Re: XFree86 and Threads...

1997-09-10 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Sep  9, 1997, at 11:30, Rob Browning wrote:
 > Dale Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > > I was just curious - since libc6 is thread safe, and GUIs seem to be
 > > something that can be "naturally" multithreaded, is XFree86
 > > multithreaded under Linux? (or any other system, for that matter?)
 > Now that xlib6g and xlib6g-dev have been released (thanks Mark), the
 > answer should be yes, but I haven't tried it yet.  Note that you need
 > to be running unstable, and you have to complile all your code with
 > -D_REENTRANT.  There's information about X and threads in the book
 > "Programmers Supplement for Release 6", another one of those "X"
 > books.

>From what I understand, just recompiling X won't give you
anything. You would have to rewrite parts of it (probably very big
chunks...) to be able to actually run the server in multiple threads.

 > Rob

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Long FAT filenames and Linux ?

1997-09-08 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Sep  7, 1997, at 19:25, Michael Legart wrote:
 > Just wondering if it is possible so make Linux read/write long 
 > filenames and a FAT partition ? (FAT16 - with 95win)
 > I have the VFAT module installed, but it doesn't seem to work...
 > michael legart
 > --
 > NEW icq uin -> 2565176
 > --

Besides just having the module installed, you need to mount those DOS
partitions as type vfat, not msdos:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~] $ mount
/dev/hda3 on / type ext2 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/hda2 on /usr type ext2 (rw)
/dev/hdb4 on /home type ext2 (rw)
/dev/hda1 on /dos/c type vfat (rw)
/dev/hda4 on /dos/d type vfat (rw)
/dev/hdb1 on /dos/e type vfat (rw)
/dev/hdb2 on /dos/f type vfat (rw)

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Re: fetchmail and smail

1997-09-08 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Sep  7, 1997, at 12:23, Jaakko Niemi wrote:
 >  With fetchmail the mail goes to /var/spool/mail/*username*, unless
 >  you have specified otherwise in .fetchmailrc. Also check that your
 >  settings for procmail are OK, if you are using it. 

Just to clarify: by default, fetchmail will try to deliver mail via
SMTP to port 25 on the machine where it is running. This is usually
the port where your MTA (sendmail, smail, etc.) is listening. This
way, incoming mail fetched with sendmail can be treated just like
local mail sent by somebody with a local account on your

It is the MTA that puts that incoming mail in the spool directory
(usually /var/spool/mail/$USER.).

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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How should I modify the /etc/init.d/boot file?

1997-09-08 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
I wanted to apply the Swap-Space mini HOW-TO so I could use the same
swap partition on Windows (3.11 and 95) and Debian. In order to
accomplish this, I had to modify the way the swap is activated
(/etc/init.d/boot) and deactivated (/etc/init.d/{halt,reboot}). I
ended up creating a file /etc/init.d/swap, with takes the usual
parameters "start" and "stop", and modified the other files to
reference it.


1. Is this the appropriate way to do this?

2. Did I break the Debian package system by doing this? Do any
   packages mess around with the files in /etc/init.d? Will these
   packages install properly after my modifications?

3. Would this be of sufficient general interest to warrant a real bug
   report and have the swap setup moved to its own file in

Any suggestions?

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Backing up entire machine.

1997-09-06 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Sep  6, 1997, at 12:04, R. Chris Ross wrote:
 >  What I was looking at was simply to NFS mount a large server and
 > use something like cpio to transfer the whole thing over there.  If each
 > file could be gzipped in the process of transfering them it would be
 > helpfull.  Does this sound like a reasonable approach and is there a more
 > simple means of doing this.

