Re: Nvidia driver on Debian 10

2024-01-03 Thread Thomas Anderson

Thanks a lot, Macro!

it worked. Sorry for delay, I got side tracked with "my day" =)

On 03/01/2024 12:03, Marco Moock wrote:

Am 03.01.2024 um 11:52:59 Uhr schrieb Thomas Anderson:

Here is the output. Wow, a lot.

All those lines with ii at the beginning mean the package is installed.

apt remove *nvidia* -s

Check if the result is ok and then run it without -s (-s only

Re: Nvidia driver on Debian 10

2024-01-03 Thread Thomas Anderson
 (no description available)
un nvidia-driver-binary (no description available)
ii nvidia-driver-libs:amd64 418.226.00-3 amd64 NVIDIA metapackage 
(OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES libraries)
ii nvidia-driver-libs:i386 418.226.00-3 i386 NVIDIA metapackage 
(OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES libraries)

un nvidia-driver-libs-any (no description available)
ii nvidia-driver-libs-i386:i386 418.226.00-3 i386 NVIDIA metapackage 
(OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES 32-bit libraries)

un nvidia-driver-libs-nonglvnd (no description available)
ii nvidia-egl-common 418.226.00-3 amd64 NVIDIA binary EGL driver - 
common files
ii nvidia-egl-icd:amd64 418.226.00-3 amd64 NVIDIA EGL installable client 
driver (ICD)
ii nvidia-egl-icd:i386 418.226.00-3 i386 NVIDIA EGL installable client 
driver (ICD)

un nvidia-glx (no description available)
un nvidia-glx-any (no description available)
ii nvidia-installer-cleanup 20151021+9 amd64 cleanup after driver 
installation with the nvidia-installer

un nvidia-kernel-418.226.00 (no description available)
ii nvidia-kernel-common 20151021+9 amd64 NVIDIA binary kernel module 
support files
ii nvidia-kernel-dkms 418.226.00-3 amd64 NVIDIA binary kernel module 
DKMS source

un nvidia-kernel-source (no description available)
ii nvidia-kernel-support 418.226.00-3 amd64 NVIDIA binary kernel module 
support files

un nvidia-kernel-support--v1 (no description available)
un nvidia-kernel-support-any (no description available)
un nvidia-legacy-304xx-alternative (no description available)
un nvidia-legacy-304xx-driver (no description available)
un nvidia-legacy-304xx-vdpau-driver (no description available)
un nvidia-legacy-340xx-alternative (no description available)
un nvidia-legacy-340xx-vdpau-driver (no description available)
un nvidia-legacy-390xx-vulkan-icd (no description available)
ii nvidia-legacy-check 418.226.00-3 amd64 check for NVIDIA GPUs 
requiring a legacy driver
ii nvidia-modprobe 418.56-1 amd64 utility to load NVIDIA kernel modules 
and create device nodes

un nvidia-nonglvnd-vulkan-common (no description available)
un nvidia-nonglvnd-vulkan-icd (no description available)
ii nvidia-persistenced 418.56-1 amd64 daemon to maintain persistent 
software state in the NVIDIA driver
ii nvidia-settings 418.74-1 amd64 tool for configuring the NVIDIA 
graphics driver

un nvidia-settings-gtk-418.74 (no description available)
ii nvidia-smi 418.226.00-3 amd64 NVIDIA System Management Interface
ii nvidia-support 20151021+9 amd64 NVIDIA binary graphics driver support 

un nvidia-tesla-418-vulkan-icd (no description available)
un nvidia-tesla-alternative (no description available)
ii nvidia-vdpau-driver:amd64 418.226.00-3 amd64 Video Decode and 
Presentation API for Unix - NVIDIA driver
ii nvidia-vulkan-common 418.226.00-3 amd64 NVIDIA Vulkan driver - common 
ii nvidia-vulkan-icd:amd64 418.226.00-3 amd64 NVIDIA Vulkan installable 
client driver (ICD)
ii nvidia-vulkan-icd:i386 418.226.00-3 i386 NVIDIA Vulkan installable 
client driver (ICD)

un nvidia-vulkan-icd-any (no description available)
ii xserver-xorg-video-nvidia 418.226.00-3 amd64 NVIDIA binary Xorg driver
un xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-any (no description available)
un xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-legacy-304xx (no description available)

On 03/01/2024 11:47, Marco Moock wrote:

Am 03.01.2024 um 11:36:03 Uhr schrieb Thomas Anderson:

Key information:
I am aware that there are two different installation paths for the
nvidia driver, either through the repos or from nvidia downloads.
I think I did the later, but I have misplaced, lost, and cannot
download the driver listed above to uninstall it. Apparently, you
need the nvidia installer to uninstall the driver.
I tried from CLI:
apt nvidia purge
but that did not work.

Because that only applies to DEB packages installed (most of them come
from a repository).
If you installed it by the shell script, it is unrelated to the
apt/dpkg stuff.

Run dpkg -l *nvidia*

and show the output.

networking issue upon reboot, i need to restart networking for it to work properly.

2024-01-03 Thread Thomas Anderson


Have a funky issue with Debian 10, that is network related. Whenever I 
restart my computer, I cannot access the internet. I need to restart 

either via CLI, or from the networking panel turn off/on networking.

Then, everything works. But, that is rather annoying.

Trying to solve it, I get this from: netstat -rn

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface UG 0 0 0 enp27s0 U 0 0 0 enp27s0
my gateway is, I tried to set it manually, but somehow I 
have messed it up.

Should be an easy solution for a networking guru.

Nvidia driver on Debian 10

2024-01-03 Thread Thomas Anderson

Ok, throwing up the bat signal.

I will upgrade Debian to 12 within the next month or so...but before I 
do, want to clean up my current system.

I have to kernels:

4.19.0-25 and 4.19.0-24.

The latter will boot fine, the former (newer kernel) will not. it just 
goes to a blinking cursor, indefinitely (I guess, didn't wait for infinity).

I double checked the space on the boot partition, but it's fine, with 
25% space still left.

when i type:


from the CLI, I get...

|NVIDIA-SMI 418.226.00   Driver Version: 418.226.00   CUDA Version: 10.1 

|GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. 
|Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util 
 Compute M. |

|  0  GeForce GT 1030     On   | :1F:00.0  On |                 
 N/A |
|N/A   46C    P8    N/A /  19W |    340MiB /  2000MiB |     39%     
 Default |

|Processes:                                                       GPU 
Memory |
| GPU       PID   Type   Process name                             Usage 

|   0      2107      G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                           
259MiB |
|   0      4220      G   cinnamon                                     
 57MiB |
|   0     11718      G   nvidia-settings                               
 0MiB |
|   0     11745      G   nvidia-settings                               
 0MiB |

Key information:
I am aware that there are two different installation paths for the 
nvidia driver, either through the repos or from nvidia downloads.
I think I did the later, but I have misplaced, lost, and cannot download 
the driver listed above to uninstall it. Apparently, you need the nvidia

installer to uninstall the driver.
I tried from CLI:
apt nvidia purge
but that did not work.
As a last gasp of desperation, I tried to ignore the warning from the 
new current nvidia downloaded installer, and just install anyway, but it 

does not install the driver.
Reading logs, it says I have another version driver. When I ran that 
file with the -uninstall flag, it instead said I did not have

an nvidia driver installed.
In summation:
1. I apparently have an nvidia driver installed (proof with nvidia-smi)
2. How it was installed - I am guessing from download file not repos, 
but not 100% sure.

3. I know linux and nvidia go together like oil and water...
Since not really using this for gaming or anything more than using two 
monitors, I might just shelf it and delete the latest kernel and set
the older kernel as the default booting kernel--for now, and setup my 
server properly in the future.
Anyone offer up a silver bullet solution that would be nice =) 
Otherwise, just gonna shelf it for now.

Re: linux headers and upgrading nvidia driver

2022-09-15 Thread Thomas Anderson
I tried the suggestions mentioned in this thread. I forgot to mention 
the hardware in question. It is a rather modern GTX 1030 low profile 
Nvidia card. it is nothing fancy at all, and would not expect to game 
from it, but that is not what I bought it for. Just wanted more than 
null graphics. Over the past half dozen years, have mostly done things 
over ssh anyway, just wanted something nicer to work on. Admittedly, 
it's not even that important, I have had this issue for maybe a year, 
but when I fired up a new installation this past weekend, in my bid to 
set everything up again, and saw that the card actually works (on a 
clean install), I thought I would give it another go.

I tried: sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

says there is some c compiler requirement that is not fulfilled. And, 
there are broken packages that are being held back. I have gone deep 
into this rabbit hole, and still can't seem to find a solution to 
whatever shows up.

