Re: Firefox Warning

2023-12-26 Thread Alexander J Martinez
On Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 04:38:04PM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 12:38:44PM -0600, Alexander J Martinez wrote:
> > out of curiosity...did you upgrade using
> > 
> > sudo apt upgrade firefox-esr
> > or apt-get or synaptic.
> That apt command isn't valid.  "apt upgrade" does not take package
> names as additional arguments.  It upgrades ALL the packages (except
> the ones it can't).
> If you want to upgrade a single packge, use "apt[-get] install pkgname"
> and note that this may mark the package as manually installed, if it's
> not already.

You're bad...then it is
sudo apt-get firefox-esr

Alexander J. Martinez

Re: Firefox Warning

2023-12-26 Thread Alexander J Martinez
On Sat, Dec 23, 2023 at 06:19:33PM -0600, Mike McClain wrote:
> On my RPI4b bookworm system as I was browsing, Firefox stopped me
> demanding to update and I couldn't continue to use FF until I accepted
> its demand and let it update. It did so then restarted FF at which
> point it became almost totally unusable the menu bars had come to
> black background with very dark grey text. I have tried
> 'apt-get update; apt-get upgrade' hoping restore FF to usability also
> 'apt-get reinstall firefox' with no luck.
> FF was very difficult to read and it took hours and going back to my
> buster install on another PI before I figured out how to get it back
> to a usable state.
> When I loaded LibreOffice calc to record stock quotes I found that
> calc had, too, inherited the same problem with the top menu bars, as
> well as the side bars and bottom status bars are black with nearly
> illegible text.
> I've not yet gotten calc straightened out.
> If anyone can point me to what in the system Firefox update could have
> changed to affect other programs I'd appreciate the help.
> Frankly I'm aghast at the arrogance of the FF group to force an update
> on their users and quite peeved that they would do so and screw up my
> system as well.
> Merry Christmas everyone,
> Mike
> --
> Silence & smile are two powerful tools.
> Smile is the way to solve many problems
> & Silence is the way to avoid many problems.

out of curiosity...did you upgrade using

sudo apt upgrade firefox-esr
or apt-get or synaptic.

I have never had FF force me to upgrade. Hope you find a fix to  your problem.

Alexander J. Martinez

RE: Relaciones Laborales Actualizadas

2021-08-10 Thread Carlos Alberto Martinez Collado

Cambios y actualizaciones de la relación laboral y del contrato individual de 
Especialista en Relaciones Laborales:
Contratos, Sindicatos y el Nuevo Sistema de Justicia Laboral STPS
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procedimientos y normas que han cambiado las reglas del juego en el ámbito 
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Re: Terri_find__your_perfect____ dentist

2016-05-02 Thread Terri Martinez
On May 2, 2016 9:22 AM,  wrote:

> *Dear_Terri, Find the perfect dentist in your area click here
> no_more_emails?
> *
> */fd

Re: Debian as My home firewall/router

2016-02-27 Thread Jose Martinez

On 02/27/2016 08:22 AM, heqamilus wrote:

I know that is possible to build a firewall using Debian.
I'm searching for some tutorials, I need to know the system's utility 
to configure  Debian installation in this way.

For example, manage network interfaces, NAT, vlan and optionally DNS

I'm able to do basic firewalling and install and use server application.

Thanks for you help

I use iptables for this application in Debian.  I have a gateway machine 
whose purpose is firewalling as well as a couple of other server 
applications on my local LAN.  The iptables tutorial has been very 
informative for me:

This can be read online or downloaded for offline use.

Que te vaya bien

Re: Problem with apt-get and sources.list

2016-01-13 Thread Jose Martinez

On 01/13/2016 06:10 PM, Jochen Spieker wrote:

Jose Martinez:

Lisi, where can you get the authentication signature for the the repository??

I am not Lisi, but have you considered just going straight to :)


Hmmm...What a novel idea!!

Que te vaya bien

Re: Problem with apt-get and sources.list

2016-01-13 Thread Jose Martinez

On 01/13/2016 05:38 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Wednesday 13 January 2016 23:22:30 David Christensen wrote:

On 01/13/2016 10:31 AM, Amr Saber wrote:

Hi there,
While I was configuring some thing in the sources.list file as apt-get
couldn't get any package I wanted or asked for (I double checked the
spelling for each package) and it just said package not found ...

You can search for packages here:

any way, The problem is that the sources.list file was accidentally

It's useful to make copies of original configuration files before
editing them:

  # cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list-orig

  # vi /etc/apt/sources.list

Better yet is putting them into a version control system.

  > and I can't find any version of it online and ofcourse the apt-get is
  > no longer working at all

Somebody already posted a Jessie file.  Here's my Wheezy file:

$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 7.8.0 _Wheezy_ - Official amd64 xfce-CD
Binary-1 20150110-14:41]/ wheezy main

deb wheezy main
deb-src wheezy main

deb wheezy/updates main
deb-src wheezy/updates main

deb wheezy-updates main
deb-src wheezy-updates main

deb wheezy-backports main


And in case you are less purist:

deb wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free

deb wheezy-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy-updates main contrib non-free

deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy/updates main contrib non-free

deb wheezy-backports main contrib non-free

deb wheezy-backports iceweasel-release

Lisi, where can you get the authentication signature for the the repository??

Though in both cases Brian's choice of mirror was better.


Que te vaya bien

Re: Problem with apt-get and sources.list

2016-01-13 Thread Jose Martinez

On 01/13/2016 02:38 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:

On Wed, 13 Jan 2016 20:31:18 +0200
Amr Saber  wrote:

Hi there,
While I was configuring some thing in the sources.list file as apt-get
couldn't get any package I wanted or asked for (I double checked the
spelling for each package) and it just said package not found ...
any way, The problem is that the sources.list file was accidentally deleted
and I can't find any version of it online and ofcourse the apt-get is no
longer working at all

When you are ready to learn how to build a new one:

You can also check out man 5 sources.list for some good information.
Que te vaya bien

Re: ngspice

2015-11-05 Thread Jose Martinez
On Wed, 2015-11-04 at 21:42 +0100, Siard wrote:
> Jose Martinez writes:
> > Does anyone know why this package was dropped from the Debian
> > distribution???  What would it take to get this package brought back
> > to Debian??
> Apparently it has moved to non-free, as you can see here:
> You could add non-free to your /etc/apt/sources.list.
It is indeed in non-free, but not in i386 architecture since Debian
Squeeze.  The amd64 package exists past Squeeze but not the i386.  This
turns out to be a known "bug" and there is an open bug about it.  If
there is any way I can help, I will try to aid in the return of the i386
package to Debian.  I've sent out a couple emails in regards to this,
and hope to get some responses soon.  In the mean time, I'm using the
source package from upstream compiled on my system for the latest


2015-11-04 Thread Jose Martinez
I have used the ngspice package for quite some time.  Version 20 of this
package is found in the Squeeze repositories, and this is the version
that I have been using until just last week.  Since the Squeeze release,
it appears that this package has been dropped in Wheezy and Jessie
releases.  Since then, ngspice has progressed to version 26, which I
have acquired in source form, successfully compiled, and installed under
my current debian system (Jessie 8.2.0).

Does anyone know why this package was dropped from the Debian
distribution???  What would it take to get this package brought back to

Que te vaya bien

Re: RealTek RTL8192EU drivers

2015-10-31 Thread Jose Martinez
On Fri, 2015-10-30 at 07:04 -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Oct 2015 15:43:51 -0400 (EDT), Jose Martinez wrote:
> > 
> > I sure appreciate the info.  The internal B43 wireless on my laptop does
> > not play nicely with the b43legacy driver and locks up fairly
> > frequently, and has limited data rates.  (the b43 driver doesn't work at
> > all).  This seems to be a pretty common problem, as I've run across it
> > mentioned on several sites.  So, I thought I'd get something that was
> > less problematic.alas and alack the solution seems to have its own
> > issues!!
> In Debian, the driver and the firmware are separate.  Make sure you have
> the firmware installed also.  Usually, you can detect missing firmware
> with
> and search for the string "firmware" (without the quotes).  See if there
> are any error messages regarding the attempt to load firmware.  You will
> need Debian package firmware-b43legacy-installer or firmware-b43-installer,
> depending on which chipset is built in.  firmware-b43legacy-installer is
> needed for chipsets BCM4301, BCM4306/2, or BCM4306.
> firmware-b43-installer is used for chipets BCM4306/3, BCM4311, BCM4318,
> BCM4321, BCM4322 (only 14e4:432b), or BCM4312 (with Low-Power a.k.a. LP-PHY).
> Make sure that you have the contrib and the non-free sections of the
> archive enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list, as this involves non-free stuff.
I have all the b43 packages installed, the b43legacy driver (which is
apparently now main-line, though it wasn't when I installed it) and the
firmware package (via the fwcutter package).  The legacy Broadcom B4306
I have does work with these packages most of the time.  However, the
data rates are extremely slow, and on occasion, the transmitter
completely drops out.  I've looked at the kernel error messages that
result when this happens, and it involves receiving unexpected values.
Usually multiple times, until it simply gives up.  When this happens, I
can usually turn the interface off and back on again and it will connect
back up and be fine for a while.  Sometimes that does not work, and I
modprobe -r the b43legacy driver and then re-load the driver and it will
come up.  On rare occasion, even that won't work, and I have to
completely reboot the system.

I got tired of that situation and bought the RealTek USB WIFI, which is
now working and making life a whole lot easier!! :)

Re: [Solved] RealTek RTL8192EU drivers

2015-10-31 Thread Jose Martinez
On Tue, 2015-10-27 at 21:32 -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Oct 2015 20:24:07 -0400 (EDT), Jose Martinez wrote:
> > 
> > I recently purchased a USB wifi adapter which has a RealTek RTL8192EU
> > chip (ID  0bda:818b) in it.  A CD came with the wifi adapter which had
> > drivers for Windows (which worked properly) and purports to have linux
> > drivers as well.  Of course the linux driver has to be compiled.
> > Following their instructions, and using their shell script, I
> > attempted to compile and install the driver.  Unfortunately, the
> > compilation failed (attached is a copy of the output from the
> > compilation run).  I am running Debian 8.2 with kernel 3.16 (sometimes
> > 4.2, though 4.2 seems to have some issues that 3.16 doesn't, but that is
> > another conversation).  I have all the headers installed and can compile
> > the kernel successfully on the system, so I'm sure it's not a matter of
> > missing headers/source information.  Any assistance, either to get the
> > distributed driver to compile, or to obtain a driver that does compile
> > would be greatly appreciated.
> I found this:
> This is for Ubuntu, not Debian; but perhaps it can be adapted for
> Debian.
I went to this site and downloaded the .deb dkms package referenced
there.  This is an Ubuntu package, so there were a couple of issues in
getting it installed -- The Ubuntu package name for the linux header
files is different than the Debian package name so dpkg failed on
dependencies. Nevertheless, I bypassed the normal package system (bad
thing to do under most circumstances), and unpacked the .deb file and
manually moved the files to the appropriate places and ran the postinst
configuration script manually.  The driver compiled and installed just
fine, and I am now using the RealTek usb adapter as I write this.  My
data rates went up 10 fold on my home network and haven't had a network
failure since.

