Re: simple virt-manager setup

2024-02-14 Thread Me

On 2024-02-14 09:40, Felix Natter wrote:

Dear Michael,

many thanks for the detailed answer, I will keep all of this for
reference as I learn about libvirt!

Am I right that it is not possible to backup/restore VMs
using virt-manager GUI (on Debian12)? ChatGPT suggested this
is possible, but confused this with Hyper-V I think ;-)

So my best bet for backup/restore of data+config of a VM is to script
libvirt or use an existing bash script [1]? (Can you recommend one?)

Might this fit your needs?

Grx HdV

Re: Is there no other tool but Zim, the graphical text editor based on wiki technologies, in Debian, to create intertwined wiki pages locally?

2023-06-15 Thread Me

On 2023-06-15 12:54, Susmita/Rajib wrote:

My dear illustrious Leaders of the Debian-user List and Senior List Members,

There is Wiki.js but a Debian package for wiki.js isn't available.

Then there is libreoffice-wiki-publisher in Debian, the LibreOffice
extension for working with MediaWiki articles.

But files created with zim don't appear to be compatible with the
other. Will check, confirm and then post my experiences.

I require a WYSIWYG editor. Zim is one. But I also need another
supporting editor to further polish up files.

Any suggestion in the meanwhile would be welcome.

Best wishes.

Although I have never used it myself (I am 100% a vim and by extension a 
vimwiki person) I know someone who used (not sure if he still does) 
Basket Notes ( and loves it. Maybe 
that will suit your needs?

Grx HdV

Reminder: Services starten niet

2019-08-01 Thread Me Zelf
On Thu, Aug 01, 2019 at 12:33:29PM +0200, Bas Neve wrote:
> Op do 1 aug. 2019 om 12:25 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
> > Op 01-08-19 om 11:43 schreef Bas Neve:
> > > Hoi Paul,
> > >
> > > Wat zegt strace ?
> > >
> >
> > Ik snap niet hoe je dit bedoeld. Strace moet je met een programma
> > starten. Wil je dat ik systemd met strace ga draaien of zo?
> De suggestie is inderdaad tracen waar het gebeurt.
> In dit geval bij de boot. wat inhoud systemd.

Reminder aan mezelf:

  Over een dik half jaar eens voorzichtig kijken
  of Bas Neve zijn zin/onzin ratio verbetert heeft.

> Graag ontvang ik een ontvangst- en leesbevestiging retour.

Die ergernis dus komende tijd ook niet.


Re: VPN con OpenVPN no conecta.

2019-02-20 Thread Me
On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 07:00:25 -0500, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 09:18:46AM -0000, Me wrote:
>> Como confirmar que version estoy usando en mi ordenador, por favor?
> Así:
> $ cat /etc/debian_version
> O, mejor sería:
> $ lsb_release -a

Me referia a:
 LTSv 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
No encuentro el comando openssl para el cliente.

Re: VPN con OpenVPN no conecta.

2019-02-20 Thread Me
On Tue, 19 Feb 2019 19:32:44 -0500, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 12:29:01AM -, Debian wrote:
>> Hola
>> Instale Stretch en un ordenador, y cree una VPN con OpenVPN, y funciono
>> correctamente. Luego pase el SO a Buster, y la VPN no funciona. Luego
>> edite un archivo, cambiando de LTSv1.3 a LTSv1 y ya funciona.
>> Mis preguntas son:
>> Es la version 1 segura?
>> Como hacer que funcione con LTSv1.2 que trae la distro?
>> Es problema del sistema o del servidor?
>> Gracias por su atencion.
> ¿Cual lado es buster?  ¿El cliente o el servidor?  Mejor, ¿cuales
> sistemas operativos están en cada lado de le conexión?
> Saludos,
> -Roberto

Gracias por responder esto es del servidor:

Protocol  : TLSv1.2
Key-Arg   : None
PSK identity: None
PSK identity hint: None
SRP username: None
Start Time: 1550653184
Timeout   : 300 (sec)
Verify return code: 0 (ok)

Como confirmar que version estoy usando en mi ordenador, por favor?

Re: Stretch para al final del nucleo?

2018-11-22 Thread Me
On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 09:08:39 +0100, Galvatorix Torixgalva wrote:

> Hola,
> apagar de forma forzada es lo último. Tienes algunas opciones antes de
> eso.
> Por ejemplo el reinicio forzado.

te referis a control+ alt +del? eso uso.

> Si quieres cambiar algo del kernel haces una copia y cambias lo que
> quieras. El kernel de la instalación no se toca.

Segun yo, los cambios son permanentes! gracias.

> Creo que la opción más sencilla que tienes es reinstalar SIN formatear
> la partición. Eso salvará tus datos y te dejará hacer backup (si no has
> hecho nada que lo impida). Luego deberías hacer una reinstalacion
> limpia.

Con los datos no tengo dificultad, cuando dije "conservar", me refiero a 
la instalacion, gracias. tiene a Slackware a la par y no ha fallado en 
los ultimos 20 anos!

> Saludos

Stretch para al final del nucleo?

2018-11-21 Thread Me
En Stretch actualizado, se detiene al final del nucleo y muestra BusyBox 
para introducir comandos! No se que hacer, asi que apago forzado. Se 
queda esperando la particion de Root, ocurre 3 o 4 veces, y por fin 
inicia. Se me ocurre, que pasando ese SO a Testing, podria salvar lo que 
tengo alli, pero agradeceria sugerencias e informacion. Tambien, se me 
ocurre cambiar el Nucleo. Gracias.

Re: SSH session audit

2018-02-19 Thread me

On 2018-02-19 16:52, john doe wrote:

Isn't pam enough?:

No need to install anything and it's quite versatile.

Yes, this is in line with the other suggested options such as snoopy or 
pam_tty_audit. It could work as audit system, but it seems to me as a 
solution for more structured and corporate environment.
In the described case I would like a solution that store record the 
session in a safe way, immutable and trustable, therefore encrypting all 
(only the owners have to be able to read it) and hosted on a read only 
resource (the user who logins should not be able to delete it) and 
provable (signed).
I think that with pam there is the risk that a user with full access 
right could easily delete all the logs. Or that the log could be altered 

Re: SSH session audit

2018-02-19 Thread me

On 2018-02-19 14:11, Eero Volotinen wrote:

Commercial solution:

Thanks for the option and sorry if I hadn't specified in my previous: 
commercial solution are against the TOS of the project. We have the 
requirement, commitment and wish to be 100% free-software.

On 2018-02-19 14:22, Steve Kemp wrote:
Do you know about that solution? Or could you suggest something 

  You could install "snoopy", which will log all command-executed to
 syslog.  Then configure your syslog to forward logs to a remote host.
  It is not fool-proof, but requires no setup for a user..

Nice to know. It could be improved by moving the logs outside but would 
required additional work (and who will be the one in charge of managing 
it?). I had a quick view of it but probably it has problem with 
interactive programs like editors (I think you'd get only a "vim 

Anyway, I also remember about the post that I read, that was such a 
clever and easy solution to feel like the obvious way of doing it. It 
was easy to run and very reliable thanks to asymmetric encryption via 

SSH session audit

2018-02-19 Thread me


I'm co-managing a server with a friend of mine offering ourself some 
basic service (like emails, file sharing, etc). At this time each of us 
can freely login on the server via ssh (we trust each others) for the 
daily administrative tasks.

I would like to improve the current set up by adding a layer of 
certification and proofing of the ssh session, because if you know that 
you are recorded you'll be enforce to behave better. For this scope I've 
found many different possible solution, but quite complex to be 
implemented (like ssh proxy that records the session [1]), or too basic 
(like using /usr/bin/script). So far none of those that I've found 
satisfy me.

About that I remember that some time ago (maybe one or two years ago) I 
read a post on planet debian about such a method for session audit. It 
was suggesting as an easy to run solution for external consultant: the 
recording and encrypting of the remote session was performed without 
requiring any proxy, letting to store the session data on a dumb 
external host. From what I could remember I think that the idea was 
something like recording the session with script like utilities 
(launched at session login), then periodically encrypting it with gpg 
and publishing on a local folder or on a remote resource. This way the 
owner of the system could reliably access the session log, and the 
remote person could always prove what he did at during the ssh session.

Do you know about that solution? Or could you suggest something similar?

Thank you,


[1] ssh proxy solutions: ssh-bastion, KeyBox

Re: GNOME Shell can't unmount my USB key

2016-02-18 Thread Me Em
It's bug 814081 : .

Le lun. 15 févr. 2016 15:29, Sven Arvidsson <> a écrit :

> On Mon, 2016-02-08 at 10:57 +0100, Me wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply, I reported it to the Debian GNOME maintainer.
> >
> Do you have a bug report number?
> I'm interested on following up on this as I experience the same thing
> (sometimes).
> There have been open bugs about this both upstream and in Ubuntu but it
> was resolved as a bug in a specific chipset, which doesn't seem to be
> the case here.
> --
> Cheers,
> Sven Arvidsson

Re: I need help

2016-02-11 Thread Me
Le jeudi 11 février 2016 à 02:01 +0200, Ghaith Etaiwi a écrit :
> I have a MacBook Pro 4GB ram/ 500HDD/Intel HD 3000/ i5 2nd generation,
> can it run Debian?

Yes, probably.

>  Also, I want to know what version of Debian to download, I saw
> something about DVD1, DVD2...etc which one should I get and whats the
> difference between them?

The DVDs are really large images that contain all the packages in Debian
repositories. You don't need them, I think they are useful for
installing Debian offline.

Unless you read otherwise, I think you should download the image on the homepage.

I didn't read the wiki and I don't have a MacBook, so you should read
this before doing anything : (if you just want to
install) (for things specific to the MacBook

Good luck !

Re: GNOME Shell can't unmount my USB key

2016-02-11 Thread Me
Le jeudi 11 février 2016 à 11:57 -0800, Patrick Bartek a écrit :
> All I can say is it works, caveats you mentioned aside.  No
> problems in 3 years of use.

Your system probably doesn't use caching then, unlike the default
Debian+GNOME install. Since you are careful not to unplug your drives
when the LED is on, this seems to be the reason why you didn't loose

It applies to your system, but it is still a dangerous advice to give,
because many systems use the default, caching config. And you need a LED
on all your keys to avoid damaging them.

Also, remember that writing all the data immediately decreases your
drives' lifetime.

Anyway, I reported the bug, because as I said this can be dangerous for
most people.

Re: GNOME Shell can't unmount my USB key

2016-02-09 Thread Me
Le mardi 09 février 2016 à 09:00 -0800, Patrick Bartek a écrit :
> Yes, I know about caching, but on my system read/writes to removable
> devices are almost instantaneous.

Maybe it's just luck ? As I said, I frequently get a message from GNOME
saying the writes are not finished, and that although the drive
disappeared from the menus, I have to let it plugged. Especially when I
write large amounts of data. Which happens frequently, because it's my
backup drive.

> However, I did write my on udev rule to do the mounting/unmounting, and
> this was after reseaching expert advice on how to do it properly.

Can you explain how your udev manages to "unmount properly" when the
drive has already been unplugged ?

Or do your rules just disable caching ? I could do that, but that
doesn't prevent some program from writing on my disk when I want to
unplug it.

I've also read that disabling caching and writing all the data instantly
can reduce the lifetime of the key, as it stresses more the memory

> > Additionally, I don't have any LED on this drive, which makes it even
> > more dangerous.
> Then my method won't work well for you.

It's the only thing I miss with this key. It was handy to see what my
drive was doing.