I have seen NFS fail when copying very big files through the
Ethernet. I think I would rather use rcp; I'm not sure whether you can
use pipes with it, but you might try:

machine1 $ (cd /path/to/backup; tar zcf - .) | rcp machine2:/safe/path

 >  Chris Ross  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Re: Prompt in Bash

1997-09-06 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
Rob, thanks a lot for your script. I think there is a small glitch,

 > if [ ${PS1:-UNSET} = UNSET ]
 > then
 > else
 >   if [ "$TERM" = xterm -o "$TERM" = rxvt ]
 >   then
 > set_titlebar () { echo -n "]2;$*"; }
 > export -f set_titlebar
 > my_dirname () { 
 >   if [ "${PWD#$HOME}" != "$PWD" ]
 >   then
 >echo '~'${PWD#$HOME}
 >   else
 >echo $PWD
 >   fi
 > }
 > export -f my_dirname

This effectively returns the current working directory, taking care to
replace the $HOME prefix with a single `~`.

 > export PS1='\n\!\$ '
 > export PROMPT_COMMAND='eval set_titlebar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:`my_dirname`'

When I did this, the title bar showed the full path, without replacing
$HOME with a '~' character. I got rid of the "eval", and things were

 >   else
 > export PS1='[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w\n\!\$ '
 >   fi 
 > fi
 > if [ "${BASH_INITIALIZED}" != "Yes" ]
 > then
 >   # Do other stuff here that should only happen once, and be
 >   # inherited by sub-shells.
 > fi

 > Rob

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Re: Prompt in Bash

1997-09-05 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
A while ago, somebody in this forum posted how to make the current
working directory appear on the title bar in an xterm. I lost that
article somehow; could the author repost it? Thanks in advance...

On Aug 22, 1997, at 22:44, Dave Cinege wrote:
 > On Fri, 22 Aug 1997 12:32:35 -0300 (EST), Daniel Doro Ferrante wrote:
 > >Does anybody know how do I change colors in a bash prompt. I can
 > >do it in tcsh, but no succes with bash... (even after reading the man).
 > #b/w prompt
 > #PS1="\\h\\$ \\u [\\w] "
 > #Pretty color prompt. Comment it out if your terminal doesn't support ANSI co
 > #We must encase the ANSI codes in \[ and \] or else bash will have line lengt
 > #problems. \e is a pretty form of the raw escape sequence
 > PS1="\\[\\e[1;31m\\]\\h\\[\\e[0m\\]\\$ \\u [\\[\\e[1;34m\\]\\w\\[\\e[0m\\]] "

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] was: Segfault in free()...C++

1997-09-05 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Sep  5, 1997, at 10:16, E.L. Meijer \(Eric\) wrote:
 > > Well, "remarks" are just that: comments the compiler has regarding
 > > some non-standard, perhaps non-portable and not-so-secure assumptions
 > > you MAY have made in your code.
 > You didn't look carefully enough, or you don't understand what is
 > there.  These warnings are about a header file that ships with the
 > compiler, not about my code!  I usually want my code to compile cleanly
 > at the highest warning level.  It becomes very hard to check if there
 > are any warnings in my code if the compiler reports loads of drivel in
 > its system headers.  Besides that things like `implicit conversion from
 > long to int' are not necessarily harmless.

I did look, and I think I do understand... The highest warning level
in Irix is rather useless; almost all of the remarks it prints are
absolutely safe to ignore. They are not WARNINGS; they are
REMARKS. And yes, the system header files are choke full of remarks;
that is why that warning level is useless to begin with...

Of course, it would be nice if SGI got their act together and cleaned
up all of their headers so that you wouldn't see any of these
messages. But let me give you one example that made me forget about
using remarks with my code. This code snippet:

10: int foo()
11: {
12:   Bar bar;
13:   return 0;
14: }

generates a remark on line 12, stating that variable 'bar' was created
and never referenced. Well, there is a very typical idiom in C++ where
the constructor acquires resources (say, you grab a mutex) and the
destructor releases them. A remark here is totally bogus. And you get
hundreds of these! (At least we do in our code).

 > > Nothing more, nothing less. They can
 > > be safely ignored for the greatest part.
 > `Safely ignoring' warnings is the ultimate route to creating software
 > that will be hard to maintain and difficult to port, IMHO.

I think the 'warning' level from the compiler is good enough to spot
any real problems; the 'remark' level is where they put all these
additional checks that, in my experience, are useless and sometimes
plain wrong. If you feel more comfortable wading through all of the
remarks, just go ahead. YMMV.