Thanks to all who responded to my request.  All the information was

Re: RealTek RTL8192EU drivers

2015-10-29 Thread Jose Martinez
Thanks, that is something that didn't show up in my searching.
I've downloaded the specified deb file.  As it is a dkms, I expect that
it will compile OK for debian as wellwe shall see!!

I sure appreciate the info. The internal B43 wireless on my laptop does
not play nicely with the b43legacy driver and locks up fairly
frequently, and has limited data rates.  (the b43 driver doesn't work at
all).  This seems to be a pretty common problem, as I've run across it
mentioned on several sites.  So, I thought I'd get something that was
less problematic.alas and alack the solution seems to have its own

On Tue, 2015-10-27 at 21:32 -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Oct 2015 20:24:07 -0400 (EDT), Jose Martinez wrote:
> > 
> > I recently purchased a USB wifi adapter which has a RealTek RTL8192EU
> > chip (ID  0bda:818b) in it.  A CD came with the wifi adapter which had
> > drivers for Windows (which worked properly) and purports to have linux
> > drivers as well.  Of course the linux driver has to be compiled.
> > Following their instructions, and using their shell script, I
> > attempted to compile and install the driver.  Unfortunately, the
> > compilation failed (attached is a copy of the output from the
> > compilation run).  I am running Debian 8.2 with kernel 3.16 (sometimes
> > 4.2, though 4.2 seems to have some issues that 3.16 doesn't, but that is
> > another conversation).  I have all the headers installed and can compile
> > the kernel successfully on the system, so I'm sure it's not a matter of
> > missing headers/source information.  Any assistance, either to get the
> > distributed driver to compile, or to obtain a driver that does compile
> > would be greatly appreciated.
> I found this:
> This is for Ubuntu, not Debian; but perhaps it can be adapted for
> Debian.

Re: RealTek RTL8192EU drivers

2015-10-29 Thread Jose Martinez
Yea, I had checked that site first, they don't have anything on the
8192EU.  In fact, their support for the 8192E is pretty spotty.  They
don't have anything for the 8192EE either, which is the PCI version of
the same chip.

I saw drivers for an 8192E and an 8192U both for windows, but nothing
for linux.  There are a couple of other versions of the 8192 up there
too, but nothing for the E series.

On Wed, 2015-10-28 at 20:05 +0530, Himanshu Shekhar wrote:
> For Realtek drivers, you can checkout one on
> Realtek Driver Download Center
> Regards
> Himanshu Shekhar
> IIIT-Allahabad
> IRM2015006

RealTek RTL8192EU drivers

2015-10-27 Thread Jose Martinez
I recently purchased a USB wifi adapter which has a RealTek RTL8192EU
chip (ID  0bda:818b) in it.  A CD came with the wifi adapter which had
drivers for Windows (which worked properly) and purports to have linux
drivers as well.  Of course the linux driver has to be compiled.
Following their instructions, and using their shell script, I
attempted to compile and install the driver.  Unfortunately, the
compilation failed (attached is a copy of the output from the
compilation run).  I am running Debian 8.2 with kernel 3.16 (sometimes
4.2, though 4.2 seems to have some issues that 3.16 doesn't, but that is
another conversation).  I have all the headers installed and can compile
the kernel successfully on the system, so I'm sure it's not a matter of
missing headers/source information.  Any assistance, either to get the
distributed driver to compile, or to obtain a driver that does compile
would be greatly appreciated.

Que te vaya bien
Realtek Wi-Fi driver Auto installation script
Novembor, 21 2011 v1.1.0
Decompress the driver source tar ball:

Re: Broadcom 4311 network adapter doesn't work under Jessie (was debian-user-digest Digest V2015 #1143)

2015-09-24 Thread Jose Martinez
On Wed, 2015-09-23 at 19:08 -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Sep 2015 08:23:39 -0400 (EDT), Edward Lukacs wrote:
> > 
> > Oh, yes ... I can't get the ... Broadcom 4311 internal card
> > running under Jessie.  ... Strange, but up to and including Ubuntu
> > 10.04, it ran right out of the box without any fuss ...
> Sounds like missing firmware.  Do you have the non-free and contrib
> sections of the Debian archive enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list?
> Do you have Debian package firmware-b43-installer installed?
> After installing it, and rebooting, issue
> and search for the string "firmware" to see if the firmware loaded
> properly this time, and to see if there are any other missing firmware
> files for other hardware that requires firmware.
> By the way, please choose a more appropriate subject line in your posts
> to this list.  It's more likely to get attention that way.
> I am CCing you because the subject line implies that you are not
> subscribed to the main list.  Please do not CC me back; just reply to
> the list, since I am subscribed to the list.
I'm also using an old laptop with an old B43 wireless NIC.  I have also
had a little trouble making it work, but after some effort have got it
pretty well figured out.  Make sure that the b43 driver package is
installed (firmware-b43legacy-installer).  You will also need the
b43-fwcutter package to obtain and install the proprietary firmware for
the NIC. Installation of the firmware package will require internet
access as it downloads the firmware from Broadcom.  As I recall, the
b43-fwcutter package is automatically installed when you install the
firmware-b43legacy-installer package, but you might want to make sure
that that is true.

Once you install these packages, reboot the system!! (I forgot to do
this once, and spent quite a bit of time scratching my head wondering
why my NIC didn't come up.)  When the system boots up, it will load the
firmware into the NIC and you should be good to go.  Be sure to be
patient when booting the system, the wireless card may not come up until
just about the time the login dialog appears on the screen.  That's the
way mine works, so don't get worried if the light for the wireless card
doesn't come on right away when the system starts booting, it may be
nearly login time before it does.

Re: Gnome Audio Alerts

2015-09-24 Thread Jose Martinez
Fortunately, the audio card was recognized.  I am able to use the audio
card to play music and videos, etc.  It is only the audio alerts from
gnome that do not work.  Since then, I had another problem with my
system which resulted in dumping many of my personal settings (read
config files).  When gnome came back up, the alerts were working again.
Somewhere in one of the configuration files in my personal directory
there was an odd setting that caused the problem.  Unfortunately, I have
no idea which file or what setting.  But in any event, the alerts are
again working the way they are supposed to.

I suspect that many of the intermittent and odd problems I have from
time to time on this system is the result of using an old laptop
(Gateway M675).  Several features of the linux system are non-functional
on this laptop, especially the ability to suspend to ram, or hibernate
to disk.  I've done some research, and this is a common problem with all
linux distros with this laptop.  As far as I can tell, no one has solved
that particular problem.

Thank you for responding to my post, Martin.  I appreciate your help.

On Tue, 2015-09-22 at 07:03 -0500, Martin McCormick wrote:
> Jose Martinez  writes:
> > On Sat, 2015-09-05 at 02:42 -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
> > Thank you for your response, Ric.  I hadn't tried alsamixer. In fact,
> > I've never pulled the alsa mixer up since install, I'm using PulseAudio,
> > and so have used the PulseAudio controls.  In any event, I'm not sure
> > what I should see with the alsa mixer, but I only have a master playback
> > control, which is at 100% and a capture control, also set for 100%.
> > There are no other controls available on the alsamixer.  I'm almost to
> > the point of completely un-installing gnome, and then re-installing
> > gnome from scratch (if that is even possible) to see if I can get them
> > back.  I play music and other audio all the time, but I also use the
> > audio notifications, especially for email, and hate it when they are
> > out.
>   You should have a few more sound controlls and they
> usually have less granularity than 1/100TH. Some have 16 or 32
> discrete levels and you can set them to X% but that X% rounds up
> or down to the nearest setting. If your card shows 0 to 31 level
> settings, amixer will, for example, set the level to 8 if you ask
> for 50%. If you ask for 51%, it will still probably set the level
> to 8 because there isn't a discrete level in the hardware that
> neatly correspond to 51%.
>   In many cases, this isn't that bad since your ears can
> normally not detect changes up or down of much less than 3 DB.
> What you are actually dealing with is the driver's interpretation
> of what the hardware for your sound interface will allow you to do.
>   I had something somewhat similar happen earlier this year
> when I stopped using pulseaudio due to several weird behaviors of
> sound which, on this older Dell system, is always itching to
> break any time I upgrade Debian. After upgrading from squeeze to
> wheezy, the CS4236 on-board sound chip disappeared so
> $ aplay -l
> produced only external sound cards such as usb cards or a SBLive
> card as Card 0.
>   After turning off pulseaudio, amixer for Card 0 produced
> an output something like the one you described.
> aplay -l showed no Card 0 and 1 Card 1.  amixer for Card 1 showed
> all the bells and whistles that should have been there and they
> worked. Playing something using Card 0 would play the audio file
> but all the controls but playback and possibly capture were gone
> and playback had that fake 0-100 range of granularity.
>   This, by the way, was all under the command-line, no
> gnome so when the system gets confused about sound hardware and
> the drivers being used, the problems show up in all kinds of odd
> or missing behavior.
>   On this system, I guess the CS4236 is a goner for
> anything above squeeze which is a pain because that on-board
> sound system used inputs from the PC speaker beeper and could
> send outputs from the analog sound card to the little speaker
> making it possible to send analog sound to that device if one
> needed to.
> Martin

Re: Gnome Audio Alerts

2015-09-07 Thread Jose Martinez
On Sat, 2015-09-05 at 02:42 -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
> On 09/03/2015 10:44 PM, Jose Martinez wrote:
> > Once again, the audio alerts on my gnome desktop have ceased to work.
> > This problem occurred once before and was addressed here on the list.  I
> > have looked up that old thread on the site, and double
> > checked everything that was mentioned there.
> >
> > I have checked that /org/gnome/desktop/sound/event-sounds is indeed
> > checked in the dconf editor.
> >
> > I have checked that gnome-session-canberra is in fact installed.
> >
> > I have check that sound-theme-freedesktop is installed.
> >
> > In the settings (gnome-control-center) the alerts show to be on, and the
> > volume for them is set at the max.
> >
> > I have run the command canberra-gtk-play --id="dialog-error".  The
> > result of that command is no audio output of any kind, and no errors
> > reported on the console.
> >
> > I re-installed both gnome-session-canberra and sound-theme-freedesktop
> > packages and rebooted the system.  This also had no effect.
> >
> > Anyone with any more ideas???
> Have you tried alsamixer yet? Ric

Thank you for your response, Ric.  I hadn't tried alsamixer. In fact,
I've never pulled the alsa mixer up since install, I'm using PulseAudio,
and so have used the PulseAudio controls.  In any event, I'm not sure
what I should see with the alsa mixer, but I only have a master playback
control, which is at 100% and a capture control, also set for 100%.
There are no other controls available on the alsamixer.  I'm almost to
the point of completely un-installing gnome, and then re-installing
gnome from scratch (if that is even possible) to see if I can get them
back.  I play music and other audio all the time, but I also use the
audio notifications, especially for email, and hate it when they are

Que te vaya bien

Gnome Audio Alerts

2015-09-03 Thread Jose Martinez
Once again, the audio alerts on my gnome desktop have ceased to work.  
This problem occurred once before and was addressed here on the list.  I 
have looked up that old thread on the site, and double 
checked everything that was mentioned there.

