Using Sympatico Warp ADSL w/ Debian

2001-08-26 Thread Jason Dawe
Hi. When I installed Debian I said yes to the
configure network with DHCP question. It said it
worked. I also installed via-rhine for my network
card, which I found was the right module after some

I rebooted, and expected to be online. I can't ping
anywhere, except myself. Ifconfig looks like things
are working. Can someone help me? I'm sure I got the
working easily before, I just don't remember how? I
want to connect to the Internet to install the rest of
the packages.

Any help is appreciated.


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Trouble Setting Up DSL

2001-01-07 Thread Jason Dawe
Hello I have a DSL modem with a SMC EtherPower II Ethernet card. Before
installing Debian I used the Windows 'winipcfg' utility to find out my IP
address, DNS servers, Default Gateway, Subnet Mask and DHCP Server.

During the install I loaded the Epic 100 module, and entered the above
values in the Configure Network option. I assumed this would be enough to
let me access the Internet.

However, after completing the installation and rebooting I could not connect
to any sites, nor could I ping any servers. For example if I do a 'ftp' it instantly tells me it is not found. (It takes no time at
all; doesn't even seem to look)

Any advice? How can I get this to work? I'm using 2.2r2


Can't play a wav

1999-04-21 Thread Jason Dawe
Can anyone help me? I recompiled a 2.0.36 Kernel to include SB 16
support. When the system boots it tells me sound init. complete, and
there are no signs of errors.  Here are some of the responses I get to
certain commands:

cat testsound.wav | /dev/audio
bash: /dev/audio: permission denied (I'm root!)
Broken pipe

similar message with /dev/dsp, /dev/dsp0, and /dev/dsp1

play testsound.wav
sox: Invalid buffer size 0

Again, sound support is in the kernel with the proper IRQ numbers and
DMA address.  Any help?  I'll try downloaded the 2.2.x kernels when I
get a chance.

Printer Troubles

1999-03-29 Thread Jason Dawe
I was actually going to check the message archive this time, but I'm
sitting here at a Netscape status bar telling me "Connect: Contacting
Host" endlessly.

Anyway, I can't even get my printer to print a simple text file.  It is
a Panasonic KX-P4430.  I checked the basic stuff like making sure it was
online and that the cables were properly connected.  I have installed
GhostScript, magicfilter, and lpr.

If it matters, here is my /etc/printcap:

lp|ps4430|Panasonic KX-P4430:\

Here are the messages I received trying to print a simple text file that
just says testing inside of it:

bash-2.01$ lpr test
lpr: connect: Connection refused
jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.
bash-2.01$ lpq
waiting for lp to become ready (off-line ?)
Rank   Owner  Job  Files Total Size
1stroot   0test  4 bytes
2ndroot   1test  4 bytes
3rdroot   2test  4 bytes
4throot   3test  7 bytes
5thjason  4test  7 bytes
6thjason  6test  7 bytes
7thjason  7test  7 bytes

I think I have included all the info that I should...

Thanks in advance

Netscape 4.51 won't start

1999-03-28 Thread Jason Dawe
I just installed Debian 2.1, and the installation went smoothly up until
netscape.  If anyone has any advice, please tell me!  Here are the details:

I downloaded and extracted communicator-v451.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
from  Next, I ran the ns-install script and installed it
to the default location. (/usr/local/netscape)

When I try to run netscape I get the following error:
/usr/local/netscape/netscape: can't load library ''

I have messed around with some stuff but I have no idea what to do now.  Can
anyone help me?

Thanks in advance

SVGALib and S3 Virge DX (375)

1999-01-01 Thread Jason Dawe
Hello again :)

I am using a S3 Virge DX (375) and SVGALib. I have removed the # in
front of the line "chipset s3" in /etc/vga/vgalib.config but SVGALib
can't ID my s3 card, so it forces VGA. Is there any thing I can do to
fix that?

Finally it (almost) works!

1998-12-24 Thread Jason Dawe
Well, I have magicfilter and all that configured and running properly.
My printer prints correctly etc., but, while the output is readable, its
very fuzzy. What can I do about this?

I have a Panasonic KX-P1123, I was told to select eponsc. Below is a
copy of /etc/printcap (Without the comments):


So, if there is anything I can do, what do I do to get rid of the

Netscape Printing

1998-12-24 Thread Jason Dawe
Yesterday I had questions on installing Aladdin Ghostscript 5.50. Bob
Nielsen answered my questions, but I'm not even sure if I'm heading in
the right direction.

