X11 libs problem

1998-06-12 Thread Jeff Shilt
There seems to be some sort of problem with the libraries in
/usr/X11R6/lib.  Almost every program I install that isn't from a debian 
package won't run because it can't find libraries from this directory.
This is my ld.so.conf:

I've even used the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable and it still won't work. 

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depth and GTK

1998-05-20 Thread Jeff Shilt
I recently installed the gtk libs, development, and doc packages. 
Following the instructions in the docs I compiled a very basic program. 
When I try to run it though I get the message
  ** ERROR **: unable to find a usable depth
and a core dump.
I'm running the plain ol' VGA16 server and I think the depth is 4.
 Can I change Xwin to work with gtk, or vice versa - or do I have to wait
until I get a comp. with better graphic display?

Thanks -  Jef

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X11 libs not found

1998-05-19 Thread Jeff Shilt
I've run into this a few times - Some programs, more often than
not non-Debian stuff, can't find libraries in /usr/X11/lib.  For example,
I installed teTeX from binaries I already had and couldn't run xdvi. Now I
compiled some Xforms demos with FPK-pascal and they can't find libX11 or
libforms although I checked and they're all definitely there.
Running ldd on these programs shows that only libs in /usr/X11/lib
are the ones not found, all other libs seem to be fine.

Thanks - 
Jeffrey Shilt

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gcc g++

1998-05-11 Thread Jeff Shilt
  Since g++ is now seperate from gcc, I noticed after installing both of
these that I have two directories under /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux.
One is from gcc and the other is egcs-2.90.26. Other than a few
differences they seem to have the same files each taking almost 3M.  I'm
running on a 486 laptop with a 120M hardrive and was wondering if I can
combine the files in these directories to use less space.

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Re: Problem with my shell

1998-05-07 Thread Jeff Shilt
 On Mon, May 04, 1998 at 02:08:36AM -0400, Jeff Shilt wrote:
I wrote a postinst shell script for a package and when I went to test it
  I get 
   bash: ././postinst: no such file or directory
I changed my PATH environent variable around a bunch, even took out .
  and tried to run postinst with ./postinst and I get
   bash: ./postinst: no such file or directory
I cut the script down to:
  #! /bin/sh
  echo Creating symlinks in directory
  and I don't see that there's anything wrong with this. The file has
  executable permissions.  If I go to /var/lib/dpkg/info and run one of the
  scripts there with ./filename it runs fine.  It just seems to be any file
  I create.
  What's up with this?
 Try removing the space after #!.  Also ensure the script is executable
 (chmod +x postinst), not that this will make much difference
  I did remove the remove the spaces, that wasn't it. However, I did solve
it by using mcedit from mc.  Apparently it had something to do with how ae
was saving it. I've stopped using ae!
Thanks, Jef

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Problem with my shell

1998-05-04 Thread Jeff Shilt
  I wrote a postinst shell script for a package and when I went to test it
I get 
 bash: ././postinst: no such file or directory
  I changed my PATH environent variable around a bunch, even took out .
and tried to run postinst with ./postinst and I get
 bash: ./postinst: no such file or directory

  I cut the script down to:
#! /bin/sh

echo Creating symlinks in directory

and I don't see that there's anything wrong with this. The file has
executable permissions.  If I go to /var/lib/dpkg/info and run one of the
scripts there with ./filename it runs fine.  It just seems to be any file
I create.
What's up with this?

Jeffrey A. Shilt

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ld can't find X libs

1998-04-29 Thread Jeff Shilt
  A few programs I've tried to run in X11 can't find the X11 libraries. 
XDvi copmlains about no libXaw.so.6.  When I ldd xdvi it shows this
library and others (like libX11) as not being found.  If I ldd a program
in /usr/X11R6/bin it finds all of them. I checked ld.so.conf and it has
the correct directory listed.
  Why does it only know where they're at sometimes?


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Re: Copyright Question.