I have checked that /org/gnome/desktop/sound/event-sounds is indeed 
checked in the dconf editor.

I have checked that gnome-session-canberra is in fact installed.

I have check that sound-theme-freedesktop is installed.

In the settings (gnome-control-center) the alerts show to be on, and the 
volume for them is set at the max.

I have run the command canberra-gtk-play --id="dialog-error".  The 
result of that command is no audio output of any kind, and no errors 
reported on the console.

I re-installed both gnome-session-canberra and sound-theme-freedesktop 
packages and rebooted the system.  This also had no effect.

Anyone with any more ideas???

Que te vaya bien

Re: Google Chrome and Open-Source derivative listening to me without my approval

2015-06-24 Thread Jose Martinez
NaCL -- Sodium Chloride -- common table salt.   That just means you have 
to add your own!!:-D

On 06/22/2015 11:18 PM, Tim Beelen wrote:

Wow, thanks! An actual thing I can try.

I also found out in the mean time that Chromium does not come with/is 
not compiled with NaCl enabled (whatever that is) and that would 
prevent actual execution of the plugin.

Thank you for pointing me in the direction of the tools to figure out 
what program is accessing my mic.

On 6/22/2015 8:01 PM, Jose Martinez wrote:
Say, maybe a tin-foil hat for the affected system could be designed 
to prevent this from happening?? :-D

On 06/22/2015 05:25 AM, Darac Marjal wrote:

On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 10:38:30PM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:

On 06/21/2015 06:42 PM, John Hasler wrote:

Tim Beelen writes:

How do I find out which application is accessing what device?

It's all software.  There is no hardware involved at all: they use a
virtual device.  It works even when the computer is off. Doesn't 

if your machine has a microphone or even any audio input capability.
I would truly like to know how they could manage that. Back in the 
day, you
could make your floppy drive heave and grunt like it was in the 
throes of

passion, but to make a non-audio device turn into a passive listening
device?? While turned off?? Pull my other finger!  :) Ric

You reprogram the BIOS to upload new firmware to the hard drive. That
firmware reads the subtle variations in the magnetic patterns that the
sound waves have caused (that is, the sound waves "jostle" the data on
your hard drive. When the computer boots, the new firmware reads this,
recalculates what was said, and passes this to chrome).

To be serious to the OP, though, if you're running PulseAudio, run the
"paman" program to see what applications are recording and playing
audio. Alternatively, you could try a command such as:

  $ lsof /dev/snd/*

to see which applications are using the sound hardware. Note, though,
that this won't differentiate between what's playing sound and what's
recording sound.

As a last resort, consult the code for chromium.

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

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Re: Google Chrome and Open-Source derivative listening to me without my approval

2015-06-22 Thread Jose Martinez
Say, maybe a tin-foil hat for the affected system could be designed to 
prevent this from happening?? :-D

On 06/22/2015 05:25 AM, Darac Marjal wrote:

On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 10:38:30PM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:

On 06/21/2015 06:42 PM, John Hasler wrote:

Tim Beelen writes:

How do I find out which application is accessing what device?

It's all software.  There is no hardware involved at all: they use a
virtual device.  It works even when the computer is off.  Doesn't matter
if your machine has a microphone or even any audio input capability.

I would truly like to know how they could manage that. Back in the day, you
could make your floppy drive heave and grunt like it was in the throes of
passion, but to make a non-audio device turn into a passive listening
device?? While turned off?? Pull my other finger!  :) Ric

You reprogram the BIOS to upload new firmware to the hard drive. That
firmware reads the subtle variations in the magnetic patterns that the
sound waves have caused (that is, the sound waves "jostle" the data on
your hard drive. When the computer boots, the new firmware reads this,
recalculates what was said, and passes this to chrome).

To be serious to the OP, though, if you're running PulseAudio, run the
"paman" program to see what applications are recording and playing
audio. Alternatively, you could try a command such as:

  $ lsof /dev/snd/*

to see which applications are using the sound hardware. Note, though,
that this won't differentiate between what's playing sound and what's
recording sound.

As a last resort, consult the code for chromium.

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

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Re: Nova Desktop

2015-06-22 Thread Jose Martinez

On 06/22/2015 05:52 AM, Curt wrote:

On 2015-06-21, Jose Martinez  wrote:

Yeah, that was my understanding as well.  However, with
desktopnova-module-gnome installed, it doesn't change the desktop
wallpaper.  Everything indicates that it is working, I get no errors.
When I start the daemon, it reports that it is started, and a ps command
verifies that it is indeed running.  But there is no effect.

Well, my understanding is there's more to it than just installing the
app and its corresponding module and starting up the daemon. Doesn't it
have to be "configured" (maybe you configgured that out)?

Yes, I did the configuration, and that didn't help.  Sven sent a post 
saying that there is an open bug for this issue, and that it doesn't 
work with Gnome 3.  The last post from the maintainer is about two years 
ago.  I think that I'll not worry about this issue, as it's not all that 
big of a deal.

Gracias, y que te vaya bien.


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Re: Nova Desktop

2015-06-22 Thread Jose Martinez

Thanks, Sven.  I guess there isn't any point in scratching my head over it.

Que te vaya bien.

On 06/22/2015 06:23 AM, Sven Arvidsson wrote:

On Sun, 2015-06-21 at 16:27 -0500, Jose Martinez wrote:

Yeah, that was my understanding as well.  However, with
desktopnova-module-gnome installed, it doesn't change the desktop
wallpaper.  Everything indicates that it is working, I get no


I am running Jessie and gnome on an old HP Pavilion d9000 with nvidia

Doesn't work on GNOME, open bug with patch, but no action from the
maintainer for a couple of years:


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Re: Nova Desktop

2015-06-21 Thread Jose Martinez
Yeah, that was my understanding as well.  However, with 
desktopnova-module-gnome installed, it doesn't change the desktop 
wallpaper.  Everything indicates that it is working, I get no errors.  
When I start the daemon, it reports that it is started, and a ps command 
verifies that it is indeed running.  But there is no effect.

I also uninstalled desktopnova and installed gbackground, which appears 
to be a package to perform the same function.  I also has no effect on 
my desktop background.

I am running Jessie and gnome on an old HP Pavilion d9000 with nvidia 
graphics (nouveau driver).  I'm really mystified as to why this doesn't 

On 06/21/2015 08:19 AM, Curt wrote:

On 2015-06-18, Tom Ashley  wrote:

I have no experience with the package but noticed the following in the
description supplied by aptitude: "There is at least one module needed.
Without a module this package will not work as expected! See packages
desktopnova-module-*. "

The app works with either Gnome or Xfce and requires the corresponding
module, depending on which of former you're running (you are running one
of the former, are you not?)

desktopnova-module-gnome - GNOME module for DesktopNova
desktopnova-module-xfce - Xfce module for DesktopNova

At least that's my understanding.


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RE: Nova Desktop

2015-06-18 Thread Jose Martinez

Hey, Lisi,

I'm running Gnome.  It appears to me that desktopnova is supposed to
work under gnome, but I haven't been able to get it to do so.  I did
however, just notice in the package lists package gbackground, which is
supposed to do the same thing, and is designed for Gnome, and so is
probably a better option.  I hadn't seen that package before.  I'm going
to give it a try and see if that solves the problem.

Thanks everyone for your input.

On 06/18/2015 08:08 AM, Tom Ashley wrote:
> On 06/18/2015 07:55 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
>> On Thursday 18 June 2015 11:37:18 rob wrote:
>>> On 18/06/15 10:43, Lisi Reisz wrote:
>>>> On Thursday 18 June 2015 00:04:12 Jose Martinez wrote:
>>>>> Anyone know anything about the Nova Desktop application.  I have it
>>>>> installed and set it up, but it doesn't seem to affect my desktop
>>>>> background.  I have several .jpg images that I had wanted to cycle
>>>>> through the desktop background, and it seemed that Nova was just the
>>>>> ticket
>>>> I have found references to Android and references to Ubuntu.  Are you
>>>> sure that it works on Debian?
>>>> Which DE are you trying to use it on and why is the DE's own
>>>> background "manager" not adequate?
>>>> Lisi
>>> Debian package desktopnova
>> Thanks, Rob.  But:
>> Which DE are you (the OP) trying to use it on and why is the DE's own
>> background "manager" not adequate?
>> Lisi
> I have no experience with the package but noticed the following in the
> description supplied by aptitude: "There is at least one module
> needed. Without a module this package will not work as expected! See
> packages  desktopnova-module-*. "
> HTH,
> Tom Ashley



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Nova Desktop

2015-06-17 Thread Jose Martinez
Anyone know anything about the Nova Desktop application.  I have it 
installed and set it up, but it doesn't seem to affect my desktop 
background.  I have several .jpg images that I had wanted to cycle 
through the desktop background, and it seemed that Nova was just the 


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Re: Broadcom b43 drivers

2015-06-05 Thread Jose Martinez

On 06/05/2015 03:25 AM, Darac Marjal wrote:

On Thu, Jun 04, 2015 at 05:41:27PM -0500, Jose Martinez wrote:

OK, I probably have my system all messed up.  Here's the sequence of

  Discovered errors with the nouveau driver (I'm using NVIDIA GeForce 7130
  chipset) and did some research, nvidia-detect recommended the legacy
  304xx driver, so I followed all the instructions on the wiki for
  installing said driver.  This broke the system.  X would not start, I
  have only command line.

  Not being really up to speed on everything needed to fix the system, and
  having tried several thing to no avail, I boot to rescue mode, using the
  installer environment so that previous root is not mounted.  I deleted
  everything, except /root and /home, wherein I have data I do not want to
  lose, in order to start with a basically clean slate.

  I download and burn the jessie net-install CD and boot to that and
  install jessie.

  My broadcom wireless (using the BC4321 AG chipset) will not come up.
  This is not unexpected, there is no firmware installed as of yet for
  that NIC.

  I follow all of the instructions on wiki for obtaining the firmware and
  installing it to bring the card up (which worked in a previous
  incarnation of the system).  The card still will not come up.

