XF86Setup apt-get

2000-03-24 Thread Michael Zielinski
I set my sources.list to:

http://www.debian.org/~vincent/ xfree-update main

I did an apt-get update then apt-get upgrade.  Everything went fine
until I tried to run XF86Setup, this wasn't installed.  I then did an
apt-get update XF86Setup and then an apt-get install XF86Setup.  Once
again everything appeared fine.

I then ran XF86Setup, when I got to the configuring the card the bottom
of the screen stated: *** The selected server is not installed! 
Please abort, install SVGA server as /usr/X11R6/XF86_SVGA and run this
program again ***

What should I apt-get now...XF86_SVGA?  I browsed ~vincent and did not
see an entry for XF86_SVGA.  I understand the overall concept of
apt-get (used to upgrade your system based on your sources.list), but I
don't fully understand the details of the how it works.  For example,
my previous apt-get for XF86Setup does not appear to be in ~vincent
listing either, but it obviously is.  If someone could assist me in
understanding how apt-get works/finds what it is looking for once it
gets to ~vincent I'd appreciate it.

Also is there a way to apt-get the all the X files instead of having to
retrieve bits and pieces at a time?


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Re: pppconfig files

2000-03-12 Thread Michael Zielinski
The phone number only resides in /etc/chatscripts/provider.  Though now
I know about /etc/ppp/peers/provider and its purpose and using
pppconfig to change a current setup.  Thanks for the replies.

--- John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Marshal Wong writes:
  You probably have to edit /etc/ppp/peers/provider, and
 He needn't change anything in /etc/ppp/peers/provider to change the
 John Hasler
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, WI

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X update problem

2000-03-11 Thread Michael Zielinski
I have an ATI Rage 128 Pro card and I'm using slink.  I edited my
source.lists to point to www.debian.org/~vincent xfree-update main.

I did an apt-get update and then an apt-get upgrade.  Everything seemed
to work, I received one warning /usr/x11R6/lib/x11/doc symbolic link
points to the wrong place.

I tried to run xf86setup but it could not find the command.  I went
into dselect and xf86setup was not installed.  When I went to install
it, I was connected again to ~vincent.  The packages to be installed

xserver-common, xfonts-75dpi, xfonts-base, xlib6g, xserver-vga16

I then answered the prompts according to my O'reilly book and my PC's
equipment.  Everything went fine until the testing phase.  I received
the following:

x: exec of /usr/bin/x11/sf86.svga failed
/var/lib/info/xserver-vga16.postint:kill:(416) - No such pid

x server work properly?  I answered n
Checking /etc/x11/xf86config for problems.
No problems found with the XFree86 configuration file.
Preserve /etc/x11/xf86config just created (quit keeps file)?  I
answered q

If the program didn't find any problems, but x still doesn't work, what
do I do now?


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pppconfig files

2000-03-11 Thread Michael Zielinski
I used pppconfig to create my connection to my ISP.  My ISP is changing
their dial-up numbers and I need to modify the file where the number
resides.  I looked through /etc/ppp but I cannot find the file.  Is the
file that pppconfig creates an editable text file?

I know I can create a new connection with pppconfig, but I thought
changing the number in the file would be easier!  

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Re: My Server Time gains too fast.

2000-02-26 Thread Michael Zielinski
If you can rule out software causing the time change, you could have a
bad crystal oscillator, which keeps track of time.  This is a chip on
your motherboard and comes in various shapes and sizes.  More than
likely a motherboard replacement would be called for unless you can get
the manufacturer to change the chip, but that's doubtful.  Otherwise
Nate's suggestion should keep you pretty close to being on time.

--- aphro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if its a server, its probably best to keep it synched with NTP.   my
 servers are never off by more then 0.05 seconds or so .. see the
 galactica:/users/admin/aphro# /etc/init.d/xntp3 stop ; ntpdate
 ns.scruz.net ; /etc/init.d/xntp3 start
 26 Feb 01:55:48 ntpdate[19453]: adjust time server offset
 0.003506 sec
 Starting /usr/sbin/xntpd...
 off my 0.003 seconds..
 On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, [iso-8859-1] ^°cZü wrote:
 ashida Hi,All
 ashida My server time seems to gain about 9 hours per a week.
 ashida Time Locale (JST) is correct,I confirmed.
 ashida Date command execution is below.
 ashida # date
 ashida Sun Feb 27 00:25:36 JST 2000
 ashida Are there persons who had a same experience?
 ashida -- Katsumi

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modem in bash

2000-02-20 Thread Michael Zielinski
I am trying to get my Practical Periphials 28.8 external modem working
under Debian 2.1.  I have followed the examples in O'Relly's Running
Linux and created the following files in /etc/ppp:


# my-chat-script: a program for dialing up your ISP
exec chat -v   \
 '' ATZ   \
 OK ATDT542-5605   \
 CONNECT ''  \
 ogin: myusername \
 assword: mypassword  \


# the ppp-on script

exec /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/modem 28800 lock crtscts noipdefault \
 defaultroute connect my-chat-script

I used vi to create these and made sure nothing follows the \
character.  After creating them, I issued a chmod 755 /etc/ppp/filename
command for each file.