Re: GNOME Shell can't unmount my USB key

2016-02-09 Thread Me
Le lundi 08 février 2016 à 13:50 -0800, Patrick Bartek a écrit :
> Perhaps in days gone by: my OS prior to Wheezy -- Fedora 12 --
> was like that. Anything USB had to be mounted/unmounted manually.
> What a pain.  And if you unplugged without unmounting . . .  Yes, things
> could break. But with Wheezy which I've been using for 3+ years have
> had no problems with just plug/unplug. The only precaution is to check
> the drive activity light isn't flickering.

Just because you didn't lose data doesn't mean it's safe. All systems
are known to use caching, and GNOME frequently informs me, after having
asked to unmount my key, that I shouldn't unplug it until it has
finished to write data on it.

Additionally, I don't have any LED on this drive, which makes it even
more dangerous.

Re: GNOME Shell can't unmount my USB key

2016-02-08 Thread Me
Le lundi 08 février 2016 à 08:35 +0100, a écrit :
> Otherwise you either lose the last writes to the device (if you're
> lucky and/or have a civilised file system on your stick, like ext3/ext4),
> or the whole file system is thrashed (more likely when you have an
> uncivilised filesystem, like some variation of FAT).

Thanks. That's what I'm worried about.

I want to report the bug. Should I send it to Debian or GNOME ?

Re: GNOME Shell can't unmount my USB key

2016-02-08 Thread Me
Le lundi 08 février 2016 à 10:06 +0100, a écrit :
> It looks more a GNOME thing to me -- but I guess the Debian GNOME
> maintainers are able to cope with it (plus your report would be
> targetting the specific version you're using). So Debian seems
> to me the first choice here.

Thanks for the reply, I reported it to the Debian GNOME maintainer.

GNOME Shell can't unmount my USB key

2016-02-07 Thread Me

In GNOME Shell, when I click on the "Eject" option in the notification
bar to unmount my USB key, it unmounts correctly and then immediately
mounts again, as if I just plugged it.

It happens only with the Kingston DataTraveler I own. I've tried on
several desktops, and it seems to happen only with GNOME Shell. MATE,
XFCE, and Ubuntu with Unity don't have the issue. And when I unmount it
with Nautilus, it stays unmounted, as it should.

This bug is annoying, as I can't be sure that nothing is writing on my
key before unplugging it.

I want to find the cause, and if necessary write a bug report. I need
advice : should I report the bug to Debian or GNOME ? What additional
information could I provide that could help ?

Obviously, if someone has a way to fix this without reporting a bug, I
would also be happy to read it.


Re: GNOME Shell can't unmount my USB key

2016-02-07 Thread Me
Le dimanche 07 février 2016 à 15:20 -0800, Patrick Bartek a écrit :
> You shouldn't have to "eject" it all.  Just plug it in and when done,
> pull it out. The system should mount and unmount it automatically. We're
> not talking Windows here.

What if some program, like my backup software, began to write on the key
when I decide to unplug it ? It will be corrupted unless I manually
unmounted it, and the notification is the fastest and easiest way to do
that. I don't want to open a terminal, type 'sudo umount /dev/sdb1' and
give my password each time I unplug my key.

And, what is the point of having an "Eject" option if just unplugging
the key is safe ? Windows also unmounts USB keys when they are
unplugged, and that doesn't make it safe.

Cups contabilizar coloridas...

2009-10-09 Thread Marcio - amor, sentimento maior que vc me desperta
galera seguinte...
precisava saber se existe alguma maneira de pelo cups conseguir contabilizar
as impressoes coloridas, tipo separar as coloridas das preto e branco...
me resolve se de alguma forma conseguir cadastrar um impressora e informar
se a mesma é colorida ou não...
a interface web do cups fica em que diretorio? numa ditribuicao debian?
e ela é feita em que linguagem?
se alguem puder me ajudar com essa duvida fico grato


Como pode o homem viver com o coracao a se ilhar, Deus por quanto tempo ei
de esperar...

a espera não é uma esperaça vazia, possui a certeza interior de alcançar seu

problems with router

2009-07-04 Thread me

i know, this is not really a debian related problem, nethertheless maybe
someone could help me with this topic.

I have a D-Link DSL-G624T wireless router which just worked fine... until 3
weeks before.
the ethernet connections (all 4 ports) started to loose pings (sometimes
until 50%), i can't even access the router's web-interface because too many
packets are dropped. this is only a problem with ethernet, wireless works

The cables are not the problem, my debian config neither (i tried with
another debian machine, other cables: same problem).

btw. the router is linux based.

Thanks for any hints  help,

Re: problems with router

2009-07-04 Thread me

I've tried it with 2 machines and 2 cables, all have the same issue... a
direct connection between my machine and my linksys mini-server works
perfectly, so the problem is really the router...

1) powercycled it many times, i've left it cooling down to exclude
overheating problems... no change
2) i've restored the router to factory settings... no change
3) i've tried another power supply with the same voltage... no change
4) i've updated the router to the newest firmware yesterday, also didn't
solve the problem

so, seems that the router is broken then... well, means that i'll have to
call the ISP so they exchange the router.

Thanks anyway for the help, greetings,

2009/7/4 Joe

 me wrote:


 i know, this is not really a debian related problem, nethertheless maybe
 someone could help me with this topic.

 I have a D-Link DSL-G624T wireless router which just worked fine... until
 weeks before.
 the ethernet connections (all 4 ports) started to loose pings (sometimes
 until 50%), i can't even access the router's web-interface because too
 packets are dropped. this is only a problem with ethernet, wireless works

 The cables are not the problem, my debian config neither (i tried with
 another debian machine, other cables: same problem).

 btw. the router is linux based.

  That means nothing. Manufacturers can still screw it up with poor
 hardware design and/or incompetent scripting. You appear to have a router
 problem, confirm this by disconnecting everything but one client computer,
 and try it with at least two cables and two computers. You may well have
 done this already, if you have nothing else on the wired network.

 1. Power cycle the router, if you haven't tried that yet, waiting at least
 ten seconds before restoring power. I've owned or used five different
 low-cost routers, from five different manufacturers, and every one of them
 could get into a state where a simple reboot wasn't enough to fix them, they
 needed a hard reset.

 2. Save or write down the configurations, restore the factory defaults,
 reboot, reconfigure, reboot.

 3. Check the voltage of the power brick while under load or substitute
 another of suitable ratings. Not easy, but that's the least reliable part of
 the router hardware.

 4. Check the Net for news of firmware upgrades, download from manufacturer
 if any seems appropriate.

 If none of this solves or at least alters the problem, you have a faulty
 router. If it's out of warranty, buy another one, as it's pretty well
 certain to be uneconomic to repair. Keep it for emergency wireless-only use
 when your next router breaks...

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Re: how can i limit system resources for a particular process?

2009-07-02 Thread me

maybe you should take a look at the *cpulimit* package.


2009/7/2 Jordi Moles Blanco

 hi everyone,

 let's say i want to create an .img file of 50GB with dd command. After
 that, i will give it a format with mkfs.ext3.

 The problem is that while dd is running I'm not able to do anything else
 on the machine, not even ssh in, it just consumes all the available
 resources, and as I'm creating a 50GB image, i can't access the machine for
 several minutes.

 I've tried to use nice command, giving the dd process the lowest
 possible priority, 19. The thing is that the whole thing performs better, i
 can establish ssh connection. However, i can't do much when I'm in it,
 everything is so slow.

 I've also read some documentation about limit/ulimit command, but i fail
 to see how i can use it successfully for this matter.

 I would like to run dd and let it use, for example, only 10% of the CPU
 time or 30% of the total amount of memory. Is that possible?  I'm not
 looking for a general process limit for the whole system, only for a
 particular process.

 Thanks in advance for your help.

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Re: how to grep error messages

2009-06-28 Thread me

how about:

cd $1

if [ $? != '0' ]; then
  echo damn.


2009/6/28 Soren Orel

 I can /dev/null the error messages like:

 cd $1 2 /dev/null

 e.g.: I get error If $1 has spaces in it

 Ok, but how can I grep the error message? I tried:

 if cd $1 2 grep -i No such file or directory; then echo badbadbad;
 exit; fi

 But it doesn't work :S

 thank you!

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irc ... #chezpaeule @ euirc
mud ... vitaminx @ aardmud

Re: how to grep error messages

2009-06-28 Thread me
hehe, answered at the same time :D

2009/6/28 me


 how about:

 cd $1

 if [ $? != '0' ]; then
   echo damn.


 2009/6/28 Soren Orel

 I can /dev/null the error messages like:

 cd $1 2 /dev/null

 e.g.: I get error If $1 has spaces in it

 Ok, but how can I grep the error message? I tried:

 if cd $1 2 grep -i No such file or directory; then echo badbadbad;
 exit; fi

 But it doesn't work :S

 thank you!

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 irc ... #chezpaeule @ euirc
 mud ... vitaminx @ aardmud

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irc ... #chezpaeule @ euirc
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Uptimes - any guidance? [moving OT]

2009-06-27 Thread me

to come back to the point: we have some servers here in the company that are
up for over 400 days now (linux, aix, hp-ux)... so there's really no reason
to reboot until you have to do maintenance on kernel / hardware - even
better if you have hot-pluggable hardware (hd's, ac-adapters, there are even
hot-pluggable ram  processors), then you can even do maintenance on
hardware without downtime.


2009/6/27 AG

 Allen Kenner wrote:

 AG wrote:

  Hello list

 I'm running Squeeze on a desktop and so far have an uptime of some 11d.
 I am just curious whether or not there is any guidance/ advice on how
 long uptimes should be allowed to be run, or whether it is wise to shut
 down and reboot?

  Are you by chance coming from Windows? ;)

  Only when at work - at home, most assuredly not ... at least, not since
 2001 anyway.

  I'm thinking wise as from the perspective of the system and its
 overall functioning, etc.  By way of comparison, I have a headless
 OpenBSD box running nothing but firewall and router and it is a
 workhorse - just keeps on going and going.  I'm sure I have clocked
 uptimes of 90+ days on that without a problem.

  Open BSD and Debian are similar in terms of stability. I personally
 think OpenBSD is crap and the guy doing it is a totally arrogant jerk,
 and not in the self respectable way but that's just me.

  That's an interesting opinion, and certainly not one that I've come across
 before (about OBSD, not de Raadt, who I couldn't comment on).  I was under
 the impression that OBSD was considered one of the best OSs for security,
 due to the security audit of all lines of code, automatic lockdown of
 services by default, and strong encryption, as well as the OBSD's team
 uncompromising stance on openness, etc.  So just interesting to hear such an
 apparently widly divergent opinion on the OS.

 I use FreeBSD
 instead for BSDs as it's closer to the stuff from Berkeley,

 Yeah, FreeBSD has always interested me, but I have yet to try it.  Maybe
 once I've finished my current project and have some time on my hands, I may
 well look to dual boot FreeBSD and Debian, just to see if there's any
 difference.  Are there any issues regarding UID flags for /home for example
 on a shared Debian/ FreeBSD machine, if both OSs try to access the same


 I rarely reboot ever. One of the things that made me use Linux and BSD
 to begin with was me being tired of rebooting for a MEDIA PLAYER! I
 couldn't believe I had to reboot for it, and got fed up. Now, I reboot
 only to add hardware. (I use FreeBSD, Slackware, SUSE, Mandriva, Debian,
 and Solaris).

  Aaah Slackware ... I still have fondness for Slackware and enjoyed using
 it from 8.1 to 11.0  However, I confess to having become quite spoiled by
 the package management system of Debian (and I suspect that FreeBSD and
 Gentoo are similar with ports and portage respectively).