1998-04-16 Thread Jeff Shilt
 I want to package Blender. It will have to go into Non-free. or maybe
 contrib... What I want to know is yalls thoughts on weather or not we can
 even distribute this software. Heres the pertinant part of the licence.
   Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its
   documentation without written agreement is hereby granted only for non-
   commercial purposes. Distributing blender 'bundled' in with ANY product
   is considered to be a `commercial purpose'. This entire copyright notice
   must appear in all copies of this software.
 The part that worrys me is the line about  ... Bundled in with any
 product. I'm wondering if this would mean packing for debian is comercial?
  I think that this would mean it would be okay to make a debian pacakge
out of it, because a package is not a product just a modified
redistributing.  However it looks like it is not allowed to be put on any
Debian CD's and that would be up to the CD makers to not do.  Having the
.deb package available itself (i think) would be fine.

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Re: Installing large packages from DOS formatted diskette

1998-04-03 Thread Jeff Shilt
   I am a newbie to Debian. Recently I installed Debian 1.3 on my PC from
 diskettes. It is working fine. However I downloaded some Debain packages
 which are larger than 1.44M (diskette size). How can I install these
 packages? I have DOS/Windows tools like pkzip, arj, gzip but I am not
 sure how to decompress it to a Linux partition on my hard disk. 
   My guess is that I need a DOS partition but I couldn't create one
 using the Rescue Disk. BTW, which type of DOS partition do I create?
 FAT12, FAT16, etc.. 
 Thanks in advance.
 Best Regards,
 Chee Seng
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Re: Installing large packages from DOS formatted diskette

1998-04-03 Thread Jeff Shilt
   I am a newbie to Debian. Recently I installed Debian 1.3 on my PC from
 diskettes. It is working fine. However I downloaded some Debain packages
 which are larger than 1.44M (diskette size). How can I install these
 packages? I have DOS/Windows tools like pkzip, arj, gzip but I am not
 sure how to decompress it to a Linux partition on my hard disk. 
   My guess is that I need a DOS partition but I couldn't create one
 using the Rescue Disk. BTW, which type of DOS partition do I create?
 FAT12, FAT16, etc.. 
  You don't need to make a DOS partition (who needs it anyway).  Here's
two ways I handle this.
  1. The file is downloaded to you're debian machine or another *nix machine.
I use 'split' and 'cat'.  Split takes a number as an argument that
determines the size of the split-up files. I've found between 4000
and 5000 gives a bit over 1M size files.  You can then save these on
multiple disks, copy them to your Debian system and then cat them back
For example:  split -4500 package.deb  (this makes files xa*, xb*, ..)
  cat xa* xb*  package.deb

  2. The file is downloaded to a DOS based machine.
PKZIP them across multiple disks.  Each disk has the same name
file, so cp them into a directory on your system with different
names (make sure to keep things in order - name them part1, part2, 
etc).  Now cat these together into a package.zip.  There is an 
unzip for *nix systems (sorry, don't remember where I got mine)
that can unzip PKZIP files.  Unzip package.zip and you should have
you're package.deb.

  I haven't had to use two for a while, but I use one all the time cause I
have a small harddrive, so I keep all the packages I download on floppies.

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Re: swapFILE vs swapDISK ??

1998-04-03 Thread Jeff Shilt
 I was wondering whether there are any benefits to using a swap partition
 as opposed to using a swap file.
 I am running debian 1.3 on a system with relatively low resources (200
 megs HD, 12 megs ram), and have it set up to have a 12 meg swap partition.
 But, today I found out about mkswap and how I can on the fly create a swap
 file and use that. It seems like this would be pretty useful to me as I
 can 'dynamically' choose how to allocate my memory / harddrive space.
 Is there any performance loss to making swapfiles (large ones), as opposed
 to having a static swap partition?
 Will it (this may sound silly, but my hard drive is old too ... 1993)
 increase the wear and tear on my hard drive?
   I use a 486 laptop w/ 8M ram and an 8M swap partition.  This total of
16M has really never been a problem unless I run a bunch of heavy things
at the same time.  I f you're machine already has 12M, you could probably
safely decrease your swap partition (8M, maybe 4).  I would suggest
leaving some sort of swap partition cause you don't always know when the
machine wants more.  On some occasions when my 16M isn't enough I do also
make a swap file to use for that particular job and then get rid of it.

