Re: gmc: fonts for desktop

2001-09-11 Thread Martin Bialasinski
Timeboy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 My font on desktop is very small. I found no file of gmc where i could
 change this font. What can i do to get an other font on desktop?

It is hardcoded into the program. 
You could try this in your ~/.gtkrc, maybe it will work:

style user-font

#widget_class * style user-font

widget_class *DesktopIcon* style user-font


Re: using convert to batch convert

2001-08-02 Thread Martin Bialasinski
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Miaoling Chiu wrote:


 Wow! I've been using Linux for a year, and even from
 the first week I
 have been trying (without success) to figure out how
 to do exactly
 that (ren *.doc *.txt).

install teh mmv package, then do mmv *.doc #1.txt


Re: Midnight commander undelete?

2001-03-07 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Adam C Powell, IV Adam wrote:

 Oops, typo in the email!  I was trying /#undel:hdb1 but to no avail.
 Just tried it again, no such file or directory.

mc -V says the undelfs is not compiled in. I have no idea why, the
object file is compiled during build. Maybe because it is build in a
chroot. I'll have to investigate further.


Re: Midnight commander undelete?

2001-03-05 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Adam C Powell, IV Adam wrote:


 So I looked through /var/lib/dpkg/available and found something
 promising-looking in mc.  I installed, ran, read the instructions,
 and tried to cd /#debug:hdb1 but it kept saying no such file or

It's cd /#undel:hdb1

Why do you think it is #debug?


Re: Drawing diagrams of servers

2001-02-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Russell Coker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks, I'm using DIA and it's pretty good.  It misses a few things
 such as the ability to put text in the center of a box and have the
 text get moved whenever the box gets moved.

If you group the text and the box, this is possible all right.


Re: If exim is run from inetd what happens to queued outgoing mail?

2001-01-19 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Scott V McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 In that case, what will happen to outgoing mail if it can't be
 delivered right away?

It will be queued, and the next queue-runner (see /etc/cron.d/) will
try to deliver it again, if the retry time has passed, until the
limit is reached (see /etc/exim.conf - retry configuration).


Re: When was /dev/gpmdata put into use??

2001-01-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I still would like to have full mouse control in the console
 apps.. i.e. MC and some other curses based apps.

mc does use gpm. Unfortunately, the latest security build for r2 left
out gpm.

I will do a fixed upload to proposed-updates soon.


Re: When was /dev/gpmdata put into use??

2001-01-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Carel Fellinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You could use an alias like alias mc='mc -b', couldn't you:) The
 otherway around is impossible without recompilation. BUT...

You mean mc -d. I will add a note about it in README.Debian.

I must admit, that I use mc in xterms only, and then I use the mouse
only for cutpaste.

 In X it's clear from the visual context when the mouse is in
 `cutpaste' mode or in `command' mode.

Is it? Not in xterms.

 So I think it's wise to have a Debian policy to *not* have the mouse
 act in `command' mode on the console, unless specified otherwise by
 the user.

I am indifferent about this. Shift+mouse for cutpaste is documented
in mc's help.

  I'm no Debian-developer, so I think I'm not entitled to propose
  such a policy chance:(, besides, I don't know how to procede with

Check /usr/doc/debian-policy/policy-process.text.gz or the html

 Nontheless, I think the Debian mc man should alter the behaviour and
 the options for mc to reflect the above,

If you can convince upstream (the or make
it policy, then I will do it.

I can't really judge if this is a good thing or not. I will only
change mc's behaviour in a incompatible way (different mouse handling)
to its prior version for compelling reasons.


[mc]: Help reproducing a bug

2001-01-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

I have a bugreport stating 

  mc segfaults when a shell command that was started inside mc fails,
  e.g.  because it is not found, it is interrupted, or it
  crashes. This error only occurs since a few weeks on my system and
  therefore might be related to kernel-2.4 or recent library updates
  in Debian unstable.

[ this doesn't happen everytime a command fails ]

I never had such a thing, nor did I hear about this prior to this

Does someone else have this problem?

Thanks for your help,

PS: Günter, maybe you could recompile the package with -ggdb so we can
get a backtrace from the coredump?

Re: dselect

2000-12-11 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Ken == Ken Weingold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ken Kind of, thanks.  But I remember something even more general,
Ken like I could select Workstation, and it would install a whole
Ken bunch of packages that one might want, like editors, X, Internet
Ken stuff, etc.

This was part of the Debian 2.1 installation. One reason why it was
replaced was that you can't run it a second time. Therefore it is
deleted after the installation.


[SECURITY] serious DoS possibility in Midnight Commander (mc)

2000-11-20 Thread Martin Bialasinski


there is a problem with mc (BugTraq ID 1945), that allows any local
user to overwrite the first byte of any file (/vmlinuz, /dev/hda,
whatever) with a Zero.

A fixed package has been uploaded to unstable (4.5.51-11). Until fixed 
packages are created for stable I advice anyone using mc (dpkg -l mc
will show) to disable the cons.saver helper application using 

chmod -x /usr/lib/mc/bin/cons.saver

cons.saver is normaly used for a screensaver on the linux virtual


Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.4, an Emacs/PGP interface


Re: Compiled debs are upgraded

2000-11-07 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Joachim == Joachim Trinkwitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Joachim Same here with gmc -- after an 'apt-get --compile source gmc'
Joachim another 'apt-get upgrade' will replace my newly compiled
Joachim package with the same version.

Actually, this is by design and the reason the equivs package was
rewritten. Unfortunately, I didn't take notes why apt behaves like
this. Therefore, I crosspost this to the gurus. They can say for


Re: Q: Debian's Midnight Commander version problem

2000-11-06 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Jonathan == Jonathan Gift [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jonathan mc: /dev/gpmctl: Connection refused
Jonathan mc: /dev/gpmcrl:  No such file or directory

[ You chould copypaste logfiles, config files etc, not retype
them. This makes sure you don't post a typo that may leasd to some
false conclusion ]

apt-get install gpm will fix this I believe.


using the mouse in gpm and X, was: Re: Q: Debian's Midnight Commander version problem

2000-11-06 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Jonathan Gift [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


[ gpm ]

 The only problem is the msg did go away, but the mouse stopped
 working in X windows... Does that mean I have to run the gpmconfig

I don't have this problem with my logitech pilot 3-button mouse.

In /etc/gpm.conf I have 


and in /etc/X11/XF86Config I use

Section Pointer
Device  /dev/ttyS0


For cases like yours, I heared gpm has a repeater mode. That is you
configure gpm for use on the virtual console, then you advise X to use 
gpm as the source of mouse information. 

But I am not familiar with this, maybe someone else can give some

 How cut and paste terminal text??

In X, you mark text using button1 (usually the left one), and the just 
paste it using button2 (middle one or simultanously pressing left and
right on two-button mice).