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Re: Can't remove LVM swap device

2009-06-27 Thread me


remove the LV


2009/6/27 Klaus Pieper


 I have to replace a disk that contains a lvm volume group with a logical
 partition previously used as swap device (dev/vg01/swap).

 I replaced the swap partition with another one, changed /etc/fstab and
 removed the uswsusp package since I noticed that there was an entry for
 /dev/vg01/swap in uswsusp.conf.

 Still I can't remove the old lvm swap partition. Seems, someone is still
 sitting on the old swap device, but I can't find out, who.

 groucho:~# lvremove -f /dev/vg01/swap
  Can't remove open logical volume swap

 groucho:~# grep swap /etc/fstab
 /dev/mapper/vg00-swap none  swapsw  0   0

 groucho:~# cat /proc/swaps
 /dev/mapper/vg00-swap   partition   2097144 179624  -1


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Re: Can't remove LVM swap device

2009-06-27 Thread me

found this on

*Delete Physical / Logical Volumes*

Before going into the details of how to drop all of the physical and logical
volumes created in this article, it is very common to only want to remove a
Logical Volume from a Volume Group. Let's say we no longer needed lvol15. We
can remove it and place its PE's back in the empty pool for the Volume
Group. First, unmounting its filesystem (if it is mounted). Next, deactive
it with lvchange and finally delete it with lvremove. Here is an example
that removes the lvol15:

  # *lvchange -a n /dev/pv1/lvol15*

  # *lvremove /dev/pv1/lvol15*
  lvremove -- do you really want to remove /dev/pv1/lvol15? [y/n]: *y*
  lvremove -- doing automatic backup of volume group pv1
  lvremove -- logical volume /dev/pv1/lvol15 successfully removed

 Now, it you would like to delete all physical and logical volumes created
in this article. In this example, we no longer need the /dev/pv1 Physical

*lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol1
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol2
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol3
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol4
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol5
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol6
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol7
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol8
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol9
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol10
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol11
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol12
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol13
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol14
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol15
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol16
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol17
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol18
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol19
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol20
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol21
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol22
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol23
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol24
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol25
lvremove -f /dev/pv1/lvol26

vgchange -a n /dev/pv1

vgremove /dev/pv1*

So maybe the lvchange is missing?
Try lvremove also with the -f (force) option.


2009/6/27 Klaus Pieper


 remove the LV

 groucho:~# swapoff -a
 groucho:~# lvremove -fv /dev/vg01/swap
Using logical volume(s) on command line
  Can't remove open logical volume swap

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Re: X-server restart console command

2009-06-24 Thread me

when you use gdm as login manager:

/etc/init.d/gdm restart


2009/6/24 Sthu Deus

 Good day.

 I have a dell laptop on which after latest bios update, in X, the keyboard
 often becomes unworkable (as well as impossible to switch to console). So I
 to solve it w/ X-server restart. But as I have only mouse working and would
 to have a logout dialog every time I quit KDE, I would create a menu item
 will run a restarting X-server command. After googling I did not find what
 command is. So this is my question, w/ which console command or some other
 using mouse only (that is w/o sudo) I can restart X-server?

 Thank You for Your time.

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Re: Version mismatch between kqemu module and qemu

2009-06-24 Thread me

myself i'm using KVM right now, it's like qemu but i found it to work better
with some operating systems.

so i can tell you how to compile the kernel module for KVM, for qemu it
should be similar (i'm not posting the output of the commands here).

# aptitude install kvm kvm-source module-assistant
# cd /usr/src
# tar -xf kvm.tar.bz2
# cd /usr/src/modules/kvm
# m-a a-i --force kvm
# reboot

this should give you a working KVM installation.

for details don't forget to read the manual ( /usr/share/doc/kvm/ ).

NOTE: kvm is based on qemu and uses the same command syntax, so it's easy to
confuse between KVM and QEMU.


2009/6/24 Sthu Deus

 Thank You for Your time and answer, me:

  NOTE: the *kvm-modules-2.6.26-2-686* package was created by compiling *

 Things become more and more strange to me:

 1. I have done

 dpkg -P qemu* kvm*

 Now when I simply install qemu from a DVD and try to run the machine:

 qemu-system-x86_64 -localtime -hda /pub/vm -m 512

 the machine just hangs on its bios info screen.

 2. It is strange to me that I have to compile a a package in order to get
 hardware acceleration - I remember for sure that in the times when I had
 acceleration (I believe it was before an upgrade) I did not compile
 myself - all was installed from repos. Probably, now I will the hard way.

 Can You recommend how to perform the compilation?

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Re: Version mismatch between kqemu module and qemu

2009-06-23 Thread me

seems that you've mixed *qemu* with *kvm* packages, here my
*kvm*installation (debian testing):

$ dpkg -l | grep kvm
ii  kvm   72+dfsg-5  Full virtualization
on x86 hardware
ii  kvm-modules-2.6.26-2-686  72+dfsg-5+2.6.26-15lenny2  kvm modules for
Linux (kernel 2.6.26-2-686).
ii  kvm-source72+dfsg-5  Source for the KVM

Take care to use the same versions.

NOTE: the *kvm-modules-2.6.26-2-686* package was created by compiling *


2009/6/22 me


 right now i can't access my server but i'll take a look tomorrow, then i'll
 write you what i have installed.


 2009/6/22 Sthu Deus

 Thank You for Your time and answer, me:

  no, that file is automatically created, if not, a reboot should do it.

 Sorry, but it does not.

 I have:

 kqemu-common 1.3.0~pre11-8
 qemu 0.9.1-10
 kvm 72+dfsg-5

 Which versions do You have? Do I miss something?

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Re: Version mismatch between kqemu module and qemu

2009-06-22 Thread me

right now i can't access my server but i'll take a look tomorrow, then i'll
write you what i have installed.


2009/6/22 Sthu Deus

 Thank You for Your time and answer, me:

  no, that file is automatically created, if not, a reboot should do it.

 Sorry, but it does not.

 I have:

 kqemu-common 1.3.0~pre11-8
 qemu 0.9.1-10
 kvm 72+dfsg-5

 Which versions do You have? Do I miss something?

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Re: OT: launching jobs in a combined serial parallel way

2009-06-22 Thread me

I didn't test that script, just writing it from memory, but maybe that gives
you some ideas:



while [ $(ps -A | grep -E 'prog1|prog2') == 0 ]
sleep 5


more or less like that


2009/6/23 Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

 I have three programs - say proga, progb, progc.

 proga, progb are completely independent. They take couple of hours to
 finish. The time to complete proga, progb are not same.

 progc should to be launched only after both proga, progb are finished.
 takes another couple of hours to finish.

 What is good way to automate this problem (that is no manual interaction)?
 prefer to use nohup since sometimes I have to log out of the machine before
 the whole process finishes.

 Currently I have a shell script that works as below.
 1) launch proga, progb in the background using nohup.
 2) Ask proga, progb to write a file when they finish.
 3) Every five minutes check if these files are present. If they are
 launch progc.

 This gets me going for now. But it looks terribly inefficient. I would
 appreciate if someone can provide a better solution.

 Using Debian Lenny (Stable).

 Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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Re: Debian workstation (desktop) solution

2009-06-21 Thread me

for dvd ripping you could use dvdrip, this is in the debian multimedia

for the games you can try wine or cedega, wine is in the repositories and
cedega is commercial.

But beware, it's not always easy to get Windows games running on Linux.

Fortunately there are also some native Linux versions, like
UnrealTournament, Quake4, Doom3, X2, etc.

Check out the Wine compatibility database at:


2009/6/21 Fred Zinsli

 Hello all

 I have been usind Debian for some years now, but exclusively as a server

 My partner has a VISTA machine and she is always having problems with it.
 No surprises there I guess.

 I am wanting to offer her a Debian solution in pace of her windowz
 solution but I thought I would ask some questions first.

 Apart from the basic web surfing and email stuff I asked her what else she
 really must be able to do.

 They are:
 1. Rip (copy) DVD movies. We copy every single movie we own and only play
 the copied movie. This includes copywright movies. I won't get into the
 discussion over copying our movies.

 2. Play her games. They are all windowz based games like call of duty and
 the like.

 Can I meet the above requirements in either etch or lenny and if so can
 someone please point me to where I can get the information to allow me to
 setup the new platform to meet those requirements for her.

 Many thanks in advance for any comments.



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Re: Version mismatch between kqemu module and qemu

2009-06-20 Thread me

no, that file is automatically created, if not, a reboot should do it.


2009/6/19 Sthu Deus

 Thank You for Your time and answer, me:

  which distribution are you running? testing?

 True. It was testing.

 Now I did reinstall them both:

 . kqemu I have installed the latest from stable repo on Internet

 . qemu - from my stable 5.01 dvd.

 Still I have the same message. - When I do manually:

 /bin/mknod /dev/kqemu c 250 0

 /bin/chown root.kvm /dev/kqemu

 /bin/chmod 664 /dev/kqemu

 Until that I have this:

 Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated: No
 file or directory

 Do You create the dev. manually?

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Re: Backup config files in home directory

2009-06-20 Thread me

i prefer to use dar, it can do incremental backups as well.


2009/6/20 ronggui wong

 Hi all,

 I have other files and directories in the home directory, and I just
 want to backup all the config files, most of them are hidden files and
 directories. Now I use tar and manually exclude my other files and
 directories with --exclude argument. Is there a better way to do this?


 Ronggui HUANG

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Re: Version mismatch between kqemu module and qemu

2009-06-19 Thread me

which distribution are you running? testing?

i had the same problem and i've had to install an earlier version of the
kqemu module, i think i was running testing and installed the kqemu from

That fixed the issue for me.


2009/6/18 Sthu Deus

 Good day.

 qemu-system-x86_64 ...

 I get:
 Version mismatch between kqemu module and qemu ( 00010400) -
 kqemu use

 So to figure out the problem source I want to ask:

 . I have 2 related devices in /dev: kvm and kqemu - is it ok - for the
 hardware acceleration?

 . In rc.local I have:

 /bin/mknod /dev/kqemu c 250 0
 /bin/chown root.kvm /dev/kqemu
 /bin/chmod 664 /dev/kqemu
 /sbin/modprobe kqemu
 /sbin/modprobe tun
 /bin/chmod 664 /dev/net/tun

 I did that manually - is it corect, should it not be done by some service

 In init.d I start kvm on boot. My CPU is Turion64 x2.

 Is something wrong in the above info that can produve the inability tu run
 guests with hardware acceleration?

 Thank You for Your time.

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Re: Bloat in desktop environments

2007-05-17 Thread Me
On May 17, 10:10 am, Masatran, R. Deepak
 Memory requirements of desktop environments, from

 * XFCE 4:   128 MB
 * Gnome 2:  384 MB
 * KDE 3:512 MB

KDE does not require 512 MB of memory to run well.  That URL you cited
seems laughable to me; there is no real data, no testing, etc.  KDE
itself, without actual apps running, can take up about 80 MB of
memory.  From there, it just depends on how many apps you run at the
same time, which is true of any situation.  And remember that when you
use KDE apps, those libs are shared among all of them.

I don't think it would be a good idea to choose the least capable DE
for the default in Debian.  I think KDE should be the default, but
that's just me.

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Re: Adding icons to firefox or thunderbird

2007-05-17 Thread Me
On May 16, 10:00 am, Eric A. Bonney
 How do I assign the icons to firefox and/or thunderbird?  I have them
 installed an running just fine, but whenever I put an icon on my desktop
 or in a panel I get either nothing or a little gear icon for them.  I
 would like to have the normal icons showing.

