particular there is no reason for there to be any significant tension is
the cable at the base.  With proper controls such a cable should just hang
there if severed at or near ground level.  A fail-safe design would make
the connection to the bottom anchor the weakest point so that an
over-tension event would not result in a cable fall.  The real risk comes
from an impact high up on the cable.

Not just impact.  The tension at the CG will be incredible-- the
integral from r(at CG) to r(at surface) of M(a[gravity]- a[angular])dr.
If the elevator should part at the CG, 23,500 miles of material would
fall to the East, nearly circumnavigating the globe.

If I don't have this quite right, I claim 40 yrs of opportunity to
forget integral calc. :)

 ...the mass-per-unit-length (kg/m) that is assumed for the ribbon.

Which must be tapered, of course.

That would be more efficient, but is not *required*.  The idea of
ribbons seems a bad idea.  Think of the vibratory forces.  Resonances
would exist in every section at umpteen harmonics, and don't even think
about the odd order heterodynes.  


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Robert A. Heinlein.  He used the idea
(space elevators--including construction and installation details) in
several short stories and at least one novel, going back to at least the
60's, maybe earlier.  This is the guy who, in the late 30's, described
the physics and practical application of the nuclear pile.  More
importantly, he is credited with the invention of the water bed.  What a
mind. :)
 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

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Re: How to prevent x startup

2003-02-06 Thread Gary Turner
David Turetsky wrote:

 David Turetsky wrote:
   How do I abort the startup of x?

 Kent West

   At the LILO: prompt, enter linux single.
 David Turetsky

   YES!!! Thank you. Now I can go on to experiment with corrections to
   my XF86Config file
   If I had not had such a misspent youth, I might have remembered
   'linux single,' but then . . .

Hah!  Your supposed to read the books, not eat the covers. :)

For a quick and dirty way to disable GDM, open /etc/init.d/gdm.  Right
after the hash-bang, make the next line 'exit 0'.  When you get your
config right, you can simply delete the line or comment it out.

If you find you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

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Re: simple (non-technial) software question

2003-02-05 Thread Gary Turner
Phil wrote:

I'm setting -up linux machines at a school and the teachers are interested 
in Mavis Beacon teaches typing and Mathblaster type programs.  They want 
programs that are fun for the kids and teach them things at the same time.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

apt-cache search typing gave up several candidates.
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Re: out of space in /var/cache/apt/archives

2003-02-05 Thread Gary Turner
Nick Hastings wrote:


* Nori Heikkinen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030205 11:31]:
 my /var is 465M.  i'm trying to do and apt-get upgrade, which i
 haven't in a while, and got the following message:
 Need to get 69.0MB/109MB of archives. After unpacking 39.1MB will be
 E: Sorry, you don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/
 to hold all the .debs.

To safely remove old/obsolete packages from the cache:

apt-get autoclean

If this still doesn't give you enough space you can tell apt to put
the cache somewhere other than /var, however I can't remember how to
do that. I think there was a thread regarding this a few weeks ago, so
have a look in the archives, or try reading the apt-get man page or
the apt howto.

I had the same problem.  The solution for me was to move the cache.
1.  mkdir /home/aptcache# or pick another 
comes to mind
2.  in /etc/apt/apt.conf do 
Dir::Cache::Archives /home/aptcache;

See man apt.conf
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Re: apache, mod_perl, apt-get php4

2003-02-05 Thread Gary Turner
cmustard wrote:

I run apache 1.3.26 and mod_perl, i recently did 'apt-get install php4', which
installed fine and ran apachectl when finished which i assumed meant


I am sure there are great docs for this question, as i'm sure it's asked
all the time but i seem unable to find them.

Thank you, yes i'm more than happy to RTFM, help point me in the right direction


This includes a small tutorial that will get you up and running.
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 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

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Re: Highlighted in X, is there a buffer ?

2003-02-05 Thread Gary Turner
Kent West wrote:

Bill Moseley wrote:

On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Thorsten Haude wrote:

* Timothy Ball [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-02-05 18:27]:

Have a read at what a horrible nightmare cutpaste is under X.

I can't find any thing horrible in this text.

I actually like two buffers.  Not that it always works.

Although what I don't like is 

- double-click a URL in some text in xterm
- move to mozilla
- click in the Location box
- move hand keyboard to type ^U to clear
- move hand back
- middle click to paste

I'm sure someone will point out an easier way.

At least in Opera I can right click and select Clear to keep from moving
my hand too and from the keyboard.