On the virtual console it is the same, although gpm has to run for
mouse support :-)


Re: Does a debian-user webring or links list exist?

2000-11-03 Thread Martin Bialasinski

have you been pointed to yet?


Re: How to start sgml?

2000-11-02 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Daniel == Daniel Freedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Daniel You can find more info (including free online copy of an
Daniel O'reilly book on the subject) at:


Also, a guide how to use emacs with psgml mode is available at


Re: Php-Roxen-Mysql

2000-11-01 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Eileen == Eileen Orbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Eileen My question is really how to add php as a module to Roxen?

The php4 module doesn't really work for anything more than trivial
things yet.

However, the cgi version of php works nicely. Install it, then

1.) Add the following modules: 

- CGI executable support 
- PATH_INFO support 
- Redirect Module v2.0 

2.) Put the php3.cgi binary in your /cgi-bin/ directory. 

3.) Add the following redirect pattern in the Redirect Module: 

/(.*)\.php3(.*)$  /cgi-bin/php3.cgi/$1.php3$2


Re: how to fix this broken system?

2000-10-28 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* chris == chris edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

chris I can't remember the exact error, but something involving gmc
chris caused my system to become unusable.

This is nothing about gmc, but about you upgrading libc6 to unstable.

chris When i boot linux up now, i get this error message:

chris init: unable to load shared library: /usr/lib/,
chris undefined symbol GLIBC_2.0

Uuuuh, bad.

Well, you can bypass init on startup by passing init=/bin/sh on the
lilo prompt.

Mail about this problem.


Re: a whole bunch of questions

2000-10-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski
CHEONG, Shu Yang [Patrick] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What I normally do is cp the .Xauthority from /home/username to
 /root and starting X as root would then be okHowever, I am
 unsure whether this would compromise certain security features,

This is also OK, but I would just set the equivalent
environmentvariable. export XAUTHORITY=/home/foo/.Xauthority as root

[Please learn how to quote in useful way. Don't just smack the mail
you replay to at the end as a full quote]


Re: a whole bunch of questions

2000-10-23 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* robert == robert wilhelm land [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

robert When trying to start emacs out of a xterm with su permissions the
robert system complaines:

robert MINI:/home/rland# emacs
robert Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server

This is OK. You don't have permission to open widows in someone else's 
X session. Even as root. See man xauth.

The best way allow root to open windows in the X session is to install
the ssh package, then do ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED].

For some tweaks, create ~/.ssh/config with this content:

Host localhost
  User root
  Compression no

Compression is better turned off for local (or fast) connections, and
User root will use root as default username, so you can do just ssh

Or add alias ssu='ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]' to ~/.bash_profile and use
ssu as a shortcut.

robert The error recommends to use xhost - but this seems to be a
robert GUI app

Actually, it is not. man xhost. But better forget about it. It is a
bad solution. Don't use it.

robert ...which states there should be somewhere a sound module, but
robert cat /etc/modules.conf|grep -A 4 sound returnes no output.

/etc/modules.conf is not a list of available module. It just has
optional configuration for modules and some other stuff.

Check /lib/modules/ to see what modules are installed.

For a GUI, try modconf.

robert Does dselect build up a database for all indexed packages? I
robert cannot find wine by running dpkg -l wine or dpkg -l | grep
robert wine although the debian installation routine was fed by all
robert 4 CD's.

Seems like you used only apt-get so far. apt-get doesn't update the
database (/var/lib/dpkg/available) dpkg -l uses (btw, you can use dpkg
-l \*wine\*).

Either use apt-cache search wine, but this won't give you the status
(installed etc.) of a package.

Or run dselect, configure the access methode to apt, then select

If you run apt-get update, you also have to run dselect update to
update this list.

Or run /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/update, which will do all the
magic. Make some alias like alias
apt-update='/usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/update' for convenience.

robert Neither does dpkg seem to support a query routine simular to
robert rpm.

I don't know rpm. What kind of query do you mean?


Re: gmc 4.5.51 problem

2000-10-22 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Alexey == Alexey Kakunin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Alexey I have debian 2.2 installed with glibc updated to 2.1.95 and
Alexey gnome update to last packages.  And I have problem with gmc
Alexey (4.5.51-6) - then I try to start it, I get message:

Alexey gmc --sm-client-id .
Alexey No response to the SaveYourself command.
Alexey The program may be slow, stopped or broken.
Alexey You may wait for it to respond or remove it.

libc6 problem I believe. Complain to the glibc maintainer.

Also compare with 

It seems that something is really broken now, because I logged in as a
root into my workstation from there I logged with my normal account
into NFS server, removed metadata.db (and metadata.lock
directory), tried to login with my normal account and now I can't even
start gmc. Well, I can start it, but nothing comes on screen and after
a while I get No response to SaveYourserlf command 

Actually, when I was finalizing this letter, I noticed that gmc
icons started to pop-up one by one, but its still so slow that its
practically useless. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if some
libraries get updated or new versions pop up from gnome packages. As
last resort, I can always downgrade myself back to stable...

He recompiled the package himself, and this fixed it.


Re: Telnet to mail host replies connection refused

2000-10-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Paul == Paul McHale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Paul This is what it was set to.  I changed it to try the suggestion.
Paul Unfortunately, it did not improve.  I think I might just upgrade to 
Paul I know this is not the best cure, but I am interested in testing the new
Paul storm release anyway. 

No, this is indeed not the best way.

You got the correct answer already, what's wrong with it?

From: brian moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Telnet to mail host replies connection refused
To: Debian-User
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 23:06:57 -0700

On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 11:39:20PM -0400, Paul McHale wrote:

 Sendmail: Rejecting connection on port 25 : min free: 100

You're low on disk space on /var -- sendmail will refuse to accept mail
until it has a place to put it.

You check your diskspace with df. sendmail wants at least 100
(kB). Note that anything above 95% diskspace used is only available to

Maybe your apt cache is quite big. apt-cache clean will remove the


Re: Filesystem free space and reserved allocation (was Re: Telnet to mail...)

2000-10-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* kmself == kmself wrote:

kmself The ext2fs default is to reserve some number of blocks -- 10%
kmself of total, IIRC -- for root access only.  This reserved value
kmself is *not* reported by df and other tools as available, it's
kmself reserved off the top.  You can modify the value with, IIRC,
kmself tunefs.

Yes, 5% that is. I have not mention the glory details for simplicity
reasons :-)

kmself If your FS reports 95% free, then 5% of the user-allocated
kmself space remains available.

Yes. I was wrong with this.

Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda7   925064696375180898  80% /home

When the remainig 180898 == 20% are consumed, the output will be

Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda7   925064877273 0 100% /home

The remaining 47791 block are only available for root.