It sounds like you're making a new launcher from scratch.  Instead,
drag copy the one from the K menu to the desktop or your panel, etc.

On a personal note, putting app launchers on the desktop is a holdover
from Windows and is very inefficient--you can't even see them unless
you minimize everything; not to mention that it obscures your
wallpaper.  I recommend you put them on a panel, and also turn on the
recently used apps feature on the K menu, and set it to 3-5.
Hotkeys are also handy, and easy to use in KDE.

Hope this helps.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: proxy] limite de temps

2005-09-03 Thread ME!
Vraiment aucunes idées??? :(

Le Jeudi 1 Septembre 2005 10:50, ME! a écrit :

 J'ai mis en place squid couplé a squidguard avec un système
 d'authentification. J'ai défini des plages horaires durant lesquels les
 utilisateurs ne peuvent pas se connecter à internet. Je voudrais savoir si
 il est possible d'attribuer un temps de surf à une personne ou à un groupe.
 Par exemple, 2 heures de surf/jour, et au bout de ce temps, impossible de

 Merci de votre aide


Re: proxy] limite de temps

2005-09-03 Thread ME!
J'avais déja vu cela dans un cybercafé, mais je n'y avais pas prété attention.
Merci quand meme 

Le Samedi 3 Septembre 2005 12:04, Sébastien GALLET a écrit :
 Pas d'idée pour ton problème ... et même pire, je ne vois pas comment
 c'est réalisable. Le protocole http etant sans connexion, je ne vois pas
 comment tu peux utiliser la notion de durée de connexion.
 Tu peux essayer de mettre en place des quotas. Une recherche rapide sur
 google laisse a penser que ca n'est pas simple.
 Bon weekend

 ME! a écrit :
  Vraiment aucunes idées??? :(
  Le Jeudi 1 Septembre 2005 10:50, ME! a écrit :
 J'ai mis en place squid couplé a squidguard avec un système
 d'authentification. J'ai défini des plages horaires durant lesquels les
 utilisateurs ne peuvent pas se connecter à internet. Je voudrais savoir
  si il est possible d'attribuer un temps de surf à une personne ou à un
  groupe. Par exemple, 2 heures de surf/jour, et au bout de ce temps,
  impossible de surfer.
 Merci de votre aide

proxy] limite de temps

2005-09-01 Thread ME!

J'ai mis en place squid couplé a squidguard avec un système
d'authentification. J'ai défini des plages horaires durant lesquels les
utilisateurs ne peuvent pas se connecter à internet. Je voudrais savoir si il
est possible d'attribuer un temps de surf à une personne ou à un groupe. Par
exemple, 2 heures de surf/jour, et au bout de ce temps, impossible de surfer.

Merci de votre aide


Re: proxy] limite de temps

2005-09-01 Thread ME!
Personne n'a d'idées??? :s

Le Jeudi 1 Septembre 2005 10:50, ME! a écrit :

 J'ai mis en place squid couplé a squidguard avec un système
 d'authentification. J'ai défini des plages horaires durant lesquels les
 utilisateurs ne peuvent pas se connecter à internet. Je voudrais savoir si
 il est possible d'attribuer un temps de surf à une personne ou à un groupe.
 Par exemple, 2 heures de surf/jour, et au bout de ce temps, impossible de

 Merci de votre aide


comment installer le driver d'une carte TV

2005-03-02 Thread me to you
je voudrais savoir comment installer une carte TV sous debian. J'en ai 
besoin pour effectuer des tests.
Merci bien à l'avance.
bonne journée à tous.

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Re: Problme avec cron.daily

2004-05-19 Thread ME Sbastien
On Wed, 19 May 2004 13:37:47 +0200
Sébastien KALT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 J'ai une debian 3.0 installée sur mon serveur. J'ai écrit un ch'ti 
 script bash qui fait 'apt-get update' et 'apt-get dist-upgrade -s' et 
 qui me courrielle pour me donner le résultat.
 Seulement voilà, il s'exécute pas automatiquement !
 Je l'ai placé dans /etc/cron.daily :
 kahuna% ls -l /etc/cron.daily
 total 40
 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  592 mai 13 14:02[snip]

Je ne sais pas pourquoi exactement mais j'ai la solution.
Il suffit d'enlever le . dans le nom du fichier.
Si tu renome en maj_quotidienne, cela va marché.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi les noms de fichier contenant un . dedans ne
sont pas executés mais si quelqu'un sait la raison, je suis interressé.


Re: Kanguru USB MP3 player

2004-03-16 Thread Call Me Ishmael
 Am I needing to mount this somehow? And how exactly do I do that for this?
From newbie to newbie:
Yes, you have to mount the device!
Assuming you have already the proper modules loaded,try this: 
$ mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbdrive

(if sda1 doesn't work, you may try sda2 sda3...)

then, do a ls /mnt/usbdrive to check if you can see the player's contents.

No need to say that the directory /mnt/usbdrive is just an example, please
use instead the directory where you want the device to be mounted in.

If you can't mount the device, please search some troubleshooting info on
Google. There are many things that could be messed up :)
If it's all ok, then add /dev/sda1 on your /etc/fstab (I suggest to include
the users option) 
Then, assuming you use KDE, right click on the KDE desktop, and add a new
device, pointing it on the /dev/sda1 entry (KDE reads your fstab!)

Now you'll be able to mount and umount the device from KDE desktop.
(Remember to unmount it, before unplugging it..)

Hope that helps.

Call Me Ishmael

a^n+b^n=c^n has no integer roots for n2
I have a wonderful demonstration, but it doesn't fit in this signature.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kanguru USB MP3 player

2004-03-16 Thread Call Me Ishmael
(Gearhead, i'm afraid a sent you a direct email reply :(

Yes, you have to mount the device!
Assuming you have already the proper modules loaded,try this: 
$ mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbdrive

(if sda1 doesn't work, you may try sda2 sda3...)

then, do a ls /mnt/usbdrive to check if you can see the player's contents.

No need to say that the directory /mnt/usbdrive is just an example, please 
use instead the directory where you want the device to be mounted in.

If you can't mount the device, please search some troubleshooting info on 
Google. There are many things that could be messed up :)
If it's all ok, then add /dev/sda1 on your /etc/fstab (I suggest to include 
the users option) 
Then, assuming you use KDE, right click on the KDE desktop, and add a new 
device, pointing it on the /dev/sda1 entry (KDE reads your fstab!)

Now you'll be able to mount and umount the device from KDE desktop.
(Remember to unmount it, before unplugging it..)

Hope that helps.

Call Me Ishmael

a^n+b^n=c^n has no integer roots for n2
I have a wonderful demonstration, but it doesn't fit in this signature.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: re: your archive

2004-03-04 Thread me

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Re: Debian Woody sur serveur HP Proliant ML330 G3

2004-02-19 Thread ME Sbastien
On Thu, 19 Feb 2004 11:13:02 +0100
Emmanuel Halbwachs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 MEI Sébastien a écrit :
  C'est beaucoup bourrin mais cd CD avec mon noyau generique pour les
  Dell PE x600 me permet de les installer rapidement.
 À tout hasard, peut-être que le CD d'install woody qu'à fait Scott
 Kveton pour les Dell PE pourra te rendre service (pas testé, je n'ai
 pas de Dell PE) ?

Merci beaucoup à Emmanuel Halbwachs.

Le noyau du site ne convenant pas à mes serveurs, j'ai suivi la
procédure expliqué sur ce site pour faire un CD d'installation avec les
indications de ce site. 
J'ai fait un semblant de doc pour mes collègues que je mets à
disposition pour ceux que ca interresse :



Re: Documentation franaise de spamassassin/postfix ?

2004-01-22 Thread ME Sbastien
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 16:28:41 +

 Le Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 11:54:03AM +0100, MEÏ Sébastien à écrit :
  Oui, il faut créer le user spamassassin. 
  J'utilise cette utilisateur pour lancer le demon spamd et pour
  lancer spamc. De plus, je l'utilise pour mon learning car les base
  de learning se trouve dans le home de celui qui lance sa-learn. 
  MEI Sébastien
 J'ai fait un adduser --system --no-create-home spamassassin mais je
 suppsoe qu'il faut qu'il soit suid ?

Non, j'ai fait simplement :
adduser --uid  --home /var/lib/spamassassin --shell /bin/sh --gid
 --disabled-password spamassassin

Bien penser à donner les droit de lecture au fichier de conf à
l'utilisateur spamassassin. Et c'est tout.



Re: Documentation franaise de spamassassin/postfix ?

2004-01-21 Thread ME Sbastien
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 11:45:13 +

  Voilà mes solutions. Personnelement j'utilise la 2eme solution car 
  j'aime bien avoir le détail sur les notes de spamassassins.
  J'utilise procmail pour déplacer les spams vers une boîte IMAP
  séparé qui est utilisé pour mon sa-learn.
  Désolé si c'est un peu brouillons.
  En espérant que cela répond à ta demande.
 Merci pour ces réponses bien complète !
 J'ai mis en place la 3ème solution, mais dans les logs j'ai un :
 warning:connect to transport spamassassin:connection  refused
 donc je pense que ça vient du user ... mais apt-get install
 spamassassin ne crée pas de user spamassassin, il faut en créer un par
 la suite ?

Oui, il faut créer le user spamassassin. 
J'utilise cette utilisateur pour lancer le demon spamd et pour lancer
spamc. De plus, je l'utilise pour mon learning car les base de learning
se trouve dans le home de celui qui lance sa-learn. 


MEI Sébastien

Re: slapd ssl

2004-01-16 Thread ME Sbastien
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 13:58:20 +0100
MEÏ Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Si quelqu'un a un retour d'expérience là dessus, je suis aussi
 interressé. J'essayerai de mettre les résultats de mes recherches ici,
 si celà interresse du monde.

Comme promis je mets les résultats de mes recherches (fais sous Debian
Sarge) :

J'ai réussi à faire marcher mon serveur ldap en ldaps avec un certificat

J'ai fait un certificat autosigné :
# cd /etc/ldap/
# openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout ldap_rsa.key -out \
ldap_rsa.crt -newkey rsa:2048

Ca me fait un certificat x509 pour 10 ans sans mot de passe (-nodes)
avec une génération de clef privé dans ldap_rsa.key avec un certificat
généré dans ldap_rsa.crt, la clef est rsa sur 2048 bits (pour le fun)

dans le slapd.conf ( n'importe ou dans le fichier de conf on dirait )

TLSCertificateFile /etc/ldap/ldap_rsa.crt
TLSCertificateKeyFile /etc/ldap/ldap_rsa.key

dans le ldap.conf du client 

TLS_CACERT /etc/ldap/ldap_rsa.crt

En aillant copier ldap_rsa.crt dans /etc/ldap de la machine client.

Test :

# ldapsearch -x -vv -b dc=ens-lyon,dc=fr -H \
ldaps://  cn=*

Ca marche !!!

IMPORTANT : Ca ne marche pas si tu fais la mm manipe mais que tu fais
ton certificat avec une clef DSA. Pourquoi ???

Voici ma manip pour faire mon certificat avec une clef DSA :
# openssl dsaparam -C -out ldap_dsa.param 1024
# openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout ldap_dsa.key -out \
ldap_dsa.crt -newkey dsa:ldap_dsa.param

Mais la connexion est refusé qd on utilise ce certificat avec un :
ldap_bind: Can't contact LDAP server (81)
additional info: Error in the certificate.