Check the syslog and/or dmesg. The kernel SHOULD log a message to the
effect that it has found the firmware and loaded it.

  I pulled out the old driver I was using which I got from broadcom, and
  had installed it in the past to get everything working.  I attempted to
  install it using the instructions provided with the driver (which had
  worked in the past). The card still will not come up.

  I do an lspci | grep Network command and the controller does show up

As an interim measure, are you able to install using a different (e.g.
wired) adapter. You may find getting the firmware to work on an
installed system easier than on the installer.

What the devil am I doing wrong, and how do I get my wifi adapter back??
Note that I had used the firmware-b43-installer package in a past jessie
incarnation and it worked great.

Sven, Darac, Thank you for your input.  The driver was not compiled for 
the current Jessie kernel.  It had been compiled for Wheezy back in 
August.  What threw me off was the fact that if I had a Wheezy system 
and updated to Jessie, the driver was happy.  This time, however, was a 
clean install of Jessie with no upgrade from Wheezy. I don't understand 
all the ins and outs of the situation, but I suspect that there is a 
little difference in the compile between the two distributions, but that 
if Wheezy is already installed, the kernel is maintained through the 
upgrade.  But, with a fresh install of Jessie with no previous kernel, 
the kernel installed isn't quite the same and so causes the error.  I'm 
basically guessing at that, but I suspect I'm not far off the mark.

In any event, I did have a wired option, I have a second adapter on this 
laptop that is wired, so I was able to connect up to the router using 
that nic, which incidentally was how I was sending messages on this 
list.  Ultimately, I did get it working, and am now using it. I had 
forgotten the necessary step of rebooting after installing the firmward 
package in contrib, so the firmware didn't get uploaded. As a result, I 
thought it wasn't working (and started tramping around in things better 
left alone) when in fact all I needed to do is reboot.  This of course 
made for a whole lot more work to get back to the virgin state and get 
the contrib package in again.  I really need to be slapped, I think. :-[


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Re: Broadcom b43 Drivers

2015-06-05 Thread Jose Martinez

On 06/05/2015 02:16 AM, wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Jun 04, 2015 at 05:54:40PM -0500, Jose Martinez wrote:

I forgot to mention in my last post, when I attempted to install the
old driver from broadcom which I have used before, I get the

insmod: ERROR: could not insert module wl.ko: Invalid module format

This has not happened in the past, it just installed and worked fine.]

This means that the module was compiled for a different version (or for a
significantly different configuration) of the kernel you're trying to
feed the module to. You can look int that with modinfo (lives in /sbin):

   tomas@rasputin:~$ /sbin/modinfo 
   author: Xiong Huang , Chris Snook 
, Jay Cliburn 
   description:Atheros L1 Gigabit Ethernet Driver
   srcversion: 21557C61B6BC6DA20309204
   alias:  pci:v1969d1048sv*sd*bc*sc*i*
   intree: Y
   vermagic:   3.2.0-3-amd64 SMP mod_unload modversions
   parm:   int_mod_timer:Interrupt moderator timer (array of int)
   parm:   debug:Message level (0=none,...,16=all) (int)

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)

I understand.  It is true that this driver was compiled back in August 
under Wheezy.  What I do find interesting is that I know that this 
driver was working on a system upgraded from Wheezy to Jessie. However, 
with a clean install of Jessie, it does not.

Nevertheless, the problem was solved when I got the original Jessie 
kernel, without my tramping around messing it up, and installed the 
firmware-b43-install package.  I didn't think that that had worked 
because I forgot the necessary step of rebooting after the 
installation.  The driver automatically uploads the firmware to the chip 
at boot up, and since I didn't reboot, the firmware did not get uploaded 
and it did not work.  Once I rebooted, everything came out fine.  In 
fact, this post is being sent through that BC4321 chip to my wireless 
network.  (I was wired yesterday.)


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Broadcom b43 driver

2015-06-04 Thread Jose Martinez
Problem fixed... Rebooting is a wondrous thing!!  I ended up 
re-installing the original jessie kernel to get rid of my bull in the 
china shop hacking, then re-installed the firmware-b43-installer.  Then 
with things back the way they should be, I rebootedLife is good, 
wifi is on the air.

I really shouldn't be messing around with things when I don't know what 
I'm doing:-!


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Broadcom b43 Drivers

2015-06-04 Thread Jose Martinez
I forgot to mention in my last post, when I attempted to install the old 
driver from broadcom which I have used before, I get the message:

   insmod: ERROR: could not insert module wl.ko: Invalid module format

This has not happened in the past, it just installed and worked fine.]


Broadcom b43 drivers

2015-06-04 Thread Jose Martinez

OK, I probably have my system all messed up.  Here's the sequence of events:

   Discovered errors with the nouveau driver (I'm using NVIDIA GeForce
   7130 chipset) and did some research, nvidia-detect recommended the
   legacy 304xx driver, so I followed all the instructions on the wiki
   for installing said driver.  This broke the system.  X would not
   start, I have only command line.

   Not being really up to speed on everything needed to fix the system,
   and having tried several thing to no avail, I boot to rescue mode,
   using the installer environment so that previous root is not
   mounted.  I deleted everything, except /root and /home, wherein I
   have data I do not want to lose, in order to start with a basically
   clean slate.

   I download and burn the jessie net-install CD and boot to that and
   install jessie.

   My broadcom wireless (using the BC4321 AG chipset) will not come
   up.  This is not unexpected, there is no firmware installed as of
   yet for that NIC.

   I follow all of the instructions on wiki for obtaining the firmware
   and installing it to bring the card up (which worked in a previous
   incarnation of the system).  The card still will not come up.

   I pulled out the old driver I was using which I got from broadcom,
   and had installed it in the past to get everything working.  I
   attempted to install it using the instructions provided with the
   driver (which had worked in the past). The card still will not come up.

   I do an lspci | grep Network command and the controller does show up

What the devil am I doing wrong, and how do I get my wifi adapter 
back??  Note that I had used the firmware-b43-installer package in a 
past jessie incarnation and it worked great.


Re: Old Computers

2015-06-04 Thread Jose Martinez

On 06/03/2015 09:55 AM, Mike McClain wrote:

On Tue, Jun 02, 2015 at 07:04:13PM -0500, Jose Martinez wrote:

And I will probably not use these system(s) on line much if any at
all.  So most of the security issues will fixed or not will not
really be a problem in this situation.

I see I've sparked a pretty good discussion on the list.  I sure
appreciate all the advice/information it will come in very handy
when I actually have the systems in hand.

If you need linux on a 386 that's where I started with DosLinux.
I still have a copy if you're interested. As I recall no Xwindows just
command line.
"Why fit in when you can stand out?"
 - Dr. Seuss
I may take you up on that, depending on what I end up with. Hopefully, 
I'll have at least one motherboard with a pentium class chipset.  But, 
still, it might be interesting to get even the older ones up, just for 


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Re: Old Computers

2015-06-04 Thread Jose Martinez

On 06/03/2015 04:48 PM, John Hasler wrote:

Renaud writes:

Which certainly taught you the hard way to draw one (or several)
diagonal pencil or ink lines across the top of your card deck...

Or to number your cards so that you could simply run a scrambled deck
through the card sorter.

That's cheatingyou have to hand sort those things!!


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Re: Old Computers

2015-06-03 Thread Jose Martinez

On 06/03/2015 05:30 AM, Sven Arvidsson wrote:

On Tue, 2015-06-02 at 19:04 -0500, Jose Martinez wrote:

I see I've sparked a pretty good discussion on the list.  I sure
appreciate all the advice/information it will come in very handy when I
actually have the systems in hand.

You could always try mining Bitcoin:

But I guess none of your systems are quite as old? ;)

Oh, Man, Holerith (It's been so long I'm not sure how to spell it 
anymore)...I learned to type on an IBM keypunch machine punching 80 
column cards full of data for some statistical analysis (wrote the 
analysis proceedures in SPSS, too).  Those were the days:-D


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Re: Old Computers

2015-06-03 Thread Jose Martinez

On 06/02/2015 11:45 PM, Marc Shapiro wrote:

On 06/02/2015 08:11 PM, Jose Martinez wrote:

On 06/02/2015 10:08 PM, Celejar wrote:

On Tue, 2 Jun 2015 16:46:17 +0100
Lisi Reisz  wrote:

On Tuesday 02 June 2015 16:28:30 lostson wrote:

On Tue, 2015-06-02 at 16:07 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Tuesday 02 June 2015 14:55:51 Sven Arvidsson wrote:

On Mon, 2015-06-01 at 21:14 -0500, Jose Martinez wrote:

Hmm, that is a little disappointing.  But, I can probably run
Squeeze. Nothing like stone knives and bear skins!:-)

I think even squeeze would be a challenge (maybe a fun one though!)
when it comes to ram and disk space.

But there's always vintage operating systems for vintage 
computers :)

I thought of DSL.  But it needs an i486. :-(


  How about Tiny Core Linux

Needs i486. :-(

Ah, nostalgia. I learned linux using BasicLinux, which is still around,
and will apparently run on a 386:

I still remember that incredible feeling, some many years ago, when I
put the floppy into a Windows box, rebooted, insmod'd the relevant
ethernet driver module, brought the network up, and had an actual
working networked *nix terminal ;)

Yeah, there's nothing like making an antique useful.  I remember the 
days of the PDP-11 running *nixWhat I wouldn't give to come up 
with one of those old things!!



My first programming class, back in 1976 was on a PDP-11.  Those were 
the days.  Bootstrap with physical toggle switches on the box to enter 
the binary code.


Boy do I remember those toggle switches!!!  A few years back, I built a 
Z-80 based toy, and that was one of things I wanted t have...Toggle 
switches and lights on the front panel!  Made it work too.


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Re: Old Computers

2015-06-02 Thread Jose Martinez

On 06/02/2015 10:08 PM, Celejar wrote:

On Tue, 2 Jun 2015 16:46:17 +0100
Lisi Reisz  wrote:

On Tuesday 02 June 2015 16:28:30 lostson wrote:

On Tue, 2015-06-02 at 16:07 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Tuesday 02 June 2015 14:55:51 Sven Arvidsson wrote:

On Mon, 2015-06-01 at 21:14 -0500, Jose Martinez wrote:

Hmm, that is a little disappointing.  But, I can probably run
Squeeze. Nothing like stone knives and bear skins!:-)

I think even squeeze would be a challenge (maybe a fun one though!)
when it comes to ram and disk space.

But there's always vintage operating systems for vintage computers :)

I thought of DSL.  But it needs an i486. :-(


  How about Tiny Core Linux

Needs i486. :-(

Ah, nostalgia. I learned linux using BasicLinux, which is still around,
and will apparently run on a 386:

I still remember that incredible feeling, some many years ago, when I
put the floppy into a Windows box, rebooted, insmod'd the relevant
ethernet driver module, brought the network up, and had an actual
working networked *nix terminal ;)

Yeah, there's nothing like making an antique useful.  I remember the 
days of the PDP-11 running *nixWhat I wouldn't give to come up with 
one of those old things!!