I have a Panasonic KX-P1123, its old and crappy but that's what I have.
All I want to do is be able to print in Netscape. When I try, for
example to print the Debian start page I get a sheet looking something
like this:

%%BoundingBox: 54 72 558 720
%%Creator: Mozilla (NetScape) HTML->PS
-I'll skip some un-needed stuff-
[ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
-Plus many more /.notdef's-
/parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash
/zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon
-It goes on and on like this.-

Anyway, it seems to me that this is postscript and my printer is not
understanding it. So I got Ghostscript, which I installed but I don't
even know if that was the right thing to do? The reason I thought the
above was postscript is the lines like %!PS-Adobe-3.0 and HTML->PS am I

Was ghostscript what I needed to get?

If it was, how do I use ghostscript to convert the above? I've looked at
documentation and stuff. I'm stumped. And I'll I'm trying to do is print
though Netscape.

Aladdin 5.50

1998-12-24 Thread Jason Dawe
This is a re-post, my earlier post didn't seem to, well, post. I
apoligize if it did.

I have been trying to get my dot-matrix Panasonic KX-P1123 printer to
work all night. After re-compiling the Kernel again, my printer prints
regular ASCII text fine.  Through Netscape, I just get a bunch of
garbage. (Well, real words but they don't make sense).

After reading numerous HOW-TO's I discovered I need to use a program
called Ghostscript to emulate Postscript.  I have downloaded the unix
version of postscript. (I guess I needed the unix one, the only other
ones were the mac and ms-dos/win versions)

I extracted ghostscript-5.50.tar in /usr/src/gs5.50
Now I have loads of C-source code and stuff. The HTM documentation goes
all over the place talking about makefiles and stuff. I'm relatively new
at Linux, so that lost me. I tried "make" "make install" "gcc gs.c -o
gs" none of it helped.

I'm stuck. What should I do now?

Aladdin Ghostscript 5.50

1998-12-24 Thread Jason Dawe
I have been trying to get my dot-matrix Panasonic KX-P1123 printer to
work all night. After re-compiling the Kernel again, my printer prints
regular ASCII text fine.  Through Netscape, I just get a bunch of
garbage. (Well, real words but they don't make sense).

After reading numerous HOW-TO's I discovered I need to use a program
called Ghostscript to emulate Postscript.  I have downloaded the unix
version of postscript. (I guess I needed the unix one, the only other
ones were the mac and ms-dos/win versions)

I extracted ghostscript-5.50.tar in /usr/src/gs5.50
Now I have loads of C-source code and stuff. The HTM documentation goes
all over the place talking about makefiles and stuff. I'm relatively new
at Linux, so that lost me. I tried "make" "make install" "gcc gs.c -o
gs" none of it helped.

I'm stuck. What should I do now?

Kernel Won't Recompile

1998-11-28 Thread Jason Dawe
I am trying to compile the Linux Kernel 2.0.36 (Or is it 2.0.37?)

Anyway after doing a 'make config', then a 'make zImage', I get the
error listed below. Also a similar error after trying 'make bzImage'. I
might be the same, but I'm not sure.
/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/zImage does not appear after doing make
xImage. Thats my problem.

Here is the last 15 lines of the error. (Isn't there an easier way than
writing it all down?)

make[2]: Entering directory /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/compressed'
xtract /usr/src/linux/vmlinux | gzip -9 | ./piggyback > piggy.o
Non-GCC header of 'system' ((Is that the problem?))
Compressed size 20.
ld -qmagic -Ttext 0xfe0 -0 vmlinux head.o misc.o piggy.o
ld: Warning: cannot find entry symbol -start((?)); defaulting to
misc.o; In function 'fill-inbuf': ((? - Not sure of my own writing :))
misc.o(.text+ox1ebc); undefined reference to 'input_data'
misc.o(.text+ox1ec1); undefined reference to 'input_len'
misc.o(.text+ox1ed7); undefined reference to 'input_data'
make[2]: *** [vmlinux] Error 1
make[1]: [Compressed/vmlinux] Error 2
make[1]: leaving dir '/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot'
make: *** [zImage] Error 2

That's it. Comments I added are in ((double brackets)) I copied this
down with my hand so it might not be 100% accurate.

/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/zImage is not being created.

What do I do?

as86: Command not found. (Trying to re-compile Kernal)

1998-11-27 Thread Jason Dawe
I'm kind of a newbie at this but here goes...

I found out to use sound I would have to recompile the Linux kernel.
After getting make, I did a "make config" and then a "make zImage" as
described in the README file which came with the source.

At the end of the output screen of make zImage, I get a lot of messages
but I think this is my problem:

make[1]: as86: Command not found

I have searched dselect (With /) for as86 but it wasn't there. Where do
I get it?



1998-11-26 Thread Jason Dawe
Sorry, just a test message.