MEÏ Sébastien

Re: slapd ssl

2004-01-15 Thread ME Sbastien
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 12:07:41 +0100
Georges Roux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 Je veux utiliser ssl pour mon serveur ldap.
 Il tourne sans probleme deja sans.
 j'ai ajouter les lignes des certif dans slapd.conf
 mes certificats sont valide d'apres openssl
 quand je redemarre slapd, slapd plante et me met ca dans
 slap_open_listener: socket() failed for AF_INET6 errno=97 (Address 
 family not supported by protocol)
 Le support openssl n'est il pas intégré dans le paquet debian(je suis
 en sarge), ou est ce plustot un probleme de configuration? Comment
 puis je controller, la ligne de compilation avec lequel le paquet
 slapd a ete compilé?

Le paquet openldap de testing est compilé avec le support SSL.
Pour voir la ligne de compile il suffit de faire un apt-get source du
paquet que tu veux vérifier et regarder dans le debian/rules.

 Voila, bien des questions, si quelqu'un a déjà eu ce problème...

J'ai pas eut ce problème spécifiquement mais je suis en train de
travailler sur le ldaps. Pour l'instant j'ai réussi à y faire marcher en
suivant mot pour mot :
Il semble qu'on soit obliger d'avoir une authorité de certification.
Mais, je ne peux rien affirmer car il faut que je continue mes tests.
Si quelqu'un a un retour d'expérience là dessus, je suis aussi
interressé. J'essayerai de mettre les résultats de mes recherches ici,
si celà interresse du monde.


MEI Sébastien

Re: slapd ssl

2004-01-15 Thread ME Sbastien
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 13:31:57 +0100
Georges Roux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Est ce a dire qu'slapd utilise des sockets ipv6 ? mon reseau et en
 ipv4 Dois je ajouter le support ipv6 au kernel(recompiler)?

Il faut rajouter :
dans le /etc/default/slapd si tu ne veux pas faire d'IPV6.
Et tu n'aura plus le message d'erreur.

MEI Sébastien

Re: des retours sur une woody sur un Dell OptiPlex GX270 ?

2003-12-16 Thread ME Sbastien
On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 11:01:04 +0100
fred [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Etant sur le point d'acquérir un PC Dell OptiPLex GX270, j'aimerais 
 savoir si vous avez des retours sur l'installation/fonctionnement
 d'une woody sur ce type de PC.
 Pour info, la carte réseau est une Intel Gigabyte et la carte
 graphique, une Intel Xtreme Graphics 2 (chipset i865).
 D'après mes recherches sur google, ce matos ne devrait pas poser de 
 problème particulier, mais bon...

J'ai installé un PC Dell OptiPLex SX270 (noter le _S_).
- Donc Installation mini depuis le CD.
- Récupération du noyau de la knoppix pour avoir le réseau.
- Recompilation du noyau 2.4.23 avec i810 - DRM 
- Debian testing/unstable/experimental
- XFree4.3(experimental) pour avoir un X potable avec le i865G
- le son est bien reconnu.
- J'ai encore qq pb avec le hotplug PCI (mais je crois pas qu'il y en a
sur le GX)

Sinon, ca marche plutot bien.



Re: Kernelbau und lilo

2003-11-06 Thread Me
Hallo Mieeze Kat

da ich das selbe Problem habe, bitte ich dich um eine Lsung, falls du
eine gefunden hast.


Am Don, den 16.10.2003 schrieb Miezi Katz um 10:09:
 Hallo Ihr da draussen an Euren Kisten,
 ich habe versuchweise in der Hoffnung auf besere Hardwareunterstuetzung
 einen neuen Kernel gebaut. Dabei bin ich (aus Bequemlichkeit gleich als
 root) howtogemaess vorgegangen:
 cd /usr/src
 tar -xjvf kernel-source-2.4.22
 ln -s kernel-source-2.4.22 linux
 cd linux
 make xconfig
 make dep
 make-kpkg kernel_image revision=k7som.1
 dpkg -i kernel-2.4.22-k7som.1.deb
 pc1025:~# cd ..
 dpkg -i kernel-image-2.4.22_k7som.1_i386.deb
 Would you like to create a boot floppy now? [No]
 Install a boot block using the existing /etc/lilo.conf? [Yes]
   lilo liefert folgende (abgetippte) Fehlermeldung:
   Fatal: open /initrd.img: No such file or directory
 Das ist auch korrekt, denn mit dpkg wurde keine /initrd.img erstellt.
 Ich finde nur folgende neuen Dateien:
 /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.22  gelinkt nach /vmlinuz
 Reicht es, in der /etc/lilo.conf die Zeile herauszunehmen:
 Ich verstehe es so, dass die Datei vmlinuz-2.4.22 den ausfuehrbaren
 Kernel enthaelt, dass aber entgegen dem HowTo keine Image Datei erstellt
 wurde. Ich nehme an, dass mit der ausfuehrbaren vmlinuz auch gebootet
 werden kann, moechte es aber ohne Eure Bestaetigung lieber noch nicht
 Liebe Gruesse

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Re: burning from .ogg

2003-10-13 Thread jaycee . spam-me-rigid
Antony Gelberg had the gall to say:
 Hi all,
 Anyone know of an easy way to burn an audio CD from .ogg files, i.e.
 without converting them to .wav first.  I'm not fussed about a GUI,
 infact I'd rather not have one.

Here's something I posted to d-u a while back:

Fwd: ---

A couple of weeks ago, I found myself having to drive from the south of 
the UK to the north.  Having just moved house, my CD collection was 
still in moving boxes.

Luckily, I'd ogg'd them all up as I bought them so I could easily burn 
the half-dozen or so albums that I wanted for the trip.

Getting bored of doing each album by hand, I wrote the following script 
that might just be useful to someone in the same position.  Small, but I 
find it does the job.  It burns all the ogg files it finds in the 
working directory to the default CDR drive.  Don't try it on a huge 
directory of tagged ogg's, as it'll just think you know what you're 
doing and happily burn 700MB to the CD.

 cd ~/music/band_name/album_name/
 insert cd
 remove cd


 o /etc/default/cdrecord must be set up correctly.  If not, add the 
   appropriate options to the script.  You might need to add them in two 
   different places.

 o Output is screwy, as it's not filtered/parsed/anything.

 o From when you type ogg2cd to realising that you're in the wrong 
   directory, you have 2 seconds to ^C out.  Press it multiple times.

for FILE in *.ogg
ogg123 -d au -f - $FILE | cdrecord gracetime=2 -audio -pad -nofix -
cdrecord gracetime=2 -fix

END Fwd --


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Linux Partition vergroesern

2003-09-03 Thread Me
Kann mir jemand sagen, wie ich die Linux Partition vergrößere ohne
später den mbr neu schreiben zu müssen. Den Speicher muss ich aber zuvor
einer FAT32 entnehmen.


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Re: Linux Partition vergroesern

2003-09-03 Thread Me
Am Mit, den 03.09.2003 schrieb Peter Schubert um 17:44:
 Elimar Riesebieter schrieb:
 On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 the mental interface of 
 Axel Noetzold told:
 * Me [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030903 11:25]:
 Kann mir jemand sagen, wie ich die Linux Partition vergrößere ohne
 später den mbr neu schreiben zu müssen. Den Speicher muss ich aber zuvor
 einer FAT32 entnehmen.
 Du suchst parted...
 Ist auch von der Knoppix CD zu starten ;-)
 ja unter qtparted sogar mit einer Oberfläche wie das kommerzielle 
 PartitionMagic (oder so ähnlich, ich habe keine windowsprogramme ;-)  )
Knoppix, das hört sich gut an, mache mich gleich dran und vielen Dank!!!

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gdm nie startuje

2003-08-09 Thread me

moj problem dotyczy gdm
gdy uruchamiam gdm (przy starcie lub po zalogowaniu) startuje xserwer a
nastepnie wyskakuje komunikat w trybie tekstowym, na nastepnej konsoli
pokazuje sie tekstowe okienko z komunikatem ze na display:0 jest juz
uruchomiony xserwer i pyta czy chce uruchomic go na nowym terminalu.
Sytuacja powtarza sie za kazdym razem gdy wybiore tak, z tym ze
dotyczy wtedy display:1, display:2 itd. Logi gdm wskazuja zebym usunal
pliki .lock z tmp ale usuniecie i restart nie pomaga. Za to moge nadal
uruchomic X i gnome przez startx.
Problem wystepuje we wszystkich ustawieniach, runlevelach, domyslnym
display managerze... etc, a zaczelo sie chyba po zainstalowaniu xfree86
4.3 z nowymi plikami konfiguracyjnymi(ze starym xfree nie chciala
dzialac nvidia). Mam woody/sid kernel 2.4.21, xfree86 4.3.0, do tego
sterowniki nvidia... 

Pytanie mam mianowicie takie: jak zmusic gdm do graficznego logowania?
moze ktos sie z tym wczesniej spotkal?


MTU verändern ?`????

2003-07-13 Thread help me

ich möchte meinen MTU Wert verändern, kann mir da jemand helfen?

Protokoll:Ethernet  Hardware Adresse 00:80:C8:DA:4F:73
  inet Adresse:  Bcast:

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2003-07-11 Thread help me
:-) Männlich

Gruss sven

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Apache Zugriff verweigert??

2003-07-10 Thread help me

Kann auf meinen Apache nicht mehr Zugreifen

Browser Ausgabe

Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Apache/1.3.26 Server at Port 80

Debian 3.02 Stable


# Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or
# ports, in addition to the default. See also the VirtualHost
# directive.
#Listen 3000
# Port: The port to which the standalone server listens. For
# ports  1023, you will need apache to be run as root initially.
Port 80
# Controls who can get stuff from this server.
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Was mach ich falsch??

Merci sven

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2003-07-10 Thread help me
Jetzt gehts

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2003-03-23 Thread memento no me acuerdo

Infórmate sobre las últimas noticias en MSN Actualidad.

Tres problemas en mis primeros pasos.

2003-03-21 Thread memento no me acuerdo

Esta es mi primera vez que instalo Debian, y he aquí las primeras dificultades:

i) Al ejecutar "startx" todo va bien hasta el punto "(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration". Creo haber configurado todo bien en el XF86config: mi tarjeta es una geforce2 (gts) y mi monitor un flatron775ft. Podría ser debido a que mi tarjeta es AGP, y la veo configurada cómo PCI?
 Una cosa es curiosa: al intentar arrancarme gdm, después de dos intentos me surgía un modo gráfico X-Window que me permitía configurar tarjeta, ratón, y monitor. Pero ná de ná.

ii) Debido a esto, y también a que el menú de configuración se empeñaba en arrancar en modo gráfico, tuve que borrar a pelo del directorio que se encarga del runlevel 2 los ficheros gdm, kdm y xdm. Para modificar los procesos que se arrancan, se hace así, o hay otra forma menos radical?

iii) Mi ratón no funciona: lo configuro como un Netscroll+, y este es tal, pero óptico (Netscroll + eye ps/2). Qué hacer?. Sé que no me funciona, por que cuando arrancaba aquella sesión X-Window mencionada en el apartado 1, estaba más muerto que un cadáver del CSI.

iv) En caso de que logre ponerle las pilillas a las X-Windows, es difícil instalar la Gnome 2.0?