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Re: Old Computers

2015-06-02 Thread Jose Martinez

On 06/02/2015 12:41 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 02/06/15 12:49 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Tuesday 02 June 2015 17:37:01 Sven Arvidsson wrote:

On Tue, 2015-06-02 at 16:07 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

But there's always vintage operating systems for vintage computers :)

I thought of DSL.  But it needs an i486. :-(

I was thinking more along the lines of really old Debian releases,
something that would be contemporary with the hardware.
In view of the kernel problem, you are obviously right.  But in 
general, I

would rather use something that is security updated.  So I was trying to
think of other possibilities.

On the other hand, the old releases were updated for all the security 
problems known at the time. They may well be immune to newer issues 
introduced after the release became unsupported and there may be few 
people trying attacks that haven't worked on atypical computers in 
over a decade.

And I will probably not use these system(s) on line much if any at all.  
So most of the security issues will fixed or not will not really be a 
problem in this situation.

I see I've sparked a pretty good discussion on the list.  I sure 
appreciate all the advice/information it will come in very handy when I 
actually have the systems in hand.


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Re: Old Computers

2015-06-01 Thread Jose Martinez

On 06/01/2015 09:10 PM, Martin Read wrote:

On 02/06/15 01:56, Jose Martinez wrote:

The question is, will jessie install and run on these old systems? If
not, can I still get a debian distro that will?  I expect that the
processors on at least one of them will be at least i386 or better, so I
also expect that jessie will install and run, but that my main problem
will be with drivers for the legacy peripherals. says:

"However, Debian GNU/Linux jessie will not run on 486 or earlier 
processors. Despite the architecture name "i386", support for actual 
80386 and 80486 processors (and their clones) was dropped with the 
Sarge (r3.1) and Squeeze (r6.0) releases of Debian, respectively. The 
Intel Pentium and clones, including those without an FPU 
(Floating-Point Unit or math coprocessor), are supported. The Intel 
Quark is not supported, due to hardware errata. "

Hmm, that is a little disappointing.  But, I can probably run Squeeze.  
Nothing like stone knives and bear skins!:-)


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Old Computers

2015-06-01 Thread Jose Martinez

Hey guys,
I'm about to be blessed with several old PC computers.  By old I mean 
that some of them will not even have CDROM drives on them.  I will 
probably tear them all down, mix-and-match parts and make the best 
system(s) I can from those parts.  This is something I've done before, 
so the technical aspects are not a problem.  I expect to use the 
resulting system(s) solely for "play" purposes to experiment with and 
delve into the depths of the system programming primarily for 
educational purposes.  If any of you remember Scotty from the original 
Star Trek series and how he spent his off/vacation time pouring over 
tech manuals and playing with gadgets, well that's me!

The question is, will jessie install and run on these old systems? If 
not, can I still get a debian distro that will?  I expect that the 
processors on at least one of them will be at least i386 or better, so I 
also expect that jessie will install and run, but that my main problem 
will be with drivers for the legacy peripherals.

I just can't find it within me to throw out what is, other than being 
old, a good usable computer system.

I appreciate any information y'all can send my way.


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Re: Missing audio notifications

2015-05-29 Thread Jose Martinez
I just did another system reboot after installing the freedesktop audio 
themeThe notifications are back.:-) Once again, I must have lost my 
mind at some point in timeI think I'll go look for it:-D I 
appreciate your help.  I sure need to get up to full speed on the gnome 
desktop and Linux system.  There is just s much to look at and learn.

On 05/29/2015 03:18 PM, Sven Arvidsson wrote:

On Fri, 2015-05-29 at 14:35 -0500, Jose Martinez wrote:

The output from this command follows:

Failed to play sound: File or data not found

Hope this information helps.

Does logging out and in again make a difference?

sound-theme-freedesktop is installed?

(Please answer directly to the mailing list! :)


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Re: Missing audio notifications

2015-05-29 Thread Jose Martinez
I did log-out, and in fact rebooted the system with no change. However, 
I just checked and the freedesktop audio theme was not installed.I'm 
pretty confused at this point.  I know the notifications worked, but 
then they shouldn't have without that stuff installed.I must be 
losing my mind:-( It's a little early for that, I'm only 52!!

On 05/29/2015 03:18 PM, Sven Arvidsson wrote:

On Fri, 2015-05-29 at 14:35 -0500, Jose Martinez wrote:

The output from this command follows:

Failed to play sound: File or data not found

Hope this information helps.

Does logging out and in again make a difference?

sound-theme-freedesktop is installed?

(Please answer directly to the mailing list! :)


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Missing audio notifications

2015-05-28 Thread Jose Martinez
I am a relatively new Debian user.  I had my system set up properly and 
everything seemed to be working well.  I used the Pithos front-end for 
the pandora service (which I like fairly well, by the way) which caused 
all of my audio notifications from the gnome system to stop.  I no 
longer get the sounds from the various parts of the system notifying me 
of changes, i.e. icedove pops up a visual notification that I have 
recieved new e-mail, but the sound that had been associated with that no 
longer happens.  This is not isolated to icedove.  The system used to 
make a sound when I changed the volume level using my mouse wheel which 
no longer occurs either.

The audio on the system does work.  I can play MP3 files through 
Rhythmbox or other audio player.  I can play movies with audio, etc.  So 
the audio sub-system of the computer is functional.  It is just the 
alerts that do not work.  I went to the system settings and made sure 
that alerts were turned on and the volume for them was turned up.  They 
were and it was.  I adjusted both anyway, and this made no difference. 
Basically none of the sounds coming from the operating system are 

What should I look at/check to solve this problem.  Again, I have been 
able to isolate the problem as having started when I used the Pithos 
package.  I am using an older laptop system, an HP Pavilion dv9000 
system, if that makes any difference.

Anyone with any information/help will be greatly appreciated.


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ps3 gamepad on debian

2013-04-02 Thread Adrian Martinez
I am trying to make work my ps3 gamepad on debian wheezy
(gnome 3.4, dell vostro v131)
I followed this instrunctions (

# gcc -o sixpair sixpair.c -lusb
# ./sixpair
Current Bluetooth master: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Setting master bd_addr to xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Disconnect the USB cable

Until now when I press PS button on the SIXAXIS
the gnome bluetooth manager ask me to accept a new conection from the game
pad,  but nothing happens

I also try in the terminal

# service hidd stop
# hidd --server --nocheck -n

but i get the same result, the gnome-bluetooth manager ask me and nothing
happens in the terminal.

¿Any idea how could make work the gamepad?

Adrian Martinez Molina
Network Management, Data Analysis and Free Software| Follow Neotropic on Twitter
Open Source Network Inventory for the masses! | Follow Kuwaiba on Twitter
Cell 57+300 615 13 41

solicitud de ayuda

2011-07-25 Thread Gustavo Martinez
Si  me pueden informar a donde dirigirme por un error del SO Debian

root@lantiana:/home/tarde# apt-get update
Failed to exec method /usr/lib/apt/methods/
Failed to exec method /usr/lib/apt/methods/
E: Method  has died unexpectedly!
E: El subproceso  devolvió un código de error (100)
E: El método /usr/lib/apt/methods/ no se inició correctamente
E: Method  has died unexpectedly!
E: El subproceso  devolvió un código de error (100)
E: El método /usr/lib/apt/methods/ no se inició correctamente

como solucionar el problema. Disculpen mi ingles es limitado.

Gustavo Martinez 

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Network latency. Sarge vs Etch.

2008-02-27 Thread Felipe Martinez Hermo

   Hi, everybody!

	I have recently installed etch to upgrade my fileserver running sarge. 
The point is that I noticed a network latency problem, that I initially 
considered unimportant. This latency became a real problem with one of 
our applications which stores its data in a samba share with  over 29000 
files about 1k-40k and it is so much slower now.

I've made this rudimentary test, and old server is quite faster. I'm 
pretty sure that if I can tune up this it would improve this application 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ping -i 0.2 fast_server  --- fast_server ping statistics 
2156 packets transmitted, 2156 received, 0% packet loss, time 431208ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.135/0.171/0.245/0.018 ms

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ping -i 0.2 slow_server
--- slow_server ping statistics ---
2146 packets transmitted, 2146 received, 0% packet loss, time 429165ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.152/0.179/0.333/0.021 ms

Hardware: old server: 4 year old HP DL server with RAID 5
  new server: brand-new HP DL server with RAID 5

Os: old server, sarge
new server, etch

Samba version: old server, 3.0.14a-3sarge2
   new server, 3.0.24-6etch4

Kernel: old server, 2.6.8
new server, 2.6.18-4-686.

Thanks in advance

Felipe Martínez Hermo
Servicios Informáticos
UGT Galicia

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Aplication slow after migration

2008-02-26 Thread Felipe Martinez Hermo

   Hi, everybody!

	I have been using samba on Debian for years on my file server and I 
have recently migrated from an 4 year-old HP DL server running sarge to 
a brand new HP DL server running etch.
	Once the new server was configured I noticed some latency on network 
shares, but I considered unimportant.

	The problem came on one or our applications. It stores its data in a 
shared folder distributed over 29000 files about 1k-40k and is so much 
slower when it runs on the new server.

	I have thoroughly revised both old and new smb.conf files, but can't 
see significant differences. I also checked network congestion, but I 
there is'nt any. It seems to me like a network latency problem, more 
than a Samba-specific issue.

I've made this rudimentary test, and old server is quite faster, but I 
don't know if it is meaningful at all or how can I tune it up.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ping -i 0.2 fast_server  --- fast_server ping statistics 
2156 packets transmitted, 2156 received, 0% packet loss, time 431208ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.135/0.171/0.245/0.018 ms

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ping -i 0.2 slow_server
--- slow_server ping statistics ---
2146 packets transmitted, 2146 received, 0% packet loss, time 429165ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.152/0.179/0.333/0.021 ms

Old kernel is 2.6.8 and new one is 2.6.18-4-686.
Samba version: 3.0.14a-3sarge2 vs 3.0.24-6etch4

Thanks in advance

Felipe Martínez Hermo
Servicios Informáticos
UGT Galicia

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Serious problems with USB devices on Etch

2007-01-19 Thread C. L. Martinez

Hi all,

I have installed debian etch on my laptop, and usbd devices and network
interface doesn't works. When system comes up displays this error:

usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71
usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71
usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71
usb 3-2: device not accepting address 4, error -71
usb 3-2: new low speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4

And after thath I can not use ubsd devices and network interface ...
Somebody knows how can I fix this???

Many thanks.

Re: whereis rgmanager package under debian etch?