Re: Writing scripts and online support

2000-10-10 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* JP == JP Sartre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

JP Anyhow, I want to learn how to do basic scripts to perform tasks,
JP as well as getting to learn cron and similar daemons.. aside from
JP going out and buying a few perl books (which I intend to someday)
JP are there any good online sources for basic script writing?

Not for you, but for any german speaking readers who might read this

JP For instance, I would like to rename some wav files to 01.wav,
JP 02.wav etc. and renaming 01-A_Wav.wav and 02-Another_Wav.wav to
JP 01.wav and 02.wav seems tedious. I know a simple script file could
JP do this.

mmv [0-9][0-9]_*.wav #1#2.wav

package mmv.


Re: gnome icons

2000-09-25 Thread Martin Bialasinski

Eric How can I get the icons *without* gmc window ?

gmc --help shows:

  --nowindows  No windows opened at startup


Re: MONOCHROME mutt/mc, COLOR ls/elvis ...?

2000-08-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Will == Will Trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Will mc  == monochrome w/reverse-video and bold

The terminal type mc considers to be color-capable is defined in
/etc/mc/mc.ini (overriden by ~/.mc/ini).

You can force colormode by using mc -c.


Re: equivs problem-o

2000-07-10 Thread Martin Bialasinski

Brien Maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This has to be:

Maintainer: Michael O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: equivs problem-o

2000-07-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

Brien dh_installchangelogs
Brien parsechangelog/debian: error: badly formatted trailer line, at changelog 
line 5
Brien dh_installchangelogs: changelog parse failure
Brien make: *** [binary-arch] Error 1
Brien Error during the build process: Illegal seek at /usr/bin/equivs-build 
line 162, IN chunk 44.

Please send me the contol file you use with equivs-build, I'll check this.


Re: xisp and kppp and gnome-ppp and ...

2000-06-22 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Alberto == Alberto Meroni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Alberto Here is the log file generated by plog. It seem that the
Alberto problem is with authentication,


Alberto I noticed that as user caeyme I cannot read and execute
Alberto /etc/ppp. Maybe xisp shold be set user id ? 

pppd itself is setuid root. Or it should be.

$ ls -l /usr/sbin/pppd
-rwsr-x---1 root dip183504 Apr  4 09:52 /usr/sbin/pppd*

Furthermore, I don't think using pon and poff as the user would work in this 

The /etc/ppp and /etc/ppp/peers directories should be readable by
group dip. pap-secrets is mode 600. Are you sure you selected pap
authentication in xisp?


PS: Your From address bounces.

Re: xisp and kppp and gnome-ppp and ...

2000-06-14 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Alberto == Alberto Meroni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Alberto I added the user to the group dialout and dip and the user
Alberto can log to the provider with pon and logout with poff but...

OK, this is good. He should then also be able to use any other pppd

Alberto He cannot read the log file fo a problem of permissions.  Is
Alberto there a clean way to solve the situation?

Any user in the adm group can read (all) logfiles (remember to relogin
after adding the user to the group). For now, you can just su to root
in a xterm.

Alberto And if the same user tries to use xisp or kppp or gnome-ppp
Alberto it does not work apparently pppd get a modem hangup. I
Alberto installed the peer file and so on but I have no idea for the
Alberto solution (of course I could do it as root but...)

Well, first thing would be posting the relevant logfile parts.

Start xisp as xisp -debug and try to connect. Then check the logs.
Also mention what kind of connection this is (terminal login or direct 
PPP or such).


Re: Stuck...

2000-05-21 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* w == w trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 BTW: ESC + 0 ^= F10

w hi, newbie mode here, how do you learn of those keystroke
w equivalences?

Hmm, somebody told me long time ago :-)

Maybe it is a VT100 thing or such.


Re: Stuck...

2000-05-20 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* w == w trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

w if it were clear on how to exit mc, i'd be more in favor
w of recommending it to the new folk...

w (i tried it from a telnet session where the Fkeys don't
w exactly work as they should...

Well, this is a problem of this particular telnet implementation/setup 
not mc, no?

BTW: ESC + 0 ^= F10


Re: How to forward by default in exim

2000-05-15 Thread Martin Bialasinski
[ Catch all account in exim ]

I'd go to The FAQ you find there contains some cookbook
solutions to common requests.


begin  LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs
Outlook sucks

Re: Midnight Commander without mouse?

2000-03-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* David == David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

David No, I mean how do I INSTALL mc without a mouse? 

You can't, unless you recompile the package. Once it is compiled with
gmp support, the lib has to be present.

David I guess I could go ahead and install libgpmg even though there
David physically is no mouse present, but won't that create problems
David for libgpmg setup?

Correct, this will work.


Re: URGENT: Gateway problems (again, more information added)

2000-02-22 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Ron == Ron Rademaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ron The gateway calls using ISDN (which works fine), but keeps
Ron calling and calling when it shouldn't...

Forget about tcpdump, it doesn't work with syncPPP.

Instead set isdnctrl verbose 2 and check the syslog (I think). You
get messages why a connection was brought up there, like

 OPEN: - TCP, port: 2065 - 119

Also use echo 7  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr

One reason could also be samba. Windows does all kind of strange stuff 
on the net that can make your box dial out. Check the samba docs, and the Suse support DB. With deja, you should get hits in
de.alt.comm.isdn4linux. You can also ask there in english as the last


Re: roxen webserver problems

2000-02-20 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Martin == Högman  Martin wrote:

Martin I just installed the Roxen webserver in order to check it out,
Martin but when I pointed my browser to the standardized address
Martin (http://moonspell.nowhere:19656) it seems that I can't connect
Martin to the server.

Check that it is indeed running with ps axf | grep pike. Check
/var/log/roxen/debug/default.1 (or .2). Check you have tried the
correct port (grep ConfigurationURL /etc/roxen/Global_Variables).

Oh, and if you intend to upgrade to frozen, the Roxen packages are way 
better in potato than in slink.


Re: Debian logo et al.

2000-02-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski
 Speaking of logons, what control character may I write in the
 /etc/issue file so the screen is cleared and text writing begins in
 the upper left of the vc screen? I tried Ctl-L but it didn't work;
 I looked in the archives, no good, man pages getty and issue also

clear  file


Re: Fake package for Wordperfect 8?

2000-02-06 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Gregory == Gregory T Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gregory I haven't used it myself, but I believe that the package name
Gregory is equivs.

Gregory On Sun, Feb 06, 2000 at 10:04:58PM +0100, Jonas Steverud wrote:
 I downloaded WP8 for some months ago and the idea struck my earlier
 tonight that it would be a good idea to build a fake package for WP8
 that depended on those packages WP8 depends on (whatever those are,
 I've forgotten). That way I can be assured that I never removes a
 package I need.
 Has anyone built such a package?
 I know there is a package that helps you build fake packages, but
 I've forgotten the name. Can someone help me with the name?

