Re: [LILO] how to boot a second IDE HD?

1999-08-28 Thread William Park
On Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 10:20:19PM -0700, Jack Lee wrote:
Currently, I'm running linux well on my first
 IDE HD, but the problem comes when I try to use
 lilo booting the second IDE HD. Please give me
 some advices. Thanks :) Oh, by teh way, the first
 IDE HD (/dev/hda) is the master drive on first
 IDE controller. The second IDE HD (/dev/hdd) is
 the slave drive on second IDE controller.

Try putting lilo on floppy, and boot from A:
Also, use 'liloconfig'... it has nice menu.

Re: Logitech Mouseman / X

1999-08-25 Thread William Park
On Wed, Aug 25, 1999 at 10:55:59AM -0400, Fraser Campbell wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 25, 1999 at 08:47:48AM -0500, Brian Servis wrote:
  boot, 'Detected PS/2 Mouse Port.'
 Yes, I see this on bootup and the mouse does work with gpm so I think the 
 problem is related to X only.
  Protocol  MouseMan
 Tried that and everything else I could find.  Someone suggested I try 
 MouseManPlusPS/2 but this had the same effect ... mouse jitters around the 
 screen and ends in top left corner.  
 As an experiment I plugged on a Microsoft PS/2 mouse and this does the same 
 the logitech ... left corner.
 Yes that's what I'm using.  I have noticed one thing though.  There is an 
 in X's startup messages:
 /dev/mouse Unable to get status of mouse fd (Inappropriate ioctl for device)
 I'm not sure why X is even looking for /dev/mouse since I tell it /dev/psaux
 so I removed /dev/mouse and linked it to /dev/psaux but still get the same
 I will for now just use a serial mouse ... must get back to work :-(

Protocol  PS/2
Device/dev/psaux  (or /dev/mouse if you link it)

Re: Possible to connect win95 to linux using ethernet boards?

1999-08-17 Thread William Park
On Sun, Aug 15, 1999 at 09:12:16PM -0700, André Bell wrote:
 Thanks Aaron,
 Crazy as this may sound, I'm trying to simulate a local connection to my
 hosted domain so I can see how different perl scripts will react _before_ I
 add them to my hosted domain.  I know i could simply ftp them to my hosted
 domain and then test them but that is a pain because it takes soo long
 to ftp files, access them with a browser to see if there are errors, edit
 the scripts, and re-ftp them all over again.
 Of course instead of connecting my two os's I could run netscape on my
 linux system as http://localhost and see how the scripts handle with
 netscape, but there are other browsers, etc that function differently. I
 want to to see how the other browsers respond to the scripts.  Some scripts
 work just fine on one browser but return blank pages on another.  Since not
 all perl instructions work in a win95 environment I can't test them on my
 win95 pc. Instead I have to run them on linux to get them to work locally,
 then ftp them to my domain to see how they respond to different browsers by
 accessing them with my win95 pc.
 At 56k connections FTP'ing files to test them online is a very slow
 process. I wish to avoid these hassles of ftp'ing the files to my hosted
 domain to find out if the scripts work properly with a variety of browsers
 when I can simply g connect my win95 pc to my linux pc and go for broke
 I've considered purchasing that $299 software that allows me to virtually
 run multiple os's on the same linux platform and at the same time but I
 haven't found a recommendation from an actual user.
 Oh, m linux pc also has win95 installed so once I have networked the two
 pc's together I can hopefully play head-to-head games once in a while with
 the kids :)  

Answer to the subject heading: yes.

Standard solution is to mount Linux drive in Win95, after which you can
excess your files using file://.  Telnetting to your hosted site is
another idea that I saw in this thread.

Here, I have Win95 and Linux connected using 10base2 (coax); and, my
Linux can mount Win95 shared drive, but Win95, as yet, refuses to
see anything under Linux.

Yours truly,
William Park

(3c509) Selecting 10baseT or 10base2 ?

1999-07-27 Thread William Park

My 3Com509B ethernet card uses 10BaseT (twisted pair) port by default.
How do I enable 10Base2 (coaxial) port instead?

Yours truly,
William Park

Re: Good HTML editor for debian Linux?