2006-12-22 Thread C. L. Martinez

On 12/22/06, Jhair Tocancipa Triana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

C L Martinez writes:

> I am testing redhat cluster suite under debian etch. I found all
> that I need, except rgmanager with clustat command. Somebody where is??

rgmanager a.k.a. *Red Hat* Resource Group Manager. This is a little
bit Red Hat specific, no?

No, only Resource Group Manager 

I doubt this is in the archives. You can use alien to convert a given

rpm file to deb format.

It is not possible to convert with alien, because all dependencies  crashed:
css, cman, etc ...


-- Jhair

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whereis rgmanager package under debian etch?

2006-12-22 Thread C. L. Martinez

Hi all,

I am testing redhat cluster suite under debian etch. I found all packages
that I need, except rgmanager with clustat command. Somebody where is??

Many thanks.


2006-11-22 Thread Martinez Perez Alberto

I'm planning to add a SATA PCI card to a system which as no SATA support on 

Does debian support any of these cards or I have to take care with the model I 

Thank you!

mini-itx server

2006-11-15 Thread Martinez Perez Alberto

I'm planning to install a home server. I would like to install apache, mysql, a 
firewall and oracle. I'm considering to use a mini-itx mainboard. Does anyone 
has tried it? I don't know if it will be able to support the installation.

Thank you.



2005-09-26 Thread Aaron H Farias Martinez

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2005-09-26 Thread Aaron H Farias Martinez

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Re: how do I change language in Gnome

2005-08-09 Thread Aaron H Farias Martinez
On Tue, 2005-08-09 at 19:05 -0400, H. S. wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running testing on a PIV and 2.6.11 kernel. In KDE, I can change my
> desktop lanuage using the Region Settings in Kontrol center and it works
> properly. Howerever, I haven't been able to change my desktop lanuage in
> Gnome. Any suggestions on how to go about it?
> thanks,
> ->HS
> -- 
> Please remove the underscores ( the '_' symbols) from my email address
> to obtain the correct one. Apologies, but the fudging is to remove spam.
> yeah it should be dpkg-reconfigure locales pick whatever language you want 
> and you'r good to go

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tar packet

2005-05-20 Thread Roger Martinez
After  the  tar extract command tar xvzf gzip -cd | tar xvf -  command
it's the same ,  owner  change
i precise that these commands are done in root  in /usr/local  repertory

ls -l give me that : mozilla repertory and all the follow with owner 
roger :
drwxr-xr-x  11 roger users 4096 May 12 12:04 mozilla
-rw-r--r--   1 root  root  14643030 May 16 23:31

best regards
roger martinez
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tar packet

2005-05-20 Thread Roger Martinez
After  the  tar extract command 
tar xvzf
or gzip -cd | tar xvf -  
it's the same ,  owner  change

ls -l give me that : mozilla repertory and all the follow with owner roger :
drwxr-xr-x  11 roger users 4096 May 12 12:04 mozilla
-rw-r--r--   1 root  root  14643030 May 16 23:31

best regards
roger martinez
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tar packet

2005-05-20 Thread Roger Martinez
i have problems with tar - GNU version of the tar archiving utility .
When i extract gzipped  file  , the  own file change alone
example  :  mozilla-  .tar.gz  own file : root and the 
same for the group
after extract : tar -xvzf mozilla-  .tar.gz   own file 
: roger  and the same with group

i tryed dpkg-reconfigure tar packet but it's  the same
it seems that problems live  since  1month  ago
all problems are only in /usr/local  partition  since  i upgrade  
debian  sarge

in /Usr/local Ihave firfox , mozilla , otp_srcR10B, jdk1.5 , wings-0.98 
,clamav-0.85 ...and these old install seems to have no problems

Can you help me please ?
best regards

Roger Martinez
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

tar packet

2005-05-20 Thread Roger Martinez
i have problems with tar - GNU version of the tar archiving utility .
When i extract gzipped  file  , the  own file change alone
example  :  mozilla-  .tar.gz  own file : root and the 
same for the group
after extract : tar -xvzf mozilla-  .tar.gz   own file 
: roger  and the same with group

i tryed dpkg-reconfigure tar packet but it's  the same
it seems that problems live  since  1month  ago
all problems are only in /usr/local  partition  since  i upgrade  
debian  sarge

in /Usr/local Ihave firfox , mozilla , otp_srcR10B, jdk1.5 , wings-0.98 
,clamav-0.85 ...and these old install seems to have no problems

Can you help me please ?
best regards

Roger Martinez
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Re: Most Polite Apps for Window Managers?

2004-06-20 Thread Esteban Martinez
Ed Sutherland wrote:
I'm considering moving from one of the giant desktop environments 
(Gnome) to a svelter window manager (blackbox or windowmaker.) I 
understand some apps require only the gnome or kde toolkits, while 
others require the whole kit-and-kaboodle to operate. I'm wondering if 
these app categories can politely run in a window manager (that is, 
using just the gnome toolkit.)

E-mail (Thunderbird)
Web (Firefox)
Office (OpenOffice)
Contacts (Rubrica)
Hi Ed, you can try XFCE: is very very lightweight, I 
use it.

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RE: partitions don''t mount at boot

2004-03-23 Thread Martinez Gonzalez, Francisco

Look at the boot logs, but I think that the xfs module loads after the mount
script on your system.


-Mensaje original-
De: jack renders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: martes, 23 de marzo de 2004 13:49
Asunto: partitions don''t mount at boot

I made a change in fstab and changed it back (99% sure it's same as before)
and now when I start pc , only / is mounted at boot , so I can't get X 
i have also /usr , /home /MP3 , as seperate partitions.
Usb system also not working anymore.

Here is output of mount: when pc is started

/dev/hda1 on / type reiserfs (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
capifs on /dev/capi type capifs (rw,mode=0666)
automount(pid1698) on /mnt/auto type autofs 

and here is content of /etc/fstab :

# /etc/fstab: filesystem table.
# filesystem mountpoint type options dump pass
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0
/dev/fd0 /floppy vfat defaults,user,noauto,showexec,umask=022 0 0
/dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto 0 0
/dev/cdburn /cdburn iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto 0 0
/dev/hda1 / reiserfs defaults 0 1
/dev/hda5 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/hda6 /home xfs auto,users,exec 0 0
/dev/hda7 /MP3 xfs auto,users,exec 0 0
/dev/hda8 /usr xfs auto,users,exec 0 0

/dev/hdd1 /win98 vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000,uid=jack,gid=jack 0 0

Can anybody tell me why only / get mounted at boot time, or has any 
suggestions how to fix this?

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Debian on Penguin Computing HW

2003-03-17 Thread Jorge Martinez
Hi Debian community:

My boss decided to get rid of the old servers, and get new HW, and he 
chose the Penguin Computing. I am troubled that they do not 'officially' 
support Debian, but according to them, some of their customers have 
installed BSD, Suse, etc. They only support RH officially.

So my question is this, anybody out  there installed Debian on Relion 
boxes (Relion 140 & Relion 240). These boxes have the following 'exotic' 
components (for which I don't know if Debian support exists or not):

SCSI -  Adaptec AIC-7899W controller Dual-channel Ultra160 SCSI

Eth - one Intel® 82544GC 10/100/1000 controller
- one Intel® 82550 10/100 controller

Can't find anything about that MB on I can find support for a MB 
with AMD chipset, but not for the Intel E7500 server chipset. Also, can't 
find whether or not there's support for that Adaptec controller, or the 
Intel adapters. 

Anyone outthere running Debian on these boxes? Any comments would be 


Jorge M.

Jorge O. Martinez
Web Services Administrator - New Media
The Kiplinger Washington Editors
1729 H St., N.W., Washington DC 20006
(202) 887-6441

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Re: Debian on Dell Precision 420 and SCSI

2003-03-04 Thread John Martinez
On Tuesday, March 4, 2003, at 12:14  AM, nate wrote:

what kernel are you booting? I think the default kernel doesn't support
adaptec scsi cards, try the compact kernel(it's available on the
same cd, look in the help when the boot menu comes up from the CD)
Thanks for the great tips.

I'm just booting the default kernel. I'll read up on how to boot an 
alternate kernel.

Looking forward to trying again tomorrow.


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Debian on Dell Precision 420 and SCSI

2003-03-03 Thread John Martinez

I've got a Dell Precision 420M at work, dual P3s, pretty much all of  
the specs from the following email on this list:

The only question unanswered from that thread was that of the SCSI  
controller. It has an Adaptec AIC-7899 Ultra160 SCSI controller.

Let me start by stating that I am new to Debian (to this list and Linux  
in general), but not to UNIX. I've been around Solaris/Sun for quite  
some time and hack around on xBSD and use Mac OS X as my primary  
desktop OS. IOW, I can mess with stuff with no fear.

Now, my problem:

I have downloaded the Woody ISOs. I burned the CDs. I can boot the  
first CD. The problem? It doesn't see my hard drive. The disk is a 9GB  
U160 drive (haven't cracked the system open to see what brand/model).  
The install program asked me for driver floppies, but for the life of  
me can't find them.

I went to Adaptec's and Dell's web sites to find only references (on  
Adaptec, Dell was no help) to RedHat and SuSE Linux. All RPMs and/or  
installers, no floppy images.

Has anybody tried Debian on this system or one with an integrated  
Adaptec Ultra160 SCSI controller?

Replacing the hardware is not an option, since this is a work machine.

I'm just trying to get familiar with Debian, so I'm just playing at  
this point.

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Re: Can't boot server with a LSI Logic 1030 SCSI controller card

2003-01-07 Thread Jorge Martinez
Hi Eduard:

I got the errata, and created the floppy with the additional drives, but 
still no luck. I am trying these drivers: mptscsih.o, mptbase.o without 
arguments, they seem to be what I need from what I see on the errata page:


. Do you think I have to pass them any arguments and that is the reason 
they did not load? I am getting a message: 'The loadin has failed'.

Ah!, I tried booting with both a Bd2.4, and the generic (2.2 too just in 
case) cdrom without any luck.

Thanks for your help!


Jorge M.

Jorge O. Martinez
Web Services Administrator - New Media
Kiplinger Washington Editors

Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
01/06/2003 05:52 PM

Jorge Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Re: Can't boot server with a LSI Logic 1030 SCSI controller card

* Jorge Martinez [Mon, Jan 06 2003, 03:08:38PM]:
> I know Linux can be installed 'cause I could install RH 8.0, so I think 
> Woody should also be able to boot with the right arguments.

Look for the modules-preload-Floppy on the Woody-Errata site.

"They are marked 'dangerous' because they eat filesystems for breakfast."
   Linus Torvalds about 2.3.7 pre-patches, LKM

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Can't boot server with an LSI Logic 1030 SCSI controller card

2003-01-06 Thread Jorge Martinez
(note: I am resending it because I am not sure if my first attempt 
succeeded; the mail was setup for html, not text, I changed that now).