Y bueno, aquí queda mi primera tanda de preguntas. Andas por ahí Crisom?Multiplica por cinco el tamaño de tu buzón de correo y envía adjuntos de hasta 2 Mb con  MSN Almacenamiento Extra 

Re: Lean and clean IMAP client

2003-01-03 Thread me
* Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] [021226 02:15]:
 An alternative you may not have considered is just picking whatever
 mailer works best for you (mutt is quite lean and mean for example), and
 then use an external program to do the imap. Both isync and offlineimap
 do an excellent job of synchronising local mail folders with folders on
 a remote imap server. Then you can use whatever mail reader you like on
 those folders. If you're not using mutt, offlinimap is probably a better
 choice than isync.
Thanks I hadn't thought of that.  I am not concerned at the moment with 
offline access, but will keep it in mind, but I do like the idea of 
choosing your viewer.

At the moment I am giving mutt a try, and so far have been successful with
a few glitches in sending mail (the from field is a mess) and the 
reply-to.  I am trying to fix that now.
 Other benefits of this approach include being able to read your mail
 while offline, and being able to swap in a different mail reader at will
 without worrying about how good its imap support is.
 see shy jo
Thanks again,


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: F-Prot-Problem mit Mailscanner

2002-10-22 Thread Me
Hallo Andreas,

Dein Problem lösen kann ich noch nicht, aber ich kann Dir ein paar Adressen 
geben auf denen Du wahrscheinlich fündig wirst.

Als erstes Mailscanner hat eine sehr gute(englischsprachige - aber das 
sollte ja egal sein) Mailingliste an die solltest Du Dich auf jeden Fall 
einmal wenden. Joinen kannst Du sie im Web unter:

Aber natürlich solltes Du erst im Listenarchiv nach einer Antwort auf Deine 
Frage suchen:

Ich lese die MailScanner ML sporadisch, denke aber schon einmal etwas 
ähnliches gelesen zu haben. Viel Erfolg.


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Installing Potato or Woody?

2002-04-30 Thread me

if one would need to install a production server would he choose Potato or
Woody? I have nothing against installing Potato but what bothers me is
ipchains and the relative old kernel. Do I need to be worried about future
packages, who can be interesting, who will not being able to run on the old

When will Woody be stable?

Any ideas are welcome!



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Re: apt-get reinstall?

2002-03-20 Thread me

apt-get --reinstall install package


- Original Message -
From: Elizabeth Barham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 4:33 PM
Subject: apt-get reinstall?


 Is there an easy method to re-install a package? I rebooted my machine
 and apache is segfaulting right as it starts up. Other applications
 are running fine, even Tomcat which taxes memory.

 Any ideas on how to diagnosis this or any ideas on how to re-install?

 Thank you,

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Mutt and Time

2002-03-16 Thread Me

I would like to know how to display time in a column beside the date
for my mailboxes.



Re: Emacs question

2002-03-16 Thread Me
Le 13/03/02 à 18:08, Dan Griswold a écrit:
Dan Try putting the following in your .Xdefaults file:
Dan Emacs*menubar*Background:  #9F9FB5
Dan Emacs*menubar*Foreground:  DarkBlue
fin du message de Dan Griswold

Thanks all folk, 

I've have already written a .Xdefault file but I didn't know how to
reload it (ie I did not know the existence of xrdb)

Best regards

Re: How do remove frozen messages from Exim Queue?

2002-03-15 Thread me
You can remove them by

exim -Mrm message-id message-id

regards !


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: How do remove frozen messages from Exim Queue?

 In linux.debian.user, you wrote:
  How do I remove frozen messages from the exim queue, messages like :
  (output from 'exim -bp')
  14d  1.7K 16gLfk-0001Ka-00  *** frozen ***
  13d  1.8K 16gmi6-0001Fb-00  *** frozen ***
  Is there a way to confirm deletion of each message - or just a way to
  all frozen messages?
  Kind Regards  Thanks in Advance,
 I think this is how I did it.  I believe there was a set of files there
 each mail. One was the header and one the message.  They were in
 /var/spool/exim/input and I just deleted both files for each message.


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Re: Squid in a school - problems with https

2001-11-27 Thread Me
On Mon, Nov 05, 2001 at 08:05:05PM +, Phillip Deackes wrote:

 Internet Explorer issue. I installed Opera on a test Win 98 workstation
 and it worked perfectly. I have now taken steps to move over to Opera as
 our browser of choice. The free version does have adverts, but I have
 configured it to show those which could be deemed 'educational'. The
 pupils see advertising on nearly every site they visit anyhow so the
 occasional advert in Opera does them no harm!

You should contact the opera people and see if they will sponsor your schoool
and give you the full version to use.  You could offer to distribute their ad
versioned browser on CD to all the kids.   Could be a great coup for both

Don't forget to feed your brainworms chocolate covered mothballs or the pigs
will eat grandma on the farm.
--paraphrased Joe Walsh from the Drew Carey allstar improv.

Re: Time to fight for our beloved DEB format!

2001-07-02 Thread Me
 On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 01:07:09AM +0200, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
   The goal is to develop and promote a set of standards
   that will increase compatibility among Linux distributions
   and enable software applications to run on any compliant
   Linux system.
  That's a nice description of the LSB.

 Yes it is.

 Mind if I use that somewhere, Me?


If this is all jokes piled on my original (the above is lifted
from the LSB mission statement), then, well, ya got me.

If instead I'm just getting myself into trouble, well, sorry!

My intent was to help Mariusz understand that the LSB
*is* already doing what he seeks, with the hope that he
would then help me work out why he got confused in the
first place. But it seems that either my approach was too
cryptic, or y'all are as fond of deadpan and cryptic as me.

Re: Time to fight for our beloved DEB format!

2001-07-01 Thread Me
 When I've mentioned about incompabilities between
 distros then I've mentioned about not only packaging
 format. I can only repeat that you expect to much if you
 think that common packaging format is the only problem
 of differences between distros.
 Please try to use something different than RH, i.e. Debian.

I totally agree with you. There's a LOT more to cross distro
compatibility than the package format and manager! A
whole heck of a lot!!

What would be cool would be if someone came up
with a project specifically targetted at this much larger
problem: cross-distro compatibility! Actually, this should
have been started years ago, but never mind.

I hereby put out a call for an initiative to do this. To begin
to put flesh on this, I suggest the following draft opening to
a mission statement for this effort:

The goal is to develop and promote a set of standards
that will increase compatibility among Linux distributions
and enable software applications to run on any compliant
Linux system.

Anyone interested? Mariusz?

Re: corel photopaint

2001-04-13 Thread me
I believe that 'sketch' may be worth a look, even though it is a 'work
in progress'.


On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 11:40:01AM +0200, Joris Lambrecht wrote:
 Does anyone know of a vector based drawin program for linux ? I've been
 using flash at work but want to do similar things at home ...

Re: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation

2000-10-04 Thread me

On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, Randy Edwards wrote:

Has anyone seen Joe Barr's article in LinuxWorld at

Anyone else have any thoughts on this article?

More than a couple:
1) 2.2's a huuuge improvement over earlier incarnations of Deb.,
certainly in terms of installation over the 'net. Great and detailed
instructions on the process. Didn't even have too much difficulty with the
g-d bootdisks that everyone seems to have been bitching about.

2) Lots of the probs w/ 2.2 revolve around X, mouse, etc. X
configuration is usually a troublespot w/out something snazzy like Lizard,
YaST/Sax, whathaveyou. X is absolutely inconsistent in terms of
performance, and the DM's (desktop managers that act like dungeon
masters) are a disgrace. Neither of these is Debian's fault per se,
but each package's project team. Nor is either essential to secure and 
stable running of Debian.

3) If the reviewer had been a newbie, the complaints might have
been forgivable. Deb is not (yet) for newbies. It's getting there,
All this will appear in the December issue of Linux Journal, barring
disaster. 8) I switched *to* Debian because it was easy to install online.

 SAT practice quiz:  Microsoft is to software as ...
 Answer:  McDonalds is to gourmet cooking.

Nice .sig file! 8)


Unidentified subject!

1999-08-16 Thread me
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Problem with ISP16

1999-06-09 Thread Jurica Meštroviæ
My problem is next:

I have Media Magic ISP-16 sound card (SB compatible) and Sony CDROM drive
attached to it (card is controller).

During installation I get to the point of adding modules in the kernel
(kernel and
modules are already installed from driver and rescue floopy).

My first choice was isp16 module for CDROM. When I started the installation
responce was:
ISP16: configuration cdrom interface, version 0.6.
ISP16: cdrom interface (with OPTi 82C928 chip) detected.
Isp16: cdrom interface set up with io base 0x340, irq0, dma 0, type Sanyo.

Installation succeeded.
Next to isp16 module was +.
But when I tried to go on with installation (Base System) computer responses:
mount: special device /dev/cdrom does not exist

The CD-ROM was not mounted successfully.

First I try to change wrong CDROM drive type by adding to parametars:
Responce was:
ISP16: configuration cdrom interface, version 0.6.
ISP16: cdrom interface (with OPTi 82C928 chip) detected.
Isp16: cdrom interface set up with io base 0x340, irq0, dma 0, type Sony.

Installation succeeded.
But when I try to go on resault was same.

Then I try to add cdrom module (Common toutines for CD-ROM drivers
loaded automatically.).
Responce was:
Module inserted $Id: cdrom.c, v 0.8 1996/08/10 10:52:11 david Exp $

Installation succeeded.
But resault was same (both with Sony and Sanyo as drives).

Only other module which can be added is Sony 535
Responce was:
Sony CDU-535: probing base address 340
Sony CDU-535 I/F CDROM:     base address 340,
65536 byte buffer

Executing module post-install script 'cdromsymlink'...
script: cd /dev  rm -f cdrom  ln -s cdu535 cdrom
Post-install 'cdromsymlink' scripts done.

Installation succeeded.
But when I try to go on responce was:
mount: /dev/cdrom: Can't read superblock.

The CD-ROM was not mounted successfully.

That is not suprising because it is wrong driver, but it could help you
to understand what is wrong.

My understanding is that when I add module it should (through 'cdromsymlink'
script file) link files /dev/cdrom and /dev/cd.driver, and isp16 and cdrom
don't do that. Later when installation trys to mount cdrom
(mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom) /dev/cdrom just don't exist, or in case
of cdu-535 can't read it.

Can you help me to solve this problem, or is it bug in installation
(I have Debian GNU/Linux 1.3 with Linux 2.0.29). If bug is in the installation
is there some way to solve problem manualy (through shell)?

Thank you for help,


X11 'fixed' font error

1998-12-31 Thread me

After re-installing X11, (with all new fonts) -- 'frozen' distro, I still
get the same error:

could not open default font 'fixed'

locate fixed gives /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/fixed.pcf.gz.

/etc/X11/XF86Config shows this path as well, so I know I have the font.

What should I do?

   ,,/,  o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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//'/'  \\~-~~\  o Efnet: konrad
|  `\  =/' 
 o ICQ #: 1539748

Hey girls and boys

1998-12-30 Thread me
Hey there!

 I'm new.

 I installed Debian 2.1 (frozen) and received a X11 error (both on
Intel and Alpha platforms):

Fatal server error:
 could not open defualt font 'fixed'

I figured it must have been some mis-configuration on my part, but I can't
find any mismatched dependencies.

Intel: 100 Mhz, I128 (Number Nine 2MB), SCSI + IDE hdd's.
Alpha: 166 Mhz, TGA, SCSI


   ,,/,  o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
.---__;;;' \ 
  ,;;;~(   /``~-'o
 `~''  `\ )--__ ) )__   
//'/'  \\~-~~\  o Efnet: konrad
|  `\  =/' 
 o ICQ #: 1539748

Unidentified subject!