1999-07-22 Thread William Park
On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 11:24:46AM -0700, Chris Beaumont wrote:
   I'm just curious what people are using to write HTML with on Debian, 
 The available editors ive tried so far all seem *so* clunky and unsuited
 to the task...  cut and paste works irregularly if at all, no facilities
 for previewing.. etc.  Am I missing some obvious choice? Ive used
 Gxedit, nedit, thisedit, thatedit..
 Basically what I'm looking for is a workhorse editor that I can use as
 my main HTML tool.

I use 'vim' but others use 'emacs'.  Syntax coloring looks cool at
first, but after awhile it gives you headache.  On Linux, you are
pretty much limited to either vi-clones or emacs-clones.

 Is there anything Linux-friendly with anything approaching the feature
 set of the program that I am used to, BBEdit on the Power Macintosh...
 Any suggestions are welcome..  I'm also looking for HTML template and
 preprocessor solutions...
 Thank you!*
 Chris Beaumont
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: xdvi problem after upgrade

1999-07-20 Thread William Park
On Thu, Jul 15, 1999 at 02:36:44PM +1000, Tadeusz Bak wrote:
 Hi all,
 After upgrading the system from Debian2.0 to Debian2.1 (slink) something
 strange happend to the fonts in xdvi. The letters are colored a bit and
 look like doubled. Can someone please give me an advice what files should
 I check? I use the standard Debian tetex. Thanks! 

Try removing all the old .pk files, and run 'xdvi' again.  I never had
any problem with teTeX-0.4, 0.9, or 1.0.5, so I can't say exactly
what's wrong.


Re: need monitor specs.

1999-07-09 Thread William Park
On Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 12:16:58AM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
 Quoting Bob Nielsen([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  My SVGA monitor is rapidly losing all contrast (I expect it is about to
  fail).  I have two older SVGA monitors and I'd like to be able to use
  one of them until I get a chance to pick up a new one.  They work fine
  in console mode, but I don't have the manuals or any other information
  to set them up for X.  If anyone either has the correct XF86Config
  entries or a reference to where I can find the specs, I would appreciate
  the information.
  The monitors are:
  IBM 8512-001
  Samsung CVL-4951
   Here is where I found specs a while ago.
 Site for checking CRT Specs:


William Park

how to burn CD with IDE/ATAPI CD-RW burner?

1999-06-26 Thread William Park

I am trying to burn CDs using Mitsumi CR-2600-TE which is IDE/ATAPI cd

1)  ISO-9660 image is made with
mkisofs -r -D -o /tmp/local.iso /usr/local -x /usr/local/lost+found
which produces CD image file 'local.iso'.

2)  'SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices' is loaded
during boot with
/sbin/modprobe ide-scsi
as 'CD-Writing-HOWTO' says, since I don't have SCSI machine or

3)  But, I can't seem to get my CD-RW recognized by the system.  Trying
cdrecord -scanbus
Cdrecord release 1.6.1 Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Jörg Schilling
cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open SCSI driver.

If anyone successfully used IDE/ATAPI cd-rw device with basic
IDE/ATAPI kernel (+ whatever modules), I would appreciate very much if
you could give me some pointers.

Yours truly,
William Park

Re: LaTeX

1999-06-09 Thread William Park
On Tue, Jun 08, 1999 at 07:05:46AM -0700, Lev Lvovsky wrote:
 I need to use LaTeX for a project in one of my classes, and was wondering
 whether anyone could recommnd a particular type that does
 mathematics-related things (integrals etc..),  i'm quite a newbie to LaTeX
 (understatement), so a GUI-based version would be cool.
 thanks for any help!

Judging from the question, you most definitely are newbie... heh, heh.
The basic steps in using TeX/LaTeX are
1. type/edit ASCII file, say 'test.tex'
2. run 'latex' to get 'test.dvi' containing all the font references
3. run 'dvips' to get Postscript file '' or run 'xdvi' to
preview the .dvi file
You can also produce PCL file for HP Lasejet printers.

As for the integrals,
\int_{0}^{\infty}   -- produces integral from 0 to infinity

William Park

Re: How do I access dos partitions?