Correctly. Use the potato version. There is even


Re: Package dependency issues

2000-01-16 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Damon == Damon Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Damon This is what I did myself and it worked well. This is off the
Damon top of my head, so you may have to play around a bit, but
Damon basically that's what equivs is for.

BTW: Anyone should use the equivs from potato. It is better than the
slink version and easier to use. And it runs on slink.


Re: Reinstalling Packages

2000-01-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* mike == mike ber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

mike Is it possible to go back to the point where you are asked which
mike Tasks or Profiles you want installed.  Thanks.

No, not in Debian 2.1
It will be possible in Debian 2.2


Re: gzipped logs loose format

2000-01-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Blazej == Blazej Sawionek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Blazej When I view them with mc using F3 they appear to have lost
Blazej their format. All end-of-lines are removed and the text is
Blazej `justified' to approx. 80 columns. This makes the logs very
Blazej difficult to read and practically useless. When I ungzip the
Blazej files and view them in the same way (mc - F3) - the effect is
Blazej the same.

mc does syntax highlighting and preprocessing based on the

kern.log.1 looks like a manpage for the parser. It pipes the file
through nroff (I think), which formats the text.

File a wishlist grade bug on mc if you like. Don't know if it is
possible to put in an exception to the bahaviuor, but I can check when 
I have some time (in an month or so).

Blazej Is there an easy way to see the gzipped file correctly and
Blazej quickly?

Put eval $(lesspipe) into /etc/profile or such some, then less will do 
on the fly decompression of files.


Re: Reinstalling Packages

2000-01-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski
Task selection in Debian 2.2 will be done by 

$ apt-cache show tasksel
Package: tasksel
Version: 1.0-2
Priority: optional
Section: base
Maintainer: Randolph Chung [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depends: libc6 (= 2.1), slang1 ( 1.3.0-0)
Architecture: i386
Filename: dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/base/tasksel_1.0-2.deb
Size: 13712
MD5sum: 67e68909e8770052c4e31622a232dade
Description: New task packages selector
 Interface for selecting task packages; used for boot-floppies, but can also
 be called independently
installed-size: 108

The task selection in Debian 2.1 uses dpkg --set-selection, therefore
it is not save to use it after installation (it is deletes itself).

The new system will use apt-get to install the task-* packages. Apt
will resolve dependancies (easier to handle wrt to task creation and
update), and unlike with dpkg --set-selection, one can not have a
state that two conflicting packages are marked for installation.

You can also install a task-* package with the usual means. It is just
a regular package.


Re: PPP and cdparanoia

2000-01-07 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Alisdair == Alisdair McDiarmid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Alisdair No idea. You could email the author of cdparanoia and ask
Alisdair him to work out a way of reducing interrupt usage. You could
Alisdair report it as a kernel bug - ppp and /dev/ttyS* should have
Alisdair higher priority than PIO ATAPI devices, perhaps.

You can do this with irqtune from the hwtools package.


Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* John == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John (Reading database ... 78011 files and directories currently installed.)
John Unpacking gmc (from gmc_4.5.42-4_i386.deb) ...
John dpkg: error processing gmc_4.5.42-4_i386.deb (--install):
John trying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/man1/convert-metadata.db.1.gz',
John which is also in package mc
John dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)

Run the installation of mc, mc-common and gmc simultaniously with dpkg 
-i mc.. gmc ... mc-common...

Maybe the old mc package you have installed erroneously contains the
manpage as well. 

You could deinstall the old mc package first as well.


Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* John == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John The problem seems to be this one file, which apparently should
John be in mc-common (which it is not) and not in either of the other
John packages.

No, it should only be in the gmc package, as the convert-metadata.db
script is also only in this package, and it is its manpage that you
have problems with.

What confuses me is that debian/rules copies the manpage to the gmc
buildtree only. So I have no idea how you managed to get it into the
mc package :-)

As a quick fix, --force-overwrite when installing will do it.


Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* John == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John the offending file, but then it errored out saying that gmc
John depended on perl5 and that perl5 was not installed. What is
John that all about. It is a stable slink system with perl5.00404
John installed in /usr/bin with symlinks in /usr/local/bin to perl

You have the package perl, version 5.004-blah installed, not the
package perl5 (which is actually only a virtual package, provided by
the various flavours of the perl-5.00x packages.

Why do I need perl5 again.. Ah, yes convert-metadata.db needs it. 

Reorganisation of the perl packages is one of the things in potato
that make rebuilding packages not that easy. 

You can either change debian/control to depend on perl instead of
perl5 and rebuild it, or you can --force-depends the existing package, 
but I think dpkg, apt and dselect will bitch about the missing perl5
package, so the first alternative is the better way.


Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-03 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* John == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John As you can guess I have never tried to recompile any debian
John stuff from the sources so I need a little hand holding here.

No prob.

$ ls
mc_4.5.42-3.diff.gz  mc_4.5.42-3.dsc  mc_4.5.42.orig.tar.gz

$ dpkg-source -x mc_4.5.42-3.dsc
dpkg-source: extracting mc in mc-4.5.42

$ fakeroot debian/rules binary
AWK=awk CFLAGS=-O2 -g -Wall \


Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-02 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* John == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John Depends: mc-common (= 4.5.40-2.slink.0), libc6, libglib1.2 (= 1.2.0),
John slang1 ( 1.3), slang1 ( 1.2.2-0)

John This has me really perplexed. I can find no reason why the mouse
John is not working.

It does not depend on libgpmg1. Whoever recompiled it (check the last
entry in the changelog) did not have libgpmg1-dev installed.

Also libextfs2 is missing (ext2 undelete).

I don't have a slink system at hand to recompile it.

I would mail this person and make him aware of it. Maybe he can
recompile it with mouse support. It is not so much his
fault. autoconf'ed apps will build fine, even if some features are not 
available. build-dependancies will solve this, but they are new, and I 
didn't have time to play with them so far.


Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-02 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* John == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John Since I have all of these installed-- then I can recompile mc
John from the source code and it should be OK--is that correct??

Yes. If you can get hold of the Debian sources for this version, you
can also recompile the package, instead of compiling the upstream

When you have them dpkg-source -x mc*dsc will unpack them.


Re: problems w/Recent Upgrade to October GNOME

2000-01-01 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* John == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John 1. It uninstalled my console version of Midnight Commander. I
John reinstalled it again using apt and now my mouse will not work in
John mc.

Does dpkg -s mc show a dependancy on libgpm* ?

John 2. The taskbar in icewm-gnome (my personal choice) is gone! I
John reran iceconfig to no avail.

I don't use it, but maybe it is disabled in the config file, if you
run icewm-gnome instead of icewm? Gnome has its own task thingy
panal-applet, so maybe the icewm one was disabled, as it duplicates
functionality of the gnome panel?


Re: Packages referenced but missing from the archive

1999-12-28 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Martin == Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 fvwmconf = fvwm2  (yes! fvwm2 doesn't exist)

Martin Where is fvwm2 gone to?