 > Eric Meijer

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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[OFF TOPIC] was: Segfault in free()...C++

1997-09-05 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Sep  4, 1997, at 09:10, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:
 > Jeff Gunter:
 > Wildly off topic, but a fun view into `commercial quality software', let
 > me show you the output of CC under IRIX 64 with the following
 > application:
 > #include 
 > int main() { cout << "Hello world." << endl; return 0; }
 > > CC -fullwarn -o hw
 > "/usr/include/CC/iostream.h", line 236: remark(1506): implicit
 > conversion from
 >   "long" to "int":  rounding, sign extension, or loss of
 > accuracy may
 >   result
 > x_blen= (eb>b) ? (eb-b) : 0 ;
 > ^
 > "/usr/include/CC/iostream.h", line 265: remark(1506): implicit
 > conversion from
 >   "long" to "int":  rounding, sign extension, or loss of
 > accuracy may
 >   result
 > return x_gptr^
 > "/usr/include/CC/iostream.h", line 270: remark(1506): implicit
 > conversion from
 >   "long" to "int":  rounding, sign extension, or loss of
 > accuracy may
 >   result
 > if ( x_pptr ) return x_pptr-x_pbase ;
 >  ^
 > "/usr/include/CC/iostream.h", line 646: remark(1430): omission of
 > "class" is
 >   nonstandard
 > friend  ios ;
 > ^
 > "/usr/include/CC/iostream.h", line 650: remark(1174): variable
 > "iostream_init"
 >   was declared but never referenced
 >   } iostream_init ; 
 > ^
 > The 64 bit compiler doesn't seem to agree with itself!

Well, "remarks" are just that: comments the compiler has regarding
some non-standard, perhaps non-portable and not-so-secure assumptions
you MAY have made in your code. Nothing more, nothing less. They can
be safely ignored for the greatest part.

 >  E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 >  Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 >  Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Re: Undefined reference to '...'

1997-09-05 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Sep  3, 1997, at 13:47, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
 > I would like to point out that GCC doesn't explicitly instantiate too well
 > when running with -fno-implicit-templates, which is what I would like to
 > use in my sources..

That's a shame... Hopefully, egcs will do a better job.

 > The trouble is that it doesn't recursively instantiate, ie if you use STL
 > and put the line
 > template class vector; 
 > In some .cc file to force instantiation then you will not get
 > instantiation of the helper functions the template uses, things like max,
 > min, etc. Furthermore the way gcc 2.7 has been choosing template instances
 > sometimes results in it generating a large number of pointless
 > instantiations when using stl. If you were to use explicit instantiation
 > with gcc 2.7 and STL you would end up with about 20 lines per stl class
 > you instantiate to catch all the functions and so on required.

Well, I've been working on a big project (~200.000 lines C++ code) on
Irix (Silicon Graphics), and it doesn't recursively instantiate
templates either. While I agree it is cumbersome to manually
instantiate EVERY template generated by your example, I think it is
not such a big deal: you do it once (for each used template) and you
are done. What's better, you know your code (executable or library)
will only contain code that you are actually using, not a superset
computed by the compiler to make sure things will work.

 > BTW, as I mentioned before if you use -fno-implicit-templates then add all
 > your instantiations as above into a single file that is not compiled
 > -fno-implicit-templates it will properly recurse, but I do not think that
 > is portable across all gcc platforms.

This is an interesting workaround; alas, it is non-portable.

 > Jason

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Re: Undefined reference to '...'

1997-09-03 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Sep  2, 1997, at 20:11, Orn E. Hansen wrote:
 >   I tried using the 'template class ...' and that did the trick,
 > but I agree that it is of limited use though.  Kinda limits the
 > generality of your code, if you have to know the type ofevery
 > template class before hand.  So, I'm going to look up the site
 > you suggested and try their snapshot.

Let me add my 0.01c...

The only official way sanctioned by the upcoming C++ ANSI/ISO standard
to instantiate templates is to explicitly mention the types you want
to use for instantiation. All of the repository techniques that exist,
some better, some worse, are not standard and that's one reason why
you do this differently on each platform.