I am attempting to install Woody (got the CD's from Tuxcd's) on a server 
with an  LSI Logic 1030 SCSI controller card, but it doesn't find it (I 
got 2 36 GB HD's connected to it with RAID 0, it should see /dev/hda). I 
believe that I may have to pass some arguments when booting, but can't 
figure what they are...anybody knows what should I pass it to boot up 

I know Linux can be installed 'cause I could install RH 8.0 without a 
problem, so I think Woody should also be able to boot with the right 


Jorge M.

Jorge O. Martinez
Web Services Administrator - New Media
Kiplinger Washington Editors

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can't boot server with a LSI Logic 1030 SCSI controller card

2003-01-06 Thread Jorge Martinez


I am attempting to install Woody (got
the CD's from Tuxcd's), but it doesn't find my controller card (I got 2
36 GB HD's). I believe that I have to pass some arguments when booting,
but can't figure what they are...anybody knows what should I pass it to
boot up successfully?. 

I know Linux can be installed 'cause
I could install RH 8.0, so I think Woody should also be able to boot with
the right arguments.


Jorge M.

Re: Getting Handspring Pilot Setup

2002-03-31 Thread james martinez
Ok yet another problem with getting my Visor to sync.  had it working
and then I had to change to kernel 2.4.18 to get the new Nvidia video
card to work. But now my visor will not sync anymore. One thins when I
compiled the new kernel it added /dev/usb which has ttyUSB* so now I
have two sets of these. One was made using the Perl code below and are
in /dev/ttyUSB*. How do I tell which set is being used. I can look at
/var/log/kern.log and see the visor is detected connecting to the driver
but it will not sync. Any ideas?

On Sun, 2002-03-03 at 07:44, james martinez wrote:
> Got it working with Evolution. Thanks for the piece of Perl that helped
> a lot by fixing the biggest problem I had getting the entries under
> /dev. Works great now thanks for the help.
> On Sun, 2002-03-03 at 09:59, John S. J. Anderson wrote:
> > james martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > > Can anyone tell me where I can get it. Thanks for any help.
> > 
> > You need to set up the various USB devices properly. The Handspring
> > Visor mini-HOWTO may be helpful; there's a copy at
> > <>. 
> > 
> > I have had "set up Visor" on my TODO list for a long time, and your
> > mail was a good motivator. 8^)= I followed the instructions in the
> > mini-HOWTO and my Visor is now working. (Well, with jpilot. getting
> > kpilot and gnome-pilot going is next.)
> > 
> > Some notes:
> > 
> > a) this piece of Perl will create the devices:
> > perl -e 'foreach $i ( 0 .. 15 ) { `mknod /dev/ttyUSB$i c 188 $i` }'
> > b) don't forget to 'chmod 0666 /dev/ttyUSB*' 
> > c) I couldn't get 'coldsync' (from unstable) to work properly; it
> >would either give errors or seg fault. jpilot did work, however, so
> >if you have coldsync issues, you might want to give it a try.
> > 
> > Good luck,
> > john.
> > -- 
> > 
> > Bart Simpson on chalkboard in episode 8F05

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Re: Kernel Panic

2002-03-24 Thread james martinez
I tried running it with the initrd option and got the same failure
message. One thing I did notice is whaen I dpkg -i the kernel image I
got the following
*** Unresolved symbols in

On Sun, 2002-03-24 at 18:25, Jerome Acks Jr wrote:
> You could possibly still have kernel configured to use initrd but didn't run
> make-kpkg with --initrd option.
> Assuming you are not using initrd, look at kernel config and make sure
> you've compiled in support for IDE (CONFIG_IDE=y) [or SCSI
> (CONFIG_SCSI=y) if your boot disk is SCSI] and for your root filesystem.
> -- 
> Jerome

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Kernel Panic

2002-03-24 Thread james martinez
If anyone could help with this I would appriciate it. I installed a new
Nvidia Gforce 4 card in my system last weekend. So I had to compile a
custom kernel to setup the drivers for it. I got the 2.4.18 source with
apget and used the kernel-packaging tool to create a new kernel image. I
got the nvidia drives installed and working but had left out some other
drivers that my system needs. So this weekend I decided to fix that. I
started by rerunning xconfig and selecting the drivers I needed to be
loaded as modules. Then used make-kpkg --append_to_version foo when I
rebuilt the kernel. Now I have a 2.4.18 kernel and a when I
try to boot the which is the one built using
--append_to_version with make-kpkg I get this
Kernel Panic: VFS:unable to mount root fs on 03:42
Anyone have any ideas what I messed up? 
I can still boot the 2.4.18 kernel but it is missing modules I need. 
Thanks for any help.

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Re: Nvidia Debian Kernel

2002-03-17 Thread james martinez
Hey this helped me a lot with getting my new Nvidia Gforce 4 installed
and working mostly. After a few tries of building and rebuilding the
kernel and doing the Nvidia stuff I now have my system running with
Xwindows and everything. The only thing is the resolution seems to be
stuck at about 800x600. Anyone that has a XFree86Config-4 file for a AGP
Nvidia card that gives you higher than 800x600? I could use some help
with getting mine tweaked up. Thanks.

On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 10:53, Jonathan Ard wrote:
> Hi, Kai,
> > 
> > I apt-get source kernel-source-2.4.18
> Actually, I think you want to use "apt-get install
> kernel-source-2.4.18".  You are downloading the source to the kernel
> source package, which, as you say later, gives you files you don't
> need.  If you just apt-get install the kernel-source, it will put the
> kernel source tarred and zipped into /usr/src.  Bunzip2 and untar it. 
> Now you will have a kernel-source-2.4.18 directory.  (I always move it
> to /usr/src/linux; but I don't know if you are suppose to or not).  
> Then cd to the source directory and type make config, make menuconfig,
> or make xconfig to configure the kernel.  
> When you are done, type "make-kpkg --rev [whatever you want]
> kernel-image".
> Now you will have a .deb of your kernel image in /usr/src.  Then follow
> the directions in /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx-src/README.Debian and
> /usr/share/doc/nvidia-kernel-src/README.Debian.  
> Hope that helps,
> Jonathan 
> _
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get your free address at
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Getting Handspring Pilot Setup

2002-03-03 Thread james martinez
Got it working with Evolution. Thanks for the piece of Perl that helped
a lot by fixing the biggest problem I had getting the entries under
/dev. Works great now thanks for the help.

On Sun, 2002-03-03 at 09:59, John S. J. Anderson wrote:
> james martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Can anyone tell me where I can get it. Thanks for any help.
> You need to set up the various USB devices properly. The Handspring
> Visor mini-HOWTO may be helpful; there's a copy at
> <>. 
> I have had "set up Visor" on my TODO list for a long time, and your
> mail was a good motivator. 8^)= I followed the instructions in the
> mini-HOWTO and my Visor is now working. (Well, with jpilot. getting
> kpilot and gnome-pilot going is next.)
> Some notes:
> a) this piece of Perl will create the devices:
> perl -e 'foreach $i ( 0 .. 15 ) { `mknod /dev/ttyUSB$i c 188 $i` }'
> b) don't forget to 'chmod 0666 /dev/ttyUSB*' 
> c) I couldn't get 'coldsync' (from unstable) to work properly; it
>would either give errors or seg fault. jpilot did work, however, so
>if you have coldsync issues, you might want to give it a try.
> Good luck,
> john.
> -- 
>   Bart Simpson on chalkboard in episode 8F05

Getting Handspring Pilot Setup

2002-03-03 Thread james martinez
Ok I am running Woody and want to get my Handspring Pilot to sync with
my computer under Linux. This is one of the only reasons I still boot
Windows. I am using Gnome with the Enlightenment window manager. When I
go into the Gnome control center to setup the Pilot link it is looking
for /dev/pilot for the port. I have looked in the /dev directory and
that device is no where to be found. Can anyone tell me where I can get
it. Thanks for any help.


2002-01-02 Thread steven martinez
PLEASE IF YOU KNOW WHERE i CAN GET THE DRIVER FOR SOUND CARD AUREAL AU8830   THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Click Here

Woody and cable modem router

2002-01-01 Thread james martinez
Ok I just got a cable modem router for Christmas so I can share the broadband 
connection with all the pc's in my house. One thing that I am having a 
problem with is when my Woody box is plugged into the router it can not find 
my ISP's mailserver.  Can anyone make some suggestions of what to look at to 
fix this. I am using Kmail as my e-mail client.


2001-11-11 Thread james martinez
I have been trying to compile kernel 2.4.12 with the kernel-package and have 
had some problems. The kernel does get compiled and the package is created 
and I can install and boot the kernel. But when it is booting it gives me 
errors saying that it can't find the modules. I did notice one error when 
running the command make-kpkg kernel_image it is looking for /usr/src/modules 
but I do not have that directory and I am not sure what I need to install to 
have this ddirectory. Any ideas?

[no subject]

2001-08-15 Thread James Martinez

James Martinez
Functional Test Development Engineer
Voice: 727-803-3792

Documentacion sobre el enrorno grafico

2001-05-17 Thread Alvaro Martinez

Hola todos:
alguien me podria decir donde puedo encontrar 
documentacion acerca de las Xwindow

RE: [lug] *440MHz, 512MB UltraSPARC 10 with FLAT 21" Color Monitor* Help installing Debian

2000-12-28 Thread Ulises V. Martinez

If anyone needs a very powerful workstation to run Linux, I have several
440MHz, 512MB UltraSPARC 10 with FLAT 21" Color Monitor 19.8" v.a which will
be sold almost at cost.  If interested, if interested please goto to  IF you'll like to get one,
please reply before January 1,2001 to take advantage of the existing price.

Glenn, I will get back to you within the next weeks, the guru who knows
about Debian is on vacation.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Glenn Murray
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 12:47 PM
To: Boulder Linux User's Group;
Subject: [lug] Help installing Debian


I am trying to install Debian on two workstations.  They
have Promise Ultra66 cards to which the hard drive is
attached.  The install kernel does not support these
cards, but the (CheapBytes) installation CD has in
a readme which says that this (udma66) directory has a
kernel image which contains support for the very Promise
Ultra66 cards I'm trying to support.  Moreover, there
is a ../udma66 directory with a drivers.tgz file.

How do I do I get this working?

I have unplugged the hard drive cable from the Promise card
and plugged it into the primary IDE slot on the motherboard;
this enables me to install, however, now Win2K will not
boot, so I need to get the card support working somehow.
Is there some way I can build in the Ultra66 support
while running Linux through the motherboard, turn it
off, and reposition the cable, and be happy?

Please help,

Web Page:
Mailing List:

Deb linux compatability

2000-12-06 Thread Mark R. Martinez
THank you for your time.  I was wondering if there is a Debian
version available (stable or devel) that is compatible with an IBM RS/6000
PowerPC currently running AIX.  We have cureently 'inherited' these
machines and hope to be able to happily run Deb on these computers.