It is named fvwm now, as this is now the official fvwm version (prior
to that fvwm 1.24 was the official version, and fvwm2 was a beta).

fvwm 1.24 is fvwm1 now.

BTW, I think Julian is looking for someone to take fvwm.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bug#41407: Please include new profile for spanish users

1999-09-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Adam == Adam Di Carlo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Adam Martin, is there someone to make a task-es or whatever package,
Adam so we can close Bug#41407?

Not that I am aware of. I include debian-user-spanish in this reply,
so someone interested may take this.

Hi spanish speaking Debian users,

Debian is currently getting task packages to help non-english speaking 
users. Task packages are installation helpers that just depend on
other packages.

task-german (you will find it in Incoming) is 

Package: task-german
Architecture: all
Depends: user-de, manpages-de, wgerman, igerman, doc-linux-de, trans-de-en, ding
Description: German-speaking environment
 This task package installs modifications and documentation in German 
 to help German speaking people using Debian.

Bugreport 41407 requests such a task package for spanish. Therefore I
am looking for a maintainer (or a non-maintainer, in this case I would 
proxy the upload) to take responsibility for this package. 

An easy way to create this is to take task-german from Incoming and
change the control, copyright and README files.

The bugreport mentions
- doc-debian-es
- doc-linux-es
- manpages-es
- ispanish
- wspanish
- user-es
as possible Dependancies.

So if you are interested, get back to me.


Re: Samba and /etc/passwd

1999-08-18 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Debian == Debian Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Debian So every user has to use passwd AND smbpasswd every time he
Debian wants to change his password?

You can sync them, so that users can use the windows dialog to change
the samba and unix password. See the comments im smb.conf about
password sync.


Re: Need exim to rewrite Sender header

1999-08-18 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Eric == Eric G Miller wrote:

Eric On Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 09:37:06PM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
Eric snip
Eric | You do this in the remote_smtp transport. 
Eric |   headers_remove = sender
Eric |   headers_add = ${header_from}

Eric That didn't work. Perhaps because I'm using smarthost? 

No, because it should be headers_add = Sender: ${header_from}

But the real solution is, that your ISP checks your SMTP envelope, not 
your Sender header.

So combine this header manipulation with the rewrite rule:


And it should work.


Re: How to minimize need for manual fsck after unclean unmount

1999-08-18 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Eberhard == Eberhard Burr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Eberhard 2) similarly, get a mainboard with functioning power-off and
Eberhard remove the main switch. The pooter can only be switched off
Eberhard with software assistance then and you should be ok. To
Eberhard switch on the computer, the D/V button of the modem can be
Eberhard used to generate an interrupt on the serial line (most
Eberhard modems generate an OK when D/V is pressed).

Another way (if one has such a ATX Mainboard) is to configure the
switch to issue a suspend (done in the bios).

Then install the spmd, and write a small script that does a shutdown
-h now when entering suspend mode. 

Most likely, the Bios wil suspend the box, before it finished the
shutdown. Pressing the power switch one more time will end the
suspend, and the shutdown command will finish.


Re: questions to dselect.

1999-08-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Lars == Lars Nixdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Lars The problem : I doesn't understand dselect. I know how to select
Lars packages (+-) but ...

Did you read the dselect beginner guide? It should be included in your 
CD set with the other installation files.

Otherwise, get it from
(also available as .html)


Re: deb stable updates

1999-08-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Thomas == Thomas Keusch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thomas dante:~ $ apt-get update
Thomas Err stable/updates Packages
Thomas Could not connect to (

Looks like a network problem. Could you reach the site with a web


Re: Need exim to rewrite Sender header

1999-08-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Eric == Eric G Miller wrote:

Eric My ISP just changed their mailer, and they will no longer accept
Eric mail that doesn't have a valid Sender header.

Are you sure it is about the sender header and not the SMTP envelope?

Eric Since I have a home system with no domain name, my Sender header
Eric reads [EMAIL PROTECTED]  What I'd like exim to do is make the Sender
Eric header be the same as the From header for any mail not being
Eric delivered locally.  I tried the header rewrite, but it
Eric apparently doesn't work with the smarthost transport.

You do this in the remote_smtp transport. 
  headers_remove = sender
  headers_add = ${header_from}

or such (not tested).


Re: update-menus does not add a mosaic entry to my menu ?

1999-08-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* shaul == shaul  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

shaul Can someone tell me why update-menus does not add a mosaic
shaul entry to my menu ?  If this is not an obvious error, where
shaul should I look ?

a) does dpkg -l mosaic show the package as installed?
b) run update-menus with verbose and debugging for more than enough


Re: debian list security; mh question (was Re: spam on debian lists (Re : Program Submission))

1999-08-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Samuel == Samuel R Scarano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Samuel 2) the fact that no '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' is subscribed to
Samuel the list?

You are not required to be subscribe to post to the list. It is more
trouble than it is worth - I am on three such lists.


Re: Local users denied write via ftp

1999-08-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Stephen == Stephen Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Stephen However, since that episode I cannot upload to my home
Stephen directory. I can login and recieve files fine, but cannot
Stephen upload. I get permission denied messages. Now, I have checked
Stephen all the permissions in my home dir, and well and the parent
Stephen directories, and nothing looks out of place.

Well, they look OK for you, but are they OK? Better send the output of
ls -ld /home/username.

Is cd ~  touch foo successful?


Re: Installing admin packages

1999-08-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Andri == Andri Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andri admin packages to an ancient and very slow 486.  Is there a way
Andri to make debian automatically install all of the admin packages
Andri without me having to answer yes/no to different applications as
Andri they install?

No, not yet. And AFAIK, it won't be ready for Debian 2.2

A solution is being worked on, and there are some hacks floating in
the mailinglists, but nothing official yet.


Re: samba 2.0.5a wanted for slink

1999-08-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Lindsay == Lindsay Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Lindsay I just tried to build the potato 2.0.5a source against slink,
Lindsay but failed.  Does anyone know if and where slink debs are
Lindsay available?


Re: equivs doesn't work

1999-08-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Werner == Werner Reisberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Werner I installed equivs (stable version) and put the line perl,
Werner perl5 into /etc/equivs.conf but the installation of sysutils
Werner still fails complaining about a not installed perl5 package
Werner (btw searching for a perl5 package on the debian site fails).

The equivs version in stable doesn't work very well with apt. I assume 
this is the problem for you. You would have to bump up the version of
the equivs package generated.

Werner I tried to use the latest unstable version of equivs but this
Werner version depends on a debian perl package and that is exactly
Werner one of the packages I would like to fake with equivs.

equivs 1.999.9 depends on perl | perl5, so this should work.