If you ask me, explicit instantiation is the correct way, because it
gives you the control on where, when and how many times (hopefully
just once!) you instantiate something.

If your compiler supports explicit template instantiation with the
standard 'template class MyClass;' mechanism (as g++ appears to),
then this is what I would do:

1. Put the class declaration in a header file by itself.
2. Put the class definition in a source file by itself.
3. Put the template instantiation at files where you actually use the
   template. Preferably, put them in a file just by themselves; this
   way, it is easier to control whether you have instantiated a
   template or not.
4. It is important not to mix templated code and non-templated code in
   one file (as in point (2) above); this way, you avoid multiple
   definitions just because you instantiate two templates of the same
   class with different type parameters on two separate files.

Hope this helps.

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Misconfigured ftp site?

1997-08-30 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
Didn't know where to report this, so here I am.

I tried to use dselect to download and install pgp from Everything went fine; I could download the list
of packages and selected both pgp-i and pgp-us (I also tried just
selecting pgp-i, with the same results). When I gave it the option to
install the selected packages, this is what happened:

Constructing list of files to get...
want: debian-non-US/stable/binary-i386/pgp-us_2.6.3a-1.deb (269k)
want: debian-non-US/stable/binary-i386/pgp-i_2.6.3a-1.deb (271k)

Approximate total space required: 540k
Available space in debian: 147244k
Do you want to select the files to get [n]:

Do you want to download the required files [y]:
Downloading files... use ^C to stop
Connecting to
Login as anonymous...
Setting transfer mode to binary...
Cd to /pub/debian-non-US...
getting: debian-non-US/stable/binary-i386/pgp-us_2.6.3a-1.deb (275368)
debian-non-US/stable/binary-i386/pgp-us_2.6.3a-1.deb: No such file OR directory.
getting: debian-non-US/stable/binary-i386/pgp-i_2.6.3a-1.deb (277198)
debian-non-US/stable/binary-i386/pgp-i_2.6.3a-1.deb: No such file OR directory.

Processing downloaded files...(for corrupt/old/partial)

Do you want to install the files fetched [y]:


Notice the path names in the "getting" messages. Why does it want to
download "debian-non-US/blah..." when it already changed its working
directory to "/pub/debian-non-US"? I think that's wrong.

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Which PGP should I get?

1997-08-30 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
Should I get pgp-us or pgp-i? I'm living in Chile, if that makes any

>From the looks of it, I'd say pgp-i, but just want to make sure...

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Re: update-menus failed?

1997-08-30 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Aug 29, 1997, at 16:18, joost witteveen wrote:
 > >  shell-init: could not get current
 > > directory: get\cwd: cannot access parent directories
 > This I don't understand. I wrote update-menus, and I've
 > seen quite a few error messages from update-menus. But
 > I've never seen this one (nor do I ever expect this).
 > the place at which it comes makes it actually rather unlikely
 > that it's from update-menus: update-menus only continues working
 > _after_ dpkg finished, which is usually after you have your prompt
 > back. This message seems to have come before any command prompt,
 > so I suspect it's from the netscape postinst.
 > I cannot check now, cause I've got a very old netscape package
 > installed here, and that one doesn't to update-menus at all.
 > > Is this of any importance? Is there anything I can do to fix this? I
 > > think I remember a post regarding this issue a while ago, something
 > > like there is a command spawned by root that runs as a different user,
 > > and that user doesn't have read access to all the directories in the
 > > path to a certain file. Is this it?
 > Possible. Take a look at /var/lib/dpkg/info/netscape.postinst,
 > and see what it does after it says " Installation OK.  Hit RETURN.".
 > maybe that gives a clue? 

These are the LAST lines in that file. I've edited the "print" lines
to make them fit in 80 columns.

== Start of Excerpt =
# Print info message
print "- Netscape will not be able to ... unless you set\n";
print "  the \"external ... /usr/.../movemail\".  Changing\n";
print "  the permissions ... (as suggested by Netscape) will\n";
print "  introduce a small ... some circumstances, could\n";
print "  allow someone else to get access to another's mail.\n";

# Remaining postinst stuff
if (-x "/usr/bin/update-menus") {
system "/usr/bin/update-menus";

## local variables:
## tab-width: 8
## end:
== End of Excerpt ===

So, it looks like there is nothing in that script seemingly wrong.