Where is the kernel located anyway? The nvidia software, to it's credit, 
has an option flag that will allow me to show the software where the 
kernel is located. I looked where nvidia suggests it should be, don't 
remember off the top of my head, and found an older kernel there, like 
4.9..whatever. But, not the 4.19...version.

I have been using Linux for 20 years, and usually can find a solution, 
but in this particular case, it's possible that my box is just beyond 
repair--at least by me =)

On 15/09/2022 18:37, Paul Johnson wrote:

On Thu, Sep 15, 2022, 09:46 Bret Busby  wrote:

My understanding is that, to run Linux, or, any non-MS operating
with nvidia graphics, especially, if you have nvidia Optimus, you
to run Ubuntu Linux.

Have you looked at the Debian wiki?  Because the Nvidia pages do 
correctly show how to set up optimus five different ways.

The default render offload option works perfectly and I wished I 
bothered to try that first instead of fighting constantly with 
Bumblebee, which is both slow and brittle by comparison.

linux headers and upgrading nvidia driver

2022-09-15 Thread Thomas Anderson
First off, I am running Debian 9, Stretch. I know it is old and I should 
upgrade and that is something I want to do.

The primary problem is that I have a lot of important systems (email, 
cloud), and other less important (web host). Simple dist-upgrades have 
always broken my mail server, that I was not immediately able to recover 
(fortunately, I had made a backup before). I have tried a couple of 
times to upgrade, but all attempts have failed. Thus, why I am still 
stick on 9. I don't like it, and still want to upgrade.

All that said, also I have been stuck on installing a simple nvidia 
driver, also for months. I can install both the backports version and 
the downloaded from nvidia version, but a driver can never be loaded 
because of some linux headers error.  I know nvidia and linux have never 
been nice to each other.

I think these problems are related.

I currently have 4.19.0-0.bpo.amd64 headers. I try rebuilding them, also 
tried going back to 4.9.0-13--but the former still stays. the nvidia 
installer always says it can't find the kernel to build the driver. If 
my system keeps saying it's 4.19.0-0.bpo, why isn't it in the standard 
location? I have tried to locate it, but I cannot find it?

How can i find the linux header, to point my driver to?

thanks in advance, sorry for the long sob story.

Cannot login to my user?

2022-02-18 Thread Thomas Anderson

Hello Friends,

I have Debian 9, I know I need to upgrade my dist, will do that tonight 
or tomorrow =)

Last week, I made a new user say "Sally."

Previously, for years, my main user "Bob" was running perfectly with a 
gnome desktop.

Recently, I realized, I cannot login to Bob anymore?!?

The login screen loads as expect, i type in my credentials for Bob, the 
screen goes black, then I end

up at the login screen again?!?

Sally can login. Sally happens to have a Xfce.

I checked that there were no root owned files on Bob. There are none, 
since I read that could be a cause.

Is there a log file I can check for login errors?


Re: cinnamon - slow boot up times

2022-02-16 Thread Thomas Anderson

I have an Nvidia GTX 1060 top of the line, ten years ago =)

Everything works great for me, once it finally loads. Everything is snappy,

and no hangups from sleep, or anything.

Hmm...what other drivers...None come to mind, sound, network, video

(on two screens), all work great.

The only other thing I guess could be a factor is that I did a 

so it's not a "clean install" of Bullseye. Not sure if that's what is 
causing it.

Now that I think about it, i do have a clean install of Bullseye, on 
another SSD

drive, on this system, so I can easily test it.

I don't  have any services running, no servers or anything that should 
cause such

a delay.

On 2/16/22 12:09, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 04:21:43AM -0500, Cindy Sue Causey wrote:

On 2/15/22, Thomas Anderson  wrote:


I have Bullseye installed on an SSD, it boots up fast as expected up
until the login screen.

I enter my login credentials...then, queue the music...just a darker
screen (not pitch black, flickering, or anything bad)

42 seconds later I get my desktop.

What video chipset? Does anything need firmware - it might just be hanging
and you end up with something closer to VESA mode if needed firmware isn't

For what it's worth in comparing apples and oranges, I use XFCE4 and
that's about how long it takes here, too. Just have never set a timer
to it. It's been doing that for quite a while.

The difference is mine actually makes it into the desktop first. Then
it takes its sweet time depending on the requests I make of it.
Sometimes I can close the first couple packages I have it load at
startup (Mousepad and Thunar). Sometimes it takes a few seconds before
they respond.

Trying to click the Applications menu is a similar hit and miss until
after that maybe 40 seconds or so time span passes. Likewise with the
eventual disappearance of the "timer" or "throbber" that's visually
indicating something resource heavy is occurring in the background.

What vintage machine / what amount of memory / SSD? - and, also, what video
chipset? XFCE ought to be small/relatively fast.

Our two experiences may be completely unrelated. Then again, maybe
what we're each seeing is due to the priority each desktop gives to
what they load first. Seeing that dark screen would seem the more
distressing of the two because a User's not sure if the system's going
to load or not until the first of the GUI eventually pops up on the

I do have a Cinnamon desktop environment with a custom theme setup...but
still, 42 seconds? Can that be right? I have thought about using Mint,
but I have been using Debian for 20 years, see no reason to change now.
If need be, I will wait 42 seconds.

I've tried Mint a few times. It's a no from me because it won't let me
uninstall GRUB without destroying the entire operating system in the
process. The releases I've test driven won't uninstall GRUB without
auto-uninstalling a massive amount of important packages.

That's about User CHOICE, my preference being to try to use anything
except GRUB. That CHOICE is non-existent in this case.

That's one of the reasons I keep using Debian - and why support for
Debian-derived distributions here and in IRC can only be either
best endeavours / off-topic.

They do things differently elsewhere - sometimes better, sometimes worse -
but always differently and make their own choices.

All best to you all, as ever,

Andy Cater

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

cinnamon - slow boot up times

2022-02-15 Thread Thomas Anderson


I have Bullseye installed on an SSD, it boots up fast as expected up 
until the login screen.

I enter my login credentials...then, queue the music...just a darker 
screen (not pitch black, flickering, or anything bad)

42 seconds later I get my desktop.

I do have a Cinnamon desktop environment with a custom theme setup...but 
still, 42 seconds? Can that be right? I have thought about using Mint, 
but I have been using Debian for 20 years, see no reason to change now. 
If need be, I will wait 42 seconds.

Re: Throw an hard drive with Debian installation into...

2022-02-15 Thread Thomas Anderson

Thanks for replies. It all makes sense once I get the answers. =)

On 2/15/22 07:29, wrote:

On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 01:58:24AM +0100, Thomas Anderson wrote:

I am curious, what would happen if I threw a fully functionally,

Linux installation (HDD) into an entirely different hardware configuration:

It depends :-)

It starts with the bootloader: different hardware boots in very
different ways. If you have GRUB (the default with Debian), you
will need either a "traditional BIOS" or UEFI beneath it. That
means MACs, Raspberry Pis and other misc hardware is out.

Then, the kernel is built for a specific architecture family.

A kernel built for x86_64 won't be happy on ARM. Or RISCV. Or...

If your distro has taken those hurdles, you'll still be left with
some funny things. Kernel modules for hardware you hadn't in your
first motherboard. Network scripts might be set up to look for
a specific MAC address which won't "be" in your new machine. Your
fstab might be referencing file systems which have moved around
(this is one of the cases where label based or UUID based file
system referencing clearly "wins").

In the latter cases, chances are good that you'll get enough of
your system up to "fix" things.

Be prepared to invest some time, and to learn a thing or two :-)


Throw an hard drive with Debian installation into...

2022-02-14 Thread Thomas Anderson

I am curious, what would happen if I threw a fully functionally,

Linux installation (HDD) into an entirely different hardware configuration:

Different Process AMD->Intel?

Ram/mobo I assume doesn't matter?

I half expect it to boot up, and be fully functional.

But, I have not tested it.

I am not mailing the list this question, as a theoretically. I would 

like to upgrade my hardware, as the gains would be Ok (32GB Ram >16GB),

but would not be drastic, so I wouldn't bother if I had to re-setup all the

software again.

Plop in Debian install HDD into entirely new system

2022-02-11 Thread Thomas Anderson

Hello friends,

I was curious what would happen if I threw my server HDD, into an 
entirely new system:

different motherboard, different CPU (Intel instead of AMD), Ram, video 
card, everything.

I would like to upgrade my system, and ideal case, this would simply 
work. I think I have done

it in the past, but with less variables. I have never done it with 
EVERYTHING outside of the hard drive

being different.


Re: Sata Hard drive testing

2021-10-24 Thread Thomas Anderson

Thank you everyone that helped me with this issue.

I learned a great deal.

Namely, for my particular use case, SMR drives are sub-optimal.

It is VERY difficult to even find out if drives are SMR or CMR, because

apparently the manufacturers try to put it all out the door. As mentioned

by Mr. Ritter, the information of writing technology is not disclosed 

and in some cases, bordering on deceptive.