1999-06-06 Thread William Park
On Sat, Jun 05, 1999 at 10:01:44PM -0400, hammy wrote:
 Hi, as a novice linux user, I was wondering if anyone could tell me
 how to access my dos partition from within linux.  My computer is
 setup with a linux partition, a linux swap partition and a dos

mount -t msdos /dev/hda? /dos
where /dev/hda? is your DOS partitions
  /dos is any directory that must be exist (if not, create it)

 Also, is there any program that will let me choose which operating
 system to boot up with?  Any help is greatly appreciated.

It's called LILO.  Run 'liloconfig' to configure it, or run 'man

William Park

Re: Netscape 3.

1999-05-25 Thread William Park
On Tue, May 25, 1999 at 02:07:22AM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
  FC == Fu-Dong Chiou [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 FC Can anyone tell me where I can find Netscape 3?  I remember older
 FC versions of Netscape are stored in an archive, accessible via
 FC browsers, but can't remember the URL now.  Thanks!
 Check dpkg --print-avail netscape3

Netscape 2 and 3 can be found at


Re: Partitioning hard disk

1999-05-16 Thread William Park
On Sat, May 15, 1999 at 05:33:01PM -0500, Michelle Maria Coelho wrote:
 This is how I plan to partitiion the disks:
 /hda1 40MB
 swap   hda2 8MB
 /usr  hda3  68MB
 swap   hdb1  8MB
 /usr  hdb2  250MB
 where hda is the 116MB disk and hdb is the 258MB disk.
 Will the above configuration work..and can I split /usr across 2
 partitions or will X complain?

No, you cannot do that --- one partition, one mounting point.
Also, try to increase swap size to 32Mb.

Why are you making 2 8Mb swap partitions, when single 16Mb will do?

My recommendattion is 
use 116Mb hard disk for / and swap
use 258Mb hard disk for /usr, /home/, or whatever.

Re: Space in Linux Partition

1999-05-06 Thread William Park
On Thu, May 06, 1999 at 02:17:50PM +0100, Paulo J Matos aka PDestroy wrote:
 How do I check the space I have left on the partition?
 Paulo Jorge Matos aka PDestroy
 Minister of FortuneCity - Marina District
 Personal Page :
 Page me at :
 SBN Level 2 Member
 HTML Writers Guild Member

Try 'man df'.

Re: simple graphics in latex

1999-05-05 Thread William Park
On Wed, May 05, 1999 at 03:17:49PM +, Shao Zhang wrote:
   I need to include some simple graphics(boxes, triangles,
   similar to a flow chart) in my latex document.
   I am wondering: Will it be easier to use gimp and xfig to draw
   the chart first and then include it in latex as a picture, OR
   use some sort of latex packages to do it straight in latex.
   Which method will you recommand? And How do i do it??
 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |

Well, it depends how complicated your drawing is.  My solution would
be to use PiCTeX; LaTeX's picture box is available, but it's pain.
Draw your graph on paper first, then translate the coordinates to
PiCTeX.  Your graph would be something like

I also wrote a PiCTeX extension to use relative coordinates.  But, you
have to know PiCTeX in order to use it.

William Park

Re: Fax software

1999-05-02 Thread William Park
On Sun, May 02, 1999 at 06:47:34AM -0500, Carl Fink wrote:
 I'm running a Debian 2.0-based system (with some newer packages
 installed as needed).  My CD-ROM contains these fax packages:
 I will primarily need software to *send* faxes, as I have set up an
 account with to receive them.  (I only have one phone
 line and my system isn't always turned on, so receiving faxes via my
 modem would be problematic.)
 Which of the three programs/suites above do you folks recommend?  I
 don't need anything very elaborate, because I rarely have occasion to
 send a fax.  (Which is, of course, why I don't own a fax machine.)
 Thanks for any help.  If desired, I can digest personal replies for
 the list, but that custom appears to be dying out.
 This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy. 
   -Martin Luther on Copernicus' theory that the Earth orbits the sun

I have efax-0.8a, and used it to send text and postscript files.  I
chose it because it's small.