1998-12-29 Thread me
subscribe debian-user 

   ,,/,  o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
.---__;;;' \ 
  ,;;;~(   /``~-'o
 `~''  `\ )--__ ) )__   
//'/'  \\~-~~\  o Efnet: konrad
|  `\  =/' 
 o ICQ #: 1539748

Help! FAT magic number corrupted!

1998-10-16 Thread me
Hi all---

I'm new to Linux, and in the process of hacking cluelessly with my
hard-drive setup I've managed to trash some vital part of my hard drive.
Here's the general setup: 

/dev/hda1  (~100MB)  Win95, formerly bootable, formerly DOS
/dev/hda2  (~16MB)   linux swap
/dev/hda3  (~200mb)   linux main: bootable, mounted as /
/dev/hda4  (0)
/dev/hda5  (~75mb)   linux /var
/dev/hda6  (~250mb)  linux /usr

a few days ago, i was hacking on something (LILO?), and flipped the
bootable flag on /dev/hda1 to OFF. I also changed /dev/hda1 from a DOS
partition to a Win95 FAT16 LBA partition, not thinking that this might
pose a problem. (/dev/hda1 has win95 loaded on it, but I corrupted all the
long filenames when I was repartitioning it. when it was labeled as a DOS
partition, I could get into it using linux.) cfdisk returned an error as
it was trying to write; silly me, i didn't write down what it said, but i
figured nothing was seriously wrong. I rebooted. when I rebooted, I got an

Kernel Panic: [something to the effect of, this drive's f*ed up] 03:01

I looked around and found a rootboot disk on the net (tomsrtbt), dutifully
created it using another computer, and booted from a floppy. (My Debian
rootboot disk wasn't working, still isn't, dunno why. sigh) Using a boot
floppy, I can mount and read /dev/hda3 just fine, but I can't seem to run
any of the binaries on it. (for example, cfdisk). I can't get into
/dev/hda1 at all.

So: is there a way to fix the hard drive, and /dev/hda1, without losing
significant amounts of data? If so, what is it? 

Thanks in advance. 

-Renee Landrum
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (main) - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (forwarding)

Re: Help! FAT magic number corrupted!

1998-10-16 Thread me
On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:

 MORAL NEVER play with the partitions on a system without making a
 backup! /MORAL

yep, i know. sigh

 Have you tried looking at it in normal fdisk?

fdisk /dev/hda will show me the partition table clearly. no probs there.
if i try to write  exit, it gives me something like:

The partition table has been altered!
calling ioctl() to re-read partition table
hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 hda5 hda6
hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 hda5 hda6
syncing disks

and exits. fdisk /dev/hda1 won't give me a partition table because it's a
dos disk. 

 try cd'ing to the directory where /dev/hda3 is mounted and
 chroot . bash 
 this SHOULD give you a shell that can run those binaries. 
 (and its bash too ;))

thanks, yes, this works, and i can run cfdisk fine. cfdisk works fine. I
didn't change anything, but i tried to write the partition table, and
here's the error cfdisk gives:

Wrote partition table, but re-read table failed. Reboot to update table.

This was what it gave me originally when this whole mess started. 

 have you tried fsck?

e2fsck on my ext2 drives (/dev/hda3 et al) works fine. e2fsck on /dev/hda1
of course doesn't work, because it's a non-ext2 partition. e2fsck on
/dev/hda returns Couldn't find ext2 superblock, trying backup blocks...
e2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/hda.
what's this superblock thing? I'm not up on the technical details of

fsck.msdos on /dev/hda returns:
Currently, only 2 FATs are supported, not 243.

fsck.msdos on /dev/hda1 returns:
Currently, only 2 FATs are supported, not 81.

Hmm. Why does it think I have 81 FATs on one partition?

 As for the Win95 system... 
 you will probablky need to re-install

yep, i figured so. but right now I can't even get a Win95 boot floppy to
recognize my C drive (aka /dev/hda1). sigh
Could fips help me with that problem?

Thanks so much. I feel kinda stupid for not having taken appropriate
precautions, but i guess i'm learning the hard way... sigh

-Renee Landrum
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (main) - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (forwarding)

Re: Help! FAT magic number corrupted!

1998-10-16 Thread me
On 16 Oct 1998, Rene Hojbjerg Larsen wrote:

 me wrote:
  thanks, yes, this works, and i can run cfdisk fine. cfdisk works fine. I
  didn't change anything, but i tried to write the partition table, and
  here's the error cfdisk gives:
  Wrote partition table, but re-read table failed. Reboot to update table.
  This was what it gave me originally when this whole mess started. 
 Well, did you reboot?  There's a very good reason fdisk emits that
 message.  If you don't reboot before making any file system modifications
 (mkfs there is a good chance that you hose the wrong part of the
 disk, since the kernel's idea of the partition layout is then different
 from the actual layout.

I rebooted. same thing. here's the output:

scsi: 0 hosts. 
scsi: detected total.[this is usual when it's working.]
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 hda5 hda6
[MS-DOS FS Ren 12, FAT 0, check=n, conv=b, uid=0, gid=0, umask=022, bmap]
[me=0x52, cs=0, #f=81, fs=0, fl=48384, ds=52400, de=55699, data=55972,
se=28213, ts=68224, ls=9471, rc=0, fc=4294967295]
Transaction block size= 512
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:01

  Hmm. Why does it think I have 81 FATs on one partition?
 It seems that the file system on /dev/hda1 is hosed :-(

though i note that 81 appears in the output above (#f=81). wonder if
there's a way to fix this at a low level. no, scratch that, it's probably
a Bad Idea.

  yep, i figured so. but right now I can't even get a Win95 boot floppy to
  recognize my C drive (aka /dev/hda1). sigh
  Could fips help me with that problem?
 Try removing the broken FAT partition with Linux fdisk.  Then boot with
 the win95 boot floppy and run DOS fdisk to recreate the FAT
 partition--make sure that you have a copy of fdisk.exe on the boot floppy!
 It is also a good idea to have a Linux boot floppy handy, just in case...

sounds drastic. how likely is it that i'll lose the data on /dev/hda1?
(did i mention that during an ftp process, my backup got corrupted, and
/dev/hda1 (used to?) contain my only other copy of those files? sigh)
Talk about learning the hard way. I really need to corrupt that partition
as little as possible. 

-Renee Landrum
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (main) - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (forwarding)

fs type iso9660 not supported by kernel

1998-09-22 Thread me
  I installed Debian 2.0 from a bootable cd. Everythinng went fine until
I rebooted
and began deselect. I received the message fs type iso9660 not
supported by kernal.
I did not see any option to enable NLS or anything that mention iso9660
file system.
What do I need to do. If you can help please give detailed info.

Unidentified subject!

1998-04-28 Thread me
I am trying to get X running on my new machine. It is a IBM Aptiva 233mhz,
with ATI 3D RAGE II+ video card. I am still learning what to do with all 
the pci stuff.
Listed is what I find with dmesg and also the errors after trying to load

Console: 16 point font, 400 scans
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25, 1 virtual console (max 63)
pcibios_init : BIOS32 Service Directory structure at 0x000f0280
pcibios_init : BIOS32 Service Directory entry at 0xf0210
pcibios_init : PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xf0200
Probing PCI hardware.
Warning : Unknown PCI device (10b9:1531).  Please read include/linux/pci.h
Warning : Unknown PCI device (10b9:1533).  Please read include/linux/pci.h
Warning : Unknown PCI device (1002:4755).  Please read include/linux/pci.h
Warning : Unknown PCI device (10b9:5229).  Please read include/linux/pci.h
Warning : Unknown PCI device (10b9:5237).  Please read include/linux/pci.h
Calibrating delay loop.. ok - 465.31 BogoMIPS
Memory: 30420k/32768k available (1008k kernel code, 384k reserved, 956k
Swansea University Computer Society NET3.035 for Linux 2.0
NET3: Unix domain sockets 0.13 for Linux NET3.035.
Swansea University Computer Society TCP/IP for NET3.034
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP
VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_5.6.0 initialized
Checking 386/387 coupling... Ok, fpu using exception 16 error reporting.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... Ok.
Linux version 2.0.30 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version #1 Sun Jun 1
09:14:11 EST 1997
Real Time Clock Driver v1.07
tpqic02: Runtime config, $Revision: $, $Date: 1994/10/29 02:46:13
tpqic02: DMA buffers: 20 blocks, at address 0x24ea00 (0x24e914)
Ramdisk driver initialized : 16 ramdisks of 4096K size
loop: registered device at major 7
hda: Maxtor 83240D3, 3090MB w/256kB Cache, LBA, CHS=784/128/63
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
Started kswapd v
FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI card!
PPA: unable to initialise controller at 0x378, error 2
scsi : 0 hosts.
scsi : detected total.
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
Adding Swap: 44348k swap-space (priority -1)
PS/2 auxiliary pointing device detected -- driver installed.
lp1 at 0x0378, (polling)
Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled
tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel allocation)
PPP Dynamic channel allocation code copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
PPP line discipline registered.
registered device ppp0
PPP: ppp line discipline successfully unregistered

Next few lines are the response to starting X (with startx).

(**) FontPath set to
(--) Mach64: PCI: unknown ATI (82304x) rev 154, Aperture @ 0x0400,
Block I/O @ 0x7400
(--) Mach64: card type: PCI
(--) Mach64: Memory type: 5
(--) Mach64: Clock type: Internal
(--) Mach64: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 135.000 MHz
(**) Mach64: Mode 640x480: mode clock =  45.800
(**) Mach64: Mode 800x600: mode clock =  69.650
(**) Mach64: Mode 1024x768: mode clock =  85.000
(--) Mach64: Virtual resolution: 1024x768
(--) Mach64: videoram: 1024k
(--) Mach64: Using hardware cursor
(--) Mach64: Using 8 MB aperture @ 0x0400
(--) Mach64: Ramdac is Internal
(--) Mach64: Using 8 bits per RGB value
(--) Mach64: Pixmap cache: 0 256x256 slots, 0 128x128 slots, 0 64x64 slots
(--) Mach64: Font cache: 0 fonts

waiting for X server to shut down mach64ProgramClkMach64CT: Warning: Q 

Thanks for your help

OS of CHOICE?  Linux (Debian) or OS2Warp3
If Windows is the answer, the question should never have been asked!

me at

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: simple questions

1997-11-26 Thread me
If you can get a copy of OS2 BootManager, it will take care of everything.
I believe it is about the best out there. I have used it with
Win95/FreeBSD, Win95/Linux(slackware), and now Win95/Debian.
It works flawlessly. 
Now if all I had was Linux and OS/2 on my pc, life would be great! Alas,
my wife likes 95, and until I can totally conquer Linux (I got the Debian
CD from the mag, BOOT), I am forced to live with it. Of course, if all
fails, I still have my Amiga3000, but thats a different subject!
Also, thanks to all in helping me get things going with Debian.