Re: equivs doesn't work

1999-08-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Pollywog == Pollywog  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Pollywog It worked for me, though I did have a problem with one
Pollywog package (kcrontab I believe) when I tried to install it.  It
Pollywog would not see my fake kdelibs, if I recall correctly.

Maybe it depended on a specific verision you did not provide or
such. Checking dpkg -s your-fake-package and dpkg --info
problematic-package.deb should show why it doesn't work.

Just if you have such problems in the future.

Re: equivs doesn't work

1999-08-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Pollywog == Pollywog  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Pollywog I don't see the problem, and I was able to install a newer
Pollywog kcrontabs package with no problem.  The older kcrontabs
Pollywog package was looking for an older kdelibs version, kdelibs0 I
Pollywog believe it was.

Your fake package is called kdelibs2g. If kcrontabs needed kdelibs0,
this dependancy was not fulfilled.


Re: can't start x on ThinkPad (Slink)

1999-08-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Pollywog == Pollywog  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Pollywog Fatal server error:
Pollywog could not open default font 'fixed'

Do you have 

ii  xfonts-100dpi  100 dpi fonts for X
ii  xfonts-75dpi3.3.3.1-4  75 dpi fonts for X
ii  xfonts-base  standard fonts for X



Re: equivs doesn't work

1999-08-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Werner == Werner Reisberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Werner I doesn't help me since perl (the interpreter) is one of the
Werner packages I have to fake. Maybe I could replace my perl with
Werner perl5 (if this has support for the Berkeley DB  2.0) but I
Werner wasn't able to find this package.

It is from unstable.

But wait, do you mean, you currently don't have perl installed? Equivs
needs perl (not only perl-base) for its operation.

So install the perl package. Build your fake package that provides
perl, install it, deinstall the Debian perl package (I think you have
perl in /usr/local, no?).


Re: dpkg --fsys-tarfile and dpkg --contents contradiction ?

1999-08-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* shaul == shaul  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

shaul tar: Cannot open usr/doc/xfonts-100dpi/copyright: No such file or 
Is your current working directory / ?

Actualy, I find /usr/doc/packagename/copyright easier to use.


Re: gtk-config

1999-08-06 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Stephen == Stephen Pitts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Stephen How so? I've been running unstable since last Dec and I have
Stephen yet to have any serious problems. glibc2.1 broke java, and I
Stephen had to rebuild liburi-perl to get netscape to install, but
Stephen other than that, my system has not been severely hosed.

Did you recently try to upgrade? Perl is a pain currently. Currently,
I do not sync with unstable.

Did you read about the foobar package, that killed /dev a few days ago?
The menu package seems to hang for some people, fakroot and tar have
some problems, currently rendering fakeroot useless.

This is what can happen when using unstable. So before someone even
thinks about using unstable, he should be aware why it is called so,
he has to be able to solve problems himself, and he should probably
follow debian-devel.

I avoid pointing someone to unstable whenever possible.


Re: Dial in server

1999-08-06 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* David == David Warnock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

David Which packages should I start looking at installing on the dial
David in server?

mgetty if you use modems, isdn does handle this internally (isdnctrl setting).


Re: Mutt dependency on an MTA

1999-08-03 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Kaa == Kaa  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Kaa you don't know about it. My specific problem was solved by
Kaa downloading equivs and installing a fake package for an MTA, but
Kaa that looks and smells like a big kludge.

Actually, I do not think so. Creating a dummy MTA package is a very
clean (=fitting to the system) way to tell dpkg about locally
installed software. An alternative would be a plain text file.

Kaa I feel that Debian should be easier to use with non-Debianised
Kaa software, and in particular the packaging system should not
Kaa assume that it knows everything about the particular machine.

It has to this is the only way, it can *assure*, that a package
installed can run. And this is one of the core functions of a package

Kaa Especially in the case where the dependency is not on a very
Kaa specific piece of code (as a library), but on a general class of
Kaa service provider. I think that for dependencies on stuff like a
Kaa text editor, an MTA, etc. the installation software should ask
Kaa the admin/user if he has such a beast and believe him when he
Kaa says yes.

a) this would produce more interactivity during the installation -
something to be avoided whenever possible.

b) it would annoy to answer the question on every update. So it has to
be saved in some file, also for frontend like dselect not to complain
about unfulfilled dependancies as well. So if you have to save this,
you can as well use a fake MTA package.

c) how does dpkg decide which dependancy it should ask about. The
criterias are quite moot. There are people, who compile some core libs 
they use themself, So libfoo-bar has the same value for them as MTA
has for you.


Re: Matrox Millenium G200LE

1999-08-03 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Andreas == Andreas Tille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2) I think no, but I use the linux 2.2 framebuffer to get high
 resolution and refresh rate at the console
Andreas Is this the prefered method.  I'm a little bit slow in following
Andreas new things and I'm not really sure, how to implement that.

It is a kernel option. Once compiled in, you use it with a lilo append 
option like video=matrox:vesa:0x105,fv:74. THe kernel sources have a 



1999-08-03 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Andreas == Andreas Tille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andreas If I want to Reply to all recipients?  I get at first the
Andreas addres from the original sender, and as first CC the list.
Andreas But the But the next (last) entry in the CC-list is


Check the original mail. Does it have a sparce Comma after the last
address in Cc? I also remember (long time I used pine at home), that
debian-user adds a (slightly malformed I believe) header that
causes this.

Maybe you can use procmail to correct this.



1999-08-03 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Andreas == Andreas Tille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andreas Resent-cc: recipient.list.not.shown:;

This is the problematic line.

 Maybe you can use procmail to correct this.
Andreas How to do that.  I never fidled around with such stuff.

Me neither :-) I just sort. IIRC formail called from procmail can
remove headers.


Re: What process is sending these UPD packets?

1999-08-03 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Michael == Michael Laing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Michael I have a slink server which runs samba (smbd, nmdb), named,
Michael and xntpd as well as an IP masquerade for a bunch of internal
Michael windoz machines.

Michael IP fw-in deny eth1 UDP
Michael L=329 S=0x00 I=64386 F=0x T=128 (repeated many times)

This looks like the windows clients broadcasting through the
net. Check the documentation in the samba and/or samba-doc
package. There should be info how to kill this.


Re: GIMP perl

1999-08-03 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Pierfrancesco == Pierfrancesco Caci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Pierfrancesco How come that the debianized gimp 1.1.7 doesn't have
Pierfrancesco the perl scripts?  Or does it have them but I miss
Pierfrancesco something in my installation and they don't come out?

They don't have them. Read changelog.Debian. For the reason, you'll
have to ask the maintainer.


Re: Initial thoughts about Debian 2.1 (and I need some help!)

