* "Salman" == Salman Ahmed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Salman> At 09:25 PM 7/31/99 , you wrote:

>> clear > /tmp/clear.txt       # clear is in ncurses-bin
>> cat /tmp/clear.txt /etc/issue > /etc/issue.clear
>> mv /etc/issue /etc/issue.noclear
>> mv /etc/issue.clear /etc/issue

Salman> Ok. Just curious, but what's the proper/canonical way to do
Salman> this ? I am using tcsh, so what file(s) would I have to modify
Salman> ?

This is the canonical way, as login reads the issue file, not a shell.

Salman> Why is this not the default behaviour ?

It doesn't clear the scrollback buffer. Maybe it was considered as
giving a false sense of security. Don't know.


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