 > Thanks,
 > joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Au contraire, thank you.

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Knowing what to update on my Debian system?

1997-08-22 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Aug 21, 1997, at 14:53, Bruce Perens wrote:
 > A substantial part of that 67MB is the X change for Richard Stallman.
 > XDM prints "Debian GNU/Linux" rather than "Debian Linux". All of X got
 > rebuilt to keep the release numbers consistent. I have no problem
 > accomodating Richard, but I don't need to rush this change to every last
 > user and make them spend money to get it, do I?

That sounds fine to me. I'm just about to install Debian from my
Cheapbytes CD. What I need to know is this: say I'm done with
installing from CD, I have a functional Debian system, and I point the
package installer to one of the ftp sites to browse and see what it
suggests I should update (I gather I can do this, can't I?). Now, say
the installer suggests upgrading packages A, B and C. Can I know
(without downloading them, that is) what has been changed in those
packages between the versions I have installed and the versions on the
ftp site? For example, I'm not going to download 67 MB just to get
"Debian GNU/Linux" rather than "Debian Linux" on xdm (which I don't
use anyway). How do I go about this?

By the way, the CDs I got from Cheapbytes have the following printed
on them:

  "Official" Debian 1.3 1
  "Official" Debian 1.3 2

Have I been ripped off? Is this the latest 1.3.1 CD, or an older
version? How could I check?

 >  Bruce

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Re: HELP: formatting the hard drive

1997-08-20 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Aug 19, 1997, at 17:09, Leandro Asnaghi-Nicastro wrote:
 > I was able to format the HD but I am still having trouble with
 > Linux text  appearing on the screen.

Got it. You still have Linux stuff (LILO?) on the MBR (Master Boot
Record). Once you have formatted the disks, go to the C: drive and
issue the following command:

  fdisk /MBR

to obliterate the Linux MBR and place a copy of MS DOG's version on

 > Leandro Asnaghi-Nicastro (LA672)

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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HELP: formatting the hard drive

1997-08-20 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Aug 19, 1997, at 15:47, Leandro Asnaghi-Nicastro wrote:
 > I also have a P133 with 16MB of ram.  I originally installed Linux
 > on this machine, but I now need it for CAD.  I would like to remove
 > Linux from it but I have been unable via standard methods (ie:
 > bootable floppy to format HD).  Any suggestions on how I can format
 > the hard drive so that I can installed (*yikes*) Windows '95?

Did you partition your drives? If the answer is yes, you'll have to:

1. Boot from floppy.
2. Use MS DOG's fdisk to erase all partitions.
3. Repartition as you wish.
4. Use MS DOG's format to format the drives. Probably use the /S flag
   on the first bootable (usually, C:) partition.

If you are going to leave the drives partitioned as they are, just
reformat them with MS DOG's format (that is, skip steps 2 and 3).

Note: Make sure you have everything you need on that bootable MS DOG

1. System (IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, whatnot)
2. fdisk
3. format
4. a text editor
5. drivers fro your hardware (CD-ROM?)
6. anything you deem necessary

Then, install MS DOG or Winblows 95. Pity on you.

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Re: restarting daemons

1997-08-17 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Aug 15, 1997, at 21:25, George Bonser wrote:
 > On Wed, 13 Aug 1997, Gonzalo A. Diethelm wrote:
 > > Just to make things clear, kill doesn't stop anything; it's purpose in
 > > life is to send a given signal to a given process. When you do a
 > > 
 > >   killall -HUP inetd
 > > 
 > > you are sending a SIGHUP signal to all processes whose name matches
 > > "inetd". "The" inetd we all know, inetd(8), reacts to a SIGHUP by
 > > rereading its configuration file, /etc/inetd.conf.
 > Hmmm, how come the PID changes?