1999-08-02 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Salman == Salman Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Salman At 09:25 PM 7/31/99 , you wrote:

 clear  /tmp/clear.txt   # clear is in ncurses-bin
 cat /tmp/clear.txt /etc/issue  /etc/issue.clear
 mv /etc/issue /etc/issue.noclear
 mv /etc/issue.clear /etc/issue

Salman Ok. Just curious, but what's the proper/canonical way to do
Salman this ? I am using tcsh, so what file(s) would I have to modify
Salman ?

This is the canonical way, as login reads the issue file, not a shell.

Salman Why is this not the default behaviour ?

It doesn't clear the scrollback buffer. Maybe it was considered as
giving a false sense of security. Don't know.


Re: Initial thoughts about Debian 2.1 (and I need some help!)

1999-08-02 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Salman == Salman Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK, let's see what is still left open.

Salman (3) I noticed that when I was running apt-get from a virtual
Salman console (to upgrade to XF86-, during the download the
Salman other virtual consoles were 'locked' out. I couldn't switch
Salman over to any of the other remaining 5 VCs.

Also the first time I hear of such a thing.

Salman Debian this time booted in around 10-15 seconds using this
Salman boot disk created with mkboot. What gives ?

Are you sure you still load the kernel from the floppy, or is it using
lilo and the kernel from the HD?

Salman (8) During installation, I noticed a whole number of Linux
Salman Gazette issues were being installed along with other docs. How
Salman do I read these docs ? I thought they would have shown up on
Salman the menu system!

They will rather show up on the documentation menu (package dhelp
and/or dwww). They are HTML text, so they can't be started.

Salman (9) I'd like to to upgrade to WindowMaker-0.60. What is the
Salman best/ recommended way of doing that ?

The GNOME update contains windowmaker 0.60


Re: proftpd vs wu-ftpd

1999-08-02 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Ali == Ali Onur UYAR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ali I am planning to enable anonymous ftp to my linux box.  I am
Ali aware of two alternatives: proftpd and wu-ftpd.  Any advantages
Ali of one over another?

proftpd is actively maintained by the author, and is easier to
configure IMHO.


Re: text screen shreenshots

1999-08-02 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Keith == Keith Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Keith I'm doing an atricle on installing various OSs and need a way
Keith to take screenshots of the installation process.  Any
Keith suggestions on how this can be done under the various Linux
Keith dists?  (Debian, RedHat, etc.)

I would use vmware.


Re: Matrox Millenium G200LE

1999-08-02 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Andreas == Andreas Tille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andreas is the Matrox Millenium G200LE supported by the current
Andreas 1) XF86 drivers 
Andreas 2) SvgaTextmode
Andreas 3) SvgaLib

I have a G200 (don't know what the LE is suppose to be). So for the
above items:

1) yes
2) I think no, but I use the linux 2.2 framebuffer to get high
resolution and refresh rate at the console
3) Don't know, I don't use this.


Re: ssh with RSA-key login problem

1999-08-02 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* Fredrik == Fredrik Jonsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Fredrik ssh client complains that Server does not allow RSA
Fredrik authentication, or the public key for user user1 was not
Fredrik accepted. Reverting to password authentication.

ssh has a verbose switch. Use it and see why it rejects the RSA key.


Re: No KDE/GNOME for stable?

1999-08-01 Thread Martin Bialasinski

** Brad == Brad  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Brad On Sat, 31 Jul 1999, Daniel Barclay wrote:

 But why not build the latest-and-greatest version of add-on
 packages against BOTH the stable and the latest-and-greatest
 unstable distribution?

 Then later versions of software (even if they're not long-tested
 and stable) could be run on the stable distribution.

Brad Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of a stable distribution? If
Brad you want the latest, go with unstable, that's what it's there
Brad for (and don't forget to submit any bugs you find! That's also
Brad what it's there for).

Not always. It is nice to have the latest X packages (simply because
much in hardware support has been added since the slink release) or
GNOME (slink ships with 0.30), without the trouble of moving
completely to unstable (glibc and perl comes to mind).

And there are developers, who have the time, resources and will to do
recompiles. I spoke to Wichert about this matter, and he says it is
more a matter of a missing stable release management. There is a need
for someone with enough knowledge and dedication to handle this. Such
updates could then be handled by a seperate section in the archives
update packs or such (and the infrastructure like dinstall has to be

Brad Or if you want to mix and match, feel free to grab the debian
Brad sources and build the packages yourself.

Sure. Although it is sometimes not that easy without source
dependancies. One has to be able to interpret the errors, sometimes
more packages from unstable are needed (autoconf, automake comes to
mind), which themself might pull more packages and so on.


Re: Gnome

1999-07-31 Thread Martin Bialasinski

** Graham == Graham Lillico +44 1785 782329 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Graham Would the it be best for me to use apt (as described on the
Graham gnome pages) 

You could also download the packages, and then use dpkg -i filename1 
filename2 ...

But apt is easier.

Graham or are there any official debian packages for the latest gnome
Graham deb's if so what else will need upgrading.

These are official packages. 


Re: ProFTPd configuration file?

1999-07-31 Thread Martin Bialasinski

** bruce == bruce  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

bruce Can someone save me some time and send me an example of a
bruce ProFTPd configuration file that works correctly for both
bruce anonymous and local users. Currently mine lets anonymous FTP,
bruce but not me :-)

The default configfile let's normal user log in. There is nothing
special required. Maybe your shell is not in /etc/shells?


ServerName  ProFTPD
ServerType  inetd
DefaultServer   on
Umask   022
Group   root
AllowOverwrite  on

Anonymous ~ftp
  User  ftp
  Group nogroup
  UserAlias anonymous ftp
  RequireValidShell off
  DisplayLogin  welcome.msg
  DisplayFirstChdir .message

  Directory *


Re: slave symlink?

1999-07-29 Thread Martin Bialasinski

** Carl == Carl Mummert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Carl With the alternatives sytstem, there are two links per
Carl executable: /usr/bin/executable - /etc/alternatives/executable
Carl - /real/executable

Carl Apparently, the develoepr of update-alternatives calls the link
Carl in the middle a 'slave symlink'

No. If executable from above also has a manpage, then it has to be
handled syncronously to the executable. So when a
/etc/alternatives/executable is set to another programm, the man page
link (the slave) has to be updated in the same way as the executable
(the master ).


Re: creating dirs under cvs + tkcvs

1999-07-29 Thread Martin Bialasinski

** Micha == Micha Feigin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Micha How do i create dirs under the cvs module tree (in the cvs
Micha repository). 

Don't know, I use the usual mkdir in the shell.

Micha Also tkcvs won't show me the projects in the repository (oned
Micha that do exist there) only one directory name alias.

You have to use special comments for this in the modules file like

#M  modules CVS modules file
modules CVSROOT modules

#D  debian  Debian Pakete
#M  xtoolwait   Xtoolwait Paket
xtoolwait   debian/xtoolwait

#M  xlogmaster  Xlogmaster Paket
xlogmaster  debian/xlogmaster

#M  xispXisp Paket

Check the help in tkcvs. It has some info about this.