I will replace this drive since I have little faith in it, as it was 
originally purposed,

important backup. I will just use it as a redundant backup or just a 
short term/temporary

storage drive - and monitor it.

On 10/21/21 6:08 PM, Kenneth Parker wrote:

On Thu, Oct 21, 2021, 9:02 AM David > wrote:

On Thu, 21 Oct 2021 at 23:53, Gene Heskett>> wrote:

> And what does this SMR acronym mean, Dan?

Questions like this can be answered with an
internet search engine. Search for "Seagate SMR".
For fun you can add search terms like
"controversy guilty dreaded bad press" etc

What?  Seagate Magnetic Recording caught Shingles?  (Sorry!)

Kenneth Parker

Re: Sata Hard drive testing

2021-10-20 Thread Thomas Anderson
e0 00  15d+00:06:45.491  READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS EXT
  ec 00 00 00 00 00 a0 00  15d+00:06:45.488  IDENTIFY DEVICE
  ef 03 46 00 00 00 a0 00  15d+00:06:45.475  SET FEATURES [Set transfer

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Num  Test_Description    Status  Remaining
LifeTime(hours)  LBA_of_first_error
# 1  Extended offline    Completed without error   00% 14551 -
# 2  Extended offline    Completed without error   00% 14530 -
# 3  Conveyance offline  Completed without error   00% 10165 -
# 4  Conveyance offline  Completed without error   00% 10165 -
# 5  Short offline   Completed without error   00% 10163 -
# 6  Extended offline    Completed without error   00% 9997 -
# 7  Short offline   Completed without error   00% 0 -

SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
    1    0    0  Not_testing
    2    0    0  Not_testing
    3    0    0  Not_testing
    4    0    0  Not_testing
    5    0    0  Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
  After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.

On 10/18/21 6:52 PM, Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 06:25:19PM +0200, Thomas Anderson wrote:
>> I have been having problems with a drive (non-SSD) for a while now,
>> but I would like to "identify" the problem specifically, so that I may
>> perhaps be able to get the drive replaced.
> Assuming it's SATA/IDE drive, all you need to do is:
> apt install smartmontools
> smartctl -t long 
> # wait for the test to finish
> smartctl -a 
> Please post the output of the last command.
> Reco

Re: Sata Hard drive testing

2021-10-18 Thread Thomas Anderson

Cool, thanks Reco!

Will post again tomorrow =) Takes 987 minutes apparently.

On 10/18/21 6:52 PM, Reco wrote:


On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 06:25:19PM +0200, Thomas Anderson wrote:

I have been having problems with a drive (non-SSD) for a while now,
but I would like to "identify" the problem specifically, so that I may
perhaps be able to get the drive replaced.

Assuming it's SATA/IDE drive, all you need to do is:

apt install smartmontools
smartctl -t long 
# wait for the test to finish
smartctl -a 

Please post the output of the last command.


Sata Hard drive testing

2021-10-18 Thread Thomas Anderson

Hello Gurus,

I have been having problems with a drive (non-SSD) for a while now, but 
I would like to "identify" the problem specifically, so that I may 
perhaps be able to get the drive replaced.

Essentially, I have been experienced data loss, where nodes become 
unreadable, when I try to "fix it" with fdisk, it says it moves 
unreadable to the trash, basically deleting data.

I have tried reformatting the drive, writing zeros to it, and then 
temporarily the drive looks fine; but it's not! it's as if the drive is 
some how decaying: where it looks good, but then when you go to use it, 
the data later becomes unreadable.

Is there any kind of test I can execute on this drive to show it needs 
to be replaced??


Re: Get Terminal to Echo line in buffer on backspace

2021-09-01 Thread Thomas Anderson

Thanks for the insightful replies.

I think I am getting closer to a solution.

Wouldn't it be possible to bind the "redraw-current-line" to the delete 
(ASCII DEL), i.e. Alt 127??

And, just add that to my user's bash file?

I am thinking out loud, not sure this would work.

Also, yes. Zsh, I will look into use that.

On 8/30/21 5:39 PM, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 05:05:49PM +0200, Nicolas George wrote:

With Zsh, there is the "redisplay" zle command, it does exactly that:
redraw the prompt and command without clearing the screen.

I do not know if readline, used by bash, has the same feature available.

Interesting.  I've never looked into this stuff before.

There is a "redraw-current-line" action in readline, but bash doesn't
bind any keys to it by default, neither in emacs nor vi mode.

But before I could even test that, I came across this section in the
man page:

clear-screen (C-l)
   Clear the screen, then redraw the current line, leaving the cur‐
   rent  line  at the top of the screen.  With an argument, refresh
   the current line without clearing the screen.

That bit about "With an argument" is totally new information for me.
I'm a vi mode user, so I tried it as indicated: I typed some random
stuff, and then I pressed ESC 0 Ctrl-L.  It didn't work (it cleared the
whole screen).  So maybe an argument of 0 doesn't count... oh, right.
That's because 0 is a movement command ("jump to first column").  Next I
tried with a non-zero argument: ESC 1 Ctrl-L.  That worked.  It redrew
the current prompt and command line, without clearing the screen.

I also tested in emacs mode, but I'm not as proficient there.  Again,
ESC 1 Ctrl-L seems to work.  And so does Alt-1 Ctrl-L, in my terminal
(but Alt-1 may not work in all terminals, so be warned).

For extra fun: Alt-0 Ctrl-L also works in emacs mode.  Apparently emacs
can handle an argument of 0, because 0 isn't a movement command in
emacs the way it is in vi.

So, there's that.  And that will do what the OP wants, albeit not
"automatically" the way they seemed to want.  They actually have to
press the keys.

I'll let others play around with binding redraw-current-line to some
unused key combo.  I'm betting it does the same thing, once bound.

Re: Get Terminal to Echo line in buffer on backspace

2021-08-30 Thread Thomas Anderson
It's hard for me to describe, so here is an example of I am looking to
emulate (this is from a mac).

On debian, I have tried many different terminal emulators, and all the
visible options to get this type

of behavior, but have failed. =(

On 30/08/2021 14:41, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 12:26:32PM +0200, Thomas Anderson wrote:
>> My issue is: if I am typing to terminal, while receiving data, and I
>> backspace -- I just don't know how far I have backspaced, I have to guess.
> What you want to do is redraw the current command.  The easiest way to
> do this is to press Ctrl-L.  (Or if you're in vi mode, ESC Ctrl-L, and
> then you'll need to go back to command mode.)
> This clears the whole screen, though.  So if there's information you
> need to preserve, take that into account.
> Of course, another approach would be to stop doing whatever you're doing
> that causes you to "receive data" while you're typing in an interactive
> shell.  This might be a workflow issue of some kind.  Maybe you're
> running some sort of background job that spews noise.  Maybe you simply
> need to redirect that background job's output to a file.  Or maybe you
> want to run the noisy background job as a foreground job in a separate
> terminal (or a separate "tab", or a separate "virtual terminal" within
> screen or tmux, etc.).

Get Terminal to Echo line in buffer on backspace

2021-08-30 Thread Thomas Anderson
Hello Debian Users,

Maybe someone can help a brother out.

I would really like to be able to use terminal in such a way that when I
backspace, it will echo the line I am currently typing

1. say if I am receiving data into the terminal window, and

2. I have *not* pressed carriage return.

My issue is: if I am typing to terminal, while receiving data, and I
backspace -- I just don't know how far I have backspaced, I have to guess.

I think years ago, someone helped me add a line to my user bash settings.

If someone is familiar with how Mac's terminal emulator works, I would
like it to be like that.

Thanks to anyone that can help me out.


vnc is making my cry

2020-11-15 Thread Thomas Anderson
I have had vnc working in the past, then as of the past week or so, it
has stopped working.

I have spent many hours going in circles i feel. No matter what I try
the result is the same.

Basically, a black-white pixelated screen with a X curser (that I can
move), and that is about it.

I won't hypothesis with what I have been able to discern - as obviously,
it has not worked.

i have two different Debian 10 boxes, what I would like to access via
VNC so i don't need to attach KVM.

They have absolutely WORKED in the past, and I haven't meddled with them
in a way that would cause them

to break. I don't recall doing any updates (which normally I am slow to
do). So that adds to my perplexity.

They both have TightVNC installed, and the identical xstartup vnc file:


xrdb $HOME/.Xresources

startxfce4 &

They both have rw+x access to them. I can start the vncserver from the
command prompt just fine (normal users, without sudo), and even connect,
tried with sudo and with the actual root!

to both machines, but then just the aforementioned screens. I have tried
tunneling in via SSH, same result.

I have tried connecting from two different clients (running vnc
connect), one Mac OS and one Windows 10. All same result.

I have tried various xstartup files I have searched around online that
seemed like they might help, but nothing.

I have read through the log file

xrdb: No such file or directory

xrdb: can't open file '/home/username/.Xresources'

/usr/bin/startxfce4: X server already running on display :1

I am running Gnome on both desktops. Ah! That's why the other one worked
in the past -- I was not running Gnome on it. But, that doesn't bring me
closer to a solution other than not running Gnome on the two machines,
which I would rather not do, they are robust enough to run Gnome.

Any advice help or encouragement would be appreciated.


drives spin 100% of the time, idle down?

2020-11-12 Thread Thomas Anderson
Hello List,

I have two drives (setup in a RAID 1 array).

The drives are mostly for archive purposes, and accessible via SMB on my
local network.

They are not constantly accessed, and performance/speed is irrelevant.

I would rather they idle/sleep when not being directly accessed. I know
they are supposed to spin, and spinning them up and down is not good for
them. But, in my particular use case, it seems acceptable.

Am I off base?

Can anyone recommend a way to do this in debian? Is there a program that
will allow me to set this?

Re: suid, www-data user, and gui program amarok, not working together.

2010-02-03 Thread Thomas Anderson
 Why can't the binary execute amarok -t when it is confirmed that it
 is indeed running as user tommy?

 X doesn't authenticate connections based on uid.  (For one thing, connections
 need not be from the local machine.  But uid is not used even on the same
 machine.)  Read the manpage for xauth(1) and see if you can figure it out.

 I've been at it for hours. Any ideas on how to proceed and perhaps
 solve my problem?

 I've never figured it out, but I haven't spent that much time on it.

 You might not need to set up the right xauth stuff anyway.  KDE 3.x
 applications could be controlled through dcop, and its authentication is
 limited to can you open my control socket, so it'll work as long as you can
 switch to the correct uid.  KDE 4.x applications can be controlled through
 dbus, and its authentication is similar.

 You can use the dcop utility to browse dcop sessions and make dcop calls.
 You can use the kdcop graphical utility to browse dcop as well.  The qdbus
 utility is similar to dcop, but for dbus.  I'm not sure if there is a
 kdcop equivalent for dbus yet.

Thanks. I'll look into your suggestions this weekend. You've given me
good pointers as to where to keep looking for answers. Thanks again.


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

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suid, www-data user, and gui program amarok, not working together.

2010-02-02 Thread Thomas Anderson
I'm trying to make a web page that has buttons to control my running
music player application Amarok (Amarok is a Debian package). I can
control it from the command line by issuing this command:

$ amarok -t

That command toggles the music on and off.

I run Apache2 on Debian Lenny and the command gets run as the user
www-data. That user (www-data) doesn't have access to my running
Amarok session so I tried to make a shell script that has the setuid
flag set (chmod 4755) but Debian doesn't allow script files to be set
setuid. So I created a binary and set the binary to setuid. The source
code for the binary is as follows:


#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include sys/types.h
#include unistd.h

int main()
   setuid( 1000 ); // uid 1000 == user tommy.
   system( id );
   system( amarok -t );

   return 0;


Then I compiled it with:

$ gcc ./tmusicall.c -o tmusicall

I chmoded it with:

$ chmod 4755

I changed user to www-data with:

$ su - www-data

Then I ran the binary:

www-d...@todu:/home/tommy/test$ ./tmusicall
uid=1000(tommy) gid=33(www-data) groups=20(dialout),33(www-data)
: cannot connect to X server

So we can see that the binary ran with uid tommy privileges, but still
cannot execute amarok -t properly.

I even ran these commands but still kept getting the : cannot connect
to X server error message:

$ xhost +localhost
$ xhost +Localhost

Why can't the binary execute amarok -t when it is confirmed that it
is indeed running as user tommy?

I've been at it for hours. Any ideas on how to proceed and perhaps
solve my problem?


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

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Re: [Solved] Unable to install mencoder debian package from

2009-08-13 Thread Thomas Anderson
 All these -1 values look odd/wrong to me.  Note how on my system that
 debian-multimedia has a priority of 500, equal to that of
  That could be your problem.

Thanks. After I simply deleted my /etc/apt/preferences file (it is not
installed by default on a vanilla debian installation, so I thought it
should be safe) everything started working again. I suppose I did some
modifications there a couple of months ago while I was trying to get
flash to work but didn't really understand what I was doing and
created a malfunctioning preferences file, that I later forgot about.

Thanks to everyone who contributed in helping me with this issue!


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

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Re: Unable to install mencoder debian package from

2009-08-12 Thread Thomas Anderson
 I have the following entry in my sources.list file:

 deb lenny main

 But I cannot install any package from that repository. I get this error

 # apt-get install mencoder
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 Package mencoder is not available, but is referred to by another package.
 This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
 is only available from another source
 E: Package mencoder has no installation candidate

 I get the same error message from any package I've tried to install
 from that repository. I've apt-get updated, and it still won't work.

 I've got an Intel quadcore CPU (which means I'm on the AMD64
 architecture, right?) and am running Debian stable (Lenny). Any
 suggestions as to how I can fix my problem?

 Dumb question: did you remember to apt-get update?

It's not a dumb question :). But, yes, I remembered to apt-get
update. So that wasn't the reason..


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

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Re: Unable to install mencoder debian package from

2009-08-12 Thread Thomas Anderson
  I have the following entry in my sources.list file:
  deb lenny main
  shouldn't it be: deb lenny main       ???

 The instructions on says that the
 www.-part should be included. I tried your suggestion too, just to
 see if there were a mistake in the instructions, but it still didn't

 i'm sorry i didn't reply to the list before.

No worries.

 you said that you even can't install _any_ packages from there?
 it's strange, i just did it.

 rus...@ficus:~$ sudo aptitude update
 Get:1 lenny Release.gpg [197B]
 Hit lenny/main Translation-en_US
 Get:2 lenny Release
 Hit lenny/main
 Fetched 11.7kB in 16s
 Reading package lists... Done
 Updating debtags database.. Done

 rus...@ficus:~$ sudo aptitude install videotrans
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 Reading extended state information
 Initializing package states... Done
 Reading task descriptions... Done
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
 0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
 Need to get 72.1kB of archives. After unpacking 332kB will be used.
 Writing extended state information... Done
 Get:1 lenny/main videotrans 1.6.0-0.0
 Fetched 72.1kB in 17s
 Reading package fields... Done
 Reading package status... Done
 Retrieving bug reports... Done
 Parsing Found/Fixed information... Done
 Selecting previously deselected package videotrans.
 (Reading database ... 181906 files and directories currently installed.)
 Unpacking videotrans (from .../videotrans_1.6.0-0.0_i386.deb) ...
 Processing triggers for man-db ...
 Setting up videotrans (1.6.0-0.0) ...
 localepurge: checking system for new locale ...
 localepurge: processing locale files ...
 localepurge: processing man pages ...
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 Reading extended state information
 Initializing package states... Done
 Writing extended state information... Done
 Reading task descriptions... Done

Yes, that is corect. I cannot install _any_ packages from that
repository. I noticed however that you are getting the i386-package.
I need to be getting the amd64-package which is named:
Maybe my problem has something to do with that?

When I issue the same command as you did above, I get this output:

todu:/home/tommy# aptitude install videotrans
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
Writing extended state information... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done
No candidate version found for videotrans
No candidate version found for videotrans
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  ia32-libs-gtk{u} libquicktime1{u} nspluginwrapper{u}
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 3 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 31.8MB will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]

I'll try to use a mirror as the repository as Andrew suggested in a
previous mail, as soon as I understand the instructions on how to do
that. It could perhaps work but the odds are probably low because this
hasn't worked for at least two days now.

 maybe it's temporary.

The problem has been persistant for at least two days now. I've also
tried this repository line as suggested by a google search, with the
same result:

stable main

I also tried this just in case:

deb stable main

But that gave the same result, too.


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

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Re: Unable to install mencoder debian package from

2009-08-12 Thread Thomas Anderson
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 14:24, Ron wrote:
 On 2009-08-12 06:19, Thomas Anderson wrote:

 I have the following entry in my sources.list file:

 deb lenny main

 But I cannot install any package from that repository. I get this error

 # apt-get install mencoder
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 Package mencoder is not available, but is referred to by another
 This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
 is only available from another source
 E: Package mencoder has no installation candidate

 I get the same error message from any package I've tried to install
 from that repository. I've apt-get updated, and it still won't work.

 I've got an Intel quadcore CPU (which means I'm on the AMD64
 architecture, right?) and am running Debian stable (Lenny). Any
 suggestions as to how I can fix my problem?

 Dumb question: did you remember to apt-get update?

 It's not a dumb question :). But, yes, I remembered to apt-get
 update. So that wasn't the reason..

 Then I'd do:

 $ apt-cache policy

 $ apt-cache search mencoder

 (It might just be that mencoder isn't in the stable repos, though.)

I get this output when I do that:

todu:/home/tommy# apt-get update
Get:1 lenny Release.gpg [197B]
Get:2 lenny/main Translation-en_US [14B]
Hit lenny Release.gpg
Ign lenny/main Translation-en_US
Hit lenny-backports Release.gpg
Ign lenny-backports/main Translation-en_US
Ign lenny/contrib Translation-en_US
Ign lenny/non-free Translation-en_US
Hit lenny Release
Get:3 lenny Release [11.5kB]
Hit lenny/updates Release.gpg
Ign lenny/updates/main Translation-en_US
Ign lenny/updates/contrib Translation-en_US
Hit lenny/volatile Release.gpg
Ign lenny/volatile/main Translation-en_US
Ign lenny/volatile/contrib
Ign lenny-backports/contrib Translation-en_US
Ign lenny-backports/non-free
Hit lenny-backports Release
Ign lenny/main Packages/DiffIndex
Ign lenny/updates/non-free
Hit lenny/updates Release
Ign lenny/volatile/non-free
Hit lenny/volatile Release
Ign lenny/volatile/main Packages/DiffIndex
Ign lenny/contrib Packages/DiffIndex
Get:4 lenny/main Packages [69.2kB]
Ign lenny-backports/main Packages/DiffIndex
Ign lenny/updates/main Packages/DiffIndex
Ign lenny/non-free Packages/DiffIndex
Ign lenny/main Sources/DiffIndex
Ign lenny/contrib Sources/DiffIndex
Ign lenny/volatile/contrib
Ign lenny/volatile/non-free
Ign lenny/volatile/main Sources/DiffIndex
Ign lenny/volatile/contrib
Ign lenny/volatile/non-free
Ign lenny/non-free Sources/DiffIndex
Ign lenny-backports/contrib
Ign lenny-backports/non-free
Ign lenny/updates/contrib
Ign lenny/updates/non-free
Ign lenny/updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
Ign lenny/updates/contrib Sources/DiffIndex
Ign lenny/updates/non-free
Hit lenny/volatile/main Packages
Hit lenny-backports/main Packages
Hit lenny/updates/main Packages
Hit lenny/main Packages
Hit lenny/volatile/contrib Packages
Hit lenny/volatile/non-free Packages
Hit lenny/volatile/main Sources
Hit lenny/volatile/contrib Sources
Hit lenny-backports/contrib Packages
Hit lenny/volatile/non-free Sources
Hit lenny/updates/contrib Packages
Hit lenny/updates/non-free Packages
Hit http

Unable to install mencoder debian package from

2009-08-11 Thread Thomas Anderson
I have the following entry in my sources.list file:

deb lenny main

But I cannot install any package from that repository. I get this error message:

# apt-get install mencoder
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package mencoder is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package mencoder has no installation candidate

I get the same error message from any package I've tried to install
from that repository. I've apt-get updated, and it still won't work.

I've got an Intel quadcore CPU (which means I'm on the AMD64
architecture, right?) and am running Debian stable (Lenny). Any
suggestions as to how I can fix my problem?


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
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[Solved again] Program for quoting text like in email?

2009-06-10 Thread Thomas Anderson
 remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with
 the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and
 more recently with desktop publishing software


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
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Re: Program for quoting text like in email?

2009-06-09 Thread Thomas Anderson
 How about passing the text through fmt -w 80|sed 's/^/ //'?
 (Untested). That should do what you desire, as fmt would format the
 paragraphs, and sed would substitute every beginning of line with a 

 I got this output:

 to...@todu:~/code$ cat test.txt | fmt -w 80|sed 's/^/ //'
 sed: -e expression #1, char 8: unknown option to `s'

 OK, so I guess it should be sed 's/^/ /'. Anyway, experiment this
 method too, sometime. It's fun to know the possibilities with sed, awk
 and friends.

Removing the extra / character made it work. I suppose the Shut up
or I'll replace you with a simple shell script saying still applies
even to me, but even worse; I could be replaced by a simple /oneliner/
hehe ;).

However I noticed another problem. When I quote a text that is already
quoted, the result gets the   characters moved around. I would like
to get   orfor text that is quoted twice. Is that easy to
fix or would that complicate the solution a lot? I tried both the script and the sed oneliner but none of them could handle
the extra  character. I suppose the awk script should have the same
limitation due to my initial question. Hmm.. Any ideas? I'll try to
install the old pine email client and see if I could use it by
cut-n-pasting the text, choose reply, and then cut-n-paste it back
again. Not a very elegant solution I admit. But it will have to do
until I (or you ;)) think of a better one. The step after that would
be to try the mutt client if pine fails. Thankful for any ideas.


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

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Program for quoting text like in email?

2009-06-08 Thread Thomas Anderson
Can anyone recommend a program/shell script/editor plugin etc, that
can take arbitrary text as input and quote it like email programs
quote emails with a preceding   character?

I'm about to reply to a very long facebook message and want to quote
it and make inline replies. But facebook only supports top-posting.
I'd like to cut-n-paste the text I wish to reply, quote it with  
and then cut-n-paste it back into my facebook reply message. I'd also
like line breaks to be put in once every 80 characters (email

I use Debian Lenny.


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

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Program for quoting text like in email?

2009-06-08 Thread Thomas Anderson
 Can anyone recommend a program/shell script/editor plugin etc, that
 can take arbitrary text as input and quote it like email programs
 quote emails with a preceding   character?

 I'm about to reply to a very long facebook message and want to quote
 it and make inline replies. But facebook only supports top-posting.
 I'd like to cut-n-paste the text I wish to reply, quote it with  
 and then cut-n-paste it back into my facebook reply message. I'd also
 like line breaks to be put in once every 80 characters (email

 I use Debian Lenny.

 There are probably dozens of ways to do that, but here's what I would do.

 I would write my text in TclText (
 likely any number of other text editors would do), ctrl-a to select all or
 any text I want quoted with  and do F9 to comment that text, which adds #
 at the beginning of each line.
 Then I would do a simple find/replace, find # replace with 

Thanks for this solution; I'll use it as a backup solution in case no
one suggests a program that is in Debians stable repository. I want to
get automatic security updates wherever possible.

 I think medit has a comment feature...not sure which other editors do.
 I use tcltext because I wrote it.  Works for me.

I tried medit per your recommendation. The quote feature there was
however intended as quoting programming code, i.e adding /* */ around
code. I could not find an email quoting feature there though.


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

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[Solved] Program for quoting text like in email?

2009-06-08 Thread Thomas Anderson
 While it's not terribly good code, the attached perl script should do
 what you want.

I chmodded it u+x and I think I can live with putting an extra 
redirection char on the command line ;).

 It will expect file names as the input, and will output to stdout; you
 will need to redirect to a file if you want to save it.  So do
 something like:

 $ perl Guy_On_The_Internet.txt  quoted-GOTI.txt

 where Guy_On_The_Internet.txt is the text you want to quote, in a
 file.  You can change the quote character and the number of columns by
 editing the values at the top of the script.

Thanks for the extra features :).

 I assume that input paragraphs come in blocks (i.e. a blank line
 between paragraphs) and that you want to keep paragraphs together, but
 don't care about how lines are wrapped.  Output will have block
 paragraphs, too.

Thanks. Yes, you assumed correctly and it worked as you and I intended.

 I hope I'm not helping perpetuate some facebook flame war...

Hehe, don't worry. It's a civil discussion. However it just struck me
that the person on the other end don't have this script and she'd have
to do this manually. Hmm.. I could always suggest that we change to
communicating through email instead I suppose. Your script will in any
case be very useful to me while in facebook. Thanks for taking your
time to write it for me!

 I'm stuck on a windows machine right now, so please ignore the weird
 carriage returns in the script text.

No problem. I used the tofrodos debian package to quickly convert it
into linux format.

I skimmed your script searching for any rm -rf / and such and am
happy to report that it is short, readable and does no nasty stuff.
Thanks; I'll be using your solution to my problem.


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

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Re: Program for quoting text like in email?

2009-06-08 Thread Thomas Anderson
 Can anyone recommend a program/shell script/editor plugin etc, that
 can take arbitrary text as input and quote it like email programs
 quote emails with a preceding   character?

 I'm about to reply to a very long facebook message and want to quote
 it and make inline replies. But facebook only supports top-posting.
 I'd like to cut-n-paste the text I wish to reply, quote it with  
 and then cut-n-paste it back into my facebook reply message. I'd also
 like line breaks to be put in once every 80 characters (email

 How about passing the text through fmt -w 80|sed 's/^/ //'?
 (Untested). That should do what you desire, as fmt would format the
 paragraphs, and sed would substitute every beginning of line with a 

I got this output:

to...@todu:~/code$ cat test.txt | fmt -w 80|sed 's/^/ //'
sed: -e expression #1, char 8: unknown option to `s'

However, thanks for letting me know about the fmt command. I hadn't
heard of it before. I'll experiment with your solution too, later
though, as I also have to write my long postponed facebook reply ;).