Are you sure? I actually tried it here:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~] $ ps | grep inetd
   54 psf 5 N   0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~] $ kill -HUP 54
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~] $ ps | grep inetd
   54 psf 5 N   0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd
  857 s24 8 N   0:00 grep inetd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~] $ kill -HUP 54
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~] $ ps | grep inetd
   54 psf 5 N   0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd

I have Slakware, but I don't think that should make any difference.

 > George Bonser

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Re: restarting daemons

1997-08-14 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Aug 12, 1997, at 23:33, George Bonser wrote:
 > A quick and dirty that I sometimes use:
 > killall -HUP inetd
 > Which stops and restarts inetd causing it to re-read the inetd.conf file.

Just to make things clear, kill doesn't stop anything; it's purpose in
life is to send a given signal to a given process. When you do a

  killall -HUP inetd

you are sending a SIGHUP signal to all processes whose name matches
"inetd". "The" inetd we all know, inetd(8), reacts to a SIGHUP by
rereading its configuration file, /etc/inetd.conf.

The name for the "kill" system call is a misnomer from old
times. Also, if no signal is specified, kill sends a SIGTERM signal to
the process(es), whose default action is to (surprise) terminate the
process; that explains (in part) the name "kill".

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Modem doesn't reset anymore

1997-08-12 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Aug 12, 1997, at 12:25, Maarten Boekhold wrote:
 > I suddenly am forced to first start win95 and use dial-up networking there
 > to reset my modem before I can use it from Linux.
 > I didn't change a thing on my installation, no new packages, no new kernel
 > (2.0.30 with pentium-memcpy and partial csum), no nothing. It does not
 > reset my modem, and I haven't been able to find a way to do it by hand.
 > Does anyone out there knows of any tool that can correctly reset things?

I use dip to reset my modem:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~] $ dip -tv
DIP: Dialup IP Protocol Driver version 3.3.7o-uri (8 Feb 96)
Written by Fred N. van Kempen, MicroWalt Corporation.

DIP: name=gonzo home=/tmp IP=
 prot=SLIP MTU=296

Modem set to "HAYES".
DIP [0   ]> reset
>> reset
DIP [0   ]> quit
>> quit

Hope that helps.

 > Maarten

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Work-Needing and Prospective Packages

1997-08-12 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Aug 11, 1997, at 10:36, Philippe Troin wrote:
 > Work-Needing and Prospective Packages for Debian GNU/Linux
 > Philippe Troin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > $Id: packages.sgml,v 1.53 1997/08/11 17:26:39 phil Exp $

[BIG snip]

 > 6.  Programs that aren't available yet in Debian
 > Programs listed in this section aren't yet available as Debian
 > packages, but there has been an expressed desire to include them.
 > If you want to create a Debian package, send me an e-mail.
 > 6.1.  Programming and development:
 > o  ACE <> (a free C++

Hey, I haven't even got my Debian CD yet! Once I install Debian on my
system (and wipe out Slakware), I'll take ACE and package
it. Unless someone's onto this already? I'm actively using ACE, so I
think I can handle the task. Also, if nobody is taking care of Linux
Threads (a kernel-level multi-threading package), I'll tackle that
too, since ACE works best on Linux when built atop lxthreads instead
of Provenzano (MIT) pthreads.

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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disk activities on a notebook..

1997-08-09 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Aug  8, 1997, at 07:05, David Puryear wrote:
 > Hi all,
 > Does anyone know what is accessing the hard drive every 3 or four
 > seconds? I'm using debian 1.3.1 with 2.0.29 on a laptop, so I
 > trying to make the battery last as long as possible. But with
 > constant accessing of the disk when I'm just typing is draining the
 > battery way too fast.:( Hope someone has idea as to how to change
 > this behavior.
 > Any hint as to how to find out would be appreciated, thanks,
 > David

Let's see, how much physical memory do you have? If it is less than
16 MB, then X is going to swap a lot. That could explain it.

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Off-line news spool?

1997-08-08 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm

A few months ago, I started looking into setting an off-line news spool
on my (Slakware) machine. I read all the documentation for INN, and I
think I finally understood how to use it (after a LONG while). In the
end, I never implemented the thing for lack of time.