Re: setting variables under an X11 session

1999-07-29 Thread Martin Bialasinski

** Micha == Micha Feigin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Micha How can i set an environment variable under an x11 session (not
Micha a specific xterm under x) so that they work for programs not
Micha opened through a terminal ( for example the CVSROOT var for
Micha tkcvs)

/etc/environment should do it.


Re: IglooFTP goes commercial. Violation of GPL?

1999-07-28 Thread Martin Bialasinski

** egm2 == egm2 wrote:

egm2 That's what I was thinking.  However, is it copyright
egm2 infringement to take up the last GPL'ed version of the software,
egm2 modify it and release it under GPL?

Not if you are the copyright holder.


Re: probleme install with sgmltools-2

1999-07-28 Thread Martin Bialasinski

** Khalid == Khalid EZZARAOUI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Khalid i have a probleme when  installing sgml :
Khalid there is a confligt beetwin : sgmltools-2 and sgml-tools

Please file a bugreport on sgmltools-2 containing the output you sent


Re: Flaming Debian Newbies

1999-07-27 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 Nathan == Nathan E Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nathan On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:
Nathan : Since many people who are slightly familiar with any form of unix will
Nathan : be likely to try the man command on a new debian system, it may be a
Nathan : good idea to include a script called `man' in the base system that
Nathan : prints a message explaining that the man pages are not yet there, 
Nathan : to get them, how to install them, and where to find other sources of
Nathan : information (/usr/doc,, this list).

Nathan AOLAgreed/AOL

Nathan Why hasn't this been done?

File a wishlist bugreport on boot-floppies.

You have to indicate your wishes, the developers can't think of
everything :-)


Re: sgmltools and non-english stylesheets

1999-07-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 Felipe == Felipe Alvarez Harnecker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Felipe I want to produce a Spanish html document from a sgml
Felipe (docbook) one.

Felipe I've seen many international stylesheets under
Felipe /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheet/dsssl/docbook/nwalsh/html/ but nor
Felipe sgmtools nor jade have an option to set the language.

I use article class=techreport lang=dege, but I don't know about
the correct value for spanish.

There is a debian-sgml list, maybe someone over there can help.


Re: How do I get exim to sustitute a different username?

1999-07-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 Phillip == Phillip Deackes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Phillip Is there anyway he can get exim to substitute akjohnson for
Phillip ant? I have few problems getting domains to show correctly,
Phillip but haven't had to change a username before.

The last settings in exim.conf deal with address rewriting. 


Re: Networking ~ peer to peer

1999-07-25 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 John == John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John Walter writes:
 So will setting the network up conflict with setting up the dial up
 connection to the net?

John Only in that the network setup script will insist on making your
John LAN the default route.  After setting up the network edit
John /etc/init.d/network and remove the defaultroute option from the
John route command.

[ ${GATEWAY} ]  route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

So no, not unless you set a gateway.


Re: Gnome runs out of sockets without sound?

1999-07-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 Graham == Graham Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Graham All works great, of course, except Gnome seems to be trying to
Graham open some audio device (I haven't compiled any kernels and I
Graham don't think my Sound Blaster Pro compatible card is supported
Graham in the kernel I have?), failing, then gets into a loop trying
Graham to open sockets, eventually failing by hitting the maximum
Graham open file limit?

I have seen this before, and it was not a GNOME package, but rather
iplogger (or a package for a similar purpose) that caused this effect.

Check this and remove the package for a test.


Re: Networking ~ peer to peer

1999-07-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 Walter == Walter Logeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Walter Currently I have an ethernet 10 base T connection I use to
Walter connect directly to an ethernet PCMCIA card in an ACER laptop.
Walter No hub, I use a crosslinked cable.  I works well in Win98

 If you are connected to a network, you'll need the information you
 collected from Information You Will Need, Section 3.2. However, if
 your primary connection to the network will be PPP, you should
 choose NOT to configure the network.

Walter Does my current network count?  Or would i be better to do it
Walter after installation.

You can do this step. Well, of cause you can cofigure it later, but
you would have to set up the proper configuration lines later, because 
there is no UI available to do this later.

The warning about PPP systems is there, because if you specify a
gateway in the net (to reach some other nets), it will be set as a
default route through this gateway. This is bad if you want to dialout 
to the internet, as in this case, the default route should point to
your ppp link.

So in your case, say yes to configuring the net. The default answers 
should work for you.

Walter Will I actually need Linux on both machines to set up the
Walter network? 

No. But you need to install TCP/IP on the Windows box.

Walter If I do need to set something up in the base install, is there
Walter somewhere I could get more understanding of that, Section 3.2
Walter is not quite enough for me... it still assumes I know more
Walter than I do.

Network Administrator's Guide at maybe.

Re: shutdown -h now : don't power off

1999-07-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 Khalid == Khalid EZZARAOUI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Khalid does someone know how to see if the APM option are well
Khalid setting in my running kernel, because it's selected in :

In /boot/ you will find the config file used for the kernel.

$ grep APM config-2.0.36 

You need at least CONFIG_APM=y and CONFIG_APM_POWER_OFF=y


Re: apt-get: upgrade one package to particular version?

1999-07-23 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 Carl == Carl Fink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 apt-get --install icewm
 should be all you need to do.

Carl No, actually it isn't, since that would install the version in
Carl *stable*.  That's what I have installed now.  What I'd like to
Carl do is install the version in *unstable*, without changing all my
Carl other packages to the unstable version.

The only half automated way, is to change stable to unstable in your
source.list, apt-get update; apt-get install icewm, change unstable to 
stable in sources.list, apt-get update.

Note, that this may still mean you have to update most of the system
to unstable.

unstable uses glibc 2.1, stable uses glibc2.0 (aka libc6)

If icewm is compiled for glibc2.1, this library has to be installed as 
well. As it replaces glibc2.0, any other package needing glibc2.0 will 
have to be upgraded to a version compiled for glibc2.1.


Re: Lynx Problems

1999-07-23 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 Doug == Doug Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Doug a mammoth job since I'm not aware of any way to find files with html
Doug extensioins other than open every directory one by one to see whats in 
it. I

find /usr/doc/ -name *.html
locate .html

Doug don't know whether or not its doing that correctly though since
Doug it only shows html files as the text version of html (with all
Doug the funny tags everywhere)

This looks wrong. It shouldn't do this for files with .html extension.

 This suggests a problem with your internet connection:
 is your connection up when you try this?

Doug yes  I can ping one of my server DNS numbers (located about
Doug 25Km away) without trouble but not the other one.  Both DNS
Doug numbers are listed in /etc/ppp/options

Oh, this just sets the DNS server for computer dialing into your box,
not if you dial out to your ISP.

/etc/resolv.conf is the file to edit


And check /etc/host.conf for 

order hosts, bind
multi on


  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >