Re: Debian Stretch: Problems with installation - computer froze

2018-02-01 Thread kdk
I experienced this today (Fed 1, 2018)

Re: Debian Stretch: Problems with installation - computer froze

2017-12-24 Thread Mark Sack
I had a similar problem with Debian 9.3. I started by creating a barebones VM 
(all options deselected on the tasksel page). After the machine was created and 
rebooted, I logged in as root and did apt-get install gnome-core. This produced 
the error with rtkit daemon and dbus configure hanging as you described.

I got around the problem with the following steps:

- ctrl-z to get out of the apt-get install command that is hanging at dbus

- reboot the machine

- try apt-get install gnome-core again - this results in a message indicating 
there are some problems and you should try a dpkg command

- run the $ dpkg --configure -a as suggested by the above

- reinstall rtkit, i.e. $ apt-get install --reinstall rtkit

Then when I reboot, everything seems to be working fine and the machine comes 
up with the gnome login screen.

Mark Sack

Re: Debian Stretch: Problems with installation - computer froze

2017-06-20 Thread webmaster


had similar problem with debian9. After basic installation I installed 
serveral services und system haltet while running apt-get install.

We're running debian as virtual machines on ESX 6.5.

So, I've figured out, when you install a brand new Server together with 
ESX6.5 mode and vmxnet3 network-card, system stops when I try to install 
programs with apt-get install.

For testing purposes I've just installed a brand new server with ESX5.5 
mode  and e1000 virtual network card and everything worked fine for now.

Hope that helps!