Mark R. Martinez

I shall pass through this world only once.  Any good I can do or any
kindness I can show another human being let me do it now and not defer it,
for I shall not pass this way again.

"Failure is not an option"

I do not SUFFER from insanity I enjoy every minute of it!

suggestions for buying a printer

2000-10-12 Thread Alfredo Solano Martinez

I want to buy a laser printer, and I have no idea of this field, maybe
somenone can help.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Proposal: Source file package format (summary)

1999-12-30 Thread JF Martinez
> Hi,
> Here is a summary of the proposal for a common source file format:
> - Good idea!
> - Waste of time, Use configure; make; make install, Most packages are for 
> Unix, not only Linux.

Who cares about Unix? the sooner Linux kills it the best.

> - Source management problems, no-one is interested in BOTH .rpms and .debs! 
> What about experimental versions?
> - For experimental packages, use dselect to put a hold on the new version.

That applies only to Debian users and that is a minority

> - For debian, directory structure is important, not .dsc files.
> - Good suggestion, decision is up to the package author!!
> - How to ensure the .spec files are valid and functional?

By building them of course.  Even an unvalid RPM is a good starting point.

> - Reducing incompatibility between the variants of the GNU/Linux OS'es is a 
> useful job.
> - Hard to build good rpm's and deb's. Install to standard directories? What 
> about FHS??

The standard is too lax now.  For instance RedHat installs little in
/usr/X11R6 while other distribs tend to put in it everything who needs
X to work.  That breaks compatibilty on #! scripts and at times on
binaries.  Also there should be a common naming scheme for RPMs
between main distribs using RPM otherwise you get dependency problems.
Finally there should be an agreement on miniaml versions on libraries to
avoid incompatibility problems

> - GNU people participating in LSB work?
> - Debian is not GNU!?
> - After rms comments about LSB/GNU/Linux/... this thread turned into a flame 
> war!! No more comments of technical nature any more. Sorry I thought it was 
> an idea worth a better faith!! 
> Binary formats: 
> - Alien can be used, at least from .rpm to .deb

Other style too.  But that does not mean it will be a good or even
working packahge (see above)

> - rpm format to be used for binary packages in LSB.
> People who replied: 
> George Toft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Oliver Elphick 
> Adam C Powell IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cyberclay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Chris Siebenmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Daniel Quinlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Flaming replies not included!!
> PS.
> This mail has been written using GNU Emacs and VM. Wonderful software. What 
> about gemacs, 
> a gnomified version!? 

Would be great.

> DS.
> Happy New Millennium to everybody!
> Best regards,

This is the other Y2K bug.  Next millenium starts january 2001 because
there was never a 0 year


Jean Francois Martinez

Project Independence: Linux for the Masses

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No me funciona bien.


Mi nombre es Jesús Pedrero. Hace unos dias 
compre SOLO LINUX, donde
se encuentra Debian 2.0 lite, el problema que me surge es que al arrancar
desde el CD-ROM, Me aparece el menú de informacion 
y acontinuación la
posibilidad de empezar la instalación de Debian 2.0 
Mi problema es que cuando empieza a preparar el 
testeo, parte del testeo lo 
ejecuta pero al llegar a las lineas donde se 
detecta el Disco Duro (HD) Y el
CD-ROM (CD), se queda bloqueado, no sige 
cargando hasta llegar a la
inteface de preparacion de particiones, 
Total que me quedo, colgado en la 
preinstalación, y me gustaría saber como arreglarlo.
A continuacion les doy las carcteristicas de mi 
Placa Madre: Soyo P54C MMX 200Mhz.
Chipset: 82430 HX
Hard Disk:(Segate), ST3550A (431MB).
Espero que me puedan ayudar y les agradezco su 
interes en ponerse en contacto con migo,
gracias, y hasta 

Re: "Reply all" doesn't work in exmh

1998-12-17 Thread Ruben Martinez
Mark, this works for me with nmh. From my .mh_profile:

Alternate-Mailboxes:[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], ruben
repl:   -annotate -nocc me -cc to -cc cc

(actually my line is longer with formats and filters, but you get the idea
- the alternate mailboxes stuff is what (n)mh uses to decide which addresses
qualify as 'me')

Stupid Stuff

1998-06-05 Thread Diego Martinez
Hello, I know that this might sound silly, but I'm a long-time Microsoft
Windows/MS-DOS user who wants to switch from Windows 95 to Linux; and I
would like to know which files do I need to port Linux into my system;
because I've been wrestling with the FTP for over 10 hours and I still
didn't get any results.  Thank you in advance for your help!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dosemu and a Matrox Millenium?

1997-10-05 Thread Johannes Martinez

Has anybody had any luck getting this to work?  I can't seem to
get any graphics modes.  Or has anybody been able to get QPV working under
dosemu, i really want to use this graphics viewer.

johannes martinez

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Translation Table Syntax Errors?

1997-09-28 Thread Carlos Martinez Txakartegi


On Sat, 27 Sep 1997, Victor Torrico wrote:

> > > Warning: ... found while parsing '%s'
> > > Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfDown
> > > Warning: translation table syntax error: %s
> > 
> > [snip more errors]
> > 
> > > I'm running all the latest hamm/hamm stuff.  What can I do to correct this
> > > problem?

Try with this environment variable

export XKEYSYMDB=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB

- --
  For pgp key send e-mail with subject: GET-PGP-PUBLIC-KEY

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Re: netscape communicator error

1997-07-21 Thread Johannes Martinez
On Mon, 21 Jul 1997, Victor Torrico wrote:

> > Netscape error: no valid encryption policy file was found for this
> > english language version of communicator.  all encryption and decrytion
> > will be disabled.

read the readme that came with the package.  Can't say more cause
i'm not at my machine( no electricity :( )

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1997-07-06 Thread Johannes Martinez

Is there a deb package out there, or does any one have a diff for alien to
install this properly?  I installed but had problems, i have to admit i
like micrsoft office 97 ten times better.  It takes about 5 minutes to
load swriter and about 3 seconds to load word.  

johannes martinez

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Depmod and joystick problems

1997-06-28 Thread Johannes Martinez

I thought i had no problems upgrading to 1.3 but this may be one of them.

First my joystick doesn't work.  Yup, sounds like a small
inconvenience but checking it out i saw that depmod returns a problem
reading ELF header saying no such file or directory, doesn't tell me what
it is looking for though!

Also with the joystick i checked the list in var/lib/dpkg and it
shows files going for kernels 2.0.27 and 2.0.30.  Only thing is i'm
running 2.0.29.  Is this a bug in the package or a bug in my system?


johannes martinez

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Changing the host name

1997-06-27 Thread Carlos Martinez Txakartegi


On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Nils Rennebarth wrote:

> What did the trick for me:
> 1) change /etc/hostname then say
>hostname --file /etc/hostname
> 2) change IP-address entry in /etc/hosts
> 3) rerun sendmailconfig
> 4) change /etc/resolv.conf if domain changed too
> 5) change /etc/mailname
> (Did I forget something?)

I believe you should "/etc/init.d/sysklogd restart" so that 
files like /var/adm/messages and others change consequently

- ---[/var/adm/messages]
Jun 15 00:36:51 debian pppd[20619]: Terminating on signal 15.
Jun 15 00:36:57 debian pppd[20619]: Connection terminated.
Jun 15 00:36:58 debian pppd[20619]: Exit.
Jun 15 01:52:38 debian syslogd: exiting on signal 15
Jun 15 01:52:40 belsebub syslogd 1.3-0#11: restart.
Jun 15 01:52:40 belsebub kernel: klogd 1.3-0, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
Jun 15 01:52:42 belsebub kernel: Loaded 2650 symbols from /
- --

> No reboot is necessary.

no, you're right :)



Version: 2.6.3i
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Out of HD space?

1997-06-27 Thread Johannes Martinez

If i type in df i get a 0 available space on my device.   However there is
a difference of 40~50 megs between what is used and what actually exists.
Is this because of lack of inodes?  What gives?


Johannes Martinez

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Changing my From header in outgoing mail...

1997-06-22 Thread Johannes Martinez

I know how to change my domain name but how do i change my
username?  My e-mail address is not [EMAIL PROTECTED] but rather
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Any one got an easy solution?

johannes martinez

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Smail and .forward file or pipe to procmail?

1997-06-22 Thread Johannes Martinez

How can i set up smail so that it pipes messages to procmail?  I
have a small userbase and would like to set up fetchmail to pull
everybodys mail and deliver it filtered through procmail.  However doing
this as root it uses roots .procmailrc to filter it.  Where in smails
config could i set this up properly?


johannes martinez

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Leafnode and Killfiles?

1997-06-22 Thread Johannes Martinez

Any one know if there is a way to set up killfiles for leafnode?  I know
you can do it with suck/inews/cnews, but one config file is less of a
hassle than twenty.

Or how does one delete messages?

johannes martinez

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

how to get apple2 deb package working?

1997-06-18 Thread Johannes Martinez

Has anybody got this emulator working?  All i get when i try and
boot something is a bunch of '@' signs filling up the screen and nothing
after that.  I'm running 1.3, kernel 2.0.29, and have a matrox if it's

johannes martinez

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

How to deliver mail over the modem

1997-06-18 Thread Johannes Martinez

I'll try this again, i have as yet been unable to post to this list.

I have smail delivering local mail, i have fetchmail getting mail
from my pop account.  How do i get outgoing mail to be delivered when i
dial up?  what is the best program to use?  Do i have to change anything
in pines config?

As well what works best to sort mail?  Is there also something
that will rip stuff off the subject line?  I subscribe to a list that has
[header:10293] attached to every message so that messages don't get

Any info about the best newsfeed program for a slow link?

johannes martinez

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Netscape Communicator pr2 or 3 and news

1997-04-06 Thread johannes martinez
Has anybody got pr2 or 3 to work reading news?  If you did, could you
send a list of libs you have that are used by netscape?  This has really
been bugging me.

johannes martinez

How to get dir colors to work?

1997-03-22 Thread johannes martinez
What files does one have to edit to get ls to display colors?  And as a
total aside, how do you get xdm working?  It says starting xdm at the
end of my boot but all i get is a nice console prompt.

johannes martinez

Joystick support?

1997-03-17 Thread johannes martinez
Are there any deb packages for joystick support?  Or maybe something on
how to write a driver.  I really would like to be able to use my gravis
gamepad pro, and it doesn't seem like it would be to hard of a feat to

johannes martinez


1997-03-13 Thread johannes martinez
Has anyone installed dosemu?  How do you get it to boot off of 
the hdimage?  Can you then access your partitions from this hdimage?  
I've got it so far that i can start up with opendos on a floppy, but 
that takes ages.  Any info would be appreciated.

johannes martinez

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