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

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xorg not working after synaptic upgrade (Lenny stable)

2009-04-13 Thread Thomas Anderson
I did the usual synaptic update and upgrade and after I rebooted the X
server refuses to start. I'm on Debian stable Lenny. I temporarily
changed the nvidia string in xorg.conf to nv and it works in a low
resolution now to write this mail. I've included the synaptic log of
what got upgraded below. Anyone know what went wrong and what I should
do to fix it? I think I used the nvidia proprietary driver package in
the contrib or non-free repository in february, but I dont remember
all details since I tried so many things. I suppose there is something
wrong between the new kernel and the old nvidia drivers. But shouldn't
that be upgraded automatically when the kernel debian package gets
updated? Maybe I downloaded their package from their site and
installed it manually. Hmm..

In any case I thought I should ask a preemptive question before I
break anything further ;).

Commit Log for Sun Apr 12 13:43:59 2009

Upgraded the following packages:
base-files (5) to 5lenny2
bind9-host (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
dnsutils (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
gdm (2.20.7-4) to 2.20.7-4lenny1
gthumb (3:2.10.8-1) to 3:2.10.8-1+lenny1
gthumb-data (3:2.10.8-1) to 3:2.10.8-1+lenny1
gtk2-engines-pixbuf (2.12.11-4) to 2.12.12-1~lenny1
libbind9-40 (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
libdns45 (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
libgtk2.0-0 (2.12.11-4) to 2.12.12-1~lenny1
libgtk2.0-bin (2.12.11-4) to 2.12.12-1~lenny1
libgtk2.0-common (2.12.11-4) to 2.12.12-1~lenny1
libisc45 (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
libisccc40 (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
libisccfg40 (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
liblwres40 (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
libmagick++10 (7: to 7:
libmagick10 (7: to 7:
libpam-modules (1.0.1-5) to 1.0.1-5+lenny1
libpam-runtime (1.0.1-5) to 1.0.1-5+lenny1
libpam0g (1.0.1-5) to 1.0.1-5+lenny1
libpq5 (8.3.6-1) to 8.3.7-0lenny1
libpurple0 (2.4.3-4) to 2.4.3-4lenny1
libsmbclient (2:3.2.5-4) to 2:3.2.5-4lenny2
libwbclient0 (2:3.2.5-4) to 2:3.2.5-4lenny2
linux-image-2.6-amd64 (2.6.26+17) to 2.6.26+17+lenny1
linux-libc-dev (2.6.26-13lenny2) to 2.6.26-15
lvm2 (2.02.39-6) to 2.02.39-7 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1
pidgin (2.4.3-4) to 2.4.3-4lenny1
pidgin-data (2.4.3-4) to 2.4.3-4lenny1
ttf-opensymbol (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1
xserver-xorg-core (2:1.4.2-10) to 2:1.4.2-10.lenny1
xserver-xorg-video-savage (1:2.2.1-2) to 1:2.2.1-2.lenny1

Installed the following packages:
linux-image-2.6.26-2-amd64 (2.6.26-15)


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: [Solved] xorg not working after synaptic upgrade (Lenny stable)

2009-04-13 Thread Thomas Anderson
Oh, never mind dear list. I found the problem :).

Replacing the proprietary driver using synaptic did the trick:

Commit Log for Mon Apr 13 13:18:19 2009

Removed the following packages:

Installed the following packages:
nvidia-kernel-2.6.26-2-amd64 (173.14.09+3+lenny1)

On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 13:17, Thomas Anderson wrote:
 I did the usual synaptic update and upgrade and after I rebooted the X
 server refuses to start. I'm on Debian stable Lenny. I temporarily
 changed the nvidia string in xorg.conf to nv and it works in a low
 resolution now to write this mail. I've included the synaptic log of
 what got upgraded below. Anyone know what went wrong and what I should
 do to fix it? I think I used the nvidia proprietary driver package in
 the contrib or non-free repository in february, but I dont remember
 all details since I tried so many things. I suppose there is something
 wrong between the new kernel and the old nvidia drivers. But shouldn't
 that be upgraded automatically when the kernel debian package gets
 updated? Maybe I downloaded their package from their site and
 installed it manually. Hmm..

 In any case I thought I should ask a preemptive question before I
 break anything further ;).


 Commit Log for Sun Apr 12 13:43:59 2009

 Upgraded the following packages:
 base-files (5) to 5lenny2
 bind9-host (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
 dnsutils (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
 gdm (2.20.7-4) to 2.20.7-4lenny1
 gthumb (3:2.10.8-1) to 3:2.10.8-1+lenny1
 gthumb-data (3:2.10.8-1) to 3:2.10.8-1+lenny1
 gtk2-engines-pixbuf (2.12.11-4) to 2.12.12-1~lenny1
 libbind9-40 (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
 libdns45 (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
 libgtk2.0-0 (2.12.11-4) to 2.12.12-1~lenny1
 libgtk2.0-bin (2.12.11-4) to 2.12.12-1~lenny1
 libgtk2.0-common (2.12.11-4) to 2.12.12-1~lenny1
 libisc45 (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
 libisccc40 (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
 libisccfg40 (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
 liblwres40 (1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-1) to 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P1-2
 libmagick++10 (7: to 7:
 libmagick10 (7: to 7:
 libpam-modules (1.0.1-5) to 1.0.1-5+lenny1
 libpam-runtime (1.0.1-5) to 1.0.1-5+lenny1
 libpam0g (1.0.1-5) to 1.0.1-5+lenny1
 libpq5 (8.3.6-1) to 8.3.7-0lenny1
 libpurple0 (2.4.3-4) to 2.4.3-4lenny1
 libsmbclient (2:3.2.5-4) to 2:3.2.5-4lenny2
 libwbclient0 (2:3.2.5-4) to 2:3.2.5-4lenny2
 linux-image-2.6-amd64 (2.6.26+17) to 2.6.26+17+lenny1
 linux-libc-dev (2.6.26-13lenny2) to 2.6.26-15
 lvm2 (2.02.39-6) to 2.02.39-7 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1 (1:2.4.1-17+b1) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1
 pidgin (2.4.3-4) to 2.4.3-4lenny1
 pidgin-data (2.4.3-4) to 2.4.3-4lenny1
 ttf-opensymbol (1:2.4.1-17) to 1:2.4.1+dfsg-1
 xserver-xorg-core (2:1.4.2-10) to 2:1.4.2-10.lenny1
 xserver-xorg-video-savage (1:2.2.1-2) to 1:2.2.1-2.lenny1

 Installed the following packages:
 linux-image-2.6.26-2-amd64 (2.6.26-15)



 Thomas Anderson
 Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: xorg not working after synaptic upgrade (Lenny stable)

2009-04-13 Thread Thomas Anderson
 I hope that this will work for you, because it worked for me this a.m. when
 I updated.  The stock kernel image has been updated (2.6.26-2-686 for me).
 The recipe below worked for me.  Good luck:

 1. download the latest nVidia driver from the nVidia site
 2. back up your xorg.conf file for safe keeping
 3. stop the *dm (for me this is gdm, so therefore: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm
 4. download the necessary linux header file: sudo apt-get install
 linux-headers-`uname -r`
 5. sudo sh
 6. don't allow the installer to download a new kernel, allow it to compile,
 don't allow it to abort (i.e. accept that the gcc version may be dissimilar)
 and allow nvidia to update the xorg.conf file
 7. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start (replace gdm with kdm if appropriate)

 Your X should come back into action.

Thanks for showing how to do it in those cases where the user didn't
use the packages provided by the Debian repositories. Luckily in my
case I used the simpler method and only needed to replace a package as
I mentioned previously in this thread. But I'll save your step-by-step
instruction in case I some day encounter a Debian machine that isn't
using the Debian prebuilt nvidia proprietary binary blob packages.


Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
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Who uses Debian? Wikipedia doesn't tell.

2008-01-17 Thread Thomas Anderson
Hash: SHA1

I'll be trying to pitch Debian as the OS for a project to my employer.
One of the arguments will be to mention a few really big and important
Debian implementations. I tried to see if there was such a list on the
Wikipedia Debian article but found none. I couldn't find info about it
on either. Can someone suggest a place (url) that is
trustworthy (to a proprietary minded employer) and contains such a list?

- --

Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

OpenPGP fingerprint: ED7E 1E98 225A 3FCC 458C B3D7 D625 20E6 F316 BD21
OpenPGP public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

lsof |grep /dev/dsp # gives 0 output but still busy?