Re: cut paste using mouse

1999-05-01 Thread William Park
On Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 08:29:28PM -0800, mao jud wrote:
 hi all !
   i would like to know what special tricks i need to do so that i can
 convince my mouse device to do copy, cut, paste for me while in X.  also, i
 remember in my slackware days that by highlighting some text (click  drag)
 is already like copying, and right clicking will act as pasting.
   any help (or pointers to the right HOWTO's to read) will be very much

click and drag left button  - cut highlighted text
double click left button- cut word
triple click left button- cut line

middle button   - paste

click left and click right  - cut region

Just curious, since I'm thinking about moving from my current
Slackware 3.3 to Debian 2.1.   Why did you switch to Debian?

William Park

Re: Screen capture program?

1999-04-15 Thread William Park
On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 10:42:03AM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
 I'm putting together a Linux presentation for a communications class,
 and I'd like to be able to show some images of my desktop running
 several different apps.
 Dows anyone know of any programs that will allow me to capture what's on
 the desktop?
  __   _
 Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
 Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\


Re: Latex -- Plz help

1999-03-31 Thread William Park
On Wed, Mar 31, 1999 at 12:08:41PM +, Shao Zhang wrote:
 I know that I should not fight the layout against latex. But I
 really like to do the following in latex for my resume.
 I tried to use the tabular environment and not very pleased with the
 I want to do something like this in latex:
 University Courses:
 First Year
 -Computing 1A(Functional Programming)
 -Computing 1B(Procefure Programming)
 -Higher Mathematics 1A
 Work Experence:
 -help desk at the university of
   New South Walesl
and ..
 I use the following code in latex to produce the about format:
 University Courses: \\
 First Year \\
 -\hspace{0.5cm} Computing 1A \\
 Work Experence: \\
 -\hspace{0.5cm} Programmer at.. \\
 I cannot use the tabular with {lll} because I actually want the second
 and the third column overlap. Also, with the above code, latex does not
 automatically break the line for me it writes everything in one
 Please help me
 Thanks for any advise in advance(PS. I do have the latex companion
 bood, but could not find anything useful to above)
 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |

Why don't you use list?  Eg.
\item[University Courses:] \\
\item[First Year] \\
\item Computing 1A (Functional Programming)
\item ...
\item[Work Experience:]

Re: Statistics/graphing programs for scientists?

1999-03-12 Thread William Park
On Thu, Mar 11, 1999 at 05:26:12PM -0600, rich wrote:
 I don't know what kind of statistics you do, but try Octave which
 is GNU clone of MatLab.  For graph, I use Python to analyze the
 data, and PiCTeX to plot and typeset the graph.
 Yours truly,
 William Park
 Actually, I looked at Octave and it doesn't seem to be what I'm looking
 for (or maybe it is and I just don't know it?)... I need a program that
 can handle statistical tests such as ANOVAs, ANCOVAs, MRC, t-tests,
 chi-square... that type of stuff (used mainly for determining
 statistical differences between groups of subjects)... Can Octave do
 that stuff? Someone mentioned that SPSS was ported to Linux - this would
 probably be appropriate (although I really can't stand that program)
 Thanks again,

   - GNU's software page
   - Freshmeat
   - ftp file searcher
   - http://SAL.KachinaTech.COM/index.shtml

Re: Statistics/graphing programs for scientists?

1999-03-11 Thread William Park
On Thu, Mar 11, 1999 at 08:29:38AM -0600, rich wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'm just about to get my doctorate in neuroscience,
 and I have have several large databases essential for my dissertation.
 For statistical analysis, I use Statistica for windows, and for graphing
 my data, I use SigmaPlot for windows. A call to all scientists out there
 - are there any native X-based programs that are as good as these?
 Although these programs are excellent, I would rather not trust my
 dissertation to the OS I have come to call Sir Crash-a-lot... My only
 other option is to use a windows emulator (like WINE)...
 Thanks in advance,

I don't know what kind of statistics you do, but try Octave which is
GNU clone of MatLab.  For graph, I use Python to analyze the data, and
PiCTeX to plot and typeset the graph.

Yours truly,
William Park

Re: problem sending mail...