Now that I'm switching to Debian, I may give it another try. And I've
been reading about leafnode, which (if I understand right) would serve
the same purpose as INN. Is this correct? If so, what are the
advantages of leafnode over INN? Is it any easier to set up and
maintain? Can I read and post off-line, and have leafnode send/receive
news the next time I connect to my ISP? Would I need any special
support or permissions with my ISP to use leafnode? Any pointers to
TFMs, FAQs, etc.? Thanks in advance.

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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sendmail v/s smail

1997-08-08 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm

>From the discussions on this list (I still haven't got my Debian CD),
I gather smail is by default installed as the mail system for Debian;
even if this is not the case, I have the following question: I'm now
using (Slakware and) sendmail, and it works OK, though I'll be damned
if I ever understand the file. Is smail any better? What
are the strengths and weaknesses of each package? Why would I switch
from sendmail to smail?

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Threads information, book recommendation.

1997-08-07 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Aug  6, 1997, at 23:19, David B. Teague wrote:
 > Would someone please recommend a book on threads programming?

Two recommendations, both pertaining POSIX Threads (1003.c):

  "Programming with Threads"
  Steve Kleiman, Devang Shah, Bart Smaalders
  SunSoft Press, 1996   [I know, Sun, but it does cover Pthreads]
  ISBN 0-13-172389-8

  "Pthreads Programming"  [The `caterpillar' book]
  Bradford Nichols, Dick Buttlar, Jacqueline Proulx Farrell
  O'Reilly & Associates, 1996
  ISBN 1-56592-115-1

 > More immediate: Would someone please recommend a web site that has
 > a discussion of threads, or web accesible document on threads and
 > threads programming. 


 > --David
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Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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database with ODBC support?

1997-08-07 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
On Aug  6, 1997, at 16:21, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 > Can anyone give some recommendations for a free (or possibly
 > shareware (mSQL)) database server for Debian? I want to access
 > the database ideally from Lotus Approach 97 running on WinNT,
 > via TCP/IP, or with Delphi 3; or, last option, via web pages
 > (which I do not have much time to write, especially
 > since this is only for inhouse use.)
 > I looked at mySQL, since there is myODBC; Approach won't talk
 > to it properly, and Delphi 3 does not handle its auto_increment
 > fields, which I rather like. Web pages are an option with eg PHP/FI
 > but there is some significant time investment in that.
 > Other options are, TTBOMK, Postgres (which has PostODBC,
 > but is only a development version which is a year old; I have it
 > here to try out later today), and mSQL, for which I can't exactly
 > find the ODBC driver. 

You should also take a look at GNU SQL. It should be somewhere at or //

 > Hamish

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Which Debian bundle should I get?

1997-08-04 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
OK, I'm almost ready to go for Debian 1.3.1. I would like to get a CD
bundle with more stuff in it (like ftp sites archives). Who sells such
a beast? I need delivery to the LA area.

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Which kernel is in 1.3.1?

1997-08-04 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
Hello all,

I'm considering buying the CD release for Debian 1.3.1. I have the
following requirements for the kernel:

* Support for multi-threading.
* Particularly, support for kernel threading (Linux Threads, NOT
  Provenzano MIT threads).
* Support for glibc 2.0 (I could hold my breath on this one, though).

So, will I get what I need with Debian 1.3.1? If not, would you advise
to get something different?

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Why Debian?

1997-08-04 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
Hello all,

I know this will prove I'm a newbie, but here it is anyway...

Why should I get Debian rather than other Linux distributions? I very
much like the idea of contributing to the free software idea, but I'd
also like to get a functional, feature-loaded and maintainable system;
in particular, I'd like good migration paths for major changes in the
Linux architecture as a whole (libc to glibc, kernel 2.0 to 2.1,
etc.). Would you advise to get Debian under these assumptions?

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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Migrating from Slackware to Debian?

1997-08-04 Thread Gonzalo A. Diethelm
Hello all,

If I do get the Debian Linux distribution, how hard will it be to
install it in my Slakware system? My current system has been heavily
modified by installing patches, new releases of existing software
packages and new packages altogether. Will I face absolute madness, or
is there a recommended way of going about this business?

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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