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Re: Cannot correctly print non-ascii files

1998-03-31 Thread Jeff Shilt
   My HP Laserjet 6L can only print ASCII files correctly. Other files
 just print things
   such as ASCII headers on Postscript files. Printing from Netscape also
 prints out
   wacky ascii characters.
  I don't know if this is quite the same error I got originally after
installing gs and magicfilter, but it's something to check.  My fonts were
located in a subdirectory of ghostscript and apparently gs couldn't find
them.  Set the environment variable GS_LIB to the directory containing the
fonts listed in Fontmap.
  Hope this is your problem :)

 5. Maybe the problem isn't with printing per se. Here is an error I get
 trying to read a PostScript file generated by Netscape's browser
 # ghostview intro.ps
 A notifier window named information pops up and prints...
 While reading gs_fonts.ps:
 Error: /undefinedfilename in (Fontmap)
 Operand stack:
 Execution stack:
%interp_exit   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
 false   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
 Dictionary stack:
--dict:429/631--   --dict:34/200--   --dict:429/631--
 Last OS error: 2
 Current file position is 2350
 Error: PostScript interpreter failed in main window.
 Thanks in advance.
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Re: dpkg options

1998-03-30 Thread Jeff Shilt
 The man page for dpkg says it's inaccurate and also out of date.  Is
 there an updated man page somewhere?  I was just wondering if there might
 be some options for the program that are not listed in the man or --help
 pages.  For example, is there an option to get the long description of an
 installed package (as opposed to the output of -l)?  Is there a way to list
 the packages that depend on a certain installed package, and a way to list
 the packages that a certain installed package depends on?  I suspect that
 these options may just be undocumented.  If they don't exist, they probably
 should; all this info is available in /var/lib/dpkg/status (and besides, I
 think you can do these things with rpm, and I wouldn't want that tool to
 out-do dpkg in any way ;-).
  Try checking out dpkg-deb --help.  Dpkg passes some options on to
dpkg-deb and handles some itself, but dpkg-deb also has some options that
can't (I don't think) be accessed through dpkg.  For example:
   dpkg-deb --info
will give you quite a bit of information about a package, includeing
depends and a long description, although dpkg -s gives you the same.
Check it out, maybe some of the things you want are there.

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1998-03-28 Thread Jeff Shilt
  I just downloaded biss-awt_0.87-1 and the web page says there are no
depends, etc but during installation I found out it needs jdk1.1-runtime.
Where is this package? Does jdk1.1-dev provide this or should I just
ignore depends?

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gcc problems

1998-03-19 Thread Jeff Shilt
  I am using the Debian 2.0 distribution, and recently installed the
various development packages.  When I used a configure script for a
program, it says:
  checking whether the C compiler (gcc ) works... yes
  (other stuff)
  checking for c++... no
  checking for g++... no
  checking for gcc... yes
  checking whether the C++ compiler (gcc ) works... no

So, i tried running gcc on one of the files from the command line and get
the message:
  gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1plus': No such file or directory

Here's the packages I have installed:
  libg++272   (standard and development)
  libc6   2.0.7pre1-4   (standard and development)
  kernel-headers  2.0.32

and also
  libc5   5.4.38-1  (for compatability)

If anyone can help getting me compilin' would be wonderful.

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Zmodem recovery

1997-03-23 Thread Jeff Shilt
  Minicom doesn't recover when I have partial files.  It sees it and skips to 
the next file or stops the download.  I'm usually downloading from my school 
shell account.  I type sz files and minicom automatically starts download.
  In the setup it says it's running rz -vv for zmodem downloads.

g++ file doesn't run

1997-03-22 Thread Jeff Shilt
Thanks for the help - it does compile with g++ instead of gcc, but the 
executable produced isn't doing anything.  Here's what i'm doing:

#include iostream.h

  cout  Hello there.;

The test file doesn't print out anything when I run it.

Also, I was wondering if this was a descrepency in versions of gcc.  The 
installaition I had before (using the main parts of the Slackware dist.) 
compiled both c and c++. Like somehow it knew which way to process it.

gcc - iostream.h

1997-03-21 Thread Jeff Shilt
I recently installed the basic development files - gcc, cpp, binutils, libs, 
and libs-dev.  When I tried to compile a program with just a cout line it says 
iostream.h: no such file...
  I remeber seeing a lot of this on the linux newsgroup, and there seemed to be 
as many theories as there were answers.
  In usr/lib there is a link to /usr/include/g++ which does have iostream.h in 
it.  But how do I make gcc look there?

Jeffrey Shilt