1999-03-02 Thread William Park
On Mon, Mar 01, 1999 at 07:03:17PM -0800, Jesse Evans wrote:
   Something chokes when I try to send mail, but only certain addresses.
   For example, I can send a message to myself via my ISP and it get's
 retrieved just fine using fetchmail. Likewise, I can send mail to a web-based
 addresse, i.e. and it shows up there, so I know I'm able to get
 out of my ISP's domain.
   However, other addresses get bounced back almost immediately with the
 follow header:
 mail failed, returning to sender
 To: jesse
 |- Failed addresses follow: -|
  [To: address snipped] ... transport smtp: 501 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Sender 
 must exist |- Message text follows:
 | Received: by debian
  via sendmail from stdin
  id [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Smail3.2.0.102)
  for unknown; Mon, 1 Mar 1999 18:41:07 -0800 (PST) 
 From: Jesse Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: [To: address snipped]
 Subject: Re:  visiting CA
 Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 18:35:01 -0800
 X-Mailer: KMail [version 1.0.17]
 Content-Type: text/plain
 References: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
   (I've snipped out the address of the person I'm mailing to for the sake
 of maintaining their privacy). My own machine is named 'debian' and I'm 
 on that machine. I connect to the Internet via Earthlink. I can mail this
 message ok, so what's up?
 'til next we type...
 HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse

It looks like the recipient's mail server insists on legal sender's
address on email envelope.  For example, your envelope

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Mar  1 23:47:45 1999

is rejected because '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' is not legal internet address.
I had similar problem, some time ago.  My solution was to re-generate
/etc/ from /usr/src/sendmail/cf/cf/

VERSIONID(`linux for smtp-only setup')dnl
FEATURE(masquerade_envelope)dnl -- my addition

It turned out the following section controls how sendmail writes
an envelope:

###  Ruleset 94 -- convert envelope names to masqueraded form   ###

R$+ $@ $93 $1
#R$*  @ *LOCAL*  $*   $: $1  @ $j .  $2


Re: Minicom Help

1999-02-28 Thread William Park
On Sat, Feb 27, 1999 at 09:44:20PM -0700, BOHICA wrote:
 OK, silly question:
 How do I tell minicom to connect to a serial port (i.e. /dev/ttyS0) so
 that I can talk to the serial terminal of a 3Com hub?
 I have had no problem setting up and configuring minicom for the dial-in
 modem for the main hub bank, but currently I have a need to pre-configure
 some hubs for a standalone lab, thus the serial port connection.
 I read through the man pages as well as doing a search on the FAQ-O-MATIC
 and list archives, but didn't see anything relating to this in particular.
 Any and all help is appreciated.

'minicom -s' (or Alt-o or whatever),
'Serial port setup', then
'Serial device' (option A)

Re: lynx + cookies

1999-02-23 Thread William Park
On Mon, Feb 22, 1999 at 10:59:25PM +, Pere Camps wrote:
   What do I touch in order to have lynx accept all cookies always?
   I've looked at the /etc/lynx.cfg file, and the cookies options
 looks like it makes lynx 'ignore' cookies.

Look into ~/.lynxrc or 'o' option

Re: latex

1999-02-18 Thread William Park
On Wed, Feb 17, 1999 at 07:38:25PM +1100, Shao Zhang wrote:
   I am having trouble to use footnote in a paragraph mode.
   This is what I have done.
   \paragraph { hello world\footnotemark }
   \footnotetext{hello world}
   what did I do wrong??

There must be a reason for not writing it as
hello world\footnote{hello world}
isn't there?

   Also, how do I break text into paragraphs without any white
 spaces at the beginning of each paragraph. I am using paragraph within
 section, but even if I use \noindent, it still put some white spaces at
 the beginning of each paragraph. This is what I did:
   \paragraph\noindent { ... }

'\parindent=0pt' would do it.  Now, you won't be able to tell one
paragraph from another, unless you put extra vertical '\parskip'
between them.  Again, why are you using \paragraph?  I never ever use

   Thanks for any help in advance!