When I type ppp-on to begin the execution, nothing happens.  No lights
on the modem change and I am returned to my debian prompt.

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Re: Schedule-like app for Linux

2000-02-04 Thread Michael Zielinski
You can try Ontime, www.ontime.com.  I've used it in Windows
environments and it works fairly well.  I could not find on their site
what O/Ses are supported, but they state they support mulitiple
networking environments.  It might be worth an email to find out.


--- Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here on campus where I work we've managed to stay away from
 MS-Exchange by running the older MS-Schedule+. Now that W2K
 is upon us, with it's integrated Outlook that breaks
 MS-Schedule, the campus will have to find an alternative or
 install an MS-Exchange server and allow the Evil Empire to
 gain an even stronger grip on the campus.
 What this boils down to is: Is there a program for Linux
 that will do essentially the same thing as Schedule+?
 For those of you unfamiliar with Schedule+: I need a
 calendar program that is networked. For example, I can open
 my Schedule+ file, and then specify that John Doe has Read
 access to it over the network and Jane Doe has Change access
 to it over the network and Everyone else has no access to
 What I'd really like is a cross-platform calendar, like if
 Star Office's StarSchedule-thingy would work like this. Then
 I can gradually influence campus away from
 Hopefully someone knows of exactly the right thing.


If it moves, tax it.  If it keeps moving, regulate it.  And if it stops 
moving, subsidize it.  - Ronald Reagan explaining the bureaucrat's and 
lawmaker's mind-set.
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dselect and mc

2000-01-30 Thread Michael Zielinski
The Debian web-site tutorial mentioned using Midnight Commander (mc),
so I thought I would try it out.  I do not have it on my system
(version 2.1), so I ran dselect to install it.

I found it in the list and it had a couple of dependancies (gpm and
libgpmg1).  I accepted those to be installed also.  The first time I
tried to install, I had forgotten to mount my CD.  I mounted my CD and
re-ran dselect and removed the 3 packages.  I then selected mc and the
dependancies for install again.  None of the 3 packages installed.  I
get the following errors.  (This is my first attempt at dselect, so
please give me as much detail as you can).  

I did my original Basic install from this CD, so I know it is working. 
If it makes a difference, this is the CD that came with the O'Reilly

Err File:/cdrom/ stable/main gpm1_14-3
  File not found
Err File:/cdrom/ stable/main libgpmg1_14-3
  File not found
Err File:/cdrom/ stable/main mc 4.5.1-1.1
  File not found
Failed to fetch
  File not found
Failed to fetch
  File not found
Failed to fetch
  File not found


If it moves, tax it.  If it keeps moving, regulate it.  And if it stops 
moving, subsidize it.  - Ronald Reagan explaining the bureaucrat's and 
lawmaker's mind-set.
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winmodem revisited

2000-01-30 Thread Michael Zielinski
I recently found a couple sites of interest on winmodems.  If missed
their references in the recent discussion, I apologize.



If it moves, tax it.  If it keeps moving, regulate it.  And if it stops 
moving, subsidize it.  - Ronald Reagan explaining the bureaucrat's and 
lawmaker's mind-set.
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Re: Debian SAMBA

2000-01-28 Thread Michael Zielinski
Drankin - 

FYI - You've got Happy99, you might want to run a virus scan.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am going to set up a debian linux box and I want to run the samba
 server.  Obviously I have not done it yet, thus the question.  I have
 searched in vain, via Samba.org, for Debian specific builds of Samba.
 think this simply tells me that I have to build my own distribution
 source code once I have Debian Linux up and running.  If anyone knows
 where I can find documentation that will get me through this process,
 IF I AM COMPLETELY OUT IN LEFT FIELD in what I am planning to do, any
 pearls of wisdom you may have will be greatly appreciated.
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X Windows Video

2000-01-19 Thread Michael Zielinski
Warningnew user...terminology may not be completely correct. ;-)

I've installed distribution 2.1 that comes with the O'Reily book and
have been using it via the bash shell and learning various commands. 
Now I would like to install X Windows, but I can't quite figure out my
video chipset.

I have an ATI Rage 128 Pro 16MB.  I went to the ATI site to determine
if it uses one of the Mach chipset, but it appears that the Rage Pro is
its own chipset.  If I'm correct on this, will any of the other xfree
installs work for me?

I have subscribed to the user list but did not receive any additional
message in response to my confirmation reply.  On other lists, I'm used
to having a welcome message come back giving me additional instructions
and commands.  Please CC: me in case I'm not subscribed correctly.

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