It's kind of ugly, but what I do is click at the very front of the URL 
I'm replacing, then middle click to paste, then move hand to keyboard 
and Shift-End, Delete, Enter, move hand back to mouse if needed. Your 
method seems better if you're going back to the mouse anyway; mine seems 
better if you plan to stay at the keyboard. But you're right, a better 
method would be nice.

Hmm, similar here.  X and icewm--no desktop;
1.  Drag with left button to select, or
left click to set the start, then move to the end of the block
and right click to select everything in between,
2.  In the browser, left button and drag to select current URL, and
3.  Middle click to paste/overwrite,
4.  Click go or press enter.

It seems that in many, if not all, X apps Ctl[axcv] and shift-left click
mimic the same commands in Windows.  In addition you have cut/copy/paste
in xterm and console.  Try that in DOS.
Well, you order it from the 'Society of Hardware and Information
Technology Helpers, Executive Administration Division' website -
you're a member aren't you?--BOFH

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Re: Highlighted in X, is there a buffer ?

2003-02-05 Thread Gary Turner
Bill Moseley wrote:

On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Gary Turner wrote:

 Hmm, similar here.  X and icewm--no desktop;

That's what I'm running.

  1.  Drag with left button to select, or
  left click to set the start, then move to the end of the block
  and right click to select everything in between,
  2.  In the browser, left button and drag to select current URL, and
  3.  Middle click to paste/overwrite,
  4.  Click go or press enter.

That shouldn't work.  You are creating another selection when you select
the URL which then replaces the text you selected originally.

You're absolutely right, of course.  I should get my facts straight
before yapping.  The hilite/overwrite thing works with ctl [xc] and
ctl-v.  My bad.
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 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
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Re: Migrate from RedHat to Debian

2003-02-03 Thread Gary Turner
Jimbo De La Fuente wrote:

Hi List,

I've been using RedHat for a couple of years. Now, as a result of their 
change in EOL (only untill the end of year for the latest release RedHat 
8.0) I want to switch to another distro. My preference goes to Debian. I do 
have some doubts before really switching.


What are the experiences other people have with migrating from RedHat to 
Debian. Are there any other options as a distro (I'm looking for a distro 
with security written in bold)?

Not quite what you asked for, I started as a rank (as in French cheese)
beginner in Linux.  My only knowledge of Red Hat and other RPM based
distros comes from app support mailing lists.

I can only thank whatever gods there are that I avoided that particular
bit of Hell.  Debian's package management system, coupled with a sane
and adhered-to policy of how things should work, simply leaves me
feeling sorry for the other guys.

Security?  I guess that depends on you and your requirements.  It is
nice to know that with debs, it is so very easy to install *only* those
services you need.  In addition, in the stable flavor, security upgrades
are back-ported, minimizing potential breakage.  If security is
critical, I'm guessing this is a server.  If so, Woody is the way to go

Secure, dependable, and maintainable---sounds like a plan.

 If someone tells you---
 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

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Re: give me the command line - REPHRASED

2003-02-03 Thread Gary Turner
Hans Christian Andersen wrote:

On booting my woody-box it goes directly into X without letting me command
How do I make it stay at a command line untill I order startx?

The answers you were given address *exactly* that.
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 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

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Re: What this error means?

2003-02-03 Thread Gary Turner
César Augusto Seronni Filho wrote:

TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer externalIP:20522/20 shrinks window 448523626

Googling gave up this among others;

Of course, I don't know what the answer means any more than I grok the
error :)
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Desktop environment---what am I missing?

2003-02-01 Thread Gary Turner
I run X with icewm.  No KDE or Gnome.  What would be the advantage(s) of
adding one of these facilities?
Well, you order it from the 'Society of Hardware and Information
Technology Helpers, Executive Administration Division' website -
you're a member aren't you?--BOFH

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Re: Desktop environment---what am I missing?

2003-02-01 Thread Gary Turner
nate wrote:

Gary Turner said:
 I run X with icewm.  No KDE or Gnome.  What would be the advantage(s) of
 adding one of these facilities?

a more integrated experience. Generally a more consistant look 
feel between the apps. File managers with a good deal of mime types
configured so you can click/double click on a file and have it open
in the default app.

Tnx, Nate.  There's nothing there that I just hafta have.  I usually
call files from the app rather than have the file start the app, and
icewm's look is consistent enough for me.  The primary need here for X
lies in browsers.  I'll have 7 or 8 open at a time to test web pages.
Now, if you have a quick/simple/direct way to copy/cut/paste between X
and console...

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 I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny. 
  ---they don't.

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