Re: latex

1999-02-18 Thread William Park
On Thu, Feb 18, 1999 at 10:45:18PM +1100, Shao Zhang wrote:
 On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, William Park wrote:
  On Wed, Feb 17, 1999 at 07:38:25PM +1100, Shao Zhang wrote:
 I am having trouble to use footnote in a paragraph mode.
 This is what I have done.
 \paragraph { hello world\footnotemark }
 \footnotetext{hello world}
 what did I do wrong??
  There must be a reason for not writing it as
  hello world\footnote{hello world}
  isn't there?
   Well, that is what I read from the book. It says if you want to
   use footnote within {...}, then you will have to use \footnotetext 
\footnotetext to overcome this problem.

Usually, \footnote is designed to work in paragraph mode.  So,
\paragraph{...} is not really necessary.

 Also, how do I break text into paragraphs without any white
   spaces at the beginning of each paragraph. I am using paragraph within
   section, but even if I use \noindent, it still put some white spaces at
   the beginning of each paragraph. This is what I did:
 \paragraph\noindent { ... }
  '\parindent=0pt' would do it.  Now, you won't be able to tell one
  paragraph from another, unless you put extra vertical '\parskip'
  between them.  Again, why are you using \paragraph?  I never ever use
   Thanks. I will try that. I don't know why I am using it. I just
   want to break them into paragraphs, so what command should I use 

Paragraphs are delimited by one or more blank lines.  A blank line is 
composed of spaces, tabs, or no characters.

   I bought the book Latex Companion, I read a bit of it already, but
   I still don't have an idea, when should I use what command. I guess I 
   be learning in a wrong way.

I have the book, but it is difficult to digest for a beginner.  I
recommend the original book by Leslie Lamport (2nd edition).

   Thanks again for the help! :)
 Thanks for any help in advance!

Re: Tex

1999-02-17 Thread William Park
On Tue, Feb 16, 1999 at 03:27:34PM -0600, David Webster wrote:
 Hate to sound stupid but just what is TeTex? What is it used for?

teTeX is TeX/LaTeX distribution for Unix.  TeX/LaTeX is computer
typesetting software usually used for documents containing text,
graphic, and math (a lot of math).  TeX is basic engine, and LaTeX
is macro package on top.  They are another markup language like HTML,
in that you concentrate on document structure (eg. title, section,
list, ...) and the program implements the formating (eg. font size,
style, reference, hypenation, ...)

William Park.

Re: Mounting a floppy drive (and other qustions)

1999-02-14 Thread William Park

On Sat, 13 Feb 1999, J K wrote:

 Thanks to the people that helped me out with installation!
 Now I have a couple of questions about the basics of Linux.
 I just installed my system, and it works good, except for three things:
 1. I can't mount the floppy drive.  Does anyone know how to do 
 this, or where I can find out how to?

mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /a  (assuming MS-DOS floppy)

 2. Is there a way to show only on screen at a time using ls 
 (like in DOS dir/p)?

ls | less

 3. I type mount --help and the help scrolls by so fast I 
 cannot read it.  How can I change this?  

mount --help | less (or mount --help 21 | less)
man mount   (better)

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RE: How do I change to a color monitor?

1999-02-13 Thread William Park
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The ls --color displays, and also Lynx screens, are still using
 underlining  high-intensity, instead of real colors.

I assume you are in shell console, not in xterm.  The color support 
should be on by default.  In any case, edit
/etc/DIR_COLORS (for ls)
~/.lynxrc   (for lynx)

 From: Shaleh
 Subject: RE: How do I change to a color monitor?
 Date: Friday, February 12, 1999 10:06AM
 On 12-Feb-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I replaced my mono VGA monitor with a color monitor.  Now what do I
  in Debian (2.0, from Cheapbytes cd)?
 What needs changing?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: fax software?

1999-02-13 Thread William Park

On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Daryl Williams wrote:

 does anyone know if there are any fax server software that
 will run on linux?

I use efax for sending.  I never tried receiving.

Re: Removeing N lines from a file

1999-02-12 Thread William Park

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:

 How can I use gawk or some other program to remove a number of lines
 from a text file.  Initially, I only need to delete the top 10 lines
 from a file but it might be useful to know how to delete lines from any
 part of the file.  The top 10 lines from each of these files vary in
 what they may contain so I need to indiscriminately delete them.  I
 figured gawk is what I would need to use to perform this task but if
 someone ones of something else that might do this that would be fine

To remove top 10 lines,
tail -n +11
To show only top 10 lines,
head -n 10
To show only lines [11,20],
tail -n +11 | head -n 10

Re: Where is emacs and vi command line editing set?