Operating System(s) of CHOICE:  Debian (Linux) and OS2Warp3



On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Britton wrote:

 On 26 Nov 1997, Sten Anderson wrote:
  Britton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Dana M. Epp wrote:
Hi Clay.
1) Yes, Debian can co-exist with Win95. Using something called LILO(
Linux Loader ), it can become your boot manager, which will allow you
boot multiple OS's.
 [my own whining snipped]
  Perhaps you should boot into W95/DOS and leave it to loadlin to boot
  Linux. That way you can safely leave your MBR in the hands of W95.  Of 
  course you should always have a bootdisk ready, just in case W95 for
  some reason becomes unbootable. 
  - Sten Anderson
 I will never do this.  It's a question of technical ethics.  You are
 probably right that it is the best way, but I don't use either Win95 or
 DOS often enough for it to be worth sacrificing my MBR to Win95.
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Re: simple questions

1997-11-26 Thread me
If you check my sig, you will see that I have Warp3. I love it! I have had
it for about 2 years.
I also am subscribed to a online book for OS2, that is updated by one of
the developers of OS2. He was a developer when IBM and M$ were working
together. He plainly states that M$ NT is based on OS/2 V2! I can get the
url (his statement is in a article--online magazine) if anybody is
interested. His name is David Broth and his web site is
Millenium-Technologies (sp).
BTW, I have OS/2 Warp3 with #32 fixpak. I am just interested in learning
and knowing Un*x.


Operating System(s) of CHOICE:  Debian (Linux) and OS2Warp3



On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, George Bonser wrote:

 On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, me wrote:
  If you can get a copy of OS2 BootManager, it will take care of everything.
  I believe it is about the best out there. I have used it with
  Win95/FreeBSD, Win95/Linux(slackware), and now Win95/Debian.
  It works flawlessly. 
 As does most of the rest of OS/2. It is a shame that Microsoft was allowed
 to prevent the PC manufacturers from shipping it on their systems.  We
 would then be dealing with OS/2 Server in the workplace rather than NT
 Server and it (OS/2) integrates so much better with a tcp/ip network and
 services.  It certainly is a damned shame. If you ever have the chance to
 install it for a PC desktop workstation, give OS/2 a look. When Win95 came
 out, I remember commenting that it looks like Microsoft copied the OS/2
 desktop and then screwed it up with proprietary junk that people only use
 because they hae no other choice.
 George Bonser 
 Debian/GNU Linux  See
 Linux ... It isn't just for breakfast anymore!
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 Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Quitting pppd

1997-11-24 Thread me
After starting/quitting minicom, and then finishing internet connection,
what is the best way to kill pppd without doing a 'kill ' (or the pid
of pppd?  I haven't found that answer anywhere, and I have tried looking.
If I missed a simple statement somewhere, my apologies ;)


Operating System(s) of CHOICE:  Debian (Linux) and OS2Warp3



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netscape installation

1997-11-23 Thread me
Being brandnew to Debian, I am having lots of trouble getting
I first tried under dselect and got a error (1?), then tried ftp to both
debian (contrib) and netscape. I can't find it anywhere. I then went back
to dselect and started from the top of the menu and followed each step. It
showed netscape as under broken-contribution (if memory serves me
What can I try next, or what have I missed?
Thanks for your help.


Operating System(s) of CHOICE:  Debian (Linux) and OS2Warp3



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1997-11-09 Thread Me
I downloaded the vase disks via ftp, then installed the base system.
Everything ok.  I edited the /etc/ppp.chatscript for my isp...and i
conected... Everything still ok.  ppp0 was shown by ifconfig as working
corectly, which it was.  I set up nameservers..everything still working
great.  I go into dselect, set it up to get the rest of the packages via
ftp, Updated, everything working great...i download the 30 some megs of
*.deb's install them and configure them.  I reboot the system, and pppd
doesn't work corectly.  Looking at the logs, it initiates chat just like
normal, dials, gives login/password, then returns to pppd, which says
something like Conection established.  Then it says  ppp0 ---
/dev/ttyS2  That is all good and dandy.  Then it stops and times
out...looking at the previous logs, it should have said some stuff about
my ip, but it didn't.  CAN ANYONE HELP ME PLEASE???

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1997-11-09 Thread Me

On Sun, 9 Nov 1997, Martin Bialasinski wrote:

 On Sun, 9 Nov 1997, Me wrote:
  *.deb's install them and configure them.  I reboot the system, and pppd
  doesn't work corectly.  Looking at the logs, it initiates chat just like
  normal, dials, gives login/password, then returns to pppd, which says
  something like Conection established.  Then it says  ppp0 ---
  /dev/ttyS2  That is all good and dandy.  Then it stops and times
  out...looking at the previous logs, it should have said some stuff about
  my ip, but it didn't.  CAN ANYONE HELP ME PLEASE???
 Hi (btw: no need to shout at us),
 maybe you could answer some questions to give us a better understanding: 
 did you upgrade pppd on your dselect run?
i am not sure...what ever comes by default (it is entirely possible)
 do you try to connect as root or as a normal user ?
 what are pppd's permissions?
i forget...but that seems not to be a major problem (i will check later)
 do you have debug enabled in /etc/ppp/options ?
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Orientation documentation please (was: Re: Changing mouse drivers)

1997-10-16 Thread me

(Hoping I have the attributions correct:)

 On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Daniel Martin wrote:
  On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Richard A. Guay wrote:
   I now want to change to using a serial mouse.  What would be the
   steps (I do not want to reload the OS.)?
  Reload the OS?  That's windows-world thinking.  First, if you installed
  the gpm package, you'll need to run 'gpmconfig' as root, and tell gpm
  about your mouse.

Those who live in glass houses...

No, that's not windows-world thinking.  It's the kind of thinking you get 
when the operating system doesn't come with good installation/configuration

Since users set up the system by running installation scripts, that's the 
only way new users know that the system can be configured.  

If the system came with better installation and configuration documentation
users would have documentation in which to look up things like changing mice, 

I thinking of an overview of the things to do and of how the system-manage-
ment utilities fit together (as opposed to documentation of individual 
utitilies, which is probably close to sufficient).

Why doesn't Debian come with a document that points to the system-wide
Debianizations of the system (e.g., the xxxconfig commands (which _are_
quite convenient once you know they exist)), and why doesn't the Debian
installation document point to that orientation document?

(Consider new users:  They follow the instructions for loading Debian
on the system.  Those instructions (last I saw), dumped the user into
dselect, without given an orientation of what still needs to be configured,
to Debian-specific ways of doing things, etc.)

(I know there are some LDP documents out there.  However, they don't cover
the Debianized aspects of a Debian distribution.)

(Also, I know that many packages' README files are in /usr/doc/xxx, but they 
don't apply when Debian has changed the default configuration of the package,
and the changes from that default are not all documented in README-Debian
files for the packages.)

Daniel Barclay

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Re: Infomagic LDR debian, and, What's Hamm and Bo?

1997-10-12 Thread me

 From: David Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Bo is the current stable release; hamm is unstable. The names are just
 codenames, which never change. ...

 For some reason, some people object to the user of these codenames (don't 
 ask me why; every project in real life has a codename) so ...

And when the project is released, there are version numbers or release

Why the heck doesn't Debian use the release number (e.g., 1.3, 1.3.x) as
the primary (canonical) name?  Then when you seem 1.2 and 1.3, you can
tell which is newer and which is older.

Daniel Barclay

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More Gnus problems

1996-11-26 Thread ME?
Thanks to the people who sent me mail regarding Gnus... but I guess I'm
such a dunce that it'll take more than that to get me reading my
mail with Gnus...

I read deeper into the info pages, followed the cookie cutter recipe,
and still have no luck, so I made nnml the main select method...

Here is my .gnus file: (BTW, should I put this stuff in .gnus, or
.emacs, or does it matter?):

(setq gnus-local-domain
(setq gnus-user-from-line Lars Louder [EMAIL PROTECTED])
(setq user-mail-address [EMAIL PROTECTED])
(setq gnus-local-organization What? I'm not organized.)

;;(setq gnus-secondary-select-methods
(setq gnus-select-method
'(nnml lars_mail))

(setq nnmail-split-methods
'((other )))
;;that's been trimmed :D

;;(setq nnmail-spool-file po:lars)
(setq nnml-spool-file /var/spool/mail/lars)

And here is the message I get:

Cannot read active file from nnml server.
Loading gnus-cache...
Loading gnus-cache...done
Looking for new newsgroups...
Reading active file from lars_mail via nnml...
Cannot read active file from nnml server.
No new newsgroups.
Checking new news...
Checking new news...done
No news is horrible news
No more unread newsgroups

I think this is a problem with movemail, as it is in /usr/local/bin
or would it matter where it is?
Thanks again

Version 3.12
GUCSAT dpu s-:- a---? C+++ ULU P+? L+++ E+ W+ N++ o? K?
w- O! M-- PS+ PE- Y+ PGP- t--- 5-- X-- R- tv--! b+/+ DI+ D+
G++ e- h! !r !z+

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Gnus isn't the culprit (too bad I don't know what is:(

1996-11-26 Thread ME?
Well, even though you're all stumped as to why that .gnus file doesn't
work, I think i've tracked the problem down to something other than

When I inc my mail for mh, i get this message:

inc: unable to lock and fopen /var/spool/mail/lars

And when Gnus calls movemail to get my mail from the spool file, I get
this error message:

nnml: Reading incoming mail...
Getting mail from /var/spool/mail/lars...
movemail: Permission denied for /var/spool/mail/Ea10189--see source file
Cannot read active file from nnml server.

This isn't the only problem with my mail setup. When I send messages
with something like echo test | mail lars i get this message after
waiting a few minutes:

cannot chdir(/var/spool/mqueue): Permission denied

The perms on /var/spool/mqueue are 
drwxrwxrwx   2 root root 1024 Nov 25 17:16 mqueue/
which can't be right.

I'm starting to think there are serious problems with my mail setup, and
I have no clue as to whether they are related or not :(
Thanks again

Version 3.12
GUCSAT dpu s-:- a---? C+++ ULU P+? L+++ E+ W+ N++ o? K?
w- O! M-- PS+ PE- Y+ PGP- t--- 5-- X-- R- tv--! b+/+ DI+ D+
G++ e- h! !r !z+

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Re: Gnus isn't the culprit (too bad I don't know what is:(

1996-11-26 Thread ME?
Rob Browning wrote:

 Just for comparison (user names changed to protect the innocent :)
 501$ ls -al /var/spool/mail
 total 59
 drwxrwsr-t   2 mail mail 1024 Nov 26 06:50 .
 drwxr-xr-x  11 root root 1024 Nov 20 02:34 ..
 -rw---   1 user1mail0 Nov 28  1995 user1
 -rw---   1 user2mail0 Nov 21 01:43 user2
 -rw---   1 root mail56691 Nov 26 06:50 root
 # ls -al /var/spool/mqueue
 total 2
 drwx--   2 root root 1024 Nov 26 15:58 .
 drwxr-xr-x  11 root root 1024 Nov 20 02:34 ..

I set the permissions to those you have, but I get this message
approxamately 5 min after doing echo test | mail lars at any given

bash$ cannot chdir(/var/spool/mqueue): Permission denied

I guess the program send-mail is trying to do this.

Also, I ran gnus as root, and got this message after trying to get my

Reading active file from lars_mail via nnml...
nnml: Reading incoming mail...
Getting mail from /root/.gnus-crash-box...
Error, unknown mail format! (Possibly corrupted.)

Should I just give up and reinstall, or is this fixable? (I'd rather fix
it, but I'm afraid I have no hope)
Thanks again


Version 3.12
GUCSAT dpu s-:- a---? C+++ ULU P+? L+++ E+ W+ N++ o? K?
w- O! M-- PS+ PE- Y+ PGP- t--- 5-- X-- R- tv--! b+/+ DI+ D+
G++ e- h! !r !z+

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Gnus as a mailer

1996-11-23 Thread ME?
I've been using mh for a while now, and even though it's super functional,
I'd like to try something else. S I look at the headers on this list
and lots of people seem to be using Gnus as a mailer. Is there a page
detailing how to do this? There is breif mention in the info pages, but not
enough to get me going.


-lars louder

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