2007-12-15 Thread Thomas Anderson
Hash: SHA1

How can lsof give no output when /dev/dsp is locked? How can I find
what process uses my soundcard if not with lsof?

computer:/home/tommy# esd
/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
computer:/home/tommy# lsof|grep /dev/dsp

- --

Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

OpenPGP fingerprint: ED7E 1E98 225A 3FCC 458C B3D7 D625 20E6 F316 BD21
OpenPGP public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Future rabbits run Debian on Intel processors.

2007-09-23 Thread Thomas Anderson
Hash: SHA1

If you look at 1:18:35 in the movie, you will see what resembles a
Debian logo. Debian ftw!

- --

Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

OpenPGP fingerprint: ED7E 1E98 225A 3FCC 458C B3D7 D625 20E6 F316 BD21
OpenPGP public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What uses xorg process?

2007-09-01 Thread Thomas Anderson
Hash: SHA1

According to top, the xorg process uses ~25-40% of my AMD 3000+ CPU
several times a minute for several seconds at a time. I suspect some
other program uses xorg to execute its code for it.

How do I find out what process uses the xorg process to do its stuff for it?

I already tried the graphical top commands tree view to see what
subprocesses might use the xorg process. But I could find none.

- --

Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

OpenPGP fingerprint: ED7E 1E98 225A 3FCC 458C B3D7 D625 20E6 F316 BD21
OpenPGP public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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How do I enable piping to programs in /etc/aliases?

2007-08-09 Thread Thomas Anderson
Hash: SHA1

I am trying to make mailman work with exim4 and need to enable the
possibility of piping to programs in the /etc/aliases file. Does anyone
know how to do that? The /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz file
says that piping is disabled by default.

I don't understand what I would have to do to make mailman work with
exim4 on Debian Etch without enabling piping. If anyone has step by step
information I would really appreciate if you could give me a link to it.

- --

Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

OpenPGP fingerprint: ED7E 1E98 225A 3FCC 458C B3D7 D625 20E6 F316 BD21
OpenPGP public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: question about installing everything

2007-08-09 Thread Thomas Anderson
Hash: SHA1

Pat wrote:
  I know this may sound a little ridiculous to some, but I have been
 using Debian for several years now and was thinking about installing
 everything on a computer to experiment on etc.
  Does anyone have any idea about how much hard-drive space this would require?
  Is this even possible, given the number of confilcting programs?
  Can you select install everything within dselect?

I suggest that you download all the DVD:s and copy their contents to
your hd instead of actually /installing/ everything from those DVD:s.
That way you can predict how much space will be needed and you can alter
your /etc/apt/sources.list file to use your DVD files from your hd
instead of using the internet as a source for installing programs from.

I tend to install only programs I actually use to minimize the risk of
getting intruders due to security holes.

- --

Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

OpenPGP fingerprint: ED7E 1E98 225A 3FCC 458C B3D7 D625 20E6 F316 BD21
OpenPGP public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mailman+exim4 on Etch howto?

2007-08-08 Thread Thomas Anderson
Hash: SHA1

Does anyone have a step by step howto for newbies on how to make Mailman
work with Exim4 on an Etch system? The readme file says only this:

For users of exim: if you want to use the /etc/aliases file for mailman
aliases, you'll need to specify a user=list line or something like that
in the system_aliases director.

I don't understand what that means.

- --

Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

OpenPGP fingerprint: ED7E 1E98 225A 3FCC 458C B3D7 D625 20E6 F316 BD21
OpenPGP public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Etch with encrypted lvm, remapping of sata hd names, problem

2007-04-21 Thread Thomas Anderson
Hash: SHA1

 I tried to replace this:

 title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.18-4-k7
 kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-k7 root=/dev/mapper/tommy--d4-root ro
 initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.18-4-k7

 with this:

 title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.18-4-k7
 kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-k7
 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/some-letters-in-hexa-decimal ro
 initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.18-4-k7

 That didn't work. So I tried:

 title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.18-4-k7
 kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-k7 root=/dev/hdb1 ro
 initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.18-4-k7

 That didn't work. So I tried:

 title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.18-4-k7
 kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-k7 root=/dev/hdb5 ro
 initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.18-4-k7

 That didn't work either.

 In all the above cases I got this line:

 Setting up cryptographic volume sda5_crypt (based on /dev/sda5)
 before the Enter LUKS passphrase line. So even if I changed grubs
 menu.lst according to above, the computer still tries to decrypt my
 root filesystem from sda instead of from sdb. I guess the initrd file
 that comes with Etch needs editing, correct? But what to edit and how?
 I've never changed any initrd file before.

 On 4/16/07, Jay Flory [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thomas Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I disconnected all my drives during a fresh install of Debian Etch with
 encrypted LVM on a new sata hd. Everything work fine if I don't add my
 old sata hd.
 If I add the old sata hd, Etch refuses to accept my passphrase during
 boot to mount my / partition. When I booted Knoppix to diagnose the
 system, I noticed that the names of the hd's changed.
 Etch was during install sda1 and now it is sdb1. I tried to add map
 (hd0) (hd1) and map (hd1) (hd0) in grub, but it still wont work.
 Any ideas/help?
 The old sata hd has winxp.
 If I connect the old sata hd on sata cable 1, winxp boots.
 If I connect the old sata hd on sata cable 2, Etch boots.
 My bios doesn't let me choose a particular sata drive to boot from. It
 only lets me choose SCSI, CDROM or the pata drives.
 So my bios thinks Etch is the first sata hd in my system and chooses 
 Etch hd to boot from.
 But after my bios let's control over to Etch, Etch thinks of itself as
 being sdb1. Strange, huh?


 I too have had the same problems while attempting to install Etch on sata
 drives.  The system can change the drive names when you remove/add a 
 To solve this problem you have three options.

 1.  You can change the menu.lst file int /boot/grub

 To do this you will of course need to boot up and get into your file
 filesystem.  Edit the menu.lst file and look for:

   kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-3-amd64 root=/dev/sda1 ro

 or equivalent in your file.  Change the /dev/sda1 to /dev/sdb1

 2.  Take advantage of the udevs more permanent names in the
 /dev/disk/by-uuid directory and use the names found there instead of

 You still need to edit the menu.lst file. However, by taking advantage of
 udev you can remove any possibility for problems should you change your
 system by adding/removing a drive.  Run the command:

   ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid

 to get a list of which name you will need to use in the kernel line. 
 for the entry that links to sdb1.

 3.  Again taking advantage of udev you may rename your devices.

 This is more complex and I don't have enough experience doing it.  I do
 understand however, that it is possible.  Perhaps someone else in the 
 can offer advice on how to do this.

 Finally, it is possible to interrupt the grub bootloader and specify 
 drive to boot from at a grub command line.  I did this when originally
 installing etch on my system.  Unfortunately I don't remember the exact
 commands so you'll have to google it to find out.


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 Thomas Anderson
 Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur


 In your origianly post you specified that your drive was being listed as 
 sdb1 not hdb1.  If you tried to change the kernel line to root=/dev/hdb1 it 
 would not have found hdb1.

 The last part of your post seems to have to do with your file system being 
 encrypted.  I don't know how to handle that as I have never encrypted the 
 base file system before.  Sorry, can't help you there.

My bad. I meant to write root=/dev/sdb1 in my previous mail but
accidentally wrote root=/dev/hdb1. When I tried to change grubs
menu.lst-file, I wrote root=/dev/sdb1, though. I even tried it once
again after you corrected me. But it still would not work. It still wrote:

Setting up cryptographic

Re: Etch with encrypted lvm, remapping of sata hd names, problem

2007-04-21 Thread Thomas Anderson
Hash: SHA1

Florian Kulzer wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 21, 2007 at 19:54:09 +0200, Thomas Anderson wrote:
 [ Earlier attributions were missing, therefore I am not entirely sure
   who said what already. ]

It's been me and Jay Flory talking so far.

 In all the above cases I got this line:

 Setting up cryptographic volume sda5_crypt (based on /dev/sda5)
 before the Enter LUKS passphrase line. So even if I changed grubs
 menu.lst according to above, the computer still tries to decrypt my
 root filesystem from sda instead of from sdb. I guess the initrd file
 that comes with Etch needs editing, correct? But what to edit and how?
 I've never changed any initrd file before.
 My bad. I meant to write root=/dev/sdb1 in my previous mail but
 accidentally wrote root=/dev/hdb1. When I tried to change grubs
 menu.lst-file, I wrote root=/dev/sdb1, though. I even tried it once
 again after you corrected me. But it still would not work. It still wrote:

 Setting up cryptographic volume sda5_crypt (based on /dev/sda5)
 before the Enter LUKS passphrase line.

 Thanks for trying to help me though. I guess it would have worked if I
 had not had an encrypted base file system.
 If I understand your situation correctly then you need indeed to rebuild
 your intird so that it uses the correct root partition. (It may be
 possible to simply edit the existing initrd to reflect the change, but I
 would not know how to do that. You should keep a backup of the current
 initrd in any case.)
 How do you access your system at the moment? Can you boot from a rescue
 CD and mount the encrypted root partition?