1999-02-07 Thread William Park

On Sun, 7 Feb 1999, Christopher R. Barry wrote:

 A long long time ago my root account mysteriously switched to using vi
 command-line editing instead of the default emacs, and I've been too
 lazy to get around to fixing it until now I guess. Where is this
 behavior configured?
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Commands are
set -o emacs
set -o vi   
Now, as far as where this is set... try to look into
To find other files, try
man bash

Re: minicom config

1999-02-04 Thread William Park

On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, ktb wrote:

 Hi, I'm trying to get away from my modem failing to hang up properly and
 am attempting to install mimicom.  I went through the configuration
 process and as root, the program at least starts the dialup process.
 I aborted because I didn't want to be on line while in root.  I then
 switched over as regular user and got the following message:
 ~$ minicom d
 minicom: there is no global configuration file /etc/minirc.d
 Ask your sysadm to create one (with minicom -s).
 Well I used minicom -s at the command line which takes me to the main
 configuration screen.  I assume the file  /etc/minirc.d
 goes in   Filenames and pathsthe problem is I don't know which
 line to put the file in from the choices below:
A - Download directory :
B -   Upload directory :
C -   Script directory :
D - Script program : /usr/bin/runscript
E - Kermit program : /usr/bin/kermit -l %l -b %b
 I would guess Script directory but I really don't have a clue and I
 don't want to screw this up.  I am also assuming that I put
 in either A, B, or C, as root and the program will make the
 appropriate file for me?  I have been through the minicom man page and
 don't see anything about  /etc/minirc.d.  I tried messing with the
 minicom.users   file to see if that would help, but it didn't.  I would
 appreciate your help.
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When you save from minicom -s as root, it will save to
/etc/minirc.dfl; so, rename it to /etc/minicom.d.

Re: .fvwm2rc

1999-01-21 Thread William Park

On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, ktb wrote:

 Hi, I'm following the directions of  the X Window User HOWTO at The
 Linux Documentation Project and trying to get my window manager fvwm2 to
 read the file  .fvwm2rc.  I moved  /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm2/.fvwm2rc
 to my home directory as instructed.  I used:
 cp -p /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm2/.fvwm2rc /home/kent
 The manager doesn't seem to be reading this file as the article said it
 would.  I know that  /home/kent  is set in the path variable.  I noticed
 that the file's group permissions and owners changed even though I used
 -p with the cp command.  Here is the file before I copied it:
 ~$ ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm2/.fvwm2rc
 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   29 Dec 12 13:34
 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm2/.fvwm2rc - /etc/X11/fvwm2/system.fvwm2rc
 Here is the file in my home directory:
 ~$ ls -l .fvwm2rc
 -rw-r--r--   1 kent kent10883 May  2  1998 .fvwm2rc
 I may be wrong but I'm thinking the reason my windows manager isn't
 reading the file is because the file in my home directory has the wrong
 permissions, owner and group.  I tried to find info on the  .fvwm2rc
 file about this but couldn't find any.  Anybody know how I can get fvwm
 to recognize  .fvwm2rc?
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Permissions, owner, and group are as expected, and I don't think they
would matter as long as you have read-permission for ~/.fvwm2rc. 
Maybe 'fvwm2' is looking for '~/.fvwmrc'? 

RE: Learning more/Linux programming books

1999-01-21 Thread William Park

On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Bruce Sass wrote:

 On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:
  On Wed, 20 Jan 1999 10:01:35 +0100, Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren wrote:
  You can start with any language. For a complete beginner, I would advocate
  Scheme. Even if you don't want to do big projects in Scheme, you can start
  very fast. A good book on programming (using Scheme) is Structure and
  Interpretation of Computer Programs, Abelson/Sussman.
  I don't know, I think if there were a language to start newbies out on,
  it is perl.  Don't have to worry about many of the things that other
  languages force upon you yet gives you a good gounding in how those other
  languages work.
 How does Python rate as a beginners language?

I would recommend Python