At the moment I remove my other sata hd and then boot my computer with
only the Etch sata hd in.
Before I edit the initrd file I have to find out exactly what in it I
should change to reflect the change. If I find a solution I'll post it here.

- --

Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

OpenPGP fingerprint: ED7E 1E98 225A 3FCC 458C B3D7 D625 20E6 F316 BD21
OpenPGP public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Etch with encrypted lvm, remapping of sata hd names, problem

2007-04-19 Thread Thomas Anderson

I tried to replace this:

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.18-4-k7
kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-k7 root=/dev/mapper/tommy--d4-root ro
initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.18-4-k7

with this:

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.18-4-k7
kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-k7
root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/some-letters-in-hexa-decimal ro
initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.18-4-k7

That didn't work. So I tried:

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.18-4-k7
kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-k7 root=/dev/hdb1 ro
initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.18-4-k7

That didn't work. So I tried:

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.18-4-k7
kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-k7 root=/dev/hdb5 ro
initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.18-4-k7

That didn't work either.

In all the above cases I got this line:

Setting up cryptographic volume sda5_crypt (based on /dev/sda5)
before the Enter LUKS passphrase line. So even if I changed grubs
menu.lst according to above, the computer still tries to decrypt my
root filesystem from sda instead of from sdb. I guess the initrd file
that comes with Etch needs editing, correct? But what to edit and how?
I've never changed any initrd file before.

On 4/16/07, Jay Flory [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thomas Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hash: SHA1


 I disconnected all my drives during a fresh install of Debian Etch with
 encrypted LVM on a new sata hd. Everything work fine if I don't add my
 old sata hd.

 If I add the old sata hd, Etch refuses to accept my passphrase during
 boot to mount my / partition. When I booted Knoppix to diagnose the
 system, I noticed that the names of the hd's changed.
 Etch was during install sda1 and now it is sdb1. I tried to add map
 (hd0) (hd1) and map (hd1) (hd0) in grub, but it still wont work.
 Any ideas/help?

 The old sata hd has winxp.
 If I connect the old sata hd on sata cable 1, winxp boots.
 If I connect the old sata hd on sata cable 2, Etch boots.
 My bios doesn't let me choose a particular sata drive to boot from. It
 only lets me choose SCSI, CDROM or the pata drives.

 So my bios thinks Etch is the first sata hd in my system and chooses the
 Etch hd to boot from.
 But after my bios let's control over to Etch, Etch thinks of itself as
 being sdb1. Strange, huh?

 - --

 Thomas Anderson
 Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

 OpenPGP fingerprint: ED7E 1E98 225A 3FCC 458C B3D7 D625 20E6 F316 BD21
 OpenPGP public key:
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -



I too have had the same problems while attempting to install Etch on sata
drives.  The system can change the drive names when you remove/add a drive.
To solve this problem you have three options.

1.  You can change the menu.lst file int /boot/grub

To do this you will of course need to boot up and get into your file
filesystem.  Edit the menu.lst file and look for:

  kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-3-amd64 root=/dev/sda1 ro

or equivalent in your file.  Change the /dev/sda1 to /dev/sdb1

2.  Take advantage of the udevs more permanent names in the
/dev/disk/by-uuid directory and use the names found there instead of

You still need to edit the menu.lst file. However, by taking advantage of
udev you can remove any possibility for problems should you change your
system by adding/removing a drive.  Run the command:

  ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid

to get a list of which name you will need to use in the kernel line.  Look
for the entry that links to sdb1.

3.  Again taking advantage of udev you may rename your devices.

This is more complex and I don't have enough experience doing it.  I do
understand however, that it is possible.  Perhaps someone else in the list
can offer advice on how to do this.

Finally, it is possible to interrupt the grub bootloader and specify which
drive to boot from at a grub command line.  I did this when originally
installing etch on my system.  Unfortunately I don't remember the exact
commands so you'll have to google it to find out.


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Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Etch with encrypted lvm, remapping of sata hd names, problem

2007-04-15 Thread Thomas Anderson
Hash: SHA1


I disconnected all my drives during a fresh install of Debian Etch with
encrypted LVM on a new sata hd. Everything work fine if I don't add my
old sata hd.

If I add the old sata hd, Etch refuses to accept my passphrase during
boot to mount my / partition. When I booted Knoppix to diagnose the
system, I noticed that the names of the hd's changed.
Etch was during install sda1 and now it is sdb1. I tried to add map
(hd0) (hd1) and map (hd1) (hd0) in grub, but it still wont work.
Any ideas/help?

The old sata hd has winxp.
If I connect the old sata hd on sata cable 1, winxp boots.
If I connect the old sata hd on sata cable 2, Etch boots.
My bios doesn't let me choose a particular sata drive to boot from. It
only lets me choose SCSI, CDROM or the pata drives.

So my bios thinks Etch is the first sata hd in my system and chooses the
Etch hd to boot from.
But after my bios let's control over to Etch, Etch thinks of itself as
being sdb1. Strange, huh?

- --

Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

OpenPGP fingerprint: ED7E 1E98 225A 3FCC 458C B3D7 D625 20E6 F316 BD21
OpenPGP public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Etch with encrypted lvm, remapping of sata hd names, problem.

2007-04-15 Thread Thomas Anderson
Hash: SHA1

I disconnected all my drives during a fresh install of Debian Etch with
encrypted LVM on a new sata hd. Everything work fine if I don't add my
old sata hd.

If I add the old sata hd, Etch refuses to accept my passphrase during
boot to mount my / partition. When I booted Knoppix I noticed that the
names of the hd's changed.
Etch was during install sda1 and now it is sdb1. I tried to add map
(hd0) (hd1) and map (hd1) (hd0) in grub, but it still wont work. Any

- --

Thomas Anderson
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur

OpenPGP fingerprint: ED7E 1E98 225A 3FCC 458C B3D7 D625 20E6 F316 BD21
OpenPGP public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

what command in linux such as mem in dos

2001-09-12 Thread thomas anderson

is there a command in linux to show a more detailed information on memory
usage and alternatively also cpu usage? currently I use 'ps aux' but I need
more information...


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2001-08-28 Thread thomas anderson

are there any *significant* advantages to using gs-aladdin over gnu gs aside
from the latter being a newer version? I have a deskjet855C hp printer using
PDQ with using gnu gs but if there's an advantage to using gs-aladdin then I
might switch to it...

Thanks for any info

Please CC me when replying to this message...thanks!

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who has *arguably* the best iptables firewall script around here?

2001-08-28 Thread thomas anderson

If you think you do please tell us why and also kindly send me a copy too!

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ftp not working

2001-08-26 Thread thomas anderson

recently installed a firewall now ftp doesn't work (i.e. connection times
out)...the line to allow ftp thru iptables doesn't seem to work: 

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn --source-port 20 --destination-port 1024
:65535 -j ACCEPT


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now I am getting somewhere (iptables sid)

2001-08-12 Thread thomas anderson
I think I now know what I need for ipmasq?... I have downloaded and
installed iptables package..hopefully compiled my kernel 2.4.7 with the proper
modules (anyone pls give me a list to be sure that I didn't miss 
something) a
default rc.firewall script for 2.4.x kernel from (thanks 

now what? I am somewhat confused... put rc.firewall at /etc/init.d? how to
update it then via update-rc.d rc.firewall start? do I need to create another
rc.firewall script to stop it? how to start iptables then?

choices...choices...choiceswhat what what

pls help me...

if it's not too much trouble pls CC me when replying to this message..:)

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iptables vs ipchains vs ipmasq

2001-08-10 Thread thomas anderson
I want to setup my internal network to access the internet via my linux
machine over a dial-up line. it seems that ipmasq does the trick...then ipchains
comes along now iptables..the best bet so far is, is there a
reliable HOWTO that tellsa pretty  good *newbie* how to setup iptables for
this setup or should I just use ipmasq instead? or maybe ipchains?
unfortunately, my /usr/share/doc/HOWTO only has ipmasq-howto and 

Thanks for any info...

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Re: hi masters of linux, surely you know some tricks...

2001-06-29 Thread thomas anderson
it's a system that I *have* root access but I wanted to try and *break* it
as an ordinary user if there was a way...

If you find a way, please report the bug.  :)


Do you mean that this is a system to which
you have no root access, or are you the
system administrator trying to give your
users such an ability?  In the latter case,
a method could be devised.


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hi masters of linux, surely you know some tricks...

2001-06-28 Thread thomas anderson
Hi masters of the linux community surely you know some tricks to this...,

I want to try to put a perl script in the /usr/lib/perl directory however I
don't have permission access...I tried symlinking it but it still won't work.
is there I way to do this without becoming root or sudo?


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